IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070416

00:00.43*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
00:01.48ckknightown with fluidity!
00:02.18chuckgFLUID FRAMES WOO
00:03.22cladhaireI like the name
00:03.43ckknightI mean down with fluidity
00:03.48ckknightwhat's it do?
00:03.51ckknightsounds fun
00:04.11AnduinLotharMove, resize, and scale frames with independent x&y axes.
00:04.13AnduinLotharusing bindings to cycle through frames under the cursor
00:04.29chuckgAnduinLothar, how do you know when you want to move it?
00:04.31chuckgA bound key?
00:05.19AnduinLotharset the binding and use it when your mouse is over the frame you want to move. cycle up by repeated pressings
00:05.39AnduinLotharread the readme.rtf
00:05.58AnduinLotharor check the help in the Khaos window if you're usign it
00:15.51*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
00:24.49raevanmorlockWhat's the big change to alchemy in the next patch?
00:25.13zenzelezzif you're looking for a short summary, "nerf" covers it
00:25.19zenzelezzotherwise you need to read the patch notes
00:25.25chuckgThere *is* a buff though!
00:25.28zenzelezzit's quite extensively changed
00:25.30chuckgIf you have a perverse way of looking at it.
00:25.49raevanmorlockAnyone got a link to the patch notes handy?
00:25.51chuckgBy nerfing all the potions/elixirs, they've adversely buffed xmute mastery.
00:26.22zenzelezzlet me try to get this right
00:27.02raevanmorlockThanks, zenzelezz
00:27.12zenzelezzamg, you saw through my disguise!
00:27.28raevanmorlockTook me a minute
00:27.46raevanmorlockI was like "krik"<tab> .. wtf... "Krik"<tab>...
00:27.50raevanmorlockDon't do that again
00:32.02zenzelezzlol, cute
00:35.17Kirkburnzenzelezz, \o/
00:35.31KirkburnCheeky bugger
00:35.48zenzelezzI could've linked elsewhere you know :-p
00:38.53KirkburnMe and Adys spent lots of time on that undocumented changes list :P
00:39.15Adyswas searching where i was beeped..
00:40.13KarrionI'm skeptical about a one or two of those undocumented changes
00:40.39KirkburnKarrion, yes, they can be bugs
00:40.44KirkburnOr unintentional stuff
00:40.56Karrionmainly "Karazhan has been reitemized." - comes from one person saying it changed, and then several pages of people saying huh? what changed?
00:41.04KirkburnNew? "Moonkin Form now has it's own shapeshift bar (like Cat & Bear). I don't know if Tree Form received the same treatment if someone else could test it out."
00:41.32zenzelezzI'm also curious about what the "reitemized" means
00:41.37Adysboth got it, its been said in multiple posts
00:41.45Adysabout karazhan i dont know
00:41.54Adysadded it since it was on the main list
00:42.02Adysbut i did see linked a couple of new items from karazhan
00:42.10Adys[Netherspite Tank Loot 5] or something
00:42.11AnduinLotharoh, thats' why that link didn't work, it didn't parse the end )
00:42.54Karrion...screenshots or it didn't happen >.> ;-)
00:43.13KirkburnI've just stuck 'Unconfirmed' next to the Karazhan thing
00:43.30KirkburnSo any druids able to confirm/deny the above thing?
00:43.40KirkburnMoonkin didn't get a shapeshift bar before?
00:43.49AdysI dont think they did aye
00:43.56zenzelezzAdys: I'm just curious what the word reitemized means; new items or tuned stats on existing items
00:44.05Adysboth prob
00:44.09AdysNew items thats for sure
00:44.14Adysive seen some linked
00:44.25Adyswell, one oO
00:44.33zenzelezzwouldn't mind that... bit miffed that half our loot gets DEd all the time
00:44.51Karrionwell none of my warr's kara loot changed stats
00:44.55KirkburnK adding the druid thingy
00:46.21AnduinLotharyeah KZ is too hard for its loot
00:46.35KarrionI can confirm " The ability Spell Reflect has a newer, more noticable animation." - might as well be a flashing neon sign saying "cancel your cast now!"
00:46.49Adysya joined the screenshot
00:46.54AdysI really laughed when i saw it
00:46.54Karrionapparently warriors with shields were too useful in PvP? >.<
00:47.09AdysI liked an answer in the thread
00:47.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh`` (
00:47.11zenzelezzthere are some decent KZ items, but not enough... it's sad when no-one wants the T4 because they have better blues
00:47.21Adys"Come on, soon mobs are going to know when not to cast spells aswell"
00:48.09zenzelezzKarrion: well, a guildie of mine keeps PvPing with shields... he's reported a trend: he reflects one spell to a mage and the whole other side goes after him
00:48.29Adys"other side"?
00:48.50AnduinLotharI always pvp/pve with a shield on my pally. the 1h bs sword is just too good
00:48.58Adysnvm, its late
00:49.01zenzelezzwell, he was talking about 7 people going after him, so I'm guessing it was one of the big BGs
00:49.02Adysoh god..
00:49.46Karrionwell, prot with sword and board can be ok for running flags, that's about it
00:50.35Adysprot fury seems to be really effective for most classes you face
00:50.51Adysits just.. "less" effective than full fury
00:51.20Karrionbut I'm full prot ;-)
00:51.42zenzelezzmy guild leader recently asked me if I could try a hybrid spec on my warrior... so far I've messed around in the talent planner but just can't figure out how to balance it x.x Have been prot spec for a year, I'm totally lost at arms/fury :-|
00:53.52AnduinLotharnone of my kz loot changed
00:54.05AnduinLothar5 epics
01:02.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Hallu2 (n=Hallucin@
01:02.51AdysWhy do you separate UI scripting and UI, theres like 3 changes :p
01:03.18zenzelezzscripting only matters to coders, the rest to the people who don't know what a "lua" is
01:03.47KirkburnAdys, cause, uh
01:03.52Adysya but in the undocumented notes theres 3 changes for scripting and 5 for UI :P
01:03.53KirkburnI dunno, I did it for classes
01:04.18KirkburnMakes it look longer? ;)
01:04.32KirkburnChange back if you want :P
01:04.52Adysya I will tbh :P I need to upload a few new icons anyways
01:04.53Adyslinking ftw
01:06.08AdysI cant help it but think of patch 1.6 every time something gets a new icon
01:06.32AdysWarriors, 20 lines. Priests, 15 lines. Hunters, 20 lines. Mages. Mage Armor now has a new, unique icon!
01:07.28Adysyou know, if we separate things so much we might aswell make a new page for the undocumented notes and make it look like a real patch :P
01:07.49Adysits twice the size of a "large" minor patch
01:12.02*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
01:18.42GnarfozKirkburn: omg "Boats now have a bell that they ring when they arrive at the dock." :D
01:19.21KirkburnI cannot wait to try that one out
01:19.30KirkburnI'll spend hours on a boat listening for it
01:19.47KirkburnHopefully with the new UI changes I'll actually have a UI loading fast enough too
01:20.23zenzelezzwhy on a boat? I'd think the change was so you can alt+tab while waiting for it \o/
01:21.08Gnarfozof course :>
01:21.41Gnarfozwhy else would they ever have added 'sound even if in background', too
01:21.55zenzelezzwould've been more useful when we still raided TAQ, but I still love it =D
01:22.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
01:27.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
01:27.37TemI can't fix your problem because the firewall needs cooling
01:28.30KirkburnAnyone know what's happening to Theorycraft?
01:28.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
01:28.38*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
01:28.41Shirikit's theorizing?
01:29.05KirkburnThe author Sephyx, said he was planning on redoing it 3 weeks ago (on CG)
01:30.03zenzelezzdid you ask him? He could be, you know, redoing it
01:30.19KirkburnHow can I ask him? Telepathy?
01:30.31zenzelezzhow should I know? I only use WoWI
01:30.46KirkburnNah, they haven't added telepathy support yet :(
01:31.15Cairennnope, not awake
01:31.20zenzelezzI assumed most authors let you contact them somehow
01:31.27KirkburnAaaaah, sleeptalker!!
01:31.36zenzelezzshoot, so I need to suck up later again
01:31.55Shirikevening, Cairenn :)
01:31.59Cairennhi hi
01:32.02Shirikbtw zenzelezz she's always here
01:32.18zenzelezzI see I was again not obvious enough
01:32.26Cairennheh, I caught it, no worries ;)
01:32.38zenzelezzI meant obvious enough for Shirik =D
01:32.43zenzelezzhe seemingly didn't
01:33.01ShirikI never catch anything :(
01:33.16Cairenns'okay, we still <3 j00
01:34.10zenzelezzspeaking of catching stuff... they should make Cone of Cold have a small chance to give you a long-duration debuff that spreads to others
01:34.28zenzelezzdoesn't matter what the debuff would do, but would be fun to spread the flu like they did with the ZG thing
01:35.17*** join/#wowi-lounge [Ammo] (
01:44.57Gnarfozthe zg plague was most awesome
01:45.13Gnarfozas is this from PTR:
01:45.58zenzelezzmaybe they figured polymorph wasn't powerful enough
01:46.11Gnarfozyeah I always thought so
01:46.31Gnarfoznow you've got 3 separate polys and NONE of them regenerate health while poly'd
01:47.03zenzelezzonly works with the different types, right? No multiple pigs etc
01:47.34zenzelezzat least I'd guess so from the picture
01:47.57Gnarfozyeah guess so
01:48.10Gnarfoznot my screenshot either, but it's kind of obvious ^^
01:50.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Hallu2 (n=Hallucin@
02:12.16Shiriknight all
02:12.21KirkburnG'night Shirik|zZ
02:19.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
02:21.01KirkburnTem, :(
02:21.42CorrodiasTHEY REMOVED something sorry caps
02:22.21KirkburnI thought it was normal to apologise at least a few seconds /after/ you do the bad thing?
02:27.02Gnarfozthat was weird, yea
02:27.46IrielKirkburn: The unit watch stuff got moved into another file to unify it, IIRC
02:28.15KirkburnAh, that's okay then :) I wouldn't want people losing their parts of the UI :P
02:35.52*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (n=jnwhiteh@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
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02:38.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
02:42.25*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
02:43.44Mr_Rabies2so is there a 2.1.0 ptr yet
02:44.13Mr_Rabies2oh hey there is :D
02:57.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys2010 (
03:37.20Mr_Rabies2The area of interest while on a flight path is farther along the path instead of in front of you.
03:37.26Mr_Rabies2what does this mean? O_o
03:42.22TemMr_Rabies2, it's related to where the camera points and what objects appear
03:42.32AnduinLotharit means it triggers the zone change when you get to the zone and nto when it's under you
03:42.59Temarea of interest also refers to your combat log area
03:43.21Tembut we don't know if that's what this is refering to
03:53.13raevanmorlockGiven the equation x = x - x, solve for x.
04:01.00*** join/#wowi-lounge DuTempete (
04:05.12Mr_Rabies2ohh i bet it means draw distance for doodads and stuff
04:05.27IrielThe area of interest?
