irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070219

00:00.05cladhaireanything that isn't in your table is new
00:00.06cladhairefire those events.
00:00.15cladhaireclearing out the old ones is a bit more difficult, but not impossible.
00:00.18SstixrudI think that is what I am doing now
00:01.03SstixrudAre you sure this is a big deal?  At most I am creating one new and clearing one old one during each AURA event
00:01.08Sstixrudis that going to be a big deal?
00:01.12cladhaireSstixrud: yes.
00:01.27cladhairedo you know how often UNIT_AURA fires? =)
00:01.33Sstixrudoh yes I do :)
00:01.39Sstixrudit spams my screen :)
00:01.45cladhairemaking a new table every single time will generate a minimum of 32 bytes of garbage each event.
00:01.46Cideeasily 10-20 times a second
00:01.52cladhairemore if you put stuff into those tables
00:02.04cladhaire64 bytes if you use it as a dictionary instead of an array
00:03.09cladhaireDo you need to know the count of each?
00:03.16Sstixrudso you would recommend I create a table for every possible Unit in advance, populate into those tables and have some backround routine purge expired entries?  I still dont see how I would determine what is expired if I don't copy old table to a new name
00:03.32cladhaireits really quite simple, do you need to know the count of each buff?
00:04.39cladhairethen keep a count.. when you find a buff, increment the counter
00:05.06cladhairewhen you get a UNIT_AURA event, iterate the list of active buffs, and decrement everything
00:05.13cladhaireits not a heavy purging process.
00:05.19cladhaireonly create tables when you need to
00:05.22cladhaireand be smart about them
00:05.27cladhairegive me a moment
00:08.11Sstixrudhere is what I am doing now
00:11.02cladhaireSstixrud: Example:
00:11.04cladhaireuntested, uncompiled.
00:11.25cladhaireits easier if you have a list of buffs you care about
00:11.28cladhaireinstead of caring about everything.
00:11.38Sstixrudthanks, could u take a quick look at my pastebin?
00:11.48SstixrudI gotta care about everything due to te feature set of my addon
00:12.04cladhaireSstixrud: I dont think you do
00:12.14cladhaireif a user doesn't care about a specifc state, why do you need to watch it?
00:12.32cladhaireSstixrud: yeah, this table creation would be a problem
00:12.39Cidecladhaire: I think you want a loop instead of do ... end?
00:12.46cladhaireCide: Why?
00:12.47SstixrudI have target buttons, player, party and raid buttons.  Any castable buff, debuff and heals I gotta track
00:12.51cladhaireCide: they should both work
00:12.53Kirkburn|afkI just did I level 8 horde quest
00:13.03cladhaireand mine isn't limited by the mythical max buffs/debuffs limit =)
00:13.12Kirkburn|afkThing is ... I'm Alliance
00:13.29Kirkburn|afkHey, awesome, Ratchet rep :P
00:13.33sysrageis there a way to list all your chat windows? one of mine disappeared. how do i know it's just not hidden or something and not just gone
00:13.43Nom-Ratchet quests aren't Horde
00:13.48Nom-It's just no alliance ever does them
00:13.50cladhairesysrage: It can't be gone
00:13.54Cidecladhaire: maybe I'm tired, but how is that working?
00:13.57Kirkburn|afkIt's next to Orgrimmar
00:13.59cladhaireCide: the i = i + 1
00:14.01Cideyou're only checking UnitBuff(unit, 1)
00:14.02sysragecan't be gone?
00:14.10Cideyeah, but you're not looping, cladhaire
00:14.18cladhaireit shoudl be while true
00:14.20Kirkburn|afkI think it's safe to say, no Alliance person would be here at level 8. Or 20. Or even 30.
00:14.21cladhairemy bad =)
00:14.25Nom-It's a neutral town :)
00:14.27Cidethought so :)
00:14.34Kirkburn|afkI'm not in Ratchet!
00:14.34Nom-lol you're kidding Kirkburn|afk ?
00:14.46Nom-We see HEAPS of alliance going through Ratchet at sub-30 levels
00:14.48Cideyeah, mythical de/buff limits are nasty
00:14.49Nom-On a PVP Server
00:14.53Kirkburn|afkI'm not in Ratchet!
00:15.06Nom-Where, then?
00:15.08Kirkburn|afkI'm about 50 yards south of Orgrimmar
00:15.41Nom-Ah, the guy opposide the cave?
00:16.06Nom-If you're not on a PvP server, then there's basically no threat to going to Orgrimmar as an Alliance member, so long as you don't go near the guards.
00:16.13Sstixrudthanks clad
00:16.21cladhairethere are better ways overall to do it
00:16.26cladhairebtu thats an improvement over where you are atm
00:16.36Nom-You should reroll horde anyway
00:16.41Nom-Quests are so much better :P
00:16.50Sstixrudclad specifically due to my table creation per event?
00:16.58Nom-I just did 1-60 on my new BE Pally
00:17.01Nom-Didn't have to grind at all
00:17.03cladhairelike i said, that's 320 bytes per second in a fight
00:17.10Sstixrudbut its so much easier :)
00:17.14Nom-Hit a couple of instnaces, but basically quested all the way to 60
00:17.34cladhaireif its easy, there's probably a problem with it =)
00:17.56Sstixrudwould this work for debuffs as well?
00:18.36cladhairebest runecloth farming, tyr's hand?
00:20.05Kirkburn|afkHmm, do I go harass the starter zone?
00:20.21Nom-lol good luck
00:20.29Nom-It's at the southern part of Durotar
00:20.35Nom-But there's level 65 guards all around it i believe
00:20.41XuerianThere's also a back way in.
00:20.52Kasoclad i think silithus would be quicker for runecloth than tyr's
00:20.53Kirkburn|afkYes, thank you, I've been playing for 2 years, I've not *always* played Alliance ;)
00:20.55*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
00:21.05cladhaireKaso: I just realized I can get 16 slotters with netherweave
00:21.17Kirkburn|afkI must test me warlock stealthing skills
00:21.21Nom-You asked how you could harass the starter zone...
00:21.27Kirkburn|afkThey got me into central Orgrimmar earlier :P
00:21.44Kirkburn|afkWhether to, not how to :D
00:22.15Kirkburn|afkI spent about half an hour shouting at people in Orgrimmar, no one ever noticed me
00:23.00cladhaireno one is there
00:24.04Kirkburn|afkOooh, so close to revered with Exodar
00:24.36cladhairezomg gz
00:25.10cladhaireooh i can go grind magh'rar faction while farming netherweave cloth, and getting beads for consortium
00:25.11cladhairehow leet
00:25.26cladhairewhy didn't i think of this before!
00:25.34Kirkburn|afkI've spent most of today on a kind of 'world tour' getting all the Coin of Ancestrys
00:26.20Kirkburn|afkGrind how?
00:26.26cladhairekill ogres
00:26.48Kirkburn|afkD'oh, I thought you said Thrallmar for some reason
00:27.10cladhaireneg, lrn2raed
00:28.19cladhaireby the time i run to the dark portal
00:28.21cladhairemy HS will be up
00:28.23cladhairei hate myself.
00:28.32Kirkburn|afkThe best kind of hate
00:28.54Kirkburn|afkNo wait, that's love
00:29.05cladhairezomg, I just had an intense Kirkburngasm!
00:29.23Kirkburn|afkEsamynn's perked up
00:29.28cladhairewouldn't you?
00:29.32ThraeI just bind in Sharrath...ahahatheodnar City, which has the portals.
00:29.34Kirkburn|afkI already am
00:29.48cladhaireThrae: I am.. my HS is up
00:29.54cladhaireerr on cooldown
00:30.00ThraeAh, that sucks.
00:30.07cladhaireheh it happens every hour or so =)
00:30.27ThraeIf you're doing instances, remember you can leave the party inside the instance and get a free hearth out without using up your hearth.
00:30.51cladhairei'm not atm
00:30.52Kirkburn|afk^ Note, the above does not apply to real-world parties
00:30.53cladhaireits easier to run
00:31.14ThraeI'm also an Engineer -- working on the new teleport.
00:31.27cladhairei found a great thing today
00:31.37cladhairethe phase hunters and nether ray's in netherstorm
00:31.39cladhaireare skinnable
00:31.43cladhairei.e. leather + motes of mana == sexy
00:32.06bleetahThrae: *new* teleport?
00:32.09ThraeKirkburn|afk: In real-world parties, you just need to get hammered, pee on the hostess's table, then get a free ride back home by cab.
00:32.44cladhairei dont feel well =/
00:32.53Thraebleetah: Yes, there's a new teleporter to someplace in Outlands. I forget the name of the place you teleport to.
00:32.58cladhairearea 52
00:32.59Sstixrudclad with your "function MyAddon:UNIT_AURA(event, unit)" are you expecting that "unit" is buff target? and what are you thinking "Event
00:33.15cladhaireSstixrud: Your event handler should be pasing event, arg1, arg2, arg3, etc.
00:33.24Thraebleetah: Engineers also get Teleport: Gadget or Teleport: Winterspring depending on your affiliation.
00:34.55Sstixrudwell my event handler is passing arg1 = player/partyx/raidx and event = buff/debuff/unithp
00:35.07cladhairewell unit is the unitid.
00:35.14cladhaireevent _shoudl_ be UNIT_AURA but i dont know what you're doing
00:35.31bleetahThrae: yeah, I got my teleport to WS. my engi's still sittin' around the inn @ honor hold, so.. thanks for the info 'coz I woulda been pissed off if I'd already missed a new teleport ;)
00:35.33cladhairei'm just goign with the way the typical event handler is written
00:35.43Sstixrudok, thanks.
00:36.59bleetahthrae: my guild hasn't been doing many instances yet, so the urge to level the engi to get the mailbox recipe ain't there ;)
00:38.14seebsMailbox recipe?
