irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070129

00:02.32Grollhmm if i wanted to target player 2 in my party with a macro and then cast a heal what would that be?
00:05.09tinglewhy doesnt this work
00:05.18tingledidnt i do it right?
00:06.11tinglecoz i get a error
00:06.56tingleany help please
00:09.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
00:11.19seebsTingle:  What error do you get?
00:12.54seebsIs it a complaint about IsVisable()?
00:12.55tinglesomething about...
00:13.00seebsIf so, try "IsVisible()".
00:13.03seebsSpelling counts.
00:13.36tingleattempt to index gobal
00:13.45Cairennas does capitalization
00:14.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Haggis41 (
00:14.34*** part/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
00:14.40*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
00:15.05Haggis41evening all, is this a good place for cosmos questions before I blurt any out?
00:15.15tinglewell why am i getting this error
00:16.18seebsHaggis:  Probably #cosmostesters would be better.
00:16.29tingleseebs cant u help me
00:16.32seebsTingle:  Well, the most obvious thing is that you have at least one spelling error, which would prevent the code from running.
00:17.00Haggis41thanks seebs
00:17.10seebsAssuming you have a frame somewhere named MainFrame2_Frame, that's the only thing I see off the top of my head.
00:17.50seebsWell, then, fix the spelling error, for one thing.  :)
00:17.55seebsOff questing now.
00:18.14tinglethere is no spelling error
00:18.22*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
00:18.33KirkburnBtw, Tyra Banks versus WoW (talk show):
00:21.50seebsTingle, the code you posted has a spelling error.
00:22.03tinglethis is the error im getting attempt to index global 'MainFrame2_Frame' (a nil value) and this is the lua :  and this is the xml:
00:22.08seebsIf that's not the code you're running, then the problem is that you showed us the wrong code.
00:22.58seebsHmm.  The error you quote here refers to "Frame" (mixed case), but the code and XML both use "FRAME" (all uppercase).
00:23.27seebsIn any event, "IsVisable()" is still wrong.
00:24.13*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
00:24.27tinglethe error i quated is uppcrase i misstyped
00:24.43tinglewhy is isvisable rong
00:24.54zenzelezzbecause it just isn't spelled that way
00:24.56zenzelezzit's Visible
00:25.04tingleon wikki its :IsVisible()
00:25.22zenzelezzand Visable is not the same as Visible
00:26.09tinglewell i fixed it and still tehe same error
00:28.32tingleok this is the exact error Interface\AddOns\TAPLG\TAPLG.lua:2: attempt to index global 'MainFrame2_FRAME' (a nil value)
00:28.38seebsHmm.  Well, now we have the question of why MainFrame2_FRAME wouldn't be valid.  You declared it in the XML.  Are there any warnings or errors in the XML parser log?
00:28.54seebsAnd what's line 2 of your file, is that the first line of the function?
00:29.48tinglethis is the error
00:29.49tingle1/29 01:18:47.812  Loading add-on TAPLG
00:29.49tingle1/29 01:18:47.812  ** Loading table of contents Interface\AddOns\TAPLG\TAPLG.toc
00:29.49tingle1/29 01:18:47.812  ++ Loading file Interface\AddOns\TAPLG\TAPLG.xml
00:29.49tingle1/29 01:18:47.812  Interface\AddOns\TAPLG\TAPLG.lua:2: function arguments expected near 'then'
00:32.24tinglethe second line is if MainFrame2_FRAME:IsVisible() then
00:34.54tingleseebs still there
00:35.30seebsYeah, but sorta working on my own stuff.  Hmm.
00:36.12tinglewell you started something with me and id sorta like to get this to work because im out of ideas whats wrong
00:36.23seebsNothing else is jumping out at me.  I always put ()'s around my conditionals, but that's just because I'm a C programmer.
00:36.27seebsI'm not really very good at lua.
00:37.18tinglewhat does the error attempt to index global mean
00:37.29Nom-I'm writing something in VBA at the moemnt
00:37.42Nom-I got so pissed off the other day because it wouldn't accept my if condition
00:37.53Nom-turns out is has a cry when you put it in brackets
00:38.16Nom-and wtf kind of language uses '=' as a comparison
00:38.21Nom-That's assign, not compare
00:38.47zenzelezzthey have a funky not-equal too
00:39.55TainJust saw a guild called <The Colbert Nation>  I wonder if they're inviting!
00:41.46tinglecant someone tell me whats wrong with this
00:42.33kasoVisible is spelt wrong
00:42.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (n=BuM@
00:43.27tingleyea i fixed that
00:43.45tinglewait the button works, but i have the same function under onload that gives me a error
00:43.54kasowhich error
00:44.34tingleInterface\AddOns\TAPLG\TAPLG.lua:2: attempt to index global 'MainFrame2_FRAME' (a nil value)
00:45.11kasook, where is MainFrame2_FRAME defined? its it defined properly?
00:45.52tinglethis is the xml
00:47.14kasook, you're fiddling with MainFrame2_FRAME inside of MainFrame1_FRAME's OnLoad
00:47.25kasothat gets called before MainFrame2_FRAME is even created
00:48.19tinglewhat to change
00:49.29kasoI guess you should move Detail_OnClick() from where it is to an OnLoad tag inside MainFrame2_FRAME
00:51.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
00:52.16tingleok now no error but the onload Detail_OnClick() doesnt do it
00:52.28tinglei mean it isnt run onload
00:54.59kasoThen youve done something wrong
00:56.16tinglek doesnt matter i removed it from onload
00:59.33*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
01:13.52Mr_Rabies2Kirkburn: you there?
01:14.12Mr_Rabies2umum quick clearfont question
01:14.33Mr_Rabies2what's the difference between clearfont and clearfont 2, other than the 2 :O
01:14.44zenzelezzthere's also a space
01:15.23KirkburnIt has in-game options
01:15.24Mr_Rabies2turn off taurahe and get back to orcish :O
01:15.51Mr_Rabies2oh okay, are you maintaining both or just 2 now
01:16.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Radiance_ (
01:16.34Radiance_Can I use a variable to show a certain form?  as in variable:Show()
01:16.38Mr_Rabies2i want to test them out and wasn't sure if there was like some kind of reason both were on the ace SVN, like 2 was in beta still or something
01:16.42KirkburnBy the Grombolar, just 2
01:17.25Mr_Rabies2taurahe should show up as "Moo moo. Moo, moo moo-moo-moo moo. Moooooo.
01:17.27Kirkburn2 is still /kinda/ beta, haven't spent much time on it recently.
01:17.37Mr_Rabies2er close that quote wherever
01:17.48*** part/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
01:18.27KirkburnI've got bored of it again, lost interest in stuff :P Like, er, Uni too
01:19.20Mr_Rabies2if you're not doing it for fun, don't do it :p
01:19.25KirkburnThe taurahe name for tauren is "Shu'halo"
01:19.31Mr_Rabies2shoe halo
01:19.44KirkburnI have spurts of inspiration
01:19.58Sstixrudhrm.. I can't figure out why is report debuffType the same as debuffName... Any ideas?
01:20.45KirkburnI find it hard to concentrate on stuff that's not interesting me (which includes my Uni course, which isn't the best =) But, hey, I've got Family Guy and American Dad! to keep me company ...
01:21.05zenzelezzwhat about BC?
01:21.22Kirkburn<-- level 64. That should answer that question. =)
01:21.33zenzelezznot really
01:21.44KirkburnIt does for normal people :P
01:22.11*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (n=jnwhiteh@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
01:22.11*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
01:22.13Radiance_can I "run" a variable?
01:22.13zenzelezzit could mean you like to not rush it; that you don't have much time to play; blah blah blah
01:22.18Sstixrudkaso - u got a second to look at something and inform me where my error is :)
01:22.48Nom-WTB way to level heaps quicker
01:23.05Radiance_can I do: function variable:Show() ?
01:23.49Kirkburnzenzelezz, I guess a WoW channel wasn't the best place to try and impress by saying I'm level 64 :P It's impressive given the amount of time I've had to play it
01:24.00zenzelezzokay :-)
01:24.26KirkburnI love knowing where all the mobs and quests are now ;)
01:24.46Mr_Rabies2i'm 65 and i'm a NEET, pretty much :p
01:24.58zenzelezzI should go back to HH and see if /1 is still about "expedition point" and "first aid trainer plz??"
01:25.02KirkburnThe lack of novelty is offset by the knowledge that I'm actually doing it for real this time, and it won't be as bugged to hell :P
01:25.21KirkburnYeah, I had to /leave 1 pretty quickly
01:25.55Nom-My Pally is level 42
01:26.09Nom-I wish I had more time to play
01:26.10KirkburnHey, same as mine
01:26.22zenzelezzmy judgement of distance seems to have deteriorated lately... I've done some pretty bad pulls in the 5-mans :-p
01:26.29Mr_Rabies2i'm one of the guys that turns /1 into barrens chat :p
01:26.30zenzelezzthankfully my guildies take it lightly
01:26.45*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
01:27.36Nom-alliance scum! :D
01:27.56Mr_Rabies2i realize chuck norris has jumped the shark and is no longer funny though
01:28.03zenzelezza few days ago someone on my server hit 70 on their draenei shaman
01:28.09Mr_Rabies2however, your mom jokes, given they make no sense at all, will never get old
01:28.21Nom-Yeah, we've got a 64 Pally on our server too
01:28.28Nom-They're going nuts
01:28.32Sstixrudsigh this should be working :|
01:28.40Nom-That's a 64 BE Pally
01:29.00Nom-Thankfully there's a warrior who has agreed to take us through instances like mad this week
01:29.00Mr_Rabies2"hay guyz is there a rouge trainer here?" "your mom's a rouge trainer"
01:29.02zenzelezzI figured ;9
01:29.05Nom-He hit 70 last night
01:29.26zenzelezzI'm really loving the new 5-mans so far
01:29.31zenzelezzexcellent work on them
01:29.34Nom-Getting *so* much xp from all the old 5-mans
01:29.41Nom-ZF = 170xp a kill
01:29.48Nom-That's with a level 70 in the group
01:29.52zenzelezzgetting so much XP from new 5-mans as well =
01:30.07Nom-Yeah, i'm slowly levelling my mage doing nothing but 5-mans
01:30.13Nom-i burnt most of his rested xp last night
01:30.16Nom-got to 61.5
01:32.20Nom-I'm already up to about 4 days ingame time on my pally tho
01:32.22zenzelezzI swear all the warrior NPCs are wearing Dreadnaught just to emphasise that I didn't get more than two pieces before 2.0 :-|
01:32.36Nom-I was hoping to be almost to 60 by the time i hit 6 days, doesn't look like that will happen :(
01:32.59Nom-lol zenzelezz ... nooone in our guild has any T2/T3 on by the time they hit 70
01:33.05Nom-Well, no T2 at least
01:33.10Nom-I think we only had one T3 warlock :P
01:33.52zenzelezzI started BC as 4 Wrath, 2 Dreadnaught, and a few other pieces (ZG chest/legs, etc)... replaced a bit of it already
01:34.00zenzelezzreally nice rewards/drops
01:34.26Nom-Yah, and once you hit 70 and run the level 70 5-mans you should be able to get a full set of pretty nice gear
01:34.48Nom-I'm looking forward to a full set of FR gear once I hit 70 on my pally
01:34.52zenzelezzso far it's all paladin loot or cloth/leather ;-p
01:34.57KirkburnSomeone on the wiki described the Infinite Dragonflight as a 'rouge' dragonflight earlier :P I didn't think they wore make-up, but who knows ...
01:34.59zenzelezzbut yeah, I know there'll be great stuff
01:35.19zenzelezzhey, dragons want to look good too
01:35.28Nom-lol the funny thing is
01:35.36Nom-pallys want warrior stuff while levelling
01:35.37KirkburnTime waits for no man, but maybe it waits for a tarted-up dragon?
01:35.40Nom-lots of +str ftw
01:35.49Mr_Rabies2btw i typed that wrong on purpose up there
01:36.00tinglegot a question, font string - is there away to keep the text inside of a frame?
01:36.04KirkburnSure you did, suuuuure you did
01:36.38Nom-<cat>Excuse me, wtf ru doin?</cat>
01:36.58*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
01:37.12Nom- <-- for those of you who don't know of that one
01:37.50*** join/#wowi-lounge godzirra (
01:37.52godzirrahowdy folks.
01:38.01tinglewhat does nonspacewrap= do
01:38.15Cairennhahahhahahahaha <cat>
01:38.31godzirraCan anyone point me in the right direction for what I want to do?  All I want to do is remove the graphics from my bags.  (at least at first)
01:38.48godzirraI'm new to UI coding, but I've got a little bit of a clue (just a little =)
01:39.11Nom-godzirra: There's *heaps* of bag mods out there already...what's your eventual goal?
01:39.49godzirraNom-: Believe me, I've looked a -lot-.  Ideally I just want to be able to move them and resize them the way I like.  i.e. If I have a 16 slot bag, I wantto be able to make it 4x4 or 8x2 etc.  
01:40.07godzirraBut removing the graphics so I they take up less room is my good starting point :)
01:40.08Nom-ah, so you don't want a single bag?
01:40.22godzirraI tried a lot of them and I just  dont like those much.
01:40.26Nom-You're wierd *wink*
01:40.33godzirrano, I like being able to organize my stuff
01:40.43godzirrabag 4 is for quest stuff, bag 2 is for potions, etc ;)
01:40.44Nom-Fair enough, I prefer using OneBag
01:41.08Nom-I organise my stuff too, but just in a way that's i have my health pots stacked along the bottom, hearth if top-left ;)
01:41.17tinglecan someone help me out with font string, how can i get the text to stay inside a frame and go down into a new line?
01:41.25godzirraheh.. to each their own
01:41.36godzirraActually, ideal I'd be able to organize my bags by how many slots I have total...
01:41.56godzirrai.e. if i have 4 travellers and my normal pack, I'd have 80 slots, and I could make 2 40 slot containers, 4 20 slots, etc.
01:42.00godzirrabut thats long long down the road
01:42.03godzirrafor now all I want is to remove the graphics ;)
01:44.02godzirraso any suggestions on where to start?
01:45.34tinglewhy dont you get the mod allinoneinventory or what ever its called, it buts all bags into one big bag
01:45.48godzirraHeh. we just went over that... I dont awnt all my bags in one big bag :)
01:46.03Nom-im looking
01:46.10Nom-chances are someone has already done something similar
01:46.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Marcus_Stavchans (
01:46.21godzirrayou would think, but i've been unable to find anything.
