irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070309

00:00.52Antiarc|WorkEsamynn, try again
00:00.58Antiarc|WorkI added a "no trim" checkbox
00:01.39wereHamsterI like that website.. mostly because I can't use armory (stupid flash ...)
00:01.53Antiarc|WorkThat's mostly why I wrote it :P
00:03.36EsamynnAntiarc|Work: that's better
00:04.24*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
00:04.56EsamynnAntiarc|Work: let me guess, filter level is 60 for the class comparison page, right?
00:05.06KirkburnAww, I really really hope LittleBigPlanet isn't going to PS3 only
00:05.17Antiarc|WorkEsamynn: Yes
00:05.18KirkburnIt's sooooo cute
00:05.40wereHamsterAntiarc|Work, how does your ruby script work? does it use plain html to get the data?
00:06.16Antiarc|WorkwereHamster: If you send a Firefox user agent to the armory, you get XML back :)
00:06.22Esamynngod, I didn't realise how short of Druid mains we really are
00:06.46wereHamsterand flash is then supposed to display it somehow..
00:06.53wereHamsterin a normal browser
00:07.24Antiarc|WorkWell, it transforms it with XSLT
00:07.28Antiarc|WorkWhich includes flash embeds
00:07.59wereHamsterlast time I checked the macos browser didn't support xslt..
00:08.16*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWor1 (
00:08.35WobWor1anyone have the 300 'Red Sauce on Pasta' animated gif?
00:14.10WobWor1You'd think it was easy to find =P
00:14.15WobWor1oh wait. purl logs!
00:14.19purl[logs] apt/ibot/infobot/jbot/purl all log daily to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz
00:14.23WobWor1<3 purl
00:17.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Bejitt- (
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00:27.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Xenok (
00:27.47XenokWOOT!! trojan GONE!!
00:28.21Industrialthe ones that tap a mob right in front of you when you take down a possible add in the area and act like they didnt know when its an elite named mob are the worst
00:28.41Industrialwas looking for the mob for 30 mins cause he walks in a big area T_T
00:29.15Xenokyes they are T_T
00:29.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
00:30.22Xenokbut still..
00:30.28XenokTROJAN GONE!! YAY!!
00:31.06wereHamsterare you sure? really really sure?
00:31.12Xenokyes i am!!
00:32.04Industrialbye bye will to play wow
00:32.08Xenokwho was it that gave me the google the items you don't know idea? TY
00:32.17Xenokyour very mad arn't you?
00:33.01Industrialthitr fight lasted 1.5 minutes and they didnt invite us while i danced in front of their nose yelling to inv us
00:33.11Xenoksheesh.. what jerks
00:33.40Industrialgood thing i can vent my anger into text instead of breaking stuff :o
00:33.50Xenokhehe yah
00:34.24Xenokreminds me of the time my dad tagged a rare in Blades edge and then had to vanish cuz he wasn't strong enough and then some other guy was just watching ... and said "grp" like right as my dad was about to die.. then the other guy killed him and was like "too bad"
00:34.45Xenokmade my dad ticked
00:35.11Corrodiasquick, anybody
00:35.16Corrodiashow do i enable the mana bars in praid?
00:35.27Xenokumm /shrug
00:35.40purlfrom memory, llama is the incarnation of god on earth, or
00:36.45purlhere's a llama there's a llama and another little llama fuzzy llama funny llama, llama llama duck. llama llama cheesecake llama tablet brick potato llama, llama llama mushroom llama, llama llama duck.
00:36.58KarrionCorrodias: there's a :Hide() line you have to comment out I think
00:37.04Karrioncan't recall precisely
00:38.09Industrial2500kbps goog :D
00:38.13Industrialim happy again now
00:39.05Xenokomg.. I went to petsmart the other day.. and you know how you can take your pet INTO the store.. someone brought thier alpaca O.o twas wierd
00:39.17wereHamsteromg LittleBigPlanet is soo nice O.o
00:39.17Xenokwittle baby alpaca
00:39.37KarrionCorrodias: 2007-03-06 01:46.12cladhairethere's a manabar:Hide()
00:39.37Karrion2007-03-06 01:46.15cladhairecomment that out
00:39.43Xenokpurl, screw you
00:39.44purlACTION asks you to bend over
00:40.45purlit has been said that fudge is a bot raper!
00:41.02purlyou are, like, a coder-monkey
00:41.09Industriallol who put that in
00:41.18Industrialfail :D
00:41.23Industrial~emulate industrial
00:41.24purlAddon users are addicts.
00:41.26Xenokpurl fails!
00:41.28purlI fail?  I FAIL?  NO, YOU FAIL!!!
00:41.28wereHamster01:02 < Kirkburn> (
00:41.38*** join/#wowi-lounge kon_ (
00:41.48KirkburnwereHamster, you're so right
00:41.53XenokLOL were ham
00:42.03KirkburnI wanna be the lil' Spaceman!
00:42.11Xenokpurple cape ftw
00:42.28wereHamsterI'll buy a PS3 just for that game :)
00:42.52KirkburnIt has certainly made me think about it
00:43.05KirkburnMy housemate is planning on getting one though, so there's hope for me yet
00:43.08IndustrialwereHamster: lol wow that looks very very nice what platform?
00:43.10wereHamsteror is there a PS3 emulator?
00:43.15KirkburnPS3 only atm
00:43.40KirkburnI doubt that it'll stay exclusive though
00:43.55ShadowedInteresting, guess armory is updating live now
00:44.00Kirkburn(at least, until a while after release)
00:44.08Xenoklol that is cute look game
00:44.20wereHamsterI hope it's not DX10
00:44.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngngsk (
00:44.48Xenokspace main fails
00:45.10KirkburnMore info -
00:45.27KirkburnNaw! Spaceman is cool :(
00:45.58Xenokspace man fails
00:46.07Xenoklittle black/brown monkey guy ftw
00:46.15Xenokhe just slow
00:46.17KirkburnAh, problemo - "Media Molecule was later aquired by SCEE"
00:46.36XenokI have no clue what that means
00:46.37Industrial:O~ @ fun motion btw
00:47.10KirkburnOfficial website too -
00:47.21KirkburnIndustrial, been reading the blog for a few months - really good stuff on it
00:47.56Xenok"These tools enable the player to dynamically place, edit, morph, rotate and interact with objects within the game world." SWEET I love customisable!
00:48.10IndustrialKirkburn: k :d
00:48.21Xenokcustum.. customizable
00:48.24Xenokthre we go
00:48.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
00:48.36KirkburnOne of the guys behind it was behind RagDoll Kung Fu
00:49.01Xenokim just happy that trojan ~= my computer :D
00:49.24Xenoktrojan == nil
00:49.51IndustrialI want spore btw
00:49.56Xenokthe game?
00:50.01Xenokme too :D
00:50.31Xenokthe one where you start out small and evolve your characters into greater smarter beings?
00:50.50XenokI want it bad
00:52.19Xenokgame looks awsome
00:52.48wereHamsterI wish the littleigplanet GDC presentation video was in a higher resolution.. :(
00:54.06KirkburnI'm sure we'll get high res stuff soon :)
00:54.52KirkburnOh the GDC presentation stuff is awesome - you can control their arms and head, etc
00:55.09*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
00:55.49Xenokwheres this GDC presentation?
00:56.26Xenokaight ty
00:56.43KirkburnYou can customize your char it seems, so you can be whoever you want to be. Still wanna be spaceman though
00:57.08KirkburnOoh, a highres screenie -
00:57.50Xenokhha awsome
01:01.27Nom-LOL @
01:01.48KirkburnHey, I just noticed, it's British :D
01:02.13KirkburnBased in Guildford (like many games companies - Bullfrog was there, I think Lionhead is there)
01:02.32XenokPETER MOLYNEUX!
01:02.39Xenokfave game maker sorry
01:03.11Xenoklol nom-
01:03.55KirkburnAlso, Phil Harrison, the PS3 guy who introduced the game - also British. We're everywhere :P
01:04.34XenokI love peter molyneux concept at making games..
01:04.36bleetahKirk: Ford Prefect, though, *wasn't* from Guilford ;)
01:04.59KirkburnXenok, you heard about the dog in Fable 2?
01:05.13XenokI never got fable 2 T_T
01:05.31Xenokwhat dog?
01:05.40KirkburnIt would be quite hard to get it, it's not out yet :P
01:05.51Xenokoh im thinking of the recent one
01:06.01Xenokfable for the comp
01:06.07KirkburnShall link in a sec
01:06.25Xenokoh yeah.. im thinking of the lost chapters
01:06.54Xenokwoot peter molyneux!
01:07.51Xenokbeer launching mini fridge! lol
01:08.29Xenokhate to be near it
01:08.53Nom-But... beer...
01:09.16XenokLOL that hilarious
01:10.19Xenokkirk: thats going to be interesting :D
01:10.59XenokHAH "Peter explains that the polygonal pooch has been programmed with two fundamental laws. "It must not piss you off," is the first one."
01:11.53Xenokoo a gun
01:13.28Xenokomg you can kill the dog too?!
01:13.56Nom-Got my bike back this morning
01:14.05Nom-Gotta adjust the gear shift on the weekend...they moved it :(
01:14.26XenokKirk: ty so much for that! now I just need an Xbox 360 T_T
01:14.36Xenokand peter is exelent at making games
01:15.33Xenokok hmm it says I need "(" near the ")" but how many are in this line? :P addBookmark(GetZoneText(), x, y, label)
01:15.59XenokI guess its the () thinking the second one is the end of the function call
01:16.39KirkburnXenok :P
01:16.49Xenokso wtf do I do?
01:16.56*** join/#wowi-lounge ZOAS (
01:18.06KarrionXenok: you probably missed one on a previous line
01:19.02Xenokno... wierd
01:29.42Nom-10:27:46 up 353 days
01:29.55Nom-someone just sent me an email congratulating on the downtime
01:31.53KirkburnWow, what a load avergage!
01:32.06Xenokhmm now it says I need an "=" near PRT_BOOKMARK_DATA in PRT_BOOKMARK_DATA["Arathi Highlands"] while the line above it is Alterac mountains and IT doesn't have "="
01:36.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (
01:36.31Nom-Xenok: Sounds like you didn't close a statement properly :)
01:39.43wereHamsterbug or not? wow won't save character-specific bindings of the 'global' bindings-cache.txt is read-only
01:39.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (
01:42.27sysrageis that a trick question?
01:46.16Mr_Rabies2of = if
01:47.21Nom-There's character specific bindings? =O
01:47.36Nom-I usually just use one set of keys and move skills around to fit =O
01:48.06Iriel|workingwereHamster: I'd say "not"
01:50.12wereHamsterhm.. :(
01:51.03Xenokdo tables have to BE_LIKE_THIS ? or can the be like : zoneData = {} ?
01:52.03KarrionXenok: they can have any name, as long as it's a valid identifier
01:53.22Xenokahh darn typos I put pairs instead of ipairs
01:54.14Xenokhmm nvm
01:55.10eternally777It'll still work, just slower.
01:55.19Xenokit says that zoneData in "for coord, label in ipairs(zoneData) do " needs to be a table and that it reads as a string WTF?! I have a table named zoneData
01:57.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ZealotOnAStick (
01:57.30Mr_Rabies2tables TALK_LIKE_THIS
01:57.37Mr_Rabies2and strings talk like this
01:57.43Mr_Rabies2i don't know.
01:57.49Kirkburnand yoda like this speak
01:57.50eternally777Don't confuse him :-P
01:58.18Mr_Rabies2i don't even know what i'm talking about i'm just referencing some random joke
01:59.07KarrionXenok: is your table defined local somewhere that the code can't see it?
01:59.09Mr_Rabies2people should know not to take anything even remotely coding related from me seriously by now :p
01:59.16Xenokdon't think so
01:59.29Xenokits placed above the line that bugs
01:59.34KirkburnMr_Rabies2, that sounds so familiar ^^
01:59.42Xenokwell somwhre in the lua above
01:59.49Karrionpastey your code ;-)
01:59.58Xenokumm ok
02:00.07Mr_Rabies2what does kirk
02:00.26Mr_Rabies2me stating i don't know jack about lua? :p
02:00.27KirkburnThe last thing you said before I just said it sounded familiar
02:00.36KirkburnWell, yes :P
02:00.54Mr_Rabies2i'm terrible at anything coding related
02:01.01Mr_Rabies2outside of mirc
02:01.15Mr_Rabies2i can read other people's code and see what it does but i can't write my own
02:01.23Mr_Rabies2vaguely see what it does
02:01.34Xenok be my entire lua
02:01.39Mr_Rabies2at least, unless it's obfuscated to hell and back like Thottbot.lua :p
02:02.00eternally777what line bugs?
02:02.05Xenokhold on
02:03.00KirkburnThott makes his code really hard to understand and therefore copy
02:03.01Karrionyou have a function showBookmarks(zoneData)
02:03.24Karrionwhich then contains a line: local zoneData = PRT_BOOKMARK_DATA[GetZoneText()]; 
02:03.55Karrionthat line will override the parameter that was passed in; is that intentional?
02:05.10Mr_Rabiesoops i meant thottbotengine.lua
02:05.24Xenoksorry was afk
02:05.25Karrionand PRT_BOOKMARK_DATA[GetZoneText()]; is a string, because you assign them with PRT_BOOKMARK_DATA["Alterac Mountains"] = GetZoneText(); etc
02:06.45Xenokkarrion: I don't know if that was intentional
02:07.09wereHamsterMr_Rabies, why does thott obfuscate his code?
02:07.11XenokMr_rabies: what si hat?
02:09.22KarrionOK so it looks like PRT_BOOKMARK_DATA is supposed to be a table of String(zone name) => Table( String(coordinate) => String(label) ) , is that right?
02:09.45Mr_Rabies2he probably doesnt want script kiddies to find more exploits than they already have
02:11.19Xenoksorry was making hotdog this time
02:12.10XenokI am nearly positive karrion
02:12.36*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
02:14.06Karrionok, so all the assignments on lines 79 - 129 are wrong, because they are assigning a string to PRT_BOOKMARK_DATA[<string>], where you want it to be a table
02:14.19Xenokaw man
02:14.43Karrionis PRT_BOOKMARK_DATA your savedvariable?
