irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070115

00:00.30kasoI want to be able to do "ClearLines()" on a tooltip without loosing the GetItem() info, i cant think of a way to do this, Doing a script to nil out all the text Lines just causes AddLine() to use higher text lines. Anyone have any ideas?
00:01.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
00:03.28*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (n=[KaoS]`@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
00:03.29Mr_Rabies2|awayso uh
00:03.32Mr_Rabies2|awaywhat's in 2.0.5
00:03.56zenzelezzonly a graphical, client-side fix IIRC
00:04.44kasothe DO NOT USE is so tempting
00:05.13kasothats like having a big red "dont push this" button
00:05.24foxlitHey, I should get one in my addon
00:05.38zenzelezzkaso: "wet paint"
00:05.42Mr_Rabies2|away*DO NOT PRESS*
00:05.45foxlitUpon pressing, hook GetInventoryItem / GetContainerItem to just return nothing
00:05.48foxlitzomg, gear is gone!
00:06.18Mr_Rabies2|awayi had a bug with wardrobe that was actually a blizzard bug
00:06.25Mr_Rabies2|awayi zoned into BWL and had all my healer gear missing
00:06.51zenzelezzMr_Rabies: Blizzard was trying to tell you your class can DPS too
00:06.54Mr_Rabies2|awayi check wardrobe and its like "Could Not Find Stormrage blah" etc
00:07.05Mr_Rabies2|awaythen i check my invo
00:07.08Mr_Rabies2|awayand it's not there :O
00:07.18Mr_Rabies2|awayi zone out and it's back though O_o
00:07.45foxlitHow do I assign a hotkey to a stateheader?
00:07.48Hobinheimdo you happen to know of any low level mobs that give a magic debuff?
00:07.54foxlitAnd how do I get the stateheader to react?
00:08.02foxlitFind any defias mages, probably. Frost armor
00:08.15Mr_Rabies2|away<Hobinheim> do you happen to know of any low level mobs that give a magic debuff?
00:08.21Mr_Rabies2|awaydefine low level
00:08.24zenzelezzhm, magic...
00:08.32Hobinheimlike accessible to a 58
00:08.44Mr_Rabies2|awayhit up the caster quilboars
00:08.44Hobinheimi specifically need a magic debuff
00:08.47foxlitelwynn populace :)
00:08.49Hobinheimthey don't curse?
00:08.50Mr_Rabies2|awaythey have faerie fire
00:08.53Hobinheimnice nice nice....
00:09.11Mr_Rabies2|awayspecifically the ones closest to XR do
00:09.14Mr_Rabies2|awayi'm fairly certain
00:09.34zenzelezzif not, the harpies in northwest might have some
00:09.34Hobinheimi might actually publish a mod today =P
00:09.39Xolanquick question: is TOC still 20003?
00:09.44Hobinheimso excitering
00:09.48zenzelezzbut can't remember if that's magic or something else
00:09.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Bajawoojie (
00:10.01BajawoojieHey guys
00:10.03BajawoojieI need some help
00:10.26BajawoojieAnyone here an "expert" with WoW UI designer?
00:10.41XolanI've fiddled with it
00:10.44Xolannot an expert tho
00:10.49Hobinheimimo the best UIs come from rigorous amounts of copying =(
00:10.53Bajawoojiewell, i just want to know how to make somthing lol
00:10.53Hobinheimi don't know how anyone gets anything done
00:11.00Bajawoojieim 100% noob at it
00:11.09Mr_Rabies2|awayi need to find the guy that's updating cooldowncount for 2.0 :x
00:11.12BajawoojieI can learn myself once I get going, but I d ont know where to start
00:11.18Hobinheimmy suggestino would be to find a mod that either looks or acts like what you need
00:11.47Mr_Rabies2|awayplus using wowwiki
00:11.55XolanI suggest reading is you want an introduction to the xml
00:12.18Mr_Rabies2|awayi tried that myself and i'm a lost cause, but i think there's some pretty nice tutorials that could help someone with more programming skill than i :P
00:12.29Xolanif you've worked with xml before it shouldn't be that hard to understand :)
00:12.37BajawoojieIts not the xml thats hard
00:12.40Bajawoojieits just, I dont know what to do lol
00:12.53Xolanwell first you'd need an idea :P
00:13.01Hobinheimi like bold
00:13.08Mr_Rabies2|awayi love boooooooold
00:13.14BajawoojieOk, lets say I want to make a mod that shows my money in a little window that you can drag around
00:13.17Xolanoh, how did this happen >.<
00:13.22Bajawoojiejust a little tiny window, that I can drag around
00:13.26Bajawoojieand it shows my current money
00:14.21Hobinheimbeen looking at blizzard tutorials much? =P
00:14.21kasoBajawoojie, check out the example in the Blizzard UI Tutorials
00:14.22kasoyou know where to find that?
00:14.22Mr_Rabies2i can't CTCP version you Xolan, :x
00:14.38purlget the official Blizzard Interface AddOn Kit here: -- Beta:
00:14.41Mr_Rabies2what irc client are you using? O_o
00:14.41Bajawoojiewho me?
00:14.44purlget the official Blizzard Interface AddOn Kit here: -- Beta:
00:14.44Xolanturned off the bold now :P
00:14.46Xolanusing Trillian
00:14.50Bajawoojie<3 trillian
00:14.51Bajawoojieme too
00:14.54kasoDownload that, extract the interface and check out the "Show me the Money" tutorial bajawoo
00:14.56Mr_Rabies2looks like purl was lagged
00:14.58zenzelezzsomeone was using bold? o_O
00:15.04Bajawoojiethanks kaso
00:15.12Mr_Rabies2trillian's irc plugin is for chumps
00:15.21Bajawoojietrillian is teh pwn
00:15.25Xolanyeah I was zenz, hit it when copying an url :P
00:15.26zenzelezzoh, that's right... I strip colors/bold/underline/reverse
00:15.42BajawoojieKaso, you stay on IRC? I might message you later on
00:16.02Hobinheimyou can't say bold on an airplane
00:16.05kasoNow, ive helped someone, Someone help me please!
00:16.37kasoI want to be able to do "ClearLines()" on a tooltip without loosing the GetItem() info, i cant think of a way to do this, Doing a script to nil out all the text Lines just causes AddLine() to just use higher text lines. Anyone have any ideas?
00:16.41OsagasuHas anyone around transferred a character?
00:16.45OsagasuPaid, that is.
00:17.21Bajawoojienot me
00:17.26nymbiakaso: you'll have to just replace the text in the current lines without using AddLine()
00:18.28kasothe problem is, im doing this to avoid breaking other addons wanting to use the tooltip, so short of meta-hooking GameTooltip.AddLine i cant do that, and the metahook would be quite resource heavy
00:19.25kasoi guess i could Hook GetItem
00:19.25nymbiakaso: what's wrong with just replacing the text of whatever lines you wanna replace?
00:19.57kasohmm actually, i see what you mean
00:20.00kasolemme test something
00:20.54nymbiajust GameTooltipTextLeft1:SetText() type stuff
00:22.02Hobinheimhaving mega resist isn't helpful when you want to test something
00:22.20Hobinheimhow about level 58 magic mobs?