00:38.38bleetahthere's some recipe out there for engis, remote mail terminal
00:38.50Kasoi thought that had been removed
00:39.03bleetahso if your group is heavily inside an instance, pop one up and mail all the goodies off to your alts and keep moving
00:39.06bleetahdid it?
00:39.30seebsDunno.  That sounds AWFULLY cool, and I have an engineer who is, by happy coincidence, my preferred character for farming lowbie instances.  :)
00:39.31Kasoits not on thottbot
00:39.33bleetahwas about the only immediately useful 300+ engi recipe I could see
00:39.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom_ (
00:40.01seebsWell, she's a 'lock, so obviously she wants the spellpower goggles.
00:40.05Nom-Yay for stuff breaking
00:40.14bleetahyeah, seems like it's been removed from live
00:41.02Nom-OMG remote mail terminal?!!?!?!
00:41.26Nom-The number of grinders who would want that lol
00:41.28bleetahwell, looking through the other high end recipes, with the terminal gone, it's all pretty much useless crap apart from the goggles
00:41.48bleetahwell, that may be a bit harsh, but if you look at the recipes, I think you'd agree
00:41.48Nom-yah no observed drops
00:41.57Nom-So unless it's really, really rare, then it's gone
00:42.13Nom-Coz I know my guild is clearing Black Morass every night
00:42.27Sstixrudclad - so this code of yours will populate the table buffs[unit] with a variable for each buffname and it will be assigned a positive value if active on that unit and will be nil if not correct?
00:42.40Nom-Having said that, however, it does say 0.1% on that web page
00:42.53cladhaireSstixrud: Yes.. it could be trivially modified to keep count as well
00:43.08KasoNom- im pretty sure its not in the game at the moment (or is a raid drop perhaps)
00:43.44SstixrudI can then write code that will if buffs[unit][spellname] then ; bleh() ; else ; blah() ; end ?
00:44.10*** join/#wowi-lounge ag`_ (n=ag`
00:44.38Nom-If it's a heroic mode drop
00:44.45Nom-Then it's more conceivable that noone has seen it yet
00:45.13Sstixrudok, thanks clad,  I think I see how to intergrate it.
00:45.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
00:47.01Nom-Given the fact it's a level 67 item, that seems unlikely ;(
00:50.02KasoI wonder why they though it "over-powered"
00:54.24*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
01:03.23Nom-They wouldn't have though it overpowered, i doubt
01:03.44Nom-I eman, it's not powerful at all
01:03.48Kasothen why removed ?
01:03.56Kasoor at least made very very hard to find
01:04.01Nom-Coz they don't like giving us shiny things
01:05.15KasoHmm, seems odd though, if they'd been to all the effort of making the art, programing how the item works, then choose not to use it
01:06.10bleetahwell, I get the feeling they worked on specific professions for BC. Smithing, armoring, a couple of others, and the other professions are still waiting to be fleshed out. evidence? reputation recipes for aldor/scryer are missing many professions.
01:06.28bleetahso, I'm just kinda hoping there's going to be some more profession reworking in the upcoming patches
01:06.48bleetahand I seem to recall a blue mentioning something about that, but can't recall specifics
01:07.11Kasohmm, sounds plausable
01:07.31*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
01:08.15KasoI'd like to see a more useful BoP for Alchemy
01:08.53bleetahI'd like to be able to enchant a shirt... an item with 0 durability, no other stats, that you can swap in/out at your leisure without having to worry about screwing all your other stats
01:09.46TainI'd like to see some potions that you have to have alchemy skill to use.  Screw those freeloaders asking for pot handouts!
01:10.06Kasoyah sorta what i meant by a bop for alchemy
01:10.11bleetahheh, yup. totally agree. each profession should have juicy BoP stuff
01:10.21Kasosucks that all we get thats "ours" is a trinket i wouldnt use if it was free
01:12.26TainEvery char I start I try doing something else but you just can't beat Herbalism/Alchemy for levelling.
01:14.41Nom-There's probably a good reason they didn't put recipes for professions in Aldor/Scryers
01:14.47Nom-Those professions are probably rare enough
01:15.00Nom-I mean, how hard is it to find a *good* enchanter
01:15.13bleetahI'm more waiting for a 'solution' to the hunter pet levelling issue, though. They've announced they're working on a new taming method, but I really don't wanna have to go and level my loyal PvP cat from 60-70
01:15.17Nom-I won't even touch on Engineer...they usually have stuff for themselves, and that's about it
01:15.33Nom-bleetah: Why not?
01:15.43bleetah'coz pets don't get rested, they don't work off quest XP.. it's 100% grind
01:16.00Nom-Even still, a hunter in my guild said their level 8 pet dinged to 66 with one levelup
01:16.03Nom-so maybe it is fixed
01:16.12bleetahnow you tell me, would you be prepared to spend 2 months grinding to get a pet from 60 to 70?
01:16.29bleetahooh, maybe they've changed it then
01:16.44KasoWhy not find a high 60 or 70 cat to tame?
01:16.56Nom-Because you sometimes chose a cat for looks
01:16.59Nom-Not for level
01:17.08bleetahprincipal's still the same, even if a new pet is 65, and I'm 70, it's a (excuse the language) fuckload of grinding
01:17.11Nom-For instnace, ghostsaber
01:17.31bleetahand it does nothing apart from turn the player offof the game
01:17.35Nom-Yeah, but if it dings straight to your level, then it's not *too* bad
01:17.38Kasoblizzard's methodolgy is if you choose stuff for looks then you should have to put in effort
01:17.46TainI agree with that.
01:17.47bleetahwell, it shouldn't ding to your level
01:17.56Kasoi mean, i like the look of the other mounts, i still have to grind for them
01:18.04bleetahit should ding to your level-1
01:18.18TainIf you want a purple striped turtle just becuase it is purple and striped then the extra effort is on you.
01:18.18bleetahunless they've totally removed the pet XP gain
01:19.25TainI have no idea what they intend do it with it in the long run, but it isn't outside the way the game has run from day 1 for people to have to spend more time than others if they want a specific graphical rewards that has no other real purpose.
01:20.15bleetahfwiw: My hunter is 67, my bear is 66, and is gaining XP.
01:21.08bleetahthing was, i didn't wanna waste time grabbing new pets, learning new abilities for the pets, when they've announced a change in the method in how I learn the new pet abilities
01:21.48bleetahas those changes may influence my final decision of which pets to run with, and I'd have to go out and tame/grind away again
01:23.11Nom-You're using a bear to level?
01:25.23bleetahyeah, ol' Ursius from Winterspring. Because the pet normalisation, was pretty cool. So Blizz changed some of the stuff, I prolly should've swapped - but as I say with Blizz saying 'More hunter pet changes RSN', I decided it *might* be a waste of time and effort, so it'd be better to just wait.
01:25.37Nom-Cat > Bear :)
01:26.36bleetahursius was/is a damn fine OT :P
01:26.49bleetahprolly more like 'was' nowadays, tho
01:27.24sysragepeg's ftw
01:28.25bleetahCairenn: yup, it's the moon festival now
01:28.38JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn
01:28.39purlACTION jumps into Cairenn's lap and huggles and *hugs* Cairenn
01:28.42JoshBorkei still have my arrows :-D
01:29.17CairennI never got a chance to go get the dress for my Drae :(
01:30.48JoshBorkethere's always next year
01:31.27Nom-I never worked out how the love tokens worked
01:31.43Nom-I was too busy grinding to bother with those quests
01:32.14JoshBorkei did it for the buff food
01:33.00TainOh!  So I played the World of Warcraft board game last night with 5 other people.
01:33.17TainIt is actually not a bad board game.  
01:37.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
01:43.33Nom-There's a board game?
01:43.58Nom-Sorry, but I get enough WoW from ... WoW
01:44.06Nom-Except on Tuesday nights
01:44.10Nom-That's when I catch up on TV
01:45.10TainIt was pretty fun.  
01:47.08Shadowedhey Cairenn, can you move the categories of mods, or do we need to delete/readd them?
01:47.14Shadowedor did I miss the option to do that
01:47.28CairennI move them, just give me a link and which cat you want it moved to
01:47.44Cairenn(I or any of the other site staff)
01:47.48Shadowedalright thanks
01:48.40Shadowedprobably do it tomorrow then!
01:49.34Nom-So in the WoW board game, does warlock suck?
01:49.47Nom-Or if you pick warlock do you always roll one higher than your opponent
01:50.11TainWarlocks are good, you get pets that can take hits for you and you can do damage.  It's a sort of rpg board game.
01:50.24TainYou draw quest cards and have to fight things by rolling dice.
01:50.38Nom-sounds.....boring :P
01:50.38TainAnd different classes have different abilities that add to dice rolls.  
01:50.49TainWell then I'm glad you weren't playing!  We had a blast.
01:50.57Nom-But then, i'm one of those people who needs stuff to happen to keep my interest
01:51.18TainIt's very much a strategy game.
01:51.24TainThe whole game took us about four hours.
01:52.18Nom-coinciently about the time the servers go down for every week :P
01:52.30TainAt the end the Horde side and the Alliance side have to battle each other.  We whooped their asses.  Alliance Paladin, Warrior, and Hunter, against Horde Mage, Warlock, and Rogue.
01:52.56TainOur Alliance guys wiped all three of them out in one combat round.
01:53.03Nom-Of course
01:53.06Nom-You had a Pally
01:53.09Nom-And they had no healer
01:53.23Tainhaha Pally never even healed the whole game, but his defense for the team was incredible.
01:53.24Nom-Just like real WoW
01:54.10Nom-You really can't kill a pally in WoW without a healer
01:54.11JoshBorkesounds authentic to me
02:04.40Mike-N-GoIs there anything to be done about the AFK botters in AV?
