irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070310

00:00.17jaxdahl152422 <[dRaCo]> jaxdahl: try
00:00.24jaxdahlexactly the site i was looking for, thanks
00:06.05*** join/#wowi-lounge SB1-Laptop (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
00:06.18jaxdahlnice, my paladin has 10,007 hp unbuffed
00:09.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
00:22.29*** part/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Work (n=Adrine@
00:29.26wereHamsterthat's not nice of him: one should split, and teh other can than choose which part he wants. He should have let his wive choose which part she wants to keep
00:30.01cogwheel|workwell, he did take the time to measure, at least...
00:30.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
00:31.18Cairennthat's hilarious
00:31.52SstixrudQuestion:  Can anyone think of a clean way to detect why a spell failed to complete?  Specifically I know to detect if the reason was a) A more powerful spell exists on unit and b) A debuff exists on unit preventing spell (think Priest shield).
00:32.11SstixrudI know/ I want to know
00:32.25cogwheel|workprocess the same events that the UI uses to display the error messages
00:32.47cogwheel|workyou'll have to also keep track of what spell is being cast in the first place and forget it when it succeeds
00:33.06*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio (n=sp@unaffiliated/sergio)
00:34.09SstixrudIn the case that a more powerful spell exists I will also need to watch for that spell leaving via UNIT_AURA event
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00:49.10SstixrudDoes anyone know a good howto / example code showing how to create custom ActionButtons using SecureActionButtonTemplate but not sharing the standard 120 button ids?
01:05.17*** part/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
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01:18.09IndustrialDoes someone have a hunter macro that makes your pet attack/come back in one button?
01:19.50leethalI'd like that too
01:20.22Groll./castsequence spell1, spell2
01:20.47Grolli guess
01:31.43kasoMan i sware divx stage 6 youtube esque thing must be hosted down the road from me or something
01:31.54kasoi get nearly 9000kB/s from it
01:32.40leethalI seriously wish I understood economics on www. All these free services with super high cost to maintain
01:32.47Temover NINE THOUSAND!?!?!?!
01:34.21kasoits a little crazy
01:36.34Kirkburn|WiiRayman Raving Rabbids ftw
01:37.45Kirkburn|Wiikaso, wow
01:37.55Kirkburn|WiiIt's taken me 3 months, but I finally got a Wii :D
01:38.08kasothats a long wait
01:38.17Kirkburn|WiiGame had a big order in today, and I happened to be in town to get my repaired phone
01:38.50Kirkburn|WiiI was planning on getting it online, but I always missed the couple of minutes each website had them for :P
01:39.02Kirkburn|WiiAmazon still only has them for about 10 minutes every 3 days
01:39.39Kirkburn|WiiI've even frequently seen their stock disappear after two minutes
01:39.53kasocant you like pre-order?
01:39.57Kirkburn|WiiBut anyhoo, I have a Wii, it is awesome :P
01:40.21Kirkburn|WiiStocks are so unreliable, most sites don't take preorders still
01:40.43kasoi see
01:41.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:41.41Kirkburn|WiiI'm going to go back and do some more disco dancing ... "Bunnies are fantastic dancers"
01:42.41kasoman that is the best quit message ever
01:44.56Kirkburn|WiiI hate cladhaire :)
01:46.58leethalwhat's kirkburn's?
01:48.03kasoIt sounds like Burns when you say it :>
01:49.38leethalKaso sounds like kaso when you say it
01:50.46kasoif you say it wrong
01:50.46Kirkburn|WiiIt actually sounds like "fish"
01:50.48leethalfruit, fungus
01:53.44SstixrudHey kaso got a question you might be able to help with :)
01:54.18Sstixrudkaso:  You familiar with how to create Secure actionbuttons that do not use the default 120 id's but behave the same?
01:54.49kasoactually not really ive never looked into the secure stuff
01:55.07Sstixrudkk, trying to find a simple howto or example code
01:55.16kasoI think theres some good stuff on wowwiki
01:55.25Sstixrudthe projects that I have found that use them so far are complex enough to be difficult to see what is what
01:55.40leethalyay =D
01:56.15SstixrudKaso - on another note, I released my mod as a beta and its a hit :)
01:57.24*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
01:57.56kasoYour paladin reminds me of link in zelda for some reason
01:58.05kasothe huge sword and green clothes i think
01:58.26Sstixrudhaha, I dont actully play that char...
01:59.17Sstixrudmy job would be so much easier if wow doubled the number of button id's :)
02:00.59kasoyou can link spells directly to buttons without action ids with the secure frames
02:01.00kasowhich is good
02:03.05*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
02:03.09Sstixrudhmmm buy by linking I assume you don't mean drag and drop will still work :)
02:04.05kasowell i have no experance, but i dont think it'd be too hard to work out what spell is on the cursor then make that button cast spell to give the apperance it has been dropped onto it, without *actuallly* dropping it
02:04.51Sstixrudhmm understood
02:07.21kasoBut yah i've never really had a need to use any secure frames stuff so ive never bothered to learn it
02:07.36kasoanyhoo, late night, cheery oh.
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03:02.02TC_Workingah, nothin like a 14 hr day for fixing DST on servers
03:03.38Cairennyeah, anyone know why it's 3 weeks early this year?
03:04.00bleetahdidn't the US gov pass some energy saving act?
03:04.14TC_WorkingUS changes the law
03:04.24TC_Workingstarts on the 11th
03:04.30Cairenndoesn't explain why it's changed up here as well :p
03:04.35bleetahand, following from that, I suspect TC_Working is dealing with the Java patch fuckup
03:04.44TC_Working"Beginning in 2007, most of the United States begins Daylight Saving Time at 2:00 a.m. on the second Sunday in March and reverts to standard time on the first Sunday in November. In the U.S., each time zone switches at a different time. "
03:04.56bleetahthe adjective being a mild term for what's happened ;)
03:04.57TC_Workingwhat java patch fuckup?
03:06.05TC_Workingheh i'm pacific
03:06.08TC_Workingno problems for me
03:07.09Seth275US also started a campaing which gives a special sticker to Power Supplys with more than 80% efficincy (man that got to be spelled wrong ...) which is good i think ...
03:07.41Seth275GMT ... but as Windows and most of my other clocks do it automatically its fine ^^
03:09.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
03:10.21Seth275anyway gn8 boys & girls ^^
03:13.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
03:16.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Xenok (
03:23.31Xenokany idea when I /dump or /run the highlighted lines of i get empty values?
03:27.56Xenoklol I am a guy .. but .. "God may have created man before woman, but there is always a rough draft before the masterpiece"
03:29.29*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
03:38.41Temholy cow
03:38.44Temmust buy spore
03:39.28Temdear EA,
03:39.32Templease take my money.
03:39.39Temwith love,
03:39.48Xenokspore looks like fun :D
03:40.05Xenokget to make your own creatures
03:41.36Xenokdidn't know the guy that made sims is behind spore O.o
03:41.56Temoctober 07
03:42.35XenokI want it bad
03:43.53XenokDANGIT!! I LOST IT!
03:44.20XenokI had a piece of code that auto detected what zone you where in and then placed the saved coords in that dropdown selection... i lost it
03:50.30leethalVC for the win
03:50.34leethalyou should do it
03:50.35leethaljust.. do it
03:50.38leethalno matter the size of the project
03:51.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (n=Mr_Rabie@
03:52.35leethalversion control
03:52.40leethalsubversion, for instance
03:52.45leethalI use google code
03:52.55Mr_Rabies2<+Tem> dear EA,
03:52.55Mr_Rabies2<+Tem> please take my money.
03:52.56leethal for instance
03:55.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol|alt (
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03:55.48*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel|Away] by
03:55.50bleetahfreenode's having a brainfart
03:55.50Xenokthat musta sucked
03:56.10Mr_Rabies2i just saw 300, so epic
03:56.30Mr_Rabies2all of you should see it
03:56.59Mr_Rabies2don't you almost ellipses me
03:57.06Mr_Rabies2go to your movie theater and get a ticket NOW
03:57.21Xenokim 15 .. soo
03:57.36bleetahif at all
03:57.41Mr_Rabies2NO EXCUSES
03:57.55bleetahand then I'll have to wait for the DVD release
03:57.59leethalXenok: started using VC yet?
03:58.01Mr_Rabies2i remember sneaking my friend in to see some R movie when he was 16
03:58.04Mr_Rabies2i think it was troy
03:58.04bleetahand then I'll have to wait as I get it from interstate
03:58.07Xenoker.. no.. I will though
03:58.14XenokOK OK
03:58.21leethaldon't write a single line of code before it's under VC
03:59.00Xenokmaybe I don't have it yet cuz I CAN'T FIND IT ><
04:00.00Xenokleethal fails
04:02.03Xenokleethal.. gimme link!
04:02.28Xenokthat be VC?
04:02.42leethalit has a subversion repository
04:02.55leethalgoogle for "subversion tutorial" or something like that
04:03.01leethalsubversion = a VC tool
04:03.13leethaland using google projects/code sets up a subversion repository for you
04:03.25leethala bit painful to do that for beginers
04:05.09Nom-hmm are there any working version of the WoWI Updater yet ?:0
04:05.43Shirikyes, but it can't automatically detect UIDs yet
04:05.47Shirikso you have to do it manually
04:06.00Xenokleethal... umm its for a certain OS?
04:06.02Shirikonce you give it the id once, it remembers it though
04:06.06leethalXenok: no
04:06.20leethalXenok: use tortoise svn if you're on windows
04:06.21Shirikleethal: I wanted to use google code but I couldn't figure out how to set it up
04:06.22Shirikthanks :)
04:06.31Shirikbut I have a subversion server now :P
04:06.40Shirikdoes google code have a bugtracker though?
04:06.42Xenokim on windows
04:06.48Shiriktortoise svn = windows
04:06.52Shirikand easiest way to use svn
04:08.00Xenokeep more mass logs
04:08.00Xenoklethal.. that .. any subdomain gives me a web error
04:08.00leethalShirik: it's easy to set up
04:08.00leethalShirik: you just register
04:08.01XenokThe connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.
04:08.02Shirikxenok: but don't go there
04:08.12Shirikno offense I don't think you can set up a svn server :P
04:08.21Shirikgo to the tortoisesvn site
04:08.24Xenoklol Ive set up a wow server before so.
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04:08.44Xenok.. i abandoned it though
04:08.49Shirikjust for the record
04:08.51Shirikthat's technically illegal so I recommend you don't go around boasting that ^^;
04:08.56XenokI know
04:09.25Shirik tortoisesvn but it's just the client
04:09.47Xenokaww cute little cartoon turtle :P
04:11.30Mr_Rabies2your mom's a cartoon turtle
04:11.46Xenokshhh they don't need to know that
04:12.43Mr_Rabies2i'm still pumped from seeing 300
04:13.02Mr_Rabies2i read the comic again mere hours before watching it, so it was fresh in my mind :p
04:13.32leethalwhat's 300?
04:13.33Xenokeh? "4. Entire Agreement / Survival"
04:13.37Xenoka movie
04:13.46leethalyou peeps are in the US I guess?
04:13.49LegorolQuestion about item class/sub-class:
04:13.54leethalmovies are always lagged in Europe..
04:13.58LegorolChange notes state that following macro conditional is available: equipped:<invslot>|<itemclass>|<itemsubclass> - Choose if you have the specific item type equipped
04:14.08Legorolcan anyone tell me what is itemclass and what is itemsubclass?
04:14.51Mr_Rabies2Armor, Weapon, Shield; Leather, Plate, Cloth, Sword, etc
04:14.56Mr_Rabies2i think?
04:15.59Legorolaha ok
04:18.05Mr_Rabies2i could be way off but i seem to remember that
04:19.39XenokWomen are overly clever >< "But it says in the bible that MEN brew the coffee" "where does it say that" "HEBREWS" darnit!!
04:19.50XenokI read that in an e-mail
04:20.55leethal"hebrews coffee"?
04:21.11leethalah, nvm. "Who brews cofee?" "Hebrews!"
04:21.19Xenokhehe .. its wierd
04:21.59subbawtnightbane is hard
04:22.32Xenokomg.. danget.. "this instslation package is not supported by this processer type" WTF
04:22.56leethalwhat did you download?
04:23.25Xenoktortusesvn or whatever
04:23.41Shirikwahhhh googlecode's svn server is so slow ><
04:23.44ShirikI'm uploading at 2KB/sec
04:24.01leethala dude that's making addons doesn't know what kind of processor he has? =P
04:24.02Xenokdid I mess up leethal?
04:24.06Shirikxenok, do you know what your processor type is?
04:24.23LegorolI'm a bit confused about the return values of GetItemInfo, specifically the 8th return value (itemEquipLoc), maybe someone can help
04:24.24Xenokmust have 32 bit ><
04:24.32Shirikare you sure about that?
04:24.44Xenokcuz. I downloaded 64bit
04:24.51Legorolthis return value is of the form of a string like "INVTYPE_XXX", and there is a global variable with that name for each, right?
04:25.01Shirikxenok - there are more than just 32 and 64 bit
04:25.11Xenokthose are the only choices :P
04:25.18Shirikare you on windows xp?
04:25.28Shirikthen I'm almost positive you're not on 64 bit os
04:25.41Shirikxp64 is run by like 5 people
04:25.44Shirikin the entire world
04:25.50leethalno, 3
04:26.10leethalbecause it's no point using 64 bit unless you have 6 gb ram and process heavy math stuff
04:26.12Xenokits like godly expensive?
04:26.32ShirikIt doesn't even matter because there's really no 64 bit apps
04:26.43Xenokthen .. how dumb
04:26.47leethaland that, yes
04:27.04leethalbut even self-compiled linux doesn't benefit much
04:27.14Shirikit is a string, not a variable
04:27.17Legorolyeah i was looking at that list, and it's confusing a bit
04:27.19Shirik(not a constant)
04:27.31LegorolGetItemInfo returns a string, of the form INVTYPE_XXX
04:27.42Legorolfor each possible return value (string), there is a matching global variable of that name
04:27.43Shirikwhich will be one of those
04:27.54Shirikis there?
04:27.57Shirikhm, never used it
04:28.00Legorole.g. INVTYPE_CLOAK = "Back"
04:28.33ShirikOk so, if that's true, you should be able to use getglobal(arg8) == "Back"
04:28.39Shirikwhere arg8 is wherever you stored that var
04:28.52leethalis there any super nice lua tutorials around? The is a bit heavy for beginners
04:29.00ShirikI don't know of any :/
04:29.02LegorolShirik: that's correct, in principle
04:29.09Legorolhowever, what i am not sure about are the following points:
04:29.15leethalany books on lua?