01:46.24tingleanyone mind helping me with my problem
01:46.34tinglecan someone help me out with font string, how can i get the text to stay inside a frame and go down into a new line?
01:47.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Marcus_Stavchans (
01:48.42Nom- <-- that's an all-in-one with customizeable grouping
01:49.18godzirralet me check that one out
01:49.27*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
01:50.35Nom-Aside from that, you'd have to modify or replace the actual bag frames
01:50.47Nom-Not a simple task
01:51.00godzirraok, lets start with something easier then
01:51.16godzirrahow hard would it be to show how many arrows/bullets I have left in my quiver, and how many slots available/taken I have left?
01:51.21godzirraand just put it over the quiver?
01:51.35godzirrathere used to be something like that, but i havent seen anything since the new lua came into use.
01:51.48Nom-There's heaps of mods to count bag slots
01:52.04godzirraYeah, but I am more interested in the number of arrows left.
01:52.04Nom-That's just the first one I saw :)
01:52.12Nom-Do you run FuBar ?
01:52.28godzirraoh huh
01:52.30godzirranevermind :)
01:52.44godzirratheres one built into titan too.
01:52.48Nom-FuBar is similar to Titan Bar
01:52.58Nom-That's FuBar running, i have the bag counter at the bottom
01:53.05Nom-The ammo one is turned off because that's my mage :P
01:53.07tingleis there a way to put |n (that makes the text go to the next line) every 44 characters automaticly?
01:53.46godzirraI like the minimap.  What mod is that?
01:53.55Nom-good question :)
01:54.03*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
01:54.05Nom-let me log into my machine at home and i'll find it
01:54.08godzirraI wish there was a mod that let me drag my minimap buttons arod
01:54.23godzirrathats why I finally turned that mod off ( I had it a long tiem ago )
01:54.32godzirrathe minimap buttons floating in space bugs me ;)
01:54.35Corrodiasthere are a few, although i actually hide all the -default- minimap buttons
01:55.13godzirrawhat do those do?
01:55.29CorrodiasCartographer handles hiding the new "world map" button and fubar or its clock plugin hides the night/day icon
01:55.34Nom-That's the mod
01:55.40Corrodiasthsoe hide the zoom buttons, the + and -
01:56.27godzirraI was more specifically talkin about things tha don't have a radius on them
01:56.31godzirralike vendetta mod, ctmod, etc.
01:56.36Nom-I'm using a mod to make the mini map buttons floatable too
01:57.01Nom-ah that's why i use the moveable map buttons
01:57.04godzirrafloatable?  Meaning you can drag all of them?
01:57.05Nom-because of those mods
01:57.23Nom-yeah you can drag any minimap button anywhere on the screen
01:57.27Nom-with that mod
01:57.39Nom-not rico
01:57.54godzirrawhats the name of that onoe?
01:58.07Nom-there's another one i'm trying to find the name of it now
01:58.17Corrodiasmobileminimapbuttons or something?
01:58.37Nom-ricominimap just modifies the frame shape
01:58.45Nom-DetachedMiniButtons lets you move the buttons anywhere you like
01:59.03Corrodiasmost of my UI looks pretty default
01:59.08ThraeDetachedMinimapButtons is the full name
01:59.13godzirrado you look and unlock them?
01:59.32Nom-most of them you just drag
01:59.41Nom-there probably is a method to lock them, but i've not looked for it
01:59.53ThraeYou drag through left-click
02:01.47Nom-there we go
02:01.50Nom-there is an option to lock it
02:01.57Nom-in the readme
02:02.41tinglenow anyone here abel to help me out with xml, fontstring
02:10.51Nom-I don't think there's anyone about who can help tingle
02:14.02Nom-Apparenlty the air con here has been struck by lightning
02:16.42godzirracant find rico minimap
02:21.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Quetzi (
02:24.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Neuro_Medivh (
02:28.01*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
02:28.33*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
02:28.44*** join/#wowi-lounge tingle (
02:33.05godzirraI foudn it :)
02:33.09Neuro_Medivhgrrr, I just realized my interface, which is the same I was using in Beta, no longer shows numbers on the buttons for cooldown
02:33.12godzirrathanks for all your help ;)
02:33.39Nom-Neuro_Medivh: Bartender3 ?
02:33.56godzirramy buttons dont either. :(  I was using omniCC  but I cant find a non out of date version now
02:34.09godzirraI just install ricominimap
02:34.10godzirraits ... broken
02:34.21Nom-how so ?
02:34.31godzirrait stretches all the way across the top of my screen
02:34.55Nom-do /rmm reset
02:35.09godzirraahh awesomeness
02:35.14godzirramy other buttons disappeared
02:35.17godzirraonly CT is tsill there
02:35.26Nom-drag the map where you want and do /reloadui
02:35.37godzirragot it
02:35.39godzirrathanks :)
02:35.50godzirraminimap broken again
02:35.55godzirrastill only ctmod button
02:37.12Nom-check the config menu
02:37.19Nom-maybe there's an option to hide all buttons or something
02:37.40godzirrathats the first thing I did
02:38.08godzirraI'm more concerned though that every time I reload my UI its stretched across the top of my screen
02:38.15Nom-where did you get the mod from? ?
02:38.25godzirrano, the url you gave me
02:38.33godzirraI googled it, but ended up at the asme place you said to go
02:39.07tingleok heres a lua code how can i use that typ of database with functions and events...? give me a if then else ect. example
02:39.43godzirraafter logging out then back in all my buttons are back, but its still broken
02:39.48godzirrai.e. across the whole top of my screen
02:39.51Nom-hmm there seems to be bugs from the later version
02:39.55Nom-let me see what version i'm running
02:41.11Nom-hmm it's not versioned
02:41.19Nom-try getting 2.3 or 2.3.1
02:41.42Nom-actually 2.5
02:41.46Nom-just before they removed the FuBar stuff
02:42.15Nom-I think the bug changes in 2.6 broke it perhaps, i can't really tell because i'm not at home...can't load it
02:43.39godzirra2.5 is definitely still trying to call fubar stuff
02:43.51godzirraand I dont have fubar.
02:43.53godzirrait broke horribly.
02:44.40Nom-I run FuBar, and not had a problem with it :(
02:44.53godzirraand 2.6.1 is broken the way it was before ( the stretchiness )
02:46.32godzirranope, just wont work for me apparently, unless I want to reset it everytime.
02:46.56Nom-well there's other mods which give a similar frame
02:47.02Nom-simpleminimap is one which i've seen
02:50.34godzirraI'm trying that one now
02:50.48Nom-SMM looks to be your best bet
02:51.00Nom-i'm thinking about using it myself now...looks more simple than Rico :)
02:51.46godzirrahrm... I dont see how to change its shape though to fit in the corner
02:52.02Nom-it's modularized
02:52.49Nom-there's skins to load
02:53.19Nom-try just doing /smm and see if it gives you a list of options
02:53.47godzirraah hah!
02:55.09godzirragot it :)
02:55.17godzirranow just need to figure out how to move coords and turn off the night/day thing nad i'm set.
02:56.27Nom-it seems to be pretty configureable
02:56.30Nom-so you should be fine :)
02:56.38godzirrayeah, its pretty cool
02:57.47tingledo one of you too know abit about lua
02:58.20Nom-A tiny teeny bit
02:58.32Nom-enough to be dangerous, not enough to be useful :)
03:00.38godzirrableh... I cant figure out how ArkInventory... I wish people posted more docs on their websites lol
03:01.10godzirraIt keeps closing when I get into battle :/
03:02.38godzirrayeah, thats goign tobe irritating.. sigh.
03:02.48Nom-So freakin hot in here today
03:02.56Nom-*sweating like crazy*
03:02.57godzirragod must be nice
03:03.00godzirraits freaking cold in here
03:03.18bleetahyou got 40 again there today, Nom?
03:03.25Nom-something like that
03:03.29Nom-but the air con is broke
03:03.31bleetah18 and freezin' me arse off here :/
03:03.49godzirrawhere the hell aer you nom?
03:03.50Nom-the maintenance guy reckons it might have been struck by lightning
03:04.14godzirraits been damned close to 0 here for a while.
03:04.16bleetahabout, what, 2 500km --> from me
03:04.18godzirrasnowed and hailed day before yesterday.
03:04.24bleetahmaybe further.. long swim
03:04.27Nom-ah forecast is for 33 today
03:04.30Nom-humid 33
03:04.38bleetahstop moanin then
03:04.44bleetahbleedin sandgropers
03:04.56Nom-except it's about 43 in the office
03:05.13bleetahum, isn't there some health reg about that?
03:05.15Nom-building + no air con for 3 days due to weekend = very hot
03:05.15godzirraso any idkeas why ark inventory would keep closing everytime I get in battle?
03:05.16*** join/#wowi-lounge CippyCup (
03:05.26Nom-the server room was at 63 apparently
03:05.36Nom-i'm surprised shit wasn't melting
03:06.23Nom-just as well it's only staff network stuff
03:06.44Nom-that would have been going nuts if it was customer equipment
03:08.54Nom-I'm sitting here doing absolutely nothing (other than typing on my keyboard) and i've got sweat dripping off me
03:12.42Nom-the server room is still sauna-like
03:17.19OsagasuI don't suppose there's already an addon with known gem cuts labeled by color and stat? >.>
03:20.41CairennHey Osagasu?
03:21.53CairennYou know the old saying? He who requests, volunteered?  Sounds to me like you just made a project for yourself. ;)
03:23.50tingleanyone know what typ typ in the text fiel by a font string if i want the text to come out of a lua file?
03:24.31OsagasuI have to tell my manager "Programming is thataway" whenever he asks me to make something in C
03:24.53godzirraI tell mine "you don't pay me enough to do C"
03:25.23CairennI'm sure if you were to compile all the data in a nice usable format, though, that you could then turn it over to someone ...
03:26.26Cairenneither that or just use this: :p
03:26.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=mjgoosse@
03:27.27tingleim guesing ther eis no codeing support atm
03:27.52OsagasuI have been.
03:28.04OsagasuThe frustration is what caused me to ask if there was one
03:28.56Cairenntingle: the coding "support" in here is a voluntary thing, so there's never any guarantee
03:30.01Nom-That doesn't have all the available gems
03:30.10Nom-Meta gems aren't in there it seems
03:33.53Nom-meta gems are sexy
03:34.35godzirrameta gems?
03:35.19Nom-yah meta gems :)
03:35.52*** join/#wowi-lounge tedr0ck (
03:35.56Nom-go to the thottbot link and look at Brutal Earthstorm Diamond
03:36.06Nom-for an example :)
03:36.55godzirrawow.  that is sexy.
03:37.07Nom-know any code to read itemcache.wdb ?
03:40.23MikmaNom-: Ludwig?
03:41.09Nom-that's an ingame browser
03:41.18Nom-i was thinking along the lines of something i could use to read in the data in perl
03:41.32Mikmaoh. hmm
03:41.40Mikmathat's a hard one, havent' heard any myself
03:42.28Nom-the format's been documented, i'd be surprised if noone has made a parser
03:52.15godzirraNom-: Simple minimap does the asme thing on occasions
03:53.49Nom-woot it's in C
03:53.59godzirrawith the weird stretchiness.
03:54.44Nom-hmm that's really odd godzirra
03:54.55Nom-sounds like you might have something else running which is throwing a spanner in the works :/
03:55.02godzirrasounds like :(
03:56.23Nom-i'm so impressed
03:56.29Nom-It's compiles without warnings
03:56.37godzirraeasily impressed?
03:57.18Nom-aww it doesn't work tho
03:57.34godzirrayeah, when I change zones my map moves too
03:57.58Nom-hmm maybe it only found 2 records in my itemcache.wdb tho
03:58.16Nom-given my itemcache.wdb is 3.5MB i find it hard to believe that's all there is
04:00.10godzirrayay for efficient caching.
04:01.57Nom-seems to work fine for other fiels
04:02.01Nom-just itemcache which is broek
04:06.45Cairenndid someone just send me a PM? if so, please re-send, my computer was having a heart attack and it didn't come through right
04:08.03Cairenn(and yay, finally found out *why* my computer has been having so many heart attacks lately, it isn't actually anything to do with the computer itself)
04:09.06*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|ZZzz (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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04:09.19Thunder_Childit's PEBKAC
04:09.22Cairennheh, nope
04:09.33Thunder_Childit's always PEBKAC
04:09.38Cairennone of the games I'm currently beta testing has a mem leak this push
04:10.22CairennI'm just relieved that it isn't anything on my end, last thing I can afford is computer problems, bank account definitely couldn't handle that
04:11.00Thunder_Childwhich one?, i have my hand in a few betas and i would rather not get hit
04:11.18CairennI can't say
04:11.48TainIt will strike you by lightning.
04:13.07CairennThunder_Child: (one of) the reason(s) the gaming companies love us is because they know they can trust us to honour things like NDA
04:13.14zenzelezzconsidering your recent question, I'm going to guess it could be something LotR
04:13.28Cairennzenzelezz: nope
04:13.47zenzelezzcool, we're getting closer
04:14.00Thunder_Childmight be fvanguard...or...
04:14.36TainOf course a person couldn't confirm nor deny if they really were part of something and under NDA
04:14.52CairennTain's got it precisely
04:15.12Cairenndoesn't matter what game you name, my answer will be "nope"
04:15.20Thunder_Childnot all NDA's state that you cant say your in it
04:15.29Thunder_Child...if that made sense
04:15.42Cairennmost do, at the very least during the early stages
04:15.48Cairenndepends how far into it they are
04:16.18TainWell technically speaking a "Non-Disclosure Agreement" sort of means you are not allowed to disclose things.  At al.
04:17.03Thunder_Childdisclose things they tell you not to
04:17.23Cairennand .most. tell you that you can't even admit to being in the beta
04:17.30Thunder_ChildNDA "your dinner"
04:17.36Cairennor even if a beta exists, in some cases
04:18.40TainNon-dinner agreement?
04:18.50Thunder_Childcute....but no
04:18.51TainI'd never agree to that.  I like dinner.
