irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070313

00:00.32batrickhow intuitive!
00:00.49Mortiusyeah can't believe you didn't find that yourself.  gosh.
00:00.59Mortiusit right there in the users folder!  
00:01.10Mortiusunder appdata local virtualstore
00:01.38Mortiusburied 6 folders deep, why not.
00:01.45batrickhaha i found my 13MB combat log
00:02.24wereHamsterI thought the limit on SV files was smaller
00:02.43Esamynn|ReadingwereHamster: limit on SV files?
00:02.55Esamynn|Readingthere is only 1 limit on SV files and it has nothing to do with the file size
00:02.56wereHamsterhow big a SV file can be
00:03.21wereHamster.. and what's the limit? number of nested tables?
00:03.30Esamynn|Readingnumber of unique constants
00:03.40Esamynn|Reading2^18 - 1
00:04.47*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
00:05.31wereHamsterthat's 65536*4-1.. possible that I hit this limut with my combat log addon :(
00:07.20batrickjeeze what a mess, wow is reading the WTF folder in C:\Program Files\WoW and writing to the WTF in virtual store
00:07.35Esamynn|Readingoh god
00:07.50Esamynn|Readingnot only is it a hack, but it's a *BAD* hack
00:08.08Mortiusinstalling wow somewhere outside /program files/ should fix that :)
00:08.57batrickthink I'll do that right now >.>
00:09.03Mortiusits made me not want to install things to program files anymore...
00:11.55Esamynn|ReadingVista depresses me
00:12.06batrickit depresses me too
00:13.08Mortiusthere are some things I really like about it, but several things I don't.  I decided to stick it out.  I shouldn't have gotten it before more driver support was out though.
00:13.42batrickgraphics drivers are a mess, as soon as I can get a better bootloader, i'm going to go back to xp
00:13.53MortiusI love the search on the startbar that instantly finds whatever I'm looking for.
00:14.07Mortiusyou using NVidia or ATI?
00:14.43MortiusAre you using the beta drivers that were posted on around the 3rd of this month?
00:15.00Mortiuswhat issues are you having?
00:15.27batrickjust random crap, start menu freaks our after a coupole hours of multi tasking, requires me to restart
00:16.30batrickother times, when using full screen apps, like wow, my other screen becomes a 3 year olds painting
00:16.43MortiusOh thats a feature.  It's so you make sure to take a break after staring at the screen too long and thinking too hard.  M$ cares.
00:17.32Mortiusoh thats strange. :(  thought maybe you were having a similar issue as me, or one I've resolved, but nope.
00:18.52Mortiuslol.. I just talked to a GM today myself.
00:19.25MortiusI got an account warning :(
00:20.45Mortiusapparently I was grouped with a pastors daughter and she felt she wouldn't get into heaven unless she reported my for saying "holy shit".
00:21.52ag`Mortius: you're kidding me!
00:21.56Mortiusnope lol
00:22.26Esamynn|Readingwell, that is technically a violation I suppose
00:22.38Esamynn|Readingbut why she didn't have her profanity filter on is beyond me
00:22.51Mortiusyeah, I tried to use that, but apparently that is no excuse.
00:22.57Esamynn|Readingno, it's not
00:22.58[dRaCo]you got a warning for saying "holy shit"?
00:23.12Esamynn|Readingyou can if someone bothers to report you
00:23.16ag`batrick: omg they're fixing inner fire.
00:23.20Mortiusyes, well I scrolled back into my group and that was the only thing I saw that could of been offensive.
00:23.45Mortiusit just said "offensive or vulgur language"
00:23.59[dRaCo]any consequences?
00:24.11Mortiussaid "account action: warning"
00:24.11batrickshit is less offensive than damn imo... and CMs use damn
00:24.43Mortiusmy second warning, got one in december, that one was well deserved, lol.
00:25.00Mortiussomeone stole my mob and I was having a bad day.  lets just leave it at that.
00:26.44Mortiuswell, it was a little worse then that.. was that stupid quest in westfall where you got to take the traitor back to the entrance of VC.  this guy saw me coming, went and grabbed tons of mobs and then died right on me
00:27.10Mortiusso all the mobs aggroed the quest mob after he died, and I had to restart.
00:27.12Esamynn|Readingcan you say, griefing
00:27.22Mortiusyeah, so I called him a F'n A*hole.
00:27.28Mortiuswarning #1.
00:28.05KarrionI like to take my swearing out on the gold-seller whisper bots
00:28.25Karrionthey're much less likely to report you ;-)
00:28.38MortiusI got like 10 of those yesterday on my level 1 that I was testing code with.
00:29.00Esamynn|ReadingI swear, the gold selling ads have gotten a lot worse in the last couple months
00:29.04Karrionyeah there seems to be a particular one at the moment
00:29.21Esamynn|ReadingI've gotten more this year than in all of 05 and 06 combined
00:29.41Esamynn|Readingsubstantially more
00:29.44wereHamsterI don't understand why blizzard doesn't band their accounts..
00:29.48Mortiuswell, people must be buying.  if people would stop then they would go away.
00:30.21MortiusI think its more revenue for blizz in a way..  some people want to buy their money and not work for it.. if they can't then maybe they wouldn't be playing...
00:30.22Karrionyeah, either: there's a lot of business about with people wanting their epic flying mount
00:30.44wereHamsterblizzard could make a simple whisper filter that would catch those adds, report the name of the seller and than a GM could ban that account
00:30.46Karrionor, the business has dried up more since BC, and they're desperate for buyers
00:31.00Mortiusor maybe its really blizzard selling the gold!  :O  what a scam that would be.
00:31.05[dRaCo]there are addons to do that ^^"
00:31.19ag`So what's up with the troll bandwagon about the movie 300 on the general boards?
00:31.20EsamynnI used to report every ad I saw or got in the mail
00:31.28EsamynnI don't always bother anymore
00:31.34wereHamsterI don't think the gold sellers would continue with those adds if they had to buy a new account every other day
00:31.44Mortiusyeah no kidding lol
00:31.47bleetahsaw someone on Ravenholdt US today complaining in General about forged or simulated AH CoD mail.. I couldn't stick 'round that long to see what was really going on, or ask questions
00:32.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov_ (
00:32.14bleetahI guess similar to the Argent Dawn CoD scam
00:32.18EsamynnwereHamster: except that, I bet they DO!
00:32.45Esamynnmaybe not quite that often, but I'd be very surprised if Blizzard wasn't VERY quick to ban accounts were the evidence was cut and dry
00:33.38wereHamsterdoes blizzard use a automatic filter or do they only react on user complaints?
00:34.06Mortiusthey don't seem to be doing either really.
00:35.29MortiusIt wouldn't be THAT hard to find all these accounts that are mailing lots of money to various people, you would think..
00:36.26MortiusI know two people, one in real life, who has bought gold from them before.
00:37.32Karrionthing is, say blizz bans once a day, they'd have to buy a new account every day, that's what, ~$US50/day?
00:38.02Karrionso if they can make more than that, which means basically a single sale per day, it's still worth doing it
00:38.28Mortiusthat also means it's more beneficial to blizzard to ban accounts.. heh
00:38.37Karrionyeah it does
00:39.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
00:39.17MortiusIt's not the ad's, there has to be gold farmers.. high level ones.  ban those ones.
00:39.32Mortiusleveling back up to 70 isn't so quick.
00:39.51[dRaCo]you cant ban someone for farming gold
00:40.06Mortiuswhat about if you farm gold and send 1000's to various people daily
00:40.18Corrodiassorry about caps, that's my vent key
00:40.38MortiusI use scroll lock.. wtf is scroll lock suppose to be used for anyway
00:40.45Corrodiasif i were feeding gold to my alts, i'd be rather irritated for being banned
00:40.53wereHamsterscroll lock = priceless in a terminal
00:41.11Mortiusoh heh, shows you how much I use that.
00:41.25Mortiusyes, I can see feeding to someone on your own account..
00:41.33wereHamster^s and ^q :)
00:41.34Mortiusbut to 30-40 other accounts..
00:42.05Karrionbut they wouldn't, they'd feed to one or two low level mules on throwaway accounts
00:42.20Karrionand use them to distribute to buyers
00:42.32Mortiusyou would think it would leave a trail
00:42.37Mortiusin a log file somewhere
00:42.47Karrionprobably laundered through the AH and things a couple of times
00:44.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngngsk (
00:45.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Tricky (
00:45.20Trickycan i ask a question about a talent build here?
00:45.51Cairennyou can, you may or may not get an answer
00:46.06Trickyis a cold blood,, build good for leveling from 23-70?
00:46.14Trickyit gives burst damage and lots of crits and + damage, so it seems good
00:46.36Trickyall i seem to see in sword combat builds are tons of like 15 second buff skills etc., which seem useless for me
00:47.30Mortiusthat is basically the build I was told was best to level.  that was one persons opinion told to me.
00:47.37TainLevelling builds that rely on stealth are slower to level.
00:47.49ShadowedCombat with a sword or a mace are better for leveling
00:48.07TainYeah.  I like mace for levelling, but it depends on what weapons you can get.
00:48.16Nom-Yeah Sword/Mace > All for levelling
00:48.16[dRaCo]sword based sinister strike builds are pretty easy to play and do good dps, I'd go for that
00:48.16TainWhatever the best sword or mace you can get for your level is what you should be using.
00:48.21Trickyso i should just follow the guide at ?
00:48.34Trickyfrom 10-39
00:48.35Nom-Other specs rely on crit rating, which is hard to get while levelling
00:48.51Trickywell i'm criting ALOT at level 23 o_o
00:48.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
00:49.06TainAh a lot of Rogue armor that is auction house-able has lots of agi and crit or to hit.
00:49.47Nom-You want crit rating for other builds...+agi doesn't give enough
00:50.07Nom-And it's a lot easier to get uber swords and maces (with or without crit)
00:50.17Trickyevery single piece of equip i have is of the monkey
00:50.25TainBut for combat build levelling AGI is the way to go because you always get your dodge as well.
00:50.38Nom-+agi doesn't give enough crit to justify speccing away from combat :)
00:50.50TainNothing justifies speccing away from combat while levelling.
00:50.52Trickyright now! i have a Sword of Decay main handed and Blackfang offhanded
00:50.58Trickyand i have no talent points used
00:51.15Trickycrit chance 9.37%
00:51.58Nom-Anyone know of some good healing trinkets?  This is what i've got now:
00:52.22Trickyso i just use with two swords or a mace main handed and sword offhanded
00:53.25Trickytons of people say dual dagger is better, saying they do more dps crit better and its better for poison
00:53.51[dRaCo]I'd go for something like
00:53.59TainDaggers won't do more dps while levelling.
00:54.07TainDagger builds will do more dps if you can stand behind someone the whole time.
00:54.17[dRaCo]friend of mine's got a rogue like that... easy to play, lots of dps, great
00:54.41Trickywhat's that build called on wowiki draco/
00:55.15[dRaCo]dunno, just made it up from memory ;)
00:55.33Trickyalright, thanks for the help
00:56.19Trickyi might as well just follow those guides but change it to what would help me the most
00:56.23Trickykinda stupid to just follow the guide 100%
00:56.36[dRaCo]Nom-: and
01:00.14[dRaCo]you could as well get rid of combat potency and that ultimate and go for cold blood instead... I don't like cb for levelling, though
01:00.59Nom-bleh endless blessings is pointless for a pally :(
01:01.04Nom-2% mana regen is going to be nothing
01:01.23Nom-The other one looks good tho
01:01.24Nom-I'll have to *sigh* go back to BM again
01:01.56[dRaCo]it's not 2%, it's more
01:02.29[dRaCo]and the 130 spirit buff is great while enervating :D
01:03.16[dRaCo]at least it is for chars who don't get lots of mana from crits :þ
01:10.39Nom-CTProfiles has the wrong stats for Blessed Bracers
01:10.53Nom-They've got +35 damage, but it's +57 Healing
01:12.03Nom- <-- anyone recommend any better pre-raid gear ?
01:12.25Trickyare wolfclaw gloves made or found
01:12.27Nom-That's what i'm aiming for btw, not what i've got
01:12.34Nom-If I had all that gear, i'd be over the moon lol
01:14.00Nom-It's not the 10k mana that I wanted, but I don't think it really matters with that layout of skills'
01:26.48*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (
01:27.03WobWorkThat's all kinds of cool =)
01:39.21Nom-Fully buffed i'll be getting 174-175mp5
01:39.25Nom-On that gear
01:39.29Nom-My goal was 180mp5 :)
01:39.45Nom-If I pop a flast, then that's another +70
01:42.00*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio_ (n=sp@unaffiliated/sergio)
01:51.35AnduinLotharI need the regex to capture "hi",nil from "hi" and also "hi","bye" from "hi,bye"
01:57.26*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
02:00.19AnduinLotharin lua
02:00.56Nom-That's a perfectly suitable regex, dunno if the LUA regex is different from perl tho
02:01.19AnduinLotharsorry. I need any generic strings
02:01.45AnduinLotharfirst string ends at the first ,
02:01.54AnduinLotharor the end of the string, whichever comes first
02:02.19AnduinLothardidn't knwo you could stack *?
