irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070215

00:00.41*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (
00:02.43bleetahI'm still convinced is the best hat in the game
00:03.50bleetah is a stunningly effective booze ;)
00:04.19scotepiif i have a chain of functions run.. and put a break in there does it cancle the chain? like in php?
00:06.52scotepilike i have this.. can i just replace IsSpam = true with die to cancle the function?
00:07.52Kindari_how does "button" differ from "frame"
00:08.11Cidebutton is derived from frame
00:08.56Cideand has a few extra things (such as different textures for when it's hovered over, being clicked, etc.)
00:09.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
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00:09.21Tierrie|Workyou can emulate the button behavior with frames right? but buttons makes it easier?
00:09.24Cidealso has a bunch of specific methods (:Click(), :Enable(), :Disable(), etc.)
00:09.49Cideif you only want the basic behavior sure
00:09.53Cidebut it sounds counterproductive
00:10.24Cideyou also have CheckButton which is derived from Button
00:10.28Tierrie|Workits not a question of whether it can or not, i was pretty much just wondering if Button was a child or a subset of frame with specific methods added to it
00:10.40bleetahgmorn Nom-
00:10.51scotepihow do you use die in lua? im trying if (2 == 1 then die end Output("it kept running :(") but im getting '=' expected near end
00:11.07Cideassert(2 == 1)
00:11.15bleetahhmm, gazmik's reagent cost is bust for 2.0.7... can anyone confirm?
00:11.22scotepiwith the )
00:11.48Tierrie|Workwould be just easier to do a assert(false);
00:12.14Cideyes, but he used if ( 2 == 1 ) then, so I figured I'd use the same
00:12.16scotepiim gona use it in loops and stuff
00:12.25Cideassert(false) -- die
00:12.35Tierrie|Workwhy would you want to use it in loops
00:12.45Tierrie|Workdieing stops further processing of your script
00:13.09scotepilike in here it can loop 30 or so times.. id like it just to completly exit when it finds it
00:13.22scotepithe 2 == 1 was jsut to test what die does
00:13.35Cideyou probably want break then
00:13.50scotepiwill that break the loop or function?
00:13.55Tierrie|Workexit the the loop
00:13.58Cidebreak stops the current loop (for, while, repeat)
00:14.00Tierrie|Workuh it will exit the innermost loop
00:14.18Cideyes - be aware that it's only the innermost one, like Tierrie|Work said
00:14.21scotepiis there a way to exit the function?
00:14.30scotepiah, k
00:17.03scotepiare addon messages alwase recived in the order there sent? or can they get mixed up with lag?
00:18.01Tierrie|Workthat's a complex question
00:18.17Tierrie|Workif they are all within the same function they are always received in the order they were sent
00:18.44Tierrie|Workif they are not, and each function is triggered by different events, they are still received in the order they are sent, but the triggering may be out of your expected order
00:18.46scotepiyeah, my mod send addon messages rt1-rt3 in the same function
00:18.54Tierrie|Workoh ok refer to the former then
00:19.36scotepiis it bad to use 3 diffetn names for addon messages? i have to break myne up for langth so i do RT1-RT3 parts 1-3
00:19.43Nom-Best team ever.
00:20.03Nom-My boss put someone's mobile phone in the roof cavity as a practical joke
00:20.06Nom-Funniest thing ever
00:20.53[dRaCo]why don't you send an ID yourself?
00:21.01scotepii do but its anoying
00:21.10Tierrie|Workscotepi: i don't understand what you mean by "use 3 different names for addon messages".
00:21.28Tierrie|WorkNom-: above the ceiling panels?
00:21.39*** part/#wowi-lounge Kindari_ (
00:21.41scotepii have part 1 of the message sent as RT1 and part 2 as RT2 and 3 as RT3
00:21.55Nom-it's actually sitting in the air con vent which comes out next to the lights
00:23.29Tierrie|Workscotepi: there's nothing bad about it besides the fact that it will all take up one line and may be annoying
00:23.38Tierrie|WorkNom-: funny :)
00:27.21bleetahworked at a place once where the only local (ie, aussie) with the key to the safe for the escrow (was the programming lead)  had gone on leave for a week, and left his mobile phone in the safe too. Problem was, he'd set it to beep once a minute when there was a pending message for him :-/
00:27.31bleetahand the safe was far from soundproof
00:27.47bleetahso we made it portable
00:33.39scotepigrrr... my addon just started geting CT errors again ><
00:34.33bleetahI blame cide's lack of supplying me with coffee
00:34.46Cidescotepi: um?
00:34.47scotepiCT_Cor_Chat.lua has something majorly wrong with it... i keep getting differnt msg a nil value errors
00:35.02Cideperhaps you should give me the error message then
00:35.22scotepiCT_Core_Chat.lua:116 attempt to concatenate local 'msg' (a nil value)
00:35.41scotepiwtf is concatenate
00:36.00CidedefaultMessageFunction(self, "["..tonumber(date("%I"))":%M] ") .. msg, ...);
00:36.15scotepioh its the time stamps
00:36.35scotepiis it becuse im trying to add a message thats nil?
00:36.49Cidesome mod is trying to print nil messages
00:36.56scotepimyne ><
00:37.23scotepiis there gona be a fix for that? its kind of anoying for debuging
00:37.42CideI would say that's a bug on your part, is it not? :)
00:37.53CideI'll add checking, since it's not very user friendly
00:37.56scotepishouldnt i be abble to print a blank line?
00:38.27scotepiif im trying to print a string if its blank i get the error
00:38.39Cideyou don't get the error when printing ""
00:39.54Cideactually, in order to print an empty line you need to print " "
00:40.00Cide"" and nil both do nothing
00:40.22scotepiadding if not msg then msg = ""; end     fixed it
00:42.09CideI wouldn't try displaying nil messages though (but it's "fixed" for the next version of CT_Core)
00:42.47scotepii just added the chesks to my display functions
00:42.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
00:43.10Legorolckknight: ping
00:49.07*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre- (
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00:50.18scotepiis there a limit that a addond can only do SendAddonMessage twice in a row?
00:53.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
00:54.01Tierrie|Workyou can send infinite SendAddonMessages until the person shows up at your house and takes you out
00:55.12scotepihmm i think i broke my if statement
00:55.59scotepiyeah.. that was it >< adding 3 ors broke it :(
00:56.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Subhuman1 (
00:56.19Subhuman1hey i need help
00:56.32Cairennhi, welcome to the channel, how are you?
00:56.38XuerianLittle johnny wants to become human, we've got to help him!
00:56.56purlMawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam...  And wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva...  So tweasure your wuv.
00:56.56XuerianQuick, get the car battery and jumper cables! <Runs>
00:57.37Subhuman1where can i find the spell list to add to my mod. ie: HUNTER_VIPERSTING, etc..
00:58.40CideI'm sorry but... what?
00:59.04Subhuman1do you know the mod Venantes? or Cryolysis?
00:59.09Subhuman1or Necrosis
00:59.12Subhuman1sphere mod
00:59.21Cidesort of
01:00.18Subhuman1in it, there is a kinda spell table. Where spells are called by that. For hunter, its like HUNTER_ASPECT_BEAST for Aspect of the Beast
01:00.32Cideopen the localization file(s)
01:01.09Subhuman1im in it, but theres nothing like that
01:01.46Subhuman1i need to find these spell name for all the paladin spell
01:02.05Subhuman1im guessing it will be PALADIN_BLESING_MIGHT or something like that
01:03.03Subhuman1but there must be a list or a file that have them all, no?
01:03.25Subhuman1where? which?
01:05.23CideI'm not a seer
01:05.33Cidesearch tools are helpful
01:05.39bleetahCide: you're also a real crappy maker of coffee :P
01:05.50Subhuman1i treid them lol, thats why i came on this channel
01:06.01TC_Workingthats ok, coffee is for barbarians
01:06.09bleetahi still ain't got that one you sent me when BC when live :(
01:06.38Cairennain't ain't a word!
01:06.38bleetahTC_Working: that's OK, I'm a barbarian, Cide's not... hence, I think it's wise he sends me all his coffee!
01:06.47bleetahCairenn: ain't that the truth
01:07.05TC_WorkingYes well, small minds fixate on small things....
01:08.31Subhuman1anyone know where i could find the spell name for Paladin?   Like ['HUNTER_TRAP_FREEZING'] = 'Freezing Trap' for hunters, but for pally.
01:08.44scotepiwtf.. i just got lootlink blocked bly bliz when i did /target Fullname
01:08.48JohsBorkepurl, hug Cairenn
01:08.49purlACTION hugs Cairenn tightly until Cairenn turns slightly blue
01:09.03Cairennpurl, hug JohsBorke
01:09.04purlACTION hugs JohsBorke
01:09.54Subhuman1scotepi, are you using Telo's Lootlink?
01:09.57JohsBorkebabble spell will have them
01:10.07*** part/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
01:10.17Subhuman1whats Babble spell?
01:10.43Subhuman1try Saeris's Lootlink or something like that, its up-to-date, on WoWInterface
01:11.54Subhuman1oki i found Babble spell, Thanks a lot!! thats what i was looking for :)
01:12.27scotepilol i got a stack overflow in CT_Core_Chat... but its my own proboblome
01:16.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Amian (
01:18.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
01:54.36Tierrie|Workgiven a slice of a side of a circle, how do you determine its radius? assuming that all you get is the )
01:57.04scotepitrig stuff
01:58.07bleetahmy mathematics teachers hated me... 'but there's no such thing as a circle' ;)
01:58.20scotepiwell there isnt
01:58.27scotepiits 360 triangles
01:59.40scotepito level or to finish this major update to my mod... choices
02:00.28*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
02:00.47bleetahthe above explains why I'm crap at trig, spent more time arguing the point about Euclid being a dick, than the actual stuff itself
02:02.04bleetahwhich would invariably descend into me calling Pythagoras a wanker, too
02:08.30scotepiis there a easy way to do strsub(var, 4, "(%s)") to get a string starting at 4 and going to a space char?
02:17.13scotepihmmm... im getting unexpected symbol near '[' on local ext['sender'] = arg4;
02:20.37scotepican a table not be local?
02:20.43scotepii keep getting this error
02:21.47Cidewell, to be 100% correct, tables are not global or local
02:21.52Cidetables are objects
02:22.03Cidea variable can reference the table
02:22.11Cideand it doesn't matter if that variable is local or global
02:22.39Cideso the answer you were looking for is: a variable referencing a table can be local
02:22.54scotepiif i still get it ill post the function
02:23.28Cideyou can't do what you did
02:23.28scotepi line 3
02:23.32Cidelocal ext['sender'] = arg4;
02:23.33Cidenot valid
02:23.38scotepihow not?
02:23.45Cideis ext a table?
02:24.16Cidethen remove the 'local'
02:24.35Cideyou're not creating a new variable there
02:24.49scotepinow it works
02:29.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:37.26TainI think Deal or No Deal is an example of why society is doomed.
02:39.28bleetahTain: does the presenter of your localised version appear to be on more coke and speed than can possibly be manufactured in a year?
02:39.58TainActually.. heh the person who was doing it here last week is Howie Mandel.
02:40.10bleetahor, maybe it's the original.. in which caser, I'm curious if the original presenter had similar displayed tendencies to the aussie presenter
02:40.26WobWorkthen there's always 1vs100
02:40.40bleetahI must admit, tho, he's calmed down a bit in the past few months (or so I've seen when I've visited my mum and she's watching)
02:40.50scotepiTain: you know fox is coming out with "are you smater then a 5th grader"
02:41.52TainI want to belive you're joking, scotepi.  But I can't.