02:14.50Xenokno. its a table
02:15.34Karrionyou can have a table as a savedvariable, and I'm presuming you'd want to preserve your labels between sessions...
02:16.27KarrionOK, so in your TOC you'll have ##SavedVariables: PRT_BOOKMARK_DATA
02:18.09*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
02:18.25Karrionget rid of lines 78 - 129, and instead catch the VARIABLES_LOADED event, and in that do: if (PRT_BOOKMARKS_DATA == nil) then PRT_BOOKMARKS_DATA = {}; end
02:18.43MentalPowervars loaded == bad, addon loaded == good
02:18.54Xenokgroan... need to feed dog .. hold on
02:19.15Karrioneh, either way ;-)
02:20.06Xenokso ... hmm
02:20.17Karrionso do you understand what that will do?
02:20.42XenokI do this:RegisterEvent:("ADDON_LOADED") anywhere in my xml or lua?
02:20.51Xenoker wiat
02:21.22Karrionyes, prefereably in your Bookmarks_OnLoad function
02:23.18Karrionso now we're loading the PRT_BOOKMARKS_DATA from the saved variables, and if it doesn't exists (eg this is the first time the addon had been loaded), we start off with an empty table
02:24.24Xenoker... umm .. I do if ( event == ADDON_LOADED ) then; if (PRT_BOOKMARKS_DATA == nil) then PRT_BOOKMARKS_DATA = {}; end end anywhere in my lua?
02:25.32Karriondo that in an OnEvent handler, so in Bookmarks_OnEvent
02:25.46Karrionalso you need quotes around ADDON_LOADED
02:25.53Xenoker oh eyah
02:27.32Xenokaight got that part down..
02:28.38Karrionok, now PRT_BOOKMARKS_DATA will be holding tables, and ipairs(zoneData) should work
02:29.08Xenokdo I need to add/remove anything else?
02:29.39*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (i=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
02:29.39*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower] by ChanServ
02:30.23KarrionI'm not sure about the line (70 in the pastey): field:SetText(addBookmark(GetZoneText(), x, y, label)); 
02:30.42Xenokwhats not sure about it?
02:30.47Karrionit seems to me that you should be getting the bookmark text, not trying to add one there?
02:31.17Xenokahh good point ><
02:31.54KarrionI have to go eat, have a play with it and see how you go, will be back later
02:32.04Xenokok ty
02:38.53Nom-Xenok: Didn't like Cartographer waypoints ?
02:39.14XenokI don't wanan think about my compition :P
02:39.29Xenokhows that sig maker coming?
02:39.39Nom-Oh hold atm
02:39.45Nom-Found one done by a Kiwi that's further along
02:40.05KirkburnMy god, House has Billy from Neighbours in it?!
02:40.54KirkburnYes, you should know what I'm talking about, you philistines :P
02:41.17KirkburnAt least I didn't say "My god, House has Hugh Laurie in it?!"
02:41.26XenokIT DOES?!
02:41.58KirkburnI wonder how many viewers actually know he's a British comedic actor? :)
02:42.23XenokI don't watch house.. I watch Law and order SVU
02:42.31Xenoktotaly different
02:42.38TainYeah, House is better.
02:42.48KirkburnYou beat me to it ;P
02:42.50XenokIm sqeemish
02:43.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:43.20TainThey removed half of Dave Matthews brain!
02:43.34XenokI couldn't stand drivers ed it was so gorey ><
02:43.50Xenokthank goodness I passed.. but.. .I havn't taken behind the wheel
02:44.37Xenokonly practice I got was an elentary schools parking lot... hmm
02:44.53Xenokdoh it was a highschool on saterday
02:45.11*** part/#wowi-lounge eternally777 (
02:49.37KirkburnLol, this is silly - regarding House's theme tune:
02:49.41Kirkburn"Due to rights and licensing issues this music is not used for the show in South Africa, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Switzerland (German version), Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Czech Republic, Denmark, Australia, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Hungary, Latin America, Greece, Hong Kong, Finland and Turkey."
02:49.57KirkburnThat's one hell of a licensing problem
02:50.39XenokI thought Hong Kong was in China.. not its own country
02:50.54XenokI musta been listening wrong
02:51.27*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
02:52.59KirkburnThat's an issue China would rather didn't exist
02:53.52Nom-lol which music?
02:54.15Nom-meh i've only heard the US version anyway
02:57.25Xenok~seen Iriel|Away
02:57.46purli haven't seen 'iriel|away', Xenok
02:57.47XenokI guess I don't know hat command
02:58.04Xenokhow abouuut...
02:58.09Xenok~seen Iriel
02:58.11purliriel <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 20h 21m 39s ago, saying: 'It has nothing to do with lua or xml, tho'.
02:58.24Xenokalmost a ful day
02:59.09Xenokhis last words where .. relevent to me being mad at him.
02:59.19Xenokthinking he infected me with a trojan
02:59.39XenokI feel so guilty
02:59.52Nom-So you should!
03:00.04Nom-Iriel is SNAG...we need to be gentle...
03:00.37XenokSuper Naughty Apple Group ?
03:00.55leethalSeriously Never Aggroing Grul?
03:01.55XenokShould Never Again Grovel
03:02.31XenokShould've Never Ate Greenbeans
03:02.49XenokWTF IS SNAG?
03:04.25XenokOHhh lol
03:04.49Xenokhes metrosexual?
03:05.22Nom-I just make shit up
03:07.00Nom-bloody microsoft
03:07.06Nom-they want to introduce a new format
03:07.14Nom-image format that is
03:07.17Nom-wtf is wrong with png ??
03:08.07Xenokwhered you read that?
03:08.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
03:08.46leethalthat totally sucks
03:08.48leethalsooooo microsoft
03:09.06Xenokdoesn't say what it is either
03:09.25Xenokhey how can you tell how old a web page is?
03:10.08Nom-You can't really
03:10.10leethalhow old?
03:10.34Nom-Yah, you can't tell how old a web page is
03:10.36XenokI just wanna now how old is
03:10.56Nom-You can't tell
03:11.31Nom-It's auto-generated by a perl script
03:11.53Nom-When 90% of the web sites in the internet started being generated by PHP and Perl, you lost that ability
03:12.00leethalkinda cute, a web application that use the cgi-bin stuff apache likes
03:12.09MentalPowerLAMP FTW!
03:12.31Nom-well my sig maker is a perl script
03:12.50Nom-You can do lots of sneaky stuff with Apache configs now
03:12.51XenokHAH!! very old that page is!! "## Interface: 11100"
03:13.11leethaldab does not work atm
03:13.27leethalthere is a version that's ported, but it doesn't support stance stuff
03:13.35Nom- <-- that is being generated on the fly by a perl script
03:14.07Nom-As I can do *lots* of sneaky stuff with Apache configs :)
03:14.26leethallike Ruby on Rails dispatches itself on a apache server
03:14.34leethalyou set the dispatcher file to be 404 handler
03:14.49leethalthen, all requests that is 404 (in other words, not a file or directory on the server) gets routed to that dispatcher
03:14.55leethalsneaky, sneaky
03:15.11Nom-That's a stupid way to do it
03:15.16leethalnot really
03:15.29Nom-Yeah, it is... mod_perl ftw
03:15.41leethalthat way it's ez mode to have files hosted on the server, and have the app working at the same time
03:15.43Nom-Apache will serve the file directly if it exists, or dispatch to Perl otherwise
03:16.02Nom-And you don't have to do anything dodgy like trap 404 handler
03:17.00leethalthe thing is that the files is outside the hosted directory
03:17.08leethalwhere "files" is the application itself
03:17.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
03:17.56*** part/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
03:18.08leethalso the dispatching is all dynamic, not file based
03:18.24leethalif it was file based, I'd agree it was totally stupid
03:19.09leethalbut using 404 stuff lets the application do the url generation and the routing - not apache or whatever
03:19.31leethalso is routed directly to the app through the dispatcher, instead of mod_rewrite or whatever
03:19.46Nom-fukn dodgy haxxors trying to haxxor my boxen
03:19.55Nom-they just got iptables -j DROP'ed
03:20.29Nom-some dodgy chinese hacker
03:20.59leethalyou gotta admit that it's pretty neat? the dispatching that is
03:21.06leethaland good luck with pwning hax00rs
03:21.36Nom-Yeah, you don't need mod_rewrite to use this either
03:21.41Nom-mod_perl is it
03:21.58Nom-i shouldn't even be allowing FTP from everywhere *sigh*
03:22.19leethalNom-: server admin, are we?
03:22.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
03:22.38Nom-for my domain, yes
03:22.58Nom-I have a linux boxen running which I do all my personal coding on
03:23.19leethalI need to start programming myself. I'm all to much into frameworks
03:23.19Nom-Good luck to any haxxors trying to guess my password lol
03:23.33leethaldropped using ace, for instance
03:23.42Nom-pwgen 20 1 should get you somewhere close
03:23.45Nom-well, not really
03:24.15Nom-1.8446744073709551616e+83 possible passwords
03:24.34*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
03:24.45Nom-that doesn't even count the numbers and symbols
03:24.49Nom-So yeah...going to take a while
03:25.48leethalwhat was that pwgen thingie?
03:26.22Nom-linux utility to generate passwords
03:26.45Nom-for example
03:27.17leethalnice, nice
03:27.25Nom-That's actually closer to what i've got :)
03:27.29Nom-Missed a few options
03:27.43Nom-pwgen -y -c -s  20 1
03:28.01Nom--c = Capitalise, -s = Really Secure, -y = Include Symbols
03:28.46Nom-Takes me about a week to memorize, during which time I carry it on my unless someone picks my pocket, they're not going to get that password lol
03:32.35leethalis it a gnu thingie?
03:32.47leethalI bet if I google "pwgen" I won't find anything relevant
03:32.59Nom-sudo apt-get install pwgen
03:33.10leethalI'm on osx, don't have it
03:33.17leethalbut if it's apt-get-able, I'll find it =D
03:33.50Nom-Yea, it's not standard
03:34.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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03:37.46leethalyay, thanks
04:00.18JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn
04:00.45purlACTION jumps into Cairenn's lap and huggles and *hugs* Cairenn
04:00.47Cairennpurl, hug JoshBorke
04:01.06purlACTION sneaks up on JoshBorke and suddenly hugs JoshBorke tightly
04:01.36leethalpurl wins the internet
04:02.58*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
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04:09.09*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
04:10.55ShikatanaiDoes anyone know if there's an AFK timer that displays a counter that counts down until you automatically go <AFK> ?
04:11.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
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04:12.26Thunder_Childthere might be, but i have never heard of one
04:13.05Shikatanaiit would be handy for people who like to leech honor just put wow in a window on 800x600, move it to the bottom left hand corner of the screen, put up an AFK timer and then open up your favorite browser, and just leave the AFK timer visible
04:14.35leethalany super nice addon to show skill cooldowns?
04:14.47leethalI'm to lazy to test them all myself =P
04:15.19ShikatanaiCooldown Bars
04:15.35Shikatanaiits somewhat like elkano's buff bars
04:15.37Shikatanaifor cooldowns
04:16.08*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
04:29.14leethalShikatanai: I just made one
04:29.29leethalShikatanai: oh, wait, I didn't
04:29.48leethalShikatanai: I made an addon that shows how lond you've been afk. No idea about the auto-afk-timer-thingie
04:30.03leethalShikatanai: anyways, how would it work? The "hidden" in-game timer starts every time you don't do anything
04:30.17leethalShikatanai: in other words, an annoying timer. It could pop up after a min or something though
04:35.43leethalShikatanai: perhaps I'll add it to my addon (mentioned above)
04:38.17Nom-I've not leeched honor once in my entire WoW career
04:38.25Shikatanaileethal: have it reset everytime you press jump of course :)
04:38.32Nom-If I don't want to PvP, then I won't go into the damn battlegroun
04:38.41leethalwell, it should be simple to do that
04:38.49leethaleverytime something happens, the counter resets
04:39.01leethaland when it exceeds one minute, it appears
04:39.18Shikatanaithat way it only appears when its needed
04:43.50leethalhehe, would've been annoying if it'd been there all the time
04:43.58leethalperhaps two minutes too
04:44.03leethalperhaps configurable! hah
04:44.03Shikatanaileethal, when you complete your addon mail it to me for testing or send me a /msg in here (remove the thing that says remove of course just in case there is an auto logger in here for spam)
04:44.16leethalhmm.. I probably won't remember that
04:44.28leethalit's at curse gaming and wowinterface
04:44.35Shikatanaiah cool
04:45.11Shikatanaii just looked at this
04:45.18Shikatanaii was going to download it since it seems useful
04:45.23leethalas of now, it goes "afk for x time" when you return from afk. Adding timer that opens when you go afk first, I'll add the pre-afk stuff later
04:45.24Shikatanaibut now i definately will and its bookmarked :)
04:45.53Cairennif there is an autologger in here for spam, I'll be mightily pissed
04:46.06Shikatanaican never be too careful
04:46.08Cairennsince I run the channel
04:46.13Shikatanaiof course
04:46.19Shikatanaibut you can never be too careful on the internets ;)
04:46.23leethalya, I love it myself =D Had it installed after I wrote it, and forgot I had it. After I went afk once, and got the message, I was like "woot, that was usefull"
04:46.47Shikatanaiyeah i've always had "away for" info display from IRC since like 1995
04:46.51Shikatanaiand on IM services
04:46.54Shikatanaiso this is the same functionality
04:47.39Shikatanaianyone know if theres an addon that gathers the data from the end of BGs to show who the best players are after a certain amount of data mining?
04:50.51Cairenntechnically, you are correct
04:51.24Shikatanaiand since i have avoided spam entirely at my gmail address for the past year and a half, i'm always very careful when handing it out :)
04:51.50Shikatanaithe "REMOVE" thing usually does the trick nicely
04:51.58Ziconshikatanai: And that you see no spam has absolutely nothing to do with gmail's built-in spam filter...?
04:52.18Shikatanaimy junk mail box stays empty too
04:52.30Shikatanaii mean i know certain addresses are entirely banned but
04:52.44Shikatanaiother than those that i am oblivious to, i receive no other spam lol
04:56.19leethalI have probably 2000 spam messages in my gmail account
04:56.28leethalthey get deleted after 30 days, no?
04:58.41Nom-Anyone tried to 25-man MC yet ?
