IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070327

00:21.30*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
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00:37.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
00:40.10*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh_ (
00:40.27KasoOn my trip home from uni one of my screens has developed the a ruddy great patch of dead pixels :<
00:43.20zenzelezzSS or it didn't happen
00:43.53Kasoha ha!
00:45.07Kirkburn|afkI was right :D
00:45.09KasoHey kirkburn
00:45.25Kirkburn|afk(Guessed you must have been going home)
00:45.26kergoth .. that look sane for leveling?
00:45.31kergothmeh, headache
00:46.48Kirkburn|afkOoh, so the new Xbox 360 packs do appear to be in production -
01:13.22Thunder_ChildKirkburn|afk: yea, far better than the origionals
01:13.31Thunder_Child120 HD, black (always better)
01:13.43Thunder_Childupdated firmawer (i think)
01:15.26Kirkburn|afkI might even have to consider getting one
01:42.17Kirkburn|afkAwesome - Mediaeval tech support -
01:43.20*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (n=jnwhiteh@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
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01:45.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:48.05cladhaireFin: What do you mean about the tooltip
01:48.10cladhaireno screenshot makes for a bad error report.
01:50.22Nom-Anyone used an nForce4 board?  I've got noise on my PCI Bus :(
02:17.47*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
02:17.47*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Paste Code Here: Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He's all right now.
02:18.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
02:24.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
02:24.57*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
02:26.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom-_ (
02:26.39KasoI'd like to propose the following quote for the title
02:26.43Kaso<Kirkburn|afk> Argh, half my bin is full of tissues now.
02:26.56Kirkburn|afkGod I hate you
02:36.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Chil1 (
02:39.54Corrodiaswhich BG gets you honor fastest?
02:40.33Nom-Whichever one is on BG weekend
02:40.51Corrodiasyou know, i actually already considered that
02:40.52Nom-and it depends also on the competition
02:40.54Corrodiashow about on a wednesday?
02:41.10Corrodiasand i'm not so sure WSG gets me jack for honor anyway :/
02:41.20Corrodias62 honor for half an hour is pretty pitiful
02:41.25Nom-I've not tried farming Eye of the Storm yet
02:41.37Finclad|sleep: I know it was a bad error report; but I figured you'd prefer something rather than nothing. I'll send more details later tomorrow.
02:41.38Nom-It's a tossup between AV and WB
02:41.41Nom-AB even
02:41.57Corrodiasat least i can tolerate those two
02:42.09Nom-It depends on which one you can farm
02:42.21Corrodiasi don't understand. i'm very new at pvp.
02:42.27Nom-If you can get a good premade group and 4-cap or 5-cap, then AB kicks the crap out of everything
02:42.43Nom-On the other hand, if the AV games are quick, then it's much faster than slow AB games
02:43.15Corrodiasi've played an exalted's worth of AV and i still don't know the "right" way to do things :(
02:43.59Nom-Horde or Alliance, Corrodias ?
02:44.14Nom-Chances are AB is going to be better then
02:44.20Nom-We tend to dominate AB and lose AV
02:44.30Nom-But I haven't tried @ 70 yet...been too busy raiding and farming
02:44.31Corrodiaswe only win about 1/3 of the AV in our battlegroup
02:45.08Corrodiaswell, we're not up to raiding yet, so i'm working on honor farming for a few pvp items for my tank set
02:45.34Nom-AV can be a bit random, depending on whether you're in range of the boss kills
02:45.34Nom-AB is pretty consistent...the only variable is the time it takes to win
02:45.59FlAWDalliance sucks at pvp
02:46.03FlAWDeveryone knows this :P
02:46.20Nom-Yes, they do...but they have a terrain and base layout in AV which makes it easy to win
02:46.31Nom-10 defenders at the alliance base can hold off 30 horde
02:46.43Nom-whereas 20 horde at the horde base would have trouble holding off 15 alliance
02:46.45FlAWDbut horde can do the same
02:46.48FlAWDin that little house
02:46.51FlAWDbut they don't
02:46.55Corrodiaswhat little house?
02:46.58Nom-nah you can get around it FlAWD
02:47.01Nom-There's back entrances
02:47.03Corrodiasthey can just ride right through that
02:47.13Corrodiasunless hunters get frost traps down, which they don't
02:47.20FlAWDthere's a back entrance into the alliance place as well
02:47.26Corrodiasbesides, that's a very small little house. terrible LoS issues.
02:47.29Corrodiasnot like the fucking bridge
02:47.32Nom-Yeah, but the back entrance isn't as bad as ours
02:47.46Nom-Ours is right next to the resupply point flag
02:47.50Nom-theirs is near the GY flag
02:48.23Nom-Alliance have the bridge choke point
02:48.27Nom-There's no other way into the base
02:48.33CorrodiasAV can be fun, but i think i'll get my items with AB sooner.
02:48.39FlAWDif and when i do AV, and when I charge into the horde base area, i very rarely see horde defending in there
02:48.47FlAWDunless they're turning in rep items
02:48.59Corrodiaswe're too busy getting pwnd at the frostwolf graveyard
02:49.08Corrodiasfrom all directions
02:50.08Corrodiasand until recently, the horde hasn't had any paladins, which are specifically designed for flag-cap games like that
02:50.14Corrodiaswe still don't have very many
02:50.54FlAWDbut horde always wins ab and wsg
02:51.05FlAWDif it's pug vs pug or premade vs premade
02:51.18FlAWDpremade alliance vs pug horde usually has alliance winning
02:51.21Corrodiasstrange, yet apparently true
02:55.33Corrodiasdoes the horde organize in small number better? does the alliance spend too much time tossing its dwarves?
02:55.42Nom-To illustrate
02:56.32Nom-All the red lines are points of entry into the base
02:56.54Nom-the green dot towards the bottom is the resupply point flag
02:56.55FlAWDyes horde organizes much better
02:57.01Nom-as you can see the back door is right next to the flag
02:57.02FlAWDin smaller groups
02:57.11FlAWDi've never went in that way
02:57.21Nom-In contrast with
02:57.26FlAWDbut there is a way to get in the alliance base next to the flag
02:57.47Nom-Not that i've ever seen
02:57.51Corrodiasthat map is missing a nearly-but-not-quite-exploit-of-terrain jump
02:57.52FlAWDyou can come up the hill just to the right of wing commander sildore
02:57.54FlAWDi've seen it
02:57.56Corrodiasthat takes you in next to the GY flag
02:58.03FlAWDleft rather
02:58.09Corrodiasvery challenging jump
02:58.19Nom-You don't come up the hill
02:58.27Nom-You come across the bridge and behind the building
02:58.38FlAWDi've never done it but i've seen people get in
02:58.45Corrodiasnah, it's not across the bridge at all
02:58.49Nom-all the alliance needs to do to defend their base is defend that orange line
02:58.51Corrodiasyou go up the mountain to the west of the base
02:59.01Corrodiasthen jump eastward across small landable areas
02:59.13Nom-Corrodias: It's no more effective than charging accross the bridge though
02:59.15Corrodiasbut it's not something you can move an army through
02:59.18Nom-Even if the entire offensive came that way
02:59.49FlAWDoh and as for AB, alliance acts like idiots in pugs, nobody ever defends, and we LOVE to chase that one hunter from the farm to the stables just to get that HK
03:00.13FlAWDi see 4 people chasing one hunter or druid across the map all the time
03:00.44Nom-Yeah, Horde are generally more disciplined and better organised in PvP
03:01.10FlAWDand for example at the LM, all the alliance goes halfway down the hill to cut horde off coming from the farm, and a rogue comes up from stables side and ninja's the flag
03:01.10Nom-The problem is, it doesn't matter on AV when the map is so stacked against you
03:01.51Nom-It soudns like the back entrance into the alliance base is probably a bug or unintended scalable terrain more than anything
03:01.53FlAWDi've always just gone into the horde base in AV the same way, right in the front door
03:02.02Corrodiasit seems unintended, Nom-, certainly
03:02.02FlAWDeven if i'm the first one there i barely see many people defending
03:02.05Nom-Whereas the back door into the horde base is an actual access ramp
03:02.11Corrodiasbut of course, blizzard never fixes battlegrounds, so it's never going away :)
03:02.47Nom-FlAWD: Most PUGs unfortunately will defend at the middle of the map
03:02.55Nom-But they're ready to hearth back if anything is taken
03:03.26FlAWDi believe that, but by the time the relief hut is taken there's already 20+ alliance there
03:03.36Nom-But the fact remains, that if the alliance know what they're doing, they need not go through that little room at all
03:03.42FlAWDand a lot of people on offence don't want to miss the HK's to hearth back
03:03.45Nom-Which means we actually have no choke point whatsoever
03:04.03FlAWDbut alliance sucks at pvp nonetheless :)
03:04.31Nom-Most of the time there is a defender at Frostwolf too, FlAWD
03:04.35Nom-But they're guarding the wrong entrance
03:04.43Nom-Because as you see on the map, there's so many ways in
03:05.14Nom-Not only can you come in the front and back, but there's multiple walls you can jump on your mount off terrain
03:05.19Nom-So the wall may as not even be there
03:09.17FlAWDstupid computer
03:10.17Corrodiaswas AV balanced at all before they changed it?
03:10.34Temmaybe not
03:10.37Tembut it was way more fun
03:12.01Nom-from what i understand it was just lots of harder NPCs
03:12.11Nom-Instead of it being a 3 minute boss fight it was 15 minute or something like that
03:12.15Nom-I never played the old version
03:12.32Temin the old version, the rush to the generals didn't work
03:12.42Temyou had to take and hold the whole map to win
03:12.48Tem(well, not exactly)
03:13.29Nom-The map used to be a several hour event rather than 1-2 hours
03:13.42Tem1-2 hours?
03:13.57TemI haven't seen an AV last longer than 20 minutes in a long time
03:14.01Temsince they changed it, in fact
03:14.25TemBefore, a 4 hour AV wasn't uncommon, though :)
03:14.26Nom-err how long ago changed ?
03:14.40Nom-Post 2.0 most games on our battlegroup last upwards of 45 minutes
03:14.51Nom-And that's when we purposefully let the alliance win
03:14.57Nom-(ie. No defense, all offense)
03:15.20TemThe patch just before xrealm they removed a bunch of npcs
03:15.27Temand it just became a rush to kill the other general
03:15.48Nom-Either you're not a good judge of time
03:15.57Temor you battlegroup sucks
03:16.04Nom-Or your battlegroup has really good/crap players on your side (depending on whether you win/lose)
03:16.25Nom-Actually a long fight tends to mean that we're all skilled and well geared :P
03:16.38Nom-If one side is overgeared then it's a very quick fight
03:16.57Temit still sucks compares to the old AV
03:18.07Nom-Well, given that the old, old AV used to last for 12 hours sometimes
03:18.10Nom-I'd say it's much better
03:18.44Nom-But I wasn't level 60 until after the cross-realm battlegrounds
03:18.49Nom-So I never played it
03:19.12TemI LOVED the old AV
03:19.17Temshort games are the suck
03:20.26Nom-If you're after the tokens, long games suck the big one
03:22.32Tembut I was never after tokens
03:22.35TemI just enjoyed the game
03:23.31Corrodiasof course, the alliance still has paladins
03:23.46Corrodiasgiving them a weapon to fight back against those cheating, organizing horde in AB
03:23.59Cairennzomg! there are less than 100 people in channel! where is everyone?
03:24.20Nom-Panda Porn!
03:24.53JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn
03:24.56purlACTION hugs Cairenn tightly until Cairenn turns slightly blue
03:25.00Cairennpurl, hug JoshBorke
03:25.01purlACTION hugs JoshBorke tightly until JoshBorke turns slightly blue
03:26.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
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03:26.49Nom-Power alts logged off :P
03:26.59TemCaptain's log, stardate uhhhh
03:27.08Tem*groan* April 12th
03:28.14Nom-What about it?
03:28.17Nom-It's a Thursday...
03:28.43Nom-oh wait
03:28.45Nom-never mind
03:28.46Nom-I get it
03:29.50Shirik>>> string.byte("\n");
03:29.51CideShirik: 10
03:30.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
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03:31.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
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03:32.12Cairennnight JoshBorke
03:32.14*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
03:32.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
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03:32.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
03:34.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
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03:35.44Temthis silly client won't order my servers like I want it to
03:35.50Corrodiaswhy are people still flagged after exiting a battleground? i don't get that.
03:36.04Temoh well screw it
03:36.15Nom-Coz they were participating in PvP ?
