IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070401

00:06.10*** join/#wowi-lounge haste (
00:16.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
00:26.17*** join/#wowi-lounge wobin (
00:27.59*** join/#wowi-lounge haste (
00:45.49Industrialhit chick
00:50.38bleeterwobin: (and all other aussies)
00:52.18Industrialno wai
00:52.29Industrialhorrible oh my god :o
00:52.57zenzelezzyou forgetting the date?
00:53.40zenzelezzmy ISP a few years ago said they were cracking down on porn
00:53.44zenzelezzscared some of my friends
00:56.36*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
01:11.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
01:19.02wobinomg wtf
01:19.32JoshBorkewtf what?
01:19.47wobinthe fucking bastards
01:19.58zenzelezzdon't trust anything today wobin
01:20.00JoshBorkeyea, sorry w obin
01:20.02JoshBorkeyou're pwned
01:20.06wobinIt's true
01:20.10JoshBorkegood thing you're moving, right?
01:20.14wobinWhy do I need adsl 2+ now?
01:20.24wobinYeah, but I'm not moving out of the country =P
01:20.27zenzelezzI don't believe anything posted today
01:20.32wobinoh =P
01:20.40wobinit's april already =P
01:20.51wobinI so didn't realise =)
01:20.51zenzelezzthe article didn't ring a bell?
01:20.59wobindid they try that last year?
01:21.05JoshBorkeclick on the Catch ISP's with their pants down
01:21.22wobinThe requested URL could not be loaded because it's April Fools.
01:21.24wobinhehe =)
01:21.36JoshBorkethey need to add:  "you dope"
01:21.47wobinthey got a cool 'HAHAHA' though
01:26.06wobinor netspace
01:26.58bleeterwobin: you shoulda clicked the DCITA press release linked at the bottom of that story ;)
01:27.08bleeteroh, you did.. eventually :P
01:29.07wobinwith netspace, the Home2+ 40 plan is 20 on 20 off, for $70
01:29.27wobinbut the SOHO 2+ is 20 all together for $80
01:31.40bleetermeh, all broadband in australia is mad+crap
01:31.50wobinIt's true
01:31.54wobinIt's like our elections
01:32.00wobin"Lesser of the two evils"
01:32.21bleeterwhat are we.. 7th highest take up rate in the OECD, 25th in network ability or something
01:32.40wobinit's abysmal
01:32.49wobinHey, it's a good thing they're blocking P2P! =)
01:32.58wobinMight make us smarten up quick smart!
01:33.35wobinI like the permanent "0 Comments"
01:33.46wobinso everyone thinks that they're "FRIST POST"
01:36.27wobinIt's so hard to source adsl2+ availability without a phone number in place
01:36.37wobiniiNet is the only one so far that takes a physical address
01:43.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
01:48.44Corrodiashay i'm back
01:48.59Corrodiaswith a new address and everything!
01:56.32*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh_ (
01:58.51CorrodiasI HAVE CONTRIBUTED!
01:59.22Corrodiasin the "uploaded" column in the allakhazam uploader, i have 1 for "creatures" and 5 for "lua data"
01:59.54Corrodias5000 items all went to "old"
02:06.19Corrodiasjesus christ this new dsl is fast
02:08.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
02:09.00*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
02:10.32*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
02:15.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
02:15.23JoshBork1i hate when my connection goes to shit
02:15.42Shirik~hug JoshBork1
02:15.53purlACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs JoshBork1
02:16.31*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
02:21.30wobinI <3 Ursula
02:23.13Corrodiasmy connection just went to unshit
02:23.23Corrodiasi have as much upstream with this new isp as i had downstream with my old one :o
02:25.19wobinThis is a good thing? Isn't it?
02:31.38Corrodiasit's an ass kicking thing
02:31.58Shirikseed for me kthx
02:32.24Corrodiasi have lots of porn and some star trek
02:32.27Corrodiasthat's just about it
02:37.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Elessdy (
02:40.11wobinstar trek porn?
02:40.19Shirikdude, 7 of 9 man
02:40.54Elessdyhelps if i install the dsl filter on the phone
02:44.19Corrodiasthis connection operates a little differently from how the one at old-home did
02:45.20JoshBork1quick!  hide
02:46.30Mr_Rabies2dammit kirkburn isn't here :[
02:47.04JoshBork1cladhaire: i can't store ... inside a table, can i?
02:47.13JoshBork1without putting it within a table
02:47.28cladhairenot without making a table somewhere.
02:50.11Mr_Rabies2i wonder when blizz's april fool's thing is gonna roll out
02:50.21Mr_Rabies2lazy bastards don't work weekends
02:50.39Shirikstore ... inside a table without putting it in a table?
02:50.46cladhairethe question didn't make sense
02:50.50cladhairebut the answer still applies =)
02:51.02Mr_Rabies2i'll store your mom in a table
02:51.09JoshBork1i want to cache the results from GetItemInfo
02:51.38Shirikwell, technically you don't have to use ... for that, since you know how many parameters will come out
02:51.40cladhaireso pass them to a function, and store them as local variables somewhere
02:51.47cladhairethat's also true
02:52.15Shirikyou could make one table and store them all in there, though I don't know of how efficient that would be
02:52.33Shirikassuming there's 10 returns from GetItemInfo, then tbl[10*i] will get you the ith result
02:52.47Shiriktbl[10*i + 1]
03:25.35JoshBork1anybody know the link to lua upvalues and stuff (totorial wise)
03:26.33cladhairethere aren't any
03:26.38cladhaireits just full lexical scoping.
03:26.42cladhairewhat do you want/need to know?
03:26.53JoshBork1perhaps i'm looking for function closures
03:27.16JoshBork1i'm gonna read, i'll get back to you :_)
03:27.19cladhairesame deal
03:27.26ShirikThere is a link to upvalues
03:27.30Shirikbut it's nowhere near explanatory
03:27.34ShirikI tried it a while ago
03:28.32*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
03:28.34Shirikthough... I guess that's the C side :/
03:28.38cladhairelike i said tho, they're easy
03:28.41cladhairewhat do you need to know?
03:30.07cladhaireyou dont even need to know the word upvalue
03:30.13cladhairewith full lexical scoping
03:30.19cladhairejust know that you can access any variables in your scope
03:30.35JoshBork1i really need to reinstall tinypad
03:30.50cladhaireI can give you any example you need, seriously =)
03:31.08JoshBork1cladhaire: i know, but there's nothing like figuring something out yourself :-D
03:31.13cladhairefair enough
03:31.25JoshBork1i'm trying to make that table i asked about earlier
03:31.36stavmardoes anyone know what the respawn time is for mobs after the curator?
03:31.44JoshBork1because i'm really disappointed with the speed (or lack there of) of my table sort function
03:32.09ShirikJosh, did you try what I said?
03:32.19cladhairewell, local x,y,z function foo() return x + y + z end
03:32.21cladhairethose are upvalues.
