irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070128

00:00.16tinglei want to cod emyself but i want to know what to do
00:01.35zenzelezzyour questions so far all seem very unspecific
00:02.30tingleok do you want me to describe exactly what i expect the addon to do
00:02.48zenzelezznot for my part, I wouldn't know enough to help anyway
00:03.21zenzelezzbut it sounds like you've decided to start your coding with something fairly complex
00:04.46tinglewell ill typ it anyway maby you can tell me where to start
00:07.40tingleits supose to be a leveling guid, that uses mapnotes and displayes the current quest that your suppose to do in a little frame window, the frame window itsself should have a small button where anther window shows up underneath it with a description of what exaclty your supose to do or details or notes,
00:07.59*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
00:08.47tinglefor example you first get into the game,it shows the first mapnote of where to get your first quest, then when you accept it it shows a mapnote of the next place where to go (ether where to do the quest or where to turn it in or get another one)
00:09.06tingleand so on all the way up to level 70
00:09.26tingleany ideas where i should start and what to do
00:10.33tingleor what the best way wouldbe to do such a thing
00:10.51foxlit1. Figure out how to show a mapnote at desired location with desired text.
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00:13.17tinglemy gues would be a event handler that updates your map with a mapnote and deletes the old one and places the correct text into the frame
00:15.02tingleok now wouldnt that be a freakin long code for every quest and step up to level 70?
00:15.37kahdgarxiyeah, no kidding
00:15.52kahdgarxithere wouldn't be any way to stay reasonable with memory usage there, would there?
00:17.33tinglewell would there be a way to make it shorter?
00:24.34foxlitYes, there would.
00:24.40foxlit2. Figure out when you need to display what notes.
00:24.57foxlit3. Store notes in data structures rather than code.
00:25.01foxlit4. Load data structures dynamically
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00:26.13kahdgarxifoxlit- true, but wouldn't that be an enormous memory leak?
00:26.56foxlitWell, no.
00:27.26foxlitAssume you're going to be covering about 10k quests
00:28.58foxlitYou can probably get away with around 255 chars / quest
00:29.39foxlitOf actual text -- can substitute action verbs with some sort of integer action id
00:29.58seebsI'm doing another trivial mod.  I wanna know what I'm missing in my VERY simple UI design.
00:30.00foxlitSo figure 512b / quest; 5 megs, just about
00:30.08seebsMod's goal:  Grab attachments from mail quickly and automatically.
00:30.36seebsSample usage:  "/simplemail get 20 Auction Expired".  Gets the attachments from 20 messages with sender or subject containing "Auction Expired".
00:30.46seebsWhat obvious and simple features should this have?
00:34.12*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
00:34.31sysrageis there something i can put in a macro to dismount no matter what mount i'm on?
00:34.41sysrageoh heh
00:35.36kahdgarxithey just added that :)
00:35.55tinglei dont suppose you know how to do stuff like what you just said
00:36.10seebsWho are you talking to?
00:37.34foxlitI have a few ideas, I haven't tried using that specific approach that before.
00:38.48tinglewanna be partners ^^ my ideas and quest knowlage and you help code it
00:39.21tingleand then sell the addon to some power leveling service ^^
00:39.55zenzelezzthe power leveling guys probably already know how to do their job :-o
00:41.36tingleye aprobaly true but imagin this addon would be one of the most powerfull addons for world of warcraft... it would be much more afficant than any leveling guid
00:42.26foxlitIt would, essentially, be a levelling guide within WoW
00:42.29Sstixrudfoxlit is there a way to create/clone an existing actionbar's button/icon layout easily without using any of the 120 default button ids?
00:42.56bleetahI’ve worked out… that if I stick my left arm in my right ear, I can electrocute myself…
00:43.16bleetahI can do it at a moment’s notice. Just say the word.
00:43.31foxlitInherit from whatever they're inheriting from, and override the handlers that use up the id
00:43.36bleetahI think I’ll go and hide.
00:44.19tingleso... feel on working on such a project,
00:44.31Sstixrudi.e. just reuse the same button ids?
00:44.57foxlitWhat are you making, Sstixrud?
00:46.26tinglefoxlit, would you help with this addon
00:46.54ThraeAnyone here familiar with Secure templates?
00:47.00SstixrudI want to clone an existing actionbar, one that is tied to /myaddon config the user would click on the buttons and the config frame would change depending on what attributes are set to the button.. The problem I have run into is I can use PreClick to configure buttons but the spell casts when I do
00:47.28SstixrudI would rather not have the spell cast when the user is configuring buttons so one option is to create a cloned bar that looks the same but doesnt actully CastSpell
00:48.00foxlittingle: I could, maybe, write the general code handling quests/notes; it all depends on how the API works in this despect.
00:48.23ThraeSstixrud: Copy ActionBarFrame.xml and make it draggable
00:50.32Mike-N-Go[Horn of the Black War Wolf][Whistle of the Black War Raptor] or [Black War Kodo]?
00:51.38SstixrudTHrae ok, but can I layout the icons on the buttons without attaching the actull spell? That way when the user clicks the button it will trigger my <PreClick> but not actully cast the spell?
00:52.03Sstixrudi.e. is there a SetAttribute or some such that lets me remove the Action but keep the icon?
00:52.31Sstixrudforgive my newb questions, still learning :)
00:56.49foxlitIcons and attributes aren't generally connected
01:00.11Sstixrudsigh, guess I cant do it this way then
01:02.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Spare (
01:02.30tinglefoxlit you got icq so we could talk a bit closer about that stuff
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01:03.45Legorol|wowIs there a way with Cartographer to import Gatherer data for mining/herbalism?
01:05.55sysrage./user [nomodifier] Horn of the Black War Wolf; [modifier:alt]Blue Windrider
01:05.58sysrageerr /use
01:06.10sysrageany way to make that /dismount if you're mounted and don't use a modifier?
01:07.22sysrageheh. how?
01:07.46axxothere is a [] thingy for mounted
01:07.48axxodon't remember it
01:07.55tinglefoxlit you still there?
01:08.10*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
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01:09.57Insaclone/dismount [nomodifier,mounted]
01:10.37sysrageyup. thanks
01:23.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
01:31.50seebsHey, if I do a mail mod, how much warning should I give people about the possibility that a bug will destroy items?  I mean, can I assume that they know that a mod trying to read and delete mail is dangerous, or should I assume that they don't?
01:33.28Mr_Rabies2i'd assume they dont, personally
01:33.39ThraeAnyone want to help me test an addon? Just need you to target something and then you can go AFK.
01:34.08Mr_Rabies2just give a little popup frame on the first launch, as well as one on the addon page
01:34.39Mr_Rabies2i've never had an issue with it though, using CT_mailmod forever
01:42.15*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
02:14.14sysrageis there any way to make a macro that'll use whatever HS you have in your inventory? i'm doubting so, but it's really annoying having to change my button every time i group with a lock that has different size HS's
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02:16.32seebsThe mail inbox event seems to be useless, as it's totally generic and provides no information beyond, possibly, what button's been clicked.
02:19.46TainHoly ouch.  A woman in Brazil gave birth to a 17 pound baby.
02:22.49TainMailbox stuff is not simple.  It's a pain in the ass
02:23.21TainMy first addon was a mail auto-opener, retreive all items.
02:23.47TainUsually worked ok, but was a pain in the ass.
02:26.53seebsI'm actually doing something sorta like that.