04:29.25Tempur gold
04:29.26Legorola) is it guaranteed that for all possible arg8 return value, there is a matching global variable
04:29.41Shirikit could be an empty string
04:29.46Shirikwhich you would need to guard against
04:29.55Legoroloh right
04:29.57Legorolbut what i mean is
04:30.01Shirikunequippable items will return ""
04:30.06Legorolcan arg8 ever contain a string, for which there is no global variable
04:30.11Legorol(apart from the empty string)
04:30.25Shirikif it's not unequippable, then it must logically be equippable right? Then it must fall in one of those vars in the list there
04:30.32Shirikeach of which has a global
04:30.37Legorolexample: arg8 == "INVTYPE_SOMERANDOMTYPE", but INVTYPE_SOMERANDOMTYPE == nil
04:30.51TemShirik, not necesarily
04:30.55ShirikI can't think of any other case
04:31.02Legorolok to use the cloak example
04:31.05Shirikif it's not unequippable item, it must be an equippable item?
04:31.08LegorolGetItemInfo might return INVTYPE_CLOAK
04:31.16TemShirik, iirc, INVTYPE_RANGED does not have a global
04:31.18Legorolbut is there a guarantee that there is a global called INVTYPE_CLOAK?
04:31.31Shirik(btw I'm just going based off the documentation right now)
04:31.34LegorolTem: i checked that one jsut now, that one's fine
04:31.45Legorolok that was going to be question b)
04:32.00Legorolb) the Wiki doc, in the Type column, lists words which are not the contents of the global variables
04:32.02TemLegorol, I don't which particular case it is, but there was a ranged type that didn't have a global
04:32.03Legorolthis seems a bit silly
04:32.11TemIt gave Gello many many headaches
04:32.14LegorolTem: ok thanks, i will try to systematically find it
04:32.23Shirikyou could check for nil
04:32.25Temthat hole may have been corrected since then
04:32.38Shirikjust safeguard against it
04:32.50Shiriklog it too so you can correct it later
04:32.58Legorolok, now we move onto question c)
04:33.31Legorolc) the list of strings you get from checking all INVTYPE_XX globals' contents doesn't exhaust all possible values that an item tooltip's second line can have
04:33.35Legoroland this is my biggest gripe
04:33.40Legorolcan anyone recommend something against this?
04:34.12Legorollet me rephrase: how can i reliably map back from the 2nd line of an item's tooltip to the INVTYPE_XXXX associated with that item
04:34.36Legorolan example where this backwards map doesn't work: ammo will say, on the 2nd line of the tooltip, the word "Projectile"
04:35.36*** part/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
04:42.59ShirikNom- still here?
04:44.31XenokI wish Discord Art was 2.0.x T_T
04:44.36LegorolA different macro question, regarding # show and showtooltip
04:44.37Xenokcompatable with
04:44.51LegorolHow can I get a macro to display tooltip text, but not feedback?
04:45.03Shirikcombine both
04:45.10Shirikfor example
04:45.10Legoroli understand that # show does just feedback, and # showtooltip does both feedback and tooltip
04:45.14Legorolbut how can i get just tooltip?
04:45.16Shirik#show something #showtooltip something else
04:45.29Legorolthat's the point, i don't want to show anything
04:45.39Shiriker, what do you want to show then? a question mark?
04:45.47Shirikit has to show SOMETHING, the buttons aren't invisible :P
04:45.57Legorol#show is for *feedback*, not for icon
04:46.09Legoroli choose the icon when creating the macro
04:46.10Shirikbut you can use it to force an icon if you do it right
04:46.24Legorolyes, if i select ?-mark as the icon in macro editing screen
04:46.27Legorolbut that's not what i am talking about
04:46.40Shirikthe thing is this, if you use #showtooltip it will start showing feedback
04:46.42Legorolfeedback refers to the icon getting dimmed/highlighted depending on avaialble mana/range/etc.
04:46.46Shirikif you want to f.. I know
04:46.57Shirikif you want to force it not to show feedback, then you have to give it something else to show
04:47.14Legorolbut that doesn't work
04:47.37Legorolbecause if you have both #show and #showtooltip, whichever comes 2nd takes effect
04:47.39Legorolthe first one is ignored
04:47.43XenokHey.. I can't just make discord art work by changing the inteface number can I? :P or is it super complicated only the one person knows how to do it
04:47.46Shirikthen it's not working properly
04:48.03ShirikI know they made extensive changes to it in 2.1 so perhaps you should just wait for now
04:48.05leethalXenok: someone did that already
04:48.13XenokI lost the link to it
04:48.14Legorolsorry other way around, the 1st one takes effect, 2nd is ignored
04:48.14leethalXenok: didn't they? Anyways, no
04:48.16Shirik'not just changing the interface number
04:48.23leethalXenok: looooots of stuff changed 2.0
04:48.42Shiriker... discord art is already ready for 2.0
04:48.49Shirikduf/dab aren't
04:48.52Shirikat their site?
04:48.54leethalduf are
04:48.57Shirikare they?
04:48.58leethaldab isn't
04:49.08leethaldab is, but not with stance switching functionality
04:49.12Xenokee ty leethal. .I will bookmark it this time hehe
04:49.24leethalthat's ports though, the original author is working on total rewrite thingies
04:50.02Shirikany guinea pigs around?
04:50.24Xenokfor keyloggers no. but I will if its not a keylogger
04:50.24Arrowmasterreguarding the INVTYPE_* globals, some addons define the nil ones so they can do comparisions, do not do that globally because it taints and breaks the [equipped:*] macro conditional
04:50.47Shirikit's not a keylogger ><
04:50.54Xenokok what you need?
04:52.18Shirikinstall register your addons with it, restart it (future will do this without restart), set up the UIDs (future versions will do this automatically, but for now you have to manually do it when it requests it). and see if it updates properly
04:52.34Xenokum ok :D
04:53.10bleetahShirik: you up for 'new' suggestions as to what a mod installer/manager should do?
04:53.19Shirikof course, it's by no means done :P
04:53.23bleetahhehe, k
04:53.38ShirikI heard your suggestions earlier about backing up saved vars and allowing restoration
04:53.42ShirikGoing to implement that :)
04:54.04Shirikany other ideas?
04:54.10LegorolWoot, I think I just managed to get my first ever conditional macro working
04:54.11Xenokeep need better java.. brb
04:54.16bleetahwell, here goes.. we're all devs. no doubt at various stages, we've got mods loaded that we're working on, that we really don't to actually want to *play* with. so there should be some method to easily switch between 'dev' mode, and 'live' mode, moving the addons/SV's as appropriate
04:54.23Shirikit detected your missing java correctly?!
04:54.32ShirikI couldn't test that :P
04:54.45Xenokim off to update then
04:54.56Xenokmy java that is
04:55.06Shirikso like... two profiles bleetah?
04:55.12bleetahpretty much
04:55.16Shirikor more :P
04:55.42Shirikthat's a really cool idea
04:55.44bleetahwhat got me wondering about it is that us auctioneer folks are re-writing from the ground up... and, well, it's a pain to move the stuff around manually for protection, etc.
04:56.01Legorolbleetah: i have a system set up for switching interface/wtf completely
04:56.13bleetahand, while I've half implemented it in my shell script, I figured I'd make the suggestion to you
04:56.21Legoroli have several sets, one for normal gaming, one for dev, one for miscellaneous purposes (e.g. trying out entire compilations)
04:56.31bleetahyeah, that's the general idea
04:56.45Legorolyah i have a set of batch files to do it :-)
04:56.48Legoroli'm a Windows man
04:56.58bleetahif it supports mods on SVN, Shirik, I might even use it! :-P
04:56.59Xenokwindows ftw
04:57.15Legoroli was planning to write a vbscript with a menu you can select the set you want to use before launching wow
04:57.23Legorolbut since the batch scripts work fine for me, i didn't bother in the end
04:57.27Shirikvb = lose
04:57.36Legoroli could do it in LuaScript if you like ;-)
04:57.39Xenokodd little icon you chose shirik lol
04:57.48bleetahI *still* think it should be written in QT.. but nm :-P
04:57.48Shirikit's the icon from wowinterface's site
04:57.51LegorolWindows can natively run Lua if you have a nice little plugin for WSH
04:57.52Shirikit was just a placeholder for now
04:58.03Xenokloading config
04:58.05ShirikI had to put something there I got sick of the little white box
04:58.14Temoh wow that's unexpected... vista supports my printer without giving it any software
04:58.17XenokI have runecloth bags for folders
04:58.19Temand that includes the scanner
04:58.22Shirikyou have what?
04:58.38Xenokmy folder icons are runecloth bags
04:58.46XenokI love it :D
04:59.01Legorolwhoever said that vbscript is ewww... bear in mind that it takes Notepad and 3 lines of vbscript to send keystrokes to WoW, with no additoinal tools required, under a standard windows setup
04:59.03Xenokstill loading config
04:59.13Shirik*cough* illegal
04:59.18Legorolyes very
04:59.21Xenok*cough* keylogger
04:59.22Shiriker.... it shouldn't take long at all xenok
04:59.26Shirikin fact it's unnoticable to me
04:59.29Legoroli was trying to illustrate how powerful it can be if you know what you are doing
04:59.30Xenokstill loading
04:59.38ShirikC can be powerful too
04:59.50Shirikperhaps not in 3 lines
04:59.53Xenokloading some more
04:59.54Legoroli pointed this out to someone who said that WoW can detect any 3rd party programs running that are sending keystrokes to it
04:59.58Shirikbut it can accomplish far more than vbscript can ever do
05:00.01Legorolso i said not if it's Windows being scripted ;-)
05:00.15Legorolsorry i am not trying to say that vbscript > C
05:00.18Shirikxenok: close it and try rerunning
05:00.32Legoroli was trying to demonstrate that with a bare windows install and Notepad, you can achiever a lot of things that people don't realise you can
05:00.32Xenoknot letting me close O.o
05:00.41Shirikforce quit it and send me your errors.log
05:00.45Shirikif there's anything in it
05:00.48Shirikif it even exists :P
05:01.21Shirikdid you get to the gui though?
05:01.36Shirikwas it just a black box?
05:01.40Xenokoh yeah
05:01.41Shirikor did you see the actual graphical screen
05:01.47Shirikok so it's a problem with the c program then
05:01.52XenokI saw a gui
05:02.07Xenoklol didn't mean to worry ya
05:02.07Shirikok go find if there's an errors.log in whatever folder you installed it to
05:02.45Shirikyou force quit it right? Try running it again
05:02.46Xenokooo cool
05:02.52XenokI re ran it.
05:03.21Xenokif you shrik the window when it has the "select folder" or whatever.. it vanishes
05:03.36Shirikum... that's not my fault
05:03.42Shirikthat's not a frame I built
05:03.44Xenokjust shrink your other windows lol
05:03.52Xenokhehe found it
05:04.05Shirikanyway, ok so it didn't find your wow install folder automatically though?
05:04.14Shirikit asked you for it?
05:04.18Shirikwhere do you have it installed?
05:04.23Xenokmy desktop
05:04.31Xenokwow anyway
05:04.34Shirikyou have wow installed on your desktop?
05:04.35Xenokits whole direct
05:04.44Xenokyup for easy access lol
05:04.50Shirikwell... that'd explain why it's not found
05:04.56Shirikanyway... ok so you pointed it to the exe right?
05:04.59Xenokno.. its actuall direct
05:05.09XenokI move when I do fixes
05:05.21Shirikso xenok you see the main screen now?
05:05.28Xenoksays "ready"
05:05.32Shirikok go to file->register
05:05.41Shirikyou have to select which addons to try to update
05:05.53Shirikthis will be done mostly automatically soon but I can't do it until I get the favorites.xml from dolby ^^;
05:06.14Xenokall of my addons are up to date lol I just select one anyway?
05:06.19Shirikor all of them
05:06.21Shirikup to you
05:06.29ShirikI'd prefer you pick at least 5
05:06.30XenokI did all
05:06.34Shirikbecause I want to see how it does multithreading
05:06.36Xenoknow what?
05:06.50Xenokfile update?
05:06.51Shirikyou moved em to the right side?
05:06.58Shiriknah that's not coded yet, you have to restart the app ^^;
05:07.01ShirikThat's next on the list
05:07.12Xenokso just close it and reopen
05:07.17Shirikand it should start updating
05:07.26Shirikbut it'll ask you for UIDs because it can't find them automatically
05:07.30Xenokoo cool
05:07.54Xenokfirst few are "suspeded: need more info"
05:08.04Shirikright, because it needs you to supply the wowinterface uid
05:08.15Xenokah hit resolve?
05:08.15PProvost_Can anyone recommend a good in-game guild calendar management system?
05:08.16Shirikif you hit resolve it shows you how to get it
05:08.30ShirikPProvost_: GEM used to exist, I don't know if it still does
05:08.33ShirikGuild Event Manager
05:08.33Xenokoh thats cool
05:08.44Shirikdid the image show up properly?
05:08.46bleetahGEM or Group Calendar
05:08.52Xenokeven highlighted the uid
05:09.06Shirikdon't use the one it showed though, you have to find it on your own :P
05:09.08Xenokumm now the screen is .. brown
05:09.15Xenokoh duh
05:09.28Shirikthat was just an example one
05:09.29Xenokcoulda said that
05:09.34Shirikeh, there won't be anything bad
05:09.44Xenokexept the app when .. brown
05:09.49Shirik.. huh?
05:09.52Shiriktake a screenshot and give it to me
05:10.11Shirik(also check your error.log again :P)
05:11.04Xenokno error
05:11.13PProvost_Shirik and bleetah: have you used either GEM Or Group Calendar yourself? I only ask because my guild is considering changing to something new and we had problems in the past w/ Group Calendar.
05:11.14Shirikgot a shot of this "brown screen" ?
05:11.18ShirikI've used GEM
05:11.31Shirikit's pretty good, though it had its problems back in 1.11 (haven't tried it since)
05:11.34Xenokyeah hold on
05:12.12Shirikwhat's the cpu usage on it?
05:12.15Shirikon java.exe?
05:12.22Xenokumm I forced it closed already
05:12.35Shirikand there's nothing in your error.log
05:12.39bleetahPProvost_: used both, both have plusses and minuses
05:12.47Xenokstill brown
05:12.54Xenokmust have to reinstall
05:12.59Shirikthat won't help :P
05:13.04Xenokbut its brown again ><
05:13.08Xenokright on open
05:13.15PProvost_bleetah, which would you pick if you were a GM?
05:13.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
05:13.46Shirikit has to be stalling somewhere in a thread lock
05:13.58Shirikhow many processors do you have?
