IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070412

00:00.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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01:02.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Calliee (
01:02.50*** part/#wowi-lounge Bleeter (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
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01:18.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Calliee (
01:25.25leethalis there any such thing as UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT for stuff that's not units?
01:25.28leethalitems for instance
01:26.01leethalmy actual question: how do I add stuff to item's tooltips?
01:26.53leethalno ace please =/
01:27.41Esamynn|Busyleethal: you mean objects in the game world?
01:27.49Esamynn|Busylike a Forge
01:27.58leethalah, no
01:28.04leethalsorry for being silly
01:28.10leethalitems as in players items
01:28.23Esamynn|Busyahh, in their bags for instance
01:28.46leethalyeah, and in inspect frames etc
01:29.00leethalI'm seeing a OnTooltipSetItem() in
01:29.08leethalwhat's widget handlers?
01:29.28Esamynn|Busyevents like OnShow
01:29.32Esamynn|Busyand OnEvent
01:29.34Esamynn|Busyhandler scripts
01:30.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:43.21*** join/#wowi-lounge hugo (
01:50.06zenzelezz"Flasks will work in this new system by taking up both the offensive and defensive elixir slots. We of course recognize this as a reduction of total effect of flasks, but as mentioned we will be balancing to take into account the use of a single flask on each player in an encounter"
01:50.16zenzelezzthat'll tick off a bunch of my guildies I'm sure
01:53.12hugobut how will be alchemy changed , is it know now ?
01:53.23hugohow they make them 'easy to get'
01:54.03hugoanyway, transmute mastery is pretty downbalanced compare to elixir master ;o
01:54.56hugoi did of 30 primal might, 3extra primal might, = 300g, in 30x24hour cooldown, my friend just did a flask - 5x = 5x80g in a single creating that has no cooldown :)
01:55.36hugoand transmute can be only 2, never 5
01:56.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
01:56.09zenzelezzodd, I saw a screenshot of someone proccing 5 mights
01:56.30zenzelezzdon't know if it's real of course
01:56.36hugoyou sure ;d dont think so
01:57.32hugoand no way to drop mastery, only whole alchemy, and i doubt blizzard ever tweak it at all, maybe tweak alchemy, but transmute mastery will be bad way to go forever
01:58.13Mr_Rabies2it's up to 5
01:58.42hugoyou sure its real
01:59.03zenzelezzit's not the same picture that I saw, so I'm becoming pretty sure it's real
01:59.12Mr_Rabies2it's on wowwiki, and it's been there since...
01:59.13zenzelezzI seem to recall a guildie saying he got 3 at least also
01:59.15leethalwhich of these two rocks?
01:59.17hugoanyway if the chance is like on elixirs? how many will you make this, i did 30 in 30days, and it proced 3x , all times i did just one extra.
01:59.19Mr_Rabies2april 6
01:59.20leethalperformance wise
01:59.20Nom-holy crap
01:59.23Mr_Rabies2so i'd say yeah probably
01:59.27Nom-created primal might x 5? ??
01:59.46Nom-*breathnig sounds*
01:59.46hugoMon, why holy crap
01:59.50zenzelezzhugo: it's random, I know people who have procced about half their transmutes
01:59.51Nom-This one is strong with the force.
01:59.58hugoprimal might cost less then the pure maretial needed
02:00.01Mr_Rabies2it's up to 5 for whatever you transmute
02:00.08hugoflaks you sell better and you have no cooldown,
02:00.26Nom-Yeah, but at the end of the day
02:00.29WerikTrue story.
02:00.30hugonever heard about 5 on my server.
02:00.34zenzelezznot everyone takes a mastery for the monetary value hugo
02:00.39Nom-That's 4 free primal mights
02:00.53Nom-And depending on what you do, that might be 4 for the alchemist to sell :P
02:01.03hugowell im the one who don't have it for money
02:01.03hugobut its _no_ use at all
02:01.14zenzelezzdon't think anyone in my guild took their mastery for money
02:01.17hugoi would have better for my own got pot or elixir, make more use of it
02:01.25hugocause the procrate vs cooldown, no use ;]
02:01.30Nom-alchemists who don't burn their transmutes every 24 hours should be shot :P
02:01.32Mr_Rabies2it's still infinitely more useful than leatherworking
02:02.11Mr_Rabies2or engineering
02:02.12hugoIm now tired of farming primals for might, so i bought 20x primal earth, and transmuting it into primal water
02:02.18Nom-I'm tempted to drop enchanting and get alchemy on my mage
02:02.23hugolike 6th already, no proc at all yet ;]
02:02.25Mr_Rabies2me too nom
02:02.26zenzelezzif you switch blacksmithing specialization, do you revert to a lower skill?
02:02.39Mr_Rabies2enchanting is such a pain in the ass to level
02:02.47Nom-I never use enchanting for anything other than disenchanting
02:02.51Mr_Rabies2it's gonna cost me about 2000g or so to go from 300-375
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02:02.54Werikto 300
02:03.04hugoMr_Rabies is there a page to the pic you posted ?
02:04.06Nom-zenzelezz: No
02:05.25hugoi dont trust the image anyway
02:05.43zenzelezzlike I said, I *know* people that have procced 3 mights
02:06.08hugoit must bery very random then
02:06.17hugoif it's random same as for potion master and elixir
02:06.28zenzelezzI'm considering switching from armorsmith to some weaponsmith, although I'm not sure I'd end up crafting anything there either... the armosmith items seem to all suck, and all the dropped plans can be made by any smith
02:06.33hugowhere you can make 80pots at onec, vs transmute 24hcooldown, no doubt then, nearly imposible ;o
02:07.15hugoweaponsmith is good when you start raid in 25man
02:07.31hugothere you can get the (3?)th upgrade stuff
02:08.14hugoand then you craft weapon better then gladiators
02:09.34hugogood night, nice talking :)
02:09.56zenzelezzfound the picture I was looking for,
02:17.55leethalan item link contains information about enchants and stuff, right?
02:18.18leethaluhm, not "contains information about"
02:18.41leethalan item link will include an enchant if the item is enchanted, right?
02:19.11zenzelezzI'd think so, others can see the enchant anyhow
02:19.54JoshBorkeleethal: yes
02:21.58leethalany ideas on how to fetch the enchant from the link? doesn't seem to mention enchants
02:23.15*** join/#wowi-lounge raevanmorlock (
02:23.16leethalhmm, perhaps there's a separate function for enchants
02:23.44leethalGetWeaponEnchantInfo() =P
02:24.09zenzelezztoo obvious, must be a more hidden way ;-)
02:24.37leethalhmm, apparently is for temporary enchants only
02:30.39JoshBorkeleethal: is this what you need?
02:31.43leethalah, thanks
02:34.50Nom-Anyone coded in C# before ?
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02:37.58raevanmorlockA bit, Nom-
02:38.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
02:38.14Nom-Ever deployed it on a non-Windows platform
02:38.48raevanmorlockNope.. don't believe you can deploy it on an OS that doesn't have .Net installed
02:39.00Nom-Nah, it's an ISO standard now
02:40.13raevanmorlock.Net is? It should work then so long as you're not using any Windows DLLs
02:40.20Nom-No, C# is
02:41.20leethalso, I get an item link from a tooltip. This code - - adds an item link to the chat frame, and any enchants etc is in that link. So, how do I get that ItemString from the link?
02:41.21raevanmorlockWell obviously not had enough experience with it
02:42.23*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
02:42.42Nom-leethal: The itemstring is what you parse
02:43.00Nom-Those links are just plain text which the WoW chat frames interpret as a link
02:43.02leethalI tried doing a string.find on that local variable "itemlink", but it didn't return anything
02:43.19leethalperhaps I did something wrong
02:43.34leethalif the chat frame gets a link, it means everything is ok and that it is in fact an itemstring?
02:43.47Nom-do a search for \[(.*)\]
02:43.57Nom-Just to confirm, that should return the name of the item
02:44.10JoshBorkeleethal: the itemlink gets converted to a hyperlink when shown in the frame
02:44.12leethalhmm, how do I search for that?
02:44.15leethalI'm t3h noob heh
02:44.27leethalstring.find(mystring, \[(.*)\]) ?
02:44.40Nom-Look @ That
02:44.47JoshBorkeleethal: do you have devtools installed?
