IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070413

00:00.10Tem|AFKpun intended or no?
00:00.10KirkburnNot sure how long ago that applies, but yeah
00:00.20Gryphenthey can afford it :)
00:00.22JoshBorkeworld of starcraft!
00:00.25KirkburnNo, they really are working on at least 2 other projects
00:00.30zenzelezzworld of diablo
00:00.33raevanmorlockNo pun intended.. ha
00:01.25KirkburnNaturally they're working on SC and Diablo IP, but it wouldn't surprise me to have them do something new too
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00:02.35Kody-i would honestly rather see another starcraft rts than an mmo
00:03.34raevanmorlockThough I can't imagine what they'd improve on
00:03.37raevanmorlockor change
00:06.51Tem|AFKadd features from Supreme Commander
00:07.09Tem|AFKupdate the graphics
00:07.20Tem|AFKand that's about all they need to do for me to shell out 60 bucks
00:09.02KirkburnMany would probably play 100 just cause it's SC
00:09.09KirkburnUh, *pay
00:12.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
00:13.35raevanmorlockSupreme Commander? I'll have to check that out
00:16.03raevanmorlockWow that's alot of units
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00:20.21raevanmorlockI might have to buy this game
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00:50.07raevanmorlockhow do I scan a tooltip?
00:52.26Cideloop through the fontstrings
00:52.41Cide<TooltipName>TextLeft1, TextRight1, TextLeft2, TextRight2.. etc
00:53.22raevanmorlockah.. thanks
00:53.25*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
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01:00.56raevanmorlockSo I did CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "ShowItemPriceTooltip", UIParent, "GameTooltipTemplate"), but getglobal("ShowItemPriceTooltipTextLeft1") is returning nil
01:02.29raevanmorlocknevermind.. the GetText() is nil
01:02.46raevanmorlockwell this is troublesome
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01:10.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Jumpee (
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01:30.53raevanmorlockBeen tryin to find the repair cost of an item all day.. finally resorted to scanning the tooltip.. then realized that Tooltip:SetBagItem() always sets the GameTooltip to the item (not the tooltip passed) AND, for whatever reason, it returns the item's repair cost!
01:31.16raevanmorlockSo I don't even need to be at a merchant that can do repairs
01:33.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:33.55raevanmorlockYeah.. except I feel like I totally wasted the whole day now
01:34.33raevanmorlockThat'll teach me to use functions without making a note of what they return
01:35.58JumpeeYou mean like what is posted on WoWWiki? hasCooldown, repairCost = GameTooltip:SetBagItem(bag, slot);
01:38.09raevanmorlockI'm updating an addon I wrote a few months ago and, when I wrote it, I didn't need the repaircost so I just called the function without assigning the return values to anything
01:38.17raevanmorlockAnd then totally forgot that it returned them
01:38.21JumpeeI didn't even know such a function existed.
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01:40.15Tem|AFKraevanmorlock, I don't suggest using the GameTooltip for that
01:40.21Tem|AFKI would use a private tooltip
01:40.35Tem|AFKand, since you don't need to do any scanning, it doesn't have to actually have lines
01:40.56Tem|AFKso, while I haven't tested, I suspect something like this will do what you want:
01:41.09Tem|AFKtooltip = CreateFrame("GameToolTip")
01:41.18raevanmorlockI did, but the text still goes to the GameTooltip and my private tooltip remains empty
01:41.27Tem|AFKthen you've done something wrong
01:41.35Tem|AFKbecause that is NOT what will happen
01:41.42Tem|AFKhasCooldown, repairCost = tooltip:SetBagItem(bag,slot)
01:41.52raevanmorlockWoWWiki says that's what's supposed to happen, unless I'm reading it wrong -- Sets the GameTooltip to contain text information about the specified item, as well as returning whether the item is "cooling down" and the cost to repair the item (which may be 0 (or nil?) if non-applicable).
01:42.05Tem|AFKno, you are readin it wrong
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01:42.15seebs__I just spent an hour with a paladin whose Divine Favor buff was not consumed by spellcasting.
01:42.16Tem|AFKby "GameTooltip" there it means the object which you've called it for
01:42.17seebs__Way too much fun.
01:42.35seebsI would be out instancing, except I'm too sick and have to go to bed.  :(
01:42.47Tem|AFKGameTooltip is rather confusing because it refers to the object type and the global object
01:42.58raevanmorlockYeah I wasn't sure which they meant
01:44.22raevanmorlockbut I've got ShowItemPrice.Tooltip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "ShowItemPriceTooltip", UIParent, "GameTooltipTemplate"); -- and then I hook it's OnTooltipAddMoney function to my own in order to get the sell price of stuff.. but when I was trying ot scan it earlier.. all the TextLeftX things were there, but :GetText() returned nil on them
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01:49.00raevanmorlockGah.. apparently, the repair cost returned includes the 10% discount so now I gotta figure out how to undo that
01:55.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
01:55.18raevanmorlockDoes anyone know how to figure that out? All UnitFactionGroup returns is Alliance or Horde -- I need to know if the NPC is part of Ironforge or Stormwind or one of them places
01:56.41raevanmorlockMaybe I could scan the tooltip for it if I can set the tooltip to display the npc's info
02:14.24raevanmorlockDoes anyone have a brief example of how to create a game tooltip, set it to something, and then scan it?
02:20.25raevanmorlockheeeeelp meeeeeeeee
02:21.21cladhairei dont have an example, I'm sorry
02:21.24cladhaireyou make a tooltiop
02:21.29cladhaireyou SetUnit() it
02:21.32cladhairethen you read each line
02:22.09raevanmorlockWell that's what I did! .. argh
02:22.28raevanmorlockGod hates me
02:24.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Johan19 (
02:24.26raevanmorlocklocal fsLeft = getglobal(tooltip:GetName().."TextLeft"..i); local leftText = fsLeft:GetText(); -- does that much look right?
02:24.39raevanmorlockHi, Johan19
02:25.22raevanmorlockIt seems like my code is finding all the fontstring objects just fine, but none of them have any text
02:26.34Johan19i jes started workin on a very basic mod atm to get some basics, havin some problems with a slash command list, anyone think they can help me with it?
02:26.48raevanmorlockSonofa... local tooltip = GameTooltip wasn't working but = getglobal("GameTooltip") does  (Not that I'm gonna use the game tooltip, but I wanted to see if I could get that working before using my own)
02:27.31raevanmorlockJohan19, Have you checked out WoWWiki's HowTo on slash commands: ?
02:27.39JumpeeJohan19 - Have you looked at some other mods to see how they do it?
02:28.01JumpeeCopy & Paste are my friends
02:28.50Johan19as a matter of fact, ive been readin the howto on wowwiki, and ive been peakin round in several of the mods i have, and im constantly seein the slash commands being done differently and i dont understand them
02:29.09Johan19and i cant get the stuff on wowwiki to work either, im not sure if i understand it enuf
02:30.23cladhairewell here's how slash commands work
02:30.28cladhaireget a notepad out, cause i'm going to be after this =)
02:30.42cladhaireyou need to have a global identifier, for perfectraid it could be "PERFECTRAID"
02:31.32cladhaireyou then create a series of global variables, named specifically: SLASH_IDENTIFIER1
02:31.42cladhairewhere IDENTIFIER is PERFECTRAID in this example.
02:31.54cladhairethe values of these global variables is the slash command you want to use, so for example:
02:32.01cladhaireSLASH_PERFECTRAID1 = "/perfectraid"
02:32.05cladhaireSLASH_PERFECTRAID2 = "/praid"
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02:32.28cladhaireYou then add an entry to SlashCmdList with the key "IDENTIFIER" and the value is a function to handle the slash commands
02:32.47cladhairethis function will be passed any input after the slash command, so for example
02:33.03cladhaireSlashCmdList["PERFECTRAID"] = function(msg) ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg) end
02:33.11cladhairethat will print anythign after the slash command to the chat window
02:33.19cladhairesuch as /praid hello world will print hello world to the chatframe
02:33.55Johan19ok, how would i go about toggling a frame visibility with it, cuase thats what im trying to do, ill link my code
02:34.01zenzelezzwhich is it you should use now, self or this?
02:34.24Johan19SLASH_ATTENDANCE2 = "/attend";
02:34.46cladhaireJohan19: then you want to have a function called Attendance_toggle that does that
02:34.51cladhairedefined BEFORE the SlashCmdList
02:35.24Johan19ok what ive got is this, which is defined prior to the SlashCmdList
02:35.24Johan19function Attendance_toggle()
02:35.57raevanmorlockAnd you're certain that form exists?
02:36.10Johan19yes, i defined it in an .xml file
02:36.31raevanmorlockis the .xml file listed before the .lua file in the .toc file?
02:36.55Jumpeeyes but does the xml file have an error such that it doesn't really exist?
02:37.10raevanmorlockThat too... xml errors aren't reported
02:37.26Johan19the xml file is listed before the lua in the toc
02:37.37raevanmorlockBetter yet.. what happens when you try to use teh slash command? There should be an error there when it tries to call IsVisible() if the form doesn't exist
02:37.37cladhairexml errors are reported in the FrameXML.log
02:37.40cladhairein the logs directory
02:37.50JumpeeOpen the xml file with your browser and see if it shows any errors.
02:39.03raevanmorlockblegh! I meant they're not reported in the game like the lua errors are
02:39.12Johan19when i look at the FrameXML.log all i get is a silly error in the .lua file
02:39.12JumpeeI really don't understand the concept of self: or this:
02:39.17raevanmorlockno sleep! Me need helpy!
02:39.27clad|sleepJohan19: what "silly" error
02:39.27Jumpeebut I use them
02:39.34clad|sleepbecause any lua error, will stop the file from running.
02:39.37raevanmorlockthis refers to this.. self refers to self.. what's not to understand? =)
02:39.41clad|sleepyou don't want to use this
02:39.46clad|sleepits deprecated.
02:39.57Johan19Interface\AddOns\Attendance\Attendance.lua:24: ')' expected near 'count'
02:40.11clad|sleepJohan19: That stops the entire lua from from running
02:40.11Jumpeeso ... self:REGISTER   etc etc?
02:40.13clad|sleepso your code never happens.
02:40.24Johan19in refference to         Attend["count"] = count + 1;
02:40.27clad|sleepJumpee: It depends on whether or not you've set things up correctly
02:40.39Jumpeethen I'm doomed. LOL
02:40.42clad|sleepJohan19: is that line 24?
02:40.47Johan19yes thats line 24
02:40.48zenzelezzclad|sleep: thanks, thought it was "self" now but I can never seem to remember :)
02:41.28clad|sleepJohan19: there's a syntax error somewhere in there, and that line has no issue
02:41.31clad|sleepbut you need to find that error
02:41.48raevanmorlockJohan19: Paste your code to and give us the link here
02:42.03Johan19ok, both lua and xml or jes the lua?
02:42.18raevanmorlockjust the lua for now
02:42.29raevanmorlockclad|sleep: Could that be an old error that he's since fixed?
02:42.44clad|sleepraevanmorlock: it would have updated the framexml.log on the next reload
02:43.07raevanmorlockAh ok.. I've always just refreshed and read the error messages to debug
02:43.56raevanmorlocklabel:SetText("This form has been loaded "count" time(s)");
02:44.01raevanmorlockThe concatenation operator is ..
02:44.16raevanmorlock"This form has been loaded "..count.." time(s)")
02:45.03raevanmorlockLooks like you used it correctly in the line above that.. though I'm not sure why you're concatenating strings with strings
02:45.43Johan19i got it from the WoW UI Designer tutorial, which baffles me as to why the tutorial would have issues
02:45.51raevanmorlockYou might also be missing an 'end' at the end of the file to close that last function
02:46.39Jumpeeyes, an end is missing looks like
02:47.19clad|sleephopefully my book will help with stuff like this
02:47.24clad|sleepthe tutorials are actually pretty good.
02:47.45Johan19hmm, ok, ive added a end at the very end of the file, at the far left side
02:47.47JumpeeI would like to see an "Lua for Dummies" book
02:48.07clad|sleepJumpee: this book kinda covers some things like that, including nasty things like event handlers.
02:48.07ShirikJumpee: There is one
02:48.15clad|sleepShirik: how did you not know about that.. your addon is in it...
02:48.26Shirikit is?
02:48.30raevanmorlockJohan19: Did you fix the concatenation too?
02:48.39ShirikDid you tell cid and not me? ><
02:48.41clad|sleep... yes
02:48.45clad|sleepprobably =)
02:48.45JumpeeYou mean, as in "How not to?" LOL
02:48.55clad|sleepi even give a brief history of RDX land =)
02:49.00clad|sleepand how RDX.Cid is different
02:49.02Shirikfun :D
02:49.16Johan19i finished the file with the end, and an error was givin for line 23 this time
02:49.17raevanmorlockYou wrote that, clad|sleep?
02:49.25Shirikdid you talk about the fiasco on Eredar where everyone thought RDX did too much? :P
02:49.29clad|sleepraevanmorlock: A bunch of it, along with the primary author
02:49.35clad|sleepShirik: nah, but i know all about it =)
02:49.37Shirikthey were jealous of it for a while
02:49.42Shirikyeah that was more of a joke :P
02:49.44clad|sleepraevanmorlock: it'll be out in a month or so, beginning of May, I suspect
02:50.00raevanmorlockJohan19: That's the concatenation error I mentioned the first time, line 23 should be: label:SetText("This form has been loaded "..count.." time(s)");
02:50.32raevanmorlockclad|sleep: The cover is awesome... I'll have to buy a copy
02:50.48ShirikI might have to buy one too ><
02:51.05clad|sleepraevanmorlock: I think I convinced them to make the cover blue
02:51.12clad|sleepI don't like the green, its a bit too "matrix-ey" for me.
02:51.23Tainclad took the blue pill.
02:51.24ShirikI want to know how many script kiddies will buy it
02:51.29Shirikthinking that it's a hacking guide
02:51.34clad|sleepthe content is good tho, lists a bunch of addons by category, shows how they work, what they look like, and how you can configure them.
02:52.03clad|sleepThen four chapters on writing addons, one which is a coordinate display for the worldframe and a draggable frame (exactly like the TomTom one actually) and one that serves as a FocusFrame
02:52.12ShirikJosh_Borke: Yey
02:52.33raevanmorlockIt is a bit matrixey... but I figure that'd please alot of kids and make them want it more
02:53.25clad|sleepnah, i think I got blue
02:53.30raevanmorlock"Love the skin you're in"
02:54.03Shirikso who are you, Clad, Daniel or James?
02:54.23clad|sleepwell, I'm "Clad" and "James"
02:54.25Johan19WOOT!! thanks very much guys
02:54.28raevanmorlockOr neither?
02:54.33clad|sleepraevanmorlock: most of the text has been changed now, heh
02:54.38ShirikHi James :) I'm Matt :D
02:54.40clad|sleepi have an updated copy, btu i can't share it =)
02:54.41raevanmorlockYou're welcome, Johan19
02:54.46Johan19thanks very very much clad, and raevanmorlock
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02:54.53clad|sleepShirik: I _think_ I knew that =)
02:54.55Johan19been strugglin with it for 2 days now lol
02:55.08raevanmorlockNow back to MY problem!
02:55.18Shirikraevanmorlock: What's the problem
02:55.23raevanmorlockOh there's so many...
02:55.54raevanmorlockBut currently, my tooltip scan works fine for getglobal("GameTooltip") .. but not for GameTooltip or my own tooltip
02:57.20Shirikiirc, GameTooltip should not have any content
02:57.22clad|sleepokay, goodnight for real
02:57.33Shiriknight :)
02:57.37raevanmorlocknight, clad|sleep
02:57.40Cairennnight clad|sleep
02:58.31raevanmorlockShirik: I thought GameTooltip and getglobal("GameTooltip") were pseunonomombomomus.. they meant the same thing
02:58.43Shirikonly if you don't have a local variable GameTooltip
02:58.51Shirikand if you're in the same environment
02:59.00raevanmorlockI've no local vars by that name
02:59.38raevanmorlockI'll put some code snippets up on pastey
02:59.39Shirik>>> _G["GameTooltip"] = 4; setfenv(0, {}); print(getglobal("GameTooltip"));
02:59.39CideShirik: nil
02:59.46Shirikdid you ever change your environment?
03:02.43raevanmorlockI'm not sure what changing my environment means.. so I hope not
03:03.07zenzelezzhm, are there any events that fire when you set or clear your focus?
03:03.17ShirikI believe so
03:04.35raevanmorlockWhen I run it, all I get is the "Looking for location of <<npc name>>" message... which leads me to believe that it is scanning a tooltip, but the tooltip is blank
03:05.05JoshBorkeyou can't SetUnit("npc")
03:05.11JoshBorkeunit has to be target, player, party, etc
03:05.35raevanmorlockThen again.. the tooltip:NumLines() is returning 0
03:05.36Shirikzenzelezz: According to WoWWiki, UNIT_FOCUS should be fired when your (or any of your party/raid) focus changes
03:05.59raevanmorlockJosh_Borke: It was listed on wowwiki and it seems to work
03:06.54JoshBorkeraevanmorlock: it cannot be something like: SetUnit("John")  <-- that will NOT work
03:07.03zenzelezzShirik: hm, where does it say that? All I saw for UNIT_FOCUS was "Same as UNIT_MANA, except for certain classes. Hunter used to use focus, but now they use mana. But it is still used when a pets energy changes"
03:07.17raevanmorlock"npc" or "NPC" : The NPC with which the player is currently interacting
03:07.25JoshBorkehave you verified that unit works?
03:07.38ShirikI'm sorry, zenzelezz I meant UNIT_TARGET
03:08.05raevanmorlockAnd ShowItemPrice.SendMessage("Looking for location of "..UnitName("npc").."...") does print the name of the npc that I'm currently talking to
03:08.10Shirik"Fired when the target of yourself, raid, and party members change: 'target', 'party1target', 'raid1target', etc.. Should also work for 'pet' and 'focus'. This event only fires when the triggering unit is within the player's visual range. New in 2.x. "
03:08.10ShadowedJoshBorke: It's worked as of 1.12, so no reason it should have changed
03:08.14zenzelezzShirik: oh, I see... I'll try that, thanks :-)
03:08.21JoshBorkeodd then
03:08.34JoshBorkeraevanmorlock: did you make sure to set an anchor point?  perhaps that is the problem
03:08.52ShadowedIt's interacting though, meaning you're currently speaking, vendor window open, ect ect not target/mouseover
03:08.54raevanmorlockFor my tooltip? No.. I never set anything for it
03:09.04ShadowedInfact, it works for players that you have a trade window open too
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03:10.31raevanmorlockI set the top anchor point... the tooltip is still blank
03:10.51JoshBorkenight all
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03:12.34ShadowedCan you pastey your code you're using for setting up the tooltip/displaying?
03:12.57raevanmorlockUsing :SetUnit("player") still produces a tooltip with 0 lines
03:14.00raevanmorlockShadowed: I'm not setting it up.. I just create it and hide it
03:14.25raevanmorlockAnd I have a hook for the OnTooltipAddMoney function
03:14.26ShadowedYou're trying to scan the tooltip of people you mouseover to see if they're of a specific faction?
03:15.01raevanmorlockNo, I'm trying to get the faction of the npc that you're talking to
03:15.29raevanmorlockif I change it to : local tooltip = getglobal("GameTooltip"); -- then it works fine
03:15.41zenzelezzShadowed: bottom line, he's trying to figure if he's honored with that NPC
03:15.47Tem|AFKjust post your code, damnit
03:16.01raevanmorlocklol I did!... Do you want teh whole file?
03:16.26TemI don't see a link...
03:16.31Temam I blind?
03:16.34Shadowed[02:02] <raevanmorlock>
03:16.39raevanmorlockyes, you're blind
03:16.52ShadowedWell reproviding it would have made it easier!
03:17.13raevanmorlockI'm sorry
03:17.24Temnpc isn't a valid unitID
03:17.31raevanmorlockYes it is!
03:17.32ShadowedYes it is
03:17.37zenzelezzit is, but not all the time
03:17.43Temsince when?
03:17.48Shadowedat least 1.12
03:17.52zenzelezzbeen on the wiki for a while
03:17.55raevanmorlockIt is in this case because I have it printing the UnitName("npc") to verify
03:18.10TemI wonder how I missed that
03:18.21Temis it the unit that you are currently interacting with?
03:18.22ShadowedIt's the NPC (or player) you're currently interacting with, meaning when you're talking to an NPC or have a vendor window open, or when you have a trade window open with a player
03:18.42Shadowedraevanmorlock: You're calling that code when you talk to them, correct?
03:18.42raevanmorlockAll the code works perfectly with local tooltip = getglobal("GameTooltip") .. so the problem has to be with my ShowItemPrice.Tooltip
03:18.42TemI had no idea that was valid
03:19.01ShadowedYou still need to set the owner last I checked
03:19.10Temyeah, you have to have an owner
03:19.14raevanmorlockShadowed: Yeah, I open up a trade window with Taldan in Darnassus and it says "Looking for location of Taldan"
03:19.29raevanmorlockowner? of what?
03:19.31ShadowedBelow line #2 in pastey add
03:19.46MentalPowerraevanmorlock: I know this has nothing to do with what you're asking, but getglobal("GameTooltip") is rather pointless when you can just use GameTooltip
03:19.49ShadowedShowItemPrice.Tooltip:SetOwner( ShowItemPrice.Tooltip, "ANCHOR_NONE" )
03:19.58Shadowedor close to that
03:20.07raevanmorlockMentalPower: I know, but using just GameTooltip didn't work either
03:20.37ShadowedTry adding that line below #2 and see if that fixes it
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03:20.56raevanmorlockShadowed: Error -- can't set owner to self
03:21.10Shadowedhrm could swear you could
03:21.17ShadowedShowItemPrice.Tooltip:SetOwner( UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE" )
03:21.19MentalPoweryou could pre-2.0
03:21.26MentalPowerbut you can't now
03:21.39ShadowedAhh that would explain it, haven't done tooltip stuff for a while
03:21.53raevanmorlockUIParent doesn't work either... and I thought that was already the parent due to teh third parameter of CreateFrame
03:22.02TemI wouldn't use UIParent
03:22.05Temuse the world frame
03:22.07MentalPowerparent ~= owner
03:22.15Tem(for the owner)
03:22.16raevanmorlockoh ok
03:22.19ShadowedReplace UIParent with WorldFrame then!
03:22.20Tem(the parent doesn't really matter)
03:22.33raevanmorlockI'm workin on it!
03:22.35Tem(but then, I would probably use WorldFrame for the parent too)
03:22.40Shadowed(why are you talking like this)
03:22.55raevanmorlockWorldFrame is no go
03:23.24raevanmorlockWorldFrame for parent doesn't work eitehr
03:23.34ShadowedI blame Tem
03:23.58raevanmorlockgetglobal("GameTooltip") still works
03:24.02Tem(Shadowed, I was whispering)
03:24.16Temraevanmorlock, I don't care if it works
03:24.26Temdo not under any circumstances use the GameTooltip for scanning
03:24.33raevanmorlockoh... GameTooltip without the getglobal works too now--so that's something
03:24.40ShadowedOther mods may modify the text for GameTooltip, so it's an inaccurate way
03:24.53Temwith a ruler
03:24.59raevanmorlocklol I know.. but I wanted to verify that my scanning code is still functioning!
03:25.23ShadowedSomebody needs to post the full 2.1 patch notes =/
03:25.50Garoun|Loupanathey were posted in wowace but my url tracker didn't work properly :/
03:26.02raevanmorlockShould I scrap everything and start over? This is so irritating.
03:27.02ShadowedStarting over wont help much, your code works fine it sounds like but the tooltip creating part does not
03:27.50ShadowedGaroun|Loupana hrm don't see it there
03:28.07TemI'm so used to being able to return multiple values
03:28.17Temwhen I get in other languages where I can't, it really annoys me
03:28.43WobWorkIt's true
03:28.52WobWorkthe multiple return thing is gold
03:29.04TemI need this sort function to return the largest & distance it finds along with the dividing index
03:29.04Garoun|Loupanathat's the "fake"ones that were posted tongiht
03:29.19ShadowedIt's much more annoying when you're trying to do if statements and you keep using then/end
03:29.28WobWorkyay fake notes?
03:29.37Nom-The product is only applicable to Australians obviously, but if anyone is bored, i'd like to know what you international people think :)
03:29.41ShadowedGaroun|Loupana: Theres a partial 2.1 ones posted on EJ forums that are different from those
03:29.49Nom-I think they're brilliant personally ^_^
03:32.16raevanmorlockooooh he's saying "Australia's"!
03:32.21WobWorkHe's kinda half aussie half irish, Nom =P
03:32.40Nom-He's a Perth lad with a slight irish accent :p
03:32.55raevanmorlockI had to watch it 5 times, but I think I understand what he's saying
03:33.23raevanmorlockCommercial seems a bit.. I dunno.. short?
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03:33.27Garoun|Loupanathis is what you're referring to Shadow:
03:33.51ShadowedYeah thats only partially done though was looking for a full one
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03:34.20Nom-raevanmorlock: There's several...there's some short ones and some longer ones
03:34.26Nom-45 seconds is the max length
03:34.28Cairennhi [Cu]Werik
03:34.38[Cu]Werikif you didnt know it yet, the PTR patch is available
03:34.50ShadowedDo you have a link by any chance?
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03:34.58WobWork"Perhaps bring a cup of tay and a good book.."
03:35.16[Cu]Werik0.1.0.6577 :S
03:35.21Shirikwhere did they get that number?
03:35.22Temthat's tea, WobWork
03:35.27Shirikok that works a little better :P
03:35.29raevanmorlockI know... I was trying to think of a polite way of saying that he's boring
03:35.33WobWorkI know =P
03:35.41Temraevanmorlock, I disagree with you
03:35.44[Cu]WerikI have a link but I'm european.
03:35.44WobWorkI was knocking his accent
03:35.46ShadowedThe changes are rather interesting
03:35.51ShadowedSome very interesting PVP changes
03:36.16raevanmorlockTem, well.. I have been wrong before
03:36.20WobWorkThe last one is obviously for a pre-movie ad
03:36.32WobWorkHey, it's a good thing I just joined up to iinet
03:36.37TemI like that one the least
03:36.42WobWorkAlthough I wish they'd tell me what my phone number is
03:36.49WobWorkI like the dooverlacky one
03:37.06Nom-So do I, WobWork :)
03:37.41WobWorkI'm fairly sure that sounds more like a Britishism than an aussieism
03:37.59raevanmorlockDoes anyone else use Crimson Editor?
03:38.07WobWorkI used to, rae
03:38.48WobWorkI have to say I love his accent though =P
03:38.53raevanmorlockI swore, a few days ago, I could use the file-search thing.. get that listing of matches in the bottom panel.. and then double-click one to open that file right up .. but now it's not working
03:38.55Nom-doovalacky is an Australian thing :)
03:39.31Nom-It's a term like "thing-a-ma-bob" or "whatcha-ma-call-it"
03:39.38Nom-What you use when you can't think what to call something
03:39.42WobWorkoh I know what it's supposed to mean
03:39.51WobWorkIt just seemed more something a pom would say =)
03:40.21raevanmorlockHey... Whatcha-ma-call-it is a real thing!
03:40.25WobWorkI'm quite fond of 'whatchamacallit'
03:40.52raevanmorlockIt's a candy bar
03:40.56WobWorkunfortunately, my sister prefers "that thing" as in, "It's over there, next to 'that thing' *wave hand vaugely*"
03:41.16WobWorkWhich means that mind reading is a required skill when conversing with her
03:41.47WobWorkIt's a Melbourne thing, dooverlacky
03:41.53WobWorkThat figures =)
03:42.08TemMy mom is like that
03:42.12Nom-Not really, I've used it in conversation before, and i'm from Perth
03:42.24Nom-I've only been to Melbourne for 2 hours (stopover at the air port)
03:42.26raevanmorlockSeeing as how my tooltip is totally foobar... does anyone know of another way to find out which area an NPC belongs to?
03:43.16raevanmorlockomg mother-F'r I fixed it
03:43.47TemWobWork, she likes to use "whatchamacallit" and "doolally"
03:45.56raevanmorlockAlright, so... before using any tooltip functions, I have to use :Show() and :SetOwner() .. and then I can use :Hide() again afterwards
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03:48.02Temyou don't have to :Hide()
03:48.24Tembut yes you do have to :SetOwner and :Show
03:49.25raevanmorlockWouldn't it be visible on the screen if I don't :Hide() it?
03:50.03ShirikNot if you use ANCHOR_NONE
03:50.18*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
03:50.28Temand for good measure, you can tooltip:SetAlpha(0)
03:50.33Shirikthat too
03:50.41Shirikbut one thing to note, raevanmorlock
03:50.41raevanmorlockWell.. that's good to know. Much easier that way
03:50.43Tembut really, it shouldn't matter
03:50.51Shirikit is no longer legal, even though WoWWiki says it is, to set an owner to itself
03:50.57Shiriktooltip:SetOwner(tooltip) will not work
03:51.08Temalso, you should know that calling Hide clears the tooltip
03:51.17raevanmorlockWhy ya tellin me? That was Tem's idea
03:51.24Shirikoh was it?
03:51.29Shirikyeah you can't do that anymore :(
03:51.38TemI never suggested to set the owner to itself
03:51.48raevanmorlockWell... it wasn't mine. I didn't even know about :SetOwner()
03:51.50Shirikyes, you _DO_ have to set the owner, you just can't set it to itself
03:51.51TemI suggested the WorldFrame
03:51.58ShirikWorldFrame is a good choice
03:52.09Tembecause if the owner is hidden the tooltip is also hidden
03:52.13Temso you can run into issues
03:52.22Temso pick a frame that's always up
03:52.31ShirikUIParent works too, I think that's what I tend to use
03:52.35raevanmorlockUse WorldFrame for parent and owner?
03:52.40Shirikonly issue with that is UIParent is hidden when world map is up
03:52.41TemShirik, Alt-Z
03:52.47Shirikor that :P
03:53.01Temraevanmorlock, that's my suggestion
03:53.08Temdon't you remember?
03:53.11raevanmorlockWill do!
03:53.11TemI suggested that a while back
03:53.18Temor maybe you didn't hear
03:53.26TemI did whisper, afterall.
03:53.26raevanmorlockI was verifying.. in case you had changed your mind since then
03:54.16raevanmorlockah.. Shadowed suggested to set the owner to itself
03:54.21raevanmorlockMy mistake
03:54.24Temyeah, blame Shadowed
03:54.33Shirikyeah, that used to be a common way to do hidden tooltips
03:54.36Shirikbut it's not legal anymore
03:54.57Tem*imitating Napoleon Dynamite* GOSH!
03:55.06Shirikwowwiki's page on tooltips needs to be updated to reflect that, I might do that tomorrow :/
03:55.21raevanmorlockAny math gurus in here? Now I just need to solve for x where x * 10% = y
03:55.36Shirikx * 10/100 = y
03:55.46Temx = y*10?
03:55.48raevanmorlockwait, I should be able to do that..
03:55.48Shirik10x = 100y
03:55.53hyperChipmunkmultiply y by ten?
03:55.54Shirikx = 10y
03:56.03raevanmorlockThat can't be right..
03:56.09Temwell it is
03:56.19raevanmorlockThen my problem is wrong, dammit.. haha
03:56.23Temwell, 2+2 = 5
03:56.27Temfor large values of 2
03:56.31Shirikand 2=1
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03:57.16raevanmorlocklol oh god.. not that again
03:58.01zenzelezzpeons are hard at work spamming again
03:58.09raevanmorlocklocal hasCooldown, repairCost = ShowItemPrice.Tooltip:SetBagItem(bag, slot); -- repairCost is set to the discounted repair cost.. how can I un-discount it?
03:58.11Shirikproof 2=1:
03:58.41Shirikun-discount it?
03:58.52Shirikit's not * 10%
03:58.55Shirikit's * 90%
03:58.59raevanmorlockoh... I guess I neeed 90%
03:59.21raevanmorlockDon't hate me 'cause I'm stupid!
03:59.28Shirikx * 90/100 = y, x * 90 = 100y, x = 100/90 * y
03:59.54raevanmorlockthank you
03:59.56TemShirik, you divided by zero
04:00.08Temonly chuck norris can do that
04:00.13Shirikyou know, I think you're the first person that ever caught that
04:00.17Shirikwhen I showed them
04:00.17zenzelezzlol Tem
04:00.56raevanmorlockUmm... I said you divided by 0 like way back in January!
04:01.05Shirikdidn't I tell you though?
04:01.17raevanmorlockI would never!
04:01.18Temyou will not tarnish my victory!
04:01.22Shirikdon't lie to me, I have logs of everything that happens in this room!
04:01.41Temthis is pathetic... development has stopped on my entire program because I want to return 2 values from this function
04:01.42Shirikbut I'm not going to go back to january ><
04:01.50ShirikTem, what language?
04:01.52raevanmorlockWe had a conversation about division for 0 for hours and hours... there were like a dozen of us at any given time arguing about it
04:02.07TemI'm implementing quickhull
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04:02.10raevanmorlockTem: Make a structure
04:02.15Temyes I know I could
04:02.16Shirikor a class
04:02.20Shirikbecause structures don't exist in Java
04:02.21Tembut... I don't want to
04:02.24Shirikbut... my recommendation
04:02.26raevanmorlockSame diff!
04:02.28Shirikwould be to make a reference
04:02.41Temyeah, I was thinking of passing a point reference in
04:02.42Shirikand pass it out of the function
04:02.52Temthat feels so dirty
04:03.07Shirikthen use JNI
04:03.11Shirikwhich will be even worsse
04:03.22Shirikjava native interface
04:03.33TemI'm not familliar with that
04:03.35Shirikallows you to imbed other languages in your code, specifically C
04:03.50Shirikyou could use JNI, then in the C code, push the second return value onto the stack
04:03.50TemEsamynn, there is no log
04:04.00TemShirik, lol and no
04:04.03Shiriklol, I'm giving you a ton of crap Tem don't use JNI ><
04:04.11Shirikbut... it's POSSIBLE :P
04:04.15raevanmorlockMake a return class that has a dynamic array of each variable type
04:04.30ShirikAlternatively Tem
04:04.35Shirikreturn an array of java.lang.Object
04:04.48EsamynnTem: you're right, that is dirty :(
04:05.03raevanmorlockYes... that's what I was thinking at first, but I couldn't remember what Java's root type thingymabobber was
04:05.07raevanmorlockIt's been so long..
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04:05.39ShirikObject retval = new Object[2];
04:05.48Shirikretval[0] = new Integer(val1);
04:05.55Shirikretval[1] = new String(val2);
04:05.58raevanmorlockreturn retval
04:05.59Shiriksomething like that
04:06.00raevanmorlockyay I helped
04:06.04Temprivate class SortResult{ public Point max; public int n; public SortResult(Point p,int in){max=p; n=in;} };
04:06.10Esamynnoh god, why would you use an array of type Object in java today?
