irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070217

00:00.17Cideyou can send mail without a hardware event
00:00.30Shadowedtalking about adding a COD amount to mail
00:00.33Mike-N-GoPlease, enlighten me.
00:00.33Cidebut I'm not sure if that applies to C.O.D. mail
00:00.53Iriel|WorkingMike-N-Go, The other possibility is that you're doing it too fast
00:01.05Iriel|WorkingMike-N-Go, you dont wait for the previous steps to be acknowledged in your code
00:01.23ShadowedIf it was working last patch, not sure what would have changed in 2.0.7 to break it though
00:01.24Iriel|WorkingMike-N-Go, You may find that you need to wait for the item to be acknowledged before you can add a C.O.D. amount
00:01.44Iriel|Workingwell, the game has to check the item's type now
00:01.52Iriel|WorkingYou can't send gift wrapped items COD now, and you could before
00:02.37Mike-N-GoIriel|Working: How would you do that?
00:02.45Mike-N-GoBurn the CPU :)
00:03.50Iriel|WorkingCheck the events that come back, or use an OnUpdate delay... I doubt you could do it without returning control to the UI, but that all depends on what happens behind the scenes.
00:05.18Mike-N-GoThat is my first addon, and I am not so sure of how this all works.
00:05.37Mike-N-GoI will keep trying, thow, but for now my users have autofill.
00:08.07TainDoes anyone have an easier job than Jon Stewart?  I mean just watching CSPAN gives you more material than you could ever use in a single day.
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00:10.30Iriel|WorkingYeah, but he has to make it really funny
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00:11.08Mike-N-GoWell, the COD button clicks and the money fills the panes, but it does not send COD automisly.
00:11.18TainSome of the stuff doesn't need any help.   Not that I'm complaining about what he does.
00:19.47Neuro_MedivhSomeone told me that "of the Bandit" gear is bugged, is this true?
00:20.06subbawtbugged how
00:20.17Neuro_MedivhI don't know
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00:28.45Tierrie|WorkTain: hahaa
00:29.00Tierrie|WorkTain: seriously what bothers me is that Jon Stewart can go on for hours and yet every new day he gets new materials
00:29.09Tierrie|Worki mean, how can people be that stupid
00:29.58Tierrie|WorkI just read todays reddit and digg and there's some crazy crap out there -- there's a group of conservatives that are saying that Copernicus helio-centric solar system model is a Jewish Conspiracy
00:30.29Tierrie|WorkAnd there's a R-AL that is misquoting lincoln and wants to execute democrat congressmen for "giving relief to the enemy"
00:30.56Tierrie|Workand bush is looking for an excuse to create an "incident"
00:32.28Tierrie|Workactually ever since i started watching the daily show I think i've been more political savvy
00:32.35Tierrie|Workthough the stress  levels are now through th roof
00:38.39Neuro_MedivhI still like seeing Jon Stewart on Crossfire:
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01:09.07MentalPowerHey guys, was it here that someone linked a program to strip the protection on WMAs you bought using napster if you still have the license files?
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01:54.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Jebster (
01:54.23Jebsteranyone here?
01:55.13JebsterLol, its just its 5 to 2 in the morning here lol, didnt know if anyone was here :P
01:55.17TainAre any of us truly here?  Or is here just a construct of our subconcious?
01:55.21Jebsterhow you all doing nyways?
01:55.37CairennDoing well, yourself Jebster?
01:55.52JoshBorke*yawn* morning all :-D
01:55.57Jebsterbasicaly your trying to say "we could all be dreaming" :P lol
01:56.12Jebsterim doing ok thanks Cairenn
01:56.15TainYou may say I'm a dreamer.
01:56.21TainBut I'm not the only one.
01:56.55Jebsteris it hard to program your own mods?
01:57.00Cidedefine 'hard'
01:57.04Cideif you're a programmer, it's quite easy
01:57.16Jebsterlol, for a 13 year old kid :P
01:57.50TemI know a guy who was a better programmer than I am now when he was 13
01:57.54CideI programmed when I was 10; age is not really relevant
01:58.18Jebsteroh, i do use dreamweaver if that helps lol, dont think it will, thats HTML
01:58.43Cideno - dreamweaver is useless when it comes to coding mods (other than for syntax coloring and that stuff)
01:59.00Jebsteri used it for making websites not coding mods though lol :P
01:59.28XuerianFor someone who manages to type with a decent appearance of literacy, it shouldn't be too hard ;)
01:59.47Jebsterwhat are you rying to say?
01:59.56Jebstertrying* lol
02:00.19XuerianI'm saying you type well compared to today's thirteen-year-old, and it shouldn't be too hard for you to pick up.
02:00.26Jebsterok :P i do my best :P
02:01.07Jebstercan you send me the URL's for any tutorial sites for coding mods + addons
02:01.22Jebsterwell im not your normal 13 year old lol
02:01.30Jebsterthanks lol
02:01.37XuerianYou're going to have that site open pretty much the whole time for the first month or two.
02:01.50XuerianThere's a few tutorials in the UI forum on the WoW site.
02:01.52TemFirst month or 2?
02:02.04TemI'm 2 years in and I have 2 tabs of it open all the time
02:02.08Jebsterthanks lol:p lol
02:02.12XuerianIt varies :P
02:02.15CideI'd agree if the ability to type well implies a good understanding of logic
02:02.33XuerianCide: It doesn't correspond to the understanding of logic, so much as attention to detail.
02:02.37Cideplus, unless you're a maniac, I doubt you're laughing out loud as much as you're saying you do (pet peeve of mine :)
02:02.53CideXuerian: which might help a good programmer, but it doesn't make a good programmer
02:02.53XuerianDon't let your pet peeves affect your logic, now. ;)
02:03.06Jebster:P thats funny :P
02:03.09TemOne open to the widget page and one open to the global api page at all times
02:03.21XuerianCide: Didn't say it did, now did I? I simply related my opinion, and what my opinion was based on.
02:03.22Temyay, pizza's here
02:03.56CideXuerian: no, and I didn't imply that you did say that either. I simply stated /my/ opinion
02:04.00Jebsterit sucks though, im the only person at my school who uses tab browsing... all my firend have like 4 different internets open :P
02:04.01Cairenn(that link was for Jebster)
02:04.11XuerianCide: Fair enough.
02:04.26XuerianJebster: Yah just lost a point.
02:05.01XuerianJebster: Anyhow. #1: listen to Cairenn. She's the lovely lass who cuts through all the opinionated chatter the rest of us devs generate. ;)
02:06.12Jebsteryea, if you dont mind im going to try and understand codes at 2 in the morning... should be fun =)
02:06.39Jebsterim going to bury my head in a webpage for a while...
02:08.25CairennWell guys, he's already one step up on a lot of them - he's actually going to go read stuff and try to figure it out on his own first, instead of just coming in here and expecting all the answers handed to him on a silver platter :)
02:08.52Jebster:P like i said im not a normal 13 year old :P
02:09.16CairennWhat is "normal"?
02:09.23Jebsterdamn, if only WoW worked at my dads i could try sme stuff out...
02:09.45Jebsterwho knows, i would say it is the majority, but then again it could be the minority
02:09.54Jebsterwe shall never know...
02:10.18CairennJebster: there's also a fair bit of stuff in here that can help you out, once you start getting into the meat of things:
02:11.04Cairennand this is probably the #1 "mod" on any dev's hit list:
02:11.17Jebsterok, i will have to take all these links again when i get back home...
02:12.08Jebsterim just going to get some reading done tonight, maybe get into the meaty stuff tommorow... depends if i am still alive tommorow morning lol, i hate late nights :P
02:12.31Jebsterbut days are to short to not stay up late
02:14.49Jebsterum... on that wowwiki website im a bit confused...
02:15.22Jebsterthe scripts bit...
02:17.30XuerianHave to ask a [more specific] question to get a answer. =)
02:19.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
02:19.38Jebsteri know hold on...
02:20.21Jebsterif (IsPartyLeader()) then For this what would i type in the chat window for it to work?
02:20.35Jebsterfor that part?...
02:24.01XuerianRight below that white box, it has another white box with what you'd type in the chat box.
02:25.21Jebsterso i would have to type in that huge long piece of writing... damn :P
02:25.22XuerianYou also might want to get TinyPad or LuaSlinger. They're both addons (On WoWInterface, I think). They let you type code and run it in a much nicer box. Though, some things like casting may not work from it, afaik. (Security)
02:25.47Jebsterwill i have to by any programs for coding addons?
02:26.13Cairennyou can use notepad to do all your coding, if you want to
02:26.23Jebstercool, i have no money atm :P so thats good
02:26.30Cairennand there are tons of free resources available
02:26.40Jebsterback to reading now
02:26.53CairennI would probably suggest you go up one level to wordpad at least, but ;)
02:30.49Jebsterdo what now :P
02:31.23Cairenn*chuckle* never mind, I was just being silly
02:31.37Jebsterok :P its saying i need to make some kind of new folder then goes onto say the name is important and then cuts off... thats confused me a bit...#
02:32.22Jebsternoo! i cant start till i get bac on monday.... noooooooooooooooooo
02:33.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
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02:33.48CairennJebster: honestly, start here:
02:33.59Cairenn- This extraction also includes a couple of tutorial AddOns for getting started.
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02:37.02Jebsterok will do :P
02:38.03Jebsterso download the tool?
02:38.49Cairennpresuming you can ever get to the site, yes
02:39.01Cairennis lagging like crazy for anyone else?
02:39.22MentalPowerI thought I would never live to see the day when Cairenn was answering Lua coding questions :P
02:39.28XuerianForums loaded without a couple stylesheets for me, but then again, blizz has been getting steadily more harsh on dialup all around the board.
02:40.08MentalPowerCairenn: loads fine for me
02:40.08CairennMentalPower: I've been able to answer basic stuff for ages, and I've *always* been able to point people to the resources, that's my main strength
02:40.23CairennI may not have the answers, but I know where to point you to, to find them
02:40.36MentalPower:), just teasin'
02:40.59MentalPower~poke Cairenn
02:41.31purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Cairenn, pokes Cairenn repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
02:41.31Cairenn~whaleparry MentalPower
02:42.03purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry MentalPower's attacks.
02:42.05Cairennpurl is on strike again it seems
02:42.07XuerianI'd like to add, though, Jebster... The best thing for you, might be to find a *simple* addon that's out there right now, and look at it. Especially if it's one doing something like what you want to do. Keep in mind; there's different lua-coding styles, different addon-coding styles, and such - So one way isn't the *only* way.
02:42.39Jebsterok, thing is i dont know what i want ot do... :p i know thats stupid but i dont
02:42.55XuerianNot stupid. Common, really.
02:42.58Cairenn(I was pointing him to the CUI because a) he's going to need the files in the first place and b) it has the basic "hello world" tut in it)
02:43.01MentalPowerwell, what bothers you about the game?
02:43.35MentalPowerstart from there
02:43.35Jebsternot knowing where quest starts are...
02:44.08XuerianCairenn: Oh, I know. That's a excellent resource. I meant after getting all the links together and resources at his fingertips, a good way to actually start comprehending things is to see how something is actually done :P
02:44.09Cairennoh, and Jebster? DON'T get upset when you discover that someone has already made something similar
02:45.47Jebsteri wont lol :P
02:45.48Cairennjust because someone else has already made something similar, doesn't mean you can't still make your own
02:45.48Cairennwell, lots of folks go "oh, someone already made it, so much for that idea" and get all bummed out
02:45.48Jebsterit would be my own creation, and in my eyes "better"
02:45.48XuerianAs for where quests start, that one might be a rather... large... project. Additionally, it's already rather well handled by places like
02:45.48Jebsterok, not sure what else bugs me... something that buffs me and party members when we run lw, i always forget... :P
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02:45.48Jebsterlike an auto buffer
02:48.34Cairennbe very careful with "auto" anything
02:48.34XuerianBeen made impossible by blizzard (Automating the game). You could make a mod that reminds you to give Person X buff A
02:48.35Jebsterthat would work too, just something that reminds me then
02:48.35Cairennthat is perfectly fine
02:48.35Cairenndoing it _for_ you, though ...