04:58.55Nom-Thunderfury hasn't been badly nerfed, and our second MT wants one lol
04:59.26Nom-Thunderfury on an undergeared tank still out-aggros blacksmith epic one-hander :/
05:00.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_Ghost (
05:04.24IrielWoohoo, a couple of fights as a warrior with the new aftercast and no 'unexpected event' messages
05:04.45*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
05:05.35Guillotineits amazing how the show "Are you smarter than a 5th grader?" can be so entertaining yet make me wholy lose my faith in humanity at the same time
05:10.44Shikatanaiyou know blizzard could prevent AFK honor leeching in AV by making the time the server flags you AFK in the tunnel and in frostwolf keep for horde and dun baldar for alliance randomized - between 1 minute and 30 seconds up to the actual AFK timer
05:10.50Shikatanaithen only rogues and druids coudl reliably AFK in AV
05:11.08WobWor1or people can just run out
05:11.11WobWor1and hide in a corner
05:11.14WobWor1and afkleech
05:11.15Shikatanaihaha well maybe
05:11.27WobWor1I admit to BGleeching
05:11.30WobWor1when testing addons =P
05:11.44Shikatanaiwell the thing is, it would not prevent it entirely
05:11.44WobWor1I didn't do it for the honour, though =P
05:11.50Shikatanaibut the people would have to actually MOVE their char other than jumping
05:11.54WobWor1The honour was just a nice side effect
05:12.17Shikatanaimaybe be forced to fight a lieutenant or two
05:12.22Shikatanaito get to that sweet spot
05:12.23Shikatanaito hide
05:13.02ShikatanaiOR make the AFK timer random everywhere except within 50 yards of an enemy objective
05:13.06Shikatanaithat way you can camp the flags just fine
05:13.10Shikatanaibut not hang out in some corner
05:13.58IrielWhy not just track your position during the fight and analyze whether you DID anything
05:14.01Irielif yoiu didn't - no honor
05:14.09Shikatanaithat too
05:14.31IrielThough that would penalize a really good group leader who just monitored and gave orders
05:15.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
05:15.49leethalhm.. how does afk work when you're in flight?
05:15.57leethalthe timer starts as soon as you land?
05:16.13Shikatanaithe timer works the same as always
05:16.18Shikatanaibut it won't flag you AFK until you land
05:16.21leethalfrom blizzards perspective, I mean
05:16.23leethalah, I see
05:16.26Shikatanaithat way the game won't kick you out until you land
05:16.36Shikatanaion those flights from EPL to booty bay
05:16.41leethalheh, in flight for 30 mins sounds imba
05:17.03Shikatanaisince i'm a mage
05:17.09Shikatanaiwhen i need to do something that takes a really long time
05:17.16Shikatanaibut i don't wan to lose my conjured items
05:17.20Shikatanaii go to EPL and fly to booty bay
05:17.38Shikatanaithat way i get a very long time of being AFK in game plus 15 min on the char select screen
05:20.26leethalbah, no afk mechanics at
05:20.30leethalI'll have to investigate then
05:20.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
05:21.12leethaland I bet it differs from EU/US
05:21.30ShirikIt probably has random Us put in the EU version
05:22.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Xenok (
05:22.18Xenokcan someone look at the highlighed comments here: ?
05:22.26Xenokits starting to tick me of
05:22.47Shirikit's local.
05:23.17Nom-That looks like so much fun
05:23.23Nom-Wish it wasn't such an expensive hobby :(
05:23.41Shirikabout everyone at my school has that stuff
05:23.44Xenokomg I thought you where talking about planes
05:24.00Shirikit's what I get for going to an aerospace school
05:24.04XenokI love RC place
05:24.41Shirikit really is fun
05:24.48ShirikI destroyed my first four though
05:25.11Xenokmy dad destroyed my only two ><
05:25.34Shikatanaii was about to say that my uncle had a really expensive one at one time and knows how to fly really well and he tried to teach me how and i almost destroyed it, but he grabbed the RC box and flew it to safety
05:25.39Shikatanaithat was the end of my RC flying career
05:25.48Shikatanainow he is hooked on gasoline powered RC cars
05:26.16Shirikrofl "I think I even heard a sonic boom on one of those passes"
05:26.23ShirikIf that thing broke the sound barrier it would shatter instantly
05:26.33Xenoklol yeah
05:28.45Xenok !!!!!!
05:29.17Nom-ok suggestion, Antiarc
05:29.33Nom-keep a database of results and return the already generated results if it's within X hours
05:30.00Nom-Better still, do what I do, and cache player results for 24 hours
05:30.20Nom-That way if a new player joins the guild, you can get his/her details without having to redownload everything
05:30.20AntiarcI may do so
05:30.24Shikatanaii need an addon that stores the End results of any BG in a database of some sort with a viewer app that mimics the end BG screen
05:31.08Nom-for instance, it takes ages to generate all 3 reports for the same guild
05:31.18Nom-and i'm sure blizzard could use the reduced database load
05:31.56AntiarcYeah, there is plenty of optimization room.
05:32.04AntiarcI cache results in-page, but not across pages.
05:32.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:32.28Nom-Yeah, I built my signature thing around storing the data locally
05:32.40Xenokthis is a real plane this time. im sure the pilot was drunk ><
05:32.46Nom-So I never hit the armory database more than once per 24 hours for the same character
05:34.40Xenoklast one.. another drunk b-52 bomber piolt
05:37.33Xenokcan someone look at the highlighed comments here: ?
05:41.13ShirikI already answered you
05:41.28Shirikyour problem is the variables are local to the function
05:41.28Xenokyeah.. but I rememoved a couple locals nd nothing happends
05:41.42Shirikthen you're doing it wrong and should repost what you have
05:41.47Shirikbecause that link is exactly what you gave 20 minutes ago
05:42.00XenokI know
05:42.05Xenokhold on
05:43.46Nom-Yeah, I get the feeling that the second B52 video is slightly more expensive :)
05:46.15Nom-That pilot must have been showing off in the second video
05:46.32Xenokthe one where he was over the airport?
05:46.38Nom-No way someone with their head in the game would bank a plane that hard, that slow, that low
05:46.46XenokI know.. drunk
05:47.02Nom-Well the comments seem to indicate he was a showoff
05:47.10Nom-They wouldn't let a drunk into a B52...
05:47.16AntiarcThere we go. 6-hour caching, for the time being.
05:47.27Cairennone of the saddest report findings you'll ever hear - "pilot error"
05:47.49Xenokthe worst would be a 747
05:47.55Xenokpilot error
05:48.44Mr_Rabies2747 pilot not found
05:48.44Xenoktaht would suck
05:49.18bleetahok, I got a suggestion for blizz.. when a player sends, say, 5 posts to the trade channel chan in under 20 seconds, containing no links, etc....
05:49.25bleetah.. the chan gets auto-renamed to 'tirade'
05:49.55Xenokyeah. like those freaking (working in shat or org grand master 375 jewlcrafter and chanter)
05:49.56bleetahjust so the inevitable spam of 'get the **** off trade' can then be a reportable offence ;)
05:50.02Nom-err B52 >>>>>>>>> 747
05:50.04Nom-By a long shot
05:50.21Xenokif it lands in residency
05:50.29Xenokthen heck yes it would be
05:51.24Nom-A B52 crashing in a residential area would be worse than a 747
05:51.24Mr_Rabies2if there was only a better way to sell enchants
05:51.24Nom-a B52 is bigger in every respect
05:51.24Xenokthats what I ment nom
05:51.24Xenokplus it is a BOMBER
05:51.24Xenokmore boom
05:51.31Nom-more fuel, larger wingspan
05:51.35Nom-more engines
05:51.39CairennI think he was referring to passengers when he said 747 being worse
05:51.43Xenokright :D
05:52.05Nom-Well i dunno
05:52.18Nom-Depends on the location
05:52.27Mr_Rabies2i bet a 747 filled to the brim with dynamite, including pilots made out of dynamite, you be pretty destructive
05:52.42Xenokpilots MADE of dynamite?
05:52.47bleetahMr_Rabies2: yeah, if an enchanter could write a scroll, and sell that on the AH, it'd be great. Side effect, your own enchanter with rare recipe could then apply the enchant to your alts
05:52.59Mr_Rabies2also it's fueled from nitro glycerin
05:53.12Nom-an empty B52 (except for fuel) crashing in a densely populated area could concievably cause more casualies due to a larger radius of effect
05:53.24Xenokumm yeah ..
05:54.29Xenoklike if a B52 hit the WTC rather than a 747
05:54.40Xenokit'd be like..
05:54.54Cairennwell, this conversation has taken a definite sad turn - I'm heading to bed - night guys
05:55.18MentalPowernight Cair
05:55.35Xenokanyway.. shirik: can you help me?
05:55.39Mr_Rabies2i came up with a ridiculous scenario for a 747 being better what more do you want
05:55.40Cairenn|afknp, I just buried a military pilot friend of mine, so this is hitting kinda close to home is all
05:55.52Mr_Rabies2aiee :[
05:55.52Xenokohh ...
05:55.57Xenokyeah ;(
05:56.02ShirikI will as soon as I figure out why my x server insists on using 36x36 dpi instead of 96x96
05:56.09Shirikmaking my text impossible to read
05:56.12Sstixrudanyone know why after opening and closing default world map all my :SetAlpha(x) buttons are set back to 1
05:56.29SstixrudIn fact this happens after all of the events have fired
05:56.49Shirikdo you have something setting it to 1 in OnEvent ?
05:57.29SstixrudI am monitoring all events that trigger and the only event that gets called during/after hitting M and closing it is WORLD_MAP_UPDATED
05:58.16Sstixrudand if I use that event to try and fix the alpha it acts like the problem is post event
05:58.49Sstixruddoesn't happen at all if I use an alternate map addon like metamap
06:03.42IrielSstixrud: Opening the world map hides UIParent
06:03.49IrielClosing it again re-shows it
06:03.54IrielDo you have the same problem with Alt-Z ?
06:04.35Sstixrudany way to detect that event?
06:04.57IrielSure, stick a shown child frame on UIParent and use its OnShow/OnHide
06:05.49SstixrudI can modify UIParent?  that seems a bit drastic heh
06:06.16IrielYou dont modify it you just do
06:06.30Iriellocal monitorFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
06:07.40IrielAny AfterCast users here?
06:08.15Sstixrudhow would I use monitorFrame to call a function?
06:08.24Sstixrudwould I do it in the xml files or in my lua?
06:08.30IrielSstixrud: monitorFrame:SetScript("OnShow", someFunctionToCallOnShow)
06:09.01Sstixrudaww ok thanks :)
06:10.46Nom-Anyone here use LaTeX on a regular basis ?
06:12.58Mr_Rabies2[condom joke goes here]
06:13.30*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (
06:13.38XenokLOL I was thinking something along those lines
06:15.15AntiarcHoly crap on a stick
06:15.25AntiarcMy cache is up to 36mb
06:16.04SstixrudIriel: I am sure I am doing something silly... but I am getting Usage: <unnamed>:SetScript("type", function)
06:16.15Nom-So i'm guessing noone is a LaTeX user? :(
06:16.24Nom-bleh i'll go ask the perl coders :P
06:16.29SstixrudI have "monitorFrame:SetScript("OnShow", UB_ButtonReset())" running after my UB_LoadVariables()
06:16.45IrielBut UB_ButtonReset() is a call to the reset function, you want UB_ButtonReset, no ()'s
06:17.17Nom-Iriel: I'll try AfterCast on my pally tonight...I didn't get a chance to do anything with it last night :)
06:17.29Nom-Ended up running BM all night lol
06:18.12IrielI'm trying to figure out if there'd be any interest in a 'run this code after every successful cast of fireball' feature
06:18.35Sstixrudfixed the error, doesnt seem to work tho
06:18.50IrielSstixrud: try adding monitorFrame:Show()
06:18.54Sstixrudaww I need to change it to Hide
06:20.07Sstixrudk will try
06:21.59Xenoklol i got pwnd :
06:22.51Sstixrudno effect
06:24.18IrielSstixrud: You may have to use a deferred OnUpdate, it's possible your OnShow gets called before the action button ones, so you try fixing them too early
06:24.28IrielSstixrud: Add this...
06:25.05Sstixrudok I added a :Hide() as well now when I manually /script monitorFrame:Hide() or :Show it updates the buttons
06:25.15Sstixrudbut its not triggering automatically by alt Z
06:25.58Irielfunction UB_MonitorReset(self) self:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self) self:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil); UB_ButtonReset(); end) end
06:26.14Irielthen monitorFrame:SetScript("OnShow", UB_MonitorReset)
06:26.16Findoes anyone know of an addon for right-click self-casting that *doesn't ever* do anything different (ie, right clicking a button always attempts to use the action on yourself, even if you've got a friendly unit targetted or whatever)? I've tried loads of things, but either some other addon overrides the right-clickage somehow, or the addon itself tries to be nice and guess when I don't really mean it
06:26.41SstixrudIriel I got the monitorFrame working, but it does not appear it is being called during an ALT Z event
06:27.05Sstixrudhow do I use monitorFrame to detect UIparent?
06:27.18IrielSstixrud: pastey your code
06:27.37ShirikFin: It would be really, really difficult to do something like that
06:27.40Shirikbut Clique comes close
06:27.53FinShirik: it would? how comes?
06:28.12Shirikbecause each frame has its own 'attributes'
06:28.18Shirikmost addons that create frames set their own attributes
06:28.28Shirikso in fact, it's clique (or whatever) that's overriding other addons, not the other way around
06:28.42Finwell, how does the "right click self-cast" functionality work in existing addons?
06:29.04Shirikbecause the addons set their attributes to, say, on right click, target becomes "player"
06:29.10Sstixrud    lines 21, 251 and 675
06:29.47Finright - so there's no way to override that? in the way that Clique might?
06:29.50ShirikClique tries to override other addons from the way I understand it, forcing right click to always be a self-cast, for example
06:30.04Shirikbut it tends to piss off other addons (including mine) that rely on setting those attributes
06:30.11FinOK, thanks muchly, I'll go look at the code
06:30.29Finwhat's your addon, out of curiosity?
06:31.23IrielSstixrud: By the way, dont use VARIABLES_LOADED, it's not really necessary
06:31.29IrielSstixrud: And where's thenew code I suggested you use?
