irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070314

00:10.27Lejis there somekind of round()?
00:11.01Lejthe lua simple round didn't seem to work
00:11.30Shadowedfloor( num + 0.5 )
00:12.53Lej>_< no better way of doing it?
00:13.15Lejwell can always write a round func from that..
00:15.05Lejso rounding to one decimal as I want is pretty hard?
00:15.24Lejcould always work with it as a string :/
00:16.02cladhairetonumber(string.format("%.f", num) or "") =)
00:16.31Lejbut that doesn't round only truncate, right?
00:16.38cladhaireyeah, heh
00:16.54cladhaireimplement whichever rounding you'd like
00:17.07LejI think your way will do just fine ^^
00:17.39cladhaireits a horrid hack, heh
00:17.44cladhairethere's a number of good round funcgiont
00:17.51cladhairegoogle lua math.round
00:18.25WobWorkthis guy is... insane! But in a "dear god, how did he manage that" way
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00:18.56cladhairewow thats suck
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00:27.19TainNo, tomorrow will suck.  Afterall... it's Steak and a Blowjob da!
00:27.29TainDay, even.
00:27.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
00:27.57Tain<Ominous_> nn all
00:28.15TainHow in the hell did that end up in my clipboard.
00:28.27TainI meant...
00:29.53WobWorkhappy s&bjday Tain =P
00:31.44*** join/#wowi-lounge jiteo (
00:34.46TC_Workingin that case you need steak flavored semen
00:35.31ShadowedWobWork: thats amazing
00:35.33Shadowedand scaring
00:42.36Nom-Mine died (again) last night
00:42.48Nom-And it's not the RAM, because the RAM which I took out due to it not working now works again
00:43.07Nom-The Motherboard is on it's last legs, so i'm just going to replace the damn thing
00:43.42Lejwhy does < for itemName, itemData in pairs(ProspectInfo_OreData[oreName]["Items"]) do > go ["Malachite"]->["Copper Powder"]->["Tigerseye"]->["Shadowgem"] and not ["Copper Powder"]->["Malachite"]->["Tigerseye"]->["Shadowgem"] for this table
00:44.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
00:44.55wereHamsterLej, the order is more or less random (if you have non-integer indices)
00:45.42Lejok, well there are other ways to do it
00:46.11wereHamsteryou could rework the tale to use integer indices and than use ipairs()
00:46.59Lejnot sure that's so easy as I get a itemname as string and then use it to look up in the table
00:47.22Lejbut I could sort the table
00:47.51Lejthen there shouldn't be a problem looping thru it
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00:53.12Nom-Is the new nForce4 chipset up to scratch ?
00:53.19Nom-Or is it still crap compared to VIA
00:54.14Nom-Or has noone been keeping up? :)
00:55.21Nom-looks like they're all the
00:55.27Nom-means i can chose based on features, not chipset :D
01:04.18*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
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01:28.50Lejhaving some problems with table.sort()
01:28.50Lejhow would I sort the entries in ["Copper Ore"] after the chance to get them?
01:29.04Lej(BaseDrop + PlayerDrop) / (BaseProspect + PlayerProspect) would be the chance for one item
01:34.44Nom-Worth splurging extra for a Geforce 8800 ?
01:35.32cogwheelIt's probably not worth it just for DX10, but if the performance is a significant improvement, then i can't say no :P
01:36.04cogwheelLej: sorting tables with non-integer keys is meaningles
01:36.34Nom-Well it's the top of the line card
01:36.37Nom-Just the cheap version of it
01:36.38LejI see
01:36.40Nom-That i'm looking at
01:36.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
01:37.00Lejany smart ideas on how I would go about indexing this? :/
01:37.22cogwheeluse another table that's keyed with integers and whose values are the keys of the other table
01:37.44cogwheelthen your sort function for the index table would check the entries in the main table
01:37.55Nom-I'd get the ATi X1950 card, which is the fastest out there
01:37.59Nom-But 1. It's too expensive
01:38.04Nom-2. No SLI
01:38.10cogwheel3. it's ATI
01:38.35Nom-I'm looking at Nvidia 8800 GTS, which ranks at 136.2fps on the HL2: Ep 1 charts
01:38.48Nom-The X1950 XTX CF ranks at 169.9
01:39.27cogwheeli got 110fbs on hl2ep1 with a 7900gt
01:39.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=masked@
01:39.56cogwheel(and a core2duo e6600 with 4gigs ram)
01:39.58Nom-8800GTS 320MB PCI-E Leadtek Graphics Card, GDDR3 2DVI/HDTV $475.20
01:40.44Nom-cogwheel: The benchmark is 1024x768 32-bit with max detail
01:40.47kahdgarxihmmm.... debugging is fun! >.>
01:40.57Nom-oh never mind
01:41.10Nom-turn on 4xAA and 8xAF and these cards are through the roof compared to ATI
01:41.19cogwheelheh... mine was 1280x1024 32-bit max settings
01:42.01Nom-bleh i don't think i can afford to splurge for the extra 320mb RAM
01:42.07Nom-They don't have the 320MB version benchamarked yet
01:42.27Nom-It's an extra $190 for the 640MB version
01:43.33Nom-$623 on one component is a bit nuts :/
01:43.44Nom-Having said that
01:43.58Nom-*checks how much is available on CC atm*
01:44.42Nom-bleh their web site if fubar, can't check :(
01:47.08cogwheelLej: here's a trivial example:
01:49.30Lejoo, thanks
01:51.26Lejtinsert(index, key)
01:51.57Lejdoes that insert key at the end of index with a interger as key and key as value
01:52.42cogwheel (tinsert is a wow-specific, global alias for table.insert)
01:54.41KasoI never got the wow short-cuts to functions
01:55.34cladhairethey're cheaper
01:55.49cladhaireits a global lookup versus a global lookup followed by a table lookup
01:55.52cladhairelua -p -l ftw.
02:02.44Lejeasiest way to loop thru the index?
02:03.01Lejfor i = 1, #index do ?
02:03.43Lejfor key, value in pairs(index) do ?
02:03.58Lejshould that second one work?
02:05.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
02:11.07cogwheelLej: ipairs
02:11.21cogwheelfor i, v in ipairs(index) do
02:13.55*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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02:18.47Lejyarrr success
02:18.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Chardonnay (
02:19.08Lejpeople in here are so helpful
02:19.09cogwheelmmmmmmmm.... chardonnay....
02:25.23Chardonnaywell, zinfandel tonight, i'm not fussy
02:39.47*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
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02:43.19Lejnext to write function to update database entries when prospecting
02:50.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
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02:53.44Raiktem br aki?
03:20.45TemRaik: do you need something from me or was that portuguese?
03:20.49Temoh, he left...
03:23.14bleetahTem: I think 'tem' is portuguese for 'have', or 'has'... don't quote me on that. no idea about 'aki'
03:23.50Temyeah something like that
03:24.01TemI get pinged in #lua all the time because some of them are from brazil
03:24.20bleetah'aki' is probably dialectical 'anyone', 'coz I'm hazarding a guess it was 'anyone speak br'
03:24.32bleetahheh, that hadn't occurred to me
03:27.58Temwhat hadn't occured to you?
03:28.02Chardonnayaki looks very close to spanish "aqui" = "here"
03:28.02ckknightdoes anyone know the level ranges of the SM wings?
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03:31.36Temckknight, you could look it up on blizzard's flash map of the world
03:31.45Temdon't they list the level ranges for instances there?
03:31.50Temor are they too generous?
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03:34.40Chardonnaythey only give a range for the whole zone, 29-45 in the case of sm :)
03:36.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Bleeter_ (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
03:37.57ShadowedChardonnay: It's considered like 34-45 actually
03:38.37Nom-I think you'll find it's 29-45
03:38.38ShadowedScarlet Monestary
03:38.44Nom-Because GY is level 30-31 mobs
03:38.47ShadowedI mean what the meeting stone considers it
03:39.16Shadowedbut LFG has seperate entries for it that are based on level
03:39.17Nom-hmm i need to work out how I can solo Strat better
03:42.33ShadowedWeird, website says 29-45 but the meeting stone wasn't letting me use it until 34ish
03:43.41Shadowedguess I was wrong!
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03:58.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
04:00.23Nom-omg it's Mike-N-Go
04:12.27Cairenn*tumble tumble tumble*
04:13.25Nom-Hey Cairenn :)
04:13.30Cairennhi hi
04:13.37Nom-<--- bored
04:13.49Cairenngathered that
04:14.31Nom-<--- working on design documents :(
04:14.51Cairennhappy happy joy joy
04:15.35Nom-There's nothing more boring than writing a document which says "This system is f*****.  We're going to do it this way because it's less f*****." :)
04:16.30CairennI can think of some pretty boring documents I've written in my time
04:17.22*** join/#wowi-lounge kindergip (
04:21.57Chardonnayare you making the document long and boring for fun? if it's f**ked and you can unf**k it with some straightforward changes say so (in more polite language) :)
04:24.11Cairenndocuments like that have to be long and boring, it's a requirement
04:24.36Cairennif they aren't, they weren't done properly and can have no attention given to them
04:24.43Mike-N-GoWho would want such a document?
04:25.08Chardonnayif so your management is bad (but maybe that's a requirement too)
04:25.17Cairennit's called bureaucracy
04:25.18norgsmanagement types of coursee
04:26.06norgsas a manager it's your duty to have everyone else doing so much tail-chasing that they don't realize you're not doing any work
04:26.53Cairennalso, if it isn't long and boring, the employee that wrote it needs to be taken to task, since they didn't apply themselves properly to their assigned tasks and who are they to think they know better on how it should be done
04:31.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Miranda@
04:31.06Mike-N-GoI still don't understand.. why does 'management' want long, drown-out and dull documents?
04:31.19Mike-N-GoTo bore themselves?
04:31.54Cairennwe're being (somewhat) facetious
04:32.02Nom-"Flintlocke's Piloting Pants" have been added to the game
04:34.26IrielThey're a reward for one of the food quests are they not?
04:35.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
04:35.45Mike-N-Go ... lol
04:41.30Nom-WAKE UP PPLZ
04:41.40Mike-N-Go~tackle Nom-
04:41.43purlACTION tackles Nom- to the ground.
04:45.09Nom-I'm falling asleep here
04:45.12Chardonnaycrap did i sleep through thanksgiving?
04:45.24Nom-It's thanksgiving ?
04:46.36IrielWhee, I won 8 stacks of Wizard Oil at 15s each on the AH last night
04:46.46Nom-yay Iriel
04:48.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Abenadi (
04:49.30Abenadiquestion-- is there an API function to check if my focus is set?
04:49.42cogwheelyou're thinking too specifically
04:50.00cogwheelunits are generic and there are a slew of unit functions listed on wowwiki
04:50.05cogwheelone being UnitExists
04:50.05Abenadioh right
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04:50.18Abenadii forgot it was a unit
04:50.44Nom-Iriel: How's AfterCast coming? :)
04:50.59IrielWell, except I got sick and didn't do anything all weekend.
04:51.19cogwheelI know the feeling :(
04:51.48IrielSo maybe It'll be renamed AfterCough
04:52.43IrielSeriously though, there's essentially 3 things I need to finish
04:52.58Iriel1) handling spells that are initiated when i'm not paying attention (world clicks, login, etc)
04:53.12Iriel2) resolution of spell failure when there's more than one 'in progress' spell
04:53.40Irieland 3) hooking the slash command back up to the event engine
04:53.54Iriel3 is easy, 1 is mostly easy, 2 is still a bit of a pain in the ass
05:01.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh`` (
05:01.33chuckgWhat's the basic idea behind aftercast?
05:02.06IrielYou set up things to do on successful/failed cast of a spell, then it tracks the outcome of a cast and does the right one
05:02.16IrielIt's unfortunately messier to implement than it sounds
05:02.17chuckgSo like a spellqueue?
05:02.30IrielNot really, you can't cast other things in reaction
05:02.39chuckgOr are you talking like, say....saying "poly done".
05:02.43Irielit's mostly for folks who like to RP or spice up their macros with a bit of chatter
05:02.58chuckgI'm still waiting for spell queue'ing.
05:03.39IrielYeah, that'd be sorta nice, but requires some blizzard love
05:06.07chuckgI was a big fan of the "on button down", "on button up"
05:06.18chuckgTO save clicks, but that's just too tough outside anything but the most simple boss fight.
05:10.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh``_ (
05:11.39IrielCould this be true? Could the latest Supreme Commander patch remove the irritating disk-check that I was about to whine about?
05:13.21IrielWow - game publisher sanity -- who knew
05:13.46Mr_Rabies2who publishes SC
05:14.22Mr_Rabies2if it's vivendi or EA i wouldn't hold my breath
05:14.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh``_ (
05:14.35IrielAnd they did indeed just remove the SecurRom protection
05:17.36Chardonnaythey always remove that a few weeks after it's been out for a month or so, when most of the casual piracy happens. after that you can't stop it anyway
05:19.47Nom-lol SecuRom
05:19.56Nom-That would have taken all of 19 seconds to break
05:21.40*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
05:21.41Mr_Rabies2pretty much the best anti-piracy system other than subscription based stuff like wow is Steam's
05:21.41Chardonnaywell yea, they just want to stop john joe with no technical knowledge whatsoever taking the game home and giving it all his friends. that's enough to improve sales in the important first few weeks
05:23.26Nom-lol SecuRom never stopped that
05:23.46Nom-It's one of the easiest copy protections to fool...all you need is Nero and a CD burner
05:23.59IrielIt stopped john joe with no tech knowledge, just not jim kiddo with his warez buddies
05:24.13Nom-Iriel: Any idiot can use Nero :)
05:24.31Chardonnaysure it did. if there were no copy protection at all, they would sell fewer copies, justifying the 10 grand or whatever to license securom
05:26.04Nom-I think you underestimate the intelligence of the average idiot :)
05:26.28bleetahi think you overestimate the abilities of the seething masses of morons
05:27.03Nom-Done it.
05:27.10Nom-For 3 years
05:27.27Nom-And I STILL think you're underestimating the intelligence of the average idiot...
05:27.38Chardonnaynot at all. it pays off, statistically
05:27.49bleetahi don't think it's intelligence.. there's only so many buttons to push
05:28.07Nom-Ok... Let's put it another way.
05:28.09Chardonnayit's not just intelligence but the "can i be bothered" factor too :)
05:28.26Nom-The people who buy Supreme Commander in the first few months are mostly going to be geeks who read or heard about the game online.
05:28.55Nom-Once that crowd starts to die off, you get the people who just wander in to see what's around
05:29.21Nom-pfft, i don't know what the point is anyway
05:29.25Chardonnaygames companies aren't stupid. they aren't going to pay more for copy protection than it gains in sales
05:29.32Nom-Most piracy happens before the games even hit the shelves
05:32.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Seracht (
05:32.55Serachtcan you guys help me identify a couple mods from a screenshot?
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05:32.55SerachtHow does he change the font of his text (combat and party text)
05:32.55SerachtHow does he make circular buttons
05:33.10Serachtand he does he do the bottom bar the background bar thing
05:33.21CairenncyCircled or Trinity Buttons
05:33.25Chardonnayi dunno but it's really hard to read :)
05:33.28Nom-that loos almost identical to mine
05:33.35SerachtNom- got a pic of yours heh
05:33.46SerachtCairenn which is better - cyCircled or Trinity buttons?
05:33.49Nom- :)
05:34.05Cairenntry them, see which you like
05:34.12Seracht:) ok
05:34.18SerachtI am just trying to minimize memory usage
05:34.18Nom-That's Bartender3 + cyCircled
05:34.21CairennI've undoubtedly missed some other options
05:34.23Nom-Skinner for the bar at the bottom
05:34.26ZealotOnAStickcycircled with bartender 3, skinner
05:34.44SerachtNom- which is?
