irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070119

00:00.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
00:02.13TC_Workingwell any patches require at -least- double the size of the patch
00:02.21TC_Workingsame with installing i would presume
00:05.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
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00:09.29*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|Univ (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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00:11.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
00:25.22wereHamsterShadowed, your cache must be full.. mine uses only 5.0G
00:41.01*** join/#wowi-lounge JCinDE (
00:41.42JCinDEAnyone have a link to a FauxScrollFrameTemplate example that works?
00:41.47Cairennhey JCinDE
00:43.30JCinDEit's making me crazy. Every example seems to be the same, but they all do nothing. The scrollbar is disabled and nothing happens.
00:44.25Tain~8ball is JCinDE crazy?
00:44.47TainOk so that's one possibility down.
00:45.23JCinDEI guess another possibility is some UI programmer at Blizzard is the crazy one.
00:45.26TainUnfortunatly that's the extent of my troubleshooting on the issue.
00:51.20Industrialding 18
00:52.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Nomad_Wanderer (
00:55.34*** part/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
00:58.57kasoour paladin is 33 now, (not to make you feel slow Industrial :>)
01:02.25kahdgarxihighest be on my server is 41 o.o
01:03.08kasothats some pretty good levelin'
01:07.08TainLevelling is pretty quick until 40 or so.  I think the one time I tried to level fast I averaged an hour a level until 30 before it started slowing down.  
01:07.18Tainand I know I wasn't as fast as pros
01:07.46Corrodiasand i'm really, really slow!
01:08.16bleetah... if I see one more reference to mistbats ... or otembe, I think I'm gunna implode :/
01:09.44Cairennno imploding in my channel, you have any idea how hard it is to get the bloodstains out of the carpets?
01:11.30TainI do, I got myself a nasty nosebleed the other night that I couldn't stop.  
01:11.32Corrodiasman, i don't think i've had any quest to deal with mistbats
01:13.41bleetahCorrodias: eversong woods
01:14.28Corrodiasthat's the blood elf starting region. what do i win?
01:14.32Corrodiasbut yeah, up to level 16 now, and perhaps i missed it but i don't think i've had a quest to do anything with mistbats.
01:14.43TonyDthere's 2 of em
01:14.46Cairennhunter pet quest
01:14.58TonyDone in eversong, one in ghostlands, both involve killing mistbats in ghostlands
01:15.08TonyDthat would be a third
01:15.18Cairenn3 then, because hunters have to tame one as part of their pet quest
01:15.40TonyDi saw a mistbat, i was nonplussed
01:15.54Corrodiasgrr, i must have missed them, then, but i don't know where
01:15.54TonyDthen i saw a greater mistbat, and I was like, what's so much better about this one?
01:16.03kasoCairenn bloodstains arent that hard, bit of salt water and you're golden :>
01:16.04TainIt was... greater.
01:16.11kasonot that i'd know or anything..
01:16.14TonyDit wasn't so great
01:16.28TainI was alwasy amazed at how blood turns sort of brown after a while.
01:16.38TonyDthey're in ghostlands at the eversong woods border, and shitloads of em everywhere in  between
01:16.45CairennTain: that's the iron
01:17.06TainI'm rusting from the inside?
01:17.15TonyDtecnicallu, yes
01:17.23Cairenniron in blood plus oxygen ...
01:17.25TonyDoxidation takes place in the blood
01:17.29TainOil can!
01:17.41TonyDthus the different color blood depeindign which what it heads
01:17.54TonyDwhich way
01:18.29TonyDprecental internation
01:18.29Industrialcool init
01:18.46TonyDprededental even
01:18.48Industrialthey cant do it anyway, I mean do they wanna declare war on the world?
01:19.15TainPoor Pirate Bay.  Finally had a really stupid idea.
01:19.18Industrialnah THEY are the ones violating rules of other countries
01:19.27Industrialso, the baddies.
01:19.47TonyDnaw, I violate other country's laws all the time
01:20.02TainI violate nature's laws.
01:20.03TonyDlike, I let my owman go outside without a burka
01:20.18Corrodiasi violate your mom's laws
01:20.30TonyDand I download commercial music over the internet
01:20.40TonyDwhich is perfectly legal in canada
01:21.11Corrodiasit's legal in the US, but sharing it with others isn't~
01:21.20TainCrazy ol' Canadia
01:21.21TonyDupload is legal here too
01:21.35Corrodiasvideo killed the radio star
01:21.58TonyDradio kill the guy under the tower
01:21.59Industrialthe internet killed the multimillionair.
01:22.15Industrialso, wait. ok, thats good!
01:22.15Corrodiasthe .com killed the casual investor
01:22.31TainFapping killed the kitten.
01:22.46TonyDi dunno what that even means
01:22.57XuerianSurely, you jest.
01:23.01TonyDi do know telus owes me big for my internet connection going down on BC day
01:23.10TonyDi don't jest
01:23.13IndustrialTonyD: its this neat trick.
01:23.15TonyDand stop calling me shirley
01:23.32TonyD(maybe an audio only joke)
01:23.33Corrodiasit's an old internet joke
01:23.44TainI can make a hat, I can make a broach, I can make a pteridactyl
01:23.46Corrodias"every time you masturbate, god kills a kitten"
01:23.53TonyDit's the word fapping that gets me
01:24.13XuerianThink with your ears.
01:24.14Corrodias*fap* is a sound effect for jacking off, as started by some comic i don't remember
01:24.17TainFap fap fap
01:24.27Corrodiasas far as i know, it doesn't actually make a fapping sound
01:24.32TonyDi'll add that to my list of words
01:24.39Cairennthat being the reference to the (apparent) sound it makes when a male is masturbating
01:24.43XuerianIt depends on if you have a foreskin or not, I've heard o.0
01:24.50IndustrialCairenn: yours is broken
01:24.51Xuerians/you have/one has/
01:24.55CorrodiasuNF is a word that has been around for SO long, but nobody has ever told me what it is
01:24.57IndustrialCorrodias: **
01:24.59Tainunf unf
01:25.08Cairennbeing female, I have absolutely no idea whatsoever what it sounds like :p
01:25.12TonyDcaps are important in uNF
01:25.12TainYou kids have no culture.
01:25.14XuerianIt means making music with two, instead of doing the solo lines.
01:25.35Cairennand Industrial, mine is most assuredly not broken, thank you very kindly
01:25.38TonyDhehe, with females it's a lot quieter
01:25.43XuerianCairenn: You have one? o.o
01:25.45Corrodiasi first saw uNF in subspace, some ten years ago, and nobody can tell me what it's supposed to be
01:25.53IndustrialCairenn: typoooo :P
01:25.58TonyDit's the sound of pelvic thrusting
01:26.06TonyDthe grunt
01:26.06Cairennyeah, it just isn't the same as you guys have ;)
01:26.10Corrodiasis it now?
01:26.17cladhaire[Tenacious Defender] just dropped
01:26.22Tainhaha yeah clad
01:26.28TainSaw that lst night
01:26.28Corrodiasaw, damn, another 10 minute queue
01:26.29TonyDdamn, i tried to click on that
01:26.32TainCheck the description
01:26.34XuerianSaw the link to that earlier :P
01:26.48Industriallink me!
01:26.53TonyDi can't stay connected for longer than 4 minutes
01:27.01Corrodiasmy guildmates have had great fun mentioning the [Tenacious Defender] and [The Stoppable Force]
01:27.11TonyDtho someone accused me of ninkaing when i opened one of fei fei's piles
01:27.20TainOnly 4 minutes?  Bet she's disappointed.
01:27.21Corrodiasfei fei?
01:27.32TonyDalliance quest in outland
01:27.39XuerianWait, what are we talking about?
01:27.47TainNo unf unf when doing the fap fap with fei fei
01:27.59TonyDyou can't fap fap fei fei
01:28.13TonyDtho she can be uNFed
01:28.32Industriallmao someone learned some new words today
01:28.44Xuerianso no fap fap when doing the unf unf with fei fei? o.0
01:28.46TC_Workingyes, learned to use them incorectly
01:28.47TonyDtecnically it would be an uNF Fap if you did it in audio sequence
01:28.53Cairennbtw, I (think) the first people to start the whole "fap" thing was these guys (although I may very well be wrong) - ** NSFW ** -
01:29.02TainThat is where I saw it, Cairenn
01:29.08TainI used to love that comic.
01:29.40TainUsed to be... The Thin Blue Line I think?  Something like tat.
01:29.53IndustrialCairenn: woot more webcomics! *devour*
01:30.06CairennNSFW NSFW
01:30.12Tainhahah sexylosers is awesome if you never saw it.
01:30.21Cairennno longer updated at all though
01:30.23TainSo very wrong.  and NSFW
01:31.58TainThat reminds me, one of the comics I loved I got away from for a while and there's a bunch of them for me to catch up on.
