IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070404

00:01.05Calmcacil <--- looking for an addon that does that too the combatlog (with colors)
00:02.58kasoThats nurfed combat log
00:03.06kasowhere you can get a working version i do not know
00:03.41Shirik19:54:34 ‹Bleeter› no matter how much we tell them that the exe is built from the publically viewable source, using msys on linux, and never goes anywhere near a win32 so it could get infected and so it's probably a false positive.. they don't get it
00:03.47ShirikThis is why the updater will be open source, most likely
00:03.57Shirikeven if other people refuse to believe me
00:04.06Calmcacilsigh i serously need a some ui tweaks
00:04.22Calmcacilmy ui looks shitty.. guess thats what you get from being so spesific on thigs
00:05.19Garoun|Loupanawhatyou need Calm, is a catastrophic hdd crash that wipes your interface :)
00:05.53Garoun|Loupanathose are the best times to come up with new ui setups :/ only know because I just did it a few weeks ago
00:06.01Calmcacili got basic ui with some addons i feel that i need :P
00:06.05Calmcacilno ui changes what so ever :p
00:06.13Calmcaciltried clearfont but it wont look clear enough :p
00:07.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
00:07.05*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem] by ChanServ
00:07.18Calmcacilgonna test nurfed now
00:07.35kasoYou found a working 2.0 version? o.o
00:08.37Calmcaciland im no rocket scientist
00:09.25*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
00:16.56Calmcacilnow the only thing i want is for my chat and combat log too look like that (same font and stuff)
00:17.47*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
00:19.38Calmcacil*waits forsomeone comes with a smart suggestion*
00:21.08Calmcacilall the ui freaks must be sleeping
00:21.08Kirkburn|afkUuh, offer bananas to the Great Monkey God!
00:21.10*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
00:21.29Kirkburn|afkI'm the dev of ClearFont btw :)
00:21.37JoshBorkelies! all lies!
00:21.45*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
00:21.50Kirkburn|afkYou swore you'd never tell!
00:22.13JoshBorkepurl, grab Kirkburn|afk
00:22.22JoshBorke~emulate JoshBorke
00:22.24purlACTION hugs Cairenn
00:22.41sysrageyay for servers crashing
00:22.45JoshBorkeso i see we're as lively as ever
00:26.04TC_Working~dict lively
00:26.28TC_Workingok, not quite
00:26.43*** join/#wowi-lounge hugo (
00:27.47*** join/#wowi-lounge kneeki|atwork (n=kneeki|
00:28.04kneeki|atworkWow, Battlestar Galactica S03E20, who else called that?!?!
00:28.15kneeki|atworkI'm so addicted to that show =(
00:30.25batrickwowwiki dead for anyone else?
00:31.13kneeki|atworkand.... yes, i cannot load wowwiki
00:31.28kneeki|atworktimed out
00:31.43Calmcacil <-- now someone tell me what i need to do too get similar chatwindows (font and stuff)
00:31.59zenzelezzWiki works for me
00:32.12kneeki|atworkCalmcacil: clear font?
00:32.18kneeki|atworkand Simple Combat Log
00:32.23Calmcacilwell i dont seem to get the same results
00:32.36kneeki|atworkThat's all he's using, just use the right font
00:33.34hugoplease anyone know whats the raid unit frame called on top left on this picture:
00:33.56Calmcacilany idea what font >:
00:35.48kneeki|atworkCalmcacil: no idea. I assume its one of the ones that came with the mod. However, I use Segoe UI, and it looks great
00:36.14kneeki|atworkhugo: i think that's the Ace raid frames
00:36.28kneeki|atworkI forget the name however, search the ace download site for raid frames, you'll find it
00:36.28hugook thanks i check them out ;]
00:37.11Calmcacilgot any screenshot?
00:37.32hugotheres perfectraid, sraidframes, xraid
00:37.41hugoand grid, i know grid using that one so its not grid
00:37.44kneeki|atworkOf Segoe UI? It's the default front that Windows Vista uses. One of the best features of Vista imo =\
00:37.48kneeki|atworkPerfect raid
00:37.53Calmcaciloh so it wont work on XP?
00:37.53kneeki|atworkI'm almost certain
00:37.54hugook thanks ;)
00:38.05kneeki|atworkyes, it does work with XP. It was just introduced with Vista
00:38.18kneeki|atworkI use SegoeUI on my XP pc at home also. =)
00:38.55Shirikstrangely you could configure rdx to look like that :P
00:39.26kneeki|atworkOh? Then try that also. I just remember my Perfect Raid looking like that also. *shrugs* It's all raid frames
00:39.34Shiriknah that's not rdx
00:39.38Shirikjust making a comment
00:39.52Calmcacilwho ate my clearfont options
00:40.07ShirikI did!
00:40.11kneeki|atworkThe font monster?
00:40.19CalmcacilWHY YOU LITTLE!
00:40.32kneeki|atworkHe runs rampant.... mid day. ;)
00:41.40kneeki|atworkpurl, hug kneeki|atwork
00:41.41purlACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs kneeki|atwork
00:41.48kneeki|atworkyippe for me
00:41.51kneeki|atwork<3 purl
00:42.51Calmcacil*doesnt get it*
00:43.00Calmcacili think... clearfont sucks :(
00:43.10kneeki|atworkThen find your own font?
00:44.06hugocan't find perfectraid in wowaceupdater ;o
00:44.10hugowasn't it renamed ?
00:44.16JoshBorkehugo: perfect raid isn't ace
00:44.26kneeki|atworkNo idea. I don't use updaters
00:44.32kneeki|atworkPerfect raid isn't ace? You sure?
00:45.01*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
00:45.04hugoi tought its ace
00:45.13Calmcacil*waits for someone to make a cool pack with custom fonts and stuff*
00:45.23hugoor it was :D
00:45.30ckknightPerfectRaid used to be ace
00:45.35kneeki|atworkHmm, your right. No ace librarys
00:45.49kneeki|atworkOh ckknight? Why did clad change it?
00:45.51ckknightthen it became willful and broke off from ace
00:45.52hugoprolly was removed from ace
00:45.54ckknightyep, kneeki|atwork
00:46.14hugook i skip it then ;s
00:46.25clad|workwow, that's special
00:46.31kneeki|atworkWell, just because it's not ace, doesn't mean its bad.
00:46.37kneeki|atwork*wave* Hi clad =)
00:46.41hugowell i use grid
00:46.44hugoi just wanted compare ;d
00:46.55batrickis there any way to get the date ?
00:46.58kneeki|atworkNone of my addons are ace, and they work. I'm just a poor uneducated programmer =P
00:47.05ckknightI'm writing my own UF now ;-)
00:47.17ckknightbatrick: ingame?
00:47.20clad|worki'm a not poor, educated programmer =)
00:47.32kneeki|atworkYeah, I heard about that ckknight. What did you decide to name them?
00:47.32hugogood send me i want test your UF ;o
00:47.36ckknightkneeki|atwork: PitBull
00:47.40kneeki|atworkclad|work: haha!
00:47.46ckknighthugo: it's on wowace, name's PitBull
00:47.51ckknightit's not done yet
00:47.53Calmcacilscreenshots >:
00:47.54ckknightno raid grouping
00:47.58kneeki|atworkckknight:  nice name =)
00:48.06ckknightCalmcacil: there might be some on the forum
00:48.12ckknightit looks like agUF right now
00:48.15batrickckknight, yes
00:48.28ckknightbut it's very nice and modular
00:48.30ckknightand hackable
00:48.32*** part/#wowi-lounge TC_Working (n=Thunder_@
00:48.35ckknightso lots of other developers are helping out with it
00:48.38hugounit frames of awesomeness
00:48.41JoshBorkei'm a poor uneducated non-programmer
00:48.44ckknightso development has gone very quickly
00:48.57ckknightI'm a middle-class self-educated programmer
00:49.14clad|workckknight: more watchdog users will be headed your way
00:49.15kneeki|atworkwth, did I start a trend here? =P
00:49.21hugoim ex-resto shaman who was using grid, now im dualwield and i dont need so much info on raid frames ;o
00:49.36ckknightclad|work: btw, I added some cool stuff to the tag stuff
00:49.36batrickIs there a function (in game) to get the date?
00:49.40ckknightmodifiers for tags
00:49.43kneeki|atworkSo because you dual weild, you no longer heal/decurse?
00:49.45Calmcacili want som propper chat window addons :\
00:49.49Calmcacilmake chat windows look imba :D
00:49.53clad|worksuck as?
00:49.53hugono i dont heal
00:49.55clad|worksuch rather
00:49.56ckknighti.e. [curhp:hidemaxhp]
00:50.00hugoi dont even heal myselft
00:50.09ckknightshows curhp, runs the hidemaxhp function on it
00:50.17ckknightalso, :hidezero
00:50.21ckknightand :short
00:50.24*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
00:50.24kneeki|atworkhugo: *tssk tssk*
00:50.26ckknightto turn 10000 into 10k
00:50.27hugoi got +0healing the heal waste too much mana that is transfered to dmg :)
00:50.33ckknightas well as using other tags as modifiers
00:50.36Calmcacillets say the default chat ui
00:50.39Calmcacillooks.. boring
00:50.40hugokneeki|atwork and im always in top 5 ;p
00:50.45ckknightso [statusgone:missinghp:hidezero:negate]
00:50.49clad|workwell aguf's watchdog tags were .. a subset of watchdog's features, to say the least
00:50.59clad|workbut nice
00:51.06hugook i got pitbull
00:51.10ckknightshows Dead/Offline/Ghost/(nothing if full)/-60
00:51.15kneeki|atworkCalcacil: I use pretty much all default ui, w/ exception of what the default ui does not provide (font options, and damage meters)
00:51.15hugoso it show only target player and party now ?
00:51.23ckknighthugo: no, it shows all
00:51.31ckknightjust for raid, there's no good grouping
00:51.36kneeki|atworkhugo: top 5 dps in a 5 man group isn't saying much. har har har!
00:51.42ckknightbut there's party, partytarget, partypet, partypettarget, etc.
00:51.43hugomost unitframes are hard to modifiy (customize by a noob player)
00:51.47hugomake yours unique ? :P
00:51.48ckknightall nice-like
00:52.09ckknighthugo: right-click the pitbull on the minimap
00:52.14hugokneeki|atwork noo, in 25man raid, gruul, magtheridon, serpensthise carven ;]
00:52.15Calmcacilwell thats normaly what i doo too
00:52.17kneeki|atworkAnyone have a link to the pit bull frames? I'm curious what they look like
00:52.24hugook i go test it ;d
00:52.26ckknightlemme get the forum link
00:52.33kneeki|atworkckknight: thx bud
00:52.49hugoi heard like aguf ;p
00:52.50ckknightokay, I cannot stress enough that this is still an alpha addon
00:52.52ckknightthere may be bugs
00:52.59kneeki|atworkOf course
00:53.02clad|workbrb giving dog a bath.
00:53.10ckknightbut there's a lot of profiling work done to make it as fast as possible
00:53.18hugomy dogs geting bath only 2x a year
00:53.38ckknight <--- official topic
00:53.43hugofast and easy to customise :P thts always best
00:53.52ckknight <-- Industrial's layout, if you're into that thing
00:54.40batrickfor anyone who cares, you can get the current date using time()
00:54.56hugoyou know ckknight what i always miss in aguf
00:55.04ckknightwhat's that?
00:55.17ckknightbatrick: time("%Y%m%d")
00:55.20ckknightand such
00:55.24hugolike on the frame to show either 100% or deficit like -800. but if i mouseover it to see the numbers like 5000/6000hp
00:55.44ckknightI don't think I'll be adding that for a while
00:55.48hugobut i need all this in raid
00:55.59Calmcacili wouldnt mind using ClearFont if i knew how to make it look good
00:55.59ckknightokay, I need to eat
00:56.12hugolike if i need check wariors hp in raid
00:56.24hugoand in fight i dont want to see the nums anymore only % or deficit
00:57.03hugoor hold some button to see num, instead go to settings and change layout ;p
00:57.39kneeki|atworkhugo: start coding!
00:57.43hugoor i just give up and set target frame to show both hp and %
00:57.52hugonoo im too busy progressing
00:58.08hugoi cant be a day without wow :P
00:58.24hugocoding eats time
00:58.26hugobad bad
00:58.32kneeki|atworkRaid healing or AV flag camping is where I get most of my coding done =P
00:58.53hugono more healing no wayyy i was healing 2years
00:58.58hugonow dualwield forever :)
00:59.20hugobut there come another joke from blizzard, tier4/5 = nerf my dps
00:59.24kneeki|atworkI bet you pull tons of aggro =P
00:59.30hugosome blue set is better then any epics
00:59.53hugonot with good tank or druid, with poor one i got salvation
01:00.06kneeki|atworkAh yes, I love pallys
01:00.08hugoand on 25man raid on boss kill with flasks i must have salvation on all time yes
01:00.29hugobut soon they nerf the windfury 5/4
01:00.35hugoand i will be again an useless class :P
01:00.40kneeki|atworkSay huh?
01:00.50hugotheres a windfury bug atm
01:01.02hugowell since BC started blizzard know it long but still didnt fixed it
01:01.03Corrodiasjesus christ 6,000 kbps is fast
01:01.18hugoyou know windfury proc has 3sec cooldown
01:01.20kneeki|atworkAre you supposed to put Windfury on both weapons?
01:01.37hugobut if you use windfury 5 on MH and windfury4 on offhand
01:01.44hugoits diff buffs so they got diff cooldowns
01:01.51hugoso you can get dualwf procs
01:02.02kneeki|atworkSo... They arn't nerfing, they are fixing?
01:02.03hugothats like 20-30% dps boost
01:02.26hugoyeah but fixing = dw shaman will be low dps class, useless, now he's TOP
01:02.43hugoand if you look on dw shaman, all he can do is dps, nothing to cc like roug
01:02.56kneeki|atworkI don't think that's how the shaman class is supposed to be operating
01:03.10kneeki|atworkAnd A shamans weakness is CC
01:03.10hugoshaman class is supposed to be a 3class
01:03.22kneeki|atworka 3 class?
01:03.26kneeki|atwork3 classes in one?
01:03.28hugoaka mage, aka roug, aka priest
01:03.35hugono depend on talent tree
01:03.45hugolike druid
01:03.49hugoroug, warrior, mage
01:04.09hugobut blizzard can't balance it out, they will never win at this
01:04.14kneeki|atworkWell, not really
01:04.22kneeki|atworkBlizzard did perfect imo
01:04.27hugoalways someone will be worste and someone better
01:04.32Calmcacili hate blizzard
01:04.39hugohmm blizzard did perfect?
01:04.42hugowell at resto shaman
01:04.52hugoelemental shaman do 100% less dmg then dw
01:04.55Calmcacilblizzard is mean stupid and so on :(
01:04.57hugoin longer fights even more
01:05.11kneeki|atworkThey did not make the Shaman class to 'be like a rogue' they made the Shaman class to be like a ... Shaman, according to lore, and power level of the class
01:05.12batrickckknight, it wants a table...
01:05.17hugoso what's perfect ;o
01:05.19batrickI tried using one but I get errors
01:05.28batrickcan't seem to fix them either
01:05.41kneeki|atworkIt's because you think you should have the dps of a rogue. When you shouldn't.  Your on a compleatly different level than a rogue
01:05.42hugothat's nice kneeki|atwork of you, but raidleader just kick you as ele shaman for uselesssnesssssss
01:05.51kneeki|atworkThat's not true
01:05.51hugoyou either do a GOOD dps, or heal
01:05.54kneeki|atworkI am a raid leader
01:06.04hugowell in a progressing guild it is true :)
01:06.09kneeki|atworkI am also a 70 warrior, 60 shaman, 60 warlock, 62 druid, and 60 druid
01:06.13hugoif someone don't have dps hes out.. seey'a :D
01:06.21JoshBorkewhy 2 druids :-(
01:06.26kneeki|atworkBecause I love druids =)
01:06.33kneeki|atworkmy favorite class to play I think
01:06.39kneeki|atworkBut the raid needs a main tank =(
01:06.44hugoeveryone who play long has xxxxxxxxxxxx alt ;o
01:07.00hugopoint is that ele shaman cant do dps
01:07.08hugodw shaman can, but nerf inc too
01:07.14kneeki|atworkWell yeah. But that's beside the point. I'm just trying to inform you that Ele shaman can do dps, but its not the same as a mage, or warlock
01:07.18hugoso a hybrid class with 3 diff tree will be again just for heals
01:07.20Calmcacilwow europe has been shutdown for maint. now
01:07.26kneeki|atworkDW shaman can do dps, but its not the same as a Rogue or fury warrior
01:07.30hugoand that's bad
01:07.34kneeki|atworkIt's not bad
01:07.48hugodw shaman atm with windgury 5/4 is insane
01:07.56hugoit is more then mage
01:07.58kneeki|atworkAn enhance shaman brings alot more to a raid than dps. He brings totems, which enhances the raid dps
01:08.08hugoonly walrock and shadowpriest are front of me, good roug is same like me
01:08.17kneeki|atworkWF 5/4 is a bug, and its going to be fixed
01:08.41kneeki|atworkRelying on a bug to play your class is detremental
01:08.44hugoyeah + my groud get 98str totem 600ap windgury totem and 10% AP aura
01:09.00kneeki|atworkAnd if you spec into them, you get more
01:09.04hugokneeki|atwork you know, every existing dw shaman atm does so :]=
01:09.18batrickanyone see why I'm getting an error when i call time()
01:09.21hugoit's speced already
01:09.23hugodont get more
01:09.34batrickI get: field 'day' missing in data table
01:09.37hugoand again gear
01:09.43hugoi got all epic from kz in bank laying
01:09.45kneeki|atworkMy point is, I don't take a Shaman to a raid because of his leet dps
01:09.51hugocause the blue gear set is better
01:09.58kneeki|atworkI take him because of what he can bring total.
01:10.13hugoyeah i got your point
01:10.21hugobut in progress HC guild
01:10.29hugoa person is leet dps, leet heal, or leet tank
01:10.32hugootherwise hes out
01:10.35hugoyou see
01:10.39kneeki|atworkIf he cannot do his job (as a hybrid) well. I'm going to boot him - if he is not healing himself and other immediate dpsers from splash damage when the main healers are already strapped, I'm going to have a chat w/ him =P
01:10.52hugohes not in raid because he can tell good jokes
01:10.57hugoand has high cooking
01:11.38hugonow im very worth healing , if we kill a boss and im 4-5th in dps in 25man
01:11.47hugobut after the fix they willl let me die i know :p
01:12.05hugoor i go play hellgate london :-(
01:12.09kneeki|atworknever mind
01:12.26hugokneeki i see your point
01:12.45hugoim just telling you that wont work on bosses where dps must have 600dps and healers heal
01:12.59hugoit wont work healing myselft with 0+ healing instead doing dmg
01:13.07hugoand it wont work be there as ele shaman with half the damage
01:13.15hugoso its all blizzard fault!
01:14.47Nom-heh, even i heal myself occasionally when i'm dps in Kara
01:15.01Nom-The fact that I usually get a heal from someone else just before mine is irrelevant !
01:16.40Garoun|LoupanaHugo: I didn't read up, but you can also use Niagra  if you prefer a GUI style setup for mods
01:17.56Corrodiasi need a name for a cat that is a hunter's pet
01:17.59Corrodias*troll's pet
01:18.04hugoNiagra ?
01:18.10hugono i prefer separate mods
01:18.15hugohate compilations
01:18.23Garoun|Loupanait's not acompilation
01:18.30kneeki|atworkCorrodias: Igetbeat
01:18.34Garoun|Loupanait's a mod that lets you configure ACE2 mods with a gui  rather than dropdown
01:19.01Garoun|Loupanasimilar to DeuceCommander
01:19.13hugoi use deucecommander
01:19.30Garoun|LoupanaI've been using both lately, just because I can't decide :P
01:19.58hugodeucecommander works fine
01:20.32hugoi was using some old addon that added scrolling of chat with scroll mouse
01:20.36hugonow i need it back ;o
01:20.37Garoun|LoupanaI have dropdownitis, sometimes I don't mind them, and other times it drives me batty trying to not click the wrong spot
01:21.04hugoniagra is something like khaos for cosmos right
01:21.30Garoun|Loupanadunno, I stopped cosmos really early in dev when sky was f'ing up my chat channels :)
01:21.42*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
01:21.50Garoun|Loupanajust think of it as DC but in a config window type view
01:22.08ckknighthugo: try Prat
01:22.19ckknightGaroun|Loupana: btw, it's Ace2, not ACE2
01:22.25Nom-noooooooooooo Cairenn
01:22.26ckknightseems like you're screaming
01:22.40ckknightNom-: ?
01:22.43hugodamn i wanted go try addons and it's mainteance ;(
01:22.47Nom-Cairenn: Please tell me that was an early april fool? :`(
01:22.52Cairennit was
01:22.59Nom-Ah *phew*
01:23.14purli heard prat is british slang for 'A fool, idiot or objectionable person.'
01:23.14Cairennscroll down, I "gotcha" at the bottom
01:23.22zenzelezzyou tool Nom-
01:23.38hugoprat is som chat management
01:23.39batrickanyone see why I'm getting an error when i call time()
01:23.47batrickI get: field 'day' missing in data table
01:24.26clad|workshoudln't day be a value, not a table?