02:44.55leethalNom-: that's what I'm looking at, yes
02:45.07leethalNom-: tried that string.find suggestion, but all the local vars were nil
02:45.11Nom-So use the code it has on there
02:45.14leethalJoshBorke: actally I installed it yesterday, never used it
02:45.27JoshBorkereplace itemString with itemLink
02:45.47leethalyeah, did that
02:46.03Nom-ah yeah
02:46.09Nom-It's encapsulated with colour information
02:46.13JoshBorkewhat's the exact code you used?  because the pastey isn't it
02:46.28leethalJoshBorke: hold on, I'll pastey the entire thing
02:46.43Nom-You'll need to use the itemlink code
02:46.52Nom-OR alternatively, you can take out the ^ at the start
02:47.11Nom-That causes it to search always from the start of the string, which won't find a match in an ItemLink
02:47.18JoshBorkeyea, the ^ doesn't help
02:47.18leethaltaking out the ^ worked
02:47.36Nom-Yeah, because ^ says to search from the start of the string
02:47.45Nom-Which doesn't work if there is any leaving information
02:47.55leethalI see
02:51.14leethalonwards to the next silly issue: what's the id of the TBC enchants like mongoose and battlemaster? Not listed at it seems
02:54.37leethaloh blargh.. OnTooltipSetItem doesn't capture the tooltips you get when you click an item in chat
03:14.12leethalwhat sort of tooltips is that chat frame tooltip thingie?
03:14.22leethalI guess it's not a tooltip at all heh
03:37.59leethalwhat is that movable tooltip frame called? The one that opens when you click an item link in chat and has a X in the corner to close it?
03:39.24JoshBorkeleethal: ItemRefTooltip
03:39.31JoshBorkehint, type /dtframestack in wow ;-)
03:39.58leethalah, it's a part of the dev tools? =)
03:40.12JoshBorkedevtools has like, uber things
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03:51.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Karrion (
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04:02.03leethalseems like it has =)
04:11.14Tem|AFKanyone in this channel without devtools installed loses 10 points
04:11.45*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|laptop (
04:17.09leethala little more spam: lacks some enchants, seems like none of the named TBC enchants is there
04:17.14leethalmongoose, battlemaster etc
04:17.22leethalany ideas on where to get those IDs?
04:17.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
04:17.46leethalis getting it from an itemlink the only option, or can you look for it somewhere else?
04:21.50Tem|SleepI was under the impression that those were found by mining the mpqs or cache files
04:52.52JoshBorkewtf is up with TABARD_CANSAVE_CHANGED
04:53.53IrielI wish I knew
04:54.09JoshBorkeit fires more often than a trigger happy mage :-/
04:55.36Mr_Rabies2someone should write a script that plays the Zelda 64 Navi "Hey!" "Listen!" sound every time that event fires
04:55.42Mr_Rabies2just for zelda simulation
04:55.49*** join/#wowi-lounge raevanmorlock (
04:56.30raevanmorlockIs there a function to create keypresses?
04:56.52JoshBorkecreate keypresses?
04:56.59JoshBorkeor create bindings to attach to keypresses?
04:58.12raevanmorlockthe key presses themselves... I made a keyboard display, so I was wondering if I could make it so that clicking on a key with teh mouse could simulate holding down and releasing the key on the keyboard
04:59.29IrielNo, you can retrieve the appropriate binding identity with query functions (given a key), but you can't invoke that keypress 'securely' so it may or may not function the way you expect
05:01.02raevanmorlockYeah, I got the bindings -- -- I figured there'd be some kind of security problem with invoking key presses, but it would be neat if I could do it for this
05:03.47raevanmorlockIs there a way to make a copy of a specific action button that'd work and operate the same way as the original and use the same ability and all that jazz?
05:04.01JoshBorkethat there is a pretty keyboard :-)
05:04.13raevanmorlockThank ya
05:04.29JoshBorkemuch prettier than mine:
05:05.18raevanmorlockHeh. Well.. yours is more complete :)
05:05.48JoshBorkebut only because it serves a different purpose and i'm sure i took more time on it :-)
05:07.00raevanmorlockJust make your buttons a little bigger and the text a bit smaller
05:07.33JoshBorkemeh, it served it's purpose :_D
05:07.50raevanmorlockWhat'd it do?
05:08.01JoshBorkei guess i didn't actually link to the mod...
05:09.15raevanmorlockAh that's neat.. more or less what I'm going for
05:09.53JoshBorkefeel free to use any code from it :-)
05:11.08Karrionraevanmorlock: you can make a secure button, set its "type" attribute to "action" and its "action" attribute to the action ID... won't give you any of the visuals but would fire the action when pressed
05:12.35raevanmorlockthanks, Karrion .. that should at least get me started
05:17.14*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
05:21.47raevanmorlockIf I make all my functions local, does that mean only my addon can access them so I don't have to worry about naming conflicts with other addons?
05:27.28Esamynn|Busyyes, but it can also make debugging more troublesome if everything is local
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05:29.44raevanmorlockhow so?
05:31.49Cideyou can't call functions manually
05:32.30raevanmorlockoh, like with /script? Yeah.. I suppose so. I've never through to do that before.
05:32.55cogwheelyou can always comment out the "local" until you release
05:33.12cogwheelif you give them unique-enough names, they won't conflict with anything
05:33.24cogwheelin case you forget to uncomment them :P
05:33.32Esamynn|Busygenerally, I prepend anything that is going to be global with the folder name of my addon
05:33.45cogwheelme too
05:33.55cogwheelor use an object
05:34.27leethalany dongle peeps around?
05:34.50leethaleveryone in #dongle seems idle atm
05:35.06cogwheelwell, they're probably the people to ask...
05:35.17*** join/#wowi-lounge tedr0ck (
05:35.18cogwheelI know Tem & Clad went nn
05:37.43cogwheelneways, i'm getting tired enough that I'm starting to use "words" like "neways"...
05:45.18*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
05:59.29leethalany references out there on how to write tests with lua?
06:07.13Cideassert(a == b); !
06:09.05Cairenn|afkShirik: you awake?
06:13.27leethalwhat exactly happens when an assertion fails?
06:21.03raevanmorlockleethal: you get an error message
06:29.15raevanmorlockDoes using GetScript() and SetScript() make it so that the first parameter is the object that's calling it?
06:29.50raevanmorlockAnd is that preferable to using the function's name directly?
06:29.54raevanmorlockwhen hooking
06:30.51raevanmorlock.. I think I just confused myself
06:36.51leethalis it possible to integrate your addon to FuBar if it's not an Ace addon?
06:37.00*** part/#wowi-lounge Karrion (
06:39.51Nom-Cairenn|afk is strangely helpeful while afk
06:39.55Nom-She should go afk more often...
06:41.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
06:41.41ShirikI always wondered what that was for
06:41.43Shiriknow I know :)
06:42.22Cairenn|afkSo two old friends get together for lunch, a Roman Catholic Priest and a Rabbi.  The priest says to the rabbi "So when are you going to try ham?  I know it is against your religion, but you just haven't lived until you've tasted some of Mrs. Hall's brown sugar ham.  So, when are you going to give it a try?"  The rabbi turns to him with a big grin on his face and answers, "At your wedding".
06:42.57Cairenn|afkand on that note - night all
06:43.15Shirikgood night
06:43.21leethalit rants about "requires AceLibrary"
06:43.21Shirikbtw Cairenn|afk
06:43.24ShirikI'm awake now ><
06:43.29ShirikI just woke up :P
06:43.40Cairenn|afkI'll catch up with you tomorrow, I'm passing out now ;)
06:43.44Shirikok :)
06:44.29Shirikraevanmorlock: you can't hook those until 2.1
06:44.52Cairenn|afkleethal: well, it is an Ace mod, it's going to require some of the libraries, obviously
06:45.19leethalgrr, why can't it pull that out of fubar itself =(
06:45.32Shirikin theory it can
06:45.44Shirikin theory, only one of your addons requires the ace library
06:45.48Shirikbut one of them must have it
06:45.52Shirikthe others just overwrite themselves
06:46.03Shirikthe problem comes when you think about it has to be the first addon that loads
06:49.16leethalso, I got AceLibrary.lua into the addon, but now it complains that AceLibrary is a nil value
06:49.32Shirikput it in your toc?
06:49.44leethalI did
06:50.18leethal(and restarted wow to make it load the files)
06:50.18Shirikfor reasons relating to me just not liking it, I can't say I know how to use Ace, so I'm afraid I can't really help you beyond that
06:50.39leethalI don't really approve of Ace myself
06:50.44leethalFuBar is kinda nice though, use it myself too
06:58.38leethalany ideas why the AFKTimerUtil:MakeMovable function doesn't make the frame movable?
06:59.26Shirikis it a secure frame?
06:59.49*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
07:00.01leethalno, it's a frame I created myself
07:00.14Shirikyou can make secure frames ;)
07:00.18leethalCreateFrames in
07:00.22leethaloh hehe
07:00.46Shirikbut I'll assume because you don't know what it is, you didn't make one ^^;
07:01.05leethalfor all I know I didn't hehe
07:01.09raevanmorlockIs there a function to copy a table?
07:01.24Shiriknot really
07:01.28leethalsomething = table?
07:01.28Shirikdo you really want to copy a table?
07:01.40Shirikleethal: That won't exactly work, it makes a reference to the same table
07:01.58leethalnot really sure on how lua handles objects =/
07:02.05Shirikwhich I assume you don't want to do
07:02.07Shirikum, basically
07:02.15raevanmorlockYeah.. I'm changing the name of a saved variable so I need to copy the old one into teh new one
07:02.17Shirikanything that's not a primitive type is a reference
07:02.25Shirikwell do you really need a copy?