03:32.21JoshBork1Shirik: no, but i might
03:32.23ShirikIt works the same way DirectX creates vertex buffers
03:32.40Shirikwhile it's a 3 dimensional array, it puts it into a one dimensional array
03:32.51Shiriker, rather 4 dimensional
03:33.17ShirikI have no idea what the speed would be like
03:33.23Shirikbut I guess it would be the next thing I'd try
03:35.29cladhairelocal upvalues are really the fastest you can get
03:39.33cladhaire~seen Cairenn
03:39.59purlcairenn <n=Karen@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 4h 53m 36s ago, saying: '(or taken a look at the calendar)'.
03:41.53JoshBork1ok, cool, so that works, thanks cladhaire
03:41.58JoshBork1now to see how well it works
03:42.48JoshBork1it's different than i thought it would be, but it's all good
03:46.14JoshBork1HOLY SHIT
03:46.35JoshBork1i cannot believe the speed increase
03:47.56JoshBork1wow, functions use a lot of memory
03:48.48JoshBork1far more than tables do.  9 MBs to memorize 12k items
04:01.39cladhairethat's not entirely true.
04:01.54cladhaireclosures with upvalues are typically cheaper than tables.
04:02.23cladhairewithout knowing _what_ you're trying to do I can't do muh more
04:05.53Mr_Rabies2like gasp and stuff i totally did not expect that
04:06.55cladhaireJoshBork1: Care to clue me in?
04:07.12JoshBork1sure :-)
04:07.21JoshBork1i'll pastey the table i made
04:08.20JoshBork1well, background i guess
04:08.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Wor1 (n=cheald@
04:08.53JoshBork1i'm working on an item search mod ala lootlink, elkano's itemdb etc that will just use the GetItemInfo items, no active scanning of people
04:09.24cladhairestoring tooltips?
04:09.42JoshBork1no, just the base info from GetItemInfo
04:09.59cladhaireand Ludwig doesn't serve your needs?
04:10.02cladhaireanyway, continue =)
04:10.15JoshBork1hey, i'm just doing it because it's new and i wanted to give it a try :-P
04:10.24JoshBork1i'm sure ludwig would suit me just ifne :-)
04:10.24cladhairei'm down with that
04:10.41JoshBork1my current search takes a long time
04:10.46cladhairei'm all for storing absurd amounts of data
04:11.06JoshBork1ala 7 seconds to sort all the items
04:11.16cladhairewell, sort, or search?
04:11.35JoshBork1searching is quick and easy
04:11.55cladhairewell you said search
04:11.58cladhairewhich is why i ask =)
04:12.10JoshBork1yea, but you want to sort what you search too :-)
04:12.51JoshBork1so anyway, searching is easy, i populate a table of all the items i found that match the parameter
04:13.14JoshBork1the user can then initiate a sort based on 3 different fields, name, ilvl, type
04:13.53JoshBork1but the fields aren't really relevant
04:14.13JoshBork1so, i'll pastey the two codes i have
04:15.23JoshBork1the codes messy and has timing stuff in it so um, yea
04:15.31cladhairei can ignore nasty
04:15.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
04:17.00JoshBork1you'll see the table i use to cache the returns from GetItemInfo (courtesy of you :-D) and 2 functions.  the first function uses the cache'd results
04:17.08JoshBork1the second function calls GetItemInfo all the time
04:17.41cladhaireand whats the _issue_ you're having?
04:17.55JoshBork1the first function uses 9MB (well the table does)
04:18.08JoshBork1which, imo, is unacceptable
04:18.21cladhairewell ic an fix that
04:18.25cladhairein like two seconds, please wait.
04:18.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten-Laptop (
04:18.31JoshBork1<3 cladhaire
04:18.48Kaelten-LaptopI know clad's smart but what did he do this time?
04:19.03JoshBork1he said he could fix the 9mb problem in like two seconds
04:20.37JoshBork1 is the code kaelten
04:20.42JoshBork1so you can try to beat him to the solution
04:22.16cladhairetry this.. it doesn't cache.. but i suspect its faster than what you have
04:22.19cladhaireand i'll try to work out caching.
04:22.24JoshBork1max comparisons so far: 644195
04:23.55cladhaireyou'll need to adjust your mySort logic.
04:24.06cladhairebut honestly try it without caching
04:24.08cladhairefirst =)
04:24.52cladhaireyou have a few options, create tables, create closures, or create strings
04:24.54cladhaireif you want to be able to cache.l
04:25.32JoshBork1oops, don't redefine type
04:25.45cladhairethen re-name it =)
04:25.48cladhairei just copied your code,
04:25.53JoshBork1i know, i did :-)
04:26.13JoshBork1it was more of a self reminder
04:26.25JoshBork1found out someone on my server has atiesh :-D
04:26.47cladhaireare you sure that caching is an issue?
04:26.53cladhairei.e. did you try something fast without caching?
04:26.59cladhaireor did you pre-optimize?
04:27.08JoshBork1cladhaire: what do you mean?
04:27.16sioraiochtcladhaire: ping
04:27.25JoshBork1the second mysort function is my 'fastest' sort i could come up with
04:28.02cladhaireDid you try a basic function that does two GetItemInfo() calls?
04:28.10cladhaireand compares the values between the two
04:28.14cladhaireand profile/test that?
04:28.27cladhaireI suspect the client is being intelligent about caching data, and it would be close to the fastest solution.
04:28.30cladhaireor at least a decent baseline.
04:28.47cladhaireno caching, no tables, no upvalues, just a simple comparison between two GetItemInfo() return setsl
04:29.21JoshBork1i haven't checked how fast GetItemInfo was, it was going to be my next step
04:29.28cladhairethat shoudl have been your baseline =)
04:29.39cladhairedon't optimize before you know _what_ and _why_ you're optimizing.. and even then, don't do it
04:30.57cladhairenot to be cliche
04:32.15JoshBork1ok, so, for i =1, 40000 do GetItemInfo(i) end takes 173 ms
04:32.28cladhairethat doesn't tell you anything
04:32.30JoshBork1using the caching table that created functions, it takes 60 ms
04:32.40cladhaireyou just parsed 400,000 different items.
04:32.46cladhaireas opposed to the same set of items multiple times.
04:32.54cladhaireyour functions will always be the fastest
04:33.01JoshBork1yea, i see what you're saying
04:33.04cladhairebut you pay a memory penalty.
04:34.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
04:34.45cladhairethere's nothing to stop you from creating a limited cache as well, with values in the table
04:34.49cladhairewhich limits the memory penalty
04:34.54cladhaireand for the average case would perform well
04:35.57JoshBork1using just a straight:  function _mySort(item1, item2) name = GetItemInfo(item1), name2 = GetItemInfo(item2) return name > name2 end takes half as long as my 'fastest' non-caching sort
04:36.17cladhairewhich is how long?
04:36.37JoshBork13.67 seconds
04:36.45cladhairefor how many items?
04:37.00cladhaireso put it in a coroutine and you're done
04:37.08JoshBork1the avg comparison time of 0.024
04:38.05JoshBork1that's what kaelten said also, but neither of us knew how to use a coroutine
04:38.16cladhaireokay, its very easy.