05:14.15XenokI forget <M
05:14.29Shirikhit windows key + pause key
05:14.35Xenokmem usage on javaw.exe iiiss 17,332
05:14.51Shirikcpu usage?
05:15.01bleetahPProvost_ probably Group Calendar, as I've used it since 2.x, and haven't used GEM (merely because I switched guilds)
05:15.07Xenokin my ctrlaltdelte?
05:15.17Shirikyeah what's cpu usage for javaw.exe
05:15.21Shiriknot memory
05:15.36Shirikso it's definitely a deadlock
05:15.38Shirikhit windows key + pause
05:15.43Shirikunder "Computer:" what does it say?
05:16.04Xenokhold on
05:16.34XenokI see no computer:
05:16.44Shirikat the bottom?
05:17.02Shirikwhere it says the speed of your processor
05:17.03Shirikthat whole block
05:17.07Xenokjust a sec
05:17.34Xenok2.20 ghz, 512 ram
05:17.45Shirikok, what's the line above it
05:17.53ShirikI have a better idea
05:17.54XenokAMD athlon 3200+
05:17.56Shirikyou have nbs-irc
05:17.58Shiriktype /cpu
05:18.00Shirikit'll do this
05:18.01Shirikcpu: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4400+, 2.21 GHz
05:18.07Xenokcpu: AMD Athlon XP 3200+ (Barton), 2.20 GHz
05:18.36Xenokyou have better >_>
05:19.16Xenokwhat do I do about the brown screen?
05:20.55Xenokhmm config.wic wasn't there until I set it up.. do I just delete it?
05:21.02leethalShirik: want me to test stuff for ya too? I'm on a AMD Athlon 64 bits 3200 thingie
05:21.04Shirikyou can delete it
05:21.12Shirikif you want leethal, but are you on linux?
05:21.14leethalbut with wow installed in win_drive/program files =P
05:21.19leethalah, I have ubuntu here too
05:21.25ShirikI had some issues running it on linux but you can try it out
05:21.33Shirikum, let me upload the jars
05:21.46Xenokfixed brown screen
05:21.52Shirikwhat fixed?
05:22.03Xenokrestarted app after deletein config.wic
05:22.56Xenokbut now the littel white bars are like 1 bar thin instead of full sized
05:23.05Xenokwidth wise
05:23.14leethalbooting ubuntu now
05:24.03Shirikleethal: grab the java archives and you should be able to run it with java -jar wowiupdater.jar
05:24.31leethalthe zip?
05:24.48Shirikyeah I would have done it in a tarball but I can't do that from here :(
05:24.50leethalI can check out the source too, if you want to
05:24.56Shirikif you want to grab the source that would work too
05:25.07Xenokhmmm shirik.. wowi updater works on wowi mods right?
05:25.13leethalusing the zip
05:25.19Shirikbut it doesn't know their UID automatically yet
05:25.23Xenokthen I better remove some of the non wowi ones for now :P
05:25.41Shirikif you hit "resolve" then it should give you an option to remove it from the list
05:25.47XenokI did
05:25.59Shirikthis is what the screen really should look like:
05:26.32leethalthere, app is running
05:26.54Shirikit ran? didn't work for me earlier :(
05:27.12ShirikI was getting some java exception from the library
05:27.18leethalissue - wow is installed in ~/.wine/drive_c
05:27.24leethaland hidden folders doesn't appear
05:27.51Shirikwhat it should look like:
05:28.01Xenokit bugged again
05:28.09Shirikyeah xenok I'm going to look at that tonight
05:28.17leethalShirik: want me to add it as an issue to
05:28.19Shirikleethal: that may just be something I need to touch up
05:28.20Xenokoh wait.. it worked
05:28.22Shirikyeah please do so I don't forget ^^
05:28.24XenokIt was different
05:28.27Xenokit was loading :P
05:28.47Xenokdoh. no . its bugged
05:28.58Shirikyeah xenok it might be some issue with multithreading I have to check out
05:28.59leethalyou have a "filter" there - all files is the only option. Perhaps having "Hidden files" there makes sense
05:28.59Nom-does /aftercast break the #show stuff? :(
05:29.04Xenokhold on
05:29.18IrielNom- It shouldnt
05:30.02Nom-hmmm.... #show <spellname> should work right?
05:30.08Shirikxenok: if you have anything in your error.log file add it to
05:30.28XenokShirik: no errors still
05:30.35Xenokshirik thats what I see
05:30.37Shirikthen it's definitely a deadlock issue I just need to find it :/
05:30.43Xenokits diff
05:30.59Xenokthats the new bugg
05:31.04Nom-ah never mind there it goes
05:31.13Nom-#showtooltip was what I was after
05:31.16Shirikthat's an issue with it being resized too big
05:31.27Xenokumm . and it won't lemme close it
05:31.28Shirikto try to fit all that text in there
05:31.34leethaloh, btw, brilliant idea!
05:31.42Nom-I don't suppose there's a %T type varable for the target of your spell?
05:31.42leethalwhen this is in a beta state, I'll use it =D
05:31.55Nom-Coz if you try to rez someone who has released, you can't /target them
05:32.12Xenokjust click rez then click their body
05:32.15Shirikxenok do me a favor add that to this:
05:32.17Shirikwith screenshot so I don't forget
05:32.25Shirikand I'm going to go grab something to eat cause I haven't eaten all day ^^
05:32.29Shirikbe back in a bit, thanks for helping
05:32.35Xenokkk np
05:33.12leethalwhat a brilliant piece of software =D
05:33.18leethalno more manual shitty browsing for updates
05:33.40Xenokhehe yeah
05:47.12Nom-Shirik|Fooding: Here now
05:51.25Xenokheh discord art is confusing..
05:51.31Xenokjust some more learning
05:51.32leethalyes, very
05:51.44leethaltook 3-4 month until I had a sensible discord UI
05:52.19Xenoklike.. how the heck do you get the selected texture to show up on your screen ><
05:53.21Xenokthere has to be a tutorial somwhere on how to make a basic one ><
05:53.52leethalpress enter =D
05:54.01leethalif it's those text field thingies you mean
05:54.06leethalwhere you enter the name of a texture
05:54.46XenokI do that .. but... it stays in /dart XD do I need to code it somehow?
05:55.50*** join/#wowi-lounge _dreamss (
06:03.53leethalso, how is your VC going? =D
06:04.27Xenok... I decided to leave the alone for now lol
06:04.38leethalWRONG MEEEEEP
06:04.43leethalso, how is your VC going? =D
06:04.46bleetah~lart Xenok
06:04.51Xenoknot to good...
06:05.08leethalthe sooner the better
06:05.13XenokI forget why?
06:05.21leethalcause you'll have it version controlled
06:05.31Xenokand the benifit iiisss?
06:05.33leethalfor one, you'll never loose stuff you do
06:05.39leethalunlimited undo, so to speak
06:05.45leethalalso, you'll get more structured
06:05.55leethalyou do that piece of foo, and commit to the repository
06:06.05leethalinstead of randomly doing whatever you have in mind
06:06.15Xenok.. ill do it later :P
06:06.34Xenoktrying to figure out /dart
06:07.25Corrodiasi don't even know what discord art is! woo!
06:08.56leethalyou can do stuff like this -
06:09.17Shirikthat was... the slowest.. fast food... ever
06:09.36Corrodiasleethal: you just showed me a screen with what has GOT to be more than one addon installed
06:09.42Corrodiasi really can't tell what dart is doing and what it isn't
06:09.45leethalyes, ofc
06:09.55leethalbut it's mostly discord stuff
06:10.01Xenokthats a cool one leethal
06:10.02leethaldiscord art and discord frame manager
06:10.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
06:10.07*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
06:10.21leethalnow THIS is some ui O_o
06:10.33Corrodiassome of those certainly look nice
06:10.51Corrodiasi'm satisfied with what i use, though i wish it would look sleeker. i'm not enough of an artist to get it to look better, but it has the function i need.
06:11.21Corrodiasthat has to be the ugliest gnome i've ever seen
06:12.01Xenokinteresting :
06:12.29leethalugly, but interesting =D
06:12.41Corrodiasugly like YOUR FACE?
06:12.55XenokROFL!! sorry.. dog lover
06:13.23leethalCorrodias: no, ugly like YOUR MOM
06:13.50Xenokleethal: ugly like. no where im wanna see
06:13.52Corrodiasmy mom my ass
06:15.09Xenokholy ... omg .. .dummy: read some of the post
06:22.10Corrodiaswhich post?
06:22.55Xenokthe *warning* in the main one
06:24.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
06:35.43Temthat's awesome beyond words
06:36.27Corrodiasoops, forgot to end the shoutcast stream...
06:36.30Corrodiasi've been playing for 1333 minutes
06:37.18Temyou were so close!
06:41.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
06:55.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Xenok (
07:08.00Nom-Iriel: Aftercast kind of works, but it fires off twice for a rez
07:08.24IrielNom- Interesting, I guess we'll see if 2.0 does
07:08.38IrielSo far it's mostly well behaved
07:08.43IrielI hope to release it this weekend
07:10.06Nom-there's a lot of unrecognised event messages that i'm seeing
07:10.31Irielthats why i've got a 2.0
07:15.54Nom-Fair enough :)
07:16.04Nom-If you want some testing done, i'll use it :)
07:16.14Irielgreat thanks!
07:18.51*** part/#wowi-lounge leethal (
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07:19.03leethalwhat's THE damage meter around?
07:25.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
07:41.09Nom-There are several, leethal
07:41.22Nom-Damage Meters, SW_Stats, and a whole heap I don't know of probably
07:41.33leethaltrying damage meters now
07:41.38leethalwill try SW_Stats =D
07:45.12CorrodiasCollidus the Warp-Watcher.
07:45.18Corrodias"rare". can't find one.
07:51.46Guillotineleethal: I personally like SW_Stats ;)
07:52.19leethalmm.. this DamageMeter thingie was red, ugly and didn't work nicely with hunters and their pets
07:53.06ZealotOnAStickUse SW_Stats.
07:53.13GuillotineDamageMeter was really the original, and the external parts havn't changed all that much since
07:53.28ShadowedYou wont really find any damage meter type of mods that can handle hunter pets
07:53.38ZealotOnAStickJust keep in mind, SW is very configurable, and you may not be happy with it until you've configured it to behave the way you wish.
07:53.40Shadowedsince the names aren't unique and can be the same as the players
07:54.08ZealotOnAStickAside from cases of duplicated names, SW does pretty well with pets.
07:54.11leethaldamn that combat log stuff
07:54.25ZealotOnAStickAnd it has like 4 or 5 different options for how pets are handled.
07:54.28leethalI wish blizz gave us proper events and ids for stuff, not just parsing strings in the combat log
07:54.39Shadowedthey purposely don't give us ids
07:54.43Guillotineleethal: also, you could probably search for "damage meter" or "damage meters" on whatever site you're using for a full list of them
07:55.39leethalsw stats seems pro. Recognize it from all those first kill screenshots I've seen =D
07:57.31Guillotinetime to clean up my addons folder. trying to stay below 100 but apparently I can't :(
07:57.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
07:58.08leethalsome addons are huge. Naturs cast bars is 5 folders, and addons like DBM too
07:59.23GuillotineI really can't wait for 2.1.0
07:59.32Guillotineto see what addons are taking up the memory ><
07:59.44leethaloh, what's up in 2.1.0?
07:59.57Guillotineinfo on individual addon memory usage
08:00.12Guillotineanyway, g2g. gn all :)
08:00.12leethal*googles for patch notes*
08:00.28Guillotinejust look at the sticky on US UI&Macros forums
08:00.32Guillotinepatchnotes aren't out yet
08:00.36Guillotinejust a couple UI things
08:06.46nymbiawhat's the GC pause in 2.1.0?  110?
08:07.02bleetahiirc, 120
08:07.34bleetahthere was a post by (cogwheel?) explaining the new GC, and slouken followed it up with the pause
08:07.47bleetahi'm intrigued as to what the cpu profiling's gunna do under wine
08:07.54*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
08:07.58bleetahah, clad.. sorry cog.
08:08.12*** part/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
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08:08.51bleetahat least i got the first consonant correct :-D
08:09.30nymbiamy guess is that the CPU profiling will just measure time spent, in which case it should work just fine in wine
08:10.54leethalautobar is the most usefull addon evah
08:11.23bleetahnymbia: keyword there being 'should' ;-)
08:11.41nymbiableetah: fair enough.  we'll see :)
08:13.05bleetahaye, really.. Blizz are pretty good towards us Winers :-D
08:13.38Corrodiasblizz always caves to the winers
08:14.03bleetahtrue, not to the Winers, tho.. if they did, we'd have native linux client! :P
08:14.16bleetah*that may be true...
08:14.37*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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08:15.32bleetahbut, I guess by not officially supporting wine, they get their stuff happening on BSD etc. too, so it's actually easier for them to go this way
08:16.23leethalI wonder what OS they use for the servers
08:16.48Corrodiaslet's think...
08:16.56bleetahI wonder if p0f would tell me
08:17.09leethalconcidered the downtime - windows server 2003? =P
08:17.33leethaland maintenance every Wednesday to defrag and run scandisc
08:18.32Corrodiasi know it's popular to rag on windows for being unstable, and maybe vista deserves it
08:18.43Corrodiasbut after a few patches, the 2k/xp/2k3 line is quite fine
08:18.45leethalno idea how vista is tbh
08:18.49leethallooks quite nice though
08:19.21leethalbut I'd rather use osx :O
08:20.50leethalI mean, instead of having something that pretends like being os x
08:23.38*** join/#wowi-lounge ZOAS (
08:32.22Nom-Iriel: Also, /aftercast is being triggered twice on rez
08:32.24Nom-dunno why
08:32.33Nom-hopefully fixed in 2.0 too
08:33.59Irielshould be
08:39.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=najklord@
08:40.34bleetahp0f reports:  UNKNOWN [5792:46:1:60:M1420,S,T,N,W2:ZAT:?:?] (up: 902 hrs)... /shrug
08:41.51bleetahmind you, it also reports: - Linux recent 2.4 (1) (up: 903 hrs)
08:43.11leethalbleetah: woot?
08:44.15bleetahwas only a brief run, wouldn't be suprised if that was just a report from some network load balancing tool
08:50.50bleetahit's a known fact they're AMD machines. Given the previous DB lockup issues, I'd almost stake my life on a claim that they were at one stage running Oracle 9 parallel DBs, and probably now running 10.
