irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070130

00:01.18ShadowedHow odd
00:01.24Shadowedcan't join a battlefield in combat, wonder why
00:01.42foxlitSummon requirements, but they're new
00:02.04Shadowedwhat do you mean
00:03.18*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
00:07.09*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
00:09.44*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
00:09.51Nom-You can't be summoned while in combat
00:09.56Nom-You have to drop out of combat first
00:10.46Nom-brb making breakfast
00:10.53*** join/#wowi-lounge jerrcs (
00:11.37*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
00:12.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
00:12.43*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem] by ChanServ
00:12.55ShadowedYeah it was always like that, but you could always join a battlefield in combat
00:15.57Shadowedor at least I could swear they had always made it so you couldn't summon in combat
00:16.26foxlitIt was changed relatively early in the game.
00:17.12Shadowedhrm well thats a pain, have to find a way to work around that
00:18.36foxlitHm, I'm looking for a button that, in about 18x18 pixels says "click here to configure me"
00:18.53Cairenna checkmark
00:19.42Tema gear
00:19.47Temor a wrench
00:19.54Cairennthose would work as well
00:20.05Cairenngear probably easier to render, that small
00:20.07Temand iirc, there's a wow icon for a gear
00:20.09foxlitAnything builtin, or do I have to get creative? :)
00:20.18Cairennthere is
00:20.28Cairennboth checkmark and gear
00:20.35foxlitAs buttons?
00:21.11Nom-mmm yummy oats
00:21.38Cairennother options could be the exclamation mark (think quests) or the dialog icon
00:22.02*** join/#wowi-lounge tliff (
00:23.08foxlitUsing Buttons\UI-Panel-MinimizeButton-Up as close atm. Point me at the gear texture? :)
00:23.42Cairennsec, looking
00:26.58Cairennicons\inv_misc_gear_01 - _08
00:27.34Cairennnot sure what size they are, but those are the ones I've seen
00:28.07foxlitMm, different visual style.
00:28.22foxlitBut yeah, at least there are images of gears :)
00:29.01Cairennso look in the icons\ for one to use for "close" instead
00:29.10*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
00:29.28foxlitIcons\ are basically spell icons
00:29.39Cairennumm, no
00:29.53TainI am an Icon.
00:30.17Cairennthey are every frigging icon in the game ... inventory slot items, etc, etc, etc
00:30.49foxlitItems, spell, buffs.
00:30.58cladhaireIf you're here, and you're horde.. you REALLY need to do the quests in Nagrand
00:31.06cladhairethe final series brings Thrall to outlands =)
00:31.13foxlitPoint being, they all share the quickslot-esque border
00:31.26Cairenneasy enough to chop that off ;)
00:32.04foxlitFar from yellow-on-red :P
00:32.12TainNo chopping things off!
00:32.24kasocladhaire awesome cloth helm reward from the quest ^^
00:32.35cladhaireawesome all rewards
00:32.37cladhaireincluding the buff =)
00:32.52*** join/#wowi-lounge dreyruugr (n=dreyruug@
00:33.13kasowhen i did it thrall was already there :< whats the buff?
00:33.25cladhaire+300 hp, +15% haste, and 10 mana regen/5
00:33.57kasoah, the rend buff again
00:34.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
00:34.44cladhaire"Hellscream's Warsong"
00:41.57TC_Workingahhh...the best adaptation of "my favorite things" i have ever seen
00:45.55SstixrudCan anyone tell me why this 6 line true/false toggle only sets true :)?
00:53.37cladhaireSstixrud: Why are you using getglobal there.
00:53.39cladhaireyou already haev this,
00:53.49cladhairewhich shoudl actually be a local param to your function, not the global
00:54.01cladhairenot _G[frame][key]
00:54.02cladhairefor one =)
00:54.06cladhairethat simplies the code quite a bit :P
00:54.08foxlit" not (_G[frame][key] or false)  "
00:54.14foxlit(x or false) == x
00:54.19cladhaireor false doesn't work
00:54.24cladhairewhat he said :P
00:54.48foxlitShould still invert, though.
00:57.15*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg_ (
00:57.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
00:57.53cladhaireTain: I inverted your face!
00:57.53cladhairetake that!
00:58.15TainI can see my insides!
00:58.21SstixrudI can't do this right?: UBCFG.DYNBTNSPELLS:this[key] = this:[key]
00:59.48Tem: is only for calling
01:00.20Sstixrudk so back to frame =
01:02.25TainOh snap I forgot there was a new Heroes on tonight!
01:03.14Sstixrudsigh but that makes too much sense :P
01:03.28kergothTain: damn, i forgot too... i  better go home soon
01:07.54SstixrudTem thank you
01:09.56Adys - Any idea why the button EvilTwinFrameUpdateButton rotates the model in the main frame to the right in addition of refreshing it? It was originally a rotate button aswell
01:13.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Shane__ (
01:15.43*** join/#wowi-lounge norganna (
01:19.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (
01:19.58*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (
01:20.24foxlitHm, interesting.
01:20.36foxlitA frame's framelevel semi-randomly increments, without calling SetFramelevel
01:21.45Garounfind it a little odd an undead rogue ran straight at a rich thorium node in winterspring from teh entrance to the winterfall village
01:21.58Garounback by where the chieftan is
01:22.37*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
01:36.18*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh (
01:37.47zenzelezzhm... why is the portal three or four times bigger in Outland than in Blasted Lands?
01:39.22zenzelezzin Outland it's impressive.... in Blasted Lands it's just like a normal, dull portal :-|
01:41.19Kirovzenzelezz - Didn't you ever watch Dr Who?
01:41.34zenzelezzdon't know if they've ever shown that over here
01:41.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Malivil (
01:42.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:42.48Tainheh I don't think that Outland is quite a tardis. :)
01:43.10KirovYou're right, Outland is much too small
01:43.38KirovNot to mention the portal looks nothing like a phone booth
01:43.44TainAlthough one of the funniest geek debates I ever read was people arguing over what would happen if you took a Bag of Holding inside a Tardis.
01:44.26KirovYou'd have a bag of holding inside a tardis ....
01:44.35Kirov(ie: nothing in particular)
01:45.13TainYeah, there was a lot of debate over it though, mainly around the fact that Bags of HOlding don't play well with other dimensional thingies sometimes.
01:45.53TainBut the explanations and justifications were fantastic!
01:51.48WobWorkI can't see why you couldn't have a portal to a pocket dimension inside a pocket dimension =P
01:52.09WobWorkSince the TARDIS is a just a wrapping for a portal to a pocket dimension
01:52.19WobWorkand all it's doing is relocating the portal =)
01:54.24TainYeah its really just centered around the fact that you can't put a Bag of Holding inside a Bag of Holding.
01:54.31TainSo people tried to translate that across.
01:54.51TainNow maybe something bad would happen if you put the TARDIS inside a Bag of Holding.  I don't know@
01:56.17*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio (n=sp@unaffiliated/sergio)
01:56.18KarrionI seem to remember fun things happen if you put a TARDIS inside another TARDIS...
01:57.25WobWorkWell the bag of holding had a limited size opening didn't it?
01:57.37WobWorkotherwise if you dropped it face down on the ground... aiee =P
01:57.42TainNah you can have a TARDIS inside a TARDIS, happened a couple of times.
01:57.53WobWorkThe TARDIS inside the same TARDIS
01:57.57WobWorkthat would be cool
01:58.10foxlitWhat if it was the same one?
01:58.13foxlitwithin itself?
01:58.23WobWork...that's what I said= P
01:58.34foxlit3am, my ba
01:59.00WobWorkhonestly I can't see why not =)
01:59.17WobWorkit's not actually the pocket dimension that's being moved around
01:59.25WobWorkit's an opening to the dimension that is
01:59.28kasoTain sure? i thought the doctor managed to concinve that other timelord to materialse his tardis inside in an effort to destroy it?
02:00.23kasoWhile a TARDIS can materialise inside another, if both TARDISes occupy exactly the same space, a Time Ram will occur, resulting in total annihilation
02:00.41TainThat's kicking it up a notch.
02:02.36SwadoKaso, you did a mod that made your chat appear in your sct right?
02:03.05Swadocould you pm me?..
02:03.12WobWorktime RAM
02:05.53*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
02:12.32WobWorkhey. I recall someone was talking about a software based KVM that worked across oses?
02:15.39Nom-WobWork = iiWob
02:16.42WobWorkI've never worked at iinet, if that's the question? =P
02:17.21Nom-It was, never mind then :P
02:17.47WobWorkI know people who have, if that's any consolation =)
02:18.06Nom-It's just there's a guy who works here who goes by the online name of Wob
02:18.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Nomad_Wanderer (
02:19.41WobWorkAh, mine's short for Wobin
02:19.50cladhaireAnyone else just get their text message from Heroes?
02:20.06WobWorkand if I use my gmail of Wobatwork, everyone thinks it's somehow wombat related
02:21.06*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
02:22.08TainI can be your Hero baby.
02:23.49cladhairesomeone help me out here.
02:24.01cladhairego to the about us page
02:24.10cladhaireclick on the wavy part of the logo
02:24.16cladhairelogin: bennet
02:24.18cladhairepassword: claire
02:24.38cladhaireI can view teh first, but the rest authenticate.
02:24.57cladhaireonly clues I have are "Get 2 kno me: HGghx11a. Mre 2 come"
02:25.09cladhaireI assume the odd text is the password, but unclear on the login,e tc.
02:25.13cladhairei'm trying to figure it out tho =)
02:25.14Thunder_Childi got in
02:25.21Tainonoes my IP address has been noted!
02:25.44cladhairehrm.. i'm having issues viewing all the files
02:25.57Thunder_Childyea, now i see what you mean
02:26.23cladhaireoh no wait
02:26.41cladhaireI can get into the first one with bennet, password HGghx11a.
02:26.43cladhaireHana Gitelman
02:26.48Corrodiasmy taskbar is up.
02:27.09Corrodiasbut i don't know why
02:27.10ckknightthe wavy part of the logo does nothing for me.
02:27.25cladhaireckknight: you have to be on about us
02:28.32cladhairetrying to find the password to the second profile
02:28.39cladhaireusing the highlighted characters in hana's profile.
02:28.52cladhaireand to think, I can't even watch heroes as its on, only when my bf gets home.. heh
02:29.32TainOpening credits spoiler!  (And the only one hhonest!)  "with George Takei"
02:29.42cladhaireHiro's father
02:31.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=mjgoosse@
02:31.38cladhairecmon help me get the second profile =)
02:31.49cladhairewe must defeat the viral advertising.
02:32.33ckknightmaybe it's Uz18eGG
02:33.08Temcladhaire, there's some highlighted letters in the first one's profile
02:33.10Temtry those
02:33.17cladhaireI did
02:33.24ckknightTem: he did :-P
02:33.24Temalso, damn you for showing me this
02:33.24cladhaireand the reverse thanks to ckknight
02:33.25cladhairenothing yet =)
02:33.39cladhairelol be glad you didn't sign up
02:33.44cladhaireI "applied for the job" at primatech
02:33.49cladhaireso i got the text message, like 10 min ago
02:33.49Mike-N-GoWhat are you trying to accomplish?
02:33.56ckknighthrm, cladhaire, I believe you may not be able to access it till next week
02:34.08cladhaireckknight: Thats my guess as well
02:34.25Temcladhaire, I'm about to start watching Heroes at work
02:34.25ckknightcladhaire: notice how the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th pictures are the same
02:34.36ckknightbut the first is an obvious sillhouette of a female
02:35.01Temcladhaire, and as I understand it, I'm not supposed to know what their abilities are until later
02:35.29ckknightTem: yea, you should wait :-P
02:35.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Crul (
02:35.40ckknightwonder how long it'll take Heroes to reach bittorrent...
02:35.41TemI know NOTHING about the show except that it's come highly recommended from a lot of people who's opinions I trust
02:35.41cladhaireHana hasn't been introduced yet
02:35.52cladhaireTem: NetFlix the recap DVD
02:35.53ckknightTem: I like it too :-P
02:36.06cladhaireand yes.. tivo the sci-fi marathons that happen occasionally
02:36.12*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
02:36.13cladhaireits justa  good amount of fantasy, and geekery
02:36.32TemI heard that NBC had it on their site
02:36.43Temso I was just gonna watch the everything I've missed
02:36.49Tem3-4 episodes a night
02:37.18TemI just can't start tonight because I lack headphones
02:37.38TainIt started slow, but it is a good series.
02:37.56seebsHey, ckknight, you still around?
02:38.02Temcladhaire, I don't have Tivo or NetFlix
02:38.10cladhaireTem: Time Warner DVR? =)
02:38.18seebsI am mystified by erratic graphical behavior in Cartographer.  Sometimes it looks chunky, like a low-quality jpeg.  Sometimes not.
02:38.20cladhaireif not.. good old bittorrent
02:38.22TemI don't even own a VCR
02:38.29ckknightseebs: what does?
02:38.31seebsIt doesn't QUITE seem to correlate strongly with explored/unexplored, but I haven't figured it out.
02:38.37seebsThe world map in Cartographer.
02:38.46ckknighthaven't experienced that.
02:38.48*** part/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
02:39.01seebsIt may only be visible scaled up, and it may even be caused by scaling.
02:40.18TainWhat?  No Netflix or PVR?  What are you a caveman!?
02:40.37cladhaireGO BACK TO YOUR CAVE, CAVEY McCaveCave
02:40.42TainI'm a really really bad consumer whore.
02:40.51TainI ordered a Series 3 Tivo. :/
02:41.18Temhow does tivo store the stuff you "tivo"?