04:38.51cladhairebut it won't work
04:38.59JoshBork1lol, that's what i tohught too
04:39.03JoshBork1since it's being passed into table.sort
04:39.18cladhaireyeah can't yield across a c function
04:40.06cladhaireI would use a limited table cache, or a limited closure cache.
04:40.18cladhairebut i feel the code could be cleaned up a bit for thaqt
04:40.24JoshBork17 seconds isn't too long imo
04:40.35JoshBork1for me personally i'm going to sacrifice the space, since i can
04:40.57cladhairewell woudln't it be 3.67?
04:41.00cladhaireusing the one you just tested
04:41.23JoshBork1no, because that only tested one parameter, i need to maek it more flexible, one sec
04:41.35cladhaireit won't take any longer
04:43.10cladhairethe answer is to honestly, when the user goes to sort 1500+ items, pop up a dialog telling them that it may take a while, and ask if they really want to do it.
04:48.03cladhaireor write a sort function of yourown, that can use coroutines.
04:49.12JoshBork1i got one to 5 seconds, i cache the immediate results of GetItemInfo to check multiple fields
04:49.27cladhaire.. cache how?
04:50.02Kaelten-Laptopok now I've caught up with the convo
04:50.37JoshBork1sorry, not really
04:50.39JoshBork1you'll see
04:51.25cladhairewhoa whoa
04:51.37cladhairewhy are you using getitem1, when you already have them local to that function?
04:51.38cladhairethat makes no sense.
04:52.04Kaelten-Laptopin my experiance GetItemInfo is incrediably cheap
04:52.13cladhairethats my whole point
04:52.28cladhaireJoshBork1: you don't need that, you need to change your sorting precedence logic
04:52.35cladhaireand you'd see improvement
04:53.01cladhairea series of comparisons would be much faster than what you have
04:55.03Kaelten-LaptopJoshBork1: instead if the ifs you have you can just do return stat1 > stat2
04:55.37Garoun|Loupanawhat was that testraid stuff I saw in praid, clad when I was doing your fix for mana bars? :)
04:55.52cladhaireGaroun|Loupana: that was decades ago
04:55.58cladhaireit was a raid simulator
04:56.12JoshBork1cladhaire: i'd have to select between multiple sort functions to change what things are sorted by, which is a possibility
04:56.29JoshBork1Kaelten-Laptop: what about when a field is the same in both items?  that wouldn't check the next field
04:56.48Kaelten-Laptopdo what clad did in the last example
04:57.05cladhaireyou're wasting a lot of time with the calls to select, and to your getiteminfo functions
04:57.07cladhairethat isn't necessary
04:57.09Garoun|Loupanaah ok, it must have been left over from when I updated to the beta or something:)
04:58.03cladhaireJoshBork1: if you want a _fast_ sorting function, you need to code the special logic yourself, rather than automate it.
04:58.35Kaelten-Laptopfast and flexible is a hard thing to mix sadly
04:58.56cladhaireyou can have flexibility
04:59.03cladhaireit just has to be coded rigidly
04:59.06JoshBork1perhaps i'll create 3 functions for the fields they can sort by when just clicking on a header, but leave a slow flexible one for advanced search
04:59.22Kaelten-LaptopJoshBork1: really shouldn't be an issue
04:59.27cladhaireJoshBork1: No, damnit.
04:59.30Kaelten-Laptopit looks like we're just going to have a longer function
04:59.31cladhairejust code the sort function
04:59.42cladhairethe only "Trick" you have to worry about is reverse
05:00.13Kaelten-Laptopcladhaire: do you think we should use table.sort or just write a sort function from scratch?
05:00.19*** join/#wowi-lounge JunkHead-Work (
05:00.20cladhaireuse table.sort
05:00.25cladhairejust hand code the sort logic.
05:00.28Kaelten-Laptopeven in kci I used table.sort just used it as part of a three table sort
05:00.48cladhaireyou can't use ... to automate the testing process, and have it be the fastest possible.
05:01.00cladhairethe speed gain won't be monumental
05:01.04cladhairebut it'd work
05:01.15cladhairei gots to head to bed now
05:01.22clad|sleepnight all
05:01.25JoshBork1but i don't always know the sort priority
05:01.26JoshBork1night clad|sleep
05:02.39JoshBork1Kaelten-Laptop: just fyi, the wrong function i wrote that makes a copy of GetItemInfo's results is faster than select'ing straight from GetItemInfo
05:02.57JoshBork1by 2 seconds
05:04.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
05:04.56Kaelten-Laptopthat method of writing the funciton is going to be long in code wise but probably pretty fast
05:04.58JoshBork1clad|sleep, Kaelten-Laptop:  i appreciate all the help :-)
05:05.11JoshBork1Kaelten-Laptop: indeed...
05:05.52JoshBork1but that will give me a sort based on rarity only, not one based on rarity and name
05:06.45Kaelten-Laptopgot an idea
05:08.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
05:08.27*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
05:08.39Kaelten-Laptopgod my mind isn't working in lua atm
05:08.53Kaelten-Laptopits stuck in python and javascript
05:09.36JoshBork1purl, hug Cairenn
05:09.38purlACTION sneaks up on Cairenn and suddenly hugs Cairenn tightly
05:09.45Cairennpurl, hug JoshBork1
05:09.46purlACTION jumps into JoshBork1's lap and huggles and *hugs* JoshBork1
05:11.41Kaelten-LaptopJoshBork1: if we only have three sortable fields. then there is only what, 9 if statements that we need
05:12.23Kaelten-Laptopdude man at least I know only to do that when the channels empty
05:12.52JoshBork1i have NO earthly idea what you're talking about
05:12.55Corrodiasi had deleted a bunch of my old hunter's items and sent the rest to a new hunter alt, with the intention of using him as a replacement. but now i'm having second thoughts. i think i might send the stuff back and build him back up.
05:13.24Corrodiaswhat scared me was grinding a pet up a mere 26 levels
05:13.26JoshBork1Kaelten-Laptop: here's what i've got.  3 functions that have set priorities, rarity->name, ilvl->name, type->name
05:13.42Kaelten-LaptopJoshBork1: I disagree
05:13.49Kaelten-Laptopwe want to minimize the numbers of calls
05:13.51JoshBork1which could be brought into a single function
05:14.09JoshBork1Kaelten-Laptop: only one of the functions is set to table.sort, based on what they click on
05:17.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
05:19.20wobinalthough just wins for the win
05:25.08Mr_Rabies2i love you
05:25.31Mr_Rabies2oh wait
05:25.35Mr_Rabies2there you are
05:25.51bleeterI just noticed something totally awesome about searching the armory
05:25.52Mr_Rabies2thank you for meowwiki
05:26.03Kirkburn|afkMy pleasure :D
05:26.11bleeterthe big search thing near the top fails.. but only on the US site
05:43.57*** join/#wowi-lounge [Cu]Werik (
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05:57.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngngsk (
06:34.53GuillotineDon't miss me too much!
