IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070501

00:00.18Mr_Rabies2ohh you mean in beta
00:00.18Mr_Rabies2well, it was compared to swipe and maul
00:00.19ThraeThe Druid Forums were all in uproar when Lacerate was released on PTR
00:00.22Mr_Rabies2then they nerfed maul
00:00.27Mr_Rabies2and swipe
00:00.30Mr_Rabies2then nerfed them again
00:00.36Mr_Rabies2and now there's nothing BUT lacerate
00:00.41Mr_Rabies2and mangle
00:01.12ThraeWell, I still think Swipe is fine for off-tanking and some main-tank situations (far less so then before for the latter)
00:01.50Mr_Rabies2i think tangedyn did some number crunching and found lacerate to be better on bleed immunes
00:02.04Mr_Rabies2s/on/even on/
00:02.07ThraeI hold the slightly pessimistic view that most players are largely unskilled, and Swipe is useful for those too often "Oh Crap That Warrior Isn't Holding Aggro On All Mobs"
00:02.24Mr_Rabies2so do i
00:02.32Mr_Rabies2but instead of trying to overreach
00:02.37Mr_Rabies2i let them know they suck by dying
00:02.44Mr_Rabies2er by letting them die
00:02.45ThraeMr_Rabies2: Well if that's true, then I can't help but concede
00:02.59Mr_Rabies2let me do some checking
00:03.11Corrodiasif my mage isn't polymorphing a mob when he should be, i don't go after it if it's headed for him
00:03.27Corrodiasmostly because i know if i do, i'll hit it just AFTER he casts
00:03.41ScytheBlade1I've actually adapted to that situation now
00:03.47ScytheBlade1I *always* sheep my mob after it's broken *twice*
00:04.05ScytheBlade1Three times depending on the tank/person poking the stupid thing
00:04.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz_ (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
00:04.12Mr_Rabies2i still use swipe when i get bored of pressing 1 nonstop and feel like pressing 4
00:04.15ThraeYou can't blame people for being stupid. You can try to help them learn, but don't really blame them.
00:04.22Corrodiasrabies: try rebinding it
00:04.26Corrodiasit's a lot more exciting when it's alt+4
00:04.31Mr_Rabies2i help them learn by letting them die :p
00:04.42Corrodiaslike some exotic, special ability
00:04.45Mr_Rabies2oh, mage, you like attacking the target i'm not attacking
00:04.49Kasoi always double or treble cast if im shackling
00:04.54ScytheBlade1Mr_Rabies2, a tank I know had that same mentality
00:05.01Mr_Rabies2i hope you also like tanking
00:05.06ScytheBlade1Likewise, he didn't click off his Salvation buff during the tech packs in BWL
00:05.09ThraeMr_Rabies2: I've been in way too many groups where they keep dying and dying, people get fed up and leave
00:05.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
00:05.26Mr_Rabies2i'd rather have an empty spot in a few groups
00:05.32Corrodiasi'm happy to pull back a mob after someone makes a mistake... but if it's a rogue chronically pulling aggro, i'll let him evasion tank until i'm ready for it
00:05.40Mr_Rabies2if they're too stupid to learn they can sit in shattrath crying
00:05.52Mr_Rabies2no mercy for the stupid
00:06.02Mr_Rabies2well, there's a difference in a mistake
00:06.09Mr_Rabies2everyone accidentally breaks sheep from time to time
00:06.11ThraeMr_Rabies2: When you only have select periods of time you can play and you want to get that 1 quest you have left in that instance, people tend to make exceptions
00:06.15Garounwoot, got my enchant bracer - Major defense :)
00:06.17Corrodiasah, i'm going to recommend something, rabies
00:06.21Garounonly took 150 researchers :/
00:06.21Corrodiastell that person what they're doing wrong
00:06.26Mr_Rabies2i tend to
00:06.32Mr_Rabies2"hey, try focus firing guys"
00:06.39ScytheBlade1Quoting the forums: "I'm okay with, 'I wonder what this does.' I'm not okay with, 'sorry I didn't see that guys' after seven tries."
00:06.44Mr_Rabies2if they don't get the point i don't even try to tank their target
00:06.49Corrodias"attack the star! THE STAR! DO YOU KNOW WHAT A STAR IS?"
00:07.08Mr_Rabies2i've given people gold stars for successfully not being an idiot in a fight
00:07.10Corrodiasi've wanted to say this once
00:07.11Mr_Rabies2with the raid icons :x
00:07.21ThraeI tell the person what they're doing wrong, then try to compensate for the mistakes they're making, more-so if they keep getting it wrong. If I'm just getting too frustrated with their incompetence, I'll leave the group there instead of just wiping over and over again
00:07.35Mr_Rabies2same, thrae
00:07.38ScytheBlade1I actually have all of the raid markers bound to alt+numpad
00:07.39Mr_Rabies2but i usually don't die
00:07.50Mr_Rabies2most of the messups are just stupidity that doesn't affect me
00:08.11Corrodiasi think my raid markers are control+fkeys
00:08.13Mr_Rabies2aka the rogue decides to pick another target and try tanking while yelling HEEL PLZ
00:08.17Mr_Rabies2i do the same thing on my druid
00:08.23Mr_Rabies2when i'm healing on my druid
00:08.29Shirik20:08:14 ‹Mr_Rabies2› aka the rogue decides to pick another target and try tanking while yelling HEEL PLZ
00:08.31ThraeScytheBlade1: The numlock keys are treated different then number / arrow keys in bindings?
00:08.33Mr_Rabies2i refuse to heal people that are consistently stupid
00:08.35ShirikI yell at that rogue
00:08.37Shirikand refuse to heal
00:08.38Thraenumpad keys
00:08.40Corrodiasi do your mom when i'm on my druid. disclaimer: this is totally not true
00:08.42ShirikI WILL NOT heal anyone like that
00:08.43ScytheBlade1Thrae, they are if you turn numlock on. :)
00:09.12Mr_Rabies2Shirik, i'm the same way, in both roles
00:09.12ThraeScytheBlade1: Ah, never knew that, nice.
00:09.12Mr_Rabies2now, i'll tank if i see the tank is doing a bad job
00:09.13Shirikthat's different
00:09.13Corrodiasi might bind those to something
00:09.14Shirikif you're being intelligent
00:09.14ScytheBlade1In addition to NUMPADPLUS and whatnot, iirc
00:09.20Shirikinstead of just picking a random target and yelling about how you need heals
00:09.32Mr_Rabies2i'd rather tank something in cat form if i have to than the priest tank if the tank misses a target
00:09.48Shirikthat's different
00:09.53Corrodiasi'm a bat cat. i can pull aggro. this is because i've had very little experience being in a dps role in groups. :(
00:09.59ScytheBlade1Thrae, I have all of my conjures and consumables bound to the numpad without modifiers. Alt makes it raid markers, and I have yet to have a need for control.
00:10.02Mr_Rabies2i pull aggro often too corr
00:10.03ThraeMr_Rabies2: That's why I love being a Druid -- we're the best at compensating for other people's mistakes ;)
00:10.03Corrodiasi try not to, and it's getting rare that i do, now
00:10.24Corrodiasthere are times when i wished i had growl in cat form
00:10.27Mr_Rabies2thrae, yes, but my patience for others' stupidity has decreased over time
00:10.34ThraeScytheBlade1: For most right-handed people like myself, it would be difficult to use the Numpad very often
00:10.42Mr_Rabies2there's a difference in stupidity and a mistake
00:10.47Mr_Rabies2mistakes i can understand
00:10.56Mr_Rabies2hell, i've had nights where i CAN'T STOP BREAKING SHEEP
00:11.04ThraeMr_Rabies2: As has mine, but mistakes and stupidity happen. I'd rather be in a situation to deal with it then just feel helpless.
00:11.05Mr_Rabies2but i apologize and do what i can to minimize damage
00:11.11Shiriksheep.... must... serpent... sting....
00:11.16ScytheBlade1Thrae, I'm right handed myself. However, it's not hard to reach over and push "3" while I'm in mid-jump to use that mana gem.
00:11.18Shirikprevent sheeps....
00:11.33Mr_Rabies2well, most of the time i'm not in situations where one guy messing up = wipe
00:11.33ScytheBlade1Then again, I'm called a freak because I don't have ANY buttons on screen, and am strictly a keybinder..
00:11.38Mr_Rabies2it just means that one guy gets to pay money
00:12.19ThraeScytheBlade1: I have my buttons set to 60% scale and almost never use them. I have a maximum amount of keybinds I can remember to hit, so I use macros to compensate.
00:12.20Mr_Rabies2i'm a keybinder too, but i like the buttons there just incase i knock myself stupid
00:12.42ScytheBlade1Thrae, and any place where you'd use a pot as a mage (PvE is about it...), if you need to use a pot, it's probably best you stand still so the tank can get aggro back :)
00:13.01ThraeScytheBlade1: I have four macros which deal with 99% of the situations I'd eat, drink, use a pot/healthstone, or use a mana pot/gem
00:13.16Mr_Rabies2oh god
00:13.17Corrodiasi think my action bars all full of stuff is pretty
00:13.18Mr_Rabies2that's the worst
00:13.20Mr_Rabies2the chicken mages
00:13.30Corrodiasi've seen those
00:13.34Mr_Rabies2i can't tell you how many times i've yelled STOP RUNNING SO I CAN FREAKING GROWL AT IT
00:13.37ScytheBlade1Thrae, yup. Same here. 2.0 was my savior in terms of button space/removal of buttons.
00:13.50ScytheBlade1lol @ chicken mages
00:13.56ScytheBlade1It's sad but true
00:13.57Mr_Rabies2because druid range bug + moving target=pain
00:13.57ThraeScytheBlade1: Well, it also depends on how fast you can go over to the Numpad...for me, I'm not so fast. I mostly keep my hands in the same position all the time.
00:14.07Mr_Rabies2i pay attention when i'm tanking, to clothies
00:14.09Corrodiasme too
00:14.10ScytheBlade1Thrae, yeah, that does a lot
00:14.23ScytheBlade1I actually stand inbetween the tank and the healers in Kara
00:14.29ScytheBlade1So when a random mob breaks loose, I can FN
00:14.29Tem|WorkKaso, still looking for that texture?
00:14.38Mr_Rabies2if one pulls aggro and it's a mistake or just healing aggro or whatever, i'm there in less than a second most times, unless he's being a noob and running around
00:14.43ScytheBlade1They love me for that. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one in the raid who gets shots of PI.
00:14.54Mr_Rabies2if you're consistently playing chicken mage, i don't even stop attacking the target i'm on
00:15.02ScytheBlade1afk dinner
00:15.11Mr_Rabies2i just let it kill you and lacerate it a few times when it walks back to me
00:15.30KasoNah Tem|Work im too lazt to check all the worldmaps to try work out which peice it is
00:15.38Tem|WorkKaso, you don't have to, noob
00:15.40Thrae1,2,3,4,5,T,A,D,V,F,Z <-- main. C,Shift+Z,Shift+Left Button,Shift+Right Button,Ctrl+Left Button, Wheel Button, Shift+Wheel Button,Button4,Button5,Shift+Button4, etc.
00:15.45Corrodiaslooks like STV to me
00:15.46Tem|Workthe item link is in the screenshot
00:15.55Tem|Workask GetItemInfo what the texture is
00:15.58ThraeThat setup keeps my hands almost always in the same position (except when I'm talking, of course)
00:16.03Kasoalready did that Tem
00:16.15KasoIt was a bugged texutre and went to correct one after relog
00:16.30JoshBorke<self plug> Bindings Reminder will tell you where all your keybindings are, in case you want to make sure you've optimized :-D
00:16.41Mr_Rabies21234567 (as many as i need) are my damaging abilities, the rest of the spots are debuffs for that form
00:17.07ThraeMr_Rabies2: I found 6&7 are too far from W,S,Q,E for me
00:17.13Mr_Rabies2shift 12345 are buffs, and the rest are healing abilities (on my second multibar)
00:17.24Mr_Rabies2i don't use WSAD to move often
00:17.31Mr_Rabies2usually mouse4+ right mouse button
00:17.40Tem|WorkKaso, so if it showed up as the right texture, then you also have the texture path
00:17.42Mr_Rabies2numpad 12346 are shifting
00:17.44ThraeMr_Rabies2: I use SmartBuff in a macro to buff with one button click
00:17.44Mr_Rabies25 is mount
00:17.47Tem|Workthen all you have to do is look in the mpqs for it
00:17.51ScytheBlade1Josh_Borke, a true keybinder doesn't need a reminder, he plays on instinct and wit alone.. any mispush was intentional, and always for the better.
00:18.13Tem|WorkKaso, unless I'm missing some crucial part of what the problem is?
00:18.24KasoMr_Rabies relogged before i could ask him to GetTexture() on the icon
00:18.30Mr_Rabies2the texture was wrong for the item :x
00:18.39Mr_Rabies2i'm guessing it was just a bugged part of shatt
00:18.40ScytheBlade1Mr_Rabies2, I've had that bug occur a LOT.
00:18.58Tem|WorkI didn't realize the icon given in that screenshot was wrorng
00:19.10ScytheBlade1Mr_Rabies2, just trash your WDB folder and it'll fix itself.
00:19.10Tem|Workthat's what I was missing
00:19.19Mr_Rabies2its fixed from relogging
00:19.35Legorolsorry to butt in, did you have wrong textures showing up on your UI?
00:19.37Mr_Rabies2it was just odd
00:19.40Mr_Rabies2just that one
00:19.49Legorolwas it after an Alt+Tab?
