irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070121

00:00.02foxlitSetText sets the text of a button.
00:00.17foxlitA button can only have one text that is accessible with SetText/GetText
00:02.04SstixrudI am not sure how the XMLFrameName stuff would look, could I not just create a table for each frame and go 1=key, 2=key, 3=key etc..?
00:02.22Sstixrudthen index the table for each of my button events?
00:02.59foxlitLost you there.
00:05.08Sstixrudmy addon will be triggering a function for every UNITHEALTH/AURA event and checking each button in multiple frames to see if a condition is true (i.e. health below xx, curse, debuff, buff lost etc..).  
00:05.25Mike-N-GoMy WoW client is not saving data, and settings from previous sections..
00:05.38GuillotineMike-N-Go: are you using Vista?
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00:06.58Sstixrudso I was thinking instead of SetText/GetText I could just create a table for each frame, listing each button and the user defined characteristics to trigger from
00:07.08Mike-N-GoI am using Mac OS 10.4.8
00:09.43Guillotinethen I dunno. is it possible that the saved variables folder is protected from non-admins?
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00:11.23*** join/#wowi-lounge tingle (
00:11.37Mike-N-GoThe main account I use is Admin, yes I know I am risky.
00:12.15Mike-N-GoIt is the interface settings, like the Action Bar that I just checked to be there, disipeared after I logeded out
00:13.17tinglei have a question, im learning about scripts and would like to know about a certain function, this is the code: ; what i would like to know is, what action must be taken ingame to make the onload function to be used (Hello World!)
00:14.45*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
00:15.11tingleany help?
00:17.41Cairenntingle: patience friend, most folks are afk, it's the weekend and everyone is busy playing the expansion :)
00:18.04Cidemust... get... 70...
00:18.06Cairennjust hang in there and sooner or later someone will hopefully be around that can give you a hand :)
00:18.17Cairennheheheh, thanks for proving my point, Cide :)
00:19.10bleetahI'm downloading, not playing WoW... trying to beat 'Sambo, Sexy Man's high score in Maelstrom
00:19.33bleetahman I suck at this game
00:20.02CairennI'm actually having fun replaying NWN (original) :p
00:20.08Cairennyes yes, I know, I'm lame, sue me
00:20.17bleetah(for those who don't know, "our very own" Sam Lantinga ported it to Linux)
00:20.40bleetahsome would no doubt argue it's the best thing he ever did ;)
00:21.41foxlitWeee netherdrake flight
00:23.33foxlitHm, it's a neat idea to tease people with flying on things every 1-2 zones
00:26.13foxlitIt's a pity outdoor pvp here is almost entirely dead.
00:26.27tingleanyone bothered to check my post up there
00:26.28foxlitHalaa would've been fun
00:27.44Mikmatingle: /script MyMod_ShowMessage() ? :)
00:27.51bleetahtingle: yup, and I'm a noob, so no idea
00:30.29Irieltingle: That OnLoad should run on startup as you have it there, assuming your .toc is correct
00:30.45tingleok thx
00:31.22tingleis there somewhere a list of differnt typ of messages i can use instead of message
00:32.07tingleunder where?
00:35.30bleetahi guess world of warcraft API->chat functions
00:35.42Irieltingle: try DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Something")
00:36.06bleetahIriel: seeing you're about....
00:36.13Mike-N-GoI have what I think is from CT mod, the quest objectives text on my screen
00:36.24bleetahsomething ckknight was asking last night, dunno if he worked it out.. but what event happens when a guild member logs out?
00:36.25Mike-N-GoBut I rightclicked it one day
00:36.43Mike-N-GoAnd then I am unable to move or alter its state, any ideas?
00:36.47ckknightI didn't work it out :-P
00:37.10bleetahoh, heya ckknight... i figured you to be afk/asleep or similar .. thought I might keep asking
00:37.33ckknightI'm playing my druid
00:38.11bleetahmy favourite class
00:38.49Irielbleetah: I believe if the player has guild member notifcations enabled, it's a system message, but i'd have to try it in-game to know for sure
00:38.57IrielYou could use /dtchatevent or /dteventtrace to find out
00:39.13IrielIt doesn't update the guild information API's though
00:39.27bleetahhah, thanks for reminding me to download your devtools to my linux box ;)
00:39.33IrielAnd now.. AFK for a bit.
00:39.39bleetahit occured to me late last night.. just forgot this morn
00:39.40bleetahk, cya
00:44.27ckknightyep, it's CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM
00:50.19*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
00:50.52IndustrialWhat faction is the Bloodsail Buccaneers? wnd why am I 35550/36000 Hated?
00:51.31Cairennopposite booty bay
00:52.51Cairennbasically just about every quest you do in STV gets you negative Bloodsail and positive BootyBay
00:53.02bleetahIndustrial: if you go nutzo against BB, you can get special rewards.. downside is you get killed when trying to enter, say Everlook
00:53.17bleetahbut if you've completed the two continents, there's no faction affiliation in Outlands.. so slay away ;)
00:53.53Industrialim 31 now
00:54.11Industrialabout to go to grom gol \o/
00:54.53tinglesome have a sec
00:55.57tingleheres the code: why wont a frame apear ingame:
00:59.37Cidebecause the xml is far from correct
01:01.02CideI can look over it if you indent the code
01:09.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Dezzimal (
01:16.01Rophyis it TBC now in the EU-WoW?
01:16.37Xolanwas a day before the US actually
01:16.47Cairennwhat Xolan said :)
01:17.14RophyI'd like to get GlobalStrings.lua for the non-enUS locales.
01:17.18Xolanwell, same date, but the time difference made it seem like a day :P
01:19.12Xolancould I bug anyone with downloading the mod I'm working on and so you can see the bug I can't figure out, and maybe even fix it?... Basically I have a symbol set for a destination on the my compass (which is the mod :P), but it shows when it's not supposed to. I can't see any reason for that in my code.
01:20.42Xolannvm I'll sleep on it for tomorrow :P
01:20.52Cairennsweet dreams Xolan :)
01:20.59Xolancheers :)
01:21.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Sairen (
01:22.36XolanRophy: Your best bet would be to get a user of each locale to download and extract it for you.
01:24.03Xolanor... curse-gaming seems to have the french and german ones :9
01:24.59Rophythe ones in curse are still 1.12
01:26.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
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01:31.03zenzelezzI see someone at Blizzard likes Dune
01:31.59bleetahseems more like 'yay, more space for pop culture references', not just Dune ;)
01:32.18zenzelezzI like Dune, so I choose to read it my way
01:32.42bleetahI like H2G2, so every NPC I see I think 'Marvin'
01:36.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem__ (
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01:38.14Cairennwe have some EBIL peoples in this channel!
01:38.35Cairennno, I'm not finking on who it is
01:38.58*** join/#wowi-lounge tardmrr (
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01:39.53Smeltn`anyone seen a good guide on getting Tailoring from 300+
01:40.45Cide1. Farm netherweave
01:40.48Cide2. Profit!
01:40.56bleetah3. Goto 1
01:40.56CairennCide: you got it wrong
01:40.57Cideit takes so much netherweave =(
01:41.06Cideforgot the "???"?
01:41.07Cairenn1. Farm netherweave
01:41.09Cairenn2. ??
01:41.12Cairenn3. Profit!
01:41.32Cairenn(with an option 4. Goto 1.)
01:41.43*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
01:41.51bleetahthat's what the API needs.. more goto's
01:42.11bleetahCairenn: that's some seriously twisted post
01:42.46CairennI'm frankly rather frightened by the second post in the thread
01:43.04bleetahonly frightened? i'd be terrified
01:43.32bleetahi wouldn't pay for RDX if that's the IQ of their devs :/
01:44.03Smeltn`ok another question
01:44.15Smeltn`is there a mob out that will show me who is talking in vent in game
01:44.16Industrialbleetah: what rewards can you get from going anti BB?
01:44.29Smeltn`I just got rid of my G15 so now I need a mod to do it for me
01:44.31Smeltn`: )
01:44.50Industriali dont think thats allowed Smeltn`
01:45.10Industrialbleetah: right
01:46.15bleetahIndustrial: can't immediately see the item links there, but there's a set you can score off them
01:46.50Industrialwonder if you can go back to neutral with BB after that
01:47.32bleetahyeah, you can... the wiki page has a reasonable guide... no doubt it may be inaccurate for 2.0.5
01:47.46bleetahthat is just one of the items from the bloodsails
01:48.45Gnarfoz_<Industrial> i dont think thats allowed Smeltn`  <-- it's fine to do that, you'd need VoiceOverlay
02:04.47Smeltn`which do we use
02:04.50Smeltn`and thanks Gnarfoz
02:05.00Smeltn`Aldor or Scryer
02:05.39Corrodiasthere's a wowwiki article about this
02:06.15Corrodiasdamn you
02:06.19Corrodiasable to find things for yourself >_<
02:06.35Corrodiasthus, my mage is going for Aldor and my healing druid for Scryer, i believe
02:07.44bleetahwot?! no engi rewards?!
02:08.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Neuro_Medivh (
02:11.46Corrodiasengineers already get rewarded with BEING ENGINEERS.
02:11.57Corrodiasthat would be like rewarding paladins with their own fancy mounts. OH WAIT!
02:17.22kergothbeing engineers is a worthless reward
02:22.22Corrodiashey, you get teleporters, nets, and all sorts of other gadgets
02:22.56Corrodiasmy little Tailor will never have anything all that fun
02:23.07Corrodiasand leatherworking was just a huge bore. i tossed that out long ago.
02:23.44*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
02:24.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano_2nd (
02:25.52kergothlots of gadgets that fail a lot and most of which take up a trinket slot that would be better used on something else
02:26.14*** join/#wowi-lounge LightShadow (
02:28.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Sairen (
02:32.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
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02:34.30bleetahbefore mages got water elementals, having a dragonling handy was.. very useful
02:34.39*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
02:34.49Austerityfor 1 min
02:35.04Austeritythen hour cooldown
02:36.28bleetahyup, useful for getting out of the way of adds in tight spots, if deployed correctly
02:36.41AusterityI wish I could pronounce Azjol-Nerub
02:36.41bleetahand the cooldowns aren't shared ;)
02:36.56*** part/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
02:37.01kahdgarxiAusterity - play warcraft 3
02:37.02*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
02:37.07bleetahwoops, wrong button! :D
02:39.26kahdgarxiaz-jole neh-rube
02:41.03Austerityty really bizare help request i guess lol
02:44.56bleetahomg "if you can't understand UNIX-based operating systems please stick to Windows." /cry
02:45.23kahdgarxiyeah, cause everybody understands windowxs
02:45.57bleetahyup, I understand "use it and pray it won't eat your babies" quite clearly ;)
02:46.52bleetahOT: anyone in here a member? feel free to add Bleeter to your friends :)
02:46.58bleetahand send me a message ;)
02:47.10XolanZzz<-- same
02:47.13XolanZzz"Xolan" though
02:48.20XolanZzzhad to watch some House before snoozing :P
02:51.50bleetahmmm bit of a tull fan, XolanZzz... I wish I had more Tull and some early maiden
02:52.05kahdgarxiawesome movie
02:52.30bleetahi'd still prolly not get to listen to it, 60days ~ 110GB of music
02:52.31XolanZzzI'm down with anything rock related bleetah ;)
02:53.15XolanZzzthought as you can probably see/guess I'm more of a metal guy
02:53.19XolanZzzand classical actually :P
02:53.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Insa (n=ins@
02:54.11bleetahas you may be able to tell from mine, I'm all over the place
02:54.22XolanZzzyep lol
02:54.37bleetahcept for a couple I left on repeat when I went afk for two weeks :/
02:54.42bleetahhence they're high on the list
02:55.07XolanZzzpink floyd \o/
02:55.57bleetahBeethoven! \o/ ^ \o/
02:56.16bleetahnot as crazy as Mahler, but I still like his stuff ;)
02:57.17XolanZzzyou should try
02:58.15bleetahok, as long as you try some
02:58.26bleetahyes, they are actually worth the 3000 plays/top position on my chart
02:58.36XolanZzzthought that was the fluke lol
02:58.45bleetahdefinately not
02:59.38bleetahXolanZzz: for their lyrics, to give you an idea... many many australianisms in there, but.. damned good at it ;)
03:00.08XolanZzzinteresting... :)
03:00.18XolanZzzI'll give it a spin in the morning
03:00.28XolanZzzthink I need to do what my nick says now
03:00.58Austerityxolan? j/k
03:01.22XolanZzz... :)
03:01.43*** part/#wowi-lounge XolanZzz (
03:03.27*** join/#wowi-lounge kahdgarxi (n=kahdgarx@
03:14.11Mike-N-Go I sent in for a quest that is un-doable..
03:18.05bleetahI've done it
03:18.22bleetahI collected some bottles of booze, took it to the guy, he gave me the invite... then I could loot the items on the table
03:20.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
03:21.28*** part/#wowi-lounge Grumnal (
03:28.49Corrodiasbloodsail buccaneers. are they fun to be allied with? :(
03:31.42bleetahsome would argue you haven't really done endgame until you've gone and got allied with them, then back again with BB ;)
03:36.20*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (
03:37.38Nightdewany addons left that show what a particular item is used in..?
03:37.48Nightdewquest.. profession .. etc?
03:37.58kahdgarxiNightdew- the auctioneer swuite does that for professions
03:38.02kahdgarxiand QuestFu does that for quests
03:38.22Nightdewauctioneer is out of commission .. no?
03:38.28kahdgarxithere's a beta out
03:38.30bleetahhope not
03:38.40bleetahlot of wasted time spent on the beta, and supporting the users, etc.
03:38.41Nightdewi didnt see it on there site
03:38.43Nightdewwhere can i find it
03:39.19bleetahour usual download location
03:39.38bleetahjust so i can skip the next support request.. make sure you get the beta
03:40.09Nightdewwhy didnt yall go with 4.0.. with so mny api changes
03:40.20bleetah3.9 is the beta version for 4.0
03:40.30bleetahthat 3.9+0.1=4.0 is pure coincidence ;-)
03:40.45bleetahsorry.. that 3.8+0.2 = 4.0 ...
03:41.04Nightdewwhy isnt there anyting on the main page..?
03:41.15bleetahwhy are you here and not in #norganna?
03:41.30bleetahpretty much the same reason, I guess... too many things to keep track of
03:41.47Nightdewk k
03:42.03Nightdewnot trying to be difficult.. even if i am
03:42.08bleetahiu'd rather the crew work on code, than tart up web pages that refer to beta test version, because then we get every idiot using the stuff as opposed to those with half a clue to debug
03:42.22bleetahwhen we go gamma, it'll prolly be a different story ;-)
03:43.18Nightdewwhats the timeline for that if i may ask
03:43.24Nightdewhigh level timeline
03:44.36bleetahseeing Blizz (TM)'d 'Soon', we've (TM)'d 'When it's ready' ;-)
03:44.41kergothwhats a good small addon for setting raid icons on targets?
03:44.46kergothi know there was a raid icon bar somewhere..
03:47.52bleetahseriously, though, we're looking at better calculation algorhythms... and that's eating a fair bit of delay
03:48.22bleetahalgorithm ... argh, why do I keep using that other word... it's only a lame CD produced by my brother ;)
03:57.14*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
03:58.27Corrodiaswell, kergoth... i remember seeing one a while back
03:59.14Corrodiaspersonally i think i just use control+fkeys bound with the keybinds menu, and my unitframes (xperl) give me a popup menu on right-click that includes a dropdown for raid icons
04:01.05[Wobin]will the normal one do for TBC, or do I need the specific TBC one
04:05.22kergothCorrodias, true, thatll do
04:05.26kergothdidnt think about that
04:23.32PProvostWowAceUpdater v1.7beta2 is now available for download from This release has minor updates to mirror caching and a few other fixes.
04:36.27bleetahomg, they finally fixed the blizz store to work in firefox with adblock!
04:37.00bleetahdamn, BC's out of stock.. that's gotta hurt ;)
04:40.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Quetzi (
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04:42.21Corrodiasi've never tried a rep grind of any kind
04:42.40Corrodiaswait, scratch that
04:42.59Corrodiasi've done AV for rep, which was fast after that one patch, and also some ZG
04:43.12Corrodiasbut i've never done a "normal speed" rep grind
04:43.21Mr_Rabies2av isnt really a rep grind :p
04:47.01Mr_Rabies2who here's on the enGB client? :O
04:48.28bleetahyeah, AV's more of a fish grind than a rep grin ;)
04:48.52*** part/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
04:48.58Mr_Rabies2is it "Honour Hold" for you guys? :O
04:49.23zenzelezznot for me anyhow
04:49.25bleetahMr_Rabies2: doubt it, last I heard they still were getting enUS
04:49.40bleetah*enUS strings, that it
04:49.50Mr_Rabies2what about honor points?