04:06.17Shirikhey, I gave a solution :P
04:06.20raevanmorlockBecause it was my idea, dammit!
04:06.27ShirikHe said he doesn't want to make a new class, and he didn't want to pass references back
04:06.29Shirikwhat else should you do?
04:06.41ShirikI gave him the option of the JNI and pushing values directly onto the stack too, but that's a horrible idea ><
04:06.54TemShirik, the annoyance is that I'm creating an object that will be thrown away imediately
04:06.57Esamynndon't pass back an object
04:07.12raevanmorlockI think you should just sit in a swivel chair and spin until you puke
04:07.12Esamynnand don't pass back multiple values ;)
04:07.12Esamynnpass in an array to be "filled" :P
04:07.21Temthat's no better
04:07.27Shirikthat's still essentially passing back ><
04:07.31raevanmorlockHow's that any different than returning an array?
04:07.31Esamynnit's better than passing something back
04:07.42EsamynnShirik: there is a *key* difference
04:08.00raevanmorlockTem, I think you just don't want to be helped
04:08.10Esamynnif you return an array, the returning function needs to create a NEW array, just to do the return values every time it runs
04:08.17Esamynnif you pass one in, you can reuse it
04:08.27Shirikmm, there's a difference between "return" and "pass back" but ok I accept that
04:08.54Esamynnwell, if you pass in an array as an arg to be filled, you don't even need to return it
04:09.01Temraevanmorlock, what I want is to do private int,Point sort(Line line, int l, int r) {... return max,l;}
04:09.16ShirikI wouldn't recommend returning, I would recommend passing back
04:09.18Tembut that's just not happening
04:09.22Shirikbut anyway..
04:09.45ShirikTem has had too much time in Lua
04:09.49Esamynn~lart Tem
04:09.49purlputs on a hockey mask and jumps out at Tem
04:10.07Shirikhold up
04:10.15Shirikyou're trying to return l?
04:10.24raevanmorlockIs "Honored" the earliest level of rep that gives a 10% discount? And does anything higher change that?
04:10.36Esamynnraevanmorlock: yes and no
04:10.42Shirikor was that just some example
04:10.59Shirikbecause if it's l you want to return then you shouldn't be returning it >.>
04:11.02Shiriksince it was passed in
04:11.18TemShirik, I want to return the point which is farthest from the line and the index which one past is the last point on a particular side of the line
04:11.27raevanmorlockEsamynn: Explain the 'no'
04:11.34Esamynnthat's the 2nd answer
04:11.44Esamynnit's two answers to two quetions
04:11.59leethalhow does tooltips and linebreaks work? When doing GameTooltip:AddLine, it will not add any linebreaks at all, making the tooltip rather wide
04:12.04Esamynnconfused you did I?
04:12.07raevanmorlockEsamynn: I gathered that.. but what changes it?
04:12.15Temleethal, you can get around that 2 ways
04:12.20Shirikno raevanmorlock ><
04:12.26Shirikyes, honored is the earliest level
04:12.29Temleethal, you can add them manually by including "\n"
04:12.29Shirikno, nothing higher changes it
04:12.42Esamynn~lart raevanmorlock
04:12.42purlcalls raevanmorlock on the phone ... the lights are on but nobody's home
04:12.50raevanmorlock... yeah I deserved that
04:12.50Temor, you let the fontstring wrap by using the "wrap" flag of the :AddLine function
04:12.56Esamynnoh god, that was TOO perfect!
04:13.07purlEsamynn: :)
04:13.19leethalTem: thanks!
04:13.31Temleethal, the prefered method is the wrap flag in the function
04:13.45Temit looks a bit better than embedded newlines do
04:14.21Esamynnyah, if you want a new line, add a new line :)
04:14.23leethalTem: thanks =)
04:14.24Esamynnother than that, use wrap
04:14.25ShirikTem: Just to satisfy your curiosity, JNI is a way to include DLLs in your java program. It allows you to write C/C++ code that can then be dynamically linked and called in your program. You declare a native function by doing something like "private native String getString();"
04:14.32raevanmorlocknow I gotta scroll up past all Tem's nonsense to find that formula again
04:14.50Shirikit's interesting, and rather useful in some cases, though a bit difficult to use at first
04:14.59raevanmorlocknot that one!
04:15.04raevanmorlockI got it
04:15.22Esamynnor sigma perhaps
04:16.27raevanmorlockwtf.. argh!
04:17.31raevanmorlockNow my addon reports that the price is 3.64 but it displays as 3.9
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04:18.16raevanmorlockoh wait.. that might be 'cause it didn't update
04:19.03raevanmorlockyes! it works!
04:19.43Temwhat's the syntax for passing a reference?
04:19.50raevanmorlockI would like to thank God... and my dead hampster.. and all the other people that didn't help me while ignoring those that did.
04:20.00EsamynnTem: in java?
04:20.04Esamynnthere isn't one
04:20.07Esamynneverything is a reference
04:20.11JumpeeHey, I had to read most of it.
04:20.18Esamynnunless it's a primative
04:20.34Esamynnjust like in Lua
04:20.35raevanmorlockyou're primative!
04:20.45Esamynn~lart raevanmorlock
04:20.45purllowers raevanmorlock's priority
04:20.54Shirikbasically, any class is passed as a reference
04:20.59Esamynnand purl scores again
04:21.04leethalTem: I'm using :SetText, but according to wowwiki it should take a textWrap parameter. But:
04:21.07Shirikso if you need to pass an int as a reference, use Integer
04:21.12TemWhat about the primative containers?
04:21.20Temprints 2
04:21.24Esamynnarrays are objects
04:21.30JumpeeDoes "self" refer to the frame name, the function in which it is used or all of them?
04:21.35Shirikyou don't mean f = 2
04:21.36EsamynnTem: trust me on that :)
04:21.39Shirikbecause that's making a new f
04:21.48raevanmorlockSelf refers to everything.. simultaneously.
04:21.56Jumpeeall at once eh.
04:22.20raevanmorlockI have no idea.. if more than 2 people talk at once, I tend to lose track of things and spurt out jibberish.
04:22.25Temit refers to the table which contains the table
04:22.38Tems/s the table/s the function/
04:22.45raevanmorlockI think Tem has the same problem
04:23.01Shirikwell, "self" doesn't really exist by itself
04:23.15Temleethal, dunno about :SetText
04:23.18Shirikrather, table:function(vars) is syntatic sugar for table.function(self, vars)
04:23.25Tembut it's definitely there in :AddLine
04:23.50raevanmorlockMy code still uses 'this' because that's what teh dude I copied from used and I've no idea what it means.. or what self means.. or why sometimes it's OnUpdate(elapsed) and other times it's OnUpdate(obj, elapsed)
04:24.09EsamynnTem: when you put "  Integer f = 2;" Java is really doing  " Integer f = Integer(2); " in the background
04:24.24ShirikInteger f = new Integer(2) I think?
04:24.32EsamynnShirik: right, my bad
04:24.48Esamynnit's been a while, I lost little details like that ;)
04:24.52Shirikhehe ^^
04:25.13Esamynnin fact, before Java 1.5, that line wouldn't have complied
04:25.14Tembasically, I don't think it's possible to do a reference of a primitive like I'm thinking
04:25.25Shirikthat line compiles in 1.5?
04:25.31Esamynnand above
04:25.34EsamynnI think
04:25.37leethalTem: tried an addline too, mythingie:AddLine("the text", r, g, b, 1) - and the text didn't get wrapped =/
04:25.38Temdunno, I'm in Java "6"
04:25.55Shirikbasically, guys, what you need to remember
04:26.02Shirikif you have a function table:function()
04:26.04Esamynn1.5 changed it so that primatives can be used interchangably with their container classes
04:26.15Shirikinside that function, self will be table
04:26.23Shirikhm, rather
04:26.27Shirikself will be the current table
04:26.27Esamynnbut do so is a nasty performance hit
04:26.37raevanmorlockAre there any repairable items that can also be stacked?
04:26.53Shiriknot that I know of
04:26.58Shirikhow would you equip a stackable item?
04:27.09Shirikused to be thrown items but they changed to durability
04:27.12raevanmorlockI don't know, I'm only level 23!
04:27.30Esamynnraevanmorlock: what?!?!?!? you're not 70?!?!!?! GET OUT! :P
04:27.47Esamynn~comfort raevanmorlock
04:27.58purlThere, there, raevanmorlock.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
04:27.58leethallevel 23 is pretty low
04:27.59leethalI wonder how many ~23 3 I have
04:28.10EsamynnCairenn, you're what level after 2+ years?
04:28.14Shirikthis is sooo ugly
04:28.20Shirikif you pass in an "f"
04:28.23Shirikto set it you could do
04:28.49Shirikwhere n is the value you want ot set
04:28.54TemShirik, LOL
04:28.56ShirikI take that back
04:29.00ShirikparseInt is static
04:29.03Shirikthat doesn't work
04:29.04Temthat still won't work
04:29.24raevanmorlockI think I've run out of repairable items to test my addon with...
04:29.41Shirik~hug Cairenn
04:29.42purlACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs Cairenn
04:29.45raevanmorlockoh wait.. my weapon! I almost forgot
04:29.48Shirikif it makes you feel any better, I still don't have a flying mount :(
04:29.56TemI'm still 60
04:30.03*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
04:30.13ShirikI got my epic mount a few weeks ago
04:30.14leethalShirik: how did you manage to not make 2k g 60 => 70?
04:30.20EsamynnTem: why is that?
04:30.25ShirikI was 70 for amonth before I got my epic mount
04:30.31TemEsamynn, haven't played *at all* since BC
04:30.32leethalShirik: spent it on jewelcrafting did we?
04:30.36Shirikkinda ><
04:30.45EsamynnTem: been busy huh?
04:30.57CairennShirik: put it this way - I still can't even GO to the Outlands (at least, not through the portal)
04:31.01Tembusy + sick of my class
04:31.09raevanmorlockomg it works! Yay!
04:31.19Shirikgo get bc!
04:31.25Shirikoh wait
04:31.28Shirikyou just don't have the level?
04:31.33ShirikFind a warlock!
04:31.35CairennI didn't say I don't have the expansion
04:31.45Esamynnshe does, I know for a fact she does :)
04:32.15Shiriko.o it's friday 13th?
04:32.18Esamynnmy Shaman has had her hearth set in Shatt since level 30 8)
04:32.25Esamynnoh jeez, it is
04:32.26raevanmorlockNo, it's Thursday the 12th!
04:32.33Esamynnor rather, it will be
04:32.42Cairennthanks Esamynn!
04:32.57raevanmorlockIs anyone here from US?
04:33.06ShirikI win
04:33.09raevanmorlock.. east coast?
04:33.15TemI'd bet a pretty large portion of this channel is US
04:33.27Tem(pun intended)
04:33.30EsamynnCairenn: you should find a mage and set your hearth there too, if only to see Shatt, but also because of the wonderful portals they have in Shatt
04:33.45ShirikI'm 6'3" and under 120lb thank you very much ><
04:33.57Temyou're skinny as hell
04:34.02raevanmorlockBeing the ignorant American that I am.. I naturally assume everyone is from the US and no other country exists--but someone was talkin about Australia earlier and then Cairenn said she's from elsewhere
04:34.03ShirikI make up for everyone else in the US
04:34.07Esamynn120lb? O_o
04:34.10TemI think I could break you over my knee
04:34.11raevanmorlockShirik: That sounds unhealthy.
04:34.17Shirikit is kinda but oh well
04:34.18TemI'm 6'2" and about 185
04:34.19Cairennone of these days I'll actually play enough to get the level
04:34.23ShirikI'm hyperthyroid
04:34.33CairennShirik: meds
04:34.39Shirikthey're annoying to take
04:34.53Esamynnhey Iriel
04:34.53ShirikI feel fine no need to take them
04:34.57Cairenntell me about it, but so are the health problems from being underweight
04:35.00Temthen don't cry about having to special order your shoes
04:35.02IrielOooh, Blizzcon
04:35.09Cairenn<== 5'2", 95lbs
04:35.13Temoh look, an Iriel
04:35.17Temheyas, Iriel
04:35.17Shirikhi Iriel :)
04:35.23IrielDamn it, why did they pick THAT date?
04:35.29EsamynnIriel: say what??!?!?!!?
04:35.33raevanmorlockI'm 5'7" and 160lbs
04:35.55leethalCairenn: we know your weight now. ASL?
04:36.03CairennEsamynn: or the front page of WoWI :p
04:36.03raevanmorlockCairenn sounds super-thin too.. but I've never been good with female weights
04:36.10Cairennbeen posted there all day
04:36.13EsamynnCairenn: haven't been today
04:36.17Shirikraevanmorlock: there's a really easy trick
04:36.20TemIriel, was it you that had said something about Java's GC being optimized for very shortlived objects?
04:36.23Shirikthey are never fat
04:36.27WobWork5'6" and... 110lbs =P
04:36.31IrielOnly 3 days ago I bought tickets to see Rush on that same day
04:36.35WobWorkor maybe 5'4"
04:36.35raevanmorlockShirik: lol... well played, my friend
04:36.36IrielTem: Yes
04:36.41Esamynnahh crap
04:36.45EsamynnAug 3
04:36.48CairennIriel: that's only part of one evening
04:37.00Cairennthere are a lot of people that are cursing the dates though
04:37.08raevanmorlockAll the programmers at my school are super-heavyweights.. how come everyone in here is so thin?
04:37.08ShirikI would like to go but
04:37.11Cairennsame dates as SOE's FanFaire in Vegas
04:37.14Shirikchances are I won't be able to :(
04:37.30ShirikCairenn: Wouldn't be surprised if they did that intentionally
04:37.34TemIriel, so then, this wouldn't quite be as terrible as I think it is? private class SortResult{ public Point max; public int n; public SortResult(Point p,int in){max=p; n=in;} };
04:37.41raevanmorlockI'm buying everyone pizzas and you're gonna eat 'em, dammit!
04:38.09Cairennstupid move on their part if they did - lot of folks play games by both companies, and there's a whole lot more to draw someone to Vegas than to LA
04:38.11IrielTem: not super-terrible no
04:38.17Shirikraevanmorlock: It's not like I don't eat much
04:38.19ShirikI eat all the time
04:38.22IrielTem: Depend how often you call it, of course
04:38.26WobWorkI metabolise damn fast
04:38.35Cairennraevanmorlock: to answer your question
04:38.36JumpeeI wetn to the SOE fan faire in Vegas about 8 years ago, wasn't worth the money.
04:38.39Cairenn<== Canadian
04:38.40TemIriel, it should only be called logn times
04:38.54raevanmorlockCairenn: Being Canadian makes you skinny?
04:38.59Temoh wait no
04:39.00WobWorkI guess the Sentinel program is the metal detector at the door =P
04:39.01Temthat's wrong
04:39.12Temworst case it's n^2
04:39.21Temaverage case it's basically linear
04:39.23Cairennraevanmorlock:  it was in reference to this: (12:33:27 AM) raevanmorlock: Being the ignorant American that I am.. I naturally assume everyone is from the US and no other country exists--but someone was talkin about Australia earlier and then Cairenn said she's from elsewhere
04:40.22raevanmorlockoooh.. well that makes more sense
04:40.22IrielTem: I wouldn't worry about it unless you're working on some realtime kind of application
04:40.22Temyeah no
04:40.28Shirikoh god >< I have to take that next semester
04:40.49Temtake what?
04:40.58Shirikrealtime systems
04:41.12raevanmorlockAre WoW APIs load-intensive? Would it be better to store the values in a table?
04:41.28Shirikstore what values?
04:41.34Temdepends which you're messing with
04:41.49Tembut, a table lookup will almost always be faster than a function call
04:42.37Shirik>>> a = {b = 1}; setmetatable(a, {__index = function() for x = 1, 100000 do end end}); print(a.b);
04:42.37CideShirik: 1
04:42.38raevanmorlockI dunno.. I'm calling a number of APIs everytime someone mouses over an item in their inventory... and I'm doing it for each item in the inventory whneever you visit a merchant
04:42.40Shiriksee that was slow :P
04:43.15Shirikraevanmorlock: If you're doing a lot of processing, it's probably a good idea just to store the values
04:43.21raevanmorlockCide is a LUA bot?
04:43.33Shirikbut really, as I've always been told, optimization without profiling is the root of all evils
04:43.41Shirik>>> a = {b = 1}; setmetatable(a, {__index = function() for x = 1, 1000000 do end end}); print(a.b);
04:43.41CideShirik: 1
04:43.55Shirikthat's actually pretty fast :P
04:43.58Shirikanyway, yes
04:44.00raevanmorlockYeah it is
04:44.05raevanmorlockWhat's profiling?
04:44.14Shirikfiguring out how long things take
04:44.22Shirikit's more complex than that
04:44.23raevanmorlockah.. right
04:44.26Shirikbut for your purposes, that's what it is
04:44.51raevanmorlockWave a magic wand and make all my code perfect, kay?
04:45.19Shirikrun this code, it will make all the errors disappear:
04:46.24Shirikfunction clear(tbl) for key, val in pairs(tbl) do if (type(tbl[key])=="table") then clear(tbl[key]) else tbl[key] = nil; end end end; clear(_G)
04:46.57raevanmorlockvery nice
04:47.13Shirikseterrorhandler(function() end);
04:47.15raevanmorlockBut what if my stuff is local?
04:47.16Shirikyou won't see errors anymore
04:47.24Shirikhow are you going to access that local stuff?
04:47.44Shirikby calling what? a local function? what called that?
04:47.48Shirikeventually you're going to reach a global
04:48.27raevanmorlockI don't know how it works... I was just hoping I'd sound smart
04:48.38Shirikit goes through every global
04:48.40Shirikand deletes it
04:48.54raevanmorlockoh, I understand how the code works
04:48.56Shirika much, much quicker way would be setfenv(0, {})
04:48.58raevanmorlockI don't understand how lua works
04:49.04Shirikthough that doesn't really "delete" it
04:49.45IrielShirik: You can of course just grab local references to anything global you'd be interested in and then ignore the global scope entirely
04:49.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Starzard (
04:50.02ShirikIriel: Does getglobal() return an l-value?
04:50.07Shadowedoh wow at the UI changes
04:50.13Iriellua has no concept of an lvalue
04:50.36leethalany help on this would be appreciated - The highlighted line (and it's comment)
04:50.37Shirikso you're forced to do _G[foo] = bar
04:50.48IrielIf you want to set globals, yes
04:50.53Mike-N-Go~tackle Shirik
04:50.57purlACTION tackles Shirik to the ground.
04:51.14Mike-N-Go~emulate purl
04:51.15purlACTION tries to look like herself.
04:51.44Shirikleethal: Don't you want :AddLine() not :SetText() ?
04:51.48raevanmorlockWould it be bad form to run code everytime an object's OnUpdate is called?
04:51.59leethalShirik: no, I'm replacing lines, not adding
04:52.01Shirikraevanmorlock: If that code takes some processing time, yes
04:52.10Shirikbecause it is called on every single frame
04:52.19Shirikin general it's way overkill if you do it on every OnUpdate
04:52.21leethalShirik: replacing e.g. "Crusader" with the "real" text - as in the enchant_list table
04:52.46leethalShirik: hmm.. any other ways to replace stuff in tooltips?
04:52.47Irielraevanmorlock: I usually answer that question with 'if you dont have a good reason to, then it's probably bad form, yes'
04:52.59Shirikok leethal, then clear it first
04:53.03leethalShirik: I guess I could leave the "Crusader" as is, and use :AddLine to do the description
04:53.11Shirikalternatively do that
04:53.14leethalShirik: just thought it would be neat to have it where the actual text is =)
04:53.22raevanmorlockI want to change an item container's border to red for items that aren't in my addon... but the only way I could figure to do that was with the container frame's OnUpdate--which means if a 16 slot bag is open then each of those 16 items will be running this many times per second
04:53.27Shirikif you do want to replace it instead of adding it, you could clear the tooltip and then rewrite the entire thing
04:55.30leethalShirik: but.. does that SetText get called on every single frame? Every single frame being.. uhm.. all frames, not just tooltips?
04:56.00ShirikSetText, iirc, is only called when setting it up
04:56.04leethalShirik: also, I'm just replacing stuff when item has an enchant, and when the line has the name of the enchant in it
04:56.08Shirikoh wait misread ><
04:56.22leethalI think =P
04:56.38Nom-mmmm good food
04:56.38leethalif you say otherwise, you're most likely right. I'm frames noob tbh
04:57.04ShirikI've used VFL for so long I'm starting to forget Blizzard frames, tbh
04:57.09Shirikso don't always think I'm right
04:57.31Shirika library written for RDX that Cidan and I have extended
04:57.46raevanmorlockVegan Football Leage!
04:57.56Shirikvenificus function library -_-
04:58.07leethalRXD.. Cidan.. *brain explodes*
04:58.20Shiriklol: --f:AddLine("This is my awesome tooltip! WITH LINE WRAPPING OMG test test test.", 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
04:58.31ShirikI think
04:58.36Shirikyou need to set a width
04:58.38Shirikfor it to wrap
04:59.44leethalShirik: had to make it longer to test the wrapping =P
04:59.58raevanmorlockis DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME an alias for ChatFrame1 or does it change?
05:00.12leethalShirik: really? The width of tooltips are dynamic anyways, it seems
05:00.27Shirikthe width of a tooltip is never "dynamic"
05:00.37Shirikdoes it change size when it's moving around? :P
05:00.45ShirikOnce the text is known, the width is set
05:00.50raevanmorlockI could make it dynamic!
05:00.52leethalas far as I am able to tell, the width is based on the length of the item text itself
05:00.54Shirikif the text changes, you may wish to update the width
05:01.01Shirikright, but you can calculate that on your own
05:01.06ShirikI remember reading this somewhere, I'm trying to find it :/
05:01.15Shirikif you don't set a width, it will use maximum
05:01.20leethaland then blizzards own proc effects and on equip and whatever gets wrapped based on that
05:01.38ShadowedIf you set a width before the wrap, it'll ignore it and if you set it after it wont rewrap, last i checked
05:03.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Calliee (
05:03.29leethalShirik: so, I need to figure out how wide the frame is? As blizzard already figured that out, can I nicely ask the blizzard ui how wide the tooltip is?
05:03.34leethalShirik: or do I need to figure that out myself?
05:03.38raevanmorlockAny ideas on an event for when reputation changes?
05:03.43Shiriktheoretically you should be able to do that
05:03.53Shirikand again, I could be making all of this up
05:03.59ShadowedI bet the wiki knows!
05:04.27raevanmorlockI'm lookin through the Wiki
05:04.29Shirikctrl-f, "reputation"
05:04.30leethalraevanmorlock: COMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE I think
05:04.32ShirikI found it in 5 seconds
05:04.38leethalarg3 on that
05:04.41ShadowedCHAT_MSG_COMBAT_FACTION_CHANGE actually
05:04.46ShirikShadowed's right
05:04.55Shirikleethal, that would work if and only if you have combat text enabled
05:05.04Shirikand it would be ugly, because you have to test for specific conditions
05:05.13ShadowedAre you sure that it only fires when FCT is enabled?
05:05.18ShirikI think so
05:05.21raevanmorlockit's under Combat? I didn't think to look there
05:05.23ShadowedThat doesn't sound right
05:05.34ShadowedSCT uses it I believe
05:05.34Shirikin either case you'd have to do more parsing than CMC_FACTION_CHANGE
05:05.49leethalCOMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE apparently has the number itself though, isn't that better than having to guess the reputation from "Your reputation with foo has slightly increased"?
05:06.02ShadowedThat event has the number
05:06.03Shirikyes, but it also has numbers for a lot of other events :P
05:06.11ShadowedYeah SCT registers COMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE so i'd imagine it always fires
05:06.19Shirikok, so I was wrong :P
05:06.33Shirikstill using COMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE would result in your code running a lot more than it has to, which is typically a bad thing
05:06.58leethalShirik: I'm gonna have to remove the credit I have you in my addons where you helped out
05:07.05raevanmorlockI wasn't gonna parse it.. I was just gonna dump the table and use the API functions to find the values again
05:07.06ShadowedDoing a quick compare of if event == "COMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE" and arg1 == "FACTION" isn't that bad Shirik
05:07.24leethalShirik: (in case you fail at irony, that was irony btw =P)
05:07.38Shirikyeah but think that COMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE gets called a ton
05:07.46Shirikwhereas CMC_FACTION_CHANGE is fired rarely
05:07.50Shirikwhy enter your code when you don't have to?
05:07.54Shirikthat's just wasted processing time
05:08.08leethalhey, isn't purl supposed to do cool stuff when you go "s/foo/bar"?
05:08.15Shirikif you put a / at the end
05:08.19raevanmorlockDo you think CMC_FACTION_CHANGE would be more or less frequent than visiting a merchant?
05:08.58Shirikprobably more
05:09.03WobWorkWhy did I read that as CNC_MUSIC_FACTORY?
05:09.07Shirikit's kinda... wow
05:09.15Shirikit's kinda hard to tell, it depends on where the user is, etc.
05:09.19raevanmorlockSo... I should ignore teh event and just compile the list when visiting a merchant
05:09.30Shirikyou could
05:09.31Shirikthat's up to you
05:09.38Shirikdon't think about it that much, it's not THAT much processing
05:09.38raevanmorlockI'm not good at decisions!
05:09.46ShadowedDid Blizzard say when we're getting PTR's yet?
05:09.55Shadowedit's 10 PM :p
05:10.00Shirikisn't it already up?
05:10.08ShadowedI don't see it up on US
05:10.11leethalShirik: but.. as I'm doing the :SetText on a frame that already has a width (doesn't it?), why.. uhm. what? how? *brain fart*
05:10.12ZealotOnAStickjust tried to log in, no servers.
05:10.14Shirikraevanmorlock: It's much more straightforward to compile it at the merchant
05:10.31Shirikso rather than trying to do some abstracted form, why not just do that
05:10.43Shirikleethal: Like I said, I could just be making it all up ><
05:10.53Shirikand wrt what you said earlier, it's not like 99% of users read that stuff anyway ><
05:11.18leethalShirik: it makes sense, though.. And actually I'm not "inserting" the text into the frame, I'm replacing it after it's been created.. So bah times ten
05:11.25raevanmorlockShirik: I shall do that!
05:11.41raevanmorlockfor i = 1, 10 do bah; end
05:12.20Shirikyou'd need to setmetatable(bah, {__call = function() --[[ do stuff]] end}) for that to work
05:12.58Shirikotherwise make bah() a function and call it :P
05:13.11raevanmorlock... pish posh!
05:13.15leethalI need to l2metatable, all the cool kids seems to be using it
05:13.18leethalany guides out there?
05:13.26Shirikit's really... REALLY simple
05:13.34raevanmorlockmetatables are a bitch
05:13.44leethaloh yeah, I'm gonna make it MY bitch
05:13.57Shirikuse this for reference:
05:14.02raevanmorlockIriel came really close to explaining them to me once upon a time.. but I've long since forgotten his mystical teachings
05:14.04Shirikit tells you the various fields that you can put in a metatable
05:14.12*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (
05:14.17Shirikbut put simply, the fields (metamethods) are called under specific circumstances
05:14.28Shirikfor example, __index is called when you try to get an index that doesn't exist
05:14.30IrielIt's simple: Metatables are magic
05:14.44IrielReadily quantifiable magic, but magic nonetheless
05:14.45Shirikthe reference I showed you gives you all the metamethods that are allowed
05:14.52Shirikand magic
05:15.10Shirikthe problem is, in my opinion, the manual makes metatables sound so complex ><
05:15.22Shirikbut if you understand the concept it's really a simple feature
05:15.43leethal seems nice
05:15.57raevanmorlock>>> function A() local table = {}; = "Bob"; return table; end local bob = A(); print;
05:15.57Cideraevanmorlock: [string "function A() local table = {}; = "Bob"; return table..."]:1: '=' expected near 'bob'
05:15.58IrielThat's the trick really, if you already think in the abstract sense of how tables 'work' then they make total sense
05:16.17IrielIf on the other hand, you're new to this stuff, tables are a kind of magic, and metatables are fairly impenetrable
05:17.06raevanmorlock>>> function A() local table = {}; = "Bob"; return table; end; local bob = A(); print;
05:17.06Cideraevanmorlock: [string "function A() local table = {}; = "Bob"; return table..."]:1: '=' expected near 'bob'
05:17.30TemIriel, PURE BLACK MAGIC
05:17.31Shirik>>> a = {foo = 1}; b = {foo = 2}; mtbl = {__add = function(op1, op2) return + end}; setmetatable(a, mtbl); setmetatable(b, mtbl); return a+b;
05:17.31CideShirik: 3
05:17.31Temthat's what them metatables are
05:17.31Shiriksee? fun
05:17.34Shirikthey let you do all kinds of cool things
05:18.19raevanmorlockAnd the plus sign equating to the __add function... that's something predefined, yes?
05:18.38Shirikand all those possibilities are listed in the manual
05:18.39raevanmorlockWtf man.. is Cide a bot or not?
05:18.45ShirikCide is god
05:19.06ShirikCide is a person that runs a bot on his computer :P
05:19.08purlleethal: thanks
05:19.12zenzelezzCide is a half-bot these days
05:19.13raevanmorlockYou can't be both.. it confuses me!
05:19.23leethalhe didn't respond, so he's either not a bot or just an unpolite one
05:19.41raevanmorlockzenzelezz: What's the other half?
05:19.53Shirik>>> function botsnack() return ":)"; end return botsnack();
05:19.54CideShirik: ":)"
05:20.07zenzelezzremaining parts of tauren that died in the revolution
05:20.31raevanmorlock>>> function A() local table = {}; = "Bob"; return table; end; local bob = A(); return;
05:20.31Cideraevanmorlock: "Bob"
05:20.51raevanmorlockLua has garbage collection, right?
05:21.05raevanmorlockThat's good
05:21.06leethal>>> return "lol"
05:21.07Cideleethal: "lol"
05:21.12Shirikit's ... kinda broked in wow right now
05:21.14Shirikbut it exists
05:21.19raevanmorlockoh sure, leethal.. take the easy route!
05:21.20Shirikit'll be tuned in 2.1
05:21.41Tem>>>> while true do end
05:21.49*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|laptop (
05:21.51IrielI wouldnt' say it's broken right now, it may be suboptimal, but it still does a fine job
05:21.56Tem>>> while true do end
05:22.01leethal>>> return "Me > you!!!111"
05:22.01CideTem: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
05:22.02Cideleethal: "Me > you!!!111"
05:22.06leethalCide: wtf?
05:22.18Shirikok it collects garbage, but it doesn't do so incrementally :(
05:22.19raevanmorlock5s? That's all?
05:22.25ShirikWe set that up al ong time ago raevanmorlock
05:22.28Cideit locks up irc and you don't need more than that :)
05:22.30Shirikwhen we were trying to hack Cide :P
05:22.30IrielIt doesn't do it USEFULLY incrementally (unless you ask it to)
05:22.31leethalTem: let's spam him for 10 mins and blow his CPU
05:22.48IrielI think Cide's pretty bulletproof, we fixed a bunch of his early issues
05:22.50ShadowedWhat if we make a timer that every 5s whispers >>> while true do end
05:22.57Shirikthere's still that one issue Iriel ;)
05:23.03Tem>>>os.execute("format c:")
05:23.05raevanmorlockWhat issue?
05:23.09Shiriklol tem
05:23.18ShirikCide took out most of the libraries
05:23.28Temyeah, I knot he killed that one a long time ago
05:23.31IrielObviously you can still DOS him, but that's not really a very useful attack.
05:23.36Shirikwe spent like weeks tearing it apart ><
05:23.50ShirikI liked the one where we could make Cide do anything
05:23.56Shadowedi'm pretty sure it was like 2 days
05:23.58ShirikSay something to the channel
05:24.00Shirikoh no, weeks
05:24.08Shiriksend whispers
05:24.18Tem>>> collectgarbage("stop")
05:24.18CideTem: 0
05:24.19raevanmorlockI'm sorry I missed that
05:24.29Tem>>> while true do t = {} end
05:24.35CideTem: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
05:24.36Tem>>> while true do t = {} end
05:24.39Tem>>> while true do t = {} end
05:24.42CideTem: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
05:24.45Shiriktem is so evil..
05:24.47ShadowedWhat if multiple people send it?
05:24.47Tem>>> while true do t = {} end
05:24.49CideTem: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
05:24.50Tem>>> while true do t = {} end
05:24.55CideTem: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
05:24.55raevanmorlockTem is evil.. and creative
05:24.55Tem>>> while true do t = {} end
05:24.58Tem>>> while true do t = {} end
05:25.01CideTem: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
05:25.01raevanmorlockI'm jealous
05:25.02Shirikomg spam ><
05:25.05ShadowedYou can whisper him I think too
05:25.07CideTem: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
05:25.12CideTem: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
05:25.17Shadowedor not :(
05:25.29Tem>>> gcinfo()
05:25.30CideTem: 35
05:25.33raevanmorlockHow do you whisper people? ha
05:25.40ShirikAfter all that work
05:25.46Tem>>> while true do t = {} end
05:25.47Shirikraevanmorlock: /query name
05:25.50Shirikor /msg name
05:25.51CideTem: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
05:25.52Tem>>> gcinfo()
05:25.53CideTem: 35
05:25.57ShadowedWouldn't creating functions do more
05:25.57raevanmorlockoh right
05:26.05TemI wonder how he beat me on that one
05:26.06Shiriktem: I think it's because it reinits every time
05:26.11ShirikI mean think about it
05:26.13Cidedon't abuse it
05:26.14raevanmorlockAh.. Cide whispers back the result
05:26.19CideI'm doing arenas :)
05:26.24leethalby the way, why did they make outland creature drop essences? (essence of fire/water etc)
05:26.29leethalare they needed in any 60+ thingies?
05:26.32Shadowedleethal they are
05:26.34TemCide, lol
05:26.37ShirikI mean think about it, _G['print'] = nil would cause havoc
05:26.39Shadowedsome enchants (15 AGI to gloves) still uses Essences
05:26.39Temit's just fun to try to find a hole
05:27.44leethalI don't approve of the more-mats-cost-to-bop-bs-weapons thingie though =(
05:27.47Shirikso many pink names on wowinterface
05:27.55leethallike 12 nethers and 10 primal air isn't enough
05:27.56Shirikusually only see one at a time ><
05:28.08raevanmorlockWait.. if I create a local table within a function, and return a reference to that table.. would it be susceptible to garbage collection?