04:19.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Insa (
04:36.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Nignug (
04:36.55Nignugi was wandering if anyone knows how to fix a problem i'm having
04:37.06Nignugit keeps saying "unable to validate version" when i try to login
04:40.38Mr_Rabies2what version does it say in the bottom left, Nignug?
04:40.58Nignugi just installed the 2.0.1 update
04:41.16Mr_Rabies2mine said that when i messed with
04:41.31Cairennonly time I ever saw messages like that was during beta, if the servers were down and they were about to push a new patch, but it wasn't quite available yet, it'd sometimes kick up that message until the patch was actually available
04:42.09Mr_Rabies2you can try patching from mirrors, Nignug, until it catches on, maybe
04:42.27Nignugi first tried directly updating from the game
04:42.36Nignugthen i reinstalled it and got the updates from mirrors
04:42.38Nignugand i
04:42.41Nignugstill get same message
04:43.14Cairennwe're up to 2.0.6 (I think it's .6 now, isn't it) now Nignug
04:43.22Nignugya it is
04:43.36Nignugi cant get any farther than 2.0.1 thru the game b/c i cant login
04:43.52Nignugso i updated my game to 2.0.6 by mirrors but i still cant login
04:44.01Nignugkeeps saying "unable to validate version"
04:44.02*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
04:44.03Cairennyou've downloaded all the patches all the way up to 2.0.6 and it won't apply them?
04:44.09Nignugit does
04:44.13Nignugi just cant login
04:44.30Cairenntry a different mirror site, you may have bugged ones or something
04:44.47Mr_Rabies2he said he got it patching through logging in like normal too
04:44.54CairennI know
04:44.57Cairennit doesn't make sense
04:45.04Cairennyou've tried the repair utility?
04:45.14Nignugstill nothing >.<
04:45.21Cairenngo go blizz tech support forum ...
04:45.29Mr_Rabies2is your account bc flagged without bc installed?
04:45.49Mr_Rabies2or the other way around?
04:45.50Nignugi didn't make an account yet
04:45.58Nignugwhen i dled the patches thru the game
04:46.15Nignugit lets me dl it even when i type in random stuff in username and pass
04:46.23Mr_Rabies2oh yeah it does
04:46.42Mr_Rabies2so at what version does it say "cannot validate?"
04:46.56Nignugi started off with 1.12.0
04:47.14Nom-how odd
04:47.27Mr_Rabies2did it start there with 2.0.1 when you were installing the normal way?
04:47.44Nignugno when i installed it, it was 1.12.0
04:47.49Nignugthen i updated it to 2.0.1
04:47.52Mr_Rabies2i mean, did the error start
04:47.58Nignugand then when u tried to update again thru the game
04:48.04Mr_Rabies2at 2.0.1 both ways of patching?
04:48.06Nignugit keeps saying "unable to validate version"
04:48.36Mr_Rabies2hrm, tried deleting the installer and downloader files for the patches?
04:49.08Mr_Rabies2i honestly don't know, did you reinstall to a fresh wow folder?
04:49.08Nignugbut if i do that wont i just have to redownload the patch again?
04:49.34Mr_Rabies2the downloader checks CRCs, so honestly i dunno :x\
04:49.43Mr_Rabies2tech support forum is prob your best best
04:49.48Mr_Rabies2best bet
04:49.50Cairennor call them up direct
04:50.01Cairennunfortunately, I think you've got us all stumped
04:50.21Nignugguess i'll just wait for tomorrow and call them xD
04:50.24Nignugthx for ur help :D
04:50.30Cairenncome back and let us know, hey?
04:50.41Cairenngood luck
04:50.52Nignugcya guys later
04:50.59Cairennthat was odd
04:51.44MentalPowergreat, somethings crashing my explorer (WinVista)
04:54.12Nom-so it looks like it's more reliable to have a mod export the item data to lua file? :(
04:54.19Nom-I'd really rather parse it :(
04:54.39MentalPowerwhat are you trying to do?
04:54.53Nom-extract itemcache.wdb
04:55.06MentalPowerwhat about it?
04:55.17Nom-i want to extract the data into csv
04:55.31MentalPowertheres a few tools that do that
04:55.49Nom-yeah, none of them seem to work for some reason
04:56.00Nom-i've tried one written in C++, and a PHP class
04:56.12Nom-neither will recognise the data...the C++ one bombs out after 2 rows
04:59.31*** join/#wowi-lounge norganna (n=Ken@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/Norgs)
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04:59.58MentalPowerNom-: norganna, norganna: Nom-
05:01.37Mr_Rabies2eye baths
05:01.57MentalPowerNom-: norganna wrote a WDB parser for wowwatcher, he can prolly help you out better than I can
05:02.14norgannahi nom :)
05:02.32Mr_Rabies2Let's rock out in a dinosaurchestra
05:02.39Nom-I'm bored, was just wanting to convert itemcache.wdb into csv so i can mess around with the data lol
05:03.23norgannayou've already seen sourcepeek?
05:03.58Nom-yeah i grabbed the C++ and PHP parsers from there
05:04.04Nom-And neither of them will read my itemcache :(
05:04.31norgannathe format's changed a bit since BC and their defs are a bit outdated
05:04.36Nom-aww :(
05:05.00norgannaso are you wanting to just muck around? or do you actually want to do something with the data?
05:05.29norgannacause i could get you access to watcher's db if you actually want to do stuff
05:05.52Nom-i was considering ripping out and ranking gear for pallys
05:05.58Nom-just informational for my guild
05:06.05Nom-but *shrug*
05:06.08norgannabut if you are wanting to write a parser just for the kick, then i can help you with the latest format :)
05:07.00MentalPowerHaha!! I found the culprit that crashes my explorer windows! Unfourtunately its TortoiseSVN
05:07.04Nom-has the sourcepeek site been updated?
05:07.11Nom-with the new format details
05:07.13norgannai don't think so
05:07.21MentalPowerso I guess I'll have to go commandline for now
05:07.36norgannai went to apply fior an account so i could update it, but nobody ever "approved" my application
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05:07.48iconevening all
05:08.08bleetahit's your personality norgs :P
05:08.25norgannai dunno... i think they've lost interest in it
05:08.34iconworking on updating gypsy... almost finished, but im running into an issue with UseAction(). Ive done a bit of reading on protected frames etc. but I cant quite get things working. Does anyone have a good place i can RTFM or see an example?
05:09.16norgannaeither that, or there's a lot of competition with the BC data and nobody wants to give away competitive advantage.
05:09.47MentalPowericon: have you read:;jsessionid=85B7D99C8C77AA3385B2059529549C74?topicId=50956831&sid=1
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05:09.59MentalPowerwb Cairenn
05:10.07norgannaanyhow... Nom do you want access to the watcher DB? or would you just prefer the format specification?
05:10.54iconMentalPower: i came across it earlier this evening... didnt think it was relavant, i suppose i was wrong ;)
05:11.19Nom-I wouldn't mind an actual parser, but the db would be fine...what format is it in?
05:12.16norgannado you have a mysql client?
05:12.23Nom-sure do
05:12.42Nom-<-- linux server ;)
05:12.43iconI suppose what is throwing me is that gypsy still uses markup for frame creation/etc
05:14.18Nom-hmm does watcher have anything other than quests?
05:14.47MentalPowerquests, items, spells are "comming soon (tm)"
05:15.45MentalPowers/sts,/sts &/
05:16.42Nom-I think I will see if I can get a parser working...between all the item links in get in guild chat and my checking every faction vendor and item brower there is, i've probably got a good database lol
05:17.06Nom-if only my gear was as good
05:18.37norgannaNom- watcher has a reasonably complete database
05:18.47norgannathe website is what's letting us down
05:18.56Nom-Why's that?
05:19.20norgannawe're all working on Auctioneer and Gatherer at the moment
05:20.05norgannawe've got about 1000 people uploading, just nobody coding
05:21.22Nom-Did I forget to mention I'm a developer at Australia's third largest ISP? :D
05:21.59norgannawell... i could give you the spiel about watcher... basically it's an open-source wow db
05:22.31norgannaanyhow, i have db access for you if you want :)
05:24.39MentalPowerah great, another aussie, just what we needed :P
05:24.44Mikmamuah, i just did my first report in curse xD
05:25.01Nom-what are teh details then?
05:25.14Nom-If I get some time this afternoon i'll build some OO classes around the table schema :)
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06:13.22Nom-I swear, it's actually getting hotter in here :/
06:13.30Nom-*wipes sweat from brow*
06:13.39Nom-WTB Air Conditioning that works
06:14.12norgannamy poor a/c is working overtime, and it's still not doing a really good job
06:14.33Nom-I'm in a building in the CBD of Perth
06:14.41Nom-We rent out two entire floors in this building
06:14.47Nom-And they can't even keep the air con working
06:15.05norgannathat's even worse... all those stinky people
06:15.31Nom-It's not too bad here in terms of stench
06:15.31norganna1 stinky person (me) is enough
06:15.36Nom-I bet the call centre is worse
06:16.52Nom-2 hours and i can get out of here
06:19.20Cairennhey [Cu]Werik
06:25.12[Cu]WerikTomorrow is the official launch day of Windows Vista?
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06:33.18MentalPower|ZZzz[Cu]Werik: aye, but I already have it (Legally)
06:33.42[Cu]WerikStudents can have it since a month now
06:37.29MentalPower|ZZzzgnight guys
06:44.14Nom-It's nice when things just work
06:48.27Nom-WTB Ice Block spell
06:49.32Nom-At least I get to ride home on the freeway
06:49.42Nom-100KM/h on motorbike = cooling effect
06:58.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
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07:14.13Mike-N-GoWould anyone be able to take a gander at my Addon, I have been looking at it so long, if you see anything that could be cleaned up, please let me know.
07:17.12Mike-N-GoOk, I changed line 116 to not have 'not'
07:17.18Mike-N-GoWorking ok now.
07:18.09Mike-N-GoBut the other problem, how do I do the table in line 101, made on line 194?
07:18.24Mike-N-GoI know I am doing something wrong, just don't know what.
07:22.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
07:22.29Cairenn|afknight all
07:24.01Mike-N-GoNight Cairenn|afk
07:36.31*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
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07:43.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
07:48.30zenzelezzffs, why do mobs that are aggroed on my pet keep running close to me >:-(
07:48.52Nom-because they wub you
07:50.58Industrialzenzelezz: word. thats so anoying
07:56.18*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (
08:00.22*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
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08:18.56SstixrudHow do I create tables within tables?  I have seen some mobs savevars as MyAddonCFG { somevar { value = xx}}
08:19.07Sstixrudmobs = addons
08:21.16Sstixrudugh... the ['1']={} is confusing me
08:21.23Sstixrudand the ,{}
08:21.59Industriala={{b='foo'}}   print(a[1]) <-- 'foo'
08:22.59Industrialyou cant do a={1={b='foo'}}, so if you want a.1 you need a={['1']={b='foo'}}
08:23.30Industrialbut thats just a special occasion you wont really.. need :P
08:25.39Sstixrudone other question if you got a second
08:25.58Industrialif not someone else will read it swome time :o
08:27.59SstixrudI have a /config ui window who's sliders and checkboxes I want to dynamically update when the user clicks an external CheckButton (the external checkbuttons will reference a table+subtables containing needed info)
08:28.15Sstixrudany idea how to go about doing that :)
08:29.19Industrialno :P
08:29.40Industrialnever did any sliders/config stuff
08:29.42Sstixrudfor example I have a /config ui screen has say 3 checkbuttons called Heal Over Time, Blink if not active and Dim when Active.  If they are checked or not needs to depend on what ActionButton the user clicks (action button will relate to a table containing that info)
08:29.45Sstixrudaww ok
08:32.37SstixrudIndust is your example valid if a = {} already exists
08:32.50Mike-N-GoAzuregos likes to kill me...
08:34.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
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08:40.38Mike-N-GoI am having trubble
08:40.55Mike-N-Go..terface\AddOns\AutoMailDirector\AutoMailDirector.lua line 112:
08:41.00Mike-N-GoFor example
08:41.16Mike-N-Go:( help :( someone.. anyone..
08:41.57Industriallocal recepient = nil, you can remove the = nil cause its already nil :D
08:43.01Industrialyou could try outputting type(recipient)
08:43.33Mike-N-GoIndustrial: Just to make sure it is nil..
08:44.11Mike-N-GoI am a nubi at lua, so I try to do what I can to make it work.
08:45.28Mike-N-GoAfter I get this working, I will add support for COD items with auto-fill prices :)
08:46.21Mike-N-GoI tried "tostring(recipient)" earlier but that does not seem to help.
08:46.32Mike-N-GoThe type is table.
08:46.58Mike-N-Gorecipient's type is table.
08:47.09Mike-N-GoAnd I need a string.. tostring(recipient) did nothing..
08:48.27Mike-N-GoIndustrial: Anything else you can suggest?
08:52.41kasoadd like DevTools_Dump(recipient) on lines 102 and 95, see what recipient is if its not a string
08:53.54kasoBasically the table AutoMailDirectorData isnt arranged correctly and you're pulling a value too high up a chain or something
08:54.12Mike-N-GoI had DevTools back before a patch..
08:54.18purlextra, extra, read all about it, devtools is Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?, or found at for the beta
08:55.22*** join/#wowi-lounge dotted (n=me@
08:56.46Mike-N-GoWhat do I do now?
08:56.59Mike-N-GoI ran that with DevTools_Dump(recipient) in there.
09:03.10Industrialsorry I was in the shower i need to go to school :(
09:04.50kasoSstixrud TABLES["BOB"]["a"]["b"]
09:04.55kasoor TABLES.BOB.a.b
09:05.07Sstixrudthanks :)
09:05.08kasoMike-N-Go what did devtools output?
09:09.09Mike-N-GoHow do I get to that?
09:09.27kasowell when you run the code
09:09.35kasoit should output something to chatframe1
09:09.50kasolike recipient ={ ...stuff .. }
09:10.55Mike-N-GoI get ..terface\AddOns\AutoMailDirector\AutoMailDirector.lua line 113:
09:11.15Corr[discon]now this is strange.
09:11.30Mike-N-GoThat comes in the swatter error frame.
09:11.45Mike-N-Go((norgs if you see this, Swatter FTW!))
09:11.46Corrodiasmy lootlink (saeris's lootlink) is not displaying a small portion of the items in its database, even when i set the search options to show ALL of them.
09:12.12Mike-N-GoI think "empty result" is the output
09:12.21Mike-N-GoIt is the same as my other debugs..