02:02.31Nom-.* is greedy
02:02.33Nom-.*? isn't
02:02.43AnduinLotharlearn something new..
02:02.52Nom-As I said, i'm not sure how different regex in LUA is
02:03.02Nom-<-- perl programmer
02:03.08AnduinLotharis there a greedy one or none?
02:03.50Nom-no because one-or-none is a fixed length
02:04.24Nom-basically, in perlre, /.*?,/ matches to the first ',', but /.*,/ matches to the last comma
02:04.42Nom-Yeah that works too (or it should)
02:06.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
02:12.42AnduinLotharlua doesn't recognize *? qq
02:16.40SstixrudWhat is the recommended way for determining what lang a client is in and based on that determine what functions like UnitClass(unit) will return?
02:16.59IrielSstixrud: I'd imagine GetLocale()
02:17.11bleetahme waves to Iriel
02:17.15bleetahhope you're feling better, bloke
02:17.29Irielstill sound like a frog
02:17.42IrielMore croaky
02:17.50IrielLess like a helium accident
02:17.53SstixrudOk, but if my mod expects UnitClass(unit) to return warrior how do I deal with that for all of the langs?
02:17.53bleetahif i were a female frog...
02:18.12bleetah.. I wouldn't be on IRC. so it wouldn't do a thing for me.
02:18.20IrielUnitClass returns both localized and non-localized returns
02:18.45IrielI think you want the 2nd value which is things like "WARRIOR" "HUNTER" etc
02:19.05SstixrudOh?? so I can force UnitClass to always return Warrior?   Is this true for Debuff Type as well?
02:19.27IrielFor UnitClass you do local _,unitClass = UnitClass(unit)
02:19.34Irieland then unitClass is locale-independent
02:19.45IrielI suspect debuff type is not localized but I haven't verified
02:19.55IrielGenerally looking at the blizzard code is a good start
02:22.41Sstixrudthanks Iriel =). Now for a hard question heh  Know of a good howto or example code that explains how one can go about creating custom actionbuttons (using SecureActionButtonTemplate) that do not share the 120 button ids? :)
02:23.42IrielSstixrud: I'd start by reading the SecureTemplates.lua code, specifically SecureActionButton_OnClick
02:23.51*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
02:24.47SstixrudI'll attempt to do so, I always have a hard time picking out what I need from large blocks of code :)
02:24.59IrielSstixrud: The million dollar question is whether you care about the ACTION or the visuals of the button
02:25.25SstixrudI need them to behave and look just like normal actionbuttons, drag and drop from spellbook included
02:25.48IrielWell, the drag and drop stuff you'll have to do yoruself, that's not quite so easy, but there are API functions to help you
02:25.59SstixrudI just need to work around the 120 id limit
02:26.17Esamynnthat is not a small task
02:26.19IrielAs far as casting spells goes:         elseif ( type == "spell" ) then
02:27.10SstixrudWell I have created a GroupButtons like mod, but am using the default ActionButtons
02:27.23Sstixrudwhich is a problem when you want to have 120 buttons or so all to yourself :)
02:29.25SstixrudThe mod works fine as is, but  I have party, raid and pet actionbars shared across the same 12 button ids, 12 for player and 12 for target... and I select what button id's to snag during startup based on class.
02:30.20SstixrudI figure I could save quite a few button ids by compressing used id's by detecting which buttons share the same spell and for those buttons use the same id.. but thats a lot of work and at best will cut my id usage in half
02:31.02bleetahgah, rolling restarts.. nice to see that Oceania is scheduled for out of peak time.. pity they give the time in PDT and not realmtime tho :/
02:31.07IrielFor simple things like spells you can absolutely do without the action ids, but you do end up picking up some work for display and, as noted earlier, doing fully transparent drag and drop is tricky
02:31.39Irielbleetah: Hah, forces you all to suffer the new earlyness of daylight savings in the US
02:31.50Esamynnfully transparent drag and drop, has the on mouse API matured to the point where that is completely possible yet?
02:31.57IrielEsamynn: I dont remember
02:32.01Sstixrudwell at present I only support spells on the actionbars... the hard part is getting started with creating custom buttons.. haven't known where to start
02:32.13Esamynnyah, neither do I
02:32.18IrielEsamynn: My cold has slowed my brain to the speed of a mollusk
02:32.54SstixrudI figured I could detect what button the cursor is over when I click the dragged spell over it and then just create the button
02:33.28Iriel* NEW: type, detail[,subdetail] = GetCursorInfo() -- one of "item",id,link / "spell",slot,"spell"|"pet" / "macro",index / "money",amount *2.0.3*
02:33.34IrielI think that helps greatly
02:33.36bleetah"Based on the positive results of these tests, we’re happy to announce that we’ll be switching to a new maintenance schedule that will only require us to bring down realms for maintenance every other week." woot
02:33.49SstixrudIriel ya that is what I was reading about
02:34.02SstixrudI think I can do that part, its the creation of the actual button that I am foggy on heh
02:57.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Chardonnay (
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03:44.49Nom-ooo wtf new maintenance schedule ?
03:46.11Nom-omg no downtime 2nite ?
03:57.54*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
04:01.43Cairennsuffer along with me!
04:06.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
04:14.14TainI don't understand flots. :/
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04:33.31cogwheelahhh... good ol' "stuck at authenticating" forum flood....
04:33.36Sstixrudwhat does _, mean in lua?
04:33.50cogwheelnothing special. _ is just a variable name
04:33.58Sstixrudlike _, bleh = UnitClass(unit)
04:34.20cogwheelit's just a dummy variable. it's generally used when you don't care about the value being returned
04:34.31SstixrudI see thanks
04:35.00cogwheelbut it's still a completely valid variable and you could use it just like anything else
04:39.18Sstixrudcogwheel you heard if blizzard ever plans to increase button id's?
04:39.51IrielSstixrud: I find that extremely unlikely given the flexibility of SecureActionButtonTemplate
04:39.54cogwheelOnly planned changes I've heard of are in the Upcoming 2.1 changes thread on the UI & Macros forum
04:40.09cogwheelon that note...
04:40.12cogwheel~emulate cogwheel
04:40.20purlACTION shakes its fist at the forums...
04:41.03SstixrudIriel - perhaps, but not very newb friendly :)
04:41.21IrielSstixrud: One could argue that no newb needs more than 120 action slots
04:41.35Sstixrudone could =)
04:41.52IrielSstixrud: Really, to effectively manage vast numbers of skills one needs at least some undersdtanding of the implications and mechanisms behind them.
04:42.52SstixrudI meant lua newb not player newb :)
04:43.18IrielTrue, which is what my 2nd statement was intended to address
04:43.23IrielMore is not always better
04:43.37Sstixrudfor my mod, more is pretty much a requirement
04:44.06SstixrudI mean, I can use existing buttons but not without stepping on other mods/default ui's toes
04:44.11SstixrudI really only need about 48 buttons total
04:44.32IrielI'd argue that for your mod, some time by its author to better understand the API's and the implications of their use, is probably a requirement for it to become 'release quality'.
04:44.42IrielThe problem is when someone wants to use 4 or 5 mods like yours
04:44.47Irielsuddenly they need 700 action ID's
04:44.57Irieland their machine slows to a crawl every time they cast a spell
04:45.16SstixrudI have gone to great lengths to insure my mod has minimal performance impact
04:45.33Sstixrudincluding getting peer review on the performance critical compoents
04:45.38Sstixrudso I have been trying at least :)
04:48.37IrielSstixrud: To answer a question you posed earlier, creating an action button that casts a spell is easy.. local button = CreateFrame("Button", "SomeButtonName", UIParent, "SecureActionButtonTemplate"); button:SetAttribute("type", "spell"); button:SetAttribute(spell, "Fireball")
04:49.14IrielSstixrud: The messy part is (a) putting a visual skin on that button that matches its spell, and reacts to things like cooldown and range (b) Managing drag and drop from other things
04:49.50IrielSstixrud: Which I suppose is why you find yourself yearning for addiitonal action slots, since they provide pre-cooked code and API's to manage a whole bunch of that.
04:50.59*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio_ (n=sp@unaffiliated/sergio)
04:51.13cogwheelSome day I plan on implementing action buttons that behave just like the default UI's but instead of using "action" attributes, they would use item, spell, or macro attributes. Maybe for CogsBar3 (i haven't even started coding 2 yet so don't hold your breath :P )
04:51.25Sstixrudyup but i'll do what I must =).  with some of the new wow functionality shouldn't it be pretty easy to detect all the dragged buttons attributes? Making the job of resetting icon and whatnot easier?
04:51.42IrielSstixrud: It'll be easier than it's ever been before 2.0 came out
04:52.04Nom-lol @ floats 1627
04:52.13IrielSstixrud: Whether that's "easy" in any absolute sense depends greatly on how many devils are hiding in the details.. I thought the new spellcast events were an absolute blessing until I used them
04:53.13SstixrudI hear ya heh
04:56.56SstixrudIriel thanks for pointing me in the right direction
04:57.57IrielGood luck 8-) I expect if nothing else you'll learn a whole bunch and may create some code that others get to steal later 8-)
04:58.20IrielWhich of course is sometimes the greatest contribution we can give to the community
04:59.31*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
05:01.12Sstixrudheh, If any of my code makes it into the steal hall of fame I expect it will be my PreClick hack that lets the user steal attributes from active spells without casting the spell
05:02.49Nom-I don't think i'm going to do any better than that
05:04.52Nom-Just to prove my score ^_^
05:05.09Nom-That was down to about a dozen left on level 5
05:05.21Nom-it gets hard when there's 3 colours lol
05:05.59Cairennthe longer I play, the worse I get - 7122 the first time, down to 3643 now
05:06.24Cairenndamn thing is addicting
05:06.58Nom-i closed it
05:07.03Nom-can't afford more than 3 tries, which is what i did
05:07.16Nom-first time i sucked, because i didn't read the instructions
05:07.17Cairennwhy is it that the simplest of things are the most addictive? not like this requires any great mental strain or anything
05:07.35Nom-It does require a lot of hand-eye coordination tho
05:07.37IrielI'm tempted to try that tomorrow on my tablet
05:07.47Nom-tables are hard lol
05:07.57Nom-if you could draw on your screen...easy
05:08.10Nom-You can't see what you're drawing on
05:08.12Nom-So it's not easy
05:08.15IrielThat's what I do with my tablet
05:08.26Iriel(Tablet PC, not tablet input device)
05:08.47Nom-Yes, that would be rather haxx :)
05:09.06Cairennit'd be a cinch on a tablet
05:09.09Nom-The most annoying part was when it didn't close the circles properly
05:09.26Nom-Like, i'd have the perfect area over a whole heap of them
05:09.32Nom-and then it wouldn't close
05:10.05Nom-bleh need 3k thrallmar rep to get revered
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05:13.25Nom-3500 rep in fact
05:13.46IrielStop counting now! It'll be 5000 before you know it!
05:15.22bleetahgreat visual gag from a much missed aussie comedy sketch show ->
05:15.35bleetahNom-: (micallef)
05:15.37Nom-Hopefully get that tonight
05:16.01Nom-1.5 to 2 runs of SH
05:16.09Nom-If only there was some useful loot from SH for me :(
05:16.57Nom-Where does the SH key quest start from?
05:17.00Nom-That's what I need to do
05:24.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Saroz_ (
05:31.49Garoun|Loupanathe smith at Black Temple
05:31.57Garoun|LoupanaGorthuk Ithink is his name
05:33.05Cairennooo, new high score! 7274
05:35.07Nom-have a look @ the hits per hour!
05:39.52leethalwhat's the formula for mob difficulty colors? is outdated
05:40.32*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
05:40.50leethalisn't it just every 3rd level?