04:49.57Mr_Rabies2honour or no? :o
04:50.22Mr_Rabies2bet that drives you guys nuts :x
04:50.35bleetahit drives oceanics nutzo, too
04:50.49Mr_Rabies2i know itd drive me nuts if it was the other way around
04:51.04kremontefor a dynamic fontstring, would i be using CreateFrame("FontString", ...) ?
04:51.15bleetahwhat's worse for Oceanics, we abandoned imperial measurements around 30 years ago... and yet the game is in feet/yards
04:51.42bleetahenGB is still going through that phase, so prolly not as annoying to them ;)
04:51.44Mr_Rabies2well you guys are on the us client right?
04:51.44zenzelezzmeh, I'm EU and I still get yards in-game as well
04:51.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
04:51.57kremontebleetah: arbitrary measurements, lol, frFR and deDE clients use "m" instead of "yd"
04:52.12kremonteinstead of 30 yd, it'd just show 30 m
04:52.13Mr_Rabies2yd ~= meter anyhow
04:52.21kremonteyea, they're arbitrary
04:52.46bleetahyeah, but it just demonstrates how the localisation.. isn't that localised ;-)
04:52.49zenzelezzyard and meter aren't too different though
04:52.50kremontefor a dynamic fontstring, would i use createframe()?
04:52.54zenzelezz91.44cm to a yard
04:53.01kremontecreateframe("fontstring", ...) anyhow
04:53.52bleetahwhat beats me, is why blizz haven't invented their own measurement system, and then just said 1 foobre = 1 yard or 1 metre. Stop yer whining, it's saving our translators!
04:53.57Cidekremonte: no
04:54.12kremontewhat am i using? :x
04:54.32Mr_Rabies21 yard is most likely 3 ingame units
04:54.47Mr_Rabies2since it's easier for them to work in feet for scaling for anything probably
04:55.15kremontehm wait a minurte. i'm labelling a button here, but button:SetText() isnt working
04:55.18kremontedid i break something :(
04:55.27*** part/#wowi-lounge buu (n=buu@
04:55.31Cideor :SetButtonFont, I forgot
04:55.57CideButton:SetTextFontObject actually
04:55.58kremontewhat am i using for setfont()? :x
04:56.21Mr_Rabies2man i feel like such a traitor for joining scryers
04:57.39kremontewhat's the virtual font for large? before i go looking through mods :<
05:20.19Nom-heh....i wish i could grind as well as some of the guys on our server
05:20.23Nom-We already have a level 70
05:20.33Nom-and we have several people with BE Pallys above level 40
05:20.42Nom-I'm level 28 :(*
05:21.12*** join/#wowi-lounge rronkiv (
05:24.24CorrodiasWELCOME TO FUNVILLE
05:24.40CairennCorrodias hunny, you okay there?
05:24.54Corrodiasi love hard apple cider.
05:25.12Corrodiashowever, i'm not drunk, just pleased with my new action buttons layout
05:25.35rronkivanyone know of a auctionier like pluggin that works?
05:25.50Cairennauctioneer works fine if you get the beta version of it
05:26.03CairennTest versions: & | Post bugs on trac or | Uploads to (if asked) | Vent: | ~auctstuff | #wowi-lounge for general chatter | Patience, my young padawan.
05:26.20rronkivwhich 1 do i download?
05:26.33rronkivit doesnt work in my wow
05:26.46bleetahi'd type that I just broke my keyboard by hitting my head against it.. but as I've broken my keyboard.. I shant
05:26.50Cairennwell, one is auctioneer and the other is gatherer, as indicated by the names in the links ;)
05:26.51Corrodiasreport bugs.
05:26.59rronkivbut i think i downloaded the wrong one
05:27.13bleetahif you didn't read, you wouldn't have downloaded the beta
05:27.35rronkivoh i did download from auctioneercomplete
05:27.44rronkivhowever i think i accidently unzipped the wrong one ( i had a couple dl'ed
05:27.50Cairennmake sure you get the beta version
05:27.58rronkivhey can anyone recommend a GOOD PST PvP Server? I am located in San Diego :)
05:28.05rronkivi did, wow just loaded it.
05:29.08bleetahis it just me, or are the 'rested footprints' of the new inns smaller?
05:29.37bleetaheg, honor hold -> have to be well inside the doorway almost fully inside the main room... bloodwatch->have to be well inside the doorway
05:46.58*** part/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
05:53.10bleetahi've gotta say, there's something totally both satisfying and freaky grinding mobs to the Colonel Bogey march
05:55.33bleetahmight have to go get myself a Sousa CD, just to further test this theory
05:56.55rronkivanyone here play on BronzeBead?
05:57.36IndustrialWhere do I learn first aid 150+ ?
05:58.08bleetahIndustrial: books from... ugh, that busted castle up in arathi
05:58.13bleetahbane escapes me atm
05:58.29bleetahnew auctioneer beta build released
05:58.41zenzelezz"Expert First Aid - Under Wraps"
05:58.51zenzelezzStromgarde if you're alliance
05:59.11bleetahoh yeah.. i forgot.. maybe not alliance. my brain's rotted by guildies :/
05:59.38Industrialim horde
05:59.54Cairennumm.. yeah, what zenzelezz just saiud
06:00.06bleetahwhat Cairenn said
06:00.50Industrialso, wheres that? Brackenwall?
06:00.54Industriallol :p
06:01.23Cairennzone just south west (?) of Barrens
06:01.26Cairennthe marsh one
06:02.14Cairennthat's it
06:02.19bleetahCide: matter of curiosity, what causes the 'mail db error' when opening multiple mails using MailMod?
06:02.22Industrial>_o im level 32
06:03.02Cideopening stuff too fast usually
06:03.52bleetahhehe, that makes sense.. I get the lag error message when sending, and open too fast... almost sounds too close to my life
06:04.16IndustrialDesolace \o/
06:07.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
06:08.33KemayoAnyone happen to know how Ravagers stack up to pre-expansion pets?
06:15.45Cairenndepends on the pet
06:15.58CairennI'm sure some of them, you have to stack them up 3 or 4 high
06:17.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Hallu3 (n=Hallucin@
06:17.56Cairenn(I know, that was lame)
06:20.07Thunder_ChildGroan @ Cairenn
06:24.35bleetahI once saw a stack of pets |<----------------- this wide ------------------->| ... dunno how it'd go horizontal, tho
06:26.06kasoAnyone got a copy of the 2.0.6 patchnotes? i cant seem to find any
06:26.24bleetah2.0.6 is out?
06:26.40kasooh wait nm
06:26.43kasoits on the PTR
06:26.46kasofound them
06:27.37bleetah"Improved the robustness of the pet action bar display. It is now less likely to be accidentally blocked by addons. " hehehe
06:27.43bleetahlove how they're covering themselves there
06:28.43Cidenot really
06:28.50Cidecan never prevent things from becoming tainted
06:29.13Cairennnight clad|sleep
06:29.23Cidenight (going to bed as well)
06:29.29Cairennnight Cide
06:29.35Cairennsweet dreams both :)
06:29.38Cideyou too
06:30.41Thunder_Childwould anyone know what the name of the pin that connects the front tire to the frame on a bicycle?
06:31.22zenzelezzhm, those patch notes don't seem to mention getting disconnected after being mind-controlled
06:33.45zenzelezzand there the world server goes again... this time almost at the least crowded time of day
06:34.50rronkivhey, i am trying to create a WoW Forum, would anyone in here be intrested in helping, im looking for Mods and Users
06:42.24Cairennsorry, kinda already have my hands full
06:43.21bleetah"you cannot logout right now" << lies! pkill ftw! :)
06:44.05Xuerianrronkiv: The world needs another wow forum?
06:45.35Mr_Rabies2haha i love getting tells after i run an instance of "holy crap dude you rock"
06:45.55Mr_Rabies2makes me feel so great :p
06:46.07Cairennnice :)
06:47.19Mr_Rabies2honestly the thing that saved the group was the priest leaving shadowform midway through the final boss of ramparts, good times
06:47.35Mr_Rabies2gave much needed ranged dps to the first part, gave much needed healing to the second part
06:47.48Mr_Rabies2kudos blizz for making hybrid fights :D
06:48.38Mr_Rabies2i still got top dps tanking though :P
06:50.53Mr_Rabies2okay this is weird
06:51.04Mr_Rabies2i keep having npcs calling me sweetheart and darlin
06:51.17Mr_Rabies2male npcs, male char
06:51.52kergothmeh, feels a lot later than it is for some reason
06:51.58Mr_Rabies2i think it's just gunny
06:52.37Mr_Rabies2he says "Druid, put together a force to investigate the Bloof Furnace inside Hellfire Citadel at once! And that means today, princess!"
06:53.06zenzelezzGunny in the HH keep?
06:53.30zenzelezzhe also says "What is your major malfunction?" when you talk to him and he doesn't have a quest for you at the time
06:53.34XuerianWell princess I can see. (See: Dr. Cox). But sweetheart and darlin'....
06:53.39Mr_Rabies2Dialogue appears to be based upon Gunnery Sergeant Hartmann from Full Metal Jacket.
06:53.40kergothzenzelezz, nice
06:53.42Mr_Rabies2that's why
06:53.51Mr_Rabies2i was like
06:54.03Mr_Rabies2i'd understand if he was a blood elf i mean
07:02.19Mr_Rabies2is there a list of jewels somewhere? i'm looking all over wowhead and don't see crap
07:04.31*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
07:07.03bleetahthere's something totally screwey with Blizz offering free transfers off Khaz Modan and threats of forced server split if people dont....
07:07.25kasohmm, he went
07:07.27CairennMr_Rabies2: that link was for you
07:07.46*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
07:07.54bleetah... whilst the char-transfer allows the same realm as a target to move to
07:08.18kasoHm? what do you mean bleetah
07:09.05bleetahok, the login screen for the game, mentions free transfers off Khaz Modan, and threatens server splits if the realm pop doesn't decrease enough to their liking. yet they'll still happily take my $25 to transfer a char ONTO that realm ;)
07:09.14kergothpaid char transfer you mean?  i dont see why they'd remove it, if people are stupid enough to pay for what they can get for free, its their own fault
07:09.25kergoththats just silly
07:09.47bleetahI haven't crosschecked the list, but that singular example....
07:09.53bleetah.. might post to the Customer forums ;)
07:12.36Mr_Rabies2<@Cairenn> Mr_Rabies2: that link was for you
07:12.38Mr_Rabies2oh sorry, thanks
07:12.43Mr_Rabies2i was looking all over wowhead again :p
07:12.48Mr_Rabies2missed it
07:22.19*** join/#wowi-lounge LLoydBates (
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07:25.59Industrialding 33
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08:02.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Bleeter (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
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08:09.08Mr_Rabies2kalimdor is down
08:09.12Mr_Rabies2of all things
08:20.44*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
08:32.10Mr_Rabies2where are people getting 2.06 notes?
08:34.58Shadowed"Counterspell" no longer triggers the global cooldown.
08:34.59Shadoweddamnit =(
08:35.02Shadowedwhiny mages
08:36.11Mr_Rabies2The Legion Fel Cannons at Forge Camp Anger in Blades Edge will now properly spawn above ground.
08:36.14Mr_Rabies2this is a good thing
08:36.22Mr_Rabies2those freakin felcannons underground shooting me
08:36.29Mr_Rabies2i even had one shooting me from across the continent
08:37.54Mr_Rabies2so how do you reverse your aldor/scyer choice?
08:37.54Mr_Rabies2turning in armaments/whatever?
08:42.07bleetahwonder if they'll fix the mage frostbolt and arcane missiles in 2.0.6
08:42.14bleetahor, if they're fixed and not mentioned
08:42.58bleetahrank 12 frostbolt doing less dmg than 11.. and arcance missiles seeming impossible to fire the 5 you're meant to get (mostly get four, I seem to recall someone saying they only got 3)
08:46.14bleetahMr_Rabies2: I get the feeling those bugged canons may have been left in to remind people there'd still be a few bugs ;)
08:47.10Mr_Rabies2i get reminded of that every day :[
08:47.19Mr_Rabies2every time im autoattacking, hit mangle, and get "out of range"
08:48.09bleetahevery time I hit think of hitting FD, I have to think twice about whether it might be not worth it if the aggro table doesn't get dumped properly
08:48.41Mr_Rabies2i hate that too
08:48.51Mr_Rabies2or it lagging on dumping it
08:49.18Mr_Rabies2i cant do my feign/jump back up instantly cause there's a delay half the time
08:49.22bleetahnah, it's definately bugged... after the mobs beat your pet to death, you'll prolly see them come over to you and start pounding your head in
08:49.46bleetahoh, sorry, thought you were suggesting it was caused by lag.. yeah, that sucks a bit too
08:50.06Mr_Rabies2but this druid range bug sucks :[
08:50.17Mr_Rabies2its been in siunce release
08:51.19bleetahwhat gets me, on pretty much all classes I've played.. one spell/melee/ranged can be out of range, yet you go for  another spell/melee/ranged again after not moving and the mob not moving, then it's in range... change back to the original attack, out of range again
08:51.29bleetahsome weird ass rounding going on, I think
09:03.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
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09:15.01WidgertickSup Dolby =)
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09:31.31Mr_Rabies2wth, bc items can have negative ids?
09:32.52WidgertickThat shouldn't be possible.
09:33.48Mr_Rabies2are there any databases that list item IDs?
09:34.14WidgertickYeah, Allakhazam
09:34.48Mr_Rabies2don't see the id
09:35.16WidgertickIt's 24391
09:35.27Mr_Rabies2lemme see
09:35.51WidgertickIt's in the URL
09:36.09Mr_Rabies2according to informant
09:36.53Mr_Rabies2the item link for those are 24392:0:2690:0:0:-1948061197
09:37.06Mr_Rabies2the item link for those are 24391:0:2698:0:0:-1948061197
09:37.20Mr_Rabies2for some reason wardrobe hates that item
09:37.26WidgertickThe first number is the itemID, the last number is for identifying who crafted the item.
09:37.33WidgertickOr who dropped it
09:37.53WidgertickIt's possible the negative number is mucking with wardrobe though
09:38.03Mr_Rabies2i think it is
09:38.20Mr_Rabies2only negative item i have
09:39.04WidgertickFirst time I've ever seen that number be negative myself.
09:39.13Mr_Rabies2wardrobe is like OH GOD WHAT DO I DO
09:39.19Mr_Rabies2it leaves the spot -blank-
09:39.26Mr_Rabies2doesn't error, doesn't leave what was in it
09:39.33Mr_Rabies2but unequips what i had
09:39.41Mr_Rabies2lemme see what the savedvarable is
09:41.13Mr_Rabies2gotta logout to save
09:41.18WidgertickYou can reloadui
09:41.20bleetah/console reloadui
09:41.36bleetahjust wondering, could the negative crafter/drop ID indicate BC content?
09:41.39*** join/#wowi-lounge tingle (
09:41.52WidgertickHey tingle =)
09:41.54Mr_Rabies2nah i got bc stuff with positive numbers, bleetah
09:42.04Mr_Rabies2it's my only negative item
09:42.07Mr_Rabies2from broggok
09:42.20tinglegot a question
09:42.29tinglebetter said i need something explained
09:42.34tingleis this correct:
09:42.41tinglefunction Frame_OnLoad()
09:42.55bleetahnorgs is away for the weekend, MP's offline.. my collective brain is mush ;)
09:43.07tinglethats a function, whend the game loads the frame shows
09:43.21WidgertickWhere are you calling that function though?
09:43.49tingledoes that work?
09:43.56WidgertickWell, yeah, that should do it.
09:44.05WidgertickDoes your frame have an anchor and dimensions?
09:44.09tinglewait i show full code
09:44.15WidgertickUse the pastey site
09:44.17Mr_Rabies2itemslot 10 is pants right?
09:44.36WidgertickThat's gloves
09:45.02WidgertickPants is 7
09:45.06tinglenow why doesnt that work that code is in the xml file and the function in a lua
09:45.14Mr_Rabies2okay wardrobe doesnt use the default numbers then
09:45.19tinglewhy when i log on nothing shows up
09:45.44tinglewheres the problem
09:46.21WidgertickYour Size and Anchors elements need to be inside the Frame element, not the Frames element
09:46.55tingleunder frame not frames?
