irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070210

00:00.34Legorollike... here
00:00.44Legorolthat's morning
00:00.58purli guess ugt is Universial Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
00:01.54TainAnyone who hasn't seen it, you have to see "The Aristocrats"  
00:03.18*** join/#wowi-lounge wobin (
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00:12.30tlundI was looking into resizing (scale) the bags, but i found out that they are dynamicly scaled between 1.0 and 0.75 by the function updateContainerFrameAnchors(). Has anyone else looked into this already, and perhaps solved it?
00:17.23*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (
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00:22.19aloria|Chopsueyanybody used CandyBar here?
00:23.28*** join/#wowi-lounge sanctified (
00:23.56aloria|ChopsueyI'm trying something as simple as this; SetCandyBarGroupPoint("TestBarGroup", "CENTER", "UIParent", nil, xValue, yValue)
00:24.05aloria|Chopsueybut the thing won't move, it just sits static in the middle of the screen
00:24.22aloria|Chopsueydo I need a custom frame to use as a parent frame instead of UIParent, or? doesn't say in the docs really
00:25.16KasoYou're using it wrong
00:25.36Kasoits meant to be SetPoint(point, frame, relativePoint , x, y)
00:26.00aloria|Chopsueypoint = CENTER, frame = UIParent, relativePoint = nil, x = xValue, y = yValue?
00:26.37aloria|Chopsueysaid in the docs that relativePoint could be nil if I didn't want to..
00:26.42aloria|Chopsueyto, eh
00:26.52Kasoi think if you supply x,y you need to also give a relative point
00:26.55Cidethat's probably true
00:26.56Kasojust use CENTER as well
00:27.31aloria|Chopsueyok, but UIParent is ok for parent?
00:27.41aloria|Chopsueyyay, it moves
00:27.47aloria|Chopsueywhy didn't I just try that instead of whining :o
00:27.54aloria|Chopsueyok, thanks again :-)
00:28.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Ameena (
00:29.02AmeenaI had to reinstall wow xDD
00:29.09Ameenaand its like patching x_x
00:30.25*** part/#wowi-lounge Ameena (
00:30.31Sstixrudis it possible to frame:SetAlpha(0) without it affecting its children (i.e. checkbuttons)
00:35.40*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
00:35.50Sstixrudnever mind
00:36.19Kasoi was going to suggest you set alpha to the buttons to a >1 value
00:36.24Kasobut i guess you worked it out
00:37.35*** join/#wowi-lounge wobin (
00:38.08Sstixrudya thats what I did, ideally I would be able to disable alpha inheritence but... oh well
00:38.27Sstixrudsyntax question is "if (not UBVAR.DYNBTNSPELLS[this:GetName()]) then" or "if not UBVAR.DYNBTNSPELLS[this:GetName()] then" more correct
00:38.51Kasoits all the same
00:38.58Sstixrudk, so less is more :)
00:39.19Kasobrackets arent needed unless you theyre needed for your equation or logic or whatever
00:39.28Kasoi usually leave them off, but it depends what youre used to
00:39.35Kasosame thing as ; pretty much
00:39.35SstixrudI only need () if it was like if (bleh and bleh ~= nil) then right?
00:40.07Cideyou only need them when you want to override the priorities
00:40.11Cidejust like in math
00:40.12Sstixrudor if (1 + 2 = 3) then
00:40.12wobinif (bleh or blah) and bluh
00:40.16Cidestill no
00:40.33Sstixrudaww ok ya I see
00:40.36Cidewhat wobin said
00:40.51Sstixrudduh, I knew that :|
00:57.26*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
00:57.26*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v AnduinLothar] by ChanServ
01:00.28aloria|ChopsueyKaso, while you're at it, you don't know of a way to get some "padding" between the CandyBars in a CandyBarGroup do you?
01:00.34aloria|Chopsueythey seem a bit smashed together right now
01:01.05ShadowedSo who is Vetus on the forums anyway
01:01.18Saroznice guide cladhaire, now I know I just need to increase my memory cap
01:09.50*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
01:23.58*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v norgs] by ChanServ
01:24.15Cairenn|fullhi norgs
01:24.31norgsHi Cair! :)
01:33.18*** join/#wowi-lounge wobin__ (
01:39.03ShadowedCairenn|full: when are we getting the ability to vote people off the UI forums :(
01:39.18Cairenn|fullnow what
01:39.38Shadowedjust the usual, someone whining regarding the lack of choosing trinkets on cooldown
01:40.15Cairenn|fullBlizz forum or mine?
01:40.35Shadowedif it was yours there wouldn't be a need to vote!
01:41.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
01:41.22Shadowedif thats anything like your "i'm not here i'm sleeping", you wont be gone for an hour anyway!
01:41.50Cairenn|fullI just thought you were meaning there was (another) thread on WoWI that would make me want to cry
01:41.58Shadowedoh haha no
01:42.11JoshBorkepurl, squeeze Cairenn|full
01:42.13purlACTION squeezes the juice out of Cairenn|full until there just ain't nothin left
01:42.19Cairenn|fullif it's on the blizz forum though, I can just go back to my coma
01:42.33Cairenn|fullJoshBorke: you *really* don't want to do that right now ....
01:42.43Legorolclad|dinner: did Kraze ever come back, or did you scare him off for good?
01:42.49Shadowed~seen Kraze
01:43.18purlkraze <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 20h 2m 13s ago, saying: 'Iriel, thanks, percisly what I am looking for'.
01:43.18Legoroldamn auto-complete
01:43.18cladhairehehe i haven't heard from him
01:43.18Shadowedyou killed purl Josh_Borke :(
01:43.18Legorolmaybe he is buried under PiL somewhere
01:46.01Legorolbleh, i really should work on EquipCompare one of these days
01:46.08Legoroltoo many minor bugs are piling up
01:46.09Cairenn|fullyes, yes you should!
01:46.36Legorolunfortunately those bugs don't occur for me, which is rather demotivating.. i'd have to reproduce them in a "test-lab" and i'm too lazy for that right now
01:46.55LegorolCairenn|full: anything you specifically have in mind?
01:47.18Cairenn|fullheh, nope, just making sure you keep it updated :)
01:47.37Cairenn|full(yes guys, I just publicly admitted to a mod I use :p )
01:47.54Legorolwell it does work with 2.0.6, and as far as i'm concerned, at the moment that's good enough for me
01:48.04TC_Workingwhich i belive you said you would never dso
01:48.04Legoroli know that's shameful attitude
01:48.17TC_Workingdamn trailing slash
01:48.18LegorolCairenn|full: you didn't admit to anything
01:48.22TC_Workingi hate you
01:48.22Legorolyou are just giving me whipping
01:49.10TC_Workinggee Cairenn, and here i thought you were queasy
01:49.28LegorolCairenn|full always has time for some whipping
01:49.43JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn|full
01:49.49purlACTION sneaks up on Cairenn|full and suddenly hugs Cairenn|full tightly
01:50.23Cairenn|fullpurl, hug JoshBorke
01:50.27purlACTION sneaks up on JoshBorke and suddenly hugs JoshBorke tightly
01:50.49TC_Workingcarefully purl dont hug to hard, cair might pop
01:51.37Legorolpurl, hug me
01:51.38purlACTION sneaks up on legorol and suddenly hugs legorol tightly
01:51.44Legorollol, it actually works
01:52.05Cairennhmmm, seems like maybe someone took out the various options, that's 3 times in a row purl has used the same one ...
01:52.24Legoroljust freaky coincidence of statistical probability, i'm sure
01:52.26Legorolpurl, hug me
01:52.28purlACTION hugs legorol
01:52.35TC_Workingliteral hug
01:52.41TC_Working~literal hug
01:52.43purl"hug" is "<action> gives you a hug!"
01:54.10Legoroli hate spam, but sometimes they can be amusing
01:54.20Legoroltoday i got one with a subject i haven't seen before
01:54.34Legorol"Who has the bigger pen1s?"
01:55.06Legorolhm, i don't know why i found that amusing, maybe i wondered if the spammer is feeling insecure or some such
01:55.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:55.39TC_Workingwell, did you Compare?
01:57.12JoshBorkelol, someone just linked an item with 0 stats
01:57.29JoshBorke+0 int, +0 spelldamage, +0 spell crit
01:57.44KasoJoshBorke: an outland green no-doubt
01:58.31Legoroli've seen an item with a five digit +sta bonus
01:58.53Kasoto do with thier index + magnitude system on outland greens
02:00.52Kasoor perhaps index is the wrong word.
02:01.13Kasomultiplier and magnitude
02:06.55zenzelezzI've seen those too
02:10.23*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
02:31.06Shadowedkergoth: ping
02:34.15cladhaireany druids around?
02:36.49cladhairei'm currently resto
02:36.56cladhairei'm respeccing without telling anyone.
02:37.00cladhairei'm looking at something like this:
02:37.30ShadowedPVP or PVE
02:37.47cladhairehence the nurturing instinct, and in this case sublety
02:37.49ShadowedI assume DPS not tanking?
02:38.08cladhairei shoudln't NEED to spec sublety, but.. its either that, or 15% extra on rejuv, which i barely use.
02:38.20cladhaireactually, i can tank or DPS both with this build with no issue.
02:38.23Shadowedhealing threat is whacky for some reason
02:38.32cladhairethats why i'm gonna spec sub
02:38.33nevcairiela druid who barely uses rejuv?
02:38.35nevcairiela shame :D
02:38.36cladhaireaggro is nasty right now.
02:38.40Shadowedagreed with nevcairiel!
02:38.41cladhairenevcairiel: not when you have lifebloom =)
02:38.46Shadowedhots are your strength :p
02:38.50cladhaireyes.. lifebloom =)
02:38.54cladhaireit blows rejuv out of the water
02:38.56cladhairerejuv is my second heal
02:39.01cladhairefollowed by -3 rank ht
02:39.05Shadowedi'm pretty sure you don't have to choose one or the other!
02:39.12nevcairielmy rejuv tics for 750 now .. its pretty heavy on tanks
02:39.16cladhaireone is hella more mana efficient
02:39.32cladhairei use them both obviously if i'm main healing.
02:39.34ShadowedShredding attacks 2/2 seem better then Survival of the fittest for DPS gain
02:39.53cladhairei dont use shred, and lacerate is mediocre
02:39.58cladhaireso i'd disagree
02:40.01Shadowedi see
02:40.17cladhaireplus sotf helps with the other attribuets too
02:40.29cladhairei agree it sucks.. btu i need to spend the points, and i feel they're better in sotf than shredding
02:40.33cladhairesince i dont use lacerate or shred.
02:40.52cladhairei mean, i use shred.. but i'm not too concerned about zomg dps
02:40.55*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
02:41.34cladhaireany other thoughts?  think i'm completely crazy?
02:41.54Shadowedrespeccing without telling anyone sounds like you aren't suppose to be feral :p
02:42.10cladhairei'm not supposed to be anything
02:42.14cladhaireand i have no solo-ability as resto
02:42.16cladhairethat's just obvious
02:42.25cladhaireand i'm not going to end up as part of the raiding core.
02:42.50cladhairei firmly believe that talents are not a crutch.. they're merely there to augment skill.. and i'm a more than competent main healer as a feral spec
02:43.05nevcairielswiftmend is teh powerful
02:43.09cladhairei agree
02:43.14Shadowedcladhaire you're right and you're wrong
02:43.16cladhaireobviously a resto healer is better
02:43.20cladhairethat's clear
02:43.42cladhairebut i'm a quite competent main healer without needing to be a tree.
02:43.43ShadowedI'm not sure what you're raiding core actually does, but you do require a point where you need to be resto spec or you're worthless
02:43.53Shadowednot yes, no, maybe. you *are*
02:44.24cladhairei'm confused now.
02:44.56ShadowedIf you are doing high level raiding instances, you will reach a point where you are a wasted spot if you aren't a PvE spec as a healer.
02:45.20cladhairenot entirely true, but i understand where you're coming from.
02:45.40Shadowedif we had feral Druids during a fight like sapph, I would have been sad :p
02:46.01nevcairieli am 0/0/61 right now .. but i was thinking about a 30/0/31 for some solo-ing but still having my swiftmend
02:46.13cladhairesee, i CANNOT do balance.
02:46.18cladhaireand feral is worthless without mangle.
02:46.23nevcairielthats true
02:46.25cladhaireand i HAVE to be able to solo.
02:46.32cladhairewhich leaves me with one choice really
02:46.41ShadowedI always like feral more since it has more to offer over balance
02:46.47cladhairei'm 1/19/41 right now.
02:46.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
02:48.32Shadoweddruid and paladins are the only class i regret that I never leveled
02:48.45cladhairegoing to 30 in balance sucks, cause you drop dreamstate.
02:48.49cladhairewhich isn't anything to kid at.
02:49.06*** join/#wowi-lounge kindergip (
02:49.14cladhairebut when it comes down to it.. i can't drunk water that much.
02:51.01cladhairei did consider a dreamstate/healing touch build
02:51.36Shadowedtrying to focus in HT is going against what makes Druids a strong healing class
02:52.37cladhaireyes.. but its a strong build.