05:41.29leethalhmm, perhaps not
05:42.06ShirikThe thing is
05:42.16Shirikignore that >.>
05:43.26Nom-yeah that table is wrong
05:43.30Nom-coz 58 elites are grey :)
05:43.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Retzy (
05:44.01Nom-I beleive that they're green from 62-68
05:44.16Nom-maybe even 63-68
05:44.26Nom-but i've seen level 61 mobs that are grey
05:44.46Nom-hmm actually, maybe not
05:44.52Nom-60 is definately grey tho...not sure about 61
05:45.06leethalnot sure either
05:45.15leethalI remember seeing a 61 that was grey, though
05:45.32leethala player, that is, but I guess it's the same for players and mobs
05:48.10Nom-yeah it is
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06:14.25AchromatDo you know where I could get a decent tutorial on creating or modifying unitframes in WoW?
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06:21.29cogwheelAchromat: there really isn't such a thing. your best bet is to look at existing mods or the default UI's code.
06:24.00AchromatThanks. Perhaps you could answer this. How does one get his health and mana/rage/energy?
06:24.19AchromatIs there anywhere I could get a list of commands that do common things such as that?
06:29.12AchromatFound it. Thanks.
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08:58.28leethalcan I do a SendWho and not get the default chat frame filled with stuff?
08:59.18Mr_Rabies2censusplus supresses whos sent by the addon
08:59.26Mr_Rabies2may wanna check its code out
08:59.41leethalah, of course
08:59.42leethalthanks =D
09:05.52IndustrialIts 13 3 7 today!
09:15.11Mr_Rabies2one more day until i'm 20 :x
09:17.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom_ (
09:17.54Nom_damn dodgy linux boxen
09:18.09Nom-Sometimes it just refuses to boot :(
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11:55.36mahirois there a method tocheck if a button highlight is locked ifk if i use Button:LockHighlight()
11:56.12mahirolicke button:GetLockHighlight()?
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12:40.01JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn
12:40.26purlACTION jumps into Cairenn's lap and huggles and *hugs* Cairenn
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12:46.25leethalpurl, hug leethal
12:46.29purlACTION hugs leethal
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12:48.18sysragepurl, sex JoshBorke
12:48.36sysrageno botsex for you i guess :\
12:49.22Mr_Rabies2probably wouldn't be too enjoyable
12:50.43bleetahpurl, I need a hug
12:50.46purlYou need a hug?
12:51.01bleetahyes bish
12:51.21JoshBorke~whaleslap bleet
12:51.23purlACTION beats bleet upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
12:51.50bleetahnot a sperm whale or a bowl of petunias?
12:52.18Mr_Rabies2man that part of hhgttg was probably my favorite
12:52.30Mr_Rabies2i love me some absurdist humor :p
12:52.40sysragepeculiarly it's only that was "oh no, not again"
12:53.30sysrageya i probably butchered that word. it's too early to try to spell correctly
12:53.57Mr_Rabies2i'm so tempted to read it again, it's been a while
12:54.03sysragebest book ever
12:54.15Mr_Rabies2but man, i'm too lazy to read these days
12:54.36bleetahI love how that whale and stuff continues in the tertiary phase
12:54.41Mr_Rabies2free time = game/irc/forum time
12:55.02bleetahbest thing about h2g2, is getting all the episodes from the radio show split up into their chapters, and then playing it on random
12:55.24sysragei have mp3s of them all :)
12:55.40bleetahsomething from the end of the tertiary fitting right next to something from primary... just too bizarre
12:55.49bleetahmy fave section, tho, is 'pussy want his fish?'
12:55.51Mr_Rabies2my friend had them on his psp
12:56.06Mr_Rabies2we listened to it in class because we had 2 hours of doing nothing in networking
12:56.25Mr_Rabies2every day
12:56.58Mr_Rabies2unless something on the local network for the kids learning A+ and 3d modeling classes was broken
12:57.10Mr_Rabies2we'd fix that then go back to starcraft and hhgttg
12:59.10bleetah... six small black ones can look like one big white one
12:59.18bleetahperhaps i'd like a glass of whiskey
12:59.23bleetahyes, that seems more likely
13:01.25wobin<3 hhgttg
13:01.25bleetahI say what it occurs to me to say when I think I hear people say things
13:01.29bleetahmore, I cannot say
13:01.30wobinhave you tried playing the game?
13:02.16bleetahwas the first game on the Amiga that I owned
13:02.25bleetahI seem to recall it taking me a week or so to get out of the bedroom
13:04.05wobinhehe have to move fast
13:04.18wobinthere's a version with pictures on the BBC site I think
13:04.22wobinIt's kinda cool
13:05.51Mr_Rabies2man i tried it before i read the book
13:06.00Mr_Rabies2it didn't make ANY damn sense
13:06.29wobineven after the book =P
13:06.38Mr_Rabies2i didn't understand douglas adams' logi
13:06.51wobinhe uses logic? =)
13:06.52bleetahyeah, I seem to recall Adams had it Flash'ed pretty early in the 'net's life
13:07.04Mr_Rabies2his own twisted sense of it, wobin
13:07.24wobinanyway, gotta get to bed
13:07.25wobinnight all
13:09.42bleetahnn wobin
13:11.46bleetah". the Hitchhiker's Guide adventure game was one of the best-selling games of its era, selling some 350,000 copies. In 1984.  "
13:12.06bleetah" Then graphics games came along and the computer using portion of the human race forgot all about 500,000 years of language evolution and went straight back to the electronic equivalent of banging rocks together - the point'n'click game."
13:12.09bleetah"Infocom and most of its competitors went to the wall - signalling the arrival of the post-literate society. "
13:14.03bleetahi'm out, too
13:14.05bleetahnn Mr_Rabies2
13:14.25Mr_Rabies2see ya bleetah
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14:18.57Mr_Rabies2you know, i noticed something funny about the narrator in crackdown
14:19.09Mr_Rabies2i couldn't quite place it, but turns out he voices kel'thuzad.
14:19.36Mr_Rabies2also uther and the necro/warriv from diablo 2
14:21.55Mr_Rabies2Skills for kills, agent. Skills for kills. Your curiosity will be the death of you.
14:22.20Mr_Rabies2Greetings, Stranger! Been a while since we've seen the likes of you around here!
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14:36.47Kirkburn|afkI'm still looking for Wii owners! Tell me!
14:37.27hasteI have an Atari 2600 if it helps!
14:37.43Kirkburn|afkIt doesn't.
14:40.21Kirkburn|afkBuy one!
14:40.22Kirkburn|afkTo anyone with a Wii, my code is 6685-6650-2343-4699
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14:57.52Kirkburn|afkI got within 44km of Moscow!
14:57.59Kirkburn|afkThat was like 3 pixels
14:58.20Kirkburn|afk19km to Lisbon :D
14:59.33Kirkburn|afkOh wow, 7km to The Hague. I rock :) And thanks zenzelezz
15:02.23Kirkburn|afk7620km total, 6 marks ... messed up towards the end
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15:17.49Kirkburn|afkOh come one, someone must have also tried it
15:18.18zenzelezzI placed Brüssel in Switzerland and Bucarest in Slovakia
15:18.58Kirkburn|afkBrussels in Switzerland, lol
15:19.09Kirkburn|afkThe second one I can understand :)
15:19.28Kirkburn|afkWhen it comes to eastern europe, the boundaries change so often, it hard to remember who's who :P
15:23.58dukeku7km from london!
15:24.13dukekuthat game is biased, though. my screen isn't big enough to display spain...
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15:50.20Kirkburn|afkdukeku, what the hell are you viewing it on? A mobile?!
15:51.08dukekuno, a work monitor that only goes up to 1024x768
15:51.16dukekuand i'm paranoid to maximize ;]
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15:51.21dukekua big ad blocks the bottom
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16:44.43kahdgarxiquick question that the ref manual isn't providing an apparent answer to. (I probably just can't find it)
16:44.55kahdgarxiis the folloing correct?
16:45.08kahdgarxiif not <condition> do <action> end
16:45.21Shirikdo should be "then"
16:45.25Shirikif you're talking lua
16:45.29kahdgarxii am
16:45.37kahdgarxiright, then >.>
16:45.46kahdgarxibut the not will work correctly, yes?
16:46.06Shirikassuming condition is evaluatable as a boolean expression
16:46.20kahdgarxithanks :)
16:46.58Cide>>> if ( true ) do return "hi" end
16:46.58CideCide: attempt to call a nil value
16:47.28kahdgarxicide: right, it should be then rather than do
16:47.29*** part/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
16:47.31Cide>>> if ( not false ) then return true end
16:47.31CideCide: true
16:47.34kahdgarximy main concern was the not
16:47.41Cidekahdgarxi: oh, I know :)
16:47.52Shirik>>> message(1);
16:47.53CideShirik: [string "message(1);"]:1: attempt to call global 'message' (a nil value)
16:48.01Shirikhave a lua interpreter in irc?
16:48.10Shirikthat's awesome
16:48.29kahdgarxi>>> return "I'm super cool!"
16:48.29Cidekahdgarxi: "I'm super cool!"
16:48.43*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
16:48.43kahdgarxiYes Cide, yes you are. :)
16:48.46sysrage>>> die
16:49.17Cidehow're you going to do that? :)
16:49.30Shirikwas thinking of some way to force you to message stuff, and go into a loop
16:49.42Shirik>>> echo(1);
16:50.10CideShirik: [string "echo(1);"]:1: attempt to call global 'echo' (a nil value)
16:50.10Cidethe code is compiled as a function and only the return is printed
16:50.10Cide>>> return 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
16:50.10CideCide: 1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9
16:50.10Shirikthere must be a way
16:50.19Shirikbut I'm not mean
16:50.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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16:50.48Shirikwhat was that?
16:51.06Cideno idea :P
16:51.08Cide>>> t = { 5, 3, 6, 2, 1, 9, 8 } table.sort(t); return unpack(t)
16:51.12CideCide: 1       2       3       5       6       8       9
16:51.37Shirik>>> while(true) do end
16:51.44CideShirik: 1       2       3       5       6       8       9
16:51.46kahdgarxifor index=1,index==10000,1 do value[index]=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA end return value
16:51.50Cidethat's cheap, Shirik  :)
16:51.53kahdgarxithat should make him flood out
16:51.55CideI had to cancel it manually!
16:51.55Shirikwtf was that return
16:52.33Shirikkahdgarxi: that would be "for index=1,10000,1"
16:52.56Shirikyou need to put AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA in quotes
16:52.57kahdgarxii can't ever seem to get anything right the first time ><
16:53.04Shirikand value needs to exist first
16:53.13Cide>>> value = { } for i = 1, 100000 do value[i] = "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"; end return value
16:53.13CideCide: table: 0033B3D0
16:53.16Cidenot that fun :)
16:53.54pastamancerstill haven't put a timeout on the lua eval?
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16:54.05Cidehehe, nope
16:54.38pastamancerI'm sure windows has something that works like SIGALRM
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16:55.21Shirikit has to
16:55.28Shirikotherwise it would never know how to mark something as "not responding"
16:55.43pastamancerwell, threads
16:55.45Shirikwell let me adjust what I said
16:55.59Shirikit has to know that a program isn't responding; it doesn't have to inform the program of that
16:56.02zenzelezzWindows just says they're not responding when, well, the messages to a window's message loop aren't being responded to
16:58.50Shirik>>> value = { } for i = 1, 100000 do value[i] = "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"; end return unpack(value);
16:58.50CideShirik: [string "value = { } for i = 1, 100000 do value[i] =..."]:1: stack overflow (table too big to unpack)
16:59.01kaso>>> test = function() return test() end return test()
16:59.17Shirikkaso wins
16:59.28Shirikthat should stack overflow though eventually
16:59.33kergothit does.
16:59.47kasothe functions are only small it should take a fair while to overflow
16:59.59kasounless cide stops it manually and shouts at me first
17:00.54kergothkaso: i tested that yesterday, it overflowed in under a second.
17:01.01kahdgarxiwhat happens if i tinsert to a table index higher than the current maximum (leaving a gap)? Will it create nul entries in the table to fill the space or automatically move it back down to remove the space?
17:01.02kergothnot sure why it hasnt come back yet for you
17:01.46Shirikkahdgarxi: tables are not arrays, though they can be used to implement them
17:01.51Shirikthus there is no "gap"
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17:02.09Shirikyou can have a table with index [1], [2], [10], [400]
17:02.14Shirikand that table would only have 4 entries
17:02.24kahdgarxii see
17:02.39nevcairielbut being a hash-table then :)
17:02.47kahdgarxiexactly :P
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17:03.14kasokergoth its been running on my stand alone lua for a min or two now. and not overflown
17:03.48kergothoh, you're right, your version uses tail calls
17:03.54kergoththatll never overflow, its an infinate loop
17:04.19nevcairielpoor cide
17:04.22kergothhad you done test = function() test() end test() it would have overflown in under a second
17:04.59kasoah true
17:05.01Shiriktest = function() test() end test() is still running for me
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17:05.07kasoi didnt release what i'd done actually
17:05.39kasothe self-call overflows in about 6 seconds on mine
17:05.52ShirikI mistyped it
17:06.36Shirikwell an infinite loop should still cause a stack overflow eventually
17:06.44Shirikwhile(true) end does as well
17:06.47Shirikit just takes forever
17:06.52Shiriker, not a stack overflow
17:06.56Shirikbut out of memory
17:07.21kergothinfinate loops dont overflow the stack.
