IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070411

00:24.14KirkburnWell, you obviously didn't win the prize elsewhere, haHA! :P
00:26.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Kept (n=htr@
00:27.13*** part/#wowi-lounge Kept (n=htr@
00:29.39KirkburnHere, I'll make it up to you -
00:30.47leethalwhat's that bizarre thing at the end?
00:30.53leethalsmells like photoshop
00:38.11KirkburnNo idea what you're talking about ;)
00:38.22KirkburnFor cat lovers -
00:39.22*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
00:41.42JoshBorkepurl, comfort cladhaire
00:41.44purlThere, there, cladhaire.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
00:42.50*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiSensei (
00:54.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Drool (
01:11.28TainI love getting a call from my boss at 9pm when I've been drinking heavily for two hours.
01:12.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
01:15.18*** part/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
01:35.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:08.55*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
02:53.12*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
02:57.38Corrodiasnow don't be sad, cause two out of three ain't bad
03:05.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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03:06.24MentalPowerwb Cairenn
03:10.09JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn
03:10.20purlACTION jumps into Cairenn's lap and huggles and *hugs* Cairenn
03:10.20Cairennpurl, hug JoshBorke
03:10.22purlACTION sneaks up on JoshBorke and suddenly hugs JoshBorke tightly
03:17.37Nom-"The Chinese govt is requiring game houses to modify MMOG's to restrict under 18 users to 3 hours "productive" gameplay per day.
03:18.16Corrodiasonly under 18? that's not a part i heard before
03:18.56Corrodiaschina is almost as nuts as russia.
03:20.01Corrodias""The system requires every online player to register with their real identity. This will scare away many adult and young users," said Liu Bin, chief analyst at research house BDA China."
03:20.13Corrodiaswhat, they're playing this free? or perhaps they send cash in envelopes as their monthly payments?
03:23.41*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio (i=sp@unaffiliated/sergio)
03:34.16Corrodiasah yes. is this big in china?
03:34.25Corrodiasare the people afraid of corporations knowing who they are?
03:34.44Corrodiasnot necessarily one being related to the other, but the quote suggests the latter is true
03:35.00IrielI believe most players play from net cafe type setups
03:35.18*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
03:35.33IrielAnd that it's pay-per-hour-online rather than subscription, so I imagine it's quite likely that many players didn't previously register in the way we do
03:46.50leethaldo you say LUA or Lua if you're cool  kid?
03:47.04Corrodiasi see Lua more
03:47.36Esamynn|Busyleethal: it's writted "Lua" on
03:47.53leethalok, thanks =)
03:50.28MentalPowerits Lua, its a word in portuguese meaning "moon"
04:03.19*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
04:15.56leethalwhat's the name of that firefox plugin that lets you tweak webpages 'n stuff? Alter CSS, javascript and what not.
04:16.48leethalmonkey-something, isn't it?
04:17.01Karrionleethal: greasemonkey?
04:17.21leethalthat's the one, thanks
04:26.10*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
04:27.54*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
04:39.21*** join/#wowi-lounge pomke (n=pomke@unaffiliated/pomke)
04:40.39pomkequick q, anyone know if there are, or if it would be possible to make, a 'meta-guild' addon, that would basically replicate the 'guild' feature using a private channel and perhaps have some concept of ranks etc?
04:41.22Cideit's been done
04:41.22Cidedon't ask me the name of the mod(s)
04:56.05*** join/#wowi-lounge JunkHead-Work (
05:00.08batrickis multithreading possible with lua?
05:00.49pomkebatrick: there are these things called 'continuations' ;)
05:01.10pomkeyou should read about some of the alternatives to threads
05:01.27pomkebasically, threads suck balls, async all teh way ;)
05:02.20Esamynn|Busybatrick: sort of, the cooroutine library is available to us now
05:21.43Esamynn|Busybatrick: why did you want multithreading?
05:27.29*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (
05:29.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
05:30.03norgsthe lua interpreter in wow is wholly single-threaded
05:30.05*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (
05:31.22norgsyou can use co-routines to suspend/resume execution of a specific piece of code within it's own environment
05:31.24leethalhow can I make string.match("string", "STRING") match?
05:31.30leethalI guess some other function is needed for that
05:32.14norgsstring.match(string.lower("string"), string.lower("STRING")) ?
05:32.48norgsor preferably:  string.lower("string") == string.lower("STRING")
05:32.48leethalah =)
05:33.21norgsor even ("string"):lower() == ("STRING"):lower()
05:34.03leethalwohoo =)
05:34.30leethalI always wondered what foo:bar actually is. any writeups on that somewhere?
05:34.33leethalkinda hard to google it =/
05:35.02norgs: passes the left hand side argument as the first parameter
05:35.22norgsso   a:func() is the same as a.func(a)
05:35.39Arrowmasterfoo:bar(a,b,c) =,a,b,c)
05:39.35leethalanother thing -
05:39.43leethalI'm not very into event based programming, really
05:39.51leethalis that very, very, very bad performance wise?
05:40.20*** join/#wowi-lounge phantom (
05:41.22phantomuhm .. whats a good tool (or ideally just a website) .. listing the builtin ui icons .. so I can use some in my mod ..
05:42.25Nom-leethal: There are other mods out there which do a pretty good job at blocking gold spam
05:43.34Nom-mmm epic lunch
05:45.22leethalNom-: yeah, just having some fun with it =)
05:45.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
05:46.52leethalhmm, one of them stores a table of urls
05:52.07zenzelezz heh
05:57.39cogwheelliek ding 70
05:59.07Nom-In fact, some of those gold spam protection scripts allow you to automatically put their details into a GM ticket too :)
06:02.32zenzelezzgrats cog
06:02.41zenzelezzwhat class?
06:02.54cogwheelmy forum toon in fact
06:05.46leethalI'd be so imba if i had only one char
06:30.23cogwheelso where should i fly to first? ;)
06:33.00Nom-We're so lazy here
06:33.18Nom-I'm chatting with someone via MSN who sits like right next to me
06:37.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
06:38.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
06:43.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:56.04Mike-N-GoNom-: That is sad.
06:56.35Nom-To be fair, neither of us can be bothered taking off the headphones and losing the music :)
06:57.07cogwheelsrsly though... what should i do now? :(
06:57.20Mike-N-GoAbout stopping Gold adds: SpamSentry has worked wonders for me.
06:57.32cogwheelshould i abandon all my quests and start attuning to instances?
06:58.10Mike-N-Gocogwheel: Why are you asking us.. BTW, what is it you just hit?
06:58.29cogwheel'cause no one in my guild is online :P
06:59.22Mike-N-GoHere is what I have done: I started an alt on a different server then my main, level 16 shaman now, Tauren.