02:42.14scotepiit was on digg a month or so ago.. from the servivor person i think
02:50.23Tierrie|WorkFox is the #1 argument on why the fourth estate should be gagged
02:51.41ThorgardFox is also the #1 reason to why my hand smells funny right now. :/
02:52.19Tierrie|Workyou know what was the funniest thing I saw today? Barack Obama on Conan
02:52.23Tierrie|WorkBarack is one funny guy
02:52.57Tierrie|WorkHe can really think
02:53.19Tierrie|WorkContrasted with "I am the decider, and I decide"
02:53.23ThorgardThat's not a quality you want in a president. :/
02:53.44Tierrie|Work"I make decisions and the decision I am making is for the good of the country"
02:54.11Tierrie|Work"If you don't support our troops you are unpatrotic"
02:57.13scotepiwtf.. i cant make my chat window my whole screen :(
03:02.24*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
03:21.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
03:29.03*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
03:30.55TainGeez its been so long since they've shown other characters on Lost I forgot how the rest of them are.
03:31.17*** join/#wowi-lounge tingle (
03:31.35tinglegot a question
03:32.56KolthAsk it! :)
03:33.06tingleare there any tuts or something like that on how to use c++ to send packets to the game, for example send chat functions/packets or something along that to make anything happen ingame...?
03:33.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian_Alt (
03:33.36tingleor better said any game, how do use c++ to interact with a game
03:33.40Taintingle this isn't the first time you've asked something like that.  The answer is the same.  No.
03:33.45Thunder_Childcant as far as  i know
03:33.53KolthI'm not 100% sure you're even allowed to ask that question in here.
03:34.07Thunder_Childand even trying is prolly a violation of the TOA
03:34.14tinglei know
03:34.24KolthWoW-I is a compliant organization. So meh.
03:34.40tingleim not just talking WoW
03:34.40KolthAnyways, tingle, I bet no one has documented it.
03:34.51Thunder_Childcept , maybe glider
03:35.10KolthDoes Glider send packets?
03:35.10tingleglider, WoWbot and things like that do it too but they use visual basic .net
03:35.27tingleim thinking normal c++
03:35.34tinglebut im not talking about WoW
03:35.41KolthOh, what are you talking about?
03:35.46tinglegames or programms generaly
03:36.21tinglehow to use a c++ programm to interact with a programm
03:36.21KolthI can link you to some things like that.
03:36.21KolthHave you ever heard of Asheron's Call?
03:36.21tingleok coo
03:36.45tingleits a game i guess?
03:36.53KolthOlder MMORPG. The gist is that some folks wrote a complex plugin architecture for it.
03:37.18KolthA lot of the stuff with it are open source, I bet you could find some docs.
03:37.19bleetahone uses similar methods to that which recently cracked Blu-Ray/HD-DVD
03:37.45Thunder_ChildA MEM SCANNE/
03:37.47bleetahs/cracked/worked out how the encryption operates and how to bypass/
03:37.50Thunder_Childmeh, sry
03:37.55Thunder_Childa mem scanner?
03:38.36tinglewell im just looking for a explantion or a tut or something that shows me how to even plugin to a programm and react to data streams and reply with data streams,
03:38.49tinglefor example
03:38.57JohsBorkedata streams o.O
03:40.54tinglesomething built in c++ that would check if some chat happens that equals to certain value then reply to it by sending the same value back to the client makeing it repeat it, i know everything is client side but client side makes you chat serverside
03:40.57bleetahit must be my Solaris background.. I cringe everytime I see the word 'streams'
03:41.39Esamynnanyone here a Miner and knows what is different between Rich Adamantite Deposits and Adamantite Deposits?
03:42.32ThorgardRich Adamantite = Lots of more hits, better chance for gems and Eternium, from what I've 'seen'.
03:43.07tingleisnt there some c++ guid/explanation abou interacting with programms???
03:43.56EsamynnThorgard: Eternium has it's own node, correct?
03:44.01ThorgardEsamynn, nope.
03:44.13Esamynnwhere can it come from?
03:44.17JohsBorketingle: you can't interact with WoW, it's against teh ToS
03:44.21JohsBorkeno, we will not help you with it
03:44.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian_Alt (
03:45.06tinglei dont want to interact with WoW, i want to interact with gothic3,
03:45.20Karriontingle: there's plenty on the net about interprocess communication in C/C++, search for socket, send, recv. If you want help interacting with games other than WoW, you'll need to ask those games' communities, we don't know. If you want help interacting with WoW, we won't help you.
03:45.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
03:46.42tingleso i should typ socket, send, recv c++ in google? or interprocess communication c++ ?
03:47.01JohsBorketry all of them?
03:47.14Karrionany of those keywords should point you in the right direction
03:47.18JohsBorketingle: yous hould join #c++
03:47.23Tsikurayou'll need lots more info than that but its a start
03:47.40bleetahi'd start by googling for C++ FAQ's
03:50.47ThorgardEsamynn, uhm.. Rich Adamantite Deposit, Adamantite Deposit, Khorium Vein, Fel Iron Deposit
03:51.12Esamynnjust trying to come up with an option for an icon for Rich Adamantite deposits in Gatherer
03:51.56Esamynnany thoughts?
03:53.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
03:53.51ThorgardA darker blue version of the normal Adamantite icon.
03:54.32JohsBorkei second boobies
03:55.27TainBoobies for everyone.
03:56.14TainYou do not have the authority to veto boobies.
03:56.54EsamynnI do when it comes to Gatherer's choice of icons :P
03:56.57bleetahboobies have wonderous possibilities
03:57.07TainI would mine for boobies.
03:57.18Esamynnhey, I
03:57.24bleetahhell, I'd re-train all my toon's professions for boobies
03:57.40EsamynnI'm not saying there's anything wrong with boobies, it's just not a good choice in this case, realistically speaking
03:57.53ThorgardI think it's a great idea.
03:57.57TainSorry, I don't converse with boobie haters.
03:58.05scotepiis there anything like IsIgnored(name)?
03:58.10bleetahEsamynn: either way, I'm gunna publish the 'boobies' patch after you do your commit :-P
03:58.18ThorgardYou'll be walking around.. and suddenly you see boobies on your minimap. You're damn sure gonna go mine that stuff.
03:58.51ThorgardAnd instead of typing 'Vein' or 'Ore' in party chat, you'll go 'Boobies!' and run off.
04:02.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
04:04.33Thunder_Childthough to be fair, it's not usualy boobies that your 'mining"
04:07.51bleetahThunder_Child: depends what the node's into, I guess
04:08.20Thunder_Childehh...dont you mean what the miners into?
04:09.09bleetahthat too ;)
04:12.15bleetahmy only concern is that wowi wouldn't accept my 'boobies' patch to gatherer
04:12.44bleetahI wonder if they'd require a 'willies', too, just to be fair
04:12.54TainFree Willie
04:13.03Cairennof course we wouldn't, you know how uptight I am!
04:13.11Cairenn(accept it, that is)
04:13.15Thunder_Childwho let tain stop taking his meds
04:13.26TainFree boobies
04:13.44Cairennsheesh, you'd think I had a sense of humour or something, that I'd allow something like that on my site!
04:13.47TainCaptain Morgan has been giving me meds all night.
04:14.10Thunder_Childwhat, no hooker to go along with it?
04:14.47TainOh no.  You may find it hard to belive but they are in high demand on Valentines Day.
04:15.02bleetahCairenn: my only thought was that as WoW itself is 'T' rated, you may be slightly adverse to stuff that pushes that boundary a little ;)
04:15.15Thunder_Childhmm....i suppose that is why they call it VD Day
04:15.28bleetahdidn't think you would be upset, maybe one of the site's financial supporters, was all
04:15.41Cairennbleetah: I don't mind the boundries being pushed "a bit"
04:15.51TainYou can push the boobies a bit.
04:15.57bleetahso the 'rpono' version is right out, then? :P
04:16.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
04:16.14bleetahand no, purl, you're not getting an excercise of your regexp out of me on that one :P
04:16.33Thunder_Childwell there goes the mod for PiP streaming the playboy channel
04:16.58TainAlso my knee hurts and I should probably see a doctor.
04:17.07bleetahI'll just keep working on the Friday Night SBS Australia 'art house' film streaming version, then ;)
04:30.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
04:30.41*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
04:31.27TainI'm sorry, should I stop drinking and eating cheese and crackers in the nude?
04:31.45Cairenngo right ahead, I don't care
04:31.52CairennI was referring to the Gaim crashes
04:32.06TainOh that is different.
04:32.28JohsBorkepurl, hug Cairenn
04:32.29purlACTION jumps into Cairenn's lap and huggles and *hugs* Cairenn
04:37.25*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (
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04:51.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=mjgoosse@
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04:56.41Nom-purl: purl?
04:56.44purl[purl] an evil bot. rather slow at responding
04:56.54KolthWhy isn't purl faster?
04:56.57Nom-purl: jump on Tain
04:56.59purlACTION scrambles up the nearest tree, screams, then leaps feet first on top of on Tain
04:57.20Nom-oooo yeah
04:57.22Nom-binary hawtness!
04:58.37JohsBorkewoot! steamvaults and arcatraz run and i get 5 pieces of gear
04:59.05Nom-I'm going to hit BF tonight when I get home
04:59.43JohsBorkeand i won 2 DEs
05:00.39JohsBorkearcatraz was way easier than botanica
05:00.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
05:05.49Cairennomg, did you guys see Blizz's Valentine's Day commercial?
05:05.56Cairenntoo cute
05:06.34Thunder_Childyea, it's great
05:06.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
05:11.22JohsBorkenight all
05:11.33Cairennnight JohsBorke
05:11.40Cairennpurl, hug JohsBorke
05:11.42purlACTION sneaks up on JohsBorke and suddenly hugs JohsBorke tightly
05:11.57Mr_Rabies2purl is back
05:12.33Cairennaye, showed up some point this afternoon
05:12.54KolthThat's hilarious, Cair (the commercial)
05:15.28KolthThe TBC cinematic is so amazing.
05:15.37CairennI know
05:15.44KolthThough it is cold outside.
05:15.48Cairennstill makes me go "wow" every time I watch it
05:15.55KolthIt's just sad.
05:16.11KolthThe only thing keeping content like that from going to feature-length is money.
05:16.23KolthI think enough people would watch Blizzard features.
05:18.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairen1 (
05:18.30Mr_Rabies2i bet the live action movie is going to end up like Warcraft lord of the clans
05:27.27Cairen1new mod you guys might like, courtesy Iriel and Kudane:
05:32.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
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05:45.36*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Blorb (
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06:00.19KolthBest place to patch WoW from 1.0 to TBC?
06:00.57Kirkburn|afkWorld of Warcraft is the 94th most populated place ("country") in the world
06:01.04Kirkburn|afkMore people play WoW than live in Ireland and New Zealand combined
06:01.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
06:01.12Cairennsince I know some of you will get a chuckle out of this:;mid=1171518723163822360;page=1#117151880064412010
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06:06.52Cairennman, stupid internet is being flaky as all hell with this damn storm
06:08.19Cairennanyway, I'm for bed, night all
06:08.23Kolthnightnight cair
06:08.29SixenNight Ciarenn
06:15.46*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (
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06:24.53Nom-omg can't stop laughing lol
06:29.01Nom-hillarious string of emails going around the office
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06:50.49Mr_Rabies2are there any good replacements for moveanything? nothing else i've found lets me hide and scale stuff, and MA is outdated, even the more recently updated one, everything bugs out :[
06:54.06KolthVisor is nice.
06:58.38Nom-half our network is being kept alive by a generator right now :/
06:58.58KolthI hope it's bio-diesel!
06:59.08Nom-Natural gas i believe
06:59.25Nom-We've had to shut off all non-essential systems lol
06:59.28Nom-It's nuts
06:59.41Nom-I'm in the building that still has power luckily :D
07:02.48zenzelezzwasn't it water trouble the other day?