00:22.30kasoyah, i just wanna test Show(), for example, Tooltip has 30 lines, i want to show a tooltip with just 3 lines, i set text on 1-3 then SetText(nil) on the rest, but does Show() crop the tooltip to just the visible ones, or the ones i've hidden also because they're not "magically" marked as free
00:22.32zenzelezzgo to some zone with higher mobs... I'm sure there's magic somewhere in Felwood or EPL
00:22.50*** part/#wowi-lounge Bajawoojie (
00:23.09kasohobinhein in Silithus the twilight "miniboss" at the western camp does SW:Pain iirc
00:23.23*** join/#wowi-lounge ZealotOnAStick (
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00:26.03kasook then, umm try the "mage" skeltons at felstone field in EPL, wack em and you'll get their ice shield on you.
00:26.10nymbiakaso: let me know the results, i'm interested in that too ;)
00:27.10foxlitHm, there's only one slight problem with my keybinding code.
00:27.34foxlitBindings.xml keybindings work on KeyDown; SetBindingClick() works on KeyUp :/
00:27.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
00:27.41foxlitFeels laggy.
00:28.37nymbiafoxlit: SetBindingSpell/Macro/Item had the same problem, i had to bother slouken about it
00:29.00foxlitDid something come out of that?
00:29.11nymbiasure, they're on KeyUp now ;)
00:29.27foxlitKeyDown, you mean?
00:29.40*** join/#wowi-lounge qshadowp (n=Shadow@
00:30.22nymbiasorry, i was confused.  they're on KeyUp.  everything in the default ui is.  the only things that maybe arent for you is actionbars...?
00:30.46foxlitIf I define a binding through Bindings.xml, it'll be called on keydown too.
00:31.10foxlit(there's probably an up/down variable somewhere)
00:32.09nymbialemme poke around with this real quick
00:32.16nymbiaboo, 7 person queue
00:32.56Thunder_Childboo?...i have a 455 person queue
00:33.24foxlitnymbia: any help on isPriority? I can't seem to figure out what that is for.
00:34.04nymbiafoxlit: right you are, casting stuff is the only stuff that's on keyup
00:34.48nymbiafoxlit: i'm not sure myself ;)  i've never used the override stuff, just the basic ones.
00:36.55*** join/#wowi-lounge gngsk| (
00:37.50kasonymbia Show() seems to use the visibility of the FontStrings, so thats perfect for my use, thanks.
00:38.15nymbiakaso: awesome. what're you doing with it, out of curiosity?
00:39.24kasook, basically im re-writing the tooltip so its "neater", before i was just ClearLines() then re-writing as i see fit, but now there's tooltip:GetItem() that'll break if i constantly ClearLines() So any addon trying to use it will be buggered
00:39.40kasoso im fixing that now :>
00:40.16nymbiakaso: sounds good :)
00:40.21kaso some screenshots there
00:41.02Mr_Rabies21day 4hrs 18mins 59secs until Burning Crusade.
00:41.07Mr_Rabies2DUN DUN DUUNNNNNNN
00:41.32Mr_Rabies2oh snap my server has a queue of 200
00:41.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
00:42.07zenzelezzI used to play on US-Arthas... had a pretty bad queue
00:42.09GuillotineROFL. in Tekkub's Cockpit ( the first part of "cockpit" is starred out :P
00:42.14zenzelezzwonder if they fixed that
00:42.35GuillotineI have to say I love Tekkub's screenshots
00:46.35Mr_Rabies2reminds me of the druid shapeshiting mana reduction
00:47.30Mr_Rabies2there should be an option to bring up a frame of an f16 cockpit when you go into first person too
00:47.44Mr_Rabies2full screen frame of an engine cockpit :O
00:47.56Mr_Rabies2er, plane, wth
00:48.02Mr_Rabies2engine O_o
00:52.12*** join/#wowi-lounge sdgasdg (n=Shadow@
00:54.11*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
00:54.35Xolan v0.2 of my compass if anyone's interested :)
00:56.16Swadolol nice mod
00:56.31Swadoanyone got a square minimap mod?
01:00.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
01:06.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (n=BuM@
01:12.28TonyDSwado: try ricoMiniMap
01:12.43TonyDit has a fre nify shapes
01:12.48TonyDfew nifty
01:14.57*** join/#wowi-lounge break19 (
01:15.31JoshBorkedoes it have pyramidal?
01:16.30TonyDheh, not atm
01:16.58TonyDhas one where it's square in 3 corners, round on the bottom right
01:20.33*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso_ (
01:23.39TonyDhehe, no maintenance on xpac day
01:23.49TonyDwho'd thought
01:32.56Mr_Rabies2no planned maintenance*
01:34.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
01:34.42break19wife and I wont get ours til the end of the week, perhaps as late as early next week..
01:35.08*** join/#wowi-lounge AbraCadaverr (
01:37.39zenzelezzI feel your pain break19
01:40.03break19wife and I cant wait to go to outland lol
01:40.32JoshBorkei can, man the first few weeks are going to be hell on PvP servers
01:43.32Gngskmeh, at least they'll have something to do
01:43.36Gngskbetter than just waiting for quest mobs to spawn
01:43.48cladhaireyeah that was rough even on beta
01:43.58cladhairewaiting for the one mob to spawn =(
01:44.19Nom-WTB store that actually releases TBC on the release date
01:44.30Nom-I *may* not get my TBC until the 18th or 19th
01:44.31cladhairei can get a normal copy at midnight
01:44.44cladhairebut i won't activate with it =)
01:44.55zenzelezzI'm probably going to stalk some stores around here even though I have the game ordered
01:46.17break19yea, we ordered ours last week... wally world :)
01:46.41zenzelezzrecently I've had some "why?"s from guildies regarding my decision to just stay protection spec while leveling 60->70... getting annoying :-p
01:46.46break19got the cheapest S+H too.. thats why it wont be here til 19-23rd :p
01:49.44Nom-if you've got a good whacking stick, then why not stay as prot?
01:50.14zenzelezzwell, my decision is twofold... I have no DPS gear, and I expect protection can come in handy in the 5-mans ;)
01:56.16LasivianSo, Bagnon is broke for me, what's the next best?
01:56.56break19onebag ?
01:57.15Lasivianright now any recommendation is good, heh
02:02.46Nom-I've oned the One* series of mods for a while with no problems
02:04.41KaeltenLasivian: give OneBag a try.
02:04.51KaeltenI'm biased though
02:04.59JoshBorkedon't listen to his propaganda!
02:05.13JoshBorkelisten to mine instead!
02:05.18JoshBorkeuse OneBag ;-)
02:06.11KaeltenThere ya go, its modulized for easy customization.
02:06.21Nom-Bah, just install them all
02:06.22Nom-I do :P
02:06.36Nom-I don't know what OneRing does, but I still have it installed :P
02:06.38JoshBorkehe means to say it's modulized for easy dissimination of hacking tools ;-)
02:06.55Xolanalso have a look at ArkInventory :)
02:06.57KaeltenNom-: it just makes the keyring look like a OneBag module.