06:35.12*** join/#wowi-lounge dolby-wowi (n=Dolby-wo@MMOI/Administrator/Dolby)
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06:44.20Kirkburn|afkHey, we're number 2 :)
06:45.21Cairennwe aren't even on there :(
06:46.07Kirkburn|afkAnother list here of course -
06:53.38Mr_Rabies2so i'm watching the perfect hair forever marathon on adult swim for the second time through
06:53.40Mr_Rabies2and i have no idea why
06:54.06Mr_Rabies2it's run through a filter or something and looks like a bad bootleg hongkong subtitled anime you'd buy on ebay
06:54.08wobinIT'S A KITTY
06:55.04Mr_Rabies2did you get the idea for meowwiki from my suggestion or did you decide that earlier, either way, it's awesome :P
07:00.36Kirkburn|afkDecided it about a week ago :)
07:01.45purli heard time is 1 dimensional, or everlasting, an illusion, or 2007.04.01  7:01:45 GMT
07:02.13Mr_Rabies23rd time watching the perfect hair forever marathon
07:02.27Mr_Rabies2in hong-kong bootlegvision
07:02.28Kirkburn|afkI'm going to see how much stuff I can keep - I think the top-right tabby will have to stay
07:02.48Kirkburn|afkIt's just far too cute
07:03.19bleeterit's a nice spot for various 'action' images
07:03.28Mr_Rabies2aw, blizzard kinda failed this year
07:03.28wobinI like google's
07:03.30Mr_Rabies2so far at least :[
07:03.45Kirkburn|afkKinda failed? They haven't done anything yet!
07:04.10Mr_Rabies2yes they have, where it counts :p
07:04.53Kirkburn|afkHeh, Google's is indeed awesome
07:05.05Kirkburn|afk"This forum is currently undergoing maintenance, please check back at a later time."
07:05.06wobinIs Google TiSP safe and reliable?
07:05.07wobinGoogle TiSP ensures reliable throughput through the power of fiber, which has been proven through extensive research to effectively facilitate consistent data flow with minimal latency.
07:05.31Kirkburn|afkDid the forum maintenance just start?
07:06.00Shirikmine did 3 hours ago and I'm still working on it T_T
07:06.04ShirikIPB destroyed my site
07:06.34Kirkburn|afkoh LOL
07:06.35bleeterhaha @ blizz forums
07:07.07Mr_Rabies2they're not as believable this year :[
07:07.11bleetereveryone's posting as a blue
07:07.14Mr_Rabies2plus the us ones are broken
07:07.20Shiriklol really?
07:07.25ShirikI want to be blue!
07:07.36bleeterforum text is blue, random Blizz representative avatars
07:07.43Cairennrofl tinfoil hat!
07:07.54Mr_Rabies2tinfoil hat was on the site a while ago but they removed it :[
07:07.57Kirkburn|afkOh, the forums are AWESOME
07:08.04Mr_Rabies2it was an easter egg on the faction rewards
07:08.07Cairennit's there right now
07:08.21Mr_Rabies2i mean it was, before today
07:08.50Kirkburn|afkLol at the BT attunement notes
07:09.24bleeterlol @ 'WHOA'
07:10.30wobinThat's very cool =)
07:10.47Mr_Rabies2who is david wayne, i feel left out
07:12.36Kirkburn|afkIn one of the screenshots: "lfg shadow labs" ... "i'll go" ... "you know there's no 's' in laboratory right?"
07:12.51wobinis there more than one laboratory?
07:13.02wobinhang on =P
07:13.06wobinisn't it labrynth?
07:13.54wobinShadow Lab doesn't quite have the same ... ring to it
07:14.59wobinI reiterate:
07:16.18Kirkburn|afkLol, "It is six years before the beginning of the current struggle between the Alliance and the Horde.
07:16.36Kirkburn|afkBlizz done good :)
07:16.40wobinyeah =)
07:16.59Kirkburn|afkWHoA comes in *four* different box covers
07:16.59Kirkburn|afk(that's TWICE as many as WoW!)
07:17.04CairennI personally think Turbine's is hilarious
07:17.40Kirkburn|afkIt is :P
07:18.34Kirkburn|afkCheck the far bottom middle screenshot -
07:19.29Mr_Rabies2it's like all 5 minutes photoshopped on
07:20.09Mr_Rabies2i love all the character names
07:20.12Mr_Rabies2they're all 300 references
07:21.27Kirkburn|afkLol, and the Blizzard CMs are indeed normal characters now
07:21.34wobinyeah =)
07:21.55Kirkburn|afkThey're all trolls, aren't they
07:22.42wobinThey're all the same troll =)
07:24.57Kirkburn|afkLol, visit and do Ctrl+A
07:26.26Mr_Rabies2kralnor ha
07:27.15Mr_Rabies2even the alt text on the images is full of 300 references
07:29.17Mr_Rabies2"Give to the Armory nothing, but take from it everything!"
07:29.22Mr_Rabies2when you mouse over the tinfoil hat
07:31.30Kirkburn|afkAlready -
07:42.49*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlKFI (
07:42.55KarlKFIlol, whoa
07:43.17KarlKFI400 MHz G3 processor
07:43.28Mr_Rabies2oh god a pally
07:44.35KarlKFIdon't worry, i'm prot spec atm
07:49.25Shirikpurl, poke Cairenn
07:49.37purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Cairenn, pokes Cairenn repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
07:50.27Mr_Rabies2well then you'll just be chopping at me all day while i'm trying to quesst :[
07:50.43Cairennpurl, prod Shirik
07:50.44purlACTION zaps Shirik with a high voltage cattle prod
07:50.51Mr_Rabies2but if i decide to actually hit you, woo buddy i'm screwed :p
07:55.37Kirkburn|afkLol @
07:56.00Kirkburn|afkSee the UK version
07:57.13Cairennit won't let me switch to UK version
07:59.24Mr_Rabies2because it knowwwws
08:01.21Kirkburn|afkIt doesn' allow you to switch? :(
08:01.58Kirkburn|afkComes up with this
08:03.06Kirkburn|afkAnd finally,
08:04.27bleeteri'm gunna buy a just for Kirkburn|afk
08:05.08Kirkburn|afkAwesome :D
08:05.16Mr_Rabies2i've heard this tree drop the 'f bomb' 4 times on cartoon network already
08:09.21bleeterheh, rewrote every article on their homepage
08:09.37Mr_Rabies2on perfect hair forever, kirk
08:09.41Mr_Rabies2or at least it sounds like it
08:10.01Mr_Rabies2standards and practices probably will not be very happy with williams street
08:10.57wobinNot a problem. Gmail Paper is made out of 96% post-consumer organic soybean sputum,
08:11.46Mr_Rabies2500 bucks isn't too bad of a deal you know
08:12.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
08:12.49Mr_Rabies2oh wait it's only 3 feet tall
08:14.28KarlKFIaeroxp is a windows fan site
08:14.49wobinah =)
08:18.55KarlKFI"Internet is occasionally available, but regulated by the Chinese. "
08:20.17Shadoweddwhat an amusing april 1st joke on blizzard forums
08:21.36Mr_Rabies2okay i think i'm on the fourth runthrough of this perfect hair forever now
08:21.50Mr_Rabies2it still makes no damn sense
08:22.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Macelarul (i=dns_spaw@
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08:27.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
08:30.05Shirikaren't you supposed to be asleep?
