irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070209

00:02.37cladhairewhat are you thinking righ tnow?
00:02.48Shadowedso basically
00:03.51ShadowedWe need to create our own button and put it on top of the name plates, the problem is by doing this the name plate no longer gets click events. Also we have no way of knowing if Frame A is going to be above the same person in the next frame update.
00:04.29*** join/#wowi-lounge DemoXin_ (
00:04.45ShadowedWhat this means is that Clique support is really hard to add because we're either going to have to disable targetting by clicking the name plate for everyone and let Clique handle it, or somehow find the button Blizzard uses for targetting
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00:05.14Shadowedas far as I can tell, the button Blizzard uses for targetting isn't accessable at all
00:05.53cladhaireShadowed: Hrm.. maybe we talk to slouken
00:06.09Shadowedi'm pretty sure we aren't wanted to be accessing these though :p
00:06.20cladhairewhy not?
00:06.27cladhairehe seemed like he wanted to let us click-cast on the models.
00:06.34Shadowedoh he did?
00:06.57cladhairein one of the many requests
00:07.00ShadowedWorth asking him now?
00:07.05Shadowedor would he not be on the forums at this time
00:08.05cladhairedunno he floats =)
00:08.23Shadowedalright :p
00:11.09*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh (
00:11.31JoshBorkebtw cladhaire, it's very difficult to get a good shot of mendwatch in action
00:11.35JoshBorkebecause it fades too fast
00:11.41TainWe'll all float on ok
00:11.57ShadowedTain that made less sense then what what you usually say :p
00:12.08JoshBorkeusually i just /ignore tain
00:12.16JoshBorkebut lately he's been helping me out with WhoMod
00:12.18TainIt's good new for people who like bad news.
00:12.26cladhaireJosh_Borke: Boo =(
00:12.34cladhaireJosh_Borke: Can we change the fade time at all?
00:12.37JoshBorkei'll upload what i have so far cladhaire
00:12.44JoshBorkenot in game, i can tweak the lua (which i might do)
00:13.01TC_WorkingTain, i dont think they are getting the music referances
00:13.11ShadowedI got it
00:13.16JoshBorkei didn't
00:13.17ShadowedDeath Cab for Cutie wasn't it?
00:13.31cladhaireJosh_Borke: <3
00:13.33kergothgood news for people who like bad news was modest mouse
00:13.43Shadowedi knew it sounded familiar but wouldn't remember which
00:14.31JoshBorkei expect preferential treatment when it comes to distributing PRaid 2 =P
00:15.50TC_Workinghmm...public relations aid....
00:16.37TC_Workingjosh, your no longer allowed to name websites
00:17.00Shadowedcladhaire: Another issue I just realised...if the name plate changes from player A to player B in combat we can't update the unit :(
00:17.18Shadowedeffectively making it useless
00:17.32cladhaireJosh_Borke:  =(
00:17.35cogwheel|workTC_Working: isn't a DynDns domain?
00:17.42JoshBorkecogwheel|work: confirmed
00:18.00TC_Workingreally?....damn......someone needs to die now
00:18.10cladhaireJosh_Borke: The incendiary bomb is over the frame =(
00:18.13cladhaireyou hate me.
00:18.19JoshBorkecladhaire: i'll be running seththek halls tonight, any good AoE fights?
00:18.21JoshBorkelol, i know
00:18.24JoshBorkethat was my best shot too
00:18.35ShadowedJosh_Borke: theres like 3-4 small AE pulls
00:18.46JoshBorkemobs that AoE =P
00:19.06TainI'm watching Robin Williams: Live on Broadway.  He still does a great standup routine.
00:19.11Shadowedmobs that AE? mmmm
00:19.16JoshBorkeor times that make mendwatch useful
00:19.23ShadowedI have no idea what MendWatch does
00:19.24kergothTain: indeed, downloaded and watched that a couple weeks ago
00:19.39Shadowedthe final boss has an arcane explosion, and sort of an arcane volley that hits everyone in the party
00:20.13TainI'm trying to decide whether or not I'm excited about Amazon teaming up with Tivo to do movie rentals online to your Tivo.
00:20.44*** join/#wowi-lounge DemoXin__ (
00:21.33Industrialok, taking a deep breath
00:21.47Industrialhere goes: I kinda like php5.
00:22.07Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty happy whenever they link tivos to computers in any way because that opens all kinda room for exploiting to get free stuff :p
00:22.10DemoXinwhy u ducking?
00:22.23Industrialpotential flying objects in my general direction.
00:22.43DemoXinwhats wrong with php5?
00:22.50Shadowed and now we wait!
00:22.55Industrialwell ok, the namespaceing sucks.
00:23.11Industrialbut i just got to read how the OO works and I kinda like it :X
00:23.58Shadowed~poke kergoth
00:24.00purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind kergoth, pokes kergoth repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
00:24.08Industrialoh-oh :P
00:29.15*** part/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
00:30.46TainSo a priest, a rapist, and a child molester walk into a bar.
00:30.50TainAnd that's just the first guy.
00:31.46Shadowed~lart Tain
00:32.09Mr_Rabies2one of my first screenshots was of a priest named altarboy
00:32.35ShadowedAnyone have a suggestion for a good place to find some textures for bars?
00:32.49*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre- (
00:32.49TC_Workingbe nice Tain....the boys may have consented
00:32.53JoshBorkei steal all mine from ace
00:32.55Mr_Rabies2can probably look around discord and steal some
00:33.12ShadowedJosh_Borke: Aren't there weird license issues with doing that
00:33.56TainIt is only an issue if someone sues you.
00:34.00Mr_Rabies2if you plan on releasing them maybe, but i doubt anyone will have problems with you borrowing their bar texture
00:34.17Shadowednaw just need some textures I can use for name plates
00:34.32Mr_Rabies2thats a waste of legal fees, anyway
00:35.01Mr_Rabies2"he stole my 5 minutes of photoshop including applying random filters!"
00:35.24Tains/photoshop/pirated copy of photoshop/
00:36.09Shadowedbeing sued for 5 minutes of work on a pirated copy of photoshop would be some fun irony
00:36.15TC_Workingnow now, not everyone pirates it...some of us take it from work
00:37.20ShadowedSWStats  > ace actually!
00:37.45axxothe one has notting todo with the other
00:37.51Shadowedexcept it has some license which i dont feel like dealing with
00:37.52foxlitbar textures, probably
00:38.06Shadowedwhat foxlit said
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00:50.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz_ (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
00:50.48Shadowed...and now to figure out why it's ignoring set texture
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00:52.42ShadowedAnyone used SetStatusBarTexture before in an addon?
00:52.58*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
00:53.01cladhaireand bishop
00:53.04cladhaireand watchdog
00:54.03Mr_Rabies2welp i just backed up 150 gb of anime and movies, i won't feel so bad if this drive's SMART return is correct
00:54.10IndustrialShadowed: s/ace/
00:54.16Shadowedclose enough!
00:54.29Industrialanyway, off to bed
00:54.36Mr_Rabies2it's saying the drive's fitness is 43%, but i think its using out of 100 instead of out of 254 like standard SMART
00:55.26zenzelezzthat doesn't sound very smart
00:55.26Mr_Rabies2that or this 10 dollar SATA card isn't really reliable
00:55.49Mr_Rabies2or it could be because it's running in SATA1 mode and it's a SATA II drive
00:55.55ShadowedWeird, wonder why it wouldn't let me use Cappings textures but it lets me use perfectraids
00:58.20Shadowedand now it does! how annoying
01:00.40Shadowedcladhaire: you mind if i steal smooth.tga as a texture?
01:00.48cladhaireits not mine, so go nuts
01:03.45Krazeis there some way to check what event is being call when I do something in game??
01:04.12purlhmm... devtools is Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?, or found at for the beta
01:04.13purlextra, extra, read all about it, devtools is Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?, or found at for the beta
01:04.14Krazebot! wake up
01:05.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
01:09.33DemoXinalrighty peeps
01:09.36DemoXinim out for a bit
01:13.52*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
01:15.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
01:19.02*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
01:24.58Krazehmm, whats "...atempt to index global 'MyAddon
01:25.07Kraze' (a nil value) mean?
01:25.38cladhaireit means the global variable "MyAddon" isn't defined.
01:26.30JoshBork1i like PI
01:26.40Krazeok, then for
01:26.45TainMagnum, PI?
01:27.01Krazehow can you make it work?
01:27.55cladhairecopy the whole thing.
01:28.19cladhairethe first line is MyAddon = {}
01:28.49Krazeoh, wrong link
01:28.58Krazethe one under it, Registering events with AceEvent-2.0 sanely
01:29.09Krazedo I need AceEvent for that?
01:29.15cladhaireyou need a lot for that
01:29.20cladhaireyou should ask in #wowace
01:29.26Krazeok thanks
01:29.31cladhairestarting with aceevent isn't a simple 1,2,3 =)
01:29.58Krazelol that example fooled me
01:30.18Krazebut the link I have above, it works on its own right?
01:30.29cladhairewith no libraries.
01:30.29Krazek thanks
01:34.55Guillotineanybody know exactly what changes to the UI were made with 2.0.7? I know GC has been changed to 130%, and a new command has been added to check memory usage, but don't see anything else in the patch notes. (Actually, don't see those in the patch notes either)
01:35.15Mr_Rabies2 , , which two of those 3 do you think i should use, for a druid?
01:35.26ShadowedGuillotine: I though those were 2.1.0?
01:35.30*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
01:35.34cladhaireGuillotine: there is no 2.0.7, and 2.1.0 hasn't been released
01:35.40cladhaireas far as i know
01:35.45Mr_Rabies22.0.7 notes are out
01:35.47Guillotinetest server of 2.0;7 just came out
01:35.51cladhairenice =)
01:35.56cladhairethen run a diff :P
01:36.02Guillotineah, those changes wern't put in to 2.0.7?
01:36.07cladhaireno idea
01:36.12cladhaireyou can test easily
01:36.24Guillotinebut to do that I'd have to download the beta client
01:36.24cladhaireif you have the PTR up i can show ya how to test
01:40.02ShadowedAnyone know the file name for the default status bar texture that health bars use?
01:40.49Mr_Rabies2anyone? :O , , which two of those 3 do you think i should use, for a druid?
01:41.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
01:41.53Guillotineferal I assume?
01:42.30GuillotineBladefist's Breadth definately
01:42.39Mr_Rabies2problem is remembering to hit it :[
01:42.40Guillotinemuch better than Blackhand's Breadth
01:42.46Guillotineya, I have that problem too :(
01:43.14KarlThePaganAnduinLothar, ping
01:43.17GuillotineIf you spam your keys anyway, make a macro: /castrandom Mangle, Mangle, Mangle, Bladefist's Breadth
01:45.28*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
01:48.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:52.04kergothi use a macro to cast bladefist's breadth every time i mutilate, works well, other than the annoying error sound when it cant be used :|
01:52.08kergothis there a way around that?
01:52.55pastamancerwell, you can turn off error sounds in the wow settings somewhere
01:54.39TC_Workingturn off your speakers....your sounds....and your computer
01:54.52TC_Workingand your power
01:57.11cladhaireThis addon wins at life:
01:58.05Shadoweddoes it have a key logger?
01:59.13Krazecan anyone explain to me what does the highlighted line mean?
01:59.40cladhairethere are a number of highlighted lines
01:59.48cladhaireall but three of them actually
02:00.12Krazewell, those are the lines I dont know what it does..
02:00.23Krazethe rest I wrote
02:00.33cladhaireKraze: The first creates a new table
02:00.56cladhairethe last three create a frame (so you can register for events), this frame is nameless, and it stores a reference to this frame in the local varibale "frame"
02:01.12cladhairethen you call the RegisterEvent method on that framer, to register for the QUEST_DETAIL blizzard event.
02:01.44cladhaireyou then tell the frame how to respond to the OnEvent event, by calling your function, which looks in the AutoQ table, and calls the method named the same as the event, in this case QUEST_DETAIL
02:02.26KrazeI see, what is the function() stand for in the last line?
02:05.03cladhaireit creates an anonymous function
02:05.17cladhairethat does the code in between the function and the end
02:05.29cladhaireyou could make it a named function, but in this case that's not necessary
02:08.47Krazeok.... what does that mean...
02:08.59Krazedoes that mean I can put another function in there?
02:09.15JoshBork1clad, that better?
02:10.03KrazeI am reading again and again what you said, and I still have no clue what you mean...
02:13.01cladhaireJosh_Borke: its perfect.
02:13.09cladhaireKraze: Sorry, you shoudl ahve pinged me =)
02:13.31cladhaireKraze: Okay, so the following makes a function: function addtwo(num) return num + 2 end
02:13.37JoshBork1yay! :-D
02:13.41cladhaireits called "addtwo", and it returns the number you pass it, plus two
02:13.42JoshBork1first boss in sethekk down
02:13.44cladhaireget that?
02:13.49JoshBork1that fight is awesome
02:14.01*** join/#wowi-lounge robjac (
02:14.57cladhaireKraze: Let me know when you['re caught up, by saying my name so i get pinged.
02:15.45cladhaireJosh_Borke: Do you have the .tiff?
02:16.20cladhairei'd love you if you could email it to me
02:16.39Krazecladhaire: sorry, didn't know if you are busy or not
02:16.39Krazeyes, a function call addtwo
02:16.46cladhaireKraze: not a function call
02:16.55cladhairea function called =)
02:17.25Krazesorry my bad ==
02:17.29JoshBork1erm, the .tga?
02:17.37cladhairehyeah that too
02:17.57cladhaireKraze: Okay, instead of NAMING the function, you can just instead leave the name out, which makes the function anonymouse.
02:17.58JoshBork1pm email
02:18.25Krazenow the code have an extra function called addtwo
02:18.35cladhairei'm jjust using it as an illustration, bear with me
02:18.43cladhaireKraze: In this case, frame:SetScript() expects two argeuments, one being the script name "OnEvent" in yoru case, and the second being a FUNCTION.
02:19.02cladhairefor the function, you could give it the name "addtwo"
02:19.06cladhairewhich is a reference to the function
02:19.13cladhaireor you could define an anonymous function, such as
02:19.18*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
02:19.25cladhaireframe:SetScript("OnEvent", function(num) return num + 2 end)
02:19.40cladhaireforgiving the fact that passing a "add two" function would be silly in this case, its just a simplication.
02:20.34cladhairein short, that's what that function() portion of things is doing.
02:20.43cladhaireif you want to know what the function inside does, we can go into that too
02:20.58Krazeoh! so -->"OnEvent"<-- is one arguement, and -->function() AutoQ:QUEST_DETAIL() end)<-- is the other one
02:21.19cladhaireKraze: Correct, you're passing two arguments to the :SetScript() function.
02:21.29cladhaireYou're saying "When this frame responds to an event, do it with this function"
02:21.42cladhaireand instead of naming the function, you're defining it anonymously =)
02:22.11cladhaireKraze: Have you looked a PiL yet?  programming in lua is a very good book that helps explain how to program in lua, if you've had any programming experience.
02:22.39cladhaireJoshBork1: zomg wtb
02:22.43Krazeis it possible to load function ->AutoQ:QUEST_DETAIL()<- directly without having to make an annonymous function?
02:22.58JoshBork1is 2 tgas too big?
02:23.04JoshBork1this is hard
02:23.07cladhairei'm confused.
02:23.13Krazecladhaire: PiL, is that the full book name??
02:23.16cladhaireKraze: Hrm, let me explain what happens.
02:23.16JoshBork1watching grey's, dps'ing sethekk halls, doing stuff for you
02:24.01cladhaireKraze: In this case, you've registered a frame for an event, the "QUEST_DETAIL" event.. right?
02:24.08cladhairefollow that?
02:24.19cladhairethat does nothing except tell Blizzard that this frame wants that event
02:24.27cladhaireyou now need to tell it what to do with that event.
02:24.38cladhairelets go back one step too
02:24.58cladhaireyou have AutoQ:QUEST_DETAIL() which is a function, right?
02:25.18cladhairedo you understand what the : means there?
02:25.27Krazeheh, no
02:25.34cladhairedo you understand anything about tables?
02:25.48Krazenot enough.. --
02:25.56cladhaireokay, version simple example,
02:26.07cladhairetbl = {} makes a new table.
02:26.12cladhairesimple enough
02:27.39cladhairethere are two ways to access that table, tbl["apple"] or is what is called "syntactic sugar" for tbl["apple"] so in this case they mean the same thing.  Table in lua can be indexed by any value, but most often number and strings.  That means that tbl[1] and tbl["apple"] are both valid.
02:28.20cladhairei'm waiting =)
02:28.39cladhaireJoshBork1: Thanks.
02:28.55Krazehah, so just by tbl = {}, you have created that 2 way to access the table?
02:29.13cladhairewell no, by tbl = {} you've created a table.
02:29.44cladhairewe can always access a table in two different ways, with the caveat that there may be nothing there =)
02:29.44cladhaireif you just do tbl = {}, then try to look at, it will be "nil", which is a special value meaning nothing
02:30.16JoshBork1np clad
02:30.20cladhairelet me know when you catch that, or if i can do anythign to clarify further.
02:30.23Krazeoh so that example with apple is just to show there is 2 way to access the table
02:30.52cladhaireit was more tangential than pertinent to your code snippet
02:30.53Krazeok, I caught that
02:30.58cladhaireyou'll have to give me liberty to depart from that =)
02:31.14Krazehah, sure
02:31.17cladhaireso now you understand tables, and anonymous functions (we're skipping all over the place)
02:31.46cladhairewhen you do function AutoQ:QUEST_DETAIL() AcceptQuest(); end, you're doing the following
02:31.55cladhaire(also note, that the semicolon is not required whatsoever)
02:32.09cladhairelines 3-5 translate to the following
02:32.26cladhaireAutoQ.QUEST_DETAIL = function(self) AcceptQuest(); end
02:32.56cladhairefully drawn out as AutoQ["QUEST_DETAIL"] = function(self) AcceptQuest(); end
02:32.58Krazewow... you can write it like that?
02:33.10cladhaireyep, its what the compiler does anyway =)
02:33.29Krazeaccessing the table
02:33.30cladhaireSo you're taking the table AutoQ, and storing the value of your anonymous function in the slot in that table indexed by the string "QUEST_DETAIL"
02:33.37cladhairethat says quite a lot, let me know if i need to clarify at all
02:34.02cladhaire(i think you'll agree the form you use in the pastey is a bit cleaner) =)
02:34.20cladhairebut this will help me xplain what line 9 does.
02:35.40Krazeallow me to backtrack a bit, from my code, is the semicolon in AutoQ:QUEST_DETAIL() just part of the name?