02:41.39cladhaireon its hard drive
02:41.43Tem(on the hdd, duh)
02:41.44ckknighthard disk
02:41.47cladhaireif you have an old replaytv, you can even copy everything off =)
02:41.54cladhairethen replaytv stopped responding to their 1800 number
02:41.56Temwhat format is what I was asking
02:41.56cladhaireand died
02:42.04TainWell you can do it with Tivo too.
02:42.16cladhaireyeah but it was uber easy with replayTV
02:42.23cladhaireyou hear that?
02:42.25cladhaireUBER easy
02:42.28TainI have a ReplayTV.
02:42.29cladhairethats super-german really easy!
02:42.34Temwow, clad
02:42.40cladhaireTem: WHAT?
02:42.40Temcan you be less useful?
02:42.45Temcus like, wow
02:42.59purlhmm... wow is the best game ever!
02:43.03Temwhat format does tivo use?
02:43.09cladhaireits okay.. i kinda want to stab _myself_ in the face for that one.
02:43.18TainIt is a slightly custom mpeg format.
02:43.26Temis it some crappity crap crap that I can't use anywhere else?
02:43.27TainReally just custom headers, I think.
02:43.37TainYou can extract it easily.
02:44.06TainNot *as* easily as ReplayTV.  Which was click a button easy.
02:44.17TainBut they're gone now, for all intents and purposes.
02:44.21TainLet us not speak of the dead.
02:44.43Temstupid tivo
02:44.47Temkilling cool companies
02:45.03TainOF course you can telnet and ftp into a Tivo.
02:45.08TainSo that's kinda cool on its own.
02:45.31cladhairewhat factions sell Flying Epic Mounts?
02:45.38cladhaireany of the "off" factions?
02:45.47TainFlying Poop Monsters.
02:45.57ScytheBlade1There's a mental image I could do without
02:46.12cladhaireScytheBlade1: Never seen Jay and SIlent Bob's? =)
02:46.14kasoWildhammer and i forget the horde
02:46.21ScytheBlade1cladhaire, nope
02:46.21kasoyou cant get a faction discount iirc
02:46.34cladhairekaso: I'm looking for a cool one, not a cheaper one =)
02:46.54kasoTheyre both sold by the same people
02:47.00kasothe 300% and the 60%
02:47.03TainI want to ride a flying Blood Elf.
02:47.15kasopssh, i round
02:47.35ScytheBlade1That's some pretty cool rounding
02:47.44ScytheBlade1Now stay away, freak
02:50.46TemI still haven't installed TBC
02:51.02Temwell, that's not exactly true
02:51.06TemI did install it once
02:51.16Tembut I formated the next day
02:51.26Temand didn't play longer than 45 minutes or so
02:51.51TemI just sorta idled in game while I played with Vista features
02:52.21Temif you set it to windowed mode, and you do the SUPER + Tab window switcher thing, it still renders wow
02:52.33Temwhich looks hella cool
02:56.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
03:02.09cladhairei dont mind spoilers
03:02.13cladhairebut i'm walking away now =)
03:02.18TainLike rotten meat!
03:02.22cladhairei need food
03:02.28cladhairehopefully not spoiled food.
03:03.57TainHave gummi bears
03:07.55Cairenntuna-salad sandwich
03:08.07TainYou can tune a piano but you can't tuna fish
03:10.33Cairennyou know how tuna fish got their names, right?
03:12.01Cairennyou ever see a real one? not the stuff in the cans?
03:12.42Nom-omg *drool*
03:12.43Nom-wtb [Khorium Champion]
03:12.57zenzelezzlink plix
03:13.00TainYeah one of my relatives in Virginia goes tuna fishing, has one mounted on her wall.
03:13.35ShadowedSo Cairenn, how DID they get their names :p
03:13.38Nom-It's smithed!
03:13.49TainI'll smith you.  Right in the eye!
03:13.52Nom-+50 str, and a proc to add +120 str
03:14.02Nom-Talk about UBER
03:14.07TainWith great power comes great responsibility.
03:14.40CairennI'm betting that someone caught one way back when, turned to his buddy and said "wow, that's a ton 'a fish!" but of course, they were both so drunk, his buddy misheard him.  When they got back to shore, everyone was asking what the hell it was and his buddy said "it's a tuna fish"
03:15.09Cairennthe damn things are *huge*
03:15.14TainThey are.
03:15.27Cairenn(and no, I've no idea, but it's an amusing thought)
03:15.31Nom-Yes, Tain ... the responsibility to beat the living crap out of everyone in sight :D
03:15.43Nom-I find it scary that thing is blacksmithed AND BOE
03:16.52Nom-I wodner if that's the top end of damage then :/
03:16.55ShadowedLot of crazy smithing BOE's
03:17.27Temyay, right back to gear inflation where melee scales better than casters
03:17.42ShadowedYou crit Tem for 3,000 Damage
03:17.44ShadowedYou gain hand of justice
03:17.48ShadowedYou crit Tem for 3,000 Damage
03:17.49ShadowedTem dies
03:18.03TemI wonder if I have the willpower to stay away from wow long enough to become un-addicted
03:18.13TemI could play supreme commander in a month
03:18.17Nom-That's scary...the only items in the thottbot database to beat that weapon are the BoE swordsmith/axesmith/etc items
03:18.23ShadowedI tried, I lasted about
03:18.26Nom-BoP i mean
03:18.26Shadoweda week
03:18.41Nom-and the gladiator
03:18.58Shadowedmostly because i was bored without any projects to program, which of course lead to having to play to test them
03:19.16Nom- <-- top DPS weapon in Thottbot database (well 2h sword at least)
03:19.20TainPlaying WoW is enough to make me not addicted.
03:19.20TemShadowed, it's been nearly a month since I've played
03:19.31TemI don't even have it installed atm
03:19.43Shadowedthen why did you question if you had the willpower
03:19.53TemI need to stay away another month
03:20.02Shadowedpickup another game, like EQ
03:20.11zenzelezzTem: why?
03:20.17Temso I can quit forever
03:20.20zenzelezzTem: why?
03:20.23TainPlay Nethack
03:20.25Temin a month supreme commander comes out
03:20.30ShadowedHe wants to know why you quit
03:20.39zenzelezzI'm mocking
03:20.43Shadowedor that
03:20.46TemI haven't actually quit
03:20.50TemI just haven't played
03:20.58Shadowedall i did was quit my raiding guild, no more motivation to play now :p
03:21.03TainI'm not thinking about Supreme Commander. That way it won't be a bitter disappointment if it sucks.
03:21.29TemTain, I already think it's going to suck
03:22.03TainSpore is so far off it is just an abstract thought.
03:22.03TemTain, but it's the game I've been wanting since like 99 or so
03:22.03TainI do too Tem, I would just really like it if it didn't.
03:22.03Temwhen they started talking about TA2
03:22.03ShadowedSpore is what, late 07?
03:23.13*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
03:24.01Shadowed good ol wikipedia
03:24.34Nom-I don't think I could quit WoW
03:24.37Nom-It'd take a lot
03:24.51Nom-At this point, even my account being blown away wouldn't stop me for long :P
03:26.46TemTain, and really, even if SupComm sucks, one of the mods for it will be worth playing
03:26.58TainI hope so
03:28.31zenzelezzthe first ten mods will be CS clones anyhow
03:29.07ShadowedNothing can replicate CS, it's impossible to copy the "CS Feel".
03:29.39Shadowedthe CS feel being "LOLZ U DIE", "WTF CHEATER", "AWPS R 4 WHORES"
03:30.23zenzelezzCS was good
03:30.31zenzelezzthen it got a big community and annoying changes
03:30.42zenzelezzI remember 1.4 on LANs, that was a blast
03:30.58Nom-CS has been shite since post-beta
03:31.04zenzelezznot 1.4, beta 4
03:31.11zenzelezzsleep typing
03:31.21Nom-yeah, it got shite about beta 6
03:31.26Nom-or somehwere about there
03:31.27hasteBF1942 was good :)
03:31.36ShadowedCS was okay, I never liked how you couldn't move as soon as you got shot made it kind of boring.
03:31.38zenzelezz1942 is a classic =)
03:31.40ShadowedTFC never gets old
03:31.55hastePixel shooting was a little bit annoying tho'
03:33.41zenzelezzI always ended up playing a medic or engineer; in both those games
03:34.00Shadowedengineers are fun when you can setup sentries outside of the enemy spawn
03:35.24zenzelezzI had such a blast with engineers in BF1942... place mines completely obviously visible across the road, watch the enemy stop, look around for a bit, before jumping out to disarm the mines.... then blow up theexp pack you placed in the bush beside the road
03:36.03zenzelezz*the exp pack
03:36.26zenzelezznever managed to learn planes right though... I'd always try dive-bombing
03:36.40zenzelezzI usually hit my target... the problem was so did my plane, not just the bombs
04:15.21Nom-I dive bomb in Battlefield 2 in the jets
04:15.32Nom-at full throttle
04:17.05TainBill Gates on The Daily Show is well worth watching.  Funny, funny stuff.
04:18.29TainJon Stewart asked him if his screen saver was the "flying toasters"
04:18.50TainAnd I may be reading too much into it but I think Gates' lack of any facial expression said something!
04:20.02Nom-*cry* I want flying toasters you dont
04:56.27*** part/#wowi-lounge Crul (
04:59.10*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
04:59.58Mike-N-GoOk, I ironed out my problems.
05:00.39Mike-N-GoCould you guys look at my addon and tell me if I did things in the right manner, or if something could be coded differently?
05:20.21Nom-Dude, that's a can of worms
05:20.28Nom-You can ALWAYS do something a different way
05:21.00zenzelezzI'm sure he meant "in a better way" =)
05:21.42Nom-Again, there's always a better way :)
05:21.46Nom-You need to answer two questions:
05:21.48Nom-1. Does it work.
05:22.08Nom-2. Does it do what it needs to do in a memory and CPU usage effective manner
05:22.17zenzelezzI'm not sure I agree that things could always be done better; but in many cases that's of course true
05:22.47Nom-There is always a slightly better way to do something...that applies to just about anything
05:22.58Nom-But then better is a subjective thing
05:23.05Nom-So *shrug*
05:23.06zenzelezzmany of the "better" things come at some price
05:23.17zenzelezzwhich may or may not affect the specific case
05:26.54*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (
05:32.47Nom-Gotta rewrite large chunks of code
05:33.23zenzelezzsounds fun
05:36.08*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
05:36.08Corrodiasif i prefer performance and the other guy perfers features, we can "improve" each other's code back and forth unto infinity
05:37.04Corrodiasman, i hate being only half-awake when trying to play WoW. i start pressing the wrong keys and my eyes are closed so i can't see what's going on
05:37.34Industrialits a trap!
05:38.09ThraeCorrodias: That's the problem with healboting ;)
05:39.29ThraeAlthough today I wasn't able to keep a group doing Scholo without a tank together with my Level 58 Feral Druid. It took me half the instance to figure out how to keep everyone alive, then after the next few blunders not of mine, people started to leave
05:40.17ThraeIt's hard to keep a caster group alive as the main healer when you're a Feral Druid. You need to read the caster's mind on when they'll decide to draw aggro...
05:43.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:50.20Corrodiasfull feral is really not designed for healing, or so i've heard
05:50.33zenzelezzno way :-o
05:51.20ThraeWell I have no trouble healing any other type of group
05:51.42Mr_Rabies2i've never had a problem with healing being full feral
05:51.44ThraeA full caster group is tough because those squishies can go from full to 10% in a second
05:52.30ThraeWell if your group has a Level 61 Fire-spec Mage pulling aggro from -everything-, and your group consists of a Druid, Rogue, Warlock, and Hunter...
05:58.19Industrialso tank.. ?
05:58.42Industrialoh, no healer :<
05:59.03sancusthat seems like a pretty poor choice of group composition
06:02.18Mr_Rabies2id get a priest or healbot druid in that scenario
06:04.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (
06:05.57Mr_Rabies2kick the mage that's pulling aggro and get someone that knows what they're doing
06:07.21Industrialdoes auctioneed remember item prices you set?
06:08.48Mr_Rabies2yep, if you use custom price
06:11.54Nom-Fun...I have to add another layer of logic into this system
06:11.58Nom-This is going to be fun
06:14.33Industrialwhat are you making
06:15.03Nom-This is a work project :)
06:15.14Nom-It's going to drive me nuts now...
06:15.26Nom-Basically, we're producting a report like this:
06:15.40Nom-Survey1, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, ...
06:15.44Nom-Survey2, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, ...
06:16.07Nom-Now we want to add in another layer beyond that so Survey1 and Survey2 are broken up another layer deep
06:16.45Nom-Within the contraints of the system I have, that's a pain in the gluteus maximus
06:23.36ShadowedLegacy system?
06:23.48Shadowedwell, inherited system
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06:24.28Corrodiasheirloom system
06:26.50Nom-Well, it was built fairly recently
06:27.01Nom-But we want to take it another level of complexity above what it was designed for
06:29.51Corrodiaswhat the
06:30.00Corrodias0 bytes of free space on drive J:
06:30.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
06:30.05Corrodiasoops. i guess i just has me too much porn
06:30.38MentalPower|Foodhow did you get to 0bytes?
06:30.48Corrodiaswell, windows is probably rounding down, but it said 0 bytes in "my computer"
06:31.03Corrodiasi filled it while saving images. apparently i cut it pretty close.
06:31.29MentalPower|Foodwow, that take skill
06:34.36Corrodiasi filled it while saving this image:
06:37.24ThraeCorrodias: That's no coincidence you were able to save a file. The rest is taken up by virtual memory, which doesn't have a fixed size.
06:38.17Corrodiasthis is a different drive~
06:39.42Corrodiasthere seems to be a transformers porn thread in 4chan/r/
06:40.19Thrae"Come on baby. It's more then meets the eye."