06:31.42IrielSstixrud: Use "ADDON_LOADED" and arg1 == "YourAddonName"
06:31.52SstixrudI didn't add it, I thought you were saying to do that because I couldnt get the old to work
06:32.33FinShirik: cheers for the info
06:32.42Shirikno problem; good luck :)
06:33.01IrielSstixrud: I sort of did, but I'mnot sure how you can say that you know it's not being called? Did you put some debug output in or something?
06:34.20Sstixrudmy bad it is being called, (just debugged it)
06:34.45Sstixrudso the alpha change is post Show/Hide :|
06:35.01IrielWhich is what my other code was for
06:35.17IrielThe problem is, I suspect, that YOUR Show is being called before blizzard's show
06:35.41SstixrudI would avoid putting something so shallow in the event path if I could :|
06:36.02IrielJust use the OnUpdate trick I gave you
06:37.57Finthis Alphablending mod looks nifty
06:38.59Sstixrudthat works, when exactly is it called tho?
06:39.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
06:39.16Irielbefore the screen is next repainted
06:39.20Sstixruddoesnt seem to be called cept for when UI is show/hidden
06:39.50IrielYour new OnShow installs it, it runs once and disables itself
06:40.14Sstixrudcool thanks :)
06:43.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
06:44.15Nom-Anyone know of a VERY easy to use mod for displaying the gear of a guild bank ?
06:44.38Nom-Easy to the point where all you need to do is <click button>, Copy and Paste into a web site
06:45.03Shirikwe use notepad
06:45.08Nom-Even an upload of an LUA file is one step too many...need something idiot proof
06:45.10XenokI do.. but you need a phpbb website with a mod on it
06:45.25Nom-Xenok: That's doable...we've already using phpbb
06:45.35ShirikI dislike phpbb
06:45.36Xenokcool you know how to add phpbb mods to it?
06:45.41Shirikthough it is very nice, it has its problems too
06:45.46Xenokeasy to hack
06:45.50ShirikI used to write phpbb mods a long time ago ^^
06:45.52Shirikwas fun
06:46.01Nom-Xenok: I can work it out lol
06:46.03Xenoknom hold on
06:46.13ShirikI wrote a really popular one, it modified the way you log in to provide extra security
06:46.28Xenokwhat one? I might know it
06:46.37ShirikI know that game!
06:46.38Xenoklol you where playing that nom?
06:46.39Nom- <-- that one ?
06:46.48Xenokdon't do it from curse
06:46.55Xenokbut yes
06:47.22Xenokhold on
06:48.09Xenokchange the language.. but my guild uses it:
06:48.25Nom-hmm im really after something that handles the transactions too
06:48.32Xenokahhh I might know one
06:49.06Xenoklink in a min
06:49.32Xenokoh wait... lost it .. hold on
06:50.53Nom-It needs to be pretty click a button to export this session (or since last export) and paste it to a bulk insert page
06:50.59Nom-I might have to do something custom I guess
06:50.59*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
06:51.03Xenokwait wait
06:51.54Xenokohh I thought i had it somwhere
06:52.07Xenokwell I know an alt route
06:52.18Finis UniUploader too difficult to set up?
06:52.54Xenok.. was just about to suggest that
06:53.58Xenokyoull need this too:
06:54.02Xenokbut I have to go. night all
06:54.34Nom-cool i'll check it out
06:55.17Finit's not what you were looking for, but if you can get it set up, everything happens automatically
07:05.21Tema rare mob that runs around stealthed
07:06.42Temlol easy kill
07:17.57bleetahpurl, poke Esamynn
07:18.03purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Esamynn, pokes Esamynn repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
07:19.08Mr_Rabies2dark portal and botanica are impossible to get groups for on my server :/
07:19.18Mr_Rabies2l2 use the lfg tool, noobs :[
07:20.04KolthBlizzard's LFG tool sucks so much.
07:20.14KolthWhy can't they just copy people like they usually do?
07:20.18subbawti've done so many pug botanicas
07:22.03Mr_Rabies2the lfg tool only sucks cause no one uses it
07:22.08Mr_Rabies2and no one uses it because no one uses it
07:22.09Corrodiasit's true that the lfg tool sucks. you have to work hard to make it even somewhat useful
07:22.29Corrodiaswe tried to use the lfg tool on my realm when it first came out
07:22.37Corrodiasbut we gradually quit because it just didn't help us
07:22.41Mr_Rabies2i've never had problems with making it useful, assuming people use it properly and don't just set 3 instances to autoinvite/autojoin and go doing hatever
07:22.46Corrodiasyou can only lfg for 3 specific things and they have to be around your level
07:22.52Mr_Rabies2my w key is acting up
07:22.56Corrodiasand they have to be specific quests of dungeons... so irritating
07:23.54Mr_Rabies2corr, i just go to lfm and swap between instances every 15 mins or so
07:24.08Mr_Rabies2while lfg for the 3 i want to go to most
07:24.31Mr_Rabies2swap to lfm, scroll through the instances, and see
07:24.45Corrodiasyou can make it work, yeah
07:24.51Corrodiasbut i can't wait for the next new system
07:25.03Mr_Rabies2they're just improving the current system
07:25.29Mr_Rabies2which, yeah, it needs work, but it's nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be
07:25.53Nom-not enough people use it imho
07:26.04Mr_Rabies2that's really the only problem with it
07:26.12Nom-There's *always* people LFG instances, but they spam general and trade instead of using LFG
07:26.14Mr_Rabies2if more people would learn how to use it properly it would be great
07:26.38Nom-plus, so be honest, some groups want to screen applicants before inviting them too
07:26.44Mr_Rabies2you can
07:26.48Mr_Rabies2use the lfm thing
07:26.57Nom-Yeah, but it's still a PITA
07:27.00Mr_Rabies2autojoin and autoinvite are for lazy people
07:27.05Corrodiasi could use it to LFG for some of the most common things: instances around my level and a couple of group quests
07:27.07Corrodiasbut nothing else :(
07:27.21Mr_Rabies2what else would you lfg for?
07:27.32Mr_Rabies2instances and group quests are all i can think of
07:27.41Mr_Rabies2well, maybe semi-pug bgs/arenas
07:27.46Corrodiasnon-group quests that are difficult anyway, instances that aren't listed
07:27.47Mr_Rabies2that does need to be added
07:27.58Nom-I got into a PUG MC just before BC came out using LFG :P
07:27.58Corrodiasand more than 3 things whatever they may be
07:27.59MentalPowergnight folks
07:28.03Mr_Rabies2i've yet to run into a tough nongroup quest :p
07:28.11Nom-We were going so well until all the good players started leaving :(
07:28.13Mr_Rabies2hell i solo'd a decent amount of group quests too
07:28.30Corrodiasyou're a feral druid
07:28.33Nom-we cleared the first 2 bosses and got to the third before any repops
07:28.36Nom-That's damn quick
07:28.40Corrodiasa combat-heavy build
07:29.07Mr_Rabies2there's not a class in the game not capable of soloing every nongroup quest in the game unless they're too stubborn to respec
07:29.22Mr_Rabies2remove one of those "in the games" for more clarity
07:29.45Corrodiasoh yeah
07:29.56Corrodiasit's my stubbornness that might make me want to choose a spec that's helpful to my guild
07:30.00Corrodiasit doesn't have anything to do with team mentality
07:30.03Nom-You can solo any non-group quest in just about any spec
07:30.12Nom-The difference is how quickly and efficiently you can do it
07:30.15Corrodiasfine. you're righ.t
07:30.28Mr_Rabies2you can't expect solo effectiveness if you're going for the group mentality
07:30.31Corrodias"most players probably won't want to do it, so we'll make it impossible"
07:30.35Corrodiasscrew it. you win.
07:31.39Mr_Rabies2if you like grouping, you can definitely level in instances
07:32.04Mr_Rabies2but resto/holy/prot war were never designed with efficient soloing in mind
07:32.35Corrodiaslook, i can't expect any WoW player to understand another person. it's okay.
07:33.02Mr_Rabies2maybe i'm just jaded
07:33.17Corrodiasof course there are no prot warriors who ever want to do quests
07:33.26Mr_Rabies2sure there are, they can do them
07:33.31Outlaw|Our MT grinded from 60 -> 70 with full prot, and he did it fairly quickly actually :p
07:33.42Corrodiasyeah? with a respec?
07:34.03Mr_Rabies2but don't expect to be one of the best group roles AND a great soloer at the same time
07:34.03Shadowedno, as in he did 60 -> 70 as full protection spec
07:34.14Mr_Rabies2it's entirely possible, just not very efficient
07:34.19Corrodiasi never suggested that i expect both
07:34.30Corrodiasallow me to remind you of the context of this conversation
07:34.39Corrodiasthis is about the lfg tool, and why it's impossible to use it to find groups for solo quests
07:35.06Corrodiasyou say it's because people should respec for them, i think
07:35.08Mr_Rabies2most people don't really care to find groups for them, though i have done a decent amount of grouping for them
07:35.12ShadowedTakes to long to find a group vs how long it takes to do a quest, most group quests only need an extra 1-2 people and you can typically find friends for it.
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07:35.22Mr_Rabies2not for difficulty
07:35.27Shadowedwhere as a 5 man takes 45-80+ minutes
07:35.32Mr_Rabies2but so instead of competing and taking forever to wait on spawns
07:35.43Mr_Rabies2we can group and kill a 10 min solo quest in 3 mins
07:35.55ShadowedXP and loot
07:36.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
07:36.34Mr_Rabies2and the thing about solo quests is, most people that want to do them are in the zone, so /1's always gonna be the best choice for that
07:36.36ShadowedI rather solo quests when possible because it's better XP, and if a blue/epic/whatever dorps I don't have to roll with others on it.
07:36.45Mr_Rabies2it's not worth going from zone to zone for a simple solo quest
07:37.17Mr_Rabies2you're killing things faster
07:37.28Mr_Rabies2so you're getting more exp/hr
07:37.36Corrodiasmy druid is already level 70
07:37.44Corrodiasi still have uncompleted quests you know
07:37.51Mr_Rabies2i know
07:37.55Mr_Rabies2i don't understand what you're saying
07:37.57ShikatanaiI have a level 70 blood elf mage and a level 70 night elf druid ;p
07:38.01ShadowedDepends how fast you're killing them
07:38.17Mr_Rabies2i don't understand your point corr
07:38.37Mr_Rabies2i'm just saying that most people don't WANT to group for solo quests unless there's a ton of people in the area camping spawns
07:38.45Mr_Rabies2in which case you can just use /y or /s or /1 to get more
07:38.52Mr_Rabies2and killsteal those who don't want to group :D
07:38.59Corrodiasmaybe i am just stressed today
07:39.02Corrodiasvery stressed
07:39.03ShadowedUsing /y is more likely to annoy people then do anything
07:39.06Mr_Rabies2sounds like it
07:39.11Mr_Rabies2you're a lot more aggressive than usual :X
07:39.13Corrodiassick of not having a fucking instance run for weeks
07:39.29Corrodiasthat's an exaggeration, of course
07:39.50Corrodiasthere have been a few pugs, and some charity "get these poor guys their key but don't do any quests or bosses" runs by guildmates who already have keys
07:39.53Shikatanaii gave up on instances a long time ago
07:39.57Shikatanainow i just run bg and do arenas
07:40.02Mr_Rabies2calm down killa
07:40.55ShadowedDepends on your guild in general, if you're the last person to reach 70 or your play time is a lot less then them, then yeah you're going to have trouble getting stuff done
07:41.12Mr_Rabies2i'm unguilded and i don't really have a problem finding a group when i want
07:41.20Mr_Rabies2except botanica and dark portal
07:41.28Mr_Rabies2for some reason those places are ghost towns
07:41.33Mr_Rabies2too difficult for pugs maybe?
07:41.35Mr_Rabies2i dunno
07:41.39ShadowedI'd rather not do BM with pugs
07:41.42Shikatanaii constantly get invited to dark portal and botanica but i don't do instances so i turn them down that and i haven't done durnholde yet
07:41.48ShadowedShikatanai what class?
07:41.52Shikatanaimage and druid
07:41.57Mr_Rabies2i pugged arcatraz a couple days ago
07:42.01Mr_Rabies2was easy and fun
07:42.07Mr_Rabies2couple minor issues
07:42.18Mr_Rabies2but once we got "in the groove" we kicked that place's ass
07:43.12Shadowedhate hate hate arcatraz, but haven't done it since 2.0.10
07:43.18Shadowedpain to tank
07:43.31Mr_Rabies2on which class
07:44.02Corrodiasif i could get into any instances i could actually USE, i'd be a little less irritated right now
07:44.05Mr_Rabies2wasn't too bad for me, lost aggro here and there on trash, but no biggie
07:44.22Mr_Rabies2what's the problem corr? low pop server?
07:44.28Shadowedbut we didn't really have much of an AE class
07:44.46Mr_Rabies2i'm a druid, i lost aggro on bleed immune stuff here and there but otherwise not too bad
07:44.56Corrodiasnot really. blizzard threatened to split up the realm a while back.