09:12.26Mike-N-GoSame color
09:13.28kasoemptt result?
09:13.44kasoand yet the string.lower is saying its getting a table?
09:13.46Corrodiasaaand now it's showing all items again. whatever.
09:14.25Mike-N-GoI think so
09:14.32Mike-N-GoI been looking at this all day.
09:14.38Mike-N-GoI need sleep.
09:17.56*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
09:27.31Mike-N-GoI will ask again.. tomorrow.
09:34.29SstixrudCan i get the ActionButton ID# from the ActionButton name?
09:38.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirk_Uni (i=89de5c31@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
09:46.14Corrodiasoops. just accidentally bought a mount. don't even ask how.
09:46.32Corrodiasoh well. it is a good color, at least, and will be of use in another 17 levels.
09:46.49Corrodiasit does leave me a little low on cash until then... i should mail a little from my main
09:53.59Mr_Rabies2fantastic job
09:54.09Mr_Rabies2oh well, at least it was only 9g or so
10:03.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Swado (n=Swado@
10:09.27Corrodiasi desire more information about being disconnected when requesting iteminfo for an item that the server hasn't seen.
10:10.37CorrodiasSaeris's LootLink appears to be doing a little datamining during login, and i say this because it keeps informing me that it has added a few items each time i login.
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10:50.50Nom-Awesome mana regen was through the roof
10:51.02KalrothHappens a lot, yeah
10:51.09KalrothI've seen mages, priests and shamans get it
10:51.12Swadothe infinite mana bug?
10:51.30Swadothat can bug on adrenelin rush as well
10:51.31Nom-so not something they're fixing tonight?
10:51.53KalrothIt's been there since beta ;p
10:52.03Swadoyeah, reported heaps of times
10:52.26Nom-really? lol
10:53.11Nom-hmm i see the report on the forums
10:53.22Nom-but it mentions evocation...this was on my pally after drinking lol
10:55.09KalrothYup, it's usually from drinking
10:55.17Swadoit dispels if you zone / die / mount
10:55.24Swadowait, not mount
10:55.28Swadojust zone or die
10:56.01Industrial>:o what if you get it in a bg
10:56.13Industriali mean.. how are you gonna die :D
10:59.29IndustrialWhat are typical addons that rogues use?
10:59.37Corrodiasa paladin? he isn't going to die.
10:59.49IndustrialCorrodias: my point :D
11:00.21Corrodiasi don't know that any addon is "commonly used" by any set of people :/ but then, i've never played a rogue very far
11:00.47Swadoa stun timer ^^
11:01.46Corrodiasttspelltimer (or timers?) can watch stuns, although it's a moderately buggy little addon
11:02.19Corrodiasargh, lootlink keeps adding new items to the database every time i login and i'm just DYING to find out how
11:03.36Corrodiasthey all seem to be high-level items, but nobody is anywhere near me, nobody is sending me itemlinks in chat, and i'm certainly not changing my inventory
11:04.12Swadowhat version of lootlink?
11:04.45CorrodiasSaeris's LootLink, version 8.1.1
11:09.22Corrodias[away] @ sleep
11:17.02Industrialfound an energy ticker
11:17.08Industrialbut it dropped my fps by 30
11:17.19Industrialgo go gadged onupdates. i dont even want to look at the code
11:18.13IndustrialI didnt know you could time your attacks with energy so it ticks right after you ambush/gouge :o
11:20.43ThraeIndustrial: Tried kEnergy?
11:21.55Industrialno :D
11:22.14ThraekEnergy was coded with reducing OnUpdate evilness.
11:22.49Industrialill have two.
11:23.21ThraeIndustrial: though ;)
11:27.14Industrialwe have a winner
11:39.52[Ammo]kEnergy is cool
11:39.58[Ammo]and uses my candybar lib :p
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12:23.31tinglekaso ya there?
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12:40.26Dhragalo all
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12:44.10tinglesomeone here can help me with a data base in lua: i have no clue how to use the differnt things, i need quest name and description to go into frames i made for them
12:44.30tinglewell better said fontstring
12:44.59tinglekaso made that for me but i dont know how to use it
12:49.34JoshBorkedo you have fontstrings to put the information into?
12:50.08tingleffor the quest name and the description
12:50.09Corrodiasokay. i need to talk to someone very familiar with using the "Model" type widget
12:50.09JoshBorkeyou could do something like: <myFontString>:SetText(database['zonename']['quest name']['description'])
12:50.35Corrodiasor maybe i just need to keep reading this code
12:50.37JoshBorketingle: you need to understand how to parse information inside a table
12:52.06tinglewell i only want the quest name in one fonstring and the description in there other quest do i have to do, im new to codeing - im a leveler :P
12:52.08JoshBorkewow, it's gonna be kinda cold here today...
12:52.25tingleteach me
12:52.51JoshBorke is a good guide on tables
12:53.01JoshBorke is a good guide on lua in general
12:53.19tingledoes it also explane how to get the information out of it
12:53.29JoshBorketingle: just read it ;-)
12:54.04Cideremember the "make an effort" part? that's what you gotta do
12:54.19JoshBorkemorning cide
12:54.23JoshBorkeding 70 yet?
12:54.53CideI did last thursday
12:54.59JoshBorkewow, congrats :-D
12:55.03JoshBorke<-- a little behind the times
12:55.14JoshBorkeyour guild have enough to try any of the 25-man?
12:55.16KalrothSporting a brand new epic flying mount, yeah?!
12:55.23Cidewith 900g to spare!
12:55.26tinglei cant start anything with that, all that stuff doesnt tell me anything it doesnt look anything like the table i have
12:55.30KalrothRichie Rich.
12:55.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
12:55.38Cidenope JoshBorke, we've got about 15 people keyed to karazhan though so we're starting up that
12:55.45JoshBorkecide: very cool
12:56.00JoshBorketingle: read teh website.  just because it doesn't LOOK like what you have, doesn't mean the principles don't apply
12:56.05KalrothYeah, we're doing Karazhan too, did a mass keying last night ;)
12:56.24JoshBorkei can't wait to see it
12:56.30JoshBorkeit has to be a pain it being so big though
12:56.40Cidewe did a suicide run to get to the quest guy
12:56.43Cidewith like 3 people
12:56.45KalrothWe've had a few teams in heroic instances already though, now they're challenging
12:56.45Cideit was awesome
12:56.56Cideshield wall and mobs still hit for 1k
12:58.07Kalrothsounds like heroic mobs then ;)
12:58.19Cidepretty much
12:58.28Kalrothour priest was getting one-hit by trash mobs in shattered halls
12:58.58Cidewe did black morass, finished it on third attempt (nobody had ever been in there before), and we all hit revered with KoT
12:59.03Kalrothbig *CRUNCH* sound and then a pretty redemption spirit appeared :)
12:59.03JoshBorkewow, remind me to uh, not go in heroic dungeons? k, thx, bye
12:59.14KalrothCide: I like Black Morass :)
12:59.20KalrothIt's more of an event than an instance
12:59.37zenzelezzI tried Mechanar for the first time yesterday, that place was cool
12:59.41Kalroth#1) Remember to clear the annoying crocs + panthers at the three portal spots ;P
12:59.49zenzelezzactually most of the 5-mans are really good so far
12:59.53Cidetried it out on heroic mode - yeah... I don't think that our "attempt" made the word "try" justice
13:00.12KalrothI bet the first portal trash boss 2 hit your MT :p
13:00.38Cidekinda, it hurt
13:00.47KalrothI'm pondering on going back there though, apparently the zone mobs drops mobile mailbox plans
13:00.58CideI really like the instance though
13:01.15JoshBorkemobile mailbox o.O
13:01.22KalrothIt's a bit quick, but nice loot and the bosses are fun :)
13:01.32JoshBorkethat has got to be a really great idea!
13:03.17JoshBorkeman, engineers get all teh good stuff
13:04.48tinglein the fonstring i added this inside the text field text=:SetText(database['zonename']['quest name']['description']) it doesnt work...
13:05.29bleetah'sif 5%
13:06.46JoshBorketingle: did you read that website?
13:07.08tinglei read
13:08.03JoshBorkeso what sholud this print out?  print(database['zonename']['quest name']['description'])
13:08.15tinglethe description
13:08.34tingledatabase -> questname -> "description"
13:08.55JoshBorkecorrect.  so now you understand tables, right?
13:09.10tinglehow they work
13:09.26JoshBorkethere you go, a little bit of effort and look at all the knowledge you've gained
13:10.00JoshBorkenow try reading through the faraframes tutorial, using wowwiki as a reference
13:10.18tinglebut i didnt find anything, about, if i have to make that print command into a function or put it directly into the text field
13:10.30tingleive gone through the faraframes a couple times
13:10.35JoshBorketingle: the print command is a function in lua that doesn't exist in wow
13:10.58JoshBorketingle: faraframes tells you how to put something in a fontstring
13:12.33tinglewhat should i put there instead of print
13:14.04tinglearf i just went through all 14 pages, i dont see anything about how to put stuff in a fonstring what page is it on
13:14.23JoshBorketingle: how does fara put "Hello World" on the very first frame?
13:15.25tinglewith text="Hello World" in the fonstring
13:15.33kasoOn page 12 and 13 it shows him using SetText
13:16.08JoshBorkeso he's telling you how to do it, isn't he?
13:16.52JoshBorkeanyway, time for work
13:16.58tingleno there is nothing on page 12 or 13 that says settext
13:17.05kasothere clearly is
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13:17.14kasodo ctrl - F then search for SetText
13:17.34tingleyea i did under onload
13:18.28kasoSo, you see how it works, you do the fontstring'sname:SetText(whatever text)
13:18.59JoshBorkeyes, that gets a fontstring and sets the text
13:19.14JoshBorkegetglobal(this:GetName().."Text") returns a fontstring for that specific button
13:19.19JoshBorkeyou just have to replace it with your fontstring
13:19.48tinglei dont get it
13:19.56tinglewhere do i put what
13:20.16JoshBorkeoff to work, ta ta
13:20.27kasook tingle
13:20.35kasoDo you have a FontString
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13:21.03tingleyes: <FontString name="Detail" inherits="GameFontNormal"  justifyH="LEFT" text="">
13:22.15kasook, you shouldnt really use common names like Detail for things like that, if anyone else's addon uses the variable Detail it'll cause problem, but thats not really a huge issue for the moment
13:22.27kasoTo put things onto that fontstring you do Detail:SetText(Whatever)
13:22.44tinglein text=""?
13:22.58tinglelike text="Detail:SetText()
13:23.16kasojust when you want to change the text on it
13:23.18kasoin your lua code
13:23.22kasocall  Detail:SetText(Whatever)
13:23.24kasoits a function
13:23.40tingleso function Detail:SetText()      end
13:24.05kasojust call it
13:24.07kasolike that
13:24.11kasoone line of code
13:24.12kasoin the lua
13:24.19tingleoh so:
13:24.44tinglefunction detail()           Detail:SetText()    end
13:27.56kasoanwser this, when do you want to change the text on the FontString
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13:27.57kasoLike, at what point in your code
13:27.57tinglethrough the trigger
13:27.57tingleyou made it
13:28.05kasoYes, that was just an example as to how you would arrange your code in a table not a rigid example
13:28.22kasook hold on a moment there
13:29.33kasoOk take a look at this
13:29.57kasothat was the bones of your addon you uploaded a few days ago, but neatened up, arranged in a table
13:31.58tinglek sec
13:33.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz (n=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
13:35.37tingledid you just right that
13:35.42Corrodiasi've written up a mostly-fix for SuperInspect's model centering problem.
13:36.03kasoi wrote that a while a back.
13:36.13Corrodiaswhat, a fix, or superinspect?
13:36.26kasosorry corrdias not you :>
13:36.27Corrodiasor something from a conversation you were already having that i didn't bother to read! never mind
13:37.11kasotingle, when you first linked your TALPG thing i wrote that as an effort to show how you'd organize it in a table for ease of reading and coding
13:37.21kasobut i think you never got my message when i showed it to you
13:38.20Corrodiastables are for suckers. be COOL like us, and use ... well, in Lua, i don't think you have much of a choice. i was going to say something unhelpful here, but it seems i can't think of anything.
13:38.23tinglehere look at this: lua xml
13:38.31Corrodiasoh, i know. use huge IF structures!
13:40.00tinglethat is what i currently have
13:40.49tingleand in the 2 fonstrings i want the quest name and the descrition in the 2 frames i have
13:41.37kasook sec
13:42.03Corrodiasi had been SO irritated, not having SuperInspect work right. i'm glad i finally took a couple of hours to fix it myself.
13:43.35Josh_BorkeCorrodias: doesn't it feel great to get things working yourself? :-D
13:44.32Corrodiasi am quite vain
13:44.44Corrodiasi do get excited whenever i can feed my ego a little
13:47.50Corrodiasof course, my greatest joy would come from informing other people about the fix and ensuring that they get theirs to work.
13:48.38Corrodiasto that end, i posted on the curse comments thread for the addon that's already a fixed (except for that issue) version of an old forked version of the ancient original addon
13:49.01kasotingle, take a look at this:
13:49.06Corrodiasit seems it has trouble holding onto dedicated authors to keep it updated
13:50.06Corrodiaskaso: what is arg1 on a CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM event?
13:50.23kasothe Text that would be outputted to the ChatFrame
13:51.20tinglekaos you didnt change anything on the xml did you?
13:51.34Corrodiasah. the first index is the zone, and the second index is the text. got it.
13:51.43kasoi did tingle
13:52.05kasoI re-named your objects
13:52.16kasoso they no-longer have commonly used gobal names
13:53.13tingleah i c
13:53.17Corrodiasteach him about OO frames and cleaning the global namespace! or maybe you should save that for a later lesson. ;)
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13:53.58Corrodiasi'm going to grab a couple of hours of sleep.
13:55.40kasoIn other news: I dispise blizzard's technique of updating the GameTooltip every 1/2 sec  just incase it might have a cooldown on it
13:55.44tinglenow what do i put into the fonttext because in the frame i dont see anything ingame exept Why Me ^^
13:56.28kasoThe way thats coded, if you pick up one of the three quests ive put in the database, it should show some stuff on it
13:57.43tingleum... i just picked up dwarven outfitters and nothing, and the message "Why Me" is still in the quest name frame
13:58.22kasoi forgot to register for events
13:59.00kasojust register "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" and "CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM" after the onevent function
13:59.37tinglein onload?