04:05.27Mr_Rabies2stuff that's not static, basically, i bet
04:05.36IrielIt's which group of creatures / players your client is aware of
04:05.54IrielIt's centered on the player normally, but since taxis move so fast it's ahead of you
04:06.03IrielIt used to be centered on you, but they fixed that some patches ago
04:06.11IrielI think they're pushing it even further ahead now
04:06.36Corrodiasi'd love to have a wider area for that
04:06.43IrielThe problem being that by the time the server's sent you the contents of the area, you've passed it
04:06.49Mr_Rabies2ohman epic flight form is pretty nifty looking
04:08.00Corrodiasthat reminds me, i should install the ptr thing
04:08.02Temgot a link?
04:08.05Corrodiasalthough i don't know how i'd find bugs
04:08.14Mr_Rabies2looks like we have new icons too
04:08.19Corrodiasi don't like the idea of playing just to lose anything i do
04:08.39Mr_Rabies2night elf
04:09.03IrielCorrodias: Play to explore without fear of death
04:10.36Corrodiasis there usually a fear of death?
04:10.36Mr_Rabies2and/or copy multiple characters
04:10.36Mr_Rabies2er the same char multiple times
04:10.36Mr_Rabies2which i'm doing
04:10.36Mr_Rabies2to start the quest chain
04:11.12Corrodiasi did download the ptr patch
04:11.16Corrodiasnow if i could just find it
04:11.16Mr_Rabies2Slay the Raven God and return to Morthis Whisperwing. Found in the chamber before the talon kings hall in Sethekk Halls Heroic.
04:11.29Corrodiasheroic? haha
04:11.47Corrodiasi don't have the lower city rep for that yet, and i don't know if we can handle heroics. then again, they're all getting nerfed in 2.1...
04:12.56Mr_Rabies2i'm unguilded and poor
04:13.03Mr_Rabies2so it's gonna be a while till i see it
04:13.20Temwhat do you guys think about this?
04:14.16Corrodiasi think that's unusual of politicians
04:15.00IrielPersonally I bought a crapload more music before the DRM/Anti P2P fanaticism kicked in
04:15.04Corrodiasi wish them luck, but i'm not norwegian so i can't get involved.
04:15.46ThraeI bought 1 music CD before I learned about P2P
04:15.51Mr_Rabies2personally, i just became a Power User+ on OiNK :P
04:16.09Corrodiasah hell
04:16.17Corrodiasi'm out of disk space on my "external drive" again
04:16.21ThraeNow I download music if I want it. The industry never really had me to begin with. If I couldn't download music, there's no way I would spend the money to buy the music.
04:17.46Corrodiasonce i found internet radio, i never looked back :o
04:17.50ThraeNorway's politics are foreign to me. I know Europe is more progressive then the USA.
04:18.02IrielThat's been my thing, I want the physical CD (uncompressed audio FTW) but I'm reluctant to buy what I dont know
04:18.21Mr_Rabies2FLAC, my friend
04:18.31Corrodiasflak cannon, my favorite weapon
04:18.41ThraeAll I know about are how screwed-up US politics are, and how some parliments in other countries like to shout. I like shouting parliments, they're cool.
04:18.44Temdamn you Corrodias
04:18.58TemI'm going to install that game and lose many hours of addon coding time tonight
04:19.01ThraeIriel: I can't notice the difference between MP3 and original CD.
04:19.09Corrodiasif you approach me, i will rip you apart. if you run, i will blow you apart.
04:19.12Mr_Rabies2full(y?) lossless audio codec
04:19.22Mr_Rabies2sorry, ripper > flak cannon
04:19.28IrielThrae: Then you need better headphones / audio kit.. Or you're encoding with some extreme bit rate
04:19.34Temeven though I'm terrible at FPSs
04:19.34Mr_Rabies2but i am damn good with the flak cannon
04:19.43Mr_Rabies2the ripper was just fun
04:19.46Corrodiasi like 192kbps or higher with mp3 now, or prefer other formats
04:19.52Mr_Rabies2i'm mad they removed it for ut2k3+
04:19.58Corrodiasi'm pretty bad at them, too
04:20.04TemIriel, I agree with your need for uncompressed audio
04:20.07ThraeIriel: OK, correction -- the difference between MP3 and Audio CD does not consciously bother me
04:20.18Mr_Rabies2meh, i listen on my computer most of the time, so it's no big deal
04:20.26IrielIn my car I dont care, in my living room, I do
04:20.45IrielI'm pretty happy with 192 KBps for all but the most 'proper' listening environment
04:20.52ThraeJust like the difference between DivX and direct DVD, or TV and HDTV, etc., doesn't bother me
04:20.53Temmy problem is that when I want a particular song, I don't want the rest of the album
04:21.12Temand I *don't* want to buy it from some online music store
04:21.18TemI want the physical CD
04:21.23IrielI also like having the physical media, for when the next compression format shows up
04:21.48Thrae*shrugs* People have different tastes
04:21.58ThraeI'm no audio or videophile myself
04:22.10Mr_Rabies2i don't want to buy it in general, so i don't :p
04:22.24Mr_Rabies2if i didn't download it, i would just do without
04:22.39IrielBack when napster was hot I'd discover a new group every week or so that I'd never heard of, and like them enough to want their CD's
04:22.51Mr_Rabies2so they're not gaining or losing customers for me
04:23.05Mr_Rabies2well, they lost a customer by driving up prices, down quality, and being total jerks
04:23.24IrielThe current state of affairs is just silly
04:23.28Thraeaudiophile zealots would tell me, "How can you use X compression with X equipment, you'll like X & Y better". So I try X & Y and notice the differences, but overall I don't care
04:23.33IrielIf the radio wasn't so lame there'd be hope.
04:23.49ThraeThere's stuff I haven't tried, but I'm pretty sure I won't care still
04:23.59Mr_Rabies2my only problem these days is keeping a decent ratio up on oink :[
04:24.08Corrodiasi play WoW too much to spend time exploring music optoins
04:24.12Mr_Rabies2since everyone shares, it's hard to hold a good ratio
04:24.22Mr_Rabies2i use pandora for discovering new stuff though
04:24.31Mr_Rabies2i've found a lot of awesome stuff through pandora
04:28.04Mr_Rabies2i still fund the mpaa though, sadly, because nothing compares to seeing a movie in a theater
04:28.22IrielI'm much more of a home theatre person when it comes to movies
04:28.37Mr_Rabies2one of these days i'll get a nice 1080p projector, a nice big wall, and pretend
04:29.51Mr_Rabies21080p still doesn't compare to theater quality though
04:30.57IrielTrue, but there aren't people talking when you do it at home
04:31.06Irieland you can get a drink for less than $2
04:35.08ThraeIriel: Has anything changed that would substantially decrease the savings of using one frame with one OnUpdate and one frame for multiple addon's periodic function call usage? Assuming the lib is well-coded.
04:35.08Thraes/and one frame//
04:35.36IrielWell, OnUpdate dispatches are slightly faster since 2.0, BUT if you've got a good priority queue implementation a single queue manager will be better (significantly so if most timed events fire infrequently)
04:39.40ThraeIriel: Yeah, as I thought. Thanks :)
04:41.10Mr_Rabies2i've rarely had problems with people talking, and i sneak food/drink into the theater :p
04:41.37IrielMy cats cant' come to the theatre either
04:42.18Mr_Rabies2smuggle them in
04:42.24Mr_Rabies2in your pants
04:42.36Mr_Rabies2everyone will be too afraid to ask questions
04:42.43IrielThere's a recipe for disaster if ever there was one
04:42.49Corrodiasif they get too close, claws will lash out from your barn door
04:42.54Corrodiasthis could be interesting
04:43.08Mr_Rabies2the mental imagery of that
04:43.12Mr_Rabies2is hilarious
04:43.23Mr_Rabies2dude, di...did....nevermind.
04:55.03Corrodiaswell, i've dropped all my addons and savedvariables into the wowtest folder and search & replaced all instances of my name or realm with the new values
04:55.07Corrodiaslet's see what doesn't work
04:57.57Corrodiasi get about 20 messages about not being in a guild, haha
04:58.57Corrodias20 other errors...
04:59.36Corrodiasgood news is that they all seem to be from xperl
04:59.50*** join/#wowi-lounge JunkHead-Work (
05:00.35Corrodiastry to do anything and a few more take a dump... sigh. i was hoping maybe i wouldn't have to download a ton of addon updates for this patch.
05:02.23Corrodiastalent point refund wasn't mentioned...
05:05.17Corrodiasokay, how do you use Faerie Fire (Feral) in a macro NOW?
05:05.42Corrodiasoh, maybe it just needed to refresh them o.O
05:10.01Mr_Rabies2your mom's a macro
05:10.21Mr_Rabies2not a macrofur, those are just weird
05:11.07MentalPower>>> 10*1024
05:11.07Corrodiasargh, patches suck!
05:11.20MentalPowerbah, cide's not here...
05:11.51Corrodiasat least trinketmenu, xperl, and sct must be updated, and these are just the most obvious in the first few minutes
05:11.54IrielMentalPower: 10240
05:12.33MentalPoweryeah, I also noticed that I was multipliying by 10 *after* I inputted it :-/
05:12.47IrielYour laziness has reached new levels
05:13.38*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (
05:13.46Corrodiasomg, regular flight form looks goofy
05:14.11Corrodiasa little... light brown
05:14.31Mr_Rabies2they gave you cows a unique one
05:14.45Shadowedflight form with horns?
05:14.59Corrodiasno, still has night elf ears
05:15.08Corrodiasand we have no NPC's in outland. yay!
05:15.23Mr_Rabies2they're all afraid to cross the portal
05:15.47Corrodiasstealth change: my character now rocks forward and back with the mount as it runs
05:15.51Corrodiasat least with this flying mount
05:15.55Corrodiaslooks crazy
05:16.28Corrodiasnot the talbuk
05:32.21IrielSleepy time, gnight
05:32.52Corrodiasthey buffed the thoriumweave cloak? :o
05:33.06Corrodiasor are the numbers i'm seeing green for a good reason?
05:33.11Corrodiasre: armor
05:35.29Mr_Rabies2items with +armor over their normal ilvl stats are green armor now
05:35.50Corrodiasto indicate that some of the "stat points" have gone toward extra armor?
05:36.44Corrodiasmy heavy clefthoof equipment is now cool
05:38.11Corrodiasmy dodge may have been reduced though... i need to check
05:40.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
05:40.16Corrodiasi may be thinking of what it is when i stack elixirs
05:40.35ThraeThere we go. That should improve my speed and burning time.