02:35.46cladhaireno =)
02:35.54cladhairethat's what I'm getting to
02:36.22cladhairethe colon has two meanings, one when a function is being DEFINED (as in line 3) and another when its being called (as in line 9)
02:36.29cladhairemaybe this will help piece all of this together
02:36.30JoshBork1man, i don't remember teh last time i saw clad have this much time to help someone
02:36.47cladhaireJoshBork1: its a great diversion.. i'm brainwracked due to this book
02:37.04cladhaireKraze: Okay, so remember how I said lines 3-5 mean AutoQ["QUEST_DETAIL"] = function(self) AcceptQuest(); end when its compiled?
02:37.31cladhairedo you notice the main difference (anything there that's not in yours?)
02:37.54cladhaireyep =)
02:38.15cladhairewhen you're defining a function with the : notation (as in tbl:name()) you're saying:
02:38.37cladhaireadd the argument "self" as the first argument to my function, even if i specified other arguments.
02:38.50cladhairelet me know when you catch that, and i'll explain _why_ that's a neat thing :P
02:39.50cladhaireFor comparison, take the following: function AutoQ.QUEST_DETAIL() AcceptQuest; end
02:39.54cladhairenote the . instead of the :
02:40.14cladhaireas we remember from before, the . indexes the table (which the colon does as well)
02:40.34cladhairein the example with the ., its only expanded to AutoQ["QUEST_DETAIL"] = function() AcceptQuest; end
02:40.40cladhaireas in the self isn't added.
02:40.51Krazewhat do you mean expanded?
02:40.56cladhaireby the compiler.
02:41.00Krazeoh ok
02:41.02cladhairei.e. what the code "does"
02:41.08cladhaireit helps us understand things.
02:41.38cladhaireSo when you define a function with a :, it gets self as the first argument whereas if you define it with a ., it doesn't have the self argument as defined.
02:41.54cladhairedo you at least halfway have that? =)
02:42.24Krazewell, now it bring up the uqestion of, "so?"
02:42.24cladhaireokay =)
02:42.32cladhairelet me pastey something quick, okay?
02:42.33Krazewhats the different between having self or not
02:42.57Krazeman... I need to copy this whole thing somewhere... =P
02:43.27cladhairesimple function
02:43.34cladhaireyou see what it does?
02:44.34Krazecreate a table name MyAddon, create a function name AddOne and store it as one of the element in the table
02:44.53cladhaireand it just returns 1 + the number its passed, right?
02:45.03Krazeyea, forgot about that =P
02:45.12cladhaireokay.. now that i've redefined the + operator.. i'm gonna get even sillier =)
02:45.25cladhaireTell me what you see there
02:45.48cladhaire**Sorry to every one for the lua basics.. i was going to take it into tells, but chances are this could help more than one person, lol **
02:46.00cladhaireplus its taking me away from my work, and for that i'm quite happy
02:46.18KrazeAddTwo will run AddOne twice, thus adding the number passing into it twice
02:46.24cladhaireyep =)
02:46.29cladhairelike ai said, absolutely stupid.
02:47.01KrazeI dont mind, at least is simple enough to understand to not get me sidetracked
02:47.22cladhaireyou understand that on line 8, we're taking the argument, passing it to AddOne, and then passing THAT result to AddOne again.. The function composition goes from the inside out
02:47.23cladhairemake sense?
02:47.49cladhaireLegorol: lolz.
02:47.56Krazewait, I missed that self on line 8
02:47.59cladhaireLegorol: I teach better when i have lesson plans, this is stupid =)
02:48.02Legorolit's very good, great way of explaining OO
02:48.06cladhaireKraze: Ignore the self at the moment, go with it =)
02:48.11Krazeoh ok
02:48.24cladhaireSo its clear to you what that function does?
02:48.43Krazeyes, since the function AddOne has a return statment, so AddOne basically is a number
02:48.49Shadowedcladhaire: Completely forgot about using the mouseover unit for buttons :p
02:48.56cladhaireShadowed: =)
02:49.02cladhaireKraze: Yep =)
02:49.08Shadowedyay for the pirate
02:49.19cladhaireKraze: now beyond the fact that self is generic, always exist when you've defined a function with : and is quite easier to type
02:49.20KrazeSorry for everyone else, I should've read PiL before comming here
02:49.38Legorolnope, this is good, it gets cladhaire to improve his typing speed :P
02:49.38cladhaireKraze: read it afterwards, and everyone else will be better for it =)  this isn't only for you :P
02:49.45cladhaireLegorol: dont need help there =)
02:50.06Shadowedtype 1 through 50 clad
02:50.08Shadowedyou have 10 seconds
02:50.17cladhairegive me words bitch
02:50.20cladhairelets TyperShart
02:50.24cladhaireI'll win
02:50.30Legoroltypershart? what's that..
02:50.31Shadowedhaha Legorol
02:50.34cladhaireKraze: Let me know when you've read that.
02:50.45Shadoweddo you mean typer shark?
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02:50.59Krazecladhaire: so : is another way to invoke the self method
02:51.00cladhaireits the best game in the world
02:51.02cladhairebut beyond that.
02:51.32cladhaireKraze: Okay.. i'm gonna do something else silly now.  Lets say that you have these great functions, that do very simple things, like add one to a number, and add two to a number
02:51.42cladhaireyou wrote that last pastey.. and i like what you did, k?
02:52.06Shadowedthat game IS fun
02:52.14cladhaireShadowed: Its the best game in the world.. no joke.
02:52.31Krazecladhaire: you mean the autoquest? or you refering to someone else?
02:52.46Legorolbastards, they put symbols on the piranhas!
02:52.47cladhairepretend you just wrote this
02:52.48cladhaireokay? =)
02:53.24cladhaireNow I do this
02:53.50cladhairewe have one more step, then i'm done with this example =)
02:53.52Shadowed70 WPM isn't very hard :(
02:53.55cladhaireand we can go back over where i'm confused you
02:54.28Krazein 6269, did you just redefine the MyAddon to CladAddon?
02:54.41Krazenothing is changed, you just renamed to something else?
02:54.50cladhairelook at it as a whole
02:55.02cladhaireyour stuff is still there in lines 1-9
02:55.11cladhairewhat i do on line 12 is going to add to that
02:55.13Krazewell not rename, you coped it
02:55.17cladhaireit makes ANOTHER table called CladAddon
02:55.46cladhairenow, since function in lua are first-class (just means they're like any other value, numbers or strings) I can put them in my addon, like I do on lines 14 and 15
02:55.55cladhaireso I can call CladAddon:AddTwo(2) and it will return 4
02:56.02cladhairefollow that?
02:56.37Krazeyes, in a way, but what does that do? you just name a copy of the functions
02:56.46Krazemade a copy*
02:56.57cladhairewell, just made a reference to it.
02:57.14Krazeoh, so is referenec, not copy
02:57.18cladhaireyep =)
02:57.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
02:57.29cladhairesince each function is just anonymous in lua.
02:57.37cladhaireas far as the compiler is concerned =)
02:57.38Krazecalling CladAddon.addon will get refer to MyAddon.addon
02:57.44KirkburnWow, frozen waves in Newfoundland...
02:58.00cladhairenope, think of it in this way.
02:58.07cladhaireYou define a function "X"
02:58.37cladhaireyou store a reference to that in MyAddon.AddOne, and I store a reference to it in CladAddon.AddOne
02:58.50cladhairethey're both the same, and neither has anything to do with each other
02:59.00cladhairein our case, the root isn't a function named "X" its an anonymous function.
02:59.09cladhairebut i fear this will get us sidetracked, so bear with me for a moment.
02:59.12cladhaireit may reveal something.
03:00.18cladhairei'll need a leap of faith on this next one =)
03:00.55cladhaireIn this version, instead of copying your AddOne function, I redefine it, and make it add two instead of one (i'ma  silly idiot, so chalk it up to that)
03:00.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
03:01.41cladhaire_WHY_ i'm doing that doesn't matter, but let me know when you have that :P
03:02.11Krazewait, did you just made CladAddon.AddTwo equal to MyAddon.AddTwo, or MyAddon.AddTwo equal to CladAddon.AddTwo??
03:02.17Krazeline 17 I mean
03:02.34cladhaireLook back at 6269, its the same as i did before.
03:02.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
03:02.53cladhairei just added the new definition of CladAddon:AddOne
03:03.12cladhaireits taking the value in MyAddOn.AddTwo and putting a reference to that in CladAddon.Addtwo
03:03.17cladhairecopying that reference
03:03.45Krazewait wait, in 6270, that function you made is AddOne, not AddTwo
03:04.07cladhairewhat i do is define an AddOne function in CladAddon, which is different from yours.
03:04.13cladhaireand COPY the reference to YOUR AddTwo
03:04.22cladhairewe'll explore what that _does_ in a moment
03:04.32cladhairei just wantto see that you get what i'm doing from a pure language perspective there.
03:04.59Krazeok, let me tell you what I think you did, so we can be on the same page
03:05.09cladhaireOkay, we'll walk through block by block
03:05.13cladhaireline 1 defines a table MyAddon
03:05.36cladhaireline 3 defines a function AddOne in MyAddon, that gets self, and num and returns num + 1
03:05.56cladhaireline 7 defines a function AddTwo in MyAddon, that gets self, and num and returns what amounts to num + 2.
03:05.59cladhairefollow that so far?
03:06.23Krazewait, sorry
03:06.46Silviu-cladhaire i think u`r taking him in a too heavy language :P
03:07.04cladhaireSilviu-: Possibly, but i'll confuse him here, and then set him on pil which will seem like a cakewalk =)
03:07.07*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
03:07.40cladhaireKraze: Tell me when/where we are =)
03:07.44Krazedont you mean in line 7 you take in num and toss it up to addone twice? you didn't do num + 2  untill line 13
03:07.56cladhaireKraze: Correct.. that was probably a bad way to describe it =)
03:08.03cladhaireI was describing the end result, not what it does
03:08.23Krazeoh ok, my bad
03:08.33cladhairenp, i should have explained it more clearly
03:08.33KrazeI follow so far, please continue on
03:08.35cladhaireso we're caught up
03:08.42JoshBork1how do i allow more than 2 connections per ip in apache?
03:08.51cladhaireon line 11, we make a new table called CladAddon
03:09.11Legoroldamn you all for showing me typershark. it's addictive!
03:09.20sioraiochtzomg <3 typershark
03:09.26sioraiochthow are you Cairenn?
03:09.34cladhaireon line 13, we make a function AddOne in CladAddon that takes in self and num, and returns num + 2 (which is silly since it doesn't make sense with the name we give it)
03:09.40Cairennas I'm sure you can relate ;)
03:09.50cladhaireKraze: In retrospect I should have had it add 10, or some other silly number :P
03:10.09cladhaireKraze: let me know when you have that function, its the tough one.
03:10.40JoshBork1purl, hug Cairenn
03:10.48purlACTION hugs Cairenn tightly until Cairenn turns slightly blue
03:10.51KirkburnCairenn, did you see my link ealier?
03:10.57Krazehah, ok I get line 13 too
03:11.28Krazenow is the line I am having trouble understanding
03:11.29CairennKirkburn: no, been out all day doing b-day stuff for & with my kiddo, just got home
03:11.32cladhaireokay.. now on line 17, we take the function referenced in MyAddon.AddTwo, and store it in CladAddon.AddTwo
03:11.37Cairennpurl, hug JoshBork1
03:11.41purlACTION sneaks up on JoshBork1 and suddenly hugs JoshBork1 tightly
03:11.53KirkburnFound this vid of frozen waves in Newfoundland...
03:12.37JoshBork1wow, that is amazing
03:12.42Cairenn*nod* seen things like that before
03:13.04sioraiochtCairenn: I don't think I'm quite as cold as you are, probably more snowed upon, though.
03:13.14Cairennaye, too cold up here to snow
03:13.29Krazecladhaire: yea, so far CladAddOn.AddOne has nothing to do with MyAddOn yet
03:13.37cladhaireand they shoudn't =)
03:13.45cladhaireso we know what we're doing here
03:13.46CairennKirkburn: I'm from Nova Scotia originally, I've seen frozen waves before, it's pretty cool (no pun intended)
03:14.06cladhaireMy question for you, is if I call CladAddon:AddTwo(5) what will it return?
03:14.07cladhairein the end
03:14.20KirkburnNot something I've ever seen/heard of before - is it just the ice sheet riding up?
03:14.45Tierrie|WorkKirkburn: no, its just that the wave in the sea is below freezing
03:14.50Tierrie|Workjust like the ones in a slurpee machine
03:15.00Tierrie|Workbut the motion keeps it from forming crystal bonds
03:15.03cladhaireKraze: Here's where the magic.. it actually returns 9
03:15.08Cairennbut as soon as it hits the air ....
03:15.22Krazecladhaire: no way....
03:15.24cladhaireKraze: Yep =)
03:15.26Tierrie|Worki am getting too excited over ice
03:15.27cladhaireThis is where self comes in.
03:15.36KirkburnWow, that's coool
03:15.51Cairennit can actually do a lot of damage, as I'm sure you can appreciate ... just watch that hut
03:16.04Cairennthe way the video is showing, that shack is gonna be toast soon
03:16.05cladhaireWhen I call CladAddon:AddTwo(), it calls the following.
03:16.15sioraiochtso the water isn't frozen (cleary) but as the waves break they freezE?
03:16.16Tierrie|Workyou know what its great for? its great for adding cola syrup and making slurpee
03:16.28Kirkburn2.0.7 eh?
03:16.39Tierrie|Workas soon as the water stops moving (significantly) it freezes
03:16.41CairennTierrie|Work: warm freshly tapped maple syrup, even better ;)
03:16.41cladhaireit does that because of the self magic
03:16.46Krazeoh my....
03:16.55cladhairehere's where the other side of : comes in
03:16.57cladhaireand here's the rule.
03:17.05Tierrie|WorkCairenn: warm will make it turn into salty sweet yellow goo
03:17.06cladhaireKraze: When you call CladAddon:AddTwo(5)
03:17.13sioraiochtit must be fucking COLD to freeze like that
03:17.19Cairenn4:36 time stamp is a good one to show what is actually going on
03:17.20sioraiochtwhat sort of temps are we talking about?
03:17.25cladhaireKraze: it's actually doing this: CladAddon.AddTwo(CladAddon, 5)
03:17.27Tierrie|Workyes, also consider that saltwater freezes below 0
03:17.29CairennTierrie|Work: you've never had snow syrup?!
03:17.36Tierrie|Workunless its not a saltwater sea/ocean
03:17.48sioraiochtI know, that's what I mean =p
03:17.49Tierrie|WorkCairenn: I hail from Malaysia, I've never seen snow until I dunno, like 4-5 years ago
03:18.00Kirkburn"The items required to complete the Karazhan key quest can now only be looted by the first group in the instance to reach them."
03:18.00sioraiochtlucky =p
03:18.04Tierrie|Worki used to stick my head in the freezer when I was a kid and pretend the frost was snow though
03:18.06Cairennit doesn't turn it into salty sweet yellow goo, it freezes the syrup on contact
03:18.37Cairennand yes, that's salt water
03:18.39Tierrie|WorkKirkburn: hahaa we already like, keyed the whole guild :(
03:18.47Tierrie|WorkCairenn: thats awesome
03:18.49KirkburnOther things I notice - Coilfang and Mana-Tombs have been retuned
03:18.55cladhaireKraze: Let me know where you end up with that =)
03:19.03Tierrie|WorkKirkburn: harder or easiesr?
03:19.09KirkburnDoesn't say
03:19.17Tierrie|WorkKirkburn: where are you reading this?
03:19.23Tierrie|WorkKirkburn: I want to know if they fixed arcane missiles
03:19.39KirkburnNo mention
03:19.58Tierrie|WorkKirkburn: I bet they fix arcane missiles anyway.
03:20.07KirkburnWhat's up with it?
03:20.15Tierrie|WorkKirkburn: nothing wrong. but they like to fix it
03:20.30Tierrie|WorkKirkburn: they've fixed it in 80% of the patches
03:20.46Tierrie|WorkKirkburn: i don't know! but check out the patch notes. Every other one has "fixed arcane missiles"
03:20.49Krazecladhaire: I think I get why now, that self in line 8 is dependable on which table is calling it.  If MyAddOn call it, it will use the AddOne in MyAddOn, if called by CladAddOn, it will use the +2 version of the AddOne from CladAddOn
03:21.01cladhaireKraze: You've got it.
03:21.13Tierrie|WorkCairenn: there was this very very cool picture of afrozen waves, but this was much larger let me see if i can find it
03:21.16cladhaireKraze: Thats what CALLING a function with : does.
03:21.21cladhaireTwo more questions for you =)
03:21.32Tierrie|Worktidal wave
03:21.37sioraiochtI can't wait to move to a place with no snow...
03:21.41Kirkburnlol Tierrie|Work
03:21.42cladhaireWhat happens if I do this: CladAddon.AddTwo(MyAddon, 5)
03:21.55KirkburnBetter than "new icon for Mage Armor" ;)
03:21.56sioraiochtUnless the UK is plunged into a mini-ice-age like the BBC claims will  happen again
03:22.16Kirkburn"The BBC claims"?
03:22.27sioraiochthaha an expert on the BBC world service
03:22.34sioraiochtobviously the network as a whole did not =p
03:22.40KirkburnAh, lol
03:22.54cladhaireKraze: The other question is, what do you get if you do MyAddon.AddTwo(CladAddon, 5)
03:22.56sioraiochtbut it happened recently, in the 18th century
03:23.02sioraiochtpeople ice-skated on the thames
03:23.14cladhairei'll work on a clearer pastey that may help clear things up whbile you answer those two
03:23.54Legorolcladhaire: maybe it's easier if you emphasise the use of "self" to transparently refer to different objects, as opposed to all this complications with the nested calls?
03:23.54Tierrie|WorkKirkburn: its just as bad... mages haven't really gotten anything in ages. i attribute it to the fact that our class is so damned simple, we shoot shit and cast sheep, no tricks, no agility->ap conversion, no crazy feign death crap, no taunty crap
03:24.15cladhaireLegorol: Like i said, this is a work in progres.. wish i had time to come up with a clearer example =)
03:24.23sioraiochtTierrie|Work: that's because mages are balanced, and awesome
03:24.27sioraiochtI <3 my mage
03:24.43cladhaireLegorol: In short, I chose the wrong example to meet the end.. and now I'm trying to push it through to finish =)
03:24.57KirkburnSomething interesting! Go here ( ) and open the ( Nocturnes: No. 7 In C Sharp Minor, Op. 27 No.1 ) link! You'll recognise it :D
03:25.20*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
03:25.21Krazecladhaire: grrr.... gimme a min to go thru it... is harder than I originally thought ><
03:25.34cladhaireyou'll be better for it in the end
03:25.38cladhaireand i'll have a good example when we're done.
03:25.52sioraiochtanyone here use Tor?
03:26.14Krazedont you worry, you will have a few min.... >_>
03:26.35sioraiochtClad likes to torture people, Kraze
03:26.42JoshBork1sweet dreams all
03:26.43sioraiochthe's been doing it to me for 2 and a half years ;)
03:26.46Cairennnight JoshBork1 :)
03:26.53sioraiochtnight JoshBork1
03:27.02Tierrie|Worksioraiocht: no but i know what it is!