02:07.05Kaeltenif you don't install it it uses the default bag
02:07.19Nom-never really not run it
02:07.20Nom-so meh
02:07.54Kaeltenplus it allowed me to have an addon named OneRing
02:07.56Nom-I don't think there's a single UI element in my WoW install that hasn't at least been added to by a mod
02:08.02KaeltenI resisted putting The before it though
02:08.47Nom-The character sheet hasn't been modified ... yet
02:09.02Xolansuperinspect takes care of that ;P did pre 2.0 anyways
02:09.05Nom-but then, i never open it any more :P
02:09.20JoshBorkeclosetgnome ftw? ;-)
02:11.41Nom-I'm still trying to find a decent quest log mod
02:11.56Nom-I had one a while back which made the quest log full screen , and opened the quest information when you clicked on it in another frame
02:12.13Nom-That kind of worked ok, i don't like the small screen for viewing what quests i have
02:17.04Xolanyeah I don't like just having those 4-5 lines of quests either.
02:21.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Cair[afk (
02:22.34break19Xolan: questfu
02:22.41*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (
02:23.06XolanI'll have a look cheers
02:23.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Cair[afk (
02:24.36Xolan this looks like the one you talked about Nom-
02:30.24Wing87is there any way to pause in a code for lets say 0.01 seconds?
02:32.08XolanI guess you could save the time in a variable and run something when the variablie is variable+1 or so but that sounds a bit unneeded.
02:33.55Wing87my problem is this im detecting when a buff is added with CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_SELF_BUFFS..... but it seems that when for aoe buffs like Gift of the Wild CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_SELF_BUFFS runs  befor the buff is added
02:35.31XolanI don't get the problem, nor do I think I'm experience enough to help :\
02:36.25Wing87^_^ well i read the lets say stam after the buff is added but for aoe buffs... that wont got to well as of the code is running befor the buff is applayed
02:38.41Xolanmaybe using PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED would work better
02:41.37Wing87well CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_SELF_BUFFS works well for all but aoe buffs >.<
02:44.58Wing87well it seems its just gift of the wild
02:51.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Qshadowp (n=Shadow@
03:05.57AnduinLotharwhat's "|" in utf-8 again?
03:06.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
03:09.43Nom-Or that
03:09.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Zorjai (
03:09.44Nom-I'm pretty sure you can just use the pipe tho
03:10.08AnduinLotharnot from a macro
03:10.20AnduinLotharneed the utf code
03:10.35Nom-That does look like it, thanks xolan :D
03:10.40Nom-Whereever you went
03:13.17*** join/#wowi-lounge gaehew (n=Shadow@
03:15.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
03:15.16*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
03:18.34Hobinheimhave gmail or postal been updated?
03:21.39clad|sleepanyone have a firewire cable I can borrow?
03:21.47Industrial!seen Mr_Rabies2
03:21.51Industrial~seen Mr_Rabies2
03:22.11purlmr_rabies2 is currently on #wowi-lounge. Has said a total of 16 messages. Is idling for 1h 49m 15s, last said: 'no planned maintenance*'.
03:22.19IndustrialMr_Rabies2: ping!
03:24.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Bradford (
03:24.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
03:24.07*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
03:24.37Bradfordmay I ask which of you were posting on the SoL site?
03:25.38Thunder_Childshit outta luck site?
03:26.15Bradfordkickburn perhpas?
03:26.23*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
03:27.35BradfordKirkburn it was
03:31.42sysrageanybody happen to know why i'm getting random "such and such mod is been blocked by blizzard whatever" when using this macro?
03:31.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
03:31.44*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
03:31.45sysrage./cast [button:1,nomodifier]Conjured Crystal Water;[button:2,nomodifier]Conjured Cinnamon Roll;[button:1,modifier:alt]Conjure Water;[button:2,modifier:alt]Conjure Food
03:32.07sysragethe mod that blocks it is random and it doesn't always happen. sometimes it'll be blocked, i'll walk 2 steps, and it'll work
03:32.16KirkburnBradford, hullo!
03:32.21KirkburnWrong channel? :P
03:33.09Bradfordperhaps not
03:33.21BradfordI came to speak with you about your posts
03:33.41zenzelezzyou been a naughty boy again Kirk?
03:34.10Bradfordwe had a bit of a debate going on Scrolls of Lore's site
03:34.49KirkburnA fun debate :)
03:35.01Bradfordyou must take a few of those guys with a grain of salt
03:35.15KirkburnYuber made me laugh :P
03:35.18BradfordYuber and Ken specifically
03:35.30Bradfordthey know the lore, thats no doubt
03:36.01Bradfordits just that Wowwiki has put a sour taste in our mouthes
03:36.06KirkburnSeriously though, you won't be attacked on #wowwiki, I can assure you
03:36.12KirkburnI know, I was once the same
03:36.16Bradfordi didnt come to fight
03:36.39KirkburnNeither do we :P Some of the stuff said was scary (when I did a search for wowwiki)
03:36.40Bradfordagain, i must say i admire you for your efforts
03:37.08Bradfordbut the fellas on that site seem to be the most knowledgeable i have came across
03:37.29Bradfordits hard to find anyone on a pvp server that knows a aspect from their own ass
03:38.08KirkburnNah, I don't deny they know a lot, but they aren't neutral unfortunately :(
03:38.16Bradfordnot at all
03:38.21KirkburnI would join you guys, but for lack of time
03:38.23Bradfordin some ways i agree
03:38.46BradfordI dont see some of the table top RPG games as much as cannon as they are spacefillers
03:38.49Bradfordlikes they posted
03:38.52KirkburnYuber's denial of the RPG books was ... odd. Oh and his lying was fun =) We all know Theron very well on the wiki.
03:39.28Bradfordit wouldnt be so bad if we didnt come across some complete bullshit on wiki from time to time
03:39.33KirkburnOh sure, I don't believe in leprechauns in Warcraft, but without a denial or confirmation, we can't pick and choose :/
03:39.37Bradfordi look for it to be fixed, and it takes a while
03:39.55BradfordTHAT is the exact point we were trying to make
03:39.59KirkburnIf that occurs, I apologise - it really shouldn't
03:40.17Bradfordwhats to keep someone from posting that there is a sith lord behind the Burning Legion
03:40.23Cairennjust for point of reference here guys? I'm not complaining, I don't really mind, and you are certainly welcome here ... but .... #wowwiki has its own channel ...
03:40.24Bradfordthere is no way to disprove that
03:40.26KirkburnNo because we can cite sources
03:40.40Bradfordmy apologies
03:40.43KirkburnCairenn, I told him, I deed :P
03:40.47Bradfordshall we move channels
03:40.47Cairennthat's already
03:40.58KirkburnPlease Bradford
03:41.00Bradfordmy apologies
03:41.15*** part/#wowi-lounge Bradford (
03:42.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Malivil (
03:42.45Nom-Does anyone else find it odd that you're debating the truths and myths of a fictional world
03:42.55zenzelezznot really
03:43.34Nom-ok just checking
03:44.06zenzelezzI find it no different than debating books, like Lord of the Rings/Silmarillion, or movies =) Just my opinion though
03:45.32Nom-I just can't understand how people get into heated discussions and debates over a fictional world
03:45.38Nom-I mean ... it's fictional for a reason
03:45.51zenzelezzthey just find it interesting
03:46.12Nom-Yeah, I can see how someone can be interested in the back story on how thing got to where they are
03:46.51Nom-But I mean ... arguing about things in the story line which are not actually covered by the author of said story is just silly
03:47.24Nom-because neither side wrote the story, and are not qualified to fill in the blanks
03:47.53zenzelezzthey aren't claiming to know for sure, they're just debating their points of view; just as we are now
03:48.08Nom-That is the part i find stupid
03:48.32Nom-For me, it equates to a primary school "My mum said", "But my mum said" style argument
03:49.01Cairennbut then what is the point of any discussion or debate?
