irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070208

00:00.03cogwheel|workthe server doesn't tell you your trade skills until you open one
00:00.06Grem_WarsongBut the recipe window populates so fast, that it seems like you arent receiving any packets from Blizzard
00:00.35zenzelezzthe server can get away with just sending the names/IDs
00:00.53zenzelezzthen the client can query the details when you click them... don't know if it does of course
00:00.54KarrionGrem_Warsong: maybe for you, it takes a good second or two to populate for me >.<
00:01.08cogwheel|workdelete your cache folder and see how long it takes :P
00:01.17Grem_WarsongOkay, so my question is, now that I have the tradeskill data from the server, how can I change between my Blacksmithing and Alchemy tradeskills without casting the 'spell' again?
00:01.47cogwheel|workPretty sure you don't...
00:02.10Grem_WarsongReally? =(
00:03.20*** join/#wowi-lounge lhunath (
00:03.20cogwheel|workWhy is it a problem? Maybe there's something we're missing?
00:03.27Grem_WarsongI want to collect data about all my known recipes across various tradeskills without having the Tradeskill window pop up over and over again
00:03.58cogwheel|workSo unregister the event that pops up the trade skill window and re-register it after you're done :)
00:04.07cogwheel|workthen you just respond to the events on your own
00:05.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
00:05.55Grem_WarsongIll try that, thanks =)
00:08.52Grem_Warsongis Curse-Gaming downloads not working?
00:09.28cogwheel|workCG seems to be going through some changes atm... I kept getting server errors about an hour ago
00:09.45*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (n=jnwhiteh@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
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00:10.27cogwheel|workckknight: Coding Tips might want to be merged with the UI Best Practices that I started on wowwiki already
00:14.44*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso| (
00:15.03Tierrie|Workthat swords and sandals game is pretty addictive
00:16.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
00:21.10OsagasuI hate alliance.  I don't know why I stayt as one
00:24.11OsagasuOh, I have.  I have a 60 shaman and a 70 mage on the same server, one horde, one alliance.
00:24.35OsagasuI enjoy end-game mage, but I guess i'm just not masochist enough to level another
00:24.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
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00:29.19*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
00:31.56Nom-Alliance ftl
00:32.21Nom-yay, i get GBoW tonight :D
00:32.30Nom-And HL R8
00:32.52zenzelezzwhat's so bad about alliance?
00:33.11Nom-They're scum! :D
00:33.36Nom-I mean...I go out of my way NOT to gank alliance lowbies when they're grinding
00:33.36Mr_Rabies2i don't have a preference, both sides are about the same to me
00:33.47Mr_Rabies2you may not but plenty of others do
00:33.50Nom-Only to be repaid with a one-shot from a 70 shadow mage
00:34.21Nom-And i'd just hate to be on the alliance side
00:34.27Nom-Waiting 2 hours for a BG FTL
00:34.45ShadowedNom- what are you talking about
00:35.00Shadowed2 hour wait for BGs hasn't happened since around 1.9 when multi queues were interduced
00:35.23Mr_Rabies2AV is 2 hours for us
00:35.27Shadowedalso, 2 hour BG queues was actually better in the old BG system, can you imagine grinding to HWL on Horde? You're PvPing 24/7, you never really have any time to eat lunch and such
00:35.49Shadowedmuch much easier to burnout as horde then alliance back then
00:35.54Mr_Rabies2wsg and ab were 30 mins or so
00:36.09Mr_Rabies2not really shadowed, waiting in line is worse than fighting nonstop :/
00:36.12Shadowednot really
00:36.13Nom-I don't think i've waited more than 5 minutes for a BG since hitting 60 on my Mage
00:36.25Shadowedi've done the grind and i know a lot of people who have :p
00:36.28Nom-It really sucks for the horde actually
00:36.36Mr_Rabies2i dunno what our queues are like right now
00:36.41Shadowedwhen you're waiting 30-60 minutes the advantage is you can go get a drink, shower, do homework, ect
00:36.41Nom-Because bored alliance gank people in towns while waiting for BGs
00:36.49Shadowedhaha yeah
00:36.54Mr_Rabies2but pre bc it was 2 hours for AV, 30 mins for ab/wsg
00:37.09Shadowedback before battle masters were in cities and it was only WSG i'd visit horde all the time
00:37.11Mr_Rabies2it probably won't be much different now
00:37.22Nom-Acerage wait for me on those was like 2 minutes, 15 seconds
00:37.23ShadowedI got 4 DHK's because I used the MC cap on the elites and killed a few horde and civilians
00:37.37WobWorkTierrie|Work: What sword/sandals game?
00:38.20Shadowedthose were the days!
00:38.33Nom-I got to level 53.75 last night
00:38.37Nom-So going to hit 54 tonight :)
00:38.51Nom-I'm enjoying this grind on my pally so much
00:39.14Nom-There's some serious twinks on the Alliance side tho
00:39.25Nom-At level 32 I was ganked by a level 29 shaman who had like 3.5K mana
00:39.37Nom-back then I had like 1200 :/
00:41.26Shadowedtwinks are everywhere :p
00:41.45ShadowedIt's going to be funny to see the 30-39 and 40-49 twinks with the new TBC enchants
00:42.24ShadowedOh also, does anyone know if using a tostring on a frame is a "valid" way of making a unique string that you can use to identify?
00:42.44sysragethought the new enchants had a min level?
00:42.54Shadowedthey do, of 35
00:44.57zenzelezznot all new stuff has level reqs
00:45.36zenzelezzstuff like the clefthoof thing (30 sta, 10 agi) requires you to be level 60 to use... but you can use it on a BoE item and transfer it to a lowbie
00:46.18Mr_Rabies2the other armor kits were based on the item's level iirc
00:46.26cladhaireaye they all were
00:46.32Mr_Rabies2been a while since i made em though
00:48.22Mr_Rabies2ah 5 whole stacks of arcane dust
00:48.31Mr_Rabies2that should last me... about 10 levels in enchanting :[
00:49.19Nom-lol yup
00:51.45Tierrie|Workannnnd the game ends after i get chopped into little bits
00:52.45Nom-Does anyone have a link with all the info on the BE Pally mount quest?
00:52.55Nom-I need to start keeping an eye out for the mats now methinks
00:55.04cladhaireAnyone here use Cirk's Targetz
00:55.43ShadowedI can pretend I do if you want
00:56.21Nom-hey cladhaire
00:56.27Nom-LOVE the changes you made to PerfectRaid :)
00:56.55cladhairelolo there haven't been any in a while.
00:56.56Nom-I just had a look at the options screen last night for the first time since r85 (i think it is) came out
00:56.59Nom-freakin awesome :)
00:57.17Nom-I've not been raiding, so didn't get a chance to see it :)
01:00.57cladhaireheh thanks.
01:01.21Shadowedhow fun
01:01.37Shadowedso has anyone done a battleground and has had two people with the same name/faction in it at the same time?
01:01.57jaxdahlstukc on authenticating?
01:02.09Shadowedbut from different servers of course
01:02.12jaxdahlor is it just me?
01:02.18Shadowednope fine here
01:02.52jaxdahltook 3 tries
01:04.48*** part/#wowi-lounge lhunath (
01:05.40kergothanyone know what the priest racial spells are for blood elf? their equivalent to devouring plague and desperate prayer and stuff
01:07.27*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
01:07.36Cairennpurl, hug JoshBorke
01:07.38purlACTION hugs JoshBorke tightly until JoshBorke turns slightly blue
01:07.43JoshBorkepurl, counter hug Cairenn
01:08.40JoshBorkehola :-)
01:09.00Nom-yay got all the pally mount info
01:09.14Nom-I wonder if there's any reuseable parts
01:09.46JoshBorkedon't think so
01:10.10Nom-Warlocks get it so easy in that regards :(
01:10.15JoshBorkei need to stop playing wow so much, it's starting to affect my life :-/
01:10.30Nom-omg you have a life?
01:12.33WobWorkoh man
01:12.39WobWorkthose thinkcentres are ... cute
01:12.54WobWorkThe ultrasmall form factor is really nifty
01:13.11WobWorkKind of like the chinese puzzle boxes =P
01:16.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
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01:24.20Cairennoi, Antiar!
01:25.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar4 (
01:26.37JoshBorkeoh my
01:27.57CairennAntiarc, wake up and kill your machine
01:28.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar5 (
01:28.05Cairennit's having a heart attack
01:28.12Cairenngood lord
01:28.22*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Antiar1!n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn] by Cairenn (Cairenn)
01:28.24*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Antiar2!n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn] by Cairenn (Cairenn)
01:28.26*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Antiar3!n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn] by Cairenn (Cairenn)
01:28.28*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Antiar4!n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn] by Cairenn (Cairenn)
01:28.30*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Antiar5!n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn] by Cairenn (Cairenn)
01:29.19WobWorkAntiarc == tribble
01:29.34Cairennunfortunately for him, no
01:29.43Cairenntribbles are cute and I wouldn't kick them ;)
01:33.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
01:33.41Nom- <-- he got pwned
01:41.27*** join/#wowi-lounge genetik (
01:41.54Karrionooo nice
01:47.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
01:49.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
01:50.12*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Antiar1!n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn] by Cairenn (Cairenn)
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01:53.00*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Antiar2!n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn] by Cairenn (Cairenn)
01:59.44JoshBorkeerm, cladhaire, no way i can get you 800x600 mendwatch in action :-P
02:04.14Nom-OMG Futurama is getting relaunched
02:04.19Nom-That's the best news i've heard this year
02:05.39WobWork[error.forumNotReady]  =(
02:05.56WobWorkirt Cair's link
02:06.28Cairenn#show [stealth] Sap; Vanish
02:06.28CairennThe feedback for /use with a slot will also show the correct item in the given slot
02:06.30Cairenn(first trinket slot)
02:06.32Cairenn/use 13
02:06.34Cairenn(top left backback slot)
02:06.36Cairenn/use 0 1
02:06.47Cairenn/use [flyable] Swift Green Windrider; Fiery Warhorse's Reins
02:08.57JoshBorkeoh that's hot
02:09.54Mr_Rabies2[flyable] is new too? :O
02:10.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:10.45Mr_Rabies2will /say work with conditionals now too?