07:45.09Corrodiasalthough maybe a bunch of people did jump ship
07:45.46Mr_Rabies2what server again
07:45.46Corrodiasbut for example, we have just over 100 accounts in our guild
07:45.46Shadowedfriends makes TBC easier
07:45.46Shadowedwith the same play time and such
07:45.54Corrodiasbut it just about -never- happens that there are more than 2 instances runs TOTAL in a single day
07:45.56Mr_Rabies2i've pretty much pugged everything
07:46.17Corrodiasyou constantly get 3 or 4 people who want to do something, and/or having no tank or healer
07:46.22Shikatanaii've noticed that large guilds tend to do worse than smaller guilds in tbc content
07:46.28Corrodiaslots of instances with people all wanting to do different things
07:46.46ShadowedDepends what your class is
07:46.58Mr_Rabies2sounds like you're in a guild of individuals
07:47.03Shadowedhealer was hard to find sometimes, DPS was easy and othertimes 6 healers wanted to go but no DPS
07:47.09Mr_Rabies2a pug guild, more or less
07:47.21Corrodiasyeah, see, we're hte kind of people who don't use the lfg tool to find groups for solo quests, we just do them. ;)
07:47.21Shikatanaiyeah thats what large guilds are like
07:47.39Mr_Rabies2they're very common
07:47.44Shikatanaithere's a main clique that *always* goes on all the instances 5 or 6 people in 10 mans 2-3 of them in the 5 mans
07:47.47subbawtwe only have ~50 accounts in our guild
07:47.48Shikatanaithe rest of the people are just fill ins
07:47.52Mr_Rabies2that's why i haven't bothered finding a guild yet, it's not much different than pugging
07:48.07Mr_Rabies2agh, those are worse than the pug guilds, Shikatanai
07:48.18Corrodiasactualy, there aren't usually a lot more than 20 people in the guild online at once
07:48.22Mr_Rabies2jealousy tears the guild up pretty fast :p
07:48.42Corrodiaswe've had a couple of people quit or almost quit because of just that
07:49.04Corrodiasthere were 6 people who powered their way to their karazhan keys
07:49.07Shikatanaii'm in a guild with like 8 people and well.. my friend and i joined when our blood elves were level 28 and now we're 70 and everyone else is in their 30s and 40s, so... can't really do anything, but they don't bother us to "run them through" anything either so we stick around
07:49.11Mr_Rabies2it's all too common
07:49.17Mr_Rabies2people almost never talk in guild chat
07:49.19Mr_Rabies2except for
07:49.21Corrodiasnow they come back and look at what people want to do and it's all over the place because we couldn't get them to do anything before
07:49.26Mr_Rabies2"hay guys run me through x"
07:49.30CorrodiasALL THE TANKS for exampe
07:50.06Nom-I'm so tired lol
07:50.06Mr_Rabies2and "guys why won't you run me through x /gquit"
07:50.06Corrodiasit's... really quite annoying when most (okay, not all) of your tanks are off doing their own thing
07:50.53Corrodiasi've offered to join every instance suggestion that people bring up, even things that don't have any relevance to me. some days i still don't do anything, although today i did one run through sethekk halls.
07:51.13Mr_Rabies2i usually run one or two instances a day
07:51.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=najklord@
07:51.16Mr_Rabies2some good some bad
07:51.22Nom-Corrodias: You need to find a better/bigger guild :)
07:51.29Mr_Rabies2my last durnholde group was strange
07:51.34Nom-I've got people waiting to run instances when I get home
07:51.47Mr_Rabies2they were mostly terrible at their class, yet we managed to get to epoch hunter
07:51.47Nom-As soon as I hop on vent it's like "Nom's on...let's hit Steamvaults"
07:53.29Mr_Rabies2i miss my guild like that
07:53.46Mr_Rabies2i was in a great 5man/ubrs level guild for a while
07:53.55ShadowedI wish people wouldn't ask me to do instances all the time :p
07:54.05Nom-yeah, i've made a good choice I think
07:54.14Mr_Rabies2i remember those days when i felt like the only druid
07:54.15Shadowedonly so many times I can tank instance X before I get bored of it
07:54.19Mr_Rabies2that wasn't resto
07:54.21Nom-out guild kinda slotted themselves into 3 x 25-man raid charters
07:54.34Shadowedor some of the ones I really hate like SH which i stopped after hitting revered
07:54.35Nom-my charter has broken off and actually rolled a new guild
07:54.46ShadowedNom- that didn't work so well I take it
07:54.52Nom-Karazhan is Thursday and Sunday...every other night is instnace runs
07:55.04Mr_Rabies2i realy want to run kara
07:55.09Mr_Rabies2but i can't find a damn group for dark portal
07:55.19Nom-I tried to run it last night with a PUG
07:55.29Nom-We got up to the last boss 3 times and wiped wthin the first minute
07:55.37Nom-FoLspam no good when you keep getting time stopped
07:55.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Segatron (n=MrX@
07:55.57ShadowedI learned you could reflect time stop, but it doesn't stun him :(
07:56.31subbawtour schedule is tuesday thursday friday for karazhan, and saturday and monday for gruul's lair
07:56.32Nom-Yeah, that's fine for the tank
07:56.39Nom-But no good for the FoLspammer (me)
07:56.47subbawtwe haven't had the attendance for a 25 man lately
07:57.08Mr_Rabies2i'm running out of solo content though
07:57.13Nom-Yeah...we're waiting for a whiel before hitting Gruul's lair
07:57.13ShadowedNot sure why you had issues with FoL, isn't that your 1.5 second heal?
07:57.21Nom-Some of our guild has a life
07:57.36Nom-And can't run instances for 6 hours ever night and 14 hours on the weekend :P
07:57.38Mr_Rabies2i've purposely avoided netherstorm because i don't want to be like "welp, now i have to instance"
07:57.52ShadowedSure you can
07:57.56Shadowedthats why i stopped liking them :p
07:58.33Mr_Rabies2well i don't have many other options than instancing and soloing
07:58.44Mr_Rabies2bgs have long queues and arenas get boring fast
07:58.49Nom-I bypassed all of Netherstorm
07:58.55Nom-I hit it last night for my new healing pants tho
07:59.02Mr_Rabies2so have i so far
07:59.22Corrodiasour schedule... we just had our first kara try tonight
07:59.51ShadowedI don't know why people didn't like Netherstorm, was easy XP/gold I did SMV after hitting 70 for extra gold
07:59.58Mr_Rabies2i like it
08:00.06Mr_Rabies2i just bypassed it temporarily
08:00.09Corrodiaseven if we hadn't, i hightly doubt i would have managed to get 4 other people together for the botanica
08:00.18Mr_Rabies2cause some quest sent me to shadowmoon
08:00.26Mr_Rabies2and i like to totally finish off zones before moving on
08:00.46Mr_Rabies2and netherstorm's all i have left of solo stuff :[
08:00.50Shadowedthe only zone I truly hated was BEM
08:00.58Corrodiasi apologize for being so... aggressive
08:01.07Mr_Rabies2ah it's cool
08:01.12Mr_Rabies2i get feisty sometimes too
08:01.20Mr_Rabies2specifically when we get nerfed :p
08:01.23Corrodiasthere are a lot of bad feelings floating around under the surface of our guild, and i'm starting to fester
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08:01.52Mr_Rabies2if it's not enjoyable, go freelance for a while
08:02.18Corrodiaswell, then i'd never get an instance
08:02.24Corrodiasi need to use that lfg tool more
08:02.34ShadowedMake friends that play the same time you do
08:02.37Shirikyou called it a "tool"
08:02.40Shiriklike it's useful
08:02.48Nom-Yeah, I bypassed Netherstorm because SMV = better rewards
08:02.53Mr_Rabies2it would be if more people used it :[
08:02.56Corrodiasi call you a tool for the same reason
08:03.05Shirikcause I'm useful?
08:03.11Shirikthanks :D
08:03.23Nom-Also, because I was level 69 and only just started questing in Blades edge lol
08:03.35Mr_Rabies2i started at 68
08:03.37Mr_Rabies2i told myself
08:03.43Mr_Rabies2i'm not going to that hellhole until i can fly
08:03.48subbawtwow has been crashing a lot for me lately, this is weird
08:03.57subbawti think i might have some bad RAM
08:03.58Mr_Rabies2repair tool?
08:04.18Shirikany error when it crashes?
08:04.27Shirikor just CTD?
08:04.35Shirikor BSOD?
08:04.40Shirikcrash to desktop
08:04.46Shirikno error, just window closes
08:04.51Mr_Rabies2mine almost never crashes, it would get weird video lag until i rolled back my drivers though
08:04.53subbawti get an access violation error
08:05.12Mr_Rabies2try the repair tool, subbawt
08:05.17Nom-Mine doesn't crash at all... :P
08:05.17subbawtinstruction at [memory location] attempted to access [memory address]
08:05.19Shirikaccess violation indicates that the program attempted to access memory which it doesn't have access to; typically this is a programmer error (i.e., repair tool would be agood idea)
08:05.24subbawtor something
08:05.56Mr_Rabies2if that doesn't work and you're on broadband, dl the burning crusade client, back up your screenshots, wtf, and addons, and reinstall the game all at once
08:06.17Shiriktypically bad memory won't cause an access violation (though with indexed addressing modes, it's very possible, so it's a consideration still)
08:06.27Shirikindirect indexed*
08:06.36Mr_Rabies2bad memory generally will just bluescreen you
08:06.51subbawti don't want it to delete my WTF folder :(
08:06.56subbawtor my interface folder
08:06.56Mr_Rabies2back it up
08:07.03Shirikyup, it's more likely to cause a paging fault or a kernel error than it is to create a single application error; but it's still possible
08:07.07Shirik(course, just about anything is possible)
08:07.13Mr_Rabies2copy them to your desktop temporarily
08:07.20Mr_Rabies2and your screenshots too
08:07.34subbawti dont care about my screenshots
08:07.41Corrodiastoo bad
08:07.46Corrodiasyou're going to back them up anyway
08:07.48Mr_Rabies2i do, i've got ones from 2004 in there :p
08:07.53Mr_Rabies2hell, i have some from beta still
08:07.58Corrodiasjust think about it:
08:08.13Corrodiasif you don't care about screenshots, maybe you could do everything ELSE, but just not back up the screenshots!
08:08.21Mr_Rabies2my friend's screenshot folder was 4 gigabytes like a year ago
08:08.28Mr_Rabies2until i showed him convertshots.exe
08:08.45Mr_Rabies2he was a bit of a perv early on
08:08.59Nom-Lots of naked gnomes ?
08:09.07Mr_Rabies2humans and night elves
08:09.45Nom-Having a gnome is like having a kitten
08:09.49Nom-They're so cute and cuddly
08:09.52Corrodiasi have... 953 screenshots
08:09.53subbawti love gnomes :P
08:10.05Mr_Rabies2he also had some furry porn hidden in his wow folder to frighten anyone who copied his install
08:10.08Corrodiasmany of them are not converted yet, so it's 3.9gb
08:10.19subbawtthere's one on my server named tyny that i always /hug
08:10.26Mr_Rabies2hey whats this folder i don't remember this being OH GOD DRAWN ARMADILLO SEX
08:10.31Nom-what was that comic with the gnome rogue who is a chinese farmer ?
08:10.38subbawtTyny the Gnome :}
08:10.39Nom-I forgot to bookmark it i think
08:10.43Mr_Rabies2it was uh
08:10.45Mr_Rabies2that gamespy thing
08:10.52Mr_Rabies2the gnome was named lowping, i remember that
08:10.53CorrodiasNom-: flintlocke's guide to azeroth
08:10.59Nom-That's the one, thanks Corrodias
08:11.00Mr_Rabies2yeah thats it
08:11.10Corrodiasthank you for giving me all the credit
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08:11.54Mr_Rabies2flintlocke's guide is drawn now
08:12.25Corrodiasmy next target is... axtroz
08:12.39Mr_Rabies2my next target is YOUR MOM
08:12.42Corrodiasi'm doing the onyxia key chain because of the whole instance dearth
08:13.04Corrodiassoon i'll just have to play alts :/
08:14.27Mr_Rabies2it's hard to find a guild on my server that wants a druid that doesn't like being told what to do :x
08:14.56Corrodiasours is pretty open about letting people fill what role they want
08:15.05Corrodiasi just wish we had more people, or something -.-
08:16.36Nom-That's the best wow comic i've ever read lol
08:17.00Nom-I read the entire thing one slow afternoon @ work lol
08:17.15Mr_Rabies2there was a guild on my server for a while called <The Anti-Guild Coalition> or something along those lines
08:17.48Corrodiaswe've one named <Guildless>
08:17.57Corrodiassmall-time of course
08:18.07Mr_Rabies2Dev : Our nerfs will block out the sun!
08:18.08Mr_Rabies2Druid : Then we will tank in the shade.
08:18.14Mr_Rabies2why does this make me laugh so much
08:19.23Nom-It makes me laugh every time I read about the reason pallly heals cause so little threat
08:20.26Nom-I've been main healing a tank through an entire boss fight, and have less threat on the boss than the priest who just cast SW:P and then worked on adds
08:20.52Mr_Rabies2yeah they nerfed pally threat back in the day because they were basically raid bosses
08:21.02Mr_Rabies2best tanks, best dps, best healers
08:21.20Nom-now they're the lowest threat healers and longest lastging
08:21.22Nom-reasonable tanks
08:21.23Mr_Rabies2pally could solo a 5man group of undead players himself
08:21.31Nom-and against undead/demons, have pretty damn good dps
08:21.41Nom-Mr_Rabies2: They still can...
08:22.05Mr_Rabies2pallies can solo 5man groups? :O
08:22.18Nom-Paladin DPS vs Undead is insane
08:22.24Mr_Rabies2undead PLAYERS
08:22.27Mr_Rabies2not mobs
08:22.31Nom-ahhh righto
08:22.41Mr_Rabies2forsaken used to be considered undead
08:22.57Mr_Rabies2so holy wrath, exorcism, turn undead worked on them
08:23.00Nom-Yeah, with Holy Wrath and Exorcism, your dps is INSANE
08:23.12Mr_Rabies2except they were immune to fear, iirc, so no turn undead technically
08:23.44Mr_Rabies2immune to fear/charm, infinite breath underwater
08:23.45Nom-Nah, you can fear undead, but they get a 2 min cooldown skill which clears fears and makes you immune for 5 seconds
08:23.54Nom-and it's not infinite, it's 3x normal
08:23.57Mr_Rabies2not anymore
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08:24.01Mr_Rabies2not then
08:24.04Nom-ah righto
08:24.09Mr_Rabies2wotf was permanent and passive iirc
08:24.18Nom-omg nerf! :P
08:24.18Mr_Rabies2and waterbreathing was full non-breath
08:24.28Mr_Rabies2but they got completely WRECKED by paladins
08:24.34Mr_Rabies2nothing could kill undead players but paladins
08:24.44AbraCadavanyone happen to have a halo for the pc cd?
08:25.02Mr_Rabies2and paladins could solo full groups of undead, 2 or 3 players at once, otherwise
08:25.15Corrodiasyeah, slightly unbalanced
08:25.18Corrodiaswhat about... UNDEAD PALADINS
08:25.24Nom-against the right mix of classes, paladins can still do pretty damn good
08:25.36Mr_Rabies2oh definitely
08:25.45Nom-Paladin vs 2 x Warrior is a pretty tought fight for the warriors
08:25.48Corrodiasso far i haven't been impressed by the paladins i've met in pvp
08:26.01dieckHorde Undead are not "undead", but "humanoid" ingame
08:26.03Mr_Rabies2but they were bar none the best class in the game before undead were humanoid and they were nerfed pretty hard
08:26.09Mr_Rabies2now they are dieck
08:26.13diecke.g. a priest can't shakle them?