03:49.13Nom-discuss or debate real things
03:49.25Cairennby discussing things, we learn more about someone else's opinion, thus we understand them better
03:49.33Nom-like the current claim from the pope (if i recall, can't remember) that the holocaust never happened :P
03:49.34zenzelezzthen what about science? Nothing is real until it's discovered and proved
03:50.01Cairennwith better understanding comes better respect and tolerance of another's pov
03:50.06break19zenzelezz: except in the case of the big bang theory, and global warming.. those are taken at face value by most. :p
03:50.25Cairennbreak19: no they aren't
03:50.37break19neither of which can be truly proven by scientific means btw :)
03:50.57Nom-break19: Sure about that?  There's a lot of evidence to prove global warming
03:51.00Cairennbreak19: there are any number of people that firmly disbelieve in the big bang theory as it is diametrically opposite their religious beliefs
03:51.05Nom-Have a look at Al Gore's's probably on YouTube
03:51.19Corrodiasi can prove that my interpretation of Star Trek is correct by shooting you in the balls with a phazer.
03:51.44CairennNom-: say what? the pope is claiming the holocaust never happened?
03:52.04Nom-I think so... someone is... can't recall who now
03:52.09Nom-It was in last months Time magazine
03:52.09break19Nom-: rofl. show me another earth exactly like ours, with no humans... then you have your baseline.. without it.. there can be no unbiased experiment
03:52.12Corrodiasi'm a firm believer that nothing has ever happened. the universe just started, right now.
03:52.15sancuswhat the fuck is this channel that im in
03:52.31Cairennand a good evening to you as well sancus :)
03:52.42Nom-break19: Except that Antarctic Ice can be used to go back several hundred thousand years to get CO2 readings
03:52.46Corrodiasyou didn't just say that
03:52.47bleetahof course, if you call it 'early rapid expansion', and 'climate' change', there's 100% scientific proof
03:52.59bleetahusing unscientific terms and then claiming 'there's no proof' is just dumb
03:53.12sancusoh this is wowi-lounge............... coulda sworn it was #fundies-and-atheists
03:53.14break19true scientific experiments require some sort of baseline...  and the climate has been changing since the earth began... so how do know for SURE that we're doing it?
03:53.16Corrodiasyoure dumb :(
03:53.45Corrodiasi heard there was an ice age. the dinosaurs are the cause of global warming.
03:53.51Nom-break19: because comparing the CO2 readings for the last million+ years, we're at 2x the level it has ever reached
03:54.13bleetahthe dinosaurs are just hiding
03:54.13Cairennsancus: actually, if you trace backward through the log, it isn't hard to figure out how we've gotten to this conversation
03:54.20Orclevthe Earth is warming as part of a natural cycle, however it appears increasingly likely that we are accelerating and worsening the cycle such that it will reach peak temperatures greater than what it would without our interference
03:54.22bleetahup in the trees.. look next time you pass one
03:54.38break19Nom-: how sure of that are you? sure, you read the antarctic ice.. BUT.. did you note that the temp goes up BEFORE the CO2 level does?
03:55.01sancusCairenn: I could think of at least 15 and a half things that I'm going to start doing instead!
03:55.08Nom-lol watch Al Gore's seminar
03:55.14Nom-They go up and down in unison
03:55.28Nom-Ah, it wasn't the hope it was some president
03:55.29Cairennsancus: heh
03:55.40break19Orclev: also, take into account this fact: we are also at our highest known peak of solar flare activity... the increased output of the sun has *nothing* to do with heat.. nah.
03:55.44Nom-Iranian President...the Pope was being critisized for something else in the same issue tho :P
03:56.14Nom-That's radiation, not thermal energy :P
03:56.17break19Nom-: no.. they dont.. his movie conveniently leaves a much closer timescale than 1000 years :)
03:56.18Orclevactually it really dosn't
03:56.31break19leaves out* rather
03:56.32Nom-and again, highest known peak
03:56.43Nom-We only have readings of that for the last ... what .... 50 years
03:57.10Orclevthe solar flares however are really nasty for all our shiny electronics, especially in space outside the relative safety of the Earths ionosphere
03:57.14break19Nom-: if the dinosaurs lived on a hot, steamy, swampy planet... who polluted it before? heh
03:57.41Orclevbreak19: the anerobic bacteria of course
03:57.41break19Orclev: you *are* aware that heat is a type of radiation, right?
03:57.43Cairennsave the ozone, eat more steak
03:57.49break19Cairenn: lol
03:58.20Orclevbreak19: yes and no, heat is a byproduct of radiation striking materials, it is not a radiation in and of itself
03:58.42bleetahalso, sun flares in 360.. we're only at one point on the ecliptic
03:58.44Orclevat least not a electromagnetic one
03:58.58Orclevwhich is the classical definition of radiation
03:59.08break19Orclev: so.. if thats true.. when the radiation strikes the earth... it creates heat.. which is how the planet is heated on the surface.... by extrapolation, more radiation = more heat
03:59.21Nom-Infrared Radiation causes heat
03:59.46Nom-Infrared Radiation is emmitted by the sun itself... a CME does not have much (if any) Infrared Radation with it
04:00.06Orclevthe type of radiation put off by solar flares is not particularly infrared radiation, with I believe was the point Nom- just made
04:00.50Orclevwhich even, not with
04:01.10Orclevhow did I get sucked into the conversation anyway, I was just sitting down to debug my addon
04:01.12Corrodiasinfrared radiation can be absorbed by materials, which convert the EM energy into thermal energy
04:01.16break19Orclev: heh
04:01.20Corrodiashowever, it's not the only kind of radiation that can be absorbed
04:01.39OrclevCorrodias: classic black body phenomena
04:01.47Nom-no, but it's the only type of radiation that causes heat on the earth's surface or atmosphere
04:01.59Corrodiasvisible light and microwaves are two other popularly absorbed bands
04:02.27Orclevany form of radiation has the potential to cause heating in a material, but it's entirely dependent on the material being affected
04:02.28Nom-And most other forms of radiation from a CME are absorbed by the magnetic field
04:02.36Nom-It never reaches the earths surface
04:03.06OrclevEarths magnetic field is reponsible for life on Earth, without it the planet would be incapable of sustaining life
04:03.15Corrodiasthat's fine
04:03.21bleetah*as we know it
04:03.35break19Nom-, Orclev: exactly as bleetah put it.. I was about to type that
04:03.38Orclevtangenital comment that, but felt it was a worthwhile point to make
04:03.57Corrodiasmy kind of life is the only kind of life worth having.
04:04.00Nom-It's not responsible for life, it just stops life from being wiped out by solar radiation
04:04.08Corrodiaslet the martians burn!
04:04.13OrclevNom- valid point
04:04.25Orclevlets call it a necesary ingrediant
04:04.33bleetahmany bacteria happily survive the radiation. it's when complex organisms get involved that things really start breaking down.
04:04.38Nom-Again, not necessarily
04:04.39break19look.. I'm just not convinced mankind really has any say so with whether the climate changes.. climate is always changing, and it always will..
04:04.44bleetahWE COME IN PEACE!
