irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070224

00:07.53*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
00:08.32*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
00:10.12*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
00:10.36wobinIriel|Away: Dunno if you'll get this, but with your securepiebutton_onclick function, is there a drawback to using GetCenter() for the frame as opposed to finding the center from halving the various dimensions?
00:19.59*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
00:25.54cladhairewho here likes math puzzles?
00:26.29cogwheel|workIs OnShow called if :Show() is called on an already visible frame?
00:30.19cladhairedoes Cartographer and company put waypoints on the minimap like the game already does? (i.e. pointers to your corpse, cities, etc?)
00:31.29ShadowedSo if you wanted to make something that could handle both MyAddon_SetVariable and MyAddon:SetVariable, is there an easy way to do it. Or would you just have to do something like { "MyAddon", "SetVariable" } and "MyAddon_SetVariable"?
00:31.55cladhairenot sure i understand the question
00:32.34ShadowedTrying to redo my mod that creates a UI, and one of the things I register are functions for setting and getting variables. But I have some addons that use MyAddon_SetVariable, and others that use MyAddon:SetVariable
00:33.21cladhaireyou could make a wrapper
00:33.24cladhaireor set teh table element
00:33.28cladhairebut then you have to deal with self
00:33.34cladhairebasically, they're different functions
00:34.55ShadowedPretty much, it's not worth it for a configuration UI since it's not ran often enough that making a wrapper would hurt?
00:37.07cladhaireperformance, if the user has to dso something, it basically doesn't matter
00:37.11cladhairenot  that that's a good reason
00:38.36Shadowedwas what I was wondering! thanks
00:39.21wobincladhaire: yes
00:39.46cladhairewobin: well what? lol
00:39.46wobinCart_Waypoints gives you a waypoint to your corpse
00:39.55wobinit won't give city ones
00:40.11cladhaireI mean on the minimap.
00:40.23cladhairean arrow that moves always pointing at a location
00:40.43wobinoh for your corpse, yes. If you're in the same zone as the waypoint it'll pop an icon up on the edge of the minimap indicating direction
00:40.49wobinbut you also get a waypoint arrow
00:40.51cladhairebut.. the default game does that.
00:40.56cladhairecart doesn't, i'm assuming
00:41.10wobinwell, it's for more than just corpses
00:41.14wobinit's for any waypoint you set
00:41.20wobineg /way 50,50
00:41.28cladhairecan you point me at where the minimap portion of that code is?
00:41.30wobincorpses are just automatic
00:41.36wobinto show the icons?
00:41.46cladhairehow you're handling the arrows on the edge of the minimap
00:41.56wobinah, no
00:42.04wobinnow we're dealing with different definitions =)
00:42.21cladhairethat's what i asked about
00:42.23wobinNo, Cart just puts a icon, much like gatherer style on the edge of the minimap
00:42.36wobinnot actually like the arrow for 'locations of interest'
00:42.42cladhairei'm trying to make the latter
00:42.46cladhairei'll let you know when i succeed =)
00:42.59Kirkburn|afkBtw some news - Blizzard is counter-suing the WoWGlider creators, and the LFG channel is to return!
00:43.15wobinYou'd have to rotate that arrow dependant on where on the minimap it is
00:43.15cladhairehow are they counter counter suing?
00:43.27cladhairewobin: I know, that's the nastiness i'm working on
00:43.29cladhairei hate math =)
00:43.29wobinWowGlider countersued?
00:43.38cladhairewobin: yeah, a while ago
00:43.50wobinI figured out how to do radial buttons =P
00:43.56wobinonly to find Iriel beat me to it =P
00:44.16cladhairewhat do you mean?
00:44.25wobinwith securepie buttons =)
00:44.31Kirkburn|afk(the WG people were first to sue btw)
00:44.45wobinhis code is basically the same as mine, except he's working in degrees, and I stuck to radians
00:44.48Kirkburn|afkAs for the LFG channel change -
00:46.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
00:46.10cladhairethat LFG change is fine by me.
00:46.15cladhaireit'll make people use the UI
00:46.29wobinwhich has been the problem so far =)
00:46.37cladhairea HA!
00:46.48wobinactually clad
00:46.49cladhairethe facing value is based on 1*math.pi
00:46.50cladhairein each direction
00:46.52cladhairewhich is.. odd =)
00:46.54wobinYou know what you can use?
00:46.58subboti've been using the LFG ui lately
00:47.02wobinthe arrowmodel
00:47.11cladhairei am
00:47.15subbotthe groups that are formed have been pretty good
00:47.25cladhairewobin: You have no idea how complex it is to get the facing and position
00:47.29cladhairethat's what i'm working on =)
00:47.34wobincladhaire: I do =)
00:47.40cladhairethen how do i do it =)
00:47.41cladhaireif you know :P
00:47.44wobinThat's why I left most of the waypoint stuff to ckknight =)
00:48.03wobinhave a look in Cartographer_Waypoints to see how he figures which way to point the 3d arrow
00:48.21cladhairethat won't have anythign to do with it, unless its a model.
00:48.29wobinI don't know how to do it, but I do know how complex it is =)
00:48.36cladhaireis easy
00:48.37wobinso I empathise with you =)
00:48.45cladhairehow to make the model face that direction is not.
00:48.48ckknightwhat's all this, then?
00:49.16cladhaireckknight: Do you use a model for the arrow for waypoints in cart?
00:49.24ckknightno, I use 108 images
00:49.36cladhairethought so, that doesn't help
00:49.37ckknightbasically, 1 image divided into 108 parts
00:49.45ckknightit works for what we're doing
00:49.52cladhairewell mine is a general solution
00:49.54cladhairethat uses 0 images
00:50.00JoshBork1poor cladhaire, now you gotta find Iriel|Away :P
00:50.03cladhairethats why its a bitch =)
00:50.03wobinhappy math
00:50.07ckknightdo you draw lines or so?
00:50.14cladhaireusing the built in arrow model
00:50.14ckknighthow do you do it?
00:50.17ckknightoh, okay
00:50.18cladhaireso it works with the default UI
00:50.24cladhairei have everything now
00:50.26cladhaireexcept model positioning
00:50.28ckknightI'd like to see it once it's working
00:50.29cladhairefacing is simple
00:50.36ckknightmath is fun.
00:50.39cladhaireaye, i'll pass it on
00:50.43cladhairewant to look at math?
00:50.52wobinwhat's it going to do in the end, clad?
00:50.52cladhairei can post a log of me flying from 0 to 360 =)
00:51.13cladhairelemme set up an addon to log the flight
00:51.19JoshBork1do it cladhaire!
00:51.21JoshBork1i wanna see!
00:51.32cladhairerthis may be simple, i just dont see it =)
00:51.42wobinWhat is the end product going to do?
00:52.05cladhairewobin: it'll be a festivus for the restuvus!
00:52.25ckknightthat was like 2 months ago
00:52.59*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|Univ (i=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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00:53.02cladhairewant this in csv?
00:53.05cladhaireso we can excel? =)
00:53.15cladhairei'll do that either way, its easier.
00:53.32ckknightwhatever works
00:54.15ckknightdo you have accompanying code?
00:54.36cladhaireits just dumping the model data atm
00:55.06cladhaireand i need to analyse it to see how i can, based on my position on the minimap, make the arrow face the right direction
00:55.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
00:56.03ckknightyou mean get the facing of the arrow in the minimap?
00:56.10ckknightor something more complex?
00:57.22cladhaireI need to, based on where an icon is on the minimap
00:57.33cladhairedetermeine the facing and position of the model, to have it rotate properly
00:57.53wobincladhaire: Are you trying to simulate the 'pointer to city' to point to a location on the map?
00:58.13ckknightthat seems relatively easy
00:58.17cladhaireits not
00:58.21ckknightsays you
00:58.22cladhairethats why i'm dumping the numbers
00:58.23cladhaireit should be
00:58.24ckknightI know maths
00:58.28wobincan't you rotate the pointer arrow based on the point at which it's on the edge?
00:58.28cladhairebut models are nastiness =)
00:58.33cladhairewobin: its not a texture.
00:58.40cladhaireso no
00:58.41ckknightyea, you set the facing
00:58.47cladhaireckknight: and the model's position
00:58.50ckknightthat makes it rotate properly
00:58.51cladhairethree numbers change
00:58.57cladhairethe facing is the easy one.
00:59.24wobinposition is fairly simple, no?
00:59.54wobindraw a line between you and the destination, and put the model on the radius of the minimap
01:00.01wobinaway from you
01:00.34cladhairei dont need to position it
01:00.45cladhairei must suck tonight or something ;-)
01:00.58wobinso hang on, what variables are you looking for?
01:01.12wobinYou have the 'facing' which points the arrow in the direction of the target
01:01.14*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
01:01.23cladhairelisten =)
01:01.25cladhairei have an icon
01:01.28cladhaireits on the edge of the minimap
01:01.31cladhairei also  have a model
01:01.42cladhairei need three variables to make that model face the right direction
01:01.48cladhairefacing, posx, and posy
01:01.52cladhaireposz doesn't appear to change
01:01.54cladhairei have the facing
01:01.59cladhaireposx and posy are the issue =)
01:02.08wobinisn't it the same as the icon on the minimap?
01:02.28cladhaireunclear atm
01:02.28JoshBork1what is the facing?  is that like some degree or something?
01:02.30cladhairethat's what i'm testing.
01:03.04wobinwell, if you get the angle that is extended from your point to the minimapicon point
01:03.16wobinyou can just place the model at the radiuspoint of that angle
01:03.31cladhaireits already placed.
01:03.37cladhaireyou're misunderstanding
01:03.39JoshBork1cladhaire: you should photochop a picture of the minimap with what you want to happen
01:03.53cladhairehell no
01:03.54wobinwe need a whiteboard =)
01:03.56JoshBork1and the information you need and stuff.  that'll help me understand (feeble as my brain may be)
01:03.56cladhairei like a challenge
01:04.20wobinSo you already have the model at the edge of the minimap?
01:06.20cladhairei have what yo have
01:06.24cladhairemy addon does what cart waypoints does.
01:06.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
01:06.39cladhairei'm trying to integrate that into the minimap a bit more with rotating arrows
01:06.43cladhairewithout needing to use 100 textures.
01:06.55cladhairei was working on something
01:06.58cladhairewasn't trying to be "vague"
01:07.03cladhaireas you said i was
01:07.21wobindoesn't the 'facing' deal with making the arrowmodel point outwards?
01:07.52cladhaireThere are three variables required to place a model.
01:08.00cladhairefacing, posx, posy and posz (whch doesn't change)
01:08.24cladhaire"-0.71509593725204, 0.074067667126656, 0.077928692102432, 0"
01:08.26wobinYou have facing. posx and posy are a point on the edge of the minimap?
01:08.30cladhairethats roughly the cardinal north
01:08.34cladhairewobin: no,
01:08.51wobinit's a point in realspace where it would be indicated on the minimap?
01:08.52cladhairewobin: facing is the same as what direction the model is facing in your character window.
01:08.57cladhaireits a point within the 3d mesh
01:09.16cladhairea position of the 3-d model.
01:09.18wobinYou essentially want to place a model in realspace so it shows up on the minimap?
01:09.25JoshBork1cladhaire: that's the same direction the default wow arrow on the minimap points, right?
01:09.27wobin'pointing' in the right direction
01:09.38cladhaireJosh_Borke: No, since there can be multiple points on the map
01:09.39cladhairewobin: yes.
01:09.49*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh (
01:10.01wobinSort of 'guiding star to bethlehem' style =P
01:10.22cladhairewell, its exactly what waypoints in cart do
01:10.30cladhaireexcept without the need for 100 images
01:10.37cladhairewhich is the whole point, plus i'm having fun
01:10.42cladhaireso ckknight can blow me =)
01:10.51wobinnot really
01:11.03wobinoh okay
01:11.06cladhairethe icons stay at the point on the minimap
01:11.10wobinin end result, yeah
01:11.13cladhaireguiding you =)
01:11.22cladhaireand he just converts the degrees into an image name
01:11.23cladhaireand uses that
01:11.27cladhaireor something similar, i suspect
01:11.28cladhairethat's cool
01:11.29wobinIt just seems kinda overly complex =)
01:11.31cladhairei dont wanna do that =0
01:11.36cladhairewobin: Not once someone's done the math
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01:11.39cladhairethen its uber simple.
01:11.51wobinhe calculates the coordinates of the correct image from the facing info
01:11.57wobinsort of how raidicons are chosen
01:12.02cladhaireaye, i know.
01:13.10wobinIn order to do what you need, Clad, you'll have to figure out at which physical point the edge of the minimap is
01:13.17wobinand put your model just before that
01:13.28cladhairei already have it placed.
01:13.32cladhairethat's easy
01:13.48cladhairemy addon works as good as yours now, it just doesnt turn into an arrow on the edge
01:13.50wobinIsn't that the posx and y?
01:13.51cladhairethat's what i'm doing now =)
01:14.05cladhaireposx and posy are the internal position of the 3-D model.
01:14.14cladhairecladhaire: "-0.71509593725204, 0.074067667126656, 0.077928692102432, 0"
01:14.21cladhairethat's facing, poss, posy, posz
01:14.27cladhairethe first is in radians, basically
01:14.30cladhairethe other two, are tougher
01:14.44wobinoh man, so confusing =)
01:15.13TC_WorkingHead detonation in 5....4....3....
01:15.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
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01:15.27wobinright, so all three are required to make the model actually 'face' something phyiscally
01:15.36wobinand we don't know how to calculate the second two
01:16.04cladhaireso i'm loggign data to figure it out
01:16.06wobingraph it out =)
01:16.36wobinwhat are you using to get those three variables for yourself?
01:16.47cladhairegetting them from the model.