02:48.36Jebsterwould that be hard to do?
02:48.36XuerianIt'd take a little work, but not hard, no.
02:48.36Jebstergood place to start then i suppose :P
02:48.58Jebsteranother thing that annoys me is pvp, people always get behind me, anything that can help me with that?
02:50.14Jebsterdamn it lol
02:50.16MentalPowerbehind you as in rogues?
02:50.17XuerianThat also falls into the category of doing things for you. Anything that casts a spell, moves you, or such, without you doing it through a action button or macro is pretty much impossible :)
02:50.42Jebsterno, like the people jump around and i can hit em as it says the target needs o be in front of me...
02:50.57Jebsteroh ok then :P
02:51.22Jebstergets annoying with attacks when you have a 2h wep
02:51.35Jebstertakes ages to hit me...
02:51.42Jebsterem even..
02:51.46KolthI have a choice: Level a 60 Druid, Priest or Mage. Which do I choose?
02:52.37XuerianDoes flight form require any training, or only epic flight form (If it exists, I heard rumors... >_>)
02:52.45Xueriantraining as in riding training, that is.
02:55.03Jebsterim off to bed... tired :P
02:56.08Cairennnight Jebster
03:00.13jaxdahllevel 68 form does not require training, you get 225 for free
03:00.35jaxdahli do not recall whether you would get the 300 skill for free with epic form
03:00.41jaxdahlor even if it would be required
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03:02.20XuerianKolth: Then druid. :P
03:02.29KolthWhy? :)
03:02.43XuerianBecause you don't have to worry about saving up for a mount.
03:02.47Kolthah hhee
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04:51.32malrethyou know what's ironic?
04:51.33TainRain on your wedding day?
04:51.33malrethrain... on a rainy day
04:51.33malrethor meeting the woman of your dreams and finding out she's only five
04:51.33malrethor having Mazzlegasm in tents
04:51.33TainOne of my pet peeves in life is the misuse of the word, "ironic."
04:51.34Cairennmalreth: I have a bone to pick with you!
04:51.34malreththe human skeleton consists of 206 bones
04:51.34malrethpick one!
04:51.35Cairennhow come I had to PM you asking you to post it on our site too? :(
04:51.35malrethi only wanted to post a working version for you
04:51.35Cairennnice catch :p
04:51.35TainThat's an excellent recovery.
04:51.36malreth1.02 works... the rest were trash
04:51.36Cairennwell, it's approved, and mazzle can go pound if he doesn't like it
04:51.36CairennI'm sick to death of this whole thing
04:51.36malrethhey... if he doesn't like it... he's free to not use it.
04:51.37malrethseriously, though... Iriel's proxy environment floored me
04:51.37malrethi never considered using get/setfenv like that for a single function
04:51.38CairennIriel likes doing that
04:51.39malrethJoshBorke... you... you just have to see
04:51.39malrethit'll BLOW YOUR MIND
04:51.40malrethjust read the source and the comments
04:51.40Cairennmalreth: since your recovery was so nicely done ...
04:51.41Cairennpurl, hug malreth
04:52.16purlACTION jumps into malreth's lap and huggles and *hugs* malreth
04:52.16Cairenndamn bot
04:52.17Cairennbtw, I laughed hard when I read your description for it :)
04:52.17malrethi aim to please
04:52.17malrethi love the photograph
04:52.17Cairennheh, yeah
04:52.17malrethi love flickr and the creative commons
04:52.18CairennI was going to actually go in and edit it so that it showed up as a plug-in on the main mod, but I'm not sure if he would then be able to delete it
04:52.18CairennI have to check with dolby-wowi on that yet
04:52.18Cairennbut if he can't, I probably will
04:52.18Legorolwhat addon are you guys talking about?
04:52.18Cairennthen it'll show up right there on the same download
04:52.18JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn
04:52.50purlACTION sneaks up on Cairenn and suddenly hugs Cairenn tightly
04:52.50malrethi giggle when i see that name
04:52.51Legorolehm.. this is a T-rated game
04:52.51Legorolthen again, if someone is below T, they won't get the name
04:52.51TainOh come on now, what teen hasn't been interrupted by a parent coming home too soon.
04:52.51LegorolROFL *my stomach hurts*
04:52.51Legorolthat is the funniest description ever
04:52.51Legorollove the caption and screenshot too
04:52.51Legorolso, i had been pondering this (non-addon) question
04:52.51Legoroljust what quest or NPC exactly clue you up to go to the Caverns of Time?
04:58.42Legorolhave they added some quests to the old world?
04:58.42Legorolis it something in Outland I haven't found yet?
04:58.42Legorolif anyone knows, call 0800-IKNOW now
04:58.42malrethi always assumed it was part of the brood of nozdormu faction quests
04:58.42malrethbut i'm probably wrong
04:58.42Legorolwhich would start where and how?
04:58.43Legoroli didn't do much in Silithus in my time
04:58.43malrethi forget... AQ40 I wanna say...
04:58.43malrethbut now i think i'm really wrong
04:58.44Legorolyou can't possibly have to do AQ40 quest chains to be lead to CoT
04:58.44Legoroli'd been trying hard to find anything that leads to CoT, and i can't
04:58.44TainSilithus bugged me because I kept trying to get worm meat for cooking.  And it takes forever, but it was good food bonuses so I keep doing it.
04:58.44Legoroli don't want to go somewhere unless an NPC tells me to
04:58.44Legoroli also like to ask the hypothetical question: imagine a new player, who is leveling for the first time, is not in a guild, doesn't visit the website/forums or read patch notes, how would they stumble on this piece of content?
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04:58.44Legoroloh, and doesn't use thott/alla
04:58.45Legorolwhen i can answer that with respect to a piece of content, i'm happy
04:58.45Legorolfor example: who or what sends you to Shadowmoon Valley?
04:58.45Legorolthat's another one i haven't figured out yet
04:58.45TainI just consider outside spoilers as part of games now, so i can't separate that out.
04:58.46Legorolyou uttered the magical word: "spoiler"
04:58.46Legorolunfortunately somehow i find it really hard to adapt to MMORPGs' "community knowledge" approach
04:58.46TainIt is a fact of life.
04:58.46Legoroli like individual knowledge
04:58.46TainJust as I accept that people will buy and sell in-game goods for cash as an essential part of the game.
04:58.46Legorolyes it is a fact, one that i fight very hard against
04:58.47KolthAny Druids here? I have a question.
04:58.47Legorolhm, dilemma... i have 1 more level to go, do i want to get that in Bladge's Edge, Shadowmoon or Netherstorm
04:58.47Legoroli am yet to do a single quest in any of those zones
04:58.47Legorolis there a general wow discussion channel i could join?
04:58.48Legorolone where people code less and talk more quests :o)
04:58.48KasoWhy have you done so few quests?
04:58.48LegorolKaso: what do you mean?
04:58.48Kasoto get to 59 without visiting shadowmoon blades of netherstorm is quite alot of grinding and or instancing
04:58.49LegorolKolth: ask anyway, someone might know the answer
04:58.49LegorolKaso: i don't know, i always find myself outleveling quests
04:58.49Legoroli never ever grind
04:58.49Legoroli run from a mob unless it's needed for a quest
04:58.49Legoroli have completed all quests in HP, almost all (with exception of 2) in Zangarmarsh,
04:58.50Legorolthe majority in Terokkar, skipping some towards the end
04:58.50Legoroland about 60% in Nagrand
04:58.50Legoroland i hit 69
04:58.50Legoroli did a few instance runs to finish quests there
04:58.50Legoroli didn't do an instance if i didn't have a quest for it
04:58.50Legorolso go figure
04:58.51Legoroli am a questoholic
04:58.51JoshBorkei did all quests and didn't get that much XP
04:58.51Legoroli have skipped a large part of the nesingwary quests in Nagrand because it's basically pure grinding
04:58.51Kasohmm, they lowed the xp a bit since i did it on the beta, but i got to 69 and had ran out of quests (but blades edge wasnt finished and there was so shadowmoon so perhaps)
04:58.52Legoroli like exciting quests, but i also like to complete as many of them as possible
04:58.52Legorolok let's see my instance count:
04:58.52Legorolramparts 3 times, furnace once, slave pens twice, underbog 3 times, crypts twice, mana tombs never, sethek halls once
04:58.52Legorolis that a lot of instancing?
04:58.52Legoroli am also almost always fully in rested
04:58.52Legorolit actually annoys me that i outlevel quests
04:58.53Legorolbecause i like completing them
04:58.53KolthLegorol: I'm new to Druid talents and just started playing around on my friend's 60 Druid
04:58.53Legoroli also never understood how people can run out of quests :D
04:58.53Legorolit was the same for me for 1-60 too
04:58.53Legoroltoo many quests, and i outleveled them
04:58.54Legorolnever gone grinding
04:58.54LegorolKolth: my duo partner is a druid and we discuss talents often, i might be able to help a bit
04:58.54Legorolgo feral
04:58.54KolthI was hoping to
04:58.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
04:58.55KolthI wanna tank when needed and DPS when able.
04:58.55Legoroland get fervor
04:58.55Legorolmangle ftw
04:58.56Legorolit's much more powerful than it looks
04:58.57KolthMy first try at a talent spec went to Mangle and then the rest in Restoration
04:58.57Legorolwhen the 41 pt talents came out, feral reaction was: man, resto gets treeform, balance gets treants, how cool is that
04:58.57Legoroland what do feral get? a slightly improved attack
04:58.57XuerianMangle is teh win....
05:00.44Legorolit is
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05:00.45XuerianEven if you *just* use it as a claw replacement
05:00.45Legorolit's very powerful in bearform too
05:00.45wobinit's true
05:00.45Legorolbtw, if anyone can solve the enigma of why i outlevel quests, i'd love to know
05:00.46*** part/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
05:00.46KolthLeg: You don't play with your Rested XP?
05:00.46XuerianHaven't really tried bearform yet, honestly...
05:00.46Xuerians/tried/tried it in/
05:00.46Legoroldid i say fervor? i meant furor
05:00.46LegorolXuerian: generates lots of threat and damage
05:00.47LegorolKolth: are we talking about l70 spec?
05:00.47KolthLeg: 60 now.
05:00.47Legorolif it was me, i would overload on feral tree and not go much into resto yet tbh
05:00.48KolthI think that's how I worked it out.
05:00.48KolthResto has some helpers but Feral is where I saw big gains.
05:00.48Legorolbut do get furor
05:00.49Legorolnothing more fun that shifting to bear and charging immediatley
05:00.49Legorola speedig bear train leaving dusttrain is always amusing
05:00.50KolthAny gear in TBC I have to get? This Druid has junky feral gear
05:00.50Legoroli don't know anything about gear, except what stats count for druids
05:00.50Legorolif you want to go feral, get lots of str and rings/trinkets with armor on them
05:00.50XuerianKolth: Depends on what you want to do.
05:00.50KolthXeur: Tank for my group and solo when I have to
05:00.51Legorolyou do know that you get +2 AP from 1 str in both cat and bear form,
05:00.51Legoroland an additional +1 AP from 1 agi in cat form
05:00.51Legorolmost druids don't know that and think agi is more important in cat form
05:00.51Kolthagi provides Critical
05:00.52KolthSo that may be it.
05:00.52Legorolthat's true
05:00.52XuerianI've always done str for cat and agi for bear.
05:00.52Legorolso a healthy balance is good for cat
05:00.52Legoroli have seen way too many feral druids overloading on agi gear thinking its good for soloing in cat form
05:00.53LegorolKolth: just imagine you are a warrior, and get gear accordingly
05:00.53Legorolif you want to get gear for tanking, prioritise resilience over defense
05:00.53wobin<Legorol> so a healthy balance is good for cat
05:00.54Legorol(for warriors, defense is better than resilience)
05:00.54wobinKeeps their coat shiny and clean?
05:00.54Legorolthat's about all i know about feral
05:00.54Legorolwobin: true
05:00.54*** join/#wowi-lounge kindergip (
05:00.55wobinmeowmix meowmix please deliver!
