irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070123

00:00.17Tierrie|WorkScryer and Aldor?
00:00.22Tierrie|Workit doesnt' change your faction sir
00:00.31a-stray-catim rather sure it doesn't change the trade channel ;)
00:00.33Tierrie|WorkScryers and Aldors are factions but you are still Alliance or Horde
00:00.47Tierrie|Workhmm let me rephrase it
00:00.56bleetahyup, just checking stuff I was going to 'assume' before writing code ;)
00:01.16foxlitIsn't there only one trade channel anyway?
00:01.18Tierrie|WorkYour faction is Stormwind/Ironforge/Darnassus/Exodar/Ogrimmar/etc
00:01.39Tierrie|WorkBut you can be friendly/exalted with the Scryers or Aldor, but that doesn't change your faction
00:01.52Tierrie|WorkI don't think you have a faction
00:02.06bleetahfoxlit: shattrath's trade channel is seperate from your home faction's Trade - City
00:02.16Tierrie|Workdeep philosophical moment
00:02.27Tierrie|Workif you roll a human, does this mean you're of the faction Stormwind?
00:02.28Tierrie|WorkI don't think so!
00:02.38Tierrie|WorkI think you're just generic Alliance of no faction
00:02.43a-stray-catyou are associated with many factions.
00:02.51foxlitYes, but you don't give rep when killed :)
00:02.53bleetahwell, either way.. you get my drift
00:03.07a-stray-catyou dont have factions, only standings within factions.
00:03.09Tierrie|Worki want to kil crap
00:03.14bleetah1) shattrath's trade chan is seperate 2) chosing scryer/aldor doesn't change the chan name
00:03.38a-stray-catso kill stuff
00:03.39Tierrie|Worki wonder if the horde and alliance can start a fight in shattrath
00:03.45a-stray-catthey can't
00:03.47a-stray-cateveryones blue to you
00:04.05a-stray-catstill can't inspect the opposing faction though :<
00:04.33Tierrie|Workyou know what i'd like to do is stand at netherstorm and polymorph opposing faction as they fly too close to me
00:04.40Tierrie|Workwatch them fall into the void
00:04.50a-stray-catpolymorph does nothing to people on flying mounts
00:04.59Tierrie|Worki don't really do that because i am on a pve server :(
00:05.02Tierrie|Workoh really?
00:05.08Tierrie|Workcan you be dazed off it?>
00:05.26a-stray-catbut you can fly way above any mobs range
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00:18.59TC_Workingsadly this is what happened to many people
00:21.50WobWorkunfortunately true
00:21.59WobWorkfor those who can afford to take the week off =P
00:24.31TC_Workingi still havent upgraded my wow account to BC
00:25.19TC_Workingand the CE is siting in my room looking mournfully at me
00:26.07^AlleyriaI'm just waiting for my box to come in the mail :)
00:26.29TC_Workingoh, no, mine came on wed, i have just been to lazy to do anything about it
00:27.58wereHamsterwhat cooldown does Rampage have?
00:28.20WobWorkDepends on how many people you eat when you break through the buildings
00:28.35WobWorkI kinda miss playing that game =)
00:29.33*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
00:30.01ShadowedwereHamster it has no cooldown
00:30.09TC_Workingya, that was a great game
00:30.20Shadowedcosts 20 rage
00:38.21bleetahhmm, I think shattrath trade channel is bugged
00:38.52bleetahif I leave the zone, into elsewhere in outlands, GetChannelName("Trade - Shattrath City") returns the chan number I was using back in shattrath, rather than 0
00:39.33^AlleyriaWhat about in another instance ID, not 530?
00:39.40^Alleyriaor was it 430..
00:42.32^AlleyriaDoes that still return the same in a different instance ID
00:42.55bleetahyeah, just working through the testing now
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00:50.40bleetahoh, hmm... it'd appear it's storing what the channel should/will be, rather than whether it's an active channel or not
00:51.18bleetahdarnassus->rut'heran, GetChannelName("Trade - City") returns the chan number I was using
00:52.02bleetahaargh! forum purgatory!
00:56.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
01:07.13bleetah^Alleyria: so, the upshot is: yes, if you leave a trade zone for anywhere, GetChannelName("Trade - City") or if it were Shattrath you were in, GetChannelName("Trade - Shattrath City") will return the chan number that the channel *would* exist on, if you were in the zone
01:12.09WobWorkoh man
01:12.10WobWorkso australian
01:12.41WobWorkmy latest commit note: "not equal to GBR, not not not equal to GBR damnit."
01:13.31bleetahaussie aussie aussie
01:13.31WobWorkwe always confuse our american guildies with our ability to parse recursive quadruple negatives =P
01:14.12bleetahbunch of non-vegemite eating heathens!
01:14.32*** part/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
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01:16.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Karnicus (
01:17.24WobWorkRaidvote: I have never not done this Boss (y/n)
01:17.37bleetahjust remember to /gquit when they start mentioning fosters as an aussie beer
01:18.00kahdgarxiwhat? you mean foster's isn't actually australian for beer?!
01:18.03WobWorkunlike most countries, we export the crappy beer and keep the good stuff
01:18.25bleetahkahdgarxi: nah, it's aussie for 'rat's urine'
01:18.32bleetahbut in a far less... friendly set of words
01:19.44bleetahreal aussies drink Coopers
01:22.46bleetahwhich goes to show how few real aussies are left in the world ;)
01:26.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
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01:34.59norgsalso, in Australia, we don't have any Outback Steakhouses...
01:36.02norgs"Foster's Group Limited is a global premium-branded beverage company dedicated to delivering quality products enjoyed by millions around the world every day."
01:36.03bleetahand we leave our roadkill for the flies
01:36.19norgsnotice that they don't mention any actual aussies drinking it
01:36.59bleetahthe only fosters we'd touch, would be their seperate wine divisions
01:37.20norgsthey don't even actually bother to try to sell it to aussies
01:37.21bleetahand I know a few peeps who stay away from them on mere princpal of 'don't encourage the bastards'
01:38.15norgsi do believe if anyone in australia saw you even holding a stubby, you'd get stoned to death
01:38.23TainIs the US still banning the import of vegemite?
01:38.55norgsthink so... you can't apparently have folate in anything that's not bread for some strange reason.
01:39.13norgsit's not like it's good for you or anything,
01:39.39TainCrazy ass crackers.
01:40.30TainI work for a company whose base is in Australia, it's a pain in the ass to have to work with people there.  I have to stick around until 6 at night to catch them at like 8am.
01:40.37norgs"There is no ban on Vegemite," US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) spokesman Mike Herndon said.
01:40.48Neuro_Medivh_you know that the Vegemite brand is actually owned by a US company?
01:41.14TainDown with the US!
01:41.28bleetahI worked for a company who's base was in Aus, EU office in Dublin and I was in continental Europe and many senior management always in the US. I think Tain doesn't know the true concept of 'pain in the ass' ;)
01:41.37norgsanyhow... apparently the ban only applies to added folate
01:41.51Tainhah I was always trying to get them to send me to the Dublin offices.
01:42.11TainI told them I'd even take my paycheck in beer.
01:42.13norgssince vegemite's folate comes from the ingredients and is not actuall "added" to the product, it's ok
01:42.51norgsstill, bloody disgusting stuff, but it keeps the mozzies away, so whatcha gonna do?
01:42.59bleetahmate of mine's mum used to work at the vegemite factory. she swore blind it's natural colour is approxiamtely that of a faded pair of blue denim jeans.
01:43.33TainIt's people!  Vegemite is people!
01:44.06bleetahmmm Skippy burgers++
01:48.23*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
01:58.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:01.09Corrodiaswhat's a stubby?
02:01.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=mjgoosse@
02:01.35^AlleyriaAre you refering to part of the "Auctioneer" {ack?
02:01.38Corrodiasre: australia
02:16.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
02:19.10Nom-bah anyone here good with vba ?
02:19.22Corrodiasvisual boy advance?
02:19.32Corrodiasvirtual? something like that
02:19.34Corrodiasit's been a long time
02:20.24Nom-visual basica
02:20.32Corrodiaswhat's the 'a' for?
02:20.55Nom-visual basic (for applications)
02:21.02Nom-as in the embedded version that's in excel
02:22.16Corrodiasno idea how to use it, sorry
02:25.13*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (
02:30.11Cairenn"and now for something completely different ..."
02:30.14Taktaalso the usual method to get your addon listed on is to upload it to SVN, did i understand that right?
02:32.45CairennI am looking for someone that: a) has some time available; b) knows and loves LotR; and c) knows our sites well - need a hand with something I'm working on, if anyone is willing
02:33.41Corrodiasi have no time, am only partially familiar with the books, and don't know anything about web administration or design.
02:34.38Taktaalash nazg gimbatuul
02:34.45Taktaalagh burzuumishi krimpatul
02:35.09Cairennnot web admin or design, more about our sites, the types of things we allow, etc
02:35.17Cairennsomeone that is used to the way we do things
02:38.53zenzelezzfor the LotR MMO?
02:39.03Cairennsort of
02:41.41TainIt couldn't be about the LOTR MMO!  That's still under NDA!  So it would have to be something... related. :)
02:42.36zenzelezzif I wasn't so opposed to the movies and games... :-x
02:43.15Corrodiasthere's nothing that says i can't make a fansite about a game that hasn't been released. if the publisher doesn't let out information, then i won't have much to put on it, is all.
02:43.53Tierrie|Workheh for some reason two departments in my company are feuding and they decided to use reply all in their emails
02:43.56Tierrie|Worki am very amused
02:44.12WobWorkCorrodias: It could be a page with a blinking marquee of "SQUEEE"
02:47.43Corrodiasour realm is one that might get split up due to population
02:49.29WobWorkAlas Argent Dawn =(
02:49.54WobWork<insert lame joke about the break of day>
02:51.56zenzelezzI almost hope mine gets split
02:52.08zenzelezzwith characters newer than x months get moved
02:52.50Corrodiaseach player chooses where his characters go
02:53.03Corrodiasand you get two new realms. i doubt it has "the original" and "the new one"
02:53.32Corrodiasthat is, two new realm names. they wouldn't be so foolish as to name one of the new ones the same as the old one.
02:54.33WobWorkArgent Dawn
02:54.36WobWorkArgent Dusk
02:55.01zenzelezzSilvermoon, Bronzemoon?
02:55.15WobWorkSee? =)
03:00.18TainSave the cheerleader, save the world.
03:01.26WobWorkI'd possibly like to watch Heros
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03:23.42TainStudio 60 is great.
03:25.26zenzelezzwhat's that?
03:25.28cladhaireI agree
03:25.33cladhaireBravo had a run of ti last night
03:26.19TainNew episode tonight.  Not even half-way through and I loves it.
03:27.40ThraeTain: Of what? I'm scrolling up and not seeing it :D
03:29.55Thunder_Childhe is talking about heros
03:30.09TainNo I'm on to Studio 60 now.
03:30.23Thunder_Childyou just said new episode
03:30.30TainI was refraining from mentioning Heroes.
03:30.47TainYes, new episode of Studio 60.
03:31.52TainMainly because Heroes was pretty... ehn.  Just an uneventful lead in to the next set of episodes.
03:31.56*** join/#wowi-lounge hyperChipmunk (
03:32.11Thunder_Childi'm watching Jack of all Trades atm
03:32.45ThraeI hate today's dramas and sitcoms. TV has really gone off-track in my opinion...or maybe I've just grown up beyond simplistic dialog.
03:33.54TainStudio 60, in my opinion, is better than most.  And funny.  And it even has an ex-Friends guy and it overcomes that.
03:34.53Thunder_Childoh it's a show.....i just thought you were mistypeing studio 6.0
03:35.52Corrodiasthis is pathetic
03:35.57ThraeFriends is one of the sitcoms I don't like.
03:35.57Corrodiasmy druid is so not ready for outland
03:36.13Corrodiashe can't even kill a single level 61 boar without stopping to heal
03:36.29Corrodiasor maybe i need to respec full feral just to have a chance
03:36.40ThraeCorrodias needs a Druid Boot Camp!
03:36.51WobWorkCorrodias: Mangle. You know you wanna
03:38.25ThraeCorrodias: How have you been killing things up until now?
03:39.24Corrodiascat form. ravage/pounce, tiger's fury, shreds, & ferocious bite, mostly.
03:39.37Corrodiaser, claws
03:39.44*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
03:41.08Corrodiasthat one death cost me 40s :/
03:41.55WobWorknever fear
03:42.02WobWorkgold falls from the sky in the xpac =P
03:43.10ThraeCorrodias: Resto. Druids have the worst time leveling because they have little enhancements in their attacking ability. Without attack specialization, they are forced to use EVERYTHING in order to take down monsters. It will be very rare you ever see a Feral Druid Rooting + Starfire'ing something to death, or a Balance Druid killing something in Cat or Bear Form. Resto or Hybrid builds are forced to use a larger variety of abiliti
03:43.43*** join/#wowi-lounge iRRVi (
03:44.03iRRViI cant get this / command to work
03:44.57Corrodiasthis guy
03:45.17Corrodiasyou know, i really don't want to talk about it
03:45.26Corrodiasforget him. back to druids.
03:45.50Corrodiasa variety, yay...
03:47.41ThraeCorrodias: Remember that a Boar is closer to a Warrior, it has high defense and attack. You don't attack a Warrior in Cat Form.
03:47.53Corrodiasi don't pvp
03:48.08Corrodiasi really don't know what you do to a warrior
03:48.08ThraeOK, well then...
03:48.22Corrodiasif it has both high defense -and- attack, i'm fucked
03:48.36Corrodiasmy bear form has moderate defense and low attack, and my cat form has low defense and high attack
03:49.35ThraeCorrodias: Bear Form is for enemies that have high attack power, defense, and are immune/highly resistant to roots. You're looking at a long-ass fight there. Keeping roots, along with Nature's Grasp, is key in these cases.
03:50.10ThraeCorrodias: In all cases where you have high attack, with a Resto. Druid, you want to be rooting + Moonfire + Starfire.
03:50.48ThraeCorrodias: I've read reports Entangling Roots got a silent buff in the latest patch, it may serve you well.
03:50.56Corrodiasthat would take years
03:51.24Corrodiasbut i have to try it
03:52.00Corrodiasit's a damn good thing people can respec, even if it costs ridiculous amounts of money for low-income players
03:52.04ThraeCorrodias: The life of a Resto Druid, a Holy Paladin, a Holy Priest, a Resto Shaman, all are slow, slow levelers
03:52.04Corrodiasor nobody would be healing
03:52.29Corrodiasjust kidding. i was doing okay before outland.
03:53.05WobWorkIt's true
03:53.09WobWorkI respecced to shadow
03:53.14dvorakkeydots are better than straight damage against high armor
03:53.15WobWorkIt's horrifically effective
03:53.16Corrodiasso what i wonder is why it's made harder for us to level
03:53.25WobWorkI melt faces like -nothing- else
03:53.32ThraeCorrodias: You need to pick a spec you're good at and stick with it. Going 41 Resto for Druids, in my opinion, is silly.
03:53.33WobWorkand can deal with multiple higherlevel mobs
03:53.37WobWorkit's scary
03:53.42Corrodiasi'm a very silly guy
03:53.55ThraeCorrodias: Resto Druids level slow for one simple reason -- we can do it all.
03:54.03Corrodias-i- couldn't do it all
03:54.11Corrodiasbut maybe i just suck
03:54.36ThraeCorrodias: For DPS, Priests are forced to use ranged spell attacks. Paladins and Shamans are forced into melee. Druids have the power of ranged AND melee.
03:54.38Corrodiasi couldn't tank worth anything because i didn't have the talents points for it, although i admit my cat form was sufficient, at least in Azeroth
03:54.41zenzelezzthe boars in Hellfire are tough bastards, don't judge solely from them
03:55.08ThraeCorrodias: Because Druids have both ranged AND melee, our ranged and our melee suck compared to a Paladin, Shaman, or Priest.
03:55.26Corrodiasi keep being punished for choosing this class. argh.
03:55.33Corrodiasnah, i'm just whining
03:55.40ThraeWe need to pick one or the other, or we're looking at less DPS then the other healers.