08:30.25Cairennwha? huh? who? where?
08:30.39Shadowedderr the black temple attunement page is a joke right?
08:30.52Shirikshow it to me?
08:31.55Shirikholy crap
08:32.20Shirikit's not only long, each component takes forever ><
08:32.30Shadoweddnotice, 500 badge of justices to get the key
08:32.33JunkHead-WorkRead the bottom right quest.
08:32.40JunkHead-WorkIllidari Onvasion
08:32.58ShadoweddI assume it's a joke given the obsurdly long requirements
08:33.49Shiriklol: In a supreme demonstration of skill and coordination, defeat all end-bosses in the heroic dungeons in Outland within 10 minutes of each other. Use the key obtained through the quest Prove Your Worth in the following five minutes after the kill. If all 15 keys are used in the 10 minute timeframe the objective will be completed. Please note that both Horde and Alliance key triggers will be counted towards completion of this objecti
08:34.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Jocco_S (
08:34.39Shirikbut I like "The Illardi Invasion" the best
08:36.02*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
08:38.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Teomyr (
08:39.23wobin"Fishing 520 is required"
08:49.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
08:49.44Kirkburn|afkI don't expect many to really get this but,
08:54.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
08:54.58Kirkburn|afkThis is easier ... spot what's going on (clue: follow the link/s) -
09:03.35MentalPower|Playwoot! I'm Tseric!
09:05.59ShirikI like this answer: " Delete your System32 folder and try your post again."
09:06.13ShirikI might try giving out this solution to people in the future
09:06.25Callieelol keep reading ;)
09:07.39*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
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09:29.42Kirkburn|afkBlizz actually updated their own page with WOaH too -
09:32.03Shirikwarcraft: heroes of azeroth
09:32.33Shirikof course
09:32.53Shirikthe acronym WHoA is intentional ;)
09:33.01Kirkburn|afkI just can't spell it
09:33.25wereHamster.. I already thought it is the new expansion for WoW :P
09:33.25Shirik"8 MB 3D video card (TNT, i810, Voodoo 3, Rage 128 equivalent or better) with DirectX® 8.1 support"
09:33.28Shiriksystem requirements
09:38.49Kirkburn|afkGo Drysc!
09:39.34Kirkburn|afkActually, Aeus currently beats him -
09:40.38Shirikthat post is awesome
09:42.12bleeter" This kind of responses is exactly what we've come to expect in blue posts. No help at all for this extremely important issue which is ruining the game currently. *sigh*"
09:43.45wobinthe avatars aren't switched on the wow-europe forums?
09:46.54ShirikHrm... do you think this line is too esoteric?
09:47.08Shirikreturn thisFile = getEntry(i = 0);
09:47.22Shirikand its relative: return thisFile = getEntry(++i);
09:47.38wobinmmm sideeffecty?
09:47.46Shirikit's me trying to put 3 lines into one ><
09:47.50Shirikmaybe I shouldn't
09:47.54wobinProbably better not to =)
09:48.13wobinCause when you come back to the code in a month's time, you'll spend far too long trying to redecode it =)
09:48.19Shirikheh yeah...
09:48.38Shirikit was sorta just one of those things where I had thisFile = getEntry(i); return thisFile
09:48.50Shirikthen I was like ... well I can combine those together. Then I looked up "I can combine those too"
09:48.52Shirikthis happened a few times
09:49.00wobinWe have the technology!
09:55.33bleeterI like how and follow drysc's post thru to his final
09:55.44bleeter(Onyxia DB increase, just in case you've already read it)
09:55.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
09:58.10wobinodd how they switched the colours on the wow-eu forums and the avatars on the wow-us
09:58.48bleetermight it be harder for EU (multi-linguagal/location)?
09:58.59bleeterjust a thought, maybe due to something along those lines
09:59.21wobin"Great, just what we need, an easier game. As I'm sure you're aware 9/10 dentists agree that this is the easiest game ever made. All of you gummi bears needs to start bouncing. Here. There. Everywhere. High adventure? Psh. Beyond compare."
10:06.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=najklord@
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10:38.12Nom-first piece of T2
10:38.14Nom-T4 even
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11:47.35leethalanyone here has a clue on what the combat log says whet a paladins Righteous Defense gets resisted?
11:53.48leethalalso, woot?
11:54.30ckknightAce3 news:
11:55.05JunkHead-WorkRighteous Defense is when a Paladin basically pulls threat off someone to himself.
11:55.27JunkHead-WorkI don't believe I've ever seen it resisted to be honest.
11:55.47*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
11:55.52ckknightI have
11:55.58ckknightit gets resisted
11:57.03leethal"Your Righteous Defense was resisted"?
11:57.36leethalnothing on which mob that resisted it?
11:57.39ShirikI know it sounds strange, but it's not the first time I've heard it either
11:57.48Shirikbut it sounds so stupid... like "Your heal was resisted"
11:58.28Shirikman that would suck if heals could be resisted :/
11:58.38leethalI have an addon that goes "[current target] resisted taunt", so I guess I have a bit of a job figuring out what resisted the paladins taunt
11:58.42leethalif it's even possible
11:59.14ShirikAll I know is several times I've yelled at paladin tanks just watching me die (as a priest)
11:59.22Shiriklater they tell me that it got resisted
11:59.26Shirikso either they lie or it's possible
11:59.34Shirikthe former wouldn't suprise me though
12:00.10leethalI'll just find a paladin and spam righteous defense somewhere to find out
12:00.56Mr_Rabies2i love when idiot dpsers pull aggro, see my addon say growl was resisted, and keep dpsing
12:03.27leethalwhat addon do you use for that?
12:05.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata (
12:07.12Mr_Rabies2tauntfu, i think?
12:07.19Mr_Rabies2it's a fubar addon
12:07.50Mr_Rabies2Tauntwarn, i think
12:08.05leethalah, ok
12:08.58Mr_Rabies2i don't look at the installed addons thing much anymore, just click update installed :p
12:18.53Industrialid do her.
12:19.37Mr_Rabies2i'm confused
12:19.52Mr_Rabies2that's not a her as far as i can tell
12:22.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
12:25.17Industrialfirst of april frog in your arse!
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12:32.03Kirkburn|afkDon't forget to visit :)
12:33.10leethalmm, it's cute
12:33.22JunkHead-WorkYou has a jokes!11
12:33.52leethalany particular reason? Or does me not knowing what's up mean that I fall under that gullibility category?
12:34.29Kirkburn|afkI have no idea what you're talking about.
12:37.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (n=jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
12:37.32leethalnot even PS3?
