IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070427

00:00.56raevanmorlockAnd if there's no other addons?
00:01.25ThraeIf you have 1 addon and are not using a library, then it's probably your fault, sorry to say
00:01.42ThraeLibrary = Ace, Cosmos, Dongle, etc.
00:01.44Davey2how am i able to get the index for the queue i was in which enabled me to join the BGs
00:01.57ThraeDavey2: see if works for you
00:01.59Davey2from what i see it's all "the last queue you viewed"
00:02.13Davey2if i have 3 queues, the last queue i viewed would be #3
00:02.16raevanmorlockI've made hooks before and I'm doing the same stuff now as last time
00:02.28Davey2so if i joined BG queue #1 then it would be void surely
00:02.46Davey2which would mean my addon would not function properly - which it isn't
00:03.23Davey2and FYI Thrae wowwiki isn't really working for me right now - no
00:03.28ThraeDavey2: You can index over what queues are available from the Battlegrounds, but I'm not sure when that's updated. It may only be updated when you are viewing the Battlemaster's frame.
00:03.38Davey2cos i would know where to look for it. lol
00:03.45Davey2but i don't
00:04.12ThraeWho here can access
00:04.19Davey2i can access it
00:04.22ThraeOh wait, I can
00:04.32Davey2but i cannot find what i need.
00:04.38Davey2its like spaghetti junction
00:05.23ThraeDavey2: Main Page -> World of Warcraft API (under Interface Customization) -> Battlefield Functions (on right)
00:05.33Davey2yup. thats the easy bit.
00:05.42ThraeI don't see a problem with its design, seems pretty logical to me.
00:06.12Davey2then-on its just heaps of confusion to me.. which is why i am asking here
00:07.12Davey2GetBattlefieldInfo would be the most logical API function
00:07.27Davey2but that - i don't think - is going to work 100% of the time
00:07.33ThraeDavey2: takes an index as well as GetBattlefieldInfo
00:07.50Davey2yes and i need the index
00:08.01Davey2from whichever battle ground i had joined and won or lost
00:08.21Davey2at the moment my script is just "guessing" from the queuing system
00:08.38Davey2and as you can imagine, when im recording stats from a guess - its not going to function properly
00:08.44ThraeDavey2: Did you look at that page?
00:09.20Davey2thats what i've used in the script to get the map name of the BG.
00:10.14Davey2so what is the 'instanceID' is that the index? or are they 2 different things?
00:10.28Davey2because am currently not using that
00:10.47ThraeDavey2: InstanceID is not the index, no, it's a unique number for each instance and is not used as an index
00:11.21Davey2well i used that function - and it did not work for me. not in the way i have used it anyhow
00:11.22ThraeDavey2: You just SAID you needed an index, and there is code on THAT page which shows you how to iterate over all the battlefields you can get information on
00:12.32ThraeTo my knowledge, you cannot get information on instances you are not directly queue'd for. "First Available" just waits for the server to tell the WoW client that a battlefield is ready.
00:12.46AnduinLotharheh, gold advertising using primitive email spam tactics to avoid filtering: "1000 G per $ 89.98"
00:13.29ThraeAnduinLothar: Email or in-game mail? They must think people have really poor regex :D
00:13.32Davey2would be so much easier if there was a function to get the map name for the BG you just finished
00:13.49Davey2without having to go through looping and other functions to get there
00:14.05ThraeBah, Lua regex is way powerful enough to filter that
00:14.10Legoroldoes anyone know a vendor in lower city that sells armor?
00:14.14ThraeAny filter that doesn't catch that sucks.
00:14.18Legoroli need a random shoulder piece to experiment with
00:14.19zenzelezzLegorol: for repairing?
00:14.23Legorolfor buying
00:14.30zenzelezzhm... not sure about that
00:14.44JoshBorkequartermaster has armor
00:14.50Legorolthese vendor-sold items do come in handy sometimes :D
00:15.03LegorolJoshBorke: but likely expensive ones and not necessarily a shoulder
00:15.07Legoroli just need a generic shoulder
00:15.20AnduinLotharthose aren't common
00:15.42AnduinLotharsearch thottbot for armor vendor and filter by city
00:15.50ThraeDavey2: Why not just register for PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD and save the name of the instance, if it's a battlefield? There's also an event associated with the end (win or loss) of a battlefield game.
00:16.31Davey2yeah i registered and listened for the event
00:16.37Davey2for winning a battlefield
00:16.40ThraeBTW, is it officially called "Battlefield" or "Battlegrounds" by anyone? I usually call them "Battlegrounds" from their origin within DAoC
00:17.09AnduinLotharofiicially in what context..
00:17.34Guillotinealright, I havn't done it forever and I'm completely blanking out. How do you show something in the little error frame thing (the one where you see "Not Enough Energy", ect.)
00:17.41Davey2in the game they use the context Battleground
00:17.50ThraeAnduinLothar: Well the API has them as "Battlefields", but I've only heard them called that from the API
00:17.59ThraeEverywhere else is "Battlegrounds"
00:18.02AnduinLotharoh man.. i so need a replacement sound file for that that says "Not enough vespine gas."
00:18.54ThraeDavey2: UPDATE_BATTLEFIELD_STATUS is the correct event to watch for
00:18.55Davey2as far as im aware Thrae i was doing it okay. but past my line if ( status == "active" ) then
00:19.19Davey2it was not functioning with the BG wins/losses correct
00:19.40zenzelezzGuillotine: isn't it a frame, uierrorframe or something?
00:19.46Guillotinesomething like that
00:19.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Starzard (
00:20.04Davey2guessing i could use something like
00:20.06Guillotinebut I forgot the exact thing and capitalization
00:20.07Davey2for i=1, MAX_BATTLEFIELD_QUEUES do
00:20.14Davey2status, mapName = GetBattlefieldStatus(i);
00:20.20Guillotinesomething like UIErrorsFrame or something
00:20.30Davey2if ( status == "active" ) then
00:20.44Davey2if ( mapName == WSG ) then... name = "Warsong Gulch"
00:20.53zenzelezzGuillotine: seems to be correct as you spelled it
00:21.00Davey2cant be assured that will work- and i've no way of testing it tonight. damn euro realms
00:21.15ThraeDavey2: That is exactly what you are SUPPOSE to do, and what I told you from a long time ago...
00:21.59ThraeDavey2: GetBattlefieldStatus returns the LOCALIZED name as its 2nd return
00:23.21ThraeDavey2: If you want a non-localized name, you'll probably need to save the zone name from PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD (fired on entering every instance)
00:23.35Davey2i may have got it now, thanks
00:23.45Davey2but cant test it
00:24.00Davey2a BG opened :D
00:32.10*** join/#wowi-lounge trik (
00:43.10Davey2now i have an entirely new problem
00:43.56Davey2its doubling stats
00:44.11Davey2games lost went from 2 to 4
00:44.50Davey2and overall BG healing is 10982
00:45.00Davey2when WSG healing is 7123
00:45.08Davey2but i haven't played anything other than WSG
00:45.29zenzelezzwhat you're doing now is asking for psychic debugging
00:45.40zenzelezzyou're telling us a problem and not giving any info to help solve it
00:45.44Davey2i just find it weird lol
00:46.00Davey2well i mean even if i did - lol
00:46.03Davey2but okay
00:47.46Davey2i will try something with the inconsistent healing data, but i cannot figure out the duplicate Loss bug
00:48.59Davey2btw why does my character saved variables file look like this?
00:49.14Davey2some follow this syntax
00:49.14Davey24080, -- [19]
00:49.23Davey2some this
00:49.25Davey2[33] = 0,
00:49.44Shirikit depends on how the table is set up
00:51.08Davey2only the bottom 2 seem to be like that. 33 and 34
00:51.08Shirikdid you skip anything to reach them?
00:51.08Shiriklike a = {1,2,3,4, [33] = 5, [34] = 6}
00:51.21Shirik>>> {1,2,3,4, [33] = 5, [34] = 6}
00:51.22CideShirik: { 1, 2, 3, 4, [33] = 5, [34] = 6 } (#1)
00:51.36Shiriksuch is required for a table like that
00:51.37Davey2i had to use setmetatable() to create it
00:51.46Shirik>>> #{1,2,3,4,[33]=5,[34]=6}
00:51.46CideShirik: 4
00:52.13Davey2the nature of the script  i had to populate the thing first before i could add values to it
00:52.34ShirikYes, 4
00:52.34Legorolyes 4
00:52.35Davey2im not sure if the metatable was set wrong as i didn't know how to do it
00:52.46LegorolDavey2: that most likely has nothing to do with it
00:52.51ShirikDavey2, that has nothing to do with how the table is saved
00:53.02Legorolwhat people are tring to say is that if you have "gaps" in the table, the saved table will have entries like [x] = y
00:53.07raevanmorlockWere you guys just waitin for someone to ask that?
00:53.23ShirikI was :P
00:53.25raevanmorlockWas an awfully quick response
00:53.33Legorollol and i still beat Shiri
00:53.40Shirik20:52:39 ‹Shirik› Yes, 4
00:53.40Shirik20:52:40 ‹Legorol› yes 4
00:53.44raevanmorlockShirik beat you on my screen
00:53.54Legorol[01:52] <Legorol> yes 4
00:53.54Legorol[01:52] <Shirik> Yes, 4
00:54.01zenzelezzShirik was first here too
00:54.01Davey2does the table being like that affect anything?
00:54.06ShirikI win :D
00:54.07Davey2or the saved vars
00:54.09raevanmorlock(17:52:32) Shirik: Yes, 4
00:54.09raevanmorlock(17:52:32) Legorol: yes 4
00:54.14zenzelezzyou were probably first on yours because your client adds it before sending to the server
00:54.17Shirik~comfort Legorol
00:54.18purlThere, there, Legorol.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
00:54.19raevanmorlockIt was awfully close
00:54.32Legoroli blame it on lag!
00:54.45raevanmorlockYour lag =P
00:54.48Legoroli typed it first but it didnt' get to the server fast enough
00:54.49Legorolyes my lag
00:54.53ShirikSo like
00:54.59ShirikWe're in BWL right now
00:55.00ckknight>>> #
00:55.00Cideckknight: [string "#"]:1: unexpected symbol near '#'
00:55.09ckknight>>> #{[1]=1,[2]=2}
00:55.09Cideckknight: 2
00:55.25ckknight>>> #{[1]=1,[2]=2,[3]=3,[4]=4,[5]=5,[7]=7}
00:55.25Cideckknight: 5
00:55.35ckknightoh well, works form e
00:55.41ckknightthat's what I expected
00:55.41TC-Workingyou forgot 6 btw
00:55.43Shirikthat's the way it's supposed to work
00:55.44Legorolthat 5 is not guaranteed though
00:55.46Legorolit could also be 7
00:55.48ckknighton purpose, TC-Working
00:55.56TC-Workingpoor poor lonely 6
00:56.11Legorolif you rely on it being 5 for that case, you can burn yourself, the return value is undefined by the language standard
00:56.15Legorolit could be 5 or 7
00:56.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Bam_DK (
00:56.40Shirik>>> a={[1]=1,[2]=2,[3]=3,[4]=4,[5]=5,[7]=7}; print #a; a[6]=6; print #a
00:56.40CideShirik: [string "a={[1]=1,[2]=2,[3]=3,[4]=4,[5]=5,[7]=7}; print #a; a[6]=6; prin..."]:1: '=' expected near '#'
00:56.48Shirik>>> a={[1]=1,[2]=2,[3]=3,[4]=4,[5]=5,[7]=7}; print(#a); a[6]=6; print(#a)
00:56.48CideShirik: 5,  7
00:56.54Davey2so did anyone find any reason it might be duplicating?
00:57.08ShirikDavey2: You really haven't given us any information :/
00:57.10Legorol>>> a={1,2,3,4,5,6,7} print(#a) a[6]=nil print(#a)
00:57.11CideLegorol: 7,  7
00:57.21Shirikcorrection, I just never saw it
00:57.41TC-Working~correct Shirik
00:57.43Davey2am trying but battlegrounds are rarer than scarce dude
00:57.49Shirik>>> a={1,2,3,4,5,6,7} print(#a) table.remove(a, 6); print(#a)
00:57.49CideShirik: 7,  6
00:57.49TC-Workingpurl fails
00:57.51purlI fail?  I FAIL?  NO, YOU FAIL!!!
00:57.55Davey2so its time limited
00:58.05Davey2i cant give you what i dont exactly have :)
00:58.10*** part/#wowi-lounge Bam_DK (
00:58.13Davey2but - i am trying
00:58.13TC-Workinghmm...i do belive ourl is correct
00:59.10TC-Workinghome time, laters all
00:59.40Legoroldamn, no armor merchant
00:59.43ShadowedDavey2: What are you trying to do again?
00:59.45Legoroldoes anyone know an armor merchant in IF?
00:59.59zenzelezzmilitary ward
01:00.03ShadowedTo the left of bank
01:00.05zenzelezzbut not sure if they have shoulders
01:00.28ShadowedShoulders are like a level 20 item, so most vendors wont sell them
01:00.45Davey2what do you mean Shadowed
01:00.53ShadowedWhat are you trying to do in battlegrounds
01:01.06Davey2win :P
01:01.09Davey2lol j/k
01:01.15Davey2alliance will never win.
01:01.21Davey2stat recording..
01:03.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:07.04Legorolzenzelezz: they sell everything but shoulders *cry*
01:07.25ShadowedLegorol: What level is your character?
01:07.42zenzelezzyou'll have better luck finding shoulders on the AH, if my vendor search on Thottbot was correct
01:07.48Shadoweddamn you zenze
01:07.52Shadowedbeat me too it
01:07.54Legorolthis is PTR
01:08.00Legorolnada on AH, but worth checking i guess
01:08.03ShadowedTransfer some shoulders over?
01:08.03zenzelezzgo pwn SFK
01:08.09zenzelezzdoesn't that wolf always drop shoulders
01:08.13Shadowedno he always drops cloak
01:08.30zenzelezzthought something in there dropped shoulders anyhow
01:09.15Legorolwow, i am lucky!
01:09.33Legorolthere are less tahn 50 items on the AH, and one of them is Forest Leather Mantle
01:09.37Legorollvl 20 shoulders
01:09.53Shadowedonly 5000g?
01:10.07Legorolbut even 5kg would be affordable
01:10.20Legoroli have copied all my money multiple times so that money would be no objection for any test
01:10.35Davey2anyone here have US realmlist?
01:11.07Davey2lol private server Legorol?
01:11.31zenzelezz<Legorol> this is PTR
01:11.35ShadowedWhat are you testing anyway
01:11.53ShadowedPublic Test Realm
01:11.56LegorolPrivate Test Realm
01:11.59Legorolshhh Shadowed
01:12.02Legorolwould've been so much fun
01:12.08zenzelezzProtected Test Realm
01:12.11ShadowedYou should have typed 3 seconds faster then
01:12.21Legorolbut Private is longer than Public :(
01:12.40Shadowed1 character does not take 3 seconds to type!
01:12.46Legorolbah, nitpicking
01:21.51Legorolneato. I have a Studded Hat, lvl 32 with 81 Ar, enchanted with Glyph of Defender.
01:21.59Legorolgogo enchanted whites
01:49.27GarounAnyone know if a wow 2.0 mod exists that acts like Align to help people with a grid and stuff, or does align still work?
01:51.44AnduinLotharhelp people do what
01:52.01Garounalign put a grid on the screen that snapped elements to it
01:52.19Garounto the best of my knowledge nothing like that exists right now
01:52.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
01:52.36AnduinLotharbest I've seeing is clad's StickyFrames lib
01:52.37Garounit's for those people that have to have everything perfect, me not being one of them :P
01:52.55AnduinLotharwhihc is a lib and not for general consumption
01:53.05Garounyeah, that's what I figured
01:56.09cladhairedamn libraries imo
01:56.49ckknightthings'd be easier if we didn't need libraries
01:57.06ckknightbut imho, Blizzard doesn't provide enough for that to be possible
01:57.24cladhairenot sure i understand that, but okay
01:57.29cladhairenothing's really that difficult or obscure
01:57.39cladhairenothing really does require a library, at all
01:57.50ckknightbucketed events would be nice to have in WoW proper
01:57.57cladhairewhy, they're a hack
01:57.59ckknighteasy comm serialization and deserialization
01:58.04cladhaireand more often than not, unnecessary
01:58.14cladhaireyou can't write a general serailization routine
01:58.15cladhairethat's why its not done
01:58.35ckknightI did, seems to work well enough
01:58.44cladhaireif used properly, yes
01:58.52cladhairethe point is, the person writing the addon knows their case much better
01:58.58cladhaireand using a general library can make things worse
01:59.17ckknightcode reuse isn't a good thing for you?
01:59.23cladhairewe're not talking abotu code reuse
01:59.24cladhaireor libraries
01:59.25ckknightor having some kind of standardization?
01:59.29cladhaireyou're talking about the failings in the blizzard system
01:59.31cladhairewhich i'm failing to see.
02:00.21ckknightif Blizzard's system were easy enough to use without libraries and with the same ease and power as I have now, I'd use that instead of working on Ace
02:00.31cladhaireit is, actually
02:00.40cladhairebut code reuse is nice
02:00.59AnduinLotharwhy are you guys talkign about this..