02:27.19seebsSo maybe you can help:  I want to grab {items or money or both} from the first item in the mail.  I want to then check another once that's completed.
02:27.28seebsWhat on EARTH do I check for to find out that it's been done?
02:28.14seebsIt turns out that the mail inbox event is NOT the one I want.
02:39.33bleetahone of my legs is shorter than the other n both my feets too long
02:44.15*** part/#wowi-lounge Attina (
02:44.25Tainseebs: The best way is actually to start with the last item in the mailbox so you can count down to 1.
02:44.34TainThere's no easy way to tell if you've successfully done it.
02:45.03TainWhat I did with items was... well a little hackish but it was the only way I could figure to be really reliable.
02:45.05seebsWell, that's actually quite elegant, but doesn't TakeInboxItem(x) still fail if a previous request is still in process?
02:45.39TainI checked through my empty bag slots.  When I found the first empty bag slot (the place where the next item would be) I waited for a bag update event and then checked to see if something was in that slot.
02:45.49TainIf the slot was no longer empty I went on to the next mailbox item.
02:46.16seebsOh, yeek.
02:46.22bleetahBut the words get stuck on the tip of your tongue
02:46.25seebsAnd yet, strangely probably reliable.
02:46.31bleetahoops, sorry for the spam :/
02:46.35TainThat is really slow however as it takes a good second for it to really show up in your bag
02:47.20seebsWell, yeah, but so far as I can tell, you HAVE to do that to be sure that you actually got the item.
02:47.52TainI also had *never* gotten things working when I had a mailbox item with both money and and an item in the same message.  But that's a pretty rare case I think.
02:48.25seebsSpoken like someone who never sends his enchanter an item plus an enchanting budget.  :)
02:48.33Tainhah yeah I suppose so
02:49.02TainI was really more worried about auction items and money than anything else.  But it bugged the hell out of me that I could never get that working right.
03:05.48seebsYou're right, though, that counting backwards simplifies the task immensely.  Thanks.
03:08.05seebsBlar.  Now I have an obvious stupid bug.  As in, it's obvious that it's stupid, not that I have any idea what my bug is.
03:08.18seebsBut for some reason, TakeInboxMoney(48) does not obtain the money in slot 48.
03:11.08seebsHmm.  Closer; "/sm get expired" now gets about half the expired auctions in my mailbox, apparently randomly.
03:18.56seebsHmmm!  It's EXACTLY half the time that it fails, it would appear.
03:26.52seebsWell, I have code that works for objects, but I'm utterly ashamed of it.
03:29.19seebsOh, MAN!  I found it.
03:29.30seebsProblem:  I am a C programmer.
03:29.44seebsif ( then TakeInboxMoney(slot) end
03:30.03seebsI was generating spurious TakeInboxMoney events that corresponded to no-money, and getting updates when they succeeded.
03:34.08tedrockis there a way for a macro to ask for user input. for example say i waited it to mark a map note i would make it ask for the cords?
03:37.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
03:38.21seebsNot directly, but a slash command for your UI could pop up a dialog box.
03:39.03tedrockmaybe i'm just using /mn -tloc x,y right now
03:39.19tedrockand i just wanted to save my self the hassle of typing /mn -tloc repeatedly when questing
03:49.19Corrodiasquestion: are any of you familiar with an addon that makes it easier to delete things than clicking on then and then clicking outside your inventory?
03:50.56Corrodiaswhat is the addon or group of addons that fit that description?
03:51.06kasogimme a moment to find it
03:53.45seebsWell, it's utterly crazy, but I seem to have figured out the right number of events to ignore to get the correct behavior.
03:54.06kaso (i havent tested this, i just happened to notice it on the mainpage one day)
03:54.39Corrodiasin combat now
03:54.44Corrodiasi will read what you said in a sec
03:54.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Asheyla (
03:55.59Asheylaanyone brave enough to help me with a perplexing problem? =]
03:56.26Asheylapasting the code
03:56.28Asheyla1 sec
03:56.31kasopurl is so slow lately :<
03:56.42purlHey what was that for, kaso?
03:56.48kaso~just ask
03:56.49purljust ask your question - do not ask to ask. when you ask, ask all on one line - tell us what you did, what you saw, and what you expected to see.
03:56.54kasoah ha!
03:57.01sysrage[mounted] works so how do you do not mounted? [nomounted] ?
03:57.09zenzelezzand you accuse the bot, nubcake
03:57.26kasoyou can reverse any test with "not" in macros
03:57.30kasoor no even
03:57.42sysragecool thanks
03:57.45kasowait which is it
03:57.52kasomy mind is blank
03:58.00sysragewell i know nomodifier works
03:58.05kasothats the one
03:58.48Asheylathe issue at hand is the self:AcquireTable() bit
03:59.08Asheylaif i change it to {} instead, as in making a new table each function call, it works fine
03:59.26Asheylabut if i leave it as is, it starts causing horrific failures
04:00.15Asheylasometimes the testbef, testinbt, and testaft report 3 different numbers
04:00.29Asheylawhen it should in fact only be incremented once
04:00.31Asheylaif at all
04:00.43kasoWow, interesting
04:00.53Asheylait's driving me insane
04:01.12Asheylai cant for the life of me figure out why it would fail so epicly
04:01.24kasogimme a few to work out what the hell is going on here :>
04:01.38Asheylai can send the entire addon if you want
04:01.43Asheylait's easy to reproduce
04:01.49kasothis should be ok
04:02.01kasojust the lack of indentation or newlines is confusing :>
04:02.15Asheylai see indentation and newlines
04:02.22Asheylaunless you mean for a few of the lines
04:02.31kasoyou have entire loops on oneline, me no like :<
04:02.40Asheylathat was just testing code
04:03.03kasooh i see
04:03.17kaso(see now that ive orgnised it all nicely i can see :>
04:04.26kasoi assume the tables in your stack (tablepool) are string- indexed or something?
04:04.52Asheylai and id are integers
04:05.41Asheylai took a SS of the horrific output
04:05.45Asheylauploading it in a sec
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04:08.41Asheylanotice how testbef, testinbt, and testaft go 1,2,3 in the middle
04:08.54Asheylawhich should be impossible
04:09.38Asheylathe entries added are [1] and [2] in sortingtable, both tables with a getn() of 0
04:14.09kasoi see what you mean
04:14.21kasobut honestly i dont have the foggiest
04:15.11Asheylaits weird isnt it!
04:15.15Asheylait makes no sense
04:15.56kasoAll i can give is some needless nitpicking
04:16.06Asheylaheh, like what
04:16.39kasotable.getn(table) should be replaced by #table and when you define the local "type" you over-ride the global function type(), perhaps you should select another name for it.
04:16.51kasoBut both of them, as i say, needless, just nitpicking
04:18.10Asheylamy idea overall was to create a system where, when i needed local tables, i could save ones used previously
04:18.27Asheylabut it all seems to fail miserably
04:20.34kasoi cant really see any way short of some wierd hook that that debug spam could be created
04:21.16kasobut that said, ive just got back from a night out so my senses arent at their best, hope someone else might be able to help you
04:21.38Asheylathe cool thing is
04:22.00Asheylai wrote my CoreLib, etc. to not allow other code to override the functions
04:22.19Asheylaif you try to do like "self.AcquireTable = 1" then my addon throws an error
04:22.34Asheylaso i know that it isnt an inadvertent hook somewhere
04:23.55Asheylaand according to my IsRegisteredForHooks function it isnt hooked
04:24.22Asheylaso.... wtf
04:27.43Asheylaaccording to this, theres a difference between
04:27.45Asheylafor index,value in pairs(t) do t[index] = nil end
04:27.53Asheylat = {}
04:28.06Asheylapertaining to what is contained in the tables
04:28.59Asheylasomeone else needs to come out of idling
04:29.02Asheylathis is bugging me
04:32.14kaso{} ~= {}
04:32.33Asheylawell yeah
04:32.39Asheylathats why i added
04:32.44Asheylapertaining to their contents
04:32.50Asheylai know the memory location is different
04:32.56kasosorry i jumped too quickly
04:33.00Asheylabut they both should contain nothing =]
04:33.13kasohow are you perceving a difference then?