02:52.48cladhairestronger than the feral one i just linked
02:53.05Shadowedwhat you're trying to do is confusing
02:53.24cladhairefor example:
02:53.40cladhairewhats confusing about what i'm trying to do?
02:53.47kergothwhats a good leveling build for a priest?  just started one, only level 8 atm, but.. :)
02:54.00Shadowedkergoth check your PMs by the way :p
02:54.13Shadoweder messages
02:54.23kergothhehe, k
02:54.29Shadowedthat makes more sense cladhaire, was thinking you were trying to get dreamstate just to make a HT build, not a hybrid balance healing one.
02:54.53cladhaireShadowed: Oh no.. the goal is just to have _something_ that makes me effective solo, and healing
02:54.56cladhaireboth accomplish it
02:55.24cladhairemy problem is.. one is shit for PVP and requires water all the time.. the other is PVP-capable and has no downtime
02:55.28cladhaireboth are roughly as effective.
02:55.39cladhaireNature's Swiftness being the only main difference.
02:55.40ShadowedIf you want to PVP, you need to get imp NG
02:55.49Shadowedin your feral build that is
02:55.59cladhaireits a waste
02:56.12cladhaireif i was going full feral, maybe
02:57.03Shadowedtrue I suppose, but a 2H Warrior or shaman could hit you fairly hard in a lot less hits
02:57.06cladhairei need a PTR is what I need
02:57.13ShadowedI though the PTR was up?
02:57.19cladhaireShadowed: in PVP, I want to be in melee range =)
02:57.35Shadowedwhat if you need to heal yourself :p
02:58.25cladhairei use ng
02:58.26cladhairewhich lands
02:58.31cladhairenever really have an issue with it
02:58.35Shadowedoh you're horde
02:58.47cladhairetrue dat
02:58.48ShadowedI hate druids with warstomp
02:59.01Shadowedunless they are stupid and don't cast the heal until 0.5s is left on it, then i like them
02:59.55cladhairei'm copying my druid over
03:00.05cladhaireif they don't cast the heal until that late, then they're lagged or they suck =)
03:00.13cladhairei'm gonna wait for my char copy to complete
03:00.21cladhairethen i'll test out the balance and the feral builds
03:00.24cladhairesee what my lifebloom/rejuv tick at
03:00.26Shadowedsadly enough I have seen a lot of Druids who do it
03:00.30cladhaireand decide
03:00.54cladhairei click cast.. so shift-3 casts warstomp.. then i start the regrowth
03:00.56cladhaireget the rejuv off.
03:01.00cladhairelifebloom to spite
03:01.04cladhairethen spank
03:01.33ShadowedI never saw how people could bind stuff to SHIFT it's such an akward key to reach
03:01.49cladhaireWASD.. shift is right there
03:01.54cladhairehow is it awkward?
03:02.51cladhaireyou have me confuzzles.
03:03.01Shadowedytrfcxz, 1-5, v, ALT 1-6 are what I have to use and I typically use mymouse for movement only using WSAD to move forward
03:03.33cladhairei dont use any key on the keyboard except wasd 1-5 and shift
03:04.38Shadowedtrd for stances, zxcy for abilities, g for mount, 1-5 for stance specific abilities, V for the #6 stance specific ability ALT - 1-5 for generic abilities like demo shout, DW, victory rush
03:04.53cladhaireyeah not so much =)
03:04.57cladhairebut i'm not a warrior
03:05.35ShadowedIt wasn't so bad until TBC actually, but we gain like 6-8 new spells depending how you spec from 60 -> 70
03:06.19cladhairei'm gonna ctprofile all of this
03:06.44Shadowedyay for ctprofile!
03:06.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Kraze (
03:14.01cladhairectprofile borked on my  talents
03:14.19cladhairein feral form, 393 rejuv, 86/873 lifebloom, 6262 hp/8630 mana in caster gear
03:17.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Sixen (n=Sixen@
03:17.36SixenHey, Iriel, are you there?
03:18.16SixenDid you get my e-mail?
03:18.50SixenHeh, :P. Read it, :O.
03:18.52cladhaireShadowed: Now in balance + healing gear.. 92/933 on lifebloo, 419 on rejuv.. 6199 hp, 7385 mana
03:19.01cladhairewhich is more per tick, but over 1000 less mana
03:19.01Shadowedcladhaire: nice
03:19.08IrielI skimmed it late late last night
03:19.23SixenAhh, I wasn't sure if that was the correct e-mail, etc, :P.
03:20.38Krazein ->this:RegisterEvent("QUEST_GREETING");<-, What is this refering to?
03:21.04IrielKraze: the 'current' object, that's a somewhat deprecated thing to use, but a /lot/ of pre-2.0 code still uses it
03:21.05Shadowedthis is referring to the frame that called it
03:21.18ShadowedIriel: Whats the new thing to use, self?
03:21.25IrielShadowed: yeah
03:21.40KrazeIriel: so this is like self? just a different name?
03:21.42IrielShadowed: and method-style functions (or just inline XML, since that all has self now)
03:21.52cladhaireShadowed: its 218/62 mana regen in feral, and 249/97 mana regen in balance.
03:22.00IrielKraze: Sort of... 'this' is a global variable, which gets set by the UI dispatcher before it calls lua code
03:22.14ShadowedIriel: ahh I see, I figured self was an Ace2 thing since I always saw it being used by those
03:22.34Shadowedcladhaire: not bad, is that with a lot of level 60 gear still?
03:22.44cladhairei just dont have good gear =)
03:23.21ShadowedI'm not sure whats considered "good" for druids in regen, was just wondering what kind of gear you were in :p
03:23.24IrielShadowed: 'self' is an Object Oriented lua thing, slouken nicely added it as something wow supports, as part of the performance optimization styuff in 2.0
03:23.44ShadowedI see, i must have missed that
03:24.08KrazeIriel: sorry I dont follow, let say this:RegisterEvent("QUEST_GREETING"); is inside function QUEST_GREETING_Check, what will this refer to?
03:24.27IrielKraze: whatever the last frame that was dispatched for, at the time QUEST_GREETING_Check gets called
03:25.03cladhaireShadowed: Resto I'm 6199hp, 7385 mana 235/65 mana regen, 108/977 lifebloom and 530 rejuv.
03:25.13cladhairein tree
03:33.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
03:37.12Shadowedthwarting my attempts to prevent onupdate calls
03:37.36cladhaireRestoration: 6399 hp/7310mp - 248/79 regen
03:38.01cladhaireResto: 6388hp/7310mp, 248/79 regen, 112/925 life, 521 rejuv
03:38.30cladhaireFeral: 6472hp/8525mp, 231/77 regen, 91/867 life, 389 rejuv
03:38.59cladhaireBalance: 6399hp/7310mp, 262/111 regen, 103/966 life, 434 rejuv
03:42.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar2 (
03:42.48KasoShadowed: still looking at nameplates arent you
03:43.42ShadowedKaso: I released my name plate configuration mod, trying to add support for changing the color of name text
03:44.33Shadowedi've got it down to only using OnUpdate to hook new frames
03:44.33*** part/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
03:45.11Kasoi knew you were talking about nameplates because ive tried to stop them updating and ran into the same problems
03:46.03ShadowedI'm not trying to stop them from updating, i'm trying to find a way of figuring out when someone is hovering over the name plate, the only solution I have at this point is registering the event and doing a frame search to see if they are hovering over an anonymous one.
03:46.40Kasocant you just check if the "glow" texture is visible?
03:47.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar3 (
03:47.30Shadowedactually, thanks realised what I can do :p
03:47.59Shadowedyou can check if the glow texture is visible, but I realised I can search through my list of hooked health bars (ones that are visible) to find it out
03:48.06Shadowedthus, no on update!
03:48.15Kasosounds like a good plan
03:48.33ShadowedGrayhoof is making use of them too in SCTD it sounds like though
03:49.53KasoTo put damage over peoples heads?
03:50.42Kasothats like the third idea of mind that has shown up in SCT at a point later in time
03:50.57Kaso(not that im suggesting he stole the ideas)
03:51.32ShadowedActually, he sent me a PM asking for more information and already said he's crediting everyone for it!
03:51.41Kasoooh, lovely
03:53.26Kasoi guess he's only making it work while the nameplates are visible
03:53.57Kasoi went to stupid amounts of effort trying to track the nameplates location without having and visible sign of them.
03:55.18Kasothen finally settled on the fact it was near impossible
03:55.52Shadowedwhat were you trying to do that you would need to track them while invisible
03:56.02Shadowedi'm fairly sure they dont even update position while invisible
03:56.19Kasobasically i wanted to display healing done above target's heads
03:56.47Shadowedthat must have been a fun challenge
03:56.52Kasoand no they dont update while invisible, so i tried alpha'ing them all away but then you lose the players name/guild above the head
03:57.24Shadowedmy next challenge is to find a way to keep the players name/tag above there head and hide specific categories of name plates :p
03:57.36Kasoso then i tried showing them for 1 onupdate then hiding them again, so they'd track, but then the name/guild flickered in a seizure inducing fasion
03:58.38Kasomy final idea was to make "fake" name/guild things above peoples head, but that just looked stupid, i gave up then
03:58.53Shadowedso it's hard/looks bad then?
03:59.06Shadowedthats not what i wanted to hear :(
03:59.50Kasoif the nameplate is "visible" then the name/guild wont render at all, and unless it is visible, then it wont track
04:00.21XuerianWhy not just update the position of the "Amount healed" frames when you reliably have a position for the person, and fade it out rather quickly otherwise?
04:01.21Kasohmm? im not sure i understand
04:01.41ShadowedMy guess was that it goes by the option, so if you have it set to only show it for hostiles, it will always render the name/tag for hostile players but everyone else gets name plates
04:01.42XuerianWell, you have the xy of the nameplates while they're visible, relative to UIParent, right?
04:02.02Kasowell, WorldFrame, but yes.
04:02.14Shadowederr sorry, if you have it set to show hostiles, it will never render it for hostile players but everyone else it will
04:03.05XuerianUpdate your own frames independantly of the nameplates, using the positions you get from the nameplates to update your frames. When you loose "lock" on the nameplates, quickly (< .2 sec) fade out your frames for that person
04:03.26XuerianThe problem is attaching your own frames to the plates/commandeering what's currently on them, right?
04:04.04Kasothe point was was trying to keep the tracking, without having to have visible signs of the nameplates at all
04:04.26XuerianAhh. Can you nil the textures on all the nameplates?
04:04.49ShadowedEven if you do that, it wont render the name/tags
04:05.12Xuerian0.o... Because they're secure?
04:05.13ShadowedBasically, it's impossible to show the name plates and the name/tags at the same time, meaning it's impossible to position something over a player without name plates enabled
04:05.24Shadowedwe don't have access to the name plate code
04:05.57XuerianAnd the guild/name are rendered completely in the c code I take it?
04:05.58Kasomm, i mean you cant complain about lack of ability here, the fact is we're not "meant" to know where people are on the UI, we're cheating a little bit here
04:06.10ShadowedXuerian indeed
04:06.22Xuerianderp. =\
04:06.31Shadowedbasically every change made to name plates are rendered in C code, the only way you can find out a change happens is through a script event
04:08.48XuerianAre the nameplates tables/stored therein?
04:08.48Shadowedyou loop through WorldFrames children and you find an anonymous status bar basically
04:08.48Kasothe nameplates are lua object, however the nametags are not.
04:09.09XuerianI wonder if you could set the metatable on the status bar...?
04:09.31Kasoi guess you could, but to what effect?
04:09.39XuerianCatch the accesses
04:09.49Shadowedwhich accesses?
04:09.50XuerianBut... I guess that doesn't make it any better than plain-out hooking them
04:10.11ShadowedI have no issues with doing hooking, but we're limited to what script events that frame type has.
04:10.39XuerianShadowed: Whenever a table(object) is accessed, it's __index metatable function is hit up
04:10.41Xuerian... i think <.<
04:11.11Shadowedohh i see what you meant
04:11.12XuerianDon't know if that would get you anywhere.
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04:11.29Shadowedwell I don't actually know much about metatables :p
04:11.40XuerianShadowed: They're easy, once you unfuck your brain XD
04:11.53Kasoit does help though, its accessed from the C-code so a) im not sure how thatd effect metatables b) even if you know where its being accessed from theres nothing you can do with it
04:12.08ShadowedKaso: well one way to find out
04:12.21Shadowedknowing when something is accessed would be kind of helpful for future referance though
04:12.31XuerianKaso: I don't mean knowing about it being accessed, I mean getting ahold of it the first moment it's accessed, but yeah, if it touches it or not is something I don't know
04:13.43ShadowedXuerian sooo you happen to have an example of how to use a metatable on a frame :p
04:13.44Kasowhen i was playing before, i tried hooking the frames' Show() function to prevent them from being re-shown when i hid them, but the Show was never called, but they still got re-shown
04:13.58XuerianShadowed: A frame is a metatable, it's data is in the [0] key
04:14.01ShadowedKaso: Shown is called, it's called in C code which maeks hooking it invalid
04:14.03Xuerianer table*
04:14.22Shadowedhowever, if you hook the SetScript OnShow you will get an event
04:15.17Xueriansetmetatable(frame, {__index = function(table, key) end }) --
04:20.12ShadowedIt doesn't like it very much when you overwrite __index it appears :p
04:22.52Shadowedwell from doing a quick check, the only calls I saw were GetChildren and GetRegions which are ones I do
04:23.12XuerianOh well.