01:17.02wobinfeh, send me the data? =P
01:17.11cladhairewhen i get it, yep
01:17.29JoshBork1wow, yea, i'm just gonna go over there and play with legos
01:17.37JoshBork1call me when it's recess
01:17.59wobinJosh_Borke: Swap you a peanut butter sandwich for a jelly one.
01:18.00cladhaireat worst, i'll be logging numbers
01:18.06cladhaireand using those instead of 100 textures.
01:18.25wobinWell, it's just one texture =)
01:18.32wobinwith numbers to give a viewport
01:18.34cladhaireyes.. i know this.
01:18.38cladhairetexcoords are fun =)
01:18.45wobinpainful, but fun
01:20.21wobinmeanwhile I have to figure out how to integrate securepie into my code
01:20.39JoshBork1whatcha making?
01:20.41wobinI need to do some research.
01:20.56wobinsprocketish popbarish thingie
01:21.11JoshBork1oh, what's that called?
01:21.12wobinWell I'm working on the circular one, Sole is working on the popbar one
01:21.19JoshBork1yea, cool
01:21.22JoshBork1wondered what that was
01:21.45wobinIt's an Ace mod, we're honour bound to use confusing ambiguous names
01:22.02wobin(but they're at least memorable!)
01:22.12Temwell it's better than Ace<This is what I do>
01:22.17wobinIt's true
01:22.55TemRowne had the best names
01:22.55JoshBork1can't forget the 2
01:23.00wobinabsolutely =)
01:23.11ag`Bring back Ronwe
01:23.11wobinI do pretty good with names =P
01:23.17ag`he's enjoy the latest flamewars
01:23.24TemHe was sort of an asshole
01:23.25MentalPower|Univcladhaire: why do you need a model or 100 textures for a pointing arrow?
01:23.27Tembut hillarious
01:23.29wobinag`: only if he does an overhaul on his coding practices
01:23.48wobinMentalPower|Univ: Cause he wants to use a model
01:23.52ag`never looked at the stuff he wrote wobin
01:23.57ag`wasn't into addons back then
01:24.00kergothrowne was an ass, but i can respect that
01:24.05wobinMentalPower|Univ: and on the other hand, the 108 images are used in the worldframe
01:24.08Temag`, save yourself the pain and agony
01:24.20wobinag`: He wrote very good code
01:24.27wobinIt's a pity it took so much effort to understand it
01:24.32Temmost of the time the code was very clean and if he really understood the topic, it was efficient as hell
01:24.34MentalPower|UnivSetTexCoords() is a lot easier IMO
01:24.40Tembut it was PAIN to read
01:24.47wobinMentalPower|Univ: Clad wants a challenge =)
01:25.03MentalPower|Univnow I still don't get the 108 textures thing
01:25.03wobinMentalPower|Univ: And yes, settexcoords is how Cart_Waypoints does it
01:25.16wobinit's 108 arrows stitched into one image
01:25.23wobinand settexcoords to show the right one
01:25.38cladhairewobin: no, MentalPower is saying you rorate one image
01:25.42cladhairewhich is one way to do it
01:25.45cladhairei want to use the model =)
01:25.46cladhairefor fun
01:25.48MentalPowerthats *not* what I meant with SetTexCoorfs
01:25.49wobinSo you get an arrow on your screen pointing in the right direction
01:26.00wobinMentalPower: It's a 3D arrow though
01:26.20MentalPowerright, I know, the minimap arrow right?
01:26.20wobinYou can't just rotate the arrow on the screen, otherwise you'll just get the minimap
01:26.38cladhaireMentalPower: I know exactly what you're saying
01:26.47cladhaireSetTexCoord allows affline transformations, namely rotations
01:26.51cladhaireso have a single arrow, and rotate it
01:27.04cladhairei want to do the same with models =)
01:27.05MentalPowerI already have a function that does it for me
01:27.05cladhairesince i can :P
01:27.23MentalPowerfeed it an angle and a texture and violá
01:27.23wobinlook at the arrow at the bottom of the first post
01:29.03wobinMentalPower: If you can come up with a better way to implement, let me know
01:29.08MentalPowerthats just wrong
01:29.11MentalPowerI can
01:29.14wobinmake it right then =P
01:29.20MentalPowerone sec while I pastey the function
01:29.34wobin(ps, will we have to create the model somehow?)
01:29.43cladhaireno, his uses a single texture
01:29.44cladhaireits magic.
01:30.06wobinWaypointArrow:CallMagicHax() =)
01:30.44wobinI'm not sure how you can get a 3d rendered arrow from a transformation of a single texture though
01:31.12MentalPowerjust make sure the texture in question has at least one transparent pixel all around
01:31.24wobinMentalPower: Isn't that like the minimap arrow?
01:31.49MentalPowerright, but with a texture instead of a model
01:31.58cladhairemodel ftw =)
01:32.02wobinbut won't it point straight up if the direction is forward?
01:32.16cladhairei'll end up using yours, but i'm enjoying this :P
01:32.26wobinbut I want it to point 'forward'
01:32.57wobinhaving it point in the vertical axis is relatively useless
01:33.12wobincause once you move past left and right, it's hard to figure out how far to turn
01:33.29wobinI want it to give a 3d arrow pointing in the direction I want to go in
01:33.41wobinnot a vertical representation. I can get that from the minimap
01:34.04wobinNow if Clad can figure out the model
01:34.15wobinand rotate the model appropriately, then I'll use that =)
01:34.20wobinbut it's the 3d that makes waypoints work
01:34.31cladhairewell... mine would be no different than his.
01:34.37wobinpointing straight up?
01:34.45cladhairemine is a minimap arrow
01:34.46MentalPowerbecause the minimap arrow is a 2d model
01:34.51cladhaire100% =)
01:34.54MentalPowerit'll look ĂĽber shitty
01:34.55wobinah, yeah
01:34.56cladhairethe same as a corpse waypoint within the game
01:35.01wobinwell I want something midscreen =P
01:35.11wobinrather than having to squint at the minimap and interpret direction
01:35.13cladhairethen use what you have
01:35.31wobinSo, thus, MentalPower. Not EWWWW!!! Just a completely different purpose =P
01:35.47MentalPowerI can't see that from the post
01:35.55wobinThe big green arrow?
01:36.02wobinpointing 'forward'?
01:36.22sysragei may be missing something cause i just got home, but from what i see on my screen you are asking for something the mod PingDirection already does
01:36.41wobinsysrage: Clad or I?
01:36.50wobinWell no.
01:36.54wobinI already have what I need =)
01:37.05wobinBut if I can use a model, it'll be much cooler
01:37.07sysrageok. whoever is talking about an arrow pointing at a waypoint
01:37.18wobinAnd that's what Cart_Waypoints does
01:37.34sysrageok. like i said. musta been missing something. carry on
01:37.35cladhairewobin: there's no model that will do that, so i'm sorry =/
01:37.35wobinexcept the way it renders the arrow causes MentalPower angst =)
01:37.42wobincladhaire: =(
01:37.55Temyou theoretically could do it
01:38.01wobinI could have had a murloc model facing the direction of the waypoint =)
01:38.04Tembut like....
01:38.12wobinpointing =)
01:38.16TemI have NO IDEA how to make an m2 file
01:38.24wobinTem: yeah =\
01:38.59wobinoh man, it could have been like Clippy
01:38.59MentalPoweror, hack up WoWModelViewer and reverse the m2 ->external format conversion
01:39.25wobin"You're heading off a cliff. Would you like to: Cast featherfall. Ice Block. Die Horribly"
01:40.03cladhairenow to figure out how to get those values exactly =)
01:40.12wobina little from column a, and a little from column B? =)
01:41.19MentalPowercladhaire: what am I looking at?
01:42.03cladhaireMentalPower: Those are the model positions starting at 0 radians, and moving counter clockwise.
01:42.20wobinsysrage: Mostly though, we're talking about two different implementations. Clad's is on the minimap, much like the 'Pointing to corpse' or 'pointing to nearest settlement'. Mine is on the screen pointing physically in the right direction to the waypoint
01:42.26cladhairei.e. i know the SetFacing() argument, need to determine the SetPosition() argument.
01:42.30sysragewobin you got a link for cart_waypoints?
01:42.48sysrageya, pingdir does it on the main screen part.
01:42.51wobinyou'll need Cart
01:42.55*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
01:43.01sysrageoh. was hoping for a screenshot to compare to pingdir :)
01:43.01wobinas well
01:43.23wobinbottom of first post
01:43.31wobinThe green arrow
01:43.33cladhaireMentalPower: That's with the facing argument overlaid
01:43.42cladhairei couldn't get a logarithmic scale on the y access, so it sucks.
01:43.52cladhairebut you can see what its going
01:44.14cladhairemy flight speed was uneven obviously =)
01:44.26wobinit doesn't look like the first correlates very nicely with the other two
01:44.36cladhaire.. they're three entirely seperate numbers
01:44.39cladhaireso i shoudl hope not.
01:44.52cladhaireand actually they do
01:45.01cladhairethe peak of column A is exactly the halfpoint of the phase of both column B and C
01:45.12sysragenot seeing a screenshot at that URL
01:45.21*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio (n=sp@unaffiliated/sergio)
01:45.31wobinyou probably need to be logged in.
01:45.34wobinlemme dump it somewhere else
01:47.07sysragethat's pingdir
01:47.07sysrageeither draws an arrow to where somebody pinged the map, or to coords you give it
01:47.07wobinThat links for you as well MentalPower
01:47.11wobinyeah, similar
01:47.19wobinalthough slightly prettier
01:48.04wobinactually, pingway seems a nice module to add into this one
01:48.13wobinthe functionality anyway
01:49.12sysrageya that distance feature is cool
01:49.22wobinhm, I should update that image
01:49.26wobinit's got time til arrival too
01:49.56wobindamn my ferret coding style =(
01:50.14pastamancer"ooh shiny"?
01:50.17wobinI need to be learning about state handlers damnit =P
01:50.22wobinpastamancer: yeah =P
01:51.52ag`best group ever
01:52.01ag`two shadow priests, one warlock, two paladins
01:52.33wobinmmm shadow dps
01:53.22ag`iIt's like one million mp5
01:53.51pastamancerag`: sounds nice
01:54.14ag`downside of that combo is loot
01:54.20ag`3 clothies rolling on dps gear
02:05.52*** join/#wowi-lounge _B (i=isis@
02:08.44*** join/#wowi-lounge ZealotOnAStick (
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02:27.42*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
02:29.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
02:38.29ScytheBlade1I just found a botter in STV :D
02:45.27MentalPowernew slouken lovin'
02:45.35cogwheelIf you call :Show on an already visible frame, will it trigger OnShow?
02:46.16MentalPowerdon't think so
02:46.35MentalPowerI think :Show() and :Hide() short-circuit if the frame is already shown or hidden
02:46.35cogwheelneither do i...
02:49.53*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
02:50.14wobinDoes chatzilla hook into the filesystem in some way?
02:51.07cogwheelit made me close firefox altogether, actually..
03:20.07*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
03:23.09Mr_Rabies2oh hey look druid nerfs :/
03:23.35Corrodiaswe can't nerf paladins, but druids can't be good
03:24.00Corrodiasj/k, the unimpressive damage output might make the paladin balanced in some situations
03:24.42Mr_Rabies2mangle nerfed
03:24.44Mr_Rabies2bear armor nerfed
03:24.49Mr_Rabies2bear hp nerfed i think
03:24.56Corrodias1) i'm not a member of somethingawful
03:25.09Corrodias2) i would hardly call them a reliable source of information about ... well, anything
03:25.16Mr_Rabies2predatory instincts
03:25.21Mr_Rabies2it is reliable
03:25.27Mr_Rabies2savage fury nerfed
03:25.29Corrodiasit is unviewable, and a forum
03:25.35Mr_Rabies2ilotp nerfed
03:25.46Mr_Rabies2it's on the ptr
03:25.57Corrodiasthen why didn't you link to ptr patch notes?
03:26.06Mr_Rabies2cause i dunno where they are
03:27.16Mr_Rabies2idol of brutality nerfed
03:27.52Mr_Rabies2it's a pretty heavy nerf
03:27.56Mr_Rabies2i can't say i'm happy at all
03:28.36Corrodiasyeah, looks like they pretty much pulled the floor out from under the feral druid spec
03:28.48Corrodiasnah, mostly looks like bear problems
03:28.48Mr_Rabies2we probably took a 5-10% damage hit in cat and a 15-20% damage hit in bear
03:29.10Corrodiasi see very little alteration for cat form
03:29.25Mr_Rabies2predatory instincts
03:29.27Corrodiasbut bear has been pulled apart
03:29.28Mr_Rabies2and ilotp
03:30.37Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty pissed off right now
03:30.54Corrodiasit's not the only class to get some serious changes, but it's the most serious nerf of the lot
03:31.00Mr_Rabies2but i cant say i'm surprised, i'm pretty jaded, i knew we'd be back to useless soon
03:31.32bleetahand no mention of new hunter pet taming/learning of skills
03:31.35Corrodiasoh look, warlocks got... no notable change
03:31.41Corrodiashunters got ignored again
03:32.05bleetahi'm used to it.. ignored by my guild, ignored by other players, ignored by blizz
03:32.16Mr_Rabies2i wish we got ignored
03:32.21Corrodiasidol of brutality was poor before. i can't believe they'd bother to have it in the game like -that-
03:32.38Mr_Rabies2most of the idols are a waste to go out of your way to get
03:32.47Mr_Rabies2in most cases it's no noticable gain over not having one
03:33.05Mr_Rabies2get whatever you happen to get at the time and use it, it really doesn't matter
03:34.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
03:34.37Mr_Rabies2oh well
03:34.43Corrodiaswhat's this about +25% stamina instead of +25% health?