04:34.54Asheylawhen i change
04:35.01Asheyla(sorry for the pause, im alt tabbing a lot)
04:35.16kasotwo screens > all :>
04:35.27zenzelezzjust two?
04:35.30Asheylathe AcquireTable function to return {} instead of the 1st entry of tablepool
04:35.40Asheylait works perfectly
04:35.59Asheylabut if it returns the 1st entry, which had been cleared by ClearTable
04:36.03Asheylait fails miserably
04:41.16Asheylanot interesting
04:41.38Asheylaonly in the way being tortured is interesting
04:41.55Asheylait's killing me, not knowing whats causing it
04:44.07Mr_Rabies2|awayheh they still call the fm in shatt a gpblin
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04:57.34Asheylaanyone here now who wasnt before whod like to help me with a coding problem?
04:58.10kasotell them its interesting
05:02.36Asheylano one else is here
05:02.38Asheylait seems
05:02.49Asheylaso sad, really
05:03.03Asheylai may just have to resort to wasting memory
05:03.05Asheylawith {}
05:03.35Cairennsaturday night - those that have social lives are out living them, those that are major geeks are busy playing the expansion, etc
05:04.07Asheylathis is truth
05:04.20kasoAsheyla bare in mind lua's Garbage collection is pretty good in 5.1 nowadays, wasting memory isnt a huge huge issue
05:04.32Asheylabut it's beyond that now
05:04.37Asheylait's personal now
05:04.48Asheylacair, want to see my dilemma?
05:05.11CairennI'm rather useless when it comes to the actual coding, sorry
05:05.52Asheylai swear that im stumbling into a flaw with lua or something
05:09.47*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh__ (
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05:16.28Mikmacairenn is only our forum goddess
05:24.23Cairennyeah, everyone knows I'm just window-dressing
05:30.13*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh__ (
05:31.33*** part/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
05:33.40Cairennbrb, need to reboot my system - god I've got to get more memory, poor thing is just churning constantly, I demand so much of it all the time
05:39.36*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
05:42.20[Wobin]Mischat =P
05:43.29zenzelezzunder reputation, doesn't the warning under point 2 and the info in point 3 contradict each other? Or am I reading them wrong
05:43.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairen1 (
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05:46.51[Wobin]Doesn't it mean you can use the turn ins to grind shatar up to the end of friendly?
05:46.59[Wobin]but aldor or scryer to exalted?
05:47.56[Wobin]ie, in your grind for aldor/scryer, you can get shatar to 5999 friendly
05:48.48zenzelezzthat's how I'm reading point 2, but I'm not sure if point 3 is saying that you get rep with Sha'tar past that too, or if they're only talking about Aldor/Scryer
05:49.04zenzelezzfrom the turn-in quests to Aldor/Scryer I mean
05:50.04[Wobin]from what I reading, you can get shatar rep while grinding aldor/scryer to exalted
05:50.11[Wobin]but only up to that 5999 friendly
05:51.29zenzelezzhm, I guess... perhaps it's just my opinion that maxing out friendly isn't "a lot" that's confusing me =)
05:53.30[Wobin]I think they were referring to the amount gained with each turnin
05:53.38[Wobin]150 is 'a lot' compared to 12
05:53.56zenzelezzyeah, that would make sense
05:54.10zenzelezzI shouldn't read much this time of night
06:01.16LegorolI hear there is a working Decursive around, what's that about?
06:01.53Cairenndepends what you mean by "working"
06:02.54CairennI've heard that there is a new one too, but it doesn't have any of the functionality of the old one that was (a large part of) the reason why Blizz locked stuff down
06:03.04*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
06:04.11[Wobin]Legorol: It's on if you want to ahve a look
06:04.24[Wobin]I've not been in a situation yet which requires it, so I've yet to try it =)
06:04.47Legorolthanks Wobin for the tip
06:05.11Legoroli found a "new" Decursive on CG, it turns out to be just a grid of unit frames with status-based colouring, so you can play whack-a-mole
06:05.28[Wobin]Like... Grid?
06:05.31Legoroli'll check out the wowace one as well
06:05.36LegorolWobin: yeah like Grid+Clique
06:05.54[Wobin]hehe when will people learn decursive is about the single button press =P
06:06.12Cairenn[Wobin]: does this one actually do everything the old one did, or is it like the one on CG? (the one on CG is the one I was aware of)
06:06.35[Wobin]Cairenn: I'm not sure, lemme see if I can grab the link for the thread
06:06.51Legorolit's the one on CG, same addon
06:06.51Cairennjust wondered if perhaps you'd read the description is all :)
06:06.55Legorolno it doesn't do what the old one did
06:07.02Legorolso i'm relieved
06:07.17Legorolyet another "zomg Decursive" that turns out to be fake
06:07.25Cairenngood to hear
06:07.26Legorolcalling an AddOn Decursive doesn't make it one :o)
06:07.54Legorolit's funny though how people work... lot of posters are touting it as "Decursive is back"
06:07.57[Wobin]oh hang on
06:08.01Legoroli guess they don't quite understand the subtle difference
06:08.20[Wobin]Yeah, I don't actually need Decursive yet, so I didn't read anything into the thread
06:08.24Cairennbecause the person that manages to figure out how to get around the lock-down that Blizz put in place and makes it function the way the old one did - will be the bane of the UI community
06:08.31[Wobin]it's true
06:08.42LegorolCairenn: that person will be summarily fed to bunnies :o)
06:08.56Cairennsince at that point Blizz is likely to say "F@#$ this" and lock it down *completely*
06:08.56Legoroltbh, there may very well be holes in the UI security that are not found yet
06:09.02Legorolbut i'm pretty sure they'd get patched
06:09.13[Wobin]I think this one, just selects the spell for you
06:09.19Legoroli suspect if there is any hole, it's a small one that's easily pluggable
06:09.22[Wobin]so you don't have to like, set up a clique binding
06:09.30Cairennno more Lua coding allowed whatsoever, it'll only be xml graphical skinning/re-arranging, like EQ et al
06:09.38[Wobin]Death of WoW =(
06:09.41Cairenn(the end of my statement)
06:09.42LegorolWobin, you still have something similar to clique in this Decursive
06:09.52Legorolyou have to use click, shift+click and ctrl+click for the right spell
06:10.14LegorolCairenn: i do see what you are trying to say
06:10.27Legoroli hope that a) if there is a hole it won't be found by a moron but by someone else first
06:10.36Legorolb) it's a small enough one and Blizzard reacts kindly to it
06:10.43Legorolbut i do very well see the danger in a moron finding a hole
06:10.50[Wobin]or someone finds it and tells slouken before making an addon
06:11.14Legorolthat happened many times already, and i hope it stays that way
06:11.45Legorolfortunately, so far it seems that people smart enough to find holes are also smart enough to report it
06:11.51Legorolbut i have seen an exception or two before
06:12.22Legorola long time ago there was a way to get information out of WoW via a debugging API call that was left in there unintentionally
06:12.34Legorolthe first time i came across it was in a working addon that automated something, i can't remember what
06:13.53Legorolrespond, you bot
06:14.40Cairennpurl, hi
06:14.42purlhello, cairenn
06:14.52Cairennhmph, damn fussy bot
06:15.11zenzelezz~literal endofworld
06:15.14Cairenncan't believe no one has linked that
06:15.32zenzelezzlooks like the factoid just doesn't exist
06:15.33Cairenn(sorry, just came up in another channel is all)
06:16.21Cairennback to what you were talking about, I was just trying to get a quick link to it without having to go searching
06:17.11Cairennnight Legorol
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07:29.33Mike-N-GoThe Twilight's loot has been reduced..