00:19.51Kasoive seen wrong items for buffs before
00:19.54ThraeDefault UI can all kinds of wacky problems
00:19.57Mr_Rabies2perhaps, lego
00:19.58Mr_Rabies2i can't remmebr
00:20.02ThraeMost related to video card drivers
00:20.11Tem|Workalso, I'd like to add that if that enchant doesn't proc all the damn time, it looks pretty terrible
00:20.16Legorolthe default UI, even without any addons, can show one or many wrong textures, especially after Alt+Tab
00:20.18Mr_Rabies2weird thing is i don't use the default world map
00:20.24Legorol/console gxrestart fixes it
00:20.30Mr_Rabies2i use alphamap, which uses the right icon
00:20.35Mr_Rabies2same textures, and stuff
00:20.36ThraeI've seen people w/ myriad video cards have stuff like wolves covered in human face textures
00:20.36Corrodiasoooh god
00:20.39ScytheBlade1Tem|Work, it stacks infinitely, and applys the threat to the one with the enchant. Put it on the MT and he'll never lose aggro.
00:20.44Corrodiasthis hard apple cider tastes good
00:20.50Legorolwhat do i need to look at on the SS?
00:21.02Tem|WorkScytheBlade1, how often does it proc?
00:21.04Mr_Rabies2oh man, i have to find that picture of a model change gone wrong thrae
00:21.53ScytheBlade1Tem|Work, The comments say more about it than I could:
00:22.02ScytheBlade1Tem|Work, the tooltip is also wrong. :)
00:22.02Tem|Workcool thanks
00:22.21Corrodiaswish my druid could use that
00:22.22Tem|Workoh so it's really 180 to 300 damage?
00:22.25Corrodiaswait, do enchants proc?
00:22.31Tem|Workthat's considerably less terrible than I thought
00:22.36Tem|WorkCorrodias, in forms? not afaik
00:22.39ScytheBlade1Yeah, it's much better than what the tooltip says
00:22.57EArmbrustyou know you play too much when you try to click item links in screenshots.
00:23.15ThraeCorrodias: Roll a Balance Tanking Druid!
00:23.28Mr_Rabies2do you have archives searching?
00:23.31ThraeOomkins can use proc enchants :D
00:23.33Tem|WorkScytheBlade1, wowhead seems to indicate that it's an instant heal now.  Is that correct?
00:23.56Corrodiasi changed my mage back to frost. couldn't take it.
00:23.58ScytheBlade1Tem|Work, not sure. Ask Mr_Rabies who has the enchant ;)
00:24.09Mr_Rabies2i haven't learned it
00:24.11Mr_Rabies2i'm only 324
00:24.22Mr_Rabies2i'm so tempted to sell the formula but i know i'll get mroe
00:24.24ScytheBlade1It's only 3000g on my local AH
00:24.27Mr_Rabies2if i sell the actual enchant
00:24.36ThraeI still like Engineering, even after BC
00:24.42Mr_Rabies2but i'm too lazy to bother leveling it
00:24.49Mr_Rabies2and also i want 300 riding some day
00:25.00ThraeLots of people cry about it, but really Engineering offers stuff you can't get the equivilent anywhere else
00:25.01Mr_Rabies2i don't feel like burning 2000g on getting from 325-375
00:25.14Mr_Rabies2and it's cheap and relatively easy to level, thrae
00:25.19ScytheBlade1Tem|Work, all that I do know is that if it's a HoT, every additional proc simply adds another buff to you. Likewise, it really stacks endlessly.
00:25.33ThraeMr_Rabies2: Not cheap for me, hehe. I hate farming :D
00:25.34Mr_Rabies2sure, there's a couple of brick walls, but once you're past them it's super easy leveling
00:25.44Mr_Rabies2it's cheap compared to enchanting
00:25.52Mr_Rabies2enchanting would cost me, probably, 8000g to level
00:25.53ThraeThat's certainly true
00:26.02Mr_Rabies2from 0-375 without getting any of my own mats
00:26.09ScytheBlade1... and piss broke because of it
00:26.15Mr_Rabies2i'm at 4800g
00:26.34ScytheBlade1No flying epic I should add
00:26.36Mr_Rabies2hopefully i'll get the extra 200 or so so i can get my epic flight form in 2.1
00:26.44ThraeMr_Rabies2: Well that's not really a good way to judge a craft...Engineering is much harder to level then Enchanting if you both start 'em at like Level 10
00:27.08Mr_Rabies2i dunno about that
00:27.08Tem|Workengineering is a PITA to level
00:27.21Mr_Rabies2you've never leveled enchanting to 300 or so have you? :P
00:27.34Tem|Workenchanting is easy to level if you start early
00:27.37Mr_Rabies2i got from 0-300 enchanting in one night on <100g :O
00:27.37ThraeMr_Rabies2: Have you leveled up Engineering to 300 or so?
00:27.39zenzelezzfriend of mine was a bit upset about the difficulty of getting hit engineering from 360ish I think to 375
00:27.47Mr_Rabies2it's incredibly easy
00:27.47ThraeOK, then I concede to your knowledge
00:27.49Mr_Rabies2the only hard part
00:27.53*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
00:27.57Mr_Rabies2is remmebering, okay, i need to make this
00:28.03ScytheBlade1Wrong button.
00:28.04ThraeMr_Rabies2: Wait...with or without farming?
00:28.08Mr_Rabies2which requires this, which requires this and this, which this requires this
00:28.13Mr_Rabies2mostly without thrae
00:28.48JoshBorkeThrae: just get WhoMod, i'll tell you the code to get 375 in any trade-skill in a PM ;-)
00:29.07Mr_Rabies2little bit of farming, plus some free mats from a couple friends, and a powerleveling guide for engineering
00:29.10ThraeThe problem with Engineering, Jewelcrafting, and Alchemy in my mind is that all their farming is easy but BORING
00:29.24Mr_Rabies2i'm an enchanter/herbalist
00:29.42ThraeAt least in Enchanting you're doing stuff like running instances solo to farm
00:29.42zenzelezzI wouldn't say farming for blacksmithing is very fun either
00:29.44Mr_Rabies2and i'll agree its boring as hell to pick flowers
00:29.57Mr_Rabies2however it's free money more or less
00:29.57Mr_Rabies2so i don't complain too much
00:29.57ThraeThat's always fun
00:29.57Thraezenzelezz: Oops, forgot that one
00:30.06Mr_Rabies2see a flower, pick it up, sell it as soon as i get to a mailbox
00:30.38Mr_Rabies2leatherworking is boring and pretty much money-less
00:31.12Mr_Rabies2enchanting isn't really boring, because you either buy greens or get them in instances, you don't farm them
00:31.26ThraeMr_Rabies2: I find it too boring to even bother I said, I'd rather run instances
00:31.43Mr_Rabies2i've been solo farming slave pens
00:31.46Mr_Rabies2while i still can :D
00:31.48ThraeMr_Rabies2: I like farming greens in instances, its fun to try and push the Druid's soloability
00:32.01ThraeI don't have Enchanting though
00:32.11Mr_Rabies2i farm the herbs
00:32.13ThraeBecause DE only gets you to 75 :D
00:32.46ThraeMining might have gotten to the equivilent of Herbalism for a money-maker on some servers
00:32.58ThraeBecause of Jewelcrafting
00:33.07Mr_Rabies2watch that thrae
00:33.12Mr_Rabies2and profit, if you're an herbalist
00:33.22ThraeEngineering/Mining, I said I'm an Engineer :D
00:33.45Mr_Rabies2i cant remember with all these T* classes
00:33.49Mr_Rabies2well watch that video anyway
00:33.56Mr_Rabies2i demand it
00:34.16Mr_Rabies2i hate when people type stuff in say in their videos
00:34.30Mr_Rabies2when it gets chucked into a flash streamer i can't read it you jerk! :argh:
00:34.47ThraeMr_Rabies2: They should change their font to 14+!
00:34.56Mr_Rabies272 or bust
00:35.01zenzelezzI thought you could only DE/smelt ore to 50, not 75
00:35.11Mr_Rabies2one letter per scroll of the chat window
00:35.52Mr_Rabies2<Mr_Rabies2> i cant remember with all these T* classes
00:35.55Mr_Rabies2er names, rather
00:36.02Mr_Rabies2my brain is on autopilot methinks
00:36.09Mr_Rabies2sleeping for 14 hours tends to do that
00:49.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Calliee (
00:52.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:15.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Jumpee (
01:15.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
01:18.28Thunder_Child~seen cladhaire
01:19.12purlcladhaire is currently on #wowi-lounge #wowace #wowwiki. Has said a total of 4 messages. Is idling for 3h 11m 25s, last said: 'lol'.
01:19.13Shiriklol list sucks, thats my excuse and i am sticking to it
01:19.13Shirikuh huh...
01:19.29Shirikthank you purl
01:19.41purlaw, gee, Thunder_Child
01:20.05cladhaireThunder_Child: whats up?
01:20.13Thunder_Childwhat was that string you wanted said again?
01:20.21TainI can be your Hero baby.
01:20.25cladhaire"You have arrived at your destination"
01:20.30Thunder_Childok, thanks
01:23.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
01:28.43sysragefigures i get home and can't login
01:30.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
01:41.49Mr_Rabies2if i were that guy, i'd use the bike to get far away from that situation
01:41.56zenzelezzlevel 5 and I've already had two gold-spam tells
01:42.08Mr_Rabies2i dunno how they do it
01:42.14Mr_Rabies2other than lots of /whos
01:42.17Mr_Rabies2on proxy accounts
01:43.13sysragenice bike too
01:43.30sysragei just got a new helmet. it's sexy
01:45.23IndustrialMr_Rabies2: just need one /who for every area
01:45.48Mr_Rabies2well, for every area under 49 players
01:45.57Mr_Rabies2but there's a delay
01:46.04Mr_Rabies2hence why censusplus takes so damn long
02:01.34*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
02:06.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
02:07.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
02:17.24TainHeroes good.
02:17.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
02:23.35AnduinLotharis today's online yet?
02:25.35AnduinLotharit's monday
02:37.24IndustrialI just seriously said "asdf". I couldnt find something I was looking for.
02:37.45Industrialits going down hill >_>
02:37.48Shirikyou "said" asdf?
02:37.56Shirikhow do you pronounce that?
02:38.15Kaydeethree"ass duh eff"?
02:38.16ckknightI pronounce it "ass-diff"
02:38.37JoshBorkeA es de ef
02:38.38Industrialor something
02:38.47JoshBorkeyou guys are weird
02:39.06IndustrialJoshBorke: we wub you too
02:39.08Shiriksvn diff ass
02:39.17Shiriksorry: 22:38:17 ‹ckknight› I pronounce it "ass-diff"
02:48.41*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
02:51.33JoshBorkefirefox mem usage:  228MB
02:52.16zenzelezzwhat about it?
02:52.37JoshBorkeall because of that page kaso linked earlier
02:53.10Nom-patch day today?
02:53.18JoshBorkeuh, no
02:53.51Mr_Rabies2new build just hit the ptr
02:54.06Mr_Rabies22-4 weeks still
02:55.18Nom-another few weeks of not being nerfed!
02:58.31kahdgarxiwhat do you play nom?
03:08.02ckknightpallies for life
03:12.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
03:14.41Shirikpallies ftl
03:15.28*** join/#wowi-lounge deci (
03:38.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Hackop (n=None@
03:41.37*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
03:49.54Hackopanyone awake that can tell me the difference between CraftFrame and TradeSkillFrame
03:52.20Eternally777To my knowledge, CraftFrame is used for the enchanting profession, whereas TradeSkillFrame is used for Alchemy.
03:52.20Eternally777I don't know which of the two the other professions use, though.
03:52.40HackopThat's a bit silly.
03:52.51HackopThank you though, for the answer.
03:53.27Eternally777Anytime.  I had to research the same thing when looking at the code for AdvancedTradeSkillFrame.
03:55.07Hackopyeah, i'm actually looking over that same code
03:55.47HackopI was actually more curious as to how it opened its own window vs the default blizzard window. ATWS is the only addon I have right now that overrides something like that. So...
03:56.39Eternally777Oh, that would be easy.  Just unregister the event that's fired when the frame opens from the UIParent frame.
03:56.47cogwheeljust unregister the default UI frame's event that triggers it and have your addon respond to the same event
03:57.10Hackopthat... I did not think of.
03:57.24Eternally777Actually, last time I looked at it, ATSW simply hid the default Blizzard frame as soon as it opened.
03:57.29Hackopit does
03:57.34Hackopwhich is sort of kludgy to me
03:57.44Hackopit sets the alpha and the scale, iirc
03:57.47Eternally777Trust me, it's a forewarning.
03:58.35HackopThat the whole mod is kludged up?
03:59.16Eternally777In my humble opinion, yes.
03:59.22HackopI'll agree.
03:59.29Shirikwhat's ATSW?
03:59.35HackopAdvanced Trade Skill Window
04:00.02cogwheelit's wonderfully useful but looking under the hood makes me cringe...
04:00.12Eternally777I tried to rewrite it once.
04:00.16cogwheelEng Inventory et seq. as well...
04:01.48Eternally777Maybe I'll try to do it again, since my guild just disbanded...  That frees up about 6 hours each night -- I'll need something to keep me busy.
04:06.37kahdgarxiso i got my new license plate the other day
04:07.08kahdgarxifor my motorcycle
04:09.23zenzelezzSS or it didn't happen
04:10.12kahdgarxii need a camera >_>
04:16.03kahdgarxianyone in the mood to help with some debugging?