02:01.17raevanmorlockshhhh I'm listening!
02:01.28cladhaireckknight: things'd be easier if we didn't need libraries, but imho, Blizzard doesn't provide enough for that to be possible
02:01.42cladhaireI happen to disagree so we were discussing
02:01.48ckknightright, that's what I'm saying
02:02.22ckknightI'd rather have a system where Blizz actually did provide everything I need
02:02.32cladhairethey can't, and if you can't see that then I can't help you
02:02.39cladhaireThey could provide something, but it would still be lacking, for you, in some fashion
02:02.41ckknightI don't see why they can't
02:02.50ckknightand then if it's lacking, they can update in the next patch
02:03.01KarrionIf they provided everything you need, we wouldn't need mods in the first place...
02:03.09cladhaireno offense, but a project like WoW can't handle the development cycle like you're proposing, or the one you use.
02:03.11cladhaireplain and simple.
02:03.22cladhaireand i mean that with the kindest hearts and smiley-grasms.
02:03.28cladhairethat's not how Blizzard works *shruG8
02:05.03AnduinLotharthat's the point of Mods, to give you some vested interest and satisfy the compulsives
02:05.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Naex (
02:05.22NaexEvening, all.
02:05.38cladhaireThere aren't many API's that don't need libraries written on top of it
02:05.41cladhairethat's kinda how things work
02:06.31Karrion"There's no problem in computer science that can't be solved by adding another layer of abstraction"
02:06.31cladhaireevening Naex
02:07.06NaexSo, I have what I believe to be a tricky question.  I'm likely wrong.  I have code that initializes an array of buttons.  How do I a) register an OnClick for these buttons programatically when they're created and b) identify which one in the array was clicked when that OnClick fires?  I've looked for HOURS for this.
02:07.55cladhaireNaex: you can use frame:SetScript("OnClick", function(frame, button) ChatFrame1:AddMessage(frame:GetName() .. " was clicked") end)
02:07.58JoshBorkeNaex: button:SetScript("OnClick",function)
02:08.00Karriona) button:SetScript()
02:08.19JoshBorkeclad types far faster than i do
02:08.23JoshBorkeor maybe he reads faster...
02:08.38Naex...How the F did I miss that.  It's right there in the APi lstings.
02:09.47NaexCan I just use SetScript("OnClick", funcName(1)); or whatever, where "1" is the number of the button in the array?
02:10.01cladhaireyou need to pass it a function
02:10.03cladhairenot a function call
02:10.22NaexOh, so I have to build the function there.  ...which is not too much of a setback.  I can have the function call a function.  =)
02:10.28cladhaireno you don't
02:10.30cladhaireyou can define it before
02:10.48cladhairei.e. local function My_OnClick(frame, ...) --[[ do some code here ]] end
02:10.56cladhairethen frame:SetScript("OnClick", My_OnClick)
02:11.15NaexOkay, I see where you're going.
02:11.27NaexI'm going to need to have some better names for my buttons than "Nil" then.
02:11.45NaexThanks a million.
02:12.02raevanmorlockNaex: (someone can interject if this isn't a good idea) .. you can do SetScript("OnClick", function() My_OnClick(num) end) .. that'll create a different function for each one.. adn the created function will call the handler for all of them with the buttons' number passed in
02:14.55NaexIf there's no dissent, I'll go with that.  It's kind of what I was thinking, but more... bug-free.  =)
02:15.30Karrionwell, if you're doing similiar things on all the buttons, cladhaire's way is better
02:15.39cladhairewell you don't need names
02:15.40cladhairefrom what i showed
02:15.46cladhairei was just giving an example
02:15.51cladhairethat's how frame gets passed in
02:16.12cladhaireas the first argument to the function you give to SetScript
02:16.37Karrionperhaps you could tell us what the buttons do? might be able to offer more specific advice
02:17.30NaexWell actually, that solved the problem exactly.  The buttons remove a row of objects from a table, then cause a frame to be rebuilt to reflect that.
02:19.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
02:20.00Karrionwell if it works, it works. for that clad's way is a little more efficient since you're not creating so many function closures, and it's relatively easy to name the buttons "MyButton-1"..."MyButton-27" etc, and have to function grab the row number from that
02:21.25NaexI don't imagine the inefficiency of it will ever really bother anyone.  I can only envision maybe five of these functions being made at a time.
02:21.49NaexHere's another easy one, though: Destroying textures and fontstrings and buttons and such?  How?
02:22.20Karrioncan't destroy frames
02:22.20cladhaireyou can't destroy frames
02:22.28Industrialyou can..yeah
02:22.33cladhaireits best to intelligently re-use them
02:22.47cladhairesomething that is typically straightforward if you know how you're going to use your frames
02:23.00Industrialwhy, btw :| why cant we destroy frames? whats so insecure about it?
02:23.06cladhaireits not a security thing
02:23.13Karrionjust the way it's implemented
02:23.21cladhaireits the way they're allocated and used on the c side of the equation
02:23.28NaexYeurgh.  Well, not terribly awful.  I can just :Hide().
02:23.31cladhairehe could give the userdata __gc metamethods, so the destructors are called
02:23.40cladhairebut they may not even have destructors implemented
02:24.30Legoroli don't even think it's that
02:24.35Legorolyou see, there is this bowl of soup....
02:24.49cladhaireoyster crackers are my favorite
02:24.49raevanmorlockImagine if there are a dozen frames anchored to some other frame which has another dozen children elements inside it.. and that parent frame is destroyed... all those children and anchors would be stranded... so it's kinda safer to not be allowed to destroy them and just re-use them
02:25.01Karrionif you're making frames dynamically a lot, try to keep the information separate to the frames and reuse the frames, just filling in the info each time
02:25.41Legorolactually, security is an excellent point too
02:25.53Legorolif you could destory a frame in combat, you could make decursive ;-)
02:26.04Legorolso destroying a frame would be an out-of-combat thing
02:26.06cladhaireWell, that's a new issue
02:26.14Legoroli'm just musing
02:26.16cladhairenot relevant to the way dynamic frames were coded :P
02:26.46Legoroli'm so sad btw :(
02:26.57Legorolafter buffing Devastate, they reverted the buff
02:27.03Legorolit's not going to go live :'(
02:27.13Legorolit was going to allow me to actually do some grinding as a prot warrior
02:27.15NaexSo, best practices, then.  I make a row of frames (row[num] = { }; row[num].frame = CreateFrame() etc.) - When I call that same code a second time, does the = { } have any terrible side effects I should know about?  Like, does it keep creating more rows, or will it reuse the current ones?
02:27.21Karrionyeah... pre-tbc vitality all over again :-/
02:27.40LegorolNaex: it creates new ones each time
02:27.47Legorolit's quite a big waste of resources
02:27.57NaexSo I'll just hard-limit it to 10 then, and hide/show.
02:28.08Legorolthere is a better way
02:28.21NaexI love better ways.  =)
02:28.53Legorolthe standard practice actually is to have only as many frames as you can *see* on the screen
02:29.00Legorolif this is a table with rows, presumably it's scrollable
02:29.22Legorolso you don't associated one frame with each row, but instead have a pool of, say, 10 frames
02:29.41Legoroland you use those 10 frames for the 10 rows of the table that's actually visible, redifining their role if the table is scrolled
02:29.46Legorolam i making sense or totally confusing you?
02:29.59NaexNo, no, making perfect sense.  It's just unfortunately not relevant.
02:30.26Legorolwhy do you have to recreate the table in row[num]?
02:30.58Legorolor rather
02:31.10NaexThe idea for the mod is that it's a frame that tracks the count of items in your inventory - for at-a-glance farming info.  You can add and remove items that you're tracking, which resizes the frame and adds/removes (at least visually) the number of rows of information (and associated frames/textures/fontstrings).
02:31.43Legorolso logistically, my description still applies
02:31.44Karrionok so you probably want a frame pool
02:31.57Legorola row in your case is an abstract thing
02:32.13Legorolit has a frame etc., and what it currently displays depends on what you are trying to dsiplay
02:32.15Karriondo what legerol said, but rather than a hard limit of 10, you have whatever maximum
02:32.17NaexYeah.  I guess frame pool is a concept I'm not familiar with, though it may be what I'm thinking of.
02:32.31Legorolok, let me give you an example, perhaps best that way
02:32.42Legorollet's say you have a list that can show fruits
02:32.45Legorolyou might have just 1 apple
02:32.57Karrionthe only time you make a _new_ frame (CreateFrame()) is if you're already using all of the ones you've previously made
02:32.57Legorolor an apple and an orange
02:33.02Legorolor an apple and a strawberry
02:33.04raevanmorlockNaex: The quest log works the way Leg is describing. There's only 5 or so frames that display the info for each quest.. when you move the scrollbar, it just changes what's displayed in those frames rather than scrolling the frames up and down.
02:33.21Legorolnow, if you notice, what you have in whatever case is a list of fruits
02:33.27Legorolso have two frames (for the example i described)
02:33.37Legoroland have frame 1 display an apple and frame 2 hidden (for the first exapmle)
02:33.43NaexYeah, so "framepool" isn't an actual construct, it's an abstract for an array of frames, really?
02:33.49Legorolin the second example, frame 1 displays apple, frame 2 displays orange
02:34.05Legorolwell it's a common concept used throughout the blizzard code and in addons
02:34.23Legorolin the third example, the same frame 1 displays apple, and frame 2 displays strawberry
02:34.33Legoroli.e. you reuse the frames, and change what they display
02:34.51Legorolif you find you have more fruits than frames, you create additional frames
02:35.20NaexBut you don't write, say: "bleh = new FramePool(...)", you write "bleh = { }; bleh[1] = CreateFrame(...); bleh[2]  = CreateFrame(..); etc."
02:35.37Legoroland whenever you want to display your list, you go:
02:36.05NaexYeah, the concept isn't a problem with me, really.  I've got the data in one array and the display in another already, so simply altering which is displayed isn't a problem.
02:36.23Legorolfor i=1,numFramesInPool() do set details of bleh[i] from myDataTable[i] end
02:37.59NaexAnd just to check, "row[5] == nil" would be true if row[5] hadn't been created yet?
02:38.16Legorolyou'd need something like:
02:38.23NaexRocksauce.  Been coding for YEARS, just new to lua/Wow UI
02:38.31Legorolif numEntriesInData > numFramesInPool then
02:38.54Legorolfor i=numFramesInPool+1,numEntriesInData do
02:38.59Legorolbleh[i] = CreateFrame()
02:39.16Legorolaye, you are quick on the uptake
02:39.21Legorolif you can code, you won't have a problem
02:39.32Legorolthis is really a "best practice" thing, not much to do with Lua per se
02:39.46Legorolwhich really is just experience
02:39.53NaexIt's not the logic behind it, it's the peculiarities of the language and of the API that gets me.  Which yeah, gets easier with experience.
02:40.30raevanmorlockLUA is friggen awesome once you're familar with it
02:41.34ckknightyes, lua is actually quite nice all in all
02:41.40ckknightlocal t = [[print("local t = [".."[" .. t .. "]".."]; " .. t)]]; print("local t = [".."[" .. t .. "]".."]; " .. t)
02:43.41ckknightoh no
02:43.51ckknight>>> local t = [[print("local t = [".."[" .. t .. "]".."]; " .. t)]]; print("local t = [".."[" .. t .. "]".."]; " .. t)
02:43.57raevanmorlockCide's not here
02:44.13Nom-fork while (fork);
02:44.17Karrionand you'd need to add the >>> in the body
02:44.18ckknight>>> t=[[return't=[['..t..']'..'];'..t]];return't=[['..t..']'..'];'..t
02:44.20ckknightthat works better
02:44.21Nom-That's how you screw up a system :P
02:44.24ckknightKarrion: that's easy
02:44.34ckknightbut it always says your name first
02:44.37ckknightso no recursion
02:44.41Karrionbah damn
02:44.47Nom-perl -e 'fork while(fork);'
02:44.50Nom-Try it some time :P
02:46.24haste:(){ :|:& };:
02:48.53LegorolERROR #131 (0x85100083) File Corrupt
02:48.53LegorolProgram:C:\Games\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
02:48.53LegorolFile:world\generic\orc\passive doodads\burntoutposts\burntoutpost02.m2
02:48.58Legoroldoesn't look promising
02:52.20JoshBorkehow does SetStatusBarColor differ from SetStatusBarTexture?
02:52.54JoshBorkeerm, well i mean, obviously one deals with teh texture object on teh statusbar and the other deals with the color of the statusbar
02:54.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah_ (
02:59.20NaexSoooo, framepools - or at least a passable imitation thereof - work fine.  Much appreciated, folks.
02:59.51cladhaireNaex: yay =)
03:00.12KarrionNaex: what are you calling your addon?
03:02.29JoshBorkewhat's it do?
03:02.30Karrioncool, will have to try it out
03:02.42JoshBorkenot because i never pay attention or anything ;-)
03:03.12NaexIs it cool to mention you guys and this channel?  I want to give props where they're deserved, but I don't want to direct traffic where it's not wanted, if that's the case.
03:03.41JoshBorkeyou can absolutely NOT mention us.  we'll smite you!
03:03.45JoshBorkej/k ;-)
03:04.35ckknightNaex: PitBull uses a framepool mechanism
03:04.44ckknightyou could just steal the code from there if you really wanted
03:04.58NaexI only wish I were smart enough to write down the names of the guys who helped me the past few days.
03:04.59ckknightit's relatively simplistic
03:05.27NaexYeah, I did get it working, ckknight, thanks.
03:05.44Shirikframepools are very ftw
03:06.15*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
03:06.28NaexWho is it on here that has [ecole] after their name when at school?  Ring a bell?
03:06.54Karrionhmm... after giving advice on how to do SetScript() efficiently, I find my own addon is doing it the bad way >.<
03:06.54JoshBorkeit's not shirik
03:06.55JoshBorkehe lies!
03:06.59Karriontime for refactoring
03:07.05Shirikwhy... what did I do?
03:07.23NaexNo, it is Shirik.  You helped me yesterday!  I just wanted to mention that when I put my writeup up.
03:07.34Shirikoh ^^;
03:07.38JoshBorkeno!  it's a trick!
03:07.50Shirikyeah JoshBorke is right I know nothing and I hate everyone
03:08.09Shirikoh goodie ^^
03:08.20Shiriksoon I can become Corrodias and make a NotPron folder ^^
03:08.31NaexI mean... Prawn Massmailings.  Massmailings about shrimp!
03:08.43Shirikcrap! No!
03:09.29JoshBorkeseriously?  kael'thas looks scary
03:10.04ShirikYeah so we just completed BWL
03:10.06ckknightalright, I gotta go to class
03:10.06ShirikThat was fun
03:10.07ShirikI missed it
03:10.23JoshBorkelol shirik
03:10.25ShirikI love Vael
03:10.33JoshBorkehow'd that go?
03:10.39Shiriknot bad, for only having about 18 people
03:10.44JoshBorkebtw, what was razorgore like?
03:10.45Shirikmostly shadow priests
03:10.48Shirikeasy :P
03:10.57Shirikkiting was almost not necessary
03:11.01Shirikwe were so bored things were dying so fast
03:11.05Shirikwe were killing the dragonkin
03:11.11Shirik(forget what they're called)
03:11.33JoshBorkeanyway, nn
03:11.37Shiriktake care
03:17.29Legorolmy guild tried Razor a few times and we wiped many times
03:17.36Legorolone thing i never figured out is this:
03:17.44Legorolmost tactics i have seen suggest kiting the dragonkin with some warriors
03:17.55ShadowedRazorgore was fun
03:17.56Legorolbut our healers eventually pulled aggro off the warrior, so how do you manage?
03:18.09Legoroli always considered that strategy a theoretical impossibility
03:18.09ShirikLegorol: Healers have to keep extremely light heals
03:18.13KarrionLegorol: warriors take turns on the orb controlling razorgore
03:18.15Shirikand warriors have to not just kite
03:18.19Shirikbut keep up aggro also
03:18.28ShadowedHealers can always kite too
03:18.28ShirikKarrion: Really? We always only had one controller
03:18.29Karrionbefore they let him go, they use his aoe fir blast thing
03:18.33Legorolwhich you can't without getting in melee range, in which case you get gibbed by the dragonkin you are kiting
03:18.38Karrionto pull aggro onto razore
03:18.38ShadowedI've done it a couple of different ways when BWL was first released
03:18.54Karrionthen move him to the other end of the room and release, aggro transfers to the controller
03:19.00Legorolwell whatever the method, i always see one flaw in kiting dragonkin:
03:19.01Legorolhealer aggro
03:19.11Shirikit's something that has to be kept in mind
03:19.11ShadowedWe never had to really worry about healer aggro, if they got it that badly then a Mage would sheep the mob and a Warrior would pick it up, or the healer would just start helping to kite themself.
03:19.19Shirikhealers have to remember to keep heals light
03:19.38Shirikthis run actually we started off just saying only paladins heal
03:19.40Karrionyeah alliance was easymode razorgore
03:19.41Shirikand we only had 2 ^^
03:19.42Legorolour healers couldn't keep it light, because then people start dying
03:19.46tapioCould anyone with the uiscale set to the smallest read the entry in the for me, please?