05:44.34Mr_Rabies2the defense
05:44.38Mr_Rabies2was nerfed to hell and back corr
05:44.45Mr_Rabies2-60 Def or something
05:44.49Mr_Rabies2it may be -60 def rating
05:44.59Mr_Rabies2i dunno, still dling the stupid thing
05:46.51Corrodiaswell, yeah, the defense may have gone down some
05:47.10Corrodiasi think... i went from 423 defense to 412 or so when wearing that stuff
05:47.16Corrodiasthe armor went up considerably
05:48.06Corrodiasand yeah, i've lost 3.5% dodge somewhere
05:52.24Corrodiasah, Naaru Belt of Precision was something i recently acquired. i don't have it equipped on ptr
05:52.38Corrodiastha'ts 25 agility and 21 dodge rating
05:53.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Starzard (
05:54.28Corrodiasthat might account for 3.5% dodge right there
05:55.52Corrodiaswhoa, huge buff to Idol of the Wild for cat form
05:56.01Corrodias10 times the strength of the old effect to Mangle (Cat)
05:56.21Corrodiasfurther minor nerf to its bear form effect
06:02.14*** join/#wowi-lounge wobin_ (
06:03.50Nom-flintelocks' has been discontinued :(
06:04.24Mr_Rabies2oh god i logged out on the ptr while flying
06:04.35Mr_Rabies2last ptr
06:04.46Mr_Rabies2and i log in and hit w and my gryphon is flapping like mad
06:04.46Nom-and ?
06:09.16Corrodiaswell, i see they didn't just slow down the animation of the slower flying mounts
06:09.22Corrodiasmine slows its animation after flying for a few seconds
06:09.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
06:19.49*** join/#wowi-lounge kelvie (
06:39.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:53.46Tem"In news which may surprise some Slashdot users, females have been found to outnumber males online in the U.S. according to a report, and for some time."
06:54.27TemRe: Females Outnumber Males Online: "What this really means... Males lying about being females outnumbers males telling the truth online."
06:54.58nymbia~blame myspace
06:55.19purlACTION blames myspace (and Canada) for all the evil in the world
06:55.30Shadowed~blame Canada
06:55.33purlACTION blames Canada (and Canada) for all the evil in the world
06:55.39Tems/and Canada/and thefacebook/
06:56.14Temthefacebook is thedevil
06:56.33Karrionheh, I work for one of the companies sourced in that article
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06:56.50TemI'm curious where they got the info
06:56.59Ktron_Whee, trying out Opera's IRC client
06:57.21Karrionwell... can't speak for the other companies
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06:58.03Karrionand I'm not 100% which of our several measurement methods was used for ours, but most likely it's our panel-based data
06:58.28Shadowedfemales = females - males / 2
06:58.36Karrionie people are recruited to install an application on their machine which watches web traffic
06:59.30TemShadowed, I think it's more like this:
06:59.35Temfemales = females /2
06:59.45Temmales = females/2 + males
07:00.27Tem(the /2 left for clarity of which I meant)
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08:02.27AnduinLotharI added scale/resize restore across sessions to FluidFrames.
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09:30.14AnduinLotharomg... another post eaten by the forum because it logged me out while i was typing it... gfg
09:32.31nevcairieltyping in a text editor and copy pasting to forums .. priceless :)
09:33.03AnduinLotharbugs liek that prove that no one made usecases when they designed their software
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13:33.14leethalmy Enchant Woot-O-Matic - - for some reason "hides" the stuff MobInfo adds to the tooltip. any ideas?
13:33.39leethaljust scanned through mobinfo, it seems like all it does is AddLine and AddDoubleLine (or whatever that left and right one is called)
13:34.10ShirikI'll look at it when I get to cafeteria :P
13:34.28leethalShirik|Fooding: ftw
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13:59.46Shirik|Ecoleok leethal
13:59.49Shirik|Ecoledo you have that link again?
14:00.02leethal to be specific
14:00.16leethalI guess it's the EnchantWootOMatic:IterateTooltip() that's weird
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14:00.36leethalthose commented lines is just my weird testing that I forgot to remove before the commit, btw
14:01.16leethalalso the fact that that method takes a "width" parameter, that's just testing too
14:02.33Industriali cant get my player frame texture on top of the bars :(
14:02.40IndustrialHow do I raise a Texture?
14:03.24Shirik|EcoleIndustrial :Frame strata
14:04.12Industrialbut its a texture not a frame
14:04.16Shirik|Ecoleoh whoops
14:04.21Industriali could make it a frame..
14:04.28Industrialand give it a texture
14:04.35VoidRaiderUsing the Layer
14:04.50Shirik|Ecoleleethal: What's it removing again?
14:05.23leethalShirik|Ecole: stuff that MobInfo2 adds
14:05.34IndustrialPlayerFrameTexture:GetDrawLayer() -> "BACKGROUND"
14:05.38leethalShirik|Ecole: making a pastie with some MobInfo2 stuff now
14:05.42Industrialwhen i set my drawlayer to that its still the same :S
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14:07.36VoidRaiderChecking in a sec
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14:08.03Industrialrighto :D
14:08.12Industrialmmm tuna
14:08.45leethalShirik|Ecole: not sure if that's relevant
14:09.10leethalbut that MI2_BuildMobInfoTooltip seems to do GameTooltip:AddLine() only
14:09.27Shirik|Ecoleit's because they call :Show()
14:09.39leethalShirik|Ecole: so does my addon
14:09.39Shirik|Ecole:Hide() and :Show() invalidate the tooltip
14:10.28leethalif I don't do :Show() in Enchant Woot-O-Matic, the tooltip will have silly width
14:10.39leethalit will have the text I add in one line, instead of wrapping it
14:10.48leethalwith Show(), it's wrapped as it's supposed to
14:11.46Shirik|EcoleI take that back, I made that up :P
14:11.46leethalI guess I'll just do like I always do - test stuff in the API for a couple of hours and see what happens =)
14:12.14leethalI have a hunch it's the way they hook GameTooltips OnShow
14:12.20leethalperhaps I should do something similar
14:12.26Shirik|Ecoleleethal I don't know if this is me being stupid b ut
14:12.33Shirik|Ecoleisn't getglobal(frame:GetName()) equivalent to frame ?
14:12.48leethalah, yeah
14:12.57leethalit's from way back, used to be some other getglobal =)
14:13.08Shirik|EcoleI mean it's not a problem, it's just something that caught my eye as I was reading it ><
14:13.12krkanot really equivalent :)
14:13.14leethalyeah, hehe, thanks =)
14:13.20Industriallocal g = getfenv(0)
14:15.35Shirik|Ecoleyou see Leethal
14:15.43Shirik|EcoleI could expect MobInfo to be overriding yours
14:15.51Shirik|EcoleI don't see why it's the other way around though
14:15.54VoidRaiderInd, have you tried seetting it to "ARTWORK" ?
14:16.16Industrial(thats the default value)
14:20.52leethalthe OnShow is a bit weird anyways, I'll probably have to find some other way of doing it
14:21.13leethalsometimes (no idea what causes it though) what I add to the tooltip just disappears while the tooltip is displaying
14:23.38leethalhmm.. now it's suddenly mobinfo that overwrites my addon, without me changing anything but which addons to load
14:24.11Shirik|Ecolesee, I really think it's just the order in which the scripts are added
14:24.17Shirik|Ecolewhich you really can't depend on
14:24.25leethalI see
14:24.35Shirik|Ecoleyes, the OnShow will cause problems if more than one addon tries to use that method
14:24.53Shirik|EcoleYou /may/ want to test to see if MobInfo exists. If it does, hook their function. If not, do what you did.
14:24.53leethalperhaps create my own frame then, somehow?
14:25.03leethalouch, I don't want that
14:25.08leethalsmells anti DRY
14:25.16Shirik|Ecoleotherwise the safest thing would be to make your own frame, yes
14:25.37leethalthat's possible, I guess? To replace the GameTooltip with my own frame that's a parent of GameTooltip?
14:25.56Shirik|Ecolereplace? not really
14:26.07Shirik|EcoleI was thinking something like what auctioneer does
14:26.18Shirik|Ecoleanchor your frame to the current frame
14:27.18Shirik|Ecolehonestly, I'm really surprised that MobInfo doesn't lock up
14:27.26Shirik|Ecoleyours too tbh
14:27.45Shirik|Ecoleyour calling :Show() from inside the OnShow handler
14:27.52Shirik|Ecolewhich shows the frame, so OnShow is called
14:28.01Shirik|Ecolewhich does a :Show()
14:28.50leethalthe solution seems to be not to use GameTooltips OnShow, then
14:29.01Shirik|Ecolethat's what I recommend
14:29.10Shirik|Ecolebut you kinda have to figure out a good way to do it
14:30.07leethalactually, mobinfo to hooking OnShow is very silly
14:30.23leethalnothing works, mobinfo completely takes over everything
14:30.34leethalnot :AddLine, :SetWidth.. nothing
14:30.55Shirik|Ecolelike I said, that's what I expected to be happening :P
14:31.20Shirik|Ecole(10:15:35) (Shirik|Ecole) you see Leethal
14:31.20Shirik|Ecole(10:15:43) (Shirik|Ecole) I could expect MobInfo to be overriding yours
14:31.20Shirik|Ecole(10:15:50) (Shirik|Ecole) I don't see why it's the other way around though
14:32.24Shirik|Ecoleleethal, is that info accurate?
14:32.26Shirik|Ecolethe pastey?
14:32.43leethalwhat what?
14:32.56Shirik|Ecoleline 2
14:33.02leethalthis one?
14:33.03Shirik|Ecolechange MI1_GT to MI2_GT
14:33.12leethalyeah, it's MI2
14:33.25Shirik|Ecolecause that would cause problems :P
14:33.33leethalhehe yeah
14:34.19Shirik|Ecolewhat's MI2_BuildMobInfoTooltip?
14:34.46leethalit builds the tooltip itself, it seems, with :AddLine()s
14:35.01Shirik|Ecoleyeah can I see it though?
14:35.08Shirik|EcoleI'm looking for something specific
14:36.23leethalby the way, all upcoming nerfs listed in patch notes should be on the PTR,  right? Such as mats cost for BS BoP items?
14:36.50leethalo shit, it's the BoE ones that got nerfed it seems
14:37.00Shirik|Ecoleleethal: In general, but sometimes they decide to make undocumented changes
14:37.07Shirik|Ecoleummm can you now give me MI2_CreateNormalTooltip?
14:37.09Shirik|Ecolesorry ><
14:37.32Shirik|Ecoleevil globals all over the place!
14:37.45leethalwhat used to cost 10 felsteel bars, 8 primal mights and 2 primal nethers is now 10 khorium bar, 10 felsteel bar, 6 primal might and... 6!! primal nethers
14:38.47leethalShirik|Ecole: ^
14:40.14Shirik|Ecoleremind me again, why did we decide not to use AddLine?
14:41.11KasoAddLine is evil evil evil!
14:41.48Shirik|Ecoleonly reason I bring it up is because MobInfo uses it
14:41.57Shirik|Ecoleand it seems it might be the only way to allow them to cooperate
14:43.52KasoWhat do you use instead of AddLine/
14:44.32KasoWhat if the next free line doesnt exist yet?
14:44.44leethalShirik|Ecole: because I need to add it where the name of the enchant is
14:44.52leethalif there's better ways of doing that, I'm all ears
14:45.02Shirik|Ecoleah right
14:45.12Shirik|Ecoleto replace the enchant text with what it is
14:45.17Shirik|Ecoleinstead of adding info to the bottom
14:45.59leethalso, if the item has an enchant, I'm scanning the tooltip for the name of the enchant
14:46.09VoidRaiderIs it possible to change the backdrop color of the Cooldown ?