04:16.13ShirikI guess
04:16.20Shirikit's not like my BRD group is ever going to accomplish anything
04:18.34kahdgarxi<3 irssi
04:18.42kahdgarxii almost just pasted the whole source into chat
04:19.12kahdgarxiyes, i know my code is horribly ugly
04:19.19kahdgarxiand the syncing error correction is a horrible horrible hack
04:19.26kahdgarxiand i need to create a container for all my globals
04:19.39kahdgarxithe function i'm working in os UHLS_DoLoot()
04:19.45kahdgarxiit having... issues
04:19.53kahdgarxiit's supposed to move the looting player to the bottom of the list
04:19.53Shirikp(msg) seems familiar
04:19.59kahdgarxii stole it :)
04:20.16kahdgarxifreezing nonpresent players in place
04:20.25kahdgarxii'm keep running into a couple issues
04:20.45kahdgarxiweird things happen when the bottom of the list is nonpresent
04:21.46kahdgarxiespecially when you have more than one
04:22.06ShirikI'm not quite sure what it's supposed to be doing
04:22.15kahdgarxithe addon or the function
04:22.25Shirikthe addon
04:22.31kahdgarxiit tracks looting
04:22.35kahdgarxisay i have 5 players
04:22.37Shirikmissed this: 00:19:40 ‹kahdgarxi› the function i'm working in os UHLS_DoLoot()
04:22.37kahdgarxi1 2 3 4 5
04:22.41kahdgarxiplayer too loots an item
04:22.46Shirikwhat is that function supposed to do then
04:22.48kahdgarxiplayer two*
04:22.54kahdgarxi1 3 4 5 2 is the new order
04:23.01kahdgarxiit reorders the numbers
04:23.14Shirikyour UHLS_OnEvent is wrong
04:23.15Shirikvery wrong
04:23.35kahdgarxiit works
04:23.42Shirikcorrect, but it's wrong
04:24.04Shirikchange 468 to UHLS_EventMsgHandler(...)
04:24.21Shirikor (preferably) change 460 to function UHLS_OnEvent(self, event, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)
04:25.17cogwheelor use an event dispatch table...
04:25.26Shirikor that
04:26.05Shirikhe doesn't even say bye :(
04:26.46Shiriktinsert(order, tremove(order, order[looterLoc]))
04:27.15kahdgarxiwhat's wrong with that?
04:27.22Shirikwell, it's ugly ><
04:27.26kahdgarxiit remove the entry, then puts it somewhere else
04:27.28Shirikyou really should be using table.sort
04:27.49kahdgarxiwhat is this table.sort you speak of?
04:28.31Shirikctrl+f for table.sort
04:28.58Eternally777Wow, what exactly would that line do?
04:29.26Eternally777Oh, that's tinsert, not table.sort.  Heh, I'm tired.
04:31.15Shirikwill explain after boss :P
04:32.38kahdgarximakes snse
04:32.43Eternally777kahdgarxi: table.sort sorts a table.
04:32.43kahdgarxibut i have no idea how to apply it
04:32.57kahdgarxiyes, by iteravely calling a function that you define
04:33.10kahdgarxiwhat i don't understand, is how on earth to write that function
04:33.15Eternally777You don't have to.
04:33.20Eternally777In most cases
04:33.28Eternally777You can call it without a function.
04:34.26Eternally777What table is being sorted?  What line on your pastey are we looking at?
04:34.39kahdgarxii'm not using table.sort in my code
04:34.46kahdgarxiShirik's saying i should be
04:35.19Eternally777I know, where is 'tinsert(order, tremove(order, order[looterLoc]))'
04:35.32kahdgarxiit's in UHLS_DoLoot()
04:35.44kahdgarxiline 332
04:35.52EArmbrustis there a UI test environment so I don't need to be logged into the game/running the full client to test?
04:36.01kahdgarxithat would rock
04:36.23ShirikEArmbrust: PTR :P
04:36.27Shirikor the Lua interpreter
04:36.33Shirikdepending on what you're trying to do
04:36.34KaydeethreeI remember seeing a distro of lua with wow-specific compilation options somewhere
04:37.16Fin<not actually here></gone no really>
04:37.46Fin[not actually here][/gone no really]
04:37.56*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
04:38.08Shirikwhat do you call it?
04:38.11kahdgarxilooks neat
04:38.21Shirikit's extremely limited
04:38.25ShirikI don't see really the benefit of it
04:38.41FinI shall call it "I, ah.. C-cup?"
04:39.51EArmbrustmammoth mammory mastication
04:41.21Eternally777kahdgarxi: You're just trying to take the first person in the list and move them to the last position in the list?
04:41.23Shirikscrew it
04:41.25ShirikI'm leaving this group
04:41.30Shirikthis has got to be the WORST brd group ever..
04:41.34kahdgarxiEternally777: no
04:41.57kahdgarxiIt has to reorganise the list fairly intelligently
04:42.16Eternally777that's what 'tinsert(order, tremove(order,order[looterLoc]))' is doing.
04:42.34kahdgarxinot the first person in the list
04:42.51Eternally777I mean, taking any person out of the list and moving them to the bottom.
04:43.02Shirikaren't you trying to sort this table?
04:43.03Shirikor what?
04:43.05kahdgarxipeople who are not present in the raid
04:43.10kahdgarxineed to stay where they are
04:43.19kahdgarxiif i have player 1 2 3 4 5
04:43.20Eternally777Is this for DKP tracking?
04:43.27kahdgarxi3 and 5 are not there
04:43.33kahdgarxiEternally777: yes, basically
04:43.35kahdgarxiand 1 loots an item
04:43.44kahdgarxinew order is 2 4 3 1 5
04:44.23Shirik24135 or 24351 make sense...
04:44.24Shirik(to me)
04:44.24kahdgarxiwhat do you mean why?
04:44.27Eternally777Yeah, I'm not going to lie.  That doesn't make much sense to me.  There's probably a different way to go about this.
04:44.28Shirikbut not 24315
04:44.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Starzard (
04:44.41Eternally777That's what I was going to say. :-)
04:45.38kahdgarxiwhy would 5 get to move up a place if they're not present
04:45.48Shirik3 did..
04:46.05kahdgarxi3 and 5 stayed where they were
04:46.10kahdgarxididn't budge
04:46.26kahdgarxinonpresent players are frozen in place
04:46.43kahdgarxii don't want to penalize them or reward them, so they stay where they are
04:46.53Eternally777I think their is probably a better way to accomplish what you're trying to do.
04:46.59kahdgarxii hope so
04:47.12Eternally777Because if you stay on this path, you're going to cause a tremendous amount of headaches. :-P
04:47.19kahdgarxiyes, i know
04:47.41kahdgarxiare you talking about loot system philosiphy or addon design?
04:47.49kahdgarxiand i can't spell tonight
04:47.49Eternally777Addon design.
04:47.53kahdgarxiokay, good
04:48.08Eternally777I'm not questioning DKP in general :-P
04:48.25Shirikok that was painful
04:48.30Shirikso like, I log in
04:48.36Shirikand every sound is being repeated over and over and over again
04:48.36kahdgarxievery time i explain this system to people they don't believe it will work :P
04:48.45Shirikso my pet growls, and I hear him growling every second from once he starts
04:48.48Shirikthen I open the guild window
04:48.54Shiriknow I hear the growl and the click every second
04:49.00Shirikso I close that and open a bag
04:49.02Shiriknow the three sounds
04:49.06Eternally777heh, that sucks.
04:49.11kahdgarxinot enough rage not enough rage not enough rage not enough rage
04:49.15Shirikeventually they stack upon each other to the point where they're blasting my ears out ><M
04:49.19Shirikoh, also
04:49.26Shirikthe little "boom" when you click the "enter world" button
04:49.51kahdgarxiwhat if i
04:49.57Shirikalmost sounded as if it could pass off as techno
04:49.58kahdgarxiextract all of the nonpresent people from the table
04:50.01kahdgarxisaving their spots
04:50.35kahdgarxithen move the looter to the bottom
04:50.40kahdgarxiwhich will be easy
04:51.00kahdgarxiand then just put all of the nonpresent players back in, at the same, previous positions
04:51.16kahdgarxiwhat do you guys think?
04:52.30Findidn't you just describe... what you're trying to do?
04:52.32EArmbrustis there a way for an addon to communicate data to other players addons (the same addon) that are outside of the guild/party/raid?
04:52.47ShirikEArmbrust: Yes, but you'll have to open up a hidden channel
04:52.54EArmbrustokay, i thought so
04:52.54FinEArmbrust: yes, there's a hidden channel for addons
04:53.24Finactually I guess I don't know the answer
04:53.37Finis the addons channel restricted to the current instance or something?
04:53.47Shirikthere's an addons channel?
04:54.03Eternally777kahdgarxi: Sounds less complex to me.
04:54.07Shirikeverything I know just creates a hidden channel
04:54.28kahdgarxiEternally777: yeah, not sure how I'd format my temporary table though
04:55.11EArmbrustand a second question: can a single addon join/create multiple hidden channels?
04:55.31kahdgarxithere shouldn't be a need though
04:55.47kahdgarxijust prefix whatever you send on that message with a header
04:55.55ShirikEArmbrust: There's no difference between an "Addon" channel and a "hidden" channel
04:56.09Shirikthere's no difference between an "Addon" channel and a "Chat" channel
04:56.19Shirikjust that addon channels don't typically have easily readable information
04:56.28EArmbrustthe addon channel specification on wowwiki specifies that addon channels are limited to guild/party/raid
04:56.37ShirikThat's with SendAddonMessage()
04:56.51Shirikyou want SendChatMessage()
04:57.08*** join/#wowi-lounge JunkHead-Work (
05:03.51ShirikHate it when I have a bug that drives me nuts for days
05:03.56Shirikonly to discover it's a missing "+1"
05:04.09kahdgarxijust earlier today
05:04.14kahdgarxii tried to convert a variable
05:04.18kahdgarxiwith tonumber(var)
05:04.24kahdgarxiinstead of var = tonumber(var)
05:11.36*** join/#wowi-lounge hophop (
05:12.16Kaydeethreehuzzah, the forums are up
05:12.28Shirikanybody good with pattern matching on?
05:12.56Cairenn|afkgraphical or code? :p
05:13.55KarrionShirik: I'm decent with regexes, not quite so good on lua's version of them...
05:13.57Shirikcode sorry ><
05:14.04ShirikOk, well I have a regex versio nof it too that isn't working
05:14.14kahdgarxi--[[ this is a comment, correct? ]]--
05:14.15Cairenn|afkwell, it's a valid question - I am pretty good at coming up with tile-able graphics
05:14.22FinI like to think I'm better than I actually am
05:14.26Shirikkahdgarxi: The ending -- isn't necessary but yes
05:14.35Eternally777kahdgarxi: '--' comments out 1 line
05:14.43Finstart: --[[
05:14.46Eternally777--[[ comments out until it hits a ']]'
05:14.46Finend: ]]
05:14.51kahdgarxiwell crap
05:14.51Shirikok here's the regex version: ([A-Za-z0-9]+)'s ([A-Za-z0-9 \\']+?) (critically)? heals ([A-Za-z0-9]+?) for ([0-9]+)
05:15.12ShirikIt needs to match "Jez's flash heal heals Jez for 198450325"
05:15.48Karrionmove the space either before or after critically into the parentheses
05:16.07zenzelezzI thought you just used the ones from globalstrings.lua and replaced the %...s with (.+) or similar
05:16.31Shirikzenzelezz: nah, this is a simple example, I need more than what this shows
05:16.42ShirikKarrion: Nice catch
05:17.42Karrionnp... you're lucky I was dealing with a pattern much like that the other day, and it look me ages to figure it out >.<
05:18.30Fin(%w+)'s (.*) (critically )?heals (%w+) for (%d+)
05:19.02Shiriknot %w+
05:19.07Shirikwell, yes in this one
05:19.15Shirikbut in a lot of others that's not correct :P
05:19.29Shirikbesides I don't like %w and %d personally :P
05:19.34Shirikjust personal taste
05:19.38Finyou're searching for two spaces as well there with " (critically)? heals"
05:19.51kahdgarxiif i'm scanning through a table
05:19.52Shirik01:16:42 ‹Shirik› Karrion: Nice catch
05:19.57ShirikBut thanks for pointing it out again :)
05:19.58kahdgarxiand i remove the line i'm working with
05:20.06kahdgarxithen i'm going to skip the next line
05:20.10kahdgarxibecause it will move up
05:20.21kahdgarxii guess, i'll just move my index back one if i remove a line
05:20.43Fin-5 points
05:21.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
05:21.40Nom-%w is just a shortcut
05:21.47*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
05:21.49Nom-saves you from typing the bracketed lists
05:21.56Shirikevening Iriel :)
05:22.06Shirikyeh it's just kinda like how my mind operates
05:22.10Finand actually it's wrong, because you only really need %a for names
05:22.16ShirikI find typing out the character class easier
05:22.17Finnames can have non-ascii characters
05:22.31ShirikYeah well
05:22.36Shirikif they're an asshat they don't deserve to use my mod :P
05:22.37Finas Bam suggested in a thread, here's a good regex for matching names:
05:22.47ShirikActually I'm just lazy for now, I'll touch it up later
05:22.55Shirikmight as well be .+
05:22.58Nom-Shirik: That'd also exclude those 'asshats' in Japan and other countries?
05:23.10Finthat's "everything that's not a space or a punctuation character or a digit or a control character or represented as 0"
05:23.13ShirikIf they don't live in the US they deserve to be called asshats
05:23.21ShirikActually I think
05:23.55Shirikdigits are valid in names?
05:23.55Shirikaren't they?
05:23.55Shirikah, oops
05:23.55Shirikoh well :P
05:23.55Karrionnot in player names
05:23.55Karrionnot sure about hunter pet names
05:24.40Shirik~dict xenophobe
05:24.41Finmy guild had loads of people with funny characters in their name
05:24.47Shirik~dict xenophobia
05:25.03Shirik~dict 2 xenophobia
05:25.06Nom-Xenophobia- Fear of strangers or foreigners.
05:25.17Finforeigners are weird
05:25.19Finthey're foreign
05:25.25ShirikI know really
05:25.33Shirikhow dare they be foreign!
05:26.02Shirik(For those non-US people, please note I don't really hate the rest of the world >< )
05:26.05Shirik(I'm not Bush)
05:26.06Finthere's children playing this game, you know
05:26.12Nom-I suppose you're xenoglossophibic too?
05:26.22Finwhat the fuck is that?
05:26.30Nom-I suppose you're xenoglossophobic too?
05:26.38ShirikAfraid of foreign glossy objects
05:26.44Fin"t" "o" "d" "a" "y"
05:26.51Finthere you go
05:26.52Nom-Fear of foreign languages
05:27.00Shirikactually I know quite a few foreign languages
05:27.03Finforeigners have their own languages?!
