irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070306

00:01.43Xenok\busynow I just need to make it so that each time the zone is different.. my saved coords go into the correct zone dropdown O.o
00:01.53Xenok\busyquiet a task
00:04.29*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (
00:30.48JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn
00:31.01JoshBorkepurl, massage Cairenn
00:31.22JoshBorkepurl, what's wrong?
00:31.24purlsomebody said wrong was
00:31.33WobWorkdolby-wowi, you about?
00:32.21WobWorkCairenn: Let dolby know I'm getting a 404 when clicking on a member link? like
00:33.13Shirikwonder if that's supposed to have "downloads" in it
00:33.23Cairennhow did you get to the link?
00:33.32Shirik works perfectly
00:33.45Cairennhow did you get to the link
00:33.47WobWorkit works now =)
00:33.55WobWorkIt was from a comment
00:34.37Cairennno, doing it the way he did the first time brings up a 404, obviously, which is why I'm trying to find out how he got to that link :p
00:34.49Cairennspecific steps :p
00:34.53WobWork"You are insane, my child, qvite insane..."
00:35.48Shirikfound it
00:35.56WobWorkIt was originally from
00:36.10ShirikI found it, but it's not really "there" it's hidden
00:36.16Shiriki.e., go to
00:36.23leethalboy I wish google code had a that was a tarball of the svn repos
00:36.23Shirikif you look at the comments, when you click on the person's name
00:36.32WobWorkI have NoScripts installed
00:36.34Shirikit shows you the wrong link, but clicking that link does NOT take you there
00:36.40Shirikyeah it's supposed to execute a javascript
00:36.46WobWorkso when I clicked on the name, it normally drops the menu =)
00:37.13Shirikso cairenn, it's the link that normally drops the menu on someone's name in the downloads comments
00:37.23Shirikit will only affect people that don't use javascript
00:37.36Shirikthe one that pops up in the menu "view public profile" works as intended
00:37.38Cairennif they are running noscript, then yeah, they'll have the problem
00:38.12Cairennso as WobWork said "noscript" I knew exactly the problem
00:38.19Cairennso not really a bug on our site, per sae
00:38.32Shirikwell, reading the code it looks as if it's supposed to work either way
00:38.42Shirikit's just mistyped in the non-script part
00:39.14Shirik<a style="font-size:14pt" href="member.php?u=29004"> should be <a style="font-size:14pt" href="/forums/member.php?u=29004">
00:39.30Shirikwell that would look a bit different on the php side but yeah
00:39.50leethalstop using php, by the way. use ruby on rails
00:39.58Shirikphp is ownage do not disgrace it!
00:40.02leethalit sucks
00:40.17Shirikit sucks the life out of all other website scripting languages,yes
00:40.22leethalabsolutely not
00:40.37Cairennit's what we use and we're not inclined to rewrite the entire sites from scratch
00:40.49dolby-wowiwhere is the path typo Shirik?
00:40.58leethalyou'd be amazed how little effort that is in ruby on rails. but oh well..
00:41.02Shirikit's in..
00:41.14dolby-wowivery little effort in php too
00:41.18leethalok,  ok, php doesn't suck. But ruby on rails is still superior to php
00:41.21TainNOOOOOOOOO!  Heroes is going on a six week break after tonight!
00:41.22ShirikI can give you an example, I just don't know how your php is set up
00:41.26Shirikhopefully from the example you can find it
00:41.33oTem|Workyes, but if the site is already written in php, it's not worth the effort to redo it
00:41.43Shirikgo to
00:41.58Shiriksearch for <a style="font-size:14pt" href="member.php?u=29004"> which needs to be replaced with <a style="font-size:14pt" href="/forums/member.php?u=29004">
00:42.05Cairennleethal: we have 5 sites that would have to be completely recoded from the ground up, not to mention then having to have all the authors reupload the thousands of interfaces we have on them, get members to reregister, etc
00:42.05dolby-wowiok its in the comments area on the file info screen
00:42.42leethalCairenn: true that. The moment you realize how great Ruby on Rails  is, though, you'll regret you're not using it. *whine*
00:42.45Cairennit'd go over like a lead balloon
00:42.49oTem|WorkCairenn, you wouldn't lose the databases
00:42.52Shirikphp > all. period.
00:43.06leethalShirik: terribly wrong
00:43.28oTem|Workyou could either keep the same db format with the ror site
00:43.46dolby-wowiwhat style are you using Shirik?
00:43.47leethalby the way, I'm not suggesting a remake. I'm just provoking a bit =P
00:43.51leethalruby on rails is great, though
00:43.58leethaleveryone interested in nice code ought to take a look at it
00:44.03oTem|Workor, with great difficulty and effort, create a new db format and migrate
00:44.04TainCairenn: The main problem with the site designs is not enough use of the <blink> tag.
00:44.13leethalTain: 10/19
00:44.16Cairenngood god no
00:44.17leethal10/10, actually
00:44.31Shirikthe World of Warcraft one?
00:44.40ShirikI didn't know you had more than one style ^^
00:44.48Shirikoop wrong window
00:45.05Shirikthat's the problem with popup messages
00:45.15Shirikyou switch over without looking at what window the message came from ><
00:46.22leethalruby is a great language imo, a shame you can't write wow addons with it. But apparently that's been discussed one or two times before, so I wont =P
00:46.29TainRarely is a language so great as to warrant a complete redisign from another language from the ground up.
00:46.30bleetahTain: you like <blink>? you'll love this site.. lemme grab it ...
00:46.38bleetahit's also known as the 'how not to code a page' ;)
00:47.08Shirik19:46:31 ‹Tain› Rarely is a language so great as to warrant a complete redisign from another language from the ground up. << ASP
00:47.21Shirikif it were originally in ASP*
00:47.27WobWorkShirik: That's only due to the fact that ASP sucks mightily =)
00:47.35bleetahthere was an entry in mozilla's bugzilla (from me) complaining about how the browser used to crash out on that page, and it weren't fit for release until it could do the page properly ;)
00:47.39WobWorkAnd the 'lesser of the two evils' thing applies =)
00:47.43bleetahI think they fixed it around FF1.3
00:48.16Xenok\busyOMG bleetah: that site makes my eyes bleed
00:48.17TainWell ASP is a valid example.
00:48.31bleetahsome systems would crash the browser, others would go into 100% cpu spin and you'd have to hard reset the system
00:48.45Xenok\busylol I use mozzila . does that effect anything?
00:48.51bleetahI think it's got every offensive piece of HTML code in it
00:49.30Shirikwtf was that
00:49.33Xenok\busywtf is with that?
00:50.00WobWorkImpressive, a webpage on which, it seems, -everyones- opinion is much the same =)
00:50.08WobWork(ie "wtf")
00:50.08Cairenndamnit, I _knew_ I shouldn't have clicked that link
00:50.16Shirik<INPUT TYPE="textarea" ALIGN="RIGHT" NAME="stupid_text" WIDTH="100%" SIZE="55, 5" MAXLENGTH="1020" ALLCAPS AUTOACTIVATE AUTOSUBMIT GROWABLE BGCOLOR="#00FFFF" TEXTCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CURSOR="#00FF00" BORDERIMAGE="file://ROM/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif" VALUE="PLEASE SEND ME FEEDBACK ABOUT MY SUPER-KQQL WEB PAGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00:50.34bleetahkibo ftw!
00:50.44kergothhmm, i havent checked thedailywtf in too long
00:50.48Cairennmy eyes burn now
00:50.55WobWorkkergoth: sob
00:51.00WobWorkit's no longer thedailywtf
00:51.02Xenok\busyuber wtf size 300000 font near bottom
00:51.08WobWorkit is now "Worse Than Failure"
00:51.27WobWorkCause his grandmother asked "Are you still running that webpage? What's it called again?"
00:51.44WobWorkSo he sold out
00:52.25seebsI like daily WTF.
00:52.36seebsIt can change its name if it wants, I still call it that.
00:52.39kergoththat makes me sad, the daily wtf was much better than 'worse than failure'
00:52.40WobWorkWorse Than Failure is such a copout though
00:52.44Xenok\busyXD I did a ctrl+a to select it all and coppied it into notepad
00:52.49seebsThere is the arguable advantage that it's pronounceable.
00:53.01WobWorkthedailywtf was perfectly pronouncable =P
00:53.04Xenok\busyon that wtf page
00:53.15WobWorkI say "whatehfaa"
00:53.24Xenok\busy"<BLINK>Ess Pee Zero Tee</BLINK>" is hidden in there
00:54.04WobWorkhow do you 'hide' a blink tag? =P
00:54.15Xenok\busyumm wtf is a blink tag?
00:54.27Xenok\busyI don't ever heard of one
00:54.37bleetahit was an annoying IE$ only tag
00:54.43Xenok\busyno really ive never heard of blink tags >_>
00:55.32Xenok\busyPlease welcome to my special WebTV-enabled Web page! This page looks much better on a WebTV than on a wimpy thing. I am happy that you found it here on my computer. If you have any difficulty reading this page, please read my plain text version at C:\TEXT_ON~1.HTM.
00:55.46Xenok\busyfirst line
00:55.53Shirikleethal: Everything I can find on the web suggests that php is better than ruby
00:56.01Shirikthey go as far to say that ruby is "obscure"
00:56.05leethalShirik: you suck at googling =P
00:56.31leethalobscure! Hah! compare 1.upto(10) to for (i, i++, i < 10)
00:56.45Xenok\busylol so much simpler
00:56.53leethalor 10.times do ... end
00:56.57Shirikwhat the heck does that mean
00:57.13Cidethat syntax is... confusing :P
00:57.14Shirikso 1 is an object?
00:57.18Shirikor is it an integr?
00:57.19Shirikpick one
00:57.20leethaleverything is an object in ruby
00:57.26leethalan integer object, actually
00:57.31Shirikeven in java, where everything's an object, you can't do
00:57.38leethal"some string".upcase
00:57.51leethalor 10.times {print "hello"}
00:57.53Shirikand 1.upto(10) ....
00:58.05Shirikthat looks like it should return something to me, not be a language construct
00:58.13leethalwell, that's not the complete thing
00:58.51Xenok\busycan fontstrings me made hidden?
00:59.21WobWorkleethal: there's a difference between 'simple' and 'recognisable'
00:59.21Shirikso... 10.times returns a set {1,2,3,...,10} ?
00:59.31leethalit loops trough it 10 times, yes
00:59.45Shirikwhat I'm asking is does 10.times have any purpose outside of a loop
00:59.47WobWorkI would prefer a scripting language to be understandable instantly by anyone who has done at least a moderate amount of programming
01:00.05leethalit is a loop, so nothing I guess
01:00.17Shirikjust like pairs() in lua can be used outside a loop
01:00.19Xenok\busycan fontstrings me made hidden?
01:00.24Shirikdefine "hidden"
01:00.33Shiriknot visible?
01:00.35Xenok\busylike hidden="true"
01:00.47Shirikso doing the opposite of :Show() ?
01:00.56WobWork(I read that as "Can FontStrings make me hidden")
01:01.00leethalShirik: I'm no good at lua. what does pairs() do?
01:01.07Xenok\busylol wob
01:01.28Shirikits typical use is something like: for k, v in pairs(table)
01:01.29WobWorkleethal, it's an iterator for arrays
01:01.48Shirikit can be used for more than that, to get an iterator
01:01.55kergothleethal: pairs returns argumetns suitable for lua's generic for, for an unordered iteration of a table.  typically function pairs(t) return next, t, nil end is equivalent to the real implementation
01:02.27Xenok\busysooo I can't hide fonstrings then eh?
01:02.30WobWorkI'd much prefer a language that offers a recognisably generic base syntax, than one that reinvents the wheel =\
01:02.32leethalnot very object oriented that paris(table), so it's something completely different
01:02.36Shirikyes you can, look harder
01:02.42Shirikfontstrings inherit other objects
01:03.06kergothleethal: lua relies on the user implementing an object model, it isnt inheritly OO.
01:03.33leethalmm, in ruby everything is an object, so it's a very different language
01:03.41leethaleven true and false are objects
01:03.44ShirikThe thing I think I agree with is the fact that there are MANY languages that use the same (or approximately the same) syntax for a for loop
01:04.15Shirikjava, c, php, they all do for (init; condition; next) {}
01:04.24Xenok\busyI must not be looking hard enough...
01:04.30ShirikI would prefer something similar to that rather than making it extremely different
01:04.33JoshBorkeisn't java based on C?
01:04.44Shirikbasic, vbasic, lua, they're very similar too
01:04.55Shirikof course lua's written in c
01:05.11leethalif you don't think 1.upto(10) is easier than for (i, i++, i < 10), I don't like you
01:05.12zenzelezzwhy make another language if you're going to use the same syntax?
01:05.12seebsJava's similar to C.  I wouldn't say based on.
01:05.26Shirikzenzelezz: Java is almost identical C
01:05.28WobWorkMy life has no meaning =(
01:05.38zenzelezzI disagree
01:05.41Shirikthey are different languages... AND they serve very different purposes
01:05.45leethalI recommend reading this:
01:06.02seebsI've been curious about Ruby, haven't had time to get into it.  Too many languages to learn.
01:06.11Shirikleethal: let me put it this way, until I see a reason to learn ruby, I'm really not going to bother with it; as of yet I see no benefit to it
01:06.19seebsI picked up enough Python and Lua to hack on things like WoW interfaces.
01:06.20Xenok\busyShirik: "This object contains a collection of methods that are related to the size, location and visibility of a widget" sooo its regions then eh?
01:06.34Shirikperhaps the syntax is easier, I'll give you that, but I don't see a reason to learn a new one and also limit others' ability to read it accordingly
01:06.34seebs(Python, ironically, I learned for making Civ 4 map generators.)
01:06.35leethalShirik: it makes you a happy coder. You'll write code that makes you cry. Ruby is a language for people, not computers.
01:07.10WobWorkoh no
01:07.22leethalya, with cartoon foxes.. they are weird =/
01:07.24Shirik"Font has all of the methods from UIObject and FontInstance, plus the following:"
01:07.32Xenok\busyoh didn't see that :P
01:07.41Xenok\busyty shirik
01:07.49Shiriksorry, wrong copied
01:07.51Shirik"FontString has all of the methods from UIObject, FontInstance, Region and LayeredRegion, plus the following:"
01:07.55Shiriknow we go to Region....
01:08.06Shirik"Region:Hide() - Set this object to hidden (it and all of its children will disappear)."
01:08.18Shiriktherefore, there exists a FontString:Hide()
01:08.21Xenok\busyso I can do like myfontstring:Hide
01:08.23Xenok\busyomg cool
01:09.17seebsLooks to me like Ruby is a language of the "here's how I model it" variety, which means it works well if you have the same model, and poorly if you don't.
01:09.35seebs"5.times" is absolutely the opposite of the way I think.  I think of an iterator with the property 5, not a 5 with the property of iteration.
01:09.52leethalyou can do for foo, bar in collection { } in ruby too
01:10.09leethalbut that's object orientation
01:10.15Nom-I made level 70 last night
01:10.18Nom-Soooo tired now tho
01:10.39leethalgz =D
01:10.43Shirik'bout time :P
01:10.45ShirikI mean grats
01:10.54leethalsend your best wishes to the dude that dinged 70 the 18th
01:11.14Nom-Took a long time lol
01:12.08leethalbut.. I must admit coding e.g. lua feels kinda cool too. Coding ruby feels super cool and poignant, while lua has a bit more of a "I'm controlling a computer" twist to it
01:12.50Shirikif you want that twist, code assembly
01:13.02Nom-ASM is easy :P
01:13.09Nom-There's only so many instructions to remember
01:13.16Shirikgo learn 68HCS12
01:13.19Cairennahh, nothing quite like the sound of fresh geekspeak first thing in the morning
01:13.35Nom-True...if you're going to learn more than one set of commands it's tricky :P
01:13.36Shirikinstead of using different addressing modes, they made a different instruction for every damn addressing mode, every damn register
01:13.39Nom-I'll give you that :P
01:13.47seebsI rather like lua, it's a very good small language.
01:13.58Shirikso you have ldaa, ldab, ldd, ldx, ldy, lds
01:14.12Shirikinstead of just ld <register> <value>
01:14.19WobWorkCairenn: Admit it, you love it =)
01:14.29zenzelezzscrew good, I want languages that makes you feel l33t
01:14.50Nom-I'm still thrilled... 4 levels in 4 days
01:14.57seebsI don't think I'm ever going to get used to any language other than C.
01:15.07ShirikC allows you to write inline assembly
01:15.08leethaldo like Joana, 60 levels in 4 days 20 hours
01:15.11Shirikif you're bored
01:15.12seebsMy fastest levelling ever, outside of newbie areas, was going from 27 to 29 in about an hour and a half in wetlands.
01:15.22seebsEr, strictly speaking, it doesn't.  Some compilers do.  :)
01:15.26Nom-I got 67 on Friday, 68 Saturday, 69 Sunday, 70 Monday
01:15.32Shirikok, any decent C compiler would let you
01:15.43leethalthink my fastest is 1-30 in 1 day played
01:15.51leethalthat was thanks to Joana though
01:15.53WobWorkleethal: I have to admit though, just reading the first page of that Ruby page. It doesn't inspire me to even attempt to learn Ruby. It seems far too much like marketing speak, and something that Management would enjoy writing. The language, and buzzwords just don't appeal to my techjaded approach =P
01:16.12ShirikI think the thing is
01:16.16leethalWobWork: you don't know what you're missing
01:16.17Shirik"why ruby over ______"
01:16.20zenzelezzthese days compilers are advanced enough that if you need to resort to ASM, you're either doing something very complex, or just something very wrong
01:16.22ShirikI haven't read thatp age yet, maybe I will
01:16.26WobWorkSomeone who needs to 'inspire' you to learn the language with that sort of speech is hiding something =P
01:16.34WobWorkIt's true.
01:16.36seebsI have an idea that I wanna try some day.
01:16.36Shirikzenzelezz: or you actually care about efficency
01:16.48zenzelezzsee, you just missed my point
01:16.50WobWorkAs a programmer, I'm far more interested in 'why ruby over ___' than "omg, cartoon foxes"
01:16.53seebsMy idea is, get a bunch of people together, including warlocks and so on, and try to get someone levelled absolutely as fast as possibel.
01:16.53Shirikdon't give me this "oh but look at speed of computers these days" crap
01:16.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Karrion (
01:16.58leethalWobWork: you can't fake enthusiasm
01:17.00zenzelezzI said nothing about CPUs
01:17.10zenzelezzgood compilers give you good enough code now
01:17.16seebsYou know, you just tag mobs and the 60s kill them for you, ungrouped so you get all the XP.