14:46.09Shirik|Ecolehm, change your OnShow handler to hook it
14:46.11leethalif that name is in the addons DB, it'll replace that line
14:46.20Shirik|Ecoleright now you're just setting it
14:46.48Shirik|Ecolecurrently you have v:SetScript("OnShow", function() self:DoTheWoot(v) end)
14:47.34Shirik|Ecoledo local old = v:GetScript("OnShow") or function() end; v:SetScript("OnShow", function() self:DoTheWoot(v); old end);
14:47.45Shirik|Ecoledo local old = v:GetScript("OnShow") or function() end; v:SetScript("OnShow", function() self:DoTheWoot(v); old() end);
14:48.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
14:49.04Shirik|Ecolegonna head back home now; let me know if that worked. My other account is still on here
14:49.16leethalok =)
14:51.07VoidRaiderIs it possible to change the backdrop color of the Cooldown ? :|
14:51.17leethalShirik|Ecole: if you're still there - it worked!
14:55.37IndustrialVoidRaider|Zz: PANTSCREAM
15:02.50Shirik|Foodingleethal: Glad to hear it :)
15:05.15leethalShirik: now I'm doing this -
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15:05.29leethalShirik: is that "do" in the example of yours lua or english? =P
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15:10.04leethalI don't understand that local old = foo or function() end
15:10.28leethalactually, it's the function() end I don't understand
15:10.34leethalit makes an anonymous function or something?
15:10.47leethalnever mind, I get it now =P
15:10.56zenzelezzbasically says "do nothing"
15:11.45leethalI see
15:12.00NeriniaIs the Cidebot free for all? :)
15:12.15Shirikwhat I did was
15:12.22Shiriklocal old = v:GetScript("OnShow") or function() end
15:12.37Shirikif there is currently an OnShow handler, v:GetScript("OnShow") will return that function
15:12.40Shirikif not, it will return nil
15:12.52Shirikif it's nil, it goes to the "or" part, which happens to be function() end
15:12.56Shirikwhich is a null function
15:12.59leethal>>> return function() end
15:13.04leethalCide: *poke*
15:13.16Shirikthat way, when you try to call old(), it doesn't do anything, instead of complaining "attempt to call a nil value"
15:13.25Shirikyour method works too
15:13.26leethalI see
15:13.37leethalthat's why I added the if old then old end, because I got nil errors
15:13.47leethalbut local foo or bar for the win
15:13.49Industrialif you are going to do it more then one time id do local nothing = function() end
15:13.53Shirikthey're two ways of accomplishing the same thing
15:14.01Industrialand then "or nothing" :P
15:14.10Shirikyeah I happen to have a function VFL.noop = function() end
15:14.19Shirikbut assumed leethal doesn't have that :P
15:14.43leethalI don't have any other function() end, no
15:16.50leethal"Your message has been posted. Click <a href="foo">here</a> if you're not redirected automatically"
15:16.53leethalthat's sooo web 1.0 =P
15:17.27leethalthat's on curse gaming too, which tries to be a cool web 2.0 site
15:17.31zenzelezzI despise Web 2.0
15:17.45ShirikI want web 3.0
15:17.47Cideleethal: enabled, don't do useless stuff though :)
15:17.52leethalI like stuff like sorting tables by column X without having to reload the page
15:18.00zenzelezzso many stupid 2.0 websites that use all the crap for unnecessary things
15:18.01Shiriknah Cide we were trying to explain what a null function does :)
15:18.18Shirikor rather, what it doesn't do
15:18.37Cide>>> return function() end
15:18.37CideCide: function: 001B8A78
15:18.41Shirikzenzelezz: I do have to say I like IPB's web 2.0 features
15:18.46Cidevery fascinating! :)
15:18.53Shirikediting posts without reloading, etc.
15:18.58Shirikinvision power board
15:19.06leethalzenzelezz: but yes,  some sites is waay to 2.0
15:19.15Shirikbut yeah I'll agree with that
15:19.36zenzelezzthere are good things about 2.0, it's just abused =)
15:19.49Shirikand so leethal, we have this
15:20.45*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|work (
15:20.50Shirik>>> local old = nil or function() end; newScript = function() print("MyStuff"); old(); end newScript();
15:20.51CideShirik: "MyStuff"
15:20.53Shiriksee :)
15:20.55Shirikno complaints
15:21.54leethalfrom this day on I'll stop saying Ruby > all =)
15:22.07Shirikdon't be confused by WoWWiki's definition of a "null function"
15:22.09Shirikit's mostly wrong
15:22.27Shirikthey claim to say that a null function includes functions that only result in errors
15:22.34Shiriklike function() error("Access denied"); end
15:22.39Shirikthey say that's a null function but it's not...
15:23.22leethaledit it, then =P
15:23.32ShirikI've cleaned up a few places where they said that
15:23.36Shirikbut I'm sure there's more
15:24.19leethalShirik: is there a demo of the 2.0'ish invision board available somewhere?
15:24.36Shiriknot really sure
15:26.06leethalyeah, I dropped by that page, but I saw a form where I had to enter my e-mail
15:26.35leethalI want to click "see it in action" or something like that, l2usability
15:28.29Shirikyou can drop by my site, but that wouldn't really give you much; I'd prefer you didn't spam it :P
15:28.35Shirikand I can't really give you moderator access
15:28.48Shirikno offense, of course
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15:32.03leethalthey should have had a "click here for demo" link, and let you register on the site, instead of having to register outside of the forum
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15:59.40Shirik~poke Cairenn
15:59.41purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Cairenn, pokes Cairenn repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
16:01.13TC_Workinghmm....the poking doesnt seem to be working....
16:01.55JumpeeMaybe 'poke' isn't supported anymore/
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16:02.54TC_Workingthere are some things that work really well though
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16:03.34TC_Workingmost people have it set to an audible alarm
16:04.02TC_Workingso if you repeat their name 100 times, you will prolly get a response....even if it's an "i hate you"
16:04.20JumpeeIn my own uneducated about IRC way, I was kidding.
16:05.04TC_Workingme to
16:05.13TC_Workingexcept for the last 3 lines
16:10.04*** join/#wowi-lounge luc2 (
16:10.11ShirikI like the way my system works :P
16:10.23Shirikif someone says my name or one of the things I have highlighted
16:10.28JumpeeGet back to work on Simon
16:10.33Shirikif irc isn't the main window, it makes a little popup in the bottom right hand corner for 2 seconds
16:10.38Shirikalong with a double chirp
16:10.51Shirikactive window*
16:11.06ShirikJumpee: It's what I'm working on actually ><
16:11.24Shirikcurrently 1270 lines long -_-
16:11.27luc2hello, i'd like to create an add-on which takes a screenshot each hour, but there's no ON_HOUR_EVENT. how to do that ?
16:11.40Shirikluc2: You'd need to use OnUpdate
16:11.51cogwheel|workyou'd use an OnUpdate to keep track of the time
16:11.57luc2Shirik: but there's no window to update in my add-on :]
16:12.05cogwheel|workso make one
16:12.09Shirikyou'll need to make one
16:12.13Shirikeven if it's invisible
16:12.25luc2ok, an invisible window then ?
16:12.31cogwheel|workeventFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")
16:12.32[dRaCo]there should be a timer library... thought I've seen one
16:12.45Shiriklibraries ftl -_-
16:13.05Jumpeeit must be visible even if it isn't seen. boggle
16:13.15Shirikyeah, sorry bad wording
16:13.18Shirikit doesn't have to be "seeable"
16:13.23Shirikbut it must be shown
16:13.24luc2so, an invisible window which is visible ?
16:13.33Jumpeeno, the whole concept confuses me
16:13.46Jumpeeas to what is 'visible'
16:14.18cogwheel|worklocal time = 0; eventFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed) time = time + elapsed; if time >= 3600 then time = time - 3600; TakeScreenshot() end end)
16:14.24Jumpeedoes hidden=false meet the visible criteria?
16:15.04cogwheel|workJumpee: or just not defining any visual elements
16:15.16cogwheel|workbut you can't make it hidden because then it won't get onupdate dispatches
16:15.28leethalor simply local f = CreateFrame("lol")
16:15.34leethalthat frame won't be visible
16:15.37Shirik12:13:12 ‹cogwheel|work› eventFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")
16:15.56Shirikbut yes
16:16.00Shirika default frame doesn't have anything to show
16:16.09Shirikso.... there's no real "visible" component to it
16:16.11Shirikeven if it's not hidden
16:16.20cogwheel|workluc2: I just wrote the whole addon for you in those two lines up there...
16:16.23JumpeeLOL. I wrote an addon to list time in a raid and thinking I had to have a visible window to use OnUpdate I created a small, visible square frame.
16:16.38luc2cogwheel|work: ok, thanks very much
16:16.51Cairennpurl, poke Shirik
16:16.54purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Shirik, pokes Shirik repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
16:17.02cogwheel|workstick a "local" in front of eventFrame = CreateFrame("Frame") though...
16:18.48Shirikbtw re: What I was saying earlier, here's the little IRC popup I was talking about
16:18.51Shirikit's fun
16:20.03leethalI'm on os X, using growl
16:20.06JumpeeThe only time I have sounds turned on is when playing games
16:20.49leethalI'll get a "pop" and a cute frame too
16:21.03ShirikI love that thing, just kinda wish sometimes all messages would show up
16:21.11Shirikso I don't have to keep switching back and forth every time I hear a chirp
16:21.20Shirikbut I think it would also get annoying
16:23.36Shirikbtw [dRaCo], despite what I said
16:23.43ShirikVFL does in fact have a timering functionality in it
16:24.36ShirikIt's actually kinda impressive - it sets up a "schedule" for recurring events if you want, and if it notices performance is too low (too many events, or something), it will adapt the schedule to accomodate
16:24.46*** join/#wowi-lounge grzesieq (n=grzesieq@irssi/user/grzesieq)
16:24.50Shirikunless you use the ZMSchedule which only does single events, and doesn't adapt
16:25.19[dRaCo]sounds pretty useful
16:25.57Shirikbut... VFL does a LOT more than just timers, so if tha'ts all you're looking for, it's a bit overkill
16:26.06Shirikand by "a bit" I mean "a ton"
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16:43.46cogwheel|workluc2: here's a macro... the first click starts the screenshots every hour. Each subsequent click toggles it on and off. Whenever you toggle it on, it takes a SS immediately and restarts the timer. local f,s=MySSFrame,3600 if f then f.a=not f.a f.t=s else f=CreateFrame("Frame","MySSFrame")f.t,f.a=s,1 f:SetScript("OnUpdate",function(f,e)f.t=f.t+e if f.a and f.t>=s then f.t=f.t-s TakeScreenshot()end
16:44.12cogwheel|workchange the 3600 to however many seconds you want.