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14:08.07Cidetingle: -> widget api
14:11.33tingleyea i know im looking at it right now
14:15.22tinglei registered the events but still nothing
14:15.47tinglekaso, can it be that you didnt add anything into the fonstring thats why nothing does apear...
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14:18.51tinglekaso, can it be that you didnt add anything into the fonstring thats why nothing does apear...
14:18.55tinglei registered the events
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14:20.29kaso_try /run event,arg1 =="CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM","Quest accepted: Dwarven Outfitters" MyMod_OnEvent()
14:20.57kaso_just run it in the chat frame
14:22.08*** join/#wowi-lounge weazer (
14:22.33tingleerror: [string "event.arg1 == "CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM" "Quest accepted: Dwarven Outfitt..."]:1: '=' expected near '=='
14:22.45weazerlove it
14:22.51kaso_sorry my mistake, just use one =
14:23.12kaso_on the line i pasted 20sec ago
14:23.33weazertheres two of the ==
14:24.09tingleah ok
14:25.43tingle[string "event.arg1="CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM"."Quest accept..."]:1: attempt to call global 'MyMod_OnEvent' (a nil value)
14:27.04kaso_pastey your XML and LUA files again
14:28.15tinglexml: lua:
14:30.15kaso_add a OnEvent hander <OnEvent> MyMod_OnEvent() </OnEvent> at line 51
14:31.06kaso_then are sure the lua file is correctly loading
14:33.21tingleok works, but with /run but not when i accept the quest
14:35.15kaso_it should work
14:35.31tingleno i accepted dwarven outfitters but not change
14:35.49kaso_try putting  something like ChatFrame1:AddMessage("TEST") near where it says SetText to see if the function is being called
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14:40.18kaso_Put ChatFrame1:AddMessage("TEST") near the line that has SetText() on it
14:40.22kaso_then take the quest
14:40.30kaso_and see if TEST Appears on the chatframe
14:42.35tingleunder the if stuff
14:42.46tingleif TALPG_Data[GetR...
14:43.56tinglewhat you mena with near the line
14:45.18kaso_by near i mean either above or below of the line with SetText on
14:47.47tinglelike so TALPG_MainFrame2_FRAMEDetail:SetText(TALPG_Data[GetRealZoneText()][arg1].desc)
14:48.24tingleno reaktion
14:48.28tingleno change i mean
14:49.19kaso_When you accept the quest there is no chat message?
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14:49.37kaso_that means you've either done the register event wrong, or the OnEvent Script wrong
14:50.05tinglewait ill show you how the xml and lua looks like now
14:51.06tinglelua xml
14:51.41Legorolmorn, MP
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14:53.45tinglewhat did i do wrong
14:54.09kaso_The OnEvent was in the wrong script handler, though i think i might have said that
14:54.40tingleah now it works  :D
14:56.43tingleok now i need to know something
14:57.03tingle["Quest accepted: Dwarven Outfitters"]=  
14:57.06tinglethats the trigger
14:57.21tingletrigered by what ever shows up in chat
14:59.58tinglenow what if the game gets triggered by something like Dwarven Outfitters completed. what would show up in the chat name chat?
15:01.12kaso_What youjust said
15:01.59tinglethen why does by quest accepted: dwarven outfitters only dwarven outfitters shows up in the name frame
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15:02.26tinglesee what i mean
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15:04.49kaso_i dont
15:05.01tingleok ill put it like this
15:05.52tinglethe text that goes into the quest name frame, get pulled from this: Quest Accepted: "quest name"  right? now what if the trigger is "Quest Name" Completed.  what shows up in the quest name frame now?
15:07.18kaso_["Trigger"]={desc="This goes to quest description frame",name="This goes to Quest Name Frame"}
15:07.55tingledidnt see that ~~
15:08.34tingleok now to the last part that id like to know then ill start 1-70 ^^
15:09.05tinglei need the last text in the frame name anddescription to show up when ever the ui loads
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15:09.52tingleso that when WoW closes and loads again the last messages will still be up in the frme
15:10.22kaso_That explains how to save variables between sessions
15:11.18tingledoes that do exatly what i want it to?
15:11.44tinglewhat do i have to add where to make that work...
15:11.46tinglei dont get it
15:12.06kaso_Just read through the whole article first
15:12.36tingleall i need to add is? ## SavedVariables: Demo_test, Demo_foo
15:12.36tingle## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: Demo_perchar
15:13.01kaso_please actually read it, not just skim it
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15:15.47tingleok read it
15:16.10tinglei need to put ## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: taplg.lua into the .toc
15:16.27tinglemake a function and a ondemand loader thing
15:16.32Cideyou didn't read it
15:16.57tingleyes i did
15:17.09Cidethen why is the SavedVariablesPerCharacter syntax wrong?
15:17.40tingle## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: Demo_perchar
15:17.44tinglewith xml
15:17.54Cidewhy is the SavedVariablesPerCharacter syntax wrong?
15:18.39tinglewhat you mean it says i need to put that into the toc for specific characters
15:19.05Cideyes, but you obviously didn't read it since you specified a filename as the variable name
15:19.29tingle## Saved VariablesPerCharacter: "here the variable name"
15:19.38tinglethen underneath
15:19.41tinglewhat to load
15:19.50Cidethat's right
15:20.03tingleor do i also need the normal ##SvaedVariables
15:20.16Cideif that's what you meant with "## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: taplg.lua into the .toc", then you have to be more clear
15:20.28CideI'm sure everyone interprets that as one line
15:20.47tingleso i have to put both in there?
15:20.57Cidewell you have to specify a variable name
15:21.01Cideand no, you only need one
15:21.13Cide"## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: <varName> \n taplg.lua" - not amibiguous
15:23.14tingleis that all i need to do or do i also need to add a onevent and andemand handler?
15:23.44Cidethere's no "ondemand" handler
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15:24.57tingledidnt i just read that somewhere >_< cant find in now its gone ^^
15:24.58Cideif you have to know when you have the updated values, you need to register for VARIABLES_LOADED ( or ADDON_LOADED with arg1 == "YourAddon'sName" )
15:26.36tingleall i want is that last shown fontstring text to get loaded when the game restarts
15:27.03tinglethen i dont need to ask anything els more in this chat coz then ill programm the addon up to level 70
15:27.36tinglebetter said copy + paste and change the quest name and description and trigger XD
15:28.28tinglecant you tell me what i need to put where so i can get started...
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15:33.33kaso put TALPG_CurrentlyDisplayed as your SavedVariable
15:34.32tinglesavedvari per char
15:34.48kasoit really doesnt matter, but yah, perchar is prob better
15:36.48tinglei accept quest, quest info shows up in the frame, then i reloadui and everything blank...
15:37.36tingleis that supose to be ?
15:38.19kasoit shouldnt do that
15:39.15tingleit does
15:39.35kasoit certainly is a mystery
15:40.17kasoadd some ChatFrame1:AddMessage("test") lines to see if the OnEvent Is getting Properly called for variables_saved
15:40.23Cidedid you exit the game...?
15:40.33kasoah, yah thats prob it
15:40.39tingleoh and btw i just noticed i also need a function like, if character level = 1 and current zone is dunmorge then put text, get your first quest from bla bla
15:41.04Cidewrite it, then
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15:41.57tinglewhere to put it then into the data stuff where the quests are?
15:42.14JebsterHello all.
15:42.16Cideuse your knowledge of tables
15:42.40Cidehi Jebster
15:43.00kasotingle, the code is already there, where the --Welcome Message is.
15:43.05tingleok all works with the saved varibles
15:43.14JebsterWhat does it mean when something come's up in red on this chat??
15:43.15tinglewhat do i need to put in there
15:43.25Cideyou know
15:43.31Cideyou're writing this addon
15:43.39Cidewe're not
15:44.01kasoJebster thats when someone "pings" you they say your name and it highlights on your client to let you know someone wants you , or is talking about you
15:44.28Cideyou're doing something fairly complex, and I'm positive people other than you in this channel will code 98% of the code
15:44.46Cidein other words, I would seriously advise you to start with something simpler (MUCH simpler)
15:44.51JebsterOh, ok :P that's cool.
15:45.35krkayeah, start with a massive raid ui or something
15:45.49JebsterA simple question for me anyways, how do i get that "rank" in front of my name, IE, private?
15:46.13kasotheres a drop-down on your charater screen, unless you charater is new and you cant
15:46.59JebsterOh... what do you mean by new, so if im new to the game or if i have litle experiance?
15:47.04kasobasically you got them from the pvp system
15:47.08kasowhich was removed in 2.0
15:47.21kasoso if you started you char before that you cant get them im afraid
15:47.43Cideafter* that
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15:47.56kasoyes, after i mean
15:48.02JebsterWoops, sorry bout that, presed a wrong button...
15:48.08Cideand he quit and missed your explanation :P
15:48.08JebsterWhat did you say?
15:48.24kasoaww sucky
15:48.26tinglekaso what do i need to put in thereto make it show up in both frames?
15:48.32Cide<kaso> basically you got them from the pvp system
15:48.32Cide<kaso> which was removed in 2.0
15:48.32Cide<kaso> so if you started you char before that you cant get them im afraid
15:48.32Cide<Cide> after* that
15:48.58Cidetingle: some thought
15:49.15JebsterGod dammit... i realy wanted one...
15:49.26JebsterOk :P
15:49.45kasowell they said they were going to add some more titles so you might be able to get one in the future
15:50.15kasoand i guess hypothetically you could get scarab lord still now, but 100% chance not
15:51.11Jebster:( thats real bad... anyway, what realms you all on?
15:51.51JebsterIm Raven Holdt
15:53.18JebsterArgh, ok, just wondered if i could take to any pof you lot in game...
15:53.34Cidedoubt it - there's over a hundred servers I believe
15:55.31*** join/#wowi-lounge TC_Working (n=Thunder_@
15:55.46Cidebesides, I like the separation between IRC and in-game :)
15:55.58TC_WorkingMorning All
16:02.21kasois it just me who hates the GameTooltip's way of refreshing every 1/2 a secong just in case the item might have a cooldown on it
16:03.21tingleum when i enter the game with a fresh new made character both frames are blank...
16:04.34kasoWhat should they have on them?
16:05.27tinglethis is in there where the message is when you first go into the game as a level 1 :
16:05.27tingleTALPG_MainFrame_FRAMEQuest:SetText("Tingels Alliance Power Leveling Guide")
16:05.27tingleTALPG_MainFrame2_FRAMEDetail:SetText("Credits:|nDeveloped by, Tingle|nCodeing help, Kaso|nCoords created by, Pexorn")
16:06.22kasoOk then, make sure that code is being properly executed
16:06.53tingleit does because when i typ in reloadui it shows up
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16:12.55tingleany clue?
16:14.03kasoThrow the code over then
16:14.21tingleliek your said: if event=="PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" and UnitLevel('player') == 1 and GetRealZoneText() == "Dun Morogh" then
16:14.21tingleTALPG_MainFrame_FRAMEQuest:SetText("Tingels Alliance Power Leveling Guide")
16:14.21tingleTALPG_MainFrame2_FRAMEDetail:SetText("Credits:|nDeveloped by, Tingle|nCodeing help, Kaso|nCoords created by, Pexorn")
16:14.31kasothe whole code
16:14.35kasoin a pastey
16:15.36tingleand the xml?
16:20.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (n=jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
16:26.57kasotheres no real reason why that wouldnt work
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16:38.29tingleit does work
16:38.41tinglejust not when you go ingame with a fresh character
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16:46.32MageRooster[08:38] <tingle> just not when you go ingame with a fresh character <- Man, I have a couple addons that do that. Error once on a new character then are fine.
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16:49.27JoshBorkehi Cairenn :-)
16:49.32JoshBorkeheya cog
16:49.38Cairennhey JoshBorke :)
16:49.45Cairennpurl, hug JoshBorke
16:49.55purlACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs JoshBorke
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17:09.41CorrodiasCide hates is. waaaah
17:13.09Corrodiassigh. raptors STILL have no dash.
17:15.44Corrodiasthis line in wowwiki is confusing/misleading: Armored Gryphons are the standard epic flying mount of the Alliance. They come in a variety of colors, and are only flyable in Outland. The gryphons are capable of running on all fours like a cat for land travel, rendering it useful for transport in Azeroth.
17:16.03Corrodiasit would be useful, i suppose, if it could be used
17:16.54*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
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17:20.21Industrialdoes hore get bats or wyberns?
17:21.59Corrodiasugly little things
17:22.17*** join/#wowi-lounge beerke (
17:22.17Corrodiasthe day you buy your flying mount(s) is a good day to be an ally. ;)
17:23.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
17:23.34Corrodiasreading lore articles on wowwiki, i gotta say that i think Illidan really got the shaft.
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17:35.45tinglethis line that you wrote: if event=="PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" and UnitLevel('player') == 1 and GetRealZoneText() == "Azuremyst Isle" then
17:36.00tinglewhere do i add that for the other 3 starting locs
17:36.14tingledun, elwynn, ect..
17:37.50kasojust add an elseif statement
17:38.21tinglecould you change this: and add the other 3 locations,  Teldrassil Elewynn Forest Dun Morogh
17:40.43tinglek ill add th elseif
17:43.05tinglethat goes into mymod_on event right?
17:43.36kasothat replaces the currernt PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD line
17:46.18Corrodiasmy druid will ally with the Aldor. they've got the girls with tails.
17:46.53Guillotinego Scryers if you're feral
17:46.57GuillotineMUCH better gear
17:47.05kasobut girls!
17:47.08kaso...with tails!
17:47.56Corrodiasand they have hooves like him!
17:48.54tinglecould someone tell me the first quest you grab from each starting location???
17:49.04tinglewhat there called?
17:49.30Corrodiasi don't do feral any more, and i've found that i never buy faction-based gear except the frostwolves' Lei of Lillies
17:49.37kasoI think you'll have to check that out yourself, or try find it on thottbot tingle
17:50.22GuillotineCorrodias: you may change your mind when you see the rewards :P they are leet
17:50.37tinglejust thought someone might know what there called :P
17:50.57Guillotinewait. doesn't each quest have an id #?
17:51.07Corrodiasi have seen the rewards.
17:51.15Corrodiaswelcome to outland.
