IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070426

00:00.38*** join/#wowi-lounge MrTorture (
00:00.42MrTortureHello people.
00:01.28MrTortureAnyone here do alot of stuff with WoW addons and stuff?
00:01.46Shirikthat's all this channel's about ;)
00:01.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Caboose[FH]2 (
00:02.10MrTortureI was wondering if anyone would be able to tell me how to make a skin.
00:02.44IndustrialHow can I make a portal again?
00:02.56Industrialmr torture sell pain
00:02.58Industrialto the housewives
00:03.00Industrialin spain
00:03.03Shirikwell and an outlet for a few of us to flirt with Cairenn
00:03.03Shirikbut don't concern yourself with that
00:03.07Industrialnanana na na na mr turture!
00:03.26Industrialgod whats that from again
00:03.29Cairennon WoWI?
00:03.29ShirikMrTorture: You would use TGA files
00:03.35MrTortureHelloween song
00:03.37IndustrialCairenn: yes please :D
00:03.40Industrialyeah helloween!
00:03.48clad|afkIndustrial: User CP i believe
00:04.03ShirikI would make a portal, but Cidan controls RDX.Cid so I have no addons to my name :P
00:04.03Cairennfront page, left side menu, should be an option to enable
00:04.09MrTortureShirik: Ya I was just wondering whre I would put the File or anything?
00:04.19ShirikWell, you can't do it with just a TGA file
00:04.29Shirikyou'll have to write an addon to handle it (or use one that exists, such as Discord Art)
00:04.56ShirikI believe the easiest thing for you to do would be use Discord Art
00:05.07ShirikThough I can't say how to use it, but I'm pretty sure you can supply TGA files to it
00:06.06MrTortureIs Discord Art located on the site?
00:06.13ShirikI... think so
00:06.18Shirikit's also at
00:06.37MrTortureAh, thanks.
00:07.19Industrialmy My Portal link links back to the homepage
00:08.23clad|afkIndustrial: it takes up to 15 minutes for the portal to get created, etc.
00:08.46Shirikwow is that really necessary
00:08.51Shirik"Armor reduced by 1276"
00:08.59ShirikThat puts me at about -800
00:09.09Terrifionwhat class do you play shirik
00:09.20ShirikShirik is a hunter but I don't really play him anymore
00:09.23ShirikI play a priest
00:09.28TerrifionI play a rogue
00:09.36Terrifionundead on jaedenar
00:11.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
00:20.04MrTortureHey Shirik so I just put the Discord Art into the addon folder?
00:20.05Shirikyup install it like any other addon, but I'll admit I have no idea how to use it
00:20.05ShirikI just know it can do what you want
00:20.05MrTortureI'll just have to play around with it myself.
00:20.07TC-Workingdiscord is good stuff
00:20.07Industrialthats what she said
00:20.07Industrialthere we go again
00:20.09TC-Working~sigh Industrial
00:20.40purlACTION sighs, rolls its eyes and shakes its head, "Industrial!"
00:20.40IndustrialTC-Working: that was at MrTorture
00:20.40TC-Workingi know
00:20.41*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy2 (
00:20.42TC-Workingpurl, poke
00:21.49TC-Workingheh, serious lag
00:22.23Karrionso here's a question: has anyone ever had the Opera event change between pulls?
00:23.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
00:24.25zenzelezzMoroes' adds change occasionally, but can't remember if Opera does
00:24.33Karrionours did last night... came as something of a surprise
00:24.43KarrionI'm pretty sure it's not supposed to change
00:25.24pastamancerI had opera chance once after being out of the instance overnight but figured it was a fluke
00:25.26Garounyuck to being 30 in about 10 hours :/
00:27.27Garounlucky :P
00:27.30Karrionhappy birthdays ;-)
00:27.34Garounstill have a year before it all goes down hill hehe
00:27.42GarounIndy does that is
00:27.51TC-Working31 is down hill?
00:28.11TC-Workingor did you mean 21?
00:28.16Industrialwhy didnt anyone tell me about that? :(?
00:28.43GarounI mean 21 :)
00:28.51Industrialthats what she said
00:29.08Industrial(see, i really am 20)
00:29.11GarounI personally started falling apart about 6 months ago :P stupid turning old
00:29.12MrTortureShirik are you still there?
00:29.42Garounbeen to the emergency room twice since last august due to odd dehydration and hypotension.. woot!
00:29.44Shiriksorry, was dying
00:29.53MrTortureNo problem
00:29.56TC-WorkingGG Garoun, you win
00:30.00zenzelezzhow do warlock pets work... do you need to level them like hunter pets?
00:30.15Shirikiirc warlock pets are equal to the warlock's level at time of summon
00:30.22MrTortureI was just wondering if there is another else like Discord... cause I went and got it and its saying Incompatible.
00:30.22Garounin this case TC, I'd rather be dead last :P
00:30.30zenzelezzoh wait, I made the assumption that a level 27 wouldn't be in Shattrath... I was wrong
00:30.37ShirikMrTorture where did you get it from?
00:30.52TC-Workingbad pun
00:30.59Garounthere was a lvl 1 outside Hellfire Citadel the otherday :)
00:31.24MrTortureI got it from WoW interface... but its the same version as the
00:31.41ShirikI'm fairly certain they've updated that :/
00:32.04TC-Workingbut my statement should have been encapsulated in sarcasm
00:32.12MrTortureHmm I'll try the one on the main site and see if its the same.
00:32.17TC-Workingi'm still used to talking to people in person
00:32.17GarounI'm slow, TC, it's been a long day
00:32.23TC-Workingor vocaly at least
00:32.32Garounjust got home from work about 15min ago
00:32.36TC-Workingheh, no that was my bad
00:32.42TC-Workingi'm still there :(
00:32.49ShirikMrTorture, to answer your question, no I don't know of anything else like it
00:33.30Garounluckily only a 9hr day for me, but I have 2 production roles and a testing deadline tomorrow... great b'day present right lol
00:33.41MrTortureOkay well it doesn't work I geuss =/
00:33.54*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (
00:33.58MrTortureDoes anyone else in here know if there is another addon like Discord Art?
00:34.26Garouncertainly not one that easy to use
00:34.37TC-WorkingDUB...but it isnt done yet
00:34.59Garounand I don't think oskin will do anything near what you may be planning :P
00:35.00ShirikTC-Working he means functionally like Discord Art
00:35.15Shirikoh wait, I misread that
00:35.17TC-Workingi know...i'm just an asshole
00:35.24Shirikwhat's DUB?
00:35.47TC-WorkingDiscor UI Builder
00:35.50TC-Workingit's the 2.0 version of all Discord mods
00:35.59TC-Workingexept for GB
00:36.22MrTortureWhere can I find DUB?
00:36.45TC-Workingit's still in alpha/beta but you can find it at
00:37.00TC-Workingon one of the general forum posts
00:37.14TC-Workinghmm...loz may have come back from vacation and worked some more on it
00:38.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
00:41.17Shirikso like, I'm trying to figure this one out
00:41.17ShirikShadow Reach says "Increases the range of your offensive shadow spells by 10%"
00:41.18ShirikAnd this is as opposed to your defensive shadow spells?
00:41.44Shirikok... what is a defensive shadow spell?
00:41.44TC-Workingone that you dont have
00:42.08TC-Workingi presume that worded it that way to cover their asses
00:42.31Shirikit doesn't matter it's just something that caught my attention
00:42.34TC-Workingon the presumption that they *may* put in a non offensife shadow spell
00:42.36Mr_Rabies2hex of weakness
00:42.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (n=eternall@
00:43.41Mr_Rabies2but that's self only
00:43.41Mr_Rabies2so range isn't necessary
00:43.41Shiriktouch of weakness :P
00:43.41Mr_Rabies2er wait, i was thinking shadowguard
00:43.41Shirikand yeah, that's a self-cast spell, so its range is 0
00:43.41TC-Workingeh, are we talking priest or lock?
00:43.42TC-Workingyea, i cant think of anything offhand
00:43.45ShirikOnly things I could think of are fade and touch of weakness, both of which are self-cast
00:44.38MrTortureTC : Where on the site do I find DUB cause I grabbed the beta version of Discord and it still didn;t work.
00:44.39Mr_Rabies2shadow protection
00:44.43Mr_Rabies2is a defensive shadow spell
00:45.14ShirikI am satisfiedn ow
00:45.18Mr_Rabies2that's it though
00:45.24TC-Workingi'm not sure if they have a working version of DUB
00:45.41Mr_Rabies2speaking of discord
00:45.47Mr_Rabies2i want my damn groupbuttons
00:46.00TC-Workingthere are a few replacements Mr_Rabies2
00:46.06TC-Workingi know, i love them also
00:46.13Mr_Rabies2none that work like it groupbuttons from what i've seen
00:46.17Shirikwhat do they do?
00:46.24TC-Workingsome are getting close
00:46.37TC-WorkingMrTorture, try
00:46.39Mr_Rabies2they're a custom set of action buttons for specific targets
00:47.00Mr_Rabies2self, party members, foe target, friendly target
00:47.22TC-Working is one
00:47.48Thrae"Those are buttons for each unit...TO THE EXTREME!"
00:47.49TC-Workingis another
00:47.56Shirikyou could set up the RDX Assists window to do it, but it's not really what it was intended to do
00:47.58Shirikbut it's possible
00:48.21TC-Workingand is the only other one i know of
00:49.05MrTortureThat other link worked TC I'm going to try that now thanks ^_^.
00:52.37TC-Workingyay, 10 min till i get to go home
01:00.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten_ (n=kaelten@
01:03.07Cairennlater TC-Working
01:11.28IndustrialCairenn: pm
01:11.29*** join/#wowi-lounge tapio (
01:12.31CairennIndustrial: ?
01:12.56Industrialoh hmm
01:18.03Industrialdolby-wowi: ping
01:20.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah_ (
01:27.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Caboose[FH] (
01:33.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (n=nope@
01:34.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
01:37.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Caboose[FH]2 (
01:50.54Eternally777tapio: Issueing the '/combatlog' command in WoW will create a file called 'WoWCombatLog.txt' to be created in the 'World of Warcraft\Logs\' directory.
01:51.59*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
01:52.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
01:55.37*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
01:59.50tapioEternally777: Thanks. Exactly what I need. :)
02:02.08Eternally777tapio: '/chatlog' stores your regular chat conversations in a different file in the same directory.  No problem.
02:05.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
02:07.08tapioI tought it would get much more complicated than that. Do any of you know of any wowlinux-channel / community?
02:09.33Shirikquite a few people here play wow through wine
02:09.39Shirikincluding myself
02:09.57TainLost is on but I'm afraid to watch it.  I know it will let me down.
02:09.59tapioCool. Trying to install it with cedega atm. I'll try both, see which one works best :>
02:10.58tapioShirik: Had some problems with the blizzard Downloader though, it totally jammed my whole network for some strange reason.
02:11.06ShirikI didn't bother with that
02:11.31ShirikI go back and forth between windows and linux
02:11.40TainYou're a whore.
02:11.41Shirikso I just get the downloads on the windows side
02:11.46Shirikyes, I am
02:11.47tapioAh, I see
02:11.49Shirikand proud of it
02:12.02Tem|WorkShirik, how did you pull that off?
02:12.14Shirikcopy it over?
02:12.30Tem|WorkI thought you had them both running the same copy
02:12.38ShirikI tried that and it died quickly
02:12.42Tem|Workhow did you copy it over though?
02:12.49Shirikvery slowly
02:12.54Shirikcp -r :P
02:13.01Tem|Workno I mean
02:13.08Tem|Workwindows filesystem gives linux the finger
02:13.17ShirikI had no trouble
02:13.20Shirikmount NTFS read-only
02:13.31Shirikcopy it to my linux partition
02:13.41TainNo, mount NFS.
02:14.09TainOr use scp.
02:17.41Terrifionif i have a frame and i want to copy its design
02:17.44Terrifionhow would I do that
02:17.57Terrifionlike duplicate it
02:17.58Shirikcp -r /path/to/addon/folder /my/addon/folder
02:18.26Shirikseriously though, does it have XML?
02:18.48Shirikyour own frame
02:18.49Shirikyou made it
02:19.00ShirikWant the real answer?
02:19.10ShirikYou should have made it in an object oriented manner :P
02:19.17Terrifionoh shi
02:19.20ShirikBut, the answer for you is basically just do the code again
02:19.32ShirikI mean like
02:19.35Terrifionhow would I make it in an object oriented manner
02:19.36Shirikif you have frame = CreateFrame() blah blah
02:19.38Shirikjust do that again
02:19.53Terrifionwhats the inherits thing do
02:19.55Shirikthere's no real way to "copy" a frame
02:20.14Shirikinherits a template
02:20.33Terrifionyeah I just want the same background
02:20.36Terrifionand border
02:21.25ShirikI'll answer your question about object oriented in a sec ;)
02:22.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (n=nope@
02:24.09Shirikbe warned though, this explanation will include metatables
02:26.22ShirikWooosh... introducing, RDXM.AssistWindow, one of the many types of frames in RDX!
02:26.34ShirikNotice how at the top, we have a RDXM.AssistWindow:new(), which creates and returns a frame
02:26.38Shirikthis frame is the assist window
02:26.51Shirikyou can call that as many times as you want, and it creates more and more assists windows
02:27.28Shirikthere are three important lines
02:27.37Shirik5, 6, and 10
02:28.13Shirik(btw, RDX.Window:new(), for your purposes, can be considered the same as CreateFrame("Frame")
02:28.23Shirikfor explanation purposes
02:28.58Mikmamonologues ftw <3
02:29.11ShirikI'm talking to Terrifion, Mikma ><
02:29.18Shirikif he's not paying attention, oh well :P
02:32.16GuillotineCairenn/some other WoWI admin: Advertisement at
02:32.37MikmaCairenn: purr
02:32.48*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
02:32.56*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
02:33.40Shirik~comfort Cairenn
02:33.44purlThere, there, Cairenn.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
02:35.34Guillotine~emulate cairenn
02:35.37purlACTION stealth-bumps a couple threads
02:35.52Guillotine~emulate cairenn
02:35.55purlACTION purrs
02:36.35TerrifionI went to get a sandwich
02:38.14GuillotineI miss Shouryuu :( He was a good forum troll
02:38.30Tem|WorkI miss Potillan
02:56.06kahdgarx1that's a great game
02:56.36Shirik>>> return SavedVariables.GetRandomArgument("McDonald's", "Wendy's", "Burger King");
02:56.37CideShirik: "Wendy's"
02:56.41Shirikthanks Cide
02:56.47clad|afki love munchkin
02:56.52Shirikdid I do that?