06:59.28*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (n=MoonWolf@
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06:59.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
06:59.57Nom-I couldn't get into shaman
07:00.03cogwheelme neither
07:00.09cogwheelsame for druids
07:00.12Mike-N-GoI, rather like it.
07:00.12Nom-I couldn't force myself to get through those first 20 levels to when it gets good
07:00.14leethalOf Thistleheads and Eggs is The Most Annoying Quest in the Game
07:00.24Nom-Druid is the's a PITA until you reach 20, but I did that grind
07:00.39cogwheelI need sleep
07:00.40Mike-N-GoNay, Guns of the North Watch Hold, or something like that, is.
07:00.51purlpita is probably pain in the ass, or a bread-like food
07:00.53leethalthe barfing was fun the first 4-5 eggs
07:00.58cogwheelI just tried to shift-click on leethal's name to see what level, zone, & class
07:01.00Mike-N-Go~dict PITA
07:01.03leethalbut not on the 40th egg
07:01.17leethalcogwheel: lol =P
07:01.30leethalcogwheel: my char isn't even named leethal :O
07:01.41Nom-Mike-N-Go: You don't know about PITA ?
07:01.44Nom-For shame...
07:01.59Mike-N-GoIt is a Mexican food.. and that is what I want to know it as.
07:02.09Nom-~shame Mike-N-Go
07:02.11purlShame on you Mike-N-Go!
07:02.26purlthanks, Mike-N-Go
07:02.57Nom-PITA is an acronym for Pain in the Arse
07:03.38leethalblizzard needs to make droprates less random
07:03.51leethalhigher chance to drop each loot, for instance (when you kill 500 of the same thing to get 1 foo)
07:03.59Mike-N-GoPain In The Anatomy
07:04.10Nom-lol, that would just be fair, leethal
07:04.28Nom-You have no idea how many hours of my life were wasted trying to farm Crusader at Crusader tower
07:04.48Mike-N-GoWhat is the easter thing? I only opened a few eggs..
07:04.53Mr_Rabies2i burned about 20-30, it finally dropped one day
07:04.56*** part/#wowi-lounge Karrion (
07:05.13Nom-I spent a good 60-80 hours there
07:05.22Nom-Never got a single drop of it
07:05.29Mr_Rabies2this was over the course of a year or so though
07:05.40Nom-This was over the course of 4 weeks :P
07:05.40Mr_Rabies2i don't have the mettle to farm for more than an hour or two at a time
07:06.00Nom-I used to get home from work and go farming there until it was time to go to bed
07:06.14Nom-I eventually conceded to the fact that it wasn't to be
07:06.21Nom-Then my guildmate went there for 4 hours and got 3 drops
07:10.07Mike-N-Go~bzfrag Nom-
07:10.18purlACTION squishes Nom- with a steamroller
07:15.09Nom-~chainsaw Mike-N-Go
07:15.18leethaldid any of you manage to complete "Of Thistleheads and Eggs"?
07:15.26leethalI've been looting eggs for an hour now
07:16.21Nom-Nah, haven't done it yet
07:16.40Nom-All the eggs have green glow around them. I just picked up an egg from one with that effect.
07:16.51Nom-That's from a comment on wowhead
07:17.08leethaluhm.. all the eggs has a green glow, and he picked one of those with a green glow?
07:18.51JunkHead-WorkI didn't know about the egg thing until the day after.
07:20.06Nom-Seems there's actually a 'Rotten Arakkoa Egg' in the place somewhere
07:20.09leethaluhm what egg thing?
07:23.28JunkHead-WorkI was talking about the easter thing.
07:24.30leethalyay finally
07:45.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
08:02.25Shirikdolby-wowi you here?
08:04.39Industrialso I couldnt use django for my websites for school.
08:04.54Industriala python web framework
08:04.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
08:05.16Industrialsort of like the ruby on rails web framework
08:05.16Shirikphp ftw.
08:05.24Shirikoh god not that again ><
08:05.25Industrialpython is yummy ;)
08:05.39IndustrialI found
08:05.52Industriala _php_ MVC webframework
08:05.56Industrialwin xD
08:06.40Shirikmeh, everything I do in php is raw, really
08:06.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=najklord@
08:07.03Industrialtry the cakephp screencasts :P (quicktime)
08:07.47leethalRuby on Rails > all other frameworks
08:08.13ShirikI can't see any good reason to use it
08:08.14Shirikat all
08:08.22Shirikand we had this discussion like a month ago, didn't we ><
08:08.43Shirikmaybe it was someone else
08:09.00leethalif you don't like it, it's your problem
08:09.17leethalif you use web app frameworks, that is
08:09.22leethalif you don't, then why care =)
08:10.00Shirikbecause someone else was trying to convince me to switch to it last time
08:10.27leethalno point convincing people, really
08:10.41leethalwhen a person discovers Ruby on Rails and don't switch to it, he fails anyway
08:10.45Shirikphp works perfectly fine for me, and I understand it well, and I can do about anything I want. Why switch?
08:11.01leethalbecause it's nicer
08:11.11leethalyou'll be a more happy programmer, doing stuff way more efficient
08:11.12IndustrialI like django. The problem is that my 'client' is the school itself and they would onlt accept php because the sites will actually be ran and used both internally and externally by the school and someone will need to change them in tue future. if they do they thought it'd be better if it was in php because most programmers know php (especially at a mediacollege :E)
08:11.18ShirikI completely disagree. I've seen the code, and it looks just.... so counter-intuitive
08:11.27leethalyou fail, then
08:11.30Shirikor at least, it looks so different from everythign else I know
08:11.36leethalwell, it is
08:11.41Industrialleethal: not so harsh. hes entitled to his opinion.
08:11.53Shirikin php, in java, in C, they all do a for loop with for (var, test, step) { code }
08:11.59leethalIndustrial: and me to mine, ya?
08:12.00Shirikiirc, ruby is completely different
08:12.24Shirikeven lua is similar, with for start, end, step
08:13.09Industrialruby has different ways of doing the same thing.
08:13.17leethalof course, it's a different language
08:13.33leethala language made for programmers, not computers *rant rant*
08:13.47Shirikright, all I'm saying is I don't see a reason for me to use it, given I know php perfectly fine, and ruby doesn't give me anything new
08:14.24Industrialbtw, "for element in collection dostuffhere end" is correct
08:14.56leethalor collection.each do |element1, element2| dostuffhere end
08:14.57IndustrialShirik: its more about what the webframework has to offer. you can cut alot of time with it.
08:15.05krkaIndustrial: is that ruby?