07:02.30Shirikyou can't just reference it?
07:03.09raevanmorlockYou tell me :-P
07:03.12Shirikwill you be changing one of the copies in the future, without wanting to change the other copy?
07:03.36leethalanyways *hinting to the unmovable frame*
07:04.03Shirikyeah I'm trying to think about that one :/
07:04.05Shirikit looks right
07:04.24ShirikI was going to say try putting an AddMessage in the scripts to see if they're being called at all
07:04.27raevanmorlockI'd like to get rid of the old variable in the future, but it's not completely necessary
07:04.36Shirikok, then you can make a reference
07:04.42Shirikjust do what leethal did
07:04.57raevanmorlockBut I tried doing: if ShowItemPriceTable and ShowItemPriceTable['PriceTable'] then ShowItemPrice['PriceTable'] = ShowItemPriceTable['PriceTable']; end and that doesn't seem to be working
07:05.36Shirikthen something else is wrong
07:05.41Shirikbut what leethal said is fine
07:05.50raevanmorlockIsn't that what he said?
07:06.01Shirika = {1}; b = a; print(b[1]);
07:06.19Shirikdoes ShowItemPriceTable exist?
07:06.46raevanmorlockIt should.. unless I accidentally deleted it
07:06.56Shirikyou should check that
07:07.23Shirikyou can't make ShowItemPriceTable['PriceTable'] without ShowItemPriceTable
07:07.39raevanmorlockit still exists
07:07.43*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
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07:07.56Shirikwell making a copy in that manner is perfectly legal
07:07.58leethalin good old ruby you could go table = othertable.dup
07:08.00Shirikso your problem is elsewhere
07:08.02*** part/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (n=AnduinLo@WoWUIDev/Cosmos/AnduinLothar)
07:08.03leethalnothing like that in Lua?
07:08.18Shirikwith good reason, imo
07:08.23leethalnot really
07:08.32leethalsometimes you need to make a copy of an object
07:08.36Shiriknot only is it an expensive task, it really doesn't have much "meaning" as far as a computer's concerned
07:08.58Shirikwrt how it makes variables
07:09.00leethalmaking a new object could be load intensive (depending on the object of course)
07:13.17raevanmorlockah blegh.. I had to wait til the addon loaded to run that code
07:13.53leethalwowwiki r pwndz
07:15.11leethaldown for at least an hour now
07:15.19Shirikcrashed table
07:15.41raevanmorlockwowwiki is back up for me
07:15.51Shirikthat would be a cached page
07:15.51leethaldatabase error here
07:15.57leethalprolly cached, yep
07:16.09leethalhow sweet of mediawiki to show us the query
07:16.26Shirikeh, it's publicly accessible anyway :P
07:16.46leethalwell, could be modified
07:17.02raevanmorlockCached on my end or the server side?
07:17.03Shiriktrue, but that's a lot of work
07:17.11Shirikreally, could be both
07:17.19Shirikbut likely your end
07:17.34raevanmorlockMy browser doesn't cache.. and I forced a refresh adn tried a page I've never been to before
07:17.51leethalit's up again
07:18.01raevanmorlockThat's what I'm sayin!
07:18.09Shirikit was up... now
07:18.12Shiriknot 5 seconds ago
07:18.34Shirikraevanmorlock: do you have a login to wowwiki?
07:18.49raevanmorlockI swear it came back for me like 5-10 minutes ago
07:18.56Shirikwere you logged in?
07:19.33raevanmorlockNo... but I was unable to access the Events page earlier and then I could access it again 5-10 minutes ago
07:19.52Shirik(one of) the crashed table was wowwiki.users
07:19.57Shirikthat was the problem I was having
07:20.02Shirikif you're not logged in, you're not going to have trouble
07:20.03leethalyep I was logged in too
07:20.15raevanmorlockwell.. bleh!
07:20.18Shirikif the Events page has a user's signature on it, it's going to need to access that table as well
07:20.39raevanmorlockI was getting a 404 error, I believe
07:21.06Shirikthat... doesn't make any sense
07:21.10Shirikthere is only one page on the site
07:22.15raevanmorlockI rarely ever make sense
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07:22.27leethal"rarely ever" didn't make sense
07:22.33Shirikeverything on wowwiki is at index.php
07:22.39Shirikif you try any wiki site you'll see
07:22.43Shirikis how it works
07:23.12raevanmorlockI know
07:23.13leethalyeah, apache redirects all requests to index.php doesn't it?
07:24.10leethalthat is, all requests that normally would have been 404
07:24.29leethalif everything had been redirected to index.php, you'd have PHP served images
07:24.40leethal.. I think =/
07:25.14raevanmorlockYou specify an expression to match on so that it doesn't include things like .gif, .jpg, etc
07:26.09ShirikI don't know quite how they do it, but I know that's how the wiki works
07:26.13Shirikeverything goes through index.php
07:28.12raevanmorlockYou make an .htaccess file that looks like this >
07:28.45Shirikcourse that would only work on apache
07:29.08Shirikwhat if I was a moron or had an MBA, so I used IIS?
07:29.22Shirikor what about those users that can't write .htaccess files or install mod_rewrite
07:29.54Shirikbut yes I get it :)
07:29.59raevanmorlockI believe Apache is the only one that can do it... If you don't have it, then all your links would look like index.php?loc=bleh
07:30.12leethalI love 404 dispatching =)
07:30.23leethalevery request that is a 404 gets routed to a dispatcher
07:30.28leethaldispatch.php or whatever
07:30.41Shirikyou could do that right in the 404 page
07:30.44Shiriksend a Location header
07:30.57leethalno need for fancy "hiding of index.php"
07:31.07leethaland no need for filtering what's images and so on
07:31.23raevanmorlockThat's a creative approach
07:31.44Shirikleethal: I'll tell you
07:31.48Shirikinstead of OnDrag
07:31.50ShirikI use OnClick
07:32.05Shirikhere let me show you how I make my frames draggable
07:33.48raevanmorlockOnClick? ... so the frame drags after you release the mouse button?
07:33.59leethalOnRelease is release isn't it?
07:35.01raevanmorlockDoesn't movable="true" make something draggable?
07:35.26SunTigerno it makes it movable
07:35.29Shirikdon't get too caught up in this code
07:35.33SunTigerdragging itself has also to be implemented.
07:35.38Shirikonly really worry about the higlighted lines
07:35.46leethalShirik: deal
07:36.12Shirikwin is the window, handle is the title bar
07:36.20ShirikI only wanted it draggable when they drag the title bar, basically
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07:38.08leethalShirik: thanks, I'll take a look at it latah
07:38.20Shirikit's only a minor difference from what you showed me
07:41.51raevanmorlockis Lua case-sensitive?
07:42.37Shirikin what sense?
07:42.39Shirikvariable names
07:45.05Shirikit's good practice to assume variable names are case sensitive everywhere
07:45.19Shirikespecially when you consider that having a variable named foo and one named Foo is just asking for bugs down the road
07:46.32raevanmorlockYeah.. I had the question earlier and didn't ask and now I forget why I had it
07:47.19raevanmorlockI thought I coded this addon so nicely originally and it's turning into such a mess :\
07:50.40leethalmade many addons so far?
07:50.55leethalit took me 3-4 addons to be able to code somewhat organized
07:52.53Shirikluckily, I code with someone else, so we each yelled at each other until we were both organized
07:53.24leethalpeople ftw!
07:57.58raevanmorlockShowItemPrice is the biggest one I've made
07:59.49leethalShirik: - still not movable =/
07:59.51raevanmorlockDoes wowinterface have an option to get emailed when people submit bug reports/feature requests?
08:00.47leethalwrong url
08:01.30Shirikdon't do RegisterForDrag
08:01.34Shirikand do RegisterForClicks
08:02.01ShirikI wonder if the problem is that it's a frame :/
08:02.45leethalno such method as RegisterForClicks
08:02.48leethalnot RegisterForClick either
08:03.03leethalhmm, what other than a frame could it be?
08:03.11leethalit's just that - a frame showing how long you've been afk
08:03.38Shirikhm, nope I definitely used frames
08:03.49Shirikoh, hm
08:03.54Shirikactually I used a button for the title bar
08:04.21leethalyep, works now
08:05.29leethalweird blizzard UI thingies.. when the frame was XML, it's position was remembered across sessions
08:05.35leethalnow when it's lua, it's not
08:05.51Shirikah, I handled that on my own :P
08:05.58leethalis that something I can set somewhere and be done with it, or do I have to do lots of fancy stuff?
08:05.59ShirikI like our RDX.Window class ^^
08:06.10Shirikyou can use GetPoint() and store the point in a saved variable
08:06.19Shirikthen when you create the frame next point, read the saved variable and set its point
08:06.33Shiriks/next point/next time/
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08:11.21leethalhow do I hook it?