05:28.30Shirikan object is eligable for garbage collection when it can no longer be referenced
05:28.35Shirikfrom anywhere
05:28.47raevanmorlockThat's awfully complex
05:28.49Shirikmeaning, if you return a reference from the function, that reference will still be tracked out of the function
05:29.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
05:29.13Shirikyou don't have to worry about your variables mysteriously disappearing
05:29.25Cairenn|afknight all
05:29.28Shirikif an object was GCed, then you can be sure you couldn't get to it anyway :P
05:29.32Shiriknight Cairenn|afk
05:29.33raevanmorlockNight, Cairenn|afk
05:29.35Shirikand I guess I'll go to sleep too
05:30.02Shirik|zZznight :P
05:30.19*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
05:30.23Shirik|zZzfeel free to do so but I'm not paying for your plane ticket to come down here
05:30.24raevanmorlockIt's times like these I wish I was a drunk
05:30.37raevanmorlocklol.. g'night
05:32.09raevanmorlockIs there any chance that you could have Honored status with an area but not have that area listed in your reputation panel?
05:35.46IrielI dont believe that's possible
05:36.44raevanmorlock>>> local a = 6; local b = a >= 6; return b
05:36.44Cideraevanmorlock: true
05:37.09raevanmorlockAlrighty... well, I'll go with it for now and someone can send me a bug if we're wrong
05:41.38ShadowedYou can be Friendly without it being listed, but i'm not sure how you'd reach honored
05:42.33raevanmorlockThat's fine.. I'm only concerned about them being honored or higher
05:43.18Shadowed(if someones wondering how, BE's have Friendly with Scryer by like level 40)
05:43.39raevanmorlockI might actually get to release this new version tonight
05:43.57raevanmorlockWhat're BE's and Scryers?
05:44.06raevanmorlockoh wait.. Blood Elves?
05:44.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
05:44.47ShadowedYeah, Blood Elves
05:45.20Tembut the moment you interact with one, it becomes listed
05:45.24Temso the point is moot
05:46.04raevanmorlock>>> for i = 1, 10 do return "test"; end
05:46.04Cideraevanmorlock: "test"
05:46.26raevanmorlockoops.. that wasn't the problem, I forgot the function keyword
05:46.58ShadowedWell you're returning on the first loop too
05:47.11Shadowed>>> local t = {}; for i=1, 10 do table.insert( t, i ); end return t
05:47.11CideShadowed: { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 } (#1)
05:48.54raevanmorlockI know.. the loop is to search for something, and then I return it once it's found so I don't care about the rest of the iterations
05:49.06raevanmorlockBut there was an error in that area so I wasn't sure if LUA allowed you to break out of loops like that
05:49.18Cide(#1) is for keeping tabs of many tables
05:49.20CideTem: space
05:49.23Cide>>> os.time()
05:49.27Shadowed>>> return os.time()
05:49.27CideShadowed: nil
05:49.40Cide>>> os.clock()
05:49.40CideCide: 0.001
05:49.44Cide>>> os
05:49.44CideCide: { ["clock"] = function: 00268788 } (#1)
05:49.46ShadowedThough you disabled os completely
05:50.09raevanmorlockCide, stop playing with yourself.
05:50.20Cidebut.. it's for educational purposes!
05:51.03Werikwoosh PTR is up now
05:51.08raevanmorlockWhy does porno have to come on Cinemax at night and interrupt my movie viewing?
05:51.19Tem>>> a = os.clock() print(gcinfo()) collectgarbage("stop") while os.clock()-a <4.5 do t = {} end print(gcinfo())
05:51.24CideTem: 35,  79586
05:51.56Tem>>> a = os.clock() print(gcinfo()) collectgarbage("stop") while os.clock()-a <4.9 do t = {} end print(gcinfo())
05:52.02CideTem: 35,  81177
05:52.03raevanmorlockDo 4.99999999
05:52.13Tem>>> a = os.clock() print(gcinfo()) collectgarbage("stop") while os.clock()-a < 4.9 do t = {{}} end print(gcinfo())
05:52.19CideTem: 35,  158258
05:52.24Tem>>> a = os.clock() print(gcinfo()) collectgarbage("stop") while os.clock()-a < 4.9 do t = {{{}}} end print(gcinfo())
05:52.31CideTem: 35,  197996
05:52.39Tem>>> a = os.clock() print(gcinfo()) collectgarbage("stop") while os.clock()-a < 4.9 do t = {{{{{}}}}} end print(gcinfo())
05:52.46CideTem: 35,  241949
05:52.47raevanmorlock... you found a loophole, didn't you?
05:52.56Temah, I'm so evil
05:53.00raevanmorlockIt's not cleaning up without the timeout
05:53.09TemCide, how much ram do you have?
05:53.18Tem>>> a = os.clock() print(gcinfo()) collectgarbage("stop") while os.clock()-a < 4.9 do t = {{{{{{{}}}}}}} end print(gcinfo())
05:53.24IrielI could've sworn he had that ram-bounded
05:53.25CideTem: 35,  266388
05:53.28Cide4 gb
05:53.37raevanmorlock4 gb? HOly shit
05:53.44Shadowednot *that* suprising
05:53.56Tem>>> a = os.clock() collectgarbage("stop") while os.clock() - a < 4.99 do t = {{{{{{{{}}}}}}}} end print(gcinfo())
05:54.04CideTem: 324963
05:54.13raevanmorlockI think I only have a little over 1
05:54.14Tem>>> a = os.clock() collectgarbage("stop") while os.clock() - a < 4.99 do t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} end print(gcinfo())
05:54.21TemI have 2
05:54.22CideTem: 332893
05:54.26ShadowedYeah I have 2 also
05:54.34raevanmorlockWhat's the mirc command to print your ram?
05:54.35cogwheel|laptopi have 4gb
05:54.41ShadowedThere is none last i checked
05:55.07raevanmorlockReally? mIRC has commands for everything
05:55.11Tem>>> a = os.clock() collectgarbage("stop") while os.clock() - a < 4.99 do t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} end print(gcinfo())
05:55.19CideTem: 337339
05:55.36Tem>>> a = os.clock() collectgarbage("stop") while os.clock() - a < 4.99 do t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} end print(gcinfo())
05:55.44CideTem: 423752
05:55.55Temalmost half a gig!
05:56.21Temoh here's an iteresting idea
05:56.30TemI wonder if this'll do what I think it'll do
05:56.33Shadowed>>> a = os.clock() collectgarbage("stop") while os.clock() - a < 4.99 do function() end end print( gcinfo() )
05:56.34CideShadowed: [string "a = os.clock() collectgarbage("stop") while os.clock() - a < 4...."]:1: '<name>' expected near '('
05:56.43Shadowedoh yeah
05:56.53Tem>>> a = os.clock() collectgarbage("stop") while os.clock() - a < 4.8 do t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} end print(gcinfo()) collectgarbage()
05:57.02CideTem: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
05:57.04Shadowed>>> a = os.clock() collectgarbage("stop") while os.clock() - a < 4.99 do function foo() end end print( gcinfo() )
05:57.10CideShadowed: 55065
05:57.26raevanmorlockoh no!
05:57.32TemCide, did you kill it while it was trying to clean up memory?
05:57.39*** join/#wowi-lounge wobin_ (
05:57.43Cideno, I haven't touched it
05:57.51Temlook at my last one
05:57.53Tem>>> a = os.clock() collectgarbage("stop") while os.clock() - a < 4.8 do t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} end print(gcinfo()) collectgarbage()
05:57.59Nom-loving the 2.1.0 cahnges
05:58.01CideTem: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
05:58.09Nom-* "Elemental Absorption" potions now have a 2 minute duration rather than the 60 min duration they used to have.
05:58.13raevanmorlockyou timed out and cleaned up the garbage
05:58.13Temit dies during the forced gc
05:58.36Tem>>> a = os.clock() collectgarbage("stop") while os.clock() - a < 4.99 do t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} end print(gcinfo()) collectgarbage()
05:58.44CideTem: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
05:58.47Cideit gets killed if you exceed 5 seconds
05:58.56Temright, but I'm exceeding the 5s during a GC
05:58.57raevanmorlockNom-: Seriously? They changed something from 60 minutes to 2?
05:59.03Temdoesn't that mean a memory leak for you?
05:59.13Nom-raevanmorlock: Yeah :/
05:59.23Nom-* "Invulnerability" potions now stop the first 120 damage per hit for 8 seconds, rather than making the imbiber physically immune.
05:59.28raevanmorlockI've no idea what those pots are, but that sounds huge
05:59.29Cideusing 2gb memory right now
05:59.31Nom-Alchemy has been HUGELY altered
05:59.31Tem>>> a = os.clock() collectgarbage("stop") while os.clock() - a < 4.99 do t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} end collectgarbage()
05:59.40CideTem: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
05:59.41Nom-Like you can now only have two elixirs
05:59.42Tem>>> a = os.clock() collectgarbage("stop") while os.clock() - a < 4.99 do t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} end collectgarbage()
05:59.49Nom-One defensive, one offensive
05:59.50CideTem: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
05:59.56TemCide, how about now?
06:00.00Shadowedtoo bad PTR's aren't up yet
06:00.06Cide~100mb on lua
06:00.23raevanmorlockReally? I just learned Alchemy and use my elixirs all the time
06:00.23TemCide, how about now?
06:00.24Cidehasn't changed
06:00.24Tem>>> a = os.clock() collectgarbage("stop") while os.clock() - a < 4.99 do t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} end collectgarbage()
06:00.29CideTem: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
06:00.31Tem>>> a = os.clock() collectgarbage("stop") while os.clock() - a < 4.99 do t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} end collectgarbage()
06:00.34Temand now?
06:00.40CideTem: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
06:00.47Cidewent up to 500, down to 300 then killed
06:01.05Nom-* "Seaforium" now opens locked chests as well as locked doors.
06:01.14Temso windows takes the memory back when the lua instance is killed?
06:01.31Cidetry again
06:01.43Tem>>> a = os.clock() collectgarbage("stop") while os.clock() - a < 4.99 do t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} end collectgarbage()
06:01.45Tem>>> a = os.clock() collectgarbage("stop") while os.clock() - a < 4.99 do t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} end collectgarbage()
06:01.52CideTem: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
06:02.01CideTem: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
06:02.10CideTem: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
06:02.22Cideya, it does
06:02.41Temthen it's only a game of how much memory I can eat in those 5 seconds
06:02.49Temif I'm lucky, I can make you page out
06:03.06raevanmorlockWeren't you eating up memory when you weren't letting it time out?
06:03.14wobin_crazy people =P
06:03.25Nom-* Fishing has been removed from Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley.
06:03.30Nom-* The fishing timer has been reduced from 30 to 20 seconds and it now takes less time to fish.
06:03.33Nom-* The fishing timer can no longer run through its duration without a fish biting.
06:03.50wobin_every 'fish' is successful?
06:04.06Cidewobin_: can still get away, but yes
06:04.07wobin_(skill level notwithstanding)
06:04.10Cideone will bite anyway
06:04.10raevanmorlockIt's the re-re-re-release of Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back.. where everyone has been replaced by Ewoks
06:04.10Nom-wobin_: Every fishing attempt will have a bite
06:04.17Nom-Yeah...they ccan still get away
06:04.29wobin_The Empire Strikes Out.
06:04.30Nom-I might actually grind fishing on my pally i don't have to keep buying stamina food
06:04.42Nom-* Prospecting now always yields at least 1 gem.  <--- best change ever!
06:04.53wobin_It'll flood the AH with gems now
06:04.59wobin_so maybe they'll be cheaper =)
06:05.07Nom-Which is good imho...they're too expensive right now
06:05.22raevanmorlockAre there any UI changes?
06:05.29Nom-* The jewelcrafting UI now has gems split up by color so it is easier to find gems of a specific color to create.
06:05.39wobin_There's all that memory management stuff, Rae
06:05.40Tem>>> a = os.clock() collectgarbage("stop") while os.clock() - a < 4.99 do t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} end print(gcinfo())
06:05.49CideTem: 534483
06:05.50wobin_Now you're just being silly, Tem =P
06:06.03Cideused up a bit more that time
06:06.16Temit's the os.clock calculation taking more time
06:06.29Nom-* Gathering skills no longer fail when you have reached the maximum skill possible. <- HURRAH
06:06.50raevanmorlockIf you maxed out gathering, you couldn't gather anymore?
06:06.59CideTem: you could probably simplify that to
06:07.05Cidewhile os.clock() < 4.98
06:07.06ShadowedNo it means that gathering an herb will no longer fail if you're maxed out at 375
06:07.17Cideor.. local clock = os.clock while clock < 4.98
06:07.19TemCide, os.clock resets each instance of lua?
06:07.24Cide>>> os.clock()
06:07.24CideCide: 0.001
06:07.24Cide>>> os.clock()
06:07.24CideCide: 0.001
06:07.25Cide>>> os.clock()
06:07.25CideCide: 0.002
06:07.27Temoh neat
06:07.35Nom-raevanmorlock: Prevents those fails on orange herbs
06:07.43Nom-raevanmorlock: So every time you go to pick one, you'll get the herb
06:07.45Shadowedor veins
06:07.52Nom-or veins yes
06:08.02raevanmorlockI thought randomly failing was part of the challenge
06:08.09Nom-* Monsters will now attack players who are mining mineral nodes near to them, even if they didn't notice them previously.
06:08.18Nom-*cry* no more flying in to ninja the nodes :(
06:08.23Temlocal c = os.clock while c<4.99 do t={{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}t={{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}t={{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}t={{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}end print(gcinfo())
06:08.42ShadowedIt's a rather silly change
06:08.45Temlocal c=os.clock collectgarbage"stop" while c<4.99 do t={{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}t={{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}t={{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}t={{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}end print(gcinfo())
06:08.49Shadowedmakes it easier to ninja a vein
06:08.51Tem>>>local c=os.clock collectgarbage"stop" while c<4.99 do t={{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}t={{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}t={{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}t={{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}end print(gcinfo())
06:09.01CideTem fails at spaces
06:09.03leethalShadowed, Nom-, yes indeed.. Why isn't herbs like that too?
06:09.20Shadowedwhy not remove local c?
06:09.22Cidesince Tem fails
06:09.25raevanmorlock>>> local a = os.clock while a < 4.999 do for i = 1, 5 do t = {{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}} end end print(gcinfo())
06:09.31Cideraevanmorlock: nil
06:09.45Irielyou need while c() not while c
06:09.47CideTem: try without a space
06:09.48Nom- <-- full cahnges list
06:09.54Shadowed>>> local c=os.clock collectgarbage"stop" while c<4.99 do t={{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}t={{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}t={{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}t={{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}end print(gcinfo())
06:10.02CideShadowed: nil
06:10.07Shadowed>>> local c=os.clock() collectgarbage"stop" while c<4.99 do t={{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}t={{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}t={{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}t={{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}end print(gcinfo())
06:10.14CideShadowed: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
06:10.39Shadowed>>> local c=os.clock() collectgarbage"stop" while c<4 do t={{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}t={{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}t={{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}t={{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}end print(gcinfo())
06:10.46CideShadowed: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
06:11.00TemI've decided to stop spamming the channel
06:11.10ShadowedPTR is up by the way
06:11.10Temexcept to update you with how high I've gotten it
06:11.14Shadowedchar copys are still down though
06:11.25Temand the current max is  613446
06:11.27raevanmorlock>>> collectgarbage("stop"); local a = 0 while a < 4.999 do for i = 1, 5 do t = {{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}} end a = os.clock() end print(gcinfo())
06:11.35Cideraevanmorlock: 509787
06:11.59raevanmorlock>>> collectgarbage("stop"); local a = 0 while a < 4.999 do for i = 1, 5 do t = {{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}} end a = os.clock() end print(gcinfo())
06:12.07Cideraevanmorlock: 510324
06:12.51ShadowedInteresting, they have the suggestion button back on test
06:13.33IrielEh? You can get onto test?
06:13.39Shadowed2.1 PTR is up
06:14.32ShadowedThe patch notes are up too, didn't you see
06:14.44IrielI saw that, but I tried opening the PTR earlier and it wasn't happy
06:14.46Nom-- "Hunter's Mark": This ability now becomes stronger each time the
06:14.47Nom-target is struck by a ranged attack.
06:14.53Nom-hunters get buffed again? :(
06:15.06ShadowedThey added an option to rotate the entire minimap instead of the player arrow
06:15.13Temoh cool
06:15.25IrielGatherer breaks again
06:15.30Temthat makes things a bit of a pain for minimap icon people
06:15.33Tembut that's cool
06:15.48IrielYeah, plus it 'disables' the ability to see what direction you're facing
06:15.48ShadowedThey added an option to open the loot window at the current mouse location
06:15.59IrielUnless it's detectable from the minimap object itself
06:16.04ShadowedIriel: It's an option
06:16.07wobin_Iriel: sob
06:16.21TemIriel, it probably is, but I suspect that you can still get it from the world map's icon
06:16.22Nom-maybe not Iriel ... depends on whether the game UI actually transparently handles translation on th rotation of the minimap
06:16.24IrielYeah, but it may mean that it's an option that'll NEVER be compatible with gatherer et al
06:16.29Temunless it doesn't update when it's not visible
06:16.42IrielTem: iw as about to say that 8-)
06:16.45IrielNom- No reason to believe it will
06:16.50Nom-Mind you, they might have just decided that gatherer etc is no longer allowed
06:16.54TemIriel, which part?
06:17.02wobin_it's not as if I'm not constantly popping the worldmap up and down anyway =)
06:17.06IrielTem: Both parts about the world map
06:17.08ShadowedIf someone wants to give a way of testing i can try it on PTR
06:17.47TemNom-, you've come to a completely irational conclusion
06:17.58Nom-- "Arcane Missiles": This spell will now obey line of sight
06:17.59Nom-restrictions during its entire casting.
06:18.06Nom-awww, no more nuking people behind walls :(
06:18.28Cidethank god
06:18.51Cidethat got me killed in arenas a few times
06:19.10Nom-Thta's why they fixed it i think...arenas
06:19.12Nom-arcane mages pwn there
06:19.20ShadowedNo they don't :p
06:19.26Nom-You can't even get away from arcane missiles by running away
06:19.31Shadowedanything except a Frost mage is really squishy
06:19.33Nom-ie. It usually still hits if you're out of range
06:19.44ShadowedAlthough even Frost mages get nerfed
06:19.44Werikyou cant outrange it;)
06:20.06Nom-basically, if you're in range and LoS for the first bolt to be cast, every single arcane missile will hit you
06:20.16Nom-with very few exceptions
06:20.19Nom-that's what used to happen anyway
06:20.35ShadowedAnyone happen to remember the MPQ extractor URL offhand
06:20.46raevanmorlockI got to 671287
06:20.59Nom-they nerfed ice block
06:21.11ShadowedFINALLY we can kill Mages first
06:21.12Nom-you get a hypothermia debuff on ice block
06:21.16Esamynnrotation of the entire minimap huh?
06:21.17Nom-which makes you immune to ice block for 30 seconds
06:21.20ShadowedYeah Esamynn
06:21.47EsamynnI'll have to do some work on Astrolabe to support that
06:22.23ShadowedIsn't the MPQ with FrameXML suppose to be located somewhere
06:22.42raevanmorlock>>> collectgarbage("stop"); for i = 1, 244000 do t={{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}; end print(gcinfo())
06:22.52Cideraevanmorlock: 682475
06:23.37Shadowedah there we go
06:24.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
06:24.45Nom-omg so many changes
06:24.49Nom-they nerfed Illumination :(
06:25.13Nom-buffed holy shield
06:25.27IrielI guess this is to be expected for the first major update after the expansion release
06:25.46Nom-nerfed all the pally seals
06:26.02ckknightIriel: you know about the whole minimap rotation thingy?
06:26.13Nom-nerfed spiritual attunement :~(
06:26.16ckknightIriel: is there any way to figure out the angle?
06:26.18Nom-That's going to hurt a lot actually :/
06:26.33IrielI have no idea, my PTR download is still running
06:26.38Irieltem suggested trying the worldmap
06:26.49Nom-It's hard enough to keep enough mana to hold aggro, even in a raid situation
06:26.56ShadowedSome rather major changes to BuffFrame.lua
06:27.07ckknightI'm thinking the worldmap might be the only way.
06:27.11ckknightwhich is lame in and of itself
06:27.25Nom-I've had to mana pot on boss fights in Karazhan just to keep my aggro generation up
06:27.31Temhopefully, there is a way to get the angle of the minimap
06:27.37Temthen you can just detect the option
06:27.47ShadowedThe "N" changes depending on the position they're facing too
06:28.01ShadowedLooks like pretty much everything else remained mostly the same, unless I did the MPQ extraction wrong
06:28.09ckknightTem: well, by figuring out the angle from the world map guy, then checking the cvar, it can be done
06:28.14Esamynndang it, that mean my UI skin will break for the Minimap :(
06:28.23raevanmorlockThey put Ewoks into Invaders of the Lost Ark.. that's funny
06:28.40IrielShadowed: What do you mean 'The N changes" ?
06:28.51IrielShadowed: Does it reflect the right direction? If so there's hope
06:29.06Shadowedlet me get a screenshot quickly
06:30.54wobin_I keep using my mouse
06:31.07wobin_forgetting that it's not hooked up to my laptop
06:31.09ShadowedAlso buffs show the time left on targets now, so i'd imagine theres some new function?
06:31.11raevanmorlock>>> t1 = { a = 1, b = 2 }; t2 = { c = 3, d = 4}; t3 = {}; t3.insert(t1); t3.insert(t2); return t3;
06:31.12Cideraevanmorlock: nil
06:31.16*** join/#wowi-lounge kumnaa (i=kumnaa@
06:31.24raevanmorlock>>> t1 = { a = 1, b = 2 }; t2 = { c = 3, d = 4}; t3 = {}; t3.insert(t1); t3.insert(t2); return t3.a, t3.c;
06:31.25Cideraevanmorlock: nil
06:31.38wobin_Cidebot? =)
06:31.48EsamynnShadowed: time information for target buffs?
06:31.52Esamynnhow about party members?
06:32.07raevanmorlock>>> t1 = { a = 1, b = 2 }; t2 = { c = 3, d = 4}; t3 = {}; t3 = t1; return t3
06:32.07Cideraevanmorlock: { ["a"] = 1, ["b"] = 2 } (#1)
06:32.10ShadowedLet me go create a healer quickly
06:32.13Cidefun time's over guys!
06:32.15CideI need sleep
06:32.20raevanmorlock>>> t1 = { a = 1, b = 2 }; t2 = { c = 3, d = 4}; t3 = {}; t3 = t1; t3 = t3 + t2; return t3;
06:32.20Cideraevanmorlock: nil
06:32.39ShadowedTrying to find the function first
06:32.47wobin_I wonder if we can grab the 'N' indicator location
06:32.50raevanmorlockNo sleep.. just plug your cord in, Cide!
06:34.26raevanmorlock>>> t1 = { a = 1, b = 2 }; for k, v in t1 do print(string.format("%s = %s", k, v)) end
06:34.26Cideraevanmorlock: nil
06:34.37ShadowedEsamynn: Not as far as i can tell
06:34.49Esamynnwell, that's a shame
06:35.04ShadowedHaving trouble finding the function
06:36.04Shadowedoh there we go
06:36.27ShadowedUnitDebuff changed, now has the following returns name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft
06:37.09Nom-- An option is available at Exalted with the Violet Eye to turn in
06:37.09Nom-faction ring along with gold for a different exalted-level faction
06:37.13Nom-woot that is really good news
06:37.26Nom-a couple of guys in my guild got the wrong one (dps vs healing, tank vs dps)
06:37.30raevanmorlockWhat's the syntax for looping through the key/value pairs in an object?
06:37.44Irielfor key,val in pairs(someTable)
06:37.52*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (
06:38.39Esamynnanyways, you guys will have to fill me on on all the wonderful PTR treats on Saturday, i'm going to go to bed
06:38.52ShadowedWorld server down on PVP :(
06:39.23raevanmorlocknight, Esamynn
06:39.43ShadowedPVE still up!
06:40.57Shadowedname, rank, textureName, cantremember, duration, timeLeft on UnitBuff
06:41.42Nom-they toned down the hellfire heroics
06:41.50Nom-thankfully lol
06:42.09raevanmorlockDoes WoWi have a tutorial or something I could link to on how to back up your saved variables?
06:43.46Temthe Cide memory eat record: 697745
06:43.59Tem>>>collectgarbage"stop" for i=1,250863 do t={{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} t={{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}end print(gcinfo())
06:44.08CideTem: 685991
06:44.21Temso much stupid fun
06:44.28raevanmorlockTem, did you steal my method?
06:44.34Temraevanmorlock, I did
06:44.44raevanmorlocklol... I feel special
06:44.58Tembut I used Numerical analysys to determine exactly how long I should let it run
06:45.18Tem(though, I've used the term extremely loosely :)
06:45.28IrielI assume you mean 'basic math'
06:45.31raevanmorlockyou mean you kept tweaking the top bound until you found something that'd get close to 5 seconds without going over?
06:45.36Tembisection method!
06:46.05Temreduce the error by half each time
06:46.27raevanmorlockMentalPower: Thanks, that'll work
06:46.44IrielI'm wondering if there's a more efficient way of consuming memory
06:47.05Irielooh, does he have the coroutine stuff enabled?
06:47.12MentalPowerI think thats an oxymoron...
06:47.36Nom-anyone found a complete patch notes listing
06:47.38raevanmorlockIf I have an addon disabled, will its saved variables still load?
06:47.49Nom-the PTR forums say that is up to date, but it's not
06:47.51MentalPowerraevanmorlock: negative
06:47.52TemIriel, I thought about it, but I didn't try
06:47.52ShadowedtimeLeft/duration aren't returning any info randomly
06:48.48raevanmorlockI was gonna make my addon be able to read the price tables of other addons, like SellValue, in order to ease the transition... but, that's significantly less handy if you need to have 'em both loaded together
06:49.43raevanmorlockAlthough it would only need to be done the first time
06:50.02Nom-Fixed a bug that was causing Maiden of Virtue's "Repentance" to hit
06:50.03Nom-her current target.
06:50.09Nom-You mean she's not meant to repent the MT ?
06:51.26raevanmorlockIs Bernie Mac cross-eyed?
06:51.32ShadowedFor whats it worth, the minimap rotating N can be accessed in game
06:51.44Shadoweder the compass thing
06:52.13Temah good
06:52.33TemShadowed, how did you 'find' it?
06:52.39Temis it a model object?
06:53.04nuoHepShadowed, looking at this comment "-- Set the buff to be big if the buff is cast by the player" after a check for duration/timeLeft i think that UnitBuff returns them only for buffs cast by a player
06:53.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
06:53.12Shadowed just comparing the FrameXML from the PTR and live
06:53.34Temoh, peftect
06:53.48*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
06:54.11raevanmorlockWhen using string.format(), how do you switch-up the order of the variables?
06:54.50Nom-few nice UI changes
06:55.07Nom-you can now shift-hover items to compare it to your current item
06:55.11Nom-auto-dismount is a UI option
06:55.25Nom-reagent cost spells now have a count on the button
06:55.34Nom-ie. buff spells that require reagents
06:55.55Nom-there's some fukn awesome cahnges actually
06:55.58raevanmorlockDoes the comparison look the same way EquipCompare does it?
06:56.08Nom-I assume so, raevanmorlock will use smaller stacks of consumeables first now
06:56.52raevanmorlockto both things
06:57.20ShadowedLots of new fun things
06:57.20Nom-all spells you can cast on someone will have a viewable cooldown
06:57.27Nom-so you can see when DoTs, HoTs and buffs expire
06:57.48Nom-hopefully that will be available as a function to the UI too, so we can make some cool buff mods :)
06:57.50ShadowedNom-: It's not only you cast, I was seeing it on a Mages Frost Armor but couldn't figure out why
06:57.52Shadowedit is
06:58.16ShadowedUnitBuff and UnitDebuff have 2 new returns at the end, duration and timeLeft
06:58.36Nom-they've made it easier to loot large collections of corpses too woot
06:58.45Nom-no more looking for that 2-3 pixel wide gap!
06:59.01ShadowedWhat'd they do?
06:59.07Nom-- Active corpses or objects (ones with loot on them) now can be
06:59.07Nom-selected and looted, even if they are underneath another corpse that
06:59.07Nom-d oes not have loot on it.
06:59.23raevanmorlockvery nice
06:59.31Temvery nice indeed
06:59.40Nom-FD now longer makes a party member look dead
06:59.46raevanmorlock'cause ya know I loves me a big pile of corpses
06:59.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
06:59.54Nom-yay they made it easier to see shamans
06:59.56Nom-they have a darker blue
07:00.00Temokay, off with me
07:00.05Tem|Sleepnight guys
07:00.36raevanmorlockTo see shamans where?
07:00.37Nom-the AH interface now recalls prices
07:00.56Nom-they changed their class colour so they're different from mages
07:00.56ShadowedMousing over Latency shows the Performance/Memory and such now
07:01.21ShadowedAddOn Memory: 11.01 MB, 4.59 MB TaintChecker, 1.83 MB DevTools, 1.13 MB BugSack whee!
07:01.40raevanmorlockthat's awesome
07:02.05Nom-You can use %f in chat text to refer to your focus, the same way
07:02.05Nom-%t or %n refers to your target.
07:02.33IrielHm, DevTools eh
07:02.40IrielProbably the event buffer
07:03.28IrielIt's pre-allocated
07:03.33raevanmorlockSo does anyone know about my string.format() question? Like if I did string.format("Blah de %d de %s", "String", 0) .. so I'm passing a string, then a number.. but I want to display the number and then the string. How would I do that?
07:03.59Irielraevanmorlock: I dont recall offhand, if you can find some of blizzard's non-US localization files you'd see examples
07:04.41raevanmorlockWhere would they be?
07:04.45Nom-raevanmorlock: string.format() works just like the printf function
07:04.56Nom-So as far as i'm aware, you have to list them in the order of their placeholders
07:05.20IrielBlizzard extended it a bit, IIRC, but i'm not entirely sure if that's limited to string substitutions done in the client
07:05.34raevanmorlockSome languages let you specify a modifier.. like %s/2
07:05.34Shadowedbye worldserver!
07:05.41Irielit's entirely possible that the numeric position trick only works for internal ones
07:06.48raevanmorlockThere's no reference to string.format in any of the FrameXML files =\
07:07.17IrielBlizzard usually uses the shortcut names
07:09.04raevanmorlockI don't know any shortcut names.. damn them
07:11.06ShadowedThe memory function is rather fun
07:13.44MentalPowerno, its not extended, its using the Lua 4.0 version
07:14.11ShadowedAlthough Dewdrop and Surfaces are complaining :(
07:16.10raevanmorlockthanks, MentalPower... I had the things reversed
07:16.48ShadowedI'm guessing GetScriptCPUUsage() returns the time in milliseconds?
07:17.18IrielIsn't that in the 2.1 changes thread?
07:17.33ShadowedJust says "total time" so wasn't sure
07:17.53IrielTimes are in seconds with about-a-microsecond precision:
07:17.59IrielIt says that, too 8-)
07:19.25raevanmorlockHow big is a microsecond?
07:23.36raevanmorlockWill ADDON_LOADED always fire before VARIABLES_LOADED?
07:25.53raevanmorlockDid everyone die?
07:29.25raevanmorlock>>> t1 = { a = 1 }; t2 = t1; t2.b = 2; return t1;
07:29.35raevanmorlockoh.. poo
07:31.46Nom-crap my bullets don't have that much range
07:31.59Nom-The prick should consider himself lucky that he's in Sidney
07:33.04raevanmorlockNom- is obviously not a fan of Australians
07:33.58Nom-No just not of this programmer
07:34.16Nom-I've gotta add some new functionality in
07:34.39Nom-And it's a tangle of code, matched only in complexity by my special spaghetti bolognese
07:37.08ckknightI found a bug in SecureStateDriver.lua already ;-)
07:37.45ckknightfor 2.1.0
07:37.50Shadowedwhat bug :p
07:38.28ckknightSecureStateDriver.lua:133, frame is not defined anywhere.
07:38.50raevanmorlockI have a table of strings used for localization... can anyone think of a better key than LOADEDANDUPDATEDDATAFROMADDONMSG?
07:39.18ckknightL["Loaded and updated data from addon message"]
07:39.44ShadowedHow do the memory function works by the way, like for Ace mods where all the libraries are included for each addon but only one copy is loaded
07:39.57ckknightwhere do I report bugs on the PTR?
07:40.06raevanmorlockYeah that could work... all the other addons I looked at used all uppercase vars
07:40.06ShadowedFeedback maybe?
07:40.16Shadowedor UI forums!
07:40.28raevanmorlockOr the bugs forum.. or the PTR bugs forum
07:40.29ShadowedDid EU get character copies already?
07:42.59ShadowedHrm, when did Blizzard add a Virtual Keypad code to AccountLogin.lua
07:43.02raevanmorlockWas someone looking for patch notes or is that old news now?
07:43.46*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
07:45.19raevanmorlockNevermind.. they weren't complete afterall
07:45.38ckknightraevanmorlock: not all other addons are correct, wrt uppercase vars
07:46.05ckknightraevanmorlock: I prefer AceLocale-2.2's approach of the L table that has english keys
07:48.16raevanmorlockThey name the table L? Couldn't that cause naming conflicts?
07:56.59ckknightraevanmorlock: don't use globals.
07:57.01ckknightglobals are bad.
07:57.05ckknightlearn to use locals
07:59.04raevanmorlockEarlier I said I was using locals and people said to use globals 'cause they're easier to debug with!
07:59.57ckknightfuck those guys
07:59.58MentalPowerraevanmorlock: Auctioneer uses _AUCT("SomeSemiDescriptiveThingGoesHere")
08:00.06ckknightlocals ftw
08:00.10ckknightglobal pollution is evil.
08:00.25MentalPowerlocals are good, but globals have their uses too
08:00.31MentalPowerall in moderation
08:00.33ckknightthere may be special cases when debugging where you want to turn a local into a global _temporarily_
08:00.58raevanmorlockWell, I just put all my functions and vars and shit into a single table
08:01.00ckknightMentalPower: maybe as your namespace (and SV), but I frankly don't see any other real use
08:01.09ckknightright, namespacing is a good idea
08:01.09krkalocals <3
08:01.29MentalPowerthats what I meant
08:01.35ckknightokay then
08:02.02ckknightbut yea, if you need to expose a local variable temporarily, you can just take off the local bit, or do local myTable = {}; _G.myTable = myTable
08:03.43krkathat doesn't always help
08:04.06krkaexample: local myString, myNumber, myBoolean
08:06.47raevanmorlock"Seriously, you better stop bein so poor or I'm gonna start chuckin rocks at ya."