01:32.09Xuerian<3 DD.
01:32.26XuerianWay too many comics in my bookmark list =X
01:32.59bleetahargh.. and the BE's constant references to the sunwell.. are as annoying as the damned NE's.. urgh, I hate them already
01:33.02TainThat and 8-Bit Theatre are two of my absolute favorites.
01:33.58Cairennbest web comic, hands down:
01:34.40XuerianHm, I haven't caught up on QC in a long while. has to be my new favorite.
01:35.17Corrodiasi wonder what these mistbat quests are. i don't see them on a casual glance at wowhead's list.
01:35.38TainAnd then there is of course
01:35.39Thrae <-- my collection
01:36.28CorrodiasQC looks like a woman's webcomic
01:36.46Cairennnot even
01:37.17IndustrialCairenn: omg lol this stuff is great! im reading a strip per kill (as i can alt tab and baddie dies :P)
01:37.32XuerianThe robot supplements the male incentives, along with the excellent art.
01:37.35TainYeah QC is really funny
01:42.27Corrodiasyou sure QC isn't a chick-comic?
01:42.32Corrodiasit looks pretty chick to me
01:43.10Cairenn< == chick
01:43.26CairennTain, Xuerian, others <=== !chick
01:43.28Thrae< == rooster
01:43.36Corrodiasyeah, that's why it's so strange they like it
01:43.39Corrodiasmaybe they're metro
01:43.39TC_WorkingCairenn would be a hen
01:43.46Xuerian<== *Censored*
01:43.54TainI was going back over some old stuff there and just wanted to make sure females know this is a truth.
01:45.44Cairennand you're pointing that out in this channel .... why, Tain?
01:46.02TainThe truth must be free.
01:46.23Cairennor are you trying to give me a hint?
01:47.05TainWell I for one am not shy and submissive.
01:47.16TainBut I wouldn't exactly turn away the rest of it.
01:48.14XuerianHaha. Amen.
01:57.38ThraeWhat a pain. I need to reinstall Windows.
01:58.04Corrodiasquestion: "where is the Intruder?" // answer: "everywhere" // response: "no i already looked there"
01:58.37Corrodiasi may be shy but i don't believe myself to be submissive
01:59.58TainI'm willing to be if she wants it!
02:03.30Tainhahah there are some awesome comics here INd
02:09.44TainI forgot.  But Questionable Content is totally a chick comic.
02:14.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
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02:22.48Tainheh heh, "It's the Second Law of Sexual Dynamics - If you think a girl is attracted to you, you are wrong."
02:25.08Corrodiasyeah, well, i've decided to keep out of all that mess
02:25.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
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02:25.48TainIt is for the best.
02:37.18kasoi cant think of a single person this item would be "good" for
02:37.48Tainobviously Hunter loot
02:40.22kasoits a nice pvp trinket, then they go throw -threat on it and make kaso confused
02:42.52kasoNow you clearly arent keeping it to yourself, if you were keeping it to yourself you wouldnt say anything, you're doing something else, like trying to make us think you've got something awesomely cleaver to say.
02:43.13sancusthat's an aoe trinket, obviously
02:43.24sancussince the -threat is completely worthless except in an aoe situation
02:45.01ShadowedIt's not bad if you want to stack STA reallly
02:45.40ShadowedCertainly, it's only a flat 901 threat reduction so I wouldn't want to run out and grind to exalted just for that
02:45.54TonyDkaso: well, i did keep it to myself, cuz I was too lazy to come up with something
02:45.55sancusas I said, it's an aoe trinket
02:46.04TonyDbut i saw the potential
02:46.35sancus-901 threat to 10 low hp mobs might be useful especially if you're already running at 20 or 30% normal threat with Fetish of the Sand Reaver, and it might make them de-aggro
02:46.51sancus-901 threat to one mob is less than two nukes and blowing a 2 minute cooldown for that is idiocy
02:49.52*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
02:52.21ShadowedWhats the Fetish threat at 70?
02:52.34bleetahawww crap, video card driver broken with latest xorg server update
02:52.45kasoShadowed 50% iirc
02:52.51ShadowedAt 70?
02:52.55ShadowedDidn't they change it to 50% threat at 60?
02:53.28kasoI thought it was the same at 60 and scaled down to 50% at 70
02:53.36Shadowed(70+-2*70ax(0,$PL+) is the threat reduction
02:53.42Shadowedand I have no idea how to translate that :p
02:54.16Shadowed70 + -2 * 70 ax( 0, level ) or something like that o.o
02:55.19sancusyes, it's 70 at 60 and scales down to 50
02:55.23Nom-how could you not want that trinket
02:55.31kasowhich the CoT trinket?
02:55.39Nom-Timelapse Shard
02:56.00Nom-It's a threat reduction ... ie. you pull aggro, hit the button and they go back to the tank
02:56.10sancusit's only good for mages and locks
02:56.24Nom-hunters could use it if their feign was down
02:56.27ShadowedUnless you managed to take more then 901 points worth of aggro :p
02:56.28sancusuh no
02:56.30sancusit won't work like that
02:56.33kaso900 threat you might as well stop dps for 1 second
02:56.48sancus900 threat won't make them go back to the tank unless your total threat is pretty darn low
02:56.49Shadowedif a hunter pulls aggro they should be shot really
02:56.59Nom-well if you just pulled
02:57.14Nom-ie. long boss fight and you got a couple of lucky crits and managed to pull
02:57.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
02:57.18ShadowedI can't remember the aggro stuff exactly, I believe you need to have more then 10% of the MT's threat to pull aggro?
02:57.21sancusif you're wasting a major dps trinket slot on something to deal with your incompetence because you just pulled, then I'd suggest you l2p first :P
02:57.42Nom-And I thought they still hadn't released any details on the threat system
02:57.45sancusfor actual threat production, Fetish of the Sandreaver, even nerfed to 50% is like 50 times better
02:57.56ShadowedThey haven't, people have figured it out
02:57.56*** part/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
02:58.04Nom-So assuming it is 900 threat, how do you know that it's a lot
02:58.14Nom-or not a lot whatever the case
02:58.20ShadowedCheck the spell data Nom
02:58.26ShadowedIt says, -901 threat
02:58.36sancusbecause there's lots of abilities that do particular amounts of -threat, and it's easy to test with those to figure out how much it is :P
02:59.11Shadowedlets see
02:59.12sancuslevel 64 feint is -1050 threat, f ex
02:59.23sancusa rogue can do that every 10 seconds
03:00.04sancus1 threat is 1 damage dealt assuming absolutely no modifiers, I think, been a while since I read up on that.
03:00.33ShadowedBasically, if you're aggro is close enough to the MT that you manage to pull aggro, they could pretty much get it back with one HS/SS/Revenge in which case the trinket is fairly worthless
03:00.54ShadowedAlso at 70, mages get invisibility which is a threat wipe last I heard
03:00.57sancusit's going to be around 3000 damage
03:01.03sancusif you're a mage with BoS
03:01.06sancusand with fetish activated
03:01.13sancuspretty nice for an aoe situation
03:01.18sancusbut junk for single target dps
03:01.41*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeta1 (
03:01.42Shadowed"Pulling (being the first who a mob attacks) does not generate any threat in itself, but other players need to beat your threat by 10% to get aggro from the mob. "
03:01.47sancusand yes, invisibility is a gradual threat wipe
03:01.56sancusto 100% and out of combat after 5 seconds
03:03.14sancusSo on certain short fights, -901 threat *might* be enough to make it go back to the tank, but not many
03:03.23Shadowedmmm lets see
03:03.25sancuson the other hand it's pretty much guaranteed to do so in an aoe situation
03:03.31sancuswhich means it owns for such situations
03:04.01sancuspretty rare you do more than a few thousand damage per mob in aoe situations
03:04.58ShadowedAny fight over about 25-45 seconds the trinket wouldn't help you since you wouldn't reduce your threat enough to save yourself from aggro
03:05.53TainIt would help in combination with other things.
03:06.08TainTrinket plus Vanish equals screw Feint.
03:06.27Shadowedwhy would you use trinke tand vanish, vanish is an aggro wipe
03:06.54sancusno idea why a rogue would ever equip that trinket
03:07.06TainOn a long fight.  IN theory.
03:07.12TainNot that there has been one yet.
03:07.15TainBut in the future!
03:07.32TainOk see.. when you fight stuff you generate aggro.
03:07.34ShadowedVanish wipes your aggro, using the Trinket THEN vanish is worthless
03:07.44sancusYou lose FAR more damage by giving up an attack power trinket in that slot than by the laughable amount of energy you save with 90% of a feint every 2 minutes.
03:08.03TainThere's teh possibility of... oh I don't know.. using it later.. you know.. after generating MORE aggro.