04:25.50Kasoshame, though, sorta expected
04:26.09Shadowedoh well, at least there are hackish ways we can do stuff
04:33.10ShadowedI should really just make a library to make modifying name plates easier
04:34.20WobinThat would be useful
04:34.33Wobinmake it an ace2 one, or a dongle effective one
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04:35.55ShadowedWhat is Dongle anyway, is that like an event library format that cladhaire did?
04:36.16Wobinlibrary format certainly
04:36.29purli heard dongle is An integrated library with the goal of providing an addon framework as lightweight as possible, putting the burden on authors to implement most things they should be implementing themselves -- not a library which tries to push conventions to try and 'advert people from bad code' (which'll happen anyway). No feature creeps on release versions.
04:36.29Shadowedhaven't seen it used besides cladhaire's addons!
04:37.02WobinThat's a very political description =P
04:37.19Shadowedyeah i know what it was suppose to say :p
04:37.20WobinI like the 'quotes' =P
04:37.21cladhairei didn't write a word of it =)
04:37.22Shadowedwhich is why i like it already
04:37.50Wobintbh, I'd prefer if those descriptions were free of ... propaganda, as it were
04:37.58Wobinlet people make their own judgements
04:38.02cladhairefeel free to rewrite it =)
04:38.04kergothdongle is nice. some things i prefer about ace2, like the aceoptions format being independent of interface, but the rest..
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04:38.11cladhairei have no clue who put that there.
04:38.23ThraeBah, you said it was fine clad!
04:38.32ThraeOr maybe that was haste.
04:38.35cladhairei dont remember reading most of that
04:38.40Wobinno purl, dongle is An integrated library with the goal of providing an addon framework as lightweight as possible, putting the burden on authors to implement most things they should be implementing themselves.
04:38.41ShadowedAce2 is nice, I just don't like the idea
04:38.52Wobinwhat idea?
04:38.59bleetahDongle is a great word
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04:39.13XuerianIt's diiirrrty.
04:39.18XuerianWhich makes it good :p
04:39.41ThraeWobin: It should also say that each release version of Dongle will never "update itself".
04:39.42cladhairei was happy when i thought of it.
04:39.51cladhaireThrae: not true.
04:39.55kergothone of the key philosophy differences is the object model.  its at the core of ace2, everything uses it, even the libraries.  dongle doesnt provide one at all, much less use it for the libs themselves.  theres advantages and disadvantages to each
04:39.57cladhaireThrae: yes it will, if there is a bug fix.
04:40.09cladhairekergoth: I'm considering adding one in a tangential library
04:40.10Thraecladhaire: Yeah, I meant API additions
04:40.22WobinReally, dongle is simple enought that it shouldn't need 'self updating'
04:40.29cladhairethats the goal
04:40.33cladhairecode that works =)
04:40.50Shadowedcode never offically works
04:40.57Shadowedyou just haven't heard of any new bugs yet :p
04:40.59kergothof course it does, its just never -done-
04:41.02Wobinman, three lj updates. I really haven't been updating in a while =P
04:41.06kergothworks doesnt imply being bug free
04:41.14cladhairethere are definitely bugs
04:41.18cladhairethey're on the issue tracker
04:41.24cladhairei have to fix them next week =)
04:41.27XuerianWorking just means it does something it is supposed to. Doesn't touch the "Doesn't supposed to" or "Is also supposed to"
04:41.33cladhairebut there are unit tests for every bugfix we've ever made =)
04:41.51kergothace2 was supposed to have them, but too much got put in without them
04:42.04Shadowed"unit tests"?
04:42.09kergothlike.. everything after acelibrary and aceoo :P
04:42.09Wobinunit testing is great
04:42.21Wobinshould be on wikipedia
04:42.26XuerianLink it, wobin. >_>
04:42.27kergothShadowed, wikipedia is a great resource for things like that
04:42.29kergothbetter than google
04:42.30cladhairekergoth: everything after aceoo
04:42.30Shadowedgoogling refers to the wikipedia!
04:42.34kergothsearch with wikiseek
04:42.35cladhaireacelibrary was rewritten with no testing =)
04:42.49ShadowedI'm lazy and can type google into my browser faster then I can select wikipedia and search that
04:43.00kergothacelibrary was what needed the MOST unit testing, everything had to always work, including the self updating
04:43.05kergoths/MOST/most critical/
04:43.58cladhairekergoth: yeah, but then it was rewritten
04:44.00XuerianAce2 still works great, but I want to make something with Dongle too... Not sure what yet.
04:44.03cladhaireand to my knowledge it wasn't tested
04:44.47WobinI think ck was a bit in overdrive with acelibrary
04:45.05cladhaireand thats fine... but thre are a few reasons i left.
04:45.08Wobinwhich resulted in less unittests
04:45.15cladhairethe differences between dongle and ace2 illustrate those differences
04:45.20Wobinand in regards to that, clad: =(
04:45.26kergothsomeone should do a small dongle based library that produces the chat command based on the aceoptions data table format.  the data table isnt ace specific, though it could use some streamlining
04:45.47cladhairekergoth: Yeah thats the problem its "standard" now.. but it produces BAD behaviors lots of the time.
04:45.48WobinWasn't there a suggestion that the Aceoptions data table be offered as a possible standard to follow?
04:45.49Shadowedwrite a library to convert data from another library?
04:45.51cladhairewe're working on dongleoptions
04:45.53cladhairebut *shrug*
04:45.56Thraekergoth: Or someone should just remake Dewdrop.
04:46.00cladhairewe'll see where it ends up
04:46.04kergothdewdrop isnt what i'm talking about thrae
04:46.10kergothi'm talking about an interface independent options format
04:46.14WobinI'd like to see an optionstable standard we could all use
04:46.19cladhairekergoth: The problem is.. that works for slash commands
04:46.23cladhaireits .. a nightmare for configuration.
04:46.28cladhaireGUI shoudln't be designed like that.
04:46.32Wobinit's true
04:46.33cladhaireit shouldn't be used for both
04:46.36cladhaireperiod =)
04:46.39cladhaireit is.. but it shouldn't be.
04:46.43kergothwaterfalllib seems to work fairly well
04:46.49ShadowedI gave up trying to find a library for configuration and did my own =/
04:46.51WobinWhy did I read NFSU as NSFW?
04:47.09cladhaireoh yeah, the implementations are nice.. but as gui design, it ends up making bad designs
04:47.09XuerianIt probably would be NSFW
04:47.13kergothbut theres a lot more to a ui than the data it interfaces with, there are layout constraints and stuff
04:47.18Wobinso there were 'dongles of all descriptions on a NSFW..."
04:47.20Kasocould someone do me a huge favour, ive got an addon i wanted to release but i didnt get chance to test the last changes before my play-time ran out, it'll take like 20seconds of testing.
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04:47.25kergothshould probably pursue a MVC style setup
04:47.38kergothnot that i'm a huge fan of mvc, it has its advantages
04:48.08ThraeWhat would be better is to feed a "DongleCmd" table into a "DongleOptions" table, adding pieces to the latter for the GUI-specific values.
04:48.15ShadowedModel view controller I think?
04:49.29WobinI hope waterfall ends up being effective
04:49.45ThraeIn fact, there are some slash commands I may want only as slash commands, and some GUI options that really can't be effective slash commands
04:49.52cladhaireanyone have a screenshot of waterfall in action?
04:49.59cladhaireThats'  why i like the dongle slahs command system
04:50.03cladhaireits a completely new paradigm
04:50.16WobinThrae, aye, that's why MrPlow uses some nongui commands and vice versa
04:50.23cladhaireand once dongleoptions gets done, that will be used for configuration
04:50.30WobinSome options just don't show up on the gui
04:50.36Shadowedi gave up on slash commands, the only thing I kept is on/off for the entire mod. I'd rather have everything in one spot and most of the time they dont need to change something really quickly
04:51.15XuerianI think?
04:51.22WobinThat's the last one I saw
04:51.30Thraecladhaire: <-- waterfall
04:51.33cladhaireThanks.. its nice =)
04:51.47cladhairebvery similar to what dongleoptions was gonna be =)
04:51.52WobinAnd all that from an aceoptions table =)
04:52.07ThraeAh, THAT is Waterfall?
04:52.38kergothneeds some tweaking visually, but its sure as hell an improvement over a 42 level deep menu
04:52.42ThraeLong ago, I was making something pretty much just like that called "GooeyFigs", but I dropped it since everyone was saying "AceGUI2 and Dewdrop will roxx0rs"
04:53.05Shadowedlol kergoth
04:53.17WobinCan you suggest a better layout for HeyFu, Kerg?
04:53.21WobinI'm open to suggestions =)
04:53.22ShadowedSo when will we see Waterfall then :p
04:53.27Corrodiasyour mom is an improvement
04:53.34TainDon't go chasing waterfalls
04:53.39WobinCorrodias, to your standard fare?
04:53.46WobinCorrodias, You need better standards =P
04:53.46kergothi /suck/ at ui design and interfaces
04:53.49XuerianOoo, riposte!
04:53.53ShadowedTain I though you were Thrae :(
04:54.04ShadowedI was about to say "okay Tain" then I realised you said it not Thrae
04:54.07kergothi know people who are good at it, people who know the reasoning behind, say, the gnome interface guidlines, but i'm not one of them
04:54.07XuerianServe, return, and the ball is in Corrodias's court now...
04:54.13Corrodiaswaterfall is a development cycle. MVC is a design pattern.
04:54.22Corrodiasnot a development cycle... development pattern?
04:54.35WobinWasn't it called Niagara?
04:54.43kergothits also an ace2 library, waterfalllib is a dialog like interface to aceoptions
04:54.45WobinNo wait,t hat's the waterfalling of deucecommander
04:54.50kergothniagara is to waterfall as deucecommander is to dewdrop
04:54.59cladhairedewdrop + aceoptions is the worst thing to ever happen to ace.
04:55.02cladhaireimho =)
04:55.09kergothdewdrop is nice and has its place
04:55.10cladhairetalk about shitty configs =)
04:55.12kergothjust got badly overused
04:55.16WobinWell, I'd more say, it's a nice stepping stone
04:55.34ShadowedI just don't see why people think using a drop down menu is good configuration
04:55.39kergothit just took the collective lazy ass of the community too long to produce a replacement
04:55.43cladhaireShadowed: Because its easy
04:55.44Shadowedwhich leads me to the theory that they don't use there own addons
04:55.46WobinCause dewdrop made it easy, Shadowed
04:55.49cladhaireno one thingks its a good idea
04:55.50cladhaireit was just easy
04:55.51Corrodiasa dropdown menu?
04:56.01Corrodiasit takes little space and enumerates all of the valid options
04:56.07kergothit was automatic and painless, and those who hated uis could have one that was better than nothing
04:56.12ShadowedI can build a decent UI for my mods in a few seconds, the config is hacky. but at least it's somewhat easy to use :p
04:56.16Corrodiasit's an excellent design when you want the user to choose from among certain options, especially if the list is long
04:56.33Shadowednot very hard to make your own configuration createrthingymabob
04:56.44Wobinsure it is
04:56.45kergothfor some of us, yes, it is
04:56.51Wobinif you have no idea on layout etc
04:57.00ShadowedI copied mine off another addon
04:57.06Wobineg, I'm -still- trying to find a workable gui for Cart_Waypoints =(
04:57.07Corrodiasi'm not good at making things look good, but i'm great at knowing when something looks bad
04:57.24Shadowedmy first XML was copy and pasted from spell alert :p
04:57.26WobinI really don't want to use dewdrops
04:57.27kergothgive me the intricacies of a multithreaded daemon anyday over even a simple ui
04:57.30Corrodiasthat reminds me, one of my addons has an error during logout, but i don't know how to determine what the error is.
04:57.55ThraeCorrodias: Buggrabber doesn't grab it?
04:57.56kergothWobin, i gotta say, atropine's ui is sexy
04:58.03Corrodiasor rather, while the UI is shutting down (for a reloadui, logout, or game exit)
04:58.19WobinI shall have a look =)
04:58.23CorrodiasThrae: the UI stops responding during the shutdown process
04:58.24WobinI've downloaded it, but not actually used it =)
04:58.38WobinXuerian, muhah
04:58.42Wobinhave a look at HeyFu =P
04:58.45Corrodiasyou know. game freezes for a little while, then disappears (or shows the character list)
04:59.05WobinYou go Archive->week->day->person->[dewdrop dropdownlist of chats]
04:59.08kergothclean and simple
04:59.13XuerianHowever! It's only if you go Main menu -> Mod menu (independent but accessible there) -> Anchor menu (Same as last) -> Position menu X.x
04:59.49XuerianNice... The window looks similar to Clique.... I'm missing the major connection, aren't I.