17:52.44Corrodiasjust, just as an example. the Scryers trinket increases your spell crit rating by 35 while equipped and your damage/healing by up to 150/280. that would kick ass on Azeroth, at least as much as that ZG trinket which i don't feel like looking up.
17:53.23Corrodiasbut i got a trinket with 26 crit rating and 120/220 damage/healing in Hellfire Penninsula as a low level quest reward.
17:53.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (n=BuM@
17:53.38Corrodiasi don't think this equipment will be worth getting my panties in a bunch over once i start raiding with my guild
17:53.58Guillotinegood point
17:54.08GuillotineI just want the enchants for the head/shoulders
17:54.34Corrodiasfor people who do no raiding but have large amounts of gold, the decision between the two might be more important. or if they have any crafting professions, which my druid does not. he's just gathering.
17:54.45Corrodiasyeah, those will be useful.
17:55.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
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18:06.54foxlitWhat's the difference between normal and override bindings?
18:08.30Corrodiasi just saw one of the best names. Bubufxr, a dwarf priest.
18:09.28sysraegheh. i read that first as bubba fuxor.
18:13.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
18:14.28tingleis there a way to make that every text inbetween ' and ' becomes a certain color? instead of typing the color code everytime?
18:15.21Corrodiascopy and paste? make a function color_red(string) that returns the string with color codes added?
18:15.54Corrodiasi bet that would be good
18:16.13tinglewell i made the defailt fontstring color a certain color , now i dont feel like makeing every quest and npc a color manualy
18:17.37Cideabstaction, my friend
18:18.16tingleget the quest 'bla bla' from 'blabla'  then the bla bla becomes the color with the color code |cff2fff06|r
18:18.46tingleanyway to do that :-?
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18:19.20Cideyes, of course
18:19.24Cideread up on string.gsub
18:20.04*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
18:22.11tinglewhere? wikki?=
18:22.34Corrodiasthat's probably a good place. or the only place, even.
18:22.39*** part/#wowi-lounge godzirra (
18:22.55tinglewell its lua so would there be something in a lua tuturial or readme?
18:24.59tingleis this what im looking for?
18:25.07tinglethe replace function
18:29.44tinglekaso you there?
18:30.54tingle im reading the  Consistent Message Length part, is that would i could use to replace ' with whatever
18:34.12tinglelocal ColorReplace = string.gsub() what would i put in there to replace the symbol ' with |cff2fff06 and # with |r
18:35.20dinesh-workHi folks.  I'm one of the auctioneer devs and I have a question about the item links.
18:35.47kasotingle, that site explains the function pretty well doesnt it
18:35.47dinesh-workI've seen some info at wowwiki that enchantID (and possibly suffix and JC id's) can now be negative.
18:36.10tinglewell it seems not well enough because i dont know where to put the stuff in need
18:36.16kasodinesh-work the random Suffix ID can be negative, with the outland sufffixes, i havent seen negative enchants
18:36.30dinesh-workbut what is odd is that we are now seeing that some items will not display a hyperlink correctly unless the uniqueID is also included, which never used to be the case before.
18:36.57kasothats how the new suffix works
18:37.00dinesh-workhas anyone seen anything similar with respect to the uniqueID's?
18:37.36dinesh-workkaso: err, sorry, what's how the new suffix's work?
18:37.47kasothey have like a pattern eg, 0.4 agi 0.6 Stam, then the unquieID has some sort of hash that determins the magnitude of the stats
18:37.48dinesh-worksuffixes?  suffices?  :)
18:37.55dinesh-workoh crap
18:38.08kasothis is off the top of my head how i recall it works
18:38.25tinglekaso kann you tell me if i got this right:
18:38.30dinesh-workso for new items we need the uniqueID's, but for the old items we actively need to scrape them off in order to be able to aggragate the items
18:38.56dinesh-workok, i guess i'll try looking to see if it's a bitwise flag or something
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18:39.17dinesh-workthough if anyone has any pointers to documenting how the uniqueID is put together, i would be indebted.
18:39.36tingleis that right?
18:40.05tinglebut i dont know what the $ or § does
18:40.29Josh_Borke$ is a special symbol in regular expressions marking the end of a string
18:40.58tingleand §
18:41.14Josh_Borkei can't do the other symbol, therefore I have no idea
18:41.40kasoI assume what you want tingle is to have some short-hand you can automatically replace with color codes
18:42.10kasoso $fred§ turns to |cff223344fred|r
18:42.42tinglereplace ' and ' with |cff2fff06 and |r to make the text inside automaticly colored
18:43.53tinglewell lets use # and '
18:44.32tingleso # = |cff2fff06 and ' = |r
18:45.05Josh_Borkepurl, hug Cairenn
18:45.06purlACTION sneaks up on Cairenn and suddenly hugs Cairenn tightly
18:45.07Josh_Borkepoof, i'm gon
18:45.12kasoalready wrote one with ''
18:45.15kasotry this
18:45.18Cairennlater Josh_Borke
18:52.55tinglewhere do i put the function? in onload or onevent?
18:54.20kasoyou should put the function at the end of your lua file, then call it before you output the text i assume
18:54.52tinglejust put it on the end of the lua?
18:55.23kasothe function itself yes
18:55.32tingleok and then
18:55.50kasothen call it before you output the text
18:56.12Cairennkaso: o.O
18:57.59tingle <- lua <-xml    
18:58.24KirkburnBtw, just a random comment - an MS rep has confirmed it's perfectly fine to buy an OEM copy of Vista, and you won't have much trouble with changing system components :)
18:58.29tinglewhere do i call it, and as you know the text gets outputted everytime a event happens
18:58.29kasoWhere you do SetText(TS)
18:58.39JebsterHey all, How ye doi'n?
18:58.49kasoWhere you do SetText(stuff)  instead do SetText(Encode(stuff))
19:04.20dinesh-workkaso et al.: tried looking for any documentation about the uniqueID format, and came up with nothing.  any pointers appreciated.
19:04.47kasoI've said all i know im afraid, ive just a passing knowledge
19:05.17dinesh-workahh, thanks anyway.  i thought you might remember where you read about it.  10 pages of UI forums and i came up with zilch
19:06.32dinesh-workis there any way one of you can run a wowwatche rreport to figure out what the new suffix id's are?  i dunno if they are all negative or not.
19:07.00dinesh-workboth the numbers, and the stats they correspond to.  which i imagine means mapping to both the suffixID and the uniqueID, but maybe not
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19:07.08kasoall the ones that use the ID + Magnitude (eg tbc greens) use the negative
19:07.12dinesh-workheh, d;oh, wrong channel
19:07.38dinesh-workafraid you lost me there
19:07.39MentalPower|Univwb Cairenn
19:08.11tingleuh why do i get this error Interface\AddOns\TAPLG\TAPLG.lua:89: bad argument # 1 to "gsub" (string expected, got nil)
19:08.31kasobecause you're calling the function with a nil value.
19:08.49kasoeg, the suffixID specifices which stats you have and in what ratio to each other, then the uniqueID specifies the magnitude of said stats dinesh
19:09.12tinglethat just sounded like chinese to me
19:09.24kasotingle, simply at some point you Decode() is being called without a string being properly passed to it
19:09.35kasohence, (string expected, got nil)
19:09.39seebstingle, you're gonna have to slow down and learn some of the concepts to get anywhere.
19:10.23dinesh-workkaso: err, yes, i got that.  i'm just not positive that all the suffixes that rely on the uniqueID for magnitude are negative valued suffixes.
19:10.50dinesh-workbut i think you are telling me they are.  so thanks!
19:11.11tingleum im guesing this here is wrong: TALPG_MainFrame2_FRAMEDetail:SetText(Encode(TALPG_Data[GetRealZoneText()][arg1].desc))
19:11.21kasoWell, i havent checked every item indiviually, but it seems to me, if i were blizzard and i was introducing a new system of suffix, sign would be an easy way to differntiate
19:11.35kasoAlso ever tbc green ive seen has had -suffix
19:12.43kasotingle, the data in your table must be wrong somehow
19:12.47dinesh-workkaso: agreed!  though i'm still confused why they started putting the magnitude into uniqueID, rather than just continuing to just have separate listings by suffixID.  it is slightly more efficient to break it out into two numbers i agree, but then i would have prefered if all the old items switched as well
19:12.57dinesh-workcopy that, thanks for your assistance
19:14.35tinglethis is the lua  there is no error that i can see...
19:15.35kasowhere were you when you accepted a quest?
19:15.41tingleAzuremyst Isle
19:15.47tinglelike it says at the top
19:16.11kasowas it You Survived! because any other quest would cause an error
19:16.29tingleill double check sec,,
19:17.41tingleYou Survived!
19:17.42tinglethats it
19:18.02tingleas it says here ["Quest accepted: You Survived!"]={
19:18.21kasoshouldnt have errored then
19:19.32tinglethe errors gone
19:19.39tinglebut i didnt do anything...
19:21.06zenzelezzand there goes Silvermoon again...
19:21.44AdysAny idea why a model wouldnt load until a ReloadUI()? Im loading the player's model in a small frame but it doesnt show at all. When I reload the UI it shows correctly.
19:22.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
19:24.50ShadowedDid you try manually calling the function instead of doing a ReloadUI?
19:25.05Shadowedsounds like you're trying to create the model before the client has the data on login
19:25.17Adyswill try, sec
19:25.52Adysah yeah
19:26.11Adysany idea how I can fix this?><
19:26.41Shadowedcan you pastey the bit that calls the function for the model?
19:27.40Shadowedthats called on what event?
19:27.58Adysand not recalled later on
19:29.39ShadowedI don't think the client has information regarding models in onload unless you're creating the frame after something like PEW
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19:30.16Adysyeah I didnt think about that
19:30.26Adysill try and call it later on somehow
19:31.52ShadowedHaven't played with models before, so someone else may know the exacts of when the client has the for it
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19:32.44Adysafter its downloaded i guess. may take longer for slow comps/connexions
19:32.50Adyshmmm, bah
19:33.35Shadowedwell it should have the data as soon as variables loaded since it has it on the character selection screen
19:33.50Adysits a different one there
19:34.16Adysyoull notice when you log back in after some disconnects that your character has an older gear than the one you had when you got dc'd
19:34.24Shadowedyeah just remembered it was a cached one
19:34.37Shadowedcould try looking at one of the unit frame mods
19:35.08Adysnah I think Ill run a refresh a few times on login
19:35.17Adysmeh, Ill see
19:37.13SstixrudIf I am setting a value to nil, should nil be in ""'s?
19:41.55KirkburnWoot, ordered Vista at long last - ÂŁ115 for a copy of Vista Ultimate, not bad :)
19:42.12Sstixrudhope you like Software Sound :)
19:42.25Sstixrudand 2-30% lower fps
19:44.20dinesh-workSstixrud: no.
19:44.43dinesh-workno.  nil should not be "nil"
19:44.53Sstixrudok so value = nil
19:44.59Sstixrudthanks, thats what I did
19:49.45*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (
19:50.57qw`I just got done configuring Discord Action Bar, but I can't seem to get rid of / move the menu buttons from the original bar
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19:58.25Mike-N-GoI have a problem, anyone able to help?
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19:59.17Mike-N-GoArround line 102
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19:59.29Mike-N-Go101 it is.
19:59.46Mike-N-GoIt says it type is table, and I need it to be a string.
20:00.01Mike-N-GoI have tried tostring()
20:01.46JoshBorkecan't do tostrign on a table
20:01.51JoshBorkeit doesn't do what you want
20:01.59dreyruugrLook at your data and see where it got turned into a table
20:02.41dreyruugrI.e. line 60
20:03.58Mike-N-GoYah, what about it?
20:04.10dreyruugrAutoMailDirectorData[AMDRealmFaction]["masterTarget"] = {}
20:04.17dreyruugrrecipient = AutoMailDirectorData[AMDRealmFaction]["masterTarget"]
20:04.26dreyruugrtherefore recipient = that table
20:04.33dreyruugrinstead of a string like you desire
20:04.56Mike-N-GoOk, I am rather new to lua, so I have little idea on what I am doing.
20:05.07dreyruugrThe following would work:
20:05.22dreyruugrline 60: AutoMailDirectorData[AMDRealmFaction]["masterTarget"] = "Bob"
20:05.38dreyruugrThat would make the recipient "Bob"
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20:06.34dreyruugr= {} creates a new table for whatever you're assigning it to
20:09.10*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
20:10.12beerkeanyone know how to save keybindings. Im ade the bindings.xml file and i see the keybinding show up in blizz binding menu. But for some reason they don't get activated/used
20:10.13qw`Any mods around that organizes your inventory / compresses it?
20:10.41kasoBagnon + Mr Plow?
20:10.49SstixrudHow would I do this:GetName().."_"..UBCFG["LastSpellCfg"] = "false"   correctly, this obviously fails :)
20:11.07JoshBork1what are you trying to do?
20:11.24kasoi think he wants getglobal()
20:11.54kasoor infact, _G[]
20:11.54SstixrudYa, this table name needs to be dynamic depending on outside variables :)
20:12.08kasogetgloba(this:GetName().."_"..UBCFG["LastSpellCfg"]) = "false"
20:12.19SstixrudWhat is _G[]
20:12.26kasosame thing pretty much
20:12.39kasogetglobal("fred") == _G["fred"]
20:13.16kasoi think if you use a local referance to _G its quicker to do that, but its not a huge issue
20:13.24kasothe default UI uses getglobal
20:13.35Sstixrudthis valid? if  _G[this:GetName().."_"..UBCFG["LastSpellCfg"]] == "true" then
20:13.50kasoassuming UBCFG["LastSpellCfg"] is a string
20:14.01qw`kaso - I think Mr Plow is what I look for when it comes to compressing the inventory, but do you have any idea of a bagmod that represents the contents in a table / text form?
20:14.10SstixrudIt is
20:14.26Grollhmm what sounds the better choice.. 6% cheaper instant spells or 100% no interrupt cast on being critically hit, or 10% higher crit chance on melee for 10 sec if i get a crit spell cast
20:14.33Grollif i do a crit spell cast
20:15.12kasoi dont qw`
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20:16.22SstixrudI am getting unexpected symbol near =  for this line: getglobal(this:GetName().."_"..UBCFG["LastSpellCfg"]) = "false"
20:16.56JoshBork1you know false is a string and not a boolean, right? (in that sense)
20:17.12JoshBork1sounds like you have mismatched () or ""
20:17.29Sstixrudwell this is for a checkbox frame :)
20:18.44*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
20:19.38Cideqw`: sanity maybe
20:19.55SstixrudJosh does this look right?:
20:19.55qw`Cide - yeah, that's the one, I just found it, but it's not 2.0 compliant
20:20.09qw`I miss that one and engInventory
20:20.18qw`those two made my day, but both are updated early december
20:20.42Antiarc|WorkBaggins is a good replacement for eng, and I'm working on an eng-type bag display built on Sanity as well.