06:40.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=najklord@
06:41.57Corrodiasso very horrible
06:42.28ShadowedInternet threads are the best
06:42.48Shadowedperson A says something, person B says A is wrong and that they're an idiot, person C says that both A and B are idiots
06:45.03Corrodiasthe link i just pasted, by the way, is a high-res NOD (C&C) logo
06:46.16Thunder_Childmade by you?
06:46.44zenzelezzI was about to ask if that was really the Nod thing =)
06:46.53Corrodiasnot by me
06:46.58zenzelezzKane lives!
06:49.31Corrodiasthey never have anything decent on that board except by accident
06:51.29ThraeCorrodias: ,
06:51.56Corrodiasthanks. i'm just being thorough. i want to see if somebody accidentally posted a good image in here.
06:53.16Corrodiasit would seem not, although that might depend on one's standards
06:53.26Mr_Rabies2oh lawd is dat sum duck
06:53.37ThraeCorrodias: You're a guro guy, aren't you >.>
06:53.49Mr_Rabies2guro bad :[
06:54.30Mr_Rabies2wait thrae
06:54.38Corrodiasi'm interested in a wide array of porn, including a certain subset of guro
06:54.45Mr_Rabies2what class do you play again
06:54.52ThraeDruid, why?
06:55.00Mr_Rabies2i'm sensing a trend here
06:55.21Corrodiaswhatever could that be?
06:55.37Mr_Rabies2all 3 of us play druids
06:56.02Mr_Rabies2and all 3 of us are 4channers.
06:56.30Corrodiasso it would seem, or at least 'changoers
06:56.37ThraeI've only gone to 4chan and browsed once.
06:57.16Mr_Rabies2i read /b/ occasionally but beyond that and /w/ and /wg/ is mostly crap
06:57.52ThraeI'm more of a straight Anime guy using Bittorrent, and anyone who's into Anime and forums knows 4chan and the other more incestous servers.
06:58.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=mjgoosse@
06:58.10ThraeI'm also male, which means I'm a pervert right off the bat.
06:58.10Corrodiasi believe it
06:58.20Mr_Rabies2habeeb it.
06:59.02ThraeAn otaku male who denies they occasionally view hentai is in denial.
06:59.56Mr_Rabies2i heard the blizzard guys got ...drysc, or tseric some hentai for his birthday last year
06:59.59Corrodiasth.. what
07:00.02Mr_Rabies2i need to see if i can dig that post up
07:01.21Corrodiasit turns out that people tend to like porn!
07:01.34zenzelezzno wai
07:03.01Corrodiasdon't you start
07:04.35Mr_Rabies2i'm addicted to this game:
07:04.35CorrodiasFIND THE POST
07:04.35Mr_Rabies2it's really easy
07:05.03Mr_Rabies2but it's fun :O
07:05.34ThraeAll I could find was
07:05.48ThraeWhich just has someone quoting him
07:07.18Corrodiasthat's not a quote of him...
07:07.31ThraeCorrodias: In the poster's sig
07:07.43ThraeThis channel's topic is old by the way...TOC is 20005
07:07.58ThraeActually maybe 20006, I forget now
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07:27.00zenzelezznice train Legorol =)
07:27.13ShadowedThrae: It's still listed as 2003 in FrameXML.toc
07:27.20Shadowed~lart Thrae
07:27.45Shadowedsilly afk whisper mod thingy
07:30.23Shadoweder, 20003
07:34.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
08:01.27Shane__Any ideas why my Addon errors when I put this:SetValue(1) in any of my frames?
08:04.16Shane__nevermind its order seems to be important before minmax
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08:25.54SwadoCould someone with experience with lua send me a PM, i need a bit of help with lua events.
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09:53.59Swadocan someone tell me why this script isn't working?
09:54.30Swadoi can remove a lot of junk from that, but why won't it work at all?
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12:24.27tinglecould someone help me quick hers the pasty: at the line: TALPG_Data={ where the tabel starts is the zone name "Azuremyst Isle" that says that the quests in there are for Azuremyst Isle, how do i add another zone?
12:28.58tinglewould i have to add something like this:
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12:53.13JamieSIis crazytalk here?
12:54.01JamieSIseriously getting annoyed with him, hes rubbish at mirrors page, VGpro and others always changed to the top and move my mirror links down so when I revert them back he bloody well removes mine.
12:58.46Wobintingle: you'll need a comma between them
13:01.39Flaskaare you working on a guide addon?
13:04.31JamieSII'm on about the patch mirror pages
13:09.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Flaska (
13:10.11tingleyes i am
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13:10.24tinglewant a draenei level 1-12 demo ?
13:11.09Flaskame? =P
13:11.32tingleyea you asked
13:11.44Flaskaah =P My computer crashed
13:11.45Wobinbtw tingle, you might want to investigate looking into using a compressionlib to compress that text
13:11.52WobinCause that's a whole lot of info to load up each time
13:11.57FlaskaIs it brian kopps guide ?
13:12.13tingleno not realy
13:12.21tinglewell abit maby
13:12.38Flaskajust a questio
13:12.42tinglebut things that i personly dont like and can do better i changed
13:12.57Flaskacan I make an addon an put like alot of pictures into it?
13:13.13tingleif you convert them to blp2 yes
13:13.40Flaskaall the blp converters I downloaded was crap so I gave up the addon development =P
13:16.02tingle for pictures (youll have to add a directory to your addon folder to load your custom images (dont ask dont know how)) and blp 2 converter:
13:16.38tingleWobin: what you mean with a compressionlib, how do i do that
13:18.30Flaskatingle: I don't understand much of that =P thanks anyway =)
13:19.13Wobinsomething like lzw
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13:35.55Flaskareading a tutorial atm =)
13:36.44FlaskaBut I doubt I will learn any advanced scripting without looking through others work though =)
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13:52.46JamieSIare you there?
13:52.51JamieSIKirkburn* :)
13:52.57JamieSIproblems problems
13:53.24JamieSIother channel :)
13:55.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Bouvi (
13:55.34BouviWell I am back in town did you all miss me?
13:56.06sysraegno comment
13:57.22Flaskalf some lua elite -_-
13:59.08kaso~just ask
13:59.10purljust ask your question - do not ask to ask. when you ask, ask all on one line - tell us what you did, what you saw, and what you expected to see.
13:59.52Flaskak =D
14:01.05Flaskaok so I'm reading this old tut: and there's a link to the lua functions that wow uses -> but it doesen't work, where else can I find out?
14:01.47kasoThats pretty much every function supplied by blizzard
14:03.52FlaskaIt's easyer to learn the whole php language complete with sql commands than rto learn addon making =/
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14:04.40kasomm, well the one thing the UI does lack is real documentation
14:04.49kasothats why we've gotta maintain the wiki
14:06.34kasoHave you seen Fara's Frame tutorial, its the best one around atm if you've learning the basics
14:07.00FlaskaI need a function that shows/hides the frame that I create via the xml, a function that creates a minimap button and handles it, and a function that adds additional keybinds.
14:07.37Flaskawhere can I find that tut?
14:07.39kasoWell first
14:08.19kasonext, keybindings
14:08.25*** part/#wowi-lounge JamieSI (
14:08.35weazerHey pro's, how do i get SCT damage to stand over people?
14:08.43kasoYou cant
14:08.44Flaskayou can't
14:08.52Flaskadisable sctd and enable blizzard text
14:09.09weazerOhh that's the secre.t
14:09.12kasowell, actually thats not perfectly correct, but you cant do it in a nice non-hacky horrible way
14:09.54Flaskahey kaso, can you link that awesome tut? =)
14:10.16kasoMy internet seems to be fucking up cant get on google
14:10.26kasosearch for "World of warcraft Frame tutorial"
14:10.30kasoits about half way down
14:10.39kasoits like
14:11.13Flaskaresults: 1 on google =)
14:11.35kasofor the Keybindings, check out any big addon, CTRA for example, and look at their "Bindings.xml" file
14:12.04Flaskafarang's tutorial =)
14:12.09Flaskafound it
14:12.10kasothats the one
14:12.19kasocan you paste the link
14:13.59tinglekaso look 1-12 draenei :D finished
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14:14.44kasoperhaps you know then tingle, whats the draeni quest where you get a 100% speed mount for 10min or something
14:15.09Flaskaah sorry I was reading the guide :D
14:15.27kasopurl, faraframes is
14:15.30purlkaso: okay
14:15.35purlrumour has it, faraframes is
14:16.13Flaskakaso, can I put two <frame> blocks on 1 xml? I want like 1 config window and 1 output window =P
14:16.23kasoYes ofc
14:16.44kasoeach frame block defines a new separate frame
14:17.04kaso<frames> blocks within a frame defines child frames etc etc
14:17.29kasooh you also wanted to know about minimap buttons didnt you
14:18.27Flaskayes =)
14:18.55kasogimme a second to find my template code so you can have a look over that
14:19.27Flaskabrain overload =) Gotta go do some homework to relax my brain, be right back 30 mins or so
14:19.36kasoill pm you a link
14:19.54FlaskaI hate the lua language btw, totally fewked up =P
14:20.05kasoits xml thats nasty
14:20.13FlaskaI can understand xml
14:20.27Flaskabut lua with all =:: `´```]][ is wierd
14:20.47krkawhat's wrong with lua?
14:21.04kasodont trust the lua technical manual, i never understood it
14:21.04kasoread programming in lua its pretty awesome
14:21.05krka"lua with all =:: `´```]][" ?
14:21.06krkawhat does that even mean?
14:21.24kasokrka it looks like how they explain stuff in the technical manual
14:21.41krkayou mean ::= to define the grammar?
14:22.01Flaskawhat is ::=? seriously, why would anybody ever need it?
14:22.19krkai think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of lua
14:22.28Flaskain php there are "$variable = "string"; "
14:22.31krka::= is not a part of lua
14:22.41Flaskathen what is it
14:22.42krkathe manual uses it to describe the grammar
14:22.54Flaskathat sounds stupid to me
14:23.48Flaskalike "exp ::= function" what do they mean?
14:24.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
14:24.08Flaskaand "prefixexp ::= var | functioncall | `(´ exp `)´"
14:24.23krkajust ignore those parts and read the examples
14:24.27Flaskaok =)
14:24.42kasocheck out pil for more human friendly examples
14:24.48WobinFlaska: That's standard notation for describing programming language syntax =)
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14:25.20Wobinlua can be quite elegant
14:25.29Flaskawhat's pil =P
14:25.40Wobinprogramming in lua
14:25.59kasoby the wonderful Roberto Ierusalimschy ! (that name owns)
14:26.39Flaskawhat happens if I put print("hello there"); in my code?
14:26.47Wobinnothing in WoW
14:27.01Wobinin the lua interpreter, it'll print 'hello there' =)
14:27.20kasowow has no print function, you'd have to use ChatFrame1:AddMessage("hello world")
14:27.43FlaskaHow do I add text and images to my frame then? =)
14:27.53Flaskaframename:AddMessage() ?
14:28.00kasofaraframes has examples on the later pages
14:28.01kasoread though it
14:28.05Flaskalater on
14:29.00Flaskathanks for the explaining and help, really appreciated
14:29.10kasoone last thing
14:29.22kasothats my minimap button template
14:30.50Flaskak I don't understand very much but I guess I will later
14:31.09krkaused any other language?
14:31.55Flaskaonly web launguages; php, sql, html, css, a little javascript and ajax
14:32.23Flaskaand tryed to start learn java but that made me sick
14:32.54WobinIt does that to many people =\
14:33.32krkaajax is a language these days?
14:33.38Flaskawell, almost =P
14:33.39KirkburnBtw, eBay has announced that it will no longer accept listings for virtual items and accounts for online games like World of Warcraft.
14:33.44kasoIm learning java at the moment, and i miss so much about lua
14:33.45Flaskaa little add to javascript
14:34.01Flaskathat's nice Kirkburn
14:34.08FlaskaI hate ebayers
14:34.45kasoIt wont stop anything though, i assume one off the big gold-sellers will branch into account auctions
14:35.00kaso(or they may already have, i dont keep that close an eye)
14:38.31FlaskaIt's hard leaving this whole new world of lua =) Just one last question kaso, is all that in supposed to be in the main xml file?
14:39.18kasoif you just throw it at the bottom, then change its name, put your own texture in, it should work "out of the box"
14:40.00Flaskaand wait, what will out("FaraFrames: OnLoad"); du?
14:40.10Flaskaoutput as error or something?
14:41.42kasoits just a generate printf type function
14:42.03kasoyeh on page one they define the lua for out
14:42.18kasoit just displays the text on Default chat frame and UIErrorsFrame
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14:43.19kasowhich they acutally define as a global which isnt particularly good practice
14:43.57nomenquishey kaso, did you continue on the auto loot for mining / other skills addon?
14:44.12kasoi did actually
14:44.29nomenquisany chance i can get a newer version?
14:44.39kasoi havent uploaded it yet because i havent really go around to testing it, you can be a tester for me
14:45.21nomenquisdid you do german translations yet? because if you did I know a second tester :)
14:45.54kasono, actually i didnt even add any localisation at all
14:46.10foxlitCould someone convert a PNG to a BLP/TGA for me?
14:46.26foxlitMost of the tools I've tried to use produce some sort of artifact :)
14:46.30kasoPerhaps you can ask your german friend to give translations of all the lowercase strings in the addon
14:46.44Scre3mfoxlit, sure
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14:48.13nomenquisI can translate it myself, thats no problem
14:48.20foxlitGreat, let me just upload it somewhere :)
14:49.17Scre3memail it to me
14:49.54kasogotta go out later, pm if you need anything
14:50.16IndustrialCan I do: b:SetAttribute('*type*', 'action') b:SetAttribute('action', 1) b:SetAttribute('shift-action', 13) ?