03:19.48Legoroland yes, we were properly geared actually
03:19.57Legorolmost people had 6+ Tier 1
03:19.58clad|sleeppaladins healing warriors, they can keep aggro using piercing howl, without any issue
03:19.59Shiriktapio: 0.62
03:20.06Legorolclad|sleep: didn't work for us
03:20.09tapioShirik: Thanks
03:20.13Legorolpaladin pulled aggro
03:20.14Shadowedclad piercing howl is like 60 threat
03:20.17LegorolPH didn't generate enough threat
03:20.27clad|sleepwell they can't heal you like whoa
03:20.28Shiriktapio: I'm sorry
03:20.39clad|sleepits a mixture of warrior kiting, fear kiting, dragonkin sleeping, etc.
03:20.41Legorolbasically i have concluded that kiting dragonkin is a theoretical impossibility and a practical possibility
03:20.48ShadowedIt isn't
03:20.50Legorolsince so raids seem to be able to do it
03:20.51ShirikWell get this
03:20.53ShadowedI've done it multiple times, it's easy
03:20.56ShirikSo we tried using Misdirection on Vael
03:20.57Mr_Rabies2only 1k more gold until i've got epic riding :D
03:20.57ShadowedTab sunder/PH spam
03:21.01ShirikHORRIBLE idea
03:21.11Shirikapparently casting misdirection causes slight aggro
03:21.16Shirikcause of casting a buff
03:21.20ShadowedWell yeah =p
03:21.24Shirikresulting in vael turning toward the raid
03:21.27Shirikand getting very pissed :P
03:21.29Shadowedthats why you cast it BEFORE you engage
03:21.34Karrionthe idea with kiting them is to stay far enough ahead to not take too much damage
03:21.35ShirikIt wasn't me ^^
03:22.00Mr_Rabies2misdirection seems like a griefers paradise
03:22.05Mr_Rabies2is it set to party only
03:22.09ShadowedHealer aggro would be an issue sometimes, but never bad enough that they would die super-quickly, Warriors would just taunt or sunder it off of them while kiting without much issue.
03:22.14ShirikMr_Rabies: I believe raid only
03:22.18Mr_Rabies2well, party/raid
03:22.31LegorolKarrion: that idea i don't understand in theory
03:22.38Shadowedwhy does this soda taste berry-ie
03:22.45Legorolif the kiter does it perfectly and stays far enough ahead to never get hit,
03:22.54Legorolhe also doesn't generate threat and the healers eventually get aggro
03:23.02Legorolthis is the paradox i never managed to reconcile
03:23.04ShadowedYou'll be hit eventually, because if you're never hit you'll run out of rage and can't keep snaring.
03:23.15Legorolyou are kiting -> you are not supposed to be hit -> you don't generate threat -> you lose aggro
03:23.21Cairennyou accidentally picked up "cherry-[whatever]"? says "Diet Dr.Pepper"
03:23.45Legorolhi Cairenn
03:23.50Cairennhi Legorol
03:23.57KarrionLegorol: if you've got aggro from the fire blast, you can keep them long enough until the next warrior has killed some eggs and does another fireblast to take them off you
03:24.12ShadowedWe didn't use Warriors controlling razor though, usually it was a Rogue
03:24.15Shadowedwatching them die was fun
03:24.17Legorolok that's one thing we never tried, generating threat using the fire blast
03:24.28Legorolin our case it's not a warrior controlling either
03:24.30ShadowedOh that
03:24.49Legorolso, how do raids manage which: don't have a warrior on orb, have a warrior kite, warrior doesn't get hit, warrior doesn't lose aggro
03:24.52ShadowedYeah you could use the MC threat trick too, but you don't really need to
03:24.55Legorolseems theoretically impossibe
03:25.08ShadowedLegorol: I've kited on razor, it's not hard or impossible
03:25.13Legorolthen tell me how
03:25.20Legorolbecause i am dying to understand that encounter fully
03:25.23ShadowedBasically, when you see a mob you want to grab you HS/Sunder it and keep running with spamming PH and such
03:25.34Legorolno problem so far
03:25.37ShadowedIf I lose a mob I just chase it down and keep sundering and/or taunting to get it off the healer.
03:25.49Legorolok, we tried that, issue we had:
03:25.57Legorolby the time i take it off, rest of dragonkin catch up, and kill me
03:25.59ShadowedIf it's a sheepable mob, the Mages will sheep it sometimes until a Warrior has a chance to get it off the healer
03:26.03ShadowedTake it off?
03:26.08Legorolif i receive heals to survie the onslaught, the healer generate a lot of threat
03:26.17Legoroltake it off of whoever the dragonkin went for
03:26.36Legorolok example scenario:
03:26.47Legoroli am kiting 5 dragonkin, one decides he had enough and goes for a healer
03:26.55Legoroli go to pick them up, this results in me being caught by the rest
03:27.06Legoroli take heavy damage, i need healing, more healer threat, even more dragonkin go rampaging
03:27.10Legorolit's a downward spiral
03:27.52ShadowedCan't really tell you why since I don't know the healers spec/buffs/what happened/how many people were kiting and such
03:27.52Legorolas i said, i don't understand the strategy in theory even
03:27.56Legorolit seems like a paradox
03:28.11ShadowedBut yes, it is possible for a Warrior to kite razors add
03:28.23Karrionwait a sec
03:28.29Legoroli am sure it is, as i have seen videos, and most strategy guides say so
03:28.31Karrionkiting the _dragonkin_?
03:28.32Legoroli just don't understand how
03:28.36LegorolKarrion: yeah
03:28.58ShadowedWe'd usually sleep Dragonkin until too many spawned and the rest were kited
03:29.02Karrionhmm nonono don't kite dragonkin, kite legionnaires
03:29.16Karrionsleep/fear dragonkib
03:29.17ShadowedYou have to kite them at a certain point
03:29.20Legorolok there are two strategies, one involves kiting the dragonkin, other involves kiting legionnaires
03:29.22Legoroltwo different schools
03:29.35TemWe used to get hunters to kite dragonkin
03:29.42Legorolif you sleep/fear dragonkin and kite legionnaires, who do you kill?
03:29.44ShadowedTheres like 5 different strategies =p
03:29.48Temyou kill mages
03:29.53Legorolthat makes sense
03:29.59Legorolthe part that still doesn't make sense is kiting :P
03:30.02Temand I used to like to steal a sleep'ed dragonkin once we were at the cap and kit it
03:30.09Tem(I'm a mage)
03:30.11Legoroli still don't understand how can a warrior kite in an environment where healers are constantly generating threat
03:30.12Temloads of fun
03:30.16Legorolthat's the fundamental paradox
03:30.22TainThe real reason Hunters did it was because of speed.  But annyone can kite, it's just about keeping ahead.
03:30.32ShadowedIt's been like a year since i've kited in BWL so I can't remember the exacts, but it wasn't that bad
03:30.35TainLegorol: If you're kiting everything healers don't heal.
03:30.38Temand it's easy to keep ahead with the terrain in there
03:30.43ShadowedNot really
03:31.00TemI miss some parts of BWL
03:31.02Legorolyou guys keep saying easy, easy, but it wasn't for us, it kept getting into a downward spiral
03:31.03Temit was a fun place
03:31.03Shirikoh btw
03:31.05Shirikbefore we ran BWL
03:31.09ShirikWe had 2 70s that weren't attuned
03:31.13Karrionit does take a lot of practise
03:31.14Shirikso we did the fastest UBRS run ever
03:31.17Legorolit appeared to me all the strats we tried were basically unstable systems with positive feedback
03:31.19ShadowedIt depends largely on how many people are kiting and how many mobs you have, I could usually kite most of them and stay ahead, but some would shortcut when I jumped off, or i'd just run out of rage.
03:31.36LegorolShadowed, answser this then:
03:31.41ShadowedLegorol: 42
03:31.43TainLegorol it's important to kill mages as quickly as possible, and for healers to not heal.  
03:31.44Legorolwhat's the aim, to have a *perfect* kite?
03:31.45TemLegorol, you just degenerated into language that I never want to hear again
03:31.58Legorolok i won't use that language
03:32.00Legorolanyway, here is my question
03:32.12Karrionthere's a max of 12 dragonkin so they can pretty much be slept/feared/hunter kited
03:32.14ShadowedThe aim is to keep as many mobs off the healers as possible
03:32.14Legorolif the aim is a *perfect* kite, i.e. the kiter never gets hit, how can they maintain aggro?
03:32.15Mr_Rabies2oh llane, how you've grown over these last couple of years
03:32.28Mr_Rabies2Auctions scanned: 10646
03:32.37TainThey maintain aggro because no one else gains any.
03:32.46ShadowedSure they do Tain, healing aggro
03:32.53TainDon't heal.
03:32.55Mr_Rabies2i remember back when the first epic hit the auction house
03:33.08ShadowedI'm *pretty* sure you die if you hit 0 health =p
03:33.09Karrionif the kite is perfect, no healing required, therefore no healing aggro
03:33.16ShadowedIf the kite is perfect, you're hacking imo
03:33.17TainExactly what Karrion said.
03:33.18Legorolwait wait
03:33.22Legorolyou are killing mages
03:33.24TainIt's better to let one preson die.
03:33.25Legorolso some people do get hurt
03:33.31ShadowedYou'll run out of rage eventually and thus you can't keep snaring everything and you'll take damage
03:33.32TainMages should die very fast.
03:33.37Legorolso are you saying that in the whole fight healers just stay put?
03:33.43Temyou don't get healing agro on legionaires from healing people hurt by mages
03:33.43ShadowedRemember that healing threat is rather low
03:33.50LegorolShadowed: then you are saying that the aim is *not* a perfect kite
03:34.02Nom-My god... how stupid are people?
03:34.02LegorolTem: that's not true
03:34.04ShadowedCorrect, the aim is to keep as many mobs on the Warriors as possible.
03:34.10ShadowedIf that means you take some damage, then so be it
03:34.24LegorolShadowed: ok, then that makes more sense, and every strat guide i have seen states it wrong
03:34.24TemLegorol, only if the legos are within melee range of the mage or healer when the heal goes off
03:34.31Legorolthey always make it sound like the aim is to *not* get hit
03:34.35ShadowedTem: Are you sure?
03:34.37Temwhich are both unlikely events
03:34.45ShadowedI though threat was applied to all mobs that are up
03:34.47LegorolTem: i am sure that's not true
03:34.51ShadowedThat wouldn't make sense anyway
03:34.51TemShadowed, no, but I'm willing to put a bit of money on it
03:34.53Legorolyou can generate threat vs. any mob if you are a healer
03:35.01Legorolas long as you are within a certain range (far greater than melee)
03:35.05TainThe problem is one healer pulling any aggro throws the whole thing off.
03:35.13Mr_Rabies2Nom, are you a goon :O
03:35.26Legorolanyway, coming back to strategies:
03:35.32TainOf course I've hated the kite method since the first time I ever set foot in BWL.
03:35.33Temalso, priests just don't heal during that phase
03:35.33ShadowedZone wide combat puts you as "0" on every mobs threat list, so i'm pretty sure you'd be accumilating threat on every mob
03:35.35Legorolyou either say the aim is to kite, or the aim is to keep aggro
03:35.44Legorolfor a warrior, both together at the same time appears paradoxical
03:35.44Tempriests stand in the corner and look pretty
03:35.48Tempallys heal that phase
03:35.55Shadowedeh we never restricted it to specific classes
03:36.30Tempally heals are even less hate than normal heals
03:36.30TainNo Legorol, it's simple.  Warrior gets aggro, no one else pulls aggro off of him so he doesn't have to worry about it.
03:36.30ShadowedKiting only really applied when BWL first came out, a few months into AQ40 we were just killing like everything or tanking them all in a corner
03:36.30LegorolTain: it's not simple.
03:36.30Temour priests learned quickly that if they healed, they'd die
03:36.30Mr_Rabies2i've always healed on my druid on razorgore
03:36.30Legorol*How* does the warrior get aggro?
03:36.30KarrionNom-: z.o.m.g
03:36.30Mr_Rabies2and i dont even have fade
03:36.31TemLegorol, you tank them for a while at first
03:36.33TainWalk up and hit it.  Or shout.
03:36.34Legoroland secondly, *how* does he avoid *losing* it
03:36.37TemLegorol, you tank them until you have 3 or so
03:36.40TainHe doesn't have to avoid losing it.
03:36.41LegorolTem: tank what? the dragonkin?
03:36.41Temthen you start running
03:36.55Legorolok, as i mentioned, that's strat no. 2
03:36.58Legoroli have seen both mentioned
03:37.01Legoroldragonkin and legos
03:37.07TainHe isn't going to lose it unless someone else does something to pull aggro away.  So you stop everyone else from pulling aggro away.
03:37.10Legoroli am sure some people in here said they kite dragonkin
03:37.17ShadowedYou have time to sunder or get a HS off on the mob to pick it up, or taunt Legorol
03:37.19TemI have done it before
03:37.22LegorolTain: then people die due to not getting healed
03:37.25Tem(kiting a dragonkin, that is)
03:37.29TainIF you have druids it's easier to sleep dragonkin, if not then kite.
03:37.38Temyou have druids and locks fear/sleep them
03:37.57LegorolTain: you are contradicting yourself
03:37.57Mr_Rabies2we sleep dragonkin that target healers
03:37.57TainVery few people should die.
03:37.57Legoroli am not asking what you *did*
03:37.57Temwhen you run out of druids/locks, you get people to kite them
03:37.57Legoroli am asking what's the aim for a *perfect* strat
03:37.58Legorolto kite the legos, or to kite the dragonkin?
03:38.04Mr_Rabies2or well, i did when i raided
03:38.07Nom-I though it was funny
03:38.13TainThere's no perfect strat, it depends on the makeup of your raid.
03:38.14Nom-Someone at work just passed the link around
03:38.40LegorolTain: 5 of each class
03:38.45Legorolwhat would you do with that
03:38.50TainAnd no one should be healing during that phase.  People should focus on killing mages before they can do damage.
03:38.59ShadowedTheres 5 different strats on razor
03:39.10TainIf a few people die during the kite phase, then let them die.
03:39.13Legorolthere are millions, i have seen many variations
03:39.29TainIt is better that a few people die than a healer pull any aggro.
03:39.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Terrifion (
03:39.35ShadowedKite everything + Kill Mages, Kite Legions and CC Dragonkin and kite the rest + Kill Mages, Warriors MC Razor and use Fireblast aggro method + Kill Mages, DI Razor + COllect epics
03:39.53Nom-Anyone got any tips for Netherspite? Do we just need more shadow resist ?
03:40.03Nom-That's the only boss in Karazhan we haven't downed yet
03:40.04TainThe most important part of all of those strategies is kill mages as fast as humanly possible.  And then do it faster.
03:40.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Bleeter_ (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
03:40.10Karrionit's a very hectic fight, rarely goes perfectly. It's a good test of how adaptable you are, everyone ends up tailoring the strategy to their own guild
03:40.45Nom-We had perfect tanking on the beams on our last try
03:40.48Nom-Got him to 65%
03:41.05KarrionNom-: we got NS down last weekend, don't think we had any specific shadow resist
03:41.05Nom-We started losing people during the banish phase tho
03:41.23Karrionyou using the run out method or staying in?
03:41.31Nom-We've tried both
03:41.34Nom-That week we stayed in
03:42.11Karrionwe ran out on most banishes, except once we were at like 10% and pushed for time
03:42.34Karrionthey're putting a door in in 2.1 so you can't run out anymore though :-(
03:42.42Nom-lol that'd be about right
03:43.02Nom-Yeah, well we find coordination went out the window if we ran out
03:43.04Nom-So we stayed in
03:43.20Mr_Rabies2there's nothing like leaping off the edge of the twisting nether, then going flight form as you fall
03:43.27Karrionalthough there was something about him not doing the shadow aoe thing in banish phase anymore so it may not matter
03:43.31Mr_Rabies2er, off the edge of outland into the twisting nether
03:44.02*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
03:44.03Karrionwhat were you losing people to?
03:44.25Nom-Breath mainly
03:44.58Karrionjust the person he was targetting with it? or were people not getting out of the way?
03:45.17Nom-bit of both
03:45.25Nom-I think people were getting in melee range too actually
03:45.27Nom-So that may be it
03:45.29Karrionalso: is his breath targetted randomly? or can he be tanked during banish?
03:45.36Nom-Nah can't be tanked
03:45.38Nom-It's random
03:45.42Karrionthat's what I though
03:45.45Nom-And from waht I recall it's 3 random people
03:46.11Nom-We actually downed Prince
03:46.15Nom-But we can't down Neterhspite :(
03:46.36Karrionhaven't tried prince yet
03:47.03Nom-Randomly fires Netherbreath hitting ~4 people in the raid, inflicting 3700 to 4000 arcane damage and knocking the victims away. This is a cone area effect spell.
03:48.15Karrion... how does it hit specifically ~4 people if it's a cone aoe?
03:49.07Nom-It's like the shadowbolt volleys that some mobs do
03:49.13Nom-it goes out in several directions sometimes
03:49.30Nom-I dunno..but way or another it was hitting more than one person, and the healers got owned
03:49.36Mr_Rabies2someone lend me 1k gold on llane thanks
03:49.57Karrionhmm, sounds like a luck thing then :-/
03:50.21Nom-We'll see...try him again on Sunday
03:50.47Nom-We cleared Attumen, Moroes, Maiden, Oz, Curator, Shade of Aran last night
03:51.43Nom-We'll do chess, prince and illhoof first, coz we can one-shot the
03:52.10Nom-Then we got Sunday and Monday to work on Netherspite
03:52.19Nom-I'm sure we'll get him this week, but yeah...he's a PITA
03:57.48Karrionyou cleared aran but didn't do chess?
