irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070201

00:00.27OsagasuI don't see Jewelcrafting having JC only gems.
00:01.41Tierrie|WorkI think they get to make idols and necklaces or something
00:01.48Tierrie|WorkDon't forget JC also crafts crowns
00:02.15zenzelezzthey even make small bots of some sort
00:02.44OsagasuI haven't seen any crowns.
00:02.53Osagasuand I haven't seen any idols past 300
00:03.17zenzelezzsome bastard on my server apparently got the mount from Karazhan today
00:03.20Tierrie|WorkAre you looking on woWhead?
00:03.42Corrodiaszenzelezz: go to his house. kill him. sell his account.
00:04.35OsagasuThose crowns are BoE and BoE and BoE...
00:06.05OsagasuOh look, something BoP.  It's a blue item that I'll replace in a month, looks like.  :P
00:07.05Tierrie|WorkI'm sure they will add someone nifty for JC, its still new
00:07.18Tierrie|WorkAnd by that I mean I hope all JCers rot in hell
00:07.35OsagasuAll professions are "new" past 300
00:08.02Tierrie|WorkWhat sort of BS gives JC trinkets a +33stam and +23 int
00:08.14Tierrie|WorkWhich incidently is better than Alchemist Stone :P
00:08.25Tierrie|Workexcept Alchemist's Stone ability is still better
00:08.33Tierrie|Workbut its our only special item :(
00:08.48OsagasuAlchemy still has transmutes. :P
00:09.09*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
00:09.11Tierrie|WorkThe whole transmute business is being taken over by the Imperial Army of Mules
00:09.41kaso|Im not going to bother making a alchemists stone
00:09.45kaso|seems worthless
00:09.51Tierrie|WorkAre you a caster?
00:10.09kaso|Yes, but i dont use mana pots that often to waste a trinket slot imo
00:10.39Tierrie|WorkWell, the +15 sta,int,spi should be an incentive
00:10.42Tierrie|WorkAre you a mage?
00:11.07Osagasuyeah, level 70 mules revered in several different factions. :P
00:11.21Tierrie|Workok, I'm a mage and it seems useful for me
00:11.33Tierrie|WorkOtherwise without incombat regen its more like just +15 sta and int
00:12.04OsagasuAny Caster, Tanks...
00:12.06Tierrie|WorkOsagasu you don't have to be revered and 70 to transmute, I thikn you get Primal Might at 60
00:12.16OsagasuThose are the oens that will make best use of it
00:12.19cogwheeldo lucky charms have keybindings?
00:12.22zenzelezzwhich item is this again?
00:12.46kaso|if you mean raid icons cogwheel yes
00:12.54OsagasuBut Air to fire, Earth to water, Fire to earth, water to air...
00:13.03OsagasuDiamond XMutes...
00:14.34Tierrie|Workelement to element transmutes barely makes money, the diamond transmute will probably be what the non mules do, and the mules will probably be doing primal might
00:14.44Tierrie|Workbut the influx of mule will probably depress the prices
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00:15.24OsagasuLuckily I'm in a guild with an alchemist with both Diamond XMutes already. >.>
00:15.42Tierrie|Worknice :(
00:17.49OsagasuWait... wait... Adamantite powder...
00:18.02OsagasuAwesome, that's useful!
00:19.01zenzelezzI like those things you attach to your shield that absorbs damage... blacksmithing, aren't they?
00:20.37zenzelezzI'm loving my HP at the moment, but my amor has hardly increased since 60 :-|
00:20.53Tierrie|Workwhats your HP at?
00:21.08zenzelezz10954 unbuffed
00:21.13Tierrie|WorkI hit 6.6k last night, with that new commanding shout and fort and mark it goes up to like 8.5k and like 8-9k mana
00:21.19Tierrie|Workwith 705+damage
00:21.39zenzelezzwith the shout and fortitude, blood pact, mark I'm somewhere around 14k I think
00:21.54zenzelezzprot spec
00:22.04Tierrie|Worka bit redonkulous
00:22.43Tierrie|Workdamage has roughly only gone up 20%-30% from 60 to 70, but health has gone up 50%
00:23.38KarlKFIanyone got a good memory mod? i got a leak somewhere..
00:24.22cogwheelI don't think there's any real way to track an individual addon's memory usage...
00:24.43KarlKFIjust need somehting with a mem/time display
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00:37.45zenzelezz"greeting postcard.exe"... that doesn't sound suspicious at all
00:37.49zenzelezzin a blank e-mail
00:38.05KarlKFIi've been gettign those recently, past ym spam filter
00:38.54Tierrie|Workits fine
00:38.55Tierrie|Workdouble click on it
00:42.09zenzelezzwouldn't run on Linux I think
00:42.18zenzelezzwhich happens to be my IRC/e-mail OS ;-)
00:45.45kasoi wonder if a virus would get all confused if you tried to run it wine
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00:48.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Bayk (n=andrewfb@
00:48.52CorrodiasKarlKFI: as i understand, luaprofiler might be able to help
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00:50.33Baykmore people on here then i thought there would be
00:51.05zenzelezzdon't be deceived though, half or more are idle
00:51.40BaykI think I am getting in over my head in this stuff
00:52.29*** part/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
00:52.37Baykand I"m trying to write a simple addon
00:54.01kasohow can we help?
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00:56.55BaykI'm trying to write a addon that had buttons to do some of the text commands I have to do to keep from typeing them
00:57.25kasoLike macros?
00:58.16Baykwell I don't know how many of you play on private or live servers but I gm on a private server and I want it to do my gm commands for me
00:58.26Tierrie|Workwell first of all, that's illegal
00:58.37Cairennsorry, you won't get any help in here then
00:58.46Cairennperiod, end of discussion
00:59.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Mobeater (
00:59.49Baykits not illegal
00:59.58Mobeatergood evening all
01:00.00zenzelezzI wouldn't push it if I were you
01:00.05Cairennprivate servers most certainly are against Blizard's rules
01:00.16Cairennyou will *not* get help in here to do something that breaks their rules
01:00.17Karrionit's a violation of your contract with blizzard, and very probably copyright law as well
01:00.20Cairennthere is NO discussion
01:00.26Nom-Private servers ftl
01:00.48Cairennyou can either drop it, leave of your own volition, or get kick-banned, choice is yours
01:00.54MobeaterDon't bring the mad out of Cairenn :(
01:01.07Mobeater./wave Cairenn
01:01.13BaykI'm shaking
01:01.29Cairennpardon my english
01:01.49Karrionthat's not english, or it would be "arsehole"
01:01.54Mobeaterno need Cairenn :)
01:02.15Cairennass is correct, cross between a donkey and a mule
01:03.12Cairennanyway, yeah
01:03.13Karrionso you're suggesting that guy was a pit for storing hybrid equines?
01:03.36Mobeaterokies, I know I asked lastnight, and I read the webeddie frames thing front to back, but still to no avail, I simply need to have something from a function printed on to a custom frame...I would be happy to go read, but no clue where to find that out at :( any suggestions?
01:03.49Cairennhe was something, and part of that is "not welcome here"
01:03.53Mobeaterbtw, learned quite a bit from that frames deal too :)
01:04.22kasoMobeater tried the faraframes tutorial?
01:04.24Tierrie|WorkMobeater: you need to create a text object, position that textobject on the frame
01:04.26Cairennand with that out of the way - hi Mobeater
01:04.28Tierrie|Workthen SetText on that text object
01:04.33purlextra, extra, read all about it, faraframes is
01:04.33Mobeateryups, that is the webeddie deal :)
01:04.45kasowell that should explain it shouldnt it?
01:04.47Mobeaterhehe, hiyas Cairenn :)
01:05.29MobeaterI can call a function from within the text object?
01:06.04kasocheck out the widigt API on WowWiki, it shows the functions each object type have
01:06.05Karrionyou'd either call the function from the OnUpdate of the frame - if the function completes _really_ fast
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01:06.36Karrionor you'd catch some kind of event that tells you when the value would be likely to change, and call it there
01:06.38Mobeaterit is really quick, just increments a number and done
01:06.59Mobeaterit is a OnEvent
01:07.04ArrowmasterCairenn: you have Sloukens email right? could you direct him to for me, i dont want to be annoying and bump it
01:07.28Karrionok so in your onevent, you would do SomeTextObject:SetText(yourFurnction());
01:08.16Mobeaterahhh, thanks Karrion, that is what I was missing, I was trying to set it in the xml :/  very sorry, I am super new to this (2 languages, one mind = ugh)
01:08.46*** join/#wowi-lounge SCalimlim (
01:08.49zenzelezznothing to be sorry about
01:09.06CairennArrowmaster: done
01:09.24Arrowmasterthank you
01:09.34TC_Workingthats ok Mobeater, most of us have no mind
01:09.35Cairennquite welcome :)
01:10.03Arrowmasterhopefully thats just a small oversight that he can get fixed for the next patch
01:14.34Mobeaterugh, again, I am slow, SetTextObject is a xml command or lua?
01:14.46Mobeaternm, will look it up :)
01:14.49zenzelezzthere is no such thing as an "XML command"
01:15.06zenzelezzyou can call Lua stuff in certain parts of the XML files, but it's still lua code
01:15.10Mobeatererr, okies, it goes in the xml page or the lua page? :p sorry
01:15.59Mobeaterno worries, I will mess with it and see what works :)
01:16.24zenzelezzyou can either put it in the appropriate <On...> tag in the XML file, or in a function called from there
01:18.00Tierrie|WorkSetText is probably in the WoW API page
01:18.07Tierrie|Workseeing how its a WoW API call
01:20.04kasoIts on the Widget API, because its a region function
01:20.17SCalimlimi used to have a macro that would drop a freeze trap, meld, and set my pet to prowl (if it wasn't prowling already)
01:20.21SCalimlimI've got the first two parts working again
01:20.25SCalimlimis it possible to do the third?
01:20.50kasoim not sure you can check pet stances, so i guess not
01:21.01SCalimlimI read over the new /cast information but I didn't see any way to check a pet's stance or stealth status
01:21.21Tierrie|WorkI don't think you can either
01:22.01*** join/#wowi-lounge AndrewBlack (
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01:22.53SCalimlimcan macros use variables declared by addons?