08:15.14krkakinda similar to lua :)
08:15.17Industrialkrka: so said
08:15.19Industrialkrka: correct
08:15.32krkaexactly like lua 5.0 even
08:15.39Shirikdeprecated lua 5.0
08:16.23krkai suppose you could define "collection" as a table with its metatable __call set to pairs
08:16.30krkathen it would be the same
08:18.47Shirikok that wasn't right
08:19.07Shirikhad: a = {1,2,3}; setmetatable(a, {__call = function() return pairs(a) end}); for v in a do print(v); end
08:19.42leethalwhat's that?
08:19.51Shirik04:16:51 ‹krka› i suppose you could define "collection" as a table with its metatable __call set to pairs
08:21.23Shirikit spammed the hell out of my screen though
08:21.25krkai may have been wrong
08:21.54Shirikall I get printed is a bunch of functions
08:21.59krkame too
08:22.06ckknightlemme think...
08:22.18krkaah right, this won't work at all
08:22.21krkaneed a () around it
08:22.28krkafor v in a(a)
08:22.31krkabut that's kinda pointless
08:22.31ckknighta = {1,2,3}; setmetatable(a, {__call = function(self) return ipairs(self) end}); for i,v in a do print(v); end
08:22.38Shirikwell that's why I made the closure
08:22.55Shirikand why I didn't do __call = pairs
08:23.30ckknightpretty simple
08:23.34krka__call = next then?
08:23.40ckknighta = {1,2,3}; setmetatable(a, {__call = function(self) return ipairs(self) end}); for i,v in a() do print(v); end
08:24.13ckknightI'd just have an a:Iterate() method anyway
08:24.17ckknightthat's my preferred way
08:24.23krkai'm not seeing how that's different from __call = ipairs
08:24.39ckknightit's not, krka :-P
08:24.44krkaexcept it throws away the extra args
08:27.26krkasetmetatable(a, {__call = function(a,b,c) return next(a,c) end})
08:27.27krkathat works
08:27.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (
08:27.27Shirik|Ghoststupid isp
08:27.27Shirik04:25:15 ‹Shirik› but why is a() required :/
08:27.27Shirik04:25:42 * Disconnected
08:27.31Shirikinstead of just a
08:27.39ckknightbecause of the way iterators work
08:27.54ckknightwhat pairs(t) does is return next, t, nil
08:28.01krkasorry i was wrong Shirik
08:28.03krkait's not required
08:28.14krkasetmetatable(a, {__call = function(a,b,c) return next(a,c) end})
08:28.14ckknightso for k,v in next, t, nil do ... end is really what it's doing
08:28.26krkafor k, v in a do ... end
08:28.57Shirikah I see
08:29.13Shirikand if we do a instead of a(), we're going to call pairs() every time and get a new iterator
08:29.25Shirikwhich we don't want to do
08:29.27krkai am not even using pairs
08:29.31krkasee my working example :)
08:29.35Shirikref: ckknight's example
08:30.09krkano, you'll only call a() once, at the beginning of the loop
08:30.29krkai think
08:30.42ckknightit's called every time the loop goes
08:31.09Shirikbut, krka's solution works :)
08:31.09ckknighthang on, for which example?
08:31.11krkaer, sorry, i meant if you explicitly write "for k, v in a() do"
08:31.12ckknightyes, it does
08:31.17ckknightoh, right
08:31.22ckknightthen a() will be called once and only once
08:31.26Shirikright, I mean if you do "for v in a do"
08:31.29Shirikit wll be called every time
08:31.59krkayou're using a as the iterator function
08:32.47Shirikbtw leethal, wrt: 04:20:11 ‹leethal› what's that?
08:32.59Shirikthey're lua metatables, one of the most fun concepts lua has to offer ^^
08:33.29ckknightmetatable madness
08:33.32leethalmetatables? hmm
08:33.33ckknightI use em all the time.
08:33.38Shirikme too ^^
08:33.50Shirikmetatables merely tell a table how to act under special situations
08:33.53leethalwhat's the differences between a table and a metatable?
08:34.11ckknighta metatable is a table, it just provides extra information about a different table
08:34.16ckknightlike data and metadata
08:34.18Shirikfor example, if you try to "call" a table, as if it were a function, it will search the metatable for a __call function
08:34.24Shirikwhich is what we were doing
08:34.31Shirikor, if an index doesn't exist, it will search __index
08:35.13ckknight__index is very helpful
08:35.18ckknightexample time
08:35.37Shirikfor example: foo = {a = 1}; bar = {}; setmetatable(bar, {__index = foo}); print (bar.a);
08:35.41Shirikyou will find that it prints 1
08:36.12ckknightlocal fib = setmetatable({1,1}, {__index = function(self, key) local value = self[key-2] + self[key-1]; self[key] = value; return value; end})
08:36.15ckknightfibonacci sequence
08:36.52ShirikI actually explain a little bit about them in my OOP overview of Lua:
08:37.43ckknightand AceOO-2.0 actually uses them so that if you describe a method :CompareTo(bravo), for instance, it'll automatically provide the __lt, __lte, __eq metamethods
08:37.45ckknightand such.
08:38.21ckknightbut yea, due to the __index metamethod, you can use a prototyping-style OOP
08:38.42ckknightmore similar to javascript's OO than C++'s
08:38.57Shirikunfortunately I don't know much about javascript ><
08:39.11ckknightyou must keep learning
08:39.16ckknightotherwise your skillset stagnates
08:39.26Shirikaye, but I'm still picking up on Java
08:39.37Shirikthis updater I've been working on is the first time I tried to do any multithreading in Java
08:39.42Shirikso, there's been a lot of learning ><
08:40.04krkacool Shirik, soon enough you'll start "picking on java" instead
08:40.12Shirikno, I already hate java
08:40.22Shirikso there's no "start," it already happened
08:40.39Shirikunfortunately there are tools for every job, and as much as I hate java, I felt it was the best tool for this problem
08:41.15ShirikIf I had my way, everything would be done in C++, but sometimes it's just not practical
08:41.59ckknightnote: Java and Javascript are not similar at all. Javascript is only called that due to marketing purposes
08:42.02ckknightshould've stayed ECMAScript as far as I'm concerned
08:42.14Shirikyeah, that's why I know Java well and Javascript not at all ><
08:42.36ckknightC++ is horrid in its own ways.