03:08.13sancusit doesnt make sense
03:08.20sancusyou realize that it reduces less aggro in 2 minutes than one feint, right?
03:08.29TainBecause it's instant
03:08.31sancuswell, it does.
03:08.37sancus... what?
03:08.39sancusfeint is instant
03:08.39ShadowedAlso in theory it has the same bug as feint threat does
03:08.48TainYou have a small, smooth brain, don't you?
03:09.14TainNot wrinkly
03:09.14Cairennguys ...
03:09.21ShadowedTain can you explain what you're talking about :/
03:09.29sancuswe have no idea what you're talking about, Tain
03:09.29TainNo!  I refuse now.
03:09.56ShadowedFeint: / Timelapse Shard:
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03:10.19TainIt's really pretty much useless, I was just tryingg to conjure up some reason for it existing.
03:10.31ShadowedI was hoping you weren't that stupid
03:10.33sancuswell ofc it is
03:10.36sancusas we just detailed
03:10.39sancusit's a trinket for aoe classes :p
03:10.46sancusnot for rogues
03:10.52Shadowedcan you find a reason for every item Blizzard makes to exist!
03:10.58TainI bet I can
03:11.08sancusIt's actually _incredibly_ good for an aoe class, especially if they fix the stupid feint bug.
03:11.34sancushaving that in naxx would've saved my life dozens and dozens of times
03:11.59Shadowedmages dying in naxx is fun
03:12.19Shadowedfrost mages dying with IB and/or cold snap up on the AE pull is even more fun
03:12.20TainIt is so sad that no one will ever go in Naxx again now.
03:12.27Shadowednot true, people will do naxx still
03:12.31sancusMostly you don't die if you have Fetish of the Sandreaver and at least one other aoer doesn't =)
03:13.04sancusif you're the 'other aoer', though, hahah
03:13.22sancusand I doubt anyone will do naxx
03:13.31sancuspeople with atieshes to complete, that's about it
03:13.37sancussince it still rules at 70
03:13.40Shadowedmy guilds doing naxx in two weeks, and some of the other ones will be going back in a few weeks too
03:14.00sancusthe gear in karazhan and the low tier 25-mans is better though, and they're new
03:14.19Shadowedfun factor
03:14.33sancusthat requires novelty
03:14.38sancusno one is going to 'do' naxxramas
03:14.46sancusthey'll go back for a couple of tries to destroy everything just for fun, ya
03:14.52sancusbut that'll stop after a week or two
03:15.01sancusno one grinds a raid instance for fun :P
03:16.25ShadowedI never said grind the raid instance, not everyone is able to find a guild to get into naxx (besides raz), i'm sure you will see some people at 70 who want to play around in naxx for the fun factor
03:16.26Shadowedalso you wont need as many potions at 60 that you did at 70
03:21.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
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03:37.10Corrodiasokay, come on... /cast [target=focus] Polymorph
03:37.14Corrodiashow hard is it to make this right? >_<
03:40.16*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
03:40.59Corrodiasit says "you have no target"
03:41.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
03:46.59axxofocus something
03:51.07Corrodiasfocus something?
03:51.10Corrodiasoh. i did.
03:57.42AnduinLotharanyone have IE7 wanna test something for me?
04:01.42*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
04:07.24ShadowedAnduinLothar: sure
04:07.37AnduinLothargot a roomie, thx anyway
04:11.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
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04:38.44Nom-My profiles aren't working in Thottbot :(
04:42.12sancusrofl :(
04:44.58Nom-How does taht site they push data to the actual live site periodically ?
04:45.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
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04:46.07Industrialread that
04:46.14Industrialthat is what kills the web.
04:46.40Industrialjust the way they present it, i dont care for what it does.
04:46.42kergothi cant see through the marketing buzzwords
04:46.46kergothwhats it really do?
04:48.34Industrialif your manager needs to be managed your company is too big. period.
04:49.24Industrialsmall companies are more fun anyways
04:49.28kergoth"A timer that counts down the number of days remaining in George W. Bush's term as President of the United States."
04:49.30Industrial(and to work in/for too)
04:50.20Cairenndidn't we have this conversation this morning?  ... "video killed the radio star" ... sorry, nm, different topic
04:51.19Corrodiaswhat do you think of government jobs, like software development for the IRS?
04:51.46IndustrialI need a way to vent my anger and dislike of things.
04:51.55Industrialoh oh i know, illl make a blog ! *cough*
04:52.06Industrialno but seriously, noone would read my crap ;D
04:52.57IndustrialCorrodias: Well I dont know about eh IRS, im dutch
04:53.57Industrialoh taxes, well if numbers is your thing :P
04:54.52Corrodias/cast [target=focus] Polymorph doesn't work for me
04:55.34*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
04:56.50Industrialthat seems interesting though
04:58.59Corrodiasit's so simple. target=focus.
04:59.07Corrodiasyet it tells me i have no target when i clearly do have a focus.
04:59.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
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05:06.27Corrodiasi don't understand >_<
05:08.16Corrodiasit works with arcane intellect
05:10.08Corrodiasand it just does nothing at all, no errors, if i use /cast [target=focus] Polymorph(Rank  1)
05:10.15Corrodiaswait, who put two spaces there?
05:12.12Corrodiasbut /target [noexists] player
05:12.22Corrodiasso i need a target whether or not i have target=focus
05:21.47Corrodiasisn't that kinda weird?
05:23.35*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
05:26.36IndustrialI pimped my firefox
05:26.54Mr_Rabies2to unpimp
05:26.55Mr_Rabies2ze auto
05:32.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:38.34Mr_Rabies2so um
05:38.53Mr_Rabies2is it a bad thing that i can sing the silvermoon theme on key
05:39.09Mr_Rabies2and my highest be is level 6
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05:52.28xlvii > That's my current build.. not sure what to put the next point into. I use Swords.
05:55.48Corrodiaslethality is a good start
06:04.35MentalPowergnight guys and gals
06:06.21*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|Away (
06:09.37xlviithanks cairenn
06:09.56Cairennyou mean Corrodias ;)
06:11.54MentalPower|ZZzzgnight guys and gals
06:12.35Cairennnight MentalPower|ZZzz :)
06:14.30xlviiboth of you :D
06:16.10Cairennheh, okay :)
06:17.02CairennI don't think I know anyone that *likes* VD
06:17.03Corrodiasif you want, i can look up my old maces build and you can compare
06:18.18Corrodiasi think they've moved around some of the talents on me
06:18.51*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (
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06:20.41KaeltenI learned how to code the first time by teaching myself VB
06:20.49Corrodiasthis is very similar to my original Maces build --
06:21.00Dhragamorning guys 'n glas
06:30.10Kirkburn|afkI cannae find it!
06:30.52Kirkburn|afkG'night all
06:31.08Cairennnight Kirkburn|afk
06:31.15Mr_Rabies2night Kirkburn|afk
06:31.19Cairennhi Dhraga
06:31.22PProvost"We're aware that players currently cannot login. We are actively invenstigating the cause. We'll provide an update in 30 mins."
06:31.42Kirkburn|afkMr_Rabies2, ow .... and byeeeeeeee!
06:31.51Mr_Rabies2it's his minion
06:31.52Mr_Rabies2he Mc'd it
06:31.59Kirkburn|afkoh lol
06:32.12Mr_Rabies2dammit i got d/ced from my server and now i can't login :[
06:32.17Mr_Rabies2i guess i should head off to bed
06:32.19*** part/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn|afk (
06:36.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
06:38.20bleetahPProvost: thx
06:40.27*** join/#wowi-lounge DrDre (
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06:41.10WidgertickHey =)
06:41.24bleetahkinda nice that the forums kick over to europe when things go down, kinda annoying can't read any notices ;)
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07:04.16Nom-omg lol
07:04.29Nom-you managed to mind control a fel reaver? :P
07:04.40Nom-That's max
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07:29.30DhragaAnyone here from the EU Anachronos server ?
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07:36.37MikmaIndustrial: PONG, 18
07:37.47IndustrialMikma: ME2 HAH
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08:27.42PProvostNight all
08:27.46IndustrialAnyone here use Clique?
08:27.49Industrialnn packetlss
08:28.00Corrodiasi do!
08:28.13Industrialok well I have this problem
08:28.20Industrialwith configuring it
08:28.37Industrialat Default i have ShowMenu on RightClick
08:28.50Industrialer, RightButton
08:29.01Industrialat Harmful i have a macro (grinding macro) on RightButton
08:29.14Industrialat Helpful i have nothing on RightButton
08:29.31Industrialso youd say i get my right click menu on my own unitframe with RightButton, right?