09:46.57WidgertickAnd your Frame needs to have a parent, probably UIParent
09:47.01WidgertickSo like this
09:48.35tinglewait i try
09:50.59tingleok i get a close button,, but no big frame around it and when i click on it ai get a error window
09:51.50WidgertickOK, well...
09:52.02WidgertickYour frame MyFrame has no textures, so it won't show up as anything
09:52.10WidgertickIt just contains that button
09:52.19WidgertickWhen you click on the button, it's trying to do autoInviteMainConfigFrame:Hide();
09:52.33WidgertickBut if autoInviteMainConfigFrame doesn't exist, you'll get an error
09:52.57tinglewhere is the autoinvitemainconfigframe
09:52.57Mr_Rabies2sockets don't get the bonus from Heart of the Wild
09:53.06Nom-What's the scaling formula for Flash of Light, anyone know?
09:53.07WidgertickI have no idea, tingle =)
09:53.16WidgertickIt's your button!
09:53.36tingleim learning with tuts
09:53.56tingleok well can yoiu explane a couple of things to me
09:54.05WidgertickAhh, well, if you change it to MyFrame:Hide(); then it will make the button disappear when you click on it.
09:54.09WidgertickI can try!
09:54.26tingleim gonna go from top to bottom, and say something to it (what i know) and if im rong you tell me
09:54.37WidgertickOkie dokie
09:54.58tingle<Script file="myui.lua"/>   -   load the functions from the lua
09:55.28Corrodiasmy guildmates seem to be AFK, which isn't good, because i need a bodyguard later today for the fishing tournament
09:55.44tingle<Frame name="MyFrame" parent="UIParent">    -    the name of the big frame, and uiparrent? whats that
09:55.46Corrodiasor i can't participate until another time
09:55.48WidgertickFishing tournaments on PVP servers must be hilarious =)
09:56.02WidgertickUIParent is the name of the main WoW interface frame.
09:56.22WidgertickBy setting things to have specific parents, you tell the UI where to put them
09:56.35WidgertickIf something's parent is hidden, it is hidden as well
09:57.23tingle<Size><RelDimension x="0.5" y="0.5"/> </Size>  the size of the main frame?
09:57.52tingle<Anchors>   starts a achor
09:58.05WidgertickWell, yes and no
09:58.13tingle<Anchor point="LEFT"/> anchors the main frame to the left
09:58.26tingle</Anchors>  end anchor
09:58.37tinglethen comes the scripts i know about that
09:58.42Widgertick<Anchors> starts all the anchors
09:58.50Widgertick<Anchor point="LEFT"/> starts and ends one anchor
09:58.55WidgertickAnd then </Anchors> ends all the anchors
09:59.07WidgertickSo if you have more than one anchor, you'd put them all inside of one <Anchors> </Anchors>
09:59.35tinglewhat i dont understand is the structure of the hole xml, can there only be one frame per xml, with subframes (children) inside?
09:59.50WidgertickNo, you can have multiple frames
10:00.40tingleso.. after the load script at top i can have a frame and /frame    with frames inside, and at the end of that frame start again a new frame with frame and /frame    
10:00.54WidgertickYep =)
10:01.53tinglenow yesterday i learned how to make a frame show up well i got that but only a close button shows up, wheres the big frame around that ( and is the the main frame or the sub frames) ?
10:01.58WidgertickI think figuring out the interactions between XML and LUA is one of the hardest things to do when you're first starting, so don't sweat it too much if you run into problems
10:02.29WidgertickIn order for you to see the big frame, you need to give it a texture.
10:02.42WidgertickOne of the easiest ways to do that is to use a <Backdrop> tag
10:03.39WidgertickFor example...
10:03.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
10:04.02tingleim reading wikki about backdrop maby i understand it
10:04.02WidgertickThat's a tutorial frame backdrop
10:04.04WidgertickFrom wowwiki
10:04.44tingleok now i need the things explained
10:04.57tingle<Backdrop bgFile="Interface\TutorialFrame\TutorialFrameBackground" edgeFile="Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Border" tile="true">
10:05.10tinglewhere do i get the bgfile wherecan i see what thos are
10:05.46tingleor what is the bgfile and what the edgefile
10:06.06WidgertickThe bgfile is a texture that goes behind the contents of your frame. That one in particular is included with WoW. Did you download the UI kit from
10:06.38WidgertickOK, well, you should go check it out, let me get you the link really quick
10:07.03tinglebut if i use that then i need to send everyone that file when i make a mod o_O?
10:07.29Mr_Rabies2there's a bug where hunters can get mc'd by their own pet or something
10:07.30tingleah ok i unserstand
10:07.57tingleUser Interface Customization tool ?
10:08.18WidgertickROFL @ huntards =)
10:09.25tinglei cant extract it or better said it doesnt download correctly...
10:09.48WidgertickTry again?
10:10.31tingleit starts and then completes in less than a second and when itry to extract it it says no archive found
10:11.00WidgertickDid you click on the link, or did you save the link?
10:11.09WidgertickIt takes you to another page where you have to pick Windows or Macintosh >_<
10:11.10tingletried both
10:11.38WidgertickHrm, dunno what to tell ya then
10:11.55WidgertickThat file has a copy of all the art in the game, so you can see what it looks like
10:12.07tingleok got it i downloaded it through my explorer ^^
10:12.31tingledaten or grafik ?
10:12.35tinglethe top or bottom
10:13.05tinglewhere does it install them to?
10:13.10WidgertickTo your WoW directory
10:13.18tingletbc? or wow
10:13.35WidgertickFor me those are the same directories. =P
10:14.01tingleum what happens if i dont put parent="UIParent" in the main frame
10:14.35WidgertickIt will still show up, but if you use the UI Scale video option, your frame won't change size.
10:15.05tinglei can play videos in a frame?
10:15.07WidgertickSince users expect that behavior, it's best to set things to have UIParent as a parent.
10:15.32WidgertickNot as far as I know.
10:15.48tinglethen what is the video option?
10:15.59WidgertickOn the main menu?
10:16.04Corrodiassometimes i want frames to scale with uiparent, and sometimes i don't
10:16.26tingleok so parent="UIParent" makes it scale itsself?
10:16.42tingleif i dont put that in there i have to put a size value in the frame?
10:17.39WidgertickYou always need a size value in the frame when you only have one anchor, or multiple anchors that don't define multiple dimensions.
10:18.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Sairen (
10:18.13WidgertickSo if you had <Anchor point="LEFT"/> and <Anchor point="RIGHT"/> you'd still need a size, because you're not telling it how tall to make your frame.
10:18.38WidgertickBut if you had <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"/> and <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT"/> then you'd be telling it to make it a certain height and width, so you wouldn't need a size.
10:18.57WidgertickSorry, this stuff is hard to explain, maybe I'm not the best person to do it =)
10:19.38tingleits ok i understand that
10:21.24tingleok back to backdrop
10:21.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Gungineer (
10:21.40tinglebgFile= is the backround?
10:21.53tingleedgeFile=  is the border
10:21.55WidgertickedgeFile is the border
10:22.03tinglei downloaded that kit,
10:22.22tinglethe files are in the art folder?
10:22.55WidgertickYou need to get a BLP viewer to look at them
10:23.07WidgertickI'm not sure what the best one to use is
10:23.10tingleblp viewer?
10:23.16tinglephotoshop cs2?
10:23.25WidgertickI don't think photoshop can look at blp files
10:23.37tingleblp or blp2?
10:24.18tinglewhat typ of viewr do i need blp or blp2?
10:24.27Widgertickblp2 should work
10:24.42WidgertickDude =P
10:24.53WidgertickSorry if my answers aren't immediate enough for you, I am actually doing other things.
10:27.05tinglei cant find a blp2 viewer
10:31.46bleetahenraged ravager becomes enraged... well.. d'oh
10:32.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
10:33.06tingledo you have a link to a blp viewer?
10:33.30WidgertickLooking for one. Does anybody else have any recommendations?
10:33.37WidgertickCheck on, tingle
10:34.02tingleyes but i cant download from there for some reson
10:35.29tinglehen i click on it i get a error from the website better said a page with a error loads
10:35.33WidgertickDunno what to tell ya then
10:35.37*** join/#wowi-lounge MageRooster (n=Rooster@
10:36.44Widgertick-AFK...crows the MageRooster?
10:36.55MageRoosterI have a scripting question!
10:37.01Widgertick-AFKShoot =)
10:37.11Widgertick-AFKThis morning is twenty questions morning =)
10:37.25kasoAnyone speak spanish?
10:37.31Widgertick-AFKThat's spanish for no.
10:37.48Widgertick-AFKNext question!
10:38.12tingle thats tjhe download link, doesnt work
10:38.27Widgertick-AFKWhat do you want me to do about it, Tingle?
10:39.27MageRoosterI am currently updating the Titan Panel Hearthstone code for 2.x and there's only really one line that needs to change... the line that actually USES the hearthstone. The 2.x notes say the use "/use" instead of UseContainerItem, but I can't figure out how to use slash commands from within lua code.
10:39.48Widgertick-AFKYou can't. =/
10:39.59Corrodiasyou can't use items with an addon?
10:40.12*** join/#wowi-lounge FtH|eagle (
10:40.14MageRoosterSo that completely went away? Arr.
10:40.15Corrodiasthat doesn't seem true
10:40.20Widgertick-AFKYou can use items with an addon, you just can't use UseContainerItem
10:40.28MageRoosterRight, what do I use now?
10:40.39Corrodiasi misunderstood what you meant is not possible, sorry
10:40.54Widgertick-AFKYou need to use something based off a secure button template, but I'm not terribly well versed in how that works.
10:41.05Widgertick-AFKI think Iriel posted a guide on the WoW forums about it
10:41.06Corrodiasi don't know, but you should tell Prandur when you learn.
10:41.43MageRooster(Clicking the text of the titanpanel plugin either triggers Ancestral Recall, if it's cooled or your Hearthstone if if THAT'S cooled, in that order.
10:41.49Corrodiastransporterfu and any number of other portal-related addons have not been updated for 2.0
10:42.13Corrodiaswhat is ancestral recall?
10:42.17MageRoosterShaman spell.
10:42.25Widgertick-AFKShaman spell, like hearth, every 15 minutes.
10:42.38MageRoosterIt teleports you to your hearthstone location with a 15m cooldown.
10:43.15MageRoosterHrmm, secure templates, you say? *sneaks into the forums*
10:43.32MageRoosterNo wonder I was banging my head.
10:43.46Widgertick-AFKYou can use them to set buttons to specific actions, but they can't change during combat.
10:43.56Widgertick-AFKSince you only ever use two actions, that shouldn't affect you.
10:44.07Corrodiastransporterfu could do that :(
10:44.25Corrodiasexcept they are menu items rather than buttons. i wonder if the same model can be used in 2.0.
10:44.50Widgertick-AFKI'm pretty sure you can make a similar addon, but I don't see how it would work in a fubar.
10:47.01Corrodiasobjects on a dropdown menu can't cast spells, hm?
10:48.49Corrodiasand hey, i'm not tied to transporterfu or its way of doing things. there just don't seem to be -any- addons that offer portal/teleport menus.
10:49.05Widgertick-AFKI've been thinking about that myself actually. =P
10:49.15MageRoosterWell, I'm studying this now.
10:49.32Widgertick-AFKI'm pretty sure you can do dropdown menus as long as the contents don't change.
10:49.54Widgertick-AFKRather, I'd imagine you can.
10:49.54MageRoosterYeah, the contents for this addon are static.
10:51.51Widgertick-AFKLooking at Iriel's templates, it seems like all of those things are possible.
10:52.02Widgertick-AFKJust needs somebody to be willing to relearn how to do it and then put it out there.
10:52.10Widgertick-AFKNot it!
10:54.25Insayou can create a secure button with a macrotext like '/use hearthstone'
10:55.02MageRoosterThis isn't a bar button, though.
10:55.11Mr_Rabies2this guy in general chat is talking about him being more qualified to argue about family guy quotes because he's in the philosophy club and in the debate team
10:55.14Insadoesn't matter=)
10:55.26Insadoesn't take a barslot
10:55.40MageRoosterHow do I call a macro, then?
10:55.59Insaeuhm like whispercast has something like that
10:56.10Insaand capping
10:56.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (n=BuM@
10:57.53Insabutton = CreateFrame("Button", "MyModButton", UIParent, "SecureActionButtonTemplate")
10:57.53Insabutton:SetAttribute("type1", "macro")
10:57.53Insabutton:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/use hearthstone")
10:58.07Insadoh, wrong paste,
10:58.22Insaeven that's wrong /cry, a=button
10:58.58Widgertick-AFKStill, pretty cool =)
10:59.01Widgertick-AFKThanks Insa!
11:00.28tinglecan i use only lua to make a text apeer in a chat window or do i need xml? and where is the function to creat a new chat window next to normal chat, and combat chat?
11:01.33CorrodiasDer Assist Helper dynamically creates a macro out of combat using one keybind and then calls the macro with another during combat
11:01.40Corrodiasi thought that was pretty nifty
11:02.57Corrodiasif i want TransporterFu working so much, maybe i should go ahead and make an update
11:03.15Corrodiasprivately of course, since we can't go stepping on another author's toes!
11:03.20InsaWhat's transporterfu?
11:05.15Widgertick-AFKI get the feeling it was probably a fubar plugin that let mages choose a portal from a DDL
11:06.27Widgertick-AFKTingle, you can use DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Blah blah blah") to add stuff to a your main chat window.
11:06.50Widgertick-AFKCreating a new chat window is significantly more complicated than I can explain
11:07.42Corrodiasyes, you could choose portals or teleports, for mages and druids. in addition, it supported the hearthstone
11:08.03Corrodiasyou could set a "default", which would then be displayed on the fubar, which you could click to cast that. if it was the hearthstone, it would show the current cooldown.
11:12.07Corrodiasthere's no reason the list of available spells would change during combat
11:12.15Corrodiasand no reason to let the user change the current default during combat
11:13.12Corrodiasthe question is just how to do that, and i have almost no addon writing experience... or even lua experience
11:13.55MageRoosterI wrote a D&D 3.5 loot generator in Lua last week. ;) Lua isn't hard if you can code. It's WoW's UI that makes life frustrating.
11:13.57Widgertick-AFKI'll put it on my list of things to do, but that's rather long ATM, so no promises on delivery time. =P
11:14.50Corrodiasi'm experienced in Java and C++. as far as i'm aware, Lua mostly just has a couple of features i'm not familiar with, like metatables
11:15.17Corrodiasnothing bad about that. you're right that the WoW API is the challenge
11:15.19Widgertick-AFKYou shouldn't need to do anything with metatables in a fubar plugin
11:15.35Widgertick-AFKAt least, I would hope not =)
11:17.01bleetahthe other thing I want to know, is the draenie /rude biting the thumb, or flinging snot?
11:17.05Corrodiasi guess... to begin, i need to learn how to cast spells with secure frames.
11:17.31Widgertick-AFKBiting thumb
11:19.35tinglewhats the function to print the character name if i do something like this:
11:20.26tingleself:Print("hello") here char name
11:21.02Corrodiastingle: we're not a Lua interpreter and will not print out the results for you.
11:21.16Corrodiasif i were such a thing, i would not be so handsome.
11:21.44Corrodiasjust a little joke.
11:21.46tinglei want to know what the function is that gets the charcter name... o_O
11:21.53Corrodiasi really don't know
11:22.06Widgertick-AFKUnitName("player") will give you your character name.
11:22.11Widgertick-AFKFor a list of functions, check
11:24.17tinglewhats rong with this: function TAPLG:OnInitialize() i get a error when reloading it  (taplg is the ui name)
11:26.09tingleim a noob and learning :(
11:26.18Widgertick-AFKNone of that is proper LUA =(
11:26.39Widgertick-AFKSounds like you're trying to be too ambitious, try going through and messing with the tutorial code and changing little things.
11:27.03tinglelook this is the function
11:27.03tinglefunction TAPLG:OnInitialize()
11:27.04tingleself:Print("Hello ".. UnitName())
11:27.20Widgertick-AFKThat's really nice
11:27.33Widgertick-AFKBut TAPLG:OnInitialize() doesn't mean anything
11:27.42Corrodiaswhat do you mean it doesn't mean anything?
11:27.53tinglewhen it loads
11:27.54Widgertick-AFKI mean that OnInitialize isn't a handler for anything
11:28.00Widgertick-AFKAnd that you can't declare functions that way
11:28.12Corrodiasthe first part is true. but what do you mean, you can't declare functions that way?