08:26.18diecknow they are?
08:26.20Shadowed2 Warriors should be able to beat a Paladin pretty easly
08:26.21Corrodiasnow they are what?
08:26.29Corrodiasoh, dieck is a person
08:26.31Mr_Rabies2but beta/early release maybe they were undead
08:26.33AbraCadavanyone got halo?
08:26.36Shadowedas long as they don't pummel at the same time
08:26.39Nom-Shadowed: Not really, it's a tough fight
08:26.49Nom-Shadowed: Paladin can heal and has same mitigation to damage as warrior
08:27.03Corrodiasand magic damage ignores armor
08:27.03Shadowedwhat they can heal doesn't matter much if MS is kept up and if they're being stunned/interrupted/feared
08:27.04Nom-plus with the stuns and nukes, as long as the pally doesn't run oom, the warriors will have a lot of trouble
08:27.23Mr_Rabies2that's the worst mspaint i've seen in the history of windows, suntiger
08:27.24AbraCadavi just need to know the cd name for the halo cd, if anyone happens to have it
08:27.37Mr_Rabies2i lost mine years ago
08:27.40Shadowedthey (usually) aren't going to be able to do enough damage while being able to heal well and not run OOM
08:27.55SunTigermr_Rabies , you don't like the gnomesicles ?
08:28.05Corrodiaswith a paladin against a balance/restoration druid, it's a mana fight
08:28.10Mr_Rabies2the concept is hilarious :p
08:28.22AbraCadavi did to, but i made a backup iso but named it the default "NEW" title
08:28.42AbraCadavi need a break from wow
08:28.54Corrodiasso take one
08:29.03Mr_Rabies2mine was a ..backup iso too <_<
08:29.06dieckAbraCadav: if you had search for *.iso you would have found it by now :)
08:29.14AbraCadavi will, want to try getting back into other games
08:29.21Corrodiasi was going to think about buying a Riding Crop, but it's stupidly expensive compared to just getting the other 3 things that do almost the same thing
08:29.30Nom-Shadowed: Stun one, nule the crap out of the other, bubble, hit each of them when they bandage, and heal up then go nuts again
08:30.05Corrodiassix arcane dust cost more than i am willing to spend on the whole thing
08:30.39Nom-ok i'm getting out of here
08:30.39dieckCorrodias: people are paying some hundred gold for a 20 bag, instead of 18. So why not pay 100g for a riding crop instead of 3 items, and gain 2 bag slots this way?
08:30.49Nom-I'm out of stuff to work on and it's 5:30pm on Friday :D
08:30.53Nom-bbs going home :)
08:30.58Corrodiasbecause i don't pay 100g for two extra inventory slots either
08:31.08Corrodiasi don't have all kinds of money
08:31.15Corrodiasi don't know where these assholes get so rich
08:31.25dieckyou just need gold, forget about silver or copper :)
08:31.28Mr_Rabies2i'm such a penny pincher in wow
08:31.31ShadowedNom-: I have yet seen a Paladin that could pull that off :p
08:31.37Corrodiaswhat? what does silver have to do with anything?
08:31.45Mr_Rabies2i haggle like mad
08:32.12ShadowedAnd nuking wont do you much good if you have to heal yourself, so you're either in healing gear meaning you wont be able to nuke for that much, or damage gear in which case your mana wont last as long
08:32.21Mr_Rabies2and gouge people for enchants that i know as jerks or twinks
08:32.25Corrodiasi'm still a few hundred from even having the cash for the epic flying -skill-, not even a mount, and i have not bought significant amount of containers or any enchantments
08:32.36Mr_Rabies2i price gouge twinks like mad
08:32.47Mr_Rabies2i'm still a couple of THOUSAND gold away corr
08:32.49ShadowedCorrodias: Mounts are like 9g
08:32.56Mr_Rabies2for epic flying
08:33.05Shadowed200g isn't that bad either!
08:33.14Mr_Rabies2it's a big difference from 8 :p
08:33.15Corrodiasno, but 5000g is!
08:33.18Mr_Rabies2er 9
08:33.26Shadowed8, 9, 200. Same thing!
08:33.41subbawtdoes anyone know what the command /console uifaster 1 does?
08:33.44Mr_Rabies2i've got about 20 stacks of arcane dust
08:33.50Mr_Rabies2i could sell that now and get my mount
08:33.57Corrodiasare you an enchanter?
08:33.58Mr_Rabies2but in the long run, i'll be hurting myself
08:34.09Corrodiasmaybe that's my mistake. maybe everyone's supposed to get enchanting.
08:34.19Corrodiasdisenchant all those greens we get
08:34.21Mr_Rabies2i'd have more gold right now if i wasn't
08:34.32Mr_Rabies2because i disenchanted all my greens instead of vendoring then
08:34.32Corrodiasbecause i don't know how the fuck i'd ever afford one of the higher enchantments
08:35.05Corrodiaseven getting one that takes 8 Large Prismatic Shards would be a serious hit to my bank, and then i'd replace the item within a month anyway
08:35.37Mr_Rabies2don't buy enchants until you get epic flying one way or another
08:35.45Mr_Rabies2penny pinch like a mofo like i do
08:35.57Mr_Rabies2i'd have well over 5000 by now though
08:36.01Mr_Rabies2if i vendored all my greens
08:36.04Mr_Rabies2or sold my dust
08:36.08Corrodiasi never got any enchantments before the expansion, except +skinning and +mount speed
08:36.11Mr_Rabies2but i need that stuff to sell enchants
08:36.16Corrodiasand what people offered to me free so they could level up
08:36.31Corrodiasi can't imagine i'll be getting any after the expansion, except maybe the relatively cheap +30 int.
08:37.13Corrodiasskinning was providing me a moderate income with clefthoof leather, but people stopped buying them a couple of days ago
08:37.19Mr_Rabies2it's not worth enchanting stuff if you're not an enchanter until you have some of the top 5 gear for that role
08:37.53Corrodiasbut anyway, riding crop? total waste of money. i'd rather fill 2 inventory slots than spend 140g.
08:37.59Mr_Rabies2which is pretty easy to obtain for tanking
08:38.07Mr_Rabies2well yeah
08:38.12Mr_Rabies2but imagine on new servers
08:38.19Mr_Rabies2where no one will run zf
08:38.20Corrodiasnow i need some jewels
08:38.34Mr_Rabies2or bother farming for the mount speed enchant
08:38.43Corrodiasdecent ones will run be about 63g each
08:38.56Mr_Rabies2what for
08:39.10Corrodiasthanks to blizzard, who put approximately 300 sockets on my gear, i have to spend a ton of money to make them good items
08:39.53Corrodiasi wanted some Dazzling Talasite for my helm which is currently serving double duty as balance and restoration helm: Dazzling Talasite
08:39.59Corrodiasi mean,
08:40.25Mr_Rabies2i don't bother socketing my stuff yet
08:40.34Corrodiasi haven't seen a decent healing helm yet, but that's probably just because I CANT GET INTO AN INSTANCE
08:40.38Mr_Rabies2i just put the vendor crap in them for now
08:41.02Mr_Rabies2gems should start going down in price as they become more common
08:41.51Corrodiasi'd go beat up foreign children if i could get on a shadow labyrinth run
08:42.42dieckCorrodias: My priest still runs with T2 helm. no better healing equip dropped yet :)
08:44.25Mr_Rabies2i'd go beat up foreign children for a couple bucks
08:44.42Corrodiasi'd pay a couple of bucks to get into the shadow lab
08:45.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
08:46.15Mr_Rabies2hire some gold farmers to "keke u gief itam ^_^" you through it
08:49.01Corrodiasi'm thinking of heading back to my old balance/restoration spec
08:49.26Corrodiasi don't have a lot of killing power (NOTHING like what i get with feral) and can't tank, but i'd much rather heal an instance than tank or melee dps
08:49.35Corrodiasand i think we went over this yesterday
08:49.40Mr_Rabies2make up your mind :argh:
08:49.46Corrodiasbut my gear isn't up to it! how can i keep 4 sets of gear?
08:50.02Mr_Rabies2i have 4 sets of gear but my nuking and healing stuff is pretty subpar
08:50.05Corrodiasquests were not designed to reward you with 4 items
08:50.20Mr_Rabies2since i'll give the healing leather stuff to pallies/shammies before i take it
08:50.29Mr_Rabies2i just take it if it's gonna get DE'd otherwise
08:50.35Corrodiasi think somebody wanted 400g for that Bringer of Death staff
08:50.38Corrodiasi was all "lol nothx"
08:50.55Corrodiasit's a magic damage staff
08:51.14Mr_Rabies2when people offer ridiculous prices for things i just laugh
08:51.22Mr_Rabies2because i know they're gonna get some scrub with those prices
08:52.09Corrodiasi paid 88g for a braxxis's staff of slumber (druid tanking gear... even though i can't make up my mind on my spec). i wouldn't expect to pay much more for a balance staff.
08:52.48Mr_Rabies2ha i'd probably never pay that
08:53.05Mr_Rabies2i'm such a racist stereotype in wow :[
08:54.00Corrodiasthis is my old balance/restoration build:
08:54.23Corrodiasit worked pretty decently in world pvp, too... not so much in an arena
08:55.01Mr_Rabies2hybrid specs are frowned upon these days
08:55.13Shirikwell that's not saying much
08:55.24Corrodiasi'd love to go full restoration, with a tree and everything
08:55.27Shirikfor every class there are like two specific specs you can go, verbatim
08:55.35Shirikanything else is "looked down upon"
08:55.54Shirikbecause people think there is only 1 or 2 "best specs" out there, instead of thinking that it's very dependent upon your playstyle
08:55.57Corrodiasbut i need to be more flexible than being locked down into just healing
08:56.07Mr_Rabies2i'd wait until next PTR, corr
08:56.12Mr_Rabies2we can do some spec testing
08:56.21Corrodiasat least with a full feral build, i'm only locked down into "tanking or dps"
08:56.29Corrodiassame tree feeding both roles
08:57.02Mr_Rabies2but a pure balance druid is infinitely better at healing than a pure feral druid
08:57.12Mr_Rabies2since he's in gear that improves his healing, and has decent int
08:57.14Corrodiasah, here i could get a bringer of death for 250g :P
08:57.25Corrodiaswell yes
08:57.46Corrodiasso it's "great at doing damage (but generates a lot of threat) and okay at healing"
08:58.20Mr_Rabies2but you have ~plate mitigation while doing a lot of threat
08:58.29Corrodiasyeah. well... mail, anyway.
08:58.37Mr_Rabies2moonkin's 400% now
08:58.42Mr_Rabies2same as bear now
08:58.42leethalaw.. making a frame draggable when you create the frame with lua (and is nooob) is not easy
08:58.51Corrodiasyeah, but you don't get lots of +armor gear with spell damage on it
08:58.57Corrodiasno rings, no staff/weapons
08:59.14Mr_Rabies2but you can still get really close if not equal or slightly higher than plate in moonkin
08:59.33Corrodiasi was getting about 11k armor in my older gear. now that i've gotten a few more tank-specific pieces i'm up to 13.6k
08:59.33Mr_Rabies2of course you don't have the extra stam, defense, block, or parry that plate wearers have
08:59.59Mr_Rabies2i'm at like 14000, but i'm getting gear that increases my overall time to live more than just pure armor
09:00.10Corrodiasi'm very bad at getting gear
09:00.22Corrodiasi don't know how to find out what items i'm supposed to get, and i can't get into the instances to get them
09:00.48Mr_Rabies2i can point you to the lists of best feral gear, i can't really help with balance and resto though
09:01.08Mr_Rabies2at least pre-bear nerf/item rebalancing, dunno if they've changed or not
09:01.22Corrodiasno, that's okay...
09:01.39Corrodiasit really wouldn't help. i have to take whatever instance runs i can, because there isn't much opportunity
09:01.39Mr_Rabies2most of the good feral stuff comes from quests
09:01.43Mr_Rabies2not much comes from instances
09:01.56Corrodiaswell i'm pretty fucked because i wasn't feral until after i hit 70
09:02.42Corrodiassee, blizzard doesn't believe in hybrids
09:03.06Corrodiasquest rewards give you one opportunity to choose what spec you're going to use
09:04.19Corrodiassince i chose balance or restoration gear for almost all quest rewards until level 70, i can't -get- good feral gear until karazhan or later, apparently
09:04.37Corrodiasjust... "decent" stuff
09:05.03Corrodiasi'm venting again. i need something to help me relax.
09:05.47Mr_Rabies2check that out
09:08.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
09:11.05Corrodiasvery confusing..
09:12.59*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
09:13.51Mr_Rabies2is awesome
09:13.55Mr_Rabies2for ferals at least
09:14.07Corrodiaslooks like the high level instances and pvp sets generally have the best stuff
09:14.15Corrodiasas it should be
09:14.45*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
09:14.50Mr_Rabies2you can get "Emerald Beholder Eye of the Tiger"
09:15.00Mr_Rabies2dun. dun dun dun. dun dun dunnnnnnnn.
09:15.34Corrodiasah, something to aim for...
09:15.58CorrodiasEmerald Beholder Eye of the Hierophant (9% chance) // +47 Stamina, +31 Spirit, +69 Healing
09:16.04Mr_Rabies2for a bunch of cats, trees, laser chickens, and bears, druids are awesome at math
09:17.16Corrodias is missing the Battlemage's Baton
09:18.07Mr_Rabies2your mom's missing a battlemage baton
09:18.50Corrodiasyour battlemage is missing your mom's baton
09:19.14Mr_Rabies2that looks like it's rather incomplete, corr
09:19.28Corrodiasi want one of this Bringer of Death, but i wonder if i can get a better deal on it than 250g
09:23.10Corrodiasuh oh
09:23.14Corrodiasthat eyeball guy sounds unsoloable
09:24.18Mr_Rabies2? :O
09:25.56Corrodiasdoesn't mean i won't try to solo him
09:26.01Corrodiasbut i expect to get creamed
09:26.19*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
09:26.42*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
09:26.44Corrodiasif i can find him
09:27.16*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
09:27.31Corrodiasmaybe, just maybe, i could kite him all the way to a city
09:28.22Mr_Rabies2group it's tapped for has gotta do >50% of damage to it to get credit iirc
09:28.24*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
09:34.00Corrodiasalso, it looks like he may not be spawned anyway
09:37.06Corrodiasyeah, i don't see him
09:41.19*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
09:41.38Corrodiasi suppose "(rare)" means he may or may not exist
09:43.52Gngngsktalking about a rare spawn in shadowmoon?