08:51.49bleetahIf they'd used Solaris on AMD, Sun would've tried to advertise the hell out of it, so it's probably not that
08:51.53bleetahI'd be guessing RedHat
08:52.18bleetahhah! paching ->
08:52.27bleetah"5+ years enterprise experience in a true production environment as an Oracle database administrator utilizing Oracle 9i and 10g running on primarily on Red Hat Advanced Server 2.1 with the potential to move to HP-UX"
08:54.47bleetahnn Tem|Sleep
08:54.53Tem|Sleepnight guys
08:56.40bleetahoh, the HP-UX thing.. nah, pure bribery and corruption
08:56.42leethal"Worked with multiple large databases greater than 1 Terabyte in size"
08:57.53bleetahproject manager started shagging the 'local' HP rep, so the two years of work on Solaris machines went out the window, then we got criticised by the same manager for being behind in the project
08:58.15bleetahlast I heard, he got done for fraud for something else
08:59.39*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
08:59.58bleetah"Ability to write scripts in some administrative language (Tk, Perl, VBScript, a shell)." << VBScript?! argh
09:01.52Corrodiasis there a significant difference between MSBT and SCT?
09:02.33bleetahMissionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity? :P
09:02.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
09:03.01Corrodiasi was thinking more MikScrollingBattleText
09:03.09CorrodiasMik is apparently too cool to use spaces
09:04.15leethalCamelCase ftw
09:14.56Corrodiasso have none of you used both MSBT and SCT, or perhaps do none of you care enough to respond to me? :)
09:16.03[Ammo]the biggest difference I saw was the combination of things
09:16.12[Ammo]so when I dot lots of stuff
09:16.30[Ammo]I get Corruption 1034 [3 hits]
09:16.36Nom-purl: poke Shirik
09:16.39purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Shirik, pokes Shirik repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
09:16.39[Ammo]instead of a ton of spam
09:16.39leethalay, msbt is better imo
09:16.46[Ammo]that's with msbt
09:16.59[Ammo]but sct has that added as of a few weeks now too I think
09:17.21Corrodiasi see
09:17.26[Ammo]I found msbt easier to configure for my needs as well, but that's personal
09:19.40Shiriksorry you caught me in the middle of a boss ><
09:19.44Shirikwhat did you need Nom-
09:21.45Shirikpurl, poke Nom-
09:21.48purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Nom-, pokes Nom- repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
09:24.20Corrodiaswhy do new characters always start with all addons enabled?
09:24.31Corrodiaswhy can't they inherit the global addon settings?
09:25.00Shirikthere's a global addon setting for enabling/disabling addons?
09:26.15Nom-i'm here
09:26.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
09:26.27Shirikah hi
09:26.36ShirikI was going to have you poke around with the updater earlier :P
09:29.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Bejitt (
09:30.22Corrodiasif you turn off the "character-specific" setting on the addons enabling/disabling menu, as i recall
09:30.29Shirikah, never played with that
09:31.23Nom-ah it actually in a working state, Shirik  ?
09:31.33Shirikit's in a decent state to test
09:31.35Nom-coz i need to do a mod update run :P
09:31.38Corrodiasall i ask from a nameplates customizing thing is the ability to differentiate opposing faction players who are flagged from those who are not
09:31.49Shirikfor now you still have to supply it the UIDs though, it can't autodetect them
09:31.59Shirikdolby hasn't finished the xml for that yet
09:32.31Nom-fair enough
09:33.00*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
09:33.21Shirikbut I'm trying to start getting people to test it anyway because I need to know what works and what doesn't; just because it's working well on my computer means very little, it needs a wide audience
09:33.26Shirikespecially because it's going to be platform independent
09:33.27Corrodiasand i don't think "nameplates", the nameplates customizing addon, can do that
09:34.10Shirik if you want to check it; report issues there too
09:34.22kasowhat was that about Nameplates?
09:34.24Shirikfor windows, best bet is to use the installer
09:35.15leethalhey, can you set range on nameplates somewhere?
09:35.19Corrodiasall i said was that the major problem i have with the blizzard default nameplates is that when an alliance character gets close, i can't tell if he's flagged or not just by looking at him
09:35.34Corrodiasif i turn off the nameplates, his overhead text will be yellow/red if he is and blue if he isn't
09:35.35leethalI know you can set the range of tab targeting, so it seems likely that you somehow can change nameplates range too
09:35.51kasoi thought they stopped you changin the range on tabbing?
09:36.02leethal"i know", then =P
09:36.19Corrodiaswhat i want from a nameplates customization addon is the addition of that distinction into the system
09:36.20Shirikworks for me
09:36.23Shirikjust adjust the two cvars
09:36.29kasoah didnt know that
09:36.29Corrodiasbut the current nameplates customization addon does not seem to have that distinction
09:36.35Shirikthere is a limit on that though
09:36.47leethalShirik: any idea if you can haxx nameplates too?
09:37.16kasoi believe its impossible to find out corrodias, when you;re working on the nameplates you dont have UnitIDs for each plate (unless they are in your raid or somehow other easilbly indexable)
09:37.22Shirikthat was a hot topic on the wow forums about a month ago
09:37.36Shirikthe general consensus was that (1) it is most definitely possible, and (2) it's almost impossible to rely upon
09:38.04Shirikbecause they change so quickly and, while this couldn't be confirmed, it's lilkely that the way the frames work will cause them to switch around between players
09:38.14Shiriklike at one point it will be on me, and then a few seconds later it jumps to leethal
09:38.34Corrodiasa particular given nameplate frame, you mean?
09:38.47Shirikbut given the general name it may definitely be possible to modify them all with the same modification
09:38.59Corrodiasi do like having nameplates on, but i just can't afford to be uninformed about whether or not some guy is flagged
09:39.16Shirikwe're talking about the nameplates that pop up when someone hits "v" right?
09:39.27Corrodiasfriendly players, too
09:39.35Corrodiasis v the default keybind?
09:39.37Shirikthere's another combo for that, like shift v or something
09:39.39Shirikv is default for enemies
09:39.48kasoWell for each frame all the infomation you can get is the unit's name, level and "default" reaction(red, blue etc)
09:40.19Corrodiasis the name enough to go on to figure out if the person is flagged or not?
09:40.34ShirikI believe so, sec
09:40.35Corrodiasmaybe we could ask slouken to add in a "flagged" value in there
09:40.39Corrodiasif it isn't
09:40.44Corrodiasor if it's slow
09:40.54Shirikmmm no
09:40.54kasothe only way its remotely possible imo is if you had recently targgeted or moused-over
09:40.59Shirikyou have to have the unit id
09:41.18Shirikand for enemy targets you wouldn't be able to get the flagged state via their name like you can with party/raid members
09:41.31kasothough tbh i think slouken might respond to a request to have them change by flag state, it seems like it "should" work like that
09:42.03Corrodiasindeed. hovering name text does, so nameplates should reasonably also.
09:42.25Corrodiasif i could get the health bar color to match the hovering name color, i'd be a happy guy
09:42.47kasoSee this is never been a problem for me, pvp server >.<
09:42.49Corrodiasalthough maybe having the name above the plate be the same color might help when the health isn't at full
09:42.52Shirik<3 pvp servers
09:43.07Shirikthere may be another way
09:43.08ShirikI have an idea
09:43.55kaso__index in the metatable is only called when the key you're trying to index doesnt exist right?
09:44.44Corrodiasif i remember, yes
09:45.03ShirikI was going to say use SpellCanTargetUnit() to try, but that'll also check los :(
09:45.12nymbiakaso: yes
09:45.14Shirikkaso: yes, if the key exists in a table the metatable is ignored
09:45.31kasothen i'll have to play around with __call i think
09:45.44Shirikyou want to force using the metatable?
09:46.37Shirikhow about getmetatable(table).whateveryouwanttoaccess
09:50.19Corrodiaswell, msbt might be worth playing with... but i've already got my sct setup how i like. i guess there would be no real reason to change except combining dots/hots into single messages
09:51.35leethalCorrodias: the biggest advantage is that crits in msbt really look like crits
09:52.37leethalmiks scrolling battle text
09:52.46Shirikhmm haven't heard of it; is it new?
09:52.50leethalnot really
09:53.02leethalnot sure how new
09:53.06leethalnot as old as sct though
09:53.08leethalbut it rocks =D
09:53.14Corrodiaswhat do you mean "really look like crits"?
09:53.20leethalthey feel imba
09:53.30leethalthey give you a "ooh, that was a cool crit" feeling
09:54.14Corrodiasi see crits pretty well in my sct... and i shouldn't think too much of a crit, considering 25% of my attacks are one
09:54.27Corrodiasevery fourth thing is a big number
09:54.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Dhraga (
09:56.31Corrodiasif i want to request additional nameplates functionality from slouken... well, first off, it should be done by somebody who's actually familiar with the api
09:56.37Corrodiasso i'm going to have to ask that one of you do it
09:56.41Sstixrudhow would you do the equiv of a = {BLINK = variable} with table.insert(a, xxx)
09:57.46SstixrudI just found mik's battle text today... it is bar far one of the coolest mods I have seen, right up there with x-perl
09:58.02Sstixrudbar/by far
09:58.05Corrodiaswith my cursory glance, it looks quite similar to SCT
09:58.15leethalya, it is
09:58.37Sstixrudyou can easily create custom notifcations tho :)
09:58.55Nom-Shirik: It's taking a long time to install update
09:58.57Sstixrudand the place/visual adjustments for text is very impressive
09:59.04Sstixrudplace = placement
09:59.08Shirikwhich update?
09:59.18Shirikany addon in particular?
09:59.36Corrodiasfrom what you've said, the only major differences, other than font options, are more obvious crits, sometimes combining multiple events into one (my quick test with mend pet combined four events into three), and custom notifications whatever those are
09:59.38ShirikI'm not sure if I actually need to adjust the unzip routine, it may be inefficient, but first I'm worried about actual implementation
09:59.41Shirikthen I'll go back and check it
09:59.44Sstixrudanyone know if you can do the equiv of a = {name = value} with table.insert?
09:59.49ShirikBut zip files are not at all easy to unpack
10:00.05Shirikand it actually has to unzip the file 3 times for synchronization, though it only writes it once
10:00.24Shirikthat's inefficient I should really touch that up, but first things first
10:00.37ShirikSstixrud: table.insert(a, n, {name=value}) doesn't work?
10:00.41Corrodiaswhat's this about custom notifications?
10:00.59Sstixrudhmm haven't tried the {} part
10:01.14Shirikwoah wait
10:01.17Shirikwhat are you trying to do
10:01.24Shirikare you trying to do = value
10:01.28Shirikor a[n].name = value
10:02.28ShirikNom- how long has it been running? In my tests I haven't had an unzip take longer than, say, maybe 30 seconds
10:02.41Shirik(the "installing addon" part is the unzipping)
10:02.57Shirikrather, that's the enumeration of the unzip
10:03.05Shirikafter the initial part of the install, it should give you a real progress bar
10:03.38Sstixrudbefore I had UBVAR.DYNEVENTS.player.Heals[btn:GetName()] = {bleh=blah, foo=poo etc...} how would I do this with table.insert
10:03.54Shirikwhy not do it like that?
10:04.17Corrodiasso... let's see...
10:04.38Shirikit would be something like table.insert(UBVAR.DYNEVENTS.player.Heals, [n,] {foo=bar})
10:04.40Sstixrudbecause I have a for loop that runs this code, and I dont want to it to be additive not overwrite, leaving me with the last call of the loop :)
10:05.19Shirikwhere [n,] is optional
10:05.57Nom-hmm ok
10:06.00CorrodiasShirik, could you please post on whatever forum would be appropriate, asking Slouken to add "pvp flag status" checking to nameplates? i don't know enough about the api to phrase it intelligently, or to even know what we'd need. in fact, what would be ideal for me would be some way to determine what the color of the "hovering name text" for the plate's target would be
10:06.10Nom-it's saying Update Complete, but it's still "working"
10:06.28Corrodiasi'd be satisfied if the health bar and name could be that color
10:06.28Shiriktake a screenshot so I can see what you're looking at?
10:07.00ShirikCorrodias: you just want the nameplates to show pvp flag status?
10:07.10Shirikor do you want an accessible api to tell current flagged status by name?
10:07.12Corrodiasright now my pet's bar is green (hover text blue) and friendly flagged players' is blue (hover text green)
10:07.34Corrodiaswell, this is all in the context of nameplates... whatever would get the ball rolling
10:07.40Corrodiasi know what i want, but not how to get there
10:08.03ShirikI can put it up there for you :)
10:08.28Shirikit should be using 3 threads at once
10:08.39Shirikopen up your error.log file is there anything in it?
10:09.17ShirikYou just tested something I couldn't test
10:09.28ShirikDHUD_Options is part of DHUD right?
10:09.30Corrodiasyou would put up the request for me? i'd appreciate that. :) then perhaps i can convince Shadowd (shadowed?) to work that into his addon
10:09.34Nom-yea it is
10:09.42Corrodiasif and when slouken agrees and does it
10:09.49Shirikyeah it should try to interrupt that when it updates DHUD
10:09.51Shirikso they don't conflict
10:10.05Nom-error log is empty
10:10.24Shirikdid you close the application yet?
10:10.39Nom-still running
10:10.40ShirikI think it only writes at close, not sure
10:10.50Nom-ok just closed
10:10.52Shirikif it says "complete" then yes it's complete
10:11.00Shirikstrange that the progress bar is still going
10:11.12Nom-still empty
10:11.28Nom-btw, you need to make sure it doesn't save to C:\Program Files on Windows
10:11.33Nom-Coz it'll break on Windows Vista
10:11.45Corrodiaswhy, what did they change now?
10:11.58ShirikIt should be trying to save in the working directory
10:12.21Shirikso clique never got processed, eh nom?
10:12.30Nom-nah was waiting fora  threat
10:12.32Nom-thread even
10:12.34CorrodiasShirik, if you do make such a post, please give me a link if you would be so kind
10:12.44Shirikthat is so wierd..
10:12.47Shirikand you only had those 3 there?
10:12.58Shirikand did you cancel DHUD_Options or did it do it on its own
10:13.14Nom-ok well after i reloaded it, it has Drathal's HUD instead of DHUD
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10:13.29Shiriker... did you give it the right UID?
10:13.41Nom-I'll try Clique and see how it goes
10:13.48Shirikit should have made a backup for you btw
10:14.26Nom-that seemed to work a bit better...clique is trying
10:14.34Nom-hmm same scrollback thingy
10:14.50Nom-Update Complete. Current version: 2.4.5  [ ... ]
10:14.54Shirikso it says complete but the progress bar keeps going?
10:15.06Nom-yeah but it's not a proper progress bar
10:15.14Nom-it's just a solid block floating back and forth
10:15.17Shirikyeah it's an indeterminate progress bar
10:15.34Shirikif you run it again, it just says "addon up to date" ?