05:27.05ShirikI'm not really xenophobic ><
05:27.16Finpff, well, I mean, there you go
05:27.52ShirikJe vais parler français tout le temps maintenant :P
05:28.20Karrionok, so who's good with Boolean logic?
05:28.27Shirikde morgan's law ftw
05:28.29ShirikFin: rofl
05:28.30Finhe was pretty shit hot
05:28.34KarrionFin: lol
05:29.21Fin5 quid
05:29.26Nom-There's actually enough people afraid of walking that they actually named it
05:29.34Nom-Ambulophobia - Fear of walking.
05:29.54kahdgarxiI'd take out the trash, but I'm afraid I have abulophobia.
05:30.02Nom-Even scarier
05:30.12Nom-Anablephobia - Fear of looking up.
05:30.16Karrionspecifically, can anyone think of a way to simplify: if ((¬A) ∧ ((¬B) ∨ C)) then ... elseif (A ∧ B ∧ (¬C)) then ... end
05:31.01Nom-Now it's getting absurd and i'm still in the a's
05:31.10IrielSince the two statements have different ...'s (potentially) there's no simplication that would leap out
05:31.19Nom-Arachibutyrophobia - Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
05:31.24ShirikI'm going to guess
05:31.32Shirikmy IRC client completely fubared that statement
05:31.55AnduinLotharomg 10k mana for the 1st time. i win
05:31.58Irielif ((not a) and ((not b) or c)) then ... elseif (a and b and (not c)) then ... end
05:32.04Nom-Shirik: Nah, I can't read it's come through in UTF8 on my screen tho
05:32.22Karrionyeah the ... are different, I keep looking at it thinking, the same A, B, C, surely there should be a better way, but I can't see one
05:32.48ShirikUse a kmap
05:33.01Shirikthey make the simplest expressions with the least amount of work
05:33.13IrielGiven that lua does shortcut evaluation, and they're different expressions, I dont think you NEED to think about optimization
05:33.56Irielif A is false the rest of the first statement gets evaluated, if it's true the rest of the 2nd does
05:34.00Karrionyeah, it's not so much execution efficiency, more just that it seems... inelegant
05:34.32IrielWell ((not b) or c) is not (b and (not c))
05:34.54IrielBut to be honest you'd make more of a mess exploiting that
05:35.19Nom-Oh come on, that's just absurd
05:35.34Finoh dear
05:35.44Karrionyeah, so I could, if ((not b) or c) then if (a) ... end else if (not a) ... end but that's just as bad
05:35.51FinI thought that was some reference to addons...
05:35.52Shiriktwo possible expressions for the first part:
05:35.55Nom-The scary thing is...for them to name the condition, someone must have it
05:36.18Finsomeone who has an unnatural fear of Bongos or something
05:36.34Shirik(not (a or b)) or ((not a) and b)
05:36.48Kaydeethreemeh. just latin-mashing. what's the fear of #13? triskadecaphobia?
05:36.57Shirik(c and not a) or not (a or b or c)
05:37.26Shirik(If I drew the map correctly, that is)
05:37.39Finwhat's that book with people who transport other people around on these discs that float over the sea, powered by their hydrophobia
05:37.48Nom-Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- Fear of the number 666.
05:37.57Finbless you
05:41.40zenzelezzI have a fear of phobias
05:41.55Thunder_ChildFin, the color magic
05:42.02Thunder_Childpart of the diskworld series
05:42.28Nom-I wonder if there's a phobophobophobia
05:42.35Nom-The fear of having fear of phobias
05:42.41Eternally777It is.
05:42.42Finthank you
05:42.58Eternally777I don't know if that's the proper terminology for it though.
05:43.30Eternally777Yeah, google says it is the proper word.
05:43.39Thunder_Childmy bad, thats supposed to be, "The Color of Magic"
05:43.47Nom-Some people are whacked...
05:45.09KarrionParthenophobia: fear of virgins
05:45.27Karrionhow do you know?
05:45.48Thunder_Childmanual check
05:48.38kahdgarxithat could get you in trouble methinks
05:50.59Nom-That's pretty quickly solved though...
05:51.26Nom-Girl: "I'm a virgin", Guy: *poke* "Not any more..."
05:52.01Thunder_Childyea, but it's prolly one of the more fun ways to get in trouble
05:52.36ShirikI love google
05:52.41ShirikI know two words of this song
05:52.47Shirikand it's been stuck in my head forever
05:52.55Shiriktype those two words into google and I got the name of the title
05:53.10Nom-lol shirik
05:53.24ShirikI just love the instrumental in it
05:54.19IrielI'm imagining the two words were reasonably distinctive then, not like "I love" or "for I" ?
05:54.27Shirikheh, yes
05:54.33Shirikthe two words were "cleopatra" and "aphrodite"
05:56.02Nom-lol i know that song
05:56.42Nom-Tal Backman right?
05:56.49Nom-She's So High
05:56.53Shirikit's She's so High
05:56.58Shirikit says it's by Fastball though >.>
05:57.07Nom-Tal Backman
05:57.10Shirikbut it would explain why I'm having difficulty finding the song
05:57.10Nom-Bachman even
05:58.00Shirikperfect Nom- thanks :)
05:59.31Nom-i used to have that in my collection, but i can't see it atm :(
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06:14.04kahdgarxii think i just found a use for a pointer!
06:14.04kahdgarxii'm all excited!
06:24.54Cairennnight guys
06:27.02*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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07:05.35ShirikWhat if an addon was written that detected goldspam
07:05.46Shirikthen triggered a DDoS attack by spamming that spammer back
07:05.50Shirikfrom everyone with the addon
07:06.31Shirik(not that I'd ever do such a thing, I just wonder if it would work)
07:21.24KarrionShirik: interesting idea
07:21.40Shirikbut it would be prone to attacks too
07:21.48KarrionI can think of many colourful phrases to choose for the reply message ;-)
07:24.35Karrionanyway, night all
07:27.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
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08:25.59Shirikwb Cairenn
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09:41.37leethalwoot is the PLAYER_CAMPING event?
09:41.55leethalwhen is it fired?
09:42.23Shirikis this some kind of joke I don't get ><
09:42.33Shirikit's a real event
09:42.55Vangualwhen near a camping fire maybe?
09:42.55Shirikonly thing I can guess is cozy fire?
09:42.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
09:43.07leethalI've been standing still for 1 min now, it didn't launch =P
09:43.09leethalhmm, prolly
09:43.28leethalI was hoping it would launch as soon as one did nothing
09:43.52leethalthat would been a whole lot better than keeping track of everything the player does to figure out when the auto-go-afk will happen
09:46.42leethalI'm getting spammed with whispers from the ItemDB addon =/
09:46.54leethaland I don't even have it installed atm
09:46.55Shirikand I'm getting spammed with whispers from gold spammers :P
09:46.58Shiriklet's trade
09:47.15Vangualhrm, isn't SetMacroSpell that slouken mentioned supposed to be a method of a button?
09:47.18leethalI'me getting this weird TABARD_CANSAVE_CHANGED event every once in a while too
09:47.21batricki made a function that lets me spam them about a 1000 times with vulgarities
09:47.30Shirikbatrick: rofl
09:47.37Shirikyou don't get kicked off?
09:47.46batrickabout 10k does that
09:47.52batricki've tested it :D
09:47.58Shiriknice :)
09:48.18ShirikVangual: I've never heard of SetMacroSpell
09:48.25Shirikwhat do you want it do do?
09:48.41VangualShirik:  me neither up until slouken mentioned it yesterday (see bluetracker)
09:48.56Shirikif he mentioned it yesterday, chances are that he's talking about 2.1?
09:49.02ShirikStill... what is it supposed to do?
09:49.26Vangualwant to try forcing it to show a specific feedback for a secure action button. it seems to ignore the #showtooltip for its macrotext attribute
09:49.49Vangualeventho slouken also says it should honor it
09:49.58Shirikcan't you just change the button.texture ?
09:50.26Vangualyea i can that's the easy part. but i can't find a non-tainting way to show a tooltip incombat
09:51.03Shirikare you testing this on PTR?
09:52.22Vangualyea but this time the taint is on live too, it's a taint that is explainable. :) i hook OnEnter and OnLeave, call my tooltip function, then RunChild the rest of the secure chain (tainted)
09:53.03Vangualwhich is ugly, but i've yet to find some way to just tell an action button (in advance) what tooltip to show
09:53.04Shirikwhat about HookScript()
09:53.50Vangualhaven't looked at that. would that allow to branch the call of an event into an unsafe code?
09:54.48Shirikit works similar to hooksecurefunc(). I'm not really sure what you're trying to do, but I know it will solve at least half of your problem by making secure scripts for OnEnter and OnLeave, at least keeping that code untainted
09:55.08Shirikit's 6AM, I haven't had any sleep, etc. I can't think that well :P
09:55.23ShirikWhich is why all I'm doing right now is a million SetPoints() to build the design for this window. Nothing complicated :P
09:55.29Vangualbasically i'm just trying to make some buttons that are assigned to certain spells and they need to hide/show in combat using secure states only
09:56.40Vanguali'll look into both of these hook functions
09:57.27Shirikah, you didn't know about hooksecurefunc() ?
09:57.47Shirikyeah, you should ;) It's a pretty useful tool
09:58.08Vanguali've heard about it, but for some unexplainable reason i didn't think that it could be useful to hook frame events
09:58.17Shirikwell, it can't really
09:58.35Shirikhooksecurefunc() doesn't work along with SetScript, but that's why frame:HookScript() will be available in 2.1
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10:05.53Vangualhrm, is there a ptr version of that addon kit to extract ui files?
10:06.08Vangualor does the normal one recognize in what folder it is run?
10:06.26ShirikI am told by default it does extract those as well
10:06.34Shirikpersonally, I just use WinMPQ
10:06.52Vangualthe one on wowi?
10:07.10ShirikI got it so long ago I have no idea where I got it from
10:07.43Vanguali've gotten a bit careful with all the model/mpq extractors after there's been several poisoned ones on curse lately
10:07.59Vanguali'll just try the addonkit first
10:08.01Shirikeverything posted on wowi
10:08.07Shirikhas been thoroughly reviewed by admins
10:08.11Shirikbefore it is actually accessible by others
10:08.17ShirikYou don't have to worry about the stuff there
10:08.26ShirikCurse et al, on the other hand, make things available in 5 seconds
10:08.45Shirikboth sides have their ups and downs
10:08.48Shirikbut it's the #1 reason I like wowi
10:09.03leethalonly upside with curse is that most people use it
10:09.09leethalnice for distributing new addons
10:09.22Shirikunfortunately, statistics show most people are morons :P
10:09.36Vangualyup, the addonkit extracted both
10:10.45Vangualhrm, no occurence of HookScript in FrameXML
10:10.55Shirikwell, Blizzard doesn't have to use it
10:10.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Teomyr (
10:11.00Shirikthey won't use hooksecurefunc() either
10:11.07Shirikthink about it, their code is secure, they have no purpose for it
10:11.24Vangualany way to find out its syntax other than try/error?
10:11.37Shirikit should be in the 2.1 changes thread
10:12.24Vangualah yea, thank you
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10:12.47Shirikack, hahahaha beautiful
10:13.07Shiriknote to self: If you use a framepool, make sure you free the frame's children when you free the parent >.>
10:13.26Shirikseeing the ghost of a frame that existed minutes ago, however, is fricking awesome
10:14.42Vangualmake a timed frame gc freeing orphaned frames? ;>
10:14.52Shiriknah see the frames still exist
10:14.54Shirikso the GC won't pick it up
10:15.09Vanguali meant make an own gc for your pool :)
10:15.09Shirikin essense, I just forgot to write the Destroy() function for the frame
10:15.12Shirikbut it was pretty cool
10:15.26Shirikwould be kinda interesting
10:15.31Vangualjust a joke tho :)
10:15.32Shirikexcept one thing: I hate garbage collectors
10:22.09Shirikthis is a sign I need to go to sleep:
10:23.37Vangualnice, still a bug i need to locate but this works much nicer
10:23.46Shirikwhen imageshack stops being stupid....
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10:24.37Shirikwhat happens when you severely screw up your framepool:
10:26.08Vangualthat's a lot of sliders :)
10:26.14Shirika lot :P
10:26.32Shirikand then the "shade of aran off to the left of the window :P
10:26.36Shirikjust floating over there
10:26.55Vangualoh yea
10:28.05Vangualawesome, HookScript is just what's been needed. thank you :)
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10:29.28Vangualnow i just need to bug slouken somehow so that secureactionbuttons register the onleave event better
10:31.01Vangualor actually hmm, is it possible that textures mess with the onenter or onleave triggering of a frame?
10:31.23ShirikI'm not really sure
10:31.34clad|sleeponenter and onleave work just fine with secure buttons
10:31.40clad|sleepfrom what i've seen
10:34.03Vangualit's a bit weird, i'm seing perfect triggering from inheriting "SecureActionButtonTemplate,SecureAnchorEnterTemplate" but not from ones with "SecureActionButtonTemplate, SecureAnchorEnterTemplate, ActionBarButtonTemplate"
10:34.26Vangualexact same attributes
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10:36.13clad|sleepwell the attributes shouldn't make a difference
10:36.15clad|sleepthe scripts should
10:36.49clad|sleepand keep in mind there are defaults scripts that you're overriding.
10:36.52clad|workbrb shower
10:36.57Shirikmorning clad|work :)
10:38.15Vangualhrm, not touching the scripts (SetScript) of the working one, only using HookScript on onenter and onleave on the not working ones
10:40.13Vangualinfact i don't even care if OnLeave or so is fired for me, but i'm telling it vial attributes to do a delayed statechange onleave
10:40.34Vangualoh, nice bot
10:42.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
10:45.51clad|workwell here's the question
10:45.57clad|workdo your templates have mutliple OnLeaves?
10:46.04clad|worklike does more than one template have that script?
10:46.13clad|workbecause the resulting script only gets ONE OnLeavehandler
10:46.26clad|workit doesn't compose the ones from the template
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10:50.04clad|workoh goodie, I was wondering when another one of these theads was coming along, we were certainly due.