03:55.42Corrodiaspay me no heed. i'll work something out.
03:55.45ShadowedThrae: Ranged attacks *with* no dead zone, so they can attack in melee range
03:55.50zenzelezzI'm in an interesting situation
03:56.00zenzelezzI'm leveling my warrior on prot spec, and everyone except me is whining about it
03:56.01ThraeShadowed: The classes I mentioned have no dead zone...
03:56.36Shadowedonly paladin spells that are ranged I believe are HOJ, Shield thingy (talent), Holy Shock (talent)?
03:56.47ThraeShadowed: I said Shamans and Paladins were built for melee
03:56.53ThraePriests are built for ranged
03:57.28dvorakkeylikewise, druids have different forms for different purposes
03:57.36Shadowedzenzelezz tell them to stop whining
03:57.52ShadowedShamans aren't built for melee though Thrae
03:58.24Shadowedthey can spec to melee, but they aren't forced into it
03:59.17ThraeCorrodias: Look, you were never doing anything wrong. Think of your current situation as having completed the general requirements for your college education, and now you need to pick a major and a minor.
03:59.19Corrodiasi think maybe i can handle pretending to be a moonkin while actually being all specced for healing
03:59.27ShadowedCorrodias honestly
03:59.49Shadowedyou're being to critical about yourself, stop worrying so much and just play how you want to, you'll learn as you play :p
03:59.55ThraeShadowed: Shamans can't effectively attack mostly from range.
04:00.17ThraeNote that I am not considering their Shocks as "ranged attacks" ;)
04:00.44ShadowedThey have an entire tree that improves there spells which are 20-30 yard range
04:01.19Corrodiasi did say i was just whining
04:01.40Corrodiasalthough i'd like to note that "just playing how i want to" just got me killed
04:01.50Shadowedlearn from how you died and fix it!
04:01.53ThraeShadowed: True, but even a Balance Druid is better then a "Ranged Shaman" ;)
04:01.55Corrodiasi do need to change something.
04:02.11ShadowedBalance Druids are better then Mages at 70
04:02.41ThraeNah, both are still gear dependant
04:03.12Corrodiasthat doesn't make any sense
04:03.25ThraeBalance Druids have always needed to stack a large amount of +Damage to be effective.
04:03.33Corrodiasmages are specifically designed for spell damage. druids aren't supposed to be better than any other class at what they're designed for.
04:03.56Corrodiasi've been in plenty of painful discussions about that
04:04.06Shadowedmmm lesse if i can find that old post
04:04.22ThraeCorrodias: He's probably talking about overall, since Druids can heal and Mages can't, and Druids get an extra form of CC
04:04.49ShadowedNo i'm not actually trying to find the post by a Druid guildie
04:05.07Corrodiasan extra form of CC?
04:05.19Corrodiasoh, i think i heard about that
04:05.30Thrae6-sec incapacitate, I think Level 68 or 66?
04:06.17Shadowed"Druids still lack the impressive nuking arsenal that other DPS classes have in pvp but it does shed more light on well geared Moonkin's in pve as far as sustained DPS."
04:06.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@
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04:06.56ThraeThe one thing a Druid lacks for ANY role is threat control. We do not have the threat reducers that Priests, Mages, and Rogues have.
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04:07.24ThraeSpecifically abilities and talents.
04:07.31ShadowedThreat isn't much issue
04:07.43Shadoweder, much of an issue
04:08.03XuerianIt is when you're not specced healing, for healing 5-mans.
04:08.04ThraeEh, depends on the instance. Usually not, as we learn the new BC instances.
04:08.25ShadowedXuerian thats not really related to that
04:08.28Corrodiasit doesn't matter when soloing in pve
04:08.34ThraeXuerian: Threat generation for healing is different for Druids then all the other classes.
04:08.34Shadowedwe're talking about threat from damage, not threat from healing
04:08.57XuerianI believe it's time for me to sneak away quietly now <.<
04:09.39ThraeXuerian: We rely on HoTs, not any big heal numbers. So we need to monitor our threat level per second vs the threat generated, not when our Warrior is going to dump some rage.
04:09.40ShadowedThe only time you'll see threat being much of a problem is if we get fights like the drakes in BWL, but overall being smart when you're DPSing will help you alot more
04:10.07Shadowedthe DPS classes still get aggro even with threat reduction because they aren't smart with managing damage/aggro
04:10.50XuerianThrae, I know. My main is a druid. But relying on hots or not, if you're solo healing a group - because druids ALWAYS heal, no matter what spec they say they are <cough> - large heals will have to be popped sometimes.
04:11.12Corrodiasthere's not much you can do about threat as a healer, as far as i'm aware
04:11.17ThraeXuerian: Bah your PUGs suck :D
04:11.19Corrodiasif you don't heal the guy, he's dying and you're probably wiping
04:11.21ShadowedResto talents to reduce threat
04:11.25XuerianThrae: Ok, I can't argue that
04:11.27ThraeI don't heal much anymore on my server
04:11.29ShadowedIn 5 mans, you can taunt about 99% of the mobs
04:11.47Corrodiaswhat i MEAN is that, as a healer, there's not much during combat that i can do to manage threat
04:12.08Corrodiasif i don't heal, we're fucked. it's a poor alternative to drawing aggro with too much healing.
04:12.48ThraeCorrodias: Managing threat as a healer is timing when to heal and for how much, trying to mentally sync with your main tank for when he has enough rage to dump against the mobs to save your healing ass.
04:12.50ShadowedYou should never have to use a large heal in a 5 man right at the start, last I checked the threat from healing is halfed so a 3,000 heal (with no overhealing) is 1,500 threat
04:13.29ThraeThat's what I am talking about, anyway.
04:13.35Corrodias...but if he's dead before he has enough rage, it doesn't help anybody
04:13.40Shadowedonly time it's really a problem are in some of the dungeons with 4-6 mobs per a pull in which case even if you have -threat talents from the resto tree it wont really help you
04:13.44Corrodiasyou mean trying to hold off until he spends some?
04:14.17XuerianShadowed: They could make the difference between the mobs going for the AoE'ing mage/lock and you, but yes, I agree for the majority.
04:14.19Shadowedno, i mean if your tank needs to be healed for 3-4k right into the fight you have other issues, you'll still have to use a large heal eventually but by the time you do they should have enough threat it wont matter
04:14.44ShadowedXuerian: Talking about Druid healing not classes AEing =p
04:15.13XuerianYes, but your situation involves a group, and most groups aren't just a warrior and a druid :P
04:15.13ThraeCorrodias: The healer dying is always a bigger concern then the Warrior dying. A Rogue can finish off a mob or two with healing better then a Warrior and a Rogue could least for a Druid, Paladin, or Shaman, since they can take the hits. Priests are screwed.
04:15.16Corrodiasi don't envy tanks their job. i don't think i could do it.
04:15.24ShadowedIt sucks
04:15.40ThraeWell Priests are screwed IF Fade doesn't dump their aggro
04:15.45Shadowedif a mage is AEing 4-6 elites with one tank Xuerian, no amount of threat will save them :p
04:16.32XuerianLike thrae says, better the others die, then the healer :3
04:16.32ShadowedI never had issues with aggro in 5 mans and I was shadow spec....except for when i was in shadow form
04:16.40XuerianThat's kindof like me bringing up the non-healing specced druid healing, isn't it
04:16.55ShadowedWell Thrae said that priests are screwed if Fade doesn't dump their aggro
04:17.15Corrodiaseverybody tells me that high-end Restoration talents are just silly
04:17.34Corrodiasi rather like the sound of some of them. :/
04:17.39Shadowedfor what, raiding or 5 mans?
04:17.55XuerianThey're in no way silly for raids, any help is help for healing
04:18.00zenzelezzwhy care what others say if you find them interesting?
04:18.02ShadowedXuerian: What about Natural Perfection :p
04:18.25XuerianShadowed: Details are things I can't be arsed to concern myself with when I'm speaking out my ass.
04:18.28XuerianSo hush.
04:18.29ThraeCorrodias: Restoration talents for Druids are in there for a reason. They are there for group makeups that need that extra healing. If most of your groups/raids need that extra healing, then it's not silly.
04:18.45Corrodiasthen why did you say it's silly to get them?
04:18.47zenzelezzXuerian: that's genius :)
04:18.52ShadowedCorrodias because they are wrong
04:18.57Corrodiasi care because i like to research classes to find out what's effective and what isn't
04:19.16zenzelezzI gave up that long ago when I realized that every guide I ever saw was biased
04:19.18ThraeCorrodias: Because from what you've been saying, your group makeups aren't like that.
04:19.22Corrodiasthey have more experience automatically, at the beginning, because i have never played the class
04:19.32Corrodiasi haven't mentioned groups. so far i've only mentioned soloing.
04:19.37ShadowedTheirs only 4 talents that aren't useful for a healing druid in PvE. Omen of clarity, furor, natural perfection and one more i forgot
04:19.46ThraeCorrodias: We talked about this before :)
04:20.00Corrodiasin most of my groups, i'm the only healer
04:20.13ShadowedMake them yourself
04:20.29Corrodiasexcept the occasion when ich comes along and keeps everyone alive with his vampiric embrace and i get to sit around doing nothing until he's out of mana
04:20.30ShadowedI usually try to find a healer so i can DPS, but when I can't I just suck it up and heal
04:20.47ShadowedIt's hard to keep people up with VE if the mobs die to quickly :(
04:21.33Corrodiasi can see that your perspectives on what is useful and what isn't are based mostly on healing only when you have to. i love it, personally, and do it whenever i can, so i think you may be right that i have to disregard your advice for the most part.
04:22.01XuerianCorrodias: What do you spec, overall?
04:22.07ThraeCorrodias: That doesn't mean your groups requires a Restoration Druid's specific healing abilities. Most of your groups may just be fine without those talents. For instance, I used to have Nature's Swiftness and 31 in Restoration (with the rest in Feral), and now I'm full Feral. Because I went through a leveled a Druid through both Restoration and Feral, I had the opportunity to see which I liked more.
04:22.55ShadowedWell, the ones I listed are only useful for a feral Druid really, Natural Perfection is only helpful for PVP most of the time
04:22.55ThraeOf course, I'm not saying make a new Druid and level up with only Feral to Level 50...THAT would be silly. Like me, as I did just that, as I am silly. I also have a Balance Druid too, each on different servers ;)
04:23.00Corrodiasspecific healing abilities... heh, i have been a silly person indeed, because i used to always try to use Healing Touch when i could, because it was the most mana-efficient
04:23.28Corrodiasfrom what i can tell, i did all right
04:24.36XuerianCorrodias: It purely depends on your group.
04:24.42ThraeWell Healing Touch is a basic ability, and isn't really buffed by Restoration as much as our Heal-Over-Time spells are. 41/10 in Balance/Resto buffs Healing Touch more then x/41 in Restoration, really.
04:25.27Corrodiasi haven't played my druid in the xpac much yet
04:25.33XuerianOk, so not purely. <.<
04:25.36Corrodiasi didn't have HoT-enhancing talents.
04:25.40ThraeSince you like Healing Touch so much, maybe putting more into Balance would be more fun for you? It'll reduce the cost of your Healing Touch while also drastically increasing your spell damage.
04:25.42ShadowedYou can buff HT alot from Resto talents :p
04:26.23ShadowedNaturalist, Empowered Touch, Tranquil Spirit all improve it
04:26.31ThraeShadowed: Well, I'm talking tradeoff of getting spell buffs vs what Resto buffs. If you don't use HoTs a lot, then Balance is better by far
04:27.40ThraeBalance reduces Healing Touch mana cost further, drastically increases overall mana regeneration, and Nature's Grace can reduce HT's casting time further
04:27.43Corrodiasuh.. what part of Balance enhances HT?
04:27.49WobWorkIs VE boosted by both +heal and +shadow?
04:27.57Shadowedit's not boosted by either
04:28.15WobWorkwell, it's returning a percentage of shadow damage
04:28.20Shadowedit's simply a percentage of your shadow damage done converted into technically the more +shadow gear you have the more it heals, but not directly
04:28.37ThraeCorrodias: One of the talents reduces the mana cost of various damage and healing spells, including HT, by up to -20%
04:28.41WobWorkyeah, so +heal won't affect that value?
04:28.52WobWorkoh well
04:29.03WobWorkmore weight to me getting more damage gear =P
04:29.30ShadowedYou could always stack more spell crit if you want to see VE crit more =p
04:29.53ThraeCorrodias: The general spell crit bonuses from Balance should also work for HT
04:31.28CorrodiasMoonglow? only reduces the cost by 9%
04:34.17WobWorkthat's a free cast every 11 casts =)
04:34.24WobWorkwell, 'extra'
04:34.26WobWorknot free
04:34.29Corrodiasi thought he said 20%
04:34.37ThraeCorrodias: Look at this build --
04:36.01ThraeCorrodias: That's a more Healing-oriented Balance/Resto Hybrid build.
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04:37.47Corrodiasi see Nature's Reach
04:38.12Corrodiashodamn, i just realized that i don't know how balance druids deal with needing water
04:38.51ThraeThat focuses more on the mana efficiency of Healing Touch then it does HoTs with a combined 19% reduction in its cost, -0.5 casting time, and possible Nature's Grace for another -0.5 casting time
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04:40.37ThraeCorrodias: If you look at all the talents on the Balance side, you can see how maximizing your Intellect can help you get insane amounts of mana efficiency.
04:41.46Corrodiasis there a good argument for Nature's Reach? otherwise i think i might rather have those two in Improved Nature's Grasp, depending on how useful that thing is
04:41.51WobWorkwhat's the 'pushback'?
04:41.56WobWorkinvolved with Wrath?
04:42.00ThraeTransferring in and out of Moonkin form can be basically free if you get off a few wacks on an enemy
04:42.09ThraeWobWork: Pushback effects are like when you are hit into the air
04:42.12Corrodiasknockbacks from certain enemy attacks, i suppose
04:42.52WobWorkwhat a bizarre talent
04:42.56Corrodiaswhat of this?
04:43.01ThraeCorrodias: Increasing the range of your Balance spells means, for example, you can Faerie Fire from the same range as you heal. That's far more useful to either a Resto or Balance build
04:43.07WobWorkgranted, there are no lowering talents for casttime for wrath are there?
04:43.18Corrodiasfaerie fire has never excited me much
04:43.20ThraeWobWork: Uhhh, it's a Tier 1 Talent for Balance
04:43.37ThraeCorrodias: Well it also works with Entangling Roots and the upcoming Cyclone...
04:43.53ThraeWith CCs, you want to CC them as far away as possible
04:44.19ThraeBasically, Improved Nature's Grasp sucks for anything other then PvP.
04:44.31ThraeSince Nature's Grasp can only proc outdoors, to start with.
04:44.55Corrodiasi haven't been convinced these range-increasing talents really give you that much more range
04:45.10ThraeCorrodias: It's better then the alternatives for that Tier
04:45.24Corrodiasoh, wait, that's 20% with two points
04:45.34Corrodiasi thought it was just 10%. i'm sold.
04:46.48Corrodiaswith that... i should be nearly as effective at healing as i used to be (though not as good as i could be), plus have a lot more ability to fend for myself in combat
04:47.09ThraeCorrodias: If you've mostly been using Healing Touch, you'll probably be better at healing
04:48.09ThraeCorrodias: Drastically increased mana regeneration, further reduced HT cost (by 9%), increased +Healing, more bonuses for Healing criticals
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04:49.05ThraeCorrodias: And unlike a Feral/Resto build, you basically need one set for PvE -- + Spell/Healing damage and the most +Int you can find.
04:49.22ThraeThe more Int you have with this build, far more powerful you become.
04:50.17Corrodiasi've been focusing all on +int and +healing during my item gathering
04:52.15Corrodiasi need to find an acceptable level 60 version of that spec, then
04:53.22ThraeCorrodias: Oops, I thought that was Level 60
04:55.51ThraeCorrodias: <-- then level up to 61 to get NS
04:58.05WobWorkhehe, I could never do a druid effectively
04:58.09WobWorktoo much to handle
04:58.12ThraeI'm not trying to force the "perfect" build here on you Corrodias, just trying to make sure you know that. I'm trying to help you find out which build would help you have the most fun :)
04:58.28Corrodiasyeah, thanks
04:59.20ThraeYour playstyle won't change with this build except the lack of NS until you get to Level 61
04:59.36ThraeHowever, it --should--, since Moonkin form can make things very different
05:00.00ThraeFor instance, you can use downtime in fights to run around wacking things in Moonkin to regenerate mana. Which means you will need a high DPS weapon.