01:23.05SCalimlimlike, could i make an addon that stores my pet's stealth status in a variable, and check that variable in a macro
01:23.09SCalimlimah nm you can't use /script anymore
01:23.35kasoyou can use /script, just not to cast spells or target (which is what you want to do, so in this case i guess you're right)
01:23.39kasobut im pedantic
01:23.44SCalimlimwell, can't use /script in any useful manner ;-P
01:24.10kasowell, thats certainly debatable
01:26.25AndrewBlacklets say you have a function called HelloWorld how would you call that fuction on the click of a button
01:26.35Corrodiasit depends on what you consider useful, but i believe that performing any actions is what isn't allowed
01:26.47Corrodiasyou might be able to have your character /say "my pet is stealthed", i suppose
01:27.11SCalimlimdoesn't really help me, i don't need anyone else to know
01:27.15SCalimlimi just dont want my macro to unstealth my pet
01:27.53Corrodiasi am not aware that there's any way to change behavior based on a pet's stealth status. maybe, but i haven't messed with macros as a hunter yet.
01:28.33Karrionyou should probably suggest a [petstance] conditional on the ui forum
01:29.20Corrodiasor, if pets don't have stances, at least petstealth
01:30.03Karrionhmm yeah stealth != stance, sorry
01:31.00Corrodiasthat's an interesting idea, pet stances. unfortunately, blizzard doesn't seem to pay too much attention to pets
01:31.24Corrodiasi can just imagine how they have -one- guy there trying desperately to get the other designers to give a damn about hunter pets
01:31.43Corrodias"we gave warp stalkers a new ability. what more do you want, man?"
01:31.44SCalimlimi can just imagine how they have -zero- guys there trying to desperately to get the other designers to give a damn about hunter pets
01:32.56SCalimlimactually, i find my pet a lot more useful in instances now (mostly because things are 5 man), but it's pretty worthless in heroic
01:33.30Corrodiasi don't understand how damage is useless
01:34.14SCalimlimpretty useless when it gets one shotted by a cleave ;-P
01:34.17kasoim happy with my cat with Bite and claw, had him since level 10
01:34.58zenzelezz<SCalimlim> pretty useless when it gets one shotted by a cleave ;-P <--- that point is just as valid for the cloth users
01:35.05SCalimlimcloth users dont melee..
01:35.15SCalimlimi hope, if you are a clothie, you arent standing in cleave range
01:35.18zenzelezzno, but some, like mages, draw aggro
01:35.28zenzelezzand get owned before anyone has a chance to heal or otherwise help
01:35.40SCalimlimthey need to get their hunters to learn to misdirection + disengage ;-P
01:36.08Corrodiasso what you're saying is that the pet is not being very useful because it can't take a hit
01:36.31SCalimlimon heroic, in many cases, yes
01:37.12zenzelezzCaptain Obvious here, but heroic weren't intended to be easy
01:37.19SCalimlimi never said it was
01:38.16Tierrie|Worksorry I am only PFC Obvious
01:38.30Corrodiashaving half of your combat ability destroyed by a single enemy attack... seems a little more than "not easy"
01:38.40AndrewBlackhow do I call a function?
01:38.49SCalimlimiirc, functioname()
01:38.51Tierrie|Workwith alphabets followed by a bracket
01:39.21Corrodiasalphabits, not the greatest of cereals
01:40.23kasosurely if your pet is being oneshot by a cleave, they all of a rogues combat ability has been destroyed
01:40.37zenzelezzCorrodias: as long as we're talking Cleave, I don't think that's the designers' fault... tell the warrior to turn the mob so the pet is behind it
01:40.54SCalimlimzenzelezz: the instance i was in last night, the mobs cleaved behind too
01:41.04zenzelezzwell that's no fair
01:41.22zenzelezzand sounds buggy to me, but for all I know they may have decided to make it that way
01:41.40Corrodiasyou need ranged pets.
01:41.48SCalimlimour rogue was definitely having a tough time
01:41.53SCalimlimbut he was crucial for pulls
01:42.09SCalimlimand caster mobs
01:42.28zenzelezzif it is intended that their Cleave work  360 degrees, then I agree with your point
01:42.44AndrewBlackso it would be <OnClick>Function()<OnClick> ??
01:42.49SCalimlimyou're right tho, it may very well be a bug
01:43.07kasoid be nice if hunter pets got the aoe avoidance, but it would be unballanced for pvp i guess
01:43.46AndrewBlackif you have more then 1 form in a addon how do you keep the others from poping up when it loads?
01:45.03kasoset them as hidden="true"
01:49.31AndrewBlackto show a hidden form is it FormName:Show(); ??
01:50.48zenzelezzmay I ask out of curiosity, are you used to VB coding?
01:51.11seebsHey, I seek advice about design for an interface.
01:51.49seebsI am working on a replacement for quest watches, and I want to let people design their own quests.
01:52.05seebsI am trying to think of a good interface.  My existing one is obviously bad, being barely even a proof of concept.
01:52.08JoshBorkeperl, hug Cairenn
01:52.17Cairennpurl, hug JoshBorke
01:52.24purlACTION sneaks up on JoshBorke and suddenly hugs JoshBorke tightly
01:52.24seebsI am not even trying for a GUI, for now.
01:52.31zenzelezzperl won't do anything if it's not cryptic or a regexp
01:52.47seebsMy notion is somethinglike "/todo create Questname", "/todo add Questname objective".
01:52.51JoshBorkeblasted, i mispelled purl
01:52.51SCalimlimbut i wont debate it ;-P
01:52.54JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn
01:52.55purlACTION hugs Cairenn
01:53.19JoshBorkeback to the grind...
01:53.22JoshBorkesolo grinding sucks
01:53.56seebsBut I guess... How would people approach quest definition?  Should it be one long line, like "/todo add Questname [objective...]"?
01:54.22KarlKFIisn't there alreayd an addon that lets you make quests?
01:54.26KarlKFImyQuests or soemthing
01:54.38seebsI haven't seen one.
01:54.40JoshBorkeyea, there was
01:55.08seebsIn any event, I wanted a number of things; a quest watch window that can track quests with no objectives, and the ability to remember watched quests when logged out.
01:55.24JoshBorkedon't think it's been touched
01:57.03seebsThat's actually fairly different from what I'm trying to do.
01:57.18seebsI am looking to buff the quest watch window only; I don't much care about "quests" in the more general sense.
01:57.47KarlKFIoh you mean lieka colletion thing
01:58.19seebsBasically, all I'm doing is replacing QuestWatchFrame with a frame which looks just like it, only it can track more stuff, and it doesn't forget what you had watched when you log.
01:58.38KarlKFIwhy replace it, just add to it
01:59.10seebsI don't want to get stuck trying to figure out the Blizz UI code for the frame and hook it, when I could just write my own.
01:59.27seebsI actually have the frame working fine now; I'm just working on the "user-defined quests" part, which is the other feature I wanted.
02:00.14seebsOriginally, it grew out of wanting to be able to track harvesting of black dragon scales for a project.
02:01.12JoshBorkeseebs: i did something like that
02:01.15seebsWell, that, and getting sick of forgetting what I was gonna do next.  :)
02:01.38JoshBorkespecifically for loot though
02:02.02seebsYeah.  This one does both loot and creatures slain.
02:02.35seebsSo if I wanted a quest called "Find Out About The Collector", which had one object -- Gold Pickup Schedule -- and ten mobs -- Riverpaw Outrunners -- I could do that.
02:02.45seebsNow it's just a matter of cleaning it up and making it more usable.
02:04.43Mobeaterok, I have a local totalMobsKilled = 0  this gets incremented by 1 everytime I kill a mob that yields xp, how would I go about printing that local value on MyCustomFrame?  I am at my wits end here
02:05.19Mobeaterit is all working, I have a function to show the total in default chat frame....just can not get it to the darn frame I made :(
02:05.35kasoYour frame needs a FontString, then you simpy do Fontstring:SetText(totalMobsKilled)
02:05.40seebsPrinting?  Make a text widget in your frame, and textitem:SetText("Kills: " .. totalMobsKilled);
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02:10.16seebsI am toying with writing a generator, ala "pairs(t)"... Is that a good idea or a bad one, normally, in lua?
02:12.20JoshBorkenothing wrong with it
02:12.44seebsIt may be overkill; I think my rework of data structures makes it unnecessary.
02:12.50Mobeateromgoose, I must be simple or retarded, or a combination of both
02:13.08seebsAhh!  I just had a big insight.
02:13.33seebsI am replacing "/todo add object count name" with "/todo get count name", and "/todo add mob count name" with "/todo kill count name".
02:13.42seebsUsing different verbs makes it shorter.  :)
02:14.08JoshBorkeno it doesn't
02:14.16JoshBorkeFontSTring:SetText(blah) goes in your lua code
02:14.22Mobeatermeant to have a? at the end of that
02:14.59zenzelezzthe text="" in the <FontString> is the initial text
02:15.04seebsYeah, as in "totalMobsKilled = totalMobsKilled + 1; MyFontString:SetText("Killed: " .. totalMobsKilled);"
02:15.06zenzelezz:SetText() alters the text
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02:16.56seebsHmm.  While I'm at it:  Is it considered horribly bad style to have both indexed and named members in a table in lua?
02:17.39norgsnot that i'm aware of... sometimes it can actually be quite useful
02:17.40seebsMy table of items being tracked tentatively has indexed members, which contain names of either quests or user-defined goals, and then members for each goal which contain its objectives.
02:18.55Cideit's nice for having two maps in one table
02:19.05Cide{ ["a"] = 1, 1 = "a" }
02:19.24seebsAlso, if I write "v = (complicated expression yielding table which is in a table)", I can then modify v's members and expect the subtable to get modified, as long as I don't try to assign all of v, yes?
02:19.30Cides/1 =/[1] =/
02:19.39seebsI have a long expression ("ToDo_Options[ToDo.SelfName]") which I would rather replace with a shorter name.
02:19.49seebsAhh, yes.  That's how I do the mapping from quest name to quest index.
02:19.59seebsI found it very handy.
02:20.23Nom-That's not long :P
02:20.45seebsIt is when you have three references to it on a single line.
02:21.16Nom-assign the values to temporary varables then?
02:21.36Nom-But it's probably not half as long as somet of the stuff i've got :P
02:22.05seebsWell, basically, there's no point ever in my code at which, once AddonLoaded is done, you will EVER refer to any member of ToDo_Options other than ToDo_Options[ToDo.SelfName].
02:22.17seebsSo I'm calling it "ToDo.T" to make the code easier to read.
02:22.20Mobeaterugh, I give up for now, have a good one guys, and I appreciate ya tryin to help me, as thick headed as I might be :/
02:22.34seebsCome back to it tomorrow.