11:28.28CorrodiasTAPLG.OnInitialize(self), then?
11:28.39Corrodiasor (frame)... or something
11:28.45tinglebut in this tut it says that that means theat when the mod loads ingame
11:28.46Widgertick-AFKThat would be a function call, not a declaration
11:29.11tinglehow do i do it then
11:29.32Widgertick-AFKThe same way you were doing it before in that code you pasted
11:29.39Widgertick-AFKIn the <OnLoad> handler
11:29.45tinglebut im not useing xml now only lua
11:30.05tinglei want to build a mod that reakts to event ingame and posts the reply in the chat
11:30.13Widgertick-AFKThen are you creating a frame named TAPLG?
11:30.23tingleno taplg is the mod name
11:30.40tingleand there is no frame and also no xml
11:30.40*** part/#wowi-lounge Widgertick-AFK (
11:31.07tinglehe left O.O?
11:31.53Corrodiasperhaps it was accidental. but maybe he's frustrated. i don't know enough about how WoW works to say if it's possible to react to events without a frame, but i doubt it
11:34.49Corrodiasif i'm going to make my own version of transpoterfu, i need to learn about this stuff
11:37.45Daemonahmm is there a command that returns my location like xx.xx,yy.yy ?
11:38.04Corrodiasi... think you can get your current map position
11:38.37Daemonasimpleminimap shows xx,yy for me
11:38.52Daemonabut i need xx.xx,yy.yy for accuracy reason :/
11:39.11Daemonaand mouseovering my cursor on the worldmap is really not enough
11:39.53Corrodiasyeah, well, let's see...
11:40.02kergothjust in case anyone in here runs into this at some point and is searching the irc logs, its possible, when entering cat form as a druid, for a UNIT_ENERGY (energy tick) to come in before the PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED which indicates we just gained the cat form buff.  bit of a pain, seeing cat form specific events happening before the mechanism used to detect going into cat form :P
11:40.22MageRoosterDaemona: MetaMap adds your location as a persistant XX,YY form on the minimap itself.
11:40.25MageRoosterIt's always visible.
11:40.39MageRoosterIt hovers along the bottom edge of the minimap ring.
11:40.39kergothMageRooster, thats not what he's asking about.
11:40.57kergothsimpleminimap shows at all times too, just not with the detail he wants
11:41.08Corrodiasthis has something to do with it
11:41.12DaemonaMageRooster i know, but i need need more decimals ;)
11:41.31Daemonafor setting mapnotes more accurate so they really show on my position on my minimap in cartographer
11:41.57Daemonaand i am sick of editing notes and notes laying over other notes not being clickable anymore
11:41.59Daemonaand stuff
11:42.27Corrodiasmetamap has some interesting features, but i think i prefer Cartographer... or would if i could tell it not to accept notes from other players.
11:42.47kergothCorrodias, thats easily fixed.. just pester ck incessently until he adds the feature
11:46.43tingleis there somewhere tuturials on how to programm with lua for WoW
11:47.19*** join/#wowi-lounge TheKarn (
11:47.31Corrodiaswowwiki might have a tutorial somewhere
11:47.41tingleive looked,
11:48.45Corrodiashere's a start,
11:49.21tinglei need something explained. is it even possible to have a ui only with a lua file, for example i want to make a ui that says things in the chat window when certain things ingame happen
11:49.26tinglewhat do i need for that
11:50.10Corrodiasthat depends on whether you can catch events without a frame. even if you can't, though, you might be able to generate the frame in the lua code itself if you have to avoid having an .xml file
11:50.44Corrodiasit's certainly possible to have only .lua files, as most function libraries are just that
11:51.14tinglebut why a frame i dont care useing xml files but i dont want any frames or windows ingame just chat text apearing down in the chat window
11:51.35Corrodiasa frame isn't necessarily a visible element on the screen
11:51.44tingleand im not useing ace2 library or stuff that that, im not useing any library
11:51.53Corrodiasit could just be an object in memory that the player never "sees"
11:51.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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11:52.08Corrodiasi think you misunderstood why i mentioned function libraries
11:52.34Corrodiasthe purpose was to illustrate that it's possible to produce an addon that doesn't use an .xml file, whether or not it's possible to do what you want without one
11:53.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
11:53.37tingleok then what is the best way to do what im wanting to do
11:54.08Corrodiasthe simplest way is to make an empty frame with an <OnEvent> handler
11:54.26Corrodiasthat i know of, anyway, and remember i'm a noob
11:57.11tinglean onevent handler? what for stuff goes between <OnEvent> ... </OnEvent>  ???
11:57.27tinglecan you give me a example
11:57.47CorrodiasLua code goes in there. commonly, people put in a single call to a function that they spell out in more detail in the .lua file, but you don't have to
11:57.51Corrodiashang on
11:58.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Kilabie (
11:58.59CorrodiasABInfo has some frames, and in one is...
11:59.10Corrodias<OnEvent> ABI_MainOnEvent(); </OnEvent>
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11:59.31tingleand what does that do?
11:59.44Corrodiasthat function has an "if" control structure that goes like if ( event == "VARIABLES_LOADED") then
11:59.57Corrodiasyou also need to register for the events you want to catch
12:00.08foxlitQuestion: if I remove a variable from ##SavedVariables: in .toc, will it still load the first time .toc is processed (i.e. are SVs just dumb LUA files that WoW always executes)?
12:00.35Corrodiassomething like this:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED"); in the <OnLoad> handler for the same frame.
12:01.06Corrodiasfoxlit, that is an interesting question that deserves an answer, which i cannot give.
12:01.07tingleso abi_mainonevent() is a link to a function in the lua
12:01.52tingleso lets get this straight
12:01.58Corrodiasin fact, i think the .lua file is processed first so that the function calls can be made. the .xml file includes this tag: <Script file="ABInfo.lua"/>
12:02.16Corrodiaseither that or at least it looks for function definitions in that file
12:02.20Corrodiasthat's more likely.
12:03.02tingle<onevent> ... </onvevent> in this must go 2 things, one that reigisters the event and one that links to the lua file to do it?
12:03.36Corrodiasthe RegisterEvent goes in <onload>. the event handler function call goes in <onevent>.
12:04.25tingleoh so something like this:
12:04.43tingleoh first must the frame have a name then?
12:05.09Corrodiasi think so
12:05.41tinglethen what does the frame name have for a function  where does it go
12:06.18Corrodiasthis is an example of a very simple frame:
12:07.55tinglethen lets get this straight:
12:08.10tingle<Frame Name="nlaba.ala">
12:08.38Corrodiasi don't think it can have a period in it
12:09.01Corrodiasmust it have a parent?
12:09.48tingleok what comes first <OnLoad> or <OnEvent>
12:09.52Corrodiasi don't suppose dewdrop uses secure templates for its dropdown menus?
12:10.03Corrodiasonload is first
12:10.07tinglei get it
12:10.08Corrodiasif it matters
12:10.16foxlitIt doesn't :)
12:10.17tinglei havent been reading it correctly -.-
12:11.04Corrodiastransporterfu, as writte, uses dewdrop to make the menus and associate the spellcasting function with the dropdown item. so i guess that's pretty thoroughly boned.
12:11.09tingleonload is what happens when the mod loads, onevent is when somethings loads that happens through a event
12:11.35foxlitOnLoad is what happens after XML has finished loading.
12:11.59tingleok i get it now ill try some things :D
12:12.13Corrodiasthe code in <onevent> executes whenever an event occurs for which the frame has registered
12:12.44tinglewhat registers or how do i register and when do ineed to register
12:12.59Corrodiasthat's what RegisterEvent was for
12:13.05tinglewhere does the register go
12:13.15Corrodiasi said before that it is in <onload>
12:13.27Corrodiasalthough it can be placed anywhere, that's a reasonable place to put it
12:14.14foxlit<foxlit> Question: if I remove a variable from ##SavedVariables: in .toc, will it still load the first time .toc is processed (i.e. are SVs just dumb LUA files that WoW always executes)?
12:14.26Corrodiasi wonder how much of this transporterfu code could be reused in another addon...
12:14.27tingleand i need to register an event befor a function in the lua is abel to work as in IF blabla Then blabla Els blabla
12:14.28foxlit[Correct answer: SV would still be loaded on the first .toc update; they are "dumb" LUA files]
12:14.29tinglefor example
12:14.54Mr_Rabies2so er
12:14.59Mr_Rabies2is there a grand master cook?
12:15.02tingleIf (someregister event) = (some quest ID) Then (print some text)
12:15.09tingleis that corect?
12:15.17CorrodiasMr_Rabies2: well, there's a Chef in Thrallmar, but i don't know how good he is.
12:15.19Mr_Rabies2how do i learn >300 cooking stuff? paper recipes only?
12:15.34Mr_Rabies2the one in honor hold has nothing new
12:15.40Mr_Rabies2so i'm sure thrallmar's the same :p
12:16.02Corrodiasuh. i don't know what someregister event and quest id are supposed to be.
12:16.13Corrodiasthere might be a QUEST_LOG_UPDATE event, or something like it...
12:16.23tingleokt hen like this:
12:17.06tingleIf questlog = quest id then print text
12:17.50Corrodiaswe talked about examples before
12:18.16tingleok ill just try around and see if something works
12:18.22Corrodiasif ( event == "VARIABLES_LOADED")
12:18.33Corrodiasand i think "event" is a variable that's set by WoW
12:20.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Widgertick (
12:21.15Mr_Rabies2what's transporterfu for? :O
12:21.29WidgertickHow about a minimap button that shows a radial menu of transport locations when you mouseover it?
12:22.51Corrodiasthat's a great start
12:23.26Corrodiasi was thinking it would be nice to be able to use it during combat, but i suppose if you want to hearth during combat you can always activate that manually
12:23.44Cideyou can use that in combat with a state header
12:24.07Corrodiasi have no idea what a state header is.
12:24.57Corrodiaswowwiki seems to be a little lacking on that subject
12:25.30Cidealong with
12:27.10Corrodiasthanks. i'll read these now.
12:28.18Corrodiasit looks like it can't show the menu on mouseover, but it could on click
12:28.28Cideyou could
12:28.29Corrodiasaccording to the first few paragraphs of the .lua file
12:29.13Cidehas <Frame name="SecureAnchorEnterTemplate" inherits="SecureFrameTemplate" virtual="true">
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12:29.37Cidewhich you can use for that
12:29.46Corrodiasokay, i'll make note of that
12:31.57WidgertickThanks in advance, btw, Corrodias, if you make that mod, I'll definitely use it on my mage =D
12:32.51Corrodiasi'd have to say there's very little chance that i'll be able to do it. however, i do have a bachelor's degree in software development, so i ought to have some ability to learn. i just don't know if i have the patience to learn enough to produce a decent addon of such complexity.
12:33.07WidgertickBaby steps into the elevator. =P
12:33.15Corrodiasnot as my first, anyway
12:34.08Corrodiaswell, second. that "no xp bar" thing was my first.
12:39.50Corrodiasnow, if the player puts the mouse over the minimap button, then moves the mouse off onto a child that has popped up, will that change the state of the parent back again and hide the children?
12:44.00Cideno, you can have it do whatever you want really
12:44.48tingle<OnLoad> mean when the addon gets loaded right?
12:44.59tinglek thx
12:46.30Cidenot really
12:46.39CideOnLoad means that widget has been loaded
12:46.57CideI believe that's done on a one-by-one basis
12:47.29Cideand if you define an xml file at the top of your .toc and a .lua file below it, <OnLoad> will be fired before the lua file has been executed
12:48.25Cideso the answer to your question is both yes and no, depending on what you need
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12:49.00WidgertickI don't think the subtlety is particularly important in his application >_<
12:50.51Corrodiasthe complexity of what i would want to do when i don't know how to do any of it is rather indimitating
12:51.37tinglecan someone tell me whats rong and why no msg shows up ingame?
12:52.11Corrodiasi take it the function is in the .lua file?
12:52.22Corrodiasdid you define message(string)?
12:52.46Widgertickmessage() is a global function, it should open a popup window with the contents.
12:53.03Corrodiasis it? i see
12:53.26MageRoosterArg. Stupid question time. What should I be passing for the self parameter to SecureActionButtons_OnClick()?
12:53.33Cideunless you use BugSack, which overrides it
12:54.01tinglenothing shows up and yes the function is the lua
12:54.09tinglewhats missing?
12:54.22WidgertickI'll just be right over here leveling my shammy, have fun Cide!
12:54.51CideMageRooster: you probably should not call that, why?
12:55.09MageRoosterBecause it's relevant to my proddings. >.>
12:55.45Corrodiasi guess self is the thing being clicked?
12:55.58MageRoosterI think it is.
12:56.05tingleso whats rong
12:56.08MageRoosterBut it's acting like self is the player.
12:56.16Corrodiasi don't know, tingle
12:56.16MageRoostertingle: 'wrong'. :(
12:56.32tinglewhat wrong
12:56.39CideMageRooster: I don't think you want to call that
12:56.47Cideself is the frame most likely
12:57.26Cideyes, you don't call that
12:57.54Cideto call it on OnClick you inherit SecureActionButtonTemplate
12:58.07Cideand don't override <OnClick>
12:58.24MageRooster...I see. Well, that won't work, then.
12:58.30Cidewhy not?
12:58.48MageRoosterBecause it doesn't work exactly like an action button.
12:59.06Cideif you don't give me information I can't help
12:59.45MageRoosterI'm trying to fix Titan Hearthstone. Left clicking should trigger the hearthstone. I'm having trouble with the 2.x workaround.
13:00.57tingle this is exactly what i have in the lua and xml file, but nothing pops up ingame...
13:01.10tinglewheres the problem it should work...
13:01.24bleetahCide: where's my coffee! :'(
13:03.30Widgerticktingle, in your WoW directory, there should be a logs directory. See if there's a file in there named FrameXML.log, and if there is, see if it says anything about your addon
13:03.56WidgertickIt might not be working 'cause your frame isn't actually being drawn anywhere.
13:04.19WidgertickI mean, 'cause it's like, non existant in terms of size, whether or not it's being rendered.
13:05.07tingle1/21 14:02:58.000  Loading add-on TAPLG
13:05.07tingle1/21 14:02:58.000  ** Loading table of contents Interface\AddOns\TAPLG\TAPLG.toc
13:05.07tingle1/21 14:02:58.000  Couldn't parse XML in Interface\AddOns\TAPLG\TAPLG.xml
13:05.36Corrodiasthe frame doesn't have to be a visible UI frame in order to receive events or execute code onload
13:05.42WidgertickOh, I see.
13:05.57WidgertickI think, anyways
13:06.01tinglewhats the problem?
13:06.17WidgertickWell, I don't know if the XML tags are case sensitive, but you have <OnLoad> and </Onload>
13:06.37Corrodiasi think they are.
13:07.17tinglelol -.-
13:07.22tinglethat did it
13:08.16tingleok now
13:08.36tinglei changed message to self:Print("Hello World!")    why doesnt that work what is the print command to make it show up down in the chat?
13:08.54CideMageRooster: that works fine as an action button
13:08.57WidgertickIt's DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Hello World!");
13:09.47tingleah cool that works
13:10.00tinglenow heres a tricky one ^^
13:10.16tinglethere are 2 default chat frames, the normal and combat
13:10.27tingleis there away to creat a new one and post in there?
13:10.27WidgertickNope, only one of them is the default chat frame. =P
13:10.40tingledamm that would of been to nice :P
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13:11.49WidgertickAll of the chat frames can use AddMessage() though.
13:11.53Corrodiasi think ItemRack does things kinda how i'd like a portals addon to work...
13:12.54Widgertickstborrow code!
13:14.45Corrodiasi'm not experienced enough to even start with someone else's addon
13:15.11*** join/#wowi-lounge BigFreak (
13:16.34BigFreakafternoon! xD
13:16.56Corrodiasbut it certainly has buttons that show/hide during combat and can perform actions.
13:17.34BigFreakEngland :>>
13:17.53BigFreakFIRST GUESS GOT IT
13:18.41*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
13:19.21WidgertickIs your name pronounced Wobin or [Wobin]?
13:19.23BigFreakrighty, i've been playing with WoW moddin' all morning and i have to's pretty cocking confusing
13:19.30WobinBloody blizzard making lastTell local =(
13:19.51WidgertickWhat're ya tryin' to accomplish, BigFreak?
13:19.53WobinWidgertick: I don't know. Do you normally pronounce brackets?