14:50.25IndustrialI am reading
14:50.51Industrialand All I want is 12 buttons that change to page 2 and 3 when i hold shift and ctrl, and changes on stance/form/stealth
14:52.12nomenquiscool, will try it later, thx
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15:02.25IndustrialI dont get it :(
15:04.08Flaskax are width and y are height right?
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15:09.10IndustrialFlaska: what? no.
15:09.40Flaskaso y are width and x height then?
15:11.21Flaskathan it's like I said =P
15:11.42krkax and y denote positions
15:11.45FlaskaI KNOW it's about position but you can imagine
15:11.47krkawidth and height denote sizes
15:11.59Flaskanvm =P
15:12.20Flaskai meant that y are up and down and x are right and left
15:12.29FlaskaI forget about that all the time lol
15:13.00Industriali actually found that wikipedia pagemby searching for "x axis"
15:17.59Flaskanow I'm really confused
15:17.59Flaska-- create 1000 new entries
15:17.59Flaskafor i=1,1000 do a[i] = i*2 end
15:18.08Flaskais supposed to make 1000 new entries
15:18.11Flaskawhat is that really?
15:19.46Industriallol Flaska, this is programming 101 >_>
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15:20.49Industrialthere are alot of books and tutorials on programming, but im afraid the lua manual or the Programming in Lua book dont start where you need to start..
15:20.50kasoiteration is fun!
15:21.49FlaskaI know the for syntax in php
15:22.14Industrialwell then
15:22.22krkaiteration is fun! iteration is fun! iteration is fun! iteration is fun! iteration is fun!
15:22.37kasohahaha, oh god i found that far too funny
15:22.44Industrialhave fun!
15:22.53Flaskafor ($i = 1; $i != 1000; $i++) { $array[$i] = $i; }
15:22.57Flaskaway simplier
15:23.03Industrialer, no. lol
15:23.07Industrialjust look at it. ew.
15:23.13Flaskait's godlike
15:23.17Flaskasooo easy to understand
15:23.22kasolua is much more human reaable
15:23.40nomenquisiteration? recursion is fun :)
15:23.51kasofor i=1,100 do ===  (for every value between 1 and 100 do this)
15:23.55Industrialyes it is. go read those links I just linked and come back after :D
15:24.05Flaskadidnt understand that lol
15:24.29Flaskabut what if I want to do something until i is over 1000? and not only 1000 times?
15:24.47Flaskalike sometimes it goes i = i+1 and sometimes +0
15:24.53Flaskaor something like that =P
15:24.58Industrialdude, links.
15:25.13nomenquiskaso, still here?
15:25.19kasoi am
15:25.21kasowell, i am back
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15:26.04nomenquisok, i've not tried it since i'm running an instance currently, but from looking at the source it looks like there is a bug :)
15:26.13kasoooh, shoot
15:26.40nomenquisthe problem is that you're defaulting pickpocket to false. now, if i log in with a non rogue alt then the setting will get overwritten with false, doesn't it?
15:26.56WobinFlaska: You can....
15:27.31Wobinor rather...
15:27.38kasoiirc i put the SV's as percharater, so it should worki i think
15:27.39WobinYou need to learn proper coding practices
15:27.42nomenquisi'd just get rid of the default value anyway
15:27.50WobinYou -don't- modify an iterator inside the loop
15:27.59WobinThat path leads to madness
15:28.00kasooh wait
15:28.09kasoshit, i didnt even put any saved variables :<
15:28.26WobinAnd horrific untrackable side effects
15:28.30kasonomenquis whatcah mean get rid of the default?
15:29.19nomenquiswhy do you set the default to false for a non rogue class anway?
15:29.19haste(Wobin knows all about it)
15:29.19kasobecause why does a non-rogue need to pickpocket?
15:29.21WobinI mean, what happens if the code you write inside the loop somehow moves $i to something like 1001?
15:29.24WobinYou infinitely loop
15:29.40Wobinand crash when you run out of memory
15:29.50nomenquispoint is, the variables are saved per account and not per char (or did i miss something here?) and thus you'd override the setting if a user has a non rogue alt
15:30.09kasoYou can put sv's as per char
15:30.17kaso## Savedvariablepercharater
15:30.39kaso## SavedVariablesPerCharacter  even
15:30.53nomenquishmmm, didn't see any per char saving done in the script, but well, don't know much about wow api either :)
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15:31.11kasowell there isnt, i kinda forgot to tell it to saved variables :>
15:31.13kasothats the bug!
15:31.15IndustrialWobin: pm! :P
15:31.21nomenquisI see ^^
15:33.10kasobut actually now you mention it
15:33.22kasoit really is pointless disabling for non-rogues
15:34.05IndustrialWobin: ping
15:34.19Wobinlag burst
15:35.18WobinI know all about what?
15:35.42kasoYou're not making much sense
15:36.31Wobin<haste> (Wobin knows all about it)
15:37.01kasoi guess he meant "horrific untrackable side effects"?
15:37.06Wobinoh yeah
15:37.24Wobinexperience is a harsh teacher =P
15:37.48kasosounds like an interesting story
15:38.40FlaskaWobin: sorry for the late answer. In php you can do this: $i <= 1000, means either lower or 1000
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15:38.52Wobinyes I know
15:38.57WobinI've worked in php
15:39.07Flaskathen you know why I want to use that =P
15:39.10WobinHowever, I've also found some of the worst code ever written, in php
15:39.21Wobinah well
15:39.27WobinIt's all syntax when you get down to it
15:39.44Wobinyou'll learn to think in many many languages with enough practice =)
15:39.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
15:40.02kasoyou can easily do something like that in lua, local i=0; while <= 1000 do Stuff(); i=i+1; end;
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15:41.21Wobinbut the basic premise remains the same =)
15:41.25kasoi++ and i+= are a one of the most annoying things about lua
15:41.29kaso(well lack thereof)
15:41.40WobinIf you have to modify your iterator within your loop, you're doing it wrong =)
15:41.51WobinAnd there's probably a better way to do it
15:41.52nomenquisanother one kaso, please include the short versions in the helptext. I'd not guess that /jal de toggles disenchanting, however i'd much rather use this one than the long version :)
15:42.07Wobinbut agreed on that, Kaso
15:42.12kasook, good idea nom
15:42.36nomenquisthere are way too many addons out there where you have to read the source to find out about such things already :)
15:42.58DogmaxHow do i hide the pet "HEALTH 1234" text?
15:43.39IndustrialDogmax: it would help saying what addon you are talking about, lol
15:44.24DogmaxNot a specific addon
15:44.56Dogmaxi'll rewrite my question :P is there a addon that allows hiding pet health/mana text?
15:45.10Industrialtheres an interface setting in the blizzard settings menu for the blizzard unitframes (wich i'd consider the addon in question in this case) if thats what you mean
15:45.14Flaskawhere exactly is that pet?
15:45.14kasonomenquis, if you fancy ive uploaded changes, but its not really neccasarry to download just minor changes
15:45.21Flaskapet window
15:45.54nomenquisminor changes like saved variables? :)
15:46.10DogmaxIndustrial, what i want is my health/man text to stay, while my pets text walk away.. outta the earth
15:46.31kasoand the shortcuts, and the fact you can actually disable rogue pickpocketing now
15:46.37nomenquiswill redownload it (if you please tell me the url again) and try this version then as soon as i can restart wow
15:47.14IndustrialDogmax: you could.... make your own unitframes and do that
15:47.42DogmaxxD lol yea
15:48.04Industrialcant you just write down the max numbers?
15:48.13Industriallike, with paper and a pencil?
15:48.24Flaskano, ink
15:48.56Industrialno, pencil. you can erase it and keep it updated
15:49.00Dogmaxdude.. i dont do paper and pencil .. :)
15:49.16IndustrialDogmax: im just being pragmatic here
15:49.17FlaskaI use UltraEdit
15:49.34Dogmaxanyway.. I figured out..
15:49.39Dogmaxi know :P
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15:50.50Flaskawith lua and wowxml in wordlist, but still no lua highlight =/
15:51.24Industrialmust... resist...starting...editor-war...
15:51.28Industrialah i cant
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15:52.43Flaskasooo... vim supports lua and wowxml?
15:53.14Industrialxml is xml, and yes it supports lua and xml
15:53.44nomenquisanother suggestion kaso: while you're at it, you could add toggling the global autolooting too :)
15:55.09FlaskaIndustrial: have you ever used ultraedit
15:55.56Industrialnotepad and vim.
15:55.59Flaskanow wim is up
15:56.03Flaskawhat do I do next?
15:56.20Industrialstart the tutorial
15:57.30Flaskapretty rigid interface
15:58.07Industrialyes, and no it will not start typing when you begin typing. it works differently. read the website/intro/tutorial youll come to know it :o
15:58.18Industrialnext :-)
15:58.45FlaskaVIM: 1/5, UltraEdit-32 Proffessional 5/5
15:58.53Flaskasorry industrial =P
16:01.38FlaskaI mean, how do I even use it =P
16:02.18FlaskaI can do it for free =)
16:02.39krkayeah, but i don't think rici would :(
16:02.45Flaskawhy ? =)
16:02.54krkabig waste of time
16:03.20FlaskaWhy would it be? What's your point?
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16:05.29krkanever mind
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16:08.05FlaskaElkano: are you the dev of ElkBuffBars?
16:08.39Flaskaor are you fake nicking? =P
16:09.40Elkanohow dare you asking that :( I'm disapointed :(
16:11.57nomenquiskaso, another one, print the current status into the help text please :)
16:12.08nomenquiskaso|philo: mining does not work
16:12.43nomenquiskaso|philo?? i just typed kaso
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16:28.48Mike-N-GoI am exploring the Outlands without clothes :0
16:29.15JoshBorkethat's a good way to do it
16:29.18JoshBorketakes a while tohugh ;-)
16:29.36Mike-N-GoI expect to die..
16:29.54Mike-N-GoBecause if I aggro 5  level 65+ mobs..
16:29.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
16:30.02Mike-N-GoAnd I get demounted.
16:32.00Mike-N-GoTo bad Auto Run does not 'Run you Automatically' back to your corpse.
16:34.35Mike-N-GoIt is so fun to rez, then try to run somewhere to eat..
16:34.39*** part/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
16:35.05Mike-N-GoFast food?
16:35.17Mike-N-GoIs that what the mobs think of me as?
16:35.38Flaskawhy don't you get your clothes on again?
16:41.53JoshBorkeso when he dies to lvl 70 mobs he doesn't take durability damage of course :-P
16:42.08Flaskaah =P
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16:42.32Flaskaget a flying mount and fly around naked instead ^^
16:42.50JoshBorkei think he's only like lvl 62?
16:47.08Flaskak =)
16:52.27Mike-N-GoLevel 61.
16:54.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
16:59.35kasonomenquis, mining you say?
17:00.09kasook, do you have devtools or something similar?
17:00.17nomenquisnope, nothing at all
17:00.27nomenquiswell, nothing wow specific at leat ^^
17:00.39kasogimme a moment to write a test script for you
17:01.41nomenquiswait a second
17:01.49nomenquiscould be that this is a bug in another addon
17:01.54nomenquisi'm using cartographer
17:02.07nomenquiscould this influence anything?
17:03.16Mike-N-GoEverything influences everything else, young one.
17:03.17kasoits prob i just have the wrong spell for mining
17:03.28kasorun that
17:03.31kasothen go mine something
17:04.04nomenquisi better only run this before i start mining, don't it?
17:04.28kasoRun it now
17:04.31kasothen go mine
17:04.36kasoitll say something to chatframe
17:04.38kasotell me that :>
17:05.01nomenquisyea, but the 'go mine' part involves calling a lot of spells till i get there :)
17:05.18IndustrialWhat is the stance bar called in the bindings menu?
17:05.35kasonomenquis well then you'll get alot of spam, ignore it
17:05.51Industrialah its Special Action Button
17:06.20nomenquiswhere should the message be?
17:06.52kasoIn your main chat window
17:07.12Kirkburn|afkAmazing, PC World (one of the biggest UK computer stores) has finally said goodbye to the floppy disk :D
17:07.32Shane__Is the potential for say 600-800 lines of SavedVariablesPerCharacter unreasonable?  If so I'll have to write something that resets non/current values back to nil, cutting it down by about 8x :)
17:07.40kasolemme find one of my chars with mining then
17:08.15krkayou have an optimization of 8x and wonder if you should use it? O_o
17:08.52Shane__krka my thoughts is it will complexify the code quite a bit
17:09.15Shane__as I will be constatly doing garbage collection
17:09.46nomenquishmm, no spell casts at all are shown in the main window
17:09.56nomenquisare you sure your script is correct?
17:10.02Flaskalol. call me a mirc noob but these sounds was driving me crazy until I realized it was new message notification because I hadn't scrolled down =)
17:10.03Shane__so if 800 lines of SaveVars is no big deal ill avoid cleaning them up :)
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17:10.18Shane__Flaska xchat for the win :)
17:11.00FlaskaI use PolarisX, I will maybe start using Miranda instead
17:13.13FlaskaIs this possible: To write data to a file with custom format (not savedvariable file or lua file)
17:13.27Flaskalike to saved.txt
17:13.43Flaskawhy =/
17:13.50Sstixrudsecurity would be my guess
17:14.13Flaskacan you write to a .lua file then?
17:14.26Flaskawithout the lua formatting?
17:14.29Sstixrudsay u wanted to write to c:\io.sys or something
17:14.40Flaskanot that
17:14.43Sstixrudits not like Windows has a filesystem security model or anything :)
17:14.59Flaskalike interface/addons/MyAddons/saved.txt
17:15.39Sstixrudyes I know, I dunno if there is a secure way for blizzard to allow that :) perhaps there is
17:15.43Arrowmasteryou can only write to the savedvars, nothing else
17:16.08Flaskasavedvars is a nightmare if I want to extract data from it
17:16.12Sstixrudcorrect me if I am wrong but u dont even write to savevars directly, wow does on its own :)
17:17.00Arrowmasterhow are you trying to extract data from the savedvars then?