02:22.42seebsThat's the secret when code is being troublesome.
02:23.01CideToDo.T for what?
02:23.23Mobeaterthis is the tomrrow lol
02:23.34seebsToDo.T is just a variable that, once the addon is loaded, is initialized to point to your per-user settings.  Then I can just use the short name everywhere and not have to spell out the long name.
02:23.43Mobeatermebbe it is not meant to be :) will look at it later
02:30.03AndrewFBlackis this right to start the fuction in the lua?? function FunctionName()
02:30.32kasoor you can do FunctionName = function()
02:30.34kasoif you like
02:30.38kasoits all the same
02:31.19Tierrie|Workwhat is the name of those token heroic bosses drop?
02:31.29kasoBadge of Honor i believe
02:31.53kasohmm no it isnt
02:31.55kasoignore me
02:32.00seebsIn a slash command, how would you want to distinguish between two adjacent words and a single multi-word name?
02:32.02zenzelezzBadge of Justice or something
02:33.45kasoseebs, you'd have to write your handler to accept it i guess, not quite sure what youre meaning
02:38.08Mobeaterok in                 <FontString name="$parent_Text" inherits="GameFontNormal" text="Hello World"> Hello world can not be replaced with a local value? if so, how?
02:38.30Tierrie|WorkI'll do a search for Badge
02:38.32Tierrie|WorkI thought it was Mark
02:39.09*** part/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
02:39.47seebsMobeater:  XML is not code, it's data.
02:40.01seebsIt's totally static.  There's no such thing as "local" in it.  You can't do anything dynamic there.
02:40.09Mobeaterok, so the answer would be no?
02:40.14seebsWhat you need to do is, in your *code* -- that's the lua stuff -- change it.
02:40.50Mobeaterok, think I have it...not sure, gunna try though
02:40.58seebsSo what you do is, BlahBlah_Text:SetText("Foo"), and that'll set the text string's content to "Foo".  You do that in the code that's running -- say, the code that defines totalMobsKilled.
02:41.14Mobeaterk, keep going
02:41.34seebsOkay, you have code you've written, yes?  Code that's counting totalMobsKilled?
02:42.05seebsYou presumably have a frame somewhere in which you've defined your FontString.  So you find out the FontString's name (putting the parent's name in place of $parent there).
02:42.31seebsSo, say, if the parent's called "MobeatersFrame", you'd write "MobeatersFrame_Text:SetText("MY TEXT HERE");"
02:42.54seebskaso, my question is this:  If you were a user, how would you want to interact with this?
02:43.09seebsI'm allowing people to name their own quests: "/todo new Going Shopping".
02:43.22seebsAfter this, I want to let them add things to the quest "Going Shopping".
02:43.36kasoaah, i see what you mean
02:43.49seebsBut if someone writes:  "/todo get Going Shopping Linen Cloth", I have no way of knowing what the quest name is and what the object name is.
02:44.05kasowell you'll have to do something like this;
02:44.08seebsI sorta dislike using quotes for that.
02:44.11seebsBut I think I have to.
02:44.35kasoactually thats a good idea ^
02:44.59seebsHmm.  "/todo get Going Shopping, Linen Cloth x4, ..."
02:45.02seebsHmm.  Me like!
02:45.40kasoi was going to suggest, when you know you're looking for a quest, step through each of the args till you find one that matches a known quest: quests["Going"] =false quests["Going Shopping"]=true quests["Going Shopping Linen"]=false etc etc
02:45.48kasobut commas are better
02:46.03seebsYeah, commas way better.
02:46.22seebsAlso, "xN" will be easier to read.
02:46.25Karrionhmm, would you ever want to have commas in one of the strings though? if so you'd have to espace it
02:46.49seebsI can live with "you can't have commas in the names of user-defined quests".
02:47.05Karrionor you could use a different delimiter like pipe |
02:47.19seebsYeah, but comma's better for users; easier to type, easier to read.
02:47.31Gngskanyone use fist weapons?
02:47.34Karrionjust that there are blizz quests with commas, would be nice to be consistent, but meh
02:47.35kasoim not sure alot of users know how to make |
02:47.55seebsYeah, blizz quest names are obnoxious to type in many cases, though.
02:48.07kasoI'd just explain in the helpfile that if they want to use commas they have to escape somehow
02:48.24Karrionyeah fair enoug
02:48.37seebsI really don't want to get into escape handling.  It just seems like a nightmare of potential bugs.
02:48.57kasobut seebs: this seems awefully complicated for only slash command, whynot have some helpful UI frame?
02:49.10seebsI've thought about it.
02:49.15Nom-Do a quick google for a proper CSV input method for LUA
02:49.23seebsThe UI frame requires me to do even nastier things.
02:49.33zenzelezzI'd find it too tedious to keep doing slash comands at least
02:49.33Nom-You might find one which fulling supports optional "val1","val2",val3 mixed stuff
02:49.35seebsHow do you detect that someone's shift-clicked a quest, for instance?
02:50.05seebsOr shift-clicked an item in inventory?  The default UI only sends that as a chat message when you have a chat window.
02:50.12seebsI suppose I could make a special chat window and override Send.
02:50.34seebsBut for now, I'm just gonna do the command-line UI while I'm debugging logic.  If I think of a good GUI, I'll make one.
02:55.23ShadowdAnyone have a link to the Ace VS non-ace addons thread? can't find it and text searching is disabled
02:55.50JoshBorkewhat do you mean shadowd?
02:56.13ShadowdThere was like a 6-7 page thread of people trying to argue that Ace2 mods are better by default
02:56.25Shadowdand someone is bugging me to update one of my mods to ace so going to show them that thread
02:57.35*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
02:57.48JoshBorkescrew that and just say now
02:57.50JoshBorkeerm, no
02:58.29ShadowdI'd rather give a real answer :p
02:58.52zenzelezzjust tell him you simply don't want to
02:59.04Shadowdyes I know that I can do that
02:59.05*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
03:00.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Insaclone (
03:00.24zenzelezzor if you want to tick him off, tell him that you don't want to be a part of the abomination and ultimate demise of the addon community that is Ace (I don't believe that by the way ;)
03:00.37Shadowdi hate you so much :p
03:03.37seebsJust tell him what your hourly rates are.
03:03.44Shadowdooo i like that idea
03:03.47seebsI'll happily convert any of my mods to pretty much anything for $125/hour.
03:04.00seebs<-- is cheap
03:07.25Shadowdthats the best answer, i'll be using that from now on :p
03:09.48Cairennseebs: $125.00 *is* cheap for an actual programmer
03:10.13Shadowd125$ is expensive considering it's converting :p
03:10.22Shadowdalthough depends on the mod
03:10.23seebsYes, I know.
03:10.51seebsWhen I'm doing real work for people who aren't, say, broke but I wanna help 'em out, I get oodles more.  That's very rare, unfortunately.
03:11.00seebsThere is not that much work to be had for the kind of tech writing and language lawyering I do.
03:11.21Nom-$125 an hour is dirt cheap for any coder
03:11.54seebsIt depends a lot on scale and scope.  If you're doing full-time work, you will probably get less, especially if you live in a cheap area.
03:12.32seebsI've had people bitch that $75/hour was high for, say, "simple perl coding", because kids who can do that are a dime a dozen.
03:12.35Nom-nah if you're on-staff it's a whole different matter
03:13.00Nom-but as far as contract programming, $125 an hour is quite reasonable
03:13.03seebsI've been sorta tempted by the "regular day job thing".
03:13.14seebsI wouldn't mind steady paychecks, but I would mind regular hours.
03:13.18Nom-If i was going to do contract work, then $125 would be the bottom end of the rates
03:14.17seebsI charge less sometimes, but then, I mostly work from home on my own schedule.
03:14.24seebsOr I'm helping people out.
03:17.23Nom-I wouldn't mind scoring some contract work
03:17.34Nom-There might be conflict of interest issues though, that's why i'm not seeking any
03:18.00ShadowdMake a mod, sell it and you're set
03:18.09Shadowdjust got to find the suckers
03:18.10seebsSell it?  I don't see how that's likely to happen.
03:18.37seebsI actually have a small gig, it's just that I'm perseverating on my mod right now.  I'll probably take a break and write an article in an hour or two.
03:19.34zenzelezzwell that was smart... waited five minutes for a mob to spawn, killed him, and then realized I didn't have the quest for him yet
03:20.13ShadowdI spent 10 minutes waiting for a mob to spawn that didn't exist
03:20.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
03:21.39AndrewFBlackif you want to set the info in a text box to a varible would it be result="";
03:21.39AndrewFBlackresult="/tell "PlayerName;    (PlayerName is name of Text Box)
03:22.12Nom-If I could come up with a good idea for a mod, i'd do somethign :)
03:23.19ShadowdAndrewFBlack: You'd do PlayerName.result = "/tell ";
03:24.01kasodo you mean, you want the content of the textbox result
03:24.19kasoso like result ="/tell Fred"
03:24.39kasoif so you need result="/tell "..PlayerName:GetText()
03:25.00seebsWell, I just completely refactored my addon.
03:25.16seebsNow to see how many compiler errors I get before it even comes close to loading.
03:25.16Shadowdseebs: to ace?!
03:25.39Shadowdgetting a lot of errors is better then none
03:25.54Shadowdcause you know something is going to broke later that'll be a pain to fine if no errors show up
03:26.08Nom-my code is flawless :D
03:26.45Nom-There's no such thing as bugs, they're just undocumented features.
03:28.02AndrewFBlackif i want a button to reload my UI would it be <OnClick>Reload()<OnClick> ??
03:28.36AndrewFBlackahh ok
03:28.50AndrewFBlackand how could you have it do more then one command on the same click?
03:29.16kaso<OnClick>Alice() Bob() Carol()<OnClick>
03:29.16AndrewFBlacklikeif I want it to show one window and hide another at some time
03:29.29AndrewFBlackok no common or anything between
03:29.50kasoyou can put semi-colons if you like but, a simple space is all thats needed
03:29.57kasoor a newline
03:30.07LegorolAndrewFBlack, you need to learn about the Lua language first
03:30.34Tierrie|Workgork and mork!