10:16.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (i=Jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
10:16.10Shirik*sigh* I guess I have to install WoW on my laptop to give it some diversity in platforms
10:16.23Shirikthis isn't going as well as I had hoped :(
10:16.48Nom-yea it does
10:16.55Nom-Addon is up-to-date and a full progress bar
10:17.01Nom-have to quit and reload tho
10:17.14Shirikso it's installing fine it just... grr
10:20.31ShirikI'm going to make a way to test the error log just to make sure it's writing ok
10:25.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia_ (
10:28.44Shirik..... oops
10:28.49Shirikit's totally not writing anything to the error log
10:28.50Shirikthat's bad
10:30.06ShirikI think I need to make a shutdown hook to flush the file buffer, that's my problem
10:30.13Shirikand would explain why nobody's giving me error info
10:36.03TC_Workingso so so tired
10:36.44Corrodiashmm. PallyPower apparently lets a raid leader assign paladin buffs to certain classes, from what i can tell.
10:36.45TC_Working~tired TC_Working
10:37.47Corrodiasthat strikes me as pretty near useless. you might as well assign them by race. i have amusing examples, but someone might not like them.
10:38.09leethalprot warriors vs dps warriors, for instance
10:38.43Corrodiasthen you have druids, who can range from full melee to full magic casting
10:38.50*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
10:38.57Corrodiasnot a whole lot of help from any single buff for both roles, except maybe stamina
10:38.57leethal100% silly
10:39.05leethallol ye
10:39.24Nom-well given that pally buffs are all classes in a raid
10:39.38Nom-unless you can convice them to do single buffs, which are even more of a PITA
10:39.51Corrodiasi don't understand
10:40.25Corrodias"pally buffs are all classes in a raid"
10:40.25Nom-The 15 minute buff versions buff everyone in your group or raid with the same class as your target
10:40.35leethalI wish you could set your char to be left handed
10:40.40Corrodiasnow that makes even less sense than usual
10:40.44Nom-so assigning them by class makes sense
10:40.44Corrodiaswhat the hell was blizzard smoking
10:40.51leethalI'm left handed, and I'm always super confused when the HM weapon is in the right hand in the animations
10:41.03Nom-It's not like priest buffs where it's the whole group
10:41.16Nom-a pally buff can potentially effect 40 people in one cast (if they're all paladins) :)
10:41.28Corrodiasby class... oh my god, what the fuck? omgwtf? bbq?
10:41.50Corrodiasi can't even begin to imagine how you would organize paladin buffs the -right- way
10:42.01Nom-well there's a limited number of buffs :)
10:42.04Corrodiasi take it you can only have one applied to you at a time
10:42.12Corrodiasor this would not be an issue -- everybody gets all the buffs
10:42.16Nom-One blessing per paladin
10:42.47Nom-You typically do a mix of buffs based on class
10:42.56Nom-ie. Warriors get Light, Might and Kinga
10:43.16Nom-Mages get Kings, Wisdom, Sanctuary
10:43.36Corrodiasgetting slouken to add pvp flag info is one thing. getting blizzard devs to change a horrible mechanic like that is an exercise in futility
10:43.57Corrodias...and an other thing.
10:44.05Nom-It works well as long as you have enough paladins to go around
10:44.37Nom-For a 25-man you want 3 to cover the *main* buffs
10:44.37Nom-There's sometimes overlap, but most of the time you can cover all of the buffs that a class needs
10:44.37Nom-ie. It's pointless giving rogues and warriors wisdom
10:44.41Nom-and pointless giving mages might
10:44.50Nom-It's only hybrids that are a problem
10:45.08Corrodiasblizzard has a history of issues with hybrids
10:45.13Corrodiaswhat, you haven't seen that video of a melee mage soloing ragnaros? ;P
10:45.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Pyrrhus (
10:45.21PyrrhusSup all
10:45.37ShirikI finally see the problem >.>
10:45.42ShirikI have to be using java instead of javaw...
10:45.48Shirikwhat the hell is the difference, I don't know
10:46.06Corrodiasone has a console output window and the other doesn't? other than that i'm not aware of one
10:47.35Corrodiasdo paladin single-target buffs last longer than 5 minutes at higher levels?
10:47.40Shirikwell javaw won't take arguments at command line :(
10:47.56PyrrhusCorr no they dont
10:47.59Corrodiaswhat? that might explain why i had so much trouble with azureus
10:48.02Pyrrhusand the 15's are the same
10:48.15ShirikI just spent 15 minutes trying to figure out that problem ><
10:48.20PyrrhusSo how is everyone doing?
10:48.37Corrodiasso unless you have multiple paladins trying to overlap buffs on different classes, you'd have to have a couple of paladins trying to refresh buffs on 25 people every 5 minutes. woo hoo.
10:48.51Corrodiasi'd like to note at this point that i don't see why paladin buffs last only a few minutes
10:48.53Shirik2 second GCD
10:49.02Shirik* 25 people =
10:49.05Shirikabout 1 minute to buff
10:49.07Shirikso that makes a 4 minute buff
10:49.13PyrrhusAgree Corr lol
10:49.14Corrodiasafaik, the GCD on spells is 1.5s
10:49.19Shirikeh, I rounded :P
10:49.27Corrodiason melee abilities, it seems to be 1s
10:49.29Shirikin any case, given the paladin has to take some time to target etc
10:49.36PyrrhusYea should be 30/1hour
10:49.37Shirik2s is about right
10:49.38Corrodiasmaybe it's just because i'm "busier" that it seems shorter
10:49.52Shiriknah, I'd say single target buffs about 15 minutes
10:49.53PyrrhusUmm for a paladin best mod ive found was pally power..
10:50.08Corrodiaswe were just talking about pally power. that's what brought this up.
10:50.16Pyrrhusoh :)
10:50.22Corrodiasi mentioned, in my ignorance of the paladin, that it looked absurd to assign buffs by class.
10:50.23Pyrrhus<< came in late heh
10:50.29Corrodiasi was then informed that that's how paladin buffs work.
10:50.39PyrrhusWorks well in bigger raids.. but 5 mans... meh lol
10:50.45Corrodiasi was stunned, typeless for a few seconds
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10:51.04leethalhow do i put pet growl on the normal action bars?
10:51.06leethala macro I guess?
10:51.10Shirikoops >.>
10:51.13PyrrhusYea only way
10:51.14Corrodiasprobably, leethal
10:51.24Pyrrhusyou cant like drag the spell and drop..
10:51.29Corrodiasman, i started a paladin alt, but now i'm glad he's just an alt
10:51.29Shirikleethal: pet growl?
10:51.33leethalsomeone that's bored write that macro for me, please *yawn*
10:51.34leethalShirik: idd
10:51.39Shiriksimple, /cast Growl
10:51.42Shirikor better yet
10:51.42Corrodiasi do NOT envy paladins the nightmare of trying to buff people
10:51.50Shiriktype /cast [target=pettarget] Growl
10:52.06Shirikwhy don't you just have it on autocast?
10:52.12Corrodiasmages, druids, priests, easy... cast "big expensive buff on every group whether they need it or not"
10:52.17Pyrrhusmaybe  /pet Growl
10:52.25Shirikboth would work
10:52.34ShirikI use /cast cause it's easier for me to remember
10:52.36leethalit's growling all the time
10:52.43Shirikisn't that what you want?
10:52.44PyrrhusSo you wanna turn it off.
10:52.45Corrodiasfocus management is scaring me away from the hunter class again
10:52.45leethalwaste of focus :o
10:52.53leethalya, no auto growl. I'll growl when needed
10:52.57Shirikmy pet can't hold aggro worth a dman
10:52.59CorrodiasGrowl isn't like Taunt, leethal
10:53.03PyrrhusI think in the pet book
10:53.06Pyrrhusif you right click it.
10:53.10Corrodiasit doesn't give them aggro. it just increases threat by some amount.
10:53.11Pyrrhuswill turn it off...
10:53.20Pyrrhusthan if you left click on the pet bar will activate it
10:53.24Shirikmax rank growl = ~600 points of aggro, that's i
10:53.28Shirikit doesn't pull aggro off you
10:53.30PyrrhusTry that lee
10:53.44Corrodiasclicking on buttons during combat is noobish
10:53.45Pyrrhusdont remember... was having same issue on my hunter
10:53.54Pyrrhuswell he could macro it..
10:54.04Pyrrhusor get a bar mod to assign keys to pet functions
10:54.14Pyrrhusbut in the actual spellbook
10:54.19Corrodiasmaintaining enough focus for growl every 6 seconds without smartpet is a hell i'm not eager to experience again
10:54.20Pyrrhusif he right clicks growl..
10:54.25Pyrrhusshould take it off auto cast
10:54.40Pyrrhusthan he could just cast when he wanted to
10:54.47Pyrrhuswith macro/assigned key
10:54.50bleetahif you're creating a macro growl to try to pull aggro of you, you may wanna see if the target mob is in melee range, and also cast.. er, disengage as well.
10:54.52Corrodiasthe whole hunter class tends to just piss me off. maybe i should put the hunter to bed and just play other classes.
10:54.56leethalya, turning of auto growl is ez mode
10:55.09leethalI'm just tossing a growl when the pet is in melee range
10:55.12leethalthat should do
10:55.12Corrodiasactually, it's not the whole class
10:55.14CorrodiasJUST pets.
10:55.52PyrrhusSo..... anyone found a good decursing mod yet.. other than smartdebuff?
10:56.21leethalgrid/perfectraid, and clique
10:56.22Pyrrhusdo tell :)
10:56.28Corrodiaspets with limited abilities that make them useless, pets with caster stats that make them inferior, focus management that makes them all cumbersome
10:56.30Pyrrhusnever liked clique
10:56.34bleetahleethal: you'll prolly find if you've just critted the target heavily, or even mildly a couple of times, one growl won't do, even a growl and a disengage may not be sufficient. sometimes I just let the mob beat on me while the growl/diseng cooldown happen, then cast again. that pretty much also drops the aggro. if not, FD. then panic ;)
10:56.38Pyrrhusill check perfrct raid
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10:56.49leethalgot bm, intimidation ftw =D
10:56.59bleetahah, yup.. that should work :)
10:57.34CorrodiasResist (Intimidation) / Immune (Intimidation) :o
10:57.35Shirikbleetah: You'll find that if I shoot the target... period, one growl won't do
10:57.46Shirikmy pet = teh sux
10:57.53bleetahtho some mobs are immune/resist.. yeah, as corro said
10:57.54Corrodiasit almost....
10:58.11Corrodiaswhat viability is there in a hunter who goes solo without a pet?
10:58.20Shiriksometimes I do that :P
10:58.27Corrodiascan a marks/surv spec do things solo, effectively?
10:58.29ShirikI get pissed at him; if he dies, he stays dead sometimes
10:58.39Shirikyou'd want to go pretty heavy into survival, but yes
10:58.46bleetahnor marks
10:58.48Shirikit's been done
10:58.55Corrodiaspets cause 80% of my agony with the hunter class
10:59.01bleetahunless yer a real good kiter
10:59.19ShirikNom- are you still here?
10:59.43leethali love the pets
10:59.50leethalsoloing everything
10:59.52bleetahShirik: so what pet do you have? :P
10:59.57leethaland two days played on level 40 for the win
10:59.59Shirika cat and a dog
11:02.03Corrodiasyeah, well, EVEN if i ignore how blizzard hardly ever pays attention to the needs of hunter pets (lots of trash pets and the horrible levelling grind), the idea of focus management is giving me a headache
11:03.10leethalthey should growl less
11:04.01Corrodiasi want to make sure my pet can growl every 6 seconds. it's a common thing. there used to be addons for this.
11:04.41Corrodiasbut with bite & claw going all-out, it's entirely possible Growl won't have enough focus to go off. if i disable bite or claw, i may have extra focus that goes to waste, reducing dps.
11:04.44bleetahyes, but they were deemed to be automating play too much
11:05.12bleetahwell, yes, you prolly should be disabling one of them, depending on the target mob and circumstance
11:05.19Corrodiasi do recall that one patch specifically made it so that toggling auto-cast required a hardware event. it seems blizzard wants us manually managing focus.
11:05.21bleetahif not both
11:05.29Corrodiasi don't know why blizzard thinks this is humanly possible.
11:05.39ShirikI don't bother to manage focus
11:05.42bleetah... 'coz it is.. ? :-P
11:05.45ShirikI let growl run and that's it
11:05.52Shirikoh and prowl manually
11:06.06Corrodiasbleetah: i am speaking with effectiveness in mind
11:06.09Shirikbut that's just because he's too damn slow while prowling
11:06.12ZealotOnAStick*shrug* I came from an RTS background, where you'd be required to have some intense micromanagement in complex battles.
11:06.24Corrodiassure, i can just turn things off. i don't like that option.
11:06.28ZealotOnAStickIt's doable, just onerous and tiresome.
11:06.28leethalthen again.. a prot warrior has 15 skills he has to time perfectly 100% of the playtime
11:06.35leethalpretty much equally silly hard
11:06.52Corrodiasreally? :o i haven't played one of those
11:06.52Shirikon the same note
11:06.54Shirikmost warriors suck at it
11:07.15Shirikwhat is idd?
11:07.17Corrodiaswatching a pet's focus bar jump up and down and trying to toggle autocasts with your mouse would drive me insane
11:07.18leethalurban dictionary for the win
11:07.30leethalhaha, yeah
11:07.42ZealotOnAStickbut of those 15 skills maybe 7 get any sort of regular usage and are, the majority of the time, of much point to use.
11:07.48leethaltoggling autocasts with the mouse... aw, so damn boring
11:07.56Corrodiasa druid's bear form is quite simple. lacerate, mangle, maul, swipe. poof.
11:08.20ZealotOnAStickCorrodias - why toggle autocasts, just change the pet bar key mappings?
11:08.30Corrodiasi'm not sure about boring, but it's cumbersome, slow (as a result of cumbersome), and dangerous (as a result of slow) in combat.
11:08.53bleetahand make sure you don't hit the mob hard until the pet's got one, if not halfway to two, growls in
11:09.14leethalsunder, heroic strike, shield slam, revenge, thunder clap, demoralizing shout, hamstring, devastate, spell reflect, berserker rage and shield bash
11:09.17CorrodiasZealotOnAStick: i'm not sure i understand. is there a "toggle autocast on pet bar action 3" keybind?