05:00.55Legorolso, noone knows a general wow channel on freenode?
05:00.55Legoroli talk off topic here way too often
05:00.55Legorolmaybe i'll see if the wiki lists any irc channels
05:00.56wobinthere you go
05:00.56Legoroloh, i forgot about the wowirc network
05:00.56Legorolbetter try that
05:01.00*** join/#wowi-lounge kindergip (
05:01.33Legoroli should NOT have joined that channel...
05:01.34Legorolrealm channel for Illidan PvP realm
05:01.34Legorolthe level of maturity is ... well.. undescribable
05:02.08KolthPvP servers are hard to deal with.
05:02.08KolthLeg omg ur mom is five
05:02.08Cairennthere is a reason why we set up over here on freenode, rather than on wowirc
05:02.08Legorolit was the one channel with actually people in it, so i figured i might get an answer
05:02.08LegorolCairenn: i see that now
05:02.09LegorolKolth: thanks for the compliment, i thought she looks young for her age too
05:02.09Cairennwe had folks telling us we should use that network because "that's where all the wow users are, you'll get more traffic that way blah blah blah"
05:02.09TainI used to be an op in #everquest on EFNet.  You want to talk maturity levels.
05:02.10CairennI opted to stay put, thanks :)
05:02.11LegorolCairenn: i suppose you don't object if i use this channel instead for wow-related but non-coding topics
05:02.11Cairennhave I yet?
05:02.11Legorolit's not like you would
05:02.11KolthIRC is designed in such a way it doesn't matter what server you're on in most cases. Pick your own :)
05:02.12Legorolanyway, i shall make it a project then to find what leads to CoT
05:02.12Legoroli solved the mystery of my last project
05:02.12Legorolin case anyone cares/remembers, the problem (that sparked three hours of discussion on quest design philosphy) was that
05:02.13Legoroli skipped the Kurenai quests in Zangarmarsh
05:02.13Legoroli then found that I have no access to quests when i got to Telaar
05:02.13Legorolso the problem i faced was going back and doing low level quests with little reward just for the rep. so i can start doing stuff in Telaar
05:02.13Legoroland i didn't like that design, because it felt that it takes away my freedom of choice for quests in Zangarmarsh
05:02.14Legorolin the end, we debated this, but anyway i'm rambling, i will get back to the main point
05:53.17LegorolI have found (to my delight) that I don't actually have to grind Ogres in Nagrand as a solution
05:53.17Legorolthere are enough quests in Nagrand itself that give Kurenai rep., given by non-Kurenai NPCs, that gets you to neutral rep. and thereby opening up the Kurenai quest givers
05:53.17*** join/#wowi-lounge VoidFish (
05:53.17Legorolthat's the end of that project/debate
05:53.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian_Alt (
05:53.18KolthWhat are some good bar mods -- stuff to help me out with my Druid?
05:53.18KolthI've been gone too long and have forgotten what mods I liked.
05:53.18*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
05:53.18XuerianItemrack - Bongos - DruidBar
05:53.19XuerianThe essentials, pretty much.
05:53.19XuerianThat and a scrolling combat text mod, eg MSBT
05:53.19KolthPeople don't really use the bulit-in combat text?
05:53.19XuerianIt works. It also sucks.
05:53.19KolthSCT it is :)
05:53.19VoidRaiderBlizzard SCT is much better do its job and simple imo :)
05:53.19KolthCan you extend Blizzard's? Add events?
05:53.19KolthSettles that.
05:53.19malrethyou sure?
05:56.04XuerianI don't know that it can't for a fact, but it's not something I'd put past it :)
05:56.04Xuerian(I certainly don't see any configuration for it)
05:56.04VoidRaiderAddon ? :)
05:56.04malrethi don't see how it'd be any different than adding additional messages to chat windows using ChatFrame1:AddMessage()
05:56.05Xuerianmalreth: Except the .. scrolling.... and formatting....
05:56.05malrethit may not be built in with an event editor... but I bet that an addon could be written that displays additional Blizzard SCT messages
05:56.05XuerianYeah, but what's the point?
05:56.05XuerianAside from accomplishing that feat, that is
05:56.06malrethKolth asked, "Can you extend Blizzard's? Add events?"
05:56.06malrethI would argue that the answer is a, "Possibly. No one has tried yet."
05:56.06XuerianKolth: Did you mean digging through frameXML, making yourself a addon, and hacking up BSCT?
05:56.06KolthXuer: Anything comparable to SCT's custom events interface.
05:56.06Xuerianmalreth: I rest my case.
05:56.06KolthJust setting up chat watches and reactions.
05:56.07malrethwell, since SCT currently doesn't have a custom events interface (you have to edit a .lua file to add events)
05:56.07XuerianMSBT has one.
05:56.07KolthThat is SCT's custom events interface.
05:56.07malrethregardless, someone could make an addon that could display additional event information using Blizzard's animations...
05:56.08malrethbut people like SCT's animation styles
05:56.08KolthOf course.
05:56.08XuerianOf course.
05:56.08malrethso no one has really tried
05:56.08malrethbecause *that* probably somethign that you can't modify
05:56.08malrethalthough i'm not 100% sure of that either...
05:56.08XuerianMy theory is that anyone who will settle for BSCT doesn't really care for more modifications
05:56.08malrethit may be possible to change the animation code as well
05:56.09XuerianAnd anyone who won't, gets the ability to add them to their choice of *SCT
05:56.09Corrodias"Blizzard SCT is much better do its job and simple imo :)" -- you can't even see it unless you're looking at the mob
05:56.09Corrodias*at the air ABOVE the mob
05:56.09malrethThe Blizzard SCT is different than that, Corr.
05:56.09Corrodiasoh my mistake.
05:56.09malrethBlizzard added a SCT-like thing that displays damage to you in the center of your screen
05:56.10XuerianI actually like damage above the mod - That's not what the core of SCT mods are (Though SCT now has SCT_Damage and MSBT includes it by default)
05:56.10*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
05:56.10Corrodiasi like it above the mob for very short mobs
05:56.11TainI like MSBT because of the separate "zones" it has.
05:56.11VoidRaiderI have a suggestion, my US account is currently not functional so I can't forward it, right now I'm using something similar to following thing to disable and enable the UI error messages and sound inside the macro scriptping system ...
05:56.11malrethanyways, the Blizzard code is remarkably hackable...
05:56.11VoidRaiderSome macro commands/actions
05:56.12TainAnd because the author of SCT acted like an ass when MSBT came out.
05:56.12malrethgawd.. why are addon authors such asses... ALL of them. :p
05:56.12Corrodiasbecause they own IP
05:56.12XuerianJust think of them as dogs with territories.
05:56.12Corrodiasit makes people insane
05:56.12TainThe author of SCT posted at MSBT saying he was just stealing ideas.  
05:56.13*** join/#wowi-lounge scotepi (
05:56.13malrethoh snap...
05:56.13malrethwe're all screwed then
05:56.13TainRegardless of the fact that MSBT added functionality that SCT never had.  And the current versions of SCT have functionality that MSBT added.
06:17.07VoidRaiderUIErrorsFrame:Hide(); SetCVar("EnableErrorSpeech", "0"); "Some macro commands/actions" UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show(); SetCVar("EnableErrorSpeech", "1");
06:17.07VoidRaiderand I would like to have something similar to this /errorspeach enable, /errorspeach disable, /errormessages enable /errormessages disable ... Can someone write a suggestion in my name please ? :)
06:17.07scotepiis it posable to invers a value in lua esily? say true/false or yes/no on/off
06:17.07JoshBorkewow malreth
06:17.08*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
06:17.08JoshBorkethat is wicked awesome
06:17.08Xuerianscotepi: a = not a
06:17.08malrethJoshBorke: Ain't it?
06:17.08scotepiXuerian: ?
06:17.08JoshBorkei wonder
06:17.08JoshBorkegello wrote a snap-to mod that worked for any thing that used StartMovingOrSizing
06:17.08Corrodias"Redesigned the suppression system to use a hash table searching algorithm so that any number of suppressions may be added without any appreciable slowdown." -- what the heck are suppressions?
06:17.08JoshBorkeI wonder if this could be used to safely hook frames
06:18.00malrethJoshBorke: I was thinking about that earlier. The only thing I could think of that Blizzard would do to prevent proxy environments from being to do that would be to mark any function that has its environment changed as tainted
06:18.00malrethwhich would prevent you from doing that to protected functions
06:18.01Corrodiasproxy environments? o.o
06:18.01malrethit wouldn't surprise me if slouken already thought of it...
06:18.01malrethbut feel free to experiment with it
06:18.01malrethno better way to learn
06:18.01malrethCorrodias: yes, they are the awesome
06:18.01malrethIriel showed us how earlier today
06:18.01Corrodiasi don't even know what regular environments are, in the context of wow/lua
06:18.02malrethEvery function in Lua run inside of an environment
06:18.02malrethfor most functions, this is the global environment
06:18.02malrethan environment is just a table
06:18.02malrethlike any other table you'd make in lua
06:18.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
06:18.03malrethwhen you reference a global variable, Lua refers to the global environment and looks it up there
06:18.03kergothonly downside to using them is that generally you end up pointing your new env's __index to the global env, so any global lookups involve an extra level of indirection.. course you could easily memoize it into the local env
06:18.03kergothbut thatd be bad
06:18.04malrethso if you call SaveBindings(), Lua references _G.SaveBindings here _G is a reference to the global environment table
06:18.04malrethit's possible to change the environment for any function in Lua using the setfenv function
06:18.05Legorolooh setfenv, _G and environemnts, sounds interesting
06:18.05Legorolis it worhth me scrolling back up?
06:18.05malrethone sec... the SO beckons... i obey
06:18.05Corrodiasnot really. i searched for environment in my buffer but i didn't see it.
06:18.06Corrodiasapparently this may have something to do with it,
06:18.06Corrodiasi have absolutely no idea what it's talking about
06:18.07Legoroli'm curious what the discussion was about wrt protected functions and environments
06:18.07Legorolthat sounded interesting
06:18.07Corrodiasi can't find one
06:18.19*** part/#wowi-lounge scotepi (
06:18.20Corrodiasand apparently Cairenn, malreth, and mazzle have something going on among them all
06:18.20Corrodiasi really feel left out of the drama
06:18.20Cairennwe do?
06:18.20Legorolno i was wondering about malreth's comments with regards to taining and environments
06:18.20XuerianCairenn's personality is so magnetic, she attracts hugs from thin air.
06:18.20Legorolmalreth: calling setfenv() on a protected function does taint it
06:18.21malrethpurl is really lagged... those commands were entered hours ago
06:18.24malrethLegorol: I thought so
06:18.24Corrodias[21:41] <Cairenn> malreth: I have a bone to pick with you!
06:18.24Corrodias[21:42] <Cairenn> how come I had to PM you asking you to post it on our site too? :(
06:18.24XuerianHush, malreth. When life gives you flowers, give them to to a woman :P
06:18.25Corrodias[21:43] <Cairenn> well, it's approved, and mazzle can go pound if he doesn't like it
06:18.25Corrodias[21:43] <Cairenn> I'm sick to death of this whole thing
06:18.25Corrodias[21:43] <malreth> hey... if he doesn't like it... he's free to not use it.
06:18.25Legorolspecifically, it taints the function closure itself, and not necessarily a particular reference to it
06:18.25Legorolfunctions are fairly complicated when it comes to taint
06:18.26Corrodiasand every time anyone says "taint" i think "penis"
06:18.26Legorolthere is separate tainting of a variable that has a reference to a function, and of the function closure itself
06:19.03malrethso, the SO is all like, "are you talking about your mazzleblaster thing?"
06:19.04Cairennit's all moot now anyway guys -
06:19.04Corrodiasi still don't have a full understanding of the following: changing environments, what SO is, what the hell you guys were talking about, and what a function closure is
06:19.05Corrodiasthe post explains nothing to me
06:19.05Corrodiasi -still- have no idea what it's talking about
06:19.05Legorolso what *is* a mazzlegasm?