04:01.01Nom-Nah, it was late
04:01.07Nom-And there was heaps more trash to clear
04:01.18Nom-It's like a 30 minute trash clear from Aran to Chess
04:01.57Karrionyour rogues will log in tomorrow with extra epics then >.>
04:09.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Sole (
04:11.47Legorol*envies Nom-*
04:11.55Cairennnight guys
04:11.58Legorolcompare that to our *glorious* raid progress last week
04:12.00Legorolgnight Cairenn
04:12.08Legorolwe killed Attumen and Moroes on first night, woot
04:12.30Legorolkilled Maiden and Big Bad Wolf on 2nd night, those were first kills for us, even bigger woot
04:12.44Legorol3rd night learning trash and few brief encounters with Curator
04:12.51Legorol4th night, lots of tries on Curator
04:12.54Legoroland the week ended
04:13.10Legoroland that was the best week we had so far
04:20.55Nom-Trick for Curator (for us at least) was to get Arcane Resist for the add tanks
04:21.15Nom-We had a druid and a rogue on adds, so we got them both the crafted AR sets, and we one-shotted it as soon as we did that
04:22.08Legorolthere is no way a rogue and druid in our case would be able to kill them fast enough, especially with AR on
04:22.27Legorolwe had 3 melee classes on the adds with no AR, and they could barely kill them in the 10 seconds it takes to spawn one
04:22.41Legorolhealing them wasn't an issue, killing fast was
04:22.49AnduinLotharwe like to have out 18k hp bear or out 16k warlock tank hartfuls
04:23.29KarrionLegorol: what is everyone else doing?
04:23.38Nom-Yeah, we have a hunter and two warlocks too
04:23.57Nom-The entire raid should be on adds until the evocate
04:24.01Karrionoutside of evocate, everyone should be slaughtering the adds
04:24.06Karrionexcept the tank
04:24.14LegorolKarrion: MT and OT on Curator, 3 healers at the back, 2 hunters are either shooting Curator, or helping out with killing adds, depending on whether we are falling behind or not
04:24.23Nom-Don't need an OT on curator
04:24.24Terrifioncan you still use script in macros
04:24.24Karriondon't need an OT on curator
04:24.31KarrionTerrifion: yes
04:24.36Legorolby OT i mean whoewver is absorbing the bolts
04:24.39Karrionyou just can't call protected functions with it
04:24.46Legorolhe was dps-ing the Curator
04:24.46Nom-Yeah, you don't need an OT period Legorol
04:25.00Legoroli know it's not an actual tank
04:25.03Nom-Curator will put bolts on whoever has threat (any amount of threat) and the most hitpoints except for the MT
04:25.07Legoroli know
04:25.19Legorolwe understand the strategy perfectly, we just suck at it ;-)
04:25.23Legoroli know the role of the OT
04:25.24Nom-So if your warlock has more hitpoints than anyone else, get him to through a dot on curator and then hit adds
04:25.25Karrionyeah just the tank, and maybe a warlock keeping a dot up
04:25.33Nom-They don't need to do any dps to curator
04:25.34Nom-at all
04:25.48Legorolthey have to be 2nd highest on threat
04:25.52Nom-no they dont
04:25.55Legorolthe bolts go to whoever is 2nd highest on aggro list
04:26.01Nom-no they dont
04:26.10Nom-they go to whoever has the most hitpoints and has some amount of threat
04:26.26Legorolwell that's news and contradicts to whatever is on the wiki and what we have experienced
04:26.43Nom-Nope, it's exactly correct
04:26.44Nom-Take this
04:26.54Legorolbecause when we didn't make sure there is someone who is consistently 2nd highest on aggro list, bolts went to healers
04:26.55Nom-Warlock: 1 theat, 12500/12500 hitpoints
04:27.02Legorolthere is no way they have most hitpoint
04:27.05Nom-Mage: 15000 threat, 900/9000 hitpoints
04:27.11Nom-It will *always* hit the warlock
04:27.28Legoroli must say i am skeptical about your claims as our experiences seem to contradict it
04:27.48Nom-It doesn't go to whoever has the highest max hitpoints
04:27.54Nom-It goes to whoever has the most at the time of cast
04:27.57Legorolhowever, i concede that i can be wrong as the fights where we were learning it were hectic
04:28.10Legorolah i see
04:28.19Legorolthat's possible, but again, unlikely
04:28.24Legorolthat is more plausible though
04:28.33Legorolas our OT had the highest hit point throughout
04:28.34Nom-Nah, it's definately the wiki again you probably misunderstood
04:28.38Nom-Or the wiki explaination sucks
04:28.50KarrionI think the wiki explanation sucks
04:29.05Nom-gere we gi
04:29.09Nom-here we go...from the wiki
04:29.10Nom-The primary target for the Hateful Bolt ability is the person with the most health who is not first on the threat list, with the list reseting during an Evocation.
04:29.14Legoroli'm fairly sure hte wiki uses the word "threat", i will go check
04:29.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (
04:29.26Nom-If you wish to use a Hateful Bolt soaker to absorb these bolts, it is suggested that they DPS the Curator between Evocates, leaving everyone else on the adds. If there are multiple people DPSing the Curator at all times, the designated soaker must make sure they stay constantly healed and under the tank for aggro, or the tank will start taking Hateful bolts.
04:29.56Nom-They *suggest* dpsing curator, but that's a bad suggestion
04:30.19Karrionyeah I'm tempted to remove that suggestion
04:30.20Nom-The bosskillers one is probably better
04:30.48Nom-even bosskillers suggests it, but honestly
04:30.56Nom-as long as you don't let your tank die (shield wall during enrage etc)
04:31.01Nom-You don't need to worry about threat
04:31.15Nom-The only reason it's suggested the soaker keeps second on aggro list is in case the tank dies
04:31.28Nom-And a warlock cannot tank curator, so no point
04:32.27Nom-There is a table there tho
04:32.35Nom-Look under the Notes headings, and it explains it
04:33.19Nom-It's pretty rare for two people to have the exact same number of hitpoints at any one time, so it's always going to hit whoever has the most hitpoints in the group (besides the tank)
04:33.23Nom-regardless of threat
04:33.30ShadowedThats borderline impossible =p
04:33.40Legorolok the wiki page has been significantly edited since i last read it
04:33.49Shadowed"Quest accepted: Sabotage the Warp-Gate! Sabotage the Warp-Gate! failed." I think somethings bugged =(
04:34.03Legoroland if it's "current health" as opposed to "max health", that can be consistent with what we saw
04:34.14Nom-Hopefully for the better, because, frankly, dpsing the curator during non-evocate is a guaranteed wipe unless the rest of the group has UBER dps for the adds
04:34.35Legorolwell apart from not having enough dps for the adds, we had two more problems
04:34.44Nom-yeah it is Legorol ... max health doesn't come into it, only current health
04:34.46Legorol1) the adds seem to love to go for the healers initially
04:35.05Nom-1) They will do that, your add tanks need to be quicker
04:35.06Legorol2) if the hunters help out with dps, they are sure to grab aggro and pullt he adds towards themselves, making the melee having to chase them
04:35.07Karrionheh, yeah they do
04:35.24Nom-2) That shouldn't be a problem with the right group layout
04:35.37Legoroli am not sure what's considered right group layout...
04:35.39Legoroli mean:
04:35.47Legorolif the melee is at a range so that hunters can range dps,
04:35.49Legoroland the hunter pulls aggro,
04:35.52Legorolthe melee has to chase it
04:35.54Legorolend of story
04:36.06Karrionthe diagram on bosskillers is good
04:36.09Nom-Basically you should try to spread yourselves out so that the adds dps doesn't chain
04:36.21Legorolok, how do you avoid it going for the healers?
04:36.29Karrionsemicircle, melee in the middle, and yeah the malee just has to chase them down
04:36.32Nom-Your tank needs to be quicker, that's the only way Legorol
04:36.34Legoroli heard that for the first 4 seconds they ignore their threat list and go for  arandom person, is that true?
04:36.41Legorolwe didn't have a tank for the adds, only dps
04:36.48Nom-they just pick someone at random
04:36.48Karrionmelee has to catch them as they come
04:37.00Nom-Feral druid works really well Legorol
04:37.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
04:37.12Nom-They won't always hold the adds on them, but they can pick them up pretty quick as they spawn
04:37.22Nom-You know they spawn in about a 3-5 yard radius around curator right ?
04:38.50Karrionand they'll head for the ranged people who are in an arc, the rogue/dps warr/druid just play goalie
04:39.28Karrionit helps if you put the melee up on mt/ma frames, so people can see when they got it and start killing it
04:39.53Nom-indeed...although there shouldn't be more than one add up at a time if you're doing it right
04:40.10Nom-Once you start getting more than one add at a time, unless you get it under control fast, it's a wipe
04:41.15Karrionyeah if you start getting more than one up, you need to speed up... if you get three up you're in real trouble
04:42.21Karrionhe's fun to tank though, he doesn't hit back during evocate so I can build up my rage bar before it and just unload ;-)
04:44.58Legorolok our issue was that we could more or less kill them fast enough, but
04:45.07Legorolat about 10 second per add, it was just doable
04:45.23Legorolthe biggest problem was hunters pulling aggro, causing the 3 melee classes to run chasing the flare
04:45.47Legoroland we had to have hunters going full out, or we didn't have enough dps
04:46.11Legorolthe other problem was that if killing the flare takes 10 seconds, we have very little time left to dps during evocate
04:46.16Legorolwe actually came up with a nifty solution to that
04:46.39Legorolwe *don't* kill the last flare that spawns just at the start of the evocate, instead a tank picks it up and brings it back next to the Curator
04:46.47Legorolwe kill it coincidentally, with cleaves etc.
04:46.54Legorolthis worked out pretty well
04:47.03Legorol(multishot too)
04:47.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Jumpee (
04:47.23Legorolby the time the evocate ended, that flare was dead, but we could focus most of our dps on the Curator right from the start of the Evocate
04:47.59Legorolanyhoo, i need to go, so thanks for the chat
04:48.50JumpeeAnybody know why I can see this button but another player has to add the .tga ext to the name? <Texture name="$parentIcon" file="Interface\AddOns\HealMarker\crossbutton"/>
04:51.26Terrifionis there anyway you can delete some or all messages from the chat frame
04:52.28JumpeeI think everybody is sleeping
04:52.54KarrionI'm not sleeping, I just don't know the answer :-/
04:53.40Jumpeeif you are talking about messages already in the chat window, I don't know of anyway.
04:55.00Guillotineis there an easy way to move a frame under the cursor? I tried:
04:55.22Guillotinebut, depending on the scale of the frame, the minimap is always to the bottom left of the cursor
04:55.26Guillotinemore so with smaller scales
04:56.19*** part/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
04:56.24Guillotinebtw, getting cursorx and cursory with GetCursorPosition()
05:10.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
05:10.41ShadowedI guess the turnoff button isn't dog-proof
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05:43.55WobWorkhehe quoted =P
05:45.20ShadowedYou're like a day late on noticing that!
05:46.12WobWorkIt's a bit obscure anyway
05:49.09Mr_Rabies2hahaha i love these tells
05:49.14Mr_Rabies2"please say resto"
05:52.09Nom-HOLY CRAP
05:52.13Nom-err oops caps
05:52.21Nom-They're planning to impeach Dick
05:53.02ckknightbut think of the troops!
05:53.41Nom-Ah, so Dick is GWB's fall guy
05:53.44Nom-Fair enough
05:56.08ThraeNom-: Vermont voted for Cheney and George W. Bush's impeachment on the 20th, and Congressman Kucinich is pushed for it in Congress on the 25th
05:57.27Nom-Good shit :)
05:57.30Nom-Burn those fuckers
05:58.00ckknightas long as the economy stays stable in the process.
05:58.38ThraeSeriously, by the time even Cheney is impeached, it'll probably be time for the 2008 Elections
05:58.45ThraeCongress always takes their sweet-ass time
06:00.01ckknightwell, actually impeachments go to the top of the stack
06:00.15ckknighttaking precedence over other matters of business
06:00.23ckknightdue to the severity of the situation
06:02.58Nom-I just hope they don't get even bigger imbeciles to replace them
06:03.10Guillotinemm. too true Nom
06:05.24Mr_Rabies2impeachment doesn't mean removal from office
06:06.46Nom-No, but it's the first part of doing that
06:07.10Mr_Rabies2just means they've been charged with something
06:07.27Mr_Rabies2they may or not be found guilty, and even if they are, not necessarily removed from office
06:07.30Mr_Rabies2clinton was impeached
06:11.45chuckgImpeached != removed from office, common misconception.
06:11.53chuckgAnd Rabies stated that.
06:13.35Nom-Yah, but it's the first step in doing that
06:13.48Nom-ie. a conviction gives grounds to start removal from office
06:13.52Nom-as i understand it
06:14.42ThraeI think there is a different severity of conviction. President Clinton was impeached just for purgery?
06:14.49ThraeFor a stupid sex scandal
06:15.05ThraeEven the Republicans could agree this impeachment means a hell of a lot more ;)
06:15.16Nom-Yeah, but the VP and P have been impeached on treason from those docs
06:15.18chuckgClinton was impeached because the American public is nosy as fuck and loves a good scandal.
06:15.31chuckgIt took nothing away from the quality of president he was.
06:15.32Nom-So if they're convicted of treason, then they'll start part 2 most definately, i'm sure...
06:15.41ThraeClinton was impeached because the Republicans controlled Congress ;)
06:15.54chuckgHe could have fucked all the hookers in Taiwan and still kept the country is better shape than bush.
06:17.12chuckgThat much is clear, riding the best economic surge in history; he could at least speak intelligently with other world leaders, make his own decisions (see: Oil ties), and make rational decisions.
06:17.29chuckgSpeaking of.
06:18.14ShirikTake care all
06:18.25chuckgIt was a neat trick the republicans pulled in delaying all of the Abramaov stuff until *after* elections, oops Republicans ran the commitees overseeing the scandal.
06:19.43chuckgSo now all of the scum Donkey's who were involved are still in office and have 100% reason to accomplish nothing, "I'm being indited, I don't have time to actually do what I was elected for" and can drag their feet with the perfect excuse on any Democrat agenda.
06:20.53chuckgThere you go.
06:21.33chuckgGlad you absorbed what was important :)
06:21.47ckknightbtw, wrt the hooker comment, he'd be fine as long as he was protected
06:21.52ckknightwe couldn't have a sick president
06:22.17Shirik|zZzyeah he needs to use a secure hook
06:22.29Shirik|zZzsorry, I'll go to sleep now :P
06:27.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
06:33.46WobWorkThe secure hooker is when the president's bodyguard has sex with the hooker, then tells the president how it went
06:34.37krkathat would be funny if it wasn't so goddamn boring :/
07:05.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=najklord@
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08:32.30Mr_Rabies2Man, i've been wanting to hear the CMs say something like this for a while now:
08:32.31Mr_Rabies2You're confusing what you want with what the developer's want, think is appropriate, or feasible. Just because you post it doesn't make it a good idea or valid concern.
08:33.24*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
08:43.33Mr_Rabies2man, the archmage vargoth questline is disappointing
08:47.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
08:50.52Mr_Rabies26327 ferocious bite crit in the tower :D
09:18.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
10:02.21Mr_Rabies2i think someone on wowwiki may be blind:
10:03.08Mr_Rabies2oh... for some reason, printable was higher than nonprintable
10:03.10Mr_Rabies2on search
10:03.38Mr_Rabies2much much better
10:13.26KasoMy guild has a hate for sporegarr
10:13.35Kasosome even do negative grinding runs
10:18.02Mr_Rabies2i have no reason to grind them
10:18.12Mr_Rabies2nothing i can equip or learn
10:18.26Mr_Rabies2well, nothing that would make sense to equip
10:23.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
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12:53.10KasoWhat's gold-whisper advert spam like on the US servers?
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12:56.54Elkanomorning Cairenn :)
12:57.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (i=Jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
12:57.23Elkanoare there any news on Paypal donation support for authors on wowi?
12:57.52Cairennyou've been able to put a button up on your descriptions/portal for ages now
12:58.18Cairennmore integrated than that, you'd have to talk to dolby-wowi about
12:58.25Elkanoreally? somehow I ever missed that
12:58.38Elkanois that a profile setting?
12:59.24Elkanoeah, I've seen it for Clique too I think but when I tried I wasn't able to 'reproduce'
13:00.20Mr_Rabies2joke about firing blanks goes here
13:02.02Mr_Rabies2man, the gold/pleveling ads are getting bad recently
13:02.03Mr_Rabies2i wonder why
13:04.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
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13:05.09Cairennanyone want a paper-weight?  that's what my computer is going to be very shortly, after I finish throwing it against a wall
13:05.14sysragebecause blizz does nothing about them?