05:35.03CairennBartender3 + cyCircled, instead of Trinity
05:35.10Nom-Yeah, mine is using those mods
05:35.12Serachtwhat is bartender3
05:35.17Cairennand Skinner instead of CT_Viewport
05:35.19Nom-It's an Ace addon
05:35.25Serachtheh what does it do? :)
05:36.04Nom-It's a bar replacement :)
05:36.06SerachtI got those :)
05:36.13SerachtThanks Cairenn
05:36.34Serachtum for the skinner site
05:36.36Serachtwhat do I download lol
05:36.55Cairennamazing what a simple "search" on WoWI will find for you :p
05:39.15SerachtThank you :0
05:39.16Serachter :)
05:39.24Cairennyou're welcome
05:39.26SerachtOne thing
05:39.32Serachtif I check the WoWAce downloads page
05:39.46SerachtThe ones on WoWAce have been updated like 3-11
05:40.04Cairennuh huh, and?
05:40.06Serachton 03-11
05:40.09Serachtthe ones on WoWI
05:40.15Serachthaven't been udated since 2006
05:40.31Cairennbleeding edge vs stable release
05:40.41Serachtoh ! :)
05:40.57Serachtim a nub :(
05:48.25CairennI'm sorry.  I'm coming across like a cranky bitch right now. Sorry.
05:49.05Nom-It's ok Cairenn
05:49.09Nom-We love you anyway!
05:50.57WobWorkhm. speaking of Timtams
05:51.19CairennI'm trying not to guys, so if I do start coming across that way, just point it out to me, I'm not necessarily realizing how I'm sounding by times
05:52.08ZealotOnAStickwhat the heck are timtams?
05:52.19bleetah/ME mugs WobWork
05:52.29bleetahthe best ever chocolate biscuit
05:52.33Chardonnayzealot, they're delicious australian cookies!
05:52.41Chardonnayor biscuits in english :)
05:52.45bleetahand if you're a coffee nut
05:52.47SerachtNom- you use Skinner rihgt?
05:52.55bleetahthey're great to suck coffee through /drool
05:53.30Chardonnaybut i still prefer hobnobs
05:53.33ZealotOnAStickGod. The Shadow priest in this heroic - who's normally a good shadow priest for raids, at any rate - is repeatedly freaking pulling aggro and seems to not want to shift out to heal ever.
05:53.40Nom-Seracht: Yes
05:53.59ZealotOnAStickI still want to get some of the Scottish Chocolates I found on the web once.  Cheeky Cherry Nougat or something.
05:54.11bleetahCairenn:    In Canada they are available under the name Arnott's Biscuits. In Vancouver they are available at the Real Canadian Superstore.
05:54.26Nom-Timtam ftw
05:54.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Miranda@
05:54.39Cairennthey look yummy
05:54.44Cairennchocolate == good
05:55.00bleetahAnzac biscuit >> Hobnob
05:55.28Serachtnever mind
05:55.29Serachtfigured it out
05:55.35Serachtthank you :)
05:56.29WobWorkOr Butternut biscuits are on par with anzacs
05:56.43WobWorkif you're going fully cheap
05:56.56bleetahhmm, close second, wob
05:56.58Nom-Triple Choc > Anzac :)
05:57.08Nom-But I'm just a choc-o-holic too
05:57.16bleetahnaturally any timtam > anzac
05:57.18WobWorkTimTam >> all =)
05:57.25Nom-Quad choc is scary tho
05:57.36WobWorkDouble choc timtams
05:57.43WobWorkdouble coated with chocolate
05:57.44Chardonnayfour-dimensional chocolate
05:57.53WobWorkImpossbile to eat without getting chocolate all over your fingers
05:58.27Nom-Quad Choc is quality.... chocolate cookie dough + white AND dark chocolate chips + chocolate coating
05:58.40WobWorkBut is it American chocolate? =)
05:58.41Nom-omg new idea
05:58.45Chardonnayhmm, anzac biccies look very like hobnobs recipe-wise
05:58.47bleetahthey're not biscuits to eat, they're biscuits to be afraid of.. 'how the hell did they get that much chok in and still call it a biscuit'
05:58.49SerachtNom- do you get errors with skinner?
05:58.51Serachtusing the latest version
05:59.00Nom-Seracht: Only about missing textures for some mods
05:59.18WobWorkChardonnay: I think the ingredients aren't quite as processed
05:59.21Serachtattempting to index fields
05:59.28Nom-Pent-Choc: cookie dough + white AND dark chocolate chips dunked in white AND dark cholocate
05:59.29SerachtI am trying to move the black background on everything
05:59.30WobWorkWe used to use rolled oats etc in our recipe
05:59.32SerachtI just want to add the bottom thing
05:59.33Cairennwhite chocolate isn't
05:59.34Serachtthe bottom bar
05:59.40WobWorkCairenn: It's true =(
05:59.40Nom-That's a choc-o-holic cookie right there
05:59.42Serachtif I disable everything though it still doens't work
06:00.21bleetahChardonnay: a true anzac biscuit survives 6 months on a boat to Gallipoli, getting bombed, shot at, stabbed, another boat sail to France, a forced march from Marseille to the Somme.. and still be as tasty
06:00.23WobWorkWhat I can recall from hobnobs are that they're rather.. non-texturey, ie everything ground down and mixed
06:00.46WobWorkMuch like an Aussie soldier
06:00.53Chardonnayyea, they're quite finely ground
06:01.04WobWorkaye, Anzacs are the complete opposite =)
06:01.20Chardonnaymore like oatmeal cookies in americaland
06:01.22WobWorkas much unprocessed ingredients aas possible
06:01.28bleetahit's sooo chunky, ya could carve it
06:01.29WobWorkbrown sugar, rolled oats, etc
06:01.41Chardonnayalmost in flapjack territory?
06:01.55WobWorknot as floppy?
06:01.55SerachtNom- any idea how I can do that?
06:01.57Nom-Seracht: Where did you download it from?  I used the WoWAce Updater for getting those mods...
06:02.04Serachti downloaded it from
06:02.06WobWorkthey're pretty solid biscuits
06:02.13SerachtSkinner   r30150  2007-03-14 03:41:47  Changes the look of the default UI (Jncl)
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06:02.53SerachtI just want the bottom bar, I do notw ant a gradient for the bags/character/talents/auctionhouse etc
06:02.59Nom-Let me see if I can work out what version I've got
06:03.28batrickFor an EditBox, what is the difference between OnTextSet and OnTextChanged
06:03.31batrickfor scripts
06:04.12Serachtlook at the change log Nom
06:05.07ZealotOnAStickSeracht, you can enable or disable what UI elements you want Skinner to affect.
06:05.31ZealotOnAStickHonestly, if you just want a texture on the bottom, and don't want a viewport, you might be better off with eePanels or something.
06:05.43Nom-29715 is what I have atm
06:05.45Nom-It worksf ine
06:06.33Nom-ZealotOnAStick: I tried's a LOT harder to setup than Skinner
06:06.35SerachtZealotOnAStick I am trying to disable the other stuff
06:06.38Serachtbut its not disabling
06:06.40Serachtits really retarded
06:06.47SerachtI am geting some random index errors too :(
06:06.56Serachtmaybe I am just doing it wrong
06:07.00Serachtbeing 2am and all
06:07.23Nom-Try download r29715
06:07.27Nom-See if it works
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06:10.11Serachtyay works
06:10.14Serachteverything but backpack
06:10.16Serachtget an error there
06:11.25Serachtoh well I have to do it tomorrow
06:11.33Serachtcya guys thanks for the help nom, Cairenn and ZealotOnAStick
06:11.42Cairennnight Seracht
06:12.59Mortiusanyone know how to get ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, PlayerFrameDropDown, "DPlayerFrame", 106, 27) to work from a secure button frame?  something with frame:SetAttribute("type", "menu") and then frame.showmenu = ??
06:14.21MortiusI've really been searching everywhere to solve this one.  I only bug you guys as a last resort.  lol, I've been trying to get this all working since early this morning, and I'm so close.  I can get the frame to target by clicking on it OR get the menu to appear, but not both :D
06:15.16[Ammo]Mortius: frame:SetAttribute("type2", "menu")
06:15.21[Ammo]that will make it show th emenuy on rightclick
06:15.29[Ammo]or it should at least
06:15.47MortiusI want it to pop up the playframedropdown on right-click
06:16.01batrickstring.tonumber() returns nil if the string contains a non numeric character right?
06:16.02Mortiusand it's the playerframe, so I want it to target myslef on left
06:16.27[Ammo]frame:SetAttribute("type1", "target") -- target
06:16.36Mortiusyes, I can get that part to work
06:16.37[Ammo]frame:SetAttribute("type2", "menu") -- playermenu
06:16.44Mortiusthat one I can't
06:17.01[Ammo]frame:SetAttribute("unit", unit)
06:17.04Mortiusthe frame.showmenu = ?  I'm not sure what I'm suppose to put after that
06:17.23MortiusI'm pretty sure I have the attributes set right
06:18.02[Ammo] = menufuncthing
06:18.07[Ammo]checking what you have to set exactly
06:18.11[Ammo]you have to set
06:18.30Mortiusah ok
06:19.16Mortiuscan I set to ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, PlayerFrameDropDown, "DPlayerFrame", 106, 27) ?
06:20.05[Ammo]you'd have to set it to a local function which does that toggle
06:20.12[Ammo]but yeah
06:20.23Mortiushmm going to try
06:20.33[Ammo]good luck, I'm going back to work
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06:27.08MortiusI don't understand why you can't do <OnClick> _and_ frame:SetAttribute  :(
06:27.26MortiusI need to have both to get this to work.  If I disable one, the other works
06:28.44Mortiuswhy isn't there a way to call a function() from a Frame:SetAttribute ?
06:29.29Corrodiasany news on nameplates & pvp flags?
06:30.14Mortiusaccording to wiki, frame:SetAttribute("type", "menu")
06:30.25Mortiusshould work with frame.showmenu = some_function_that_shows_a_menu
06:31.32Mortiusbut I've tried to get that to work about 100 different ways.. using various examples found here and there.
06:45.31Mortiuswell I give up :/  I've honestly tried everything.
06:45.32Corrodiaslooks like all the "nerf" posts that are being locked today are about Cloak of Shadows
06:48.33Mr_Rabies2anyone know where the frightening baby nursery floating in nagrand is?
06:48.38Corrodiaslfm shadow LABS! lol
06:48.54Corrodiasi haven't heard of whatever you're talking about
06:49.41Mr_Rabies2man i've been playing too much crackdown
06:49.52Mr_Rabies2i just flew to oshu'gun to see if there was an agility or hidden orb there
06:49.56Mr_Rabies2on top of it
06:50.11Corrodiasyou just wanted a piece of the Rock
06:50.40Mr_Rabies2speaking of crackdown, have you played it corr?
06:50.45Mr_Rabies2it's beyond awesome
06:50.49Corrodiasi don't think i've heard of that, either
06:51.14Corrodiasi was tanking in the shadow lab, and it went quite well until the mage and priest left and we started replacing them with a variety of comical characters
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06:51.37Corrodiasthe third boss didn't work with only a hunter, a rogue, and a restoration shaman on dps
06:52.14Mr_Rabies2it's like GTA, only you're a supercop with the ability to jump incredibly high and all kinds of awesome weapons
06:52.23Mr_Rabies2hahaha, nice group makeup :
06:52.55wobinwhat's with cloak of shadows?
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06:53.11Corrodiasyeah. the awesome priest could heal us plenty but we couldn't get the boss down and there were like 8 voidwalkers by the end, following us around as i kited him
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06:54.00Corrodiascloak of shadows does several things for a rogue. it removes all magical debuffs (like faerie fire and all magical DoTs) (i'm not sure about physical ones like Rip) and makes them immune to magic for some amount of time, 5 seconds i think, on a 1-minute cooldown
06:54.37Corrodiasas i recall
06:54.50wobinalthough not sure on that cooldown
06:54.58Corrodiasso -basically- it makes them impossible for magic-based classes to kill
06:54.59wobinunless they changed it
06:55.02Corrodiasor nearly so
06:55.09wobinnot really
06:55.24Corrodiasthey get 5 seconds to run up and resume the stunlock that you SOMEHOW interrupted
06:55.32wobinI found that, (using it pre 2.0 mind you) a warlock with good timing could just redot
06:55.58Corrodiasi try to apply a Rip to them as quickly as i can, but i never do well in pvp anyway
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06:59.44batrick_is there a function that I should be using instead of string.tonumber?
07:00.39batrick_I get this error when I try to use it: attempt to call field 'tonumber' (a nil value)
07:02.41Corrodiaswhat happens if you fly -downward- into the twisting nether? do you hit the bottom and "die" from "falling"?
07:03.22Corrodiasspeculation isn't what i was hoping for. as for your question, apparently tonumber isn't what you want to use.
07:03.45batrick_I think you just use tonumber() instead of string.tonumber()
07:03.48batrick_i stopped getting errors
07:04.35Mortiusblah, 20 straight hours to try to get a frame to open a menu.  I think I'm going crazy haha.
07:06.03MortiusI can get it to work just fine using <OnClick>, but nooo, you can't do that in a protected frame.
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07:10.36MortiusI think my problem is the fact I'm trying to do something that simply isn't possible.
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07:11.57MortiusHey Cairenn, how are you doing?
07:11.58batrick_that is probably right mortius :)
07:12.21Cairennpretty well, yourself?
07:12.24Mortiusyeah, I think so.  I mean, there is a way to do it, people have done it, just not the way I'm trying to do it.
07:12.34MortiusDoing okay.  :)  
07:12.51Cairenntired though - night guys
07:12.52Mortiuslearning a lot, but going through a lot of headaches trying to get simple things to work haha
07:13.02Mortiusnight :0
07:13.10Cairenn|afkheh, yeah, it's a lot to take in at first :)
07:15.49Corrodiasthis song is weird
07:16.04MortiusI would probably be enjoying this had they never added those stupid secureframes.  those have made this nearly impossible for me to figure out.
07:16.43Mortiusor at least let you use <onclick> in them without destroying the setattributes.  blah.
07:17.03Corrodiasthe singer pronounces "sailors" as "sigh-lores", lawman as "lowman", and "he's" as "hoos"
07:19.04ZealotOnAStickCorrodias: what song?  Also, on the twisting nether thing . . . I'll have to try that sometime.
07:19.07Mortiuswowwiki has helped a lot, but I keep running into a lot of misinformation there that.
07:19.30CorrodiasLife on Mars is the song title, 80's
07:19.37Corrodiasi'd have to look up the artist
07:22.23Mortiusthe only thing I'm missing is what I'm suppose to set self.frame to equal.  It's not listed anywhere.
07:22.49MortiusI mean
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07:24.11Mortiuswell I guess I'll just make the menu work and forget about having the left-click to target work, since it's one or the other.  total bummer.
07:25.06batrickMortius, I think you're looking for help, and because no one seems to know what it is you need, you may be better off putting your code on pastey and asking for help in the forums
07:25.11batrickyou'll reach a wider audience
07:27.02Mortiusoh I've done that.  I've done just about everything lol.
07:27.03Corrodiascan anyone convince me that a mage would -not-, in most cases, be more useful in an instance than a hunter?
07:27.59batrickan instance full of mobs immune to magic?
07:28.05batrickin any other case no :P
07:28.13batrickof course I'm bias'd because i'm a mage :D
07:28.36Mortiusit honestly appears to me that self:SetAttribute("type2", "menu") does nothing.  but im sure it's something I'm overlooking.
07:28.36Corrodiaswell, maybe an instance consisting almost entirely of elementals and dragonkin
07:28.54Corrodiasthe two major things that can't be sheeped
07:29.41batrickhow do you detect if you're loading an addon for the first time?
07:30.23Corrodiasotherwise, mages will probably out-damage hunters and out-cc them, leaving hunters only with the advantages of feign death (which does little for the party), a pet for emergency tanking, and some damage output when they're out of mana (as long as they still have ammunition)
07:31.32Mortiusbetrick: this is probably a silly way, but I set a saved variable to "1".
07:31.41batricka global you mean
07:31.45batricki wanted to avoid that :(
07:32.03Mortiushehe that was the only way I thought of. = self.OnShowMenu .. do you have any clue what the OnShowMenu is there??
07:33.09Corrodiasit doesn't have to be global
07:33.37batrickCorrodias: I had a local variable in my .lua that wouldn't save unless I made it global
07:33.40batrickwhat's the secret lol?
07:34.07Corrodiaslet me rephrase, and first ask a question
07:34.16Corrodiascan you save something like SillyFramesAddon.hasbeenloaded as a savedvariable?