03:27.36sioraiochtdamn, trying to get it to work with colloquy
03:27.56sioraiochtKirkburn: why am I supposed to recognise this?
03:28.14KirkburnAt a guess, you're either Horde or never been to Outland
03:28.32Tierrie|Worki'm alliance and i am 70, and i play with my music off
03:28.37Tierrie|Workbecause music is creepy
03:28.38Krazecladhaire: CladAddon.AddTwo(MyAddon, 5) is 7, since you are getting MyAddon as self, MyAddon.AddTwo(CladAddon, 5) is 9, since you are using CladAddon as self
03:28.41sioraiochtsame here, I play with my music off
03:28.51sioraiochtand I haven't been to Outland since beta
03:28.53Tierrie|Worki do not need creepy music
03:28.54KirkburnWell how am I sodding well supposed to know that!? :)
03:28.55sioraiochti re-rolled for BC
03:29.01cladhaireKraze: Perfect.
03:29.12sioraiochtYou made quite an assumption, and when you ASSUME, you make an ASS out of U and ME,
03:29.12cladhaireLegorol gave me a nice example, we'll work through here.
03:29.27Krazecladhaire: mind if I ask 2 question firsT?
03:29.33*** part/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
03:29.34Tierrie|WorkKirkburn: mind reading
03:29.36cladhaireyou can ask more than two
03:29.38Tierrie|WorkKirkburn: i like mind reading
03:29.48*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
03:29.50KirkburnAh yes. I forgot to get out my mind reading powder
03:29.58Cairennbe nice boys
03:30.08KirkburnIt goes well with banana souflee :P
03:30.28Cairennuh huh
03:30.32sioraiochtcan't save i've ever had a banana souffle
03:30.35Cairennand I'm Mary, Queen of Scots
03:30.50sioraiochtuhh, she's dead cairenn.  I don't think you could be her.
03:30.51KirkburnI put too many similies already, you want me to put mooooore Cairenn? ;)
03:30.58Tierrie|Workme and Kirk go back a long ways Cairenn
03:31.01Tierrie|WorkI'm just kidding
03:31.10Tierrie|WorkI think Kirk and I go back till like, last month
03:31.13KirkburnYou denied that far too quickly
03:31.18Krazefirst: so when calling MyAddon.AddTwo(5), it is implicit that it is using MyAddon as self as the first arguement, and 5 as the second arguement, even thought 5 is the only arguement there
03:31.30Cairennsioraiocht: you forget dear, I KNOW you, so I know better
03:31.40cladhaireKraze: No, only when you call MyAddon:AddTwo(5)
03:31.41Cairennyou are many things, but "angel" isn't one of them
03:31.44cladhairewith a colon instead of a .
03:31.50KirkburnYes, last month, the month I created you from scraps of cheese and biscuits lying around my lab.
03:31.55sioraiochtlol, I think I was rather angelic when we met.
03:32.04Cairennlooking, perhaps ... ;)
03:32.06Tierrie|WorkTierrieStein wants FOOD!
03:32.24Cairenn!doof !em deef
03:32.26KirkburnTierrieStein will have to earn his food by playing with the flying monkeys
03:32.45KirkburnAnd remember monkey poo =/= food
03:32.51Tierrie|Workbtw that Stien doesn't mean I am a FrankenMonster, its just that Kirk decided to make me jewish last month by accepting me into the judaism faith
03:32.57Tierrie|Workso I changed my last name to Stein
03:33.02Tierrie|WorkTierrieStein Hungry Now!
03:33.04cladhaireif you called MyAddon.AddTwo(5), you'd get an error "attempt to index local 'self' (a number value)"
03:33.11cladhaireLet me know if that makes sense.
03:33.32KirkburnShalom, my dear TierrieStein
03:33.50Krazecladhaire: second, in CladAddon.AddTwo = MyAddon.AddTwo , when you said you made the function referenced in myAddon.AddTwo and store it in CladAddon.AddTwo, do you mean CladAddon.AddTwo is action like a pointer( like for a variable)?
03:33.57Tierrie|WorkAva Nagila Ava Nagila
03:34.22KirkburnSo anyway, what's Mary, Queen of Scots doing here on a night like this?
03:34.26cladhaireKraze: Actually, BOTH CladAddon.AddTwo and MyAddOn.Addtwo are references
03:34.33cladhaireto the same function
03:35.12Tierrie|Worktime to leave work and go home!
03:35.22Legorolaah, the bliss of leaving work
03:35.22Cairennlater Tierrie|Work
03:35.30sioraiochtKirkburn: isn't it ike 3am where  you are/
03:35.33KirkburnCould be
03:35.42sioraiochtare you a uni student?
03:35.50KirkburnIt's often also 8am, 10:36am and 7 in the evening
03:35.52cladhaireKraze: Let me know if i lost you
03:36.02KirkburnLiterally once a day!
03:36.20KirkburnI'm a Uni student somewhat less than once a day it seems atm
03:36.36Krazecladhaire: ah, thanks for clearing that up for the second question, now going back to my first question.  you lost me on the answer you gave me for my first question
03:37.14cladhaireokay, when you do MyAddon.AddOne(5), that won't work
03:37.21cladhairebecause regardless of how you CALL that function
03:37.30cladhaireit was defined with a :, so its expecting "self" as the first argument
03:37.42cladhairei.e. it expects to be called with a : as well
03:38.07KrazeOh! so when you use the . instead of : you need to add the missing arugment
03:38.12cladhaireyep =)
03:38.15cladhaireso we can trick it a little bit
03:38.19Krazeoh, I see
03:38.22cladhairethis next example should be a bit cleared
03:38.52Legorolcopyright infringement!
03:39.03Krazefrom numbers to color, gotta switch channel
03:39.07cladhaireHere, we define a table Fruit, and a function SetColor and a function GetColor.
03:39.53cladhaireLet me know when you catch that.
03:40.03Krazeyes, I got that
03:40.17cladhaireokay.. so right now if we call Fruit:GetColor() what will we get?
03:40.37Krazewhatever is in Fruit.color
03:40.43cladhaireWhich right now is?:
03:41.20cladhairenope, since its not defined anywhere, its "nil"
03:41.30Krazeoh, my bad
03:41.34cogwheelis it wrong of me to have joined a BG just to test an addon and then /afked out?
03:41.34cladhairesince all we do on line 3 is define a FUNCTION.. we never call it =)
03:41.37cladhairefollow so far?>
03:41.43Legorolcogwheel: nope
03:42.01cogwheelthe battle hadn't even started yet...
03:42.03Legorolcogwheel: that way another person gets to get in
03:42.09Legorolyour place will be filled
03:42.09cladhaireLets add a little bit here
03:42.18cogwheeltrue... I *am* alliance after all :P
03:42.18cladhaireKraze: Is it clear what lines 11-13 do here?
03:42.28cladhairecogwheel: ez-mode qq
03:42.29Legorolthe problem is with thsoe that sit in a BG doing nothing, although if you are coding and testing, i still consider it acceptable
03:43.14Shadowedcogwheel: I'm pretty sure i've spent roughly 4-5 days in BGs doing nothing but coding/testing over a year
03:43.24Krazeyes, you created a table call apple, made 2 individual reference to the function reference by Fruit.SetColor and Fruit.GetColor
03:43.30cladhaireShadowed: <3 soaking up honor doing dev development =)
03:43.36Shadowedhaha exactly
03:43.43cladhaireKraze: Okay, so what happens if we call apple:GetColor()
03:43.57Krazeit will return nil
03:43.58Legorolit's one thing you code in a BG, but at least don't admit to honor farming ;-)
03:44.02cogwheelheh... I wonder if any of us specifically are ones that people complain about on General... :P
03:44.06cladhaireokay.. lets add one last piece.
03:44.15ShadowedLegorol: I have honor farmed a lot actually, afking in AV and watching a movie
03:44.25Legorolthat i find unacceptable
03:44.49cladhaireNothing special here, we're just defining a new "fruit" orange.. so to speak
03:45.01Legorolbut you define your own morality, and i do plenty of immoral or even illegal things in my life
03:45.11Legorol(no, not murder, but walking through red lights :P)
03:45.15Krazeok, same thing, just with a new table
03:45.18cladhaireYep =)
03:45.21cladhaireboth return nil
03:45.26cladhairealong with fruit
03:45.38Krazealong with fruit?
03:45.40Shadowednot really Legorol, I don't play in games I know will be a lose, in about a year and a half of pvping, i've seen maybe 3-4 games that suprised me and turned into wins when I though they were lost
03:46.01cladhaireFruit:GetColor() also returns nil, I mean
03:46.21Shadowed99% of the times I've lost are related to the kind of Alliance who go "OMG HORDE GO FARM HIM AND DONT DO OBJECTIVES" leading to us losing
03:46.28LegorolShadowed: that just means some things in WoW are fun for you, some are not. Taking part isn't enough of a fun for you to try it when losing, that's all.
03:46.29Shadowedsorry, 99% of the pug vs pug games
03:46.30Krazesorry, I am thinking too much like a program...
03:46.37cladhaireKirkburn: Hehe np =)
03:46.41cladhaireso we're caught up?
03:46.55cladhaireokay, adding two more lines
03:46.59cladhaireKirkburn: eew
03:47.03cladhaireget a new tab completion imo
03:47.05Shadowednaw, mostly it's i've got better things to do that let me focus in the 20% of the good games then the 80% of the worthless ones.
03:47.44Krazea yellow colored orange... wow... O_O
03:47.59cladhaireLegorol: a YELLOW orange?
03:48.04claedhayreShouldn't be any confusion now :P
03:48.12*** join/#wowi-lounge sysrage (
03:48.14Legorolcladhaire: didn't want to confuse issues by setting the color orange ;-)
03:48.23cladhairwhat about now!
03:48.38Krazeoh my...
03:48.45cladhaireKraze: Okay, so you see what we did there.
03:48.47claedhayreI'm Ye Olde clad
03:48.48cladhairewhat do the following return
03:49.21cladhaire1.) Fruit:GetColor(), 2.) apple:GetColor(), 3.) orange:GetColor()
03:49.21cladhairthere can only be one clone!
03:49.29Legorolmay i request a channel op to kick claedhayre for impersonating?
03:49.29claedhayrecladhair is the future, we-can't-be-bothered-to-write-it-all clad
03:49.36claedhayreAlso known as US english
03:49.50sioraiochtya'll do realise that it's not pronounced even close to that way, right?
03:50.09claedhayreHow on earth do you pronounce /yours/ sioraiocht ? :P
03:50.17sioraiochtoooh, uhh
03:50.24Krazecladhaire 1.) nil 2.) "red" 3.) "yellow", on a side note, is nil a string like "nil" or just nil?
03:50.29cladhairsio-rai-ocht is what I figured
03:50.30*** kick/#wowi-lounge [claedhayre!n=jnwhiteh@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire] by cladhaire (cladhaire)
03:50.43sioraiochta close approximation is... See--ree-ucht
03:50.47cladhaireKraze: Its a special value nil, i was just using quotes to off set it.
03:50.52cladhaireKraze: And correct
03:50.55sioraiochtch being like the ch in Bach
03:51.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
03:51.22KirkburnWow, I haven't been here in like 30 seconds
03:51.25Legorollol Shadowed, did you get scared :D
03:51.27cladhaireKraze: Thats the real magic of self, being able to refer to the calling object, no matter where the function was defined.  In this case, gives us some manner of polymorphism.
03:51.30KirkburnWhat's new??
03:51.35ShadowedLegorol: Possibly
03:51.46sioraiochtKirkburn: a close approximation is... See--ree-ucht
03:51.52sioraiochtch being like the ch in Bach
03:51.58KirkburnThought so
03:52.08Legoroli'd be scared of that guy
03:52.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
03:52.16*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem_] by ChanServ
03:52.34cladhaireKraze: And I apoligize, this lesson was kinda wacky from start to finish, with no focus, but its a bunch of pretty important concepts that will help you along the way.
03:52.40Kirkburncladhaire, you're on a channel I can kick you from :P
03:52.54sioraiochtthere's other subtleties that distinguish it from, say, síríucht
03:52.54KirkburnBut I won't cause, uh, I need people on it? ;)
03:52.56Legorolthis should be interesting, kicking war
03:53.06Shadowedcladhaire would win
03:53.10Krazecladhaire: so if I use apple.GetColor(orange), will it return yellow?
03:53.13cladhaireKirkburn: I'm on two that I can kick you from =)
03:53.17cladhaireKraze: You got it =)
03:53.22cladhaireKraze: Very good!
03:53.26cladhaireoh no
03:53.31Shadowed~bonk cladhaire
03:53.34purlACTION bonks cladhaire over the head
03:53.34Legorol~lart cladhaire
03:53.35Cairennand I'm on *all* of them and can kick you all repeatedly
03:53.44cladhaireyes.. apple.GetColor(orange) will return yellow
03:53.47cladhairelegorol confused me.
03:53.49Legorolcladhaire, no
03:54.01Legorol~bonk Legorol
03:54.03purlACTION bonks Legorol over the head
03:54.03cladhaireLegorol: huh?
03:54.10cladhaire~lart legorol
03:54.10Legorolignore me
03:54.17cladhaireKraze: Correct, good job =)
03:54.26Legorolgot too excited about the match and jumped up
03:54.34Krazewait wait wait! so is it right or not? I am confused with all the bonking and slaping...
03:55.33cladhaireits correct
03:55.34cladhaireapple.GetColor(orange) == "yellow"
03:55.34Legorolit's correct, i was being an idiot
03:55.34*** part/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
03:55.34Legorolcladhaire: good thing i let you explain it and not me :D
03:55.45Cairennit can get pretty interesting trying to get anything accomplished in here, by times ;)
03:55.55LegorolCairenn, we accomplished a great deal!
03:56.04Legorolone more person understood basic object oriented concepts in Lua
03:56.10Cairennaround all the silliness ;)
03:56.22Krazecladhaire: let me take it one step further and ask this, orange.SetColor(apple, "purple") Fruit.GetColor(apple) will return "purple"???
03:56.26*** join/#wowi-lounge sysrage (
03:56.40KirkburnWhat with all the bonking and slapped, one might expect lots of extra channels members in about ... oooh ... 9 months?
03:56.43cladhaireKraze: Yes.. that's correct.
03:56.46LegorolKraze: perfect
03:57.00Krazeoh wow, this is some amazing stuff!
03:57.12CairennROFL, ummm, given that I'm the only female in here, I can pretty safely assure you that, no, that won't be happening ;)
03:57.13ShadowedKirkburn has taken over Tains job of making bad jokes
03:57.24cladhaireIt doesn't always need to be like that, its just one very valid style to code things.
03:57.31LegorolKraze: you can do those tricks by manually putting in the first argument, but usually the whole point is to avoid having to do that
03:57.31Shadowedhow are you sure Cairenn!
03:57.50Cairennthat I'm the only female, or that I won't be having any babies in 9 months
03:57.50cladhaireCode is typically defined in one of three ways
03:58.02Shadowedfirst one
03:58.23cladhaire1.) each function defined as MyAddon_SomeFunction
03:58.24Cairennthat one I can't, although last I heard I am
03:58.34KirkburnThe #wowwiki channel is interesting in that it attracts faw more of the fairer sex than the addon channels
03:58.39Krazecladhaire: as bad as you think this "lesson" is, it has been great, maybe confusing at first, but is very clear in the end
03:58.42cladhaire2.) functions defined in namespaces, without the "self", as MyAddon.SomeFunction
03:58.43Legorolcladhaire: i think you might actually attempt metatables at this rate
03:58.59cladhaire3.) functions defined as "pseudo-objects" as MyAddon:SomeFunction
03:59.03CairennKirkburn: not really surprising, imo
03:59.06cladhaireBlizzard's code uses #1
03:59.19Legorolkindergip: that's not that surprising, this is a geek channel
03:59.24Legoroli meant Kirkburn
03:59.29cladhaireThe "Sea" libraries in Cosmos use #2 to provide a bit of a java-like syntax (i.e. is a print function)
03:59.31KirkburnGoddammit, man!
03:59.34KrazeLegorol: well, it may come to a use at some time, always good to know what all the mess is about
03:59.43LegorolKraze: very true
03:59.47KirkburnDo I need to start my name with a QXZ??
03:59.51cladhaireThe Ace and Dongle libraries tend towards the Addon:Handler() type of definition/call
04:00.20cladhairenone are "better" than any others, but they all have advantages =)
04:00.34Krazelike what?
04:00.50KrazeI see #3 as being the most concise
04:00.51cladhairefor example, the first is a bit easier to "hook" or "replace" the functions, because they're all "global".
04:00.58LegorolMyAddOn_SomeFunction is fastest to call
04:01.08cladhaireits also the fastest, as legorol says.
04:01.14Legorolin time sensitive code, or code that gets called 60 times a second, it could make a difference
04:01.31cladhairetho only marginally faster
04:01.33KirkburnCairenn, true not suprising, but it's good to see. One can get the impression that nearly no female WoW players exist from these channels \o/ Nerds! All of you! Go on, have a sex change to prove me wrong ...
04:01.33cladhaireand much slower than a local
04:01.37cladhairebut ignore that =)
04:01.38Krazeoh...  because : and . need to go back to the table?
04:01.44cladhaireKraze: I'll explain the time thing
04:01.46cladhairethen I'll head to bed.
04:01.59ShadowedTrying to hook and replace functions using Addon:Handler() or Addon.Handler() is not fun :p
04:02.01cladhaireIn lua.. the "global" table.. is just a big table.. nothing that special about it
04:02.17cladhaireso when you type MyAddOn_SomeFunction() and call it
04:02.19Krazeyou comming back tomorrow?? I am sure I will have some question when I really start coding more tomorrow
04:02.28cladhaireit looks in the global table for the "MyAddon_SomeFunction" entry, and returns it, then call sit.
04:02.32cladhaireWe're always here =)
04:02.40cladhaireyou can email me all day tomorrow and i can try to help while i'm at work too
04:02.44Legorolthat must be a royal "we"
04:02.50Krazeoh yea, I can go bug Legorol =)
04:02.50Shadowedkergoth: Looked through the code, interesting way of avoiding creating a temporary table
04:02.52cladhaireLegorol: indeed =)
04:03.04cladhaireKraze: Thats how code using #1 is looked up, look in the global table, find the index and return int.
04:03.41cladhaireWith number 2, since MyAddon is a GLOBAL variable, we need to look it up first in the global table.. So we look in the global table for the "MyAddon" index.  Then we look in the MyAddon table for the "SomeFunction" index., return it and call it.
04:03.51cladhaireas you can see, #2 has two table lookups, versus the one table lookup in #1.