03:30.46kasoooh, actually, you dont even need a space, i never knew that
03:31.12AndrewFBlackXML is where I have alot of my problems
03:31.15kasoooh, actually, you dont even need a space, i never knew that
03:31.21kasosaid that twice
03:31.52Legorolyes the structure of the XML files can be a pain to learn
03:31.59AndrewFBlackthanks for all the help guys I got most my bugs worked out of my addon now
03:32.19Legorolthere is some teaching material about the XML though
03:32.25AndrewFBlackaye to me XML makes the C++ I learn seem easy
03:34.05AndrewFBlackI'll take a look at it
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03:36.06AndrewFBlackgot one more quick question how do I make it were you can move the form?
03:36.14Nom-XML is easy
03:36.30Nom-<-- XML God :D
03:36.51kasoxml is scary, gogo Dynamic frames!
03:37.29zenzelezzdynamic frames are messy
03:37.59Karrionxml virtual templates + dynamic instance frames ftw
03:40.34*** join/#wowi-lounge xlvii (
03:40.34xlviiScryer's or Aldors? I can't decide.. I'm a Rogue, with Alchemy.
03:40.34kasogo for the one with the epic dagger i guess
03:40.48xlviiI've never used Daggers ;p
03:41.03kasopssh call yourself a rogue!
03:41.09kasoyou're a warrior in leather
03:42.30xlviii don't know.. i've just always enjoyed swords.
03:42.33xlviicombat swords, that is.
03:43.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=mjgoosse@
03:45.08kasoIn your frame tag have  enableMouse="true" movable="true", then in your script handler have <OnDragStart>this:StartMoving()</OnDragStart><OnDragStop> this:StopMovingOrSizing()</OnDragStop>
03:45.40Corrodiasi just had an Innervate last for about 5 minutes
03:45.43Corrodiasthat was a good 5 minutes
03:46.00kasoHow'd that work, did it just hang on 0seconds left?
03:46.09Corrodiasno, the buff was gone, but i was still regenning mana
03:46.16Corrodiasand now drinking doesn't do anything for me >:P time to relog
03:46.25Nom-Master Swordsmith ftw
03:46.53kasoCorrodias ive heard a few reports of people having unlimited mana in tbc, it may not be connected to innverate
03:47.19Corrodiaswell, the last thing i did before it started was innervate myself. i think it's just related to skills or buffs sometimes not ending when they should.
03:47.54kasohmm, the report i heard was a shaman who somehow got it, im not really sure
03:48.13Nom- <-- dagger haxx
03:48.43Nom- <-- want one of those for my pally :D
03:52.02Nom-wtf is this???
03:52.25Nom-Someone haxxed Thott
03:53.06kasoI believe thats one of the GM weapons
03:53.23Nom- <--- I want one of those too :D
03:53.27Nom-Or the sword/axe version
03:53.31Nom-I don't care which
03:56.13Nom-OMG WTB 20 x Mystic Vortex
03:59.23ShadowdWould trying to argue that rogues cant use maces to a GM be a sign of boredom?
03:59.45zenzelezzone-hand or two-hand maces?
04:00.11zenzelezzI'd say it would just be a sign of idiocy
04:00.34Shadowddid you never hear of the forum post regarding that zenze?
04:00.42zenzelezzI rarely visit the forums
04:00.46Nom-I heard someone say they used maces on their rogue the other day
04:00.52Nom-I mean wtf...maces?? LOL
04:01.07Nom-Get a pair of these instead:
04:01.08Shadowdthere was a post a while back from a rogue on icecrown in the wow rogue forums
04:01.14Shadowdhe INSISTED that Rogues couldn't use maces
04:01.58zenzelezzthink one of the rogues in my guild used the Misplaced Servo Arm for a bit before BC
04:02.18kasoi know alot with 2 servos
04:02.27Shadowdyeah one of our Rogues was using the servo arm combo for a while
04:02.41kasoa rogue in our guild (who was stupidly lucky) had The Servo and the randomdrop mace from AQ40
04:02.46kasowhich ive only ever seen once in my life
04:02.53AndrewFBlackdo you put this or the form name for <OnDragStart>this:StartMoving()</OnDragStart>
04:02.54kasoneve saw the trinket i wanted :<
04:03.21Shadowdshard of the fallen star?
04:03.43Shadowdguildie paladin uses that on like every boss....4H pulled....meteor falls down
04:05.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh`` (
04:07.03Nom-I seriously don't know how Joana grinded his/her hunter so quickly
04:07.13Nom-I've been following that guide to the letter with my pally
04:07.21Nom-And i'm already at 3.5-4 days and only level 45 :(
04:07.29Nom-Possibly more than that
04:13.31*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
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04:17.31AndrewFBlackwhats wrong with this says the outsay is nil ?result="/tell "..PlayerName:GetText();    
04:17.35seebsWoot!  My addon is pretty much doing everything I wanted it to do.
04:17.56zenzelezzgrats seebs =)
04:19.51seebsNow I have to get some work done, then go do some questing!
04:20.41kasoAndrewFBlack you'd have to post more code, cant tell from that, use
04:24.23AndrewFBlackthen what give you the link to what I pasted?
04:28.55kasook, well first in lua you dont need to initialize variables in lua so result="";  isnt needed
04:29.04kasosecond you reall should define result a local
04:29.08kasoeg local result = ......
04:30.12kasothirdly, are you sure outSAY isnt erroring ?  that code is perfectly formed
04:30.31kasounless somehow PlayerName isnt a correct textbox name
04:30.35Karrionwhat is outSay()? is it a function you wrote?
04:30.57Karrion(if it hasn't been defined, you'll get "attempt to call a nil value")
04:35.19Nom-Post some $@#$*( cats!
04:39.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
04:40.01zenzelezzThis is relevant to my interests.
04:42.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=najklord@
04:43.14AndrewFBlacklol your right I forgot to write that function :)
04:43.19AndrewFBlackall working good now
04:47.21AndrewFBlackdo you use DropdownBoxName:GetText();?
04:50.45*** join/#wowi-lounge JNighthawk|Away (i=JNightha@
04:51.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
04:51.54JNighthawk|AwayHi. Can someone take a look at my code and tell me what's wrong? Very simple problem, most likely, as it's my first mod.
04:52.00seebsCould try.
04:52.18JNighthawkI'm trying to have a slash /BankOutput, but it's not working
04:52.42kasoSLASH_BankOutput = "/BankOutput"  should be     SLASH_BankOutput1 = "/BankOutput"
04:52.49JNighthawkAh, forgot the number. Thanks.
04:53.04JNighthawkThe interface number is wrong, it's listing as out of date.
04:53.09kasoyou cant have an <Scripts> tag without a Frame
04:53.14seebsYou don't have a frame...
04:53.17seebsKaso beat me to it.
04:53.19kasohaha :>
04:53.26kasobut, in your case you dont even need a frame yet
04:53.29JNighthawkEh? I don't need a frame, but I'll go check on that.
04:53.35kasojust put BankOuptut.lua in the TOC
04:53.47seebsThen how do you specify the "OnLoad", without a frame?
04:53.59kasojust call the Onload yourself at the end of the file
04:54.13kasobecause at the end of the file, is when the loading is finished
04:54.21JNighthawkTrue enough. I'll try that, thanks.
04:54.33JNighthawkWhat's the correct interface number?
04:54.35JNighthawk20006 doesn't work
04:54.38*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
04:55.22JNighthawkHow do I reload the script?
04:56.06JNighthawkSweet. It works now, thanks guys.
04:56.16seebsI think it's 20003.
04:56.22kasoAndrewFBlack, what did you want about dropdowns?
04:56.27JNighthawkDoes WoW load any of the Lua libraries? I'm looking for file output, specifically.
04:57.00Karrionno, file output is specifically prohibited
04:57.07kasothe only way to output in wow is via saved variables
04:57.31kasoYou can learn about those here:
04:57.35JNighthawk*sighs* Then my entire idea is gone.
04:57.42kasowhat was your idea?
04:57.43seebsWhat was your idea?
04:58.01KarrionI'm presuming you're trying to save the contents of your bank?
04:58.04JNighthawkOur guild has a bank character. I wanted to output his inventory, bank contents, and amount of gold to a file that would be loaded onto our website.
04:58.13seebsYou can do that.
04:58.16Karrionpush it to a saved variable
04:58.32seebsYou just can't do it from the AddOn.  The AddOn can save a file in a known format, which you then read and upload to a web site.
04:58.34JNighthawkHow, if file IO is not there?
04:58.42Karrionthen you can have an external tool read the saved variables file (while the game isn't running) to upload it
04:59.15JNighthawkSeebs, what file format can it be saved in?
04:59.23kasoits saved as lua script
04:59.32Karrionin the toc file specify # SavedVariables: OurBankData
04:59.33JNighthawkKarrion - That works, but I'd rather save it to it's own file.
04:59.52Karrionyeah, but you can't ;-)
04:59.57AndrewFBlackis this how you get info from a drop down DropdownBoxName:GetText();?
05:00.37Karrion[reason being: if you could read and write arbitrary data to a file, you could write bots]
05:01.03JNighthawkDoesn't using the saved variables accomplish that just as well?
05:01.33kasoAndrewFBlack i assume you mean the currrently selected text in the dropdown
05:03.44Karrionno because saved variables are only written when you quit the game and only read when you start it, they're very carefully controlled
05:05.14kasothen you want <nameofdropdown>Text:GetText()
05:05.14JNighthawkSaved variables are loaded after all addons are loaded, correct?
05:05.36kasono, each addon is loaded, then its variables, then the next addon
05:06.01kasoyah that sounds right
05:06.10seebsJNightHawk:  The only format you get is "Lua variable dump".  You just have to read that from something else.
05:06.24seebsIt's not hard at all.  I wrote a perl script to read them in under five minutes.
05:06.47JNighthawkYeah. I'll be reading em in from C++, and I'll run it as a service on the webserver.
05:07.22Karrionyeah, I wrote an addon and php app to do exactly what you're doing for an old guild many moons ago ;-)
05:07.52seebsThere's a lot of similar programs out there.
05:08.03JNighthawkOur guild is just getting big enough to have a bank, and since I'm the resident coder of the group, I volunteered to do it :-P
05:08.08Karrionyeah it's a pretty common one
05:08.22seebsC++ wouldn't be my first choice for the reading-in part; it's the kind of parsing thing that scripting languages are good at and C-like languages are weak at.
05:08.58JNighthawkC/C++ is my strongest language, it's what I do for a living (game programmer). For something simple like this, it's no problem.
05:09.08JNighthawkAnd it lets me run the app as a service.