07:34.49Corrodiasmight have to save the whole SillyFramesAddon... bad idea
07:36.02batricki'm assuming you plan to continue...
07:38.08leethalcan you set the width of a fubar bar? I want it to be in the center position only, as it is now it is full width overlaps other stuff
07:39.00ZealotOnAStickyes.  Make sure it's unlocked, and grab the edge of it with your mouse and drag it to where you want the end to be.
07:42.21Corrodiassorry, that's all i have to say
07:42.28Corrodiasyou see, i know little about addons
07:44.49Mortiuswow.. I found someone who got what I wanted to work and I copied and pasted it exactly and it still doesn't work for me.  :-/
07:47.50Corrodiasmaybe you suck
07:48.34MortiusI obviously do.
07:49.04MortiusWhenever I try to do DPlayerFrame.showmenu = function() ... it tells me DPlayerFrame is nil, but thats the name of my button!
07:50.17Mortiusyet that is cut n' paste from another script with just the button name changed.  Something stupid I'm overlooking im sure.
07:51.22batrickif I had to hazard a guess, whereever you are putting this code, that frame doesn't exist
07:51.32batricka button is a frame remember
07:52.56MortiusI'm putting the code inside the button's <OnLoad> event
07:53.04MortiusI also tried in my .lua
07:54.29MortiusI make all kinda of calls to the frame from my .lua, but or .showmenu returns an error
07:55.02MortiusIt's suppose to be setup from the setattributes("type2", "menu") I'm guessing
07:56.09MortiusI swear about 30 scripts that work just fine are doing exactly what I'm doing, only they work.
07:56.31Corrodiasyou probably misspelled a variable
07:56.42Corrodiaswhen you figure out the problem, you're going to laaaaaaugh~
07:57.56MortiusI'll throw a freakin' party.  laugh is after about one hour.  cry is about after 10 hours.  at 21 hours into a single problem, I throw parties.
07:58.44Mortiusokay, it's only been 18.5 hours since I started trying to do this.
07:58.55batrickI would agree with you accept if it were a variable being mispelled, and I was working on it for 21 hours, 10 minutes later a rope would be around my neck and my legs off the ground
08:00.30Mortiusso im guessing self:  or this:  = the same thing?
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08:00.44Corrodiasi doubt it
08:01.08batrickdepends on the context mortius
08:01.19Mortiusthey both seem to work, either self:setattribute and this:setattribute from inside the button frame
08:01.31hastethis is a global generated by blizzard
08:02.47bleetahhow to tell if it's been a long time since you've played your priest -> stood around in SW having a think for 5 mins before giving up and asking a guard where the trainer is
08:03.47batrickis OnLoad executed before or after saved variables have been loaded?
08:04.43MortiusI'm fairly sure it's after, or else some of my code that actually does work, wouldn't.
08:05.02Corrodiasthere's an event fired, "VARIABLES_LOADED", when the variables are loaded
08:05.12MortiusI have some stuff that checks for saved variables in my <OnLoad> of one of my frames and they are there when it chekcs.
08:05.30Corrodiasso maybe i'm wrong again
08:06.16MortiusYou would think that it wouldn't be loaded then, but I'm guessing the frames get loaded after variables_loaded event?
08:06.33hasteOnLoad runs after the frame is created
08:07.11batrickYes, but are frames created after all variables are loaded?
08:07.30hastethat you can check rather easily :)
08:07.37Mortiusmy OnLoad event on my options frame checks all my saved variables and if they are nil, sets them to a default value.  that only ever happens the first time my addon gets ran by someone.
08:08.00Mortiusthat is all I know.
08:10.20Mortiuscan you put functions in the <OnLoad> events of a frame/button?
08:11.25MortiusI need to put a = function()... somewhere in my button and have it be called by the self:setattribute("type2", "menu")
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08:15.29Mortiusanyone want to look through my .xml ~ the bottom where I'm trying to setup my secure frame actions and tell me what I'm doing horribly wrong pweeze ( )
08:16.37Mortiusthe drag and left click work fine.  the right-click dropdownmenu does nothing.  the command in the function works great.
08:21.45Mortiusgot it!  self:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp"); did the trick!  It's party time.
08:22.37Mortiusapparenlty if you dont add that, it will only know to look for left clicks
08:23.14MortiusNow that I know how to do that I can make my party frames!  yaay
08:28.39batrickCorrodias, I'm going to kill u lol
08:28.47batrickvariables have to be global to be saved !
08:28.54Corrodiascould be
08:29.09Corrodiasit's not so much that i -enjoy- saying things that are wrong
08:29.11batrickwasted a good half hour on that
08:29.15Corrodiasit's more that whatever i say just happens to be wrong
08:29.40Corrodiasi was thinking of SomeTable.value possibly being savable, but i doubt it is
08:30.05Mortiuscheck out my playerframe and my targetframe I've made so far:
08:30.10Mortiusfully functioning now!
08:31.12Mortiusyeah my target frame needs some work heh
08:38.39Shirikit should be precisely the same as your player frame
08:38.48Shirikminus one thing: unit is target instead of player
08:42.58CorrodiasElvis Costello - Veronica
08:42.59Corrodiasterrible song
08:47.10MortiusYeah I know Shirik, I've been experimenting :)  I made the playerframe different because I didn't like the target frame.. so now I got to go back and redo the target frame.
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08:59.02CorrodiasA-Ha - Take On Me
08:59.38Corrodiasbest song
09:05.22Mr_Rabies2best music video*
09:06.03bleetahi'll agree with Mr_Rabies2 on that
09:06.22Mr_Rabies2and you got freaking depeche mode stuck in my head again indirectly
09:06.25Mr_Rabies2thanks jerk :[
09:06.56bleetahcould be worse
09:07.00bleetahcould be erasure :-P
09:07.49Mr_Rabies2specifically that song
09:08.30bleetahbest performance of a DM song was done by Johnny Cash
09:08.54Mr_Rabies2i like uh...nightwish? i think's cover of enjoy the silence
09:09.10Mr_Rabies2no, lacuna coil
09:09.14bleetahPersonal Jesus
09:09.35CorrodiasToto - Africa
09:09.38Mr_Rabies2the best NIN song is also a johnny cash song now :p
09:13.19haste *joins in*
09:17.55bleetahtho, as var as video + audio goes, I really don't think much beats
09:17.57Corrodiasif i could turn back time, if i could find a way, i'd take back those words that hurt you, and you'd stay
09:19.28bleetahstill remember seeing and hearing that video when it was first released.. jawdropping doesn't even come close... circa 1983 (yes, I'm an old fart)
09:20.14bleetahthe amount of bad press hancock got for going all out electronic was incredible
09:20.28Mr_Rabies2i think i like the depeche mode version better bleetah
09:20.50Mr_Rabies2though a later, darker cash version would have been fantastic
09:21.38Mr_Rabies2that version is just
09:21.44Mr_Rabies2it's haunting
09:22.05Mr_Rabies2trent reznor said it's cash's song now, not his
09:23.10Corrodiasi like the music in Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence
09:23.11Mr_Rabies2it completely changes the song from some young guy being angst++ to this old guy that's looking back
09:23.12Corrodiasbut i don't get this video
09:24.01Corrodiasunless i deviate from the lyrics a little and get pretty symbolic
09:24.37Mr_Rabies2i don't really listen to lyrics as the words generally
09:24.41Mr_Rabies2they're just another instrument to me
09:24.48bleetahMr_Rabies2: it's far more moving 'coz he died a year later
09:24.57Corrodiasjohnny cash?
09:26.06Mr_Rabies2it takes a lot for me to show much more emotion than happiness, but damn, that song always makes me almost tear up
09:26.29bleetahthe fact that cash was covering these bands in his last years, shows what a true artist he really was
09:27.03Mr_Rabies2it's like trent reznor wrote that song just so cash could sing it
09:27.05bleetahand that he knew good art, too, when he heard it
09:27.14Mr_Rabies2it fits him so well :x
09:27.45Corrodiasthis herbie hancock video is a little weird
09:28.14bleetahmost stuff Godley & Creme do *is* weird
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10:31.53Mr_Rabies2that's a pretty funny url/cd title, but i've never heard of it :O
10:34.00bleetahit's probably the 'original', at least the most influential, copyright/fair use/intellectual property recording of all time
10:34.35bleetahthe Casey Kasem rant is hell funny, too
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11:00.31batrickCorrodias, just fyi... OnLoad is executed before variables are loaded :P
11:00.37batrickfound that out the hardway as well :(
11:00.42Shiriknot always
11:01.00Shirikyeah I guess so :/
11:01.06Shirikmeh, xml ftl anyway
11:01.09batrickShirik, maybe not always, but it happened like 50 times ina  row for me
11:01.14batrickso i'm going with always in the future :P
11:01.20Shirikit will happen always
11:01.30Shirikbut... if you want to control when your frames load
11:01.31Shirikstop using xml
11:01.43batrickya... i'm not that leet with lua yet :P
11:02.10ShirikI personally find it easier
11:02.12Shirikbut it's up to you
11:02.20batrickI just look at CT_Core's stuff for building frames in lua, jsut sit in awe :P
11:02.44foxlitBoth have a use; you shouldn't really neglect one or the other :)
11:02.52Shirikwhat can xml do that lua can't
11:03.07Shirikaside from be used in an xml editor
11:03.14foxlitproper inheritance
11:03.33Shirikuse metatables?
11:03.58foxlitThat's like using a nuclear reactor to power a lightbulb
11:04.04wereHamsterbatrick, OnLoad before SV makes sense.. because there's a VARIABLES_LOADED event..
11:04.39ShirikI just have never found a reason to use xml... ever
11:04.54Shirikand considering I like programatically defining frames better, that's what I use
11:04.57Shirikbut everyone has different tastes
11:05.04Shirikso you use what you like best
11:07.00batrickya I didn't really think about that wereHamster, good point
11:09.08foxlitXML's onload is more for setting up controls to work the way they should :)
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11:59.54Kirkburn|afkOoh, "A ban on patients and doctors using mobile phones in hospitals in England is to be lifted this spring, the government has announced."  (not all areas, obviously)
12:07.59bleetahvlad the imapler's struck ebay again
12:08.52bleetahI don't get why it hasn't made mainstream news yet... I guess the corp media love eBay so much they just believe the denials at face value
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12:21.43Mr_Rabies2Dracula is attacking ebay
12:22.49bleetuzbeen going on for months
12:23.48Mr_Rabies2why would dracula attack ebay doesn't he know servers have no souls to convert to his undead horde
12:24.31bleetuz... have you heard of the 'blood bank'?
12:24.39bleetuzhe's moving to the 21st century
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12:25.51Mr_Rabies2seriously though who's this vlad the impaler guy, some hacker trying to sully dracula's track record?
12:26.38bleetuzoh, you want a news article...
12:27.39bleetuzand here's some mirrors of the forums he's posted to as an ebay employee ->
12:27.50bleetuzthe earlier register stories about him have more links, etc. etc.
12:28.38bleetuzturns up as a powerseller ocasionnaly, with only one item 'sold', yet no sale history, and stuff
12:29.12bleetuzprolly connected to the ebay embedded phishing frauds going on atm, that ebay aren't admitting to existing
12:30.12bleetuznn Mr_Rabies2
12:30.22Mr_Rabies2see ya
12:30.33Mr_Rabies2i get to go to the dentist on my birthday, yippee
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12:57.37Kirkburn|afkTain, I saw Pax and Gilliuos on my Mii Parade
12:58.31Kirkburn|afkI can only assume they're yours as I have no-one else's Wii Code yet *grmble grmble*
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13:52.20Kirkburn|afkHeh, "There's an old saying in Tennessee—I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee—that says, fool me once, shame on—shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again."
13:52.34Kirkburn|afkNo prizes for guessing who said that :)
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14:13.01IndustrialKirkburn|afk: bush?
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14:24.31ShirikI dont' even understand that saying
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14:30.19SerachtIs there a good mod for making a bar at the bottom similar to Skinner, but I do not want to change the background of my bags/characters/etc
14:31.51subbawtdo you actually want to resize the viewable area of the screen, like with the viewport feature?
14:32.03subbawtor do you just want to put a bar at the bottom
14:32.34Serachtjust want a bar
14:32.38Serachtto put my buttons on
14:32.58Serachthmm or I might just use skinner and make it look pretty :)
14:33.03SerachtBongos doesn't put a bar I think
14:33.12Shirikwait by "bar"
14:33.14Shirikwhat do you mean?
14:33.18Serachthe hsec
14:33.25subbawti think he means the viewport type thing
14:33.29subbawtwithout actually modifying the viewport
14:33.45SerachtLike that
14:33.54SerachtI know he is using skinner there
14:34.00*** join/#wowi-lounge amro_ (n=amro@
14:34.01Shirikok so you want the background
14:34.07Shiriknot the space to put the buttons
14:34.38Shirikcould use eepanels but I hated it
14:34.40SerachtIn skinner I tried removing the background behind character/talents/log/backpack
14:34.45Serachtbut I get errors
14:35.01Shirikcourse I guess I just don't like those things
14:35.05Shirikbut eepanels should work for you
14:35.23Serachthmm do you use skinner?
14:35.29ShirikI don't use any of that
14:35.38Serachtok I will try eepanels
14:35.55Serachtbut if someone uses skinner, cna they show me what their character/bags/talents etc looks like?
14:36.05SerachtOr know a decent setting to make it look good?
14:41.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
14:49.36Serachthmm ok
14:49.57Serachtdoes this happen to anyone using skinner - say they turn on the gradient thing for chat and then turn it doesn't turn off
14:50.20Shirik"There is a newly discovered security vulnerability in virtually all home routers, that could allow a malicious agent to take control of the router if the user does not change the password that was set by the factory. A malicious Web site can use Java and JavaScript to gain control of the router from within, by using the router's Web interface"
14:50.27ShirikI want to shoot someone
14:50.50Shirikthat was one of the stupidest security advisories I've ever read
14:51.38sysragelol newly discovered?
14:51.43sysragewhere'd you see that?
14:52.00Shirikactually I don't know it just caught my eye as I was looking for something else
14:52.05ShirikI've already lost the page
14:52.18Shirikit wasn't more than a week old though
14:52.52ShirikWhat that essentially says to me is
14:53.01Shirik"If you don't change the password on your router, someone can log into it and change settings"
14:53.08Shirikand I'm like... "... yeah?"
14:53.32sysrageya. pretty sad
14:57.19Shirik>>> function a(b) if (b % 2 == 0) return a(b+1); else return a(b+1); end return a(1); -- Testing lua tail call optimization don't mind me
14:57.32ShirikCide's not here
14:57.42Shirikgrr now I have to find my lua exe >.>
14:58.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
14:58.42*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
14:59.47SerachtShirik won't that be recursive
15:00.00Shirikyeah I figured it out after I thought about it
15:00.02ShirikI was smoking something
15:00.15Shirikbesides the fact that code has errors
15:00.22Serachtand your if statement's else is the same as the if
15:00.30ShirikI know, that was intentional
15:00.51Shirikwhat I really wanted to see is if it would optimize out the if statement
15:00.56Shirikbut I can't think of a good way to test that
15:01.11pastamancerthe lua compiler doesn't optimize
15:01.15subbawti can never memorize the script to clear all action ids, andi  can never recreate it :(
15:01.16Shirikit doesn't?
15:01.17pastamanceryou can verify it by using luac
15:01.59Shirika tail call is a form of optimization :/
15:02.06pastamancera tail call is an opcode in lua
15:02.20ShirikI don't know anything about the internal workings of lua :P
15:02.23pastamancerlua isn't going to get rid of your if statement
15:03.19Gngska tailcall is an ancient form of seduction, perfected by construction workers
15:03.47Shirikthat one went over my head
15:04.03Gngskbad joke, I just woke up :(
15:05.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
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15:07.37Shirikyeah hate to say it, that means nothing to me
15:08.05Shirikbut I do see "eq .. jmp" which looks similar to assembly "cmp ... jne" which I assume is the if test
15:08.59subbawtdoes anyone know the clear action id macro off the top of their head? it's something like /script for i = 0, 125 do PickupAction(i); PutItemInBackPack(); end
15:09.19subbawtbut that isn't working
15:09.19krkaooh.. lua bytecode questions?