03:34.46Mr_Rabies2it was good while it lasted
03:35.01Mr_Rabies2it means we dont get benefit from +hp enchants, etc
03:35.06Corrodiasour guild was short on tanks even with bears around
03:35.51Mr_Rabies2now we have no way to hold aggro
03:36.02Mr_Rabies2yeah like half the mobs are immune
03:36.23Corrodiasbleed effect. gotcha.
03:36.28Mr_Rabies2most of kara, most of tempest keep
03:37.03Corrodiasso the warriors get back to being the stars of the show, overworked and outnumbered
03:37.23Mr_Rabies2maul nerfed swipe nerfed mangle nerfed savage fury nerfed dire bear form armor nerfed dire bear form hp nerfed
03:37.30Mr_Rabies2primal instincts nerfed
03:37.30Corrodiasmangle (bear)
03:37.45Mr_Rabies2ilotp nerfed
03:37.52Mr_Rabies2and heres the great thing
03:38.02Mr_Rabies2you know the feral charge removing snares thing in there?
03:38.06Mr_Rabies2not gonna be in the patch
03:38.23Corrodiasin where?
03:38.40Mr_Rabies2in the notes
03:39.11Mr_Rabies2ah well warriors are back to being the only class with a monopoly
03:39.12Corrodiasi see no such thing
03:39.17Mr_Rabies2must have removed it then
03:39.20Mr_Rabies2since its not gonna be in
03:40.27Shadowedwas waiting for Druid tanks to be nerfed
03:40.45Corrodiasback to off-tank status
03:40.50Corrodiasand my guild is going to go nowhere fast
03:40.51Mr_Rabies2back to healbotting exclusively now
03:41.06Mr_Rabies2hope you're happy, whiners :/
03:41.28Shadowednow they just need to nerf Cyclone and Ice lance and all is good
03:41.49Corrodiaseh? there's nothing wrong with cyclone
03:41.55Shadoweduh yes there is
03:42.00Mr_Rabies2whats wrong with it
03:42.01Shadowedit's overpowered in pvp/arenas
03:42.03Corrodiasmy one form of CC that works indoors and it makes you invincible for the duration?
03:42.04Corrodiasfuck you
03:42.07Corrodiasnah, just kidding
03:42.09Mr_Rabies2how the hell is it overpowered
03:42.15Corrodiasbut seriously. invincibility. mages do that to THEMSELVES.
03:42.17Shadowedhave you done arenas yet?
03:42.23Mr_Rabies2how the hell is it overpowered
03:42.26Shadowedthink about it
03:42.29Corrodiasit works ...twice.
03:42.30Mr_Rabies2i'm thinking
03:42.32Shadowed6s of taking somebody out of the fight
03:42.37Mr_Rabies2is pretty much nothing
03:42.40Shadoweduhh yes it is
03:42.44Shadowed6s can win or lose a game
03:42.51Mr_Rabies2hunter traps last a lot longer than that
03:42.55Corrodiasnerf ice trap
03:42.59Corrodiasand frost nova
03:43.03Corrodiasand then we'll talk
03:43.16Shadowedhunter traps can be removed
03:43.20Shadowedbig big difference
03:43.26Corrodiasnot by someone on your own team
03:43.26*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio (n=sp@unaffiliated/sergio)
03:43.32*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
03:43.37bleetahsomeone needs to organise Blizz to purge the Test Realm Forum
03:44.19Corrodiasso there really isn't a point to me building a tanking gear set, is there?
03:44.34Mr_Rabies2actually it looks like my HP got buffed
03:44.35Mr_Rabies2lets see
03:44.41Corrodiasthat wouldn't make any sense
03:44.46bleetahwell, depends.. they may bring it back, change what they're changing,.. etc. etc.
03:44.49Mr_Rabies2lost about 1000 HP in bear
03:45.16bleetaha number of times stuff's been on the PTR that hasn't appeared in live, so I wouldn't go getting *too* upset quite yet, just be prepared to be disappointed when it goes live
03:45.50Corrodiasi was so hopeful that i might be able to help the guild by tanking
03:45.50Mr_Rabies2bleetah, if you've ever seen druid changes, you know it's permanent and will never be reversed if it's a nerf
03:46.02Mr_Rabies2ohh well
03:46.06Mr_Rabies2i was getting bored with bc anyway
03:46.26Mr_Rabies2gives me more reason to finally break the addiction i guess
03:46.43Corrodiaswell, the druid goes back to "normal"
03:46.54Corrodiasi'd expect you to be used to -that-
03:47.08Mr_Rabies2the druid goes back to useless :]
03:47.24Mr_Rabies2i was hoping that trend was over with
03:47.29Mr_Rabies2i guess i was too hopeful
03:47.42Corrodiasuseless? well, only in every situation in which you could get someone of a class of your choice.
03:47.43bleetahyeah, well, if this does go live, I'm not gunna be happy.. druid was gunna be my third class.. I've spent time over past few weeks slowly levelling a couple
03:48.11Mr_Rabies2it's going to bleetah
03:48.24Mr_Rabies2every negative druid change that's happened purposely has stayed
03:48.39Mr_Rabies2i'm fairly certain we can't tank anything immune to bleeds anymore
03:48.59Mr_Rabies2and even bleedable mobs is gonna be tough with us getting hit harder and having less health
03:50.26bleetahwhich, to me, is more important than some class changes ;)
03:51.05bleetahargh, all the spell buton icons are fucked up
03:51.23bleetaheither black, or a mess of random pixels
03:52.10bleetahor a mix of the two
03:53.38*** join/#wowi-lounge AndrewFBlack (
03:56.50AndrewFBlackhow can you make your addon read the text in the chat box then do something
04:03.49Mr_Rabies2arghhh i'm pissed now
04:04.03Mr_Rabies2i get to go to bed pissed off again
04:04.17bleetahstop yer bithin'
04:04.31bleetahat this rate, I'm gunna have to go out and by fucking windows to play after 2.1 is released
04:06.21Mr_Rabies2i'm really pissed that the forum idiots made blizzard give in to the whining
04:07.19Mr_Rabies2not much i can say other than I expected blizzard to have finally turned us around and given us viability
04:07.20bleetahwell, imagine havin' all your spells and actions and macro icons look the same
04:07.25Mr_Rabies2but nope :[
04:07.28bleetahthen you'll see why I'm-a-bitchin
04:07.41bleetahparticulkarly when they're black, or mostly black with some random colour pixels @ the top
04:08.23Mr_Rabies2this is 2 years worth of work gone down the drain for me, versus a likely easily fixable bug
04:10.55bleetahdude, the linux community has been waiting how long?
04:11.22Mr_Rabies2a couple hours since the ptr came out? :O
04:11.32bleetahblizz get the lead programmer from the best linux gaming company out there, commercial linux games practically collapse, and each major update we're forced to run around fixing up the support for opengl
04:11.50bleetahMr_Rabies2: try 'since before release'
04:12.25Mr_Rabies2ah,  i didn't know that there were more serious wine problems
04:12.47bleetahdue to it running under wine, it gets *very* touchy about other services taking a few CPU ticks away
04:12.50Mr_Rabies2but they've never made claims to supporting linux from what i've seen
04:13.13hastethey only made claims that they test their warden under wine and cedega
04:13.43bleetahwell, I seem to recall that someone said in beta before release there was a linux client
04:13.53bleetah*and* there's the IsLinux API thing
04:14.06bleetahput it this way, I wouldn't be too suprised if slouken's got one hacked up
04:14.34bleetahI mean, if they can get one working on a Mac, *and* on Windows, *and* on Wine under Linux (with a lot of work from the community), it really couldn't be that hard ;)
04:14.47bleetahI suspect it's got more to do with protecting the warden and stuff like that, than any other reason
04:14.58hastethe IsLinux API was added for consitency
04:15.19bleetahso why nod 'IsBSD' ?
04:15.52hasteI wouldn't have an answer for that
04:16.25bleetahkinda makes the IsLinux *inconsistent* ;)
04:16.35Mr_Rabies2guess i'll try rerolling warrior now before i straight up quit
04:16.51bleetahas they don't have calls for other OS's that it 'doesn't run on'.. unless, of course... it actually does ;)
04:16.53Mr_Rabies2fuck, i'm so unhappy right now :/
04:18.06Mr_Rabies2i don't feel like dealing with azeroth again
04:18.34Mr_Rabies2guess theres a time where all good things come to an end
04:20.55Mr_Rabies2LIVE: Out of 20 mauls: average is 510 per maul, crits for 1200.
04:20.55Mr_Rabies2PTR: Out of 20 mauls: average is 380 per maul, crits for 830
04:24.03Corrodiasi'm rather embarassed to have my feral staff out right now.
04:25.11Mr_Rabies2380 on a maul is beyond pitiful
04:25.20Mr_Rabies2it's now a giant waste of rage
04:25.26Mr_Rabies2other than mostly just a waste of rage
04:25.45Corrodiascareful, rabies
04:25.50Corrodiasit's your best way of generating threat
04:25.55Mr_Rabies2no, no it's not
04:25.58Mr_Rabies2it's terrible for threat
04:26.13Corrodiaswhat else are you going to use? minimangle? :) well, i suppose
04:26.29Mr_Rabies2nothing anymore
04:26.34Mr_Rabies2we're useless again
04:26.38Corrodiasfor tanking
04:26.52Corrodiasso my guild goes back to having about 4 tanks
04:27.08Corrodiasand we'll get to hyjal approximately never
04:27.40Mr_Rabies2i'm probably quitting for good finally, been playing since december '04 and i've gone from being incredibly happy with my druid for once to quitting in a day
04:28.38Corrodiasit's theoretically possible they'll make more changes before it goes live
04:28.40Corrodiasor even after
04:29.01Mr_Rabies2negative ones maybe
04:29.05Mr_Rabies2but positive? doubt it
04:29.09Mr_Rabies2our ship has sailed
04:29.21Mr_Rabies2we had a good few weeks of being useful
04:29.23Mr_Rabies2never again
04:29.54Cairennoi, for the love of ... it's Test server, it doesn't mean it's going through, it doesn't mean it'll never change even if it does
04:30.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
04:30.26Corrodiasi don't have experience with this -- how frequent is it that a test realm patch change doesn't go live?
04:31.08Mr_Rabies2cair, i'll be pleasantly surprised if it does
04:31.15Cairennit's *test* ... until it actually goes live, it may still change
04:31.19Mr_Rabies2every time someone's said that i've said this exact same thing
04:31.21Corrodiasthat doesn't answer my question
04:31.24Mr_Rabies2and i've yet to be wrong yet
04:31.36Mr_Rabies2yet yet yet
04:31.43Cairennand even after it does go live, doesn't mean it may not change again
04:32.03Cairennanyway, whatever, definitely not a night I should be saying anything, so I'll just shut up again
04:32.35Mr_Rabies2nonono, say what you want
04:33.17Mr_Rabies2i'm just ranting and being depressed because every time we take a giant hit i get the "eh, it could always be reversed" and it never does :/
04:34.14CairennI'm just saying that crying over something that isn't even live yet is pretty damn stupid - look at all the bitching and moaning that went on about the 2.0 UI changes, while it was still in beta - then when it actually all went live, it wasn't near so bad as the doomsayers made it out to be
04:34.34Cairennbut as I said, I have zero patience tonight for damn near anything, so best I just shut up before I upset people
04:34.37Mr_Rabies2it's like gasoline prices, we get hit in the wallet so hard, going from 1.50 a gallon to 4 bucks a gallon back down to 2.50 sounds good
04:34.55Mr_Rabies2I'm sorry cair :[
04:35.11Cairennit's okay, it's not your fault
04:35.32CairennI should know better, should have just kept my mouth shut
04:36.30Cairennit isn't actually you
04:36.32Mr_Rabies2don't worry about it, you could yell at me all day and i'm pretty unphased, but you nerf my pride and joy and you get a rather angry letter :p
04:36.35AndrewFBlackhey is there a way where when some one messages me my addon can read that and message them back with something that i set
04:36.59Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty sure, andrew, there's a few auto-respond addons out there
04:37.09Mr_Rabies2uness that got hit with the 2.0 UI nerfbat
04:37.11cladhairepatch notes out somwehere?
04:37.20cladhairesaying they're nerfing bear form, shadow priests, prayer of mending, etc.
04:37.34AndrewFBlackhavn't been able to find one
04:37.39Mr_Rabies2bear got a huuuge nerf clad :[
04:37.56Mr_Rabies2like 30-40% dps/aggro nerf and 10-15% hp/armor nerf
04:37.56Corrodiasbear tanks? no way. prayer of mending? whatever it was, you can only do it every 20 seconds now!
04:38.23Corrodiasvampiric embrace effectiveness down well over 25%
04:38.31Mr_Rabies2maybe they'll give us maul and swipe's aggro formula back
04:38.50Mr_Rabies2however, i doubt it, but i'd rather be surprised by them fixing it than hoping they do and being disappointed even more
04:39.01Shadowedooo they nerfed POM too?
04:39.34Mr_Rabies2i don't mind bear taking a damage nerf honestly, as long as we get a threat buff to accomodate for that
04:39.38Corrodiasi don't know what it was, but apparently they did
04:39.38bleetahhmm more reports of severe bustage with other WoW Winers
04:40.55Mr_Rabies2it's not live, i'm sure they'll fix it before then :p
04:41.21cladhaireMr_Rabies: the rage may help
04:41.21Corrodiasdoes blizzard make an effort to make it run in Wine?