02:10.51Mr_Rabies2cause that always bugged me
02:11.52Mr_Rabies2i can't /say [help,dead] Resurrecting %t!
02:18.56cladhaireMr_Rabies: You can stopmacro if help,dead isn't true tho
02:18.58cladhairejust takes more =)
02:20.20Mr_Rabies2so how would i make it say i'm innervating someone if my target is friend and alive, and res them otherwise?
02:20.26Mr_Rabies2and say that i am
02:21.28cladhaireJosh_Borke: Whatever res is fine then
02:21.37cladhairethat you can't do in one macro =)
02:23.05Mr_Rabies2i could if say worked with conditionals :[
02:25.03JoshBorkeuse /stopmacro
02:25.33Mr_Rabies2in what manner
02:25.55Mr_Rabies2seems like it could only do one /say or another with stopmacro
02:26.14JoshBorkeah, yea, you can only have one /say
02:26.35Mr_Rabies2i want it to work with conditionals dammit :[
02:26.45cladhaireso ask for it =)
02:26.46Mr_Rabies2/slap slouken
02:26.53Mr_Rabies2i would but the forums are like on fire
02:27.10Mr_Rabies2An error was encountered while processing your request
02:28.17cladhairei hate errors.
02:28.21cladhairei'm never gonna get to sleep tonight
02:29.17*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (
02:30.52WobWorkevery time my workmate finds something odd, she says "How bizzare!"
02:31.00WobWorkand I get that song stuck in my head =(
02:31.26WobWorkdamn you music suggestibility, damn you =(
02:32.24Tierrie|Workits pretty scary how addicting a stupid game like swordsandsandals is
02:32.26Tierrie|Workits like progressquest
02:36.24*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (
02:40.57Nom-ooh, baby
02:41.01Nom-It's making me crazy
02:41.07Nom-everytime i look around
02:41.13Nom-everytime i look around
02:41.16Nom-it's in my face
02:43.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
02:45.08Nom-Good Charlotte on
02:45.12Nom-It's been a while :P
02:45.49*** part/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
02:50.20Shadowedkaso|: I take it you don't have any plans on releasing a mod to configure nameplates?
02:50.43tedrockumm is this right /cast [modifier:ctrl] Earth Shock (Rank 1); Earth Shock
02:50.56tedrockif i hold ctrl it shoudl cast rank 1 earth shock right?
02:51.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
02:51.42tedrockor am messing up on something
02:55.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
02:55.53Mr_Rabies2looks right to me
02:56.38tedrockwhen i do CTRL nothing happens
02:57.01Mr_Rabies2try doing just
02:57.39Mr_Rabies2/cast [modifier:ctrl] Earth Shock (Rank 1);
02:57.42Mr_Rabies2see if that works
02:57.55ZiconIt should be "Earth Shock(Rank 1)"
02:57.56ZiconNo space.
02:58.10Mr_Rabies2oh yeah
02:58.11Mr_Rabies2that's right
02:58.43tedrocknothin happens
02:59.00tedrockthat fixed it. the damn space
03:02.11Shadowedcladhaire: What happens if a frame is registered for Clique but GetAttribute( "unit" ) returns nil?
03:02.15Shadowedcan it handle it, or will it error
03:02.37cladhaireit just won't work.. it just blindly registers its attribtues.
03:02.51cladhaireit would act the same as a blizzard button without a unit attribute =)
03:04.06Shadowedannnd any issues with basically calling ClickCastFrames[ frame ] = true for the same frame every second or so? :p
03:04.17Shadowedas in, will Clique try to process it or does it check if it's registered and do nothing first
03:05.35cladhairegood question
03:05.39cladhairei think it would be very very expensive.
03:06.46Shadowedi'd imagine this will be very expensive already! lot of processing to do
03:07.04cladhairewell it would be very bad in clique at the moment
03:07.10cladhairelemme look
03:07.23ShadowedIt's no big deal, I can very easly flag the frame to not make it attempt to re-register
03:07.29ckknightcladhaire: it shouldn't be, seeing as __newindex is only called the first time
03:07.46ckknightany subsequent times just do it raw
03:07.56ckknightdo you have it done by proxy?
03:07.59cladhairethat's now how mine works.. since we need to catch niling out.
03:08.11cladhairei can handle it in Clique:RegisterFrame easily
03:08.18cladhairejust I'm not at the moment
03:08.26kaso|Shadowed nope
03:08.28ckknightwell, I'd've made it so that you check if it's already been registered
03:08.30Shadowedkaso| good!
03:08.46cladhaireckknight: so would i, it just hasn't come up yet =)
03:09.03ShadowedI can't think of any case where you'd be registering it so much anyway
03:09.07Shadowedwell, common case
03:09.30cladhaireShadowed: You wouldn't be.. that's why I didn't cover it, in case it was necessary for some reason to do it
03:09.40cladhairebut that was a leftover from when it wasn't by proxy
03:09.43cladhairenow that we can unregister it makes sense overall
03:12.15Shadowedso out of curiosity, whats more expensive. if( ConfigurationUpdated ) then ConfigurationUpdated = nil; end or ConfigurationUpdated = nil;?
03:12.27Shadowedi'm guessing it's the first one
03:13.06Tierrie|WorkHave you guys heard that Eminem Ragtime remix? :)
03:26.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Tenebra (
03:29.58Shadowedhow fun. Anyone know how to convert an rpg like { r = 0.9999, g = 0.99333, b = 0 } to { r = 1, g = 1, b = 0 }, without however turning something like { r = 0.85, g = 1, b = 0 } into it?
03:30.07Shadowedrgb even
03:31.15Shadowedmath.floor( 0.999 + 0.5 ) and math.floor( 0.85 + 0.5 )  both return 1
03:31.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Mobeater (
03:31.50ShadowedIt's dealing with a GetColor call and I need to convert the fact that it turns 1 into 0.99999999999999 without catching "real" numbers like 0.85
03:32.42ShadowedI suppose I could try something more like math.floor( 0.999 + 0.001 )
03:32.47WobWorkfunction round (n,shift) shift = 10^shift return math.floor ((n*shift)+0.5)/shift end
03:32.58WobWorkround to a certain number of places
03:33.36*** join/#wowi-lounge xlvii (
03:33.38WobWorkround (50.234, 1) -> 50.2 round (1234.98765, -2) -> 1200
03:33.51ThraeShadowed: if n+0.000000001 == 1 then n=1 end
03:33.52*** join/#wowi-lounge blrob (
03:34.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Bleeter_ (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
03:35.13Shadowedperfect, thanks.
03:35.33Thraeif n < 1 and n+0.000001 >= 1 then n=1 end
03:36.16ShadowedThe number it returns is 0.99999779462814, so 0.000001 is still <1  :(
03:36.39Thraeif n < 1 and n+0.001 >= 1 then n=1 end
03:38.00Shadowedalright thanks
03:40.58SCalimlimi was thinking about making this mod, but want to make sure it's possible first:
03:41.10SCalimlimdetect when you are flying, and when you are, display a mini outlands map
03:42.01cladhairenice =)
03:42.01Shadowedyes it is possible
03:42.01ThraeShadowed: Actually, unless pil has bad wording, it says math.ceil only returns integers
03:42.01SCalimlimok neat
03:42.01Shadowedwow, 3 responses in the same second
03:42.02ThraeSCalimlim: IsFlying() new function
03:42.02cladhairemath.ceil only returns integers, same as math.floor
03:42.03cladhaireyou need to make your own rounding function if you needdifferent precision
03:42.05SCalimlimand i should have no problem resizing the map right?
03:42.21beerkewell if it returns int
03:42.24SCalimlimnp if you don't know, ill begin playing with it now
03:42.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Thorarin (
03:42.36beerkeand you want 2 decimals you can x100 and divide by 100 after
03:42.41ShadowedThrae: I only need to know two things, is it 1 or 0, any number between that I don't care about
03:43.12Shadoweddetecting what the nameplate is displaying, so get to go off colors!
03:43.13ThraeShadowed: But in your case, 0.999999999~ is equivilent to 1?
03:43.22ShadowedThrae thats what Blizzard does
03:43.38*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Moo (
03:43.56ThraeYeah, then what I said before should be sufficient
03:45.14ShadowedI'm not sure why, but when you do SetStatusBarColor( 1, 1, 1 ) and then GetStatusBarColor() after you'll get 0.99999779462814 everytime...I suppose I could just check if it's 0.99999779462814 vs 1
03:46.15TainThe new Mac vs PC commercial about Vista is funny to me.  
03:46.24ShadowedWhats it about?
03:46.37Tain"Mac is offering you a salutation, Cancel or Allow?"
03:47.45ThraeIntegrated outbound firewall isn't a bad idea for a Windows machine. Of course a better solution would be for the user to just setup everything beforehand, but that's not possible for the computer illiterate.
03:48.22ThraeIf Macs dominated the world, then we'd see Mac viruses being prevelent ;)
03:48.46Shadowedyou have to admit, it's still a funny commercial :p
03:49.28TC-Moo  <>  
03:49.50TC-Moothats it there
03:49.55ThraeYeah, like when the PC guy says "I'm good for C++ programming..." Hey, the ease of C++ programming is a factor for ME!
03:51.36Tain"A C++ GUI Programming Guide!  I've been eyeing that myself"
03:52.02Shadowedtheonly issue I have with that commerical is they ignore the allow all factor
03:52.11TainNot really.
03:52.26ThraeYeah, and they say that like Mac users don't use C++ GUI Programing Guides ;)
03:52.39TainHe says you can disable it, but that it defeats the purpose of having security.
03:53.02ShadowedI haven't used the Vista firewall, but doesn't it have an option like allow once, allow always, deny?