08:11.24leethalis there an event or something?
08:11.34Shirikdidn't you do a CreateFrame?
08:11.37leethalI mean, how do I tell my addon to change the variable when it's moved?
08:11.39Shirikjust do it after you create it
08:11.40leethalI did
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08:11.49Shirikin the script you set
08:11.52Shirikwhen you stop dragging
08:12.11Shirikin the code I gave you
08:12.15Shirikthat's what RDX.SaveAllLayouts() does
08:12.19Shirikit updates all the points in the SVs
08:12.37ShirikRDX.Window.SaveAllLayouts() *
08:13.54Shirikdoes horde not have a base in blasted lands?
08:15.56leethalit does, just a tiny one
08:16.14Shirikwhere is it?
08:16.15leethaloh, blasted lands
08:16.17leethalno, no base there
08:16.29leethalstonard is close though
08:16.36Shirikyeah I guess that's what I have to do :/
08:16.39Shirikbut I'm too cheap to buy a mount
08:20.05raevanmorlockToo cheap? I thought everyone bought a mount as soon as possible
08:20.21Shirikas soon as possible, yes
08:20.29Shirikunfortunately I lack the funding to do that in a timely fashion
08:20.56raevanmorlockWell, you should've started saving sooner! :)
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11:26.17JunkHeadckknight - Are you around by chance?
11:26.38JunkHeadI have 2 questions if you aren't busy.
11:26.54ckknightask em
11:26.55JunkHeadAbout Cartographer.
11:27.22JunkHeadOk, My map has the coords enabled, the default ones, if I enable the cartographer coords, they overlap.
11:27.27JunkHeadHow do I turn off the default ones?
11:27.35JunkHeadSo I can only use the cart ones?
11:27.45ckknightno such thing as default ones
11:27.48ckknightit's some other addon
11:27.49ShirikI didn't realize there were deafult ones
11:27.57JunkHeadHmm.. so it's somethign else giving me them. Ok.
11:27.57Shirikok so I wasn't going crazy :P
11:28.02JunkHeadOk cool.
11:28.25JunkHeadAlso, I'm just now getting used to Cart, and I like the instance maps and loot tables a lot.
11:28.33JunkHeadBut blackrock spire map is blank.
11:28.42JunkHeadSupposed to be that way?
11:30.43JunkHeadSo far every other instance map seems to be fine with skulls marking bosses and whatnot.
11:31.22ckknightshouldn't be blank
11:31.34JunkHeadMine has nothing.
11:31.43JunkHeadNo bosses marked or quests npc's.
11:32.01KalrothIt's a bit buggy in instances
11:32.17KalrothI often have to open/close it a few times to get them to show, if at all
11:32.35JunkHeadSerpentshrine is blank also, but I'll just chalk that up to it being new and all.
11:33.17JunkHeadWell my BRS map has one item noted, a ? to mark the seal of ascension.
11:33.30JunkHeadNear the bottom of the map screen but that's it.
11:36.39JunkHeadBut I found out the coord problem. Fixed it and now only have the Cart coords.
11:38.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Pandemic-vhell (
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11:48.57raevanmorlockIs there a way to count the number of items in a table that isn't indexed numerically? (Like Foo.Bar and Foo.Bar2 as opposed to Foo[1] and Foo[2])
11:50.25clad|sleepraevanmorlock: local count = 0 for k,v in pairs(tbl) do count = count + 1 end
11:50.30ckknightthat's it
11:50.40clad|workbut that counts all entries, wherever they are.
11:50.46clad|workin that table
11:51.26raevanmorlockthank ya
12:00.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
12:01.28raevanmorlockAnyone know off-hand where the colors for the chat boxes are stored at?
12:01.38raevanmorlockLike which color to use for say/yell/etc
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12:07.38|FF|Im2good4uhmm i never realy uderstood them but i think its stored along whit the message type
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12:12.35raevanmorlockI think I was just lookin at that in the ChatFrame.lua, but I didn't see any colors
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12:13.36raevanmorlockLooked through every occurance of Yell and Whisper in the FrameXML folder and can't find any color values
12:16.27raevanmorlockNevermind, I found out.. somehow.. mystically-like..
12:16.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Starzard (
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12:34.03|FF|Im2good4uwut was it local stored variables ?
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12:43.50zenzelezz"Jesus Christ, this is like <...>... the closer you look at it, the gayer it gets." got to love guild forums
12:44.21sysragedidn't know forums had sexual preference
12:45.44zenzelezzI thought such a simple line wouldn't need explanation... it's a guy talking about the alchemy changes, and at the same time making a joke about another guildie
12:46.49raevanmorlock|FF|Im2good4u: No, they're stored in the ChatTypeInfo table. local info = ChatTypeInfo["SYSTEM"]; DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(msg, info.r, info.g, info.b,; -- Now your addon's messages will appear in the same color as System messages and if the user changes the color of system messages then your addon's will change dynamically right there with it (I believe because of the .. it's pretty neat
12:48.38raevanmorlockGood night.
12:48.55|FF|Im2good4uah nice system verry usefull wones u figured it out :P
13:01.54|FF|Im2good4uis it posable to create a text whit a solid width for each charecter ?
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13:46.52Maldiviabit quite...
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15:02.20leethalhow can you replace stuff that's in tooltips?
15:02.34leethalI managed to add a line to them, using the very simple GameTip:AddLine
15:03.02cogwheel|workThe GameTooltips are just frames... each line is a pair of font strings iirc
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15:03.17cogwheel|workyou can access each line directly via normal frame modification techniques
15:03.25cogwheel|workcheck out the templates in the blizzard code
15:03.30leethalok, now I at least know what to google heh
15:03.36leethalah, good idea
15:03.59cogwheel|workthere's a wowwiki article about them too... let me find you the link
15:04.50Scr3emare there are wow channels on freenode? (other than #wowace)
15:05.04leethalwowwiki is one
15:05.05cogwheel|workI don't think so
15:05.05Scr3ems/are/are there/
15:05.10leethalthere's one called #wow too, but it's like 3 peeps there
15:05.13cogwheel|worknot in general anyway
15:05.31cogwheel|worksince freenode is mainly for open source projects, etc.
15:06.16cogwheel|workof course there *are* plenty of wow-related projects :P   #wowi-lounge, #wowace, #norganna, #wowwiki, #dongle
15:06.18leethalcogwheel|work: I scanned through that article, trying to do this -
15:07.16leethalbut that didn't really work heh
15:07.16leethalno errors or anything, but it didn't append " - lol" to anything
15:08.15zenzelezzwhy do you overwrite the text variable right after getting a value into it?
15:09.05zenzelezzand where does mytext come from?
15:10.32leethaldidn't think or consider or figure out, just tried to do a setglobal to see what happened
15:10.45leethalthe first code example on that page
15:10.45Maldivialeethal: you have text = getglobal(...) - but refere to it as mytext in the next line ?
15:10.55leethal =P
15:11.13leethalthe getglobal returns a table, so I guess you need to do :GetText on the table to get the text
15:11.15zenzelezzyour code doesn't match that page leethal
15:11.17cogwheel|workyes... you didn't write it correctly :P
15:11.37leethalzenzelezz: huh? it's just the same, with an additional line =/
15:11.45zenzelezzread them both
15:11.46cogwheel|workno it's not
15:11.49leethaltypo =P
15:11.51cogwheel|worklook at your first line in the loop
15:11.57leethalthe code itself is right, just typoed the pastie
15:12.13*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
15:12.16leethalpardon pardon
15:12.46abugnoob question incoming
15:12.55leethalabug: yay, I might be able to answer it then
15:13.20Maldivialeethal: you should be doing: mytext:SetText(text .. " - lol")
15:13.22Maldivianot setglobal
15:13.26leethalanyway, I guess doing setglobal is silly, as it's already set somewhere and doesn't get read again?
15:14.30abugsay I want to write a standalone lua script, console style like wowbench...I've got the lua interpreter but where can I find out how to receive input? Do I need to hook the interpreter somehow?
15:15.31abugI've tried googling but I'm having trouble finding the right keywords to get some examples
15:16.58Maldiviaabug: if you're using the lua console inteprenter, you can use the io library to read from stdin
15:17.40abugah cool thanks
15:17.42Scr3emhow do you search for channels on an irc channel?
15:18.04Maldiviatry /list
15:18.17Scr3em*** [list] Unknown command.
15:18.24zenzelezz"Max sendQ exceeded"
15:18.32abugpur, cookie Maldivia
15:18.39abugpurl, cookie Maldivia
15:18.50abugpurl, wake up
15:19.10purlabug: I'm already awake! :)
15:19.10purlaw, gee, Maldivia
15:19.34zenzelezzthe "xxx", eh
15:19.58MaldiviaI need to find that log somewhere :)
15:20.06Maldiviato find the context of the quote
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15:23.18abug~seen coghweel
15:23.41purlabug: i haven't seen 'coghweel'
15:23.41abug~seen cogwheel
15:23.48purlcogwheel <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 9h 46m ago, saying: 'nn'.