05:00.20Corrodiasby the way, is it just me, or has wowi's search menu for downloads disappeared from the front page?
05:00.26kergothwaterfall needs to look like that
05:00.40Xuerian -- The "Window" looks like your Clique windows, or some shots I saw of it, anyway, Clad.
05:00.48ThraeCorrodias: That happens when your computer's parsing of the javascript fails.
05:00.51cladhaireits haste's
05:00.59WobinCorrodias, off the Search dropdown?
05:01.01XuerianAhh, he did both?
05:01.02cladhaire*shrug* =)
05:01.06cladhairethey're seperate :P
05:01.18XuerianBut they look the saaaaaaameeeee <wanders off>
05:01.29ThraeWhen I turn off Javascript, the drop-down menus go away for me in WoWI too.
05:01.49ThraeIf you're using Firefox and NoScript, allow it.
05:02.20Corrodiasi'm using firefox 2, i have noscript allowing javascript globally, and javascript parsing is enabled in the browser options.
05:02.40kergothit amuses me that the firefox nightlies are codenamed "minefield"
05:02.45Corrodiasbut yahoo mail was looking super screwed up for me, too...
05:03.08ThraeThere's a reason NoScript says "dangerous" for allowing Javascript's not meant to be used like that ;)
05:03.09Wobinwe're at 20003 atm?
05:03.17CorrodiasWarning: Error in parsing value for property 'cursor'.  Declaration dropped.
05:03.18CorrodiasSource File:
05:03.18CorrodiasLine: 0
05:03.19Wobinoh I haven't downloaded svn
05:04.30Corrodiasbut reloading without the cache has made the menus appear. :/
05:05.18Corrodiasand that fixed yahoo mail, too. that's a handy feature.
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05:11.00Shadowedkergoth: How could you make a clean/generic UI that anyone could use while keeping the format you gave
05:17.06Wobinkergoth is possibly a bad person to ask about that
05:17.22kergoths/possibly //
05:17.32Wobinwe need someone with a HI/UI background
05:17.51kergothi'm a backend coder, unix userspace (daemons, libs) and kernel and driver development
05:18.01ShadowedI don't think you could really make a UI like that useful as a generic one honestly
05:18.18Shadowedsomething like the Waterfall one given earlier is far easier as a "generic UI" and less constraining
05:18.27kergothnot so much the layout as the appearanace.  make waterfall easier on the eyes
05:18.32Shadowed(I hate UI too, thats just my opinion)
05:18.34kergothatropine is perty
05:18.46Nargiddleyif you can show me how to make it look like that without custom images i'll do it kergoth :P
05:18.47ShadowedI kind of liked the UIs that stuck to more of a blizzard feel
05:19.24Wobinactually what would be kinda nice?
05:19.28NargiddleyI already overhauled the look a bit today, looks more like the bliz config windows now
05:19.31Wobinoptions that stack like blocks
05:19.41ShadowedWobin: so you can play tetris while configuring?
05:19.48Shadowedthe faster you configure, the more blocks you destory?
05:19.57KemayoHey, I like the dewdrop menus (for most mods).  :P
05:20.23Nargiddleyit was the category/bag editing for baggins that motivated me to make waterfall
05:21.00Wobindewdrop is good
05:21.03Wobinfor very small menus
05:21.04Xuerianstring = string:match("%w- (.+)") -- watch me be wrong XD
05:21.04ShadowedI need to find an addon to steal more textures from for health!
05:21.09Xuerianoh frick
05:21.20WobinShadowed: SurfaceLib
05:21.31Wobinor better yet. -use- surfacelib =P
05:21.41WobinActually I'd prefer you do that
05:21.49Wobininstead of just hacking together repeated code
05:22.18Wobincause textures are definitely one thing that only need one instance
05:22.19Shadowedace devil!
05:22.43purlfrom memory, dongle is An integrated library with the goal of providing an addon framework as lightweight as possible, putting the burden on authors to implement most things they should be implementing themselves.
05:22.43Shadowedmy plan is to redo all of this soon enough
05:22.43WobinShadowed, not really. If you can somehow hack dongle into accepting the arguments, I'd be happy enough =)
05:22.47KemayoNuts, I was hoping for a link.
05:22.49ShadowedWobin i'm not using Dongle yet :p
05:22.59XuerianWe've got a live one here!
05:23.10XuerianQuick, get the straightjacket and network injection iv!
05:23.33cladhaireKemayo: Its very basic, but pretty powerful too, I'm happy with where they are
05:23.37cladhairemay make a few enhancements
05:23.40cladhairebut Alkis has a very good idea =)
05:24.07Wobindya have any wiki info, clad?
05:24.14cladhaireyes, its on wowwiki
05:24.17cladhairei linked it earlier.
05:24.24Wobinta =)
05:24.48Shadowedso quick poll
05:25.00Shadowedhas anyone ever used the red text on names for name plates before? or do you guys not really notice it
05:25.14Wobinred text on names?
05:25.29Shadowedfor name plates, the text of the person/mobs name above it will turn red if it's been hit recently
05:25.59Wobinalthough I often depend on other things to see if they're tagged
05:26.02Kemayocladhaire: That is an interesting approach.  I still like AceOptions, though. :)
05:26.11cladhairewell this isn't an options table
05:26.15cladhairethis is slash command handling =)
05:26.32cladhairequite a large difference
05:27.00WobinThat's true
05:27.19cladhaireOnce you've used patterns to define your slash commands, you appreciate it a bit more =)
05:27.27Wobinwe've sort of ignored the fact that the difference between dongle's implementation and Aceoptions is that they're not really the same thing at all =P
05:27.30cladhaireauto validation and parsing
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05:40.45ShadowedUPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT fires, *then* the C code changes text color
05:42.06Wobinpause a bit =)
05:42.15kergothi hate shit that like that. arbitrary delays ftl
05:42.20Shadowedwhat kergoth said
05:42.52Shadoweddoing an OnUpdate check where I have to loop through all visible ones is something I want to avoid...but I guess I can't
05:47.47Cairennnight clad|sleep
05:47.52Shadowedoh well
05:48.01clad|sleepnight guys
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05:58.04MentalPowerCan anyone recommend an addon manager addon
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06:03.10Shadowedonly ones i've heard about are MCP and MyAddons
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06:05.36CairennrMCP (not a recommendation, just letting you know it's been taken over)
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06:06.31Shadowedwhy isn't it a recommendation
06:06.39Shadoweder let me rephrase that
06:06.42Shadowedwhats wrong with the person who took it over
06:06.47clad|sleepbecause Cairenn is fair and impartial =)
06:06.49Cairennbecause I don't use any of them, so I can't very well recommend, now can I?
06:06.59Shadowedi see what you said
06:07.06CairennI didn't say there was a thing wrong with the person that took it over
06:07.12Shadowedyeah I see that now :p
06:07.21Cairennit was just an "fyi, it has been taken over, so you can now find it again"
06:16.49wobinoh wow
06:17.05wobinnautilus-script'd svn works great
06:23.04KasoShadowed: My Anonymus frames addon :> though i might as well release it.
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06:31.12ShadowedI'd imagine will be seeing more addons using the anonymous frames stuff
06:31.23Kasohmm im not so sure
06:31.29Kasotheres not a whole lot of things you can do
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06:32.52Shadowedwell, theres still things like positioning above players heads, or putting data nearby it
06:33.33Shadowedi'm going to add the ability to put how many times you've killed a player in PVP next to the name once I finish a library
06:35.10KasoSpeechbubbles are nice because they track the head more accurate, but they dont stay up for much and you have no idea which units they belong to
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06:36.19Kasothe jittery moving of nameplates is rather annoying
06:36.24Shadowedi can't think of a way you could get around not knowing the unit really, except maybe tracking when the plates are shown/hidden, and when a bubble is shown/hidden
06:36.32Shadowedyou could make something semi-accurate off that I suppose
06:37.50Shadowedwish we had a way of repositioning them, but I can't think of a way to do really that since we can't track where a player is
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07:12.14rethgirNice crowd, anyone around to field a question?
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07:12.57rethgirWas afraid that was going to be the answer...
07:13.09rethgirThis is kind of random
07:13.21rethgirnot really code specific
07:13.44rethgirGot quite a few addons installed but....
07:14.14rethgirhas anybody heard of the dice roll window to completely disappear?
07:14.18ShadowedI think the answer he wants is cheese
07:14.27ShadowedDo you have bongos installed?
07:14.28rethgiri was thinking more along the lines of pie
07:14.40rethgirwhy didn't I think of that
07:14.45ShadowedI think someone mentioned that bongos was hiding it
07:14.58rethgirya, there's an option for visibility
07:15.11rethgirthat's why you guys get paid the big bucks
07:15.31Shadowedwe get paid?
07:15.37rethgirok, ok...
07:16.34rethgirThanks Shadowed, I appreciate the info
07:16.58Shadowedno problem
07:17.48Corrodiasdoes blizzard typically get involved when someone sends COD mails to people for things they don't want?
07:18.14ShadowedNot unless it's gift wrapped or they are trying to pass it off as a legit mail, like a GM or the AD stuff
07:18.37Cairennoh for the love of ...
07:18.46ShadowedIf somebody CODs you something obviously intended to trick you like a regent, I *think* you maybe able to get a GM involved
07:19.00ShadowedCairenn: they are slow
07:19.00Cairenn(sorry for the interrupt)
07:19.02Shadowedby like what
07:19.03Shadowed2 hours?
07:19.05Shadoweder years
07:19.15rethgirThat was it, there is a visibility tab on bongos and the roll checkbox was unchecked
07:19.23Corrodiasthe UI gives you plenty of warning when you're about to send money on a COD item
07:19.26Corrodiaswhy can't people just read it ;.;
07:19.46CairennI'm talking about the reporter ...
07:20.30ShadowedCorrodias: Nobody reads those
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07:20.35Kasoam i the only one thinking "Wow, theyve got crazily good encoding on that video
07:20.41Corrodiasnews at 11: The internet, how your child could be caught by molestors, Your own city, how your child could be caught by molestors, and School, how your child could be caught by molestors!
07:20.43ShadowedI didnt even read the video
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07:20.58Kirkburn|afkCairenn, that video made me scream earlier
07:21.05Kirkburn|afkI loved PA's take on it
07:21.10Corrodiasthe world is full of molestors just waiting to catch children. ooo.
07:21.18CairennParents, how you can teach your children to be safe, good lord
07:21.39ShadowedCairenn, you should know by now that people need to be baby sat to raise children
07:22.00Cairennfunny, I seem to have done well enough, all by my little lonesome
07:22.01Kirkburn|afk(the relevant comic -
07:22.02Shadoweds/people/lots of people/
07:22.50Cairennthe sad thing is, I *KNOW* parents that are that .... whatever the hell you want to call it ...
07:23.14ShadowedKirkburn|afk hahahahha
07:23.16Kirkburn|afkBabysitters for parents for children ... but then who checks up on the babysitters?! The goverment?? Eh? EH?
07:23.38Cairennthere's a girl just down the street from us (like, 5 houses away) that my daughter used to hang around with some a few years ago
07:24.14Cairennher mom wouldn't let her sleep in a tent *in their back yard* because someone might come along and snatch her and do all kinds of unspeakable things to her then murder her
07:24.17Shadowedit's sad...but yes, people are idiots and those idiots have children at times
07:24.47Cairennhi, you aren't protecting your child when you do stupid things like that
07:24.58bleetahCairenn: well, I agree... I mean, with you as a neighbour.... :P
07:25.20Shadowedwell...yes you are
07:25.40Cairennyou are teaching them to be afraid to even step outside their own door and you aren't giving them the tools they need to be able to deal with the real threats
07:25.44CorrodiasCairenn is a perfectly safe neighbor
07:25.47Shadowedbut thats not being realistic, since obviously someone could bomb your house that doesn't mean you go build a bomb shelter
07:25.49Kirkburn|afkWas their backyard in fact the middle of a high-street?
07:25.53Corrodiasnot like me! :D
07:26.09Cairennit's just ridiculous
07:26.42Shadowedindeed it is
07:26.43Kirkburn|afkAnd on another note .... why is it always Fox :/
07:27.07Corrodiasbecause Fox Cares
07:27.09bleetahMurdok ownz yer sole
07:27.44Cairennand yes, that was how I got there too, Kirkburn|afk ... going through my web comics to give myself a giggle before passing out for the night, and instead come across that ...
07:27.53ShadowedFox Thinks of the Children (TM)
07:28.46Cairennanyway I am, in fact, heading to bed - night guys
07:28.57Shadowednight in an hour
07:29.10Kirkburn|afkI'm going to watch some BSG, and continue to wtf at it
07:29.40bleetahFox: Australia's revenge
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07:30.35ShadowedWe could give Australia canada, they have plenty of room to put it
07:36.48Kirkburn|afkAnd then we could give Australia to Russia
07:37.23Kirkburn|afkI'm sure my Queen would oblige :P
07:39.00Kirkburn|afk(actually I somewhat agree with the former statement, since my level 64 druid housemate beat a level 70 warlock - both are *good* players)
07:40.24Corrodiasa feral druid could get it on with a warlock. my balance druid is not so well-equipped to handle them, i think.