13:20.21BigFreakwell my GOAL is to get something like the quest log for the spell book
13:20.23Cideleft bracket-wobin-right brack is how I say it!
13:20.25WidgertickDepending on the context. =P
13:20.34Cides/brack /bracket /
13:20.49WobinIt's a bit of a mouthful =\
13:20.57BigFreakso you'd have a section for each ability line, and then a sub-one for each rank of spell n such
13:21.19BigFreakbut idea how to dynamically create that how you'd do it ? :\\\
13:21.56Cidedynamically creating frames doesn't work in combat, I'm afraid
13:22.22Cidei.e. you can't get the new frames to do any protected actions since you can't set attributes
13:22.28WidgertickYou wouldn't need to dynamically create frames unless you were planning on having your window resizable, but you definitely wouldn't be able to dynamically create a frame that was linked to an action in combat, like Cide said. =/
13:23.11BigFreakyeah it wouldn't have to do anything with combat, i'm just thinking of an easier-to-use spellbook
13:23.24BigFreakcos scrolling through 8 pages for mind blast rank 1382492 is annoying :(
13:23.44BigFreakand it's more of a learning exercise
13:24.06BigFreakbut yeah, wouldn't you have to create a frame for each SPELL? or am i barking up the wrong tree
13:24.18WobinYou might want to take the code directly from the framexml to see how it's done there
13:24.25WidgertickNo, you could reuse the frames
13:24.33WidgertickYou'd just need to change the values of the frames
13:24.39WidgertickThat's how the spellbook does it.
13:24.58BigFreakso then is the frame like a template rather than an instance of an area?
13:25.01tinglehow do i make "QUEST_ACCEPT_CONFIRM" work, i want this: when the player accepts a certain quest a message shows up
13:25.32WidgertickFraid I don't follow, BigFreak
13:26.02WidgertickTingle, in order to do that, you need to register your addon to monitor the QUEST_ACCEPT_CONFIRM event.
13:26.22WidgertickCheck out this page for help:
13:26.35Corrodiaslooks like someone's still working on updating Cryolysis. it would at least solve the problem of mages having way too many portals to put on action bars.
13:27.00Corrodiaslet's see if it works...
13:27.56Mr_Rabies2for hilarity at the end of parties:
13:29.29Mr_Rabies2/castrandom Portal: Silvermoon City, Portal: Orgrimmar, Portal: Undercity, Portal: Thunder Bluff, Portal: Shattrath
13:29.52BigFreakOk so IT SEEMS the spellbook has 12 buttons pre-defined, per-page, amirite?
13:30.17wereHamsteris it possible to disable the blizzard logo at startup?
13:30.30Mr_Rabies2i dont get one O_o
13:30.44WidgertickNo, wereHamster, as that would involve modifying GlueXML files
13:30.46Mr_Rabies2only on first load
13:30.58WidgertickIt's underneath your password entry box, Mr_Rabies
13:31.01wereHamstermaybe there's an option?
13:31.13CorrodiasCryolysis is still... in development.
13:31.15Mr_Rabies2i dont see the point, but okay :p
13:31.24WidgertickI also don't see the point
13:31.37Corrodiasbut i may be stuck with using it, in the future, when it's fully functional
13:32.23Mr_Rabies2just organize some click casting corr
13:32.27bleetahI don't see the point either.. portals are not something I enjoy accidentally opening... it's a per request thing. just as easy to open the spell book
13:32.48WidgertickMy comment was directed at wereHamster =)
13:32.51tinglewhat does this mean:
13:33.04tinglewhat does the "this"mean
13:33.48BigFreakit refers to whatever's calling the function
13:33.51WidgertickThe frame that's calling the function
13:34.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Floyddotnet (
13:34.32Mr_Rabies2reason # 334 why i hate coding
13:34.38WidgertickHeya Floyd =)
13:34.42Mr_Rabies2it makes me hate the word "this"
13:34.50tingleif this frame: <Frame name="MyAddOn_MainFrame" ...>  then it must say MyAddOn_MainFrame:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED");
13:35.09WidgertickNo, you can use the word this instead
13:35.12WidgertickThat's what it's for =)
13:35.14bleetahusers.. users.. and more users ;)
13:35.15Floyddotnetsorry but have nevertheless still one asks
13:35.16wereHamsteroh.. SET expansionMovie "0", I had my read-only
13:35.22BigFreakso if you change the name, it all still works
13:35.24tingleah ok
13:35.55tingleok check me if im rong
13:36.09BigFreakbut yeah, is there any way to create frames by code then?
13:36.24tinglein the frame i have:
13:36.35Cideanother rule there tingle
13:36.38|FF|Im2good4uBigFreak: there is CreateFrame9) function in lua
13:36.40Cidedon't paste several lines unless you have to
13:36.55tinglenow the function
13:36.59Ciderewrite that as <OnLoad> MyAddOn_MainFrame_OnLoad() </OnLoad>
13:37.00tinglefunction MyAddOn_MainFrame_OnLoad()
13:37.11tinglemust have all the events in it?
13:37.42BigFreakright so: in, for example, MonkeyQuest do you know if it creates a new frame for each quest entry?
13:37.46tingleall events to be registed must be in there?
13:38.17|FF|Im2good4ui think it should but i dunno :P
13:38.33BigFreakfair enough
13:38.44Corrodiasbleetah: i never, EVER want to see you suggest again that opening the spellbook is a decent way to cast a spell. :)
13:39.26tinglebut what if i want 1 event for multipal purpases, like the  "QUEST_ACCEPT_CONFIRM" , i want more than just one quest to be used
13:39.29WidgertickBigFreak: Try looking at the FauxScrollFrameTemplate in UIPanelTemplates.lua
13:39.50Corrodiaswell, Cryolysis still a little buggy, and i have no real desire to use anything but its portals menu, but it's getting there. i think i'll start using it.
13:39.51bleetahit's a non-combat spell. I have the important stuff always up front. everything tucked away. I like to see what's going on, not have everything covered in 15 million buttons.
13:39.59bleetah*everything else
13:40.22tingledo i need to add more than one questaccept confirmed to the  functionr egister event or is 1 enough and covers all quests in the game?
13:40.23Floyddotnetwitch function called wow if it open the questlog.. i would be set a prefix befor each questname
13:40.26Corrodiasah, a fundamental difference
13:40.44BigFreaki'll give it a look, thanks Widgertick :>
13:40.44bleetah'cept for track ores/herbs, as that needs to be recast after death.. that's annoying having to go to spellbook everytime ;)
13:40.50Corrodiaswell, i need to go to bed. my problem appears to be in the process of being solved.
13:41.00WidgertickG'night Corrodias =)
13:41.03WidgertickStick with it!
13:41.05tingleah i think i understand
13:41.12bleetahmm bed sounds like a brilliant idea catually
13:41.30CorrodiasWidgertick: look into "Cryolysis" on curse. it's still a bit buggy, but they're making progress, and it has a portals menu.
13:41.33bleetahI'll leave you with this fortune: "The best way to get rid of worries is to let them die of neglect."
13:41.47WidgertickNice bleetah =)
13:41.51WidgertickAnd I will check it out!
13:44.32BigFreakwhat's an example of FauxScrollFrame btw?
13:44.34Floyddotnetdoes you know what i mean?
13:45.22WobinFloyddotnet: have a look at the framexml of the questlog
13:45.39Floyddotnetwhere i found this?
13:46.05FloyddotnetWorld of Warcraft\Blizzard Interface Data (deDE)\AddOns ?
13:46.15Floyddotnetthe isent any frame witch quest in name
13:46.43Floyddotnetah \World of Warcraft\Blizzard Interface Data (deDE)\FrameXML .. oky thank you
13:47.32WidgertickBigFreak: QuestLogListScrollFrame in QuestLogFrame.xml is one, a couple more simple ones are in FriendsFrame.xml
13:47.32tingleon wikki it says under the discription fopr "QUEST_ACCEPT_CONFIRM" : arg1 is the npc name and arg2 is the quest name, what do i typ in there the quest name and npc name or the quest id and npc id, and what if someone uses it in english or in german version of WoW then it wouldnt be correct anymore
13:49.08Mr_Rabies2who is afrasiabi?
13:49.19Mr_Rabies2tigole's cat or something if i recall?
13:49.39WidgertickHe's Furor from Fires of Heaven when it was an EverQuest guild
13:49.49Mr_Rabies2close enough
13:49.54WidgertickI think he works at Blizzard too or something
13:49.59tinglecan someone help me with what i just typed up there
13:50.05Mr_Rabies2yeah he's the quest designer
13:50.23Mr_Rabies2"To M.A. Afrasiabi, you'll always be missed" in the credits :O
13:51.44tingleok ill put it short is it possible to put the quest id instead of the name in there so it works for all languages of WoW
13:51.46WidgertickMaybe one of his relatives died during production? =/
13:52.12WidgertickTingle, I'm pretty sure that the quest name that QUEST_ACCEPT_CONFIRM returns is localized, so it will always work for all languages of WoW
13:53.06tingleos i can typ in the english quest name and someone that has german the mod will work too?
13:53.31WidgertickNo, you can use arg2 from the QUEST_ACCEPT_CONFIRM event and it will always return the quest name
13:53.54tingleso i only have to typ in arg1 and arg2?
13:54.06Mr_Rabies2alex afrasiabi is furor
13:54.18tinglebut why does this example say: if(event=="QUEST_ACCEPT_CONFIRM" and arg1=="MyAddOn" and arg2=="") then
13:54.27Mr_Rabies2i thought it was his nickname or sommat
13:54.39tingleMyAddOn at arg1 ?
13:54.42tinglewhat does that mean
13:54.52WidgertickThat doesn't make any sense, tingle, arg1 would never be MyAddOn for that event.
13:54.59WidgertickSo the example is bad.
13:55.04WobinThat's weird
13:55.27tinglethis is the original
13:55.28tingleif(event=="ADDON_LOADED" and arg1=="MyAddOn") then
13:55.45tinglei changen ADDON_LOADED to QUEST_ACCEPT_CONFIRM
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13:56.06WidgertickYou see, when events occur, they return different arguments.
13:56.17WidgertickIn the case of the ADDON_LOADED event, arg1 is the name of the addon that was loaded.
13:56.22WobinFor the lastreply list, where it stores the last 10 people replied to, they do this funky shifting thing where they scan if the person replied to is in the list, then shifts every entry up one to replace it... then puts the last told in the beginning
13:56.34tingleah ok
13:56.38WobinWhen they could just use table.insert/remove and reverse the order of the check for the tab
13:56.54tingleand witht he quest log confirmed what i put to the arg1 and arg2?
13:57.03WidgertickYou don't need to put anything
13:57.13tinglejust typ in arg1 and arg2
13:57.15WidgertickYou can just do if ( event == "QUEST_ACCEPT_CONFIRM" ) then
13:57.32WidgertickDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(arg2) or something
13:57.40tinglebut i want it to check if the correct quest has been confirmed
13:58.08WidgertickIn that case, you would need different versions for German and English.
13:58.45tingleso i typ in the correct quest name
13:58.46WidgertickAnd do this...
13:58.56tingleor is it possible to typ in the quest id?
13:59.13WidgertickThere aren't quest ids
13:59.18tingleoh o k
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14:01.16Widgertickelseif ( event == "QUEST_ACCEPT_CONFIRM" ) then
14:02.09tinglethen what i put there to do if a quest has been confirmed that is not the arg1 and arg2 of the if(...
14:02.35WidgertickThat's what I just typed.
14:02.42tingleah ok
14:02.45tinglei get it thx
14:02.55Widgertick'cause you're not checking to see what arg1 or arg2 are
14:03.57tingleok so this is correct: if(event=="QUEST_ACCEPT_CONFIRM" and arg1=="npc" and arg2=="quest") then  typ some message     ....
14:04.15tingleand then
14:04.27tingleelsif then  typ other message
14:04.35WidgertickYeah, that would work
14:04.41tingleok ill try that ^^
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14:05.17WidgertickI'm out, see ya =)
14:05.31BigFreakdoes: i = 5; getglobal("x"..i); define and declare a global variable called x5? :S
14:06.15Cidethat looks up the variable called x5
14:06.48MageRoosterI've had that sort of code throw an error and need tostring(i) for some reason.
14:07.15tinglewith quests and npc names do i but a _ inbetween them like deputy wilhem do i do deputy_wilhem ?
14:07.46BigFreaki'm looking at an example that has the line: local curFrame = getglobal("myFrame"..i) so what'd that do?
14:08.20Cideif i = 5, grab the global variable myFrame5
14:08.38Cideif i = 3, myFrame3.. i = N, grab myFrameN
14:08.41BigFreakok so you can dynamically name variables in lua as well?
14:08.54BigFreakcrazy stuff
14:08.54Cideit's just a table entry
14:09.01BigFreaktable == array?
14:09.12MageRoosterArgh, I wish I had to declare variables.
14:09.15tingledo i need to put a _ inbetween names ???
14:09.15Cidehash table/array combination
14:09.23BigFreakcool thanks :>
14:09.25MageRoosterEspecially since Lua is case sensitive.
14:09.32CideMageRooster: local declaredName;
14:09.40MageRoosterOooh, so there is a way. Thanks.
14:09.58Cideof course that just declares a local variable
14:10.06MageRooster...oh, durr. No.
14:10.08Cideif you don't declare it local it will check the global table
14:10.13MageRoosterI mean like VB's option explicit.
14:10.23Cidenot familiar with that one
14:10.34MageRoosterForced variable declaration.
14:10.35Cidebut you can't really declare variables in lua in the traditional sense, no
14:10.42MageRoosterHelps me trap typo errors on variable names well.
14:10.56Cidedo setfenv(1, {}) :)
14:10.57BigFreakyeah, seems pretty sloppy with regards to that
14:11.02BigFreakooh cool :>
14:11.22CideMageRooster: setfenv(1, { }) -- Note, that won't work very well, but try it
14:11.26MageRoosterWhy are you asking me? I know lua, not the WoW UI.
14:11.42MageRoosterI'll give that a try some time I'm not grinding.
14:11.44Cidetingle: spaces
14:11.49BigFreakCide, you seem to know things, would you be up to walking me through some bits?
14:12.06Cidedon't really have time to do that
14:12.12BigFreakfair enough
14:12.15Cideask the channel and I'll answer if I have time
14:12.32tingleok, when i reload my addon to check it i get a error saysing unexpected ympol by then
14:12.47CideMageRooster: what setfenv does is it changes the function environment
14:12.52tinglewait i make a code
14:13.05Cidethe "1" means current environment, so you can hide the global table if you want
14:13.19Cidewhich means that any global lookup would fail since the environment it looks in is empty
14:13.40Cideso you can't get buggy code because lua found a global that was really a typoed local
14:14.07BigFreakarg1 == x and arg1==y isn't a very likely condition
14:14.09BigFreakto be honest
14:14.22Sumhattingle: replace "elseif then" with "else"
14:17.26tingleuh... i just tested it and exepted the quest but no message, here is code of both lua and xml:
14:18.43tinglewhat wrong?
14:19.32Cideyou are testing for two different arg1
14:19.48Cidearg1 can't be Deputy Willem and A Threat Within at the same time
14:20.03tingleoh i misstyped
14:20.07tinglesec i retry
14:20.51tinglejust fixed still doesnt work
14:21.05Sumhattingle: is the message in MyMod_ShowMessage() shown?
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14:21.54tinglein the chat or as message
14:22.01Sumhatline 22 to 25
14:22.48tingleno thos mesagesd show up in the chat
14:22.57tinglei mean yes they show up
14:23.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
14:23.32tinglethat works but the mesage richtig" doesent show up when i accept the quest
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14:23.48Cidewhat about it, Maldivia ?
14:23.55Maldivia# Each rank of "Improved Fireball" now reduces your spell damage coefficient by 2%.
14:23.55Maldivia# Each rank of "Improved Frostbolt" now reduces your spell damage coefficient by 2%.
14:24.06Cideah, hehe
14:24.12CideI got nerfed too!
14:24.23Mikmathats' a bad nerf :(
14:24.24Maldiviabut 10%?
14:24.26Sumhati dont know that event exactly, but according to, it may not work
14:24.31kergothwhats the url to the 2.0.x thread again?
14:24.55BigFreakapprently shadow word pain is nerfed as well :(
14:25.30Mikmagood thing i don't play preist anymore :P
14:25.34tinglewhy isnt it working is everything correct that i coded?