09:44.53GngngskI killed taht guy once
09:44.58Gngngskyou won't be able to solo him, that's for sure
09:45.21Corrodiasi'd be satisfied just -seeing- him for now
09:45.52Gngngskyou want something he drops?
09:47.04Corrodiasnice healms
09:47.08Gngngskspeaking of rare elites
09:47.13Gngngskjust found malfunctioning reaver in BS
09:47.45CorrodiasBS.. BS...
09:47.45Corrodiasdoesn't sound familiar
09:47.45Gngngskburning steppes
09:48.09Gngngskwhadya know, he dropped an ug for me
09:51.11*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
09:52.03bleetah~staple kaso
09:52.06purlACTION attaches a staple gun to a pneumatic nail gun via duct tape, staples kaso quite well, and hands kaso to bleetah
09:52.35bleetahsorry mate.. but it's fer your own good ;) :P
09:53.48Corrodiasnone of the database sites give any tips on how to FIND the guy
09:53.53Corrodiasi guess it's just... rare
09:56.13kasomy file system keeps having a mental break down
09:56.27kasoi think my hard disk is damaged, but im a poor student and cant afford to replace
09:56.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Bleeter (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
09:58.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
10:07.38purlIriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
10:07.45kasothanks purl
10:22.30kasoanyone know how it would be possible to have print() use linux console colors in stand alone lua ?
10:24.52Mr_Rabies210 druid wsg :O
10:27.43*** join/#wowi-lounge miguillo (n=chatzill@
10:28.24bleetahkaso: I'm no lua coder, but at a guess, I'd say all you'd need to do is print the apropriate escape code that the terminal support. the 'fun' bit would be determining which escape codes are supported the terminal that the code is being run in.
10:28.31*** join/#wowi-lounge seebs_ (
10:28.49bleetahergh, it's getting late.. I think I missed a word or two, but hopefully you get the idea
10:29.08kasosomeone in lua got it, it uses standard ansi escape codes
10:29.21bleetahlooking at the plotting code inside I'd say it's possible
10:29.23kaso\27[32mThis is green\27[0m
10:29.57kasoIm editing DevTools Dump to work out of wow and i want the colors right :>
10:30.06Shirikit was black to me :P
10:30.09Bleeter'cept it's not green here :P
10:30.14Shirik(05:29:37 AM) kaso: \27[32mThis is green\27[0m
10:30.29Shirikmight be because I'm on gaim though
10:30.31Bleeterprolly the irc client mangling it ;)
10:30.32kasowell because this isnt an ansi console
10:30.39kasoit isnt green to me either
10:30.54kasobut if you print() that on stand alone lua on unix :>
10:30.54Bleeterisn't green on VT(somethingorother) inside irssi
10:31.39Shirikhaven't gotten lua for unix yet
10:31.49bleetahyeah, the problem would still be determining what the terminal supports, it's current color config, and making the text readable
10:31.53Shirikwould get around to it but still tackling this proxy server that refuses to be set up
10:32.08bleetahfairly useless outputting green text if the user (for whatever reason) has, say, black text on green background
10:32.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
10:32.13kasowhat color is 88ccff ?
10:32.22Shirikbright purpleish
10:32.35Shirikbright bluish purple
10:32.43ShirikRRGGBB just add em up :P
10:32.44ShirikFF = 255
10:32.49kasoim lazy :.
10:33.04kasothe console only has a few colors so its now "magenta" for me
10:33.42bleetahShirik: you don't use gaim, do you? yerk!
10:34.21ShirikI didn't intend to
10:34.24bleetahhah, haven't contributed code in over a year, and they're still listing me as a crazy patch writer :/
10:34.27Shirikonly reason is I just set this computer up and it's already installed
10:34.35ShirikI'll get rid of it asap because I really can't stand this right now
10:34.40Shirikbut... more important things to do atm
10:35.00bleetahyeah, it's OK to get by with on IRC until one gets irssi setup ;) :P
10:35.42Shirikwas looking for xterm and I saw that in the gnome menu so I hit it and went back to looking
10:35.59bleetahnot a urxvt person?
10:35.59Shirik(gaim, that is)
10:36.51bleetahthe unicode rxvt. rxvt's probably the better of all the terms available.
10:36.53Shirik"a colour vt102 terminal emulator intended as an xterm replacement"
10:37.13Shirikcrazy brits
10:37.41Shiriknever heard of it really; tried running it, it says it doesn't exist and I'm not going to go around looking for it atm :P
10:37.55bleetaherm, crazy Americans thinking that the spelling of a word in English, which does not match their own crazy spelling, is exlusively British... without realising it's pretty much the rest of the English speaking world :P
10:38.17bleetahyeah, the real good stuff for *nix always seems to be like that
10:39.02Shirikso yeah um
10:39.09Shirikthe water I put on the stove to boil was boiling
10:39.13Shirikfor about 4 hours now
10:39.28Shirikactually there wasn't much water left maybe like half a cm
10:39.38bleetahinteresting method to humidify a room
10:40.04Shirikleast I didn't put the food in yet
10:40.18bleetahhah... reminds me of a housemate who burned the cabbage one night
10:40.35bleetahwe were 'wtf! burned cabbage!'
10:42.17kasoyay i like my stand alone Devtoolsdump!
10:43.27Corrodiasat least it didn't get completely empty
10:43.31Corrodiasbecause then the pan could have taken damage
10:43.49Corrodiasi came back to look up something on wowhead, but now i can't remember what it was
10:44.23Corrodiasi don't suppose there's a PTR up?
10:45.54Shirikdoubt it; 2.0.10 was just released
10:45.58bleetahnup, well no US PTR
10:47.18bleetahpersonally, I wouldn't be suprised if there's no more PTR until 2.1.0 PTR... I'm only basing that on the 'new' stuff added to Iriel's UI forum post. Would seem to be about the stage of 'almost ready', plus a ocuple of other comments by blues in the general forum
10:47.36bleetahas I say, just guessing
10:47.45Corrodiasi remember now!
10:47.51Corrodiashow to get aldor rep, that's what
10:48.06bleetahkill stuff! how else does one get rep? :P
10:48.14bleetahnn all
10:48.27kasoIm starting to think two screens isnt enough
10:48.48kasoCouple more above my head angled down would be nice <3
10:48.53Corrodiasi'd be surprised if any number of screens will ever be enough
10:49.31kasoWhen i get a matrix-esque set up i'll be happy
10:52.32leethalhow does one take number x and turn it into 05 if it's 5, but keep 15 if it's 15? (not 015)
10:52.56Corrodias05 the string?
10:53.44Corrodiasfunction (int x) if x == 5 then return "05" elseif x == 15 return "15" end end, or whatever the lua equivalent of that may be
10:53.46leethalno, number
10:53.51Corrodias05 isn't a number
10:53.55Shirikstring.format("%2d", x);
10:54.01Shiriker wait, that would put a space, not a 0
10:54.05Shirikbut it's something like that, one sec
10:54.12leethalyarr =D
10:54.21Corrodiasthat's probably a better way of doing it
10:54.28Corrodiasalthough possibly slower
10:54.33leethalI'll take a look at string.format
10:55.11Shirikstring.format("%02d", x)
10:55.12Corrodiastime for me to sleep. i guess there's stuff for me to grind yet if i want better gear but can't get into instances. there's pvp gear, anyway.
10:55.14Shirikassuming x is an integer
10:55.23leethalah, sweet
10:59.29Mr_Rabies2i'm off to bed too
10:59.55Mr_Rabies2i think corr and i have our mental clock stuck in australia or something
11:00.03Shirikme too :P
11:00.14Shirikyesterday I went to sleep at about noon
11:00.17Shirikwoke up around 7pm
11:00.29Mr_Rabies2what time is it in kangarooville
11:00.32ShirikI'll probably do that today too
11:00.40Mr_Rabies2its 6 am EST
11:00.52ShirikI'm guessing it's about 10 hours off eastern
11:01.14bleetahreally, I'm not here.. but...
11:01.40bleetahit's 10PM Vic/NSW/Tas, 9PM QLD, 8:30SA, 8NT, ... maybe 7 in WA
11:01.49bleetahit just gets crazy during summertime .. hard to keep up
11:02.09bleetahtake 2
11:06.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Segatron (n=MrX@
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11:56.37Shirikwow actually works in wine
11:56.38Shirik... well
11:56.55leethalnot with ati x800 =(
11:57.03Shirikthat's because ati hates linux
11:57.15Mr_Rabies2ati + wow arent best buddies either
11:57.21ShirikI mean... wtf
11:57.23Mr_Rabies2i couldn't go to into searing gorge for the longest time
11:57.24ShirikI thought you went to sleap
11:57.40Mr_Rabies2i had to install omega drivers to stop crashing in SG/BWL
11:57.47leethalwhat's up there?
11:57.48Mr_Rabies2i'm working on it
11:57.51leethalnifty shaders?
11:57.55Mr_Rabies2i dunno
11:57.56Shirikyeah but like, seriously... it's running faster than it does in windows >.>
11:57.58Mr_Rabies2it was only those zones
11:58.07Mr_Rabies2and it happened to a lot of people
11:58.20ShirikI can't think of anything strange there
11:58.25Shirikif anything I would expect outlands to cause problems
11:58.37Shirikwith the skyboxes
11:58.42krkaShirik: that's not really a weird thing. remember that wine is not an emulator
11:58.46leethalmm, zoning hellfire peninsula => zangarmarsh is weird
11:58.55ShirikI know but... linux is "not supported"
11:58.57krkaruns better for me in linux too
11:59.02Shirikso we would expect it not to be optimized well
11:59.22krkawhat do you mean by that?
11:59.33krkawhat specifically don't you expect to be optimized?
11:59.38WobinWow works better for me in Wine than it did in Windows
11:59.44Wobinexcept sound
11:59.47Wobinwhich still stutters
11:59.49Shirik:( actually it just crashed on me
11:59.57Shirikhmm, still need to do some tinkering I guess
11:59.59nevcairielHow is that possible Wob ? :D
12:00.10WobinI honestly have no idea =)
12:00.27WobinPossibly cause I've completely wiped my HD and started from scratch
12:00.46nevcairielI've always wanted to try linux on this comp
12:00.57nevcairielbut, i need it for work, and i develop windows applications
12:01.11Shirikso develop windows apps to work in wine :P
12:11.36krkadual boot ftw
12:11.56krkahm, maybe i should wipe the windows partition on my home computer, i haven't booted it in like a year
12:12.51WobinWell I set mine up for dual boot
12:13.05Wobinbut Windows XP recognised maybe 10% of my hardware
12:13.12WobinIt couldn't figure out the network card
12:13.21WobinUbuntu, on the other hand, got everything out of the box =P
12:13.33krkayeah, same thing here
12:13.33WobinI've yet to set up Windows properly with the right drivers yet
12:13.40Shirikyeah that's what I'm on right now :) It had trouble with my graphics though
12:13.44Shirikbut that's because of my monitor
12:13.48krkai inherited an old laptop recently, ubuntu installed perfectly
12:13.51krkaeverything detected
12:13.51ShirikI had to install from text mode and configure manually
12:14.18ShirikI think the ubuntu installer runs at 1280x1024 is what I'm told?
12:14.25Shirikbut my monitor can't go that high :(
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12:15.16krkawhat ubuntu installer?
12:15.21Shiriklive cd?
12:15.31krkathat's just a plain x bootup
12:15.40krkathe installer just runs in a plain window
12:15.43Shirikyeah but it hates my monitor apparently
12:15.54ShirikStarted up and all I get is an orange screen with random dots
12:15.59krkayou could boot up with safe screen settings
12:16.05Shiriktried it, same deal :/
12:16.47Shirikno real clue what exactly the problem was, but I installed from text mode, went to runlevel 3, installed the nvidia drivers and did some configuration and now it's ok
12:16.52Shirikso not going to worry about it anymore
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13:03.24miguillocall to contribution: could you have a look at and take 2 minutes to post your data please?
13:08.49Shirikwill do so asap
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17:30.53zenzelezzplease, don't all talk at once
17:35.39nevcairieloh sure no problem
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18:07.42BouviMiss me?  *cough* <- FLU
18:09.34Tem|Classplz2get on the other side of the channel, Bouvi i no want FLU. kthx
18:10.24*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
18:10.51BouviI feel AWFUL.  First day back at work in a week
18:12.06sysragewhat noise does pac-man make?
18:12.57Bouviwacca wacca wacca
18:13.48sysragemy co-worker = pwned
18:15.03BouviI remember spending hours on the Pac Man at the roller rink.  Spent 1 quarter.  Made it to the split board a ton of times.
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19:23.24bleetahIriel|Away: I'm getting the same error with DoubleWide as was reported recently on the German client. I'll try and save you some fingerwork by working out where the conflict is :)
19:24.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
19:25.15*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|work (
19:26.24kasoHow do you include another lua file in stand alone lua source
19:28.28kasoi though require was just for packages
19:28.58cogwheel|workwell, you could use dofile instead (as noted in that chapter)
19:30.23amroor open a file and use dostring
19:31.04cogwheel|workhmm... after responding within minutes, he suddenly stopped... I wonder why...
19:31.55cogwheel|worktest (having network issues)
19:32.10bleetahheya cogwheel|work, works fine
19:33.13TC_Workingno it dosent, cog we couldnt see your test msg at all
19:34.39cogwheel|workut oh
19:35.16bleetahIriel|Away: it'd appear to be conflicting with MobileFrames from Cosmos, causing DoubleWide to not load. I've posted my note on the mod's page.