06:19.05Legoroland how does one reach it?
06:19.05malrethok... back to where I was
06:19.06malrethso, it's possible to change the environment that a function runs in
06:19.06malrethso that a={} table that i created earlier
06:19.06malrethi could call setfenv(foo, a) and now whenever the function foo is called, it's environment is now an empty table... essentially it now no longer has access to globals in this particular instance
06:19.07malrethif foo calls SaveBindings, Lua takes the environment and looks for a key in it... a.SaveBindings
06:19.07malrethwhich is nil
06:19.07malrethand it don't work
06:19.08Corrodiasso let me get this straight
06:19.08Corrodiasmazzle produced an addon that, when the user configures it, produces text in the /y channel
06:19.08XuerianCorrodias: And emotes, yep.
06:19.08Corrodiasand a 141-post drama thread resulted from this
06:19.08malrethyeah... that part is pretty amazing
06:19.09Cairenn/emote moan /y I had the most intense mazzlegasm /emote cheer /emote dance
06:19.09Corrodiassome of these wow players just absolutely amaze me
06:19.09malrethmostly, the drama erupted from his reaction to people's reaction to the mazzlegasm... and people reacting to that
06:19.09Legoroli think that the issue here is not the content or appropriety of the content
06:19.09malrethLegorol: correct
06:19.09Legorolthe issue may well be about the fact that an addon , without consent of the user, makes the user perform game actions
06:19.10Xuerian<Shrug> Personally, I dislike the idea of the mod saying something in yell. But anyway, I don't think malreth is taking kindly to being derailed :p
06:19.10Legorolthat's something where there are grey areas, and you have to stand firmly on one side of a narrow boundary
06:19.10Corrodiasalmost all of my addons do that
06:19.10Cairennthe thing that makes me crazy about all of it is that I warned Mazzle months ago that some folks weren't going to like it and that he should put in a toggle where folks could *choose* whether to do that or not
06:19.10Corrodiasif i had to approve every single thing that all of my addons do, i'd never get any playing done
06:19.11malrethah, well we get into an interesting discussion here then
06:19.11LegorolCorrodias: the problem here is as follows
06:19.11Legorolan addon that automatically sends gold to the author when you are at a mailbox is clearly not desired, right?
06:19.12Legorolwell that's the extreme end of a spectrum that has a large grey area in the middle
06:19.12Corrodiasif i don't want to do that, correct
06:19.12malrethah... corrodias. you are correct there
06:19.12Legoroland it's better to stand as close towards the other end of the spectrum as possible
06:19.12malrethif there were an addon called
06:19.13Legorolalso, there is difference between addons that mess with your UI vs. addons that perform game actions
06:19.13Legorolalthough the boundaries are blurred, again
06:19.13malrethyou could choose to install it or not... same with me
06:19.13Legorolnone of this is black and white
06:19.14Corrodiasare you suggesting that mazzle put this irritating function in without telling anyone?
06:19.14LegorolCorrodias: as far as i know, it's not obvious when the user first installs it
06:19.14Legorolin fact, it's the initial wizard that comes up on first running it that does it
06:19.15Legorolto a first time user, it comes unexpectedly and surprisingly
06:19.15Corrodiasi see
06:19.15Legoroli laughed and found it funny, but lot of people won't
06:19.15Legorolsince emotes and yells are, to many people, representations of actions performed by their character (and therefore by them), it can be very embarassing
06:19.15Corrodiasperforming irritating things that are not related to accomplishing the purposes for which the addon was made seems very... unethical? douchebagish, anyway.
06:19.15Corrodiassorry, douchebaggish.
06:19.16Legorola lot of you younglings are probably not aware of the very embarassing fiasco with Cosmos that resulted in a huge uproar when a certain Cosmos team leader went out of line
06:19.16Corrodias*without letting the user know about it
06:19.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairen1 (
06:19.17Corrodiasi would actually consider his addon malware when applied to a character on a roleplaying realm
06:19.17Cairen1(12:03:53 AM) Cairenn: He put a warning about it on the file description on 9 Feb
06:19.17Cairen1(12:04:19 AM) Cairenn: before that, no, unless you knew about it from reading the forums or had heard it in game or whatever, no, there was no warning
06:20.15malrethactually, one of the guys at the start of the thread, Vincent, is my guild master and we do play on a RP server
06:20.16Corrodiastell us the story, mister Legorol!
06:20.16malrethhe has gotten ignore warnings and nasty tells from people
06:20.16LegorolCorrodias: nope :P
06:20.16Corrodiasthen mazzle's addon has, without the user's consent or knowledge, caused a violation of the game's terms of use in context of the roleplaying realm, yes?
06:20.17Corrodiasre: public communication out of character
06:20.17Legorolit was the first incident ever that i know of of any addon being abused by the author
06:20.17malrethagain, this all goes back to what the player wants
06:20.17LegorolI think if you had to, it's possible to make a clear rule about what is and isn't acceptable for an addon
06:20.18malrethIf i want an addon to /say and /yell things for me that's one thing
06:20.18CorrodiasLegorol won't tell us about Cosmos? :(
06:20.18LegorolI beleive that an addon may perform any action that a) the player is notified of an consents to b) is completely reversible with no effect on other players or the player itself
06:20.18Corrodiasif it was a huge uproar, it should be no secret by now
06:20.18Legoroli.e. an addon may for example totally revamp your UI without explaining in detail in advance what it's going to do,
06:20.19Legorolas long as you can undo it by uninstalling the addon
06:20.19Legorolbut a yell performed by your character is not "undoable"
06:20.19Legorolthis concept of "undo" is a good rule of thumb imo
06:20.22CorrodiasTBag is very disorienting, initially, but it doesn't actually move things around in the bags if you just turn it off after loading
06:20.22malrethproblem: what if an author considers "installing" the addon as an implied "consent"?
06:20.22Legorolwell i would consider an addon that rearranged your items as undoable as well
06:20.22Legorolthe change is irritating, but not permanent, and you can arrange the items back
06:20.23Legorolmalreth: i think that's easy to answer
06:20.23Legorolit's not
06:20.23Legoroli would consider an author like that to have no common sense
06:20.23Corrodiasin fact, what addon do i have that does -anything- that can't be undone? hmm
06:20.24Legorolexactly Corrodias
06:20.24CorrodiasCT's mail mod helps me send mail, i guess
06:20.24Legorolmost addons are UI mods
06:20.24Legorolhence can be undone
06:20.25Legoroleven that only performs undoable actions you specifically choose to
06:20.25Legorolmalreth: an author may consider whatever they want
06:20.25Corrodiascryolysis and tt_spelltimer can optionally announce into /party when you're casting polymorph. i would suggest they default to disabled, but i think in ttst's case it defaults to enabled
06:20.25Legorolyou can never stop someone from writing a malicious addon, nor can you stop them from distributing it
06:20.25Legoroland there will be unlucky people who will try it
06:20.26Legorolwe are talking about what we consider as responsible behaviour on the author's part
06:20.26malrethwell, you have to consider addons who sole purpose is to auto-emote or chat
06:20.26LegorolCorrodias: that's fortunately a very minor point, but yes, any addon that sends messages in say/yell/guild/party/raid should default its behaviour to off
06:20.27malrethfor example, a polymorph announce addon
06:20.27Legorolmalreth: good point
06:20.28Legorolyou are right, in a two-line polymorph announce addon installation is implicit consent
06:20.28Legorolhowever, as i said, none of this is black and light
06:20.28Legoroland the "undo" concept is a rule of thumb ;-)
06:20.28malrethwell... i'll let you all mull that over
06:20.29Corrodiasi would say that installing an addon gives the author consent only to perform the functions that are inherent to the addon's purpose
06:20.29malrethi'm outta here
06:20.29malrethgood talking to all of you
06:20.29XuerianCya, malreth :p
06:20.29Legoroli'd argue that in the case of the polymorph thing, you have sufficient prior knowledge on reading the addon's name
06:20.29XuerianContinue your scope lecture sometime.
06:20.30Legorolmalreth: see ya
06:20.30malrethi really feel like I've learned a lot today
06:20.30Corrodiasif you absolutely must announce something in /party because that's the entire purpose of the addon, i guess that'd do it
06:20.30XuerianI was listening =|
06:20.30Corrodiasnow... what did iriel do with proxy environments?
06:20.30malrethoh... here...
06:20.31malrethyou can download and read through the addon's script
06:20.31Tem|Foodmalreth, poke
06:20.32Neuro_Medivhbtw, the real issue with Mazzle's thing was 1) He refused to add in a toggle, and 2) He actively harrassed anyone who attempted to get around it
06:20.32Neuro_MedivhMe, I don't give a rat's ass who modifies a mod of mine, or posts instructions on how to do it
06:20.32malrethi feel a little sad that it'll no longer be necessary but happy that the community won and he's puttin in a toggle
06:20.32Neuro_Medivhas long as credit is given back to me, AND it's not distributed as the official version
06:20.32malrethand i'm really happy about having learned a new hack in lua
06:20.47Corrodiaswhat addon does this mazzle produce, anyway?
06:20.47Neuro_Medivhit's a metamod
06:20.47Corrodiaswhat does that mean? it's a mod of mods?
06:20.48Neuro_Medivhit's got about 70 other addons
06:20.48Temonce upon a time it had some of my addons in it
06:20.49Neuro_Medivhit has about 3-4 original mods, and 70 other mods
06:20.49malrethit's actually pretty slick
06:20.49Neuro_Medivhand a massive overall interface
06:20.49malreththe mazzifier is snazzy
06:20.49Corrodiasah, "compilation" being another term used
06:20.50Tembut they may have been removed since then because I haven't updated anything in a few months
06:20.50Neuro_Medivhbut they have been integrated into a composite whole
06:20.50Temmalreth, wrt to function environments and tainting
06:20.50Xuerian*We are the mazzle. Resistance is futile*
06:20.50Temmalreth, my buffer cut off a while back so I didn't get to see where you finally got with it
06:20.51Temmalreth, basically, if you set anything in the environment table, it's tainted
06:20.51Tem(and if you created the table yourself, it's tainted too)
06:20.51Tem(which makes *everything* in it tainted)
06:20.51Tem(yes, even nil)
06:20.51malreththe answer is simple... i didn't get very far with it... got sidetracked
06:20.51malrethand now the significant other (SO) is teasing me for company
06:20.51malrethand i really want to have THIS mazzlegasm
06:20.51malrethso... Legerol... Answer Tem. This I command...
06:20.52malrethhoo hoy!!!
06:20.52malrethi'm going now!
06:20.52Tembtw, I actually laughed out loud when I read your description
06:20.53Corrodiashow sad it is that honorfu has such a problem with not working
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08:03.42Cairennnight guys
08:03.43MentalPowernight Cair
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08:04.38Legorolwobin: possibly
08:04.38Legoroldepends on the level of math we are talking about
08:06.08Corrodiascalculus: i'm pretty darn rusty
08:06.08Corrodiasregular math: forgot it long ago
08:06.09Corrodiasalgebra: at least i remember this
08:06.09Corrodiastrigonometry: see calculus
08:06.10Corrodiaslinear algebra: not a chance of remembering that
08:06.10Legorolwobin: what's the question
08:06.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Sstixrud (
08:06.11SstixrudCan anyone think of a reason why my "for k,v in pairs" would return a value that "looks" like the proper framename but when I k:Show() or k:Hide() it reports Show/Hide is a nil method?
08:06.11Corrodiasi guess it's not actually a frame
08:06.11Sstixrud... if print to script then /script name:Show() it works fine
08:06.11Corrodiasyou might have a reference to the userdata instead of the frame?
08:06.12Corrodias"print to script" is a term i don't know
08:06.12Sstixrudwopos I mean print to screen
08:06.12SstixrudDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Frame name ":..k)
08:06.12Corrodiasthen k is a string, right?