15:09.24krkai know everything about that
15:10.08pastamancerShirik: also, a tailcall only happens if you use return
15:10.15Shirikyeah that much I knew
15:10.32pastamancerah, I forgot to copy/paste that
15:10.37krkai am actually writing a lua virtual machine
15:10.46Shiriksubbawt: that ... looks like it should work to me
15:11.10Shirikany error or it's just not doing anything?
15:11.43pastamancerkrka: curious, in what language?
15:12.09krkajava micro edition actually
15:12.13krka(cldc 1.1)
15:12.33Shiriksadly it's sometimes necessary, they did give it its advantages
15:13.48krkamy goal is to write games for j2me, using lua for logic
15:14.47*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|work (
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15:17.46Shirikanyone here using a mac?
15:18.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
15:20.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
15:24.33Kirkburn|afkIndustrial, you win ... stuff. :)
15:26.13ShirikKirkburn|afk: that would explain why I didn't understand it at all
15:27.21Serachtanyone know the font here by any chance
15:28.46JoshBorketimes new roman
15:28.57cogwheel|workHappy pi day
15:29.04ShirikHappy pi day!
15:29.09LysistrataI'd call it Verdana ;) but probably its just one of the various Clear Fonts avaible just lookup the "ClearFont [somenumbers]" I guess the fonts in there are fine
15:29.26ShirikDid you know Louisiana state house of reps once passed a bill setting pi to the value 16/sqrt(3) ?
15:29.32Shirik(which is just a bit over 9)
15:29.37cogwheel|workdoesn't surprise me...
15:29.53SerachtHmmm its not calibiri I think
15:29.54Shirikthink that was in 1897 or something
15:29.58SerachtBecause my calibiri is so bold...
15:30.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
15:30.27Shirikactually, it was set to 4 different values, all in the same bill
15:31.06LysistrataSeracht but where did the "owner" of the UI take the screen? Guess its some exploited area and I
15:31.14Lysistrata'm always interested in such things ;D
15:31.23Shirik5, I'm sorry: 16/sqrt(3) ~= 9.24, 2 sqrt(5 pi/6) ~= 3.236, 16 sqrt(2)/7 ~= 3.232, 10/7 ~= 1.429, and 16/5 = 3.2
15:31.57Shirikoh wait, no, that's 4 values for pi and a value for sqrt(2)
15:31.58cogwheel|workI've memorized pi to 3.1415926535897932384626433  but i can never remember the digit after that for some reason... I know it's > 5 so it would round that last one up to 4... 8 maybe?
15:32.33CideI only remember 3.14159265358979323846
15:32.35cogwheel|workyep. 8 ... guess i did remember :)
15:32.48Shirika * n = a * pi. This is true where a = 0 and n = 2. Therefore, divide both sides by a, pi = 2.
15:32.52*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
15:32.53ShirikI have rationalized pi.
15:33.21CideI think pi = 3, it's just that there was a large misunderstanding once upon a time
15:33.35cogwheel|workI'd like to see a base pi number system...
15:33.37Kirkburn|afkSeracht, it's Calibri '0.9'
15:33.38SerachtLysistrata that was taken in zul'aman
15:33.53Cidecogwheel|work: ugh :)
15:33.53Serachtok Kirkburn|afk Thanks!
15:34.06Kirkburn|afkYou can tell because the numbers aren't fixed height :P
15:34.18Serachtlol ok :)
15:34.22krkawe should all just start counting in base pi
15:34.22Kirkburn|afkThe unit frame font is different of course
15:34.30SerachtOne thing though, I tried changing the bold italics and bold to just normal
15:34.31krkathen pi is represented as "10"
15:34.33Seracht(I don't like bold)
15:34.38Shirik3.14, 6.28, 9.42
15:34.41SerachtAnd when I do that the text is still a bit too big
15:34.41Kirkburn|afkFair enough
15:34.44Serachtso if i adjust the scale
15:34.46Shirikor am I not allowed to round?
15:34.49Serachtit screws it up in other places
15:34.55Serachtlike in keybindings/main menu etc
15:35.00Serachtit becomes too small there
15:35.19Kirkburn|afkI can only suggest editing the Design.lua code
15:35.25Shirikthere's a world record
15:35.32Shiriksome guy memorized pi to 100k decimal places
15:35.35Shirikhow do you do something like that?
15:35.46Kirkburn|afkWith difficulty
15:35.47pastamancerone number at a time :p
15:35.56Shirikhe beat his old record of 83,431
15:36.16Kirkburn|afkThe frequent method is to memorise a story
15:36.26Kirkburn|afkThe story tells you the numbers
15:36.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Groll (
15:36.59Kirkburn|afkHumans have evolved to be incredible story-tellers - some scientists describe us specifically as "the story-telling ape"
15:37.44Kirkburn|afkRemember how stories like Beowulf were handed down solely by being told them
15:38.05Kirkburn|afkHugely long stories, hours long, yet we could/can remember all the details
15:38.07Shirikthis site exists:
15:38.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Miranda@
15:39.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
15:39.20Shirikbtw the page has 1MB worth of pi ;)
15:39.26Shirikcog, if you needed that digit
15:39.26KirkburnRandom disconnect ftw
15:39.31Shirikit's a bit overkill, but it works
15:39.37Cidefunny how that guy remembered 1/10th of that
15:40.00StephmwShirik: do all the shorter versions lead to that page too?
15:40.12Shirikdunno :P
15:40.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
15:40.28Shirikseems not
15:40.33KirkburnK, this is odd
15:40.48cogwheel|work8327950 is what i'm trying to memorize now...
15:40.48KirkburnWonder if I'll get another ...
15:41.05cogwheel|workit's actually vaguely similar to phone numbers in my town
15:41.27Shirikmeh, the only thing I care about memorizing is e^(pi * i) = 0 - 1
15:41.44Shirikjust cause I have to know that for the next test for whatever reason
15:41.45KirkburnDid you mean that last bit?
15:41.54krkai wonder if it's easier to memorize 100 000 digits of pi than it is to learn a formula for always figuring out the next digit in the sequence
15:41.56KirkburnIt equals 0 - 1 ?
15:42.05Shirikyes, or shortened, -1, but I wrote it that way intentionally
15:42.13krkayou could then theoretically learn to recite pi by calculating it on the fly
15:42.16KirkburnOkay, just checking :)
15:42.20Shiriksupposedly there's this "story" that equation tells
15:42.22KirkburnI've heard of that equation to
15:42.42cogwheel|workkrka: our brains are probably more capable of memorization...
15:42.45krkathat equation is a simple result of the way e^(i*x) is defined
15:42.50Kirkburnkrka, if the formula for working out Pi was that easy, we'd know it =)
15:43.26Shirikit can't be that hard to calculate on the fly
15:43.28krkae^(ix) is defined as cos(x) + i*sin(x) or something
15:43.44Shirikyeah something like that krka
15:43.50KirkburnWow, in the US ... "37 percent of adults own a gaming console and 16 percent own a portable gaming device according to Nielson/NetRatings. Of those, 71 percent are married and 66 percent have at least one child."
15:44.19cogwheel|worktoo bad phone number prefixes in can't start with 1... Then someone in Missouri would be able to have a phone number of the first 10 digits of pi.
15:44.38cogwheel|workHow many of the people with children are married?
15:45.10cogwheel|workI'm 5 years married without children :)
15:45.28krkacogwheel|work: you have quite a us-centric view :)
15:45.49Shirikisn't there a country code 3?
15:45.53cogwheel|workkrka: i originally worded it differently mentioning "US" ...
15:46.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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15:46.09Kirkburn"Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream"
15:46.12cogwheel|workbut the sentence was confusing and my brain hurts this morning so i didn't feel like figuring it out...
15:46.17cogwheel|work>>> return math.pi
15:46.22Cidecogwheel|work: 3.1415926535898
15:46.45Industrial< Kirkburn|afk> Industrial, you win ... stuff. :)
15:46.54cogwheel|work>>> return 3.14159265358979323846264338327950
15:46.55Cidecogwheel|work: 3.1415926535898
15:47.03cogwheel|workwtb more significant digits!
15:47.18Kirkburn>>> return boomerang?
15:47.19CideKirkburn: attempt to call a nil value
15:48.07zenzelezzso what's this Hellfire video the launcher touts about... just the 5-mans, or is it some hint about the 25-man? :-o
15:48.12Shirik=( there's no country code 3
15:48.15dieckpi up to 10 million internal decimal places:
15:48.22IndustrialKirkburn: what do i win, what do i win :D?
15:48.48Shirik=( I want some pie now
15:48.53Industrialmmm pie
15:49.02Shirikand firefox just crashed
15:49.24Shirikit can't handle 10 million pieces of pi
15:49.38KirkburnPie whore
15:49.46Industrialhm wowwiki has gold ads :(
15:50.02KirkburnWelcome to 2004 :)
15:50.33Industrialethics man, ethics :X Everytime a noob clicks on a gold ad a kitten dies.
15:50.55Kirkburn"it's not that we support it in any way, shape, or form, but that changing it is too much hassle and not worth it (in the eyes of those who matter)"
15:51.20Shirikyou know
15:51.25Shirikin theory, we could make them go out of business
15:51.25KirkburnI do not matter enough, unfortunately
15:51.28Shirikjust clicking on the adds all day
15:51.35Shirikor perhaps writing a bot to click on them all day
15:51.45Shirikbetter yet, interface it with tor so they can't detect it's the same person clicking them
15:52.09Shirikgoogle charges per click, I know that much
15:52.53Shirik$0.25 per 1000 clicks
15:52.55Shirikthat's hardly worth it ><
15:53.06Shirikwait no $10 per 1000
15:53.06Cideit's not that little
15:53.12Shirikthat's better
15:53.15Cidestill not that little
15:53.33sysragethat quote is right, you'll never get rid of gold sellers. but the fucktards that spam it in-game need to die. and blizz could easily put filters in to get rid of that shit
15:54.03Shirikthey could just grab spam sentry and put it into blizzard code for all I care
15:54.26Shirikbetter yet, run it server side so the gms can auto-detect it
15:57.17sysragetards makin it so you can't sell on e-bay just made the spam worse
15:58.17Shirikit was never legal to sell on e-bay
15:58.42sysrageya, but i've noticed a sharp increase of spam since they got e-bay to start enforcing it
15:58.49Shirikit's true
16:01.05purl>>> return (function(s)return(('%s%q'):format(s,s))end)"return (function(s)return(('%s%q'):format(s,s))end)"
16:01.26cogwheel|work>>> return (function(s)return(('%s%q'):format(s,s))end)"return (function(s)return(('%s%q'):format(s,s))end)"
16:01.26Cidecogwheel|work: "return (function(s)return(('%s%q'):format(s,s))end)"return (function(s)return(('%s%q'):format(s,s))end)""
16:02.03purlextra, extra, read all about it, quine is a program that produces, as its only output, its own source code. Information and examples can be found at, but a list of quines is at
16:04.20Chardonnayhm, looks like i wrote one but i don't remember that (or the language i wrote it in :)
16:04.49Kirkburnkrka, ooh, I see what you did there
16:05.18*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
16:06.08Shirik>>> y = [[ print("y = [[" .. y .. "]]\ndostring(y)") ]]; dostring(y)
16:06.08CideShirik: attempt to call a nil value
16:06.19Shirik>>> type(dostring);
16:06.23Shirik>>> return type(dostring);
16:06.24CideShirik: "nil"
16:06.46Shirikwoot package is here, be back in a bit ^^
16:06.51cogwheel|workShirik: that quine won't work
16:06.59Shirik|Wheeit was on that page that purl linked :P
16:07.05Shirik|WheeI didn't understand it myself
16:07.07Shirik|Wheeso I wanted to see it
16:07.07cogwheel|worklua 5.1 doesn't allow you to nest long strings
16:07.26cogwheel|workwhich is why I looked around for the one I ended up using :P
16:07.45Shirik|Wheeit's actually what I was trying to do yesterday
16:08.01Shirik|WheeI wanted to force Cide to output a statement that would result in Cide trying to process the very output that was just sent
16:08.09Shirik|Wheenever managed to figure it out
16:08.19JoshBorkeprobably doesn't trigger on his own output
16:08.21Shirik|Wheeunfortunately the ASCII backspace doesn't work as a backspace
16:08.27krkawtf... cide is a lua bot now?
16:08.31Shirik|Wheeand the Cide: at the beginning is screwing things up
16:08.34JoshBorke>>> print("Bob")
16:08.40JoshBorkeyes krka :-D
16:08.41Shirik|Wheeonly return values
16:08.45Shirik|Whee>>> return "Bob";
16:08.45CideShirik|Whee: "Bob"
16:08.56Shirik|Wheeright, afk
16:09.00krka>>> function rec() rec() end rec()
16:09.00Cidekrka: d:\lua\input.tmp:12: stack overflow
16:09.04JoshBorke>>> return _G
16:09.05CideJoshBorke: table: 00271170
16:09.10Shirik|Wheekrka we tried messing all around with it yesterday
16:09.17Shirik|WheeI think we closed all the security holes
16:09.22Seracht>>> return "test"
16:09.23CideSeracht: "test"
16:09.29Shirik|WheeI um... accidentally flooded Cide off IRC yesterday ^^;
16:09.41Shirik|Wheeand pastamancer managed to get Cide to send random messages
16:09.46pastamancerthat was fun
16:09.56Seracht>>> return /kick #wowi-lounge Cide
16:09.56CideSeracht: attempt to call a nil value
16:09.59JoshBorkeoooo, krka, where is your code to make a table into a string for sending through WoW?
16:10.13JoshBorkeSeracht: lrn2IRC
16:10.19Shirik|WheeJosh: I have one if you want :/
16:10.26Seracht>> return "test"
16:10.41Serachtthere must be some way to return to the channel
16:10.56pastamancerwhat you wanted was return "\r\nKICK #wowi-lounge :Cide" I believe, but cide fixed that yesterday
16:11.14JoshBorke>>> return "\r\nPRIVMSG Josh_Borke :Bob"
16:11.14CideJoshBorke: "\r\nPRIVMSG Josh_Borke :Bob"
16:11.25SerachtJoshBorke it also adds your name to it
16:11.38krkaJoshBorke: i'll dig it up
16:12.01Shirik|WheeJoshBorke: This is what we use:
16:12.09Shirik|Wheehave fun sifting through it :/
16:12.23Shirik|Wheeit implements both a queue and table transmission
16:13.11JoshBorke>>> local str = ""; for k,v in pairs(_G) do if (type(v) ~= "table") then str = str .. ", "..k.."= "..v end end return str
16:13.12CideJoshBorke: [string "local str = ""; for k,v in pairs(_G) do if ..."]:1: attempt to concatenate local 'v' (a function value)
16:13.57krkaJoshBorke: i hope that code in the link works, i haven't tested in a long time :
16:13.58JoshBorkeuh oh
16:14.17JoshBorkepurl, poke Cide
16:14.21purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Cide, pokes Cide repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
16:15.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
16:15.55JoshBorke>>> return "Test";
16:15.56CideJoshBorke: "Test"
16:16.02JoshBorkeoh good, he didn't break
16:19.08JoshBorke>>> fibTbl = setmetatable({[0] = 0, [1] = 1},{__index = function(t,val) local value = t[val-2] + t[val-1]; t[val] = value; return value end }); return fibTbl[2]
16:19.08CideJoshBorke: 1
16:19.09Serachtwoah purl is a bot too?