01:24.29hugoi know only mirc scripts, sorry ;p
01:24.50Garoun|Loupanasorry ck, I've been doing documentation all day and force of habit hitting Shift
01:24.54batrickhmm, not sure it would matter but that's probably the problem
01:25.03clad|workit definitely would matter
01:25.12clad|workthe arguments to time() are very specific.
01:25.24clad|worktells all
01:25.26clad|workas usual
01:26.27ckknightclad|work: no, it can't be, to think that there's actually "documentation" for these things? I thought everyone just poked around until it sorta worked
01:26.27Nom-Oh dear god:
01:26.28batrickthat was it, thanks cladhaire
01:26.40Nom-It would take an american to come up with that
01:28.48Nom-.Cheeseburger doughnuts. The Gateway Grizzlies, an independent baseball league team in Sauget, Ill., started selling "Baseball's Best Burger" this month: a $4.50 cheeseburger with two strips of bacon grilled between a sliced Krispy Kreme doughnut. (The glazed sides are flipped to the inside for less mess.)
01:28.56Nom-That is so wrong on so many levels...
01:32.23*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (i=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
01:32.23*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower] by ChanServ
01:32.33hugohow long is maintenace ? ;o
01:32.47Nom-You mean the servers are still down??
01:33.00Nom-They should have been up like hours ago
01:33.05hugoim eu
01:33.08Nom-Or are you in European realms?
01:33.20Nom-well it was 3:00am to 11:00am for US Realms
01:33.23hugoits 30min now since shutdown
01:33.25Nom-It's patch day...
01:33.30hugooh noes
01:33.43hugoi wanted test many addons
01:33.49hugonow i forgot witch one till tomorrow
01:33.53hugoand will load all of them ;o
01:34.21Nom-They've now fixed the "bug" which allows you free hearths
01:34.28Nom-About time, I guess
01:34.38hugofree what ? ;o
01:34.48Shirikthe unstuck feature
01:34.55hugono way;(
01:35.00hugoi used it so much on alts
01:35.00Nom-You could use the customer service auto-unstuck for a free hearth every 5 minutes
01:35.25hugoatleast shaman don't need it, astral recall is best ;)
01:35.42Nom-Yeah, but 30 mins vs 5 mins...
01:35.47subbawti was using it ALL the time
01:35.54subbawtto monopolize all the black lotus spawns
01:35.56zenzelezzI hated that exploit
01:36.03Nom-I used it a grand total of 4(?) times'
01:36.04hugohmm not much changes
01:36.12zenzelezzdoes that fix affect the instance hearth?
01:36.16hugoastral recall is 15min
01:36.17Nom-And one of those was because I was legitimately stuck
01:36.27Nom-zenzelezz: Not likely
01:36.35Bleeteri get the feeling it was more to adress the OSX OGL than the other stuff... easy backportable fixes from 2.1.0 probably
01:36.50hugoshaman is best at transporting now with hs to shattrath and epic flyer ;d
01:37.12subbawti don't know.. mages can port to shattrath any time they like
01:37.13zenzelezzall this talk of easy transportation makes me miss my fixer back in Anarchy Online
01:37.20Nom-Yeah, I get my alts summoned to Shattrath now
01:37.27Nom-So much easier to travel anywhere
01:37.41Nom-My mage is the only one who doesn't, because he can teleport there instead
01:37.46hugowell mage is mage, i dont count mages into transporting ;]
01:37.48hugothey cheat
01:37.59hugobut still a shaman with 15min hs cooldown is cool
01:38.31hugoand yes all my alts in shattrath saved too :D
01:39.00hugoonly bad is when i came with my 52priest to learn primal mooncloth specialization
01:39.08hugoand then figured out i need to be 60 :Ox
01:39.10zenzelezzAtiesh? Oh, no problem... farm Naxxramas for a bunch of weeks for the splinters, take down C'thun and Kel'Thuzad... surely worth the effort...
01:39.35Nom-zenzelezz: Given we're going to farm Naxx anyway
01:39.45hugomust be pretty easy now
01:39.46zenzelezzwhy would you do that?
01:39.49Nom-Well we're at least going to give it a few weeks to experience to content and build some teamwork
01:39.57hugoi've seen an orgrimmar "pickup" raid to kill 6bosses ;d
01:39.59Nom-zenzelezz: Because Naxx gear is at least as good as level 70 blues
01:40.22Nom-I'm actually tempted to take my mage in there
01:40.33Nom-Would make levelling so much easier
01:40.39Nom-(I'll get him to 70 one day)
01:40.48zenzelezzI can't speak for other classes, but my warrior replaced lots of stuff
01:40.59hugowell gear is fun in bc
01:41.05Nom-Yeah, warrior you would probably replace a lot
01:41.10hugofor example shadow priest, most his endgame equip is from tailoring
01:41.15Nom-But cloth, leather and mail....they can get a LOT from Naxx
01:41.21hugoand not better armor in 25man raid
01:41.36Nom-If you're going to farm Primal Nether, sure that's probably going to get you better gear
01:41.38zenzelezzI dislike the loot tables for Kharazan :-| Just doesn't feel worth it to go there, except for one or two items
01:41.42Nom-But I said level 70 BLUES
01:41.46Nom-Not fukn epix
01:42.02hugoslave pens or underbog is easy for anyone
01:42.07Nom-Besides, it's content our guild has never attempted
01:42.11Nom-So it'll be nice to give it a go
01:42.12hugotailoring is too unbalanced
01:42.14hugotoo good
01:42.27hugoyeah naxx is fun
01:42.53hugowe got now opened both serpenthise and tempest keep so we got our fun now ;s
01:43.14zenzelezzis the loot in those actually worth the effort?
01:43.17hugoi just don't like the enouncter like phoenix god, geting new resist equips again
01:43.32hugoi don't like resist sets, take space in bank, it's bad
01:43.38zenzelezzhad plenty of guildies lol at the T4, rather keeping their other items
01:43.54hugothey should atleast add resist set slots to character screen so you dont have to keep them in bank/inventory
01:44.09hugojust switch like sets 1-4 on the flay
01:44.28hugowell the loot in these is tier5
01:44.34ShadowedAt least they learned from MC, BWL and AQ40 that people don't like farming for stupidly hard to obtain resist items
01:44.48zenzelezztrue Shadowed
01:45.06hugoyeah now you rather farm 100badges from heroic instances to buy fire resist equip
01:45.17zenzelezzwhy? The crafted Aldor is decent enough
01:45.18ShadowedI'd rather farm an instance thats relative to my level then hoping cores drop, or farming maraudon
01:45.32Shadowedand you can get crafted FR, the heroic token ones is just better last I checked
01:45.55hugowe got it as must
01:46.01hugoeveryone must buy better
01:46.15zenzelezzbetter than the crafted?
01:46.40hugothis encounter is only good for mages
01:46.41zenzelezzwell, I can see the point, but I'd rather miss out on content than stay with a guild with those rules
01:46.46Nom-T4 is good for Paladins :)
01:46.49hugowho has the resist talent in arcane, must be fund :D
01:46.50ShadowedRight but
01:46.55Nom-Mainly coz we don't have T1-3 to fall back on :P
01:46.57hugofull mana
01:46.59Shadowedyou aren't *required* to get the heroic items and you can always get the crafted
01:47.09Nom-In fact, almost all Hybrids benefit from T4
01:47.19Nom-Previously all the Tier sets were healing only
01:47.22Nom-Now there's actually a choice :)
01:47.30Shadoweds/*required*/required by the game/
01:47.36hugonot true, melee shaman tier4 is useless
01:47.44hugothe blue set from 5man is way, way better
01:47.51Nom-I doubt it's useless
01:48.05hugoyou really have the rights to doubt :)
01:48.22Nom-You a horde shaman?
01:48.39hugoi got the blue set, i got also all mail drops from karazham, and i know t4
01:48.54hugoand the blue set is better then both, karaham epic, and tier4
01:48.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
01:49.04hugoonly think i miss is chest from nightbane that one i take ;o
01:49.12hugoyes Nom-
01:49.37Nom-The T4 set looks good to me...
01:49.42hugobut for resto the tier4 is good
01:49.43Nom-Got all the right stats in the right places
01:49.54hugofor melee shaman ?
01:49.57hugonot really ;]
01:50.27hugohere, compare it
01:50.54hugotry compare the gloves, and legs
01:50.57hugowith tier4
01:51.00kneeki|atworkhugo: what's the most important melee stat for a dual weilder? ;)
01:51.18hugostr, (atackpower) and then crit
01:51.27hugoconsider that you got round 170hit that's fine
01:51.28ckknight <--- Australia
01:52.10hugojust two items of this set add 35hit, and the stats way better then tier4 ;]
01:52.33hugoyou need str/ap +crit/+hit and stamina
01:52.56kergothwhats the minimum hit rating necessary for a dw shaman at 70, before pushing more toward other attributes?  mine is at 65, still working on it :)
01:52.59ckknightwatch my youtube video
01:53.02ckknightit's funny
01:53.03Nom-well desolation has no str at all
01:53.06ckknightat least it's supposed to be
01:53.25hugokergoth mine;s 170 i was trying with 143 but 170way better
01:53.27kneeki|atworkIs that you ckk?
01:53.39hugowith 65 you hit nothing much to a 73
01:53.55kneeki|atworkI imagined you much older
01:54.00kneeki|atworkmuch much much older
01:54.05hugoNom- str and ap is the same, 1str = 2ap
01:54.20ckknightI'm 19
01:54.20hugolet me go watch ;o
01:54.39ckknightit's satire
01:54.45Nom-so T4 has more AP
01:54.46kneeki|atworklol yeah. its pretty funny =)
01:54.52ckknightI have another video as well,
01:55.01Nom-more agility, more stamina, 4 less intellect
01:55.02kneeki|atworkAustria. haha
01:55.04ckknightI'm releasing one a week
01:55.24Nom-it has spell power to help with your shocks etc
01:55.34Nom-I don't see how Desolation is better in any way
01:55.48hugono you really dont ;)
01:55.59hugoshock is 15%dps
01:56.03hugomelee is 85%
01:56.38hugoim really tired  to tell u all by detail
01:56.44hugoif you can't compare by you selft
01:56.49Nom-sorry, but at the end of the day, the T4 set beats it :)
01:56.57kneeki|atworkI agree with Nom-
01:57.01hugothe t4 is way worse
01:57.11zenzelezzit's a matter of opinion, everyone is right/wrong
01:57.24ckknightexcept you
01:57.28hugofor first it's 1) math
01:57.29Nom-T4 is *slightly* (very slightly) more general purpose
01:57.33hugothat's a fact
01:57.38hugothere no opinion
01:57.39zenzelezzcorrect ck, I exist on a higher plane
01:57.39hugojust math
01:57.42Nom-at the end of the day it's a better overall set
01:57.44kneeki|atworkzenzelezz: opinion's can be wrong
01:57.58hugoit aint better ;D
01:58.07hugoand overall its much worst
01:58.11zenzelezzactions can be wrong, but opinions can't
01:58.23Nom-as far as I can see, the only differnece between those two sets as far as melee skills is that the dungeon set has more +hit and +crit
01:58.45Nom-That's what gems, enchants and the REST of your gear is for
01:59.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:59.15hugothats whar the armor stats + gems are for
01:59.17kneeki|atworkzenzelezz, it's my opinion that north america is actually below the equator, and the earth rotates the moon due to the moon being smaller, therefor having a more condensed and higher concentration of gravity. Is my opinion right or wrong?
01:59.23hugootherwise you gimp your damage way down
01:59.45ShirikTechnically, kneeki|atwork, that is correct
01:59.46zenzelezzkneeki|atwork: no, it isn't right or wrong
01:59.55ShirikIt's dependent upon your frame of reference
02:00.04Corrodiasthat's not an opinion
02:00.07ShirikFrom the frame of reference of the moon, the earth does indeed revolve around the moon
02:00.19ShirikFrom the frame of reference of australia, North America is indeed below the equator
02:00.41kneeki|atworknot exactly what I was trying to prove
02:00.45kneeki|atworkbut ok
02:00.46Calmcacilmmmm... talking about nerfing heartstone >:
02:00.55ShirikGeneral relativity :)
02:00.59Shirik<3 Physics
02:01.04kneeki|atworkIt's my opinion that opinions can be wrong. ;)
02:01.25hugook gauntlets, 48ap 16hit 22sta, blue ones 64ap 17crit 25sta
02:01.30hugook this was just gauntlets
02:01.37hugonow i can continue with all other pieces
02:02.10hugoand it's blue gear from5man dung ;d
02:02.36kneeki|atworkhugo, if your so convinced that blue is better, then don't roll/bid on tier 4?
02:03.49hugolook Nom- you can hate me or whatever, im not talking here about whats better, im just telling you as fact, cause i calculated all diff armors, and all dw shamans on US forums all same results as me (the ones that has same access to items like me) only the 2 remaining 25man dungeons are mystyery now, all other discovered
02:04.11hugokneeki|atwork i really dont bid on tier4 our two resto shamans has t4
02:04.19hugocause its useless for me
02:04.40hugogot blue set and wist/wrist/boots from karazham (epic)
02:06.58hugoenought talk of shaman, it always tires me ;D
02:06.58hugolets talk bout ckknight movie ;p
02:06.58hugoi suck at listening to english tho :(
02:07.00kneeki|atworkSo does jesus
02:07.01hugoi dont get it with the picture ;o
02:07.01hugofruits, vegetables etc ;o
02:07.39kneeki|atworkWell, i prayed for many things growing up, and never got any of them. So, I came to the conclusion that Jesus doesn't speak english, which solves all my problems.
02:08.04kneeki|atworkwell, solves isn't the right word.
02:08.11hugoi spea only Czech, English i can only read/write as i learned from internet ;o
02:08.29kneeki|atworkgood ole internet
02:08.38hugoyeah :D
02:08.38kneeki|atworkChech = russian?
02:08.43kneeki|atworkerr, Czech
02:08.49hugorussian is russian
02:08.56hugoCzech = Czech
02:09.03kneeki|atworkthanks for clarifying
02:09.11zenzelezzit is a common misconception that all former Soviet countries speak Russian
02:09.14hugoit was Czechoslovakia in old days
02:09.19hugosplit in two, Czech and Slovak
02:09.28ckknighthugo: do you not have the food pyramid in the Czech. Republic?
02:09.28Nom-ckknight: Is that video you?
02:09.34ckknightyes, Nom-
02:09.41hugono pyramid here ;o
02:09.43kneeki|atworkNom-, I said the same thing
02:09.48kneeki|atworksaid = asked
02:09.50ckknighthugo: it's a pretty standard pop culture reference in America
02:09.51*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
02:09.56zenzelezzckknight: the food pyramid is something you learn in what, fifth grade, and forget by the sixth :-o
02:10.02ckknighthugo: has all the parts you're supposed to eat
02:10.04Nom-lol ckknight
02:10.11Nom-I assume these are meant to be humerous :D
02:10.16ckknightzenzelezz: true, and manipulated by the dairy industry up the wazoo
02:10.19ckknightNom-: yes,
02:10.20ckknightthey are.
02:10.22hugowe dont have pyramid :P
02:10.30zenzelezz"Cows have only been domesticated for 8000 years"
02:10.44hugobut we do got mcdonalds and kfc
02:10.46kneeki|atworkhow did the human race survive w/o cows?
02:10.59zenzelezzno-one recognize the line?
02:11.06kneeki|atwork... what did cows even do before we started eating them?
02:11.17hugothey we're gods
02:11.19ckknightkneeki|atwork: they were called buffalo
02:11.22kneeki|atworkstupid cows, they all deserve to be eaten
02:11.47hugoand one day, someone killed and eated the cow's god
02:11.52hugoso they start to eat them all
02:12.09kneeki|atworkfor some reason ( i dont know why ) when i see a hunting show on TV, i hope that the hunters get beat by the bear they have been stalking all day
02:12.40kneeki|atworklike, bow or gun hunting especially
02:12.46hugotry to kill a black rabbit
02:12.49kneeki|atworki really want those people to get injured some way fierce
02:12.57hugoanyone played Asheron's Call ? :P level 666 rabbit
02:13.01kneeki|atworkhugo, try to catch the white rabbit
02:13.03zenzelezzwith sharp pointy teeth :-K
02:13.05Nom-ckknight: Is that your actual accent, or putting it on?
02:13.22ckknightputting it on, I speak like a Midwesterner
02:13.41Nom-k, i dunno how a midwesterner speaks, but kk :)
02:13.52hugofor me its just english
02:13.55hugoeasy ;o
02:13.59Nom-Coz it did sound like you were trying a bit hard ^_^
02:14.12kneeki|atworkckknight doesn't try. He does.
02:14.14Nom-brb getting coffee
02:14.21hugobtw do UK speak diff then US ?
02:14.24hugoor they speak same
02:14.35kneeki|atworkno idea
02:14.36hugothey both same english arent they
02:14.41kneeki|atworki think so
02:14.44zenzelezzAmerican is American
02:14.52hugoits still english
02:14.53zenzelezzthey have things like aluminum and nucular
02:14.56hugoi dont see a diff ;o
02:15.09hugoatleast all subtitles same
02:15.21kneeki|atworkits all jibberish to me
02:15.27kneeki|atworkstupid jibba jabba
02:15.42hugowho seen the movie: hills have eyes
02:15.47hugoreminds me of what zenzelezz said
02:16.10kneeki|atworkHills have eyes = hilarious
02:16.19ckknightno way, UK is totally different than US
02:16.21hugothere was pretty much craters from nuclear testing
02:16.25ckknightthey have their own dialect
02:16.44hugolike what
02:16.50hugothey write same but speak diff you mean
02:16.56zenzelezzmostly, yes
02:16.57Temwait wait
02:17.01Temyou can't tell the difference?
02:17.02hugoi see
02:17.05zenzelezzthere are some words that are different
02:17.12hugoyou can't write different prolly
02:17.13TemI've been wonding about this
02:17.17ckknightBritons add extra 'u's to words
02:17.18zenzelezzwhat was that old joke, let me find it...
02:17.27ckknightcolour vs. color
02:17.35Temcan you not hear the difference in accent if you don't speak english?
02:17.37kneeki|atworkcolor =~ colour?
02:17.39zenzelezz"Americans have different ways of saying things. They say 'elevator', we say 'lift'... they say 'President', we say 'stupid psychopathic git'..."
02:17.58ckknightkneeki|atwork: colour is British English, color is American English
02:18.00kneeki|atworkColor (or colour, see spelling differences) is the visual perceptual property corresponding in humans to the categories called red, yellow, white, etc.
02:18.16hugofor me color = barva
02:18.18kneeki|atworkAh, like ebonics but British style
02:18.49kneeki|atworkit would be nice if the whole world spoke the same language
02:18.55hugoand do you say like good day , or you just say hello to everyone
02:18.56ckknightAfrican-American Vernacular English, thank you.
02:19.12hugowe say hello - cau to peeps we know good and, good day - dobry den to peeps we dont know ;o
02:19.12Bleeterthen there's the whole tought/teached stuff
02:19.14ckknighthugo: hello or hey is the typical Northern US greeting
02:19.15kneeki|atworkhugo, i say move and shaddup
02:19.32hugoso u say hello even to someone u dont know
02:19.38hugoor i older then u
02:19.42Shirik"yo sup my homie g"
02:19.45Shirikthat's northern us
02:20.20Shirikspecifically new england
02:20.20hugothats black
02:20.20kneeki|atworkwe say hello to any/everyone, regardless of sex/race
02:20.20zenzelezzbe careful about saying "good day" to English-speakers
02:20.20zenzelezzit has a quite different meaning than you might expect
02:20.21kneeki|atworkgood day = insult.
02:20.21Shirikgood day = bad day?
02:20.23kneeki|atworkat least it should be...
02:20.23hugohaha no way
02:20.25Bleeterparticularly if you're a seppo trying to say it to an aussie =)
02:20.30zenzelezzit's true hugo
02:20.35Bleeter'coz 99.9% of the time, they fail
02:20.40Temlook up Singrish
02:20.44kneeki|atworksarcasm is rampant in america =(
02:20.47ShirikWhy would "good day" be an insult?
02:20.50Temnow that's some funny engrish
02:20.56hugowoot, downloading upgrade
02:21.03zenzelezzShirik: cultural evolution, whatever... it just is
02:21.05kneeki|atworkShirik, i said it should be an insult. to make my day more interesting
02:21.12hugobtw Shirik i know black language from GTA ;p
02:21.13BleeterShirik: same reason 'man, that's bad' meaning 'wow, awesomely cool'
02:21.16zenzelezzit's the thing you say before you slam the door in someone's face, or similar
02:21.19hugoya now homie
02:21.21Mr_Rabies2beep boop i am a robot
02:21.22Shirikso many beeps and yellow text ><
02:21.24Temit's not always an insult, but it can easily be used when blowing someone off
02:21.29kneeki|atworkba beep beep?
02:21.34kneeki|atworkbeep beep ima jeep
02:21.50hugoyou now what im sayin' homie?
02:22.20Shirikoh I get it now
02:22.26Shiriklike in willy wonka
02:22.28Shirikat the end
02:22.36Shirikhe says "Good day, sir!"
02:22.41kneeki|atworkThat man liked to be around little boys
02:23.14kneeki|atwork... jeez I need coffee... I'm saying some stupid shit
02:23.25hugoim geting upgrade :P
02:23.50hugowee download complete
02:23.53Calmcaciloh the new patch being implemented?
02:23.54kneeki|atworkI thought it was 2.1.0 was the next patch
02:24.04Gngskit's a bugfix patch
02:24.12kneeki|atworklink patch notes?