04:03.56cladhaire#3 has the same cost in these regards
04:03.59cladhaireas #2
04:04.14cladhaire(thats awfully tangential, but i wanted it to be clear why legorol said it was "faster") =)
04:04.20CairennKirkburn: the female .playing. population in MMOs is growing, but the "coding" and "working" and (phrase it how you will) is still quite small.  It's changing, but a lot slower.  Hence the fact that folks still find me quite a novelty.  A female that is "highly visible" in the gaming "industry", as opposed to just playing.  It is still very much a male dominated industry, and market.
04:04.21*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel_ (
04:04.21Shadowedwow good timing, world server died as I did a reloadui, though i broke something :(
04:04.27Kraze#2 and #3 is basically the same thing, but just different way of calling it?
04:04.43cladhaireand in the case of a library, it makes sense
04:04.47Cairennevening Iriel :)
04:04.49cladhaireto use #2 potentially
04:05.28KirkburnMorning, isn't it? ;)
04:05.28Krazewait, that just throw me off now
04:05.29Krazewhat does that mean?
04:05.29Legorolmorning Iriel
04:05.29cladhaireKraze: Okay, take the example
04:05.39Cairenn~ugt (for those that are wondering what Kirk is on about this time)
04:05.43purlokay, Cairenn
04:05.55KirkburnOooh, what's she done now!?
04:05.58purlugt is, like, Universial Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
04:06.04cladhaireKraze: if that's just a single function, that doesn't need or want to refer to anything else it can make sense to define it that way
04:06.13cogwheel~ugt (for those that are wondering what Kirk
04:06.15purl...but ugt (for those that is already something else...
04:06.27cogwheel~ugt (for those that
04:06.28purlugt (for those that are wondering what Kirk is on about this time)
04:06.28cladhaireit all depends on the goal of the code.  If its not going to try to be "object" oriented, then it may make sense to use #2 instead of #3.
04:06.31Shadowedit's the "are"
04:06.39Shadoweder, "is"
04:06.43Cairennpurl, forget ~ugt (for those that are wondering what Kirk is on about this time)
04:06.43purli didn't have anything called '~ugt (for those that are wondering what kirk is on about this time)' to forget, Cairenn
04:06.55KirkburnSo many lines highlighting!
04:06.59cogwheelpurl, forget ~ugt (for those that
04:06.59purlcogwheel: i didn't have anything called '~ugt (for those that' to forget
04:07.00Shadowedpurl, forget ~ugt (for those that are
04:07.00purlShadowed: i didn't have anything called '~ugt (for those that are' to forget
04:07.10cogwheelpurl, forget ugt (for those that
04:07.10purlcogwheel: i forgot ugt (for those that
04:07.13Shadowedpurl, forget ~ugt (for those that are wondering what kirk is
04:07.13purli didn't have anything called '~ugt (for those that are wondering what kirk is' to forget, Shadowed
04:07.19cladhaireKraze: did I clear that up at all?
04:07.19Shadoweddamn you purl
04:07.20Cairennit's gone
04:07.45Krazecladhaire: I think I have a slight idea of what you are refering to, #3 is better becuase it allow easier to morph the function, while #2 is better to be use as a library
04:07.50Cairennlol, silly purl
04:07.57cladhaireit all depends on goal
04:07.57Shadowedsilly Cairenn for breaking purl
04:08.03cladhaireif you don't need it, why use it?
04:08.16Legoroland #3 works with metatables, weeee
04:08.30KirkburnBtw some new news
04:08.32Krazeoh joy! more question!
04:08.38Kirkburn"The (unarmored) nether drake will be obtained through a quest (which is planned to be implemented in a future patch) and will be a 280% speed flying mount. This nether drake is intended to supply players with a cool new epic mount and won't require any tasks within raid encounters. It's a reward that all players can work towards, but it will still be difficult to obtain."
04:08.59bleetahthat's at least two days old news :P
04:09.03KirkburnAh, no
04:09.07Kirkburn"There is another mount that is 310% speed that is yet undiscovered which is intended to be an equally rare and difficult to obtain equivalent to the arena reward. That's the only information we're able to give at this time."
04:09.20Shadowedthis is confusing
04:09.22bleetahaye, don't think that is
04:09.24Kirkburn3 mounts
04:09.26Shadowedso there are 3 nether drake type mounts
04:09.38Shadowed1 from arena, another easy to obtain one thats 280% speed, another harder to obtain one thats 310% speed?
04:09.43KirkburnI reckon the last one will be an instance drop or similar
04:09.58KasoBoth drakes are 310 shadowed
04:10.08ShadowedKaso: Not from what Kirkburn said
04:10.20Shadowedtwo of them will be 310, the arena and the hard to obtain one. And then another one will be 280 making it 3 total
04:10.21Kasogimme a sec ill find a link
04:10.32KirkburnDrysc just posted the above
04:10.41Krazecladhaire: well thanks a lot, I will go code some now and see how far I can go
04:10.45LegorolKraze, may i ask a test question
04:10.46nuOHEP_the 310 is a phoenix imo
04:10.51KirkburnHis other comment was: "The swift (armored) nether drake which is a seasonal arena reward will be a 310% speed flying mount."
04:10.51Krazego for it!
04:11.16LegorolWhat's the difference between 1) function Fruit.GetColor(self) return self.color; end
04:11.26Legorol2) function Fruit:GetColor() return self.color; end
04:11.31Krazeactually I have a question for you too =P
04:11.33Legoroldifference between 1 and 2?
04:11.38ShadowedSo one of them is the arena mount (310%), another is obtain through a quest (280%) and another is implemented but we haven't found it yet, probably meaning it's an instance drop, or possibly requires multiple instance runs?
04:11.51KirkburnAlso the "team matching system for the battlegrounds currently appears to still be on schedule for release with [the next major content patch]"
04:11.59KirkburnShadowed, indeed
04:12.05LegorolKraze: shoot
04:12.16Legorolas in feel free to ask
04:12.33KirkburnLegorol told me to do it!
04:12.51Legorol~slap Kirkburn
04:12.57purlACTION slaps Kirkburn, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
04:13.02Cairennactually, he told Kraze to shoot, not to shoot Kraze
04:13.02KrazeLegorol: isn't those two the same? . with (self) is same as : ??
04:13.04KirkburnYou're such a slapper
04:13.10LegorolKraze: bingo!
04:13.15Legorolit was a trick question
04:13.23*** join/#wowi-lounge sysrage (
04:13.31Legorolit was also meant to test the confidence you have in your own knowledge
04:13.40cladhaireKraze: You should ask Legorol how this works: (hint: it ends up working the same as the last example we worked on)
04:13.42Krazeoh hah.
04:13.54Cairennzomg, no tests! /me panics at tests
04:13.57KirkburnCairenn, I took Kraze as being the object of the comment, and his "shoot" was an imperative command. Can I squeeze that one past you? :P
04:14.09Cairennthus ...
04:14.09Krazemt?! metatable?!?
04:14.29purlI've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, there they are all standing in a row. Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head, give them a twist, a flick of the wrist, that's what the showman said!
04:14.33cladhaireKraze: Its simpler than you'd think, but will take a bit of exploring about what that does =)
04:15.47KirkburnI've got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts is a severely underplayed song :(
04:15.58Shadowedcladhaire: Quick question, if I register a frame for Clique will it by default set the type to target for a left click?
04:16.06Shadowedattribute type to target that is
04:16.08LegorolKraze: cladhaire is evil! he dropped metatables on you without any explanation
04:16.11Krazecladhaire: I will let you have your rest for now.... Legorol, your turn to feel my slow learning wrath!
04:16.30cladhaireShadowed: No it doesn't.
04:16.36Shadowedalright thanks
04:16.37Legorolnah, you are doing great, better than most people i see come in here
04:16.39cladhaireLegorol: I wonder.
04:16.59cladhaireLegorol: Don't say anything yet =)
04:17.04Legorolfair enough
04:17.25KrazeLegorol: before I forget, I read on and Recycle table, that table is bad
04:17.39cladhaireKraze: Will you do me a favor?
04:17.41Krazeis it really a big factor?
04:17.42KirkburnKraze, at least you came prepared with an appropriate name
04:17.45Legorolit's not black and white like that
04:18.12LegorolI can explain what use of tables can be bad
04:18.23cladhaireKraze: read this page first [] then pick back up here, [].
04:18.31KrazeKirkburn appropriate name? you mean my name? or... what are you refering to?
04:18.41cladhairein this case, i think they can explain it bette than either Legorol or I can =).
04:18.49Shadowedhrm weird
04:19.01Cairennthe fact you need to be Kraze (d) or (y) to do this ;)
04:19.04ShadowedHas anyone ever made a SecureUnitButtonTemplate using a type of target and a unit of mouseover?
04:19.13Kirkburn~thank Cairenn
04:19.13purlde nada, Kirkburn
04:19.19cladhaireKraze: Its kind of advanced, but you're welcome to ask me any questions you'd like all day tomorrow.
04:19.19KirkburnNo, you fool!
04:19.30cladhaireyou can find me at cladhaire at gmail, dot com
04:19.50LegorolShadowed: i am not sure that'd make sense
04:20.11Legorolsince you'd have to have the mouse on the button to click it, which means "mouseover" wouldn't be a valid unit
04:20.13cladhaireKraze: You seem eager to get coding, so I won't bother you with metatables right now, but feel free to explore it in your free time  and ask me any questions you have
04:20.19ShadowedLegorol: Yes, i just realised that
04:20.22Krazethanks, I will probally be busying reading thru the pil and writing down 5 pages of question for you all... mawhahaha
04:20.32Shadowedmeaning time to bug slouken again I suppose
04:20.38LegorolShadowed: oth, you can bind keybinding to clicking the button, so hmm
04:20.40cladhaireKraze: =)  I'll be glad to answer them
04:20.59ShadowedProblem is I can't do key bindings, it's to make the name plates click castable
04:21.05Legoroli really should set up an email addy called legorol at gmail dot com
04:21.15cladhaireyes you should
04:21.16Legorolbut evil, evil google doesn't allow you to set up a gmail address in the UK
04:21.18Cairennor just enable your ones at wowi :p
04:21.18cladhairebefore i do it for you
04:21.19Legorolwe get crappy googlemail
04:21.29Shadowedhmm is okay =)
04:21.58ShadowedI guess there isn't a way to make a frame respond to only OnClick but not OnEnter or OnLeave
04:22.00Legorolwell it would be, if i hadn't been an idiot
04:22.02bleetahparrently there's some bug on the PTR that'll stop you going to outlands.... if your PTR client was installed from a BC client, you're not playing the BC client... :/
04:22.10Legoroli created what i thought will end up as ""
04:22.18Legorolturned out to be legorol @
04:22.23bleetahor, at least pass through the portal
04:22.29Legorolso i thought heck, that's no fun, i will recreate it, so i deleted that addy
04:22.37cladhaireKraze: Although it may be a bit premature, since you're just starting to write addons and such.. but if you're the kind of person who finds lua interesting, and prefer paper to electronic, you can actually purchase the book from
04:22.41cladhairei have my copies and i love them
04:22.43Legorolthen when i tried it with gmail, the name was taken, but since i deleted it, i couldn't use it :(
04:22.48Legorolit's supposed to expire after a while
04:23.00Shadowedlike 6-9 months last I heard
04:23.24Legorolnow i'd be happy with just googlemail as well
04:23.47KirkburnLegorol, they're indentical!
04:23.52cladhaireLegorol: email them.. their support is actually quite good
04:23.53KirkburnGmail = googlemail
04:24.04KirkburnSent to one equals sent to the other
04:24.13cladhaireheheh =)
04:24.22LegorolKirkburn: yeah but i can't send from
04:24.24KirkburnI tested it by sending an email to gmail
04:24.35cladhaireLegorol: yes you can
04:24.40Legorolyup, i know they still arrive, but it won't show up as in sender's address
04:24.49cladhaireLegorol: you can enable your account to be able to send from any email address that you can receive email from
04:24.52Legorolit's a minor detail, and i don't care anymore, as long as i can have the address
04:24.56cladhaireyou can =)
04:24.57cladhairei promise :P{
04:25.01Legorolcladhaire: tried that, but it doesn't allow it with
04:25.06Legorolthey block that one :P
04:25.18Legorolyeah i use that with other addresses
04:25.30cladhairewell blame your government for recognizing established trademarks =)
04:25.45Krazecladhaire: maybe I should, is there any different between 2nd and 1st edition?
04:26.00cladhaireKraze: Yeah, Lua 5.0 versus Lua 5.1
04:26.03cladhaireI'd suggest the 2nd edition
04:26.12cladhairebut its totally up to you =)  just a suggestion since i prefer paper
04:26.40Krazeis that currenecy in US?
04:26.40Legorol"legorol" is not available :(
04:27.10Krazeoh, and is metatable a list of functions availible to the table?
04:27.28Krazein simple simple term
04:27.52cladhaireKraze: yep
04:28.03cladhairethe __index one can be either a function, or a table
04:28.18LegorolOMG, they are now allowing for UK too!
04:28.23cladhaireLegorol: zomg grats!
04:28.32Legorolunfortunately, legorol is not available *cry*
04:28.37Mr_Rabies2googlemail was lame
04:29.05CairennLegorol: like cladhaire said, try calling them direct
04:29.06Krazeeh, I thought the name google was taken in UK by some other company
04:29.07Mr_Rabies2what was that all about again? them not being able to use the gmail domain?
04:29.15cladhairethere's a UK company
04:29.21cladhairethat uses gmail as a name internally
04:29.26cladhaireand as a product i think
04:29.36bleetahthere's a few places they can't use gmail
04:29.43Legorolso in the UK, there was a prior trademark called "gmail"
04:29.47LegorolGermany also, i think
04:29.49bleetahcan't remember where they precisely are, tho
04:29.59cladhairebasically non-us =)
04:29.59Legorolthey must've settled it with the UK company, probably for a huge sum
04:30.03bleetahLegorol: aye, i thought that may have been one, didn't wanna say tho, wasn't sure
04:30.32Kirkburn"London-based Independent International Investment Research says it started using the Gmail name for a web-mail application two years before Google"
04:31.15cladhaireOkay all, I'm headed to bed.
04:31.26KirkburnSleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite :)
04:31.45Krazenight, and thanks again
04:31.48KirkburnEspecially the level 70 ones, they're nasty and have an AoE knockback
04:31.53Cairennnight clad|sleep, sweet dreams
04:32.03clad|sleepnight Cairenn
04:32.51Krazeis there a way for mirc to save the whole chat log?
04:33.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
04:33.08*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem] by ChanServ
04:33.11Krazeother then copy and pasting it in notepad
04:33.41Cairenn(most) IRC clients have an option to save log files
04:33.53KirkburnYeah, I know X-Chat does
04:33.59Cairennbut it doesn't typically do it retroactively
04:34.02Shadowedalthough I don't think that will save the current chat thats in the buffer, only new
04:34.17KirkburnCairenn, that would defy the laws of physics ;)
04:34.18clad|sleepI can save mine in XML =)
04:34.24Krazeoh I see
04:34.29ShadowedKirkburn: buffers!
04:34.30Cairennso in this case, if you don't already have it turned on, you'd have to copy & paste, aye
04:35.32Krazeoh man... there is not select all! I have to copy page by page...-_-
04:35.41Arrowmasterclick the mirc icon to the left of "file"
04:35.51KirkburnSeriously, ctrl+a does nothing?
04:35.52Arrowmasterselect buffer->save as
04:36.01clad|sleepi've got it
04:36.04clad|sleepgimme a momenrt =)
04:36.13sioraiochtgoodnight, all
04:36.13Cairennctrl a should work o.O
04:36.23KrazeOH thanks! Arrowmaster!
04:36.29Cairennnight sioraiocht, swe ... well fine! phooey on you then!
04:36.35KrazeCairenn, no not working for me
04:36.37clad|sleepmine won't let me cross date boundries on that
04:37.14Cairennclad|sleep: tell him I said so, too!
04:37.19*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
04:37.42KirkburnCairenn, I was going to do a whole joke about spelling siora .... sioarcg ... sior-thingy too :/
04:38.19Cairennoh, well, nm then, he had good reason to log fast
04:38.19Legorolhm, this gmail thing is interesting
04:38.35Legoroli have an old UK-based gmail address, of the form <something>
04:38.36KirkburnSince I have to be up for Uni in a couple of hours, I'm going to make myself some breakfast, then watch some Battlestar Galactica
04:38.44Arrowmasteroh good, the 69 nelf warrior i was camping almost got away while i was alt-tabed but i found him agin
04:38.46KirkburnI watched my first episode last night :)
04:38.48Legorolinvites sent from that one can use, even if you specify UK as the country
04:38.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
04:38.49*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem_] by ChanServ
04:38.52Cairennlater Kirkburn :)
04:39.04clad|sleepKraze: i'll paste it =)
04:39.14Legorolclad|sleep talks in his sleep!
04:39.17KirkburnOh, don't go thinking (hoping?) I'm going to leave you lot alone ;)
04:39.25Legorolyou shouldn't!
04:39.28Krazeoh dont paste it...
04:39.29Cairennerrr, I mean, good!
04:39.34Legorolthis channel degenerates into offtopic chat when there is no code discussion
04:40.02KrazeI copied, thanks to Arrowmaster.  If you paste it... god knows how long that will be
04:40.06Cairennlol, it degenerates into offtopic when there *is* code discussion
04:40.15KirkburnLegorol, wait, you're saying that when we're not talking about code, we instead talk about bananas and the current economic state of sea-dwelling species?
04:40.19LegorolCairenn: very true
04:40.20clad|sleepKraze:  =)
04:40.28Cairennand frozen waves
04:40.31clad|sleepKirkburn: that shit is bananas.
04:40.46Legoroldid you guys see the bluberry pie vs. banana split thread?
04:41.13Legoroloh right, it's on EU forums, that's why... i read both and tend to forget which one has which thread
04:41.15Legoroli'll link it in a sec
04:41.25Krazehow long does the stuff at pastey usually stay up for?
04:41.38Cairennuntil someone takes it down
04:41.41*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
04:41.46clad|sleepquite some time.
04:41.50clad|sleepyou can download it tho
04:41.55clad|sleepthere's a "Download and save" link at the bottom.
04:42.09Krazeoh really? thanks
04:43.17CairennLegorol: lol
04:43.22Shadowedgoing to have to wait to add click casting it looks like clad|sleep :(
04:43.27Legorolhm, now that i think about it, i used to complain a lot about how EU players have less access due to not having access to US forums
04:43.34Legorolbut i have over time changed my position
04:43.40Shadowedpretty sure it's impossible without Blizzard changing how it sets mouseover
04:43.50Legorolwe read BOTH sets of forums, whereas the US people only tend to see what's on US ;-)
04:44.07Cairennwell, for one thing, the UI community has always had equal access, because we are always willing to post for one another :)
04:44.14Legorolaye, true
04:44.24Legorolalthough not 100%, not everyone on the EU UI forum is aware of this
04:44.30Legoroli do try to make them aware occasionally
04:44.35Shadowedwell I don't read the EU forums because i don't care about most of the stuff in general, and slouken only really posts on the US
04:44.45KirkburnLegorol, epic thread :D
04:44.52Legorolvery much so
04:44.58Legorolbest one is when Ommra enters the fray too
04:45.00Cairennanyone that goes to WoWI knows it though, since it's come up often enough in the Dev section of the site :)
04:45.26ShadowedWoWI has forums?