16:44.26cogwheel|work(untested, btw :P)
16:48.35luc2cogwheel|work: ok
16:51.16*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
16:57.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
16:57.10leethalis it possible to dynamically define functions? For example, looping through a table with strings, creating functions called SomeFunctionName..thestringfromthetable?
16:57.22Shirikglobal functions?
16:57.31leethalhmm, guess so
16:57.40leethalnot sure what a global function is
16:57.47Shirik_G["SomeFunctionName"..thestring] = function() --[[do stuff]] end
16:57.51Shirikthe opposite of a local function :P
16:57.57Kasowhy not just make a table of functions though
16:58.06Shirikremember functions are variables, they can be local or global just as variables can
16:58.10Kasosomefunctiontable[thestring]=function() end
16:58.16Shirikbut yeah, /me points at Kaso
16:58.59leethalis the functions here - - global functions?
16:59.28Shirikthe alternative is
16:59.35Shiriklocal function foo() --[[do stuff]] end
16:59.52cogwheel|workKaso: local functions have a slight performance advantage over tables of functions
17:00.10Shirik>>> local function foo() end; setfenv(0, {}); return foo;
17:00.11CideShirik: function: 00168A98
17:00.21cogwheel|worktable.function(blah) is about the same efficiency as a global function
17:00.52cogwheel|worksince a global function is simply an access to the _G table...
17:01.02luc2gotta go. thanks for your help. bye bye
17:01.08leethaland what about calling them? E.g. calling MyFunctionName..somevariable
17:01.43Shirikor preferably....
17:01.59Shiriklocal fn = getglobal("MyFunctionName"..somevariable); fn();
17:03.46leethalsame about setting them, perhaps? setglobal("foobar", function() ... end) ?
17:05.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Hallu (n=Hallucin@
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17:07.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Bouvi (n=Bouvi@
17:07.20Shirikyou could do that
17:07.28ShirikI used _G
17:07.30Shirikit's the same thing
17:07.33Shirik_G is the global table
17:07.40BouviHey all.  Long time no talkie.  Been swamped lol
17:07.51Shirikhi Bouvi
17:08.13Cairennlol, read my PM and decided to stop in?
17:08.18Cairenncongrats on the new job! :)
17:08.24ShirikBut leethal, is there a good reason to do that?
17:08.28Shiriknew job? o.o
17:08.29Shirikcongrats :D
17:08.37BouviYeah thought I would say hi and thanks :)
17:08.57BouviI got promoted to executive officer for the US Chung Do Kwan Association.
17:09.08CairennI know you are swamped now, but do stop in from time to time still, hey?
17:09.11ShirikIf I knew what that was I'm sure I'd be very impressed
17:09.33Gnarfozmartial arts... stuff?
17:09.48BouviI will try to stop in more. :)  The US Chung Do Kwan is a large martial arts organization with over 200 schools.
17:09.55Shirikwow nice :)
17:13.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
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17:16.15BouviHate to run but I am so swamped.  Have fun.
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17:29.33KirkburnSpeedy hamsters!
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17:35.15KirkburnImportant news -
17:35.24Kirkburn"At least 22 people have been killed and 21 more injured after a gunman went on the rampage at the campus of Virginia Tech university in Virginia, US."
17:35.46ShirikI know people there :/
17:37.02KirkburnShirik, I hope they're okay
17:37.31ShirikI wonder what caused him to do it... was it a student?
17:37.38Shirikguess I should read the article
17:40.52leethalany simple ways to nest a table? A hopefully easy to understand ruby example
17:41.11leethals/to nest a table/to flatten a nested table/
17:41.23Shirikwhat is "flatten" ?
17:41.33leethaltake a look at the ruby example =)
17:41.35cogwheel|worksee the example :P
17:41.55cogwheel|workleethal: a recursive function that does a tinsert would work
17:42.40cogwheel|workit's a wow-specific global alias to table.insert
17:43.42Cide>>> function flatten(tbl, target_tbl, index) if ( not target_tbl ) then target_tbl = { }; index = 1; end for key, value in ipairs(tbl) do if ( type(value) == "table" ) then flatten(value, target_tbl, index); else tinsert(target_tbl, index. value); end index = index + 1; end return target_tbl; end return flatten_tbl({ "arrayitem1", "arrayitem2", { "arraysub1", { "arraysubsub1", "arraysubsub2" } } })
17:43.42CideCide: [string "function flatten(tbl, target_tbl, index) if..."]:1: attempt to call global 'flatten_tbl' (a nil value)
17:43.49Cide>>> function flatten(tbl, target_tbl, index) if ( not target_tbl ) then target_tbl = { }; index = 1; end for key, value in ipairs(tbl) do if ( type(value) == "table" ) then flatten(value, target_tbl, index); else tinsert(target_tbl, index. value); end index = index + 1; end return target_tbl; end return flatten({ "arrayitem1", "arrayitem2", { "arraysub1", { "arraysubsub1", "arraysubsub2" } } })
17:43.49CideCide: [string "function flatten(tbl, target_tbl, index) if..."]:1: attempt to index local 'index' (a number value)
17:44.10Cide>>> function flatten(tbl, target_tbl, index) if ( not target_tbl ) then target_tbl = { }; index = 1; end for key, value in ipairs(tbl) do if ( type(value) == "table" ) then flatten(value, target_tbl, index); else tinsert(target_tbl, index, value); end index = index + 1; end return target_tbl; end return flatten({ "arrayitem1", "arrayitem2", { "arraysub1", { "arraysubsub1", "arraysubsub2" } } })
17:44.10CideCide: { "arrayitem1", "arrayitem2", "arraysub1", "arraysubsub1", "arraysubsub2" } (#1)
17:44.17Shirik>>> flatten = function(tbl) local newtbl = {}; for key, pair in pairs(tbl) do local this = pair; if type(pair) == "table" then this = flatten(this); end newtbl = table.insert
17:44.18CideShirik: [string "flatten = function(tbl) local newtbl = {}; for key, pair in pai..."]:1: 'end' expected near '<eof>'
17:44.18Shirikdamn it
17:44.23ShirikI was working on it too :(
17:44.45leethalno idea why I made that into a ruby example
17:45.16Shirik>>> flatten = function(tbl) local newtbl = {}; for key, pair in pairs(tbl) do local this = pair; if type(pair) == "table" then this = flatten(this); end newtbl = table.insert(this); end return newtbl; end; return flatten({"a1", "a2", {"as1", {"ass1", "ass2"}}});
17:45.16CideShirik: [string "flatten = function(tbl) local newtbl = {}; ..."]:1: bad argument #1 to 'insert' (table expected, got string)
17:45.27Cideleethal: my example should work
17:45.29Shirik>>> flatten = function(tbl) local newtbl = {}; for key, pair in pairs(tbl) do local this = pair; if type(pair) == "table" then this = flatten(this); end newtbl = table.insert(newtbl, this); end return newtbl; end; return flatten({"a1", "a2", {"as1", {"ass1", "ass2"}}});
17:45.30CideShirik: [string "flatten = function(tbl) local newtbl = {}; ..."]:1: bad argument #1 to 'insert' (table expected, got nil)
17:45.35ShirikI give up, Cide's works
17:45.37leethalI have a similar table for warriors, druids and paladins, and I like it DRY. so even thought the values are static, I'd like to do it DRY DRY DRY =)
17:45.51Cidewell, it wouldn't for associative tables.. but just change "ipairs" to "pairs"
17:46.10Cideoh, you're right.. not sure why I bothered to pass the index around :)
17:46.41Cide>>> flatten(tbl, target_tbl) if ( not target_tbl ) then target_tbl = { }; nd for key, value in pairs(tbl) do if ( type(value) == "table" ) then flatten(value, target_tbl); else tinsert(target_tbl, value); end index = index + 1; end return target_tbl; end return flatten({ "arrayitem1", "arrayitem2", { "arraysub1", { "arraysubsub1", "arraysubsub2" } } })
17:46.41CideCide: [string "flatten(tbl, target_tbl) if ( not target_tbl ) then target_tbl ..."]:1: '=' expected near 'for'
17:46.46Cide>>> flatten(tbl, target_tbl) if ( not target_tbl ) then target_tbl = { }; end for key, value in pairs(tbl) do if ( type(value) == "table" ) then flatten(value, target_tbl); else tinsert(target_tbl, value); end index = index + 1; end return target_tbl; end return flatten({ "arrayitem1", "arrayitem2", { "arraysub1", { "arraysubsub1", "arraysubsub2" } } })
17:46.46CideCide: [string "flatten(tbl, target_tbl) if ( not target_tbl ) then target_tbl ..."]:1: '<eof>' expected near 'end'
17:47.15Cide>>> function flatten(tbl, target_tbl) if ( not target_tbl ) then target_tbl = { }; end for key, value in pairs(tbl) do if ( type(value) == "table" ) then flatten(value, target_tbl); else tinsert(target_tbl, value); end end return target_tbl; end return flatten({ "arrayitem1", "arrayitem2", { "arraysub1", { "arraysubsub1", "arraysubsub2" } } })
17:47.15CideCide: { "arrayitem1", "arrayitem2", "arraysub1", "arraysubsub1", "arraysubsub2" } (#1)
17:49.16leethalthese Cide printouts makes this room look very hardcore
17:49.22Cidewell, it is!
17:49.31leethaloh, sorry
17:50.30ShirikLua xTreme!
17:51.06raevanmorlockHow can I round a number?
17:51.14Shirikto the nearest integer?
17:51.27Shirikn = math.floor(n+0.5)
17:52.10Shirik>>> function round(n) return math.floor(n+0.5); end return round(0.2), round(0.7), round(1);
17:52.11CideShirik: 0,  1,  1
17:52.46leethalwoha, that's never happened. a silly typo version of made wow crash
17:52.49raevanmorlockThank ya
17:53.23Shirik>>> function round(n) return math.floor(n > 0 and n+0.5 or n-0.5); end return round(0.2), round(0.7), round(-0.2), round(-0.7);
17:53.23CideShirik: 0,  1,  -1,  -2
17:53.33cogwheel|workwhat sort of typo? :P
17:54.11Cides/then/ or true then/
17:54.14ShirikI guess what I did first was right :P
17:54.47Cidethen again, that would only result in a stack overflow
17:57.41Shirikleethal: Does that always result in a crash?
17:58.26cogwheel|workanyone know of a "search box builder" for firefox similar to IE7's?
17:58.36leethalShirik: didn't check
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18:19.44KirkburnFor those who missed it earlier:
18:19.45KirkburnBreaking news - "At least 22 people have been killed and 21 more injured after a gunman went on the rampage at the campus of Virginia Tech university in Virginia, US."
18:22.41*** part/#wowi-lounge poilbrun (
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18:24.01leethalhow can I make [a-zA-Z] include underscores?