17:07.23Shirikan infinite loop still requires memory, thus cide should run out of memory.... eventually
17:07.33Cidekaso: [string "value = { } for i = 1, 100000 do value[i] =..."]:1: stack overflow (table too big to unpack)
17:07.37Shirikthere it goes
17:07.43CideI was afk :P
17:07.50kasosorry about that
17:07.51ShirikCide haxored it :(
17:08.10kergotheven if you did allocate something in the loop, its freed on each pass.  you dont blow the stack in a loop without recursion unless you allocate something in one pass thats larger than the stack size
17:08.23ShirikI know it's somewhat... illogical
17:08.33Shirikbut a loop does require memory on each pass, slowly requiring more
17:08.42Shirikeven if it's not allocated directly in the program; check the disassembly
17:08.46kasothink of it as encoragement to put some sort of time-limitation on the lua execution cide :>
17:08.59Cidelaziness wins though
17:09.17Shirik>>> return "/quit"
17:09.18CideShirik: "/quit"
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17:09.56kaso>>> return type(getglobal)
17:09.56Cidekaso: "function"
17:10.09kaso>>> return ChatFrame1
17:10.12kergothShirik: i've written assembly, thanks.
17:10.20ShirikThat's not what I was saying
17:10.21kasohokay so not wowbench type emulation
17:10.39cogwheel|workkaso: it uses
17:11.03kasohmm thats pretty cool
17:11.15cogwheel|workthanks ;)
17:11.28pastamancer>>> return string.char(8)
17:11.28Cidepastamancer: ""
17:11.38pastamancer>>> return string.char(0)
17:11.44kasocan i compile it and run along side normal lua?
17:12.06pastamancer>>> return string.char(19)
17:12.06Cidepastamancer: ""
17:12.40cogwheel|workkaso: should be able to. You'll want to link it statically so it doesn't use the shared lua libraries which are the norm for "make linux" iirc
17:13.53cogwheel|work(which i may not rc :P )
17:13.57dukekumake linux? heh, never seen that
17:14.22pastamancer>>> return string.char(27,93,32,59,64,7))
17:14.22Cidepastamancer: attempt to call a nil value
17:14.22cogwheel|workdukeku: Lua's makefile lets you specify different targets to configure things differently
17:14.27pastamancer>>> return string.char(27,93,32,59,64,7)
17:14.27Cidepastamancer: "] ;@"
17:15.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Bouvi (n=Bouvi@
17:15.14pastamancer>>> return string.char(4)
17:15.14Cidepastamancer: ""
17:15.48Shirik>>> return " "..string.rep(string.char(0), 100);
17:15.48pastamancer>>> return string.char(4,8,33)
17:15.49Cidepastamancer: "!"
17:15.49kasoare you trying to get it to return some IRC magic codes
17:16.09pastamancerI'm testing the string escaping in the wrapper
17:16.19Shirik>>> return "\""..string.rep(string.char(0), 100).."\"";
17:16.20pastamancerby sending ascii control characters
17:16.31Cideit doesn't like null :)
17:16.32Shirikit doesn't like null character
17:16.39Cidepython errors
17:16.52CideTypeError: command() argument 1 must be string without null bytes, not str!
17:17.41pastamancer>>> return string.char(7)
17:17.42Cidepastamancer: ""
17:17.44Shirik>>> a = ""; for x = 1,254 do a = a .. string.char(x); end return a;
17:18.28pastamancerI'm guessing that got cut off at the linefeed
17:18.33Shirikah yeah
17:18.36Shirikforgot that
17:19.06Shirik>>> a = ""; for x = 1,254 do if not (a == 10 or a == 13) a = a .. string.char(x); end end return a;
17:19.07CideShirik: attempt to call a nil value
17:19.23Shirik>>> a = ""; for x = 1,254 do if not (a == 10 or a == 13) then a = a .. string.char(x); end end return a;
17:19.36Cidenice one there :P
17:19.46Cidefor x = ... if not ( a ...
17:19.46Shirikbeen doing too much c lately :/
17:20.15Shirikah crap
17:20.23Shirik>>> a = ""; for x = 1,254 do if not (x == 10 or x == 13) then a = a .. string.char(x); end end return a;
17:20.28Shirikooh that was cool
17:20.39Shirikthat's um.. blinding me now
17:20.48ShirikI need to fix my colors on this client
17:20.50*** part/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
17:20.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
17:21.14Cidehaha, what'd it print for you?
17:21.51Shirikinverted color scheme
17:22.07Shirikwhich when you have black on neon green
17:22.14Shiriker, neon green on black
17:22.17Shirikdoesn't work too well
17:23.24Cidenice :)
17:23.58pastamancer>>> return string.char(3, 50, 72)
17:23.58Cidepastamancer: "2H"
17:24.13Shirik>>> print(1)
17:24.27JoshBorkeerm, what is Cide doing?
17:24.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
17:24.36Shirikcide is being our lua interpreter
17:24.47Shirikand we're trying to break it
17:26.10ShirikCide: >>> 1
17:26.18Shirik:( I give up
17:26.21pastamancerare the cr/lf getting filtered out by the wrapper?
17:26.22Cide>>> >>> 1
17:26.22CideCide: attempt to call a nil value
17:26.26Cide>>> 1
17:26.26CideCide: attempt to call a nil value
17:26.33Cidepastamancer: no
17:27.03CideI just feed the output to xchat
17:28.28ShirikCide: >>> a = 4; return ">>> return a";
17:28.46Cideremove the >>> you newb
17:28.54Cidethe "Cide:"
17:29.01pastamancer>>> return string.char(10, 13) .. "PRIVMSG pastamancer test"
17:29.01Cidepastamancer: "
17:29.01Shirikyeah it won't work like I wanted it to
17:29.14Cidehaha, nice, pastamancer :)
17:29.20Shiriknot bad
17:29.24Shirikdid it send it?
17:29.57Shirik>>> return string.char(10,13).."NOTICE #wowi-lounge Hello!";
17:29.58CideShirik: "
17:30.09Cideyou fail at irc though
17:30.36Cideyou missed a colon :)
17:30.40Shirikmeh, it worked
17:30.49Shirik13:30:01 notice: ‹+Cide:#wowi-lounge› Hello!"
17:30.52kahdgarxihax indeed
17:31.02subbawt>>> return string.char(10,13) .. "QUIT oh nos"
17:31.06ShirikIn theory it would now be possible to force Cide to disconnect; but
17:31.15ShirikI was going to say I'm not mean
17:31.16subbawtdid i do something wrong
17:31.25Shirikbut subbawt beat me to it
17:31.35Cide>>> return string.char(10,13).."NOTICE #wowi-lounge Hello"
17:31.35CideCide: "\n\rNOTICE #wowi-lounge Hello"
17:33.28Shirikfixed :)
17:33.28cogwheel|worklooks like he fixed it before you had the chance
17:33.28Shirikwell done
17:33.29Cidegood job though :)
17:33.29cogwheel|workbetter to nip these things in the bud while you're looking :)
17:33.29Shirik>>> return "\\"..string.char(10).."\\"..string.char(13).."NOTICE #wowi-lounge Hello";
17:33.30CideShirik: "\\n\\rNOTICE #wowi-lounge Hello"
17:33.30pastamanceryeah, shenanigans might have ensued
17:35.00ShirikCide: You did this in python?
17:35.57kahdgarxia full fledged debugger for wow addons would make me so happy... being able to step through a program one statement at a time, and examine variables at each point >.>
17:35.57Shirikwas going to try to think of a way to make a timeout, but I don't know anything about python :/
17:36.17Mr_Rabies2pvping for the first time since the druid nerf makes me want to quit again :/
17:36.23Cidepython's an *awesome* language
17:36.40ShirikNever really had a reason to learn it, but I should probably get around to it
17:36.50kergothi'd just use debug.sethook() to monitor
17:36.51kergothset it up for a callback every 20 instructions ors omething
17:39.47Shirik>>> a = 0; function dbg() a = a + 1; if a > 200 exit(1); end end debug.sethook(dbg, "l"); while(true) do end
17:39.48CideShirik: attempt to call a nil value
17:39.58*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
17:40.07Shirikdamn it
17:40.13Shirik>>> a = 0; function dbg() a = a + 1; if a > 200 then exit(1); end end debug.sethook(dbg, "l"); while(true) do end
17:40.13CideShirik: attempt to call a nil value
17:40.20Shirik>>> exit(1);
17:40.21CideShirik: [string "exit(1);"]:1: attempt to call global 'exit' (a nil value)
17:40.36Shirikwell, it would be something like that I guess :P
17:41.36Shirikright, class time, take care
17:41.39subbawtCide what platform are you on
17:41.53subbawtokay this should be interesting
17:41.59Shirik13:41:54 [CTCP VERSION reply from Cide]: xchat 2.6.8-1 Windows Vista [AMD/2.60GHz]
17:42.11subbawt>>> import win32api
17:42.14Shirikis it any good?
17:42.20CideI like it
17:42.27subbawt>>> win32api.Beep(3000,300)
17:42.27ShirikI've only heard bad things
17:42.35Cidesubbawt: it executes lua code :)
17:42.55subbawti mean very nice :P
17:43.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
17:43.03*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
17:43.24kahdgarxi*sigh* this function is getting very big very fast :(
17:43.25ShirikOne last test
17:43.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Work (n=cheald@
17:44.00pastamancer>>> return "\\\\\\"
17:44.00Cidepastamancer: "\\\"
17:44.46Shirik>>> return "a"..string.char(8);
17:44.47CideShirik: "a"
17:44.57Shirikhmm ok you win
17:48.08pastamancer>>> function hex (c) return tonumber(c, 16) end; return string.char(hex("C2"), hex("79"))
17:48.08Cidepastamancer: "Ây"
17:48.23pastamancerhmm, I was hoping xchat would barf on invalid UTF8
17:49.21zenzelezzare you sure he's configured his X-Chat to use UTF-8?
17:49.41pastamancer"The XChat plugin API specifies that strings passed to and from xchat must be encoded in UTF-8. "
17:51.18pastamancer>>> return "%%"
17:51.18Cidepastamancer: "%%"
17:51.56pastamancer>>> return "%(foo)"
17:51.56Cidepastamancer: "%(foo)"
17:52.12pastamancer>>> return "%(#)"
17:52.12Cidepastamancer: "%(#)"
17:55.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
17:58.39wereHamster"%(foo)" looks like %(eax) :P
17:59.27cogwheel|workIf I ever design a CPU it will have registers named foo, bar, & baz.
17:59.50kergothgood plan
18:02.20pastamancerwhich assembler uses %(register)?  I'm used to "movzx %%ax, %%edx" from inline gnu assembler and "movzx edx, ax" from masm
18:03.32wereHamsterthat's GAS IIRC
18:03.33cogwheel|worknasm, maybe?
18:05.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
18:07.38*** join/#wowi-lounge mahiro (
18:08.44mahiroif i stop a frame flashing with UIFrameFlashRemoveFrame() is the frame hidden or so?
18:10.05*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
18:12.13cogwheel|workmahiro: you can test it, or you can look at the code of UIFrameFlashRemoveFrame
18:13.14mahirowell i tested the alpha because the frame sometimes is not visible after it stops and the alpha is 1:/
18:13.52*** join/#wowi-lounge _aLF (
18:14.16mahiroso lets see what the visiblity test says...
18:14.32*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
18:15.08cogwheel|workmahiro: that's a lua function so you can see exactly what it does:
18:15.54*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (n=chatzill@
18:18.26mahiro-- Function to stop flashing
18:18.26mahirofunction UIFrameFlashStop(frame)
18:18.35mahiroso its hidden on stop, thx
18:19.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
18:19.44cogwheel|worknp. :) just gotta know where to look...
18:20.34mahirohow can i find those files?
18:20.34mahirois there a link on wowi?