04:41.29Mr_Rabies2that wasn't a stab at you cair, just the forums in general :p
04:41.34Corrodiasdruids didn't really have trouble with rage, as far as i can tell
04:41.50Mr_Rabies2the problem is we're not gaining rage if we're mauling now
04:41.53cladhaireno but having more to dump won't hurt
04:42.00Mr_Rabies2and we can't tank with mangle anymore
04:42.05Corrodiasi was tanking this boss recently and i had to start tossing swipes along with the mauls and lacerates just to use up my rage
04:42.11Mr_Rabies2and half the mobs in the game are immune to lacerate
04:42.24Corrodiaseven more rage? useless
04:43.08Corrodiasactually, the testers will probably never notice, because they'll lose aggro as the mob kills all the healers and say "see? i don't have a lot of rage. he's not hitting me. therefore, rage buff good. end!"
04:43.31Mr_Rabies2so my fancy new tanking strategy not using maul but when i'm above 70 rage or so is going to be useless
04:44.24Mr_Rabies2since we got a pretty hefty threat and survivability nerf across the board, after the threat nerf to maul and swipe before
04:44.39Corrodiasi'm used to being aimless with my druid
04:44.55Corrodiassomehow, i keep wanting to play it even though i'm never as effective as anyone else at something (well, until just recently)
04:45.02Corrodiasbut our guild doesn't have enough tanks. this hurts.
04:45.15Mr_Rabies2all the warriors are gonna be like
04:45.23Mr_Rabies2HAY MORE RAEG, LOLARMS
04:45.41Mr_Rabies2and no one will want to tank, druids won't be able to and no warriors will want to
04:45.59Shadowedrage sucks for tanking right now
04:45.59Corrodias"cry more, noob, now warriors are the tanks again! what? tank for you? sorry, i'm tanking with my buddies in an instance 3 tiers above you. hmm? there are no other tanks? not my fault."
04:46.06Shadowedit's extremely hard to tank multiple mobs
04:46.33*** join/#wowi-lounge hugo546 (
04:46.35Mr_Rabies2tab sunder is more effective than swipe in most cases
04:46.40Mr_Rabies2especially now
04:46.49Shadowedyou forget a few things
04:46.53Corrodiaswhy aren't mobs sunder immune, anyway?
04:46.57Corrodiasmost of them don't even wear armor
04:47.11Corrodias(re: being immune to bleed effects, including lacerate)
04:47.45Corrodiasi realize now that i'm assuming that there aren't sunder-immune mobs
04:47.48Corrodiasi've just never seen any
04:47.49Shadowedfirst off, tab sunder means we're not generating much rage or aggro on the current target everybody is on, it also has a limit from GCD
04:48.13Shadowedsince, I know you guys are feral Druids and will never see reason. i'm not going to even try to argue this
04:48.53Mr_Rabies2i tab lacerate on mobs that aren't immune since swipe doesn't do the job in pugs with people who can't assist
04:48.56Corrodiasi'm just a druid in general, and a member of a guild with only a few high level warriors
04:49.46Mr_Rabies2lacerate's weaker than sunder and it's usually enough if i keep reapplying it before it wears off
04:50.32bleetahok, couple of the wine folks looking at it
04:50.34Mr_Rabies2i hate going to bed in a bad mood, why do i read the forums before going to sleep every day
04:51.00bleetahbut yeah, seems that blizz have changed something under the hood. icons don't render using OpenGL with Wine, and they're either wrong or just black in D3D
04:55.38Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty sure coroiel hates me
04:55.51Mr_Rabies2i report like 30-40 posts a day for trolling, heh
04:56.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
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05:01.09Corrodiasi don't even -have- another high level character to experiment with. i am one of those "casuals".
05:02.09Mr_Rabies2i've got an army of alts of varying levels
05:02.24Corrodiasnone of mine are over 34, and none i ever want to play avain aboce 25
05:02.31Mr_Rabies2hell i tanked scholo a couple ptrs ago on a premade warrior that i picked up literally 4 hours before
05:02.51Mr_Rabies2as an arms spec
05:03.03Corrodiasbeing a tanking warrior sounds terribly exciting to me. but i don't -have- a warrior. all i have is this druid.
05:03.17Corrodiasit would take me a long time, as a casual player, to choose another class that can do something -well-
05:04.36Mr_Rabies2it's so much easier
05:04.40Corrodiasthat balance/restoration spec i had was just an embarassment
05:04.41Mr_Rabies2you have so many options
05:04.52Corrodiasi felt like a slow mage. like a mage with a learning disability.
05:05.11Mr_Rabies2it's not just mangle, faerie fire, and lacerate to 5 then keep lacerate up while mangling and hope
05:06.23Corrodiasi think my only option is to stick to cat form for all soloing purposes and then try to scrape out an existence as a healing assistant in groups. but it's always been that way.
05:06.53Corrodiasbefore TBC, i had 20 points in the feral tree, and that was just enough to let me use cat form to beat stuff on my own. it isn't in TBC.
05:07.05Corrodiasthe rest were in restoration, and i was a good healer
05:07.44*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
05:07.51Mr_Rabies2the trees are very polarized in tbc for us
05:07.55Corrodiaswhyyyy didn't i make a priest? because i didn't know they had shadow spells.
05:08.26Corrodiasi didn't know a lot about the classes when i first started playing the game, and getting up past level 30 is not a quick thing when you have no resources at all
05:08.28Mr_Rabies2the only hybrid spec that make sense is 0/4x/1x
05:08.41Mr_Rabies2because resto has some feral talents to help keep it form being TOTALLY useless
05:11.41bleetahthis is patch 2.0.10, not 2.1.0
05:12.15*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (
05:13.41bleetahwhich then prompts the question.. where is 2.0.9?
05:13.46Corrodiasi get conflicting reports about how easy it is to level a warrior, but i don't think anybody considers it fun
05:13.56Corrodiasand yet every party needs one
05:15.07Thunder_Childit is fun, but not a prot
05:15.12Thunder_Childor whatever wars have
05:15.54Cairennnight folks
05:16.16Corrodiasnow, when you say "fun"...
05:16.26Thunder_Childnight Cairenn
05:16.33Thunder_Childfun = enjoyable
05:16.34bleetahkk, it's confirmed between half a dozen WoW Winers
05:16.39bleetah2.0.10 is bust for us
05:17.20Corrodiasdid warriors need more rage?
05:17.21bleetahand first glance across the wine logs and stuff, there's nothing easily detectable for us to work on to even start thinking of a patch
05:17.32Corrodiasare they any better at tanking multiple mobs in 2.0.10ptr?
05:17.43bleetahnn Cairenn|afk, rest well
05:18.00TemCorrodias, with thunder clap in def stance, I imagine that they should be better at it
05:18.03Cairenn|afkgod I certainly hope so =/
05:18.13Cairenn|afkbut I'm not counting on it
05:18.32bleetahpurl, hug Cairenn|afk
05:18.35purlACTION jumps into Cairenn|afk's lap and huggles and *hugs* Cairenn|afk
05:20.34*** join/#wowi-lounge ZealotOnAStick (
05:21.31Corrodiasif i don't play my druid, i'll fall behind. hmm.
05:35.38*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster|zZz (
05:50.09bleetahlooks like someone's worked out a Wine workaround for 2.0.10
05:50.31bleetahUIFaster of 0 is working for at least one person
05:56.06Guillotinethe damage was a bit over the top, but not so much that it needed to be nerfed by 40% o.O
05:56.17Guillotineoh well, kitty form is more fun anyway
05:57.00Corrodiasi didn't spec feral for cat form
05:57.13Corrodiasi wanted to help my guild find a tank for more than one instance every few days
05:57.28Mr_Rabies2i honestly don't have a problem with bear getting a damage nerf
05:57.40Corrodiasi didn't even know bears did good damage
05:58.00Mr_Rabies2however, i do have a problem with savage fury being all but useless, and our survivability being knocked down at the same time
05:58.05Corrodias(i just started feral yesterday)
05:58.21Mr_Rabies2and our aggro not getting increased to make up for the damage nerf
05:59.03Corrodiasi can't tank if the mobs will ignore me, everything else aside
05:59.32GuillotineI agree. if the aggro was increased so that we could still hold aggro I'd be ok
05:59.40Guillotinethe problem is currently bear form aggro is based purely on damage
05:59.47Guillotineand our damage was just nearly cut in half
05:59.59Guillotinewell, near purely
06:00.00Corrodiascan i have 1.9 bear form back, please?
06:01.14Mr_Rabies2bear's gone from 40% more hp and 450% more armor to 25% more STAMINA and 400% more armor in a few small patches
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06:01.37Corrodiasand from generating threat on maul & swipe to...
06:01.51Guillotinegenerating less threat on maul and swipe
06:02.00Mr_Rabies2to generating almost none
06:02.12Corrodiasgenerating threat only with a bleed effect ability and damage done by abilities which do very little damage now
06:02.13Mr_Rabies2now that they got nerfed by 20% for most druids
06:02.24GuillotineAnd the whines were just dying down due to other people gearing up and druids not scaling again ><
06:03.03Guillotinecool. you can use all the charges on an Agate Shield, then d/e it o.O
06:03.54Corrodiaspriests apparently got kicked in the balls, too
06:05.12Corrodiasso. every party needs tanks & healers. in the PTR notes, they've gotten rid of a significant number of tanks and given a swift rap to the nuts of most of the main healers.
06:05.39Corrodiaswith the upcoming cleave effect change, i guess it's the Rogue's day to shine?
06:05.49Guillotinewell, shadow priests were nerfed
06:05.53Guillotinenot healing priests
06:06.07Corrodiasokay, what is prayer of mending? i really don't know.
06:06.07Guillotinebasically, their forcing more druids/priests to be healers :(
06:06.29Guillotinethe priest casts it on a target. once that target takes damage, it jumps to another random raid member
06:06.40Guillotineonce that person takes damage, it heals and jumps again
06:06.43Guillotine5 times
06:07.21Corrodiasthat doesn't sound as cool as i remember reading about before 2.0 came out
06:07.51Corrodiaswell, they put a 20 second cooldown on that. apparently, the priests were enjoying it until that point.
06:08.21bleetahI'm wondering.. if it forces more druids/priests to be healers, maybe they're looking at the class numbers and there's a desperate shortage of healers since they
06:08.27bleetahthey've gone into DPS mode
06:08.51bleetahjust a thought
06:08.55Corrodiaswell, maybe. we haven't had any shortage in my guild, or from what i can tell on my realm
06:09.08Thunder_Childi do DPS to lvl only then i do disc/holy
06:10.54Corrodiasdamn, those priests are mad
06:11.13Guillotinewait, where in the patch ntoes does it say PoM got a 20 second cooldown? o.O
06:11.34Guillotineor was it undocumented?
06:11.53Corrodiasunder priests
06:11.54Corrodias"Prayer of Mending now has a 20 second cooldown."
06:12.49*** join/#wowi-lounge AndrewFBlack (
06:13.08AndrewFBlackanyone know of any addons that auto responds to someone?
06:14.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
06:14.20Guillotinein what way?
06:14.44AndrewFBlacklike auto responds a message when the message me
06:15.27Corrodiasare there any other good mmorpg's that are not pvp-happy, give you a sense of purpose, and aren't WoW?
06:16.04Guillotinesomething like AutoMsg (
06:19.10Guillotinein the future, just try using "Search" I hadn't seen that addon before, just searched for "auto"
06:22.54Corrodiasrabies and i... we need to search for another game
06:23.21Corrodiasi don't know if i can take this nonsense much longer, but then, would another game be any better?
06:23.57GuillotineGuildWars is pretty fun. but I havn't tried playing it as my main game. just here and there
06:24.07Corrodiasguild wars doesn't have enough pve to give me a sense of purpose
06:24.16Corrodiasat least, before the expansions. i haven't played it since they hit.
06:24.28GuillotineI dunno. I never do the PvE
06:24.43Corrodiasa short pve romp, with no particular reason to do it except to unlock skills, and then it's pvp until you get sick of it, which doesn't take very long for me and pvp
06:25.00GuillotineLOTRO looks interesting. We could all try getting into the beta ;)
06:25.09Guillotinelove the professions aspect
06:25.28Thunder_ChildCair already is
06:25.32TainIf you apply for the beta now you'll probably get in, they'll do stress test betas soon.
06:25.37Corrodiasargh, someone says on the priest thread, " That part that pisses me off the most is the lack of any appealing alternative in the MMO market at this time to go play instead and WAR is still months away... "
06:26.13TainI've been in LotRO beta for a while, it is pretty fun.  It won't knock off WoW or anything, but it is a solid game.
06:27.05bleetahOK, WoW seems to be changing the default renderer in 2.0.10 to multithreaded 3d, which Wine doesn't support, hence the bustage of WoW 2.0.10 PTR on Wine. /console set uifaster 0, /console reloadui and you'll be fine, 'cept maybe lose a few FPS
06:27.19bleetah(insofar as opengl goes)
06:27.31Corrodiasi want something to play that's as satisfying as wow can be -at times-, without all the up and down drama of classes getting huge buffs and nerfs. but then where would be the fun, eh?
06:28.08bleetahI applied for LOTRO beta two days ago, I'm still downloading the client when my b/w allows
06:28.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Nightdew (n=nightdew@
06:28.39Thunder_Childcairs comment of "[02/12/2007 - 07:06] Cairenn|afk: they thought it incredibly funny to find the one thing that was *really* bringing out the geek in me
06:28.39Thunder_Child[02/12/2007 - 07:07] Cairenn|afk: listening to me almost creaming my jeans when I got to meet Strider, etc" will haunt me for a while
06:28.54Corrodiasnot sure i'd want to be meeting Strider
06:29.05Corrodiasseems a bit cheesy
06:29.09TainThey're all there.
06:29.18*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
06:29.21TainGandalf, Elrond, the dwarves, etc.