07:03.15Mr_Rabies2ooh visor does look like a nice replacement for moveanything
07:06.24Shadowedbah @ blizzard
07:06.29ShadowedArenas start in 23 hours, not today
07:25.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
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07:36.39Mr_Rabies2blarg, now i have Visor, but I can't figure out the names of the Frames for the action bars and stuff
07:46.02hasteMr_Rabies2: /print GetMouseFocus():GetName()
07:46.16hastejust hover over the frame and run that /print is defined by ace2
07:46.32Mr_Rabies2problem is i don't know what to focus on to get the whole bar
07:46.38Mr_Rabies2it just gets one action button
07:46.59haste/print GetMouseFocus():GetParent():GetName()
07:47.11hasteit might be easier to just look at blizzards XML tho' :)
08:06.14tlundMr_Rabies2: MultiBarBottomRight for example (if i understood your question right)
08:07.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
08:39.57Elessdygetparent:getname is a wonderful thing
08:40.17Elessdyone of the scripts i have bound to a key is to output both the mouse focus frame's name and its parent's name
08:44.16tlundwhy not just loop and output the entire stack?
08:45.20Corrodiasgetparent up to uiparent? well, generally i only want to know the current frame or maybe what it's attached to
08:45.38Corrodiasthe reason therefore being to avoid chat box spam or having to write the script
08:45.59Corrodiasotherwise, i think it's devtools that has a keybind to show the full stack of frames underneath the mouse, even those that are hidden
08:46.07Corrodiasi make use of that if i need to go deeper
08:46.32IndustrialMr_Rabies2: install devtools it has a nice display for frame names with their parents allt he way back to uiparent
08:47.07Mr_Rabies2visor has parents but it didn't look like the actionbuttons have the full bar as a parent O_o
08:58.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
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09:11.39Corrodiasthere are some pretty complex ways of accomplishing stuff for WoW UI's :o
09:13.21zenzelezzhow so?
09:14.17Corrodiasa specific example are state switching buttons/frames
09:16.19Corrodiasi just mean it seems to me, from the perspective of someone unfamiliar with them, that attributes and state changes can get complex
09:27.17KolthAnyone ever had a WoW patcher executable say the patch couldn't run because you're out of hard drive space (when you're not)?
09:27.36zenzelezzhow much free space do you have?
09:27.57KolthI had it on the E: partition which has 20GB.
09:28.05KolthI moved it back over to C which has 10GB.
09:28.11zenzelezzwell that's odd
09:35.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (
09:35.21KolthRestart sure didn't help.
09:35.57KolthTrying to get WoW from 1.0.0 to a place I can patch it to 2+
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09:59.31Mr_Rabies2doesn't installing bc automagically patch it to 2.0?
09:59.47KolthI can't seem to install TBC on top of 1.0.0
10:00.12KolthWhen I launch the TBC installer it just says, "Play ..." where I expect it to say "Install.."
10:00.14tlundwhere did you even get a 1.0.0?
10:00.19KolthFrom my CD
10:00.34tlundoh, the US cd:s came with 1.0.0?
10:00.41KolthI'm not 100% sure.
10:01.04KolthMy DVD drive is unplugged so I downloaded WoW and WoW:TBC
10:14.14Mr_Rabies2my cd is 1.0 i believe
10:14.22Mr_Rabies2but over time they've changed the CDs
10:14.38Mr_Rabies2so if you bought the game like last week it'd probably be 1.8 or so
10:15.41Industrialmine is 1.3
10:19.28KolthI've made my way up to 1.11.2 I think.
10:19.45KolthHilarious how much work this is now. I thought it was bad a year ago.
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10:20.38Kasothey really should just release a universal 1.x to 2.0 patcher
10:20.48KolthI think they have.
10:20.56Kasowhy couldnt you use that then?
10:21.05KolthI have 99% of the patches in pieces.
10:21.11Industrialhow about a patcher that checks files?
10:21.25KolthI see a 1.x->2.0.1 here.
10:21.32Corrodiasyou know, i've never spent much time in deadwind pass
10:21.42Corrodiasis there anything there of note other than karazhan?
10:22.00Kasotheres some interesting sights to see
10:22.05Kasobut not really anything useful
10:47.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
10:48.23KasoHighlights have already appeared on video-sharing/tv-stealing service Youtube.
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10:48.29Kasothats the best quote ever
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10:49.50subbawti just soloed undead strat, up to the zerg before baron :(
10:50.08Corrodiasaw, man, i can't solo strat...
10:50.17Corrodiasi couldn't even solo the one boss who holds the key
10:50.33subbawtim playing my friend's feral druid
10:50.43Corrodiasi use a balance/restoration druid
10:51.04Corrodiaswith low armor gear
10:53.30subbawtthe hardest boss for me was nerub'enkan
10:53.39subbawtwe actually killed eachother at the same time
10:55.05Corrodiasi should consider a new feral/restoration mix, but i would need to collect new gear
10:58.04*** part/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (i=89de5c13@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
10:58.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
11:12.47Mr_Rabies2i'm going 0/47/14 i think
11:13.00Mr_Rabies2i may drop thick hide
11:13.16Mr_Rabies2and get survival of the fittest
11:15.19Mr_Rabies2i dunno i may go with something like
11:15.31Mr_Rabies2i always do that
11:20.03Corrodiasthat looks like a true PvP spec
11:20.12Corrodiasexcept the lack of NS
11:22.43Corrodiaslooks exciting
11:29.25Corrodiassomething is interesting to me...
11:29.57Corrodiasmost aoe mage techniques focus on blizzard or CoC for most of the damage
11:30.40Corrodiasbut in that one video, the mage was using flamestrike, CoC, and arcane explosion
11:31.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
11:32.04subbawtapparently the archivist no longer drops a guaranteed orb
11:32.14subbawthe does, however, drop a boquet of roses
11:32.30nevcairielhe dropped a orb for us yesterday
11:32.36Corrodiasblizzard can't crit, so flamestrike has an advantage over blizzard as an opener in that it will get the 50% increased chance from Shatter
11:32.41subbawtwell i just soloed him
11:32.42subbawtno orb
11:33.00subbawtdevout gloves, mage book, bouquet of roses
11:34.41Corrodiasand you might have time to toss CoC before the frost nova breaks (assuming it doesn't break on them all when flamestrike hits), which would also have an increased crit chance
11:35.07Corrodiasat least on the ones that are still frozen
11:36.05Mr_Rabies2a lot of mages will start with a FN, then flamestrike, then blizzard as soon as flamestrike goes out
11:38.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Replenished (
11:38.44Corrodiasnow, how about comparing the +damage bonuses that flamestrike, blizzard, and arcane explosion get? i'm reading the formulas article...
11:40.35Mr_Rabies2lets go
11:40.59ReplenishedAny of you kids good at macros? xD
11:41.09axxoi'm the best
11:41.16Mr_Rabies2depends on the macro but maybe
11:41.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Sairen (
11:42.58ReplenishedAlright well, i'm trying to make a macro that make my pet target my last target and seduce it ;o
11:43.55Replenishedwhich is basicly /TargetLastTarget(); - new line - /cast seduction right ?
11:44.25Corrodiasi'm pretty sure /TargetLastTarget() is not a valid macro line
11:44.38Corrodiasit looks like you're using a function name as a slash command
11:45.35axxolose the () and caps
11:45.55ReplenishedWell.. i am basicly a nub when it comes to macros =[
11:46.00Corrodiashot damn, warlocks have a lot of damage spells
11:46.25Corrodiasof course, some may be exclusive of each other due to talent restrictions
11:46.42axxojust alot of curses
11:47.25Replenishedhm hold on a mo ill go try this
11:48.15Corrodiasyou know, arcane missiles looks pretty kickass by these numbers.
11:48.56Corrodiasoddly, flamestrike isn't even listed
11:49.26axxowarlock ones are wrong
11:49.48Corrodiasi suspect the page could use some reworking
11:50.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
11:53.31ReplenishedOk, heres my macro - i need to add the target last enemy to
11:55.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=najklord@
11:55.18Replenishedcant seem to add this macro
11:55.26Replenishedguess line by line oO
11:56.01Replenished./party seducing %T ./script PetAttack();
11:56.32Replenished./script CastPetAction(6); ./cast curse of shadow(rank 3)
11:56.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
11:57.42Mr_Rabies2none of that /script stuff works in macros anymore
11:58.05Mr_Rabies2and /cast Seduction
11:58.20Mr_Rabies2if petaction 6 is seduction that is
11:59.45axxoor skip the petattack all together
11:59.45Mr_Rabies2/p seducing %t
12:00.01Mr_Rabies2true, if petattack is seduction :p
12:00.10Mr_Rabies2petaction 6
12:00.27Mr_Rabies2which i guess it is
12:00.35Mr_Rabies2/p Seducing %t
12:00.41Mr_Rabies2/cast Seduction
12:00.58Mr_Rabies2/cast Curse of Shadows
12:01.02Mr_Rabies2i think should do it
12:01.04ReplenishedDoesnt it? =/ so what do i use instead of scripts
12:01.24Mr_Rabies2try that
12:02.15Industrialremove the dots
12:04.00ReplenishedYah that works
12:04.12axxoyou need castsequence and press it tiwce
12:04.17ReplenishedSo can i add the target last enemy at all ?
12:11.25wobinKemayo: woo, thank you for the
12:14.35Replenishedah anywho thanx guys
12:14.41Replenishedand grils! ;o
12:15.19Corrodiasthe numbers game!
12:15.46Corrodiasso tough
12:15.55Corrodiasi guess my only choice will be to try out both techniques and see which one is more effective
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12:43.24Mr_Rabies2my WAU keeps updating the same addons time after time
12:44.21Corrodiasemule reports to me that the cumulative TCP/UDP overhead for the files i've uploaded since i got this computer amounts to just over 7 GB
12:44.37Corrodiasthat's probably emule-related traffic, not packet overhead
12:45.34Corrodiasit would be silly to keep track of the latter
12:46.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Jocco_S (
12:46.40Corrodiasi rest well knowing that people would have 80gb more data than they would if i hadn't had it running
12:46.47Corrodias*do have
12:47.05subbawtis there a weapon enchant that is superior to +5 weapon damage now? (like +6?)
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12:49.44Corrodiasi shall sleep now
12:49.49Corrodiasi don't know the answer
12:51.07Industrialdoes +5 weapon damage mean hitting 305 instead of 300 ?
12:53.36Industrialwhat crap is that? who would want that?
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12:53.59Kasorogues, its good for backstab
12:54.06Kasowell, partly
12:54.10Industrial+5 lol, useless at level 20 >_>
12:54.11Corrodiasit may or may not be normalized across weapon speeds
12:54.12Industrialhow so
12:54.27SunTigerokay a 100 200 weapon 1 speed vs a 105 205 weapon 1 speed
12:54.34SunTigerwich one is better ?
12:54.48Corrodiasi don't understand your notation
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12:55.17Corrodiaswhat is a 100 200 weapon 1 speed
12:55.18Industrialthe second, by five average damage per hit, your point being?
12:56.15Corrodiasit's for twinks, i guess
12:56.18subbawtit does more for a dagger rogue's dps than 15 agility in most cases
12:57.00SunTigerhmm damage wise, yes
12:57.06Corrodiasnobody in their right mind would pay a significant amount for 5 more damage on a weapon past a low level
12:57.07Industriali don t see how 5 damage is worth anything even at level 20
12:57.14SunTiger15 agi = 15 ap is slightly more then 1 dps
12:57.57SunTigerlets say on a really slow dagger (2 speed) 2 dps gets you 2 extra damage
12:58.02Corrodiasi can't say about 20... but consider 40
12:58.03SunTiger+5 clearly wins for damage
12:58.20Industrialat 20 you hit with 40 damage or so?
12:58.54Corrodiasit would be an increase in damage of greater than 10% if that were the case
12:58.56Corrodiasdefinitely worth it
12:59.16Corrodias10% is my general guideline for significance
12:59.33subbawtfor a combat daggers rogue
12:59.43subbawttheir white damage is like 50% of their damage
12:59.56Corrodiasbut you say that's the highest that's available, before the expansion? level 60?