08:06.12Sstixrudfor k,v in pairs(UBVAR.DYNEVENTS[arg1].HEALS) do
08:06.13Corrodiask:Show() can't work because string doesn't have a Show method
08:06.13SstixrudUBVAR = { ["DYNEVENTS"] = {
08:07.08Sstixrudhmm that was supposed to be one line sorry
08:07.08Sstixrudhmm ill try that what does that do?
08:07.28Corrodiasit runs Show() on the global variable with the name of the string k
08:07.28Corrodiaswhich i think you expect to be a frame
08:08.14Corrodiasalthough making a lot of global variables is bad practice from an OO standpoint, and from a performance standpoint
08:08.14SstixrudI do, ill give it a try.  I am storing buttonnames in a table for later reference
08:09.06SstixrudI am not sure there is another way of doing what I am attempting tho
08:09.51Sstixrudyes that works, it now hides the button as its supposed to on healh change
08:10.02Corrodiasthen i suggest you do this:
08:10.19Corrodiasin the lua file for your addon, make a local G = getfenv(0)
08:10.49Corrodiasthen you can use G[k] later when you need to get the name to avoid a function use, although it's still a table lookup.
08:10.58Corrodiasif you plan to make a lot of table lookups, make a local reference to the frame itself
08:11.18Corrodiass/make a lot of table lookups/reference the frame a lot of times/
08:12.19Corrodiasi think lua provides _G as a variable for the environment, actually, but i'm not sure how reliable it is in the context of wow. you'd have to ask someone who has actually tried it.
08:12.37SstixrudHmm I am trying to think of an easy way to do that.  You see there are hundreds of frames I may have to worry about
08:12.51Corrodiasyou have hundreds of frames?
08:13.12Sstixrudone for each Unit, and 6-12 buttons per frame
08:13.28Legoroli suggest not complicating matters, and using getglobal(k):Show()
08:13.38Corrodiasin that case, yeah
08:14.03SstixrudI am alreadying using _G[] throughout my addon in place of getglobal
08:14.16SstixrudI just didnt think I would need to do _G[k]:Show()
08:14.25Sstixruddidn't realize it was being treated as a string
08:14.32Corrodiasi don't know a whole lot about _G, getglobal, and getfenv
08:14.49Corrodiaswith hundreds of frames, you might want to consider removing the frames from the global namespace, though, which is a handy thing i've seen others around here do
08:15.19Sstixrudthanks for the advice
08:15.42LegorolSstixrud: it's not being *treated as* a string, iit *is* a string
08:15.50Legorol<Sstixrud>  ["HEALS"] = { ["PlayerUnitButton7"] = {
08:16.16Legorolthe key in the HEALS table, "PlayerUnitButton7" is a string, not a table representing the frame
08:16.17SstixrudI understand now
08:16.21CorrodiasMyAddonContainer[k] = ThatFrame; _G[k]=nil;
08:16.44CorrodiasMyAddonContainer[k] = _G[k]; _G[k]=nil; -- is this correct?
08:16.57Sstixrud_G[k]:Show() is working fine
08:17.26Corrodiasgood to know
08:17.28Legorolis _G local to your addon
08:17.46Corrodiasaccording to the lua manual, _G is a variable set (but not used) by lua
08:17.53Legorolit's not true in WoW
08:17.59Sstixrudone other question, how can treat the result as a numeric instead of a string?
08:18.00Sstixrudlocal unithp = UnitHealth(arg1) / UnitHealthMax(arg1) * 100
08:18.00Sstixrudlocal unithp = string.format("%d", unithp)
08:18.09Legorol_G doesn't exist as a global, i am just checking with Sstixrud if you defend _G as a global or as an addon-local variable
08:18.13Corrodiasthen you're going to want to change to getglobal? or getfenv, either way.
08:18.25Legorolno, if _G is addon local, it's still faster to use that
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08:18.57Corrodiasthat was the first thing i advised, but i didn't know he had a _G already, wherever it came from
08:19.08LegorolSstixrud: i don't understand the question
08:19.11Sstixrudlegorol I am not sure what you mean.  I saw other mods using _G[] and some howto's suggested using it so I have been
08:19.25Legorolok, show me the line where you assign to _G
08:19.33Legoroli.e. where you put the global table into it
08:19.46Sstixrudmy two local statements above produce a string, I dont want it to be a string so I can perform math on it i.e. unithp > xxx
08:19.56Legorolthen don't use the second line
08:20.02Legorollocal unithp = UnitHealth(arg1) / UnitHealthMax(arg1) * 10
08:20.04Legorolthat's a number
08:20.15Legorolwhy do you have the second line?
08:20.18Corrodiasthe only purpose of the second line is to convert it to a string (which might be accomplished another way, if it's even necessary)
08:20.27Sstixrudstring off the decmial
08:20.40Sstixrudstrip even
08:20.49Corrodiasi bet there's a rounding function
08:20.52Legorolunithp = math.floor(unithp)
08:21.00Legorolthat's if you wanted to strip it
08:21.04Legorolif you want to round it, then
08:21.09Legorolunithp = math.round(unithp)
08:21.35Sstixrudaww, ok thanks.
08:22.08Legorolehm.. sorry don't use that
08:22.11Legorolthere is no math.round :D
08:22.12SstixrudLegorol - I am sorry, I am still new at programming.  I do not believe I am assigning to _G[]
08:22.25Corrodiasthis channel is so helpful! but i'm mostly pulling things out of nowhere, half-remembered quips from other developers talking to each other
08:22.55SstixrudI just converted all of my getglobals to _G[] due to people suggesting I should
08:23.09Legorolthat won't work then, unless you have another addon that assigns _G
08:23.12Legorolit's not in WoW by default
08:23.18Corrodiasthat's probably what is going on, and you can't rely on it
08:23.23Legorolyour addon is (subconciously) depending on something else then
08:23.25SstixrudHmm.. I must because its working fine heh
08:23.32Legorolby the way, here is how to round:
08:23.43Sstixrudhow would I define it locally?
08:23.48TemLegorol, no
08:23.50Corrodiasit's a simple thing: local _G = getglobal() ? or getfenv(0)
08:23.50Legorolunithp = math.floor(unithp+0.5)
08:23.56TemLegorol, _G was added recently
08:24.04LegorolTem: ok my bad, up until recently it didn't exist
08:24.09Legorolthanks for correcting me
08:24.09Temno idea why it was left out in previous versions of wow lua
08:24.11Corrodiashey, good to know
08:24.22LegorolTem: presumably because we didn't have getfenv(0) either
08:24.24SstixrudWhy is _G[] faster than getglobal anyways?
08:24.26Legorolit was for paranoia
08:24.33TemLegorol, we've had getfenv for ages
08:24.37Legorolyeah, what i mean is
08:24.42Tempresumably always
08:24.42Legorolwe started off with no _G and no getfenv
08:24.48Corrodiasgetglobal is a function call which returns a reference to _G, basically
08:24.51Legorolpresumably when getfenv was added, slou forgot _G
08:24.57LegorolCorrodias: nope
08:25.01Corrodiaswrong again! :D
08:25.02Legoroli am not sure why _G[] is faster
08:25.06Corrodiasi love when i am wrong
08:25.09Legorolit is two table lookups
08:25.17Corrodiasit usually means things are better than i expect
08:25.20Legorolwhereas getglobal(x) is one function call and one table lookup
08:25.31Legoroli guess the function call is expensive
08:25.32TemLegorol, _G is faster when you do a great many at a time
08:25.37Corrodiasoh, i see. getglobal(x) wasn't what you did before...
08:25.44Tem(but then you should be using a *local* _G)
08:25.57Legorolgetglobal(x):Show() is identical to _G[x]:Show()
08:26.09Temfor just a few lookups, getglobal is faster
08:26.11SstixrudWhat is a local _G?
08:26.19Temlocal _G = _G
08:26.27Corrodiasa local variable with the name _G unrelated to the regular _G unless you make it so
08:26.39LegorolTem: i don't understand that, how can something be slower when used a few times but faster when used many times?
08:26.49Legoroleither _G[x] is faster or slower than getglobal(x)
08:26.55Legorolthere is no caching in Lua
08:26.58Corrodiasyour mom?
08:27.03Legorolthat could be it!
08:27.05Corrodiasbut that was my best guess :(
08:27.25LegorolSstixrud: what i mean by a local _G is this:
08:27.26TemLegorol, lua_getglobal
08:27.48SstixrudI see, well in my case I will be for k,v in pairs xxxxx _G[x]:Show()   during every HEALTH and AURA event, tracking up 90 units with 6-12 buttons per unit :)
08:27.48Legorolif you are using _G in your code, you are using a global variable named _G
08:28.11TemI meant a local variable with any name that referenced _G
08:28.15Legorolyour code will be faster if you use a local variable instead
08:28.33TemLegorol, oh, actually, I'm not so sure anymore
08:28.35Legorolif you put local someVariableNameYouLike = _G; somewhere near the start of your lua file, outside any functions,
08:28.40Sstixrudand my pairs is searching through tables looking for correct frame, button and what to do with the button during each event
08:28.53Legoroland use someVariableNameYouLike instead of _G throughout your addon, it's better and faster
08:29.00Corrodiasdon't you give us that, Tem, after hurting us so! ;)
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08:29.18LegorolTem: well you could be right, i didn't 100% say you are wrong, i was just surprised
08:29.34TemLegorol, oh, hmm, I'm not sure anymore
08:29.47TemLegorol, it used to be you had to call getfenv(0)
08:29.59Sstixrudany suggestions on what method would be best in my case?
08:30.09Legorolyes, the one i gave you
08:30.14Legorollocal someVariableNameYouLike = _G;
08:30.21Legorolput that at the start of your lua file, outside any functions
08:30.24TemSo before you were assuming that indexing a local table was faster than the function call, but you had the inital cost of the getfenv call
08:30.26Sstixrudlocally defining ech frame and button for each function is not practical :)
08:30.28Legoroland use that variable throughout your addon instead of _G
08:30.39TemBut really, I think it's really just a matter of personal preference
08:30.49LegorolTem: ok i see
08:31.01Legorolif you have a function and you are doing a function-local local _G=getfenv(0),
08:31.10Legoroli can see how that could be slower in the short term then getglobal
08:31.12Corrodiashe's not asking you to make local references to each frame
09:22.45Corrodiashe's suggesting that you make a local reference to the environment (global variables table) (just stab my eyes if i'm using the term incorrectly)
09:22.45Legorolthat was perfect terminology ;_)
09:22.45Corrodiasbut i wonder if that's worthwhile. is _G an actual variable within the environment, or is it special lua magic?
09:22.45Legorolalthough i'd avoid the use of the word environment, because you can go wrong with that ;-)
09:22.45Legorolaccording to the Lua manual, _G is an actual variable, nothing magical
09:22.45Legorolup until recently it didn't exist in WoW though
09:22.46Corrodiasassuming your function hasn't been assigned a new environment (which it probably hasn't when your addon is just loading up, unless you did it yourself)
09:22.46LegorolTem says it's been added in
09:22.46Legorolok let's not confuse poor Sstixrud any more
09:22.46TemReally, though, don't trust me now
09:22.46Corrodiasokay. so if you actually use _G in your code, that's very much like saying _G[_G]
09:22.47TemI haven't been in wow in over 2 months
09:22.47Temso it's possible that I just imaged that it was added
09:22.47Corrodiasor MyLocalReferenceToTheEnvironment[_G] at least
09:22.47Corrodiasan extra table lookup, since the global variables table is in fact a table, and any references to global variables are table lookups
09:22.47SstixrudI have been doing stuff like:
09:22.47Sstixrudfor i = 1, 40 do
09:22.48Sstixrudlocal prevpos = raidframe
09:22.48Legoroleasy enough to test Tem, i'm diving in
09:22.48Legorolit exists
09:22.48Corrodiasa quick way to make that ever so slightly faster is to say... local Env = _G; for i = 1, 40 do local raidframe = Env["UBRaid"..i.."BarFrame"]; local prevpos = raidframe;
09:22.49Legorol/script message(tostring(_G._G == _G))
09:22.49Legorolprints true
09:22.49Corrodiasonce Env is a local variable, using it does not require a table lookup. However, _G requires a table lookup every time it's used. that's the only difference here.