05:09.44seebsOh, it's my strongest language too.  I'm just a Unix guy, so my first instinct is to do the reading in a language that's really good at data massaging and put it out in a similar format.  I wouldn't even have thought of a web service for a tiny data file.  :)
05:11.22Karrionheh if you're going to use C/++ you could embed the lua interpreter to parse the file, since it's valid lua code ;-)
05:12.12CairennJNighthawk: just as a friendly warning, make sure you really want to admit to things like that, next thing you know you'll be getting spammed with questions as to which ones ;)
05:12.40seebsKarrion's idea is actually not bad at all.
05:12.53Karrionzomg screenshotted >.>
05:12.57seebsSaves the trouble of guessing at the theoretical possibility of future format changes.
05:14.01Legoroli'll chiime in on the savedvar thing:
05:14.13JNighthawklol Karrion, that's a pretty good idea.
05:14.17Legoroli might have misunderstood, but you intend to run the C++ app on a web server to interpret the data
05:14.26JNighthawkI'll save it out as a table and parse it :-P
05:14.30Legorolhow do you plan to get the data from a guild member's machine to the web server?
05:14.33JNighthawkScrew string parsing :-D
05:14.42JNighthawkHe runs the webserver :-P
05:14.55JNighthawkManually or over his LAN
05:15.09JNighthawkProlly can do a task to transfer a file over the LAN to the web-server
05:15.14Legorolyou mean you want an ordinary guild member to run a service, or even worse an entire web service, for this?
05:15.22Legoroli must be missing something here
05:15.32JNighthawkIt's the guild member who runs the bank
05:15.36Legorolwhy not just write a simple app that parses the data there and then?
05:15.39JNighthawkAnd our webserver
05:15.42Legoroloh i see
05:15.43seebsYou might look at how some of the other mods have done it, with, say, an uploader app that talks to a CGI script.
05:15.50Legorolif it's the same person, then i understand :o)
05:16.08JNighthawkCairenn, what did you mean about admitting things like that? That I'm a game programmer?
05:16.12Legorolstill, you will need a (simple) way to pass the data file to the web app
05:16.25Legorolyeah, which game do you work on? ( just to prove Cairenn right )
05:16.26JNighthawkI'm letting the whole world know :-P I just got an offer from Volition tonight.
05:16.41JNighthawkVolition = maker's of Descent, Summoner, Red Faction, and Saint's Row
05:16.45seebsCool!  Job offers rule.
05:16.50Legorolthat's nice
05:16.53Legorolso which game will you work on?
05:16.55KarrionI get the service can stat the savedvar file, and copy it to the webserver via file copy/ftp/webdav/whatever
05:16.59JNighthawkYessa. This is my first job out of school :-)
05:17.07JNighthawkIsn't announced yet, so I can't say.
05:17.27LegorolNDAs, NDAs..
05:17.43JNighthawkIs Purl a bot for that?
05:17.49kasoRed Faction was a good game, sadly under-appreciated i think
05:17.52JNighthawkNope :-P
05:18.13Cairenn(aye to purl being a bot)
05:18.36JNighthawkNope, no juju for me.
05:18.42kasoonly works on your last line
05:19.02kasoforgot trailing / :<
05:19.03Thunder_Childtrailing slashes ppl
05:19.04Cairennand you have to remember *all* your /
05:19.18purlhmm... purl is an evil bot. rather slow at responding
05:20.18JNighthawkThat's fun.
05:20.18JNighthawkBack to Lua I go.
05:21.06kasoGrr, recently ive been getting more and more annoyed with blizzard Tooltip code, this update every 1/3 second incase theres a cooldown on the tooltip m'larky is just a pain in the ass
05:22.24kasoi've had to go to so much effort to get around what is essentially a hackey implementation by them.
05:24.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:25.30Nom-gah that's no fun
05:25.34Nom-purl: tell a joke
05:25.55Nom-purl: tell a joke to me
05:26.07Nom-stupid bot
05:26.11Cairennpurl, give Nom- a cookie
05:26.12purlACTION gives Nom- a home-baked oatmeal raisin cookie to cheer him up.
05:26.44purlA bhuddist monk goes to a hot dog vendor and says "Make me one with everything!"
05:26.47JNighthawkIs there a concatanation operator in Lua, or is it just +?
05:27.15kasothat was an anwser by the way JNighthawk :>
05:27.19JNighthawkOh ;-P
05:28.54Cairennand to elaborate, that wasn't the expression of annoyance as is frequently the cases when ellipses are used by themselves
05:41.52Thunder_Childellipses is three "..."
05:42.22Cairennnot always the case ....
05:43.16Thunder_ChildEllipsis ???e???? (plural: ellipses e??e??e??, Greek for "omission") in linguistics refers to any omitted part of speech that is understood; i.e. the omission is intentional. Analogously, in printing and writing, the term refers to the row of three dots (...) or asterisks (* * *) indicating such an intentional omission. This punctuation mark is also called a suspension point, points of ellipsis, periods of ellipsis, or colloqu
05:43.19Cairennpreceding or succeeding ellipses are frequently more than just 3
05:43.52zenzelezznever looked right to me with more than three
05:44.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Insa (
05:44.47Thunder_Childi suppose it doesnt matter if the point gets accross
05:45.17Cairennbut arguing semantics is a favourite pastime in here
05:45.32Thunder_Childdamn straight
05:46.14CairennNom-: lol
05:51.21Cairennerrr, sorry
05:51.25Cairennwrong channel
05:52.08sysrageanybody know what % mount speed increase the glove enchant and spurs do?
05:54.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (n=BuM@
05:55.43Nom-probably not much, sysrage
05:55.46Nom-The cap is +20%
05:56.24sysrageah didn't know there was a cap.. i now have riding crop, carrot, glove chant, and spurs.. pretty dang fast
05:56.34kasoi believe the new 10% doesnt stack with the old one, but it alone is higher than the others combined
05:56.41kasoi remeber reading that
05:56.42kasoi think
05:56.50JNighthawkHow can I extract an item's name from the link? My regfu is poor.
05:58.34seebsname = string.match(link, ".*%[(.*)%].*")
05:59.04Nom-A convicted felon who went on profanity-laced tirades in court and told jurors he didn't care if they gave him life in prison was sentenced to 99 years for stealing a cellphone
05:59.15seebsThe name is what's inside the "[]"s, and %[/%] escape the ['s to make them not set operators.  string.match has to match the whole string, not just part of it, thus the leading/following .*/.*.
05:59.35seebsNote that these are NOT regular expressions, they are lua patterns.
05:59.46seebsSimilar, but not identical.
05:59.48JNighthawkWhen I said my regfu was poor, I meant non-existent. I don't know Lua patterns, either.
05:59.57seebsHeh.  :)
05:59.58JNighthawkThe only parsing I've ever had to do was XML.
06:00.06JNighthawkWell, that and binary data, but that's easy :-)
06:00.23seebsAnyway, the thing to know is that lua does not use regexps, because the smallest regexp implementation they could find was larger than the whole implementation of the rest of the language.
06:00.32sysragedamn you.. just ruined my fun.. can't believe they don't stack
06:00.42kasoIm not 100% sure on that
06:00.53sysragethottbot comments agree with you
06:01.06kasodont trust thottbot, test it, measure the time it takes to fly between two points
06:02.02AndrewFBlackif you want to use the info from 2 text boxes to set a varible how do you do that?
06:02.47seebsWhat do you mean?
06:03.08seebsI mean, breaking it down...  Use the info from *2* text boxes?  How are you combining this information?
06:03.44seebsMultiply them together?  Concatenate them?  Use them as indices into a two-dimensional lookup table?
06:03.57seebsUse one as the salt for an MD5 encryption of the other with a fixed key?
06:04.22kasonow you're just showing off
06:04.41seebsHey, I don't think I could do that last one in lua.
06:04.59seebsFor the simplest form, assuming they're named TextBox1 and TextBox2:
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06:05.16seebslocal infofrom2textboxes = TextBox1:GetText() .. TextBox2:GetText();
06:05.48AndrewFBlackwhat if you want a space between the two?
06:06.02zenzelezz.." "..
06:06.32seebsOr, = format("%s %s", TextBox1:GetText(), TextBox2:GetText());
06:07.10kasoi never got why so many people use string.format when its not really needed, its it quicker or something?
06:07.57seebsA couple of reasons.
06:07.59seebsOne is familiarity.
06:08.54seebsAnother might be localization.  It's a lot easier to localize format("You killed %s!  You bastard!", arg) than it is to localize "You killed " .. arg .. "!  You bastard!"
06:09.21kasothat is true.
06:09.33zenzelezzyou people and your localization
06:10.07GarounI guess I should report that if you are scryer you can kill some of the aldor rise npcs :P
06:10.51seebsI have to eventually go back to AnnoyRP and redo all the messages and text that way so it can be localized.
06:11.07seebsWould you believe that I wrote AnnoyRP *totally unaware* of format()?
06:11.50kasoanother thing that annoys/confuses me is these blizzard supplied short-cuts to functions
06:12.00kasoi much prefer the full names
06:13.28seebsYeah.  I ought to be better about using canonical Lua names.
06:15.06seebsBut now that I've finally got my mod pretty much doing what I want, time to go do some shopping.
06:16.29JNighthawkHrm. My experience with Lua is relatively limited. How would you loop through a table?
06:17.11kasofor key,value in pairs(table) do ..... end
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06:17.50JNighthawkHrm. Ok. What's ::= ?
06:18.15kasothats just some silly stuff they right in the technical manual i dont fully really understand myself
06:18.51kasosome grammar stuff or something, i dont know im only a first year.
06:19.25kasobut, i find pil alot more useful than then reference manual myself
06:21.09Esamynnkaso: silly grammar stuff huh? :P
06:21.30kasoif i dont get it its silly
06:22.04Esamynnkaso: doing a computing science degree?
06:22.09kasoi am
06:22.20Esamynntake the compliers course
06:22.26JNighthawkHrm. I don't see my variable saved anywhere in the variables.
06:22.38Esamynndon't avoid it, even if it's not required
06:22.44JNighthawk## SavedVariables: BankOutput
06:22.48kasoI'll bare that in mind
06:22.54JNighthawkThat should save to WTF\Account\SavedVariables.lua, right?
06:23.08JNighthawker, WTF\Account\Name\SavedVariables.lua
06:23.13kasohave you restarted wow fully since you changed the toc ?