01:17.17Shirikoh hell no
01:17.17WobWorkleethal: It's true. You can't fake enthusiasm
01:17.28Shirikeven the best C compilers still produce crap assembly
01:17.33seebsTeams of warlocks to summon you back and forth across duskwood or whatever.
01:17.37seebsShirik, nonsense.
01:17.47Shirikhave you looked at how many memory accesses they make?
01:17.48seebsPeople always think they can beat the compiler, but nine times out of ten, they can't.
01:17.55zenzelezzI disagree entirely Shirik, but I'm not tired enough to bother arguing
01:17.56ShirikI bet I can
01:18.01cladhaireKirkburn: ping
01:18.10pastamancerWobWork: because you've always wanted to try smalltalk, but never found it very approachable
01:18.12seebsWell, so far, everyone I've seen claim to be able to beat compilers consistently has been wrong.
01:18.26WobWorkleethal: If that page started by telling me "Ruby is really good. Here's why: <1> easily understandable syntax <2> efficient methods <3> extensible <4> etc etc etc" I might go ahead and read up on it.
01:18.31TainAre you guys still arguing about Ruby?
01:18.33seebsOf course, I sometimes work in weird architectures, such as Cell.
01:18.39WobWorkThat page is more like it's trying to convince someone in Marketing that they NEED RUBY
01:18.47Shirikin any case, I deal with microcontrollers a lot more than I deal with microprocessors, so I have a different angle on things as well
01:18.52seebsAhh, that would do it.
01:19.01WobWorkTain: Not arguing as such, merely not impressed over how that page presented it
01:19.06leethalWobWork: oh, you're that kinda guy. I forgot most programmers are boring people.
01:19.13zenzelezzthat's a different world Shirik o_O
01:19.20Shiriknot entirely
01:19.22seebsIn your case, you may care less about cycles taken to perform a task than about, say, bytes of memory taken to contain the code to perform the task.
01:19.25WobWorkleethal: Welcome to Wowi-lounge: We're mostly programmers =P
01:19.28Shirikbut I'll accept that it's different enough to make thing seem differnet
01:19.42leethalWobWork: thanks, I'll do my best to enlighten you all =P
01:19.44seebsIt's stuff like the SPEs on Cell where I just laugh at people who claim they're going to do a good job hand-coding.
01:19.46Shirikyes, memory is vital
01:19.53Kirkburncladhaire, PONG
01:19.59Kirkburnarg caps
01:20.07Shirik40000ms rtt
01:20.10zenzelezzKirkburn seems very present
01:20.12Shirikpretty bad connection there Kirkburn
01:20.27Nom-Some people are copying my name :(
01:20.34cladhaireKirkburn: We need free mobile to mobile calling.. is Orange the only carrier that offers that right now?  other than T-Mobile's circle?
01:21.28KirkburnYou're going on a contract, right? All the providers do free inter-network calls as part of their packages
01:21.42cladhairewe didn't see that with vodaphone
01:21.55KirkburnYou choose the number of free minutes per month
01:22.03cladhairewhat would you recommend for us, on personal preference
01:22.11KirkburnI use Vodafone :)
01:22.17cladhaireTom hates the animal packages of orange, and has heard bad things about branding, etc.
01:22.21cladhaireand says vodaphone has better coverage.
01:22.46KirkburnThey're all pretty reasonable, and yeah, vodafone does have good coverage
01:23.12leethalany europeans here that has a clue about when the forums at will open again, by the way?
01:23.50Kirkburncladhaire, tbh, go with whoever has the best offer at the time. You'll only probably be doing one contract (18 months normally)?
01:24.15cladhaireso vodaphone does have inter-network
01:24.17cladhairethat makes sense
01:24.20cladhairehis friend has V as well
01:24.38Taincladhaire!  I am going to cry myself to sleep tonight.  Heroes is taking six weeks off after tonight's episode.
01:25.00cladhairei know
01:25.13Kirkburncladhaire, yeah, there's no network restrictions any more afaik on normal calls.
01:25.49cladhaireyay =)
01:25.54cladhaireand you don't pay for incomign texts?
01:26.37TainI found out today that my current cellphone contract expires in June of 2008.  What the hell was I thinking?
01:26.41KirkburnI think I'm on 200 mins of free calls a month and 100 free txts
01:27.33cladhaireis stop the clock worth it?
01:27.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=chatzill@
01:27.57TainMy cousin called me this weekend all freaked out because she found out you can send text messages from a cellphone to a land line.
01:27.57KirkburnI think so. I don't know of any drawbacks to it
01:28.12cladhairecause i'd want the 250 texts, stop the clock and maybe extra minuites
01:28.14cladhairei'd have to plaky ti by ear
01:28.42KirkburnShouldn't be too expensive :)
01:28.51cladhairei have 0 money
01:29.13TainYou should prostitute yourself on the streets.
01:29.49*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
01:29.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=chatzill@
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01:30.51Kirkburncladhaire, come back! He didn't mean it!
01:31.04cladhairei evden had customers lined up
01:31.14KirkburnTain, come back! He's not there!
01:31.47Tainhha haha
01:32.28KirkburnAah, Trackmania is awesomely frustrating
01:36.32Kirkburncladhaire, I wonder who out PM will be when you arrive \o/
01:36.39cladhairehehe =)
01:36.46TainIt could be me.
01:37.01KirkburnTain: Gordon Brown in disguise.
01:37.12TainI should totally run a country.
01:37.29TainGordon Brown's Doorknock Dinners?
01:37.34KirkburnI thought you were already the Chancellor of the Exchequer ... you want more!?
01:37.37Cairennlike, rilly?
01:38.35TainLike oh my god!  
01:38.56Cairennfer shure, that'd be, like, totally awesome!
01:39.38KirkburnYou must be referring to me?
01:39.44Cairenn*twirls a curl around one finger and snaps her gum*
01:40.00KirkburnYou have a moustache?!
01:40.46Cairenneww, Kirkburn, don't be so totally gross! ohmiGAWD!
01:41.25leethalsorry for my little ruby crusade earlier, I couldn't resist (oh, and manabars in praid kktnx)
01:42.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
01:44.13leethalCairenn, cladhaire: one of you two is the perfectraid devs, right? Is it so that if I check out the source at the googlecode project, I'll get the super latest Ă¼ber edge version? Or are you committing it when you have a release ready?
01:44.22Cairenncladhaire is
01:44.23TainI've often thought I'd like one of those big curly Snidely Whiplash mustaches.
01:44.26cladhaireleethal: don't check it out
01:44.29cladhaireit won't work =)
01:45.12leethalcladhaire: bah, thought I could get lucky. Using grid atm, but I want perfect raid (with manabars).
01:45.31cladhaire.. so use perfectraid from wowi
01:45.35cladhairemana bars is a one line change
01:45.48leethalwoot, I need to l2 rtfm
01:46.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
01:46.12cladhairethere's a manabar:Hide()
01:46.15cladhairecomment that out
01:46.22leethaltnx =D
01:46.45ShirikI never seen l2 and rtfm combined into one l2rtfm
01:46.49Shirikyou have given birth to a new acronym!
01:47.15leethalby the way, the reason most ruby people is kinda nice is that they can't say rtfm = there is no fucking manual =/
01:47.30*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
01:47.39leethalI'm not one of the nice ones, btw, I'm just trolling various rooms like I've done here today =P
01:47.55WobWorkleethal: lrn2troll =P
01:49.02Cairennif you have to explain that you are trolling, you aren't doing a very good job of it
01:49.07WobWorkit's true
01:49.28WobWorkand trolling is supposed to get me worked up to the point where I question my understanding of my selected topic.
01:49.39WobWorkor just worked up
01:51.24leethaluhm... PHP IS FOR NOOBS LIKE YOU YOURE UGLY
01:51.39WobWorkThat's better
01:51.52WobWorkunfounded accusations make for much more usual trolling
01:52.02WobWorkYou'll get there, padawan =)
01:52.04Cairennyeah, but it was still coherent
01:52.11Cairennand he used full words
01:52.13WobWorkmore exclaimation marks
01:52.31leethalur name makes u sound fat!!!!
01:52.35WobWorkand you used the correct version of you're
01:52.40Cairenngetting better
01:53.17Cairennewww, we've taught you too well
01:54.09TainYou down with PHP?  Yeah you know me!
01:54.22Shirik20:51:27 ‹leethal› uhm... PHP IS FOR NOOBS LIKE YOU YOURE UGLY
01:54.22Kirkburn"<afterbang> okay... so this is kind of embarassing... im only 10 years old and i forgot the last step in tying my shoes, i remember loop, swoop, but whats the last one?"
01:54.24ShirikYOU'RE UFLY
01:54.26ShirikUGLY TOO
01:54.55Kirkburn"<afterbang> anyone remember the last step, cause i cant tie them and i keep faceplanting into things"
01:54.55leethalShirik: no im nott, my gf is sexier tan a belf
01:54.58WobWorkhis spelling and grammar are pretty good for a 10 eyar old
01:55.29leethalufly is a classic, hehe
01:55.30Shirikdid that mean something in english ><
01:55.54Shirikmm what should I eat today?
01:55.59ShirikMentalPower made m hungry..
01:56.59KirkburnEat .... MentalPower! It's like eating lots of fish, but it has a much clearer name.
01:58.56KirkburnIn a sort of does-what-it-says-on-the-tin sort of way? No? Noone?
01:58.56ShirikI don't get it
02:01.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:01.17KirkburnIt made sense to me in in /my/ head, and that's what counts :)
02:05.18Shirik|CSscrew my roommate, I'm switching to linux tonight
02:05.31Shirik|CSonly reason I'm still on windows is because I didn't want to piss him off with a few hours of downtime
02:05.38Shirik|CSbut I'm sick of him eating 99% of my bandwidth
02:05.52KirkburnWhat's that got to do with the price of fish?
02:06.29KirkburnWhy does that have an effect on the bandwidth
02:06.52CairennI was wondering the same
02:06.56Shirik|CSbecause a linux server can be configured to handle bandwidth, while microsoft you can only do it either by spending hours with QoS or by getting win server
02:07.01Shirik|CSand I'm trying to do this on xp pro
02:07.14Shirik|CS(my computer is the router)
02:07.22KirkburnAh, now it makes more sense
02:07.59Shirik|CSthus, switching to linux is something I've wanted to do forever but would take the network down for a few hours
02:08.08Shirik|CSso I haven't done it just to keep him happy
02:08.25KirkburnBuy a router you crazy man :P
02:08.31Shirik|CSI like saving money
02:08.39Shirik|CSbesides I want direct control :P
02:08.53Cairennyeah really, linksys router is damn inexpensive
02:09.26KirkburnGood luck with it Shirik|CS - you're a braver man than I :)
02:09.30Cairennworth the few bucks to avoid the headaches
02:09.44Shirik|CSI've set it up before at my house
02:09.47Shirik|CSI don't anticipate any headaches
02:11.41leethaldongle is kinda nice
02:11.58cladhaireits ghetto
02:12.02KirkburnOh so it did mean Counterstrike!
02:12.15KirkburnWhat it Dongle when its at home?
02:12.19*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
02:12.42leethalI used to go ace, but dongle has everything I needed from ace anyways. Tidy event handling, slash commands and dbs
02:13.44Cairennis it that time of the week already? man the time just flies....
02:14.12KirkburnIs 2.0.10 confirmed for 2nite?
02:16.46Shirik|BF2bf2 patch is 500MB wtf...
02:16.53Shirikno fpses for me tonight I guess :(
02:23.25leethalso.. when I'm looking for "You are now afk" from CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM.. how can I make sure that works in french too?
02:25.03leethaldo I have to know what the string is in the various languages, or is it fancy api stuff around?
02:26.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@
02:27.55*** join/#wowi-lounge mahiro (
02:31.24mahiroi have a question about fading frames, i have a manabar which i wanne fade out if im ooc and have full mana otherwise fade in, what would be the best way to do that?
02:32.49Guillotinefade as in a gradual fade?
02:32.53Guillotineor just changing the alpha?
02:32.59leethalthere's a function for that
02:33.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
02:33.06leethalUIFrameFadeIn(frame, dura)
02:33.12mahiroUIFrameFadeIn that one
02:33.12leethaland the same for fading out
02:33.22mahirojup exactly
02:33.30leethalI'm not sure if that's the best way, but it works =/
02:33.48mahirocan i do that on events or do i need on update to check the mana value?
02:33.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
02:34.04leethalyou can do it whenever you want
02:34.14leethalon events, your own functions.. whenever
02:35.01leethalharbl! What's the "you are now AFK" in french!
02:36.16mahiroso is there an event if the mana is full or how can i combine the ooc and full mana?o_O
02:36.37Shirikyou can watch for a mana update
02:36.48Shirikand then test UnitMana("player") == UnitManaMax("player")
02:38.13mahirook an other thing, if i put it in the onupdate, will this repeat with the frameupdate or will it just fire once?
02:38.33ShirikOnUpdate gets called on every frame refresh
02:38.46Shirikbut, do you really need it that accurate is the question
02:38.57Shirikbecause it could kill a system if you try to do too much processing in OnUpdate
02:39.08Shirikso you may want to do something like, check to see if it's been 1s since last time it was tested
02:39.30mahiroi dont need it that accurate but i have no idea how to check it on evets....
02:39.31*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
02:40.05Xenok\busyhmm I have I want it to check if Bookmarks fontstring has text.. and if it does it should move on to check noteedit2 fontstring and place the text there.. and if it has text it moves on to noteedit3 and all the way to 8.. but it just replaces bookmark fonstring
02:40.34Xenok\busyI thought it was right O.o
02:40.57mahiroi already have an option to change the update rate but it seems to use a lot of resources if i add the fade function in there....
02:42.01mahiromaybe i done something wrong but if i activate the function the increasing rate goes up to about 30 or so:/
02:45.22oTem... I _hate_ B-Trees
02:45.40oTemno, I just hate the way people insist on drawing them
02:45.59ShirikI... don't think I've ever drawn one
02:46.07oTemyes well
02:46.08Shirikno I take that back I have in my CS classes
02:46.20Shirikonly because I was required
02:46.23oTemthe last question on this assignment is to draw one
02:46.29oTemand I _really_ don't feel like it
02:46.48Shirikxenok: If you're still learning how variables work, I'd recommend you don't ask about b-trees ^^
02:46.56Xenok\busygood idea
02:47.06Shirikthat's the equivalent of trying to learn linked lists before learning pointers
02:47.37Tain:/ Heroes too good, not fair.
02:47.37Xenok\busyor doing naxx at 50 >.> "b trees" I'm feeling lucky
02:48.10Xenok\busyshirik: can you found out whats wrong with
02:48.50Xenok\busyoh fine
02:49.31oTemfuck it.. I'll use the art of procrastination to get out of doing it
02:50.11Xenok\busy~lart oTem
02:50.19Xenok\busyhair of?
02:50.35oTem~whaleblock purl
02:50.38Xenok\busy.. hair OF?
02:50.50Xenok\busypurl, typo
02:50.51purlhmm... typo is when someone tries to type really fast without knowing what he is actually doing.... so he makes typing mistakes, or rm -rf /
02:51.09Xenok\busywtf is rm -rf /
02:51.23oTemit's the linux version of "format c:"
02:51.27oTem(well, sort of)
02:51.44Xenok\busyforget linix
02:51.54Shirikspeaking of that
02:52.17Shirikalways know the difference between rm -r /dir/ and rm -r /dir /
02:52.20Shiriknote the space in the second one
02:52.27ShirikI... accidentally did the second one once
02:52.31Shirikwasn't pretty
02:52.32Xenok\busywhat happend?
02:52.41oTemat least you didn't ahve the -f
02:52.46Shirikit deleted all of my webserver's files, which was intended
02:52.52Shirikthen it proceeded to delete everything in root
02:52.56Shirikminus maybe 5 files
02:53.01Shirikwhich were currently in use
02:53.26ShirikoTem: yes that was fortunate
02:53.46WobWork~comfort Shirik
02:53.53Shirikit's ok, this was years ago
02:53.57Shiriknow I just make jokes about it
02:53.58KirkburnWindows ftw :P
02:54.05Xenokwindows ftw
02:54.15oTemthat being said, I <3 vista so far
02:54.21XenokI use XP
02:54.26Xenoki heard that vista was bad
02:54.32oTemI will _never_ use xp again
02:54.43Xenokshirik .. what?
02:55.02Xenokwhats the major changes tem?
02:55.02oTemhey Cairenn, set mode +b on him
02:55.07oTemso he'll understand
02:55.25Xenokwhat does B do?
02:55.31oTemI bet you can guess
02:55.35Nom-<3 Armory
02:55.40oTemding indg
02:55.56Xenokty shirik! that will help
02:56.01Nom-I love XSLT driven web sites
02:56.05Nom-Makes it so easy to data mine :)
02:56.34KirkburnAww, I wanted it to say "JUMP"
02:57.43Xenoklol FLAWD
02:57.52Xenokthat page fits your name
02:58.11Shirik"Back in the late 90s, everyone used Real Player. Then those cocks at Real Network got greedy, and tried to get their application to take over your entire PC, and people stopped using it. Same thing is happening with Quicktime now. You can't install Quicktime anymore unless you download bull**** iTunes."
02:58.11Xenokif i typed it right :P
02:58.11Shirikso true
02:58.33Shiriktried to make it SFW but um... failed at censoring all
02:58.35XenokLOL iTunes is wierd
02:58.57FlAWDi hate itunes with a passion
02:59.01XenokI prefer sonicstage
02:59.15FlAWDas well as imacs
02:59.22FlAWDand ipods
02:59.24FlAWDand iphones
02:59.26FlAWDand icrap
02:59.28FlAWDand ianything
02:59.52Kirkburnlol -
02:59.53FlAWDif it has an i infront of it (that isn't normally there) it should be blown up, along with the creators
03:00.09XenokShirik ... why is it that doesn't work? It looks right
03:00.20ShirikI guarantee you it works exactly as you coded it
03:00.36Xenokit didn't :P
03:00.49Shirikunless you have found some strange bug that nobody else has
03:00.58ShirikI guarantee you, WYSIWYG
03:01.10Shirikin a non-conventional use of the term
03:01.23FlAWDwasn't that a song name?
03:02.47cladhaireAnyone have a good idea how to get VCD's off a disk on mac os x?
03:03.17FlAWDmake an image? and mount it? if you can do that on a mac..