09:22.50Legoroli think that there is very little difference between using addon-local _G and a global _G,
09:22.50Legorolif you are not too good at writing addons in general, don't worry about it
09:22.50Legorolif oyu are still learning and not a true expert, these little nuances will confuse you, and will be sources of unexplainable bugs
09:22.50Legorolbest to leave them out and leave total optimization to when you are a lua-god
09:22.50SstixrudOk I will look into that, what about in the case where I have say _G[k] and k is obtained from a pairs searching through a table list of say 100 items
09:22.51Legoroljust do what you are doing now, it's not worth the headache of doing these changes we suggest for a minute performance improvement
09:22.51Corrodiasbut if you're doing it OnUpdate, we'll kill you.
09:22.51Legoroli am not saying you wouldn't get an improvement, i am just saying there are so many more things you can do with your coding time
09:22.51Sstixrudnaw, on HEALTH and AURA events :)
09:22.52LegorolCorrodias: lol i just saw a line of yours i haven't seen before
09:22.52Legorol_G == _G._G == _G["_G"], so GG
09:22.52Corrodiasoh yeah, _G["_G"], not _G[_G]. stupid me.
09:22.52Legorolhehe from now on, i'm going to call my addon local _G as GG
09:22.52Legoroland maybe function local ones as QQ
09:22.53Legoroli am yet to decide what to use PewPew for
09:22.53Legorolyou know, there's something i don't understand
09:22.53Legoroloh nvm
09:22.53CorrodiasLegorol sees all, knows all
09:22.53Legoroli think Lua might benefit from a language-level way of doing getglobal(x)
09:22.53Legorolsomething like !x
09:22.53Corrodiasnow here's a fantastic question for you
09:22.54Legorolbecause really, the virtual machine always holds a reference to the current global environ.
09:22.54Corrodiasgoes getglobal(x) get the actual global variable x, or is it limited to the local environment?
09:22.54Corrodiasi havn't bothered to look it up in the lua manual again
09:22.54Legorolit gets the global variable that is in the current local environment ;-)
09:22.54Legoroldoes that answer the question?
09:22.54Corrodiasre: iriel's proxy environment thing
09:22.55Legorolthe local environment is, to all intents and purposes, the global table when you are inside that function
09:22.55Legorolthere is absolutely no difference from the code point of view when you are within that function
09:22.55Legorolso getglobal(x) refers to the local environment
09:22.55Corrodiasso getglobal("x") == x is always true
09:22.56Legorolhm, actually.. you do have a point
09:22.56Legorolwell it should be
09:22.56Legorolbut i am not 100% now that that's how getglobal is implemented
09:22.57Legorolyou have to remember that getglobal is a WoW-only thing
09:22.57Legoroli'd need to check, brb
09:22.57Corrodiasi did not know that
09:22.57Corrodiasi suppose lua expects you to use _G
09:22.57Corrodiasbrb, bio break
09:22.57Sstixrudanyone bored and interested in picking a part my code? :)
09:22.58SstixrudI am sure I could use a critical eye to tell me the newbie mistakes I am making :)
09:23.55Corrodiasi'm actually a lua/addons noob
09:23.56SstixrudI am sure I win
09:23.56Sstixrudthis is my first mod, my first real program and I am about 1000 lines into it (not counting xml).  About 4 weeks old now
09:23.56LegorolCorrodias: shocking!
09:23.56Legorolgetglobal refers to the true global environment, rather than the function's
09:23.57Sstixrudits funny because 75% of my code deals with either UI or populating tables as a  result of the UI
09:23.57Legorolso getglobal("x") ~= getfenv(0)["x"]
09:23.57Legorolthis is potentially a problem
09:23.58Corrodiashow about _G?
09:23.59Corrodiasalthough if you -really- needed to lockdown a function, you could then give it an environment where getglobal is a function that looks it up in the local table instead >_>
09:23.59Corrodiasaah, strange thoughts
09:23.59Corrodiasi envision a war between two addon authors, trying to keep each other's functions from working
09:24.00Legorolsorry my bad, i think was explaining it wrong
09:24.00Legorolgetglobal("x") is getfenv(0)["x"],
09:24.00Legorolbut they are not the same as simply x
09:24.01Corrodiasso they're both the global x instead of the environmental or local x?
09:24.01Legorol(getglobal("x") == getfenv(0)["x"]) ~= (x == getfenv(1)["x"])
09:24.01Legorolok now it's complete and correct
09:24.01Corrodiasgetfenv(1) huh
09:24.01Legorolyeah that's the local env.
09:24.02Corrodiasup there i think you just said true ~= true
09:24.03Corrodiasgetglobal("x") == getfenv(0)["x"]; x == getfenv(1)["x"]; x ~= getglobal("x"); and the other relationships can be derived from that
09:24.03Legorolyeah, i did a lazy shorthand for that ;-)
09:24.03TemLegorol, we'll have to ask slouken if getglobal is any more than function(lua_State *L){ lua_getglobal(L, luaL_checkstring(L,1)); return 1;}
09:24.03|FF|Im2good4uhehe i never understood those environment either :P\
09:24.04Temonce we know if getglobal does anything more behind the scenes, we can figure which is faster
09:24.04Temoops lol... I mixed lua and c
09:24.04Temmeh, you get the idea
09:24.05LegorolTem: i doubt it's any differnet, but one thing we can try is a setfenv on getglobal
09:24.05Legorolif it has no effect, it's very likely that it's just what you wrote
09:24.05Corrodiassetfenv on getglobal, jesus
09:24.06Legorolwhy the checkstring btw?
09:24.06TemLegorol, doesn't it spit errors if you don't give it a string?
09:24.06Temor does it just use whatever you give it?
09:24.07Legoroloh i see, it's not the checking that matters, it's that lua_getglobal expects a string as a second argument (in the form of char*)
09:24.07Legorolcheckstring returns a char* pointer
09:24.08|FF|Im2good4ui think getglobal should be simpel in order to keep it fast since its used a lot
09:24.08LegorolTem: doing error checking in the process is added bonus ;-)
09:24.08Legoroldid you get that line from somewhere btw?
09:24.08TemI had to look up the function names, but no
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09:24.09Tem(unless my ass counts)
09:24.10Legorolyour ass does count, but it's a good place to get thigns from
09:24.35TemI did some playing with the lua C api a while back
09:24.35Temthat's where I really got it from
09:24.35Corrodiaslocal Storage = Tem.ass
09:24.37|FF|Im2good4uattemp to index global nil "Tem"
09:24.37Temfield Tard.ass is not visible
09:24.37Tempublic class Tard { private BodyPart ass; }
09:24.37TemTard Tem = new Tard();
09:24.38|FF|Im2good4uahh cpp >.<
09:24.38Temjava, actually
09:24.38|FF|Im2good4uwell its all the same :P
09:24.39Corrodiasand i don't know of a way to get to a private member of an existing object
09:24.40TemLegorol, are you still in game?
09:24.40Corrodiasperhaps i could have made an extending class and instantiated you as a SubTard with a new method, getass(), but you've already made yourself at this point
09:24.40TemCorrodias, in java, private is private
09:24.41Temeven to a derrivative class
09:24.41Corrodiasit is? how unfortunate
09:24.41Corrodiasgood for business trying to protect IP, bad for me
09:24.41Temthey added a new keyword "protected" for that
09:24.43Corrodiasis there a way to hide data like that in Lua?
09:24.43Temnot easily
09:24.43Corrodiasthat suggests it is
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09:24.45LegorolTem: i quit
09:24.46Legorol<Tem> Legorol, are you still in game?
09:24.46TemI forgot I asked that
09:24.46TemI wanted to see if getglobal really did spit errors if you didn't give it a string
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09:24.47Legorolsorry i'm off now, fun stuff
09:24.47Temthis trip into Tem's world of delerium brought to you by dirt.  it's everywhere. get used to it.
09:24.47zenzelezzso you're saying we're not fun?
09:24.47Tem(and lack of sleep.  he helped too)
09:24.49Corrodiassetfenv on getglobal.
09:24.49CorrodiasDO IT
09:24.50Corrodiaslike ... x = "hi"; a = { x = "blah" }; setfenv(getglobal, a); DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(getglobal("x")); ?
09:24.50Corrodiasi've barely touched lua, so do not expect that to be well-written
09:24.50zenzelezzis this for live or PTR?
09:24.50Corrodiasif you're serious, whichever
09:24.51zenzelezzI've not been following the conversation, I'm eating
09:24.51zenzelezzbut for live it gives me "setfenv cannot change environment of given object"
09:24.51CorrodiasLegorol just wondered aloud, in passing, if setfenv on getglobal would change the result
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09:25.12Kasoit should do shouldnt it?
09:25.12Kasoeven though its crazy witchcraft coding
09:25.12Corrodiasthat is unexpected. it's an error?
09:25.13zenzelezzyes... comes up from Swatter I think, but that just gives you better error messages than the default UI, doesn't it?
09:25.14Corrodiassuggesting that it would have been a big box in the middle of the screen otherwise
09:25.15zenzelezzI'm not a particularly good Lua coder, so whether you can change it somehow I don't know... but the code you provided gave said result at least =)
09:25.15Mr_Rabies2oh mang my ui looks purdy now
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09:29.34Corrodiasgive us screenies
09:32.24Mr_Rabies2one sec
09:43.21Corrodiasit's been a sec.
09:48.35Mr_Rabies2m working on it :x
09:48.50Mr_Rabies2it still needs some work but its good enough for now
09:49.31Kasois wowi slow for anyone else?
09:53.06Mr_Rabies2it 404ing for me
09:55.32Kasomake it work pretty please :>
09:56.50Kasohmm, working!
09:57.48Mr_Rabies2there ya go corr
10:03.44Mr_Rabies2rather uninteresting but thats how i like it :p
10:04.51Corrodiasaah, so plain!
10:05.43Mr_Rabies2exactly :D
10:05.53Mr_Rabies2you wouldn't know i had like 150 addons loaded
10:06.23Mr_Rabies2i don't know if i like the shapeshift bar there though
10:06.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Sairen (
10:06.34Mr_Rabies2or the microbuttons
10:06.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (n=jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
10:07.29jaxdahlget micromenufu
10:07.33jaxdahlor something
10:08.25*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
10:08.26jaxdahland you don't need your XP on fubar, heh
10:08.34Mr_Rabies2yeah i just dinged
10:08.39Mr_Rabies2so i haven't messed with that
10:08.51jaxdahllet me log in and take a screen
10:09.32Mr_Rabies2i wish the ace patcher would work right :[
10:09.46Mr_Rabies2it keeps updating my addons over and over to the same revision
10:12.38Mr_Rabies2and my garbagefu is bugging out due to the patcher being borked
10:13.30Mr_Rabies2i don't like my trinketmenu all out in the open there, but i won't remember to hit it otherwise
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10:22.00Mr_Rabies2rofl what is the magnifying glass
11:29.16Corrodiasleft/right click for zoom?
11:29.16Corrodiasi wish my UI could look that clean and still be functional
11:29.16Corrodiasof course, having a larger screen would help
11:29.17Mr_Rabies2i use the mousewheel to zoom :D
11:29.17Corrodias1280x960 is considerably less space for stuff on my UI
11:29.17Corrodiasi'm immensely frustrated that windows refuses to let me position my windows where i want them and remove the borders
11:29.17Corrodiasfrom certain windows
11:29.17Mr_Rabies2is it true that savedvariables are loaded for addons that aren't loaded? :O
11:29.18Corrodiasi haven't checked
11:29.18Corrodiasi can check right now
11:29.18Corrodiasi'll load the game and see if some variables from one of my disabled addons is defined
11:29.19Corrodiasi have a bunch of disabled ones
11:29.19Mr_Rabies2wonder if the sound bug i was having is fixed yet
11:29.19Corrodiasthe answer to your question about savedvariables being loaded is no.