06:30.34bleetahwe had a science teacher in Highschool we called Gandalf
06:30.46bleetahone day he heard us, and he laughed so hard we thought he was gunna die :-s
06:31.06wobinbleetah: You're kidding =\
06:31.19wobinirt the byebye openGL
06:35.40Guillotineholy crap. I just realized how much I'm going to have to be mining. Nightseye panther needs 10 Hardened Adamantite Bars, 2 Nightseye, and 2 Primal Shadows. Doesn't sound so bad, right? But each Hardened Adamantite Bar needs 10 Adamantite Bars. And each Adamantite Bars needs 2 Adamantite Ore. Thats 6 stacks of adamantite to gain one level in JC o.O
06:35.50bleetahwobin: kidding about what?
06:37.54cogwheelgah... i finally make one of the most important improvements to CogsBar since its creation and the wowi admins are all gone :(
06:38.49wobincogwheel: You have it automatically block any message from Gohaveth? =P
06:38.50Thunder_Childmurphy loves ya
06:39.15wobinbleetah: Wine incompatibility
06:39.42bleetahwobin: yeah, a bit of a suck... but it seems to have got some of the wine devs into a lather about getting multithreaded 3d in opengl happening soon ;)
06:40.46bleetahso, in all, it may not be a bad thing. in the meantime, for the current PTR, turn it off. I'm kinda hoping that Macs may have a problem with it too, which could help ;)
06:46.20Corrodiasi think this one thread in the priest forum has more blizzard dev hatred in it than all of the druid forum
06:46.56ShadowedPriests can blame the people who spammed it in PVP for the nerf
06:47.13wobinPVP is the cause for all nerfs =P
06:47.18wobinJust blame PVPers
06:47.27Corrodiasi think blizzard devs rolling a d20 to see who to piss off next is the cause for all nerfs
06:47.45ShadowedI think you're trying to place blame instead of trying to look at it logically
06:48.46Corrodiasmost of these priests say that it would be reasonable for it to have a cooldown of 5 seconds
06:48.50wobinNah, PVP is the reason for all nerfs =)
06:48.53wobinIt's the truth
06:48.57Shadowed5 seconds is a bit to short
06:49.20ShadowedI was expecting around 10 seconds, and somebody else was thinking they would just make a debuff like PW:S has which would solve everything
06:49.29Corrodiashow many times can you spam healing on yourself when you're stunned, i wonder...?
06:49.48wobinyou could possibly hit 'desperate prayer'
06:50.20ShadowedBecause stuns never miss, get resisted, get trinketed out of and such
06:50.41Shadowed2vs2/3vs3 priests with POM were crazy, 5vs5 it wasn't so bad since you usually have enough DPS on them that it doesn't matter
06:54.49MentalPowerupdating firefox, brb
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06:59.42Thunder_Childi love MST3K
06:59.50Corrodiasi'm surprised city of heroes/villains is so highly-rated. most of the time, reports i hear from players are that it gets damn boring.
07:04.53Corrodiaswhoa. from these screenshots, vanguard looks like its art team used Poser models as a basis. o.o
07:05.00Corrodiasit's that damn creepy "stare"
07:10.41Mike-N-GoI am  a level 63 hunter, Tauren, most everyone in my guild that is online is level 70; what should I do?
07:11.02Mike-N-GoI was thinking of gquiting, because I do nothing with the guild.
07:11.07Corrodiasstop playing until i decide what i want to do
07:11.26Mike-N-GoBut I know I will need a reliable player-base for Instance runs.
07:11.37Mike-N-GoWhat to do, what to do..
07:11.40Corrodiaswhy quit when you're so close to the end?
07:12.27Mike-N-GoI rather not the tensions of the guild, I have done next to NOTHING with them.
07:13.34Mike-N-GoLast instance that yielded XP for me I was in with guild, was 3 weeks ago.
07:22.05Corrodiasmaybe i need to find another game to take a break with for just a little while
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08:04.41TemCan someone here do me a favor?
08:05.43TemTry to call any tooltip's IsOwned method and lemme know what you get
08:06.12Temwhich tooltip doesn't matter
08:07.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (i=Jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
08:09.55bleetahtem: do you want to see more of the debug trace I've got here?
08:10.09Temno, it's probably the same one I'm looking at
08:10.19bleetahguessed as much
08:10.23Temthanks though
08:10.29bleetahDevTools\DevToolsDump.lua:378: value()
08:10.33Temthe error is in C code
08:10.37bleetahthen into ChatFrame
08:11.10Temoh, maybe it actually is a devtools bug
08:11.28Temextremely unlikely, but I really don't want it to be an api bug atm
08:11.44MentalPowertry a standard /run or /script instead of /dump
08:11.58Temyeah, I just did
08:12.07Temand the API is borked
08:12.21Temhow long has 2.0.8 been live?
08:12.45bleetahTem: fwiw,
08:13.06Temthat is VERBATIM what I'm looking at
08:13.10bleetahjust over a week
08:13.22Temoh wait, no, my errorID is higher
08:13.29Temso no, not quite verbatim
08:13.35Temoh and I guess the time is different too
08:15.05Temugh how annoying
08:15.14TemI needed that function...
08:32.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
08:37.23KasoWoah 2.0.10, i didnt see this coming
08:37.32KasoWarriors buffed, druids nerfed.
08:39.10bleetahshadow priests nerfed too
08:39.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Neuro_Medivh (
08:39.20Kasonot just shadow priest
08:39.26Kasothey nerfed Pom!
08:39.29Kasoim pissed
08:39.43bleetahI'm wondering what happened to 2.0.9... did it get sent to it's room for being an ugly sunovabish?
08:40.00Neuro_MedivhKaso, here's something to cheer you up:
08:41.09Kaso:< for some reason youtube is crashing firefox for me
08:42.10Neuro_Medivhwow, they nerfed druid health
08:42.29*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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08:42.45KasoAnd damage. and armor :>
08:43.19ShadowedKaso: Blame people who spammed it in PVP
08:44.08KasoBut thats the point, for one priest moment priests actually had some suriviablity in PvP, now we're back to dying in 5 seconds
08:44.33Shadowedno, you had survivability in pvp with only 2-3 people attacking you, assuming they had no offensive dispeller
08:44.59Shadowedif you want survivability, disc is better
08:45.18Neuro_Medivhlol, mass dispel always goes for the bubble
08:45.36Kasotbh thats how it always should have been
08:45.56KasoI also like: The threat generated from the spell effect on "Thunderfury" has been substantially reduced.
08:46.06Kasofinally warrior can retire thier MC weapon
08:46.34Shadowedpeople were pissed when I said that it was a needed changed!
08:46.42bleetahoO "Ruby Slippers" now properly have a cast time." /wrist
08:46.58Shadoweda lot of items were changed around too
08:47.10KasoThe change in socket values is good
08:47.19Kasoperhaps finally tier 4 will be better than blues
08:47.37Neuro_MedivhI see nothing about pom being nerfed
08:47.54Kaso20second cooldown
08:47.57Kasoin the priest section
08:48.00Neuro_MedivhOH, you meant Prayer of Mending
08:48.13Neuro_Medivhsorry, I'm a mage, pom means Presence of Mind to me
08:48.55Neuro_Medivhthe stoneclaw totem change is huge, geez
08:49.08Neuro_Medivhwell, not for pvp, but in grouping
08:49.11Shadowedremember it's when they attack it, not pulse
08:49.16Shadowedactually it's pretty good in pvp
08:49.33Shadowedpeople don't check totem names most of the time, they see a totem and they want it dead
08:49.45Kasowow, nurfed Glimmering Mithril Insignia, that items been in the game since launch and the nerf it now?
08:49.55Neuro_Medivhwasn't a problem till now
08:49.58bleetahi use my pet to trash them, 'coz in PvP pets are usually ignored ;)
08:50.12KasoHow is it a problem now?
08:50.18ShadowedBecause it's an extra fear break
08:50.19Neuro_MedivhNo idea
08:50.25Neuro_Medivhbut apparently it is
08:50.34Shadowedprobably didn't find it being abused until arenas or something
08:50.39Kasoah yes
08:50.43Kaso10min cooldown is reset
08:50.44Kaso30 isnt
08:50.50Shadowedoh good point
08:50.54Shadowedthe question is does the stun proc on ranged/spells?
08:51.22Neuro_Medivhsays struck, who knows
08:51.33Kasoseems like it would be melee
08:51.38Neuro_Medivhwith blizzard, it probably will try to stun on ranged, but the totem will get an "out of range" error =)
08:51.40zenzelezzI'm excited about this patch
08:51.50Shadowedzenzelezz they nerfed 3rd tech bracers :p
08:51.53Shadowedwell fixed
08:51.59zenzelezzhard to offtank a boss when you hardly generate rage
08:52.03zenzelezzShadowed: I've got better
08:52.09Shadowedzenzelezz: Whatcha using?
08:52.17zenzelezzVambraces of Courage
08:52.44Shadowedthose are pretty nice
09:03.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Outlaw| (n=outlaw@
09:09.46KasoDo you know whats "broken" about frosty, alot of people are complaining about a lack of a fix
09:10.19*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
09:11.09Neuro_Medivhyou mean the pet?
09:11.29Neuro_Medivhthe biggest complaint I've seen is that it appears to reset it's casting every time you /petattack
09:11.55Neuro_Medivhso people who spam their /petattack /cast Frostbolt macro never get the pet to frostbolt
09:14.44Garounsigh, after reading those 2.0.10 patch notes
09:15.23KasoYou are a druid or a priest ?
09:15.32GarounI figured it'd come
09:15.43Garounbut per usual blizz over did it :P
09:15.46Kasoyah it was forseeable
09:16.04KasoWhen the tank class is being out-tanked somethings wrong i guess
09:16.10snurreabout time blizz realized how badly they nerfed warrs in 2.0 tho.. this was inevitable
09:16.36Garounyeah but they should have buffed warriors and tweaked druids down a little
09:16.50Garounnot cut druids off at the knees and throw warriors a foodscrap :P
09:16.55Neuro_Medivhlolz dr00dz lrn2playnowlolomfgwithfishsauceyummyfishsauce!
09:17.07snurrei guess the druid nerf was a bit harsh, but as it is today druids of any spec are better off than most
09:17.34Garounwell I was the druid most warriors hated
09:17.47GarounI specced purely tank talent wise :)
09:18.08Garounso I basically can't heal for crap and my cat form dps is 'ok'
09:18.19snurrecause they could perform equally or better than warriors at the *only* task theyre viable for atm
09:18.47Garounwarriors are quite viable in dps roles right now as well
09:19.02snurrethey can't even compete with rogues, so no
09:19.03Garounone of the best groups I had was me tanking with a warrior dw fury
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09:19.12Neuro_MedivhI gotta figure out what to do with my enhance shaman
09:19.12snurreas they can't tank anything useful as non-prot
09:19.12Garounbecause all of our bleed related abilites
09:19.51Garoundon't get me started on DW shaman that are keeping quiet and hiding under radar hehe
09:19.56Garountheir time is coming
09:20.06Neuro_Medivhum, there's nothing to keep under the radar
09:20.11Neuro_MedivhDW shaman are blah
09:20.21zenzelezzthe rage improvement for warriors is still making me grin
09:20.30Neuro_MedivhI'm dw shaman, and it's fairly worthless
09:20.30Garountell that to the 70 one I was grouped with that was ripping through stuff
09:20.42Neuro_MedivhOh, we have good dps
09:20.43zenzelezztrying to stay second on Moroes' hate list without having something hit you is a mess
09:20.50Neuro_Medivhbut we have zero aggro reduction
09:20.53Neuro_Medivhin fact
09:21.05Neuro_MedivhStormstrike's debuff is a HUGE aggro generator
09:21.08Garounwith a druid, aggro reduction isn't really an issue
09:21.27Garounin bear ifI hit a few times first, that shaman won't get aggro
09:21.28Neuro_Medivhso while yes, our dps is great, it means we're tanking whatever we're hitting
09:21.55Neuro_MedivhGaroun, I partner with a prot warrior, he cannot keep aggro off my enhance shaman
09:22.06zenzelezzI'm looking forward to seeing our TF tank reading the patch notes
09:22.08Neuro_Medivhnot unless I give him 5 sunders
09:22.18Neuro_Medivhin which case, the fight is already over
09:22.42Garounwell yeah, the natural modifier to druid bear helps that issue
09:22.51Neuro_MedivhI'm glad to see Unleashed Rage is no longer gonna generate aggro
09:22.56Garounwow, they neutered the hell out of Idol of Brutality
09:23.00Neuro_Medivhnever realized it did
09:23.48Garounwas 50 bonus to swipe.... now.... 10
09:24.15Garounmy god
09:24.36GarounThis is probably my favorite note:
09:24.56Garoun- Correctedmany items that had incorrect stat values assigned to them
09:25.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
09:25.29GarounI'm sure when it goes live and I log on, 90% of my druid gear will be in that 'patch' :P
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10:08.12*** join/#wowi-lounge xlvii (n=Tim@
10:08.13xlviii need a name for my male undead priest. suggestions, please.
10:09.55bleetahOK, WoW Winers... I've just spoken to the Wine OpenGL guru, and he assures me that Wine's OpenGL *does* do multithreaded rendering, so the PTR issue with icons is not immediately tracable to that. As such, don't expect a fix in a hurry, and you'll have to UIFaster 0 until such time as someone works out wtf is going on
10:10.39xlviibleetah, what's the problem with icons? not rendering properly?
10:10.46xlviii have a problem with icons not showing properly.
10:10.49xlviiit's a pain in the ass.
10:11.23bleetahhave you tried  /console set UIFaster "0" /console reloadui
10:11.35bleetahit's on Wine, with the next PTR release I'm talking about
10:11.54bleetah (sorry for the slow speed link)
10:12.24bleetahchanging UIFaster to disable multithreaded OpenGL rendering fixes it
10:14.53xlviinothing like that.
