IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070408

00:11.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
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01:46.51*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
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02:38.48*** join/#wowi-lounge ircleuser (
02:41.21Shirikwow, that's awesome Cairenn
02:41.26Shiriksuprised I didn't hear about it
02:42.35*** join/#wowi-lounge pocketfl (
02:51.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Kept (
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03:49.44rophyanyone know if there is a mod, which can show the total bonuses of a player you're inspecting?
03:51.18sysragethere's one that'll add up gear, but it doesn't know about talents
03:51.24sysrageand i odn't remember the name of it :(
03:51.28rophygear is good enough.
03:51.53Shirikit's impossible to do talents unless the other player were to have a mod as well
03:52.04rophyyup so gear is good enough.
03:52.39ShirikI know I've seen one before, but I forget what it was
03:53.21rophysearching 'inspect' in curse doesn't seem to have it.
03:53.28rophyand wowi too
04:23.02*** part/#wowi-lounge Kody (n=Kody@
04:23.09*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiSensei (
04:24.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
04:44.39Gnarfozrophy: superinspect does that
04:45.39Gnarfozalthough I heard the summing up code (the patterns for gathering all the stats, to be exact) has not entirely been updated for all the new BC item stats (for the english client)
05:08.46*** part/#wowi-lounge Hackop (n=None@
05:16.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Starzard (
05:25.56rophythanks Gnarfoz, will try that.
05:40.16*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
05:52.36*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (n=kaiden@
06:50.18*** join/#wowi-lounge raevanmorlock (
06:51.25raevanmorlockI'm trying to color the border of an item whenever certain conditions are met--does anyone know a good event to hook into for this?
07:21.26*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (n=MoonWolf@
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07:42.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Laric (
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08:17.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
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08:34.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz (n=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
08:38.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
08:57.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
09:06.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
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09:34.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (i=Jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
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10:52.25*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio_ (i=sp@unaffiliated/sergio)
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11:05.35*** join/#wowi-lounge pakoz (
11:05.55pakozanyone know which mod makes it so when you crit it has the old batman things?
11:05.57pakozoh hey skull
11:06.05Shirikthe old batman things?
11:06.08pakozit spams like "wham" "pow"  "pew-pew-pew"
11:06.15Shirikhaha I've never heard of that before
11:06.21pakozits awesome ;x
11:06.57pakozwell hmph
11:07.21pakozshirik = OP imo
11:07.23Shirikunfortunately did not find it on wowi
11:07.47pakozi've got 35% crit
11:07.52pakozso its never gonne stop ;x
11:08.30pakoz35% crit and 2950 attack power, raid buffs
11:08.47Shirikyou're crazy
11:09.01pakozfury build
11:09.11pakozslam spam
11:09.19pakozwith bloodthirst/rampage when they are up
11:09.33pakozand a shammy has WF down
11:09.40pakozand heroism/bloodlust
11:09.56pakoz40seconds, 30% increased attack speed 30% faster global cooldown
11:09.58pakozimba imo
11:10.15ShirikI don't care, I'm critting people for 5k so I'm happy :P
11:10.21pakozwith what lol
11:10.25Shirikaimed shot
11:10.32Shiriksome crappy gun
11:10.40Shirikit was a shaman
11:10.47pakozhmmmm lol
11:10.58Shirik? me?
11:11.05pakozdid you have 30% dmg from zerker
11:11.18ShirikI'm... a hunter?
11:11.20pakozbattlegrounds buff
11:11.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
11:11.35ShirikI don't think so, but I did have rapid killing up
11:11.42Shirikand AotH, which I don't usually use
11:12.05pakozspeaking of rapid killing
11:12.07pakozwith this fury spec
11:12.09pakozi farm so fast
11:12.18Shirikhehehe me too
11:12.21pakozwhite hit crit and victory rush, both instant can kill a 68
11:12.24Shirikbecause rapid killing forces me to keep going
11:12.25pakozso 1sec fight ;x
11:13.04pakozself buffed i can manage 1800dmg white hit, non crit
11:13.23pakozyou like watching vids shirik?
