irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070118

00:00.37Cideif ( (cx-px) < 0 ) then dir = dir + 180; end
00:01.01Cidesimple 'fix'
00:01.36Xolanwill try thanks
00:02.12foxlitoutland clams = golden pearl prices going way down
00:04.25Xolannope cide, no closer :(
00:05.09XolanI'll make a pastey with the function, maybe that'll help
00:05.18CideI'm about to head to bed but maybe
00:05.51MatholumT_T dropdowns[num] shouldn't be nil ...
00:07.19Xolannow from posY going counter clockwise I want 0->90->180->270->360/0
00:10.08TC_Workingit's a game.....relax
00:10.17TC_Working~comfort Osagasu
00:10.21purlThere, there, Osagasu.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
00:10.51OsagasuThat's easy for you to say, you're not on a time limit to get to 70. :P
00:11.12TC_Workingwhat "get to 70 in 10 days or we kill your family?"
00:13.15Corrodiasfamily, peh
00:14.01Matholum why is dropdowns[num] nil? there is no output.. and nothing happens... though i am not getting an error for some reason...
00:16.02ckknightBlizz's dropdowns suck to deal with.
00:16.21Corrodiasdropdowns[num] will be nil, i guess, if dropdowns[tonumber(num)] is nil. :/
00:16.33Corrodiasis dropdowns a table of strings?
00:18.49BarbanusOsagasu, lol you sound like you are in Death and Taxes or something :P
00:19.03Barbanus"Get to 70 or you are gkicked!"
00:19.44Corrodiasi suspect that most hardcore raiding guilds encourage their members to get a move on.
00:20.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
00:20.23BarbanusCorrodias, yea, last night when I was on there was like 9 DnT players at 65
00:22.28zenzelezzthankfully mine don't
00:22.40Matholumah! glitch again!
00:22.47Matholumno... it is a table of tables
00:23.21Matholumck... i like them ^_^ they are easy once you learn how they work
00:24.24Matholumtonumber is not nil though... -_-
00:24.50Xolantry making num=tonumber(num); to just tonumber(num);
00:24.56Corrodiasbut yeah, AddMessage( ) probably wants a string
00:24.57Corrodiasnot a table
00:25.10Matholumoh.... true
00:25.57OsagasuMaybe I am in DnT? :P
00:26.16Matholumi made the message ...[0] now
00:27.39*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (n=chatzill@
00:27.40Matholumi mean 1
00:31.28Matholumcan you sat t = { 'a','b,'c' }; s = { t,t } ?
00:31.49ckknightand rawequal(s[1], s[2])
00:32.10Matholumthus s[1][2] == b?
00:32.16Matholumwhat is raw equals?
00:32.27Matholumyes... 'b'...
00:32.36ckknightrawequal is like ==, only doesn't go through metatables
00:33.28Matholumhuh... well dropdowns[2] is fine... [2][1] == "list"... but [1][1] doesn't show -_-... it is like it isn't picking up the var
00:36.12Corrodiasmaybe [1] is an empty table
00:36.13Matholumshouldn't be.... hmmm.... it should be { "Trinary" }
00:38.04BarbanusOsagasu, are you? :)
00:38.24BarbanusIf you are, I'll see you on Korgath later :P
00:38.37Matholumit says its length is 0.... huh,,,,
00:42.40Legorolhi folks
00:42.55Legorolcan anyone tell me what the new suggestedGroup return value for GetQuestLogTitle means?
00:43.13Kasothe suggested number of group members to do an elite quest
00:43.29Corrodiasdo any of you have any idea what a "Information Technology Specialist (CustSpt)" does for the US Army?
00:44.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
00:44.35*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem] by ChanServ
00:45.23TC_Workingworks on americas army?
00:45.45TC_Workingyea, that does say coustamer support at the end
00:46.07Corrodiasit looks like customer support (custspt), but with a pay bracket of 50k-60k/yr i suspect it's something more significant
00:46.10TC_Workingwell...spelled correctly it would be Customer
00:46.21TC_Working50K-60K is low
00:46.35LegorolKaso: thanks. do you know if the default UI uses that value?
00:46.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Dezzi (
00:46.44Legoroldoes it get displayed anywhere?
00:47.02Kasowhen you get a (Group) quest it says in the quest log page
00:47.44Legorolaha, neat
00:47.51Legorolis (Group) the new thing for Elite?
00:47.57Legorolwhat used to be Elite anyway
00:48.02cladhairethey're different i think
00:48.11cladhaireat least i think i hd an elite one the other day
00:48.17cladhairebt it tells how many people you need, which is nice =)
00:48.25Corrodias50-60k isn't low for customer support, although this sounds like they want somebody who actually "does stuff" rather than somebody who reads responses off a script
00:48.27kergothindeed, thats very nice
00:49.15Corrodiasit's nice to know beforehand when i might need a party to accomplish a quest, rather than working on it for half an hour only to come up against a fight that i should have been able to handle but can't
00:49.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
00:51.05Matholum-_- even though it grabs the second table, at doesn't add the button to the menu
00:51.17cladhaireI have to say, I really enjoy the socketed items.
00:51.30cladhaireI think they were done really well
00:53.36TC_Workingwell had experiance with diablo2
00:53.41TC_Workingthey had*
00:55.34Legorolmuch love to Iriel's changes post
00:55.52Legorolone bug eliminated when i noticed this one:
00:55.53LegorolUPDATED: questLogTitleText, level, questTag, suggestedGroup, isHeader, isCollapsed, isComplete = GetQuestLogTitle(questIndex); -- Added suggestedGroup return value *2.0.3* -- WARNING: This change is NOT backward compatible
00:55.59Nom-Anyone know if there's a way to find out if your last data upload was successful on Thottbot
00:56.03Nom-ie. If you're uploading anything?
01:07.11*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
01:13.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Xolan (
01:14.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (n=BuM@
01:15.31Xolandunno if you're here Cide, but I worked it out :)
01:15.47Kirkburn"A French player reached Level 70 in only 28 hours"
01:16.44Corrodiasi'm not sure that headline is giving an accurate impression. it was a team effort.
01:16.52kasonot so amazing when you add up all the man-hours of the 35 people he had helping
01:17.06Xolan that's what I did basically when North is 0.
01:20.31Kirkburn"... using help from multiple guildmates to grind and a very carefully planned attack on the Outland."
01:21.34Corrodiasthat sounds like what i heard
01:22.29Corrodiasi like how they're considering splitting realms!
01:22.32Corrodiasthat's wack.
01:23.57Corrodiasmy guild doesn't want to split off because we depend on assistance from certain members of other guilds to complete raids, sometimes
01:24.20kergothsplitting realms?
01:24.54Corrodiascheck the "breaking news" in the game client today
01:24.54kergothboo work
01:25.01Corrodiasthey're continuing to offer free character transfers from well-populated realms to new ones
01:25.41Corrodiasit says that if the population is not reduced by the transfers, they'll have to split the realms to reduce population to acceptable levels (that is, so you don't have queues every day, i guess. E'T's queues are never too long.)
01:25.46ThraeCorrodias: Eh, TBC was suppose to fix that problem with the new gear from 5/10 mans
01:25.50Corrodiasright now it's 10-15 minutes
01:27.01Corrodiaswe had enough trouble getting 20 people to show up for ZG or AQ20, and though i disagree with our policy of reducing recruitment efforts to try to reign it in for the 25-man raids, we're doing it
01:27.06ThraeIf TBC allows you get to get equatable gear from doing "Heroic" on a 5/10man dungeon at Level 70, that'd be awesome. Then you'd need only a full raid to *experience* full raid content, not to get the very best gear.
01:27.40Corrodiasthe queue is running about 10 minutes long today (225 people)
01:27.42ThraeCorrodias: I play on a RP server. We have trouble finding enough people to do anything :D
01:28.19kergothi used the move yesterday, left my old guild behind.. sure is nice and quiet on the new one
01:29.27XuerianAmen, Thrae. "C'mon, let's go run a instance! ..... Guys? ... Hello..... " "Go away, we're cybering."
01:29.38Corrodiasi like a decently populated realm. i don't mind a 10 minute queue.
01:29.42ThraeOne easy solution to the queue problem would be to sort the queue based on how long you've played on this realm + how long you've played in the last month on this realm.
01:29.42zenzelezzhere's General chat on my server since Tuesday: "wheres first aid trainer?" "weres expedition point???"
01:29.48Corrodiasif it were a 30 minute queue, i might get miffed
01:29.56Industrialheres some from mine
01:30.02IndustrialWHERE IS THE ORB?!?!
01:30.11CorrodiasWHERE IS THE SHRINE????
01:30.39Corrodiasand the journal, the mount seller, various cities/camps
01:30.43ThraeIf you have 300 days /played combined on a realm, you should be one of the first in the queue.
01:30.57Corrodiasi think i have about 40 days
01:31.15bleetahI think it's quite amusing watching all these 'leet raiding guilds' running around hellfire like a bunch of noobs
01:31.15ThraeThose are the people with the strongest ties to that realm, so they would lose a lot if they moved.
01:31.43Thraebleetah: The REAL elites played it all through in Beta ;)
01:31.58Corrodiasoh yeah. i forgot, blizzard was handing out beta keys to "people who do raids"
01:32.06Corrodiasshould have picked mine up, eh?
01:32.17kergothbleetah: hehe, indeed
01:32.55bleetahi might even let fly with a 'stfu noobs' soon, it's getting unbearable.. and I didn't play beta
01:33.19Corrodiasare you suggesting that the more effective players somehow conned their way into the beta to prepare?
01:33.21zenzelezzyou know the trouble with being a warrior? There's just never a bandage or food that heals you enough
01:34.16ThraeCorrodias: If I were a designer, I'd let them in, as they would be the best to actually debug the instances. Since they would play them until they almost die of exhaustion, trying to get them down flat.
01:34.24Corrodiasyou didn't answer my question
01:35.16Corrodiasthe reason i picked up on this is because it makes me look bad when people suggest that anyone who wanted to be prepared should have found a way to get into the beta, even if they had no legitimate business being there
01:36.24Esamynnquestion about distances in say French/German clients, what word do those client use for distance?
01:36.24ThraeCorrodias: Well, I thought people could tell I was kidding ;) Anyway, the idea of a raiding guild requiring you to have played Beta is insane.
01:36.35Esamynndo they use meter?
01:36.38ThraeEsamynn: Wouldn't that be in GlobalStrings.lua?
01:36.50EsamynnI don't have any non-english versions of that file doesn't have them?
01:37.34ThraeFrench is "metre" I think
01:37.58Esamynnok, so in those clients, is the healing range specified at 40 metre?
01:38.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=mjgoosse@
01:39.29ThraeI think the units WoW uses are arbitrary -- a "yard" in WoW does not equate to a yard in real life. I think a football field is 40 yards, right?
01:39.56Esamynnyes, I know that, I just wanted to confirm
01:40.14Esamynnthat a yard in enUS game client = 1 metre in the french client
01:40.27ThraeI dunno. Why do you ask?
01:40.40Esamynntranslations stuff
01:40.53Industrialone thing i dont like about the enGB client
01:40.55Industrialno metric system
01:41.13Esamynnso enGB says yard?
01:41.26bleetahone day, there'll be enGB localisation, and they'll work out how to bolt that on to Oceanic players
01:41.33Mike-N-Go"American football is played on a rectangular field 120 yards (110 meters) long by 53 1/3 yards (49 meters) wide."
01:42.01Esamynnthanks Mike-N-Go, but that's not actually relevent to the actual discussion :)
01:42.19JoshBorkeinstance servers are borked
01:42.31Mike-N-GoI did not get in on the part that was before I got in.
01:42.40ThraeEsamynn: Well, like I said, it doesn't matter. The localized string for distance unit is in GlobalStrings.lua. I strongly doubt Blizzard added a modifier to their outputted distance numbers.