03:53.31TainOh the firewall, maybe.  But it's really the elevated user stuff they're talking about
03:53.35ThraeI still think the best one is where he's going into "Surgery" to get an upgrade for Vista. "If I don't come back Mac, you can have my peripherals..."
03:53.48WobWorkMac/PC OTP
03:54.44ThraeOf course, all the commericials are just pointing out "flaws" in the PC without actually saying anything about the Mac. The commericial's theme is "Mac -- We're not a PC."
03:54.58Shadowedthats enough for some people :p
03:55.03WobWorkwell that's certainly true
03:55.22WobWorkThen again it's "I'm a mac. I can't run the applications you're used to."
03:56.08cladhaireit can run WoW
03:56.12cladhaireand all my unix applications
03:56.15cladhaire== teh win
03:56.45Nom-Except there's way too many apps that are only available on Windows :(
03:56.48WobWorkyeah =(
03:56.52Nom-I wish people would use the open source programming software so you could build them on all platforms
03:56.55Shadowedwindows will always be the gaming machine regardless
03:56.57WobWorkthat's what Wine is for
03:56.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
03:57.10SCalimlimi doubt wine will ever support dx10
03:57.19ShadowedWhys that?
03:57.20Nom-Don't be so sure
03:58.23Mr_Rabies2mobs are getting dim returns applied :O
03:58.40*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
03:58.51SCalimlimShadowed: i'm not sure why, but i remember reading something about why it wasnt possible
03:58.53SCalimlimi could be wrong though
03:59.17TainThey're already working on dx10.
03:59.28SCalimlimok, then im wrong
04:00.22ThraeI thought Vista included DX10?
04:00.22SCalimlimit does
04:00.22SCalimlimthey are talking about DX10 on wine
04:00.22TainAnd the funny part is if they get it working the way they're planning it will mean pretty platform independant support.  Including DX10 on older versions of Windows.
04:01.05SCalimlimi doubt ms will be very happy about that ;-p
04:01.13TainAlso, fuck Lost.  I was giving them a chance wih the season picking up again and this episode sucked.
04:05.45cladhaireTain: I just hope Heroes learns from Lost.. i keep hearing everyone say the same thing
04:06.07TainDid you watch the last Heroes yet?
04:06.35cladhairei watch it an hour and a half after its on
04:06.41cladhairecause .. that makes sense to ... someone
04:07.02TainI missed it but it was pointed out to me afterwards, did you see Hiro's dad's license plate?
04:07.23cladhairethey have hi res ss on =)
04:08.10TainI'm still in the giddy stages, I love everything they do.  Well.  Except Claire's father reveal.  I mean I can't say it makes no sense, I just was hoping for someone else.
04:08.20cladhaireTem was upset about it
04:08.23cladhairehe said it felt forced
04:08.44cladhaireI'm okay with it, but I'm very ... relaxed when it comes to watching a show or reading a book.. not much really upsets me.
04:09.05TainWell I will give them the fact that they set it up a little bit by showing how he falls for hot blondes and isn't above a one night stand.
04:09.23TainI think it is mostly that I just don't like him. hah
04:09.27Thraecladhaire: You know Tem IRL?
04:09.40cladhairebut this implies that SHE knows about his flying... or his power.. and he didn't ven seem to know.
04:09.48cladhaireThrae: No, but we have enough random irl connections =)
04:09.58Temvery random indeed
04:10.05cladhairereally just two
04:10.07cladhairebut still amusing.
04:10.09ThraeHeh. Just asking, as he rarely speaks on IRC anym--
04:10.23cladhaireIs anyone going to Men's Big East in March?
04:10.30cladhaireIf so, meet me in NYC and I'll buy you a beer
04:10.42TemThrae, I've been busy, and losing intrest in wow
04:10.50TainI was thinking about the similarities between Sylar and Peter though.
04:10.59TemTain, not similar at all
04:11.01cladhaireTain: Aye.. thats a fun place to experiment
04:11.07cladhaireTem: I disagree.. plenty of similarities.
04:11.09TainI forsee a big one on one fight between the two of them in the future, swapping off powers.
04:11.10cladhairebut i need to go to bed.
04:11.17TemPeter is an empath
04:11.21cladhairethey're both just playing pokemon
04:11.26cladhairegotta catch em all
04:11.30cladhaire<-- wins the thread.
04:11.30TemSylar steals abilities by taking apart brainns
04:11.33TainI choose you, Claire!
04:11.47Temwell, it's time for me to go
04:12.05ThraeTem: I'm getting bored too, but addons are different ;)
04:12.05TemTain, wrt to nathan, I hate him
04:12.12Temaye, addons are fun
04:12.27Tembut I'm still playing musical operating systems
04:12.44Temso I don't feel like sitting through a wow install
04:12.47Tainhaha yeah well I can't say as I see anything in Nathan I like, at all.
04:12.49Temtakes so damn long
04:13.15cladhaireOh yeah
04:13.19cladhairespeaking of winning threads
04:13.27cladhairethis is the probably the best post i've EVER seen on the forums:
04:13.42TainThat's pretty big words.
04:14.04cladhairehe wins at the internet.
04:14.52cladhairenight all
04:15.01Temnight guys
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04:29.25WobWorkif only it weren't written by a chap named Sephirogue =P
04:30.52*** join/#wowi-lounge tjs (n=tjs@
04:31.31tjswoo, wow ppl on freenode
04:31.42WobWorkThere are a few of us
04:31.47tjsnow I'm just mixing work & play ;)
04:31.52TainPlay Freebird!
04:31.52tjsoh well
04:31.56WobWorkSo am I =P
04:32.11tjsanyone from Khaz Goroth?
04:32.42TainIs that in Mexico?
04:33.29Shadowed~lart Tain
04:34.15Tainoh no not the kamehameha!
04:35.54tjsdo people try to use wow wiki to campaign for game changes?
04:36.05tjsmaking pages about issues etc.?
04:36.36Shadowedno, wowwiki is basically a place to find information regarding stuff in-game, or making mods for it
04:38.15tjsI want some place I can write a bit of an article with pictures about the bugs in tauren cat form
04:38.37tjswould that be inappropriate content for wowwiki?
04:38.38ShadowedYour best bet is to post in the bug forum
04:38.51tjsthey don't really seem to care :/
04:39.09tjsIve tried bugs/ideas/druid forums, as have many people in the past
04:39.09ShadowedYou're far more likely to get help regarding that there then on the wowwiki
04:39.19tjsfair enough
04:42.15*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (
04:44.57ShadowedHow odd, I can't figure out when the nameplates name color changes from white to red, I could swear it's random
04:47.50ShadowedWhen the mob has been damaged (health changed basically?) it changes to red...if you turn away so the frames hide and view them away then both the person attacking and the mob name is red
04:52.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
04:52.35Shadowedoh aha! it means the person/mob was damaged meaning mob vs player, player vs player, mob vs mob all trigger it
05:01.04tjsanyone know if there is a function to set those marks on a target?
05:03.13Kasothere is
05:06.08tjsty :)
05:06.34Mobeateris there a website that shows the r g b colors with thier decimal values?
05:06.43*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
05:07.16tjsget any decent web developer colour chooser type app
05:07.18Mobeaterthank you wob
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05:32.58VenerenceNothing? Anybody there?
05:33.43VenerenceI'll throw this out to the general audience, I'm trying to make a macro that swaps to daggers after a successful gouge
05:33.56bleetahwell, 'cept for cairren.. but she don't count as 'anybody'
05:34.17VenerenceProblem is, I don't know the script to find out if a gouge effect is on the target (which I would think is the only way to tell if it was successful)
05:35.40Thunder_Childwell bleetah, by that token she is somebody
05:35.54Thunder_Childand your just way off target then
05:36.40Thunder_Childlaugh all you want, but you know its just masking the truth
05:36.54bleetahwell, she's definately not *just* anybody
05:37.10Cairennoh no, I"m quite content to be "nobody"
05:37.12Thunder_ChildVenerence, have you tride looking through the wowwiki pages?
05:37.13bleetahmore than that, i'm afraid to contemplate
05:37.32Cairennas long as I'm "nobody", I can continue to fend off the requests for interviews and such
05:37.56VenerenceYes, but I don't know much about lua. I don't really understand how the UnitDebuff function can give four valid return functions
05:39.13WobWorklua can return any number of arguments from function calls
05:39.43WobWorkso you'd end up with a line like returna,returnb,returnc,returnd = functionthatreturnsfourvalues(frog)
05:39.46ShadowedCairenn: you're on the internet, you'll need to change your gender too to do that
05:39.59Cairennwhat, fend off requests for interviews?
05:41.07Thunder_Childyou dont have to fend off things if you accept them
05:41.08Cairennlol, nice try Thunder_Child
05:41.08Thunder_Childand being canadian is -not- an excuse
05:41.11Shadowedsure it is
05:41.20Thunder_Childno, i am fairly sure it isnt
05:41.23Nom-bloody canadians, eh ?
05:41.32Thunder_Childonly once a month
05:41.36Shadowedthen why do we always make fun of the canadians!
05:41.37Venerencethe other issue is that the argument takes a debuff index as an argument, is there any way to specifically check if "target" has such-and-such debuff, rather then looping through all the available debuffs?
05:41.55ShadowedVenerence nope, you have to loop through all the available debuffs
05:41.58Nom-Canada is like a loft apartment of a really good party.
05:42.22CairennShadowed: It's human nature to mock ones' betters, in an attempt to feel good about oneself.
05:42.32ShadowedCairenn: I'm pretty sure thats not it
05:43.03Cairennanyway, hush, you guys can pick on me later, Venerence is trying to get some help
05:43.14Nom-It's human nature to mock those less fortunate
05:43.22Thunder_ChildShadowed, just admit it, canadians are better than americans...why do you think they are on top
05:43.26Shadowedbut we can pick on you and help him at the same time!