10:50.09Vangualthe template of the troublemaker doesn't have an onleave script, it does have a f:HookScript("OnLeave", blah) tho
10:50.40Vanguali could imagine that inheriting from multiple types could overwrite the secure onLeave?
10:50.52Shirikclad|work: What do you mean?
10:50.59Vangualit's only inheriting blizzard templates tho
10:52.30clad|workYes, do any of the blizzard templates have an OnLeave?
10:52.33clad|workShirik: hrm?
10:52.39Shirik"one of these threads"
10:52.46clad|workyes, i linked a thread
10:52.49clad|worknot sure what more info you need..
10:53.05ShirikYeah I mean, what "type" of thread is that? Just one asking for DB API?
10:53.25Shirik(I personally haven't seen such a request before)
10:53.36clad|workthis is probably the tenth i've seen
10:53.41clad|workrequesting the EXACT same thing
10:53.46Shirikit won't happen
10:53.49Shirikwe have what we need
10:53.51clad|worknot just anything, but requesting lua bindings for SQLite
10:53.53clad|worki know this
10:53.55clad|workand its not necessary
10:54.06clad|workbecause it would just re-implement saved variables.
10:55.06Vangualheh, did he just use simple and bdb in the same sentence :(
10:55.26ShirikIriel's right, WoWEcon is insane with the way they store information
10:55.34clad|workaye, i know
10:55.36Shirikthough I myself am caught in a pickle right now
10:55.46ShirikI want to get the information as packed as possible
10:55.56ShirikBut doing that requires a lot more work (and thus processing time)
10:56.06clad|workwhat data are you storing?
10:56.06ShirikSo it's the time-old tradeoff of performance and memory :(
10:56.11Shirikcombat information
10:56.18clad|worksomeone should write a SQL1999 interface to lua tables
10:56.19Shirikspecifically, a raid encounter
10:56.29clad|workno one would know the damn difference because of the speed of lua
10:56.54clad|workShirik: do you know what global strings you're going to be looking for?
10:57.08clad|workwell, let me rephrase
10:57.15clad|workif you're storing combat log messages, the strings are already interned
10:57.30clad|workso the only memory hit you take is the size of the table to store the elements in array form
10:57.34ShirikWell I'm ripping those messages apart
10:57.46clad|workwhy not store it raw and parse it afterwards?
10:58.11clad|work"You've wiped on that boss.. can I parse your combat log and send it to your raid leader so they know how much you sucked?"
10:58.25Vangualomniscience ftw ;)
10:58.32Shirikthat's... actually a good idea, and I would require extremely small differences
10:58.43ShirikFunny you should bring up Omniscience...
10:58.55clad|workbut srsly, when you store the strings directly, you take the table hit from making the new array entry (i.e. if the table gets realloc'd)
10:59.01clad|workyou just STOP gc on those strings
10:59.07Vangualit's exactly what omniscience does, isn't it? offline parsing?
10:59.25clad|workok really getting in the shower now
10:59.33ShirikThanks for the advice though clad|work
10:59.41clad|workbut parsing it real-time doesn't make sense, unless you need to redisplay the data immediately
10:59.49ShirikWhich I definitely am not
10:59.50clad|worki.e. a combat log replacement
10:59.51Shirikaside from a count
10:59.58clad|workthen store the strings imo
11:00.08ShirikAnd changing it to store only the strings is an extremely simple change
11:00.11clad|workuse a coroutine to detect when they are no longer in combat
11:00.19clad|workand parse the data in the background
11:00.35clad|workand hook the logout function to ensure they dont drop in the middle
11:00.45clad|workmy dog is being whiny
11:00.54Shirikgo to shower :P
11:01.34*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
11:08.38Vangualthanks clad, fixed the onleave prob
11:09.19Vangualit's overwriting the scripts in the order specified in the inheritance param. it's a bad idea having nonsecure templates last in there :)
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11:13.10clad|workthat's what i suspected
11:13.26Shirikmy last final today :(
11:13.44Shirikand I can't see out of one of my eyes lol
11:13.44Shirikthis should be fun
11:13.48JoshBorkehey!  i've got 2 finals myself today :-)
11:15.09Shirikand what's better about parsing post-combat...
11:15.21Shirikthat resolves my problem with syncing all the logs too ^^
11:18.57*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz_ (
11:19.10clad|workis today a non-maintenance tuesday?
11:19.20Shirikuhhh I thought it was full maintenance today
11:19.26Shirikbased on their message earlier today
11:19.52clad|workah okay
11:19.55clad|workthen i wont put auctions up :P
11:20.10Shirikit's good cause after my final, they'll still be in maintenance
11:20.12Shirikthen it will be sleep time
11:20.15Shirikuntil like midnight
11:20.19Shirikthen I'll wake up
11:24.03clad|workI need someone who wants to trade 3.7k gold from alliance to horde on my server
11:25.05[Ammo]can't you do it yourself through the neutral AH
11:25.07[Ammo]and fast clicking :p
11:25.12clad|workand lose 15%
11:25.16clad|workno fast clicking required.
11:25.29[Ammo]ofcourse fast clicking is required
11:25.30clad|workwow.. i messed up pretty bad going Scryer
11:25.32clad|workno its not
11:25.36clad|worki put an item up for 3.7k gold
11:25.42clad|workif someone buys it, then they're an idiot
11:25.45Shirikyou don't like scryer?
11:25.52clad|workShirik: I'm a tailor, who's a healer
11:26.00clad|worki didn't realize the scryer spellthread didn't give ANY bonus to healing
11:26.03Shirikah :(
11:26.13clad|workunless it does and doesn't say it
11:26.18clad|workbut either way, I gimped myself.
11:26.18ShirikI'm kinda reconsidering my choice of aldor personally
11:26.31[Ammo]my lock is scryer, pally is aldor
11:26.35Shirikthough aldor has some nice AP enchants, I've always been fond of crit myself
11:26.51clad|workyeah i should have gone aldor
11:27.01clad|workoh well, no way in HELL i'm re-doing that grind =/
11:27.02Shirikah well
11:27.07Shirikit won't make that much difference
11:27.14clad|workits an extra 51 +healing
11:27.25Shirikyour skill makes up for it ^^
11:27.29clad|workunless mystic gives +healing/damage, which I suspect it does
11:27.43clad|workin which case I only lose +24 healing
11:27.55clad|workwhich is much more workable.
11:28.34JoshBorkeclad|work: just get an aldor person to make the spellthread
11:28.43clad|workits BoP isn't it?
11:28.50JoshBorkeit can be applied like an enchant
11:28.56clad|workoh yay
11:28.58clad|workfair enough =)
11:29.07[Ammo]someone else made my spellthread indeed
11:29.09JoshBorkedo not despair!
11:29.14[Ammo]and I got it in the mail
11:29.21[Ammo]well the revered version not the exalted one
11:30.05clad|workooh its now +66/20
11:30.09clad|workinstead of 51/18
11:30.16clad|worki should get those on my Tier 2 leggings
11:30.23clad|worksince i haven't found anything that beats em yet.
11:31.08zenzelezzinteresting, I managed to hang my computer and now Firefox won't load... just gives me the quality feedback agent
11:31.40JoshBorkedeadly borer leggings!
11:31.44JoshBorkeoh wait, healing paints?
11:32.00JoshBorke are mine
11:32.35clad|workoh nice
11:32.38clad|workquest reward
11:32.39zenzelezzhealing does not paint
11:32.48clad|worki still think trans are better
11:32.55JoshBorkeit does when you stop zenzelezz ;-)
11:33.24clad|workJosh_Borke: thanks :P
11:33.34clad|worki'll do the netherstorm quests tonight
11:33.37clad|workexcept.. i'm... holy.
11:33.41clad|workthat could pose a problem.
11:33.47zenzelezzI've been wondering, why do you keep Josh_Borke here... except to mess with everyone's tab order?
11:33.49JoshBorkeclad|work: youl ose resistence and mana/5, but you gain sta, int, spr, healing
11:34.13JoshBorkezenzelezz: because it's a different computer and i want to screw with everyone's tab order
11:34.17clad|workJoshBorke: make me a spec please, and email it to me :P
11:34.26JoshBorkeclad|work: for healing?  psh, shadow all the way baby
11:34.30JoshBorkei unlearned my healing spells
11:34.34clad|worki need something that decent for PVE, but gives me a chance to solo
11:34.37clad|worklolsmite i guess
11:34.38clad|workle sigh
11:35.29JoshBorkezenzelezz: seriously though, he's to log messages for me
11:35.36JoshBorkei'll be on him more in a few weeks
11:36.04zenzelezzsounds fair; just didn't recall "him" talking =)
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11:58.42Wobinlolsmite is amusing
11:58.46WobinI quite enjoy it
11:59.32Wobinit gives me more buttons to press
12:01.40Wobinthe icon for the pants of the naruu have more leather in the side pocket than the whole pair on the model does
12:02.01WobinSuspenders of the Naruu perhaps
12:02.19WobinOr maybe ThighSocks of the Naaru
12:03.17ShirikGot this stupid bug fixed before server goes down
12:03.19Shirikhappy now
12:03.33Wobingrats =)
12:05.57Wobin=( Batroc
12:06.08Shirikand I shall shower now
12:12.28JoshBorkeWobin: they are thigh socks
12:12.30Wobinknown to help with healing
12:12.42Wobin"Hellloooo NURSE!"
12:17.56zenzelezzone of these days I'm going to remember which file I put "xset s off" in so I didn't have to type it every time I restart X
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12:33.01EArmbrustzenzelezz: ~/.xinitrc usually
12:34.08zenzelezzhm, thought I'd tried that... will have to look, thanks
12:34.57EArmbrustbesure to do chmod 700 .xsession
12:35.06EArmbrustotherwise it won't execute hehe
12:40.29EArmbrusti really wish blizzard would make a UI test environment so we didn't have to load the full wow client or be online to test.  i could be doing something entertaining right now :(
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14:06.15KasoSo bored i wrote a random addon for some guy on the forums
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14:16.14CideI want to stab the forums
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14:17.08Kaydeethreewhat idiocy's getting posted today?
14:17.31Kaydeethreethey're down again. sigh
14:18.37EArmbrustthe servers are down, so there must be useless posts...then's the official forums, there's always useless posts :)
14:19.05Kaydeethreeyah, but the tuesday morning idiocy is usally fun to watch in general
14:19.41EArmbrustsometimes...sometimes it's like a train wreck.  you don't want to watch but you just can't look away.
14:30.47Kaydeethreeheh. new okgame keylogger post today. don't think I've ever seen the screencap one before
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15:00.18cogwheel|work~lart the forums
15:00.18purlruns at the forums with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut
15:01.02Kaydeethreeoh, where's the clue-by-four?
15:05.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
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15:44.10Shirik|AFKzenzelezz: that's awesome
15:50.03Shirikwhooo server is busy please try again
15:50.13Shirikmeans "please gtfo of the forums and go to sleep"
15:51.07zenzelezzthose messages are missing a word
15:51.14zenzelezzshould say "Server is busy, please don't try again"
15:51.31ShirikWhen I finally DO get logged in
15:51.34ShirikI click on a topic
15:51.42Shirikget "Server is busy, please try again," refresh, and I'm logged out
15:52.03ShirikI can understand the "server is busy" stuff but there's no excuse for that....
15:52.17Shirikcookies don't just "disappear"
15:52.32Kaydeethreethey're magic blizzard cookies
15:52.52ShirikI want a magic cookie :(
15:52.54Mr_Rabies2forums are down until realms are up i'd imagine
15:53.12Mr_Rabies2because what do 7 million people do when they can't farm for motes
15:53.18Mr_Rabies2they go whine on the forums
15:53.47Shirikabout how X class is overpowered
15:53.50leethaleuro is up though
15:53.52Shirikwhere X != current_class
15:55.01cogwheel|workzenzelezz: rofl @ linky
15:57.29leethaloh, maintenance
15:58.53Mr_Rabies2ptrs are up
15:59.15Shirik:( ptr hates me
15:59.25ShirikI keep getting stuck at "validating version"
15:59.35Kaydeethreewhich build do you have?
15:59.38EArmbrustthe forums work fine for me
15:59.57Kaydeethreethe forums are up, kinda. you're going to get "server is busy" a lot
16:00.00Kaydeethreeyou're two builds out of date
16:00.04Kaydeethreewe're up to 6624
16:00.10EArmbrust*shrug*  i barely get it
16:00.19EArmbrustmaybe i'm the one causing you guys to get it :P
16:00.29Shirikit's all your fault
16:00.37Shirik~whaleslap EArmbrust
16:00.39purlACTION beats EArmbrust upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
16:00.39EArmbrusti am a rogue...
16:00.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=chatzill@
16:00.52EArmbrustI get blamed for everything anyways :P
16:01.00Shirik~blame EArmbrust
16:01.01purlACTION blames EArmbrust (and Canada) for all the evil in the world
16:01.01*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
16:01.09*** part/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Work (n=cheald@
16:01.32ShirikI REALLY need to go to sleep now
16:01.35Shirikbeen up way too long
16:01.39Shiriksee you all later
16:01.50EArmbrusthaha later
16:02.40*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|Work (i=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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16:24.32ZiconThat joke is usually about laziness, not bravery.
16:24.49Shadowedor ethics
16:24.56Thrae"What is procrastination?" "I'll tell you tommorrow."
16:26.11leethalShirik|zZz: the PLAYER_CAMPING event doesn't launch when you get the cozy fire buff =P
16:26.20Thrae"How does a congressial hearing on a misuse of power work?" "I don't recall."
16:26.23ShadowedBecause camping is logging out :p
16:26.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
16:26.51leethalwtf is that event?
16:26.54ThraePLAYER_CAMPING came from EQ, where you typed /camp to logout properly.