02:24.14hugoyeah atleast on eu
02:24.21zenzelezzkneeki|atwork: go to WoWI :-p
02:24.26hugosome Mac fixes, and auto unstuck nerf
02:24.37hugo+35hit and 160ap on hit set bonuses
02:24.44hugowrong clipboard
02:25.09Nom-Good Day has no negative connotations in Australia.
02:25.26Nom-The national greeting is G'day, and guess what it's short for :P
02:25.30ckknightthat's cause it's G'day
02:25.30Calmcacilwow europe is in ext. maint.
02:25.35Bleeter'cept identifying the speaker as a foreigner ;)
02:25.47Bleeterthusly a target of much amusement
02:25.47hugohmm but realms still down ;(
02:25.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Thorarin (
02:26.07hugoi wil be forced to go sleep ;o
02:26.21Nom-They're going to be down for like 8 hours, hugo
02:26.31Nom-It's extended maintance for patch day
02:26.34hugoi go to work in 8
02:26.59kneeki|atworkOh wow
02:27.03kneeki|atworkCarieen is quitting?
02:27.11kneeki|atworkI should scroll down more often -_-
02:27.34zenzelezzthe Jack Thompson part didn't sound fishy either?
02:27.47kneeki|atworkoh damnit
02:27.53kneeki|atworkyeah, i just read the whole thing
02:28.03kneeki|atworkCairenn, that was cruel
02:28.16zenzelezzfor what it's worth, Nom- did the same mistake a few hours ago :-p
02:28.18kneeki|atworkI want a signed poster, asap to make up for the distress you just caused me
02:28.18ShirikIt's ok kneeki|atwork
02:28.30ShirikI read it when she didn't say it was april fools
02:28.47ShirikAnd dealt with it for the next 4 hours
02:28.56Shirikuntil someone reminded me during class that it was april fools
02:29.04kneeki|atworkI hate april fools
02:29.04Shirikthen I got on IRC rather irate ><
02:29.06kneeki|atworkso much
02:29.27zenzelezzI make sure not to believe anything posted +/- 12 hours of 1st April
02:29.36hugowhy april is fun
02:29.49kneeki|atworkhugo, april fools kills orphans. Tell your friends
02:30.05hugomy friend did a phone call to girlfriend he won in lottery and she spend halft her monthly fee, it's fun ;p
02:30.12ckknightwe had a fun Ace3 thing for April 1st
02:30.19Shirikah, here's what happened
02:30.23Shirik(16:12:01) ‹Shirik› CAIRENN I HATE YOU
02:30.23Shirik(16:12:03) ‹Shirik› DAMN IT
02:30.23Shirik(16:12:14) ‹Shirik› I just figured out it was April 1st
02:30.33hugooh ace3 giev
02:30.43Shirikso you weren't the only one
02:30.48ckknightlemme get the link
02:30.49hugothe black temple was good joke too
02:30.54kneeki|atworklol aye
02:30.54Shirikit was
02:30.55Cairennactually, I really got people because I (very deliberately) posted it on March 31
02:30.59zenzelezzshould've rather said you were merging with Cosmos or something
02:31.26kneeki|atworkmmk, I'm gonna head home. See ya'll later!
02:31.30zenzelezzCairenn: thus my +/- 12 hours suspiciousness, people like to do that these days
02:31.37hugolater kneki
02:31.39*** part/#wowi-lounge kneeki|atwork (n=kneeki|
02:31.40Mr_Rabies2i still stick with cair should have changed her n\ame to JackThompson :p
02:31.44CairennCtacemos is old news
02:31.51zenzelezzthat said, I still had to read until the Jack Thompson part before I really got it
02:32.24zenzelezzCosmace would sound better
02:32.27zenzelezzevery paladin would want one
02:34.03Shadowedckknight: Wont Ace3 be horribly bloated?
02:34.18Shadowed(just from what i read on the wowace wiki page)
02:34.31Tem[APRIL FOOLS]
02:34.39hugogg Shadowed
02:34.54Shadowedthat makes more sense >_>
02:34.57Shadowedskimming = bad
02:35.12*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
02:35.17zenzelezzwe've only been talking about April Fools for the last 15 minutes, easy to forget
02:35.45ShadowedIt is when you're not paying much attention and playing WoW :p
02:37.45Nom-Windows Vista arrives today ^_^
02:37.52Nom-Along with an extra 1GB RAM ^_^
02:38.17ShadowedAlso question regarding the TOS and mods with external files
02:39.02ShadowedAs long as we don't modify something regarding how the player interacts with the game, like a speed hack is it fine? eg making something that reads from SavedVariables, requests data from a site and then saves it to Interface/Addons/Data.lua to be loaded into the game at /console reloadui
02:39.10Shadowed(I assume it is, but checking)
02:40.25Shadowedalright good
02:42.37Nom-a /console reloadui overwrites all saved data files as far as i've seen
02:42.53ShadowedRead data from SavedVariabels, save data to AddOns/Data.lua
02:42.54Nom-So if you modify them while the game is running it'll overwrite them when you /reloadui
02:43.10Nom-oh, rite
02:43.13Nom-Yeah, fair enough
02:44.25sysrageok it seems there's quite a few enchant search mods.. enchantbot, enchantlist.. any suggestions?
02:48.35sysragethey are mods so ppl can whisper me and find out what enchants i have
02:48.48sysrageand i don't have to waste tons of time looking them up to tell mats to guildies
02:49.23hugocyCircled is ace right ?
02:50.56hugoi can't see it in wowaceupdater
02:51.09hugobut i can see it in
02:51.13Nom-sysrage: I'm pretty sure there is...there's one for gems for sure
02:51.19hugowitch indexes ?
02:52.19hugockknight it looks to me that list of addons in wowaceupdater is different then ?
02:52.28ckknightI don't use wowaceupdater
02:52.46hugoi do all time ;D
02:52.57hugonow i found out the lists are not same
02:53.04hugoi tought it uses
02:53.18sysragenom: i know there is. was just wondering if anybody wanted to suggest a particular one.. 2 i'm seeing so far enchantbot and enchantlist..
02:53.22ckknightit should
02:53.45hugodont see cycircled there tho ;o
02:53.50sysrageWoW UI Updater FTW
02:54.05hugowait i just found it, its just not under C
02:54.13hugoits almost at end
02:54.46hugook found the prob :D
02:55.07hugoit's the seting view - show groups makes it lil unsorted , i unchecked it now its A-Z all
02:56.01hugowell goin sleep, good night :o
03:23.54Nom-Anyone here play the piano (or electronic keyboard) ?
03:24.07Shirika long time ag
03:24.15Nom-Same lol
03:24.19Nom-I'm considering taking it up again
03:24.40Nom-I can't afford to get a proper piano (in neither room nor cost)
03:24.52ShirikI know what you mean
03:25.00Calmcacilhows that for a feral build ?
03:25.14Nom-So i'm thinking an electronic keyboard, just wondering if there's any decent ones in the sub-$300 range
03:25.20Nom-(Looking at eBay now)
03:25.26*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (i=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
03:25.26*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower] by ChanServ
03:25.34Shirikactually, they're not bad these days
03:26.20Nom-Calmcacil: Planning to tank at all
03:26.28Calmcacilnot too much why?
03:26.42Nom-If you want to do any PvE tanking, you want "Survival of the Fittest"
03:27.08Nom-That saves you needing to get 3% worth of crit defense
03:27.21Nom-ie. You only need 415 defense to be crit immune instead of 490
03:27.50Calmcacilthats better then?
03:28.43Nom-Yeah, that's a bit more sensible imho
03:29.18Nom-Feral Druids are such awesome PvE're crazy not to get it :)
03:29.32Calmcacilso ive heard
03:29.41Calmcacilstill need alot of lvlup's
03:29.48Nom-Well you need 415 defense to be crit immune in that build
03:29.50*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
03:29.54Nom-That's pretty easy to get in leather
03:30.20Nom-A lot easier than trying to get 490, that's for sure ^_^
03:31.01Calmcacilwell im only lvl 51 yet
03:31.20Nom-One day i'll actually level my druid ^_^
03:31.33Nom-Not today though, i'll be spending all night installing Windows Vista XD
03:31.39Calmcacili've been lvling alot lately
03:31.53Calmcacilso what do you advice?
03:31.58Calmcacilgetting maxed on feral first
03:32.02Calmcacilor getting furor?
03:32.18Nom-omen of clarity boosts your burst dps a bit
03:32.20Nom-so *shrug*
03:32.41Nom-I'd get the important feral stuff
03:32.56Calmcacilso survival of the fittest first then furor?
03:32.57Nom-Then go down resto and finish of feral in the higher levels
03:33.16Nom-well depends if you're going to tank...if you don't want to tank high level instances right away, then leave it for last
03:33.40Calmcacilwell i dont mind tanking
03:33.46Nom-You should pick up the 41 point talent in Feral
03:33.51Nom-Mangle is useful boost in DPS
03:33.58Calmcacilmangle owns
03:34.16Calmcacili use that instead of claw now :)
03:34.24Nom-but you could leave a few points off some of the other skills and come back to them, because they're mainly PvP or PvE tanking
03:34.54Calmcacilcurrent build
03:36.03Nom-yea so stick with that
03:36.07Nom-and just pick up the resto skills
03:36.19Nom-and get the remaining feral stuff once you've got resto done
03:36.30Calmcacilokay :)
03:37.25Calmcacilsure sounds like a plan
03:37.37Nom-hmm just trying to recall how many octaves on a standard piano
03:37.40Nom-it's been *that* long
03:39.01Nom-This one only has 4...i'm sure you get 6+ on a standard piano
03:39.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Karrion (
03:41.28Nom-Cairenn: There?
03:41.42Nom-You use MaazzleUI, yes?
03:41.53Nom-Oh, you're just a fan club member? :P
03:42.03JoshBorkeCairenn: you use guildbook don't you :-P  don't lie :-P
03:42.21JoshBorkeyou're 123 of those downloads aren't you :_P  boosting my numbers :-d
03:42.24CairennNom-: what makes you say that?
03:42.35zenzelezzCairenn probably just uses the default UI
03:42.39Nom-Cairenn: You're in the MazzleUI Beta group according to your profile...
03:43.14JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn
03:43.18purlACTION sneaks up on Cairenn and suddenly hugs Cairenn tightly
03:43.28JoshBorkeCairenn: what mods DO you use :-D
03:44.20Nom-Anyone in here use it?
03:44.34Nom-Was just wondering if it works ok on non-widescreen displays :)
03:44.50JoshBorkenom:  yes, it does
03:45.05*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK (i=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
03:45.05*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower|AFK] by ChanServ
03:45.20Nom-hmm might give it a go
03:47.25CairennNom-: I run on the site ... I'm in *every* beta group on there :p
03:47.40Cairennand yes, it was actually originally designed specifically for wide screen
03:47.55CairennJoshBorke: you know damn well I won't answer that :p
03:48.07JoshBorkenom:  i tried it on non-widescreen at least, never stuck with it though
03:48.13JoshBorkepurl, seduce Cairenn
03:48.31JoshBorkei have cute kitties
03:49.01Nom-lol, very secretive, aren't your Cairenn ?
03:49.22Cairennprevents accusations of favouritism
03:49.34JoshBorkei bet cair plays with UIParent hidden
03:53.29Nom-this company is whacked
03:53.45Nom-There's a guy who quit here 3 months ago
03:53.51Nom-He just started here as a contractor 2 weeks ago
03:54.12Nom-Actually, would have been 2 months ago...he was gone all of like 4 or 6 weeks
03:54.33zenzelezzsome bank(s?) over here had to hire a bunch of 50-60 year old people to redo their computer system not long ago... since no-one younger were able to read the COBOL and Fortran
03:55.19JoshBorkeit's a serious problem
03:55.23JoshBorkei think
03:56.06Nom-We have a system here which is using COBOL
03:56.16Nom-The network guys who maintain it hate it with a passion
04:02.56cybaneI have screen -r 'd bask in my glory
04:09.57Calmcacilhmmm, know of any wow ui packs that only work on improving the official instaed of 100% customisation?
04:12.06Nom-Calmcacil: Generally there aren't any because the official UI sucks :)
04:12.18ShadowedCan't stand anything except the default UI :p
04:12.20Calmcacili think all the customs looks too... complex >:
04:12.33Calmcacili agree with Shadowed
04:12.40Shadowedrather just use mods that add something but changing the entire look is more then i need
04:13.34Calmcacilthe only thing i dislike is the chat windows <:
04:13.39Calmcaciltoo boring for my liking
04:15.24Calmcacilso thats why i need something new
04:22.07Nom-omg...nicest fruit juice ever
04:22.55*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
04:23.27cybaneAll I know is that I have stopped using WoWAce mods
04:23.51Nom-I don't mind WoWAce mods
04:23.58Nom-There's some damn useful mods based on Ace
04:24.04cybaneSomething about the WoWAce mods cripple my system
04:24.24cybaneI have been having framerate issues but then I removed them all and they are gone
04:24.38cybaneAce is great just not for my system
04:24.53cybanePlus, there are alternatives that do not cripple my framerate
04:26.10ZealotOnAStickcybane, you're probably generalizing a lot there.  It's likely some single specific mod that was at fault, and you're attributing that to the entire framework there.
04:27.44Calmcaciloh btw
04:27.54Calmcacilanyone have any idea why blizzard breaks my simple chat ?
04:28.29Calmcacil(interface config set to simple chat)
04:28.42Calmcacilshapeshift icons overlaps the chat window
04:35.46*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
04:37.24Calmcacilah crap
04:37.33Calmcacilmorning already
04:37.40Calmcaciland i spent all night ranting on wow europe forums T_T
04:37.59CalmcacilAll hail my realm :)
04:38.42Calmcacilthats how we RP'ers do BG's
04:39.37Calmcacil(yes we are crazy)
04:43.42ckknightI like RP realms
04:43.53ckknightI'm playing on a normal one now cause my brother and sister-in-law are on it
04:44.20Calmcacilwow wil lbe up in about 4 hours
04:44.24Calmcacilill be up in like 8
04:44.31Calmcacilthen i need to go to some instance and grab some epxi
04:48.27cybaneI do not know but when I play on a normal server I feel soo so soo dirty
04:48.47ckknighthow come?
04:49.21cybaneI think people should be only limited to one faction no matter their server type
04:50.07ckknightwhy's that?
04:50.37Corrodiasbecause cybane doesn't like it
04:50.41Corrodiasall hail! ;)
04:50.41Nom-kik Calmcacil
04:50.47cybaneWhy have two sides if you can play both
04:50.48Nom-lol Calmcacil
04:50.52Nom-That was a quality premade
04:51.12cybaneI play on PVP servers anyway
04:51.35*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
04:51.55Nom-we should just do that in AV as horde
04:51.59Nom-It's not like we win anyway
04:52.18Nom-love the preist
04:52.26Nom-OMG 34 CRIT!
04:54.13cybaneSo yeah I tried tanking today for the first time since I started playiong my War again
04:54.29cybaneWow do I feel like I have to go back to Wailing Caverns
04:54.37cybaneSome reason I could not hold aggro at all
04:56.23*** join/#wowi-lounge JunkHead-Work (
04:56.36Nom-cybane: Class?
04:56.46JunkHead-WorkLoads of it!
04:57.02Nom-cybane: Level & Spec ?
04:57.17cybane60 doing Ramparts with Fury spec
04:57.37Nom-hmm odd
04:57.47Nom-You just started in HFP ?
04:57.55Nom-What levels were the rest of the group?
04:57.58cybaneIt felt like everyone just ripped aggro away from me
04:58.16cybaneA paladin pulled aggro from me /kicks dirt
04:58.39cybane60-62 throughout the group
04:58.53Nom-A Paladin with Rightous Fury can easily pull aggro from a non-protection warrior :/
04:58.56cybaneI think it had something to do with the fact the first guys feared the crap out of me
04:59.05Corrodiasyeah, well, i say there should be only pve servers
04:59.12Corrodiasthis won't hurt me because only play pve anyway ;P
04:59.17cybaneand the priest did nothing but mindblast
04:59.17Nom-cybane: You might find that the other guys had geared up
04:59.28cybaneDamn carebears
04:59.38Nom-cybane: Within the first 2-3 levels in Outland you gear up to equivilent or better than T2
04:59.42cybaneYeah I know but they asked me to come so I was like sure
05:00.20Nom-So unless you're a T2/T3 warrior, then you have a rough time holding aggro against players higher level than you
05:00.40Nom-That's where the extra threat from Prot spec comes in handy
05:01.44cybaneI was thinking about telling them umm guys I do not have TF you might need to FF on my guy and you know let me establish aggro first
05:02.06CorrodiasTF, hmm
05:02.15Corrodiasthunderfury? and is FF faerie fire?
05:02.20Nom-Yeah, you really need TF to get away with tanking for better geared players
05:02.27Corrodiasjust... you know, those acronyms would be lost on me
05:04.19cybaneff = focus fire
05:04.46cybaneNo you need TF to tank with PUGs lol
05:04.56Nom-aoe aggro is really tough too, yeah
05:05.05Nom-I want a TF for my prot pally now :(
05:05.27cybaneHoly crap a prot war specced right hardly uses any rage
05:05.48Corrodiasso what's TF?
05:05.49cybaneheroic strike reduced by 6 rage
05:05.56Nom-Corrodias: Thunderfury
05:06.13Corrodiaswait, that's the old sword
05:06.13Corrodiasi was joking
05:06.19Nom-Corrodias: Even post-nerf it generates more threat than any other tanking weapon in the game
05:06.35Nom-Corrodias: Especially AoE aggro
05:06.45cybanePlus, you can Thunder Clap too
05:07.01Nom-Chance on hit: Blasts your enemy with lightning, dealing 300 Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies.  Each jump reduces that victim's Nature resistance by 25. Affects 5 targets. Your primary target is also consumed by a cyclone, slowing its attack speed by 20% for 12 sec.
05:07.07cybaneso I do not see how how TC replaces TF unless TC would be changed to become a proc for weapons lost me now?  TC?
05:07.51cybaneThunder Clap
05:07.57Nom-o ryt
05:08.16Corrodiasif anything it would just complement it
05:08.18Thunder_Childit's a damn good thing i dont ding for TC or thunder
05:08.29Nom-Yeah, thunderclap won't be enough to offset healing aggro tho
05:08.30Nom-TF is
05:08.37Bleeterlol Thunder_Child
05:08.52Thunder_Childthat on the other hand i do
05:08.56cybaneSee what they could do is not allow the proc to be put on TF
05:09.00Nom-I suppose it *does* depend on how many mobs
05:09.03Bleeterjust testing for you, mate ;)
05:09.07Thunder_Childgee, thanks
05:09.11Nom-Since healing aggro is split between all mobs the tank is tanking
05:09.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (n=jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
05:10.37Nom-After tonight I'm actually going to own the copy of Windows on my gaming machine! :P
05:11.08*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (
05:11.38Nom-It's the only compuer in the house that I don't have a licence for windows
05:11.59Nom-Mainly because I couldn't be arsed getting one until now
05:12.12cybaneHere is what they need to do make Thunder Clap a viable replacement for TF
05:12.28Nom-They did buff the threat, cybane ... it's just they didn't buff it enough
05:12.46Nom-Even on single-target tanking Thunderfury will beat even the level 70 high dps one-hadners
05:12.49Nom-It's insane
05:13.12cybaneThunder Clap: 30 Rage 5 Minute Duration.  Chance on hit the warrior with WTFPWN the mob so hard with the weapon it will stupify it and the other mobs to not attack anyone erlse
05:13.17cybaneThat is the simple way
05:13.41Nom-I've seen two warriors with pretty similar gear, execute down a mob
05:13.47cybaneIMO TF is too strong
05:13.56Nom-and the thunderfury just pwned the threat because of that debuff
05:14.11Nom-as soon as you get a proc or two on that, you make up for anything that got left behind due to damage
05:14.14cybaneNo weapon should have an AOE proc
05:15.06Nom-I wonder how much threat I could generate on undead mobs with a TF :P
05:15.16Nom-I already do about 50% more threat per second than a TF warrior :P
05:15.33Nom-If i'm tanking it of course...holy shield ftw when it comes to threat
05:15.41zenzelezzfor what it's worth; my take on Thunder Clap is that it's not intended much for generating threat, just for debuffing
05:15.57Nom-zenzelezz: It's's intended to get initial aggro threat on aoe groups
05:16.00cybanedebuffs = threat that is how a TF works
05:16.13Nom-zenzelezz: Holding that aggro is the really hard part for warriors
05:16.33Nom-It's actually nice to have a tanking paladin for AoE groups in Karazhan if you've not done that
05:16.52Nom-Consecration + Holy Wrath is enough aggro to hold them all off the clothies
05:16.58zenzelezzif I want initial aggro I'll first try Demoralizing Shout, for the bigger range... it's tiny threat, but if no-one buffs/heals, the mobs will come closer and I can toss a Thunder Clap... but yeah, I know what you mean
05:17.06cybaneI do not think the warrior has enough abilities for tanking multiple mobs
05:17.22Nom-zenzelezz: For AoE clusters, most warriors do a charge+thunderclap
05:17.31zenzelezznone in my guild
05:17.32Nom-zenzelezz: For AoE in heroics, you can't afford the time to not heal
05:17.53zenzelezzI can't say about heroics; I've done one so far and hated it
05:18.00Nom-zenzelezz: Ramparts I bet?