03:03.22Kirkburn2.0.10 tonight?
03:03.33cladhaireI know how to make an image and mount it
03:03.35cladhairethat's not what i'm asking
03:03.38cladhairei need the raw video
03:03.40cladhaireso i can re-burn onto a dvd
03:04.10FlAWDwindows apps you can use for that: isobuster, vcdgear, tmpgenc
03:04.13FlAWDcheck for mac versions?
03:04.34TainFuck fuck fuck fuck no Heroes is not fair this is the best thing on
03:04.41cladhaireTain: hehehe
03:04.49cladhairei actually watched it tonight on time
03:04.52*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
03:05.03KarrionKirkburn: people on forums are saying there's an early shutdown login message, which would tend to support the hypothesis
03:05.16CairennI like how he actually capitalized the first letter of that "sentence"
03:05.29bleetahcladhaire: the name of the program's on the tip of my tongue.. give me a couple of mins
03:05.31Cairennmost people when raving like that don't worry about the leading capital letter
03:05.58KirkburnTwas a good episode of Heroes
03:06.05Shirikhe probably can tell you how
03:06.12cladhaireseen it.
03:07.10bleetahcladhaire: I think the tool you're probably after is MacTheRipper, but it's a bit hard to find due to.. erm.. legal threats, etc.
03:07.56cladhairei can get it
03:07.58bleetahI know it does DVDs, I'm guessing it'll do VCDs as well
03:08.00cladhairebut it doesn't sem to like VCD
03:08.09cladhairevcdgear has a beta out for universal binaries tho
03:08.10bleetahthing is, tohugh, you could try using a windows app under wine! :-P
03:08.11cladhaireseems to be working
03:08.13cladhairei'm hopeful
03:08.27bleetahheh, g'luck to you then :)
03:09.20Shirikis there some kind of cygwin for mac?
03:09.28cladhaireyou don't nee cygwin
03:09.30cladhaireits a posix environment.
03:09.32Shirikthat's what I thought... but
03:09.39FlAWDdvddecrypter works on ... well .. anything
03:09.47Shirikthen I was asking someone about the way it handles file paths
03:09.52Shirikand it looked all jacked up
03:09.53cladhaireits unix
03:09.57FlAWDany media* not sure about operating system
03:10.01cladhairestraight and simple.. =)
03:10.03bleetahif you wanna build win32 on mac, it'd be pretty much the same, I guess, as building win32 on linux.
03:10.11bleetahmingw and friends
03:10.55cladhairewell the only reason you need msys and friends on win32 is because its not posix
03:10.59bleetaheg, norg's app builds on a linux box, I know we're building linux and win32, I think we we're looking at also building macos binaries on linux as well, although not too sure how far he got with that
03:10.59cladhaireso really nothing will compile
03:11.07cladhaireyou could get a straightforward cross compiler wihtout much issue.
03:11.41*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
03:11.53FlAWDyou can build any binaries under any platform
03:12.22cladhairecross compilers are ftw, indeed.
03:12.50Shirikso question
03:13.01*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
03:13.19Shirikshould I build an installer binary for the updater so people don't have to do java -jar wowiupdater.jar
03:13.24Shirikor should I just distribute the jar
03:13.30bleetahI'm assuming with some magic you would get the 'same' happening on other platforms
03:13.35oTemoh wow
03:13.49oTemyou can stream audio in remote desktop now
03:14.01oTemit compreses the hell out of it, but it's still acceptable quality
03:14.37bleetahShirik: most of your Win32 users will expect an installer, and would stare blankly at a .jar ;)
03:14.45Shirikthat's what I figured
03:15.01Shirikbut that means more work for me :)(
03:15.21oTemI would bet that upwards of 98% of w32 users wouldn't know what a .jar was at all
03:15.23ShirikI heard somewhere that the MSI installer was open-source... anyone know where to get it?
03:15.26oTemmuch less how to run it
03:15.49bleetahShirik: NSIS installers ftw!
03:16.21Shirikah I've seen that used before
03:16.53Kirkburnso SO awesome -
03:17.03Cairennunless you include an installer, you may as well not bother creating it in the first place, since the only people that will know how to use it are the folks that are in this channel to begin with (broad generalization I realize, but not all that broad)
03:17.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Sole (
03:18.28Shirikit's mostly true
03:18.41Shirikonly thing I'm worried about... well not so much with the linux guys but... mac users
03:18.53ShirikI don't think I can build for mac platform, and even if I can I have no way of testing it
03:19.01Cairennso you get to build and maintain three versions ...
03:19.21Cairennsure you do, there are mac users in channel that might be willing to test for you
03:19.48Cairennhey norgs :)
03:20.03Shirikok, letm e stress the _I_ have no way of testing it :P
03:20.11norgshey babe :)
03:20.17Shirikbut yes mac users could help :)
03:20.59norgsmac users don't like installers
03:22.06cladhairewe have .app files
03:22.11cladhairewe just drag and drop them to the applications directory
03:22.13cladhaireor wherever we like
03:22.19cladhaireapplication bundles ftw =)
03:22.21norgsdrag and drop is our friend
03:22.39norgswe get worried when the box pops up asking for our superuser password
03:22.40Shirikhow would I make this "app file"
03:23.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
03:23.11Shirikthe question really is
03:23.18Shirikhow would a mac user go about running a java file?
03:23.58Shirikeh, my ex-roommate has a mac maybe I'll throw it at him :P
03:24.32cladhaireokay folks, night all
03:24.38*** part/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
03:24.40Cairennnight cladhaire
03:27.40JoshBorkenight cladhaire!
03:27.42JoshBorkeoh wait...
03:31.14Cairennpurl, hug JoshBorke
03:31.22JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn
03:31.32Cairennpurl is broken or something
03:31.36Shirikpurl, hold me
03:31.38purlACTION Cuddles and comforts the poor down-troden shirik
03:31.38JoshBorkeyea :-/
03:31.53Cairennsomeone took out hug?
03:32.08JoshBorkepurl, massage Cairenn
03:32.12JoshBorkemaybe he just doesn't like me?
03:32.17Cairennor me
03:32.26TainThe hug nazi came.  No hugs for you!
03:32.28purlCairenn: :)
03:32.33Shirikpurl, hug is <action> cuddles and comforts the poor down-trodden $who
03:32.34purl...but hug is already something else...
03:32.45Shirikpurl, forget hug
03:32.55Shirik22:32:49 ‹purl› cannot remove factoid 'hug', too old. (13578.1477430556>5400) use 'no,' instead
03:33.06Shirikpurl, what is hug
03:33.08purlShirik: what are you talking about?
03:33.08TainDon't go around changing what other people put in.
03:33.20Shirikhug exists but it doesn'te xist?
03:33.26sysragepurl, hug me
03:33.32Cairennaye, don't mess with existing factoids, it upsets folks
03:33.39ShirikI can't remove it anyway >.>
03:33.45Shirikand you can't put it in >.>
03:33.48Kirkburn"<purl> "hug" is "<action> gives you a hug!"
03:34.07KirkburnThat's what literal hug gave me
03:34.08Cairennif you were going to do it, it would be "purl, no, <action> is :
03:34.12Cairennbut you aren't going to, so ...
03:34.36JoshBorke~literal hug
03:34.37purl"hug" is "<action> gives you a hug!"
03:34.41KirkburnI told you!
03:34.44Kirkburngah :)
03:34.46Shirikpurl, "hug" me
03:34.50JoshBorke~hug Cairenn
03:34.57Shiriksomething's broke :P
03:35.04purlI've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, there they are all standing in a row. Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head, give them a twist, a flick of the wrist, that's what the showman said!
03:35.40TainI blame society.
03:35.40Cairennthere used to be a ton more in there than just that
03:35.44purlACTION gives you a hug!
03:35.44TainWell I think purl is just shy.
03:36.01Cairennevening Iriel
03:36.05purlACTION gives you a hug!
03:36.22Shirik~hug Iriel
03:36.26JoshBorke~hug me
03:36.27KirkburnSomeone must have broken only the argument bit then
03:36.47Shirik~literal hug
03:36.48purl"hug" is "<action> gives you a hug!"
03:36.50JoshBorke~literal whaleslap
03:36.51purl"whaleslap" is "<action> slaps <target> with a whale."
03:36.52Shirikit doesn't show an argument
03:37.00Cairennand taken all the alternate versions out
03:37.03Shirikit says "you"
03:37.09JoshBorke~literal hug
03:37.11purl"hug" is "<action> gives you a hug!"
03:37.26JoshBorkepurl, no hug is <action> gives <target> a hug
03:37.27purlJoshBorke: okay
03:37.31JoshBorke~hug Cairenn
03:37.53Tain~spam Iriel
03:38.19JoshBorkenot like anything else is going on :-P
03:38.21Shirik~lart Tain
03:38.43ShirikYeah, this is a group effort anyway!
03:38.51ShirikWe are working in collaboration attempting to find purl's problem
03:39.15TainReally life is meaningless for the next six weeks without any new Heroes.
03:39.25Shirikwhat's a hero?
03:45.06Xenok\awayFlAWD: 10(219:019:0010) 10(915Shirik10) I guarantee you, WYSIWYG
03:45.06Xenok\away10(219:019:1110) 10(915Shirik10) in a non-conventional use of the term
03:45.07Xenok\away10(219:019:2410) 10(915FlAWD10) wasn't that a song name?
03:45.10Xenok\awayI think so
03:45.24ShirikIt means what you see is what you get.
03:45.31ShirikGarbage in -> Garbage out
03:45.31Xenok\awayright I hearda song about it :P
03:45.58Xenok\awayin a childerns CD "The worst band in the universe" XD
03:47.06Xenok\away "The book comes with a CD containing music based on a music competition that occurs in the middle of the story."
04:05.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
04:06.18Corrodiasman, i hope that petextend author gets something out soon
04:06.35Corrodiasi've started my new hunter and he's already being a pain, with trying to level a pet and manage its focus for Growl
04:09.00Mr_Rabies2i just tend not to worry about it
04:09.18Corrodiasi tend to draw aggro and die if i don't ;D
04:09.26Xenokomg.... only thing that shows up is when that highlighted line is there.. and it only shows the highlighted line.
04:09.44Xenokand i tried using prints but nothing showed up
04:10.15Corrodiasmy experience with my old hunter is that, using a bow purchased by a higher level character, my pet has enough trouble holding aggro if it doesn't use growl whenever possible
04:12.58Mr_Rabies2i'm beast mastery spec atm so i don't have much problems with him holding aggro
04:13.04Mr_Rabies2especially when i use intimidation
04:13.34WobWorkoh man
04:14.02WobWork535 schools from 73 different countries around the world have signed up for our World Maths Day event =)
04:15.36Mr_Rabies2bet you'd get more if you removed that extraneous "s" :p
04:16.19WobWorkOh we've catered to you weird americans
04:16.28WobWorkwe've got and
04:16.39WobWorkno fear =P
04:16.51Mr_Rabies2you've thought of everything
04:17.28WobWorkhehe, only 4 schools from the US have registered =P
04:17.30WobWorklame =P
04:18.18Xenokcuz the us hates math.. all other coutries live for it
04:18.29Xenoklike china
04:19.02WobWorkonly 12 schools from china
04:19.08Xenokstill more than US
04:19.12Xenokhow about japan?
04:20.04WobWork5 from japan
04:20.11WobWork358 from the UK =P
04:20.19WobWork13 from Pakistan
04:20.24WobWork10 from Ecuador
04:20.26Xenokwtg UK
04:20.36WobWorkand 10 from United Arab Emirates =)
04:20.42WobWorkeveryone else is one or two
04:21.04Xenokthat number of awnser is moving fast
04:21.31Corrodiasdo paladins have some kind of ranged attack, or can they use ranged weapons, now?
04:21.35WobWorkoh that number is live =)
04:21.50Xenokpallys only ranged that I know of is judgment
04:21.59XenokWob: WOW
04:22.39Xenokthat number is updated everytime theres a new correct awser?!
04:22.49Xenokthere's over 1000 people on
04:23.09Xenoksome people like math :P
04:23.24WobWorkhehe, it's cause Live Mathletics is fun =)
04:23.50WobWorkit's flat out mental arithmetic, but it's against kids all over the world
04:24.20WobWorkso you can end up competing against an australian, a brit and an angolan =)
04:24.24Corrodiasso if a paladin wants to pull things at a range, he'd have to use that or engineering for the death ray or something
04:24.42WobWorkWhat's that pally shield toss?
04:24.50WobWorkThat's a pull
04:24.51Corrodiasavenger's shield, dazes 3 targets
04:25.07Corrodiasi can only imagine that that's like pulling with multishot
04:25.29WobWorkExcept pallies can take a bit more of a beating than a hunter could
04:25.36Xenokprotection pallys ftw
04:25.36WobWorkand it doesn't deal as much damage =P
04:25.42Xenokbut more than a warr
04:25.45Corrodiasyes, but that's beside the point
04:26.02WobWorkwell, it means you have to work harder to get as much aggro as a multishot would have
04:26.11Xenokmy 17 BE pallies highest crit is 192... level 17!!!
04:26.37WobWorkalthough you can just do the pallytanking taunt on the hunter
04:26.56Xenokrightous defence?
04:27.03Corrodiasbut the question remains: what's the best way to make a good, ranged pull (NOT 3 targets at once) with a paladin?
04:27.14WobWorkMy knowledge of actual pally skillnames are minimal as I've only observed
04:27.15Xenok10yrd ranged judgement
04:27.41Corrodias10 yards isn't much to play with
04:27.46XenokI know
04:27.51Corrodiasi'd call opening with the gnomish death ray superior to -that-
04:28.54WobWorkXenok: yeah, must be righteous defence
04:28.57Xenokwhy is it that the only time anything shows up with this code its the highlighet line.. and when I take it out.. nothing
04:30.59WobWorkCorrodias: you could possibly use Shield to pull a single target
04:31.05WobWorkAvengers Shield
04:31.20WobWorkif there aren't any other npcs close by, it won't jump to them
04:31.53Xenoklike shammans chain lightning
04:32.14Corrodiasi'll have to examine the professions and see what can make items with ranged effects
04:32.21Corrodiasand/or drop items
04:34.47XenokLOL who posted
04:35.49Nom-Anyone know of a page where I can get a whole heap of WoW icons
04:36.07Nom-like class icons, race icons, faction icons
04:36.22Nom-something a bit bigger than the forums use...those are tiny
04:37.09CairennNom-: whole bunch of them on WoWI - avatars
04:37.26Cairenncrests, races, classes, trades
04:38.12Nom-ORLY ?
04:38.29Nom-Under what section?
04:38.53Cairennwhere do you suppose you would find the selection of avatars?
04:39.04Xenok bottem right... "other dowloads" section . "Warcraft Fan Site Kit
04:39.12Xenokhas icons i was told
04:39.26CairennXenok: nope
04:39.44XenokI wanted to actually be helpful :P
04:39.45Nom-Cairenn: It's called a LART
04:39.54Xenok~lart Nom-
04:40.00Nom-Xenok: That's what I was looking for earlier
04:40.04Cairennit has some, but not what Nom- is looking for
04:40.24Nom-ah stupid wow site
04:40.39Nom-If you actually go into 'other downloads' it's not there
04:40.44Nom-It's only as a link on that page
04:41.03XenokI know its gay
04:41.10CairennI got the ones for our site by running the CUI, pulling all the graphics and converting them all from blp2, then playing with them to make them all pretty for the site
04:41.30Cairennyou can still pull it from the EU site, but it doesn't have what you are looking for
04:41.30Xenokgood idea cairenn .. bit complex but it works
04:41.52Cairennwell, that's my point - they're already all there and ready to go, so why go through it all again, just snag them from me
04:42.10CairennNom-: go to your UserCP, go to Avatar, go to Choose
04:42.16Cairennright-click save as
04:42.21Xenokand save
04:42.22Nom-Yeah I found that
04:42.35Nom-They're a bit chunkier than i'm after lol
04:42.47Nom-I'm after something around the 64x64 size
04:43.00Xenokshirik: you said that would work XD
04:43.10ShirikI said it would work exactly as you coded it
04:43.17Xenokannnd it doesn't
04:43.19Cairennonly ones I don't have yet are the 7 new ones - BE crest, BE female, BE male, Dra crest, Dra female, Dra male & Jewelcrafting
04:43.21ShirikI guarantee you it does
04:43.36CairennNom-: so cut them down :p
04:43.57Corrodiasat least Engineering lets you craft numerous ranged-effect trinkets
04:44.11Corrodias5 minutes cooldown on each, though...
04:44.23Nom-yep web site kit is useless :(
04:44.54Cairennlalala, how are you today wall? I didn't see you there.  how's the wife and kids?
04:45.08Xenokdid you run into a wall?
04:45.25Cairennno, but some days I feel like I'm talking to one :p
04:45.30Xenokoh lol I see
04:45.49Thunder_Childthe wall has a wife and kids?
04:46.16XenokI was about to say that
04:46.31Thunder_Childhah, beat you to the punch
04:46.35Xenoksure did
04:46.49Thunder_Childthat just proves that i am a bigger ass then you
04:47.38XenokShirik: it doesn't work ><
04:47.51ShirikI reiterate, it works precisely the way you coded it
04:48.11Xenokthen .. why won't the text show?
04:48.20Shirikbecause you didn't tell it to
04:48.23XenokI did to!
04:48.36Shirikif you told it to show, it, logically, would be showing
04:49.14Xenok !!!!
04:49.47Shirikdidn't I tell you there were three requirements for anything to show?
04:49.59Xenokyeah... but .... hmm
04:50.17XenokI didn't nead to use noteedit:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", "UIParent", "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0);
04:50.19WobWork~comfort Shirik
04:50.22Xenokto get it to work before
04:50.30XenokI just ... I forget
04:50.33Shiriklet's put it this way
04:50.39ShirikYou have never told me what you intend for it to do
04:50.45Shiriktherefore, all I have to go by is what the code says
04:50.53Shirikand like I said, it is operating exactly the way you coded it
04:51.18Xenokjust asec
04:52.02Xenokits supposed to read if the predicesor has text.. and if it does.. supposed to go to the next if.. and put it there ... but if that one is taken. goes to the NEXT if
04:53.20Xenokoh I think I needed to change from == to ~= ?
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05:02.59mahirois there a way to block whispers from lvl1 chars?
05:03.36mahiroor does someone knows an addon which can do that?
05:04.02Xenokumm lol "can i have sum muny plz?!"