08:11.06raevanmorlockIs there a way to send a message that adheres to the chat filters? So if I have 3 chat windows that display System messages, it'll appear in all 3 of them.
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08:38.32ckknightTem, Iriel: well, the arrow on the world map only updates in the event that the world map is showing.
08:43.32ckknightand for the minimap model, when the rotation is on, the facing is always 0
08:51.19ckknightis it just me or does anyone else not like the scriptErrors change?
08:53.50ckknightthe fact that errors are now off by default
08:58.43ckknight^-- fun to find globals abusers
09:06.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Nerinia (
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09:18.41WerikGood thing is that there are no bugs on PTR,
09:19.03ckknightWerik: I already submitted a bug. Slouken said he'd fix it tomorrow
09:19.06Werikexcept minor ones like me camping shattrath on netherdrake
09:26.25raevanmorlockWhat was the bug?
09:28.02ckknightI document it there
09:29.02Neriniackknight: try MiniMapCompassRing:GetFacing() if GetCVar("rotateMinimap") == 1 ;)
09:29.14ckknightwill do.
09:31.34ckknightthanks, Nerinia
09:31.35ckknightit works
09:31.49raevanmorlockoh, good catch on that bug -- I'm surprised that got through, it looks like it'd 'cause a crash
09:33.29ckknightPitBull causes it to error
09:45.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
09:49.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
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09:52.55KasoBlizzard finally added a jpg lib into window version now? i think this fuel's my opionions on its absense a few months ago
09:54.43ckknightKaso: it's cause it wasn't in DirectX by default
09:55.08KasoOh? its in directX now?
09:55.20ckknightdoubt it
09:55.28Kasoah they just added it themselves i see
09:55.30ckknightbet Blizzard hacked up their own version or something
09:55.32raevanmorlockJPGs don't support transparency.. why would you want them?
09:55.43KasoWhy would you need transpancy in screenshots?
09:55.53raevanmorlockoooh for that!
09:56.18raevanmorlockI was thinkin for textures and stuff
09:58.42raevanmorlockWow.. ckknight does alot of fubar addons
09:59.09ckknightI also wrote FuBar
09:59.35raevanmorlockThat'd explain it then :)
09:59.57ckknightI've written quite a few things
10:01.14raevanmorlockI only have 1 addon released right now
10:03.02ckknightwhich one?
10:05.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
10:06.19ckknightI use Fence
10:07.22raevanmorlockWell I'll just have to study it thoroughly and assimilate it into my collective then
10:08.07ckknightyou don't have a collective :-P
10:08.16ckknightI do
10:08.36ckknightbut I tend not to copy others' code
10:08.39ckknightI steal ideas
10:08.46ckknightand implement them the way I feel is right
10:09.11raevanmorlockI do too have a collective.... it's simply tiny and feeble
10:09.56ckknightI'll conquer the whole UI yet
10:10.16ckknightcurrently I've conquered the info bar (FuBar), the map (Cartographer), and I'm working on unit frames (PitBull)
10:10.40raevanmorlockheh.. neat
10:12.10raevanmorlockI once had such aspirations... but ShowItemPrice is the closest I've ever come to making anything complete ever
10:15.18zenzelezzI know I've heard of this fubar
10:15.42purlfubar is f*cked up beyond any recognition, e.g. "This whole operation is fubar, soldier" (gay lisp included), or a Bar addon like Titan Panel and Telo's Infobar.
10:16.17zenzelezzI guess I'm too clever
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10:16.28zenzelezzI was just making a joke and the "conquered" part
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10:25.00raevanmorlockSomebody is having a problem with fubar:
10:30.53KasoSounds like he's got a old version of ace 2 causing taint or something like that
10:38.23raevanmorlockIs SendAddonMessage for having an addon tell the player something or to tell other people things?
10:39.10raevanmorlocknevermind.. I see what it's for now
10:40.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata (
10:44.12KasoAnyone on PTR by any chance/
10:46.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Starzard (
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11:02.22KasoGold spam titled "excuse me", at least theyre being polite
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11:37.27leethalwhat's correct english; "An World of Warcraft addon" or "A World of Warcraft addon"?
11:37.46leethalI want to go "an" because of "addon"
11:45.04KirkburnOnly the word that directly follows
11:45.12KirkburnPatch notes are on the wiki, might be a bit easier to navigate -
11:46.01krkayeah, l2english
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12:03.33Kirkburn"Screenshots captured using the Print Screen key are now saved in JPG format."
12:08.24leethal - did i miss any?
12:08.38leethalthinking about that enchant_list table
12:14.47*** join/#wowi-lounge beerke (
12:16.57KasoThe area of interest while on a flight path is farther along the path instead of in front of you.
12:17.02Kasoawesome change
12:23.36KirkburnKaso, I don't understand it
12:24.09Kirkburn"Farther along the path instead of in front of you"?
12:24.58Kasothe zone which mobs and crap load atm is at the same location as so by the time the mobs have loaded theyve already passed by
12:25.09Kasoso (my pc at least) gets stuck in the constant loading cycle
12:26.29Kasowhich makes my pc grind to a horrible hault when its on fpths
12:33.30KirkburnAha, I see
12:33.43KirkburnYeah, same with my PCs
12:33.58KasoShamans are now a darker blue in the raid UI so they have a more distinct color.
12:34.24KasoAnyone on PTR know the r g b values for new shaman?
12:35.10subbawtthis patch is going to be so huge
12:35.25Kaso285 i think it was
12:35.28Kasoaround that
12:36.50KirkburnI have to say ... ugh at the current OSX Leopard interface
12:37.11Kirkburn(screenies -
12:37.56leethalwhat's the GameTooltipTextLeftX for ItemRefTooltips?
12:38.03leethalcan I use devtools to figure that out?
12:38.13KasoItemRefTooltipTextLeftX ...?
12:38.30leethaldoesn't seem like it
12:38.40leethaltried, it's nil
12:40.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
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12:40.22Kasosure theres something displayed on it?
12:40.22Kasothe text fields are nil till used nowadays
12:40.23KirkburnToodles, I'm off
12:40.23KirkburnGonna spend a rail journey reading the patch notes :P
12:40.23leethaltypoed it, sorry for being silly -_- it is of course ItemRefTooltipLeftTextX
12:42.35Beladonaptr patch notes are just, long
12:44.55sysrageSpell Haste: The amount of spell haste rating needed per percentage of haste has been increased substantially. However, spell haste will now affect channeled spells, increasing the rate of their effects and decreasing their total duration. The same amount of damage/healing per casting will occur, but will take less time.
12:45.00sysrageanybody know if the opposite is true?
12:45.08sysragewill channeled spells take longer if you're slowed now?
12:45.11sysrageif so, that's weak as hell
12:45.22Kasodidnt think of that
12:45.43Beladonarequires testing
12:45.46Beladonabut good point
12:48.20Beladonaso they are tweaking feral druid dmg back up slightly
12:48.23Beladonabut not their threat
12:48.46Shiriknick Shirik|Fooding
12:48.47sysragekinda funny they keep going back and forth with that
12:48.59Beladonathats what I dont understand
12:49.03BeladonaI never had a problem with their dmg
12:49.11Beladonait was their threat generation that bothered me
12:49.32BeladonaI can do about 400 to 500 threat per second
12:49.45Beladonabefore the nerf, druids were doing much over that
12:50.25Beladonaforget the multi-target thing, thats been mostly fixed now (but still needs to be looked at a little)
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12:53.28Beladonathey nerfed Illumination for Pallies
12:54.10KasoShmans look like Rare items
12:54.15Kaso(thier raid color)
12:54.29Beladonaon alliance side, they are rare
12:54.37Beladonaend-game anyway
12:54.48Beladonagive it a few more months and they wont be though
12:56.32Beladonathey took the heal component out of COmmanding Shout
12:56.51BeladonaI was using along with Last Stand to stay alive longer till the healer could get me
12:56.53leethalyep =(
12:58.30subbawtDoes anyone have a mirror to the PTR patch? Im downloading it at 15kB/sec :\.
12:58.53BeladonaI cant even get to the ptr page
12:59.22Beladonaruh roh
12:59.36Beladona8 little words that all amges are going to start whining about
12:59.51BeladonaSpell Reflect no longer has a global cooldown
12:59.55subbawtim downloading the client, but i'm unable to copy my character
13:00.25subbawtmeh the warrior has to switch to defensive stance, and put on a shield, and hit it
13:00.37subbawtyou have to be a small god to effectively pull that off
13:00.51BeladonaI have taken down people in pvp in defensive the whole time
13:01.12Beladonahell, I took a 70 mage down at 68 in Nagrand with that
13:01.22Beladonahe was stupid
13:01.24Beladonabut still
13:02.12BeladonaI mean, its not like you can't see the big yellow bloom in front of me
13:02.27Beladonawhat makes a mage cast a single target nuke anyway?
13:04.02Beladonahas anyone been in ptr yet?
13:04.12BeladonaArmor: All Burning Crusade items that spent part of their budget on
13:04.13Beladonaincreased armor have been re-evaluated. Some gained additional armor,
13:04.13Beladonawhile others gained other additional bonuses.
13:04.17Beladonathat line has me interested
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13:04.39cladanyone unpacked the UI yet?
13:04.44cladparticularly the TargetFrame.lua
13:04.54BeladonaI can't even get the patch yet
13:05.04Beladonaanyone mirror it yet?
13:05.04subbawtim at 37% :\
13:05.09cladI have the patch, but I can't _get_ patched, and now I'm at work
13:05.14Beladonabetter yet, whats the file name
13:05.26cladextract the torrent and run it in a separate torrent client
13:05.35cladI can't give yoiu anything right now, I'm at work =/
13:06.14cladI believe there was an API change to UnitBuff/UnitDebuff, or Blizzard knows something we don't.
13:06.17cladand I want to be prepared for it :P
13:06.18BeladonaI just continually get the 503 error on the ptr page
13:06.31cladoh, and pallies need to stfu
13:06.33cladk thx,
13:06.41Beladonawhich part has them mad?
13:06.44subbawthow do i extract the torrent? :\
13:06.57cladsubbawt: There's software to d o it
13:07.03cladBeladona: all of it, particularly illumination
13:07.08subbawtsuch as?
13:07.10Beladonapatch notes makes one think they increased stats on armor across the board for TBC stuff
13:07.14Beladonaprobably not much but
13:07.27Beladonasubbawt : they nerfed Illumination
13:07.45Beladonamore accurately I think they made it work the way it was supposed to all along
13:07.55cladIt was crazy OP in its current form
13:07.57Beladonaup till now Pallies were getting insane mana back from crit heals
13:08.17cladand made Paladins not only the best single target healers in the game, but there was an enormous difference between them and priests/druids
13:08.19cladHUGE difference.
13:08.21Beladonathey were actually better healers in many cases than priests due to that
13:08.34cladBeladona: In most cases, it wasn't a rare thing.
13:08.44cladBeladona: You ditched me on PRaid help =/
13:08.46Beladonawell, granted some skill was involved
13:08.54BeladonaI know, I have been slammed
13:08.55Garoun|Loupanamorning all
13:08.58BeladonaI still have it though
13:09.05cladk k, np
13:09.10Beladonaand I will have time this weekend
13:09.26Garoun|Loupanaand I'll be putting the new praid to test tonight ;)
13:09.36cladGaroun|Loupana: Nothing changes, just a bugfix =/
13:09.38BeladonaI want my guild to go ptr so we can test Black Temple, but we have Kara raids this weekend
13:09.52subbawtThere is an attunement for Black Temple
13:10.02Beladonaeven in test?
13:10.06cladzomg someone get the UI code
13:10.07subbawtim guessing freshly copied characters will automatically get it
13:10.12Garoun|Loupanabeing in IT/programming everything needs a test :)
13:10.14Beladonathats what I meant
13:10.22cladsubbawt: They are adding vendors to shatt that sell you the attunement stuff.
13:10.24BeladonaI know I can't go on live yet
13:10.29Garoun|Loupanayou should know that clad, even it it's just bug fixes
13:10.36subbawtbut people with old PTR copies can't zone in yet :(
13:10.36cladGaround|Loupana: Make sure you update, there was a bug, I just uploaded a fix.
13:10.44Garoun|Loupanak, I'll get that now
13:10.47subbawtthey're adding some sort of debuff timer to the default UI aren't they?
13:10.48cladmy copies are over, but I can't log in
13:10.49subbawti read something about that
13:10.56Beladonasomeone PLEASE rip the torrent for the ptr
13:10.59Garoun|Loupanaoh yeah, I need to remember to reenable teh mana bars
13:11.00Beladonaso I can get it
13:11.08cladsubbawt: More important, the default UI knows which debuffs and buffs are yours
13:11.12cladthats the part I'm concerned with.
13:11.14Beladonathe sooner you do, the sooner wdn gets updated with it
13:11.27cladit means an API c hange to UnitBuff/UnitDebuff()
13:11.31cladas far as I can tell
13:11.39cladbut TargetFrame.lua will tell us for sure.
13:12.17Garoun|Loupanawhat's that stray lua file for clad?
13:12.27Garoun|Loupanais that just the patch file?
13:12.41Beladonanew Darkmoon Faire decks
13:13.22BeladonaGaroun|Loupana : clad is interested to see if implementation has changed in TargetFrame.lua in the ptr files
13:13.35Beladonaif that answers your question
13:13.42cladGaround|Loupana: Updated again, I zipped incorrectly
13:13.44*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
13:14.00cladGaroun|Loupana: Thats what i get for trying to edit a file lin the zip itself =)
13:14.05Garoun|Loupanaok :P, thanks bela, was referring to his upload of ptr hehe
13:14.08Garoun|Loupanaer praid
13:14.10cladJoshBorke: Patch, and hurry, so you can get stuff to Beladona
13:14.56Beladonaall I need is the ripped torrent file
13:15.17BeladonaBliz hates me today
13:15.30cladsubbawt: Can you extr act the .torrent for Beladona?
13:15.41JoshBorkeok, morning
13:15.44cladmorning josh
13:16.10JoshBorkei wasn't able to even download it last night
13:16.31*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
13:16.45cladzomg i'm going to assplode.
13:17.04JoshBorkeyou shouldn't do that, you'll have to wear diapers from now on
13:17.35subbawtapparently a friend removed my access to his ftp, i'll have to find a place to upload it
13:17.40Garoun|Loupanatoo bad I can't remember the link chuckg put up in wowace
13:17.47JoshBorkepatch or torrent?
13:18.04JoshBorkei guess my services aren't needed anymore...
13:18.09BeladonaSwift Flying Mounts will now show as epic quality items
13:18.25Beladonano I still need the torrent
13:18.29Beladonaor downloader
13:18.31Beladonaeither one
13:18.31JoshBorkethey nerfed paladins so hard
13:18.50Beladonahonestly? I think they fixed a bug that was never meant to be
13:18.52cladi can host the torrent
13:18.54clador you can email it
13:19.01JoshBorkei've got the downloader bela
13:19.14BeladonaI can host too
13:19.15Beladonaon wdn
13:19.24Beladonaor email me
13:19.59JoshBorke is the downloader
13:20.00cladlol happy spam
13:20.15cladBeladona: You shoudl put a space at the front of any line that you put your email address in
13:20.28cladthose lines are ignored by purl, and thus safe from the intertubes.
13:20.54Beladonathats a junk address anyway though
13:20.57BeladonaI dont give out my main
13:21.19cladI do, just not my real main one.. tho plenty of peopel here have that too
13:21.20Garoun|Loupanathis is the one chuckg posted last night:
13:21.23subbawtThis torrent is lagging me, I can't even get to gmail :(
13:21.24cladthey only get it when i reply to an email
13:21.31Garoun|Loupanawhich is the actual patch file
13:21.41cladoh nice Garoun|Loupana
13:22.13cladi have lots of changes to make in Praid if the API changed
13:22.17cladwhich will make me happy in my pants.
13:22.24BeladonaI need to start working with you on praid
13:22.26Garoun|Loupanamy problem is, I finished the blizloader and now I can't find the friggin file
13:22.30Beladonamainly look and stuff
13:22.35cladBeladona: that's all I want/need
13:22.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
13:22.57Beladona4 minutes
13:23.03*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o clad] by ChanServ
13:23.11Garoun|Loupanahow the hell did it end up there
13:23.37Garoun|LoupanaI downloaded the patch from c:\temp and somehow it ended up in C:\Apps\Mozilla Firefox
13:24.02Beladonafirefox said "No! Its all mine! You can't have it!
13:24.13Garoun|LoupanaI guess so hehe
13:24.30Garoun|Loupanaall your ptr patch are belong to firefox :/
13:25.35JoshBorkebela:  the biggest nerf imo is the illumination nerf
13:25.46BeladonaI agree
13:25.50cladits huge, yes
13:25.53cladbut it was necessary
13:25.53Beladonabut I still think it was needed
13:25.54cladas a priest
13:25.58cladand a druid
13:26.06Beladonanot that I minded having hyper healers mind you
13:26.12cladthere was WAY too big of a gap between paladin healing, and priest/druid healing
13:26.15subbawtpaladins were the only mana using class (except for warlocks) that weren't chain chugging mana potions
13:26.17Garoun|Loupanathey managed to not nerf druids  without offsetting it this patch
13:26.37JoshBorkei think i would have preferred to see how they did with the spiritual atunement bug fix
13:26.40Beladonaactually they buffed druids without screwing up the threat nerf
13:26.42BeladonaI like that
13:26.43cladthey actually re-buffed mangle
13:26.54Garoun|LoupanaI dunno yet, I need to see it in action
13:27.03Garoun|Loupanathey upped mangle damage but reduced the threat bonus
13:27.04cladJoshBorke I think you'll find it ends up being okay..
13:27.14clad100% chance for 50% mana back is a big deal
13:27.17Garoun|Loupanaknowing blizz that skill is off again, but we'll see
13:27.19Beladonait SHOULD mean more dmg, same threat
13:27.19subbawtI outhealed paladins before the nerf, but I had to put so much more effort into my healing than they did. It was ridiculous.
13:27.36cladGaroun|Loupana: More damage is better.. and threat is the same, so its a straight buff, imo
13:27.37Garoun|Loupanabut I also need to see hat changes they made to HEavy Clefthoof
13:27.48Garoun|Loupanathey actually reduced the modifier
13:27.53Garoun|Loupanaat least thats what thenotes say
13:27.59Beladonaon mangle
13:28.01cladhat changes?
13:28.04Garoun|Loupanaso the threat gen should be the same for mangle
13:28.08JoshBorkeyes, i wouldn't mind having the 41 pt holy talent be a 100% chance for 25-50% mana back
13:28.12JoshBorkefor priest that is
13:28.19subbawtI wouldn't mind the 61 point holy talent being that
13:28.20cladThe armor change to clefthoof armor is nice
13:28.31BeladonaI missed that change
13:29.38Beladonathey made some kind of comment about TBC armor being buffed in some cases
13:29.47Beladonanot Tier, normal stuff
13:29.54BeladonaI want to see if it was, and how mucgh
13:30.00cladno, clefthoof they specifically changes
13:30.04clad-sta -def +armor
13:30.17cladwhich is good for tanking, since we were using green quest rewards instead of the crafted tanking set
13:30.24BeladonaArmor: All Burning Crusade items that spent part of their budget on
13:30.24Beladonaincreased armor have been re-evaluated.
13:30.33Garoun|LoupanaIuse all 3 peices of heavyt cleftright now
13:30.33BeladonaSome gained additional armor,
13:30.33Beladonawhile others gained other additional bonuses
13:30.46JoshBorkeclad:  you should update the changelog for perfect raid on wowi :-)
13:30.48Garoun|Loupanaso I need to see how much sta they took away
13:31.04cladJoshBorke: it was a bugfix.. and i didn't have time.
13:31.16cladBeladona: yes, and they specifically mention clefthoof
13:31.24JoshBorkelast one is january 23 ;-)
13:31.32cladthats the last time i updated
13:31.55JoshBorkeoh, right.  just a bugfix for the dongle included?
13:32.08cladno, Dongle + an issue that was not letting debuff notifications work
13:32.11BeladonaI am going to export my armory xml file now, and then compare it to ptr
13:32.16cladi.e. if the debuff had a TYPE then the name field was never used.
13:32.18Beladonaso I can see if any of my existing armor changed
13:32.34JoshBorketime to try out tomtom and lightheaded
13:32.51cladNew clefthoof stats:
13:32.54cladwho writes SSPVP?
13:33.08cladHeavy Clefthoof Vest: +210armor, -7stam, -4def
13:33.08cladHeavy Clefthoof Leggings: +143armor, -9stam, -5def
13:33.08cladHeavy Clefthoof Boots: +196armor, -4stam, -3def
13:33.34cladBeladona: why aren't you online?
13:34.12Beladonaoh haven't had that running on this computer for a while
13:34.13Beladonahand on
13:34.51Garoun|Loupanashadowd I think clad
13:35.07cladShadowed: PING, email me at gmail please.. thanks.
13:35.55Garoun|Loupanayeah at least I think Shadowed is the same as Shadow
13:37.01Garoun|Loupanacrap I'm way late for work, woops
13:39.37cladhrm.. am I still connected?
13:39.42Shirik|Ecolehi clad
13:39.49cladhi =)
13:39.57cladzomg someone patch and extract please!
13:40.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
13:40.04Shirik|EcoleI thought you meant are you still on IRC ><
13:40.12cladLegorol: patch and extract, kthx.
13:41.03Legorolclad: what?
13:42.03cladLegorol: PTR is up, and we're trying to see if UnitBuff/UnitDebuff changes to show ownership of buffs/debuffs, because the patch notes seem to indicate they have =)
13:42.10cladbut we're having trouble getting someoneo that can extract, heh
13:42.26subbawti just finished downloading the PTR
13:42.30subbawthow do i extract?
13:42.31Legorolis everyone at work?
13:42.37cladI am =(
13:42.44Legorolclad: my ETA on patch is 80 minutes
13:42.47*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (n=chatzill@
13:42.54Legorolhowever, RIP EquipCompare
13:43.02LegorolBlizzard integrated it into default UI
13:43.06cladLegorol: Just want to make sure we've got enough people working on it.. I'm just the cheerleader
13:43.29Legorolwell i will get the enGB version as soon as i can
13:43.45Legoroli'm not at home though so who knows when ;-)
13:43.46JoshBorkemy downloader disappeared
13:43.51JoshBorkebut i have no idea where the patch went
13:43.52cladi got the download instantly
13:43.55cladbut the patch would not run
13:44.04cladlike, Mac OS X wouldn't run it.. it would just do nothing
13:44.05cladthis made me sad.
13:44.07cladso I had to come to work
13:44.12Legorolit's a 300 Mb patch
13:44.16Legoroli doubt the "instantly" part
13:44.17cladwhere I'm writing SOP and such
13:44.29cladLegorol: it was downloaded using a read bittorrent client in under a minute.
13:44.34clad<-- has clean tubes
13:45.06Legorolone of the best parts of the patch notes: gnomes will now not drown if they surface from water
13:45.20Legorolthat annoyed me so much (main is a gnome)
13:45.30Legorolyou had to do fancy jumping to start getting your breath back
13:45.33Beladonathats hilarious
13:45.42cladand you can run across the water in Black Morass
13:45.56Legorolthat also annoyed me
13:46.05Legorolbeing MT, it was bad i always got to the next portal later than everyone
13:46.12Beladonawe always tease this one officer in our guild saying "stop going into water, we get LOS errors when we try to heal you"
13:46.13subbawtHow do I extract this information you're after, clad?
13:46.22cladLegorol: Come to BlizzCon
13:46.29Legorolclad: pay my flight
13:46.32cladsubbawt: you need to use the UI Extractor, are you familiar with that?
13:46.40subbawtNo :(
13:48.35cladLegorol|away: Cheapest I can find is $1180
13:49.53cladthe imp sap change is my favorite
13:49.54cladby far
13:50.05cladairfair went up $75.00 since yesterday
13:50.14JoshBorkeyay!  i'm patching
13:50.14zenzelezzimp sap change?
13:50.18subbawtWas you typing ~uiextractor supposed to tell me something? :X
13:50.21cladzenzelezz: all rogues get imp sap natively
13:50.27cladsubbawt: no, i dont have the link on me.
13:50.39cladsubbawt: just get on and play
13:50.42cladi think someone else has got it.
13:51.04JoshBorkemy patch went into firefox too...
13:51.14cladthats so weird.
13:51.15subbawtOkay, I'm willing to help anything that potentially gets me new raid UI features.
13:51.24zenzelezzclad: is this 2.1 changes?
13:51.43cladzenzelezz: along with lots of other buffs.
13:52.02zenzelezzsounds fun
13:52.11JoshBorkedo i need to extract the UI files?
13:52.29cladJoshBorke: I think beladona is on it.
13:53.44JoshBorkeget them on wdn, in a flash! :-D
13:53.50JoshBorkei gotta check out teh new API for dots
13:53.57purlget the official Blizzard Interface AddOn Kit here:
13:53.57cladthats what i'm working on
13:54.05cladTeomyr: I knew I hit it somewhere =)
13:54.26subbawtWeird: armor on certain items is showing up in green, like it's an enchantment.
13:55.38cladsubbawt: yeah it means it has extra armor over its armor budget
13:55.42cladi.e. they spent points on it.
13:56.50Legorol|awayread pnotes
13:58.10Legorolso is that RTFPN?
13:58.18cladindeed, i would support that =)
13:58.41*** topic/#wowi-lounge by clad -> Paste Code Here: | I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.| RTFPN please.
13:58.46subbawtThere were so many notes :(
13:59.01cladall shockingly relevant too =)
13:59.05JoshBorketime to play with the PTR
13:59.18Legorol"Players will no longer be able to use "Charge" types of abilities to port the user up to flying-mounted characters" wow i have to try this in 2.0
13:59.45Legoroli also must say, this one's amusing too:
13:59.48Legorol"Proper recognition of SSE support for Pentium III has been implemented resulting in improved performance on this platform"
13:59.58Legorolif anyone's playing WoW on a P3, they are mad
14:00.13Legorolor have the patience of a monk
14:00.36Legoroli am really intrigued by the new dot timer
14:00.43Legoroli wonder how it looks
14:00.46cladthat's what i'm bugging about
14:00.51cladi want to know what API they're using.
14:01.00Legorolthat too
14:01.02JoshBorkecause i'm so gonna steal it
14:01.12cladi've been asking it for praid.
14:01.14Legorolwhat i want to know is how much of EquipCompare they integrated
14:01.22Legoroland whether i can burn up the one useful and popular addon i have made
14:02.12krkathat's a great honor, being ripped off by blizz
14:02.30krkaonly a handful of addons have down that, really
14:02.34Shirikis that like RTFM with patch notes?
14:02.41cladShirik: =)
14:02.47krkalike SCT and the questfade thingy
14:02.47zenzelezzthe force is strrongin this one
14:02.48JoshBorkeindeed, grats Legorol :-)
14:03.02zenzelezzhow the hell did that become "strrogin"? That's a first-class typo
14:03.04Legoroli bet they did it poorly though
14:03.09Legorolevery time they steal an addon, it's not complete
14:03.16krkathe odds of blizzard starting to use a lua highlighter are low :(
14:03.19Legorole.g. the modifier key is Shift according to the PN, i wonder if you can change it
14:03.25Legorolkrka: lol
14:04.05Legoroli think i'm happy about the elixir changes
14:04.13Legorolnow i can't be expected to stack 10 of them at a cost of 50g
14:04.16cladi think they make sense
14:04.32ShirikI agree
14:04.32zenzelezzI am happy about them; but I was never one to chug elixirs
14:04.41Shirikzenzelezz: same as me :)
14:04.42subbawtThis minimap rotation thing is _awesome_
14:04.53Legoroli didn't used to, until we came to Moroes in Karazhan
14:04.53zenzelezzsubbawt: what's that?
14:04.56cladsubbawt: hehe is it really that useful?
14:04.58Legorolthen i went shopping
14:05.00subbawtthe minimap rotates :P
14:05.05subbawtwith your facing
14:05.08zenzelezzI hate that
14:05.13zenzelezzbut matter of opinion
14:05.14Legorolomg, that's going to confuse me so much!
14:05.19Legorolis it optional?
14:05.20zenzelezzI just hope it's a setting
14:05.20cladyou can turn it off =)
14:05.20subbawtwell, it's optional
14:05.34Legorolthat's not in pnotes
14:05.39cladyeah it s.
14:05.42clador not
14:05.48zenzelezzthey'd have to invent a compass if you couldn't turn it off
14:05.49cladno it wasn't, you're right
14:05.54cladbut i read about it in slouken's posts.
14:06.01Legorolclad, RTFPN
14:06.06cladzomg =)
14:06.08subbawtit has an indicator of North on it :P
14:06.17Legoroli'm happy with the new flight paths
14:06.20Legorolthe HH->Sh is great
14:06.33zenzelezzyeah, I was wondering why that wasn't there already
14:06.38JoshBorkebye bye ptr
14:06.42Legorolbut even better is the Emerald Sanctuary and Forest Song
14:06.45zenzelezzmost people reach Shattrath before Allerian
14:06.51Shirikyeah HH->Shat should have been there for a while
14:06.56Legorolzenzelezz: well you weren't supposed to
14:07.10Shirikstill, the flight path didn't make sense, even if you weren't supposed to
14:07.10Legorolyou are supposed to progress Hp -> Zang -> Shatt/Terokkar
14:07.12subbawtAh this buff timing is neat
14:07.15JoshBorkecrap, now i gotta grep through for the rings
14:07.18Shirikyou go away from where you're going before you go towards it ><
14:07.21Legorolthere is a sequence of flight paths for that
14:07.30LegorolShirik, there is a Hp->Zang->Shatt route
14:07.39Shirikbut you're still going away from shatt
14:07.44Legorolmost people just tend to get the Hp->Allerian->Sh one
14:07.50ShirikI have gboth
14:07.53Shirikboth don't make any sense
14:08.10Shirikit's like going from maine to california
14:08.13Legorolwell they do, if you consider that Hp is not adjacent to Shatt
14:08.17Shirikbut hitting up florida along the way
14:08.20Shirikor washington
14:08.39Legoroli agree that it's annoying, but i do think it makes sense from Rp point of view
14:08.51Legorolonly adjacent cities have direct Fp to Sh
14:09.01LegorolHH is further away
14:09.16Legorolyou don't have direct A52->Sh either
14:09.26cladJoshBorke: KEEP me updated
14:09.31Shirikthat's also annoying me :P
14:09.42Legorolbut it also makes sense ;-)
14:09.50Legoroli am not saying i don't like the HH->Sh route, it's great
14:09.51zenzelezzsomeone pastey the notes for us that aren't on PTR? I know I've seen a bunch of them already, but still
14:09.54Legorolit just doesn't make sense :P
14:10.28JoshBorkeclad:  logging in breaks clique
14:10.33Legorolwhat do you guys think about the search field in profession window
14:10.36cladJoshBorke: k k, that's fine..
14:10.39claddefine "breaks"
14:10.44Legorolalso the improvements to the auction window are great
14:10.47JoshBorkeattempt to index field 'global'  (a nil value)
14:10.59cladJoshBorke: did you have savedvariables?
14:11.11cladJoshBorke: thats why..
14:11.12cladit should go awar
14:11.16cladits not a real issue
14:11.21cladjust an issue in my conversion script
14:11.37JoshBorkek, np :-)
14:11.38Legorolheh, programming mistakes 101, always test your addon on a clean WoW install
14:11.48Legoroli seee many error messages that only pop up on first login
14:12.01cladLegorol: its hack code, I barely had time to get _it_ written
14:12.05Legorol~lart clad
14:12.05purlhereby declares clad a troll
14:12.24Shirik~hug clad
14:12.34purlACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs clad
14:12.34JoshBorkeoh that's nifty
14:12.42cladJoshBorke: zomg where's your grep
14:12.50JoshBorkealt left click to provide feedback
14:13.20Legorolbtw, am i the only one that doesn't like the fact that Lua errors are now hidden by default?
14:13.28JoshBorkeyou can alt+left click on a mob and it'll open the feedback window
14:13.40cladLegorol: I'm sure that was a design decision
14:13.44cladJoshBorke: WHATS THE CODE FO RIT
14:14.02Legorolclad: i am sure too, but i don't like it
14:14.04zenzelezzfeedback window?
14:14.04cladi want to stab you in the face, just a little bit tho.
14:14.08Legorolit sweeps bugs under the carpet
14:14.24JoshBorkeyou want me to just diff the 2 frame XMLs?
14:14.25cladLegorol: any addon that uses seterrorhandler() will make errors fully visible again tho
14:14.35cladJoshBorke: sure, whatever we need to do to get the answer! =)
14:14.42JoshBorkepersonally, as an end user i like the change to the errors
14:14.53Beladonathey said Tier5 was improved in quality, but not tier4
14:15.04Legorolclad: yes, but now we'll have a situation where all addons will explicitly have to enable it
14:15.06Beladonacurrently, tier4 isn't anything to impress me either
14:15.08Legoroli don't beleive in hiding errors from users
14:15.12zenzelezzBeladona: same
14:15.52Legorolehm.. lol, did Drysc just copy/paste Iriel's post and sticky it in the exact same place?
14:15.58cladkinda, a little bit =)
14:16.01JoshBorkelooks like Tier4 did get buffed though
14:16.38Beladonathey finally added a way to change your Kara ring
14:16.38subbawtmine looks the same to me
14:16.48subbawttier 5 got a huge buff
14:16.49cladJoshBorke: zomg you're making me cry
14:16.54Legorolclad: i bet it went like this
14:17.10LegorolBlizzard employee Joe, who is in charge of compiling patch notes, took the notes from iriel
14:17.13LegorolJoe handed the notes to CMs
14:17.21LegorolCMs went around the relevant forums and posted/stickied the notes
14:17.33JoshBorkehold on, hold on
14:17.36JoshBorkekeep your pants on clad
14:18.48JoshBorkei think 12k lines is too much to pastey
14:19.28JoshBorkela di da
14:19.30Shirikclad is so hostile today
14:19.53cladits the pants
14:19.54cladthey keep me calm
14:20.00JoshBorkeavailable at
14:20.54cladwhats the frame's name?
14:20.56cladplease =)
14:21.29JoshBorkei haven't check yet
14:21.38cladyou said you had it open in game =/
14:22.06subbawterr lowercase b
14:22.09JoshBorkethe alt thing is when you just mouse-over the unit
14:22.13JoshBorkeerm, mob
14:22.43cladname, rank, icon, count, duration, timeLeft = UnitBuff("target", i);
14:23.05cladname, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft = UnitDebuff("target", i);
14:23.22cladyou only get timeleft and duration if you cast it.