17:17.20Flaskaupload the whole file to a php script =]
17:18.25Arrowmasterwell you could try writing something in LUA outside of the game to read the savedvars then export it however you want
17:19.21Flaskac++ is too advanced for me, so I gave up trying to learn it =]
17:19.37Arrowmasteri said LUA not C++
17:20.05FlaskaHow do I execute LUA outside of wow? what program =P
17:20.31XuerianGet the lua binaries.
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17:22.04kasoWoah, why am i getting spammed by like 20 WORLD_MAP_UPDATEs per second
17:22.47nomenquishmm, i got nothing at all
17:23.25kasomining seems to be spelt correct, lemme fiddle around with the addon work out whats going wrong
17:24.11nomenquisi tried adding minig to your first version, but i also didn't have success. i still think that some other addon is spoiling the fun here
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17:24.53kasoWorked it out nomenquis
17:25.03Industrialdraenei hunter level 40 on his mount
17:25.13Industrialhe doesnt fit through the AH door in Sw
17:26.47nomenquiswhat was / is the problem?
17:27.17IndustrialHow do I remove a chat channel from the list in the chat tab popup/
17:27.36kasonomenquis well the problem was i typoed so that mining was using the same setting as leatherworking
17:27.57kasobut now ive corrected it and it still isnt working for mining
17:28.05kasoeven though everything is going through correctly
17:28.18XuerianIndustrial: Keep it from showing, or remove your subscription to it?
17:28.19nomenquisyea. i added it to your first version and it didnt work eitehr
17:28.38kasomining seems differnt somehow from the other tradeskill
17:28.47Industrialsemove my subscription
17:29.00XuerianIndustrial: /leave name or /leave number
17:29.26XuerianSeems to not work sometimes
17:29.32Industrialalso; how do i get the chatlog from never showing again ever? I hate it. Preferrable non"hacky"
17:30.00XuerianChatlog? o.0
17:30.29Industrialer, combatlog
17:30.47XuerianNo clue.
17:31.01TC_WorkingBawls I.V.
17:31.36kasonomenquis as far as i can see this method just "doesnt work" with mining
17:31.50kasoi mean its correctly switching to autoloot when you start to channel mining
17:31.51nomenquistoo bad :(
17:31.54kasobut it dont autoloot
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17:36.22nomenquisautolooting works find if i set it from the interface options though
17:36.46Mike-N-GoDid you bind your shift key to something else?
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17:38.59godzirraIs there a way t o loot something with a / command?
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17:43.40IndustrialTC_Working: ^^
17:45.17TC_Workingthere is your fix
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17:47.45Xueriangodzirra: No
18:06.26Flaskayou could alot of hours making a program that automatically moves your mouse to loot but I doubt it's worth it =)
18:06.49kasoAlso it'd be bannable :>
18:07.18seebsKaso, I'm pretty sure that the autoloot/not-autoloot thing is decided at the time of the click.
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18:07.29seebsSo setting it after you start to channel mining wouldn't work.
18:07.31kasoseebs it works for other things though
18:07.35nomenquisno it's not
18:07.37kasolike leatherworking
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18:07.46seebsThen I'm stumped.
18:07.50nomenquisat least not for skinning
18:07.50kasome too
18:08.10seebsI know that, back before autoloot was in the interface, shift-click autolooted, click and then hold shift didn't.
18:08.41nomenquisbut it works for skinning just fine
18:08.51kasoperhaps skinning is an exception not a rule
18:08.56seebsThere may just be unreliability in the autoloot, too; a couple times recently, I was disenchanting bags of stuff, and the first thing in a batch would autoloot, but then it wouldn't anymore.
18:09.08seebsOh, doh!
18:09.12seebsSkinning would be an exception.
18:09.25seebsWhen you mine, you're opening a container, but the object isn't actually being placed in the world.
18:09.44seebsWhen you skin, the objects are actually placed in the corpse, and then a separate loot action is generated.
18:09.47kasoaah, i see what you mean
18:09.55kasoyes, that makes sense
18:09.59seebsYou can tell because, if you don't take the skinned items, they're still sitting there and other people can take them.
18:10.04kaso:< so itll only work for skinning
18:10.12seebsI think so.
18:10.19seebsSkinning or opening chests, I guess.
18:10.27seebsOh, wait.  Probably not chests.
18:10.27kasowell isnt opening chests the same as mining
18:10.34IndustrialIm making an addon to show lines on the screen
18:10.38Corrodiasthus, if you're just grinding up your skinning skill and don't care about the skins, you can leave them lying there for other people to pick up if you want
18:10.38Industrialto align shit
18:10.54seebsIt's sort of inbetween.  The item is already in the world, so there isn't a need to separate the loot from the open.
18:10.59Industrialbut as usual, scaling doesnt want to cooperate with me.
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18:11.45kasoIndustrial, what am i seeing
18:11.53Industrialkaso: two lines, red.
18:12.00Industrialkaso: and the chat output
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18:12.15kasook, what does this all mean?
18:12.52Industrialit means that the output isnt my screen resolution, and I have no idea how to place more lines exactly in the middle of the middle of those two lines
18:14.19IndustrialI cant make it like:
18:14.30qw`I need some help from you guys. I stopped playing a while back and was using DAB as my bar manager, and I sorely miss some of its functionality (as DAB is broken in its current state).
18:14.34qw`I need my bar manager to do this: When I press 'Q' I want three bars to change pages. When I press SHIFT+2 I want bar #2 to be focused. If I then press '2' on my keyboard I should address the second button on bar #2. If I press SHIFT+1 I should focus on bar #1 and if I then proceed to press '1' I should trigger the first button on bar #1. Any bar mods that can do this for me?
18:15.01Industrial(or any number of lines really.. once you know the size you can just keep halving it)
18:15.02seebsI am not sure.  This sounds like something that's flirting with the edges of what's allowed in 2.x.
18:15.42seebsI think that changing bindings during combat is currently prohibited.
18:15.56Industrialyou can do it with trhe secure headers
18:16.07Industrialbut i dont know of n addon that works like that
18:16.14qw`Oh god so I have to go back to clicking stuff with my mouse?
18:16.18seebsIt's a neat idea.
18:16.39seebsI just use function keys and extra function keys.
18:16.46Industrialqw`: by all means no. try a different setup?
18:16.58seebsI do like the paired key combos notion, though.  It's a good idea, as "two keys" is probably still faster than a mouse.
18:17.16Industrialim now using 1-12, swaps on stance/stealth/form and to bar 2/3/4 with shift/alt/ctrl held.
18:17.30seebsNow I have this notion that it would be really fun to implement an emacs mode.
18:18.02seebs"Hellfire:  C-x C-c"
18:18.04qw`Industrial - I have perfected my setup, I don't know of any other ways to minimize clutter on my interface yet make nine buttons (SHIFT, Q, E and 1,2,3,4,5) adress 50 buttonslots
18:18.23qw`And all with maximum three keypresses
18:18.47Industrialyou could learn lua and make your own? >_>
18:18.58qw`I -am- considering it :P
18:20.31seebsIt's a very interesting layout.  You probably save more on physical locality than the extra presses cost.
18:21.07MikmaIndustrial: nice lines O_O
18:21.33IndustrialMikma: yeah doesnt work yet
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18:28.20Flaska(Uptime: 5h 24m 19s)
18:28.33FlaskaI hate this irc x(
18:28.43kasoxchat is lovely
18:28.46kasouse that :>
18:29.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (n=jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
18:30.43Scre3mi use naim,
18:30.57Scre3mits nice and discrete for work usage :)
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18:31.44Corrodiasi don't know how to play this "new pandemic" game
18:32.37kasoThe best message dialog ever:
18:33.50hasteOni also pops that one under wine
18:34.03Flaskakaso what is that? =P
18:34.16kasotrying to get halo working under wine as haste said
18:34.23kasoi just love it, Error: Success!
18:34.40hasteTry without sound enabled, that's what fixed Oni (and a Windows XP support patch)
18:35.08Flaskaahh =D I was searching for anything I could understand among the IDxDIAGContainerImp etc
18:35.20kasoive got it working in fullscreen (at least the intro played) but im trying to get it working on Windowed mode
18:35.29kasoits moaning about my color depth
18:35.35Flaskawhat linux version?
18:35.41Flaskaand what linux?
18:35.47kasoubuntu edgy eft
18:36.05CorrodiasMr_Rabies! HELP!
18:36.15FlaskaI tried linux alot, but it just didn't work
18:36.37Flaskaslackware though
18:37.35Corrodiasrabies, educate me
18:37.42Corrodiasthis pandemic game, very mysterious
18:37.53Mr_Rabies2hit the instructions butan
18:37.56Mr_Rabies2receev bacon
18:37.58Corrodiashow are points earned? it does not explain!
18:38.12Mr_Rabies2more infected/dead
18:38.16Corrodiashow much more
18:38.27Mr_Rabies2hit go a few times and you'll start racking up points
18:38.31Mr_Rabies2as the virus spreads
18:42.56Corrodiaswhat is the "visibility" stat?
18:43.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Work (
18:43.12Corrodiasyou want to reduce the nonlethal symptoms so that people will pass it on, right?
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18:44.48Corrodiasorgan failure = good, sneezing = bad?
18:44.49Mr_Rabies2and you want to keep visibility low without hurting infectability
18:45.07Mr_Rabies2once every country has infected people
18:45.09Corrodiashere's speculation:
18:45.16Mr_Rabies2then pile on the lethality
18:45.24Corrodiasif you have Airborne, then is Sneezing a good thing to have?
18:45.33Mr_Rabies2i'm thinking so, not sure really
18:45.46Mr_Rabies2all i know is immune system and anticoagulant seem to help decently
18:46.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Loxara (n=Loxara@
18:46.58Flaskahaha what are you guys talking about?
18:47.45LoxaraI have a macro question if anyone can help me out.  Is this the right place to ask such questions?
18:48.07LoxaraWell, I was wondering if something like this is possible.  I know this code is broken, but you get the idea
18:48.59Loxarai.e. based on my toons health/mana cast a spell
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18:49.13sysraegintelligent casting is impossible
18:49.39Loxaraeven in script?
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18:50.27Corrodiasdepends on how intelligent you're talking, here
18:50.49Corrodiasbut based on how much mana you have, no.
18:50.54Flaskamr rabies are you the author of pandemic? =)
18:50.56Corrodiaser, yes. impossible.
18:51.06Mr_Rabies2i just linked it a while back
18:51.08Corrodiaswhy do people keep asking if we're the authors of things? >_<
18:51.22TC_Workingbeacuse you ppl are
18:51.25Mr_Rabies2i'm far too lazy and far too unskilled at programming to write anything worth using
18:52.16Flaskahow do I play it?
18:52.23Flaskawhat do I need to click?
18:54.01Flaskajust "go" until I get a new "talent point" or? =)
18:54.29Corrodiasread instructions and then... yeah, you need to "go" until you get a few points to spend on new uh talents
18:55.18Corrodiasaw, they shut down public transit on me
18:57.46Flaskawhat is moisture lol
18:58.25Corrodiaswater, in any form
18:58.36Corrodiaswell, liquid or gas, anyway
19:01.04Mr_Rabies2public transit is only a minor nuisance
19:01.13Mr_Rabies2the airports
19:01.13Flaskaover 50% of human population dead xD
19:01.27Mr_Rabies2that's where the real cross coutnry stuff happens
19:01.43Corrodiasi saw a green flash on an airport, but no indication of a change
19:01.48Corrodiaswhat does it mean, i mean?
19:01.57Mr_Rabies2means they came from that airport
19:02.00*** part/#wowi-lounge Loxara (n=Loxara@
19:02.05Mr_Rabies2and the red flash is where they went
19:02.30Flaskahey btw, when does it end?
19:02.37Mr_Rabies2when everyone dies
19:02.43Corrodiasor at 200 days
19:02.48Mr_Rabies2that too
19:02.50Flaskaah nevermind
19:03.05Flaska6 k score first try
19:04.19qw`seebs - my parents came on a ninjavisit. Any idea if a current barmod is able to do this or do I have to start reading on the hell that is LUA?
19:05.06qw`and if I have to, where can I read the speccs on the language?
19:05.07seebsI don't know of any current mods that could do it.
19:05.26seebsFWIW, lua is an excellent scripting language; the hard part is Blizzard's sorta hacked together UI.  Lua is fine.
19:05.43Flaskalua is not fine =P
19:05.44seebsCan you program in any other languages?
19:05.56qw`Yeah, I'm an enterprise java programmer and fluent in C/C++
19:06.03seebsYou should have no trouble with it.
19:06.16seebsIt's a small scripting language with fairly flexible data types.
19:06.43qw`what about API documentation and IDE integration?
19:06.47seebsBlizzard doesn't help you much on namespace, what with frames being global and so on, so there's a real need to be wary of namespace pollution, but it's not too bad.
19:06.56seebsSee  I have no idea about any IDEs.  I never use them.
19:07.09WobinFlaska: If you don't like the language, don't use it =P
19:07.19seebsAddon development was what motivated me to get WoW running under Wine so I could use native development tools.
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19:07.29seebs"vi AnnoyRP.lua; make install"
19:07.56qw`:D but does VI support lua code highlighting?
19:08.01FlaskaWobin: I don't dislike the language, I just say it could be better =P
19:08.11Wobinmore like php?
19:08.29WobinI just say you don't know the language well enough
19:08.46sysraegsaying yuck about php is the same thing
19:08.58Wobinalright, I'll give you that
19:09.02Wobinto a certain point
19:09.06qw`does WoW support Lua 5.1 or does it use an older version?