01:43.05ThraeIt would be silly since it's all arbitrary anyway, as you don't need to know the "real" distance.
01:43.07Esamynnbleetah: as a Canadian, i'd like metric to, but it doesn't really matter does it, I'm betting that there isn't any actual math done to translate here because that would end up displaying ugly numbers to the user
01:43.28EsamynnThrae: exactly, that's what I suspect, I just wanted to confirm it
01:43.30KirkburnSoo it seems the PS3 will launch in the UK for £425 :/
01:43.40ThraeEsamynn: You could always use a Percentage ;)
01:45.53CorrodiasKirkburn: isn't that around 800 USD?
01:46.14*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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01:46.41Corrodiasis it strange that i have barely seen any blood elf rogues?
01:46.59ThraeCorrodias: They're all stealthed, duh!
01:46.59Kirkburn788.587 USD
01:46.59Xolanrogues duh ;P
01:47.21KirkburnThis is why we have the term "rip-off Britain"
01:47.53bleetahdude, you didn't see the price for BC:CE in Australia
01:47.55*** part/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
01:48.00bleetahthat's my idea of a rip-off
01:48.23bleetahyeah, somewhere around $20-30AUD above the US price
01:48.49KirkburnIt was £50 here
01:48.57JoshBorkewoohoo! server crashed
01:49.15*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
01:49.21KirkburnWeird, I haven't seen a single draenei druid so far, wonder where they all are
01:49.39XuerianDraenei can be druids? o.0...
01:49.57bleetahthat sort of behaviour would normally bring in a consumer commission here to investigate price gouging, but I guess as all the customers are happy little addicts and don't care.. they won't
01:50.44KirkburnXuerian, omgwtf!
01:51.14kasoare you two having a convsation over two channels?
01:51.28XuerianWhatever would make you think that?
01:54.01XuerianKirkburn, I know, I know! I'm so out of the loop =(
01:55.24KirkburnSince it was brought up on the Ace channel: Since it was brought up: the WoWWiki now has it's own channel for wiki articles (and general warcraft universe) discussion - #wowwiki
02:01.39Kirkburnyay for double copying text, oops :P
02:02.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
02:02.55KirkburnHow much was the US CE?
02:03.05*** join/#wowi-lounge obelus (
02:07.14KirkburnHmm, that does make the UK edition more expensive (£50 is over $90)
02:13.33kasoCE is 50 quid? holy crap
02:17.11bleetahoh, OK... so it's $10aud overpriced
02:18.02bleetahwhich 8should* mean UK should be about... 40 quid, even on aussie pricing
02:22.10Corrodiasredrange seems to be a little lagged in telling me when something's in range now
02:22.38Barbanusholy crap DnT is getting up there now
02:22.59Barbanus15 over 64
02:23.12Barbanus29 over 63
02:23.38Barbanus4 who are 66, and thats just the ones online
02:34.15Corrodiascartographer seems to have accepted notes from a guildmate. i don't want it to do that, but i don't know how to turn that off.
02:35.21kergothdoesnt noteshare have options?
02:37.27kergothoh, you mean general notes, not the noteshare herb/mining sharing
02:40.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=masked@
02:41.11*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
02:42.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Malivil (
02:43.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
02:43.37*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
02:46.48*** part/#wowi-lounge Xolan (
02:49.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Laric_ (
02:51.33*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
02:53.44*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
02:57.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=mjgoosse@
03:01.20Corrodiasi don't even have a note sharing module for cartographer. maybe my version is old and doesn't have functionality split up right
03:04.26ZealotOnAStickThere's a bunch of cartographer modules.
03:06.55Corrodiasmy old version was receiving notes from a guildmate even though i didn't have a noteshare module
03:07.00Corrodiashopefully this new one won't
03:10.10Corrodiasi don't see any option...
03:13.14Industrialif you hide frame a while b is setpointed to it, frame b wont hide too right?
03:14.00bleetahnothing quite like turning into a tree, and mooing at passing players
03:14.42zenzelezzlol, Nesingwary in Outlands
03:15.27zenzelezzhope he's not giving us The Green Hills of Nagrand or something
03:19.05Corrodiasmaybe i need to switch to metamap to prevent being spammed with notes
03:19.28Industrialmaybe you just need to tell the euthor
03:20.40Corrodiasckknight. i think i already whipped him a couple of days ago for the state of HonorFu.
03:21.08ckknightthere's a way to disable the spam.
03:23.09Corrodiasi can't find one :(
03:23.36Corrodiasi see nothing in the cartographer menu about receiving notes
03:24.05Corrodiasi also took a stab at slash commands, but didn't hit any
03:25.36ckknightCorrodias: Cartographer->Notes->Show Chat Notifications
03:26.21Corrodiasthat sounds like it makes it just not tell me when it gets a note. does it also stop me from getting the note?
03:26.37ckknightoh, no, you'll still get it
03:26.50Corrodiasis there any way to stop from getting the notes, then?
03:26.58Corrodiasi don't want my map cluttered with a bunch of notes i didn't set
03:27.18ckknighthrm, no, not with the current system.
03:27.24ckknightyou could turn off the notes module...
03:27.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
03:27.43Industrialwhats that smell
03:27.57Corrodiaswell, thanks for answering my questions
03:31.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Gesus (
03:37.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Nomad_Wanderer (
03:41.43IndustrialGesus: loser.
03:43.38CairennGesus: everyone's too busy playing to chat
03:47.50GesusSo mant peopel in the new zone so I am made a Draneai shamman toget away .. and yea.. tomany peopel there
03:47.56Industrialwhat the
03:48.05Industrialhow do you get a mask like that
03:48.57Cairennyou talk sweet to me
03:49.18IndustrialI always do
03:49.35bleetahif you don't, you end up with a gimp mask like mine
03:50.50Cairennanother example is MentalPower's
03:51.17Cairennmine is completely different because I'm not just about WoW UI Dev
03:52.34CairennI've just been waiting to see how long it would take folks to start noticing and asking for their own
03:54.31Cairennwe've got it all set up with the folks at freenode to hand out WoWUIDev/Norganna, WoWUIDev/Ace, WoWUIDev/WoWI and then various random WoWUIDev/
03:54.59Kaeltencool, I want one :P
03:55.15CairennKaelten: you've been pinged so many frigging times about this :p
03:55.34KaeltenI have
03:55.39KaeltenI missed it, sorry
03:55.43CairennI know, you've been busy, haven't we all
03:56.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
03:58.38Cairennif you want one, you have to do 3 things ... you have to figure out what it is you want (it must start with WoWUIDev), you have to let me know, and you have to do a "/stats p" and let me know which freenode staff members are on because I can't do that command on my irc client, it won't recognize it
03:59.01Cairennand you can't do it tonight, my head still hurts way too much
03:59.10CairennI'll just mess it up if I try to get any tonight
04:01.30Industrialarent there any unitframes around except perl ag and sage?
04:03.13Thunder_Childdoes x-perl count as perl?
04:03.26Tain"XML is like violence. If it doesn't solve your problem, use more. "
04:03.52Thunder_Childthen not really till loz finishes DUB
04:04.25Industrialthat doesnt count
04:04.35Thunder_Childyes it does
04:09.22BarbanusCairenn, do a /quote COMMAND, or /raw COMMAND, it should work :)
04:09.35Cairenn/raw command
04:09.35JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn
04:09.46purlACTION hugs Cairenn tightly until Cairenn turns slightly blue
04:09.46Cairennnope :p
04:18.07*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
04:18.39Corrodiasi wonder why redrange (iriel's addon that colors buttons if they're out of range) is being laggy. are events not coming in as fast as they used to?
04:18.53*** part/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
04:18.54IrielI've noticed it's a bit odd on BC
04:19.01IrielI havent' figured out why yet
04:19.06Iriel(or, to be entirely honest, looked)
04:19.14Iriel(too much time playing instead of coding, for a change)
04:19.32Corrodiasheh :) well, i guess you deserve a chance to play
04:19.34Cairennwho said you were allowed to *gasp* play!
04:20.21Corrodiashow do you apply a gem to a socket?
04:21.44TainIriel: I keep forgetting to mention, I rely on PocketHelper and it occasionally always has the button visible, not just when I'm stealthed.
04:22.45IrielTain: Hm, I bet it's suffering from combat lockdown, i've got a couple of holes in one or two addons to smooth over, i'll be rogueish again soon and fix it
04:23.07IrielCairenn: My wife gave me permission
04:23.14IrielCairenn: (Or, more or less insisted on it)
04:23.23Thunder_Childcorr, try rclicking the item
04:23.29Thunder_Childthat has the sockets
04:23.33TainI just looked and someoen posted the same thing on the PH page on WoWI so you can have a reference to look at when you get back around to it.
04:23.58Cairennsmart lady, but then again, we already knew that, she married you :)
04:24.06Thunder_Childi read it somewhere but now i cant remeber where
04:24.34TainAlso being able to pick pocket things that are currently in combat is one of the wonderful things, I didn't play a lot on my Rogue after they added that until now.
04:27.07Corrodiasthe guildmate hasn't responded, so i don't know if it has done anything
04:30.39TainI bought a muffin at Dunkin Donuts 2 days ago but forgot about it.  Think it's still ok now?
04:30.56IrielIt'll be as "good" as it was when you bought it, probably
04:30.57Corrodiasit might be hard, but i doubt it spoils
04:31.11TainIriel makes an excellent point.
04:32.08Corrodiasi don't suppose [Stung] glows in the presence of orcs?
04:33.14IrielIt glows in the presence of pork, perhaps?
04:33.19IrielThat'd be unlikely but awesome
04:33.39TainOrc: The other white meat.
04:36.50Thunder_Childumm..i think thats the other other white meat
04:37.09Thunder_Childother is taken with pork..and baby
04:37.54KemayoLevel 1 Draenei Shaman: made!
04:42.49IndustrialHow do i get this fugly glow off?
04:43.00Industrialid have to basically see that on every target i SWP
05:02.24KemayoWorld server is down?!?!?!?!
05:05.17*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (n=Snake@
05:06.02kaidenHey quick macro question, can you cast 2 spells from 1 macro anymore, when it's dispels (trying to make a macro that will cat either cure poison or cure disease) since they check themselves now to see if they are castable
05:06.17kaidenor is that impossible with the changes of 1.12?
05:07.27Irielyou can't make decisions on castability anymore, no
05:07.43kaidendarn, well wasn't really decision based since the spells themselves decide now
05:07.50kaideni just figured if one said it wasn't castable the next would cast
05:16.01*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
05:19.34zenzelezzgot my ass kicked by a 63 rare elite :-(
05:21.15Cairennbetter than getting your ass kicked by a regular boring plain old 63
05:22.09Thunder_Childwell......there are lots of "regular boring plain old" mobs but it's the reare ones that you really want to kill
05:23.05CairennI know that, but my point was they are so much tougher that it is less "shameful" to get your ass kicked by them ;)
05:23.35zenzelezzif you'd seen my running away, you wouldn't say that =D
05:24.32Corrodiasis there a way to disconnect without exiting the game? :(
05:24.55Cairennctrl alt delete
05:24.55Cairennend task
05:25.02Thunder_Childyes...but i dunno how i did it
05:25.04Corrodiaswell, okay, i meant without having to wait for it to reload
05:25.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:25.24zenzelezzpull your network cable?
05:25.30Corrodiashah, i suppose
05:26.07Cairennmistell Thunder_Child?
05:26.30Thunder_Childno, that was a comment to corr
05:26.47Thunder_Childbut thanks for chekcing
05:30.24kergothCorrodias, SendChatMessage("\n")
05:30.33kergothCorrodias, i have it in a macro, handy for logging off without leaving the party
05:32.12Cairennwell, pfft, anyone coulda suggested that one kergoth
05:32.18Cairennmr. smarty-pants
05:33.50Cairennoooo, smarties!