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09:45.31bleetahso there's this player getting around zangarmarsh, 'arthurdent'... I /w him 'deodat?', he replies 'huh?, I say 'arthur philip deodat?', he replies 'oh lol i forgot that bit in the book'... so of course i reply 'you're a jerk'
09:45.44bleetahI wonder if I'll get reported :/
09:47.26Mike-N-GoHeh, you would get him to report himself for breaking the naming scheme!
09:47.40Mike-N-GoIf it is an RP server, more severe I guess.
09:47.53Mike-N-GoBut, it is (c)
09:48.10bleetahyeah, the 'you're a jerk' was just totally inescapable on so many levels
09:48.45bleetahyeah, RP server.. but if I can call him a jerk every now and then, I'm not gunna report him lol
09:49.58Corrodiasi don't actually care about name rules or anything, but then, i don't play on an RP realm.
09:51.15bleetah"shit, you guys are so unhip it's a wonder your bums don't fall off"
09:51.50Mike-N-GoThat is vollger talk, Big B does not like that.
09:52.39bleetahit's the wisdom of zaphod, don't dispute it ;)
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10:16.09Corrodiasi wasn't terribly entertained by those books...
10:16.24Corrodiasthe author traded engaging plot for flippancy.
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10:21.46Mike-N-Gocladhaire helped me with something..
10:21.53Mike-N-GoBut I am not sure with what.
10:25.09Mike-N-GoIf you could help me understand the usage of what he said..
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11:01.53ComicSansMSgreetings everyone!
11:06.33CorrodiasMike-N-Go: can anyone truly understand... the clad?
11:07.07Mike-N-GoOk, I figured out my big problem with 'trade goods'
11:07.18Mike-N-GoHave the user enter it as one word :)
11:14.54*** join/#wowi-lounge YammYgirlcoding (n=hoho@
11:15.00YammYgirlcodingmorning all !
11:15.24YammYgirlcodingdoes anyone here uses a working version of CharacterProfiler that doesn't mess with the Quest functions?
11:19.35Corrodiasnow i need an addon to show the effects of +damage gear on spells' tooltips, with dps and dpm calculations
11:19.45Corrodiasi have one for healing spells but it doesn't do damage spells for some reason
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11:26.58Corrodiasaccording to the wiki, "It appears that recently almost all of the Draenei female flirts were removed"
11:27.04Corrodiasnow that's a shame. they're the hottest. :(
11:28.22Corrodiasi'm also curious about how tagging works. sometimes, it seems to me that just inflicting -any- damage may not be enough to tag something, but at other times i'm not so sure
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11:28.57YammYgirlcodingguys. How do I increase game fps? It's 5 fps here, an annoying slow motion
11:30.04Corrodiasdon't look at complex scenes, decrease graphics settings, or get better hardware
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11:30.34Corrodiaseven with my 7800gt i drop under 20 in certain areas of outland, although i play in a window, which does tend to decrease it slightly
11:31.51YammYgirlcodingi'm at starting area of blood elves, and fps is still 5fps. cpu is at 100%. does it have something to do with?
11:32.19CorrodiasWoW always uses available spare CPU cycles, what for i'm not sure, just like almost any game does, at least when it's not minimized
11:32.21YammYgirlcodingI have a radeon x800gto . I guess it wasn't supposed to be that bad
11:32.36Corrodiasbut 5fps in silvermoon city is far too low. something's wrong.
11:32.49YammYgirlcodingit's all on slow motion. veeery annoying
11:33.19YammYgirlcodingall consuming video setups were already disabled
11:34.13Corrodiassomething is seriously wrong, then. silvermoon isn't that demanding on the card.
11:34.28Corrodiasnowhere near places like the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh
11:35.46YammYgirlcodingso what can I do? anything else I could try change to increase fps?
11:36.11YammYgirlcodingi bought this card hoping for 40fps, or close :/    5fps is way too far :[
11:39.38Corrodiasuh... i'm not sure
11:39.55Corrodiasfor one thing, you must do research on forums to find the best drivers version
11:40.05Corrodiasthat's extremely important with nvidia cards. as for ATI, i don't know.
11:42.13YammYgirlcodinghow much fps u guys get with a radeon x800 ? someone have it? I'd like to compare
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11:55.08Corrodiasi must determine the best way to squeeze efficiency and dps out of my spell set for moonkin
11:55.37Corrodiasalthough i think my current method is best, given that i have to stop what i'm doing to recast roots sometimes and moonfire continues to do damage during that time.
11:56.19Corrodiaswell, i must slee. 'ni!
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12:49.20YammYgirlcodingguys!! I figured it out what was the fps problem !!! I was 5fps now I have 30fps !! \o/
12:49.49WobinWhat was it, Yam?
12:50.14YammYgirlcodinghardware cursor!! turned it off and fps incredibly increased!
12:51.09Mike-N-GoI have been looking at my addon for a long time.
12:51.17Mike-N-GoIt is not working right currently.
12:51.32Mike-N-GoThere is the .lua, .toc, and the Bindings.xml for it
12:52.16Mike-N-GoI know the problem is around line 92 to 100 in the .lua
12:52.40Mike-N-GoI think I did the tables wrong, I am to tired right now to know.
12:52.56Mike-N-GoIf you can help me, leave a reply and I will get it in the morning.
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13:40.12YammYgirlcodingguys. Anyone knows an addon that puts a small squared frame on window written:  Health: 99  Mana : 99
13:40.24YammYgirlcodingblack frame, yelow 1 pixel border
13:40.38YammYgirlcodingi can't find the name of it in the middle of my 100 addons :)
13:48.31weazerThink CT_Core has that
13:50.27YammYgirlcodingfinally a living soul here :)
13:51.32YammYgirlcodingbtw I found an amazing addon for healers! 'healer buttons'
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14:22.56tinglefoxlit: you there?
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14:27.12YammYgirlcodingguys. My quest log [-]  button is not showing. Is there any known issue for that that u guys are aware of?
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15:20.44JebsterHi, anyone on here?
15:23.39JebsterAwsome, you know anything aboiut this RP mod? i was talking to someone about it on WoW
15:24.22kasoFlag RSP?
15:24.48JebsterYea, lets you type in your chars surname and stuff, i like to R%P so liked the sound of it.
15:25.22kasoWhat about it then
15:25.40JebsterDoes any of this string of sites let you download it?