11:29.19CorrodiasXLootDB == nil
11:29.19Mr_Rabies2oh okay
11:29.20Mr_Rabies2so i don't have to worry about deleting old SVs once i uninstall addons
11:29.20Corrodiasthey'll just linger, like scabs
11:29.20Mr_Rabies2they're super minor file size wise so as long as it doesn't harm peformance i don't care :p
11:29.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
11:29.20jaxdahlmagnifying glass = abacus
11:29.21jaxdahlit organizes the minimap icons
11:29.21WobinWhat's an addon that draws lines on the map?
11:29.21CorrodiasGuild Wars
11:29.21Mr_Rabies2you mean like grid lines or what?
11:29.21Wobinwell, just actual lines
11:29.21Wobinany sort of lines
11:29.22WobinI'd like to see how it's done
11:29.23WobinPhoto finish
11:29.23Wobin"And this is the last shot of his crotch..."
11:29.23Mr_Rabies2all the looks
11:29.23Mr_Rabies2on their faces
11:29.23Mr_Rabies2is rofl
11:29.24WobinExcept the cameraman
11:29.24KolthEveryone's on their A-game
11:29.24Wobinwho's going 'wtf'?
11:29.25Corrodias$1,274.00 for the 30-inch widescreen dell lcd monitor
11:29.25Corrodiason sale mang
11:29.26Corrodias2560x1600 native resolution
11:29.26Corrodiasi shall now read a review
11:29.26*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
11:29.26Corrodiason april 2nd i will begin my new job, and then i can actually consider -buying- shit like that!
11:29.27Corrodiasof course, my video card might get upset with me for trying to push a resolution like that
11:29.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=mjgoosse@
11:29.28Corrodiasbut it looks like the 24" is a better display
11:29.30Corrodias$750 for that, as usual
11:29.31Corrodiasi think i have about $200. i currently spend at least half of my "play money" income helping support a web host
11:29.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Jebster (
11:29.31Jebstermornin all
11:29.32Corrodiaswell, support a site by paying a host
11:29.32CorrodiasJebster, give me about $700
11:29.32JebsterAnd why do you need $700?
11:29.32Corrodiasi want a monitor
11:29.32Corrodiasthis one is too small and notbig
11:29.32Jebster:P afraid i dont have $700, sorry :P
11:29.32Jebsterso how are ye all?
11:29.33Corrodiasimpatient for my guildmate to get our arena teams started
11:29.33JebsterLol, what lvl you on then? 60 or 70 odd?
11:29.33Corrodiasodd? just 70
11:29.33JebsterLol :P im 25 :P
11:29.33Corrodiasi'm reading the new info about the arena tournament
11:29.33Corrodiasso only 5v5 teams participate in the "tournament" and it takes 200g to start such a team
11:29.33Jebsterwhat lvl do you need to be for the arena?
11:29.34Corrodias70 to join a team
11:30.32Corrodiasbut i think you can skirmish otherwise
11:30.32Jebsteroh... im a long way off :P
11:30.33Jebsterwhat race and class are you?
11:30.33Jebsterim a dwarf pally
11:30.33Corrodiastauren druid
11:30.33Corrodiasi'm going to get squished
11:30.33Jebstercoolio :P
11:30.33Corrodiasbalance/restoration, not feral
11:30.34KolthI are Tauren Druid
11:30.34Jebsterwhy? druids are good i thought...
11:30.34KolthAlmost made 60.5 today!
11:30.34Corrodiasbalance/restoration, not feral
11:30.34Jebsteri got my WoW at christmas, so im pretty low :P
11:30.35Jebsterim like 800 exp till 25 :P
11:30.35Corrodiasso these arena rewards... just equipment?
11:30.35Jebsteri would have no idea :P
11:30.35Jebsterif you die in a match on the arena can you come back?
11:30.36Corrodiasyou spectate as a ghost until it's over
11:30.36Jebsterthats harsh... means your team has gotta be good... im guessing hunters and warlocks would be great for it.
11:30.36Jebsterthey can make it so you have 10 men instead of 5...
11:30.36Corrodiaswhy do people say hunters? i've not actually found them to be a huge problem
11:30.36Corrodiasbut then, i hibernate pets
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11:30.37Corrodiasbut yes, warlocks plow through everyone else
11:30.37Jebsterhunters are good with pets, warlocks are deffo better...
11:30.37Jebsterplow i think... yes
11:30.38CorrodiasAt the end of each week, your Team Rating is used to calculate how many Arena Points your team will receive for this week.
11:30.38Corrodiashowever, Team Rating seems to be a function of the tournament, and only 5v5 teams participate in the tournament.
11:30.39Corrodiasmaybe not. maybe team rating is separate.
11:30.39Jebsterhmm, could i join the arena at lvl 25? just to play?
11:30.39Corrodiasyou can try. i don't know.
11:30.39Jebsterok :P
11:30.39Corrodiastry to get into a skirmish
11:30.40*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
11:30.41Jebsterin your oppinion what is the best race and class out there?
11:30.41KolthUndead :)
11:30.41Corrodiasfor pvp, the most effective right now -seems- to be warlock, and for race you probably can't get better than forsaken
11:30.42Corrodiasplease! they're unundead now.
11:30.42Mr_Rabies2they're undead still
11:30.42Mr_Rabies2just not bound to the iron will of ner'zul
11:30.42Corrodiasnot for game mechanics
11:30.42Mr_Rabies2oh well yeah
11:30.43KolthFor game mechanics, every char is dead.
11:30.43Corrodiasso how do you get an arena team started? do i need an "arena promoter"?
11:30.44Jebster:P i think warlocks are best, not sure about race...
11:30.45Mr_Rabies2as a lock, undead or blood elf
11:31.02Corrodiaslooks like it'll take many weeks to earn arena gear
11:31.23Corrodiashe says blood elf and i'm not sure.
11:31.45Jebster:P i think warlocks are best, not sure about race...:P
11:31.45Corrodiasa short range, short duration silence effect can't be why, so it must be the mana recharging he's thinking of
11:31.54Corrodiasremember: you can't get close to people running in fear :P
11:33.42Mr_Rabies2no, but when it breaks you can get close and silence them to rock other casters even more
11:34.54Jebstermages are ok...
11:36.00Corrodiasyou know who isn't great?
11:36.10Corrodiasbalance/resto druids! or maybe just me. :D
11:36.46Corrodiasif people see i'm healing and that i'm in squishy caster form, they're not kind to me
11:39.14Mr_Rabies2that's always been an issue
11:39.26Mr_Rabies2we don't have psychic scream or PW:S to save us
11:39.39Mr_Rabies2and long heals open us up to all kinds of counterspell
11:39.58Mr_Rabies2hence why i went feral
11:41.17*** join/#wowi-lounge BSChim (n=BSChim@VDSL-130-13-56-226.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
11:42.28Corrodiasit's not funny
11:42.54Corrodiashow sad. i want to check out the flag design ui without paying to make a team, but it doesn't look like i can.
11:42.59Jebsteri know, but there should a be a form that lets you cast and not be aquishy :P
11:43.15Corrodiaswell, the moonkin form increases armor by 360%, but i can't heal
11:43.28Corrodiasthat's fine to start the battle
11:43.33Jebsteroh, thats not good then...
11:43.45Corrodiasif i want to toss any healing, though, i have to shift out
11:43.58Jebsterhow long does it take to shift in again?
11:44.57Corrodiasinstant (and 663 mana + the global cooldown)
11:45.26*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
11:45.28Wobinoh man
11:45.31Corrodiasroughly 9% of my total mana
11:45.38WobinI quite enjoy playing your run of the mill adventure game
11:45.45Wobinbut there are times I wish I had an epic mount
11:45.56Corrodiasteleport hax
11:46.22Jebstermy p-ally does ok :P still cant kill elites, does my head in though :P
11:47.31Corrodiasin my experience, paladins don't do a lot of damage, but are so very hard to kill
11:48.38KolthI am either going to watch a movie/tv-ep or play WoW. I can't figure it out.
11:48.42Corrodiasi watched this poor paladin trying to kill something with a lot of health...
11:49.06Corrodiaswhen i joined in to make it take less excruciatingly long, i was doing at least twice as much damage just with starfire
11:49.41zenzelezzdoctors in Anarchy Online were like that... they could solo Lord of the Void, but it took literally hours
11:52.22*** join/#wowi-lounge fatbrain (
11:52.28fatbrainHellows all
11:53.03Jebsterhi, so whats your opions on pallys?
11:53.45fatbrainanyone know how the wdb/dbc's in 2.0 are layouted? my old wdb/dbc parsers are a bit fubar nowdays :(
11:55.32Corrodiaspaladins, i hate them
11:55.47Corrodiasnormally so harmless, but in AV they were an incredible nuisance
11:56.23nymbiathey're pretty killer in arenas
11:56.44nymbiathe only teams my 3v3 team really loses to are the warrior-warrior-pally combos
11:57.18CorrodiasAlterac Valley
11:57.43Corrodiastwo warriors and a paladin, eh
11:58.06nymbiatoo much plate >.<
11:59.02nymbiawhat was really funny though was this pally-pally-priest team we fought a couple times.  none of us ever got below half hp, although it took about 15 minutes to kill em
12:01.43JebsterLol, so pallys are good supports, for healing?
12:01.51Jebsterand doing a little comabt?
12:02.07Corrodiasthey're very hard to kill, and they can heal other players
12:02.16Corrodiasjust about all you can do is keep them busy until they run out of mana
12:02.41JebsterLol, i do that a lot :P
12:02.50Corrodiastwo warriors and a paladin sounds like a damn near perfect team
12:03.04Jebsteryep, great combat, and heal spells too
12:03.10Corrodiasthe paladin heals the warriors, who only take major damage from spells, which are generally cast by people with low armor, which are easy targets for warriors
12:03.30Jebsterwow, damn, a great team then lol :P
12:04.07Corrodiasactually, my balance druid would be a decent member against a team like that, with my higher armor (that is, if i were wearing decent gear) and ability to cast while being attacked
12:04.07sancusyou can also just interrupt paladins
12:04.20sancusthen laugh while they die because they can't cast any spells including invincibubble while school locked
12:04.20Corrodiasexcept of course warlocks could just Fear them
12:05.01Jebsteryea, a good 5v5 team then would be 2 warriors, a pally a warlock and one other...
12:05.20Corrodiasbalance druid? pleeease?
12:05.39Jebsteri dunno, i was sort of asking what the last member should be,,,
12:05.58sancusbut people don't seem to understand how to use interrupts properly in general
12:06.15Jebsteryou mean like the rouges ability kick?
12:06.20Wobinimp kick
12:06.20Corrodiasi only have warstomp
12:06.25sancusregular kick
12:06.26Wobinsilence for 2 seconds for that school
12:06.38sancusand counterspell, pummel, and uh
12:06.46sancusspell lock or wtfever fel puppy ability is
12:06.49sancusSilence is NOT an interrupt
12:06.51Jebsterrouge would be a good 5th member... great for sneaking round the back of the enemy team...
12:06.53sancusnor is imp kick
12:06.53Wobinoh interrupt
12:06.59sancussilencing a paladin is a waste of time
12:06.59Wobinno both are 'silences' =P
12:07.03sancusthey can bubble out of that shit
12:07.04Corrodiastwo hunters, not making a good fight for me
12:07.34sancusbut if you interrupt a paladin's heal(which isnt hard since they don't have any instant heals unlike priests)
12:07.40sancusthey are completely helpless
12:07.48Corrodiasstupid me, i forgot all about barkskin
12:07.54Corrodiasi -never- remember that in pvp
12:08.03WobinIt's like inner fire
12:08.12sancusit's one of the things people seem to conveniently forget about pallies
12:08.13WobinI never remember to put it on since I stopped using an autocaster
12:08.16sancuscounterspell _destroys_ them
12:08.54Corrodiascounterspell has quite a CD
12:09.00sancusit doesnt matter
12:09.15sancusif you can't kill a paladin in 10 seconds when they're completely helpless and can't do anything but walk around and auto attack
12:09.24sancusyou should prob just play some other class :p
12:09.29Wobinneed more dps =P
12:09.48Jebsterso what, pallys are a waste of time?