10:15.07bleetahsorry, I had hoped it'd help you out :(
10:15.08xlviilike, the wrong icon for the wrong thing
10:15.19xlviionce my linen cloth was showing as peacebloom
10:15.22xlviithe icon, anyway
10:15.36bleetahooh, well I did kinda see that when I tried d3d on the PTR client
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10:16.08bleetahbut they were still corrupted, like the 'attack' icon was the grey [.... collar] icon, but with some black veritcal lines through it
10:16.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
10:16.13bleetahso I just put it down to the same thing
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10:16.32bleetahI really must dash now, but I might try the PTR/D3D/UIFaster combos a bit later on
10:18.31KasoOh what the hell wow on wine is broken :<
10:26.14wobinbleetah: I've always had UIFaster as 0
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10:40.09Kasoanyone happen to have WoW- patch lying around?
10:46.07|FF|Im2good4uhuh 2.0.8 to 0.0.10 oO
10:46.38KasoPTR patch
10:46.49|FF|Im2good4uhm neh dont got it
11:05.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
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11:14.11mahiroi have a question about function calls, how do i pass 6 arguments? can this be done with a table?
11:14.39Kasoin lua you can pass multiple arguments
11:15.15mahiroi tried but the 4t wont be passed...
11:15.25mahiroand i have 6 arguments...
11:15.41Kasowhat do you mean
11:16.02hastehow does your function look, and how are you calling it ?
11:16.26mahirowhen i have fred(1,2,3) 1,2 and 3 is passed, but i i have fred(1,2,3,4) 4 is not passed
11:16.41Kasothen you have defined fred to only have three arguments?
11:16.54mahiroöhhm no
11:17.07MentalPowerpastey your function
11:17.15MentalPowerKaso is right
11:17.36MentalPowereither you'v edefined your function to only have three args, or you're just not passing them
11:17.49MentalPowerLua doesn't eat args
11:18.07Kasoshow us your function on
11:19.08mahirowell i have no such function at the moment, i tested this some time ago and had this problem. and now i wanted to change some things on a script and this would use up to 6 args
11:19.43mahiroso there should be no problem with a fred(1,2,3,4,5,6) ?
11:20.02Kasoas long as you define fred as function fred(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) or something similar
11:20.24MentalPoweralso make sure you're not obscuring your locals
11:21.11MentalPowerso don't do "function foo(a,b,c,d,e,f) local d,e,f ... end" or d, e and f will not be the args you passed
11:21.21MentalPowernight guys
11:23.42mahiromaybe you can help me with that, i have 4 health frames for the party and at the moment i have a color function for each of them, so what i wanna do is have one color function which controlls the color of all the 4 frames.
11:24.16mahirois it better to use one color function or one for each frame?
11:24.45Kasoits better to have one central function prob
11:24.51Kasojust pass the frame as an argument
11:25.53mahirowhat do you mean with pass the frame?
11:26.16mahiroahh i get it...
11:26.49mahiroso this wont affect the performance if i pass the args of those frames into one function?
11:32.19KasoIm not totally sure what you are asking, i assume you want to change the color of a frame, if so i'd have a function like: function ChangeColor(frame,r,g,b)
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11:41.24mahirowas just wondering if that would be bad for performance if i have this color function runs for   multiple frames at the same time
11:42.03KasoI doubt it, but i'd have to see your code to know exactly what youre talking about
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11:50.49mahirook, i will try it and maybe come back later if it doesent work^^ thx
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12:02.28mahiroseems to work fine
12:02.31Corrodiasxlvii: name for a priest: iwishiwaspally
12:03.01dieckI like best the tauren "Hoofhearted"
12:04.46Corrodiasaccording to the priest forum, paladins heal better than priests. with my unfamiliarity with both classes, i couldn't say.
12:05.08Kasopaladins are awesome single target healers
12:05.20Kasopriest tend to have a bit more range with their healing thoughh
12:05.40dieckpaladins have a better mana->healing ratio, but less mana
12:06.00Kaso"less mana" is irrellvant
12:06.09dieckno group heal, no hots iirc
12:06.10Kasopaladins can wear the same gear as priest and have the same mana
12:06.29dieckbut druids are hard rivals to priests as main healers
12:07.10Corrodiasthis priest gripe thread has reached 36 pages and automatically locked again while i was napping
12:07.58Kasopriests are pissed with the PoM change :>
12:08.02Corrodiasand VE
12:08.11Kasopeople care about VE?
12:08.16Kasoi certainly done
12:08.23Corrodiasapparently it allowed shadow priests to be useful
12:08.56Kaso90% of it is overhealing already, 5-10% less wont be huge imo
12:09.00dieckoh, I have a "heal" specced priest (fka main healer) and I love going in instances with a shadow
12:09.06Corrodiasbut according to this thread, priests have been getting the shaft for a long time now, with multiple abilities that are useless (i've never seen them used, myself)
12:09.21dieckgood basic healing through VE, and even mana reg
12:09.37Corrodiasand also, they generate some 20% more threat now
12:09.44Kasoyah that is annoying
12:09.52dieckthat's more annoying than less VE healing, ack
12:10.05Corrodiasso blizzard says "you silly priests, get back to healbotting, healbot"
12:10.17dieckhm, no
12:10.19Corrodiasnever mind that we can outperform them
12:10.28dieckblizzard says: "shadow is for single use, not group use"
12:11.03dieckit all depends on your skill, not talents or gear :)
12:12.18Corrodias"There have been mutliple enormous threads on this board where scores of priests have enumerated all the different ways the class needs help - ranging from little tweaks to a total overhaul of Discipline. All the details have been hotly debated but there was surely some consensus from the player base that we needed better scaling, better survivability and some talents worth taking. "
12:29.15sancusshadow is still ridiculously overpowered for group use, haha
12:30.15Corrodiasstill? was it overpowered before? :o
12:33.37sancusshadow priests do almost as much damage as mages at the same gear level(more damage than frost mages), plus grant 5% of that damage dealt to the group as mana and now grant 25% instead of 30% as heals, which is not much of a nerf
12:33.53sancusthe it-can't-crit-anymore thing is a bigger nerf, but it's still very very good
12:34.14Corrodiasit doesn't sound like they do as much damage as mages
12:34.29sancusdoesn't sound from what? math's been done
12:34.36Corrodiasfrom the thread
12:34.57sancusyou aren't going to find useful info on how much damage a shadow priest does on the wow forums
12:35.49sancusunfortunately shadowpriest wiki is down so I cant link that
12:37.43sancustheir dps is above frost mages and within 5-10% of the best fire-based builds
12:40.39Corrodiaswell, with the threat reduction talent nerf, now what?
12:44.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
12:56.37Kirkburn|afkThe next patch is 2.0.10 ...
12:56.59Corrodiasmaybe it -is- just a bad joke
12:57.14Kirkburn|afkSo many minor patches :(
12:57.29Kirkburn|afkIf it's not been posted already, patch notes are here -
12:58.28Kirkburn|afkI bet we'll then get 2.0.10 to 2.1.0, nice and simple ^^
12:59.02Kirkburn|afkOh god, wait, I bet there are going to be conversations about what comes after 2.0.9 again
13:00.05Corrodiasthere is no 2.0.9
13:00.13Corrodiassee, they thought ahead
13:01.06Kirkburn|afkNerf droods, finally
13:01.54Corrodiasi rather liked having viable tanks other than warriors. they can't hold aggro, now. we didn't need -damage-, except that it was the only way to generate threat
13:01.58Kirkburn|afkThere are a lot of 'nerfs', but they're not huge
13:02.00sancusCorrodias: They're going to have threat problems which will reduce their dps on most fights below the OP level it was at before
13:02.43Kirkburn|afkAre you certain they won't be able to hold aggro?
13:02.52Kirkburn|afkSurely it needs testing to see
13:03.06Kirkburn|afk(and yes, I liked having druid tanks)
13:03.10Corrodiascan't be certain. i wouldn't be able to tell, as i haven't been playing it. this is just what they say.
13:03.10sancusif they can't hold aggro, they'll just up the base threat on the abilities
13:03.24sancusbear form damage was silly
13:03.51Kirkburn|afkWhat effect will the +health to +stam change have?
13:04.03Corrodiasa small reduction in health
13:04.11sancusreduced the better your gear gets also
13:04.14Corrodiassame for armor
13:04.29sancusthose changes are to make gear more important
13:04.46Corrodiasand here i thought druids were very gear-dependent already
13:04.52sancusnot really
13:04.55Kirkburn|afkInteresting, my warlock will be critting more now
13:04.55sancusmaxing mitigation in blues? lol
13:05.21Corrodiasi dunno... my little druid only had 9k armor
13:05.33Kirkburn|afkOoh, warriors got some nice buffs
13:05.43sancusyour druid in greens at level 60 or something?
13:06.01Corrodiasno, mostly blue at level 70
13:06.30Kirkburn|afk"The cost of sockets in high end items has been adjusted slightly, the result is that most high end epic items should see an increase in stats."
13:07.19sancusthen you're in the wrong blues
13:07.26sancusthe druid that posted on the druid forum is in all blues and had 21k armor
13:07.30Corrodiashahah, possibly
13:07.55sancuswhich is absurd
13:08.03Corrodiasi'm still working on gathering feral gear. i only changed a couple of days ago so i could help ease the shortage of tanks we have
13:09.09Corrodiasi've been choosing feral items from these quest rewards when possible, but i suppose that's nothing compared to what i'd get in instances if i could, in fact, get into instances
13:13.21Corrodiasi do hope i'll still be able to be useful to the guild in that respect, whatever result the changes have
13:13.38Corrodiasalthough when i say "still", i mean "still eventually once i have the gear"
13:15.12Corrodiasi can't really test it out on the PTR because my gear isn't very good yet, anyway
13:15.38[dRaCo]get the heavy clefthoof set from a leatherworker... it's pretty useful
13:16.14[dRaCo]good enough to tank all normal instances and karazhan
13:16.16Corrodiasi am in the middle of farming clefthoof leather, indeed
13:16.22Corrodiasbut that's only 3 pieces of armor
13:16.38[dRaCo]yeah... and farming clefthoofs sucks, I know ^^
13:16.52Corrodiasactually, it's not bad at all with this new cat power that i didn't have before
13:27.27[dRaCo]Clefthoofs aren't hard, they just suck... bad drop ratio, crap loot all the time
13:28.16Corrodiasthe skinning ratio for leathers is higher than it was for fel hides for the fel leather st
13:28.53Corrodiassomething like 30% rather than 15%
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13:50.43Corrodiasi cannot help but wonder, at this point, what someone named Jocco_S could want in a channel like this.
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14:04.17Corrodiashow sad, though, that with the bear form damage nerf, i won't be able to solo that stratholme boss with the key
14:04.26Corrodiasas i had been hoping
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14:10.34nevcairieldo it before the nerf?
14:10.56Corrodiasmy gear isn't good enough, yet
14:11.07Corrodiasit's possible that it will improve in time, but it's possible that it won't
14:11.42Corrodiasi don't actually mind the loss of damage if threat can keep up enough for tanking anyway
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15:38.43mahirohow can i hide a secure frame in combat without UnregisterUnitWatch()?
15:39.02cogwheelyou don't. That's the whole point of secure frames.
15:39.44mahiroso if the target has no mana/rage/energy im not able to hide that frame?
15:39.52cogwheelthat's a very no-no
15:40.03cogwheelyou should read the stickies on the UI & Macros forum
15:40.21mahirothat sucks:/
15:40.53Corrodiasno, it's very cool
15:41.07Corrodiasone-button players = bad
15:41.12cogwheelthat's the whole reason they made the secure template system... to prevent things like that. You could hide it if it /wasn't/ a protected frame, or you can hide it using SecureAnchor____Templates under certain controled conditions
15:42.10cogwheel(things like button clicks, mouse enter/leave, etc.)
15:42.24mahirojust an idea but is it possible to set the alpha to 0 ?
15:42.35cogwheelyep. you can change the /appearance/ all you want
15:42.44cogwheelbut it'll still be there clickable
15:42.45mahirook, that should do it
15:51.34Kindarihow do saved variables work?
15:51.49Kindarido they just pull on load like you wrote them in the lua?
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15:52.35cogwheelThey don't get loaded until the VARIABLES_LOADED event
15:53.05cogwheelso you can make a default SV table in your OnLoad and it will be overwritten when the SV is loaded or left alone if it doesn't exist yet
15:54.14Kindaribecause variables loaded doesnt' happen until after your addon loads right?
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16:14.47Rophyanyone know if there is any way to get the list of the current local variables in lua, like.... a local version of _G?
16:15.52cogwheelI don't think that's possible. Locals are compiled entirely differently than globals.
16:16.10cogwheelThey're stored directly on Lua's stack
16:16.17cogwheelyou might ask in #lua though... I could be mistaken
16:16.28Rophyirc it's something like locals=stack and globals=table, so thats not possible?
16:16.42cogwheelafaik, yes
16:16.57Kasoisnt getfenv() something like what he wants?
16:17.19Kasoor am i miss reading
16:17.22Rophyi tried getfenv but doesn't work
16:17.52cogwheelKaso: that fenv is basically changing _G so globals are in a different scope
16:17.53Neuro_Medivhcogwheel, you're a warrior:  If you cast spell reflection, then unequip the shield, does the spell reflection icon disappear>
16:18.05cogwheelnever used spell reflection XD
16:18.09cogwheeljust hit 66 the other day
16:18.18Neuro_Medivhgood lord, you slacker
16:18.19[dRaCo]spell reflection is pretty cool
16:18.25Neuro_MedivhI already have a 70 ally shaman
16:18.44Neuro_Medivhgranted, now shaman suck at pvp, so I'm disappointed
16:18.46cogwheelI prefer not to burn myself out :P
16:18.57cogwheeltook me 11 months to get my first 60
16:18.59[dRaCo]nuking Rift Lords in CoT with their own Pyroblast is so much fun ^^
16:19.10Neuro_Medivhdraco, then maybe you can answer my Q
16:19.28[dRaCo]sorry, got no warrior myself ;)
16:19.53Corrodiasi don't think i could handle the responsibility of being a main tank
16:20.19Corrodiashealing i love, but even then i have to fight to concentrate enough to be a main healer
16:20.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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16:21.07cogwheelhi Cairenn
16:23.19Neuro_Medivhmorning Cairenn, feeling better?