13:05.39zenzelezzCairenn: having trouble? o_O
13:05.47krkai dont use paper! i live in the electronic age
13:06.10krkahaving PEBKAC issues cair? ;)
13:07.21Elkanoso, Cairenn, what would I have to add to the text for the donation button to work? I think I tried the <form> stuff paypal gives you when requesting such a button and it didn't work
13:08.39CairennI've been having trouble with my computer for a while now - if I turn it off, I sit here and pray that it'll restart, if I have to reboot because of a security update or whatever, half the time it doesn't reboot, so I have to hit the emergency power switch on the back to turn it off, and pray that it'll restart, I'm constantly running out of virtual memory when I never used to have a problem with it, and it makes the most gawd-awful nois
13:09.22krkasounds like it's That Time Of Month
13:09.28krka(yes, i mean reinstalling windows time!)
13:09.40krkaor upgrade to ubuntu
13:09.47Cairennmy computer is pre-menstrual? o.O
13:10.02krkawhere'd you get that from? O_o
13:10.15zenzelezzdoesn't sound like a software problem to me, but could be
13:10.43krkacould boot an ubuntu cd and test the memory i guess
13:10.47sysragewhat kinda god awful noise?
13:10.57Corrodiaswhen yuo say half of the time it doesn't reboot, in what way does it fail?
13:11.08sysrageas in just a loud HDD and it's swapping a lot, or something physical is actually grinding?
13:11.12CairennI don't even know how to describe the noise, just that it drives me out of my ever loving mind
13:11.18Corrodiasbad memory would -probably- manifest itself at many times, not just when booting
13:11.21Cairennno, fan
13:11.26zenzelezzwhy get Ubuntu just to test the memory? Just grab memtest86 or whatever that's called
13:11.31Corrodiasi know it did for me. the first time my ram went bad was the scariest time of my PC life.
13:11.36krkacould be harddrive failure i suppose
13:11.48krkazenzelezz: because ubuntu is the shit!
13:11.51nevcairielgenerally a ubuntu cd includes a memtest86 boot option
13:12.01Corrodiasis a fan whining? this often happens when they get dirty...then they stop
13:12.07BeladonaCairenn: sounds like your computer needs a good cleaning
13:12.08Corrodiasnever a good thing
13:12.12zenzelezzI think you accidentally typed "the" there =D
13:12.23Corrodiasi have not found a way to decently clean an electric motor fan
13:12.24krkano :(
13:12.44sysrageonce dirt gets in the barings, you're pretty much screwed
13:12.48CairennI take the side off and take the compressed air to it on a very regular basis
13:12.53krkai used a ... hmm... a cotton stick thingy? to clear out dust from my fan before
13:12.57krkathere was a _lot_ of dust
13:13.06Cairennbut yeah, it's like there is a dirty bearing or a screw loose or something
13:13.08Corrodiasi don't mean off the blades; i mean out of the inside, like sysrage means
13:13.10krkacompressed gray dust balls
13:13.36krkawhat's that?
13:14.20Cairennthe non-reboot, non-starting makes me want to cry when it happens, but the noise of the fan or whatever the hell it is makes me scream, I can't STAND the noise
13:14.51sysragedoes it not even POST? or it dies partway through loading windows? or what?
13:14.56zenzelezzif it was just the fan then you could always replace it; but I can't see the fan stopping a reboot
13:15.00Cairennit doesn't even post
13:15.17krkacould be bad capacitors on the motherboard
13:15.20krkahappened to me once
13:15.22sysragere-seat all expansion cards and memory. re-plug all drives
13:15.41CairennI don't know from hardware
13:16.09Cairennlast thing I'm going to do is start mucking around with the mobo or anything
13:16.31Cairennthen it's guaranteed to be nothing more than an oversized paper weight
13:17.08sysrageas long as you're semi-careful you really can't screw it up
13:17.21sysragedon't have any friends that at least would re-seat stuff for you?
13:17.21nevcairielits easier then you think
13:18.35CairennI have a couple spare video cards sitting here, I may try swapping one of them in, see if it's the fan on the video card that is making the noise (I think it is)
13:19.02zenzelezzuh ohes
13:19.06sysrageprobably is.. usually video card fans or southbridge fans that take a crap in my experience
13:19.09zenzelezzvideo card fans hate me
13:19.15zenzelezzI've had two of them die on me
13:19.15nevcairielmy chipset fan hated me
13:19.23sysragebut if you can swap a video card, you can re-seat stuff
13:19.30Cairennunfortunately, the "spares" I have aren't as good (surprise, surprise)
13:19.33nevcairielwell, the motherboard series was shipped with a bad fan, so asus even offered a free replacement
13:19.37Corrodiasyou can't just swap in a video card
13:19.39sysragethat's basically what i mean. swap the cards with themselves
13:19.44Corrodiasthere is drivers work to be done
13:19.48sysragelol nev.. a8n-sli?
13:19.56sysragei had same one
13:20.03sysragethey gave me a new one. it took a crap
13:20.09sysragehad to replace it twice
13:20.21nevcairieli got the free replacement fan, and never had any issue since then
13:20.21Cairennthe only problem with swapping the video card is ... tada ... I have to turn it off, and back on ... and pray that it restarts each time I do it =/
13:21.06sysragei'm tellin ya. re-seat everything while before goin through the hassle
13:21.37zenzelezzsounds like it's time to start selling autographed posters of yourself so you can replace the computer
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13:22.09Cairennyeah, I'd make enough to maybe buy myself an etch-a-sketch :p
13:22.36zenzelezzI find your lack of faith disturbing
13:23.02Cairennanyway, time for physio ... I hate life some days :p
13:23.05Cairennlater guys
13:23.09JoshBorkebye cair
13:26.41krkatake cair
13:27.11JoshBorkeoh, i see what you did there
13:27.21zenzelezzif she was still around I'm make a comment that that was a naughty thing to say
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13:33.50Mr_Rabies2i wish i knew her, i'd likely be able to point out the problem easily
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13:34.04Mr_Rabies2hate to see people pissed off at their computers :x
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13:35.38zenzelezzdepends on the people; I more commonly wish I could remotely inflict them on someone
13:37.10Mr_Rabies2well yeah
13:37.22Mr_Rabies2i mean good natured people :x
13:38.08krkacomputers are tricky to diagnose
13:38.09hugois theres some ace2 addon like better item count? that changes values like 1800 to 1.8k .. like ammo :) and another one for scroll chat window with mouse?
13:38.34krkai generally solve my hardware problems, but i tend to thouroughly test stuff for about a week
13:38.50krkathe time i had leaky capacitors was tricky
13:39.18zenzelezzcurse people with equal length nicks
13:39.40zenzelezzI saw "computers are tricky to diagnose" followed by "is theres some ace2 addon <...>" and thought you were about to blame Ace for her computer problems
13:40.07krkai would!
13:40.15sysragehugo: there is a scroll chat window with mouse. it's part of cosmos. ummmm
13:40.26hugosysrage yeah thats my point
13:40.29hugoim getin rid of it
13:40.33zenzelezzthe first time my videocard fan died was "fun"
13:40.35[Ammo]hugo: try SimpleChatMods
13:40.37sysrageso just use that 1 part of it
13:40.39[Ammo]it's on acesvn
13:40.45zenzelezzgraphical corruption in the POST/BIOS screens was something I'd never seen
13:40.48[Ammo]it has a scroll file
13:40.51hugosysrage no it needs sea.. i dont want sea
13:40.58hugoor sky i mean
13:41.56hugoSimpleChatMods - No Description Given
13:42.01hugook i try it thanks ;]
13:42.10hugowhat all it does don't you know please?
13:42.28JoshBorkejust try it and see
13:42.35hugogoing on it :)
13:42.35JoshBorkeor read the code
13:42.44Mr_Rabies2<krka> the time i had leaky capacitors was tricky
13:43.09hugoand about to replace the BetterItemCount from cosmos, witch converts like number of ammo from 1200 to 1,2k is there some ace mod like that too ?
13:43.21Mr_Rabies2indeed, its hard to see that one cap that's slightly bloated in a dark tightly packed mobo
13:43.33Mr_Rabies2but she has audio clues
13:44.06JoshBorkenot like you can easily fix a leaky cap
13:46.12Mr_Rabies2i managed to break a capacitor off my video card once
13:46.30Mr_Rabies2my case was poorly designed and i had nothing to grip...turns out using a capacitor for a grip is a bad idea worked perfectly fine without it
13:48.26nevcairielmine stopped working
13:48.30nevcairielwhen i did that.
13:48.30hugohmm the simplechatmods also completely change look of my chat window :D
13:48.47hugoand it  isn't listed in Deucecommander to config it also ;o
13:49.02nevcairielSCM does not have any in-game config.
13:49.08nevcairielyou have to config it with a config file
13:49.29hugoah well nothing for a poor player, isn't there just simple addon to scroll chat with mouse ? ;o
13:49.40hugoit even moved my chat command line to nowhere ;d
13:49.48JoshBorkeCT_Mod does it
13:50.14hugoi mean some ace2 otherwise i can keep use the cosmos one :o)
13:51.56hugoit really misses a deucecommander frame :)
13:53.44krkamaybe some caps are just for decoration
13:54.01krkathat would be a cool job - hardware board visual designer
13:54.44nevcairielthe newer gfx cards are hidden behind some cover anyway
13:54.54nevcairielor a way-too-big cooler
13:55.07Beladonathe high end ones are
13:55.14Beladonathe low end ones still use the too-tiny one
13:55.47Beladonaexample: 8800GTX vs 8800GT
14:01.32Maldiviauhh... StarCraft 2 confirmed ?
14:03.55Mr_Rabies240g worth of deposits from this morning's trip to the AH
14:04.06Mr_Rabies2lets hope for some profit
14:07.09Mr_Rabies2only "leaked" info so far Maldivia
14:07.23Kirkburn|afkWow, just wow:
14:07.27Mr_Rabies2unless you see it in a press release at blizzard's site
14:08.59Davey2okay found out the problem
14:09.15Davey2when the BG end screen appears, it records all the values
14:09.36Davey2when you click Leave Battleground, it doubles the values in Overall
14:09.45Davey2like its recording it unnecessarily again
14:10.20Davey2what kind of countermeasure might i use to protect from that?
14:10.57Davey2LUA pastey:
14:12.02Davey2i tried to think of a way of counter measuring it but not anything that might prove successful
14:18.02Davey2anyone ?
14:18.06Kirkburn|afk"EA Mythic's Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning has been delayed to 2008."
14:22.32zenzelezzWTS pollen allergy, well used but in prime condition. Only works seasonally
14:23.36nevcairieli am so not buying that one.
14:24.03hugogoot prat is nice ;o
14:24.04zenzelezzI'll trade it for some Clefthoof Meat
14:24.16nevcairielyou should see my car right now, its black generally.
14:24.20nevcairielnow its half-yellow
14:24.43nevcairieland washing doesnt help, the pollen get back on it way to fast
14:25.38zenzelezzI tell you, when the revolution comes, we're outlawing pollen
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15:31.32KasoWhat's gold-whisper advert spam like on US servers?
15:32.31dukekudo you get gold mail spam on EU servers?
15:32.43KasoYah, all that jazz
15:32.44cogwheel|workI've never gotten more than one in a session myself, but others seem to see it much more frequently
15:32.56dukekui love logging in, "omg something in my mail!!!!" only to find someone wishes to inform me of the great deals at power peons dot com
15:33.05zenzelezzhow long is one session for you cog?
15:33.10KasoI would have thought it was better in US, i ususally hear how the US GMs are alot more active
15:33.12cogwheel|work4-5 hrs
15:33.18dukekuthe US GMs are super fast
15:33.24dukeku..when you get reported :P
15:33.45Kasowell thank god for the whisper thottling, 2.1 cant come soon enough imo
15:37.34Maldiviawhat exactly are the changes in the whisper throttling
15:38.44Maldiviawell, I was more interested if the "unspecified limit", somehow has been specified :)
15:39.01cogwheel|workit's probably something they'll be tuning server-side
15:39.33zenzelezzmaybe they don't want people to know the number, so they can't really plan circumventing it already
15:39.40KasoI thought the point of that sentance was "we're not going to tell you so you can just script your whisper-bots with appropriate delays easily
15:39.47Kasodamn you zenzelezz!
15:43.42cogwheel|workKitteh! (c/o my wife)
15:44.46zenzelezzwould probably cause too much, but I think they should have the throttling system at first just check the time since last whisper, and then do a hit-count on repeat attempts... something like if you retried too fast X times, it raised the amount of time you had to wait
15:44.56zenzelezz*cause too much overhead
15:45.36Mikmacogwheel|work: lol that's.. :D something new at last!
15:46.21Kirkburn|afkcogwheel|work, haha
15:46.57Kasozenzelezz my instincts tell me because this is a deliberate anti-whisper thing, thenumber of different people you attempt to whisper will play some part in the forumula also
15:47.13zenzelezzgood point
15:47.18Kasoso you can spam one person a fair bit, but send the same number of whispers each to a new person and it will lock
15:47.38Kasoi mean anti-goldspam whisper ofc
15:50.05Mr_Rabies2welp, 300g so far and i posted my auctions ~30 mins ago :O
15:50.12Mr_Rabies2let's hope i make a grand today
15:50.25Mr_Rabies2so i can get 300 riding
15:50.35nevcairieli should copy my char on PTR again, now that i actually managed to buy my 300 riding
15:50.36zenzelezzwhat items are you selling?
15:50.39nevcairieland do the quest
15:50.55Mr_Rabies2zenz, pretty much everything that dropped for me in the last forever
15:51.21Mr_Rabies2fel armaments, herbs, cloth
15:51.27Mr_Rabies2couple world drop blues
15:51.37Mr_Rabies2not any greens, i DE all of those
15:51.41Mr_Rabies2and stockpile the dust
15:51.49Mr_Rabies2i think i have 20 stacks of arcane dust
15:52.14nevcairielyou should sell some of those too, at least on my server dust goes for good money
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15:54.06Mr_Rabies2eh i could
15:54.18Mr_Rabies2I want to have a ton for when i feel like leveling enchanting
15:54.41Mr_Rabies2which is probably gonna be never
15:54.48Mr_Rabies2i'm at 325 or so
15:54.50WobinLONG CAT IS LONG
15:56.05WobinThat's honestly, one and a half minutes of my life I will never get back =P
15:56.08Mr_Rabies2and tacgnol is gnol
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15:56.56Mr_Rabies2i've gotta find another arena team
15:57.01Mr_Rabies2every time i see the name of this one
15:57.02Mr_Rabies2i cry
15:57.10Mr_Rabies2look at the freakin' warlock's win:loss ratio too
15:59.50foxlitCan someone look at those 14 lines and explain why it's borked on the PTR? :)
16:01.17foxlitThe general idea is that I have three levels of securestateheaders to preserve frameLevel in a decent way (addchild reparents, things get ugly)
16:01.39WobinIt's true, I wish addchild didn't reparent
16:01.42foxlitThing is, that code then breaks ANY secureactionbutton that is attached to a securestateheader
16:02.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (n=nope@
16:02.49foxlitI'll also settle for someone running it on their PTR client and telling me if it's also broken for them
16:07.13foxlitWoah, it's actually a lot simpler than that
16:08.03foxlitHaving any frame in XML inherit SecureStateHeaderTemplate breaks secureactionbuttons tied to a header :/
16:11.53cogwheel|worklist kitteh link... i swear...
16:12.39cogwheel|workCogsBar works fine... but it creates its state headers in lua...
16:13.42zenzelezzso what you're saying is there's an anti-XML conspiracy on the PTR?
16:14.06cogwheel|workWe should make a minimal test case and post it for slouken...
16:14.21foxlitWorking on it
16:14.39foxlitAlmost done, in fact.
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16:17.11foxlitGot it. Do you have the spare time to run it for me, Cog? Just so I'm sure it isn't local
16:17.49cogwheel|workwhy not :)
16:17.53cogwheel|workpastey it?
16:18.41foxlitZip would be easier for you, it's practically an addon :)
16:22.54cogwheel|workworked for me
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16:23.03cogwheel|workwith no addons except TaintTest...
16:23.13cogwheel|workexpected result failure, but it worked
16:23.35foxlitHm, I had it and FeedbackUI run :/
16:24.03cogwheel|workUI reload and it still worked
16:24.23foxlitDoesn't make any sense.
16:24.29foxlitJust tried it with everything turned off
16:24.37foxlitAnd /click TTButton1 still gives an error
16:24.49cogwheel|worki'm an idiot
16:25.12foxlitnp, I assumed people read messages in chat
16:25.22cogwheel|workI was testing it on live :P
16:25.33foxlitOh, did that a few secs back as well. Clears, thankfully
16:26.06foxlitIs there a FrameXML extract for the PTR client?
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16:26.24cogwheel|workthe addon kit extracts both
16:26.49purlget the official Blizzard Interface AddOn Kit here:
16:26.56purlLocated at the addonkit is "The World of Warcraft User Interface Customization tool that allows users to tweak and customize the User Interface."
16:27.51cogwheel|workfoxlit: the XML inheriting didn't change anything...
16:28.07cogwheel|workI commented out the xml line and it still didn't work properly.
16:28.43cogwheel|workafk for a bit
16:28.59foxlitRemove it altogether
16:29.14foxlitThat causes it to work on my client
16:30.49foxlit(So did <!-- <Frame .../> -->, just have to ReloadUI();)
16:33.04Mr_Rabies2so will 2.0 addons work okay with 2.1? just not properly optimized?