06:23.18JNighthawkNo, just reloadui
06:23.39Cairenntoc changes need a complete restart
06:23.43JNighthawkOh, ok.
06:23.45Esamynnand yes, you have to restart
06:23.58Esamynnoops, Cairenn beat me to it ;)
06:25.32JNighthawkFantastic, works great. Thanks guys.
06:26.11purlWhat's a chicken coupe with 4 doors - a Chicken Sedan!
06:26.21JNighthawk - Just in case anyone's interested
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07:14.58Cairennnight guys
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07:54.39Corrodiasno 4chan and no 7chan, what shall i do?
07:55.59TheStighow about 2ch
07:56.36Corrodias2ch? do i LOOK russian?
07:56.53hasteyou could also spend some hours reading on encyclopediadramatica
07:57.10TheStig2ch is japanese
07:59.53zenzelezzhaste: would that be Wikipedia?
08:00.08hasteno, it would be encyclopedia dramatica
08:00.27hastegoogle for it, not sure you'll like what you'll find tho' :3
08:00.28zenzelezznever heard of that, but it fits Wikipedia :-o
08:00.40zenzelezzsomething like uncyclopedia?
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08:01.21hasteIt's basically how wikipedia would be if it was run by /b/tards
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08:49.07kasopeople actually "get" 4chan and the like, its not just some huge meta-joke that self-sustains due to it's magnitude
08:49.50Corrodiasjoke? o.o
08:50.17Corrodiasi am not sure what you mean by "get" it
08:50.39kasoby the fact that i look at them, then my brain thinks "what the hell is going on here"
08:50.50kasoi guess im refering more to /b than 4chan in general
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09:03.43Corrodiasfirefox is creeping up the memory usage pole again
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09:08.08Corrodiasmost of these web site authors seem to be under the impression that "vm size" is the total amount of memory being used by a process, both physical and paged
09:08.11Corrodiasbut it's not.
09:09.00Corrodias"mem size" is always explained as being just the amount of physical memory in use, but that is on occasion a -greater- amount than "vm size" is.
09:09.08Corrodiaser, "mem usage"
09:09.57Corrodiasor maybe there's something more complex, and neither assessment is correct. this guy goes into greater detail.
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09:25.56Corrodiasvery interesting stuff here
09:31.40Corrodiasi'm still having trouble making sense of what my memory is being used for
09:32.40Corrodias1.44gb in the page file, 709mb presumably reserved for the system cache, as i understand, and subtracting that from the difference between the amount of physical memory total and the amount available yields approximately 905mb of physical memory in use other than by the system cache
09:33.06Corrodiasbut the commit charge, total amount of physical and virtual memory in use, reads only 1.5gb
09:33.28Corrodiaswhich suggests somewhere around only 60mb of physical memory in use, subtracting the pagefile usage from that
09:34.01Corrodiasmaybe the pf usage isn't what it sounds like. i'd better get an explanation of that, too.
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09:53.47Corrodiasi have to agree with these other people that the "pagefile usage" statistic in windows task manager is somewhere between fantasy and reality
09:56.22Corrodiasif it were true... then every byte of my current memory in use is currently in the pagefile, and i have somewhere between 200mb and 900mb of physical memory totally unaccounted for
09:56.39Corrodiasjust kidding. there would be about 9mb of physical memory in use.
09:57.56Corrodiasso it seems "vm size" is indeed the amount of memory reserved for a process's private use, according to the articles that correspond to the microsoft documentation. in that case, firefox is taking 900mb of memory.
10:16.30sancushow in the world can you extrapolate firefox's memory usage from any of those numbers
10:17.26krkaisn't vm size just a measure of where the brk is?
10:18.08Corrodiasthe "vm size" number in the task manager is supposedly the amount of memory reserved for the process's private use that other processes cannot have
10:18.22Corrodiasi don't know what brk is supposed to mean
10:20.52krkabasically, brk is a system function that enlarges the heap
10:21.03krkait can be used by malloc, when it runs out of memory
10:21.18krkathe heap never really shrinks
10:21.48krkaso it will always look it's using as much memory as its most memory intensive state
10:22.44Corrodiasso what you're proposing is that the number may include memory that firefox has release but windows has not... "unreserved"?
10:22.51Corrodias*has released
10:23.34sancuspagefile usage and commit charge are the same thing, btw
10:23.45sancuspagefile usage could be called 'mislabelled', slightly.
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10:24.23krkabasically, it still has that virtual memory, but if it's not referenced, soon enough the paging system will get rid of it in physical memory
10:24.27Corrodiasat the moment, i cannot refute that, because they are very close on my system
10:24.37krkait's possibly that it still lives in swap-space
10:25.03sancus'mem usage' is what you actually care about when you're looking at how much memory an application is using
10:25.12Corrodiasthe "vm size" refers to memory in use both in physical memory and in memory paged to disk
10:25.45zenzelezzI just look at use and peak use; the rest just confuse me :-p
10:25.49Corrodiasfrom what i've been reading, there's no way to determine how much physical memory is in use by a process, at least not with task manager
10:25.57sancusmem usage by the process is the virtual memory space that is valid
10:26.15Corrodiasa loaded phrase
10:27.25sancuswhat's loaded about it
10:27.34sancusit's just the memory that can be referenced by that process without causing a page fault
10:27.44zenzelezzhm, my WoW is using 476 MB, at peak it used 519 MB, and its VM size is 535 MB
10:28.30kelviecan you have a macro cast something if they're in melee range and something else if they're ranged?
10:28.31Corrodiasand what is a page fault? i have some idea, but i'd rather know just what you mean.
10:28.51krkawell, couldn't a program simply stop referencing a big chunk for a long while, and that would reduce the apparent memory usage
10:29.14zenzelezzisn't a page fault just an attempt to read from or write to memory that isn't in the process's paged memory?
10:30.06krkashould be called a page miss
10:30.12Corrodiaspaged memory
10:30.20Corrodiasi had this in a class but i'm rusty
10:31.05Corrodias"mem usage": "What Task Manager reports is called the Working Set. This is the amount of physical RAM allocated to the process. To complicate matters, some of the memory in the Working Set may be shared with other processes, including parts of the .NET runtime. Therefore, there is double counting in Task Manager’s mem usage column."
10:31.10sancuskrka: Sure, it would
10:31.11Corrodias"Windows may also allocate additional memory to the process in case it may be needed later. For these reasons, the Working Set may overstate the real memory requirements of the application."
10:31.19Corrodias"It can work the other way too. When you trim the Working Set, Windows not only trims unneeded memory from the allocation, but also pages memory to disk where possible. The Working Set does not include memory paged to disk. In this case, the Task Manager figure understates the real memory requirements."
10:31.53sancusworking set is a moving target
10:32.11Corrodias"vm size": "So what are these Private Bytes? This is memory allocated to the process that cannot be shared by other processes. It is probably the most useful single figure when you want to know “How much memory does my app use?” It still needs qualification. As we’ve seen, the Private Bytes may not all be in physical memory. If they are swapped to disk, and the user isn’t actively using the application, then they aren’t having much imp
10:33.22sancusThat sounds correct
10:33.45sancusmy vm size for firefox is currently smaller than the working set
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10:35.54Corrodiasmine is significantly larger, suggesting that quite a bit is stuck in the page file (old tabs i haven't looked at in a while and any leaked memory)
10:36.18Corrodiasleaked memory would be paged out, i take it?
10:36.42Corrodiaseventually, as it i no longer being referenced
10:40.24Corrodias*is. man, my typing is suffering.
10:44.43sancusyou're using firefox 2, right?
10:45.06Corrodiasno, not yet. i rather forgot about the release after it snuck past me during a busy week
10:45.40Corrodiasmine's and only crashes "uncommonly"
10:45.57sancusI suggest you upgrade, then, because 2.0 has a number of major memory leaks fixed and overall memory usage reduced by a significant percentage
10:46.04sancusthough I don't quite remember how much(I want to say 30%?)
10:46.10Corrodiasthat's good to hear
10:46.48sancusmy 2.0 never gets out of hand the way 1.5 used to
10:47.04sancushighest I've seen 2.0 is 200mb or so, 1.5 used to get well into 500-600 after running for a few weeks
10:49.03Corrodiasyep. i'm a little heavy in my browsing of image boards, addon sites, and webcomics, so it typically hovers around 900mb for me
10:49.29Corrodiasalthough i can't guess how much is paged out. the working set sticks between 400 and 800
10:50.27sancuswell if youre concerned about it, upgrading to 2.0 is prob the most effective thing you can do to fix it
10:51.15Corrodiasthat's a good idea. now i wonder if there's a good way to do keep the old one around while i'm installing the new one and extensions in case something doesn't go well.
10:53.27sancusback up your profile
10:53.32sancusand just install it to a different dir
10:54.05sancusthey'll both run, both using the same profile folder, and I dont think that causes any problems with 1.5/2.0 but I'm not 100% sure
10:54.26Corrodiasi expect extensions might need updating to work with the new version
10:54.29sancusofc you can also change the profile folder on one of them away from the default and run them completely independently
10:56.23Corrodiasnow you're cooking with gas.
10:58.54sancusyou could also just like
10:59.05sancusgo look up the extensions and see if they have updates for 2.0 :P
10:59.38sancusit's been out for many months now though so I'd assume any extensions that are GOING to get an update probably have
10:59.39Corrodiasi can just make backups of everything and then attempt to upgrade. i just want to make sure that, if something gets fubar, i can restore it.
10:59.54Corrodiasand try again
11:01.12sancusjust backup documents and settings/username/application data/mozilla, then
11:01.27sancusand dont delete your fx1.5 dir
11:01.32sancusand thats all you need to worry about
11:01.37Corrodiasignore that 'o'
11:01.52Corrodiasi don't think i should start this tonight. once i finish reading this article, i will go to bed, because it's quite late
11:03.26Corrodiasi am in the process of changing my schedule to be awake during the day instead of the night. it's not working so well.
11:11.46TheStigits easy
11:11.50TheStigpull an all nighter
11:11.58TheStigdont' sleep at all until around 6-7pm tonight
11:12.01TheStigand you'll be set
11:13.10Corrodiasthat's an option but i don't think it would go very well, because i would involuntarily fall asleep around noon at best
11:13.21Corrodiasi forgot a comma in there
11:13.28TheStigyou'll be fine
11:13.32Corrodiasi've done that before. i fall asleep while playing WoW whenever i'm too tired >_<
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12:03.47VathauIs this channel also meant for development questions?