11:13.29Shirikmm sure
11:13.40pakozkk lemme finish making my gruul vid
11:14.03pakozits gonna be a few days ;x
11:14.07pakozbut i'll get it to you
11:15.07pakozthx for crit man <3
11:30.03*** join/#wowi-lounge knaak (n=miguel@
11:32.53*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
12:07.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kept (
12:36.57subbawtHrmm how do i figure out the name of a buff icon? Im trying to write a custom ItemRack event.
12:37.18Shirikyou use...
12:38.00Shirikbefore I answer, clarify. Do you want the filename of the icon that's being displayed? What do you mean by "the name of a buff icon"
12:38.58subbawtbasically im going to modify local found=ItemRack.Buffs["Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Shadow_Requiem"]
12:39.09subbawtso yes i guess that's the filename
12:40.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Kept (
12:49.44subbawtI was going to write a itemrack event, that swapped to my +healing enchanted weapon after spellsurge procs, since it's on a 30 second hidden cooldown. But there's no way of knowing if it is MY spellsurge that procd, or someone in my group's :(
12:50.22Shirikdoesn't changing items require a hardware event?
12:50.25Shirikwould have thought it did
12:50.41subbawti don't think so
12:50.49Shirikif not, why not just write a small addon for it?
12:50.52Shirikparse the combat log
12:51.09ShirikYou should get something like "subbawt gains spellsurge"
12:51.18Shirik"You gain spellsurge"
12:51.25subbawtright but i would get the same thing if someone else's spellsurge procs
12:51.28subbawti think
12:51.32subbawtsince it's a party buff
12:51.48ShirikYou need to watch that exact string
12:51.53ShirikIt will always tell you who gained it
12:52.00ShirikI see what you're sayin
12:52.03subbawtThe proc buffs everyone in the party
12:52.10subbawtso if someone else in my party has the same proc
12:52.20Shirikso... why does it matter though; pardon me I don't actually know what this buff is
12:52.44ShirikI get it
12:52.46subbawtWell there's a 30 second cooldown on the proc per player.
12:52.51Shirik(read the second half of what you wrote way back there)
12:53.07subbawtSo while the proc is cooling down, i can switch to a weapon with an enchant that actually is working for me, and then swap back.
12:53.09Shirikyou are correct in assuming that there's no way to tel
12:53.34Shirikon the same note, you yourself can't tell either
12:53.39Shirikyou know no better than the UI does who procced
12:54.16subbawtand i guess hidden cooldowns are server side
12:55.45Shiriktechnically all cooldowns are server side
12:56.00Shirikbut the UI keeps a copy for spell cooldowns as well so it doesn't have to transmit a request to the server
12:56.22Shirikbut if you ever noticed when you have a lot of lag, the UI lets you cast a spell because the cooldown appears to be over, but then a few seconds later it says "spell is not ready yet"
12:56.28Shirikthat's because the server yelled back that the cooldown isn't up
12:56.50Shirikbut yes, there is no UI copy of these "hidden cooldowns"
12:57.03Shirikbecause procs are handled entirely server side
13:12.51*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
13:22.35*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
13:36.25foxlitMeh. How do I detect if UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP was caused by a player abort or the spell finishing?
13:38.38Shirik# When it arrives, you know the spell has stopped, but you don't know the reason!! It could be that the spell was cast successfully, or it was resisted, or the target was immune, or you moved. Schedule a success check 1/10th of a second in the future by using GetTime() and the OnUpdate() event callback.
13:38.38Shirik# If you get to a 1/10th of a second in the future without recieving SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED or SPELLCAST_FAILURE, then the spell landed successfully. If one of those other events occured, you can kill your scheduled success check because the spell failed.