16:26.57leethalit's in the list at wowwiki, with no description
16:27.15*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
16:27.24ShadowedI'm pretty sure /camp logs you out too
16:27.29Cideit does
16:27.46ThraeYep, seems everyone pays homage to EQ ;)
16:28.07leethalyep, that's right
16:28.17leethalpressing "logout" or /camping starts PLAYER_CAMPING
16:28.48Thraeleethal: /quit is equivilent to /camp too I recall
16:29.05ThraeWell not in EQ
16:29.09ThraeBut in WoW it is ;)
16:30.04ShadowedWhat was the difference between /quit and /camp in EQ?
16:34.03*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
16:34.21zenzelezzwasn't there a safe and an unsafe logout? One was immediate, but left you "ingame" for 30 seconds or something where you could still be attacked, the other was timed but left you safe?
16:35.08Maldiviathe unsafe way: alt-f4 (on Windows)
16:35.13leethalor "exit now"
16:38.32Mr_Rabies220 seconds is generally safe enough
16:41.44Temonce upon a time, I put a present into my 'favorite' guild mate's addons that let me trigger that
16:42.08JoshBorke~lart Tem
16:42.08purlstuffs Tem into a shiny new tin can and vacuum seals it
16:43.33EArmbrusthmm, no patch
16:44.48KasoOur guild/dkp addon had an exploit that allowed you to execute remote code by sending mal-formed packets down the guild addon channel
16:44.51Kasothat was fun
16:47.34Arrowmasterkaso, some form of evaluation bug?
16:48.20zenzelezzmaybe it was the author's way of making sure he was top of the DKP
16:49.34Maldiviaanyone seen/read the "merlocs DEMAND explination" thread on general ?
16:49.58*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|work (
16:50.11Tem|FoodKaso, I had considered that, but I decided it would be too much temptation
16:50.14Kasothe author had written Serialize/Unserialize function so he could send tables around the channel, (for the tradeskill bit which sent tables of skills you could make) that ofc used RunScript, which meant you could create a table which was close enough to the speicification to make it though his validation, but still having a packet of data you could run
16:50.36Tem|Foodthings like UIParent:Hide() just to screw with people
16:51.29JoshBorketoo bad we don't have RegisterForSave anymore ;-)
16:51.46Tem|Foodyou're even more evil than me
16:51.54KasoMy favouret was to "send" whispers though calling ChatFrame_OnEvent on his end, having arg6 as "GM" making it look like you were wisphering as a GM
16:51.56JoshBorkeWHAAAT?  i'm innocent
16:52.26Tem|Fooddirty, dirty
16:53.03nymbiaJoshBorke's cooking up a taget health bar randomizer as we speak ;)
16:53.12Shadowedwhy randomise it?
16:53.23ShadowedMake it stay at 100% and they'll be wondering what happened
16:53.54JoshBorkemake the tanks stay at 5%
16:54.19JoshBorkeor you could make the mana bars stay at 100%
16:54.28zenzelezzYour Flash of Light was resisted by Maintank.
16:55.15*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Esamynn] by ChanServ
16:55.15JoshBorkelots of fun times
17:10.04*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
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17:16.22JoshBorke~seen beladona
17:16.52purlbeladona <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 3d 20h 8m 50s ago, saying: 'bbs, heading home'.
17:16.52JoshBorkehola Cairenn
17:16.59*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
17:17.43pastamancermust be a hell of a commute
17:22.47Cidehaha, indeed
17:23.31zenzelezzmaybe he took the scenic route
17:24.45IndustrialNeed a little help with this: code + error:
17:29.10batrickis there a way to delete a frame?
17:29.18JoshBorkebatrick: no
17:29.36batrickdamn, thought so : /
17:29.43batrickbut didn't hope so
17:30.40Maldiviawhy do you need to delete a frame ?
17:30.57batricksave memory >.>
17:31.10Gnarfozyou can't anyway
17:31.10batricknot very necessary, was just curious
17:31.13JoshBorkedo you know how big they are?
17:31.30batrickJosh,  i'm betting they're small
17:31.45JoshBorke72 bytes for a frame with nothing special
17:31.49Industrialgot it working:
17:32.00Industrial~lart the metatables
17:32.00purlwhacks the metatables with the cluebat
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17:52.05zenzelezzheh, didn't think I'd be able to sheep a 70 on the first try (at level 14)
17:52.15zenzelezzsure enough he pwned me after 8 seconds, but was fun
17:52.35ScytheBlade1zenzelezz, it's doable. I remember being ~40 and chain sheeping 70s
17:52.44ScytheBlade1Longest I drew out a duel was something like 3m doing that
17:52.55zenzelezzI just had to try =)
17:55.04JoshBorkeis it possible to have a lua pattern with an optional capture?
17:56.47pastamancerJoshBorke: tell me more
17:57.07*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
17:57.38JoshBorkepastamancer: i'm using dongle to handle my slash commands, guidelines for dongle here:
17:57.55JoshBorkespecifically i have this line: cmd:RegisterSlashHandler("alpha <0-100> - Set the tracker background alpha", "^alpha (%d+)?$", UpdateAlpha)
17:58.42JoshBorkeobviously that trailing ? is a bad attempt at solving my problem
17:58.53JoshBorkei want the user to be able to do /lt alpha and get the current alpha
17:59.06JoshBorkethough, i guess i can just make that a different command
17:59.08nymbiaor *
17:59.40JoshBorkewhat about the space?
17:59.56nymbiainclude it in the capture?
18:00.09pastamancer>>> string.match("alpha", "^alpha( %d+)?")
18:00.09Cidepastamancer: nil
18:00.27pastamancerdoes that answer your question?
18:00.33JoshBorke>>> "alpha":match("^alpha( %d-)")
18:00.34CideJoshBorke: [string ""alpha":match("^alpha( %d-)")"]:1: unexpected symbol near '"alpha"'
18:00.34nymbia"^alpha([ ]?%d*)$"
18:01.21nymbia>>> ("alpha"):match("^alpha([ ]?%d*)$")
18:01.22Cidenymbia: ""
18:01.34nymbia>>> ("alpha 970"):match("^alpha([ ]?%d*)$")
18:01.34Cidenymbia: " 970"
18:01.52nymbiai guess dont capture the space
18:01.55Finmake that /me suggests "^alpha(%s* (%d*))%s*"
18:01.55nymbiabut you get the idea ;)
18:02.01JoshBorkethanks nymba
18:02.21pastamancerI dont know if this would be a problem:
18:02.45pastamancer>>> ("alpha100"):match("^alpha([ ]?%d*)$")
18:02.45Cidepastamancer: "100"
18:02.58Cide>>> ("alpha 85"):match("^alpha ?(%d*)")
18:02.58CideCide: "85"
18:03.02Cide>>> ("alpha"):match("^alpha ?(%d*)")
18:03.02CideCide: ""
18:03.29Cideor "^alpha ?(%d*)$" if you want that
18:05.58JoshBorkethanks guys :-)
18:06.11purlACTION spins the revolver, points it at mikma and fires. Click.
18:17.11*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
18:18.21pastamancerI need to borrow a German with an ip address that starts with 77.x.x.x
18:18.53pastamancerto test some issues the wowace site is having
18:19.03Finthose must be weird issues
18:21.15Cideis it software or hardware side?
18:21.19*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
18:21.41kahdgarxi|afkif it concerns only german ips that start in 77, i would hope it's software
18:21.59Cideare you doing lots of stuff with the ip addr on the site?
18:22.39Cideyou could probably spoof the REMOTE_ADDR value in an include or something (name may vary depending on backend!(
18:24.22FinREMOTE_ADDR is required by the CGI 1.0 spec
18:24.43pastamancerCide: if anything it's an upstream router
18:24.44FinI'd change backends if it wasn't available!
18:25.01Cidepastamancer: that sucks
18:25.02*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
18:25.40pastamancer77.0.0.0/8 is allocated for European registrars but has only been used recently
18:25.59JoshBorkewhy do tooltips go weird on me?
18:27.02nevcairielI need a really simple combatlog filter, which allows me to specify stuff like "All Dmg Taken by Tank1 and Tank2". Any suggestions?
18:27.16*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
18:27.18JoshBorkenevcairiel: i like simple combat log, pretty sure it lets you filter based on unit
18:27.51nevcairieli used that before, and i somehow didnt like it :)
18:29.43JoshBorke  <-- why isn't the tooltip big enough?
18:31.07TC-Workingbecause of murphy
18:31.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys2010 (
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18:32.57Mr_Rabies2ha these p4h guys are getting banned in <5 mins
18:33.00Mr_Rabies2i love it
18:33.01ShadowedAre you adding something new to the tooltip after you call Show()?
18:33.19JoshBorkeShadowed: no
18:33.27Mr_Rabies2i add them to friends then all of a sudden their name disappears'
18:33.54Shadowedthe tooltip is the devil then
18:34.28JoshBorkeShadowed: well, putting my positioning code before the show fixed it
18:34.42JoshBorkeeven though all my positioning code does SetPoint the frame
18:34.56FinJoshBorke: it's because your positioning code was after the show
18:35.19JoshBorkewhy should SetPoint affect the contents/size of the tooltip?
18:40.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
18:40.53JoshBorkeUI coordinates are from the bottom left corner?
18:47.55TC-Workinguhh...well you can try and see what happens
18:54.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
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19:07.20*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|work (
19:07.48ShadowedAnyone know what file InputBoxTemplate is defined in
19:13.57*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
19:21.05*** join/#wowi-lounge weazer (
19:21.45weazerThat are those Ace2 frames like CT_viewport called?
19:22.17cogwheel|workAll CT_Viewport does is shrink the size of the game world
19:22.31cogwheel|workit's merely a side-effect that the stuff outside it is black
19:22.56cogwheel|workThat being said, you're looking for something like eepanels or skinner (if my memory serves)
19:23.08Mr_Rabies2you can drag UI stuff outside of the game world, correct?
19:23.20Mr_Rabies2otherwise i wouldn't see much use in it
19:23.23Mr_Rabies2ah okay
19:26.14Cideweazer: would you like an Ace2 version of what CT_Viewport does?
19:28.01weazerI found out now, skinner could do it.
19:28.15Cideis that what you want?
19:28.20Cidean Ace2 version of what CT_Viewport does?
19:28.30Cidea yes or no will do!
19:28.57Mr_Rabies2i dunno why you wouldn't want to just use ct_viewport if that was what you were looking for, but i digress
19:29.04Cideschh people
19:29.15Cideyou don't know how the rules of the game
19:29.39Cideweazer: do you want an Ace2 version that does what CT_Viewport does?
19:30.04weazerWell, i want to change the color of these frames and i guess Skinner can do that.
19:30.35Cidemay I ask, why do you want an Ace2 addon specifically?
19:30.53weazerI dont want a ace2 addon, i know its a ace2 addon
19:31.17Cideok, good!
19:32.17Cidenext time, however
19:32.24Ciderephrase that question or I'll shoot you, not gonna lie
19:32.49TC-Working~shoot Cide
19:33.05purlACTION shoots Cide in the foot with a phase pistol!
19:33.08weazerWell that was comfordable to know, how come?
19:34.07ShadowedPeople like to ask for Ace2 versions of non-Ace mods just because they think Ace makes it better
19:34.10Mr_Rabies2cide's a cop on the edge with a hair trigger
19:34.17Cidebecause ace2 is a framework and nothing more
19:34.36cogwheel|workHey... Anyone have an MFC version of WoW?
19:35.06Cideit's like looking for houses but only accepting those with concrete ceilings
19:35.09Mr_Rabies2too many cop dramas
19:35.16weazerOh well, shoot yourself if i state a question like that again.
19:35.30TC-Workingheh, should have asked for an ace2 version of WoW...then see what Cide did
19:35.43CideI hear the default UI is aced next patch
19:36.27cogwheel|work~slap slouken
19:36.41purlACTION slaps slouken, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
19:36.50GnarfozI want a Glide version of wow :<
19:36.51Cidereported memory usage drops of up to 50%
19:36.51Mr_Rabies2that's the only explanation the sudden decrease in memory usage
19:36.51Mr_Rabies2of the sudden...*
19:36.51gnorlishace2 is being aced as well
19:36.51Mr_Rabies2oh god infinite recursion
19:36.51Mr_Rabies2brain melting
19:37.01Mr_Rabies2oh man slouken is in here :O
19:37.09Cideweazer: actually, I'll shoot you. then I'll shoot Rowne. then I'll shoot everyone in this room. then I'll go on a rampage here in sweden. and then I'll shoot myself.
19:37.11Gnarfozhmmm no? :P
19:37.19Mr_Rabies2cheese it, it's the fuzz
19:37.24GnarfozCide: start with the last step, please? :p
19:37.31Gnarfozmore efficient
19:37.38CideI could, since I'm invincible
19:37.40Mr_Rabies2yeah but not as fun
19:37.54CideI only shoot myself in the end to satisfy weazer
19:37.59Mr_Rabies2if you're gonna off yourself at least go on a crazy rampage first
19:38.16JoshBorkecide:  not #wowace?
19:38.36Cidenah, I expect most people in there know the deal
19:38.44Mr_Rabies2i mean, i like ace addons, but at the end of the day, i just care if it works or not
19:38.59Cideand in here too, but clueless idiots (if you excuse me) come in here more often
19:39.20Mr_Rabies2i may try alternatives that use different frameworks, or i may not, depending on how much i like the original
19:39.28Cideframeworks are irrelevant
19:39.40cogwheel|workhave at'em
19:39.45Cidethe standard of putting -Ace2- in the addon name is ridiculous and makes me want to kill a kitten
19:39.46Mr_Rabies2so far i've had no reason to search for alternatives for CT_Mailmod because it's delicious
19:40.00weazerAl Queda!
19:40.13Cidecogwheel|work: Server is busy, please try again
19:40.37cogwheel|workgah... it would happen right when I link soemthing...
19:40.48JoshBorke~emulate cogwheel
19:40.59purlACTION shakes its fist at the forums...