12:37.34leethalthat is 1x total suck
12:37.41*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
12:41.01wereHamsteroptimizing apps for PS3 is very difficult, it's one of the reasons why PS3 was delayed. I wouldn't be surprised if blizzard just lacked good people who can port starcraft to PS3
12:42.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (i=Jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
12:43.48JunkHead-WorkI blame it on the lack of rumble.
12:46.28leethaloh.. it's april today..
12:47.45JunkHead-WorkUnfortunately yes.
12:49.01Kirkburn|afkThe PS3 sucks anyway ^^
12:49.10JunkHead-WorkI've never played one.
12:49.31JunkHead-WorkI have a 360 and a Wii... I've wasted enough money on consoles for a while.
12:54.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
12:55.23Mr_Rabies2Cair, you need to change your name to JackThompson on here for today and randomly go off on rants about those kids and their gee tee ay and their bully
12:56.02leethalwhat's the difference between table = { foo = "bar"} and table = { ["foo"] = "bar"}?
12:56.44leethalaccording to a tutorial I found, it's nothing. so it's just syntatic sugar, really?
12:57.06wereHamsterPS3 is great.. I'd buy one just to test the cell cpu under linux :P
12:57.11leethaland as [] is a string, you can do fancy stuff like { ["foo"..somevar] = "bar"}?
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12:59.34Shirikleethal: That's correct
12:59.43leethalShirik: ok, thanks =D
12:59.56Shirikthere is no difference, and typically I write mine the first way you did ( {foo = "bar"} )
13:00.06Shirikexcept in the single exception that you also provided, when you can't do that
13:02.38Shirikline 456 in c:\wowiupdater\rarunpack.c):
13:02.38Shirik- Error - couldn't extract 'Cartographer_Scribe\core.lua' from 'testrar.rar': unknown compression method, file header broken
13:02.44ShirikI give up for today, night all
13:40.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Elessdy (
13:48.13*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
13:51.12JensWhat do I have to do to refresh Tradeskill Info's availability list after I learned recipes? I tried /rl and even complete game exit.
13:51.47Jens"y helo thar, I already know runecloth boots, kthx"
13:52.44JoshBorkeJens: did you make sure it wasn't a mod interfering?
13:53.00JensI can't imagine what it would be.
13:53.22JensOf course, after messing with it for 15 minutes, it magically solves itself after I whine here :)
13:54.08JensI love that mod though. Been wanting something like it since forever.
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14:20.10Kirkburn|afk :D
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15:08.50wereHamsterOMG.. TPB is has its servers in the north korean ambassy in sweden
15:09.16wereHamster.. and all of the crew will get North Korean citizenships.
15:10.30wereHamster :D
15:15.08leethalhow do I fetch that GlobalStrings.lua?
15:16.57leethalwereHamster: woot O_o
15:17.30zenzelezzI just used the UI toolkit thing from Blizzard to extract the UI data
15:17.48JoshBorkeleethal: has a copy also
15:17.50JoshBorkewereHamster: ping
15:17.59wereHamsterJoshBorke, wazzup?
15:18.16JoshBorkewereHamster: dunno if you were aware of a little bug in coolDown that duplicated cooldown timers
15:18.36JoshBorkespecifically when zoning
15:18.39wereHamsterafter yopu use preparation or the mage cooldown reset spell?
15:18.46wereHamsteroh.. that one is new
15:19.39leethalJoshBorke: thanks
15:19.50JoshBorkeit might be a logical bug though.  what happens is when you zone, every cooldown you currently have is duplicated with a slightly different time
15:20.36JoshBorkemy local solution was to iterate over the coolDown.State table and return if i found the texture already in the table
15:21.13wereHamsteris PLAYER_ENTRING_WORLD fired after zoning?
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15:33.09cladhaire is my favorite
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16:54.42Kirkburn|afk^ In out, in out, shake it all about
16:55.00Kirkburn|afkMethinks zelazny is a bit unstable today
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17:24.30Thunder_ChildCairenn, poke...i think it's time for a new topic
17:26.29kasoWelcome to WoWi-Lounge, the channel for discussing Cats!
17:27.45Thunder_Childwouldnt that be more for
17:28.18kasoor perhaps some amusing non-wow topic that fits the acronym wowi
17:29.52Thunder_Childwow idiots-lounge
17:30.29*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Paste Code Here: | Tinfoil hats for all!
17:30.45Thunder_ChildCairenns getting parinoid
17:31.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
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17:40.46zenzelezzThunder_Child: didn't you see the tinfoil hat yet?
17:43.41Thunder_Childodd...very very odd
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17:45.47Thunder_Child99 tin bars...well they prolly werent doing anything else
17:47.53KasoI want one of those so bad
17:50.06LysistrataI really need to get that shematic ;)
17:52.38Thunder_Childcrap...forgot it was april 1st
17:54.54Cairennrofl Thunder_Child
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18:21.53Thunder_Childyea yea Cairenn, laugh it up
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18:30.35TainApril 1.. the day browsing the web is officially worthless.
18:31.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
18:31.46zenzelezzthere's always porn to pass time ;-p
18:36.12Thunder_Childsome people should not be alowed near the internet...
18:37.05TainI really hate April 1, everyone thinks they have some clever idea that... isn't.
18:40.20ShadoweddCM posters seem to be having fun
18:45.09*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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18:56.53Lysistratabut i won't i think xD
18:57.25Esamynnso, who has looked at the WoW homepage today?
18:57.28LysistrataIt's just no fun without any real feedback and stuff :( besides I think I'm the only one who'll be using it >_>
18:57.34KirovYou know, I liked my name for a event tracking addon I was working on.
18:57.36Esamynn3 big announcements up today
18:57.55KirovThe work I did on it got merged in to DevTools though, so I doubt I'll ever touch it again.
18:58.13KirovEsamynn - Tin Foil Hat ftw!
18:58.33Esamynndid you SEE the Black Temple attunement graph>?
18:58.44LysistrataI didn't even thought about a Name but I wanted a PHP Script which would allow me to easily display my progression on different dungeons :/
18:59.24Lysistratathe bad thing about the tin foil head is that there would be people that want it ;D
18:59.47JoshBorkekirov:  what's your item database do?
18:59.58KirovLysistrata - there are people who want the Black Temple attunement graph to be real too, but we call these people idiots.
19:00.26JoshBorkei have a slightly harsher term for them
19:00.49KirovJoshBorke - Did you ever use Loot Link enhanced?
19:01.31Kirovever use any item db addon?
19:01.39JoshBorkeyes, i'm working on one myself :-D
19:02.00KirovMine is basically Loot Link in steroids.
19:02.29EsamynnROFL, Blue Text for ALL!@
19:02.51JoshBorkeKirov: how so?
19:03.12KirovJoshBorke - I store the entire tooltip
19:03.24JoshBorkecouldn't that get...rather large?
19:03.29KirovJoshBorke - Yes
19:03.43KirovJoshBorke - I'm doing stuff to the tooltip though to only store what's needed.