07:41.22Kirkburn|afkAye he is feral
07:44.39ShadowedPretty much what happened is this
07:44.44ShadowedDruids sucked, people whined, they were made better
07:44.54ShadowedDruids still sucked, people whined, they were made better
07:45.02ShadowedDruids sucked a bit less, people whined, they were made overpowered
07:45.08ShadowedBlizzard realised this and nerfed them, people whined
07:45.15Shadowedtoday were at the nerfed part!
07:45.27Corrodiasoverpowered! maybe feral is. how well does a Rogue fare against a warlock?
07:45.48Shadowedferal and balance both are, but feral is far worst
07:46.09Corrodiasi'd absolutely love to know why you consider balance overpowered
07:46.18Shadowedbecause i said so
07:46.23Shadowedhybrids are a class that will never meet the expection of the majority unfortuntatly =(
07:46.25Corrodiasin that case, so are warlocks, mages, and priests
07:47.00Shadowedwarlocks, mages and priests are =/
07:47.21Shadowedfrost mages, shadow priests and anything for a warlock are pretty unbalanced right now
07:47.27Corrodiasand paladins. that leaves hunters, rogues, warriors, and shamans underpowered! oh noes
07:48.16Corrodiasbut i don't see balance being terribly strong. i can't imagine competing against a warlock at all unless i get the Celestial Focus talent to reduce pushback on Wrath
07:48.34Shadowedthe problem with hybrids is simple when you get down to it
07:48.36Corrodiasthen wrathspam. or moonfire spam.
07:48.53Corrodiasand Fear would put quite a lid on that
07:50.10Corrodiasthe way i see it, one-on-one, there's no way for me to kill a warlock, because they can kill me twice before the diminishing return on their Fear spells lets me fight back for real, at least as a balance/restoration spec.
07:50.31Shadowedspam de-curse?
07:50.35Corrodiasunless i get some mad shadow resist gear
07:50.50Corrodiasyou can't cast things on yourself when you're under the effect of Fear :|
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07:52.44Corrodiasbut i figure i've got it pretty good against rogues if they don't get the jump on me
07:53.10Corrodiasunless they have something now that gets them out of Faerie Fire
07:53.22Corrodiasi know hitting them with DoTs before FF seems to be pointless
07:53.44Rooster[DC][23:47] <Corrodias> overpowered! maybe feral is. how well does a Rogue fare against a warlock? <- Warlocks have detect invis, so they should be able to throw DoTs on the rogue and let their pet chew on the rogue while the rogue shanks them.
07:54.12KirkburnDetect invis =/= stealth detection
07:54.18MageRoosterIt sure helps.
07:54.18Corrodiaswell, the same goes for a warrior or feral druid in that situation
07:54.45KirkburnInvisibilty really really really isn't anything to do with stealth
07:55.35Corrodiasthe only advantage i see in such a situation is that a feral druid has bleed-effect DoTs, too, and can heal itself
07:55.57Corrodiasalthough the healing is a big thing for feral druids
07:59.03KirkburnMmm, tasty image of Team Fortress 2!
07:59.37Corrodiasso... what is this "team fortress"?
07:59.45Corrodiasthat's a bit of a strange name
07:59.54Corrodiasjapanese, maybe
08:00.23Corrodiasdid Valve convert a japanese concept into a half-life mod?
08:00.56KirkburnUm, no
08:01.05KirkburnTeam Fortress was a mod for Quake
08:01.50KirkburnThey've gone for a 'Incredibles' cartoon-style for TF2, original was more realistic
08:02.18Kirkburnwaaaiiit - were you being sarcastic?
08:02.28Corrodiasonly slightly
08:02.45Corrodiasi really don't know what the heck the game is like, but i have my doubts it is a japanese concept
08:02.49Corrodiasthe name sure sounds japanese, though
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09:06.09Sstixrudhow would one loop through say UBVAR.DYNBTNS and for each UBVAR.DYNBTNS.XXXXXX == true    found do something
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09:33.40Sstixrudhow would I loop through a table and for each "table.xxxxx == true" do something
09:51.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (n=jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
09:52.32Mr_Rabies2hrm, 71 ap, .64% crit, and 19 stam or 1.17% crit, 1.63% hit and 33 stam
09:52.35Mr_Rabies2hrm hrm
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09:53.47Mr_Rabies2for a druid in cat form that is
09:53.57Mr_Rabies2i'm leaning on the former
09:54.38Corrodiasi think about it now
09:55.17Corrodiaswhat are the itemlevels?
09:55.57Mr_Rabies285 and socketed with 2 red (filled with 2 6 str gems) and 97 unsocketed
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09:56.03Mr_Rabies2both blue
09:56.19Mr_Rabies2what pet, corr?
09:57.23Corrodiaswell, in the first case, it's a cat, snow leopard, semi transparent (Ghost Saber)
09:57.46CorrodiasCosby. get it? ghost?
09:58.02CorrodiasIn north-eastern legends of Passamaquoddy, this is a hairy "bogey-man" figure with long fangs. This myth is used to instil fear into children from venturing into areas alone and without parental guidance.
09:58.34Sstixrudhow would I loop through a table and for each "table.xxxxx == true" do something?
09:58.43Corrodiasyou would just your mom
10:00.06Mr_Rabies2are you on an rp server
10:00.13Corrodiasdo i look gay?
10:01.32Corrodiasgod, this site has SO many names
10:01.50Mr_Rabies2i couldnt tell by the names you've picked
10:01.55Mr_Rabies2i vote happycat
10:02.11Corrodiasi could make it Yourmom, but that would be even gayer than playing on an RP Realm
10:03.47Mr_Rabies2my ravager's name is spaghetti
10:05.43MentalPower|WoWSstixrud: for k, v in pairs(table) do if v == true do <something> end
10:07.05Mr_Rabies2i totally didnt know that existed
10:07.31Sstixrudhmm in my case table contains subtables containing the actual variables and values
10:09.04Sstixrudcan I then do "for k, v in pairs(v) do if v = true do
10:11.15MentalPower|WoWI'd suggest "for subK, subV in pairs(v) do if v == true do ... end"
10:11.23MentalPower|WoWjust so you don't occlude the other variables
10:12.11Sstixrudmakes senses, I guess I could also re-make my table structure using table.insert and just give the tables multiple variables
10:12.52Sstixrudi.e. table.insert(UBVAR.DYNBTNS[CfgSpellName], btn:GetName())
10:12.59Sstixrudhmm wonder if that will work :)
10:13.16MentalPower|WoWif UBVAR.DYNBTNS[CfgSpellName] is a table, yes
10:13.23MentalPower|WoWanywho, gnight
10:13.29Sstixrudnight, thanks
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10:19.45CorrodiasCitra  F  image
10:24.23Mr_Rabies2name your cat "CATCATCATCATCATCAT" or as many cats that will fit
10:24.37Corrodiasi wonder, just how many cats WILL fit?
10:24.46Corrodiastake that out of context at your leisure
10:26.45Mr_Rabies2up to 30,000 tankpoints for 15 sec every 2 mins :p
10:27.35Mr_Rabies226499 otherwise
10:29.58zenzelezzI tried tankpoints once, but it didn't really impress me that much
10:30.11zenzelezzsimply trying the gear worked far better
10:30.24Mr_Rabies2why do you say that
10:30.42zenzelezzfor one thing it completely ignored block value at the time
10:31.11Shadowedwow thats new
10:31.11Mr_Rabies2its working now, i suppose, though i cant block or parry
10:31.16Mr_Rabies2but it's showing my block value
10:31.16ShadowedGM telling someone to come to the UI forums for confirmation
10:31.23Mr_Rabies2as 1.54 :p
10:31.42Shadowedany system that tries to evalutate your tanking or gear ability based on pre-defined points is bound to failure
10:31.50Mr_Rabies2oh wait no 1.54 block value is 0 tp for me since i can't block
10:32.07zenzelezzit showed my block value, but whether I put 150 or 500 as my block value I would have the same amount of tankpoints
10:32.16Mr_Rabies2it lets you know what your mitigation is, shadowed
10:32.20Corrodiasevaluating gear ability based on predefined stat value is not bound for failure, or doomed to it
10:32.31ShadowedMr_Rabies: not really
10:32.52Corrodiasah, that old counterargument, "not really"! ;)
10:32.58Shadowedbecause it isn't
10:33.01Mr_Rabies2for instance, versus a level 70 mob with 4.56% crit and 4.44% miss, hitting for 2790, my melee DR is 64.19 :o
10:33.15Shadowedyou aren't always tanking vs a mob that just does melee
10:33.18zenzelezzit's not bound for failure, but it is not usually accurate
10:33.28Mr_Rabies2no you're not, shadowed
10:33.28Shadowedand depending on the fight, you may favor a certain stat over another
10:33.32Mr_Rabies2that's why it has resists
10:33.55Mr_Rabies2it counts stam towards tankpoints, and of course relying on a mod 100% is always a bad idea
10:34.05ShadowedIf you reach the point where you're customizing the values yourself, then you have no reason to use it
10:34.24Mr_Rabies2stam counts for global tankpoints whereas armor only counts for melee tank points
10:34.33Corrodiasthat's why i don't use calculators any more
10:34.44Corrodiasi got tired of customizing the numbers and now i do it by hand for better results
10:34.51Shadowedsometimes you don't want STA, which is my point :p
10:34.56Mr_Rabies2i just use it as a measure of my survivability
10:35.09Mr_Rabies2it's been plenty accurate from what i've seen
10:35.18Shadowedsometimes a mob does a mix of melee/magic in which case you want a little bit of everything, sometimes it does a lot of magic damage and you want to stack more STA and/or resists
10:35.20Mr_Rabies2i don't see how it couldn't be as long as the values are right?
10:35.30Corrodiasnote: i'm not trying to take a side here, but i love to poke at amusing statements either side makes
10:35.34Shadowedsometimes it does a lot of melee damage or crits so you rather have parry/dodge over STA
10:35.35zenzelezzbut how will you know the values always are right?
10:35.37Shadowed~bonk Corrodias
10:35.47purlACTION bonks Corrodias over the head
10:35.57ShadowedMy point is, tanking is not a set in stone kind of thing, you cannot use it to get anything thats really accurate or useful to the tank
10:36.16Mr_Rabies2i won't, but i put my trust in the addon author after reading his comments and seeing no dissenting opinions
10:36.19zenzelezzit's just my opinion, but I find there's no better way to try gear than to use it (and yes, I know that's not very easy if you don't currently have access to some loot ;-)
10:36.34Mr_Rabies2well, druid tanking gear is very cut and dry
10:36.47Mr_Rabies2armor, stam, agi for the most part
10:36.50zenzelezzdon't know anything about druids
10:36.57zenzelezz'cept they're healers! ;-)
10:36.58Mr_Rabies2throw in resists if it's a magic fight sometimes
10:37.00ShadowedIf you have a boss that does more magic damage, you are not going to try and stack more dodge/armor
10:37.18Mr_Rabies2<zenzelezz> don't know anything about druids <---this is more accurate than <zenzelezz> 'cept they're healers! ;-)
10:37.29zenzelezzI know, the second line was purely a joke
10:37.35Mr_Rabies2of course not shadowed
10:37.43Mr_Rabies2addons are no replacement for thinking
10:37.50Mr_Rabies2but it helps make thinking easier
10:37.59Shadowedyou're missing my point =/
10:38.15Mr_Rabies2i'd rather not sit here for an hour trying to figure out if i'd rather have 100 more hp or 300 more armor
10:38.27ShadowedThe problem is you need to consider what you're doing, a point system does not know that
10:39.07Mr_Rabies2when you split the point system into melee and independent schools of magic it's pretty close
10:40.08Mr_Rabies2if it's a nature resist fight, stack your nature tankpoints to the max
10:40.11Shadowedno...because theres no such thing as "just melee" or "just magic", and the system would have to diminish depending no values
10:40.27Shadowedon values too
10:40.35Mr_Rabies2plenty of fights are just melee or just magic
10:41.04Shadowedbosses still melee do they not?