13:00.43subbawtthey're keeping slice and dice up at all times, so their attack speed with a 1.80 speed dagger is nearing 1.00 speed
13:01.48subbawtyou're not going to find an enchant that increases your DPS by 10% at level 60
13:02.06Industrialhehe i can remember ragnarok online, arch er would have so much agi in high levels your speed would be so hight that your arrows just shoot in a constant line :P
13:02.06subbawtor 70 now, rather
13:02.10Nickenyfikenhehe hmm whats going on with WAU? :-)
13:02.40Corrodiasthey're applying another hotfix for roots
13:03.01Mr_Rabies2in 9 mins to my server
13:03.06subbawtwhat is going on?
13:03.26subbawti see the restart message, but what is the reasoning?
13:03.42Corrodiasentangling roots has a tendency to do... nothing
13:03.55Corrodiasit's really quite disruptive to balance spec druids like myself
13:03.58subbawthrm, when was that broken?
13:04.04subbawti rooted something yesterday
13:04.06Corrodiasas far as i know, 2.0.7
13:04.25Corrodiaswell, i said tendency. the message says it "occasionally" has a problem.
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13:05.03Corrodiasbut i was playing my little mage today, so i don't know how common it is
13:05.22Corrodiasspeaking of which, enough of this idle chatter. i must get to bed so i can get back up so i can play WoW!
13:09.39Mr_Rabies2i rarely ever use roots anyway
13:11.35CorrodiasPVP_RANK_18_0 = "High Warlord";
13:11.50CorrodiasPVP_RANK_6_0 = "Grunt";
13:11.56CorrodiasPVP_RANK_4_1 = "Dishonored";
13:12.06CorrodiasPVP_RANK_3_0 = "Exiled";
13:12.13CorrodiasPVP_RANK_2_0 = "Outlaw";
13:12.18CorrodiasPVP_RANK_1_0 = "Pariah";
13:12.25Corrodiasi've never heard of those lower ones
13:12.40subbawtme neither
13:12.51Kasoi remeber when they were on the cards, but i dont think they ever made it to a public test
13:13.00Corrodiasthat's from "A large list of global string variables in WoW."
13:13.01subbawti saw a page one time and it had some above High Warlord
13:13.23Industrialexiled, hmm, that seems cool
13:13.37Industrialimagine bandit guilds :P
13:13.49Nickenyfikenbah i hate all the upates to WAU
13:14.11Nickenyfikenor you kidding?
13:14.24KasoYou have more than 5 hours of online time. You will not be able to gain loot, XP, or complete quests. Your rest state will reset in %d hours of offline time. Please log out to get rest and exercise.";
13:15.03CorrodiasKaso: stop being so chinese
13:15.07Kasoha :>
13:15.15Kasoi wish i could turn that on sometimes when i was playing wow
13:15.28Corrodiasit's easy. just move to china!
13:15.45Corrodiasit's -just that easy-!
13:16.22Kaso"Tigole: Level 40 Human Rogue <Legacy of Steel> - Westfall"
13:16.29IndustrialNickenyfiken: /join #wau
13:17.07IndustrialKaso: ?
13:17.21Kasoin the comments of globalstrings
13:17.35Kasoas an example of the format of WHO_LIST_GUILD_FORMAT
13:17.49Kasojust find it amusing somehow
13:22.05Industrialhehe undead are the most fun race to name
13:22.15Industrial"Graveworm" "lfjaw"
13:22.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Thorarin (
13:23.33Corrodiasblood elves can bend their ears...
13:25.06Industrial"squidface" for draenei, hmm
13:25.23Corrodiasaw. /blow is a blowing-a-kiss emote.
13:26.48Corrodiasbut /jk seems to be one not listed in emotefu
13:29.57*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
13:30.58Mr_Rabies2what about /bleed
13:32.07Mr_Rabies2also go to bed you putz
13:32.55Mr_Rabies2<Corrodias> i've never heard of those lower ones
13:33.07Mr_Rabies2dishonored was as low as you could ever go, and they removed that
13:33.32Mr_Rabies2you went to dishonored if you got a bunch of dhks at private
13:33.41CorrodiasTITLE_TEMPLATE = "%s of the %s"; -- Character's title and faction, as in "Bob of the Carpenters' Guild"
13:34.00Corrodiasinteresting, @ rabies
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13:40.04subbawtyay solod wyrmthalak
13:40.35CorrodiasWORLD_PORT_ROOT_TIMER = "You have fallen through the world. You will be rooted here for %d %s.";
13:40.47Kasothats interesting
13:40.57Corrodiasi think plenty of videos have demonstrated that people don't get rooted in place for falling through the world
13:41.20Kasoits either something they couldnt impliment well, or something they are going to implement
13:42.02Kasoseeing as its been here since 1.1 i think its the former
13:42.36Industriali remember having seen the AQ entrance at 1.3
13:42.40Corrodiasi agree
13:42.42Industrial(priv server)
13:43.06Kasobehind the wall was far more interesting before the AQ patch came out
13:43.15Kasooh wall walking, how i miss you
13:54.15Mr_Rabies2i've seen inside zul'aman and the black temple, so there :p
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14:13.49Corrodiaswell, well,
14:14.04Corrodiasi've seen that big blank area on the west side of tirisfal glades. so there. ._.
14:14.20Corrodiasbig explorer, me
14:18.23Corrodiasnothing interesting there, anyway :P
14:19.25Kasothe void south of Un'goro is pretty cool
14:22.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz (n=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
14:25.45CorrodiasWELL now i'm actually going to sleep, now that i've finished all my preparation. 'ni
14:26.08wobinI've seen inside Dalaran
14:29.01Gnarfozgreat, you've seen an empty circle beneath a big arcane dome thingy
14:29.37Industrialwobin: :o
14:29.41Industrialwobin: anything there?
14:31.00wobinPRetty much what Gnarfoz  said =P
14:31.09wobinIt's pretty barren =P
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15:18.53hasteno, then I have one day less of nothingness
15:19.28hastes/of/day of/
15:19.36hasteokey, I'm too tired :(
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15:24.46Industrialfriday math test eeep
15:34.58*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
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15:44.56Kirkburn|afkBtw, UK PS3 pre-orders if anyone wants one:
15:46.25KasoYou Save:  Â£0.01
15:46.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
15:46.28TS|Skrom_Computer Question: My computer is reporting that I am low on Hard drive space. I've found that when I right click on the WINDOWS folder it shows size of 20gb... ! but when I go into the folder and select all files and check their size it only reads as around 1.5gb
15:46.32TS|Skrom_What am I missing?
15:46.48KasoHidden files no doubt
15:46.52TS|Skrom_Have all shown
15:47.23krkai think the keyword is "WINDOWS"
15:47.29Xuerianskrom: Get WinDirStat
15:47.55XuerianProvides a nice map of where all your space decided to run off to :)
15:49.38krka<3 Baobab
15:50.22krkabest ever
15:50.34TS|Skrom_wtf it's showing 18gb in a folder called CSC
15:50.44TS|Skrom_which isn't showing up in explorer
15:51.27TS|Skrom_ohhh haha
15:51.39TS|Skrom_I really should unsynchronize the 18gigs I keep in my server share
15:51.49TS|Skrom_I'm never not connected ...
15:53.17Xueriankrka: SequoyaView and then WinDirStat both display data in a much more readable format than that. :)
15:53.31krkascreenshot or you're lying :P
15:53.51XuerianGimmie a minute to analyze a drive :P
15:55.37krkaperfectly clear:
15:56.20XuerianTo be fair, I didn't mean the directory tree. That's a slightly less detailed but perfectly functional rip of both the above apps :P
15:56.30*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
15:57.10sysragethey were also talking about windows :\
15:57.28Xuerianplatform isn't a excuse.
15:57.49XuerianAll are free apps developed by independant/small developers in one way or another ;P
15:57.53krkatbh i dont see the point of treemaps
15:58.16sysragethe guy asked how to find out what's using his space up in windows. a linux app is not going to help him
15:58.30Xueriansysrage: Oh, yeah. That is a good point :P
15:59.36Xueriankrka: They're a excellent at-a-glance overview of what's on your drive and where.
15:59.38krkasysrage: just reboot into the gnome live cd and run baobab on the mounted windows partition
15:59.54krkahmm... when i said gnome there, i meant ubuntu
16:00.10sysrageor instead of wasting time getting a livecd, burning it, and rebooting, he could use one of the billion windows apps that do the same thing
16:00.59sysrageanyway. runchtime
16:01.09XuerianDo enjoy :P
16:01.14TS|Skrom_thanks for the top on the treemap, gave me exactly what I needed.
16:03.13*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
16:05.05Xuerianhttp:// (Gave up on uploading my own.... grraaaaah <stabs dialup repeatedly>)
16:06.11zenzelezzlooks like Sequoia View with a tree/file listing
16:06.49XuerianThat's why I said SequoiaView->WinDirStat, it was a rather bald ripoff, just like baobab
16:06.56IndustrialXuerian: dude do you live in the desert?
16:07.10Kasowow thats pretty
16:07.16XuerianIndustrial: 25 miles from ... 2002?'s most wired city in the us
16:07.38zenzelezzI didn't read any of the stuff before the link
16:07.46IndustrialXuerian: 2007, dailup.. 2007 ... dialup.. that doesnt mix :P
16:07.58XuerianIndustrial: No, really? :)
16:08.15Industrialgetting 20mbit soon >_>
16:08.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
16:08.24Industriallol :X
16:09.01Industrialke ke
16:10.00IndustrialXuerian: no but seriously, this was cheaper then my phone bill
16:10.22*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|work (
16:10.25Industrialegypt? :o
16:10.39XuerianHere, my data drive:
16:10.42TS|Skrom_hahaha how funny, I signed up for this dating service thing (free) about 6 months ago
16:10.57TS|Skrom_and you can't put your email address on your profile or anything since they want you to use theirs
16:11.11XuerianIndustrial: I know, it's not that it doesn't exist around here, we're just out of range of dsl, cable, out of LOS for wireless, and satellite is decidedly not cheaper than dialup :P
16:11.18TS|Skrom_but I used all lower case words in my profile except for chunks of my email address
16:11.27TS|Skrom_just to see if anyone was smart enough to figure it out and would email me
16:11.31TS|Skrom_I got my first bite today
16:13.08Cairennbiting can be fun ...
16:13.21TS|Skrom_yeah the email read "I figured out your clues on your profile, so here I am emailing you"
16:13.56TS|Skrom_I was surprised lol
16:14.57TS|Skrom_Xuerian how is TitanQuest?
16:15.52Xuerianskrom: It's a excellent lan hack-n-slash.. I haven't played it otherwise
16:16.01XuerianPurty as all get out.
16:16.14XuerianCairenn: rawr o.o
16:17.04TS|Skrom_I've been playing Dungeons and Dragons online for 3 days. It's enjoyable
16:17.22TS|Skrom_Lan Hack-n-slash is almost a fitting description there too
16:17.25TS|Skrom_except not LAN
16:18.55XuerianWas following D&DO for a while.. Gave up after it passed beta. Was waiting for NWN2, but that kinda got shoved out the door a year premature..
16:19.11TS|Skrom_I can't find my NWN cd's I'm bummed
16:20.04TS|Skrom_well, maybe
16:20.10TS|Skrom_I don't know. Maybe on the second pc
16:20.15XuerianIf you do, your cdkey.ini has all your keys
16:20.19XuerianYou can just torrent the diamond dvd
16:20.40TS|Skrom_I see
16:20.44TS|Skrom_good to know
16:21.41TS|Skrom_So far I've tried Fighter, Rogue and Cleric to level 2, and Sorceror to level 3
16:22.05XuerianHow long's it take to get them that far?
16:23.06TS|Skrom_about 2 hours maybe for level 2
16:23.15TS|Skrom_about 7 hours for leve3
16:23.24TS|Skrom_maybe less I don't know
16:23.25XuerianMax is 20?