18:21.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz (n=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
18:21.55cogwheel| or use the UI extractor listed in the Mod Author Resources sticky on the UI & Macros forum
18:24.52mahirooh thx again
18:28.54JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn
18:28.56purlACTION hugs Cairenn
18:29.08Cairennpurl, hug JoshBorke
18:29.10purlACTION sneaks up on JoshBorke and suddenly hugs JoshBorke tightly
18:29.20JoshBorkehow you doing Cair?
18:29.46JoshBorkei've been better :-)  getting over a stomach bug
18:30.05Cairennbleh, no fun
18:31.11JoshBorkenope, none at all.  first time i've thrown up in at least 10 years
18:31.44Cairennthat is definitely no fun
18:31.47JoshBorkeyea, needless to say it wasn't pleasant
18:32.03CairennI've had the stomach flu before, oh was I sick
18:32.31JoshBorkeyea.  i'm pretty sure i got it from my sister's family (whom i visited this weekend)
18:32.46Cairennthat was a nasty one too, my entire dorm was quarantined
18:32.48JoshBorkeboth my parents, my grandmother, and my fiancee all caught it
18:32.54JoshBorkewow, yuck
18:32.58Cairennewwww, not fun
18:34.29JoshBorkeso i'm gonna go lay down now :-)  take it easy
18:34.43*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
18:34.49cogwheel|workYeah... my wife's getting over a flu she had all last week that I had the 4 days prior...
18:35.22Cairennapparently it's done the rounds at Blizz HQ too
18:35.54Cairennyou guys just go ahead and keep it in your own countries, I don't want it here in Canada thank you kindly
18:36.28Cairennhi Bouvi
18:36.54wereHamsterI'm sure switzerlands stays neutral on teh flu thing..
18:37.01BouviFlu last week, Florida tomorrow, wife's grandmother just died.  God it is hectic here.
18:37.26Cairennsorry to hear that, my condolences to your family
18:37.54BouviThanks.  Main problem is I will be in Florida when she heads for New York for the funeral.  Timing on this on is bad.
18:38.09BouviI cannot be there to support her which bites.
18:39.39BouviBut on the other hand I do not have to put up with her family.
18:39.56Scre3mfor you firefox junkies:
18:40.17Scre3mand the corresponding font:
18:41.01cogwheel|workapple will be all over that font download page
18:43.17Gryphennot soon enough
18:44.26cogwheel|workdon't know Cairenn's policy on linking to pirated stuff in this channel, but i would recommend against it
18:44.40cogwheel|worksome companies are more protective of fonts than they are about software
18:44.42*** join/#wowi-lounge weab_ (
18:45.30Scre3mhrm, i didn't realize it was pirated lol
18:45.42Scre3msorry! *blush*
18:45.58cogwheel|workmost people don't realize how much work goes into fonts
18:46.12Cairennif it's known to be pirated, then I'd rather you didn't, although I won't raise a huge hue and cry about it
18:46.15Scre3mthatz the first time ever, that i've touched fonts on any os
18:46.40Cairennif it isn't known to be pirated, then oops on your part and try to be careful in the future
18:46.56cogwheel|workexactly what I was trying to get at :)
18:46.57Scre3mi've watched the Clearfonts font discussion awhile ago which was confusing to me
18:47.48wereHamstercogwheel|work, the software that is needed to crate fonts is _very_ expensive
18:48.27cogwheel|workand even with the best software, it still takes a great deal of work
18:48.27Scre3mout of curiosity, what makes you think the font is pirated?
18:48.30wereHamsterand creating fonts requires a lot knowledge..
18:48.56cogwheel|workScre3m: "Big thanks to Hugo by have ported this beauty set of fonts straight from OS X!"
18:49.33*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
18:49.50Cairennjust ask Kirkburn|afk about the hassles involved with fonts
18:50.01Gryphenkirks were the actuall fonts
18:50.18Gryphenif ported is the true word its probably the same
18:50.26cogwheel|workIf you open the font files themselves, they also have a copyright notice
18:50.29Gryphenif actually re-created, its not quite the same
18:50.46Scre3mis there an open source font movement?
18:51.07cogwheel|worknot a huge one... all the fonts that come with linux are generally "free"
18:52.33Scre3mty for the info, and sorry again for the controversial link :)
18:52.38Scre3mlive and learn
18:52.41cogwheel|workheh nep
18:52.58cogwheel|workif i wasn't here, no one would probably have noticed :P
18:53.15Scre3mthat is a cool gmail skin tho, impressive
18:53.18CairennTypeface name: Apple Garamond
18:53.18CairennFile size: 47 KB
18:53.18CairennVersion: Version 2.0; 1991
18:53.19CairennCopyright 1991 as an un[ublished work by Bitstream Inc.  All rights reserved. Confidential
18:53.28cogwheel|workI just happen to go on information binges from time to time, and fonts were one of the topics I looked at
18:53.46Cairennat the top of the files
18:54.08Cairenn(just checked)
18:55.48cogwheel|workas hinted at before, the actual shapes of the characters can't be copyrighted (in the US), so if you reproduce a font yourself, you're in the clear... it's just the actual files themselves that present a problem.
19:10.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
19:12.57*** join/#wowi-lounge TC_Working (
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19:19.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Mortius (
19:20.10MortiusHello everybody.
19:21.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Celandro (n=Celandro@
19:21.10TC_WorkingHi Mortius
19:22.07MortiusWas curious if anyone knew how to get a units rage or energy?  UnitMana and UnitManaMax are working great for units with mana, but they do not work for rage/energy, yet I found no UnitRage, etc..
19:22.41cogwheel|workWhy do you think they don't work for units with rage/energy?
19:22.45Mortiusaccording to the wowwiki, UnitMana / UnitManaMax is suppose to work..
19:23.07ShadowedWoW considers Rage/Energy to be Mana when referring to API calls
19:23.19cogwheel|workMortius: you just contradicted yourself :P
19:23.26MortiusBecause I made a player frame, and I'm using UnitMana / UnitManaMax and it works for my casters/hunter, but it will not work on my rogue or warrior
19:23.44ShadowedDo you mean it's not changing color?
19:23.56MortiusUnitMana("player") always = 0 on my rogue or warrior.
19:24.07Mortiusbut it returns correctly on anything else.
19:24.09zenzelezzdo something to generate rage/energy
19:24.17MortiusI tried that
19:24.19Shadowedzenzelezz: Energy always is at 100 if you dont do anything
19:24.30Mortiusright, but it's returning 0 to me.
19:24.34ShadowedWorks fine for me on my Warrior, hit bloodrage and I got 10
19:24.41subbawthow about UnitManaMax, what does that get you on rogues/warriors
19:24.47MortiusThe correct value
19:25.06cogwheel|workI get the suspicion that you aren't testing it properly
19:25.08zenzelezzthen you're doing something wrong, UnitMana is the right function
19:25.26Mortiusodd, seems strange that it works fine for my casters
19:25.44cogwheel|workI have a feeling you don't have the rage/energy you think you do when you're testing it
19:25.49zenzelezzI use UnitMana on my warrior and it works flawlessly
19:27.04Mortiusokay, its something odd in my code then.  I'll keep looking.  thanks a lot :)
19:30.01MortiusI think I found it.  Farther down in my "unit_mana" and "unit_health" events, I have a "low mana" verbal warning system setup.  However, it checks the unit's class, and if it's a warrior or a rogue then it does a "return;".
19:30.28Mortiuswell for "unit_mana" it does anyway.
19:30.58MortiusI didn't realize that would effect anything since it was below the current code.
19:31.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (n=nospam@
19:34.07Mortiushere's what I've made, it works, except I dont know how to make it when you click on it, you target yourself :
19:34.13Mortiuslet me know what you guys think
19:34.33ShadowedYou need to add UNIT_RAGE and UNIT_HEALTH too
19:34.36Mortiusits a start anywa
19:34.41Shadoweder, UNIT_ENERGY
19:35.00Shadowedevents has seperate ones for rage/health/mana, API calls consider it "Mana" so UnitMana and such
19:35.00MortiusI didn't check for events.  okay thanks!
19:35.36*** part/#wowi-lounge Celandro (n=Celandro@
19:36.44Mortiusdid anyone look?  haha you can tell me if you think its bad..
19:37.31BouviNow that looks cool!!!
19:37.48MortiusI've been trying to make a frame for the 3d model
19:37.53Mortiusbut they keep coming out really ugly
19:38.12BouviI like it alot.  Very stylish but keeping with the wow theme and not sure you need a frame
19:38.22Mortiusalright :)
19:41.36ShirikI like it Mortius
19:41.39ShirikI wouldn't use it, but I like it
19:42.05ShirikI like way too much information to be displayed to care about looks on my screen, though
19:42.14cogwheel|workI think the model needs to be a bit taller downward, and/or the health/mana bars need to be a bit narrower, imo
19:42.24ShirikI do agree with the bars being narrower
19:42.53Shirikthe ratio of model to bars is a bit off.... can't really say whether smaller or larger is a better option though without seeing it compared to the rest of the ui
19:43.24Mortiusyeah I agree with you Cog
19:43.41Mortiusand shirik .. yeah I'm going to adjust that
19:43.53Mortiusthe mana / health need to be shrunk
19:44.01MortiusI'll prob add an xp bar under
19:44.08Shirikso I feel like a moron now
19:44.25Mortiuswhys that
19:44.26Shirikin my test today I had to prove 7^n - 2^n is divisible by 5 right?
19:44.34ShirikI was so close to the end, but was stuck for about 15 minutes
19:44.45Shirikthen I guess the professor noticed everyone was stuck or something and wrote one simple thing on the board
19:44.59Shirikand then everything worked
19:45.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata124 (
19:45.46Shirikwithout posting the entire solution it doesn't entirely make much sense, but suffice to say that I was a bit mad that I didn't realize 2+5 = 7
19:45.59Mortiuswell now you made me feel like a moron too.  cause I would of had no clue how to even begin to figure that out.
19:46.38cogwheel|workand i'm a re-moron since i haven't done anything like that for 6 years or so...
19:47.25MortiusI went to a small town school system, where you graduate high school with the highest math class being pre-algebra. :-/
19:47.25BouviI am not even sure they taught that when I went to school.  
19:47.30cogwheel|workis a^n + b^n = (a+b)^n or something?
19:51.24Shirikhere you go mortius:
19:51.25Shirikhave fun
19:52.28Shirikit didn't use my mod symbol >.>
19:52.32nevcairielcogwheel|work: no its not .. you cannot simplify yours imho
19:53.27nevcairielif that would be * on the other hand..
19:53.30nevcairielyour rule would apply :)
19:53.43Shirikuse the one at the bottom
19:55.02ShirikIt's an inductive proof. That is, we prove the first case (where n = 1) then prove that if P(n) is true, then P(n+1) must be true. Therefore by proving P(1), we prove that all integers 1 to infinity must be a true statement
19:56.55wereHamsterwin 10
19:57.04kergothhehe. irssi?
19:58.39wereHamsteryes :)
19:59.03wereHamsterI usually use ALT+1/2/3 but that doesn't work in xterm
20:01.30MortiusShirik: I went to that link.  Thanks for my headache.
20:02.36MortiusThird "gold selling" advertisement I've gotten this morning on my lowbie tester toon.  this time from "ffryawfok"
20:09.05Shirik|ClassMortius: SpamSentry
20:09.49MortiusI'll have to look into that :)
20:10.40MortiusOkay, so I tried making a huge hidden button on top of my playerframe to make it clickable.  lol.. that didn't work.  I've tried putting OnClick events for the various labels, progress bars, etc.. with no luck..
20:11.27Mortiuseven if I do find a way to make it clickable, you can't force anyone to target anything, since it gives you one of those "illegal" errors..
20:11.37Shirikyou need to use SetAttribute
20:11.44Shirikyou'll need to use secure frames
20:11.50ShirikI assume you're trying to get it to say, target the player
20:11.54Mortiusokay, I read something about that.  yes I am.
20:12.07ShirikOkay, part one, you need to make it a secure frame
20:12.08*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
20:12.13Shirikpart two, you need to set two attributes: type and unit
20:12.24Shirikframe:SetAttribute("type", "target");
20:12.29Shirikframe:SetAttribute("unit", "player");
20:12.42Shiriksubstitute "player" with whatever, of course
20:12.51Mortiusawesome!  thanks
20:12.53Shirikimportant to note is that SetAttribute can only be called while out of combate
20:13.17Mortiusugh.  what if they wanted to target themself while in combat
20:13.44Shiriksetting the attribute tells the frame "hey, when you're clicked, here's what I want you to do"
20:13.50Shirikthe blizzard code handles actually doing that action
20:14.04Shirikso you set the attribute while out of combat; while in combat, it still works, you just can't go changing attributes mid-combat
20:14.12cogwheel|workMortius: see SecureTemplates.xml & SecureTemplates.lua
20:14.14Mortiusoooh gotcha.