05:34.21Industrialmmm smarties
05:34.32IndustrialI love d those
05:34.48Industrialthe purple ones :D I would never give away my purple smarties
05:35.14kaidenSo what's the highest level draenei shamans on everyones servers?
05:35.47TainAbout seven meters I think.
05:36.34TainI threw meters out there instead of feet so everyone could enjoy.
05:38.36Thunder_Childyes but 7 meters is bloody tal
05:39.01TainWell a 1 meter Shaman isn't all that imposing now is it?
05:39.42Industrial2.5 i guess
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06:16.43zenzelezz"The  Titantic  first set sail in 1979."
06:16.57zenzelezzeighth graders sure have some interesting knowledge
06:18.17ThraeDid you know the USA's first war was against Middle Eastren Pirates? I didn't know that until recently.
06:19.17zenzelezz"Also, I have many ideas about how to become extinct."
06:22.31zenzelezzoh man, these things crack me up
06:25.46Corrodiasso what's this, no black war chicken?
06:41.58Matholumhi guys ^_^
06:46.23Matholumis there a way to know when something happens in a dependency/ a way to make your own event fire when it does if not?
06:46.53Matholumi am wanting to know when a funct AddRune() happens
06:47.26IrielUse securehookfunc?
06:47.59Matholumwell... i am not wanting to change anthing... plus i can edit the dependency if i want
06:48.52Matholumhmm... but if i DID use that... what would i do
06:49.24Matholumsecurehookfunc("AddRune"); ?
06:49.49Endyou need to give your own function as well
06:50.01Endotherwise hooking is very pointless
06:50.09Matholumah, yes... ,Other()
06:50.22Endno parenthesis on Other()
06:50.23Matholumok... i will try that... one sec
06:50.43Endeither you delcare it in place like securehookfunc(blah, function() ... end)
06:51.07Endor you use an existing function like securehookfunc(blah, blahblah)
06:53.05Irielsecurehookfunc("AddRune", Other)
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06:53.52Matholumi used function() stuff end
06:54.32Matholumbut it says attempt to call global securehookfunc()
06:54.42Matholuma nil value
06:55.13Irieloh, try hooksecurefunc
06:55.21Matholumhooksecurefunc... lol
06:55.45Endthat would cause problems, wouldn't it
06:58.50Matholumyup, but it works now ^_^ thanks
07:00.47Igor-wowhey, you guys know how i can use string.find to find the first "black" or "white" in a string
07:01.04Igor-wowlike in a single find call
07:02.19Matholumi have done that b4, but i used split w/ spaces and then recompiles ti together
07:02.40Matholum*recompiled it
07:02.48Irielyou can match on [bw][lh][ai][ct][ke], it's not perfect
07:03.18Irieldepends on what your input is likely to be
07:03.19Matholumbtw... my thing works now, thanks ^_^
07:04.45Igor-wowinteresting Iriel
07:05.05Igor-wowsucks that you can't have non single characters
07:05.25Irielkeeps the implementation simple
07:05.35Iriel2 find calls isn't that expensive
07:06.14Igor-wowwell, i'm actually trying to match Strength Agility, Intelligence, Stamina, Spirit, Attack Power etc
07:06.30Igor-wowseems like i just have to call find for every one
07:06.52Igor-wowi don't think they have an order
07:07.10Igor-wow%+(%d+) Strength
07:07.19Irielit's really very fast
07:07.34Igor-wowi wish lua had continue
07:07.40Irielfor a short input string you'll be fine
07:07.41Igor-wowseems so silly
07:08.29Irielit's all tradeoffs
07:08.43Irielsimple implementation, fast execution, small memory footprint
07:09.00Irielanyone who needed a more robust RE library could just integrate one themselves
07:09.05Igor-wowi think it will be fine
07:09.50Igor-wowi guess someone has already done what i'm doing
07:10.01Igor-wowyou know of any addons that 'score' equipment?
07:10.38Igor-wowlike is boots X better than boots Y, and by how much?
07:11.01Igor-wowgiven that stamina is my top priority or whatever
07:11.57CairennI know that there is (was?) one out there that would tell you what your new #'s would be if you were to equip [this] piece of equipment
07:12.03CairennI don't remember the name though
07:12.34Igor-wowi'm trying to write an auction house auto-shopper
07:13.05Igor-wowi need it to be able to quantify the different in utility i get from two items
07:13.34MatholumI have a bliz dropdown question, anyone wanna try it?
07:14.26Matholumbtw... this is my reference...
07:14.29Igor-wowIriel, how long have you been an MVP on the bliz forums?
07:14.41Igor-wowpretty cool hehe
07:14.52Igor-wowi bet Cairenn is jealous
07:15.03Iriela while now, months
07:15.27Cairennnope, not at all :)
07:15.47IrielShe has her own whole site
07:15.57Igor-wowyeah, i know
07:16.08Igor-wowi even keep my addon up to date on her site
07:16.26Igor-wowi forgot my curse password and i'm too lazy to get a new one
07:16.39Igor-wowsomeone updated it and even added some new features hehe
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07:16.53Matholumbliz dropdowns anyone? lol....
07:17.02Igor-wownever touched em Math
07:17.22Igor-wowwhy don't you ask your qn, and if we are intrueged (sp?) we might give it a try
07:17.48Matholumlol... ok... i just thought i'd ask ahead of time cuz most ppl hate em
07:18.01Igor-wowwell, i have everything visual
07:18.06Igor-wowbane of my existence
07:18.34Igor-wowhate everything visual
07:19.15Matholumgoing off of that link, what happens if you have 2 of them? the part where the func MyDropDown_OnClick()... you don't tell that to go, it just does... so what happens when there are 2?
07:19.46Igor-wowlike two dropdowns?
07:19.55Igor-wowwell, hopefully they'll have different names
07:20.13Matholumlol... ya... 2... but does that func fire for both?
07:20.19Igor-wowso like MyDropDown1_OnClick, MyDropDown2_OnClick
07:20.38Igor-wowit will just fir for the instance you clicked on
07:20.48Matholumhmmm... i dunno... lemme try
07:20.49Igor-wowone dropdown can only appear in one place at one time
07:20.58Igor-wowat least, i would assume so lol
07:22.04Igor-woware you confused about the dropdown vs the dropdown buttons?
07:22.19Igor-wowi think the 'dropdown' might be only the top thing you click on to expand
07:22.27Matholumthe toggle func
07:22.30Igor-wowand that each entry is a 'dropdown button'
07:23.04Matholumya, i think so
07:23.26Igor-wowhmm i dunno i'm confused too hehe
07:23.39Matholumi have 2 dropdowns and i can't get either to fire that func
07:23.40Cairennnight guys
07:23.45Matholumcya ^_^
07:24.06Matholumi will go find sumn that has 2... on e sec
07:24.21Igor-wowhmm i think i get it
07:24.38Igor-wowthe dropdown is like what keeps track of the entries
07:24.46Igor-wowthe button is the thing you click to open the dropdown
07:25.28Igor-wowyou have to add entries via MyDropdownMenu_AddButton to make them show up when you call ToggleDropDownMenu
07:25.44Matholumbut i can't get 2 to work.... ---
07:25.54Igor-wowhmm well welcome to debuggin eheh
07:31.46Igor-wowdang peons4hire...
07:31.51Igor-wowdon't they ever giv eit a rest
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07:46.12Matholumnaming sumn in the xml $parentSomething is the same as "parent's name" + Something right?
07:47.03Matholumso say parent = "Father" ... that'd then be "FatherSomething" right?
07:47.45IrielYes, it's a simple text substitution
07:49.10Matholumhuh... ok... i still can't figure this toggle thing out -_-
07:49.17buuAnyone know of a mod that lets me move and resize and generally munge the minimap?
07:49.23buuAnd also lets me move the pet action bar?
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08:05.32Corrodiassomeone completed a nude mod for the draenei and blood elves, by the way
08:05.44buuOh good, I Was worried.
08:05.51Corrodiasi think they look better without it, but you're on notice if you want it
08:09.12krkastill waiting for murloc nude mod
08:10.19Cairenn|afkyou will *not* find it on WoWI
08:10.35Garoun|Loupanayay, I like Blood Furnace
08:11.16Garoun|Loupanawe did it with a full group of 60s :) 2 shadow priest, 2 rogues, and 1 druid
08:12.04IrielSleep time!
08:12.19krkayou know you want it cair!
08:13.00Matholumah! i forget, how do you, lets say, do a frame onload... but only in lua?
08:13.10Matholumw/ no <scripts> tag
08:14.04kergothjust run it then and there, no script necessary
08:15.00Garoun|Loupanahate trying to decide on Scryer or Aldor
08:15.54Matholumya... but i am using a frame template w. a button IN it... and i dunno what to do to get the click of the button
08:16.33kergothread about SetScript
08:16.40Matholumah! thanks
08:24.09Matholumgetglobal(this:GetName().."Button"):SetScript("OnClick", ConfigDropDowns_OnClick(this:GetID()));
08:24.13Matholumthat look ok?
08:24.34Matholumi get a funky error
08:30.02KirkburnAnyone here seen Severance?
08:30.58zenzelezzthe axe?
08:31.08KirkburnIn any case, it is a sick film, argh, twisted minds
08:31.58KirkburnI rarely watch horror (/comedy) films - I kept thinking "you bastards" all the way through
08:32.49KirkburnI just thought I'd share :)
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08:51.59TonyDia there a "latest releases" page at WoWI?
08:53.02Cairenn|afkfront page, right hand side
08:53.32Cairenn|afklatest 20 on the page, if you click the "title" it takes you to the latest 100
09:11.00*** part/#wowi-lounge Kilabie (
09:26.01Matholum@_@ what does lua stand for??
09:27.11Matholumfound it... 'Lua' means 'moon' in Portuguese and is pronounced LOO-ah.
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09:41.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Adept| (n=Dota@
09:41.24Adept|hi all
09:41.38Adept|some can help ?
09:44.47Adept|some here ?
09:44.51Adept|or all die ? )
09:46.53AnduinLotharanyone know if IE7 displays png files with alpha correctly now?
09:48.33Adept|AnduinLothar , hi , u programing addons for wow ?
09:48.53AnduinLotharamong other thigns
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09:49.31Adept|some can me answer
09:49.49Adept|how  edit addons for new patch ?
09:50.04Adept|some manual or some
09:51.17AnduinLotharif you're not an addon programmer, just download the latest versions
09:52.00Adept|i want write small addon
09:58.10krkaAnduinLothar: yes, on the IE7
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09:59.34Adept|u can help ?
10:02.06bleetahAnduinLothar: I hesitate to ask what was wrong previously ;)
10:02.35bleetahAdept|: there's a bunch of useful info about writing mods at
10:03.17Adept|i see
10:03.28Adept|but for new version wow
10:03.33Adept|need correct
10:03.34AnduinLotharIE6 used to cover pngs with an ugly color layer if they used transparency
10:06.28Matholum::paying attention again:: ug! yes... i am SOOOO happy png alpha works now ^_^\
10:06.46Adept|Wowikik write what need see on change in patch what function and UI disable ,
10:07.16Adept|and correct old function on new
10:07.25Matholumand the chroma filter works w/ then too.... happieness ^_^
10:09.08Matholumis it sad that i am writing my eng essay on lua and javascript?
10:09.42AnduinLotharwrite what your know
10:09.51Matholumlol... true ^_^
10:10.09Matholumi am a programmer at heart... i can't help it... lol ^_^
10:20.56Adept|AnduinLothar , thx for link
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11:28.26Mr_Rabies2you know you're using magic a little haphazardly when you're using portals to transport water in a fountain
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11:40.06Matholumcan you make object in lua? for example myobj.funct()?