05:00.19ThraeBalance Druids are the only spec where DPS on our weapon is important :D
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05:01.19Cairennwell that was annoying, Gaim decided to crash for no apparent reason
05:01.37ThraeCairenn: I find it likes to do that. 1.5 or beta?
05:02.53CairennThrae: latest beta
05:03.22WobWorkyeah happens to me occasionally =
05:03.57ThraeI use irssi through PuTTY and screen myself.
05:06.12Kirkburn|afkIs it known it's a patch day?
05:06.43Corrodiaslet's see... i've never used balance spells too much
05:08.05CairennKirkburn|afk: aye, it's on the login screen
05:08.25Kirkburn|afk2.0.6 I guess
05:09.49ThraeYou know, I'm glad there are free servers around now. This means if I still enjoy WoW in 10-odd years, there's a better chance I could still play it.
05:10.35ThraeAt the current rate of technology, in 10 years the options will probably involve virtual reality ;)
05:12.42Kirkburn|afkBlizz have stated they can't see a future without WoW - not even in 25 years :P
05:12.56Kirkburn|afkPlus stealing is bad mmkay
05:13.24ThraeKirkburn|afk: That's what 3DO and Origins said.
05:13.51Kirkburn|afkWhat games?
05:13.53Corrodiasi have to learn a new style of combat here
05:13.57Corrodiasand buy some water...
05:14.03Kirkburn|afkThey didn't have an 8 million player base though, of course :P
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05:14.40ThraeI don't agree with people playing free servers over paying, but it's good we have the technology for a decade or two from now.
05:14.57ThraeKirkburn|afk: Meridian 59 and Ultima Online.
05:15.21ThraeIf you want an example of an aging MMORPG which had a player base almost as large as WoW, then take Lineage
05:15.42Kirkburn|afkUltima isn't dead
05:16.12Kirkburn|afkI'm confused as to your point :(
05:16.16ThraeThe new Ultima Online doesn't have much left in common to the original
05:16.28Kirkburn|afkOh right, but it still exists, no? :)
05:16.35Kirkburn|afkAlmost 10 years now
05:16.46Kirkburn|afk(September 25, 1997)
05:16.48ThraeWell, that's like saying EQ2 exists, so why haxx0r EQ
05:17.51Kirkburn|afkYup, I was right. I didn't understand your point, think I do know though
05:18.23ThraeWhy play Diablo when you can play multi-player nethack for free!
05:18.26Kirkburn|afkMy point is, WoW ain't going anywhere for a loong time
05:20.18Corrodiasstarfire looks like something you use to open against ranged attackers...
05:20.49Corrodiasand not otherwise
05:20.53ThraeCorrodias: Depends. When you learn how to Root, it'll be your staple.
05:21.03Corrodiasas opposed to wrath? why?
05:21.36ThraeBecause spamming Starfire is far more mana efficient then spamming Wrath if you're not under attack.
05:21.54Corrodiasfar? ooh
05:22.18ThraeCorrodias: Think of Wrath like a Regrowth, and Starfire the Healing Touch
05:23.14ThraeAnd Moonfire the Rejuvination! Actually, there are some good parallels with Druids.
05:24.39Corrodiasregaining mana, not fun
05:24.55ThraeCorrodias: Remember -- there is no diminishing returns in PvE, which is why you want to Root, root, root. Hence why I had that 2/3 for 70% less chance of interruption for casting Roots and Cyclone (the latter will be even more useful)
05:25.34zenzelezzI have to admit I'm a bit unsure about what exactly "diminishing return" means
05:25.38ThraeYeah Balance Druids have downtime like all mana-dependant specs
05:26.11Corrodiasdiminishing returns refers to the phenomenon when putting more effort or resources into something gives you less value than it did at lower levels
05:26.30Corrodiasthat is, rooting someone a 5th time has a much shorter duration, if any, than the first time
05:26.39zenzelezzthat's odd
05:26.48zenzelezzmy Revenge Stun gets shorter every time on the same mob
05:27.21Thraezenzelezz: In PvP, each successful cast of a Stun, Fear, Snare, or Incapacitate increases that player's resistance to that type of spell for a short time. After 3 casts in a short time period, the player becomes immune for a short time.
05:27.45zenzelezzthat's exactly what I'm seeing with my revenge stun on NPCs
05:27.52Thraezenzelezz: Well for players and mobs it's different -- you'd have to be able to cast faster then global cooldown to make a mob immune
05:27.55zenzelezzbut you say there's no such effect
05:29.06ThraeIn other words, there are player diminishing returns and mob dimishing returns. For a Druid, they can spam roots and always have it either resisted or a successful cast in PvE. The mob can't become immune from the spam.
05:30.27zenzelezzis that just for regular abilities, or does it apply to procs?
05:30.38zenzelezzfor PvE
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05:34.43Thraezenzelezz: Procs too. For example, people were finding when the old PvP Knockback Two-handed Mace (Unyielding Force? I think) was changed to a Stun, it was basically making everyone immune to stuns, pissing off Paladins, as everyone was proc'ing stuns all over the place.
05:35.59Thraezenzelezz: However the Paladins that were pissed off the most were those that actually had the Mace, as they were proc'ing the stuns themselves. It's hard to make an enemy in PvP immune to something and have it effect that many other people
05:36.07zenzelezzyou'll have to pardon my harping on this; it's just that I can't seem to make it match what I'm seeing from the stun proc on my Revenge (which on the fourth proc shows as Immune)
05:36.10ShadowedStuns were all classified as the same type I believe
05:36.23ShadowedSo basically charge, intercept, TUF, HOJ, KS all had the same diminishing returns in PVP
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05:36.33Shadowedoh and mace talent stun
05:36.40Thraezenzelezz: Mobs become immune to stun for you?
05:36.43ThraeMaybe I'm wrong...
05:37.08Shadowederr, diminishing returns were done by just being stunned, not by the ability that stunned them seperately
05:37.09Corrodiasokay, i'm really messing up these NPCs as a moonkin
05:37.13zenzelezzonly for a short while, and only if it procs in quick succession
05:37.15Corrodiasthey don't know what's up
05:38.29zenzelezzThrae: it's only to the revenge stun proc though, I can still use Concussion Blow to stun them and such
05:39.26ThraeCorrodias: Heh, that's because you were Int heavy in a Resto/Feral build, and now you're Int heavy in a Balance/Resto build ;) Even for Druids, gear makes a big difference.
05:39.53WobWorkCorrodias:They're like "OMG, I'm dying, but from who?! There's only that fat chicken over there! Ow!"
05:40.10ThraeAs Moonkin, you can /dance on their corpses!
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05:42.02ThraeCorrodias: Now here's the real kicker -- as a Moonkin, it's more mana-efficient to wack Casters and other ranged enemies to death in Moonkin form. You'll have Omen of Clarity and Moonkin Mana-return procs.
05:43.55ThraeCorrodias: You keep Moonfire on them and put on a damaging proc on your weapon. Weapon procs DO work in Moonkin form.
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05:45.34Corrodiasinsect swarm & moonfire
05:45.43Corrodiasinsect swarm looks pretty efficient
05:48.54WobWorkwell since you're actually -using- the weapon
05:48.56WobWorkand it's not shapeshifted out into the ether
05:51.32ThraeCorrodias: Insect Swarm + Moonfire, yep. And Moonfire will get in a good crit rate as you keep reapplying, not to mention the free OOC procs you will use on another Moonfire.
05:52.00Mr_Rabies2does fiery benefit from +dmg gear?
05:52.11Mr_Rabies2if it does, :D
05:52.18ThraeBasically you kinda play a Balance Druid as a Paladin
05:52.23ThraeMr_Rabies2: No.
05:52.29Mr_Rabies2aw :[
05:56.34ThraeI wonder if there will be a Burning Crusade replacement for this item --
05:56.52ThraeAnd I wonder if it'll only take ~50 hours of playtime to get ;)
05:57.28Mr_Rabies2for bear/cat at least
05:58.25bleetahnow this is weird... sent the guild rogue a lockbox to open... I get it back. I abuse them for not opening it. they go 'sure I opened it, there's <some sword> inside'. he comes over to trade with me, opens the box up, sure enough that sword's inside. are lockboxes getting relocked in mail?
05:58.44ThraeMr_Rabies2: Heh, the Legendary item is still better even for a Feral. I'd pick the +300 Healing and +mana regen over a bit of extra Strength
05:59.04Mr_Rabies2armor too
05:59.09Mr_Rabies2and +feral skill
05:59.23Mr_Rabies2it's infinitely better for feral
05:59.56Mr_Rabies2healing doesn't matter in cat, and mana regen is only marginally useful most times
06:00.02Mr_Rabies2especially in a weapon
06:00.15Mr_Rabies2hybrid weapons are a huge huge huge waste of item budget
06:00.26Mr_Rabies2since you CAN swap them in combat
06:01.01ThraeMr_Rabies2: Well for a Feral debate, I say is better
06:01.38Mr_Rabies2most likely for cat, yeah
06:01.46Mr_Rabies2but for bear, nothing beats earthwarden
06:01.59ThraeActually, Agility is the primary stat for Bear Tanks
06:02.09ThraePrimary attack stat, that is
06:02.14Mr_Rabies2eh 500 armor > 27 agi any day
06:02.33ThraeI need to double-check my math on that one
06:02.58ThraeBut remember Dodge per Agility for Bear has been increased drastically with the last patch
06:03.55Mr_Rabies2that's 3000 armor
06:03.57Mr_Rabies2from one weapon
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06:04.24Mr_Rabies2500*5.5+10% is the right formula, sorry
06:04.39Mr_Rabies2ithink at least
06:04.50Mr_Rabies2unless you add the 10% to the 500 before conversion, not really sure
06:04.55Mr_Rabies2either way, a ton of freakin armor
06:06.03ThraeMr_Rabies2: Well, also take this into account --
06:06.13ThraeGetting up to Exalted is a HUGE PITA
06:06.45Mr_Rabies2supposedly just running the raid instance gets you there pretty easily
06:08.05ThraeMr_Rabies2: Not according to these guys, one of which played Beta
06:08.31Mr_Rabies2To get exalted the only thing you can do afaik is run steam vaults (the 70 coilfang instance) and get rep from mob kills and a random white drop (coilfang armaments the leader of the CE accepts them 1 for 25 rep)
06:09.02Mr_Rabies2oh it looks like honored->revered is the PiTA
06:09.20Mr_Rabies2i'm guessing you get rep at honored->revered from Steam Vaults too
06:10.49ThraeMr_Rabies2: Yeah, the entire thing will be one long-ass time
06:11.06Mr_Rabies2eh, any repgrind worth its snuff is
06:12.44Corrodiasso i should save quests until i'm Honored
06:13.41Thunder_Childi would say yes
06:17.03Corrodiasgreat. visual effects like tranquility and storm clouds have become permanent, in my game, again
06:17.37*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Paste Code Here: | TOC is 20003 | Ambrose Bierce: HISTORY, n. An account mostly false, of events mostly unimportant, which are brought about by rulers mostly knaves, and soldiers mostly fools.
06:18.06zenzelezzgood old Devil's Dictionary
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06:21.19ThraeMr_Rabies2: With Earthwarden you get at best 500/2300 armor, +24 defense, +24 skill rating, and +525 attack power. With Dreamer's Dragonstaff, you get +28/33 Health +590/469 attack power, +1.1% crit, +2% dodge, and +46 armour. The former is probably better for tanking but not DPS.
06:22.08ThraeAnd by the time you actually finish the rep grind for Earthwarden, you may be near the cap for Level 70 anyway (it wasn't that hard to hit it at Level 60)
06:22.21Thraes/the cap/the armour mitigation cap/
06:23.06ThraeMr_Rabies2: Where x/y == Cat/Bear
06:23.58a-stray-catanyone know what's called to show the tooltip when you mouseover a unit?
06:25.15Thraea-stray-cat: UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT
06:26.53ThraeSpecifically, tooltip:SetUnit is called BEFORE the Lua engine gets sent UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT. You can use OnTooltipSetUnit for that event, looking for when the unit == "mouseover".
06:27.38a-stray-cati hooked GameTooltip.SetUnit and its not called when i mouseover people :/
06:28.52Thraea-stray-cat: Like I just said...SetUnit is called by the game engine. Then the game engine sends a UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT event and also triggers OnTooltipSetUnit.
06:29.35Thraea-stray-cat: The only time tooltip:SetUnit is called explicitly is when you mouseover a unit frame.
06:29.37XuerianListen to thrae. He wrote a excellent tooltip mod and knows the ground <.<
06:30.03ThraeShh, my tooltip mod needs a rewrite for 2.0
06:30.19a-stray-catoh, which mod :P
06:31.43Thraea-stray-cat: I'm the slacker who did TinyTip.
06:31.44TemThrae, why does it need to be rewritten?
06:31.54TemI used it for a while in beta and had no problems
06:32.18XuerianAye, I've been using it too.
06:32.20a-stray-catcool :)
06:32.32ThraeTem: Some features I don't use don't work, it plays less nicely with other mods, and it should be converted to use OnTooltipSetUnit instead of hooking SetUnit.
06:33.32Temmm, I can agree with the event change
06:34.05ThraeI think it's "Extra Tooltip", which always had problems, is now entirely broken.
06:34.16bleetahyeah, huge differences between 'working' and 'working well/properly' ;)
06:34.19a-stray-catare there args with OnTooltipSetUnit? nothing seems to get passed and arg1-arg5 are all nil :/
06:34.45Thraea-stray-cat: OnTooltipSetUnit is a script handler, it's not an event.
06:35.27ThraeThat was a confusing statement, and I hate WoW for that being a confusing statement.
06:35.45a-stray-catnothing seems to get passed to it either, it just goes off?
06:36.10Thraea-stray-cat: Like all script handlers, the only thing passed is 'this'. You can get the unit by using tooltip:GetUnit()
06:36.22a-stray-catthanks :)
06:38.09a-stray-catGetUnit() seems to return the name and not the unit :/
06:38.24a-stray-catbut i can work with that, thanks for your help :>
06:38.25ThraeYes I see that it does, now that I'm looking it up.
06:38.43Thraea-stray-cat: If you want to only deal with when it's a mouseover unit, that's what the event UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT is for
06:39.12ThraeJust call your function you would have called when you hooked SetUnit
06:39.29TemThrae, that's not exactly true
06:39.43Temquite a few of the frame events have args
06:40.00ThraeTem: Yeah, I just saw I was wrong with that one.
06:40.01Tem(technically all of them have at least 1)
06:40.13Temthey all pass self as their first param
06:40.13ThraeIt just so happens OnTooltipSetUnit just has 'this'.
06:40.22Temalso, don't use 'this'
06:40.34Tem'this' is slower than the local 'self'
06:40.56ThraeAh, I didn't know the handler could use 'self'. I never used handlers much.
06:41.01Temtooltip:SetScript("OnTooltipSetUnit",function(self) ... end)
06:41.09Temit's a new thing
06:41.16ThraeWith 2.0?
06:41.30Temall events pass their args as function args in addition to the global version
06:41.35Temyes, new with 2.0
06:41.45ThraeGotcha. I'm still learning all of 2.0, yeah.
06:41.47Temsee the changes thread for more detail
06:42.03ThraeYeah. There's a lot to digest.
06:49.34*** join/#wowi-lounge ZealotOnAStick (
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07:14.51Cairenn|afknight guys
07:15.34bleetahmm Cairenn|afk
07:16.33bleetahheads up folks: slouken's original project is in debt, and needs your help now!
07:16.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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07:23.55Mr_Rabies2Does this fruit vendor not value his life? YOU ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME FRUIT VENDOR!!
07:24.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
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07:27.04krkahm... SDL T-shirt?