05:18.01zenzelezzonly seemed like the same old, except much higher damage
05:18.10zenzelezzno, Steamvault
05:18.16Nom-No wonder
05:18.28Nom-Go try Slave Pens
05:18.32Nom-It's one of the easiest heroics
05:19.13Nom-Steamvault and the other level 70 instances in heroic mode are what you hit when you're well geared
05:19.25Nom-Mainly because their loot tables are identical except for the last boss
05:19.37zenzelezzI've actually had a break for two weeks, considering if I'm just a little burned out or really tired of raids... grinding heroics for attunement doesn't interest me, Kharazan is fun enough but not *that* fun with the loot
05:19.50Nom-All of the instances with less than level 68 loot have different loot tables in heroic
05:19.59zenzelezzI know
05:20.01Nom-But, Ramparts is one of the hardest heroics as well
05:20.13zenzelezzI've heard the dragon is tough
05:20.16Nom-Unless you have a rogue to stunlock, you need two healers
05:20.33Nom-Not full time, but you need someone who can switch to healing for certain mobs
05:21.11Nom-There's two types of mobs in Heroic Ramparts that can't even be solo healed by a Holy Priest with 1500 +Healing
05:24.30cybaneGrrr I wish I could find a decent 2h axe so I could go back to MS
05:24.49cybaneI really do not see how Bloodthirst can do more dmg than MS
05:25.01zenzelezzwhat level?
05:25.11cybaneI am level 60
05:25.50Nom-Does it have to be an axe
05:25.53Nom-There's a nice polearm from the last boss in Ramparts
05:26.11cybanePolearm or Axe
05:26.18cybaneI perfer Axe Since I am an orc
05:26.43cybaneI still want the Polearm from Rend though
05:27.17Nom-Blood furnace has a 2h axe
05:27.21cybaneYeah I seen that a lot
05:28.02cybaneYeah but for me to get those I have to be decent at tanking which I have to relearn
05:28.32Nom-You could go as DPS
05:29.02Nom-There's quest rewards too, but generally they're for completing dungeons
05:29.20cybaneYeah I know
05:29.24Corrodias"One of the best? At level 70 (hunter) I still use this badboy! I gave it a +25 agi enchant and with that it gives me a whopping 105 atk power."
05:29.26cybaneI saw that
05:29.34Corrodias-- protip: never count your enchantments when trying to compare two weapons to each other
05:29.57Nom-omg i just realised
05:30.11Nom-The fix to cleave went out last night right?
05:30.20cybaneNo clue
05:30.28Corrodiasdidn't see it in the patch notes
05:30.51Nom-hmmm it was *meant* to be in 2.0.12 i thought :(
05:30.52zenzelezzwhat fix to cleave?
05:30.59Nom-Yeah, it's gone *cry*
05:31.42Nom-They were fixing it so it only affects targets in front of the mob, and chains no further than the normal melee range
05:32.09Nom-I saw a blue post for it a few weeks ago
05:32.30cybaneDid it work better or worse than before
05:32.51cybane  I love this spec
05:33.01cybaneI do not know why people are so up in arms about adding flurry
05:34.38cybaneBut a lot of people have a hard on for this build
05:39.34Corrodiasoh no. a rule 34 thread.
05:39.37Corrodiasnot safe for work
05:39.38Corrodiasor for sanity
05:39.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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05:39.54Corrodiasthere's House yaoi in there.
05:40.00Corrodiasand... protoss x zergling
05:43.17*** join/#wowi-lounge JunkHead-Work (
05:46.24MentalPowergnight guys
05:47.17cybanePeeps own
05:54.35AnduinLotharLightwarden's Girdle is mine :)
05:55.55AnduinLotharonyl took a night of play, the hardest part was gettign a grp for the last part. but we found 4 pallies was enough to exorcize the demon down
06:07.28*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
06:09.34AnduinLotharthere we go. 500 def in holy spec, lol
06:09.51AnduinLotharwtb stam
06:10.57*** join/#wowi-lounge ArthurBrazil (
06:15.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Jumpy (
06:16.13cybaneI have always wondered what is the obession Paladins have with wanting to tank?
06:16.33cybaneNo matter what game it is Paladins always want to tank
06:16.36AnduinLotharit used to be harder
06:16.52AnduinLotharbut now it's quite viable
06:17.16ArthurBrazilanyone konw the ace site that lists all the addons in text?
06:18.15ArthurBrazilnevermind, founf it:
06:20.14Nom-Paladins are awesome tanking choices
06:20.18Nom-As well as Feral Druids
06:20.37JunkHead-WorkI'm a Feral Paladin!
06:21.41Nom-I've been protection paladin for a while
06:21.49Nom-My guild asked me to respect to OT Karazhan
06:23.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:23.41JunkHead-WorkMy guild didn't ask me to respec.
06:23.47JunkHead-WorkI was already Holy.
06:24.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
06:24.25Nom-I was holy too
06:24.30Nom-They asked me to respec ^_^
06:24.43JunkHead-WorkWe had another ret pally. he volunteered to spec holy.
06:24.45Nom-I went from solo healing all the 5-mans to tanking them all
06:25.33Nom-I can't wait to get all 5 pieces of my T4
06:25.39JunkHead-WorkRight now we have 2 holy, 2 ret.
06:25.45JunkHead-Work1 prot who is still 69.
06:26.42JunkHead-WorkI think at least 1 of our ret paladins need to respec also.
06:26.56cybaneI have always been a firm believer that a paladin is agreat OT
06:27.11cybaneIMO 2 prot wars for MT and ST then Paladins and druids for OTing
06:27.13JunkHead-WorkI believe it too.
06:27.58cybaneAlthought a Prot War and Holy Paladin are funny in PVP
06:30.18cybane  This is really funny
06:30.24Nom-We have 2 raid groups right now going through Karazhan
06:30.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Jumpy (
06:30.26JunkHead-WorkWell... I feel that a Paladin can make a fine tank.
06:30.34JunkHead-WorkAnd of course they are great healers.
06:30.41Nom-My group has a Prot warrior MT, Prot Paladin OT, Feral Druid BT
06:30.50Nom-The other group had 2 prot warriors and they were struggling
06:30.55JunkHead-WorkAnd while they might can do great DPS on occassion, it's still best to leave DPS to other classes.
06:31.06Nom-Respecced one of them to mortal strike, and they're doing a lot better now
06:31.47JunkHead-WorkIf I remember correctly, our warriors are, 1 prot, 2 arms or something.
06:33.45JunkHead-WorkYeah, one is arms, 35/23/3
06:33.54Nom-finally found the details ont he cleave changes
06:34.02Nom-It's not for 2.0.12 like i thought :(
06:34.20Nom-Also, changed the NPC cleave mechanic so that it.s now a frontal cone ability rather than a 360 degree chain attack. Sweeping Strikes has been removed from all Burning Crusade NPC.s.
06:34.21JunkHead-WorkOne is Prot, 11/0/50 also reducing the Glancing Blow damage penalty for creatures 1-3 levels higher than the player. This will have a significant effect on melee DPS as it relates to endgame melee dps. More details on this at a later time.
06:35.05JunkHead-WorkAnd one is 33/28/0
06:35.14JunkHead-WorkThat's our 3 lvl 70 warriors. done a tuning pass of many of our dungeons/bosses/encounters to ensure that nothing overly punishing occurs to .melee DPS. that would lead people to favor ranged DPS over Rogues/DPS Warriors etc.
06:35.23Nom-^^ LOL - Maiden nerf ?
06:35.36Nom-Our rogue sits around twiddling his thumbs in that fight
06:35.43Nom-We have him running around bandaging :P
06:36.36JunkHead-WorkOooh we have a new 70 in our guild. And she is Holy specced!
06:36.57Nom-Is it a hawt gnome?
06:36.59ZealotOnAStickOur guild leader is a rogue, so he just puts the shadow priest in his group so he can DPS on the maiden.
06:37.14Nom-You take a shadow priest?
06:37.17Nom-You're daring :P
06:37.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
06:37.36ZealotOnAStickStupid not too.  They're too much of a boost to raid DPS.
06:37.39Nom-We have 2 holy priests and a resto shaman, and it's still not enough
06:38.08JunkHead-WorkWe now have 5 lvl 70 Paladins.
06:38.18Nom-2 warlocks because we're short on mages
06:38.30cybaneTigole is a dick
06:38.48JunkHead-WorkNom - We're short on a few classes.
06:39.11JunkHead-WorkMainly casters.
06:39.40Nom-We have too many warlocks
06:39.44Nom-Not enough mages or rogues
06:39.59JunkHead-WorkAre you speaking of lvl 70 characters?
06:40.00Nom-we're pretty much right on everything else
06:40.04Nom-Yeah, level 70
06:40.08cybaneI see that a lot guilds say they have too many Warlocks
06:40.09JunkHead-WorkWe have 1 warlock.
06:40.12JunkHead-Work2 Mages
06:40.14JunkHead-Work1 Druid
06:40.17JunkHead-Work2 Priests
06:40.24Nom-cybane: We have 8 raid ready warlocks, and 2 raid ready mages :P
06:40.31JunkHead-Work4 Hunters
06:40.35JunkHead-Work5 Paladins
06:40.38JunkHead-Work4 Rogues
06:40.41JunkHead-Work3 Warriors
06:40.47Nom-and 1 of our mages can't play full time atm
06:40.59Nom-so effectively we have 1 mage between 2 karazhan raids
06:41.13JunkHead-WorkOk check this out. Last weekend we did MC for fun.
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06:41.23JunkHead-WorkWe took anyone above 60, and even a 56 Shammy.
06:41.32JunkHead-WorkThere was 15 of us.
06:41.39JunkHead-WorkNo priests.
06:41.43JunkHead-Work1 Lock, 1 Mage.
06:42.51JunkHead-WorkThat was it.
06:43.04cybanehow did it go
06:43.06Nom-I hope in one of their tuning runs they nerf the trash and buff the first boss in Ramparts
06:43.13Nom-The trash is harder than any boss encounter in Ramparts
06:43.19JunkHead-WorkWe played over the course of two nights.
06:43.26JunkHead-WorkWe gave up on Garr.
06:43.35cybaneIMO all trash should be single pullable and bosses should have adds
06:43.46Nom-JunkHead-Work: You need 4 warlock and 4 tanks for Garr
06:43.48cybaneI have never done MC how far is Garr?
06:44.01JunkHead-Workcybane - 4th boss I think?
06:44.08Nom-cybane: He's the boss + 8 adds
06:44.17Nom-cybane: You need to CC or Tank all the adds as well as the boss
06:44.17JunkHead-WorkNom- We had 1 lock. 3 warriors.
06:44.18cybaneThe fire Naga guy?
06:44.30JunkHead-WorkGarr is a big earth elemental.
06:44.31Nom-cybane: Rock Elemental guy
06:45.04cybaneonly raid I ever did in the old world was Drak
06:45.10cybaneand some ZG
06:45.30cybaneI am more of a pvper than anything
06:45.59Nom-UBRS doesn't really count as a raid :)
06:46.54cybaneYes it does
06:47.01cybanemore than 5 men are a raid
06:47.09JunkHead-WorkThe only raid experience I've had is ZG and MC.
06:47.24Mr_Rabies2oh yesss the 360 guitar hero controller works with pcs
06:47.43cybaneDuh that is because a 360 is a PC
06:49.19Mr_Rabies2not quite but similar, yes indeed
06:49.39Mr_Rabies2but it works because the original 360 controller was designed for pcs too
06:49.39cybaneNo it is a PC
06:49.44Mr_Rabies2and it's based off the same thing
06:49.57Mr_Rabies2it's a pc when i can play wow on it
06:50.03cybaneUses the same processesors and graphics stuffs just a slightly different mobo
06:50.13cybaneNah it has a different OS
06:50.58Mr_Rabies2it's based on pc architecure, sure, but it's not one
06:53.52ZealotOnAStickYou can run linux on it, though it takes some effort to do . . . so running WoW on it would be doable.
06:54.42Mr_Rabies2i've never heard of anyone running linux on a 360
06:54.53Mr_Rabies2on an original xbox, yeah, but i don't think the 360 has been cracked yet
06:55.08JunkHead-WorkSupposedly it has been.
06:56.47JunkHead-WorkThat was going to be my next paste.:P
06:58.40Mr_Rabies2you could probably get linux working on a toaster if you tried hard enough
06:58.52Mr_Rabies2i'm surprised they got video to work
06:59.04Mr_Rabies2since everything video is directx on the 360
06:59.13ZealotOnAStickI'm not.
06:59.55ZealotOnAStickI'm sure there's enough developer material out there to make writing drivers for the ATI stuff in it reasonably doable.
07:02.40Nom-lol does the xbox360 use PPC ?
07:03.15Nom-The same architecture that Apple just dumped because it's too expensive :P
07:03.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
07:04.19Nom-Is it just me, or is there not a single reason to buy apple hardware now, other than looks?
07:06.06Mr_Rabies2if you like osx
07:06.14cybaneUmm only the latest intel processors will be in Apples
07:06.37Nom-Yeah, but you can actually use the x86 version on any PC Hardware
07:06.52cybanePPC was not dumped to expensive it was dumped because IBM could not put a G5 in a Laptop too hot
07:06.53Nom-The hardware chip protection in it was easily circulvented
07:07.22Nom-Installed OSX on a Toshiba Laptop
07:07.38cybaneyeah my GF installed OSX on her PC
07:08.27JunkHead-WorkI had it on my dell laptop for awhile.
07:08.43Nom-That's a significantly bigger shark tank that Apple has put itself in :)
07:09.20Nom-They've now gone from competing with places like Dell, Compaq, etc. to direct competion with Microsoft
07:09.25Nom-Just as well they're all friendly and stuff
07:10.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
07:12.17ShadowedWhats the realmList CVar for EU, ?
07:17.11Shadowedactually! nevermind
07:26.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
07:29.49cybaneDo you guys think Reslilence is worth it?
07:30.10Nom-Yes (to an extent)
07:30.16Shadowedcybane what class are you
07:30.26Nom-It's more valuable to a druid than to a paladin or warrior for instance
07:30.33Shadowedit's valuable to everyone
07:30.41Nom-I said it's MORE valuable
07:31.20Nom-For a tanking warrior or paladin, they get more benefit out of 5% crit from defense, than from 5% in resilience
07:31.32ShadowedI assume he was talking PVP not PVE
07:31.41Nom-A druid doesn't get the benefit of block/parry, so it's more useful as a tanking stat for them
07:31.43Shadowedyou can't really get many pieces with Resilience on it that are actually decent for PvE
07:31.50Shadowedcybane: Class?
07:31.53Nom-Shadowed: Sure you can...
07:31.58Shadowedlink me the pieces
07:32.01cybaneClass is irrelevant
07:32.03tedr0ckok i found a macro and it does 2 things im not sure why they are there... can someone have a look and explain to me?
07:32.07cybaneI can talking about the stat itself
07:32.24ShadowedWell the class is relevant if you plan on doing arenas
07:32.32cybaneDoes anyone know if reslilance is 1:1 with crit rating?
07:32.52Nom-It's more effective per rating point
07:33.06tedr0ckwhat does "/script SetCVar("targetNearestDistance", 10)" do?
07:33.09Nom-I think it was 40 Resilience for 1% crit vs 60 defense rating
07:33.22Nom-Resilience => Resilience Rating is 1:1
07:33.24ShadowedRight now, i'm at around 208 resilience with 1 Gladiator, Gladiator 2H, 2 GM, Halaa pants, Marshal bracers, marshal boots, excorist ring
07:33.32tedr0ckbecause it does that htne it does " /targetenemy [dead]
07:33.38Shadowedand thats without sacrificing any damage stats
07:33.47tedr0ckand then sets another var
07:34.10ShadowedSo yes, being able to get around 6% reduced chance to be crit and 12% damage reduced on crit is useful when I don't lose any damage to do it.
07:34.22Nom-[Gauntlets of the Iron Tower]
07:34.43Nom-Those are decent tanking gloves with resilience
07:34.53Nom-Sadly, most of the level 70 resilience gear is all from the pvp sets
07:35.02Shadowedexactly, it's a PVP stat not a PVE :p
07:35.15Nom-It's perfectly effective for PvE too
07:35.29Nom-There's trinkets, weapons, shields etc which work
07:35.57Shadowed100 less armor, 6 less defense rating, but you also get 16 AGI and they don't cost 500-600g
07:36.52ShadowedResilience was mainly meant to reduce the crazy burst damage from crits, which is why you see it mainly on PvP items and not commonly used in tanking
07:36.55Shiriktedrock: It doesn't "do" anything
07:37.09Shirikwhat it does is sets your tab distance to 10 yards
07:37.16AnduinLotharResilience is useless if you have 490 def
07:37.19AnduinLotharin pve
07:37.33Nom-Yeah, I used it for quite a while to make up for not having 490 defense
07:37.40Shiriksince /targetenemy = effectively tab, then what it's doing is targetting your next enemy within 10 yards if you're targetting a dead enemy
07:37.44Nom-My tanking sword has +Resilience
07:38.08AnduinLotharmy tanking swd has 81dps
07:38.14Shiriktedr0ck: I'm guessing the other var is targetNearestDistanceRadius?
07:38.24Shadowedmy tanking sword one shots mobs
07:38.55AnduinLothari just tanked BM in holy spec. 1st time i've ever 1-shotted that instance
07:39.01*** part/#wowi-lounge Karrion|Meeting (
07:39.14Nom-BM was a PITA back when I was doing it
07:39.22JunkHead-WorkBM = ?
07:39.28Shirikblack morass
07:39.29JunkHead-WorkBlack Mora
07:39.33Nom-yeah that
07:39.37JunkHead-WorkWasn't sure how to spell that.:P
07:39.55AnduinLotharit still is a pita.  you need geared grp with the exactly right compesition
07:39.57Nom-It's just 'more ass' without the e
07:40.10Shadowedyou do?
07:40.13JunkHead-WorkOk I think I can remember that.:P
07:40.39Nom-nah not really
07:40.44AnduinLotharyou need mostly ranged dps, a healer and an off healer who can also dps and a dedicated and well geared tank
07:40.45Nom-i've done BM with a couple of different group makeups now
07:40.54Shadowedi've done it with a feral druid, 3 melee DPS and a healer :p
07:41.15Nom-I *usually* go with a warlock, mage, warrior, paladin, rogue
07:41.17Shadowedor maybe it was feral druid, 2 DPS, hunter, healer. pretty sure it was 3 melee dps
07:41.39Nom-warlock, mage, warrior, paladin, roge/priest/shaman
07:41.44AnduinLotharyou can make up for an off healer if you have more dps or better gear
07:41.46Nom-depending the spec of the pally :)
07:41.55Nom-I solo healed it back when I was holy
07:42.12AnduinLotharright, pallies can solo heal fairly well, it's abotu mana conservation
07:42.23Nom-The second boss is a PITA if you leave him too long
07:42.34AnduinLotharif you have a pally tanking tho you need good dps because he has to be able to drink ever wave
07:42.38Nom-We were able to DPS him down before the debuff built past 5
07:43.08Nom-A 50% debuff can easily be healed through in holy spec
07:43.12Shadowedthat boss is fun, best case debuff resets, worst case rogues get to tank him
07:43.23Nom-Just whack on the 41 point talent and chain cast Holy Light
07:44.00Nom-Or if you're low on mana
07:44.09Nom-With that 41 point talent, you can get 2 free holy lights ^_^
07:44.35AnduinLotharshadow priest is also rly good
07:44.54Nom-That was my favourite part of holy healing actually
07:45.08Nom-Divin Illumination and Divine Favor stack
07:45.22AnduinLotharya lol
07:45.27AnduinLotharfree mana back
07:45.32Nom-And any other crits you get with Divine Illumination active give you free mana too
07:46.06Nom-If you somehow managed to get 5 crits in a row, you could get back 2100 mana :D
07:46.37Nom-If you can do it on damand, you can do that every 3 minutes too ^_^
07:46.41Nom-*demend even
07:46.49Nom-stupid fingers
07:48.11Nom-Depending on how hard i needed to heal, i'd usually whack DI on and then cast a DF HL and then chain FoL
07:48.17Nom-Stupidly cheap heals
07:49.08Nom-I never picked up Light's Grace tho
07:49.12Nom-I should do that on my next respec
07:51.36cybaneYou know the more I read about how the game has changed in mechanics it really makes me want to play a support class
07:51.55Nom-You mean a Hybrid :P
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07:52.06cybaneNo I mean a priest
07:52.18Nom-People underestimate the usefulness of Hybrids
07:52.31Nom-I mean seriously, where would raids be without their blessings, totems, mots etc
07:53.09cybaneHeh I remember a raid paying me 100g to join their ZG run and provide them with MOTW.  I was allowed to go afk and go on alts just had to come back and remark them
07:54.32ShirikHey guys, need a little help on a design philosophy
07:54.50ShirikThe updater, should it remove the downloaded zip after it installs it, or would you think it better to leave it in the addon folder?