04:04.50Nom-Life could evolve to survice solar radiation
04:05.02Corrodiasmy skin is made of mirrors
04:05.05Orclevbreak19: we cannot prevent the climate change, however we can have an impact on it
04:05.14break19Nom-: then life can evolve to survive the pollution as well... so dont worry about it
04:05.40OrclevNom-: in theory, however humans without major genetic modification cannot, which for our purposes is the only thing that matters
04:05.44Nom-Except evolution takes many thousands of years lol
04:05.57bleetahbreak19: yes, climate is always changing. the important thing is whether man has influenced it to change 'faster'. as you correctly state, there's no real baseline to measure against - so to be responsible inhabitants of the planet, we should take 8every* precaution until we're certain we're not. And that's not happening.
04:05.57Corrodiasyou'd better figure out a way to reverse entropy within some billions of years, though.
04:06.01break19i mean.. there's so much conflicting stuff out there.. its hard to keep it all yawing together :)
04:06.10OrclevNom-: nah, plagues are darwinian evolution in fast forward
04:06.36Nom-The only thing that gives me comfort
04:06.38break19bleetah: unfortunately, we took some actions in the 70s (which the swedes warned us about, actually) that made it worse today.
04:06.39Orclevah, the big debate over the big chill or the big crunch
04:06.42Nom-Is should greenland melt
04:06.45Nom-I'm going to be fine
04:06.51Nom-Europe will be frozen :P
04:07.20break19i cant remember exactly what it was at the moment.. its in there somewhere, just hiding in my head. :)
04:07.26Nom-well, that's one possibility anyway
04:07.38OrclevI can't help but think of MC Hawkings Entropy
04:08.21Orclevoh well, enough of this, I must debug my addon
04:08.47bleetahwell states
04:08.49break19Orclev: heh :)
04:08.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
04:11.23Orclevwtf... my server is full... that's never happened to me before
04:11.43XuerianWelcome to the Burning Quesade.
04:13.16Orclevit's not out yet though, I don't expect a queue till the 17th
04:14.20XuerianHype waits for no man.
04:14.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
04:20.18*** part/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
04:22.11Cairennjust because
04:28.10Corrodiasokay, where the hell has all my memory gone?
04:28.24Industrialforget norway! kenyaaaaaaa
04:29.49Industriali once had that suck in my head for a whole day
04:30.02Industrialer, stuck. definately stuck.
04:31.05Corrodiasi think...
04:31.22Corrodiasthat the true memory usage of a process is the SUM ofthe "mem usage" and "vm size" columns in Windows Task Manager.
04:32.17Corrodiasit has to be. there's no accounting for my system currently using over 2.6gb of memory right now just taking either column on its own.
04:33.10break19dang, cor.. I'm only using 268M memory, 766ish free
04:33.32break19and I got wow running in the background.. plus yahoo messnger, ventrilo, and xchat
04:33.36Corrodiasmy pagefile currently has 1.3gb in use and i have 611mb of 2095mb free
04:33.43Corrodiasof physical memory
04:33.52break19my swapfiles are using 196M
04:34.02Corrodiasfirefox is consuming, if i'm correct, about 1.7gb on its own.
04:34.07Orclevis there a easy way to remove a value from a hash or array without having to rebuild an entire new array?
04:34.08Corrodiasi like tabs
04:34.15Corrodiaslots of tabs
04:34.19OrclevCorrodias: memmory leak maybe?
04:34.33Corrodiasprobably. firefox and plugins for firefox are known to do that.
04:34.48KirovOrclev - sure
04:35.00Orclevhmm, I use alot of extensions, and plenty of tabs (at least 12 atm), but not that much memmory
04:35.03Orclevkirov: how?
04:35.08KirovtableName[hash] = nil
04:35.14Corrodiaslet me count my tabs, and then explain...
04:35.28Kirovor tremove(tableName, index) for sequentially numbered arrays
04:35.28Orclevwill that remove it? or will that put a hole in the hash or array that will show up in a iteration?
04:35.45KirovOrclev - depends on if you have a hash or an array
04:36.00Orclevlets say hash... I'm actually using both, but for now just hash
04:36.05Kirovarray -
04:36.05Kirovtable[1] =1
04:36.05Kirovtable[2] =2
04:36.15Corrodiasi have 56 tabs open, and i've probably opened and closed hundreds of other tabs over the course of the current session (browsing images on 4chan and the like, for example)
04:36.20Kirovtable["a"] = 1
04:36.20Kirovtable["B"] = 1
04:36.28Kirovhashes you can remove values on a whim
04:36.43Endtable[234324] = 1    <--- also a hash
04:36.44Orclevas I understand it, a array is the same as a hash just with sequential number keys instead of arbitrary values
04:36.46break19I use camino, and I close it when I'm not using it :)
04:37.00Corrodiasin Lua, they're probably the same.
04:37.16KirovLua actually has two different tables
04:37.29Corrodiasjigga wha?
04:37.35Kirovto the user they appear the same, but internally they're different
04:37.48Orclevhmm, good to know... makes me hate lua more every day
04:37.51Corrodiasas i understand, one is a hashmap. what's the other?
04:38.07KirovIt evaluates how it should store the table based when it's created or changed
04:40.28KirovOrclev - to answer your question, if it's a hash, niling a value will remove it from the table.
04:41.47KirovKnow that hash tables have no order, so every time you changes a key or value in a hash table there's no guarentee that it'll be the same order afterwards.
04:41.50Kirovusually it's not
04:43.07Corrodiasnow, you can use numbers for indices in a hash table, yes?
04:45.32OrclevI actually implemented something partially sugested by someone in this channel to fix that issue
04:46.25OrclevI maintain a hash table and a array, I perform checks and add to the hash table, and whenever I add to the hash table I rebuild and sort the array, then I use the array for listing entries
04:47.05Orclevnot terribly efficient, but for something not changed very often much better than repeated iterations over a array to find values
04:47.42Orclevand best of all, the CLI version of my addon is finally working, now all I have to do is finish the GUI
04:48.54Hobinheiman ordered hash?
04:49.01Hobinheimyeah i guess that's how you'd do it
04:49.03Orclevin a way
04:49.12Hobinheimi didn't know pairs returned unordered
04:49.33Orclevwell, they are ordered, but it's the order of the hash, which is arbitrary
04:50.13OrclevI think by default it will sort by value, but in my case I wanted to sort by key
04:51.03Hobinheimfrom a perl background, an "undocumented sort" seems the most likely
04:51.21Hobinheimi'm on the verge of completing my first ace addon... i'm giddy
04:51.32Orclevhmm... I've done perl beform (have a couple modules), but I'm not familiar with "undocumented sort"
04:51.42Orclevbefore even
04:52.14*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
04:52.22*** join/#wowi-lounge jag111 (
04:52.24Hobinheimwow did i say sort
04:52.32Hobinheimundocumented order to the return value of keys
04:52.49Orclevman, it's been a while since I did anything with perl... seems like I've only been doing Java for years now.... actually, it has been years now that I think about it
04:52.57Hobinheimit's order is volatile and controlled by perl, i.e. don't relay on it
04:53.28Orclevsounds about right... it's usually dependent on the underlying hashing function and how many buckets get allocated
04:54.05Corrodiashey, he said buckets!
04:54.19Orclevyes... and?
04:55.01OrclevI'm debating whether I'm going in to work tomorrow...