11:40.18Matholum*an object
11:40.38Elkanosure, use a table
11:41.20Elkanomyobj = {} function myobj:funct() (...) end
11:41.40Elkanoyou can then refer to myobj inside the function as self
11:41.57Matholumcool... thanks alot! (i am using it for my essay, but i am gonna use that now ^_^)
11:43.36Elkanofunction myobj.funct(self) is the same as function myobj:funct() and wrt to calling myobj:funct() equals myobj.funct(myobj)
11:44.42Matholumi think i understand.... just the wrt confuses me ^_^
11:46.54Elkanowrt = with regard to
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12:00.35Matholumah.. thanks
12:01.33Matholumi am done with my essay! yes! it only took about... umm.... 2.5 hours!
12:02.38Mr_Rabies2not bad really, how long was the essay?
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12:05.57Corrodiasmy blood elf has red-painted nails. i noticed some of the others dont, but that may have just been NPC's. do you have some control over the color?
12:06.19Mr_Rabies2probably related to hair color/type
12:06.30Mr_Rabies2a chick bloodelf?
12:07.07Corrodiasi must experiment in the char creator when i'm done fishing
12:07.19Corrodiaswell, hell, i can do it right now
12:07.25Mr_Rabies2all the pcs have it
12:07.40Mr_Rabies2the NPCs that didn't were probably guards, which i believe use the older blood elf model
12:08.07Corrodiaswell, could be
12:09.20Mr_Rabies2okay zul aman isn't in game yet, right?
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12:12.28Matholum::back:: it ended up being 4 pages....
12:12.48Matholum8 paragraphs
12:13.17Mr_Rabies22.5 hours is pretty good timing for that :O
12:13.24Mr_Rabies2that would take me most of a day
12:13.30Matholumthanks ^_^
12:13.43Mr_Rabies2i'm terrible at making essays long
12:13.50Mr_Rabies2i'm good at short and to the point stuf
12:14.10Matholumme i HATE essays
12:16.03Matholumit is 7am though and i didn't sleep at all because i forgot about it untill 4... im not that tired though ^_^
12:18.14Corrodiasit's amusing how you're rewarded for stretching things out all through high school
12:18.37Corrodiasi get to college and have a technical writing class, which has to throw all that crap out in favor of understanding conciseness
12:20.30Corrodiasmy fishing is slowing way down above 110
12:20.33Mr_Rabies2yeah i'm good at making essays make sense
12:20.37Mr_Rabies2which usually doesn't take 5 pages
12:20.58Mr_Rabies2i can trim a 5 page essay down to a page and make it make sense instead of having a bunch of unnecessary stuff thrown in for extra length
12:21.44Corrodiasthat's a good skill
12:21.58Mr_Rabies2instead of adding to your arguement, that extra space usually just ends up being not read by most everyone in the tl;dr crowd
12:22.11Mr_Rabies2which is pretty much everyone but professors/teachers
12:23.56Mr_Rabies2whats the variable for max camera distance?
12:23.59Mr_Rabies2and can i set it ingame?
12:24.11Mr_Rabies2i just wanna run my camera out super far for a nice landscape shot
12:24.50Matholumlol... ya... fluff usually is just too long ^_^
12:25.10Matholum(sorry im not paying alot of attention... i am trying to make muffins ^_^)
12:25.26Mr_Rabies2its cool
12:25.30Mr_Rabies2if you send me some
12:27.05Matholumlol ^_^
12:27.25Matholumon that topic, where are you from?
12:28.04MatholumI am from Ohio, USA
12:28.19Matholumthus... 7am ^_^
12:29.24Matholum(you don't have to answer... no offense to them, but i am used to japanese ppl getting upset when i ask that ^_^)
12:30.53Matholumwell... if you answer i will look back up to where i left off... i am gonna get ready for class... have it @ 8:30
12:32.16Mr_Rabies2i went afk while flying to hellfire
12:32.26Mr_Rabies2i'm from Georgia, USA, so yeah, 7am
12:32.34Mr_Rabies2i fell asleep at 5pm and got up at 5 am
12:32.38Mr_Rabies2good times
12:33.07Mr_Rabies2after a week of hardly any sleep
12:35.29Corrodiaslet's burn up the night. let's have BIG FUN. ~burn it up!~
12:42.24Corrodiasdo you remember when we used to dance, and incidents arose from circumstance? one thing led to another -- we were young -- and we would scream together songs unsung?
12:42.59Corrodiasthat punctuation could use some work. ah, well.
12:44.43Matholum|brblol... ya.. i know what you mean... i work 8:30pm-12:30am so my clock is all screwed up... and i already was very nocturnal...
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12:47.46Matholum|brbwell... gotta goto class -_-
12:47.51Matholum|brbcya all later!
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13:00.18Bephiya ..
13:00.35Bepdo we all luv TBC as much as i do in here ?
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13:12.58Mr_Rabies2ahhh omen of clarity
13:13.01Mr_Rabies2how i have missed you
13:13.07Mr_Rabies2and yes bep :p
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13:17.46Bephmm any1 knows something about getting itemdata out of wow ?
13:18.11Bepis there an function public for creating an allakhazam or thottbot link automatically ?
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13:18.55Xolanthink they have a javascript thingy that pulls it down for you
13:18.58Xolannot sure though
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13:19.44Cairenn|afkgive it time Bep, it's still early for a large percentage (although certainly not all by any means) of the folks in channel, hopefully someone will be around that can help you out if you are patient :)
13:20.09BouviMorning all
13:20.20Cairenn|afkhey Bouvi
13:20.23Xolanalthough it's 2:20pm here :P
13:20.33Cairenn|afkI did say not all Xolan :)
13:20.48Xolanyep, was reffering to bouvi's "morning" comment :)
13:20.50BouviI am barely awake lol.  Hour commute did not wake me up lol
13:20.59Cairenn|afkEU is at work though, NA is just waking up (or still asleep)
13:21.02Cairenn|afkXolan: ah
13:21.12Cairenn|afkXolan: well, that's because of ugt ;)
13:21.26purlrumour has it, ugt is Universial Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
13:21.30BepCairenn|afk : ofcourse i'm willing to give it some time xD
13:21.31Xolan6 more dayss till I'm isolated from society for 4 weeks :(
13:21.44Mr_Rabies2boot camp, xolan?
13:21.46BouviWhy will you be isolated?
13:21.49Mr_Rabies2or basic training or whatever?
13:22.01Xolancalled "rekrutten" here, sorta like boot camp
13:22.07Cairenn|afkstay safe
13:22.11Mr_Rabies2that's one of the big things keeping me out of the military, all the freaking training
13:22.25Mr_Rabies2for some reason getting shot at doesn't seem to bother me as much as having to constantly be training
13:22.26Xolanyep, but it's mandatory for any male's here
13:22.39Cairenn|afkwhere are you Xolan? (country)
13:22.42Mr_Rabies2probably because i've never been shot at :O
13:23.07Xolanjust 6 months of service total though, not too bad
13:23.09Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty sure most of scandiavia is on pretty good terms with most everyone :p
13:23.23BouviI have been constantly training for over 20 years now.  Getting old and starting to feel pain more lol
13:23.30Xolanlol :)
13:23.41Mr_Rabies2they're all secretly afraid of a viking attack
13:23.50Xolanprobably gonna keep up the training after the military though
13:24.07Xolanespecially since I will be starting ICT I suspect I will get very little exercise :P
13:25.20Xolanoh and bouvi - solved the direction plotting thingy I couldn't figure out yesterday, so now all I need to do is get it on the compass :P
13:26.09Xolancan't figure out how to hook a map-click though
13:26.35Xolanso I'm thinking of just using a keybinding to set the destination
13:27.06XolanI have no experience with keybinding either though :P
13:27.09BouviHow does Cartographer to it to add the notes to the minimap?
13:27.38Xolannot sure.
13:27.42BouviCould be as simple as /pnc 34,84
13:27.51Bouvipnc = Point 'n' Click
13:28.10XolanI want both options though :)
13:28.20BouviNow that is what I love to hear :D
13:29.02XolanI have cartographer installed, I'll troll though the code for a bit, maybe that'll give me a lead
13:29.36Corrodiasi'm making a very long nude run from grom'gol to booty bay...
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13:29.48Corrodiaslong for me who doesn't like wasting time
13:29.54TonyDjust swim
13:30.03BouviI have to get working on my newsletter for tomorrow.  Plus I have to do two flyers for our upcoming US. Chung Do Kwan national conference.
13:30.07Corrodiaswhat's this, no water enemies?
13:30.13Mr_Rabies2are you making that run O_o
13:30.20TonyDno, shopre only
13:30.28Mr_Rabies2if you can avoid the coast you'll be fine
13:30.31Mr_Rabies2there's ONE shark
13:30.33TonyDbut why not ratchet->booty bay?
13:30.36Corrodiasi might want to participate in the fishing tournament
13:30.37Mr_Rabies2but he's up north
13:30.40BouviBoat to Theremore run up to ratchet and take the boot to bootybay
13:30.41BepHmmm ... any1 here who can code that lua stuff of wow and is willing to give some advice on what is possible and what not in a private chat ?
13:30.48Corrodiasbecause i -never- go through ratchet so there's no way i'd think of ratchet
13:30.57Cairenn|afkhow has the response been to that Bouvi? I know it was initially positive, is the trend continuing?
13:31.18BouviLet me check Cairenn.  I have gotten alot of "NICE" e-mails
13:31.45Xolanif you have any knowledge with scripting/programming with java/c#/php/perl etc lua shouldn't be any problem
13:31.45BouviClosing on 1,000 users now
13:31.46Cairenn|afkwell, if you need another boost or anything, let me know, hey?
13:32.22BepXolan : i have medium php knowledge and some basic CGI with perl :)
13:32.42BouviYeah I have a background in programming and picked up .lua pretty easily.  Still learning thou.
13:32.48Xolanwould suggest CTmod for a newsletter bouvi as it's the one mod that's been with me every since I started playing the game :)
13:32.57Xolanyeah it's mostly the wow api that's wierd
13:33.24BouviGood idea on that.  I have the next 3-4 weeks interviews done lol :D
13:33.39Xolaneager mofo lol
13:33.50BouviI gather ahead so I do not have to rush getting it done
13:33.57Xolanyeah, probably a good idea
13:34.19Xolanyou should make them available through rss or so too imo :)
13:34.38Bouvihehe I have NO idea how to do that. :D
13:34.44Cairenn|afkthat'd likely give you another huge boost
13:34.54Xolanyep, very basic xml bou :)
13:35.04Cairenn|afkpeople LOVE rss
13:35.23BepRSS is an imba way to check for updates on things :)
13:35.32Xolanif you have a database or so with every newsletter, generating a rss for that shouldn't be too hard
13:35.34Cairenn|afk(I don't use it at all, personally though, lol)
13:35.39Xolannope same lol
13:35.47Bepi have an RSS feed creator sumwhere in my personal code bin ....
13:35.53Bepu wanna use it ?
13:36.26Bepit's an php function which creates the .xml from which the RSS is made ..
13:36.34Xolandon't hardcode the xml though, make it dynamic so it's less hassle
13:36.34BouviI use a program called PHPList to make the newsletters
13:36.41Xolanright, what bep said
13:36.45XolanI'll have a look bou
13:37.10BepXolan : i did it with an cronjob, or after every update ..
13:37.16Xolanalready includes rss support :)
13:37.30BouviWhat already includes rss support?
13:38.08BepXolan : can i ask u some questions about the possibilities of WoW scripting in a private chat ? U seem to know a lot about it, or at least enough to help me xD
13:38.11BouviOK your fast
13:38.36Xolanyep sure bep, don't know a lot since I started about 20days ago but I'll help with whatever I can :)
13:38.42Beptnx m8
13:39.33Cairenn|afkBep: there is a *ton* of wow scripting knowledge in this channel - no offense at all to you Xolan, but if you limit yourself to private chat with one person, Bep, you are doing just that, limiting yourself
13:39.54Cairenn|afkyou're better to ask in channel, honestly, that way you get input from multiple sources
13:39.55krkai hate it when people ask if they can ask something
13:39.58krkajust ask it already!