08:43.14ckknightit's a mish-mash of C with some added capabilities, but not added in a nice fashion
08:43.27Shirikhm, I could agree with that much
08:43.33Shirikthey tried to make it as backwards compatible as possible
08:44.02ckknightfor an object-oriented C, I frankly think ObjC had a much nicer approach
08:44.40Shirikthere's many that argued beta was better than vhs
08:44.47Shiriksome things just don't happen unfortunately :(
08:47.20ckknightthe whole betamax thing is due to Sony clinging onto the proprietary-ness without having cheap licensing
08:47.27ckknightalso, the whole C-style syntax I have issues with
08:48.05ckknightit was originally contrived when keyboards were much simpler and new features were added on as more keys were added, specifically with regard to grouping characters, e.g. <>, [], {}, ()
08:48.22ckknightas well as being written in a time where only very simple LL(1) parsers were available
08:53.01ckknightGlobal Warming:
08:55.27Shirik"If you stare directly at the sun and count the number of spots you see..."
08:55.59ckknightShirik: that's my third video :-P
08:56.05Shirikthat's yours?
08:56.25Shirikhaha nice
09:03.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
09:04.51Shirikthat picture of george bush in the background
09:05.05Shirikdoes that really exist?
09:05.11ckknightwhat do you mean?
09:05.12ckknighthe's president
09:05.17ckknightof course he exists
09:05.22Shirikthe picture
09:05.29ckknightwhat about it?
09:05.34Shiriknever mind ><
09:05.40ckknightit's a prop
09:07.53ckknightI also have an American flag in the background
09:08.13Shirikyeah never mind ><
09:08.31ShirikI think the real question was, is this really your room
09:08.35Shirikin its normal state
09:08.53leethalthe real question is really "is the room?"
09:09.21Shirikis that a question?
09:10.33Shirikckknight: just never mind, ignore everything I ever said, as you should probably normally do
09:10.47leethalwhy oh why did blizzard add dazed to the game
09:10.55leethaland mobs that net you when you run away
09:10.57ckknightShirik: it's my real room
09:11.01ckknightI normally don't have a picture of bush up, or the flag
09:11.19ckknightalso, I have a northern accent
09:11.23ckknightnot a southern one
09:11.27Shiriknothing wrong with the flag, really, just the bush picture was a bit...
09:12.20ckknighthe's helping America defeat terr'r!
09:12.28ckknightyou support the troops, don't you?
09:12.41leethalplease don't go there =P
09:13.13ckknightoh, I went there
09:13.22ckknightI went there, I took some pictures, and came back already
09:14.08Shirik(not directed at ckknight, I realize that was in jest) I'm really disappointed that any time anyone says anything against Bush, it's immediately turned into "not supporting the troops"
09:14.29ckknightI'm a satirist
09:14.32ckknightthis is what I do
09:14.40*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
09:17.22leethalany hordies on sunstrider europe here btw? =P
09:19.10Industrialhellfire alliance yarr
09:19.28Industriali was a horde nazi but then i rolled alliance and theres like no difference cept the zepelin =D
09:19.42leethaltram > zeppelin hehe
09:19.54Industrialbut the boat sucks
09:20.01leethaland being human mage that gets exhalted with everything in 2 days
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13:02.01Shirik|Ecolehmmm, is wdn broked? :(
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15:12.35BembelAnyone here to help me with a WoW API-related question?
15:13.03JoshBorkeif you just ask your question some lurkers might just poke in and answer :-D
15:13.09JoshBorkeor you could be ignored like i always am
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15:14.42BembelI'll just shoot then: Is there a way to get some sort of quest ID using APIs. Seeing Thottbot, WowHead et. al. using the same IDs for quest I was wondering how to obtain those IDs
15:15.21cogwheel|workThey do that by technically illegal means
15:15.25ShirikYou have to use a little bit more work, but it's not directly available to the UI
15:15.26cogwheel|workthough blizzard turns a blind eye
15:15.45JoshBorkesee?  what did i tell you
15:15.56cogwheel|workDid you hear something?
15:16.03ShirikBembel said :)
15:16.08BembelThanks guys
15:16.09JoshBorkei'm like the gnome they keep in a box until wanted
15:16.13Shirikno problem :)
15:16.47BembelDoes this mean using undocumented/protected stuff or parsing some files?
15:16.56Shirikit means data mining cache files, etc.
15:17.11Shiriktechnically illegal means
15:18.47BembelThat sucks, a tiny addon to sync quests for a guild site seemed so useful and simple to code up until now
15:19.04Shirikin an extremely high majority of cases
15:19.07Shirikthe names are unique
15:19.13Shirikyou could use that as an identifier
15:19.29cogwheel|work'cept for chains
15:19.41cogwheel|workbut yeah... "extremely high majority" is about right
15:19.44Shirikmm some chains have different names, but some are identical you're right
15:21.33Shirikbleh needs to have 68hc12 hilighting
15:22.22Bembeldamn, I wanted to include useful links to some quest sites, no way to do that now
15:22.32Shiriksure there is
15:22.37Shirikit's just not as easy as it was
15:22.48ShirikThere's a way to do everything :D
15:23.02Bembelwas? did they change stuff?
15:23.17Shirik"was" when you thought you could get the quest id
15:23.33Shirikwhat you need to do
15:23.45Shirikis have your web server submit a request to thottbot or whatever, and then parse the response
15:23.50Shirikmake it think like a human
15:23.57Shirikhave it submit a request for the quest name, and then figure out the ID
15:24.25Shirikthe same thing works on my site, when someone applies, their character name is submitted to and their character guild history is retrieved and appended to their application :)
15:24.31Shirikit's not like I knew their character ID or something
15:25.25Bembelbleh, screen-scraping time again
15:25.25Shirikof course, that isn't the easiest thing to do
15:25.27Shirikbut it's possible
15:29.06Bembelalright, I'll give it a shot. Thanks!
15:29.17Shirikno problem :)
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16:08.21abugdoes blizzard provide a copy of the lua license?
16:08.33Shirikthe lua license?
16:10.12abugdiaf chanserv
16:10.34Shirikwhy would they need to provide that?
16:10.41abugit says so in the license
16:11.17Shirikblizzard isn't giving you permission to copy it
16:11.38Shirikthey, of course, can't restrict you from doing that
16:11.42Shirikbut they also haven't granted it
16:11.50Shirik(on a related note, I'm looking :P )
16:12.02abug"The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software."
16:12.09abugwhere is it!?!
16:12.29JoshBorkein the code we can't see?
16:12.35abugheh probably
16:16.19Shirikit's probably in common.mpq, and if it's not, when you tell them it's missing, they'll add it and you'll never know because right now nobody except blizzard can open that file
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16:21.25abuglawl @
16:21.42abugthe innocents always suffer
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16:49.42Shirikis it supposed to be up today or something?
16:49.43JoshBorkeyou'll be waiting a while :-P
16:49.56Shirik>>> print("Hi Cide!");
16:49.59cogwheel|workit is in my book :P
16:50.20Cide>>> print("Hi Shirik!")