04:55.32OrclevI probably should... we have a release coming up, and the business will be a little peeved if we miss it seeing as we've spent something like 2.6 million so far
05:00.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Jocco_S (
05:00.22Orclevwhy couldn't they have used perl, or heck, even python for scripting... lua is so nasty in so many ways
05:01.02Orclevor javascript, which actually is rather nice as long as you don't have to deal with IE's bassackwards DOM implementation
05:02.51CorrodiasWoW 3.0 will use VB 6
05:07.54OrclevCorrodias: don't say that, it's not funny
05:08.50pastamancerOrclev: I think you mean "why couldn't they use lisp"
05:09.53Corrodiaswell, VB .NET isn't bad, when using Visual Studio 2005
05:10.04*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Paste Code Here: | TOC is 20003 | People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw lions.
05:10.18Guillotinebest topic ever
05:10.33Nom-lol finally my ringtone is saved at a sane level
05:10.44Nom-These cisco voip phones can really scream their heads off when they want to lol
05:13.18Thunder_Childyea, but the speakerphones on them suck
05:13.33Thunder_Childcant hear jack on the reciveign end
05:14.00Thunder_Childerr...the end not on the speaker phone side
05:14.15Corrodiasprotip: you have it upside down
05:20.51Hobinheimbag zero doesn't fire on login
05:20.56Hobinheimshould i like... artificially fire it
05:29.24KirkburnDid you know - release TBC is dated October 31st 2006
05:30.12KirkburnMethinks logging in won't do much though ...
05:30.23KirkburnNo, wait ... 219 MB of patches :)
05:31.31jaxdahlunder 24 hours to go for the USA
05:31.48Kirkburn17hours 30 mins for UK
05:32.04KirkburnNot that I have a key
05:33.44bleetahsux to be in australia, about 30 hours
05:34.21bleetahunder 24 hours would have been nice, 4pm launch
05:34.27bleetahnot having to stay up to some mad hour
05:34.34KirkburnDamn useful that the TBC torrent that's up is enGB, even if it doesn't say so :P
05:34.44jaxdahlbleetah, i believe oceanic will go up at the same time?
05:34.54KirkburnShops won't be open though, will they?
05:35.07jaxdahlget a code from someone in the USA
05:35.23KirkburnI'm considering phoning a shop in Bristol today
05:35.54bleetaheither way, it doesn't make any sense. local distributors will lose hardcore customers to overseas guild purchases.
05:41.11KirkburnLol this is funny:
05:41.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
05:45.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Inside (
05:49.44Corrodiasoh you're kidding me, another update?
05:50.27bleetah2.0.5 fixed?
05:50.49Hobinheimgod so many bugs...
05:50.59Corrodiasit's downloading...
05:51.19Corrodiasfortuantely it's small enough that it probably won't fuck up my router too bad to let the blizzard downloader handle it
05:52.06Corrodiasmy radio stream has gone jittery, but it's almost done
05:52.15bleetahwhen 2.0.5 was first released, it managed to disconnect a few people
05:55.40Corrodiasi seem to be able to play
05:56.57Nom-2.0.5 is out?
05:57.06Nom-I thought 2.0.4 only just came out last night lol
05:57.08bleetahre-released, yes
06:00.08Endmost people don'tt even need 2.0.5 though
06:00.13OsagasuIt's purely a workaround patch.
06:00.18Endit fixes some hardware issue or something some people were having
06:00.19OsagasuUI issues with Graphics cards.
06:00.21bleetahyeah, seemed to be something weird going on with intel video. needing to revert to drivers from 2004
06:00.22Hobinheimwhat's the difference between dot and colon notation
06:00.26bleetahwhether that's precisely what this is for, no idea
06:00.30Nom-Anyone here in Oz ?
06:00.31Nom-I want to pick up my TBC copy today :(
06:00.38kahdgarxiYes sir, official representative of the Lollipop guild reporting in!
06:00.39jaxdahlwell some servers expect you to have the 2.0.5 client
06:00.39jaxdahlso people will need to update sooner or later anyway
06:00.39Corrodiasman, it's been a while since i played...
06:00.39Corrodiasi feel rusty
06:01.45jaxdahl23 hours to go in the usa
06:01.45bleetahshut up
06:01.46bleetah31 in australia
06:01.46bleetahand that's just east coast
06:01.46Cairennplay nice boys
06:01.58Thunder_Child26 hrs west coats
06:01.58[Cu]Werik17 here;P
06:02.07Corrodiasit doesn't matter. you won't be able to play for a week, anyway.
06:02.10Corrodiasthis is WoW!
06:02.23bleetahi bet the sand crawlers are gunna be mighty pissed, as they usually are when blizz do anything 'oceanic'
06:02.37bleetahcoz.. they've got.. 35-36 hours to wait
06:02.39Thunder_Childyou would be surprised how many people find it more fun to discuss wow than to pley it
06:03.12[Cu]WerikI didnt play it since 5 months;)
06:03.27Corrodiasi haven't played in about 2...
06:04.01bleetahmeh, i just hate being overly discriminated against due to my location. free trade agreement or not.
06:04.24Corrodiasmy addons still seem to be working, at least, except for avbars which i had to update
06:04.45Corrodiasis it possible to get to the new races' starting areas at this point on Live?
06:06.21jaxdahlyou need the expansion
06:07.09Corrodiasmy interface looks so small...
06:07.18Corrodiasguess i've been playing console games too long
06:09.33bleetahso that'll be... WoW install, BC install, 2.0.3 install, 2.0.4 install, 2.0.5 install.. then the server crashes.
06:10.05Mr_Rabies2bc is prepatched to 2.0.1 or 2?
06:10.11jaxdahl2.0.0 i think
06:10.21jaxdahlyou don't need to do a wow install
06:10.30jaxdahla bc install will install 2.0
06:10.36Corrodiaspatches keep turning audio hardware accelleration back on
06:10.39Corrodiasand i keep having to turn it off
06:10.41Mr_Rabies2is bc on dvd?
06:10.45jaxdahl4 CDs
06:10.53CorrodiasBlizzard doesn't know what a DVD is
06:10.57Thunder_Childeven the CE?
06:10.59Kirovor 2800 floppies
06:11.10Mr_Rabies2well their latest survey
06:11.21Mr_Rabies2asked about dvd-rom drives
06:11.22bleetaheasier to finalise the presses with 3 CDs and boxes, etc., then finalise the last CD, than do the entire DVD run, my guess
06:11.29[Cu]Werik4 cd or dvd if you have CE
06:11.29Corrodiasif you don't have a DVD-ROM drive, don't answer the surveys.
06:11.36Corrodiasor i'll hurt you.
06:11.53Mr_Rabies2i think like 95% of the gaming market does
06:12.08jaxdahlcheck the Steam stats
06:12.09Thunder_Childat least
06:12.10bleetahmeh, I just copy the installer and data files onto a ram drive
06:12.13Corrodiasbut somehow they figured we don't want DVD versions
06:12.32Corrodiasat least we don't have to put the discs in after we install
06:12.33[Cu]WerikYou can use the beta client anyway
06:12.36Mr_Rabies2<jaxdahl> check the Steam stats
06:12.39[Cu]WerikWhat's the fuss all about :)
06:12.40Mr_Rabies2what i'm doin :p
06:12.50Corrodiasi don't have the beta client. i wasn't given an invitation.