03:37.08Corrodiasyes, but now they're not.
03:37.30Corrodiasi see no benefit of the lingering flag to anyone other than griefers
03:38.11zenzelezzisn't it just the same 5-minute flag as for any other PvP?
03:39.29Corrodiasother pvp flagging you for 5 minutes afterward makes sense to me
03:39.49zenzelezzI don't see why you should get away any easier after a BG
03:40.20zenzelezzjust my opinion of course
03:45.28Nom-Let's put it this way
03:45.50Nom-If you've regularly got the opposite faction camping your major cities, then you have more to worry about than a PvP flag ^_^
03:55.13Finwell yes, you have to worry about the opposite faction regularly camping your major cities
03:55.35FinI always thought the flag was to stop bots
03:58.46*** join/#wowi-lounge TC (
04:01.17*** join/#wowi-lounge trik (
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04:02.36Corrodiasseveral games in AB and i get about 200 honor
04:02.41Corrodiasjesus christ i hate honor grinds
04:06.18trikyou know what sucks even more?
04:06.27trikyou play alot of games for wsg holiday
04:06.36trikyou get about 8k honors
04:06.40triklog out
04:06.44trikand you log back in
04:07.00trikand it says you only received about 6k last night
04:07.44trikyou make a report to a GM if it's a mistake that you lost about 2k honor
04:08.06trikand they tell you it's not a mistake, it's just displaying the wrong honor points last night
04:08.11Corrodiasapparently the game doesn't know how to tell how much honor you're getting
04:08.29Corrodiasi don't know why it's so hard
04:08.33Nom-we pwn the competition
04:08.33Nom-Never a problem...
04:08.34zenzelezzwithout knowing how the server calculates it we can't tell
04:08.46trikfreakin bullshiet i tell ya
04:08.48zenzelezzfor all we know they might need the total outcome of a BG to do the proper code
04:08.48Corrodiasapparently blizzard doesn't know, either
04:08.56Corrodiasyeah, okay, could be
04:09.17trikit seems to me
04:09.28trikthat blizzard just wants us to spend alot more time
04:10.25zenzelezzif the calculations were easy and straight forward then they could just update it real-time, not overnight
04:10.35Corrodiashey, if getting honor were easy, i might not go insane trying to get a god damn BELT
04:11.08Mr_Rabies2i've got no goals for myself in pvp, i just screw around
04:11.30Mr_Rabies2since the druid items are supposedly getting changed, in the feral field especially, since they're meh
04:12.49zenzelezzI think I could be of great aid to alliance BGs, since the horde would be too busy laughing about the prot spec nub running around cluelessly to mount an effective defense
04:12.50zenzelezzbut then I don't like PvP
04:15.49trikis it just me or do the hordes win all the time in bgs?
04:23.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom_ (
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04:29.42Corrodiaswe don't
04:30.15Corrodiaswe're almost losing this wsg, for example
04:31.40Corrodiasany second now...
04:31.44Corrodiasgod i hate wsg
04:34.13Kirkburn|afkShort US maintenance!
04:38.25Mr_Rabies2depends on the bracket
04:38.30Mr_Rabies2and battlegroup
04:38.41Mr_Rabies2and time of day, and a huge number of things
04:48.24Corrodiaswe just won the game. the very, very long game.
04:49.31Corrodiasi dunno, i kinda like bear form in these battlegrounds. i get the 5 second stun, the immobilizing charge, and the survivability. with as much as i gear Feared and crap, i don't usually get to do much damage in cat form anyway.
04:51.47Mr_Rabies2yeah you're pretty much a prot warrior with less survivability and damage in bear :x
04:52.17Mr_Rabies2and no hamstring :x
04:52.36ShirikI hate hamstring
04:53.13Mr_Rabies2me too, yet i never see anyone complaining about it
04:54.06Mr_Rabies2people whine that we can break slowing effects for a huge mana cost but people never seem to care about a spammable snare on no DRs for a low rage cost that's instant cast :x
04:54.28Shirikand I only have one way of getting out of it
04:54.32Shirika trinket on a 5min cooldown
04:54.45Shirikand as soon as I use it, I get hit with hamstring again
04:54.57Mr_Rabies2i can get out of it about 3 times, but it's pointless since it can just be reapplied instantly
04:56.29*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
05:05.05Kirkburn|afkStill looking for feedback on
05:05.09Kirkburn|afkAnyone? :)
05:06.30*** join/#wowi-lounge xlvii (n=Tim@
05:06.31xlviiwould 170 hit rating be enough to start raiding? i am a rogue.
05:07.22FinI prefer it to the current front page, but that's say a 105 score vs a 100 or something
05:07.32FinKirkburn|afk: sorry for the utterly useless feedback
05:08.25Kirkburn|afk"It's better", good enough for me
05:08.50Kirkburn|afkI probably won't put it up until the weekend
05:08.51Finit's slightly neater, slightly cleaner, a little more refined
05:09.18Finlike a 21 year old vs an 18 year old, perhaps
05:11.07*** part/#wowi-lounge Karrion (
05:12.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten-Laptop (
05:14.14Shirik21 or 18
05:14.16Shirikboth good imo
05:14.43Shirikbut I do like the new one
05:16.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Calliee|Work (n=AKJDFGAK@
05:21.23*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep` (
05:22.03Kirkburn|afkI wonder when I last played WoW
05:22.28Kirkburn|afkIs there any way of finding out?
05:23.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom__ (
05:23.37Fincheck the timestamps on savedvariables?
05:25.02Kirkburn|afk2 1/2 weeks ago
05:25.34Finhow many / what level characters do you have?
05:25.40Finto be nosey
05:27.08Fin(in the interests of full disclosure)
05:27.26Kirkburn|afk1 level 70, 1 level 42, several around 20
05:27.43Kirkburn|afkMethinks you meant 3 level 70s?
05:28.27Finno, 60s :)
05:29.01FinI stopped playing around christmas, just stopped having fun
05:29.21Kirkburn|afkNot even BC tempted you?
05:29.42FinI logged on my rogue and checked out Outlands for about half an hour
05:30.07Kirkburn|afkWere you on beta?
05:30.34FinI had to walk to the next flight point, and picked up a bunch of grinding quests... didn't exactly make me enthusiastic about starting to play again considering the reasons I think I got bored of it...
05:30.45FinI didn't want to try out the new content before it got here
05:30.59FinI was on the original beta though
05:31.00Kirkburn|afkAnd yet, even when it is here, you're not trying it out ;P
05:31.25Finwell, I did try it out, it just felt like more of the same grinding stuff...
05:31.45FinI *started* playing again because I got to see some new stuff :)
05:31.53Kirkburn|afkWell, I'm surely not the only one to tlel you this, but you're missing out :)
05:32.01Kirkburn|afkOr *tell
05:32.07Finmy 60s are alliance, the 31 is a blood elf - new faction, new starting zone, new race, new quests...
05:32.13Finoh, I know
05:32.27Finmost of the time I'm playing I'm on TS with a bunch of people who are all raiding
05:32.35Finit makes me want to start raiding again
05:32.38Kirkburn|afkYeah, only char I've been playing recently is my BE and draenei. Both aren't past 10 yet :/
05:32.56Kirkburn|afkNever raided myself
05:33.00Finbut, I did get bored of raiding before, I haven't raided for about 5 months I think now
05:33.08Finthey're not always raiding
05:33.14Fingrouping as well
05:33.20Fin5-mans, 10-mans, mostly atm
05:34.02FinI figured I probably would want to start playing again at some point, s'why I bought BC
05:34.24Finalso, and some people might find this silly, but I made some real friends in the last two years playing
05:35.09Finso I didn't really want to dump them :)
05:35.50Fin(btw, I have also met a bunch of them, some a bunch of times - best trip in recent memory was to Scotland getting raging drunk with some people from WoW :)
05:37.06FinI know what yo umean
05:37.19Finit was like that for me around Christmas
05:37.35Finlogged on a few times
05:37.39Finno spark
05:38.14Finwhat I want to know is, when's WoW 2 coming out?
05:38.46Finincidentally, I am honestly amazed and cannot understand how it's possible that I've been playing the same game for such a long time
05:38.57FinI mean, I used to think I played a lot of quake, but... 2 years? fuck
05:39.16Kirkburn|afkI wants the next expansion pack :P
05:39.46Finso, same question back to you - BC not tempting?
05:39.58Kirkburn|afkNot instancing and raiding, no
05:40.11Kirkburn|afkOuch, there's only two people online on TM:Sunrise atm
05:40.11Finwhat about the rest of it?
05:40.21Kirkburn|afkDone all the solo quests on my 70 char
05:40.29Finit's mostly just playing with other people that I really like
05:40.30Kirkburn|afkKeep meaning to level my 42, but haven't got around to it
05:40.41Fin(said the vicar to the nun)
05:42.28Finalso, learning Lua was cool
05:43.10Kirkburn|afkI should do that someday
05:43.10Finnot that I'm an expert by any means, of course
06:03.57Kirkburn|afkRambo IV shots -
06:07.05Corrodiasi want a way to get good tanking items for the waist and feet slots without pvp :P
06:20.29Kirkburn|afkShirik|zZz, quick buzz
06:20.44Kirkburn|afkJust saw your question on the Dev page
06:21.08Kirkburn|afkCan't create a box in the middle of the page, but I can ask about it
06:21.13Shirik|zZzah ok
06:21.20Kirkburn|afk(I tried it earlier using the standard code, no worky :( )
06:21.22Shirik|zZzsee I don't really know anything about wiki editing, to be honest
06:21.30Shirik|zZzlike what the limitations are, etc.
06:21.50Kirkburn|afkI'll see what I can do
06:21.56Kirkburn|afkAnyhoo, sleep well :)
06:26.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
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07:26.07Nom-1-20 is a blast
07:26.14Nom-You should all try it again some time ^_^
07:26.35Nom-In fact, levelling 1-30 is the funnest part of the game :P
07:26.59Nom-Aside from raiding...I love raiding :P
07:27.05Mr_Rabies2the barrens can burn in a fiery inferno for all i care
07:27.26Nom-Stuff the barrens
07:27.31Nom-Blood Elf starting zone > all
07:27.56Mr_Rabies2the 40-45 area is my favorite i think
07:28.02Mr_Rabies2i love sm and zf
07:28.27Nom-I prefer soloing Stratholme
07:28.50Nom-Still haven't worked out how to take the key guy down solo on my pally tho
07:28.56Nom-His enrages hurt too much
07:29.57Nom-And i've not tried on my mage yet, but he's only level 62...
07:30.13Nom-I'll try and get 63 on my mage tonight, if I get enough time
07:30.23Nom-Gotta use the rested xp up at least as quick as it comes in :P
07:33.36Mr_Rabies2i cant solo it :[
07:33.49Mr_Rabies2apparently its impossible for druids to
07:34.02Nom-hmmm probably not impossible
07:34.09Nom-just very difficult because you don't have much AoE DPS
07:34.20Mr_Rabies2since the bear nerf i haven't seen anyone saying they've been able to even handle the trash mobs
07:34.29Mr_Rabies2i know i can't
07:34.32Nom-With my pally, i've done 1000 damage to all mobs before they even start hitting on me
07:34.42Nom-Then you've got ret aura, consecration
07:34.45Mr_Rabies2and i could handle them easy as hell pre bear nerf
07:34.50Nom-Plus Exorcism for single target burst
07:37.28Nom-wow...i just noticed
07:37.42Nom-molten armor is the same crit reduction as 490 defense
07:38.14Nom-Talk about uber for AoE
07:38.19Nom-No more crits! :D
07:38.36Nom-That makes it a viable PvP choice too lol
07:38.59Nom-Not as good in PvP of course, due to the fact everyone has +crit
07:39.32snurre-but most also have procs from crits
07:39.36snurre-which it prevents
07:41.04Nom-hmm where's the pally Dungeon Set 4 ?