05:43.27VenerenceI think that's enough to flounder around with, thanks for the help :)
05:43.38ShadowedThunder_Child: Because we can keep an eye on you better
05:43.47Venerenceit's a shame item-rack doesn't have a built in event for gouge
05:44.09Thunder_Childi dunno Shadowed, it's hard to keep an eye on us when your face is in the mud....
05:44.12ShadowedTheres some problems with doing swapping on debuffs because of things like global cooldown
05:44.51Venerenceso it just won't do it?
05:45.08ShadowedI'm not exactly sure, you'll have to find out for yourself!
05:45.12Shadowed~bonk Cairenn
05:45.20purlACTION bonks Cairenn over the head
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05:45.20Shadowedperl, literal bonk
05:45.23Shadowedthere we go
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05:50.46Venerencegod, maybe I should learn how lua works before messing around with this stuff, I don't even see bracketed lines
05:53.30KasoBracketed lines?
05:55.36*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
05:56.04Venerencein C++ and java scope is determined by brackets, which don't exist in lua
05:56.19WobWorkinstead they use function() yarad end
05:56.26WobWorkif(womble) then something end
05:56.32WobWorkcheck out the lua manual
05:56.35Shadowedwhile( foo ) do end
05:56.38WobWorkand the programming in lua book
05:56.43WobWorkwhich is highly reccommended
05:57.09ShadowedIt's not really that bad actually, the thing you will have the most problems with is switching between using {} and do/then/end
05:57.17Shadowedand ~= vs !=
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06:00.06Venerenceon a related note, if you use /script in a macro, does the lua script end at a line break or from /script to the end
06:00.37Kasoit end at the first newline
06:00.55Venerencethat's going to make some ugly code, but I guess it can't be helped
06:01.15Kasowell usually you dont right huge scripts in macros
06:01.22Shadowednot since 2.0.x at least
06:01.39VenerenceJust trying to figure out enough to swap weapons on a successful gouge
06:01.50Kasoif you have to just write it up with tabs/newlines then remove them with your text editor before you paste to wow
06:01.53Venerencewill probably end up translating it into the itemrack event format
06:02.12KasoMacros cant respond to events?
06:02.37Venerenceevents can't respond to instant cast spells from what I have seen
06:03.02ShadowedYou should be using UNIT_AURA and checking for changes there
06:04.26Venerencedidn't notice that. So pseudo code: event: gains an aura: if: is gouge: then: change to dagger
06:05.05ShadowedCorrect, you will need to write a mini addon to do this however since macros cannot respond to events like Kaso said
06:05.29KasoYou might wanna check out AfterCast, by iriel i think, its up on wowi, does what you want, unless you are doing this for practice
06:05.30VenerenceItemrack has an addon that allows for changing via script
06:06.01IrielI will note AfterCast is slightly unhappy with 2.0, it's not broken, per se, but it's a bit whiny
06:08.25Venerencelooks like I'll have to loop through every debuff index
06:11.46Venerenceif I only have one variable for a multi-return function, will it just take the first return statement?
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06:15.20VenerenceAwesome, I think I got it working
06:15.26Venerencethanks for the help
06:17.07Thunder_Childwell, on behalf of everyone that helped you, your welcome
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06:52.06ShadowedI though frames had a RegisterForClicks?
06:53.25IrielButtons do
06:53.39ShadowedYeah I know Buttons do, I could swear frames did too though
06:53.46IrielNope, they have no OnClick
06:53.59Shadowedoh well, will add click casting later I guess
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06:59.17SCalimlimhas <OnUpdate> been deprecated?
06:59.26SCalimlim(been a while since ive written a mod that needed it)
06:59.28Kasoin favour of what?
06:59.38SCalimlimnothing, im just having trouble using it
06:59.50IrielWhat kind of trouble?
06:59.53IrielIs your frame visible?
07:00.01SCalimlimits hidden
07:00.03Irielthen it wont get fired
07:00.09SCalimlimah gotcha
07:00.09IrielOnUpdate only fires on visible frames
07:00.49Cairennnight all
07:00.59Shadowednight cair
07:02.51*** part/#wowi-lounge WobWork (
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07:56.52Vuoripeikkoim back.
07:58.48Nom-Hi, back.
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08:29.14SCalimlimanyone have any experience creating custom textures?
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08:45.23SCalimlimah nm, just have to completely restart wow for it to load new textures
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08:57.40Corrodiaswhy are all these people under the impression that blizzard was going to make the old raid instances worth running at 70?
08:58.17Mr_Rabies2because a lot of people are stupid
08:58.55Corrodias"I assure you nobody [who isn't a tank] ever understands a proper tanks pov."
08:59.17Corrodiasnobody understands me, my life/role sucks~
08:59.38SCalimlimit's going to make for interesting shortages of random levle 60 raid items
08:59.39Mr_Rabies2a proper tank's pov is MONSTER CLOSE UP
08:59.40SCalimlimfor crafting
08:59.56Mr_Rabies2and you spamming every threat move in the order of their threat
09:00.10Corrodiaseverybody's (and i hate to use this term) QQing about the scaling as of page 3, and NONE of them have actually -tried- the instances and reported what they're like.
09:00.27Mr_Rabies2well nef's bugged :p
09:00.35Mr_Rabies2or was, unless they hotfixed him
09:00.39Corrodiasactually, i lie. one person provided us a quip about the bosses doing more damage.
09:00.48Mr_Rabies2he forces a lot more than just warriors into defensive stance
09:01.03Mr_Rabies2he forces paladins, warlocks, rogues, etc into it too
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09:01.46Corrodiasi read that thread
09:03.13Corrodiasi was amused
09:04.11Corrodiaspage 5, everybody's still posting their own interpretations, ignoring everyone else
09:05.54Corrodiasour best feral druid has some 28 thousand armor, by the way
09:05.57Corrodiasi was impressed by that
09:06.13Corrodiasat least, according to what one of the other guild members said he remembered
09:06.23Corrodiasi'm going to ask him personally next time i see him
09:07.45Mr_Rabies2probably around 23k
09:07.53Mr_Rabies2i think thats the max
09:08.08Mr_Rabies2that you can get with current itemization
09:08.22Mr_Rabies2he probably melees like a mage though
09:08.24Corrodiasthis thread has me wondering about this issue
09:08.39Mr_Rabies2probably cant hold aggro on anything
09:08.43Corrodiasas usual, the blizzard poster is not speaking directly to the issue
09:08.58Mr_Rabies2what thread
09:09.24Mr_Rabies2what are you wondering about it
09:09.58Corrodiasas of page 7 the people and i are still wondering if being level 70 with level 60 gear will make you take more physical damage from a skull boss due to the reduction in damage mitigation percentage of the same armor value
09:13.23Corrodiasit would seem so, as of the discussion by page 9
09:15.31Mr_Rabies2the mitigation number stays the same for the same amount of armor
09:15.42Mr_Rabies2for the same level
09:16.05Corrodiasfor the same level? yeah, i knew that. your mitigation % doesn't go up and down while you stand in a city for no reason.
09:16.31Mr_Rabies2a 60 mob hits just as hard on a 60 with 1000 armor as a 70 with 1000 armor
09:16.42Mr_Rabies2except for misses, etc
09:16.58Mr_Rabies2glancing blows, etc
09:17.16Corrodiasso it's your armor value vs the opponent's level that determines the actual mitigation %?
09:17.44Mr_Rabies2the char display is for an onlevel mob iirc
09:18.12Corrodiasokay. now, skull bosses behaving as level 73 when attacking a level 70 player. if the level 70 character has the same amount of armor as he had at level 60, he's going to take more physical damage now, yes?
09:18.43Mr_Rabies2likely yeah, especially if mobs have weapon skill levels
09:19.15Mr_Rabies2like a 60 mob has a 300 weapon skill and a 70 has 375 or whatever
09:19.37Mr_Rabies2they may not have them, i dunno
09:20.20Corrodiasaccording to what the blizzard poster said, the hit table calculations do scale up like that.
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09:42.13Corrodiasone of the "memorable quotes" from thrall: "We don't go do stupid things when somebody yells ‘For the Horde!!’"
09:42.41Corrodiasdamn straight. if you've ever seen Alterac Valley, you know that we are perfectly capable of doing stupid things without any battle cry at all!
09:51.07Corrodiasis this disambiguation page really necessary? ;)
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09:54.31zenzelezz<Corrodias> okay. now, skull bosses behaving as level 73 when attacking a level 70 player. if the level 70 character has the same amount of armor as he had at level 60, he's going to take more physical damage now, yes?
09:54.36zenzelezzI'm a bit slow here, but yeah
09:55.08zenzelezzwhile my HP has nearly doubled from 60 to 70, my armor has only gone up by about 1000 so far, and the damage reduction is down from ~66% to 52%
09:55.21zenzelezzand that's from equal level mobs
09:55.48sancusyep he'll get hit a lot harder
09:55.51sancusbut he'll have far more buffer hp
09:55.54sancushealers just have to spend more mana
09:56.01Corrodiaswell.. "a lot" harder may be an exaggeration
09:56.04sancusofc, since their regen will have gone up a lot...
09:56.20zenzelezzmy guild did Kharazan for the first time last night, and those buggers sure hurt
09:56.40sancusits not an exaggeration
09:56.49Corrodiasactually, you're right. 45% more damage.
09:57.13Corrodiasso the old raid bosses will not really be that much easier
09:57.15zenzelezzI've come to realize that there's good reason for so many items to have +block value now
09:57.25sancusdamage on the tank is not always relevant
09:57.32sancuson most of the naxx bosses, tank damage is a minor concern
09:57.43Corrodiasif pure stats aren't the most important part, then it certainly won't be easier :/
09:57.56sancusYou're still going to have raid dps that is at least 50-100% higher
09:57.57Corrodiasbecause that's all that's really changed from 60 to 70. we haven't necessarily gotten smarter.