18:24.16leethalactually, I want small letters and underscores only
18:24.33leethalatm I have ([a-zA-Z]+)
18:24.34Kasopatterns you mean
18:24.39leethalah, yes
18:24.48poilbrunHello all, maybe someone can help me with a small question I have for an addon. I have this in an addon: if (itemName == "Fish Oil") then
18:25.03poilbrunHow do I replace the itemName by the itemID
18:25.11leethalheh, makes sense
18:25.16Cideif you want both upper- and lowercase letters, [a-zA-Z_]
18:25.44poilbrunI tried replacing itemName == "Fish Oil" by itemID == "xxxx:0:0:0" but it does not work
18:25.57Cidepoilbrun: you'd have to paste the surrounding lines of code (use the pasting site in the topic)
18:26.21Gnarfozalthough I don't know what RTFPN means (just the PN part), I'll simply apply STFW to it and learn something new today, yay
18:26.30subbawtpatch notes
18:27.01cogwheel|workRead The F***ing
18:28.31poilbrunBasically, I'm trying to avoid all the special characters I encounter since I play wow in French
18:28.31cogwheel|workpoilbrun: i don't think you understood what Cide  meant :P
18:28.41cogwheel|workwe need to see where itemName is being set in the first place
18:30.04Cideyep, sorry for not being clearer
18:30.42poilbrunAs you can guess, I'm new to this, just give me a second I'll get you the link :-)
18:32.17leethalhwat is spellId? is it constant, or does it vary based on spellbook contents?
18:32.32leethaltrying to figure out which rank of Frenzied Regeneration a druid has
18:35.01leethalhmm.. perhaps the CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_SELF_BUFFS can tell me what rank of the spell that was used
18:35.27poilbrunI'm silent, but now that i understand your question, I think I understand what I did wrong :-) I'll tr and solve it by myself and come back if it does not work :-D
18:39.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
18:44.52leethalcan devtools "emulate" an event? It would be nice to be able to "add" "Your taunt was resisted" to the combat log to test an addon I'm making, instead of having to run around having to try to get a taunt resisted
18:45.30Cideleethal: no
18:45.39Cidehowever, it's very easy to do yourself...
18:45.47Cidecan you pastey the event handler?
18:46.52leethalit's pretty fancy
18:47.06leethaldoesn't work properly atm, though
18:47.46leethaluhm, that's the wrong handler
18:48.08leethalthat's the one -
18:48.25leethalline 6 with end, not endqqqq
18:48.59Shirikhmm... well good news is I've gotten in touch with everyone I know except 2 at VT :/
18:49.47Cideso you'd do.. /script arg1 = "Your Taunt was resisted by Moo."; TankAlert:CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_DAMAGE()
18:49.48Shirikleethal: Just call the event
18:49.49Shirikthat's what I do
18:49.57Shirikyeah like that
18:50.17Cide(btw, you should not use the global arg1, arg2, ..., argN variables!)
18:50.27Shirikyes, evil!
18:51.30*** join/#wowi-lounge kneeki (
18:51.36kneekiello peoples =)
18:54.22leethalCide: if I don't use the global, what should I use?
18:54.51Shirikfunction eventHandler(arg1, arg2, arg3)
18:55.02Cidefunction eventHandler(event, arg1, arg2, arg3)*
18:55.31Shirikit's more efficient, and the globals will disappear sometime in the near future
18:55.42leethaland with a dongle self:RegisterEvent(EVENTNAME), how is that done? :RegisterEvent(NAME, foo, bar)?
18:55.54Cide#dongle :)
18:56.01leethalgood idea =)
18:58.07Mr_Rabies2someone dcc me some RJ45 connectors thanks in advance
18:59.50ShirikI don't think my electrical wire is big enough ><
18:59.58Gnarfozcan castsequence be used to create a buff macro? (like  /castsequence [target=player] Blessing of Wisdom, [target=party1] Blessing of Wisdom)
19:00.02kneekiI could throw some out the window for you.
19:00.07ShirikGnarfoz: No
19:00.11Gnarfozdamn :\
19:00.19Mr_Rabies2i'm too lazy to order some from monoprice
19:00.31Shirikyou can't change conditionals in the middle of the sequence
19:00.37Mr_Rabies2i don't want to pay 5 bucks shipping for a $0.50 order
19:01.05Shirikbest buy?
19:01.31Mr_Rabies2screw that, that's even more :p
19:01.39Shiriknot if you have employee discount
19:02.38zenzelezzMaulgar is a pain... he hits me for tons, and I need to spend most of the fight looking at his crotch
19:03.39Mr_Rabies2ah, 3 bucks for 50 of em, not too bad i guess, not as great of a deal as i remember
19:04.33Cidezenzelezz: such a fun fight though
19:04.53zenzelezzCide: I'm sure it is once we get the hang of it; first night we try it =)
19:09.02zenzelezzI know my guild isn't the greatest raid guild on the server, but I can picture the non-attuned 25-mans being quite a sobering moment for the lesser raid guilds
19:10.48*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|Work (i=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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19:19.06leethal"target" will be "lol" in this example if "test" is nil?
19:20.25Shirikif you've ever used the trinary operator in other languages (C, for example)
19:20.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
19:20.44Jumpeewhat if test isn't nil?
19:20.52leethalthe value of test
19:20.53Shirikexpr?val1:val2 --> Lua as: expr and val1 or val2
19:20.54*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
19:21.08leethal>>> test = "lol"; return test or "hooray"
19:21.09Cideleethal: "lol"
19:21.19leethal>>> return test or "hooray"
19:21.20Cideleethal: "hooray"
19:21.22Shirikexpr?expr:val2 can be shortened to expr or val2
19:21.54leethaldoes lua support that C-like foo ? bar : lol syntax if you wanna use that?
19:22.06Shirikyou have to use the way I wrote it
19:22.09Temleethal, sort of
19:22.17Shirikthere is no trinary operator; it's been asked for, and the only reason they say no is because of what I just said
19:22.19Mr_Rabies2#showtooltip is broken on the PTR? :O
19:22.20Shirikbecause you can already do it
19:22.24Temand and or are short circuit
19:22.37Temso you can do  condition and (if true) or (if false)
19:22.59leethalthe results of my last couple of hours of silly questions:
19:23.00cogwheel|workyou have to be careful though...
19:23.05leethalworks like a dream, damn I'm satisfied
19:23.32cogwheel|worka = b and c or d           will not work properly if c is ever false or nil
19:25.01JoshBorkewhy won't that work cogwheel?  a will get set to b and c
19:25.05JoshBorkeor false/nil
19:25.10raevanmorlock>>> a="a"; b="b"; return a and b
19:25.10Cideraevanmorlock: "b"
19:25.19raevanmorlock>>> a="a"; b="b"; return a or b
19:25.20cogwheel|worka will get set to d in that case
19:25.20Cideraevanmorlock: "a"
19:25.58Tem>>> true and false or "b"
19:25.58CideTem: "b"
19:26.04cogwheel|work>>> b = "b"; c = nil; d = "d";  print(b and c or d)
19:26.04Cidecogwheel|work: "d"
19:26.09*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio (i=sp@unaffiliated/sergio)
19:26.30Shirikright cause "and" is first in order of operations
19:26.40Shirikso it becomes (b and c) or d
19:26.50Shiriklet "e" be "b or c" and you have "e or d"
19:27.47raevanmorlockeverybody now.. a b c d e f g.. h i j k lmnop.. q r s.. t u v.. w x.. y and z! Now I know my ABCs, next time won't you sing with me?
19:28.05cogwheel|workno i won't
19:28.09Shiriknever again.
19:28.15raevanmorlockOh bother.
19:28.42Temlol pooh
19:29.30raevanmorlock>>> a="a"; b="b"; if (a or b) == true then return "true" else return "false"
19:29.30Cideraevanmorlock: [string "a="a"; b="b"; if (a or b) == true then return "true" else retur..."]:1: 'end' expected near '<eof>'
19:29.58Shirika or b is not equal to true
19:31.14Shirikit is a true value, but it is not equal to true
19:31.15Shirik>>> return "a" or "b";
19:31.15CideShirik: "a"
19:31.15raevanmorlockso a or b equals a?
19:31.16cogwheel|worka and b is equivalent to         if a then return b else return a end
19:31.24cogwheel|worka or b is equivalent to        if a then return a else return b end
19:31.30Shirikyeah :)
19:32.10Shirikwithout trying to make this too complicated
19:32.15Shirikit's because that line is optimized
19:32.25Shirikjust about every language does it
19:32.38Shirikin C, if you did if (true || a++) { /* stuff */ }
19:32.38Cideyep, look at this:
19:32.41Shirika++ will not be run
19:32.57Shirikbecause in an "or" statement, there's no reason to go to the second operand if the first is true
19:33.00Shirikyou already know the result
19:33.03Shiriksorry Cide ><
19:33.16leethaldoes Lua have || ?
19:33.17Cide>>> function foo() print("foo was run"); return true; end bar = true or foo();
19:33.17CideCide: nil
19:33.21Cide>>> function foo() print("foo was run"); return true; end bar = false or foo();
19:33.21CideCide: "foo was run"
19:33.21cogwheel|workleethal: or
19:33.44leethalin ruby I can do this ||= something_else. this will be this, but if this is nil, it will be something_else
19:33.48Cideas you can see, foo is not called in the first example
19:33.48leethalanything like that in lua?
19:33.57Cidefoo = foo or bar
19:33.58cogwheel|workthere are no shortcut assignment operators
19:34.38Cide>>> foo = foo or "something_else";      bar = "hi"; bar = bar or "something_else";       return foo, bar
19:34.38CideCide: "something_else",  "hi"
19:34.43leethalah, foo = foo or bar is bore than good enough =)
19:35.10cogwheel|workyou could've come to that conclusion on your own :P
19:35.20*** join/#wowi-lounge grzesieq (n=grzesieq@irssi/user/grzesieq)
19:35.24Cide|| == or
19:35.27Shiriktake note that all of the logical operators in Lua are not bitwise, btw ;)
19:35.32leethalsorry, it's too easy to not think for yourself when you have IRC
19:35.36Cidefoo or= bar     is equal to foo = foo or bar :)
19:35.51Shirik>>> return bit.bor(1,2);
19:35.51Cide(foo or= bar is not valid syntax!)
19:35.51CideShirik: 3
19:35.58Temyay short circuit operators
19:36.08Shirikoh I thought that was from the bot ><
19:36.14Cide01 | 10 == 11
19:37.06Shirikyeah Cide I was just confused by this: 15:36:32 ‹+Cide› (foo or= bar is not valid syntax!)
19:37.09Shirikwhich I saw before the "3"
19:37.17Cideoh, hehe
19:38.16cogwheel|workcide, you should run your lua bot in a separate instance :)
19:38.24cogwheel|workand leave it on when you go away :P
19:38.51*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
19:39.50leethalye, why not have a luabot instance or something?
19:40.04JoshBorkeyea cide!
19:41.15TemCide, have you ever shown your bot to #lua?
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19:43.55CideTem: nope
19:44.21CideI can't keep my computer on all the time though
19:46.27TC_Workingyou can and you will, sir
19:46.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Scre3m (
19:47.13Guillotinewhy not ask someone who is on all the time to run it? Theres quite a few people in here who are on 24/7 *cough*Cairenn*cough*TC
19:47.15Temmy machine has been on for 15 days, 11 hours, 42 minutes, 25 seconds
19:47.27Shirikuptime: 6d 8h 52m 37s :: record: 2w 7h 59m 29s
19:47.39Shirikwhen did I restart?