07:43.30Nom-hmm they haven't even got them labelled on wowhead :(
07:44.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Thorarin (
07:45.44Nom-How crap....Warrior gets Bold => Doomplate, Mage gets Incanter's => Mana-Etched, but Paladin gets Righteous => (nothing)
07:46.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
07:46.45Nom-WTB a decent heroic upgrade set for Paladin :(
07:48.26snurrefirst of all, there is no such thing as dungeon set 4
07:48.33snurre3 is the highest
07:48.49Nom-Yeah, but you could consider Doomplate as Dungeon Set 4
07:48.49snurreand pewpewadin can wear doomplate if he wants
07:48.56Nom-Given that most of it drops in Heroics
07:48.57snurreyou could, but you wont
07:49.56snurretankadin can wear bold, healadin can wear hallowed
07:49.59Nom-No paladin with half a brain would wear Doomplate :(
07:49.59Nom-If you're a tankadin, you need spell damage, but you can't sacrifice the gem slots for that
07:50.00Nom-You need the gem slots for +defense
07:50.49Nom-A tankadin in Bold won't have enough aggro generating capability
07:50.56Nom-Unless the mob is undead or demon
07:51.08snurredoomplate, mana-etched stuff aren't class-specific like bold and incanters
07:51.18Nom-I realise this
07:51.22snurretheyre more cross-class with other stats
07:51.23Nom-But they're actually a progression
07:51.33Nom-But they're not an upgrade to a tankadin
07:51.36Nom-Not really
07:51.59snurrei dont get why anyone would bother wearing dungeon sets at all anyway though.. getting epic tradeskill items or better single pieces is not exactly hard
07:52.14Nom-For a warrior, most of the Doomplate is a significant upgrade to Bold
07:52.21Nom-Due to the extra gem slots mainly
07:52.34Corrodiaswtb a reasonable knowledge of what bear form tanking chest piece to get
07:52.34Nom-For a paladin, you'd be gimping your dps, threat, mana...everything
07:52.54Nom-Corrodias: Lots of stamina, agility and some gem slots for +def gems
07:52.58Nom-Until you have 415 defense :P
07:53.20snurrejust go healing and wait for blizz to fix paladin tanking itemization
07:53.33snurretheyve said theyre gonna do it, so
07:53.48Nom-lol snurre, can't do that :P
07:53.55Nom-I'm tanking Kara
07:53.57Corrodiasi wonder if a 1% chance of being crit is acceptable, compared to, say, a 3% greater chance of dodging
07:54.07snurrethen what do you need dungeon sets for?
07:54.07Corrodiasand i think the answer is yes
07:54.32Nom-I'm just searching for gear upgrades
07:54.42Nom-The tanking plate is going to the warrior in our group
07:54.50snurredepends on the situation.. dodge makes total damage taken less, but more spiky.. and it's the latter that kills
07:54.52Corrodiasi have "enough" stamina. i need more mitigation/avoidance than i have, now.
07:54.53Nom-I'm ending up with the healing plate, which is useless for my role
07:55.23Nom-Heroic BF
07:55.38Corrodiasyeah, that's not bad
07:56.11Corrodiasin fact... i think that has the perfect balance of armor, agility, and stamina that i seek, with sockets anyway
07:56.48Elkanowouldn't be better?
07:56.54Nom- (Black Morass)
07:56.56Corrodiasmy biggest problem is low armor: just over 18k unbuffed right now
07:57.04Corrodiasjust give me the item names, please
07:57.33ElkanoCorrodias, Heavy Clefthoof Vest
07:58.01Nom-Chestguard of No Remorse
07:58.05Corrodiasi'm currently holding onto a Chestguard of the Talon and a Heavy Clefthoof Vest. i'm not sure which i prefer.
07:58.14Nom-Yeah, the crafted gear isn't bad
07:58.26*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
07:58.39Corrodiasideal would be the arena pvp thing but i need a team that actually plays...
07:58.40Nom-Of course, paladin gets shafted on crafted gear too :P
07:58.52Corrodias404 Armor, +18 Agility, +39 Stamina, +22 Resilience, 3 sockets
07:59.12Nom-Ecept for the epic healing bracers, most of the crafted stuff is warrior oriented that i've seen
08:00.10ElkanoI still use (Jerkin of the Untamed Spirit), but I'm only 67 ^^
08:00.20Corrodiasi think it's easier for me to get 2% in dodge than it is to get 200 more armor, which becomes 1000 armor, which is about 2% damage reduction
08:00.29Corrodiasaccording to the old armor forumlas page
08:00.45Corrodiasforumlas! formulas.
08:01.06Nom-It's not that effective at 70 any more Corrodias
08:01.13Nom-It's not much reduced, but it's a lesser effect
08:01.51Nom-12086 armor = 53.38%
08:02.02Corrodiasthe other druids tend to advise over 20k armor, but i think it's going to be easier for me to get good stats with a higher dodge than it would be to get my armor that high, especially since i skipped three high-armor but low-other-stats items
08:02.07Corrodiasquest rewards
08:02.20Nom-25K armor, 12k hitpoints and 415 defense is ideal
08:02.21Corrodiasand what's 13086?
08:02.41Corrodias25k? that is impossible for me to attain at this point
08:02.56Corrodiaswithout manimal's cinch and the similar pants and boots, there's no way.
08:03.01Nom-Just as well you quantified that :)
08:03.05Nom-It's definately possible
08:03.19Corrodiasyou speak words i do not believe
08:03.54Nom-That's for level 70 vs level 70
08:05.47Nom-Around the 32000 armor mark you reach the mitigation cap
08:06.09Corrodiasaccording to my calculation
08:06.37Corrodiasthe reduction given from 18000 armor is 98% of the reduction given from 19000 armor.
08:06.45Corrodiasthus the 2% per 1000 armor seems to hold
08:07.08Nom-Well, it's a diminishing returns formula
08:07.20Corrodiasbelieve me, i've read the wowwiki page
08:07.33Nom-I mean, put it this way
08:08.06Nom-The difference between 25K and 30K is only 4%
08:08.24Corrodias4% of 100% of damage, right?
08:08.41Nom-whereas 20K to 25K is 6%
08:08.46Nom-yeah of 100
08:08.49Corrodiasaccording to this calculation, 25000 armor would get me taking 10% less damage than i do now at 18000 armor
08:09.05Corrodiasmaybe i did it wrong...
08:09.11Corrodiasi don't know what number you're trying to output
08:09.16Corrodiasthose are meaningless to me
08:09.26Nom-25000 = 70.3%
08:09.30Nom-18000 = 63.0%
08:10.48Corrodiasactually, what it says is that the mitigation of 18k is 89.6% as high as the mitigation from 25k, which means... 11.5% less damage if i got my armor that high
08:12.14Corrodiasf(18000)/f(25000) = 89.6%
08:12.35Corrodiasf(25000)/f(18000) = 111.5%
08:12.48Nom-I don't follow you
08:13.01Corrodiasf(armor) is the mitigation percentage for the value of armor given
08:13.01Nom-It's a 6.7% damage reduction increase
08:13.07Nom-I don't know where you're getting 11.5% from
08:13.09Corrodiasyes, but 6.7% of full damage
08:13.16Corrodiasnot compared to what you were already taking at 18k armor
08:13.26snurre(100 - (100 * DmgReduction1)) / (100 - (100 * DmgReduction2))
08:13.59Corrodiasmy numbers might still be wrong
08:14.37Corrodiaslet me try this again
08:15.16Nom-It's 370 damage vs 296 damage for a 1000 damage swing
08:15.41snurrethe closer you get to 100%, the more value each % has
08:16.13snurreso it really doesnt matter if you go from 1000 to 2000 or 18000 to 19000, it reduces the damage you receive per hit by the same amount
08:16.14Corrodiasokay, so i'd only take 80% as much damage as i do with 18k armor. that makes more sense.
08:16.38Nom-snurre: I think you'll find that's false :)
08:17.05Nom-in fact, I've just proved it with the excel sheet i've got
08:17.23Nom-the difference between 0 armor and 1000 armor is 86 damage
08:17.37Nom-the difference betwen 10k armor and 11k armor is 23 damage
08:18.24Nom-You people are thinking backwards imho :P
08:18.29Corrodiasthe difference between 5k armor and 4k armor is about 6.5%
08:18.39Corrodiasfor 25k and 24k it goes to 2.9%
08:18.47Corrodias2.9? that seems awfully high...
08:19.12ElkanoNom, 86/23 based on what damage? 100?
08:19.30Nom-more like 0.9% Corrodias
08:19.37Corrodiasthe point is that i'd take 80% as much damage as i do with 18k armor if i got my armor that high
08:19.45Nom-Elkano: 1000 swing
08:20.18Nom-It's a difference in amount of damage mitigated...these guys are thinking in wierd ways
08:21.12Elkanoso with 1k armor, 8.6% is mitigated? how much raw damage you take at 10k and 11k?
08:21.26Corrodiasthis doesn't help me decide what chest piece to get
08:21.36Corrodiasalthough i think the wastewalker one is a fine choice, good balance of stats
08:21.50Corrodiaspop three +8 agility jewels in there and i'm good to go
08:22.08Nom-raw damage at 10k =  513.56
08:22.12Nom-11k =  489.74
08:22.51Corrodiasdivide the latter by the former and you get 0.953618
08:23.07Corrodias95.4% as much damage at 11k as at 10k
08:23.13Elkanoso that makes 4.64% mitigated
08:23.51Nom-oooooh i see where you're going
08:23.52Elkanoit's not as much as for 1k but still noticable I think
08:24.09Nom-It is a diminishing return still tho
08:24.19Nom-8% from 1000 to 2000
08:24.44Nom-for 10k to 11k
08:24.53Nom-3.2% from 20k to 21k
08:25.20Nom-That's where I got the formula from snurre
08:28.34Elkano50% against level 73: 11962; 75% against level 73: 35886 -> +200% armor for +25% raw but it's another 50% effective ^^
08:28.47Elkanoit's not as bad as it looks ^^
08:29.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
08:30.13Corrodiasheroic blood furnace. that has to be hell. :(
08:30.14Nom-there check that out...that's the differendce
08:30.19Corrodiasi can't imagine completing a heroic instance from what i've heard.
08:30.31Nom-lol they're not that bad
08:30.35Nom-No harder than doing Karazhan
08:30.46Nom-Just need people to be attentive and know what they're doing
08:30.54Corrodiasyeah, we couldn't handle that last time
08:31.00Nom-It'd be a nightmare to PUG, but with guild it should be ok
08:31.07Corrodiasso armor is a good thing, i see
08:31.27Corrodiasmaking arena rewards very important for my tanking set :/
08:31.56Nom-Heroic rewards aren't bad tho
08:32.06Nom-And there's some nice gear from the end of heroic instances
08:32.14Nom-The last boss in every heroic drops an epic
08:32.26Corrodiaswell, take a look at this:
08:32.37Corrodiaseven ignoring the order they're in, you can see the highest armor stuff is pvp rewards
08:32.44Corrodiasexcept the tier 5 piece
08:33.08Nom-well at the end of the day anyway, all tanks need 3 things
08:33.11Nom-1. Stats to hold aggro.
08:33.19Nom-2. Stamina
08:33.21Nom-3. Damage mitigation
08:33.55Nom-In the case of a bear, it's nice if you can get to 415 defense so you don't get crit, but not essential
08:34.11Nom-It's more important to get more armor than the average warrior to make up for the fact you get crit
08:34.41Corrodiassadly, my armor is in limbo at 18.8k and horrible pvp grinds and heroic instances are my only ways of improving it
08:35.22Corrodiasi'm currently using a Chestguard of the Talon, a decently high armor chest piece, but the wastewalker tunic has similar stats, about 80 less armor, and three sockets
08:35.22Nom-That's our Feral Druid
08:36.09Corrodiasthat's cat gear
08:36.11Nom-he probably logged in his dps gear lol, but he's been happily helping tank Kara
08:36.16Elkanoclefhoof set will give you 739 armor (4064.5 effective as bear), 131 Stamina, 86 defense rating and 4 blue, 4 yellow sockets
08:36.35Nom-Hmm i'll see if the other druid logged in tank gear
08:36.35Corrodiasmuch better than my cat gear, which i have been neglecting because i'm too casual to build two good sets :P
08:37.10Nom-yeah they both logged in kitty gear lol
08:37.11Nom-oh well
08:37.19Corrodiasheavy clefthoof vest: 290 Armor, +52 Stamina, +28 Defense rating, 3 sockets
08:37.35CorrodiasChestguard of the Talon: 378 Armor, +34 Agility, +21 Stamina, +36 Strength, 0 sockets
08:37.56Corrodiasformer looks better, right? but the armor loss would drag my armor down to low 18k's
08:38.05Nom-well the pair of them have in the order of 10.5k hitpoints in caster form in their tank set
08:38.14Nom-That's before the bear bonus
08:38.21Corrodiasmine's mid 9000's
08:38.34Nom-And they've got 16-18k armor
08:38.36Corrodiasi'm sure they're all magnificently geared and i'm jealous :P
08:38.50Nom-and i know Kakeka has 410ish defense too
08:38.58ElkanoCorrodias, I think its about 500 less armor
08:39.34Corrodiaswith the chestguard of the talon, i have 18.9k armor, 407 defense, and 23.7% dodge, unbuffed
08:39.41Nom-I suppose it all depends on your stat balance Corrodias
08:39.47Corrodiaswith the clefthoof thing, i have the wrong jewels in it. so it's crappy right now. :)
08:39.57Nom-Defense and Dodge make up for not having much armor
08:40.08Corrodias18.3k armor, 423 defense, 21.77% dodge
08:40.19Nom-and armor and stamina makes up for not having much defense or dodge
08:40.36Corrodiasthe dodge will go up and the defense will go down if i put +8 agility jewels in it
08:41.27Corrodiasvery hard to decide between those two
08:41.31Nom-Well, our MT has 16.9% dodge, 15.7% parry, 12404 armor
08:41.56Corrodiasarmless worms can parry, but a bear can't >:/
08:42.17Nom-I've got 11.53% dodge, 10.19% parry, 12076 armor
08:42.34Nom-And at the end of the day, both of us can tank well enough...