09:58.01sancusso bosses will go down WAY faster
09:58.05Corrodiaswell there's that
09:58.07sancusAlso, the random targeted shit
09:58.11sancuswhich is a serious issue on a lot of bosses
09:58.15sancusis basically completely ineffective against 70s
09:58.18sancusbecause their hp pool is absurd
09:58.32sancusthere's no way anyone is going to die to thaddius chain lightning for example
09:59.16sancusand the void zones that kill healers on 4H
09:59.18sancusbecome a total joke
09:59.54sancusyou still aren't going to PUG naxx, don't get me wrong, but it will be a heck of a lot easier
10:00.14sancusI cant think of a single encounter that would be harder
10:00.33sancuspatchwerk is the only possibility, and I dont think so because killing him in 2 minutes as opposed to 5 makes healer mana not an issue
10:00.36Corrodiaswell, i agree nothing would be harder
10:00.42Corrodiaswhat's patchwerk like?
10:01.18sancusHe deals the most damage on a tank of any boss in naxx and also randomly targets the highest hp person in melee with him for a fairly hard-hitting melee damage strike
10:01.30sancusand you have to kill him in 7 minutes or he enrages
10:01.33sancusthats pretty much all he does
10:01.35sancusit's a healer fight
10:02.27Corrodiasmy druid has approached 5hpm efficiency on healing touch rank 12, which pleases me
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10:03.30Corrodiasit's 5 easy if i activate one of the +healing trinkets that i never remember to activate
10:03.59CorrodiasKC & The Sunshine Band - That's The Way (I Like It)
10:09.47Corrodiasi wonder if pvp would be more or less popular if they added guro imagery to it
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10:44.52foxlitwtb SimpleHTML:GetText();
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11:31.14SCalimlimis it possible to have a frame that catches mouse left and right clicks, but allows dragging to go to the frame below it?
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11:36.16SCalimlimk, now to figure out how to modify the WorldMapFrame to allow that ;-P
11:40.44sancusin other news: CM crack ration is doubled.
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12:59.30zenzelezzuh oh
12:59.42zenzelezzwhat's your tabard, and why do you want a change?
13:00.35Corrodiashang on
13:00.56Corrodias -- the top four images in the album (the most recent four) are the images that go along with the thread
13:01.13Corrodiasthe current one is white on red and i really just hate that color combination for anything, including tabards
13:01.47Corrodiasi'd have hidden the UI, but that closes the design pane and cancels the changes, which is not so hot for showing off ideas
13:02.13Corrodiasthe other three are my quick proposals
13:02.15zenzelezzpersonally I like the first alternative
13:02.25zenzelezzI agree that white on red didn't go well
13:02.48Corrodiasi must admit, the first is also my favorite of those three. it's similar to the original, but i can live with gold.
13:03.06Corrodiasmy nipples seem to be hard just thinking about it
13:03.15zenzelezzI'm actually fairly happy with my guild's tabard
13:03.28zenzelezzbut a while ago I'd take anything to hide my armor
13:03.36Corrodias(i really don't know what the eye is supposed to symbolize, but the guild's name is Fate)
13:03.41Corrodiasyeah? do you have a shot of yours?
13:03.49zenzelezzprobably, moment
13:05.35Corrodiasi healed a party for the Underbog today, as a level 68 druid. the other members were of various levels between 64 and 68, 2 warlocks (one demonology with a felguard tanking for us) and 2 mages.
13:05.47Corrodiasthe other warlock was some other spec and could tank reasonably well himself :P
13:10.57Corrodiaskind of a bad angle for lighting, but it looks like gold on red?
13:11.14zenzelezzbrownish red
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13:27.08Corrodiasan officer has already posted about how the old tabard is a symbol of unity or some such thing.
13:27.35IndustrialAnyone have experience with apache, .htaccess files and mod_rewrite?
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13:46.38SCalimlimwoot, finally finished that mod
13:46.41SCalimlimwhat a pain in the ass
13:47.15nevcairielany piece of software is never really finished
13:47.27SCalimlimyea, you're right, i need to add one key binding ;-P
13:47.36SCalimlimand see if i can resize some graphics
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14:00.57SCalimlimmap that appears while you are flying
14:01.13SCalimlimfully functional, it is the actual map that appears when you hit M but heavily modified
14:01.34SCalimlimalso shows another of my mod's, mouseovertarget (check out the extra info under my mouseover tooltip)
14:04.17Corrodiaswhere's rabies? HEY RABIES
14:04.26CorrodiasMr_Rabies2 with highlighting and all
14:10.27Corrodiasoh well, i'll catch him later. [asleep]
14:11.07*** join/#wowi-lounge kindergip (
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14:31.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Venerence (
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14:33.42VenerenceAnybody know if it is possible to save a unit's ID?
14:34.10SCalimlimwhat are you trying to do?
14:34.38VenerenceI'm trying to check if a target I deselect is dead
14:35.01SCalimlimI don't think that's possible
14:35.21SCalimlimyou are limited to the list of preset ids
14:35.27SCalimlimyou can't save the value of one and use it later
14:38.42VenerenceWell I'm stumped then. I want to check to see if a unit I have gouged is killed. UNIT_AURA doesn't fire if he is killed before gouge is removed
14:39.04SCalimlimyou can check if your current target is dead
14:39.10SCalimlimbut not something you have deselected
14:39.30VenerenceTargets that are killed get deselected, that's the problem
14:41.30SCalimlimno events correspond to unit death?
14:41.42SCalimlimor you could scan the combat log
14:43.04VenerenceQuestion is, is the target deselected before or after that message appears
14:43.21SCalimlimwhy is that significant?
14:43.41Venerenceto check if he is gouged or not
14:44.09zenzelezzwhy do you need to know if a dead unit was gouged?
14:44.29VenerenceI have it so when I gouge a unit, I swap to a dagger
14:44.46Venerenceif my move that breaks gouge kills the unit, it doesn't swap back, because the event to check that is UNIT_AURA_CHANGED
14:45.15zenzelezzah, you're one of those people ;)
14:45.27VenerenceTotally awesome people?
14:45.41zenzelezznot exactly what I had in mind
14:45.44zenzelezzmore like tweakers
14:45.57zenzelezzafraid I don't know a solution though, but I'm not a very good WoW coder
14:47.28VenerenceGuess there are ways to check if I still have a target when the event fires
14:49.46*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
14:50.10BouviAnyone want to be the featured artist for next weeks UI Newsletter?
14:50.46cogwheelThis took an incredibly long time to overflow:
14:50.47cogwheellocal OrigSendChatMessage = SendChatMessage
14:50.49cogwheelfunction SendChatMessage(text, ...)
14:50.50cogwheeltext = gsub(text, "%%f", UnitName("focus") or "")
14:50.52cogwheeltext = gsub(text, "%%m", UnitName("mouseover") or "")
14:50.53cogwheelreturn OrigSendChatMessage(text, ...)
14:54.04VenerenceAwesome, the event comes before the deselection!
14:57.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
14:59.14cogwheelAnduinLothar: ping
14:59.46VenerenceWhile I'm at it, is there a function to return the name of a unit?
15:00.20cogwheelVenerence: :D
15:00.23VenerenceI have no idea how I missed that ^_^
15:02.08cogwheelAnduinLothar: never mind :P
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15:10.25cogwheelif you're in a battleground, does /ra behave like /bg?
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15:12.55cogwheelanyone have a simple function to determine if you're in a BG?
15:14.56SCalimlimmaybe just ?
15:15.42SCalimlimif the first return value == "active" you are in a bg
15:16.30cogwheelyeah... was just hoping someone had a quick copy/paste :P
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16:21.05cogwheel|workare whispers always in Common or Orcish?
16:31.52cogwheel|workanyone know where the default chat colors are defined? I looked in fonts.xml & browsed through chatframe.lua (but at 95kb I can't exactly read the whole thing thoroughly :P)
16:34.03*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
16:34.17cogwheel|work#wowi-lounge, ping...
16:41.41cogwheel|workFound it... it's in the default chat-cache.txt
16:42.00Cairennanswered you elsewhere, silly boy
16:42.28cogwheel|workyep. i just was sticking it here as an FYI for anyone interested :)
16:43.10CairennI actually think (may very well be wrong) that that info is on the wiki somewhere as well
16:44.51CairennI just know that it has come up time and again
16:45.11Cairennso either the actual info, or where to find it, may very well be on the wiki
16:53.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
17:00.25Elkanoclad, ever thought about fixing clique'S UI for new chars?
17:05.50cogwheel|workAnduinLothar: are you around?
17:14.47cogwheel|workCan anyone test my IsInBattleground function? I don't have time to sit in a queue atm...
17:15.27cogwheel|work(or i'll just release the addon it's from as a beta and make the general public test it :P )
17:16.41jaxdahl2ctprofiles import doesn't seem to work very well
17:16.58cogwheel|workjaxdahl2: had this conversation with Cide yesterday... it's on the todo list
17:17.12jaxdahl2cogwheel|work, i'll look for it (in here?)
17:17.26jaxdahl2are you able to bump your tradeskills up to 375?
17:17.45cogwheel|workhaven't tried anything manual yet...
17:17.56jaxdahl2i updated my character to 70
17:18.10jaxdahl2weapon skill caps went up to 350
17:18.29jaxdahl2but i don't see where to raise the cap for the others, i tried putting in a bigger number and it didn't work
17:19.14cogwheel|worki'm sure between CTRA2 & CTProfiles, they've got a lot on their plates right now...
17:19.25cogwheel|work(among, i'm assuming, other projects)
17:19.57jaxdahl2i had to bumop my character up to 70
17:20.04jaxdahl2before i imported some stuff
17:20.18jaxdahl2even then, it didn't like the shield
17:20.23jaxdahl2so i had to add that one manually
17:21.00*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
17:21.01jaxdahl2i scrolled up, cogwheel|work. if that is your definition of a 'conversation', you sure exaggerate stuff ;)
17:21.38cogwheel|worknah... "discussion" would've been exaggerating :P
17:23.25jaxdahl2they also need to add ring enchants somehow
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17:44.45jaxdahl2hm, ts has a post saying shield import should be fixed on ctprofiles, but it's still not recognizing my shield when i import
17:45.53jaxdahl2also seems they don't have level 61+ health/mana calculated correctly.