14:26.25BigFreakpaste the link, tingle
14:27.04Sumhattingle: your code seems okay
14:27.16tinglebut why doesnt it show up when i accept the quest
14:27.38Cidethat's up for you to debug
14:29.44tinglei did no error messages nothing the first messages show up but the message thats suppose to show up when the quest gets acepted doesnt do it
14:29.59BigFreakok i need to get my head around the ui i getting this right? a frame is just that, a FontString it supposed to represent a single string, or an area of text or what?
14:30.20Cideit can be both just a string and an area of text
14:30.27Cideit becomes an area of text if you set its width and height
14:30.47Cideotherwise it's just a string that occupies however much space it takes
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14:32.15BigFreakso if it want, like, a list of buttons, of variable length, decided at run time...what needs to be defined in the xml and how do i create them?
14:32.23BigFreakcos most of the default ui stuff seems o
14:32.25tingleanyone abel to find my problem
14:32.44BigFreak*...seems to just have a set number of available slots and then fill them as required
14:34.22Cidetingle: that's up to you
14:34.38Cidewe're not here to write your addon
14:35.20tinglei know  but i cant figure out why the message isnt showing up did you see a problem if yes tell me or just tell me that there is a problem and give me a hint
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14:36.02Cideprint your args to chat and check what they are
14:36.41tingleif(event == "QUEST_ACCEPT_CONFIRM" and arg1 == "Deputy Willem" and arg2 == "A Threat Within")
14:36.49tinglearg1 is the quest npc
14:36.55tingleand arg2 the quest name
14:37.02Cidethat's what you think they are
14:37.08Cideyou haven't checked them, have you?
14:37.12tinglethats what wiki says
14:37.19Cideyes, but you need to verify that
14:37.23Cidewikis are not always correct
14:37.35tinglemaby other way around?
14:37.42Cideprint them to chat and see?
14:38.03tinglewhat print them to chat
14:38.06BigFreakcos if they were right it'd run xD
14:38.12tinglewiki says:
14:38.13Floyddotnetcan someone pls help my? why can i remove all [..] from this string "[level] [..] QuestText"
14:38.17Cidedon't.. do... that
14:38.23Floyddotnetnot why . i mean how
14:38.42tingleyou just told me to
14:38.49BigFreakDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(arg1 .. arg2);
14:38.52BigFreakin the else clause
14:38.54BigFreakdo that :>
14:38.56CideI said verify that they are correct
14:39.04CideI did not say "spam the channel"
14:39.07Sumhati guess MyAddOn_MainFrame_OnEvent is not invoked
14:39.13Floyddotnetat examplestring: "[12] [M] ExampleQuestentext"
14:39.14tinglei just turned them around and still doesnt work..
14:39.25Floyddotnetmy function will be makes a recursion
14:39.27CideI did not say "turn them around" either
14:39.36CideFloyddotnet: what's the [M]?
14:39.36tingleyou said verify them
14:39.47Cideturning them around doesn't verify them
14:39.48Floyddotnetfrom my addon is [M]
14:39.51Cideprinting them to chat is
14:40.00tinglewhat do you mean with print them to chat
14:40.06Floyddotnetbut i need the real clean questtext
14:40.09tingleprint what to witch chat
14:40.32BigFreakline 16 change to: DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Args: " .. arg1 .. arg2);
14:40.58CideFloyddotnet: what part do you want?
14:41.04Cideonly questtext?
14:41.06BigFreakthen run it, read the arguments, see how the are different from what you're testing them against
14:41.13BigFreak</debug 101>
14:41.46BigFreaklua syntax is weird, btw
14:42.13CideFloyddotnet: string.match("[level] [..] QuestText", "^%[.-%] %[.-%] (.+)$")
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14:42.41tinglei just did what you said bigfreak still nothing
14:42.49BigFreakwhat does it say in your chat window?;o
14:42.49Floyddotnetthank you.. i will test it if sever online agans
14:43.12tingleonly the stuff that comes when it loads is down there
14:43.41BigFreakso like
14:43.44tinglecide was  Floyddotnet: string.match("[level] [..] QuestText", "^%[.-%] %[.-%] (.+)$") for me?
14:43.52BigFreakhave you accepted a quest?
14:44.01Cidetingle: then I would not have prefixed it with "Floyddotnet:"
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14:44.13Floyddotnetwill it be to make if the QuestText like "[M] Questname" or "[level] Questname" too?
14:44.28Floyddotnetoh :/
14:44.47tinglei accept the quest then it should come right?
14:45.09Floyddotnetthis is a regex command corretly?
14:45.18BigFreakit should say something in your chat box
14:45.34BigFreakif it's listening for the event and all is well
14:46.19tinglei get no error and the first part shows up but not when i acept a quest
14:46.41BigFreaktry like
14:46.52BigFreakjust outputting a message OnEvent
14:46.54CideFloyddotnet: what?
14:46.55BigFreakwith no condition
14:47.25Floyddotnet^%[.-%] %[.-%] (.+)$" = regex ?
14:47.26tingleyou mean removing the args?
14:47.40BigFreakyeah that's regular expressions
14:47.45CideI wouldn't call it a regexp, no
14:47.49Nom-Does anyone know the scaling formula for Flash of Light ?
14:47.49BigFreakor not
14:48.02Cidelua's pattern engine is missing a lot of regex tools
14:48.17tinglestill no message when accepting the quest
14:48.19CideI believe it's called a "pattern match" in the documentation, but don't quote me on that
14:48.46tingleis this:RegisterEvent("QUEST_ACCEPT_CONFIRM");  not working correctly or what
14:49.12BigFreakif i want to have a list of buttons that varies depending on how many skills the player has learnt how would i go about doing that?
14:49.27Cidevarying in length how?
14:49.39BigFreakdirectly corelatiting to
14:50.00BigFreakfor example, a subsection for each skill line and then beneath that a button for each skill
14:50.17BigFreakbutton/clickable line of text
14:50.39BigFreaki.e. representing the spellbook in an all-in-one, easier to use view
14:50.59BigFreak(going for something similar to the quest log)
14:51.21Cidethe quest log buttons' width doesn't change
14:51.26Cideor do they?
14:51.43BigFreaknot as far as i know
14:51.54Cideyou could do an ugly hack
14:52.04Cidehave a temporary font string, set the text to whatever you want
14:52.15tingleargh nothing works why doesnt the message show up i get no error message i have no log it should be working
14:52.46tingleit seems as if it isnt registering the quest accept event
14:53.57BigFreakand then?
14:53.59Cidelet the game render the font and read :GetWidth() or :GetStringWidth()
14:54.24Cideand use that to set the button's width.. you might be able to do it by anchoring the button to a font though
14:54.56BigFreaki meant the number of buttons varies depending on how many skills they have, hehe
14:55.04Cideoh, well that's easy
14:55.33Cideyou can create frames dynamically
14:55.33BigFreaki'm guessing some form of an array of buttons?
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14:56.46BigFreakand a button is just a derived frame, yeah?
14:57.03Cideyes.. CreateFrame("Button", ...)
14:57.17BigFreakawesome, thanks :>
14:58.21Floyddotnetthis sould be also work or? (realm is inaktiv :()
14:58.21FloyddotnetcNeuString, nWieOft = string.gsub (value, "(\[\d*\])" ,"")
14:59.51Cideyou don't escape with \
14:59.53Cideyou escape with %
15:00.22FloyddotnetcNeuString, nWieOft = string.gsub (value, "(%[%d*%])" ,"")
15:01.01Floyddotneti will test it if server will be online agans
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15:07.33tinglewell, anyone figure out what is rong with cant get the message to show up after ive accepted a quest
15:09.02BigFreakaccording to that, it might not work
15:10.05BigFreakunder "QUEST_ACCEPT_CONFIRM": "(this doesnt seem like it works)-Noraj"
15:10.22tingleok lets put it like this i just tried it with QUEST_GREETING that doesnt work ether
15:11.39tingleso im thinking that it isnt registering the event.. is there soemthing rong about what i coded to register the event?
15:12.05tingleor must i put each <OnLoad> ... </OnLoad> into a serperat online
15:12.43BigFreaki dunno if you can call more than one function that ok?
15:12.48BigFreaki'm new to this, really no idea
15:13.00BigFreaks'pose it follows that that should work
15:13.02tinglethats what i just wanted to know
15:13.20BigFreaktry registering like
15:13.24BigFreaka different event
15:13.44BigFreakthen have OnEvent as just: DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("richtig!");
15:13.47tinglethats what i did still doesnt work
15:14.15BigFreaktry changing onevent to just that one line
15:14.24BigFreakso as soon as the event fires it should show something
15:15.25tinglenop just tried
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15:19.42BigFreakis there any way to output to a frame a line at a time without looping and using x:SetText(x:GetText() .. "foo"); ?
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15:25.54tingleaw fuck why doesnt this work arghhh
15:26.58tingleisnt anyone here abel to tell me why my code wont work???
15:27.25tinglemessage after completing the quest doenst show up
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15:36.31Rooster[DC]Is this a history of lines like a chat window?
15:37.01Cidedefine 'this'
15:37.09CideIRC? yes, pretty much
15:37.11Rooster[DC][07:17] <BigFreak> is there any way to output to a frame a line at a time without looping and using x:SetText(x:GetText() .. "foo"); ? <- Oh oops, didn't look at the timestamp.
15:38.18BigFreakhehe, naw just generally like...filling a box, looping and concatting seems messy
15:38.38Rooster[DC]I generally hold a persistant array with that data and fill the box from the array.
15:39.39BigFreakright, fair enough
15:39.47BigFreakwhere each element of the array is a line of text?
15:39.53BigFreakor chunk of text or whatever
15:39.57BigFreakok thanks :>
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15:40.12Rooster[DC]Whether you hold it as just an array of strings for each line, or as a table structure is up to you.
15:40.19BigFreakreally new to all this (wow addons, lua, etc heh)
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15:45.56FloyddotnetcNeuString, nWieOft = string.gsub (value, "(%[%d*%])" ,"") makes an error: "'then' expected near ','
15:46.00BigFreakfunction SpellBookLoad()
15:46.02BigFreakbutton = CreateFrame("Button", "SpellLine", SimpleSpellBookFrame, UIPanelButtonTemplate2);
15:46.06BigFreakfuck, sorry
15:46.07Floyddotnetwhat is wrong?
15:46.23MageRoosterYou have it in an if statement?
15:46.36BigFreakok, i've got this: and it's drawing no button, any ideas?
15:46.57Floyddotneti yes.. i have write "end if" .. :D sorry
15:48.11tingleanyone abel to tell me whats rong with  and why the message wont show up when i accept the quest?
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15:50.23MageRoosterBecause animals in newbie zones aren't skinnable.
15:50.34MageRoosterGo somewhere out into L5+ areas and things will skin.
15:50.37KathyrineSee, i knew there was an incredibly simple answer lol
15:51.06MageRoosterRabbits, being a critter that's used everywhere, still skin.
15:51.24MageRoosterBut they don't expect you to have trade skills until L5 at the earliest.
15:51.49MageRoosterSo linen doesn't drop on humanoids that low. You can't skin animals that low. No mining points. No herbs.
15:52.07KathyrineThank you, the only other skinner I had picked up the skill later on as a backup to something else, so I've never had to mess with it in newbie lands
15:52.09MageRooster(And they don't want you coming back later.)
15:53.14Kathyrineokies, again, thanks, lol
15:54.50*** part/#wowi-lounge Kathyrine (
16:00.55tingleok i fugred out something
16:01.17tingleQUEST_ACCEPT_CONFIRM doesnt seem to work in any way - the code i made works but this doesnt work
16:01.42BigFreak(15:10:08) (BigFreak) under "QUEST_ACCEPT_CONFIRM": "(this doesnt seem like it works)-Noraj"
16:01.56tingleany ideas on how i can make a event response to a certain quest being acepted or completed
16:02.37tinglereputation :D
16:03.03tingleunder what are the events of reputation changes???
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16:04.42tingleno reputation would be it
16:05.46*** join/#wowi-lounge HYDRA (
16:06.40MageRoosterPerhaps you should go look at EQL and see how they did it.
16:07.00tinglewhat did they do
16:07.19tingleah true
16:07.29tinglegood idea thats a addon right?
16:07.53foxlitAnyone got a rtfm pointer for making own hyperlinks in chat window?
16:08.20foxlitIf I wanted to do a [EventLib/Panic] Something did something it was not supposed to, click [here] for callstack., for example.
16:08.46MageRoosterSo an item link style thing for events?
16:09.19HYDRAI have a question guys... I hear you here are kinda into addons/LUA etc...
16:09.19foxlitAn itemlink style thing for popping up custom text.
16:09.21HYDRAam I right
16:09.28MageRoosterKinda? :D
16:09.33MageRoosterIt's all this channel talks about.
16:09.41HYDRAthis function removes blizzards' actionbars etc -> MainMenuBar:Hide();
16:09.43HYDRAam I right
16:10.18foxlitremoves from view is probably more appropriate
16:10.25HYDRAyeah ok...
16:10.40HYDRAquestion: Is there any way to show PARTS of that mainmenubar?
16:10.43*** join/#wowi-lounge YammYgirlcoding (n=hoho@
16:11.00MageRoosterMake a frame and hack together parts of original UI art?
16:11.03HYDRAI want to hide it all, except the actionbars that pop up whenever I mindcontrol someone
16:11.19YammYgirlcodingguys! what is the last toc version for wow version just before BC install and after BC install ? is it 2 different versions?
16:11.21foxlitThat's PetActionBar, if memory serves.
16:11.27MageRoosterYammYgirlcoding: Topic.
16:11.37YammYgirlcodinglol !!!
16:11.50HYDRAAAH so the petActionBar... AAAHHHHH
16:11.52YammYgirlcodingbut this toc is for before BC or after ?
16:11.54HYDRAomg my addon HAS a petaction bar
16:11.58HYDRAso If I enable that...
16:12.00MageRooster...BC doesn't have a different TOC.
16:12.03HYDRAand mindcontrol..
16:12.04YammYgirlcodingah cool
16:12.07HYDRAit might work
16:12.10HYDRAand I dont even have to add it myself.
16:12.16MageRoosterThat's what the 2.x patch was... adding BC content to the standard client.
16:12.24MageRoosterHence, 500 megs.
16:12.24YammYgirlcodingand there is already a working wowtoc to download ?
16:12.25HYDRAomg I suddenly feel so stupid, thanks for your fine words of wisdom lads
16:12.33HYDRAkeep up the good work
16:12.58MageRoosterOf making you feel stupid :)
16:13.36YammYgirlcodingand there is already a working wowtoc to download today ?
16:14.06MageRoosterCould always steal someone else's. Not like ToCs are complicated.
16:14.20foxlitSteal wiki's :)
16:14.26MageRoosterOr that!
16:14.32MageRooster(If you can't tell, I'm a big fan of learning from other people's code.)
16:17.41foxlitHm, what's wrong with the database sites lately
16:18.03foxlitwowhead outright times out, allakhazam doesn't display search results :(
16:18.25sergiothey're getting hammered
16:19.23foxlitWere fine yesterday, though
16:20.01HYDRAomg you guys are just fantastic, I asked in one sentece, and you answered, and it solved it all
16:20.06HYDRAI love you, therefore, I must ask more.
16:20.37HYDRAis it hard to modify an already existing exp bar to show a different colored slice, say light yellow, up until rested?
16:20.44HYDRAit's a % bar
16:21.25HYDRAwouldnt it be something like.. taking the current exp including rested, - rested exp, and color that and place it in front of current exp...
16:21.56HYDRAah I dont know I'm gonna read up on it, thanks anyway
16:22.42BigFreakwahay. i have a button for every spell line your character has
16:23.27YammYgirlcodingguys. Is it safe to update toc from 20000 to 20003 safely ?
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16:23.43MageRoosterTry your mod out to see if it still works though.
16:23.46MageRoosterOr check the changelog.
16:24.01MageRoosterThey change the TOC for a reason.
16:24.05YammYgirlcodingyou guys have any program similar to wowtoc ?
16:24.16MageRoosterWhat does WoWTOC do?
16:24.21YammYgirlcodingchange tocs for me
16:24.26YammYgirlcodingall of them at once
16:24.28MageRoosterOh, I use notepad.
16:24.49MageRoosterIt's generally not a good idea to change tocs unless you know for sure it works right. :P
16:24.49YammYgirlcodingit stopped working since storms patch
16:25.13YammYgirlcodingi see.... it's that i have 100+ addons installed .. prety painfull update one by one..., 100?