16:19.09Serachtpurl, poke JoshBorke
16:19.12purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind JoshBorke, pokes JoshBorke repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
16:19.12JoshBorke>>> return fibTbl[5]
16:19.12CideJoshBorke: [string "return fibTbl[5]"]:1: attempt to index global 'fibTbl' (a nil value)
16:19.12Serachtguess not
16:19.14JoshBorkeaw, can't change the global table
16:19.25cogwheel|workSeracht: yes
16:19.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
16:19.29cogwheel|workjust slow sometimes :P
16:19.31JoshBorke>>> setfenv(0) fibTbl = setmetatable({[0] = 0, [1] = 1},{__index = function(t,val) local value = t[val-2] + t[val-1]; t[val] = value; return value end }); return fibTbl[2]
16:19.31CideJoshBorke: [string "setfenv(0) fibTbl = setmetatable({[0] = 0, ..."]:1: bad argument #2 to 'setfenv' (table expected, got no value)
16:19.36Serachtoh lol
16:19.46Stephmw~hug Cide
16:19.50purlACTION jumps into Cide's lap and huggles and *hugs* Cide
16:19.51cogwheel|workand Cide's a hybrid
16:22.07JoshBorke>>> return getfenv()
16:22.07CideJoshBorke: table: 00291170
16:22.36JoshBorke>>> return tostring(getfenv()) .. " "..tostring(_G)
16:22.36CideJoshBorke: "table: 00021170 table: 00021170"
16:23.10JoshBorke>>> return getfenv(0)
16:23.10CideJoshBorke: table: 003C1170
16:23.23*** join/#wowi-lounge mahiro (
16:23.26JoshBorke>>>return getfenv(0)
16:23.34JoshBorke>>> return getfenv(0)
16:23.34CideJoshBorke: table: 008C1170
16:23.41JoshBorkebah humbug
16:23.57JoshBorkeeach call gets its own environment, as though he's in interactive mode :-(
16:24.10cogwheel|workthat's intentional
16:24.19JoshBorkei know :-/
16:24.37JoshBorke>>> fibTbl = setmetatable({[0] = 0, [1] = 1},{__index = function(t,val) local value = t[val-2] + t[val-1]; t[val] = value; return value end }); return fibTbl[200]
16:24.37CideJoshBorke: 2.8057117299251e+041
16:24.44JoshBorke>>> fibTbl = setmetatable({[0] = 0, [1] = 1},{__index = function(t,val) local value = t[val-2] + t[val-1]; t[val] = value; return value end }); return fibTbl[2000]
16:24.44CideJoshBorke: [string "fibTbl = setmetatable({[0] = 0, [1] = 1},{_..."]:1: C stack overflow
16:24.45pastamancerintentional, yes.  fun, not quite as much
16:24.54cogwheel|work>>> _G = nil
16:25.26cogwheel|worki think if someone did that, it would be entirely less fun
16:25.27mahiroi have a problem, when i enter combat the increasing rate goes up to about 150KiB/s how can i find out what addon causes this value? and is there a way to see what is the reason for that?
16:25.47JoshBorkemahiro: disable your addons in a binary fashion (half at a time) until you determine what's doing ti
16:28.13mahiroi have installed teksupport to see which addon it is but i dont see any abnormalitys there
16:29.49*** part/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
16:31.01mahirois there an other addon where i can monitor specific addon events/onupdates?
16:31.41cogwheel|workmahiro: no... just use the method JoshBorke suggested
16:32.12cogwheel|work2.1 will make profiling addons possible though
16:32.39cogwheel|workUnless you're actually seeing an FPS hit, you shouldn't be terribly worried about memory usage though.
16:32.51cogwheel|work(as a user... authors are another story)
16:33.25mahirowell the fps goes down by about 10 or so, thats not really optimal...
16:33.51cogwheel|workIf you want, you can also set up an "autoexec" addon (I use LuaSlinger's Library tab) to do collectgarbage("setpause", 110) which should keep your total memory usage down
16:33.58Nom-LOL this is going to be intresting
16:34.02mahiroi thougth it was my addon causing it but its still the same when i disable it^^
16:34.04Nom-I'm OT for Kara tomorrow night
16:34.29cogwheel|workmahiro: lots of addons start doing more during combat so i'm not surprised there's *some* FPS loss, but it's not /necessarily/ due to the addon that's creating all the garbage
16:35.53mahirowell sometimes its almost unplayable and fps drops to 10 or so and ooc i get around 60 so there has to be a bad bad addon in my list
16:36.13cogwheel|workit really doesn't take that long to do what JoshBorke suggested...
16:36.24cogwheel|workO(n log n) iirc
16:36.36mahirojup im doing it right now.. but takes a bit long to reload and so:/
16:36.38cogwheel|work(or is that for sorting)
16:36.55cogwheel|workmahiro: at least the loading time decreases as you disable them :P
16:37.13mahirohaha at leat there is an improvement:D
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16:41.46mahiroits kind of stupid to test this, im in alterac and running in the zerg and watch the performance meter^^
16:42.36Shirik|WheeYou know, pastamancer, you only found one of the two holes yesterday
16:42.44Shiriknow that I gave it some thought, there's some other problem in Cide's script
16:42.47Shirikvery similar to what you did
16:47.04mahirowow its amazing how smooth wow runs without addons o_O
16:47.19ShirikI would rather you said
16:47.28Shirik"It's amazing how smooth wow runs without badly written addons"
16:47.51Shirikin theory, addons shouldn't make a major difference; Unfortunately there's a lot of very poorly written addons that care nothing about memory usage because "Oh, the garbage collector will get it"
16:48.02Shirikamong other things
16:48.17JoshBorkei'd still say that wow would run smoother without addons at all
16:48.22JoshBorkebecause it is doing less
16:48.22Shirikit would
16:48.25cogwheel|workMemory usage doesn't affect framerate nearly as much as people think it does
16:48.32Shiriktrue that.
16:48.44JoshBorkeit's all dependent on the amount of time processing addon stuff
16:48.47mahirowell im not the best addon writer and maybe my code is crap but i try to keep the mem usage and so as low as possible
16:48.56JoshBorkebe it addon logic or garbage collection
16:49.24ShirikMy point is that, in general, people that don't care about something like memory usage don't care about efficiency in general
16:49.41Shirikwhich will lead to poor processing; for example, something like updating the text on a frame on every OnUpdate call
16:49.50Shirikinstead of polling for maybe once every 0.25 seconds
16:49.59cogwheel|workin the current version of WoW, garbage collection doesn't even happen until memory usage doubles
16:50.13cogwheel|workso you'll never really notice it unless your addons are EXTREME memory hogs
16:50.22Shiriksuch addons do exist, though
16:50.49Shirikmy point wasn't really regarding memory, though. It's the portion of the population that writes addons without the slightest hint of concern about efficiency
16:51.31Shirikand actually cog that isn't true in many cases until 2.1 except for people that have set their memory usage to 0
16:51.48ShirikIn general I've seen peoples' UIs taking up about 25MB on average
16:51.54Shirikso it would hit the default 48 before doubling
16:52.10Shirikmemory usage = memory limit
16:52.13krka>>> while true do end
16:52.23Shiriksry krka we're smarter than that
16:52.33Shirikfixed that; but Cide's actually DCed right now anyway
16:52.38krkalocal t= {} while true do t[t] = {} t = t[t] end
16:52.38Shirikall scripts have a 5s limit on them
16:52.52krka>>> local t= {} while true do t[t] = {} t = t[t] end
16:52.59ShirikCide isn't here :P
16:53.06cogwheel|workkrka: <Shirik> fixed that; but Cide's actually DCed right now anyway
16:53.12Shirik12:36:20  » Quit: +Cide ‹› ‹Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)›
16:53.23krkaoh right
16:55.47Shirikanyone know if I installed the debug version of the dlls for direct3d on my computer, would wow use them or the retail ones?
17:10.55JoshBorkenot a clue :_D
17:11.41amrowow would use the retail ones, since the dbg dlls have different name
17:12.20amroa debug build might try to link to the dbg ones, but we only have retail ones
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17:14.55Shirikthanks :)
17:15.05ShirikI just wanted to make sure installing this wasn't going to drop my fps to like 10
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17:22.56KaoS`w00t.. osx 10.4.9 is out.. does it fix the window mode memory leak ?
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17:51.57Corrodiasre: xml vs lua definition of frames
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17:52.09Corrodiasis it easier to make changes to the frames in XML or Lua?
17:52.25ShirikIt really depends on how you like to code
17:52.34ShirikPersonally, I would find it easier to make the changes in Lua
17:52.38Shirikbut that's my own opinion
17:52.42Shirikmany, I'm sure, would argue XML
17:52.57ShirikI don't know why, I just "see" things better in Lua
17:53.19Corrodiasthis action may disconnect me. stay tuned!
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17:54.44ShirikElessdy == Corrodias?
17:54.53Shirikwhat did you do?
17:54.57ShirikYour IP doesn't match, can say that much
17:55.02Elessdyaltered some router settings
17:55.17Mr_Rabies2i went to the dentist on my birthday
17:55.26Mr_Rabies2for the first time in way...way too long
17:55.29Elessdynow: the screenshots of that UI looks smooth and small. very nice.
17:55.30Mr_Rabies2bad news
17:55.33Mr_Rabies2very bad news
17:55.37Shirikyou're going to die?
17:55.39Elessdynot at all like mine :P
17:55.46Mr_Rabies2worse, need a root canal :[
17:55.53Elessdyi have no idea what that means
17:55.55Shirikyou really need to get your priorities in order
17:56.00ShirikElessdy: It sucks.
17:56.06Mr_Rabies2i think i'm gonna just get it ripped out
17:56.12Mr_Rabies2because root canal = PAIN
17:56.15Elessdythat's probably not a bad idea
17:56.19ShirikI've been really, really lucky with my teeth
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17:56.24Mr_Rabies2see that red circled one
17:56.28Mr_Rabies2that black area is a cavty
17:56.34ShirikI don't even take good care of them, and my dentist has even said to me "How you never get cavities I'll never know"
17:56.34TainI guess it depends.  I've had 2 root canals and no pain.
17:56.49ShirikBut, I haven't had any wisdom teeth pulled, I haven't had a cavityt
17:56.49Mr_Rabies2i have i think 6....cavities
17:56.54Mr_Rabies2and check those fancy molars
17:56.55Shirikand my teeth are fine
17:56.56Elessdyi care for my teeth meticulously these days, and haven't had any problems since i started improving my brushing
17:57.06Mr_Rabies2LOOK AT MY WISDOM TEETH :[
17:57.18Mr_Rabies290 freaking degreeees
17:57.38ElessdyTAKE THEM OUT
17:57.51ShirikI don't know which one is your wisdom teeth Mr_Rabies
17:57.53Elessdymaybe not the one on the bottom left, since you could remove the one next to it
17:57.58Mr_Rabies2the ones that are at a 90 degree angle
17:57.59ElessdyShirik: the ones farthest to each side
17:58.16Mr_Rabies2they're NOT supposed to come in like that
17:58.21Mr_Rabies2funny thing is
17:58.24Elessdywell, it's not that unusual
17:58.26Mr_Rabies2i'm in very very little pain
17:58.29Shirikare they ssupposed to be
17:58.38Mr_Rabies2an advil stops the pain entirely
17:58.43Elessdywisdom teeth don't form properly for most people
17:58.50ShirikYeh I got lucky
17:58.57Mr_Rabies2he prescribed me some darvocet
17:59.10Shirikso... why don't you get them pulled?
17:59.14Mr_Rabies2i am
17:59.17Mr_Rabies2but that takes time
17:59.28Mr_Rabies2probably gonna be ~month or so
17:59.45Mr_Rabies2get a consultation next tuesday
18:00.08Mr_Rabies2i get to have an orthopedic surgeon yell YOU FREAKING IDIOT at me for an hour or so
18:00.37Mr_Rabies2then a few weeks after that i go to sleep and wake up noticably less toothy
18:00.50Elessdyit might be a BIT late to recommend this, but you really should mind your brushing technique
18:01.06Mr_Rabies2i did :[
18:01.37Mr_Rabies2thing is there's a tight gap there i can't even fit floss in that likely led to the initial cavity that is now devouring my soul
18:01.55Elessdyi use no toothpaste, listerine when there's plaque that doesn't want to come off (usually if it's been sitting on there for more than a couple of hours), and some flossing (i use floss picks instead of regular floss because that stuff is just a pain)
18:01.57ShirikI doubt a poor brushing technique results in teeth angled at 90 degrees
18:02.12Elessdyow. maybe that tight gap has something to do with pressure from a god damn perpendicular tooth on the side.
18:02.21Mr_Rabies2it's really not painful
18:02.28Mr_Rabies2i mean it hurts a little bit but
18:02.39Mr_Rabies2i'm surprised there's a cavity that big
18:02.41ShirikElessdy you seem almost... angry
18:02.42Mr_Rabies2that doesn't even hurt
18:02.49Mr_Rabies2when it hits the nerve though
18:02.54Shirikand can you please change your name back to Corrodias because I can't spell Elessdy
18:02.55Mr_Rabies2woo buddy that's gonna be fun
18:03.02Mr_Rabies2oh that's corr
18:03.05Mr_Rabies2i didn't know
18:03.29Corrodiasyou're such a phallus
18:03.34Shirik13:54:14 [CTCP: Corrodias] PING
18:03.34Shirik13:54:17  » Join: Elessdy ‹›
18:03.34Shirik13:54:25 ‹Elessdy› yep
18:03.34Shirik13:54:48 ‹Shirik› Elessdy == Corrodias?
18:03.56Corrodiasya me
18:06.49Mr_Rabies2alright well
18:07.25Mr_Rabies2i just took my first dose of my antibiotic and i'm heading to bed
18:07.25Mr_Rabies2night all, what a great 20th birthday :p
18:07.27Shirik:( night
18:08.02Cairennnight night Mr_Rabies2, happy birthday
18:08.24Mr_Rabies2thanks cair
18:08.32Mr_Rabies2the dentist was like
18:08.38Corrodiaswell, this sheds a little light on why people are so fucked up:
18:08.48Mr_Rabies2"uh....happy birthday....take a look at these cavities man"
18:09.11Mr_Rabies2your appendix is right next to your colon
18:09.20Mr_Rabies2i learned this today when i thought i was dying of appendicitis
18:09.39Mr_Rabies2which i may be still it's not very comfortable but i don't get the knife in the stomach effect people mention
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18:20.51mahirohmm i have improved error frame installed which plays a sound when a error occurs. now when i relog or log out it plays the sound, is there any way to see what error i get when logging out?o_O
18:21.46Shirikuse a better error handler :P
18:21.47Corrodiasyou have to do a little editing
18:21.56Shirikvflerr > ief
18:22.03Shirikof course, I'm biased
18:22.12Corrodiasvflerr saves the list of errors during the session on logout?
18:22.20Shirikit does a lot more than that :P
18:22.23mahirowould buggrabber catch that error?
18:22.30Corrodiasthat doesn't answer my question
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18:22.46ShirikDunno, vflerr is made by me, and made with only my purposes in mind, it's not something we've released really
18:22.49ShirikCorrodias: Yes
18:23.04Corrodiasif it's not released, it's not very useful to us
18:23.10ShirikI could give it to you
18:23.16cogwheel|workAnyone know the best way to add a money display to a tooltip? Do I have to add a blank line and anchor a moneyframe to it?
18:23.18Shirikit just isn't something that was released publicly
18:23.29Corrodiasi added a savedvariable to IEF, SavedErrorsTable, and made it add all errors to that table
18:23.36Shirikthat's essentially all you need to do
18:23.45Corrodiasif i need to investigate an error, i can open the IEF savedvariables file
18:24.10Corrodiasi don't think i'd feel right about using private addons
18:24.16Corrodiaspersonal modifications are another matter
18:24.23ShirikVFL manages the errors table, storing the call stack and a bunch of other crucial information, along with how many times the error has occurred and when it occured, in a saved variable. If it hasn't occured in a long time, it tosses it out
18:24.26ShirikIt's not... private
18:24.43ShirikIn fact you'll find it in RDX, in the RDX/VFL.lua file
18:24.51Shirikit's just not something I've gone out and said "hey you can use this"
18:24.53Corrodiasi don't know what rdx is
18:25.00Shirikthe mod I and one other write
18:25.33Corrodiasactually, that does sound familiar...
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18:26.31Shirikif you use the error handler supplied in that, you would find, in Saved Variables/RDX.lua a variable VFLErr which is a table with a bunch of error information
18:26.58Shiriktyping /err into the chat box brings up a list of errors, blah blah, but I'm not trying to advertise it
18:27.15Shirikuse it if you want I have nothing against it, it's just not something I've said to people that exists
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18:27.39Corrodiaslooks like it'd take at least a small amount of work to extricate it from rdx
18:27.48Shirikmmm let me find you the exact spot
18:27.51Shirikit should just be a function
18:28.09mahirodo you have a link to vflerr?