13:42.19foxlitWhere did that come from? :)
13:42.54Shirikright under SPELLCAST_STOP
13:43.08foxlitWas looking at Events/U, nothing of the sort :(
13:43.59Shirikaye, because apparently there is a UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP and a SPELLCAST_STOP
13:43.59Shirikwhich seem to do the same thing, but I'm guessing the latter is only for the player
13:43.59Shirikoh wait I know
13:44.04ShirikSPELLCAST_STOP became UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP in 2.0
13:44.56foxlitevents docs are sort of dreaful :(
13:45.22foxlitWorks, though. You pointed me at UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED, which is what I should be watching instead of _STOP
13:59.32*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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14:20.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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15:37.09*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
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16:01.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngngsk (
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17:30.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
17:32.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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19:36.24foxlitCould someone point me to an addon that measured runspeed?
19:36.39foxlitPinched some zone-specific scale values from it once; need another one for EotS
19:37.10Thunder_Childwasnt there a "monkeyspeed"?
19:39.20foxlitcould be, sec
19:43.47foxlitdidn't update for eots, at least on curse
19:43.55foxlitBut yeah, right addon.
19:46.42Mr_Rabies2speedfu does
19:46.55Mr_Rabies2wait, not for EoTS
19:47.05Mr_Rabies2i don't think...since it's an instance... i dunno
19:50.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
19:57.42foxlitThere's a map
19:57.54foxlitAnd when there's a map, there's GetPlayerMapPosition()
19:59.18foxlitDon't get why there's a special zone for blackrock mountain, though
20:01.10sysragecause the map changes?
20:01.32foxlitThere's a map for blackrock mountain?
20:02.05sysragepretty sure i remember the map changing when you went in there.. maybe not
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20:17.09foxliteots: 0.000404960425223 mapunits / yard
20:22.48zenzelezzhigher precision plix
20:29.46ShadowedAll battlegrounds  have a map Mr_Rabies
20:32.22foxlitfine for what I'm doing :)
20:35.34Mr_Rabies2yeah, but i wasn't sure if the speed checky things worked with bgs or not, since they're considered instances
20:36.50Shadowednope, if it has a map it works the same as a non-instance zone
20:42.41foxlitA thing of beauty :P
20:46.33foxlit(rearrange battleground groups so that people closest to each other are in a group - making things like battlestandards and groupheals worthwhile)
20:46.54sysragethat's pretty darn cool but i bet blizz nerfs it
20:47.13foxlitYou can't nerf it - not really.
20:47.30sysrageyou underestimate blizz's nerfing ability
20:47.55sysragethey'll break tons of legit stuff just to make it not work
20:48.01foxlitThere are few places to hit it, though - you can disable GetPlayerMapPosition(), but that breaks battlemap
20:48.42foxlitYou can prevent people from swapping groups in a battleground, but that's just meh
20:49.29foxlitWonder if SwapRaidSubGroup works in combat.
20:51.05IrielWhy would blizzard nerf it?
20:51.09Irielfoxlit: I dont believe it does
20:51.27sysragecause it's super helpful
20:51.35Irielfoxlit: Otherwise you could implement decursive by constantly re-arranging groups
20:51.43IrielYou can't progamatically rearrange raids or groups in combat
20:54.31foxlitAre raidunits that tied to group positions?
20:55.07IrielI believe so, though I could be wrong, i'm not often in raids
20:56.54ShadowedThe battlefield minimap goes off of raid units, and the world map goes off of everyone thats inside if i remember right
20:59.04foxlitYou're right, SwapRaidSubgroup fails silently while in combat
20:59.31foxlitOr maybe not, sec. Might have picked indices in the same group
21:00.06ShadowedPretty sure they did, I remember people complaining about Shamans and totems due to the change
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21:46.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Fumler (
21:46.38Fumlerhey, anyone know how to turn off skinning the mainbar with skinner?
21:46.48Fumlerdidnt find it in the menu
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23:47.13cladhaireBleeter: hehe it was a non-ace question :p
23:47.26Bleeterheh, nm
23:47.34Bleeteryar, norgs has been working on something
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23:55.11*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (

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