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12:08.02IndustrialVathau: thats its main purpose afaik
12:08.05Industrialask away
12:13.09hasteIndustrial: :3
12:13.30norgs|awayI don't suppose anyone would know if it's possible to manually fire an EVENT (as in the RegisterEvent() variety)
12:13.58kasonorgs, i experimented with it a bit, you can do it in a hacky way
12:14.32kasolemme dig up my code
12:15.19norgs|awayIterate over UIParent's children, looking for OnEvent Scripts, and manually calling them with the appropriate event?
12:16.02kaso thats what i did
12:16.28kasohook all OnEvents so i can work out which frames are registered (after a real version fires)
12:16.35kasothen itterate over manually calling
12:17.04kasoWhy does pastey alwasy go wierd double liney when i copy from SciTE >.<
12:18.27hasteLine endings
12:18.48kasohow do i make it not happen ?
12:19.45hasteswitch from CR+LF to only CR or only LF
12:20.01haste :)
12:20.02norgs|awayThat enumerateframes is pretty nasty, isn't it?
12:20.38kasoi was using it to make a Thaddius simluator, thats why its only doing gametooltips etc
12:21.01norgs|awayhmm, possibly not
12:21.15kasobut the principle works, as you can see i was gonna do a metatable hook but, i got confused
12:21.31kasooh wait you mean the hooking all onEvents?
12:21.34norgs|awayi have no clue what a metatable hook is :)
12:21.50Industrialhaste: sfw? im at work first day xD
12:22.31Industrialmeh I dont have sound
12:22.48kasoscary high-pitched jpop girl
12:23.02kasoat least i hope its a girl, never can be sure with those Jpop stars
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12:24.49hasteIt's a girl
12:25.19norgs|awayi'm not sure, but i think the current tainting model would most likely make that event hooking stuff next to impossible
12:26.09kasoWell, ive tested that in 2.0 norgs, it fucks up alot of taint stuff but its useable for development, its not practical for normal use though (hence why i stopped working on my thaddius simulator
12:26.41kasowere you thinking for actual use
12:27.22kasothe other opition is to just blindly throw events to all on event handlers, but that causes alot of errors, even if you do the whole crap with pcall
12:27.27norgs|awaywell, not really "actual" use (by mere mortals that is), but actual dev use :)
12:27.38kasothe blizzard UI doesnt like getting events for frames it shouldnt
12:28.18norgs|awayi can imagine that there's a few shortcuts taken here and there
12:28.58norgs|awaylike "I assume since I only registered for one event, that this must be it, right?"
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12:29.10kasomm, also the fact that some onevents expect (event) others (frame,event) (ct buff mod im looking at you!)
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12:29.58kasohmm, looking at this code my thaddius simulator was pretty much working when i abandoned it
12:30.22kasoah well we killed him, guess it only cost a few thousand gold extra
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13:21.23KasoMan steam is awesome over uni internet connection
13:21.49Kasoits taken me litterally 3min to get HL2:Ep1
13:22.00JoshBorkeeverything is great over a uni connection ;-)
13:23.57Kasoi wish more games were like this, think, i could keep myself entertained without even having to go outside! its a nerds dream!
13:24.45TheStigi'm betting home movies of your grandma and grandpa making whoopie wouldn't be that great, even over a uni connection
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15:59.20KasoAnyone seen Bill gates on the daily show, quite amusing
15:59.55Industrialiill google video that when i get home :D
16:00.17Kasoguess youre at work or something so cant watch now :<
16:00.27Kasohe handles the interview pretty welll imo, cept the end
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16:18.37TainIt was ok, there were funny parts.  
16:18.44TainGates isn't a very good interviewee.
16:19.21TainThe funniest part of the whole thing to me just gets blank stares when I mention to anyone else though.
16:19.48amrowhat is it?
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16:20.13TainWhen Jon asked him if he uses the "Flying Toasters" screen saver.
16:20.56TainYeah I know, kids today don't know their history.
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16:26.04pastamancerit's been so long since I had flying toasters
16:26.05Mikmalol, "goodbyyyye porn!"
16:27.58IndustrialTain: zomg the flying toasters :D that was 95 wasnt it?
16:28.36Industrialding! bblafk
16:32.36pastamancerIndustrial: I'm sure after dark was around before then
16:33.10pastamancerhmm, does anyone recall what the undocumented gensym-like function is?
16:33.18kaso|Tain: whats your opinion of the end?
16:33.42kaso|or anyone else who's watching Bill
16:33.44kergothafter dark, i miss those
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17:00.01TainI think Gates gets up and leaves at the end just because that's how talk shows used to be.  He's probably more used to watching the old days of Johnny Carson, people do an interview then leave.
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18:57.44Tierrie|Workhi friendly faces
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19:01.41BouviLooking for addon author to appear in next issue of Bouvi's UI Newsletter
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19:04.04Grollanyone know the ip of daggerspine eu or how to get it?
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19:40.41Tierrie|WorkBouvi what author?
19:42.24BouviWhichever Author wants to hilite his/her work in my newsletter
19:43.05seebsBouvi:  What's your newsletter like, and what do you need?
19:43.54BouviE-mail newsletter that goes out every week.  Subscribe here: and you will see one tomorrow.
19:44.24BouviI interview authors on their addons.  So far I have featured Clad, CKKnight, Tuller, Maul.
19:44.36seebsWhat format interview?  Email?
19:44.38hasteNo archive :( ?
19:44.48BouviNo archive right now.
19:45.09BouviE-mail is the format I have used so far.  If your interested shoot an e-mail to
19:45.25*** join/#wowi-lounge _aLF (
19:46.19seebsDefinitely get an archive; it's 90% of the value of a newsletter.
19:46.39BouviMaybe so but the software I am using does not support one that I can find
19:47.52seebsSo do it manually; just save a copy of whatever you sent and put it on a page.
19:48.44hastethat would work fine
19:49.11BouviLet me see what I can do.  I am really time limited with my new position in the US Chung Do Kwan assocation.
19:50.45seebsAnyway, it's a definite bonus for a hypothetical interviewee to have the interview findable online somewhere.
20:00.03Tierrie|WorkYou should well
20:00.08Tierrie|WorkI'm not in the same category as Clad
20:00.35Tierrie|Workclad's like whooosh
20:00.37Tierrie|WorkI'm like meh
20:00.52Tierrie|Workwhoosh meh whoosh meh whooosh meh
20:01.06Tierrie|Workyou're meh
20:01.11ckknightno way, man
20:01.16ckknightyour mom's meh
20:01.23Tierrie|Workyour father's meh
20:01.34ckknightyou take that back, man
20:01.39Tierrie|Worki'm whoosh
20:01.46Tierrie|Workyou're so meh
20:02.15seebsYou're too woosh for your pants?
20:02.25Tierrie|Workon the catwalk yeah on the catwalk
20:02.32Tierrie|Worki do a little whoosh on the catwalk
20:04.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
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20:14.44BouviHere is a temp archive (trying to figure out why the database still has the tests I deleted)
20:15.43BouviI currently have over 1,000 subscribers.
20:16.44Tierrie|WorkI would have to be a haughty son of a bitch to say that I am currently in the same league as ckknight and Tuller
20:16.50Tierrie|Workand clad
20:18.08Tierrie|Workyou should interview Cairenn
20:18.17Tierrie|WorkShe does a crapload of work and doesn't get enough recognition
20:18.34Tierrie|WorkBonus if you can get a picture of her in a tight red dress
20:19.24Tierrie|WorkShe's a sexy momma, momma..../ who knows just how to get what I wanna, wanna
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20:45.04BouviOK I am hating databases.  I told it to delete all the tests on my archive page but they are still there grrrrr.
20:46.00BouviFOUND THEM
20:47.16BouviNewsletter archive page is done:
20:51.35Tierrie|Workwhat happened to the limited time with the Chung Do Kwan thing
20:51.41Tierrie|Worki guess it doesn't take long to kick ass and then code
20:53.37seebsYou know how it is.  You get an idea and then it won't let you go until you do it.
20:53.40BouviI am at work bored.
20:53.53BouviI thought it would take more than that lol
20:53.58Tierrie|Workseebs: sounds a little bit like constipation
20:54.16seebsThe formal term, at least when people on the autism spectrum do it, is perseveration.
21:01.02BouviOK I am happy now it is working.  Thanks guys for pushing the point.
21:02.59seebsBTW, I emailed you about a hypothetical interview.  I have been really enjoying the mod thing, and any chance to talk it up is a good deal.
21:03.26*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
21:03.27BouviI have a spam blocker so make sure you authorize yourself (it will send you an e-mail)
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21:21.47seebsIt may or may not make it through my spam filters.  Heh.
21:22.09seebsChallenge/response systems often fail pretty badly; I don't recommend them these days.
21:22.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
21:23.19BouviI will go manually verify it.  I used to get 1,000+ spam a day now I get none hehe.
21:25.27seebsI'm, or  Not sure which I used.
21:25.38seebsHmm.  I should change my default.
21:25.54BouviI got ya and sent ya the questions :D
21:26.53seebs... And now it'll be 30 minutes or so before your questions make it through greylisting.
21:26.56seebsYAY SPAM!
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21:38.03TainGah UPS tracking shows my package on truck for delivery at 6:15 this morning, 10 miles from me.  Why didn't it show up. :(
21:41.01Corrodiasbecause the ups man has to drive! DRIVE MAN DRIVE
21:41.35bleetahTain: face it, the driver has better things to do than deal with you :-P
21:41.49TainI am the most imporant person in my universe.
21:42.09bleetahyou'll need to impress this upon the driver when they show up
21:42.21bleetahas at this point in time, they're blissfully ignorant of that fact
21:43.02TainI don't believe they are going to show up.
21:43.31kaso<Tain> I am the most imporant person in my universe.   -- Everything interesting in your life happens when you're around !
21:44.13TainOh, I don't know, some very interesting things that affect me have happened when I'm not around.
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22:12.39TainYay UPS showed up after all.  There really is a Santa Claus!
22:17.29cladhaireAny guild/event calendar type mods other than Group calendar and GuildEventManager?
22:18.18bleetahLookingForGroup ! :P
22:21.32*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
22:23.47cladhairehrm.. what raid frames should i cover?
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22:28.13TheStigTo any mages around:  Does higher rank Frost Nova help immobilize the target(s) with a stronger freezing effect, or is it safe to use Rank 1 Frost Nova to save on mana if you're not worried about the extra damage?