19:09.09WobinI've used php extensively
19:09.16Wobinand I still don't like it
19:09.36WobinBut I find lua quite elegant in some usage
19:09.44Wobinand downright nifty in others
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19:10.13seebsWoW switched to 5.1 recently.
19:10.20Wobinso to have someone new to lua, take a short look at it on the surface and dismiss it, I find ... uncalled for =P
19:10.27seebsThe version of vi I use has no code highlighting at all, thank God.
19:10.43qw`smooth.. Hm, I guess I'll have to check this out. Where would you recommend me start reading to get a good foundation and hack something together in a short amount of time?
19:10.44seebsI want code highlighting nearly as much as I want a text editor that puts prepositions in green.
19:11.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
19:11.23seebsFor an experienced programmer?  Grab some existing mods and read them.  I recommend WoWI, rather than Curse or UI.WoW, for that; for whatever reason, WoWI seems to have a better idiot filter.
19:11.52WobinFor a good foundation, read Programming in Lua
19:12.07amroPIL is a must read
19:12.34amroit covers lua in general and you will learn a lot more about how it works than by reading code
19:12.49WobinIf you can say you've understood 60% of PIL, I'll give you leave to say whether LUA is a crappy language or not =P
19:13.27qw`:P Ok, I'll start by reading some code now since I don't have PIL. I guess there's some sort of API geared towards WoW?
19:13.27seebsGood point; actually reading the language manual always helps.  :)
19:13.49Flaskaaww =( Shouldn't have done that... speced necrosis before the virus was spread
19:14.13qw`And I guess the reference manual will have to do in the meantime :P
19:15.06FlaskaOK, Im gonna give it a try... How long does it take to read the basic part of lua manual? =P
19:15.21Wobinqw`: The best reference for the WoW API is on
19:15.35WobinFlaska: It depends on how well grounded in programming basics you are
19:16.22WobinSince you know php...
19:16.23seebsqw:  PIL is a web page.
19:16.38seebsAnd yes, wowwiki covers a great deal of the information about the Blizzard API.
19:16.39WobinI'd say, .. read up on Tables
19:16.56Wobinand hit the book around chapter 5 or so
19:16.58Flaskatables seems to be pretty the same as php in syntax
19:17.19Wobinmaybe, but not in usage
19:17.19Flaskapretty much*
19:17.23seebsHey, this may be a dumb question:  Is there either a built-in UI feature, or an addon, that gives tooltips a slight delay?  Even a tenth of a second would be great.
19:18.05seebsI was looking in interface options, but didn't see anything.
19:18.27qw`seebs - only the first edition is available online afaik
19:19.15FlaskaI thought no delay functions were available in lua and macros?
19:19.19seebsThe is probably good enough.
19:19.49seebsWell, it's certainly possible to implement a delay, if you really want; it's just that I'm almost convinced there used to be an option to have standard game tooltips for items delayed a tiny bit.
19:20.12seebsThe problem is that dragging the mouse across the bank is maddeningly flickery.  I'd love to get tooltips that only show up a frame or two after I mouse over something.
19:20.16Corrodiaswell, you can make a "busy wait" delay
19:20.37seebsI think that's what Khaos does for its "/in 3 ..." stuff.
19:21.01Flaskadoesent work
19:21.03Flaskafor me
19:21.12Flaskathe /in x /cast y stuff
19:21.36Corrodiasnow how is it going to spread to Western Europe, i wonder?
19:21.54seebsI don't think it works for /cast.
19:22.07seebsBut I don't care about any in-game events; I just want to have a delay before tips appear.
19:22.44qw`also where in the technology stack does ACE enter the picture? I've seen alot of people talking about ACE as a programmers toolkit, but does it replace anything or just give you a set of tools?
19:22.51amrosimply setting a delay might not work because the tooltip might still show up after the mouse leaves
19:23.33amroqw`: its a set of libraries that perform common actions such as saved variables events etc
19:24.10qw`all right, thanks :P
19:24.33Corrodias80,000 people without an airport or anything, damnit
19:25.15seebsAnd I'm pretty sure there used to be a setting for this.  Hmm.
19:25.19Corrodiasan airport just had a green flash but no corresponding red flash
19:25.37qw`Oh seebs, was it you that mentioned that WoW 2.x might not let me change keybindings during combat?
19:25.46qw`and something about secure header?
19:26.12qw`I just need to know that what I'm trying to do is technically possible so that I don't waste alot of perfectly usable time
19:26.30seebsIn 1.x, there were addons that would do things like "every time you hit this button, the most useful thing is done".  2.x restricts the amount of intelligent logic you can have in a button during combat.
19:26.51qw`Ah must've made alot of people angry and alot of people happy
19:27.08seebsBongos can have keys bound to buttons, and then change which actions are on the buttons in response to a stance shift.
19:27.27bleetahanyone here running under linux and experienced a situation where only auto-attack works, trying any other spell on a mob results in 'friendly target' errors, and the only 'chat' key that works is '/' ? (or hell, even has anyone seen this kinda of weirdness on Win32/MacOS).
19:27.35qw`But can it be triggered by a keypress?
19:27.40seebsSo, you might have to do something where, say, your 1-5 keys are bound to a single set of 5 buttons, and ctrl-1 through ctrl-5 change the icons on the buttons, not which buttons you get, but... It should work.
19:27.46seebsI can't say it definitely can, but it seems likely.
19:28.10seebsBleetah:  No, that sounds very odd.  The closest I've seen is weirdness when mind-controlled by satyrs in felwood.
19:28.28qw`hmm flakey. And I need the buttons on five bars to change on one keypress
19:29.32bleetahseebs: I could almost live with it, except auto-attack works and anything else gives 'friendly target' errors. that bit just freaks me out too much to be ignored
19:29.32seebsWell, Bongos can change the buttons on multiple bars from a single stance change.
19:29.32seebsThat's really odd.  Survives logout?
19:29.33seebsI just haven't seen bars changed based on a keypress.  I ASSUME it's possible, but I haven't seen it done.
19:30.32bleetah*and* to top it off, it's happened when no mods are running, too... so I'm figuring it's not necessarily a mod (although, i guess, it could be some freaky SV hanging around)
19:31.01bleetahprobably something freaky inside wine, as it happens in d3d *and* openGL
19:31.25bleetahinterestingly, when it happens in D3D, if I move at all, I end up with a black screen... OpenGL seems to keep on moving
19:32.00qw`seebs - ok let's say that works, do you think it's possible to hit SHIFT+1 and get buttons [1][2][3][4][5] to be bound to that bars slot 1,2,3,4 and 5, and if I press SHIFT+2 the bindings change to bar #2?
19:32.16bleetahno doubt something buried inside wine, then, but if anyone can recall seeing similar behaviour when playing native... it'd be great if you can let me know. may help tracking this down.
19:33.26seebsThat, I'm not so sure about.  That's what i'm saying about thinking you may have to have shift-1 change which buttons are on a single bar, rather than having it change focus.
19:33.27seebsSo, instead of having 1 change from {Bar 1, Button 1} to {Bar 2, Button 1}, you might have to change which actions is on {Bar 1, Button 1}.
19:33.27qw`Oh but that removes 4 / 5 of my buttons
19:33.29seebsNo, it doesn't.
19:33.41seebsIt just changes the way they look onscreen.
19:34.04seebsIt's logically interchangeable, in terms of number of buttons and how many keystrokes it takes to activate a specific one.
19:34.30seebsIt just means that the "live" bar is always in the same place, rather than being a different bar on screen depending on which shift-number you've hit most recently.
19:34.31qw`But wouldn't this defeat the purpose of limiting application logic?
19:35.14seebsThe key thing is that it's driven by you, not by an addon.
19:35.23qw`Ah I see
19:35.57seebsA button which changes from remove curse to cure disease depending on circumstances, or targets "the first party member who is cursed", is not okay, and probably not possible.
19:36.08seebsA button that changes based on what keys you press is harmless.
19:37.18qw`But I don't think your setup will make the full potential of my setup come out. Because I need to be able to hit Q and have five sets of pages show, then change focus between the bars with SHIFT+[1-5] and hit [1 - 5] to target the different buttons on each bar. When I then hit 'E' all the bars change to a different page, but I'm still supposed to be able to address bar #2 button 4 with SHIFT +2, 4
19:38.12qw`It's kind of three dimensional
19:38.17seebsI am not sure about that last bit; it's the second layer of toggling that's tricky.
19:38.21Corrodiasmore like your mom dimensional
19:38.57qw`If I just wanted to change one bars pages I could just add five pages to the mainbar and be done with it
19:39.13seebsYeah.  Well, I'm not sure.  You might try in the UI&Macros forum, it's an interesting question.
19:39.52qw`I can't play without this setup :P
19:40.02qw`my warrior is finely tuned
19:40.42qw`It's awesome to not have to use the mouse for anything else than targeting / moving and misc operations and have all the important stuff handled by one hand
19:40.46Corrodiasyou haven't played since 2.0?
19:41.02qw`I haven't played in five months
19:41.12seebsI have to say, it's a really neat idea.  I may have to steal it.
19:41.32qw`I would love you to steal it since then you'd have to make it work :-)
19:41.36seebsHey, I have a thought.
19:41.46bleetah:o intellectual property violation in #wowi! flee! flee! ;) j/k
19:41.53seebsAre Q and E stance related, or anything?
19:41.57Corrodiasinteresting ideas
19:42.21Corrodiasi make do with the standard UI for the action bars, binding numbers, shift+numbers, control+numbers, and control+letters to different bars :/
19:42.23qw`I use the same setup for my mage and for my paladin
19:42.24Corrodiasi don't have enough buttons
19:42.26seebsWhat about setting one set to shift+N, and the other set control+N?
19:42.37qw`ah there comes the second layer of my setup
19:42.41CorrodiasN is way the hell over here, seebs, not by Q and E
19:42.52qw`I have ALT+[1 - 4] bound to "emergency" slots on a different bar
19:42.52seebsNot "N", but "control+1" vs. "shift+1".
19:43.07qw`so they're always accesible no matter what "layer" I'm on in the shifting bars
19:43.13qw`and same with CTRL+[1-4]
19:43.21seebsSo I was thinking maybe "control+1" == "E, shift+1", and "shift+1" == "Q, shift+1".
19:43.30seebsAhh.  That would kill that one.
19:43.39qw`Those are lifesavers
19:44.05seebsYeah, I did something sort of similar; I have a set of 6 panic buttons bound to ctrl+{QWEASD}
19:44.06qw`ALT+1 is really fast to hit so I always put the best one there, like ice barrier or something
19:44.25Corrodiaspanic buttons...
19:44.41Corrodiasi just keep my cool.
19:44.44Corrodiasi'm cool that way.
19:44.52seebsMostly, "buttons I don't want to have to look for".
19:44.55qw`I'm a former quaker, I have to have all my stuff done with the keyboard, and I need to do it fast :P
19:46.45seebsI'm actually a sort of active quaker, which doubtless surprises people occasionally.
19:47.03seebsI think it definitely influences my preferences in UI implementation.
19:47.09KirovI play quake3 at work from time to time.
19:47.16Kirovagainst co-workers
19:47.41seebs<-- was not talking about the video game quake.
19:48.03Kirovseebs - you eat quaker oats?
19:48.11qw`seebs -
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19:48.44Corrodiasyou guys would just HATE my interface
19:48.51Corrodiasit looks too default and it's very crowded
19:49.08MalivilI can see why you like it >.>
19:49.37qw`that's the old old version of my interface, but it shows the five bars I change around and the CTRL+[1-4] and ALT+[1-4] buttons to the left
19:49.54KirovMy interface isn't that far from default apart from using bartender and fubar
19:50.04seebsKirov:  Well, sometimes, but it's unrelated.  :P
19:50.07Kirovbut I have a lot of background functionality
19:50.23MalivilOnly thing default in my interface is the minimap
19:50.31Maliviland bags, but access to the bags isn't default
19:50.33seebsBut for instance, I wrote a mail client for WoW (still debugging) that has no GUI at all.  Just "/sm get expired" or the like.
19:52.30seebsI'm using vBagnon, because it's much simpler than the regular bags.
19:52.37qw`you should try out Sanity
19:52.53KirovI have mixed feelings about Sanity
19:52.56qw`it's like an orgasm in bag form
19:53.16KirovI love it's functionality, but I find Possesions is just as useful with out the ugly interface.
19:53.30KirovI may someday replace my bags with a bag mod.
19:53.36qw`The new Sanity or the old sanity?
19:53.43KirovI have my current bags fairly well organized though.
19:53.46Antiarc|WorkWhat do you find ugly about it, out of curiosity? I'm always looking for ways to make it better.
19:53.50seebsWow.  Sanity does look a lot less annoying than the standard UI.
19:54.32Antiarc|Workqw`: ;)
19:54.34Kirovqw - I was one of the first Sanity users back in the day.  I tried Sanity 2.0 when it showed up, but by that time I'd already converted over to Possestions.
19:55.01qw`Antiarc|Work - hey sweet you made a EngBagish thing for it?
19:55.27qw`what is this Possesions? I have to take a look at it
19:55.31Antiarc|WorkWorking on it. Works off of the Sanity backend, create any number of bags, put things in bags with text filters, as you see at the bottom of some of the bags.
19:56.05qw`Sweet, when you're done with that, would you like to hear out this great idea I have for a bar mod?
19:56.24seebsGotta go, the spouse and roomie want food, and I'm going with them.
19:56.36Antiarc|WorkHeh, sure, but I dunno if I want to do a bar mod :)
19:56.39qw`thanks foryour help seebs
19:56.43seebsNo problem.
19:57.04seebsAntiarc, I'm gonna try out Sanity.  I have a DESPERATE need for bag sorting for my guild banker.