16:25.25MageRoosterYour RAM must hate you.
16:25.33YammYgirlcodingi got 2gb ram =)
16:25.37MageRoosterSo do I.
16:25.44MageRoosterDoesn't prevent WoW from using a big chunk.
16:26.01tinglehey magerooster
16:26.02YammYgirlcodingit does . around 500 to 1gb :)
16:26.16tinglei found something about that quest accept complete
16:26.32tinglecan you explane to me what everything does:
16:26.32tingleif ( event == "QUEST_ACCEPT_CONFIRM" ) then
16:26.33tingleStaticPopup_Show("QUEST_ACCEPT", arg1, arg2);
16:27.07MageRoosterSure, it calls StaticPopup_Show when you accept a new quest.
16:27.22BigFreak...with the arguments "QUEST_ACCEPT", arg1, arg2
16:27.27foxlitWell, not quite
16:27.44MageRoosterGo look for StaticPopup_Show.
16:28.06foxlitQUEST_ACCEPT_CONFIRM occurs only on some quests, typically when you're offered to share into the action with your groupmates.
16:28.27foxliti.e. if you and I are in a group, I start jailbreak, you get QUEST_ACCEPT_CONFIRM to ask you if you _also_ want to do jailbreak.
16:29.14foxlitWheres, I, myself do not get QUEST_ACCEPT_CONFIRM since I've started the quest.
16:29.27YammYgirlcodingguys can I save toc files in unicode format ?
16:29.37YammYgirlcodingi found some tocs with german characters
16:29.47tinglei csant find the static popup thing on wiki
16:30.02foxlitUI function, pops up a dialog box
16:31.13foxlitLike "Do you want to accept XYZ's resurrection spell?"
16:31.13foxlitOr "Summon you to the edge of the world?"
16:31.30MageRoosterAre you sure it isn't a function within the .lua file itself that the call was from?
16:33.37foxlitIt's somewhere inside FrameXML, anyway.
16:34.14Cairenn|afkBleeter: *snicker*
16:45.39*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
16:48.27BigFreakyour uni doesn't filter irc, kaso? xD
16:48.41BigFreakawesome heh
16:48.46kasoThey let most things through, wow, vent
16:48.53BigFreakmy uni's pretty harsh for that :\
16:49.03BigFreakcan't get on msn, irc etc
16:49.17BigFreak(portsmouth ;o)
16:49.19kasowell, thats what proxies were made for!
16:53.39tinglethen what event happens when i accept a quest?
16:55.50XuerianHm.... It's been so long since I was actually in a group loot party, I've forgotten - When someone selects need or greed, do they roll immediately, or are the rolls only once all have chosen?
16:56.51kasoThey roll immediately
16:57.20Cideno they don't
16:57.20BigFreaki'm fairly sure
16:57.23BigFreakthat's wrong
16:57.55tinglehey i got a idea
16:57.55Cideall the rolls happen simultaneously
16:57.55Cidewhen everyone has selected their option
16:57.57kasoi could have sworn it was the other way
16:58.06XuerianAh well, equally excellent.
16:58.09tingleis there anyway to patch the packets or console/script command when a character does something? like sometihing that shows event when you do something in game so i can figure out what the event is when i accept a quest???
16:58.20tinglenot patch watch*
16:58.20XuerianThanks, Cide.
16:58.46purlmethinks devtools is Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?, or found at for the beta
16:59.19tingledevtools?  can use devtools to figure that out?
16:59.20BigFreakdo people use OO in wow addons?
16:59.28XuerianYes and yes
16:59.38Cidemetatables are nice for that
16:59.57BigFreaki am not farmiliar with metatables
17:00.12XuerianThey're fun :3
17:00.16BigFreakgood schtuff
17:00.52Cidelocal class = { }; function class:Method(arg1, arg2) -- variable "self" references the object -- end           .... local instance = { }; setmetatable(instance, { __index = class })
17:01.14Cideinstance:Method() will now call class:Method, but with instance set as the "self" variable
17:01.39tingledevtools is a addon?
17:01.43BigFreakso that'd be like using this in C++/java?
17:01.51CideBigFreak: yes
17:01.54Xueriantingle: Yes
17:02.21BigFreakso the setmetatable tells it it's an instance of the class?
17:03.15XuerianTables can have metatables set to them. They generally modify behaviors of the table - Accessing, setting, etc. That's just one thing you can do.
17:05.51BigFreakthanks :>
17:07.06tinglewhat command are there in devtools? /dtchatevent i found that but when i have that on and accept a quest an error message shows up saying: atempted to call field 'mod' (a nil value)
17:08.27tingleany ideasß
17:10.25tinglecommand doesnt exist
17:11.08XuerianI'm just reading the description here: - Might be easier to read it yourself.
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17:16.43BigFreakthe Lua documentation is sexist :(
17:17.05BigFreakMost OO languages have this mechanism partly hidden from the programmer, so that she does not have to declare this parameter (although she still can use the name self or this inside a method).
17:17.11BigFreakhe/she surely? :(
17:18.03JoshBorkeanyone know what happens if i try to log into outlands without having upgrading my installation?
17:18.19BigFreakno idea
17:18.36Cideyou can't log in
17:18.44JoshBorkei see that =)
17:18.57Cide"This account is valid for an expansion bla bla" [Cancel] [Quit Game]
17:19.11JoshBorkeit says you can download it at their website :P
17:19.22JoshBorkethey lie
17:21.19tingleha i figuresd it out ~~ i use "CHAT_MESSAGE_SYSTEM" arg1 = the quest mesage that i eccepted it or removed it ^^
17:21.26tinglethat should do the trick :D
17:26.15tingleis this valid? if(event=="CHAT_MESSAGE_SYSTEM" and arg1=="Quest accepted: Kobold Camp Cleanup") then
17:27.52|FF|Im2good4usyntax is
17:28.25tingleok it works but the message comes before the quest accepted message is in the chat... isthere a way to say wait 0.5 sec or something so it comes after?
17:28.38|FF|Im2good4unope :P
17:28.46tinglelol... that sucks
17:28.56|FF|Im2good4ubut .. u can hok addmessage
17:29.14tinglewhat line must i put in there
17:29.36|FF|Im2good4uand preform your stuff after the addmesagefunction has been used by the blizzard code
17:29.48|FF|Im2good4uwell hooking is a bit more then 1 line
17:30.19tinglewell then nevermind, ill just leave it the way it is :-P
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17:45.43tinglegot a question:
17:46.13tinglehow can i make the text that comes out of DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage be a color instead of white?
17:47.17XolanZzzbu using the |cffRRBBGGtext|r pattern
17:47.44XolanZzzwhere rrbbgg is the hex value of each color
17:47.52tinglesay this is my text:    Hello     where do i put the number
17:48.04XolanZzzso for example if you want green text type   |cff00ff00Hello|r
17:48.18tingleso a hex color is only out of 2 number?
17:48.28|FF|Im2good4u8 numbers
17:48.32|FF|Im2good4uin segments on 2
17:48.36tingleoh yes ok
17:48.42XolanZzzinstead of 1-10, it's 1-f, with two segments yes
17:48.53XolanZzz0-9 even :)
17:48.59|FF|Im2good4ufirst 2 should be alpha i think but better leave them FF
17:57.05XolanZzzerm, it's rrggbb actually... :-O
18:00.35tinglegota querstion, i have WoW in german how do i make tbc in german too because my BC is in english
18:01.39|FF|Im2good4uthne u bought the wrong one :P
18:02.03tinglewell if my WOW is in german then i can make bc in german too right?
18:02.26|FF|Im2good4uon the acount managemend page there used tobe a link to download other versions like DE , FR
18:08.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Taktaal (
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18:12.07Taktaalif an error message gets cut off because its too long for the window, how do i read it?
18:12.56MageRoosterUse ImprovedErrorFrame?
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18:26.13tingleios there some event to use "if character level = 1 then...."
18:32.26|FF|Im2good4uno event but u can use a function to get its level
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18:40.36XolanFinished version 0.41 of Xolpass iif anyone's interested :) It now has a ping pointer, and you can set a custom pointer with /xp (or /xolpass) xx,yy .
18:43.01Xolangrats on getting your nick on the credits btw
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19:15.11phyberanyone know if it's possible to enchant a socketed item, like, they've actually done it
19:15.24phyberbecause I'm getting an error while attempting to enchant a guildies socketed item
19:17.17Xolannever tried no
19:17.22Xolanbut think it should be possible...
19:18.12MageRoosterI'm pretty sure enchants and sockets are in the same "slot", so to speak.
19:18.15MageRoosterI remember reading that.
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19:19.14Xolanso you can have either, but not both?
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19:20.39kergothanyone here on a german wow client, and with a rogue or druid (with cat form)?  would like to debug a problem in my energy ticker that someone reported, but i'm on enUS, so cant test
19:21.48tinglecould  someone tell me if theres some event or api that does this: if character is level 1 then....
19:23.00kergothwowwiki is your friend
19:23.07kergothif UnitLevel('player') == 1 then..
19:23.41Taktaalwhat website other than allakhazam lists item ids?
19:25.00tingle"player" do i have to typ in the player name or just leave it as player
19:25.05kergothleave it as player
19:25.06Taktaalevery second wow related website seems to be (almost) down
19:25.41Cairenncheck thottbott, alla's (it's about to be up again), wowwiki
19:26.15Cairennalla's server was being fussy, they're restarting it (or something like that)
19:29.50Taktaalthottbot doesn't list proper item ids
19:29.57Taktaalthey use their own numbering system
19:31.28tinglethis isnt right: if (event == UnitLevel('player') == 1) then   whats correct
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19:32.54kasotingle you're looking for something like if event=="NAME_OF_EVENT" then if UnitLevel("player")==1 then DoStuff() end end
19:33.09kasoof f event=="NAME_OF_EVENT" and UnitLevel("player")==1 then DoStuff() end
19:33.20kaso(that should be "or if
19:34.36Taktaalif (event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" and UnitLevel('player') == 1)
19:34.46Taktaalfor instance
19:34.58tingleah ok
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20:56.08Xolaninnkeeper called Floyd Pinkus :P
20:57.13XolanI love references like that :)
21:02.30tinglewhats wrong about this if (event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" and UnitLevel('player') == 1) then    it doesnt work ingame when i enter the game with a levle 1 char
21:03.52tingleany idea?
21:04.16Xolanlooks fine
21:04.29tingleok heres the code:
21:04.29kasohave you registered the PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD event?
21:04.33Maliviltingle no
21:04.45Malivilput it in
21:04.52tinglethats what im doing
21:04.56Malivilok, just making sure
21:05.01Maliviltoo many people have just pasted it
21:05.49Xolanand yeah you have register the event
21:06.04tinglethen whats the problem
21:06.52Xolanonload     this:RegisterEvent("PLATER_ENTERING_WORLD");
21:07.31Xolanfor registering the event
21:07.42Xolanand you're running aa_Show() onload but comparing an event
21:07.54MalivilMyMod_ShowMessage(); is onLoad
21:08.00Maliviland hte register is in that function
21:08.09Xolanah right didn't notice :p
21:08.25Xolanaa_ShowMessage() should be in OnEvent though
21:09.15tingleah i missplaced it
21:09.19tingleok gotit thx ^^
21:12.11tingleok another question ^^
21:13.04tingleyouve seen my code, im makeing a leveling guid based on the quests that you accept or complete it tells you what to do next
21:13.54tingleif someone logs out and reloads i want the last message that my guid posted to show up like: Current Message:   or Last Message:  
21:14.07tinglehow do i do that
21:14.26MalivilStore the last message as a variable and display that variable onLoad
21:14.48tinglethat gets stored even if the computer restarts?
21:14.58Malivilor on PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD
21:15.03MalivilIf you make it a savedvariable
21:15.21tingleok can you tell me what i need to add where to make that happen,
21:15.45tingleyou know the last message of the last quest to show up when he restarts his computer
21:16.17Malivilin the toc, add ## SavedVariables: VariableName
21:17.01tingledid it
21:17.39Malivilthen when you display a message, set VariableName = to that message
21:18.19tinglei dont get it
21:18.28MalivilWhen you display a message
21:18.48tinglethe last message displayed
21:18.49Malivilsay its called myMessage
21:18.58Malivilafter oyu display it
21:19.09MalivilVariableName = myMessage
21:19.25Malivilit basically makes a copy of myMessage and then saves it'
21:19.33tingleeven if restart?
21:19.41Malivilthats what SavedVariable does
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21:19.51Xolanif the UI shuts down abnormally there's nothing you can do about it
21:20.06MalivilBut if they relog, or reloadui or log off
21:20.10Malivilit stores fine
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21:20.27Xolanshould be a way to force  a save
21:20.44tinglewell i was thinking..
21:20.55tingleafter every message it saved that message
21:21.02|FF|Im2good4uno that would cost way to much cpu is wow has to imeatly write save variables to disk
21:21.07tingleand every new message replaces the old one saved
21:21.21MalivilYea, what |FF|Im2good4u said is true
21:21.37MalivilForcing a save after every change will cost a lot of CPU usage
21:22.20zenzelezzfrom what I've seen, if you tell WoW to log chat/combat log, it also caches it and writes it only every 48kb or so (or when you leave WoW)
21:22.38tinglebut wouldnt that suck if the computer crashes while someone just did something and the new message is lost, then he wouldnt know where to go or what to do next
21:23.01Malivilyou could write a function that displays teh correct message and do that onLoad
21:23.05|FF|Im2good4uthere nothing u cn do about that tingle
21:23.30|FF|Im2good4uoO oke u help him :P
21:23.42MalivilHow are you going to display the messages tingle?
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21:24.20MalivilI mean
21:24.33MalivilIs there a function that calls that with a certain message based on thier level or something?
21:25.11MalivilIs what you pastey'd all of your code?
21:25.22tinglecan i post the code of a function its only 2 lines :P
21:25.49tingleif(event=="CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM" and arg1=="") then
21:26.09Xolanif nothing then add nothing?
21:26.19tinglein the arg1=="" comes the quest message like quest accepted: kobold cleanup
21:26.53tingleand in the addmessage the objective of what to do or what to do next
21:26.59tingleits a leveling guid
21:27.07Xolanif you're gonna hard code everything that's gonna be one bigass mod :)
21:27.15Malivils'what i was thinking
21:27.31tinglei know what im new -.- its the easiest way for me
21:27.35Malivilwow, i dunno how you are gonna do that
21:27.38|FF|Im2good4u"|cff00fff0|r" <- this is no text at all :P
21:27.45Malivil|FF|Im2good4u: He knows
21:27.49MalivilIts a prototype
21:27.50tinglei know in there comes the text of the objective
21:28.02|FF|Im2good4uMalivil: so do i :P
21:28.12MalivilTingle, are you going to write one of those for every quest?
21:28.38tinglenot every quest just enough quests to get to 60...
21:28.41tinglewell 70...
21:28.51tingleincluding each starting loc
21:28.57MalivilThats like...
21:28.58tinglebut alliance only
21:29.46tingleive just been messing around with codeing for 2 days and been learning because what i know i want everyone to know - that is that leveling isnt hard and i want to make a leveling addon
21:29.50Guillotinethats still TONS of quests
21:30.20MalivilThat's very inefficient
21:30.21GuillotineI suppose with code reuse you could make it not as big. Maybe have each 10 levels grouped together in a seperate load on demand addon
21:30.32tingleif i remember right, its 544 quests to 60 and another 126 to 70
21:30.35MalivilBut still
21:31.03Guillotinethat wouldn't be too bad with code reuse
21:31.04MalivilSo thats 670 functions
21:31.10|FF|Im2good4uwow i though there where much more quest :P
21:31.15Guillotineyou could do it with 1 function and a table for each 10 levels.
21:31.17Malivilthats nuts
21:31.20Guillotineand only load the table on demand
21:31.27Malivilbut still, thats nuts
21:31.29tingleno not 670 functions
21:31.33Guillotineya, it'll be a big file
21:31.35MalivilMy point is
21:31.40Guillotinebut won't take up all that much memory if you do it correctly
21:31.45MalivilIf you use 1 function that gets it data from a table
21:31.51Malivilthat is LoD like Guillotine suggest
21:32.01MalivilThen you would just make that function onLoad as well
21:32.14Maliviland it would print out the appropriate mesage when you log in
21:32.47Guillotinea problem though would be if they don't start using the guide at level 1. What happens if the next quest in line was completed?