16:23.35Cairenna bit, still really sore though
16:23.44cogwheelO.O what happened?
16:24.05Cairenn4-car accident about 1:30pm my time yesterday
16:24.30cogwheelyeesh... glad you're alright
16:24.35Cairennme too
16:24.49cogwheeli've been in a couple nasty wrecks myself, one on the freeway. (none my fault :P )
16:25.18cogwheeltotalled 2 cars so far
16:25.34Cairenncar accidents suck
16:25.35Neuro_MedivhCairenn, was it close to your house?
16:25.41Cairenn4 blocks
16:25.46Cairennor so
16:25.59Neuro_MedivhStatistically, all accidents happen within 2 miles of your house
16:26.05Neuro_Medivhwell, 90%
16:26.11Neuro_Medivhso I'd move if I were you
16:26.33cogwheelheh... mine were at least 5 at most a couple hundred miles away
16:27.28Neuro_Medivhheheh, it's just one of those bullshit statistics people like to throw out there.  It's because 90% of most people's driving is within 2 miles of their own home
16:27.36CairennNeuro_Medivh: that joke is so old that it has mold on it
16:27.53Neuro_Medivhthat's why it's so cheesy
16:28.22Neuro_MedivhGet it???  Cheese, mold... bah, that's funny
16:29.01cogwheelNeuro_Medivh: you made me bleu
16:29.20Neuro_Medivhahh, I'm being punished
16:30.05cogwheelMy friend made some punch for a party he threw... it was a real hit
16:32.01Neuro_MedivhI think Cairenn is feta up with our jokes
16:32.17Neuro_Medivhthey are starting to grate on her
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16:33.10cogwheelWell, anyway, I do seem to have the worst luck with car accidents. My first one was 5 days after I took ownership of the car. On the way back from tahoe, we were on the freeway. An SUV lost control and ended up driving straight across the lanes in front of us. Luckily they were going toward the median so it knocked both of us off out of the lanes.
16:34.32cogwheel2 years later, almost to the day, (we had a house fire the year in between) I turned left in front of stopped traffic and someone was passing on the right in the shoulder at about 55mph (very illegal)
16:35.32cogwheelThen, about a year after that, the light turned green, I entered the intersection, and so did a blond soccer mom in an SUV talking on her cell phone...
16:36.08cogwheel(my first fender-bender... the other two were totals)
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16:37.25cogwheelA few months later, I was stopped waiting to turn right and another car was stopped behind me. I creeped forward a bit to see around the car to my left and the car behind me creeped a bit further than me...
16:38.53cogwheelAnd then this last christmas we were driving home and a car lost control and drove off a short cliff right in front of us... luckily we weren't "involved", but we stopped and called 911 and made sure they didn't do anything stupid and panicky...
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16:42.51Corrodiasi will sleep for a little while now, i think.
16:42.58Cairennnight Corrodias
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16:58.20CairennHonestly though, I'm surprised you guys didn't discover it yesterday afternoon/last night, since the thread it's mentioned in is one I figured everyone in this channel would have a bit to say in
16:58.35JoshBorkeare you doing ok Cairenn?  not hurt right?
16:58.39JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn
16:58.40purlACTION jumps into Cairenn's lap and huggles and *hugs* Cairenn
16:59.08CairennI don't hurt as bad today as I did yesterday, so hopefully...
16:59.48JoshBorke:(  well, get better soon :)
16:59.51JoshBorketa ta for now :)
17:00.54Cideanother 500 potions down the drain...
17:16.45*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
17:17.03KarlThePaganthat is all...
17:17.23Nom-Anyone else noticed that wowhead/thottbot/allakhazam don't pick up the newish +healing stat ?
17:17.35KasoHow do you mean
17:17.49Nom-You can't search on it
17:18.34Nom-ah actually
17:18.34Nom-i bet it's just because it's a random stat item
17:18.34Nom-Liek XXX of Healing
17:18.34KarlThePaganof the Medic etc
17:18.36KarlThePaganor w/e
17:18.59KarlThePaganitems made for peole who never got into MC/BWL
17:19.06KarlThePagan(and alts lol)
17:19.22Nom-and people who are still grinding lol
17:19.34Nom-I've got +600 healing thanks to those lol
17:19.52Nom-at level 65
17:20.19Nom-gloves like that don't come up in the search
17:20.26KarlThePaganthey're pretty nice
17:20.33Nom-is that just because they don't count those items as real items? :/
17:20.55KarlThePaganwowhead doesn't? they have pseudo-entries for all the of the X items
17:21.06KarlThePaganprobably needs a more complex database model
17:21.09Nom-I think I just tried them
17:21.14Nom-no wait i didn't
17:21.28Nom-oh yeah i did search there
17:21.33Nom-just looked differnet for a minute
17:23.03Nom-of the Physician looks good
17:23.21Nom-I wonder if any plate has dropped with that suffix, and whether the +healing is any good :/
17:25.20[dRaCo]there are plate items of the physician
17:25.56Nom-yeah i mean on my server, have to check the ah later i guess
17:27.06Nom-Invoker/Mind gear would rather pwn for my mage too
17:27.32Nom-ok well ima get some sleep before i collapse
17:27.37Nom-catchas a little later
17:30.54Neuro_MedivhI seriously don't understand how people can stand to level ally characters... lvl 14, and I'm out of quests in both Westfall AND loch modan
17:35.12zenzelezzthere are dry spots
17:35.25zenzelezzcould try Darkshore
17:36.11Neuro_Medivhif I have to go all the way to darkshore, I'd rather just go to Bloodmyst
17:36.17Neuro_Medivhat least there I know I won't run out till 20
17:36.28zenzelezzgood point
17:36.38Kindariyou aren't questing right if you're "out" of quests... i had plenty to do al the way up to lvl 50
17:36.40Neuro_Medivhsigh, Barrens is SO much better than ally low lvl zones, even with the obnoxious chat
17:36.54Neuro_MedivhOk, how am I not questing "right"
17:36.56zenzelezzand the 10-minute corpse runs
17:37.00Neuro_Medivham I being too efficient?
17:37.24Kindarii suppose - i level like mad from turning in lowbie quests, are you sure you didn't skip like half of them early on?
17:37.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
17:38.20Neuro_MedivhThe problem, especially in Westfall, is twofold.  There just aren't enough quests, and the chains ramp up far too quickly
17:38.30Neuro_Medivhthey go from lvl 14 to lvl 17 in one step
17:38.32Kindarigo to redridge
17:38.41Neuro_MedivhI'm 14, there's NOTHING in redridge my level
17:38.44Kindariquests from lvl 15 - 25 or so there
17:38.54Neuro_MedivhNo, the lowest redridge quest is 17
17:39.01Kindarinot true
17:40.41Neuro_Medivhwait, you're right.  There's all those 100xp fedex quests I could do!
17:41.15Neuro_MedivhHere, go give some flowers to my boyfriend.  Now run back to get your 100xp
17:42.04zenzelezzthe fact that you don't like a quest doesn't mean it doesn't exist
17:53.13qw`just grind man. Grind.
17:53.49qw`Actually, I think the alliance quests and start areas are better sewn together than the horde ones
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18:23.50Mr_Rabies2arghhh no longer happy with the game, hope the whining warriors on the forums are happy :/
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18:56.50Garounalready mentioned that last nightRAbies
18:57.01Garoungo go -50% dps in tank formnerf :)
18:57.03Mr_Rabies2yeah i'm awake and no less pissed off
18:57.35Mr_Rabies2i wouldn't mind a dps nerf if dps wasn't our sole way of getting threat
18:57.54Garounit should have been 25% reduction while warriors got 10-15% increase
18:58.01Mr_Rabies2they nerfed maul and swipe's threat multipler a while back
18:58.08Mr_Rabies2which means we no longer have a way to hold aggro
18:58.20Garounand they completely neutered Idol of Bruitality
18:58.27Mr_Rabies2i didn't use it anyway
18:58.30Mr_Rabies2it was a waste
18:58.36Mr_Rabies2most idols are anyway
18:58.43Garounit's a definate waste now
18:58.51Garountaken from 50 bonus to 10
18:59.01Mr_Rabies2idols are pretty much a "well, it dropped, may as well use it"
18:59.03Mr_Rabies2kinda thing
18:59.16Mr_Rabies2i'd rather have the ability to use bows/wands but not be able to fire them
18:59.54Mr_Rabies2or nothing at all, no attempt at it is better than this half-assed attempt :x
19:00.03Garounor ability to drin again :)
19:00.50Mr_Rabies2i don't really have a problem with us getting our DPS nerfed in bear, if they gave us our threat modifiers back
19:00.56Garounit doesn't go well forour guildconsidering I'm our main tank, we have no other 70s tanks
19:01.21Mr_Rabies2and also made Savage Fury say "Increases Damage done by Claw, Rake, and Mangle by 20%. In addition, threat by Maul and Swipe Increased by 20%
19:01.54Garouninstead they tookSavage Fury back to a cat ability
19:02.08Mr_Rabies2too bad it's likely gonna be useless for eternity now
19:02.53Mr_Rabies2I'm likely canceling when this goes live, and will resume if they ever take their heads out of the whiners' asses
19:04.48Mr_Rabies2my server will miss me, but alas, i played something that wasn't fun for long enough, then got to enjoy it, and then got that ripped out from under us
19:05.37GarounI'm holding on to hope that they will at least realize they went a bit too far before itgoes live, but I may die from suffocation first
19:05.54Mr_Rabies2i've lost hope with that for a while
19:06.05Mr_Rabies2i expect the worst, if i get better, i'll be happy
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19:06.21Mr_Rabies2but expecting the worst generally means i'll get exactly what i expected
19:07.39Garounit's essentially blizzard saying, "Druids, you will either be MOONKIN caster, cat dpser, or healbot... stop trying to tank"
19:09.29Mr_Rabies2we're worse tanks now than we were in 1.9
19:09.32Mr_Rabies2by far
19:10.02qw`would you call a stun a moving impairing effect?
19:10.06Mr_Rabies2our mitigation is lower, our health is roughly the same, and our aggro is waaaay nerfed
19:10.12Mr_Rabies2nope, qw
19:10.23qw`but it impairs my movement =/
19:10.34Mr_Rabies2also your casting
19:11.02Mr_Rabies2movement imparing means just movement impairing
19:11.29qw`but but misleading!
19:11.42qw`I thought my blessing of freedom would protect me against stuns
19:11.55Mr_Rabies2we tried to tell paladins that about judgement of justice
19:12.11Mr_Rabies2and it's not even a stun
19:12.29Mr_Rabies2it's a movement impairing effect to those that move faster than 100%
19:13.06Mr_Rabies2you wouldn't want stuns to be considered a movement impairing effect, trust me :p that's a slippery slope
19:13.21Mr_Rabies2druids would be able to shift out of your HoJ and travel form away
19:14.05qw`but but
19:14.17qw`I see your point
19:14.23Mr_Rabies2movement impairing means roots, basically
19:14.31Mr_Rabies2anything that roots you in place or snares you
19:14.45Mr_Rabies2anything that impairs your movement and only your movement
19:15.12qw`Yeah I understand now, but it's a bit misleading
19:15.25Mr_Rabies2in other news avenger's shield's considered a movement impairing effect now
19:15.31Mr_Rabies2i'm guessing that was a bug
19:15.58Mr_Rabies2because it's obviously one, but the only player MIE that was unremovable by any class other than dispelling it
19:16.28Mr_Rabies2well, except JoJ, but that one's arguable i guess since it locks you to 100% move speed
19:16.29qw`never mind
19:16.32Mr_Rabies2too lazy to type it out
19:17.58GarounI still can't believe moonkins have the same AF bonus as dire bears... that just seems... odd
19:18.20Mr_Rabies2they did pre 2.0
19:18.24Mr_Rabies2the thing is
19:18.31Mr_Rabies2most of the caster gear has abysmal armor
19:18.40Mr_Rabies2most moonkins will have ~shaman armor
19:18.44qw`by the way, is it now possible to create my bar mod?
19:19.27Mr_Rabies2that hurts my brain qw`
19:22.14qw`It's awesome
19:23.51qw`Too bad no one sees the potential in this system, and I lack the skill and / or dedication to make it
19:25.01Mr_Rabies2you should make a mockup in animated .gif form or something
19:25.08Mr_Rabies2so that we can understand :p
19:25.27qw`I wrote that thing so that you could understand :P
19:25.39qw`I tried explaining everyone and you all looked at me like completed quests
19:27.19qw`to sum it up: 50 buttons easily accessible with nine buttons, all adressable under a second
19:27.26qw`how can that fail
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19:36.45Mr_Rabies2how is it any different than binding the different action button pages to different keys?
19:39.52*** join/#wowi-lounge ag`_ (n=ag`
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21:07.14CideI'm going to make a shared library cola
21:12.56zenzelezztastes like communism
21:13.35*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (
21:14.24qw`Mr_Rabies - It's different because I want to change multiple action pages with one key
21:14.29qw`and have dynamic key bindings
21:14.59Mr_Rabies2there's addons that change the multi bars when the main one changes i think
21:15.01Mr_Rabies2i dunno
21:16.35qw`I don't think they support dynamic keybindings
21:17.42AnduinLotharSo, we're trying to rename the "User Skill" difficulty/option level in Khaos. Anyone got any suggestions?
21:18.11AnduinLotharPossibly going down to two levels, beginner and advanced, since those seem to be our only two vocal user groups
21:18.27AnduinLotharjust need a name for the menu that makes it obvious what it is
21:18.52Cidego with something smooth and professional... maybe "suxiness"?