08:29.37Industrialnot. It tries to do the macro
08:30.09Industrialnot really a problem cause I can add a RightClick to Helpful, but i was wondering if its a bug or not
08:30.13kergothhehe, you're harmful to yourself apparently
08:30.23kergothsounds it
08:30.35Corrodiasthat sounds like a bug alright
08:31.44Industrialgoodie, a bug :D
08:32.05Industrialbwt now im so lazy that I can play wow with 1 mouse button
08:32.08Industrialchill :D
08:46.13*** join/#wowi-lounge FtH|eagle (
08:52.12AnduinLotharanyone on with a copy of IE6 handy that wants to test a site for me?
09:07.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Sumhat (n=Sumhat@
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10:11.57Corrodiasactually... i might
10:12.06Corrodiashell yeah i do!
10:13.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
10:14.39Corrodiasoshit. i'm going to have another -four- spells when i'm finished with my build and i just don't know where i'm going to put them on my bars >_<
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10:23.51zenzelezzVictory Rush had a brief stay on my actionbar :-(
10:24.38Cidewhy? it's a free attack
10:25.01zenzelezzI'm in Defensive Stance most of the time
10:25.10zenzelezzswitching just to use it doesn't earn me much
10:25.26zenzelezzand the 5-yard range is too short for my liking
10:26.00Corrodiasi like the low levels because i don't have too damn many abilities to place on my action bars
10:26.47Corrodiasoh man... where am i going to put them?
10:27.07Corrodiasanything that i don't need to activate quickly will go into a position such that i have to click it to use it
10:28.27zenzelezzI do it that way too
10:29.05Corrodiasthat still leaves me with a problem, although i think maybe i can get away with moving bandages and health potions up a couple of spaces, so i can use ctrl+e and ctrl+r for spells
10:29.59zenzelezzI have "regular" extra actions on bottom-left extra actionbar, special (30-minutes) and bandages/potions on bottom-right extra actionbar
10:30.03zenzelezzgives me just about enough room
10:30.36Corrodiasi use all five visible bars for things, but i don't use every spot on every bar due to limitations on how far my hand can move while holding control or shift
10:32.16Corrodiasmakes me wish i had more modifier keys. alt is for self-casting.
10:32.54purlapt/ibot/jbot/purl all log to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz, or updated "nightly"
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13:23.29[Nor]Xolanquiet day
13:24.30Mikma04o08k04, t08hen 04l08et04's u08se 04s08ome 04s08tupid 04s08cripts 04t08o 04m08ake 04s08ome 04n08oise04!
13:24.38MikmaARGH :P colors
13:24.49[Nor]Xolanhad to mark it to read lol
13:24.59Mikmayeah, damn random :O
13:25.17Mikma::: Irssi: --random has chosen --substitute --color -split capitals -random off -codes 'light red; yellow'
13:25.20Mikmatake that!
13:25.53Mikmasoon: "Mikma has been kicked .. (No colors!)"
13:25.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Bouvi (
13:26.21[Nor]Xolanoi bouvi, didn't see a "pick of the week" in the newsletter
13:26.33[Nor]Xolanand good morning lol :)
13:27.01BouviDown at the bottom.  Was QuestHistory by DSanai
13:27.48[Nor]Xolanright, saw it now :P
13:28.16BouviShhhh too early in the morning for problems YAWN
13:28.33[Nor]Xolannah, 2:30pm here ;P
13:29.56Bouvi8:30 here been up since 4 with a headache.  I am beatr
13:31.17[Nor]Xolanright, I'm gonna get started on that leadtheway thingy
13:32.57[Nor]Xolanyou got any projects going on other than the autoloot mod?
13:36.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Nomad_Wanderer (
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13:38.49BouviNot at the moment.  Trying to come up with a new idea
13:39.26[Nor]Xolanyep, everything's pretty much covered :P
13:42.05BouviThere has to be something
13:42.29*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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13:43.22[Nor]Xolanremake DART and I'd be thrilled ;P
13:43.52BouviThat is actually something I had been thinking about doing.
13:43.52TonyDdart is working fine
13:44.05BouviWith a different interface
13:44.44[Nor]Xolannot a fan of using hacked versions
13:46.27BouviWould prefer something unique thou.  Just cannot think of anything
13:46.53TonyDhow bout A whole full featured all in one addon
13:46.58Meryin game wow board game "simulator"
13:47.00TonyDa "UI Builder" so to speak
13:47.24BouviI would not even know where to begin with that TonyD lol
13:47.41Corrodiasi know. make a user-run WoW within WoW.
13:47.45TonyDremake censusplus or trainerskills
13:48.03Corrodiasarr, there are some addons that could use fixin' up...
13:48.52BouviNeed a new headset.  I have gift cards to Best Buy so if they sold it there would be good. Any suggestions?
13:49.05[Nor]Xolanballrog boogie lol
13:49.09[Nor]Xolananything Koss bouvi, not really. all the headsets i've tried sucked balls.
13:49.21Corrodiaswait, there was one...
13:49.26TonyDph, censusplus is updated
13:49.35[Nor]Xolanor you want one with a mike?
13:49.53Corrodiasgive the altec-lansing ... what the hell is this thing
13:49.56BouviI need one with a mic
13:50.11[Nor]Xolank, well KOSS has lifelong warranty
13:50.22[Nor]Xolanon all products I think
13:50.37Corrodiasthat's the one, Bouvi, give it a try is my recommendation. the open-ear one has this head-smashing design that i can't stand to wear for more than ten minutes
13:51.01Corrodiaswait a sec
13:51.10Corrodiaslooking at the wrong page. the head-smasher is the one you just linked
13:51.53Corrodiasyou see, the 615 may look comfortable to the naked eye. however, once you put it on, you will realize that the designers apparently failed to realize that people have ears.
13:52.23Corrodiasears that don't like to be squeezed to death
13:52.27Corrodiasi have such ears.
13:52.45[Nor]XolanIf you're gonna cover the ears they should have room "inside" the cushions kinda
13:52.54Corrodiasindeed. they DONT.
13:53.10BouviI miss my Platronics DSP-500 already.
13:53.37Corrodiasmy little sony headphones are loose enough that they don't hurt at all unless i wear them all day, even though they sit on the ears
13:53.41Corrodiasbut they don't have a microphone
13:54.08[Nor]Xolanpricerange bouvi?
13:54.22Corrodiasi think what i finally resorted to doing was draping the altec-lansing ones around my neck with the microphone protruding up in front of my mouth, and wearing my normal sony headphones for audio.
13:54.45Corrodiasit works pretty well as long as you don't have to take them off frequently
13:54.47CideBouvi: I've been using that model for like 3 years, love 'em
13:54.49Bouvi$1 sounds good to me
13:55.00BouviWhich model Cide?
13:55.30BouviYeah I loved it too till wife pulled the cord out where it connects to the volume
13:55.34Corrodiaswhy not just get a new set of those, Bouvi?
13:55.52Cidemine broke after some time, so I got a new pair
13:56.08Corrodiassomething bothers me about those
13:56.36ThraeMy $20 Altec Lansing headset works fine, from
13:56.36BouviI loved them they fit so comfortable.  I think I will find a pair even thou they are discontinued
13:56.39Corrodias"USB plug play – no sound card required" -- it suggests to me that the USB connection actually provides audio functions itself, thus rendering your sound card useless
13:57.00Cideyes - you don't need a sound card
13:57.02[Nor]XolanBuilt to last, the SB45 is covered under Koss' No-Questions-Asked Lifetime Warranty - the only warranty of its kind in the stereophone industry.
13:57.46ThraeKoss: Why is this headset you returned covered in a white, sti--no, no. No questions asked...and for good reason.
13:58.05Corrodiasi have a sound card. i want to use it.
13:58.34Corrodias(do these companies really think that many people don't have audio output on their computers?)
13:58.34BouviI don't have a good sound card just one that came with computer
13:58.35ThraeI plug my headset into my regular audio ports and plug my receiver into SPDIF
13:58.52[Nor]XolanI have a Koss Portapro headset for 3 years or so now. The ear coushins have fallen off/ripped apart a couple of times, and one ear kept falling off. Returned, got a new one, no questions asked :)
13:59.39ThraeCorrodias: It's for people with sound cards that don't have two audio-out ports, so they can separate the game sounds from Vent.
13:59.42Corrodiasthat koss SB45 looks heavenly
13:59.50[Nor]Xolanthe real advantage with a usb headset would be if you're going sorround or so.
13:59.55Corrodiasseparate game sounds from vent... wait, what?
13:59.57[Nor]Xolanfor that price it looks awesome :P
14:00.09Corrodiasyou have one person talking on ventrilo and another person listening to the game? o.o
14:00.49ThraeCorrodias: No, so your speakers can output the game sounds while you only listen to Vent on your headphones ;)
14:01.11Corrodiasoooh. yeah, that wouldn't work well for me, because the headphones block external noise
14:01.43ThraeYou live in a noisy household?