08:42.52Nom-I think a good target would be 20-25% dodge with bear-like armor
08:43.28Corrodiasi think i'm going to keep the heavy clefthoof vest and just deal with low armor, trying to boost my dodge instead :P
08:43.41Corrodiasmy boots and pants have the wrong jewels, too, but i'm replacing those eventually, i hope
08:44.29Nom-bleh, it's so hard to say's all about juggling stats lol
08:44.46Corrodiasmaybe my dodge can get high enough that the low armor isn't a problem :P
08:44.56Corrodiasi'll be a nimble little bear
08:45.13Nom-well as long as you realise that 18k armor isn't low :)
08:45.20Corrodiaswell, for a bear, it's getting down there
08:45.23Nom-If you can get 415 defense, then it's actually pretty damn good
08:45.30Elkanowow, by searching for a tank equiped druid in our guild in the armory I noticed none of our lvl 70 druids is heal specced :/
08:45.50Nom-Elkano: It's scary to find one of those these days, isn't it?
08:46.14Corrodiasi was balance/restoration. i love healing. but our guild needed another tank more than me as a main healer, so i respecced at 70.
08:46.36Nom-Yeah, there's more than enough heal classes about now
08:46.40Elkanobut its fun to see holy priests outheald by balance druids ^^
08:46.54Elkanobut that could have been a gear issue
08:47.07Nom-Well, i could be the most powerful healer in our raid
08:47.12Nom-But i've been relegated to tanking too :P
08:47.15Nom-Paladin > All for heals
08:47.22Corrodiaswell now
08:47.26Nom-(it's sad because it's true)
08:47.30Corrodiaswhen using smaller heals, i hear the mana efficiency is amazing
08:47.39Nom-sure is Corrodias
08:47.41Corrodiaswhat happens if you need to pump out larger amounts of healing?
08:47.56Nom-The holy talents let you do that effectively
08:48.08Nom-A non-holy paladin runs oom on big heals too fast
08:48.12Nom-but a holy paladin can go all day
08:48.30Corrodiasi totally want a healer... but i have no alts above level 25
08:48.51Corrodiasi screw around a lot while playing, so i don't really have time to have one character at "the top" and another trailing close behind
08:48.54Nom-lol no class is guaranteed to be healer any more
08:49.04Nom-Every spec of every class brings something useful to the raids now
08:49.33Corrodiasindeed :o
08:49.37Nom-For instances, it's immensely useful to put a shadow priest in the group with your healers or mana using dps
08:49.39Corrodiasexcept maybe dps warrior. lolz. ;)
08:50.00Corrodiasjust kidding. i don't know enough about the warrior class to say what it can do.
08:50.04Nom-No, DPS warrior brings the improved buffs
08:50.22Nom-DPS warrior can add a massive amount of DPS to all your melee DPS just by using their buffs
08:50.42Nom-That sentence had too many DPSes in it
08:51.13Nom-About the only classes that don't make a huge difference are your pure DPS classes
08:51.30Nom-Mage for instance, you don't gain anything massive by bringing a frost mage over a fire mage
08:51.37Nom-arcane does bring slow though, which is useful
08:52.12krkazomg dps
08:52.33Nom-Even the different hunter builds bring some useful buffs
08:53.00Nom-I think about the only class that wouldn't make any difference is a rogue
08:54.01Corrodiasyou mean, the only class for which spec wouldn't really make a difference in their contribution to the raid
08:54.27Corrodiasjust checking here
08:54.58CorrodiasWoW has trained me. in old hillsbrad today, we were all transformed into humans, as usual. unfortunately, one of us was a rogue.
08:55.19Corrodiasmy instinctual hatred of human rogues kicked in and i couldn't stand to look at him :P
08:55.36Corrodiasinstinctual? ingrained.
08:55.50krkayou're a classist!
08:56.08Corrodiasi've had enough trouble with human and night elf rogues for life
08:56.19Corrodiasunfortunately, i'm still doomed to PvP for a decent tanking belt
08:57.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
08:59.26*** join/#wowi-lounge SerpentKnights (
09:01.41CodayusArms spec warrior brings a nifty +4% melee damage buff against mobs that aren't immune to bleed effects.
09:02.14CodayusAnd a - healing effectiveness debuff, for the (very rare) fights that's important.
09:02.25CodayusRogues can bring...uh...imp sap?  :-(
09:02.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
09:02.47Corrodiasyes, sapping is pretty nifty
09:03.30Corrodiasanyway, they possibly can do more damage without pulling aggro due to feint. but then, a warrior can take some hits while a rogue really can't take more than a couple.
09:04.20CodayusWarrior DPS scales better...or did pre-TBC, not sure if that's changed...
09:05.56CodayusAlso, I find DPS warriors tend to be pretty squishy if they pull aggro - their overall avoidance % tends to be pretty damn low.  At least rogues get evasion.  :-p
09:06.26Corrodiaswell, i was thinking of the plate armor
09:07.46CodayusI'm not really familiar with TBC DPS warriors; my guild has one, but he never raids...
09:08.08Corrodiasi think we have one
09:08.16Corrodiascalls himself Karunch. cute name.
09:08.59CodayusBack when I sometimes brought a warrior alt to MC though, I actually had a couple bits of leather and mail in my pure DPS set, and my HP pool was pathetic.  <shrug>
09:08.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Dhraga (
09:09.04DhragaLo all
09:10.30CodayusOTOH, I was perfectly able to OT if I swapped gear, which a rogue isn't really able to do...
09:10.52Codayus(Due to our class balance, we end up with 2 prot warriors in Karazhan mostly, which is DEFINTELY not ideal for most fights.)
09:11.04Corrodiaswait, that's not ideal?
09:12.15CodayusFor the Maiden fight, we tell the 2nd prot warrior to run around and bandage people.
09:14.06CodayusRandom question - doesn't some class have a spell..or talent...that does extra damage to dazed targets?
09:15.17Corrodiascheck the talents, it's in there somewhere
09:15.35Elkanospell iirc
09:16.02CodayusSteady Shot
09:16.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
09:16.15CodayusCauses an additional 175 against dazed targets.
09:16.48CodayusI was vageuly thinking that maybe Blade Twisting could help out raid DPS, but actually, that's kind of pathetic.  :-)
09:16.58Corrodiasi find i last longer in battlegrounds if i go "prot bear" rather than "dps cat"
09:17.18Corrodiasmy comparative contribution is questionable
09:17.48Elkanoyou could try to go healer and help your team ;)
09:17.52SunTigertanking bears in bg's are usefull if other people make use of them.
09:17.57Shadowednot really
09:18.19Corrodiasmy healing is not particularly impressive, but yes
09:18.28Corrodiasyou know, that's a good point
09:18.30Shadowedthe use is limited to AV and WSG, and even then the contribution isn't so amazing that they should always do it
09:18.52Shadowedreally, i'd rather a warrior in WSG because of spell reflect
09:19.01Corrodiasrather than banging my head against the horrible, horrible wall of pvp as a damage role, perhaps i should be healing
09:19.01SunTigerbut i have cursed many a time at a damn bear that would not go damn well DIE.
09:19.04Shadowedsince it's usually the large magic crits that kill me, not the melee one
09:19.10Elkanowell, Corrodias, I always have my healer set with me... it's only abou 400 +heal but better than nothing
09:19.40Corrodiasi have taken to putting the restoration set in the bank when i am not thinking i will need it, because i only use 16-slot bags
09:19.43SunTigerwhile the bear slowly but surely walk to the opponent base with out flag.
09:20.06Corrodiasalthough i think i spent 600g on gems, items, and enchantment materials yesterday, so i don't know if it's worth being stingy vs getting larger bags :/
09:20.26Shadowed600g sounds about right
09:20.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Insa (
09:20.40ShadowedSunTiger, let me guess Warrior?
09:20.58Corrodiasi have lots of living rubies now, but no guildmates who can cut the +8 agility jewel yet
09:21.15SunTigerand i have been every damn spec out there.
09:21.25SunTigerexepct for 20/20/21
09:21.34Shadowedif it's only you attacking then you'll have issues anyway, but the same thing would happen with a warrior...theres just very little well geared warriors at 70 right now
09:21.41Shadowedanyway, sleep!
09:22.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
09:22.11SunTigerno its not just me attacking, its my team + their team attacking us + healing the bear
09:22.14Corrodiasevery time i think about playing a hunter, it just gives me way too much stress
09:22.22ElkanoCorrodias, I also only have 16 slot bags :/ and I usualy have my DPS, tank and healer set with me... I hardly had more than 20 slots free the past months ^^'
09:22.27Corrodiasi don't think i'll ever get a hunter too far without going mad again
09:22.35SunTigerCorrodias, i stopped playing a hunter because its to damn easy.
09:22.48Corrodiasfor me, it's very complex
09:23.05Corrodiasi suspect people who see it as easy do not push it to its performance limits
09:23.12ShadowedSounds like someone needs to be SA/EAing him
09:23.22SunTigerthats not what i mean, playing a hunter makes the game itself , esepcially pvp, to easy.
09:23.40SunTigerreally, i can kite almost anything around
09:24.01SunTigerand as a marks/beast i hurt a damn lot.
09:24.15Corrodiasi fought a pretty good hunter today. he had me ice trapped twice, scattershotted twice, and scared beast twice while i was trying to kill him as a bear. i only just got him below half health, but that was a fun fight.
09:24.49Corrodiaswhen i play a hunter, i tend to spend way too much time agonizing over names, pets, specs, pet specs, and action bar layout
09:25.23SunTigerpet - go for whatever you like
09:25.24SunTigerpet spec- you are leveling armor and hp
09:25.46SunTigerlayout well, you do have a lot of buttons to position
09:25.52Corrodiasyes :(
09:25.56SunTigeron my rogues its easy, my hunter still struggles.
09:25.58Corrodiasi think i have it all worked out
09:26.23SunTigerand names.. names are silly.
09:26.26Corrodiasbut then whenever i play near a hunter, i keep bitching silently to myself about how blizzard needs to give pets an overhaul
09:26.53SunTigertell that to the infernals, high risk vs reward my ass
09:26.56Corrodiasskill-learning, levelling, model choice, and the "caster stats" disease being issues that irritate me
09:27.02SunTigerhunter pets solo infernals and doomgaurds.
09:27.22SunTigerand that is with demo lock vs beast warrior.
09:27.32Corrodiasoh, and pet abilities
09:27.40Corrodiasspore bats have no damage-related abilities!
09:27.54SunTigerso ?
09:31.21wereHamsterdoes anyone have experience with Fraps and TeamSpeak? Especially how well they work if both are capturing sound at the same time?
09:32.01Mr_Rabies2i'd suppose that probably depends on your sound card among other things
09:32.11Mr_Rabies2your best bet is likely to just try it out
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09:32.33Corrodiasi mean, spore bats can't do anything but white damage attack and growl
09:32.40Corrodiasthey're in every way inferior to any other pet choice in terms of performance
09:33.42Mr_Rabies2comparing lock and hunter pets is apples and oranges
09:33.55Mr_Rabies2to get a new pet out, all a lock has to do is cast another spell
09:35.01Mr_Rabies2plus he doesn't have to feed it, level it, train it, (other than buying grimoires) tame it, tame other pets to get spells for the one you like, keep its happiness up, etc
09:35.20Mr_Rabies2it's like comparing vanish and feign death
09:36.22Corrodiasthis is specifically about the doomguard
09:36.48Corrodiassummoning a doomguard takes 5 people, including the warlock, and kills a random member of the party. then the doomguard has to be enslaved.