16:50.20CideCide: "Hi Shirik!"
16:50.47ShirikI need an internship over the summer, does anyone have any recommendations of whom to check out?
16:50.55ShirikI've already submitted an app to lockheed martin
16:51.10Shirikblizzard doesn't have any internships, I already checked
16:52.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
16:53.53[dRaCo]a friend of mine got one from chrysler
16:53.56[dRaCo]was a while ago, though
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16:54.09[dRaCo]dunno if they offer any atm
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17:23.33Shirik"wii shortages"
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17:32.24ShirikNo yawning!
17:34.57MaldiviaNot much happening here today?
17:35.10Shirikno :(
17:35.20ShirikI mean ... I'm actually writing up my lab
17:35.25Shirikand... it's 5 hours early
17:35.35Shirikthat means I must be REALLY bored :P
17:35.39cogwheel|workI'm in addon coding limbo until the 2.1 ptr :P
17:35.59Shirikimo he's coding addons for 2.1 because he thinks it's actually going to be opened sometime soon
17:35.59Maldiviacogwheel: same... or well, in limbo until MAy 31st :)
17:36.27Maldiviacogwheel: but that's probably the same as waiting for 2.1 (drum-roll)
17:37.31cogwheel|workdon'tcha mean (rim-shot)?
17:37.50Maldiviaprobably... no idea...
17:38.01MaldiviaI'm tired...
17:38.24Shirikch ch chhh?
17:38.32ShirikI thought it was "buh dum tssh"
17:38.42cogwheel|worki did too :(
17:39.51cogwheel|workpurl, no rimshot is <reply>ba-dum CHH
17:39.53purlcogwheel|work: okay
17:40.02purlba-dum CHH
17:40.11Maldiviagood bot
17:40.17purlcogwheel|work: thanks
17:40.38Maldiviadamn, it's not even 8pm, and I'm tired as hell...
17:42.23MaldiviaAnything intersting happening lately ?
17:43.20cogwheel|worki finally hit 70 last night...
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17:44.03Maldiviagrat s:)
17:44.31Maldiviafunny, I actually just hit your armory link accedentially, and noticed it aswell :9
17:45.17Maldiviayou forgot to spend your last talent point :9
17:45.19cogwheel|workStill hasn't hit my character selection screen on the forums yet :(
17:45.24cogwheel|workhaha... yes i did
17:49.06cogwheel|workthe armory isn't loading my talents for me...
17:50.39Maldiviathe armory is often very very slow
17:55.46cogwheel|workmy skills, rep, & character sheet are nearly instant... it's just the talents...
17:56.38Maldiviayour talents loaded fine here
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17:57.46cogwheel|worklooks like it's IE7's fault
17:58.19cogwheel|work(or perhaps one of the addons i have for it)
17:58.36MaldiviaIE... then you're just asking for it
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18:00.09cogwheel|workI like to keep an open mind and try not to do anything religiously. That includes my choice of web browser. I've been working with IE7 for the last few weeks to really remind myself whether FF is all it's cracked up to be
18:00.44Jumpeeand so what did you find about FF?
18:00.59Jumpeeor decide I should say
18:01.58cogwheel|workProbably going to switch back soon
18:02.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz (n=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
18:02.34MaldiviaI'm forced to use IE at the moment, because I'm not at my own computer, and it's really frustrating at times...
18:02.44cogwheel|workI want to wait a while longer sincei don't want to switch  just because I'm still used to it
18:02.51MaldiviaPerhaps I would see it differently, if I had the chance to costumize it to my needs etc
18:03.54cogwheel|workheh. yeah... I've gotten a couple addons for IE that make it more firefox-like... in-line search, ad blocker, etc.
18:04.24Maldiviain-line search is one of the things I miss the most
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18:22.23DT_Anyone available to help me really quick?
18:23.39DT_Basically my problem is this: if I put a small little snippet of code into the OnClick handler of my button then my addon completely stops working, but if I call a function from the handler, and the function has that same snippet, then everything works fine
18:23.40cogwheel|work"Just ask (tm)"
18:23.43DT_And I can't figure out why
18:24.10DT_Here's the button: and the snippet:
18:24.53cogwheel|workWhat do you mean by "completely stops working"?
18:25.01cogwheel|workan error message? doesn't load at all?
18:25.05DT_Doesn't load at all
18:25.17Shirikthen you had an XML parse error
18:25.20Shirikmost likely
18:25.27cogwheel|workCheck FrameXML.log
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18:28.43Maldiviaa good way to check for xml parse errors is to try and load the xml file in Firefox or Internet Explorer (or what ever webbrowser you use)
18:29.05Shirikand if you use Internet Explorer I will be forced to kill you
18:29.48DT_"A name was started with an invalid character."
18:29.56DT_if ( rc >= -32 and rc <= 32 ) then
18:30.04Shirikok, post your xml code?
18:30.16Shirikdid you write Lua directly into your XML?
18:30.16DT_Well, that arrow is supposed to be pointing at the second 32
18:30.24ShirikI would strongly advise against that
18:30.27Maldiviaif you use < > in the XML file, you have to write &lt; and &gt; instead
18:30.31DT_I know, but it's just a tiny snippet
18:30.37ShirikYeah, but what Maldivia is the problem
18:30.43Shirik<= and >= is illegal in XML
18:30.50Shirikit'll confuse with the element
18:30.58DT_Ah, got it
18:31.10DT_Thanks Cogwheel, Shirik, and Maldivia ;)
18:31.51Shirikno problem :)
18:32.36MaldiviaIf you have longer code segments in an XML file, and you don't want to use the &lt; etc, you can embed then im CDATA blocks
18:32.57Shirikyeah that was going to be my recommendation :P
18:33.05ShirikI didn't think &lt; and &gt; would come out right
18:33.08Shirikor maybe it just didn't occur to me
18:33.40DT_Not sure how to do the CDATA blocks, but I'll probably just follow Shirik's recommendation and move the code out of the xml anyway
18:33.45DT_I just wanted to know why it wasn't working
18:34.10Shirik<![CDATA[ code block ]]>
18:34.11Maldiviaexample (\n = newline): <OnClick> \n --<![CDATA[ \n blabla(); lots of code(); \n -- ]]> \n </OnClick>
18:34.12cogwheel|work<![CDATA[         blah         --]]>
18:34.29ShirikI win !!
18:34.37cogwheel|workyou didn't comment the closing tag :P
18:34.54ShirikI still was first
18:34.55cogwheel|workor is that necessary?