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17:47.59jaxdahl2sockets too. heh
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17:52.09TC_Working*snicker* "a 'ch ch' is not a church unless 'ur' in it"
17:55.47cogwheel|workclad: ping
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17:59.31|FF|Im2good4ui just found out then u shift+click an itemhyperlink into a chatedit box it calls OnSpacePressed, Wierd...
18:01.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
18:18.03cogwheel|workthere they are...
18:18.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Bouvi (n=Bouvi@
18:20.35cogwheel|work~emulate cogwheel
18:20.47purlACTION shakes its fist at the forums
18:21.11purlsomebody said purl was an evil bot. rather slow at responding
18:24.04cogwheel|workwhere is everybody today? The forums are slow, this channel is slow, it's been nearly an hour since I uploaded a new mod to and it's not approved yet...
18:25.31BouviNo idear
18:33.51*** join/#wowi-lounge _aLF (
18:34.32Tierrie|WorkI'm drinking OJ and just chillin
18:37.34kergothShadowed: ping
18:39.33TC_Workingjust a slow day cog
18:42.49TC_Workingand in theory we are working
18:43.56BouviWell I am at work.....
18:44.15TC_Workingso am i...doesnt me we are working
18:44.21sysragenot at home playing wow = working
18:44.23BouviHey I am working.  I got tomorrows UI newsletter ready to go out.
18:45.45BouviI also designed a couple of flyers for my martial arts organization.  (That took 10 mins)
18:57.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
18:58.30purlmooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass, or and
18:58.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (n=BuM@
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19:01.55Neeblerparty on wayne. party on garth
19:04.06Neeblermy eyeballs asploded in delight upon seeing it
19:05.16MentalPowerit looks like Vista...
19:06.12TC_Workinghas a nice polished feel to it
19:07.13NeeblerI dont really like the button or minimap skin, but the healthbar skin is faaantastic
19:08.10Neebleranyways.. I didn't make it here's the link of where it came from
19:15.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
19:31.19sysrageya somebody needs to add that healthbar skin to x-perl
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19:44.46SCalimlimminimalist skins ftw
19:45.00SCalimlimmoar viewing area plz!
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19:53.25Shadowedkergoth: pong
19:55.40kergothShadowed: hey, just wanted to say that that nameplate modifier addon is most spiffy, but you should think about ditching the temporary table creations in your onupdate that you use to capture the GetChildren.  something like perhaps
19:56.46Shadowedkergoth: The main issue is the fact we have no method of knowing if a new frame was created, or even if the mob that the frame is over changed
19:57.32kergothi see the need to scan all the frames to find them all, just pointing out that you can at least avoid that particular allocation
19:58.02Shadowedthanks, will add it into 1.0.1
19:59.52Shadowedone theory I have to make them a bit faster would be move it to an event driven system, basically by hooking stuff like SetValue, SetTextColor, SetStatusBarColor. But i'm not sure yet if the internal Blizzard code calls them or if they do something else
20:00.54axxowhats that addon called? sounds interesting
20:01.39Shadowedactually probably the most annoying issue is a way to identify who the frame is for
20:01.55kergothsince unit wasnt set on the secure frame? i wonder why that is
20:02.49Shadowedwell identifying if it's someone in your raid/party isn't so bad, that just means we have to maintain a map of names to units. It's mostly trying to identify if it's a hostile, friendly ungrouped player, neutral npc, friendly npc
20:04.03*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
20:04.03hastecan't you cache the frame reference and just check if it's visible or not?
20:04.38kergothassuming no new frames are created, sure... but if they are..
20:04.50kergothmeh, headache
20:04.57hasteI'm guessing they would  be recycled
20:05.14kergothofftopic, but i dont suppose anyone knows of any embedded linux job openings? :P
20:05.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
20:06.00ShadowedIf I can turn it into something more reactionary driven over just assuming it was updated every 0.25 seconds, then the onupdate will only be used to hook new frames created in which case it's not as bad.
20:18.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
20:22.04Shadowedcogwheel|work: /group should work fine, but if they were in a party or raid group before it wont let them communicate with that
20:23.03Tierrie|Workso anyone got that new Norah Jones cd?
20:23.10cogwheel|workShadowed: i don't quite follow...
20:23.30*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
20:24.02Shadowedif you're in a group before you join a battlefield, you can still communicate with the raid or party
20:24.11cogwheel|workShadowed: ah
20:24.14AnduinLotharcogwheel|work: pong
20:24.56*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf__ (
20:25.22cogwheel|workAnduinLothar: I'm playing around a bit with satellite and was wondering if you knew of an easy way to switch chat types in onSpacePressed. E.g. when someone types  /tellunit target[space] it switches them to whisper with that person's name selected...
20:25.49cogwheel|workShadowed: imo, that's how it should work...
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20:26.58AnduinLotharum you'll have to change the chattype manually i think.
20:27.30axxowould it be possible to block certain sounds from playing? like when fishing the water audio just drives me bananas
20:28.20Scre3mdo the rpgoutfitter people have an irc channel?
20:29.54AnduinLotharSatallite doesn't have any builtin code for switching the current chat type I don't think.
20:30.34Corrodiasit seems that only one other person in the guild who has posted on the forum so far is open to changing the tabard colors
20:30.43AnduinLotharbut do you actually want to change the chat type or jsut the action onExecute?
20:31.27cogwheel|workI've got the onExecute working fine. It's mainly for macros so it shouldn't be too big a deal whether they see Tell Unit: target blah    or     To Soandso: blah
20:34.05cogwheel|workI know people with macros like            /cast [target=mouseover] Innervate      /run SendChatMessage("Incoming innervate", "WHISPER", nil, UnitName("focus"))
20:36.42AnduinLotharyou could try setting the chat type manually for the chatframe and then calling the update func
20:37.05VenerenceAhhh irc. the notepad of the IM world
20:37.18cogwheel|workI'm thinking it's not really worth it right now...
20:37.22jaxdahl2multiplayer notepad
20:37.24AnduinLotharor just do the update yourself, like telltrack
20:38.11VenerenceThink I should reroll my BM rogue for a BM mage? I'm thinking about it because so many drops add to spell damage
20:38.26Venerencein imba-level-20-in-2-hours-world
20:40.20VenerenceBE that would be. but this is a UI chat so nvm
20:47.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Karen@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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20:51.21*** part/#wowi-lounge Venerence (
20:53.18purli heard loose is the most annoying spelling error.  It's LOSE you moron.  Unless of course you're using loose in a Madonna sorta way.
20:54.19sysragefoot loose!
21:00.35cogwheel|workIs there any way to get the slash command that triggered a SlashCmdList handler?
21:00.44sysrageanna nicole smith is dead!
21:04.30bleetah2.0.7 patchnotes up
21:04.45TC_Workingthanks bleetah
21:04.53Corrodiasbleetah is my hero
21:04.59bleetahfrom that, would appear no API changes, haven't had a chance to look closer yet
21:05.26bleetahI got the client last night, server wasn't up as of about 15 mins ago, so haven't looked closely at it
21:10.16OsagasuAny effect which benefits the victim of a critical strike will now trigger even if resilience converted the attack from a critical strike to a normal strike; this applies to melee, ranged, and spell. The affected talents, abilities, and items are: "Eye for an Eye", "Blessed Resilience", "Enrage", "Martyrdom", "Blood Craze", "Eye of the Storm", and "Bonespike Shoulder".
21:11.27bleetahfwiw, looks like the PTR auth server is down at the moment
21:12.36bleetahsysrage: I wonder how long it'll be before the 'life of' telemovies appear
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21:13.00bleetahactually, not even worth thinking about
21:18.26foxlit"Players can no longer send gift wrapped packages via COD.
21:18.40foxlitThere go my profit margins :/
21:19.45TC_Workingto fleece you
21:20.01bleetah"When sharing a quest, the order logic has changed to check whether or not the player has completed or is ineligible for the quest before checking whether their quest log is full." bleeding yeehahhhh
21:20.24kergothsweet, i hated that
21:21.29bleetahand, it looks, like they may have fixed the chat window name changing/moving bug, too
21:21.55bleetahthey're a bit vague on the wording "Players with multiple chat windows will no longer have fixed channels (ie. general, trade) added back to the main chat window every time they log on. "
21:22.47TC_Workinghmmm...looks like Anna Nicole Smith bit the big one
21:22.59kergothyep, time to celebrate
21:23.03zenzelezzwith her that just sounds dirty
21:23.49TC_Workingi suppose there could be worse ways to die
21:26.40TC_Workingwheres the remix?
21:27.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Tokter (
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21:34.52Tsikurathat comic made me want to poke my eyes out
21:35.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Throgan (
21:35.41TC_WorkingWTB Tsikura a sense of humor
21:36.14TC_Workingi dunno, is it worth it for 5g?
21:36.37Throgandepends. is it that bad?
21:36.49foxlitSense of humor is a no-trade commodity.
21:37.01Tsikurai guess id be the person pushing the grocery cart there
21:37.10Throganhrr hrr
21:37.17TC_Workinglol, he was laughing on the inside Tsikura
21:37.26foxlit(it's on the no-export list too; you can't sell it to the people living in countries on the DoT banned countries list)
21:37.45TC_Workingso i'll get one black market
21:38.01Throganalright now. on the black its 10g
21:38.22Throganand hey! my background is black ^^
21:38.25foxlitBut would you risk it with a black market sense of humor? What if it will malfunction and destroy us all?
21:38.28Tsikurathe comic of the day before is just weird lol
21:38.46TC_Workingshhh...i havent got that far yet
21:39.00Tsikuraits before the one you linked O.o
21:39.04Tsikurayou going backwards?