15:26.50kasothe orginal rsp is here, but i dont think its 2.0 compient
15:27.03kasoTheres a replacement called MyRolePlay iirc
15:27.31JebsterWell with my gatherer one i needed the beta version for it to work, so is there somewhere i can get the beta one?
15:27.43kasotry this
15:27.47kasoor this
15:27.53JebsterAye, will do
15:28.30kasoalso read this: when you're deciding what to write on your description :>
15:30.08JebsterAye :P thanks for the help :P
15:32.26JebsterOk, now how do i configure it? its working on game, just dont know how to set it up :P
15:32.47JebsterAs with gatherer i type /gatherer with this is it /something?
15:33.38kasoIm not so sure
15:33.47kasocheck out if theres ant readme or help files
15:34.21kasoor if you want you can open its main .lua file and look for SLASH_SOMETHING1 = "/theslash"
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15:41.14MalivilWhat is your gatherer question?
15:41.25JebsterI have no gatherer question...
15:41.47MalivilI misread that
15:42.07JebsterYou people know of a mod that shows the locations of every starter quest?
15:42.20Jebsterso i can find some?
15:42.33tedrocksounds like someone is trying to get rep :P
15:43.13kasogoing back and doing lowbie quests is what alot of people are doing for rep atm :>
15:43.47JebsterWhats rep? rep with each faction?
15:44.10tedrockworks nicely. you just need to know who gives you the quests because when you are way higher then starting level they don't show an ! over there heads
15:44.30kasoyes, like UC, thunderbluff etc rep
15:44.40kasonow that quests get full rep no-matter what level you are
15:46.14tedrockyah i went and did a bunch of the level 1 darn quests. found a bug too
15:46.20YammYgirlcodingguys!! u know any addon that auto starts melee if u get attacked ?
15:46.26MalivilNot possible
15:46.40MalivilRequires a keypress
15:46.46tedrockthe dream eater quest cannot be completed by draenei and BE. some GM reported it for me
15:46.51JebsterSo is there an addon that shows the starter locations of most quests? just so i know which areas are better for me to go too
15:48.02MalivilAnyone know which is better for a horde character, Scryers or Aldor?
15:48.14YammYgirlcodingI used to have one before, blizz has remove this function?
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15:50.58JebsterUm... guess not by the silence :P
15:51.15tedrockJebster basicly you just gotta keep an eye out for !s over peoples heads or speak bubbles when you mouse over them
15:52.04tedrockother then that you'd wanna get some map note addon that let you add your own dots to teh map and go to something like thottbot and look up low level quests and mark them on hte map yourself
15:55.23JebsterCool, whats this map note addon? gove me a site with it on please?
15:57.20tedrockjust search any addon site for mapnotes
15:57.43Jebsterok will do :P, what realms you all on?
15:59.15JebsterIm Raven holdt
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16:03.45JebsterIm downloading one of them now.
16:05.32kasoam i imagening this, or did shaman's have a "Dispell Potion" at some point, like in beta, anyone know?
16:08.54tedrockdispell potion?
16:09.32Jebsterno idea mate
16:10.10kasoI dont know, i seem to have a memory of it
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16:10.48kasobut it could be confabulation
16:10.55tedrockwhat exactly would that do?
16:11.08kasoDispell potions off enemies
16:11.24kasolike remove buffpots of players, take Winterfall firewater off the winterfall guys etc
16:12.19tedrockonly thing i know we got is purge
16:22.54kasoapparently pots used to be considered magic buffs, so thats prob what im remebering
16:27.41foxlitSome are, some aren't
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16:37.18JebsterUm any tips on what to do once your action bar one is full and you will need to use most of your abilities often?
16:40.26JebsterMay have sorted the problem for now...
16:40.57JebsterJust im starting to get some real usefull ones i could need a lot...
16:42.41foxlitYou could probably compose a few macros to combine things; get extra action bars from interface options
16:45.14kasoeveryone knows paladins only need two buttons
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16:51.50Sstixrudfoxlit, I found an interesting way of optionally supressing an ActionButtons "cast/action" via <PreClick> :)
16:54.51SstixrudI use this:SetAttribute("type", "click")  this:SetAttribute("clickbutton", SomeNonExistingButton) if the condition is true... and this:SetAttribute("type", "action") if the condition is false
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16:55.44AdysBefore BC I had a macro - /script BattlefieldMinimap_LoadUI() if BattlefieldMinimap:IsVisible() then BattlefieldMinimap:Hide(); else BattlefieldMinimap:Show(); end - which allowed me to toggle battlemap anywhere in the world, which was very useful when in group
16:56.04Adysit doesnt work anymore now, any idea if its me or if its been changed?
17:00.27kasodoes /run ToggleBattlefieldMinimap() do anything ?
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17:32.11kasotauren was awesome
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18:27.43tingleis there a way to make a database useing something like exel? and make a addon read out of that tabel?
18:30.19tingleor how do i creat a database?
18:31.11tinglesorta what?
18:31.18kasoI mean, wow's saved variables are based around tables, however they need to be properly constructed lua tables, not just some random excel thing, there might be some sorta converters around
18:31.51tinglewell heres what im wanting to do
18:32.37tingleconsidering it takes about 5-6k quests to get to level 70 (im makeing a leveling guid addon) i need a tabel with quest name, quest locs, description
18:32.56tinglewhat would i best use
18:34.00kasodo you know php?
18:34.06tinglelike forum
18:34.11tinglenever used it
18:34.15kasohm damn
18:34.21tinglenow remember this
18:34.49kasoi know theres a php-lua script around, otherwise you'd have to write some sort script yourself that can export a database into a lua table
18:34.59tingleit needs event handelers that changes the current quest and its infos after completing the last step
18:35.21tinglehow can i do that
18:35.59rjaymif i were you tingle, i'd open ultra-edit or similar, and take a look at the database in question, see if it's something you think you can parse
18:36.42rjaymand before that try to find out if the standard in which these databases are written is documented, perhaps on a lua site
18:37.04tingleok i dont understand the work "parse" ultra-edit"
18:37.14Malivilhes not reading a table
18:37.16Malivilhes making it
18:37.32rjaymsame thing, if he's going to read it, he still needs to understand how to build it
18:37.48rjaymunless he can find a standard on how the database is constructed
18:37.53rjaymor code that already does it
18:38.03MalivilHes making the database
18:38.07MalivilIs what i meant to say
18:38.36tinglehow does this sound:
18:39.17tinglea data base that has info in it and a lua that gets the info out of the line it calls for and puts the info in the correct frame
18:39.33tinglefor example for the database:
18:39.43rjaymlua can't read files from disk from what i've heard, only the saved variables
18:40.04tinglethen how would i make a database that sorta lokks liek this:
18:41.09tingle1a: quest name 1b: clear and update of the current mapnote 1c: quest detail   and then again for 2a 2b 2c.. ect
18:41.17tinglethats how i was thinking of building it
18:43.09tingleis it possible to do such a thing
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18:47.51zenzelezzanyone know why/if you can't summon people (warlock summon) in Netherstorm?
18:48.44kasostop people getting to tempest keep without a mount
18:49.11kasoif you want the "lore" explanation its something to do with instabilities caused by the twisting nether
18:49.32zenzelezzwish you could at least summon them to the mainland, just not the island
18:50.15tinglehey i just found something,  called Lua SQL what that be something i could use and would it be possible to use that for a addon?