07:27.08krkai am intruiged
07:32.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
07:32.53bleetahkrka: SDL is slouken's baby ;)
07:34.06krkai know
07:37.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Elenesski (
07:39.10bleetahkrka: ohh, i see it there.. hehe, I guess a guy's gotta advertise somehow. Maybe he went to some linux convention
07:39.43Elenesskiis this the WoW Interface lounge?
07:40.46Elenesskianybody here?
07:41.07Corrodiasyes itis
07:41.25Elenesskilooks like a long delay between messages
07:41.32Corrodiasso i figure i can sell all my old level 60 feral gear if i'm going moonkin & healing only
07:41.39zenzelezzit's early morning/late night, what do you expect?
07:41.42Corrodiasbut i don't know if i can bring myself to just sell all that crap i worked for
07:41.53Corrodiassure i can, but i want someone to comfort me
07:42.27Corrodiaszenzelezz, hugs?
07:42.32Elenesskihow do you know you will like moonkin and healing and don't want to go back being Feral?
07:42.57Corrodiasi always intend this druid to be mainly for healing, but i had to have some feral power before for soloing
07:43.17Corrodiashowever, the mix i had just wasn't cutting it in Outland, so i've switched to moonkin, which is currently kicking ass left and right
07:43.51ElenesskiI sort of have the same problem with my priest .. do I go shadow or stay holy
07:44.14ElenesskiI certainly don't want to sell my holy gear because I know I'll go back to it when I get to 70
07:44.28Corrodiaswe-ell... you'll probably replace it all on the way to 70
07:44.40Elenesskithat's true
07:44.42bleetahby the time I was halfway through 61, I'd sharded most of my gear
07:44.49bleetahas... what Corrodias said ;)
07:44.50Corrodiasi guess i don't know what priests do, generally, but i'd suggest a mix of healing and soloing power
07:45.01bleetahgetting by quite happily on dropped greens/quest rewards
07:45.01Corrodiasi'm lame that way
07:45.32Elenesskiso I have a wow development question; can somebody help?
07:45.54Corrodiasone more set of vanity screenshots, and now i'm selling this stuff
07:47.14Elenesskioh that was a conversation killer
07:48.22bleetahElenesski: open ended questions like that usually are
07:48.33bleetahas no one can tell if they can help, because you haven't actually asked the question yet
07:48.35ElenesskiI'm a professional developer (actually an application architect), but new to WOW development my questions are more theory/concepts than programming questions
07:48.39bleetahso people will sit and wait for the question
07:48.50Elenesskiokay then ..
07:49.53ElenesskiI have built a mod which currently parses CSV files for input .. I need to build an interface for the mod to handle the hundreds of input values
07:50.40Elenesskithe question is; how can I handle editing a few hundred items through the interface?
07:51.03norgsElenesski: hmmm - that's a difficult question
07:51.11*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (
07:51.28Corrodiasi'd recommend paging
07:51.35norgsthe wow interface isn't really designed for that, really...
07:51.45bleetahpaging and tabs, depdending on the data
07:52.01norgsi'm assuming you're thinking of some kind of spreadsheet / datagrid style thing
07:52.08ElenesskiI kind of figured that .. but I look at the auctionhouse interface and it seems to handle scrolling fairly well
07:52.25Elenesskiactually, not really a spreadsheet
07:53.08Corrodiaspaging is how visual studio recommends you make web pages with large databases behind them
07:53.11ElenesskiI'm using a spreadsheet now only because parsing it is relatively straight-forward ... and it allows me to build the mod without getting hung up on building the interface
07:54.26norgswell, there's plenty of room in the basic ui for developing interfaces, what were you thinking of?
07:55.01Elenesskiwhat the mod does is attach buttons to unit frames ... specifically spells and macros
07:55.45Elenesskithere are hundreds of spell possibilities and with macros a bunch of additional combinations are possible
07:56.42Elenesskibuttons are organized into groups and groups are assigned to units.  So for example, I could create a healing group that is assigned to the player, party and focus frames
07:57.16*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
07:57.40ElenesskiI want to be able to drag and drop spells from a spell book (like feature) on to a list, and possibly reorganize the list by moving buttons up/down the list
07:58.59ElenesskiFor macros, I need access to the textures for all those macro buttons ... right now the buttons (for macros) are manually assigned a number
07:59.44Elenesskithis has nothing to do with CSV files .. the current configuration for the mod is done by parsing CSV input; I want to replace this with a set of configuration dialogs
08:01.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
08:02.04pastamancerit sounds like you already have a good idea of how you want the configuration dialogs to work, do you need to know how to make a scrollable list in WoW?
08:03.17Elenesskiyes, how do I make a scrollable list?
08:03.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
08:04.44norgswell... there's a tricky thing, because there's no actual scollable panes in wow... merely a scrollbar
08:05.18norgsso you need to fake it, by changing your items based off the current scroll position
08:05.22Elenesskiso I have to respond to up/down positioning events, then replot each item?
08:05.39norgsthat link that pastamancer provided is a good tutorial on how to do this
08:06.36norgsyes, put simply, you provide an update function which gets called back when the scroll position changes, so you can update your elements
08:06.36Elenesskiit's probably a better way to go .. I can imagine that allowing somebody to create a huge list would suck up memory
08:07.34pastamancermore importantly, it would create many many frame objects, and frames can't be destroyed/GC'd
08:07.34Elenesskithen each element in the scroll box is updating elements in the table as changes occur to the UI items?
08:08.01Elenesskithe GC issue I've discovered already
08:08.43ElenesskiI have to carefully manage previously created frames and reuse them were possible
08:09.36Elenesskican a tool like WOW UI Designer help me in the design of the elements within the FauxScrollFrame?
08:09.53Mr_Rabies2arghhhh tthis bug is driving me mad
08:10.12Mr_Rabies2my framerate occasionally drops to 2-3 and then after a second jumps back up to 60
08:10.48*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
08:12.37Elenesskican a tool like WOW UI Designer help me in the design of the elements within the FauxScrollFrame?
08:13.23Elenesskior is it all XML development?
08:19.08Wobinoh man
08:19.26Wobindo not read if you are an american without a sense of humour =P
08:19.28Wobinfair warning
08:20.25bleetah"Of course, a series of consonants isn't proof that it's an American writing the post - it could also be Welsh, so be on your guard." if there are more X's than any other letters, chances are they're really Basque ;)
08:20.35bleetahnice find Wobin
08:22.10Mr_Rabies2people still have livejournal accounts? holy crap
08:23.10WobinWhat, you think MySpace will take their place?
08:23.21bleetahMr_Rabies2: yeah, real folks now have a account ;)
08:23.28Mr_Rabies2similar userbase :p
08:23.48Mr_Rabies2people who think people on the internet really care what they have to say
08:24.05ElenesskiRemember, there is no "I" in "Team America".
08:24.15bleetahi only use my blog for personal notes, and stupid little things that don't warrant their own SVN tree
08:24.47bleetahwhere 'personal notes' = stuff I'm loathed to lose if a lightning bolt takes my desktop, server and backups out ;)
08:24.51Mr_Rabies2i kept up one for like a month or two in high school and then i realized i was just wasting time, no one cared about that crap
08:25.03Mr_Rabies2and i have a myspace/facebook only to shut up people telling me to get one
08:25.27bleetahlike that old saying about opinions... 'blogs are like assholes.. everyone's got one'
08:26.42bleetahand the comment about pay TV 'Television is the sewer of culture, why should I pay for it to go through my home' could equally apply to paying for net access to read blogs
08:27.55Mr_Rabies2i got tired of "hey do you have a myspace?"
08:28.18Mr_Rabies2so i made one, it's pretty much just dethklok songs and a disorienting background image
08:28.45Mr_Rabies2save that and tile it :D
08:38.56*** part/#wowi-lounge Elenesski (
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10:20.31bleetahrofl.. only 13 peeps on the PTR alliance side
10:22.47bleetahanyone here on the PTR?
10:28.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz_ (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
10:40.59krkalink to the myspace?
10:42.56krkanever mind
10:43.03krkafirefox FTW
10:43.16krkajust putting this as the stylesheet did the trick:
10:43.21krkabody { background-image: url(); } img {display: none;}
10:43.35*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
10:57.38Corrodiasah, back to the slow levelling of a high level character
10:58.45Corrodiasnow that i've switched to moonkin spec, at least i can kill things.
11:00.40bleetah'cept for server shutdown :P
11:00.42Corrodiasalthough starfire isn't "much" more efficient than wrath, from what i can see
11:00.46Mr_Rabies2i don't like being mana dependant on damage :p
11:00.57Mr_Rabies2starfire is 100% spell damage
11:00.58Corrodiasit's a damage/mana ratio of about 1.7 instead of 1.83
11:01.04Mr_Rabies2and wrath is like, 80% or something
11:01.13Corrodiaswhat are you talking about?
11:01.22Corrodiaswrath has physical damage?
11:01.25Mr_Rabies2so once you start getting dmg/healing gear, starfire gets more +damage
11:01.48Mr_Rabies2say you have an item with 100 +dmg
11:02.13Mr_Rabies2starfire gets 100 bonus damage, whereas wrath gets like 80 or so
11:02.17Corrodiasoh. well, wrath does cast in half the time. that's a total of 160% of the bonus every 3 seconds.
11:02.26Mr_Rabies2that's actually a good point
11:02.32Mr_Rabies2i didn't think of that
11:02.42Corrodiasstarfire -looks- cooler
11:03.17Corrodiasnow if only Thrae were awake. poke poke.
11:07.57bleetahnote to all: 2.0.6 PTR doesn't appear to need a .toc update
11:17.04*** join/#wowi-lounge moonsorrow (
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11:47.37bleetahhmm, i wonder why I'm not seeing money loot chat info on the PTR
11:47.55bleetahdefinately enabled in the messages
11:48.15bleetahjust not getting reports shown
11:49.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Quetz (
11:56.13Corrodiasbecause they're getting rid of money! oh noes!
12:01.21bleetahit's really odd... mate of mine sitting next to me is getting them, same channel settings :/
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12:27.10kahdgarximy favorite is the feral druid
12:28.54MageRoosterIsn't there some sort of UI option to filter spam?
12:28.55Corrodiasbut yes, on the interface options' second tab, there is a spam filter option, i believe
12:28.55Mery(and for real: not built in as far as I know)
12:28.58Meryblah when did they add that?
12:29.09Corrodiasi just believe
12:29.09MageRoosterAlways been there.
12:30.00MageRoosterOh dear, a patch.
12:30.10MageRooster2.0.6. :O
12:30.29Corrodiasi don't suppose the realms are back up
12:31.30MeryReduced the respawn time of the Zangarmarsh quest targets: Boglash, Lord Klaq, and Blacksting -> right and that is why I waited YESTERDAY so long for ALL of them
12:32.35bleetahoO when did they fix the bug with the LHC NPCs?
12:32.59bleetahCorrodias: PTR is ticking along nicely ;)
12:33.47MageRoosterWoot! Hunters got a nerf!
12:34.35MageRooster...awesome. Mana shield works on magical damage now. Woot.
12:35.22Corrodiaswhat nerf?
12:35.28Corrodiasread to me the patch notes!
12:35.32MageRoosterPreternatural creatures have stumbled upon rents
12:35.32MageRoosterin the fabric of reality and have been brave (or foolish)
12:35.32MageRoosterenough to peer through. That which they have seen in
12:35.32MageRoosterthe realms beyond our own has altered them irrevocably.
12:35.33MageRoosterTheir minds, expanded (some say shattered) far beyond
12:35.33MageRoosterits original physical and mental borders have latched onto
12:35.35MageRoosterpowers and abilities typically reserved for only the most
12:35.37MageRoosterpowerful spellcasters.
12:35.40MageRoosterAck, bad clipboard.
12:35.56MageRoosterAhh, doesn't want to copy.
12:36.23sancusim just sad I didn't hit 70 before they nerfed me :/
12:36.29MageRoosterAlright, Silencing Shot does 50% of weapon damage instead of 75%. Arcane Shot damage is down 9% and bonus from ranged attack power is 15% instead of 20%.
12:36.32WobinI don't remember that in the patch notes =P
12:36.40MageRoosterBarrage bonus damage is 4/8/12%.
12:36.46MageRoosterSame for improved barrage.
12:36.52MageRoosterOh, hey.
12:37.00Wobinhunter, mage and priest nerfs
12:37.11Wobindamage coefficient lowering
12:37.13sancusminor priest nerf
12:37.18sancuslove tap with the nerf bat
12:37.25MageRoosterI can live with the nerfs mage got, since I also got pumped in other ways.
12:37.31MageRoosterAnd the minor priest nerf is :(
12:37.37sancusmages got buffed in pvp and nerfed in pve
12:37.42MageRoosterShadow Word Pain does not kill me. :O
12:37.43sancuspretty unrelated buffs/nerfs, in fact
12:38.01MageRoosterCounterspell and Mana Shield are tasty. >.>
12:38.01sancushardly even use frostbolt at 70 in pvp anyway, so \/\/
12:38.23MageRoosterYeeeah, I use Arcane Missiles -> Fire Blast -> Repeat in PVP. >.>
12:38.35sancusits all about lolance
12:38.43MageRoosterIt's more expensive mana-wise, but it gets damage out there more steadily.
12:38.53sancuslolance is the bread, butter, AND jam in arena
12:39.06sancusIce Lance
12:39.08WobinA whole meal in itself
12:39.11Wobinthe instantcast
12:39.22sancusarcane missiles is pretty meh in arena
12:39.28sancustends to get you faceraped with interrupts
12:39.33MageRoosterI haven't tried arena.
12:39.39sancusit's pretty good outdoors and in bgs when people are confused and not payinga ttention to you though
12:40.13sancusif someone doesn't see you and stop you you can do 75% of someone's hp in one volley heh
12:40.30MageRoosterMmm, I need +spell damage gear. :O
12:40.33sancusI already miss being deep fire spec in T3 in Hellfire Peninsula
12:40.51MageRoosterMy L60 troll mage is ice/arcane.
12:41.00sancuspop combustion and mind quickening gem, Dragon's Breath two warriors and a druid
12:41.25sancusdruid's dead before they come out of disorient :P
12:41.57sancusalas, that stopped working when people got some hp :P
12:43.19sancusits not hard to get like 8k hp when you start to gear up
12:43.48MageRoosterRight... I'm still around 3K. I got to that point where I hit L60, but needed to poke the BG a lot for honor points...
12:43.53MageRoosterBut now I'm levelling a BE mage.
12:46.05sancushaha why
12:46.31MageRoosterBecause I like BE racials better than Troll racials?
12:46.51sancuslot of work to switch racials :P
12:46.57MageRoosterIt is.
12:58.38*** join/#wowi-lounge weazer (
12:59.00Corrodiasi never remember to use racial abilities, except warstomp
12:59.13Corrodiasas for Ice Lance, omg another spell i didn't plan a spot on my action bars for
12:59.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Bouvi (
12:59.26Corrodiasthat's it, i'm just going to have to stop using one of the other spells. there just isn't enough room.
12:59.55Corrodiaswhat's a "spell damage coefficient"?
13:03.05bleetahhmm, interesting. live patch is about 4 times larger than what the PTR was
13:04.10sancusaction bars? spot?
13:04.17sancusITYM hot key!
13:04.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Xolan (
13:05.24Corrodiasall my keys near the left side, where i can reach, are bound to various things
13:05.42Corrodiasi've tried to queeze on ridiculous numbers of abilities
13:05.56kasoCorrodias Spell damage coefficient is how much %age bonus you get from spelldamage
13:06.17Corrodiasbut when my mage has 25+ abilities IT GETS A LITTLE CROWDED
13:06.37Corrodiaswait, that's just counting ones that are reachable with keys.
13:06.54Corrodiasi have a few more spread out on bar areas that don't have keys assigned to them for lack of keys.
13:07.13axxothere are more keys on the keyboard then 1234567890
13:07.18axxouse em.
13:07.43Corrodiasi'm also using QERTYFGHZXCVBMPLO
13:07.48Corrodiasalthough not all for abilities on bars
13:09.13Xolantry Clique or the like to bind abilities easily to your mouse
13:09.26XolanI have all buffs and heals on my mouse for example :P
13:09.51Corrodiasi don't have heals as a mage, and all the buffs are on the second bar which i don't use during combat anyway
13:10.00BouviXolan is my hero for the second!!!!  The compass works great!!