20:14.32Mortiusokay cog. thanks.
20:16.56Shiriksomething with is wrong
20:17.08Shirikit can't both be a null function /and/ return an error every time
20:17.18Shirikthose are mutually exclusive
20:17.52Shirikat least by my definition a "null function" would be: function foo() end
20:18.09Cideclearly it's not a null function; it's just not available to us mortals :)
20:20.05ShirikI don't understand how air mail can take 12 hours to get from a hub in NJ to a hub in SC
20:20.22Shiriklooking at my UPS tracking info, it says it departed the hub in NJ at 4AM, arrived at the hub in SC at 4PM
20:20.26Shirikvia air
20:20.30TC_Workingtakes time to winde up the rubber band
20:21.08Mortiusis "secured frames" a fairly new thing?
20:21.15cogwheel|workas of 2.0
20:21.39Mortiusokay.  So this WoW UI Designer is too outdated for that. oh poop
20:21.47cogwheel|workyou should read Iriel's 2.0.x changes sticky on the UI & Macros forum. It's terse, but has a lot of relevant info
20:21.56Cideyou'll probably learn more by not using the ui designer
20:22.07MortiusI only use it for the .xml
20:22.25Cideyou can still use it then
20:22.48ShirikThe only time I ever used the WoW UI Designer was ...
20:22.57Shirika year and a half ago maybe? I dunno it was a long time ago
20:22.59Mortiusdon't you have to declair secure frames inside the .xml part?
20:22.59cogwheel|workyou'll learn more about how the UI elements function together by writing the xml yourself
20:23.02Cidebut I still think you'll learn more from not using it :)
20:23.09cogwheel|workMortius: no
20:23.10Cideno, you can do it in lua
20:23.21Mortiusoh okay goodie :D  
20:23.28cogwheel|workbut xml is more natural for certain things
20:23.30ShirikNow, the thing is... when I used that designer, I knew nothing. I learned nothing. Similarily, the addons I generated... were nothing.
20:23.42ShirikWhen I stopped using the designer, I started to actually learn things, and actually was able to do stuff.
20:23.46ShirikSo I recommend the same to you.
20:23.59cogwheel|workand with a decent xml editor, you'll actually be quicker than with lua since it'll autocomplete tag names, attribute values, etc.
20:24.14cogwheel|work(not as much to memorize that way)
20:24.29cogwheel|works/memorize/memorize or look up in a reference/
20:31.27Shirikis hooksecurefunc() a C function or is it defined somewhere?
20:31.30Shirikit's gotta be C I think
20:32.06Shirikotherwise the mere use of it would taint I think
20:32.31Shirikyou know I never seen borat myself :/
20:33.45CideC, yep
20:34.21TC_Workingneither have I
20:35.11cogwheel|workit's a bit on the vulgar side (think live-action south park) but it's absolutely hilarious if you're tolerant of that kind of thing
20:35.32TC_Workingmeh, cant stand south park
20:51.31MortiusCan you add inherits="SecureUnitFrame" to a frame with lua?  or does that need to be in the .xml?
20:52.59cogwheel|workit can only be done at the frame's creation. it can't be added in later
20:53.18Mortiusokay thanks.  I couldn't find an answer to that.
20:54.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
20:54.11Mortiusim not getting it to work by putting it inside the xml for some reason.  
20:56.42Mortiusyeah, it seems like all a bit much to make something clickable.  who clicks on their portrait to target themself anyway heh.
20:58.16TainRemember tomorrow is a very important day.
20:59.11cogwheel|workMortius: right-clicking to pull up the loot menu for one thing...
20:59.24cogwheel|workloot type*
20:59.40Mortiusoh yeah forgot about that menu :(
21:00.05purlTomorrow will probably suck too.
21:00.30*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
21:01.08purl[today] Tuesday
21:01.08TainTomorrow is...
21:02.04cogwheel|worki don't know about you, but valentine's day is usually ... worth it ... for me...
21:02.30Beladonahey cogwheel|work, you have any experience with sticky frame code?
21:02.38Corrodiasi don't like steaks
21:02.58cogwheel|workBeladona: the fact that I don't quite know what you mean might be an answer :|
21:03.14Beladonaits the feature that makes frames able to stick together when moving them
21:03.24cogwheel|worka la winamp?
21:03.31Beladonalike move frame1 near frame2 and it snaps-to
21:03.41BeladonaI have most of it
21:03.42Corrodiascool at times, annoying at others
21:03.43wereHamsterBeladona, is that feature part of teh Blizzard UI?
21:03.44Cideugh, I have a little and it's not fun
21:03.45Beladonathe problem is tolerance
21:04.05BeladonawereHamster, no not currently
21:04.34wereHamsterI have soem code that will let frames 'snap' to each other, but you can't move them together
21:04.53Beladonabasically I measure the distance from the center of frame1 to the left, right, top, and bottom of frame2 and then itelligently setpoint based on which is closest
21:05.11Beladonait can do orientations at topleft, top, topright, left, right, bottomleft, bottomright, and bottom
21:05.14Beladonabut the problem is
21:05.35Beladonahow close to the left side before it goes topleft, etc...
21:07.27Beladonait might take care of itself
21:10.44TullerI've written some sticky frame code?
21:10.52Tullerbut not in the way you want, probably
21:11.11Tullersee also, the sticky frame code in bongos
21:12.25Cidehe left :P
21:12.38Tulleryeah I read that just now :)
21:14.00Mortiuswell I can't get my frame to be clickable no matter what I try.  maybe I shouldn't put the setattribute code in the frames OnLoad?
21:15.00cogwheel|workMortius: if you're using XML, just use the <Attributes><Attribute name="unit" val="player"/></Attributes>
21:15.24Mortiusokay I'll try that, thanks.
21:15.36cogwheel|workoh... be sure you're making it a Button type object and it has a size
21:15.49Mortiusa button type?
21:16.06cogwheel|work<Button blah    as opposed to <Frame blah ...
21:16.07MortiusI didn't read anything about that
21:16.23cogwheel|workotherwise it won't pay attention to clicks by default
21:16.32Mortiusokay good to know.  thanks again :)
21:17.03Mortius<Button name="myButton" inherits="SecureUnitButtonTemplate">
21:17.15cogwheel|workyou should probably just open up some other unit frame mod and see how it's done there if you still have trouble
21:18.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
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21:35.37cogwheel|workCide: check out ... maybe you could set up a line hook that compares time to an upvalue start time and throws an error if execution takes longer than some threshold?
21:36.07Shadowedsomeone got brave enough to freeze Cide?
21:36.20cogwheel|workno... just offering preventative measures :)
21:38.18cogwheel|work(at least not that I've seen today :P )
21:39.06Mortiuslooking at some of the other people unit frames .xml and .lua and I have no clue how they made them clickable.  the forms arn't secure.  eXtremeUnitButtons is the only one I've found that actually uses secure forms to do it.
21:39.10cogwheel|work>>> return (function(...) return ... end)(1, 2, 3)
21:39.10Cidecogwheel|work: 1       2       3
21:39.38Cidecogwheel|work: hmm, maybe
21:40.02*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
21:40.36Shirik~lart purl
21:41.04Shadowedthis mouse is the devil
21:41.25*** join/#wowi-lounge beNson__ (
21:44.51MortiusCT_mod just makes the default frames its parent.  for example: <Frame name="CT_TargetFrame" parent="TargetFrame"> is CT_TargetFrame.xml.  No inherits, and it's clickable.
21:45.12Shirikwhat does its parent inherit?
21:45.46MortiusI don't know but I tried that and it resized my frame and it's still not clickable heh
21:45.58Mortiusbut I tried it with "PlayerFrame"
21:46.21ShirikI really don't know how CT works; I don't use it, much less have looked at the code
21:46.38MortiusDiscord uses parents too
21:46.48Mortiusextremeunitbuttons uses the secure frames
21:49.22MortiusAll I know is thats all the effort I'm going to put into trying to do something which should be a ton easier than it is.  I'll just avoid making any frames that need to be clickable in the future.
21:49.42ShirikYou probably won't get very far that way
21:49.49Shirikyou'll need to learn eventually
21:50.13Shiriklet me see if I can give you a good example from my code
21:50.18MortiusThere is no clear documentation.  The .xml's I've looked at are all differnet.
21:51.50Cidecogwheel|work: what would be a sensible threshold? 5s?
21:52.07Shirik5s seems good to me
21:52.16ShirikThere shouldn't be any "serious" processing done here
21:52.24ShirikI mean, anything complex (should) take more than one line
21:52.36Cide>>> a=;=erroneous=;=;;code==;=;
21:52.36CideCide: attempt to call a nil value
21:52.38Shirikand would be beyond the purpose of your script, which seems just to test little things
21:52.51ShirikMortius: Some lua sample
21:52.55Shirikcheck that
21:52.59Shirikmake sure you did everything in there
21:53.05Shirikwell you wouldn't be using useparent-type and spell
21:53.11Shirikbut same deal
21:53.33ShirikI don't use xml but let me see if I can find where I create that cell
21:53.59Shirikalso ignore SetNewPurpose
21:54.03Shirikthat's something we defined on our own
21:54.06cogwheel|work5s is what I had in mind too
21:54.07Shirikwe wrap the frames
21:54.23MortiusI didn't do the registerforclicks thing
21:54.33Mortiusnor I have seen that anywhere else
21:55.07Mortiusi think it's because more people are using the <button... instead of <frame... maybe?
21:56.58CideI wonder if this works
21:57.01Shirikbtw AnyUp
21:57.06Shirikmeans any button up
21:57.07Cide>>> while ( true ) do end
21:57.07CideCide: attempt to call a nil value
21:57.16Cideguess not
21:57.19Shirik>>> return 1;
21:57.31CideI'm guessing I messed up my lua script :)
21:57.50MortiusI get an error on that line if I add the registerforclicks
21:58.00Shirikare you using a frame or a button?
21:58.06Shirikbecause that's a button function
21:58.25*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio_ (n=sp@unaffiliated/sergio)
21:59.01Cide>>> while ( true ) do end
21:59.07CideCide: maximum execution time exceeded
21:59.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
21:59.14Cidenice :)
21:59.18Shirik>>> return 1;
21:59.33Shirik>>> return "Hello World";
21:59.46ShirikCide doesn't trust me anymore, the script is set to ignore me
21:59.54Cide>>> return 1;
21:59.54CideCide: 1
21:59.59Cidehaha, apparently
22:00.09Cidetry now
22:00.10kergoth>>> return "Foo"
22:00.10Cidekergoth: "Foo"
22:00.13Shirik>> return 1;
22:00.16Shirik>>> return 1;
22:00.39cogwheel|work>>> return 1;
22:00.39Cidecogwheel|work: 1
22:00.48CideI only have it set to ignore purl, I promise
22:00.51Cideit just hates you
22:01.00Shirikreturn 1==1;
22:01.08Cidetry now, Shirik
22:01.09Shirik>>> return 1==1;
22:01.24Cidetry again
22:01.26Shirik>>> return 1==1;
22:01.30Shirik>>> 7
22:01.37cogwheel|work>>> return 5
22:01.41Mortiusyeah, I just don't know enough to make this happen yet.  I'll just have to come back to it sometime in the future.  I'm just not understanding what needs to happen.  Turn the frame into a button is beyond me.
22:01.48Cidetry now!
22:01.49Shirik>>> return "I love you, Shirik";
22:01.49CideShirik: "I love you, Shirik"
22:02.07*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio_ (n=sp@unaffiliated/sergio)
22:02.21cogwheel|worktime to test the infinite loop...
22:02.36Cide>>> debug.sethook() --[[ disable hooking, mwahahaha ]] while ( true ) do end return 1
22:02.42CideCide: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
22:03.05Shirik>>> return string.char(10)..string.char(13).."PRIVMSG #wowi-lounge diaf";
22:03.05CideShirik: "\n\rPRIVMSG #wowi-lounge diaf"
22:03.11Shirikgood you didn't break that in the process
22:03.53CideI like this better :)
22:03.54Cide>>> debug.sethook() --[[ disable hooking, mwahahaha ]] while ( true ) do end return 1
22:03.54CideCide: disabling of hooks not allowed
22:04.03cogwheel|work>>> local s = "" for i=1,10 do s=s..i.."\n" end return s
22:04.03Cidecogwheel|work: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n10\n"
22:04.05Shirikfunction a() return b() end function b() return a() end a();
22:04.15Shirik>>> function a() return b() end function b() return a() end a();
22:04.20CideShirik: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
22:05.00Cidemy script is kind of a hack now, but meh
22:05.49Shirik>>> a = loadstring("while(true) end"); pcall(a);
22:05.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Karrion (
22:06.18Shirik>>> a = loadstring("while(true) do end"); pcall(a);
22:06.23CideShirik: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
22:07.09Corrodiasi notice you're ending with semicolons
22:07.13Cideseems to work nicely :) thanks cogwheel|work
22:07.20cogwheel|worknp :)
22:07.21Shirikit's a habit
22:07.23cogwheel|workthank the people in #lua
22:07.31Cidesemicolons > * imo!