18:28.19Shiriklike I said, it doesn't exist in the wild
18:28.57Corrodiasshort answer, mahiro, there's no way for you to do what you want without some .lua editing
18:29.34Corrodiasi can walk you through a simple way to modify Improved Error Frame to get the error if you'd like, or you can wait for Shirik to describe how to extract his thing from rdx
18:29.41Shirikhere it is:
18:29.47Shirikignore _ClearErrors you can get rid of that
18:30.00Shirikalso just know VFL.print() is simply a function that is essentially the same as DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage()
18:30.42Corrodiasokay, thanks
18:31.33Shirikoh and ignore sigRepaint:Raise()
18:31.44Shirikthose are things that manage our RDX frames that wouldn't apply to you
18:32.24Shirikoops ^^ I forgot the other half that shows you the errors in game
18:32.54Shirikeh, but it wouldn't be much use to you considering you can't make VFL frames
18:33.00Shirikso yeah, that's the important part for you :)
18:33.22ShirikThe part I pasted works ;) There's another half that when you type /err it shows a clickable dialog with errors, etc.
18:33.44Corrodiasi take it i'd have to put a savedvariable in the .toc i make
18:33.45mahirook i downloaded rdx but do i have to install the whole package or is there a specific file for this error grabbing thing?
18:33.55Shirikmahiro: What I pasted in the link given is what you need
18:34.19ShirikCorrodias: Yes, and substitute VFLErrLog with whatever saved variable you want to use
18:34.24Corrodiastell you what, i'll get it working and toss together a quick .toc and see what i come up with
18:35.55Corrodiascan you define a local function?
18:36.05Shiriksure, I did it in the pasted code there
18:36.13Corrodiasoh duh
18:37.10Shirikwhen you make a local function it becomes local to that file and can't be accessed out of the file (in the simplest case)
18:37.37Shirikso using the code I pasted, /script AppendError(...) won't work because AppendError is nil
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18:37.46Shirikbut that file can use AppendError all it wants (as it does later in the code)
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18:39.33mahiroShirik: so where does this code go? in IEF?
18:39.44Shirikyou will want to disable IEF if you use this
18:39.55Shirikthat code is an error handler, which you can tell by the last line, which calls seterrorhandler()
18:40.03Shirikwhen an error occurs, it calls ErrorHandler()
18:40.08Corrodiasmahiro: just have patience
18:40.10Shirikwhich eventually calls AppendError()
18:40.13Corrodiasi'm working on turning this into an independent addon
18:40.17Shirikcool :)
18:40.47Corrodiasi still have one unguilded character with which i can test logging in and out multiple times without irritating anybody
18:40.55ShirikCorrodias: You may want to adjust line 27, that's up to you
18:41.08Shirikit seemed like a reasonable number to me
18:41.29Corrodiasthat'll be fine, i expect
18:41.29Shirikit's so that your error log doesn't become 500MB long
18:41.40Corrodiasmost people don't need to fix more than the last 10 errors on logout
18:41.55Shirikyeh, if you had more than 10 errors there's a problem anyway :P
18:42.13Corrodiasi don't suppose IEF -- or any other error handler, for that matter -- would work in conjunction with this without some fanaggling?
18:42.22ShirikI have no idea, I never used IEF
18:42.27Shirikexcept like 2 years ago
18:42.43ShirikIf you want, you can use VFL and I can give you the other half of the code, too
18:42.46ShirikVFL is an open source library
18:42.55Shiriksomewhat like ace
18:42.56Corrodiasthe use of seterrorhandler() suggests only one thing can be an error handler at once
18:43.02Shirikthat is correct
18:43.08Shirikseterrorhandler() overrides the previous error handler
18:43.47Shirikperhaps you would want to take the AppendError() function
18:43.53Shirikand integrate it into IEF's error handler?
18:44.01Shirikhave it called by IEF?
18:44.13Lejdo you have to use "global" or so before  avariable to make it global? I want to use it from several .lua files?
18:44.18Corrodiasyeah.. of course then it's a matter of modifying IEF, not too difficult
18:44.55ShirikLej: if you don't declare a variable as local, it is defined as global
18:44.58Shirikalternatively you can use getglobal("foo") or _G["foo"] to access global variable foo
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18:49.27Corrodiasi'm not sure i can adapt IEF's variables to the signature of AppendLog, given my limited understanding of how it works
18:49.53ShirikI don't know how IEF works so I can't really help you there
18:50.04Corrodiasi can try
18:51.06Corrodiaswait, what the hell
18:51.26CorrodiasSwatter? where did that come from? >:o
18:51.49Corrodiasi just have to kill an addon first, hang on
18:52.04Corrodiasit must have tagged along with another addon in the same archive
18:52.14Corrodiasanother error handler
18:52.24Shirikgot auctioneer?
18:52.37Corrodiasyes. also, i forgot to re-enable IEF. i'm smart.
18:52.46Shirikauctioneer is packaged with swatter
18:54.21Corrodiasokay, this seems to work well. the only issue i can see is that VFL Error Log doesn't seem to remove old errors on login, so there could be a small challenge in determining which error(s) happened during just the last session
18:54.45Shirikit doesn't, but it does log when the error occurred
18:54.54Shirikin unix time format, so you have to do a little deciphering
18:55.04Shiriklogically, though, it would be the time that is the largest
18:55.12Shirikthat looks right
18:55.15Shirikdo you know how to read that?
18:55.37Corrodiasunless it involves the eleventh month of a date far, far into the future, no
18:55.56Shirikit's a unix time - the number of seconds since the "unix epoch," which is defined as jan 1, 00:00 1970 GMT
18:56.30Shirikbasically the important thing is the largest number is the most recent error
18:56.39Shirikit's the value returned from GetTime()
18:56.48Corrodiasokay, i think i have a handle on this, now
18:56.51foxlitYou sure?
18:57.02Shirikhrm, actually no it's not :P
18:57.02foxlitI thought GetTime() mapped to GetTickCount()
18:57.10Shirikyeah, so I need to remember where it got that value
18:57.13foxlittime() gives unix time.
18:57.18Shirikok that's it :P
18:57.25Corrodiasi believe ticks refers to the current uptime in seconds?
18:57.34Shirikyeah I used time() not GetTime()
18:57.45foxlitwin32 does it in microseconds; wow divides by thousand.
18:58.16foxlitSo yeah, at least on windows, and at least until int32 overflows, GetTime() should give system uptime in seconds
18:58.27Corrodias3249994397 -> 37.61 days
18:59.20Corrodiasoverflow happens around 45 days if i remember correctly
18:59.39foxlitNo, seconds.
18:59.43Shirik32 bits is around 4 billion so that sounds about right
18:59.44ThraeThe Windows API returns the milliseconds since the program was started through GetTickCount(), which is what Lua uses.
18:59.45Corrodiasmahiro: still around?
18:59.58Thraefoxlit: I'm talking about what *Windows* returns, not the Lua function.
19:00.09foxlit<foxlit> win32 does it in microseconds; wow divides by thousand.
19:00.12ThraeMicroseconds ~= Milliseconds
19:00.18foxlitOh. :)
19:00.21mahiroCorrodias: yes
19:00.25Shirik1ms = 1/1000 sec
19:00.51Corrodiasokay, i can give you a couple of files that amount to a standalone VFL Error Log and you just have to insert a couple of lines into the .lua file of Improved Error Frame to make it work
19:00.55foxlitI claim typos :)
19:01.09Corrodiaswell, a standalone saved-variables-logging portion of it anyway
19:02.01mahiroCorrodias: i activated buggrabber and bugsack and it catched the error
19:02.05Corrodiasdoes VARIABLES_LOADED fire after the variables for -all- addons are loaded, or just the ones for the addon of the frame in question?
19:02.17Corrodiasit caught them on logout?
19:02.29foxlitADDON_LOADED is the individual version of that
19:02.30Shirikpoor Corrodias :(
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19:03.55Shirik>>> return time();
19:04.01ThraeCorrodias: You're forgetting, frames aren't tied to addons. They are special data structures which, once instantiated, exist both in Lua and in the underlying WoW environment. Whether local or global, it can still be accessed through EnumerateFrames.
19:04.51Corrodiasit's not that i've forgotten, it's more that i don't know much
19:05.01Corrodiasthat should have been a semicolon
19:05.10Shirik>>> return time();
19:05.14Shirikwtb working Cide :(
19:05.28Cide>>> return time()
19:05.28CideCide: 1173899127
19:05.33Shirikok anyway
19:05.38CideI have to load the py script :P
19:05.54Shirikdoes time() return a unix time or a time in the computer's time zone?
19:06.01ThraeCorrodias: All events are global instances, sent out to any frame registered for them. Such as ADDON_LOADED, which is not necessarily sent to the addon that has been loaded first. All events are sent in a non-standard order (possibly by the order they were registered, possibly not).
19:06.18CideThe time function, when called without arguments, returns the current date and time, coded as a number. (In most systems, that number is the number of seconds since some epoch.)
19:06.45Shirikhmm, why does my lua interpreter say time is nil?
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19:07.05Cideare you using 5.1?
19:07.07Corrodiasperhaps it is god and exists without time
19:07.24Shirik> return time();
19:07.24Shirikstdin:1: attempt to call global 'time' (a nil value)
19:07.48ThraeShirik: Must be a dual core system -- the dual core architecture is a paradox, where two events can happen at the same time ;)
19:07.48Cidewell, you can access it via os.time, but I'm not creating a copy
19:08.10Shirikah that worked
19:08.24Shirik>>> return time();
19:08.25CideShirik: 1173899303
19:08.32Shirikwhat time zone are you in Cide?
19:08.35ThraeYeah, it's os.time for strict Lua. WoW makes reference copies, as it doesn't want to give access to the os structure
19:08.36Cide+1 gmt
19:08.43Shirikok so it must be against UTC
19:08.46ShirikI'm GMT-5
19:08.53Shirikand those are identical
19:08.54Cidemaybe cogwheel added a copy because wow does
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19:16.15Corrodiasthis buggrabber/bugsack is smooth. i'll use it.
19:16.49Corrodiasi don't regret time wasted on other things. i need to keep a -little- familiar with programming. i start my new job in half a month.
19:16.57Shirik>>> c = ""; for i = 10,50 do c = c .. string.char(i); end return c;
19:16.57CideShirik: "\n\r
19:17.33Shirik>>> c = string.char(24) .. "NOTICE #wowi-lounge hello everyone"; return c;
19:17.33CideShirik: "NOTICE #wowi-lounge hello everyone"
19:17.56Shirik>>> c = string.char(23) .. "NOTICE #wowi-lounge hello everyone"; return c;
19:17.56CideShirik: "NOTICE #wowi-lounge hello everyone"
19:18.01Shirik>>> c = string.char(25) .. "NOTICE #wowi-lounge hello everyone"; return c;
19:18.01CideShirik: "NOTICE #wowi-lounge hello everyone"
19:18.04ShirikI give up
19:18.10Shirikoff to lunch
19:18.19ShirikThere's something there
19:18.22Shiriklook, the string got cut off
19:18.25ShirikI noticed it yesterday
19:18.56Corrodiaswhat are you talking about?
19:19.14ShirikI'll think about it some more :/
19:19.43Corrodiasyou only got up to 25.. according to what i see, there is at least one more character at the end, then it stops
19:20.01Corrodias>>> c = string.char(26) .. "-test"; return c;
19:20.01CideCorrodias: "
19:20.11Corrodias>>> c = string.char(27) .. "-test"; return c;
19:20.11CideCorrodias: "-test"
19:20.14Shirik|Lunch>>> c = string.char(26) .. "NOTICE #wowi-lounge hello everyone"; return c;
19:20.14CideShirik|Lunch: "
19:20.26Cidedid it work? can't tell from here
19:20.30Shirik|Lunchnope :/
19:20.37Corrodiasit is displaying the opening quotation, then nothingness
19:20.43Cideyeah, same here
19:20.44Corrodiasi don't know what it's supposed to be
19:20.46Shirik|Lunchwonder why it does that though, what's 26... *goes to ascii table*
19:21.01Shirik|LunchCorrodias: My goal was to make her do this
19:21.45Shirik|LunchASCII 26 is SUB "substitute"
19:21.47Shirik|Lunchwhat does that mean :/
19:21.58Corrodiasit means gtfo, i dunno
19:22.07Shirik|Lunchright... lunch time
19:26.32Shirik|LunchASCII 26 is the EOF character for Windows
19:26.40Shirik|Lunchthat must have something to do with it
19:27.43Shadowed~lart Shirik|Lunch
19:34.20mahiroyay reduced the increasing rate from 150 to about 5 in combat:D now thats a difference:D
19:34.41Lejif anyone goot some spare time could they look throught this script It's supposed to show what you get from prospecting in item tooltips and it was working just find but I changed something and it broke.. Getting error on line 212 "Attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'Drop' ( a nil value)"
19:35.07LejI just can't find what went wrong...
19:35.26LejBet it's something simple and I'll look like an idiot tho.
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19:47.14JoshBorke~seen Mikk
19:47.40purlmikk <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 48d 19h 4m 30s ago, saying: 'Did I mention that she's ferlol and has maxed stealth talent? =P'.
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20:27.45ShadowedLej: You aren't checking to make sure you have an entry in ProspectInfo_OreData[oreName]["Data"][key1] or ProspectInfo_OreData[oreName]["Data"][key2] before you do math on it, so you have it trying to do something like "nil / 50 > 30 / 50"
20:28.27*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
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20:36.57LejShadowed: The thing is the Drop entry exist for all items so I can't see how it should fail
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20:40.02Shirik>>> return 0/0;
20:40.02CideShirik: -1.#IND
20:40.10Shirik>>> return nil/nil;
20:40.10CideShirik: [string "return nil/nil;"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value
20:40.23Shirik>>> function a() debug.sethook(function() end) while(true) do end; end seterrorhandler(a); return nil/nil;
20:40.23CideShirik: [string "function a() debug.sethook(function() end) ..."]:1: attempt to call global 'seterrorhandler' (a nil value)
20:40.30Shirikcurses, foiled again.
20:40.41ShadowedLej: What if you're viewing the tooltip of an item without it?
20:41.00Shadoweddid you check key1/key2 values yet too
20:41.23ShirikLej: You should never assume anything, really. Test the values before you perform math on them
20:41.59ShirikI find Lua's result for 0/0 ... interesting
20:42.15Cide>>> 1/0, 0/0
20:42.15CideCide: attempt to call a nil value
20:42.19LejI'll print out the some info on the vars ab we'll see
20:42.20Cide>>> return 1/0, 0/0
20:42.20CideCide: 1.#INF       -1.#IND
20:42.36CideI also like
20:42.42Cide>>> return (0/0) == (0/0)
20:42.42CideCide: false
20:43.07Shirik>>> return (1/0) == (1/0)
20:43.07CideShirik: true
20:43.15Shirikthat's mathematically correct, too
20:43.23Shirik0/0 is not equal to 0/0 because 0/0 is undefined
20:43.28Shirikbut 1/0 does have a value
20:43.55CideI had a nice bug where my health bar was going across the whole screen
20:44.06Cidebecause I did HealthBar:SetValue(0/0)
20:44.15Cideso now I have...