13:10.13Corrodiasi have a place for just about everything, but not ice lance
13:10.21Corrodiasor scorch, but that one is pointless anyway
13:10.30Xolanwant to add map clicking, destination clearing and more options though, but I'm leaving tomorrow morning :(
13:11.01BouviIt will work fine for now.  When you get back you can add all that stuff.  I leave tomorrow for a week myself
13:11.10Corrodiaswait, what the heck is "ice lance"?
13:11.14Corrodiaswowhead doesn't list it
13:11.22Xolanprobably gonna rewrite the whole thing though
13:11.44Corrodiasoh, there it is
13:12.14BouviHere is my current ice mage ui button arrangement
13:12.23BouviA rewrite already lol
13:12.33XolanI'll add a clear-destination function now bouvi, should take 5mins or so :P
13:13.29BouviYeah last night I found the mob before I got to the coords and after that had no direction so did not overwrite with new ones.
13:13.40Corrodiasi don't see a frostbolt
13:13.43*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz_ (
13:13.50Corrodias7 could be arcane explosion
13:14.10Xolanyep, had the same problem myself :P
13:14.12Corrodiasor is 2 frostbolt? those icons are a littele goofy
13:14.47BouviFrostbolt is 2
13:15.04BouviMy hands hit 2 more than any other so I put a fire on 1
13:15.06Corrodiasi don't know why, but i always have a terrible time trying to find places to put all the abilities
13:15.14sancuswhat about q,e,r,t,f,g,z,x,c,v
13:15.19Corrodiasarcane blast and ice lance are just messing me up
13:15.42BouviWhat is ice lance?
13:15.54Corrodiasi'm using QERTY for the bottom few buttons on the right-right action bar. beyond that i can't hit with my left hand. FGH are bound to other things, as are ZXCVB
13:16.00sancusif you need more room, move over to esdf for movement
13:16.08kahdgarxiany pvp guru's in here?
13:16.24sancusthat gives you qwazxcvbghrty in reasonably easy range
13:16.26BouviThat would be hard to get used to.  But an interesting idea.
13:16.55BouviAhhh ok my mage is just 56
13:17.04sancuswhats 'other things', anyhow?
13:17.11sancusI hope you're not binding buffs to easy reach keys!
13:18.06Corrodiasno, f and g are assisting and mounting, and i don't know if H actually does anything now that i think about it
13:18.19sancuswhat about zxcv
13:18.35sancusand b
13:19.06sancusI use b for blink, heh
13:19.06Corrodiasz is the take out/put away weapon and alt+z is to hide the UI, and X is sit/stand, so perhaps i can rebind them
13:19.06sancusyeah I would rebind those, those are valuable keys
13:19.19Corrodiasc is for the character screen, which i look at too often to move somewhere less convenient, and the same goes for v and b, which are both inventory since i tend to accidentally hit the wrong one
13:19.46sancusif you insist on using keys for that stuff I would really suggest moving to esdf, as sucky as it is to change your movement key positioning :/
13:20.19sancusI keep trying to move to esdf but I'm not willing to deal with the few days of being completely retarded :P
13:20.45Xolanbouvi: waiting for approval
13:20.52sancusI open my inventory a lot when im levelling
13:21.00sancusbut after levelling is done I hardly ever open it
13:21.25BouviWoot will download tonight
13:21.28Corrodiasi don't think i've harnessed the power of the ` key, yet...
13:21.30sancusalso, I'd be inclined to move inv and char screen to ctrl+ or something, since speed doesnt really matter
13:22.02Corrodiasi ... oh yeah, i put ctrl+c as switch main/secondary action bars
13:22.17Corrodiasi think i can squeeze a few more keybinds out of that bottom row, though
13:22.35sancusI put pew pew lance on my mouse side button
13:22.41Corrodiaswhy, i hadn't even thought about ctrl-z
13:22.58Corrodiasmaybe i can put two more keybinds up the right-right action bar
13:23.23BouviWonder how easy it would be to put ice on one bind and the fire equivilent on the same bind with shift. and Arcane on Ctrl
13:23.42sancuswhat unitframes are those anyhow
13:23.47Corrodiasnot so easy if there aren't equivalents for everything
13:24.04BouviOn mine?  I am using XPerl
13:24.35sancusI like aguf these days
13:25.13*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
13:25.15BouviNever could get it to do what I wanted but that was in the early BC beta days
13:25.19CorrodiasWoW is so damn complex
13:25.35Corrodiasbut if it weren't, it would suck like other games
13:26.05Corrodiasarcane missiles... am i ever going to use them?
13:26.26Xolanis there a mod with locations for specific mobs?
13:26.32Corrodiasmaybe somebody's going to be resistant to fire and frost. i can't just dump it.
13:27.10BouviNot heard of any Xolan
13:28.38Xolanwould rock if there was :P
13:29.45Corrodiaswhat am i using control+shift for... pet actions. follow, stay, etc.
13:30.28Corrodiasi'll probably move fire blast to another spot once i have ice lance
13:30.54Corrodiasice lance has no cooldown?
13:34.09BouviBe one hell of a database lisitng every loc for every mob
13:38.17*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz__ (
13:38.20Xolanyep, hence why I wanted someone else to already have made one :p
13:38.28Xolanerm, lvl53 BE Paladin here...
13:39.23kahdgarxiXolan- get some sleep
13:39.33BouviNo kidding lol
13:40.23Xolannot me lol
13:40.32Xolana bloke from our horde top raiding guild
13:40.47Xolanthey're all lvl 68-70 apart from their paladin rerollers :P
13:41.57bleetahoh crap.. they fixed the hunter FD bug
13:42.11bleetah'cept for when you go and aggro a bunch of Belf guards :/
13:42.19BouviI am such a casual player lol
13:43.23BouviBeen playing since Open Beta and only have one 50+
13:43.35BouviTwo 50+
13:45.28Cairenn|afkplaying since original closed beta
13:45.29BouviNo 60?
13:45.34Cairenn|afknary a one
13:45.46Xolanpersonally I have 1 60priest, and a 30rogue and hunter
13:45.46Corrodiasi truly just have nowhere to put that damn spell unless i move my fire based spells somewhere less convenient
13:46.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
13:46.21Corrodiasmaybe flamestrike will go over on 7 or something
13:46.40sancusI never cast flamestrike
13:46.46Corrodiasaren't you special
13:46.58BouviI also never use it
13:47.04Corrodiasbut yeah, i was thinking i don't expect to use it much, either
13:47.10sancusI don't cast arcane missiles either :P
13:47.44Corrodiaswell, arcane missiles is one of only three spells of arcane damage that i can think of off the top of my head (arcane explosion & arcane blast the other two)
13:48.07Corrodiasarcane blast might be able to just replace that, though, if i decide i'd rather cast that than arcane missiles
13:48.21BouviI have Bouvi (Rogue) 61, Bouvarella (Mage) 56, Bouviers (Priest) 38, Bouvalock (Warlock) 21, Bouvakov (Hunter) 15
13:49.54sancusI don't cast arcane blast in normal play either
13:50.07sancusit's occasionally useful though
13:50.21sancusmostly used it for killing elites in elite quests so far
13:50.31sancussince having 5k mana left over doesnt really help anybody
13:51.06Corrodiasso it isn't so efficient once it stacks up?
13:51.13sancuser no roughly
13:51.14Corrodiasbut it is fast? which i guess is the point?
13:51.19sancusit costs liek 500 mana fully stacked
13:51.22sancuser rofl rather
13:51.50Corrodiashm, and what's the casting time?
13:52.32sancusyes, you empty your mana pool in less than 30 seconds
13:53.04Corrodiasso a quick way to do a lot of single-target damage at the cost of a lot of mana
13:53.23sancusthe damage is fairly high...but its honestly not very good unless you're arcane specced
13:53.27Corrodiasi suppose that'll probably be fine for those occasions when i -have- to use arcane spells, if there ever are any
13:53.42sancusI wouldn't use it at all if I were fire specced
13:53.49sancusfrost single target boss dps just sucks is all
13:56.19Corrodiasi had to respec my druid for outland
13:56.48Corrodiashe was mostly resto with some feral, which was fine for Azeroth, but it just didn't cut it in outland. i've switched him to mostly balance with a little resto
13:57.15Xolanour druids are full feral o_O
13:57.32Corrodiasmoo at them for me, will you? :)
13:57.56Corrodiasit's a pretty flexible message, which will work whether they're ally or horde aligned
13:58.28XolanI'd go balance myself too though for that goofy moonkin :-)
13:59.11Corrodiasi was getting my ass handed to me with just a little in feral, but now i'm blowing away the mobs left and right with my leet roots
13:59.37weazerEnt roots ftw :)
14:00.10Corrodiasi have only played a few hours, but the only time i died after i respecced was when about five mobs respawned on top of myself and another druid.
14:00.53Corrodiasi have to remember that, despite having the armor bonus, i'm still hardly a tank at only 6.5k armor
14:09.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
14:12.28Xolangod I hate random lowbie invites :\
14:13.06Xolanand after I decline they ask for help, when they've already proven they're a numpty
14:13.44sancusI make it a point to never help lowbies or give beggars money or summon water for anyone I dont know!
14:13.51sancusI wish the ignore list limit was bigger :(
14:14.06kahdgarxisancus- there's addons for that
14:14.18sancushuh really
14:14.24sancusguess I should get one, heh
14:15.14BouviIf someone opens a trade window and puts a lockbox in it without asking I close it.  Ask and I will but I never group with non-guildies.
14:15.36kahdgarxiyou know i just noticed something awesome
14:15.40kahdgarxiand starcraft
14:15.48Corrodiasi enjoy helping other people (although never people begging for money)... but lately...
14:15.48kahdgarxiare both typed with only the left hand
14:15.55Corrodiaslately i've had trouble with PuGs
14:16.04Corrodiasi don't think i can stand to play with PuGs any more
14:16.15Corrodiasfor instances, i mean.
14:16.18bleetahkahdgarxi: how bored?
14:16.54kahdgarxibleetah- well, i had one hand on the mouse, and one on the keyboard, and i went to type starcraft, and i realized i didn't take my hand off the mouse :P
14:16.55bleetahI think I did a pug.. once
14:17.12kahdgarxiCorrodias- I know what you mean... I'm getting really sick of pugs myself.. they like to blame the healer
14:17.16KaoS`w00t, warcraft 3 is now native on intel macs :)
14:17.35bleetahKaoS`: yay! now, buy me an Intel Mac :P
14:17.42KaoS`I'm on a MacBook Pro 15" - CPU: 1 x Intel Core Duo - Speed: 2.0 GHz - Battery: Charged - RAM Usage: 1.1 GB / 1.5 GB [04|||||||14|||] - Disk Space: 1.0 TB with 171.09 GB Free - Running: Mac OS X 10.4.8 (8L2127) - Processes: 76 - Uptime: 9:16  up 25 days, 11:05, 1 user, load averages: 1.10 0.99 0.71
14:18.02krkawtf, i type starcraft with two hands
14:18.07krkai alternate
14:18.18krkaleft s, right t, left a, right r, et.c.
14:18.26krkamuch faster!
14:18.30KaoS`I have enough around here.. 1.66ghz intel mac mini for media center, 2.0ghz macbook, 2.0 Intel iMac, and my macbook pro..
14:18.33Corrodiasduring my last session with my level 23 mage, we tried the wailing caverns. it was tough because we had only 4 people, and just before i finished my last quest they decided to quit due to real life concerns. we wiped twice on the way. it was just so frustrating.
14:18.33JoshBorkelol krka
14:18.33hasteright hand on r?
14:18.36JoshBorkei type starcraft with 2 hands
14:18.39Corrodiasand i don't need to tell you about that 8-hour UBRS run.
14:18.51Corrodiasdo you know how demoralizing it is to see the mobs respawning for a second time?
14:19.04kahdgarxi8-hour ubrs?
14:19.14kahdgarxiif i'm in a pug, and i see a single respawn, i'm gone
14:19.20Corrodiasit wasn't fun
14:19.29bleetahsome of my fellow guildies I'll never group with
14:19.32XolanI use my right hand just on the T o_O
14:19.33kahdgarxithat reminds me of a 6-hour av i was in
14:19.36Corrodiasthat last boss, and the few pulls before him, are just a bitch
14:19.54bleetahwhen I joined, went on a Scolo run, didn't want to lead as it's a new guild and all. 6 hours later, hadn't even got to rattlegroe :/
14:20.04bleetahor rattlegore, for that matter
14:20.22kahdgarxiyay, it's 7:20!
14:20.25kahdgarxiI get to go to bed!
14:20.58Corrodiasthat's just sad, bleetah
14:21.12Corrodiasat least during those 8 hours we took two cracks at the last boss
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14:21.27Corrodiaswell, 3
14:21.29bleetahbeyond sad, it was chronically depressing
14:21.36bleetahif I hadn't had a bottle of vodka with me...
14:21.55BouviOK maybe I am getting too old.  I need some great hot new music with a fast tempo (rock) that is popular with clean lyrics.
14:22.22Xolanbullet for my valentine maybe
14:22.23Corrodiasmaybe something from Five for Fighting
14:22.24krkaclean lyrics? not since the early 90s dude
14:22.43BouviWill check Five.
14:22.50MageRooster[06:18] <WesleyGibson> The new southern pickup line "The terrorists hate crazy premarital sex"
14:22.54hastekrka: I tried to write starcraft with two hands, I managed to do it with one letter
14:23.18Corrodiasi need a new alternative shoutcast station
14:23.23KaoS`I thought they were going to go to no down time maintenance ?
14:23.34krkatyping starcraft with one letter is impressive
14:23.38krkawhich letter was it?
14:23.38bleetahthat's the eventual aim, no maint
14:23.46MageRoosterCorrodias: You can always try winamp's internal list of radio stations.
14:23.55MageRoosterWhat kind of music do you like?
14:23.57bleetahno doubt until they get there, and still the huge patch being pretty recent, some tweaking needs doing
14:24.06hastekrka: argh, engrish :(
14:24.10Corrodiasthat is pretty skimpy, MageRooster. i dont know where it gets it. has a better list.
14:24.18Corrodiasbut i forgot, i have a couple of alternative stations on my playlist
14:24.40hastekrka: I ment I only managed to use my right hand on one of the letters :)
14:25.07BouviOK Five for Fighting is too slow.  Picture this.  A stage full of martial artists getting ready to do power techniques, speed, board/brick breaking, etc.  What music would work well?
14:25.12*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
14:25.29Corrodiasclean lyrics?
14:25.38Corrodiasokay, i got nothing.
14:25.41MageRoosterJapanese traditional.
14:26.12Corrodiasi might have what you want, actually...
14:26.48BouviBeen looking at some nickleback, etc.  My main problem is I keep thinking 80s music.
14:27.10BouviI need something the young kids on the team can relate to and the kids in the audience.
14:28.07BouviWe are using Bring Me to Life my Evanescence to give you an idea
14:28.13Corrodiasoh god
14:29.14Corrodiasdoes what the lyrics say matter?
14:29.16BouviHey it makes a perfect Bo-Staff form song.
14:29.47BouviAs long as it is not talking about getting it on, etc  things like that.  Think kids in the audience.
14:30.24Corrodiaswell, we know violence would be a hit
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14:30.45Corrodiasthis swedish metal might be a bit heavy-handed, though
14:31.23BouviNeed something young people listen too.  See my problem?  I am trying to cater to the kids while not pissing off the parents
14:32.01hastedefine young people
14:32.07Xolanmy taste would be out of the question then I think :-)
14:32.18BouviYoung as in teen and pre-teen
14:33.54foxlitWhat's the occasion?
14:34.06hasteI think I actually fall under teen =\
14:34.07Corrodiasi'm trying to send him a song, but he's not responding to the DCC request
14:34.07BouviI am gonna try and slip this one past
14:34.32hastenot that I can help much more then suggesting some punk/rock
14:34.36Corrodiascome child, ima gonna take ya // to a place, inside of me that's aching
14:34.37BouviI am building a new martial arts demo team.  We are starting from scratch and jazzing it up
14:34.39Corrodiasyeah, that's not pedo at all
14:34.44BouviYeah I know, I know
14:34.50BouviBut the beat kicks
14:34.58CorrodiasBouvi, are you getting the DCC request i'm sending you?