11:09.21leethaland then the occasional taunt and mocking blow
11:09.27leethaland piercing howl if you're into that
11:09.35Corrodiasleethal: perv
11:09.37leethalwhen I tank, I use all those skills pretty much every pull
11:10.30leethalit's not like I'm standing at a safe distance and spamming frostbolts =P
11:10.57leethalbut, then again, I'm NOT right clicking pet action bars to enable/disable auto casting. that sucks more than paladin blessings
11:11.12Corrodiaspetextend gave us a keybind that would automatically enable or disable the autocasts to try to maintain focus, and i guess you just hammered on that key constantly :P
11:11.24Corrodiassilly hunters
11:11.30leethaloh, I forgot disarm, concussion blow
11:11.55leethaland shield wall, last stand and challenging shout, but those have long cooldowns and donesn't count
11:12.11Corrodiassounds insane
11:12.20leethalbattle shout too, of course, but I tent do screw that =P
11:12.25ZealotOnAStickCorrodias: I'm not sure at all if you can macro autocast toggles or not.  I just meant remap the pet abilities to keys less out of the way and use them manually, rather than all this clicking of toggles.
11:12.26Corrodiaslike a loss of sanity.
11:12.38Corrodiasthat's an option
11:13.01ZealotOnAStickHow many skills do you regularly use as a hunter for the majority of your combat?  Will adding another 3-4 buttons make that unmanageable?
11:13.40Corrodiasnow maybe this is a personal failing, but i have enough trouble managing all the sorts of things a hunter has to do himself during combat. i don't think i could hammer the Claw, Bite, and Growl buttons every 2 seconds while watching the focus bar -and- keep an eye on combat while i do my regular stuff
11:13.45Corrodiasah.. let me think
11:13.51leethalthat's the thing with the warrior class.. tons of abilities, and most of them with super low cooldowns
11:14.05leethaland yes, hunters are pretty busy in combat
11:14.12leethalespecially in heroics and such. kiting, trapping etc
11:14.46Corrodiast, 2, 3, 4, sometimes 5, 6/7/8 (stings, not sure if i want them bound here), c1/c2/c3/c4/c5 (traps), s1, s2, s3, maybe more
11:15.07Corrodiasi haven't played a high level hunter in a while, so i can't think off-hand of what the abilities up on my shift bar are
11:15.32bleetahto my mind, pet dmg (claw, bite etc.) are there to aide it holding aggro, not specifically for dps. hence, I don't use them .. even half the time
11:15.38Corrodiasjust managing the hunter character is pretty much the limit of my attention span
11:16.29leethalI'm having great fun leveling this hunter though =D
11:16.38leethalfaaaaaaaaaaaaaast solo grinding :O
11:16.52PyrrhusMage is faster :)
11:17.00Pyrrhus<3 my mage
11:17.38leethalno one beats joana =P
11:17.39PyrrhusHey Lee
11:17.45Corrodiasi know there's a reason we had these focus management tools. can Growl get... castblocked by the other skills, or will it always cast at least within a couple of seconds when some focus regenerates?
11:17.47Pyrrhushow does this perfectraid/clique work?
11:18.04Pyrrhuslike I see all the bars listed there... but lets say a few people are cursed..
11:18.05leethalPyrrhus: perfectraid goes green/purple/blue/whatever when something is debuffed
11:18.16Corrodiasperfectraid is some raidframes that will highlight people when they have debuffs you can cure (or at least, if it can't right now, it will in the future when clad has time to work that in)
11:18.24Pyrrhusme being a mage I would decurse.. does their bar glow.. or something?? and would I just click on the bar to decurse?
11:18.29leethalPyrrhus: then you click that colored unit frame to debuff (with whatever click you configured. ctrl + left click for instance)
11:18.32Corrodiasclique lets you alt-click or control-click or whatever on those glowing bars to make them go away
11:18.40leethalPyrrhus: yes, the bar goes purple
11:18.50Pyrrhuswell right now for raid bars I use simpleraid..
11:18.58Pyrrhusand their bars glow like a purple color..
11:19.13Pyrrhusso is that the same idea?
11:19.21Corrodiasthat might be enough, if that addon supports Clique
11:19.21Pyrrhusthan use clique just like normal
11:19.41leethalif the addon is coded somewhat sensible, clique should support it
11:19.42Pyrrhusok.. I have also been trying the new smartbuff/dubuff fucntions..
11:19.55Pyrrhustheir debuff frame seems to work ok..
11:20.10Corrodiashow much focus does a pet regenerate, and at what interval?
11:20.12Pyrrhuslike if someone is debuffed.. their little box turns completally blue.. with a big L
11:20.32Pyrrhusand I just left click their box.. and it decurses them without switching targets
11:20.44Pyrrhus:( /miss decursive lol
11:20.49leethalno, ctrl/alt/shift + left click
11:20.57Corrodiasa regular click will target that person
11:20.58Pyrrhusyea with smart Debuff..
11:21.02leethalI   H  A  T  E    D  E  C  U  R  S  I  V  E
11:21.04PyrrhusI just click.. dont need another key
11:21.07leethalstupid addon
11:21.08Pyrrhuswhy? lol
11:21.11Pyrrhusworked great
11:21.13leethalcause it's no fun
11:21.15leethalyes, too great
11:21.20leethalmashing a key is no fun
11:21.26Corrodiaswell, Pyrrhus, i suppose if the thing casts ALL of your debuffing spells at once
11:21.27Pyrrhusfor me was great when leading raids...
11:21.28leethaland yes, I have a mage
11:21.33Pyrrhusyou had to much to worry about as it was
11:21.53leethal"I wish there was an addon that gave me free epix so I didn't have to play the game"
11:21.59Pyrrhusnah Corr you have to click on each box that is blue :)
11:22.07PyrrhusLMAO lee I see your point
11:22.09Corrodiasbut Pyrrhus, you sound like you like your current setup
11:22.16Pyrrhusbut have you ever lead a 40 man raid?
11:22.17Corrodiaswhat are you looking for?
11:22.26leethalPyrrhus: yes
11:22.29PyrrhusJust exploring options
11:22.45leethalPyrrhus: and when I did that, I gave raid members tasks so that I didn't do all the work
11:22.50Pyrrhustrying to improve my whole UI setup
11:23.14PyrrhusIll see if I can post a screenie up.. see if you guys can toss a few ideas :)
11:25.38Corrodiasi don't think anybody likes my interface, including me. it's cluttered.
11:26.38Corrodias25 focus every 4 seconds?
11:26.53ZealotOnAStickCorrodias, here's an idea . . .
11:27.28ZealotOnAStickSet up a castsequence prioritizing the order of the stuff you have in importance, with a modifier to reset it?
11:27.40ZealotOnAStickfor the pet abilities.
11:27.57Corrodiascastsequence, maybe
11:28.06Corrodiaswhat about just having several /cast in a row?
11:28.23Corrodiasif one doesn't work, it tries the next one, right?
11:28.26Pyrrhusdoesnt work anymore
11:28.41Pyrrhustried that with my scorch and fireblast
11:28.42ZealotOnAStickDoes for my trinket usage macro.
11:28.51Pyrrhustried  /cast fireblast /cast scorch
11:28.57Pyrrhustrinkets are diffrent
11:28.59ZealotOnAStickbut it'll bitch and throw error messages all the time.
11:29.02Pyrrhusthey dont trigger gcd
11:29.22Pyrrhusand trinkets can use the /use macro
11:29.33Pyrrhuslike /use trinker, /cast spell
11:29.42Pyrrhus2 diffrent functions
11:30.21Corrodiasworks for me, /cast Growl /cast Claw
11:30.24Pyrrhuscan you guys check out my UI and .. I guess critisize it?
11:30.31Corrodiasfirst time casts Growl, second time while Growl is on cooldown it casts Claw
11:30.47PyrrhusWouldnt work for my fireblast scorch macro..
11:31.11Pyrrhusand you just used  /cast spell next line /cast spell?
11:31.20Corrodiasyeah. i'll test again
11:31.30Corrodiasit's hard to test for sure on mobs that die in 3 seconds
11:31.31Pyrrhusnot fair
11:31.39Corrodiaslet's take this to the barrens
11:31.51Pyrrhusis your pet auto attacking the claw?
11:31.58Corrodiasno, i turned autocast off on both of them
11:32.07*** join/#wowi-lounge _aLF (
11:32.09PyrrhusPets might be diffrent
11:32.18PyrrhusIll have to try on my mage when I get home
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11:32.35Corrodiasi can test with Arcane Shot & Concussive Shot?
11:32.46Pyrrhustry it
11:32.57Pyrrhusanyone see my UI?
11:33.23Pyrrhusgee thx lol
11:33.36Corrodiasoh, hang on
11:33.49Corrodiasvery different setup from mine
11:35.14PyrrhusAny ideas to make it more efficient?
11:37.05Corrodiaswhat happens when you have more than, say, 9 buffs?
11:37.31PyrrhusI move the raid frames down a bit lol
11:37.53Pyrrhusits easy with sRaidframes
11:38.03PyrrhusI just move Grp 1 and use the predifined verticle layout
11:38.11Pyrrhusit snaps all the groups
11:38.14Pyrrhusto the right loc
11:38.23Pyrrhussorta locks them to grp 1
11:38.27Corrodiashelps if i have some arrows
11:39.02Corrodiasto try concussive shot & arcane shot
11:39.07Pyrrhusahh lmao
11:39.10Pyrrhusgo make some
11:39.12Corrodiasi'm in the process of deleting this hunter
11:39.18Corrodiasi had stripped him of most of his inventory
11:39.30PyrrhusI have a 29 hunter twink
11:39.33Pyrrhusfun fun
11:40.26Pyrrhusso whats your main class corr?
11:40.39Pyrrhuserr.. any suggestion for the ui? ;)
11:41.49Corrodiasno suggestions, sorry
11:41.55Pyrrhusaww lol
11:42.14Corrodiasthis is bizarre. i'm getting <Enter Combat> and such text going up, but i can't imagine what addon is doing it
11:42.32Pyrrhusthe in game scrolling combat text?
11:42.40Pyrrhusin the interface options under advanced?
11:42.42Corrodiaseh? maybe something turned that on?
11:42.54Corrodiasthat's right! thanks
11:42.59Corrodiasmsbt did it, surely
11:43.24Corrodiasanyway, /cast Concussive Shot then /cast Arcane Shot doesn't seem to work
11:43.39leethalglobal cooldown, ya?
11:44.07Corrodiasi'm talking about using that to fire Arcane Shot while Concussive Shot is on cooldown
11:44.27Corrodiasapparently Pyrrhus was fully correct when he said that doesn't work now, although it appears it still works for pet skills
11:45.16Corrodiaspets don't have a global cooldown.
11:45.44Corrodiashe's doing a Growl & Claw on the same button press, then keeps doing Claw each time i press it until Growl is ready again
11:46.37Corrodiasmaybe it does have a cooldown and growl doesn't trigger it... but anyway, i need to teach him bite for the final test
11:47.00Corrodiasand for that i need to increase his loyalty
11:49.12Corrodiasso it looks like a hunter pet regenerates 25 focus every 4 seconds, is that correct? not counting the talent that increases it
11:49.23leethalbah. it's annoying that requires admin confirmation on every change you do on a project
11:49.28leethalat curse gaming it's instant
11:50.43leethalPyrrhus: btw, at that interface of yours. Why not use cryolysis for portals/food/water?
11:51.27Shirikbleetah around?
11:52.16*** join/#wowi-lounge gawa (
11:52.59gawai need some help ...
11:53.06ShirikI need some cookies
11:53.11leethalI need some
11:53.17gawaif (UnitIsPlayer("target")) then
11:53.18gawaDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("message to chat...");
11:53.26leethalhey, read the topic
11:53.30Shirikread the topic please
11:53.39gawaoops sorry
11:53.47leethalnobody does that anyway -_-
11:54.12Shiriksee I think topics and stickies are actually counter-productive
11:54.21Shiriknobody ever reads them, therefore it's just hiding information more
11:54.41zenzelezzwhat would you rather do, spam-bot whenever someone joins?
11:54.47ShirikI was actually about to say that
11:55.01Shiriknot that it's a good idea, but it would get the job done :P
11:55.02Corrodiasin this new version, SCT is showing messages like "Miss (112)"
11:55.06Corrodiashow does miss get a value? :o
11:55.15Shirikabsorb damage?
11:55.23Corrodiasthat would be "Absorb"
11:55.32Shirikdamage absorption comes in as CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_MISSES though
11:55.35Corrodiasmaybe it's just projecting your average damage of the attack...
11:55.49Corrodiasi know, but SCT shows Absorb when that happens
11:55.56Shirikyeah I was just thinking it might be a bug :P
11:55.57Corrodiasactually, i don't know. i'm just saying it doesn't matter.
11:56.05Corrodiaswell, this is on a Stag. i'm sure it's a miss.
11:56.53leethal"nobody ever reads them, therefore it's just hiding information more". that's the most clever thing I've heard in ages
11:57.00bleetahShirik: kinda, gunna be horizontal rsn tho
11:57.05*** join/#wowi-lounge gawaa (
11:57.42Shirikok well just thought I'd throw out there that I think I fixed the hidden files issue so whenever you get a sec, download the new jar archive zip and check it out for me ^^
11:57.46Shirikwhich I haven't uploaded yet
11:59.46SstixrudHow would one end the current interation in a "for k,v in pairs" loop.   i.e. move to the next cycle
12:00.21bleetahshirik: either way, that's about how long you've got... alternatively, /msg me a URL and I'll check it in the morning
12:00.22Sstixrudbreak stops the loop all together right?  Not just the current cycle
12:01.23Corrodiasi guess i'll just revert my SCT to a previous version o.o
12:01.29Corrodiasall miss and parry events have (112) after them
12:01.58*** part/#wowi-lounge gawaa (
12:02.13*** join/#wowi-lounge gawaa (
12:02.24Shirikthat's awesome
12:02.25zenzelezzmaybe you just miss and parry a whole lot of times successively
12:02.41Shirikthere's gotta be a way to turn it off
12:03.04gawaaok, i just used the site to post my code, anyone can help me please ?
12:03.13Shirikyou need to give us the url
12:04.39Corrodiasi wonder if the pet auto-casts activate in a particular order
12:05.21leethali investigated
12:05.24leethalit seemed pretty clever
12:06.07leethalwhen my level 40 pet attacked a 42 mob, it growled a lot more than when attacking a level 38 mob
12:06.59Shirikgawaa: Don't use targetHealth==0
12:07.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
12:07.20gawaawhatelse ?
12:07.26Corrodiasif it always Growls first when there's enough focus, the only "problem" is that if you get unlucky on the cooldown timing, a growl could take an extra 4 seconds before it will cast while it waits for more focus
12:07.34Shirikuse UnitIsDead("target")
12:08.01Corrodiasit's hard to test with this +100% focus regen talent and no Bite. that is, it's impossible.