20:44.23Cideif ( health ~= health ) then HealthBar:SetValue(health); end
20:45.10Shirikthat's.... interesting
20:45.13Kasothats pretty clever
20:45.17Shirikanyone who runs by that would be like "what the hell"
20:45.30Cidehaha, yeah
20:46.25krkaimo, you should check for bad values _before_ you even get to that point
20:46.25Shirik>>> return ((0/0) ~= (0/0))
20:46.25CideShirik: true
20:46.31krkai.e. before the division
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20:47.06ShirikI'm honestly surprised lua even allows the division
20:47.17Shirikconsidering most processors and languages throw exceptions when you attempt to divide by zero
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20:48.02Cidekrka: actually, I think I do now.. I can't find that piece of code anymore
20:48.28Cidelua doesn't have exceptions really
20:48.41krkalua kinda does, in form of errors
20:48.41Shirikyeah but I mean
20:48.43Cidepcall() and error()
20:48.54Cidebut that's not very strong :)
20:48.58Shirikx86 processor doesn't even allow division by zero
20:49.03Shirikso lua has to encapsulate that division
20:49.07ShirikI just tested it
20:49.34Shirik followed by application crash
20:50.37CideI wonder what python does
20:51.00Cidethrows ZeroDivisionError for both 1/0 and 0/0
20:51.05ShirikI know C would either fail to compile if the compiler can recognize it as division by zero, or cause an application crash if caught at runtime
20:52.06Shirik>>> return 1/0;
20:52.06CideShirik: 1.#INF
20:52.14Shirik>>> return -1/0;
20:52.14CideShirik: -1.#INF
20:52.21Shirik>>> return 2/0;
20:52.21CideShirik: 1.#INF
20:52.50Cide>>> return -0/0
20:52.50CideCide: -1.#IND
20:53.21Lejok so for some reason ProspectInfo_OreData["Copper Ore"]["Data"]["Malachite"]["Drop"] resturns nil
20:53.32Lejnow if I just could find out why
20:54.06KasoLej do you have devtools?
20:54.13Lejnope, I got notepad
20:54.18purlIriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
20:54.28Kasowith that ^ you can do /dump ProspectInfo_OreData
20:54.34Kasoand it will show you the whole table layout
20:54.41Lejthat would be helpful indeed
20:55.19ShirikIt's so helpful, it's shown on one of the ui screens on the WoWI Updater!
20:55.28ShirikAlso because it seemed a good neutral party :P
20:55.38bleetahand ditch notepad, use a more advanced editor such as
20:55.47Shirikor SciTE
20:55.58LejI got SciTE acually
20:56.10Shirikthen why are you using notepad
20:56.19Cidetextpad ftw
20:56.22Shirikand bleetah should be using vi
20:56.24hastevim ftw!
20:56.33Lejwell it stared as a 10 line script then it just grew :<
20:56.34bleetahhey shirik.. the WoWI update .. darg and drop targets
20:56.41krkainteresting... this means i need to handle this in my code
20:56.49bleetahShirik: who sez I ain't? :P
20:57.05Shirikdrag and drop what? The addon folders?
20:57.33bleetahwhen I get real bored, I rip out hexedit(1)
20:57.38bleetahnah, the DL links
20:57.46Shirikdrag them onto the addon?
20:57.57Shirikin the main frame?
20:58.05bleetahdrag the addon's DL onto the download manager
20:58.09bleetahI dunno, I ain't seen a working version yet :P
20:58.22Lejso how do you dump? /dump ProspectInfo_OreData?
20:58.27Shirikshows you a pic of the main frame at
20:58.39Shirikbleetah: I think I know what's going on and I know of a way to fix it, too
20:58.47Shirikso hopefully linux will work soon enough
20:58.56Shirikchewing coffee?
20:59.39bleetahnone of this low-fat caffeine free sugar free distilled water crap for me
20:59.56Lejyay I found the problem
20:59.56bleetahalmost like turkish coffee where the spoon will stay vertical
21:00.04Lejforgot to clean saved variables
21:00.08LejI think
21:00.32bleetahnever ceased to amaze me back in my youf when I delivered pizzas.. people would order pizza with the lot, and extras.. etc etc etc... and a bottle of diet coke. DIET COKE WTF!?
21:00.42Shirikhahah I know
21:00.55Shirikor order a big mac, supersize, with fries, and a diet coke
21:01.27Lejmaybe they just like the taste :P
21:01.38ShirikDoes it taste good? I can't try it, I'm allergic :(
21:01.58Shirikmy mom's fault, she is too >.>
21:02.11bleetahonly way it'd taste good is if their taste buds had been first burned off with some oxy gear
21:06.27Lejdo you have to restart WoW when editing .toc or xml?
21:06.42Cidedepends on what you do
21:06.44Cidefor xml, no
21:06.59Lejadded another scipt file in the xml
21:07.02Cidethen yes
21:07.14Cideya, I think so
21:07.40CideI don't use xml's very often anymore so I can't remember for certain.. but I'm almost positive you have to restart then, yeah
21:08.40Shadowedas long as the file was in the folder when you logged in you can add it to XML without restarting i think
21:08.48Shadoweddont remember ever having to
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21:16.54Shadowedwe don't have to specifically load TGA, i always figured they loaded them all and if it sees them used in XML or TOC it loads them
21:17.13Lejwhen are saved variables laoded?
21:17.24Lejbefore the OnLoad event?
21:17.32ShadowedWhen VARIABLES_LOADED is fired
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21:23.20wereHamsterCide, I've heard you don'
21:23.44wereHamstert have to restart WoW if you add a script to the toc file, only if you change a ## field
21:24.01Cideusers complain all the time if I do that, because they get errors on load
21:24.34Cidebut it might have something to do with if the file is in there when you launch wow, dunno
21:26.13ShadowedwereHamster: Add or add and remove?
21:28.30wereHamsterdon't know
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21:29.22wereHamsterbut I understood it that you have to restart WoW only if you change ## fields, everything else is reread on /reloadui
21:29.38wereHamster.. but I never tested it myself
21:30.30cogwheel|workwereHamster: any change to the .toc file requires a restart
21:32.18ShadowedWhy is that anyway? What are they trying to prevent
21:32.18cogwheel|workdon't think it's necessarily anything like that... it just loads them all at once and then caches them
21:32.18cogwheel|workit's just "how it works"
21:32.19cogwheel|workYou can get around it by using an XML file to load all your scripts & other XMLs
21:32.29cogwheel|work(except of course the metadata)
21:32.37Shadowedyeah I know that, was just wondering if they had a specific reason for not reloading the TOC file
21:32.54cogwheel|workprobably just a "'cause that's how it's always been done" :)
21:33.34Shadowedguess so!
21:35.28Lejis there any easy way to merge two similar arrays?
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21:37.51Shadowedturn { "foo", "bar" } and { "candy", "bar" } into { "foo", "bar", "candy", "bar" } is what he meant I'd imagine
21:39.14Lejpretty much
21:39.38Kasofor i,val in ipairs(secondTable) do table.insert(firstTable,val) end
21:40.10Kasothats if its a numeric indexed table, if it has anything else as its key use
21:40.34Kasofor key,val in pairs(secondTable) do firstTable[key]=val end
21:41.14Lejthat should be useful
21:45.12LejProspectInfo_Settings = { UseBaseData = true }; why does ProspectInfo_Settings.UseBaseData return nil?
21:45.42Cideit doesn't
21:45.54wereHamsterWoW scans the _whole_ directory structure under the installation directory at startup
21:45.55Cide>>> ProspectInfo_Settings = { UseBaseData = true }; return ProspectInfo_Settings.UseBaseData
21:45.55CideCide: true
21:46.18Lejthen I'm doing something else wrong ^^
21:46.32Cideis it a saved variable?
21:46.58LejCide: ... >_<
21:47.07Cidethat doesn't help
21:47.33Lejit is a saved var and it had gotten saved as nil
21:47.55Cidethere you go
21:48.07CideI think AnduinLothar is the one to blame for that :P
21:48.32Cidesaving savedvariables as nil
21:48.33cogwheel|workit used to be that savedvariables didn't save nils
21:49.04CideI thought he didn't want that
21:49.09AnduinLothari liked the way it used to be
21:49.19AnduinLotharbut iriel wanted cleaner SV
21:49.33CideI thought you said you said you wanted it "the old way", but it was misinterpreted or something
21:49.38wereHamster.. it started doing that somewhere around 1.9, that's why it takes a few seconds until I get to see the login screen, wine is slow at directory scaning
21:50.13StephmwwereHamster: are you still using your branch of wine?
21:50.24Cideif you mean a few seconds from launch -> display of username/password boxes.. that happens for everyone
21:51.00Shadowedisn't that the anti virus thing?
21:51.28Cideif it is what I just said, then yes
21:51.52cogwheel|workit downloads a new copy of scan.dll when you start up
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21:52.35wereHamsterStephmw, yes
21:54.17wereHamsterCide, interesting.. time to 'chmod 0000 Scan.dll' then.. just like during BC beta testing
21:54.42krkathose were the days!
21:54.59krkathat was around the same time i decided not to buy wow ever
21:55.20wereHamsteryou mean BC.. ?
21:55.24krkai thought to myself, if blizzard goes down this path, it could really make my linux gaming more difficult
21:55.34krkawell, bc and wow
21:55.44Shadowedwell if you're using Linux in general you should probably realise you wont have an easy time with games
21:55.55Shadoweds/easy time/aways have an easy time/
21:57.17krkasome games yes
21:57.22krkawow worked perfectly fine
21:57.30wereHamsterWoW has worked surprisingly well for me.. but I'm hacking on wine, and quickly fix all bugs that break WoW :P
21:58.57StephmwwereHamster: great to know :)
21:59.23StephmwwereHamster: btw, I'm on wine 0.9.32 and I don't notice any difference between that and your branch, am I missing something?
22:00.07wereHamsterbtw, someone will be rewriting dsound as a google SoC project, so hopefully all the sound issues will be fixed later this year
22:01.17Stephmwwonderful :)
22:01.32Stephmwnow we just need someone to RE the ventrilo protocol and things will be peachy
22:01.57cogwheel|workwereHamster: do you have any idea how to get FSAA working on nvidia cards in WoW?
22:02.14cogwheel|work(not that I can even install any version of linux on my computer atm...)
22:02.19wereHamstercogwheel|work, my branch has a quick hack for that
22:03.11cogwheel|worki'll have to get in touch with you if i ever get something running...
22:04.02wereHamster - should also apply onto vanilla wine
22:05.10bleetahcogwheel|work: I can confirm wereHamster's patch there works
22:05.21cogwheel|workneat :)
22:05.45cogwheel|workNow to twiddle my thumbs waiting for a linux distro that will actually install on my computer...
22:06.01bleetahwrite the driver yerself ya lazy sod! :P
22:06.15wereHamsterStephmw, with vanilla wine, there is a ~1 second delay between a keypress and the corresponding sound, and that is very annoying, and also dangerouns if you need to quickly respond to situations
22:06.33cogwheel|workI'm sure by the time I a) figure out how, and b) actually do it, there will have been 50 or so distros I could've used...
22:06.49bleetahcogwheel|work: what was the chip name again?
22:07.01wereHamstermaybe it's because my soundcard doesn't have a hardware mixer, but it's annoying nonetheless
22:07.22bleetahsoftware mixing ftl
22:07.24StephmwwereHamster: ah. I'll bear it in mind - so far I'm just ambling through the 60-70 level quests
22:07.29Lejwhat sign does lua use for Not? if I want to invert a boolean: var = Not var
22:07.42wereHamsterwell.. onboard soundchip and only PCI-E slots
22:07.47Stephmwbah, I can't fit a soundcard in my shuttle box
22:07.59wereHamsterICE1424 (nForce) here
22:08.03Stephmwyeah, onboard sound.... sounds a little... scratchy at times
22:08.09Stephmwas well as stuttering
22:08.13cogwheel|workJMB 363. I can get kernels > 2.6.18 to boot on it, but even with all-generic-ide none of them will see the drive
22:09.13Stephmwhmm, says CK8S and Realtek ALC655
22:09.19bleetahm-audio delta66 24bit 96kHz glory
22:09.55ShadowedLej: var = not var
22:09.56hasteLej: var = not var
22:10.00hasteoh, hey
22:10.35CideI prefer
22:12.03Cidenevermind, I'm lazy
22:16.21cogwheel|workgah... i don't feel like compiling my own installer :|
22:16.28cogwheel|worki'm not *that* much of a linux geek :P
22:16.45bleetahcogwheel|work: heh, fair enough... take it as 'news' then that's it's being looked at pretty seriously
22:17.26cogwheel|workI know... it's been since September when I first tried though... 6 months is a long time to wait :(
22:17.38Stephmwbleetah: any idea how you can tell from there which release it's gone into (if any)?
22:18.16bleetahStephmw: poke around the git tree, I guess ;)
22:18.16wereHamsterI'd guess it's in 2.6.18rc2, ot 2.6.19 at the latest
22:18.42bleetahyeah, it'd seem it's in the test version of the next ubuntu, and stuff.. I don't have a 2.6.20 kernel here to look at
22:18.43Stephmwah. at work we have a <fixed in release XXX> field on our error tracker, hence my question
22:19.10bleetahStephmw: ok, then look at the kernel bug tracker :P
22:24.54bleetahcogwheel|work: I'm seeing some reports that current ubuntu will work with an updated bios (1.6) and IOAPC disabled within the BIOS, this on an MSI p965 Neo mobo ...
22:25.18cogwheel|worki'm using an asus p5b, but i'll see if that helps...
22:25.22cogwheel|work<3 ubuntu ;)
22:25.47bleetah"I can now confirm that Ubuntu 6.10 will install and boot with the latest BIOS update for JMicron motherboards. For me, the mobo is ASUS P5B Deluxe with the latest BIOS update (any of the two that were released on Jan 07)."
22:25.52bleetahpost #278
22:26.06cogwheel|workneat :)
22:26.29bleetahg'luck mate.. I know you've been dieing to try it out if anything was reported as 'working'.. so, figured I'd hand on the info
22:26.35bleetahdon't blame me tho if it still don't work rofl
22:26.41cogwheel|worki won't
22:26.45cogwheel|workand i wouldn't be surprised XD
22:27.03bleetahjust blame Alan Cox for screwing up the original driver ;)
22:27.19Lejdoes += or a similar operator exist in lua?
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22:28.32bleetahcogwheel|work: although, having blamed Coxie, if it requires a BIOS update on the mobo to work.. blame the mobo manufacturer ;)
22:31.31cogwheel|workI actually just switched from an ECS P965T to the asus p5b after a failed bios update... I know there are a LOT more p5b users out there so i had hoped it would increase my chances of finding a solution :)
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22:43.54wereHamsterbleetah, `git-rev-name --tags 15e0c694367332d7e7114c7c73044bc5fed9ee48` will show you where it first appeared in.. apparently v2.6.18-rc2
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22:47.53bleetahwereHamster: yeah, reading through that Ubuntu forum, it states that the Ubuntu folks backported it into their 2.6.17 kernel
22:47.54zenzelezzso, what are we looking at in that picture?
22:48.04KasoThe phallic rocks.
22:48.28zenzelezzI guess I should be happy I didn't make that association
22:48.58bleetahthat rock formation 'features' in 'the internet is for porn' wow video
22:49.09KasoI did not know that
22:49.22Kasoit had to be deleberately put in though, i mean its so perfect
22:49.52cogwheel|workYou know, I didn't see what you were referring to until you said that...
22:50.22KasoPerhaps ive just got a childish psyche
22:50.42cogwheel|workNah... i just thought i was supposed to be looking at the UI or something...
22:50.55Kasomy UI was pretty crap back then also
22:52.27TC_Working"Women should be obscene and not heard." ~ Groucho Marx
22:54.11LejAny tips on how I I would get the names of the items I get when I prospect a stack of ore?
22:55.04cogwheel|workscan through the loot window when it opens as a result of prospecting?
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22:59.06bleetah"You can lead a horticulture but you can't make her think" ~ Dorothy Parker
22:59.26bleetahhmm, major reprogramming time
23:00.31TC_Working"Being a woman is a terribly difficult task since it consists principally in dealing with men." ~ Joseph Conrad
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23:02.06bleetah"If all the young ladies who attended the Yale promenade dance were laid end to end, no one would be the least surprised." ~ Dorothy Parker (again)
23:02.16Lejso something like setting a var to true when casting prospect and then when loot get items if var is true and set var to false?