14:35.08BouviI am on a Mac so prob not
14:35.17Corrodiasplan B
14:35.42hastehammerfall :<
14:35.54hasteI shouldn't say anything actually
14:35.55Corrodiasdon't give me that >:P
14:36.04*** part/#wowi-lounge GTPilot (
14:36.10hasteHey, I listen to pretty much.. everything
14:36.24Corrodiasoops, i have both p2p programs open and uploading
14:36.24BouviHas an 80s feel to it trying to stear away from that
14:36.26Corrodiaslemme close utorrent
14:36.38hasteeverything from jazz to black metal to asian music
14:36.46BouviI have to buy whatever I use just checked it out on iTunes
14:37.11CorrodiasDestined for Glory? that is so not 80's pop
14:37.19Corrodiasi don't know other genres from the 80's
14:37.37BouviHeavy metal from the 80s and hard rock has a similar feel.
14:37.57hasteYou could use some Machinae Supremacy
14:38.14Corrodiasi'm pretty bland in my choices of music because i don't take the time to go find more
14:38.35Corrodiasit would suck up my entire life to go collecting music
14:38.50BouviYeah I am the same.  I might start with the few I have and poll the kids
14:39.58BouviWOW Haste I think we have a winner in Hero
14:39.59Corrodiasstratovarius has a wider varity of sounds than hammerfall does *sulk*
14:40.07hasteHero is nice
14:40.52XolanStratovarius is great
14:41.25Corrodiasugh, their singer (referring to "Hero") seems to have trouble holding a tune
14:41.36Corrodiasmaybe i'm just immediately disliking it because i don't want to like it
14:41.42hasteCorrodias: Most of the web releases are old
14:41.47BouviIt started good and went downhill on the 2nd verse.
14:42.05hasteYou might want to check out their album instead
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14:42.23hasteI know the reaper might be a better choice
14:43.15XolanChildren of Bodom perhaps?
14:43.21Xolannot totally "clean" but
14:44.08Corrodiaswhat if you can't understand the lyrics?
14:44.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
14:44.19Corrodiasmetal has a -lot- of that.
14:44.46CorrodiasStratovarius - Distant Skies might be more up your alley, but i don't know this 80's sound that you want to avoid
14:44.59BouviYeah Stratovarius has it.
14:45.07BouviI just sampled about 10 of thier songs
14:45.22XolanHelloween maybe?
14:46.27CorrodiasFenix Tx - All My Fault
14:47.11CorrodiasLudacris - Move Bitch would probably not work
14:47.34BouviBackground time.  We are in a place where there could be church going people, we are a christian based martial arts organization with over 250 schools in US.  I want to attract the kids but not piss off the parents.  Calgon take me away..... (80s commercial)
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14:48.25BouviI asked Daniel Sterling (28 time forms champion) but he has a friend mix his stuff.
14:48.48BouviLOL maybe we should just go back to addon talk... LMAO
14:49.20Corrodiasi've got the devil's music. :(
14:49.50Xolanme too :P
14:49.53BouviMy Metallic collection will not work either.
14:50.05BouviI cannot spell today
14:50.15Xolanthink Helloween might work out
14:50.16bleetahwell, looks like warriors and rogues are still bugged to hell... no matter how much +mana gear and water I drink, still no mana
14:50.17CorrodiasSpineshank is probably out
14:51.26XolanIron Maiden never stops shining
14:51.41CorrodiasGodsmack - I Fucking Hate You
14:51.48Corrodiastry that one on for size. nah just kidding.
14:52.17Xolannp: Kataklysm - The Road to Devastation [Kataklysm--In the Arms of Devastation-Promo-2006-UBE] ;P
14:52.51Xolanhm toughie finding fast paced rock without somekind of non-parent friendly stuff in it
14:53.04bleetahBouvi: proabably best to go look at christian music sites, charts, etc.
14:53.27bleetahmy knowledge of religious music stops somewhere mid 1700
14:54.22BouviThanks for all your help I am going to go bang my head into a brick wall as this is a no win situation LMAO
14:55.36Xolan perhaps? =)
14:55.40Xolannp: Lordi - Devil Is A Loser [Lordi-Get Heavy-2002-RDA]
14:55.51Xolanwrong hotkey lol
14:55.53Bouvi there that will work lol
14:56.50Xolan"'cause the devil is a loser and he's my bitch" :)
14:56.51Corrodiasthis sounds oddly religious, even though it totally isn't =
15:02.01CorrodiasEvanescence - Tourniquet is about suicide, but it talks about god. :D
15:02.20Corrodiasi'm amusing myself with how inappropriate my limited collection is for your situation
15:02.23MageRoosterI should get more than Hard Rock Hallelujah from Lordi.
15:02.57Xolanthey rock
15:03.20Corrodias"do you remember me, lost for so long? will you be on the other side, or will you forget me? i'm dying, praying, bleeding, and screaming. am i too lost to be saved? am i too lost?"
15:03.43Xolannp: Dream Theater - In The Name Of God [Dream Theater-Train Of Thought-PROPER-2003-SER]   this one is awesome
15:03.47BouviOh yeah that is perfect for the audience I am looking for LOL
15:04.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (n=jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
15:05.28BouviToo slow
15:06.13sysrageis it really possible for a rooster to be a mage?
15:06.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
15:06.35MageRoosterIt's quite simple... I put on my wizard robes and hat.
15:07.00sysragedidn't realize spells could be cast by clucks
15:08.26Corrodiasi found the larger portion of my alternative collection, now
15:08.32Corrodiasi had forgotten where i put it
15:09.52Corrodias-not- "Cherry Poppin' Daddies - Butch the Gay Santa Claus"
15:10.37BouviI am starting to worry about all of you
15:10.47Corrodiasduck and run was a serious suggestion, though
15:12.17Xolannp: For My Pain - Rapture Of Lust [For My Pain-Fallen-2003-SER]
15:12.34Xolanquite fast, only clean vocals
15:12.45Corrodias3 Doors Down - Duck and Run is the only thing from what i have that i can actually recommend to you
15:13.11BouviChecking them out
15:15.56Xolanhm np: Wintersun - Battle Against Lime [Wintersun-Wintersun-2004-AMRC INT]
15:16.16Corrodiasbattle against skub
15:16.57Xolannp: Wig Wam - I Turn to You [Wig Wam-Hard to Be A Rock N Roller in Kiev-Ltd.Ed.-2005-VOiCE]   Cher cover ;P
15:17.11BouviDuck and Run should work like a charm
15:17.37Xolanyou just need 1 song then?
15:17.53Corrodiashe probably need another dozen, on his desk by monday, now GET TO WORK
15:17.56BouviI wish lol.  About 30-40 mins worth of music
15:18.13Xolannp: Sleep Terror - Somnambulist Pedophile [Sleep Terror-Probing Tranquility-2006-FNT] ... :)
15:18.28BouviI have about 20 mins right now
15:18.45Xolanseriously though, WigWam's pretty neutral rock/glam
15:23.06BouviI am using some from the FF4 soundtrack.  Come On, Come In (which might not fly), Duck and Run by 3 Dorrs, Bring Me to Life Evanescense, Kirkirimai by Orange Range, Surrender by Simple Plan and Noots by Sum 41.  All subject to change
15:26.30Xolannp: At Vance - Money, Money (Abba Cover) [At Vance - No Escape-2002-DMA]
15:26.36Xolanshould please all generations :)
15:29.45CideXolan: dream theater owns
15:30.14Xolanseen Live at Boudokan?
15:30.25Cideprolly not
15:30.32Xolanyou should :)
15:30.47Xolanbest live performance I've seen
15:31.04Xolanconcert lasts four 3 1/2 hours or so
15:31.56Corrodiaswell, i've made the only contribution i can. now i have to go to bed for a few hours.
15:31.56BouviXolan, since you will be gone my addon pick this week will be Xolpass
15:32.07Xolanoo great :D
15:32.13BouviLater Corrodias and thanks
15:32.30Xolansweet dreams corro
15:32.45BouviWhen you get back thou and overhaul it I want an nice arrow instead of a 0 :)
15:33.18XolanI used letters for the easyness of it
15:33.27Xolan(not sure that is a word though)
15:33.40CideBouvi: oh, sorry for not replying to your pm btw
15:33.43Cidetotally forgot about it
15:33.45BouviOf course and you had limited time to make it work. :D  How long will you be gone
15:33.58Xolannot sure how long boot camp lasts
15:34.02BouviNo worries Cide I have a couple weeks worth of stuff.
15:34.03Xolan3weeks max I think
15:34.15CideBouvi: hehe, cool - I'm quite busy too
15:34.30Xolanbrining my laptop though so I might work on it during those 3 weeks and release the overhaul when I'm back :)
15:34.49BouviNo worries Cide just get to it when you can :D
15:35.51BouviAnd if anyone here wants to be interviewed for their addon let me know.  I accept visa, mast.... I mean I will send you the questions *whistles innoncenly*
15:36.04BouviAnd I still cannot spell
15:38.00BouviI need a laptop!!!!  I want the Macbook Pro 17" for the best of both worlds Mac and PC.
15:38.57Xolanor a similar PC for 60% the price with linux on it :-)
15:39.17BouviNo I compared the prices to get the memory, hard drive, video card, etc it was more
15:39.29BouviPlus I need Mac compatibility
15:39.35Xolanhow come?
15:39.52BouviThe US Chung Do Kwan Assocaition is all Mac Based and so is my work.
15:40.27BouviScrew it I am going back to school for spelling
15:41.37Xolanwell MacOSX is definately worth it :)
15:41.47Xolanjust tihnk their hardware is somewhat overpriced that's all
15:42.12BouviI did not say I would pay for it.  I need to find someone to buy it for me.
15:42.32BouviI have 2 PCs at home due to cost.
15:43.33BouviI want them to make an iPod with iPhone features without the phone part.
15:44.00Xolancool to have the phone part too though
15:44.23BouviYeah but I am not switching providers for it.
15:44.31Xolanright, but I live in europe so :-)
15:45.03BouviWhat does living in Europe have to do with it?  
15:45.11XolanI'm pretty sure they'll make it compatible with other systems over time
15:45.23Xolanmost/all providers use GSM here
15:45.41BouviIf they would make it Verizon compatible I would be set.
15:46.02BouviBut I like my Razr
15:46.19Xolanvery sleek looking
15:47.20BouviBut imagine something the size of the iPod with the storage capacity and the iPhone interface and web ability.
15:47.28BouviNear a wifi look up ANYTHING
15:47.38XolaniPhone has wifi
15:48.08BouviYepper but without the phone part the ipod might be cheaper with more storage.
15:48.15Xolanyou seen the demonstration at
15:48.25BouviOh yes.  Drool
15:48.31BouviWatched the entire keynote
15:48.33XolanI loved the google maps part
15:49.00Xolanmap/sattelite images/phone numbers and adresses
15:49.06Xolaneverything seems so accessable :)
15:49.28BouviI know it is beyond today
15:49.47BouviThis is something I would not have thought of but it blows all the others out of the water.
15:50.09Xolanthey'll probably retaliate though
15:50.58BouviWell it is kind of line the Zune.  Now alot of people refer to an mp3 player as an ipod.  I have seen older people call it that when it was something else.
15:51.14BouviApple reinvented the wheel and really outshined themselves with this one.
15:51.25Xolanyep, although I don't like the ipod
15:51.32TheKarni dont like apple
15:51.43BouviWhile the Zune maybe nice, the iPod has too much of a lead.
15:51.43XolanDRM and proprietary software = poo
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15:52.43BouviNever bothered me I guess because I have been using Macs since college in the 80s.  So I have always used like iTunes since it came out.
15:53.10XolanOpen Source ftw :)
15:53.16Xolananyways, I smell food, back in 10
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16:23.37Xolanneat poem bouvi :P
16:24.21Bouvilol I am bored at work
16:24.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
16:24.55Neuro_Medivhso, what exactly is the dmg coefficient that the patch is refering to?
16:25.28BouviGood lord give me SPELLING!!!!
16:25.46BouviToday I cannot spell SHIF
16:26.52*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
16:28.54Neuro_Medivhcogwheel, do you know what this dmg coefficient is that the patch is refering to?
16:29.10Neuro_Medivhthat would be a no then =)
16:29.15CideNeuro_Medivh: sec
16:29.23Cide<Cide> total damage = base damage + spellDamage (from gear) * X
16:29.23Cide<Cide> X = bonus coefficient
16:29.26XuerianSee? That's the graceful way to avoid letting on you don't know anything. Go up a level and feign ignorance to the entire scope.
16:29.40CideX is usually equal to castTime / 3.5
16:29.54Cidein the case of dots it's usually duration / 12sec I believe
16:30.38Neuro_Medivhso lower is actually better
16:31.19foxlitLower would mean that you get less benefit from +spelldamage
16:32.09Neuro_MedivhAh, I see...
16:32.18foxlitCan't be bothered to get to the bottom of what the patch means to mages, though
16:32.37Neuro_Medivhthat's just retarded then... there's no point at all in taking improved frostbolt anymore
16:32.51foxlitDo the math :)
16:34.43BouviI need to hook my computer up to my 65" hi-def widescreen.  Big WoW.  I already have cordless keyboard and mouse. hmmmm.
16:34.57foxlitFor approximation's sake, assume frostbolt does 600 damage by default, and has a coefficient of 1
16:35.11foxlitYou're also wearing ~400 +damage
16:35.13cogwheel93" > 65"
16:35.28XuerianYou don't count, cog :p
16:35.34BouviYes yes but you try putting anything bigger in my living room
16:35.35foxlit(600 + 400 * 1) / 3.5 = 285 dps
16:35.52foxlit(600 + 400 * 0.9) / 3 = 300 dps
16:35.57cogwheelactually, it's only about a square foot by 4 inches... i'm just projecting straight onto the wall :)
16:36.30BouviWonder if I can get it to output to my high-def TV.
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16:38.30Xolanshouldn't be a problem?
16:40.03*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
16:40.12Neuro_MedivhI wonder why they reduced mage coefficient and not other classes
16:42.23foxlitThere is only one other class
16:42.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (n=BuM@
16:44.16Neuro_MedivhI count 3 other classes actually
16:45.01Cidepriests too
16:45.03*** join/#wowi-lounge YammYgirlcoding (n=hoho@
16:45.20Cideour "Empowered X"-spell doesn't need a nerf though
16:45.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
16:45.29Cideit's worse than tier 4-talents already
16:45.42YammYgirlcodingCide!! \o/  long time no see
16:45.59YammYgirlcodinganyone could say what pst time is it now?
16:46.03Neuro_MedivhCide, it's not empowered, it's improved
16:46.11CideNeuro_Medivh: ah, okay
16:46.21Neuro_Medivhso, the "reduced cast time" talents
16:46.37vith_to quote a friend, the mage nerf was because "they've been doing stuff besides making me food/water"
16:46.39foxlitOnly warlocks actually spend any significant amount of time casting nukes.
16:46.53foxlitDruids are unseen, priests heal.
16:46.55sysragerofl vith
16:47.05Neuro_Medivhyes, but they are so big on "consistancy"
16:47.14Neuro_Medivhand the class I was really thinking about were Shaman
16:47.17foxlitNah they aren't.
16:47.22foxlitCS is back without GCD :)
16:47.27sysrageHELL YA
16:47.33sysrageand mana shield blocks magic!!
16:47.35Neuro_Medivhit's a bit unfair not to nerf Shaman's reduced casting time talent
16:47.40Cidemost unnecessary change ever
16:47.42Cide(mage CS)
16:47.46sysrageno way
16:47.46sysrageit rocks
16:47.53Cideit sure does
16:48.02Cidetoo much
16:48.57KaoS`good lord what patch is out today
16:49.15KaoS`didn't they just release a PTR for 2.0.6?
16:49.33KaoS`what 2 days of testing? lol
16:50.27Cidenot a very large patch
16:50.49KaoS`hunters got nerfed?