12:08.04gawaaok, great thanks, i go and try it
12:09.27Corrodiasleethal: could you PLEASE tell me how much focus a pet regenerates at each tick, and how far apart the ticks are?
12:10.07leethalI'll check =D
12:10.08*** join/#wowi-lounge gawaaa (
12:10.16gawaaaok, great thanks, i go and try that
12:10.20leethalI have the talent though
12:10.24leethalfor imba focus regen
12:10.53Corrodiasyeah yeah. 48 focus. so the normal must be 24?
12:11.16leethalguess so
12:11.49leethal"Increases the focus regeneration of your pets by 100%"
12:12.09leethalthat means the amount of focus, and not the tick timer?
12:12.14Corrodias"With Bestial Discipline Rank 2, your pet will be generating 50 focus every 4 seconds, or 100 focus (full bar) every 8 seconds."
12:12.23Corrodiasthis doesn't seem to be correct. it is 48 from my math, not 50
12:12.34Shirikpet focus regeneration is supposed to be equivalent to rogue energy
12:13.02Shirikaccording to wowwiki, rogue energy is 20/tick
12:13.19Shirikthat may or may not be accurate; it doesn't seem to be mentioned as accurate
12:13.23Shirikit was just a side note
12:13.34Shiriktick being 2 sec
12:13.45Corrodiasit serves the same function
12:13.54Corrodiashowever, it is definitely only every 4 seconds, and it's not 20 focus
12:14.16Shirikdon't ask me I just tell you what I read :P
12:14.20leethali want to say "bah, just play the game" now
12:14.55leethalbut I guess I'm not enough hunter yet, I'm all into theorycraft for warriors, my main's class
12:15.18Corrodiasi've spent more time reading about hunters and agonizing over my build than actually playing one. or i like to say that, anyway
12:15.29Corrodiasi've probably spent more time playing, really
12:15.41ShirikI say you should go 0/61/0
12:16.16Corrodiaswith one point for flavor? no, 61
12:16.43Shirik1 point in MM to get the worthless, overused imp. concussive shot
12:19.18Corrodiasaccording to this forum, "If it's not the only ability on autocast it still doesn't mean that growling is delayed by up to 4 seconds because it has to wait for the focus refill. In fact, Growl will be used first if it is leftmost on your pet bar as long as there is at least 15 focus remaining."
12:19.26Corrodiascould be outdated, but i doubt that would change
12:19.46Shirikthat's a BS post
12:20.00Shirikthe only time it will be used "first" is the very beginning
12:20.03Shirikwhen you have 100 focus anyway
12:20.08nevcairielwhy did they call it focus and not energy anyway?
12:20.13Corrodiasi think he's talking about upon a focus tick, Shirik
12:20.17Shirikat any other point in time, you will never have two abilities ready to use
12:20.21Corrodiaswhen it could choose to cast Growl or Claw. or Bite.
12:20.22Shirikat the same time
12:20.28bleetahnn all
12:20.31Shirikdoesn't bite take 40 focus?
12:20.32bleetahbe nice to everyone :)
12:20.37Corrodiasa pet's focus regenerates every 4 seconds
12:20.42Corrodiasthe cooldown on Claw is -way- shorter
12:20.51Shirikmaybe 30 focus
12:20.54Shirikin any case it's more than a growl
12:21.05nevcairielhow much focus do you get per tic then?
12:21.07Shirikthus, if you're waiting for focus regen, of course growl will be used first - it costs less
12:21.28Corrodiasimagine this: cast claw. energy is at 8. you're waiting... claw is ready. another second... Growl's cooldown has finished also. another second... boom, you get 24 (or 25) focus
12:21.56Corrodiasnow growl and claw are both ready to autocast, but you have only 32 focus
12:22.08Shirikpoint taken
12:22.30Corrodiasif the game does prioritize growl, or a particular slot on the pet bar into which i can PUT growl, then i guess i'm satisfied without any focus management on my part
12:22.48Shirikthere used to be a great mod to do it
12:22.53Corrodiasyeah :(
12:23.00Shirikwould disable abilities if there wasn't enough to guarantee a growl after its cast
12:24.14Shirikthat's it
12:24.16Corrodiasblizzard wasn't too thrilled with that one, apparently
12:24.37Shirikwe can't have pets thinking for themselves! It's not like they have brains or something!
12:25.14gawaaawith UnitIsDead("target"), my message appear only when i click on the dead boddy, not when the player is diing... anymore help please ?
12:25.38zenzelezzwell, player isn't dead when it's dying...
12:25.43Corrodiasgawaa: play Star Wars: Galaxies
12:26.13Shirikthe alternative is that you register for a CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILE_PLAYER_DEATH event
12:26.53gawaaai tried with that one, what "arg" should i recieve ? this event dont appear
12:27.10Pyrrhusquick question..
12:27.20Pyrrhushavent used irc stuff in a few years.......... lol
12:27.30Shirik"arg1" which you shouldn't be using anymore, will be something like "Shirik dies."
12:27.31Corrodiasthis thread is a bunch of hunters generally agreeing with each other that the priority on skills appears to be "growl, skills with cooldown, spammable skills"
12:27.36Pyrrhusyou do you quick add a persons name to the front of your text?
12:27.46Shiriktype the first few letters and hit tab
12:27.51Corrodiasdepending on your client
12:27.56Shirik(for most clients
12:28.02Shirikhe's on mirc
12:28.05Pyrrhusleethal: you still there :)
12:28.06Shirikso yeah, that's how you would do it
12:28.11Pyrrhusty ;)
12:28.29Pyrrhusbeen so long since I used any irc chats
12:28.50Shirikwhy are you awake
12:29.12Shirikit's 7:30
12:29.42PyrrhusNetwork admin.. we work 24hrs/day
12:29.50ShirikI totally hear ya there
12:30.17*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
12:30.18Pyrrhusso when I get bored I research UI's and what not
12:30.39Pyrrhuswas on wiki and seen the option for chat here so.. :) here I am lol
12:30.50PyrrhusSo why are you awake?
12:31.18ShirikMostly because I do my best coding when there's no distractions
12:31.22Shirikbut really, because I have no life
12:33.34Corrodiasquestion: Misdirection, Multishot. does Multishot count as 1 of the 3, or all 3?
12:34.18Corrodiasso it's all aimed shot, arcane shot, multishot? or it would be if autoshot didn't sneak in there without your permission
12:34.37ShirikI typically do, for pulls, aimed shot, distracting shot, multishot. If it's not ap ull, I do Multishot, arcane shot, distracting shot
12:34.47Shiriks/ap ull/a pull/
12:35.09Shirikand I do that while moving typically
12:35.16Shirikwell, moving when I can to not interrupt the cast
12:35.20Shirikso that the autoshot doesn't fire
12:46.32gawaaa anymore help please ?
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12:51.22gawaaanone as an idea ?
12:51.35gawaaanoone have an idea ?
12:53.48Corrodiasdoes a deep survival build actually have viability?
12:54.08Corrodiassorry, gawaaa, i know nothing about events like that
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12:54.31Corrodiasyou could just DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(arg1)
12:54.34Corrodiassee what you get out
12:54.53gawa , my computer crashed ... anyone can help please ?
12:55.07gawai tryed that too, no message appear
12:55.16Corrodiasthen apparently that event is not happening
12:55.31Corrodiasor your frame is not receiving notification of the event
12:55.45Corrodiasor the frame's onevent handler doesn't call that function
12:55.52Corrodias*function or code
12:55.55gawamy frame recieve other notifications
12:56.13gawawhatelese function i can use so ?
12:56.50Corrodiasdid you RegisterForEvent("CHAT_MSG_whatever?
12:57.00Corrodiasand the OnEvent code executes that stuff?
12:57.13gawayes, i registered it
12:57.58Corrodiaswell, i don't know what else to say
12:58.17leethalif you try to add a message outside of the whole block?
12:58.22Corrodiasit sounds like you know how to make the frame do things when events happen, but that event isn't happening or you're messing up somehow in catching it
12:58.24leethalwhat happens then? Still no message?
12:58.34leethalperhaps the onEvent istelf is troublesome
12:58.38gawaif a message is outside the block, it works
12:59.24leethalwhat about the if arg1 stuff?
13:00.01gawaIf you provide the killing blow, you may or may not get a 'unit dies' event but you will get a 'slain unit' event, the 'slain unit' event is fired before the 'unit dies' message is, if you do not provide the killing blow you will get a 'unit dies'.
13:00.01gawaFired when any hostile NPC or player dies near you.
13:00.03gawaFired when you are the killing blow against any NPC or player
13:00.22gawai'm just thinking to give up
13:00.59leethalwhat happens if you add a message inside that if (event = foo) block directly, outside of the if arg1 stuff?
13:01.30gawainside of the arg1, nothing
13:01.39gawaoutisde ... same ...
13:01.47gawaso maybe that event never appear
13:01.58leethaland this is inside an onEvent thingie?
13:02.37leethalanyways, this is how I do it:
13:02.40Corrodias<OnEvent>, in the xml
13:02.44Corrodiasyou need something there
13:03.33gawait's allready in the .xml ;(
13:03.45Corrodiasthe code in the <onevent> tag is what is called when an event for which the frame has registered occurs
13:04.05Corrodiasif that code does not, at some point, call the code you gave us, it'll never happen
13:04.32leethalgawa: take a look at No frameworks used, and pretty simple stuff
13:04.43leethal(some weird code in there though, so don't copy paste =P{
13:04.44gawaokee, thanks
13:04.58Corrodiasi'm off to sleep.
13:05.16gawanight, and thanks for all :)
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13:21.20Nom-Any alternatives to TheoryCraft that work in 2.0 ?
13:21.26Nom-TC2 seems pretty buggy still
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13:22.53Nom-oo new version
13:22.55Nom-might be ok now
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14:21.31Shirikhi there
14:27.06Hadhave any1 screenshot of bloodthistle?? plx...upload it somewhere asi imageshack,...or send wowviewer file when u have it...
14:28.23wobinit kinda looks like a large mageroyal =P
14:29.27Hadok..:) and where i can get files to not very good at using google
14:30.20wobincan't help you there, I'm afraid =)
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16:24.29cogwheelMy first JC recipe with a random enchant and it's of the monkey... i'm a priest :(
16:25.17cogwheelthankfully, no :P
16:26.08zenzelezzI never got more than two pieces of the dark iron set, but I was worried I'd end up getting Dark Iron Boots of the Owl or something like that
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16:27.58zenzelezzin BC instances so far I've seen a fair amount of designs drop, also tailoring stuff, a few leatherworking patterns, one schematic, but no blacksmithing plans
16:28.10zenzelezzactually, two schematics
16:28.21zenzelezzand a few enchanting recipes, forgot those
16:29.30zenzelezzdon't know if I've just not teamed much with blacksmiths, or whether they just don't have many new plans
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20:25.41Tierriehey Iriel what are you doing tomorrow morning around 11.30am?
20:25.59Irielprobably working, or laying in bed hoping that my cold goes away.
20:26.11Tierriecool so you're coming to watch 300 with us then at imax?
20:26.37Irielheh, no.. I'm fairly sick 8-(
20:26.48Tierriecool so we'll get you a ticket first and then you'll pay us back later?
20:27.04Cairenn|afksorry to hear it Iriel
20:27.16Irielyeah, I sound like a frog
20:27.19Tierriehahaa jk jk Iriel
20:27.28Tierriefind a princess to kiss you
20:27.31Tierrieso you'll turn into an ogre
20:27.35Tierrieask Cairenn
20:27.39CorrodiasNom-: it kinda depends on your tastes, but you might check out "DrDamage"
20:27.40Tierriesmoochy smoochy Cairenn
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20:27.53Cairenn|afklol, you're all wound up today aren't you Tierrie?
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20:28.14Tierriei'm wound up like this everyday. somedays i'm just too busy programming
20:28.30Tierriei wuv u cairenn, come to blizzcon
20:28.43ThraeCan I make a macro do something different when the button is manually clicked?
20:29.07Tierriehopefully there will be one this year
20:29.14Thraecladhaire: Just [button], or [button:1] for mouse button 1?
20:29.14Tierrieotherwise i will be very upset
20:29.24cladhaire[button] will trigger if ANY button was used.
20:29.25Tierrie[button:1] for keypresses and left click
20:29.40IrielI'm not counting on one, given it's lack of appearance last year
20:29.49Irielcladhaire: Does [button] not count the 'virtual' button for the /click ?
20:29.54Thraecladhaire: And that doesn't include keybind presses, right?
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20:30.05cladhaireIriel: I'm not sure, to be honest.
20:30.18Cairennjust the way you'd said it made me think I'd missed the announcement or something
20:31.22TierrieCairenn: i say everything with confidence, like karl rove
20:31.26Tierrieexcept i use my powers only for good
20:32.04Tierriei want a blizzcon again this year so I can steal the nova sculture
20:32.09Tierriegod she was hot
20:32.11Tierriewe tried to buy her
20:32.18Tierrieshe cost 20k to make and blizzard wouldn't sell her
20:32.28Tierrieso we settled for taking lots of pictures near her butt
20:32.50zenzelezznear or of? o_O
20:33.13Corrodiassigh... looks like klh threat meter uses layout-cache.txt, lazy bum of a coder
20:33.20chuckgWhat's current toc?
20:33.45chuckg20003 ?
20:33.52Thraecladhaire: Hmm, this macro is bound to the middle mouse button. How can I differentiate a manual left-click on the actionbutton?
20:34.07Tierriegiggity =>
20:34.20[dRaCo]anyone who can help me with some lua expressions for msbt?
20:34.53Thraecladhaire: Yeah, I put button:1 at the top and it's always trying to cast that spell now
20:35.30chuckgDo [nomodifiers] in the other one.
20:40.22Thraeerr, with the second line added
20:42.32bleetahI demand a Blizzcon for Oceania! :-P
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20:59.22TierrieMawaige, that sacwed cobenant, that dweam within a dweam. Wuv, twue wuv, which bwings us
20:59.58purlMawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam...  And wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva...  So tweasure your wuv.
21:00.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Warol (
21:00.45purlYou warthog-faced buffoon.
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21:03.35XonaetI have a question regarding a little script for WoW wondering if anyone is interested in helping me with it
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21:05.08kasoask, dont ask to ask :>
21:06.23Tierriehey anyone wants to see a lego fucking the filling out of a twinkie?
21:07.02TemI need suggestions on an audio player.