19:04.03JoshBorkesure, sure, but it'll still be large :-D
19:04.28JoshBorkebut it'll let yous earch along any parameter
19:04.33JoshBorkeala the item websites
19:05.04KirovIf Mental ever gets off his ass and finishes Itemizer it'll be similar to that
19:06.20KirovI also dislike how most item dbs freeze up your system for a couple of seconds each time you open the browse window if there are a lot of items stored.
19:06.23KirovSo, mine doesn't.
19:06.35JoshBorkekirov:  ooo, how do you achieve that?
19:06.59KirovIt also scans in the background for new items that aren't necessarily seen in links (ie: horde gear)
19:07.31KirovJoshBorke - basicly, I sort the list myself in lua using a coroutine
19:07.42JoshBorkethat would do it
19:07.50KirovTakes about twice as long, but I've got a nice little progress bar for it
19:08.11JoshBorkeit may take twice as long, but the game is still playable while doing it
19:08.42LysistrataI'm still looking for something which makes it easy to transfer the lua arrays WoW saves into a format which is easier to parse :/
19:08.44JoshBorkehow much memory does it use up?  do you know (saving all the tooltips)
19:10.03KirovMore than most item db addons, but a shit ton less than Loot Link
19:10.54KirovMy current version isn't saving the full tooltip yet though
19:11.42KirovAnd I need to update it to work with BC's random prop stuff
19:12.05KirovIt's also really annoying that scanning the enchants disconnects the player
19:16.23JoshBorkethat would be slightly annoying
19:16.37KirovI scan through all of the enchants and store them so I don't have to store them for the tooltip
19:18.40KirovOne of my favorite things about the addon as it stands is it updates the browser window while you view it.
19:18.56KirovAnd it's able to do it even if you have 50k items
19:19.20JoshBorkethanks to your coroutine sort function
19:19.30KirovThat and some other trickery
19:20.22KirovI can send it to you if you want to check it out
19:21.03wereHamsteryeah, I want it, too :)
19:22.24KirovThe first time it starts up it'll say your db is out of date and ask to update.
19:22.37KirovIt'll cause you to get disconnected.
19:22.58KirovWhen you start up again it will ask again but won't disconnect you.
19:23.14Kirov(first time precaches all of the enchant ids)
19:23.37Kirovthere's no minimap button yet, so use /ic
19:24.31KirovIt'll have a fubar / titan plugin
19:24.46Kirovatm though I don't use any libs
19:26.45Kirovfinds it as you type
19:27.07Kirovpress enter to have the list only show items that match
19:27.13Kirovpress tab to cycle through
19:27.21LysistrataThe Problem is there are a lot of Addons with minimap buttons but most just support the location not the radius ;)
19:28.13KirovLysistrata - all my addons do
19:28.16Kirovin some way or another
19:29.08LysistrataMost of mine don't expect I use something like a "direct command" using /script or something like Minimapbutton Detach
19:30.01KirovI've seen some addons that if you drag it far enough away from the minimap it just detaches, which is cool except it doesn't help when you have non-standard shaped minimaps
19:30.30KirovMine let you drag around a minimap with in a radial range so you can plop it anywhere you want.
19:30.39Kirovbut it won't disconnect
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19:39.19JoshBorkeKirov: very cool
19:39.49wereHamster.. indeed
19:41.30KirovBasically using the uniqueIds at the end of the itemstring basically screwed this up though.
19:41.38KirovI'll have to go back and fix a lot
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19:48.01JoshBorkeooo, i like the spinny thing in the middle :-D
19:48.17KirovHover over the spinny thing in the top left
19:48.23KirovShows you what it's processing
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19:49.35JoshBorkeit's taking forever though :-/
19:49.46KirovYeah, the first time it takes a while
19:49.53KirovIt's finding new items in the background.
19:50.14KirovBut it's trying not to cause any performance decrease so it can be doing this while you're in combat.
19:50.15JoshBorkei'd prefer it grab a big shallow list to begin with, then start scanning the advanced info later
19:53.05KirovI keep that list small because it's not designed around the first big grab, it's designed around doing this in the background constantly
19:54.42JoshBorkeyea, it's fine :-)
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20:15.14pastamancerKirov: I wonder if using smoothsort instead of quicksort would help any
20:15.37pastamanceror is a lot of time spent in coroutine overhead
20:17.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
20:17.48Kirovpastamancer - smoothsort?
20:18.56pastamancerit's a heapsort variant that performs near O(n) on already sorted data an O(n log n) on worst case
20:19.46pastamancer line 171
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20:20.13pastamancer is djikstra's paper on it
20:20.37Tullerhurray dijikstra
20:20.52wereHamsterfrom wikipedia: Due to its complexity, smoothsort is rarely used.
20:21.10pastamanceryeah, because nobody can be bothered to implement it
20:22.14wereHamstersure looks complex :-/
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20:26.07pastamancerI haven't had an opportunity to use my lau implementation in anything serious yet though
20:26.15JoshBorkethat just hurt my brain
20:29.04wereHamsterI'm wondering why lua doesn't use smoothsort for table.sort .. or does it?
20:29.24pastamancernah, it's quicksort
20:29.47nevcairielsmoothsort is somewhat near the best sorting algorithm isnt it?
20:30.04zenzelezzdepends what you're looking for I'd assume
20:30.16pastamancergeneral-purpose, I believe so
20:30.28nevcairielobvioulsy in special cases binary sorts are faster
20:32.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Hjalte (
20:35.04Shirik>>> sort = {5,3,1,3,87}; function doSort(tbl) foreach key, pair in pairs(tbl) do tbl[key] = 1; end end doSort(sort); return sort;
20:35.22Shirikwell I like my sorting algorithm. Very fast, always returns sorted results
20:35.47ShirikNot necessarily what you started with but... meh, every algorithm has its drawbacks
20:36.16zenzelezzif they didn't we'd all be using the same one obviously
20:36.42EsamynnI have this SUPER algorithm that does EVERYTHING in constant time! =D
20:36.56Esamynnbut i'll NEVER share it! =D
20:37.02nevcairielheapsort is hard to understand imho .. when we discussed it at university it was not too easy to get
20:37.05KirovI'd be willing to try smoothsort
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20:37.43nevcairielfrom what i understand, smoothsort is even more complex then heapsort
20:39.04ShirikI will have to read this paper on smoothsort, it looks intriguing
20:48.22KarlKFIyou know.. for a minute there i actually thought blizzard employees were asking all sorts of dumb user questions as an april fools thing..
20:48.47Shirikthey are
20:49.01KarlKFItry posting yourself
20:49.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
20:49.41Shirikthey also did that as well
20:49.43Shiriklet me find the thread
20:49.47nevcairielyeah they did
20:49.54nevcairielone "white" post with weird stuff
20:49.59nevcairieland a million blue posts answering
20:50.11KarlKFIok i didn't knwo they swapped
20:50.12Shiriknote that blizzard employees are white posts:
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20:51.45zenzelezzwhat colors do greenies get?