21:19.12Cidewell, that might imply a scale of how much the mods suck and not the user.. hmm!
21:19.36AnduinLotharsuggestions were things like Khaos User Skill, Options Level etc
21:19.44AnduinLotharbut i haven't found one i really like
21:20.11Mr_Rabies2you could just have an Advanced Preferences checkbox
21:20.42Mr_Rabies2like VLC, etc do, that sets the user skill to max in the code or whatever
21:20.43AnduinLotharEnable Advanced Options, perhaps?
21:21.22AnduinLotharok, that works
21:21.33Mr_Rabies2just a suggestion, most people would understand that pretty well
21:21.48AnduinLotharyeah and it's possible now if there's only 2 skill levels
21:22.05Mr_Rabies2that's how VLC does it
21:22.37Mr_Rabies2[  ] Advanced Options
21:22.53AnduinLotharthink i need the "Enable" ?
21:22.57Mr_Rabies2something like that sounds like a simple way to get it across
21:23.11Mr_Rabies2either way, i doubt it really matters, whatever sounds best to you :p
21:23.58Mr_Rabies2most people that should be messing with it would understand it
21:24.28AnduinLotharthink it shoudl go int hat place where the current menu is?
21:24.33Mr_Rabies2and i'm glad you merged release and Alpha, makes things so much easier :p
21:24.51Mr_Rabies2probably, or down at the bottom if there's room, i dunno
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21:25.27Kasohmm i hear Magtheridon is down by nilihum
21:28.58Kindarican you use - in variables in lua?
21:30.15ShadowedKaso: Whats world of raids say?
21:30.37Kasoi dont read that site
21:30.46Kasosaw the killshot posted on something awful
21:31.03Kasoalso info is now up on nil's site
21:31.45Shadowedit is?
21:31.47qw`Mr_Rabies - what about "Dazed"
21:31.47qw`Mr_Rabies - that's a MIE right?
21:31.47KasoKindari No you cannot use dash in variables
21:31.59Mr_Rabies2mob dazed is different
21:32.03Mr_Rabies2nothing can break it
21:32.13Kasothough i guess you could do _G["-"]=something but what used that'd have im not sure as you could not access it
21:32.20qw`but I'm supposed to be immune to that kind of stuff
21:37.45zenzelezzthe Dazed from my SHield Bash has no type, don't know if that matters
21:39.25Mr_Rabies2player dazed is different than mob dazed
21:39.41Mr_Rabies2player dazed is just another way to say snare
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21:40.08Mr_Rabies2whereas the "Dazed" spell that mobs have a chance on hit to do is unbreakable by anything, including invulnerability
21:41.11Mr_Rabies2it was put in because in beta you could pretty much run from any mob in the game
21:41.32Kasobut however you cant be dazed in the first place if you are invunrible to damage
21:41.46Mr_Rabies2it forces you to stay and fight or have a harder time
21:41.52Mr_Rabies2or absorbing damage
21:42.02Mr_Rabies2you have to actually take damage to be dazed
21:42.23Mr_Rabies2melee damage too, from behind
21:42.28Kasommhm thats why i <3 PW:S
21:42.57Mr_Rabies2i just travel form and hope it doesn't reapply :[
21:43.06bleetahWoW Winers: Rejoice! Blizz have announced that the PTR is a badpatch, insofar as some Mac users also see corruption as well and it'll be fixed in the next build.
21:43.30Kasoah nice
21:43.55Mr_Rabies2i was gonna tell you that bleetah
21:43.56Kasowait, so theyre still going to push 2.0.10 with the error?
21:44.00Mr_Rabies2but i forgot
21:44.08Mr_Rabies2they'll probably fix it in the next build of the ptr
21:44.14bleetahnah, there's gunna be another 2.0.10 PTR build
21:44.15Mr_Rabies2that's the point of the ptr :p
21:44.16Kindariwhat error
21:44.29Mr_Rabies2action buttons being blacked out
21:44.39Mr_Rabies2in the Wine and Mac clients, apparently
21:44.58Mr_Rabies2Mac client and Windows client using wine
21:45.09bleetahit's an OpenGL problem with multi-threaded rendering.. somehow
21:45.13Mr_Rabies2probably just opengl in general
21:45.29bleetahlooks like this ->
21:45.36bleetah(sorry for the slow link)
21:47.51bleetahit's 'funny' that Blizz didn't reply to the first report of the problem, as it was on Linux
21:47.51Kindariit appears the dash in a variable as working okay
21:47.51Kasohas anyone tried using windows in opengl mode?
21:48.08hastebleetah: tried running repair.exe?
21:48.29hasteoh wait
21:48.37hasteI should read more, and answer less :(
21:48.41bleetahKaso: there's a post on the forum thread I started from someone who got the problem on Mac PPC, Mac Intel, Wine, but couldn't get it happening in Windows
21:48.56bleetah(ie, couldn't get it to error the same on Windows)
21:49.02Cidebleetah: that screenshot is horribly slow!
21:49.13bleetahwell, it is on a 128k link! :-P
21:49.26bleetahjust couldn't be stuffed uploading it anywhere hehe
21:52.23Cidenice spell icons :)
21:53.02bleetahyar.. you can prolly understand why, before the Mac users got the same problem, us WoW Winers were shittin' ourselves ;)
21:53.24bleetahsure, there was a workaround, but we didn't like it :)
21:53.29Cidecave in and get windows already!
21:54.06Mr_Rabies2whats the flag to run in opengl?
21:54.33bleetahCide: /dev/hda1              41G   30G   11G  73% /mnt/ntfs
21:54.34Cidehaven't tried it in wow, but it's -opengl in a lot of games
21:54.39bleetahMr_Rabies2: -opengl
21:54.59Cidebleetah: windows isn't that big!
21:55.15bleetahCide: WoW and various Valve games are :P
21:55.21CideI suppose!
21:55.35Cideif only wow was aced... /me bonks self
21:55.48bleetahanyways, why are you talkin' instead of makin' me a coffee...
21:56.09Cidetaking a break from this database diagram
21:56.39bleetahugh, DB designs... I'm gunna run away now that you mentioned that :-P
21:57.05Cidego for it :)
21:57.06Kasobleetah do you have a link to the thread you spoke of, the bug report
21:58.07bleetahMy original Wine bug report, my original WoW report, and the Blue response to the Mac users
21:58.32Mr_Rabies2i'm getting it in opengl, bleetah
21:58.35Mr_Rabies2it's frightening
21:59.05Mr_Rabies2it's like, well, you have your backpack, an open bag slot, and two scary broken NES games
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22:00.36Kasoopengl whilst in windows?
22:00.59KasoSo blizzard just buggered up their opengl implementation then i guess
22:01.10Mr_Rabies2nvidia video card if that matters
22:02.35KirovAnyone know if there's an addon out there that calculates how item stats will effect your character stats?
22:03.22wobinAnyone know how to use securestate headers and buttons?
22:05.39wobinoh wow, that was a bit snarky, Cide =P
22:05.47wobinIf only you were aced =P
22:06.20bleetahmeh, everyone just *knows* that to be Bleeted, stuff would only take up about 2 bytes
22:06.30bleetah*if stuff were to be...
22:06.41bleetahgah, I'm *so* not awake, screwed up my own lame one liner
22:06.44Cidewobin: lies!
22:06.45wobin0 and 1?
22:06.59bleetahwobin: start; end;
22:07.05wobinnoop noop
22:07.36wobinIf everything was wobbed, I'd be wich.
22:13.10nymbiaTERRIBLE! ;)
22:14.11nymbiaoh wobin, feature request for waypoints: option to EnableMouse(false) the frame
22:14.22wobinto lock it into place?
22:14.32nymbiato not eat mouse clicks
22:14.46wobinwhat about the menu options?
22:14.51wobinthe rightclick ones
22:16.11nymbiahmm.. well, i guess if i needed em i could turn off the option -- but i guess people would want to be able to access them easily
22:17.30wobinhehe I could put in a 'travelstate'
22:17.57wobinactually that would be too complex =P
22:18.05nymbiahaha yeah
22:18.35wobinmaybe enablemouse = false in comabt?
22:18.48wobinbut then you couldn't drag it out of the way if needed
22:18.56wobin(but then you can't drag it out of the way anyway)
22:19.03nymbiahaha yeah
22:19.18wobinit's cause it's getting in the way of combat, right?
22:19.53wobinokies, I'll make it unenabled in combat
22:19.56nymbiamaybe an option to lock it
22:20.12nymbiaand if it's locked, enablemouse(false) it in combat
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22:20.36wobincan you move it in combat anyway?
22:20.44wobinOr is frame position not locked down
22:21.32nymbiapretty sure you can move it.  let me run and check real quick
22:22.34nymbiayeah you can
22:23.45AnduinLotharDO IT, YE PANSY!
22:23.50nymbiaoh also, ctrl-rightclick -> set as waypoint throws an error when you're on a continent map
22:24.10nymbiawant a stack?
22:28.37wobinI might just check if a continent is showing, and not offer the option at that point
22:30.06nymbiait works if you create a note at the continent level and set it as the waypoint
22:31.54wobincurrently I'm working off the 'current map' to get the zone
22:32.01wobinbut I might go see how the note is being made
22:32.58nymbiait's setting the zone name to what you'd expect from the map name
22:33.04nymbia"Outland" etc
22:35.24nymbiaoh, i see. GetCurrentMapZone() returns 0 when on continent maps
22:37.07nymbiamaybe use  Cartographer:GetCurrentLocalizedZoneName()
22:37.26nymbiaor english.. not sure which we're working in ;)
22:38.13wobinyeah, I'll switch to the cart function I think
22:38.32bleetahfwiw, I seem to recall someone mentioning that if you go to the 'universe' map it returns -1, as if you were inside an instance.. or something like that (universe - outlands and azeroth showing)
22:38.56bleetahi stumbled in on tail end of your convo, the last post may not be related, but thought I'd throw it in
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22:51.20Neuro_MedivhI am amazed my rogue does any dmg at all, nearly every eviscerate he tries gets dodged/parried
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22:54.12wobin41point talent ftw?
22:54.47wobinisn't there that combat 41point that makes unmissable finishing moves?
22:55.39Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty sure they can't miss naturally, but they can be dodged/parried
22:55.43Mr_Rabies2i cant remember though
22:56.16Mr_Rabies241 point combat makes them undodgeable too
22:58.32Mr_Rabies2surprise buttse-i mean surprise attacks
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23:09.12bleetahoops, mt
23:16.40bleetahoh, heya iriel.. there was something I was gunna bug you about.. but can't recall what... too much beer last night ftl!
23:18.30bleetahoh, now i do... nm, it'll be fixed in the next PTR
23:26.51wobinSecureState stuff is... mindboggling =P
23:27.15wobinWe need a flowchart or something =P There are just too many undocumented variables that are unexplained =)
23:27.23wobinMaybe a diagram with arrows
23:28.37IrielUndocumented variables?
23:28.42IrielWhat did I miss?
23:28.44wobinwell... not undocumented
23:29.01IrielThere's extensive comments at the top of the file that /should/ cover everything
23:29.02wobinjust... erm...
23:29.12wobinnot enough examples =)
23:29.13wobinI guess
23:29.26wobinalthough it'd be hard to show examples of the complex stuff without complex examples
23:30.19wobinfr'example. I'm trying to do something similar to your pie
23:30.25wobinbut have buttons on the ends
23:30.50wobinand I was having huge problems finding an example where you just click an existing button to have the surrounding buttons pop up
23:31.05wobinI finally found one of Marleon's tutes on the boards
23:31.16wobinbut he really needs to put them on wowwiki or something =\
23:31.30IrielPartlyt the hope was that folks would be creating addons that did the 'complex' things. I did make a bunch of rudimentary examples right when 2.0 came out
23:31.57wobinIt's just so -dense-
23:32.52wobinand none of the documentation is linked to one another very well
23:32.59wobinwell, externally anyway
23:33.20wobinie, without knowing just -where- to look precisely, it's hard to find any information
23:33.35wobinI'm probably missing a tutorial or an addon that explains everything =\
23:33.36IrielWell, if you feel ambitious and have ideas on how it should be structured, feel free to start a gentler documentation on the wiki
23:34.05IrielIt's really hard to write into documentation when I keep wanting to explain the details
23:34.06wobinI might do so whilst ongoing on this project
23:34.29wobinIt's where the devil is
23:35.21IrielThere should be some new features in 2.1
23:36.24wobinActually I think the main problem with my comprehension is, you've detailed all the options and attributes, but there's nothing obviously linking those attributes to a descriptive example, say "Use delaystatetimemap on a button/header/etc"
23:36.42wobinSo I'm never sure where to set the particular attribute
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23:38.14wobinAlso, I think I'm confusing what the header -is-. It's essentially (at least in my case) a frame that my central button registers with to make sweeping state changes across the other buttons
23:43.05wobinIn regard to Slave headers, you say that whenever a headers state changes, it also changes the 'state-parent' property of all it's children to the new state. But how do we use that to change the actual state of the child?
23:47.12wobinI'm just not sure what attributes get queried -when-
23:50.02IrielThe state header is three things, (1) an object that holds the state and manages transitions (2) a controlled agent for making layout and binding changes on state changes and (3) a mechanism to remap buttons going into its children
23:50.32Irielthe slave header thing works just like any external state driver, you specify statemap-parent on the child (or statemaps for each of the parent states, it's up to you)
23:50.42Irielthe simplest one is something like statemap-parent = "$input"
23:50.54Irielwhich makes the child take the parent's state each time
23:51.16wobinDirect chaining
23:52.31wobinhm, okay =)
23:59.04wobinI need to find a zone with ambient music conducive to coding =)

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