22:07.47cogwheel|work* as in *.*...
22:07.49Shadowedthey're used in other programming languages, so it's habit sometimes
22:08.05Shirikyeah, Shadowed, that's my case
22:08.23ShirikI'm just so used to putting them everywhere
22:08.48Shirikalso makes it a bit more readable imo
22:08.56Cidesame an expensive paperweight mouse
22:09.32Shirik>>> setfenv(1, {}); a = loadstring("while(true) do end"); pcall(a);
22:09.32CideShirik: [string "setfenv(1, {}); a = loadstring("while(true)..."]:1: attempt to call global 'loadstring' (a nil value)
22:09.39Shirikyou took that out?
22:09.52Cidebut you set the current function environment to empty
22:10.04Shirik>>> setfenv(1, {}); while(true) do end
22:10.10CideShirik: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
22:10.16Shirikhmm, touché
22:10.38*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
22:10.50Cideit is dependencies?!
22:10.55Shirikit is!
22:12.11Shirik>>> a = loadstring("debug.sethook(nil)"); pcall(a); while(true) do end
22:12.21ShirikI win.
22:12.40CideShirik: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
22:13.41Cidetry now
22:13.44Shirik>>> a = loadstring("debug.sethook(nil)"); pcall(a); while(true) do end
22:13.45CideShirik: disabling of hooks not allowed
22:14.08Shirik>>> a = loadstring("b = loadstring(\"debug.sethook(nil)\"); pcall(b)"); pcall(a); while(true) do end
22:14.08CideShirik: disabling of hooks not allowed
22:14.36Cidenice try :)
22:16.24Shirik>>> a = {sh = debug.sethook, ls = loadstring, pc = pcall}; setfenv(1, a); sh(nil); while(true) do end
22:16.24CideShirik: disabling of hooks not allowed
22:16.45Shirik>>> debug.sethook
22:16.46CideShirik: attempt to call a nil value
22:17.06ShirikJust curious how you protected against it
22:17.17Shirikthought you might just be looking for the string "debug.sethook" but I guess not
22:17.26Cideoh, no :)
22:17.33Cidenormal sethook functionality still works :)
22:18.39Cide>>> local output = ""; debug.sethook(function(_, line) output = output .. line; end, "l") for i = 1, 10, 1 do print("") end return output
22:18.39CideCide: "1111111111"
22:22.05Shirik>>> tostring(debug.gethook())
22:22.30Cideadding "return" is kinda annoying
22:22.40Shirik>>> return tostring(debug.gethook());
22:22.40CideShirik: "function: 00B2CFB8"
22:22.44Cidecan you think of a good way to not have to do that?
22:22.46Shirikbleh, I want the code!
22:23.00Cidedoesn't that take away all the fun? :)
22:23.02cogwheel|work>>> return (function(s)return(('%s%q'):format(s,s))end)"return (function(s)return(('%s%q'):format(s,s))end)"
22:23.02Cidecogwheel|work: "return (function(s)return(('%s%q'):format(s,s))end)"return (function(s)return(('%s%q'):format(s,s))end)""
22:23.27Cidehehe, nice
22:23.44ShirikI can't even read that
22:24.32Cidethe lua code it executes is ~60 lines now
22:25.04Shirik>>> a = ""; foreach key, pair in pairs(_G) do a = a .. " | "..key.." => "..pair.." | "; return a;
22:25.04CideShirik: attempt to call a nil value
22:25.20Shirik>>> a = ""; foreach key, pair in pairs(_G) do a = a .. " | "..key.." => "..pair.." | "; end return a;
22:25.20CideShirik: attempt to call a nil value
22:25.28Cidefor, not foreach :)
22:25.37Shirik>>> a = ""; for key, pair in pairs(_G) do a = a .. " | "..key.." => "..pair.." | "; end return a;
22:25.37CideShirik: [string "a = ""; for key, pair in pairs(_G) do a = a..."]:1: attempt to concatenate local 'pair' (a function value)
22:26.12Cidethat's gonna be spammy :)
22:26.15Shirik>>> a = ""; for key, pair in pairs(_G) do if (type(pair) == "string") then a = a .. " | "..key.." => "..pair.." | "; end end return a;
22:26.15CideShirik: " | a =>  |  | _VERSION => Lua 5.1 | "
22:26.49Shirikthat... might have been me
22:26.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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22:27.14CideI guess I have to limit the output :)
22:27.14bleetahsorry for finding a bug? :P
22:27.14Cidemy fault
22:27.21bleetah;) j/k
22:27.27ShirikI was trying to find the var that you're using to watch time
22:27.32Cidehmm, sensible max length?
22:27.37Shirik200 chars?
22:27.44Shirikshould be more than enough
22:27.50Cide>>> a = ""; for key, pair in pairs(_G) do a = a .. " | "..key.." => "..tostring(pair).." | "; end return a;
22:27.50CideCide: " | a =>  |  | log => function: 00369E48 |  | wow => table: 00367660 |  | tostring => function: 007C1780 |  | gcinfo => function: 00366AD0 |  | gmatch => function: 003693E0 |  | format => function: 00
22:28.07Cidewhy use globals when you can use locals? ;)
22:29.03Shirikwhat's wow?
22:29.17Cidenot mine
22:29.36Shirik>>> a = ""; for key, pair in pairs(wow) do a = a .. " | " .. key .. " => "..tostring(pair).." | "; end return a;
22:29.37CideShirik: " | strconcat => function: 0096AA58 |  | strtrim => function: 0096A9B8 |  | debugstack => function: 0096AAB8 |  | getglobal => function: 0096AA78 |  | setglobal => function: 0096AA98 |  | strjoin => f
22:29.55Cideoh, it's cogwheel|work's wow-specific functions
22:29.57CideI'm guessing
22:30.27cogwheel|workyep. making a "wow" module was the easiest way to implement them
22:30.44cogwheel|workI *could* set wow to nil after creating the global aliases, but meh...
22:31.00*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
22:31.16Shirik>>> function a() end; debug.sethook(a, "c"); debug.sethook(a, "r"); debug.sethook(a, "l"); while(true) end;
22:31.17CideShirik: attempt to call a nil value
22:31.19Shirik>>> function a() end; debug.sethook(a, "c"); debug.sethook(a, "r"); debug.sethook(a, "l"); while(true) do end;
22:31.33CideShirik: attempt to call a nil value
22:31.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
22:31.34cogwheel|workuh oh
22:31.39Cidehaha, I'm guessing that worked
22:32.06Cideor did it?
22:32.10Shirik>>> function a() end; debug.sethook(a, "c"); debug.sethook(a, "r"); debug.sethook(a, "l"); while(true) do end;
22:32.21CideShirik: attempt to call a nil value
22:32.37CideI guess sethook goes away!
22:33.50Cide>>> return time()
22:33.50CideCide: 1173825229
22:34.09pastamanceryou should probably take out debug entirely
22:34.22*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (
22:34.24Cide>>> return type(trace)
22:34.25CideCide: "nil"
22:34.31Cideya, probably
22:34.40Shirikwell don't you need debug?
22:34.49CideI can still use it myself
22:35.04pastamancer>>> return debug.traceback()
22:35.04Cidepastamancer: "stack traceback:\n[string "return debug.traceback()"]:1: in main chunk\n[C]: in function 'pcall'\nd:\lua\input.tmp:25: in main chunk\n[C]: ?"
22:35.18Cide>>> return type(debug)
22:35.18CideCide: "nil"
22:35.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Mortius (
22:35.31Cide>>> while (true) do end return ""
22:35.36CideCide: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
22:35.37WobWorkour target is 10mililon questions correctly answered =P
22:35.46Shirik>>> function a() end; debug.sethook(a, "c"); debug.sethook(a, "r"); debug.sethook(a, "l"); while(true) end;
22:35.46CideShirik: attempt to call a nil value
22:35.51WobWorkwe've already hit 7.5 =P
22:35.59TainPoor World Maths Day.  Just can't compete with a more important day.
22:36.15WobWorkHappy Birthday Einstein!
22:36.26pastamancer>>> return type(file)
22:36.26Cidepastamancer: "nil"
22:36.27WobWorkAnd Pi
22:36.43Shirik>>> setfenv(1, {}); while(true) do end
22:36.44pastamancerah, yes.  There's a Pi day party at work tomorrow
22:36.47TainMore important!
22:36.49CideShirik: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
22:37.03Shirik>>> type(sethook)
22:37.07Shirik>>> return type(sethook)
22:37.08CideShirik: "nil"
22:37.22*** join/#wowi-lounge toufie (
22:37.51pastamancer>>> return type(package)
22:37.51Cidepastamancer: "table"
22:38.07Cide>>> return type(package)
22:38.07CideCide: "nil"
22:38.30pastamancerso much for package.loadlib("io")
22:38.47WobWorkhappy dunblane massacre anniversary?
22:38.49pastamancer>>> return type(require)
22:38.49Cidepastamancer: "nil"
22:38.58pastamancer>>> return type(module)
22:38.59Cidepastamancer: "nil"
22:39.12Ciderequire, module, dofile, debug, package, io, os, loadfile, loadlib
22:39.15Cideare the disabled globals
22:39.29Cidedid I miss anything?
22:39.30pastamancer>>> return _VERSION
22:39.30Cidepastamancer: "Lua 5.1"
22:39.35pastamancergonna check
22:39.56WobWorkMan, it can't be very important, then, Tain =P
22:40.08Shirik>>> return type(_G["debug"]);
22:40.08CideShirik: "nil"
22:40.39Shirikso you don't compile python then?
22:40.42Shirikit's a scripted language?
22:41.13Cideit's scripted, but can be compiled
22:41.14WobWorkHappy Birthday Johan Strauss
22:41.27cogwheel|worklike lua
22:41.38WobWorkAnd Billy Crystal
22:41.44CideI really like python
22:41.47Cide(and lua)
22:41.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
22:42.08pastamancer>>> local x = {} while true do tinsert(x, {}) end
22:42.14Cidepastamancer: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
22:42.27pastamancerI guess it can't allocate much memory in 5 sec
22:42.43WobWorkoh and that girl from Hanson =)
22:42.51Cide>>> local x = { } while true do tinsert(x, {{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}) end
22:42.56CideCide: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
22:43.06Shirik>>> function a() a() end a();
22:43.06CideShirik: d:\lua\input.tmp:12: stack overflow
22:43.21Cideline 12! omg!
22:43.28Shirikhow did I get to line 12?
22:43.38pastamancerthis one goes up to 11
22:43.47CideI define a few functions before I loadstring the input
22:44.07wereHamsterlike _G.require = nil :P
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22:44.17Cidethat's actually after, but yeah, I do stuff like that
22:48.08Shirik>>> function a(x) return c("c"); c("l"); c("r"); end function c(x) return loadstring("return debug.sethook(b, \""..x.."\") ;"); end function b() end f = load(a()); pcall(f);
22:48.08CideShirik: attempt to call a nil value
22:49.02Shirik>>> n = 0; function a(x) n = n + 1; if n == 1 then c("c"); elseif n == 2 then c("l"); else c("r"); end end function c(x) return loadstring("return debug.sethook(b, \""..x.."\") ;"); end function b() end f = load(a()); pcall(f);
22:49.03CideShirik: [string "n = 0; function a(x) n = n + 1; if n == 1 t..."]:1: bad argument #1 to 'load' (function expected, got no value)
22:49.22Shirik>>> n = 0; function a(x) n = n + 1; if n == 1 then return c("c"); elseif n == 2 then return c("l"); else return c("r"); end end function c(x) return loadstring("return debug.sethook(b, \""..x.."\") ;"); end function b() end f = load(a()); pcall(f);
22:49.31Shirik>>> n = 0; function a(x) n = n + 1; if n == 1 then return c("c"); elseif n == 2 then return c("l"); else return c("r"); end end function c(x) return loadstring("return debug.sethook(b, \""..x.."\") ;"); end function b() end f = load(a()); pcall(f); while (true) do end
22:49.36CideShirik: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
22:49.44ShirikI declare Cide victorious
22:49.51Cidewhat did that do anyway?