02:04.54*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
02:05.12JoshBorkemisdirection on them?
02:05.32GuillotineYou used to be able to throw the special snowballs at them
02:05.37Guillotineand knock them backward out of portal
02:05.42Guillotinebut now you just report them
02:05.44Guillotinethey get a 'warning'
02:22.10Nom-i tried that, Guillotine
02:22.19Nom-Took me half the game to kick one person out the portal
02:22.46Nom-I might as well have been afk myself
02:23.01Nom-I can't think why anyone would bother with AV any more tho
02:23.14Guillotineb/c you need the tokens for some items
02:23.32Nom-the pvp gear isn't as good as the stuff you get from heroic mode
02:23.53Kasomake a macro like this : /bg An AFK vote has started for %T, type /afk kick to vote for kick, or /afk no to vote against
02:24.03Kasoit wont help the Afker problem but its damn funny
02:24.10Guillotinethat is so evil
02:24.12Guillotineyet hilarious
02:24.58Guillotinebtw, cladhaire, I hate you
02:25.05Guillotinethat Candy Mountain thing has been stuck in my head
02:25.07Guillotinesince you linked it
02:44.52*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|Gone (i=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
02:44.52*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower|Gone] by ChanServ
02:57.21Mike-N-GoKaso: make a macro like this : /bg An AFK vote has started for %T, type /afk kick to vote for kick, or /afk no to vote against
03:03.07Mike-N-GoThis makes me want to make an AddOn that logs AFK people in BGs, people who were there from the greater part of the match, yet did not have any damage done.
03:10.59Nom-LOL that thing is hella funny
03:14.37Xuerian~hug Cairenn
03:14.38purlACTION hugs Cairenn
03:15.40XuerianY'allright, Cairenn?
03:15.55Cairennyeah, I'm fine, just chaaaarlieeeeee ;)
03:16.06Cairennthat's what I was sobbing about
03:16.27ThraeDo you need patch.mpq after the game is patched?
03:16.30XuerianC'mon purl, let's go <.<
03:22.49Thraerobocopy z: "C:
03:24.59Thraerobocopy z: "C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft" /E /R:1 /W:1 /PURGE /XF %0 *enUS-downloader* *enUS-patch* Config.* layout-cache.txt /XD *Patch*
03:25.27ThraeNow my laptop and desktop are easily syncronized
03:45.15Mike-N-GoThe bodies are moving afet death in WSg.. lol
04:42.47Mike-N-GoI am getting a big bill for the PvP, repairs
04:51.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
04:53.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
05:05.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
05:08.20*** join/#wowi-lounge meecrob (
05:09.00meecrobhey does anyone know if there is a CHAT_MSG_SPELL_CREATURE_VS_PARTY_DAMAGE event? Its not listed on wowwiki
05:09.36subbawtDumb buggy instances.
05:09.45subbawtI thought they fixed Mechanar, but apparently I was wrong.
05:13.37*** join/#wowi-lounge _bs (
05:16.54Kasomeecrob there is it seems to have gone missing off the wiki for some reason
05:28.58*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh__ (
05:57.58ShadowedIs there a way to find out when somebody isn't mousing over a unit anymore? Don't care about any information except "The player isn't hovering over a unit"
05:58.04Shadowedbesides OnUpdate checks that is
05:58.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
06:00.07Kasoi assume UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT doesnt fire On mouse out then?
06:00.16Shadowedcorrec t=(
06:00.33Kasotry CURSOR_UPDATE
06:01.06Kasonot sure if it fires on mouseout either but worth a shot
06:02.32ShadowedIt only fires on cursor changes, so can't use that to detect mouseout for friendly units
06:03.22Shadowedbut yes, it does fire on mouseout assuming the cursor changed like if you were to mousein a friendly NPC then mouseout
06:03.32Kasogood point, didnt think of that
06:03.40KasoGuess you're stuck with an  OnUpdate
06:03.48Shadowedname plates keeps forcing me to use OnUpdates =(
06:04.08Kasobut to be honest, it shouldnt be that demanding to call a UnitExists or whatever every say 1/2 sec
06:04.30Shadowedgood thats what I like to hear
06:04.50KasoIs this connected to nameplates?
06:05.23Shadowedyeah, wanted to add an option to configure the text color of names and opacity, but I need to detect mousein/mouseout in order to do it
06:05.52KasoDoes the "shine" appear when you mouseover units, or just the nameplate, because you could use use some Hooking of it's show method as a hackish way to do it without onupdate
06:06.24ShadowedI'd have to check but i'm pretty sure the shine is just a texture meaning it doesn't have an OnShow/OnHide
06:08.16KasoNope, but you can do local old=Texture.Show Texture.Show = function(self) old(self) DoStuff() end
06:09.09ShadowedNameplates are called in C code, so hooking Show/Hide doesn't do anything except for finding out what other addons are doing
06:09.20Kasodamnit you are indeed correct
06:09.25Kasoforgot about that
06:09.31ShadowedIf I could hook the Set/Show/Hide's then it would be easy since I could hook SetTextColor
06:09.44KasoYah go for update then :<
06:14.47Sstixrudhmmm sigh I dont understand this code cladhaire gave me as an example to compare previous auras with current
06:15.07ShadowedCan you pastey the code he gave you?
06:16.38Kasonorganna, if you're there by the way you know that pastey is bugged at the moment?
06:17.14norgannakaso: still?
06:17.19Kasowhen did you fix it?
06:17.26Shadowedcladhaire: Wouldn't using a table that contains a list of names, and if the name isn't found in the current list then it faded?
06:17.26Kasoi had an error eariler today
06:17.28norgannaa few hours ago
06:17.30Sstixrudsomehow I need to use that code to detect new vs expired buffs and pass the buffname and new/expire status to another function that uses it
06:17.36Kasoah perhaps im wrong then
06:17.45norgannanobody told me :(
06:18.12KasoWhats with all the viagra spam on it atm ?
06:18.12norgannai was sad when i went to use it this morning, and it was broken, and that was the first i'd heard of it :(
06:18.25SstixrudShadowed not sure that I follow
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06:18.59ShadowedSstixrud: Was asking clad about how he did it
06:20.13norgannakaso: yeah, i know
06:20.20norgannabloody spammers
06:20.32Sstixrudclad gave me that code to replace my previous code which renamed the previous table and created a new one... then comapred the two.  Clad suggested that would be too process intensive for UNIT_AURA events
06:21.09SstixrudI am just not sure how to use this code to do determine old vs new
06:21.34cladhaireSstixrud: I already explained that
06:21.35ShadowedLook at the comments
06:21.39cladhaireand commented twice in the code, where you can do that logic,.
06:21.47Sstixrudsorry I am a newb :P
06:22.08cladhaireyou're just thinking in the wrong context
06:22.17cladhaireyou want to compare two sets, and see whats different
06:22.27cladhairethats a bad way to look at this, so I gave you code that will tell you when a buff is gained, and when i fades
06:23.01SstixrudI am having trouble following the code I guess
06:23.13cladhairewheres the issue?
06:23.15cladhairei can re-comment
06:23.21cladhairebut it should be pretty self explanatory
06:23.47ShadowedKaso: I have to run an OnUpdate check every frame update (even 0.05 isn't enough) to do mouseover detection without looking crappy =(
06:23.59cladhaireSstixrud: It creates a table bufs[unit] if it doesn't exist
06:24.10cladhairethen it loops through every pair, and decrements the value
06:24.15cladhaireit then goes through all buffs
06:24.17ShadowedI suppose thats not so bad since as long as I had flags to only check when it's needed, but blah
06:24.19Kasothats sucky, but guess you gotta do what you gotta do
06:24.22SstixrudOk, say I want to use this to call an external function that expects unit, buffname and expired/new
06:24.48cladhaireSstixrud: you can't do that, because again, this isn't comparing two sets
06:24.56cladhaireits telling you whena  single buff fades or is gained.
06:24.59cladhairefor all buffs.
06:25.07ShadowedI'd hope that boolean checks aren't that bad to be ran every onupdate anyway
06:25.09cladhaireits not table1 versus table2 and call some function with the different
06:25.22cladhaireits MyAddon:BuffFaded(unit, buff)
06:25.26Sstixrudok... but how can I use that to hide/show/blink a button that is assoicated with that specific gained/faded buff
06:25.29cladhaireand thats called for each buff, if you want it to.
06:25.40cladhaireSstixrud: Each, where I commented, call your function
06:25.46cladhaire-- New buff
06:25.50cladhaire-- Buff expired
06:27.54Sstixrudsorry, ill ponder some more =)
06:28.02cladhaireI have to go to bed
06:28.05cladhairebut whats to ponder?
06:28.20cladhaireAt --New buff, call your handler function to show/hide any buttons associated with that buff
06:28.27cladhairesame for -- Buff expired
06:29.07Cairennnight cladhaire, sweet dreams
06:29.14cladhairenight Cairenn
06:30.48KasoI love this picture:, all the various satellites and large peices of debris is earth orbit
06:31.14Shadowedgreen is good!
06:31.23Shadowedshould have been a more threatening color, like red or bright pink
06:31.37Kasohow is pink in any way threatening?
06:31.45Shadowedit's pink
06:31.53Nom-like the big circle
06:31.59Nom-geostationary satellites ?
06:32.52Kasoyah around the equator
06:33.08Kasothen all the ones close are the low earth orbit
06:33.10Sstixrudomg I feel dumb... it was simple :)
06:33.54Shadowedwould name plate modifications be unit, data or misc category anyway
06:34.37*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|Play (i=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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06:38.05SstixrudShadowed any idea why this code thinks it should remove auras that are still active?