20:51.56ShirikI don't know
20:51.58Shirikhey Iriel|Away
20:52.01Shirikgo post somethign!
20:52.07nevcairieli bet its still green
20:52.15Shirikyeah :(
20:52.19zenzelezzought to be pink
20:53.05Kasoamericans get animated icons, europeans dont :<
20:53.09nevcairielstupid CMs spamming the forums
20:53.14Kasonor do our CMs get level 1 alts
20:53.14Shirikyeah :(
20:53.16nevcairielbluetracker is useless right now :P
20:55.25Shirikis it picking up all the normal users?
20:56.08cladhairei still use thottbot's news tracker
20:56.15cladhaireIts the best i've ever seen.
20:57.30KarlKFIToo many connections
20:58.09cladhairemeh, i could care =)
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21:47.15*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v slouken] by ChanServ
21:47.47zenzelezzhercules o_O
21:48.04Esamynneveryone click the link!
21:58.48wereHamsterslouken, congratulations to your promotion, you deserved it ;)
21:58.59sloukenThanks!  What promotion? :)
22:00.18sloukenor rather, how did you know? :)
22:00.25wereHamsteryour resume ;)
22:00.39sloukenAh... *laugh*
22:00.40wereHamster.. always checking on my favourite programers :P
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22:08.36ScytheBlade1Is it the actual slouken? If so, why aren't the UI forums a spitting image of general today? You disappoint me! ;)
22:10.22ScytheBlade1Just kidding... but you know, the upcoming 2.1.0 features could use a bit of
22:12.31hastebandwidth limit? :)
22:12.31ScytheBlade1Works here
22:12.33ScytheBlade1Tseric has been posting that everywhere
22:13.02sloukenIt says "removed for high bandwidth usage"
22:13.04hastethen that might be the reason it was removed due to high-bindwidth usage
22:13.22sloukenYes, I'm the real slouken, what's happening on the General forum?
22:13.31ScytheBlade1Heh. Everything twice over
22:13.36ScytheBlade1 says a lot
22:13.51ScytheBlade1 for example
22:14.08ScytheBlade1 sums it up nicely also
22:14.24sloukenOh good grief.
22:14.39sloukenI stay away from the general forum, for good reason. :)
22:15.03ScytheBlade1So what's the obvious solution? Bring the general forums to the UI forums!
22:17.57*** part/#wowi-lounge slouken (
22:24.10Legorolzomg, a slouken!
22:24.13Legorolwhat's he doing here..
22:24.21ScytheBlade1<-- slouken ( has left #wowi-lounge
22:24.22ScytheBlade1Not much
22:25.49BleeterLegorol: looking for reaction to methinks ;)
22:25.50JoshBorkeLegorol: pwned
22:29.47Bleeterinteresting, on slouken's resume he doesn't mention any lua skill at all
22:32.39Legorolthat's because Lua is not his job description ;-)
22:32.42Legorolit's a very small part of it
22:33.02Legorolthat's the public face we see i guess
22:34.31BleeterI think it's more that he's not really updated it much, eg, it kinda stops around 2001 or so (ie, only mentions W95/NT as an eg)
22:35.07Legorolwell Lua is just a small part of the UI structure of WoW, which in turn is a small part of slouken's job
22:35.10Legorolso why would he mention it
22:35.25Legorolit'd like saying: I can program in C, and I know what sprintf does.
22:36.01Bleeteryup, and there's so much tcl/tk and lisp in WoW that it rates a mention :P
22:36.09Legorolbah, you got me
22:36.42zenzelezzdidn't you know, the NPC AI is all eggdrops
22:38.27LegorolHow do I set the transparency of the background of a status bar?
22:39.14Legorolby status bar i mean the UI widget type
22:42.23Legorolhere is what i'm trying to do:
22:42.34Legorolthe default player and party frames have health and mana bars
22:43.07Legorolas the health/mana drops and the bar gets shorter, an empty space is left, and that area is semi-transparent
22:43.17Legoroli am trying to change the transparency of that bit
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22:45.31KarlKFIand not the rest of the bar?
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22:48.00Legorolno, not the coloured part, but the empty part
22:53.20KarlKFIthe transparent part behind the default UnitFrames is not part of the StatusBar, but rather a part of the background/border graphic I believe
22:53.45KarlKFII think the status bar negative space is fully transparent
22:55.13KarlKFII think unitframes like CTRA have a background behind the whole bar which fills in the negative space as the bar depleats
23:03.06ShadowedOut of curiosity mainly, but any idea what addon is sending stuff like "Uumcjim&+[+", "humcjim", "Aumcjim0&++" or "Cumcjim +`+X"
23:03.55wereHamsterthe prefix will usually tell you which addon it is
23:04.01Shadowedthe prefix is "2"
23:04.21wereHamsternot much in that case :-/
23:04.41Shadowedyeah, it's being sent to GUILD so figured some manager addon or something
23:05.29Shirik|EcoleSome addon authors really just need a lesson in organization :/
23:07.55Shirik|Ecole:( I never get any hugs
23:08.07Shirik|Ecoleanyway... back home
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23:10.18KarlKFIShadowed: could be anything using AceComm, it converts all transmissions into some form of binary representatons I think
23:10.35KarlKFIor some custom encryption
23:12.44ShadowedI bet it's something like GuildMap then
23:14.37wereHamsterrot13? :P
23:16.41Shadoweddoesn't looklike it
23:16.43Shadowedhow odd
23:17.41Shirikyou could
23:17.45Shirikhook SendAddonMessage()
23:17.48Shirikto try to find t
23:19.12ShadowedIf I was the one sending it I could just search for the prefix "2", but it's multiple guildies and was curious as to whats doing it
23:21.29ShirikI could write a little addon to investigate it if you want
23:21.36Shirikwouldn't take more than 5 minutes
23:21.40Shirikwould be a bit spammy though
23:22.06Shadowednaww don't worry about it, was just mild curiosity mainly
23:22.14Shirikmaybe GEM?
23:22.19ShirikI never bothered to look at how it communicates
23:22.30Shirikthere aren't many addons that communicate over GUILD
23:24.35ShadowedGEM uses GEM2 prefix
23:24.52Shirikhm, I'm reading an academic paper that argues that rot13 is more effective than enigma, des, and rsa-1024
23:25.01Shirikit's amusing
23:26.40wereHamsterwas it published today?
23:26.44Shadowedcladhaire: Just wondering, but is there a reason Dongle just sends all of the slash command arguments as one string instead of line by line?
23:26.47Shirikheh, no
23:26.57Shirikapril 1 2005
23:27.08Shirikit actually proposes a double rot13 encryption scheme
23:27.13Shirikthey title 2rot13
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23:39.33wereHamstervery good reasoning..
23:40.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (n=jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
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23:46.32Teomyrrofl "Currently, an implementation of 2ROT13 exists, which is called Pretty Good Double ROT13 Privacy – or short PG2ROT13P – and is meant to be a successor to the infamous Pretty Good Privacy cryptography toolkit."
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