15:23.50abugdo you really get work done?
15:24.03cogwheel|workyep... I just spent the last 10 minutes completely ignoring this channel ><
15:24.19abuga personal record?
15:24.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata (
15:24.54cogwheel|workhehe. no
15:25.01Maldivia... butclose?
15:25.11cogwheel|workif you insist :P
15:25.30cogwheel|workNo... after our server migration, i didn't even log in for a day or two
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15:25.51zenzelezzI have been known to ignore IRC for up to eight consecutive hours
15:25.55cogwheel|workI was to busy repeatedly mumbling "I hate computers"
15:26.32cogwheel|work~hug Cairenn
15:26.55abugpurl, wake up
15:26.56purlabug: I'm already awake! :)
15:26.56cogwheel|workpurl, chop chop
15:27.09cogwheel|workpurl, hug Cairenn
15:27.29cogwheel|workdid you guys have a fight?
15:27.55MaldiviaMorning Cairenn
15:28.11cogwheel|workpurl, literal hug
15:28.12purl"hug" is "<action> gives <target> a hug"
15:28.22cogwheel|workpurl, hug Cairenn
15:28.32cogwheel|work~hug me
15:28.45abugpurl, hug Cairenn
15:28.47cogwheel|workpurl, you suck
15:28.50purlno, *you* suck!
15:29.13Maldiviapurl is such a good bot... :)
15:29.13purl:), Maldivia
15:29.55abugpurl is going to take over the world someday
15:32.24Maldiviaapparently, purl doesn't like being abused
15:32.37cogwheel|workpurl, gtfo
15:32.53hugosomeome here said yestarday a pull tactic in durnhole keep using hunter ot pull the lookouts without the rienforcment ? how it works ? ;o
15:32.57JoshBorke~emulate JoshBorke
15:32.58purlACTION hugs Cairenn
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15:39.55CairennShirik: ping?
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15:59.37ShirikCairenn: pong!
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16:49.04KirkburnNew graveyards, flightpoints and flightpaths!
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16:56.06KirkburnSo apparently these are now pretty much confirmed
16:56.08leethalfarming the anti-FP money now hehe
16:56.35Kirkburn(identical item change notes)
16:57.12leethalKirkburn: where did you get that from?
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16:58.59leethalthanks for the list =)
16:59.28Temspell lock is now even better than CS
16:59.30Temthat's retarded
16:59.57TemI will never understand blizzard's fetish with making warlocks so overpowered
17:00.02KirkburnLol @ this -
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17:00.26KirkburnDuration /reduced/, Tem
17:00.38TemKirkburn, with a shorter cooldown
17:00.45KirkburnWhat was it before? 30 secs?
17:01.21Kirkburn(lol, and what was the duration ... I'm a useless warlock who only felguards
17:01.38Temprobably 8 seconds
17:02.21TemI haven't played since BC release, but my experience in beta was the felguards were even worse news to a mage than the felhound
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17:02.35Tembecause I couldn't land a single spell on them
17:03.46cogwheel|workeven with a FF addon refreshing the page every minute, they still keep logging me out
17:04.08KirkburnProfession changes!
17:04.22Kirkburn(full list, credit to chutwig)
17:09.11cogwheel|workNow that's not very nice...
17:09.13cogwheel|workMonsters will now attack players who are mining mineral nodes near to them, even if they didn't notice them previously.
17:10.11CideTem: it's true
17:10.20Cidefelguards hit _way_ too fast for casters
17:10.29Temit wasn't about how fast they hit
17:10.40Cideland on them
17:10.41Temthey resisted 100% of the spells I cast
17:10.49Cideyeah, they have insane magic resists
17:10.55Cideas well as 50% aoe resist too
17:11.13leethalI liked having a free pot with commanding shout, a shame they nerfed it
17:11.17leethalbud I guess more HP in raids rock =)
17:11.18TemI guess it didn't help that that bastard AlexanderYoshi was using the 5 peice bonus of his t2 set at the time
17:11.38Cideleethal: less hp :)
17:12.01Tem*sigh* they nerfed the flasks
17:12.15Cidebest change ever in my opinion
17:12.45Cide--Flask powers have been GREATLY reduced.
17:12.46Cide--Reagent costs for flasks have been ****GREATLY**** reduced.
17:13.59Temwe'll see
17:14.30Cidespell lock was 30 sec cd before
17:15.15Temwasn't it 45 once upon a time?
17:15.32Cideno idea, but it's 30 right now
17:15.45Cideit's still a buff though
17:16.58zenzelezzcogwheel|work: notice how they're also saying they'll move the ore veins closer to mobs
17:17.37CideI wonder though
17:18.03Cidethat wouldn't be a bad change if mobs that are in combat switch targets to attack that player
17:18.05zenzelezz2.1.1 patch notes: - Mobs near ore veins are now elite
17:18.31TemCide, that would be a good change
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17:19.04TemI hate it when I have to kill a mob so that I can mine and some asshat steals the vein because I'm suck killing the guard
17:19.07Gnarfozzenzelezz: evil :<
17:19.28zenzelezzTem: aye
17:19.33Shirikthat's what FD is for
17:19.41Temdiaf, hunter
17:19.48Shirikthen I go steal the node when he's dealing with the node he tried to ninja
17:20.00Shirikwhen he's dealing with the mob I dropped on him
17:20.22Gnarfozthey'll just apply the mob-camp chest logic to ore nodes
17:20.36Shirikmob-camp chest?
17:20.39Gnarfoz"can't mine ore in combat" :<
17:20.44Gnarfozthose world spawn chests
17:20.48Gnarfoznear or in mob camps
17:20.53Shirikah like how they're always in a pack
17:20.55*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Paste Code Here: | I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.
17:21.10Gnarfoznice one Cairenn xD
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17:30.01cogwheel|workthe more I think about the mining changes the more they anger me. I mean, i already have it bad enough as an engineer
17:33.30leethaldoes it affect weeds too?
17:33.37leethalif not, it's very very silly
17:37.21Temcogwheel|work, it's hardly a big deal.  why do you care?
17:38.19cogwheel|workI have a hard enough time keeping stocked up with grenades with how hard it is to find mines... Now they may be easier to find, but that just means they'll be farmed more
17:38.42cogwheel|workand of course, you have to spend time clearing the area so someone else can swoop in to steal it from you
17:38.49cogwheel|works/time/more time/
17:39.51TemI'm inclined to respond with "QQ more"
17:40.27Tembut, I've never played an engineer to level cap
17:40.31Temso *shrug*
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17:41.36leethalgot engineering on an alt of mine
17:41.41cogwheel|workI think the closest analogy would be an alchemist who could only make 5 of one particular type of potion a week
17:41.44leethaljust got the jumper cables =)
17:41.53cogwheel|workand nothing else
17:42.09cogwheel|workEven with hours of play time, the best I can show for it is a small stack of grenades
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17:43.25cogwheel|workI am open minded and will see what happens when the patch hits, but unless they change something, I don't have very high expectations
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17:56.11GnarfozUS only again
17:56.13Gnarfozfuck them :p
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18:01.21cogwheel|workWith how much planning goes into things like that, I really wouldn't want to take them away from their offices...
18:01.38cogwheel|workplanning & preparation
18:02.25Beladonaoh damn
18:02.31Beladonathis time, I am going to BlizzCon
18:03.18Gnarfozyou mean you'd rather not have them do blizzcon? *boggle*
18:03.23Gnarfoz(I must have misunderstood you ^^)
18:03.45BeladonaI was merely stating I am going this year
18:03.50Gnarfoznaw, not you, sorry :)
18:03.55Gnarfozcogwheel|work: him! :D
18:04.08BeladonaI missed something a while back cogwheel|work, what patch are you discussing?
18:04.24Beladonaand if so, where are the patch notes you are referencing, if any
18:04.49Gnarfoz2.1 yes, and there's just multiple blue posts on the forums
18:05.06Gnarfozand one kind-of convincing pastey with class changes
18:05.26KirkburnMade a news summary -
18:05.58Beladonaso um, they actually make Alchemy viable again
18:06.03Beladonaafter I dropped it
18:06.08ShadowedThey did?
18:06.20BeladonaI was at 370 too
18:06.38ShadowedReducing how effective it is in PvE will reduce how viable it is
18:07.26Beladonawhere are they reducing how effective it is in PvE?
18:08.03BeladonaThey made Elixir crafting tons easier
18:08.04ShadowedTrying to find the post
18:08.06Beladonaand more usable
18:09.33DT_I'm kind of upset with the direction they're taking alchemy in, tbh. You already can't use it in arenas, and now you are limited in elixir consumption during raids. It's as if they don't want you to use it in pvp or pve, so what the hell is it good for?