19:48.04TC_Workingi'm not on here all the time Guillotine....just 99.99999999% of it
19:48.15Guillotineclose enough
19:48.23TC_Working+- 100%
19:48.29ShirikI didn't see the "TC" part at the end
19:48.36Shirikand started thinking TC == Cairenn ><
19:48.54TC_Workinghah, Cairenn would disown you if you thought that
19:49.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Scre3m (
19:49.25Guillotinenah, theres a bunch of people who are on all the time. I just chose the first 2 I saw on my list who I know are :P
19:49.51Industrialuptime: 38d 20h 27m 22s
19:51.21TC_Workinguptime: older than god
19:57.28KirkburnBtw, regarding the Virginia thing, via CAD: "I am aware that Jack Thompson is currently on the news blaming the whole thing on video games."
19:57.41zenzelezzwhat took him so long?
19:58.13ShirikIt's surely finals stress or something like that
19:58.32Shiriktbh Jack Thompson is lucky something like that doesn't happen to him
19:58.46ShirikI know there are a ton of people that hate him
19:58.51Shirikall it takes is one crazy person
19:59.07zenzelezzthe only reason no-one shoots him is they know his tombstone would read "I told you so!"
20:00.05TC_Workingwhy cant one of the crazy ppl flipout and kill HIM....that would be so much more rewarding, besides...damit zenzelezz you took away my joke
20:00.05raevanmorlockI miss the old Jack Thompson vs. Penny-Arcade war
20:02.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
20:08.40wereHamsterup 361 days - if the luabot runs under linux, I'd gladly host it, I already have a supybot running here :)
20:09.54raevanmorlock361 days? Do you not have power outages there?
20:10.41Elkano~crash wereHamster
20:10.47purlACTION jams a stick in wereHamster's spokes
20:11.08wereHamstermy irssi runs on a server which stands in a datacenter somewhere in germany
20:11.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Groll (n=yodla@
20:11.44ElkanoI take that as a default win ;)
20:11.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
20:12.12wereHamsterdefault win?
20:12.49cogwheel|workyou've got the bigger e-peen here :)
20:13.02cogwheel|workat least as far as irc connection reliability :P
20:13.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
20:13.40wereHamsterwell.. I was thinking about writing a lua plugin for supybot.. it's supposed to be quite easy
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20:46.54planetWhiya all, does anyone know how to add a '/command' in to wow?
20:47.20*** join/#wowi-lounge planetWayne (
20:47.41leethalwowwiki has some reference on that
20:48.01Gryphendang quitters
20:48.08planetWaynesorry - that was me :)
20:48.14Gryphenah hehe
20:48.16planetWayne(had joined twice!)
20:48.23planetWayneCheers for that - off to read!
20:48.29Gryphenused to people asking and quiting before an answer can be made
20:49.24leethalplanetWayne: you can also use a library, such as Dongle
20:49.41planetWaynea what!!?
20:50.02planetWayneGryphen: sorry - forgot I had joined the net on another server :))
20:50.25leethalplanetWayne: a library
20:50.36leethalplanetWayne: adds some functionality, for instance ez mode chat command creation
20:50.48planetWayneah - another one to google :)
20:51.15leethalplanetWayne: a work in progress tutorial -
20:52.09leethalplanetWayne: it's very work in progress, so don't take it's content for granted
20:52.14leethalplanetWayne: gives you an idea, though
20:52.37planetWaynecool - I have a look through.
20:58.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
20:59.48Shadowedleethal: Shouldn't it be Dongle-1.0 now not Beta0
20:59.50planetWaynecool! - I can type a new slash command and get the console to say somthing! :))))
20:59.54Temleethal, don't use the global argX
20:59.59planetWayne(sorry - small steps and all :))
21:00.35leethalTem: yeah, just noticed
21:00.40Temleethal, also, string.find does not return true and false
21:00.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
21:00.57leethalTem: I wrote that tutorial 5 in the morning, and didn't revise it yet
21:01.39Temalso, if you don't mind my opinion, a first time lua tutorial should be seperate from a first time dongle tutorial
21:01.53leethalI disagree
21:02.12zenzelezzat least state that Dongle isn't a standard WoW feature or something like that
21:02.26Temimo you shouldn't write addons at all until you've read the PiL
21:02.51leethalwhat's PiL?
21:03.02CideProgramming in Lua
21:03.16*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh_ (
21:03.36Temleethal, if you haven't read it, I highly reccommend it
21:03.55Temif for no other reason than I won't have to answer any silly questions because you will be informed
21:06.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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21:09.17leethalI didn't even know it existed
21:10.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso| (
21:10.47Kaso|leethal: did someone link you
21:11.05leethalreading now
21:14.44planetWaynethis is more a lua than wow I guess - but can you say a console message that has newline / carrage return codes in it? (eg "quoted text on 1 line" + chr(13)+chr(10) + "this text on the next")
21:16.07Shirik|Ecolea console message?
21:16.16Shirik|Ecolecan you explain that?
21:16.32Shirik|Ecolebtw char(13)+char(10) is a complex way of writing "\n"
21:16.52*** join/#wowi-lounge grzesieq (n=grzesieq@irssi/user/grzesieq)
21:17.11planetWaynea message to the screen with addmessage
21:17.35planetWayneso I could just use "quoted text on 1 line\nthis text on the next" instead?
21:17.53Shirik|Ecoleum, there's a lot of frames that accept AddMessage(), but in general, yes, that would work
21:18.09Shirik|EcoleDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME will, yes
21:20.07Shirik|Ecolewb, cladhaire :)
21:24.19*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
21:38.06TC_Workingheh, Shadowed poked and ran
21:48.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
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22:10.30TC_Workinglol, leethal is the poke and run target
22:10.57Shirikpurl, poke leethal
22:11.00purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind leethal, pokes leethal repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
22:11.01Shirikpurl, run
22:11.05purlACTION runs around in circles screaming "My pants are blue!!!"
22:11.15Shiriknot run in circles you nit -_-
22:11.27TC_Workingmaybe they are really really big circles
22:11.41TC_Working~escape purl
22:11.57TC_Workingpurl, flee
22:11.58purlACTION runs away screaming
22:11.59Shirikpurl, run away
22:12.19TC_Workingpurl, degauss
22:12.22purlit has been said that degauss is what you do when you want to irritate people next to you.
22:12.22subbawti just ninjad to the first boss of black temple on the PTR
22:12.51TC_Workingnot quite what i was expecting
22:13.03leethalsubbawt: screenshot or it didn't happen
22:13.03TC_Workingmy favorite is still loose
22:13.13purlextra, extra, read all about it, loose is the most annoying spelling error.  It's LOSE you moron.  Unless of course you're using loose in a Madonna sorta way.
22:13.31subbawt-_- i don't have one, i suppose i'll have to do it again
22:13.44Shirikloose is a word...
22:13.52TC_Working~dict loose
22:14.02subbawtyou loose, noob!
22:14.13Shirik~lart subbawt
22:14.13purlwhips subbawt with a wet and grimy noodle just because
22:14.45Shirikbut yes, loose as lose is the most annoying spelling error
22:15.08TC_Working~factinfo loose
22:15.09purlloose -- created by fire_hawk <> at Sun Feb 13 10:52:32 2000 (2619 days); it has been requested 6 times, last by TC_Working, 1m 56s ago.
22:15.26TC_Workingi guess fire_hawk cant spell
22:15.51TC_Working~factinfo blame
22:15.52purlthere's no such factoid as blame, TC_Working
22:15.59TC_Working~blame Cairenn
22:16.01purlACTION blames Cairenn (and Canada) for all the evil in the world
22:16.14TC_Workingdamit purl, there is blame
22:16.58Shirik~blame purl
22:16.59purlACTION blames purl (and Canada) for all the evil in the world
22:17.41Cairenndon't blame me, blame sickos with guns
22:18.03Shirikand Jack Thompson
22:18.20Cairenn(sorry, reading the stuff about Virginia Tech atm)
22:18.34TC_Workingwe figured
22:18.44Shirikit's ok Cairenn :( If it makes you feel any better, I know a lot of people that go there... and I was extremely close to going there myself
22:18.56ShirikI've gotten in touch with all of them except one, at least
22:19.03Cairennit doesn't make me feel any better - I hope they are all okay
22:19.03Shirikand Cidan and Nalia are ok too :)
22:19.11Shirik(they go there as well)
22:19.15Cairennunfortunately, there are 33+ that aren't :(
22:19.22Shirikyeah :(
22:21.51Shirik~hug Cairenn
22:21.53purlACTION jumps into Cairenn's lap and huggles and *hugs* Cairenn
22:22.09TC_Working~comfort Cairenn
22:22.11purlThere, there, Cairenn.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
22:29.35*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
22:29.47raevanmorlockSo uh... how bout them Yankees?
22:30.10Cairennpurl, hug JoshBorke
22:30.12purlACTION hugs JoshBorke tightly until JoshBorke turns slightly blue
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22:30.49JoshBorke~emulate JoshBorke
22:30.51purlACTION hugs Cairenn
22:31.33raevanmorlockI appear to have walked in on the middle of a hug fest
22:31.49Shirikpurl, hug raevanmorlock
22:31.51purlACTION hugs raevanmorlock
22:32.05raevanmorlockoh my
22:32.47*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
22:34.49Shirikyou know there's a problem when you have 15 windows explorer windows, 4 IDEs, 2 copies of notepad, and 2 command prompts open
22:34.50raevanmorlockand bingo was his nameo
22:35.15Shirik(just looked at my taskbar for a second and saw this)
22:35.31raevanmorlock15 explorers? That's a bit much
22:35.37ShirikI have a bad habit
22:35.42Shirikof just hitting windows+e when I need to look for something
22:35.45Shirikand then not closing the window
22:35.47Shirikthey just add up
22:37.27raevanmorlockWell the first step is admitting the problem
22:38.56Gnarfozin this case: using windows explorer ;D
22:39.30raevanmorlockAnyone know where I could find some addon called ItemDataCache?