14:23.26cladi win =)
14:23.37Beladonaso do you need mine or not?
14:23.47zenzelezz""Hunter's Mark": This ability now becomes stronger each time the target is struck by a ranged attack. " -- O_o
14:23.57cladBeladona: I think that's all I needed for right now
14:24.02cladBeladona: If you wanna focus on the full compare
14:24.06cladso i can play there later today =)
14:24.33cladThats fun.. so when you cast a buff that has a timer.. it gets the cooldown overlay
14:24.38cladso you can see when its gonna get done
14:24.55cladHow to display this in PerfectRaid is really the issue =/
14:26.11Beladona1 removal, 1 insertion, 144 changes at the directory level
14:26.23BeladonaUnitWatch.lua was removed
14:26.31BeladonaSecureStateDriver.lua was added
14:26.32cladyeah, its in the other code now.
14:27.19JoshBorkenew option:  Show Launcher
14:27.29*** join/#wowi-lounge RogueShadow (
14:27.42Beladonayou can turn on or off the launcher
14:27.49Beladonawhen you click the shortcut?
14:27.56cladoh, i can already do that.. I just use one .app or the other =)
14:29.13clad-local unitMinHP, unitMaxHP, unitCurrHP;
14:29.13clad+local unitHPMin, unitHPMax, unitCurrHP;
14:29.13cladoh blizzard:
14:29.15JoshBorkeonce you launch the game, there's a new checkbox below Remember Account Name
14:29.25JoshBorkeum, why?
14:29.49subbawtYay my pants got buffed. +1 Spirit +3 healing
14:30.12JoshBorkeoh, they just didn't do it right the first time, lol
14:30.46Beladonanew toc = 20100
14:31.24cladthe new UIPanel code is pretty nice.
14:32.18JoshBorkeLute has been integrated
14:32.23JoshBorkeyou can now open the loot window at the mouse
14:33.03Shirikyeah seriously....
14:33.06JoshBorkecan now show buff durations in teh default UI, no more need for something like buffalo for just that
14:33.08Shirikthat's something that was really pissing us off in rdx
14:33.50cladwhat changes in the QuestLog?
14:33.53ShirikI'll never get my character copied, never do
14:34.06cladnew frame called QuestLogCount
14:36.07Beladonawhat the
14:36.21Beladonawhats that do
14:36.26cladcan someone get a screenshot of the new latency tooltip
14:36.29cladincluding the addon usage stats
14:36.35cladjust so we can see what they loook like?
14:37.08JoshBorkei guess i should eat breakfast now
14:37.18Beladonasounds like they have added some kind of quest statistics info
14:37.59cladyeah thats all i can think.
14:38.02JoshBorkeguess i should add a mod to show memory usage...
14:38.19cladnice.. abbreviation globalstrings
14:38.39zenzelezzdoh, they're removing the heal from Lifegiving Gem? May just replace it then
14:38.51Beladonathis is something else
14:39.06cladLegorol: Its hard coded as Shift for equip compare.
14:39.11BeladonaQUEST_LOG_DAILY_TOOLTIP = "You can only complete %d Daily quests each day.  The new day starts in %s.";
14:39.34Beladonasounds like a new type of quest maybe?
14:39.41Beladonaones that are only doable so many per day?
14:40.52cladoot for 83kb lightheaded =)
14:40.58cladthat includes the cost for dongle.lua
14:41.10JoshBorkei hadn't opened my quest frame :-P
14:41.11clador rather, it should.
14:41.13JoshBorke3.45 once loaded
14:41.22BeladonaERR_QUEST_FAILED_TOO_MANY_DAILY_QUESTS_I = "You have already completed %d daily quests today"; -- When trying to turn in a daily quest but already at limit
14:41.22cladits a big database =)
14:41.29JoshBorkebut i guess that's attached to the database and not the actual mod
14:42.04cladJoshBorke: what do you mean?
14:42.31cladthe database is a seperate mod, actually.
14:42.32JoshBorkelightheaded is 369 KB and LightHeaded_Alliance_Data is 3.45 MB
14:43.05cladload up your entire default UI
14:43.08cladand lets see the tooltip
14:43.35cladooh can you print the new shaman color for me?
14:43.37JoshBorkebut then my mod will be at the top :-(
14:43.42clad+["SHAMAN"] = { r = 0.14, g = 0.35, b = 1.0 },
14:43.56JoshBorkelooks like you already have it...
14:45.02JoshBorkegotta disable bartender...
14:45.38JoshBorketop 3:  Fubar 2.04 MB, BigWigs 1.38 MB, Prat 1.03 MB
14:45.52cladit only shows top 3
14:46.13ShadowedAren't all Ace mods going to be showing larger numbers due to the libraries anyway? even if it only loads one copy
14:47.25cladShadowed: No, it should be attributed correctly
14:47.25JoshBorkeit appears to be more than just that though
14:47.45JoshBorkebecause fubar was 700 KB before
14:47.49ShirikWhat I'm really afraid of
14:47.59Shirikusers who have no idea what this actually means, will start reading into these numbers
14:48.08Shirik"zomg fubar is taking up so much more memory I should get rid of it"
14:48.19cladthats minor, we already deal with that now.
14:48.24subbawtpeople already do that
14:48.46Shadowedthe difference is now will have more accurate numbers
14:49.33cladnot necessarily
14:49.39cladWarmup was extremely accurate as soona s 2.0 hit.
14:49.42cladlike.. deadly accurate
14:49.53ShadowedOh? what changed
14:49.54pastamancerbah, users
14:50.02cladthe GC system
14:50.07cladwe had fine-grained control over it
14:50.27cladso we can stop GC, load an addon, start GC again, and determine how much garbage each addon created, and hjow much the final memory increase was.
14:50.55cladInteresting, btw.. didn't think we could use . in a SV name:
14:53.35cladJoshBorke: If you'd be willing to, there are some really easy tests you can run to see how library memory is being attributes
14:53.41JoshBorkethey pulled down PvE right as i was about to dump my memory usage
14:53.48cladah boo
14:53.53JoshBorkepvp is up though
14:54.15cladJoshBorke: Load LightHeaded, then make a new dongle off Dongle-1.0
14:54.20cladsee how much memory each gets attributed
14:54.29cladthen you could pull dongle out into a standalone addon, and see where it goes.
14:57.09ShirikFlare cooldown increased to 20 seconds, and duration reduced to 20 seconds.
14:57.15ShirikIt already sucked, you didn't need to nerf it more
14:57.22Shadowedyeah flare sucked
14:57.29subbawtthese ogres in the barrier hills are no joke
14:57.41cladsubbawt: farmable?  i need netherweave cloth =)
14:57.50Kaso|afkCooldown and duration equal is fair em
14:58.11subbawtProbably wouldn't be the best place to farm.
14:58.27subbawtThis patrolling 71 elite "soul reaper" made quick work of me.
14:58.36cladwhere is this?
14:58.37subbawtOf course i don't have any spells on my action bars, and im a holy priest.
14:58.40cladin BE?
14:58.46subbawtAbove Shattrath
14:58.47Shadowedsubbawt: Transfers up, or are you using an old char?
14:58.52subbawtyes, Shadowed
14:59.05subbawtstill busy for me :\
14:59.09Shiriksame :(
14:59.49JoshBorkefull addon dump:
14:59.50Shirikso like, on the main page, "expansion armor sets announced"
14:59.59Shirikwhy did they feel to include every class except hunter
15:00.08ShirikBlizz hates us :(
15:00.30JoshBorketime to do clad's test
15:00.35cladJoshBorke: Oh, k.. thanks =)
15:00.39cladwas just gonna ask
15:01.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Work (n=cheald@
15:01.48JoshBorkeok, just light headed loaded, 249 KB for lightheaded
15:02.49JoshBorkeafter typing /script Test = DongleStub("Dongle-1.0"):New("Test")
15:02.54JoshBorke250 KB for lightheaded
15:03.08cladwould you mind making a proper addon
15:03.10cladso you get stats?
15:03.20JoshBorkea proper addon! :-(
15:03.23JoshBorkeyea, ok
15:03.31cladand then pull out the standalone, I think that would give the full picture
15:03.43cladbut i suspect the first addon to create the table gets the memory u sage
15:03.45cladwhich makes sense.
15:05.06cladwow epic flight form looks pimp
15:05.15cladand horde > alliance
15:05.29Shirikwierd static noise on my ptr client
15:05.59Shirikwow that is incredibly annoying ><
15:06.04JoshBorkeso clad, i need 2 mods right (to start)
15:06.16JoshBorke1 mod lightheaded, 1 mod to dump the statistics
15:06.40JoshBorkethen for the second step i make a third mod that is just dongle
15:06.56cladfor the first test
15:07.01cladyou need lightheaded with dongle embedded
15:07.14cladokay, here's a simple way to do it
15:07.44cladcopy the LH_Alliance_Data addon
15:07.44cladchange the name, and add a .lua in there and in the .toc
15:07.44*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|work (
15:07.48cladmake it dependent on Lightheaded
15:07.49cladso LH loads first
15:07.57cladthen in the .lua file, make a new Dongle object
15:08.00Legorolhm, very curious, there is a new "Show Launcher" tickmark on the login screen
15:08.19cladthen the last test is to make Dongle standalone (you can download the tag for 1.0, its an addon)
15:08.19LegorolI have played around with it, but at least for the PTR client, it doesn't seem to do anything
15:08.24cladand remove Dongle.lua from lightheaded
15:08.28Legorol(sorry for the topic disruption)
15:08.28cladand see where memory goes
15:08.31cladthat may be a good first test too
15:08.35cladLegorol: hehe its barely a topic
15:08.44cladwe're just seeing how the taint tracking ended up tagging s hared memory.
15:08.44LegorolIRC+parallel convos ftw
15:08.54Legorol"shared" memory?
15:08.58Legorolmemory is never shared
15:09.08ShadowedLegorol: All that it did was crash my computer by checking it =/
15:09.10cladand yes it is, when you use a common libarry
15:09.29Legorolthen the code and data is shared in terms of use, but it's not created "jointly"
15:09.41cladno, its "shared".. which is what I said =)
15:09.44Legorolall memory allocations must belong to the addon that did them
15:09.55cladthey didn't originall
15:10.00cladwhich is the whole point of checking
15:10.10cladpreviously, he was tagging the memory with the last addon to change it.
15:10.24Legorolwhich makes sense
15:10.30cladno, actually
15:10.34cladit caused lots of issues.
15:10.48cladI believe he changed it so the table is tagged with the addon that creates it
15:10.52Shirikworld server is down :(
15:10.53Legorolhm, i think i see what you mean
15:10.55cladhe moved the tagging to the memory allocator.
15:10.57JoshBorke248 lightheaded, 6 for my lh clone
15:10.57ShirikJosh_Borke you broke it :(
15:11.08Legorolclad: ok that's what i thought how it always worked, sorry i was confused
15:11.16*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
15:11.17cladJoshBorke: Good, that's what I'd expect.. means each addon is going to be tagged for the original libraries its using
15:11.17Legoroli see what you said just now <clad> previously, he was tagging the memory with the last addon to change it
15:11.27Legoroli didn't read what you write properly
15:11.29cladif they were instantiated by trhat addon
15:11.32cladno problem
15:11.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
15:11.51*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
15:11.55Shirikoh wow
15:11.57Legorolok so if an addon created a table of 100 integers, and another changed the values but not the keys, the memory used to be allocated to the 2nd?
15:12.01ShirikRDX doesn't use nearly as much memory as I thought it did
15:12.01cladCide: heyas =)
15:12.02ShadowedWouldn't that mean that the first addon to load the library is going to get a large amount of memory used while the others wont?
15:12.08Cidehey clad
15:12.11cladLegorol: In his first iteration,  yes.
15:12.14LegorolShadowed: that's what it sounds like
15:12.19cladShadowed: Yes it does, which is the only method that makess ense
15:12.40Legorolare you still in need of framexml
15:12.55cladNope beladona is working on the compare, and joshborke posted a full diff
15:13.00ShadowedMeaning if you wanted to test how much memory the addon uses minus the library you just pull it out into an addon?
15:13.04cladthe  UnitBuff and UnitDebuff changes are exactly what I was hopingg they were.
15:13.08cladShadowed: Correct
15:13.23ShadowedDid you figure out how they work yet? It seemed to randomly work then not
15:13.30Cideclad: what are they, specifically?
15:13.32cladhow what work?
15:13.38cogwheel|worksilly drysc
15:13.49ShadowedCide: Two new returns, duration and timeLeft to the end of both if it's a buff cast by the player i guess
15:14.16Cideso wait, that works on UnitBuff too?
15:14.16cladname, rank, icon, count, duration, timeLeft = UnitBuff("target", i);
15:14.16cladname, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft = UnitDebuff("target", i);
15:14.20ShadowedYeah both
15:14.23Legorolcogwheel|work: lol that's what i said too
15:14.45ShadowedThe UI does the same default effect on buff/debuffs cast on your target that they do with your own cooldowns
15:14.50Shiriktons of new quests
15:14.52Shirikcheck this out
15:15.06cladare any of the new areas pre 70?
15:15.07Shirikat this rate you could level 1-60 at sunstrider isle
15:15.12Shadowedall of them are 70s I think
15:15.23Shiriklook at how many quests are on this one npc:
15:15.48Cideanyone got the link to the ptr downloader around?
15:15.49cladShirik: lol
15:15.50Shadowed~lart Shirik
15:15.50purldecapitates Shirik conan the destroyer style
15:15.58ShadowedCide: CTMod isn't working, fix it!
15:16.05clad is the patch
15:16.08JoshBorkeso with dongle still inside Lightheaded and dongle it's own addon now, lighthaeded has 224, dongle has 175, my addon has 6
15:16.15clad is the downloader
15:16.20Cidesurely not every part of it is broken? :P
15:16.33cladJoshBorke: Uhh.. are you sure they're the same Dongle.lua?
15:16.35ShadowedJust the part that referances to target debuffs I believe
15:16.49cladJoshBorke: That sounds like they have different major versions, or are both getting tagged and not GC'd somehow.
15:17.05cladJoshBorke: could you collectgarbage("collect")
15:17.07cladand then check?
15:17.37JoshBorkedongle: 66, lh: 22, mm: 3
15:17.47cladk k
15:17.50cladthat makes more sense
15:17.55Shirikuh oh
15:17.57JoshBorkegonna disable dongle, and do a memory collection to get the first test too
15:17.59ShirikRDX has a taint now :(
15:17.59claddunno why yours is taking 3k, but, heh
15:18.04Shadowedactually i bet I could fix it easly
15:18.16cladShadowed: Did you get my message about Dongle-1.0 and SSPVP?
15:18.21JoshBorkeclad:  it's got a table, and a function
15:18.25Shadowedclad: Nope, where?
15:18.33cladJoshBorke: that's not 3k.. thats 24 bytes, and 20 bytes
15:18.36claddepending on contents.
15:18.43cladShadowed: whats your email, or email me so i can respond to you
15:18.53cladbasically, SSPVP needs to be updated to Dongle-1.0
15:18.58cladcause of a mistake i made about a month ago =/
15:19.02JoshBorkeclad:  after a gc, 85 for lh, 2 for mine
15:19.05Shadowedwhat'd you do!
15:19.11Shadowedmessaged you the email
15:19.26Shirikoooh interesting
15:19.31Shirikhey clad, were you talking about this error handler earlier?
15:19.59cladShirik: what do you mean?
15:20.04ShadowedCide: Instead of Blizzard creating all of the TargetFrameDebuff# and TargetFrameBuff# frames they're dynamically created
15:20.09Shirikam I making this up or does there seem to be a new error handler implemented :/
15:20.13cladJoshBorke: k k.. t hanks.. those numbers are around what i'd expect
15:20.22cladShirik: errors are turned off by default
15:20.29Shirikhm, wasn't for me
15:20.30JoshBorkeyep yep
15:20.31cladany addon that uses seterrorhandler() will override that tho
15:20.36Shirikwell here's the wierd part
15:20.41CideShadowed: ah, that's nice
15:20.42Shiriktwo addons error handlers got called
15:20.50Shirikwhich... I didn't think was possible
15:20.55cladShirik: Is one hooking instead of using seterrorhandler()?
15:21.01Shiriknope :/
15:21.05ShirikWe have the one I made
15:21.09Shirikand then some other one also caught the same error
15:21.21cladwhat other one?
15:21.29Shirikthat's what I can't figure out >< I've never seen it before
15:21.48Shiriklet me reproduce it maybe you know
15:23.55Shirik ever seen it before?
15:24.29Shiriksorry :(
15:24.33Shirikit's the easiest place for me to go
15:24.35Cideit's still loading
15:24.35cladthats Swatter
15:24.38cladwith auctioneer
15:24.43Shirikoh :/
15:24.49Shiriknever seen it before ><
15:24.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
15:25.10cladboth should be using seterrorhandler() tho
15:25.23cladAnyone have epic druid form quest info?
15:25.42Shirikwhat's odd though
15:25.43cladi love swatter
15:25.49Shirikneither of them hook the error handler...
15:26.00Shirikboth mine and swatter (as far as I can tell) just set it
15:26.10Shirikbut both are being called (see in the bottom left, my error handler picked it up as well)
15:26.35CideI can't
15:26.41Cidestill loading!
15:26.43cladmaybe seterrorhandler() lets you set multiple
15:26.46Shiriksorry :(
15:26.47cladthat'd be fun
15:26.49cladand easy to test
15:27.09claddo /script seterrorhandler(function(msg) ChatFrame1:AddMessage("Zomg: " .. msg) end)
15:27.12Shirikoh... wierd
15:27.16cladthen trigger another error.
15:27.26Shirikactually swatter is only picking up a few errors
15:27.34ShirikI think I know what it is..
15:27.57Shirikswatter also looks for ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED
15:28.02Shirikwhich is what it picked up
15:28.05cladgood good
15:28.09cladthat makes more sense
15:28.17cogwheel|workstupid f*****g forums!
15:28.21Shiriknow I have to fix this taint -_-
15:28.32purl[cogwheel] actualy another advanced chat bot that automatically responds when you put anything that follows WoW macro syntax in chat.
15:28.37JoshBorke~emulate cogwheel
15:28.39purlACTION shakes its fist at the forums...
15:28.42Cidebah, I fail at purl
15:29.34Shirikwelp, the issecurevariable() works very nicely
15:29.43cladShirik: does it?
15:29.45cladwhy does no one have info about the epic flight form.
15:29.53Shiriktells you which addon causes the problem
15:29.57Shiriktoo bad no "why" :(
15:30.21cladwell, put the value behind a proxy
15:30.29cladand trigger a traceback when something changes it.
15:30.54Shirikit's also in VFL, which suggests that there's going to be more problems :(
15:31.01Shirikoh well I should have about 2 weeks
15:32.22cogwheel|workhehe drysc deleted his post :)
15:32.44cladpoor guy
15:32.49cladso who here is going to Blizzcon?
15:32.50subbawtApparently the druid epic flight form quests starts at a druid trainer, and then has you go to zangarmarsh.
15:32.55subbawtthat's all my friend has got so far :P
15:32.58cladsubbawt: thanks
15:33.01ShirikI'm trying to :/
15:33.08Shirikhave to figure out my schedule
15:33.11cladsubbawt: i knew it began in moonglade, and you need 300 skill
15:35.21Shirikooh kill command is no longer on GCD
15:35.32Shiriknow maybe I'll actually use my pet occasionally
15:35.46subbawtHe has to fly around zangarmarsh and get stuff from the tops of the giant mushrooms apparently.
15:36.38cladnice =)
15:36.40cladi can collect things
15:36.47cladi only need 1.2k more
15:36.50cladand my bro can help me with that
15:37.00cladi'm  more concerned about how much the mats for the quest series (if any) will cost.
15:37.04cladtell him to FLY LIKE THE WIND!!!!
15:37.25cladoh, what were teh LFG changes?
15:38.27subbawthe needs 10 ancient lichen, and 10 dreaming glory also (so far)
15:38.35*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
15:38.49cladare those picked, or purchased?
15:39.36subbawtthe items from the mushrooms are "bog blososms"
15:39.47cladhave him collect coords =)
15:40.10cladas a priest, should i go mooncloth or shadowweave?
15:40.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
15:41.15foxlitmooncloth is healing, shadow is shadow damage
15:41.33foxlitThey'll probably both be made redundant by T5-level drops
15:41.39cladyeah, good point
15:41.43cladwhich is more profitable, i wonder.
15:42.03foxlit(but PM gets you quicker 20 slot bags :P)
15:42.17Scre3mprimal mooncloth?
15:42.32*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
15:42.44Cidesigh, I hate bittorrent sometimes
15:43.05Cide99%, download rate: 0.00 kb/s
15:43.23foxlitPeerss having the last pieces can't connect to you?
15:43.31Cideapparently not
15:43.40cladi had the same issue
15:43.46claduntil i used a real BT client
15:44.03foxlitDoesn't help much if you're behind NAT :/
15:44.58CideI'm connected to a lot of people that have 100% available it says
15:45.07Cidenever had any problems before
15:48.25*** join/#wowi-lounge bljakk (
15:48.32cladCide: the CTRA section looks better than I thought it would.
15:48.48Cideare you in a 25 man raid?
15:49.01Cidepretty sure it'll ramp up :)
15:49.08cladno i mean in the book
15:49.19Cidethat's good :)
15:49.23cladits in its own little side thing, just sets it apart
15:50.06Cidehehe, that's nice
15:52.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
15:57.23cladheh i cut some of the RDX history out
15:57.23cladit flows better without it
15:57.23Shirikclad: Did you also write "Method in Minitry" ?
15:57.28cladShirik: hrm?
15:58.06cladnope, I'm James Whitehead II technbically
15:58.10cladbut that would have gotten really confusing
15:58.13cladand no, that's not my dad
15:58.24Shirikaww :(
15:58.44Shirikwhen you said you're James Whitehead II I thought he was your dad for a second ><
16:02.34Legorolwow, they implemented QuickLoot
16:02.41Legorolnew Interface option: open loot window under mouse
16:02.44Legorolnot in PN
16:03.26Legoroli must say the rotate minimap thing is confusing at first, but i might be able to get used to it
16:03.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
16:03.33Legoroli wonder how minimap pings get translated..
16:03.56Legorolactually, this may end up being a nightmare for addons that place icons on the minimap
16:04.20Legorolpoor Astrolab
16:06.07Beladonatroubleshooting a laptop power failure over the phone: priceless
16:07.41cladLegorol: Shouldn't be that bad, just need to check the cVar
16:07.41cladnot that esamynn will be happy with it =)
16:07.41Legorolclad, yes, but you will have to start rotating coords
16:07.41Legoroli hope there is a way to get the minimap orientation
16:07.42cladthere is a way to get the radian offset, yes.
16:07.42Legorolnice, how?
16:07.42Beladonaminimap rotate?
16:07.42Legorolyes, new option, minimap now rotates as you turn, instead of the player arrow rotating
16:07.42Legorolcan be toggled, thank god
16:07.58cladLegorol: last post
16:07.59Beladonayou know
16:08.06BeladonaI was actually looking at making an addon for that
16:08.10Beladonajust to see how it would be
16:08.27Legorolclad, thanks
16:08.27Beladonabut does the minimap now have full compass points?
16:08.39Legorolapparently it shows N at least
16:08.56Beladonait would be easy to add full compass points I guess
16:09.10Beladonasquare minimaps might look funny
16:09.16Beladonahas anyone tested with one yet?
16:10.00Legorolaha, so minimapcompassring is a model
16:10.01Legorolnice nice
16:10.23cladLegorol: I have a challenge for next time you're bored =)
16:10.25subbawtNew Epic Leather Engineering Goggles:
16:10.26cladbtw :P
16:10.49Legoroli'm afraid i'm on holiday right now, so definitely not bored :D
16:10.54Legorolbut do say
16:11.09Legorolas much real patch days are a nightmare, PTR days are fun :o)
16:11.17Beladonaclad, that might open up some new stuff for TomTom
16:11.23cladBeladona: how so?
16:11.36cladLegorol: in TomTom, I use models, so when the minimap icon hits the edge of the minimap, I create an arrow model
16:11.38Beladonathe compass ring being a model
16:11.55Beladonamight make it easier to get data about direction, and other stuff needed for ping direction
16:12.10ShirikI agree
16:12.15cladLegorol: Right now, because thats a bit beyond the edge of the actual minimap, it means that in order to mouse over the arrow, you have to mouse over a bit OUTSIDE the arrow on the edge
16:12.33cladI could snag pings, and place em on the minimap, maybe.
16:12.48Shirikone thing that annoys me about pings
16:12.51Legorolsubbawt: sweet goggles, what are the mats?
16:12.55cladLegorol: Not sure how to fix it.. i assume i'd need to find the math to move the actual button (for mouseovering) radially inwards.
16:12.55Shirikis you can't see them if they're outside of the minimap ><
16:12.59Shirikhaving an arrow would be nice
16:13.10cogwheel|worksure hope character transfer opens up soon...
16:13.15Beladonathe problem with current ping direction implementations is that they are horribly innacurate
16:13.19Beladonadue to camera
16:13.36BeladonaBlizz should really integrate that
16:17.35*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
16:17.35*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Paste Code Here: | I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.| RTFPN please.
16:17.41Legorolok, then move the icon inwards
16:17.45Legoroland setalhpa to 0
16:18.19Tem|AFKwe don't manage the placement of the icon
16:18.19cladthats more difficult, since astrolabe is placing the icon repeatedly.
16:18.19Tem|AFKAstrolabe does
16:18.19cladand it places it correctly
16:18.28cladits the offset between where the icon ends up, and where the arrow ends up , thats the issue
16:18.34cladsince the icon is centered at the tip of the arrow
16:18.36Tem|AFKso what I was suggesting was to play with the icon's rect when it's hidden
16:18.43Legoroli'm afraid i got to run
16:18.55cladTem|AFK: How would i know what to set them too
16:19.00cladthats where my brain breaks.
16:19.19Shirikthat was awesome
16:19.22Tem|AFKwell, you know the angle
16:19.33Shirikthe last 40 lines just came in all at once ><
16:19.36Tem|AFKso you just offset down that line
16:19.49cladTem|AFK: see you say that like I've done any geometry in the past 10  years.
16:20.16Tem|AFKsorry, I've spent the last few days playing with the convex hull problem
16:20.29Tem|AFKso I'm pretty familliar with cartesian voodoo atm
16:20.40Shirikclad: you have the angle, right?
16:20.46Shiriklet me do some quick math for you ^^;
16:21.01cladk, bbias
16:21.16Tem|AFKgood, because I have to go to class soon and I wanted to get more done on this program before I left
16:21.54Shirikok clad
16:22.03Shirikif you want to move it n pixels toward the center
16:22.48Shirikyou want to move it nsin(t) down and ncos(t) left
16:22.50Shirikwhere t is your angle
16:23.06*** join/#wowi-lounge TC_Working (n=Thunder_@
16:24.13Shirikso you would subtract nsin(t) pixels from Y, and subtract ncos(t) pixels from X
16:25.16sysrage"Ice Block": This ability no longer makes mages immune to "Weakened Soul" from "Power Word: Shield". However, using this ability now causes "Hypothermia", making the mage unable to cast "Ice Block" again for 30 sec.
16:25.21sysragewhat the flying fuck?
16:25.36Kasoto stop mages delaying for time in areans i guess
16:25.40sysrageway to nerf cold snap
16:25.50Tem|AFKwell, CS never worked anyway
16:25.53sysragethat's fucking bullshit
16:25.54sysrageyes it did
16:25.55Tem|AFKso I guess it's not that big of a deal
16:26.15sysrageit's a huge deal
16:26.25Tem|AFK(btw, I'm agreeing with you)
16:26.32Tem|AFK(that's a retardedly big nerf)
16:26.41Cidefrost mages had pretty extreme survivability
16:26.56sysragethat's why we pick frost
16:27.06Cideyou still have pretty extreme survivability
16:27.16Tem|AFKif I didn't want "extreme survivability" I would play fire
16:27.18Cidechaining ice block along with 4 frost novas is pretty overpowered (in my opinion anyway)
16:27.46Cidethere's no way any melee could touch you
16:27.49sysragemaybe for pvp.. i'm so damn tired of them destroying classes in pve because of pvp whiners
16:27.55Cidethat doesn't affect pve
16:27.58sysrageyes it does
16:28.01Tem|AFKyea it does
16:28.01Cideno it doesn't
16:28.05sysrageyes.. it does
16:28.06Cideif you pull aggro calm down a bit
16:28.21Cidewhen would you need it twice in 30 seconds?
16:28.27Tem|AFKif you pull agro, you don't survive unless you have 2 iceblocks
16:28.42Cideyeah.. you do
16:28.51sysragebecause things happen where you get aggro or somebody near you gets aggro on a mob that has an AOE
16:29.07Cidethat's one ice block
16:29.09sysragehas nothing to do with you being careful about getting aggro
16:29.12Cidewhen do you need the second?
16:29.28Tem|AFKhonestly, the last time I got agro was on a greed dragonkin in BWL
16:29.42Tem|AFKso, my perception is a bit skewed
16:29.44Cidewhen do you need to chain ice block then?
16:29.59Tem|AFKit was a frost vulnerable mob
16:30.02sysragewhen the mob comes right back at you when it wears off since it doesn't actually lower your hate
16:30.07Tem|AFKso the MT couldn't get it back from me
16:30.17Cidesysrage: uhh.. 10 seconds to build threat is plenty
16:30.20Tem|AFKbecause of the stuns
16:30.22sysragenot always
16:30.30Cideyou're talking to a priest
16:31.06Cidewith a ~1250 aggro dump for 10 seconds on a 30 sec cooldown
16:31.06Cideyou have a 10 sec 100% aggro dump
16:31.06Cidealong with invisibility
16:31.06Cideyou're fine, trust me
16:31.06Tem|AFKit's not an agro dump at all
16:31.25Cideit is for 10 seconds
16:31.25Tem|AFKice block does not remove any agro
16:31.25Cide... I know
16:31.25Cidenor does fade
16:31.25Tem|AFKit makes you immune for 10 seconds
16:31.36Cidewhich is a hell of a lot better than ~1250 threat for 10 seconds that you get right back
16:31.50CideI can output twice the threat fade removes in a single heal
16:32.23cladShirik: Thanks.. I'll ask you again about that later =)
16:32.30sysrage"Molten Armor": This ability will no longer be triggered erroneously by some non-melee attacks, such as "Feral Faerie Fire". It will also no longer break crowd controlling affects such as "Polymorph".
16:32.33sysrageat least they finally fuckin fixed that though
16:32.41Cidehonestly, ice block is *fine* in pve on a 30 second cooldown
16:32.54Tem|AFKit's still a fucking nerf
16:33.00Cideso? look at shadow priests
16:33.14Cide-20% threat reduction, -5% damage, -7% VE heal
16:33.14bljakkShadow priest got shot in back
16:33.20Tem|AFKlast time I checked, they still ate my face off without even looking in my direction
16:33.48bljakkLike, last patch VE was nerved by 5%
16:33.52Cideprobably, I was talking pve though
16:34.04Tem|AFKshadow priests have no place in pve imo
16:34.05bljakkAnd this patch dmg gets nerved, meaning, ve going down again
16:34.13CideTem|AFK: have you raided with one?
16:34.19Tem|AFKbut that's probably just because I'm a mage
16:34.21Cidethey're probably the best class to take to a raid right now
16:34.38bljakkWell, right now they are
16:34.44bljakkAfter patch, i am not so sure
16:34.56Cideoh come on, 5% damage to locks isn't a huge deal
16:35.15Cideand to the priests themselves of course, but still
16:35.20bljakkWell, its mor elike mana problems which are gonna come
16:35.39CideI don't run out of mana if I don't want to :)
16:35.43bljakksw:d nerv is like 250+ dps reduction
16:36.09Cideto your max dps cycle sure.. I don't think anyone uses that a lot
16:36.17Cideseeing as if I do, I can pull aggro whenever I want
16:36.24bljakkWell, there were encounter where you HAD to use it
16:37.13bljakkWell think on mage in Gruuls Lair
16:37.31Shirikclad: np
16:37.40Cidefirehand? don't need to use it on him
16:38.04Tem|AFKCide, I have raided with one.  I hated every minute of it
16:38.15Tem|AFKhe kept bidding on my gear
16:38.19Cidedid you get beat in damage? :P
16:38.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
16:38.30Cideof course, it's a caster dps class.. what do you expect? :)
16:38.41CideI think people need to realize that shadow priests are not healers
16:38.42Tem|AFKI expected him to keepa his hands off
16:38.44Legorolclad: ping
16:38.47cladby the way, a mage complaining about aggro to a priest, needs to stfu
16:39.02cladLegorol: heyas
16:39.08Tem|AFKI'm just complaining in general
16:39.13Tem|AFKI don't even pay anymore
16:39.13Legoroli am going to have to go for tonight but i want to think about this problem, so some questions
16:39.27cladLegorol: okay, I think shirik solved it.
16:39.30Legorolthe paste you pasted, the self points to an object that's the icon, or is it an arroy?
16:39.31Legorolah ok
16:39.42cladso you would subtract nsin(t) pixels from Y, and subtract ncos(t) pixels from X
16:39.48cladand that self is the model itself.
16:39.52cladself.parent is the button
16:40.04Legorolok, if it's the model, what are you using SetPosition for?
16:40.08cladboth are children of the "icon", which is just a button with no texture
16:40.16cladthe SetPosition() is required for the arrow model.
16:40.19Legorolit looks to me x and y are the positions of the model, and are definitely *not* at the center
16:40.34Tem|AFKLegorol, the model is *anchored* to the center
16:40.35cladyes, the model is anchored to the center of the minimap cluster
16:40.55Tem|AFKand the :SetPosition calls move the model within it's own space
16:40.58Legorolbased on the use of sin and cos, the constant 0.03875 appears to be the radius at which you want the model to appear
16:41.17Legorolaye, anchored to the center, but not *placed* at the center
16:41.23Legorolsorry that my earlier question was a bit unclear on that
16:41.26cladbut the arrow's placement is fine
16:41.35cladi dont think moving it in is the right way to go
16:41.45cladi think changing the hitrect of the button probably makes more sense
16:41.47Legorolwell you want to move the icon in, don't you?
16:41.51cladi'll just have to wrap my head around that tonight
16:42.14Tem|AFKLegorol, he's not moving the icon
16:42.14Legorolok, you said the arrow model is a child of the icon
16:42.21Tem|AFKLegorol, he's going to move the icon's rect
16:42.21LegorolTem|AFK: isn't that what he wanted to do?
16:42.30Legorolmove the invisible icon inwards a bit, so you can mouse over it?