05:04.28Shirikit would be extremely difficult to implemenet
05:04.43Shirikbecause in order to do it, it would have to submit a /who request on each incoming whisper
05:04.49Shirikwhich then would take time to return
05:05.05Shirikand, if you're getting whispers too quickly, it might mean that the requestwould never return
05:05.07Xenokcuz there is like char xyl and char xylia
05:05.12Xenokbut you /who xyl
05:05.16Shirikbecause the server rejects requests incoming too quickly
05:05.21mahirowtb lvl1 whisper block addon:D
05:05.33Shirikthe problem isn't blocking people who are level 1, it's figuring out who is level 1
05:06.33IrielWell, you CAN do /who 1 from time to time
05:06.45Irieland get a pretty good picture of the current level 1's
05:06.46Xenokdidnt' think of that
05:07.00Shirikisn't there a limit of 50 users per /who request?
05:07.02Xenokbuuut it only lists a certain amount of 1s
05:07.08Xenokbeat me to it shirik
05:07.09Irielindeed, you'd get up to 50
05:07.17Irielpossibly less, it depends
05:07.30ShirikI guess there can't be that many 1s
05:07.31WobWorkYou could possibly cycle through class
05:07.39WobWorkor class/race
05:07.45mahirois there on other way to block those gold seller whispers?
05:07.46Xenoklike when I did /who blood elf it didn't show the blood elf I was looking for but was on when I /who the name
05:07.50WobWorkwhich would probably give you everything
05:07.54Shirikmahiro: look up "spamsentry"
05:07.58Irielmahiro: Report them and get them banned? 8-)
05:08.00WobWorkbut you'd be doing constant who requests
05:08.06WobWorkjust to keep up to date
05:08.20Shirikwhich may mean when you want to do a /who you may not be able to request it
05:08.26Shirikbecause the addon already took it
05:08.39IrielIt's /who r-Blood Elf
05:08.48mahirowell most of the time their off after sending it... and they seem to create random names and rewhisper again
05:08.48WobWorkr-"Blood Elf" ?
05:08.56Irielyou dont need the "'s
05:08.58Irielr- == race
05:09.04WobWorkman that's clever =)
05:09.19XenokI wanted to look for someone named vythica.. a bloodelf
05:09.26Xenokso nvm
05:09.32Irielyou have to be careful with the queries that return large numbers of results
05:09.34WobWorkI need a name for my new BE pally
05:09.36Shirikin any case, spamsentry uses pattern matching to block whispers,a nd seems to work pretty well
05:09.56Nom-Anyone had any luck with pulling content from Armory ? :)
05:09.56Xenokawsome cairenn
05:10.00Irielbecause they can be truncated, and if you're querying on lots of different things, they can truncate in unpredictable ways
05:10.14Cairennthose are the two I am aware of
05:10.26ShirikThe only thing I don't like about spamsentry
05:10.28Nom-I want to auto-generate my signature based on the XML data from Armory (with a cache inbetween of course to prevent spammage)
05:10.28Tierriehi folks
05:10.34Xenokthat ticket one will be very good
05:10.36Tierriei wanted to tell you guys that i'm amazing
05:10.40Tierriealso hi Cairenn
05:10.43CairennI think there might be a third on our site, but I don't recall the name of it atm and don't feel like going digging atm
05:10.46Shirikis sometimes it blocks people for when people pm you with "RAWR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
05:10.48Cairennhi Tierrie
05:10.59Tierrieslash ignore shirik
05:11.02Tierriehahaa hi mate
05:11.03IrielShirik: How is that bad?
05:11.08Shirikgetting there hang on ><
05:11.19Shirikand if you're in a BG, it blocks them and there's no way to un-ignore them if they're from a different realm
05:11.30ShirikI understand that it's a pointless pm, but I still need to see what they write in /bg chat ><
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05:11.42Shirikwhen I try to un-ignore them, it just says "that user doesn't exist"
05:11.44Tierrieso i bought some of those mega lottos today and spent my free time (driving home, at dinner) thinking about what to do if i win
05:11.56ShirikTierrie: don't get your hopes up
05:11.57XenokOMG GMS TYPO?!
05:11.58Cairennboth seem to do pretty much the same thing from the descriptions - auto-report them to the GMs and dump them on your /ignore list
05:12.12Tierrieshirik: i know but i think i do it for the brief lustful thinking
05:12.17ShirikI know SpamSentry allows you to build up a list of PMs, and then with one click, boom send ticket
05:12.24ShirikI usually wait until I get 5 or so and then send the report
05:12.29Nom-bah never mind
05:12.36Nom-I have to pretend to be firefox in order to get XML back
05:13.03Shirikit also has a titan/fubar plugin
05:13.07Tierrieooh i bet i could write a perl script that auto generates the sig
05:13.45KarrionNom-: like ?
05:13.47Thunder_Childand bites?
05:14.12Cairennand on that note, night guys
05:14.17Karrion(I didn't write that, but it's cool)
05:14.19Thunder_Childnight Cairenn
05:14.20Karrionnight Cairenn
05:14.37Xenokive seen scripts for that .. just dont remember where
05:14.49KarrionI have written some php to pull heroic mode keying info for my guild out of the armoury though
05:16.17Xenoklike my phpbb forum update sig: which never took off btw nor do I plan for it too
05:16.42XenokI plan to recreat soon
05:16.53Xenokto something WoW like
05:17.35Xenoklol someone looking at the forums? the picture now says 2 guests
05:18.07Xenokbut i have to refresh to see updates ><
05:18.16Nom-Karrion: Yes
05:18.23Nom-Except i'm going a little further
05:18.31Nom-Going to have class icons and profession icons
05:18.36Nom-And a whole heap of other stuff
05:19.36Nom-Might even make it a shockwave thing eventually, but i don't know that many forums will allow that
05:19.57Nom-But it's going to be powered by the XML data from Armory
05:20.02Nom-24 hour cache in a MySQL database :)
05:20.16Karrionand yeah, you have to set the user agent string, "Firefox/2.0" is sufficient
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05:32.24Shirikbleetah: If you're still here, NSIS is awesome by the way, thanks for pointing it out to me
05:32.24IrielWhee, hooksecurefunc and debugstack can make for some useful code
05:32.42ShirikIriel: What do you mean :/
05:32.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Untitled-18BEE (
05:32.55IrielIf you want to hook a specific call to a function
05:32.55Shirikare they changing?
05:33.10IrielYou can hooksecurefunc the function, then use debugstack to find out WHICH call it is
05:33.29Shirikahh nice
05:33.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=jbcc@
05:33.39IrielComplete abuse of debugstack, but it works
05:33.51ShirikI was about to say, never seen debugstack used programatically
05:34.38IrielI wanted to pre-hook SecureActionButton_OnClick
05:34.38*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Esamynn] by ChanServ
05:34.38IrielSo I hooked a function called near the start, then checked I got the right instance
05:34.38IrielIt's working nicely
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05:38.56XenokI though ~= means not equal to
05:39.10IrielIt does
05:40.21Xenokthis is just part of the long if and thens but .. it prints "noteedit2" when I use printing
05:40.24WobWorkShirik: I've used debugstack to make sure I have the right path for a texture
05:40.29Xenokbut its not supposed to
05:40.45WobWorkcause Cartographer has an 'unpack' function that moves the modules into the main addon root
05:40.52WobWorkbut Iriel is madhax
05:44.50Xenokis anyone helping me with my pasty or are they off doing their own thing?
05:46.35Xenok~poke shirik
05:46.50Xenok~poke all
05:49.26Xenokim so lost
05:51.53Xenokand no one is here?
05:52.44Xenokshirik you busy? or afk?
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05:57.20Xenoksoo i have if ( Bookmarks:GetText() ~= "" )then buuuuut it ends up doing it anway
05:57.20Xenokif that makes sence
05:57.20IrielWell, maybe it's not ""
05:57.20IrielMaybe it's " "
05:57.20Irielor something like that
05:57.30Xenoki used "" some where before and it worked fine
05:57.41Xenokits just doing the elses
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06:08.02EsamynnXenok: are you callin :GetText() on an empty FontString?
06:08.09Esamynnif so, it will return nil, not ""
06:08.30Xenokhold on..
06:08.45Xenokguna try somtin
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06:11.37Xenokthe Bookmarks:GetText() is actually
06:13.00Xenokmy lua thinks that ~= and == are basicly the same thing somehow
06:13.07Xenokor reversed
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06:14.08IrielXenok: are you sure it's not returning nil?
06:14.30Irielwhat does /dump Bookmarks:GetText() give you?
06:14.35IrielIf you dont have DevTools installed, go install it now
06:14.43Xenokumm ok
06:15.06Xenokwhy do I need this "DevTools"?
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06:18.57IrielIt makes your life easier when debugging
06:19.12Irielfor example you can find out Bookmarks:GetText() is really returning
06:19.36Tierriecan it?
06:19.46Tierriei thought it just registers functions and stuff
06:19.54Tierrieand then shows which event is triggering
06:21.50Xenokalmost ready
06:22.50IrielTierrie: /dump gives you a bit more detail on what a string is, for example if it has markup characters inside then they're shown, whereas just an AddMessage processes them
06:23.53Xenokit showed the :SetText() that was set
06:23.55Tierrieis there a How-To?
06:24.17Tierriebecause I don't understand the instructions
06:24.37IrielTierrie: you just do something like /dump UnitName("player")
06:24.40Irielor /dump ChatFrame1
06:24.59Xenok./dump yourfunction()
06:25.09Tierrieso it just evals the function?
06:25.31Tierrieits a bit like MyDebug isn't it?
06:25.39IrielIt evaluates the expression and prints the result in a nice form
06:25.43Esamynnhaven't heard of it
06:25.51EsamynnDevTools is the age old stand-by ;)
06:25.56XenokIriel: it said that the :SetText() that was set worked.. but thats the only thing
06:26.17IrielXenok: can you re-pastey your code then
06:26.27TierrieMyDebug is a way to view variables
06:26.34Tierrieits pretty nice, it doesn't eval functions though
06:27.03Xenokit showed [1] = "46, 18" which is what I had my settext set to
06:27.17Xenokbut thats it
06:28.14Xenokim using
06:28.49Xenokits exactly what that portion of my lua looks like
06:29.01IrielOk, so what's it doing thatyou dont expect
06:29.16XenokIts NOT doing what i expect
06:29.35IrielWhat do you expect, and what is it doing
06:29.45Xenokits supposed to check if Bookmarks fontstring has something in it.. then try to place the text in the next fontstring... it just replaces Bookmarks
06:30.47IrielAre you sure your code is running WHEN you expect it to be running? Are you triggering it by hand?
06:31.03EsamynnXenok: :GetText() on a FontString willl NEVER return ""
06:31.07Esamynnit returns nil instead
06:31.22Xenoksoo I replace all my "" with nil?
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06:32.08XenokI didn't think of that
06:32.23EsamynnI ran into a similar problem a while back
06:32.38Shirikthat's odd..
06:32.43Esamynntook me forever to check my assumption that an empty FontString would return ""
06:32.54Esamynnbut when I checked it, lo and behold it wasn't "" but nil instead
06:33.01Shirikso... if you did foo:SetText(""); if (foo:GetText()==nil) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("wtf?!"); end
06:33.03Shirikyou'll get a wtf?
06:33.12XenokI guess so
06:34.06Xenokok going to test now .
06:34.43Xenokoh wiat .. hold on
06:35.44MentalPower|ZZzznight guys
06:35.46IrielSleep time for me
06:38.26Xenokhmm it goes from bookmarks to noteedit2 just fine. but it doesn't go to noteedit3
06:39.19amroyou have two elses again
06:39.24EsamynnXenok: btw, you don't need to do ~= nil, you can just do if ( noteedit2:GetText() ) then
06:40.15Xenokamro: its supposed to I think.. it goes up to noteedit8 :P
06:40.32amroalso, Xenok, you don't need to check for Bookmarks:GetText() ~= nil
06:40.37amrosince you're in an else clause
06:41.07Xenokit wouldn't go TO the else clause until I did ~= nil
06:41.28Xenokplus theres an IF in the else clause
06:41.55amrono, it goes to the else clause
06:42.01amrounless the condition in the first if is true
06:42.11amroin which case, the else clause isn't even looked at
06:42.24XenokBUT I do the function again.
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06:42.30Xenokso it looks at it
06:42.32Shirikjoin #lua
06:42.44Xenokum why?
06:42.53ShirikI typed too quickly >.>
06:43.06Xenokmissed a / ?
06:43.12Shirikwell the / went in another window
06:43.21Xenokoh lol
06:43.29amrothat's what you get for using a crappy client =P
06:43.37Shirikno that's what I get for being lazy
06:43.45ShirikI could set it up to autojoin but meh
06:43.46Shikatanaianyone have a list of meta gems?
06:44.08amrotruly lazy people would go through the trouble of setting up autojoin so they don't have to join each time :P
06:44.16Xenokgood point
06:46.08ShirikI don't get it
06:46.11Xenokamro at the else clause comment: if i get rid of the IF in the else.. yes.. it works.. but it also goes to noteedit3 in adition to noteedit2
06:46.16Shirikvisual studio crashes every time I run this program
06:46.22Shirikand it's simply something the wizard made!
06:46.32Shirikscrew .net
06:47.24amroXenok: you have more than 2 elses
06:47.28amrofix your syntax
06:48.09amroShirik: been there... next step is
06:48.09Xenokits suposed to
06:48.23Shirikall I want is to make a simple app
06:48.30Shirikto check a registry key and run exec()
06:48.31Shirikbut nooo
06:48.39Shirikwe can't even do System::Print(S"Hello World");
06:50.06amroXenok: sorry, I have to go. Good luck!
06:50.14Xenokyou just can't stand me
07:06.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Jocco_S (
07:23.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
07:33.23*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (i=dukeku@
07:33.56Tierriei spent the whole evening figuring out why my mod broke because i moved my templates after my frames
07:34.16Shirikit's almost 3am
07:34.22ShirikI would consider that the whole night
07:34.45Tierriewell i live in pst
07:35.10Tierriegod i want to get Ben and Jerry's Americone Dream
07:35.27Shirikyou're making me hungry
07:35.28Shirikstop it
07:35.37Tierriedon't worry
07:35.56Shirikis there such a thing as making your program "too modular" ?
07:36.01ShirikI think I have too many #defines
07:36.05Tierrieits not like i mentioned succulent tender slightly moist steak
07:37.33ShirikI hate you
07:37.33Shirikpurl, feed me
07:37.50purldon't make me stuff a cookie up ibot's nose!
07:37.51*** join/#wowi-lounge rjaym (
07:37.51Tierrietoo many defines is bad imho
07:38.05Shirikpurl, feed is <action> cooks <target> a succulent, tender, slightly moist steak
07:38.21purlokay, Shirik
07:38.23Shirikpurl, feed me
07:38.29purldon't make me stuff a cookie up ibot's nose!
07:38.29Shirikbleh >.>
07:38.29Shirikfaster purl!
07:38.37TierrieI prefer flags so you can make it configurable post compile
07:38.51Shirikwell here's what I have so far, take a look at it
07:38.58Shiriknote that this will ONLY be for Win32 systems
07:39.54Shirikis that too much?
07:40.11Shirikignore the stuff at the end, it's obviously not done :P
07:41.33Tierrieeven if its Win32 you can use flags to toggle stuff so you can have like options later on
07:41.56Tierriein my kernel driver I put some flags that changes how it operates and you can just toggle stuff in the middle of operations
07:41.58Tierrievery nifty
08:01.06*** join/#wowi-lounge moonsorrow (
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08:14.04*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v tardmrr] by ChanServ
08:32.09Corrodiasone of our guild members was removed today, with no explanation given yet. someone promised that there would be a forum post "later", but there hasn't been one, yet.
08:32.43Shirikdun dun dun
08:33.22Corrodiashe's been thinking about leaving, so normally i would expect he just decided to go ahead and move to another guild, but there's no post in the "why are you leaving" board and he was expecting a mechanar run about half an hour afterward
08:33.45Corrodiashow mysterious
08:34.18Shirikit's a coverup!
08:35.05amro`afkHe was planning to steal the sword of a thousand truths
08:37.11Tem|SleepIt could be the end of the world
08:37.16Tem|Sleepof warcraft
08:37.21Corrodiasthe guild is mature enough to keep drama from erupting until someone posts about it
08:37.27Corrodiasbut i can't promise anything at that point
08:37.32Corrodiasshould be exciting
08:42.10Outlaw|Why can't MobInfo make life easy for getting health data :/
08:42.34Corrodiasmy version of mobhealth is going what i would approximate as "insane"
08:43.33Outlaw|such a stupidly complicated system, blah
08:43.41Shirikwhat do you mean?
08:44.07ShirikCorrodias: I find it to be quite accurate really
08:44.11Shirikperhaps I just have better luck
08:44.30Corrodiasit's hard to describe.. sometimes it will start showing the mob as having far less health than it does (maybe that's when the mob heals itself?) and then can't decide how much it really has
08:44.43Corrodiasif a mob changes forms, it will just refuse to show anything
08:45.50ShadowedJust annoying having to do some extra calculations since MobInfo2 uses PPP not just direct values
08:45.54Corrodiasi may have an old version
08:45.56Shadowedwithout a unitid at least
08:46.59Shadowedalthough I suppose MH3 does the same thing just does the calculations for you
08:47.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
08:52.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Fooding (
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08:52.13Corrodiasmaybe it was something totally innocent
08:52.17Corrodiasmaybe his house blew up or something
08:52.38Shirikmy house?
08:52.48Corrodiasno, my guildmate's house
08:52.50Shirikoh :P
08:52.58Shirikyeah I missed whatever you said in the last 10 minutes or so
08:52.59Shirikdamn brighthouse
08:53.23Corrodiasnah, this was from a while back
08:53.41Shirik03:44:46 ‹Corrodias› if a mob changes forms, it will just refuse to show anything
08:53.41Shirik03:44:55 ‹Shirik› hm
08:53.41Shirik03:45:04 ‹Shirik› well considering it can only do guesswork
08:53.41Shirik03:45:11 ‹Shirik› perhaps if it finds too radical of a change, it gives up?
08:53.42Shirik03:45:33 [CTCP: ping] SHIRIK
08:53.44Shirik03:45:46 * Disconnected
08:53.51Corrodiascould be
08:53.54Shirikso.. back to mobhealth
08:54.00Shirikthat's my guess
08:55.51amrooh the irony, none of my open source media players play .mkv movies right
08:58.26Elkanonone of vlc, mpc, mplayer?
09:00.56Shirikow... am I still here?