04:45.28Shadowedsince when!
04:45.30KirkburnLol, look closely at Wrocax's post
04:45.31Krazewait... there is EU forum?!
04:45.43Cairennrofl Shadowed
04:45.57Shadowedi'm serious and you're mocking me, i'm offended!
04:46.03LegorolKraze: there are identical forums for all regions and languages that WoW is localized in
04:46.05Kirkburn(top of second page)
04:46.23Legorolthere is EU English, German, French, there is Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Korean and Taiwanese
04:46.46CairennShadowed: if I thought you really were serious, I'd have to beat you severely about the head and ears with a wet noodle, so be glad I think you are joking
04:46.47Legorolbtw, am i the only one that doesn't like the BC splash advert?
04:47.12Legorolsorry my bad, i forgot about Spanish
04:47.21LegorolCairenn: the EU site used to be blissfully advert free
04:47.38Legorolthen they brought it on... as a float-in popup! which appears when you enter the site
04:47.39Legoroloh, the horror
04:47.41ShadowedCairenn: :(
04:48.19Legorolcan anyone recommend me a good TV series?
04:48.20KirkburnLegorol, I saw a blue post saying they were going to remove it :)
04:48.23LegorolI like Heroes and 24
04:48.26KirkburnBattlestar Galactica
04:48.29ShadowedLurky is a unique white murloc pet that only European players who bought the Collector Edition box will receive. There is no other way for European players to receive this pet.
04:48.33Shadowedso thats what lurky was for!
04:48.42LegorolShadowed: not exactly
04:48.45Legorolit's a bit more complicated
04:48.50KirkburnYes indeed
04:49.02ShadowedLegorol: Blizzard rolled a dice, decided that EU got it only?
04:49.07Legorolno, let me explain
04:49.09KirkburnWhen they failed to give us the Netherwhelp keys, that was compensation
04:49.12LegorolLurky was something that they had up their sleevee as a potential PR object
04:49.14KirkburnBeat you!
04:49.21Legorolin EU, the production of the CE edition got messed up however
04:49.31Irielis it a white version of murky?
04:49.32Legorolso they decided to use up the Lurky as a means of compensation, as Kirkburn said
04:49.38Kirkburnheh, yeah
04:49.38Irielor is it in some way different?
04:49.43LegorolIriel: i will let you know when i receive mine :o)
04:49.49KirkburnBut we have to send in stuff to get either
04:49.58Legorolyeah, it's a major fiasco i'm afraid
04:50.06Legorolit's actually the sort of thing that might just lead to a lawsuit
04:50.11Shadowedoh? how did they mess up the CE Edition keys, would it just not work?
04:50.21Legorolno, they put standard CD keys in the CE edition boxes
04:50.29Legorolthere are NO special keys in existence in EU
04:50.46Legorolwhich is why, although on the US forums you can see that they will allow standard to CE upgrades,
04:50.56Cairennbtw - hate to say this but they are both wrong ... lemon meringue
04:50.57Legorolin the EU there is no such possibility, because such a thing doesn't even exist
04:50.58Shadowedsuprised they could make such a big mistake like that
04:51.02ShadowedCairenn: wrong
04:51.07LegorolCairenn: lol
04:51.14jaxdahl2what is the AH cut?
04:51.17Krazeanyone know if there is some other way to complete the task in
04:51.22Legorolhere is the whole deal with the EU:
04:51.25Shadowedlike 15% from neutral AHs and I think 5% from same faction ones
04:51.33KirkburnI'm sorry, but if it doesn't include chocolate as 99% of the recipe, and the rest being chocolate too ... bleh
04:51.34Legorolyou get your CE box, the physical contents is fine, the CD key is standard, so you don't get pets
04:52.03LegorolBlizzard has offered a means to get your pet, which involves cutting out a barcode from the contents description sheet, taking the Collector's Reference Card from the box contents, and sending the two in a mail to France
04:52.10Legorol(and your account info)
04:52.22Legorolwhen Blizzard Europe receives it, they activate the pets on your account
04:52.27Legorolthey don't return the reference card
04:52.37Legorolso in effect you have to trade in one physical item from the CE box for the pets
04:52.47Legorolas a compensation, they give you 2 days playtime and a Lurky
04:52.53Shadowedahhh I see
04:52.57Legorolhowever, many people voiced objections that:
04:53.01Legorola) why do we pay for postage
04:53.11Legorolb) why do we have to part with the contents of a *collectible* box set
04:53.17Legorolfor some collectors, that devalues the item
04:53.42LegorolSome people babbled about lawsuit, the more sensible ones actually went to the trading standards office
04:53.49LegorolThe thing is that the legal situation is tricky
04:53.58Krazewow... this channel is much more then just a ui help channel, you can get all sort of news on everything here...
04:54.15Cairennit's a geek channel, 'nuff said
04:54.18ShadowedA few months ago they talked for like 3 hours regarding legal issues and RDX
04:54.33LegorolLegally speaking under most EU countries trading laws (certainly UK), your only recourse is to go and complain to the *trader* that sold you the box
04:54.37Krazeis there a weather update comming up every 15 min too?? =P
04:54.45Legorolbecause they were the ones that sold you an incomplete/falsely advertised product
04:54.48LegorolKraze: lol
04:54.51Legorolnow you see the problem
04:55.04Legorolyour legal action can only be against the store that sold you the box, but they can't fix Blizzard's mistake for you
04:55.07ShadowedThey need to go to the stores who sold them the product, but the store has no control?
04:55.19Legorolif this was dragged in to courts, the stores in turn could sue Blizzard
04:55.28Legorolor name them as co-defendants
04:55.34Legorolbut it's all messy
04:55.53ShadowedSo basically, they bribed you with a pet in the end to keep you guys happy :p
04:56.13Legoroland btw, i am not pretending to talk lawyerese here, there were some actual lawyers among the players who commented and explained all this
04:56.24LegorolShadowed: well they try to, but some people are not happy with it
04:56.24Kirkburncogwheel, so apparently ~weather does work, but it needs a code
04:56.33Legorolin addition, Blizzard has made one more (in my opinion nasty) move:
04:56.34Krazethat only for UK, imagine the different laws for different countries
04:56.37Cairenn-10C, wind 19km/h from the NW making it feel like -18C, humidity 79%, dewpoint -13C, pressure 100.53 KPa and rising, visibility 6.4 km, ceiling 6000 ft
04:56.38Legorolthey set a deadline for claiming the pets
04:56.55Legorolnow consider the position the player is in, even if they think about a lawsuit
04:57.03cogwheelKirkburn: like zip code or airport code?
04:57.06Krazewow... we can really get weather update from here? dang!
04:57.06Legorolif they decide not to, they might be too late to claim the pet from Blizzard
04:57.28Shadowedthis proves my theory that Cairenn is a robot
04:57.32Kirkburncogwheel, it says: "see or for ICAO locations code"
04:57.33Cairennand then we can turn purl loose on you, too
04:57.47Cairennwith such wonderful tidbits as:
04:57.51Cairenn~for porn
04:57.55Legorolanyway, the problem is in my opinion that although Blizzard did offer a solution, it's disagreeable to many players
04:58.04KirkburnI say this is more like it:
04:58.08purlIt's going to rain. It's ALWAYS going to rain.
04:58.12Legoroland, legally speaking, Blizzard is under no obligation to offer a solution, until sued
04:58.28Legorolso, you can either bite the bullet and take the solution offered, or sue the store that sold you the box.. but not Blizzard
04:58.28ShadowedInteresting, I kind of wonder how they could make such a big mistake like that although
04:58.35Legoroli wonder that too
04:58.42IrielI suspect it wasn't blizzard themselves, but their packaging contractor
04:58.49Legorolcould be
04:58.57Legorolor Vivendi, who is the distributor
04:59.01IrielAnd legally blizzard may well be able to argue they made a good faith attempt to compensate the players
04:59.08LegorolIriel: that too
04:59.14Legorolwhich makes the case even grayer
04:59.17ShadowedI guess in the end it's just a code that makes it collectors vs standard, so it's not as an obvious mistake like forgetting to include an item like the mouse pad
04:59.28Legorolif this was to go before a judge, it would come down to whether Blizzard's solution was a good one or not
04:59.42LegorolShadowed: yeah it's one batch of CD-keys vs. another
04:59.44Krazeeven if people disagree on blizzard's solution, most will just say they will quit playing, while only a few will really stop paying to play
04:59.49Cairennand guys, remember this too - Blizz is STILL trying to deal with how massively successful this is, they never expected it and they are still trying to get their feet under themselves in many way
04:59.59LegorolKraze: noone complained that they'd quit
05:00.11Legorolbear in mind that we are talking CE hear, if you go to the trouble of buying a CE, you are probably a big fan
05:00.19Legorolhowever, some people *are* considering litigation
05:00.36cogwheel~weather KSTS
05:00.40Legorolmind you, Blizzard hasn't actually come forward and hasn't explained the thing about the CD keys, it was peaced together by the community
05:00.42ShadowedCairenn: Yeah, it's just interesting how they can mess up one batch of keys vs another, but it's not like we know for sure how they distribute it
05:00.44Legorolthey never admitted
05:00.52ShadowedLegorol: People were considering sueing blizzard for everything
05:01.09LegorolShadowed: true, on this one however i have actually seen proof of people starting to act
05:01.12Shadowedthe last lawsuit was regarding the whole glider crap, not sure whatever happened to that
05:01.17IrielOdd choice of place to get a weather report
05:01.20Shadowedbe interesting to see what happens
05:01.27Legorolsome people contacting trading standards, sent off the complaint letter to their stores (required by law if you plan to sue) etc.
05:01.27IrielPlus you could have asked and I could have said 'it's probably raining or cloudy'
05:01.50Legorolanyway, the solution Blizzard chose is less than optimal in my opinion too
05:01.59ShadowedLegorol: Legally don't they have to quit playing WoW also?
05:02.01Legorolthey firmly state that they considered many options, which i'm sure they have
05:02.05LegorolShadowed: nope
05:02.10IrielLegorol: if they'd agreed to mail back the reference card would that have dione it for you?
05:02.12cogwheelIriel: XD
05:02.16LegorolIriel: yes
05:02.23cogwheelI could've looked outside and seen what the weather was :P
05:02.33ShadowedWouldn't you still have had to cut out the barcode from the box?
05:02.38Legorolcompensation for postage could be done with gametime
05:02.50cogwheelI'm about 8 or 9 miles from that weather station
05:02.56LegorolShadowed: the barcode is not from the box itself, it's from a loose sheet outside the box, which is just a contents description sheet
05:03.08Legoroland you are allowed to substitute the barcode with copy of proof of purchase (i.e. receipt)
05:03.13Irielcogwheel: For some reason I didn't realize you were a 'local'
05:03.24Shadowedoh yeah, so it is
05:03.38LegorolIriel: unfortunately that would've made the whole scheme invalid and open to exploitation
05:03.38cogwheelI think we came to that conclusion some time ago :P
05:03.47ShadowedI just assume it's always raining...which it is right now
05:03.55Legorolyou see, the reason why the community managed to put together the thing with the CD-keys is because of the kind of things Blizzard said could be exploitable
05:04.02Legorolsince they can't identify CE owners purely via the accounts,
05:04.05IrielLego - how so?
05:04.10IrielLego - You only have one barcode
05:04.14Legorolthey need a *physical*, permanent and one-time-usable proof
05:04.25LegorolIriel: as i said, you are allowed to mail a copy of your invoice/receipt instead
05:04.30IrielSo they give you a reference card with a slightly different marking on it
05:04.34IrielAnd dont tell anyone.
05:04.50Legoroli would've found that acceptable
05:05.11Legorolhey, i find their current solution acceptable too
05:05.15ShadowedIriel: I can bet you anything someone would have noticed that and claimed foul
05:05.18Legorolexchange one unique item for a unique pet, fine with me
05:05.20IrielI suspect the logistics on that would've been very difficult tho
05:05.25Legoroli am just saying i understand why many people don't
05:05.41LegorolIriel: i'm afraid when it comes to messups, logistics may not be the thing you have to worry about
05:06.18Legorolthe problem is that, as it is, the system *is* open for exploitation, people are doing it already
05:06.25Legorolpeople are eBaying the reference card
05:06.30IrielLegorol: True, but practicality is a valid concern, especially since complainers are notoriously impatient
05:06.39Legorolat least this does limit the number of CE pets to be the same as CE boxes sold,
05:06.45ShadowedI wonder how hard it would be to duplicate the cards
05:06.47Legorolbut it doesn't necessarily land in the hand of CE box owners
05:06.59LegorolIriel: true
05:07.11LegorolShadowed: probably lot easier than duplicating money ;-)
05:07.12IrielLegorol: CE accounts dont necessarily end up in the hands of box owners either
05:07.23Shadowedwell to be realistic, people will always complain
05:07.37Legorolaye, on this one however i feel the complaint is valid
05:07.39Shadowedthey'll complain that characters they transfer over don't get the pet, or that they have to wait longer then US people to get the pet from the day they get the box
05:07.45CairennMy studied opinion is thus: People suck.
05:07.55Legorolrather than attempting to repair the mistake, Blizzard is offering an alternative, with no choice
05:08.00cogwheelEspecially people who siphon gas
05:08.04ShadowedI'd like to add "and idiots" to Cairenn studied opinion
05:08.17LegorolShadowed: aye, and those complaints i would dismiss
05:08.29Shadowedactually a better example is glider
05:08.35IrielMy pet is in my bank, or my mailbox, on each character
05:08.46Shadowedyou have people who seem to think that because they break the TOS, they have a right to complain that Blizzard is wasting money ect
05:08.52Legorolalthough you can actually (if you really really must) still sue the retailer for damages arising from having received the pet late ;-)
05:09.07ShadowedIriel: If you upgrade to CE and then transfer a character, the transferred character does not get the pet. But you still get a pet in the mail if you create a new character on the account
05:09.21Shadowedsorry, transfer a character to the newly upgraded account
05:09.30Legorolcharacters transferred to a CE account don't get the pet, full stop, afaik
05:09.35IrielShadowed: That makes sense and seems entirely reasonable
05:09.37Legorolwhether upgraded or installed as CE in the first place
05:09.39KirkburnShadowed, ... "People suck and idiots"? ;)
05:09.43IrielShadowed: I assume that counts for BOTH CE's
05:09.45Cairennand are*
05:09.54LegorolIriel, what's your opinion about the card-for-pet option?
05:09.56KirkburnSpoilsport :(
05:09.57ShadowedKirkburn: shhhhh
05:10.14LegorolI think it's a reasonable one, given the circumstances, i am just saying i understand those that are not happy with it,
05:10.40IrielLego: It seems like a rational attempt at making good of a bad situation
05:10.41ShadowedIriel: For EU? I'm not sure, i'd imagine if you upgrade your account to TBC then send away for a pet but you do a transfer before Blizzard gets the code, the newly transferred character gets the pet.
05:10.42Legoroland i beleive (not being a lawyer) that legally speaking those players do actually have a case of some sort
05:10.59LegorolShadowed: correct
05:11.11Legorolthey apply the pets to all characters on your account at the time they receive your mail
05:11.13IrielShadowed: I suppose that's quite possible
05:11.23Legorolwhich makes sense
05:11.35Shadowedthats no different from transferring a character to your account first, then upgrading to CE
05:12.18ShadowedI'm sure you could sue somebody for the pet issue, but I think finding a lawyer who'd actually help you with that would be hard
05:12.21KirkburnYes, I would say there does seem to be a case ... but it isn't a situation that Blizzard can do anything much about, since they can't track CE owners
05:12.35jaxdahl2a lawyer will help you if you pay them money
05:12.37LegorolShadowed: unless the lawyer is a CE owner who is not happy with the situation ;-)
05:12.42Legorolas there seem to be one or two
05:12.45ShadowedLegorol this is true
05:13.07KirkburnBut then, even if Blizzard lost the theoretical case, what could it possibly result in?
05:13.18KirkburnThey still can't track CE owners
05:13.20LegorolKirkburn: if they wanted to, they *could* track CE owners, it would just be very difficult and expensive
05:13.23Shadowedindeed which makes it hard to spend time trying to sue them
05:13.30Legorolyou just go through the retail chain and track down the CE owners
05:13.43Legorolit's like recall notices
05:13.43KirkburnWhat if you paid cash?
05:13.52IrielAs I see it, the 'best' (and simultaneously worst) outcome of a lawsuit would be that blizzard would give ALL EU account holders CE pets
05:13.56IrielThen nobody would be special
05:14.00Irielbut nobody could complain
05:14.07ShadowedIriel: Yes they would
05:14.09CairennOh yes they would
05:14.12Shadowedit would be worst actually
05:14.17Legorolno, because the box explicitly states that it's exclusive
05:14.19IrielThey WOULD, but they'd have no basis
05:14.20KirkburnAh, yeah, I guess recall notices could work
05:14.24Cairennthose that paid the extra money for the CE would bitch like hell
05:14.24Legorolit would still be false advertising
05:14.30Shadowedbecause you have people who only bought CE for the pet and then everyone got it
05:14.35IrielIt would still be exclusive to EU players who MIGHT have bought the CE
05:14.46Legorolwhich is not what the box says ;-)
05:14.50Shadowedthis is from the paper thing on the box
05:14.55IrielIf you bought a CE box for the pet you're a bit of a dork
05:14.56Shadowedword for word
05:15.04Legorolbasically, if it's possible in practice to resolve it perfectly, Blizzard can be compelled to do so, in my opinion
05:15.06Shadowed"Exclusive in-game pet"
05:15.07CairennIriel: ROFL
05:15.13IrielIt doesn
05:15.13Cairennand this is news ... how?
05:15.14Legorolwhether anyone will actually bother to bring such a lawsuit, i don't know
05:15.16ShadowedIriel: I am, thank you very much :p
05:15.19IrielIt doesn't specify HOW exclusive
05:15.32Shadowedi'm pretty sure they mentioned how exclusive at somepoint
05:15.46LegorolIriel: i beleive it would be up to a court to decide these points
05:16.02IrielExactly, I was just trying to make a point about the futility of such things
05:16.05Legorolthis is the kind of arguments that people would sue over :o)
05:16.15Legoroli don't think it's entirely futile
05:16.30Legorolcompanies can and are sued for malfunctioning products, then recall notices are issued etc.
05:17.10Legorolanyway since i don't plan to sue, it's all moot for me
05:17.11Shadowed"With the Collector's Edition-exclusive in-game pet, the netherwhelp" would that be enough to say that it was only meant for CE?