19:57.11seebsWill let you know how it works out.
19:57.13Antiarc|Workseebs: Guild banking is why I wrote it, actually.
19:57.22Antiarc|WorkI was going insane trying to manage mine ;)
19:58.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
19:58.32qw`Possessions looks alot like Sanity, but Sanity looks a ton better and I think I like some of the functionality you added
19:59.09nomenquisdid you ever try arkinventory?
19:59.40Antiarc|WorkI tried Ark, but it annoyed me to a degree.
19:59.49Antiarc|WorkFelt like it was thinking for me, and overriding that was a chore.
20:00.02nomenquisthe only thing that really sucks imo is that it does not auto stack stuff
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20:00.40qw`It looks like EngInv from the brief glance I'm having now
20:01.40seebsI think I tried Ark, but I didn't like it.  I don't remember why; I'm a very fussy player.
20:01.43seebsAnyway, have fun all!
20:02.06Corrodiaswhat are these bag managers of which you speak?
20:02.15Corrodiasi've never really examined them
20:03.01qw`EngInventory is discontinued, but it looked alot like ArkInventory
20:03.23Antiarc|WorkMy only complaint with Eng is that it sucks RAM like nobody's business
20:04.42qw`I will have to write down my concept of a barmod and see if someone with a bit more experience than I have can say if it's technically possible
20:05.20nomenquisseebs, if you just want sorting then try mrplow :)
20:05.31Antiarc|WorkFor what it's worth, you won't be able to change button positions, or the spell attached to a button in combat without an associated stance change.
20:06.00nomenquisantiarc, 'compression coming back soon', i assume it's not implemented / active in the current version?
20:06.13Antiarc|Worknomenquis: It's in - grab the version from
20:06.20Antiarc|WorkI have been lax about updating wowi
20:06.42nomenquisace? nice, starting the ace updater then :)
20:09.17Flaskawhat is too laze to search it up... Can I use it in addons?
20:09.54bleetahFlaska: operating system call, can't use it in WoW
20:10.07Flaskak =)
20:10.10bleetahfilesystem call, really.. but you get the idea I guess :)
20:10.15qw`Antiarc|Work - ah.. What about auras?
20:10.29qw`Is that considered a stance
20:10.44Antiarc|WorkWarrior stances, druid forms, and rogue stealth/unstealth are stances.
20:10.46qw`someone mentioned a secure header?
20:10.46nomenquisantiarc, i know i'm a slacker, but are there predefined categories for stuff in sanity?
20:11.00Antiarc|Worknomenquis: Yeah, the stuff that Blizzard categorizes things as.
20:11.20nomenquisstrange, i have no categories listed at all
20:11.31Antiarc|Worknomenquis: Click the "cat" header to sort by category.
20:11.36Antiarc|WorkIt's in alpha sort at the moment.
20:11.57Antiarc|Workqw`: Yes, you have to build in bars to be driven by a secure header, which allows bar changes on stance changes, but you can't do bar changes without a stance change.
20:12.00nomenquishmm, sorting works. but what is the categories/tags box for at the left side then?
20:12.03FlaskaI don't understand this: "y.x = z" ... Can variable name's have dots in it?
20:12.20Antiarc|WorkCustom tags/categories - I'm omitting the defaults at the moment.
20:12.30Antiarc|WorkFlaska: "y" is a table, and "x" is an index on the table.
20:12.41qw`Antiarc|Work - All right, then I'm properly screwed =/
20:12.59Flaskaso, x.y is the same as x["y"] ?
20:13.04Antiarc|Worky = {}, y[x] = "123", print(y.x) = "123", y.x = "456", print(y.x) = "456", print(y["x"]) = "456"
20:13.08nomenquisi'd love to create a new category by selecting one or more blizzard categories, is this possible somehow?
20:13.10Flaskaok =P
20:13.25foxlitAntiarc: no?
20:13.33Flaskastrange syntax, but very handy =D
20:13.33Antiarc|Worknomenquis: Internally, yes, but I don't have the GUI set up to do it.
20:13.42Antiarc|WorkFlaska: That won't parse, but it demonstrates how it works.
20:13.47Antiarc|WorkConsider it pseudocode.
20:13.50foxlitx=500; y[x] = "123"; y[500] == "123", not y["x"] == "123"
20:14.01Antiarc|WorkYeah, I missed a quote there. :)
20:14.10Antiarc|Worky["x"], not y[x].
20:14.25Antiarc|WorkI got it right later on in the string though! *grin*
20:14.36nomenquistoo bad, this is something i really miss
20:15.20Antiarc|WorkI'm going to see about aliasing categories before too long, but it's been low on the priority list.
20:16.22Flaskais nil the same as null (in php) ?
20:16.39Antiarc|WorkSame idea, different implementation, I believe.
20:17.01Flaskabecause in php: null=false=0
20:17.09nomenquisanother ui suggestion. the categories/tags listbox at the left side, can you make it multiselectable and then only display whats selected there, but without entering something into the search field? its imo more intuitive (i tried to do it a lot of times now) to 'deselect' the category where you selected it instead of pressing clear
20:17.09Flaskaor what?
20:17.48Antiarc|WorkIn php, (null == false) is true, as is (null == 0). In Lua, nil ~= false, and nil ~= 0.
20:18.06Flaska~= ??
20:18.20Antiarc|Work~= is "not equals"
20:18.22purlAntiarc|Work: what are you talking about?
20:18.22Antiarc|Work!=, <>, whatever :P
20:18.31Antiarc|WorkHahah, sorry purl.
20:18.33purlAntiarc|Work: :)
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20:18.36Flaskaso I can use ~=, != and <>`?
20:18.43Antiarc|WorkNo, just ~=
20:18.48Flaskak =O
20:18.57Antiarc|WorkBut it's != in C derivatives, and <> in VB, etc etc :)
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20:19.16foxlitCan always do not (x == y)
20:19.16Antiarc|Worknomenquis: I'll look into doing that. Certainly does make more sense to do it that way. ;)
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20:21.15Corrodiaswowinterface has kind of a strange search system
20:21.25Corrodiasresults seem to be sorted by whatever the hell it feels like
20:21.28kergoths/strange/bad/ :P
20:21.32Antiarc|Workfoxlit: I prefer "((x == y) == false) == true" ;)
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20:25.49Flaskathat look... wierd?
20:26.53Flaskahaha, hard to understand by just looking at it =D
20:27.35Flaska(x~=y) is 19 characters less =)
20:27.47Antiarc|WorkI was being obtuse :D
20:27.55Flaskaok =P
20:30.02FlaskaLOL, this is totally screwed
20:30.04Flaska at list
20:30.11foxlitHm, someone should write a universal addon manager.
20:30.19Flaskactrl f for polyline
20:31.50FlaskaI won't even try to understand that
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20:42.51Corrodiasfoxlit: to manage them in what way?
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20:43.54bleetahfoxlit: I've got something like that at the moment.. problem is it's current dependancies are bash, wget, grep, sed and a *nix-like filesystem
20:44.46bleetahwill soon be migrating it to.. probably qt4. although I'd prefer gtk, the MacOS implementation isn't complete enough yet
20:51.36bleetahoh, and svn and find.. but.. you get the idea
20:59.52Gungineerhi flks
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21:00.06Gungineerdoes anyone here use OneBank?
21:00.17nomenquisi did
21:00.22Gungineerpast tense?
21:00.30Corrodiasfuture tense.
21:01.08Gungineerok.. well i cant get my OneBank to see my 7th bank slot.. is there a fix for this or shall i get a diff mod?
21:01.22nomenquisworked fine for me
21:01.30nomenquisthats all i can tell you :)
21:01.41Gungineerwhere you got it?
21:01.55nomenquisused the latest version available via the ace updater
21:05.16Gungineerhowever i dont use ace :(
21:05.26Gungineerthnx o//
21:07.03KirovIf you use OneBank you use Ace
21:07.56KirovGungineer - Ace Updater just gets the latest files from here If you want
21:07.58IndustrialIs this ugly?
21:08.46qw`Ok I wrote together my proposal for a bar system. Maybe one of you tech savvy guys can figure out if this is possible under WoW 2.x:
21:09.06Cideuse ctscreens instead of imageshack!
21:09.07Cidethat takes like 30 seconds to load
21:09.33KirovCide - that's only because you don't live in a real country!
21:09.42Cidethat's true
21:09.48CideSweden has announced its intention to be the first nation to have an embassy in Second Life, Reuters reports.
21:09.55CideThe virtual consulate - based on the country's new embassy in Washington - will be rather brilliantly known as the "House of Sweden". Olle Wastberg, general director of the Swedish Institute, explained: "It will have answers to questions on all aspects of Sweden."
21:10.25Industrialqw`: remap capslock to be a second ctrl - if you have dinows i have a litle exe that can do this, or a registry change tutorial..., cause the capslock is only good for enetering cdkeys anyway
21:10.31Industrialqw`: just an idea :D
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21:12.16qw`Hmm that would enable me to use 2 x 5 x 5 buttons and still have ALT and CTRL free for emergency buttons
21:12.41qw`But my idea is not technically possible in WoW 2.x?
21:14.50Industrialif the number of buttons you use max is 50 then yes its possible, (they are action ids and you have 120 of them)
21:15.19qw`It's the keybindings and the displaying of the buttons that are the problem
21:15.38qw`I need the keybindings to be dynamic so that I can assign a group of them to a bar / buttonbar or whatever you would call it
21:16.01qw`you get what I need to do from that document I hope, I didn't manage to articulate myself more clearly
21:16.11Industrialyeah i do
21:16.19qw`Kirov -
21:16.34qw`so it IS possible?
21:16.34Industrialproblem is i have failed at making my bars swap with 2.0 just today :D
21:17.07qw`Someone mentioned only thing that will trigger a pageswap is stanceshifting
21:17.25KirovThat would be possible.
21:17.31Industrialno, also modifiers
21:17.37Industrialshift ctrl alt etc
21:17.49KirovHideously complex, but possible.
21:18.03qw`What would be the attack vector Kirov?
21:19.00KirovQuestion one.  If you press shift + 1, 5, 3 does it cast the 5 then 3 actions on bar one?
21:19.26KirovOk, here's the plan of attack then.
21:19.43KirovYour visible buttons and keybound buttons are NOT THE SAME
21:20.05qw`you also understand that I have two sets of bars that swap if I press either Q or E?
21:20.14qw`so that the entire bars change to another set
21:20.40KirovYeah, should also be possible.
21:20.42qw`but still being able to jump around in them with SHIFT+x and buttons 1 - 5
21:20.47Kirovthat step makes it more complex
21:21.16qw`allright, please continue
21:21.45KirovBasically swapping between bars using the shift keys isn't difficult, obviously
21:21.57Kirov(the basic UI does this)
21:22.23qw`yeah, it's when I want another bar collection it gets fishy
21:22.29KirovThe Q and E parts make it a lot harder because you basically have to make a tree of buttons.
21:24.09qw`I kind of visualize it in 3D
21:24.18KirovI think if you wanted to do this with three keys instead of just the Q and E it would actually make it impossible.
21:24.39qw`like Q, E and R ?
21:24.54qw`why is that?
21:25.08KirovQ and E work because you can have a faked on/off toggle setup to do this.
21:26.10qw`how would you go about the business of making the keybindings work on bar collection #1 and then work on bar collection #2 after I press E?
21:26.15KirovBasically you have two buttons of 5.  When you press E each one opens up a sub-button that steals it's parent's keybinding for a moment.
21:26.29KirovQ would close these "menu"s
21:26.37KirovE would do nothing
21:27.01KirovBoth sets of 5 buttons are setup using the basic bar swapping that exists already
21:27.22KirovVisually, you'd have to have another set of buttons
21:27.52Kirovq and e would work the same way, opening a "sub menu" button over the existing one.
21:27.55qw`Is this a complex project for someone who's not written a line of LUA?
21:28.48KirovThis is a complex project for someone who _has_ written in Lua and understands wow's api
21:29.24qw`What about three dimensional array that has coordinates to each button location?
21:29.44qw`I'm not sure how that would help actually, but that's how I visualize it in my head
21:30.29KirovThe problem comes from the way secure action buttons and secure state handlers handle keybindings
21:30.41qw`You have X buttons on Y bars that are Z collections deep
21:31.09qw`Yeah that part
21:32.27qw`hm I can offer unlimited use of a 10 / 20mbit hookup for this addon :P
21:36.04qw`But thanks alot for your help. I have saved the logfile and will decide if I want this so bad I teach myself LUA / WoW API
21:36.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Esteth (
21:37.11Estethhey all
21:37.27Estethim making a simple little addon as an extension to cartographer notes, as my first addon
21:37.57EstethI've got ace 2.0, and my menu structure working and so on, but im not sure how id go about calling a function from cartographer from my addon
21:38.46Corrodiasyou just... make the function call
21:39.01Corrodiasensure you have Cartographer as a dependency and Cartographer's functions will be available
21:39.20Corrodiasthat is, your addon will be loaded after it
21:39.28Estethah. how do i make cartographer a dependency?
21:39.34FlaskaDo I need to set a depency to use that addons functions?
21:39.39Flaskavia the TOC
21:39.49Corrodiaslet me put it this way
21:39.51Flaska#Depencies: or something
21:40.17Flaska## Dependencies:
21:40.24Corrodiasyou don't, but if you try to call a function that hasn't been defined (that is, if you call a Cartographer-made function, but Cartographer hasn't been loaded yet), your addon's code will be halted by the Lua engine for having an error
21:40.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
21:40.35FlaskaIt would look like this:
21:40.43Flaska## Dependencies: Cartographer
21:41.05Flaskain the YourAddon.toc
21:41.07Estethokies, ill try that, and see if it works. i have to restart the client for TOC changes?