02:57.51Mikmapropably :)
02:58.30ShirikSorry Cide!! T_T
02:58.54tapioShirik: I'm having some troubble with the text on the installer with wine? Do you know how to solve it?
02:59.05Shirikthe text?
02:59.16ShirikI didn't even bother with the installer tbh
02:59.16tapioYea, the "Install now", yadayada
02:59.25tapiocan't really see what it sais ^^
02:59.27ShirikI literally copied from my NTFS partition to my Ext3 one
02:59.35tapioAh, I see
02:59.40*** part/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (n=eternall@
02:59.40Shiriksince there's no registry entries, it works fine
03:00.22tapiocp it over and `wine wow.exe` ?
03:01.25tapiocedega failed at the install. Wonder why I even subscribed for that :p
03:06.52ShirikFuturama is awesome...
03:06.59Shirik"Have you got an extra GOTO 10 line? I said go away!"
03:07.00Mikmayes it is :)
03:07.17Mikmai got all the episodes :D
03:07.24Guillotine<3 futurama
03:07.28Guillotinebut they show the penguin one too much
03:08.06Shirikwhich one, the one I'm seeing or Guillotine's?
03:08.40Guillotinethe one where the tanker spills the dark matter and it makes the penguins breed out of control
03:08.47Shirikah yeah
03:08.51Shiriknight clad|sleep
03:08.56Guillotineits funny, but it seems like they play that one 5 times as much as any others :/
03:09.40Mikmaoh that one
03:10.01Mikmabender doesn't drink alcohol and crashes the tanker
03:16.57Guillotinehaha, love the quit message
03:18.53*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
03:19.56*** join/#wowi-lounge [Cu]Werik (
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03:24.01MikmaWerik: you're a curse admin?
03:24.10WerikI used to be, whats up?
03:24.45Mikmawell "used to be" propably can't help then :P but i was wondering why is this download disabled:
03:28.10WerikIt shouldn't be
03:28.53kahdgarx1while people are alive.. anyone know of an addon that tracks vampiric embrace/touch?
03:29.42MikmaWerik: yeah shouldn't but it is :(
03:29.51WerikMaybe the mirror is down Mikma, the project is fine
03:31.06MikmaWerik: well it's been like that for.. hmm 3-4 days now so i'm not sure what's going on.
03:31.06Tem|Workholy wow
03:31.23Temit sounds like lightning hit like 100 ft from me
03:31.32Tembut aparently I still have electricity
03:31.35WerikYeah, I asked our devs but they aren't responding
03:34.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Nerinia (
03:36.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
04:03.04tapioHaha, 50fps whilst spinning the cube with beryl in wow opengl. Why are people even using windows ? :D
04:07.23Mr_Rabies2 i wish GMs were like this :x
04:09.49IrielI've had some experiences that come semi-close
04:10.22Mr_Rabies2i've had somewhat similar stuff, but the kekeke thing kinda makes me think it's fake
04:19.10Shirikdo you name all of your pictures this way?
04:19.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikma_ (
04:20.32Mr_Rabies2it's not mine
04:20.37Mr_Rabies2some link on the forums
04:20.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child1 (
04:20.54Mr_Rabies2i generally keep the filenames
04:20.57Mr_Rabies2even on imageboards
04:21.01Mr_Rabies2where filenames will be like
04:21.21Cairennlol, I used to do _basically_ that when I was stealth bumping something, since I planned on just deleting it again immediately ... asdfasdf, post, delete
04:21.42Shirikdoes that really work Cairenn?
04:21.48ShirikMy boards it would put that thread back in line
04:21.52Cairennit used to, it doesn't any more, then changed it back
04:21.59Cairennthis was on the Blizz UI forum
04:22.16Cairennerrr, they* and -back
04:24.36*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (
04:24.58*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
04:25.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
04:55.43Eternally777>>> collectgarbage('collect'); collectgarbage("stop"); t = {}; gc = collectgarbage('count'); for i=1,1000 do t[i] = i; if gc~=collectgarbage('count') then gc = collectgarbage('count'); print(i..": "..gc); end end
04:56.08Eternally777Did I do it wrong?
04:56.19Eternally777Or is Cide not here...
04:57.39ShirikCide n'est pas ici
04:58.26ckknight>>> "pants"
04:58.35ckknight>>> return "pants"
04:58.38ckknightlooks like he's down
04:58.56Shirikckknight, do you know the difference between gcinfo() and collectgarbage('count') ?
04:59.12ckknightgcinfo() returns in kilobytes, rounded down
04:59.18ckknightcollectgarbage('count') returns in kilobytes, unrounded
04:59.24ckknightuse collectgarbage('count')
04:59.26Shirikok but something's going wierd here
04:59.40ShirikI just gave Eternally777 a code segment to show something:
04:59.44NeriniaEternally777: 1000: 137.1708984375 :p
04:59.47Shirikcollectgarbage("stop"); t = {}; gc = gcinfo(); for i=1,1000 do t[i] = i; if gc~=gcinfo() then gc = gcinfo(); print(i..": "..gc); end end
04:59.52leethalthe admins probably hate me, I submit updates liek 10 times a day that they have to manually approve, poor people
05:00.11ShirikThis does what I thought it would do, the memory usage only changes every 2^n+1'th index
05:00.24ShirikBut, when using collectgarbage('count') it changes on EVERY index
05:00.36ShirikI could understand the rounding thing, but...
05:00.42Shirik257: 50
05:00.43Shirik513: 58
05:01.59Shirikalso why the hell is my UI taking up 160MB of memory atm
05:02.26Shirikoh yeah
05:02.30Shirikforgot to disable that test addon -_-
05:02.44ShirikHey Iriel are you here :D
05:02.53IrielNo 8-)
05:03.04Shirikperhaps you can answer this question
05:03.16Shirikcollectgarbage("stop"); t = {}; gc = gcinfo(); for i=1,1000 do t[i] = i; if gc~=gcinfo() then gc = gcinfo(); print(i..": "..gc); end end
05:03.25leethalhah! curse is pwnd. it tries to download images instead of viewing them in their fancy ajax thumbnail preview thingie
05:03.27Shirikdoes a print() every 2^n+1 index, like I thought would
05:03.43Shirikcollectgarbage("stop"); t = {}; gc = collectgarbage('count'); for i=1,1000 do t[i] = i; if gc~=collectgarbage('count') then gc = collectgarbage('count'); print(i..": "..gc); end end
05:03.47Shirikprints every index
05:05.46Shirikrounding accounts for some of it
05:05.46Shirikbut it doesn't account for the difference at, say, index 800 to 1000
05:06.54IrielIt does start to become self-fulfilling after a while due to the print statement, but hm.
05:07.49IrielActually that'd be enough
05:07.53IrielIf it prints ONCE that's a new object
05:07.57Irielthus the count goes up
05:08.10IrielAnd since collectgarbage is to the byte, you then trigger the next print
05:09.15Eternally777Nerinia, thanks, btw.
05:09.31Shirikthat's exactly it
05:09.33Shirikthanks Iriel
05:11.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys2010 (
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05:25.23leethalI remember seeing some list or download or something of all the blizzard artwork that's bundled with WoW
05:25.30leethalanyone knows what I'm talking about?
05:25.55leethalborders, icons and what not
05:25.55Shirikmpq :P
05:25.59leethalit's all in there?
05:26.10Shirikeverything's gotta be some where, no?
05:26.17leethalliek, I'm trying to show an icon for your current class for that meat shield addon of mine
05:26.26leethalmpq browsing for the win, then
05:28.37leethalso, in what mpq is e.g. Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Background? Is it
05:28.50leethalis it randomly scattered all over the mpqs, or do they have some sorta system?
05:29.03Shiriklikely locale-enUS.mpq
05:29.06leethalI think I just found a "Interface" directory
05:29.09leethalya, in that one
05:30.07NeriniaFound this on WorldStateFrame.lua - line 418:
05:30.40Shiriklol SetTextCoord
05:30.45Shirikhave fun with that
05:30.52leethalhmpfh, doesn't have any "Icons-Classes" in it
05:31.12leethaloh, lawl, nvm
05:31.12*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
05:31.16Neriniaoh, sorry. That's the 2.1 Version of WorldStateFrame :/
05:31.29leethalmm, the file isn't there =/
05:31.53IrielShirik: That's the "easy" version of SetTexCoord
05:32.18NeriniaInterface AddOn Kit (Windows).exe can extract some Art files.
05:33.11leethaloh crap, .blp files
05:33.17leethalhow do you handle those?
05:33.55leethalas in, view them in windows
05:34.37IrielFind a program (I think some are listed in one of the sticky threads??) that can convert them
05:34.46IrielOr load them into wow and then do a screenprint 8-)
05:35.08NeriniaOr here
05:35.51leethalhmm, can't seem to find any class icons in the locale file
05:36.01leethalmakes sense that they aren't locale based, though
05:36.05leethal*looks in other files*
05:40.59*** join/#wowi-lounge boris- (
05:40.59leethaltell me the name of an addon that displays class icons
05:41.52Eternally777Unit Frames
05:42.09Eternally777Wow, haven't used them in forever...
05:42.31Eternally777But that's where I got them when i needed them.
05:42.48Eternally777I could never find the class icons in the Blizzard Interface files.
05:42.55leethalI see
05:43.03Shirikin theory
05:43.05Shirikyou don't need to
05:43.07leethalhmm, the blizzard frames doesn't use class icons at all, do they?
05:43.09Cairenngrrr, didn't bring it up - anyway, just put in "class icons" in the description
05:43.31Shirikleethal: I'm kinda curious, why do you need to extract em?
05:43.46leethalI was thinking of using them in my Meat Shield GUI
05:44.03Eternally777leethal: No, they don't.
05:44.36leethalwas thinking of having them displayed somewhere there, for eye candy
05:47.19leethalI need them in liek 200x200, though, so perhaps I'll draw them myself in EPS and put them out for download somewhere
05:47.26leethalbut I guess that is illegal or something =/
05:47.29Karrionleethal: The battleground/arena scoreboard frames use class icons don't they?
05:47.38leethalhm, true
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06:08.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Shriik (
06:09.35Shirikwhy is my client insisting my name is spelled Shriik...
06:10.07ShirikI'm about to throw this thing out the window
06:11.06ckknightwhat client?
06:11.23Shiriknbs-irc through (sadly) mirc
06:14.46leethalin case you're curious of why Lozareth didn't rewrite his discord mods yet:
06:20.08ckknighthey, he's up to 70
06:20.18ckknightthought he teetered off at 60
06:20.51leethal1775 + healing is pretty nice
06:21.16Mr_Rabies2that's a ton
06:21.17Cairennthe lack of update hasn't surprised me at all - he's been so completely burned out on modding for a long long time now - he kept trying to come back, trying to force himself, and that just plain doesn't work
06:21.28Mr_Rabies2he should stop trying to fool himself
06:21.30Mr_Rabies2and others
06:21.47Mr_Rabies2just say "i'm done with discord until i'm interested in it again. which may be never"
06:22.01Cairennburn out happens
06:22.17Mr_Rabies2that's infinitely better than being told that it's coming sometime and it never coming out
06:22.28ckknightso clearly I should make a pally on his server and sneak into his guild for kicks
06:22.29NeeblerDiscord UI Builder (DUB) is too big of a project to work on alone IMO
06:22.31Cairennbut it's hard for some people to admit it, even to themselves
06:23.00ckknightI've been burned out and didn't mod for a while. I got a pally up to lvl 42 in that process
06:23.08ckknightthen I started PitBull :-P
06:23.32Mr_Rabies2if you're not writing addons for personal enjoyment, you're doing a job for free
06:23.38Mr_Rabies2and that's one thing that i can't do
06:23.41leethalthat's the "problem" with this free software stuff - it's usually software written by people wanting to solve their own problems
06:23.54Mr_Rabies2i hate doing work and getting paid, much less doing it for free
06:24.04ShirikI refuse to admit that I'm burned out from RDX
06:24.15ShirikBut I am >< But I still work on it for god knows what reason
06:24.17Shirikprobably my guild
06:24.19leethalmaintaining a project, keeping it up to date with bugs and feature requests, is very different
06:24.42Mr_Rabies2it's like leveling to 70 versus keeping up with everyone in endgame stuff
06:24.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:24.58Mr_Rabies2sure for a while it's fun, but enough of it gets boring fast
06:25.13CairennIt's the one thing I tell folks (if they ever bother to ask me) every single time - code for yourself.  If you are coding for someone else, you'll burn out fast(er).
06:25.33ShirikWell, originally, that's all RDX was ><
06:25.35Shirikthen it asploded, lol
06:25.37ckknightShirik: the way I figured out how to handle it was to work on frameworks that are extremely extensible
06:25.45ckknightand then convince people to extend
06:26.04ShirikI really wish RDX could be like that, really
06:26.13ShirikAnd to be honest, it is; people can write modules all they want
06:26.16ckknightwhy can't it be?