21:39.58Throganyou know what? it is the first time that i can really chat with people in here^^
21:40.14TC_Workingdont worry, we will make you regret it
21:40.38Throgani doubt that
21:40.45TC_Workingwoot, a challange
21:40.54Throganyou dont know my guild
21:40.55TC_Working....something like that
21:41.34TC_Workinghmm....well, it's true that i dont have the advantage of vent...but i may beable to work around that
21:42.27Throganhey guys! i just read in the net that Anna Nicole Smith died
21:43.04foxlit"hey guys!" and "just read that xyz died" clash
21:43.27Shadowednice change "Players can no longer send gift wrapped packages via COD. "
21:43.30Throganwhat you wanna tell me with that?
21:43.55foxlitIt's an odd combination; I want to see where you'll go with it first.
21:44.02[Wobin]Shadowed: IT's to prevent Terrirsts
21:44.27[Wobin]cause who knows if the package is a goblin proximity bomb or not
21:44.33Shadowed[Wobin] haha
21:44.34Throganeh ok. still don't get it
21:45.20TC_Workingpeople were mail scaming.......for fake money
21:45.51Throganno sry. i was writing to foxlit. my fault
21:46.18*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku_ (
21:46.23TC_Working~bitchslap Throgan
21:46.31purlACTION beats the sh*t out of Throgan
21:47.02TC_Workingheh, the ouch usualy works better after the beating
21:47.21Throgangreat! now i dont have to go to the toilet
21:47.55TC_Working*blink blink*
21:48.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Karrion (
21:49.26Throgangotto go. cya
21:51.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr|Scary (
21:51.56MentalPowerwhats the Java equivalent of the tonumber() function?
21:52.48KasoMentalPower string.parseInt()
21:53.25MentalPowerthanks Kaso
21:54.00Kasohmm, actually its not on the String api page, perhaps its another object
21:58.32foxlitI want a SimpleHTML:GetText()
22:00.09KasoSimpleHTML always puzzled me, is it actually used by the DefaultUI?
22:00.28foxlitParts of the glue, maybe.
22:01.09foxlitI tried cheating by hooking SetText(self, text) and doing self.text = text; self:oldSetText(text), but that behaved rather oddly.
22:02.15foxlitKaso: yes, it is.
22:02.30foxlitItemTextFrame.xml has a ItemTextPageText
22:04.02Kasothats for when you like can read books and stuff yeh?
22:04.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Eggi|afk (
22:04.13Kasoah makes sense
22:05.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Kraze (
22:08.53DemoXinanyone here that can maybe answer a question for me?
22:10.04DemoXinguess not
22:11.07foxlitask question, not permission to ask question :)
22:11.38DemoXinI found a guide on using lua and .net to ead data from XML files
22:12.07DemoXinbut is it possible to either a) load .net libraries into wow, or b) read xml data with just lua?
22:12.13*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (n=jnwhiteh@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
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22:12.32cogwheel|workcladhaire: wtb approval again... XD
22:13.12foxlita) No.
22:13.31foxlitb) Not directly.
22:13.39DemoXinim new to wow interface modding, but i have an idea, and i want to use an XML file as a "database" if you will, and read the data from an xml file to display with the addon
22:14.03KrazeIs there any LUA editor thats updated with lua 5.1??
22:14.14DemoXini tend to learn best by diving right in and working, but im not sure how possible my current method is
22:15.41DemoXinis there a way for me to do this, or do you have another recommendation as to how i should go about storing and retrieving that info?
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22:16.39foxlitAs far as I know, you can't programmatically read and write XML through wow's lua; you really should use LUA's tables and savedvariables if you want to build some sort of persistant data store.
22:17.23DemoXinare LUA tables capable of holding several paragraphs worth of text though?
22:17.36DemoXinseveral paragraphs in one cell that is
22:17.54foxlitLUA tables can hold anything lua itself can hold
22:18.49DemoXinalright, is it possible to load any external libraries into WoW?
22:18.58DemoXinim assuming not, since u cant load .NET ones
22:19.58foxlitYou can't get anything that's not already there, really.
22:21.36Krazeis there a lua editor thats updated with lua 5.1?
22:22.03cladhaireKraze: Download wowscite from wowi
22:22.07cladhairethen download cogwheel's binaries.
22:22.10MentalPowerany Lua 5.0 editor will work for 5.1, sans new functions
22:22.54Krazecladhaire: I tried, but then I couldn't install it
22:23.13KrazeI mean I can't the new binaries
22:23.17cladhairewhy not?
22:23.34Krazewell, I dont know how, the instruction just tell you to edit the properties
22:23.44Krazedoesn't tell you where to extract the files and such
22:23.50cladhaireput then in the bin directory under scite.
22:23.55cladhairebut you could also just download stock scite
22:24.00cladhairefrom the link in the addon desc on wowi
22:24.02cladhairethat would work just fine.
22:25.12*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
22:26.13Krazewait.... what?
22:26.28cladhairehold please.
22:26.45KrazeI download, inside contain a folder call lua511wow, so just extract that ?
22:26.51cladhairedownload this:
22:26.57cladhairethat will do what you need it to do.
22:28.23Krazethats it? I dont have to update it or anything?
22:28.36cladhairethat would give you lua 5.1
22:28.38cladhairein scite.
22:28.40Krazeok thanks
22:29.31Krazequestion - for the xml file, whats the use of the UI tag?
22:31.08cogwheel|workIt's part of the XML standard to have a root tag
22:31.31cogwheel|workPlus, it provides a path to UI.xsd which is used by XML editors to provide auto-complete suggestions for tags and attribute values
22:31.37DemoXindoes it matter if you use UICraft as the root tag?
22:31.59DemoXincuz mywarcraftstudio's sample file uses UICraft as the root on its sample file
22:32.00*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
22:32.00cogwheel|workI would assume it wouldn't recognize it
22:32.43bleetahPTR has PvE and PvP realms
22:32.46DemoXinokay, no reason to set outside standards, whether it recognizes or not
22:32.59bleetah(well, the char copy would indicate thus, still no realm list avail)
22:33.50Krazepurl: so it doesn't matter what I put in there? I see some difference in different mods
22:34.26cogwheel|workXD purl's a bot... when I typed s/it/wow/ he substituted the word it for wow
22:34.54cogwheel|workKraze: i was answering DemoXin
22:35.00purli heard purl is an evil bot. rather slow at responding
22:35.47purlWhat is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk! Have at you!
22:35.50Krazeso does it matter what I put in the Ui tag??
22:36.10foxlitHas to be valid per UI XSD
22:36.15DemoXinKraze, i dont think so, because its different in different mods, but why break standards?
22:36.37cogwheel|workI don't think so... it's mainly metadata for editors and such. As long as you have the tag it should be OK.
22:37.39Shadowedkergoth: ping
22:37.50Krazebecause I dont know what it does, and is slightly different for different mods, just want to make sure
22:38.04cogwheel|workI highly recommend using one of the more "complicated" ones and point it to a copy of UI.xsd. Get yourself a decent XML editor that provides auto-complete (Microsoft Visual Studio Express comes with one -- and it's free). You will never look back once you can type and opening caret and know exactly which tags you're allowed to put there.
22:38.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
22:38.31ShadowedI don't think i've written my own piece of XML in a while, i just copy and paste it from older cod e:p
22:38.46DemoXinhey peeps
22:38.50DemoXinwhats a catchier name?
22:38.58DemoXinor Questref?
22:39.28cogwheel|workQuesticle! XD
22:39.52TC_Workingcog drink your wine and shoo
22:40.01DemoXinany votes?
22:40.06ShadowedI like Questicle :p
22:40.12DemoXinme and my friend are leaning towards QRMod
22:40.27TC_Workingi like questicle to.....and thats the problem
22:40.29DemoXinvery well
22:40.36DemoXinquesticle it is
22:40.48TC_Workingi knew cogwheel|work shouldnt be allowed to talk on here
22:41.56Krazeis there some tutorial for the xml code for wow?  I get the lua coding, but the xml coding throw me off
22:43.34foxlitCheck, some of them include XML
22:43.41Krazeor if I just want to stick with console, and not gui; I can just get by with those basic xml?
22:44.33DemoXinhey, the stuff that comes with the wow interface modding toolkit is fair game, right?
22:44.50DemoXini want to steal the worldmap window
22:44.58DemoXinat least as a basis
22:45.46Krazefoxlit: those cover advanced topic, I just want a basic basic xml that load the lua portion
22:45.49cogwheel|workKraze:  it's a bit outdated but most of the info's still valid
22:46.04cogwheel|workKraze: just load the lua directly from the .toc
22:46.59Krazehow can you load lua just from toc? tell me!!!
22:47.12foxlitJust add .lua to the .toc :)
22:47.20cogwheel|workinstead of MyAddon.xml, use MyAddon.lua
22:47.46Krazehaha.. I been stressing to figure out the xml from some of the mods I use, man... what a pain
22:48.06Tierrie|Workdid you guys hear Anna Nicole is dead?
22:48.18DemoXinshe died a couple of hours ago
22:48.29Shadowedwhat a bother, Blizzard doesn't seem to call SetValue
22:49.32DemoXinwow, u guys are all so advanced...
22:49.45DemoXinive never touched LUA or anything more than basic XML before
22:50.13Krazecogwheel|work: but how can you check event if you just load the lua?  I mean, is just a bunch of functions
22:50.27ShadowedTheres no event for a color changing in a statusbar is there? I assume not since it's not listed on wiki
22:50.36foxlitYou can CreateFrame a dummy and register things from there.
22:51.06cogwheel|workor you can use a library like Ace or Dongle
22:51.48foxlitJust out of interest, how big is the minimal version of ace components that would let me get a function called on a specific event?
22:52.30cogwheel|worklet's just say I'd recommend dongle instead :P  
22:52.43Cidefoxlit: that sounds like a lot of overkill
22:52.53CideI implemented that in CT_Library in <30 lines
22:53.06cogwheel|workReally, any library is overkill if that's all you're after
22:53.09Krazefoxlit: what do you mean by CreateFrame a dummy?
22:53.26foxlitI know, I know. I just wanted to see how my 4.5kb implementation is faring in size.