16:23.27TS|Skrom_time's flying
16:23.35TS|Skrom_max is currently 12
16:23.40TS|Skrom_increasing to 14 soon
16:23.45XuerianHeh... owch
16:29.45CairennI know some people that *so* need this:
16:32.00axxogief! now!
16:33.08*** join/#wowi-lounge nuOHEP (
16:33.39BouviThat is weird.  A clock that runs from you.
16:33.55axxono, that is brilliant
16:34.14BouviStill weird.
16:35.27*** join/#wowi-lounge amweiss (
16:35.35*** part/#wowi-lounge amweiss (
16:35.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Jocco_S (
16:37.59Xuerianlol. I saw that a while back, though it was a fuzzy one.
16:38.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=mjgoosse@
16:38.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
16:41.01XuerianOh, they do sell fuzzy ones <.<
16:41.11kergoththats awesome, i need that
16:41.37*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
16:41.43XuerianI'd just sleep through it =|
16:41.56sysrageheh. i think i hit snooze 6 times this morning
16:42.06kergothi was good, i only snoozed for about 20 minutes
16:51.27jaxdahldid you know you can put a blue gem in red socket?
16:51.34jaxdahlyou just don't get the bonus
16:51.43zenzelezzgoes for most gems I think
16:51.49sysragei didn't know that
16:51.55zenzelezzso be careful
16:52.36*** join/#wowi-lounge TC_Working (
16:53.30KasoYah the colors are only for the bonuses, i know alot of people who just stack the same gem in all thier slots
16:53.38Kasobut thats a bad thing to do once you start getting meta gems
16:54.06zenzelezzso you mean it's intentional?
16:56.29KasoYou can choose to stack one stat, but at a cost
16:56.30zenzelezzso I could load up all my sockets with 12 stamina
16:57.01Kasoif you're willing to take the cost yup
16:57.13Kasoi was like that in diablo too i think
16:59.28*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
17:00.16Gnarfozdiablo had socket bonuses?
17:03.29Kasonah you're right they didn't guess im just confabulating that memory
17:04.46Industrialmy dad is my clock, when i press snooze he rips off the sheets:<
17:04.54Industrialcrap didnt scroll down
17:04.59Industrial(about the clock thing)
17:05.24Industrial!karma Industrial
17:05.32Xuerianbot gone :(
17:06.39Industrialwtb socketed greens at level 10+
17:06.43Industriallike diablo
17:06.43*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
17:06.52Industrialpoison damage and all that, fun >:)
17:07.00Industrialah makes me wanna play diablo
17:07.40Industriali never played it online but the first char i made was a necromancer and I wanted as many minions as I could ghe ghe
17:07.55XuerianJust play guildwars :p
17:08.19XuerianNothing quite like raising two bone fiends from your enemies' corpses and then killing them with a horde of eight or ten
17:08.41XuerianNecromancer/Monk ftw :P
17:09.44IndustrialYou don't have to spend countless hours on a leveling treadmill to get to the interesting parts of the game, because combat is designed to be strategically interesting and challenging right from the beginning.
17:09.48Industrialwhy dont i believe this?
17:10.26Industrialin Guild Wars, all characters live in one seamless world.
17:11.11KasoI never liked guild wars what little i played of it
17:11.11XuerianIt's just seamless in different places XD
17:11.24Kasothe whole "instanced world" thing seemed so dis-joined to me
17:11.41XuerianIt doesn't compare to wow on the massive scale, but it beats the smoothness of wow pvp and the teamwork (except cohesive guild raids) hands down
17:12.08Industrialdoes it have siege and castles?
17:12.18XuerianTo a extent
17:12.26Industrial(i lvoed that in daoc)
17:13.08XuerianNot like DOAC, but it does have guilds, guild wars (shocking), tournaments, and assaults on the guild hall of opposing factions :P
17:13.40Industrialooo :P
17:16.50IndustrialThe Necromancer requires patience and discipline to master. <-- thats so my class :P
17:17.22XuerianNecro is fun... :3
17:21.30Industrialis there an xday trial?
17:21.54Industrialholiday in 2 weeks im broke lol :P
17:22.02XuerianYou can get invitations from people for 10-day trials, I think
17:27.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Jebster (
17:27.07Jebsterhey alls
17:34.24*** join/#wowi-lounge _aLF (
17:46.21*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
17:46.21*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Paste Code Here: | Happy Valentine's Day!
17:51.58*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
17:54.33JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn
17:54.35purlACTION sneaks up on Cairenn and suddenly hugs Cairenn tightly
17:54.40Cairennpurl, hug JoshBorke
17:54.42purlACTION hugs JoshBorke tightly until JoshBorke turns slightly blue
17:55.21TC_Workingi swear purls arms are going to fall off from all this huging
17:55.59purlaw, gee, Elkano
17:56.25JoshBorke~whaleslap Xuerian
17:56.26purlACTION beats Xuerian upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
17:57.43TC_Working~whaleparry JoshBorke
17:57.45purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry JoshBorke's attacks.
17:58.24Elkano~whalenametheft TC_Working
17:58.26purlACTION watches in awe as a rather menacing whale named Reginald (who also happens to be well versed in the art of marketing) kicks TC_Working's ass and steals his/her name. The now anonymous target weeps.
17:58.31JoshBorke~whaledodge TC_Working
17:58.34XuerianHey, I didn't say it
17:58.37XuerianYou had to be thinking it too!
17:59.29TC_Workingheh, someone had to much time on their hands
18:01.03Jebsterwhat is a cartographer mod all about?
18:01.17TC_Workingit's all about goodness
18:01.19XuerianEverything map related :P
18:01.19cogwheel|workJebster: read its description :P
18:01.40Jebsteroh... good idea lol :P
18:01.51Jebsterwhat does cartographer mean?
18:02.05TC_Workingit's old english
18:02.09Xuerian~dict Cartographer
18:02.10TC_Workingfor someone who makes maps
18:02.13TC_Workingi think
18:02.13Jebsterif i know what it means i can make a guess :P
18:02.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Bouvi (n=Bouvi@
18:02.30TC_Workinghey, i used my brain...
18:02.30Jebsterthanks for the help
18:02.40XuerianI used purl's brain :D
18:02.42purl:), Xuerian
18:03.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
18:03.04*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
18:03.34XuerianInformation age isn't only about knowing things, it's knowing where to find things out :3 my head
18:03.51XuerianThough that was just pure laziness. I knew it anyway :p
18:05.03*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
18:05.50XuerianI did o_0
18:06.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
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18:08.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
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18:10.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh`` (
18:27.50Mr_Rabies2ding 70 (finally)
18:28.27Mr_Rabies2just 3000 more g till i can get my epic flying
18:29.02sysragesucks. i need about 2k more but there's no more damn quests to do
18:32.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh`` (
18:41.18Industrialwas blizzard the first to implement ingame mail?
18:41.46Industrialsysrage: you did all quests?
18:42.18sysragejust have a few dungeon quests left
18:42.22sysrageand 2 group quests in SV
18:43.12JoshBorkeMr_Rabies: grats!
18:43.27TC_Workinggratz Mr_Rabies2
18:43.45Mr_Rabies2haha thanks :p
18:43.55Mr_Rabies2i really putzed around though
18:44.13XuerianGrats, Mr_Rabies :P
18:44.13TC_Workinghey i'm still 10k from 62
18:44.22TC_Workingi know all about putzing around
18:44.56zenzelezzyou know things are slow when raid chat goes "[Raid] [...]: he asked me if he could be my rollercoaster, out of nowhere.. i said 'what?' he said 'so you can ride me whenever you want' i think not :P"
18:44.56XuerianBah XD
18:45.49Industrialzenzelezz: s/he/she/ :p
18:46.13zenzelezzIndustrial: I'm just quoting
18:46.24Industriali know :3
18:47.32Mr_Rabies2haha sys
18:55.02*** join/#wowi-lounge scotepi (
18:57.18scotepianyone else notice settings arnt saving in 2.0.7?
18:58.26cogwheel|worknot me
18:58.53*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
18:59.28scotepithere all "out of date" addons
19:00.40cogwheel|workSo enable out-of-date addons...
19:00.52cogwheel|workYou have to do that after every patch
19:00.58scotepii did but there settings arnt being saved
19:01.15BouviSettings for what?
19:01.45scotepiall in one inventory, charicter viewer, characterprofiler
19:01.57Kasohave you tried saving and logging off a couple times? if you're on a mac do you have full write access to your wow folder still.
19:02.01scotepiand a few others
19:04.30BouviI have had no iddues but I am not using their mods.
19:07.20scotepiwhats a good program to updates tocs? wowtoc is realy out of date
19:07.51KasoWhy do you want to update tocs?
19:08.30BouviI never update tocs.  Why hassle with it when you can just check the load out of date option
19:09.05scotepi2.0.8 is out
19:09.09scotepilike 5 sec ago
19:09.24cogwheel|workThe ## Interface number is there for a reason. If you go through a patch and are having trouble with your addons, you have an easy way to see what needs updating
19:10.05Kasooh really?
19:10.17scotepii just reloged and had a update
19:10.53Kasowhats the notes say?
19:10.57cogwheel|workare you sure?
19:11.03scotepiit just fixes arean scoreboard
19:11.29scotepiyes i jsut installed it
19:11.31KasoSeems odd they'd push a patch live so quickly
19:11.36cogwheel|workoh ... there it is
19:11.46cogwheel|workweird... i logged in once and it wasn't there... now it is
19:11.55Kasoi'd be sorta weary incase they pushed a patch live too earily accidently like they did with 2.0.5
19:11.56scotepi"unable to validate game version" GG
19:12.06Kasoah, i was right?
19:12.47scotepinow it works
19:12.59nevcairielno patch for EU
19:13.16nevcairieli guess
19:13.22nevcairieli hope it finally fixes my roots!
19:14.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
19:14.53scotepiits just a ui patch
19:16.34JoshBorke2.0.8 just got released?
19:16.35JoshBorkemid day?
19:16.51scotepiit nothin major
19:17.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
19:18.22BouviNeed opinions from everyone except Cogwheel:
19:19.10JoshBorkeerm, now i can't login
19:19.10BouviOf course I am sure the first post there will be Cogwheels LOL
19:19.55scotepigame version again
19:20.12scotepiJoshBorke: try a few times
19:23.56KasoOoh we're getting [flyable] for macros wonderful
19:24.05Kasothat was someone in here's suggestion wasnt it?
19:24.33cogwheel|workit's been on my 2.0 suggestions thread for months
19:24.42JoshBorkeyea, works now
19:24.58cogwheel|workdon't know where the idea came from originally
19:26.05Kasoi guess it was fairly unanimous, its something obviously lacking from the current macro system
19:29.25BouviAre the 2.0.8 patch notes somewhere?
19:30.31cogwheel|workBouvi: it's one patch note... something along the lines of "fixes a display issue with arena scoreboard"
19:30.33*** join/#wowi-lounge kelvie (n=kelvie@
19:31.05BouviNice I just saw on forums where they hotfixed "The entagle ability of druids to work correctly:
19:31.17cogwheel|workthat's server-side
19:31.28cogwheel|workthe patch was simply a UI issue
19:31.32BouviDarn details lol
19:36.49*** join/#wowi-lounge KrmtDfrog (
19:37.22KrmtDfrogsurprisingly large channel, 120 idlers?
19:38.26KasoThat it is.
19:39.24BouviOf course statistically speaking it is not even 1% of the people that deal with this game.  If 1% joined the server would prob crash.