18:09.47ShadowedThe fact that you can't use it in arenas makes perfect sense
18:09.56DT_And there's no benefit to being an alchemist ... just get 1 guild alchy with all the recipes and you're good to go. Not like the alchemists stone is even useful
18:10.20Beladonathe arena thing I agree with
18:10.29BeladonaI still dont get how they are nerfing PvE usage though
18:10.40BeladonaI mean most elixirs had a "one elixir at a time" limit
18:10.49DT_I wouldn't want them to be usable in arenas either, but I'm just saying you already can't use them in pvp. Why nerf them in pve?
18:10.54Beladonanow they split them into categories, so you can have one from eahc category
18:11.07ShadowedBecause people don't want to spend 4 hours farming potions? It IS a needed change
18:11.28sysragethey probably didn't like that you could stack things like adept, frost power, mastery, and more
18:11.35BeladonaI am thinking gflasks
18:11.44Beladonaso this is ALL buff based potions then
18:11.51ShadowedAll Elixirs
18:11.58Beladonawow, that is a huge nerf then
18:11.58DT_But now all content will be balanced under the assumption that everyone is flasked. Lets say the average raid is 4 hours, then that's 2 flasks per raid already. That's actually more than I spend now on consumables
18:12.12ShadowedAnd they aren't already?
18:12.15Beladonathat makes thing harder in a lot of ways
18:12.26BeladonaI mean I was stacking resistance potions for some encounters
18:12.31ShadowedThey have to balance between how hard it should be and the potion requirement
18:12.59Beladonaactually I am fine with the current content balancing
18:13.08BeladonaKarazhan for example really isn't that hard
18:13.21Beladonapotion consumption feels like a "bonus" and not a requirement there
18:13.25Beladonabut still
18:13.28sysrageit is when half your guild won't pay attention
18:13.30DT_I would have much rather had them decrease the cost of mats, or increase the yield for the same amount of mats
18:13.36ShadowedKarazhan wasn't the issue, it was mainly the 25 mans
18:13.44zenzelezzI think the nerf/balancing (pick your favorite) of alchemy is a good thing; it may screw things a bit at first, but in the end I do think it will make it easier to design the new encounter
18:13.47Beladonathats your guild's fault
18:13.58BeladonaI lead our Kara raids, and people get booted if they are idiots
18:14.08Shadowedsysrage are you talking 10 or 25 man raids
18:14.42sysragei didn't blame anybody but my guild
18:14.48BeladonaI dont have experience with Magtheridon, Serpentshrine, etc... yet so i can't speak for the balancing there
18:15.01ShadowedIt's far harder in a 25 then it is 10 too though Beladona
18:15.08Beladonaoh I know
18:15.29ShadowedInstead of having to find 10-13 people who are good, you need to find 25-28 and when you're not "the best" on your server you'll have less of a pool to recruit from
18:15.31Beladonabut if you have 2 or 3 groups of 10 mans that work well and listen, you should be able to construct a 25 man as well
18:15.35Beladonagranted with more trouble
18:15.50ShadowedIf you could find 30 smart players, you're probably lying =p
18:16.03Beladonayoud be surprised
18:16.25Beladonawe have about 90 accounts in our guild, 40 of which have at least 1 level 70, and are good at their class
18:16.32Shadoweduh huh
18:16.43ShadowedEveryone says that =p
18:16.43BeladonaI can't really prove it to you, so whatever
18:16.56BeladonaI have busted my ass to recruit since TBC came out
18:17.01Beladonaso I know what we have
18:17.07sysragewe barely have 10 'good' players. and good luck getting them all on at the same time
18:17.12ShadowedWhat people consider good may not be good enough to deal with 25 mans
18:17.31BeladonaI dont think ANYONE can talk right now
18:18.25Beladonaconsidering no one really has done the 25 mans in TBC yet
18:18.44ShadowedSure they have
18:18.51ShadowedMag, Gruul and people are working on SSC
18:19.02subbawtSSC has been cleared by Nihilum
18:19.15subbawtone boss in tempest keep has been killed
18:19.23subbawtby several guilds
18:19.31Beladonait isn't exactly common atm
18:19.40subbawtof course not
18:19.41Shadowedwell of course not
18:20.02subbawtbut i mean our server has probably 15-16 guilds with gruul down (post nerf heh)
18:20.15ShadowedTBC has been out for about 4 months by now, you're still cockblocked by leveling, gearing, keying, rep, farming
18:21.03Shadowedgiven the progress we've seen so far, they aren't really doing that badly minus the stupid itemization
18:21.23BeladonaI just dont see the point of saying things like "I doubt your guild can handle doing 25 mans" when you don't know my guild, our skill level, or our ability
18:21.33Beladonathats very assuming
18:21.38sysragenobody said that
18:22.00sysragenobody even implied that
18:22.08ShadowedI'm saying that being able to find 30 good players who are willing to do everything 25 mans requires is VERY hard if you aren't the top on your server or world wide
18:22.09BeladonaShadowed: If you could find 30 smart players, you're probably lying =p
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18:22.38BeladonaI am saying I have that many if not more, and we aren't the top on teh server
18:22.49ShadowedBut have you done 25 mans yet
18:22.55Beladonait does take a lot of work, I agree there
18:23.10Beladonaso let me get this straight
18:23.24Beladonaif my guild isn't in grulls etc... then we aren't good
18:23.48ShadowedPeople in general, don't like to admit they have weak players in guilds i'm just saying that good in 10 mans doesn't mean you're good in 25 mans
18:23.59Beladonaoh we do have weak players
18:24.14Beladonabut that doesn't mean we don't ahve teh 25 good ones needed
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18:24.40Shadowedwill have to see once you start doing them!
18:24.56Beladonano point in arguing. Its not like it makes a difference
18:24.57Shadowedyou just can't compare 10 to 25, theres far more that has to be paid attention to and different requirements thats my point mainly
18:25.02BeladonaI know what we have
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18:25.09BeladonaI know
18:25.15BeladonaI have done larger raids, pre TBC
18:25.43subbawtThe people who do their job well in 10 mans are the same people who do their job well in 25 mans.
18:26.18Kody[11:24] <Shadowed> you just can't compare 10 to 25, theres far more that has to be paid attention to and different requirements thats my point mainly
18:26.22KodyI disagree with that somewhat
18:26.29KodyShade of Aran requires decent attention
18:26.32subbawtI do too
18:26.34Beladonamost of it is a numbers thing though
18:26.39Beladonalike keeping track of more people
18:26.45Beladonaorganizing more groups
18:26.46ShadowedI never said you don't have to pay attention to kara
18:26.49Beladonathats about it though
18:26.55Beladonaand a majority of that is on the raid leaders
18:26.57Beladonanot the players
18:27.00JumpeeJust use lots or elixers ...... oh wait.
18:27.05ShadowedI said theres more you have to pay attention to
18:27.12subbawtMaybe for healers
18:27.16zenzelezzelixirs don't make up for lack of skill
18:27.31DT_Even for healers, imo
18:27.33DT_They make up for gear
18:27.36Jumpeesarcasm my friend
18:27.40Shadowedfor tanks too
18:27.43zenzelezzI said nothign about gear
18:27.44KodyI haven't seen a major difference between Karazhan and Gruul's/Magtheridon/SSC so far
18:27.48Shadowedand for dps? dps is boring anyway :p
18:27.56KodyExcept the trash increases in annoyance factor exponentially
18:28.05subbawtdps is half your raid :P
18:28.13Shadowedit's still boring!
18:28.14DT_I'd love to dps Shadowed >.>
18:28.25DT_Nice break from the green bars
18:28.38subbawtthe most technical fight i've done so far has been Netherspite in Karazhan
18:29.06subbawtIn like all of the fights I have ever done in this game.
18:30.37KirkburnLol, so it was just pointed out to me that I put the news stuff on the wrong wiki page, moved it to
18:33.24JumpeeHmmm. $100
18:51.58*** join/#wowi-lounge raevanmorlock (
18:53.10raevanmorlockIs there a formula or function for determing the price of an item based on its durability?
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18:55.09JumpeeI don't know the answer either way, but are you asking about repairs, buying or selling from vendors or AH prices?
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18:56.20raevanmorlocklol.. well, I made an addon to keep track of item prices so you can see how much something is worth when you're not at a vendor, but I just realized that if an item has less than full durability than it's not worth as much and my addon is recording that "less than full" price
18:56.59raevanmorlockWhich means it's going to be inaccurate once the durability changes
18:57.49Beladonajust make it do a check on amount, and always accept the highest
18:58.05Beladonaso if you have it record 5g one time, and 6g the next, the 6g overrides the 5g
18:59.14raevanmorlockBut then if it drops down to only having 1 durability left, it's obviously not worth 6g at that point
18:59.52Beladonawell its either that, or facotr in the price change per durability point
19:00.17JumpeeI never even thought about damage affecting the vendor buy price. I guess I should repair before selling.