14:01.57Corrodiasnot really. i have two reasonably loud computers on my desk right next to my face, but it's not exactly "noisy".
14:01.58BouviIf I could figure out how to hook up my Aviation headsets that would be sweet they are Bose
14:02.44[Nor]Xolan perhaps?
14:03.59Corrodiasi like the higher frequency response range.
14:04.20Corrodiasi don't like the way it fucks with the sounds to make them supposedly better.
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14:04.38[Nor]Xolan with rumble ;P
14:06.56[Nor]Xolanif you're gonna use it for anything besides gaming I'd recommend Koss though. Best bass response I know for acceptable prices. And ofc once you buy a pair you'll have em for life even if it breaks :)
14:07.06BouviGaming only
14:07.35Corrodiasi might have to buy me that Koss set
14:08.12Corrodiasi've bought four sets of headphones/headsets so far, with varying results
14:08.32[Nor]Xolanif you're buying at a store you should try and find a pair that's comfterble then, that's the main thing with a gaming headset imo as you generally wear them for hours at a time.
14:09.02Corrodiastrying on headphones is an excellent idea, but finding a demo set can be tough.
14:09.03BouviI am gonna find my old one or try to get it repaired.
14:09.29[Nor]Xolanstay away from "Trust" though :P, and Logitech Precise Gaming headset (or something).
14:09.43[Nor]Xolanno warranty on them?
14:09.52[Nor]Xolanor dare I say insurrance? :)
14:12.26Corrodiasthe strange ear pad shape may provide uneven pressure... but maybe not.
14:12.43Corrodias"bass-enriched resonance" is a turnoff for me, as is ignoring my sound card.
14:12.50[Nor]Xolanlooks uncompfterble (I need to learn to spell that word...) :P
14:13.40BouviJust going to look for my DSP-500 :)
14:14.32[Nor]Xolanthink I'm gonna buy a wireless pair next
14:15.13Corrodias...wireless headphones. why didn't i think of that?
14:15.21Meryare there any good resonable priced wireless headsets?
14:15.36Corrodiasyeah, is there a^mm^SB45 that comes in wireless? >_>
14:17.08[Nor]Xolancan't find a Koss one with microphone
14:17.12Corrodiaskoss has some wireless setuff, but it doesn't... yeah
14:17.23[Nor]Xolanbut you could get a bluetooth adapter or so I guess to wear
14:18.18Corrodiasjigga what?
14:18.50[Nor]Xolanpc->bluetooth-transmitter               bt-transmitter->headset
14:18.59[Nor]Xolanso you can use any headset I mean wireless
14:19.11Corrodiasi am not familiar with this concept
14:20.24[Nor]Xolandunno if it exists, but it should
14:21.37BouviWhat is a really good soundcard?
14:21.56Corrodiasnow that's a tricksy question
14:22.18Corrodiasi like the x-fi for its cms3dwhatever feature
14:22.26[Nor]Xolanfor the average consumer I'd guess a Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi
14:22.34[Nor]Xolanthey come in several variations though
14:23.30Corrodiaswhat did i get? probably the "music" version
14:23.51[Nor]Xolanhow should I know?
14:23.57Corrodiasi'm asking myself
14:24.07Corrodiasi can't answer unless i see the question. :P
14:24.15BouviRemember everything I am asking is for WoW
14:24.50Corrodiasthe cmss-3d thing makes stuff sound more like it's coming from around you, rather than from within your head, with headphones
14:24.51[Nor]XolanX-Fi Xtreme Gamer sounds very Bouvi like :P
14:25.11Corrodiasbut the differences between the "gamer" and "music" version are not just in the name
14:25.26BouviThe DSP-500 I could tell where everything was coming from.  I loved it
14:26.08[Nor]Xolanthe X-Fi XtremeGamer has cmss3d and eax5.0 along with X-ram (extra ram for audio :) )
14:26.34[Nor]Xolanit also has a feature to "repair damaged mp3/wma compressed audio files"
14:26.38[Nor]Xolandoubt that tho
14:27.00Corrodiasyeah, meh to that feature
14:27.09Corrodiasi think the only major difference is the kind of connections it has on the back
14:27.20Corrodiasi bought the version i did because that's what newegg had
14:27.28[Nor]Xolanand maybe bundled software
14:27.44Corrodiascould be. maybe the gamer one doesn't have the 3 separate modes.
14:28.12BouviWell looks like I am putting everything on my wish list and hoping I can fix the one I have lol
14:34.03[Nor]Xolantime for one more episode of House before I go bowling \o/
14:35.00BouviI like house
14:35.22[Nor]XolanI like Scrubs more but I've seen them all :(
14:35.42ThraeI like House. I live in House. It has Roof.
14:40.09krkai love lamp
14:40.23[Nor]Xolanmm lamp
14:42.00BouviI like the socket which explains my frizzy hair
14:46.20Corrodiaswowhead appears to be offline
14:50.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
15:07.04Koaschtenanyone know if you can push a certain faction to honored to get a discount on the flying mount stuff?
15:30.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
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15:42.16[Nor]Xolanman that was one wierd episode of scrubs
15:42.23XuerianWhich? o.0
15:42.43[Nor]XolanMy Musical
15:42.48[Nor]Xolangreat, but wierd :)
15:42.57XuerianOh. The current season?
15:43.56BouviI have a pair of Sennheiser HD202 headset at work I bought will take them home.  No mic but does not cost anything lol
15:44.04XuerianDamn. I missed it =(
15:44.20[Nor] has them all
15:44.27Xuerianhaha, nice, Bouvi. I bought a pair of 485's and am in love :p
15:44.30[Nor]Xolanusually one day after aired
15:44.32Xuerian[Nor]Xolan: Dialup :(
15:44.38[Nor]Xolanoh crap :(
15:44.57XuerianI get two random episodes every night tho', so It's all good :P
15:46.12[Nor]XolanI love watching them chronologically though as they're all mostly based off eachother
15:47.44XuerianYeah... I still need to rent them >.>
15:48.02[Nor]Xolanonly season 1,2,3,4 on dvd so far though
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16:12.27Floydi search for someone who can describe something .. have some a little bit time?
16:12.47[Nor]Xolanask away
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16:14.47Floydsorry my english is not the best .. i cant translate "ask away" ... meath this that i should be ask later?
16:15.18[Nor]Xolan:) no it means you should ask now
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16:19.45Floydoh sorry .. oky
16:22.03Floydat first i would you ask if you know a good tutorial.. i have read wowwiki .. i will be extend a exist addon .. the changes are not great but i down know how to do
16:22.34Floydsorry i mean don't not down ^^
16:23.23Floydknow you the addons QuestHistory and MapNodes ?
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16:23.30[Nor]Xolan if you scroll down there's 3 tutorials there
16:23.52[Nor]XolanI've heard their names, but never tried them
16:24.50BouviI use Questhistory
16:25.06syntax-erHas the way tooltips are hooked changed?
16:25.45Floydoky thx for the link.. the addon questhistory track all Quests .. who start, who end, questname, questitems, etc.
16:26.11Floydmapnodes is an addon where you can make nodes on the map
16:26.48Floydthe goal is that i would be extend the questhistory addon that i can input cordinates
16:27.31Floydthen i would by that the addon create nodes on the map for all quest who i have in the QuestLog and who have Cords in the QuestHistory
16:28.59Floydwith cords i mean: xx,yy ... 33,44 ... thx thottbotcords of quests who are stand in the commends
16:29.14Floydhave you understand what i mean?
16:29.37[Nor]Xolanit sounds like it would be a lot of work though
16:30.08[Nor]Xolanfirst I think I'd ask the authors of those mods if they could make that feature themselves.
16:30.43BouviCartographer Map addon has a plugin that store the quest guys when you visit one.
16:30.44Floydi have do this.. but he downd rewrite of my ask
16:31.03Floydyes i know this addon..
16:31.37Floydthis goal is that i would be entry all questcords who i find the mob, questitem ...
16:32.01Floydthe i would be see this on the map an run this to alle notes on map
16:32.09Floydand make the quest
16:33.05Floydthat would be use by ours guild
16:33.26Floydgild i mean
16:33.36[Nor]Xolanyep, well I can't really say anything else than you have to look through the code, understand it, and modify it
16:33.53[Nor]Xolanhowever, if you have no experience with scripting/programming then that will be tough
16:34.24Floydoky thanke you for the URL agan.. i will be read und ask agan :D
16:35.04[Nor]Xolansounds good :)
16:35.31Floydnot for me :D
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16:36.25[Nor]Xolanwe all started at the same place :), don't be afraid to ask questions, it's why we're here.