19:40.23BouviImagine 80,000 people in this one channel
19:40.30KrmtDfrogconsidering #wow has 6 ppl including chanserv
19:40.38cogwheel|worka lot of people leave this channel on in the background so they're available if people need them
19:40.52KrmtDfrograther surprising that this many ppl would give a damn about a wiki
19:41.08Kasothis aint #wowwiki
19:41.11cogwheel|workit's not "about a wiki"
19:41.11XuerianKrmtDfrog: this isn't the wiki channel, though :P
19:41.27cogwheel|workit's about modding in general
19:41.33KrmtDfrogoh well then
19:41.34cogwheel|works/modding/wow modding/
19:41.37KrmtDfroghow bout that :B
19:42.35*** part/#wowi-lounge KrmtDfrog (
19:42.53Kasobye then
19:43.32BouviPeople that just go from channel to channel amuse me.
19:45.57*** join/#wowi-lounge jinxed (n=some@
19:48.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
19:50.17jinxedi found some info that doesnt seem like its right on one of the pages
19:50.22jinxedwho can change/fix/verify?
19:51.02BouviWhat are you talking about?
19:51.03KasoWhere do you mean?
19:51.27cogwheel|workif you mean wowwiki, you can fix it yourself :P
19:52.26jinxedthe presence of might
19:52.27BouviWe are wow modders not wiki people
19:52.38jinxedoh O.o
19:52.42jinxeddid i join the wrong channel?
19:52.54Kasobut the whole point of a wiki is that anyone can edit it
19:52.56jinxedO.o woops
19:53.12*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
19:53.19jinxedi thought it would have been managed due to 8million ppl your bound to find a bad egg ;x
19:53.47Kasoand a team of dedicated nerds who watch out and revert any vandilsim
19:54.14jinxedi have been in search of a mod that makes it so ppl/npc/mobs that are more than like 20yards away readable
19:54.28jinxedso it enlarges names the farther they are away
19:54.37jinxedor makes them easy to read
19:54.40jinxedanyone know about one?
19:54.49Kasothe text above the heads of units isnt alterable by mods im afraid
19:56.29jinxedthats lame.
20:06.49Esamynn~poke cogwheel|work
20:06.51purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind cogwheel|work, pokes cogwheel|work repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
20:06.53Esamynn~bzfrag Bouvi
20:06.55purlACTION blindsides Bouvi with an invisible bullet
20:20.25*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
20:23.13Kasoi find this article amusing:
20:35.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Jebster_0075 (
20:36.16Jebster_0075What should i do if i dont have an addon folder in my interface folder?
20:36.29KasoCreate one, "AddOns"
20:36.37JoshBorkelog in to wow and it'll create one for you
20:36.44Kasoor that too
20:36.46Jebster_0075ok, will do
20:36.59Kasoyah forgot about the default wow addons nowadays
20:43.07Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty sure there's not a 2.0.8
20:43.13Mr_Rabies2i think that may be a keylogger :O
20:43.16cogwheel|workjust came out today
20:43.26Mr_Rabies2really? wth?
20:43.52Mr_Rabies2link to notes? :O
20:44.07cogwheel|workonly one note... they fixed a display issue with the arena scoreboard
20:44.33sysragecan't believe my damn pet bar is STILL fubar
20:44.53cogwheel|worksysrage: uninstall whatever addon is tainting it
20:45.16sysragebut i need my cooldown count!
20:45.54*** join/#wowi-lounge peterl (
20:46.24Jebster_0075i made that addon folder in the interface folder but i still dont have the addon button when i log in...
20:46.54Jebster_0075so i cant use it...
20:46.58JoshBorkeJebster_0075: you won't until you install third party addons
20:47.05Jebster_0075what are they
20:47.26jinxedi dl'd 2.08 via blizzard DLr
20:47.29jinxedarena fixes
20:47.31JoshBorkeaddons (also known as mods) are things that can enhance your play experience
20:47.51Jebster_0075but what are third party ones?
20:48.06JoshBorkeones not released by blizzard
20:48.56Jebster_0075i have just downloaded tha gatherer one from here, and when i went to copy it into th addon folder inside the interfacefolder, the addon folder wasnt rthere...
20:49.25KasoJust make the folder then
20:49.59Jebster_0075i did, then i pt the gatherer addon inside it and restarted wow and i couldt see the addon button in the bottom left...
20:50.10JoshBorkethen you probably did something wrong
20:50.25JoshBorkedid you unzip the gatherer addon?
20:51.00Jebster_0075yes, should i or should inot delete thezipped folder icon afer ive unziped it? and keep the folder thats unzipped?
20:51.15JoshBorkeyou don't need the zipped one, let me find the FAQ on wowi, one sec
20:51.24JoshBorkeand then i gotta go
20:51.49JoshBorkeok, bb
20:52.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Jebster_0069 (
20:52.57Jebster_0069sorry about that,can you give me the link again?
21:03.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
21:04.44*** join/#wowi-lounge wobin (
21:07.16Scre3mcan anyone here suggest a GOOD wireless mouse (for playing WoW)?
21:07.27cogwheel|work<3 logitech g7
21:07.42cogwheel|workjust got mine last week :)
21:07.46Mr_Rabies2is superior
21:07.54Mr_Rabies2sorry, g7 is made of fail
21:08.06BouviI love my Wireless Intellimouse by (shudder) microsoft
21:08.11Mr_Rabies2my battery lasts for about a week of solid wow play :p
21:08.41Scre3mi don't see mx1000 on newegg, got a link?
21:09.42Scre3mwonder why newegg doesn't have it
21:10.25BouviNice looking mouse
21:10.39cogwheel|worki've used the g7, g5 (same but wired) & the mx1000... I like the g7 better... /shrug
21:11.00KasoI always loved my razer for gaming, the mx1000 always seemed so heavy
21:11.06Scre3mthis one?
21:11.09Kasothen again, i also dispise coardless mice
21:11.12nevcairielive a g5 right now, and i wouldnt want anything else
21:11.19cogwheel|workScre3m: yep
21:11.32Scre3mdoes it have a "tilt" wheel?
21:11.45Scre3mim looking for more buttons to use with HealBot and Clique
21:11.54Scre3mcool, i'll get that one
21:12.34cogwheel|workyeah... it's got left, right, middle, tilt right, tilt left, back, & the two DPI buttons can be reconfigured (i use them for cycling my stances)
21:13.30Scre3mhow long does battery last before recharging?
21:13.49TC_Working2 min
21:13.51cogwheel|workIt comes with two batteries that you can easily swap out
21:14.28cogwheel|workI've only changed mine once in the last week, but I can't say I've really sat at my computer much in that time... it's been... unruly recently
21:15.29pastamancerhrm, does UnitExists throw an error if you call it with a string that isn't a valid unitid (ex. UnitExists("taco"))?  I'm at work, otherwise I'd check myself.
21:16.37Mr_Rabies2<Kaso> I always loved my razer for gaming, the mx1000 always seemed so heavy
21:16.59Mr_Rabies2the thing about the mx1000 is when you grip it it feels lighter than most other mice because you grip it with 3 fingers instead of 2
21:17.30Mr_Rabies2and it doesn't act like a wireless mouse at all, i've had no problems with it, even in a room with 3 mx1000s in it
21:17.30wobinoh man
21:17.34wobinIf a taco didn't exist, WoW wouldn't be worth playing =P
21:17.43Mr_Rabies2but it only works for righties :x
21:17.54KasoThe thing i have with wireless is the chargers, i always forget to put em back on charge and i end up running out mid way through a session
21:18.21ShadowedScre3m: MX1000!
21:18.26Kasoalso the wieght of the batteries
21:18.33Kasocomparied to a wired you cant compete
21:18.37Scre3mdoes the MX1000  have a tilt wheel?
21:18.58ShadowedIf you mean can you tilt the scroll wheel, then yes
21:19.18ShadowedAlthough I don't think WoW will pick that up
21:19.37cogwheel|workKaso: the g7 actually has a pretty light-weight battery. it comes with two, one sits in the charger, the other in the mouse so you can easily swap if it goes dead.
21:19.38ShadowedKaso: I just got two MX1000 mouses since one was getting worn out, i'd use the old one if the new one went dead, 10-20m later i could use it again
21:20.04TC_Workingold but still funny
21:20.07cogwheel|workShadowed: you can configure the tilt wheel to pretend like it's an obsucure key combination
21:20.20Shadowedcogwheel|work: ahh
21:20.25Kasohmm, i guess thats better than the old days of coreless mice
21:20.41ShadowedIf you're planning on doing FPS games then you probably want a wired mice, but I like wireless more personally
21:21.17ShadowedThe MX Revolution looks kind of fun but i've heard some bad reviews
21:23.26Scre3mwell now i don't know what to get ;)
21:23.32Scre3mi do play some fps
21:23.44TC_Workingi'm quite happy with my copperhead
21:23.48Scre3mbut i hate having to constantly pull the wire up on the desk
21:24.12Scre3mand i want more buttons for click casting in WoW
21:24.17ShadowedI've used my MX1000 for FPS/lan parties and such I didn't notice much of a difference. Honestly unless you're going to be a hard core FPS player I wouldn't worry about it to much
21:24.48TC_Workingcopperhead comes with a 7ft. cord...plenty of room and 7 buttons
21:25.01scotepiLogitech G5 FTW
21:25.24scotepijust wish it had a forward
21:25.59TC_Workingthis is so retarded "Razer Pro-Tools™ (Sold separately)
21:25.59TC_WorkingUp to 3 customizable weight standards and optional dummy buttons*
21:25.59TC_Working* Using Pro-Tools will void your warranty."
21:27.22Mr_Rabies2<Kaso> hmm, i guess thats better than the old days of coreless mice
21:27.30Mr_Rabies2the charge lasts for a week or so, a 4 hour charge
21:27.44Mr_Rabies2and you can charge it every night and not have to worry about the battery taking on a memory
21:27.50scotepimy logitech bluetoth mouse has been going for 4 months so far
21:29.04AnduinLothari haven't foudn a bluetooth mouse i like yet. but i love my bluetooth keyboard
21:32.40Shadowedhaven't found a wireless keyboard I like, or a wired. they stopped making the one I use :(
21:33.02scotepii used to use a logitech mx duo, RF
21:33.07scotepino probs ever with it
21:33.33AnduinLotharI <3 the apple wireless bluetooth, but if you don't have a mac, some of the buttons will be useless. tho there are drivers fro XP, but not vista
21:33.48ShadowedI was using the old version of,CRID=2166,CONTENTID=10568
21:33.57ShadowedProbably going to get a G11 or G15 next
21:36.02scotepi>3 my g15... i just wish it would come with beter LCD apps
21:36.16scotepiand the wow display didnt suck
21:38.00wobin7 Buttons?
21:38.08wobinI only have 5 fingers =P
21:39.17TC_Workinglearn to use your fingers better
21:39.17TC_Workingwomen will......nvm......
21:43.22Shadowed7 button mice aren't that bad, I just find it to be to much to keep track of in PVP/PVE where I need to react quickly
21:43.30Shadowedrather control 2-3 buttons on my mice and the rest on the keyboard
21:43.33wobin7 is overkill
21:44.25Mr_Rabies2mind in gutter
21:44.25wobinIt's a perfectly innocent image =)
21:44.25Mr_Rabies2i did not think mouse immediately upon seeing that picture
21:44.27AnduinLotharthere needs to be a way to mount while falling...
21:44.35Shadowedroll druid
21:44.36Mr_Rabies2reroll druid
21:44.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
21:45.04AnduinLotharStupidMount2 is gonna kill me now that i have a flying mt
21:45.24ShadowedI wish Blizzard hadn't fixed the defensive stance bug, would have been nice to survive any fall with 10% health
21:45.24Mr_Rabies2i just use getoffgetgoing
21:46.14Mr_Rabies2it'll skip certain gossip frames and dismount/deshift you at flight masters automatically and stuff
21:47.15ShadowedDoesn't WoW automatically dismount you by default now for flight masters?