06:39.49ShadowedSstixrud: What do you mean
06:41.17Shadowedwhy must you mock me
06:42.18SstixrudI added DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("removing "..k.." to target "..arg1) right above unitBuffs[k] = nil   and it says a buffs thare are still active are removed, on the second interation.  I.e. if I add a buff it doesn't trigger it, but if I add another them the previous ones hit expire
06:42.23Sstixrudif that makes sense?
06:42.48Sstixrudhell that didnt even make sense to me
06:43.36SstixrudHeres what I did:
06:43.40Kasoperhaps im reading this code wrong but the logic seems flawed
06:43.47ShadowedKaso: Clads?
06:44.01Kasowhich is why i think im reading it wrong
06:44.12Shadowedno it's not just you, I was trying to figure out why he did it like tha
06:44.30Sstixrudwhenever I add a new buff this code reports the buff was added, but when I add and or remove a buff it reports all previously added buffs are removed
06:44.32Kasobut it seems like every cycle itll think all the previous buffs expired
06:44.43Kasoah ha
06:45.02Kasoyou need to change the if statement after line 21
06:45.25Sstixrudremove the not?
06:46.10SstixrudI am too much of a novise to understand other peoples code heh
06:46.15Sstixrudnovice even
06:46.49Kasooff the top of my head this might fix it:
06:47.24Sstixrudmy table compare was more simple for my poor brain to understand :)
06:48.42Shadowedohh boy
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06:48.57ShadowedKaso: Don't you love it when code works in one version, then you retest it and have no idea why it stopped working :(
06:51.38SstixrudKaso thanks that works a lot better :) still not sure I fully understand the logic flow but it works :)
06:51.50KasoSstixrud, ive added some comments to this version that might assist in your understanding
06:52.59Sstixrud-- this buff wasnt on the unit last cycle
06:53.02Sstixrudaww thats the part I didnt get
06:53.33Sstixrudthanks kaso
06:53.38Kasono problem
06:54.15ShadowedBlizzard is thwarting my plans to do schoolwork today
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06:55.35Cairenn post #30, before it goes poof .... hahahahaha
06:56.04ShadowedI haven't seen that for a long time
06:58.43ShadowedCairenn: When you aren't busy, would you mind moving to the Misc category?
07:00.28Cairennnp :)
07:00.28Kasoshadowed you should do MobHealth support for the HP on them
07:01.06ShadowedKaso: will add that in a second
07:01.32bleetahdual boxing is kinky and shouldn't even get mentioned on the WoW forums
07:02.19bleetahor fun, or immoral.. depending on your point of view I guess
07:02.28Cairennnight guys
07:02.30Kaso(on a releated topic, here's a guildie of mine getting killed by a half afk botchain
07:02.33bleetahnn Cairenn
07:03.24Xuerian'night, Cairenn|afk
07:03.31Xuerianand, rofl @ the post.
07:03.35XuerianI have to copy that.....
07:07.01ShadowedKaso: have you played with adding MobInfo3 support to anything before?
07:07.26Kasonever implimented it, buuut
07:07.29Shadoweder Health not info
07:08.24Kasoumm as far as i know the API functions it provids only allow you to do it via UnitID, but if you check their table directly its all indexed under "unitname:level" so you could do it getto and grab the info from the table
07:08.36ShadowedAlright thanks
07:09.02Kasothe table stores some wierd value let me work out how to get the hp from it again
07:09.50ShadowedIt looks like it stores the HP they have totel, and then uses the current percentage value to figure it out, so 5000 max health and 50% health means 2500 curren
07:10.59Kasooh true
07:11.06KasoMobhealth 2 did it differently
07:11.13ShadowedHow'd they do it?
07:11.57ShadowedLooks like they did something weird like last known health/highest known health
07:12.23Kasoi recall them storing a points per percentage value and something else
07:12.28Kasobut i dont remeber too well
07:12.32Thrae <-- please test, k thnx
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07:13.00Shadowedstupid name plates
07:15.28ShadowedI really need to move all this crap to a library =/
07:18.03Kasoah, i think they store something wacky like "damage taken/percentage lost"
07:18.05Kasowhich is rather odd
07:18.30Shadowedsometimes I wish I knew why people did odd stuff like that
07:19.43Kasoi guess its so they can work out some sort of relative accuracy of the data
07:21.04ShadowedMaybe but I don't see how you could get accurate information out of tha
07:21.30Shadowedout of "damage taken/percentage lost"
07:21.30Kasoaccurate infomation ? or accuracy infomation?
07:21.41Shadowedaccurate information on the accuracy of the information
07:22.36Kasowell you know if its a mob thats just been added to the table if its got like "7" as its percentage lost value so you know it isnt hugely accurate, where as if its at 2500 (as seems to be the cap) you know its pretty accurate
07:22.55Shadowedahh thats true
07:23.43Kasoi wouldnt choose that system myself, but i guess they had their reasons
07:24.04Shadowedyeah thats why I was wondering why they did it like that
07:25.42ShadowedMobHealth3 isn't updated for 2.0.0
07:25.55Shadowedor maybe WoWI's version is out of date
07:27.10Shadoweddamn you people who only update on the wowace site =(
07:28.02Nom-multi-boxing goodness :P
07:30.52KasoIs ask though, is it worth spending five subscriptions just to farm gold easier
07:30.54Nom- <-- receiving end
07:31.00Nom-4 x POM Pyro's at the same time
07:31.16Nom-Hey, if it gives you enjoyment, why not?
07:33.18Kasohaha thats pretty amusing i must admit
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07:34.17ShadowedKaso: MH3 does it in a weird way, but the API supports getting the information by name/level
07:34.24ShadowedGetUnitHealth(unit, current, max, name, level)
07:34.27Kasooh? thats good
07:38.50KasoI like the little metatable thing MH3 does that re-routes any queries to the MobInfo/Health2 table to its own
07:39.36ShadowedI was looking at that, why does it do that anyway?
07:41.32Kasoso any mobs that bypass the mobinfo2 api and grab data from its table still work, without needing to maintain two seperate tables in different formats
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07:43.26ShadowedMobHealth is making me pass a fake unitid to work :(
07:44.36Sstixrudanyone know why UNIT_AURA event is sometimes called more tha once fora single aura change?
07:44.53Nom-for an aura leaving and then a new one adding on
07:45.09Sstixrudno I mean even more than that
07:45.28Nom-depends...if the aura has more than one effect
07:45.29ShadowedI believe it was mentioned on the wiki that same aura changes (paladin/druid?) would cause more then one event to fire
07:45.47Nom-Paladin for sure, because the old aura fades, and then the new one comes into effect
07:45.59Nom-Same with Shaman dropping totems
07:46.02Nom-even one of the smae kind
07:46.14Shadowedwell MH3 support was semi-painless to add
07:46.29Sstixrudaww I am testing with a paly that explains its
07:46.33Kasodid you pass it player or something?
07:46.38ShadowedKaso: yeppppp
07:46.48Sstixrudit doesnt hurt what I am doing but it is resource wasteful :|
07:47.14Kasommhm, but i guess its better to use the API than fiddle with the table
07:47.38Nom-Fired when a buff, debuff, status, or item bonus was gained by or faded from a player, pet, NPC, or mob.
07:47.46ShadowedIf anyone complains, i'll blame MobHealth
07:47.52Kasoha :>
07:48.11Nom-There you go...that would imply that if you've got a pet or another player in range being affected by the aura, then the event would fire for them too
07:48.29KasoStrangely casting Revive pet makes two UNIT_AURA events fire for yourself, i was always puzzled by that one
07:48.36Kasoor was it call pet
07:48.37Kasoone of the two
07:48.59Nom-one for you and one for your pet
07:49.08KasoIve no idea, i just know my SCT does [Call Pet][Call Pet] when i use it
07:49.13Nom-You're getting flagged as having a pet and your pet is getting any talent based buffs and stuff
07:49.21Kasothat makes sense
07:49.37Nom-It'll be something like that
07:49.55Nom-Once for calling the pet, and again for the pet being added as a buff or something to you (internally)
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08:25.14KolthAny Battlestar Galactica watchers?
08:26.33Kasoive started watching recently, but im only a few episodes in
08:27.04KolthI have what's labeled S01-E01 but it says, "Previously on Battlestar Galactica..." when I start it up. What came before it?
08:27.24Mike-N-GoI am not thinking!
08:27.33Mike-N-GoI give away my water and then enter AV!
08:28.10KasoKolth there was a 3(or 2) part Mini-series that started off the whole "New" bsg thing
08:28.16KolthShould I watch those?
08:28.28Kasoits worth a watch yes
08:28.37KolthIs their story part of the sequence?
08:28.55KasoYah it starts the plot off
08:29.01Kolthk, thanks
08:50.48Kirkburn|afkBSG ftw :)
08:50.58Kirkburn|afkYay for awful AWFUL UIs -
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08:57.32ShadowedKirkburn|afk: The goal is to ineffectively use space obviously
08:58.04Nom- <- hahaha
08:58.16Mr_Rabies2only thing that would make it worse
08:58.29Mr_Rabies2would be a huge black bar on the bottom
08:58.44Kirkburn|afkx 2
08:59.22Shadowedwell if you're a gnome they have really small heads
09:00.53Mr_Rabies2[penis joke goes here]
09:02.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
09:08.12KasoI hate high UI scale
09:08.25ShadowedI hate anything that isn't the default UI and UI scale
09:08.38Kasoi use 0.5, damn bliizard setting lower limit to 0.64
09:09.05KolthI use 0.7.
09:14.32SunTiger0.64 here
09:14.37SunTigerand its fine for me.