23:02.34TC_Working"Women are nothing but machines for producing children." ~ Napoléon Bonaparte
23:02.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
23:05.03*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
23:05.45bleetahnn wereHamster|zZz
23:08.28*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
23:13.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
23:21.42Shirik>>> a = string.char(13)..string.char(10).."PRIVMSG Shirik hello"; return string.char(string.byte(a),string.byte(a,2))..string.sub(a,3);
23:21.42CideShirik: "\r\nPRIVMSG Shirik hello"
23:22.39Cidestill trying? :)
23:22.56Shirikmy match isn't for another 2 hours I need something to do ><
23:23.09Cide>>> return string.char(13)..string.char(10) == string.char(13, 10)
23:23.09CideCide: true
23:23.29Shirik>>> return string.byte(string.char(13));
23:23.30CideShirik: 13
23:23.31Cidemight save you some typing :)
23:24.27foxlitquit/exit/stuff? :)
23:25.08Corrodiasi have a program! it makes it so pressing the windows key (but not combinations) doesn't do anything!
23:25.10Corrodiasit's nice!
23:25.15Shirik>>> return string.char(26).."return 1;";
23:25.15CideShirik: "
23:25.23Shiriksomething still bugs me about that char 26
23:25.26Shirikwhy it does that
23:25.27*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz_ (
23:26.01Corrodiasif that's the End Of File, then the IRC client receiving, or perhaps Cide's thing that's sending, the information decides that's the premature end of the stream
23:26.13Corrodiasis my guess
23:26.50Shirikwell it can't be the IRC server assuming the end of the stream, otherwise it would logically either (a) disconnect the client for an EOF error, or (b) accept that the following string is the next command
23:26.53Shirikboth of which aren't true
23:27.13Shirikcogwheel|work: All it says is 26 = "Substitute" which means nothing to me. After some research I found out, though, that 26 is the Windows EOF marker
23:27.46Corrodiasi dunno
23:27.57Corrodiasit could say "hmm, end of the message. rest is garbage".
23:28.00cogwheel|workah yes... I forgot that code 1-26 are represented by ctrl-A - ctrl-Z
23:28.04cogwheel|workctrl-Z being eof
23:28.10ShirikI remember seeing something about some temporary file in cide's script
23:28.14Corrodiasi'm not the one who programmed every program involved here
23:28.22Shirikso I'm wondering if it makes a premature end of that temp file
23:28.28Shirikbut if that were the case, I'd expect a lua error
23:28.36purlPorn remains one of the largest problems with Open Source Software. Often causing development delays, flooded links and, in extreme cases, disabling programmers ability to type.
23:28.51Legorolwhat's wrong with purl
23:29.02purli guess purl is one awesome bot!
23:29.03CideI think you haven't quite figured out the architecture behind the "bot"
23:29.20Shiriknot really, and it doesn't help that I don't know python
23:29.22Corrodiascairenn, typing really fast
23:29.35Corrodiasoh, you mean the Cide Lua Interpreter
23:29.45Shirikthe CLI
23:30.35Legorolso what's the link..
23:30.39Legoroland why is purl not responding
23:30.46Cairenn~for porn
23:30.58Legorolah, with a space
23:31.03Legorolthanks Cairenn, ever the helpful
23:31.28Cairennstill wonder what the other was about, but /shrug
23:31.32bleetahCairenn: trust you to know where the pr0n is :-P
23:31.35Shirik>>> a = ""; for i = 5, 15 do a = i .. ": " .. string.char(i).. " "; end return a;
23:31.36CideShirik: "15:  "
23:31.46Shirik>>> a = ""; for i = 5, 15 do a = a .. i .. ": " .. string.char(i).. " "; end return a;
23:31.46CideShirik: "5:  6:  7:  8:  9:  10: \n 11:  12:  13: \r 14:  15:  "
23:32.26Gnarfoz>>> a = ""; for i = 5, 15 do a = a .. i .. ": " .. string.char(i).. " "; end return a;
23:32.26CideGnarfoz: "5:  6:  7:  8:  9:  10: \n 11:  12:  13: \r 14:  15:  "
23:32.31Gnarfozascii beep
23:32.35*** part/#wowi-lounge _aLF (
23:32.37CideI get a beep too =(
23:32.56Shirik>>> return string.rep(7, 10);
23:32.56CideShirik: "7777777777"
23:33.01Shirik>>> return string.rep(string.char(7), 10);
23:33.02CideShirik: ""
23:33.08Cidedoes it beep for everyone in irc? :P
23:33.22Shirik>>> return string.rep(string.char(7), 50);
23:33.22CideShirik: ""
23:33.58bleetahI know it won't beep in gaim, 'coz we could never be bothered to implement gaim_bell.. IM bells/dings etc. are annoying ;)
23:34.40Shirik>>> return string.char(127);
23:34.40CideShirik: ""
23:35.00Shirik>>> return string.char(141);
23:35.00CideShirik: "Â"
23:35.20Shirik>>> return string.char(268);
23:35.20CideShirik: [string "return string.char(268);"]:1: bad argument #1 to 'char' (invalid value)
23:35.36ShirikCide wins :(
23:35.46ShirikI'm completely out of ideas
23:36.31Shirik>>> return string.rep(string.char(26), 1000);
23:36.31CideShirik: "
23:36.47Shirikdid you impose a string limit btw?
23:37.05Cide>>> return string.rep("a", 10000)
23:37.06CideCide: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
23:37.10Shirikgood good
23:37.41Shirik>>> return type(table)
23:37.41CideShirik: "table"
23:39.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
23:39.51*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre- (
23:40.31CideI think most of your ideas fail because my script is so simple :P
23:41.13Shirik>>> function a(n) if (n == 0) return 0; else return n, select(1, a(n-1)); return a(100);
23:41.13CideShirik: attempt to call a nil value
23:41.15foxlitIs that LUA?
23:41.17*** join/#wowi-lounge morganm (
23:41.19Shirik>>> function a(n) if (n == 0) return 0; else return n, select(1, a(n-1)); end return a(100);
23:41.19CideShirik: attempt to call a nil value
23:41.27Shirik>>> return type(select);
23:41.27CideShirik: "function"
23:41.35Shirik>>> function a(n) if (n == 0) then return 0; else return n, select(1, a(n-1)); end return a(100);
23:41.36CideShirik: attempt to call a nil value
23:41.50Corrodiasyoure using semivolons
23:41.55Corrodiasyou're using semicolons
23:41.56Cidesemicolons are fine :)
23:42.00Shiriklua ignores them
23:42.00Corrodiasi don't think his script liked them before
23:42.09Cidedoesn't matter
23:42.11Corrodiashm, okay
23:42.13foxlit>>> return type(os);
23:42.13Cidefoxlit: "nil"
23:42.18Cideit takes it all and puts it into the lua interpreter
23:42.47Cide>>> function a(n) if (n == 0) then return 0; else return n, (a(n-1)); end return a(100)
23:42.47CideCide: attempt to call a nil value
23:42.59Cide>>> local a; a = function(n) if (n == 0) then return 0; else return n, (a(n-1)); end return a(100)
23:42.59CideCide: attempt to call a nil value
23:43.13Cidewe're stupid
23:43.17Cide>>> function a(n) if (n == 0) then return 0; else return n, (a(n-1)); end end return a(100)
23:43.17CideCide: 100       99
23:43.20Corrodiasyou are?
23:43.28CideShirik and I are :P
23:43.35Shirik>>> function a(n) if (n == 0) then return 0; else return n, select(1, a(n-1)); end end return a(100)
23:43.35CideShirik: 100       99       98       97       96       95       94       93       92       91       90       89       88       87       86       85       84       83       82       81       80       79       7
23:43.41Shirikhmmm you protected against that too
23:43.51Shirikomg I missed an end. ..
23:43.51Corrodiasprotected against...?
23:44.10ShirikCorrodias: against a flood
23:44.25foxlitWhat about more evil things?
23:44.26foxlit>>> i = 0; while true do i = i + 1 end
23:44.28Corrodiasyeah, i'd assume he just has a maximum output length on the whole thing
23:44.32Cidefoxlit: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
23:44.34Shirikthere's a maximum time foxlit :P
23:44.56foxlitAnd no libraries loaded?
23:44.56Shirikand don't try resetting the debug hook too; I caught that a while back too
23:44.57Corrodias>>> return "foxlit is a doodiehead"
23:44.57CideCorrodias: "foxlit is a doodiehead"
23:45.01Corrodiashe sure is
23:45.02Shirikoh they're loaded
23:45.19Shirikbut then Cide does something like _G['debug'] = nil; before we get to our code
23:45.34Corrodiasdebug hook? see, Lua is way more fun than Java
23:46.30Shirik>>> a = {}; for key, pair in pairs(_G) do if (type(pair) == "table") then table.insert(a, key); end end return select(1, key);
23:46.40Shirikno global tables?!
23:46.44Shirikthat can't be right
23:46.58Shirikoh whoops
23:47.01Shirikthat was moronic
23:47.11Corrodiaswhat's select(1, key)?
23:47.14Corrodiaswhat's select?
23:47.16Shirika stupid statement
23:47.24foxlit>>> k = 0; for key, pair in pairs(_G) do if (type(pair) == "table") then k = k + 1 end end return k;
23:47.24Cidefoxlit: 8
23:47.29Cideselect(1, ...) doesn't have much of a use :P
23:47.33Cideselect(1, ...) == ...
23:47.40Shiriksure it does
23:47.46Shirik>>> function a(n) if (n == 0) then return 0; else return n, select(1, a(n-1)); end end return a(100)
23:47.46CideShirik: 100       99       98       97       96       95       94       93       92       91       90       89       88       87       86       85       84       83       82       81       80       79       7
23:47.48Shirikthat used it
23:47.53Shirikif you didn't use select...
23:48.00Cide>>> function a(n) if (n == 0) then return 0; else return n, a(n-1); end end return a(100)
23:48.00CideCide: 100       99       98       97       96       95       94       93       92       91       90       89       88       87       86       85       84       83       82       81       80       79       7
23:48.02Shirik>>> function a(n) if (n == 0) then return 0; else return n, a(n-1); end end return a(100)
23:48.03CideShirik: 100       99       98       97       96       95       94       93       92       91       90       89       88       87       86       85       84       83       82       81       80       79       7
23:48.05Corrodias>>> select(3, {a, b, c, d})
23:48.07Cideidenical output :)
23:48.12ShirikI thought it only took the first
23:48.19Corrodiasi guess i don't know how select works
23:48.20Shirikok so select(1, ...) is worthless
23:48.26Shirikselect(n, ...) means
23:48.39Corrodiaswhat does ... mean?
23:48.39Shirikreturn all parameters in ... starting with parameter # n
23:48.44Cide... is a list
23:48.44Shirikmeans any number of parameters
23:48.47foxlitk = ""; for key, pair in pairs(_G) do if (type(pair) == "table") then k = k .. key .. " "; end end return k;
23:48.53Corrodias>>> select(2, a, v, s, r, s)
23:48.53Shirikso like....
23:48.54foxlit>>> k = ""; for key, pair in pairs(_G) do if (type(pair) == "table") then k = k .. key .. " "; end end return k;
23:48.54Cidefoxlit: "wow _G coroutine string bit table arg math "
23:48.56Cideselect(2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) == 2, 3, 4, 5
23:49.22Shirik>>> k = ""; for key, pair in pairs(_G) do if (type(pair) == "table") then k = k .. key .. " "; end end return k;
23:49.23CideShirik: "wow _G coroutine string bit table arg math "
23:49.24Corrodiasi just tried that
23:49.32Shirikoh I missed that result :P
23:49.39Corrodias_G has a reference to itself. that's cute.
23:49.43Shirik>>> k = ""; for key, pair in pairs(arg) do if (type(pair) == "table") then k = k .. key .. " "; end end return k;
23:49.43CideShirik: ""
23:49.45Corrodias>>> _G = nil
23:49.52Shirik>>> k = ""; for key, pair in pairs(arg) do if (type(pair) == "function") then k = k .. key .. " "; end end return k;
23:49.52CideShirik: ""
23:50.05Shirik>>> k = ""; for key, pair in pairs(coroutine) do if (type(pair) == "function") then k = k .. key .. " "; end end return k;
23:50.05CideShirik: "resume yield status wrap create running "
23:50.44Corrodiasoh noes
23:50.56Corrodias>>> select(2, a, v, s, r, s)
23:50.57Shirik>>> coroutine.create(function() while(true) do end end); return 1;
23:50.58CideShirik: 1
23:51.01Corrodiasso you'd have to explain to me why that does nothing
23:51.11foxlitvsrs undefined?
23:51.12Corrodias>>> return select(2, a, v, s, r, s)
23:51.22Corrodias>>> return {select(2, a, v, s, r, s)}
23:51.22CideCorrodias: table: 0089B560
23:51.23Shirik>>> a = coroutine.create(function() while(true) do end end); return coroutine.resume(a); return 1
23:51.23CideShirik: attempt to call a nil value
23:51.37Shirik>>> return type(coroutine);
23:51.37CideShirik: "table"
23:51.44Cide>>> return select(2, "a", "b", "c", "d", "e")
23:51.45CideCide: "b"       "c"       "d"       "e"
23:51.57Cide>>> return select(math.random(1, 5), "a", "b", "c", "d", "e")
23:51.57CideCide: "a"       "b"       "c"       "d"       "e"
23:51.59Shirikreturn type(coroutine.resume);
23:52.03Shirik>>> return type(coroutine.resume);
23:52.03CideShirik: "function"
23:52.57Shirik>>> a, b = coroutine.create(function() while(true) do end end); if (not a) return b; end return type(a);
23:52.57CideShirik: attempt to call a nil value
23:53.00foxlit>>> return string.rep(string.char(8),3).. "Hi!")
23:53.00Cidefoxlit: attempt to call a nil value
23:53.07Shirik>>> return type(coroutine.create);
23:53.08CideShirik: "function"
23:53.35foxlit>>> return string.rep(string.char(8),3).. "Hi!"
23:53.36Cidefoxlit: "Hi!"
23:54.17Shirik>>> function f() while (true) do end end; a, b = coroutine.create(f); if (not a) then return b; end return type(a);
23:54.17CideShirik: "thread"
23:54.25Shirik>>> function f() while (true) do end end; a, b = coroutine.create(f); if (not a) then return b; end return coroutine.resume(a);
23:54.38ShirikI am victorious once again
23:54.54foxlit>>> function f() while (true) do end end; a, b = coroutine.create(f); if (not a) then return b; end return coroutine.resume(a); return "finished"
23:55.07CideShirik: "thread"
23:55.07Cidefoxlit: attempt to call a nil value
23:55.28Corrodiasstarted an infinite thread?
23:55.35Shirikwhich doesn't have the debug hook
23:55.52Corrodiasi really don't know what a debug hook is, sorry
23:55.59Corrodiasi may be a career programmer, but i'm a noob ;P
23:56.02Shirikit's how Cide is causing the script to stop after 5 second
23:56.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Bleeter (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
23:56.18Shirikafter each line of code your script executes, it goes to the debug hook function that Cide defined
23:56.27ShirikCide tests it against the time to make sure 5s hasn't passed since start
23:56.34Shirikif it has, then the script is suspended with an error
23:56.53Shirikyou do it with debug.sethook(), which Cide has blocked from us
23:57.18Shirikunfortunately, any new threads don't get hooked, so if I make a new thread, the new thread doesn't go to that function, thus time is never tested
23:57.30foxlit>>> x = 5;
23:57.34foxlit>>> return x;
23:57.42Shirikalso, each script has its own space :P
23:57.45Shirikyou can tell by doing this
23:57.46foxlitMeh, non-persistant environments aren't fun.
23:57.54Shirik>>> return tostring(_G);
23:57.54CideShirik: "table: 00941170"
23:57.55Shirik>>> return tostring(_G);
23:57.55CideShirik: "table: 003B1170"
23:58.24Cidetry now
23:58.32Shirik>>> function f() while (true) do end end; a, b = coroutine.create(f); if (not a) then return b; end return coroutine.resume(a);
23:58.40CideShirik: "table: 003B1170"
23:58.44Cidedidn't work
23:58.53Shirikyou should just do _G['coroutine'] = nil
23:58.57Shirikthere's no use for it in these scripts
23:58.57Cidethat's no fun
23:59.16ShirikI think
23:59.17Shirikwhat if you
23:59.19Shirikdid this
23:59.32foxlitDoes each coroutine get a fresh _G, then?
23:59.33Cide>>>  function f() while (true) do end end; a, b = coroutine.create(f); if (not a) then return b; end return coroutine.resume(a);
23:59.41CideCide: "table: 003B1170"

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