19:40.59*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
19:40.59Cideit's loading
19:41.02Mr_Rabies2he's whining about having to have CT_Core, yet, i don't think i use it
19:41.14batricki think u just like ur blue tag :D
19:41.17batrick<- myrafae
19:43.00Mr_Rabies2i'm so tempted to post "hey guys can i get an ace version of cosmos"
19:43.03Cideall CTMods are standalone
19:43.06Mr_Rabies2just to break some brains
19:43.12Cideexcept for CT_RABossMods but I don't think anyone uses that
19:43.34Mr_Rabies2boss mods was my favorite part of CT_Raid, but I don't raid anymore :x
19:43.55Cidethe new boss mods will be pretty awesome
19:44.01Cidebut I still need to hire a developer
19:44.05Mr_Rabies2i don't even know if oRA has one or not
19:44.14Mr_Rabies2i have oRA installed but i haven't used it since bc hit
19:44.51Mr_Rabies2i was having some unexplainable issues with CTRA, probably something related to its chat stuff before the addon channel was implemented, or something, i dunno
19:45.11Cidectra works fine right now as far as I know
19:45.20ShadowedCide: get the post loaded?
19:45.21Mr_Rabies2yar, this was a while ago
19:45.28CideShadowed: yep
19:45.43CideI cried, cut myself and cried some more
19:46.16Mr_Rabies2i was getting pissed, between the ATI crash in bwl and having to disable CTRA to raid (which my guild leader wouldn't allow) i decided to swap over to oRA so when he did version checks it'd respond :p
19:46.19*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
19:46.35ShadowedShould have just made it respond with "HAI2U" as version
19:46.48Cide^V ([%d.]+)$
19:46.50Cidetry again :)
19:47.03Mr_Rabies2yeah, if i wasn't useless in coding
19:47.10ShadowedYou ruin all the fun
19:47.16CideShadowed: I try :)
19:47.28Mr_Rabies2i'd just write a little addon that responded to the version checks with one version higher than his or something
19:47.53ShadowedWhat about responding with 66 as version of 13.37?
19:51.28Shadowedcouldn't do 666 if he's matching for a period
19:51.44Cideperiod is optional
19:52.53Shadowedregex is annoying
19:54.13Cideregexes are fun
19:56.12pastamancersuch is the power of regex
19:57.50Finthe regex at the end of MRE owns that beginner's sample
19:58.10ShadowedAs I said
19:58.10ShadowedRegex is evil :p
19:59.03ZiconYou're approaching it all wrong, then. Love regex, and it will love you back.
19:59.51pastamancerI can't imagine SpamAssassin without pcre
20:00.09pastamancerno way in hell would I write a parser for each SA rule
20:07.29JoshBorkeCide:  oh yea, what's up with not updating wowi? :-(
20:11.35CideJoshBorke: I only ever update the major ui sites when we put out a big release
20:11.45Cidebecause honestly
20:11.52Cidewe have our own site, and there are way too many ui sites
20:12.46JoshBorkeCide:  i understand :-)
20:12.46Cideand we make way too many updates (not right now, but that's because of CTProfiles being a mess)
20:12.47JoshBorkeCide:  i just noticed because mailmod hasn't been updated since august of last year
20:13.14CideI guess we only updated the main ctmod download
20:13.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem|AFK (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
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20:13.18CideI can't remember to be honest
20:13.26*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden^ (
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20:13.35JoshBorkeyea, that's what it looks like.  which is fine.  i just went to your site and downloaded it :-D
20:13.42Cidegood :)
20:13.54JoshBorkedropped postal for ct mail mod :-D
20:14.17JoshBorkethen i got frustrated at ct mailmod because it wouldn't attach something.
20:14.24JoshBorketurned out i was trying to mail a soulbound item and just can't read
20:14.29*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh_ (n=chatzill@
20:15.32Cidenice job :P
20:16.18Cidewtb a good way to detect conjured items
20:25.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Sole (
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20:26.19ElkanoCide, check if they still exist 20min after logout ;)
20:26.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
20:28.05cogwheel|workmy head hurts now
20:28.34JoshBorkecogwheel|work: well quit hitting it against the wall
20:29.46cogwheel|workI would, but that's the only way I can get through the tedium here at work...
20:44.16sysragei know that feeling all too well
20:47.00*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
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20:57.36cogwheel|work"Personally its not God I dislike, its his fan club I cant stand"
20:58.32cogwheel|workService unavailable...
20:58.44Kasotry that
20:59.34pastamancerisn't waffleimages SA only?
20:59.55Kasoim sure works as long as it isnt hot-linked from other sites
21:00.25Kasomaybe im worng
21:00.37*** join/#wowi-lounge amro_ (n=amro@
21:01.00Kasothere you go
21:01.21Kasoit was mildy releated to what you were talking about
21:01.27Kasoi just thought it was humorous
21:02.02cogwheel|workthe 2nd one worked for me, hence the ><
21:13.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Bam__ (
21:17.18zenzelezzwas today's US maintenance "extended" or normal?
21:18.12Cairennextended for some servers
21:18.59Mikmacan anyone tell me where can i find good tactics for second boss in Botanica?
21:19.00zenzelezzseems all Euro realms get extended maintenance today :-|
21:19.15Mikmathe damn 'druid' transforms into a tree and AoE heals people
21:19.30Mr_Rabies2tank him between the spires
21:19.36zenzelezzwhen he goes tree, run out of his LoS so the small flowers follow
21:19.43zenzelezzsemi-small ones
21:19.43Mr_Rabies2then as soon as he summons the adds drag the plants out of LoS
21:19.57EArmbrustgo behind the glass at the end of his bridge
21:19.59Mr_Rabies2kill them, then return to tanking him between the spires on the bridge
21:20.15EArmbrustiirc, this is all on wowhead/thottbot
21:20.27Mr_Rabies2wowwiki is my sole strategy site
21:21.28Mr_Rabies2before every boss "oh lemme go check out this guy"
21:21.28Mr_Rabies2then we wreck him
21:21.28Mr_Rabies2so i did the showdown quest in blades edge
21:21.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
21:21.29Mr_Rabies2freaking EPIC.
21:21.48Mr_Rabies2dunno about for horde, apparently rexxar is involved
21:21.48Mr_Rabies2but for alliance, there's dragons and stuff and it'
21:21.48Mr_Rabies2s just awesome in every way
21:21.56zenzelezzI know I saw Misha (whatever the name is) in the zone
21:22.10Eternally777It's sad when I get TV channels on my cell phone that I don't get with my home cable package...
21:22.20EArmbrustif i could get my guild to stop wanting to run strat, ubrs and brd i'd be happy.  2 manning strat is boring :(
21:22.56Mr_Rabies2why would they? shards?
21:23.13EArmbrustand strat for the reigns
21:23.28EArmbrustbrd/ubrs for ony and whatnot
21:23.37EArmbrustit went from "let's run ony for fun"
21:23.39zenzelezzpeople still do the 40-mans?
21:23.41Mr_Rabies2whatever floats your boat :O
21:23.42EArmbrustto "we must run ony"
21:23.55Mr_Rabies2i bet you could 5 man ony but have fun with deep breaths with more than 10 or so
21:24.06EArmbrustwe do 5 man ony
21:24.10Kasowith 5man you get decent gold
21:24.15EArmbrustbut even that it's boring :(
21:24.16zenzelezzshe was 5-manned before BC, wonder how low you can go now
21:24.17Gnarfozony was 3manned before BC so what :\
21:24.30Gnarfozless people makes her easier :D
21:24.35Mr_Rabies2i thought the gold was based on the amount of party members alive at time of right clicking the corpse
21:24.38zenzelezzI never managed to convince half my guild that Onyxia isn't a "he"
21:24.47Mr_Rabies2or raid
21:24.57Mr_Rabies2she's the damn "broodmother"
21:25.05Mr_Rabies2she has a giant pack of eggs
21:25.06nymbiaMr_Rabies2: nope, its static
21:25.27Mr_Rabies2she's named LADY KATRANA PRESTOR in STORMWIND
21:25.29nymbiazenzelezz: the freaking stormwind/orgrimmar yell says she's female
21:25.31Mr_Rabies2CAPITALIZING random WORDS is FUN
21:25.44EArmbrustyes IT is, DEFINITELY
21:25.57zenzelezzdon't ask me why they don't understand it, they just insist on calling her "him"
21:26.07EArmbrustyou know, we'd sound like we had tourettes if we said this shit out loud
21:26.21zenzelezznot quite
21:26.24KasoSo why do you do onyixa?
21:26.30Kasodo you also do mc and bwl? or naxx?
21:26.43EArmbrustlike i was originally for fun, but now it's gotten to be a "must"
21:26.54EArmbrustmc yes, bwl not yet...though i'm sure they'd like to
21:26.57cogwheel|workJust the word Onyxia sounds feminine... (at least in western languages...)
21:27.06zenzelezzgenerally I like BC's new instances and raids, but I dislike how tied together the attunements are
21:27.09Kasowhy though? what benifits do you get from it? money? nexuses?
21:27.25zenzelezznexuses? They're what, 5g on AH o_O
21:27.27EArmbrustread above...originally for fun
21:27.35nymbia18 slotters, yo
21:27.47Kasosurely someone must have asked your raid leader "why do we have to do this?"
21:27.49nymbianot that i didnt have full 18 slotters before BC... /shrug
21:28.01zenzelezzgetting 18-slotters is easy as sin now
21:28.04EArmbrustit's not a requirement
21:28.08nymbiasaves netherweave
21:28.08zenzelezzNetherweave Cloth drops everywhere
21:28.10nymbia... lol
21:28.22nymbiayeah it's a stretch
21:28.25zenzelezzI made 15 bags just to get rid of it
21:28.32Kaso"but now it's gotten to be a "must"" - sounds like a requiremet?
21:28.33clad|worki need priest build help, again
21:28.38zenzelezzand still had 240 heavy bandages
21:28.45Kasofor what clad?
21:28.55EArmbrustkaso: as in general concensus of quite a few people
21:29.01cladhairetrying to put together a PVE healing/lolsmite build.
21:29.08*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|work (
21:29.18Kasowhat level of healing? heroics kara?
21:30.16zenzelezzI thought you just stood beside people and Vampiric Embraced
21:30.21cladhairewhy imp pws?
21:30.40Kasocos i needed to spend points somewhere
21:30.40cladhaireah spend em in holy
21:30.42Kasoneeded to get to PI though
21:30.47Kasoor at least force of will
21:30.49cladhairei know
21:30.55cladhairewhy imp wand over silent resolve
21:31.02cladhaireseems the jury is still out on that one
21:31.12cladhairei mean unbreakable will
21:32.11Kasotheyre both pretty mehish imo either is as bad as the other :>
21:32.11Kasoi guess if you wanted more heal power, loose PI and mental strength and take Spiritual healing and maybe SoR
21:32.11cladhairei see what you did
21:32.28cladhaireSoR is nice for the spirit
21:32.28KasoAlso i guess Surge of Light aint so good come 2.1
21:32.37cladhairewhy not?
21:32.40cladhaireits still good
21:32.43Kasocant crit any more
21:32.49cladhaireand i'd be dead in the water solo-wise without it.
21:33.21Shirikthey really need to fix healing anyway >.>
21:33.57ShirikI find it wrong that priests are no longer at all used in raids for healing
21:34.05Shirikimho, priests should be the #1 preferred healer
21:34.07Cidethey just need to give all heals cooldowns
21:34.22Cideyes, I'm serious too
21:34.30Shirikthat would be.... interesting
21:34.38zenzelezzI've not seen (m)any guilds ditch priests
21:34.39KasoHello Full Heal Rotations?
21:34.39nevcairielif they give all those dmg abilitys cooldowns as well
21:34.49Shirikzenzelezz: Oh, they haven't ditched them
21:34.49CideKaso: no, not full heals
21:34.58Shirikbut almost all raids now use shadow priests instead of holy ones
21:35.01gnorlishwe rocked gruul last night with 0 holy priests, our hateful tank had enough hp to withstand 12 grows
21:35.03Cidetake our current spells and put them on 10 sec cooldowns
21:35.07gnorlishso we stacked shadow priests and pallies
21:35.15Shirikthat's exactly what everyone does
21:35.17Shirikpallies are the new main healer
21:35.19gnorlishit was gross
21:35.23Shirikwith shadow priests to back them up
21:35.27Cidewe have ~6 priests, 0 shadow priests
21:35.31cladhaiream i gimped without PI?
21:35.37KasoNot hugely
21:35.40zenzelezz<Kaso> Hello Full Heal Rotations? <-- omg, Mercenaries raid! "<doctor1>: COMPLETE HEAL ON <tank> <doctor2> IS NEXT" good old Anarchy Online "raids"
21:35.41Cidewe do gruul up to grow ~16-18
21:35.44Shirikwell Cide, no offense, but that is very out-of-the-norm
21:35.49CideI know
21:35.56JoshBorkecladhaire: no, PI is way too situational
21:35.56Cidewe're about to change it
21:36.10Cidebut priests are useful for kazzak and doomwalker!
21:36.21Shirikon the other hand
21:36.22Gnarfozshadow priests backing up healdins is over with 2.1 anyway
21:36.26ShirikI love that I don't need to use aspect of the viper lol
21:36.34ShirikI don't run out of mana at all even in aspect of the hawk
21:36.39JoshBorkeGnarfoz: not really.  VT will still help paladin mana efficiency
21:36.42Shirikhuge numbers ftw
21:37.01KasoPaladins will just all use Blessing of Sacrifice on tanks :>
21:37.04*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
21:37.06ShirikNow I'm not saying shadow priests should disappear
21:37.13ShirikActually, I think it's awesome that they now have a purpose in raids
21:37.23ShirikBut I would like to see holy priests come back too
21:38.02cladhaireCide: Unbreakable will or imp wand
21:38.29Cidefor healing? UW
21:38.39Guillotineomg! I won WoWI's daily prize! I feel so special
21:38.48Shirikwhat's wowi's daily prize?
21:38.50Shiriknight with Cairenn?
21:39.06Guillotineno idea. but a flashing banner on the side of the page said I won it, so I must have
21:39.11cladhaireOkay, how bad is this
21:39.12gnorlishresisting stuns and fears vs heroic trash gets priests gibbed
21:39.27Cairenngod I hate those damn things ><
21:39.38Cidecladhaire: what're you aiming for?