18:35.02Shirikdunno, I've never used CDATA in XML
18:35.05ShirikI rarely use XML in the first place
18:35.15cogwheel|workI use it in XHTML
18:35.19cogwheel|workfor scripts
18:35.29Maldiviabetter be on the safe side, and lua-comment both :)
18:35.32ShirikIn strict XML it's not required
18:35.42ShirikI know that much
18:35.53Maldiviawell, it's not the xml it breaks, but the lua parsing :)
18:36.01cogwheel|workyep, but it's better than wrapping it in a pseudo-comment block to prevent it from rendering in older browsers
18:36.03Shirikthat's why I'm wondering :P
18:36.41Maldiviabut the cdata block shouldn't be needed to be commented out, since the xml parser should "remove" it
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18:56.23Mike-N-GoWhat does this mean:   nesting of [[...]] is deprecated near '['
18:56.53cogwheel|workyou can't have         [[  ]]        inside another      [[   ]]
18:57.05cogwheel|worklern2lua5.1 :P
18:57.08Shirikwhen could you do that?
18:57.21Shirikoh like
18:57.29Shirika = {b = 1}; c[a[b]] ?
18:57.31Mike-N-GoWell, 'if ( event == "PLAYER_LOGIN" ) then' is the line it links to..
18:57.42Shirikor comments?
18:57.48cogwheel|worklike        x = [[ hello this is a long string [[  blah blah ]]  sthaoenuth ]]
18:58.05Shirikthat's.... lua?
18:58.27cogwheel|workthe [[ ... ]] syntax isn't specific to comments
18:59.07Mike-N-GoAnd there are no comments inside a comment..
18:59.28cogwheel|workMike-N-Go: no, you just have to use the new nesting syntax
18:59.42cogwheel|workand it's not about comments
18:59.47cogwheel|workit's a generic long string syntax
18:59.55ShirikI see
18:59.59cogwheel|workthey just happen to be used more often for comments
18:59.59Shiriklearn something new every day :)
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19:04.03cladBleeter: PING
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19:04.11ShirikDon't do it!
19:04.18cladno, really he should
19:04.19cladin this case
19:04.23Mike-N-GoShirik: Ping
19:04.26cladi don't hop on from work unless its actually important =)
19:04.31ShirikI refuse to pong!
19:04.42Mike-N-GoYou  just did!
19:04.54zenzelezzpong needs a new graphics engine
19:05.35CairennBleeter: PING!!!!
19:05.44ShirikZOMG PING!
19:06.08cladlol chicken-ping-a-rojni
19:06.14Maldiviatable tennis...
19:06.25ShirikWant to play, Maldivia?
19:06.29Shirik| o
19:06.31cogwheel|workMaldivia: wouldn't it just be "table"
19:06.33Shirik| o
19:06.40Shirik:( spaces are truncated?
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19:07.01MaldiviaShirik: using a web-client ?
19:07.04Shirik| o
19:07.08Shirikmirc, unfortunately :(
19:07.21Maldiviamirc shouldn't truncate spaces...
19:07.23Mike-N-Gocogwheel|work: What was  i t  you were saying about the syntax?
19:07.31cogwheel|worksee the link
19:07.31Maldiviaunless Khaled really screwed it up
19:07.58cogwheel|workand ctrl-f for "long brackets"
19:08.10Shiriktest test
19:08.12Shiriknope :(
19:08.17Shirikonly one space at a time
19:08.21cogwheel|worktest                      test
19:08.29cogwheel|workchatzilla 4tw
19:08.39Shirikhrm, I saw it with only one space also
19:08.48JoshBorkeit's all about the pidgin
19:08.48ShirikKhaled ftl
19:08.55cogwheel|worktime to go digging through options
19:13.31JoshBorke~emulate JoshBorke
19:13.33purlACTION hugs Cairenn
19:13.40Maldivia~emulate me
19:13.42purlEmulate you? I dont think I can dumb myself down that much!
19:14.23Shirikthat's cold
19:14.25Shirik~hug Maldivia
19:14.27purlACTION jumps into Maldivia's lap and huggles and *hugs* Maldivia
19:14.51purlMaldivia: :)
19:15.16Shirik~emulate Shirik
19:15.24Cairenn*chuckles at JoshBorke*
19:15.54ShirikI still have a philosophy on life >.>
19:15.57purl"If I had to sum up my life, I'd have to say, the one thing I hate doing is nothing." --Shirik
19:16.48Maldiviahmm, wonder if purl has something on me anymore...
19:16.54purlwell, maldivia is 19:55 < Maldivia_> it's the xxx I'm interested in
19:17.21Maldiviaok, that was unexpected
19:17.55JoshBorkebut accurate?
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19:19.22Maldiviait's taken out of context :|
19:19.58JoshBorkecontext has no meaning in insults
19:20.48JoshBorkedon't you watch the newes?
19:21.15Maldiviawe don't have that kind here...
19:21.31JoshBorkei'm jealous :-)
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19:22.06ShirikBaseball hates me, plain and simple
19:22.12ShirikLast week, my best players were postponed the entire week
19:22.21ShirikThis week, my catcher gets hurt. So I get a new one, and his game is postponed
19:22.27ShirikHow am I supposed to win this league like this?
19:23.46Shirikteach me how to hack Yahoo's site and I'll do it
19:24.12Maldiviaohh, yahoo... shouldn't be a problem
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19:24.28zenzelezz10th week in a row group two in my guild has had Wolf event
19:28.11Maldiviameow then?
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19:28.33Shirikok :P
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19:31.13Maldiviahmm, think I'll go to bed
19:32.08Cairennnight Maldivia
19:32.10Maldiviait just feels so "wrong" to go to bed this early, used to going to bed 3-4 hours later :)
19:32.20ShirikYou should follow me
19:32.30ShirikI go to sleep when I get tired, no earlier, no later
19:32.37Shirikwhich results in my bedtime changing daily :P
19:32.52Maldiviawell, I know I have to get up at 5.55am
19:32.53Shirikit usually gets pushed about 1 hour every day, so... by the end of the month I'm back on a normal schedule
19:33.36CairennBleeter: wake UP!
19:33.38ShirikI'm basically the male version of Cairenn
19:33.43ShirikI say I'm going to sleep
19:33.46Shirikbut I stay around for another hour
19:34.06Cairenn(or two, or three)
19:34.11Shiriksleep is a waste of time
19:34.38Mike-N-GoYet we require it to function proper..
19:34.39Cairennwait until you are exhausted and have insomnia - you won't be saying that then
19:34.50Maldiviaall the fun things happens during the night, so why sleep ther....