16:51.27Neuro_Medivh"Silencing Shot" now does only 50% of weapon damage instead of 75%.
16:51.27Neuro_MedivhThe base damage for "Arcane Shot" has been reduced by about 9% and the bonus damage from ranged attack power reduced from 20% to 15%.
16:51.27Neuro_MedivhThe bonus damage for "Barrage" is now 4/8/12% for ranks 1/2/3.
16:51.27Neuro_MedivhThe bonus damage for "Improved Barrage" is now 4/8/12% for ranks 1/2/3.
16:51.33KaoS`good :)
16:51.47KaoS`they need to buff shammies :)
16:52.15Neuro_Medivhnow that I play a draenei shaman, I agree =)
16:52.18sysragethey need to just ditch silencing shot altogether :P
16:52.20sysragedamn hunters :P
16:53.06KaoS`got my shammie to lvl 62 yesterday
16:53.35KaoS`I have to say tho, that its so nice in the BG to find all this mail gear with +AP
16:53.38KaoS`I have never seen that before
16:53.46KaoS`BC * even
16:53.51YammYgirlcodinghow many hours playing to go from 60 to 62?
16:54.14purlThere are 10 types of people in this world. Those who understand binary and those who don't.
16:54.21sysragei've gotten a level a day since xpac and i don't play a lot
16:54.23Cidethanks, purl...
16:54.40YammYgirlcodinga level a day playing for how long? 8 hours?
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16:55.15KaoS`I dunno took me like 4 days
16:55.19KaoS`maybe 5
16:55.22KaoS`I don't play enough tho
16:55.46YammYgirlcodinghmmm seems to be easier to level that before
16:55.51sysragedunno. maybe 8 hours. i don't pay attention
16:56.02sysrageseems about the same as before to me
16:56.08KaoS`I don't know how the person who did lvl 70 in 28 hours
16:56.10KaoS`that is mad.
16:56.10YammYgirlcodingi remember that from 59 to 60 it took forever
16:56.16sysragehe had 40 people helping him
16:56.25KaoS`doing what?
16:56.28YammYgirlcodingomg! is that true?  28 hours!??!?!?!
16:56.30sysragekilling non stop
16:56.30KaoS`healing healing and healing /
16:56.33Xolanhe tapping, the others killing
16:56.35YammYgirlcodingis that joana's  ?
16:56.37XolanI guess
16:56.48sysrageya that's what they did, xolan
16:57.29sysrageis the non-epic flying mount same run speed as the epic non-flying mount?
16:57.42Mr_Rabies2man i can tell this thing on cinematech is a wc3 cutscene from the first 5 seconds without seeing anything on my tv, since it's broken
16:57.43Mr_Rabies2is that bad
16:57.50Mr_Rabies2just from the audio
16:58.01KaoS`I don't now how people are making gold so fast?
16:58.08KaoS`my repair bills are killing me
16:58.12Mr_Rabies2it's the grom/thrall/magtheridon cutscene
16:58.17Mr_Rabies2KaoS`, stop dying :p
16:58.18sysragei make 200g a day easy
16:58.32YammYgirlcodingKaoS` people say that gold is pretty easy at BC
16:58.34sysrageand i'm not even using AH or doing tradeskills
16:58.36Mr_Rabies2i'm making about 100 a day but i'm hoarding my enchanting supplies
16:58.46KaoS`I respec with some Restro
16:58.48Mr_Rabies2aka not vendoring greens
16:58.49KaoS`hope that helps a bit
16:58.56sysrageya i vendor everything
16:59.17Cidegetting gold at 70 is way easy
16:59.27Neuro_Medivhyes it is
16:59.27YammYgirlcodingI have five 60 chars. is it crazy to level all them? :)
16:59.51Neuro_Medivhit might have been crazy to make 5 lvl 60s in the first place though =)
17:00.09YammYgirlcodingwell. it took 2 years of night playing and weekends :)
17:00.35YammYgirlcodingand a lot of patience :)
17:01.20KaoS`god damn
17:01.23KaoS`I have 1 lvl 62
17:01.23GryphenI shall damn it!
17:01.34KaoS`my next highest alt is 32, and before that, I think lvl 9
17:02.00KaoS`stopped playing all my alts, waiting for blood efl to come out
17:02.05YammYgirlcodingi'm also willing to make more 2 blood elves =^^=
17:02.29KaoS`I just don't like pallys.. so not sure what to make
17:02.34KaoS`thinking rouge.
17:02.36KaoS`but not sure
17:03.06Cideif you're bored... behold the best pvp vidoe ever:
17:06.36XolanCide: Great song tho :P (the Rhapsody one)
17:07.09Cidethe video is hilarious
17:08.09hasteI challenge that video with:
17:08.12Xolanlol the "mom came into my room" part was pretty fun :)
17:08.13KaoS`that was funny
17:09.12KaoS`haha its on a old MAC too
17:09.13Mr_Rabies2that somethingawf video has pretty much scene-by-scene parodies of other videos
17:09.27Cidethat's why it's hilarious
17:09.28Mr_Rabies2i love it
17:09.40Mr_Rabies2i love goons
17:09.47Neuro_MedivhCide, that movie is eh...  half the 'super kills' are newbies, you can tell by the background.  
17:09.49Cidethe zoom into random things part is awesome :P
17:09.53CideNeuro_Medivh: it's a satire
17:10.02Mr_Rabies2when it cuts to tupac
17:10.10Neuro_Medivhseen so many that look like that for real, it's hard to tell
17:10.11KaoS`yeah wtf is it doing cutting to tupac?
17:10.16Mr_Rabies2and the "high warlord mage" is like level 12
17:10.31Cidehahaha, that's why it rocks
17:10.37Mr_Rabies2and he shakes the camera violently to make it look like good editing
17:10.42Mr_Rabies2so many real video guys do that
17:10.44Neuro_Medivhso they intentionally fucked up the quote at the end?
17:10.57CideI'm sure
17:11.00Mr_Rabies2everything in that video is intentional
17:11.13Cidethat's why it rocks
17:11.24Neuro_Medivhtrying to figure out what that song at the very end is, it sounds familiar
17:11.40Mr_Rabies2at the end
17:11.41Mr_Rabies2one sec
17:11.56Mr_Rabies2andrew wk - party hard
17:12.28Neuro_Medivhthen no, I don't know it
17:12.29Mr_Rabies2the counterstrike sounds and the crosshairs
17:12.53KaoS`av is so rigged now tho
17:12.54Mr_Rabies2pretty much every andrew w k song is about partying
17:17.30Neuro_MedivhI never really liked ATHF... guess it's my lack of pot smoking
17:18.18Neuro_MedivhVenture Bros, though, is just hysterical
17:19.02Mr_Rabies2athf is hit or miss
17:19.09Mr_Rabies2especially recent episodes
17:19.31Mr_Rabies2the only good episodes this season were handbanana and party all the time, even though it was incredibly depressing
17:21.59Xolan"Don't copy that floppy!" hehe was awesome :)
17:22.05Xolanbetter quality here though
17:31.04*** join/#wowi-lounge muerl (
17:31.31muerldoes anyone know a place to get an updated nurfed?
17:33.35Cidelet me guess...
17:33.50Cidesecond guess
17:33.54muerlserver = down
17:34.05muerlcurse / worldofwar dont have udpated versions
17:34.18muerlhmm maybe google in swedish is better i'll give it a shot, i tryed in english
17:34.21Mr_Rabies2i'm guessing nowhere then :p
17:35.37muerl(i was hoping these was some hidden mirror only cool peopl eon irc would know about :p)(
17:36.44Xolanmm dog beer
17:38.03KaoS`are all these updates really screwing with UI's?
17:38.29muerlsort of
17:38.48muerli havent actually had a serious bug with it, but ts out of data, and i would rahter not just hack the toc
17:38.57muerland its still missing features post 2.0
17:41.10Neuro_Medivhdid they change the toc?
17:41.34muerlumm .. this isnt realted to todays patch
17:41.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
17:41.51muerli just decided yesterday i was sick of using somewhat dated addons
17:43.39KaoS`they are up
17:43.40KaoS`it seems
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18:20.13Neeblereveryone shut the hell up. I cant hear myself think!
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19:16.22cogwheeli said shhhhhhhhhhh
19:16.35BouviBut the silence is driving me crazy!!!
19:17.37BouviPoint made
19:18.14Kirkburn|afk"Blizzard happily announced today that The Burning Crusade has just shattered the so-called "day one" sales record and has become the fastest selling PC title ever for both North America and Europe - selling around 2.4 million copies in the first 24 hours alone."
19:18.15Bouvibut but I will be gone till next Monday.  Won't anyone miss me *sob*
19:18.41cogwheel~emulate crickets
19:22.50*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Karen@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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19:25.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Outlaw (
19:26.32Cairennrepeating, but with a bit more detail:
19:26.36CairennIn news that should come as no surprise to anyone, Blizzard has announced that their Burning Crusade expansion pack has become the fastest selling PC game ever in North America and Europe. Within the first 24 hours of release, nearly 2.4 million copies were sold around the world, with close to 1.2 million sold in North America and over 1.1 million sold in Europe. By the end of launch day 1.7 million accounts had already been upgraded
19:26.49Tierrie|Work2.4 is like nothing
19:26.50Cairenn"Meanwhile, SOE executives committed mass seppuku in defeat."
19:26.55Tierrie|Workoh good
19:26.58Tierrie|WorkSOE is going to the dumps
19:27.06Tierrie|WorkPS3 oh gnoez
19:27.09Cairennthat was *my* addendum :p
19:27.12Tierrie|WorkEQ2 oh gnoz
19:27.22Tierrie|Workwell, less amusing then
19:27.55Tierrie|Workhow much are TBC CE's selling for now
19:30.24Tierrie|Work:( only 100
19:34.36TC_Workinghmm...i still havent updated my account yet
19:34.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Xolan (
19:34.42TC_Working<----- lazy bastard
19:35.08BouviI am almost 62 casually playing.  Get off your arse.
19:35.30TC_Workingthats the problem i am on my arse 9 hours a day for work...dont want to do that when i get home
19:35.55Xolanbring wow to work :)
19:36.53TC_Workingi have been told that "it is not good" though the person telling me that was playing 2nd life at the time so i may need to ask higer up the chain
19:37.32BouviEven if I cannot SPELL
19:38.19XolanI meant "06Bouvi loves it and recommends it01" - which? wow or 2nd life? :)
19:38.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
19:38.41kaso  :>
19:38.43TC_Workingi'm guessing WoW @ work
19:39.13Xolanthat would rock indeed
19:39.48TC_Workingi have the time, way way way to much time
19:41.02BouviI play sometimes during lunch or put it in a small window to work on an addon
19:41.54BouviI had the expansions shipped to work so when I got them I had them open and both mine and my wife's accounts upgraded in seconds.
19:42.16Xolanstill haven't got mine...
19:42.39Xolanfigured there was no use yet since I'm leaving tomorrow anyways :)
19:42.50BouviI did not expect to get mine the day of release but since I paid overnight that I would get it the day after.  Best Buy had it to me on release day
19:46.52Mr_Rabies2i think i'm getting a fel iron rod for 1g
19:47.27Tierrie|Workthat's next to nothing
19:47.32Tierrie|Work1g is like, piss in TBC
19:47.42kasoHow does cd work again in windows, can you do     cd c:\fred\World of Warcraft\   without having to worry about quotes for the spaces?
19:47.52Tierrie|Workin WindowsXP yes
19:47.59Tierrie|Workbut its better to use quotes
19:48.01Tierrie|Workor in scrips
19:51.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Bleeter_ (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
19:54.55ckknighthow would one check if you can send messages to the guild channel? some guilds prevent newbies from doing so
19:55.19TC_Workingask for a response?
19:55.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler` (n=BuM@
19:59.16kasojust sent one regardless and if you dont get a Chat_msg_guild mark it as non-speakable.
19:59.40Xolanwouldn't that require the "newbies" to have the mod aswell?
19:59.45ckknightbut that'll create spam, kaso
20:00.20kasoWhere would you need to know if you can send to guild when you're not actually sending to guild?
20:02.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
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20:02.24ckknightkaso: addon messages
20:03.19kasooh, are you also blocked sending addon messages to guild ? didnt know that
20:03.54Mr_Rabies2that sounds like unintended behavior
20:06.35Tierrie|Workhmm I really like wowhead
20:07.03Tierrie|Worklike infinitely more than allakhazam or thottbot
20:07.35Neebler`people like simple and organized things. like google
20:07.52Neebler`compact layouts rather
20:09.04kasoooh i like their spell database thats pretty
20:09.20Mr_Rabies2and the filters
20:09.24Mr_Rabies2are awesome
20:09.43kasodo they use real Spell/Item IDs?
20:10.54Mr_Rabies2mhm i think
20:14.15cogwheelcide, ping
20:14.47Tierrie|Workyou could search for it i think
20:14.59Tierrie|Workthottbot is easy too but its database is messy
20:15.09cogwheelcide, off the top of your head, is there an easy function call i could use to change viewport settings? I want to make a screenshot macro that hides my ui, expands all my viewport margins, takes the shot, and returns everything to the way it was
20:15.10Tierrie|Workallakhazam is a nightmare in UI but its db is nicely culled
20:15.32Cidecogwheel: there is
20:16.09CideSlashCmdList.VIEWPORT("<left> <right> <top> <bottom>")
20:16.12TC_WorkingTierrie|Work, wowhead is rather nicely set up
20:16.27cogwheelCide: thanks :)
20:16.43Tierrie|Workyes and I like their promotions -- giving away stuff for intelligent comments can only serve to improve the quality of their feedback
20:17.13TC_Workingand get people to do it, that would not normaly do it
20:18.10Tierrie|WorkI wish they would create a filter on their jewels so that I can filter out rings and necklaces
20:18.16Tierrie|Workand just see gems
20:18.28TC_Workingask them
20:18.58Tierrie|Workthese metagems -- they have requirements like "requires 5 blue gems"
20:19.05Tierrie|Workhow is that possible? or does it mean, total
20:20.36kasostops people stacking one type of gem on all theyre gear
20:21.14Tierrie|Worki think "Requires 5 blue gems" encourages it :P
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20:22.44kasowell they usually have like requires 5 blue and 4yellow
20:23.07kasoso like someone i know in my guild who has throw the same +9 healing gem in all his gear will get screwed
20:23.14Tierrie|Workas far as I can see, they usually don't have a pattern of requiring any particular #
20:23.25Tierrie|Workbesides you can always use dual gems
20:23.31Tierrie|Workdual colored gems
20:24.26kasodo the multicolored ones count as either?
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20:29.55Tierrie|Work5 green gems will count as 5 blue and 5 yellow
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20:33.02OnlyKeeperhi, where a imay download DeuceCommander ?
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20:35.42AnduinLotharzomg wow patch
20:36.28ckknightah, damn
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20:38.29TC_WorkingHello Floyd
20:38.39Floydis there any problem witch savedvariables and äüö ... ??
20:38.43AnduinLotharlol "The /equip command will now work on pieces of gear that are not in your primary bag."
20:39.06AnduinLotharyay "Players will no longer hear the gong sound repeated after initially joining a queue for the battlegrounds."
20:41.08Floydin the savedvariables its corretly saved (i create the file self) but is it posible that wow can't read this coeetly?
20:42.12Floydnobody know this?
20:42.36TC_Workingdont look at me, i am just here to poke fun at people
20:43.01Josh_Borkeme too
20:43.26*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
20:43.36Kirkburn|afkHey all! I just overhauled the ClearFont website :)
20:43.59Kirkburn|afkNo more crappy tables!
20:44.19AnduinLotharhey, dont diss tables
20:44.45AnduinLothartables served and continue to serve us very well. and tables have feeling too, just like css!
20:45.12BouviUsually it is the people that put the food on the tables that serve us
20:45.42AnduinLotharwhen was the last time you tipped a table?
20:45.45Tierrie|WorkWoot! 2nd Hearthstone
20:47.37Kirkburn|afkPage design tables must die! Data tables I allow to continue living.