06:26.30Shirikbut they don't, and probably because of the lack of documentation
06:26.37ckknightdocumentation ftw, guy
06:26.38Shirikand I'll admit the code is very complex to read
06:27.08ShirikI quoted this earlier today, someone once said to me, "I think the only people that actually know how RDX works are its authors"
06:27.12Shirikand it's probably true
06:27.35Shirikwe have maybe... 8 functions documented
06:28.33Shirikthis is probably the only semi-good piece of documentation we have, and it's still bad:
06:35.14*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | New Toc: 20100 | RTFPN please. | "I would ring up, just for the snark" - Wobin | Happy Birthday Kirkburn!
06:37.16ckknightyea, that could be better, Shirik
06:37.23ckknighthappy birthday Kirkburn|22
06:37.26ckknightyou're old now
06:37.30ShirikHappy birthday Kirkburn|22 :D
06:37.50Kirkburn|22Thanks :)
06:38.01Shirikyup, you're old now
06:38.12ShirikDamn, I'm only two years away from being old :(
06:38.37Shirik~hug Kirkburn|22
06:38.53purlACTION sneaks up on Kirkburn|22 and suddenly hugs Kirkburn|22 tightly
06:38.53ckknight~console Shirik
06:38.55purlACTION gives Shirik the consolation moose
06:39.35ShirikI can't remember if I have classes tomorrow....
06:39.46Shirikand apparently the school network is down so I can't find out >.>
06:40.10ShirikI think our IT staff needs to be fired
06:47.02Shiriksomeone asked for it as a feature for rdx windows... but I don't know if it'd really be used
06:47.06Shiriknight Cairenn|afk
06:47.09Cairenn|afknight guys
06:48.50MikkPfff kirk you pup
06:49.06Kirkburn|22Night Cairenn|afk
06:49.12Kirkburn|22Mikk, :(
06:49.39Kirkburn|22zomg, that's like totally OOOOLD
06:49.41Cairenn|afkPfff Mikk you pup
06:49.56Shirikyou all are making Cairenn|afk feel old :(
06:49.58ShirikAND GO TO BED
06:50.06ShirikYou're going to kill yourself if you stay up too long
06:50.31MikkShush cair you're only a rounding error away from me =P
06:50.50Shirikpoor Cairenn|afk :(
06:52.04Mikkobtw happy bday kirkbum =)
06:52.49ShirikSVN died >.>
06:52.59*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
06:53.04ShirikI do svn update and it skips everything
06:53.37Kirkburn|22Mikk, belated thanks ;)
06:57.05leethalwhen my addon has a "test.tga" in it's folder, shouldn't myframe:SetBackdrop({bgFile="Interface\\Addons\\myaddon\\test.tga"}) work? Or is teh path different for your own files somehow?
06:58.39leethalI don't need to include it in the toc or anything, right?
07:00.00Shirikfor example...
07:00.11ShirikbgFile="Interface\\Addons\\VFL\\Skin\\Checker", tile = true, tileSize = 15,
07:00.13leethalseems like it was my .tga that was weird, used some other tga and it worked
07:00.29Shirikyou have to use a specific type of tga
07:00.31ShirikI forget exactly
07:00.45leethalmm, I just saved a png as tga with irfanview
07:02.15Shirikyou need to add an alpha channel
07:02.25Shiriknot sure if/how irfanview allows you to do that
07:05.08Shirikwhoooo new RDX module started finally, RDXM_Kara.... EXTREMELY late
07:05.17ShirikBut I'm happy I finally have time to do this
07:07.44Shirikyou make me cry :(
07:07.58ShirikThe only real addon I work on
07:08.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
07:09.02ckknightShirik: that's why you gotta work on something big and important
07:09.10Shirikleethal: Yes
07:09.20ckknightleethal: you're an adoring fan of mine, right?
07:09.39leethalckknight: of course, PitBull!
07:09.44leethalckknight: who is this Shirik anyway?
07:09.49ckknightsome guy
07:10.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
07:10.20ckknightShirik: I've got 4 big projects under my belt
07:10.26Shirikwc -l `find ./RDX* -name *.lua -o -name *.xml -o -name *.toc` >>> 18.3k lines
07:10.28leethalShirik: you're credited in all my addons, though =)
07:10.30ShirikIf that's not big I don't know what is...
07:10.48leethalbig = number of users, mm?
07:11.04Shirikwe actually have quite a decent number of users, but I really only care about writing it for my guild
07:11.33ShirikBut I'm willing to bet about 50% of the userbase is all our server
07:11.53ShirikBut I'm ALSO willing to bed that RDX is used more than CT on Eredar, as well (suprising to say)
07:12.00ShirikBut that's mostly because of the drama that followed it
07:12.30leethalI'm struggling to figure out what it does
07:12.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
07:12.54Shirikno offense, that's almost equivalent to "what does fubar do"
07:12.57Shirikwell, really, nothing
07:13.06Shirikits plugins are what make it effective
07:13.09Mr_Rabies2it makes a little grey bar!
07:13.16Mr_Rabies2with some options that don't do much
07:13.25Shirikok, and RDX makes a little box with something that looks like a VCR
07:13.37Shirik(play, stop, rewind, timer)
07:13.51Shirikand its options don't do much :P
07:14.02ShirikBut, leethal, here I'll show you a screenshot of it fully in action
07:14.18Shirikwell, as much as I could for now
07:14.29ShirikDon't really do too much raiding lately so I don't have any good shots of its boss modules
07:14.51leethalI don't approve of the way "hide mouse-over highlights" exceeds that grey outline =P
07:15.43ckknightwc -l `find ./FuBar* ./PitBull* ./Cartographer* ./Ace2 ./AbacusLib/ CrayonLib/ Babble-2.2/ Click2Cast/ Deformat/ DewdropLib/ DogTag-1.0/ GloryLib/ JostleLib/ Parser-3.0/ RollCall-1.0/ TabletLib/ -name *.lua -o -name *.xml -o -name *.toc`
07:15.43ckknight42732 total
07:15.43Shirikoh god
07:15.43ckknightShirik: ^--
07:15.43Shirikleethal don't look at that picture
07:15.43Shirikthat was taken by Cidan and it's pure ugly
07:15.43Shiriklol ckknight nice :)
07:15.43leethalShirik: but that's all I have =(
07:15.43ShirikI'm finding you a better one :P
07:15.45leethalthat, and some other picture I can't understand
07:15.46ckknightShirik: I'm totally missing some libraries, though
07:15.55ShirikWell I skipped out on VFL :P
07:16.08Shirikmostly because I was too lazy to include it, since it doesn't fit in the RDX* part
07:19.10NeeblerI'm trying to make my entire interface one color, the only thing left to change is the buttons. Is their an addon out there that can change the hue of each button all the time?
07:19.49NeeblerTheirs RangeRecolor, and several variants of that ability in bar addons, but no way to change the complete color of the buttons
07:26.20MentalPower|ZZzzbut you'd need a white or semi-white texture to begin with
07:26.29MentalPower|ZZzzor else it won't do much
07:26.38Shirikleethal: Probably the best shot I can find
07:26.41Shirikbah he left
07:28.00ckknightI can't stand the default UF
07:28.00ckknightit just irks me so much
07:28.00ShirikEh, can turn em off
07:28.00ShirikI don't even use em
07:28.01ShirikI use the RDX unit frames
07:28.28ckknighthow're those?
07:28.51Shirikit's right at the bottom there ;) But that's really a bad showing of what they can do
07:28.52ckknightI've been working on PitBull, and looking for assorted ideas
07:29.03ShirikI do somewhat of a minimalist approach on them
07:29.07ckknightas well as trying to hock DogTag-1.0 onto other authors
07:29.32ShirikI show only HP, with missing HP number, and flashes under certain conditions
07:29.35Shirikthat's it
07:29.42Shirikin a very small frame about 50px high by 100px wide
07:29.44Shiriksomething like that
07:29.55Shirikbut I have 3 copies of each unit
07:30.50ShirikBah, being distracted here, RDXM_Kara will never get written this way :(
07:33.08Shirikwow, I just saw in trade channel
07:33.15Shirik"WTS lifetime portals for 1000g"
07:35.06Nom-heh...those unitframes look whacky
07:35.30Nom-Whacky in a bad way
07:35.32ShirikMy setup is a horrible show of what it can do, sadly. I like seeing a ton of information, just the way I am
07:35.39Shirikthey're fully configurable
07:35.44Nom-well i do too kinda
07:35.46ckknightas configurable as PitBull?
07:35.54ShirikNever seen PitBull relaly
07:36.06ShirikThough I meant to :P
07:36.12ShirikI wanted to poke that access violation you're getting
07:36.18Nom-Prolly seen it before
07:36.28Nom-I have my party frames across the bottom, below the HUD
07:36.38Nom-and Raid frames on the left, above AutoBar
07:36.51Shirikok, it can't do pictures, mostly because it's designed as a raid addon
07:36.56Shirikand having 40 pictures is going to hurt your eyes
07:37.06ckknightif you turn it off, the frame isn't even created
07:37.08Nom-focus is above the HUD lined up with target which is the on the rright
07:37.32Nom-The only annoying this is agUF keeps losing my customer raid frame lately
07:37.59Shirik(sorry never used a unit frame addon other than DUF)
07:38.03Shirik(and that was a long time ago)
07:38.05Nom-sorry been writing docos all afternoon lol
07:38.13FlAWDCT_Raid FTW!
07:38.33ShirikNom- Don't let Cide hear you!!
07:38.35FlAWDi just like their unit frames
07:38.38FlAWDraid frames rather
07:38.46FlAWDand the mail mod ... and buff mod
07:38.52Shirikisn't that like
07:38.54Shirikthe whole thing?
07:38.55FlAWDi use oRA2 for other raid stuff
07:39.17Shirikmeh, I'm not going to get into an argument over which is better, which is worse; Use what you like
07:39.26ShirikUnless your guild forces you to use something
07:39.27Shirikthen use that
07:39.53ShirikEveryone has different preferences, otherwise addons wouldn't be different
07:40.17ShirikIf I had never worked on RDX I'd probably be using CT right now, I'll admit it
07:40.33ShirikBut if nothing else, I like RDX for the pure reason I can change it as much as I want
07:40.41Shirik(But I have a lot of other reasons too)
07:40.47ShirikBut this is me, and only me
07:41.47pastamancerRDX has some interesting stuff going on
07:41.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
07:42.30Nom-Actually, it's the raid frames that I hate from CT_Raid
07:42.30Nom-Everything else that I used from it was pretty was all background stuff
07:42.43Nom-I hate having my raid broken up by class/group etc
07:42.58Nom-I just want one box that lists all the players, grouped by class, but not have to manage seperate boxes for each one
07:43.20Nom-I just wish PerfectRaid was back to its' former glory :(
07:43.26pastamancerit's not?
07:43.39pastamancerpraid looked pretty good last time I checked it out
07:43.43Shirikone of the many things I like about RDX :) You set up the windows the way you want them. If you want, you could split them up like "Any Shamans and Group 2 in this window" "Only Warriors in group 3 in this window" "Everything else in this window" etc
07:43.43Nom-It's got some nice features
07:43.58Nom-but it doesn't do the background colouring for curses/disease/poison etc
07:44.05Nom-At least, not last I checked
07:44.11ShirikBut I'm like you Nom
07:44.15ShirikI like everything in one big window
07:44.17pastamancerseems like a simple-enough hack
07:44.39pastamancerI honestly just keep grid in columns by group
07:45.16Nom-I don't mind perfectraid for a 40-man
07:45.23FlAWDmy UI :)
07:45.28Nom-But personally, for the 10 and 25 man, agUF is so much nicer
07:45.35Nom-Having group headings wastes so much space
07:46.02ShirikFlAWD: What are those random green boxes?
07:46.10pastamanceryesss, finally 1000 shadow damage!
07:46.23Mr_Rabies2i miss being able to play in widescreen
07:46.36Mr_Rabies2but alas, my desktop plays more smootly
07:46.43Mr_Rabies2smootly, hahaha
07:46.57FlAWDwhich random green boxes?
07:47.01Mr_Rabies2i don't know why that made me laugh so much, but haha
07:47.01FlAWDnear the top in the middle?
07:47.12FlAWDmy alt is a priest
07:47.25FlAWDand decursive doesn't have character specific settings
07:47.27Shirikok very confused how that works, but w/e
07:47.35Shirik*headdesk* why not...
07:47.40Nom-I don't see any point in using decursive any more
07:47.49FlAWDyou can click to dispel/cleanse now
07:47.54FlAWDusing those boxes
07:48.00ShirikFlAWD, that was always possible...
07:48.05Nom-Yeah, I can do that on normal raid frames alrady
07:48.06ShirikRDX has done it since day one of BC
07:48.09Nom-Control-Click = Cleanse
07:48.16FlAWDah cool
07:48.24Nom-lern2clique :)
07:48.26Shirikclique handles it pretty easily too
07:48.44Nom-I tried audio alerts for them
07:48.44ShirikNom-: Does Clique allow you to set up a macro for a click?
07:49.05Nom-But I discovered that I got them quicker just by visual feedback from agUF
07:49.21Nom-Shirik: I've not's *mainly* tied to the spell book
07:49.28Shirikah, never used it so I don't know
07:49.36ShirikI'm just trying to think of an easy way to cater to this guy's request...
07:49.36FlAWDi like my sage party frames for when i'm not in a raid
07:50.01Nom-ah yes
07:50.04Nom-it does let you do a macro
07:50.13Shirikooh I'll have to check out how that works
07:57.58Shirikjust to clarify something
07:58.02Shirikthose little boxes on decursive
07:58.06Shirikwhat do they signify?
07:58.11FlAWDparty members
07:58.16Shirikand how do they work?
07:58.26FlAWDfor a priest you left click on one to dispel and right click for disease
07:58.34ShirikI mean
07:58.34FlAWDone box for each party member
07:58.36Shirikwhy are they grean
07:58.41FlAWDgreen is good
07:58.45FlAWDnothing to dispel
07:58.47Shirikso they change colors
07:59.00Shirikand you have to click a different box for each member
07:59.02FlAWDand turn red when the person is out of range but has something
08:07.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Sole_ (
08:14.17ShirikI need to rethink the name of this function... RDXM.Kara.SetActiveEncounter = RDX.GenerateSetActiveEncounterFunction(RDXM.Kara, enctbl);
08:14.27Shirikthat is way too long
08:25.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Geb (n=chatzill@
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10:01.25ckknightanybody want to be my myspace friend?