10:41.23Mr_Rabies2yeah, but i don't care about armor if his melee is less than his magic
10:41.33Mr_Rabies2i've got plenty of innate armor to not worry about that
10:41.44Corrodiasi'm going to go insane if i try to review all of the names they have on this site
10:41.52Corrodiasi need to select a few of the most likely-sounding categories
10:41.53Mr_Rabies2if they're roughly the same, then i get the highest of both numbers for the most part
10:42.07Shadowedi'm going to sleep, I really don't feel like arguing tank theory
10:42.11Mr_Rabies2or in most cases just don't bother with resist gear
10:42.30Mr_Rabies2i've got enough HP to live through most anything easily now
10:42.56Shadowedall I have to say is tanking is far more then something a point system can help you
10:43.07Mr_Rabies2well yeah, you need to use your brain too
10:43.16Mr_Rabies2but you can let the point system save you time on math
10:43.58Mr_Rabies2most of the time i tank in dps gear anyway :p
10:44.27Mr_Rabies2i only lose 5,000 tankpoints and my AP doubles
10:45.25Mr_Rabies2meaning more aggro, which means i take more damage, which means i have more rage to make more aggro
10:46.23Corrodiasnext page... Jewish Names in the World of Medieval Islam: Names of Merchants
10:48.15Mr_Rabies2SHUT UP HOOKER
10:49.07Corrodiasno u
10:49.29Mr_Rabies287% through 67
10:49.33Mr_Rabies2almost birdy time
10:50.13Corrodiashow did you get so far behind me
10:50.16Corrodiastsk tsk.
10:54.39Mr_Rabies2i'm lazy
10:54.46Mr_Rabies2i putz around a lot
11:15.34Mr_Rabies245k more exp till birdy time
11:28.02Corrodiaskeep at it
11:28.34Corrodiaswait, are you a moo moo druid or a purple ears druid?
11:37.11Corrodiasokay. i will choose a name for the cat from this short list of options i have compiled.
11:37.13Corrodiasthe boar will have to wait
11:43.03Mr_Rabies2ITS BIRDY TIME
11:43.09Mr_Rabies2purple ears
11:43.19Mr_Rabies2(the real druids)
11:45.42Corrodiasyou mean the less good druids
11:46.08Corrodiasthe sad thing about flying is that most of the broken up areas and floating islands are quite barren
11:46.16Mr_Rabies2i mean the real druids :O
11:46.41Mr_Rabies2the original droodstas
11:47.52Corrodiasthe guys who just couldn't handle Illidan's awesome, so they had to get rid of him
11:47.56Corrodiasyou're just jealous
11:48.22Mr_Rabies2it was like this
11:48.28zenzelezzabout Illidan... am I the only one that thinks it sounds like he says "joo are not prepared" rather than "you"?
11:49.03Corrodias(and sit in this tomb for ten thousand years)
11:50.12Mr_Rabies2flight form is jawesome
11:50.12Mr_Rabies2i can just point myself in a direction and go afk and go wherever i pointed myself
11:50.52Corrodiasi wonder what happens if you just fly out into the twisting nether and keep going
11:51.10zenzelezzinvisible barrier somewhere most likely
11:52.08axxoif you fly up, you hit one pritty fast
11:56.51Mr_Rabies2i just fell like 50 feet and lived
11:57.50Mr_Rabies2blades edge is gonna be so awesome with the ability to FLY
11:58.04Corrodiasyes. yes, blade's edge is much friendlier with flight.
11:58.18Mr_Rabies2also i can sit
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12:05.20Mr_Rabies2this freedom
12:05.23Mr_Rabies2i love it
12:05.30Mr_Rabies2even if its a bit slow
12:05.42Mr_Rabies2i'll get the epic form someday
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12:06.32Mr_Rabies2with 1600g under my belt and only 4 zones completed i'm doing pretty well
12:10.30Corrodiasdruids will be getting a quest to upgrade flight form to epic speed, although we still have to pay for the 300-level skill (5000g)
12:10.42Corrodiasaccording to some blues
12:16.22Mr_Rabies2thats the eventually part
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12:27.54TheStiganyone have any links to gearing a mage in outland ezmode?
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12:28.23Corrodiasstep 1: get a quest. step 2: skill stuff. step 3: turn in quest. step 4: equip new item you just got
12:28.29TheStignot that stuff
12:28.38TheStigbetter than that stuff
12:28.40Corrodiasoh, my mistake. by "gear" i thought you meant "gear".
12:28.59Corrodiasget keyed for Karazhan and get to it
12:29.43zenzelezzKharazan isn't Outland though
12:29.47TheStigi recall seeing a page somewhere that showed gear for every class, best options with minimal effort
12:30.02Corrodiaszenzelezz has shamed me
12:33.28kelvieany druids on that know why /cast Mangle (cat) doesn't work? :/
12:33.37kelvieit refuses to cast mangle
12:34.00Corrodiashmm. does it work with just Mangle and no (cat)?
12:34.10zenzelezzthink I've heard people say to use /cast Mangle (cat)()
12:34.20Legorolthat'd make sense
12:34.25kelvieoh weird
12:34.27kelvieI'll try that
12:34.27TheStigbecause the /cast command is a funciton and (); is appended to the end of every /cast blah and when you put /cast Mangle (Cat) it assumes Cat is an arg
12:34.30Legorolfor spells with () in their name, you have to put () at the end
12:34.33TheStigwhen it is but not the right one
12:34.38kelvieah weird :/
12:34.48LegorolTheStig: "/cast command" is not a function
12:34.51Legorolit's a slash-command
12:34.55Legorolbut your explanation is correct
12:35.06TheStigyes but its a slash command that passes variables to a function
12:35.27Legorolit passes arguments to a function, not variables ;-)
12:35.40TheStig<- no sleep in a while
12:36.21Legorolfair enough
12:36.26Legoroli'll stop nitpicking then
12:36.29TheStiganyone have a mage guide for gearing? lol
12:36.36TheStigits ok man i'm not that great at this stuff
12:37.01TheStigwhen i go to do something i have to read countless howto:'s and page upon page of information that i'll never fully comprehend on my own
12:37.34Legorolthat's great, at least you get stuff working
12:37.40Legoroli'm just being pedantic
12:37.53*** join/#wowi-lounge _aLF (
12:38.15TheStigyeah i have written several addons on my own and several with help from these guys here, but yeah it takes me forever and there is always countless errors lol
12:38.36Legorolcomputers are really dumb things..
12:38.52Legorolthey can't understand you if you are not saying exactly what they want to hear, they can't figure out your meaning from context ;-)
12:38.59Legorolso you have to be very precise with them :o)
12:39.13TheStigwhen the basic choice is either yes or no    on or off    black or white    1 or 0  then its amazing they can do all they can do period lol
12:39.28Legorolhehe yes
12:39.45TheStigit boggles my mind
12:40.02Legoroli read about a really cool experiment yesterday, a group of researchers is training a humanoid robot to essentially perform "froggers"
12:40.12Legorolthe robot was dodging traffic and crossing the road
12:40.28Legorolwell not literally, not real traffic, just moving colored pieces of paper across the floor in a lab,
12:40.35TheStigoh lol
12:40.42Legorolbut it's a human-shaped, walking two armed robot, and it managed
12:40.52Legoroland it can manage better than a human
12:41.13Legorolof course they didn't try with real cars, if they mess it up, they break a multi-million dollar robot :D
12:41.24Legorolbut the essence of it was the same
12:41.55TheStigwhat about 3d simulations or something
12:42.14Legorolwhat about it
12:42.36TheStighook the robot up to it
12:43.05TheStigand see how it fairs in "real" traffic
12:43.06Legorolno that would take away a lot from the experiment
12:43.06Legorolone of the hardest things about these things is actually getting a robot to see
12:43.18Legorolif you do it all in a computer, the robot has perfect vision and information about its surroundings
12:43.59Legorolit's not that hard to write a program to navigate around objects when you know where the objects are
12:44.14Legorolthe tricky part is putting cameras on the robot and figuring out where the objects are in the room
12:44.26wobinhook it up to a reverse exomech suit
12:44.31wobinso it controls the exomech
12:44.35wobinand put a human inside
12:44.37wobincause they're cheaper
12:44.43wobinand have it 'cross the road' =)
12:44.51Legorolthat's a great idea!
12:45.04Legoroland then we will get to cybernetic implants etc. and augmented humans
12:45.21TheStigi'm down for that
12:45.25wobinI for one welcome our new cyberskynetic leaders
12:45.27Legorolhowever, ultimately the goal is to have a robot, and not a human
12:45.33Corrodiashook me up for genetic hotfixing
12:45.36Legorolbecause in the long run, having a robot do work is cheaper than a human
12:45.46wobin"Oh no, I have three arms!"
12:45.49wobin"Working as intended"
12:45.51LegorolCodayus: but you'd have significant maintenance periods
12:45.55Corrodiasnice, wobin
12:46.01wobinEvery tuesday, you'll go down for service =)
12:46.04CorrodiasI think i have decided on the name "Argyros" for my ghost saber
12:46.16TheStigfinally? haha
12:46.30Corrodiasi take hunter issues very seriously
12:47.01Corrodiasi just need to figure out exactly how to pronounce it
12:47.04wobinmeans "silver" in greek =P
12:47.18Corrodiaswobin is a quick one
12:48.03Corrodiasi'm pretty sure that's not a very greek way to say it
12:48.10wobinno. it's actually right =)
12:48.18wobinahr-ji-ro though
12:48.45wobinor in this case ahr-ji-ruhs
12:49.07Corrodiasso which is it?
12:49.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
12:49.27Corrodiaswhich syllable has an emphasis, if any?
12:50.05wobinfirst syllable
12:50.24wobinIt's the name of a Terrist =)
12:50.48Corrodiashmm... i'm not sure if i can trust that pronunciation to be true to the old greek context, due to the tendency of modern names to warp a little
12:51.43Corrodiasor... latin?
12:51.48Corrodiasthis is all very confusing
12:52.00wobinancient greek
12:53.41wobinIt's kinda odd
12:53.58wobinhere in Sydney, I've seen gyros pronounced 'yeeros'
12:54.02wobinfor the sandwich
12:56.20Corrodiasthis might help,
12:56.42Corrodiasit suggests the 'y' is a modern way to use the g
12:56.54wobinah =)
12:57.25wobinin that case
12:57.32Corrodiaswhat the heck does "short upsilon like the u in French tu;" mean?
12:58.40Legoroltry saying "ewwww" like you are disgusted with something, really drawing it out
12:58.48Corrodiasi think what i'm getting from this is that it would be like ARR-goo-rohs
12:58.51Legorolthe sound that you make at the end is that "u"
12:59.11Legorolthe vowel part of it, at least
12:59.25wobinMounce pronounces Upsilon as in German u umlaut, whereas Alphabetarion varies slightly, suggesting vacuum, while noting that the umlaut pronunciation is more accurate. However, Mounce does not differentiate a long Upsilon from a short Upsilon.
13:00.06Legoroli wasn't going to mention the German umlaut because i'm not sure how many English speakers in here know it
13:00.30Legorols/n u/n u u/
13:01.04Legorolyou are right though, that's the closest thing
13:01.12wobinlike (even though I can't type it) Fraulein?
13:01.24Legoroloooh, PTR!
13:01.53Corrodiasi'm not good enough with german to really understand the umlaut
13:02.21Corrodiasalthough perhaps my evaluation of it as an "exaggerated u" is not that far off
13:02.33wobinCorrodias, that pronunciation seems right to me
13:02.47LegorolCorrodias: the German u+umlaut is a different sound than the English u
13:03.07Legorolwobin: Fraulein is a bad example :D the umlaut is on the a, not the u
13:03.08Corrodiasit's way different from what i expected when first reading it, but i think it'll make a fine kitty name
13:03.15Legoroland the two vowels next to each other distort both
13:03.16wobinShows how much german I know =)
13:03.47Corrodiasi'm not so hot with making trills, verbally
13:04.03Legoroltry Frühstück
13:04.36Legoroland if you can get the difference between Frühstück and Fruhstuck in terms of pronounciation, then you are sorted
13:04.47wobinIt's almost 'stook'
13:04.59Legorolthat's exactly it, it isn't
13:05.08LegorolFruhstuck is more like "Froo-Stook"
13:05.28LegorolFrühstück uses a different sound
13:06.16Legorolaha, i have an idea
13:06.20Corrodiasthe best i can determine is that all of the umlauts are formed by pushing out your lips and honking
13:06.21Legoroltry saying "pew pew"
13:06.24wobinsort of like the the sound in pew
13:06.42Corrodiasthat depends on how you pronounce pew
13:06.54Corrodiaswhich i consider to rhyme with few
13:07.15wobinhow else can you pronounce it? =)
13:07.23Legorolthe sound in pew, when you pronounce it, starts like an English "e" and ends like German "ü"
13:07.54Corrodiasi think i might be able to tell the difference now, but i would need someone to hear it
13:08.16Legorolhehe, hard to explain sounds over IRC
13:08.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Sairen (
13:08.26Corrodiasplease say it again on IRC so that i can hear it ;)
13:08.38WobinHe'll have to write it in capitals =)
13:08.48Corrodiasyes, nice and loud, now!
13:09.53Corrodias"aspirated k as in kit, but not in skit" -- funny, i pronounce both the same way, but i think i know what they mean anyway
13:10.15Corrodiassaying kit that way would sound pretty foreign to me
13:10.22Wobinit's a bit softer, yeah?