09:17.44Mr_Rabies20.74 is just about awesome for me
09:25.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
09:26.24TemShadowed, check the docs on wowwiki.  They're the most up to date
09:26.49Temthe docs on google code are for an alpha release.  I'm not exactly sure why they were never updated for beta-0
09:26.50krkai use ui scale = 2
09:26.53krkasometimes 3
09:27.04Mr_Rabies2in 640 by 480
09:27.11Mr_Rabies2on an imax display
09:27.18Tem320 x 240 woo
09:27.19Mr_Rabies2your action buttons are as big as houses
09:27.25Temwindows 3.0
09:43.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Jocco_S (
10:04.16Mr_Rabies2gotta get me one of those
10:09.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
10:14.27Mr_Rabies2guys i just like totally realized something
10:14.38krkagood for you!
10:14.57Mr_Rabies2matt damonology and ben afflecktion warlocks
10:15.31Mr_Rabies2its gotta mean something man
10:16.15Mr_Rabies2i couldnt find anything related with destro
10:16.46Kirkburn|afkOmg, I'm a Matt Daemon!
10:18.40KolthIt's so cold in my apartment.
10:22.36SunTigeruse the heating
10:23.02KolthAnd it's 41° outside.
10:23.52Temmine too
10:24.00Tem<3 blankets
10:24.05wobinI was thinking, Mmm. Summer
10:24.09KolthGOtz em
10:24.23wobinget those usb heating mitts
10:24.30KolthHave em
10:24.45wobinHot chocolate?
10:24.45Temit's 33 here
10:24.59wobinWhat's that in Celcius?
10:25.40wobinwell that's not too bad
10:25.55Temwobin, that's about as cold as it gets here
10:26.18wobinThat was warm =)
10:26.19Temit's actually pretty rare for us to go below 45F
10:26.47Temwobin, was it "winter" meaning your f'ed up south hemisphere "winter in the summer" crap?
10:27.14Temoh hey
10:27.19wobinNo, I spent last 'Winter in the northern hemisphere' in northern china =)
10:27.35Temdoesn't supreme commander come out tomorrow?
10:27.48wobinwe didn't have a white christmas, but it was a pretty grey and dirty one
10:27.57wobinor maybe white for the first few minutes
10:28.06Temthen it turned to muddy snow?\
10:28.45wobinwell. lets just say, my roommate said that the only place with worse pollution he'd ever seen was in Iran.
10:29.27Temooh, sup com demo
10:29.50Tem1 gig?
10:29.55Temgeeze this better be good
10:30.03wobinthat's one hell of a demo
10:32.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Sairen (
10:32.13Temlol vista's estimated time for extracting things is really dump
10:32.33TemI'm extracting a 700 mb file at "2.45 MB/sec"
10:32.48Temhowever, it estimates that it will be done in 2 days 14 hours
10:33.38krkajust a bit mathematically challenged
10:34.31TemI wasn't watching at first, so I suspect that it started very slowly
10:34.37Temand it uses an average
10:36.30krkawould be smart to only consider the last few seconds to calculate the average
10:36.55Temnot always
10:36.59Tembut in this case, I agree
10:37.15krkawhy not always?
10:37.45Temlarge temporary changes
10:50.02Corrodiasthe only alternative to checking the last few seconds is to check longer... or shorter
10:50.13Corrodiasget it long enough and it's just the average of the whole thing again
10:51.39Corrodiasthe image of the "really bad UI" has been removed for high bandwidth usage on imageshack
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10:53.58Corrodiasmy ui scale is at 0.9 right now, but i've considered reducing it
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11:00.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Amaechizzle (
11:00.43CorrodiasHOWDY HO
11:01.01AmaechizzleHow are ya?
11:01.36Corrodiaswell, i just passed out for 6 hours
11:01.42Corrodiasfeeling pretty good now
11:01.58AmaechizzleI would bloody hope so
11:02.15AmaechizzleI was wondering if there was a way to get auctioneer and cosmos to work side by side
11:02.46Corrodiascosmos is a whole bunch of addons, and i really don't know much about it
11:03.20AmaechizzleDo you use any other mods with auctioneer?
11:04.06Corrodiasif i reduce my ui scale any farther, it's too hard to see things at this resolution
11:04.12Corrodiasi must live with 0.9
11:04.37Corrodiasheavens, yes, i have about 150 addons, including auctioneer
11:05.22Corrodiasthere are 175 folders in my addons folder, but i expect about 25 of them to be part of addons with multiple folders
11:06.39*** part/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
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11:07.47AmaechizzleDo you use any third party programs to help put it all together... e.g. cosmos
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11:19.50Kirkburn|afkAwesomeness - this was linked on the lastest episode of Scrubs:
11:24.34Corrodiasmost of the addons don't interact in any way
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11:39.36*** join/#wowi-lounge kamikadze (i=user@
11:39.43kamikadzehey :)
11:39.57kamikadzehow do i destroy frame that i created with createFrame() ?
11:40.53nuoHepyou cant
11:41.21kamikadzeany reason for this?
11:44.11Corrodiasmaybe it's not possible to destroy frames
11:45.50kamikadzeso if i want to have like 1-20 frames on screen i have to crate 20 of them and keep rest hidden for later if needed?
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14:20.30KasoDoes anyone know what the "running speed" is in wow in yards/sec
14:21.05krkalast i checked it was 6.5 or something
14:21.23Kasosounds close enough for me, thanks
14:21.27krkaactually, i don't remember... but using MapLibrary i could get a very accurate number
14:21.46krkai think 8 was running with cheetah
14:22.05Kasothen 6.4 would be normal
14:22.51krkayeah, i dont remember exactly what it was
14:23.04Kasothat number seems to ring a bell, so i'll trust it
14:23.10Kasoi dont need huge accuracy
14:26.41zenzio*grumble*... 125 rep short of exalted after an SL run
14:26.48KasoBlink gives you 120% run speed :>
14:32.30krkahow do you figure?
14:32.38krka20 yards over 30 seconds?
14:33.09krka(20 + 6.4 * 30) / (6.4 * 30) ?
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14:33.36krkano wait.. is it 15 seconds? :)
14:33.52Kaso15 sec
14:34.36krkashould boost blink to 25 yards!
14:34.49krkaor even 30
14:34.56krkato make it even with aspect of cheetah
14:35.15Kasodoesnt (didnt?) imp blink do that? or was it mana cost, i know it was particularlly useless
14:35.53krkai haven't played in a like a year
14:35.57krkaso i have no idea
14:37.03KasoImp Blink, reduces the mana cost by 25% | 50%
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14:39.53foxlit30 yards is rather imba with 15s timer :)
14:40.11foxlitAssuming it works, of course.
14:41.46krkawhy imba?
14:42.05krkaonly 30% speed boost!
14:42.47KasoI mage friend of mine has the best fix for blink-bugs imo
14:43.24Kasochange the tooltip to; "Attempts to teleport the caster 20yrds aheads, but due-to instabilties in this magic, the effect can be unpredicable." or something along those lines
14:47.36foxlit"only 30% speed boost!" What's the default run speed? :)
14:47.48Kaso6.4 fps we decided on
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15:16.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Work (n=Adrine@
15:16.20KasoMPAA used unlicensed software on there blogging site, rather than paying the £25 for a licence:
15:18.19zenzioMPAA/RIAA/SCO together is the embodiment of stupidity
15:18.50krkato be fair, that's a lot of money!
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15:44.43Thunder_Childhi malreth
15:45.40malrethi had a headache all weekend
15:45.51malrethi'm glad it's gone now
15:46.11malrethbecause now i can drink coffee to make myself miserable again
15:47.01purlIt is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.  It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shakes, the shakes become a warning.  It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
15:47.10malrethhey, purl is working again
15:47.56purlMoonWolf: :)
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15:56.42KiphereCEHows everyone enjoying TBC so far?
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16:02.55Thunder_ChildIt's fine
16:03.36KiphereCEI rolled a paladin on Auchindoun. Hit 55 yesterday and I'm still working on my UI.
16:03.42KiphereCEso much different than all the other classes I've played.
16:04.08*** join/#wowi-lounge mahiro (
16:04.10KiphereCEI set it up like my druid at first which just didn't work, then tried my shaman's UI, still no good. so I'm starting from scratch.
16:04.27mahirohi all
16:04.36mahirocan someone help me with secure frames?
16:05.26cladhairewell, there's lots that can encompass
16:05.32cladhairewhat specifically do you need?
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16:06.22mahirowell i tried to make a frame (which displays player health ) clickable so its selected as target but it doesent work
16:07.20cladhairecan you your code?
16:07.23cladhaireso we can look at it?
16:07.30cladhairethat's actually quite easy
16:07.46mahirook... just a moment
16:13.46KiphereCEI need a mod that lets me assign party members certain buffs and when I'm nto in combat just hit that button and it buffs each member with whatever buff I selected for them :p
16:13.57cladhairemahiro: Okay, and nothing works?
16:16.03mahirowell acctually everything works exept targeting that unit via the frame:/
16:16.38cladhairei dont see why it wouldn't work
16:16.56cladhairein-game, dump HP_PLAYER_FRAME:GetAttribute("type1") and "unit1")
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16:20.52KiphereCEhealbot looks hot.
16:20.55KiphereCEcant wait to get home and try that.
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16:21.07cladhaireits just another raid frame
16:21.16mahirocladhaire: hmm no output for those:/
16:21.27cladhairethen your onload isn't being called perhaps?
16:21.38cladhaireor something is happening after the fact?
16:21.42cladhaireyou can use XML attributes instead if you'd like
16:23.26KiphereCEWell, I'm looking for osmething to help me manage my blessings better in groups.
16:23.36mahirohmm if i add a msg to the onload its printed when i reloadui... so onload works?
16:24.03KiphereCEI tank mostly since I'm prot so I don't spend as much time looking at the unit bars as I should and I find myself slacking on buffs, I start to feel guilty after gettign buff requests for the 5th time in a group ;)
16:24.38cladhairemahiro: Aye.. do you have any other code associated with that frame?