10:02.18*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
10:03.08ShirikI would
10:03.12Shirikbut I hate myspace
10:03.16ckknightyea, me too
10:03.25ckknightmine's fake to create an illusion of my alter ego's existence
10:04.09ckknightnot much on it
10:04.12ckknightjust my videos
10:04.33Shirikyou already have two friends :D
10:05.15ckknightone's the default guy
10:05.19ckknightone's my sister-in-law
10:05.32Shirikyou get a default friend?
10:06.20ckknightmyspace's owner
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10:27.20Shirikoh wow... Veni quit...
10:28.09*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
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10:30.39Shiriksuch says the forums
10:31.08Shirik(I'm about a week behind, but such is my life)
10:31.20Shirikuh.... it's a bit hostile but...
10:31.45Shirik(it's a link to a realm forum, of course it's hostile...)
10:34.12Mr_Rabies2wonder what this 40mb patch for the ptr is adding
10:34.29Shirik(hopes they fixed secure templates for good this time)
10:35.11Nerinia(+ Set*Binding)
10:36.31batrickthey screwed up a lot didn't they
10:37.04ckknightsweet, Mr_Rabies
10:37.09ckknighthopefully portraits are fixed
10:37.19Mr_Rabies2no notes, as usual
10:37.56ckknightno biggie
10:38.02ckknightframexml diff is all you need :-P
10:38.18Shirikwdn ftw :)
10:38.31ckknightdoes it have the diff up already?
10:38.35Shirikprobably not
10:38.48ckknightI'll make one, then
10:38.50Mr_Rabies2i dont care about ui changes, that's you guys' job :p
10:39.06Mr_Rabies2gameplay's my concern
10:53.20ckknightFrameXML diff:
10:53.26Shirikcool cool
10:56.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
11:02.19ckknightbtw, you can have multiple MTs and multiple MAs
11:06.45NeriniaYay gryphon animation fixed! No change to secureframes :/
11:12.08AnduinLotharck: no
11:12.24AnduinLotharyou can't have multiple MTs and multiple MAs
11:12.26Neriniawoops, SecureFrame works. My fault
11:12.29ckknightsure you can
11:12.36ckknightI am testing it now
11:13.47AnduinLotharwith blizz's interface?>
11:16.49ckknightbtw, we're talking about the PTR
11:28.30*** join/#wowi-lounge beerke (
11:29.57batrickNerinia, Secure frames are working with my mod :S
11:30.01batricko you noted that nvm
11:31.05NeriniaYeah, typo in my AddOn :/
11:54.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
12:05.38Nom-agUF killed WoWo
12:06.03ckknightnot WoWo... he was my favorite puppy
12:07.37Nom-It's been getting more and more broken every time I update it
12:07.48Nom-This time it just chewed all available RAM (don't have a memory cap set)
12:15.32ckknighttry out PitBull
12:16.12Nom-still doing it :(
12:16.12Nom-I need replacement unit frames :(
12:16.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
12:16.58Nom-bleh agUF still buggered...need replacement unit frames for raid which is about to start :(
12:24.54Nom-Shirik: You said you use RDX?
12:27.09*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
12:32.00ShirikI do use it, yes, but more accurately, I write it
12:34.58Elkanooh, cide isn't here...
12:38.50MikkNom-: Download older agUF?
12:39.19*** part/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
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12:53.32AnduinLotharoh wow, i win
12:54.38AnduinLotharI made a recursive function that scans sibling frames (same parent) and reanchors them if they are only anchored to the specifiec frame
12:56.11AnduinLotharso now if you drag ActionButton1 with FluidFrames it not only reparents it to UIParent, but ActionButton2-12 are also reparented
12:56.51zenzelezzneat :)
12:57.30AnduinLotharsame with CharacterMicroButton
12:58.01JoshBorkeso what did you win AL?
12:58.02AnduinLotharand the bag buttons
12:58.11foxlitHm, they patched PTR again, but the secureframes are still borked?
12:58.33AnduinLotharI win the self gratified awesome award.
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13:00.27AnduinLotharnow i jsut need to figure out how to reset it
13:06.04ckknightfoxlit: how were they borked before?
13:08.34foxlitCode that works fine on live ends up tainting SecureFrames to the point where if you add a child to a secure header, child will be tainted
13:10.07ckknightthere was work done on that, from the diff I made
13:10.50foxlitDo you need new test code? :)
13:11.10foxlit(or do your tests also fail on new PTRs?)
13:11.38ckknighthaven't done extensive tests
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13:16.33Shirik|AFKthink RDX works fine on the current PTR
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13:17.26Shirik|AFKI'll download ptr patch today and see, but foxlit I thought that was fixed..
13:17.34Shirik|AFKany specific header?
13:19.30foxlitOne of the frames I declared in XML
13:20.02foxlitThe only weird thing I can think of its that it eventually forms a chain of three. Removing secure status on the frame seems to remove the taint.
13:20.55foxlitI can toss you a copy of my addon, but I can't strip it down to basics before EU PTRs come back
13:24.13Shirik|AFKif you want to, send it to
13:24.17Shirik|AFKheaidngo ff to class atm though
13:24.33Shirik|AFKheading off*
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13:36.08MrTortureHmm is anyone around this morning?
13:37.37KasoIm around, but its afternoon here so i guess i dont count
13:38.30MrTortureHave you ever made a skin for WoW? like what Discord Art does?
13:39.10MrTortureErrrrr Brb
13:41.46KasoThe hardest part about that is Making the actual textures which involves artistic talents beyond mine, replacing the orgrinal textures is a trivial task
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13:45.26foxlitDraw a picture of everything first, then worry about how to plug it in
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13:45.40MrTortureO well I've done stuff in Adobe alot
13:45.49MrTortureI did graphics and everything for like 2 years and I'm not looking for anything special
13:45.59MrTortureI even just wanna bum off someone else
13:46.17MrTortureExcept that Discord Art doesn't work anymore it just says Incompatible
13:47.13KasoYah im not sure what happened with Discord they really fell of the radar since 2.0
13:48.04MrTortureYa and I got a version of it that is sapposed to work but it doesn't seem like it does...
13:48.34MrTortureHowever I do have images to work with already
13:48.58KasoI'd be tempted to just learn a bit of coding and write up something custom-fit to do your job
13:49.19Kaso(if i were in your position i mean)
13:49.56MrTortureYa thats kinda what I'm looking to do but where should I do that?
13:50.19MrTortureI mean I haven't done coding... since.... like 4 years ago... but I still remember basic crap..
13:51.24purlfaraframes is a rather good tutorial of basic wow frames creation using XML, it can be found at
13:51.26MrTortureWhere should I look for that??? Just google it?
13:51.33Kasotake a look at that first of all, shows the basics of XML frames/Textures which the default UI uses
13:51.40Kasothat'll give a good grounding
13:51.48MrTortureOkay thanks tons ^_^
13:52.11KasoAlot of that stuff wont really be needed for what you want but its worth knowing
13:52.44KasoThen you prob want to know the functions you can use in the widgit api for textures and frames
13:52.49Kasoa reference of that is here:
13:53.13Kasoafter you've read all that then ask in here again for some tips on getting started on replacing default UI textures
13:53.38MrTortureAlright thanks ^_^
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14:48.07MrTortureYou still around Kaso?
14:50.48Mr_Rabies2how does this spec look?
14:52.21MrTortureIts a fair bit different how I would do it on my shaman
14:53.13[dRaCo]I'd get healing focus instead of imp reinc and mental quickness
14:53.55[dRaCo]it's a great lifesaver
14:54.29MrTortureI like Anticipation and Toughness myself ...
14:55.06MrTortureIf you going to dual weild I wouldn't put that point into the 2 hander
14:55.26Mr_Rabies2it's only one point, and seems to be more useful than anything else :/
14:55.30MrTortureI personally would drop the lightning sheild and the imp ghost wolf
14:55.37[dRaCo]yeah, anticipation is great... I don't know about thoughness, I don't like it that much
14:55.56MrTortureya.. well what I did with my stuff
14:55.57Mr_Rabies2i don't find myself with enough AGI to really bother with dodging
14:56.08MrTortureIs the extra points I had I put into toughness
14:56.36MrTortureWell anticipation is 5% ... thats 1 in 20 chance to dodge no matter what ur agi is
14:56.47[dRaCo] <-- that's my current spec
14:57.20[dRaCo]I found those 5% to be pretty useful
14:57.54MrTortureI'm not going to link my current spec... cause I kinda messed it up and I'm just waiting for the patch to give me a free respec
14:58.02Mr_Rabies2don't think it is
14:58.29Mr_Rabies2i dunno, imp ghost wolf seems more helpful than a puny 2% dodge
14:58.46[dRaCo]for pvp, maybe
14:58.58[dRaCo]but in instances or raids it's totally useless
14:59.23Mr_Rabies2in instances anticipation is pretty useless too
14:59.57Mr_Rabies2only time it's an issue is whirlwind and i doubt any mobs i'll be fighting will have too much damage coming from WW
15:00.16zenzelezzMaulgar disagrees =D
15:00.23MrTorturegod i hate him >_<
15:00.33Mr_Rabies2i'll never fight him on my shaman
15:00.47Mr_Rabies2i'll never get past 5 mans most likely
15:00.51Mr_Rabies2i'll just get him to 70 and pvp
15:01.09[dRaCo]you'll fight a lot of mobs with cleave and sweeping strikes
15:01.16Mr_Rabies2cleave's being changed
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15:01.25Mr_Rabies2and sweeping strikes never really hits hard enough to worry about
15:01.37Mr_Rabies2hell, i don't bother running from sweeping strikes on my druid
15:01.49[dRaCo]hey, my 2 cents, find out yourself ;)
15:01.55MrTortureIono I had Imp GW but never used it
15:01.59Mr_Rabies2asscleaves are no more
15:02.08MrTortureIts only good in PvP I think
15:02.17Mr_Rabies2well, that's what i'm gonna be doing mostly on him anyway
15:02.28zenzelezzjust remember, this is opinions, you may both be right ;)
15:02.31MrTortureWell then I'd get it
15:02.49[dRaCo]For PvP, I'd go for something like 15/31/15
15:02.54MrTortureHaha ya.. But now you guys got me looking at how i wanna fully respec
15:03.09MrTortureYa cause you dont need shamanistic rage and stuff for pvp
15:03.11Mr_Rabies2eh, draco, elemental/enhance builds aren't so great anymore
15:03.20Mr_Rabies2since they work on spellcrit, especially that early in the tree
15:03.25Mr_Rabies2which you have next to none of
15:03.31Mr_Rabies2if you're enhancement
15:03.45[dRaCo]imo the imp. shocks are worth the 15 points
15:03.58Mr_Rabies2i don't shock much
15:04.04Mr_Rabies2i stormstrike a ton
15:04.16Mr_Rabies2and shamanistic rage is just too fantastic to give up
15:04.18[dRaCo]stormstrike is a must-have
15:04.28MrTortureo ya
15:04.43MrTortureI'm mainly PvE myself
15:04.50Mr_Rabies2i do both on my druid
15:04.58MrTortureAnd I land up off tanking alot
15:05.00Mr_Rabies2but my shaman is my "something different" alt
15:05.06Mr_Rabies2so i'm thinking about going elemental
15:05.06MrTortureProbaly why I like tougness
15:05.19MrTortureMy shaman is my main ^_^
15:05.34MrTortureI can dish out a ton of dps though
15:05.48MrTortureIve only seen warlocks out dps me in the groups ive been in
15:06.07Mr_Rabies2no one can on mine yet
15:06.07[dRaCo] <-- that's how I'd spec for PvP
15:06.11Mr_Rabies2then again hes only level 50
15:06.28MrTorture49 is the peak of a shaman
15:06.30Mr_Rabies2with the level 48 wsg dagger in his offhand and a 35 dps mace in the mh
15:06.43MrTortureAt 49 with kang I could one shot people
15:06.50Mr_Rabies2i pretty much can
15:06.58Mr_Rabies2with a windfury
15:07.04MrTortureo ya
15:07.13Mr_Rabies2i used to have 952 AP on my shaman with the old rockbiter
15:07.16Mr_Rabies2at 42
15:07.31KasoMrTorture im back now, still want some help?
15:07.41Mr_Rabies2he pretty much destroyed everything in his path, especially with old windfury
15:08.33MrTortureWell I read all of the fara stuff and everything and was going to try it out and its Incompatible with WoW
15:09.18KasoWhat is incompatible/
15:09.31Kasooh the demos from fara
15:09.38Kaso## Interface: 1600
15:09.42Mr_Rabies2what about ?
15:09.42Kasochange that to 20003
15:10.01MrTortureoo oki
15:10.29Kasoman i didnt realse that tutorial was so old
15:10.58KasoIt was written on at the time of 1.6 patch
15:11.03Kasothat was when BWL was launched
15:12.29Mr_Rabies2bwl was mostly ready at release, but they stopped development of it for mc :O
15:12.50[dRaCo]I'd rather get Eye of the Storm instead of those 4% more Mana, Mr_Rabies2
15:13.01Nom-ah loving this run tonight
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15:13.07Nom-one-shotted every boss, clearing to curator now
15:13.25AnduinLotharwhat's AceEvent20Frame?
15:13.25zenzelezzdo not touch the displays
15:13.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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15:14.07Kirkburn|22Woot, new release of ClearFont on WoWI, first for a while :P
15:14.13zenzelezzhe's multiplying
15:14.42Thunder_Child2or he is danceing in a small pink outfit
15:15.37Kirkburn|22Cairenn|afk, thanks for the topic, and my present for you is a new release of ClearFont2 :P
15:15.40AnduinLotharwth is AceEvent20Frame and why is it trying to reanchor the MainMenuBar every 10 seconds...