20:20.43qw`that's excellent!
20:21.08JoshBork1yea, that looks about right
20:21.16JoshBork1as a side note, do you know about GetChecked()?
20:22.12qw`thanks Antiarc|Work, I bet I'm not the only one missing sanity
20:22.23Sstixrudhmm no havent used it
20:22.41Antiarc|WorkI've been rather lax about updating the versions on the various mod sites, since the wowace svn is auto-published.
20:22.46Antiarc|WorkShould probably get that taken care of eventually.
20:22.56Sstixrudwonder why this code is erroring
20:23.10kasocos youre doing it wrong :>
20:23.26Sstixrudwell of course :)
20:23.47JoshBork1Antiarc|Work: wowace is for development :P not distribution :-P
20:23.59Antiarc|WorkI have hijacked it for distribution! >_>
20:24.04Antiarc|WorkMy own personal SVN is for development!
20:25.20Sstixrudkaso I still get the = error for the other part :|
20:25.30kasopaste the line
20:25.53qw`Antiarc|Work - just tried it out, that's some major improvement from when I last tried it :D
20:26.02Antiarc|WorkHeh, it's come a long way.
20:26.06Antiarc|WorkIt got a complete rewrite for 2.0.
20:26.27JoshBork1Antiarc|Work: the cool people use their own svn + zip script to make uploading to websites easier :-P
20:26.42Antiarc|WorkJoshBork1: But I'm a lazy person, not a cool person.
20:26.43qw`the cool kids use Maven 2
20:26.52foxlit<FontString ...  justifyH="LEFT" justifyV="TOP">
20:26.58JoshBork1the really cool kids just write perfect code the first time
20:27.05JoshBork1but i'm not one of the really cool kids, you'll haev to talk to cide about that
20:27.07foxlitExcept it's not justifyV... is there a proper name for that param?
20:27.13Antiarc|WorkAnd dammitall, what's the "else if" in ruby? "else if", "elseif", and "elif" aren't parsing, and my head is swimming in 15 different languages.
20:27.52kasoline is the error on?
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20:28.36kasoseems perfectly formed to me
20:28.47qw`Antiarc|Work - elsif var == “20”
20:28.55Antiarc|WorkDoh. Thanks.
20:29.12qw`np personal google just for you :P
20:29.13Antiarc|WorkWorking in python, PHP, ruby, lua, and delphi all in the same day is not very good for mental clarity.
20:29.40Antiarc|WorkAnd I guess I'll be writing javascript in a few minutes, too.
20:29.49Sstixruderror is unspected symbol near '=' :|
20:30.19kasocant see how thatd happen
20:30.27kasosure you're loading the latest version into wow?
20:30.46qw`how does LUA handle memory references? Java protected mode or C direct access?
20:31.10Sstixrudyup, when I type in a non-sense line it errors :)
20:31.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Amune|AB (
20:31.55Antiarc|WorkSstixrud: Lemme simplify that method for you:
20:32.12qw`and why do I have to go to three different sites to get addons now? Before everyone used curse
20:32.34kasobercause everyone wont use the best one
20:32.40kasowowi i mean ofc :>
20:33.28Sstixrudthanks, let me try that
20:33.42bleetahapart from wowi's lack of 'last modified' headers on download files, I'd probably agree with you kaso ;)
20:33.45qw`wowace seems pretty sweet to me, got Trac, SVN repository
20:34.15Antiarc|WorkNote that that will use actual booleans, rather than the strings "true" and "false", so you might need to adjust other code accordingly, but it should make it all simpler.
20:34.40SstixrudAnt that works.. and I dont seem to have to adjust other code oddly enough
20:35.29Antiarc|Work_G is an alias for getglobal(), effectively, and that just says "flip the value of that variable, but init it to false first if it doesn't exist"
20:35.53Antiarc|WorkThat way the first flip operation sets it to true.
20:36.28qw`Antiarc|Work - I found the Baggins mod on wowace, but the SVN repo link throws a 404
20:36.39Antiarc|WorkHm. Might be a mirror out of synch again.
20:37.43qw`that worked
20:37.51qw`thanks again
20:37.57Antiarc|WorkNo prob.
20:37.58Cidenote that _G is a lot faster than getglobal
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20:38.08Antiarc|WorkAnd it's briefer, too!
20:38.15Antiarc| "briefer" a word?
20:38.18Antiarc|WorkMore brief, whatever.
20:38.26Cideif not, you invented it!
20:38.37Sstixrudit works :) I just wish I knew why the other did not heh
20:39.00SstixrudI note that if I replace the _G[] with getglobal() it fails with the = error again ..
20:39.24cladhaireSstixrud: Why not use setglobal?
20:39.42cladhaireokay folks.. so if you were writing a chapter, for a book, about addons useful to the raiding player.. what would you want to see covered?
20:40.16Sstixrudcladhaire: where at?
20:40.34cladhaireCide: It doesn't use Ace.. so I can't cover it.. your code is too bloated imo
20:40.40cladhairebut i'll try *sigh*
20:41.54Antiarc|Workcladhaire: that's really gonna depend on the class, I'd guess
20:42.13Antiarc|Workeveryone needs event alerts ala CTRA or BigWigs or LaVendetta, so that's common ground
20:42.13cladhaireAntiarc|Work: No, because the "Class Specific Addons" chapter I'll be working on on next Monday =)
20:42.24cladhaireAntiarc|Work: Well that's what Im asking about =)
20:42.29cladhairename what you guys want covered
20:42.32qw`Antiarc|Work - what's this "Category / Tags" thing to the right in Sanity?
20:43.17Antiarc|Workqw`: you can custom-categorize and tag items for organizational purposes. Set the "tag item" keybinding in the Bliz keybinder, or click an item's icon in the Sanity window
20:43.27Antiarc|WorkCustom categories and tags show up in the list to the left.
20:43.33Antiarc|WorkYou can click one to filter by that list
20:43.47qw`Ah I see, going to try that out
20:43.49SstixrudAntiarc: can you convert "_G[n] = not (_G[n] or false)" into english please I am not sure I am following it correctly
20:44.35Antiarc|WorkWell, "n" is the name of the global you want to retrieve. _G[] can be thought of as just a hashtable of global variables, so _G[n] looks up the global variable with the hash key matching n.
20:44.51bleetahcladhaire: really can't think of anything, apart from suggesting a 'learn to play without mods 'coz one day WoW will get patched and no mods will work you noob' chapter ;)
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20:44.58Antiarc|Work(_G[n] or false) evaluates to "The value of _G[n] if it is not nil, or false if _G[n] is nil"
20:45.05Sstixrudunderstood, but what about the = not and then the (_G[n]
20:45.12Antiarc|WorkPerforming "not" on a boolean flips its value. not true = false, not false = true.
20:45.14cladhairebleetah: BAH.. worthless
20:45.15JoshBork1is cladhaire writing a book? o.O
20:45.27JoshBork1Antiarc|Work: less efficient than if statements :-P
20:45.43Antiarc|WorkJoshBork1: But a lot more compact! :P
20:45.51JoshBork1and confusing :-P
20:45.57Antiarc|Workcladhaire: Event alerts, some kind of durability/item count query responder are the only things I can think of for all 9 classes.
20:46.09Sstixrudok, so the _G[n] or false ?
20:46.10Antiarc|WorkIt's not that confusing once you know how to read it.
20:46.20Antiarc|Work(_G[n] or false) evaluates to "The value of _G[n] if it is not nil, or false if _G[n] is nil"
20:46.23CideAntiarc|Work: not quite, but that aplies in this specific case
20:46.25JoshBork1man, i'm so slow. so is this an addon development book?
20:46.40JoshBork1oooo, nifty
20:46.53SstixrudI think I understand :)
20:46.56JoshBork1anyway, time for work, ta ta for now
20:47.12Sstixrudill convert all of my globals to_G[]'s that should help clarify
20:47.15qw`Antiarc|Work - I think I broke it. I added a tag to an item, then removed the tag from the item, tag still in place in the taglist to the left. Then I clicked the tag and it shows an empty sanity window and the clear button doesn't bring back the items
20:47.28JoshBork1yea, what cide said
20:47.32qw`ah nm
20:47.41Antiarc|WorkCide, I'm pretty sure it's if _G[n] isn't nil.
20:47.57Antiarc|WorkHuh, just tested it. Nevermind then.
20:47.58JoshBork1because false is not true, but you'll never know because false == false
20:48.12Cide>>> false or 1
20:48.20Antiarc|WorkBut, it works in this case. :)
20:48.27JoshBork1well, yea, not 1 is what, 2?
20:48.35Cidefalse :)
20:48.40Sstixrudwhos on first
20:48.48Cideuh oh
20:49.05qw`Antiarc|Work - how do I remove a tag from the tag / category list?
20:49.23Antiarc|Workqw`: The dropdown on the right of the search bar lets you manage them
20:49.46Antiarc|WorkThe UI is still a little disjointed. I didn't really do a full formal design before putting it together. ;)
20:50.20qw`Ah found it, but the "Manage -> Tags" is greyed out but I have tags in the tags pane to the left
20:50.34Antiarc|WorkTags or custom categories?
20:50.36Antiarc|WorkAnd hm.
20:50.40Antiarc|WorkI'll test that tonight then.
20:52.47Antiarc|WorkJoshBork1: Regarding that being hard to read, I'm working in ruby at the moment. I'm in full-blown compact code mode. :D
20:52.53Antiarc|WorkThough admittedly, it's no perl, thankfully.
20:54.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
20:57.31Industrialruby has weird ass constructs like a.each {|key1,key2| do someeome } <-- i must have made an error but that'd be a for loop >_o
21:00.04Antiarc|WorkThat's more of a foreach
21:00.13Antiarc|Work1.upto(10) do |i| ... end is more of a for. >_>
21:00.13Industrialer, yes
21:00.38Industrialhow can people program like that, I mean.. how can.. my mind can not work like that.
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21:01.54zenzelezzas much as I dislike VB, they actually had a decent for syntax IIRC
21:01.55qw`Antiarc|Work - minor thing, but the minimapbutton can't be moved afaik
21:02.13zenzelezzsomething like "for i = 2 to 10 step 2 ... next"
21:03.59IndustrialWoo scary pic :o
21:04.23JoshBork1for i=1,10,2 do?
21:09.36qw`Any new updates for EquipCompare?
21:09.36Antiarc|WorkVB's problem was that it was too verbose
21:09.50Antiarc|WorkRuby isn't C-like, but it's pretty easy to read once you get your head around it
21:09.53Antiarc|WorkIt's still just OO.
21:10.42Antiarc|WorkAnd qw`: The minimap button is handled through FuBar-Plugin - Not sure what behavior is without FuBar installed, but it's movable in my setup. *shrug*
21:13.00SstixrudAntiarc with your CheckBox1_OnClick how would UBCFG["DYNBTNSROOT"] =  n   look if I want n to create a subtable under UBCFG.DYNBTNSROOT?  As it is now it only saves the last value of n, instead of creating a uniqe subtable for each n
21:13.04Sstixrudif that makes sense?
21:13.22JoshBork1wow, those names hurt my eyes
21:13.42Sstixrud:P haven't got around to fixing naming conventions yet :P
21:14.06JoshBork1it's ok, pastamancer doesn't like my naming convention :-D
21:14.07Antiarc|WorkUBCFG.DYNBTNSROOT[n] = {}
21:14.12Antiarc|WorkIf I interpret you correctly.
21:14.21Antiarc|WorkAssuming that UBCFG.DYNBTNSROOT is a table.
21:14.50Sstixrudits an empty table, that I want to store multiple subtables + values under
21:15.23Antiarc|WorkThat'll work then.
21:16.06Antiarc|WorkActually, no
21:16.13Antiarc|WorkWhat's the key and what's the value?
21:16.25Antiarc|WorkIf "n" is the name of the variable, then what I said above will work
21:16.33Antiarc|WorkIf it's the value, then you need a unique key for each value.
21:17.02Antiarc|Work may be of some use - read the "Tables as dictionaries" portion
21:17.12Sstixrudlocal n = this:GetName().."_"..UBCFG["LastSpellCfg"]   GetName() and LastSpellCfg   changes depending on what the user clicks on
21:18.02Antiarc|WorkOk, then I think you want to do this...
21:18.03Antiarc|WorkUBCFG.DYNBTNSROOT[n] = _G[n]
21:18.24Antiarc|WorkThen you can read UBCFG.DYNBTNSROOT[n] to get the value of the checkbox for whatever n you wish.
21:18.36Sstixrudcool :) thanks
21:19.20Sstixrudthanks for the url too ill read it
21:21.34Sstixrudhmm DYNBTNSROOT is nil, I assume I have to create that first? :)
21:22.38Antiarc|WorkYes, UBCFG.DYNBTNSROOT = {}
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21:27.04Sstixrudaww makes sense, I was trying to define DYNBTNSROOT as a variable not a subtable duh.
21:27.25Sstixrudmuch better thanks a lot Antiarc
21:27.27tinglei keep getting a error everytime i reloadui or go into the game: Interface\AddOns\TAPLG\TAPLG.lua:89: bad arbument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got nil)        this is the lua:
21:27.29Antiarc|WorkNo problem.