05:17.17Legoroli'll make a color photocoopy of the card, then mail it off
05:18.16Legoroli just think that this case might just be the one that pushes people over the edge enough to actually sue
05:18.30ShadowedI'm pretty sure if they tried hard enough, you could find enough information that states it's exclusive to CE only
05:18.36Legorolbecause there is a genuine mistake, as opposed to stuff you agree to (e.g. server downtime, lag etc.))
05:18.58KirkburnShadowed, that quote looks pretty definitive
05:19.24Kirkburn(then again, we are talking theoretically, of course)
05:19.46KirkburnI bought the CE because I didn't buy the original CE =)
05:19.55Legoroli lol-ed when the test realms had Lurkies on the US test realms too
05:20.07Legoroland EU CE owners went "zomg, it's supposed to be for us only"
05:20.20Legorolthen they went on the analyse one of Thundgot's post word for word
05:20.43Legorolto determine whether it meant Euro + US CE players, or Euro CE players only
05:20.53ShadowedKirkburn: same
05:21.25Legorolbtw, how do you get nether whelp on new characters? in the mail?
05:21.32Legorolwith the original CE, you get a quest
05:21.34KirkburnI remember when I went out to buy WoW I was thinking of getting the CE, but foolishly didn't :/ Oh, how young and naive I was!
05:21.41Legoroli always forget to do it :o) have to go back later
05:21.47cogwheelYay! v1.0:
05:21.48IrielYou have your box for the original CE, and mail for the new CE
05:22.08Legoroldoes hte mail expire?
05:22.21KirkburnBtw, this is a fun bit of legal back and forth -
05:22.31Legorolbecause i often create a level 1, then not touch him/her for months in the starter area
05:22.39ShadowedLegorol: After 30 days
05:22.47Legorolfor standard mail, i know
05:22.51LegorolGM mails tend to be 90 days
05:22.54IrielThe question is does it REALLY expire, or just SAY it'll expire
05:22.56Legorol(or was it 60?)
05:22.57Shadowedit's 30 days trust me :p
05:23.16ShadowedI made sure to get my pets from the mail on all of my characters the same day
05:23.18IrielIt says 27 days for me
05:23.21KirkburnUnless you've opened it, which makes it 3
05:23.28Shadowed27, 30, close enough!
05:23.41Kirkburn30 is the normal starting length
05:23.50Kirkburn(whenever I get GM mails, they're 30 days)
05:23.55Kirkburn(SpamSentry ftw)
05:31.36cogwheelyeah... that was odd...
05:31.40ShadowedI blame you
05:32.11cogwheelwent from 5-6 messages per minute to 8 minutes between messages...
05:32.32ShadowedI was distracted trying to find stuff to add to nameplate configurer
05:33.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=najklord@
05:33.27cogwheelwell, i'm guilty too... been updating MacroTalk's download pages & forum posts...
05:34.25Krazehow can we find out what a frame name is?
05:34.27cogwheelCairenn, what province are you in?
05:34.29IrielI had a cat on my shoulder
05:34.43IrielKraze: frame:GetName() ?
05:34.50cogwheelIriel: one that will kill you if you stop petting?
05:34.59Shadowedthat sounds like my cat
05:35.09cogwheelCairenn: know any legislators? XD
05:35.09IrielNo, but he sits onm y shoulder like a parrot, and it affects my ability to reach this keyboard
05:35.22Shadowedcould be worst!
05:35.24cogwheelON has some of the worst wine import laws...
05:35.44Shadowedmine lays in between me and the key board, meaning I can only type with my left hand or she growls at me
05:37.10cogwheelmine's weird... he rarely wants attention, but when he does...... and then, you'll be scatching him, he'll be purring up a storm, and all of a sudden he latches onto you with all his claws & teeth, flattens his ears and just hangs there
05:37.12IrielA jump from CE pets to wine import is odd
05:37.18KrazeIriel: that only work if you are already working with the frame, what if I need the name of a frame that I am not working with?
05:37.35Shadowedhaha cogwheel
05:37.40IrielKraze: Programatically, or you're trying to identify one in your UI?
05:37.42KirkburnIriel, almost ... a Quantum Leap!
05:38.00cogwheelIriel: I think after that 8-minute lapse, i had moved on from the previous train of thought :P
05:38.14KrazeIriel: I dont understand the difference, but I am trying to hide a frame from being load
05:38.27cogwheelactually, my wife mentioned work today...
05:38.52cogwheelsome  guy called and asked to talk to the VP... I asked who it was and he kind of scoffed and said "It's Ontario Canada calling"
05:39.30IrielKraze: If you have my DevTools AddOn installed you could use /dtframestack to see what the frame under the mouse was called
05:39.30KirkburnThat's an odd name ...
05:39.36Shadowedwell how useful, I alt tab out to find two mobs i need to kill...and alt tab back in to both of them killing me!
05:39.44cogwheelKirkburn: that's what /I/ thought
05:39.45ShadowedKirkburn: It's those crazy canadians
05:40.00KirkburnShadowed, you should have sound on when you alt-tab out
05:40.50KirkburnThough, knowing you, you probably have fight sounds off too cause it's too "scary" ;)
05:41.05KrazeIriel, thanks, percisly what I am looking for
05:41.08Shadowedno it's hard to listen to music while playing WoW
05:41.27Shadowedonly time I play with music is PVP when I need to be able to hear rogue stealth
05:41.45KirkburnOr those damn Daggerfen assassins
05:41.55Shadowedthose aren't so bad!
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05:42.19KirkburnHah, in beta they'd have about 3 in a 5 metre area :/
05:42.23ShadowedI did however alt tab back in to find those 2 mobs again and me dead
05:42.44KirkburnWhat were they?
05:42.54ShadowedFel corruptors in BEM
05:43.33KirkburnThey may have the HP of a small child, but they do hit hard
05:43.49Shadoweddeathwish and KOTS while spamming cleave make it not so bad!
05:44.28KirkburnI'm really finding soloing group (3) quests at a warlock fun
05:44.42KirkburnI'm healer, dps and tank all in one /at once/, unlike a druid
05:46.11IrielI've been enjoying my BE warlock
05:46.22KirkburnMy housemate is continually trying to impress me with his druid - he seems to think that having 8.5k health in bear form should amaze me, though I'm not exactly far off as a warlock :/
05:46.33KirkburnIriel, what level now?
05:46.47Iriel20, my guild has a self-imposed levelling cap
05:47.10IrielWe have different amounts of playtime, so we have a published 'range'
05:47.19IrielWe dont level out of it, and we move it as poeple advance
05:47.24Irielthat way we all play together
05:47.28Kirkburnhey, that's cool
05:47.30KirkburnNew realm?
05:47.37Shadowedthat would drive me crazy
05:47.54Shadowednever saw how people could do that
05:47.58Kirkburnmmm, weetabix
05:48.05IrielKirkburn: Alliance on a new realm, Horde on an older one
05:48.18cogwheeli like weetabix
05:48.19IrielShadowed: You're allowed to have as many alts as you want, just ONE of your charcaters must be in the range
05:48.29ShadowedIriel: ahhh
05:48.47KirkburnMr_Rabies2, forgive, I'm a noob with maces. What should I feel right now?
05:48.51cogwheelmy wife would be able to handle it... she actively plays 4 or 5 alts...
05:49.03KirkburnAh right.
05:49.21Mr_Rabies2that thing is the second highest +dam 1her in the game iirc
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05:49.54KirkburnI have a +108 dmg staff now ... but it looks like a cattle prod
05:49.59Mr_Rabies2okay not quite but its the best nonepic
05:50.04Mr_Rabies2thats a 1h :O
05:50.25Karriong'night all
05:50.31Shadowedi'll never be able to figure out why a mob will rush me from 60y away for no0 reason
05:50.36KirkburnNight, Karrion
05:50.47KirkburnDon't let the vultures get you!
05:51.20KirkburnOh c'mon, don't all groan like that, that one was genius :/
05:51.28KarrionI won-- argh! vultures!
05:51.43KirkburnAnd prescient ...
05:51.47ArrowmasterMr_Rabies: ive seen many onehanders with more +dmg than that
05:52.07KirkburnShadowed, you looked at it funny?
05:52.24KirkburnThough in fatc my comment is more serious given the mob aggro bug
05:52.36ShadowedKirkburn: Whats the aggro bug?
05:52.50Mr_Rabies2;cr=51;crs=1;crv=131 yeah, theyre all epic though :/
05:52.57Kirkburniirc, in EPl at one time if you selected a mob, it would run to attack you from /whereever/ it was
05:54.44KirkburnWhat is it? Let Kirkburn have the last word day?
05:54.45ArrowmasterMr_Rabies: two of those are (3 really but you cant get exalted with both honor hold and thrallmar) rep rewards that arent really that hard to get
05:55.38KirkburnSo, I hear that draenei and blood elves get friendly with Aldor/Scryers by default
05:55.47Mr_Rabies2which other than the rep ones?
05:55.54Mr_Rabies2yeah i heard that too kirk
05:56.05Mr_Rabies2guess i could ask a space bluberru
05:56.11KirkburnDon't say from the wiki ^^
05:56.44KirkburnI guess it would make sense, a little bonus for having levelled one
05:56.49Mr_Rabies2i heard it on SA :o
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05:58.11Mr_Rabies2well the thing is, you think you're one of kael's be's until [spoiler] 1,1 you learn that he's betrayed you and is essentially feeding new elves to the legion for power
05:59.08Mr_Rabies2that's why the scryers left him :D
05:59.20Mr_Rabies2they dont tell you that until you cross over
06:04.01KirkburnDid you know: there are 3 ways an English man can react to new: with surprise, with anger, or with elation and triumph. Or more accurately "Effing hell!", "Oh, eff that!", or "Eff yes, effing fantastic!"
06:04.50Mr_Rabies2they raise you not knowing that because they need strong people to [spoiler]1,1 fight kael and you're more likely to give up if you know its mostly hopeless
06:27.10KirkburnLol, I love today's CAD:
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06:28.31KirkburnMr_Rabies2, oooh, didn't know that
06:28.45ShadowedKirkburn, i like that one far better :p
06:29.22KirkburnGood choice :)
06:30.27Shadowedit sums up my hate for people in 4 panels
06:30.50Mr_Rabies2i'm kinda not looking forward to crackdown for a while cause i hate halo fanboys
06:31.50Mr_Rabies2dont get me wrong halo was pretty fun for a console fps, but slow movement and boring level design do not make a great game :x
06:34.36KirkburnGive me HL2:Ep2 any day
06:34.48KirkburnPreferably before hell freezes over, which is looking more and more likely
06:35.29Kirkburn(delayed to Fall 07 now)
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06:39.32KirkburnI'm off now, goodnight all!
06:46.45*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Paste Code Here: | It is not the goal but the way there that matters, and the harder the way the more worthwhile the journey. - Wilfred Thesiger
06:46.46Shadowedthe more expensive it is for somebody else to do it for me, the better it probably is!
06:57.18Corrodiaswe did a 3-man lbrs in search of another gem for my ubrs key, but sadly the boss did not drop it
07:00.50Mr_Rabies2well i splurged
07:00.53Mr_Rabies2just got 2 imbued netherweave bags
07:01.00Corrodiashow large are those?
07:01.34Mr_Rabies2cost me 5g cause i tipped her well
07:01.53Mr_Rabies2plus the opportunity cost of the mats
07:01.55Mr_Rabies2but bleh
07:04.10Cairennnight all
07:05.05Corrodiasi learned new information
07:05.08Mr_Rabies2what what what
07:05.16Mr_Rabies2night cair
07:06.17Corrodiashang on
07:06.58Corrodiasokay, when i compared gore to claw earlier, i didn't have all the information
07:07.13Corrodiasit turns out that claw has a rank 9, according to the good intentions guild web site
07:07.25Corrodiasthe average damage is 65, which is not all that much less than Gore's 73.5
07:07.52Corrodiasthat's for the same focus and cooldown. therefore, i can justify to myself using a cat
07:08.48Mr_Rabies2oh yeah cats arent bad by any means
07:09.08Mr_Rabies2for dps its a tossup between them and ravagers
07:09.10Corrodiasi thought claw was pushing out 45% more damage, but that's compared to claw rank 8
07:10.49Corrodiasbut sigh, i'll never do well in pvp with any character
07:11.10Corrodias<emo mode engaged>
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07:12.42Mr_Rabies2just gotta practice
07:12.53Mr_Rabies2learn the ins and outs
07:13.09Corrodiasmy druid needs to be not being attacked in order to spit out any dps
07:13.21Corrodiasalthough i must admit, being attacked by three opponents at once stacks the odds against me
07:13.52Mr_Rabies2barkskin + the talent that reduces wrath's pushback helps a lot with that
07:13.54Mr_Rabies2and yes
07:13.58Corrodiasalthough i could use. barkskin, yes.
07:14.04Mr_Rabies2everyone wants to kill the fat chicken
07:14.25Mr_Rabies2one of the many reasons i avoid balance
07:16.37Corrodiasthey also all want to kill the guy who's landing on his wyvern after bombing the town >_>
07:17.19Corrodiaswell, anyway, we didn't have the numbers to actually -take- halaa after killing all the guards. that requires having more people than the allies, which is not possible for us except when they're in school or very late at night
07:23.30Mr_Rabies2Corr, learn how to insta catform->stealth the second you land :p
07:23.35Corrodiasit was quite depressing to get through lbrs with 3 people only to have the boss not drop shit for a gem
07:23.58Corrodiasimpossible. they can see you coming in and have you targetted and ready to hit you by then
07:24.08Mr_Rabies2no it doesn't work all the time but i've only had it fail once
07:24.27Mr_Rabies2probably 10-15 successes and 1 failure so far
07:24.32Mr_Rabies2only because felguards see through stealth
07:24.33Corrodiasyou're talking about the bomb runs, not regular mounts?
07:24.59Mr_Rabies2they see through stealth once they've been told to attack
07:25.04Mr_Rabies2all pets do :[
07:25.33Corrodiaswarlocks are absolutely perfect to stop a balance druid from doing anything
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07:26.35Corrodiasi need to move around my talent points and get the talent to prevent interruption of wrath, but i'm not sure where i want to skimp from
07:26.51Corrodiasi get little enough use out of omen of clarity to drop that, but i need 2 more points after that
07:28.07Corrodiasthis is my current:
07:29.08Corrodiaswait, what's pushback?
07:31.10Kasothats when your casting takes longer because of damage
07:31.30Corrodiasaha. i thought they used "interruption" for that.
07:31.47Kasothere was some confusion between that and interrupts like counterspell
07:32.11KasoWhats annoying is theyre not consistant, for priess its still interruption
07:32.33Corrodiasi have no idea where i'd take the other two talent points from
07:33.26Corrodiasmaybe a little less Subtlety, and a little less Tranquil Spirit...
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07:39.34CorrodiasDreamstate, is that really good? i mean, speculatively, 30 mana every 5 seconds does not seem like a very huge amount, here
07:40.19Nom-It is
07:40.27Nom-Over a long boss fight, that's a lot of mana :)
07:40.40Corrodiaswell, let me think. hakkar gives you how long?
07:40.50Nom-Hakkar is not a long boss fight
07:41.21Corrodiasbut think of this as a percentage of the amount of mana i'd have to regen during the battle to operate properly
07:41.39Corrodiassure, if i consider how much mana that is over half an hour, it seems like a lot. but do you know how much mana i'd be -spending- in half an hour?
07:41.49Nom-well look at it this way
07:42.03Nom-The level 70 buffs from Paladins give 43 MP5 i think it was
07:42.43Nom-41 mp5 + talents (if they have them)
07:43.32Nom-Now, consider a rank 14 frostbolt is 345 mana, 293 with talents
07:43.51Arrowmasterwow thats cheap
07:43.52Nom-That's an extra frostbolt every 35 seconds
07:44.08Corrodiashow many would you otherwise cast during that time?
07:44.24Arrowmastermost my stuff is around 400 mana
07:44.31Nom-The point is, it's an extra one every 35 seconds :)
07:44.38Corrodiasthat doesn't answer my question
07:44.44Nom-It's not so much for dps, but it makes a big difference for healers
07:45.02Corrodiasgetting a free cookie when you work at a cookie factory and get fifty cookies every day isn't much of a gift
07:45.36Nom-Well let me put it this way
07:45.46Nom-Blessing of Wisdom lets me non-stop grind on my Paladin
07:45.54Nom-If I don't have it on, I run out of mana after about 10 mobs
07:46.33Nom-So it might not be much, but it adds up
07:48.16Corrodiasi am loathe to take points out of any talent in that build...
07:50.38Corrodiasmaybe i'll take one out of moonfury and one out of tranquil spirit, to spread out the effect
07:51.38Kasowhat was in place of moonkin before the added it?
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08:13.19sancustoo bad the balance tree sucks
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09:12.33Mr_Rabies2blarg is there a list of macro stuff? it used to be in useful macros but someone edited that to uselessness
09:12.40Mr_Rabies2on wowwiki*
09:22.13Mr_Rabies2got it, now i cant get /castsequence 13,14 to work :/
09:22.40drinworldofraids has a nice sumup of 2.0.x macro's
09:30.49Mr_Rabies2blah /castsequence doesn't work with invo slot ids
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09:40.00foxlitwoah, motivational quotes in topic :/
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10:01.57SCalimlimin lua, is nil and 0 considered equal?
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10:12.45foxlitHm, cute, you can :Enable() and :Disable() secureframes in combat.
10:13.59KasoSCalimlim no
10:14.06SCalimlimkaso: thx
10:14.20Kasofor comparison, 0 is equivilant to true
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10:38.06foxlitCute. Typing /money gives you an odd undeclared channel, and attempting to send anything gives an error in Ace-Comm
10:45.33*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
10:58.34foxlitCan I have a range-to-range state transition?
10:59.00foxliti.e. if a secureheader has state=1, I want it to go to 11, 2 to 12, 3 to 13 ... 9 to 19.
10:59.12Industriallol yesterday someone told a client '42' :P
11:00.19nevcairielfoxlit: i added one condition for every case, i dont think you can do what you want
11:00.55nevcairielyou can do 1-10:11 .. from one range on a fixed state, but not from range to range
11:01.08nevcairielbut that would own, if possible :D
11:01.54foxlitGuess I have to do 1:11;2:12;...
11:03.31foxlitThanks :)
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11:32.39Corrodiasjust kidding, that would be a feature of UIParent
11:34.11amrothat would probably generate a "attempt to call method `Fellate' (a nil value)" error, and send red flags to your guildies
11:34.58Corrodiasthey mostly all agreed that the tabard should be changed. :(
11:35.29Corrodiasalthough i don't see it being much of a symbol of unity if only a few people wear it
11:35.56Corrodiaswhat happens if you WorldFrame:Hide()?
11:36.42krkathat looks like a fmt:message error
11:38.25Corrodiasah, the worldframe is what passes all keyboard input to the other frames
11:38.55Corrodiasso it's pretty boned now!