22:53.44cogwheel|workKraze: you create a frame in Lua instead of XML and register events on it
22:53.52foxlitlocal frameptr = CreateFrame("FRAME", nil, UIParent);
22:54.13foxlitframeptr:RegisterEvent("SOME_EVENT"); frameptr:SetScript("OnEvent", MyEventHandlerFunction);
22:55.51Krazeoh, ok.  thanks for the help
22:55.59cogwheel|workfoxlit & Kraze that code snippet is really all you need
22:57.11DemoXinokay, back to my noobness again
22:57.20Krazecogwheel|work: do I need to install ace and use it as a dependency if I do it that way?
22:57.39DemoXini have an XML that creates the background for the World map, it has 12 tiles that make up the background, and cover the screen
22:57.41cogwheel|workno. The first snippet you see is unrelated to ace
22:58.10DemoXinwhat do i have to do to make wow open that UI component?
22:58.20DemoXinim not trying to set anything permanent at the moment
22:58.28foxlitNah, I actually need a system that would dynamically register events / call functions based on what my code asks :)
22:59.45cogwheel|workDemoXin: make sure it's anchored to some visible frame (UIParent, for instance) and located in a visible location
23:00.07Karrionhmm, wowi admins are a little slow today, my update's been pending for over a minute! O.o
23:00.15cogwheel|workframes are shown by default. If you don't see it, then it's either not on the screen, you didn't give it a size, etc.
23:00.32cogwheel|workKarrion: lol. took almost an hour to get MacroTalk approved this morning, and i had to beg cladhaire :P
23:01.29DemoXinokay, so when i make the toc file, and put it in the addon folder, when i start wow, all ill see is the world map background?
23:02.04Karrionhehe, must be pretty busy today, normally takes like 30 seconds before someone jumps on it ;-)
23:02.29cogwheel|workDemoXin: i guess i misunderstood
23:02.43cogwheel|workKarrion: actually, i think most of them are AWOL :P
23:08.37cladhairequit yer bitchin
23:10.42ShadowedKarrion: cairs afk thats why
23:11.03TC_Workingwe like meaning to our lives
23:12.49Karrioncladhaire: <3
23:15.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
23:15.19TC_Working~piglatin well, i think someone had way to much time on their hands
23:15.36DemoXinwhat interface version are we on now?
23:15.44Shadowed20003 I believe
23:15.50Shadoweder 200003
23:15.53Gryphenoh its gone
23:15.58Shadowed~bonk Gryphen
23:15.59purlACTION bonks Gryphen over the head
23:16.04foxlitWhat do I need to call getfenv() with to get the equivalent of _G for the local scope?
23:16.13foxlitSay I had:
23:16.35foxlitlocal foo = "bar";
23:17.08foxlitfunction meh(name) ... end
23:17.23foxlitCould I get to foo dynamically from meh?
23:18.50DemoXinim no lua coder, but it seems to me that if foo is a variable local to something that is outside of meh, that it would completely defeat the purpose of the local scope if meh could get its value
23:19.21DemoXinbut like i said, im no lua coder, and local means something different in different languages
23:19.58pastamancerscoping in lua is lexical
23:20.34DemoXinalrighty, can i make my own hotkeys to open and close this UI?
23:20.48DemoXinwith a .lua script that i put with the addon
23:21.08foxlit search Binding
23:29.48Karrionheya >.<
23:32.00Mr_Rabies2oh man, best nerf druids video ever: turn down your volume before watching this a bit, no this isn't any kinda shock video thing but it's kinda loud a little ways in :p
23:32.19Shadowedis there another event for when a mouse enters a frame besides OnEnter that I haven't heard of?
23:33.19Corrodiasi don't suppose there's a way to send the command to cancel a druid shape aura and immediately following that send the command to shift into another form?
23:33.33Corrodiasusing the buttons manually i have to wait for the server to tell me i'm out of the current form before i can shift again
23:34.44DemoXincouldnt u just use a macro and castbyname?
23:34.59ShadowedCan't use CastSpellByName anymore
23:35.16DemoXinthey depreciated that?
23:35.18Corrodiasman, DemoXin, where have you been?
23:35.22Corrodiaswelcome to 2.0
23:35.26ShadowedRead the 2.0. change thread
23:35.44DemoXini never read the addon and macro stuff, cuz i never used them before 2.0
23:35.47Corrodiasi can /cast Flight Form, but it only works if i'm not currently in another form
23:35.49Shadowedthis is confusing
23:35.59DemoXini didnt even get a coord addon til a few days before bc came out
23:36.02Corrodiasand my client refuses to actually /cast if it hasn't confirmed that i've left the previous form yet
23:36.07Shadoweddtframestack shows that a name plate has one frame, but that frame has no OnEnter event
23:36.47DemoXincan u just use a sleep type function on it
23:37.01Shadowedtheres no sleep for casting
23:37.01Corrodiasa what
23:37.09ShadowedSleep, as in a timer Corrodias
23:37.14DemoXinthere's no Sleep()?
23:37.17DemoXinor Wait()
23:37.25DemoXinor anythign like that?
23:37.32Corrodiasnope, never has been
23:37.39DemoXinthats kinda crappy...
23:37.42ShadowedNot really
23:37.47DemoXineven php has a Sleep() function
23:37.48Shadowedif there was a sleep you'd freeze the game client
23:38.04DemoXinfor that duration it would block input, yeah
23:38.27DemoXinit would release it again once it finished runnig
23:38.31Corrodiaswhat i especially don't like is that pressing the Flight Form button no longer shifts me out of my current form
23:38.32DemoXinrunning even
23:38.48ShadowedThe UI is not threaded, meaning if one addon was to do a while( true ) loop then you'd freeze the game.
23:38.55Corrodiasit used to be that i could hit one of the shift buttons and it would cancel my current form on the first press and cast the second form on the second press
23:39.04ShadowedCorrodias: you probably didn't update your shape shifting addon
23:39.13Corrodiasi never had one
23:39.29Shadowedweird, i'm pretty sure the UI never did shapeshift casting
23:39.33Shadoweder, canceling
23:39.44DemoXinShadowed: most scripting languages arent threaded, they really on the scripter to not do something r-tarded like that
23:39.46Corrodiasi think with practice i can master the skill of switching to cat form and activating prowl before i hit the ground...
23:39.59ShadowedDemoXin you're missing the point
23:40.23Shadowedif they added a sleep command, you'd freeze the entire UI/game for the duration of the sleep.
23:41.08Corrodiasand ANOTHER thing
23:41.13DemoXinpoint is...
23:41.21Corrodiasone thing that -really- pisses me off is when they check something on both the client side AND the server side
23:41.27Corrodiaslike being in range for spells/attacks
23:42.01Corrodiasit occasionally happens that the server forgets to tell me about a mob's movements, so i can't attack it at all
23:42.07DemoXinbeing right next to a mob and being told im outta range is kinda piss offish
23:42.12ShadowedThats mostly to reduce the checks done on the server i'd imagine
23:42.19Corrodiasif my client thinks its in range, the server doesn't. if the server thinks it's in range, it doesn't matter because my client won't even try.
23:42.39Shadowedbecause it means that your client first has to be in range before it starts querying the server for it
23:43.11Corrodiasthat's... exactly what i just said
23:43.38Shadowedno, you said that you hate it because it checks both, i'm saying thats probably why they check both.
23:43.54DemoXinhe was talking about what i said
23:44.01DemoXincuz we said it at about the same time
23:44.05*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso| (
23:44.48ShadowedKaso|: You haven't had to deal with mouse over name plates yet have you?
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23:48.45DemoXinanyone know how to make a treeview like there is in AH?
23:50.09Shadowedohh I bet I know why it doesn't have an onenter/leave
23:50.53cladhaireAnyone know what the deal is with Simple Druid Bar versus DruidBar?
23:51.15cladhairethe former being avail at wowinterface, the latter being available (but not updated) at
23:51.15cladhairedifferent authors?
23:52.27TainOne is... no never mind, I'm not going to say it.
23:52.41ShadowedI was debating making that joke tain
23:52.45Shadowedseemed to easy
23:53.02Taini r halpful
23:53.48TC_WorkingCaptian Obvious
23:53.55DemoXini know the difference
23:53.59DemoXinOne's apparently simple
23:54.03cladhaire~hail captain obvious!
23:54.06purlACTION bows down to captain obvious! and chants, "I'M NOT WORTHY!!"
23:54.06DemoXinsry, i had to
23:54.10Shadowedalright so
23:54.12cladhaireDemoXin: No, you didn't.
23:54.17DemoXinno, i really did
23:54.25DemoXinthey wouldnt so, so i had to
23:54.35cogwheel|workOne's infected with keyloggers?
23:55.13TC_Workingdamit cog, stop spoiling the surprise
23:55.16cladhairedruid addons
23:55.19cladhairewhat shoudl i cover in the book
23:55.21DemoXin!piglatin DemoXin is awesomez0r
23:55.27DemoXin~piglatin DemoXin is awesomez0r
23:55.36ShadowedLets suppose I have Frame A and Button B, A is above B and gets all the mouse events. Is it possible to make OnEnter/OnLeave go to A, and OnClick go to B? Without calling a get or set script on B.
23:55.39cladhaireEmoXinday is right.
23:55.59cladhaireShadowed: That depends, where are you going to find rubber pants at this hour?
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23:56.01DemoXinim an emo kid too, thats the baf part
23:56.30TainRemember emo kids, it's down the road, not across the street.
23:56.33TC_Workingwow, purl downt have emo...i'm shocked
23:57.09Tainpurl, are you emo?
23:57.57Shadowedcladhaire: It's the only solution I can think of to make Clique support work well :(
23:58.21cladhaireShadowed: no, you can't pass an OnEnter through
23:59.27ShadowedI don't need to pass OnEnter/OnLeave, I need to pass OnClick
23:59.27Shadowedactually hrm
23:59.28raevanmorlockDon't hurt yourself
23:59.45ShadowedWe can't do EnableMouse/DisableMouse in combat I assume?
23:59.51Shadowedon a secure template

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