16:36.59[Nor]Xolananyways, going bowling \o/ cya later
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16:39.29Mr_Rabies2is there any good stunwatch addon that works well for druids? i tried naturenemycastbar and it's just not configurable enough
16:41.09Floydal little question i have .. how you debug addons? make a change and reloadui ?
16:42.11foxlitYep. Or run code in luapad
16:45.18Floydk thx
16:45.34kasoFloyd things like DevTools help, also :>
16:45.48kasoDumping variables so you can see whats going on
16:46.05Floydi have download DevTools
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16:57.11TC_WorkingSnicker @
17:00.08Floydlol.. now loginserver down
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17:17.29syntax-erHas the way tooltips are hooked changed?
17:23.31wereHamsterwhat's the difference between a US and UK keyboard?
17:24.47cogwheelsyntax-er: 2.0.x changes thread...
17:27.28zenzelezzbleh, tossed off the server while preparing pizza, and now I'm stuck on Authenticating
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17:58.27syntax-ercogwheel where is that thread? :/
17:58.55cogwheelUI & macros forum
18:00.17syntax-erguess its only on the us site
18:01.25syntax-ergot it, thanks
18:02.40IndustrialwereHamster: there is a uk keyboard?
18:02.53IndustrialwereHamster: maybe the english ppound sign
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18:04.01syntax-erthe main diffrence is that " and @ are the opposite way round from USA
18:04.21sysragewhy on earth would you want " above 2?
18:04.30sysragethat would totally slow down my typing speed
18:04.34syntax-erBecause thats where it belongs
18:04.56sysragesays you
18:05.17wereHamsterIndustrial, but who needs punds.. dollars are much better.. $(echo $VAR) :P
18:05.22sysragethat makes you move both hands away from the home keys instead of just 1
18:05.45sysragewell i guess not
18:06.05sysragesuppose i could get used to that, but it's still retarded
18:06.08syntax-erpunds lol
18:06.11syntax-erpounds :P
18:06.35syntax-erits always been the same on UK keyboards
18:07.28sysragewhich came first?
18:07.31sysragei'm guessing ours
18:07.40sysrageyou just HAD to be different
18:07.53sysragedamn brits
18:08.07sysrage(j/k. i really have nothing against you. just your keyboards)
18:08.40syntax-erWell it was an American who invented the qwerty keyboard
18:08.49syntax-erbut then he didnt have " or @ on at the time
18:08.54syntax-ernor shift for that matter
18:09.43sysragespeaking of fubar keyboards. i was reading about russian keyboards. i guess they're all fubar.
18:10.20sysrageno real standard.. unless the thing i read was BS
18:10.53sysrageanyway. why am i talking about stupid keyboards? back to work..
18:11.14syntax-erAye and work for me includes re-writing the way my mod hooks tooltips
18:11.24syntax-erdamn stupid syntax changes
18:13.02BouviAnyone know why they made typewriters QWERTY instead of ABCDEF Just curious
18:13.15sysrageto prevent jamming
18:13.34syntax-erWith all the common letters grouped they used to get stuck if you typed to fast
18:13.38BouviDoes not bother me thou I leaned to type on a manual typewriter (a few years ago *ahem*)
18:14.08BouviI still managed to get the dang thing stuck more than not lol
18:14.14syntax-erits ok, they invented qwerted in about 1945 i believe
18:14.22syntax-erqwerty even
18:14.32syntax-ergod knows how i managed that.. :/
18:14.36sysragei'm tempted to try dvorak
18:14.37BouviI started learning to type in early 70s
18:16.49BouviIn the 80s when I was in high school we had 3 electric typewriters that we got to rotate out to use in typing class.
18:17.08syntax-erbless ya
18:20.08BouviI am SOOOO bored at work
18:20.15Floydoky i have read the tutorial and write a test but i become a eroor have someone a little bit time to show what is wrong on line 26
18:20.49BouviBe better if you paste your code at
18:20.58Floydkk sek.
18:22.58BouviDoes it say your error is in the XML or LUA?
18:23.58Floydoh e sea that now will now produce an error but it also show not the frame
18:24.15Floydand also not show the messange "testFrameload"
18:24.37Floydthe error should be in lua
18:24.38BouviMust be in the XML.  That is beyond me at this time.  Maybe someone else can help
18:27.50ShadowedFloyd: You can use DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage instead of alert by the way
18:28.46Floydhow catch i the error?
18:29.35Shadowedwhat kind of error, like a LUA error?
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18:30.58Floydi have the error found.. the toc was not uptodate
18:31.13Floydbut he will not show the frame.. he alsow show now error
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18:31.24Shadowedwhats the error?
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18:32.22BouviI think Floyd meant to say it also shows no error up above :)
18:32.26Floydoky i have it.. /hw 1 will do nothing but /hw 12 it will show the frame
18:32.48Floydwhy is me unclearly however naja
18:33.31ShadowedThats because you have a frame named FaraFrames12 with all your XML in it, FaraFrames1 only has a FontString
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18:34.09Floydah oky.. this Frame1 have i copy from
18:35.02Shadowedbah, sorry I need to run :/
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18:48.48Floydand how i add a message in a UIPanelScrollFrameTemplate who names  name="$parent_ScrollFrame" ?
18:50.21Floydi'm eating (AFK)
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19:05.18syntax-erOk, seriously.. am i missing something here.. has the tooltip code changed so much as i to break all previous code
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19:08.03kasowhat are you experencing
19:08.14cogwheelthe two major changes are :
19:08.17cogwheel* GameTooltips now automatically create new lines as needed.
19:08.18cogwheel* GameTooltips can no longer specify themselves as their owner with :SetOwner *2.0.3*
19:08.52syntax-erWell im using GFWtooltips and it would seem to have no functionality
19:08.59syntax-eroo i didnt see that second one
19:10.00syntax-erHrm. not that it matters as GFW uses Orig.GameTooltip_SetOwner(this, owner, anchor);
19:11.24Tierrie_is there a flightpoint in everglade
19:11.58kasoyes, well at least i know theres a horde one just to the left of the enterance tunnel, not sure about alliance
19:11.59cogwheelsyntax-er: do you get any error messages?
19:12.52BouviWhere is everglade excatly?  I am 1/2 asleep atm
19:12.52syntax-erIt dosnt even catch the tooltip
19:12.55syntax-erIts odd. it loads because i have the onload msg
19:12.57kasooh, i read that as Moonglade
19:13.05syntax-erbut it never gets passed that it seems
19:14.01BouviMoonglade has an Alliance one to the right after you leave the tunnel
19:16.34Floydwho can say me a URL who i can read how to use the UI-Elements ?
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19:18.36kasoFloyd if its named $parent_ScrollFrame you need to find the name of its Parent then replace $parent with that, then do Whatever_ScrollFrame:AddMessage("Message")
19:19.24kasoand has all the methods for using UI objects
19:19.29Floydah oky
19:20.06Floydand still  a shot quest
19:20.47Floydearth, ace, etc. i know that earth have his own UiTemplates.. what ist the advantage
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19:28.19FloydOky i have rename the ScrollFrame in test_ScrollFrame and this is an element in FaraFrames12
19:28.43Floydthan i call: test_ScrollFrame:AddMessage("Message"); gut it not work :/
19:32.50Floydoh now i understand whot jo mean... oky retrogressive the chances^^
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19:34.47syntax-erso would hookMethod("GameTooltip", "SetInventoryItem"); still work?
19:36.39kasosyntax, now there is <TooltipSetItem> hooks arent needed
19:36.44kasoor was it SetTooltipItem
19:37.23syntax-erRiight, ill search wiki for info on that then
19:37.30kasowell, actually they are sorta still needed
19:38.07kasolocal oldFunc = tooltip:GetScript("OnTooltipSetItem") tooltip:SetScript("OnTooltipSetItem", function(self,...) DoStuff() oldFunc(self,...) end)
19:38.24kasoso whenever an item is set to the tooltip your code will be called
19:38.58kasorather than having to hook the 20 or so differnt SetX functions for items
19:38.58syntax-erArg, so its a re-write of all that code lol
19:39.49syntax-erAppears that wowwiki has no info on the new tooltip code
19:41.08kasoits a fairly new changg might not have made it too the wiki
19:41.15kasocheck iriel's post on Forums
19:41.37syntax-erwhich forums?
19:41.44kasoblizz forums
19:42.06syntax-erok ta
19:42.27kaso :>
19:42.42kasoooh upcoming 2.1 changes already
19:47.45syntax-erGod i hate this :(
19:48.29kasowhat problems has it caused you?
19:49.48syntax-erIm trying to fix a mod so it will work with the latest patch, and it uses a library of tooltip functions called GFWTooltip, which is seams is now defunct
19:49.58syntax-erand i dont know huge ammounts of lua
19:50.26kasodoesnt sound nice
19:51.14syntax-erit isnt lol
19:51.34kasogot a copy of GFWTooltip lying around?