07:54.57ShirikI always follow KISS :P
07:55.03zenzelezzask the user
07:55.05cybaneHave a toggle
07:55.15Shirikok, what about default :P
07:55.27cybaneLeave it in the addon folder
07:55.38cybaneWhen they first load the addon pop up a message
07:56.06cybaneInforming them they need to change the setting to remove old files
07:56.48Shirikhm ok
07:57.09ShirikI just finished the part where it reads your favorites list and offers to install any missing addons :P
07:57.19ShirikI didn't think that was going to be possible but I'm satisfied with it :)
07:57.39Shirikso if you reformat, it'll install everything for you
07:58.56AnduinLotharimo add an option to store zips in a folder somewhere else
07:59.08Nom-Because, you know...I plan to format tonight... :P
07:59.17ShirikAnduinLothar: That's a good idea too, though it does back up before every install as well
07:59.41AnduinLotharmeh i like to have old versions of dls
07:59.54AnduinLotharfor like downgrading
08:00.03cybaneheh I do not use addons that scan my PC
08:00.20Shirikaddons can't
08:00.35cybaneOkay I do not like to have updaters for Addons
08:00.40cybaneI like to update my own
08:00.51ShirikI won't deny that there are those like that
08:00.53Shirikmyself included
08:01.09AnduinLotharyou onyl say that cause there aren't any good updaters ;)
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08:01.33Nom-wowace updater is actually pretty good
08:01.35ShirikWell I intend to break the "there aren't any good updaters" paradigm
08:01.39Nom-unfortunately i'ts limited to wowace
08:01.40cybaneIMO if an addon for a game needs to have an updater then it is not finished
08:01.47AnduinLotharbut does yours work on mac?
08:01.59Shirikhaven't tested, but it is fully designed to be cross-platform compatible
08:02.02Nom-afaik Shirik's updated is cross platform
08:02.03AnduinLotharmost addons aren't 'finished'
08:02.21Industrialthat its not finished doesnt mean that its not good now
08:02.23Shirika minor problem with Linux but that's just because of a JRE problem; I'll just write a C native function and link to it
08:02.24Nom-and, cybane, it's an updater for all addons, not just his own
08:02.27AnduinLotharhell, software is never 'finished'
08:02.39ShirikPart of the software design cycle (note it is a CYCLE) is maintenance
08:02.58cybaneI know
08:02.59Shirikno program is ever finished until it is no longer used
08:03.14cybaneNope I have written many programs that are finished
08:03.17Nom-Even then it's not finished,'s just dormant
08:03.20cybaneThey do exactly what I want them to do
08:03.39ShirikThe #1 problem with addons for WoW is that Blizzard changes enough of the API frequently enough that heavy changes are required
08:03.43cybaneGranted most of them are scripts
08:03.45Shirik(from time to time)
08:03.47ShadowedIt's never finished, just abanded :p
08:03.55Shirikok, abandoned is a better word
08:04.10ShadowedAnd they don't really change the API majorly that often if I remember right
08:04.20Shirikmmm it's enough to make a difference
08:04.26Nom-cybane: simple scripts don't count
08:04.32Shirik2.0 is the only time I'd say its a "major" difference
08:04.34cybaneYes, they do
08:04.43Nom-cybane: When we refer to software, we're talking something with more than a hundred lines of code :P
08:04.43Shirikbut addons have to be touched up from time to time
08:04.44cybaneI love how people try to exclude things that break their rules
08:04.46Shadowedmost of the time it's a relatively small area that requires specific mods to be updated, but they haven't really broken everything often
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08:04.57Shiriknah, I'd say they only did it twice
08:04.58Shirik1.10 and 2.0
08:05.06Shadowedwhat'd 1.10 bring again?
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08:05.14Shirikcan't modify MPQs
08:05.16AnduinLotharyou haven't written enough addons ;)
08:05.26Shirikor maybe that was earlier
08:05.37Shirikit used to be addons would directly write into the MPQ to change something
08:05.43Shadowedoh that
08:05.44Shirikone of the patches stopped that because addons were conflicting like mad
08:05.50ShadowedWasn't that earlier, like 1.9?
08:05.56Shirikforget, but it's somewhere back there :P
08:06.00AnduinLotharalso 'major' is dependant on who you ask and if they had a feature that was changed or removed in their addon...
08:06.06nevcairiel1.10 implemented CreateFrame
08:06.09ShadowedIt wasn't MPQ, it was you couldn't place files in Interface/FrameXML and it would replace the Blizzard one
08:06.18Shiriksomething like that
08:06.19Shadowedbut that didn't really break everything
08:06.22ShirikI wasn't writing addons at the time
08:06.44Mr_Rabies2i remember when cosmos hooked into framexml
08:06.45Shadowedit may have given you a better option then XML, but you weren't required to us it
08:06.59AnduinLotharreplaced framexml
08:07.07Nom-cybane: You can exclude simple scripts
08:07.27Nom-cybane: Because generally they're designed for an extremely small task or one-off job
08:07.44Nom-cybane: In which case, the user requirements won't have time to change or evolve
08:08.05Nom-The reality is, for any production system, software is an evolving, everchanging process
08:08.07Shirikarrg... the updater is spewing errors to stderr... but it works perfectly ><
08:08.16Nom-Why do you think there's 15 versions of Microsoft Office?
08:08.30Shadowednobody will spend money on it if theres one? =p
08:08.42Shirikprobably partly true
08:08.53Nom-That's a side-effect of the release cycle
08:09.01Nom-Not of the software lifecycle
08:09.13Nom-or should i say, that's the business side of the release cycle
08:09.16Shirikbut yeah, take windows update for example
08:09.21Shirikhow many updates do they release a month
08:09.34Shadowedwell it was a joke mainly either way!
08:10.35cybaneOh FYI IMO, READ IN MY OPINON, the software development lifecycle was not developed by Programmers but by Business Men so they could sell programs faster
08:10.44cybaneJust get it work enough to be out the door then we can maintain it
08:11.13cybaneget it to work
08:11.36cybaneIt is cheaper to maintain software than it is to keep working on a single product
08:12.10Nom-The software development lifecycle was developed by developers to map out the steps they were taking
08:12.14ShirikThe thing is, environments change
08:12.19ShirikNothing is ever constant
08:12.22Shirikas needs change, so does the program
08:12.35Nom-SDLC = Design, Impliment, Test, Release, Maintain, (Repeat)
08:12.55Nom-or you can replace release with deploy or whatever terminology you use
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08:13.49cybaneAnyway the whole cycle was a business platform rather than an altrustic idea
08:13.52Nom-The business (pricing/sales model) comes in at the Release phase
08:14.43Nom-SDLC has nothing to do with the business or getting software out the's just a name given to (funny enough) the process used to design software
08:14.48cybaneBut the business determines the time alloted for the other phanses which makes the maintaince phase longer.  It is cheaper to maintain software than it is to develop it properly
08:15.02Nom-Which as I said before, design => impliment => test => release => repeat
08:15.02cybaneI know what the SDLC is
08:15.19cybaneHowever, you are missing my point
08:15.42cybaneDesign (usually some guy coming by your cube and says make this)
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08:15.50cybaneImplement (pulls code out of ass(
08:16.11cybaneTest (Does it work 80% of the time, yes then ship it we can fix it in the maint phase
08:16.37cybaneThe SDLC had good intentions but has become a reason for laziness IMO
08:16.50Nom-That has nothing to do with it
08:16.51ShirikA good testing strategy is much more complex than that
08:17.00Shirikit would revolve around boundary testing
08:17.13Shiriktesting the standard conditions followed by the absolute extremes
08:17.17Nom-test is not "does it work 80% of the time", that's a load of bollocks
08:17.29Nom-Test is make sure it works as intended
08:17.36cybaneDo you use windows
08:17.40Nom-Defects will ALWAYS be present no matter how much time is allocated to testing
08:17.51cybaneDo you use 90% of the software that ships with more bugs than you can count
08:18.00ShirikIt is impossible to test every possible condition
08:18.09Nom-Precisely, Shirik
08:18.16cybaneBut these bugs are known at the time of shipping
08:18.17Nom-It's impossible to test every possible thing that the user will do
08:18.40Nom-cybane: That's purely from the delay between release of the product and shipping
08:18.43cybaneFor example WoW.  Shipped with plenty of bugs and they knew about it because it is cheaper to maintain it than to fix it.  That is 100% business not SDLC
08:18.56Nom-From a developers' point of view, release and shipping are two completely different things
08:19.30ShadowedIf you waited for a large project to be 100% bug free, you will never release it, or by the time you do it wont be relevent anymore.
08:19.39cybaneThe SDLC is a good idea if companies would follow it but the SDLC is not good business
08:19.52ShadowedWoW will never be bug free
08:19.52Nom-cybane: You're missing the point completely
08:20.04Nom-cybane: All developers follow the SDLC even if they don't knwo what it is
08:20.12cybaneI get the point that people would rather have a product to maintain then to fix their shitty code
08:20.19Nom-You're misisng the point of the SDLC
08:20.43cybaneIf a carpenter would make a chair that had defects and promised to maintain it for you would you buy it?
08:20.46Nom-It only defines the steps, it doesn't define defect rates
08:20.48Nom-That's impossible
08:20.55ShadowedYou're trying to compare apples to oranges
08:21.20ShadowedA chair is relatively simple, and you can usually find out if it has defects easly while building it.
08:21.49ShadowedA program can have hundreds of files and thousands and thousands of lines of code that all have to work together, changing one line can break something in another file and you may not even know or be able to test it
08:21.49Nom-When you're talking software
08:22.12Nom-You can do something like compare a small software package (notepad for instnace) to a small hosue
08:22.33Nom-Compare something like MS Word to something like a 120 storey skyscraper
08:22.52ShirikLet's put it this way: I just added something to this program I'm working on, right? Simple, took me maybe an hour to write.
08:22.54cybaneMS Word started small
08:23.04Nom-Scale wise there's a lot more places that a skyscraper can be defective than the chair
08:23.06ShirikI spent the next 8 hours fixing all the problems it caused in other portions of the program
08:23.25ShirikThat is precisely why bugs happen. Changing one thing affects many other things more often than not
08:23.30ShirikAnd nobody catches them all
08:23.31Nom-cybane: who cares where it *started*
08:23.48Nom-cybane: And tbc, MS Word was more complicated than Notepad even in it's initial version
08:23.51cybaneBecause they do not build MS Word 2007 from the ground up
08:23.54Nom-So my comparisons still stand
08:24.05ShirikI had Word on my 3.11
08:24.06cybaneEvery time they have a complex program they reuse a lot of code
08:24.07ShirikI was amazed
08:24.12Shirikthat and Lotus
08:24.21Nom-In fact, you could say MS Word 2007 is a small city
08:24.22ShirikLotus 123
08:24.27Nom-MS Word 1.0 was a Sky Scraper
08:24.31Nom-Notepad is a small house
08:24.55Nom-Scale wise, that's still probably accirate
08:25.04Nom-If not, then MS Word 2007 is closer to a small country :P
08:25.36Bleetervisicalc ftw!
08:25.42ShirikAccording to Wikipedia, MS WinXP is 50 million lines of code. Compare to Notepad, which you can write with MFC in about 200 lines.
08:25.59Nom-There we go :P
08:26.10Nom-So if Notepad is a house, Windows XP is a small continent :P
08:26.12cybaneTake Linux
08:26.23Bleeterwhat are we arguing here?
08:26.33cybaneAbout the same lines of code far less bugs but follows the SDLC to the letter
08:26.44Nom-Bleeter: That finding defects in a chair is different from finding defects in something like MS Word
08:26.56cybaneI was making a point that businesses exploit the maintanice side of the SDLC to get product out before it would be ready
08:27.21Nom-And this is the problem
08:27.28Nom-The SDLC describes the process
08:27.39Nom-It doesn't say that you must have 100% no failures at the testing phase
08:27.47Shirikbtw, counting the lines of "linux" is next to impossible
08:27.52Nom-Nor does it define how long the testing phase is
08:27.54cybaneI never said that you infered that from my statements
08:27.57ShirikRed Hat is listed with 17 million lines, whereas Debian is listed with over 200
08:28.04Nom-It does, cybane
08:28.08Bleetermeh, businesses do that all the time... not just software.
08:28.35Nom-You're arguing that companies use process to justify releasing the code before it's ready
08:28.40Nom-Which is bollocks
08:28.49Nom-That's a business decision and FAR outside of the scope of the SDLC
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08:29.17Nom-Let's take a car for instance
08:29.29Nom-Many manufacturers call back vehciles due to defects becoming apparent
08:29.55Nom-That doesn't mean their process is faulty, it's just they made a decision, by accepting a certain amount of risk, to release the product
08:30.04Bleetermarket risk assesment has no place in SDLC. that's why there are external parties who'll work out where in SDLC to start releasing so the devs can buy some pizza
08:30.18ShirikI want pizza :(
08:30.19Bleeter'coz without any income, everyone's screwed
08:30.25Nom-Bleeter: That's not even right
08:30.37Nom-Bleeter: The code is released at the release phase in the cycle, no matter what
08:30.49Nom-Bleeter: The business model decides when that happens, not the SDLC
08:30.53cybaneYou can not say that a business man will look at the SDLC and sees the maintenance phase and decide to ship the product with more bugs than the developers would like.  You sir are nieve
08:31.00BleeterNom-: that's what I said
08:31.16Nom-The moment you release a product to the public, you're in the release phase, regardless of where you are in the SDLC
08:31.31ShirikUrsj Nin abd /bleeter are takkibg
08:31.38Nom-cybane: You've got it backwards
08:31.40BleeterShirik: *WTF*
08:31.42ShirikYeah, nom and Bleeter are talking about the same thing really
08:31.47Shirikhand in wrong place
08:32.07Nom-cybane: The maintenace phase exists regardless
08:32.18Nom-cybane: The BUSINESS decides where the release phase begins
08:32.36Nom-It's two completely seperate process
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08:33.38Nom-The BUSINESS is the one who decides how much more testing is required before entering the Release phase
08:33.51cybaneThe business controls the flow of the SDLC
08:33.54cybaneNot the developers
08:34.03JunkHead-WorkOk so i'm reading this forum thread...
08:34.13JunkHead-WorkAsking "what is your server famous for?"
08:34.27Nom-Read the damn process
08:34.32JunkHead-WorkI am on page 13, and not one single reply about my realm.:P
08:34.48Nom-No software company will release any softeware until it reaches Acceptance, installation, deployment
08:34.53cybaneI do not have to I already know the cycle you are just to niave to believe that the whole cycle is being exploited to release shoddy code
08:35.05cybaneYou do not agree with my opinon which is fine
08:35.33ZealotOnAStickJunkHead-Work: what forum is that thread on?
08:36.01Nom-I find it funny that you're calling it "shoddy code" just because it's got a few bugs
08:36.10ZealotOnAStickwell, that'll get me there, but it's not an answer to what I asked.  :P
08:36.23Shirikcybane: You are the first person I've ever heard to make the argument. Yes, businessmen do make decisions occasionally which may be against the desires of the programmer, but that's not related to the SDLC
08:37.05cybaneWhat part of the process does a patch come from?
08:37.11cybaneIn your view
08:37.22Nom-It can be from either maintenance or a new release
08:37.24Shirikfrom a developer view, maintenance, or occasionally release
08:37.30JunkHead-WorkWould you rather me just say "official forums" so that you can go there and possibly have to dig 3-4 pages in to find it?
08:37.34cybaneI do not write code for a living because the system is corrupt and I will not sell my intellectual property
08:37.55cybaneOkay why does software require a patch normally
08:38.01Nom-cybane: Now i'm starting to realise why you're views on the SDLC are whacked
08:38.02cybaneto fix a bug or problem with code
08:38.14Nom-Yes, and?
08:38.41Nom-What, you think a 120 storey skyscraper runs itself?
08:38.51Nom-The lifts break down occasionally, the light globes need to be replaced
08:39.01Shiriklight globes?
08:39.04Shirikwhat's that
08:39.05cybaneBut that is not a fault of the building itself
08:39.11Nom-Windows get broken, pipes burst
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08:39.27Bleeterit's a fault of the designers for not installing better parts
08:39.45Nom-ok then fine
08:39.48Nom-welds break
08:39.54Nom-bolts get damaged
08:40.00Nom-beams rust
08:40.01cybaneOkay fine here is a real life example WoW was released before blizzard wanted to because their publisher wanted to make money
08:40.16cybaneThey knew the maintence phase would allow for the bug fixes
08:40.35Nom-lol cite a reference from someone at blizzard stating that
08:40.35cybaneThe game worked well enough
08:40.54cybaneBeta forums no longer acceable sorry
08:41.12Nom-Even still
08:41.15cybaneWhat you are stating is nieve
08:41.23cybaneThe process and does get exploited
08:41.27cybaneis and does
08:41.36cybaneIt is a great system I like it
08:41.40Nom-So where do you believe it was released in the cycle then?
08:42.06cybaneIt was released at the release phase because the company felt it worked well enough to enter the maintenance phase
08:42.16cybaneTo make money off of
08:42.32Nom-No, where do you think the developers were at when they decided to release?
08:42.50cybaneTesting cuz it was open beta
08:42.52Bleeteryou're suggesting that whoever blizz was getting the cash from to fund WoW development acted illegally because they wanted some cash coming back in before the devs thought it'd be a good spot?
08:43.07Bleeters/spot/point in time to release/
08:43.15Nom-And as we covered earlier, the business, through risk analysis decides when release happens, not the developers
08:43.18cybaneNot illegally but did not care about the quality of software past will people buy it
08:43.18Bleetergah, bloody purl
08:43.30Nom-Of course they cared
08:43.42Nom-They took a business risk in releasing it
08:43.56cybanebecause they cared enough about the money not the code
08:44.05ShirikOk I think this about sums it up
08:44.12Nom-They obviously felt the risk of releasing it later far outweighed the risk of releasing it sooner
08:44.16ShirikThe developers do not determine when you move from one phase to the next in the SDLC
08:44.24ShirikBut the SDLC is always followed precisely
08:44.31Bleeterthey have to care about the momey... not much point worrying about when to release if you can't pay for *any* devs because nothing's generating income
08:44.34cybaneNo shit
08:44.39Nom-Yes, thankyou for putting it so sussinctly Shirik
08:45.01Nom-And that's exactly why saying that the SLDC is flawed, you're an idiot
08:45.04cybaneThat was my point the business controls flow even if one portion is 56 minutes it still happens
08:45.22cybaneI am saying that it is Flawd by practice not by design
08:45.26ShirikBusiness controls flow, yes, but that's called risk analysis not exploitation
08:45.40cybaneRemove the maintenance phase
08:45.41ShirikNo matter what the business decides to do, there is no getting around the SDLC
08:45.47Nom-Sure it might not be perfect, but for the reasons you've described, the SDLC is working perfectly
08:45.47Shirikit's inevitable
08:45.54cybaneTheoretically imagine it was never in there
08:45.55Bleeterit's only "flawed by practice" if you've got your head stuck in some theoretical model of SDLC which has no relationship to IRL
08:46.09Nom-You can't not have a maintenance phase
08:46.19ShirikLike I said, it is impossible to get around any phase of the SDLC
08:46.31ShirikNo matter what you do, it's impossible
08:46.41Nom-If they had to make sure it's bug free, we wouldn't be playing WoW yet
08:47.20Shirikby the time they finally think they've got everything perfect
08:47.23ShirikHardware changes
08:47.25ShirikTimes change
08:47.30ShirikThat's where the cycle starts over
08:47.32Nom-As the number of defects approaches 0, time approaches infinite
08:47.51Bleeteror some startup's got the jump on you 'coz they've released with a few bugs that they've done a risk assesment for and determined they can get by with them
08:48.23Mr_Rabies2oh wow
08:48.34Shirikyes, WoW
08:48.45Nom-Thanks for tuning in, Mr_Rabies2 :)
08:48.50cybaneYou guys think it is okay to release code that does not work.  That is fine for you but not for me and why I do not write code for a living I hold myself to a higher standard sorry
08:49.06Nom-lol cybane
08:49.11ShirikA good developer never follows that philosophy
08:49.17Nom-As I said, as the number of defects approches 0, time approaches infinite
08:49.34Shiriklet me rephrase that
08:49.45ShirikI completely disagree with that statement
08:49.49ShirikI will always release code that works
08:49.58ShirikBut, "work" and "bugfree" are two radically different ideas
08:50.04Mr_Rabies2someone managed to get an early version of working dynamic water in garry's mod, using lua
08:50.05cybaneBugs happen
08:50.16Nom-bug = defect
08:50.19cybaneHowever, known bugs should be fixed before release
08:50.27Nom-They're used interchangeably when you're talking about SDLC
08:50.40Nom-cybane: That's again a flawed argument
08:50.58cybaneIt is not an agruement it is an opinon
08:51.07Nom-cybane: Let's say I've got a bug which affects 1 in 100,000,000 connections, but is going to take 3 years to fix
08:51.08Bleeterwhat if it's a known bug discovered one day before release that to fix would cause such a large re-write that'd basically can the entire project?
08:51.20Nom-cybane: Are you saying the release should be delayed 3 years until that's fixed?
08:51.36Shirikheh I know applications like that
08:51.51ShirikRDX actually has a slight bug that works like that
08:51.57Shirikbecause it randomizes frame names in certain cases
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08:52.04Shirikwith a number 1-100000000
08:52.09Mr_Rabies2we'd still be waiting for wow to release if they waited until they fixed all known bugs before releasing :x
08:52.12ShirikIf two frames happened to match, it could cause problems
08:52.27Shirikwhat's the chances of that happening? (1/100million)^2
08:52.51ShirikIt would require a major rewrite to resolve the problem
08:52.54Shirikis it worth it?
08:52.56BleeterFIXIT NOWWWW!!!!
08:53.10Bleeterwho cares if you want pizza! :P
08:53.27Nom-And following that same logic, let's say you experienced a bug in WoW
08:53.34Nom-Who's to say that bug isn't one of those?