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18:52.39kasotingle no
18:53.28kasothats a package for lua, you cant add that to wow
18:53.38tingleim out of ideas
18:54.02tinglethen instead of makeing a database that doesnt work anyway how can i do such a larg thing like i said erlier
18:54.27kasowhatcha mean ?
18:55.17tinglewhat i just typed up erlier
18:55.21tingledont you remember
18:55.37kaso1a: quest name 1b: clear and.... ?
18:55.41tingle1a: quest name 1b: clear and update of the current mapnote 1c: quest detail   and then again for 2a 2b 2c.. ect
18:56.40kasowhatcha mean for 1b?
18:57.19tinglewell i want mapnotes that tell you where to go next and of coars when the next step comes the last mapnote needs to get deleted
18:57.25tingleits a leveling guid for example
18:58.20tinglewhen you first go into the game with a level 1 character the first step shows up in the frame and int he detail box it tells you what to do, like go get your first quest, and it shows the loc as a mapnot where to get the first quest
18:58.55tinglethen once you did that and accept the quest it all changes and a mapnote shows up where to complete the quest
18:59.14tingleand so on untill 70
19:00.23kasoI'd choose something like this
19:01.28tinglethat as a function?
19:01.41kasothats a table, sorting the data for the various quests
19:01.55tingleah ok
19:02.30kasoso in that table you have the quest's name, is description it's map coords, etc ,etc
19:02.40tinglewell howq to i get the certain things to go into the frame
19:02.47tinglewell wait
19:02.56tinglenot cords, mapnotes
19:03.07kasoAs in, using the addon MapNotes?
19:03.45tinglewell not certainly i could build the mapnotes into my addon, but it needs something that deletes all mapnotes and add new ones every quest
19:04.04kasoOk, you have two real opitions.
19:04.27kaso1) Make your addon depend on Mapnotes and use thier API to show the infomation on the map
19:04.39kaso2) write your own "MapNoting" code
19:05.12kaso~seen Mery
19:05.42purlmery <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 3d 4h 16m 51s ago, saying: 'morning'.
19:06.15tingle*looks adorbale as kaso* i dont know much of codeing and programming, but i know how to level to 70 in less than 9 days would you help me ^^
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19:09.13tinglekaso you see my last message
19:09.18kasono i crashed
19:09.46tingle*looks adorbale as kaso* i dont know much of codeing and programming, but i know how to level to 70 in less than 9 days would you help me ^^
19:10.50kasohehe, well, i'd have to think about that, what you're proposing is a rather large addon
19:12.19tinglewell all you would have to do is code and make it and tell me where to put the differnt information, thenn ill do that up ot level 70
19:13.43tingleor not
19:14.02Sstixrudsilly question... if ; is not required at the end of lines why do it at all? :)
19:14.15kasobecause its pretty
19:14.52kaso"allows neater code"  
19:14.52kasobut i dont use it myself
19:14.52Cairennease of reading
19:14.52SstixrudNot required = ugly in my opinion
19:14.52kasoleftover from other programming languages
19:14.52Sstixrudhmm I just dont see how tis easier to read
19:15.05kasowhen youve read C and java and whatnot where ; are needed then you get used to them
19:15.35SstixrudPython is the only other lang I have used to a signifcant degree
19:15.37TainPeople are familiar with it from other languages.  It's more of an issue when you're switching back and forth between different languages.
19:15.46tinglekaso what say you
19:16.20tingleor at least help me code what your thinking of
19:16.22Cairennand depending on the complexity of your code, and thus how long each "line" is, believe me, it makes it easier to read
19:16.25Sstixrudthat makes sense, i'll continue to not use ; then... if for no other reason then to give C coders heart burn :)
19:16.42kasoIm not really willing to start another addon at the moment
19:16.52kasobut i have something that might be interesting to you
19:17.19SstixrudI found a tricky way of conditionally not triggering an actionbuttons "cast" today :)
19:17.40SstixrudI am proud of myself *pats himself on the back*
19:19.34kasogimme 2min tingle, is a thread on a private forum, im saving it to my webspace
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19:26.01KirkburnSo apparently Fel Reavers dance
19:26.39KirkburnI quote from WoWWiki: "Fel Reavers - Unknown, seems to involve deep knee bends / squats and touching the opposite foot." :)
19:26.55Kirkburn("unknown" being the provenance)
19:27.17KirkburnI cannot imagine when you would see it :P
19:27.47KirkburnPerhaps they've started doing a little jig after they kill a player for the 10,000th time ;)
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19:30.32kasotingle, not perfect copy but you can read it : he's done something similar to what youre thinking of for horde though, and only post 60
19:30.37SstixrudWould there be any reason to use  PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED instead of always using UNIT_AURA in a situation where the player and other units need to be acted on?  
19:31.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
19:31.35ShadowedPretty sure the only advantage to PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED is it only fires for the player, so if you want updates on player and other units you may as well only use UNIT_AURA
19:31.56kasoi beleive some things trigger p_a_c and not u_a, like weapon buffs, stances etc
19:32.15kasobut thats off the top of my head, test that before you trust me
19:32.22tinglehaso? you got hat stuff`
19:32.28tingleoh i see the link
19:32.28kasowhat stuff?
19:32.32kasoah yes
19:32.35kasoclicky linkie
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19:34.11tinglewell thats not realy what i was thinking of
19:35.06Sstixrudkaso well seal of rightousness at least is still triggered by UNIT_AURAS
19:35.32kasothat aint a weapon buff or a stance, why would it be ?
19:35.35Sstixrudill go buy a sharping stone and see if that triggers it as well
19:35.38ShadowedHe means stuff like sharpening stones
19:35.45tinglei was thinking per step  add the mapnote to that quest and when your done with that quest it removes all mapnotes and adds the mapnote of the next step
19:36.12tingleknow what i mean
19:37.19kasotingle, really, the addon you're describing is not a small amount of work, developers tend only to be particular willing to put work in when its something they themselves want to use etc.
19:37.52Cairenntingle: I have a question for you - this whole getting to 70 in 9 days, what the heck are you talking about?  legitimate within Blizz's rules, or botting
19:38.24tingleits completely legal the best way to quest and grind in 9 days /played
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19:38.33Cairennbecause frankly it sounds more than just a tad dubious
19:38.53ShadowedCairenn: Two of my guildies did 1 -> 70 on a shaman in around 10 days real time
19:39.08tinglewell more like 80% questing and 20% grinding
19:39.44Cairennas long as what you are talking about is within the rules, otherwise get it the heck out of this channel
19:40.00tinglekaso did you get my private message?
19:40.39Shadowed60 -> 70 is easy, you can do that in 4-7 "real days", 1 -> 70 is harder, but doable if you plan out the entire route and stock up on potions
19:40.49Sstixrudhmm nither AURA event seems to be triggered by sharping stones
19:41.12kasotingle no, you need to be registered to send PMs on freenode
19:41.37tingleoh damm
19:41.39Cairennthen whenever you log in, /msg nickserv identify [pw]
19:42.06AdysHrm, anyone knows in which file the floating /say/yell/party bubbles code is stored?