19:51.43syntax-erespecially since i cant find any real information on the new way of doing tooltips
19:53.34syntax-eri doubt i can login to the usa forums with my EU account right?
19:54.01kasochuck me a copy of the tooltip lib and ill take a quick look
19:54.10kasoI reserve all rights to do nothing and be lazy
19:55.49syntax-erok :) 2 secs
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19:57.27Floyd <-- it produce none error, frame will be show but now text will be show .. what i make wrong?
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20:01.51BouviIf I had the ability right now I would fix this but it is above my head.
20:02.22kasoTinyTip offers alot of the same features are TipBuddy
20:02.25kasotry that
20:02.36BouviI have it but I like Tipbuddy better.  
20:02.43BouviI am using Tinytip for now thou.
20:03.10Floydhave someone a idear?
20:03.36syntax-erok ill give it a go
20:04.31kaso(from a quick scan) Do you have a parent assigned  to the Scrolling message frame?
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20:05.15Floydwhat you mean? sorry i downt understand.. i have post the complete code
20:05.58syntax-erSorry what?
20:06.16kasosyntax, where exactly is this lib used in the other addon, is it only used to get the Link/Name off the item on the tooltip?
20:07.25kasoFloyd sorry i didnt really look that hard
20:07.39kasoDid you check the FrameXML error log, its in World of Warcraft/Logs
20:07.45Floyd^^ oky
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20:07.55Floydoky i show
20:08.23Floyd1/19 20:55:40.890  Couldn't find inherited node: UIPanelScrollingMessageFrameTemplate
20:08.41syntax-erfrom what i can tell, its used to get the link and send it to bonus scanner, and then used to add the new information back into the tooltip
20:09.46Floydi have removte the inherits="UIPanelScrollingMessageFrameTemplate"
20:10.07Floydnow it will be produce now logentry but also now error
20:10.23Floydchatmessage but will not create too
20:10.49Floydchatmessage is wrong. sorry i mean the text
20:12.09Floydthat is very confusing
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20:17.23FloydGetCurrentLine() Returns 5 .. GetMaxLines() Returns 8 .. GetCurrentScroll() Returns 0 .. is this be correct?
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20:25.58TheStigAny of you guys have a horde char on Onyxia-US?
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20:37.59cogwheelanyone know of any good mods that do nothing but break up the bottom bar into movable & hideable pieces? I'm currently using bongos with all the action bars turned off but it's a bit overkill... same goes for moveanything...
20:38.57TheStigbongos is highly customizable
20:39.11TheStigyou can turn each individual piece on or off right down to the key ring icon
20:39.19TheStigand move anything anywhere
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20:45.55kasodamn you syntax-er!
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20:50.18Cidecogwheel: CT_BottomBar
20:50.25Cidedoes *exactly* what you want
20:51.35cogwheelworks for me :)
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21:01.58cogwheelCide: perfect :)
21:02.46Cidefound the options?
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21:03.51cogwheelI'll give it a mention in CogsBar's readme next time I update
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21:05.09kasosyntax-er youu back yet
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21:10.15CorrodiasBouvi: actually, there is a 2.0-compatible version of TipBuddy
21:10.29BouviWhere at?
21:10.37Corrodiassomewhere on curse. i can check.
21:10.48BouviI can find it thanks.  Did not check there.
21:11.05BouviFound it.  Thanks a ton!
21:11.42Corrodiasit may have some bugs, but you know, every version of either of the tooltip addons has always had bugs. i haven't noticed any bugs personally.
21:12.56BouviThey way I update my addons (always the latest versions) I am used to bugs lol
21:12.56Corrodiasthe configuration frame is much different from what i remember from before, but i think it does most or all of the stuff it used to. my tooltips look the same as they did before, now.
21:13.55BouviWhile TinyTip does the same the GUI on Tipbuddy is what I like. As I change my UI I like to move the tooltip easily.  Tipbuddy has the tipanchor that I love
21:14.37Corrodiasi think the anchor is still around, definitely.
21:15.25Corrodiasnow i have been reminded of why i only wanted 2/3 Improved Blizzard. if you have 3/3, supposedly its 4.5-second chill effect will overwrite the 11-second chill effect from Cone of Cold
21:15.51kasowht does it do that, bug?
21:16.14kasoooh, you mean its more % slower
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21:17.02Corrodiasyeah, 65% over 50%
21:17.39Corrodiasi think i need to leave room on my action bars for spellsteal, too!
21:17.47Corrodiasdouble exclamation point!
21:18.40BouviSo as an ice mage what addons do you use?  I have Cryolysis and hzFrosty.
21:18.53BouviMy Mage UI
21:19.09*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
21:19.11Industrialomg i just got a siamese kitten
21:19.13Industrialas horde
21:19.19Industriallv 19 + cookies stirring rod
21:19.23Industrialin deadmines
21:19.46Industrialand the guy running me demands it but he hast got tbc so i hearth to ghostlands and /quit :P
21:20.06Corrodiasuh... well, at the moment i have no mage-specific addons
21:20.15Corrodiasi've never heard of either of those
21:20.43Corrodiasyou are using clearfont?
21:21.03BouviCryolysys is the round thing on the right side of my UI.  Make water, manage portals.  Does ALOT more.  Yes I use clearfont.  The Frosty one has timers for your water pet.
21:21.22Industriallol Kirkburn
21:21.49Corrodiasis there a reason you use an addon to show pet-related timers instead of looking at the action bar and pet action bar?
21:21.59Corrodiasi don't have the elemental yet
21:22.04kasoBouvi My guildmaster made that, the frosty one ^^
21:22.50BouviIt does how long before I can bring him back and shows how much longer he will be active.  I find bars quick to view.
21:23.01BouviAlso shows cooldowns on his spells
21:23.21Bouvikaso, tell em that it is awesome!!
21:23.33kasoI shall pass the message on
21:23.58BouviOh and that is was in my last addon pack update and UI release.
21:24.03Corrodiasi try not to get too class-specific with my UI
21:24.08kasoDoes Frosty Get more damage from your Spelldamage gear btw?#
21:24.23CorrodiasEvocation... god damnit mages have a lot of crap
21:24.33BouviNo idea on that
21:26.02TemThe water elemental?
21:26.04Corrodiasi could certainly use something to cut down on the number of spells i have to put on my bars
21:26.05kasoWhat everyone in our guild calls the frost elementals :>
21:26.13Corrodiasthe teleports are especially going to be punishing
21:26.22Temafaik, no, it doesn't get any extra damage
21:26.35kasoThats rather sucky
21:26.35Corrodiasi -definitely- have to use the second main action bar for stuff that doesn't need to be cast in combat.
21:27.06TemI like Selection ring for those types of things
21:27.14Corrodias"selection ring"?
21:27.28BouviCheck that Corrodias
21:27.41Corrodiasit sounds from reports that it hasn't been updated for 2.0
21:28.03Corrodiasbut yeah... a pop-out bar... i should consider this for buffs and the like
21:28.05BouviCryolysis from that link works fine
21:28.10Temnot sure if selection ring has been updated for 2.0 yet
21:28.16TemI haven't played my mage since Alpha
21:28.18Corrodiasactually, i can't see the page, Bouvi. it's a login requirement.
21:28.46BouviYou could download my addon pack for it from wowinterface
21:29.07Corrodiaswhy do you have a version that works when the people on curse don't? >_>
21:29.07BouviCan you see this?
21:29.16BouviI got it from curse
21:29.18Corrodiasyes, i can
21:29.37Corrodias ?
21:29.41BouviThe one on curse is the one I am using.  It is only 2 weeks old
21:30.05BouviYes that one works perfect for me
21:30.08Corrodias-today-, people have posted that it doesn't work with the new post-60 water or the new portal
21:30.47BouviMight not but I am not that high a level.  I bet I could hack it to do that when I needed it.
21:31.02kaso<syntax-er> you around ?
21:31.21Corrodiasi have to plan for the future. i don't want to become dependent on something that won't work.
21:31.32IndustrialNargiddley: ping
21:32.09Bleeterowww, are the Honor Point quests chronically bugged, or what?
21:32.31Bleeteror, maybe just the mobs... repairing invisible canons that hit you, and you can't take out the canons
21:32.42Bleeterno damage noted in combat log, yet it kills you
21:32.59Bleeterfly back to shatter point, the missiles still come in and hit you, but you don't take damage
21:33.09Bleeteranyone else seen this?
21:34.39Corrodiasit seems to me that my best hope of having a convenient place to put less frequently used spells it to slap them on the second action bar and figure out a way to switch it other than shift+scrollwheel
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21:35.02ThraeCorrodias: Weren't you playing a Druid?
21:35.10Corrodiasi play several classes, druid among the
21:35.37ThraeI'm usually down to about 14 buttons on my Druid, with Click-Casting
21:35.55ThraeThe power of macros with 2.0 is strong.