22:29.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Mok (
22:30.32amroTheStig: i didn't notice a difference, but I'm not 100% sure
22:30.47kasoim 99% sure it makes no difference
22:31.19seebsI am pretty sure there's no difference.
22:31.46kasocan we average our three "pretty sure"s into an "absolutly sure"
22:32.15seebsConsider the number of things that people are "pretty sure" of that are patently false.
22:32.29seebsI guess it's probably time to do some testing, huh.
22:32.40kasolike 0.9999.. != 1 you mean ?
22:35.19TheStigwell considering frost nova typically does low damage anyway whats the point in using a higher rank that just hogs up more and more mana if it has no stronger effect
22:35.54kasothere is no point
22:36.22kasoi recall some guide which went along the lines of "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU USING ANYTHING BY RANK1 FROST NOVA!"
22:36.46zenzelezzthe joys of being a warrior
22:36.50zenzelezzno need to worry about ranks
22:37.21amroperhaps the higher ranks are less resistable?
22:37.34amrothe damage is negligible since rank 1
22:37.45zenzelezzcould be; but I imagine such things would be in the tooltip
22:37.48kasonah resist rates are based on player level not  spell level
22:37.50zenzelezzlike "More effective than rank X"
22:38.06TheStigwell considering blizz usually prints such things in the tooltips i say nay
22:39.26TheStigthe tooltip says   "Blasts enemies near the caster for %d Frost damage and freezes them in place for up to 8 sec.  Damage caused may interrupt the effect."  where %d is that particular rank of frost nova's flavor of damage
22:39.27bleetahgoddamn it next mod site I come across that doesn't time stamp, or correctly redirect from a URL that's meant to be for their mod.. I'm gunna.... gunna... cp /dev/urandom /dev/kmem aargh
22:41.07Tierrie|WorkTheStig: no it doesn't help if you use a stronger nova
22:41.34Tierrie|Worknova chance to break is determined by how much damage you deal on the mob, and I've noticed that the rank of nova makes no difference
22:41.43Tierrie|Workthe higher ranks are also not less resistable
22:41.56TheStigso then whats the point in having higher ranks lol
22:42.02Tierrie|Workas far as I know, the damage
22:42.08bleetahpersonally, I think nova's bugged for this very reason
22:42.09Tierrie|Worki used to use the highest rank for the meager damage difference
22:42.21Tierrie|Workbut then I decided it was a bad idea
22:42.25TheStigbut the damage difference is not justifiable
22:42.32Tierrie|Workyeap, its not
22:42.37TheStig200 mana for 95 damage is not a brilliant idea
22:42.38Tierrie|Workso i downranked to rank 1
22:42.54Tierrie|Workwell its really 200 for like 250 ish after your +damage is taken into account
22:43.09Tierrie|Workso its not that bad
22:43.37Tierrie|Worki am just sad they bumped damage by around 20-30% but health by around 100%
22:43.39TheStigyeah but 45 mana for 175 damage is much better idea
22:43.55Tierrie|Workyes TheStig, it is so you always use Rank1
22:44.41TheStigbumping health by 100% and only bumping damage by 20-30% is like saying      mages:  your survibability just plumeted
22:45.01TheStigthe longer my assailant is alive, my chances of survival go down exponentially
22:46.13foxlitJust means everyone got more survivability, which is really a good thing.
22:46.20TheStigexcept mages
22:46.21cladhairewhat in-game DKP systems are out there
22:46.26cladhaireSuicideKings, EPGP, NurfedDKp
22:46.33TheStigbecause mages are still wearing cloth
22:46.50Tierrie|Work2 of them are fake
22:46.52Tierrie|WorkI just made it up
22:47.06TheStigand last time i checked 1200 damage crit (crushing blow) from attackers chew through health very rapidly
22:47.32kasoany mob that can crush shouldnt really be hitting you
22:47.51Tierrie|Workit happens
22:48.03cladhaireTierrie: Does null have an addon component?
22:48.04TheStigi had a much lower level mob hit me with a crushing blow yesterday :(
22:48.13foxlitMages are still less liable to be killed by, say, hunters jumping you from stealth.
22:48.15kasothen you need to train your defense skill
22:48.16Tierrie|Workcladhaire: afaik no
22:48.25Tierrie|Workcladhaire: our guild doesn't use it so not sure
22:48.28TemTheStig, are you complaining about how mages got the short end of the LETS_GIVE_PEOPLE_MORE_HEALTH stick?
22:48.40TheStighunters cannot be rooted and are immune to fear and snares for something like 20 seconds now
22:48.50TheStigTem: yea
22:48.51Tierrie|WorkI'm kind of not happy that they only buffed damage by 20% while buffing health by 100%
22:48.58Tierrie|WorkI'd think 40-50% would have been more reasonable
22:49.03TheStigwell beastial hunters can't
22:49.21TheStigthey flip a switch and they are de-rooted and immune to such tactics for 20 seconds
22:49.28TheStigusable every 3 minutes or something stupid like that
22:49.51Temcry more?
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22:50.05bleetahmeh, it's just attaching the previous bestial wrath of the pet to something the PC gets
22:50.06Temevery 4 minutes you can sit in a block of ice and laugh at them while your pet does damag
22:50.38TemIB > BW
22:50.48foxlitAP is also great.
22:50.52Tierrie|WorkIB doesn't break you out of that stupid laughing ogre in Shadow Lab's MC
22:50.53TemAP is for noobs
22:51.01foxlitI mean, if you're talking about killing hunters immune to snares.
22:51.07TemTierrie|Work, that sounds like a bug to me
22:51.18Temfoxlit, AP is for noobs
22:51.20Tierrie|Worki think it might be intentional
22:51.33Temmaybe.. I've never been to Shadow Labs
22:51.35foxlitAnd BW is not?
22:51.41TemI don't play a hunter
22:51.49Temso I speak with no authority on their talents
22:51.57Tierrie|Workhow have you not been to SL
22:52.02Tierrie|Worki think you have to be cool to hang out here
22:52.04zenzelezzTierrie: would you really want to ice-block out of it?
22:52.07zenzelezzwith no tank, no healer there to help?
22:52.09Tierrie|Workthere's a cool requirement of this ya high
22:52.22Tierrie|Workzenzelezz: hell yes I do, the ogre is laughing and not fighting therefore he will not hit back
22:52.23TemTierrie|Work, I haven't played BC-retail
22:52.31TemTierrie|Work, and I stopped leveling my main at 65
22:52.33Tierrie|Workzenzelezz: at least that is my theory
22:52.40zenzelezzI imagine if you could escape the MC, he would fight you
22:52.53Tierrie|Workzenzelezz: he could be scripted to keep laughing like a dumbass
22:52.54TemI started leveling a shaman shortly after alpha ended and got her to 45.
22:53.34TemIn my experience (quiet exstensive, btw) AP is for noobs.  
22:54.00zenzelezzso you're just here for the hex, drugs, and rock-and-trolls Tem? =)
22:54.04Kirovfor what class?
22:54.22MentalPower|HWbah, gotta go take an exam, see you guys later
22:54.31zenzelezzgood luck
22:54.43Temzenzelezz, I was planning to start a shaman when BC came out because I was so bitter about the mage changes, but I just haven't gotten around to it
22:54.54TemI suspect my not even having wow installed has something to do with it
22:55.13Temand my game of musical operating systems isn't helping either
22:55.30bleetahknow that feeling :/
22:55.35TemI'm currently in Vista...
22:55.41TemI was planning to go dual boot tonight
22:55.47TemVista / Ubuntu
22:55.58Tembut I've done dual boot before and hated it
22:56.04Temso I dunno what I'll do
22:56.23Tierrie|Worki hate dual booting for the sole reason that it requires me to reboot
22:56.56bleetah*cough* VMWare trial version... just get a new eval license every 30 days.
22:57.12zenzelezzI thought there was a free VMWare now?
22:57.25bleetahit's prolly the one I'm talkin' about
22:57.36Tierrie|Workdude i didn't say anything about hating virtual machines ;P
22:57.40Tierrie|Workjust dual booting
22:57.56Tierrie|Worki love vms on the account of not having to reboot :)
22:58.19bleetahi love vm's 'coz i can totally screw up a system and have it resotred in about 2 seconds
23:05.22Temwhere is the firefox option for where it opens searches?
23:05.30TemI HATEHATEHATE that it opens them in my current tab
23:05.39Tembut I can't remember where the option is for that
23:06.52TC_WorkingTem, it's prolly based on your tab options
23:06.59TainYou mean from the search box, or click on search results?
23:07.07Temfrom the search box
23:07.15Cideabout:config ->
23:08.12Tem<3 about:config
23:08.21Temwhen guis fail it saves you
23:08.58bleetah best addon ever
23:09.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=mjgoosse@
23:09.27foxlitHow can I adjust the position of a button's text (NormalFont)?
23:09.44Corrodiasthey call them addons now instead of extensions?
23:10.18TC_Workinga rose by any other name...
23:11.53Corrodiasi am well aware that changing the name of something doesn't change its physical properties
23:13.22TC_Working"Welcome to 'taken out of context" time brought to you by our good friend Corrodias"
23:13.44Corrodiashey, you're the one who decided to quote something
23:13.55Cidetaking things out of context is fun
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23:27.52JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn|afk
23:27.54purlACTION jumps into Cairenn|afk's lap and huggles and *hugs* Cairenn|afk
23:30.52seebs*snerk*  Nice, sysrage.
23:35.14foxlitCan I have two stateheaders controlling the same frames?
23:35.51foxlitScratch that -- one to show/hide the parent frame, one to reanchor child frames?
23:39.02Temfoxlit, when a state header manages a frame, it makes that frame it's child
23:39.15foxlitSo I need to combine the two into one :/
23:39.28Temso you cannot have a stateheader-managed child frame that is not a child of the state header
23:40.14Temso your structure needs to be visibility_header -> parent -> anchor_header -> children
23:40.24Temwhere -> indicates parentage
23:44.37purli guess ace is a lightweight and powerful system for building World of Warcraft addons. It is coded to keep CPU-usage, memory-usage, and GC churn in mind.  See
23:51.41Cidewonder why 'lightweight' still is in there
23:52.06foxlitIt sells.
23:54.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Mobeater (
23:54.55TainIt's a surprise.
23:55.11zenzelezzbecause the repository is stored on Flasg-based devices that weigh far less than regular harddrives
23:58.19foxlitYou'd think that for the same capacity...

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