13:10.26Corrodiasjewish maybe
13:10.32Wobinoy vey
13:13.44*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
13:17.13Corrodiasactually, it explains aspiration, and i am wrong
13:18.10Corrodiasi'm not sure i -can- start a work with a hard consonant like that and not aspirate it
13:19.46Corrodiasattempting to prevent aspiration of a "p" when it starts the word threatens to turn it into a "b"
13:21.26Wobinwhy do you want to prevent aspiration?
13:22.16Wobinfor me, with 'skit', the emphasis isn't on the 'k'
13:22.17Corrodiasapparently the difference in pronunciation in ancient greek between what we write as "p" and "ph" is aspiration
13:22.54Corrodiasa more modern take is to pronounce the "ph" as "f"
13:23.25Wobin'farmacy' 'fantom' 'fillanderer'
13:38.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Jocco_S (
13:38.29Mr_Rabies2i just failed a rawrbomb so bad
13:38.47Corrodiasa what?
13:39.07Mr_Rabies2nothing like seeing 9500 damage when i slam into the ground next to someone
13:39.31TheStigflying and dismounting then going bear form and feral charging
13:39.37TheStigif you fail you will die
13:40.10Mr_Rabies2so this guy
13:40.15Mr_Rabies2sees this bear
13:40.24Mr_Rabies2slam into the grojnd next to him
13:40.32Mr_Rabies2and turn into an elf
13:41.05Corrodiasis it that hard to time it right?
13:41.19Corrodiasi have no idea what kind of range feral charge has because i've never had it
13:41.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
13:43.19WobinIf you're aussie, you'll be mentally calling it the dropbear move
13:43.29Wobineven though rawrbomb is so evocative.
13:43.55TheStigi want some of those area 52 bombs you get to bomb the demon's teleporters
13:44.05WobinCorrodias, I'd be hammering the feral charge key as soon as I morphed =)
13:46.04Wobindangerous dangerous animals
13:46.10Wobinwe lose people every year to them
13:46.21WobinYou think the snakes and spiders are bad?
14:01.49*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
14:03.34TheStigi just logged into my other char lvl 61 druid and the last time i played i hadn't chosen between aldor and scryer so they were both neutral
14:03.45TheStigbut i just logged in and i was in scryer's inn
14:03.50TheStigand they all attacked me
14:04.04TheStigwhy would they do that if i haven't chosen which one i want?
14:05.05TheStigalso every blood elf npc i go near attacks me
14:21.15WobinI can't seem to get the tabline up for gvim
14:49.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Jocco_S (
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16:13.05Thunder_Childmorning cog
16:43.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
16:43.30*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
16:44.30Shadowedmorning Cairenn
16:44.37Cairennhi Shadowed
16:45.08SixenHello Cairenn and Cog.
16:45.15Cairennhi Sixen
16:45.18Cairennand kindergip
16:45.44kindergipoh, did my first edit
16:45.55kindergipjust a spelling thing
16:46.02Shadowedpost first, edit later when you realise you made no sense
16:46.25kindergipto boldly screw up
16:46.48*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
16:47.08kindergipoooh, a that as cool as a zealot?
16:49.02Cairenntalking about the other channel?
16:49.22kindergipno, log in.....cncfanatics
16:49.41kindergipI'm an Amiga Zealot
16:49.53CairennShadowed: (11:44:20 AM) Laraul: #wowwiki This network blows GOATS! What is with all the retarded limits? To stop spambots? DO YOU SEE ANY SPAMBOTS! SPAMBOTS are a thing of the past! It's not the 1990s anymore!
16:50.04Cairennto which I laughed
16:50.07kindergipCairenn probably sees a lot of things but misses only a few
16:50.26cncfanaticslol kindergrip
16:50.40kindergipits' the damn music I tell ya
16:51.10Shadowedhe should be made admin of a site and see how long it lasts
16:51.16Shadowedkind of like survivor but for admins
16:51.36Cairennthat was [sorta] my response
16:51.45Cairenn(11:47:28 AM) Cairenn: ROFL, yeah, right, no more spam bots ...
16:51.45Cairenn(11:47:58 AM) Cairenn: as an admin on multiple sites, I could only friggin' wish there were no more spam bots
16:51.47kindergipare we talking caffeine limited incarceration?
16:52.39Cairennmorning cladhaire
16:53.01kindergipclad hair = clad here?
16:53.31Cairenncladhaire = Gaelic
16:53.41Cairennsame as Cairenn
16:54.23kindergipso, 'splain...meanings
16:55.30ShadowedI get IRC logs searching for cladhaire!
16:55.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kraze (
16:57.43kindergipnice hobby
16:59.32*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
17:02.50*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|linux (
17:03.35kindergipok he's gone...we don't have to be quiet anymore
17:03.44*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|linux (
17:05.05Cairennkindergip: sorry, stepped away from the keyboard for a couple minutes
17:07.02Cairennkindergip: depending on the source you care to believe: Cairenn is the Gaelic translation of "Carina" (in the Latin) meaning "dear" ; or from the Gaelic "cara" and the diminutitive "-in" meaning "little friend or little beloved"
17:07.03Shadowedthese TBC zones are very much like ashenvale
17:08.10kindergipand claidhaire?
17:12.47Cairennhe'll answer for himself, I always get his mixed up and besides which some of the definitions I know for it he may not appreciate ;)
17:14.41kindergipah okay darling
17:15.48kindergip(did I get that right?)
17:17.31Shadowedwell it's 9 AM
17:17.34kindergipok...we have an appreciative audience....di you hear the one about the duck and the goat....
17:17.35Shadowedand i've had very little sleep
17:17.51kindergipI had lots....and wednesday off...
17:18.04kindergipclub meeting and breakfast this morning....
17:18.30kindergipShadowed where are you?
17:20.38Shadowedcali, so PSt
17:22.28kindergipah....Vancouver BC
17:22.40kindergipfirst coffee finished
17:23.02kindergipthere is sunlight coming through the trees
17:26.23Cairennanother canuck! waahoo!
17:34.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
17:36.27*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Paste Code Here: | The time for actioin is past! Now is the time for senseless bickering!
17:36.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
17:36.53*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Paste Code Here: | The time for action is past! Now is the time for senseless bickering!
17:36.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
17:37.00*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
17:37.14ShadowedI kept reading that as "paste" not "past"
17:37.29Shadowedwas trying to figure out what paste had to do with that
17:38.48*** part/#wowi-lounge aloria|Chopsuey (
17:42.24*** join/#wowi-lounge [DI]manix (i=HydraIRC@filipbb.ddns.HomeLan.BG)
17:47.10kindergipWhat Is Ace?
17:47.10kindergipImage:Logo blue new.gif
17:47.10kindergipAce is a lightweight and powerful system for building World of Warcraft addons. Ace provides developers with the tools needed by most addons, freeing them from repeating common tasks and allowing them to jump right into the creative part of building their addons. New and experienced addon coders alike can benefit from Ace's features.
17:47.10kindergip:) me canuck  yes
17:47.29Cairennunh, and the reason for the ace spam?
17:47.42kindergipdamn that paste ended up in the wrong window...
17:48.19kindergipme stoopid....
17:48.26Cairennno comment ...
17:48.38kindergipmy son started answering msn and I was on the worng screen but tied to the old one
17:50.01*** join/#wowi-lounge [DI]manix (i=HydraIRC@filipbb.ddns.HomeLan.BG)
17:50.55*** join/#wowi-lounge hahu (i=HydraIRC@filipbb.ddns.HomeLan.BG)
18:04.02ShadowedDoes anyone remember if Iriel ever put the information for creating circle health bars on the wiki? someones trying to make them but cant find any more information
18:17.56Thunder_Childhey Cairenn, i like the new topic
18:32.28Gnarfoz_someone using enchantrix? Mine keeps displaying 'no disenchant info available' as a separate tooltip, although I'm using 'embed' mode (which works fine if there's information available)
18:37.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
18:42.38CairennGnarfoz_: try asking over in #norganna, since norgsaway, Esamynn|Away and MentalPower|ZZzz aren't here atm
18:42.55Gnarfoz_ah thanks
18:43.08Cairennthere may be someone awake over there that may know
19:12.26*** join/#wowi-lounge hahu (i=HydraIRC@filipbb.ddns.HomeLan.BG)
19:30.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
19:33.48Kirkburn|afkUgh ... "Republican calls for email and IM monitoring"
19:35.38KasoWarning labels on porn? "Warning: May cause arousal!"
19:37.08Thunder_Childi like the ones on hair dryers "do not use while sleeping"....
19:41.57Kirkburn|afkGoddammit, sells out of Wiis in about 1 minute
19:53.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
19:54.29ShadowedThink Of The Children (TM)
19:57.28Shadowedpeople make me sad
19:57.57Shadowedone person admits he does something against the tos...someone says it's against it then 2 posts later someone asks how to do it
20:03.15*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|linux (
20:04.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Darklin (
20:07.24DarklinAnyone around to fisheye a bit of code and possibly point out where I'm going wrong? For some reason I can't override GetQuestLogTitle() with my own function.
20:08.32Darklin < Here's the link if anyone cares to look.
20:10.11KasoWhat happens when you try?
20:10.40DarklinNothing. It's like it doesn't do anything.
20:10.59DarklinThe wierd thing is this worked in 20003 but now it doesnt in 20005
20:11.04DarklinAnd I cant find what has changed.
20:11.35Kasothere was no UI changes between 3 and 5 iirc , at least the toc number was incremented
20:13.04Kasolemme try out the code
20:13.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian_Alt (
20:13.09Shadowedquest logs shouldn't be LOD either though, how odd
20:13.21DarklinShadowed /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(GetQuestLogTitle(2));
20:13.43Shadowed[70] Showdown
20:13.52DarklinSee, yours is showing the level
20:14.00ShadowedI have CTMod installed
20:14.01DarklinThe code I wrote used to do that.
20:14.22DarklinI'm just not sure why it's not working anymore.
20:14.30Shadowedare you sure your code is running?
20:14.42DarklinGood question.
20:14.48DarklinIt should be tho.
20:14.57DarklinLemme add a different function and reload.
20:17.15DarklinYep. I was able to /script QuestLevel_Test(); and have it output like it should.
20:17.28DarklinThey didn't protect GetQuestLogTitle did they?
20:18.15Shadowedif they protected it, CTMod wouldn't be working
20:18.23Shadowedunless they do something else besides hooking the title
20:18.48cladhairedark portal event
20:18.53cladhaire12'th portal never shows up
20:18.58Shadowedyou got lucky
20:18.59Kasoi know what the problem is
20:19.03cladhaireShadowed: I like him
20:19.08DarklinWhat's up Kaso?
20:19.11Kasoif ( not isHeader
20:19.13Shadowedcladhaire: I got to tank dark portal at 66, that was fun :p
20:19.19KasoisHeader ==0 when its not a header
20:19.42DarklinNot a null value.
20:19.51Darkliner nil value
20:19.59DarklinGot it.
20:20.20DarklinAnd prior to LUA 5.1 you could use not to = 0 or nil?
20:20.42Kasonope, 0 has always been true in evaluations
20:21.18DarklinHrm, then why did it work previously...
20:21.59Kasoits a mystery
20:22.24DarklinHrm. Well, it works now.
20:22.34DarklinTho it's adding the 'level' data to the header as well now.
20:22.57DarklinLemme try something
20:23.08*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
20:24.25Kasothats cos youve got isheader on the wrong return
20:24.31KasoquestTitle, level, questTag, suggestedGroup, isHeader, isCollapsed, isComplete
20:25.11DarklinIndeed I do!
20:25.56*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (
20:26.09Sstixruddesign question... I have a routine that is going to be called after every UNIT_HEALTH event and every UNIT_AURA event (tracking 50+ units).  Every unit has 6 to 12 buttons and every button has up to 20 attributes, that can be further catagorized into 5 sub groups...
20:26.17cladhaireShadowed: He came with portal 13 instead.. and i was in healing gear.. =(
20:26.25cladhairedoesn't make me a very effective offtank
20:26.58SstixrudI am trying to decide if I take the easier / simplar (code wise / table wise) route and scan large number of variables or make the table/subtables deeper and target them more specifically
20:27.48Shadowedcladhaire: :(
20:28.09DarklinKaso: I should have gone back to the API on WoWWiki sooner. Sorry about that. To be honest tho, suggestedGroup was never there before. Oh and isHeader returns 1 or nil
20:28.22*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
20:28.28SstixrudPerformance wise will it make much of a difference? If so any other options?  Or am I stuck building a deep dictionary table?
20:30.10DarklinSstixrud: Wow, that sounds like a huge performance hit nomatter what way you do it.
20:31.22DarklinSstixrud: So for example, you're making dynamic buttons to cast different spells depending upon the amount of health they are missing and/or buffs that you can cast they are missing?