08:53.51Nom-With the scale that WoW is at, you WILL get players hitting those 1 in a million bugs
08:54.03Nom-Is that any reason to not release a product?
08:54.06Nom-Fuck no.
08:54.54Shirikfor the record
08:54.58cybaneSo you will use the maintenance phase to fix a known bug a problem with the code you wrote to make money.  To me that is unethical
08:55.04Shirikthe bug listed above has a 1/ 1 quadrillion chance of happening
08:55.32ShirikI wonder if it'll actually ever show up
08:55.40Shirikand even if it did, would the user just restart?
08:55.42ShirikAnd never report it?
08:56.03Nom-cybane: You're the nieve one
08:56.21IndustrialNo, you plan out different phases to test the product before releasing it, expecting by that time that there are only very minor bugs. Alpha, beta, open beta, release.
08:56.21cybaneNo I am not a business man
08:56.34cybaneI fix all the bugs I find
08:56.46Industrialhow are you gunna find them on your own
08:56.47cybaneIf I someone else finds a new one that is what the maintenance phase is for
08:57.00cybaneRead my statement
08:57.03Industrialwell.. thats why we have patch day
08:57.05cybaneI never said I will fix all bugs
08:57.10cybaneI fix all bugs I FIND
08:57.18Bleeteryou'd rather the company went broke first?
08:58.03cybaneNo I just do not give them money until the software meets MY standards
08:58.03Industrialjust put one guy full time on rewriting the interface (the lua part anyway) :D it needs more cowbell :>
08:58.14Nom-cybane: That's precisely why you don't get it.  Even developers have to make a business call once in a while...
08:58.20Bleeterso you'd rather starve them
08:58.39Bleeterand you reckon 'our' point of view is unethical.. sheesh
08:58.58Shirikheh... what about this
08:59.02ShirikEvery day we here about new vulnerabilities, hacks, etc.
08:59.08cybaneNo just a scape goat to justify releasing code that if fulkl of known bugs so you can sleep
08:59.10ShirikHacks are merely exploitation of a bug
08:59.24Nom-Here in the REAL WORLD, programmers MUST make business decisions regarding their own code.
08:59.31ShirikIn mission critical systems (governmental? top secret?) do you think they would intentionally release something with bugs?
08:59.32cybaneThe SDLC is great in its process flawed by practice
08:59.55Nom-"Will I spend 3 days fixing this bug which will affect maybe 1 person a month, or raise an internal bug to have it fixed later when we've got time to revisit"
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09:00.02Shirikthey followed exactly the same cycle
09:00.18cybaneBut spend more time in texting
09:00.26cybaneerr testing
09:00.31Nom-Blizzard followed the exact same practice
09:00.42Nom-There's no way they would release a product with a known show stopper bug
09:00.42Bleeterare you gunna be paying the testers?
09:00.55Bleeter*how are you gunna be paying the testers if you've got no income?
09:00.59cybaneBut the game was released with a slew of known bugs because it is more profitable to write code in the maintenance phase than to do it right the 1st time
09:01.12Mr_Rabies2<cybane> No just a scape goat to justify releasing code that if fulkl of known bugs so you can sleep
09:01.14Nom-Keeping in mind there is a MASSIVE disconnect between release of a product and distribution
09:01.19Mr_Rabies2sometimes you have to think about priorities
09:01.25Nom-That's why so many new games have patches out the day before the game goes on sale
09:01.32Bleeterd/about priorities/
09:02.00cybaneAll of the reasons you guys list are the reasons why I do not buy software packages because of this philosphy.  Fix it later it works well enough now
09:02.15Shirikwhat are you using right now?
09:02.16JunkHead-WorkBrb restarting.
09:02.27cybaneWhat do you mean?
09:02.35Shirikare you not using a piece of software?
09:02.54Bleeterprobably an app with known bugs, on an OS with known bugs, connected to a telco who has known bugs, etc. etc. etc.
09:02.57Shirikand you want to say that it has never had a bug?
09:03.01cybaneI did not pay for it so I really have no right to complain about bugs
09:03.05Industriallike Free(tm) software doesnt have bugs
09:03.14Mr_Rabies2that's something else i disagree with
09:03.15Industrialor is correctly written the first time
09:03.16Nom-lol cybane that's a whacked philosophy
09:03.38Nom-Even open source projects make the EXACT SAME business decisions
09:03.39cybaneNom just becuase you do not agree with it does not mean it is not true of this society
09:03.43Mr_Rabies2you can complain about them, but don't bother the authors to the point that it's not helping things out
09:04.09ShirikTake Cide's bot!
09:04.10Nom-The only difference between open source and commercial software, is that there's far less commercial drive to release open software
09:04.11ShirikIt still has bugs
09:04.14ShirikIt's still released
09:04.15Nom-open source software
09:04.16Industrialcybane: I think its a social thing to complain about something not working right to help everyone.
09:04.23Shirikand it's most definitely free
09:04.48ShirikWhy? Because the benefit of releasing it outweighs the risk of leaving those bugs.
09:04.56cybaneShirik do you use Vista?
09:05.08cybaneBecause of bugs and security holes?
09:05.17Shirikbecause I choose not to use it, nothing more
09:05.23ShirikEverything has bugs and security holes
09:05.25Nom-And on Shirik's note, there's still a business risk in releasing an open source project before it's ready too
09:05.25ShirikI don't even use a virus scanner
09:05.32Bleeterparticularly first releases
09:05.52Nom-You don't have to be an actual software business to make business decisions about software
09:06.20cybaneNom but sincew it is free software you can either fix them yourself or not care since you did spend your hard earned money on it
09:06.23ShirikThere's a bug in Cide's bot that can cause her IRC client to lock up. It requires an extremely specific input, though. Usable only by someone who knows exactly what's going on.
09:06.39ShirikIs that any reason to stop releasing it and helping out the hundreds of people in here every day?
09:06.42cybaneI have a problem supporting a business with my money that I worked hard to earn just so they can do a half assed job
09:06.42Industrialif its free you didnt earn money on it :P
09:06.49ShirikAll it would take to recover from the problem is a simple restart of the client
09:06.54ShirikThat's not much of a risk
09:07.07Nom-cybane: And by not supporting the business, they have less of an opportunity to fix the product
09:07.17Mr_Rabies2i don't use vista because of its security holes and bugs, i didn't think it was ready for release, but that's not the only reason i don't use it
09:07.38cybaneBut Microsoft Promises to fix those in the Maintenance Phase
09:07.43ShirikThe other reason I don't use it is because I can't afford it and my school will give it to me for free next year
09:07.49ShirikNext year I will use it, bugs or not
09:07.58Mr_Rabies2i'll wait for service pack 1 for Vista
09:08.12Nom-I've ordered it
09:08.17Nom-Should be waiting for me when I get home
09:08.18Mr_Rabies2getting new OS's/game consoles in their first generation is almost always a bad idea
09:08.23IndustrialI'm using it! (no just kidding)
09:08.52Nom-Mr_Rabies2: I normally agree, but I thought "what the hell" this time
09:08.52Shirikconsidering I don't use Microsoft products for anything really critical, I don't really care enough
09:08.52ShirikIf I'm working on something important I'll switch to another OS
09:08.54cybaneBut the joys of the maintenance phase is all powerful WHY WOULD YOU QUESTION THEIR MOTIVES FOR RELEASE AH MY point is made I feel good now
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09:09.33ZealotOnAStickYour point is stupid.  Not to mention repetitive.
09:09.35ShirikI've read that four times and I don't understand it :/
09:09.40ZealotOnAStickOr maybe it's just you that's repetitive.
09:09.45JunkHead-WorkArgument still going on I see.
09:09.54Industrialcybane: there is really only one motive for releasing something earlier and fixig it later. bankruptcy.
09:09.54Mr_Rabies2i don't question their motives for release, i know they decided to go ahead and release it so that a decent amount of the bugs (which are mostly 3rd party things) would be more likely to get fixed quickly
09:09.56Shirikhey, it's passing the time until McDonalds opens
09:09.58Shirikso I'm ok with it
09:10.16JunkHead-WorkI still got almost 4 hours left until I get to go home.
09:10.23JunkHead-WorkSo please... continue.
09:10.32Mr_Rabies2now that vista's not just a beta, ati/nvidia can get off their lazy asses and write some drivers
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09:10.46Nom-nvidia has drivers
09:10.49Industrialcybane: so if YOU know YOU dont want it because of their LACK of programming then YOU dont have to buy it
09:10.49Nom-so does ati
09:10.51Nom-last i checked
09:10.57Mr_Rabies2i hear both are really buggy
09:10.59ShirikOT: Does anyone want to look at an algorithm I developed? It's running a bit slow for my standards but is the only real method I can think of
09:11.17Nom-Shirik: Sure, give me a clicky :)
09:11.20Industrialcybane: but certainly buying it and whining about bugs does help everyone :P
09:11.22Shirikmm let me write it up
09:11.29Shirikor ... do you understand java?
09:11.38Nom-I need to learn
09:11.40Mr_Rabies2i generally don't get new OS's for precisely this reason, complicated hardware + new OS = fighting
09:11.44Nom-give me the code, and I can probably follow it
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09:12.19Nom-Mr_Rabies2: Not much different than the transition from 98 => 2000 and 2000 => XP
09:12.35IndustrialGNU/Linux \o/
09:12.44Mr_Rabies2plus the minor upgrades that vista is over xp, just aren't worth the money now
09:12.53Mr_Rabies2that combined with the bugs, just isn't worth it yet
09:13.03Nom-Mr_Rabies2: It's not that minor of a change
09:13.04Mr_Rabies2i'm sure when the service packs come out, vista will be decent
09:13.06ZealotOnAStickI had almost no hardware issues with XP.
09:13.12Mr_Rabies2maybe not internally, nom
09:13.25ZealotOnAStickhardware/driver, to clarify.
09:13.33Nom-lol minimal visual changes are intentional
09:13.37Mr_Rabies2but to the end user, it's pretty minor
09:13.45Nom-You don't want to go changing the UI completely (which alienates the user)
09:13.53Mr_Rabies2not just visual, features
09:14.04Mr_Rabies2other than aero, dx10, and widgets, what's new?
09:14.09JunkHead-WorkAero is poop.
09:14.10Nom-I'd say over the next few Windows releases they'll slowly change the UI to where they want it
09:14.14JunkHead-WorkWidgets are poop.
09:14.16ShirikNom- let me get back to you I'll have you look at it later, I just found something I can do ;)
09:14.23IndustrialNom-: depends on the user. i think thats fun but yeah thats why we are in this channel xD
09:14.24JunkHead-WorkDx10... maybe not poop.
09:14.26Nom-Mr_Rabies2: Probably not a lot, as I said, it's a case of keeping it familiar
09:14.34IndustrialBleeter: wmii :D
09:14.37Mr_Rabies2if it's so minor, why's it so damn expensive :[
09:14.47ShirikDX10 is pretty sick
09:14.50JunkHead-WorkBilly Bill nedds teh monies?
09:14.52Nom-Mr_Rabies2: Because the internals have changed lol
09:14.52Shiriksome of the new things it has
09:15.05Nom-Mr_Rabies2: And the normal releases are not much more than XP
09:15.19Nom-Ultimate is in fact the same price as XP Pro when it came out
09:15.24Mr_Rabies2people are just willing to pay that much, thus they charge that much
09:15.28ShirikSome of the quality pictures it can produce... I tried using the REF device to produce the same image
09:15.32Shirikand my computer went about 0.25 fps
09:15.33Industrial(people buy windows software?)
09:15.35Shirikinstead of about 100
09:15.36BleeterIndustrial: I was thinking something a bit more challenging, like twm :P
09:15.40Nom-So one could argue, taking inflation into account, that Vista is cheaper than XP Pro when it first came out
09:15.52Mr_Rabies2i, personally, am not, at this moment, for what is minor to me
09:16.01Mr_Rabies2when Crysis comes out, maybe :p
09:16.07Nom-Vista will come down in price over the next few months
09:16.12IndustrialBleeter: ack
09:16.20Nom-It's the initial supply/demand dynamic
09:16.34Mr_Rabies2i felt that xp wasnt worth the money when it was released
09:16.36Nom-As the distributors manufacture more copies, the supply will go up
09:16.42Mr_Rabies2now it definitely is, two service packs later
09:16.48IndustrialBleeter: wmii is actually pretty usable :>
09:16.53Nom-I used XP when it first came out
09:16.58JunkHead-WorkI'll get Vista when I feel I have a use for DX10.
09:16.59Nom-It was pretty damn awesome TBH
09:17.05JunkHead-WorkAs of right now, I don't see the point.
09:17.09Nom-My PC was a bit slow for it, but it was decent
09:17.16Mr_Rabies2i stuck to 98SE till sp1
09:17.27Industrialfirst thing i do with xp: turn off all the crap and make it 2000
09:17.33Nom-actually, no
09:17.38Nom-I stuck with 2000 until SP1
09:17.40Nom-That's right
09:17.46Nom-I switched to 2000 immediately
09:17.50ShirikI stuck with 98 until XPSP1
09:18.01Mr_Rabies2i use a hacked uxtheme.dll or whatever
09:18.03JunkHead-WorkAMD k6 400mhz w/192mb RAM and a Nvidia TNT 2 card... Longhorn Alpha.:P
09:18.06Nom-Win98 was NASTY
09:18.11JunkHead-WorkTalk about a crwaling PC...
09:18.11Shirikit's all I had
09:18.11IndustrialMr_Rabies2: ha yeah
09:18.12Mr_Rabies2to use a custom theme that's cleaner, faster, and prettier than 2000 :p
09:18.15ShirikI went from 3.11 to 98
09:18.37IndustrialMr_Rabies2: linky!
09:18.37JunkHead-WorkWin 98se was out when I started using PC's.
09:18.42Mr_Rabies2one sec
09:18.42Shirik3.11 -> 98 -> SuSE -> XP -> Red Hat -> Ubuntu
09:18.44JunkHead-WorkSo I actually skipped a lot.
09:18.48Mr_Rabies2oh and i turn off all menu animations
09:18.58JunkHead-WorkWin98se -> WinXP -> ....
09:19.23Shirikstrangely enough
09:19.25Shirikaside from 3.11
09:19.31ShirikThe computer is exactly the smae one
09:19.38ShirikOf course, all the hardware has changed
09:19.53Shirikbut it could arguably be defined as the same computer
09:19.54Mr_Rabies2i can't link to it right now, Industrial
09:19.59Shirikjust every few months I change out a part or two
09:20.00Mr_Rabies2deviantart seems to be down
09:20.17IndustrialMr_Rabies2: not here
09:20.21IndustrialMr_Rabies2: whats it called?
09:20.26Mr_Rabies2it's up now
09:20.28Mr_Rabies2metallic shades
09:21.15JunkHead-WorkMy WinXP is just classic themes. Everything set to performance except for one thing.
09:21.18Mr_Rabies2i've used it for years now, probably 5 years, haha
09:21.25Mr_Rabies2i don't like classic, too ugly
09:21.36JunkHead-WorkI don't like the themes.
09:21.40JunkHead-WorkI prefer classic.
09:21.48JunkHead-WorkWhich is probably where Aero doesn't impress me.
09:21.50Mr_Rabies2i turned off all the animations, which helps a ton
09:22.06Mr_Rabies2no, i don't want to wait an extra half second for a menu to fade in
09:22.30JunkHead-WorkYou know how in Xp you can go into visual effects?
09:22.35JunkHead-WorkIn performance options.
09:22.39Bleeterhehe, BeOS icons
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09:22.51Bleeternow there was a fun system
09:22.54JunkHead-WorkOnly thing I keep checked in common tasks in folders.
09:23.11JunkHead-WorkI have BeOS somewhere at home.
09:23.47IndustrialI like things minimal:P (wow too)
09:25.15JunkHead-WorkYou should see my setup at home.:P
09:25.40Industrialwhy? >_>
09:26.09BleeterIndustrial: boredom... got 15 mins before I gotta go colelct someone from the bust stop
09:26.25Nom-hjome time
09:26.25Bleeterand collect.. damnit
09:26.33Bleetersafe travels nom
09:27.30Industrialsomeone forced me into having to look over nearly all the visual styles on deviantart now :P Is there a max number of downloads i can do (per day?) on deviantart? :>
09:27.43Shiriknot afaik
09:27.53ShirikI have a site on deviant art
09:27.57Shirikhaven't updated it in years thoug
09:28.05*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
09:28.49Shirikwow the age is very wrong
09:28.51ShirikI should adjust that
09:28.56ShirikI guess I haven't updated it in 3 years :P
09:29.07Mr_Rabies2i remember when deviantart was mostly just windows shells and winamp skins and stuff
09:29.17Mr_Rabies2now it's frightening fanart and furry art and horrible poetry
09:29.33Shirikby far my favorite:
09:29.47IndustrialMr_Rabies2: emodump xD
09:29.55Mr_Rabies2that reminds me of crysis shirik
09:29.56kasoI love that description of deviant art
09:30.00Mr_Rabies2is that a good thing or bad thing
09:30.14Industrialkaso: emodump? :>
09:30.27kasonot you!
09:30.35kasofrightening fanart and furry art and horrible poetry
09:30.41Shirikoh and this one, took it when I was 13:
09:31.05Mr_Rabies2that's a game.
09:31.09Mr_Rabies2rendered in realtime.
09:31.13Shirikoh cool
09:31.15kasoive always loved
09:31.30Shirikthat's pretty good graphics
09:32.01Mr_Rabies2they're amazing
09:32.07Mr_Rabies2only reason i'd ever buy vista
09:32.09Mr_Rabies2right there
09:32.18Shirikthat's not dx10 is it?
09:32.47Shirikyeah that's pretty insane
09:33.10ShirikI'm eagerly awaiting dx10
09:33.16kasoFar Cry was released on Linux as well as windows, whats to say crysis wont be?
09:33.28Shirikit has some really, really cool things that are just going to make graphics unbelievable
09:33.37Bleeterthe BS:G game's comin' out on Linux! :)
09:34.02Mr_Rabies2that's an ingame model
09:34.07Mr_Rabies2we're hitting uncanny valley
09:34.13Shirik"black guy"
09:34.15cybaneHey Shirik have you noticed games are starting to look more pretty than they are fun
09:34.35ShirikI typically don't have fun with the games themselves
09:34.42Shirikwhich is more of a personal decision than anything else
09:34.51ShirikI choose not to play them but rather interact with the community
09:35.24cybaneWell I have been noticing a lot of game companies tout their game looks better but usually not as fun
09:35.25Mr_Rabies2welll, supposedly it takes farcry's AI and ramps it way way up in realism
09:35.58cybaneSome of the funnest games can be found on Atari
09:36.00Mr_Rabies2i honestly don't care, you could just fly around from viewpoint to viewpoint and i'd buy crysis
09:36.02Mr_Rabies2just to see it
09:36.03ShirikMy concept of "fun" is solving problems. Thus, I'm a developer by trade. I find actual joy in producing programs, solving problems.
09:36.15ShirikMost don't enjoy it, and I don't know why I do, but it's just something I like doing.
09:36.23Mr_Rabies2the best game ever is tribes 1
09:36.25ShirikI'd argue this is true of most (successful) developers
09:36.27Mr_Rabies2and that game looks horrid
09:36.32kasoI loved tribes <3
09:36.45Mr_Rabies2kaso, imagine a tribes game
09:36.51Mr_Rabies2on the crysis engine
09:36.54Mr_Rabies2on those mountains
09:37.00kasoMr_Rabies2  the first crysis shot i ever saw was this, its still amazing:
09:37.16cybaneYou know the best game is the world could be just blocks that did things and people would give it low rating because it is not pretty enough
09:37.44ShirikThat's a difficult assumption to make
09:37.50ShirikRF Online was a beautiful, beautiful game
09:37.54ShirikYet, it mostly failed
09:38.00Mr_Rabies2graphics don't really matter, but they're still rather important
09:38.00ShirikWhy? Because of the game itself
09:38.08cybaneThat is my Point Shirik
09:38.26ShirikI think it's the opposite of your point
09:38.41Mr_Rabies2without good graphics, the game won't sell a billion copies and keep support by publishers
09:39.09cybaneMy point is game companies care more about pretty than the actual gameplay / features
09:39.15Mr_Rabies2well of course
09:39.17cybaneTo me pretty pictures are not a feature lol
09:39.17Mr_Rabies2that's what sells
09:39.27Shirikto some, they are
09:39.29Shirikmyself included
09:39.37Mr_Rabies2i think they're rather important
09:39.51Mr_Rabies2but if the game's no fun, then that's a major strike against it
09:39.53ShirikAnd if you think I'm just making this up, go back and look at my reaction when Mr_Rabies showed me those pictures ;)
09:40.08cybaneheh for example Final Fantasy for the NES
09:40.17cybaneStill a fantasitic game now
09:40.25cybanebut noe that great in graphics
09:40.32Mr_Rabies2castlevania, symphony of the night
09:40.42*** join/#wowi-lounge JunkHead-Work- (
09:40.44Mr_Rabies2my only problem is that 2d games are starting to be removed
09:40.51Mr_Rabies2er, developed less
09:40.55cybaneFinal Fnatasy III on the DS only really had a major grpahics haul change they let 90% of the game alone.  Would it have sold if they kept the old graphics maybe
09:41.22Mr_Rabies2a nice crisp sprite is a lot cheaper, looks better, and is more than enough for a decent amount of games needlessly rendered in 3d
09:41.45cybaneThe reason I play games is for a good story
09:41.46Mr_Rabies2like, for example, they're converting castlevania rondo of blood and symphony of the night to 3d graphics, for psp
09:41.50Mr_Rabies2and it's gonna look bad
09:41.57Mr_Rabies2i don't really play for story, i play for entertainment
09:42.12cybaneA Story is entertainment ever read a book?