13:40.12Xolanthough if it's very basic stuff I don't like asking in a channel either lol
13:40.32Cairenn|afkheh, that I can understand ;)
13:41.07krkano shame in asking, imo
13:41.21krkaexcept if it's something that's easy enough to google yourself
13:41.38Xolanbouvi: this might help too
13:41.42BouviOK can someone explain what excatly RSS does?
13:42.33BouviHow is it different then sending them an e-mail, etc?
13:42.45sancusRSS is basically an xml format for delivering real-time updates of web content
13:42.47Xolangrabs several entries from something and lists them, which you can for example have on a desktop widget. That way they will get the news without having to check the site.
13:43.04Cidedoesn't make much sense to use RSS for one-to-one communication
13:43.27BouviHow does that effect my newsletter?  How can I utilize this tool for that?
13:44.01Cidedo you use firefox?
13:44.22BouviIs there any other browser?
13:44.37Xolanif it's accessable via a web interface (not e-mail) I would certainly use it more if it had rss, as I have a lot of sites I regulary check. The rss will give me a update notice without me having to check.
13:44.40Corrodiasi wonder how many people participate in the fishing tournament on my realm... probably plenty to keep me from winning
13:44.54Xolanalthough if it's just an email newsletter there's no practical use no
13:45.49Xolanso Bep, where are those questions? :)
13:45.53Cairenn|afkspeaking of giving folks a bump - the guys over at Maelstrom Podcast are still looking for authors willing to be interviewed
13:46.15Corrodiasit's a one-way ticket to chicks.
13:46.29BouviI sent them a pm about My UIs, etc and no reponse.  I am not popular lol *cry*
13:46.51Cairenn|afkwho did you send it to?
13:47.10CorrodiasBouvi is renouned for his.. um... stuff
13:47.32BouviLet me check I have slept since then lol
13:47.45Xolanhis discord layouts are nifty :)
13:48.38krkai'm willing to be interviewed, but not an author :P
13:48.48Xolanis there a performance impact difference between using xml for frames or lua for generating them?
13:49.11krkanot afaik
13:49.16BouviI am a UI designer, I do have an addon Auto_LootFu and my UI Newsletter.  No one loves me lol
13:49.19*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
13:49.47CorrodiasRoxette - The Look
13:49.58Cidethere is a small one
13:50.21Mr_Rabies2anyone have any nifty outland flight path map thing? ;x
13:50.27Cairenn|afkBouvi: try dropping him another note
13:50.29XolanI'm getting somwhat worried as I'm running loops onUpdate and somewhat intricate if's :P
13:50.47Cidetry to stay away from doing much in OnUpdates
13:51.14Xolanyep, but I'm moving text as a compass, so I kinda have to
13:51.27[Ammo]Mr_Rabies2: has maps
13:51.30[Ammo]for horde and alliance
13:51.49Mr_Rabies2scared of keyloggers :p
13:51.59Mr_Rabies2even with firefox and noscript/adblock, never can be too sure :p
13:52.03[Ammo]wget :p
13:52.20BouviAFK for a few thyey want me to work :(
13:52.29Bepis there an command in the lua scripting part of wow, which returns the players health, mana and all res values ?
13:52.32Xolanhehe, cya later bouvi
13:52.33krkameh, don't be so worried about performance
13:52.41krkatry it, then measure it
13:52.51BouviI won't be long
13:52.59krkajust don't a crapload of things on each update
13:53.38[Ammo]Bep: UnitResistance("player", <nr>)
13:53.40krkaBep: Yes, see the wowwiki:
13:53.40[Ammo]gives resistances
13:53.48[Ammo]and krka has a nice link :)
13:53.59Bepowk, and health and mana ?
13:54.04krkaspecifically and
13:54.38XolanUnitHealth(), UnitHealthMax(), UnitMana etc
13:54.54Xolanwith the unitID is arg
13:57.38Corrodiasi expect many weeks of getting my ass handed to me, trying that fishing tournament
13:58.02XolanAFKHouse if you're a house addict and missed an episode ;P lots of other series there too
13:58.23Mr_Rabies2corr, this week's probably as good as any
13:58.27Mr_Rabies2since people are all on outland
13:58.41Corrodiashey, yeah
13:58.55Corrodiasi'm a-comin for yer fish
13:59.15Corrodiasi got my bait all up in here
13:59.45Corrodiasi want that swimming thingy.
14:00.19Mr_Rabies2its slower than seal form
14:00.41Mr_Rabies2at least i think so
14:01.35Corrodiaswell, seal form is 100% run speed in the water
14:01.47Corrodiassea lion? otter? something like that
14:03.18Corrodiasnow where are the areas you can fish? this says "Up and down the shores of Stranglethorn (but not outside Booty Bay) you'll see small ripples in the water" which doesn't make much sense to me
14:04.21Bepwhat is the current interface version number ?
14:04.23zenzelezzripples = school
14:04.34zenzelezz"not Booty Bay" = not while standing in Booty Bay
14:04.38zenzelezzthe rest of the shore is fine
14:05.16XolanAFKHouse20003 bep
14:05.16Mr_Rabies2theres little schools of fish outside bb that you can fish in
14:07.59*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-sleep (n=chatzill@
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14:12.36Corrodiasit said "not outside booty bay". you think it meant "not inside booty bay", then?
14:17.48Corrodiasah, ripoff! still doesn't have draenei or blood elf!
14:19.14Mr_Rabies2its cause they're black
14:19.33Mr_Rabies2blizzard entertainment doesn't care about black people, apparently
14:20.19Corrodiasblizzard hates black people. that reminds me of the incident with that guy whose name i totally don't remember being on stage with what's-his-name at some award thing...
14:21.24Corrodiasmike myers
14:21.41Mr_Rabies2yeah, thats what i was referencing
14:22.03Mr_Rabies2i love the look on MM's face when he says that
14:22.05Mr_Rabies2he's just like
14:22.15Corrodiasi haven't seen the video, sadly
14:22.35krkawhat are you talking about?
14:23.46Mr_Rabies2or that
14:24.51Corrodiaspoor mike
14:25.28Mr_Rabies2and then it cuts to chris tucker right after
14:25.36Corrodiaschris! SAY SOMETHING!
14:25.40Mr_Rabies2he's like
14:26.27Mr_Rabies2so have you guys run into the uh
14:26.39Mr_Rabies2orc male with an orc female's voice in the CoT
14:26.48Corrodiasugh. nickelodeon just HAS to play this stupid vegetarian ad every morning
14:26.54Corrodiasthey're such a bunch of twats
14:27.20Corrodiasi've only spent a few minutes in outland so far, to park my main at Falcon Watch. the rest of my time has been spent on a new BE mage
14:27.38Mr_Rabies2CoT is on azeroth
14:27.48CorrodiasCoT i don't recognize
14:27.53Mr_Rabies2caverns of time
14:28.01Corrodiasah! no, i haven't been there at all.
14:29.00Mr_Rabies2theres an orc male with a females voice
14:29.02Mr_Rabies2and its intended
14:29.10Mr_Rabies2(s)he's like
14:29.19Mr_Rabies2"time travel does strange things to the body"
14:29.48Corrodiashuh. well, that's unexpected.
14:31.35Corrodiasi wonder if tomorrow i'll feel like stepping foot in outland... but probably not, due to lag, still.
14:31.46Mr_Rabies2the bone wastes
14:31.48Mr_Rabies2are awesome
14:31.53Mr_Rabies2this time of day is pretty lag free
14:31.56Mr_Rabies2hell even at peak time
14:32.07Mr_Rabies2outside of hellfire peninsula
14:32.11Mr_Rabies2it's fine
14:32.12Corrodiasyeah, well, i'm going to sleep any minute now
14:32.29Corrodiasstill, now that it's thinned out a little, maybe i will give it a try
14:34.47sysrageafter our server crashed 3 times in a row, the lag wasn't bad at all. and it was still peak time
14:34.59sysrageso either a lot of ppl got pissed off at the crashes and didn't come back or they fixed something
14:35.26Corrodiasthey said they were restarting a bunch of realms to address a performance issue affecting stability...
14:35.44Mr_Rabies2yeah i think they probably turned off the diagnostic script thingy temporarily
14:35.58sysrageya. zul'jin was laggin like hell. then we got the 15 min warning for that planned restart. when it came back up it was even laggier than before the restart. crashed a few times. then was good
14:36.08Mr_Rabies2i think the script was checking for instability and was infact CAUSING IT
14:36.12Mr_Rabies2cause of so many people
14:37.11Corrodiasah. i wish i were already asleep.
14:37.14Corrodiasi hate brushing my teeth and stuff.
14:37.33sysragedon't brush them... when they fall out life will be easier
14:37.34Corrodiasthere's no help for it, though. i have to actually go perform it. 'ni
14:41.44*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
14:46.02BouviOK I am back.  Need a cool little addon for my Pick of the Week. hmmmmmm.
14:47.20XolanAFKHouse*cough*ArkInventory*cough* :)
14:48.21BouviIs it a bag addon?  The feature this week is vBagnon so might now work well together lol
14:48.49XolanAFKHouseit's a bag yes.
14:49.09XolanAFKHouseX-Perl maybe?
14:49.31BouviNo something small.  This is a pick not a feature.  Anything that does a little thing.
14:49.41XolanAFKHouseComix then
14:49.48BouviWhat does it do?
14:49.57XolanAFKHouseadds cartoon like "pew!" "boom!" etc when you crit :P
14:50.18BouviThat is weird lol
14:50.41XolanAFKHouse for a closer look
14:51.03XolanAFKHouseI love how it goes "Hallelujah!" when I heal crit ;P
14:51.19BouviSomething useful lol.  I will check it out for fun thou lol
14:51.32XolanAFKHousehm right
14:51.36XolanAFKHouseusefull, that's a toughie
14:51.57XolanAFKHouseautobar? it's small and very useful
14:52.23BouviFor example GoGoMount was the first (random mounts), BuyEmAll was 2nd.  They do VERY small tweeks.
14:52.51BouviWhat about
14:53.08BouviAnyone used it?
14:53.23XolanAFKHousenever tried it
14:53.37XolanAFKHousebut then again my only lvl60 is a holy priest so I don't get to grind much
14:54.20BouviI know QuestHistory.
14:56.00XolanAFKHouse perhaps? Gathers all minimap buttons to one collapsable one
14:56.13BouviOhhhh that is nice
14:56.30BouviWill save that for next week
14:56.34XolanAFKHouseneat for decluttering :)
14:57.47XolanAFKHouse caught my attention too
14:57.57sysragethat rocks
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14:57.57Mr_Rabies2allerian stronghold is awesome
14:58.07Mr_Rabies2it's like something from warcraft 3 :O
14:58.07Bepfirst of all : TNX FOR THE HELP
14:58.16Bepi'm making improvement ^^
14:58.23Bepnow what was the command for res ?
14:58.29Bepi can't find it in list O_o
14:59.55sysrageboth those mods look badass xolan
15:02.10XolanAFKHouseyep neat mods :)
15:03.10XolanAFKHouseI wish blizz would add a way to get the camera direction/facing/heading/whatever though
15:04.33Mr_Rabies2i hate the bone wastes :[
15:06.21*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
15:07.15Bepshould i make a pastey for 1 line of code ? or can i post it here ?
15:07.29Bepthis line returns a 0 ...
15:07.37Bepbut it should return 25 atm O_o
15:08.17XolanAFKHouseif it's one line just paste it here
15:08.25BepChatFrame1:AddMessage('Player fire res : ' .. UnitResistance("player", 2));
15:08.38Bepthis should return the fire res value of that moment ..