15:15.41Thunder_Child2yea, but there is nothing exciting at 22....18/21 is where all the fun happens
15:15.49Kirkburn|22Thunder_Child2, I know :(
15:16.31Thunder_Child2yea, after's just another day
15:16.31Kirkburn|22Regarding the small pink outfit - I did get a note on my door today saying "Birthday Girl!"
15:18.20KasoCide are you there?
15:18.20KasoCT_Mod's minimap button has the wrong parent
15:18.20AnduinLotharha, among other problems..
15:18.21CideI'm not sure how you're defining the 'right' parent?
15:18.21Mr_Rabies2he's saying it's adopted
15:18.29Kasoits currently set to UIParent so when you hide minimap the button does not hide
15:18.29Cidethat's intended
15:18.58Cidebecause you can move it anywhere, not just around the minimap
15:19.05CideAnduinLothar: are you referring to the code I wrote 3.5 years ago, or the new code I wrote 3.5 months ago?
15:19.19KasoCan't you change it's parent in relation to wether it is "bound" to the minimap or not
15:19.37Cidewhat that boils down to is a design decision
15:19.39AnduinLotharah, haven't seen any new code. i didn't even know you finished the recode
15:19.48Cidenot 'right' or 'wrong' :)
15:20.05Mr_Rabies2arghghghg, this sunburn is driving me crazy
15:20.17Kasowell it "looks" wrong when you hide your minimap and CT_Mod is left there alone
15:20.24Thunder_Child2could be worse...could be a Kirkburn
15:20.35Kirkburn|22I h8 you
15:20.57Mr_Rabies2i turned a little pink and didn't hurt, but yesterday i woke up with the sunburn itching worse than a vietnamese hooker
15:20.58Kirkburn|22Why are you smiling? :*(
15:21.00MrTortureLol Kaso... I realize why I didn't continue programing and stuff after what I did xP
15:21.52AnduinLotharugh... it's FuBar moving the MainMenuBar
15:22.03Thunder_Child2who was smileing?
15:22.46AnduinLotharnifty cide
15:23.07AnduinLotharwonder if it still works with MMB, i haven't used CTRA in a while
15:23.15Cidethat's not ctra, that's ct_core
15:23.19Cidebut in any case, no idea
15:23.31AnduinLothardid you recode ctra?
15:23.42Kirkburn|22I recoded your mom
15:23.42Cideworking on it
15:23.59CideKirkburn|22: I demand you change your name to Kirkburn++
15:24.01AnduinLotharah yeah ok, then don't listen to me. i was thinkign ctra
15:24.12Cidehappy birthday in any case!
15:24.26KasoCide: so i notice in that code you have if ( dist < 85 ) to see if its attached to the minimap? cant you just throw a setparent in there?
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15:24.30AnduinLotharSo I was gonna use fubar...
15:24.35CideKaso: sure, I could
15:24.44Cidebut it's still a design decision
15:24.47AnduinLothari even got the pretty textures added
15:24.50Kirkburn|22Cide, thankies :)
15:24.56Kasofair enough
15:24.58Cideso I'm going to let Ts decide what to do
15:25.16AnduinLotharbut nooooo... it has to be dumb and move the MainMenuBar even after i disable the frame auto moving...
15:25.53AnduinLotharckknight: that's you
15:27.00AnduinLotharyou have a 10s repeating AceEvent that is moving the MainMenuBar back to whereever it was when FuBar first loaded
15:27.27AnduinLotharit should stop repeating if you have auto-adjust disabled
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15:33.06Nom-we rock ^_^
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15:39.48Nom-Everything one-shotted, one wipe (from some kind of bug that aggroed half the instance to us lol)
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15:49.53Shirikraid leader just instituted a new rule - you have to have all class skills trained to join the raid
15:50.04ShirikBecause some hunter never trained misdirection....
15:50.08ShirikHow do you skip out on that ><
15:50.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@
15:50.35Shirikrespeccing doesn't drop misdirection :P
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15:53.47MrTortureOkay.... So anyone wanna give me opinions on this spec for a shaman....
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16:33.05Shirikanyone around that understands how tail calls work?
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16:33.29zenzelezztail calls?
16:33.48Shirikit's basically an optimizing feature in Lua... take for example
16:34.02Shirikfunction b() return 4; end function a() return b(); end
16:34.13pastamancerit's a goto
16:34.19Shirika performs a tail call to b, which means it becomes a goto instead of a call
16:34.26Shirikpastamancer: Ok the question is
16:34.31pastamancerit means there's no extra stack frame allocated
16:34.32ShirikDoes this become a tail call:
16:34.46Shirikfunction b() end function a() b(); end
16:34.54Shirikwithout "return," but it's the last line in the function
16:35.02pastamancerit must be a return
16:35.03zenzelezzis it something like inline function expansion or whatever C/C++ calls the thing?
16:35.11Shirikso it would be better to say return b(), even if b returns nothing
16:35.14cogwheelfunction foo() foo() end does iirc
16:35.34cogwheel(or i may be thinking of some other similar construct)
16:35.38Shirikzenzelezz: Not really because inline functions result in it literally being imbeded in the function
16:35.41pastamancerit's only "better" if the semantics support it
16:35.55ShirikYeah the operation would work fine if I do it
16:35.57pastamancercogwheel: no, without an explicit return, it has to eat any potential return values
16:36.01ShirikI was just wondering if it was necessary
16:36.05zenzelezzShirik: I'm aware of what inline functions do, it's the tail thing I'm not sure about; thus the question :)
16:36.24pastamancerzenzelezz: tailcall = longjmp
16:36.30cogwheel>>> function foo() return foo() end      foo()
16:36.31Shirikzenzelezz: The difference is a tail call doesn't result in greater bytecode size. Inline functions result in a larger executable for every call
16:36.36Cidecogwheel: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
16:36.51cogwheel>>> function foo() foo() end      foo()
16:36.51Cidecogwheel: d:\lua\input.tmp:169: stack overflow
16:36.58Shirikand there's the answer
16:37.08Shirikthanks :)
16:37.25pastamancerthat's what I said :p
16:37.30ShirikI know :)
16:37.36cogwheelI was just demonstrating it :)
16:37.38pastamancerdon't go around adding tail calls just for the hell of it
16:37.41ShirikIt's thanks to both of you
16:37.45Shiriknah, here I'll show you what I have
16:38.04pastamancerit's not worth avoiding a stack frame if your function really isn't supposed to return anything
16:38.20pastamancerthey're most useful when using recursion instead of looping
16:38.37pastamancerand there's actually a formulaic way to transform looping <-> recursion
16:38.48Shirikyeah I've seen that
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16:39.31pastamanceroh, yeah that would be an acceptable place for tail calls even though it's not recursive
16:39.46pastamancerbecause those functions are alias-ish
16:40.05ShirikI mean, I wouldn't have had all those made, but unfortunately it's a limitation of HOT.SigUpdate
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16:40.21ShirikSo... I can't pass values directly from the handler
16:42.33Shirikthanks for the recommendations you two :)
16:47.10kahdgarx1is there a good way to check if a variable exists?
16:47.19kahdgarx1i'm trying if ver == nil then blah
16:47.38kahdgarx1but that's giving me an error due to indexing an unknown variable
16:47.39Shirikif var could ever be false
16:47.41Shirikthen that's right
16:47.53ShirikI think you're not giving us the full context ;)
16:47.56ShirikBecause that's right
16:48.07Shiriknow, if you're not talking about boolean variables
16:48.12ShirikYou actually can shorten that to
16:48.16Shirikif not ver then
16:48.22kahdgarx1i tried that too
16:48.31cogwheelthen you're not telling us something important
16:48.32Shirikwhich is why I'm saying you aren't giving us the full context ;)
16:48.36kahdgarx1i'm in a multi-tiered table
16:48.37ShirikI'm thinking you're accessing a table
16:49.03Shirikif a does not exist
16:49.05kahdgarx1^^ idea bubble
16:49.06Shirikthen a.b cannot be accessed
16:49.20kahdgarx1yeah, just figured that out >_>
16:49.21Shirik>>> if not a.b then return "No!"; end
16:49.21CideShirik: [string "if not a.b then return "No!"; end"]:1: attempt to index global 'a' (a nil value)
16:49.26Shiriklook familiar?
16:49.47kahdgarx1not one bit! >_>
16:50.33kahdgarx1woo :)
16:50.41kahdgarx1bug = smashed
16:53.10Shirikhm, you can't use setfenv() and pass in nil instead of a table :(
16:55.59cogwheeltrying to reset it to the default global environment?
16:56.16Shiriknah I was just kinda curious
16:56.21Shiriktrying to block globals from being made
16:56.56Shirik(this is how I find stuff out, just poking it and seeing what explodes)
16:57.48kahdgarx1I really need to rewrite my code so all my functions are in a container table.
16:58.08Shirikwell at least all of your globally accessible ones
16:58.22Shirikif you look at the one I just posted not too long ago
16:58.22Shirik12:38:27 ‹Shirik›
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16:58.34ShirikI have a local function to help with some things
16:59.30kahdgarx1if i throw 'local' before a function name, it's only accessible inside that file?
16:59.51Cairennat a beach?
16:59.52kahdgarx1well that makes things easier
16:59.59kahdgarx1nope, desert
17:00.00zenzelezzCairenn: wherever you prefer
17:00.11kahdgarx1wait, even better
17:01.02zenzelezzif you make a function local, it can not be accessed in your own .xmls either?
17:01.12kahdgarx1is throwihng an _ before a function name a common convention to signify a local function?
17:01.45Shirikit's a convention I use which signifies it isn't meant to be used externally
17:01.46kahdgarx1i swear, i'm the worst coder on the planet :P
17:01.50Shirikit's used for the internal operations of the class
17:02.51Shirikbut you can use it however you want
17:02.53Shirikit's just what I do
17:03.17zenzelezzI think my other self suffers from schizophrenia
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17:12.28cogwheelCide: mind joining #dongle for some bottage?
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17:18.40KirkburnCairenn, meep!
17:18.49CairennKirkburn: moop!
17:18.58Kirkburnhonk honk
17:19.49MrTortureAnyone here play a shaman?
17:20.18KirkburnUnfortunately I want to throttle ClearFont2 atm, or at least whatever is making the release revision stoopid
17:20.57KirkburnI bet it's not my fault :P
17:20.59zenzelezzyou broke it? ;-p
17:21.34KirkburnI haven't got a clue right now
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17:27.26ShirikKirkburn: You mean the 132?
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17:32.06Legorol|altmorning folks
17:32.09Legorol|altare the PTR down?
17:32.15Legorol|altbleh, nick
17:32.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol|alt (
17:32.28Shirikyou uh
17:32.34Shirikrealize you don't have to quit to change your nick, right?
17:32.45TC-Workingit didnt change anyways
17:32.46zenzelezzand that you didn't yet change your nick
17:32.58Legorol|altnot better
17:32.59KirkburnShirik, nope
17:33.04Legorol|altyeah i do realise both those, but mirc is screwing with me :/
17:33.08*** part/#wowi-lounge Legorol|alt (
17:33.15Shirikdoes he realize his ghost is on?
17:33.37zenzelezzseems he figured
17:33.38Shirikguess he figured it out :P
17:34.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
17:34.51Legorolaaah, better
17:34.57Legorolaaaanyway, does anyone know how long/why are the PTR down?
17:35.06Legorolis it because of the new patch?
17:35.07TC-Workingbecause Shirik borke it
17:35.42Shirik"$2.43 USD / 50g, Seasonal promotion!"
17:35.45ShirikWtf season is it?
17:35.59kahdgarx1gold buying season!
17:36.01foxlitAdvent of 2.1!
17:37.25KasoOr is that too sensible of an aweser
17:38.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
17:41.09pastamancerit's gold-buying season of couse
17:41.58TC-Workinghmm...4GB SD card for 19.99
17:42.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
17:42.32pastamancerthat's a lot of candid photos if your camera takes SD
17:42.44Shirikis that to
17:42.48TC-Workingthere's a wootoff today
17:42.54TC-Workingkinda, it's a woot watcher
17:43.04TC-Workingwoot gets to many hits with ppl refreshing
17:43.05Shirikman, last time there was a wootoff
17:43.10ShirikThere was one thing I desparately wanted
17:43.12Shirikand I knew it was there
17:43.17TC-Workingso there are other pages to handle the loads
17:43.19Shirikbecause they had this glitch where they jumped ahead two items then went back
17:43.27ShirikSo I was just waiting for it... constantly
17:43.35ShirikAnd it appeared, and I insta-buy
17:43.40ShirikAnd I started filling out the information
17:43.43ShirikAnd... OUT OF STOCK
17:43.45Shirikand I cried
17:44.09Shirikit was a pretty nice 1000W speaker system
17:45.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
17:47.37*** join/#wowi-lounge hugo (
17:48.08*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
17:51.27TC-Working~bitchslap Thunder_Child damit, dont lose conectivity
17:51.34purlACTION beats the sh*t out of Thunder_Child damit, dont lose conectivity
17:51.56ShirikOr tell that peer of yours to stop resetting your connection!
17:54.52TC-Workingdamit it's hard to talk about myself in 3rd person * 3rd person...or something like that
17:58.30purlupdatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep, or super extractor,
17:58.52Shirikthat's awesome
17:58.56*** part/#wowi-lounge Sixen (
17:59.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Sixen (
17:59.16SixenHeh, oops.
17:59.24zenzelezzI was never that much a fan of that factoid
17:59.28Sixen~purge condom
17:59.30zenzelezzthe apt-get really ruins it
17:59.40purlmount is a command used to mount a device to the local filesystem
17:59.43pastamanceryeah, that wasn't in the original
18:00.18batrickdoes anyone understand what this error means/is:Spellcraft\Spellcraft.lua:1375: SC_ItemTooltip:SetHyperlink(): Unknown link type
18:00.23pastamancergasp is part of the gnu assembler, IIRC
18:00.33Shirikbatrick: The link you're passing is invalid
18:00.33Sixenbatrick: It seems like an unknown link type.