19:00.43Beladonait only affects it if you damaged an item
19:00.45raevanmorlockWell, the price drops by the amount it takes to fully repair the item
19:00.52Beladonathe item you are selling that is
19:00.55Beladonawhich shouldnt' happen that often
19:01.07raevanmorlockIt used to be that you'd make more money by repairing it before selling.. but they fixed that some time ago
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19:02.04Beladonayou can get the amount it takes to repair an item via a function
19:02.08Beladonaif I recall
19:04.01raevanmorlockWell that should work then... if I'm correct about the price being offset by the amount it takes to repair it
19:05.23Beladonaso I red some more of that elixir nerf
19:05.36Beladonaand flasks are going to take up both offensive and defensive slots?
19:05.56Beladonameaning what? if you use a flask, you can't use any elixirs with it?
19:06.19Beladonathis is going to piss off a lot of people
19:06.28DT_Myself included /sigh
19:06.30Beladonathey better make flasks more worth it
19:06.41DT_They probably won't
19:06.52DT_Although it'd be nice if they added a new spell power flask for the casters
19:07.06subbawtyou do realize they're making flasks less powerful
19:08.28BeladonaI didn't see anything in the notes about that
19:08.35Beladonawell, some flasks got nerfed yes
19:09.00subbawt- Reagent costs and potency of all flasks has been reduced.
19:09.24Beladonaso that begs the question
19:09.32Beladonawhy bother putting a restriction on them at all?
19:09.44Beladonathey are going to become about as powerful as most elixirs
19:09.45Cideit's the best change that's happened to raiding in a long time
19:10.01subbawtbasically what people are speculating is flasks will become a learning tool
19:10.20subbawtinstead of using a flask + elixirs every attempt while trying to down a boss
19:10.26Beladonaas far as I can tell, this is going to make things EASIER for alchemists to make things
19:10.32subbawtyou will use a flask until you are reliably killing the boss
19:10.37Beladonamake thigns less usable for everyone else
19:10.41subbawtand then just pop an elixir or two every week to kill it
19:10.52Cidealchemy is useless outside of raiding anyway (pretty much)
19:11.04Beladonafor most things yes
19:11.05subbawtand alchemy IS raiding
19:11.18subbawtat high levels it is anyways
19:11.20CideI'm positive flasks will always be used in raiding
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19:11.37Beladonaof course
19:11.47Beladonabut why take up both slots?
19:11.59Beladonaso you can have 1 flask, or 2 potions active
19:12.00Beladonabut thats it
19:12.01Cideit's basically 2 elixirs in one that last through death
19:12.07Cideto limit farming?
19:12.23Beladonait seems like a double edged sword
19:12.37Beladonaone one hand it makes things easier for alchemists to make things
19:12.48subbawtbasically since consumables were available, blizzard expected them to be used and abused
19:12.49Beladonabut it also reduces their market
19:13.00subbawtand encounters were tuned around the fact that people can and will flask their raid
19:13.05BeladonaI like the change from a balance standpoint
19:13.11Beladonabut the market things bothers me
19:13.23subbawti made 10 flasks of supreme power this week
19:13.43Beladonaits hard to know I guess till the patch hits
19:13.56Beladonawill people buy more flasks and less normal pots?
19:14.09subbawtPTRs will be coming up as early as tomorrow, and as late as early next week, from what I read.
19:14.29zenzelezzpots aren't affected by the elixir/flask change
19:14.44BeladonaI use pots here as a blanket term
19:14.49Beladonalike agility potion
19:14.56Beladonawhich technically is an elixir I guess
19:15.00raevanmorlockGah... I don't see any thing for finding the durability of an item
19:15.07subbawthere's another gem
19:15.07subbawtRaiders will have access to easy-to-access flasks in SSC, TK, Hyjal and Black Temple. Dungeon goers will have easy access to potions in Coilfang and TK 5-mans.
19:15.21Beladonaraevanmorlock: : you can't currently except by scanning the tooltip
19:15.37Beladonawhat what?
19:15.49raevanmorlockah right.. tooltip scanning
19:15.59Beladonaso, buy them off a vendor?
19:16.04subbawtBasically the way it sounds is trash in raid dungeons will drop tokens that can be redeemed for flasks.
19:16.18DT_Cide, you there?
19:16.22subbawtThat's a bit of an assumption on my part.
19:16.33DT_Ya aren't responding to messages >.<
19:16.41Cideyou haven't sent me any messages
19:16.57Beladonaraevanmorlock : check out wdnStatPanels
19:17.00subbawtBut that has been suggested numerous times in the past 6 or 7 months of raiding.
19:17.02Beladonaone of my addons
19:17.03Cideif you're trying PM's, you need to be registrered
19:17.14Beladonait gets durability of all items you have equipped
19:17.16DT_I never use irc >.< How do I do that?
19:18.22raevanmorlockThanks, Beladona
19:19.29raevanmorlockDo you have it uploaded to wowinterface?
19:20.26Beladonaspecifically check out <addon>/core/common.lua
19:20.56raevanmorlockthank ya
19:21.10Beladonawdn:GetItemDurability, and wdn;GetDurabilityData
19:21.46Beladonaand let me know if you need help. that code might be hard to understand
19:27.28raevanmorlockoh wow.. dammit. My damaged gloves sell for 2.95, I repaired them for .58, and now they sell for 3.60. But 2.95+0.58 is only 3.53
19:29.07zenzelezzhonored 10% discount?
19:29.45Cide>>> 2.95+0.58/0.9
19:29.45CideCide: 3.5944444444444
19:30.00Cidelooks like it
19:30.25raevanmorlockThere's a discount?
19:30.39raevanmorlockThis is getting far too complicated
19:31.11subbawtMost things are complicated :(
19:31.14Cideif you're honored+ with the faction you're trading with, you get a 10% discount
19:32.41raevanmorlockSo the repair cost is 10% less than it should be? Or is the sale price 10% less?
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19:33.31subbawtyou don't give them a discount when you sell them items
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19:33.38raevanmorlockoh.. it's the repair cost
19:33.47raevanmorlocklol--good point
19:34.32Shirikanybody familiar with electronics here, preferably electrical engineer?
19:35.11raevanmorlockAlright.. so how do I figure out what their discount is?
19:36.19cogwheel|workShirik: I read through an online tutorial once ><
19:36.26Shirikreally all I want to know is this
19:36.36ShirikI went to radio shack to pick up a bunch of parts for this project I'm working on
19:37.03Shirikwhy the hell did the blue LED cost me $7, while the other colors (red, green, yellow), which, by the way, come in two packs as opposed to the blue which is just one, cost me $2/pack
19:37.20cogwheel|workbecause higher frequencies are harder to generate in LEDs
19:37.31cogwheel|workit takes rarer materials
19:37.49Shirikhm, I guess that sounds logical
19:38.15cogwheel|workYou may have noticed a few years ago there really weren't many blue LEDs at all and now they're all over everything
19:38.21subbawtraevanmorlock: If they are honored with the faction the NPC belongs to, their discount is 10%, otherwise it's 0% :P
19:38.31cogwheel|workI think the PS2 was one of the first major products I saw with one ><
19:39.01Shirikyeah like my g15 is covered in them ><
19:39.07raevanmorlocksubbawt: Alrighty... and I can use the GetFactionInfo() function to figure that out... if I can figure out what faction they're in
19:39.27subbawtWhat are you writing?
19:39.28raevanmorlockor actually.. I could figure out what faction the PC they're talking to is in when getting teh prices
19:40.05Shirikas always, thanks for the info cogwheel|work :)
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19:40.32cogwheel|workLEDs were another topic of one of my information binges
19:40.57raevanmorlockso wait.... if I am honored with a faction, would I make more money selling my equipment by repairing it first?
19:41.17zenzelezznot strictly speaking
19:41.27zenzelezzit would cost you 10% less to repair with them than with neutral
19:41.39zenzelezzor friendlyt
19:42.09raevanmorlockright.. but then that 10% carries over into the sale price
19:42.27zenzelezzno, the sale price is the same
19:42.32zenzelezzyou just spent less on the repair
19:43.57Shirikcogwheel|work: I've never really worked with them extensively before outside the simulator we use, but I have to build this board now and now I actually have to buy the components
19:44.05raevanmorlockRight right.. but, I had a pair of gloves that would have sold for 2.95. I repaired them for 0.58, and then they sold for 3.60. So I spent 58 copper and the price went up 65c
19:44.45zenzelezzyou're making it out to be more complicated than it is
19:45.00zenzelezzthe repair price was 65s, but since you were honored you got a 10% discount off that value
19:45.36nevcairielso yes, if you are honored, repairing them first will actually get you some money.
19:45.48raevanmorlocklol, nevcairiel.. yes!
19:45.57zenzelezzthe sale price is  still the same
19:46.13raevanmorlockRight, I know
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19:50.07raevanmorlockIs there a way to activate and deactivate repair mode so that you can get the repair costs of items?
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19:54.17Shirik~emulate cogwheel
19:54.19purlACTION shakes its fist at the forums...
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20:01.57Shirikwhy, every time someone gets their account stolen, they think it's an addon at fault
20:02.19raevanmorlockBecause they don't want to admit that it's their own fault?