19:34.55cogwheel|workThe need for sleep is what I don't like
19:35.06cogwheel|workI realize that it is currently necessary :P
19:35.15Shirikreally, if I didn't /have/ to sleep to stay alive, I wouldn't
19:35.27ShirikI'm quite a bit more productive when I'm actually awake
19:35.33ShirikI've coded very few lines in my sleep
19:35.36Maldiviawell, sleeping is nice, whne you have nothing to do anyway :)
19:35.52Maldiviayou've never dreamt about coding ?
19:36.01Shirikonly once have I ever solved a problem while coding
19:36.14Shirikthat night I jumped out of bed, turned the monitor on and it burned my eyes for two minuts
19:36.15Cairennsorry, but I really do enjoy my sleep - probably because I get too little of it
19:36.18Shirikand then I forgot half of the solution
19:36.38MaldiviaShirik: if you don't solve the problems whne coding, when do you solve them
19:36.39Shirik15:36:30 ‹Shirik› only once have I ever solved a problem while coding
19:37.11Mike-N-GoWhat, you used to snore? =P
19:37.25Shirikmy lack of sleep makes it very difficult to snore
19:37.49Maldiviaother people snoring is often a cause for my lack of sleep...
19:37.55Shirikbrb; if I get dced you all can laugh at me for pulling the wrong plug
19:38.10Maldiviacan't we just laught anyway ?
19:38.32Maldiviaanyway, I was saying goodnight... so goodnight (afk)
19:40.00ShirikI got it right!
19:40.04Shirikyou aren't allowed to laugh
19:40.14DT_Thanks again for all the help guys, here's a SS of the final product:
19:40.31Shirikgrats :)
19:45.14Mike-N-Go~slap Shirik
19:45.45purlACTION slaps Shirik, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
19:45.45Mike-N-Go~hug Shirik
19:45.48purlACTION hugs Shirik tightly until Shirik turns slightly blue
19:45.58Shirik~lart Mike-N-Go
19:45.58purlpries Mike-N-Go's back open with a screwdriver and flashes a new bootldr to Mike-N-Go
19:46.19Mike-N-Go~bzfrag Shirik
19:46.22purlACTION kills Shirik with a shot from his BZTank
19:46.44Shirik~tackle Mike-N-Go
19:46.46purlACTION tackles Mike-N-Go to the ground.
19:46.56Mike-N-Go~comfort purl
19:46.58purlThere, there, purl.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
19:47.11Mike-N-Go~emulate Shirik
19:47.39Shirikhe won anyway
19:47.47ShirikI have a lack of knowledge of commands
19:48.09Mike-N-Go~emulate Mike-N-Go
19:48.11purlACTION has left (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
19:48.14zenzelezzJulianne was totally hitting on me
19:50.21sysrageya she hit on me hella hard
19:50.33zenzelezzI hope you're kidding
19:50.34sysrageshe's a slut
19:50.38zenzelezz2300 "crushing blow"
19:52.19Mike-N-Go~poke Shirik|AFK
19:52.20purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Shirik|AFK, pokes Shirik|AFK repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
19:52.41*** join/#wowi-lounge _aLF (
19:58.14Shirik|AFKMike-N-Go need me?
19:59.04Shirik|AFKok, taking that as a no. Gotta run again, take care ^^
20:03.14DT_Is it not possible to have a virtual template inheriting from another virtual template?
20:03.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go_ (n=MikeNGoS@
20:03.59Mike-N-Go_What is '::='?
20:04.47Temlooks like some kind of bastardized asignment operator
20:05.43zenzelezzisn't it just that format "everyone" uses when they describe programming languages?
20:05.45DT_Tem, do ya know if it's possible to have a virtual template inherting from another virtual template? I tried to make a template button that inherited from OptionsButtonTemplate and all my buttons that inherited my template disappeared
20:05.57Temit is possible
20:06.48Temzenzelezz, honestly, I've never seen ::=.  I've seen := used for assignment so that = can be test for equality.
20:07.03zenzelezzisn't := pascal or something?
20:07.11Temsounds right
20:07.13Tembut I don't know
20:07.14zenzelezzbut I do believe I've seen ::=, not in actual languages, just in describing them
20:07.35Temwell, if I've seen it before, I don't remember seeing it ><
20:07.50Temperhaps it was a traumatic experience and I've blocked it out
20:08.03DT_It shows up quite a few times in the lua manual
20:08.11DT_var ::= prefixexp `[´ exp `]´
20:08.44Temwell then there you go
20:11.00DT_Can you guys help me spot my error? Here's my template: and my button:
20:11.05zenzelezzI know that form has a name, but I can't remember it
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20:11.57TemDT_, you need virtual="true"
20:12.00Temon your template
20:12.05DT_Oh lawl
20:12.07DT_I'm retarded
20:12.18DT_Could have sworn I had that >.>
20:12.23DT_tyvm :)
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20:49.16|FF|Im2good4uwhat is the latest toc version ?
20:53.40Temwhat's the latest wow version?
20:54.34|FF|Im2good4u2.10 i think
20:54.51|FF|Im2good4ubut toc doesnt get updated every patch
20:55.27zenzelezzaren't we on 2.0.12?
20:55.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
20:55.38Thunder_Childi thought it was 2.0.10
20:55.58Temiirc, the last time they changed the toc version was 2.0.3
20:55.59ShadowedTOC version should still be 20003
20:56.04Temso, 2 00 03
20:56.20Shadowedyeah, 2.0.12 is still using 20003
20:56.54|FF|Im2good4uoke thanks
20:56.57Shirik|Ecoleit is _wrong_ to use the latest WoW version number to devise the TOC number, despite what wowwiki said forever until I changed it
20:57.14Shirik|Ecoleeven though that's where it comes from, most patches don't increment the toc number
20:57.57ShadowedCould swear they were changing it even during minor versions but they stopped for 2.0
20:58.25Shirik|Ecolethe only time they change it is when there's a significant enough difference in the UI, iirc
20:58.30Bleeterclad|work, Cairenn|afk: pong
20:58.55Shirik|Ecolewhich is logical
20:58.59Shirik|Ecolewhy break all the addons out there for nothing?