16:24.43cladhairecause attributes don't just get overwritten
16:25.43mahirocladhaire: you mean in the OnLoad section?
16:25.54cladhaireno, i mean period.
16:26.27cladhaireput the following in your OnLoad before gHUDOnLoad()
16:27.49mahirohmm if i put
16:28.26cladhaireself:SetScript("OnAttributeChanged", function(f,k,v) ChatFrame1:AddMessage(k .. " - " .. tostring(v)) end)
16:28.32cladhairethat will tell you when the attributes change
16:28.34cladhaireincluding when you change them
16:28.48cladhaireit'll print out the attribute being changed, and what it was changed to.
16:29.43mahirowhere should i place that?
16:30.08cladhairelike i said
16:30.10cladhairein th eonload
16:30.12cladhairebefore ghudonload
16:32.54mahirotype1 - target  unit1 - player
16:33.05cladhaireand nothing else after that?
16:33.37cladhairethen i'm not sure what to tell you
16:34.13mahiroso it should work to select that unit when i push the frame right?
16:34.30cladhaireyou said that dumping the attributes to the chat frame show they're not set when you get in game
16:34.34cladhairewhich is why they don't work
16:35.37mahiroseems that i was wrong....
16:37.42mahiroyou have any other ideas what could be wrong?
16:37.53cladhairewhat were you wrong about
16:38.27mahirothat they werent set when i get ingame....
16:38.49cladhaireso both of those attributes are set?
16:38.58cladhaireyou redefine the onclick handlers.
16:39.00cladhaireyou can't do that.
16:39.37mahirohmm i dont have OnClick's o_O
16:39.50mahiroor what do you mean?
16:40.16cladhairei dont know tbh.. my brain is rather fried at the moment.
16:40.29cladhairetry type and unit
16:40.32cladhaireinstead of type1 and unit1
16:40.40cladhairesee if the general works any better
16:40.46cladhairei dont see any reason why it shouldn't woork
16:41.15mahirothis secure thing starts to freak me out:/
16:41.24cladhairethey're rather simple
16:41.40mahiroyes if it works....
16:41.49cladhairewell, they always work
16:41.58cladhaireif you start simple
16:42.04cladhaireand move up from there
16:42.14mahirostill nothing if i click the frame:/
16:42.57cladhairei'm not sure what to tell you
16:43.05cladhairei'm sorry i dont have more time to look at it =/
16:43.19mahirono problem, thanks for your help
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16:44.47cladhairesorry =(  i'll try to come back later and see if you've gotten it
16:44.53cladhairestart from a basic example
16:44.58cladhaireno extra code
16:45.02cladhaireand build up from there.
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16:50.53mahirokk i try that
16:53.05*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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17:41.26KiphereCEHai cogs!
17:41.41KiphereCEand Cairenn!
17:41.49Cairennhi KiphereCE :)
17:42.20KiphereCEHaven't been around much :P The new guild has been eating a lot of my time.
17:42.50CairennWait ... what ... you've been playing ... is that allowed?
17:43.16KiphereCEI rolled a belf paladin on Auchindoun and started a guild there with soem friends.
17:43.54KiphereCEIt's going pretty well so far, 55 on the paladin and the guild has the makings of a couple solid 10man groups and with a few more invites a really good looking 25man group
17:44.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
17:44.38KiphereCEGetting a lil more freetime though so time to start working on learning this stuff again ;)
17:45.13KiphereCEBtw, anyone know whats going on with Flex2? The sites down everytime I go and I can't find any info on it.
17:45.17KiphereCEStarting to think it was dropped.
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17:49.26cogwheel|workI haven't paid much attention to FB since I started CogsBar...
18:00.35malrethwell, 3 hours and the labs haven't blown up... i guess i win today
18:01.18malrethmoving to my next site... later all
18:04.19*** part/#wowi-lounge Sgaile (n=nour_sco@
18:12.08CairennLogging out of here, I want to get some in-game shots of the UI for LotRO and my machine just can't handle the processing load of everything I run all the time
18:12.43cladhairebye Cairenn
18:12.55TainYou shall not pass!
18:13.17CairennI still want tangas with that on them!
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18:54.29BouviWhat do you get if you go to:
18:55.22Bouvi*sigh* do you get some stupid site with flowers or a forum?
18:55.59BouviAnd LOL at the Herpes comment
18:58.17Thunder_Childlooks like has expired
18:58.41BouviI am trying to convince the owner it is not right lol.
18:59.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
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19:17.59Mike-N-GoMy focus for farming has changed
19:18.30Mike-N-GoI now buy Trade Goods from others for cheep, process, and COD to someone else, DEers for example.
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19:22.56Mike-N-GoLess AH, I avoid selling on it mostly
19:23.11Mike-N-GoI just COD the same things to the same people, over, and over....
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19:48.52Grollanyone happen to know if i enchant my crafted upgradable mace will the enchant still be on it if i upgrade it to the next level or will the mace be consumed in the process?
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19:51.26axxoconsumed i bet
19:52.12Grolli sure hope not :P wanna put mongoose enchant on it :P
19:52.15hastelike in the good old <insert name on priest staff from MC>
19:52.23Grolland i seriously dont wanna do it three times :P
19:52.24hastes/$/ days/
19:52.32axxopritty sure its gone after
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20:26.46mahirocladhaire: hi, i found the problem, had the health bar over the background frame which i wanted to make clickable:/
20:26.54cladhaireThat'd do it =)
20:30.04mahirois there a standard to use to make clickcasting available?
20:30.42cladhaireClickCastFrames[frameObject] = true
20:30.57cladhairetho you shoudl ensure the table exists first, i.e. ClickCastFrames = ClickCastFrames or {}
20:31.18JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn
20:31.21purlACTION sneaks up on Cairenn and suddenly hugs Cairenn tightly
20:31.46Cairennpurl, hug JoshBorke
20:31.48purlACTION sneaks up on JoshBorke and suddenly hugs JoshBorke tightly
20:32.40mahirohmm ok... is somewhere a documentation for that?
20:33.09JoshBorkemahiro: there was a post on the warcraft forums
20:33.30JoshBorkemahiro: it's a psuedo standard that most programmers have tried to adhere to
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20:36.19mahirook i will take a look at taht
20:37.48malrethso, to fix my headache, my fiancee taped a little bitty seed to a specific point on my ear
20:37.53malrethand it hurts like hell
20:37.56malrethbut my headache is gone
20:38.05malrethquestion: is this a net win?
20:40.01malrethjust... wow
20:40.33malrethhe loses me completely after the 22nd word
20:45.51Cide - I like my luck today!
20:48.31cladhairenice Cide
20:48.51Cidedamn felweed messed up my spree
20:49.45jaxdahldoesn't seem like a lot of people use ctscreens. only 4939 screenshots?
20:50.20malrethwell, it's not exactly a for-free service
20:50.40jaxdahlyeah i know
20:50.55malrethand if you ask my opinion, it'd be nice if there wasn't that sidebar on the left
20:51.07Cairennokay, which has smaller compression ratio - .jpg or .bmp? anyone recall off the top of their head?
20:51.17malrethif when you linked to an image like you got just the screenshot
20:51.23Cairennthat's what I though, just wanted to verify
20:51.52jaxdahl.bmp is not compressed at all
20:51.56malrethaaaah... urge to be pedantic... rising
20:52.02malrethgreater ratio
20:52.05Cidemalreth: for-free service?
20:52.25Cairennfine, which compresses to a smaller size - better? :p
20:52.56Cidemalreth: care to explain?
20:53.11malrethCide: you have to upgrade your account ($) to post more screenshots, right?
20:53.12jaxdahl.bmp can actually store a jpg or png in it
20:53.18jaxdahlmalreth, and to hotlink
20:53.28Cidemalreth: yes
20:53.33Cideyou can have 5 simultaneous screenshots
20:53.36Cidewhen not upgraded
20:53.46malrethyeah... i was explaining why there weren't more screens hosted on ctscreens
20:53.56malreththat factors into it
20:54.02Cidethe whole point is that you don't run out of bandwidth after 5 seconds
20:54.23malrethno, there are good reasons why you have it as a paid service
20:54.24CideI don't think anyone actually links more than 5 screenshots at once on the wow forums
20:54.28malrethi don't deny that
20:54.42malreththis was a statement of fact, not one of value
20:55.12CideI wouldn't call "it's not exactly a for-free service" a statement of fact
20:55.38cladhaireits no less free than
20:55.48cladhaireor any other image "hosting" website
20:55.56cladhaireyou pay the same cost at all of them
20:56.01cladhaireor rather, the same class of costs.
20:56.16malrethwell, can't deny that...
20:56.24cladhaireso whats the point in saying anything?
20:56.37JoshBorkei like to hear myself talk
20:56.42JoshBorkeor in this case, read my own text
20:56.44malrethwell, you may not know me very well, but i am actually incapable of saying nothing
20:56.45JoshBorkebut that's just me
20:56.51JoshBorkeit's true!
20:56.53Cidedoesn't really matter, I'm just curious why people would think it's not free
20:56.55JoshBorkei've never seen malreth quiet!
20:57.15Cideit just doesn't have the same selling point as the other image hosting sites
20:57.16malrethwell, let's take for instance flickr... it's not a free service
20:57.27cladhaireyes it is.
20:57.51cladhairethen fine,
20:57.53cladhairenothing is free
20:57.57cladhaireeverything has a cost associated with it
20:58.00cladhaireon hosted web services.
20:58.09JoshBorkegood thing you added that last line
20:58.20malrethok ok...
20:58.42malrethso, you can also use flickr for free in as much as you can use ctscreens for free
20:58.45cladhairenext I'm going to argue the validity of the average human face having a pair of eyes and a nose.
20:58.50malrethboth have limitations on their free access, though
20:58.56cladhaireas does every single web service.