21:47.36Mr_Rabies2i dunno
21:47.43Mr_Rabies2i've used getoffgetgoing for so long
21:47.48scotepino it doesnt
21:47.49Mr_Rabies2tofu does it too
21:48.03GuillotineInFlight, Automaton, a bunch do it now
21:50.02jinxedyes it does
21:50.20jinxedi was using default ui before, it does dismount you once you open the flight path window
21:50.39Shadowedcould have sworn they added that in like 1.12
21:50.50wobinI've still gotten the 'You're already mounted' message though
21:51.07Shadowedtheres a small lag between the dismounting
21:52.04Shadowedi'll check in a second
21:52.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=mjgoosse@
21:53.35ShadowedI shouldn't jump off my flying mount with 40% health I guess
21:54.13Gnarfozdefault ui does dismount you at flightmasters
21:54.29cogwheel|workGnarfoz: since when?
21:55.04Shadowedcogwheel|work: Either 2.0 or 1.12ish
21:55.25sysrageanybody got a link that explains wtf the KTM message during startup means that says "PERIODICAURAHEALOTHEROTHER has been changed from '%s gains %d health from blablalalblabl ?
21:55.34ShadowedWhen you click the "Show me where I can fly" gossip it dismounts you
21:56.19Shadowedsysrage: It probably means that KTM was expecting it to be "%s gains %d health from blah" and it was changed to something else eg, the mod wouldn't work very well and you need to update it
21:56.31Guillotinesysrage: sounds to me like its saying part of the
21:56.32sysrage*sigh* thank you captain obvious
21:56.35sysragei have the latest version
21:56.38GuillotineShadowed beat me to it :(
21:56.44sysragethe curse gaming page doesn't say anything about it
21:56.58Guillotinegive the author a couple days to update it
21:56.58Gnarfozcogwheel|work: can't find it in the patch.txt, but as Shadowed said, I swear it's been added recently
21:57.15Shadowedsysrage: You asked wtf it means, I told you :p
21:58.10Mike-N-GoCan anyone confirm the satis of SetSendMailCOD()?
21:58.16Mike-N-GoIt does not work for me.
21:58.20sysragei've never had the default ui auto dismount me. i have a fubar plugin that does it though. without that plugin it always says you're already mounted or something
21:58.21ShadowedMike-N-Go one second
21:58.34Mike-N-Go, my addon.
21:59.29ShadowedMike-N-Go: I'm typing /script  SetSendMailCOD( 100 ) and nothing is happening
21:59.37Mike-N-GoI have tried even editing the gold, silver, copper, and clicking the COD button programitlcy based on MailFrame.lua; but no cheese.
21:59.50Mike-N-GoWell, as it says: SetSendMailCOD(amount)   - Make next mail sent using SendMail() COD target for amount.
22:00.01Gnarfozor maybe we've got a case of "some addon does this, but we don't know or realize it" again, cogwheel|work :D
22:00.09Mike-N-GoSo, you would have to mail it to an alt and wait an hour..
22:00.11ShadowedGnarfoz: I doubt it, none of mine do that
22:00.17ShadowedMike-N-Go: Okay, well want to wait an hour? :p
22:00.37Mike-N-GoOh, and an item would need to be attached, I think
22:00.43Mike-N-GoI am at work now :)
22:00.46cogwheel|workGnarfoz: nope... I just logged in with all addons disabled and it dismounted me :)
22:00.48ShadowedI just mailed an arrow to my alt, i'll tell you in an hour
22:00.53Mike-N-GoSo I will be home in about 1 or 2 hours.
22:01.25Gnarfozcogwheel|work: then it's a case of 'changelog incomplete' but that's nothing new ^^
22:01.32Mike-N-GoIf you could try using my addon to mail, a second opinion of my code may help.
22:01.44Mike-N-GoIsn't this fun, 2 conversations :)
22:02.19ShadowedGnarfoz: i'm like 99% sure they put that in the patch notes
22:02.21Mike-N-GoThanks for the help, Shadowed.
22:02.37Shadowedno problem
22:02.45GnarfozShadowed: I know, I didn't have an addon for that, and I read about it before I noticed it ingame, but it's not there o_O
22:03.00ShadowedMy guess is the UI isn't updating when you call SetSendMailCOD but the amount is actually being attached
22:03.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Karrion (
22:03.08ShadowedGnarfoz: Weird
22:03.39Gnarfozthat is, if patch.txt is indeed a concatenation of all patches since the dawn of (I was going to say time ;D) wow
22:03.43Mike-N-GoIt says 'the next mail'..
22:03.59Shadowedwell will find out!
22:04.12Mike-N-Go, my current code
22:04.40Mike-N-GoThe block starting on line 200 is where the COD stuff starts.
22:05.01ShadowedMaybe they made it require a key press
22:06.28Mike-N-GoBoo, my place of work has a firewall up. Thus preventing WoW's Blizzard Patcher from operating..
22:07.09Gnarfozor just making it say 'you're firewalled'
22:09.41Mike-N-GoWell, 157 KBs have DLed.
22:09.54Mike-N-GoAnd it says that it *appears* to be firelwalled.
22:13.29Kasoi would say to just grab it off a patch mirror, but if youre at work you might not wanna risk a virus on there
22:14.05Mike-N-GoMy work is school :)
22:14.22Mike-N-GoI have a basically free period.
22:14.37Kasoyou on your laptop or something?
22:15.06Mike-N-GoI am on a Mac, so if there was a virus the ramifications of it affecting me are slim.
22:15.12Mike-N-GoYes, a MacBook Pro
22:15.24Kasograb a patch off a mirror then
22:16.27Mike-N-Go~search wow patch mirror
22:17.51CideI'm too lazy!
22:19.52Kasopurl patch is
22:19.54purl...but patch is already something else...
22:20.07purlfrom memory, patch is just a tool to handle text file mutations according to a common format known as 'diff'. For kernel patching use (depending on type of patch): 'patch -p1 < patch.diff' or 'zcat patch.gz | patch -p1' or 'bzcat patch.bz2 | patch -p1', or `patch -ruN old_dir new_dir > tree.diff`
22:20.08Mike-N-GoAny patch for mac you know of?
22:20.17Mike-N-GoI have just found .exes..
22:20.19Kasook you can keep that
22:20.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Saroz (
22:23.07ShadowedPre orded a book a few months ago on Amazon, got it a week okay and today they send an email saying it's coming out in two weeks
22:23.20Shadowedokay = ago!
22:24.09Mr_Rabies2maybe theyll send you two
22:26.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz_ (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
22:26.47TC_Workingare you sure it's not the hardback/paperback difference?
22:27.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz (
22:34.20Mike-N-Gopurl wowpatch is
22:34.25purlMike-N-Go: okay
22:35.18*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (n=jnwhiteh@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
22:35.18*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
22:35.58Mike-N-Gopurl wowpatchmirror is
22:35.59purlokay, Mike-N-Go
22:36.06Mike-N-Gopurl wowpatchmirrors is
22:36.07purlokay, Mike-N-Go
22:37.53Cidehow unnecessary, heh
22:38.13kergothpurl: forget wowpatchmirrors
22:38.13purli forgot wowpatchmirrors, kergoth
22:38.26kergothpurl: wowpatchmirrors is <reply> see also wowpatchmirror
22:38.28purlokay, kergoth
22:38.33purlit has been said that wowpatchmirror is
22:38.33Mike-N-Gopurl, unforget
22:38.39kergothMike-N-Go: no, i think not.
22:38.55kergoththere, thatsw hat you wanted, only now you only have to change one if you ever have to change it
22:38.58kergothno point duplicating the information
22:39.22*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (n=jnwhiteh@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
22:39.22*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
22:39.23Mike-N-GoWhat would happen if I did: Purl, forget unforget :P
22:39.25Cidepurl, onforget wowpatch
22:39.30Cidepurl, unforget wowpatch
22:39.30purlCide: cannot undeleted 'wowpatch' because it already exists!
22:39.40CideI'm tired or something
22:39.43Cidepurl, forget wowpatch
22:39.43purlCide: i forgot wowpatch
22:39.54kergothMike-N-Go: you're assuming that 'forget' and the like are factoids
22:39.56kergoththey are not.
22:39.57Cidepurl: wowpatch is <reply> see also wowpatchmirror
22:39.58purlokay, Cide
22:39.58kergoththey're bot commands
22:40.47Mike-N-GoI just wondered, hypothetical.
22:42.03purlrumour has it, kergoth is Chris Larson, an open source developer working for CSC in Phoenix, AZ.  Core developer on OpenZaurus, OpenEmbedded/BitBake, and TSLib. Often the resident BOFH and SCM(svn) nazi, and often an ass.  Newbies and the clueless beware.  Email at
22:44.12Mike-N-GoWell, Shadowed, I hope you get some results; cya in an hour or so.
22:57.58*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
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23:06.03bleetahand now for your 'idiot of the day' story... " An Eyre Peninsula man is the talk of the town after catching a bronze whaler shark in his hands and wrestling it up onto a jetty."
23:09.55bleetahI like the vodka reference
23:14.39Legorolmorning guys
23:14.47Legorolis US getting/gotten 2.0.8?
23:14.51TC_Workingmorining Legorol
23:16.06bleetahLegorol: gotten
23:16.24Legoroli take it notes are not up yet
23:16.37bleetahthink they are, just a fix for druid entangling roots
23:16.45bleetahoh, no, hang on
23:16.59bleetahthat was lastnight's hotfix.. this is an arena display patch
23:17.37bleetah"Fixed several display issues with the arena battle final scoreboard."
23:19.39KasoWhat was wrong with the scoreboard
23:19.48Legorolcan you link me to the druid hotfix? i take it that was server side
23:20.59Kasothat was just done server side yah
23:21.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
23:23.15Legorolanyone who understands resilience and defense very well, i have a question:
23:23.36Legoroli understand that resilience converts a crit to a hit
23:23.50Legoroldoes increased defense do the same to crits?
23:24.05Legorolor does increased defense convert crits to misses
23:24.37Legoroli know that 1 point of defense (not defense rating, but actual defense skill) decreases the chance of being affected by a critically hit by .04%
23:24.51Legoroli just don't know if this means it is converted to a hit, like with resilience
23:24.54Cidewhich turns that into a hit
23:25.08Kasoare we sure defense still does that?
23:25.13Legoroli am not
23:25.14Cidebut defense also increases dodge/parry/block by 0.04%
23:25.23Kasoit seems they might have removed that part now that resiliance is in the game
23:25.23Legoroland i would really love to know, because that was going to be my next question
23:25.32CideI doubt it Kaso
23:25.43Legorolalthough it takes less resilience rating than defense rating to achieve -1%,
23:25.49Legoroldefense also adds dodge/parry/block
23:25.51Cideresilience is not a substitute for defense
23:26.11Cidethey've stated that defense is for tanking/PvE, whereas resilience is for PvP
23:26.19Kasoi guess theres no prob with def and dodge/whatever overlapping, so yah perhaps not
23:26.33Legorole.g. at 70, takes 60 defense rating to get -1% to dodge, block, parry, crit and +1% miss
23:26.39Cidethe only reason they would remove -crit on defense is because of the changed +skill semantics
23:26.44Legorolwith resilience, takes 39.4 to just get -1% crit
23:27.09Cidesince defense is basically the inverse of weapon skill (or has been in the past)
23:27.13Legorolso i don't see the point of ever having resilience, on a point-per-point basis, defense gives me much more avoidance
23:27.27CideLegorol: resilience is for pvp, like I said
23:27.35Legoroleven in pvp, i don't see a reason to use resilience
23:27.40Cideand not really aimed for warriors anyway
23:27.52Kasoresilience works for spell crits whereas def does not
23:27.57LegorolCide: what's the change to +skill semantics?
23:28.05Legoroli thought the +skill changes only affected glancing blows
23:28.20Legorolso irrelevant to pvp, isn't it?
23:28.28LegorolKaso: really?
23:28.35Legorolok, that's a big and new thing
23:28.40Legorolthat makes it much more valuable
23:29.00Cideno, weapon skill adds (or used to add anyway) crit% too
23:29.03LegorolKaso: is that something you heard, or can you link somewhere?