09:01.39Shirikoh, wowinterface is down :(
09:01.56Shiriknow how am I supposed to test the updater when all it does is put up "Cannot retrieve patcher data" on every line :(
09:02.08Shirikoop it's back
09:02.32Elkanowell, you at least know that that feature is working ;)
09:02.45Shirikheh, yes
09:11.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Jocco_S (
09:41.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=najklord@
09:46.17Nom-2.0.10 tonight?
09:46.22Shirikwho knows
09:46.38ShirikNom-, want to have some fun?
09:47.35Shirik:( guess not
09:49.38Shirikwant to test my installer? ^^
09:50.11Nom-server goes down in an hour
09:50.15Nom-I'll see after that
09:50.18Corrodiasi want to reboot because WoW's effects are starting to stick again (it's been over 25 days since my last reboot)
09:50.20Nom-We're going to try and get a run in
09:50.27Shirikdear god Corrodias
09:50.28Corrodiasbut firefox has like 30 open tabs and i don't want to reload them
09:50.40Shirikstrange thing is
09:50.48Shirikwhether I close firefox or not, it always says next time I start it up
09:50.52Nom-Corrodias: Firefox 2 ?
09:50.57Shirik"Firefox closed unexpectedly last time, do you want to open your tabs?"
09:51.06Nom-Firefox 2 has a session save
09:51.36Shiriknow if only I did something like KDE
09:51.42Shirikwhere it pulls up all the applications you had open to their state
09:51.46Shirikand everything
09:52.01Corrodiasi'm aware firefox 2 can save sessions natively
09:52.09Corrodiaseven before version 2, i had an extension to do that
09:52.22Corrodiasbut what i don't like is having it redownload the entire contents of 30 web pages at once
09:54.46wereHamsteris there a good keybinding addon? one that wouldn't try to save the keybindings in bindings-cache.txt but rather in SV?
09:54.46Corrodiasi've never even considered such a thing. :o
09:55.33Corrodiaswhy do such a thing?
09:55.44Corrodiassuch! thing!
10:01.34subbotAll I know is Bindpad is my favorite mod of the moment, I have no idea how it does what it does, but I love it.
10:03.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
10:03.34Corrodiaswhat does it do?
10:04.03subbotyou can bind spells/macros/abilities directly to keys, rather than putting one of those things on an action bar and binding that action bar button to a key
10:04.05ZealotOnAStickI prefer Spellbinder myself, but same purpose.
10:04.28subbotI don't even use a bar mod
10:04.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
10:05.14KasoIs it just me or has the EU wow forums been having mantainace for like 3 days now
10:05.17subbotthe only thing i miss about using a bar mod is my petbar is all ugly and defaultish :(
10:05.43Kasoim in the title!
10:05.56Corrodiasthe hunter class is, i think, too difficult for me
10:06.23subbotim not a hunter
10:06.36subbotim a priest, and i mind control a fair amount
10:06.38Corrodiashaving to manage a pet's abilities to maintain focus for growl (something that there used to be addons available to do) is just one thing too many for me to concentrate on during battle
10:07.54Corrodiasbut the pet system has a number of other problems, too
10:09.47subboti used to have a macro that would clear all action ids, i can't find it though :(
10:12.17Shirikoooh new version of sct yey
10:12.26Shirikwell for me; I was probably behind the times :P
10:12.49subbotty Kaso
10:13.11Corrodiaswe can't toggle pet action autocasting without hardware events, since several patches ago
10:13.36KasoVIP SmartPet :(
10:13.40KasoRIP i mean :>
10:13.59Corrodiasthe solution given by petextend was to have the player press a key every time he wanted the addon to update the autocast statuses, but even that was getting pretty cumbersome
10:14.08Corrodiasa key -> a certain keybind
10:14.56Corrodiasbut even petextend was a casualty of 2.0 and hasn't been updated yet, although apparently a month ago the author said he was working on it
10:17.10Corrodiaswell, i need to go to bed. 'ni
10:19.43wereHamstersubbot, thanks, BindPad looks nice
10:23.04*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
10:27.25Shirikare servers down?
10:27.28Shirikforgot when they go down
10:28.26Shirikthere now I can click it ^^
10:28.32subbotwhat happened to that whole "live maintenance" thing?
10:28.41Shirikit died
10:29.00*** join/#wowi-lounge seebs (
10:29.05ShirikI'll be honest; I would really be suprised if they could pull it off
10:29.23nevcairielthey are patching this week, guess that wont work "live"
10:29.42Shirikwell I'm sure they want to defragment their database servers too, and that won't work very well live
10:29.49Shirikand .. well... their database servers have got to be huge
10:30.03Shirikthat's the sole reason I never thought a live maintenance would work
10:31.23Shirikfinally found out why the updater was taking up 100% cpu all the time >.>
10:31.38Shirikhidden infinite loops ftw
10:37.15amroShirik: what are you using to make it?
10:37.24Shirika combination of java and c
10:37.51Shirikproblem was... I'm not too familiar with the way multithreading works in java
10:38.04ShirikI didn't realize this "synchronize" keyword was required when you try to suspend a thread
10:38.23Shirikso... while it was effectively suspending my thread, it was suspending it by doing something equilvalent to while(true) {}
10:38.42Shirikinstead of the appropriate way, which is by doing this.wait()
10:58.13subbothow come i can get my combat log frame so much smaller than my general frame :(
10:58.35Shirikthe almighty blizzard hath declare it so!
10:59.53subboti can't seem to get any other frame as small as my combat log
10:59.56subboti can't figure it out
11:01.02amroThe general frame is special. If you want, create another chatframe and resize that one
11:06.29KasoThe general frame has a fixed minimum size because it has the EditBox along the bottom i believe
11:07.54*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
11:23.30Nom-Ok, back :)
11:23.45Nom-Well, this is extended downtime, meaning it's patch day
11:23.48Shirikyou were the one complaining about how it was running slow, right?
11:24.16Shirikcause I think I just fixed that ^^ a little oversight
11:24.34wereHamsterwhat could be the reason that I can't bind anything to Q and E?
11:24.53wereHamster.. I can bind things to the keys, but when I press them nothing happens
11:25.05Shirikno se
11:25.10ThraewereHamster: Those are movement k eys
11:25.18ShirikYeah but can't you rebind them?
11:25.37ThraeSounds like they aren't properly unbound, check your bindings-cache
11:26.03ThraeSheesh, I'm still an operator
11:26.09*** mode/#wowi-lounge [-o Thrae] by Thrae
11:26.20ShirikI would have done something like
11:26.30Shirikbefore I -o
11:26.55ShirikI find pleasure in the simple things.
11:28.52wereHamsterfound it.. :SetAttribute("bindings-S0", "Q")
11:29.02wereHamster.. and those can't be unbound :-/
11:57.43Nom-hmm works fine for me
11:58.03Nom-I've got Q bound to Judgement and E bound to Hammer of Justice
11:59.05Nom-Oh well, thanks for downtime, it's time to continue on my signature generator thingy
12:00.27Shirikwhat's that function that gets a random argument and returns it? Wasn't it GetRandomArgument() ?
12:01.05Kasoa random argument? you mean select one of a given set of argumetns randomly?
12:01.23Shiriklike GetRandomArgument({1, 2, 3}) will randomly return either 1, 2, or 3
12:01.35Shiriker, maybe it's GetRandomArgument(1,2,3)
12:01.54ShirikI think it's the latter
12:01.55Kasonone of those are lua or wow functions
12:02.06ShirikI know it's in WoW, but I'm pretty sure it's not Lua
12:02.21Shirikit's also not on wowwiki as I've found out
12:02.23Kasoperhaps some lib adds it, ace or soemthing but its quite easy to simiulate with select and math.random
12:02.31ShirikKaso, I said the exact same thing as you about a week ago
12:02.39Shirikafter a long discussion on the forums I was proven wrong >.>
12:04.02Kasothat will print out a list of functions with random in thier name
12:04.04Shirikyeah yeah I know how to do it
12:04.10Kasobut i am 99% sure there is no wow function like that
12:05.14ShirikI'll find it, I know it exists >.>
12:05.18Shirikunless I dreamed this whole conversation
12:05.37Shiriksomeone references it at the bottom of this thread:
12:06.11KasoIm sure its is proberly a ace function
12:06.21Kasofunction randomargument(...) return select( math.random( 1, select( "#", ... ) ), ... ) end
12:06.25Kasothat should replicate it though
12:06.27ShirikI'll find where it exists :/
12:06.28Kasoi think
12:09.54Shirikit doesn't exist anywhere in FrameXML :/
12:10.05krkawtf... that's a weird function
12:10.08krkawhat is it used for?
12:10.13KasoI assure you its not a blizzard function :>
12:10.34Shirikit's in there
12:12.13Kasoyou are right
12:12.20Kasoits used twice in ChatFrame.lua
12:12.25Kasoand defined in that same file
12:13.01Shirikscite didn't pick it up in ChatFrame.lua ...
12:13.20KasoChatFrame.lua:function GetRandomArgument(...)
12:13.20KasoChatFrame.lua:          local action = strtrim(GetRandomArgument(strsplit(",", actions)));
12:13.20KasoChatFrame.lua:          local item = strtrim(GetRandomArgument(strsplit(",", items)));
12:13.28Kasogrep is an awesome tool :>
12:13.46ShirikI just used scite's "find in files" tool .... last time I use that >.>
12:14.27Shirikit's not in my ChatFrame.lua ...
12:14.28krkathat's just wrong
12:14.44Kasohave you recently extracted your framexml?
12:14.58krkacan someone dump the usage of the funtion on a pastey?
12:15.02Shirikthis is fresh, I don't extract I read straight from the mpq
12:15.18Shiriklocale-enUS.mpq ?
12:15.40Kasokrka, function GetRandomArgument(...)
12:15.40Kasoreturn (select(random(select("#", ...)), ...));
12:15.42Shirikoop I found it
12:15.51Shirikit's in patch-enUS.mpq
12:16.07Shirikbtw well done kaso you guessed almost exactly how it was implemented :)
12:16.09krkai want the usage, not the definition
12:16.27ShirikSendChatMessage(GetRandomArgument("Message 1", "Message 2", "Message 3"), "SAY");
12:17.26Shirikthe handler for /castrandom uses it too
12:17.36Shiriklocal action = strtrim(GetRandomArgument(strsplit(",", actions)));
12:17.37krkathere's a castrandom?
12:17.47Shirikha, yes there is a /castrandom
12:17.59Shirikwhich is what Kaso just posted ^^
12:22.16ShirikReading this post in the "technical supports" forum about some guy saying he's getting constantly DCed
12:22.24ShirikI read the first sentence up to " So im running a wireless network at home"
12:22.29Shirikclosed the window
12:24.44krkaobviously blizzards fault
12:28.44*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (n=jnwhiteh@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
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12:56.11*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
12:57.02*** join/#wowi-lounge HolySheepy (
13:03.40JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn|afk
13:09.34*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
13:10.10leethalwoot, my addon has been downloaded 19 times and "favorited" one, and I haven't even announced it. cute =D
13:13.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (
13:16.56Silviu-leethal looks nice :)
13:17.31Silviu-Did rate it :)
13:17.44leethalI realized this looked a bit weird. I was on here all yesterday, and just rejoined the room after a slumber. So I didn't just join this room for the first time to brag. So.. =P
13:18.54leethaland thanks
13:21.27HolySheepyhrm is there any good tutorial about making addons with wow 2.0?
13:21.42leethalnot really, I've struggled to find one
13:21.58leethalthe way I learned it was by looking at other simple addons
13:22.18HolySheepyi cant find any other _simple_ addons XD
13:22.20leethalyou could look at the addon of mine, it's rather simple
13:22.27leethal50 lines tops
13:22.46JoshBorkeHolySheepy: it depends on what you want to do
13:23.01JoshBorkeHolySheepy: there aren't a lot of tutorials on the new secure addon code, but a lot of the older information is still valid
13:23.29HolySheepyi dont even know what secure addon code is <.<
13:23.55leethalme neither. I still made an addon, though
13:23.56amroHolySheepy: then you probably shouldn't worry about it yet
13:24.00nymbiayou don't need to worry about it unless you're doing actionbar or unitframe -style stuff
13:24.07HolySheepyleethal: it's using a library
13:24.11leethala simple one
13:24.22leethalall it does is event handling and slash command stuff
13:24.27*** part/#wowi-lounge leethal (
13:24.39HolySheepyyeah but i have to learn even handling and slash command stuff :P
13:24.48JoshBorkeHolySheepy: Dongle makes it pretty easy
13:24.54*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
13:24.56leethalerm, ya
13:25.05leethalwithout dongle it'd probably be just 10 more lines of code
13:25.32leethalit's not really a framework, it's a set of functions.
13:26.20leethaland tbh, why not use dongle. No need to do the hard work when dongle can do it for you
13:26.39HolySheepyJoshBorke: first i need a working addon, but looking at other addons doesnt really, help, addon a) doesnt use any xml adodn b) uses a xml but no onEvent inside it addon c uses xml with onEvent :/
13:26.55leethalwhy would you want to use xml?
13:27.02leethaluse dongle and get rid of that ugly xml =P
13:27.36JoshBorkeHolySheepy: the XML is just one way to define what happens.  perhaps addon b) doesn't register for any events and therefore doesn't need onEvent
13:27.55leethallook at how does it
13:28.01JoshBorkeHolySheepy: addon C does it the originally prescribed way while addon a does it a new way by having all the frames created in lua
13:28.29nymbianot much reason to use xml anyway, unless you're more comfortable with it.. and only then, only if your frames need to be around all the time
13:28.31leethalxml isn't a requirement to handle events, you can do it with lua
13:28.46JoshBorkeHolySheepy: the difference between addon a and addon c is:  inside a thre is something like:  frame = CreateFrame('Frame','MyAddonFrame') frame:SetScript('OnEvent',<myOnEventFunction>)
13:29.16JoshBorkegood for defining templates :-D  but that's more advanced
13:29.32HolySheepyhrm so what function is called then o.o
13:29.40nymbiavirtual frames..
13:29.46*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
13:29.57leethalHolySheepy: look at =P
13:30.14leethalheh I'll stop the spam
13:30.44HolySheepyfunctio aktell:Enable()? Oo
13:31.10leethalthat's the same as going onEnable some function bla bla in xml
13:31.15leethaldongle does that stuff for ya
13:31.32HolySheepyim not going to use dongle now XD
13:31.35leethalwhy not?
13:32.19HolySheepyi just don't like a lib doing something for me that i couldn't do on my own
13:32.30leethalwrong attitude =P
13:32.39leethalcode in assembly, lua does sooooo much stuff for you
13:33.05HolySheepythats something else
13:34.10SunTigercode in machine code, assembly takes care of so much!
13:34.38JoshBorkeHolySheepy:  that's a 'simple' mod that doesn't use a library
13:35.03leethalya, look at that, see how the xml stuff works, and use dongle *kek*
13:35.18leethalJoshBorke: nice example =D
13:35.39HolySheepyis there still a ADDON_LOADED?
13:36.07JoshBorkehrm, i don't even need the XML file anymore...
13:36.53JoshBorkeHolySheepy: yes
13:37.16JoshBorkeall that addon does is some frame fading/flashing for me
13:37.22HolySheepyhow is f linked to MySetup?
13:37.39JoshBorkelook at the bottom
13:37.47leethalshouldn't the toc file have the xml in it too?
13:37.57JoshBorkef:SetScript links it to MySetup
13:38.03leethalor, just the xml. The toc has the lua file in it only
13:38.03JoshBorkeleethal: does it not? lol
13:38.14leethaland it's the xml that requires the lua
13:38.24leethalso I guess it's supposed to be MySetup.xml in the toc =P
13:38.31JoshBorkeit works as is :-D
13:38.43leethaloh cool
13:39.08HolySheepywhy does it link it to MySetup?
13:39.55JoshBorkeMySetup needs a frame to register for events.  i use the frame f that i created at the top to register for those events
13:40.20HolySheepyyeah but doesnt it register the events to the frame(f) instead to the MySetup stuff?
13:40.40JoshBorkeHolySheepy: yes.  but i set a function to be called when an event is triggered, what is that function called?
13:41.34HolySheepy_onEvent :/ i dont really understand that function xD whats teh ... for? like a unlimited list of parameters? and why MySetup[even]
13:43.01JoshBorkeso in _onEvent i check to see if i have a function defined that has the format of MySetup[<event>] which is a table call to MySetup
13:43.08JoshBorkethis way I don't have to have a lot of if then elseif statements
13:43.54JoshBorkeHolySheepy: taken from here:
13:44.10wereHamsterseems like HolySheepy needs an even simpler addon to start with.. sin't there any? there has to be a simple 20-lines addon that does someting useful..
13:45.19leethallet's make one
13:45.24leethaland put it on the wiki
13:45.25HolySheepyi didnt do anythign in lua before xD
13:45.29Mr_Rabies2hey the druid nerf patch is releasing today hooray
13:46.07leethaland warrior buff <3
13:46.09HolySheepyand lua is kinda strange for me :P i'm more used to c syntax
13:46.11leethalthunder clap in def stance here I come
13:46.44wereHamsterleethal, where can I read more about the warrior changes?
13:47.33Mr_Rabies2account canceled :D
13:47.33leethalor or whereever
13:47.48leethalMr_Rabies2: druids were overpowered anyways
13:47.55Mr_Rabies2i'm not going into that arguement
13:48.09Mr_Rabies2but no. no they weren't
13:48.18JoshBorkei think the armor + health changes balance out
13:48.22leethaldruids are hybrids. They aren't supposed to be best an anything else than being able to do everything
13:48.38Mr_Rabies2roll one get it to 70 then get back to me
13:48.42JoshBorkebut their bear damage output got nerfed
13:48.58Mr_Rabies2and our threat got nerfed before that, josh
13:49.04leethallol at some people... they seem to think that blizzard is noobs that doesn't know how to balance a game
13:49.06Mr_Rabies2and our hp and armor just got nerfed
13:49.16zenzelezzMr_Rabies2: threat got nerfed when?