19:42.19Shadowednothing we have access to
19:42.54kasobut they are accessable through the UI
19:42.57kasodepending on what you want to do
19:42.59Sstixrudin fact sharping stones are not even considered a UnitBuff
19:43.18kasoi've done some work with Bubbles Adys, whatcha thinking about
19:43.44AdysKaso: wanted to have a small bubble frame on the screen
19:43.49AdysIll explain you by pm
19:45.12Cairennadys: unless you are trying to keep it a secret, you know you're better to talk about it in channel so more than one person can give you a hand :)
19:45.41Adysfair enough =)
19:45.54Cairennchoice is yours, don't misunderstand
19:45.55Cairennjust saying
19:46.03Adys - check the "Evil Twin" frame
19:46.10AdysI want to make it speak randomly
19:46.14Sstixrudkaso GetWeaponEnchantInfo stores those type of enhancements
19:47.03Sstixrudhmm guess ill either ignore weapon ehnacements or write a special function for them
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20:27.09*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (
20:28.30qw`In Discord Action Bars I was able to configure my bars so that when I pressed a key, all my bars changed, and then I could reference the visible bars with shift+[x]. Is this possible in Bartender3 / Bongos? I can't figure out if paging is what I want, but I don't think it is
20:31.49qw`I get that Discord Action Bars are "incompatible" so I can't use them apparently
20:32.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Nomad_Wanderer (
20:33.06tinglekaso you there
20:33.11tinglegot a question about
20:36.07Mikmaqw`: use Barcrawl
20:38.05qw`can't find barcrawl on curse or with google
20:38.05zenzelezzman, Mechanar is awesome
20:43.05tinglecan someone tell me why doesnt make 2 frames show up ingame?
20:43.22qw`Mikma - I can't find "BarCrawl" addon, do you have a URL?
20:44.01tingleoh nevermind it works
20:44.05tingledidnt load it correctly
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20:45.09qw`Not on that site either :-)
20:45.32tingle how do i anchor the second frame too the bottom of the first one???
20:46.56Cairennhi [Cu]Werik
20:48.54qw`Mikma - It wasn't on that site either :P
20:49.39CairennOkay guys, just had this asked of me - Has anyone heard of any addons which can change your upload speed in game, therefore making you look lagging and untrackable in pvp?
20:50.45CairennThe person that asked me was just owned by a 5 level lower shaman that was so laggy they couldn't hit or even target him.  Someone said that there is an addon that can do that
20:51.16CairennMaybe it was just a rumour and the guy was just laggy as hell, but be nice to know if anyone has heard about anything like this
20:52.06*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
20:52.13qw`Mikma - ah Barbrawl - you wrote Barcrawl :-)
20:53.34Mikmaoh well, sorry
20:54.28foxlitWhy does WoW turn off antialiasing?
20:54.55foxliti.e. it runs with 4x multisample for a while, then drops to 1x
20:55.27tingleis there someway to anchor a second frame to a differnt frame? like to the bottom of a frame that is at TOP??? because relativeTo="SomeOtherFrame" doesnt seem to work
20:55.41qw`Mikma - are you sure this can do what I want it to? From what I can see this one has even less features than the others
20:55.58foxlitrelativeTo works
20:56.02zenzelezzuhm... a guildie just linked a neck item... +0 stamina, +0 intellect, +0 mana per 5 seconds
20:56.05Mikmaqw`: it swaps all the bars when you press alt/ctrl/shift down. that's what you wanted right?
20:57.00qw`Mikma - ah no, that's not it
20:57.08tinglerelativeto means it gets anchored to the someotherframe right?
20:57.25qw`Mikma - I use the keyboard for everything, so I have a very specific setup
20:58.03foxlitWhen used as an anchor, yes.
20:58.34*** join/#wowi-lounge amro_ (n=amro@
20:58.58qw`Mikma - Let's say I have four rows with buttons. I will target row #1 with SHIFT+1. When I press Q all the four rows should change to a different set of actionbars, but STILL be able to refer to ROW #1 with SHIFT+1
21:00.12tingleah ok got it to work :D
21:00.36qw`Mikma - you understand?
21:01.45Mikmaqw`: i'm getting a feeling you can't achieve that with current addons
21:02.02qw`I was able to do it with Discord
21:02.08Mikmayes i know
21:02.19Mikmawith discord you were able to do pretty much everything
21:04.21qw`going to try and configure Discord again, but I can't remember how it was I did it last time
21:04.29tinglehow do i make a button that opens another weapon
21:04.31qw`found someone who fixed the current Discord so it works in WoW 2.0
21:05.43tinglehow do i make a button that show/hides a frame
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21:07.11foxlitYay, fixed my keybindings override problem.
21:07.21foxlitIt now behaves exactly like it used to, except it's secure code :P
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21:10.09tingleanywhere a tut that explanes how to make a button to show/hide a frame?
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21:21.41amrotingle, to show/hide a frame use framename:Show()/framename:Hide()
21:21.48qw`In Discord Action Bars I need the pages on four bars to change when I press 'Q' - how would I go about that?
21:22.23tingleyea i know but through a button
21:22.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
21:22.46qw`I found an event script condition that says when a variable keybinding is pressed down it should perform i.e. a page change, but I can't figure out where to configure the variable keybinding
21:23.13JebsterHey all.
21:29.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (n=jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
21:30.16tinglesomeone got a link to faraframes
21:30.23tingleto her tut
21:31.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=mjgoosse@
21:32.17JoshBorkelook under wowinterface developer stuff
21:33.11tingleor could someone just tell me how to make text apear in a button ^^
21:34.32Mike-N-Gotingle: Look at an addon like CT_MailMod
21:34.40Mike-N-GoSee how it does it.
21:39.27Sstixrudif an event has an arguement how do I capture what that arguement is?
21:44.36ThraeSstixrud: function OnEvent(frame,event,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6...)
21:45.06ThraeSstixrud: Probably want to make that local or do FrameName_OnEvent
21:46.16SstixrudIt looks like UNIT_AURA has a Unit for its arguement, i'll save a lot of cpu cycles by only processing for Units I care about
21:48.25tinglewhat does name="$parentButtonClose" mean what is the $ for and the name after it
21:51.10zenzelezzif the parent was MyFrame, that would become MyFrameButtonClose
21:56.09tingleso your saying that acualy name="framename" should come there`
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21:58.39SstixrudThrae: What if I want to say DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage() every UNIT_AURA + args  , to debug what it is sending?
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22:05.47tinglewhen in wikki a example says Included in Backdrop, does that means that the example goes inbetween <Backdrop bgFile="In...></Backdrop>  ???
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22:20.18bleetahurgh, I'm suprised blizz hasn't implemented a mail filter that drops all mail containing '', and auto locks out any account trying to send a mail with that URL
22:20.51bleetahkinda like what MSN does to URLs containing download.php, etc. (without the lockout)
22:21.21tinglecould someone look at and tell me why i dont get a button in my second frame?
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22:22.57Cidebecause the xml is not correct
22:23.35Cideyou have a Button inside a Backdrop
22:23.42Cideit needs to be inside <Frames></Frames>
22:24.07tingleon the wikki site it says the example is Included in Backdrop
22:26.27tingleok just changed it to but still no button
22:31.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Radiance_ (
22:32.36tingleany idea why the button wont show up
22:33.04tedrock should this not heal me if all else fails? if i have self cast on
22:33.28Radiance_I have a small LUA question, is there someone knowledgeble willing to answer?
22:34.00Radiance_expr1 ~= expr2 <- If they are the same, the result is false?
22:34.32tingleexpr1 is not equal to expr2 thats what that means
22:35.31Radiance_so in: if expr1 ~= expr2 then return; end <- This means that it returns if they are not the same?
22:37.00Radiance_That would mean it returns out from the function it's used in, right?