21:33.10Guillotinesuppose you could add a 'skip this quest' command
21:33.33Guillotineits actually an interesting idea. I'd be willing to help with it if you'd like
21:33.36Malivilmm, good idea
21:33.42Malivilme too
21:33.45MageRoosterAs well, I do quests in groups...
21:33.49MageRoosterGenerally by area.
21:33.59Malivilitll be complicated
21:34.02Malivilnot a small job
21:34.09tinglewell ive played the game over 5 years and know about everything
21:34.10MageRoosterIt WOULD be nice to have a quest gadget that tells me the efficient path towards L60.
21:34.22Guillotinetingle: game has only been in beta for < 4've played WoW for longer than it's been out?
21:34.24|FF|Im2good4uLoL its still verry complex addon u might aswel ask blizzard for direct stream to thottbot :P
21:34.39GuillotineI really don't think it'll be that bad if its only 544 quests
21:34.50tinglethottobt is not with blizzard thottbot is a addon that feed info to there website
21:35.01Guillotinetingle: we kno
21:35.05tingleyes that many quests BUT
21:35.05Maliviltingle, this came is only 2 years old...
21:35.24|FF|Im2good4ui didnt mean the addon i mean the website search engine :P
21:35.24Xolan3 or so if you count the beta
21:35.24tinglea fucntion per quest acept and quest complete
21:35.34Guillotinetingle: you don't even need that
21:35.37tingleno it isnt
21:35.51Guillotineat least not if you have a specific order
21:35.57tinglethe game is older i played it since the usa and korean alpha testingings of WoW
21:36.10Guillotinethat was still less than 4 years, but ya
21:36.12MalivilIt release November 2004
21:36.16MalivilAlpha test?
21:36.19MalivilHow'd oyu get into that?
21:36.24Malivilnevermind, not important
21:36.25Guillotinefriend of someone at blizzard
21:36.30Guillotineor family
21:36.30tingleok then 2 years back of testing times the alpha and beta testing closed and open
21:37.05Guillotinetingle: if you have a list of the quests (just need like 10 in a row), I can write up a quick example addon for how to do this efficiently
21:37.41Guillotinewould need all the information you're going to give though: start loc, end loc, quest locs, ect.
21:38.04tingleöhm but i send a message when a quest gets accepted and completed
21:38.40Guillotinesend a message? as in to the chat frame?
21:38.44Guillotinethat'll be easy to include
21:39.08Guillotinecan have dynamically created messages as well as custom messages if you think certain quests need them
21:39.42tinglewait let me put a example:
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21:40.14Xolanlocalising it will be a bitch...
21:40.23Guillotineheh. don't think hes going to end up localizing it most likely
21:40.24tinglewait let me give a example:
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21:41.25tingleyou log on as a level 1 char all fresh and new, then comes the message, "Now lets dont wast any time - every minute counts, go get the first quest from blabla"
21:41.56MalivilThat's easy enough
21:41.57Xolanyou'd have to check startzone and stuff too though but nvm
21:42.04Malivilcheck location
21:42.18tingleonce you get the quest shows up: "Now run down to the south and kill wolfes untill you got 10 wolfs meat and run back up and hand in the quest"
21:42.47tingleand so on
21:42.48MalivilSo basically you are going to tell the user exactly what they need to do
21:42.53Malivilevery step of the way
21:43.01tingleeverystep to 1-70
21:43.13Xolanyou must have a lot of free time :)
21:43.17Xolannice project though
21:43.21MalivilGood idea
21:43.23MalivilLot of work
21:43.29Xolanbut seems like it might be a bit too much for 1 person
21:43.41tinglebest and optimal xp/h rate doing quests in the correct order and colecting the correct ones or not collecting the wrong ones
21:43.51Guillotinewouldn't it be easier to assume the player has basic knowledge of WoW and just say: "Quest 1: Go to 56,54 to complete quest "Wolf Meat""
21:44.07Guillotine"Quest "Wolf Meat" completed. Return to 45,32"
21:44.11tinglenah i dont like that
21:44.21Xolanwith my mod you could even slap those coordinates on my compass :)
21:44.34Maliviladdon itegration
21:44.43tinglenow a other idea what i had
21:44.54Guillotineoh, if you're going to do custom messages for everything, its going to be a hella a big addon
21:45.15MalivilGuillotine's way it would be
21:45.58Malivil"Quest "..questName.." completed. Return to "..xLoc..","..yLoc
21:46.20tinglethat wouldnt be good
21:46.25MalivilWhy not?
21:46.33Guillotinecould also integrate mine with Cartographer/Xcompass to give exact directions
21:47.01foxlitWhy does /castsequence Mangle (Cat)(), Ferocious Bite never get to Bite?
21:47.01tinglebecuase at some points id say something like, kill everything on the way and collect the buzzard meats and gore livers while running to sentinel hill (we need it for a further quest"
21:47.36tinglei dont like the idea of dots on the map
21:47.51tingleto systematic
21:48.04Maliviltingle, that's fine. Custom messages are fine. They will just take a lot longer to do
21:48.10tinglei know
21:48.12tinglei have time
21:48.46Guillotineyou could also integrate custom messages with mine
21:48.51tingleill even put your guyses name under the credit line if you help me code the things i need
21:48.58MalivilYea sure
21:49.14MalivilWe can have two lines printed, Guillotine's message and then the custom one
21:49.23MalivilAnd and option to enable/disable either one
21:49.44tinglewhat was guillotines message
21:49.46Guillotineor just print the dynamic one, or, if there is a custom one, the custom one
21:49.55MalivilThat's a good idea
21:50.05GuillotineI doubt every quest is going to need a custom
21:50.26tingleis it possible to do this:
21:51.20tinglesome custom messaged say: go kill the wolves for meat     and another message for a differnt quest says: go find blabla, look at your map i added a map note
21:51.42tingleand then a note apears on the map
21:51.56Guillotineyou'll need to integrate that part with another addon (like Cartographer) but yes, that would be easy
21:52.10Guillotineespecially if you chose Cartographer. its extremely developer friendly
21:52.36tingleok, all comes to its time, im gonna start at level 1 now
21:53.26tingleis there something like this UnitLevel('player')  that also checks the zone
21:53.57tingleif (event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" and UnitLevel('player') == 1 and ) then       add a zone check
21:54.40Malivilbeat me to it
21:54.56tingleput that after the and?
21:55.42Xolan10 01if (event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" and UnitLevel('player') == 1 and GetRealZoneText() == "whatever_zone_you're_looking_for" ) then
21:55.44ckknighttingle: note: you may want to use Babble-Zone to get a locale-neutral name of the zone
21:56.04ckknightso BZ:GetReverseTranslations(GetRealZoneText) == "Whatever one"
21:56.06Guillotineckknight: he doesn't lan on localizing it
21:56.11ckknighterr, :GetReverseTranslation
21:56.17ckknightfair enough
21:56.23tinglethe zone check thing would only be at level 1 so it apears only 4 times by each starting loc
21:56.46foxlitCould you go through worldmap IDs?
21:56.48Guillotinehes trying to make an addon that gives tips for every quest to level from 1-60, so it would be a HUGE pain to localize
21:57.06ckknightI'd say still put the ability to.
21:58.02tingleis dun morgue a zon or coldridge valey
21:58.11ckknightDun Morogh
21:58.18|FF|Im2good4uid say his addon is so huge he soon gona loose the spirit for it so lets keep it as simpel as posable at start :P'
21:58.20ckknightColdridge Valley is a subzone
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21:58.54tingleso this should work:
21:58.54tingleif (event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" and UnitLevel('player') == 1 and GetRealZoneText() == "Dun Morogh" )
21:59.52*** part/#wowi-lounge Xolan (
22:00.33Guillotineyou'll also need "then" but I assume that was just an example
22:01.16ckknightalso, the parentheses are unnecessary.
22:01.32ckknightif event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" and UnitLevel('player') == 1 and GetRealZoneText() == "Dun Morogh" then ... end
22:01.44foxlitReads like decent language if they're there.
22:02.44foxlitSigh, some of the mobs in Blade's Edge have obnoxious follow ranges.
22:03.05MalivilI usually put the () for clarity
22:03.13ckknightthey're completely unnecessary and a remnant of old C where it didn't have nearly as good parsing as nowadays.
22:03.26MalivilIts good for readability
22:03.30ckknightno, it's not
22:03.38ckknightthe if and then close it up, parentheses do nothing
22:03.39MalivilMaybe not for you
22:03.51foxlit"if" and "then" are letters
22:03.54MalivilIts a choice, you dont have to if you dont want to
22:04.00foxlit^ composed of
22:04.22|FF|Im2good4ulol i use them when i got multiple evaluation if 1 if statement but then ill put one around all like if (a == 1) and (b == d) then
22:04.30foxlitAnd at the end of the day, ) then is more noticible than then
22:05.05tinglewhy doestn (event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" and UnitLevel('player') == 1 and GetRealZoneText()
22:05.05tingle== "Dun Morogh" )
22:05.24ckknightit should
22:05.45tingledo i need to add any thing anywhere els i dont see any other events
22:05.50Malivildoes player need " or will ' work fine?
22:06.10Maliviltingle, pastey the new code
22:06.21|FF|Im2good4ulol u should know " and 'are the same arent they ?
22:06.33MalivilNot always
22:06.46|FF|Im2good4uthey moddyed it oO
22:06.51MalivilIn C++, the difference between " and ' ios the different between a string and a character
22:07.02MalivilI was just wondering for Lua
22:07.13foxlitThey're virtually identical in lua; you just need to escape one or the other char when you use them.
22:07.50Malivilbtw tingle
22:07.55MalivilGuide has an e at the end
22:08.07ckknight'adsf' == "asdf"
22:08.28MalivilThats a comparison, could either be true or false
22:08.31Guillotinetingle: are you calling that via OnEvent? Are you registering for the event?
22:08.47ckknightMalivil: don't be a douche, seriously, I told you the answer, you should assume true.
22:08.50bleetahwhat was it Linus said about spell-checking code... 'you can always tell when we're about to go for a stable release when people start spell checking the kernel'
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22:09.10tinglei posted the way it is
22:09.12MalivilI know its true, i was just saying that someone that DIDNT know could still be confused
22:09.26ckknightthat's a straw-man argument
22:09.40bleetahckknight: please refrain from the direct personal abuse
22:09.41MalivilNot a saying im familiar with
22:09.45bleetahit does you no favours
22:10.05ckknightbleetah: maybe he'll learn next time and not do that again.
22:10.15MalivilI'm sorry for trying to clarify
22:10.17MalivilMy bad
22:10.19MalivilWon't happen again
22:10.22|FF|Im2good4uwell maybe it doesnt work becase GetRealZoneText() isnt available at the time u call it
22:10.23tinglewell its a event isnt it? he enters the world
22:10.31tinglei reloged
22:10.39ckknighttingle: is it being done in OnEvent?
22:10.50Sstixrudanyone here used wow tab's before?
22:11.03bleetahckknight: that's the silliest logic I've heard in a while. it's like beating someone senseless to teach them how 1+1=2.
22:11.25ckknightthey'd learn, wouldn't they?
22:11.30SstixrudI have the tabs showing up, they are clickable... but they do not do anything and my subframes are not showing up.. but at least I get no errors :|
22:12.36tingle??? well
22:12.58Malivil|FF|Im2good4u, when is GetRealZoneText() available?
22:13.19foxlitDid you register the event?
22:13.25MalivilYea, he did
22:15.12tinglethis:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")  is registered
22:15.24tinglei worked without the zone check but now it doesnt
22:15.38|FF|Im2good4uhmm i have readed about it somewhere on the wiki that some functions do not work yes during loading but i cant find it anymore
22:16.00tinglei loged out and back in still didnt do it...
22:16.01bleetahthat's stupid. most of the places that used violence as an educational tool, also ran gulags, gas chambers etc.
22:16.41bleetahCairenn: apologies
22:16.49Malivilme aswell
22:17.21|FF|Im2good4utingle maybe try to DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(GetRealZoneText())
22:17.45MalivilYea, thats good fro debugging
22:17.49tinglewhy do i want a message saying the zone
22:17.54SstixrudIf anyone has a second to take a look, I created a simple test mod that attempts to create a simple frame with two tabs and a close button, then display subframes for each tab..  XML:   LUA:   - subframes are not showing up and tabs do not show/hide subframes
22:18.14|FF|Im2good4ui got to go bye bye
22:19.00|FF|Im2good4utingle u dont want that message but printing variables is a nice way of debugging u can remove it later when your code works
22:19.08tinglewait a moment ^^
22:19.15tinglethe test char is level 2 ~~
22:20.07Malivilthatll do it
22:20.51foxlit"Click to waive Tally's liability" Gnomes! :)
22:28.38Maliviltingle, how's it going?
22:29.35Sstixrudxml drives me batty
22:31.33MalivilCalculus drives me batty
22:33.15bleetahI'm just batty
22:33.30SstixrudI wouldn't mind a wow xml book with examples and theory
22:33.31tinglewhat is the word for more than one wolf
22:33.40battyblast it, already registered
22:35.53Sstixrudwhat happens exactly when a xml frame is called via :Show()
22:36.33Sstixrudis everything already active or does :Show() actully process the Frame?
22:38.51tingleis there some wait command to make a action wait for lets sac 1 sec after a "then"
22:39.11MalivilWhy would you need that?
22:39.13foxlitAs for :Show(), well it runs whatever OnShow does.
22:39.27foxlitAnd displays the frame, of course (the frame still exists prior to :Show())
22:42.15SstixrudSo everything in a xml file that is loaded as part of my mod startup is already built? and Show just makes it visable?
22:42.58Sstixrudwhy is it :Show() can cause errors? due to OnEvent or OnShow in frame?
22:43.19foxlitOnShow in a frame
22:43.22foxlitOr the frame not existing
22:44.28Sstixrudis there an easy way to verify if a frame exists?  I ran into an issue a couple times where I /script mysubframe:Show() and it said it was a nil value yet it appeared correct... although I may of had the crazy <Frame> / <Frames> logic messed up
22:46.04SstixrudI can't seem to find a way to debug why my sub-frames fail to display in the parent frame, /script subframe:Show() reports no errors but they do not show up in the parent framefor some reason
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22:54.55Sstixrudhmm they are center anchored, am I not correct in thinking subframes should show up overlaying their parent in the center if they are <Anchor point="CENTER"/> ?
22:55.52foxlityou are]
22:56.37Sstixrud if you have a moment
22:56.44tinglequestion: im looking for a quest log check event, like if all quest items have been collected (quest complete)
22:56.52tinglewhat should i use?
22:57.14foxlitI'm not sure if there is one
22:57.53tinglethere must be because the quest log changes to complete when that hapens..
23:00.07tinglenot sure
23:00.22tinglewiki says things that doesnt make it sound like thats what im looking for
23:00.54Sstixrudthat one sounds like it is called everytime your quest book would reflect the change
23:01.13Sstixrudi.e. u killed a quest mob, picked up a quest item, found a quest location etc..
23:03.43Sstixrudugh! I am about to just create a huge config window with a scroll bar ! :)
23:04.13MalivilSstixrud: Sage Unit Frames has a config with tabs if you want to look at hte code for a reference
23:04.46Sstixrudthanks I will.. although sct and xperl does also but they are complex enough to cause me pain :)
23:05.22SstixrudI get so confused when there are frames 6 levels deep and they are not even layed out in the XML file in order
23:05.57Sstixrudhell I dont even know if the in file order is important :0
23:06.20Malivilit isn't, but it helps readability
23:06.58foxlitIt could be?
23:07.18foxlitCan I inherit from templates I didn't declare yet?
23:07.30Malivildunno how well that would work
23:08.11SstixrudI wonder how much of my confusion is XML specific vs WOW xml schemea
23:10.17Sstixrudugh Sage is huge :)
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23:11.21sysrageis there any way to send like a whole zone of mapnote notes to somebody without just giving them your LUA?
23:13.14Sstixrudhmmm sage
23:13.18Sstixrudseems to be pretty clean tho
23:16.04kergothsysrage, what mapnote addon?
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23:25.36ckknighttingle: btw, if you are basing your stuff off of Cartographer and need help/a new API function, you can come to me about it
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23:29.01Taktaali have a problem with fubar, i need to set a function handler but don't know how to word it so dewdrop can understand what argument to pass
23:29.20Taktaalset = "SetMarkDisplayed"
23:29.21sysragekergoth: didn't know there were more than one. it's just called Mapnotes
23:29.24Taktaaldoesnt pass an argument
23:41.16TemKirkburn|afk, poke?
23:43.43Taktaalalternatively, is there a way to send an event to yourself?
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