09:42.20Mr_Rabies2yes, not so much anymore
09:42.27cybaneWhy do you go to see a movie
09:42.27Mr_Rabies2because they're not interactive :p
09:42.32cybaneFor the pretty people?
09:42.46Mr_Rabies2seein stuff get blown up, laughing, having a good time
09:42.47cybaneWhy does it entertain you?
09:43.01Industrialcybane: #care :|
09:43.30Industrialcybane: cause we are humans?
09:43.46kasoI wonder what would happen if i installed a Virused patch via wine
09:43.47Mr_Rabies2i mean, story's pretty cool, but i don't play console rpgs much anymore unless i love the battle system
09:43.53Mr_Rabies2because it's all rehashed stuff
09:44.09cybaneWithout the story there are no explosions
09:44.36cybaneWithout the Story 300 is meaningless
09:44.37Mr_Rabies2i'd like to dispute that by throwing snakes on a plane at you
09:44.58Industrialcybane: thats for RPG games anyway.
09:45.02cybaneThe story was not that bad
09:45.03Mr_Rabies2i had fun watching snakes on a plane, but i'd have liked it more if they'd have kept ronnie yu
09:45.24Industrialcybane: I also play games because I like to prove to myself that I have the skill to do X
09:45.39Industrialcybane: like dance dance revolution like games or shooters
09:45.51cybaneDDR does take skill
09:45.52ShirikI will destroy you a DDR
09:45.59Mr_Rabies2console rpgs always include the obligatory 'the earth is a blah blah blah crappy monologue that no one cares about blah blah' said by the healer priest chick in the party
09:46.03cybaneOr atleast practice
09:46.06Industrialsame with PVP in MMORPG
09:46.15Mr_Rabies2grandia's the only console rpg i appreciate these days, because of the battle system
09:46.21Industrialits fun to get better and fun to be better :)
09:46.28Mr_Rabies2plus the magic never gets old, the spells are so entertaining to watch
09:46.30cybaneEven DDR has a story behind it
09:46.37cybaneHeck even Gituar Hero has a story
09:46.44Mr_Rabies2not really, haha
09:46.50Industrialwhat story lol
09:46.53Mr_Rabies2you're in a band, you travel to x
09:46.58Mr_Rabies2you play songs and get money
09:47.03Industrialarrows fly by press the correct buttons or die NOWNOWNOW ?
09:47.07cybaneSimple but still a story that you control
09:47.23Mr_Rabies2i'm saying i don't care about a -good- story
09:47.34Mr_Rabies2having a story is pretty much required for any form of ...storytelling...
09:47.45Industrialill care with movies and books - wich are about storytelling mostly
09:48.16Mr_Rabies2that's like saying i don't care about graphics, but then you come out and say you have to have a visual framework to play a game
09:48.22Mr_Rabies2well, that's not entirely true
09:48.27Mr_Rabies2i played this one game that had no visuals
09:48.30Mr_Rabies2black screen
09:48.45Mr_Rabies2you shut your eyes and put on headphones and played this blind beast thing with amplified hearing
09:48.47Mr_Rabies2in a pit
09:49.05Mr_Rabies2chasing down people by their breathing and heartbeat and mauling them
09:49.07Mr_Rabies2it was pretty fun
09:49.46Mr_Rabies2rofl, check out the screenshot
09:51.02Industrialwell story and graphics and gameplay add to the gaming experience but sometimes you dont need a story or even (good) graphics. Define good really. I think Tyrian has good graphics ( and i dislike the wow art.
09:51.18Industrialwow is still fun cause of good gameplay and to me (not yet) a good story.
09:51.25Mr_Rabies2i love how wow looks
09:51.42Mr_Rabies2it's cartoony in a world filled with games trying to look hyper realistic
09:51.44Industriali like it real in rpgs. not cartoony
09:51.49Mr_Rabies2and amazingly smoothly animated
09:51.54Mr_Rabies2i hate how eq2 looks
09:52.21Mr_Rabies2it looks like someone just chucked a bunch of free models from bryce or something into a generic fantasy world
09:53.11cybaneand WoW looks like some highschool kid's art project your point
09:53.15Mr_Rabies2trying for hyper realism isn't a great idea unless you really know what you're doing, like the crysis team
09:53.16IndustrialI'd like wow better if it tried to be realistic
09:53.16cybaneIt is just different styles
09:53.26Mr_Rabies2i wouldn't indy
09:53.36cybaneIndustrial Define real in a fantasy world?
09:53.37Mr_Rabies2i'd probably stop playing if they changed it to be more realistic
09:54.06Mr_Rabies2like oblivion
09:54.12Mr_Rabies2i think oblivion looks like crap
09:54.22Mr_Rabies2and wow looks amazing, compared to it
09:54.38cybaneWow is medium textures with low poly count models
09:54.40Mr_Rabies2oblivion is terribly animated, all the textures are muddy, and it just doesn't feel like a living world
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09:54.58Mr_Rabies2wow can get by with semi-muddy textures because they're cartoony models
09:54.58cybaneWoW also uses a lot of bright colors to have clean lines
09:55.13Mr_Rabies2wow looks like crap in screenshots
09:55.16Industrialcybane: I meant realistic. As if I could be there. It doesnt have to be 1:1 wit our world in terms of what you see because yeah its fantasy, it does have to have normal proportions etc.
09:55.19Mr_Rabies2but in movement, it looks so much better
09:55.34Mr_Rabies2the animations really make wow
09:55.51cybaneWoW follows the artistic styles of the Warcraft games
09:56.04Industrialthe feel makes wow for me. the way the camera works and how instant spells and abolities are
09:56.07Industrialit flows
09:56.10cybaneTo divert would remove a major part of the video games today and that is artistic style
09:56.13Industrialcybane: and i dont like it :P
09:56.23Mr_Rabies2they're so far ahead of the other MMOs, and a lot of other games in general
09:56.26cybaneYou opinon and entitled to it =D
09:56.28Industrialid rather have lotr elves for example
09:56.47Mr_Rabies2i think wow's probably one of the better looking games out there, honestly
09:56.59cybaneWoW is good because it runs well on older systems
09:57.01Mr_Rabies2all that the excessive bump mapping and crap does is make things look muddy
09:57.16cybaneDue to the less intensives graphics
09:58.10cybaneFor me though a game's functionality and inbedded systems will mean more to than how pretty my avatar or that tree is.  Or how realistic the water looks
09:58.13Mr_Rabies2hell i think tribes 1 looks better than, say, eq2
09:59.06cybaneOne thing that really does cheese me off is when a game review gets good reviews based on how real the water looks WHO CARES it is fricken water
09:59.45cybaneYou know how people dogged the Zedla before the one the Wii
09:59.50Industrialer minus the cybane:
10:00.01cybaneThat game had some of the best game play around
10:00.04Mr_Rabies2i think there's still plenty of room for sprites out there
10:00.09cybaneYeah it was cartoony but it played well
10:00.34cybaneAlso, Kingdom hearts has a cult following good story and game play but a lot of people think it is just for kids due to disney
10:01.35Mr_Rabies2crisp graphics > realistic graphics
10:01.37cybaneSome of the best games around did not have an M rating
10:01.49Mr_Rabies2realism = a lot of browns and dark greens
10:02.23cybaneJust like a lot of great movies do not need an R rating
10:02.23Mr_Rabies2i won't watch pg-13 horror
10:02.38Mr_Rabies2because i know it'll just be lame, and not the good kind of lame
10:02.44cybaneI never understood why people like watching horror they are all really corney to me
10:03.05KirkburnThis is reality :)
10:03.24cybaneHorror = things flashing on the screen.  You wanna watch a horror watch a kid go through Children Services that is a horror
10:03.35Mr_Rabies2cybane, no
10:03.39Mr_Rabies2that's recent horror
10:03.44Mr_Rabies2pg13 horror specifically
10:03.52Mr_Rabies2jump scenes do not a good horror movie make
10:04.10Mr_Rabies2it's just cheap scares
10:04.16Mr_Rabies2like silent hill versus resident evil
10:04.27Mr_Rabies2resident evil just uses cheap startling stuff to make you jump
10:04.39Mr_Rabies2whereas silent hill will seriously mess with your mind if you play it in the dark
10:04.39cybaneROFL @ that comic
10:06.33Mr_Rabies2this part of silent hill scared the crap out of me :[
10:06.33cybaneI never finished Doom3 due to all the creppy sounds the jumping out I got used to though it was the sounds that messed with me
10:06.33Mr_Rabies2eh doom 3 only startled me
10:06.33Mr_Rabies2silent hill is the one thing that actually creeps me out
10:06.33Mr_Rabies2nothing else does
10:06.34Mr_Rabies2well, except furries
10:06.34Mr_Rabies2i have some kind of irrational fear to furries
10:06.53Mr_Rabies2not furry art, it makes me confused, and a little sad
10:07.05Mr_Rabies2but when i see a guy in a fursuit i get this feeling of dread
10:07.44Mr_Rabies2like, i was at an anime convention (don't hate) and saw some guy in a fursuit, and honestly had to get out of that room RIGHT THEN
10:07.52Mr_Rabies2like, anxiety++
10:08.08wobin_You didn't want to be yiffed?
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10:08.51Mr_Rabies2i dunno, it was weird
10:09.07Mr_Rabies2like, i can tolerate pretty much anything that japan can throw at me, with some wtfs, but that's about it
10:09.14Mr_Rabies2but furries really creep me out
10:09.21cybaneI like vg cats
10:09.23Mr_Rabies2so do maskers
10:10.50Mr_Rabies2freaks me the hell out
10:11.04wobin_That's ...
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10:11.29Mr_Rabies2thats an acronym i'm not familiar with
10:11.43wobin_I agree with that comment
10:11.49Mr_Rabies2oh that's not the half of it
10:11.55Mr_Rabies2OSAKA NO /cry
10:12.17IndustrialAAAAHH dont do that again
10:12.29IndustrialZE GOGGLEZ ZO NOZZINK
10:12.34Mr_Rabies2his name was chris and he had a weird squeaky voice, i talked to him with this feeling of "LEAVE THE AREA NOW" in the back of my mind
10:12.37wobin_oh god
10:12.41wobin_PUT IT BACK ON
10:13.12Mr_Rabies2speaking of horrid sights at conventions
10:13.14Industrialnext time bring a bat
10:13.25Mr_Rabies2i saw more than one hambeast wearing nothing but body paint /cry
10:13.38Industrial"No. bad. BAAAD. *club* BAD."
10:14.18IndustrialMr_Rabies2: lolol im so never going to something like that
10:14.20Mr_Rabies2other than furries, maskers, and mostly naked hambeasts, nerd conventions are pretty damn fun
10:14.40Industrialpiggishly fat
10:15.16Mr_Rabies2i saw one of em in a sailor venus outfit, that was frightening
10:15.37Mr_Rabies2then she bent over to pick up something she dropped and my retinas were never the same
10:16.41Industrial"is that... a hand coming out of there?"
10:18.01Mr_Rabies2some guy dressed as bridget from guilty gear kept following me around
10:18.05Mr_Rabies2that was pretty weird
10:18.55Mr_Rabies2but everytime i saw this guy i laughed so much, he had a pimp walk and a little speaker that played the godzilla noise:
10:20.16Mr_Rabies2okay i'm done spamming, sorry :p
10:21.31Mr_Rabies2 check this out for some comedy, i'm so glad i just went dressed like a nerd and not some japanese schoolgirl or something
10:21.50Industrialiim so visiting this when im a bad mood
10:21.51Mr_Rabies2then again a friend of mine went as sephiroth and almost got raped by hot fangirls :x
10:21.52Industrialinsta laugh
10:23.03Mr_Rabies2some guy with swans on his shoulders and no shirt was always behind me too
10:23.10Mr_Rabies2between he and bridget i was paranoid
10:24.03Industrialeeeeewwww lol
10:24.11Industriali just watched cowboy bebop yesterday
10:24.12Mr_Rabies2could be worse
10:24.15Mr_Rabies2could be manfaye
10:25.23Industrialthis is more my style :P
10:26.01Mr_Rabies2yeah i saw domokun, he was pretty cool
10:26.05Mr_Rabies2some guy was a tetris block
10:26.23Mr_Rabies2some stupid naruto guys attacked him and stabbed a hole in his block
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10:27.23Industriallol wrong side
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10:28.32Mr_Rabies2someone i know in real life is in there, she's may from guilty gear x
10:30.32Industrialwonder if they had room for parking all the short busses xD
10:31.59Mr_Rabies2they obviously didn't have aenough showers by the smell
10:36.08Industrialim viewing it all :P
10:37.46Mr_Rabies2 YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG
10:41.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=najklord@
10:45.11Industrial*falls off his chair, again*
10:46.30Industrialpass: (on the right)
10:48.18Industrialok i could spend all day in a gallery but i have to code :<
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10:57.10Mr_Rabies2ms angel wings does not pass
10:57.29Mr_Rabies2because people that have wings are jerks, take up the whole damn hallway more please >:[
10:57.45ShirikI had "wings" when I played RF :(
11:04.27Mr_Rabies2oh i was reading about linux on the 360
11:04.38Mr_Rabies2the ability to use unsigned code was patched out in january
11:05.10Mr_Rabies2so if you get any games from later than that or log online there's a good chance you'll be patched
11:06.05Mr_Rabies2so you're essentially stuck with a cheap computer, possibly with the ability to play older 360 games offline, but go online or play newer games, and you're screwed :p
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11:30.20ShirikCairenn|afk / dolby-wowi / some other mod here?
11:31.15BleeterShirik: 'some other mod' = Iriel|Away and clad|sleep
11:31.35ShirikI didn't know if there were any more other than them, so figured I'd hit em all :P
11:33.00ShirikBleeter - you know what's amusing? I've decided that to get the code to work on Linux, I'm going to have to write it in C++
11:33.08ShirikI.e., use JNI
11:33.37ShirikOnly a couple of functions that the Gnu JRE isn't implementing yet, but yeah
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11:35.18Bleetersorry, the delay was caused by my guffaws :P
11:35.43Bleetercuriously enough, I've *finally* got around to purchasing Stroustup, K&R and APUE
11:35.45ShirikI've never actually used the JNI before but it's pretty decent
11:36.01Shirikum, if I said I don't know what any of those are... would you kill me?
11:36.07BleeterI barely touched it back in the day, but I recall even then it wasn't too shabby
11:36.28BleeterStroustrup - C++ book, K&R - C book, APUE - Unix book
11:36.40Shirikah, nice
11:37.56Bleeteralso splurged on a couple of QT books too
11:38.31ShirikI will have to investigate QT
11:38.32Bleeterbut as far as those three go, only been meaning to buy them for past.. gawd, 10-15 years
11:39.08BleeterI've been told APUE is par excellence
11:41.14ShirikKDE is going to be written with Qt?
11:41.28Bleeteris written with QT
11:41.32Shirikit is?
11:41.40Bleetertho I think that says more about the KDE devs than QT itself ;)
11:43.34Bleeteryeah, current KDE is QT3
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11:45.01Shirikbbiab :)
11:51.28JoshBorke*sigh*  stupid spammers
11:55.56clad|sleepBleeter: Shirik|Fooding: What "other mod" were you guys talking about?
11:56.46Bleeterclad|sleep: shirik was after a moderator for some reason (maybe website issue /shrug)
11:56.53Bleeterhope we didn't wake you with PING
11:56.57clad|sleeplikely the reported post.
11:57.43Bleeterwas it worthy of a report?
11:59.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal- (
12:02.28clad|sleepthey always are
12:02.31clad|sleepand i'm the first one awake in the morning
12:02.34clad|sleepso i always get em, here
12:12.46Shirikclad|sleep: moderator for wowi
12:13.39Shirikand yeah, that's what it was
12:14.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Jocco_S (
12:42.00hugockknight you alive
12:42.57JoshBorkehugo: ckknight isn't in here
12:43.20zenzelezzthen my user list lies
12:44.29JoshBorkehm, mine too...
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14:27.36JoshBorkemorning Cairenn
14:27.38JoshBorkemorning cladhaire
14:27.50Cairennhey JoshBorke :)
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14:41.05JoshBorkecladhaire: your StickyFrames is pretty much complete, right?
14:41.30cladhaireit was used in WatchDog for quite some time.
14:41.37cladhaireit could use more features, but yes.
14:42.19cladhairewhy do you ask?
14:42.31JoshBorkei'mma hack my PitBull to use it
14:43.39cladhairethe tricky thing is you have to specify a list of frames to "stick" against.
14:45.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Bloodeyes (
14:46.07JoshBorkeit doesn't support conditional stick points right, like frame1 sticks to frame2 only on frame1's right side, but frame1 can stick to frame3 on the left/right/top side
14:46.49KirkburnBut of news - the British soldiers are going to be released by Iran
14:48.07KirkburnAye, very
14:48.34MoonWolfboth the brits and iranies were idiots in that stupid situation
14:48.42KirkburnHow so?
14:48.45MoonWolfthere is not doubt in my mind that those brits were in iran waters.
14:48.53MoonWolfand iran should not have gone the kidnap route.
14:49.12[Ammo]I agree with moonwolf
14:49.13KirkburnWhoa, what makes you think they were in iranian waters apart from what the Iranians said?
14:49.40MoonWolfbecause the iranians are NOT idiots and do not want a reason for the world to shoot them.
14:49.55KirkburnOh sure, they have no history of defying international agreements
14:49.58KasoThe iranians have been sabre rattling for ages
14:50.12[Ammo]well the brits were probably in iranian waters
14:50.31Kasothen why would the british government lie?
14:50.32[Ammo]or they suck at reading their GPS systems
14:50.36KirkburnI'd check up on the iranian and brit versions of events
14:50.38Kasothat seems a more suicidal act
14:51.02KirkburnEspecially when Iran's initial position for the boat was /inside Iraqi waters/
14:51.20Kirkburn(check the
14:52.01KirkburnThe versions of events (UK and Iran) -
14:55.25KirkburnWow, reading over what Ahmadinejad said: "I'm asking Mr Blair to not put these 15 personnel on trial because they admitted they came to Iranian territorial water" ... how kind!
14:56.00KirkburnI'm sorry, but if that's not propaganda double-speak, what is?
14:56.20MoonWolftriple speak ?
14:57.35KirkburnWhy on earth would we put them on trial anyway? /brain explosion
14:57.41KasoBasically its all a play to turn the iran populace against the british "They let confessed crininals go without any reprocussion"
14:58.16KirkburnI know I'm probably biased, but I do trust the BBC to give an impartial version of events, especially since they're often accused of being biased against the UK
14:58.58MoonWolfthere is a problem though, no matter how biased or unbiased you are, they have to work with the "facts" that they can gather
14:59.12MoonWolfmost of those come directly or indirectly from the iran and uk goverment.
15:00.57KasoThe very fact iran "revised" the co-ordinates, is a little fishy you must admit
15:01.10KirkburnSo why would they now release the soldiers? If they had proof of the incursion, surely they could put them on trial
15:02.01KirkburnI do think Ahmadinejad has done the right thing as it helps calm the tensions
15:02.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
15:02.19KirkburnIt's a crazy world :/
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15:07.01KirkburnLol, "How to respond to... Whatev-ah" -
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15:19.46cladhaireokay, gonna level my preest from 60-70
15:19.50cladhaireshadow, or disc, or lolsmite?
15:20.54JoshBorkei went disc to 70
15:21.01cladhairemind posting your spec?
15:21.05cladhaireit'll be primarily solo
15:21.07JoshBorkebut we all know you're too n00b cladhaire, so you should go shadow :-P
15:21.18Kasololsmite is fun if you have enough +dmg
15:21.19JoshBorkeum, lemme go look for it
15:21.23cladhairei just dont like downtime.
15:21.45Cideshadow is superior, honestly
15:21.57cladhaireCide: all the way to vamp touch first?
15:22.26KasoVT is a awesome opener for solo
15:22.27JoshBorkeyea, shadow i would say is superior, i was just never a fan of the spec
15:22.47cladhairek k.. so VT, MB, SW:P flay flay?
15:23.00cladhairesomefin like that?
15:23.17Cidelevel 60 build
15:23.33Kasoi usually pull two or three at once
15:23.40Kasovt vt pain pain Ve, fear, flay
15:23.52cladhaireKaso: ah, that makes sense too
15:24.01cladhaireCide: then just push to VT?
15:24.18cladhairewhere do you drop the other 4 points?
15:24.21cladhairewhen your'[e done?