16:42.31Shirikhe wants to move the hitbox
16:42.36cladthere is a button, that button has two children, the icon texture, and the arrow model
16:42.44Tem|AFKAstrolabe is handling the position of the icon
16:42.48Legorolclad: ahaaa
16:42.51Tem|AFKso moving it is a bad idea
16:42.54Legorolok, so it's coded completely different than what i thought
16:43.08Legoroli thought the icon and the arrow are two separate widgets, and can be placed independently
16:43.38cladthey aren't at the moment
16:43.48cladwell, they can be PLACED anywhere
16:43.54cladthat's just the parent/child relationship
16:44.05Legorolso, why not place the button where you want it,
16:44.06Tem|AFKclad, for shits, try anchoring the icon to the button
16:44.13Legorolthen place the icon texture and the arrow model appropriately
16:44.14Tem|AFKclad, and :SetPosition(0,0,0)
16:44.29cladLegorol: I can't control the placement of the icon texture
16:44.34cladTem|AFK: The icon is anchored to the button
16:44.44Tem|AFKclad, the arrow model, not the icon
16:44.45cladLegorol: hrm..
16:44.47Legorolif it's an anchor, it can be relative, with offsets
16:44.54cladTem|AFK: you said the icon =)
16:45.02Tem|AFKclad, oh, sorry
16:45.03Legorolyou said you have a butotn, with two children: an icon texture and an arrow model
16:45.14Legorolall these three objects should be anchorable and placeable independently
16:45.16cladLegorol: Aye.. but thats the same effect as the changignt he hitrect of the button
16:45.20Tem|AFKclad, I meant anchor the arrow model to the button and :SetPosition(0,0,0) on it
16:45.35cladbut yes, i could break up the relationship a bit.
16:45.38Legorolanyway, thanks for the clarification, got to run now
16:46.11cladknowing I need n(sin(t)) and n(cos(t)) helps tho
16:46.17cladjust have to play with it, i guess.
16:47.10Shirikif you subtract those values
16:47.12Tem|AFKbtw, clad, have fun with the new minimap setting
16:47.16Shirikthat's essentially subtracting R
16:47.18Shirik(r = radius)
16:47.25cladTem|AFK: I don't need to do anything
16:47.28cladthat's what astrolabe is for =)
16:47.35Tem|AFKoh lol
16:48.14cladi dont do any of that, lol
16:48.14cladi dont think it'll be that hard.
16:51.30Shiriksomeone needs to help this guy install his addons: "i have done it and draged fonts into the world of warcraft and i started up the game....THE WHOLE THING HAS RESET IT'S SELF AND I AM GOING TO HAVE TO START A WHOLE NEW CHARECTER......."
16:51.44oTem|AFKthat's special
16:52.32ShirikI need an avatar :/
16:55.21cladhrm, i don't think i like oranges very mucjh
16:55.22cladi much prefer apples.
16:55.29cladCIA-16: What are you in here watching, I wonder?
16:55.38cladwe don't really have commit bots here, which is a good thing.
16:56.54oTem>>> collectgarbage("stop") for i=1,250961 do t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} end print(gcinfo())
16:57.00CideoTem: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
16:57.09Shiriktem = fail
16:57.09Cide<-- slower today
16:57.14oTem>>> collectgarbage("stop") for i=1,250861 do t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} end print(gcinfo())
16:57.19Shiriktem is evil
16:57.20CideoTem: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
16:57.29oTem>>> collectgarbage("stop") for i=1,250761 do t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} end print(gcinfo())
16:57.29ShirikCide: recommend collectgarbage = nil
16:57.34CideoTem: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
16:57.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Work (n=cheald@
16:57.44oTem>>> collectgarbage("stop") for i=1,250661 do t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} end print(gcinfo())
16:57.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
16:57.49CideoTem: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
16:57.55Cidenah, vista recovers it right after
16:58.02Shirikah, nice
16:58.05oTem>>> collectgarbage("stop") for i=1,250561 do t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} end print(gcinfo())
16:58.12CideoTem: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
16:58.15CideI have two copies of wow running tem
16:58.17Shiriktem, what are you trying to do ><
16:58.25oTemoh, that's what the problem is
16:58.37oTemShirik, well, if he's running 2 copies of wow, I might make one of them page out
16:58.39Cidetry again
16:58.47oTem>>> collectgarbage("stop") for i=1,250561 do t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} t = {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} end print(gcinfo())
16:58.53ShirikI doubt it
16:58.58CideoTem: 696910
16:59.10cladwow, lol
16:59.14oTemeating nearly 700MB of space, I just might
16:59.27ShirikI'm sure vista would kill the Lua process
16:59.42zenzelezzI pity the fool who has nothing more interesting to do than to mess with Cide's quasi-bot
16:59.42Shirikout of memory
17:00.08oTemzenzelezz, you should know by now that finding perverse holes in systems is a hobby of mine
17:00.28zenzelezzis that supposed to change anything? :-o
17:00.37oTemI suppose I should make another "slouken: I crash wow" post soon
17:00.38ShirikCide: Did you ever fix that one hole? (Don't worry I won't do it ><)
17:00.52CideI'd have to consult Iriel on that one
17:01.18Cidegranted, I could have python kill lua instead of having lua kill itself
17:01.53cladI should make a resident lua bot
17:02.01cladCide: would you be interested if i set one up,  helping with it? =)
17:02.44oTem>>> local a = function()end collectgarbage("stop") for i=1,250561 do coroutine.create(a) end print(gcinfo())
17:02.47CideoTem: 276405
17:02.52cladi'll set up some space this weekend.
17:02.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
17:03.55cladCide: Damnit, my host doesn't allow irc bots =/
17:04.04*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
17:04.15Cidebleh =/
17:04.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
17:04.37Elkanocide, could you add sth that makes the bot show the number of virtual instructions?
17:04.43sysrageis 2.1 live on ptr now?
17:04.49Kasodoes wow have coroutines ^_-
17:05.05sysrageyes to which of us? :)
17:05.28Kasoboth perhaps?
17:05.29cladboth actually
17:05.40sysrageanybody know the new stats on runic and mystic spellthread?
17:05.47ShirikKaso: I believe auctioneer uses them
17:07.28subbawtthe blue spellthreads didn't change
17:07.32subbawti don't think
17:07.49sysrageoh you're right it says golden and runic
17:07.53sysragewell what's the new runic? you know?
17:07.53subbawtthe epic healing one is 20 stam 66 healing now
17:08.01subbawtit used to be 18/51
17:10.01sysragedon't know the damage one?
17:10.16subbawtNope im exalted aldor tailor
17:10.19subbawtI would need to be scryer
17:10.25sysragek thanks anyway
17:10.42Beladonaif anyone cares, almost done with wdn compares
17:10.47subbawtCheck this cape out:
17:10.56subbawtIt's probably a bug, but it has absolutely NO cooldown
17:10.57*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (n=chatzill@
17:11.03Beladonaregexing in 146 files = ouch
17:11.04*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (n=rumors@
17:11.23cladBeladona: thanks =)
17:11.57claduhh sed?
17:11.58bljakkue32 cant handle that?
17:12.08Beladonadunno, can it?
17:12.23bljakkwell at least you can create more of them as one macro, and execute it
17:12.31sysrageso the cooldown remaining: 16 seconds doesn't mean anything?
17:12.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Karen@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
17:12.45*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
17:12.49Shirikwb Cairenn
17:12.50oTemoh balls
17:12.56oTemI'm gonna be late for class
17:13.04Beladonain other words, I can create a script that does 15 regex find/replaces in a directory of files?
17:13.06Shirikbye TecnoBrat
17:13.07Tem|AFKI blame cide
17:13.09Shiriker, Tem|AFK
17:13.14Shirikstupid tab completion >.>
17:13.15Beladonawith full regex syntax
17:13.28ShirikBeladona: Do you need it written? :P
17:13.38cladsubbawt: Where are we on the epic flight form?
17:13.41bljakksure you can
17:13.47Tem|AFKBtw, coroutines do consume memory faster than tables
17:13.56cladTem|AFK: yes, they're much more expensive.
17:13.58Tem|AFKI broke 700megs before cide slowed down
17:13.59Beladonaew, ue32 costs money
17:14.11cladclosures > tables > coroutines =)
17:14.21BeladonaI will just use sed I guess
17:14.24Beladonaonce I get it setup
17:14.27bljakkwell, it does, but you can use it for free for 30 or 45 days
17:14.28Tem|AFKclad, I'm not talking memory per allocation
17:14.38cladTem|AFK: what are you talking?
17:14.40BeladonaI need a long term approach
17:14.41Tem|AFKclad, I'm talking init time per unit of memory used
17:14.47cladoh, well yeah
17:14.52cladi thought you knew that =)
17:14.57Tem|AFKI must consume memory as /quickly/ as possible
17:15.20cladand coroutine creation is faster than table?
17:15.21Tem|AFKnot in the fewest number of objects
17:15.28Tem|AFKclad, aparently...
17:15.47Tem|AFKI never broke 700MB within the 5s limit with tables
17:15.48subbawt[13:11] <sysrage> so the cooldown remaining: 16 seconds doesn't mean anything?
17:15.55subbawtThat is the cooldown i got when i equipped it
17:15.58Tem|AFKanyway, /me poofs
17:16.02subbawtafter that i can spam click it
17:16.17*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
17:16.34clad>>> for i=1,1e4 do local t = {{},{},{},{},{}} end print(gcinfo())
17:16.34Cideclad: 41
17:16.58cladTem|AFK: I suspect its your constructor, more than anything
17:16.58Shirikclad ><
17:17.02Shirikisn't it supposed to be 42?
17:17.15clad>>> for i=1,1e5 do local t = {{},{},{},{},{}} end print(gcinfo())
17:17.16Cideclad: 41
17:17.31clad>>> collectgarbage("stop") for i=1,1e5 do local t = {{},{},{},{},{}} end print(gcinfo())
17:17.33Cideclad: 26597
17:17.38clad>>> collectgarbage("stop") for i=1,1e6 do local t = {{},{},{},{},{}} end print(gcinfo())
17:17.45Cideclad: 265660
17:17.53Shirik>>> for i = 1, 1e5 do local t = {{},{},{},{},{},{}}; end print (gcinfo());
17:17.54CideShirik: 50
17:17.55cladyeah, thats taking too long
17:18.03clad>>> collectgarbage("stop") for i=1,1e7 do local t = {{},{},{},{},{}} end print(gcinfo())
17:18.09Cideclad: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
17:18.16Shirikmust find the question to the ultimate answer to life, the universe, and everything...
17:18.20clad>>> collectgarbage("stop") for i=1,1e7 do local t = {} end print(gcinfo())
17:18.22sysragelol they brought back the LFG channel?
17:18.26Cideclad: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
17:18.28Shiriksysrage: Yeah
17:18.29Beladonain 2.1
17:18.32Shirikbecuase people like me complianed
17:18.41Beladonaany special restrictions to it now?
17:18.53Shirikbasically it's what it was
17:18.53Shirikno moderators, etc.
17:18.55Shirikjust a channel
17:18.57bljakknot other than you have to explict join it
17:19.03bljakkwith some tick whereever
17:19.07clad>>> collectgarbage("stop") for i=1,1e6 do local a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p; local q = function() return a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p end end print(gcinfo())
17:19.09Shirikright, it's not in by default
17:19.09Beladonawe need another guild recruitment channel anyway
17:19.13Cideclad: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
17:19.23claddamn, closure creation is slow
17:19.28Cidetry now
17:19.33clad>>> collectgarbage("stop") for i=1,1e6 do local a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p; local q = function() return a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p end end print(gcinfo())
17:19.39Cideclad: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
17:19.44CideI restructured the code a bit
17:19.44clad>>> collectgarbage("stop") for i=1,1e7 do local t = {} end print(gcinfo())
17:19.48Shirikbut what's annoying is all the kiddies that thought they were uber when they got owner on LFG
17:19.50Cideclad: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
17:19.52Shirikand then muted it
17:19.54Shirikor passworded it
17:19.55Cideso need to make sure it still works!
17:19.57Cide>>> 1, 2, 3
17:19.57CideCide: 1,  2,  3
17:19.59Shirikso that's gone now
17:20.03clad*shrug* heheh
17:20.12Cide>>> return { 5, 3, { 1, 2, "a" }, "foo", nil, "bar " }
17:20.12CideCide: { 5, 3, { -3, 2, "a",  } (#2), "foo",  } (#1)
17:20.37sysrageWhen consuming reagents or using items on the action bar, smaller stacks will be used before larger stacks.
17:20.40sysragethat's nice
17:20.42clad>>> collectgarbage("stop") local a = function() return math.random() end for i=1,1e6 do local t = coroutine.wrap(a) end
17:20.45Shirik>>> a = {foo = a}; return a;
17:20.49Cideclad: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
17:20.49CideShirik: {  } (#1)
17:20.55Shirikoh good you blocked it
17:21.09Shirik>>> a = {a}; return a;
17:21.09CideShirik: {  } (#1)
17:21.12Shirikgood :)
17:21.19Cide>>> a = { }; = a; return a
17:21.19CideCide: { ["foo"] = <table: #-3>,  } (#1)
17:21.23Cidewhat the hell though
17:21.38CideI must've messed something up
17:21.47Shirikthat looks logical to me
17:21.52bljakkits not
17:22.05Shirik<table: #-3> is merely because -3 should be unsigned
17:22.05clad>>> collectgarbage("stop") local a = function() return math.random() end for i=1,1e5 do local t = coroutine.wrap(a) end
17:22.07Cideclad: nil
17:22.15clad>>> collectgarbage("stop") local a = function() return math.random() end for i=1,1e5 do local t = coroutine.wrap(a) end print(gcinfo())
17:22.18Cideclad: 115459
17:22.57bljakk>>> foo = a; a = foo; return a;
17:22.58Cidebljakk: nil
17:22.59clad>>> collectgarbage("stop") local a = function() return math.random() end for i=1,250000 do local t = coroutine.wrap(a) end print(gcinfo())
17:23.00ShirikCide: If you want I can show you this function I wrote VFL.print_r()
17:23.02Cideclad: 286548
17:23.04bljakkthat right
17:23.05Shirikperhaps you could adapt it for your bot
17:23.10clad>>> collectgarbage("stop") local a = function() return math.random() end for i=1,500000 do local t = coroutine.wrap(a) end print(gcinfo())
17:23.16Cideclad: 573060
17:23.20CideShirik: maybe
17:23.29clad>>> collectgarbage("stop") local a = function() return math.random() end for i=1,600000 do local t = coroutine.wrap(a) end print(gcinfo())
17:23.35Cideclad: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
17:23.48*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
17:23.51cladI like my lua serialization routine
17:23.54*** part/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
17:23.59Cideit was working earlier...
17:24.02cladjust wish i could figure out why the file io gets truncated.
17:24.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Jumpee (
17:25.42bljakk>>> return 1 / 0;
17:25.42Cidebljakk: 1.#INF
17:26.21CideShirik: not sure how I can control whether -3 is signed or unsigned in lua :P
17:26.26clad>>> for k,v in getfenv(0) do print(k,v) end
17:26.26Cideclad: nil
17:26.32Shirikit shouldn't make a difference in Lua
17:26.37ShirikI thought maybe it was something else eating it
17:26.41Cidewhy does it output -3 then?
17:26.42clad>>> for k,v in pairs(getfenv(0)) do print(k,v) end
17:26.43Cideclad: "log",  function: 009A9E48,  "wow",  { ["strconcat"] = function: 009AAA58, ["strtrim"] = function: 009AA9B8, ["debugstack"] = function: 009AAAB8, ["getglobal"] = function: 009AAA78, ["setglobal"] = fu... (exceeded 200 characters)
17:26.50Shirikbecause what it should say is something like table:FC3EABC0
17:27.00Cideit should say
17:27.03Cide<table: #1>
17:27.11Shirikin that case something's messed up :P
17:27.30ShirikI'm writing something atm Cide maybe it'll help you :)
17:27.43Cide>>> a = { }; = a; return a
17:27.43CideCide: { ["foo"] = <table: #-3>,  } (#1)
17:28.11Cidemy table serializer is pretty ugly
17:28.13Cidebut still
17:28.15Cidethat doesn't make sense
17:29.19Cide>>> a = { }; = a; return a
17:29.19CideCide: { ["foo"] = <table: #-3>,  } (#1)
17:29.47Cide>>> a = { }; = a; return a
17:29.47CideCide: { ["foo"] = <table: #-4>,  } (#1)
17:30.17Cide>>> a = { }; = a; return a
17:30.18CideCide: { ["foo"] = <table: #1 } (#1)
17:30.32JumpeeFrom the PTR forum: "Lua errors are no longer shown by default, but you can set the scriptErrors cvar to 1 to enable them". Does this have to be set programmatically?
17:30.37Cidelike I said, I restructured the code
17:30.55CideI did.. local strsub = string.gsub -- instead of string.sub
17:31.05cladJumpee: there's a console command
17:31.10cladi think maybe /console showerrors 1
17:31.29CideI think
17:31.30Jumpeeok, thanks
17:31.41cladCide: one posting slouken made didn't have "SET"
17:31.46cladand its going into the book, heh
17:31.47cladhope its right
17:31.48JumpeeSo it can't just be edited with NotePad?
17:31.54Cidethat's probably right then
17:31.56cladyes it could
17:32.04cladbut a console command is easier.
17:32.24Cidethey both work, clad
17:32.54cladnice =)
17:32.56Cideanyway.. I have this code commented now at least
17:34.37Cidefeel free to submit patches!
17:35.51Cide>>> 1, 2, 3
17:35.51CideCide: 1,  2,  3
17:36.19JumpeeI wonder why Lua errors are no longer shown by default. Was it causing a problem?
17:36.29cladJumpee: for customer servbice, ofr course
17:36.38cladJumpee: people report UI issues to Blizzard.
17:36.45cladwhen its addons, not the default UI
17:37.28JumpeeWhen in doubt, blame it on Blizzard?
17:37.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
17:37.45Shirikok cide got it :)
17:37.45Nom-Howdy guys :)
17:38.18ShirikTry the second function listed here (ignore VFL.print_r(), that was for my reference)
17:38.29Shirikthat will string-ize a table
17:38.38Shirikso doing something like print(print_r({a = 1, b = 2}));
17:39.18Shirik> return print_r({a = 1, b = 2, c = {foo = 1, bar = 2}});
17:39.18Shirik{ [a] = 1, [c] = { [bar] = 2, [foo] = 1 } , [b] = 2 }
17:42.34Shirik> a = {foo = 1}; = a; return print_r(a);
17:42.34Shirik{ [bar] = { [bar] = table: 00441B50, [foo] = 1 } , [foo] = 1 }
17:42.58Shirikhm, that's not quite right
17:43.17ShirikI mean, it's right
17:43.21Shirikit just goes deeper than I would have liked it did :/
17:43.42cladshould be ["a"]
17:43.47cladcause [a] has completely different meaning
17:43.55cladand isn't serializing, since you couldsn't load it back in =)
17:43.58Shirikeh, yeah
17:44.02Shirikyou're right
17:44.17Shirikjust need to put little \" when adding the key
17:44.28Shirikand yeah, that's why I said string-ize not serialize
17:44.37Shirikwhich may not be a word but it is now
17:44.43Cide>>> a = { 1, 2, 3 }; = a; return a
17:44.44cladits okay, my serializer can get caught in a cycle :P
17:44.49Cideit borked
17:44.51cladtho i could fix that
17:45.04cladits my fault =/
17:45.05ShirikCide: Note print_r returns a string, so you'll have to do whatever with it
17:45.07Cide>>> a = { 1, 2, 3 }; = a; return a
17:45.13Shirikdespite its name, it doesn't "print" anything
17:45.30Shirikit should really be named "tabletostring" or something
17:46.28*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
17:46.51Shirik now puts the key in quotes :P
17:46.52Cide>>> ("a"):rep(201)
17:46.53CideCide: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... (exceeded 200 characters)
17:47.01Cide>>> ("a"):rep(199)
17:47.02CideCide: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... (exceeded 200 characters)
17:47.06Cide>>> ("a"):rep(198)
17:47.06CideCide: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
17:47.21TC_Working~bitchslap Cide
17:47.27purlACTION beats the sh*t out of Cide
17:47.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
17:47.28Shirikoh, hi Cairenn
17:47.29Cidesorry, should've used a private channel
17:47.48Cairennwe all slip up from time to time Cide, np
17:47.56zenzelezzsure, it's okay when Tem is spamming the bot, but when Cide does it himself then Cairenn wakes up
17:48.00TC_Workinginteresting how 199 exceded 200 chars
17:48.07Beladonaor #wow-crashers
17:48.43CideTC_Working: the ending "
17:49.17Cairennzenzelezz: :p too many channels and forums, not always watching this one (shhh, don't tell anyone)
17:49.35ShirikHa, Cairenn asleep
17:49.41Shirikcause that ever happens
17:50.08cladaren't there websites where people can tag code?
17:50.19cladlittle code repositories?
17:50.31cladi wish pastey had a way to store and tag
17:50.51Cide - current version (thanks clad)
17:51.03BeladonaI wonder how many people are whining because there are no premades
17:51.28cladBeladona: tons actually
17:51.28Shiriknot even AB?
17:52.07cladCairenn: ?
17:52.25Beladonafinally got my char copied though
17:52.38Cairennheh, didn't realize you were logged in twice, was talking to you on your other account in the staff channel ;)
17:52.40cladi have two of my druid over there
17:52.49cladso i can buy epic ff
17:52.52cladand do the quest
17:53.02cladCairenn: heheh np, sorry.. i'm here in pms =)
17:53.16Shirikcapitalization is the difference between PMs and pms
17:53.45zenzelezzI heard a different one
17:53.54Shirikaye, that's a modified version of a different one :P
17:53.57cladi might be here in pms too :P
17:54.04zenzelezzcapitalization is the difference between "I helped my uncled Jack off a horse" and "I helped my uncle jack off a horse"
17:54.25Shirikyeh, that's the one I heard :P
17:54.25Beladona~lart zenzelezz
17:54.25purldecapitates zenzelezz conan the destroyer style
17:55.36zenzelezzwhat, I didn't make it, I just read it
17:57.15ShirikFYI guys
17:57.18ShirikI'm currently able to copy character
17:57.21Shirikso you may want to check it now
17:59.52*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
18:00.05Cidebuff timers:
18:00.45Shirikthe thing I want to know though
18:00.58Shiriklike I cast fort on some guy
18:01.02Shirikthen 15 minutes later cast fort on me
18:01.05Shiriknow that guy has 15 minutes left
18:01.12ShirikI guess you'd need an addon to handle the cases separately
18:01.30*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
18:02.53NeriniaIs Set*BindingClick bugged on the PTR? It throws "Addon Blocked" Popups on AddOn defined SecureActionButtons. :/
18:03.09Shirikit sounds like a taint
18:03.36ShirikI have a taint issue in my addon atm as well
18:03.41Shiriklooking for it
18:04.37Shirikthey must have changed something
18:04.37NeriniaCan't be. Works on 2.0.12
18:04.37nuoHepbtw, omnicc works with them wthiout any modifications (with cooldowns on buffs/debuffs)
18:04.37Shirikso they changed the background api
18:04.38ShiriknuoHep: fun
18:04.50ShirikNerinia: RDX also works on 2.0.12 but is having issues with click-casting or click-targetting on PTR
18:05.00ShirikI'm assuming they changed something deep in the API that is now resulting in a taint
18:05.08ShirikOf course, it's theoretically possible something's bugged
18:05.27ShirikI think a better question is, do other click-casting mods work? Clique, etc.?
18:05.33ShirikI haven't tried others yet to see if they have the same trouble
18:06.36NeriniaHm, ok. New build, new luck... Have a nice day ;)
18:07.31*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
18:07.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom_ (
18:07.45Beladonain their defense, they DID change the toc for that reason
18:08.02Beladonaone would expect addons to need re-testing and possible rewrites
18:08.37ShirikI expected to have to tear everything apart again ><
18:08.49Shirikany unix gurus here?
18:10.14sysragewhat's the question?
18:10.44ShirikI want to count the number of lines in RDX. Problem is it exists in several folders. So, what I was going to do was something like this:
18:10.55Shirikwc -l `find ./ -name RDX*`
18:10.57Shirikbut that doesn't work
18:11.08ShirikI also tried regexes but it still doesn't like me :/
18:11.18sysrageyou want the number of files that start with RDX?
18:11.30Shirikno I want the total lines in folders that start with RDX
18:11.41Shirik. = interface/addons
18:12.00ShirikI... guess files that start with RDX would also work
18:12.09Shirikbecause the files do happen to start with RDX_ or RDXM_ or RDXC_
18:13.02sysrageok you're confusing me.. you want the number of lines in all files in any directory that starts with RDX?
18:14.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
18:14.55sysragewc -l RDX*/*
18:15.11sysragebut that's still not getting all subdirs.. hold on
18:16.41Shirikwc -l `find RDX*/*` worked pretty well, I think I can touch it up from there
18:16.42Shirikthanks man :D
18:17.14Gnarfozkbytes are more representative anyway, aren't they?
18:18.04Shirikfor the record, wc -l `find RDX*/* -name *.lua -o -name *.xml -o -name *.toc` was what I ended up using, thanks again sysrage :)
18:26.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
18:31.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
18:31.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
18:34.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom_ (
18:35.02Nom_man these proxies are useless
18:35.22Nom-I've now given up
18:35.44Nom-back to using irssi... i wish i could find the setup instructions for the irssi builtin proxy
18:37.03Shiriknom, you're a miner right?
18:37.17Shirikwhat would you consider the best zone to farm?
18:37.20ShirikI need money, fast :(
18:37.29Nom-well on my server right now, EPL
18:37.42Nom-Noone there, and for some reason Thorium is selling really well
18:37.54Shirikdon't you say prospecting is a good way to make money?
18:38.04Nom-It can be...
18:38.12Nom-Depends how lucky you get
18:38.25ShirikI just took your advice prospected 2 stacks of fel iron
18:38.28Nom-If you want to mine Outland, go for Adamantite in Nagrand
18:38.30Shirikgot 2 blue gems
18:38.45Shirikthey're both on AH right now for about 50
18:38.58Nom-The funny thing is
18:39.06Nom-That's more than the fel iron would sell for on my server :/
18:39.40Nom-So each gem you ahve on the AH is worth more than that stack would have been in bars
18:39.59*** join/#wowi-lounge _aLF (
18:41.23Nom-holy crap it's nearly 3am
18:41.27Nom-no wonder i'm half asleep
18:41.29Nom-nite guys
18:44.15*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
18:51.01*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
18:52.29GuillotineWOOHOO! New spoofing technique :D
18:52.41Guillotine~emulate Guillotine
18:52.54purlwoohoo! spoofing links is fun!
18:53.20Guillotineapparently an item link with an item ID of 0 isn't validated
18:53.27Guillotineits unclickable, but the name isn't validated
18:56.20Guillotineand color is completely non-validated
18:56.28Shirikabout to try it :P
18:57.16Guillotineuh oh. Better report this to slouken. Just figured out a way to spoof rolls using this
18:57.43TC_WorkingGuillotine, was that the stuff i was geting yesterday?
18:57.47TC_Workingin brown
18:57.57GuillotineTC: what brown?
18:58.01TC_Workingfake links
18:58.01GuillotineShirik: like /random
18:58.02Guillotinefor items
18:58.07TC_Workingin brown colors
18:58.09Shirikthat's not good
18:58.13GuillotineTC: probably
18:58.20TC_Workingdamn, it crashed itemsync
18:58.21Shirikrecolor an emote, yes?
18:58.31TC_Workingwhen it tried to validate it
18:58.34Guillotineyup. and put in linebreaks
18:59.33Tem|AFKGuillotine, slouken knows about it
18:59.35Tem|AFKhe sends his thanks
18:59.43Guillotineoh, ok
19:02.06Gnarfozthe connections of some of the "elite circle" of wow ui devs scare me
19:03.11ShirikGuillotine: Yup, worked for me
19:03.20ShirikTem|AFK: That's good
19:04.12Beladonafyi Guill, a faked roll using an emote would only work if everyone was there to see it
19:04.24Beladonasince rolls show to whole groups, and emotes do not
19:04.29Beladonawhich would make it look suspicious
19:04.37Shirikalso people who use addons like RDX To handle rolls wouldn't be fooled
19:04.38GuillotineBeladona: you can do it in any channel
19:04.39Shirikonly actual people
19:04.47Guillotinein fact, it works better in channels that strip links
19:04.50Guillotineit doesn't strip inner colors
19:05.10Beladonawouldn't a channel have pre-text that also throws it off?
19:05.17Beladonameaning it wouldn't look legitimate
19:05.44Beladonaonly an emote would look close enough being real unless I am missing something
19:05.45Shirikdo something like /2 hello |cff9d9d9d|Hitem:7073:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h\nShirik rolls 100 (1-100)|h|r
19:05.54Shirikwithout the 7073
19:05.56Shirikand with correct colors
19:08.10claddamn, i wish i could have rollhax on live
19:08.16cladi need a stockpile of greens
19:08.19Shirikfor the record, it does work on live :P
19:08.33Shiriknot suggesting you do this
19:08.36Shirikbut, it's there :P
19:09.02cladorly =)
19:10.28cladklol you too
19:10.38Beladonawdn is up, beware the highlighted lines of doom (lots of them)
19:11.07Beladonaplease report any issues, much of the reports are modified by hand, so are subject to human error
19:15.28nymbianice, thanks Beladona
19:17.09ShirikGuillotine: I don't think it's an issue, I'm not able to successfully send a linefeed over chat :P
19:17.18GuillotineI am
19:17.24ShirikI've tried \n, \10, \13
19:17.27Shirikthey all dc me
19:17.28Guillotinejust add \n in the item name
19:17.43Guillotinee.g. \124cffff8000\124Hitem:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h[Guillotine \n Rocks]\124h\124r
19:18.39Shirikm nope :/
19:18.42Shirikare you on PTR?
19:18.52Shirikoh wait that time I think I forgot to change the item id
19:19.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadow|Work (n=outlaw@
19:20.12Shiriknope, still no good :/
19:20.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowedd (n=outlaw@
19:20.21Shadowedstupid irc reconnecting
19:21.09Tullerhurray memory profiling, kindof
19:21.56Guillotinewell, its working fine for me o.O
19:22.13Shirikanytime I put a \n anywhere in the chat, before the link, in the middle of it, after it
19:22.15ShirikI get disconnected
19:22.56*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
19:22.56hasteoh, that still works? quick relog macro incoming
19:24.05Kasoim sure they fixed that
19:24.09Kasoages ago..?
19:24.14Guillotinehaste: the dc only works if you use SendChatMessage. The actual chat frame strips it
19:24.29Guillotineand if you want a quick relog macro, just put in an item name incorrectly
19:27.18hasteheh, I actually have one already
19:27.28hasteguess I've forgotten it while not playing :p
19:28.49*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
19:30.19leethalif you have the id of an enchant.. can you get it's name and the effects it has?
19:30.44leethalif you have the id for Crusader, for instance. How much it heals for, how much strength it gives etc
19:32.24Shirikleethal: I don't believe so
19:37.55AdysIs the Heroic/Normal dungeon default difficulty mode stored clientside or serverside?
19:38.23cogwheel|workdid they purposefully disable the flying mount trainers/vendors?
19:39.17ShirikAdys: Checking now
19:39.33AdysI cant find it in WTF/ so i guess its serverside, but i might have missed it
19:39.57ShirikMan, stupid Ace
19:40.00Shirikgtfo out of my computer
19:40.03*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio (
19:40.05Shirikit won't let me force disconnect ><
19:40.17Shirikthe comms library complains "invalid escape code"
19:42.03ShirikAdys: It doesn't seem to be saved at all
19:42.13Shirikupon relog, I was reset to normal
19:42.21Adyshm, I get the opposite problem
19:42.30Adysits systematically reset to heroic
19:42.32ShadowedYou sure Shirik? I could swear it was saved
19:42.44ShirikOk here was my proceedure:
19:42.57ckknightShirik: lol
19:43.10Shirik1. Switch to heroic, 2. Send some fubared chat message so I get dced, 3. log back in, 4. note I am on normal
19:43.24ShirikThis would _imply_ that it's not server side
19:43.35Shirikand suggest that it's neither
19:43.48Adysim pretty sure its saved somewhere
19:43.49ShadowedCan't login and check, but I have guildies who have Heroic on everytime and I doubt they switch it
19:43.52Adysdeffo not clientside
19:43.53Shirikbut if you're stuck on heroic...
19:43.57Shirikthen that's wierd
19:44.06Adysi set it on normal, now im back on heroic after relog
19:44.17ShadowedDid you log out in a dungeon?
19:44.28ShirikI'm in the middle of nagrand
19:44.32Adysheh, same
19:45.04leethalhow can I make (.+) take characters only? (read: not spaces)
19:45.11Shirikuse [a-zA-Z]
19:45.13Shirikinstead of .
19:45.15leethali tried (%s+), but that didn't seem to work
19:45.18leethalah, thanks
19:45.25Shirikhmm do Lua patterns allow that?
19:45.26Adysi just set it back to normal, and again to heroic, relogged, and im still on heroic
19:45.34Shirikwell try it :P
19:45.36leethalno idea, just saw that somewhere
19:45.45Shirik(I mean do they allow what I did)
19:45.49ShadowedAdys: stop breaking the game!
19:45.55Shirik(What I gave you is a regex, technically not supported by Lua)
19:46.08Shiriktry it
19:46.12Shirikeither it will work or it won't :P
19:46.14leethalyep, worked
19:46.17ShadowedTheres a GetCurrentDungeonDifficulty(), so I imagine it's stored somewhere
19:46.25cladlua patterns support character classes
19:46.31Shirikgood :)
19:46.34cladjust not alternations or optional patterns
19:46.43clad[^%s]+ ftw
19:46.44Shirik[^a] as well?
19:48.14clad>>> ("Thisisastring"):match("[^a")
19:48.15Cideclad: nil
19:48.20clad>>> ("Thisisastring"):match("[^a]")
19:48.20Cideclad: "T"
19:48.27cladthat's.. interesting.
19:48.36clad>>> ("Thisisastring"):match("[^a-z]")
19:48.36Cideclad: "T"
19:48.41Shirik>>> ("Thisisastring"):match("[^a]+");
19:48.41CideShirik: "Thisis"
19:48.43clad>>> ("Thisisastring"):match("[^a-zA-Z]")
19:48.43Shirikfool :P
19:48.43Cideclad: nil
19:48.47cladoh yeah
19:48.56Shirik>>> ("Thisisastring"):match("[^a]+?");
19:48.56CideShirik: nil
19:49.04Shirikso that's not supported I guess
19:49.06cladthats not well formed at all
19:49.13cladwhat does that do as a regexp?