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11:40.51weazerHow do i make a macro where i /w target? %t doesnt does the job :(
11:42.51Corrodiasi have no idea
11:43.23weazercrap :(
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12:30.51Corrodiasi'm not sure if questsfu could use a little tweak or if it's Tablet...
12:31.27Corrodiasthe quest details pane is closable by pressing escape, but if you use the close button, it's not actually gone. you can press escape once and nothing happens, until you press it a second time, at which normal escape key function occurs
12:34.00Corrodiasapparently clicking close runs this: self.questid = nil
12:34.00Corrodias; Tablet:Refresh('QuestsFu_Detail');
12:34.08Corrodiasi thought i removed that line break... damn
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13:50.01BouviThis place is hopping this morning.  Hard to get a word in edgewise.
13:56.27Bouvi*crickets chirp*
13:57.34KalrothThat's because I'm not allowed to speak!
13:58.16KalrothSee :(
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14:31.50LegoroloI'm looking for a (hopefully official) thread that explains the (fairly recent) changes to +defense.
14:32.08LegoroloI don't remember the details, but something about it not working against crits anymore?
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14:43.38Cairennwheeee, net split!
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14:45.58Cairennwelcome back splitters
14:46.05zenzelezzsweet, I was on Cairenn's side of the split
14:46.05KalrothMe too, so neener neener
14:47.35krkame too! it was hawt
14:48.47BouviWhat did I miss?
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17:29.22cogwheel|workmorning, ugt
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17:31.50cladi'm dreading covering these last four classes for the book
17:32.07cladand trying to balance everything, since i only had 2 addons for pallies, and three for shaman
17:32.33cladrogue/hunter/mage will be easy, i have 60's of each of them
17:32.37cladthe warlock will be a pain
17:32.43cogwheel|worki have a 60 'lock...
17:33.15cladhehe wanna write the warlock section ;-)
17:34.44jaxdahl2anyone know a good profile site alternative to ctprofiles?
17:35.33cogwheel|workI really love but it's still in beta and Warla hasn't been around for a while... (and the download isn't readily available)
17:35.54cogwheel|work(and it might not be updated for 2.0 either...)
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17:52.11BouviSo Clad whatcha writing?
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17:54.00cladBouvi: a book
17:56.29Sstixrudhow good is the lua/xml frame programming sections?
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17:56.54cladthey're pretty good
17:57.00cladits only 4-5 chapters out of the book
17:57.10cladbut in all, i think the book will be useful for lots of people
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17:58.16SstixrudYes, I bet it would of been very useful 3 weeks ago for me :)
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17:58.38Sstixruddon't think it will help with the existing types of issues I run up against tho :)
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18:10.58sysragelol. click on the sellers name and look at their last transaction
18:11.14sysragesorry meant that for another channel, but ya'll might get a laugh too :)
18:15.24*** part/#wowi-lounge Legorolo (
18:16.05BouviSorry was AFK :)
18:16.53BouviNice looking cover design
18:18.24Cairennjaxdahl2: alla's
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18:19.28BouviI tell Clad he's got a nice looking cover design and he timesout.  Must have been something I ate for lunch.
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18:30.58TC_Workingmorning all
18:31.51BouviI would say morning but I have been here all day and do not want it to be morning again.
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18:32.23TC_Workingunless it was a saturday morning
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18:38.41BouviWell if it was Sat morning I would be asleep
18:39.31TC_Workingsleep is for the week
18:40.11BouviI am old.  Sleep is required
18:41.15TC_Workingthe older you get, the less sleep is needed
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18:43.58BouviWell after staying up all night playing WoW I needs to sleep.
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18:44.50jaxdahl2looks like allakhazam's profile supports level 70 and 375 professions
18:48.32jaxdahl2and they support ring enchants, nice
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18:49.13Grem_WarsongDoes anyone know the syntax for dynamically making a function inside a script statement?
18:49.29jaxdahl2never mind that's python
18:49.31Grem_Warsonglike:  function{ if( WorldFrame:IsVisible() ) then return true end }
18:49.46Grem_WarsongThere's some way to make a dynamic function
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18:49.50Grem_WarsongIve done it before, I just dont remember how =)
18:50.38Cidefunction() ... end
18:50.51Grem_Warsongahh, thanks =D
18:50.52nevcairiellocal func = function() if stuff then do stuff end end
18:50.53Cideor function(a, b, c, ...) <stuff> end
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19:03.08foxlitpve fear has a massive potential for griefing in outland <3
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19:12.54zenzelezzgriefers suck more than porn stars
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19:28.14Sstixrudhow do you unlock and lock buttons?
19:28.36TC_Workingturn the key
19:29.05BouviWhat bar mod?
19:29.25Sstixrudwith lua/xml
19:30.00BouviNot sure.  Not very advanced myself right now.
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19:31.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Grem (n=Grem@
19:31.46GremDoes anyone know how to 'suppress' a LUA error message?  (automatically close the LUA error window)
19:32.00TC_WorkingSstixrud, you might just try looking at a mod that already has that ability
19:32.30Sstixrudyeah, that is what I am doing.. was hoping someone had a simple SetAttribute for me :)
19:32.39TC_Workingwowwiki might
19:32.55Xueriangrem: You can either pcall whatever the function is that might be erroring, or you can posthook StaticPopup_Show and hide it if it's a error frame
19:33.10GremHow can I check if StaticPopup_Show is an error frame?
19:33.31XuerianLook through StaticPopup.lua's files, it searches popups there.
19:33.43GremThanks =)
19:36.02cogwheel|workWas dudedigital the original author of Necrosis?
19:36.28ShadowedGrem: As far as I know, LUA error messages aren't StaticPopups
19:36.40Shadoweddo you mean addon blocked errors?
19:36.51GremWell, I do think it's the same frame that message() opens
19:37.01GremErrors in generally
19:37.06XuerianShadowed: Heh, good point x.x
19:37.06Shadowedshouldn't be *checks*
19:37.20GremLike if I tried to do:  ThisFrameDoesntExist:Hide()
19:37.23GremAnd it generated an error
19:37.25GremI want to suppress the error
19:37.28Gremby hiding the window
19:37.37Grem(the error frame window)
19:37.40Shadowedyou should be doing this then
19:37.48Shadowedif( ThisFrameDoesntExist ) then ThisFrameDoesntExist:Hide(); end
19:37.53Shadowedthat way it's only called if the frame exists
19:37.54GremI know
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19:38.08GremBut lets assume I dont want to do that
19:38.13GremAnd I want a way to hide the error frame
19:38.16GremWhat would I have to do?
19:38.52GremThe reason is that the TradeSkillFrame doesnt exist in the UI until a tradeskill is used for the first time
19:38.55aloria|ChopsueyHi - I have a quick question here, is there any reason for the PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED-event not to trigger when I rebuff a buff - for example Power Word: Fortitude? is this intended behaviour, or a bug in my code?
19:39.02aloria|Chopsueyand, if it's intended, how can I detect this?
19:39.03Gremso TradeSkillFrame:IsVisible()  will generate a UI error
19:39.10Gremso I want to suppress the error
19:39.27ShadowedScriptErrors:SetScript( "OnShow", function() ScriptErrors:Hide(); end );
19:39.32GremWell, I didnt want to hide ALL errors
19:39.37Shadowedyou can't really do that easly
19:39.46GremI want to just call one function that hides the error window
19:39.46ShadowedYou just do this
19:39.52GremIsnt the error frame just a ... frame?  That I can hide?
19:40.07ShadowedThe error frame is ScriptErrors, by hiding it you hide all errors.
19:40.16GremI just want to hide it once
19:40.21Shadowedyou can't do that easly :p
19:40.23XuerianTry that
19:40.24GremScriptErrors is a frame?
19:40.30ShadowedYou are far better off doing if( TradeSkillFrame ) then TradeSkillFrame:IsVisible() end anyway
19:40.39GremYeah, I know
19:41.00GremI want to know this, for reference
19:41.16GremHow does pcall work?  Hmm
19:41.31GremInteresting Xuerian
19:41.56Shadowedwhat are you trying to do anyway out of curiosity
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19:42.26GremScrtipErrors:Hide()  seems to work like a charm
19:42.35GremIm trying to hide the script error frame
19:42.39Xuerianlocal visible = pcall(TradeSkillFrame.IsVisible, TradeSkillFrame) ?
19:42.39Shadowedyou hide all LUA errors by doing that however
19:42.44Shadowedyeah, but why are you trying to hide them i mean
19:42.49GremShadowed, it only hides it once
19:42.56GremIf I have future errors, they still show
19:42.59XuerianBut again, Shadowed has the easier method...
19:43.01GremThat solves it
19:43.26ShadowedThe problem is what you're doing is hackish, thats why I want to know what you're doing to see if we can help you find a better solution
19:43.47GremObviously preventing the error in the first place is a lot better than suppressing an error
19:43.55GremI dont need help with that, I just wanted to know how to hide the error frame
19:44.00Shadowedi see
19:44.18GremDoesnt really matter why I want to do it, but thanks very much for the help =D =)
19:44.25XuerianSo this whole thing really, truly, actually was about hiding the error frame, regardless of the error itself? :p
19:45.08GremYes Xuerian
19:45.15Xueriangrem: Why didn't you say so XD
19:45.18GremBut that pcall thing is very cool, I might be using that someday
19:45.25GremI said so, like, 30 times, I thought
19:45.42XuerianGrem: I deny it!
19:45.52ShadowedYou said you wanted to suppress the error from FrameDoesntExist:Hide() :p
19:47.51aloria|Chopsueynobody knows the answer to my stuff? :)
19:47.55aloria|Chopsueythis is really bugging me
19:48.30Shadowedaloria|Chopsuey: I'd imagine it's because your aura hasn't changed technically. Have you tried registering and watching for You gain messages?
19:48.32aloria|Chopsueyor, according to the docs it's only supposed to fire when a buff is added or removed, but I can't really figure out any other event that could trig when a buff is refreshed
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19:49.02aloria|Chopsueyhm, no, I haven't really - I just suspected this was something it existed a predefined event for, but I might just be naive :)
19:49.25ShadowedCHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_SELF_BUFFS thats the event for the "You gain <blah>." messages
19:50.29aloria|Chopsueyi'll check it up
19:51.07aloria|Chopsueyanother thing, btw, if I use GetPlayerBuff and GetPlayerBuffTimeLeft on a Inner Fire-buff - which lasts 20 charges or 10 minutes
19:51.28aloria|Chopsueyit's flagged as untilCancelled in the return value from GetPlayerBuff, and GetPlayerBuffTimeLeft returns 0
19:51.43aloria|ChopsueyI guess that's "just the way it is" as well?
19:53.27Shadowedaloria|Chopsuey: You may not be calling it correctly, as far as I know it'll always return the time left as the minutes, and if you want to get how many charges you need to use another cal
19:54.22GremWhy isnt this working:  if( TradeskillFrame ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Frame exists.") end
19:54.40ShadowedDidn't you say it was TradeSkillFrame not TradeskillFrame Grem?
19:54.48GremIt's TradeskillFrame
19:54.58GremYou're right
19:55.00GremThanks man, haha
19:55.05Shadowedno problem
19:55.14aloria|Chopsuey - that's the code I'm just using to test here now, and that returns untilCancelled = 1 and buffTimeLeft = 0 on Inner Fire-buffs :o
19:55.28aloria|Chopsueyanything fundamentally wrong there? pardon the cluelessness, but I'm trying :)
19:56.09Shadowedaloria|Chopsuey: Yes, buffIndex the return from GetPlayerBuff starts from 0, meaning it's never running any of your other code.
19:56.24Shadowederr wait, my bad
19:56.40aloria|Chopsueyit starts from 1 in 2.0 yeah :)
19:57.04aloria|ChopsueyCHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_SELF_BUFFS does not fire on rebuffs of stuff like Inner Fire, Power Word: Fortitude and stuff either
19:57.11aloria|Chopsueyjust like PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED didn't
19:57.38ShadowedI don't see anything wrong with what you gave, I just ran it myself and it returned 9.1 for Blood rage time left
19:58.00aloria|Chopsueyyeah, thing is it works on bloodrage, rampage, battle shout
19:58.10ShadowedDoes it work for Flurry and Enrage?
19:58.12aloria|ChopsueyPLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED even trigs on battleshout rebuffs I believe
19:58.25ShadowedI meant your GetPlayerBuff code
19:58.40aloria|Chopsueybut not on rebuffs of plaladin blessings, priest buffs and stuff
19:58.57aloria|Chopsueyhaven't tested - I'm just testing this code on some class that can just keep rebuffing themselves without needing rage and stuff :)
19:59.23Shadowedswitching to priest but what you're saying sounds odd
19:59.42aloria|Chopsueytry to put that mod in your mod-folder and see for youself
19:59.50Sstixrudhrm anyone know the lua magic to lock/unlock actionbars/buttons?
19:59.57aloria|Chopsueyif it works for you, I either have some other mod fucking it up, or something in my wow is fucked
20:00.11aloria|Chopsueyor, can't be any other mods, because this player have disabled all mods except the one I'm coding on
20:00.14Shadowedhow unusual, it doesn't call it again
20:01.09aloria|Chopsueyso it's not just me, phew :)
20:01.34aloria|Chopsueybut this is annoying the piss out of me
20:01.43Shadowedwell the short answer is i'm not sure, would have to ask someone else whos had more experience working with buffs.
20:01.46aloria|Chopsueytry the mod on your warrior, see if it trigs on battleshout recasts
20:01.58aloria|ChopsueyI'm just trying to read the code of other mods doing this
20:02.01aloria|Chopsueylike ElkBuffBar
20:02.13aloria|Chopsueybut I can't quite figure out how his code differs from mine
20:02.18aloria|Chopsueyhe only attaches to those two events as well
20:02.31Shadowedit does
20:02.42aloria|Chopsueybut I'm gonna enable it on this char and see how it sees the Inner Fire - since I can't get a time left value for it
20:03.50aloria|Chopsueyelkbuffbar gets a time left on it
20:03.50aloria|Chopsueyand it traps rebuffs perfectly
20:03.50aloria|Chopsueyargh :)
20:06.21aloria|ChopsueyI see ElkBuffBar has something like this though; self.frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function() this.owner:OnUpdate(arg1) end)
20:06.31aloria|Chopsueyand a OnUpdate function that somewhat seems to handle parts of my problem
20:10.30aloria|Chopsueybut it seems self.frame is a UI frame object, and I'm not quite sure how I can attach a similar event directly in my mod.. self:SetScript() doesn't work at least, and I can't find anything documenting it in the Ace2 documentation
20:10.32aloria|Chopsueyany ideas about that?
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20:26.39aloria|Chopsueythis is annoying the shit out of me
20:26.45aloria|Chopsueythis calls for a post in the ui forums I guess
20:26.49aloria|Chopsuey*bangs head against wall*
20:28.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim|work (
20:28.16Hobinheim|workpaging any alliance pvpers
20:28.26Hobinheim|workquick question: what race is the alliance PVP spirit guide
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20:41.13ShadowedHobinheim|work: Human It hink
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20:56.07aloria|ChopsueyShadowed, heh, interesting - I added a hook to all events now using RegisterAllEvents() in the AceEvents-library
20:56.24aloria|Chopsueyand there is no related event fired when buffing a buff that already exists, even if it updates timers and such
20:56.29aloria|Chopsueyonly if it's a new rank getting buffed
20:57.07aloria|Chopsueyif not interesting, frustrating :)
20:57.29aloria|Chopsueyguess I gotta implement a timer that keeps checking the buffs then.. dunno..
20:57.57*** join/#wowi-lounge ^Alleyria (
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20:59.56^AlleyriaI have a quick question. Is there a way to change the UI scale, per charicter? Or a HelloWorld addon that changes it?
21:01.04^AlleyriaThanks :)
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21:01.07foxlitWhich should hopefully scale everything, since things should eventually parent to UIParent.
21:02.39aloria|Chopsueyany quick way to just "run this function every N seconds"?
21:03.19aloria|Chopsueythis just gets very messy, I mean.. how hard could a rebuff of a existing buff be to detect
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21:04.14foxlitEspecially if it's not on you :)
21:04.44aloria|Chopsueyit is on me
21:05.32aloria|ChopsueyI easily detect getting the buff, and I easily detect loosing it and getting it again
21:05.52aloria|Chopsueybut there doesn't seem to be any event triggered when the buff is updated - e.g. the duration of the buff goes from 1 second to 60 minutes again
21:05.54foxlitBut you get no notification that someone rebuffed it while it was still on.
21:06.10aloria|Chopsueyand that amazes me, since that's a noteworthy change in buff status if you ask me :)
21:06.23kergoththat lack is annoying as hell
21:06.30aloria|Chopsueyany smart way to work around it?
21:06.43kergothother than polling with an onupdate? i doubt it
21:06.48foxlitDid you check if UNIT_AURA triggers?
21:06.51aloria|ChopsueyI'm just making some simple buff frames here that shows the buff I find important when playing a class, gets too messy to have a good overview when in a raid
21:06.54aloria|Chopsueyit doesn't foxlit
21:06.57kergothshould put in a request for blizz to fire the event on a buff refresh
21:07.01aloria|Chopsueyhow do I add aonupdate trigger?
21:07.07aloria|ChopsueyI am so clueless about this shit as well that you have no idea :)
21:07.11foxlitkergoth: would make things far too easy :)
21:07.15aloria|ChopsueyI mean, I know how to code, but yeah.. feel a bit helpless here :)
21:07.30aloria|ChopsueyI see some code where people add a OnUpdate-trigger to a frame and such, but imagine I don't have a frame here
21:07.33foxlitWhat are you trying to make, anyway? :)
21:07.44aloria|Chopsueya buff timer, except it  only shows "important buffs" ;)
21:07.51aloria|Chopsueylike bs, cs, rampage and stuff on my warrior, inner fire and shit on my priest
21:08.14aloria|Chopsueystuff I might forget rebuffing, and checking for any existance of the buff in the normal buff frames containing a zillion buffs while raiding is messy :)
21:08.37sysragesRaidFrames FTW
21:08.44aloria|Chopsueybasicly, I just want to know when I get a buff
21:08.47aloria|Chopsueyand I want to know when I loose it
21:08.52aloria|Chopsueyand I somehow have to detect when that buff gets renewed
21:11.14foxlitYou'll have to go through OnUpdate.
21:11.46foxlitCan detect buffs/fades through unit_aura; but will have to use a timer to check for time left updating manually
21:11.47aloria|Chopsueyjust couldn't find a way to get a OnUpdate-event without just creating a dummy-frame for it, but I guess that's an acceptable way of doing it?