15:08.49Bepbut it says 0 :S
15:09.13Bepit works with 0 instead of 2, which gives the current armor O_o
15:09.16Mr_Rabies2you sure fire is 2? :O
15:09.27XolanAFKHouseit is
15:09.35Insacloneyou're returning the base FR
15:09.36Bep2 - (Fire) according to wiki :)
15:09.36Insaclonewhich is 0
15:09.41Insaclonenot the total
15:09.46Bepow ?
15:09.54Bephow do i make total out of that line of code ?
15:10.12XolanAFKHouseit returns several values I think
15:10.20XolanAFKHousethe first being base, the second the total
15:10.41Bepowk :)
15:10.45XolanAFKHouseso: local base, total = UnitResistance("player", 2);
15:10.52XolanAFKHousethen you should have both
15:10.53Bepand if i want the unbuffed value ?
15:11.08Bepso with gear, but without buffs like motw O_o
15:11.20XolanAFKHouseReturns: base, total, bonus, malus
15:12.09XolanAFKHousedon't tihnk you can differantiate gear and buffs without scanning your buffs and/or gear
15:12.41Bephmm k i'll figure that out later ;)
15:12.56Bepso how do i call the AddMessage ?
15:16.16sysragehas Outfitter been really slow to switch outfits since BC came out for anybody else?
15:16.44Bepgreat !!
15:16.54Bepoutfitter works fine for me !!
15:17.17Bepas a matter of fact i switched over cuz of wardrobe giving weird errors ... all fine now :)
15:19.34Mr_Rabies2its prob just server lag sys
15:25.15BouviNewsletter done and ready for release tomorrow *whew*
15:26.03Mr_Rabies2what the heck
15:26.15Mr_Rabies2all the encampments for the arena are still up
15:26.23Mr_Rabies2but only the old battlemasters are still there
15:26.32Mr_Rabies2and they're flagged <Ex-Battlemaster>
15:27.30Mr_Rabies2oh nevermind there's some goblin ones
15:27.33Mr_Rabies2real battlemasters
15:27.37Mr_Rabies2and an ogre with a gnome voice
15:52.36sysragelotsa ppl saying they have outfitter issues like mine. and it doesn't sound like server lag
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15:54.02Mr_Rabies2whats it doing?
15:54.48sysragewhen you unmount, it keeps your riding gear on for like 30 seconds
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16:02.58Bephmmm message('Class : ' .. englishClass .. '.'); <--- is this an complete line ?? as in wow breaks after it ?
16:03.32Bepcuz i was doing the same with another value the next line, but he quits after this first line O_o
16:03.59Bepwhat is the best way to get the next value on the line underneath ?
16:04.10Bepatm he breaks after this line O_o
16:04.28Bepno errors, he just stops =)
16:05.30Beplemme make a pastebin of the entire function :)
16:06.55Bepcould sum1 plz look and correct it ?
16:07.19Bepit worked perfectly when i did it in chatwindow, now i wanna do it in a frame ...
16:07.22XolanAFKHousemessage will only work once
16:07.31Bepow :$
16:07.38Bepwhat command should i use then ?
16:07.44Bepprint or something like that ?
16:08.26XolanAFKHouseyou didn't like AddMessage?
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16:08.26Bepi want it in an frame ..
16:08.26Bepnot in my chat area :
16:08.26XolanAFKHousethen I'd make a frame
16:08.29Bepi have the frame, and the first line comes in there ;)
16:08.50Bepnow i need to figure out how to put multiple lines in an frame xD
16:09.10XolanAFKHousebut.. message() uses the inbuildt message frame thingy
16:09.16Bepcould u plx tell me which command i gotta use ;)
16:09.19Bepowk >_<
16:09.30Bepguess i have the fundamental part wrong xD
16:09.39Bepi go look for a tutorial on frames :)
16:10.01XolanAFKHouse - although it's the xml part
16:10.15XolanAFKHousenice to learn before you go making frames with lua though
16:12.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
16:17.49Matholum|afkhi guys
16:20.42Matholum|afki have a question w/ my dropdowns...
16:20.53Xolansaw it coming lol
16:21.07Matholum|afkT_T sorry...
16:21.15Matholum|afkI don't always ask questions... lol
16:21.22Matholum|afkscript... xml...
16:21.35Matholum|afkmy toggle funct isn't showing the menu
16:23.29Xolandon't know enough to help I think. Although as a general comment I'd try to make more unique function/table names
16:23.33Xolan*less generic
16:23.54Matholumthanks though
16:26.31Matholumso, Xolan... may i ask where you are from?
16:26.59MatholumI am from Ohio, Usa... you?
16:27.09XolanTrondheim, Norway
16:27.18Matholumcool ^_^
16:27.21Xolancurrently in Levanger though :P
16:27.39Matholumdo they speak another language other than eng there?
16:28.07XolanNorwegian, English and German are the most common I guess
16:28.16Xolanalong with the etnic Saami
16:28.16Matholumi dunno much about Norway, srry ^_^
16:29.04Xolanwhat really sucks though is that we have two different written languages
16:29.25Matholumyuk... i love languages but to do that in everyday life would stick
16:30.48Xolanyep, and not only do we have two langs, we're bound by law to teach both to our kids :P
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16:31.10Xolananyways, enough language stuff lol, what mod are you making?
16:33.03Mr_Rabies2<Matholum> yuk... i love languages but to do that in everyday life would stick
16:33.03Mr_Rabies2yeah but they get kickass metal bands
16:33.08Xolanwe do ;P
16:33.13Mr_Rabies2so it evens out :p
16:33.28Xolanalthough Dimmu Borgir didn't get a lot of good response from Ozzfest afaik.
16:33.41Mr_Rabies2i like em okay
16:33.54Mr_Rabies2not a big fan of the death metal vocal style but i like them nonetheless
16:34.06Xolanthey're more black than death
16:34.22Mr_Rabies2the sub-genres confuse the hell out of me :p
16:34.44Mr_Rabies2i'm a big fan of power metal cause it doesn't take itself seriously at all
16:34.53Mr_Rabies2i.e. dream evil, dragonforce, etc
16:35.13Xolanyou should give Nocturnal Rites a try then :)
16:35.16Matholumlol.. i don't no any bands from norway
16:35.30Mr_Rabies2dream evil's from sweden and dragonforce is from the uk, so yeah :p
16:35.38Mr_Rabies2i'll look up nocturnal rites :O
16:35.54Xolanalso swedish :)
16:36.10Xolanin power metal I prefer Kamelot and Rhapsody I think though
16:36.12Matholumi am making a mod where you talk to ppl in "pic codes"... like talking to them and it shows as, lets say, Elven Runes...
16:36.28MatholumI have it pretty much working, i am just making the config part
16:36.50Matholumthus dropdowns
16:36.59Mr_Rabies2yeah i like kamelot and rhapsody
16:37.05Mr_Rabies2what the hell is this video XD
16:37.30Xolanscrew the video lol, the song rocks xD
16:37.54Mr_Rabies2power metal always has either boring or ridiculous videos
16:38.10Mr_Rabies2ridiculous is better than boring so yeah :p
16:38.19Mr_Rabies2i like lacuna coil, etc too
16:38.28Matholumi like them too ^_^
16:38.29Mr_Rabies2it's like evanescence without the suck
16:38.40Xolanbit too soft for me
16:39.15Xolan video from my fav band
16:40.34Xolanthinking of going to Wacken this summer :)
16:41.08Mr_Rabies2this is pretty good xolan
16:41.19Mr_Rabies2it's like folk metal so far,
16:41.47Xolanbit of folk influence yeah, but it's more melodic death metal
16:41.48Mr_Rabies2don't like the vocals though :x
16:41.59Xolannah, they had different vocals eariler
16:42.20Mr_Rabies2i like dethklok's vocals, but no other death/black metal vocals very much
16:42.28Mr_Rabies2probably because dethklok is hilarious
16:45.09Xolanhm, not melodic enough for my taste :)
16:45.33Mr_Rabies2well it's one guy doing all the instruments and everything :O
16:45.42Mr_Rabies2they're a comedy show on cartoon network's adult swim
16:46.03Xolanah lol
16:46.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
16:47.02Mr_Rabies2two guys do all the character's voices for the dialog
16:47.11Mr_Rabies2and one of those two does all the music
16:48.16Mr_Rabies2well they have special guest voices here and there, like corpsegrinder from cannibal corpse and stuff
16:48.30Mr_Rabies2doing the voice of the blues devil
16:48.58Mr_Rabies2they were going to bargain their souls for the ability to play the blues for some reason
16:49.22Mr_Rabies2but they ended up getting a portion of the devil's soul and the ability to play the blues
16:49.29Mr_Rabies2for a $5 hot topic gift card
16:49.36Xolan another fav band :)
16:49.41Xolanpower'ish metal
16:50.15Xolannow the fun part - they're japanese ;P
16:50.39Matholumi <3 jpop
16:51.30Mr_Rabies2this better not be dir en grey
16:51.35Mr_Rabies2they have some weirdass music videos
16:51.48Mr_Rabies2^ is another dethklok song
16:51.51Mr_Rabies2it's more melodic
16:54.18Xolanerm wth :P
16:55.02Xolanreckon you've heard of Children of Bodom?
16:55.42Matholum(btw... i did the select thing for dropdowns and there were values...)
16:56.30Mr_Rabies2yeah i've heard of CoB
16:56.33Mr_Rabies2oh man
16:56.38Mr_Rabies2toshley's station
16:56.44Mr_Rabies2in blade's edge
16:56.45Mr_Rabies2is awesome
16:57.03Mr_Rabies2star wars and Starship trooper's references everywhere
16:57.04Mr_Rabies2i love it
16:57.13Mr_Rabies2starship troopers
16:57.33Xolanstarship troopers > star wars any day ;P (though  not #2)
16:57.35*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
16:58.17*** join/#wowi-lounge TC_Working (
16:58.30Mr_Rabies2the book maybe, but the movie /cry
17:00.11Mr_Rabies2this is awesome
17:00.49Mr_Rabies2Razak Ironsides says: Come on you apes. You want to live forever?
17:01.01Mr_Rabies2as the ravagers invade the station
17:01.57Mr_Rabies2there's like
17:01.59Mr_Rabies250 of these things
17:02.00Mr_Rabies2oh man
17:02.11Mr_Rabies2the gnome calvary just arrived
17:02.16Mr_Rabies2on their mechanistriders
17:02.18Mr_Rabies2it's like
17:02.23Mr_Rabies250 gnomes versus 50 ravagers now
17:02.26Mr_Rabies2this is awesome
17:02.57Mr_Rabies2if you have an alliance char
17:03.07Mr_Rabies2get your ass to toshley's station
17:03.27XuerianI haven't BC >.>
17:03.30Mr_Rabies2it's like freaking starship troopers up in here
17:03.42*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
17:03.45Xolanno alliance char, and will never roll one, and no tbc yet
17:04.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
17:05.45Xolanok last metal link ;P
17:07.54Mr_Rabies2one sec
17:07.59Mr_Rabies2i'm trying not to die in outlands
17:08.10XuerianShoulda screenshotted it >.>
17:08.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
17:09.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
17:11.56Matholumim gonna go sleep... ^_^
17:12.04Matholumcya later
17:12.07Xolanlater :)
17:12.32Mr_Rabies2netherstorm is awesome
17:13.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
17:13.26*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|DVD (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
17:13.26*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower|DVD] by ChanServ
17:13.49*** join/#wowi-lounge beerke (
17:19.38Mr_Rabies2is there a flight path in area 52?