22:37.45tedrockif i have no target and hit the bind it should just heal me (same as ALT plus the bind) but it doesnt do anything
22:38.48tingleyea thats right
22:39.00Radiance_ok, thanks mate
22:39.12tedrockanyone know what would be wrong?
22:39.20tinglenow can someone help me, why aint i getting a button in the second frame?
22:40.13Cairennain't ain't a word :p
22:44.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraithan (n=Owner@
22:44.53tingleso any help please
22:45.20WraithanHowdy, I ahve been playing with the event PLAYER_AURA_CHANGE and trying to get what weapon enchant my shaman has on his weapons, but I can't seem to get that information
22:46.51foxlitBecause you can't nest <Button> in <Frame>
22:46.56foxlitHave to have a <Frames> tag
22:47.24tingleok ill try it sec
22:49.31Wraithannevermind me
22:49.39WraithanI found the right function I beleive
22:50.03tingleah ok it works but when i click on the button the frame doesnt go away o_O a error shows up: [string "MainFrame2_FRAMEButtonClose:OnClick"]:1: attempt to index global 'autoInviteMainConfigFrame' (a nil value)
22:50.45SstixrudI am confused why does UnitBuff have a HELPFUL, HARMFUL, PASSIVE... isn't harmful already covered by UnitDebuff?
22:51.24kasonot quite
22:51.55Sstixrudtrying to decide if I can just use UnitBuff or if I need to use both.. not sure of the differences
22:52.04kasoUnitBuff doesnt have those filters, its GetPlayerBuff that has the filters
22:53.27SstixrudI dont understand?
22:53.31kasook, well
22:53.46kasoGetPlayerBuffX functions
22:54.08kasothey return details about Debuffs and buffs
22:54.35kasoif you want the first buff you do GetPlayerBuffName(GetPlayerBuff(1,"HELPFUL"))
22:54.51kasoif you want the second debuff you do GetPlayerBuffName(GetPlayerBuff(2,"HARMFUL"))
22:55.37tingleok can someone explane to me what inherits="OptionsButtonTemplate" does or means
22:55.59Sstixrudoh duh! I see what nither UnitDebuff or UnitBuff has harmful, helpful, passive :)
22:56.16SstixrudI understand.. sorry for being dense :)
22:57.02kasotingle that means that that frame inherits it's behavour from  the OptionsButtonTemplate
22:57.22zenzelezztingle, don't get me wrong, but not everyone in this channel is talking to you all the time... you'll notice there are several others talking to each other ;)
22:57.30SstixrudGetPlayer* won't be very useful to me as my mod needs to operate on multiple types of units player, partyN, raidN, Target etc..
22:57.41tingleare there other things i can put in there
22:58.06kasothen ofc you'll have to use the Unit(De)Buff functions, which imo are nicer :>
22:58.38tingleor better said what does the optionsbuttontemplate do
22:59.03SstixrudTingle: I recommend you read in detail, I spent a few days going over that content before things began to come clear.. its actully quicker in the long run to do that then to learn by trial and error asking questions here.
22:59.36tingleim useing the website but it doesnt explane that
22:59.51Sstixrudthat site will explain most of your frame related questions
23:01.58Sstixrudkaso - yup, thats what I am doing... for debuff I now have to figure out how best to split out curses, posions, magic and diseases from every other debuff aura as I need to treat them differently
23:02.01tinglelol duh that means its the blp it uses....
23:02.28tingleand that doesnt stand anywhere i just remembered that blp while i was looking around the art file
23:03.00kasoSstixrud you've gotta use tooltip parsing
23:03.13kasooh wait
23:03.15kasohang on
23:03.48kasotheres GetPlayerBuffDispelType for player, but i could of swarn there was a function the same for UnitDebuffs
23:04.04SstixrudI already have the players castable SpellNames tagged as curing Magic, Curses, Posions or Diaseses.. I just need to match those spellnames to the aura events
23:04.51Sstixrudthe user manually clicks on the spell and configures what cure attributes that spell has.. avoids me having to hard code every spell function and keep it up to date as blizzard patches
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23:07.32Sstixrudmuahah debuffType
23:07.38Sstixrudok this will be easy
23:09.50Sstixrudfor UNIT_AURA event ill:  UnitDebuff and pass all auras that match debuffType to my MyAddonCure()
23:10.23tingleis there a way to resize a button? like make it smaller?
23:10.24Sstixrudanything that doesn't match ill treat as an Attack Debuff for the Target
23:10.40kasotingle, :SetScale()
23:11.07tinglewhere to put it
23:11.27tinglein the button name`?
23:11.44kasowell, do you want to make the button like 20% smaller, or do you want it like, Width of 10 and high of 5 etc etc
23:12.08tinglesmaller %
23:12.30Sstixrudtingle explains how to create a slider that changes scales
23:13.51tinglenot like that :) just make the button smaller, not a slider
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23:14.39kasoit shows how to use SetScale() though
23:15.21kasobasically in an Onload you need to do ButtonsName:SetScale(number between 1 and 0)
23:17.03tingledoes onload come before or after <Frame>
23:17.46SstixrudAnything that calls other code goes at the bottom in the <Scripts> section
23:17.56Sstixrudthe url I sent u explains it all
23:20.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
23:20.21Mr_Rabiestest test
23:20.36Mr_Rabies2my mirc is acting weird :x
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23:20.39bleetahMr_Rabies: it's not working
23:20.41tinglecan i put 20% in SetScale() ??
23:21.03kasoi said above, setscale takes a value between 1 and 0
23:21.10kasowell actually not true but, 1 is 100% 0 is 0%
23:21.19foxlit20% == 20 / 100 == 0.2
23:21.36foxlit"percent = per cent = per hundred" :)
23:21.57foxlit(and "multiply by 100 to get a percentage steps in maths textbooks are just plain evil)
23:22.52tingleah thats the way it works ok now look at this no change of size...
23:23.35kasoFrom start to end
23:23.37kasolike a book
23:23.44bleetahanyone know of a mod that, whilst fishing, if something attacks you it'll swap the fishing pole out for your main melee weapon?
23:23.57tinglei just went through all 15 pages and couldnt find anything with SetScale
23:24.06bleetahor at least print 'swap out our fishing pole, noob' in big bright letters :/
23:24.15kasoNo, but you can find lots about the correct place to put OnLoads tingle
23:24.27foxlitbleetah: that's doable, but I don't think anyone does it :)
23:24.46kasoyou can do a one line addon to do that pretty much
23:24.49bleetahaye, figured as much hehe
23:25.05tinglewell by the faraframes the way i did it is correct
23:25.18bleetah(let's play 'guess who just tried fighting two hydras and a fen strider with a fishing pole)
23:25.22tinglebut the scale is still the same
23:25.39kasoThe onload is in the wrong place
23:26.24kasoLook on page 12, See where he put the OnLoad
23:30.32Grollhmm is there any addon that makes it possible to cast a macro without having it on the hotbar?
23:32.18kasoSetBindingMacro("KEY", "macroname" or macroid)   :>
23:51.10Corrodiasmaking it easy to assign macros to keys is probably a function of some addon, but i'm not aware of it
23:53.19tingle is that correct to make a button work (xml part)
23:55.38Corrodiascould be...
23:55.48Corrodiasalthough it seems you're running the clicked code when it loads as well as when it's clicked
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23:57.47tingleyea thats what i want
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23:59.56tingleunder the if then els stuff do i need to put a ( and ) around Detail_OnClick:IsVisable() ?

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