15:24.29Cideshadow power and misery
15:24.36Cidewith one point to spare
15:24.58cladhaireoh yeah
15:25.27JoshBorkei didn't get shadow power
15:25.37Cideshadow power is an awesome talent imo
15:25.57Cide>>> 1 - 0.75^2
15:25.57CideCide: 0.4375
15:26.08cladhairei only use SW:Death as a finisher, i assume?  I haven't done any priest leveling at all yet, heh
15:26.10Kasoi agree
15:26.10Cide44% chance to crit on either mind blast or SW: D
15:26.19Cide(or so)
15:26.19JoshBorkecladhaire: no
15:26.29JoshBorkecladhaire: VE can heal back the SW: Death
15:26.36Cidefor leveling it usually ends up being a finisher, but not for raiding
15:26.36cladhaireah okay
15:26.38cladhairemakes sense
15:26.53JoshBorke is me
15:26.56Cidewhen a mob is at 50-60%, I cast MB and then SW: D immediately after
15:27.13Cidethey die or end up at 1-3% hp, in which case it's not a big deal
15:27.22KasoUnless you are on 1000hp
15:27.27Kasothen its a big deal :>
15:27.37JoshBorkelol, yea
15:27.38CideI'm never at 1000 hp :)
15:27.43JoshBorkei haven't killed myself with SW:D yet
15:28.16Kasoive done it a couple times
15:29.07Cidefor me, at 70, it's something like... VT SW: P VE, mind flay, (X), wand to 50%, MB, SW: D     -- (X) = if low on life, rank 1 fear -> mind flay to death here
15:29.27CideI can grind forever with no food or water pretty much
15:30.06cladhairethats what i'm looking forward to
15:31.28KasoOnly Revered with nozdormu?
15:31.41CideI'm a swede :)
15:31.53Cideraids start at 2:30am, so yep!
15:32.01cladhaireI only have healing gear, =/
15:32.36KasoYou should play on EU shattered hand, sweaden centeral
15:32.49CideI hate swedes =/
15:33.27cladhaireMooncloth is useless now,  isnt' it
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15:34.05nevcairieldefault mooncloth, pretty much yea
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15:35.02Callieeneed some work yet
15:37.29cladhaireLeveling, can you easily stock up on both nuking and healing gear?
15:37.37cladhaireor is there a fine line, like there is with druids.
15:38.04nevcairielI didnt get any good healing gear while leveling
15:38.13nevcairielbeing a druid. but lots of feral stuff
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15:41.56cladhaireCide: Why wand spec over unbreakable will?
15:42.00cladhairejust cause you wand to 50%?
15:42.42Cairennhey cogwheel|work? just for info, there was (is?) a malicious version of KLMThreatmeter being distributed.  Someone is uploading it with a trojan in the zip file.  I know that for fact, because they tried uploading it to our site as well.  Obviously it never made it out of our moderation queue, but if the other sites aren't checking mods before allowing them to go live ....
15:43.14cogwheel|workyeah... but they're still stupid if they run an exe file :P
15:43.22Cairennyeah, well
15:44.10CallieeI tell all my guildmates to always go to the author's site to download if possible
15:44.34Callieewe've had 2 of our members hacked in 6 months, we're all a bit paranoid
15:44.36CairennCalliee: meh, people can download from our site with no worries too
15:45.01sysrageyou being lame and running an exe that has a trojan/keylogger in it does not equal being hacked
15:45.01Cairenn5 years of hosting mods, we've never had anyone get even so much as a virus, let alone a trojan
15:45.54sysragecan't stand all the ppl in my guild that say somebody was hacked when they just didn't follow the most basic security rule that's been around since the dawn of computers. don't run stuff you don't trust. it's simple!
15:45.55Callieeright, but you can only speak for your site, not all the repository sites have the same quality control
15:46.02cogwheel|workYou get hacked one of three ways: giving out your user name/password (this includes using the same login info on mod sites that have the potential to be hacked), running a trojan, and being a victim of a browser vulnerability
15:46.14cogwheel|workAll but the last one are completely under your control
15:46.16sysragegiving out your user/pass isn't being hacked either. it's being stupid
15:46.43Callieebah, it's a semantic point, not worth arguing
15:47.14cogwheel|workit's not a semantic point when the first two are by far the most common ways accounts become compromised...
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15:48.22Callieewe belive the most recent came not from a mod, or an exe, but a drive-by dowwnload embedded in an ad that got put up on Thottbot
15:48.58sysrageusing a seperate linux box for web surfing ftw! :)
15:49.11cogwheel|workNot using IE ftw
15:49.20Callieethat works too
15:50.15Cairenngo go adblocker & noscript
15:50.52Callieeand while it is still user error that allowed that download to happen, it's not like IE goes out of it's way to make preventing such downloads easy
15:51.33Cidecladhaire: back, sorry
15:52.25Cideyeah, I've found wand spec to be a lot more useful - fear, stuns and silence are all very uncommon in pve (not counting raid encounters)
15:53.51Cideoh ya, get imp VE from 60->70 too
15:54.24cladhaireokay, first or after misery/shadow power?
15:54.49Cideafter shadow power, before misery
15:55.15cladhaireso its basically just grind and mana up, back and forth until i get VT
15:55.19cladhairei can do that, heh
15:55.35cladhairebeen so long since i've done anything other than heal on my priest
15:55.43Cidemana up for me is usually trinket -> shadowfiend
15:55.48Cidegets me like 5k mana
15:55.57cladhairewhen do you get shadowfiend?
15:56.06cladhaireah okay
15:56.14cladhairejust trying to work out the early 60 levels :P
15:56.16Cide5k mana lasts for the 5 minutes it's on cooldown with VT
15:56.22Cideit's awesome :)
15:56.33Cairenn(if anyone needs me, please say my name so it beeps at me, I'm working in Photoshop atm and I can't run it in a 1/2 sized window the way I do most other programs)
15:56.43cladhaire<3 Cairenn
15:57.08zenzelezzCairenn: you working on those autographed posters?
15:57.13cogwheel|workGet another monitor :P
15:57.28Cairennzenzelezz: ha ha ha
15:57.37Cairenncogwheel|work: sure, soon as you send me the money for it :p
15:58.11CallieeI've got a few lying around here, just pay the shipping and they're yours ;)
15:58.19zenzelezzI feel completely caged in if I use a computer with only one monitor
15:58.32Cairennand while you're at it, I could use another meg or two of ram,. another hard drive and an upgraded video card :p
15:58.35cogwheel|workyou should start a paypal account so we can donate :P
15:58.35CallieeI have 5 computers attached to 3 monitors on my desk
15:59.08CairennI have a paypal account, and not a chance in hell I'd put up a link to it
15:59.38Cairennthat would just feel incredibly tacky, to me at least
16:00.00Calliee3 of the computers are WoW capable and have thier own accounts
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17:36.04ravagernlwee! I can telnet to at 3724 but get disconnected ingame.
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18:03.20wereHamsteranyone from londone here? Is heathrow nearer to the city center than gatwick?
18:03.47TC_Workingcant you google maps it?
18:06.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
18:06.04TC_Workingok, this is london to heathrow,+England&daddr=LHR&layer=&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=43.023781,163.125&ie=UTF8&z=11&om=1
18:06.04KirkburnCairenn|afk, others, Thompson again!
18:06.24KirkburnThe "city center" of London means very little
18:06.25KirkburnEspecially with the Tube
18:06.32TC_Workingand this is gatwick,+England&daddr=LGW&layer=&sll=51.486405,-0.289968&sspn=0.132548,0.637207&ie=UTF8&z=9&om=1
18:06.38OsagasuI don't see why they don't just revoke his license.
18:07.01TC_Workingheathrow is 17 mi vs 28 to gatwick
18:07.26KirkburnHeathrow also has dedicated train services from one of the largest train terminals
18:08.22KirkburnTbh, Stansted, Heathrow, Gatwick - they're all get you into London quickly
18:10.04TC_Workingbah, he asks a question then scoots
18:10.33wereHamsterokok.. thanks for teh links, looking at the maps..
18:11.41KirkburnwereHamster, may I ask why you want to know?
18:12.23wereHamsterI have to go to london next week..
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18:16.29TC_WorkingLONDON LONDON fergie is stuck in my head
18:16.43TC_Workingand i dont even like that song
18:17.03ag`nah, you do
18:17.11wereHamster.. ticket from LHR is 65 SFr, from LGW 185 SFr
18:17.20pastamancerTC_Working: at least it's not MY HUMPS
18:17.35TC_Workingi liked that one
18:17.46TC_Workingat least that one made sense
18:18.44pastamancerwell, london bridge was a metaphor
18:18.46TC_Workingit was a bad one
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18:40.28ckknighthugo: pong
18:46.31KirkburnRead this -
18:46.47Kirkburn(it may take a while to 'get it')
18:50.20*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
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18:59.28KasoHowcome Saveragy enchant is so much cheaper than spellpower enchant
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19:04.52KirkburnKaso, because a Saveragy enchant marks you out as someone who can't spell, and thus a person for riducule. People don't pay to be ridiculed, y'know :)
19:05.06KasoYou big meanie
19:05.21Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
19:05.52Kirkburn|MeanieAah, memories
19:06.13KirkburnUnforunately "Kirkburn|EvilBastard" didn't fit
19:07.52Kasothe two enchants have the same "item level"
19:07.58Kasoyet one is almost double the cost
19:09.26KirkburnFine, dismiss my reason why don't you
19:09.49KirkburnAnd you think I'M the meanie
19:11.01LegorolCan someone explain to me under what circumstances will someone show up as not having CTRA when you do a /raver
19:11.13Legorolthey are running the latest version, it is enabled and they have the minimap icon,
19:11.25Legorolthe same version from other people show up in /raver, but not this person's
19:11.27Legorolany ideas?
19:11.58Shadowedoh boy, another company wasting money on sponsoring teams
19:12.30AnduinLotharwow arena teams?
19:12.51Shadowedsuch a waste of money, but it's good advertising I guess
19:13.06KirkburnMutually exclusive comment alert!
19:13.18AnduinLotharyeah adv IS the point
19:13.24Shadowed~lart Kirkburn
19:13.24purlurinates on Kirkburn
19:13.33KirkburnOoh, a golden shower!
19:15.37KirkburnOh, my, god, I am an idiot. I just melted clingfilm onto my rice.
19:16.18pastamancerthe plastic is full of vitamins
19:16.47foxlitIf I wanted to know what's going on at BG zoneins, where would I look?
19:17.00foxlitWoW tends to freeze up for a few seconds, it's ugly.
19:18.00Kirkburnhrm, do I still eat it? It seems to have mostly evaporated
19:18.05KirkburnOr melted to the bowl.
19:18.41cogwheel|workA little ingested plastic never hurt anyone...
19:20.07Garoun|Loupanawell it just depends :P
19:20.17Garoun|Loupanayou should be able to peel most of it off
19:21.09Garoun|Loupananot exactly 'good' for you, but won't kill you if you get some of it ingested
19:21.42KirkburnMmm, plastic!
19:22.06KirkburnWhen I looked at the bowl in the over, my first reaction was "hmm, why can I see the rice so clearly?"
19:22.10Garoun|LoupanaI mean who hasn't ever accidently swallowed a lego at one point in time :P
19:22.25Kirkburn"Oh, hang on, there's no clingfilm"
19:23.50KirkburnYeah, I could peel the clingfilm off the edges, fortunately
19:24.32Garoun|LoupanaI accidently did it to a meatloaf, and tasted a little plasticy, but you could peel most of it off without mucheffort
19:25.48*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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19:41.46cladhaireLF1M Ramparts, at last boss.
19:42.16JoshBorkesorry, i don't run with n00b horde
19:42.35cladhairei'm on my priest
19:43.18cladhairefigured i'd level him
19:44.02cogwheel|workThis Win32 API type amuses me greatly:     PWNDCLASSEX
19:44.35JoshBorkeapparently all of my developer toons are still in raids
20:00.33*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
20:01.28KasoWhat ever happened to teh orge in Durnholme
20:01.44cladhaireso i've never had this issue
20:01.45cladhairei'm the healer
20:02.16cladhairekeep dying on the rend-boss in ramparts
20:02.17cladhairewhats going wrong?
20:02.46foxlitYou keep dying or people keep dying?
20:02.52Legorolit seems that the patch did something to aggro
20:02.53cladhairei keep dying
20:02.55Shadowedwell your health is hitting 0
20:02.58Shadowedshould fix that
20:03.02Legorolour raid has issues with mobs going to random people who they shouldn't
20:03.07Legorolsince today (patch)
20:03.18Shadowedare you landing a large heal or something right as they split?
20:03.44foxlitCombatlog tells you anything?
20:03.46cladhairethe dragon just lands, i'm shielded, i fade, he hits me with a fireball, and meleesme for 1900
20:03.47cladhaireand i die.
20:03.57Shadowedtell your tank to stop afking/
20:04.01JoshBorkecladhaire: hide on the ramp
20:04.10Scr3emcladhaire, have someone in the group range dps the crap out of the bird while everyone else kills the rider
20:04.12cladhairei have been =/
20:04.19foxlit(a) it shouldn't be on you (b) Breath leaves a dot on the ground that hurts like hell
20:04.22Shadowedis your tank not switching fast enough or something
20:04.28cladhairehe sucks
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20:04.38Scr3emif you don't dps the dragon, the healer will die almost every time
20:04.45Scr3emfrom my experience as a priest
20:05.05Scr3emlike taunt is resisted or not done fast enough or whatever
20:05.24cladhairewell, by the time he's visually landed
20:05.25foxlitWasn't really a problem at 61
20:05.27cladhairehe's already hit 4 times.
20:06.11Shadowedwell he hits a bit harder in heroic at 70 :p
20:06.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata (
20:06.25cladhairenever had this issue on my druid
20:06.27cladhairebut i was tanking then
20:06.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
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20:08.58Legoroluhm, something seems wrong with aggro tonight
20:09.05Legoroli am grinding in a cave, some other players are around as well.
20:09.18Legoroli go to body pull a mob, and it charges.... a different player, miles away
20:09.25Legorolit should've charged me
20:10.33cladhairevery odd
20:16.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Work (n=cheald@
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20:26.49Bleeter << *stunning*
20:27.04Bleeterprops to Gryphen for posting that URL to #wowwiki
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20:52.37hugockknight: ping :P
20:53.11hugockknight is there some list of the [variables] for pitbull like i wanted to show my hp as mini + smart
20:53.16hugobut dont know the [][][]'s ;d
20:53.30hugoor percent + mini etc
20:53.31ckknightwell, it's in the lua
20:53.34ckknightthere's no wikipage yet
20:53.42ckknightwhat do you want to do?
20:53.44hugohow you do the mini ?
20:53.50hugomini and smarthp
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20:54.02ckknightwhat's the smart do?
20:54.03hugoand [curmana:short] ?
20:54.14hugoit show like deficit in red color
20:54.33hugocool thanks ;]
20:57.34ckknightit's complex, bit it'll show Dead/Offline/Ghost if they are
20:57.43ckknightotherwise show their missinghp unless it's zero
20:57.59sysrageare US servers screwy right now? won't let me into char select
21:01.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
21:02.13bleetahsysrage: which realm? I can get in to at least 4
21:05.50sysragei just got in
21:05.55sysragedunno what it was
21:25.20*** join/#wowi-lounge kneeki|atwork (n=kneeki|
21:25.20kneeki|atworkEllo everyone
21:26.16TC_Workinghello kneeki|atwork
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21:27.22kneeki|atworkJust an FYI out there, if you multibox, Synergy is a GREAT program for it
21:28.26Gnarfozsynergy is simply great, whatever you use it for :D
21:28.35kneeki|atworkI agree
21:28.50kneeki|atworkUsing it at work now with my desktop PC + laptop. It's so great
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22:54.50JumpyNot a lot of chatter here.
22:55.34Jumpyvery nice
22:56.08Shirikcladhaire: here?
22:56.10GnarfozI try hard
22:56.44JumpyKody - you the Kody of
22:57.34Jumpyer, I mean Curse Gaming
23:03.19JumpyJust curious
23:06.59cladhaireShirik: momentarily
23:07.10ShirikJust a suggestion for tomtom
23:07.21Shirikif you're busy I'll tell you later
23:07.39cladhaire"ok" is a really bad suggestion
23:07.42Shirikallow for a sequence of waypoints, so you can set up a route
23:07.44cladhairei can't believe you'd waste my time with it =(
23:07.53cladhaireShirik: Travel scripts are going to be put in at some point
23:07.53Shirikand go to it one by one
23:07.55cladhairejust not sure at what level.
23:07.56Shirikgood good ^^
23:08.04cladhaireexactly what you describe
23:08.07ShirikI'd like one to go my mining path
23:08.20Shirikthat would be awesome
23:08.24cladhaireI also would like a way to "Record" a run, so It'll poll your location, and mark any nodes, quests, kills, etc.
23:08.25cladhairein theory
23:08.34Shirikcool :)
23:08.38cladhairefeel free to help =)
23:08.39TC_Workinghow about a path to the mobs that drop epics?
23:08.43cladhairei'll add you to the SVN
23:08.46cladhaireTC_Working: lrn2epic nub
23:09.02TC_Workingbut i'm lazy, i want a mod to do it for me
23:09.20ShirikI'm always glad to help :)
23:10.20JumpyIt would be nice to be able to filter out whispers from level 1 gold sellers
23:10.31ShirikThat's a very common request
23:10.33pastamancerTC_Working: plug in your data points and get your walking shoes on
23:10.40Shirikunfortunately, as I have to say very often, it's extremely difficult to do reliably
23:10.47Shirikto the point where it's mostly pointless to write
23:11.17JumpyYes, with no API to query level by name.
23:11.44Shirikwell, there is sorta
23:11.49Jumpysend whoi
23:11.53Jumpyer, who
23:12.05Jumpybut that goes to System Messages
23:12.12Shiriknot if you tell it not to
23:12.14Shirikthat's the easy par
23:12.16Shirikpart* i just need a way to figure out what mobs drop epic world drops.....anyone?
23:12.20Shirikthe hard part is that it has so many restrictions on it
23:12.27Shiriktime limitations, etc.
23:12.35Shirikalong with latency
23:13.07pastamancerTC_Working: wowhead?
23:13.20JumpyI thought about putting whispers into a table, then sending them to chat witha delay after checking with a sendwho
23:13.31TC_Workingnot chance of...i mean will drop.....heh
23:13.40Shirikbut you have the problem of
23:13.43Shirikif someone recently did a /who
23:13.49Shirikor if you get too many whispers at once
23:13.51pastamanceroh, hax!
23:13.54Shirikyou won't be able to get the requests back
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23:19.13JumpyI haven't looked into it but is there a way to prevent System messages from appearing in the chat window?
23:20.53Shirikthat's not the way you do it
23:20.58Shirikyou can set /who to be in an 'addon mode'
23:21.09JumpyI mean after a sendwho
23:21.22Shirikif you set that mode, it will not issue a system message
23:22.25Jumpyhmm, set in an 'addon mode'. Never seen that mentioned before anywhere.
23:23.23ShirikI just randomly came across it one day
23:23.29Shirikdidn't really need it but it stuck in my mind
23:23.32Jumpythen maybe put whispers into a table, time stamp them and then parcle them out one at a time after checking who
23:25.58Shirikbut the #1 issue you're going to have to deal with is when you have (a) too many whispers coming in, or (b) when the player had recently done a /who
23:26.06Shirikin which both cases, your who request will never return
23:26.11cladhaireShirik: You can delay it
23:26.15cladhaireusing a who queue system
23:26.19cladhaireit doesn't need to happen immediately
23:26.20Shirikaye, it's possible
23:26.21cladhaireit should just happen
23:26.23Shirikbut it has to be remembered
23:27.40JumpyYou could put in a 5 second delay using GetTime() and wade thru the whispers in the table
23:28.06Shirikmm, not quite
23:28.21Shiriktwo whispers come in, ok queue one and send one who request
23:28.32Shirik3 seconds later, the player sends a /who
23:28.41Shirik2 seconds later, your addon attempts to send a who request
23:28.42Shirikwhich fails
23:28.59Shirikthe easiest way, I think, would be to wait 5 seconds, and if it hasn't come back, reissue the request
23:29.13Shirikrepeat until it returns
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23:29.49cladhaireor hook the who function
23:29.54cladhaireand know when its been received
23:30.10JumpyI think I will give this a bit more thought, then try something. I almost enjoy writing addons more than playing.
23:30.21Shirikmost of us do ;)
23:30.24*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
23:30.27cladhairethe who one already exists on wowi i believe
23:31.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngngsk (
23:31.20Jumpyyou could do a name compare on the whisper and the who return message
23:33.50Shirik"You fall and lose 6735 health"
23:33.56ShirikI have 6740 health :P
23:34.26JumpyIt hurts to dismount way up high.
23:34.46Shirikno that was just me falling off a cliff
23:35.16JumpyThat's another thing, no way to know the Z axis value
23:35.40Shirikinterestingly enough
23:35.46ShirikI have theorizes a way to determine it
23:36.07Jumpywhen trying to find a party member I never know if they are above or below me.
23:36.14Jumpyyeah, by land speed
23:36.47Shirikit relies on the same theory i'm using to write the flight hud
23:37.13JumpyI read that forum, it's interesting
23:37.45Jumpyproblem is the land is sloped, like in Netherstorm
23:38.31Shirikbut, on the same note
23:38.31Shirikyou said z axis not altitude
23:38.54JumpyThey are kinda the same, in a sense
23:39.50Shiriknot quite; altitude 0 is not necessarily z = 0
23:39.51Shirikz axis stays the same, the ground does not
23:39.51Jumpyyes, I know, I used to fly
23:40.30Jumpybut asking Blizz to give us an air pressure API won't 'fly'.
23:40.43Shirikblizzard explicitly said they don't want to give us an API to determine altitude
23:41.05JumpyI wonder why. what damage could I do with that?
23:41.10Shirikcourse, they never really wanted to give us an x and y position either
23:41.17Shirikbut we kinda hacked around it through the map
23:42.01Jumpyok, got to run. See you later.
23:42.18Shiriktake care
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23:58.00Corrodiaspenile enhancement
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