22:50.09ShirikWell you disabled loadstring and loadfile but not load
22:50.13Shirikso I tried to get through it that way
22:50.24Shirikbut imo load is a bitch to use
22:50.34Shirikthe majority of that was just making a function to make it work
22:50.56Shirik>>> n = 0; function a(x) n = n + 1; if n == 1 then return c("c"); elseif n == 2 then return c("l"); elseif n == 3 return c("r"); else return nil; end end function c(x) return loadstring("return debug.sethook(b, \""..x.."\") ;"); end function b() end f = load(a()); pcall(f); while (true) do end
22:50.56CideShirik: attempt to call a nil value
22:51.50ShirikI think it's because debug.sethook() doesn't exist anyway so it doesn't matter
22:51.53Shirik>>> n = 0; function a(x) n = n + 1; if n == 1 then return c("c"); elseif n == 2 then return c("l"); else return c("r"); end end function c(x) return loadstring("return debug.sethook(b, \""..x.."\") ;"); end function b() end f = load(a()); f(); while (true) do end
22:51.53CideShirik: [string "n = 0; function a(x) n = n + 1; if n == 1 t..."]:1: attempt to call global 'f' (a nil value)
22:52.10Shirikor I'm just not using load() right
22:52.43Shirik>>> n = 0; function a(x) n = n + 1; if n == 1 then return c("c"); elseif n == 2 then return c("l"); else return c("r"); end end function c(x) return loadstring("return debug.sethook(b, \""..x.."\") ;"); end function b() end f, err = load(a()); if (f == nil) return err; else f(); end while (true) do end
22:52.43CideShirik: attempt to call a nil value
22:52.53Shirik>>> n = 0; function a(x) n = n + 1; if n == 1 then return c("c"); elseif n == 2 then return c("l"); else return c("r"); end end function c(x) return loadstring("return debug.sethook(b, \""..x.."\") ;"); end function b() end f, err = load(a()); if (f == nil) then return err; else f(); end while (true) do end
22:52.53CideShirik: "[string "return debug.sethook(b, "c") ;"]:1: attempt to index global 'debug' (a nil value)"
22:52.59Shirikthat's what I thought
22:53.01Shirikso you win
22:53.11Cide_G.debug = nil ftw
22:53.46Shirikok time for some CS
22:53.55Shiriktake care :)
22:54.17cogwheel|workI was sad to hear that you're ignoring purl :P
22:54.27cogwheel|workI wanted to make a ~wowiquine
22:54.42Cidebot wars are evil!
22:55.04cogwheel|worknick ~cogwheel
22:55.07MortiusI think I found out why I'm having so much problems here.  I can't seem to get my frame clicks to respond to even normal onclick events.  some property or something must be wrong.
22:55.18cogwheel|work"erroneous nickname"
22:55.27Cideframes don't have EnableMouse by default
22:55.33Cideso make it a button or set EnableMouse to true
22:55.47cogwheel|worki already had him make it a button :(
22:55.52Cideah, heh
22:55.58MortiusI have enablemouse set to true
22:56.00WobWorkThat's a great idea! =)
22:56.32*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (
22:56.46cogwheel|workWobWork: zomg!
22:57.31CideI'm so buying one
22:57.55MortiusI have honestly tried every possible combination of the properties I know about, and the OnClick event never triggers...  so there must be something I don't know about.
22:58.14cogwheel|workMortius: pastey your XML
22:58.34zenzelezzI already have a fleece blanket that I use like that o_O
22:58.54ShadowedBUT does it have sleeves
22:59.14zenzelezzno, but I've learned how to wrap it around myself to fix that
22:59.23sysragewhats the target of target thing? [target=targettarget] /
22:59.27zenzelezzfamily keeps calling me a jedi when I walk around in the house with it :-(
22:59.36cogwheel|worksysrage: your target's target
22:59.47sysrageya just couldn't remember the target= for it
22:59.50sysragei got it right?
23:00.03ShadowedFor macros, you want [target=targettarget], for unit you want targettarget
23:01.27cogwheel|workMortius: i don't see your inherits anywhere...
23:01.34cogwheel|workis UI builder wiping it out?
23:01.59Mortiusim not trying to do any of the secure functions now, just trying to make it trigger the onclick.. is that not possible at all without the inherits?
23:02.17cogwheel|workyou're not supposed to define your own onclick
23:02.22MortiusI tried with the inherits too anyway
23:02.25cogwheel|workthat's the whole point of inheriting the secure frame
23:02.58Mortiusokay, I'll put it back in the way I had it, I still couldn't get it to work and then the whole frame stopped working.  all the code would give me errors.
23:03.10Industrialthis is whats wrong with the search
23:03.17Industrialim looking for bongos not crappy ui compilations
23:04.45Mortiuswhat if I just wanted clicking on a frame to do something that the secure templates can't do?  like print a message in the chatbox?
23:04.51Industrialshould look though addon names only imho
23:04.55Industrial@ dolby-wowi_
23:04.57cogwheel|workMortius: instead of doing DPlayerFrame:SetAttribute, do self:SetAttribute. That way if you change the name or copy/paste you won't have to change it
23:05.12Mortiusokay nice tip thanks
23:05.14cogwheel|workMortius: then you would use a <PostClick> handler
23:05.22zenzelezzIndustrial: I'm inclined to disagree, but I think it should look at names first, then elsewhere
23:05.37cogwheel|work(or preclick)
23:05.46Tullerhrm, all I do is get an error from that link :P
23:06.16Mortiusokay, so in that .xml, I should change <FRAME = "blah blah, to <BUTTON = "blah blah?
23:06.25Tullerif you want a button, then yes
23:06.29Tullerall tags must match
23:06.39Mortiusbut it says on blizzard site that I have to make the size = to a button
23:06.47Mortiusbut I dont want to change my frames size
23:06.57Tullerthen don't change its size :P
23:07.09Mortiusthen they said it won't work as a button
23:07.22Tullera button is simply an object that receives clicks, it has nothing to do with size or anything
23:07.29Tullerthough I think you need a minimum size to actually get clicks
23:08.09Mortiusokay, but I dont really want a button, unless a clickable frame IS a button
23:08.21cogwheel|workit is
23:08.33Mortiusokay well then I do want a button. :D
23:08.47cogwheel|workbuttons have a few other features, and you *can* make a frame behave like a button but it's more work
23:08.48Mortiuslet me cut and paste this, from the blizzard forums
23:09.05*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (n=wereHams@
23:09.05Mortiusit says I have to define the size as 32 x 32 or somesuch thing
23:10.12Mortiuswell nevermind, blizz forums are down
23:12.26Mortiusokay it says    <AbsDimension x="48" y="48"/>
23:12.40Mortiusdo I have to do that?
23:13.02Tulleryou need a size to see the thing, but it doesn't have to be that specific size
23:13.18Antiarc|WorkOr you need two anchors that define top/left/right/bottom ;)
23:14.00MortiusI'm not sure why hidden="true"?
23:14.16Antiarc|WorkMortius: Because it's probably shown by the OnLoad script
23:14.42*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
23:15.33Mortiusokay, when I change my <frame> to <button> and include the inherits="SecureActionButtonTemplate"> all of my calls to the frame give errors.. because I'm guessing the frame doesn't exist anymore?
23:15.48Antiarc|WorkIt should still exist, as long as you didn't change the name
23:15.56Antiarc|Workdid you change the </frame> to </button> too?
23:16.06MortiusI may have forgotten that :D
23:16.13Antiarc|Work(log/FrameXML.log is awesome for troubleshooting those errors)
23:16.22Antiarc|WorkYou can also drop your XML file into a browser to make sure it parses properly
23:16.31Antiarc|WorkIE and Firefox will both tell you where it's broken if it is.
23:16.37Mortiussweet.  thanks for that tip.  oh okay, nice.
23:16.55Antiarc|WorkIf stuff just doesn't show up - doesn't seem to exist at all - broken XML is a good bet.
23:17.09wereHamsterthere's also a xsl (or however the files are called that can be used to validate xml)
23:18.04pastamancerxsl is style
23:18.15JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn
23:18.17purlACTION sneaks up on Cairenn and suddenly hugs Cairenn tightly
23:18.37Mortiusholy crap it works
23:18.39Antiarc|WorkUsing the browser is a lot faster than digging up and XSD validator though!
23:18.54MortiusYeah I forgot the </button> it appears.
23:19.03Antiarc|WorkVery important :)
23:19.03pastamanceronly if you don't have a validating xml parser handy
23:19.04Mortiusit's usually a dumb mistake like that with me.
23:19.21MortiusI overlook the small things all the time.
23:19.21Antiarc|WorkIt's always a dumb mistake like that with everyone ;)
23:19.42Antiarc|WorkI spend more time than I care to admit beating my head against walls over some stupid small error.
23:19.57Mortiuswell it's good to know it's not just me then :D
23:20.24JoshBorkewell, i'd hardly say Antiarc|Work is good company ;-) :-P
23:27.52MortiusI've been using  <TitleRegion setAllPoints="true" /> in conjunction with mouseEnable="true" to be able to move a frame.  however, now that I made this awesome button,  <TitleRegion setAllPoints="true" /> will make it not clickable again.
23:30.05Mortiusis there perhaps a way to set the titleregion with lua?
23:30.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Lej (
23:31.57LejIf I have a data structure that looks like this:
23:32.42LejHow would I make a for-loop that loops from "Copper Powder" to "Shadowgem"
23:33.18JoshBorkefor entry in pairs(ProspectInfo_OreData['Copper Ore']['Items']) do <stuff> end
23:34.16wereHamsterwhere 'entry' would be the name of the item
23:35.18Lejthanks, not familiar with pairs()
23:35.26Shirik|CSyou may want for key, entry in pairs() ...
23:35.30wereHamsterif you want both the name and the corresponding table, do 'for name,entry in ...'
23:35.33Shirik|CSthat way you can tell which index you want
23:35.38Shirik|CSs/want/are on/
23:36.16Mortiusthis:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton").. can I make this SHIFT+left button?
23:36.33Shirik|CSyou would want to do something like
23:36.52Shirik|CSregister for clicks on left button
23:37.20Shirik|CSand then do something like
23:37.24Lej'for name,entry in ...' would give name "Copper Powder" and entry the data in "Copper Powder"?
23:37.33pastamanceryou can use RegisterForDrag, you'll have to check for the shift key in your OnDrag* functions
23:37.43Shirik|CSIsShiftKeyPressed() and StartMoving() and StopMovingOrSizing()
23:37.51Shirik|CSsomething ilke that
23:37.56Shirik|CSI'd need to go to wowwiki to get the exact names
23:38.03Shirik|CSwhich I don't feel like doing atm I'm too tired :P
23:38.27wereHamsterLej, yes, 'entry' would be the table, eg. '{ [BaseDrop] = 8840, [PlayerDrop] = 0, [QuantityMax] = 1 }' for copper powder
23:38.29Shirik|CSI know RDX handles only shift-click drags, let me see if I can find the code
23:39.01LejwereHamster: ok, perfeky
23:39.41Shirik|CSMortius: Here's how we give our windows that property:
23:39.57Shirik|CSobviously not all lines apply to your case, but you should get it
23:40.29LejSo I would access [Basedrop] like so: entry.BaseDrop ?
23:40.39Mortiussweet, thanks a lot.
23:40.53Shirik|CS"handle" is the title bar btw
23:41.00Shirik|CS"win" is the entire window
23:41.11Shirik|CSjust to clarify; you may be wanting to put both as the same in your case
23:41.26Shirik|CSthis is a generic function that we apply to all our windows on creation, that's where I pulled it from
23:41.34Shirik|CSso that's why it's a little bit of a mess
23:42.05Mortiusgotcha.  alright I'm going to go apply all I have learned.  hehe.  thanks for all the help.  :D
23:46.47LejIf it looked like this would looping with pairs(ProspectInfo_OreData['Copper Ore']) still only loop through "Copper Powder" to "Shadowgem" (i.e. not BaseProspected and PlayerProspected?
23:47.51wereHamsterLej, it would also iterate over BaseProspected and PlayerProspected
23:48.17wereHamsterhowever, you could add 'if type(entry) == "table" then ... end'
23:48.25Cidehmm, does anyone know the url/name of the google site that shows you common search terms as you type in the search keywords?
23:48.45LejwereHamster: ah yeah, that would work
23:53.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Miranda@
23:54.45Lejlocal ProspectInfo_ItemData = {

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