16:33.21Mr_Rabies2or do they all have to be rewritten, again?
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16:33.35foxlitThe majority of them should work.
16:33.50foxlitThere aren't any fundamental changes in philosophy
16:35.19JumpeeI have this line in my addon which works fine for me but some users only see a green square unless they add a .tga file extendion to crossbutton. Anybody know why? <Texture name="$parentIcon" file="Interface/AddOns/HealMarker/crossbutton"/>
16:37.29Mr_Rabies2why does everything in outland have hit rating :[
16:37.45Mr_Rabies2i have +6.47% chance to hit now and i dont DW
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16:38.50nevcairielat least you hit everything then.
16:41.27Hallu16% hit is good
16:41.47Mr_Rabies2WHEN YOU DW
16:41.51Mr_Rabies2oh god caps
16:41.56Mr_Rabies2when you DW, yes
16:41.58Halluspell hit - 16%
16:42.00Mr_Rabies2but if you don't, 5% is the cap
16:42.01Halluis good
16:42.01nevcairielDruids dont DW, they need about 5 or 6 and all is fine.
16:42.11Mr_Rabies2well the cap for a level 73
16:42.56cogwheel|workfoxlit: O.o
16:43.07cogwheel|workjust the presence of any XML file seems to be causing it...
16:43.08Halluisn't the spell hit cap for a lvl 73 16%
16:43.24cogwheel|workeither that or i edited the wrong one...
16:43.33cogwheel|workwhich I did ><
16:43.35foxlitcogwheel: sec, let me get a clean sample as well
16:43.55foxlitCan have a nice little XML/NoXML demo with two addons enabling/disabling each other
16:43.56nevcairielHallu: we are talking about melee tho
16:43.56Mr_Rabies2i dunno about spell hit
16:44.22cogwheel|workI was wrong about commenting out that line.. I had edited the version I was testing in live...
16:44.55cogwheel|workyep. Commenting it out makes it work properly...
16:45.25foxlitSo at some point, that frame breaks :SetAttribute("addchild", child) to the point of it tainting the child
16:47.23cogwheel|workI'm going to try inheriting plain old SecureFrameTemplate to see if it still happens
16:47.43cogwheel|worknope... Just the state header template it appears
16:48.52foxlitFigure you can post it somewhere noticible? No US forum account for me :)
16:53.10Mr_Rabies2i think some of my ace addons are buged
16:53.28Mr_Rabies2everything's happening twice and fast
16:54.40Mr_Rabies2in SCT, everything flies across the screen and shows up twice
16:54.47Mr_Rabies2fubar's blank
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16:55.52foxlitcogwheel: Thanks :)
16:56.25cogwheel|workfoxlit: FYI: Version is a supported toc entry...
16:56.35cogwheel|work(no need for X-)
16:57.13foxlitHm, that's interesting.
16:58.11foxlitMostly there because I copied the toc from a proper addon, left it in to track things :)
16:58.58Mr_Rabies2the advantage of having 5-10 minute queues is i can use them as a means to get back to shatt if my hearth is on cooldown and i need to go to another capital for some reason
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17:01.54TC-Workingpurl needs to have a "name that tune" plugin
17:05.29Mr_Rabies2there's some website that will find some songs, mostly classical ones iirc if you hum them or play them on their little piano java app
17:07.18TC-Workingna, i mean because i am bored
17:07.29TC-Workinge.g. like a trivia game
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17:22.39Mr_Rabies2i'm confused, i run the ace updater and it updates the same addons every time to the same revision @_@
17:23.18purlmethinks wuu is WoW UI Updater - Updates your WoW addons automatically from WoWAce, WoWI, UIWoW, and CurseGaming sites. Homepage is
17:23.18sysrageaww. i'm not l33t enough to use it
17:23.18sysrageperl, wuu?
17:23.29purlit has been said that wuu is WoW UI Updater - Updates your WoW addons automatically from WoWAce, WoWI, UIWoW, and CurseGaming sites. Homepage is
17:23.37Mr_Rabies2i don't like wuu, too much of a pain to upate everything
17:23.39sysragejust slow i guess
17:23.44Kasois goon run though!
17:23.48Mr_Rabies2with ace i can just hit f10
17:23.55Mr_Rabies2yes, it is goon run
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17:24.13sysragecan't you just hit ctrl-d or something with WUU?
17:24.27sysrage*shrug* i like to check what's getting updated so i just double click them
17:24.48Mr_Rabies2i have too many addons to bother with that :p
17:24.51sysragenot to mention i have mods from all the different sites
17:25.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Hallu (n=Hallucin@
17:25.30sysragewell i know wuu has an update all hotkey. i just don't know it off the top of my head
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17:26.01Mr_Rabies2it didnt when i used it
17:26.44Mr_Rabies2its driving me crazy though
17:26.53Mr_Rabies2for some reason it just won't update
17:27.06Mr_Rabies2or something
17:27.13Mr_Rabies2it keeps updating to the same revision
17:27.16Mr_Rabies2for a few addons
17:27.27Mr_Rabies2Ace2, Performancefu, restfu, talented_data
17:28.24sysragei remember having that problem with WAU. don't remember how i fixed it though
17:34.05Guillotineis the update key
17:34.09GuillotineRabies: update. theres a bunch of cool new features
17:34.16Mr_Rabies2ohh i remember why i decided to not use it, i've got so many addons and don't remember where most of them come from heheh
17:34.57KasoIm of the "i'll update my addons when they stop working" mindset to be honest
17:35.14cogwheel|workme too
17:35.19GuillotineI'm of the "zomg, new update. maybe new features to play around with!" mindset
17:35.22Kasoive seen too many problems with bad versions getting pushed onto wowace and then guildies moaning about why it wont work
17:35.54Guillotinethe thing is, if theres an error like that, it usually only takes a 1 line change to fix it
17:36.00TC-Workingheh, but most of the ace people are on here anyways, so if it breaks...bitch at them :)
17:36.23Kasowell true, but i dont know its just an unessarsary hassle
17:36.35KalrothKaso: Same, once I find a stable version I usually stick to that
17:36.53Mr_Rabies2do i use acesn or wowace?
17:37.02Mr_Rabies2acesvn = what WAU uses
17:37.11Guillotinethe thing is, I don't use addons to play. I play to use addons
17:37.23Guillotinerabies: acesvn is what WAU uses, yes
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17:59.35Mr_Rabies2okay, this is odd
17:59.44Mr_Rabies2WUU has addons i've deleted a long time ago @_@
18:00.22cogwheel|workmaybe it looks at your addons.txt file?
18:01.06Mr_Rabies2it's got addons not in my addons.txt
18:01.18Mr_Rabies2it could scan my savedvariables, but that doesn't seem like it would be very useful
18:02.06nevcairielit scans your brainz!
18:02.30Shirikquestion, what's this?
18:02.36Shiriksetmetatable(tt_targets, { __mode = 'v' }); -- Make this a weak table.
18:04.59Shirik"A typical example is a stack, implemented with an array and an index to the top." and that's exactly what this is ^^ I love PiL
18:05.00Mr_Rabies2okay, it must store the addons elsewhere
18:05.06sysrageWUU has it's own list. it adds new ones it finds in your addons dir, but doesn't remove old ones that arent' there anymore
18:05.14Mr_Rabies2because, for some reason it still has archud2 which i removed months ago
18:05.15sysrageso you can re-install without having to manually search again
18:05.21sysragejust remove it from the WUU list
18:05.24Mr_Rabies2how do i clear that list
18:05.33Mr_Rabies2i want to start over from scratch on it
18:05.57sysrageum. i don't have it in front of me but there's a 'remove' or 'delete' option in the menus somewhere
18:06.19Mr_Rabies2i just want to reset the list to my currently installed list, i have too many to go through manually
18:06.20sysragemight actually delete them from addon folder if they are there though so back up addon folder first
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18:06.51sysragecan't really help without in front of me. will look when i go home
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18:07.20Mr_Rabies2because deleting the wuu folder didn't clear the list ><
18:07.27Mr_Rabies2i don't see it in application data either
18:19.39Esamynnwhy does everyone insist on spamming trade for EVERYTHING?!! :(
18:21.14ZiconBecause everyone are IDIOTS.
18:21.25Esamynnno kidding
18:21.45Mr_Rabies2i spam trade sometimes, depends on my mood
18:22.01Mr_Rabies2and how many people are complaining about people talking about nontrade in trade
18:22.04TC-Working~slay Mr_Rabies2
18:22.06purlACTION brandishes Excalibur!  "With this sword, I vanquish thee, Mr_Rabies2!"  apt lops off Mr_Rabies2's head.
18:22.15Mr_Rabies2by spam i mean talk about non-trade stuff
18:22.30TC-Workingyes, thats what i figured
18:23.11boris``blizzard should implement my UI fixes :(
18:24.23ShirikEsamynn: It could be worse
18:24.43Mr_Rabies2aha found it, finally, sysrage
18:24.46ShirikMy server is filled with tools that think if it doesn't sell, then spamming it 10 times in 5 seconds will get it to sell
18:24.55Mr_Rabies2addons.wurm.xml within \World of Warcraft\
18:25.15Esamynnso report them Shirik, that's real spam that the GMs should deal with
18:25.30ShirikI'm pretty sure the other 20 people that said "reported," someone dealt with it :/
18:25.48Shirikbtw right now he's spamming "wts love to <some name>, my savior finally"
18:25.50ShirikI guess he sold it >.>
18:25.55TC-Workingi wish i could report stupidity, but then blizz would lose 2/3's of their player base
18:26.30Mr_Rabies2i love barrens chat and try to turn /1 into barrens chat wherever i go :x
18:26.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
18:26.57Ziconmr_rabies2: I now officially hate you.
18:27.24Mr_Rabies2i especially love messing with those who i know it gets to
18:27.55ShirikSo I've been pissed at SciTE lately, because every time I hit "save," it pops up twice with a message "This file has been changed from outside the editor. Do you want to reload it?"
18:28.03ShirikI just realized I have the same file open in three tabs >.>
18:28.30Esamynngod damn gold sellers are getting past my reporting filter :(
18:28.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
18:29.00Esamynn2 in the last 5 minutes
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18:29.58Mr_Rabies2now gold sellers do pester me
18:30.25Mr_Rabies2but as long as you're not literally spamming, aka multiple lines in a short period, it doesn't bother me
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18:32.29ShirikEsamynn: The best filter I can think of atm
18:32.46Shirikmore than 3 lines received within 1 second, any of the three containing "gold" or "com"
18:32.52Shirikprobably .com
18:33.09EsamynnShirik: thing is, I want my filter to report, in fact I perfer something that reports over somethign that hides stuff
18:33.43ShirikMaybe I'm misunderstanding :/
18:34.25Esamynnreport as in open a GM ticket
18:37.21Kasoyou report every gold whisper you get?
18:37.34Esamynni'd like to
18:37.47Esamynnbut it's too  much trouble without an addon to assist
18:37.59KasoYou're the reason why i have to wait two hours to get my quest unbugged!!
18:39.07Kasothat and the fact im in EU
18:39.17cogwheel|workKaso: they actually unbug them for you?
18:39.27Kasowell, took me two tickets
18:39.29Kasobut yes
18:39.39Kasothe Socrathar one in netherstorm
18:40.08Kasofirst one said "it'll reset itself in 30min" i said "i've been here 1hr" he said "oh well", second one fixed it
18:40.27Kasotwo hours total to get it fixed
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18:47.07Mr_Rabies2anyone know where i can get an updated showmychat or is it no longer necessary
18:49.24Gryphenis your chat not defaulting to first tab?
18:49.44cogwheel|workNow that you mention it, I haven't seen anyone asking about disappearing chat windows in quite a while
18:49.56Shirikyeah problem's stopped for me
18:50.55Grypheni was curious as to wanting an updated version, and at the same time not knowing if it was necissary :)
18:51.25TC-Workingah, the master has arived
18:54.21LysistrataEsamynn about the "Report Goldspam" did you try Spam Sentry?
18:55.48*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
18:55.57KasoHow does Spam Sentry world? World filters?
18:55.57Mr_Rabies2there's a built in spam filter now :O
18:56.06Mr_Rabies2it filters peonsforhire and stuff
18:56.13Mr_Rabies2the blizzard one
18:56.33Mr_Rabies2i tried typing "man, these peons4hire ads suck today" in party chat and it wouldn't let me
18:56.53Kasoits limited atm, but come 2.1 it'll be almsot completely stopped by whisper throlleling
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18:57.24sysragenah. spammers will just script their tools to put a delay in
18:58.14KasoI'm hoping blizzard make the throlling so effective they won
18:58.51LysistrataKaso well I don't know which is the exact pattern it filters but you can customize it. The advantage why I thought Esamynn might want it, is that it has a built in "Report to GM" tool. It collects the spammers and has a template to report them to GMs "on Click". I'm just using it to filter spam, not reporting.
18:59.00sysragewonder if it's gonna break the mods like !gems and !enchant
18:59.22KasoWell my theory
18:59.40Kasois the more seperate people you try to whisper, the longer the delay has to be between them
18:59.58Mr_Rabies2<sysrage> nah. spammers will just script their tools to put a delay in
19:00.36Kasoso after you try to whisper like 50 people then the delay will be un-ussabley long
19:00.36EsamynnLysistrata: no, I haven't tried spam sentry, I'll have a look
19:00.36Mr_Rabies2a delay long enough to bypass the filter will be useless, most of the spam accounts are banned within seconds
19:00.36LysistrataWell I think it depends on how they implement the throttle. Do they limit it to just "only one whipser every N seconds" or "no more than N whispers to Y different persons in time X"
19:00.36sysragei beg to differ. i've seen the same name spamming org on our server for hours
19:00.47KasoEU or US sysrage :>
19:00.48LysistrataAh OK sorry I my typing was to slow.
19:00.51KasoFair enoough
19:01.09Mr_Rabies2i always shift click their name after the message and they're already offline, dunno if that is a ban or not
19:01.10sysragemight just be lazy ass GMs on our server i guess
19:01.20Mr_Rabies2GMs cover multiple servers
19:01.22ShadowedThey aren't banned within seconds by the way
19:01.34KasoDon;t GMs work cross- server?
19:01.39Shadowedyeah they do
19:01.45LysistrataWell I think GMs are way more busy than you might think sysrage
19:01.58Mr_Rabies2they dont even go into wow most of the time
19:02.02sysragei'm not trying to say they aren't busy
19:02.06Mr_Rabies2they have a little irc-like tool for chatting ingame
19:02.18Mr_Rabies2and only go in game physically for certain things that require it
19:02.29cogwheel|worklike legorol's pants
19:03.02LysistrataI don't think it would make sense to really use the client as they'd have to change servers very often or have multiple instances of the client open.
19:03.09Guillotinewhen you use SetAllPoints, does it tie the frames together or just set the way it currently is to the other frame?
19:03.35cogwheel|workif a frameA is setpointed to frameB, moving frameB will move frameA
19:03.54sysragei don't expect them to go in game all the time. i'm just saying their tools could use some work if it takes hours to ban a spammer in a major city.
19:04.05LysistrataDoes anybody know if the latest Bartender3 breaks the text overlay for buttons which is offerd by Theorycraft2?
19:04.08sysrageyou know the spammer is reported at least 10 times
19:04.38sysrageshould raise a flag automatically and they can ban them while helping some other noob who can't figure out how to hand in a quest
19:04.46Lysistratawell sysrage afaik they got a queue system which means if you report someone there might be 100 more tickets before your ticket.
19:04.58sysragewhich is why i just said their tools need work
19:05.30cogwheel|workGuillotine: similarly, if you have frameA setpointed top to top and bottom to bottom with frameB, then resizing frameB will also resize frame A
19:05.55Guillotinehm. is there any easy way to just set it to where it *was*
19:06.17Guillotinee.g. so you can easily move the other frame back later
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19:06.55cogwheel|workyou have to get frameB's points and then set frameA to the same
19:07.32Guillotinemeh. I was afraid you'd say that
19:08.36Eternally777It's not too difficult
19:09.31Eternally777frameA:SetPoint(frameB:GetPoint("TOP")); frameA:SetPoint(frameB:GetPoint("BOTTOM")); frameB:ClearAllPoints(); --[[ Move frameB ]]
19:09.52cogwheel|workHallu: I have family members who would fall for that...
19:10.26GuillotineI know, but it adds more code. I was hoping to do this thing in as few as possible
19:10.38Halluthat's really sad!
19:11.19Guillotinejust wow
19:11.27Guillotinethats like the popups that advertise popup blockers
19:11.29Eternally777Meh, it's not a huge process, so I wouldn't be too concerned.
19:13.20Davey2i think i've figured out why my script is duplicating BG stats
19:13.31Davey2but i have no idea what to do about it
19:13.56Davey2some assistance would be grand and appreciated :)
19:15.23Mr_Rabies2<sysrage> which is why i just said their tools need work
19:15.38Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty sure they have some type of priority system too
19:16.08Mr_Rabies2because when we have 10+people file a speedhack report for bgs, etc, they respond fast
19:18.40Guillotinecould someone look at this real quickly and tell me if they see why it isn't working?