13:49.19nevcairielhp and armor are really not that big nerf
13:49.26Mr_Rabies2i lost 1200 hp and armor and i
13:49.32Mr_Rabies2'm not even in the greatest gear
13:49.32zenzelezzthat's odd, our druid tank does fine in Kharazan
13:49.40leethalyep, same here
13:49.40JoshBorkewow, that's a lot of hp to lose
13:49.42Mr_Rabies2because we could do damage zenz
13:49.43leethaldruids do very fine
13:49.55zenzelezzMr_Rabies2: that's not what he told me
13:49.56JoshBorkei thought the stam change would increase life, since 1 stam is 10 health
13:50.00Mr_Rabies2now we lost 40-50% of our dps in bear
13:50.02Mr_Rabies2nope josh
13:50.13Mr_Rabies2it's a straight up nerf to bears
13:50.18nevcairielit was 25% of health before, now its 25% of sta
13:50.19Mr_Rabies2fury warriors are better tanks now
13:50.21leethalMr_Rabies2: the druid tank in my guild says the upcoming patch won't be a big problem really
13:50.24nevcairielyou loose a bit.
13:50.24wereHamsteryeah.. more rage.. :)
13:50.38Mr_Rabies2the druid tank in your guild has tested these changes?
13:50.46leethalMr_Rabies2: stop whining ffs
13:50.49leethalMr_Rabies2: yes, he has
13:50.52Mr_Rabies2because i have and a fury warrior's a better choice
13:50.58nymbiamy drood tanks are just fine with it.
13:51.00leethall2tank then
13:51.10Mr_Rabies2goddamnit, i hate people like you
13:51.33leethalnot my problem
13:51.40nevcairieli am a happy resto druid, and i dont care! :)
13:52.00Mr_Rabies2if people like you had your way we'd all be back to healbotting 24/7
13:52.08leethalpeople like me lol
13:52.17nymbianevcairiel: ssh, you're supposed to be disgruntled!
13:52.20nevcairielive always been happy with healing
13:52.22leethalMr_Rabies2: if people like YOU had it your way, druids would've been overpowered
13:52.24leethalso sht!
13:52.27nevcairieland prolly always will be
13:52.30zenzelezzMr_Rabies2: considering we've all been talking about druids tanking, I have no clue why you say we want you to healbot
13:52.32leethalwe're both wrong, and we're both right, let's not whine ya?
13:53.18Mr_Rabies2i'd have been a better tank with the old bear formulas at 70 than i am now, the pre 2.0 ones
13:53.33Mr_Rabies2without mangle too
13:53.55leethalMr_Rabies2: you whine, other druids say it's ok. Am I the only one that see a conflict here?
13:54.16leethaland don't tell me that druid is a noob, cause he aint
13:54.16Mr_Rabies2other druids haven't tested it or are blind
13:54.23leethaloh blargh
13:54.28leethalor you're blind
13:54.32zenzelezzI see, every other druid is wrong?
13:54.40Mr_Rabies2no, not every other druid
13:54.44nevcairieli dont think anyone can really compare, unless they actually got enough people to do karazhan on PTR :p
13:54.47Mr_Rabies2i know plenty of druids canceling over this bs
13:54.58zenzelezzgood riddance
13:55.06leethalshut it will ya
13:55.09Mr_Rabies2have fun looking for a tank for 5 hours :D
13:55.13leethalwe don't want to hear your whines
13:55.20zenzelezzwe have warriors
13:55.22JoshBorkelet's try to keep this civil ;-)
13:55.24Mr_Rabies2apparently you do, leethal
13:55.32nymbia(aside) is it just me or did a ton of people roll druids just for the expansion?
13:55.33nevcairielcanceling eh? people who do that because of a patch arent worth it anyway.
13:55.34JoshBorkeso nev, what do you usually run 5-mans with?  since you're a resto druid
13:55.36Mr_Rabies2<leethal> Mr_Rabies2: druids were overpowered anyways
13:55.36Mr_Rabies2<Mr_Rabies2> i'm not going into that arguement
13:55.36Mr_Rabies2<leethal> oh?
13:56.46leethalMr_Rabies2: stop, will you
13:56.46nevcairielJoshBorke: what we can get, we take!
13:56.46leethalMr_Rabies2: stop being a fundamentalist, you can't analyze me
13:56.47nevcairielits 5mans ffs :p
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13:56.47JoshBorkelol.  i haven't pugged in quite a while
13:56.52nevcairieli dont generally pug
13:56.56nevcairielonly people i know or from my guild
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13:57.13dieckpugging provokes puking :)
13:57.17Mr_Rabies2nev, canceling is infinitely more likely to get things done than simply whining on the forums
13:57.28nevcairieli still think its silly
13:57.43zenzelezzwhy is that Rabies? There'll still be far more active than inactive druids
13:58.03Mr_Rabies2because they actually read the cancelation messages
13:58.25zenzelezzreading them doesn't mean they'll bother changing it
13:58.36nevcairielbears are too powerful in pvp, thats just it
13:58.40Mr_Rabies2no, but it's more likely than just whining on the forums
13:58.47nevcairiela ton of hp and armor, and doing tooo much dmg
13:58.49leethalMr_Rabies2: do you honestly think blizzard did the change to render the druid class unusable as tanks?
13:59.00Mr_Rabies2no, not intentionally, probably
13:59.06Mr_Rabies2but numbers != reality
13:59.06dieckhas anyone popcorn left?
13:59.15leethaldieck: here *hands over*
13:59.24Mr_Rabies2i'm also not in the belief they're master balancers
13:59.34JoshBorkeparticipants can't hand out popcorn :-P
13:59.46Mr_Rabies2the necromancer class was utterly broken in diablo 2 for over a year, druids were utterly broken for a similar amount of time
14:00.00dieckah, now we're back to d2?
14:00.03dieckwow :)
14:00.40Mr_Rabies2that was a response to this
14:00.41Mr_Rabies2<leethal> lol at some people... they seem to think that blizzard is noobs that doesn't know how to balance a game
14:00.48JoshBorkehe's providing support for his argument that blizzard isn't perfect at balancing
14:00.56nevcairielthat reminds me, d2 crashes on my WinXP, anyone any idea ? :P
14:01.00Mr_Rabies2they're not, they make mistakes, and this is one of them
14:01.12leethalMr_Rabies2: you are not amusing
14:01.24Mr_Rabies2a big enough mistake for the game not to be enjoyable anymore
14:01.32Mr_Rabies2i can be amusing when people aren't assholes to me :]
14:01.40leethalyou deserve it
14:01.46leethalMORE BLOOD
14:01.55dieckwe all know that -- but I don't care. I can't change anything, so I'll do my best in working it out. A skilled player can get through every nerv, only noobs think things will get broken beyond repair
14:02.07leethaldieck: 10/10
14:02.43Mr_Rabies2druids were broken for an incredibly long time, and i don't want it to happen again
14:03.00nevcairielthat nerf is not going to break anyone
14:03.04Mr_Rabies2things are leaning that way again and i'm not happy with it, so i did the civil thing and simply canceled
14:03.19leethalcool, one less whiner
14:03.31Mr_Rabies2people are going to have to either not take druids or watch their dps more now
14:03.49Mr_Rabies2because we're generating less than half the aggro we were before
14:03.52nymbiaer.. why?
14:04.00leethaldruids. are. not. supposed. to. be. as. good. as. warriors. to. tank.
14:04.17Mr_Rabies2no. but. we're. supposed. to. be. useful. at it.
14:04.27nevcairielwe still are.
14:04.27leethalnice pwnage attempt
14:04.32nymbiayou can still generate just fine.  you even got more rage.
14:04.55Mr_Rabies2that doesn't matter, now we have to maul more to hold aggro
14:04.58Mr_Rabies2and if we're mauling
14:05.02Mr_Rabies2we're generating no rage
14:05.12nevcairielget hit more :P
14:05.30Mr_Rabies2that's a vicious cycle
14:05.36nymbiayes, i'm aware that everyone and their mother is immune to bleed.  but it's still plenty doable ;)
14:05.44Mr_Rabies2we have to get hit to get rage to hold aggro to get hit to get rage to hold aggro
14:05.57zenzelezzmore rage is part of the patch
14:06.03nevcairielso if you have aggro, you get rage, and you hold aggro
14:06.05nevcairielsounds good.
14:06.23Mr_Rabies2you'll see
14:06.33leethal15 in fishing yay
14:06.42Mr_Rabies2in a month, no one will ever be using druids to tank, and all the warriors will be whining about having to be prot
14:06.43dieckand if you don't get hit, you can generate rage to get aggro to generate rage
14:07.19nevcairielin 5 mans or even 5man heroics, there generally is no place for fury or arms warriors anway
14:07.36Mr_Rabies2now there is, they're better tanks than druids :/
14:07.47nevcairielyou need one real tank
14:07.47nevcairieland two CC's
14:08.07leethalheroics rocks so damn much
14:08.16nevcairieland in most of the harder heroics two healers
14:08.28leethalnot just the heroic itself, but the fact that 5 people can get super imba loot
14:08.33nymbiawe did pretty good in heroic slave pens today with a fury war
14:08.53nevcairielslave pens is one of the easier ones .. sure :)
14:09.03nevcairielbut try shattered halls, or arcatraz
14:09.25leethalneed some epix for that heh
14:09.33nymbiashattered halls is fun :)
14:09.40nymbiawe did it a couple weeks ago
14:09.50nevcairielwe still didnt manage shattered halls heroic in the 55min timer :P
14:09.55dieckheroic? a couple of weeks ago?
14:09.58nevcairielaltho didnt try for 2 weeks or so
14:10.02nymbiawoulda had the 55 min if we knew that the added boss feared
14:10.03leethalwhat's the thing with 55 min timer?
14:10.20nevcairieloh, once you start the even after the first boss
14:10.23nevcairielyou get a 55min timer
14:10.30nevcairielfor the tempest keep quest
14:10.37zenzelezzpart of attunement for a raid instance
14:10.39nevcairielyou need to kill the last boss in the 55min
14:10.49zenzelezzfour heroic quests
14:11.01nevcairielthree heroic actually, and magtheridon.
14:11.11zenzelezznevcairiel: three quests, but one of them requires two instances
14:11.23nevcairielbut thats the easiest quest
14:11.25zenzelezznevcairiel: from what I heard the thing drops from a Shattered Hand Executioner, not Bladefist... don't know if that's true
14:11.30leethalzomfg tbh
14:11.34nymbiathe only thing that's crucial for that place imo is a hunter for frost trap
14:11.41nevcairielzenzelezz: thats true, but that guy stands behind bladefist.
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14:12.00zenzelezznevcairiel: he does? Didn't know that =)
14:12.12nevcairielwe got to him once he killed the first of three prisoners
14:12.19nevcairieltoo late for the tempest keep quest :(
14:12.34zenzelezznymbia: the slowing trap or the encase-in-ice? I always confuse them
14:12.45nymbiazenzelezz: slowing
14:12.48JoshBorkeman, shattered halls was hard enough on normal =/
14:12.55[Ammo]shattered halls is cool
14:13.01nevcairielits a real bitch on heroic
14:13.05[Ammo]but in heroic it's tough as nails
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14:13.11nymbiazenzelezz: those 7-pulls are pretty harsh
14:13.27nevcairielplus the oger boss is stupid on heroic
14:13.46dieckogres are stupid by design :)
14:13.51zenzelezznymbia: I can imagine, it's hard enough on normal if people aren't listening
14:14.11nevcairielyou dont pug heroics
14:14.14Garounmy 2 cents on the change,yay for no high threat instant attack in bear form :(
14:14.27JoshBorkeis it possible to MC the Legionnaires?
14:14.43nevcairiellegionnaires are not CC'able in any way
14:14.45zenzelezzI wouldn't want to MC him anyway... I prefer getting healed
14:14.46nevcairieljust focus them first
14:14.56JoshBorkezenzelezz: i run with a resto druid
14:15.03zenzelezzfair enough
14:15.29JoshBorkewe got it working where i would MC the acolyte and just chain cast PoH
14:15.32leethalmaiden of virtue is also a bitch
14:15.35nevcairieluntil 2.0.10 we used Prayer of Mending alot, for getting aggro on the tank.
14:15.44JoshBorkeyea, that's what i've started doing too
14:15.56nevcairielbut that stops tomorrow for EU
14:15.59nevcairieland today for US :p
14:16.03zenzelezzI'm glad Maiden is being nerfed
14:16.08zenzelezztired of hearing the rogues cry
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14:16.18nevcairielrogues even are important on nightbane now
14:17.50leethalI hate rightclicking in the water when I'm fishing
14:18.02KaoS`does 2.0.10 come out today?
14:18.04Garounhell, now they almost made it so you'd take the 5 in Imp MoTW to recover some dp, hp, and armor :P
14:18.14dieckleethal: I'm sure you can set if to left-clicking, or middle
14:18.31leethalmm, or disable click-to-move
14:18.42Mr_Rabies2yes kaos
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14:20.29KaoS`buff to shammys :P
14:21.00Garounwhat do you think rabies
14:21.16GarounImpMOTW now worth it to a tank druid torecover some old stats
14:21.22Mr_Rabies2ughhh no
14:21.30Mr_Rabies2that's a damn terrible talent
14:21.37Mr_Rabies2especially for 5 points
14:21.42Mr_Rabies2if it was 1 point maybe
14:21.45Mr_Rabies2but 5, no way
14:21.46Garounyeah, but 37% back on all stats
14:22.07Mr_Rabies2of the talent, which ends up being like <5 to everything and 100 armor
14:22.11Garounat this point I'm just reviewing talents to see the best way to tank post nerf
14:22.18Mr_Rabies2roll a warrior :X
14:22.26Garounnot starting over :P
14:22.39Garounand my guild has no 70 warrior yet :( I WAS the main tank
14:22.42Mr_Rabies2not tanking or rolling a warrior are your only 2 options now :x
14:22.57leethalGaroun: pppsst, don't listen to him
14:22.58Garountanked every instance pre-heroic/raid:(
14:23.24Mr_Rabies2if you can make it work go for it, but don't be surprised if you get replaced because people don't like having to hold back so much on dps
14:23.24Garounoh I know my tanking is gonna be crap, don't need RAbies to tell me :P
14:23.48zenzelezzI find your lack of faith disturbing
14:24.02Garounour guild is casual, so we make whatever work
14:24.42Garounam a little tired of MMOs nerfing every class I play into oblivion though :P
14:24.56Mr_Rabies2i may try playing again sometime later down the road
14:24.59GarounI played a cleric in DAOC pre-smite nerf
14:25.13GarounI played a warrior in wow before the def/tanking nerf
14:25.21Garounand now a tank druid pre-tank nerf
14:25.26Garountalk about frustrating :P
14:25.32zenzelezzwhat def/tank nerf? o_O
14:25.40leethalya lol
14:25.41Garounwhen they destroyed the +def on gear
14:25.42Mr_Rabies2but i'd have been a better tank at 60, pre 2.0 with my armor and hp scaled up appropriately, than i am now
14:25.50zenzelezzGaroun: defense ratings?
14:25.53Mr_Rabies2i do less daamge and cause less threat than i did pre 2.0
14:25.54nevcairielback in MC
14:25.59nevcairielwhen everyone had 440 def
14:26.06Garounthey cut the +def off a ton a few months back
14:26.23zenzelezzdidn't make much of a difference, we still managed
14:26.32leethalheh, ye, I'm tanking just fine now
14:26.45leethalif you call -that- a nerf that's making you quit...
14:26.46Garounit did when you were right on the line
14:26.47Mr_Rabies2have you tried the changes on the ptr Garoun?
14:26.57Garounyeah rabies, I wasn't too happy
14:26.58Mr_Rabies2my mangles were critting for less than 800 :/
14:27.05Garounthe thing is leethal, I didn't quit
14:27.13Mr_Rabies2maul about the same
14:27.15GarounI continued to play the class at least 2 months after the nerfs
14:27.16leethalmy highest crit while tanking is 600 me thinks
14:27.20leethalperhaps it was 700, not sure
14:27.31Mr_Rabies2ah but you have sunder armor and innate threat abilities
14:27.38Mr_Rabies2give us that and we'll be even steven
14:27.44leethalI do, because I'm supposed to be a better thank that you, stats wise
14:27.47Garounwe lost our instant damage + threat
14:27.55leethalwe're not supposed to be even lawl
14:28.11Mr_Rabies2Garoun, leethal is one of "those" warriors, no point arguing with him
14:28.14leethalprot warriors are supposed to be better tanks than druids, because druids is a hybrid class
14:28.23Mr_Rabies2roll a druid, get him to 70
14:28.26Mr_Rabies2then get back to me.
14:28.27leethalMr_Rabies2: gg on labeling me, you failed misarably
14:28.39leethalI fail miserably in spelling too =P
14:28.42Garounit's ok, soon enough the prot warriors will be bitching about having to always be tanking instances and speccing prot... we'lltalk then :)
14:28.51Mr_Rabies2you've fit an amazing amount of criteria on "those" warriors
14:28.54leethala shame for them, I love tanking
14:29.12leethalMr_Rabies2: don't go there... you fit an amazing amount of criteria on "those" druids too
14:29.24Mr_Rabies2i'm sure i do, because most of us are tired of being useless
14:29.27leethalMr_Rabies2: we both suck, admit it
14:29.48Mr_Rabies2you feel free to admit what you want, i'm stickin to my guns
14:29.54Garounmy philosophy on the wholething: as long as the mob is tanked, and not killing someone else in the group, who the f cares who's tanking
14:29.58leethalMr_Rabies2: wow, you fail the internet
14:29.59zenzelezzso you're not top notch tank anymore, and that means you're useless?
14:30.34Mr_Rabies2i've played this guy since december '04, and saw what we were, and what we became, then getting our usefulness ripped out from under our feet suddenly
14:30.34Garounthe whole argument has become about who is better, and the change was only made because of arena BS
14:31.11GarounIn a group fight who the hell cares who is doing what as long as they are good at it
14:31.26Mr_Rabies2and i'm not happy with it, we're worse than we were at tanking than we were when we were gimped
14:31.33HolySheepywhere the darkmoon fair in mulgorE?
14:31.43Garounlow on warriors, like us, use a druid.. plenty of warriors use a warrior...
14:32.04Mr_Rabies2garoun, problem with that is that naturally gravitates all druids to healing
14:32.13Mr_Rabies2because everyone hates healing and won't stay at it
14:32.38Garoununfortunately yes, but that's due to the, 'we lack healers, go heal' stuff
14:32.46leethalI love WoW, it's a great game. I'm glad I'm not whining when I get nerfed.
14:32.59dieckHolySheepy: directly at Thunder Bluff
14:33.07dieckHolySheepy: a little to the, hm, southwest?