20:02.22Cidebecause it is - CTRA.
20:02.40Cidebut yeah, I agree
20:02.40ShirikCTRA is in my accountz stealing my goldz :(
20:02.52Cideit would be if I had a character on your server!
20:03.02ShirikIt's ok I don't have any money anyway
20:03.11ShirikI've been 70 for about 2 months now
20:03.15Shirikjust recently got my epic mount
20:03.20Shirikkeep in mind that's epic ground mount
20:03.58raevanmorlockAll I've got is ghost wolf form
20:04.24sysragelol. kinda like this one tool in my guild who told me blizzard's account server was hacked and that's how somebody logged in to the blizz website with his info and ordered 5 grand of merchandise
20:05.05ShirikIt's really sad, nobody ever admits fault for anything anymore
20:05.09ShirikIt's always someone else
20:05.30raevanmorlockFine fine.. damn... it's my fault his account got stolen
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20:16.01Scre3mis naimdoc still being used? or has replaced it?
20:16.11Scre3moops, sorry, miss channel
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20:19.16raevanmorlockAw sweet.. ShowRepairCursor() activates repair mode when it's available
20:22.20raevanmorlockAre equippable items the only ones with durability?
20:22.47nevcairielwhat else could take damage? :)
20:23.41raevanmorlockI... don't know :)  But I've never been past level 30ish
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20:39.19*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Paste Code Here: | I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.
20:39.24Beladonaand not all of those
20:39.36Beladonacloaks don't, for example
20:40.06subbawtrings, trinkets, necklaces, cloaks, and ranged items that don't do damage (totems/idols/librams)
20:40.22subbawtdon't have durability
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20:49.30raevanmorlockBeladona: Did you say your addon gets the repair cost?
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20:57.32Beladonano but it should get you the durability. and I believe the cost is one of teh returns in what I used
20:58.23raevanmorlockHrm... for sell price, I hooked the OnTooltipAddMoney function and then the price is in arg1... but that's not working for the repair cost
21:01.43raevanmorlockAny idea what you'd call a variable to store the repair cost other than something with the word 'cost' in it?
21:02.38Beladonagive me a sec
21:02.51Beladonathere is a global api function that returns repair cost
21:02.59Beladonain base copper units
21:03.01Beladonaif I recall
21:03.10Beladonafully repaired items always return 0
21:03.28BeladonaI stopped using it my most recent version as there was a better function added
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21:03.38Beladonaso gotta go back a couple versions to find it now
21:05.25raevanmorlockI was lookin through the WoW API for something like that but couldn't find it
21:07.20Kirkburn2.1 PTR timing: "we're hoping by tomorrow or early next week" - Tigole
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21:11.08sysrageTigole Bitties?
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21:14.33raevanmorlockDoes Blizzard ever change the price of an item?
21:14.54pastamancersysrage: what else
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21:21.00cogwheel|workman... it'll be a while before I get used to my new forum toon...
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21:25.33raevanmorlockCould typing "/script ShowRepairCursor()" work and calling the function in a piece of code not work because it requires a user action?
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21:29.11raevanmorlockThey have functions to get the repair cost of all items and to repair all items.. but nothing for an indiviudal item
21:29.39Cideif you mouse over an item with the repair cursor you get the repair cost
21:29.54Cideso there's either a function or you can find it by scanning the tooltip
21:30.24raevanmorlockyeah, but there doesn't seem to be a way to automate that process
21:30.42Cidefunction myGetRepairCost(item) ??? end ;)
21:30.51Cidejust takes a bit of work!
21:31.32raevanmorlockShowRepairCursor() isn't showing the repair cursor... so the cost in the tooltip is the sell price--not the repair cost
21:35.21Shiriknothing is "automated"
21:35.33Shirikeverything has to be coded at one point
21:36.29ckknightunless you build a robot that builds programs
21:36.32ckknightthen that's automated
21:36.36ckknightalbeit complex
21:36.39Shirikthen you coded the robot, no?
21:37.19raevanmorlockGod coded the robot!
21:37.20ckknighttrue, but if the robot learned from something outside of its core programming, through some kind of education, then it is arguable that I did not code all the inner workings of said robot
21:38.49Shirikthey fired Imus?
21:39.01raevanmorlockShirik: And what I meant is that I don't want the user to have to manually select the repair cursor and hover over every repairable item so that my addon can factor in those prices
21:44.24raevanmorlockDammit.. so I can use ShowRepairCursor() and HideRepairCursor() a bunch of time without user-intervention... so... I'm stumped
21:46.48*** join/#wowi-lounge nadelka (n=chatzill@
21:47.39nadelkaso they tell me this is tha place to ask lua mod question?
21:48.11nadelkais writing to a file from a wow mod a nono?
21:48.25zenzelezznot so much a nono as impossible
21:48.57nadelkahow does rpgprofiler append stuff to the character file or do they get all the char data someother way
21:49.11raevanmorlockThey probably read the Saved Variables files
21:49.25nadelkaso its data that is already being written toa  file
21:49.26raevanmorlockwith an external .exe program
21:49.36raevanmorlockYes, but it's not real-time
21:49.52raevanmorlockThose files get written whenever you log out or refresh the UI
21:49.54nadelkaok, no known way to export chat logs and such then i suppose
21:50.34raevanmorlockYou could create a saved variable that stores each chat message and then write a program that reads that data from the saved variables file.. but it wouldn't be in real-time
21:50.59nadelkalooking at more of a dump after the fact really
21:51.11nadelkamostly because i could no practical application ... yet
21:51.26nadelkaany good how to's for dumping stuff to the saved variables file?
21:52.08JoshBorkeyou can save the chatlog and the combat log through wow
21:52.40nadelkahow so? although this would mean id have to come up with another "first lua"
21:52.42raevanmorlockYou create an addon .. list the saved variable in the TOC file's SavedVariables parameter.. then have the addon monitor the logs and append each line to the variable (which would be a table-type)
21:52.49JoshBorke>>> return 'hi'
21:52.49CideJoshBorke: "hi"
21:52.59JoshBorke>>> return tonumber("0.5")
21:53.00CideJoshBorke: 0.5
21:53.19JoshBorkenadelka: type /chatlog in wow
21:53.31raevanmorlockThen for the exporting.. you'd have to create a third-party program in something like C/C++
21:53.48zenzelezz/chatlog and /combatlog do buffered writing though, don't they?
21:53.58raevanmorlocks/the exporting/using the data elsewhere
21:54.07DeeTeeYes Zenz
21:54.17raevanmorlockI've never used them
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21:56.56nadelkaok, thanks guys! gotta bail
21:57.31raevanmorlockI feel so used..
22:02.25raevanmorlockI have a video file downloaded on my computer, but when I try to move the scroll bar to advance in the video, it just bounces right back to where it was -- does anyone know how to fix that?
22:03.00zenzelezzdoes it play if you don't do that?
22:03.34raevanmorlockYeah it plays through.. I just can't skip around in it
22:03.36subbawtsome videos aren't indexed for seeking
22:04.01zenzelezzeither what sub said, or maybe some freak codec issue
22:04.10subbawtThere are some utilities that will index them, but I couldn't name one off the top of my head
22:04.28subbawtsearch for like "video index rebuilder"
22:06.12raevanmorlockI've got VirtualDub.. I could try rebuilding it
22:06.30raevanmorlockor not.. stupid ASF files
22:08.24raevanmorlockI know.. I wish Microsoft would just freeware it
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22:09.02zenzelezzthat wouldn't make it any better :-p
22:09.26zenzelezzI have an utter distaste for both .rm and .asf
22:10.39raevanmorlockThe ASF format itself seems fine to me... I've seen ASF files of higher quality and smaller size than AVI files that I've compressed myself.
22:10.39sysrageanything is better than rm
22:11.06zenzelezzAVI is ambiguous
22:11.15zenzelezzthe quality and size is entirely up to the codec
22:11.48zenzelezz.wmv is much better than .asf in my opinion; granted they probably have different focus
22:11.53raevanmorlockWell, using codecs that generally retain the quality and cut the size of most other formats in half
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22:23.07KirkburnBtw, OSX Leopard: delayed.
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22:23.15Kirkburn(total shocker)
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23:04.49Corrodiasugh. why can't i post on the wow-europe forums with a US account? they're using the same damn language
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23:18.52KirkburnNo we don't Corrodias
23:19.11KirkburnWe use a much better language :)
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23:23.42TC_finny Kirkburn
23:29.28cogwheel|workfurry Kirkburn
23:30.00Thunder_Childi do belive cog was making fun of me.....
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23:42.11raevanmorlockor maybe Kirkburn is just furry
23:44.26KirkburnCould be, could be
23:56.36raevanmorlockAny ideas of Blizzard is working on anything other than WoW anymore?
23:58.00Kirkburn3 other (unknown) projects
23:59.46raevanmorlock3? Wow

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