06:13.06jaxdahl94.10% DVD
06:13.08[Cu]WerikAnd you can download the TBC disks via *cough*
06:13.09jaxdahl4.72% CDrom
06:13.14[Cu]Werikwell via less legal ways:)
06:13.17jaxdahl1.18% undetermined
06:13.25jaxdahli don't see why downloading the tbc disks wouldn't be legal
06:13.38Mr_Rabies2wonder if there will be a BC demo
06:13.41jaxdahlblizzard never frowned on that with the original discs
06:13.52[Cu]WerikFor obvious reasons
06:13.57Mr_Rabies2my friend ripped the CD-key off a package at WAL-MART
06:14.02Mr_Rabies2in the STORE
06:14.03Corrodiasit is legal. sending the data to people who -don't- have a license to the info is. however, Blizzard doesn't care because you need to buy accounts anyway.
06:14.05[Cu]Werikbut it's a good way to prepare your game for launch
06:14.08Mr_Rabies2and used his friend's key to install
06:14.15Mr_Rabies2and used his friend's cd to install
06:14.20Corrodiass/info is/info isn't/
06:14.41Mr_Rabies2i know the WoW Demo is the full game
06:14.48Mr_Rabies2i wonder if there will be a bc demo
06:14.49Mr_Rabies2i hope
06:14.54*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
06:14.59[Cu]WerikYou mean trial?
06:15.01Mr_Rabies2i hate having to keep up with CDs
06:15.18bleetahyerg, trial premade 60's
06:15.22[Cu]WerikIf I were blizzard, I'd not make a separate tbc trial
06:15.34bleetahi would.... just a very expensive one
06:15.39jaxdahlanyone know what changed in the TOU?
06:15.41[Cu]Werikthe actual wow trial is good enough to show a picture about the game
06:15.52bleetah[Cu]Werik: totally
06:15.56Thunder_Childbut you cant even trade on the trial...not even for mage water
06:16.04Mr_Rabies2nope :p
06:16.05[Cu]Werikso, roll a mage
06:16.15Mr_Rabies2i just use the trial to install the game
06:16.23break19Mr_Rabies: as did I.
06:16.24Mr_Rabies2when i can't find my CDs and need to install
06:16.37Mr_Rabies2hurt yourself, kirk
06:16.38[Cu]WerikI was using the old alpha client
06:16.42Mr_Rabies222hrs 43mins 14secs until Burning Crusade.
06:16.43KirkburnWhen editing your UI placement - make sure you're on the RIGHT RES first
06:16.49Mr_Rabies2DUN DUN DUNNNNNN
06:16.59bleetahcorrect rez is for nubs
06:17.06Thunder_Childguess you wont be making -that- mistake again
06:17.17break19in fact, thats how I installed it originally.. got the trial.. played trial for a while.. upgraded (the equiv of buying the cd, without paying for the extra boxing/documentation, etc.
06:17.41KirkburnBloody annoying :P
06:17.58Mr_Rabies2i still have the 4 cd first run print of the game :[
06:18.05Kirkburnnot only that, but I can't run high anti-aliasing cause it messes up my sound.
06:18.16KirkburnYes, you read that right. x4 anti-aliasing = bad sound
06:18.27Mr_Rabies2cant imagine trying to patch from the first batch of cd's
06:18.41Mr_Rabies2what gpu?
06:19.46KirkburnThis is using Creative beta Vista beta drivers
06:19.48Corrodiasthis whole dark portal area is a bit of a mess
06:20.01KirkburnAnd a 6800 GT :)
06:20.12Mr_Rabies2i remember reading something about that in the nvidia driver release notes
06:20.20Mr_Rabies2so the vista drivers are probably just an old build
06:20.22[Cu]WerikI have problems with the creative drivers on vista as wlel
06:20.27[Cu]WerikI get static randomly
06:20.41KirkburnK, I have a nice UI at last
06:20.57bleetahheh, ingame MOTD welcomes me to 2.0.4 still
06:21.46Mr_Rabies2oh snap
06:21.47break19Mr_Rabies: not much better.. i downloaded wow for the first time, had to download like 900megs of patches. heh
06:21.54Mr_Rabies2someone just linked Martin Thunder in trade
06:23.36Nom-The store I pre-ordered from is open Wednesday AM
06:23.41Nom-and they have them in now
06:23.43Nom-So I can get it then
06:24.21jaxdahlnobody knows what changed in the terms of use?
06:24.35jaxdahli don't want to sign over my soul
06:24.36Nom-they took out the list of countries
06:24.47jaxdahldo you have a diff?
06:24.50Daemonaits something about storing eu customer data in the us
06:25.00Nom-they said you could only play from like "Australia, US, New Zealand" and something else
06:25.01Daemonaand keeping it under eu rights
06:25.09Nom-And then they realised they have a few other people playing
06:25.22Nom-*just* a few :P
06:25.59Nom-I think it said, "US, Canadan, Australia and New Zealand"
06:26.36Nom-All the pinoys in my guild were up in arms when they saw that lol
06:26.40bleetahand singapore
06:27.38bleetahnah, they never mentioned japan.. or malaysia.. or.. ;-)
06:27.55Mr_Rabies2almost had the gold farmers :[
06:28.02[Cu]Werikand Singapore
06:28.10[Cu]Werikah nvm
06:28.20Nom-Apparenlty they started closing accounts based on where they connected from too
06:28.32Nom-And then I guess some engineer ran a report that showed like 50% of the player base
06:28.38Nom-And they went back to the drawing board on that one
06:29.00Mr_Rabies2that would be a decent policy, but the problem is military people in countries that don't sell wow
06:29.11Mr_Rabies2that would be a decent policy, but the problem is military people in countries that don't sell the "US CLIENT" of wow
06:29.20Nom-They also didn't list a large number of countries that they SELL wow in
06:29.27Mr_Rabies2yeah that too :p
06:29.36Mr_Rabies2at least our client
06:29.45Mr_Rabies2do they sell the us client in like malaysia?
06:29.54Nom-There's US and Europe
06:29.56Nom-That's it
06:30.08Mr_Rabies2so where are china and korea?
06:30.09Nom-Australia & Asia got the US version as far as I can tell
06:30.39Mr_Rabies2cause i know the vast majority of chinese players in the us client are gold farmers
06:30.45jaxdahlwhere do japanese players play?
06:30.54Nom-US Servers I think
06:31.04[Cu]Werikthey play on asian servers
06:31.04bleetahOfficially, it's only Australia, Newzealand and Singapore that have enUS version, but there's quite a mobile population there ;-)
06:31.05Corrodiasholy balls i'm rusty
06:31.17[Cu]WerikThere is a huge asian market for wow. They have their own servers
06:31.22bleetahthe oceanic realms have a number of japanese guilds
06:31.24bleetahmalaysian, etc.
06:31.47Corrodiasof course, not having spent any talent points yet doesn't help my combat ability, but i need to relearn my attack patterns
06:32.00bleetahexpats working overseas, and stuff
06:32.13Mr_Rabies2here's a major difference:
06:32.18Mr_Rabies2pounce is useful now
06:32.20Tierriethere was a patch for wow while i was logged out?
06:32.45jaxdahl2.0.5, Tierrie
06:32.58bleetah*fixed the 2.0.5 authentication issue, so re-deployed it
06:33.05[Cu]WerikThough I can understand asian players playing on EU or US servers, because their own servers have this playtime limitation stuff
06:33.21CorrodiasPounce i didn't use too much..