21:41.29FlaskaI think so
21:41.43Flaskabut not lua/xml changes
21:41.52Flaskathen you can ./console reloadui
21:42.46Estethit doesnt crash, but it doesnt do anything
21:43.11Estethwell, it shows my menu structure thing, but it wont execute the function, or the function does nothing
21:44.07Esteth is my LUA
21:44.49Esteth(the pastey, not my addon)
21:46.11Corrodiasyou can't call a nil function
21:46.23Corrodiasit will halt the script, saying it tried to reference something that is nil.
21:46.56Estethim calling a nil function?
21:47.16Cidenil("hi")   ? :)
21:47.57Estethi cant see that :S
21:51.40Estethwell, the function gets called. so its down to these two lines:
21:52.30Corrodiasi mean
21:52.45Corrodiasif i were just to write a lua script that contained the line... EatAtJoes();
21:52.53Corrodiasthere is no EatAtJoes and i haven't defined one myself. it's nil.
21:53.14Corrodiasnever mind that there's an Eat At Joe's addon. it hasn't been loaded yet, so the function doesn't exist.
21:53.31Estethoh. so Cartographer or Cartographer notes havnt been loaded yet
21:53.41Corrodiasit's possible
21:53.48Corrodiasthe only way you can be sure is to make it a dependency
21:54.20EstethCartographer is a dependancy. Cartographer Notes is a module inside the cartographer folder, so it should be part of cartographer
21:54.24Corrodiasnow, if your addon can function without cartographer, you want to make it an optional dependency. if it exists, it'll load before yours, but if it doesn't exist, yours will still load.
21:54.56Corrodiasyeah, notes is within cartographer, although it has a separate addon for noteshare or whatever
21:55.17Estethwell, its an extension for cartographer really, so its a "real" dependency
21:57.42*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
21:58.14Estethok. im getting the info from Cartographer:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
21:58.38Estethbut Cartographer_Notes:OpenNewNoteFrame(x, y) is either not working, wrong, or i misread the description
22:00.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Karrion (
22:01.50TainHBO is doing a Song and Fire and Ice series.
22:02.09SstixrudHas anyone noticed that summoning mage water or drinking potions unsides all Actionbars
22:02.28Sstixrudor at least unhides my actionsbars :)
22:03.30Sstixrudhas something to do with slotchange event I think
22:03.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
22:05.04Sstixrudwoops, I mean unhides buttons on visable frames.. not unhides frames :)
22:08.10Flaskax = 1;y=2;z=x..y; or what?
22:08.16FlaskaI don't get what .. is
22:09.23Flaskaits like "string1".."string2" is "string1string2" ir what?
22:10.43Flaskaare you people dead? =D
22:11.16Corrodiaswow, 54 bank/bag addons and i've never seen any of them
22:12.30Corrodiasi can't believe i've already been awake for over 4 hours and haven't been in WoW yet
22:13.47Flaskastring1 = "123" and string2 = "456", and string3 = string1..string2 , when string3 equals to "123456" or what?
22:14.45Corrodiasi believe so
22:15.41FlaskaI just saw the first good thing with lua =)
22:15.47Flaskavariable swapping
22:17.18CorrodiasTBag sounds cool...
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22:17.24Corrodiasvariable swapping?
22:17.33Flaskaa, b = b, a
22:17.41Flaskano such thing in php =)
22:17.49Corrodiasno such thing in Java, either
22:18.18FlaskaIn php I have to make a function if I want to use it often or use a third var =/
22:18.32Corrodiasso that's like.. a shortcut to: do; local c = b; b = a; a = c; end; ?
22:18.53*** join/#wowi-lounge tingle (
22:19.06tinglekaso you there?
22:19.53Corrodiasi don't think it's even possible in java because of scope and everything being passed to functions by reference
22:20.18Corrodiasalthough something.a could be switched with something.b
22:20.46axxoin java everything is passed by value
22:21.00Flaskajava sux =D
22:21.06Flaskano offence
22:21.29Flaskatotally object oriented, not my style =)
22:21.33Corrodiaswhat? only primitives pass values as arguments
22:21.44axxono everything is passed by value
22:21.53Corrodiaswhat java are -you- using?
22:21.57Flaskayou give me headache
22:22.03Karrionwell, everything is passed by value, but the values are object references
22:22.07axxoCorrodias: go read up on it
22:22.17axxoKarrion: ssh don't rune it
22:22.25Corrodiasindeed. you get a copy of the pointer, not a copy of the object.
22:22.33axxostill passed by value
22:22.47tingle i got a problem, some quests you accept 2 times with the same name, then it calles the function of the first quest info and stuff.. basicly i have triggers double, (down at the teldrasil part)...
22:23.18Corrodiasif you will say things are passed by value, then i will say that everything in java is C/C++ because the VM uses .dll's.
22:23.25Flaskaoh my
22:23.43Corrodiasthe windows one, anyway
22:23.51tinglehow can i fix this problem, ive tried triggering a differnt quest accepted or completed, but at some times i cant to that.
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22:24.29axxoyou're clueless we'll leave it at that
22:24.45Corrodiasi wonder if there's a way to identify quests other than their titles, then
22:25.05tinglethere isnt sadly
22:25.18tingleor better said i dont know...
22:25.53tinglebecause the only event i could find was CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM
22:26.45tingleany ideas
22:27.03tinglebecause i cant keep on codeing the guide unless i figure out a salution
22:27.48Corrodiasaxxo is a poopie head
22:27.57Karriontingle: no idea whether it's possible, but what about hooking the quest log window and grabbing the text of the quest/objectives
22:28.22tingleid have to rewrite everything O_O
22:29.39tingledamm this sux
22:29.51Karrionyou could still drive it from the chat event, but when you get the event, step through the quest log for one of that title and take a hash of the text
22:30.36tinglei dont know how to do stuff like that, im a leveler and not a coder, the most of the lua kaso did for me
22:33.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie|Work (
22:33.03Tierrie|Workhey poopyheds
22:34.07TC_Workingtry poopyheads
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22:36.56tingleand why doesnt he say shitheads, or is foul language not permitted in this channel :D
22:37.14Cairenntingle: watch your fucking mouth, asshole
22:37.16steev64hey all, i havea local f = CreateFrame("Frame",name) \nf:EnableMouse(true)\nf:RegisterforDrag("LeftButton") - but, when I click on my frame, its not draggable - am I missing something?
22:37.32TC_Workingpoopyheads is more childish...fits in much better
22:37.39Cairennhehehehe, there is that
22:37.44tingle:D that wasnt meant twards you guys :P
22:38.01Cairenntingle: btw, I wasn't actually meaning that, in case you missed the joking around part of it
22:38.14tinglei used to call my brother fuckface, i sorta liked that word :D
22:38.44tinglecoz for some reson i always cought him  jacking off ~~
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22:38.54Cairennin general, most folks don't "swear" a lot in here, but there is nothing that says you can't
22:39.11TainFuck yeah!
22:39.22Cairennprofanity as every second word is a bit much, but meh
22:39.48TC_Workingbut every 3rd word is perfectly fine
22:39.51tingleas long as this channel doesnt turn into a flaming contest :D
22:40.21tingleoh so ozzy ozborns way of putting things is perfectly fine? "fuck you you fucking fuck"
22:40.37tingleill never forget when he said that
22:41.13tingleyou guys remember the mtv show "The Ozzborn Family"?
22:41.14Cairennsteev64: hang in there, they will get over their foul language discourse eventually and then maybe someone will be able to give you a hand ;)
22:41.24TC_Workingno, the best one was the line from boondock saints
22:41.26TC_WorkingRocco: Fucking... What the fuck. Who the fuck fucked this fucking... How did you two fucking fucks...
22:41.27TC_WorkingRocco: fuck!
22:41.27TC_WorkingConnor: Well, that certainly illustrates the diversity of the word.
22:42.16steev64Cairenn: eh, i work for a content filtering company, im used to it, kids will be kids
22:42.28tinglei remember when ozzy looked as his dog pounding the side of the coutch and he said: What the fuck you fucking fuck piece of fucking dogshit.
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22:42.46tinglethen he ganked him
22:43.33tingleand his wife comes in the door, "Ozzy you just owned my dog" and ozzy says: "Fucking horde needs to stop fucking my furniture"
22:44.16*** join/#wowi-lounge AndyG (
22:44.16foxlitFrame:SetToplevel(false) -- what's that in XML? :)
22:46.18tingle*boo hoo* /sniff*
22:46.30Sstixrudfoxlit question for you.. are you aware of a bug/feature that causes action buttons that have been :Hide() to reappear after summon water or plauer aura's?
22:46.46tingleim horny and my girls sleeping naked not 2 feet beside me... -.- life sucks
22:47.34foxlitNo, I'm not.
22:47.36Sstixruddrinking the summon water also causes it :)
22:47.40Cairenntingle: that, otoh, is definitely getting into the TMI category
22:47.40foxlitUse the default UI for bars :)
22:47.44Sstixrudtrying to figure out how to supress it
22:48.07TC_Workingto mich info
22:48.10Cairenntoo much info
22:48.11CorrodiasTBag is already starting to irritate me a little
22:48.19Mr_Rabies2just a bit
22:48.24tingleoh well...
22:48.47tingletime to smoke a cig and gank some horde useing lobies
22:49.00TC_Workingit could have been worse Cairenn, it could have been in the WTMI catagory
22:49.01tingleget this anyone ever hear of this gank
22:49.25Mr_Rabies2i'd like to recommend this for you, tingle:
22:49.58tinglei have all of the evangelion on my computer
22:50.08tinglewith a bunch of other animes
22:50.10Sstixrudits bad enough finding and fixing my bugs let alone working around blizzards
22:50.34Mr_Rabies2if you've seen end of eva, you'd understand while i was referring that to you
22:50.35Karriontingle: you could try this to get the text of a quest:
22:50.42Karrioncompletely untested of course
22:51.00tingleyou a level 70 rogue, go stealth - have a level 10 lobie of your fraction stand out near horde, when they attack him you gank the horde *woohoo fun* (btw horde territory)
22:52.04tingleKarrion: would that mean i have to redo all my quest triggers...
22:54.18tinglehehe my christmas present came today my girlfried ordered before christmas... a one and a half handed sword, ^^
22:54.47tinglebetter said a long-sword
22:54.55TainMaybe if the last guy who had it wasn't so clumsy he'd still have two hands.
22:55.04zenzelezzOld Hillsbrad owns :-o
22:55.16tingle*time to visit my old teachers hrhr* j/k
22:56.09Karrionyou'd have to add to the trigger... you'd call that after the quest was accepted to find the text, and use the text to determine which stage you were on... so you'd just have to add a field to your quest description structure with some kind of signature of the text
22:56.49KarrionI'm assuming that the quest is available in the log immediately on receipt of the event... this may not be true though
22:57.07Sstixrudbah! this button:Show() bug seems to be triggered after EVERY event has already fired
22:59.25Sstixrudis there an e-mail address/place where addon authors can report bugs?
23:00.45CairennI can get them into the hands of the right people
23:01.05Cairennalthough depending on the "bug", you can just post it in the Blizz UI forum
23:01.33Cairennjust make sure you put [Bug] or [Slouken] or some such in the title, so he is sure to read it
23:01.58Cairennif it's more in the way of a possible exploit, don't post it, send it to me, I'll forward it along
23:02.03Sstixrudcairenn - well in this case a visable SecureActionBarFrame that contains buttons that have been :Hide() will get :Show() during certain events.  For example summon water, or drinking summon water.
23:02.41SstixrudAlso when getting on a mount
23:02.53Sstixrudperhaps on-loot as well
23:03.48Sstixrudits going to make the mod I am writting cumbersome because instead of just updating button status in real time I have to save previous states so I can take into account my work around for this "bug"
23:04.17Cairennif it's a non-exploitable *bug*, post it on the forum (if you are EU, PM me on WoWI and I'll post it for you), if it can be exploited, send me the details and I'll pass them along (if you can provide a working code example for them to look at, so much the better)
23:04.35Sstixrudand at best my workaround re :hide()'s the bug 75% of the time and for the other 25% it is :Alpha(0) and :Disabled :|
23:05.16Corrodiasi'm not sure if i like TBag or not. it sure sorts things in a convenient way, but sometimes there are things i want sorted another way. maybe i can set those up manually.
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23:08.55Tierrie|WorkCoordias: you write bongos?
23:08.59Tierrie|Workits someone with a C in their name :P
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23:09.56cladhaireBongos is Tuller
23:09.57Tierrie|Workmaybe it was cladhaire
23:10.07cladhaireSee, I knew you were going to ping me next
23:10.12Tierrie|Workdamnit :P
23:10.12cladhairehad to head you off at the pass =)
23:10.18Tierrie|Workyou write BT3 right?
23:10.32Tierrie|Workno tuller on this network :(
23:10.56cladhaireno, I don't write BT3
23:11.05cladhaireNot everyone idles in this channel 24x7 =)
23:11.07Tierrie|Workawesome, I am 0 for 4
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23:22.47MoonWolftierrie why don't you look in the toc file, forum topic or wiki for the author(s) of BT3
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23:23.05foxlitMm, clique bug.
23:23.32foxlitIf you get a new spelltab while running, it doesn't compensate for the button's position in the spellbook
23:24.09cladhairethat's barely a bug
23:24.10cladhairebut yes =)
23:24.15foxlitDisplay issue :)
23:26.59Corrodiasgiving all your epics to me is barely a bug for me!
23:48.08Tierrie|Workhey clad, was it possible to open the spellbook prior to clique?
23:48.44Tierrie|Workuh, in combat I mean
23:49.17cladhaireand it still is.
23:52.11Tierrie|Workneed to figure out what's blocking it from showing up then

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