19:18.43Guillotineits only like 5 lines
19:20.18Guillotinefor some reason it will only move along the y axis sometimes and not move at all other times
19:21.25Guillotinehmm. nm. looks like the problem is somewhere else
19:21.48JoshBorkehow come my tooltip isn't resizing when I add text to it?
19:26.45Davey2anyone able to help me out? i am really eager to play BGs and to lvl up, but the bugs are hindering that enjoyment. i just want to get it fixed
19:27.12Davey2this appears to be the only thing that needs fixing
19:27.17cogwheel|workJoshBorke: it won't resize until you :Show it
19:28.09cogwheel|workDavey2: are you asking to ask? :P
19:28.34Davey2as i said before  i am pretty sure i found out why it is duplicating stats
19:28.46Davey2but i don't know how to counteract it
19:28.55Davey2not knowledge enough in lua programming
19:29.26cogwheel|workJoshBorke: GameTooltip:Set_______  calls show implicitly
19:29.31Davey2on listening for UPDATE_BATTLEFIELD_STATUS event
19:29.47JoshBorkecogwheel|work: yea, that's why i was confused.  but adding text to it i have to show it again
19:30.00Davey2when the battle 'ends', the screen comes up showing you scores
19:30.11Davey2it logs everything i need perfectly
19:31.00Davey2when i click 'leave battleground', it writes the stats under 'Overview' again, but NOT the battleground that you just finished
19:31.15Davey2it also writes the Losses/Wins again
19:31.23Davey2that IS under all tabs
19:31.55Davey2it appears to be because of the 'leave battleground' button which i think must be calling UPDATE_BATTLEFIELD_STATUS again
19:32.16Davey2hence - writing the stats again
19:32.38cogwheel|workDavey2: get DevTools and use its event watcher
19:32.48cogwheel|workthat way you can see exactly what events are being fired when
19:33.26Davey2i dont need another program to tell me that event is being run again. this is the only bug i have left i just want to fix it
19:33.45Davey2my intuition tells me the event is being run again - that is enough for me
19:34.16Davey2i just wish i knew how to counter-act that from duplicating the stats
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19:34.35cogwheel|workif you know WHEN it's being fired, it might give you clues on how to fix it... Maybe there's some piece of data you can check during the second event to know that it's a dupe
19:35.14Davey2when ? its being fired 1) when the battleground ends and the screen comes up
19:35.14Davey2and 2) when you click leave battleground
19:35.43Davey2i checked it out earlier. we lost the ground, i checked my newly written stats against that in the table
19:35.49Davey2they matched 100%
19:36.01Mr_Rabies2i lost some of my enchanting recipes?
19:36.12Mr_Rabies2all of the sudden i can learn ones that i know i knew @_@
19:36.19KasoGM GM!
19:36.21Davey2after i clicked 'leave battleground' and i appeared in ironforge
19:36.38Davey2it had written the stats again
19:36.41cogwheel|workso if you know when it's happening, then you can easily set up something to detect that situation and ignore the second one...
19:36.46Davey2so instead of 7 deaths i had 14
19:37.02Davey2^^ yeah, but i don't know how i might do that
19:37.04Mr_Rabies2looks like they gave some recipe drops to the trainer @_@
19:37.15Mr_Rabies2but... i thought i had the recipes
19:37.31Guillotineit appears that the tooltip only updates when the mouse moves e.g. it won't update if a frame moves under it until the mouse is moved just a little bit. Is there any way to force an update?
19:38.15Davey2i was thinking a check like
19:38.16Davey2if ( status == "active" ) then
19:38.29cogwheel|workUse a flag... clear it when you enter the BG, set it when you write the stats
19:38.36Davey2First = "true"
19:38.43cogwheel|workit's really not that complicated of a problem
19:39.01Davey2clear it/set it? example plz
19:39.17Davey2i assume by flag you mean variable
19:39.49cogwheel|worka boolean value
19:40.18Davey2boolean in Lua is same? 1 or 0
19:41.38JoshBorkeDavey2: false and nil are the only not true's
19:42.25cogwheel|workDavey2: you should really read through chapter 7 and then 11, and 14
19:42.47Guillotineeh, what was the macro again to show the name of the frame your mouse is over? All my macros were lost when my game crashed :(
19:42.55cogwheel|workThose, imo, are the most important aspects of Lua as far as general addon programming goes
19:43.10cogwheel|workwith chapters 18,19, 20 a close second
19:43.31Shirikweak tables seem kinda fun though :P
19:43.34ShirikLearn something new every day ^^
19:43.44cogwheel|workmetatables 4tw!
19:44.03Davey2mm i fear by the time i am done
19:44.09Davey2all the battlegrounds will be closed again
19:44.11cogwheel|workBut you can hardly be effective at all without 1-7
19:44.28Mr_Rabies2not only did they give recipes to trainers
19:44.34Mr_Rabies2they changed the materials for the same enchant
19:44.34Davey2so it would be untestable until tomorrow
19:49.15TC-WorkingGuillotine, "/script ChatFrame1:AddMessage("You are hovering over frame: " .. GetMouseFocus():GetName())" ?
19:49.35GuillotineYa, just found that :) Unfortunately, the blips on the minimap have no name :(
19:49.43Guillotineand neither does the little player arrow
19:49.47Guillotineso I can't hide the player arrow
19:50.10TC-Workingmask it?
19:50.44Guillotinethe problem is the player arrow gets in the way
19:51.17TC-Workingi was asking if you can mask the arrow
19:52.29Guillotinemask it?
19:52.59TC-Workingrememeber who your talking to...i'm going to take a flying leap at this, but can you rase the lvl of the minmap so nothing can be seen on top of it?
19:53.40Guillotinebecause both the arrow and blips are children of the minimap, they'd be raised too :/
19:54.30TC-Workingeuthinasia...there just kids, it wont be so bad
19:54.45JoshBorkeGuillotine: does the player arrow change?
19:55.10JoshBorkeas in does the object referring to the player arrow change
19:55.13JoshBorkewell that's a bummer
19:55.27Guillotinehmm. is it possible to iterate through unnamed children?
19:55.30Guillotineit must be
19:55.33Guillotinethats how the nameplate things work
19:55.39Guillotinewonder if I could apply that to scanning minimap blips
19:55.57JoshBorkeGetChildren i believe
19:57.14Davey2right well i think i made a script to counteract the duplication
19:57.22Davey2i only hope
19:57.25Davey2it works
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19:58.05Davey2just waiting for a battleground to make itself available now.
20:01.39Mr_Rabies2this GM just brushed me off
20:01.46Mr_Rabies2i know for a fact i used to have +100 mana to chest
20:01.48Mr_Rabies2oh well
20:02.02Mr_Rabies21g80s is pretty much nothing
20:03.12TC-Workingnot anymore it isnt
20:03.32Mr_Rabies2it will be when i burn my 5000g in the next couple days
20:03.46ShirikI STILL don't have a flying mount...
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20:03.54TC-Workingi still need to get an epic mount
20:04.33Mr_Rabies2Shirik, I'd have 3400g right now if it wasn't for being a druid :p
20:04.38ShirikI hate you both
20:04.55Mr_Rabies2which is still pretty well off towards my epic
20:04.57TC-Workingwha?..what did i do?
20:04.58ShirikI just got my epic ground mount not too long ago :P
20:05.02Mr_Rabies2but i do not farm
20:05.12TC-Workinghey, i still havent got my epic ground yet
20:05.25Mr_Rabies2my friend bought me an epic ground mount 2 christmases ago
20:05.27Shirikthen we'er in the same boat ><
20:05.33Mr_Rabies2he bought gold for it :x
20:05.44Mr_Rabies2i was like
20:05.48Shiriknot you diaf TC-Working
20:05.49Mr_Rabies2i don't condone you buying gold
20:06.00TC-Workingi'm kinda hampered by the fact that i dont play
20:06.01Mr_Rabies2there's a freaking epic mount sitting here in my inventory
20:06.03Shirik~hug TC-Working
20:06.14purlACTION sneaks up on TC-Working and suddenly hugs TC-Working tightly
20:06.14cogwheel|workPeople who buy gold are idiots...
20:06.14Mr_Rabies2this was when training was the cheap thing
20:06.14TC-Workingand that Guillotine isnt PL'ing me
20:06.14Shirikyeah, me either... I'm too busy writing
20:06.21TC-Workingahhhh! a hug
20:06.23cogwheel|workMy wife has >750 g on a realm where her main is only 35
20:06.23Mr_Rabies2cog, it depends on the deal i guess
20:06.33cogwheel|workNo $ spent...
20:06.45Mr_Rabies2he decided that a few hours worth of work was easier than a few weeks of playing a video game
20:06.55TC-Workingthats cuse cogwheel is whiped and gives here everyhinng she wants
20:07.23TC-Workingyou can trade gold across realms
20:07.29Seerahmy hubby lent me gold for my epic ground and flying
20:07.35cogwheel|worktrust me... the gold trading goes the other way...
20:07.38Seerahbut I had to pay him back :P
20:07.41Mr_Rabies2i'm almost tempted to buy the ~600g for this mount+training
20:07.45Mr_Rabies2but i won't
20:07.56Mr_Rabies21) i'm poor 2) i'd rather earn it
20:08.01TC-Workingi did way back when for was totaly pointless
20:08.04cogwheel|workShe's my auction mule :P
20:08.37TC-Workingbut what he really ment was ass
20:08.41cogwheel|workshe's proud of it... she's always bragging about how leet she is with auctioneer :P
20:08.51Mr_Rabies2i think mule would be a bigger insult if you didn't know MMOs
20:09.05Mr_Rabies2than ass
20:09.08Seerahat least he didn't say "ass"
20:09.18Mr_Rabies2it's like, oh well, you called me an ass, i dislike you
20:09.25Mr_Rabies2but calling someone a mule is just mean :[
20:09.30TC-Workinghardly....walk up to someone and say, "your a mule", now do the same with ass...see which one is worse
20:09.54Mr_Rabies2i dunno, i'd rather be called an ass i'd think
20:10.04TC-Workingok, Mr_Ass
20:10.05Seerahnot me :P
20:10.06cogwheel|workI'd never say "your a mule" to anyone
20:10.17cogwheel|workI might be tempted to say "you're a mule" though...
20:10.23Mr_Rabies2mules are lowly animals used primarily for manual labor
20:10.23TC-Workingi'd never say it, because i would look like an idiot
20:10.31Mr_Rabies2asses are for pooping
20:10.36Seerahthere are drug mules... /shrug
20:10.38TC-Working~bitchslap cogwheel|work
20:10.52purlACTION beats the sh*t out of cogwheel|work
20:10.54Mr_Rabies2which is a standard bodily function that pretty much everyone does so i dunno
20:10.59cogwheel|workand there wouldn't be drug mules if drugs weren't illegal...
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20:11.20Mr_Rabies2i'm not gonna get into that arguement :P
20:12.09Mr_Rabies2for the most part, i'm all for doing whatever as long as it doesn't hurt someone else, but some of those drugs impair your ability to think properly about consequences which lead you to hurting someone else
20:12.34Seerahso does alchohol
20:12.38Mr_Rabies2then again, so do legal drugs
20:12.57Mr_Rabies2alcohol you'll still fall over yelling if you get shot in the stomach
20:12.59Seerahat least they have warnings on the label :P
20:13.10Mr_Rabies2that doesn't always happen with PCP and whatnot
20:13.33Mr_Rabies2you'll just get angry :x
20:14.02Mr_Rabies2but with the more reasonable ones with minor side effects, i'm all for making them legal, with heavy taxation :D
20:14.11Shirik16:11:04 ‹Mr_Rabies2› which is a standard bodily function that pretty much everyone does so i dunno
20:14.13Shirikpretty much?
20:14.18ShirikThere are exceptions?
20:14.23cogwheel|workmeh... The war on drugs causes far more problems than the drugs themselves. I'd rather have a few crazed crackheads than prisons and orphanages full of victims of the drug war...
20:14.38Mr_Rabies2i dunno if i'd consider a colostomy bag the same bodily function but i dunno
20:14.41SeerahShirik: haha
20:14.51Mr_Rabies2i mean, kinda sortya
20:15.21cogwheel|workvegged out people living off IV drips just pee...
20:15.58Mr_Rabies2speaking of IV drips
20:16.09Mr_Rabies2i think my oral surgeon hates me now
20:16.18Seerah? :(
20:16.25Mr_Rabies2it took 8 pokes to find a vein, including one on my foot, to anesthesize me
20:16.53cogwheel|workthat's how my wife is...
20:16.53SeerahI got my wisdom teeth out a couple weeks ago and they froze the skin and put it in in one shot
20:17.01Mr_Rabies2none of them particularly hurt, the band they put around my arm to make the veins pop out hurt more than the shot
20:17.09Mr_Rabies2they did the freezing thing for me too
20:17.11Mr_Rabies2no dice
20:17.23Mr_Rabies2they didn't bother after the first one
20:17.33SeerahI appreciated the freezing because that meant that my bruise is gone now, instead of me tensing up and having it for a month :P
20:17.37Mr_Rabies2i was breathing nitrous oxide for an hour and a half while they tried to find a vein
20:17.38Guillotinecool, you CAN hide the middle arrow via iterating through unnamed frames
20:17.41cogwheel|workThey had to give me nitrous to give me the IV 'cause my brain does one of those self-defense things
20:17.58TC-Workingthis is why i love wowi-lounge:  Conversation path matrix:  Money --> Epic Mounts --> Money -->  AH Mule --> Mule VS. Ass --> Drug Mules -->  Drugs --> Bodily functions --> IV's --> ?whats next?
20:17.58SeerahI had gas, too
20:18.00Mr_Rabies2my bruise took ~2 weeks to heal
20:18.20Mr_Rabies2but it didn't hurt
20:18.27Mr_Rabies2it just looked like i was a heroin fiend :[
20:18.43Mr_Rabies2covered in needle marks and a big bruised spot on the right arm
20:18.46SeerahI can finally eat solid foods again - YAY!
20:18.54cogwheel|workyeah... they missed on my elbow too... I wore long sleeved shirts for a while...
20:19.04Seerahyour elbow???
20:19.10cogwheel|workinner elbow...
20:19.12Mr_Rabies2i'm getting annoyed with having to flush the sockets with this saline solution and the syringe they gave me
20:19.23Mr_Rabies2but they said do it until the sockets are almost closed
20:19.26SeerahI find half a plate of dinner in there!
20:19.33cogwheel|workin your elbow?
20:19.47Mr_Rabies2i had to get 5 teeth removed
20:20.01Mr_Rabies2the guy didn't even mention novocaine, he said general straight from the beginning
20:20.14Mr_Rabies24 wisdom + one molar that was impacted and got abcessed while impacted
20:20.20Mr_Rabies2my only other option was a root canal
20:20.33Mr_Rabies2and it was kinda sideways still anyway so i told him just to rip it out
20:20.46Seerahahh, mine were impacted too, but I guess not that bad.  I only got the 4 out
20:20.51Mr_Rabies2i didn't feel like paying 2k for a tooth that was only partially functioning at most anyway
20:20.58Mr_Rabies2mine weren't badly impacted luckily
20:21.03cogwheel|workyeah... root canals are $$$$
20:21.03Mr_Rabies2no swelling
20:21.07Mr_Rabies2no pain
20:21.12Mr_Rabies2like, at all
20:21.14Mr_Rabies2i was surprised
20:21.45Mr_Rabies2i took hydrocodone for the first few days but i didn't have that dull "i know pain's here, but it's not bad enough to annoy me" thing that i get
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20:22.07Mr_Rabies2it was pretty much painless except for removing the gauze on the first day
20:22.29cogwheel|workheh... my wife was jealous at how quickly I recovered
20:22.50Seerahmine was horrible trying to open my mouth...  plus I had a choir concert last week - that was fun...
20:22.57cogwheel|workShe had all these plans for nutrition shakes, oatmeal, soup, etc... and i was eating chips after about 3 days...
20:23.03Seerahmy poor brother got his done last week and he has a dry socket :(
20:23.13Seerahhate you :P
20:23.32Mr_Rabies2oh dry socket
20:23.50Mr_Rabies2i survived on jello and Ensure shakes for a good 3 days
20:24.11Seerahjello pudding and chocolate slimfast shakes
20:24.22Guillotinedangit. Looks like blizz has gone to extreme measures to make sure you can't do anything with minimap blips. While it is obviously a shild of the minimap (e.g. moves with it), it doesn't show up when iterating through children
20:24.35TC-Workingafter getting wisdom theet pulled?