09:36.56Corrodiasif the only warlock dies, you're toast
09:37.09Corrodiasor would be if a doomguard were threatening in any way, which, by the sound of it, it really isn't.
09:37.41Corrodiasthat's another thing. what purpose does pet feeding have? i see no actual purpose for it.
09:37.53Corrodiasmaybe if your pet got temporary buffs based on what sort of food you feed it...
09:38.28Corrodiashaving to carry stacks of meat to click on every 20 minutes doesn't enhance the fun of the game in any way
09:38.51ElkanoCorrodias, there is secific pet food in game now
09:39.12Elkanoat least one item I know of
09:40.13Corrodiasyeah, but it's not used like normal pet food
09:41.46Elkanowell, didn't try on my hunter ^^
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09:44.40Mr_Rabies2it only gives the buff, no happiness effect afaik
09:46.44Mr_Rabies2also, the doomguard may not be too much in the damage department (it's not bad at all honestly, but its spells are pretty awesome
09:52.00Corrodiasi'm having a hard time finding a list of those spells on wowhead. what can it do?
09:55.56Corrodias"Although great whilst leveling, at 70 this sucks. Even with some decent healing gear on it's only about a 1.5k heal." -- referencing the draenei racial ability heal. this guy doesn't know what decent healing gear is, apparently.
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10:11.01Calliee|WorkI love the draenei racial heal
10:11.09Corrodiashis statement puts "decent healing gear" at +420 healing
10:11.20Calliee|Workbetter than any HoT I've seen on a priest
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10:25.45Corrodiascomments on the Jaina Proudmoore boss on wowhead and, i think, allakhazam indicate that people have had disciplinary action taken on their accounts for killing her
10:26.51Corrodiascan't say if it's true or not
10:32.20Corrodias[away] @ sleep
10:44.46Mr_Rabies2for farming her yeah
10:44.56Mr_Rabies2she had a bug that she may still have
10:45.01Mr_Rabies2that she respawns instantly
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15:06.07JoshBorkegah, i hate the limitations of lua regex :-/
15:06.31krkait's lua patterns, not lua regex
15:07.43JoshBorkeall i want is a simple OR
15:07.48JoshBorkeis that too much to ask
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15:11.51JoshBorke:-(  you crush all my dreams krka
15:12.05krkathat's what i'm here for
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15:13.57ShirikJoshBorke: You could...
15:14.21Shirikmatch (%w) and then test that capture
15:14.41Shirikdepends on what you're trying to do
15:15.06ShirikI do wish lua implemented regexes though :/
15:17.30krkaimplement them yourself :)
15:17.45ShirikWell they've already been implemented somewhere
15:17.48Shiriksomeone was talking about it
15:17.55Shirikbut implementing it in lua would be ungodly slow
15:17.58Shirikat least I think so
15:18.13ShirikAnd we can't implement C in WoW for obvious reasons
15:20.06Shirikmaybe I'll try it and see the speed on it
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15:23.34krkaregex is overrated anyway
15:23.41ShirikI <333333 them
15:23.46krkaif you need to do complex stuff, regex is the wrong way to do it
15:23.56krkawrite a proper tokenizer / grammar instead
15:24.12ShirikI know there are better ways to do it
15:24.24Shirikhell I've used regexes to parse XML before, even with a readibly accessible parser class
15:24.31Shirikbut... it's just something that I find easy to use
15:24.51Shirikyou can't deny they're powerful
15:25.00krkaxml with regex? that's just nasty
15:25.06ShirikI know :P
15:25.12Shirikbut I only needed it for a very specific purpose
15:25.28Shirikand using the SAX parser was just a lot more than I really needed
15:25.37krkai'm guilty of similar hacks actually
15:25.43ShirikI wanted to scrape a very specific (one single) line from a webpage
15:25.59Shirikso.... I wrote a regex to grab it, rather than trying to use the XML parser
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15:52.02Nom-Why are so many PHP coders producing devilspawn?
15:52.14Shirikit's because php became popular in version 4
15:52.23Shirikand at the time, that was the proper way to code
15:52.52Nom-pffft sif
15:53.04Nom-Maybe in PHP, but every other language didn't do evils such as this
15:53.18Nom-when I learnt PHP I didn't write code this bad
15:53.23Nom-At least I used OO Classes
15:53.30Shirikthen you didn't code in php 4
15:53.36ShirikOOP didn't exist in php 4
15:53.36Nom-and HTML templates instead of embedding everything and hard coding it
15:53.44Nom-Yes it did
15:53.48ShirikIt was added in php 5
15:53.51Nom-You could make a class and extend it
15:54.02Nom-That's all you need for OO
15:54.39Nom- <-- right there
15:54.41Shirikhrm, I take that back, it was in 4
15:54.41Nom-documented as in php4
15:54.45Shirikyeah I'm looking at that right now :P
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15:54.52Shirikwell rather
15:55.00Shiriksame difference though
15:55.41Shirikyou could probably argue that it's the same reason a lot of addons are written as "devilspawn"
15:55.52Shirikit's an easily accessible language to newer programmers
15:55.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
15:56.06Nom-perl is even more easily accessible
15:56.10pastamancerNom-: for exactly the same reason there's oodles of horrible VB code out there
15:56.14Nom-It's standard on every linux distro out there
15:56.25Shirikmost newer programmers don't even use linux
15:56.28Nom-pastamancer: Depending on which kind of VB, that's not as true
15:56.46pastamancerlast time I touched it was VB6
15:56.59Nom-pastamancer: VBA, yes...True VB6 or VB.NET, that's just due to programmer's not exactly easy to start writing the VB app
15:57.02ShirikI pride myself on the fact that I've never touched VB :P
15:57.05Nom-Unless you pirate the software that is
15:57.22pastamancerNom-: I think you answered your question then
15:57.39Nom-Yeah, well
15:57.53Nom-TBH, if it's been written by someone who pirated a copy of VB, then you'd expect it to be bad
15:57.57pastamancernot everyone who writes code is a "programmer"
15:58.08Shiriktrue statement.
15:58.32pastamancerthere's a reason books like "learn java in 7 days" or whatever exist
15:58.38pastamancerbecause there's people buying t hem
15:58.45pastamancerand those people are writing code
15:59.17Nom-Yeah, but some of those books aren't that bad
15:59.21ShirikI shelled out something like $150 like 8 years ago for VC++6 when I hadn't a clue what I was doing
15:59.27Nom-They teach *reasonable* OO prinicipals
15:59.30Shirikgranted, I learned over time, and didn't release that code until I knew what I was doing
15:59.36Shirikbut I'm sure the same principle applies
15:59.56Nom-My first steps into C++ were with a C++ in 10 days book
16:00.08ShirikI had bought VC++ and C++ for dummies at the same time :P
16:00.34Nom-If anything, i'd blame Microsoft for poor programming practices in Windows code
16:00.40Nom-They make it too easy to code
16:00.49Shirikthat's a bad thing?
16:00.52Nom-Which leads to people making stuff that barely just works
16:00.57Nom-ie. Poorly written
16:01.12ShirikI think some of the problems that exist are
16:01.19Shirikpeople program without actually knowing how a computer works
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16:01.41Shirikthus we get problems like buffer overflows which overwrite code thus executing arbitrary code
16:01.44LegorolMy 2 pennies worth: did you know that you can write full fledged VB scripts with nothing but a standard out-of-the box Windows installation and Notepad?
16:01.51Nom-Anyway, my point remains... I've yet to see one PHP programmer who produces anything but complete and utter crap
16:02.06Nom-The only good ones are usually good because they work on other stuff, like Perl or C++
16:02.24ShirikWell the thing is
16:02.26LegorolMy other 2 pennies worth: programming language has nothing to do with programming skill.
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16:02.35Shirikyou can't really write C (well) without knowing how a computer works
16:02.46Shirikyou take that knowledge to PHP and you're better off
16:02.49Shirikit's an experience thing
16:02.56Nom-Yeah, you don't dive into C++ or even Perl without knowing what you're doing to some degree
16:03.05Nom-Compared to PHP, Perl is a much steeper learning curve
16:03.16pastamancerbwahaha, one of my hunter friends made the mistake of joking about nneeding to farm snakes for her snake traps.  The result:
16:03.36LegorolWhy are you guys even comparing languages to one another? It's all about the environment you are presented with to program in, and the context you do it in.
16:04.17Nom-We're not comparing, Legorol.  Well, i'm not...
16:04.43LegorolThere is no easier and harder language, or one that makes you program better, imo. There are contexts in which people want to jump in and create something, and the languages that tend to appear in that context.
16:04.44Nom-I'm just generalizing that most PHP programmers write awful code, and most C/C++ coders write good code :)
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16:05.16Nom-note, i've quantified it as "most", meaning there are exceptions
16:05.19LegorolLet me rephrase your statement: most programmers that work in situation that use php write awful code, and most taht work in contexts that use c/c++ write better code.
16:05.27ShirikI'm a C coder... and you said you didn't like my PHP either :P
16:05.32LegorolDo notice i am blaming the context, not the language.
16:05.33Shirikgranted you've only seen about 2 lines of my code but hey
16:05.50LegorolPerfect example: World of Warcraft.
16:05.56Shirikhere let me show you what I consider to be a "good" example of my php
16:06.07LegorolBefore WoW, Lua was an obscure scripting language used by a small group of programmers for specialist purposes.
16:06.09Nom-Shirik: Yes, but that was only an education didn't know about the much better way :)
16:06.23Nom-Shirik: You probably use the same godawful methods in C when you use MySQL, i bet?
16:06.25LegorolWith WoW, we have a 10-million userbase environment, a lot of which wants to "script" or program WoW.
16:06.36ShirikActually I don't combine C with MySQL
16:06.38Legoroland suddenly you get a bunch of people who don't know much about programming, starting to use Lua
16:06.40Shirikat least not yet
16:06.52ShirikI use C mostly with microcontrollers so
16:06.54LegorolDoes this in any way reflect on the Lua language? No.
16:06.57Shirikcan't really fit mysql in there
16:07.05Nom-Legorol: The scripting community for WoW is quite small compared to the userbase
16:07.32Nom-Legorol: I would take a stab in the dark that 30% of the entire userbase uses addons
16:07.44LegorolI know that full well, I am saying there are a lot of novices that don't know much about programming or anything at all, that were first drawn to it because of WoW
16:07.45Nom-But there's probably only 1 or 2% who have had a hand in actually writing any LUA
16:07.58LegorolI am not talking about hard numbers here
16:08.11LegorolI am trying to describe the way people end up in an environment which uses a particular language
16:08.28Shirikhere Nom- what do you think:
16:08.31LegorolLua has seen an influx of inexperienced programmers, because of WoW. That's what I'm saying.
16:08.32Shirikaside from the obvious mysql flaw
16:08.56Shirikwhich we discussed yesterday
16:08.59LegorolIt doesn't reflect on the language in any way. You wouldn't be able to say "Lua programmers are useless"
16:09.18LegorolLua has been popularised, which attracted the lesser programmatically educated
16:10.18ShirikBut Legorol I do have to stand beside my point
16:10.26Shirikpeople who don't know how a computer works tend to write poor code
16:10.27LegorolHope this example explains why I cringe when I see statements like "php programmers this" and "C programmers that"
16:10.41LegorolShirik, i completely agree with you
16:10.45Nom-Shirik: That looks pretty sane to me
16:11.04Shirikand the reason people say statements like "php programmers this" and "C programmers that" is because C natively requires an intimate knowledge of memory mapping, etc.
16:11.09Nom-Even with the MySQL flaw, it's much more sane than the code I was looking at :)
16:11.16LegorolShirik: and that's where i start to disagree
16:11.17Shirikheh, well that's good
16:11.28LegorolIt depends on the context in which C appears in.