21:38.06Corrodiasi have to go to work, now. see ya.
21:39.03*** join/#wowi-lounge syntax-er (
21:40.59syntax-erkaso im back now :)
21:41.45kasoill talk to you over pm
21:43.24Bleetergawd, then it tells you to go to some other camp you don't need to go to.. this is seriously snafu
21:44.14syntax-erOk odd
21:44.19syntax-erkaso it wont let me pm you now
21:44.24syntax-ersays i need to register
21:44.32kasowelcome to freenode :>
21:44.37kasonp well talk here i guess
21:44.42syntax-erill go register quickl
21:44.50Bleetertrick to getting away from the invisible canon :- if you have a combat pet, set it to defense. once the canon is aggrod onto the pet, run away. when the pet despawns, the invisible untargatable canon will stop trying to kill you
21:44.52kasook sure
21:45.27IndustrialIf im wearing an item that has +10 shadow damage does that mean every SWP tick will do +10 damage?
21:45.36BouviLater all off to teach martial arts then hurry home for my WoW/Wife fix whichever comes first.
21:45.50Industrialmartial arts \o/
21:45.57Phenrizno industrial
21:46.03Industrialaw :(
21:46.11Phenrizat leats that's not the way it used to be
21:46.12Bouviyeah site not updated in 4 years.
21:46.18Phenrizi'm not sure how much they buffed swp
21:46.55Phenrizi have an addon question, anyone intimate with SCT?
21:48.40TC_Workingwell we had a "thing" for a while
21:49.20BleeterTC_Working: sorry to hear it didn't work out
21:50.03Phenrizprobably enough for me, curious to know where the event for a warriors "execute" is located in these lua files
21:50.13TC_Workingwell we stayed friends though
21:50.27Phenrizso you called her afterwards?
21:50.32Temanyone familliar with using a matrix to specify a 3d transform?
21:50.44Temspecifically a 4x4 matrix
21:50.49BleeterTC_Working: ah, well that's good. no alimony etc. :)
21:51.10TC_Workingyes i called after..but i swear i am the only one calling
21:51.28TC_Workingno, but she did take some of my ram
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21:52.33Phenrizthat's the way it is with those addons, they keep taking, and never give
21:53.13TC_Workingtrue...sweet ass though \
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22:19.35ElkanoTem, I used to be a year ago for computer graphics lecture, why?
22:19.51TemI'm playing around with openGL
22:20.08Temand I was trying to figure out how this translation matrix works
22:20.38ElkanoI'll look if I find my cg notes
22:21.07Temlemme test something to see if I understand what I've found
22:22.58Elkanopdf would be: 14 Transformations
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22:41.31IndustrialHave I ever said howmuch I love wow's camera movement?
22:41.46Industrialthat is - if you turn off auto following.
22:42.03IndustrialIts the best. I dont see hoe it can be done any better :)
22:42.37Industrialsame for character movement, its direct and you arent "ice skating"
22:42.46*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (n=jnwhiteh@WoWUIDev/WoWI/FA/cladhaire)
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22:45.17Kirkburnlol, it's Tseric:
22:46.36Kirkburn(randomly looking at forum threads, much fun)
22:49.40ShadowedKirkburn has someone asked who the girl is yet?
22:50.01KirkburnThe hand?
22:53.10Mr_Rabies2holyshit it is tseric
22:53.27Mr_Rabies2and is that
22:53.31Mr_Rabies2drysc in the background
22:53.32Mr_Rabies2it really
22:53.40Mr_Rabies2kinda looks like him
22:53.52Mr_Rabies2or whichever one looks like shaggy, i think it's drysc
22:53.57KirkburnIt is
22:54.18Mr_Rabies2eyonix looks like he could kill you in a barfight with his mind
22:54.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
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22:54.46ThraeMr_Rabies2: Only if he's thinking about nerfing Warlocks or Paladins at the time.
22:55.34Mr_Rabies2that man has more tattoos
22:56.17Mr_Rabies2than i've ever seen on a guy working for a software company
22:57.12Mr_Rabies2they usually are either like tseric or samwise, not crazy shaved head tattooed guys
22:58.51KirkburnFirst level 70 video if it's not been seen:
22:59.00Mr_Rabies2there's a 70 on my server
22:59.02Mr_Rabies2she's insane
22:59.11Mr_Rabies2she has a 60 of every class but mage, which is 70 :p
22:59.16Kirkburn(yay for EU music, I do like soo much more than the normal US rock metal hardcore I'm awesome look at me shouting music
22:59.17Xuerianhaha, damn.
22:59.50XuerianKirkburn: How dare you diss my national genre! >=O
22:59.53Mr_Rabies2there's a theory
22:59.58Xuerian(Though I never listen to it...)
23:00.01Mr_Rabies2that you can add yakkety sax to anything
23:00.16Mr_Rabies2and make it funny, on a forum i read
23:00.19Mr_Rabies2and i believe it's true
23:00.36KirkburnI'm sorry, but I prefer to listen to someone sing rather than shout, if that's okay? :P
23:00.47IndustrialIndustrial's pet Siamese says: OMGWTFLOLIMBAKITTYPOWARMEWMEWPEWPEWGO!
23:00.55KirkburnOh, I wasn't meaning the benny hill music =)
23:01.05KirkburnThe second half of the video has the EU music
23:01.15Mr_Rabies2oh is it crappy house music
23:01.17Kirkburnaww, kitty
23:01.31Mr_Rabies2indeed it is
23:01.33Kirkburnum, dance music I guess
23:01.34Mr_Rabies2crappy house music :p
23:01.58KirkburnOur music is great, so nerner
23:02.10IndustrialIndustrial/ebm music ftw
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23:02.30KirkburnWhat are you doing in the Barrens??
23:02.35Industrialgoing to tb
23:02.38Industrialstaff skill
23:02.54Industriali just got the deadmines staff that ill keep til 30ish
23:03.14Industrial5sta 8int 5spi
23:03.49Industrialhmm, is there a "this item is better" calculator for wow?
23:03.58kasoManaforge B'narr, the xp grinders heaven
23:04.05Industrialofcource better is relative but the answer would be too
23:04.10kasoi did 69-70 there :>
23:05.06Industrialif there was it would be really easy to calculate the best items for any level
23:06.17Floyda little questen.. i create a table with this code:
23:06.51kasothat isnt a question :>
23:08.09Floydno sorry, i must translate bevor
23:08.09Floydwhich I sharpen in one to go through would like
23:08.14Floydthis is the questen
23:08.35Floydmy english isn't the best .. sorry :( i give my best
23:08.46Floydthe questen is "how to do"
23:08.55Industrialhow to do what
23:09.40Floydsec. pls
23:09.46Industriallol by Lain
23:10.14KirkburnAin't this jolly - what's happened to all the torrents?
23:10.22Floydthis table I would like in one sharpen go through
23:11.07IndustrialKirkburn: ?
23:11.07Floydi hop that is correctly translate.. do while i mean / for each
23:11.17Floydfor each entry in table
23:11.29Industrialfor k,v in ipairs(toSave) do end
23:11.52Industrialerr, i,v :)
23:12.08KirkburnIndustrial, half the world's torrent have disappeared, so it seems
23:12.34Floydoky i understand. thx you
23:12.35*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
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23:12.45KirkburnisoHunt has been 'unplugged'
23:12.49Floydyes this page i have found
23:13.04Industrialk, they are good resources
23:13.06IndustrialKirkburn: wow :P
23:14.10*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
23:17.29Industrialwow tb-org only costs 50c
23:17.32Industrialbut im neutral with both
23:19.59Floydi and v whot means this .. with variable is the index? witch bowth i catch a error
23:20.32Floyd <-- does not they enove :D
23:21.29Floydi think that i is the index. but why i catch an error "nil" @ this line:  alert(toSave[i].name.."@@");
23:22.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
23:23.44Floydalert is a function who call AddMessage to DefaultChatFrame
23:24.29*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
23:28.22zenzelezzoh come on, why is it always *my* server group that gets all the problems
23:30.57Floydplease say me what i make wrong
23:31.21kasoWhat code do you have after the do part of the loop
23:32.43Floydlua is case sensitiv?
23:32.50Floydyes or?
23:33.03kasoname != Name
23:33.16Floydoky :D thank you
23:34.07*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
23:48.54Floydfor witch keyword must i search if i would be execute a slashcommand for a other addon ..
23:48.54Floydfor example
23:49.07Floyd"/console reloadui"
23:49.18Floydor something different one
23:50.21zenzelezzEU battlegroup 3 keep acting up... all the damn time... if only I could convince my guild to transfer to some other group >:|
23:55.40Floydnow idear? a keyword whitch i can google would me help

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