20:24.36Mr_Rabies2and i cut the shakes 50/50 with milk and added bananas and peanut butter for even more nutrients :x
20:24.49TC-Workingi swear, i shouldnt even try to spell today
20:25.03Guillotinehmm. wonder if it just isn't done via the ui. if its purely in the c
20:25.04TC-Workingor type for that matter
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20:25.27Mr_Rabies2but yeah, i was glad to get my teeth ripped out finally
20:25.46Mr_Rabies2they were causing all the rest of my teeth to start bunching up, because the bottom wisdom teeth were at a 90 degree angle
20:25.51Seerahcogwheel: lol
20:26.02Mr_Rabies2but that had a good side, my smile is much straighter looking now
20:26.07Mr_Rabies2nature's braces :x
20:26.33TC-Workingi had my wisdom's pulled and i was eating later that day
20:26.45Mr_Rabies2i used to have a letterman gap on my top front teeth and the wisdoms closed it to normal
20:27.15Seerahmy top wisdom teeth were sideways too, pointing outwards, and the bottom ones came in facing forward, so they never even pushed all the way through the gums
20:27.30Mr_Rabies2mine all erupted at least partially
20:27.32Mr_Rabies2i was pretty lucky
20:27.49Mr_Rabies2not hitting nerves or my sinuses either
20:28.05cogwheel|workmy lower left one erupted but it was facing forward so i had this huge gap between my molar and its "top" that i'd constantly have to pick food out of
20:28.17Mr_Rabies2yeah i had that too, cog
20:28.23Mr_Rabies2part of why my molar had to go
20:28.35Mr_Rabies2it had a food trap stuck there after it erupted
20:28.45Mr_Rabies2the cavity in the molar was ~1/2 the crown
20:28.51Mr_Rabies2and i was lucky there was so little pain
20:29.08Mr_Rabies2it's nice to be able to eat ice cream for the first time in years and not be wincing in pain though
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20:31.08foxlitI need a quick way to concat ... to a string
20:31.24foxlittable.concat({...}," ") complains that not all elements are a string
20:31.48Guillotineyou want to concat to a string, not a table, right?
20:31.50foxlitAnd if it isn't just strings?
20:31.50cogwheel|workerr... strconcat(...)
20:32.04cogwheel|work>>>           strconcat("hi", "bye", "lalal")
20:32.10cogwheel|workoh... no cide :(
20:32.21cogwheel|workno quotes around...
20:32.31cogwheel|works/.../ .../
20:33.12cogwheel|workif you need to make them all strings, use a "stringify" function...
20:33.17foxlitI think I need a for loop to iterate through ...
20:33.19cogwheel|worksec for a pastey
20:33.25foxlitIf there's a nil in there, things will probably error out
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20:34.06cogwheel|worklook how stringify works:
20:34.27cogwheel|work(not the simplest example, but i had it handy :P)
20:35.05AnduinLothar:D /script SetCVar("cameraDistanceMaxFactor", 3)
20:36.28foxlitlocal j = ""; for i=1,select("#",...) j = j .. " || " .. tostring(select(i,...)); end
20:36.37cogwheel|workno... that's bad
20:36.39kergoththat's quite inefficient
20:36.41foxlitmissing a do
20:36.45cogwheel|workevery concat will create a new string
20:36.48kergothtoo many intermediate strings
20:37.06foxlitNoted, but I mostly wanted a debug func I'll remove later :)
20:37.39foxlitHm, could generate code to exec in that loop, then do it all in one concat
20:37.59cogwheel|workfoxlit: simpler example:
20:38.11cogwheel|workthat'll join them with || like your loop
20:38.32Davey2okay cog
20:39.13Davey2it's not duplicating anymore, but its only writing the wins/losses.
20:39.20Davey2not anything else
20:40.01cogwheel|workthat code isn't very maintainable... It would take me too long to figure out what would be causing it...
20:40.13cogwheel|workthat's why we suggested you don't use numerical arrays like that.
20:40.41Davey2that's just being picky. the numerical arrays have nothing to do with it
20:41.01foxlitUm, cog, you missed a call in that pastey?
20:41.21cogwheel|workshould be strjoin(" || ", stringify(...))
20:43.36cogwheel|workDavey2: the more complex the code, the harder it is to debug... Also, the harder it is for anyone unfamiliar with the code to figure out how it works in the first place to even begin trying to debug it...
20:44.04TC-Workingheh, "Cluster bombing from an B-52 is very, very accurate - the bombs always hit the ground"
20:44.09foxlitWhile whether you use numerical indices or not does not affect your problem, it makes it hell to read
20:44.45Davey2forget it cog
20:46.16cogwheel|workI'm not trying to be rude or anything... it's just that I would have to spend more time than I'm willing to debug something like that :(
20:46.40cogwheel|workAll I can do really is give you ways to debug it yourself...
20:46.56cogwheel|workthrow in some miscellaneous print statements to make sure your code is doing what it's "supposed" to be...
20:47.12cogwheel|workbreak down similar tasks into functions and test each function with sample data...
20:48.22cogwheel|workfor instance, lines 160 to 204 could be shrunk to about 1/4 its size by having a single function that knows what faction you are and what faction won
20:48.49cogwheel|works/that knows/that you tell/
20:50.34cogwheel|workor even simply whether you won or not...
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20:50.41Mr_Rabies2my friend wrote a mirc script yesterday that turns wowhead links into clickable item links :O
20:51.31cogwheel|worka lot of the lines from 113 to 154 could be eliminated in a similar manner
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21:00.50Guillotinehm. how would I have a 'for' loop? E.g. I want to loop through all children of UIParent checking their relativeTo points, then loop through all their children, then loop through all their children, e.g. all the way until there are no children left
21:04.59Eternally777Guillotine: That sounds a little expensive...
21:05.15Guillotineit is. But its not really for an addon. I'm just testing something
21:05.27Guillotinetrying to see if minimap blips are accessible in any way
21:05.45Guillotinethey aren't children of the minimap, but I was thinking its possible their children of something else and are just relative to the minimap
21:05.47Guillotinethough its doubtful
21:05.52Guillotineits probably done all internally
21:06.00cogwheel|workI'm fairly certain they're rendered directly by the game engine
21:06.09Eternally777Yeah, I don't think that's within our reach.
21:06.32Eternally777I think there's a function called 'EnumerateFrames()' or something that iterates through all the frames.
21:06.49Eternally777If you still want to try.
21:07.12cogwheel|workyou'll probably want to do a recursive vararg function that loops through its arguments passed via Frame:GetChildren
21:07.54Guillotinecogwheel: ya, I'm guessing their done by the game engine as well
21:08.02Beladonabbs, heading home
21:08.18Guillotinebut then, we thought the same about the frames over units before as well
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21:10.03Eternally777Don't the blips have an 'OnMouseEnter' script?  I think they display the name of the unit or something.. I could be wrong though.
21:11.06cogwheel|workyeah, but i'm pretty sure it's all C-side
21:11.34GuillotineEternally777: yes they do. Thats what I'm trying to get access to. But it appears to be all C-side, as cog said
21:11.52Guillotineso it looks like the best way to do this is just to move the entire minimap under the mouse :/
21:12.40cogwheel|workYeah. there used to be a mod that did that every few frames or so
21:12.57cogwheel|workto give you a notification when some tracked item appears
21:13.28Guillotineya, by Tain. I'm trying to get ahold of him, but he doesn't ever seem to be answering ><
21:13.40Eternally777What's the goal?
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21:13.48Guillotinethe problem is his addon uses Ace1 and Visor which don't work in 2.0. At least visor
21:13.58GuillotineEternally: play a sound when a blip appears on the minimap
21:14.24GuillotineThe problem is the tooltip for the blips only seems to update when you move the mouse -- not when the map is moved under you
21:14.58Guillotineso I'm trying to set the height/width to 10, move it under the mouse, then activate dragging for the 1 sec it takes for blips to update
21:15.08Guillotinebut for some reason, the minimap isn't moving back correctly afterward
21:15.53Guillotineyou can see the full code at if you're interested
21:15.57cogwheel|workIn 2.0 they actually added a flag in the enter/leave events to tell whether it was caused by mouse movement or not
21:16.09cogwheel|workthey may be using that intentionally in the minimap code now to prevent such an addon...
21:16.10Guillotineahhhhh. this probably uses that now
21:17.05Guillotinethat would explain why its not working
21:17.51Guillotinewell, that was a waste of time >< Oh well
21:19.10GuillotineI have one last idea, though if it works it'll probably be fixed next patch
21:21.15Guillotineinteresting. The blip modelfile/skin doesn't even show up
21:21.42foxlitWonder if my decursive clone still works in 2.1
21:22.54foxlitBetween the action not permitted errors, I didn't even try :/
21:27.03sysrageSaroz: awake?
21:29.41TC-Workingcogwheel|work, so if the minmap is moved then you move the mouse across the minmap would it pick it up then?
21:30.12cogwheel|workjust like how you can move the minimap and it all still works as expected
21:30.32TC-Workingso if you avg out the last X# of mouse coords then put it in font of the mouse path on it should work?
21:31.08cogwheel|workwell, you have to do that repeatedly scanning the tooltip... it wouldn't be incredibly reliable...
21:31.24TC-Workingthats the only way to find mouse x,y coords?
21:34.16GuillotineTC: thats what Taina nd I were just talking about
21:34.21cogwheel|workwell, it's not really as simple as that... mouse movements are, for all intents and purposes, random from the point of view of a computer. Every time it changes direction, it would essentially cause a wrong "guess" as to where the mouse "should" be so there would be no way to reliably, exhaustively trigger OnEnters over every dot on the map.
21:34.51Guillotineit wouldn't work because the blips take almost a full second to move to the minimap. By that time, the mouse won't be where you predicted
21:35.12cogwheel|workthat and the fact that mouse movement doesn't occur between frames afaik...
21:35.29Sarozsysrage, ya
21:35.30cogwheel|workyou'd have to have a visible minimap following your mouse around the whole time...
21:35.40TC-Workingthat would look odd
21:37.03TC-Workinghmmm...all that seems to be left in user interaction
21:38.21sysragesaroz: might already be answered, if so ignore me i'm reading wowace forums now, but are you thinkin about adding timers to buff mouseovers on sRF? i miss that
21:39.04foxlitClient gets that sort of data?
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22:03.41foxlitI need a better mechanism to transform data into tooltips :/
22:04.20Mr_Rabies2heh 15 arakkoa feathers went for 8g
22:10.06cogwheel|worksomebody actually read the FAQ
22:10.20cogwheel|workI won't burst his bubble by telling him I answered his question in there too XD
22:14.17Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty sure wowhead does some data mining too
22:14.28Mr_Rabies2they had the t6 set bonuses first
22:14.33cogwheel|workreally? maybe they changed...
22:14.54cogwheel|workWhen they were first getting started they used it as a selling point...
22:15.54Kody-The tier 6 set bonuses have actually been in the spell file since TBC beta
22:15.59TC-Workingi guess they sold their point already then
22:16.26Mr_Rabies2arentthey owned by IGN?
22:16.42Industrial>_o isnt thottbot/allakhazam?
22:17.12Mr_Rabies2not IGE
22:17.15Sarozsysrage, adding that in 2.1, when it's returned from the API
22:17.21Mr_Rabies2or ogaming or whatever
22:17.48Mr_Rabies2but i thought ign ran wowhead, i coulda sworn there were ign logos on it earlier
22:18.13cogwheel|work"Is the site owned by IGN?"
22:19.01Mr_Rabies2that explains that :P
22:19.38Mr_Rabies2it wasnt a conspiracy theory or anything, i just remember seeing ign logos
22:20.04cogwheel|workevidence that wowhead doesn't use mining: it doesn't have any global cooldown data for spells
22:21.13zenzelezzI haven't followed the conversation, but why would data mining vs. no data mining matter to the user?
22:21.21Mr_Rabies2well it should based on user input :P
22:21.28cogwheel|workit's technically a violation of the ToS
22:21.37Mr_Rabies2i can tell global cooldown or not
22:21.52Mr_Rabies2well, they had t6 set bonuses before the items hit
22:21.55zenzelezzcogwheel|work: what is, to mine; or to view data obtained through mining?
22:22.02cogwheel|workto mine
22:22.07Industrialisnt using a program to reap SV files that collect data a violation of the ToS too?
22:22.16cogwheel|workit was a selling point of the addon they used, not the data on their site...
22:22.26Industrialor cache files, wichever (i have no idea)
22:22.36cogwheel|workcache files, yes
22:22.39cogwheel|worksv files no
22:22.54cogwheel|workand "too" isn't relevant 'cause that's exactly what I'm talking about :P
22:23.15zenzelezzso the benefit is you can contribute without breaking the ToS? In that case I see the point
22:23.17Industrialwell, isnt that user input? ;D
22:23.23cogwheel|workzenzelezz: yep
22:23.56cogwheel|workthey've toned down their FAQ a bit, so I don't know if it still holds true
22:23.57sysragesaroz: awesome. thanks :)
22:24.25foxlitDo I anchor a tooltip before I :Show() it, or afterwards?
22:24.36foxlit(:SetPoint() after :SetOwner(frame, "ANCHOR_NONE")
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22:25.25cogwheel|workI think you do it before you do anything else with it...
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22:26.35cogwheel|workactually, it probably doesn't really matter...
22:27.38foxlitGameTooltip:Show() does pretty odd stuff when compared to an ordinary Show
22:28.31ThraeYes, GameTooltip:Show will first clear all lines (triggering OnTooltipCleared), then resize the tooltip to accomodate all used FontStrings
22:28.42ThraeOf course, Show will trigger OnShow
22:29.01foxlitIs this some special sort of clear lines that actually doesn't clear lines?
22:29.08cogwheel|workshow doesn't clear lines
22:29.15ThraeHowever, Show can be called internally, when ONLY OnTooltipCleared will be triggered
22:29.28Thraecogwheel|work: It clears them internally, it doesn't actually delete the Lua strings
22:29.28cogwheel|workshow is used to resize the tooltip once you've added lines to it
22:29.45ThraeShow DOES trigger OnTooltipCleared
22:30.00foxlitMakes no sense :/
22:30.10Thraefoxlit: That's what I told slouken
22:30.20Thraecogwheel|work: Yes, it doesn't make any sense, but that's what it does
22:30.23cogwheel|workso it clears them and then puts them back?
22:30.30Thraecogwheel|work: I guess so
22:30.50ThraeTake the tooltips that appear for signs, mines, herbs, and other "doodads"
22:31.00ThraeOnShow is NOT called for these, even though they use GameTooltip
22:31.08ThraeBut OnTooltipCleared is
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22:57.51ShadowedDo we have a way of forcing the pet bar to show if it bugs out?
22:58.10Mr_Rabies2punch it in the fac
22:58.21Mr_Rabies2there's an addon floating around that fixed it supposedly
22:58.26Mr_Rabies2but i haven't had the problem since december
22:59.16cogwheel|workReappearingUnitFrames :)
22:59.51cogwheel|workall you really need to do is:     PetActionbarFrame:SetAttribute("unit", "pet")     RegisterUnitWatch(PetActionbarFrame)
23:00.36cogwheel|workhmm... PetActionBarFrame should have a capital B
23:01.23Shirik|Ecolethere's a better way
23:01.27Shirik|Ecolethough I forget what it is
23:01.34Shirik|Ecolebut there's some field on that frame that forces it to always stay on
23:01.59cogwheel|workyeah, but then it stays on even if your pet is gone...
23:02.10Shirik|Ecolewell if it's bugged is what he said
23:02.16Shirik|Ecoleso, I was kinda assuming it was tainted :P
23:03.46ShadowedWell was able to solo it this time at least =p
23:04.06ShadowedYou, Robot is rather fun
23:08.53Mr_Rabies2argh someone lend me like 500g thanks
23:11.02Mr_Rabies2i'm out of solo quests almost
23:11.10Mr_Rabies2and I don't farm
23:14.36Shirikns ghost Shirik|Ecole
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23:38.38ShadowedIf in 2.1 we can switch our alchy mastery for 100g, wouldn't that just mean we can pickup the cheap potion mastery quest, and then switch to transmute which costs 400-450
23:39.19JoshBorkei think you should have to do the quest if you unlearn your master
23:39.36JoshBorkeregardless of the profession
23:42.11ShirikTrying to figure out why my addon isn't working for about an hour now
23:42.17Shirikit's been disabled in the addon list >.>
23:42.25JoshBorkelol, gj
23:42.43Shirikthe distinct lack of errors was really pissing me off
23:42.59Garounhate those chair keyboard errors, they can be a real pain :(
23:43.44ShadowedSo, somebody who has alchy. How do transmutes worked is it like an indiviual cooldown per transmute or are they all linked?
23:44.42TC-Workingsweet, i just took apart a laptop for no apparent reason
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23:48.22KasoAnyone happen to be on the PTR with a priest? Or know a priest on the PTR as well as you?
23:49.03JoshBorkei am a priest on PTR
23:49.32KasoI hear shadowfiend has a pet-bar now
23:49.49JoshBorkei highly doubt that
23:49.54KasoIve seen screenshots
23:50.06JoshBorkemakes very little sense if you ask me
23:50.11KasoMakes sense to me, stop the damn thing running after sheep/shackled mobs
23:50.32JoshBorkemy computer does not like running both clients at once
23:50.53Kasobut the request i would ask of you is if you could check we can still use Mind Control whilst our shadowfiend is out
23:51.19JoshBorkehm, gotta go find something to MC
23:51.38JoshBorkei also have to wait on the patch
23:52.01JoshBorkei haven't played PTR since the first day
23:52.25TC-Working~shame JoshBorke
23:52.36purlShame on you JoshBorke!
23:52.36JoshBorkewhen i was playing with the new profiling
23:52.36Kasohehe no problem
23:52.49JoshBorkei don't care enough about my mods to profile them prior to 2.1
23:52.53Kasobut i'd be cool if you could find it out for me, thanks
23:53.08JoshBorkebesides, i'm sure some other aspiring user willp rofile them for me :-D
23:53.17TC-Workingi would, but VNC+WoW broke my connection last time
23:56.59Corrodiasthat's bad. you shouldn't pull over the night elves more often.
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