12:09.57sancusthey're good, they're just very vulnerable to interrupts
12:10.07Jebsteroh, im getting confused lol, now i see :P
12:10.19sancusI'd personally prefer a well-geared priest over a paladin
12:10.53sancussomewhat hard to find though
12:11.00sancusa lot of priests just try to pvp in their pve gear or w/e.. doesnt work
12:11.52Corrodiasi don't have multiple sets yet
12:12.03Corrodiaswell, other than damage / healing
12:12.18sancuspriest with 8k unbuffed hp, 100 resilience, and 4k armor with inner fire up though
12:12.24sancusis quite tough
12:14.11*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
12:14.11Corrodiasi'm going to sleep. 'ni
12:14.42WobinI loved this game ^^
12:22.27MoonWolfwhy ?
12:22.31MoonWolfdid you love it ?
12:25.46WobinWhat's not to love? =)
12:26.45MoonWolfits cluncky and certain magic types were clearly overpowred.
12:28.07Wobinbah, It was fun =)
12:28.23JebsterWhat game is this
12:28.55MoonWolfMoM old dos based turn based trategy
12:29.19KolthExit Dennis?
12:30.17JebsterLol :P
12:36.07*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso| (
12:43.16Corrodiashey, before i actually get into bed
12:43.47Corrodiasarena points: earned at the end of each week as a function of your team ranking?
12:44.25nymbiayes and no
12:44.46Corrodiasblizzard doesn't do a great job of explaining it...
12:47.37Jebsterso you guys play on igame or battlecorp?
12:47.41Jebsterogame even...
12:47.48Corrodiasnever heard of them
12:50.46Jebsterok Lol :P
12:53.50Corrodiasi wonder if there's any way for me to see possible arena team flag designs
12:54.54Jebsteri wouldnt know sorry...
12:57.16Mr_Rabies2mywarcraftstudio :p
12:59.29Corrodiassome guy gives a rapidshare link in the comments section on curse for a newer version...
12:59.46Corrodiasthat doesn't smell like something i'd want to run so trustingly
13:00.51Corrodiasis a trustworthy site?
13:03.46Mr_Rabies2check your pm's
13:03.56Corrodiasdidn't get any
13:11.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
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15:02.14Jebsterhey all
15:02.16Mr_Rabies2[You] Shred Crit [Gargle] *2666*
15:02.17KolthWhat gear ya got?
15:02.19Jebster:P what realms are you all on, anyone in Raven Holdt?
15:02.20Jebsterdamn it lol :P
15:02.22*** join/#wowi-lounge beerke (
15:05.02Jebsteras a pally should i use a 2h or a shield and 1h weapon? also what type of of weapon, mace, swords etc
15:05.08kaso|depends what you're doing and what spec you are.
15:05.09[dRaCo]type of the weapon doesnt matter
15:05.11[dRaCo]2h for PvP/damage Specs, 1h + Shield/Offhand for healers
15:05.14[dRaCo]1h/Shield for tank builds :þ
15:05.55Mr_Rabies2<Kolth> What gear ya got?
15:05.55Mr_Rabies2not very good gear, but better than the mage apparently
15:05.55Mr_Rabies2i've never seen it crit even remotely near that
15:14.09*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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15:24.12kaso|In 2.0.7 they changed haste didnt they? so the rating to percentage conversions will be different now
15:25.33haste50% more afaik
15:25.43kaso|ha, perfect :>
15:25.54Mr_Rabies2he'd know
15:26.07Mr_Rabies2if anyone, haste would know
15:27.03Mr_Rabies2jesus christ it's a lion
15:27.05Mr_Rabies2get in the car
15:28.13hasteoh hey, already done
15:28.53Mr_Rabies2it's always caturday in /an/
15:32.20hasteI never read /an/ :o
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16:47.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
16:47.42Mr_Rabies2i rarely do i just go there if i want pictures of seals or cats or whatever
16:47.45zenzelezzI wish they hadn't called the instance Black Morass
16:47.48Mr_Rabies2not much else they could have called it, it's pretty well documented that that's where medivh let in the greenies
16:47.48axxoi hate so many players are nubs and can't handle black morass
16:47.48zenzelezz[dRaCo]: because like axxo hints at, I'm tired of being asked to come to "moreass" runs
16:47.50JoshBorkei gotta say, i had a pretty tough time with it last night
16:47.50JoshBorkeferal druid, resto druid, prot warrior, demo warlock, disc/holy priest
16:47.51Mr_Rabies2i um
16:47.52Mr_Rabies2kited every beast in the instance around in circles while mounted
16:47.54Mr_Rabies2also started medivhs event on accident
16:47.56Mr_Rabies2when you fail that event you should get a whisper saying <NAME!> YOU JUST CAUSED A TIME PARADOX
17:20.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
17:20.44*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Paste Code Here: | "Who said we need real ones" - Tierrie
17:20.46JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn
17:21.29purlACTION hugs Cairenn
17:21.29Cairennmorning JoshBorke ;)
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17:21.29JoshBorkemorning Cairenn
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17:23.08JoshBorkejust noticed purl didn't do it for me
17:23.09Cairennpurl has been on strike lately it seems
17:23.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
17:23.19*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
18:30.21Mr_Rabies2i think the guy running purl is actually in the 1980s
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18:56.01Mr_Rabies2i can't solo nerub'enkhan
18:56.01Mr_Rabies2guess i need to start shadowmoon
18:56.06zenzelezzhm, for some reason I read that as "I can't solo Anub'Rekhan"
18:56.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
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21:37.04*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Paste Code Here: | "Who said we need real ones" - Tierrie
21:37.26tyroneyfound it  /swapactionbar <num1> <num2>
21:39.47zenzelezzI have to say... Big Bad Wolf event is awesome
22:00.36Sstixrudanyone know of a way to supress the cooldown graphic on buttons... if I set a button to :SetAlpha(0) the cooldown is still visable... and for buttons with long cooldowns its quite annoying :)
22:05.14KasoHmm, thats odd, the Cooldown is a child-frame of the Button, it should inherit the alpha as far as i know
22:05.32KasoIs it Default UI you're talking about or, some other actionbar mod
22:06.13Sstixrudit is my actionbar mod :)
22:07.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
22:07.11Kasopaste your Button Template then :>
22:08.46Sstixrudhmm why is pastey giving a mysql error :|
22:09.14KasoShout at norgs :>
22:09.27Sstixrudhmm was at the wrong hostname
22:10.07Sstixrudnope that one gives same error
22:10.22Kasotry one of the zillion other paste servies then
22:10.29Sstixrudgot one handy?
22:15.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
22:16.48KasoI must admit, im a little stumpted, i cant see why it wouldnt work
22:17.22KasoCan your manually manipulate the cooldown frame? YourFrameNameCooldown:SetAlpha() etc etc ?
22:17.38Sstixrudlet me try
22:17.58SstixrudI didnt even know that was possible :)
22:19.04Sstixrudlike /script UBPlayerTemplateCooldown:SetAlpha(0) ?
22:19.11*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
22:19.21Kaelten-LaptopThis is something I've been working on for the last two days, was wanting to see if anyone else would give some feedback:
22:19.31Sstixrudgives nil value
22:19.43Sstixrudwoops I see whats wrong
22:20.26Sstixrudhmm nope same error with /script UBPlayerBarFrameCooldown:SetAlpha(0)
22:21.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
22:21.45KasoUBPlayerBarFrame inherits from UBCheckButtonTemplate ?
22:21.49Sstixrudthis doesnt return error tho /script PlayerUnitButton1Cooldown:SetAlpha(0)
22:22.02KasoDoes it work?
22:22.08Kasodoes the cooldown show?
22:22.43Sstixrudyes it does
22:23.27KasoIt could be that during its normal process of the cooldown is re-setting it's alpha
22:25.05KasoIm afraid i cant be huge amounts of help as i dont have a wow client to play about on
22:25.49Sstixrudtis ok :) thanks for trying
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22:26.34SstixrudI bet its trinitybars
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22:28.21KasoWhat i'd do now, is see how the default UI behaves differently, i might theorise that during its cycle the cooldown fades in and out thus resetting its alpha, but that is a slim chance.
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22:29.47KasoI've never really done ActionButtons, so all i know is what i read in the FrameXMLi
22:29.55Kasobut anyhoo, good luck working it out
22:30.38Sstixrudhow would I disable the main UI's cooldown
22:31.38KasoWell if you want to disable the cooldown, have you tried Hide()'ing instead of setting alpha, first of all
22:32.11Sstixrudcan't do it during combat
22:32.12Kasoand the cooldown is simply a Child Frame of the Button Named $parentCooldown
22:32.15SstixrudI used to do that
22:32.19Sstixrudbut wow breaks that now
22:32.22KasoI see
22:33.11Kasothis is a bit of a long-shot, but perhaps try an explanitory hook of Cooldown.SetAlpha
22:33.35KasoNo doubt the function is called from C, but perhaps its worth a try
22:33.53Kasoif it is called through lua you can prevent it being re-shown with a hook
22:34.04Kasobut, as i say, a far far longshot
22:35.23Sstixrudsame thing happens with default ActionButtons
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22:36.07KasoOk, So i guess my "its getting re-show whilst cycling" is correct
22:38.19KasoTry the hook thing
22:38.36Kasoif its called from C, then the only way around it is to Re-Set the alpha OnUpdate
22:38.55Kasoif its called from lua then you can hook the function and block calls you dont want
22:39.02SstixrudAny idea what the ActionBar frame names are?
22:39.25KasoHoover over the button and do /run ChatFrame1:AddMessage(GetMouseFocus():GetName())
22:42.43SstixrudUpcoming 2.1.0 API Changes - Concise List
22:42.57Sstixrud* Fixed a bug where frame alpha wasn't used b the Cooldown frame type
22:43.21Kasoawesome :>
22:44.16Sstixruddoesnt that imply I must deal with it on a per bar basis and not button?
22:44.21KasoDoesnt what?
22:45.02Sstixrudwell I guess a button is a frame
22:45.48KasoCooldown is an object that inherits from the frame type
22:45.56KasoSo the cooldown in itself is a frame
22:47.08Sstixrudwhy can I only change Cooldown for my checkbuttons and not my barframes
22:47.20KasoYour bar frame shouldnt have a cooldown
22:47.29Sstixrudgood point
22:47.31KasoBar -> Button -> Cooldown
22:47.43Kasothats the hierachy
22:47.47Sstixrudok so I am screwed until 2.1.0
22:47.52Kasopretty much
22:48.12Sstixrudat least I hit a bug I should be proud
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22:52.41Kaso_purl, bark
22:52.49purlACTION barks, like a rabid dog.
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22:53.46Sstixrudthis wouldnt be a problem if blizzard would just let me :Hide and :Show during combat :|
22:54.20Kaso_It feels like there should be a way around this
22:54.30Mr_Rabies2i've got a few addons that i can move and hide stuff in combat :O
22:54.37Mr_Rabies2how do they do it?
22:54.48Kaso_On secure frames we're talking about
22:54.54Sstixrudthe other problem is I dont really like doing :Alpha(0) then :Disable as the user can't click through it and it looks like they should be able too
22:54.56Tullermoving can be done by the player
22:55.02Tullerhiding can be done too
22:55.11Tullerwell, you can probably do movement using the other thing as well, but yes
22:55.21Mr_Rabies2i guess trinketmenu isnt a secure frame
22:56.12TemCan someone do me a favor?
22:56.46Mr_Rabies2that depends on the favor, what do you need? :O
22:56.59TemI need to know where wow puts the "patches" folder
22:57.27TullerWorld of Warcraft\Patches\WoW-2.0.0-to-2.0.3-enUS-Win-patch
22:57.38Tullerwell, the last one is a folder too
22:58.00Temokay yeah
23:07.44Kasodo you need dynamically enable/disable the cooldown
23:07.52Kasoor do you just want to disable it and be done with
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23:10.59SstixrudKaso dynamic
23:11.18Sstixrudprior to Alpha(0) a button, which happens during combat and is one of 4 states
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23:53.09Corrodiasi'm a black morass noob, too

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