20:59.13Shirik|Ecole(break meaning force people to check the "load out of date" box)
21:00.11zenzelezzyou still have to click that after every patch though
21:00.28cogwheel|worknot anymore
21:00.41cogwheel|workthey stopped making you back in 2.0.10 or so
21:00.44Shadowedpeople got a bit annoyed about that after every patch
21:01.25Shirik|Ecolethat's not what I mean
21:01.32Shirik|EcoleI didn't mean having to recheck that box
21:01.41Shirik|EcoleI meant making addons that were previously OK now "out of date"
21:01.49Shirik|Ecolethere's no sense in doing that if you don't change the UI API
21:02.03ShadowedThats what they were doing
21:02.22Shadowedby making you recheck load out of date it was making users think that everything needed to be updated after patches, even if it was minor and no UI change
21:02.24Shirik|EcoleI'm trying to check wdn for the FrameXML.tocs for those versions but wdn hates me :(
21:02.42ShadowedIt was changed every major patch, except for 2.0.0 -> 2.0.3
21:03.51Shirik|Ecolethere we go
21:04.04Shirik|Ecole1.11.1 and 1.11.2 used the same version number
21:04.06Shirik|Ecoletoc number
21:04.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
21:04.20Shirik|Ecoleas well as 1.11.0
21:04.46Shadowed[00:45] <Shadowed> It was changed every major patch, except for 2.0.0 -> 2.0.3
21:05.01Temusually they don't change the toc number for a point release
21:05.12Shirik|Ecoleok now we're talking about two different things here
21:05.21Shirik|Ecolemaybe I'm arguing about nothing
21:05.35ShadowedYou're talking the TOC number right?
21:05.37Shirik|Ecoleok, I interpreted what you said backwards
21:05.57Shirik|Ecoleso we both agree then -_-
21:06.20ShadowedI was trying to figure out why you didn't believe me
21:06.47Shirik|EcoleI thought you were trying to say the current TOC should be 20010
21:07.44Shirik|Ecoleand now I'm going to be late for my lab ><
21:07.46Shirik|Ecolebe back in a bit
21:07.48Shirik|Ecoletake care :)
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21:56.32Josh_Borke!dict wry
21:56.33Josh_Borke~dict wry
21:56.35Josh_Borkei lose :(
22:05.30KirkburnMajor alchemy changes -
22:05.47DT_Blizzard really dropped the ball on those >.>
22:09.14KirkburnThe proposed changes?
22:09.18KirkburnOr the current state?
22:21.48KirkburnBtw, some breaking US related news:
22:21.49KirkburnR.I.P. PlayStation 3 20GB
22:21.49KirkburnNov. 17, 2006 -- April 11, 2007
22:29.33Thunder_Child"Short stacked, and short lived"
22:30.27KirkburnI recommend listening to this:
22:42.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
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22:44.22Bleeteroh joy, new 0 day vulns for Win32
22:46.18Shirikah it's in office
22:46.52sysragespellsurge and battlemaster enchants are so friggin worthless.. i hate blizz
22:47.06subbawthave you actually used spellsurge?
22:47.08leethalI hate them for giving them fancy names
22:47.12leethalI wish they just put the stat there
22:47.18leethalor the proc or wootevah
22:47.32ShirikI still don't know what that does
22:47.33leethalhey.. that should be easy to mod, right?
22:47.40sysrageno i haven't used it. why would i waste mats on that crap?
22:47.56subbawtbecause it's actually pretty good?
22:48.09sysrage3% chance to get 10 mana per second for 10 seconds? that doesn't give me enough mana to pick my nose
22:48.25Shirikthat's... a lot
22:48.26sysragehow is it good?
22:48.34subbawtThe proc rate is actually 15% with a 30 second hidden cooldown.
22:48.48subbawtit procs almost every time it's up
22:49.05Shirik10 mana per second is kinda nice..
22:49.07sysrageit's still not enough mana to justify not getting +40 dam
22:49.17subbawtas what class?
22:49.18ShirikI'm assuming that's while casting
22:49.20subbawtit's more of a healer thing..
22:49.21sysrageif it really procs that much maybe for a healer. but it's worthless for a mage
22:49.21Shirikas any class...
22:49.28Shirikmaybe for a mage
22:49.32Shirikbut definitely for healers that's nice
22:49.42Shiriksorry, I do a lot with my priest so I guess I have a little bias there
22:49.50subbawti have it on my priest
22:50.07ShirikI'd take it
22:50.09sysragehowever, +40 is going to affect healing with teh patch, right? would it still be worth it?
22:50.18subbawtwell there's +81 healing
22:50.22sysrageoh ya. that too
22:50.29Shirikin my experience
22:50.39Shirikmana is more vital than uber heals
22:50.51BleeterShirik: it's not just office, it's also .HLP files (although that's just proof of concept atm)
22:50.53Shirikbesides in bigger groups, you have those fricking paladins sniping in tiny heals making you overheal anyway
22:50.55sysrageok.. so justify battlemaster
22:51.09subbawtI haven't used battlemaster
22:51.37ShirikBleeter: Oh :(
22:51.47subbawtbut you shouldn't just say "i hate blizzard for making these terrible enchants that i don't really know much about but i can only assume are terrible"
22:51.49Shirikiirc .hlp files load automatically in IE
22:51.54Shirikif browsed to on the internet
22:52.07sysrageok fine.. i hate blizz for having such horrible descriptions for the enchants. if it's 15% why say 3%?
22:52.12Shirikanyone else having troubble connecting to login server?
22:52.29subbawtIm not sure exactly, the description on the recipe tends to be off quite often.
22:53.25subbawtI mean the effect probably has about a 3% uptime.
22:53.25sysrageshould be called manasurge too. spellsurge sounds like damage heh
22:55.39sysrageenchanting still got the shaft imo.. they didn't really add any real good stuff.. mongoose seems pretty decent. everything else is just minor upgrades.. alchemists got huge upgrades
22:56.17sysragering enchants are nice though
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23:04.17Gnarfozis very deep retribution (like this: ) ok to try ret out (am level 54)?
23:04.52[dRaCo]imo retribution is useless w/o crusader strike, so yes
23:07.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
23:08.35[dRaCo]You might want to skill improved hammer of justice at level 70, though... so you prolly should get 2 more points for protection
23:08.51GnarfozI see
23:08.59Gnarfozhammering + judging SoC
23:10.39[dRaCo]but get Crusader Strike asap
23:10.50Gnarfozyeah, I can get it immediately :)
23:11.13GnarfozI keep being bugged about why I'm prot, wanna try out ret for kicks ;>
23:11.46[dRaCo]a protection pala makes a great tank, where's the problem with that?
23:12.01Gnarfoznothing =)
23:12.31Gnarfozi guess while leveling (almost entirely questing) I don't tank much :D
23:12.38[dRaCo]yeah, true
23:13.06Gnarfozcan't keep aggro of my dual wielding dual windfury shaman tag-team partner anyway on those oh so short lived mobs :D
23:13.17Gnarfozah, I missed storm strike in that description
23:13.45Gnarfoz(at least not when we start attacking the same mob at the same time
23:14.01Gnarfozdamn wtf
23:14.10Gnarfozthe paladin trainer in theramore can't reset my talents >_<
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