22:39.55ShirikGnarfoz: I know :( sadly I need it because I don't have a good IDE for a dragon12 board
22:40.02Shirikin anything other than windows
22:40.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Calliee (
22:40.20Gnarfozyou're using windows explorer as an IDE? oO
22:40.22subbawtFirst result in google, raevanmorlock? :P
22:41.29ShirikGnarfoz: No >< I use windows explorer when I need to do something like go to my Interface/Addons directory
22:41.52Shirikwhen I'm working on the updater, for example. I'll run it to test, then hit windows+e, look and see if it installed it right
22:42.00Shirikthen a few minutes later, do another test, hit windows+e again
22:42.02Shirikrepeat that 15 times
22:42.05GnarfozShirik: what has that got to do with an IDE for a dragon12 board? (whatever that is :D)
22:42.10raevanmorlockYeah yeah... I tried searching it earlier with spaces and didn't find anything
22:42.11Shiriknothing :P
22:42.13Shirikseparate instances
22:42.27Shirikdragon12 board is a prototyping board for a Motorola 68HCS12 microcontroller
22:42.30GnarfozSpeedCommander ftw (or TotalCommander, if you like ugly ^^)
22:43.10ShirikThis is a dragon12:
22:43.47Shirikthat's actually an older revision, I use revision E, but it's close enough
22:51.46raevanmorlockIt's so neat running a google search on my addon and finding people that are actually using it
22:52.14CideI was happy when google stopped suggesting the search "chmod" when people searched for "ctmod" :)
22:53.01Gnarfozsuggestion was valid tho ^^
22:53.08raevanmorlockThat's pretty neat
22:54.56ShirikRDX returns results for drugs
22:55.03Shiriksorry, explosive
22:55.18Shirik"Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, also known as RDX, cyclonite, hexogen, and T4, is an explosive nitroamine widely used in military and industrial applications. Nomenclature variants include Cyclotrimethylene-trinitramine and Cyclotrimethylene Trinitramine."
22:57.02Shirikthere's a thread "RDX.Cid -> CTRaid's opponent?" on some guild forums
22:57.28raevanmorlockThere's also an Acura RDX
22:58.00raevanmorlockThat'd be neat to have an addon that's more popular than a car
23:02.08*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
23:02.52raevanmorlockIs there a way to detect when the game tooltip is showing a tooltip for an item regardless of where the item is?
23:03.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Karrion (
23:05.22leethalraevanmorlock: look at  EnchantWootOMatic:DoTheWoot
23:06.28raevanmorlockWhat is this googlecode thing you're always linking to?
23:06.41Shirikhis addon?
23:07.01cogwheel|workgooglecode is google's answer to sourceforge
23:07.08Shirikpretty much
23:07.20Shirikit kinda sucks but gets the job done
23:07.26ShirikI despise its bug tracker
23:07.55planetWayneanyone use the 'Telepathy' libs?
23:08.08Shirikno; what do they do?
23:08.24raevanmorlockThey let you read minds, of course
23:08.37planetWayneSendAddomMsg on steriods
23:08.48ShirikI like RDX.EnqueueMessage. That is all :P
23:08.56*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
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23:10.51AnduinLothari wrote them planetWayne
23:12.07planetWayneforgive my complete noobness at this - but I'm trying to register the 'listener' but get an error :(
23:13.13AnduinLotharwhat's your call
23:13.17planetWayne"attemp to access the global 'Telepathy' (a nil value)"
23:13.29AnduinLotharthen the addon isn't loaded
23:13.47Shirikremember to mark Telepathy as a dependency, to ensure it gets loaded first
23:14.26planetWayneMmmm... I've altered my Toc file to include it... is that not enough?
23:14.36Shirikshow us your TOC
23:15.11Shirik(hope you don't mind me jumping in AnduinLothar >< )
23:15.29planetWaynedoes it have to be listed before my stuff?
23:15.47Shirikyou _have_ to load the library first
23:15.52Shirikotherwise it won't exist
23:16.23planetWaynecan that be invoked with a /console reloadui ui or do I need to start the game fully?
23:16.35Shirikif the TOC has changed you'll need to restart the game
23:16.58planetWaynecrap - that will be that then :)
23:17.40planetWayne(did I mention noob at some point :))
23:18.08raevanmorlockDoes WoW have an alert/MessageBox function?
23:18.36ShirikIt's got error() ..
23:18.42Shirikwhat do you mean?
23:19.24raevanmorlockJust a box i can pop up to check the value of something
23:19.27ShirikI have VFL.MessageBox() ^^
23:19.50AnduinLotharsome addons impliment /print
23:19.58Shirikyeh, or grab devtools
23:20.29raevanmorlockWhat does DevTools have?
23:20.52cogwheel|workif you have any ace addons installed, you have /print
23:21.00planetWayneOk - now I get a "755: attempt to indexs global 'ChronosData' (a nil value)"
23:21.17ShirikplanetWayne: Did you load the Chronos library first?
23:21.33Shirikor does telepathy use chronos?
23:21.48planetWayneooookey , maybe i didnt...
23:22.09AnduinLotharif you got it from WoWI they are embedded
23:22.12AnduinLotharthe deps
23:22.16planetWayneI was kinda trying to follow the guide from ''
23:22.22Shirikif you didn't get it from WoWI, I have to smack you :P
23:22.44AnduinLotharthe only other palce to dl is from cosmos which has the deps as sepperate addons
23:23.01Shirikah, not on curse and the like?
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23:24.40raevanmorlockHow does the select() statement work?
23:25.27Shirikcog beet me
23:25.35raevanmorlockI read that.. didn't understand
23:25.36planetWayne(ok maybe i got the wrong one )
23:25.53ShirikI ... can't really make it any clearer than that
23:25.54cogwheel|worksay a function returns 3 values. if you do     select(2, func())       it will return the second and third values
23:26.07cogwheel|workinstead of all three
23:26.37AnduinLothari updated it yesterday, the toc was wrong
23:26.52Shirikhow long has it been wrong for ><
23:27.37raevanmorlockso rather than doing    local _, val = func()    you could do   local val = select(2, func())   ?
23:27.56cogwheel|workthough the first is a bit cheaper since there's no function call
23:28.07cogwheel|workbut the second is a bit more intuitive looking
23:28.35raevanmorlockI think that's what I don't understand... there doesn't seem to be a practical use for it
23:28.47ShirikGetRandomArgument() uses it
23:28.51Shirikvery well, actually
23:29.49raevanmorlockAnd what is GetRandomArgument() used for? :)
23:30.00Shirikfunction randarg(...) local n = select('#', ...); return select(math.random(n), ...); end
23:30.01cogwheel|worknm... gtg
23:30.05Shirikit quite literally gets a random argument
23:30.11zenzelezzor is it userandom
23:30.13KirkburnHow do you get this set up for a channel?
23:30.18ShirikGetRandomArgument(1, 2, 3); could return 1, 2, or 3
23:30.21Shirikand does so randomly
23:30.34raevanmorlocklol ya.. but, why would you want a random argument?
23:30.42Shirikzenzelezz already told you
23:30.56raevanmorlockcasting some random spell doesn't seem practical
23:31.02ShirikI use it in my macros too
23:31.15zenzelezzyou need to remember that WoW isn't just for raiders
23:31.16Karrionit's easier than ({1, 2, 3})[Random()]?
23:31.27ShirikKarrion: It's less memory intensive
23:31.31Shirikconsidering creating a table hurts
23:31.34planetWayneok - when your using Telepathy.RegisterListener - whats the correct syntax? (Telepathy.RegisterListener("MyID","GLOBAL","MyFunction"); ) ?
23:31.36zenzelezzcasual and RPers can have great fun with random stuff; but even for PvE it can be used
23:31.45Shirikraevanmorlock: I have a ressurection macro
23:32.07Karrionand as for why, I use it to pick which mount to use randomly, for one
23:32.26ShirikSendChatMessage(GetRandomArgument("Get up, "", I didn't say you could die yet!", "Look on the bright side, "", it's your repair bill, not mine!"), "SAY");
23:32.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Neuro_Medivh (
23:32.36Shirikthere's a few other sayings in there
23:32.44Shirikbut that's the jist of it
23:33.08raevanmorlockThat's pretty nifty
23:34.45Shirikbtw Karrion, in 5.0, that is indeed how it was done
23:34.59Shirikthat's also how hooking was done
23:35.03Shirik(well, good hooks anyway)
23:35.51raevanmorlockPicking a random mount is how good hooks were done?
23:35.56Shirikum... no
23:36.06Shirikcreating a table of parameters and passing them is how they were done
23:37.38AnduinLotharid (string), method (string), callback (function)
23:38.12planetWayneI think I'm getting there - (and getting used to this case thing with Lua!)
23:38.23Shirikcase thing?
23:38.29planetWaynedo I need to join the globalcomm channel or is that automatic?
23:39.05AnduinLothartho you may want to check if you are in the channel before trying to send to it
23:39.09planetWayneShirik - yeah when calling functions if you havnt got the case correct they dont wanna be called - (MyFunc != myfunc)
23:39.24Shirikoh god
23:39.29ShirikI can't stand non-case-sensitive languages
23:39.34AnduinLotharwith Telepathy.isInGlobalChannel()
23:39.57planetWayneAnduinLothar - will that join me up to it too?
23:40.00Shirikand it's not just functions, it's everything in the language is case sensitive
23:40.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=najklord@
23:40.27AnduinLotharno, if you register a listener with GLOBAL it will handle auto joining
23:40.47AnduinLotharbut the users can theoreticly disable it
23:40.48planetWayneShirik: yeah - finding that out :) its been a while and I thought I would give myself a little challenge :)
23:41.07AnduinLotharand/or if you call before it's joined it'll complain
23:41.11Shirikdo yourself a favor - even if you're working in a language where it is case insensitive, always use the same case. It just makes for cleaner code.
23:41.45Shirikconsistency is always a good thing
23:41.55planetWayneAnduinLothar - got that message back :) (not in channel)
23:42.39planetWaynewhats advised best practice with joining the channel?
23:43.27AnduinLotharcall registerListener
23:44.00planetWaynethats where I'm doing it at the mo
23:44.05AnduinLotharit will autojoin when it joins all the other channels, shortly after VARIABLES_LOADED/PLAYER_ENTERED_WORLD
23:44.46AnduinLotharif you want to do somehting after it's joined on login and reloadui use Chronos.afterInit
23:50.35planetWayneis it possible that a GlobalComm channel cant be created or locked out?
23:50.51AnduinLotharrephrase your question
23:51.25planetWayneI cant seem to join it - even with the /join command (if I do a /join fred, I join the 'fred' channel' but doing /join GlobalComm doesnt return anything)
23:51.42planetWayneand /chanlist doesnt show it.
23:51.53Shirikyou are probably already in it
23:51.57Shirikbut hidden
23:51.58AnduinLotharit's hidden
23:52.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
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23:52.15AnduinLothardoes Telepathy.isInGlobalChannel() return true?
23:52.56Cairennevening Beladona :)
23:53.06planetWaynecan I query that from the game without creating code for it ?
23:53.15AnduinLotharif you have a debug addon
23:53.18Shirikevening :)
23:53.34ShirikplanetWayne: if you have devtools, /dump Telepathy.isInGlobalChannel()
23:53.34AnduinLothari think it comes with /print
23:53.59Shirikotherwise, /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(Telepathy.isInGlobalChannel() and "True" or "False");
23:54.15AnduinLotharTelepathy includes SeaPrint which adds /print
23:54.21AnduinLotharso /print Telepathy.isInGlobalChannel()
23:54.47planetWayneso I guess no
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23:56.03planetWayneI saw a /gc... command for that and set it to true
23:56.07planetWayne(or 1)
23:58.10planetWaynemy bad (again) didnt have the registerlistener syntax correct
23:58.46planetWaynealthough now when I do a /chatlist - GlobalComm is listed too
23:58.51AnduinLotharyou can pass a refrence to the function if you've defined it elsewhere

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