19:49.19Shirikreturn T
19:49.27cladyes, but why
19:49.32Shirik+? is 1 or more, lazy
19:49.35Shirikmatches as few as possible
19:49.41Shirikonly increasing in size if it needs to to match
19:50.06Shirikit's good for things like /* blah */ code /* blah */
19:50.11Shirikso blah */ code /* blah doesn't get matched
19:50.16Shirikinstead only the parts inside the comments get matched
19:50.21cladno, i know that.
19:50.27cladours is -
19:50.39clad>>> ("Thisisastring"):match("[^a]-")
19:50.39Cideclad: ""
19:50.58Shirikwell is there a way to do 1 or more?
19:51.00Shirikinstead of 0?
19:51.03Shirikjust curious
19:51.38Shirik>>> ("Thisisastring"):match("[^a]-a");
19:51.39CideShirik: "Thisisa"
19:51.56Shirikhmm ok cogwheel|work
19:51.56Shirikpoint taken ^^;
19:52.15cladnot lazy, no =)
19:52.21cladunless you repeat yourself.
19:52.31*** join/#wowi-lounge planetWayne (
19:52.40leethalI feel kind of embarrassed asking all these silly questions, but oh well.. I need to check if string "foo" is in one of the values of a table.. any ideas?
19:52.50leethalI guess this is #lua stuff heh
19:53.01Shirikfor key, value in pairs(tbl) do --[[check]] end
19:53.22cladits not really #lua stuff either, its PiL stuff.
19:53.45cladand like Shirik said, the answer is just loop through the values and check, or use a hash table.
19:54.15Shirik>>> tbl = {"rawr", "foo", "bar"}; for key, value in pairs(tbl) do if (string.match(value, "foo")) then found = true; end end if (found) then print("Found!"); else print("Not found :("); end
19:54.16CideShirik: "Found!"
19:54.53JoshBorkefriggin wow cache
19:55.07JoshBorkemakes my mod harder :-/
19:57.02cladsubbawt: Do you have any updates for me?
19:57.09cladI have someone at home waiting to buy anything I need off the AH
19:57.19JoshBorkelol clad
19:57.44cladi'm running the quest tonight
19:57.46cladas much as possible.
19:58.16Cideclad: [string ")"]:1: unexpected symbol near ')'
19:58.56clad>>>("I like tokenized strings"):match("([^%s]+)")
19:58.57Cideclad: "I"
19:59.05clad>>> { ("I like tokenized strings"):match("([^%s]+)") }
19:59.05Cideclad: { "I" } (#1)
19:59.16Shiriknot space?
19:59.43Shirik>>> return {"I", "like", "tokenized", "strings"};
19:59.44cladfor token in ("I like tokenized strings"):gmatch("([^%s]+)") do print(token) end
19:59.44CideShirik: { "I", "like", "tokenized", "strings" } (#1)
19:59.47Maldiviasmirk... ofcourse my wow account tried to bill my visa today... and ofcourse in the timespan when visa was down on all of europe :)
19:59.53clad>>> for token in ("I like tokenized strings"):gmatch("([^%s]+)") do print(token) end
19:59.53Cideclad: "I",  "like",  "tokenized",  "strings"
20:00.39ShirikI was making stuff up
20:00.57ShirikI thought I knew the problem but I was going blind :P
20:01.05Shirikbut one cool thing about Lua is that you can do ([^%s]+)
20:01.20Shirikwith regexes if you tried that, you'd only get the last capture
20:01.30Shirikoh wait
20:01.36ShirikI mean ([^%s])+
20:02.02clad>>> return ("I like [text] that has fun little [[tags] like this]"):match("%b[]")
20:02.03Cideclad: "[text]"
20:02.21clad>>> for token in ("I like [text] that has fun little [[tags] like this]"):gmatch("%b[]") do print(token) end
20:02.21Cideclad: "[text]",  "[[tags] like this]"
20:02.50clad>>> for token in ("Does \"anyone\" enjoy \"quoted literals\"?"):gmatch("%b\"\"") do print(token) end
20:02.50Cideclad: "\"anyone\"",  "\"quoted literals\""
20:02.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
20:04.00cladso i have three copies of my druid on my PVE PTR
20:04.11cladonly one copy left O.o
20:04.12cogwheel|worki have 5 of cogwheel
20:04.18ShirikI had to copy my hunter to PvE :(
20:04.20cogwheel|workone is from the last ptr when i was 66
20:04.27ShirikI wanted to be on PvP
20:04.28Shirikbut oh well
20:04.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Zadik (n=andrinoi@
20:04.38planetWayneis there a good 'intro to addons' or 'what you need to get one working' guide that anyone can recommend?
20:04.50Shirikclad's book probably :D
20:05.00cladin a month
20:05.33cogwheel|workanyone have about 4000g i could borrow on the PTR 'till my last two transfers finalize? ><  I have 1400g i copied 4 times...
20:05.36ShirikplanetWayne: Really the way I learned, and the way I recommend others learning
20:05.41Shirikis by reading code
20:05.45Shirikreading other addons, reading blizzard's code
20:05.53cladcogwheel|work: I can, as soon as I get home
20:05.54cladwhy for?
20:06.17cogwheel|workdon't worry about it... the copies will probably be done by then...
20:06.25cogwheel|workI just want to buy an epic flying mount :)
20:07.32planetWayneShirik: I'm kinda trying that one, just wondered if there was a - for want of a better word - quick guide as to what files do what - do you need them (the xml,s Toc,s and 'lua's) etc... just a point in the right direction
20:07.59ShirikTOC is what it implies - table of contents. It gives the title, author, and what files are in the addon (and in what order they should be loaded)
20:08.00Scre3mhow do you make 4000g?
20:08.10ShirikXML isn't entirely necessary, but it can be used for the UI
20:08.12ShirikLua is the code
20:08.16Tullerhrm, omnicc working on the buff cooldowns makes things...interesting
20:08.24cogwheel|workScre3m: by adding 1400g together 4 times ><
20:08.25Scre3mi got to learn how to use the AH
20:08.34Scre3mcogwheel|work, how?
20:08.36ShirikBut, planetWayne: See and
20:08.40ShirikThey will become your best friends
20:08.48cogwheel|workcopying the character to the PTR 4 times...
20:08.54Scre3moh hehee
20:09.23cogwheel|workbut yeah... my wife spends at least an hour a day with auctioneer on two or three different realms :)
20:09.38Beladonathey definitely made changes to some armor
20:09.43planetWaynecool, thanks!
20:09.49cogwheel|workher level 33 hunter on a brand new realm (to her) has just under 700g
20:09.56Maldivia296MB for the PTR patch... wow
20:09.57ShirikRE: 2.1, there are more people noting taint issues
20:10.10Beladonathere is a difference of about 20 or so defense rating from live to test on my warrior
20:10.11Shirikand that code looks perfect to me
20:10.12Shirikanyone have thoughts?
20:11.12planetWaynemy last real quick question, (and its realy a case of is this possible before I get toooo involved) can you move a character through code? for example raise an arm ?
20:12.04ShirikYou can only work with the user interface, nothing more, in the most general sense I can describe it
20:12.08JoshBorkeBAH ON GETITEMINFO!
20:12.09Shirikso put simply, no
20:12.35JoshBorkeGetItemInfo("Primal Life") ==> nil,  GetItemInfo(21886) ==> info on Primal Life
20:13.02MaldiviaShirik: hmm, looks weird, it should work from my understanding of the secure templates
20:13.13CideShirik: confirmed
20:13.16Cideworks on live, not on test
20:13.20planetWayneok, I was wondering based on some of the user animations/ videos that people have done that seem to have actions from characters to correspond with dialogue.
20:13.34*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
20:13.35ShirikAnd I'm having issues with RDX being blocked, and I've heard many others state that they're having trouble as well
20:13.40Shirikit seems that something's not secure where it should be
20:14.33Maldiviawas about to suggest this vs self in the script-blocks, but it shouldn't change anything
20:15.47cladthis is deprecated, its always a bad idea.
20:17.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
20:18.55JumpeeThe Blizzard addons use this all over the place
20:19.01cladthey shoudln't
20:19.04cladand they won't once its removed.
20:19.06Shirikwhoever said Blizzard writes good code :P
20:19.16cladthey also used IsShown() instead of IsVisible() up until this patch
20:19.22cladthey UI guys are.. understaffed, to say the least.
20:19.29Shirikthey're looking for more
20:19.35ShirikI'd do it I just can't move to Cali
20:19.46cladI'd do it, I'm just going to europe for four years
20:19.52Shirikoh cool
20:20.00JumpeeI'm retired, no work anymore for me
20:20.23Beladonaignore my def rating comment, just realized all my talents were reset, der
20:21.06Gnarfozdamn my box for crashing, I was just reading the backlog and it was interesting... now I've got nothing :<
20:23.24JumpeeIf I were to replace 'this' with 'self' what difference would I see?
20:23.58cladit's technically faster
20:24.00Shirikthe fact that "this" will break sometime in the future
20:24.01cladby a few opcodes.
20:24.01cogwheel|worka slight speed increase due to not using a global variable
20:24.01Shirikand it's faster
20:24.06cladbut more importantly, you're not writing "broken" code.
20:24.44JumpeeI am an expert at writing 'broken' code already.
20:24.44Shirikthis is why so many addons broke when everyone was writing "for key, pair in tbl do --[[code]] end"
20:24.47Shirikwhich was deprecated in 5.0, but everyone still did it
20:24.49cladwell, don't expect for us to approve of it when you're here.
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20:25.26ShirikEspecially clad :P
20:25.34ShirikThe one who insists on squeezing every ounce out of everything
20:26.09cladmeh, only sometimes.
20:26.20cladsome of my code is a mess right now, wish i had dedicated time.
20:26.56JumpeeI don't understand, if 'self' is faster or better then 'this' then why not change the underlying code instead of changing the term 'this'?
20:27.12Shirikbecause "self" is created by the language
20:27.15Shirik"this" is created by Blizzard
20:27.19cladits not the word, its the variable
20:27.25cladits the way we should be doing thing
20:27.25Shirikself is a local variable
20:27.28cladsthis is a hacky global variable
20:27.28Shirikthis is a global variable
20:27.30cladand shoudln't work
20:27.39cladself is a global variable sent to the event handler, which is tehcnically a method on the frame
20:27.47cladso self, naturally, will refer to that frame
20:27.55cladarg1, arg2, arg3 are deprecated as well
20:28.45Shirikbasically, tbl:function(...) is the same as doing tbl.function(self, ...) in Lua
20:28.55Shirikthat's where self comes from
20:29.05cladthey're just a holdover from when stuff wasn't written as well, or as it should have been
20:29.39cogwheel|workback when even slouken was a lua n00b :P
20:29.43JumpeeYeah, I read the 5.1 book but a lot of it assumes you have used other languages other than Cobol and Assembler
20:30.00Shirika lot of the 5.1 book is in
20:30.05Shirikwhat's that markup called... I forgot
20:30.08Shirikbut it's a standard markup
20:31.14*** join/#wowi-lounge hugo546 (
20:32.38Shirikthat's it
20:32.40ShirikBNF notation
20:32.52Shirikthe majority of the book is written in BNF notation, which is basically a standard
20:33.17cogwheel|workyou can't really compare the 5.1 manual with the 5.0 PiL
20:33.26cogwheel|workthey're for completely different audiences...
20:33.50ShirikPiL would be better to use for your purposes
20:33.50cogwheel|workyou can actually get a 5.1 version of PiL, but it's only in hardcopy right now
20:34.40JumpeePiL on the inet?
20:35.41Jumpeeoh, you mean the book by Ierusalimschy?
20:35.41Shiriknote that's an outdated version, thougg
20:36.06Shirikyes, "Programming in Lua"
20:36.33Jumpeeyes, I have the second edition
20:37.14JumpeeNot very well written for a beginner to this stuff.
20:39.05JumpeeI guess I should say, not very clear rather than not well written
20:40.41Jumpeethe second edition of PiL has been updated to 5.1
20:46.55cogwheel|workman... the way the forums are acting, you'd think this was an actual live patch day...
20:47.39cogwheel|workanyone have any idea of an answer for ?
20:48.02Shirikin a year when the page finally loads I'll let you know
20:48.04ShirikPP PC SP X Y D = A:B CCR = SXHI NZVC
20:48.04Shirik38 3043 3BFF 0000 0004 00:03 1000 0000
20:48.04Shirikxx:3043 1F0261081B BRCLR $0261,#$08,$3063
20:48.57Scre3manyone here done Moroes in Kara?
20:49.01ShadowedNot even sure what "area of interest" is
20:49.03Shirikhaha cogwheel|work that's a good one
20:50.34Scre3mShirik, names related to shirak! of dragonlance fame?
20:51.37planetWayneShirik: I take it that its not just me that has slow or unloaded correctly pages with Wow-Europe then?
20:51.38Scre3mi'm guessing no then :)
20:51.58Shirikmy name comes from "Shirei" adjusted to better fit a dwarf
20:52.05Shirikcompressed from the name "SenTaiNoShirei"
20:52.09Scre3mthe magic word raislen used to light up his staff in the Dragonlance moveis
20:52.10subbawtaww clique doesn't work on PTR :(
20:52.10Shirikwhich is leader of a thousand wars, in japanese
20:52.14Scre3mis "shirak"
20:52.28Shirikthere are two places my names come from:
20:52.33ShirikJapanese, or keyboard bashing
20:52.44ShirikKimina is one of my keyboard bashing names, one of the ones I'm most proud of actually
20:53.57ShirikI'm not very creative, sorry
20:54.20Scre3mactualy, i think it's a cool name
20:54.31Scre3mare you japenese?
20:54.37ShirikI wish
20:55.15ShirikI know too much about the japanese culture though
20:55.17Shirikkinda strange
20:55.21ShirikI might as well be japanese :P
20:55.37ShirikAnd if I were to move to any other country, that's where I'd be
20:55.56Scre3mare you familiar with the word "shosen"
20:57.04Scre3mi take it to mean "first in a battle or war"
20:57.05Shirikwhat do you mean by "familiar"
20:57.15Shiriklike what does it mean?
20:57.23Shirikor some hidden meaning that I don't understand ><
20:57.27Shirikwell it can be quite a few things
20:57.36Shirikas is many things in japanese
20:57.46Shirikdo you have the kanji for it?
20:58.20Scre3mi don't
20:58.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody (n=nope@
20:58.41Shirikwell let's see if popjisyo can get a list
20:58.44Shirikof possibilities
20:58.57Shirikones I'm familiar with have to do with sales, merchanteering, etc.
20:59.28ShirikI never reinstalled the japanese IME after formatting
21:00.26subbawthmm did shadow form always have it's own stance bar in the default UI?
21:01.36Shadowedwait wait
21:01.39Shadowedin 2.1 has a stance bar?
21:01.42Shadoweder shadowform
21:01.50Shadowedabout time!
21:01.58subbawti copied some mods over
21:02.05subbawtso i need to make sure this isn't a mod :P
21:02.06ShirikScre3m: I can't look it up as I cba to find my windows CD right now
21:02.22Shirikbut if you have a japanese IME, try, they generally do a decent job of translating hiragana
21:02.33subbawtHeh unless it's ItemRack or bagnon, then it does :)
21:02.48Shirikyes it does
21:03.00Shirikiirc, it also handles hunter aspects
21:03.06Shirikbut I could be making that up
21:03.13Shirikit was so long ago I used the default ui
21:03.19ShadowedBagnon? Isn't that just a bag modifier
21:03.23subbawtyeah lol
21:03.34ShadowedItemRack doesn't do it, so it's default i guess now
21:03.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Xenok (
21:04.04XenokWow I havn't been here in a long time O.o
21:05.33Shadowed"Female Blood Elves have a new bow animation " joy
21:05.43Shirikthey need a new wand animation ffs
21:05.46Shirikit's crap
21:05.49ShadowedHave you seen the bow animation?
21:06.37planetWaynedumb question - whats the reload command that reloads the addons? (or have I missed somthing)
21:06.47Xenokbeat me too it T_T
21:06.56ShadowedI figured Shirik would beat me too it
21:07.05Shiriknah, the way I do it doesn't work for 99% of people
21:07.16Xenokhey ummm...... how would I umm.. get a mod to detect like drinks and make a button for the drink in a frame? :P
21:07.16planetWayneah '/console' - that would be y!
21:07.24Shiriksince ` opens console
21:07.38XenokI feel noobish once again
21:08.01subbawtI forgot to train mind flay :(
21:08.02ShirikXenok: You can't exactly without secure buttons
21:08.29planetWayneI need another monitor :) ones not big enough these days :)
21:08.34XenokShirik.. you will have to write me yet another tutoial :P
21:08.47Shirika what?
21:09.22Xenokstep by step instructions
21:09.37ShirikI know what a tutorial is ><
21:09.40ShirikI was supposed to write one ?
21:09.48Xenoklol ... I need help on this :P
21:10.19*** join/#wowi-lounge raevanmorlock (
21:16.25Jumpee|awaylust /reloadui works too
21:16.26Jumpee|awaylol, Just*
21:16.26cogwheel|workonly if you have an addon that supplies it
21:16.26ShadowedJumpee|away only if you have DT installed or another addon
21:16.26Shirikthat would be an addon feature
21:16.26cogwheel|workI believe it comes with ace
21:16.26cogwheel|workand you can do simply /reload :P
21:16.26ShirikI think I'll just make a slash command /a
21:16.26Jumpee|awaynope, don't have that addon
21:16.26cogwheel|workJumpee|away: ace isn't an addon... it's a library
21:16.27cogwheel|workor were you talking about DT?
21:16.27Shirikwell if you want to get technical there's no such thing as a library ><
21:16.27Jumpee|awayOk, not sure but I don't think I have any addons with ace
21:16.27Shirikbut yeah :P
21:16.27ShadowedI think a library is a place where you can get books Shirik
21:16.28Shadowedi'm pretty sure those exist!
21:16.28Jumpee|awayThere is a library in Dire Maul
21:16.28ShirikShadowed: I thought those were replaced by the internet?
21:16.28Shirikah yes
21:16.32Shirik~poke Codayus
21:16.34purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Codayus, pokes Codayus repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
21:16.34Jumpeeis there a way to respond and automatically put a person's name in the response? As in Jumpee: you are wrong.
21:16.34ShirikI will never use tab completion again
21:16.34Shirikin IRC?
21:16.34cogwheel|work>>> "I'm > purl"
21:16.34Cidecogwheel|work: "I'm > purl"
21:16.34ShirikIf your client support it
21:16.34JumpeeI use Icechat
21:16.34Shiriktab completion - the same reason I just misspelled cogwheel|work's name
21:16.34Shirikand said Codayus
21:16.35Shiriktype the first few letters and hit tab, see if that works
21:16.35JumpeeShirik ahhhh
21:16.57Jumpeeok, off to the dentist.
21:17.06Shirikand, off to Publix
21:24.34raevanmorlockAnd another one's gone, and another one's gone.. another one bites the dust, yeah!
21:25.42TC_Workingisnt the second section and another ones down?
21:26.07TC_Workings/and another ones down/"and another ones down"/
21:26.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Calliee (
21:26.47raevanmorlockdamned if I know
21:27.01raevanmorlockbut I wonder what'd happen if I poured hot oil down the drain and added cold water
21:27.19TC_Workingyou would be wasting oil....
21:27.46raevanmorlockI meant vegetable oil
21:27.58Shadowedone way to find out
21:28.24*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|work (n=jnwhiteh@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
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21:29.03clad|workwhere do i buy 5000 flying training?
21:29.12cogwheel|worksame place as the 1000
21:29.13clad|workerr 300 flying
21:29.20clad|worki'm a druid i dont' know where that is =)
21:29.25cogwheel|workoh ><
21:29.43raevanmorlockYeah, well... if what happens is anything like what happens when I add cold water to hot vegetable oil outside of an enclosed space... I'd rather not test it in MY pipes
21:30.56raevanmorlockNow somebody go download my addon and tell me about all the ways in which it sucks so that I can improve it
21:31.17Shadowedraevanmorlock: It sucks
21:31.22subbawtdelete it
21:31.59raevanmorlockthat's not constructive
21:32.32*** join/#wowi-lounge andross_ (
21:33.49IndustrialI got a Ravager
21:34.11Industrial... but im hunter lol :P
21:34.50raevanmorlockThat's a pretty hot weapon
21:35.02Industrialbut useless for me :(
21:35.06Industrialimagine that proc at 70.
21:35.08ShadowedMelee hunter, go
21:35.20raevanmorlockyes.. be a melee hunter
21:35.22Industrialshould i? =D
21:35.22raevanmorlockbows are lame anyhow
21:35.24clad|workanyone have the rest of the details on teh epic ff quest?
21:35.42Industrialfuck bows I HUNT PEEPALL AND CUT EM WIT MAH AXE
21:35.47raevanmorlockThere's an epic Final Fantasy quest?
21:35.59raevanmorlockWhat's that quote from?
21:36.01Shadowedclad|work: You do stuff, followed by more stuff, followed by lots of gold, followed by an armored bird
21:36.07Industrialfrom me? :S
21:36.20raevanmorlockno no.. I've heard someone talk like that before
21:36.31*** join/#wowi-lounge andross__ (
21:36.54raevanmorlockMake a noise like a cucumber!
21:36.58Industrialnews weather man from family guy?
21:37.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
21:37.53raevanmorlockI was thinkin more like an Austin Powers character
21:37.59raevanmorlocker.. Michael Myers character
21:38.48raevanmorlockOr Groundskeeper Willie! I could imagine him saying that.
21:39.30raevanmorlock*munch munch* Eating is boring.
21:40.04Industrialer, AXE
21:40.31raevanmorlockKeep your imaginary instruments of doom to yourself!
21:43.40raevanmorlockDoes anyone here use ?
21:44.36raevanmorlock>>> t1 = { a = 1 }; t2 = t1; t2.b = 2; return t1;
21:44.36Cideraevanmorlock: { ["a"] = 1, ["b"] = 2 } (#1)
21:44.59raevanmorlock>>> t1 = { a = 1 }; t2 = t1; t2.b = 2; t2 = nil; return t1;
21:45.00Cideraevanmorlock: { ["a"] = 1, ["b"] = 2 } (#1)
21:45.15*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
21:45.47*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
21:46.02raevanmorlock>>> t1 = { a = 1 }; t2 = t1; t2.b = 2; t1 = nil; return t1;
21:46.02Cideraevanmorlock: nil
21:46.07raevanmorlock>>> t1 = { a = 1 }; t2 = t1; t2.b = 2; t1 = nil; return t2;
21:46.07Cideraevanmorlock: { ["a"] = 1, ["b"] = 2 } (#1)
21:46.08clad|worknerf the new gift of the wild icon
21:46.16Cidenew icon? YESSS
21:46.26raevanmorlockHow do you nerf an icon?
21:47.24IndustrialUPGRADE YOUR EMAIL <lots of outlookish icons and clipart people with arrows>
21:47.29Industrial*closes tab*
21:47.41Industrialraevanmorlock: i dont use :P
21:47.56raevanmorlockyay an answer!
21:48.43raevanmorlock>>> t1 = { a = 1, b = 2 }; t2 = {}; for k, v in pairs(t1) do t2[k] = v; end; t1.c = 3; return t2;
21:48.43Cideraevanmorlock: { ["a"] = 1, ["b"] = 2 } (#1)
21:48.54raevanmorlock>>> t1 = { a = 1, b = 2 }; t2 = {}; for k, v in pairs(t1) do t2[k] = v; end; t2.c = 3; return t1;
21:48.55Cideraevanmorlock: { ["a"] = 1, ["b"] = 2 } (#1)
21:49.20raevanmorlock>>> t1 = { a = 1 }; t2 = { b = 2 }; return t1 + t2;
21:49.21Cideraevanmorlock: nil
21:50.34Cidenot sure why that doesn't error...
21:51.18raevanmorlockGood point.
21:51.50Cidepcall(function() return { a = 1 } + { b = 2 } end)
21:51.52Cide>>> pcall(function() return { a = 1 } + { b = 2 } end)
21:51.52CideCide: false,  "[string \"return pcall(function() return { a = 1 } + ...\"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a table value"
21:52.06Cide>>> a;=;
21:52.06CideCide: [string "a;=;"]:1: '=' expected near ';'
21:53.40Shirik|Ecole>>> a = {}; return getmetatable(a).__add;
21:53.40CideShirik|Ecole: nil
21:53.58Shirik|Ecole>>> a = {}; return a+a;
21:53.58CideShirik|Ecole: nil
21:54.36Shirik|Ecolefn = "a = {}; return a+a;" f = loadstring(fn); return f();
21:54.41Shirik|Ecole>>> fn = "a = {}; return a+a;" f = loadstring(fn); return f();
21:54.42CideShirik|Ecole: nil
21:54.48Maldiviauhh, some of the new 2.1 features looks nice
21:54.51Shirik|Ecole>>> fn = "a = {}; return a+a;" f = loadstring(fn); return pcall(f);
21:54.51CideShirik|Ecole: false,  "[string \"a = {}; return a+a;\"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'a' (a table value)"
21:55.23Shirik|EcoleCide: Are you checking your returns from pcall correctly?
21:55.38Cidecheck the code..
21:57.39raevanmorlock... you wrote your own Lua interpreter?
21:58.02raevanmorlockor is that Lua?
21:58.04ShadowedAnyone had a chance to try the new arena on PTR's yet?
21:58.04raevanmorlockI'm so confused
21:58.04Shirik|EcoleI see the error
21:58.06Shirik|Ecolethat's Lua
21:58.15Shirik|EcoleCide I see the error I'm just trying to isolate it ><
21:58.47raevanmorlock>>> return "123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
21:58.47Cideraevanmorlock: "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789... (exceeded 200 characters)
21:59.05Shirik|Ecolehey Cide, you checked that pcall() returns true
21:59.09Shirik|Ecolebut you never bothered to check for false
21:59.22Shirik|Ecole"If we're ok (pcall returned true)"
21:59.46Shirik|Ecoleoh I see
22:00.21raevanmorlockDoesn't that next comment on line 155 say that's for when pcall() returns false?
22:00.46Shirik|EcoleI don't understand your logic behind get_result()
22:02.11Shirik|Ecole>>> function gr(...) local t = {...}; t.num = select('#', ...) - 1; return t; end return get_result(pcall(loadstring("a = {}; return a+a;")));
22:02.11CideShirik|Ecole: nil
22:02.26clad|workAny horde herbalists that can hop on the PTR for me?
22:02.28CideShirik|Ecole: takes a list and returns a table
22:02.31clad|worki'll pay well for the druid herbs =)
22:02.31Shirik|Ecoleapparently your get_result function is returning false
22:02.33*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
22:02.33Shirik|Ecoleer, nil
22:03.42Shirik|Ecole>>> function gr(...) local t = {...}; t.num = select('#', ...) - 1; return t; end return get_result(false, "some error");
22:03.42CideShirik|Ecole: nil
22:03.42Shirik|Ecole>>> function gr(...) local t = {...}; t.num = select('#', ...) - 1; return t; end return get_result("some error");
22:03.42CideShirik|Ecole: nil
22:03.59Cide>>> get_result
22:03.59CideCide: nil
22:04.01Shirik|Ecoleoh whoops
22:04.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
22:04.02Cideit's a local
22:04.04Shirik|Ecolenot get_result
22:04.05Shirik|EcoleI meant gr
22:04.07raevanmorlock>>> return get_result("bleh");
22:04.08Cideraevanmorlock: nil
22:04.16Shirik|Ecole>>> function gr(...) local t = {...}; t.num = select('#', ...) - 1; return t; end return gr(pcall(loadstring("a = {}; return a+a;")));
22:04.17CideShirik|Ecole: { false, "[string \"a = {}; return a+a;\"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'a' (a table value)", ["num"] = 1 } (#1)
22:04.24Shirik|Ecoleok that's better
22:05.26Shirik|Ecole>>> function gr(...) local t = {...}; t.num = select('#', ...) - 1; return t; end tbl = gr(pcall(loadstring("a = {}; return a+a;"))); if (tbl[1]) then print("Yes!"); else print("No!"); end
22:05.27CideShirik|Ecole: "No!"
22:06.01Shirik|Ecolecide, 162
22:06.15Shadowed>>> print( "foo" ); print( "bar" );
22:06.15CideShadowed: "foo",  "bar"
22:06.22raevanmorlock>>> return create_table_output({a=1,b=2})
22:06.22Cideraevanmorlock: nil
22:06.26Shirik|Ecolewhere did f_err come from
22:06.37Cidefirst line
22:06.40Shirik|Ecolef_err should be output[2] I think
22:06.50Shirik|Ecoleresult[2] I mean
22:06.57Shirik|Ecoleor 168 should be output[1]
22:07.06Shirik|Ecolenot result[1]
22:07.34Shirik|EcoleI guess they should be equivalent actually
22:07.43cladhaireyay for druid riding crop =)
22:07.48Shirik|Ecoleah, ok Cide
22:07.49Shirik|Ecoleline 2
22:07.53Shirik|Ecolethat f_err is not the same
22:07.58Shirik|Ecolethat will only be set if there's a syntax error
22:08.09Shirik|Ecolea = {}; a+a; is not a syntax error, it's a runtime error
22:08.14Cide>>> return { } + { }
22:08.14CideCide: nil
22:08.17Cidewhat the hell
22:08.17Shirik|Ecoleit's syntactically correct but a is a table
22:08.26Shirik|Ecoleyou need output[2] instead of f_err
22:08.58Cide>>> return { } + { }
22:09.03Shirik|Ecolebut, if it's a syntax error, you would need f_err and not output[2]
22:09.33Cide>>> return { } + { }
22:09.33CideCide: [string "return { } + { }"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a table value
22:09.41Shirik|Ecole>>> return a=;
22:09.42CideShirik|Ecole: attempt to call a nil value
22:09.47Shirik|Ecolesee now you have the other problem
22:09.55Shirik|Ecolein a syntax error, you need to get f_err, not output[2]
22:10.15Shirik|Ecoleyou can determine that from the return values of loadstrinG()
22:10.41Shirik|Ecoleif (not f) then return f_err; end
22:10.45Shirik|Ecoleright at the top, would be my solution
22:12.36Cide>>> { } + { }
22:12.36CideCide: [string "{ } + { }"]:1: unexpected symbol near '{'
22:12.44Cidehm, no
22:12.53Cide>>> { } + { }
22:12.53CideCide: attempt to call a nil value
22:13.32raevanmorlock>>> t1 = {a=1,b=2}; t2={c=3,d=4}; mt = { __add = function(a, b) t = {}; f = function(n, o) for k, v in pairs(o) n[k]=v; end; end; f(t, a); f(t, b); end } setmetatable(t1, mt); setmetatable(t2, mt); return t1 + t2;
22:13.32Cideraevanmorlock: attempt to call a nil value
22:13.32Cide>>> { } + { }
22:13.32CideCide: [string "{ } + { }"]:1: unexpected symbol near '{'
22:13.32Cideis that correct?
22:13.38Shirik|Ecoleit should give you an arithmetic error
22:13.52Shadowed>>> "a" + "b"
22:13.53CideShadowed: [string ""a" + "b""]:1: unexpected symbol near '"a"'
22:15.50raevanmorlock>>> return 2^8
22:15.50Cideraevanmorlock: non-list syntax for self-evaluating expressions not supported
22:16.27foxlitJust count down from 1024
22:16.37Shirik|Ecoleor up from 2 :P
22:16.52foxlitup from 2 is looong :)
22:17.05raevanmorlockI was interested in the syntax, not the answer =P
22:17.07CideShirik|Ecole: not sure what you were talking about
22:17.12Shirik|EcoleI just happen to have the powers of 2 up to 4096 memorize for whatever reason ><
22:17.20foxlit>>> 2^8
22:17.21Cidefoxlit: 256
22:17.29ShadowedThen why did foxlit beat you!
22:17.32Shirik|Ecoleok let's take a look at what you have Cide
22:17.34Shirik|Ecole>>> a=;
22:17.35CideShirik|Ecole: [string "a=;"]:1: unexpected symbol near ';'
22:17.38Cide>>> { } + { }
22:17.38CideCide: [string "{ } + { }"]:1: unexpected symbol near '{'
22:17.43Cide>>> { } + { }
22:17.43CideCide: attempt to call a nil value
22:17.59Shirik|Ecolehm, ok
22:18.02Shirik|Ecolewhat does your code look like atm?
22:18.06Shirik|Ecoledid you revert it to what
22:18.09Shirik|Ecolewhat's in the pastey?>
22:18.14Shirik|EcoleI hate this keyboard >.>
22:18.28raevanmorlock>>> 1024^1024
22:18.29Cideraevanmorlock: 1.#INF
22:18.41raevanmorlockThat's pretty cryptic
22:18.51Shirik|Ecolethat's Lua's way of representing positive infinity
22:19.11raevanmorlock>>> -(1024^1024)
22:19.11Cideraevanmorlock: -1.#INF
22:19.14foxlit>>> 1024^1024/1024^1024
22:19.14Cidefoxlit: -1.#IND
22:19.27Shirik|Ecolewhich it is
22:19.39raevanmorlockit's not 1?
22:19.45Shirik|Ecoleyes, it s
22:19.46foxlitIt would be
22:19.50Shirik|Ecolebut Lua's doing that as inf/inf
22:19.52Shirik|Ecolewhich is undefined
22:19.53foxlitBut it evaluates infinity / infinity
22:20.03raevanmorlockSilly Lua
22:20.06foxlitShould be error, anyway
22:20.10Cide>>> { } + { }
22:20.10CideCide: Got an error: [string "{ } + { }"]:1: unexpected symbol near '{' / attempt to call a nil value
22:20.18foxlitAssigning infinity for overflow is silly
22:20.25raevanmorlock>>> 1024^2
22:20.25Cideraevanmorlock: 1048576
22:20.29Shirik|Ecolewhat is that error Cide...