14:33.17Mr_Rabies2i'm not whining, i'm saying we're less useful than i wish, and i'm done with the game until we get fixed again
14:33.26Garounit's easy to not get upset if you rarely get nerfed :P
14:33.27Mr_Rabies2i'm tired of getting hope up and getting it ripped out from under me
14:33.32dieckMr_Rabies2: then please, be done with this channel, too
14:33.52Mr_Rabies2nah i'll stay because there's quite a few people in here that i like
14:33.58Mr_Rabies2because they're not jerks :D
14:34.00leethalMr_Rabies2: talking about how much your class sucks in a mod dev channel is whining
14:34.19dieckleethal: and discussing with him is feeding the trolls :)
14:34.33Mr_Rabies2actually it was i who took the trollbait stupidly
14:34.34leethalI'm having my fun with him =P
14:35.07HolySheepydieck: found it, thank you
14:35.14Mr_Rabies2but i'm no good at stopping fights until justice has been served, even if i see it's useless to change the minds of those who don't want to change their minds
14:35.23dieckso, as you mentioned this is a mod dev channel :) Is there any way to get the player's heading (other than calculating by last known and actual position)?
14:35.35leethalMr_Rabies2: that's just the same as I'm thinking.
14:36.03Mr_Rabies2i'm saying, get some insight into the class before you blindly call it overpowered
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14:36.32leethalI'm saying, get some insight in other classes before you call your own class underpowered. etc..
14:36.36leethalwe could go on forever, really
14:36.54Mr_Rabies2i was a big supporter of buffing warriors, but alas, we couldn't have utopia of two happy classes, apparently
14:37.19zenzelezzbuffing warriors when/how?
14:37.42Mr_Rabies2i've got mid-to high level alts of every class, leethal
14:37.49leethalthey get super imba buff in patch
14:37.59leethalthunder clap in def stance, more rage, more crit, more everything
14:38.20zenzelezznot more everything; but we do get some buffs
14:38.29zenzelezzapart from the extra rage I don't think we really needed anything
14:38.32leethalthe imp. shouting will be imba
14:38.37dieckand I'm sure they will all whine if some of that is re-balanced in one of the next patches :)
14:38.46zenzelezzleethal: if you spec that deep
14:38.55leethalzenzelezz: I have that, so ya =D
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14:39.36zenzelezzwith the HP shout buff, and the talent, I guess it'll be about 1500 hp or so
14:39.38Mr_Rabies2anyway, i said i didn't want to get into this arguement and i did anyway
14:39.59Mr_Rabies2basically, i'm not happy where we are at the moment, so i'm not playing until we are, simple, end of story
14:40.23Mr_Rabies2i didn't whine on the forums, instead, i made suggestions on how to improve us and moved on
14:42.25GomiNoSenseiheh, patch
14:42.43nevcairiela skilled commanding shout does 1350 now iirc
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14:44.29zenzelezzhm, the PTR patch notes said the unskilled buff was up by 50%, which would be 1095
14:44.44zenzelezzdoes the talent increase by 50% or less?
14:45.27leethal50%, but you can talent it up
14:46.32zenzelezzactually, 1350 sounds right... I was thinking of the wrong amount for the talent
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14:50.00HolySheepyis there any way to use that steam tonk controller outside of the darkmoon fair area?
14:50.12JoshBorkeyou get a generic one out in outlands :-D
14:50.59HolySheepycool XD
14:51.08HolySheepydo i need a steam tonk controller for this?
14:53.54dieckengineers can get a recipe for the tonk controller with 40 tickets
14:55.08HolySheepyi know but you can only use it on the market :<
14:55.10HolySheepythat sucks :/
14:57.35HolySheepyhuh? someone told me so XD
14:57.44dieckthe engineer-produced controllers can be used anywhere
14:57.56HolySheepyoh wrong
14:58.00HolySheepyshweet... hicks!
14:58.24dieckIt works exactly like the Darkmoon Faire Tonks - but now you can play with them ANYWHERE!
14:58.55HolySheepyN> List of what gives how many tickets
15:00.32dieckbe careful, the schematics are BoP, so you're engineer will have to get the recipe :)
15:01.26HolySheepyi am
15:01.32HolySheepyengineering ftw
15:01.50zenzelezzthe "main" engineer in my guild is having too much fun with the BC malfunctions
15:02.18zenzelezztransporter malfunction things
15:02.22zenzelezzand such
15:02.26zenzelezzwhen the items backfire
15:02.31HolySheepyyeah ^^
15:02.54HolySheepybut, that was before bc too Oo
15:02.58dieckI noticed a iirc goblin transporter "output" in blade's edge -- is there also one for gnomes?
15:03.28nevcairieli think blades edge has gnome
15:03.32nevcairieland netherstorm goblin
15:03.36zenzelezzHolySheepy: yes, but the BC ones seem to have a lot more possible backfires
15:03.46dieckUltrasafe Transporter: Toshley's Station, ah, ok, that's gnomish
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15:17.31HolySheepyhrm that darkmoon alcohol stuff
15:17.41HolySheepy50 copper for one
15:17.44HolySheepyso 50 per day
15:18.00HolySheepy50*31(a month)*50(copper)/100(to silver)/100(to gold) is that right=
15:18.05HolySheepythat would make 7.75G
15:18.45HolySheepy? xD
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15:45.38KaoS`are they up yet?
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16:10.05Mr_Rabies211am pst
16:10.30KaoS`now just have to wait for servers to come up :(
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16:17.37HolySheepy<- is playing wow :D
16:18.43nevcairielme too
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16:19.52HolySheepyShirik: nope.
16:20.03ShirikI really do not understand
16:20.06Shirikhow opening "My Computer"
16:20.08Shirikcan crash your computer
16:20.17Shirikit's the most basic operation of an OS... enumerate files
16:20.26HolySheepyim german, german wow servers are still online *g*
16:20.53cogwheel|workPTR's still up too, so i got to play this morning :P
16:22.23Shirikright... yeah have fun, I'm going to sleep
16:24.49KaoS`Shirik|zZz,  its called OSX ..
16:24.55KaoS`no more my computer :)
16:26.18Nom-i've got my sig maker working
16:27.08*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|work (
16:31.43Nom-I can almost guarantee this sig maker is going to fall over left and right tho lol
16:31.53Nom-I've got it working for me, but I didn't do it very robustly :)
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16:43.36cogwheel|work~lart the forums
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16:52.15Nom-right well i'm going to bed lol
16:52.28Nom-i've got my sig maker thing working reasonably well, and i'm happy with that :D
16:53.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Regrown (
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16:59.21leethalany guides out there on how to create bars? As in counter bars, cast bars etc.
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17:00.32Regrownthe best :>
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17:00.43cogwheel|workyou mean status bars?
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17:00.46leethalnot those kind of bars. Progress bars, timer bars. Whatever they are called
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17:01.08leethalduration of buffs and so on
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17:01.27cogwheel|workyour best bet is to look at existing code
17:01.29leethaltrying to find a super simple addon that has that in it
17:01.29RegrownWell. You're seeking addons?
17:01.32leethalya, exactly
17:01.38Regrownis always easy
17:01.40Regrownand lightweight
17:01.42leethalyeah, and candybar
17:01.47RegrownI got a nice addon for buffs
17:01.58leethalI guess that's the way to go, and candybar is super zomfg easy to use
17:02.44Regrownand search for ElkBuffBar
17:02.49leethalbut while I'm at it, I was wondering if there was some tutorials or whatever around for that
17:02.56leethalya, I'm looking at elk
17:03.01Regrownelk is awesome
17:03.03cogwheel|worknot that i know of
17:03.05Regrownlooking good and easy as well
17:03.49leethaloh, elkbuffbar doesn't use candybar, cool
17:04.59Elkanoand also the next version wont use them as they aren't powerfull enought for my needs
17:12.57leethaloh, and what is t3h lua editor for win?
17:13.06leethalI've been using notepad so far heh
17:13.07ElkanoI use SciTe
17:13.39leethalall I need is syntax highlighting and e-macs-like navigation
17:13.42Elkanohave it set up with a lua5.1 interpreter so I can run at least some parts of the scripts and do syntax checking without running WoW
17:14.13leethalElkano: oh, kek, you're the elk in elkano, didn't notice =P
17:14.33pastamancerleethal: why not use emacs then?
17:14.49leethalpastamancer: I don't like emacs
17:15.01pastamancerleethal: just emacs-like navigation?
17:15.06leethalpastamancer: yep =P
17:15.17pastamancerleethal: freak
17:15.37leethalctrl + f, ctrl + n and all those
17:15.53leethalmoving your hands all the way down to the arrow keys is boring
17:16.08Elkanowell, use vi ;)
17:16.55leethalwohoo, SciTE has it =D
17:17.12HolySheepyN> addon that auto-buys things :/
17:21.59trikso..are there any servers that's beaten Magtheridon?
17:22.39nevcairieldidnt nihilum kill him?
17:25.25trikany websites about it?
17:26.20zenzelezz usually has the info
17:27.37nevcairielah DnT killed him too
17:28.10Tierriebtw in case you guys haven't heard, libby was found guilty of 4 out of 5 charges
17:28.19Tierrieverdict was announced half an hour ago
17:28.56nevcairielwho? what?
17:28.58*** join/#wowi-lounge _aLF (
17:29.19Tierriescooter libby
17:29.32zenzelezzwho in the what now?
17:29.34Tierriedick cheney's aide
17:29.39cogwheel|workUS politics...
17:29.39Tierrievalerie plame?!
17:29.42Tierriehe lied to a grand jury!
17:29.53nevcairielwhat do i know
17:30.01nevcairieli couldnt care less about us politics
17:30.10Tierriethis is good! because maybe fitzgerald can prosecute rove or cheney next!
17:40.11*** part/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
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17:51.51*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Paste Code Here: | "you can go ahead and use them for whatever you use them for" - Kaso
17:52.20Elkanowell, I could simply fake a status bar... hmmm...
17:52.27pastamanceryou could do some yucky setpoint stuff
17:52.32wereHamsterElkano, re-position the statusbar: | -- background --  { -- status bar -- }|
17:52.45Industrialso guys, about the name..
17:52.58pastamancerIndustrial: for which mod?
17:53.12Industrialdunno i wanna make it a 'project' cause its cool.
17:53.13ElkanowereHamster, it's |{ ------- }|, so no use
17:53.17Industrialwould be cool if I could make it somewhat like ctmod
17:53.21Industrialso thats idActionbar idChat idInfo idMinimap idSettings atm
17:53.26Industrialbut ill have a long way to if i wanna make an options screen
17:53.30Industrialto go*
17:53.42wereHamsterElkano, so make the statusbar smaller and move it to the right..
17:54.14ElkanowereHamster, in that case, I wouldn't need a statusbar
17:54.25wereHamsterheh.. right -.-
17:54.59Cideyou can just use a texture instead of a statusbar in most cases
17:55.08Elkanobut most likely that's what I'll have to do... position them next to eachother and change the width of the bar
17:57.48*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
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18:08.35Elkanohmm, when using a texture instead of a status bar, what would I do instead of SetStatusBarColor(r,g,b,a)?
18:12.02Elkanohmm, seems to be working
18:12.30pastamancerSetVertexColor is part of LayeredRegion
18:12.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
18:14.31Elkanonow I've only got to find out why it's not working for 'untilCancelled' buffs
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18:24.39Elkanohmm... I've done *-a-*-b-* where * marks anchor points, so a's left and b's right is fixed and b is anchored to a. when I change a's width b get's larger. fine :) but if I set a's width to 0 b isn't shown Oo
18:26.42Finoooh I like the new design changes
18:27.01Neuro_Medivhwhich design changes?
18:27.35Finor have I just been smoking some particularly good crack today
18:28.09Neuro_MedivhOh, that's just the low bandwidth version
18:28.46Finit's clearer for me :) more defined
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18:29.28cogwheel|workyou haven't been smoking (afaik) :P
18:29.43cogwheel|workthat's actually just the lite version... low-bandwidth
18:30.04cogwheel|workyou can make that your default (at least when they give you the choice)
18:30.54cogwheel|workthey do, except when they make everyone use the low-bandwidth version
18:31.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
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18:42.36KasoDoesnt the low-bandwidth version stop addon pictures showing
18:42.42Kasoi couldnt use that all the time
18:44.49cogwheel|workpurl, no emulate cogwheel is <action>shakes its fist at the forums...
18:44.52purlcogwheel|work: okay
18:46.11Cidecogwheel|work: that's a direct link; CTScreens: Direct linking is not permitted for this user.
18:46.21cogwheel|workoh... sry
18:46.27Cidewtg :P
18:46.27cogwheel|workmeant not to that time...
18:46.37Cideclearly you fail!
18:46.45cogwheel|workpurl, no emulate cogwheel is <action>shakes its fist at the forums...
18:46.46purlcogwheel|work: okay
18:47.01cogwheel|workdidn't give me the error...
18:47.06cogwheel|workmaybe it's just my browser caching it
18:47.59Cideprobably, try a hard refresh
18:48.16cogwheel|workstill worked...
18:48.31Cideoh well, not my code!
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18:49.35cogwheel|workmaybe 'cause its my own pic?
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18:59.12Elkanohmm... how to set font outline from within lua?
19:01.47BeladonaElkano: try something like this -- frameLoc:SetFont("Interface\\Addons\\whatever\\fonts\\yourfont.ttf",12,"OUTLINE");
19:03.21Elkanoseems to be working, thanks :)
19:04.25Elkanothat gets EBB's recode a step closer ^^
19:14.35BeladonaWDN is up to date
19:14.40Beladonawith today's stuff too
19:16.22pastamancerI missed WDN when it was lagging behidn
19:17.11Beladonayeah sorry
19:17.26Beladonait was play, or update
19:17.31BeladonaI was bad and played
19:21.33pastamancerlooks like pretty boring changes from 2.0.8 to 2.0.10
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19:24.13leethalwhat's up with 2.0.9?
19:24.21leethalthey skipped it? =/
19:24.22Beladonathere wasn't one
19:24.58BeladonaI guess they felt the changes warranted a more major revision change
19:25.19Beladonanot that 2.0.10 is that major a revision number
19:25.59nevcairiel2.0.9 was a taiwan only release
19:26.02sysrageany link to patch notes?
19:28.55sysragelol thanks
19:29.08Kirkburn|afkIt's on WoWWiki too :P
19:29.54Shadowedyay they fixed the rounding bug in inspect frames!
19:31.00sysrageany mages play with it yet? how much did they increase crits breaking frozen targets?
19:31.19ShadowedLast I heard any spell crit on a frozen target will cause it to break
19:32.02sysrageoh well
19:32.09Shadowedah, they reworded it I see to make it "increased chance" not "on a crit"
19:35.20ShadowedWonder when the armory will get updated
19:36.15leethalhopefully soon, cause it rocks
19:36.26leethalI wish they made some sort of api though
19:36.42leethalwould be nice to get it all as xml and package it like you want
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20:37.30*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
20:37.46Kasobleetah, did you run wow under wine?
20:40.40bleetaher.... no
20:40.49bleetahI *do* run WoW under Wine
20:40.51zenzelezzonly beer
20:41.21zenzelezzsomeone really should have forked Wine as Beer
20:41.42bleetahand what recursive acronym would you have for 'Beer'?
20:41.52zenzelezzI don't care about recursive crap
20:41.56amroBEtter EmulatoR
20:42.09bleetahamro: but Wine Is Not an Emulator
20:42.31amrooh recursive, for some reason i thought backronym
20:42.33zenzelezzrecursive acronyms were fun as far as GNU went, beyond that it was just annoying
20:43.08bleetahI think it suits Wine fine, as many people mistake it for being an emulator
20:43.30zenzelezzbut those that do generally don't know what it's an acronym for
20:43.33bleetahanyways, kaso, why the question?
20:45.11KasoSorry wasnt paying attention, is there a way to get AA working properly
20:45.29Kasoforcing from my nvidia control pannel doesnt seem to work
20:45.37Kasoand the video control panel in game doesnt like me
20:47.01bleetahKaso: to be honest, never actually tried
20:47.05cogwheel|workI've had the same problem... the lack of AA was a deal-breaker for me under wine
20:47.20amroKaso: the ingame panel doesn't work right under ogl, try running with direct3d
20:47.50Kasohokay, i'll take a look around.
20:47.54amroor try setting it in
20:48.17sysrageAA is glitchy for me. if i get auto logged out due to afk, AA is turned off when i log back in
20:48.35sysrageoh you're talkin about wine.. ignore me
20:48.49cogwheel|work./ignore sysrage
20:48.53Kasohe :>
20:49.01bleetahKaso: nvidia card?
20:49.40bleetahI'm gunna try these suggestions: (which refers to )
20:50.05bleetahit's for CS:S, but I can't see a sane reason why it may not fork for WoW, unless cogwheel tried that and it failed
20:50.17bleetahgoogle ftw!
20:50.35cogwheel|worki haven't tried in over a year... my new computer won't run any distro of linux available right now
20:51.07bleetahah, that's right.. you've got some PATA driver problem, iirc
20:51.10bleetahor SATA
20:51.15cogwheel|workat least not one that doesn't take some ungodly amount of time to install and configure...
20:52.12bleetahI've got kernel updates, and wine updates, to install before I try out the above
20:52.30kergothgod linux's ui can be sexy with beryl, <3
20:52.32cogwheel|worksome installers won't recognize the CD drive plugged into the motherboard & others that do recognize it don't see the PCI controller for my PATA hard drives :(
20:52.40bleetahkergoth: qft
20:52.59wereHamsterbleetah, have you tried using nvidia-settings?
20:53.25bleetahwereHamster: I've got a twinview setup, that thing tends to mess badly with my desired config
20:54.37wereHamsterwell.. it doesn't work here.. and neither does __GL_FSAA_MODE :(
20:55.56wereHamsterbut it used to work :(
20:57.15*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
20:59.41bleetahhmm, I did a nvidia-settings  -a FSAA=6 , it said thta it made the settings change, but the ~/.nvidia-settings-rc indicates it's still set to 0 ... hmmm
21:01.11kergothbleetah: thats because its application controlled by default
21:01.36kergothyou have to disable FSAAAppControlled first, no doubt
21:03.22bleetahkergoth: nope, still no banana... might hand edit this
21:03.50wereHamsterbleetah, why don't you simply use the GUI?
21:04.04BleeterwereHamster: see above re: twinview
21:04.15wereHamsteroh.. forgot that :-/
21:07.30cogwheel|workit boggles the mind how many people see (2.0.10) and think it's the same as (2.1.0)
21:08.11zenzelezzcogwheel|work: people have a mental block for 9 > 10 in patch numbers
21:08.17zenzelezz*9 -> 10
21:08.26JoshBorkei hope 2.1.0 is next
21:08.30zenzelezzit's like they never learned to count past 9
21:09.02amrothey assume the version is a number, and goes from 0.9 to 1
21:10.03Bleetertry teaching some people to count past binary, and you wonder how they ever made it past grade 1.