18:04.33batrickit's always funny
18:04.54batrickwhen you find a bug in your code, that never shows up for you, but someone else gets it
18:05.08batrickyou find that what you did shouldn't be working at all, but it is,... for you
18:05.19Shirikah yes
18:05.34foxlitGet that a lot with moderately complex systems when you can't use all of it.
18:05.50zenzelezzyou mean you don't hardcode errors into your addons that will fire for players not named the same as you?
18:06.06ShirikI kinda did something like that once
18:06.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Jumpee (
18:06.19ShirikI disabled something for my nick once because I was getting annoyed by it
18:06.29Shirikthen when I released it....
18:06.35Shirikthat block of code wasn't working anymore
18:06.39Shirikbut I didn't know :P
18:07.17*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
18:13.18batrickman i'm looking at my code, that was broken, I have no idea how it was working before
18:13.27foxlitSheer luck!
18:13.40batrickhas to be!
18:13.55foxlitWoW needs more smaller widescreen resolutions
18:14.02foxlitCan't raid and code at the same time comfortably :/
18:14.14batrickthe solution
18:14.17batrickanother monitor
18:14.17sysrageget 2 monitors
18:14.30foxlitBut they take up deskspace!
18:14.33batrickbelieve me
18:14.42batrickit's the best... BEST... investment
18:14.43TC-Workingnot really
18:14.44batrickyou'll ever make
18:14.49zenzelezzdon't take much space
18:14.57sysragejust put your stash of kleenex and KY on the floor. plenty of desk space
18:15.36foxlitWidescreen LCDs :/
18:15.37batricklooks like digital blasphemy
18:15.38TC-Workingthose are dual 22"
18:15.43TC-Workingno, me
18:15.50batrickyou made that?
18:15.52batricklooks nice
18:16.07batricki got that keyboard too
18:16.09batricki love it ^^
18:16.20TC-Workingi dont use the lcd on it...and i should
18:16.30foxlitMeh, Atlasloot bugs you about being out-of-sync with atlas on every update.
18:16.32batrickI do the same thing with my monitors
18:16.35batrickhave them tilted
18:16.40batrickexcept i have a lamp in between them
18:16.51TC-Workingi want to get a third and put it inbetween
18:16.54chuckgAnyone have any ideas on how to strip out color codes *without* stripping them from itemlinks?
18:17.11batrickcreative string manipulation :D
18:17.14chuckgstring_gsub(str, "|cff.......([^|].-)|r", "%1")
18:17.17chuckgThat's what i'm trying now.
18:17.23chuckgIt's stripping the color code out of itemlinks though.
18:17.27foxlitYeah, well, that strips itemlinks too.
18:17.39chuckgShouldn't! Doesn't in a /dump gsub of it :(
18:17.47chuckgIt does, but I don't understand why.
18:19.58foxlitThinking, sec
18:20.12foxlit(or, rather, healing mag trash)
18:20.35zenzelezzare you certain that the string you're passing to it is actually the same that you tested with?
18:20.58chuckggsub("|cff1eff00|Hitem:3577:0:0:0:0:0:0:276308480|h[Gold Bar]|h|r", "|cff.......([^|].-)|r", "%1")
18:21.02chuckgThat's my working model.
18:21.10chuckgPulled straight from WoWWiki.
18:21.24Shirikthat's.... an evil pattern, but ok
18:21.31Shirikwhat do you want to get?
18:21.33chuckgAnd if you do: /dump gsub("|cff1eff00|Hitem:3577:0:0:0:0:0:0:276308480|h[Gold Bar]|h|r", "|cff.......([^|].-)|r", "%1")
18:21.34chuckgIT works.
18:21.44batrickyour problem is probably a special character
18:21.47batrickthat you need to escape
18:22.09batricklike dash is special
18:22.13ShirikI think you're missing a | there
18:22.17batricki'm not reading it right
18:22.24cogwheelbatrick: yes... he's using the dash for its special purpose :P
18:22.42Shirikoh I guess... wtf
18:22.44batrickok just checking
18:22.47foxlitBtw, if you do that in a dump
18:22.50Shirikthat pattern should really be adjusted -_-
18:22.59foxlit"[^|]" becomes "[^||]"
18:23.12cogwheelfoxlit: no...
18:23.37cogwheeloh wait
18:23.40cogwheelI see what you mean
18:23.42Shirikcogwheel: yes it does in chat
18:23.50Shirikthat is just
18:23.57ShirikWho made that pattern, seriously
18:24.14Shirikyes it works....
18:24.23cogwheelI came up with something similar off the top of my head :P
18:24.31ShirikExtreme overuse of .
18:24.32TC-Workingheh, Shirik thinks it's fugly
18:24.49cogwheelShirik: there's no way to specify a particular number of chars
18:24.55cogwheelin lua patterns
18:25.00foxlit[0-9a-f] is uglier
18:25.02Shirikbut I ignored that
18:25.11Shirikok, but why not a | instead of .
18:25.13Shirikit HAS to be a |
18:25.17foxlitThere's probably a hex wildcard too.
18:25.26batrickcogwheel, sure there is
18:25.32batrickjust use sets one after another?
18:25.49foxlitcog's right.
18:26.04foxlitIn regex, you can do for example [abc]{3,8}
18:26.15Shirikand it doesn't exist in Lua
18:26.16ShirikI know that
18:26.19foxlitNo LUA equivalent of that without typing things out
18:26.23cogwheelI find |c[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]         far fuglier than   |c........
18:26.25ShirikI'm just annoyed at, for example, the .......
18:26.29Shirikinstead of ......|
18:26.34Shirikas well as other things
18:26.43foxlitWhat's | for?
18:26.44batrickcogwheel, i'm just saying it's possible >.>
18:26.44chuckgSo like I said.
18:26.46chuckgIt's weird.
18:26.47batricknot saying it's pretty
18:26.47chuckgThe pattern works.
18:26.48chuckgBut doesn't.
18:26.53chuckgWorks in dump.
18:26.53cogwheelShirik: the point is to capture anything that's NOT an item link
18:26.56chuckgDoesn't work in practice.
18:27.30Shirikwhat if I made an item link starting with |cee ?
18:27.40TC-Workingfoxlit, | is a pipe in most places..i dunno if it's the sdame here
18:27.41Shiriktechnically not legal, but possible
18:27.45chuckgMy pattern doesn't care.
18:27.48cogwheelthat's why I suggested ........ instead of ff........
18:27.50Shirikeh, whatever
18:27.52foxlitTC-Working: no LUA regex OR
18:27.53pastamancer%x is the pattern for hex digits
18:27.54ShirikI'll go to sleep now
18:28.12chuckgOh yea, cog had all dots.
18:28.21chuckgI just changed it to cff for readability.
18:28.25batrickcogwheel, o ... sorry lol, pays to follow the entire conv, rather than glancing at it from time to time
18:28.37Shirikyeah, I /did/ think it was trying to capture links >.>
18:28.47chuckgNope, *just* colorcodes.
18:28.58chuckgSo |cff1eff00Some Text|r.
18:29.06Shirikok color that is not a link
18:29.06chuckgBut not |cff1eff00itemlinkstuff|r
18:29.31Shirikwhy not just search for |h inside?
18:29.54Shirik(just a suggestion)
18:30.29foxlitThat's what it does, actually
18:30.39chuckgIt does that, but from the front.
18:31.03ShirikI see a distinct lack of "h" in there, but regardless, I need to go to sleep
18:31.07ShirikI'm acting stupid right now
18:31.18foxlitThe assumption is that all hyperlinks must begin with |
18:31.20foxlitand that nothing else does
18:31.49chuckgRight, I cut out the [^H]?
18:32.01chuckgBecause that would hinder any colored text with "Hello"
18:33.18foxlitWonder why it cuts the | when run from LUA as well
18:33.34Shirikis there an or in ... no there isn't
18:33.35foxlitThat must mean something interesting
18:33.36ShirikI go away now
18:33.49chuckgThat works perfectly in dump.
18:33.53Shirik|zZzno it doesnt
18:33.59Shirik|zZztry this
18:34.12Shirik|zZzwhich is valid white colored text "|Hello"
18:34.15chuckgWhy would I have ||Hello?
18:34.16ckknightAnduinLothar: see, Jostle is independent of FuBar. When FuBar disables auto-adjust, it removes all the FuBar references from Jostle, but Jostle will still update. Though I could theoretically make it stop updating due to optimization reasons.
18:34.20Shirik|zZzBecause the | becomes escaped with ||
18:34.29foxlitYour original problem had the wrong number of .s
18:34.31chuckgOnly in Dump.
18:34.41foxlitstring.gsub("|cff1eff00|Hitem:3577:0:0:0:0:0:0:276308480|h[Gold Bar]|h|r", "|cff......([^|].-)|r", "%1") works fine in LUA
18:34.50chuckgI fixd that foxlit.
18:34.52foxlit(i.e. you get a gold bar link out of it)
18:34.52chuckgDidn't change anything.
18:35.29pastamancer>>> string.find("|cff1eff00|Hitem:3577:0:0:0:0:0:0:276308480|h[Gold Bar]|h|r", "|cff(%x%x%x%x%x%x)(.-)|r")
18:35.29Cidepastamancer: 1,  59,  "1eff00",  "|Hitem:3577:0:0:0:0:0:0:276308480|h[Gold Bar]|h"
18:37.39chuckgOh that's handy.
18:37.49chuckgI didn't know cide had a builtin LUA dingy.
18:38.57chuckg>>> gsub("|cff1eff00|Hitem:3577:0:0:0:0:0:0:276308480|h[Gold Bar]|h|r", "|cff......([^|]?.-)|r", "%1")
18:38.58Cidechuckg: "|Hitem:3577:0:0:0:0:0:0:276308480|h[Gold Bar]|h",  1
18:39.03chuckgSee! :(
18:39.08chuckgErr no see.
18:39.13pastamancer>>> line = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:3577:0:0:0:0:0:0:276308480|h[Gold Bar]|h|r"; s1,e1, color, text = string.find(line, "|c(%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x)(.-)|r"); if not string.match(text, "^|H(.-)|h") then return text else return line end
18:39.13Cidepastamancer: "|cff1eff00|Hitem:3577:0:0:0:0:0:0:276308480|h[Gold Bar]|h|r"
18:39.32pastamancer>>> line = "|cff1eff00||Hello|r"; s1,e1, color, text = string.find(line, "|c(%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x)(.-)|r"); if not string.match(text, "^|H(.-)|h") then return text else return line end
18:39.32Cidepastamancer: "||Hello"
18:40.15pastamanceryou're going to need two steps like that due to the limitations of lua's pattern matching
18:40.40pastamancerthe fun part is replacing colors in the middle of a string
18:41.14chuckgYou mean there's more? D=
18:42.11foxlitWhy don't you just replace with a custom function?
18:42.20chuckgThat's in a custom function.
18:42.32pastamancerah, I forgot gsub could do that
18:42.55foxlitstring.gsub(str, pattern, function)
18:43.29pastamancer>>> line = "|cff1eff00||Hello|r"; string.gsub(line, "|c(%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x)(.-)|r", function (text) if not string.match(text, "^|H(.-)|h") then return text else return line end)
18:43.29Cidepastamancer: [string "line = "|cff1eff00||Hello|r"; string.gsub(line, "|c(%x%x%x%x%x%..."]:1: unexpected symbol near ')'
18:43.55foxlitpastamancer: for bonus points, add $ on the end of the .match
18:44.02batrickpastamancer, you need single quotes
18:44.05batrickfor the pattern
18:44.18cogwheelbatrick: huh?
18:44.24batrick>>> line = "|cff1eff00||Hello|r"; string.gsub(line, "|c(%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x)(.-)|r", function (text) if not string.match(text, '^|H(.-)|h') then return text else return line end)
18:44.24Cidebatrick: [string "line = "|cff1eff00||Hello|r"; string.gsub(line, "|c(%x%x%x%x%x%..."]:1: unexpected symbol near ')'
18:44.28batricko nvm
18:44.42batricki got a similar error once, and it was caused by double quotes
18:45.00foxlitThat was caused by you not escaping properly
18:45.01cogwheelbatrick: ' == " as far as lua's concerned... the only reason to use one over the other is if you need to use one in the string
18:45.27batrickya i understand that
18:45.59batrickall I'm saying is i had a wierd error once where it was fixed by single quotes, I didn't have time to look at it (and I didn't have double quotes in my pattern)
18:46.20cogwheelyou had to have double quotes in your pattern or it wouldn't have errored...
18:46.45pastamancer>>> line = "|cff1eff00||Hello|r"; string.gsub(line, "|c(%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x)(.-)|r", function (color, text) if string.match(text, "^|H(.-)|h$") then return text; else return string.format("|c%s%s|r", color, text); end)
18:46.45Cidepastamancer: [string "line = "|cff1eff00||Hello|r"; string.gsub(line, "|c(%x%x%x%x%x%..."]:1: unexpected symbol near ')'
18:47.01pastamancer>>> line = "|cff1eff00||Hello|r"; string.gsub(line, "|c(%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x)(.-)|r", function (color, text) if string.match(text, "^|H(.-)|h$") then return text; else return string.format("|c%s%s|r", color, text); end end)
18:47.01Cidepastamancer: nil
18:47.07pastamanceroh , right
18:47.17pastamancer>>> line = "|cff1eff00||Hello|r"; string.gsub(line, "|c(%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x)(.-)|r", function (color, text) if string.match(text, "^|H(.-)|h$") then return text; else return string.format("|c%s%s|r", color, text); end end); return line
18:47.17Cidepastamancer: "|cff1eff00||Hello|r"
18:47.52chuckgIsn't: if not match
18:48.02foxlitpastamancer: capture the whole thing as well
18:48.05foxlitsaves the format call
18:48.07chuckg>>> line = "|cff1eff00||Hello|r"; string.gsub(line, "|c(%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x)(.-)|r", function (color, text) if not string.match(text, "^|H(.-)|h$") then return text; else return string.format("|c%s%s|r", color, text); end end); return line
18:48.07Cidechuckg: "|cff1eff00||Hello|r"
18:48.11chuckgGuess not.