16:11.53ShirikNom-: I wrote that a while back when one of my pages was killing the site
16:12.08ShirikI was pretty happy with it ^^
16:12.54ShirikLegorol: The reason I say this is because of things like, with garbage collectors and all that out there, many programmers without prior expreience start ignoring the fact that they have to worry about memory usage
16:13.12ShirikThey don't bother to clean up memory or conserve it, they imagine if it disappears it'll get cleaned up
16:13.17Legorolwhich is what the point about a garbage collector is ;-)
16:13.27ShirikNo, a garbage collector is not so you can forget about memory
16:13.39ShirikIf anything, I think it means you have to worry about memory more
16:13.49Legorolif you had to worry about memory management when there is a GC, then it's either a bad garbage collector, or there is no point to it
16:14.06Legorolgood example is Lua 5.0's GC
16:14.09Shirikthat's the kind of attitude that makes /me/ cringe :/
16:14.29Legorolit was a bad GC unsuitable for real time applications
16:14.29Legorolso we had to worry about memory use
16:14.29Legoroland we all had to learn
16:14.33Legorolwith 5.1's GC, we have to worry less
16:14.39Nom-Quite honestly, as long as a PHP coder is made to understand the value of abstracting stuff into classes, and also of using templates instead of embedded HTML, their code improves immensly
16:14.49Shirikhave to worry less doesn't mean not at all
16:15.18Shirikwant to see a bad example Nom-?
16:15.18Nom-One of these days, I plan to port the perl DBIx::Class module into PHP
16:15.33ShirikOne of the other coders on my team (that doesn't work on this anymore)
16:15.41LegorolBy the way, I think this is an interesting analogy, which I always stood by:
16:15.42ShirikI'll probably be rewriting this page from scratch because it's really causing problems
16:15.46Nom-That'll be the day that PHP finally gets a decent DB Abstraction layer
16:16.05LegorolJust like with human speach, learning to speak is different from learning a language, same goes for programming.
16:16.11Nom-Shirik: I doubt you can show me anything that surprises me
16:16.34Shirikthis is actually a lot better than it was
16:16.41Shirikwe didn't used to have template_top and template_bottom
16:16.48ShirikI made those because he duplicated the same code in every single page
16:16.58Shirikand it pissed me off when we wanted to change one thing we go change every page
16:17.35Nom-Quite frankly, i've seen a lot worse
16:17.36ShirikI hate lines like this too: <?php } ?>
16:18.06Nom-I doubt i'd be able to find an example now
16:18.49Nom-But i've worked on one script which had 8 nested loops, self-referencing functions (foo() calls bar(), bar() calls foo(), foo() calls foo())
16:18.57Nom-It was a real dog's breakfast
16:19.14Shirikcorrect me if I'm wrong
16:19.19Shirikthere was a time when php didn't allow recursive calls?
16:19.24Shirikor maybe that was another language
16:19.32Shirikhm I forget
16:19.37Nom-Nah, you're thinking of Javascript :)
16:20.11Nom-It was nasty
16:20.34Industrialwhen do you need recursive calls on the web, tbh.
16:20.34Nom-There was like these massive nexted if-else statements to work out what to do on a particular invocation
16:21.04Nom-Yeah, it was nasty...ended up rewriting it in about 45 lines of PHP code and a Smarty template
16:21.12ShirikHi Cide!
16:21.15Ciderecursive calls are like standard in almost all programming languages
16:21.17Cidehi Shirik
16:21.29ShirikThere was one language I know I came across that didn't allow it
16:21.32Cideit's a common programming practice and not specific to the application
16:21.32Shirikand I was like "what the hell?"
16:21.38Nom-Yeah, Javascript doesn't Shirik
16:21.47Nom-There is a way around it, but it's tricky
16:21.55ShirikI was just making a point, I forgot what it was; might have been Javascript
16:21.57IndustrialI was going to use for my next project at school but the client (the school itself actually) would only accept php :(
16:22.06Shirikthough I never really used javascript much
16:22.31Cidedjango is made of win
16:22.39Industrialit certainly is :P
16:22.43Nom-lol the docs for this app are even worse
16:22.51Nom-It says to change the .htaccess file
16:22.53Nom-But there isn't one
16:22.58Cidemake one :)
16:23.10Nom-Yeah, but it's a preconfigured one
16:23.15Nom-And it doesn't say what's mean to be in it
16:24.13ShirikCide: By the way, it's true that Recursion is pretty standard practice, but it's also true that there are times you don't want to use it
16:24.26ShirikI mean, you could implement a factorial function like this:
16:24.34Cidewell, yeah
16:24.57Shirik>>> function fact(n) if (n == 0) then return 1; else return n*fact(n-1); end end return fact(5);
16:25.09Shirikwell ok like that :P
16:25.12Shirikor like this
16:25.13Cidetry again
16:25.15Shirik>>> function fact(n) if (n == 0) then return 1; else return n*fact(n-1); end end return fact(5);
16:25.16CideShirik: 120
16:25.41Cidethat's what memoization is for though :)
16:25.51Shirik>>> function fact(n) local a = 1; for x = 1,n do a = a * x; end return a; end return fact(5);
16:25.51CideShirik: 120
16:26.00Shirikthey're both the same, but one's obviously better
16:26.56ShirikSomeone actually once said to me
16:27.05Shirik"If recursion is the answer, you're asking the wrong question"
16:27.11ShirikI can't say I completely agree with it as sometimes it's necessary
16:27.16Shirikbut it does make some sense
16:27.44Cide>>> local c = { } local function _fact(n) local a = 1; for x = 1,n do a = a * x; end c[n] = a; return a; end return function fact(n) return c[n] or _fact(n); end fact(5);
16:27.44CideCide: [string "local c = { } local function _fact(n) local a = 1; for x = 1,n ..."]:1: '(' expected near 'fact'
16:28.02Cide>>> local c = { } local function _fact(n) local a = 1; for x = 1,n do a = a * x; end c[n] = a; return a; end function fact(n) return c[n] or _fact(n); end return fact(5);
16:28.02CideCide: 120
16:28.06ShirikAt least now you get an error message instead of "attempt to call a nil value"
16:28.36Cideyeah :)
16:28.42Shirik>>> pcall(nil); return 1;
16:28.42CideShirik: 1
16:28.51ShirikI thought pcall threw an error if you passed in nil
16:28.54Cide>>> return pcall(nil)
16:28.54CideCide: false,  "attempt to call a nil value"
16:33.15ShirikHi Cairenn
16:33.19Cairennhi Shirik
16:40.30Nom-ZZZ time
16:40.42Shirik1 in the afternoon
16:40.47Shirikwhere I am
16:41.04Shirikthat's like, 6PM UK, 10AM PDT...
16:41.11Shirikwhere do you live ><
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18:39.57KasoMy group of dead pixels on my monitor look like a little dog with a hat standing on its hind legs
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18:42.39Shadowedyour monitor's talking to you kaso
18:42.59Kasoi was pissed when i saw them first, now its my little pal
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18:45.56kneeki|atworkMorning Everyone
18:53.11*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
18:55.26JoshBorkeI HATE ALLERGIES!
18:59.25JoshBorke>>> return 'test'
18:59.25CideJoshBorke: "test"
18:59.49JoshBorke>>> if (test = string.match('hello','h')) then return 'k' else return 'bah' end
18:59.49CideJoshBorke: [string "if (test = string.match('hello','h')) then return 'k' else retu..."]:1: ')' expected near '='
19:01.59Shadowed>>> if ( string.match( "hello", "h" ) ) then return "k"; else return "bah" end
19:01.59CideShadowed: "k"
19:02.04Shadowed>>> if ( string.match( "hello", "ht" ) ) then return "k"; else return "bah" end
19:02.04CideShadowed: "bah"
19:02.59JoshBorkeShadowed: i need to results of string.match _D
19:03.23Shadowedguess you can't short cut then!
19:07.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh`` (
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19:11.09JoshBorkei'm sorry, i can't support horde druids
19:11.19JoshBorkes/i'm sorry,//
19:11.49Legorol|awayCide, how did the comma-at-end solution work out for your string matching needs?
19:11.54cladlook what i can do now, heh =)
19:12.48CideLegorol: haven't tried it in practice yet, but I think it'll work out great :)
19:12.55*** join/#wowi-lounge cladwork (
19:12.58cladworkuhh got d/c
19:12.59JoshBorkeclad:  er?
19:13.04JoshBorkenow there are 3 of you
19:13.05Legorolgood, that's about the most useful thing i did in Lua in weeks :o)
19:13.11cladworkJoshBorke: huh?
19:13.19JoshBorkeclad:  what's that?
19:13.28cladworkJoshBorke: quest data, in full
19:13.31JoshBorkeLegorol: i have something for you!! :-D  write a distributed database in lua :-D
19:14.01LegorolJoshBorke, that's, like, hard work!
19:14.08JoshBorkebut really REALLY useful
19:14.28JoshBorkei'll love you forever, or at least until i forget
19:14.35cladworkJoshBorke: I can give you all quest data from wowhead, including comments as a lua table, for any quest
19:14.47cladworkwell, i have the data to.. I probably won't go that insane for the addon.
19:15.14JoshBorkecladwork: you get the coroutines working?
19:15.46cladworkJoshBorke: yeah, but they're not necessary, cause I'm not going to allow searchin like that, on LightHeaded
19:16.12JoshBorkecladwork: do they work like you said they would?  in parallel with the wow client?
19:16.30cladworkwhat do you mean?
19:16.34cladworkyes, that's HOW coroutines work
19:17.16JoshBorkebut i was confused because wow is single threaded, so how could you have multi-threadedness within a single thread?
19:17.20cladworkanyone have a quest series that has more than one quest per "step".. like one that's both horde and alliance
19:17.25cladworkJoshBorke:its NOT multithreading.
19:17.27cladworkthat' swhat i told you
19:17.31cladworkyou should read the chapter on coroutines.
19:17.46cladworkit allows you to yield your lua work, and then resume it later, allowing the game to run
19:17.55cladworkits the single-threadedness that makes coroutines really useful
19:18.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
19:18.06cladworkcause you can do signifigant computation periodically, instead of all at once.
19:18.21Shirik|Ecole>>> return,155);
19:18.21CideShirik|Ecole: 155
19:18.40JoshBorkehow is that different than doing the computation in a stepwise process in an OnUpdate?
19:18.45cladworkwoot, the parser handles that correctly
19:19.18cladworkJoshBorke: With coroutines, you don't have to specially code anything.. you take existing function A.), put coroutine.yield() at the yield point, and magic!
19:19.33JoshBorkelol, you forgot the positioning!
19:19.39JoshBorke1 2 3 4 5
19:19.39JoshBorkerogue rogue rogue
19:20.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
19:21.43cladworkhrm.. my scrape is missing almost 1.5k quests
19:21.49cladworki guess i have to run it again tonight, heh
19:22.00cladwork3200 quests ends up being a 9 meg file at this point
19:22.10cladworkbut thats just blegh raw data, in indexed tables.
19:22.42JoshBorkehow does decompression work?  do you decompress the entire table?
19:22.58JoshBorkeor do you compress by quest?
19:23.02cladworkby quest
19:23.11cladworkas they're requested
19:23.22cladworkanything that needs to be searchable is in the table key
19:23.25cladworkand left out of the data
19:23.34cladworkif i were to go insanely nuts on what you can do with this mod
19:23.40cladworki'm frankly, happy if it stays right where it is.
19:23.45cladworkgiving you comments on quests in your log =)
19:24.20JoshBorkequestion for the peanut crowd:  any way i could use metatables to tell me what value was set for what key when they are first set?  without doing the business of a 'shadow' table?
19:25.32JoshBorkeok, so __newindex takes in the value
19:25.35JoshBorkek, thanks
19:25.54Cide>>> t = setmetatable({}, { __newindex = function(self, k, v) rawset(self, k, v) print("set " .. k .. " to " .. v) end }) t[1] = "hi", t["moo"] = "foobar"
19:25.54CideCide: [string "t = setmetatable({}, { __newindex = function(self, k, v) rawset..."]:1: unexpected symbol near '='
19:26.14Cide>>> t = setmetatable({}, { __newindex = function(self, k, v) rawset(self, k, v) print("set " .. k .. " to " .. v) end }) t[1] = "hi" t["moo"] = "foobar"
19:26.14CideCide: "set 1 to hi",  "set moo to foobar"
19:26.50JoshBorkekk, thanks
19:27.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
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19:34.09ShadowedAnyone delt with making a SavedVariable parser before?
19:35.27KasoJust impliment the lua interpreter into your app, seeing as SV's are valid lua code
19:35.43Shadowedit's a Java app
19:35.59Kasothen maybe not
19:36.32Shirikwhy not
19:36.50Shirikmeh, I guess it's more work than it's worth
19:37.05ShirikShadowed: It can't be hard, especially in java
19:37.17Shirikall you have is variable = <some array>
19:37.17kergothpretty sure there's already java<->lua bindings somewhere.