21:10.56Bleeterhmm, it'd *appear* at first glance that AA works in Wine in D3D... there are some Wine patches floating around for improved D3D support
21:11.24Bleeterbut obviously haven't made it into trunk for 0.9.32
21:12.21Bleeteryergh, it's still to early in the morning to have to think... /me goes back to chewing on his coffee
21:13.07*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
21:13.15amroI just saw "100% FAST!" on an ad
21:14.23Antiarc|WorkArmory = awesome.
21:14.46*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
21:16.12Shadowedfear that
21:16.21Shadowedi'm suprised someone came out with that so quickly
21:16.58Neuro_Medivhformatting is fuxored though
21:16.59Shadowedexcept the page looks like crap in IE7
21:17.03Shadoweduse FF :/
21:17.16wereHamsterdoes plizzard provide an API for the armory (like google API)?
21:17.23amroi use FF and it still looks ugly
21:17.35Neuro_Medivhit's poor html that only works in one browser, regardless of which browser
21:17.38ShadowedYou know what makes me the most sad
21:17.49ShadowedNeuro_Medivh: Yeah I know, i always use IE7 but it works fine in FF
21:17.50JoshBorkeeverything antiarc makes looks ugly ;-)
21:18.10Antiarc|WorkIt looks fine in FF to me!
21:18.20ShadowedNot in IE7!
21:18.26Neuro_Medivhnor in IE6
21:18.28Antiarc|WorkFine, fine, lemme fix the CSS :P
21:18.31ShadowedIs that your page then Antiarc|Work?
21:18.41Antiarc|WorkHahah, WOW. Go go IE.
21:18.46Antiarc|WorkUno momento.
21:18.46ShadowedWhat do you consider Arms/Prot to be, more points in prot then fury?
21:19.05Shadowedwhy do Warriors continue to think that last stand is uber for pvp...
21:19.19Antiarc|WorkAll fixed in IE7
21:19.21Antiarc|WorkI can't test 6.
21:20.05ShadowedWhats Uknown classified as?
21:20.20Antiarc|Work"Character needs refresh" when I try to pull their data
21:20.23Antiarc|WorkSo no talent data available
21:21.36JoshBorkeyea, what's up with that?  what controls what is available and what isn't?
21:21.54Antiarc|WorkNo idea.
21:22.07ShadowedHow interesting, popular 5vs5 classes are what I was expecting though
21:22.22Antiarc|WorkI expected more locks.
21:22.39Shadowedwarlocks aren't very useful in 5vs5
21:22.57ShadowedMages are far better
21:22.58bleetahah, rightio... I've uncovered a post in the NV Linux driver thread from the OpenGL maintainer for Wine... around December last year. And I quote 'In case of Wine it doesn't work at the moment because I have rewritten most opengl code which doesn't handle multisampling at the moment. Since I don't have WoW I can't test whether my code (I have some which most likely will work) works.'
21:23.14HolySheepyis there a addon that auto-sends mail?
21:23.33HolySheepylike you say, send all stacks of item x
21:23.33ShadowedI'm suprised though, Paladins are a lot less popular then I though they would be in 2vs2/3vs3
21:23.37bleetahas I spoke to this chap a couple of weeks ago when the original 2.0.10 PTR patch came out with the busted OpenGL, I might see if i can get hold of some patches/diffs that he may have, and try to work with him on it
21:23.40amroAntiarc|Work: how are you grabbing the data from the armory?
21:23.48wereHamsterbleetah, link?
21:23.51ShadowedWeb scrapping i'd imagine
21:24.01bleetah 'Thunderbird' is the Wine OpenGL man
21:24.11wereHamsterI know him ;)
21:24.15bleetah(post #5)
21:25.00bleetahwell, I've got more important things to worry about right now.. such as the fact I can see all the way to the bottom of the inside of my coffee mug :(
21:25.17Antiarc|Workamro: It comes across in XML format.
21:25.23Antiarc|WorkYou just have to send the right user agent.
21:25.26wereHamsterHolySheepy, I wrote such an addon.. to send CoD items to our guild-bank (searched teh bags for full stacks, and filled in the CoD price)
21:25.46Antiarc|WorkThat's the script
21:25.57HolySheepywell i need it to send 32 Stacks(10 Item per Stack) of the Darkmoon Fair Alcohol
21:27.00bleetahwereHamster: I just pinged him in #winehq.. we'll see how we go ;)
21:28.00ShadowedWonder how long it'll take before the armory updates
21:29.06bleetahwereHamster: (08:28:13 AM) Thunderbird: at the moment I don't have time to finish the work
21:30.07wereHamsterI hope he put some FIXME's into the code so I can fix it locally :P
21:32.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|zZz (
21:32.54bleetah(08:30:40 AM) Thunderbird: I know what has to be changed in wine; wine is the issue but it requires huge changes
21:32.54bleetah(08:30:52 AM) Thunderbird: and Alexandre needs to be convinced
21:34.11wereHamsterbut.. wine shouldn't be able to change the multisample setting if you override it with nvidia-settings..
21:47.13Antiarc|WorkI need some good problems to solve with Armory data.
21:47.40JoshBorkepull their item db out :-P
21:47.47Antiarc|WorkWhich is actually pretty easy.
21:48.10Antiarc|WorkCheck the source for that page. Nicely formatted XML.
21:48.14*** join/#wowi-lounge wobin (
21:48.47wobinmornin bleetah
21:50.01Antiarc|WorkI actually have to wonder how they keep undiscovered items safe in the armory.
21:50.10wobinbig locks?
21:50.11Antiarc|WorkAre items only available if they're in someone's inventory or something?
21:50.55Antiarc|WorkYou can iterate the IDs easily, and non-wearable items show up.
21:50.56Antiarc|WorkIn WoW, you DC if you try to pull data that the server hasn't seen yet, but they can't very well do that effectively in the browser.
21:51.35wobinwell they can iterate through the server info
21:52.11Shirik|zZzservers still down, btw? didn't bother to check
21:53.43cogwheel|workmine's been up for a few hours...
21:54.46Shadowedwobin: Which server do they use?
21:55.09Shadowedseems like it would be pretty slow to go through basically every server and see if an item has been found yet.
21:56.17Shirikwrt what Antiarc was saying, it doesn't check every server, it only checks itself
21:56.26Shirikif the item hasn't been seen since it was last restarted, it will disconnect you
21:56.44ShadowedNot talking about in game, talking about in the armory.
21:56.51Shirikhow can you dc from the armory?
21:56.54Antiarc|WorkYou can't
21:56.56Antiarc|WorkWhich was my point
21:56.59Shirikoh ><
21:57.04Antiarc|WorkI was wondering how they protect undiscovered items from mining
21:57.37Shirikwell there's an easy way to check if they protect it
21:57.40Shirikmartin thunder!
21:57.50Antiarc|WorkWhat's the ID on that?
21:58.01Shirikfinding it, sec
21:58.21Antiarc|WorkYup, it doesn't show up.
21:58.39Antiarc|WorkI wonder if the output just dies if it isn't a valid ID
21:58.48Shirikit's not 192 in my ll?
21:58.59Shirikno I just can't read
21:59.00*** part/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
21:59.01Shirikit is 192
21:59.10Shadowedalla has 192
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22:00.20ShadowedWell I guess we already know they aren't pulling the data live from the servers, maybe they're just searching that to see if anyone has the item equipped?
22:00.23*** join/#wowi-lounge YammYgirlcoding (n=hoho@
22:00.27ShadowedNot like they need to return the tooltip if nobody is wearing it
22:00.38Antiarc|WorkYou can pull unequippable items
22:01.15Shirikthe only way I can see them doing it is if they searched every server, every account, every character
22:01.22Shirikand look at their inventory
22:01.29ShirikI mean it's possible with an index and it wouldn't be too slow
22:01.32Shirikbut it would be damn huge
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22:02.05pastamancerShirik: they probably generate the item-tooltip entries when they sync characters
22:02.08ShadowedWhy do they have to check every account/character? My understand was when the character logs in the server "caches" all of there items
22:02.20Shadowedunderstanding even
22:02.30Shadowedwhich was how it restricted you from seeing items the server hasn't seen
22:02.53Shirikok then check every server's cache, which is still pretty big
22:03.07Shirikpastamancer: possibly
22:04.25pastamancerfor each item equipped by character 'x', generate toolip for item if tooltip for item does not exist.
22:04.39Shirikheld by character 'x' *
22:04.55Shiriksince we've shown that non-equippable items appear
22:05.13Antiarc|WorkInteresting thought here --
22:05.24wereHamsterbleetah, I can send you a hack to enable multisampling..
22:05.26Antiarc|WorkDB sites can now populate directly, rather than relying on user cache submissions
22:05.37Antiarc|WorkIt's missing some data you'd need, but you can extrapolate most of it.
22:05.41ShadowedI don't think Blizzard would like you doing that though :p
22:05.55Shirikin all honesty
22:05.55bleetahwereHamster: sounds intriguing.. I'll /msg you an email address (I still ain't got around to setting up DCC ;-)
22:05.57Antiarc|WorkHonestly, 32k 1k requests isn't going to phase them.
22:05.57Shirikhow are they going to stop you
22:06.06Antiarc|WorkImagine how many normal hits they're getting per day.
22:06.15wereHamsterbleetah, can paste to, too :)
22:06.31bleetahpastey's good, too
22:07.54wereHamsterhow do I open window 11 in irssi?
22:08.22Arrowmastertheyre using ajax so every time you mouseover an item on somebody char page on the armory its sending a request to item-tooltip.xml
22:09.10wereHamsterpastamancer, alt+q works, too :)
22:09.28bleetahwereHamster: iirc, you can also 'esc q'
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22:30.50wereHamstergod I'm so glad irssi runs in a screen session on my server.. beryl locks up so damn often its not nice anymore.. :(
22:30.53KarlThePaganAnduinLothar, I just saw outfitter is dying
22:31.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
22:31.50bleetahwereHamster: guess what also hates twinview? ... beryl :'(
22:32.10wereHamstercompiz any better?
22:32.25bleetahdunno, less bling.. so why would I try? ;-)
22:32.44kergothso far i havent seen beryl crash at all, maybe i've just been lucky
22:33.30KasoMy beryl likes to slowly degrade to making all windows black
22:33.52wereHamstermaybe it's the nvidia driver.. but the whole computer locks up hard, not even ping or sysrq works..
22:34.00kergothi love having the cube view be inside the cube instead of outside
22:34.06KasoAt the start its fine, then a couple appear black till you resize them, then you have to make em smaller and smaller, till they all black and you have to restartx
22:34.11kergothheh, if sysrq doesnt work, its not a beryl problem :)
22:34.25bleetahyeah, they sound like nVidia driver issues
22:34.31wereHamsterKaso, it's because you're out of VRAM
22:34.32bleetahie, xorg.config
22:35.07KasoHow can i be "out" ? its it ive never heard of vram being leaked away like that before
22:35.11Kasowhat can i do about it?
22:35.29kergothwhat do people have the beryl expose thingy bound to, key wise?
22:35.38kergothi have it as the default f8 now, but its not convenient enough
22:36.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
22:36.21kergothgod i cant think straight today
22:36.48Corrodiasoh THANK GOD 2.0.10 is out
22:36.53Corrodiasit was hell not having the credits display properly
22:36.56Shirikoh purl's not even here
22:37.09TC_Workingheh cor
22:37.25Corrodiashaving a framerate of 5 fps in the black morass because of persistent water splashes i can live with, but credits are my life
22:38.38TC_Working~comfort Corrodias
22:38.39purlThere, there, Corrodias.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
22:39.02kergother, where in beryl's maze of options is the expose thingamajig
22:39.24bleetahrofl... yeah, beryl's big prob
22:39.37bleetahgood example of giving the user too many options
22:39.53ArrowmasterKTM is so fucking bugged right now, i keep getting 1228 threat just for going in combat, and my rogue friend is getting 41.7k threat from going in combat
22:39.57bleetahafk for a few
22:40.17zenzelezzI tried KTM once, removed it
22:40.23zenzelezznever felt a need
22:41.25CorrodiasKTM... doesn't seem to give me any information
22:41.35Corrodiasi had it on during one party and it just showed my own threat only
22:41.41Corrodiasmaybe i need an update
22:41.47zenzelezzeveryone needs it
22:41.51zenzelezzat least when I tried it
22:42.12kergothbleetah: fyi, the expose dealy is called 'scale'... makes sense looking at it now, scaling windows down, but not exactly intuitive when trying to find it :P
22:44.02Shadowedpretty sure it's made to work in raids and not parties anyway
22:44.05TC_Workingi never did like KTM, it seems to take much of the uncertanty out of playing when it's running
22:44.26Shadowedit's not needed, any DPS class can learn how to manage threat just by doing it
22:44.44Shirikand if you don't learn how to manage your threat, then you really don't know how to play your class.
22:48.46sysragedamn it's so sexy being able to see auctioneer and my bags without overlap.. <3 my new LCD
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22:55.22leethalsysrage: ui scale for the rescue
23:07.28TC_WorkingWant more room on screen --> Drop down UI scale  --> Cant see crap becuase of small UI --> Make things larger to compensate --> Not enough room on screen.....
23:08.19Shirikthat would be a situation analagous in programming to a "livelock" =P
23:08.25Shiriki.e., you're screwed
23:09.09Shirikmaybe if it's too small, you have too much on screen?
23:15.40*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
23:17.00sysrageor you need a sexy new 20" widescreen LCD like me!
23:17.43ShirikI use a 23"
23:17.46Shirikpathetic 20"
23:17.51sysragewell mine only cost $3.27
23:18.02ShirikI don't have hax irl
23:18.05sysrageactually once i turn in rebate, they paid me $46 to 'buy' it
23:18.22sysrageheh. tigerdirect's website had a screwup for a few hours yesterday. i got lucky
23:19.19Shirik"A 19-year-old Saudi woman who was kidnapped, beaten and gang raped by seven men who then took photos of their victim and threatened to kill her, was sentenced under the country's Islamic-based law to 90 lashes for the "crime" of being alone with a man not related to her."
23:19.25TC_Workingi am going to get Dual 22" widescreens
23:19.27Shirikfrom AP..
23:20.24zenzelezzdon't you love the "civilized world"?
23:21.51sysragei wouldn't turn um down, but i can't imagine dual 22's.. i'd have to sit way back
23:23.45TC_Workingi dunno, i am sitting infront of dual 19" right now, and it is fine
23:24.17zenzelezzquite a difference between 19 and 22
23:25.04zenzelezzwhat resolution do the 22" run?
23:25.43wereHamster$3.27?? is that three dollars?
23:26.05Shadowedthree dollars, 27 cents
23:26.15wereHamsterfor a 20" LCD?
23:26.53Shadowedsounds like it was an error on the site he bought it in
23:28.46Shadowedalthough, not sure how you could set the price to 3.72 not, 372
23:29.48wereHamsterstill, 372 seems very cheap to me
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23:30.50Shadowed[]=160:1039/popup2[]=10:54 lot of 20" for around that
23:31.05WobWorkdual 22"'s would be very nice
23:31.15wereHamsteror not.. when I bought my 19" TFT, I had to pay 1300SFr..
23:31.26zenzelezz"Hey John, what's the price for the 20"?" "Three seventy two" "3.72, thanks"
23:31.42JoshBorke~emulate JoshBorke
23:31.44purlACTION hugs Cairenn
23:32.45JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn|afk
23:32.53purlACTION hugs Cairenn|afk
23:33.08zenzelezzleave the poor girl alone
23:33.27Shadowedpurl, stab JoshBorke
23:33.29purlACTION runs at JoshBorke with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.
23:33.41ShadowedI would kind of hope somebody would question "Is it suppose to be 3.72 or 372"
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23:34.27zenzelezzShadowed: yeah, it's unlikely but remotely possible :-p
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23:34.52Shadowedwell it's possible considering he got one for 3.72!
23:34.54bleetahwereHamster: that git repo, and the patch, seem to enable AA for me, but I suspect I'm losing quite a few FPS (standing around the Sepulchur's not exactly the greatest stress test for these things ;-)
23:35.48zenzelezzI'm having a mind blank, where is sepulcher again?
23:36.05zenzelezzoh, right
23:36.07ShadowedQuest hub for like 12-15
23:37.13zenzelezzsome stupid NPC told my orc to go there, and when I finally got there (after having discovered Grom'gor) half the quests were grey exclamations... didn't go back :-p
23:37.22wereHamsterbleetah, enabling FSAA will cost you some FPS..
23:37.43bleetahwereHamster: yeah, just wasn't expecting to lose 50% of them
23:37.55wereHamster.. with 4x FSAA?
23:38.11bleetahneed to play with the settings a bit more
23:38.32wereHamsteryou could also try a clean wine tree with teh FSAA patch only..
23:38.44TC_Workingzenzelezz, Native 1680x 1050 resolution
23:39.26zenzelezzTC_Working: hm, might work
23:39.44TC_Workingwhat might work?
23:39.54TC_Workingi was just responding to your question
23:40.21TC_Workingstill for $300 us it's not bad
23:40.27bleetahballs... Valid values for 'FSAA' are: 0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
23:40.50TC_Workingeach that is
23:47.23zenzelezzTC_Working: I just mean that 1680x1050 doesn't seem silly on a monitor that size
23:47.42zenzelezzI remember some bad resolution choices on other LCDs that totally ruined the reason for making them larger in the first place
23:48.16TC_Workingah, well it seems good
23:48.40Shadowedby the way, armory updated arena stuff
23:48.42TC_Working"700:1 contrast ratio, 5ms refresh time, 300cd brightness"  I wish the contrast was higher but i suppose i can live with this
23:54.25JoshBorkei'll take mine scrambled zenzelezz
23:54.33Esamynngod damn I hate that bug
23:55.13Esamynnfor some reason when I log in some times, my nick get randomly changed
23:55.34EsamynnI think it's got to be a bug in my irc proxy
23:55.46cogwheel|workmaybe an..... easter egg?
23:55.47EsamynnI guess the author has a bacon and eggs fettish
23:57.37TC_Workinganyone buying tickets in the mega millions?
23:58.05cogwheel|workLottery - n. - A tax on people who can't do math.
23:59.04TC_Workingthats ok, when you finialy get your tax returns, it's a crapload

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