20:59.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (i=Jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
20:59.09cladhairewhy are we talking about it?
20:59.15malrethso why would I use ctscreens over flickr
20:59.29cladhairemalreth: Because is specifically for the wow community?
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20:59.39cladhairewhy woudl anyone host a private svn when they can use googlecode or sourceforge?
20:59.43cladhairebecause they can tailor it to their needs
20:59.50cladhaireetc, etc.
21:00.03malrethctscreens has the ability to vote and rate screens
21:00.11malrethsomething that might have value to the wow community
21:00.20cladhairei know you said you can't keep your mouth shut.. but i also have a problem with comments like the ones you made, especially when they have absolutely no point or validity.
21:00.42malrethwell, what do you really want me to say?
21:00.46malrethflickr is free?
21:00.50malrethIt's free
21:00.53malrethso is ctscreens
21:01.15cladhairethis is very simple.
21:01.19cladhaireyou said it wasn't used because its not free.
21:01.22cladhairethen what's being used?
21:01.28cladhaireand why is it being used over ctscreens?
21:01.30malrethah, good question
21:01.37malrethso imageshack gets used a lot
21:01.54cladhaireyes, and runs out of bandwidth in 2 seconds, as can be evidenced by any linked screenshot in the wow forums
21:01.55Cidewhich is probably the worst image hosting site in existance
21:01.57cladhaireand people get chastised for using it.
21:02.12cladhaireso the poster pays no "cost" but every subsequent viewer does.
21:02.26Cidethis conversation is unnecessary
21:02.32CideI was just curious why people would think it's not free
21:02.45cladhaireCide: Any my problem is people talking "shit" with nothing behind it
21:02.48cladhaireits always my problem
21:02.51cladhaireit just irks me.
21:02.59Cideyeah, I understand :)
21:03.03malrethi'm not talking shit about no one
21:03.09JoshBorkeoh! cladhaire!  i have a question for you
21:03.12Cidejust saying
21:03.19malrethwhatever y'all
21:03.25JoshBorkecladhaire: in PRaid 2.0 beta.  is it possible to change the scale?
21:03.31cladhairemalreth: "well, it's not exactly a for-free service"
21:03.33JoshBorkeand i like the fading in :-D
21:03.44Cidemalreth: don't worry
21:03.45cladhaireI challenge that that really has nothing to do with anything
21:03.55cladhaireJosh_Borke: Yeah, in the frame editor, you can change the scale
21:04.00cladhairebottom left of the options screen
21:04.07JoshBorkeframe editor huh, let me go looksie :_)
21:04.08Cidemalreth: I'm just curious why this "misconception" (if you will) exists
21:05.02malrethwell, i guess you can call it a perceived notion about ctscreens
21:05.11cladhaireIn my experience, it boils down to, those who are in uber leet guilds host their own screenshots.  Those who don't know or don't care use whatever is easiest or most "visible", that being imagedump or imageshack.
21:05.28cladhaireI don't think anyone looks at imageshack or ctscreens and does a feature comparison before deciding where to host their screenshots.
21:05.39malrethhere... it seems "less free" to me. I'll make no judgement about it's "freeness" with regards or in comparison to other image hosting sites
21:05.51cladhaireespecially considering one allows unconverted uploads of .tga
21:06.13cladhairemalreth: Without comparing it to anything, the "free-ness" of the site means nothing
21:06.18malrethbut i'm mostly a flickr user
21:06.18cladhaireby definition
21:06.23JoshBorkecladhaire: OH! now i get it.  didn't realize the list of classes was selectable :_)
21:06.25malrethso let's compare it to flickr
21:06.33cladhaireJosh_Borke: yeah, sorry
21:06.50cladhairemalreth: I know the feature set of both quite well.
21:07.00cladhairebut find me posts in the forums that frequently link flickr screenshots.
21:07.02JoshBorkeno no, it's totally cool :_)
21:07.05malrethcourse... i may stop using flickr because i hve to get a yahoo id... that's a lot annoying
21:07.16cladhaireits not exactly being used widespread for forum linkage to screenshots.
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21:07.56malrethyeah... it doesn't
21:08.40cladhairei'm just asserting that the "free-ness" of (which is still pretty damn free, considering) has little to do with its widespread use.
21:09.06cladhaireand there aren't private parties where people discuss the benefits of each of the image hosting websites =)
21:09.42malrethprobably the appeal of imageshack is it's existing widespread use
21:09.51malrethbut that much is proably obvious
21:09.58cladhaireyou use what is most often used.
21:10.11cladhaireand ctscreens hasn't exactly gone on a widespead marketing campaign
21:10.21cladhairebut.. for people that can only link 5 screenshots, having 4k isn't that shabby
21:10.22JoshBorkeGD! THAT IS HOT!
21:10.33cladhaireand its seving the need for those people, which is all one can hope for
21:10.41malrethyep works for us, and a bunch of other sites, while and work for others, depending on whats more frequently used.
21:10.55cladhairemob mentality, and all
21:11.07malrethbut there doesn't seem to be a compelling reason to use ctscreens over anything else
21:11.16malrethyou get image voting with CTscreens
21:11.19malrethand comments
21:11.27cladhaireversus imagelink there's a huge reason
21:11.28malrethbut what features actually get used?
21:11.31cladhaireversus flickr, maybe not.
21:11.44cladhairethe fact that ctscreens doesn't kill your image due to bandwidth is _the_ reason for me.
21:11.46malreththat's an advantage of ct
21:12.04malrethtrue... but flickr has that too
21:12.11cladhaireand neither are widely used =)
21:12.20malrethwell, neither are widely used on wow forums
21:12.20cladhairemaking this whole conversation somewhat meaningless ;-)
21:12.27cladhairewell, that's what we're discussing.
21:12.32malrethflickr is very widely used... but with a different audience
21:12.45Xuerianflickr also had a policy against screenshots, didn't it?
21:13.21malrethflickr will host any image... but an image that is found to be a screenshot won't get linked from the main page or something...
21:13.25malrethlemme look that up
21:15.32malreththe ToS is a bit vague on that...
21:16.05malrethi guess they could terminate your account if you host screenshots on flickr and direct link to them from an external site without a backlink
21:16.27malrethsorry... direct link the img itself
21:16.54malrethbut if you just provide the link to the image page like you would on the WoW forums anyways, then there's no beef
21:17.01malrethwell, regardless
21:18.04malrethCTscreens appeals to the class of wow players that have 5 or fewer screenshots to host and don't care that their images will expire after 20 people click on them
21:18.55cladhairesince when do they "Expire"?
21:18.59malrethsorry... that came out wierd
21:19.10malrethwell, it came out wrong
21:19.32malrethbut you know what i meant... i meant the right thing.
21:19.41cladhaireno, actually, I'm not sure what you meant
21:19.46cladhairewhich is why i questioned it =)
21:20.39malrethctscreens would appeal to the class of wow forum posters that have 5 or fewer screenshots and want their images to last indefinately
21:23.09cladhairei would just again, assert that the "cost" of not being able to host more than 5 screenshots isn't really valid.. there are too many other factors that come into play.  That's just opinion of course.
21:23.43malrethwell, you
21:23.59cladhaireit has a focused use, and I feel like that's completely valid *shrug*
21:24.00malrethyou'd have to analyze how many paid accounts there were to free accounts
21:24.14malrethi never said anything a bout validity
21:24.22malrethi need more sugar
21:24.26cladhaireI did, I didnt say you did =)
21:24.32malrethah... kk
21:25.04malrethi'd also be interested in how "saturated" the free accounts were
21:25.21malrethwhat's the average number of screens per free user
21:25.37cladhairewell being a paid service that information probably isn't available for business reasons
21:25.48malreththe turnover rate on screens since you can just delete old ones for new ones
21:25.53cladhaireIt just seems to fill a valid niche
21:26.16malrethand the freshness of accounts... how many have been updated/used in the past 1,3, and 6 months
21:26.31cladhaireall great information
21:26.41malrethbut that's cide's perogative
21:27.01cladhairespeaking as if you're an authority on the matter,l and that the limit of 5 screenshots per free acount is somehow the basis for the site not being as widely used as jaxdahl feels it should be, is where I took issue.
21:27.12cladhaireWe can return the channel back to its regularly scheduled idling now
21:29.12malrethwell, i'll ask *you* the question, then. what would you speculate is the answer to jaxdahl's question?
21:29.12malrethsince all we can reallyy do is speculate anyways
21:29.44malrethi mean, no harm in speculating... and I'm actually interested in what you think.
21:34.35JoshBorkeso Cairenn, what lvl is your draenei?
21:34.52Cairennummm, think I got her up to 10 last night
21:34.53MoonWolf_commence random topic change!
21:35.38foxlitRandom api quiz: name any GetPlayerBuff* function that accepts a buff name
21:36.39foxlit[A possible answer was GetPlayerBuffName, hilarity ensues]
21:38.01malrethbut I cheated
21:38.10malrethhell, i don't know squat about the WoW api
21:38.19malrethi don't even play WoW... what am I saying!?!
21:38.34cladhairemalreth: I would say the reason ctscreens isn't widely used is because the only place its gotten any exposure is in the raid and dungeons forum, which is split between uber guilds that have their own hosting, and more casual forum goers.
21:38.54malrethah... So CTscreens is like Disco Stu
21:39.25malreth~wiki Disco Stu
21:39.59JoshBorke~dict anomaly
21:42.10foxlitIt's type="macro", macrotext="blah" to execute a macro from a secure actionbutton, right?
21:42.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
21:43.10cladhairefoxlit: yes
21:43.35JoshBorkecladhaire: have you done kara on your priest?
21:43.48cladhaireno I haven't, just my drood
21:44.10JoshBorkebah humbug
21:44.48JoshBorkecide: you're a priest right?
21:45.06JoshBorkeyou've done kara on your priest, right?