21:39.45Guillotineyou have to wonder if anyone actually falls for them anymore o.O I mean, they're on like every site
21:39.52cladhaireraid healing, with _some_ soloability
21:40.08cladhairewhen i was down to imp ds + holy without lolsmite, i could kill three mobs, and i needed to drink
21:40.17cladhairei'd like to extend that JUST a bit withotu sacrificing too much healing
21:40.24Guillotineclad: drop 1 spiritual guidance for spirit of redemption
21:40.33Guillotineit gives about the same utility since it increases your spirit by 5% now
21:40.33cladhairei have a point to spend
21:40.36Kasotheres 1 point free on that built
21:40.38cladhairethat's why i waited :P
21:40.41Guillotineoh, right. didn't notice
21:40.51cladhaireis it silly to go that deep without atking PI?
21:40.57cladhaireits just the extra 3 in mental strength
21:41.01cladhairei'm not a fan of + max mana
21:41.06cladhairesince it only help at the beginning of the  fight
21:41.11Cideget SoR over PI
21:41.33cladhairewell PI would take 4 more points
21:41.36cladhaireSoR only takes 1
21:41.39cladhaireso i'm sold :P
21:41.39CideI'd drop Force of Will for spiritual healing myself
21:41.55cladhairei mean I can see why
21:42.05Cidewell, depends on how much of raid healing you're gonna do
21:42.14cladhaireGruul, probably not main healing, but I'll be going
21:42.18cladhairethat level
21:42.41Cideif you're gonna solo, consider getting martyrdom and drop one point from silent resolve and the point in absolution
21:42.44AnduinLotharwe had a 3 pally, 2 priest grp last night on gruul, one was shadow. it was hax
21:43.00Cidecladhaire: you probably don't need spiritual healing then
21:43.11AnduinLothari never went bellow 80% mana continually catsing heals
21:43.13Cideat that point it's more a question of what you want to be better at
21:43.17CideAnduinLothar: you're a paladin
21:43.19cladhaireat what level would I need it?
21:43.35cladhaireif we're talking SSC, then I'd respec holy if we got to that point :P
21:43.36Cide1) paladins don't run out of mana, 2) shadow priests + paladins are overpowered atm :P
21:43.38Guillotineclad: I'd also take imp shield over mental agility. What instant spells will you be using besides shield?
21:43.49AnduinLotharyes, but pally with 100mp5 + shadow priest + wisdom = hax
21:43.49CideSSC and possibly magtheridon, yeah
21:44.11Cideanything below that is a joke to heal tbh
21:44.14KasoI wonder if i am the only shadow priest who's annoyed at blizard for backing out on the FSW nerf
21:44.25AnduinLotharesp since the shadow priest was fuelign 4 healers
21:44.54cladhaireCide: So you'd say something like this:
21:45.11GuillotineI still don't see why you're taking mental agility
21:45.18Cideactually, I'd get healing prayers too, maybe drop 2 points of healing guidance
21:45.34Cides/healing gui/spiritual gui/
21:46.02cladhairewhat about this:
21:46.19cladhaireGuillotine: where else would i dump the points?
21:46.21Cide <-- my build (very pvp-oriented)
21:46.35cladhairehaha i see this
21:47.05Guillotinecladhaire: I'd go imp shield. Shield is really the only instant you'll be using alot. Better to improve the strength by 15% for 3 points than decrease mana cost by 10% for 5 points
21:47.11Guillotinerenew too, but thats already extremely mana efficient
21:47.30Cidecladhaire: you're probably better off grabbing the 2 points from spiritual guidance than force of will
21:47.32KasoIm a big fan of imp shield, but it has alot of haters
21:47.33CideGuillotine: that argument doesn't make sense
21:47.42Cide10% is 10%
21:47.57Cidethe fact that it's mana efficient doesn't make it any less "more mana efficient"
21:48.18Shirikanyone want to look at something for me?
21:49.02Guillotinesuppose renew costs 200 points. Thats only taking off 20 mana. If it wern't mana efficient (like shield. say it costs 800), it would be taking off 80 mana
21:49.02Kasodepends what it is Shirik
21:49.02Cideover a fight where you run out of mana, mental agility increases the power of ALL instants by 10%
21:49.03Guillotinebecause most of your heals are not affected by that, it allows for far less heals to be cast
21:49.16*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|sleep (n=jnwhiteh@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
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21:49.28CideGuillotine: it means you can cast ~10% more renews and ~10% more shields
21:49.30Shirikwb clad|sleep
21:49.44Cideas well as ~10% more PoM's, ~10% more CoH's if you go that route
21:49.59cladhairewhat was the last build I linked?
21:49.59Guillotinethats right, I forgot about the new spells. still havn't leveled my priest past 61
21:50.12cladhairethx.. hate crashing
21:50.18cladhairewas in group for arca too
21:50.21cladhairehope it didn't break up
21:51.06CideI'd suggest something like
21:51.51Cidehmm, well, if you're soling a lot, imp wands might be a better choice
21:51.57cladhairenot a lot, but enough
21:52.08cladhairetho unbreakable will is nice for gruul
21:52.21Cidehardly a requirement though
21:52.48Cideit's not useful in any other fight at the level you're focusing
21:52.53Cidenightbane fears but you'll be out of range
21:52.59ShirikKaso/anyone else who wants to help: I'm getting \RDXM_BattleRecorder\RDXM_BattleRecorder.lua:29: attempt to call global '_LogEvent' (a nil value)
21:53.01cladhairethis'll help :P
21:53.02Shirik(29 is 6 in that pastey)
21:53.23CideShirik: it's defined as a local below it
21:53.41Shiriknot sure why that would matter?
21:53.45ShirikI thought about that
21:53.49Shirikbut shouldn't it be accessible?
21:54.09Cide>>> local function foo() print(a) end; local a = 123; foo()
21:54.09CideCide: nil
21:54.24Cide>>> local a = 123; local function foo() print(a) end; foo()
21:54.24CideCide: 123
21:54.39zenzelezzcompilers read top to bottom, just like you do
21:54.56Shirikyeah I just thought it would figure out what _LogEvent is during the call to _CaptureEvent
21:55.06Cidenot if the local is defined below it
21:55.07Shirikok, thanks
21:55.30cladhaireCide: Thanks, I think i'll roll with this.
21:55.38Cidecladhaire: you're welcome
21:59.03cladhaireDivine Spirit should be trainable
22:01.20Cidemaybe more people would take lightwell and CoH then
22:01.29Cidebut they're both a joke
22:01.36cladhaireyes they are
22:01.38Cideso probably not
22:02.23JoshBorkecladhaire: if you take lightwell i will hate you forever
22:02.27cladhairei didn't
22:02.29cladhairei said lolsmite
22:02.30cladhairenot lolwell
22:02.44JoshBorkeand i'll have to lvl a hordeling just to gank you
22:03.08Mr_Rabies2i've always been tempted to try a smite build
22:03.13Mr_Rabies2but then i remember how awesome mind flay is
22:03.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
22:03.21JoshBorkeit's not bad, just no endurance
22:04.54cladhaireJoshBorke: better than trying to kill things without surge of light, or any crit talents :P
22:05.50KasoSmite build actually isnt that far off shadow for solo grinding
22:05.50cladhairedoes Mystic Spellthread work on healing too
22:05.54cladhaireit says just damage specifically
22:06.02JoshBorkeyes clad
22:06.06KasoI leveled a good chunk of beta as smitebuild
22:06.09cladhairethen its not that big of a diff
22:06.10Kasoi must say i enjoyed it
22:06.23JoshBorkei lvl'd to 70 as smite build
22:06.29JoshBorkebut i didn't have SoL
22:06.39KasoHow can you have smite build without SoL?!
22:06.42cladhaireyou're a gimp irl tho
22:06.48cladhaireso i dont' doubt it
22:06.54KasoSoL is the seminal smite talent
22:07.13JoshBorkei went heavy disc
22:07.27JoshBorkei didn't know what i was doing, so i built my own spec
22:07.28cladhaireooh i can make my [Primal Mooncloth Belt] tonight
22:09.19JoshBorke   is something like what i lvl'd with
22:09.20KasoI had reflective shield for about 1hour
22:09.20Kasothen went and respecced
22:09.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
22:09.21JoshBorkeyea, worthless talent
22:09.23JoshBorkeshield as a spell is worthless
22:09.27ThraeAs a Druid, I was Balance for about 1 hour. Then I went back to Feral.
22:09.35ThraeI liked being able to heal -sometimes- =/
22:09.56zenzelezzfor not-very-present grinding, PWS (reflective in the end) + SWP + wand did me 1-57
22:09.57KarlThePaganhave Addon interface numbers (i.e. 20100 etc) always been only numbers?
22:10.01cladhairei healed better feral than anyone i met who was balance
22:10.06cladhaireKarlThePagan: yes
22:10.07JoshBorkeKarlThePagan: yes
22:10.17ThraeKarlThePagan: No one has answered your question yet, so I will -- yes
22:10.30cladhaireKarlThePagan: yes they were.
22:10.36ThraeKarlThePagan: Internally, they use 0.xxxx to represent beta and PTR builds
22:10.36JoshBorkepoor thrae can't read
22:10.37Kasoback in the old days they used to be   build numbers, but then they changed to patch numbers on release
22:10.45ThraeJoshBorke: WhoMod reads for me
22:10.53ThraeIf I make a typo, fix WhoMod!
22:11.05zenzelezzand then changed again so you could actually tell WoW "1.10, k?"
22:11.06KarlThePaganah just interface numbers, not build numbers ;)
22:11.48ThraeKarlThePagan: Nope, that's never open to the public. I'm sure they have an internal build number for each patch they do on PTR, etc.
22:12.07KarlThePaganand funny tagged builds and such
22:12.31ThraeIf we searched through the files, we could probably find the string...dunno why you'd want it
22:13.03KarlThePagandon't need it, just the interface number
22:13.20ThraeKarlThePagan: There's a function to retreive the current interface #
22:13.44KarlThePaganan even better precident - but this is for addon updating not a lua project ;)
22:13.59Mike-N-GoJoshBorke: What talent is of less worth?
22:15.13JoshBorkeMike-N-Go: reflective shield
22:16.36JoshBorkeseriously.  imp shield and reflective shield are both worthless
22:17.34JoshBorkemy shield absorbs about 1565 damage
22:17.47JoshBorke>>> 1565*1.15
22:17.48CideJoshBorke: 1799.75
22:18.02JoshBorke>>> 1799.75 * 0.5
22:18.02CideJoshBorke: 899.875
22:18.16JoshBorke899.875 damage for 600 mana
22:18.24JoshBorke1800 healing for 600 mana
22:18.35Cidesounds like holy nova
22:18.43JoshBorkeflash heal is 470 mana and avg's for 1700 with my +heal
22:18.53JoshBorkeless mana, chance to crit, same heal
22:19.26JoshBorkePoM is HALF the mana, heals for AT LEAST the amount absorbed by shield
22:20.31JoshBorkein short, shield sucks
22:20.46Cideit has its uses
22:20.54Cidebut dealing damage is not one of them
22:20.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
22:21.18JoshBorkeyea, i use shield while grinding because it's disc and not holy =D
22:21.46JoshBorkeoops, i've been grinding with my fishing pole
22:22.05ThraeFishing Pole w/ Crusader FTW!
22:24.07ShirikTo whomever was telling me CombatLogDistanceRadius no longer works yesterday, right now I have it set to 3000 and I'm getting messages from some warlock and I can't see him anywhere, so I'm guessing it does still work
22:24.15Shirik(and yes, 3000 is overkill, deal with it :P)
22:24.46JoshBorkecladhaire: you remember the pants i told you about?  the pants of the naaru?
22:26.36JoshBorkedid you look at the quest line for them?
22:26.53JoshBorkei forgot that they involved the cipher of damnation questline
22:26.58cladhaireyeah i know
22:27.01cladhaireneed to get it done anyway
22:27.06Mike-N-GoYour all talking about effecintcy, what about max surviably, like in PvP, bursts and run your many dry because you may die soon anyways.
22:27.24JoshBorkeMike-N-Go: if you are focused down, nothing is going to save you
22:27.29JoshBorkeobviously i'm talking in general terms
22:27.40JoshBorkebut really, 150 extra absorbtion for 3 talent points?
22:27.47cladhairesurge of light.. mmm..
22:27.50cladhairespeciallyw hen it works like this
22:27.55JoshBorkeie bugged?
22:28.02cladhaireyep :P
22:28.16JoshBorkehow does this build look?
22:28.20JoshBorkei mostly do 5mans
22:28.38TC-Workingporn industry huh?
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22:32.07cladhairewow.. sick crazy server lag right now
22:34.22IndustrialCab undead ride chocobo mounts?
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23:50.34IndustrialAnyone here using without a ginormous collection that ill never encompass within 8 hours?
23:51.24Industrial"It was a speedhack"
23:53.22Industrialbesides theres no manual +speed buff/spell that doesnt give you a trail right
23:57.13Corrodiaslooks like our big warrior and myself are tanking in karazhan tonight
23:57.51Corrodiaschuckg: poor confused user
23:58.03Corrodiashe doesn't understand that "did it look like blink?" is not the same as "do you think it was blink?"
23:58.03chuckgPlease help me find the light.
23:58.19chuckgIf you say so.
23:58.22chuckgHe never asked that question.
23:58.25chuckgNeither before nor after.
23:58.44purlmooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass, or and
23:58.44Corrodias"are you familiar with the ability blink? did it look like that?"
23:58.57chuckgIf he wanted to ask that question.
23:59.00chuckgPerhaps he should have typed that out.
23:59.11Corrodiasi just transcribed exactly what he asked
23:59.16Corrodiasexcept i put it on one line instead of two
23:59.17chuckgThe ambiguousness of his statement just opened a door for me to demolish him.
23:59.24chuckgSo I did.
23:59.26chuckgAnd it was fun.

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