21:27.33tingleanyone know whats wrong
21:28.13tingle"arbument" = argument
21:29.03*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
21:29.10tinglei keep getting a error everytime i reloadui or go into the game: Interface\AddOns\TAPLG\TAPLG.lua:89: bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got nil)        this is the lua:
21:31.25tingleany clue what the problem is
21:34.47tinglethe addon works fine the way its supose to but the damm error always shows up when the addon reloads
21:36.31kasoit could be because you've over-written another function called Encode, try replacing "Encode" in your code with TALPG_Encode
21:37.36MalivilYea, all of your functions should have some unique prefix so they don't overwrite other methods
21:38.02Malivilunless they arent global... then thats not necessary
21:38.07Malivilthen again
21:41.47tinglewell did it and still the error, i have to say the error stopes showing up after the first quest has been exepted, now before that, when i go fresh into the game without reloading the ui or anything it doesnt show anything in the frames
21:42.46tinglebut once in the game and then reloadui the error still comes but the text that goes into the frame is there
21:43.25kasoI dont understand what you put, but, i reccomend you get a error catching addon that has Stack-Traceback ability, that'll help you work out whats causing the error
21:43.36kasocheck out BugSack, or ImprovedErrorFrame
21:43.58bleetahor swatter (really, we've improved it so it has less chance of mis-reporting now!)
21:44.10bleetah*even less
21:44.11kasowell there you go, that too
21:45.01tingleill try ImprovedErrorFrame
21:45.43kasoi believe you need to manually turn on the stack trace on those, in its slash command somehow
21:46.07qw`Anyone experienced that the main menu bar is still displaying after ticking "hide main menu art" in DAB? MoveAnything identifies the main menu as DAB_OtherBar_Menu, but can't figure out where in DAB to turn it off
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21:48.18tingleError: bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got nil)      Line: 89    Count: 1   thats error of the improved frameerrror
21:48.36kasook, now do /ief and turn on traceback
21:49.28tinglehow do i change the settings
21:50.19kasoi assume if you type in /ief it will explain to you
21:50.25tinglestack trace capture off   that?
21:50.49tingleand no it doesnt explane anything it only shows the current settings
21:50.57kasoyes stack trace
21:51.02kasoturn it on, reload
21:51.07tinglehow to turn it on?
21:51.28kasoi dont know, however it says you to do it
21:54.38tinglegot it
21:54.39tinglein function 'TAPLG_Encode'         in function MyMod_OnEvent'             [string "TAPLG_MainFrame_FRAME:OnEvent"]:2: in function <[string"TALPG_MainFrame_FRAME:OnEvent"]:1>
21:56.08tinglethats the detailed error log
21:56.13kasosure you havent missed some? paste it all to a pasty if theres more
21:56.28tinglek wait:
21:59.50ShadowedAnyone know what "..." is referred to in LUA? Can't really search on "lua ..." very well
22:00.03dinesh-workit's for variable arguments
22:00.50Shadowedperfect, thanks
22:01.04Shadowedand thanks for that :p
22:01.48SstixrudAnyone know why /script message(UBCFG["DYNBTNSROOT"]["UnitButtonsConfigSub2CheckButton1_Hammer of Justice"]) returns empty, UBCFG.DYNBTNSROOT."UnitButtonsConfigSub2CheckButton1_Hammer of Justice" does exist
22:01.55Sstixrudis it the spaces at the end?
22:02.47Mike-N-Godreyruugr: Thanks for the help, I got it to work.
22:02.53CideI get a headache looking at the variable names
22:02.55Cideso no idea
22:03.15tinglelua:  xml:  error:
22:03.19tinglethats everything
22:04.18SstixrudCide :) its the frame inheritance its not my fault! :P
22:04.47TheStigis there any way to cancel a duel without either person winning or running out of range?
22:05.03kaso volia tingle
22:05.17tinglewhat you change
22:05.26TheStig./forfeit works?
22:05.34kasoi prefer /concede
22:05.37Mike-N-GoAnyone have any idea on how I would get mail sent to que, my addon sends mail via keybind+click, how I can get it so that the user does not have to wait for the last mail to be sent?
22:06.03tinglekaso what you change
22:06.06kasolines 26
22:06.13TheStigbecause my friend and i have been leveling together for a bit and we decided with such huge mana pools now i would sheep him and he would sheep me when needing to restore health/mana
22:06.22Mike-N-GoI think I would use Event "MAIL_SEND_SUCCESS", somehow..
22:06.29TheStigand if you can cancel a duel that would work perfectly
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22:07.16tinglenice no error
22:07.38TheStigwhere's the hall of honor or whatever it is for pvp rewards in org?
22:08.01ShadowedFor variable arguments, I take it you have to use select( #, ... ); to access it?
22:08.14foxlitHm, question.
22:08.33foxlitI want to make a close button on a frame using secure templates work during combat
22:08.57kasoShadowed depends, if you just want to pass it to a function you can do func(...)
22:08.59foxlitSo what I've made is a SecureStateHeader which owns the frame
22:09.11kasoif you want to get a partiular argument of it then yes select
22:09.14foxlitIn order to change its state, I need a secureactionbutton nested within it.
22:09.49Shadowedkaso: Rewriting a library i have for firing events, so i'm going to pass the functions that get the event ... but making sure theres not a "cleaner" looking way to call it over select
22:10.20foxlitBut I also want this button to appear like a normal "close" button -- but since everything is reparented to the Header, it sometimes appears below the frame its meant to hide. Any ideas on how to prevent it from appearing below?
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22:11.56Sstixrudif I wanted to access value UBCFG = { ["DYNBTNSROOT"] = { ["UnitButtonsConfigSub2CheckButton1_Devotion Aura"] }}} what syntax would I use?
22:12.15dinesh-workShadowed: just use ... if you just want to pass them all untouched, or select if you want a subset
22:13.24Shadoweddinesh-work: sorry didn't explain it very well. I'm already passing ... i'm not just making sure that there isn't a cleaner looking way to do it over select( #, ... ) functions
22:13.30Shadoweder, i'm just making sure
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22:14.40dinesh-worknope, not to my knowledge.  though i'm not sure what about it is "unclean"
22:15.07Shadowedjust used to using arg# I guess
22:16.27foxlitWhat causes a frame's FrameLevel to change?
22:17.11Shadowedframe level usually doesn't change unless you or another mod is doing it
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22:32.57tinglehow du you spell nutral correctly
22:33.30Adysor did you mean Shattrath's flightmaster =P
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22:40.07qw`Is there a working replacement for Discord Action Bars?
22:40.26*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
22:40.57qw`I really need to be able to create multiple bars with multiple pages, and trigger all the bars to change pages with a keyclick
22:41.10qw`But it doesn't stop there
22:41.27qw`I also need to be able to have keygroups like in Discord Action Bars so that I can apply a keygroup to a specific bar
22:41.42qw`with shift+1 for bar #1 and shift+2 for bar #2 etc
22:42.20SstixrudAnyone tell me why line 10 fails?
22:43.19Sstixruderror is "attempt to concatrenate local 't' ( a boolean value)"
22:43.56kasoWell i'd guess you tried to concatrenate t, which is a boolean value
22:44.24ShadowedBecause line #3 turns t into a boolean value
22:44.34Sstixrud:) well, I guess my real question is why can't I: local t = UBCFG.DYNBTNSROOT[n]?
22:45.18Sstixrudthe problem is I need to be able to pass UBCFG.DYNBTNSROOT[n] to another function so it knows what table to read
22:45.23kasoyou can, you just can't AddMessage a bool
22:45.42kasothe error is cos your trying to connect a bool to a string inside the addmessage
22:46.51Sstixrudok but then why does /script message(UBCFG.DYNBTNSROOT."what N equals") return nothing?
22:47.39SstixrudI have been trying to pass this argument for 2 hours now heh my brain is about to explode
22:48.16kasoit'd recomend you get DevTools then use it's dump value to see whats going on in your tables
22:48.21foxlitDid you mean .., or did you make a very nice typo?
22:49.02KirovSstixrud - "what N equals" is the name of your key?
22:49.25KirovSstixrud - then you should be using ["text"]
22:49.32Kirovnot ."text" which will error
22:49.46Kirovthe . only works if if there aren't any special characters or spaces
22:49.53qw`Anyone know of a alternative to Discord Action Bars?
22:50.10Kirovie: sometable.example or sometable["some example"]
22:50.24Kirovqw` - define "alternative"
22:50.47SstixrudI tried /script message (UBCFG["DYNBTNSROOT"]["UnitButtonsConfigSub2CheckButton1_Devotion Aura"]) but it returns nothing even tho I know UBCFG contains this key
22:51.05SstixrudI note there are spaces in my keyname :|
22:51.07qw`Kirov - I can explain specifically what I need
22:51.28KirovSstixrud - My suggestion is to get DevTools, or perhaps tekprober
22:52.25qw`Kirov - I need to be able to have three bars each with three pages. I need to be able to hit one button and change the pages on all three bars. And I also need to be able to assign keybindings to each bar with the press of a combination: SHIFT+1 would assign 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to BAR #1 button 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (same as buttongroups in Discord)
22:52.42SstixrudUBCFG = { ["DYNBTNSROOT"] = { ["UnitButtonsConfigSub2CheckButton1_Devotion Aura"] }}}  exists in MyMod.lua vars file after exit :(
22:53.02SstixrudKirov alright ill go look for them
22:53.19KirovSstixrud -
22:54.14Kirovqw` - Any of the major bar addons should be capable of that.  Bongos, trinity bars are the two popular ones.
22:54.45KirovBongos is easier to setup, Trinity is more flexible and feature filled to it's usability detriment.
22:54.57qw`Kirov - Bongos doesn't have the ability to do group buttons
22:55.11qw`and I couldn't even figure out how to bind it to change the pages without changing stances
22:55.13AdysI like Bartender, I found it to be the most effective replacement to flexbar
22:55.24KirovSstixrud - tekprober might require some other files you can get from
22:55.41Adysbit sad it cant handle more than 12 buttons a bar though and infinite bars like flexbar did
22:55.59Adysfound it useful to be able to repeat a bar
22:56.05KirovI use bartender as well, but the specific functionality he wants isn't supported by bartender
22:56.12qw`Discord had everything I needed.. but now it's completely bugged, even the 2.0 port
22:56.36KirovLook up trinity
22:56.44TainDiscord eats baby puppies!
22:56.52KirovThere's some extensive tutorials online for it too.
22:57.01qw`I will do that Kirov, thank you
22:57.02KirovNot sure it does everything you want, but it might do enough.
22:57.33qw`I need exactly those functions or I'm unplayable =/
22:57.53Sstixrudany suggestions on how to use these debuggers to find what I am looking for?
22:58.06qw`I do everything with my keyboard, and that setup enables me to access all the spells for a character with easy key setup
23:00.52qw`with seven buttons I'm able to address 48 barslots
23:06.09foxlitDoes not compute :)
23:07.13Sstixrudsigh... I guess it helps when you actually read what your code is doing.....
23:07.49ShadowedHrm, I though table.getn was removed?
23:08.24ShadowedWell, replaced with #
23:08.49dinesh-worki dunno if it's removed or deprecated
23:10.17ShadowedHow odd wonder why this code hasn't errored yet then
23:11.13cladhaireoh wow
23:11.19cladhairethis new phishing scheme is gonna get lots of people
23:12.03cladhaireDear ,
23:12.03cladhaireThe PayPal User Agreement states that PayPal, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to limit
23:12.04cladhairean account for any violation of the User Agreement, including the Acceptable Use Policy.
23:12.04cladhaireUnder the Acceptable Use Policy, PayPal may not be used to send or receive payments or
23:12.05cladhairedonations for obscene or certain sexually oriented goods or services.
23:12.08cladhaireWe are here by notifying you that, after a recent review of your account activity, it has been
23:12.10cladhairedetermined that you are in violation of PayPal's Acceptable Use Policy. Therefore, your
23:12.12cladhaireaccount has been temporarily limited for: In order to remove the limit
23:12.35axxowhat a nub
23:12.36*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (n=jnwhiteh@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
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23:13.16Thraecladhaire: Silly rabbit!
23:13.28Shadowed~lart cladhaire
23:13.42cladhairethat was special
23:13.44cladhairesorry guys
23:13.47ThraeYou spammed the channel with your spam :D
23:14.17ShadowedI hope that PIN was randomly generated and they didn't hardcode 1223 in
23:14.19cladhairethe phone number works.
23:14.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz_ (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
23:14.28cladhaireevebntually asks you for your cc number
23:14.36TainThat's the combination to my luggage!
23:14.39ShadowedWhats the email from?
23:14.52Shadowedor who is return path
23:15.57Shadowedinteresting scam
23:16.22Thraecladhaire: What's the header say was the originating mail server?
23:16.41Shadowedthe people who typically fall for that stuff don't check those :p
23:19.05cladhairei mean who wouldn't believe they'd paid for or sold sexual favors via paypal =)
23:20.24Shadowedgood software name too, "iSpQ (“Eye Speak”) VideoChat 8"
23:20.49foxlitRomulo :P
23:21.52ThraeHey, you need extra protection from that prostitute in Brazil you're having cybersex with. The normal latex just makes the sounds all muffled and the screen blurry.
23:21.55qw`Kirov - I can't figure out if any of the barmods allow you to change multiple pages with a keyclick regardless of stance
23:22.59Thraeqw`: That's in the default UI.
23:23.50qw`multiple pages, like change the page of bar #1, bar #2 and bar #3 to each respective page #2 by pressing Q ?
23:25.15Thraeqw`: I think only the default action buttons can react to page changes now.
23:25.41qw`I think Bongos can change multiple bars at once by holding SHIFT, but that's not what I want either
23:25.54foxlitHm, something is mysteriously changing my frame's framelevel, and it's not doing that by calling setframelevel
23:26.13qw`I just want to hit Q and watch as bar #1, bar #2 and bar #3 change their pages to page #2
23:26.44qw`and then hit E to change the pages back
23:45.52foxlitHm, I can't figure out how to make secure templates do what I want.
23:46.08foxlitI have a frame containing other secure frames, and a "close" button.
23:46.57foxlitSeems that both the frame and the close button need to be added as a stateheader's child for that stateheader to affect them
23:47.10foxlit-- the frame for it to be hidden, and the button for it to change the stateheader's state.
23:47.43foxlitProblem is, this messes up the relation between the button and the frame, causing the button to appear below the frame sometimes.
23:48.20foxlitHelp? :)
23:48.28pastamancerfoxlit: that close button isn't going to work in-combat unless you use some SecureStateHeader magic
23:48.52foxlitI did.
23:49.32foxlitProblem is, the stateheader magic reparents both the frame and the button to the stateheader.
23:49.59foxlitI want to somehow keep the relation that the button is the child of the frame it's contained in, and not the stateheader.
23:51.50*** join/#wowi-lounge pastamancer (
23:57.46TC_Working oddly enough this thought process has been followed before...just not usualy with an inanimate object

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