21:45.36JoshBorkewhat stats would you recommend for a healing priest going in?
21:45.50Cideover pretty much anything else
21:45.54JoshBorkehow much?
21:45.55Cidestam is nice for some fights too
21:46.08Cideis what some of our priests are running at
21:46.27JoshBorkewe stepped in for the second time on saturday and were able to get midnight down our second attempt
21:46.38JoshBorkewe then spent a total of 6 hours wiping on moroes
21:46.49Cidehow many priests did you have there?
21:46.51Cideand paladins?
21:46.53JoshBorkebecause we couldn't keep up with the DPS
21:47.04Cideand what strategy did you use? :P
21:47.04JoshBorkefor moroes?  first night 3 priests
21:47.28Cide+healing is the best stat for most fights
21:47.30JoshBorkefirst night we shackled 3 to start DPS'd down all but the warrior
21:47.47JoshBorkeby then we were OOM, our MT died, and we wiped
21:48.17JoshBorkeand it got worse as the evening went on and our 'best' priest got drunker and drunker
21:48.17Cideon moroes you shackle as many adds as you have priests
21:48.25Cideand then burn him down
21:48.30Cidewhile the priests keep their adds shackled
21:48.46Cideand then you kill them after the fight
21:49.02JoshBorkeour final 2 attempts we tried leaving 2 shackled and only DPS'ing down 2 of the adds
21:49.23JoshBorkei had 10k mana, 900 healing, and 160mana/5 while casting
21:49.46Cide+healing helps more than anything else on that fight
21:49.49JoshBorkethat's with flasks buffs etc
21:49.55JoshBorkeoh, and 0 paladins, both nights
21:50.18JoshBorkebut like half the raid were dwarves, lol
21:50.29Cidepaladins are godly for BoP
21:50.44JoshBorkeyea, that's what i figured
21:50.53JoshBorkei would have traded our drunk priest for a holy paladin in a heart-beat
21:51.00*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-blorb (
21:51.07Cidebut you also want 3 priests if possible
21:51.16Cideor 4, but that's a bit too much probably
21:51.20JoshBorkeseems like 3 priests would make it easy mode
21:51.37Cidea lot of the fights are a lot easier with a stacked raid
21:52.01Cidebasically you don't want at most 1 melee (other than main tank) on curator
21:52.29JoshBorkei would think prayer of mending would help take care of that though
21:52.39Cideon what fight?
21:52.47JoshBorkecurator's aura
21:52.53Cidecurator doesn't have an aura
21:53.56JoshBorkemaybe i'm thinking of maiden
21:53.56Mike-N-GoHow long is the Lunar Festivities?
21:53.56Cidebut melee do take a bit more damage on curator
21:53.56JoshBorkeyea, i was thinking maiden
21:53.57Cidethe biggest problem with melee on curator though, is that if you don't have the dps to kill the adds that spawn in 10 seconds, you wipe
21:53.57Cideand the adds go all over the place usually, so melee have to run around and chase them down - effective dps: 0
21:54.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
21:54.54JoshBorkei'll be happy just to see moroes dead :-D
21:55.03JoshBorkeand what's up with teh lack of +healing belt pieces?
21:55.05Cideyeah, get 3 priests would be my best suggestion
21:55.16Cideand a paladin
21:55.51Cideif ranged dps gets garrote, put them 20 yards away from everyone else (while still in range of moroes) and use PoM on them
21:56.10JoshBorkeoo, good idea
21:56.27JoshBorkei was also thinking that they wouldn't need a heal but once every 10 seconds, but PoM is better
21:56.53foxlitWhat's wrong with this line:
21:56.54foxlitSetOverrideBindingClick(UIParent, 1, "~", "CM");
21:56.57Cideif you have someone with 8pc transcendence, use that and have that priest heal the garrote targets exclusively pretty much
21:57.38Cideyou can't keep them up with PoM alone
21:59.21JoshBorkeyea.  it really sounds like we just need more +healing gear
22:00.51Cidewith tanks at 14k+ health, your overheal should be a ton less than pre-BC
22:01.13Cideanother idea would be to bring a shadow priest and put all garrote targets in that group
22:01.42JoshBorkewe weren't even getting far enough that garrote was really an issue
22:01.49foxlitIntroducing the most _evil_ WoW-2.0 compatible code
22:01.58JoshBorkei wasn't able to stop spamming greater heal on the MT long enough to heal someone else usually
22:02.12Cidesounds like your MT needs either a better spec or better gear
22:03.12JoshBorkeprobably gear
22:03.38JoshBorkeour offtank warrior has around 13k buffed health.  dunno much more than that though.
22:04.44Cidemitigation and avoidance plays a bigger part though
22:05.05Cidehealth reduces overheal, but mitigation & avoidance reduces the necessary amount of heals in the first place
22:05.25JoshBorkedunno what he currently has
22:05.28JoshBorkemaybe i'll ask him later
22:05.47Cidebut yeah
22:06.01CideI think you're running out of mana because you're killing too many adds as well
22:06.03JoshBorkei figured our biggest block right now is gear
22:08.44JoshBorkehave you done netherspite cide?  please tell me that is as much fun as it looks like
22:08.52CideI haven't
22:08.56Cidemy guild has but I've been sleeping
22:09.02JoshBorkesleep is good :-P
22:09.14Cideraids start 2:30am so...!
22:09.21JoshBorkeaye de mi!
22:16.55JoshBorkehuh.  i see all this gear for keepers of time online, but not on their quartermaster =/
22:17.16*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio (n=sp@unaffiliated/sergio)
22:26.14TainMaking steak for dinner.  Yay tasty meat!
22:27.14TC-blorblol, meat and run
22:43.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Karrion (
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23:02.34mahirocladhaire: i have a problem with the target frame if i enter combat and during combat. when im not in combat and an enemy attacks, the bar does not show for the target, have i missed something with the secure frame?
23:12.03cladhairemahiro: What bar?
23:12.09cladhairemahiro: You can't hide or show secure frames in combat
23:12.41cladhaireif you need to do it in response to a unit existing, you can RegisterUnitWatch(frameObject)
23:12.48cladhaireas long as it has the "unit" attribute set at the time of registration.
23:13.43mahirocladhaire: hmm before i added the secure frame i had no problem to show hide the target frame in combat....
23:13.54cladhairewell, that's a fundamental limitation of secure frames.
23:13.57cladhaireyou can't show or hide them in combat.
23:14.02cladhaireotherwise decursive is trivial
23:16.05mahiroso how do i implement this RegisterUnitWatch? do i have to put that in the event hanlder?
23:16.15cladhaireyou do it onload
23:16.17cladhairejust call it once
23:16.19cladhaireand it magically works
23:16.43cladhaireit was written give you a way to show and hide based on unit existance
23:17.38mahiroso i can put this in the OnLoad?
23:20.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
23:20.49cladhaireCan anyone pinpoint an easy way for me to get poisoned?
23:21.02cladhairei'm in zangarmarsh.. anyone you can think of that poisons readily?
23:21.47mahirospiders in terrokhar forrest have poison
23:21.57cladhaireah, good point
23:22.54*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
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23:30.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
23:44.07JoshBorkecladhaire: is it intentional that when you don't have anything highlighted on the frame editor for praid that it edits the
23:44.14JoshBorkebah, stupid backspace being about the enter key
23:44.25JoshBorkeit edits the top line (well the only line for me)
23:44.26cladhaireif it's not intuitive, then no, it would be a bug =)
23:44.56JoshBorkeno no, not a bug.  then i'd have to report it and make sure it actually is doing what it's doing etc
23:45.05JoshBorkeit's a feature for teh lazy ones :-D
23:45.38JoshBorkehow's the book clad?
23:45.59cladhaireJosh_Borke: All written
23:46.04cladhaireJosh_Borke: I'm in author review at the moment
23:46.07JoshBorkeah! that's what i was guessing :-D
23:46.19cladhaireCan't say its up to my standards.. but its not crap
23:46.22JoshBorkewhat with all the time you've actually spent hanging around here-
23:46.35cladhaireme hanging around here
23:46.38cladhaireis because of the book
23:46.41cladhairei need to get away from it
23:46.48cladhairejust finished my FocusFrame addon for the chapter
23:46.50cladhairehad to rewrite it
23:46.57cladhairetrying to get this chapter done by tomorrow
23:47.08JoshBorkeah, i see
23:47.40cladhaireLFG: PST
23:48.09cladhaireso I installed Vista on my mac today, just for gits and shiggles.
23:49.30JoshBorkehey! i just did that quest last night
23:49.33JoshBorkewas like 8 of us
23:50.11cladhairei cannot find anyone to help
23:50.16cladhaireand i want my blue spectrecles!
23:50.23JoshBorkei'd come help you, but you're a horde drood
23:50.27JoshBorkeprobably feral spec too
23:50.56cladhaireyou woudn't know my spec unless i went kitty =)
23:51.13cladhaireor rawr
23:55.50Shadowedcladhaire: Do you happen to know of any addons that use Dongle for custom event registering/firing?
23:56.03cladhairedongle itself does
23:56.04cladhaireand Clique uses
23:56.21Shadowedhrm must have missed it in Clique
23:57.11Shadowednow to figure out how to get all of this to work!
23:57.23cladhairewhatcha trying to do?.
23:57.26cladhairejust fire your own events?>
23:57.29cladhaireerr messages
23:57.49ShadowedTrying to move name plate stuff to a library that would fire events for stuff like a new one being created, shown, hide, ect
23:58.11cladhaireall you need is RegisterMessage() and TriggerMessage()
23:58.30cladhairebut you may want to go library agnostic for the best adoption
23:58.32cladhairecustom message dispatch is rather easy
23:59.59cladhaireI can help you with anything you'd like, and you're welcome to use DongleStub

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