20:47.47TC_Workingto bad the 2 cant be in 2 diff locations, like mark and recall
20:47.52Kirkburn|afkI'm benevolent like that.
20:48.38AnduinLotharok kirk, I'll stop using tables if you can get 75% of all web users to use anythign other than IE
20:49.23Kirkburn|afkI have no idea if the ClearFont website works in IE6
20:49.28Floydfor replave (ae) to "ä" is this right?  "(%(ae%))" ,"ä"
20:49.42Kirkburn|afkGet them to upgrade to IE7, you'll have far more luck
20:49.47Floydor have i wrong escipe?
20:49.54AnduinLotharevery time i do a website with css it takes my 3x longer to get IE compat
20:50.09TheKarnAnduinLothar, i know where you're coming from
20:50.26AnduinLotharand i like css, but the haxs are kinda rediculous
20:50.45Kirkburn|afkI had no problems with IE7 for the ClearFont website, one or two for, whilst IE6 was annoying for the chig one. It worked in the end though.
20:50.50AnduinLotharjust look at the IE haxs here:
20:51.08AnduinLotharor the main page is better
20:51.30Kirkburn|afk"// invisible 100% width table hack for IE7 "
20:51.34AnduinLotharI especially love <script>maxWidth()</script>
20:54.36Tierrie|Workyou can easily replace tables with divs and css
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20:57.17AnduinLothardefine easily
20:57.29AnduinLotharwhen used for formatting IE fucks it all up
20:57.52AnduinLotharhell in IE table width is even different than all other browsers
20:58.16AnduinLotharit sets it as minwidth and ignores css minwidth/maxwidth
20:58.34Tierrie|Workyes and there's css tricks that handle that
20:58.37Tierrie|Workits not that different
20:58.54AnduinLotharI didn't say it wasn't possible
20:58.54Tierrie|Workas long as you approach css with an open mind and an understand that its almost a programming language
20:58.59AnduinLothartricks != easy
20:59.07Tierrie|Workknowing+experience = easy
20:59.15Tierrie|Worknot knowing != hard
20:59.24AnduinLothareasy for a pro != easy
20:59.35Tierrie|WorkDidn't say was easy for a pro
20:59.42AnduinLotharknowing+experience = pro
21:00.40Tierrie|Worksomewhere along the way you've skipped the thousands of programmers that ride the line between clueless and pros -- some of them just read the stuff as they go along and have no problems
21:00.49AnduinLotharyou're arguing for the sake of arguing now so i'm done
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21:03.25Floydoky thats will be the error .. in savedvariables the are not wirks äüö... but (ae) and replace to ä will works
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21:20.15TheStigis there any way of modifying elkano's buff bar to keep track of how many points of damage certain types of shields have remaining to absorb?
21:20.42Cidethat's probably tough
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21:22.36kasoTheStig, i used to have my shield's remaining damage displaying as the "Charges" left on the shield buff that worked fairly well
21:23.12XuerianTheStig: 1: Parse chatlog for (# Absorbed) messages. 2: Calculate total value of your shield. 3: Subtract cumulative absorbed from total. 4: ??? 5: Profit!
21:23.34XuerianOr something like that...
21:24.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (n=jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
21:24.32kasoDid you mean display the damage left as the progress bar of the buff however?
21:25.06TheStigi was thinking something like a vertical meter mod on elkano's bar specifically made to show progress of shields and rogue poisons
21:25.36XuerianYou might be able to do like Kaso did and put it as the charges on EBB, any other modifications would be rather interesting.
21:26.31kasomm, my way was 5lines of code (if you can get a working ShieldMod) doing a proper meter would mean hacking apart Buff bars
21:26.52TheStigor starting from scratch lol
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21:54.07wereHamsterhere is a picture of chuck norris:
21:55.41Mr_Rabies2oh hell yeah, shattrath's /2 is linked to the other capitals now
21:55.46Mr_Rabies2one step away from an AH
21:58.22Neuro_Medivhwtf is The Black Flame?  Cause I want a riding turtle!
22:00.06Mr_Rabies2trading card game
22:00.31Mr_Rabies2and i think the turtle is only walking speed
22:00.36Neuro_Medivhoh =(
22:00.41Mr_Rabies250% of run speed
22:01.21|FF|Im2good4uif they add a AH in shattrath they might asweladd class trainers
22:01.24Neuro_Medivhepic turtle would have been Best Mount Evah
22:01.37|FF|Im2good4ubut noone of the hogh level players will ever leave outlands again..
22:01.50Mr_Rabies2they hardly do now
22:02.03Neuro_Medivhthat's why
22:02.08|FF|Im2good4uthey dont do now becase they need to level but at level 70 it will chnace
22:02.11Neuro_Medivhthey don't want shat becoming overpopulated
22:02.12foxlitAH works like this: mail to AH mule, put up for auction
22:02.22Mr_Rabies2no reason but cot and jara
22:02.35Mr_Rabies2it's wreaking havok with my enchanting
22:02.48Mr_Rabies2blah i need to sleep i can't type
22:02.50|FF|Im2good4udoes any1 know about that new duingion in dead wind pass or was that a lie ?
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22:03.08Mr_Rabies2yeah,, karazhan
22:03.18Mr_Rabies2medivh's tower
22:03.29|FF|Im2good4uis that in dead winds pass ?
22:03.33|FF|Im2good4uwut level is it ?
22:04.17|FF|Im2good4uah dahm..
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22:17.24zenzelezzare stats from "of [the] Something" in any way different from "Equip: +samestat"?
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22:18.20kaso+dmg Damage and Healing is the same as equip bonus of the same
22:18.26sysragegod damnit. is there a way to make it stop unchecking load out of date addons ever patch?
22:18.38kasothats in the GlueXML
22:18.40sysragei forget every damn time to re-check it and then i have to fix all my damn windows
22:18.41kasoout of our reach
22:18.45sysrageso friggin annoying
22:19.09kasozenzelezz if you want it to be all displayed the same try my addon  /plug
22:19.58zenzelezzI might do that, thanks =)
22:22.04wereHamstersysrage, make read-only
22:22.36Corr[discon]sysrage: i seriously recommeng backing up your layout-cache.txt and chat-cache.txt files for each character
22:23.15Corr[discon]layout-cache.txt stores the positions of all windows that let the WoW UI manage their positions, which is a silly thing to do, because if you ever load the game without the addon enabled, the frames are removed from the file so they go back to default positions
22:23.16sysragechat windows aren't a problem. just some mods don't seem to remember their positions
22:23.31sysrageok that's the one i need
22:24.59Mr_Rabies2energywatch stores its location in the layout-cache instead of savedvariables, so every patch i gotta reset it, but no biggie
22:26.44Corrodiasi hate when addons use layout-cache because i have to propogate any changes to all my other characters
22:27.10Mr_Rabies2i'll propogate changes to your face with my fist
22:27.13Mr_Rabies2i need to sleep
22:27.19sysragesw stats and klh both get reset
22:27.21Corrodiasi'll propogate your ass to kicked
22:27.30sysragecryolysis used to, that's finally fixed
22:28.50Mr_Rabies2both gonffbar and kenergy just weren't as reliable as energywatch, or i'd use them
22:29.21Corrodiaswhat do they all do?
22:30.18foxlitTheory 1: Druids are imba. Theory 2: Group [3] marked quests are actually soloable.
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22:31.19kasoSurely those are Hypotheses
22:31.46Corrodiassome quests will have an easier time at group quests than others
22:31.53Corrodias*at particular group quests
22:32.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Karrion (
22:32.26Corrodiasif it involves killing a tough, yet snareable single mob, a druid or frost mage should have an easy time of it.
22:32.35Corrodiasassuming it's outside, that is
22:32.42sysrageya. i can solo everything except the ones that you can't slow or snare
22:32.50sysrage(frost mage)
22:33.47foxlitMm, most of the things I had in mind were snare-immune
22:34.47kasoon a priest i could kill anything that doesnt run faster than a PC, or didnt have more hp than my mana could manage, but dot kiting takes sooo long
22:35.56Corrodiasi was having a damn blast as a moonkin last night. i didn't run into any snare-immune mobs, fortunately, but if i did, at least i would have the armor bonus to protect me while i dotted and wrathed it
22:36.32foxlitThings tend to run faster than moonkins
22:38.06Corrodiaswell, it's not like we have a movement speed penalty.
22:38.06foxlitTrue, true.
22:38.10Corrodiasbut most mobs do run faster than a PC's 100% run speed
22:38.12foxlitIt's just that most mobs run at over 100% :)
22:38.24Corrodiasi've learned the joy of roots
22:38.29Tierrie|WorkI tried killed Apex and Cragskarr
22:38.34Tierrie|WorkBoy I got my face smashed in
22:38.42Tierrie|WorkApex was like "lol puny snares"
22:38.45foxlitFull Triangle boss, nether dragon boss :)
22:38.55Tierrie|WorkCragskarr was like "lol mage did what?"
22:39.16Tierrie|Workactually I felt Apex and Crag was worse because they spawned stuff
22:39.18foxlitCrag is annoying because of all the adds
22:39.28Tierrie|WorkI did get Apex and the Full Triangle boss down to 5%
22:39.29Corrodias[away] @ picking up the cats
22:39.38Tierrie|WorkI think if I had slightly better gear and experience I could have done it
22:39.55Tierrie|WorkI use the Water Elemental to start the fight
22:39.58foxlitWorking on forge camp bosses atm
22:40.03Tierrie|WorkAnd stand like ways away
22:40.20Tierrie|WorkWhen theboss approaches the WE, I start bolting it, eventually it'll turn on me, hopefully WE is still alive
22:40.30Tierrie|WorkThen IB when it gets to me, then unblock and continue bolting
22:40.36ckknightanyone a guild leader (US) who want to help me with a connundrum? I need to get a quick ginvite without the ability to talk in the guild channel.
22:40.37Tierrie|WorkColdsnap and WE / repeat
22:40.38foxlitHah, novel
22:40.59Tierrie|Workckknight: you need to create a new position/rank with no guild chat privileges
22:41.02Tierrie|Workthen demote them to it
22:41.10ckknightyea, I'm not a guild leader.
22:41.53Tierrie|Workfoxlit: it works well but my 1st and 2nd WE ran out of mana then I died, so I guess I need more +damage
22:42.17Tierrie|Workckknight: you need to be invited to a guild?
22:42.18Tierrie|Worki seeeee
22:42.22Tierrie|Workno i 'm not a GM
22:42.40ckknightbreak19's setting me up
22:42.44foxlitMy relatively tame "scratch scratch claw claw, bite" strategy worked :)
22:43.05Tierrie|Workyou're a druid?
22:43.18Tierrie|WorkI thought you were a mage from what you were saying earlier :)
22:43.35Tierrie|Worki've soloed up to Group [3] myself as well, i like those quests
22:43.45kremontesoloing elites is fun
22:44.00kremontegetting 3.9k XP for one mob is awesome, then another 12k makes it jawesome
22:44.30Tierrie|Worki don't know about 3.9k XP
22:44.36Tierrie|Worki usually don't get more than 2k for one
22:45.21nevcairielwith rested you can get 3.9k :)
22:45.27sysragegetting 1500 just for walking into an area is awesome
22:45.35foxlitForgemaster Morug bit the dust
22:45.40Tierrie|Workoh ok I didn't think you meant with rested :P
22:45.49foxlit1160 xp, unrested
22:45.55Tierrie|Workthe toughest boss I've fought so far is nexus king
22:46.01Tierrie|Workeven dimensius was easier
22:46.14foxlitThose soloable, or did you bring friends? :)
22:46.25Tierrie|Workits Group [5]
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22:46.33Tierrie|Workbut we did it with 5 one time, and 6 another
22:46.35foxlitI know what it is, I'm wondering what you did :)
22:46.39Tierrie|Workand in the 5 we lost like 2 people
22:46.44foxlitSame two quests are in my questlog atm
22:47.02Tierrie|Workthey both require 5
22:47.08beNson__jesus, my irc-icon keeps blinking.. would you mind? :P
22:47.24foxlit./part :)
22:47.34Tierrie|Worknexus king might need more, its really tough, he spawns unsnarable adds
22:47.35foxlit<Tierrie|Work> you're a druid?
22:47.37foxlitBoth, actually
22:47.38beNson__I was just kidding.. I get bored..
22:47.41kasoOh beta dimensius was so much harder, but i think thats cos he was just bugged and he twoshot anyone in the building when he went crazy.
22:47.48foxlitPlaying a druid at the moment; did Naxx with a mage.
22:47.52Tierrie|Workah kk
22:48.05Tierrie|Workyeah beta dimensius was hard, easy now though
22:48.20Tierrie|Worki'm going to do Botanicar tonight  :D or maybe Mechnaar
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22:50.07foxlitGenerally, anything that's stunnable is doable with a druid
22:50.27Tierrie|Workanything fearable is doable with a warlock :D
22:50.51foxlitYeah, but stun seems to be the least frequently occuring immunity :)
22:51.04Tierrie|Workyeah and the shortest duration
22:51.31foxlitHT fits right in :)
22:54.54Tierrie|Workit must be longer than a rogues then
22:54.58Tierrie|Workdruid's a class i've never played :(
22:57.15foxlitBash is 5 seconds
22:57.27foxlit(that is, with talents)
23:01.51*** join/#wowi-lounge iRRVi (
23:02.54beNson__Hey, Valentine's Day is coming up.. all got a good gift? :D
23:03.24beNson__Because if you don't.. I have a suggestion:
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23:06.17Kirkburn|afkBump me, bump me, ;)
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23:07.28kasoKirkburn, do a stealthbump, reply to the topic then delete your post :>
23:08.01beNson__That's not really kosher..
23:08.40kasoBut noone will ever know!
23:08.51beNson__He will know..
23:09.04iRRVidid/is everyone else's patch download go really slow?
23:09.06beNson__And if he has a conciousness.. well.. he's in trouble then..
23:09.41beNson__iRRVi: Using the Blizzard Downloader?
23:10.03iRRVi*is too lazy to use anything else*
23:10.05beNson__iRRVi: Extract the torrent and use any other BT client..
23:10.21beNson__Well.. then you're gonna have to wait.
23:10.32Kirkburn|afkkaso, I thought they broke that?
23:10.37beNson__Or just ask Blizzard to update their fickin' client :D do I extrace the torrent
23:12.17kasothey did?
23:12.33kasoi havent done it for a while but im pretty sure it worked with the new forums at one point
23:13.50beNson__Plus it would not be kosher!
23:14.11beNson__And again.. I get bored..
23:14.17kasoKirkburn you're right it was fixed
23:14.47beNson__How do you figure?
23:14.57beNson__Did you do something.. unkosher? :P
23:15.46beNson__It's gonna haunt you..
23:15.57kasoits not that bad, you'd make out like im eating babies or something
23:16.30beNson__It's still unkosher.. you can't have that..
23:16.46kasocant have what?
23:17.21beNson__I'm sorry.. I'm currently writing nonsense..
23:17.48beNson__It's about time someone gave me a temp ban, so I can move on and do something..
23:19.11beNson__Kay.. I'm outa here
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23:49.28Tierrie|Workoh no
23:49.30Tierrie|Worki broke wowhead
23:50.02bleetahoops hehe
23:50.12Tierrie|Worki should stop telling people to use it
23:50.13bleetahhey, did anyone create a diff on the ToS?
23:50.15Tierrie|Workand save it for myself
23:50.30kasobleetah you mean the 2.0.5 ToU changes?
23:50.35kasoor has there been more in 2,0.6
23:50.41bleetahmore in 2.0.6
23:51.01bleetahat least, it certainly looked like a new date on the top of the ToS
23:51.25kasoEU here so we havent patched, wouldnt know im afraid
23:51.28bleetahooh, hang on... I haven't updated my Windows version yet... I can do a diff here... sorry
23:51.36bleetahwill sort a diff out right now :)
23:53.55bleetahhmm, ok. no diff. just my imagination playing tricks caused by the client stating 'The TOS have changed' and me thinking the data (Jan 11) were newer
23:54.44kasoso its just the changes we already had with 2.0.5
23:54.58bleetahyup, which is no change
23:55.10bleetahsorry, I meant, is no change between .5 and .6, despite what the client says
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