20:31.49SstixrudPerhaps, the tracked units is at most 10 if not in a raid.  Best case I can forward 4 types of events to each unit and scan a unit specific table for what attributes are related to those events
20:33.08SstixrudDarklin - well I am changing the visable status of user configured buttons (they define what the spell does, heal, cure, buff etc).  v1.0 will just show, dim, blink buttons depending on current unit status
20:33.26Sstixrudoh and hide of course
20:34.24DarklinSo every time either of those events fire, it checks to see if it's worthwhile to cast a specific heal and if so, ungrey the heal on that person, for example/
20:34.37DarklinPossibly blink the heal on that bar
20:35.08Sstixrudthe events I am tracking are unit health, unit is afflicted xxxx curable debuffs, unit has xxx buffs, unit does not have xxxxx debuff.
20:35.35Shadowedcladhaire: that dungeon is so buggy, when we did it #8 skipped and went to #9
20:36.30cladhaireyeah that happens all the time
20:36.35cladhairebit we were expecting the boss to come on 12, not 13
20:36.52SstixrudDarklin yup, but what it determines is based on a custom config ui I built.  I.e. you go into a screen and click on the spell you want to configure then select what to do with that spell (i.e. it is a heal, blink at 30% health, show at 75%, hide at 76%) etc..
20:37.29DarklinSstixrud: So you're trying to optimize your event dispatcher?
20:38.06SstixrudYes, I have everything done except for my final table layout and dynamic button handler
20:39.34DarklinWell... Hrm.
20:39.53Sstixrudmy dispatcher at this point just sorts incoming UNIT_HEALTH and UNIT_AURA events into the 4 core types (HEALTH CHANGE, is afflicted with curable, xxx buffs currently active and xxx debuffs are active)
20:40.48DarklinIs there some way to know what buttons are 'heals' and which are debuff cures?
20:40.51SstixrudI need each of those 4  sub-routines the unit_target arguement and their type
20:41.15SstixrudDarklin - yes, they are user defined and the user selections are stored in a table
20:41.45DarklinOk, so when, say a UNIT_HEALTH event fires you could just update the buttons in the HEAL table?
20:42.53Sstixrudwell, as it is now UNIT_HEALTH would need to call a function that gathers all buttons that should be checked for that unit
20:43.40SstixrudI do not need to track the existing button states, I can merely set what the states I want after each event
20:44.34DarklinIt would be better if your UI that lets them set up the buttons would also write out a table listing which buttons were used for what events
20:44.49Sstixrudi.e. there is no table containing the existing states of each button.  The table that exists says what a button should BE set to depeneding on real-time event status
20:45.07DarklinI'm not talking about the buttons present state
20:45.42DarklinI'm talking about a table that says, button 8 on bar 1 = heal and therefore needs updated when a UNIT_HEALTH event occurs.
20:46.28DarklinThat way, when you're dispatching events, you don't have to scan each bar first.
20:46.34SstixrudDarklin thats exactly what I just got done creating, once the user has finished configuring a spell, it calls a SpellInit function that updates/builds table enterries for that spell for every attrbiute defined
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20:49.40Sstixrudwhat I am pondering is how deep/refined (i.e. how many subtables) I need to create for performance reasons.  Do I create a table for every Unit (max of 90) -> subtable of spellname -> attribute = xxx (20 attributes)
20:52.38Sstixrudmy dispatcher will be able to do:  function UB_FindBtns(eventType, target)
20:53.17SstixrudUB_FindBtns will know based on the target arg the button range, and eventType will tell it what sub table to look into
20:54.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Juido (
20:54.58Juidoevening ne1
20:56.31Juidosomeone on who can help me with a little Lua problem ?
20:57.00Kaso~just ask
20:57.11purljust ask your question - do not ask to ask. when you ask, ask all on one line - tell us what you did, what you saw, and what you expected to see.
20:57.11Kasodamn you purl!
20:57.15Kasoaha !
20:57.55Juidodid a macro, saw some digits, expeted them somehow diffrent :D
20:58.10Juido  <- i wrote this to get my coord
20:58.48Juidonow i get coord like 123 - 456
20:59.07Juidobut i want them like 12,3 - 45,6
20:59.21Kasothen times by 100 not 1000
20:59.45Juidothis way i get 12 - 45
20:59.51Kasothats because you use format
20:59.55Kaso%d requires an integer
21:00.10Juidoits always rounded..
21:00.22SstixrudKaso - any advice on my desgin problem? :)
21:00.28Juidoso how can i cange it ?
21:00.48Kasouse %g instead of %d
21:01.00Juidoi will try, hold on :)
21:01.09KasoSstixrud i took one look and got a headache, cant help im afraid
21:01.40Sstixrudheh, I been avoiding this part for a week cleaning up other elements of the code for the same reason :)
21:03.05SstixrudI guess ill just build the table tree from hell :)
21:03.11Juidonow its 0,123456 - 12,3456
21:03.16Sstixrudat least I know it will be as fast as it can be
21:03.41KasoJuido you'll need to use math functions to round it
21:05.07Juidolike floor ?
21:05.41*** join/#wowi-lounge wobin_ (
21:07.15SstixrudI have this sinking feeling I am going to do all this work and find out there was a much easier / cleaner way heh
21:08.10Juidothx kaso
21:08.35Kasoits more "correct" to put your script on one long /script line
21:08.48Kasoand to use local before your variables
21:10.50Kasolike that
21:14.02*** join/#wowi-lounge wobin_ (
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21:27.36Sstixrudhow would one do "if not[i] then"  the [i] obviously does not work if partyx does not exist :0
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21:28.25Kasoif and not[i]
21:28.33*** join/#wowi-lounge wobin_ (
21:29.08Sstixrudbut what if I want to create[1-5]
21:29.23Sstixrudor .raid[1-40]
21:29.38Sstixrudoh I see
21:29.44SstixrudI should read :)
21:30.51SstixrudKaso - I am not sure I am reading that correctly, will that work even if is not a table?
21:31.30Kasothats correct
21:31.37Kasoif you want to make sure its a table then use type()
21:31.37hasteif(UBVAR.DYNBTNS["party"..i]) then
21:32.11bleetahinteresting, the PTR has refunded all my talents to me. I wonder if that's an oversight in an attempt to enable the BC stuff that was buggy.
21:32.23SstixrudI simply want to create multiple tables for every i =
21:32.37Sstixruderrr sorry create a single table for every i =
21:32.54hasteie. UBVAR.DYNBTNS.party1
21:33.11hastethen you can check if it with if(UBVAR.DYNBTNS["party"..i]) then
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21:33.47Sstixrudthen[i] = {} ?
21:34.00Sstixrudwell else I mean
21:34.19hasteNow you're making me confused, pastey what you're thinking :)
21:35.15Sstixrudhaha I just need to create a slew of tables ending in a number that increaments :)
21:35.27Sstixrudparty1, party2, party3 etc.. heh
21:35.49hasteif(not UBVAR.DYNBTNS["party"..i]) then UBVAR.DYNBTNS["party"..i] = {} end
21:36.44SstixrudThanks :), seems I had it right but for the "xxxx"..i
21:37.27Sstixrudthe if() is optional right?
21:38.22hasteyes, you can drop the ()
21:38.32hasteIt's just my coding style :)
21:41.10Sstixrudhaste - this look right?:
21:42.50Sstixrudhrm line 9 fails
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22:32.07wobin_hm, interesting
22:32.23wobin_not sure just if it's actually useful or not
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22:45.29Elkanouh, silly Germans ;)
22:46.26lhunathsilly germans ++
22:57.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
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23:07.36CorrodiasTheStig: the NPCs within the city aren't supposed to attack you either way
23:08.10Corrodiasor at least they've never attacked me. i haven't tried going up to the scryer part of the city, but i can walk around most of their NPC's without trouble
23:11.36*** join/#wowi-lounge tardmrr (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
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23:12.20nevcairielthe npcs in the scryer part will attack you then, not kill you tho, but attack and port you out of the city
23:14.04wobin_I want them to throw you off the lift =)
23:14.13wobin_"And -stay- out!"
23:15.03kasoThe sole reason for pickng scyers imo is the fact you can jump off the lift and not die
23:19.13Sstixrudok silly question... how to I create a simple counter... I have a sub if statement that only gets called once in awhile and I need to track what iteration it is
23:20.05wobin_have a local outside that block that keeps track?
23:20.23wobin_then inside the ifblock you want to count, have counter= counter + 1
23:20.52Sstixrudhrm I thought I tried that it kept starting over
23:21.04wobin_make sure you don't define the counter within any loop
23:21.37wobin_pastey the code if you want, and we can have a look at it =)
23:23.00Sstixrudbetween line 29 and 30 I want to do something special the FIRST time it is called
23:23.31wobin_First and only first?
23:23.42wobin_You can use a boolean then =)
23:23.54wobin_lemme modify a bit
23:24.05Sstixrudsame with lines 43 44 and 58 59
23:24.44SstixrudI want to run UBVAR.DYNBTNS["xxxx"..i][UBVAR.LASTSPELLCFG] = {} there
23:25.23Sstixrudthat way I only create tables for buttons that actually match the spell.. instead of creating a table for that spell for every button
23:26.33wobin_Isn't that what you're doing  on 15 and 21?
23:26.50wobin_oh, you want to move it =)
23:27.24wobin_how about you run a check before line 30 (for example) to see if the table exists, and if not create it.
23:27.37Sstixrudthat way creates it for every button, its a waste of table space when I only need 5% as many tables
23:27.52wobin_at that point, you -know- that the button exists
23:28.29Sstixrudwell, I only need a table for that button if "if UBVAR.LASTSPELLCFG == SpellName then"
23:28.48wobin_if not [UBVAR.DYNBTNS["xxx"..i][UBVAR.LASTSPELLCFG] then  [UBVAR.DYNBTNS["xxx"..i][UBVAR.LASTSPELLCFG] = {} end
23:29.05wobin_just after that UBVAR.LASTSPELLCFG == SpellName check
23:29.21Sstixrudthat would work if not for the fact I need to clear the table of all records on first run :)
23:29.40wobin_ah =)
23:29.54Sstixrudso I have two problems I am trying to fix a) creating the table so it can be populated and b) clear any contents on first run :)
23:30.29wobin_okay, this could look a little messy... but....
23:31.07SstixrudI have a super processing intensive function that will use these tables... which is why I have had to make it so complex to insure a minimal number of variables are parsed
23:31.46Sstixrudi.e. it will be called for every UNIT_HEALTH and UNIT_AURA event and I am tracking up to 90 units :)
23:32.47wobin_try something like that
23:33.04wobin_All you need is a boolean flag to check if it's the first run for that cycle
23:34.07purlpurl is probably an evil bot. rather slow at responding
23:34.14wobin_It's true =\
23:34.19Sstixrudok thanks, this is the first time I have needed to do something like this and this mod is over 1000 lines so far heh
23:34.27wobin_no problems, Sstixrud =)
23:34.36purlI ain't no stinkin' bot.  I am a finely tuned and hand crafted tool.  Oh wait... I guess I am a bot (that you should not abuse).
23:34.46purlmethinks timriker is my owner maintainer of BZFlag, member of a ton of open source projects the guy who GPL'd SCO's ABI files, giving every Linux user the right to use them ;-), or a very cool guy.
23:36.39*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
23:36.46Cairennhey cogwheel
23:36.53cogwheelHi :|
23:36.56Cairennhow go the computer woes?
23:37.07*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (
23:37.08cogwheelAfter one ends another seems to begin...
23:37.08Cairennthe expression doesn't bode well
23:37.17Cairenn*now* what? :(
23:37.37cogwheelI have three different windows XP discs, and not a single one will boot on two different computers...
23:38.02Cairennyou can't win for losing these days, it seems
23:38.22cogwheeland I really need to run the system recovery on this one because some system files are corrupt and I can't figure out which ones
23:38.46Wobindoes anyone know if table.remove calls the __index metafunction?
23:40.25cogwheelIt's almost like these windows discs expired or something... I tried disabling all the hardware in my computer except the HD & video card with no luck :(
23:40.43Wobintime to start from scratch =\
23:40.52WobinThis is why I'm so happy I switched to linux
23:41.00Wobinfor one thing, ubuntu made it easy
23:42.16cogwheelWobin: that's the thing... i can't start from scratch with windows... also, none of the linux distros I've tried support my PATA controller...
23:42.39CairennI'm not sure now is the time to start a linux vs windows debate where cogwheel is concerned =/
23:43.13Wobinoh, I'm not intending to start a debate
23:43.19WobinJust saying what I ended up doing
23:43.25cogwheelhey, i'd be using linux hands down if it would actually work...
23:43.38WobinI totally empathise with the hacking at Windows to try getting it working
23:43.40cogwheel(on this comp, that is... i'm already running it on my laptop as a server)
23:43.53Wobinps best line ever: Lua doesn't have arrays -- it's tables all the way down.
23:46.25Sstixrudwow this is ugly heh
23:47.28Wobinefficient lua code =)
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23:47.59Sstixrudwell in this case then pretty tables, as the table generator is not critical path but the table lookups are :)
23:48.04*** part/#wowi-lounge lhunath (
23:49.00SstixrudMy table went from 23k to 17k thats an improvement
23:51.08Cairenn~seen crispytown
23:51.29purlCairenn: i haven't seen 'crispytown'
23:51.38Cairennbleh, that's what I thought

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