19:37.20kergothcheck luauforge
19:37.23Shirikwhere the array is [key] = [pair]
19:37.24Shirikover and over
19:37.24kergothluaforge, even
19:40.07ShadowedSeems like a lot of extra stuff added to parse them
19:49.22Industrialsomebody tell me the name of a good (iyo) artist :P
19:49.31JoshBorkewhat kind of artist?
19:49.37Industriali dont care
19:49.41Industrialim bored need something new
19:51.44Industrialas long as its not 'urban'
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20:19.24TC_Workingwow...they have a countdown for GTA IV.
20:21.23Kirkburn|afkzomg two days, zomg, zomg
20:21.57Kirkburn|afkApparently they recently had a half-hour advert on TV which consisted of that countdown
20:28.35zenzelezzI swear there's a new version of NoScript every time I restart Firefox
20:29.59TC_Workingthen dont restart firefox
20:30.33zenzelezzI do it once a week usually
20:31.51zenzelezzmore because Kaspersky keeps insisting I reboot that because I feel a need to restart Firefox
20:33.59Shiriknoscript is pointless anyway
20:34.23zenzelezzI like it
20:34.32Shirikwhy though?
20:35.06zenzelezzbecause it prevents lots of websites from doing stupid stuff with javascript
20:35.23Shirikdon't go to stupid sites :P
20:35.42zenzelezzyou're dull to talk to
20:36.26ShirikI just point out the obvious :P
20:37.22zenzelezzno, you point out the stupid
20:37.47zenzelezznoscript is like anti-virus. If you're confident you will never under any circumstances contract it, feel free not to use it, but you're only putting yourself at risk
20:37.59zenzelezzand the Internet is one big mess of links to stupid sites
20:38.06ShirikJavascript can't install crap on your computer
20:38.13Shirikworst it's going to do is spam you with popups
20:38.16Shirikor something like that
20:38.23Grypheni visit the crappiest of sites in IE and have no trouble with javascript
20:38.29ShirikI find the benefits of javascript outweigh the problems
20:38.50zenzelezzif I want a site to use it I simply allow it
20:39.20zenzelezzdisallowing it by default just saves me from crappy sites taking up resources and slowing the browser
20:39.45Grypheni upgraded from my pentium 90
20:40.11zenzelezztalking to you is like talking to a brick wall, only less interesting
20:41.29Gryphenthat was pretty good
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21:15.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Mortius (
21:17.08MortiusI've been trying off and on to get a custom dropdown menu to work in my addon, and I've never been successful.  I've followed the wowwiki's help, heck I cut and paste the code even, and that didn't work, although its very vague.
21:19.08MortiusI've tried putting the code from wowwiki into the existing frame that I want to have a dropdown menu, I've tried putting it in it's own XML, I've put the function calls it lists in my .lua and also tried them in the various events in the xml, and every combination of those, all with no popup showing up.
21:19.52Mortiuswondering if anyone can make sense of this :
21:28.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
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21:31.38Corrodiasman, you guys have been busy with the talking today's kinda interesting to see yourself singed of then on again
21:34.41*** join/#wowi-lounge ag`_ (n=ag`
21:37.07Mortiusanyone know if there is a better tutorial for using UIDropDownMenu than WoWWiki?
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22:07.48MortiusCan you use CreateFrame to make a messageframe?
22:08.15Temwhich type of message frame do you want?
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22:08.32MortiusI just want a message that will fade
22:08.44Mortiusokay , I was putting "MessageFrame"
22:08.50Mortiusand getting an error
22:09.09Temwhat error?
22:09.13Tembecause that should be fine
22:09.31Mortiusit's a "USAGE:" error
22:09.36Mortiustelling me I'm using createframe wrong
22:09.41Temshow me your full call
22:10.05Mortiusdo I have to put something for template?
22:10.17MortiusI probably have quotes around the wrong thing
22:10.26Mortiuslocal newFrame = CreateFrame("MessageFrame", "TooFarToFollow", "ParentUI");
22:10.41*** part/#wowi-lounge kneeki|atwork (n=kneeki|
22:10.51MentalPowerand UIParent can't be a string
22:10.52Temthe third value needs to be a direct frame reference not a string
22:10.54Mortiusoh thats what I did wrong
22:10.58MentalPowerit has to be a frame reference
22:11.05Temalso, I supect you want UIParent instead of ParentUI
22:11.08MortiusSo UIParent, no quotes
22:11.10Mortiusyes,. lol
22:11.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
22:12.54Mortiuswell the error went away at least hehe
22:13.38Mortiusokay, mind to tell me what else I'm doing wrong here:
22:14.34Mortiusnot sure what else I need to set to make that appear
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22:19.04Mr_Rabies2like a fel reaver, only more frightening :O
22:20.31MortiusAm I missing a lot of stuff in there to make the message show?
22:20.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Karrion (
22:22.43ZealotOnAStickMr_Rabies: That's one of the worst things I've seen in a while.
22:23.02Mr_Rabies2i can't say i'm opposed to the idea no matter how impossible it would be
22:23.46ShirikUse frame:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", 0, 0);
22:24.42Mortiushmm, still no workie :(
22:24.51Shirik|FoodingI'll look at it from the cafeteria
22:24.54Shirik|Foodinglook for Shirik|Ecole
22:25.05Mortiuslol okay thanks
22:25.07Shirik|Foodingthey close in 30 min I have to get there :P
22:25.26Mortiusnp man :)
22:28.33MortiusI also don't want a million of those frames everytime they try to follow someone too far away.. will it keep making more than one even though they have the same name?  or will it destroy the old one in the process?
22:30.27Cideyou can't destroy frames
22:30.44Corrodiashey, how can a priest resurrect during an arena match, with a paladin and a warlock with as teammates?
22:31.00Corrodiasi thought resurrection spells were banned, and soulstones have too long a cooldown afaik
22:31.05Cidethey are
22:31.06clad|dinnerresurrection spells are not banned
22:31.14CideI'm pretty sure they are clad|dinner
22:31.14clad|dinnerif you get ooc, you can res someone
22:31.18clad|dinnerrebirth is
22:31.25clad|dinnerthere was a thread about it a week or two ago
22:31.38Shadowedrebirth is banned because of the cooldown
22:31.39clad|dinnerits only spells with cooldowns longer than 15 minutes, and res has no cooldown
22:31.41Mortiusso is that a problem then?  I mean, my code is creating a frame everytime someone trys to follow someone too far away
22:31.41clad|dinnerShadowed: aye
22:31.54clad|dinnerMortius: re-use your frame
22:32.09Cideya, you're right clad
22:32.12Mortiusso just create it once in an onload, then use it?
22:32.15Shadowedwe've ressed team mates in arena matches for the hell of it, rarely can you actually use it to win the match
22:32.27clad|dinnerMortius: Is that works for your needs, then absolutely
22:32.47Mortiusokay, now I just have to find out how come its not showing and I'll be set :D
22:32.51ShadowedActually, technically can't you get rebirth down to 12m clad|dinner? I though the AQ40 set bonus reduced it along with talents
22:33.14clad|dinnerpossibley =)
22:33.28Shadowedwhat do your talents reduce rebirth by?
22:34.05clad|dinnerdont remember
22:34.36Shadowedhmm do they even have a talent to reduce it? i don't see one
22:35.26Antiarc|WorkSpells are banned based on their base time, not talented/bonused times, IIRC
22:35.45ShadowedSoemones already tested I assume then?
22:35.48Shadowedsomeone too
22:37.08Mortiuswhich one of these ways is it suppose to be done?  or ?  Not that either of these work.. but still.
22:43.10KarrionMortius: those should function the same
22:44.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
22:44.16Shirik|Ecoleok Mortius
22:44.21Shirik|Ecolegot the pastey link again?
22:44.35Corrodiasdoes the arena just -seem- incredibly unbalanced in favor of rogues, mages, and warlocks, or is it just me?
22:44.52Corrodiaspaladins too if not interrupted
22:44.56Shirik|EcoleIt's somewhat true
22:45.33Mortiusthanks karrion; Shirik:
22:45.54Mortiusdo I need a setfont?
22:46.03Shirik|Ecoleand it won't appear?
22:47.29Corrodiasas a healer, i'm dead before i can cast a single spell if they have a rogue
22:47.34Corrodiasevery time
22:47.44Shirik|EcoleI don't know if this is required
22:47.52Corrodiasbut i think every class is pretty much an open book for rogues
22:47.57MortiusI added :SetInsertMode("BOTTOM")
22:47.58Shirik|Ecolebut try SetTimeVisile() too
22:48.06Corrodiasand when i say "open book" i mean "easy kill"
22:48.27Shirik|EcoleSetFont may also be required
22:48.42Shirik|Ecolebut SetFontObject > SetFont
22:49.08Shirik|Ecoleat least, it would be easier to use to start off with, allowing us to see if that's the problem
22:50.00Mortiusok, is it SetFontObject("Fonts/Fritz__.TTF"); ?  I forget ..
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22:52.16Shirik|Ecolejust something like
22:52.17MortiusI tried SetFont("Interface/AddOns/dem0n/dem0n.ttf", 10);
22:52.23Mortiuswhich is my font I use for everything
22:52.57Shirik|Ecolefor example, WoWWiki uses the example SetFontObject(GameTooltipTextSmall)
22:53.07Mortiusah I see
22:54.13MortiusI looked at witchhunt which adds message frames and does all this, and I set everything that addon does and still not getting anything to show up
22:54.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (n=nospam@
22:55.05Shirik|GhostI didn't register my Shirik|Ecole nick >.>
22:55.10Shirik|Ghostoh well
22:55.27Mortiusthis is what I currently have :
22:55.28Shirik|GhostAre you sure you're adding a message?
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22:56.35Shirik|Ghostthat's the worst ping ever.
22:56.36Mortiusyeah, I have just above that a ChatFrame1:AddMessage("working..");
22:56.42Shirik|Ghost(18:56:05) [CTCP: Shirik|Ghost] PING
22:56.43Shirik|Ghost(18:56:28) [CTCP PING reply from Shirik|Ghost]: 22.687s
22:56.47Shirik|GhostMy school's network sucks.
22:57.03Shirik|Ghostyes that's 22 seconds, not ms
22:57.59Shirik|Ghostyou know
22:58.01Shirik|Ghostnow that I look at this
22:58.08Shirik|Ghostnm I counted wrong
22:59.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost12 (n=nospam@
22:59.52Shirik|Ghost12I'm going to kill my school
23:00.23Shirik|Ghost12and you're sure that font exists, right?
23:00.34Mortiusyes, I use that everywhere
23:00.58Shirik|Ghost12what's with your irratic use of semicolons :P
23:01.02Shirik|Ghost12You use them on like half the lines
23:01.18Shirik|Ghost12most people either always or never use them
23:01.46MortiusI thought you had to haha
23:02.10Mortiusoh yeah I'm missing two
23:02.14MortiusI added them in :P
23:02.20Shirik|Ghost12try frame strata dialog
23:02.35Shirik|Ghost12shouldn't matter, but what the hell
23:03.04Shirik|Ghost12and stupid questions coming now
23:03.10Shirik|Ghost12You aren't getting any lua errors, right?
23:03.23MortiusI would mention those hehe
23:04.38Shirik|Ecoleyou don't have to ClearAllPoints() btw
23:04.57Mortiusokay, I added that in there because that is what witchhunter does
23:04.59Shirik|Ecoledo you have devtools installed?
23:05.06Shirik|Ecoleit doesn't hurt, but it's not necessary either
23:05.14Shirik|Ecoledo /dump TooFarToFollow
23:05.19Shirik|Ecoleit exists right?
23:05.34Mortiuslet me check, I need to enable devtools on this character im testing with
23:05.51MortiusI had turned off all addons but mine to test
23:05.58Shirik|Ecolenot a bad idea
23:07.25*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
23:07.27Mortiusit said nil at first, and then I tried to follow someone too far away, now it says = [0] <userdata TooFarToFollow[0]>
23:08.21Shirik|Ecolechange that CreateFrame line to
23:08.43Shirik|EcoleTooFarToFollow = CreateFrame("MessageFrame", nil, UIParent);
23:08.55Mortiusok one sec
23:08.59Shirik|Ecolethen try again
23:09.08*** part/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
23:09.30Mortiussame result
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23:10.10Mortiusim hoping I dont have an invisible frame on top of this hiding it or something
23:10.11Shirik|Ecolewhat about /dump TooFarToFollow.AddMessage
23:10.22Shirik|Ecoleif it were inivisible it wouldn't be hiding it
23:10.24Shirik|Ecolethink about that
23:10.37Wictoryhi all
23:11.07Shirik|Ecoleodd, but ok
23:11.08Shirik|Ecolethat's good
23:11.29Shirik|EcoleI thought frames were tables not userdata though :/
23:11.40Wictoryanyon of you guys got nice spelldamage gear?