22:20.30raevanmorlock>>> 1024^3
22:20.31Cideraevanmorlock: 1073741824
22:20.33Shirik|Ecolewhy is that happening
22:20.38raevanmorlock>>> 1024^10
22:20.38Cideraevanmorlock: 1.2676506002282e+030
22:20.41Cidestop spamming for now
22:20.57Cideloadstring returns [string "{ } + { }"]:1: unexpected symbol near '{'
22:21.03Shirik|Ecoleyeah I'm just confused why
22:21.32Cide>>> loadstring("return { } + { }")
22:21.32CideCide: function: 002C8AB8
22:21.38Shirik|Ecole>>> a, err = loadstring("{} + {}"); return err or pcall(a);
22:21.39CideShirik|Ecole: "[string \"{} + {}\"]:1: unexpected symbol near '{'"
22:21.41*** join/#wowi-lounge hugo546 (
22:21.41Cide>>> pcall(loadstring("return { } + { }"))
22:21.41CideCide: false,  "[string \"return { } + { }\"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a table value"
22:21.46Shirik|Ecolethat's kinda interesting
22:21.51Shirik|Ecolemaybe that's correct
22:22.01Cide>>> return { } + { }
22:22.01CideCide: Got an error: nil / [string "return { } + { }"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a table value
22:22.04Cide>>> { } + { }
22:22.05CideCide: Got an error: [string "{ } + { }"]:1: unexpected symbol near '{' / attempt to call a nil value
22:22.30Shirik|EcoleI guess it figures out on its own that can't happen, so it's a syntax error
22:22.46foxlitIt's not a complete statement
22:22.57Cide>>> { } + { }
22:22.57Shirik|Ecoleoh, I guess it isn't, yeah
22:23.16Shirik|EcoleI come from the background of C, where 2+3; is a valid statement :(
22:23.23Shirik|Ecoleeven if it does nothing
22:23.52foxlitWon't your compiler just eat it?
22:23.54Cide>>> { } + { }
22:23.55CideCide: nil
22:24.04Shirik|EcoleI don't really know, actually, whether it wastes clock cycles or actually just gets optimized out
22:24.11Shirik|Ecoleactually I have VC on this computer let's find out
22:24.22raevanmorlockMake a program that does just that
22:24.37Cide>>> { } + { }
22:24.38CideCide: nil
22:24.57Cide>>> { } + { }
22:24.58CideCide: [string "{ } + { }"]:1: unexpected symbol near '{'
22:25.13raevanmorlockThat's correct
22:25.20Shirik|Ecoleyes cide that's correct
22:25.22Cide>>> { } + { }
22:25.23CideCide: [string "{ } + { }"]:1: unexpected symbol near '{'
22:25.24Shirik|Ecoleyes it is ;)
22:25.30Shirik|Ecole>>> return {} + {};
22:25.31CideShirik|Ecole: [string "return {} + {};"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a table value
22:25.32Cidenot for what I want it to do
22:25.33raevanmorlockThe people have spoken!
22:25.40Shirik|Ecoleoh ok
22:25.52Shirik|Ecoleanyway, foxlit: Yes, according to the disassembly, it just gets removed
22:25.57Shirik|Ecolethere are no instructions for that line
22:26.11raevanmorlockThat's pretty nifty
22:26.23foxlitSo what happens is that your compiler just removes the meaningless junk, and LUA's doesn't
22:26.39Cideraevanmorlock: nil
22:26.57raevanmorlocklooks like
22:27.05Cide>>> { } + { }
22:27.05CideCide: [string "{ } + { }"]:1: unexpected symbol near '{'
22:27.19Shirik|EcoleCide: What are you trying to do?
22:27.40Cide>>> { } + { }
22:27.40CideCide: attempt to call a nil value
22:27.49Cide{ } + { } should be equal to return { } + { }
22:28.02*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
22:28.07raevanmorlock][\\][ ][ ][//][
22:28.07Shirik|Ecoleso do something like
22:28.47raevanmorlockI was wondering what the difference between having and not having return was..  like why return 2^2 errors and just 2^2 works
22:28.47Shirik|Ecole>>> a = "{} + {}"; f, err = loadstring(a); if not f then f, err = loadstring("return "..a); end return err or pcall(f);
22:28.48CideShirik|Ecole: false
22:29.00Shirik|Ecole>>> a = "{} + {}"; f, err = loadstring(a); if not f then f, err = loadstring("return "..a); end return err or select(2, pcall(f));
22:29.01CideShirik|Ecole: "[string \"return {} + {}\"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a table value"
22:29.04Shirik|Ecolethere you go :)
22:30.46Shirik|Ecoleok I've got to head back home, feel free to leave any messages on Shirik if you need to :)
22:31.41Cide>>> { } + { }
22:31.41CideCide: [string "return { } + { }"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a table value
22:31.45Cide>>> return { } + { }
22:31.45CideCide: [string "return { } + { }"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a table value
22:32.17raevanmorlock>>> 2^2
22:32.17Cideraevanmorlock: 4
22:32.20raevanmorlock>>> return 2^2
22:32.20Cideraevanmorlock: 4
22:32.28raevanmorlocknifty.. now there is no difference
22:34.32raevanmorlock>>> return "a"+"b"
22:34.33Cideraevanmorlock: [string "return "a"+"b""]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a string value
22:34.39raevanmorlock>>> return "a".."b"
22:34.39Cideraevanmorlock: "ab"
22:34.55*** join/#wowi-lounge hugo546 (
22:34.58raevanmorlock>>> 'a'+2
22:34.59Cideraevanmorlock: [string "return 'a'+2"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a string value
22:35.13raevanmorlock>>> 'a'..2
22:35.13Cideraevanmorlock: "a2"
22:35.39raevanmorlock>>> a.b.c = 3
22:35.40Cideraevanmorlock: [string "a.b.c = 3"]:1: attempt to index global 'a' (a nil value)
22:36.06raevanmorlock>>> a = {}; a.b = {}; a.b.c = 3; return a.b.c
22:36.07Cideraevanmorlock: 3
22:36.12raevanmorlock>>> a = {}; a.b = {}; a.b.c = 3; a.b.c
22:36.12Cideraevanmorlock: [string "a = {}; a.b = {}; a.b.c = 3; a.b.c"]:1: '=' expected near '<eof>'
22:36.29foxlita.b.c isn't a statement either
22:37.17foxlitmeans nothing by itself, needs to be preceeded by a return
22:37.32foxlitBut meh, I assume that's what you're testing :)
22:37.46raevanmorlockKinda.... 'cause other things by themselves return a value
22:37.53raevanmorlockwhen they're just by themselves
22:38.21foxlitI assume that's because Cide magically prepends a return
22:39.06raevanmorlockYes.. the magic is what I must discover
22:39.21raevanmorlock>>> print(2^2)
22:39.21Cideraevanmorlock: 4
22:39.37raevanmorlock>>> print(2^2); print("a"..2); return {}+{}
22:39.37Cideraevanmorlock: [string "print(2^2); print("a"..2); return {}+{}"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a table value
22:39.46raevanmorlock>>> print(2^2); print("a"..2)
22:39.47Cideraevanmorlock: 4,  "a2"
22:39.58Cidefirst it tries just the string you entered
22:40.03Cidethen it tries "return " .. <string>
22:40.35raevanmorlock>>> 2^2; 2^4;
22:40.36Cideraevanmorlock: [string "2^2; 2^4;"]:1: unexpected symbol near '2'
22:40.55raevanmorlockSo does that try return 2^2; 2^4; ?
22:41.01foxlit>>> return 5; a = 5;
22:41.01Cidefoxlit: [string "return 5; a = 5;"]:1: '<eof>' expected near 'a'
22:41.06planetWaynehow do you comment a line in a .lua file? '#' and '##' give it problems.
22:41.22Shirik|AFKj'ai retourne
22:41.25Cide>>> return "foo"; -- =;=;=;=;
22:41.25CideCide: "foo"
22:41.30Shirik-- comment
22:41.30Cide>>> return "foo";  =;=;=;=;
22:41.30foxlitYou can try appending return to the last statement in the query, rather than the fisrt one?
22:41.30CideCide: [string "return "foo";  =;=;=;=;"]:1: '<eof>' expected near '='
22:41.32planetWayne'--' ?
22:41.33raevanmorlockplanetWayne, use -- for single line and --[[ text --]] for multiple lines
22:41.33Shirikor --[[ block comment]]
22:41.41planetWaynecool :)
22:41.55Cide--[[ ... ]] is the correct block comment syntax, don't need --]]
22:41.58ShirikI tend to use --[[ ... ]] a lot because SciTE colors it very visibly :)
22:41.59raevanmorlockYeah.. appending return to the last statement would be better
22:42.08Cideraevanmorlock: that's ... harder
22:42.19Shirika lot harder
22:42.22raevanmorlockCide: But neater!
22:42.22Cidejust think of it this way
22:42.29Cideeither you write a complete function
22:42.32Shirikit's your own damn fault for not using return
22:42.34Cideor you use valid list syntax ;)
22:42.45Shirikso Cide is it working then? :)
22:43.10Shirik>>> a = {1}; return a+a;
22:43.10CideShirik: [string "a = {1}; return a+a;"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'a' (a table value)
22:43.15Shirik>>> a = {1}; a+a;
22:43.16CideShirik: [string "a = {1}; a+a;"]:1: '=' expected near '+'
22:43.25Shirikwell done :)
22:43.59*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
22:44.02Shirik>>> a = {1}; setmetatable(a, {__add = function(op1, op2) return op1[1] + op2[2] end}); return a+a;
22:44.03CideShirik: [string "a = {1}; setmetatable(a, {__add = function(..."]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on field '?' (a nil value)
22:44.11Shirik>>> a = {1}; setmetatable(a, {__add = function(op1, op2) return op1[1] + op2[1] end}); return a+a;
22:44.11CideShirik: 2
22:44.14Shirikvery well done :D
22:45.04Cidetook some time
22:45.14Shiriknothing is for free
22:45.26raevanmorlockAir is free
22:45.43Shirikactually, breathing requires energy
22:46.06ShadowedDoesn't mean Air isn't free
22:46.15raevanmorlockYeah.. that's a cost to inhaling--not the air that's being inhaled
22:46.20Shirikok but you can't "get" air without spending energy
22:46.24Shirikcapturing it in a jar, breathing, whatever
22:46.31Shirikyou can't get it without spending something
22:46.38raevanmorlockI have air all around me and I did nothing to acquire it
22:46.46Shirikbut is it yours?
22:46.54raevanmorlockIt ain't got your name on it!
22:46.58Shiriknor does it yours
22:47.15raevanmorlock>>> t1 = {a=1,b=2}; t2={c=3,d=4}; mt = { __add = function(a, b) t = {}; f = function(n, o) for k, v in pairs(o) n[k]=v; end; end; f(t, a); f(t, b); end } setmetatable(t1, mt); setmetatable(t2, mt); return t1 + t2;
22:47.15Cideraevanmorlock: [string "t1 = {a=1,b=2}; t2={c=3,d=4}; mt = { __add = function(a, b) t =..."]:1: 'do' expected near 'n'
22:47.27Shirikyou need "do" after pairs()
22:47.30raevanmorlock>>> t1 = {a=1,b=2}; t2={c=3,d=4}; mt = { __add = function(a, b) t = {}; f = function(n, o) for k, v in pairs(o) do n[k]=v; end; end; f(t, a); f(t, b); end } setmetatable(t1, mt); setmetatable(t2, mt); return t1 + t2;
22:47.30Cideraevanmorlock: nil
22:47.34raevanmorlockI see that!
22:47.48raevanmorlocklast time, it said "attempt to call a nil value"
22:48.00raevanmorlockbefore Cide fixed the {}+{} thing
22:48.19Shirikthat was because it wasn't reporting syntax errors correctly
22:48.36raevanmorlocknow why'd I get nil?
22:48.46Shirikbecakse your __add function doesn't return anything
22:49.00planetWayneis it possible to send messages to addins that dont appear on a chat window (like a private addon channel)
22:49.01raevanmorlock>>> t1 = {a=1,b=2}; t2={c=3,d=4}; mt = { __add = function(a, b) t = {}; f = function(n, o) for k, v in pairs(o) do n[k]=v; end; end; f(t, a); f(t, b); return t; end } setmetatable(t1, mt); setmetatable(t2, mt); return t1 + t2;
22:49.02Cideraevanmorlock: { ["a"] = 1, ["d"] = 4, ["c"] = 3, ["b"] = 2 } (#1)
22:49.14raevanmorlockthat's an odd order though
22:49.19ShirikplanetWayne: SendAddonMessage()
22:49.47ShirikI remember before the times of SendAddonMessage()
22:49.54Shirikall the raid messages being sent
22:49.55Shirikfun times
22:49.57planetWaynecool! - I've actually got an anouncement on load working at the mo! (nothing earth shattering I know - but a start!)
22:50.05raevanmorlock>>> t1 = { a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 4}
22:50.06Cideraevanmorlock: nil
22:50.13raevanmorlock>>> t1 = { a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 4}; return t1
22:50.13Cideraevanmorlock: { ["a"] = 1, ["d"] = 4, ["c"] = 3, ["b"] = 2 } (#1)
22:50.30raevanmorlockInteresting... how does Lua determine the order?
22:50.44ShirikI believe it's indeterminate
22:50.53Shirikit's like SQL tables, they also have no order unless sorted
22:50.55ShadowedIf you're not using table.insert, you can't rely on an order
22:50.56Shirikit's whatever is easiest to do
22:50.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Fin (
22:51.19Shadowedif you're using keys you can't rely on an order*
22:51.23raevanmorlockit almost looks like an order though.. it starts with the first one then goes tot he end and works it's way back
22:51.42Shirikraevanmorlock: You cannot rely on the order. There's most definitely a reasoning behind it
22:51.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Neuro_Medivh (
22:51.48ShirikIt's whatever Lua finds easiest to perform
22:52.01Shirikbut you can't rely on that order
22:52.14raevanmorlockWell.. right, I know.
22:52.33raevanmorlock>>> t1={a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m}; return t1;
22:52.33Cideraevanmorlock: {  } (#1)
22:52.42Shirikthat... doesn't make sense
22:52.44planetWaynedo you have to have the type parameter with that one ? (raid/ party etc) or can it be like a general 'everywhere' hidden anouncement?
22:53.02ShadowedBATTLEGROUND, GUILD, RAID, PARTY are the types you can use
22:53.03ShirikplanetWayne: You need to type, or you can use a channel if you want "everywhere"
22:53.09CideShirik: why not?
22:53.22ShirikCide: a,b,c, all that is undefined
22:53.29raevanmorlock>>> t1={a=1,b=1,c=1,d=1,e=1,f=1,g=1,h=1,i=1,j=1,k=1,l=1,m=1}; return t1;
22:53.29Cideraevanmorlock: { ["a"] = 1, ["c"] = 1, ["b"] = 1, ["e"] = 1, ["d"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["f"] = 1, ["i"] = 1, ["h"] = 1, ["k"] = 1, ["j"] = 1, ["m"] = 1, ["l"] = 1 } (#1)
22:53.31Shirikoh, I meant to raevanmorlock what he typed doesn't make sense
22:53.40CideI thought you meant that the return didn't make sense
22:53.45Shiriknah the return makes sense
22:54.06raevanmorlockThere's a pattern there too
22:54.39Shirikonce again, it's whatever is easiest to do, nothing more.
22:54.58raevanmorlockBut how does it determine what's easiest?
22:55.17ShirikWithout knowing the details behind how lua stores information, I can't really tell you. But it probably has to do with the size of the buffer, etc.
22:55.52ShirikJust like an SQL table, there is no way to determine that. For example, an insert may go right in the middle of the table because there's a gap between two records.
22:55.53raevanmorlockLanguages amaze me
22:56.41ShirikOr, because of the checkerboard pattern of memory, Lua might make gaps in between the table it creates to more efficently store, and then fill in those gaps when it can
22:56.52Shirikthese are all just theories
22:56.59raevanmorlockTheories are good
22:57.13raevanmorlockI like the checkerboard idea.. but it doesn't fit in with the last example
22:57.19Shiriksure it does
22:57.21raevanmorlockprevious example*
22:57.37raevanmorlockadcb? That's not a checkerboard
22:58.11Jumpeeit's normalized
22:58.12Shirikeach integer is 64 bytes. Let's say the key is also 64 bytes (wrong, btw). Let's say that there are two rows.
22:58.25ShirikA goes on the top row, B on the bottom. C on the top, D on the bottom
22:58.29Shirikcontinue so forth
22:58.35Shirikthere are all kinds of schemes to do this
22:58.45ShirikI can only keep throwing out different methods without reading code
23:00.14ShirikShadowed: I thought you used to be able to use SendAddonMessage() to a channel?
23:00.16Shirikor am I going crazy?
23:00.30raevanmorlock>>> t = {a=1,b=2,c=3,d=4}; table.sort(t, function(a, b) return a<b; end); return t
23:00.31Cideraevanmorlock: { ["a"] = 1, ["d"] = 4, ["c"] = 3, ["b"] = 2 } (#1)
23:00.44ShadowedWHISPER in 2.1, BATTLEGROUND, RAID, PARTY, GUILD are the only types you can use
23:01.18Shirikwonder why I thought channel worked
23:01.24ShirikI know
23:01.29Shadowedcause you're crazy!
23:01.33Shirikbecause RDX for the longest time didn't use SendAddonMessage() that's why :P
23:01.35*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
23:01.46Shirikthen when we converted it over we left channel in
23:01.53Shirikwith fallback to SendChatMessage
23:01.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
23:01.56*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
23:02.11Shirikwb Cairenn :)
23:02.26ShadowedI wonder how Windows decides when to bug you to restart
23:02.29raevanmorlock>>> t = {a=1,b=2,c=3,d=4}; return table.maxn(t)
23:02.30Cideraevanmorlock: 0
23:02.47ShadowedYou can't get number of entries if you have keys
23:02.50raevanmorlockDoesn't it just use a timer?
23:02.52foxlitTime since last dismiss?
23:02.57Shadowedseems like it's random
23:03.00ShirikShadowed: It uses a complex algorithm to determine when you're the most busy
23:03.07raevanmorlocklol, Shirik
23:03.09ShirikSo when you are incredibly busy and don't want to be bothered, it pops up
23:03.24foxlitJust move the prompt below the taskbar, tbh
23:03.32Shirikthen it auto-restarts
23:03.38*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (
23:03.53foxlitWaits eternally for input for me
23:04.01raevanmorlockI think mine auto-restarted the other day.. I woke up and it was at the welcome screen
23:04.04Shirikah, my laptop at least gives me 5 minutes to respond
23:04.07Shirikand then it restarts
23:04.12Shirikmy desktop... I have updates turned off
23:04.46raevanmorlockReally? It gives you 5 minutes to respond and then auto-restarts?
23:04.59foxlitThat's horribly inconvinient
23:05.10raevanmorlockI didn't think they did that.. what if you're playing a game or something?
23:05.10Shiriktell me about it
23:05.15Shirikand it pops up like every 10 minutes
23:05.17foxlitWhat if you were working on something and went away from the PC?
23:05.19ShadowedBugging you to restart is horribly inconvinient either way :p
23:05.23Shirikfoxlit: Sucks to be you
23:05.40Shirikwhat's worse is
23:05.42foxlitBut then again, it doesn't do that for me
23:05.43Shirik"restart" is the default button
23:05.48Shirikso if you're typing something
23:05.49Shirikand hit space
23:05.52Shirikyou just told it to restart
23:05.54raevanmorlock>>> "weiner"
23:05.54Cideraevanmorlock: "weiner"
23:05.56JumpeeFunny, I have this crappy addon posted. In the Comments section I note that there is another addon better than mine and recommend that other addon. The crappy addon is getting more downloads than some of my other addons.
23:06.24raevanmorlockMaybe people respect your honesty.
23:06.31Jumpeeyeah but ...
23:06.52foxlitPeople don't want to try new stuff against what they already know to work
23:06.59planetWayneI guess theres no reason why - from an addon point of view - you cant just create a new channel and use that. I would imagine that it would be server wide to whoever joins the channel?
23:07.14ShadowedplanetWayne: Because using channels for addon communicating is a pain in the ass
23:07.27Shadowedcommunication even
23:07.38foxlitplus eating 1 of 10 channel slots is evil
23:07.57planetWayneoh right - didnt know there was only 10 - bad idea then.
23:08.06ShadowedBefore we had SendAddonMessage you used channels, but you have to do things like auto joining/leaving, supressing data and such which makes it annoying to do and debug
23:08.16Shirikespecially people like me, whom already use all 10
23:08.18ShadowedDepending what you're trying to do though, you may have to use channels
23:08.19foxlitDon't suppress data
23:08.29foxlitJoinChannelByName doesn't flag the channel to appear anywhere
23:08.52raevanmorlock>>> ()+()
23:08.53Cideraevanmorlock: [string "()+()"]:1: unexpected symbol near ')'
23:08.54ShadowedYou sure that it does that for chat mods and such?
23:09.08foxlitNo, but then its chat mods' problem
23:09.29ShadowedSupressing it is relatively easy, rather do that then have to listen to people complain and track it down
23:09.29foxlitIf they deviate from default UI behavior, I'm not coding around them
23:09.48foxlitBesides, what are you going to suppress?
23:10.04foxlitEvent handler of every possible chat addon?
23:10.21ShadowedMessages sent into the channel? If you're communicating through a chat channel people probably don't want to be spammed with that data
23:10.43foxlitYeah, but what do you want to hook?
23:11.09foxlitNo point
23:11.12Shirikyou can't pre-hook that
23:11.21Shirikand post-hooking would do nothing
23:11.24foxlitSince default UI doesn't have the problem
23:11.43foxlitAnd custom chat addons probably use their own handling
23:12.01Shirikpre-hooking ChatFrame_OnEvent = slash commands no longer work
23:12.11Shirikwell, ones that result in secure actions
23:12.20foxlitThere's another function you can pre-hook to supress default chat
23:12.27ShadowedRight...and considering it's only a couple of extra lines i'd rather do that
23:12.27foxlitThat isn't really interesting
23:12.55foxlitYou gain... nothing? :)
23:13.09ShadowedPretty sure it used to flag the channel anyway
23:13.15Shadowedbut it's been a long time since i've had to do channel suppression
23:13.21foxlitDoesn't, and doesn't for a long time
23:13.27ShadowedPretty sure Slouken fixed tainting issues with OnEvent early into TBC, ckk was complaining about it
23:13.41foxlitDid global version sync since like 1.6, never bothered supressing channel
23:13.51foxlitIt's actually sort of cute that you can turn it on if you want to watch
23:13.51*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (i=spam@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
23:14.37foxlitYou can pre-hook ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler if you want to supress chat
23:14.47foxlitwithout adverse effects
23:14.54raevanmorlock>>> a=(b=2); return a, b
23:14.54Cideraevanmorlock: [string "a=(b=2); return a, b"]:1: ')' expected near '='
23:14.59raevanmorlockIs that right?
23:15.07clad|cookingSo VT isn't a good idea when grinding, is it
23:15.14foxlitYou can't do inline assigns, I thought
23:15.31foxlit>>> if (a = 5) then return "hey!" end
23:15.32Cidefoxlit: [string "if (a = 5) then return "hey!" end"]:1: ')' expected near '='
23:15.43foxlitisn't c
23:15.52planetWayneall I was looking at doing was sending 'hidden' addon messages to all users that had the addon loaded - reguardless of their location / party memebership - my addon would be the thing that delt with if it needed to do anything with the message. Obviously I dont want to spam the system or clog resources. (if this is possible)
23:15.56Shirikraevanmorlock: You can't do that
23:16.00Shirika = 5; does not return 5
23:16.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
23:16.36ShirikLua has a distinct feature such that code never has "side-effects"
23:16.45foxlita, b = 5, 5 isn't much worse
23:17.05Shirikas such, there's no fn(a++) or similar, either
23:17.54foxlitplanetWayne: if you wanted everyone, the only way to achieve that is a channel
23:18.15Shirikor if you set up a network of people
23:18.22foxlitRouting is evil!
23:18.29Shirikroute it through party/raid, then to guild
23:18.32Shirikthen to other parties/raids
23:18.35Shirikthrough battleground
23:18.37Shirikoh that would be fun
23:18.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
23:19.57planetWayneif you are not in a battlefield as such - will it do your local area? (as in wider than a say or yell) - as that may work for what I need
23:20.00foxlitBut what would you want to communicate about? :)
23:20.37ShirikplanetWayne: No. If you aren't in a BG, it will fail
23:21.05foxlitMight fallback to RAID/PARTY, maybe.
23:21.27foxlitBut not outside your groups, anyway
23:21.30Shirikperhaps, but you would think /bg would also fall back to raid/party as well
23:21.37Shirikwhich it doesn't, it just does nothing
23:22.02ShirikI know for a fact that if you don't have a guild, and you try to send a GUILD addon message
23:22.07Shirikyour screen gets spammed with "You are not in a guild."
23:22.10ShirikI imagine the same for a BG
23:22.23Shirikfricking altminder did that to me when I made a new char ><
23:22.38raevanmorlockwell yeah.. it's the same thing as type /g <message>
23:23.55foxlitfails silently, at least
23:24.14foxlitwhereas /bg whines
23:25.07ShadowedIf you try and send an addon battleground message, it fails silently. If you try to send a chat message though it complains
23:25.30raevanmorlockwowi needs a page that combines the interface list, bug reports, and feature requests
23:25.44Shadowedcomplains even if you're in a battleground but you have no other friendly players inside too
23:28.25Garoun|LoupanaI know it should go without saying, but if you are using mx portal and/or phpbb make sure you check your generated source occasionaly
23:28.34planetWayneso, as a quick recap - I need to create a channel if it doesnt exist and use that to send messages around. doing this without stepping into someone elses channel (wouldnt want to spam thier stuff)
23:28.50Garoun|Loupanaone of my old guilds had some code injected into their site this morning
23:29.11ShirikCheck it regularl
23:29.12foxlitUse telepathy?
23:29.13ShirikCheck it regularly
23:29.25foxlitOr whatever sky is called today
23:29.48Shirikcheck it out, a phpbb/mxportal vulnerability:
23:29.53raevanmorlockDoes casting multiple votes on wowi actually create multiple votes or does it just change your old vote into your new vote?
23:30.09Garoun|Loupanahehe thanks shirik
23:30.09Shirikraevanmorlock: Changes
23:30.18ShirikI check it extremely regularly, Garoun|Loupana
23:30.28ShirikOur site is extremely high traffic, and we get hack attempts all the time
23:30.30raevanmorlockGood shtuff
23:30.49Shiriktwo years ago we fell victim to an XSS vulnerability, and I've been determined to keep it safe ever since
23:31.06Garoun|LoupanaI use tinyportal+smf now
23:31.17raevanmorlockMy site got hacked one and my host bitched at me for what happened
23:31.41ShirikThere are other sites I could hsow you that help too
23:32.00Shirikbut I'd prefer not to release them as some people with less-than-good intentions don't need to see those sites
23:32.21Shirikat least CVE never shows you the actual code for the exploit, just what the vulnerability is
23:33.27Garoun|Loupanayeah, hate those kind of sites
23:33.42Shirikoh, they're useful, I just don't like to give em out
23:33.52ShirikI use the code that's up there to try to break into my site
23:34.25Shirikraevanmorlock: not noice >< I only do it to make sure that nobody else can get in
23:34.31Shirikif I can break in that's a bad thing
23:35.04raevanmorlockI meant it's cool that you can test things out on your own site
23:36.09raevanmorlockI lack any real site to test things on.. and the creativeness to test things
23:36.17Garoun|LoupanaI can see that as being beneficial but info like that should tend to stick with admin type forums
23:36.36Shirikfeel free to try to break in :P
23:36.43Shirikbut you'll probably see it's pretty locked down
23:36.53ShirikI've got 3 layers of security, 2 programmed by me and then one by IPS
23:36.58Shirikso I'm pretty confident ^^
23:37.21raevanmorlocklol there's one approach
23:37.30Shirikeven if youdid get into my account
23:37.32foxlitWhat's there to guess? :)
23:37.34Shirikmy account is IP locked
23:37.38Shirikinvision power services
23:37.51Callieeoh, good
23:38.06ShadowedIPS uses md5( md5( password ) . md5( salt ) ) last I checked
23:38.27raevanmorlockWhat if your IP changed? You must have a means to adjust which IP is associated with your account without being on that IP
23:38.27ShadowedDid they ever fix the fact that you could guess lost password id's?
23:38.28Shirikeh, I've never bothered to look at how they do it. I do know there's a salt
23:38.29Callieeon another game where I'm a quazi GM we use IPS = Internet Payment Solutions... and they suck
23:38.43Shirikraevanmorlock: I wrote the code that locks down my IP
23:38.46Shirikand I'm on a static IP
23:38.51ShirikI'm on a business line; my IP won't change
23:38.56foxlitYou'd think md5 (md5().md5()) is a step down from md5
23:38.59ShadowedShirik: Thats what they used, but it's been a long time since i did any work on IPB or at resource sites
23:39.16ShirikI never bothered to look at their authentication scheme; I just added to it
23:39.27raevanmorlockWhat if your IP provider got bombed?
23:39.33ShirikIf you try to go to the ACP, for example, there is a restricted access file that is included, which only allows for specific IPs to let in
23:39.38Shirikraevanmorlock: what if the world blew up
23:39.39clad|cookingwhat should be my solo rotation as a shadow priest
23:39.42ShadowedIt's either md5( md5( password ) . salt ) or md5( md5( password ) . md5( salt ) ) but I don't remember which
23:39.56ShadowedMF, AFK, MF, AFK, MF, AFK, MF, AFK, MF, AFK, MF, AFK
23:40.04Shirikraevanmorlock: But in all seriousness, I'm not the only admin, and I've given others access too, so they can fix it
23:40.11foxlit. salt is better, since there's no real reason to md5 the slot other than restrict its possible range
23:40.15Shirikbut... cpanel is not locked down by IP, so I can always go into my page later
23:40.16raevanmorlockah, good
23:40.18Shirikand adjust the ips
23:40.26clad|cookingShadowed: uhh
23:40.51Shirikclad|cooking: I use
23:41.09ShadowedVT -> VE -> MB -> MF -> MF -> MB -> MF -> ect is what i was using
23:41.13Shadowedadding in a fear or a PW:S at somepoint
23:41.16Shirikmind blast, sw:p, VE, mind flay, mb, mf, mf, mb, mf mf
23:41.29foxlitVE is usually a waste
23:41.36ShirikI'm a 48 :(
23:41.38ShirikI need it
23:41.40Shadowedcosts 40 mana and it heals you from SW:D
23:41.44clad|cookingyeah if you shield before, they're dead
23:42.06raevanmorlockI've got scissors that can cut a penny in half!
23:42.10ShadowedI'm pretty sure you can still guess the lost password ID in IPB so that's probably the weakest area Shirik!
23:42.20clad|cookingi should not be using VT tho, right?
23:42.25Shirikeven if you got into my account, though, Shadowed
23:42.27Shirikyou can't go anywhere with it
23:42.41Shirikthe admin directory has got an .htaccess lock on it so you need _another_ password
23:42.42ShadowedDid you lock down the mod panel?
23:42.51Shirikplus, like I said, my account is locked to IP
23:43.00Shadowedwhat about everyone else :p
23:43.10Shirikto get into the admin panel you have to be in a special group of IPs
23:43.18Shirikthere's a table I make at the beginning which has authorized IPs
23:43.20ShadowedVT still does decent damage clad|cooking, I liked using it but no idea what others do
23:43.24Shirikif you don't match that, you can't get into restricted pages
23:43.26Shirikwhich includes the ACP
23:43.42Shirikhere I'll show you the page
23:43.55raevanmorlockSo basically.. the only way in is to kill you -- hrmmm..
23:44.10ShadowedThey can still get into the Mod CP though right? Meaning they could delete posts/topics and such
23:44.13foxlitthe only way in is the cpanel password
23:44.51clad|cookingShadowed: it just costs so much
23:44.59raevanmorlockI dunno... the human body is pretty feeble--it'd only take a minute
23:45.17Shadowedclad|cooking: 400 mana isn't that much!
23:45.24foxlitDoesn't really help with recovering what-you-know tokens
23:45.30raevanmorlockGuessing passwords is tough--especially if it blocks your IP after a few tries
23:45.31clad|cookingi suppose if i lead off with it, then MB
23:45.37clad|cookingso VT, MB, MF, MF and they die.
23:45.55Shadowedwhat level are you?
23:46.06Shirikif the page you are viewing is in $SENSITIVE, then you must fit in $PERMIT_IPS before you can view the page
23:46.19ShadowedShould have a decent mana pool then, you could always use SW:D too if you have PW:S up or VE
23:46.44raevanmorlockAll this acronyms are going to be the death of me
23:46.56foxlitroll a priest :P
23:47.02clad|cookingi dont have weither up actually
23:47.12clad|cookingbtu i'm also maintaining 100% mana
23:47.31clad|cookingi'm just VT, MB, MT< MT< MT
23:47.39Shirikraevanmorlock: huh?
23:47.42ShadowedYou could just rotate it depending on how much mana you have, not like you have to do one rotate all of the time
23:48.01raevanmorlockI meant to says ROLLS clad|cooking yadda yadda..
23:48.03raevanmorlockdamn me
23:48.22raevanmorlockand say.. not says
23:48.35raevanmorlockI'm tired, my eyes burn, and I think I have PMS dammit!
23:50.25Shirikso, Shadowed, do you like it? ^^
23:50.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
23:51.07ShadowedNTS: Hack CPanel, not forums
23:51.20Shirikplease do, then I'd have a reason to lose my crappy host
23:51.34Shirikour site is too busy for them, we're just waiting for the lease to expire
23:51.47Shirikevery so often our site gets shut down "cpu quota exceeded"
23:51.52Shirikand I've done every last optimization I can think of
23:52.07foxlitserve static HTML!
23:52.18Shirikwho does that anymore :P
23:52.32foxlitI do
23:52.38foxlitvery neat PHP bypass :P
23:52.41raevanmorlockFuck that.. use plain text documents
23:53.09foxlitIf there's a cache of a page less than 60 seconds old, send that version without executing any more code
23:53.17raevanmorlockascii art! <(o_o<) <(o_o)> (>o_o)>
23:53.22Shirikah, that's done partially foxlit
23:53.28Shirikthat's a feature of ipb actually
23:53.42Shirikit caches as much as it can
23:53.47foxlitBonus benefit is if SQL dies, can serve up the cached results forever
23:54.05ShadowedIt still executes a bunch of queries at shutdown so the counter is technically wrong
23:54.32Shadowedqueries ran counter
23:54.45Shadowed(It's been like 3 years since I worked on IPB 2.0 though, so they could have changed this)
23:54.47foxlitI suppose you can do what I'm doing with a clever use of mod_rewrite and a cronjob
23:54.59Shirikoh, I use my own DB driver actually
23:55.02foxlitWithout invoking php if not required
23:55.06ShirikI got annoyed with theirs
23:55.21Shirikplus my host doesnt' give me enough logging options
23:55.22Shirikso I had to
23:55.54Shirikbut I mean, I've run EXPLAINs on every query I can think of, everything checks out
23:56.14Shirikthe only one that has a full table join is the sessions table, but that's only because it's faster than NOT doing one
23:56.51ShirikI think it's just our site is too busy and our host doesn't give us enough
23:57.11*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
23:57.29raevanmorlockShe wants more for her money... much more for it honey! She wants more for her money so McDonalds feeds her right!

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