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19:39.45kergothcogwheel|work: fyi, found the field `last' is a nil value bug in cogsbar on line 74 of CogsBar.lua.. on line 96 of CogsBarCreate.lua, you do a local first, last = strsplit(), overriding the local first, last from the parent scope
19:39.56kergothcogwheel|work: so first and last are both nil outside the if block
19:40.16Temwhat a wonderfully inclusive ban
19:40.18Tem"troll sets ban on *!*@*"
19:41.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
19:41.59cogwheel|workkergoth: thanks. i'll look into that
19:42.33nevcairielTem: back in the day, we had to use that all the time. because stupid bot kiddies generally got hacked aol accounts.
19:43.08kergothcogwheel|work: np. right now you cant specify a range at all due to that bug.  works great after removing the local from that line though, thanks for the addon :)
19:43.10nevcairieli think they even banned full aol from the irc network once
19:44.37nevcairielit was hard enough getting a good security bot up and running
19:44.46nevcairielstupid hackers :P
19:45.03nevcairielthat was a great time.. :)
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20:54.51jaxdahli'm trying to find a site that had drops categorized by boss for mc-naxx
20:54.58jaxdahland a rating for each piece for each class/spec
20:55.10jaxdahllike judgement would be a 5 for a ret paladin and 3-4 for a holy paladin
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20:59.55seth___Hmmm is wowwiki right now pretty slow or is it my line thats slow?
21:00.27leethalslow here too
21:00.57leethalin fact, since you asked it hasn't even loaded the frontpage
21:01.28seth___ah than its fine I gues ... or not depends on the point of view ;)
21:02.26seth___I was worreid because it got slow after I registerd an account and just thought maybe its because I'm logged in now or something elese strange going on ^^
21:09.58seth___But at least somebody seems to read whats written here thats goood :D
21:10.48zenzelezzfor what it's worth though, this is the WoWInterface channel, there's a separate #wowwiki (but you're welcome here anyhow ;)
21:11.22Gryphenwiki should recover in a few minutes
21:13.25*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o dolby-wowi] by ChanServ
21:13.47leethalwho is the wiki peeps?
21:13.55leethalwho pays for the hosting? Who owns it?
21:14.03leethaljust "some people"? nothing fance?
21:23.15wobinThey're just some guy, y'know
21:24.24[dRaCo]jaxdahl: try
21:25.39wobinI hate commerical radio =\
21:25.47Sstixrudwow releasing your mod even in Beta form creates you a lot of work :)
21:25.57wobinWhy oh why do they need to play the -same- songs.. over and over and over again?
21:26.10wobinand call them "And now for Eskimo Joe's NEW SONG"
21:26.15Mr_Rabies2because the dj's barely there these days wobin
21:26.18pastamancerwobin: because they're told to
21:26.18Sstixrudat least I am getting good feedback heh
21:26.33wobinSstixrud: Totally =)
21:26.48Mr_Rabies2he sets up a playlist in winamp or whatever, prerecords some stuff to say inbetween songs, and gets paid for the full airtime
21:26.50pastamancerreleasing beta mods is more trouble than it's worth, IMO
21:26.55bleetahwobin: matter of curiosity, do you class JJJ as commercial? (for the record, I do)
21:27.06pastamancerget guildies to test and release when it's ready
21:27.09wobinI'd listen to JJJ, but I don't like the music
21:27.17Sstixrudpast what guild? =)
21:27.19wobinBut yeah, fairly commercial
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21:27.26wobinsince they're not exactly community radio
21:27.29pastamancerfriends then
21:28.14SstixrudHow much work is it to switch from using the standard 120 action buttons to custom buttons?
21:28.18Mr_Rabies2the college stations aroud here play the most crazy stuff
21:28.26bleetahfar as I can tell, the only difference is that the only ads they run is for themselves... that's to say, if they ran 'real' commercials, one wouldn't really be able to tell much of a difference. the music is not as 'alternative' as what it used to be
21:28.39Mr_Rabies2one second techno, next song bluegrass, next song some weird reggaeish stuff, next song some death metal
21:28.40wobinmaybe I'll give it a go
21:29.13bleetahoh, it's still 'alternative', if what you're used to is say, Nova or MMM etc.... it's just not *my* idea of alternative, which is what Mr_Rabies2 is talking about
21:29.22wobinI never really liked it cause I could never recognise any songs I heard. And while I was just complaining about overrepetitive music earlier...
21:29.43bleetahwhen I was doing my shows on public radio, i had no qualms about playing some slayer, then maybe some beethoven, then some robert johnson, then some goonshow, etc. etc.
21:29.54wobinSee? Interesting =)
21:30.31wobin"MMM You never know what you're going to get!" (Sure I do. Eskimo Joe, followed by Evanescence")
21:30.54wobinAt least they stopped playing the stupid EJ Neverending story song
21:31.06wobinworst riff to choose... ever =P
21:31.34wobinand I do like MMM's choice of 80's
21:31.36SstixrudIs there a simple way to see if a spell can be cast and if not why? (i.e. more powerful spell exists, a debuff prevents it (i.e.  forbearance), out ot range, out of line of sight etc...)
21:32.06zenzelezzI'm so tempted to say "try to cast it" :-x
21:32.15SstixrudI would like to account for these things without hard coding a bunch of logic (at least for the case of debuff preventing cast and more powerful spell) that may break with future wow updates
21:32.46wobinSstixrud: unfortunately not
21:33.02wobinSstixrud: I believe, even the client doesn't figure it out until the server returns the result
21:33.22wobinWith Forebearance and stuff
21:33.31wobinYou can prescan the target for that particular buff
21:33.52wobinBut the problem with "more powerful spell" is that often, the tooltips don't give enough information
21:34.08wobineg, imp divine spirit compared to divine spirit etc
21:34.09SstixrudYes I have that working, but I realy really want to avoid hard coding specifics in my button status logic, as those types of hacks are what will break over time
21:34.13wobinthe tooltip is identical =\
21:34.29bleetahwobin: is a JJ radio drama from back in the mid 70's.. was probably the last time they did anything really challenging.. there's a great quote in that radioplay, too... "penetrating bounce of its signal couldn't cut the cryogenital state of Australian broadcasting "
21:34.56wobinIt is pretty stagnant, isn't it? =\
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21:35.19bleetahat least The Chaser guys will be back this year :-)
21:35.21wobinWow, JJJ have been around for a while =P
21:36.06bleetahyeah, started out as JJ public radio station, ABC 'bought them out'... eventually killing most public radio around the country when it went national
21:36.43wobinAuntie takes them out =P
21:37.00TainKilling me softly with his song.
21:37.30bleetahanyways, download rangoon to grafton from that site.. it's a *brilliant* story. will prolly take you four or five listens to 'get' it ;-)
21:38.08wobinoh man
21:38.25wobinIt's like ... existential beat poetry with aussie in-references
21:39.04bleetahare you old enough to remember the esteeemed ABC newsreader James Dibble? He does most of the reading rofl
21:39.09wobinThe hills were alive with the sound of snorting truckies, and I was just begining to lay back and enjoy it, when I heard a noise like a Sunbeam Lady Shaver in reverse. I looked out to see some poor schizoid drive out of a creek and disappear backwards up the road. His laugh looked a lot like mine, but I knew it wasn't me. No one from Sydney can laugh that long.
21:41.16leethalis there any addons for being able to target stuff via the minimap when you're tracking (huntard stuff)
21:41.27leethal(adding a ? for truth)
21:43.43ShadowedCan't be done while in combat leethal, I believe some of the sentry mods will show the names of whos on tracking though
21:44.04ShadowedOut of courisoity, has anyone used the MX Revolution mouse by Logitech?
21:44.41TainYes, best mouse I ever had.
21:44.52TainI can't imagine life without it anymore.
21:45.00Shadowedwhat were you using before?
21:45.27sysragemy razer mouse owns
21:45.32*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
21:45.39Tainhmmm MX700 I think before.  ONe of the other wireless Logitechs
21:46.07Shadowedusing an MX1000 right now, was debating if it was worth getting. guess it is!
21:47.14Shadowedthe left/right buttons on the thumb weren't hard to reach then?
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21:59.15Shadowedping ping ping?
22:02.56zenzelezzthe sharp end of a pin rarely points upwards after landing
22:03.07cogwheel|workunless it's a thumbtack...
22:03.09zenzelezzshouldn't hurt to step on it
22:03.28zenzelezzthumbtacks aren't "pins" in my opinion :-p
22:03.31bleetahfeet rarely touch the ground in a fully vertical movement
22:03.51bleetahanyways, I was lying.. I'm wearing boots :P
22:04.00cogwheel|workbleetah: you shouldn't shuffle then :P
22:04.01zenzelezzso you slap girls around for false reasons?
22:04.26bleetahzenzelezz: only the ones named Cairenn|afk
22:04.46bleetahpurl, comfort Cairenn
22:04.48purlThere, there, Cairenn.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
22:04.58zenzelezzhah, I was faster
22:05.07cogwheel|workwhat exactly is the etymology of "there, there,..."
22:05.27*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
22:06.41wobinA repetitive nonsensical phrase to indicate "There is nothing to worry about"?
22:06.43Cairennmostly just random soothing noise when you're hugging someone, patting their shoulder, rubbing their back, etc. while they cry
22:08.02cogwheel|work"sperm" is censored on the wow forums...
22:08.44Cairennand this surprises you?
22:09.21bleetahOctober 13. “There she blows,” was sung out from the mast-head. “Where away?” demanded the captain. “Three points off the lee bow, sir.” “Raise up     your wheel. Steady!” “Steady, sir.” “Mast-head ahoy! Do you see that whale now?” “Ay ay, sir! A shoal of Sperm Whales! There she blows! There she breaches!” “Sing out! sing out every time!” “Ay Ay, sir! There she blows! there—there—thar she blows
22:09.24cogwheel|workor what about a discussion of Douglas Adams books?
22:09.57zenzelezzso many unrecognized characters in that paste :-|
22:10.19Thrae"I like the Grapes of Wrath"...oops, crap
22:10.45cogwheel|workOr what about when there was that blue sticky post and he had to spell Buttons wrong because they censored Butt?
22:11.14bleetahare they still blocking 'therapist'?
22:11.19cogwheel|workI mean, c'mon... the dialog in the game is more risque than the stuff they censor on the forums...
22:11.37cogwheel|works/the stuff/some of the stuff/
22:12.45ThraeYou have to pay for the game, you don't have to pay to view the forums
22:15.58cogwheel|workWhile somewhat non sequitur, i do see what you're getting at. (it's really that you agree to the content, rather than simply that you pay)
22:17.04CairennI don't agree with that - no one is forcing you to read the forums, either
22:17.16cogwheel|workdidn't say i agree :P
22:17.38Cairennbut as an argument as to why it's okay in game but not on the forums, that doesn't fly
22:18.14Cairennyou choose to pay for the game (and thus the content), you choose to read the forums (and thus the content)
22:18.35cogwheel|workyep. but it's probably a CYA thing... (though they could just as easily throw up a splash screen before letting you read the forums... and set a cookie so you don't have to agree every time)
22:19.03zenzelezzanyone can visit the forums; while in theory only people above a certain age can play the game
22:19.51Cairennif they aren't old enough to play the game then they shouldn't be old enough to be surfing the internet without parental supervision as well
22:20.11zenzelezzCairenn: I agree, but it's harder to protect the forums in the same way
22:20.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
22:20.50zenzelezzyou have to agree that you're old enough to play the game, but you don't need to for the forums
22:21.58Cairenndon't get me wrong, I have no objection to a degree of censorship on the forums, I'm glad they do, but the degree to which they do is nuts, as evidenced repeatedly, and other than pure CYA, the other arguments thus far comparing the forums to the game don't really hold water, imo
22:22.20seth___Don't you require an account to post in the forums? so the policy could/should whatever state that you need to be older than age X
22:22.28Cairennto post, yes
22:22.30Cairennnot to read
22:22.31nevcairielbut everyone can read
22:22.40seth___yeha ok right
22:22.48zenzelezzsidetrack, what does CYA mean?
22:22.54Cairenncover your ass
22:23.17zenzelezzhm, never seen that one before
22:23.44seth___Cu You All ;) but depends on the context ^^
22:31.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Xenok (
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22:37.35MentalPowerWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Spring Break has officially STARTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22:38.01nevcairielso more time for coding eh?
22:38.27bleetahor just noob style screams? :P
22:38.38MentalPower~lart bleetah
22:38.50purlthanks, MentalPower
22:44.53*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|work (
22:47.42cogwheel|worksunder counter giving you trouble?
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22:48.50ShadowedI haven't done much work on that lately, the colors started flickering back to the original randomly and can't figure out if i broke something or if 2.0.10 changed something
22:49.57*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
22:50.25Xenokme thinks you broke it
22:50.58Xenokpurl, kill yourself
22:51.00purlACTION shoots a ionized fluxneutrino gun at yourself
22:51.20Xenokpurl, suicide
22:51.21purlACTION kills herself Juliet style, after seeing xenok commit suicide
22:51.29Xenokdarn you
22:51.44Cairennpurl, die
22:51.46purlACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
22:51.48Xenokpurl sees the fture!
22:52.00Xenokcairenn . I didn't think of that
22:52.26Xenokpurl, read
22:52.28purlACTION reads Lord of the rings
22:52.42Cairennpurl has good taste
22:52.57Xenokpurl, take a picture
22:53.09Xenok... didn't think so
22:53.57Xenokpurl has rabies
22:54.17Xenokthat should be one... you type purl has rabies and purl lunges at you >.>
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23:01.24leethalsomeone should make a purl reference
23:01.42TC_Workingif you suggest it....
23:02.08Xenokcan somone make a pyurl refrence?
23:02.21Xenoker purl
23:02.58Cairennlooks like we have two volunteers, thank you leethal & Xenok
23:03.13leethalbah, reverse engineering sucks
23:03.13Xenokvolunteers? for what?
23:03.23leethalhand over the code and I'll do it
23:04.21leethalwould be appropriate?
23:04.46XenokI like it :P
23:05.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Outlaw| (n=outlaw@
23:05.29TC_Workingmore like
23:05.39TC_Workingi little long, but we can work with it
23:05.40leethalI'm pro at creating irc bot joke references
23:05.46leethalI did that with the irc bot in #rubyonrails
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23:51.43*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel_ (
23:59.19*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.