17:22.15Mr_Rabies2found it
17:29.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
17:31.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Neuro_Medivh (
17:34.41Mr_Rabies2"I would warn you to be wary of dealing with that goblin, Shauly. I don't believe I've ever heard anyone use the word "buddy" as punctuation before"
17:34.55Mr_Rabies2in regards to the goblin, Shauly Pore, in one of the Ethereal Eco-Domes in Netherstorm
17:35.21Mr_Rabies2i knew they'd do a biodome reference in the eco-domes
17:41.53*** join/#wowi-lounge TheKarn (
17:42.54*** join/#wowi-lounge zerridwen (
17:44.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Insa (
17:48.52Mr_Rabies2i love bc
17:48.55Industrialwhoa there goes a cat! (just kidding)
17:49.04Mr_Rabies2it really brings out the sci-fi parts of WoW
17:49.09Mr_Rabies2these ethereals are awesome
17:49.15Mr_Rabies2got myself a 40g pet :x
17:49.22Mr_Rabies2gonna sell this thing for 100+g i hope
17:49.24Mr_Rabies2if not oh well
17:49.46Industrialding 12 ;p
17:52.10Mr_Rabies2oh wow
17:52.13Mr_Rabies2netherbloom pollen
17:52.15Mr_Rabies2+50 stam
17:59.02*** join/#wowi-lounge [Liquidor] (
18:01.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
18:01.38*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem] by ChanServ
18:05.41Industrialhahaha best guild name ever
18:05.46Industrial<MOM ONE MORE HOUR FFS>
18:06.04TheStig<Dirty Sons of Liches>
18:06.48Mr_Rabies2mannn this is awesome
18:06.50IndustrialI still want to make my own Corpse Corps
18:07.07Mr_Rabies2i hit up the part of netherstorm where all the ghosts are
18:07.10Mr_Rabies2freakin weird
18:07.12zenzelezzwhen I was new to WoW I ended up signing the charter for <Spice Vendor> or some such
18:07.18Mr_Rabies2snuck past the level 68 elemental
18:07.32Mr_Rabies2talked to the kirin tor guy :O
18:08.17Industrial\m/ -_- \m/
18:08.31Bephmmm i'm missing the clue about frames
18:08.45Bepand there isn't any site on the i-ne which gives a good tutorial O_o
18:08.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Bouvi (
18:09.07Bephow do i get an normal textmessage in a frame ?
18:09.10*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
18:09.25Xolanyou'd set up a fontstring frame in that frame
18:09.38Bepfontstring frame ?
18:09.41Xolanand you'd then use SetText() on the fontstring to set the text
18:09.49Industrialding 13
18:09.56Cairenn|afksection #4
18:09.57Industrialyay new wand
18:10.04Cairenn|afkBep: that was to you
18:10.11Bepk great tnx
18:10.23Industrialanyone play on daggerspine eu? :P
18:10.44Industrialthats the problem with wow
18:10.49Industrialthey should make it like runescape
18:11.05Industrialanyone can play on any server with any character at any time except for when the server is full
18:11.44Xolangah missed the BB boat when watching this chat >.<
18:11.48Bepwell these tutorials all use the error screen as output, i want to output in a special window
18:11.52Mr_Rabies2would rip the economy to bits probably :x
18:12.00Bepit took me 2hours to get a window in my screen aka frame ;)
18:12.21*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
18:12.21*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower|AFK] by ChanServ
18:12.22Mr_Rabies2and any sense of community the servers have
18:12.23Bepbut now i'm puzzling how to get some text in that screen O_o
18:13.04Bepi've read something about MessageFrame ...
18:13.11Bepis that the thing i should use ?
18:13.15TheStigi hate that i have a lvl 335 tailor, a 315 enchanter, a 300 alchemist, and a 300 engineer on my alliance server, but that benefits me in no what shape or form on my new horde server
18:13.17Bepand use SetText in it ?
18:13.20TheStigi can't stand being poor :(
18:13.28IndustrialMr_Rabies2: but everyone can play with everyone
18:13.45Xolan@bep: never used messageframe so dunno
18:13.50TheStigs/no what shape/no way shape/
18:13.50Industrialhow about inter server ah?
18:13.56Mr_Rabies2they'd probably have to link ALL the servers on the AH
18:14.02Mr_Rabies2would be ugly
18:14.50Mr_Rabies2the AH server would be down like half the time
18:14.57Mr_Rabies2with 8 million people accessing it :x
18:15.00TheStigif there was an inter server AH i would list a tough jerkey on my new horde char for 500g and then buy it from my main
18:15.21Xolanmake the server beefy, problem solved :)
18:15.24TheStigtada instant gold movement
18:15.36TheStigthe economy would blow up
18:15.51Xolanoo, inter-server mail ;P
18:15.51TheStignow interserver mail that'd be hot
18:15.58Xolanand inter-faction
18:16.00TheStigwould solve a lot of problems
18:16.03Xolansend hate mail >:)
18:16.10TheStiglike eve online
18:16.33BepXolan : i'm checking some things like armor, res, hp and mana ...
18:16.33Bepthat part works :)
18:16.39Bepi can display them in chat window xD
18:16.47Bepbut now i want them in a frame
18:16.49TheStig"Dear Fucker who decided to bomb my 50093209209320923 currency ship.  You're dead.  Your family is dead, and your grandchildren?  They're dead too.  GGs fucker.  Signed, Retardedguy"
18:16.53Bepwhat is the wisest way to go ?
18:17.17XolanI'll help you out in 5min in private chat :)
18:17.39Xolanjust a quick example anyways
18:17.49IndustrialI dont see a problem with interserver things
18:18.02Industrialif some moron decides to put something on the ah for 500g then let them
18:18.04Industrialthey do that now
18:18.15Industrialnobody buys it anyway
18:18.19foxlitPsst, interserver gold transfer = way easier to sell gold
18:18.51Industrialyou are forgetting that being one aa server doesnt have any value
18:19.00Industrialcause you can go on any server
18:19.14foxlitPass go, and pay blizzard in the proccess.
18:19.56*** join/#wowi-lounge _aLF (
18:20.41Industrialanyway its just an idea, i think it would be nice
18:20.45foxlitYou could try to tansfer gold across realms right now -- through the paid character transfer. That has a cooldown, though.
18:21.20Mr_Rabies2and you can only carry a certain amount
18:21.23Mr_Rabies2based on char level
18:21.30Bepye ;)
18:21.38foxlitExactly, so restrictions apply.
18:21.43Bepand they look for stuff like arcanite bars also ;)
18:21.55foxlitLink all AHs, however, and voila, instant gold transfer in unlimited quantities.
18:22.01Bepso taking expensive items with u that can stack won't work either xD
18:22.12Industrialwho cares about the dumass gold :|
18:22.30Bepye who cares about g ... i don't even care about my epix anymore O_o
18:23.02foxlitToo much gold from the wrong sources would eventually make trading hell.
18:23.23Hallu2but the economy is totally blown out of whack now
18:23.33Hallu2I made 200g questing last night
18:23.34amrowow's economy sucks
18:23.42Hallu2and that was only 1 lvls worth of quests
18:23.46foxlitHallu2: not to worry.
18:23.55foxlitMounts will eat all that and more
18:24.33amromounts ate people's money a short while after release, but a few months later everyone had over 1k again
18:24.36Bepany1 already saw a lvl 70 dude ?
18:24.47Bepthey say our server has a a horde 1 O_o
18:25.16amroi hear it took the first guy to get to 70 28hrs /played
18:25.38Bepye ...
18:25.42Bepthat is imba fast :S
18:25.57Bepprolly tagging mobs, and let others kill them off ;)
18:26.30BepXolan : are u there ?
18:26.35Hallu2yeah, that's what he did
18:26.51Bepdo u have time now to help me a little bit out ?
18:27.01XolanI've already sent you several messages in pm :)
18:27.16Bepi see 0 of them :(
18:27.28Bepow wait prolly cuz i'm not registered xD
18:27.28Cairennare you both registered?
18:27.30Xolanstupid trillian *waves fist*
18:27.33Beplemme register ;)
18:27.49Cairennyou have to be registered to PM
18:28.28*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
18:28.31amroBep: how is that fast?
18:28.51b3pwell if u deal first damage to mob u get the xp
18:28.58b3pso if others finish it ...
18:29.06amrourm i meant how is that imba?
18:29.07b3pu can tag mobs all day, and let other kill them :)
18:29.09foxlitDoesn't quite work like that
18:29.11amroif you dont have a life, you get to level up faster
18:29.19b3pXolan : i'm registered now btw ;)
18:29.35Xolanye, did you see my response?
18:29.51foxlitAmount of XP you gain is proportional to the amount of damage you(r group) do(es) to the mob.
18:30.06b3pXolan : nope i get no response from u :(
18:30.12Xolananswered yes twice now :P, let me register again :P
18:30.45b3pall look at my imba frame xD
18:30.49kasoFoxlit, i thought it was just a penalty if you did less than 50% of the damage.
18:30.55b3ptook me 2 hours to find out how ;)
18:30.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Xolan (
18:31.08foxlitCould be. Something along those lines, anyway
18:31.15zenzelezzoyh, stop messing with EU-Silvermoon
18:31.41b3pXolan : join channel b3pn44b
18:31.42foxlitrestart wave?
18:31.48amropeople can see if a mob has been tagged anyway
18:32.13b3p#b3pn44b ... private channel xD
18:32.34IndustrialTheKarn: ping
18:33.05Industrialanyone play on Daggerspine EU?
18:33.23Mr_Rabies2i can tell by that screen
18:33.32Mr_Rabies2someone asked HAY WHERE CAN I GET NETHERGARDE BITTER
18:33.46Mr_Rabies2and someone said "Nethergarde keep, duh"
18:33.51Mr_Rabies2WHARS THAT
18:34.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
18:34.10Mr_Rabies2"blasted lands...."
18:34.19IndustrialHAI GUISE IM AN INDIAN LOL
18:34.32Industrialnothing :P
18:34.34Mr_Rabies2i'm confused
18:35.48BarbanusGod, every time someone asked that last night
18:35.58Barbanuspeople started spewing random shit out their ass
18:36.08BarbanusI muted General pretty quick
18:36.13Mr_Rabies2i was one of those probably
18:36.20Mr_Rabies2no mercy for the stupid
18:36.26BarbanusMr_Rabies, on Korgath?
18:36.34Mr_Rabies2on llane
18:36.43BarbanusNah, it was like "RACECAR OMG!!"