23:12.58Wictorywoud like to find some reaserch of the trinket "six demon bag"
23:13.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost12 (n=nospam@
23:13.59MortiusSix Demon Bag info, scroll near the bottom:
23:14.00Shirik|EcoleMortius: You try that command?
23:14.25MortiusI didn't see anything since /dump TooFarToFollow.AddMessage
23:14.39Shirik|Ecole(19:12:06) (Shirik|Ecole) ok so TooFarToFollow exists
23:14.39Shirik|Ecole(19:12:18) (Shirik|Ecole) what happens when you do /script TooFarToFollow:AddMessage("Test");
23:14.46Wictoryyeah i have find some there... but thottbot more feels like there is a bunch of trash peeps just talking shit :P
23:14.47Mortiusyeah that never showed
23:15.01Shirik|Ecolemy school's netops are morons, sorry
23:15.22MortiusThat doesn't do anything, no errors and it doesn't show
23:15.43MortiusWictory: on that page though, someone in the comments actually did a rundown of everything six demon bag does
23:16.00Shirik|Ecolecapture the SetFont returns
23:17.15Mortiusim not sure I know how to do that.. heh
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23:17.53Shirik|Ecolens identify eldarrox
23:17.58Shirik|Ecoleoh go me
23:18.04Shirik|Ecoletime to change passwords again :P
23:18.29Wictorywhat characters you folks play ?
23:19.06Shirik|Ecoledwarf male, BE priest, dwarf priest
23:19.20Mortiusi have a BE mage currently
23:19.34Wictorywell atleast that dwarf male is a intresting class;)
23:19.49snakedOrc warrior is the only way to go.
23:19.54Shirik|EcoleMortius: All I mean is
23:19.55Shirik|Ecoledo something like
23:20.03snakedThe twisting nether favors the blood sponges.
23:20.06Wictoryi started a be paladin lvl 65 so far:/
23:20.12Shirik|Ecolemytempvar = TooFarFrame:AddMessage(...
23:20.13Shirik|Ecolethat line
23:20.21Shirik|Ecoleand then when you load up, after that line is executed however your addon does it
23:20.25Shirik|Ecoledo a /dump mytempvar
23:20.27Shirik|Ecoleto see what's in there
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23:21.17Wictoryfound a intresting macro a couple of days ago tho:/ were you can trick the forberence on a pally
23:21.43Shirik|EcoleMacros do exactly what they are intended to do
23:21.49Mortiusmytempvar = nil
23:21.50Shirik|Ecoleer... what they are written to do
23:21.57Shirik|Ecolethen your SetFont() isn't working correctly
23:21.59Shirik|Ecolethat's the problem
23:22.01Wictoryi try explain it to uyou
23:22.19Shirik|Ecoletry doing something pre-installed
23:22.27Shirik|Ecolelike use SetFontObject(SystemFont);
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23:23.35Mortiusok it finally showed up
23:23.43Shirik|Ecolethere's something wrong with that font
23:23.46Mortiushehe thanks :)
23:23.47Wictorydivine shield the "gay bubble" makes the paladin get forberence so he cant cast for example Avenging Wrath for 1min
23:23.52Shirik|EcoleSetFont() only returns nil when it doesn't work correctly
23:23.53MortiusI use that font for all the labels
23:23.56Shirik|Ecoleit returns 1 if the font was applied
23:24.06Wictorybut i got a macro so i coud trick it so you can cast both of the spells on the same time
23:24.18Shirik|Ecolewhat both spells?
23:24.21Mortiusokay thanks a lot for all your help Shirik.  I can make it work from this.
23:24.24Shirik|Ecoleavenging wrath
23:24.29Wictorydivine shield and avenging wrath
23:24.33Shirik|Ecolewhat does that do?
23:24.41Shirik|EcoleMortius: No problem
23:24.44Wictoryincreese the paladins damage by 30 procent
23:25.04Shirik|EcoleYou can't cast Avenging Wrath while under forebearance?
23:25.05Wictorybut it shoud cause forberence it isent supposed to be able to cast both of them
23:25.13Shirik|EcoleI thought you just couldn't cast divine shield with it up
23:25.21Wictorywhen u use ither of the abillitys
23:25.30Wictorydivine shield or avenging wrath
23:25.49Wictoryit shoud be a 1 min forberence wich you cant use ither of them again
23:26.14Wictorybut i made a macro wich i read on a site so you can use both of them on the same time becuse of a macro
23:26.42Wictoryi think i can find a clip whit it
23:26.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost12 (n=nospam@
23:27.23Shirik|EcoleThe Forbearance debuff reads "Cannot be made invulnerable by Divine Shield, Divine Protection or Blessing of Protection."
23:27.29Shirik|EcoleThat doesn't say anything about avenging wrath :/
23:28.02batrickso you can't overload functions in lua?
23:28.20Shirik|Ecolemight be a typo
23:28.24Shirik|EcoleBatrick: Not exactly
23:28.25Wictoryhmm... well ingame when i use avenging wrath i get forberence :/
23:28.28Shirik|Ecoleprobably not in the way you think
23:28.33Shirik|EcoleWhat you can do
23:28.43Shirik|Ecolefunction foo(bar, baz)
23:28.51Shirik|Ecoleand it's legal to call both foo(bar) and foo(bar, baz)
23:28.57Shirik|Ecoleif you do foo(bar) then baz == nil
23:29.08Shirik|Ecoleoh it's also legal to call foo()
23:29.12Shirik|Ecolein which case bar and baz are both nil
23:29.51Shirik|Ecole>>> function foo(bar, baz) return bar or "nil", baz or "nil"; end return foo();
23:29.52CideShirik|Ecole: "nil",  "nil"
23:30.23Shirik|Ecolebut, creating two functions with the same name doesn't work
23:31.03Shirik|Ecole>>> foo = function() return 1; end; foo = function(bar) return 2; end; return foo();
23:31.03CideShirik|Ecole: 2
23:31.09Shirik|EcoleIt will always just overwrite the old function
23:31.14batricki see
23:31.24Mortiusyeah, it wont work with my font, which is just morpheous font.  I use that in my XML via : <FontString name="$parentLabel" setAllPoints="true" font="Interface\AddOns\dem0n\dem0n.TTF" justifyV="BOTTOM" justifyH="RIGHT">
23:31.33batrickthanks shirik :)
23:32.20Mortiusbut if I do :SetFont("Interface\AddOns\dem0n\dem0n.TTF", 12); it no workie
23:32.29Wictorydamn to bad i cant show you guys:P
23:32.31batrickthat's what I suspected, o well. apparently DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage() was handling all my enthusiastic attempts at overloading :)
23:32.34Wictoryits hard to explain it
23:33.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost12 (n=nospam@
23:33.29Shirik|Ghost12As I was saying
23:33.31Shirik|Ghost12does avenging wrath cause the GCD?
23:34.18Wictorygcd sorry for being nobich
23:34.26Wictoryglobal cooldown?
23:34.28Shirik|Ghost12GCD = Global Cool Down
23:34.44Wictoryyes it causes the same global cool down as divine shield
23:34.52Wictorythats the bug thing whit it
23:34.57Shirik|Ghost12then ... how did you write the macro
23:35.31Mortiushmm, even :SetFont("Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF", 18); doesn't work, I must be doing something wrong.
23:35.43Wictorycant write the /
23:35.48Shirik|EcoleI don't use SetFont personally
23:35.59Shirik|EcoleI find SetFontObject to work far more easily
23:35.59Wictorybut it is by following /cast Avenging Wrath
23:36.20Wictory.../cast divine shield
23:36.22MortiusI would like it to use the font I've been using for everything, so it matches, but oh well.
23:36.30Shirik|Ecolethat would only work if Avenging Wrath doesn't cause the GCD
23:37.01Shirik|Ecoleyou could um
23:37.05Shirik|Ecolecopy what's in Fonts.xml
23:37.09Mortiusah, I see :SetFont("FRIZQT__.TTF", 18); works
23:37.10Shirik|Ecoleand make a FontObject for it ^^
23:37.16Wictoryi woud so like to show it
23:37.17Mortiusso it has to be inside the fonts folder
23:37.59MortiusI wonder if "..Interface\AddOns\dem0n\dem0n.TTF" would work heh
23:38.10*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (n=kaiden@
23:38.20Wictoryi can try whit a print screen tho if you want
23:38.24*** part/#wowi-lounge kaiden (n=kaiden@
23:39.37Wictorytryed now once again
23:39.58Wictoryi do get the gcd from just using avenging wrath wich thottbot says it dosent
23:40.40Wictoryi cant understand what makes it work
23:40.43Wictorywhit the macro
23:46.17ShirikAvenging wrath
23:46.26Shirikcauses a ~1.5s cooldown if you were to click it manually
23:46.30Shirikon all spells
23:48.47Shirik~dict defunct
23:48.58Shirik~dict 2 defunct
23:49.06Shirik~dict 3 defunct
23:49.13ShirikOk none of this is right ><
23:49.20Shirikmaybe the guy just used the word wrong
23:53.51Mortiusokay I did what you said shirik, and now I can use TooFarToFollow:SetFontObject(dem0nFont); and it works ! :D
23:54.09chuckgIs it not possible to remove an addon entirely from WoWI?
23:54.22ShirikI wouldn't be surprised
23:54.27Shirikin programming practices this is often looked down upon
23:54.38Shirikyou never delete a file, you never permanently remove changes, etc.
23:54.44Shirikyou diff them
23:54.54ShirikFor example, google code
23:54.55chuckgI don't want my addon on the site anymore.
23:55.00chuckgFrown all you want.
23:55.01ShirikIf you had a google project, you cannot delete it
23:55.03chuckgThat's a basic function.
23:55.14ShirikWhy don't you want it there?
23:55.16clad|dinnerchuckg: yes there is.
23:55.39ShirikI still think it shouldn't be removed, even if it is possible :/
23:55.43Shirikit only hurts the community
23:55.53chuckgLeaving this addon hurts the community.
23:55.54cladhaireShirik: thats a rather facist point of view.
23:55.56chuckgTrust me.
23:56.03chuckgCould you tell me where/how clad?
23:56.11Shirikcladhaire: Google has the same point of view, to be honest
23:56.19cladhaireactually, they added the delete feature
23:56.23Shirikoh did they?
23:56.26cladhairesmartass =)
23:56.33ShirikWell they did have the same point of view :P
23:56.36cladhaireafter a month, it cannot be deleted anymore.
23:56.42cladhairebtu there are reasons when its necessary and or acceptable
23:56.45cladhaireESPECIALLy on a mod site
23:56.52cladhairewhere the mod will break or just plain not work and can't be updated
23:56.54chuckgAre we talking about wowi?
23:56.56cladhairehaving it there jsut asks for trouble.
23:57.04ShirikHaving it there means someone else could pick it up and fix it
23:57.04cladhairechuckg: I can delete the mod for you, just tell me which one.
23:57.15Cairennchuckg: yes it is possible, just tell a staff member
23:57.21chuckgThose two, please.
23:57.40cladhaireShirik: Stop.  Authors are allowed to remove their mods, they own all the IP.
23:57.50cladhaireWoWi hosts them at the author's behest
23:57.57cladhairewhen they no longer want it there, it can be removed, simple as that
23:58.04ShirikI'm not trying to argue, I'm just trying to point out that an author should think strongly about making such a decision. But so be it
23:58.19chuckgShirik click on cgBonusScanner. Read the description.
23:58.22cladhaireyou're not telling him to strongly think abou tit.
23:58.23chuckgYou'll see why it should be deleted.
23:58.27cladhaireyou're telling him deleting is the devil.
23:58.31cladhairewithout considering the real world =)
23:58.33cladhaireideals are cool
23:58.37Corrodiaswhat the hell
23:59.13Shirikthat's a valid reason to delete then
23:59.33cladhaireshocking =)
23:59.35Cairenncladhaire:  you pulling them or want me to?
23:59.43cladhairei can if you don't have em up
23:59.47Cairenngo for it

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