21:11.58aloria|Chopsueyjust CreateFrame("Frame"):SetScript("OnUpdate", function() ChatFrame1:AddMessage("Got OnUpdate event") end)
21:11.59foxlitUse the frames you're using to display
21:12.03foxlitthe notifications :)
21:12.07aloria|ChopsueyI'm not using any frames to display anything atm :)
21:12.11Legorolaloria|Chopsuey: perfectly acceptable
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21:12.22aloria|Chopsueyand the bars will be rendered using CandyBar, so I'm kinda not making any frames in my own mod
21:12.23pastamancerto get events or to use onupdate, you need a frame
21:12.41SCalimlimyou can make a frame and just not put anything in it
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21:12.44aloria|ChopsueyI'll just do it like this for the moment
21:12.46aloria|Chopsueythanks all :)
21:12.54pastamancerif you're using Ace2, look at AceEvent:ScheduleRepeatingEvent
21:12.59aloria|Chopsueyand yeah, still, amazes me that this isn't just a event that you can hook on
21:13.02aloria|Chopsueyah, thanks pasta!
21:13.16Legorolaloria|Chopsuey: that's because events are for, well, events :o)
21:13.29Legorolto be more precise
21:13.30aloria|ChopsueyLegorol, and a buff getting a new duration value is a event imo :)
21:13.33Legorolevents are for Game events,
21:13.38LegorolOnXxxx are for UI events
21:13.41aloria|Chopsueybut I see your point - to some extent at least
21:14.01Legorolif you think about it, there's logic to it
21:14.45aloria|Chopsueyyeah, but it's not completely logical that buff renewals aren't triggering game events
21:14.52aloria|Chopsueybut I might just be weird, hehe
21:15.28foxlitPerhaps the consideration here was that any buff-display mechanism will have to update duration display anyway
21:15.40foxlitSo it's just cheaper to force everything to go through a throttled OnUpdate
21:15.43pastamanceryou only get an event if the number of buffs in a stack (inner fire or similar) changes
21:15.57pastamancerthere's no event if a buff is refreshed
21:16.02aloria|Chopsueyyep, I kinda noticed after crying half the night :)
21:16.17aloria|Chopsueybut thanks for the help, this will get me to the finish line, hehe
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21:54.07Kirkburn|afkMmm, mozzarella
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21:56.58JaycynIs anyone familiar with WoW DropDownMenu's?
22:00.05TC_Workingbuffalo mozzarella?
22:00.54Legorolthey are the horror, i tell you
22:01.22JaycynYep - I know. Just having one difficulty and not sure how to approach it.
22:02.38TC_Workingquietly and from behind
22:03.07JaycynTried that. It Untoggled itself almost immediately.
22:03.32TC_Workinghmmm....from the top down?
22:04.06JaycynYeah. Wimp.
22:05.02TC_Workingheh...sry cant help other than to suggest unloading both barrels into your comp
22:05.53JaycynActually, I have a main DropDown with a couple of sub menus, but open first use, not only is the first item in the main menu checked, but the first item in all of the subs are checked as well. Arg.
22:06.39JaycynIt's not a computer issue, it's my brain / eyes not seeing why that is happening.
22:08.40TC_Workinghave you tried liberaly researching other mods with similar functions?
22:11.11JaycynYeppers - no luck.. Most implementations are different than mine - i.e. using the dropdowns in a different way.
22:11.25foxlitshow code :)
22:12.18TC_Workingsee, thats what happens why you try to use dropdowns for have issues
22:12.45Jaycynelseif ( UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL == 2 ) then -- are we initting sub menus
22:12.45JaycynW_ShowMessage(" init called ");
22:12.45Jaycynlocal subMenuTable = UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE; --the value for this is set above in info.value=menuitem, where menuitem is a table
22:12.45Jaycynlocal subMenuName = subMenuTable[1]; --the first item in the sub menu table is the name
22:12.46Jaycynlocal func = function() DropDownTest_OnClick() end; --the function to call when a sub menu item is selected
22:12.47Jaycynfor index, subMenuItem in pairs( subMenuTable ) do --iterate over the key, value pairs and populate the sub menu
22:12.50Jaycynif ( index > 1 ) then --index=1 is the title used in the main menu. Don't need to add it to sub menu
22:12.52Jaycyninfo = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
22:12.54Jaycyninfo.text = subMenuItem;
22:12.56Jaycyninfo.value = subMenuItem;
22:12.58Jaycyninfo.func = func;
22:13.00Jaycyninfo.checked = (info.value == selectedValue);
22:13.02JaycynUIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL)
22:13.13JaycynThat's the init for the sub menu
22:13.22zenzelezznever paste code like that in here
22:13.32JaycynSorry - it was short.
22:13.38zenzelezzthree lines is short
22:14.12JaycynWell, I was asked to show code.. What's the best way?
22:15.04pastamancercan I get a marching band too?
22:15.38JaycynYeah - I usually use that but I didn't think it was necessary for 16 lines of code. I will use that in the future for > 3 lines
22:15.40TC_Workings/aslo/also/ error correction for emotes...
22:16.37foxlitPaste the same thing there, anyway
22:16.48foxlitIRC clients aren't exactly best for considering code :)
22:17.09TC_Workingneither is my mind
22:19.06foxlitDropdowns usually work fine for me <3
22:19.10JaycynThat's the entire DropDown Handler
22:20.10JaycynThey have been working for me as well for over a year. However, I am making a change and adding sub-menu's. It works, but the darn submenu's first item is always checked.
22:20.58foxlitHm, can I nitpick at unrelated bits?
22:21.20Mr_Rabies2man i hate shattrath :[
22:21.24foxlitYou're creating an anonymous function to call your click function
22:21.33Mr_Rabies2its such a boring town
22:21.38foxlitShould really just pass DropDownTest_OnClick as func
22:21.49pastamancerMr_Rabies2: not so boring if you take a swan-dive off the aldor rise
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22:22.13Mr_Rabies2i've done that a couple times, will help when i get flight form
22:22.21Mr_Rabies2so i can swan dive then pull out of it
22:22.45Mr_Rabies2wtb machine guns mounted on our flying mounts
22:22.47pastamancerI'm always on my mount when I miss the elevator, so I don't have a chance to hit levitate
22:22.51Mr_Rabies2wwi style dogfights kthx
22:22.55kergothhahah, i hate that
22:23.06kergothi need a flying mount
22:23.07JaycynYes - I  did that so I could more easily change the frame name while troubleshooting. Will put it back when complete.
22:23.19pastamancerI should really change levitate to a macro that does /dismount /cast Levitate
22:23.38kergoththats a good idea
22:24.22foxlitSince the _Initialize is called every time your menu is made, you really don't have to worry about out-of-date function refs -- you can update your lexical function live, and it'll work on next menu build :)
22:24.50JaycynOops - read your message wrong. Yes - I could change the on-click to call the function directly. Thanks for the suggestion.
22:25.49foxlitI don't think you need notClickable if you're using hasArrow
22:26.49JaycynStrangely enough, in the On_Show() the line that is UI_DropDownMenu_SetSelectedID( this, 1) - if I change that to 2, the the second option is selected in the drop down ( which is correct) but the second option in all of the sub menu's is selected as well.
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22:27.10foxlitHm, cheat :)
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22:27.30foxlitDon't use SetSelected*, just provide valid checked=(1 or nil) values for all checkable entries
22:28.32JaycynDoesn't SetSelected put the selected Item in the DropDown Text area?
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22:30.05ShadowedSo can anyone recommend a site that has information regarding stuff like performance and garbage collection in LUA...or is it more the kind of thing you need to get a book on
22:30.33cladhaireyou could read the post i made today in the forums.
22:30.40cladhairei personally recommend it.
22:30.48cladhaireshockingly enough
22:30.52ShadowedI did :p
22:30.57cladhairewhat else do you want to know?
22:31.04kergothi'd really like to see the pdf on the lua vm internals updated to 5.1
22:31.15cladhaire*shrug* the code is pretty clear about what it does.
22:31.23cladhaireyou can read the details i posted on the ace forums
22:31.28cladhairethat's straight from the code
22:31.43foxlitJaycyn: let me take a look
22:32.00ShadowedI was curious mostly on stuff like what areas are typically able to be improved to be less expensive, or just better ways in general
22:32.13foxlitJaycyn: I don't think it does, actually.
22:32.32cladhaireShadowed: Thats a very confusing question.
22:32.36cladhairedont generate garbage
22:32.55foxlitNot directly, anyway -- it sets the "selected" identifier, and the next refresh sets text.
22:32.58cladhaireperformance is not a lua thing, its an algorithm thing.
22:33.08foxlitJust go around that by calling UIDropDownMenu_SetText(text, frame) yourself
22:33.10cladhaireits a "programming" thing.
22:33.29Shadowederr sorry cladhaire trying to not die and talk
22:34.05ShadowedWas wondering about stuff in general like how expensive is something basic like looping through a table of 50 entries vs looping through 2 tables of 25 and things like that
22:34.13kergothso measure it.
22:34.15cladhairethose aren't lua things
22:34.16kergothprofiling isnt hard
22:34.18cladhaireand you can measure them =)
22:34.53JaycynOK - looking into that one.
22:35.00cladhaireyou'd get the same response in #lua.  no one documents these things, because they're trivial to test
22:35.01Shadowedcan you measure it easly as in, using something like a GetTime()?
22:35.14cladhaireor the debugprofiler
22:35.18Shadowedalright thanks
22:35.18cladhaireor a standalone lua interpreter
22:35.20cladhairewith os.clock
22:35.33cogwheel|workShadowed: you may also be interested in and
22:35.53cladhairetho dont' take everything there as gospel, much of it is written with a bias in mind
22:35.54cogwheel|workwhile they don't give you measurements or anything, they definitely lead you in the right direction
22:36.03cladhairemake sure you understand it without blindly following =)
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22:36.08cogwheel|workcladhaire: QFT
22:36.14kergothi find it beneficial to dump small blocks of code to the lua vm instructions with luac -l -p to get an initial idea of how lua does its compilation
22:36.32cladhaireluac -l -p ftw
22:36.55kergothChunkSpy is quite nice too
22:36.55tyroney|workquick regex help:  I want to strip "Conjured" off of the front of a string, I have "Conjured" sitting in a handy variable.  (which I must use in this process)
22:37.05kergothi like how it can show the instructions with the lua code inline
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22:37.42TC_Workingclad, nice post on GC
22:38.05kergothgot a link to the post handy? i hate forums :P
22:38.18foxlits = "Conjured "; if (strlen(arg1) > strlen(s) and strsub(arg1, 1, strlen(s)) == s) then arg1 = strsub(arg1, strlen(s)+1); end
22:38.24foxlitIsn't regex, but is probably faster
22:38.26kergothspeaking of forums, someone needs to get a -good- web forum like interface going for mailing lists
22:38.58kergothi dont mean subscribe interfae
22:39.03kergothor the crappy archival interface mailman has
22:39.10kergothi mean a phpbb like bidirectional interface to the list
22:39.13Shadowedcogwheel|work: will take a look into them
22:39.15Shadowedalso, i hate BEM
22:40.20Shadowedcladhaire: Didn't you say yesterday that doing MyAddOn_Function() is faster then MyAddon:Function();?
22:40.27tyroney|workfaster?  I'll take faster.  I guess I'll leave expanding my mind for another day.
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22:41.34kergothwell, myaddon_function() is one getglobal and a call. myaddon:function() is a getglobal on myaddon,unless you have a local ref to it, and then a table lookup of function in the myaddon table, then the function call.  but its likely the slight additional performance hit is worth cleaning up the global namespace anyway
22:41.49pastamanceris this where I chime in with "Premature optimization is the root of all evil"?
22:42.01kergothyes, yes it is
22:42.30cladhaireits faster that doesn't mean its a good idea
22:42.32ShadowedI'm not planning on switching all of my stuff just because of that, I was wondering because of what is mentioned on the wowace page
22:42.39foxlitIf wow freezes for 3 seconds while running your addon, call it the "long awaited macro /wait command" and ship to millions of users!
22:44.13Esamynn~poke  foxlit
22:44.14purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind  foxlit, pokes  foxlit repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
22:44.41cladhairebecause whats mentioned on the ace page is often FUD and bullshit
22:44.44cladhaireto be completely honest
22:44.50purlEsamynn: thanks
22:45.04cladhaireother times its insightful
22:45.12cladhairethats why its best to understand what and why you're doing thing s=)
22:45.18cladhairea local function is the fastest, period.
22:45.24Shadowedor to ask people in here if you're unsure :p
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22:45.55Kirkburn|afkWant to hear a stupid idea?
22:45.57cladhaireactually no, i'd say understanding WHY is better =)
22:45.59TainUnderstanding what you're doing is overrated imo
22:46.34pastamancerjoin the cult of Tain, they have free kool-aid
22:46.35kergothsomehow my eyes blended clad's and tain's sentences into actually no, what you're doing is overrated imo, and i got confused
22:46.36cladhairethis is where i bow out of the converstion =)
22:46.40kergothi need to go home
22:47.01foxlitI write my addon by hiring an infinite number of monkeys to randomly tap keys on an infinite number of keyboards
22:47.10TainNo kool-aid, but lots of pizza and rum.
22:47.25foxlitWith any luck, in an infinite amount of time, they'll code the ultimate addon.
22:47.42Tain"It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times."
22:47.43pastamancernot even poison smores?
22:48.13kergothwhat the hell, i read that as hiring an infiniate number of keyboards to tap keys on an infinate number of monkeys.  and i thought, what do monkeys output when you tap keys on them, poo?  and then i thought wait, most addons ARE poo, so its appropriate
22:48.44purlFriday sucks, because it should be the weekend, but you're stuck working anyway.
22:49.01purlaw, gee, kergoth
22:49.13AlphaSEQmy fridays are usually filled with meetings and net surfing
22:49.21kergothboo meetings
22:49.40Esamynnfoxlit: that's assuming there is such a thing as the ultimate addon
22:49.44AlphaSEQtake a laptop and one can surf while things are being discussed, heheh
22:49.56TainOur proxy server was out for 2 hours yesterday.
22:49.59kergoththat was always entertaining
22:50.12TainI had to sit in the office for two hours without internet.
22:50.15foxlitEsamynn: with an infinite number of monkeys working an infinite number of hours, it better be ultimate.
22:50.33TainLeveraging new paradigms
22:50.40foxlitpurl, you fail.
22:50.41purlACTION slaps you for calling her a failure.
22:50.45Esamynnfoxlit: the problem with an infinate timeline is that infinity is a really long time
22:51.01TainOr an infinitely short time.
22:51.17Esamynn~poke Tain
22:51.18purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Tain, pokes Tain repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
22:51.22purlthanks, Esamynn
22:51.45TainI think IRC is proof that monkeys have typwriters.
22:52.04Esamynn~bzfrag Tain
22:52.06purlACTION squishes Tain with a steamroller
22:53.06TainYou know if that monkey were local it would type faster.
22:53.44foxlitallocate me an infinite number of local monkeys!
22:53.56TainYou're just asking for a buffer overrun!
22:54.59TainSomeone will be able to exploit that to execute arbitrary poo.
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23:00.53cladhairearbitrary poo is the best
23:02.33JaycynHey foxlit! You suggestion worked like a champ! Thanks soooo much.
23:02.57cladhaireAny shaman here able to get me a screenshot of AnkhTimer_Fu?
23:04.48Sstixrudis this the right syntax: "if (~= function) then"
23:05.35Sstixrudi mean "if (~= VAR.VALUE) then
23:05.45cladhaireit not
23:05.49cladhaireif not VAR.VALUE
23:06.09Sstixrudhmm ok but if (VAR.VALUE) then is correct for true?
23:06.16cladhairewell what do you want
23:06.20cladhaireto see if it exists, or see if its true?
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23:06.31Sstixrudsee if it exists i.e. is not nil
23:06.37cladhairethen if VAR.VALUE
23:07.02Sstixrudhmm odd the ()'s work fine
23:07.08Sstixrudnot needed then?
23:07.19cladhairenot unless you have to group logical statements together
23:08.53SstixrudI guess I was confused by btn:SetScale(UBVAR.PASCALE)   , but that is a special case not a general requirement
23:10.13cladhairethe "quick download" link on curse makes me giggle
23:10.40Scre3mby quick download they mean, not quick download at all
23:10.49TC_Workingsomehow the thought of clad giggleing is disturbing
23:11.24cladhairezomg quick download
23:11.24kergothi /hate/ "your download will start in xyz seconds" pages, the one, the sf one..
23:11.25cladhairejust click a mirror
23:11.25kergothdrives me nuts
23:11.25cladhaireeven tho we only have one.
23:11.25kergothgive me a direct link you fuckers
23:11.50kergothbtw, if anyone downloads zips from wowi download links using wget, make sure you have the wget 1.11 alphas
23:12.02cladhairefor why?
23:12.06kergoththe release versions dont support the mechanism used to determine the correct filename
23:12.07kergothso it ends up named wrong, based on the url
23:12.18kergothi had to build 1.11 alpha/beta on all my linux boxes
23:14.55nevcairielthey finally fixed that in wget?
23:15.22cladhairenevcairiel: Thanks for adding hotcandy to wowi
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23:15.51nevcairieli wanted to do that a long time ago, but somehow never remembered to do :D
23:15.53kergothnevcairiel: yep, finally
23:16.29kergoth"# Fixed parsing of HTTP Content-disposition header"
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23:24.40CalaanaNow seems like a good time to ask; Is there anyway to get a marco to pause for 3 seconds while a spell is cast then do a emote?
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23:25.36cladhaireyou'd need to use chronos
23:25.42cladhaireor write something yourself as an addon
23:25.51cladhaireyou can do it, it woul djust lock your game for 3 seconds =)
23:25.54kergothcan you emote programmatically?
23:27.56cladhairecan aftercast do timed?
23:28.00cladhairei didn't think it could
23:28.09cogwheel|workwell, the question was "while a spell is cast"
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23:28.15cogwheel|workso i was reading between the lines :P
23:28.26cladhairefair enough =)
23:28.31CalaanaDamn. I was looking at using /run and having an StanceChange trigger (Its for ghost wolf) but I don't think you can run that in a marco
23:28.53cogwheel|workkergoth: sure. Either use DoEmote or enter the slash command programatically
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23:29.48wobinI should turn of autojoin =P
23:29.56wobinUntil I've figured out my screens  =P
23:30.15wobinalthough I love the restart speed of xwindows =)
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23:35.52wobinI can't seem to get both screens up as separatre windows
23:35.58wobiner desktops
23:39.02clad|dinnerwhoops =)
23:39.58TC_Workingno sleepeating
23:40.15foxlitHey, question
23:40.25foxlitIf I /click a :Disable()'d button, does it make a sound?
23:40.34foxlit(does the click handler run?)
23:40.51nevcairieli dont think so
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23:43.13TC_Workingabout 2 mor hours for you cog?
23:43.16foxlitThen I've found a way to use trinkets whenever they're up without generating errors
23:43.41foxlitSince you can still call :Disable and :Enable on protected frames in combat.
23:43.54cogwheel|workTC_Working: yep
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23:58.29TC_Workingyes...somewhere it is

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