18:36.51Barbanusand then people would spew other random crap
18:37.02zenzelezzgngh... why does the server always go down when we're about to do instances
18:37.03Mr_Rabies2i love hellfire general chat
18:37.05Mr_Rabies2then again
18:37.07Mr_Rabies2i love barrens chat
18:37.34foxlitTerokkar <3
18:37.51Mr_Rabies2i hate terokkar >:|
18:37.59Mr_Rabies2damn those warp stalkers
18:38.06Mr_Rabies2and bone wastes
18:38.20Mr_Rabies2took me like an hour to get to nagrand
18:38.28foxlitWarp Stalkers are realtively easy, really
18:38.29Mr_Rabies2i got attacked less in NETHERSTORM
18:38.37Mr_Rabies2than terokkar
18:38.52Mr_Rabies2they blink to you and daze you on the first hit like half the time
18:38.55Mr_Rabies2while mounted :[
18:39.17TheStigi walked to area 52 the other day at lvl 61
18:39.25TheStigonly died once t
18:39.34Mr_Rabies2i ran to stonespire
18:39.37Mr_Rabies2and got a mana wyrmling
18:39.52Industrialargh! wheres that cat pics site
18:39.53BouviDuring Beta I got ALL the flight paths.  Never died during the trip was just careful
18:39.57foxlitThe worst warp stalker has ever done to me is blink behind me while I'm meleeing :P
18:40.03Industrialwith the "I made you a cookie but i eated it"
18:40.26TheStigi don't even know where any towns are
18:41.25Mr_Rabies2i just did today bouvi
18:41.33Mr_Rabies2i died
18:41.34Mr_Rabies230 times or so today
18:41.44Mr_Rabies2at 61
18:41.59BouviEpic Mount and Vanish for the win lol  If not for Vanish I would have died ALOT
18:43.57Mr_Rabies2so i just got nekkid and ran around after dying 10 times in the bone wastes
18:45.11Industriallol i accidentally typed WTB Greater Magic Wang
18:45.11TheStigwhere is that dranei town in hellfire peninsula with the first aid book
18:45.43TheStigi found a horde town north westish
18:46.17TheStigmag har
18:46.45TheStigwait nvm i found it
18:47.13Mr_Rabies2mag har is an uh
18:47.30Mr_Rabies2brown orc camp
18:47.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
18:47.35Mr_Rabies2i guess whatever rexxar is maybe
18:48.11TheStigi need a map of all the nodes
18:48.15TheStigflight nodes
18:48.22TheStigfor both horde and alliance but seperate has em
18:53.31Temrexxar isn't an orc
18:53.38zenzelezzI really wish the world server would stop going down every 10 minutes
18:53.50Temit was the same way in beta
18:54.48Mr_Rabies2<+Tem> rexxar isn't an orc
18:54.52Mr_Rabies2i know, that's what i'm saying
18:54.52TheStigoutland is absolutely torn apart
18:55.05Mr_Rabies2they're either some weird brown orcs or whatever rexxar is
18:55.10Mr_Rabies2mok'thanar or whatever
18:55.12Shadowedhe's half orc half something
18:55.22Mr_Rabies2i think
18:55.28TemI'm not sure what he is
18:55.37Shadowed~lart |FF|Im2good4u
18:55.47ShadowedRexxar was one of the few orcish warriors who had been formed of a union with orc and ogre.
18:55.51Mr_Rabies2guess they're just brown orcs
18:55.53Scre3mare the auctioneer authors in here?
18:55.58|FF|Im2good4uwut did i do wrong this time ?
18:56.03Shadowed[55:12] -|FF|Im2good4u- ||||v1/vs|Statements||||v2/vr|Requests||||v3/vc|Commands||||v4/vt|Talk||||v5/vg|Global||||v6/vf|Function||||v7/vo|Objectives||||
18:56.14|FF|Im2good4uah that oke.. ill disable it now :P
18:57.11Tem|FF|Im2good4u, for god's sake
18:57.19Temcan you type out whole words?
18:57.36Shadowedwrong is a word Tem
18:57.47Shadowedpretty sure did, do, this and time are too!
18:57.50|FF|Im2good4utem first i work on my spelling then on my words oke :P
18:58.09Industrialmove zig!
18:58.27TonyDwe get signal?
18:58.53Industrialwhat you say
18:59.45Scre3mdo the auctioneer authors hav an irc channel?
19:00.27Cairennbut yes, they are in here as well
19:03.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=najklord@
19:03.15*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
19:03.38BouviWOW I have been busy.  YAWN
19:04.36Mr_Rabies2they REALLY
19:04.44Mr_Rabies2need to put an AH in shattrath
19:05.07BouviThen what are the mages supposed to do who are waiting in IF to port you have to Shatt
19:05.22Mr_Rabies2nothing, because they're not :[
19:05.25zenzelezzwhy portal? Just hearthstone back
19:05.35Mr_Rabies2i sat there asking in trade for an hour while i waited on my hearth to cooldown
19:05.49KirovI want a tinket hearth stone cooldown resetter
19:05.59Bouvizenzelezz SHHHHHH once I get hight enough with my mage I want to make some cash lol
19:06.18BouviYou know you could do the AH at SW and fly to the Blasted lands quicker than an hour
19:06.28Mr_Rabies2once i get flight form it won't be a problem
19:06.37Mr_Rabies2cause i can get to the flight masters with ease
19:07.02Mr_Rabies2and/or just go as the (storm)crow flies to shatt
19:07.15BouviCan flight form be used outside of Outland?
19:07.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
19:07.53Mr_Rabies2same as a flying mount in every way except immunity to polymorph and it being insta-cast
19:08.41Mr_Rabies2you're immune to poly on flying mounts
19:10.26OsagasuWhich SUCKS.
19:10.37kasoOnly whilst actually flying are you immune
19:10.48Mr_Rabies2on the ground you're not?
19:10.55Shadowedit would have been fun if it wasn't
19:11.06foxlitSheep take no fall damage.
19:11.15Shadowedsheep/unsheep them
19:11.28foxlitDoesn't apply to me, anyhow. Crow :P
19:11.32BouviFighting from flying mounts would be cool
19:11.53kasointerestingly you're not immune to Mind Control while flying
19:12.16IndustrialBouvi: havent sen the beta mage videos?
19:12.33Mr_Rabies2without facial hair
19:12.35Shadowedprobably b ecause you don't unmount them when you MC them
19:12.46Mr_Rabies2without squid-appendages
19:12.57Mr_Rabies2this draenei looks like a shoe-in for arnold
19:12.57kasobut you're immune to other CCs, Fear, horrify etc
19:12.59Mr_Rabies2except the hoofs
19:13.02BouviNope not seen any video
19:13.08Shadowedoh fear too?
19:13.20Mr_Rabies2fear would be fun while on an epic flying mount
19:13.30Mr_Rabies2randomly going in random directions and slamming into the ground
19:13.36Mr_Rabies2at what
19:13.38Mr_Rabies2300% speed?
19:13.40kasoits possible to get a fear off of they jump miliseonds before it lands
19:13.43kasoits quite amusing
19:14.36*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
19:14.58*** join/#wowi-lounge [Ammo] (
19:29.42IndustrialYour reputation with Tranquillien increased by 1000.
19:30.11kasoWhen you do the last quest for them you get like 8000 to top you off do exhalted
19:30.13IndustrialI lovew that rep thing in this area, if you have a good standing you can buy good greens
19:31.37Industrialim already halfway to honored and im only at the lake
19:31.43Industrialne ghostlands
19:33.49zenzelezzwonder if it's BC or just the data center that has gone to hell
19:34.26Neuro_Medivhwhich faction is tranquillien?
19:37.09Neuro_Medivhahh, yeah, draenei is the same, you get tons of faction
19:37.32Mikmai'm already honored with sw at lvl18
19:37.42Mikmaand revered with exodar
19:39.54Industrialso where are you playing?
19:40.11Mikmahellfire pve
19:40.37Mikmabrand new server etc
19:43.22*** part/#wowi-lounge Xolan (
19:47.35Industrialding 1
19:51.08IndustrialKaelten: wowace is down
19:57.15*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
20:01.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Dhraga (
20:05.45*** join/#wowi-lounge ag`_ (n=ag`
20:09.04*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
20:09.55ckknighthey all
20:14.30BouviHiya CK
20:16.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
20:16.38kaso i love the Sub-headline on this.
20:20.22*** part/#wowi-lounge Oree (
20:21.23*** join/#wowi-lounge TheKarn (
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20:30.06*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
20:33.38kasoGrr, users reporting bugs that i cant replicate, its frustrating
20:36.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Insaclone (
20:38.44AnduinLotharsounds familiar
20:40.35BouviCould be an ID-10T error
20:43.15kasonah i can understand whats causing the error, some other addon is conflicting with mine, but i cant replicate it so i dont know why
20:46.35*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
20:50.43grollhmm wierd.. not a single update today :P
20:51.44Industrialding 15
20:55.21BouviI want to be home playing :P
21:01.01hasteIndustrial: what server?
21:12.33Industrialgogo create a char
21:14.27hastenever :p
21:14.27Industrialyou want one you know it
21:14.38hasteYes, I really enjoy leveling my rogue
21:15.30*** part/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
21:15.53Industrialim actually playing priest too >_>
21:16.45hastehow many priests do you have?
21:16.51Shadowedneed 4 priests
21:17.01Shadowedholy priest, disc priest, shadow priest, holy/disc tri spec
21:17.05IndustrialI only have one character.
21:17.32IndustrialIm blocking all the others from my mind. they do not exist.
21:19.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Oree (
21:21.27*** join/#wowi-lounge duckfoot (
21:21.48duckfoothow can i get the ui back to default?
21:21.59hastedelete the addons you have?
21:22.01duckfoot:] i installed some mods, and it lags out my pc too much
21:22.03duckfootah ok
21:48.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Xolan (
21:50.29*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
21:51.00Scre3mbongos author here?
21:51.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz_ (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
21:52.02Scre3manyone know of a good, simple addon for raid marking?
21:55.27JoshBorkeright click?
21:56.47Industrialding 16
21:58.48TheKarnyou got those bags yet?
22:01.35Scre3mright click requires too much motion, thus the need for an addon
22:01.52Scre3ma) target mob, b) right clikc, c) choose raid icon
22:02.19Scre3mid like to tab and click
22:02.42foxlithover, fade in menu, click
22:03.27foxliton top of the target frame or something.
22:03.32Scre3mim not asking if you guys think an addon is needed, im asking if anyone knows of something
22:03.58Industrialno we dont /shoo lazy boy
22:04.03*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (n=jnwhiteh@WoWUIDev/WoWI/FA/cladhaire)
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22:05.06Scre3mthis is an addon channel, right?
22:05.32Scre3mthere is no need to be rude, its a simple question
22:06.17CideIndustrial is not representing everyone
22:06.42Cidebut it's an addon channel in the sense that it's an addon *development* channel
22:07.08Scre3mi'm not askig anyone to search for me or to develop the addon, i just asked if anyone knows of one
22:07.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
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22:07.30MikmaScre3m: just /ignore Industrial, that's what like 75% of people here has done
22:07.41Scre3mdone, thanks
22:11.54JoshBorkei don't know of any, i believe there was an ace mod that helped
22:14.09Scre3mone more question, does anyone know of a mod that helps monitor group buffs such as Prayer of Fortitude? currently i use the ct_raid unit bars, but the take up so much screen real estate that i'd like to get rid of them
22:18.44Scre3msweet thanks!
22:19.01Scre3moh and banarbar looks good for raid targeting
22:29.55Industrialomg people your [Sarcasm Gizmo 6000] is broken
22:31.17Industrialso Mikma what level are you? im 16 now
22:35.51cladhaireAnyone here familiar with the in-game resolution of the UI?
22:36.11cladhairei.e. it seems to be 1027x768 on a normal resolution, but 1228x768 on a widescreen resolution
22:36.15cladhairewhat is it on a dual-monitor setup?
22:36.51*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
22:38.33JoshBorkei dunno
22:39.22TainI don't know for sure but I sort of have a memory of it being the same as widescreen.
22:40.35*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
22:42.20IndustrialQuestion: The mod that changed the models of plants to boxes, was that against the EULA?
22:43.14Industrialcause they are darn hard to see in ghostlands:p
22:44.24Industrialeven whem im right on one it blends  in perfectly..
22:44.42Cidekinda like sungrass in hinterlands
22:46.14IndustrialCurved Dagger of Holy Wrath
22:46.16Industrialhow useless
22:50.34kahdgarxiiIndustrial - Pally Weapon!!
22:52.12Industrialpallies use 2handers
22:52.21Industrialright? :
22:53.55TainObviously Hunter loot
22:54.04kasoHoly wrath items are so rare, i love em just as rare items
22:55.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kodewulf|Away (
22:58.10TainIf you love it so much why don't you marry it.
22:58.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
22:58.39*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem] by ChanServ is the US realmList right?
22:59.37Industrialeu is eu. ;)
23:06.44*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|Busy (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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23:14.56*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre- (
23:25.17*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso ( many GBs do you need free to install TBC if you already have WoW 2.0.3?
23:45.02ThraeThe installer says 10GB, but I think that's if you don't have WoW at all, right? I mean, how much space does everyone's WoW directory take up?
23:45.32ShadowedAbout, 7.13 GB without screenshots
23:49.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=mjgoosse@
23:52.56*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (

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