23:29.08Cidebut I don't know if that still applies
23:29.18Kasoumm, lemme see if i can find anything
23:29.23LegorolCide: do you mean "The player will gain 0.1% to their critical strike rating per weapon skill against monsters above their level"
23:29.40Cidewell, that might be a part of the change
23:29.54Legoroli just dug that up as part of the change, according to wowwiki
23:29.57Cidebut they were really vague when they announced the changes
23:29.59Legorol(went and looked when you mentioned it)
23:30.09Legoroli can't find the original blue post
23:30.12Cideso I can't say for certain what exactly is affected
23:30.19Legorolyeah that's my problem too :(
23:30.27Legorolwas a bit vague on it at the time, and now i can't even find orignal post
23:30.29Cide// Add Crit/Hit based on weapon skill
23:30.30Cide$stats['hit'] += $melee*0.04;
23:30.30Cide$stats['crit'] += $melee*0.04;
23:30.35Cidethat was pre-changes
23:30.53Legoroluhm... wait
23:31.06Legorolwhat's $melee, the difference in your skill vs. opponent's defense?
23:31.15Cideno, that's for ctprofiles
23:31.24Cideit's the change in melee skill from last update
23:31.36Legorolok you lost me
23:31.45Legorolwe must be talking about the same thing then
23:31.54CideI don't recalculate all stats every single time a piece of gear changes
23:32.42Cideso $melee there is the change in melee skill - for absolute value, it's base + (skill-maxSkill)*0.04)
23:32.48Legorolhold on a sec
23:32.56Legoroli think we need to travel back in time a bit :-)
23:32.57Cidewhere maxSkill is playerLevel*5
23:33.10Legoroldid they introduce the weapon skill changes at the same time as the new combat rating system?
23:33.20Legoroli vaguely remember an additional change afterwards, which affected glancing blows
23:33.25Legoroli wouldn't be able to quote patch numbers
23:33.44CideI think the ratings were added first, but they ended up in the same patch (2.0?)
23:33.58Cide(i.e. they were introduced in beta before the glancing blow changes)
23:34.30Legorol[23:30] <Cide> $stats['hit'] += $melee*0.04;
23:34.30Legorol[23:30] <Cide> $stats['crit'] += $melee*0.04;
23:34.30Legorol[23:30] <Cide> that was pre-changes
23:34.37Legorolwhat set of changes does this refer to?
23:34.49Legorolthe combat rating thing in 2.0.x, or something later
23:34.50Cidethe weapon skill changes (glancing blow)
23:35.08CideI have no idea if that code is still relevant, given that blizzard was so vague
23:35.23Legorolok, let me help understand how it *used to* work
23:35.32Legoroli don't understand the code pre-glancing blow change
23:35.43Legorolrephrase: please help me understand
23:35.45Cideyou have the base crit (well, "base" crit is really a myth - it's calculated off of your agility)
23:37.10Cideon top of that, you gain 0.04% crit for every weapon skill point above the target's defense skill point (and vice versa for lower weapon skill compared to defense)
23:37.49Cidein the UI that was displayed as "towards a X level opponent", where X was your own level, so to match the displayed value you just took "base" + (weaponSkill-playerLevel*5)*0.04
23:38.43Cidewhere weaponSkill is the current weapon skill, and playerLevel*5 comes from the maximum skill you can have at that level (since it uses a theoretical opponent of the same level as you, and a maxed out defense skill)
23:39.46Cideglancing blows is another story, which was a bit more complex (basically +8-10 weapon skill decreased your glancing blow chance to ~0%, which increased your dps from white hits by ~30%)
23:40.42Kasoi thought it reduced the glancing penalty, rather than the chance
23:40.55Kasoso you'd still glance but loose less damage from it
23:41.30Legorolok let's not go into glancing blow just yet, there is something more fundamental i'd like to understand first
23:41.35CideI play a priest!
23:41.38Legoroli understand wow's combat system is table based
23:41.39Kasome too!
23:41.51Legoroli understand the entries in the tables (miss/dodge/block/parry/hit/crit)
23:41.55Legorolso we can skip that part
23:42.19Legoroldoes +hit gear convert miss entry to hit entry? (if i understand correctly, yes)
23:42.39Legoroldoes +crit gear convert hit entry to crit entry? (again, i *think* it's yes, but not sure)
23:43.07CideI think they just modify the table entries' ranges
23:43.14Legorolwell that's what i mean
23:43.33Legoroli mean if i have +1% hit, the range of miss gets 1% smaller, the range of hit gets 1% larger
23:43.34Cidein the case of crit%, you wouldn't crit 1% more if it was only based on hits
23:44.05Legorolyup, if you just counted the fraction of successful damages that were crits, it'd increase it by *more* than 1%, if i understand this right
23:44.20Legorolbut here is the question that i don't know the answer to at all:
23:44.33CideI'm pretty sure it was confirmed to be 1% regardless of other modifiers
23:44.35Legorolwhen your weapon skill exceeds the opponent's defense skill by 25,
23:44.50Legorolhow does the table change?
23:44.54Legorollet's take a simple example:
23:45.00Legorolignore dodge, block, parry
23:45.11Legorollet's say the table is 5% hit, 10% crit, 85% hit
23:45.20Legorol5% miss, 10% crit, 85% hit
23:45.38Cideassuming weapon skill translates into hit and crit still
23:45.39Legorolif you have enough gear for +1% hit, this would become 4/10/86, right?
23:45.49CideI would guess so
23:46.01Legorolsimilarly, for +1% crit gear, it would become 5/11/84
23:46.13Legorolso assuming it still works as before, what would +25 skill do?
23:46.27Cide+25 skill gives 0.04% * 25 = 1%
23:46.35Legorolyeah, that's why i asked 25 ;-)
23:46.48Cideso it would be the same as equipping a piece of gear with +1% crit, +1% hit
23:46.50Legorolwould it become 4/11/85?
23:47.10Legorolin other words, it translates 1% miss into 1% crit
23:47.58Legorolassuming it works as before, that's the message i'm getting, i think
23:48.01CideI would interpret "hit" as "your attacks miss 1% less often"
23:48.12Cidewhich would be 4/x/y
23:48.41Legorol+1% hit does: 5/10/85 -> 4/10/86
23:48.41Cide"crit" would just add one to x, so 4/11/(100-15)
23:48.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie|Work (
23:48.56Legorolok, so you are saying what i'm saying
23:49.26Legorolreversing this,
23:49.44Legorolit means that +25 defense translates 1% crit into 1% miss
23:50.04Legorolso x/y/z becomes x+1/y-1/z
23:50.18Legorolwhereas resilience would do x/y-1/z+1
23:50.37Cideyeah, that's probably right
23:50.40Legorolfrom this it really seems to me that for melee, defense is just superior to resilience
23:50.48Cideif you can get ahold of it
23:50.52Ciderogues can't :)
23:51.03Tierrie|Workresilience also reduces the amount done by critical strikes that land iirc
23:51.20Tierrie|Workbut iirc resilence cost a lot (item points)
23:51.29Cidealso note that crits that are converted to hits still proc "on crit" effects for the receiver
23:51.39Kasoresilience and def rating cost the same, all raitings do
23:51.50Tierrie|Workpretty sure they don't
23:51.58CideI can look it up
23:52.05Gnarfozweapon skill adds +hit?
23:52.12Gnarfozif it ever did, it doesn't anymore
23:52.12Cideit did before
23:52.26Tierrie|Workweapon skill adds 0.1% crit now
23:52.32LegorolKaso: they don't
23:52.38Kasowowwiki has  Combat Rating (Any)  1.00
23:52.48Cidedefense: 0.057692, 0.057692, 0.057692, 0.057692, 0.057692, 0.057692, 0.057692, 0.057692, 0.057692, 0.057692,
23:52.51Legorolit's 60 def rating for 1% effect, and only 39.4 resilience rating at lvl 70
23:52.52ShadowedLegorol: Did you ever find out your attack table question?
23:52.54Cideresilience: 0.961538, 0.961538, 0.961538, 0.961538, 0.961538, 0.961538, 0.961538, 0.961538, 0.961538, 0.961538,
23:53.04Cideso no, not the same
23:53.08Gnarfozhard to say, too, before the default UI calculated the stats, it was all a matter of guessing :D
23:53.10Kasois that considering def rating or skill?
23:53.13Barbanusresilence includes spells....
23:53.19CideKaso: skill
23:53.24CideI'm tired!
23:53.40Kasohmm then wowwiki should be changed
23:53.58Cide1.500000 for defense at 60
23:54.04Tierrie|Workwowwiki's item level formula is a bit out of date
23:54.11Tierrie|Workbut it is still accurate for the legacy point costs
23:54.13Cide25.000000 for resilience at 60
23:54.14ShadowedWeapon skills were recently changed in 2.0 so the wiki isn't that much out of date
23:54.59ShadowedTierrie|Work: Are you sure it's 0.01% crit? It was more like 0.04% per a point last I checked
23:55.04Shadoweder are you sure it's 0.1%
23:55.41Kasoi believe they did up the bonuses when they nerfed the glancing
23:55.47Kasoso it'd retain some of its value
23:56.03Shadowedno I can safely say weapon skill is infact useless after they fixed glancing
23:56.28Legorol- Weapon skill will no longer reduce the percentage damage lost due to glancing.
23:56.48Gnarfozthat was not 0.1% back when they first announced it, tho
23:56.49LegorolThis i beleive is quoted from Blizzard
23:56.56Legorolthe ambiguous thing here is
23:56.56Tierrie|WorkIt has always been 0.1%
23:56.57BarbanusI'm pretty sure resilience also effects spells, and melee damage ... I could be wrong however.
23:57.09KasoBarbanus, we already established that
23:57.09Tierrie|WorkResielence does affect all spells missile and melee damage
23:57.09BarbanusSo its superior for sure.
23:57.10Legorolwhether this is weapon skill by which you *exceed* the opponent's defense
23:57.22Shadowedhrm I guess it is 0.1% then
23:57.34Legoroli still don't know what weapon skill this refers to
23:57.37ShadowedResilience effects everything last I checked, it was meant as a PVP stat basically
23:57.40Gnarfozfact is: don't bother with weapon skill, get hit or crit >_>
23:57.46Tierrie|WorkBesides if it is now 0.1% then it is too powerful, because humans get a +2% to crit then
23:57.47Legorolif i am level 60, and opponent is 63, my skill is 300, his defense is 315
23:57.58ShadowedTierrie|Work: It was too powerful before :p
23:57.59Legoroldoes me getting to 305 give me 0.5% crit chance?
23:58.08ShadowedLegorol: Last I heard weapon skill basically counters defense
23:58.21ShadowedSo if I have 310 defense and you have 10 weapon skill then it's like I had 300 defense
23:58.27Tierrie|WorkShadowed: yeah it was super powerful, downgraded to useful now :(
23:58.39Legorolok, that doesn't correspond in any way to the "The player will gain 0.1% to their critical strike rating per weapon skill against monsters above their level."
23:58.46Gnarfozit was dumbed down to "what the fuck" now :\
23:58.49Gnarfozwas useful before :D
23:58.53ShadowedTierrie|Work: Downgraded to useless really unless you have racials
23:59.02Cideoverpowered before, in line now
23:59.03CideI would say
23:59.05Legorolusefuel/what the fuck are not really quantities we can work with :D
23:59.22Shadowedwhen a level 50 BOE was better then gauntlets of annih, something was wrong
23:59.36Cidekind of like hunters and agility
23:59.43Legoroli knew this would deteriorate into a discussion on gear, overpowered etc. rather than math
23:59.48CideLegorol: :)
23:59.52Gnarfozit was great before, but it certainly would have destroyed the 'low level players are not supposed to kill high level mobs' barrier
23:59.53Tierrie|Workits still not scalable though
23:59.54Cidelet's turn it into math then
23:59.57Gnarfoz(while leveling)

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