18:48.18batrickanyways, i'm out i'll cya guys later
18:48.23batrickgl with that pattern thing chuck
18:49.20chuckg>>> line = "|cff1eff00Hello|r"; string.gsub(line, "|c(%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x)(.-)|r", function (color, text) if not string.match(text, "^|H(.-)|h$") then return text; else return string.format("|c%s%s|r", color, text); end end); return line
18:49.21Cidechuckg: "|cff1eff00Hello|r"
18:49.43foxlitline = "|cff1eff00||Hello|r"; string.gsub(line, "(|c%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x(.-)|r)", function (full, text) return string.match(text, "^|H(.-)|h$") and text or full end); return line
18:49.57chuckgNeed >>>
18:50.13foxlitDidn't want it to be evaluated
18:50.24foxlitBut it should work anyway
18:50.26foxlit>>> line = "|cff1eff00||Hello|r"; string.gsub(line, "(|c%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x(.-)|r)", function (full, text) return string.match(text, "^|H(.-)|h$") and text or full end); return line
18:50.26Cidefoxlit: "|cff1eff00||Hello|r"
18:50.42foxlitIt's just a bit shorter
18:50.49chuckgThat isn't correct return though.
18:50.56chuckgShould be: ||Hello
18:51.28foxlitum, yes.
18:51.35foxlit>>> line = "|cff1eff00||Hello|r"; string.gsub(line, "(|c%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x(.-)|r)", function (full, text) return string.match(text, "^|H(.-)|h$") and full or text end); return line
18:51.35Cidefoxlit: "|cff1eff00||Hello|r"
18:51.53chuckgI'm trying to strip color codes from non-itemlinks.
18:51.58chuckgThat would not do it.
18:52.52foxlitInteresting, something isn't behaving quite like it should
18:53.22foxlitLet me just look something up
18:53.35krkamy FAIAP has methods for stripping away color codes
18:53.42chuckgWhat are the arguments passed if you make the return a function?
18:53.46krkawell, really only one method
18:53.48pastamancer>>> line = "foo |cff1eff00||Hello|r bar |cff1eff00|Hitem:3577:0:0:0:0:0:0:276308480|h[Gold Bar]|h|r"; return line:gsub("(|c%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x(.-)|r)", function (full, text) if text:match("^|H.-|h$") then return full else return text; end end)
18:53.48Cidepastamancer: "foo ||Hello bar |cff1eff00|Hitem:3577:0:0:0:0:0:0:276308480|h[Gold Bar]|h|r",  2
18:53.52chuckgHow are those determined? The gsub's matches?
18:53.54chuckgOr captures?
18:54.09pastamancerforgot that gsub isn't destructive
18:54.40krkahow do you mean destructive?
18:55.03pastamancergsub(line, whatever) doesn't change the contents of line, it returns the changed string
18:55.43krkayou do know that nothing in lua can modify a string?
18:55.56krkano such thing as string destructive behaviour
18:56.11pastamancerlua isn't the only language I deal with on a daily basis :p
18:56.25pastamancerthe rest of the world uses mutable strings
18:56.37foxlitpasta: think if you return nil, no replacement is made
18:56.51pastamanceroh, indeed
18:57.14pastamancer>>> line = "foo |cff1eff00||Hello|r bar |cff1eff00|Hitem:3577:0:0:0:0:0:0:276308480|h[Gold Bar]|h|r"; return line:gsub("(|c%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x(.-)|r)", function (full, text) if not text:match("^|H.-|h$") then return text end end)
18:57.14Cidepastamancer: "foo ||Hello bar |cff1eff00|Hitem:3577:0:0:0:0:0:0:276308480|h[Gold Bar]|h|r",  2
18:57.17chuckg"bad argument #2 string expect, got function"
18:57.33chuckgOops my error.
18:57.35chuckgIGnore that ;)
18:58.26krkapastamancer: java doesn't
18:58.30krkai bet c# doesn't either
18:58.41pastamanceryuck and double yuck
18:58.41krkaimmutable strings are quite common
18:58.59krkai think javascript, perl, php, python also use immutable strings
18:59.07chuckgSo what is the primary difference between the first and the second pastamancer?
18:59.10pastamancerstrings in perl are very mutable
18:59.14chuckgThe second doesn't have a return full text.
18:59.18pastamanceryou can even use sub in perl as a lvalue
18:59.44zenzelezzoff-topic, but what's a "mutable" or "immutable" string, speaking generally (not language-specific)
18:59.50krkamutable = changable
18:59.57krkaimmutable = unchangable
19:00.30*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (n=chatzill@
19:01.00krkai really dont know much about perl - can you show me an example of a mutable string usage?
19:01.02pastamancerperl -e '$text = "foo"; substr($text, 2, 1) = "x"; print $text, "\n"'
19:01.19pastamancerjust like C
19:01.39krkaso if you add $text2 = $text, and then output $text2, it gives the same as $text?
19:01.58krka(add that part right before substr)
19:02.13pastamancerperl -e '$t2 = $text = "foo"; substr($text, 2, 1) = "x"; print $text, "\n", $t2, "\n"'
19:02.24chuckgOk so..
19:02.28chuckg"invalid escape code"
19:03.22krkaso, it copies the string, no reference
19:03.34chuckgThat's what I'm doing, btw.
19:03.35pastamancerreferences in perl are strange at best
19:03.44chuckgThe relevant areas are local function strip()
19:03.49chuckgAnd SetItemRef = Function(
19:04.38chuckgAny ideas?
19:04.46chuckgSeems like the stripping is a-ok, now it's buggerd in the editbox.
19:06.08pastamancerkrka: if you want to deal with references, it's like this
19:06.10pastamancerperl -e '$text = "foo"; $t2 = \$text; substr($text, 2, 1) = "x"; print $text, " ", $$t2, "\n"'
19:06.13pastamancerfox fox
19:07.12pastamanceralso, ruby:
19:07.14pastamancerirb(main):001:0> "fox".gsub!("o", "a")
19:07.14pastamancer=> "fax"
19:07.21pastamancererr, bad example
19:07.37pastamancerbut gsub! does modify the string in addition to returning the modified value
19:09.21chuckgpastamancer, using your stripping that results in an "Invalid escape code in chat message":
19:09.42hugoanyone know whats wrong all my ace addons stoped work
19:09.52zenzelezzdid you disable them?
19:10.04zenzelezz(sorry, couldn't resist)
19:10.29hugono i updated them today using winaceupdater
19:10.34hugothey're all enabled and non work
19:10.44hugosct, fubar, grid, etc all gone
19:10.59sysragewhen was the last time you updated them before that?
19:11.07hugolike week
19:11.23sysragecouple days ago I had to update every single one or none would work. you might be missing one
19:11.27hugogona try update again
19:11.45sysrageupdate them all even if they say there isn't a newer version than the oen you have
19:12.26hugoim updating often
19:12.30hugoit's the today update
19:13.27sysragei blame Shirik|zZz
19:13.44pastamancerchuckg: I think the hyperlink is formatted wrong
19:13.47pastamancererr item link
19:14.30chuckgThat's just an example, I'm using it in the full breadth of hte addon.
19:14.30chuckgSo the hyperlink isn't formatted wrong.
19:14.41pastamancerthere's really two '|h' codes in an item link?
19:15.07pastamanceroh, then that string looks valid
19:15.55chuckgHow do I get one from wow so we can be sure?
19:16.03chuckg\124\124 twice?
19:16.10chuckgOr three times, I guess.
19:16.36*** join/#wowi-lounge siege_artist (
19:18.17pastamanceryou didn't copy/paste properly
19:19.14pastamancerlook at line 4 of your pastey
19:19.33chuckgYou talking about string_gsub and string_match ?
19:19.45pastamancerand  the first argument to string_match is....
19:19.49chuckgOh. I bet it's at str.
19:19.50chuckgGotcah ;)
19:20.17chuckgOr gotcha, guess it's cliche to typo after you just caught me miscopy/pasting.
19:20.55pastamancercliché perhaps, but it never gets old
19:21.25chuckgGiving it a whirl.
19:23.03chuckgWorks flawlessly.
19:23.05chuckgThank you.
19:31.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia_ (
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20:38.10TC-Workingit's so dead in here
20:38.35TC-Workingi have seen graveyards with more life than this
20:38.56[dRaCo]i eated 'em al :/
20:39.09[dRaCo]'nough said.
20:42.28Industrialits not dead in here, people are just doing stuff, that cant be
20:43.02Elkanohey, got some change?
20:43.04IndustrialI'm reinstalling my linux desktop :o
20:43.06TC-Workingpeople have no lives outside of wowi-lounge...with the exception of WoW
20:43.22Shirik|zZzYou imply that authors have time to play WoW?!
20:43.25CairennI stole everyone's pants, thus everyone is too embarrassed to be seen in channel
20:43.53Elkanothe pictures of you we got in exchange where worth every cm² of pants
20:45.55TC-Working~spit Thunder_Child
20:45.57purlACTION hurls a huge goober onto Thunder_Child.
20:46.08Cairennpurl, you are disgusting
20:46.10purlCairenn: I think you lost me on that one
20:46.42[dRaCo]purl, explode
20:48.26*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
20:50.46TC-Workingand it died again...bloody burst conversations
20:51.00CairennI tell you, it's the pants
20:51.19TC-Workinglook, i am wearing my....err...damit Cairenn
20:52.20TC-Workingi know my work is relaxed, but thats just not cool
20:53.07cogwheel|workI seem to have missed a fair bit
20:53.17MrTortureAnyone wanna give me criticism on a shaman build I'm thinking of using xP?
20:54.17Cairennhey, don't fuss, I used to run into a channel/forum, run around the room, snag all the scotch and dark chocolate, dump it into the recliner and drag that back out of the room after me (as well as stealing all the pants) - I've mellowed
20:54.57TC-Workingi dont drink or like chocolate, you can take all of that stuff that you like
20:55.02TC-Workingi just want to keep my pants
20:55.48TC-Working~slap Cairenn
20:55.58purlACTION slaps Cairenn, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
20:57.28TC-Workingsooo....anyone else following the woot-off?
20:57.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
20:57.56TC-Workingyes, the woot-off
20:58.27TC-Workingusualy they do 1 item per day, woot-off's are as many as they can sell in one day
20:58.42*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
20:58.44TC-Workingreally really good prices on electronic type stuff
20:58.54Cairennhuh, okay
20:59.02TC-Workingi would reccomend for auto refreshing though
20:59.10Cairennthat's kinda ... different ...
20:59.47*** join/#wowi-lounge hugo (
21:00.15Cairenn|afkoff for dinner and to watch the play-offs on the big screen, back later
21:19.56OsagasuMetinks Turbine made a bit of a mistake with the way they did their UI...
21:20.29Shirik|zZzwhy's that?
21:22.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
21:22.12*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem] by ChanServ
21:22.20OsagasuBecause I'm spoiled with WoW's ui system. >.>
21:23.46OsagasuAs an RPer, they could have added a way for me to make chat macros and I'd have been very happy, in all reality.
21:30.23Shirik|zZzhe's talking about another game hun ;)
21:30.32Industrialoh, read first.
21:30.40Industrialreply after.
21:30.49Shirik|zZzit's ok I don't follow that philosophy either
21:31.35pastamancerthat's turbine, right?
21:32.02TC-Workingdo they have a lotri-lounge channel?
21:53.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Bejitt (
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22:02.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
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22:08.58Shirik|Ecolequick question
22:08.58Shirik|Ecoledoes [target=focus] actually have a purpose in /clearfocus ?
22:09.46Shirik|Ecoleand /focus [target=focus,noexists]
22:09.50Shirik|Ecolethat... also does nothing?
22:10.14Shirik|Ecoledoesn't that say "Set your focus to your current focus if you don't have a focus" ?
22:11.09JoshBorkeyes, that's what it says
22:11.29JoshBorkei dunno
22:11.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
22:11.38JoshBorkeit's supposed to set your focus if you don't currently have one
22:11.52JoshBorkebut i dunno if the syntax is right
22:12.07JoshBorkei haven't bothered with macros besides ctrl-c/v
22:12.36Shirik|Ecolewait Josh_Borke
22:12.41Shirik|Ecoledoes it set your focus to your target?
22:12.43Shirik|Ecoleor to your focus?
22:12.50sysrageto your target
22:12.52sysragei just tried it
22:13.08sysrageand it won't change focus if you have one
22:13.17CideI think that's a special case
22:13.21Guillotineprize to whoever finds me the sound clip that plays in law and order when they find the dead body >.>
22:13.34sysragedun dun
22:13.37sysragei win!
22:13.50GuillotineI said it was dun dun! someone told me it was "bum bum"
22:13.56Guillotinebut I need the actual sound clip :P
22:14.14Cidehowever, is probably not very smart :P
22:14.20Shirik|Ecoleyeah cide that's what I thought it said ><
22:14.26Shirik|EcoleThis is someone else's macro, I was checking it
22:15.00GuillotineMaking an addon that alerts you when something appears in tracking on the minimap. Named "Stalker". At least for development
22:15.05Shirik|Ecolecogwheel|work you around?