21:07.08TemIt must meet the following requirements
21:07.11Tem1) it's not iTunes
21:07.21Tierrienext question
21:07.21Tem2) It has an interface that I can customize to my liking
21:07.31Tem3) It will interface seemlessly with my iPod
21:07.33XonaetI have a macro that i want very simply to report, my focus target with error frame, that works, however, I am wondering if it is possible to add an internal condition, like you can in C, basicly if it has a target i want it to show, but within the limitations of a macro's 256, so, it would need to be within the format("blah %s - %s",UnitName("focus"), <here's the problem, if i simply add another unitname with focustarget, and there
21:08.04bleetahXonaet: you got chopped ... "another unitname with focustarget, and there"
21:08.24Xonaetit would need to be within the format("blah %s - %s",UnitName("focus"), <here's the problem, if i simply add another unitname with focustarget, and there is none nil will cause error, how to I avoid that?>)
21:11.13batrickyou could maybe concatenate " " with unitname
21:11.21batrickif you don't care spaces are floating around
21:14.05Xonaetyou lost me there for a second, how will that fix my nil error if there is no focustarget
21:14.21batrickbecause you will always pass some string to the function
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21:16.03Xonaethmm true
21:16.13Xonaetsince its errorframe it wouldn't bother much
21:20.54Xonaetwhat would be the command for concatenate?
21:21.06Tierriesyntax is ..
21:21.52Tierrieits two goddamn periods, i'm not trying to be suspenseful
21:23.31Xonaetsorry, when just too simple solutions at times, you wonder how you miss them anyhow, that still gives me a nil error
21:23.47batrickya i thought that still might happen
21:23.47Xonaetattempts to concanate a nil value
21:23.54batrickyou'll have to use an if statement
21:24.19Xonaeti feared that
21:24.34batrickif(u("focus"))then local s=u("focus")end
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21:33.45kasocan anyone think of an item with has a duration i cant think of anything off the top of my head.
21:34.12Xonaetthere we go
21:34.22Xonaetthanks for the help
21:34.42batrickXonaet, you'll want to use: local s,u=UnitName instead
21:34.46batrickkeep everything local ^^
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21:40.26XonaetI know
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21:41.44Xonaetthey dont stay in memory past relog if you made them global yes?
21:41.52Xonaetdid so in earlier testing
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21:43.45Xonaetincidently double statment causes error
21:43.56Xonaettrying to define two locals with one 'local' wording
21:45.23batricklocal n,s=UnitName("Focus") should work, n will be the name, s can be whatever you want later
21:45.49Xonaetcauses errorr
21:46.06zenzelezzI thought that would expect UnitName to return two values, but I'm somewhat Lua noob
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21:46.47batrickwell UnitName returns name and realm
21:46.48Garoun|LoupanaI button spam too much :( it's no wonder my wrists start hurting after a couple hours of wow
21:46.55batrickrealm is irrelevant in his situation
21:48.14Xonaetonly returns realm if the unit is a player and is in bg
21:48.14batrickstill should work
21:48.25Xonaetdoesn't though, gives me a nil thingy again
21:48.39IrielYou can declare as many variables local as you want in one local statement
21:49.03Xonaetwhy? heck if I know so I just use local u=Unitname;local t
21:49.11Xonaetyeah, or at least you should be able to
21:49.58zenzelezzUnitName, not Unitname (unless that was just an IRC typo)
21:50.06Xonaetirc typo
21:50.58Xonaetreally wish blizzard would allow more then 255 char's
21:53.15Xonaet*restarts WoW*
21:53.48batricki gotta go, i'll cya guys later
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22:04.09Industrialdoes every mob my pet attacks walk towards me
22:04.58Industrialits so anoying, my pet and the mob are in a cycle of adjusting towards their target (all mobs do that) and they end up at my location making me move to be able to hit :(
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22:16.52Xonaethunter with warpstalker?
22:22.43Xonaet-- /script local t,u=UnitName;if u("focustarget") then t=u("focustarget"); else t="No Target"; end;UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage(format("Focus: %s - %s",UnitName("focus"),t),1,1,0);
22:22.49Xonaetgets error
22:23.02Xonaethowever if I do localt;local u=UnitName
22:23.03Xonaetit works
22:23.22IrielYou need local u,t = UnitName
22:23.34Irielyou're currently assigning UnitName to t, and nil to u
22:23.47Iriele.g. it's equivalent to local t, u = UnitName, nil
22:26.02IndustrialXonaet: no just cat
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22:43.04sysragewhat's a good windows search util? i wanna grep my addons dir for some text and windows search sucks ass
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22:49.24Xenokshirik: did you fix those bugs in wowiupdater?
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22:53.00XenokI still can't remember how I did that auto detect your zone and sort the saved coords in that dropdown piece of script >< im so mad
22:53.12hastesysrage: << :p ?
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22:57.50sysragehaste: neat
22:58.33sysragehasn't been updated for 4 years though
22:58.48foxlitHm, there should be a universal addon updater somewhere.
22:58.52sysragethere is
22:59.01sysrageWoW UI Updater
22:59.05sysrageit rocks
22:59.43foxlitDo I need to do anything to support that, or does it tend to itself?
22:59.45Xenokthe one shriik is making?
23:01.08sysragedon't think it's shriik's
23:01.08Xenokumm nvm I found it
23:01.08sysrageand i don't know what you mean by tending to itself
23:01.21Xenokfoxlit: thats not it
23:03.29foxlitI typoed
23:05.03sysragecurse seems to change the way their page is just enough to break the WUU regex fairly often, but since i've been using it, WUU gets updated within a day of it breaking
23:05.39Xenokwow awsome!! :
23:07.52sysragenice UI
23:08.17kasoI dont like UIs like that
23:08.19kasotoo flash
23:09.15foxlitTop bar is just insane in terms of readability problems.
23:09.27foxlitModels don't really work with background.
23:09.46foxlitAnd the floating TrinketsMenu is just... meh.
23:10.15Xenokyeah.. I don't like htat trinket thing either
23:11.28Guillotinethe orange is slightly harsh on the eyes
23:11.48Xenokyeah.. maybe a green :P
23:12.15GuillotineI used to use a UI like that, but I decided I should make it *kind of* like the default
23:12.24Guillotineso that when I go to gf's I can play
23:12.29Guillotineand don't have to completely readjust
23:12.47Xenokgot a screenie?
23:12.54Guillotinesomewhere. hold on
23:13.36Guillotinewell, this is one:
23:13.55Guillotinethat little green thing on the unit frame is a graph of my health over time
23:14.09Guillotineand the "Buffs" menu open and closed depending on what I needed
23:14.13Guillotine(this was before 2.0)
23:14.13Xenoklol thats cool
23:14.49GuillotineChanged to using Clique instead of GroupButtons after a bit
23:15.15Xenokah thats still cool
23:16.17foxlitIf I ever get around to replacing default actionbars, I want to configure them around several sets of 6 buttons
23:17.53foxlitThat row of icons at the bottom is intimidating
23:18.01Guillotinethis is my current UI (with somes light variations):
23:18.09Guillotineon the left side in the viewport part, I have a bunch of info
23:18.19GuillotineChronometer, casting bars for all nearby enemies, cooldown bars for all nearby enemies
23:18.27Xenokwhats with the domain name? "hackwow"
23:18.28Guillotineinfo in BGs
23:18.53foxlitHow do you deal with raidbuffs?
23:18.57Guillotineno idea. Somebody gave me access to the SVN there. isn't really about hacking though (at least from what I see)
23:18.59sysrageagrep doesn't work for shit.. nobody knows a good simple search util for windows?
23:19.01Guillotineits just figuring out the files
23:19.42GuillotineI just use it for hosting my files though since I have nowhere else :P
23:19.50Guillotinethough I really wish it had a different name
23:20.56Guillotinefoxlit: Used RDX.Cid at the time, now I use HealBot for raid buffs
23:22.11foxlitNot quite what I meant.
23:22.21foxlitI think that's Elk's at the top right, next to the minimap.
23:22.25Guillotineoh, ya
23:22.32GuillotineElk's BuffBar for buffs
23:22.37foxlitDoesn't that get sort of large vertically if you're buffed by a heck of a lot of stuff, like you tend to be in raids?
23:22.54Guillotinedunno. started using that with TBC and havn't gone to the 25 mans yet
23:23.13Xenokhmm where would i go make my own ui?
23:23.49GuillotineXenok: you mean make your own mod? or make your own group of mods?
23:24.06XenokI mean make a user interface .. like the mini map .. the action bars etc.
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23:24.19foxlitWrite code or combine existing code?
23:24.26GuillotineWell, mine is actually just a bunch of other mods put together. (Only a couple of my own)
23:24.44GuillotineTheres actually a lot of mods that let you move stuff around
23:24.44Guillotineand reskin it
23:24.44Xenokdiscord art is way to confusing XD
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23:24.52Guillotineya, thats what I used to use
23:25.14Xenokknow of any eaiser mods?
23:25.16foxlitAny idea who maintains Skinner?
23:25.33GuillotineXenok: you want to skin your stuff?
23:25.46Cidecan you reconfigure how elk's buffbar looks?
23:26.03foxlitProbably, but a vertical stack is still a vertical stack
23:26.21CideI was thinking of the appearance of the bar
23:26.38GuillotineCide: only way to configure is by editing the file
23:26.45Guillotineat least only way to configure to a significant extent
23:26.46Cideugh... why?
23:27.21Cidemaybe it's just me that doesn't like it though, since I see a lot of people using it that way :)
23:27.29Guillotinewell, you can change color, size, all that
23:27.33Guillotinewhat exactly would you want to change?
23:28.15Cidedunno, I just don't like it that much and I see a lot of people having it look the same way
23:28.23Cideso it might just be me
23:28.32GuillotineI personally love it
23:28.53GuillotineI hate the default buff bars personally ><
23:29.27Cideme too
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23:29.51foxlitThey're fine combined with the default UI layout; you don't really have to look at them a lot
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23:30.36GuillotineMy idea of the perfect UI is one where your eyes don't have to move around much. and ElkBuffBar helps that. I can see out of hte corner of my eyes how much time is left on something
23:30.38Guillotinedon't have to read it
23:32.07Guillotinebtw, has anyone looked at the in-game FAQ thing? It appears to me that its impossible to inject new questions into there (the data isn't contained in the frame), but I might have missed something
23:33.17foxlitKNOWLEDGE_BASE_* events
23:34.27foxlitInject at what level?
23:34.27ElkanoCide, current EBB doesn't have that many options to cunfigure it ingame... but my current recode will have
23:35.39Guillotinefoxlit: add it to the frame
23:35.52Guillotineso that you could add an "Addon" category
23:35.54Guillotinewith info on your addon
23:36.11CideElkano: ah
23:36.36foxlitAmount of hooking isn't nice
23:36.43foxlitBut you can probably do it
23:36.49zenzelezzGuillotine: speculation on my part, but I'm not sure Blizzard would like that... "<user> the faq said ... <gm> we didn't put that there <user> but its there!"
23:37.10Guillotinefoxlit: thats the problem. It doesn't seem to be done in LUA
23:37.15Guillotineit seems to be directly in C
23:37.18GuillotineZenzelezz: possibly
23:37.30foxlitFrameXML\KnowledgeBase.lua ?
23:37.49Guillotinefoxlit: yes, but the questions/answered aren't stored in variables anywhere
23:38.28foxlitKnowledgeBaseArticleListFrame_PopulateArticleList(KBQuery_GetArticleHeaderCount, KBQuery_GetArticleHeaderData, KBQuery_GetTotalArticleCount);
23:38.58Elkanocide: I coded it about a year ago with a look that fitted my need since it was primary intended for personal use. but since that many people liked it and I gre in experience coding for lua I decided to do a 100% recode in order to support many requested features. and I've come a lot closer to a beta release in te past few weeks :)
23:39.08foxlitThat handles showing questions in the "select what you wanted" search result
23:39.11IrielGuillotine: Can't you just hook those functions?
23:39.11Guillotinefoxlit: hmm. I'll try that. Thanks :)
23:39.56foxlitThat is actually a pretty cool format for random addon help :)
23:41.01SstixrudAnyone have expereince with what it takes to create SecureActionButtons that do not use the default 120 button ids?
23:41.16SstixrudLooking for simple example code or howto somehwere :)
23:42.02foxlitYou can avoid using actionbuttons altogether?
23:42.17Sstixrudtheres a lot more to buttons tho no?  I mean dragging spells from spellbooks, cooldown, etc... etc...
23:43.06foxlitNothing you can't fake, would just take a bit of coding
23:43.43Sstixrudya thats what I figured, was hoping to find some examples of how its done
23:44.23foxlitHm, no, I'm wrong. One thing you can't fake is being able to configure them in combat.
23:45.10Sstixrudheh that is fine :)
23:46.19Guillotineso we have to figure out what format KBSetup_GetArticleHeaderData is in
23:46.31Guillotineit's a function, but not declared in the lua
23:46.38foxlitIt is declared in lua
23:46.44Guillotineat least not the KnowledgeBaseFrame lua
23:46.47Guillotinefoxlit: where?
23:47.06foxlitActually, no, not quite.
23:47.17foxlitThat's part of the api, but you can peak at the expected format anyway
23:47.33foxlitlocal articleId, articleHeader, isArticleHot, isArticleUpdated =   dataFunc(i);
23:47.56*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
23:48.01foxlitwhere dataFunc ==KBSetup_GetArticleHeaderData
23:49.26Guillotineor even easier, /dump KBSetup_GetArticleHeaderData(1)
23:49.49foxlitKB is down on EU at the moment, so I can't do that
23:50.40Guillotineso I guess I'd somehow have to come up with my own IDs and make sure they don't interfere with Blizz's
23:51.25Industrial 1) Does this make sense? 2) In Remove(), how do I use table.remove() for keys that i dont know the index of?
23:51.43foxlittable[key] = nil?
23:52.18Industrialyeah but will if not table then return true if it only has nilled things in it?
23:52.36Industrialyeah but will 'if not table then' return true if it only has nilled things in it?
23:52.47foxlit{} ~= nil
23:53.24Industriala={b=nil} if a=={} then print('yes') end
23:53.48Industriali wanna see of table is empty and then remove it also
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23:54.42foxlitCan't do =={} since {} creates a new table, and the comparison is done by the table ref.
23:55.08Industrialhow do i do it then
23:56.11Cideif ( not next(a) ) then --table is empty
23:56.42foxlitI was using for k in pairs(a) return end -- If we're still here, table is empty
23:57.17IndustrialSstixrud: correct
23:58.12Sstixrudproblem is I really do need to figure it out.  If I want to add raid / pet and focus buttonbars I really need to use non-standard button ids
23:58.29Cidefoxlit: pairs is just a next wrapper, so you're doing what I did but in a more complex and less efficient way :)
23:58.44foxlitTrue, I was wondering what the first return was :)

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