22:15.11Guillotinebut I need that sound to play when something appears ><
22:15.28cogwheel|workShirik|Ecole: mostly :)
22:15.34Shirik|EcoleI have a request for you :D
22:15.46cogwheel|workbetter not be about one of my mods :P
22:15.50Shirik|Ecoleit is :(
22:15.54cogwheel|workj/k :P
22:16.04Shirik|EcoleI could modify it I guess, but I figured I'd pass it on to you
22:16.17GuillotineKarrion: you are my hero! you get credits in the addon :D
22:16.18Shirik|EcoleI wanted the option for CCWarn to only send the warnings when I'm in combat
22:16.40Karrion|Awaymy google-fu is strong >.>
22:16.44Shirik|Ecoleit does?
22:16.50cogwheel|worklet me make sure...
22:17.20Shirik|EcoleCause I use it with my traps, but when we're setting up pre-fight, and I lay a trap, I send the warning to a bunch of people and they're like "wtf"
22:17.26Shirik|EcoleI really only care if I'm trapping mid-combat
22:17.36Shirik|Ecolewhich I do a lot :(
22:17.50Shirik|Ecolethanks cogwheel|work :)
22:18.00cogwheel|workrtfm imo
22:18.38Shirik|Ecolewas there really a manual?
22:18.54cogwheel|workwhich is reproduced on the download pages :P
22:19.06Shirik|Ecolethose are just for authors that want to increase their lines count
22:19.13Shirik|Ecolenobody reads them
22:19.16Shirik|Ecolethey're like EULAs
22:19.41Shirik|Ecolealso, for the record, I have one of the original versions ^^
22:20.31cogwheel|workyeah... macro options were added to the most recent version
22:20.31zenzelezzyou have no right to request features if you're not running the latest version
22:20.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Neuro_Medivh (
22:20.42cogwheel|workas obvious as that sounds, it's a good rule of thumb... I know i've been guilty of the same...
22:20.50*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
22:21.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost12 (n=nospam@
22:21.08cogwheel|workyeah... I can't stand Neuro_Medivh either...
22:21.11Shirik|Ghost12I... hate... school.... network
22:23.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
22:24.40Shirik|Ecolelol cogwheel|work is on a roll today
22:25.07Shirik|Ecole"I'm fairly certain this is not the case unless the instructions were written incorrectly. If you can't get it working via WTF modifications, then you'll have to configure each addon yourself..."
22:25.08Shirik|EcoleI'm sorry, but "I've done everything correctly" and "It doesn't work" are mutually exclusive. I'm afraid at this point there is no further assistance anyone here can provide. Best I can suggest is find someone nearby who plays WoW on a mac and get them to have a look at your 'puter...
22:25.15Shirik|EcoleAnd what's sad is he's right...
22:26.17Neuro_Medivhso, LotR online launched this week...
22:26.29Neuro_MedivhAnything look familiar?
22:34.10TC-Workingwell it doesnt look like wow...there arent 100000000 mods cluttering up the screen
22:36.10cogwheel|workheh... no yet
22:36.19cogwheel|workthere's no way to write mods fol lotro
22:36.41Shirikyeah, just skins iirc
22:37.58cogwheel|workbut their default UI is highly customizable...
22:38.08cogwheel|workmovable sizeable windows, lots of action bars, etc.
22:38.30TC-Workingstill, doesnt sound like a patch on WoW though what are the odds that i can play wow through vnc?
22:45.01cogwheel|workmaybe at 1fps...
22:45.11TC-Workingon a desktop that has a far larger resolution
22:45.14cogwheel|workthough it would more likely show up as a black square
22:45.42TC-Workingwell, lets give it a try
22:47.50ShirikI've done it
22:47.51Shirikit shows up
22:47.57ShirikBut like cogwheel|work, it's pretty bad
22:48.02ShirikI got what appeared to be less than 1fps
22:48.05cogwheel|workprobably depends on your video card...
22:48.12Shirik(though the game still reports about 50)
22:48.24cogwheel|workand how it renders directx
22:48.29Shirikperhaps seems to locked up my interface
22:48.51TC-Workings/to/to have/
22:50.34*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
22:55.00Shirikwb cladhaire
22:55.08cladhaireoh ty
23:03.51*** join/#wowi-lounge raevanmorlock (
23:11.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:16.01Kaso"Japanese film star Maiko Kawamaki went on a talk-show and wondered why her new pet [poodle] would not bark or eat dog food. She was crestfallen when told it was a sheep."
23:16.38zenzelezzI didn't know Paris Hilton had a Japanese twin
23:16.40TC-Workingyea, that went around the office email already
23:17.10KasoThey really pulled the wool over their eyes!
23:17.12TC-Working"I'm thinking we could sell camels as horses bred for low H2O consumption and back-rests."
23:17.29KasoYou could almost say they were "fleeced"
23:19.40Legorolso is LotRO any good?
23:19.51LegorolI never tried, what are the opinions?
23:22.15Neuro_MedivhDo you like WoW?
23:22.31Neuro_MedivhDid you wish WoW had hobbits?
23:22.40Neuro_MedivhThen you'll like LotR!
23:23.10zenzelezzwho in their right mind would want to play a furry gnome :-|
23:23.32zenzelezzI said in their right mind
23:24.33TC-Workingoh... i thought you said "not want"
23:24.33TC-Workingnvm then, nothin furry for me
23:25.04Guillotinefurry gnome? zomg, count me in
23:25.09Guillotineits like a mini yeti!
23:25.40TC-WorkingGuillotine, your disturbing
23:28.03ckknightaren't gnomes hobbits with slightly less hair or something?
23:28.05LegorolThere is a new GetEffectiveAlpha method for Frames, does anyone know what it does?
23:28.23Neuro_Medivhthe best part of LotR online is that you don't even need to learn a new UI!
23:28.40Legorolhehe i scrolled up and saw the SS
23:28.57Legorolobviously they are trying to lure customers away
23:29.16Legorolbut i trust Blizzard's innovativeness, despite the plenty of "WoW is getting old, going down" etc. threads ;_)
23:29.48zenzelezzI'd think they'd rather focus on the background of the game as a selling point than the UI... even though some Tolkien freaks (like myself) shun the game
23:30.29Legorolan intuitive UI that's proven itself good in a rival's product is a good place to start from
23:30.45ThraeGnomes are modled after gnomes
23:30.46Legorolit's proven it works well for new players, and it helps lure away old players
23:30.53zenzelezzof course, but if it's too similar... :) But I didn't follow the link
23:31.02ThraeWait, are we talking about WoW or LOTR:O?
23:31.17zenzelezzlike the LotR movies, I stay away from anything regarding the game(s)
23:32.15ThraeGnomes come from mythology that long predates LOTR
23:32.34ckknightgnomes live in the garden
23:32.40LegorolWhat? Gnomes are a myth?
23:32.44LegorolNoone told me before!
23:33.02ThraeWoW uses that mythology -- Dwarves and Gnomes, in many mythos, are interchangable. Sometimes Dwarves represent Gnomes from other mythos, and visa-versa.
23:33.06TC-Working~sigh Legorol
23:33.14purlACTION sighs, rolls its eyes and shakes its head, "Legorol!"
23:33.20ThraeHence why WoW has a connection between the background of Dwarves and Gnomes.
23:33.37ckknightthey just needed a 4th race for the alliance
23:33.56LegorolI thought the origins of gnomes and dwarves are different
23:34.04LegorolAren't dwarves descended from Earthen?
23:34.12LegorolGnomes are .. umm... i don't remember
23:34.16Thraeckknight: Gnomes were in WC for a long time ;)
23:34.29Guillotinethough you didn't actually see them much. They were always in machines
23:35.35ckknightgnomish flying machine and such
23:35.35zenzelezzthey were engineers mostly
23:35.35ckknightLegorol: gnomes are cousins of the dwarves
23:35.35ckknightwent on a different evolutionary path
23:35.35JoshBorkesome got stuck under rocks
23:35.35cladhaireevolution is a myth
23:35.35zenzelezzthis is talking about WoW?
23:35.38cladhaireyou should youtube about evolution ckknight
23:35.59ckknightcladhaire: that's my next episode, actually
23:36.18Legorolthe dove evolution video is awesome
23:36.21ckknightyou see my earth day one?
23:37.22ThraeGnomes are often referred to as very smart because the word was supposedly descended from "gnosis", or knowledge, but it is also descended from "genomos", or "earth-dweller"
23:38.32raevanmorlockAnyone know of an addon that adds chat filters to the dropdown menu on the chat frame tabs?
23:38.39ThraeIn Norse Mythology, Dwarves and Gnomes were different. Gnomes mined for gems and were smart and shrewd, while Dwarves mined for ore and used them to make fabulous weapons. The Gods of Aesir went to the Dwarves to have their magical weapons made. I believe WoW represents more from Norse Mythology.
23:39.16ZiconIn norse mythology. -Really-.
23:39.41ThraeZicon: Well, for Dwarves and Gnomes.
23:39.51ZiconNorse mythology doesn't -have- gnomes.
23:40.12ThraeIt has gnomes, they might not be called "gnomes"
23:40.26JoshBorkethe PC term is short people?
23:40.42ZiconNorse mythology has dwarves and elves, and the termes are interchangable. No gnomes anywhere.
23:40.46zenzelezzthere is no PC for mythology
23:41.27Shirikso my friend works for tech support
23:41.31ThraeZicon: In Norse mythology, the gnomes were called "Nisse". The dwarves were different then the elves.
23:41.31Shirikshe just got this one:
23:41.35Shirik"I can get online just fine and everything's great until I VPN into my office, then everything slows way down. So i just wanted to know if there's a problem with the Internet?"
23:42.18Ziconthrae: Ok, I can live with nisser being called gnomes in english. They didn't mine for gems, though.
23:42.50ThraeZicon: But Elves and Dwarves were not interchangable in Norse
23:42.50raevanmorlockYeah.. the internet is broken.
23:42.52Davey2anyone able to help me fix a couple of bugs?
23:43.02ThraeZicon: Look it up on Pantheon or Wikipedia
23:43.04Davey2i'd love to get this addon fixed and start enjoying it fully
23:43.06Ziconthrae: For all intents and purposes, yes, they were.
23:43.15*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (
23:43.49ThraeZicon: Dwarves were stout and gruff, Elves were usually said to be beautiful demi-humans
23:43.57Ziconthrae: Hey, I've grown up on norse mythology.
23:44.05ThraeZicon: So have I :)
23:44.25zenzelezza lot of people grew up thinking the world was flat
23:44.29Davey2i need a little assistance in fixing a bug with the battleground queuing system
23:44.31zenzelezzface it, sometimes you're wrong
23:44.40ThraeNorse is my favorite mythos, Greek is next. I studied them both intensively when I was younger.
23:44.59Ziconthrae: Fine, there are a couple of obscure references of ljosalfar being something akin to the modern idea of elves, but most of the time, elves and dwarves are the same thing.
23:45.22ThraeI also know a good bit about Roman and Irish, and of course, Judiac and Christian.
23:45.43Davey2i am thinking there's a different way of doing the queuing system in my script, because Entering the queue, then joining another queue and leaving the original causes unexpected results
23:47.12ThraeZicon: That's just from one historian's perspective, he's the one which referred to Dwarves as "dark elves"...lemme get his name
23:47.24Legorolwiki down?
23:47.31Davey2yes apparently
23:47.36Legorolbleh :/
23:47.52Davey2so it's not like i am able to reference to fix this bug either
23:47.55Legoroli don't remember the methods for enumerating anchors
23:47.59Legorolanyone knows off-hand?
23:48.43ThraeLegorol: GetBottom() GetTop() GetCenter()
23:49.01Legorolthat's not the one i mean, the one that lets you enumerate the anchors defined for an object
23:49.07TemThrae, BZZT
23:49.12TemLegorol, GetPoint(n)
23:49.22Legoroland the one that gives number of  points?
23:49.36LegorolNumPoints is nil
23:49.49ThraeLegorol: Did you use SetPoint at all?
23:49.53Legorolbah, i can't code without the wiki, my mind is like a sieve
23:49.58LegorolThrae: yes it's anchored
23:50.09Legorolwhat i mean is object.NumPoints is nil
23:50.13Legorolthat's not what the method is called
23:51.07ThraeLegorol: Frame methods aren't instantiated until after you call or try to hook them, I think...
23:51.35Davey2how do i deal with BG Queues?
23:51.41zenzelezzFWIW, wiki loads for me
23:51.46Davey2like when i have left a queue
23:51.52zenzelezznumPoints = LayoutFrame:GetNumPoints()
23:52.08Davey2i need to know how to counteract my bug
23:52.33Legorolzenzelezz: thanks, that's the one
23:52.45ThraeDamn inconsistent naming convention :D
23:53.05Thraetooltip:NumLines() <-- correct, not GetNumLines
23:54.00raevanmorlockThat's quite the fickle pickle
23:54.05zenzelezzwhen you encounter such things, just rememeber - you're not calling UberSuperDuperExExEx(LPCTSTRPCH arf)
23:54.48LegorolTem: about those tooltips, this is just getting worse
23:55.08LegorolC reanchors those TextLefts which have a texture in front of them to display a gem :/
23:55.23Temit's diry, dirty, dirty
23:56.23ShirikI'll dirty you!
23:57.30raevanmorlockIs there any reason a hooked function would not get called in place of the original?
23:58.22Legorolyes, lots
23:58.29Temsomeone else hooked and did a poor job of it
23:58.31Legorolfor example if someone kept a local reference to the original
23:58.41Legorolwhich they are using instead of calling a global
23:58.50Legorolwhich isn't too uncommon nowadays, with people optimising everything
23:59.21Thraeraevanmorlock: In that case, you'll need to name your addon something like !HopeEveryoneUsesWindowsXP
23:59.26Legorolexample: AddOn A: local orig = OriginalFunction; ... orig() ...
23:59.43LegorolAddOn B: local old = OriginalFunction; function OriginalFunction() ... old() end
23:59.44Thraeraevanmorlock: Or find the bad addon and add a LoadWith to your addon
23:59.56Thraeraevanmorlock: Such that you hook it first
23:59.58LegorolAddOn B's version will not get called when AddOn A calls orig()

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