06:33.51Corrodiaslooks like it does some damage and stuns longer, now
06:33.57Nom-Well the US client has an Oceanic tab
06:34.01Mr_Rabies2it does a LOT more damage now
06:34.06Mr_Rabies2it did 180 over like 21 seconds
06:34.14Nom-Oceanic generally describes Australia, NZ, Asia
06:34.19Mr_Rabies2180 over 18 rather
06:34.26Mr_Rabies2and now it does 450 over 18 and scales with AP
06:34.36Mr_Rabies2it ticks for about 150 with my puny 1100ish AP
06:35.56KirkburnI have no quests in my quest log :)
06:35.56Corrodiasi don't understand the whole scaling for AP thing
06:36.22KirkburnHey. My quest log has got a different bg!
06:36.31KirkburnAnd it's got cobwebs!
06:38.19jaxdahli'm sad i never finished the aq quest line
06:38.22jaxdahli put so much time into that
06:38.30Mr_Rabies2what in the hell
06:38.34KirkburnThere's still time ...
06:38.37ShadowedCorrodias: Scaling with AP is just a way to make the spell scale up a bit as you get better gear
06:38.46Mr_Rabies2read that^
06:38.58Mr_Rabies2might be borderline not work safe
06:39.12Mr_Rabies2some guy got stabbed cause he caught his wife cybering with some dude in wow over vent
06:39.56XuerianThe guy got stabbed by the wife who was cybering with some dude? >.>
06:40.01ShadowedLike Rogue's Evi may do 1000-1500 damage with 5 combo points, but it can do 0.5 more damage per a point of AP, so if you have 100 AP it would now do 1050-1550 damage
06:40.10Nom-It could be worse
06:40.16Nom-The guy could have been a Male Tauren
06:40.26Mr_Rabies2the guy was a female night elf
06:40.35ShadowedThe first post is "Did her skill with forks go up? "
06:40.42Mr_Rabies2that's SA for ya :p
06:41.29Corrodiasgah, i miss transporterfu
06:41.32Cairennwell, he's shoving her around, she has a right to defend herself
06:41.55Shadowedwell, theres a difference between defending yourself and going to far
06:42.00Mr_Rabies2he was defending himsel
06:42.07Mr_Rabies2versus her punches after the arguement escalated
06:42.33Mr_Rabies2he pushed her back onto a bed and she goes apeshit, cuts him with a fork, then runs out and finds a knife
06:42.54Cairennor so he claims
06:42.59Shadowedthen again, it's SA so i'm not sure how much of it is exaggerated/twisted
06:43.21Cairennif I'd just been stabbed in a domestic disagreement, the last thing I'd be doing would be posting about it on SA :p
06:43.21Mr_Rabies2i'd be more likely to believe him than crazy drunk lady who stabbed him
06:43.34Mr_Rabies2i'd have kicked her out of the damn house and deleted her character
06:43.35[Cu]WerikI kinda agree with Cairenn here;)
06:43.53ShadowedHe didn't say that she was drunk, and it is entirely possible he was doing something worst and she felt threatened
06:44.01Shadowedif you believe what he says then she was at fault
06:44.01Mr_Rabies2he does
06:44.03Mr_Rabies2later in the thread
06:44.12*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh (
06:44.12Mr_Rabies2she was drunk and on meds
06:44.39bleetah"She used the fork to distract me (sapped lol)"
06:44.48Cairennshe definitely went over the line, if she had gotten away and went back after him
06:45.22Cairennand if she did throw the first swing, then yeah he was right to shove her away
06:45.39Mr_Rabies2especially if she hit the bed
06:45.43Cairennnot disagreeing with that
06:45.45Corrodiaswell, this isn't cool. showing an item tooltip by mousing over an item drops my framerate to 18
06:45.53Mr_Rabies2personally i think he took this too lightly if his story is correct
06:46.01Mr_Rabies2she's still in the damn house
06:46.17ShadowedIt's the same theory behind the bash "MY HOUSE IS ON FIRE ILL TELL THE GUYS ON IRC ABOUT IT FIRST"
06:46.34Shadoweda good story is better then your safety
06:47.03Cairennjust saying though, if he was shoving her around, her grabbing the fork and sticking him with it could be viewed as falling under self-defense, but only till she got away
06:47.38Shadowedonly if she wasn't the one who attacked first
06:47.43Mr_Rabies2This tonight, was the closest to real violence I've used. I never hit her. Even through all this. When she attacked me, I used redirection to have her safely on the bed. No harm there physically.
06:47.48Mr_Rabies2well the fork stab was incredibly minor
06:47.51Shadowedor if he didn't go farther then pushing her away
06:47.56Mr_Rabies2that's the little tiny cut that's long
06:48.12Mr_Rabies2hell i'd put some rubbing alcohol on it and be done after i kicked her ass out
06:48.21Mr_Rabies2but the knife wound
06:48.24Mr_Rabies2eh i'd see a doctor
06:48.51Shadowedif he hasn't contacted the police yet, then seeing a doctor would raise questions
06:49.04Mr_Rabies2"Sir, can you identify this woman as your assailant?"
06:49.13break19Shadowed: actually.. this happened to me once: Chattin away on IRC, when I smelled smoke, and electronics smoke... it looked like it was my monitor.. I typed "shit, smoke, monitor, bye" and logged.. turns out it was just my computer speaker wire had been wedged between my desk and wall, and the insulation had rubbed off.. the transformer of the thing started a meltdown that threw the breaker.. after it cooled I unplugged
06:49.17Mr_Rabies2probably not work safe:
06:49.32jaxdahlis that a dildo?
06:49.35Mr_Rabies2only meant for the words to be bold not the text
06:49.40Mr_Rabies2yeah it is that's why i said probably :p
06:49.44Mr_Rabies2cause uh
06:49.50Mr_Rabies2he mentions that later in the thread too
06:49.50Corrodiasthat appears to have been shopped
06:49.57jaxdahlCorrodias, no shit?
06:50.03Mr_Rabies2er yeah :p
06:50.05Mr_Rabies2that's the point
06:50.12Corrodiasi can tell from the pixels and from having seen quite a few shops in my time
06:50.29Shadowedbreak19: you win this one
06:50.48XuerianCorrodias: If it took you quite a few shops to grasp that fact
06:50.55XuerianCorrodias: Well... I don't think I need to say more.
06:50.55Shadowedit's a pretty good photoshop
06:51.06Corrodiasit's a 4chan thing, Xuerian
06:51.14Mr_Rabies2yeah :p
06:51.20XuerianCorrodias: Oh, well, return to your business then.
06:51.24*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Paste Code Here: | TOC is 20003 | Chips, Dips, Chains and Whips.
06:51.28Shadowedalthough, people have a bit to much free time to do things like that
06:51.34Mr_Rabies2it's become so prelevant that people just say "shops, pixels, etc" now
06:51.50break19heh.. yea.. i supposed I do.. couldnt find a transformer to fit the speakers tho, wound up buying AL 5.1 dolby speakers. :)
06:52.30break19and 2 months later.. they got washed into the Gulf of Mexico :(
06:52.47Mr_Rabies2i would call a doctor/the police and fire up ye old divorce machine if i got stabbed
06:52.53Shadowedhow did you manage that
06:52.57CorrodiasBilly Idol - Rebel Yell (in the midnight hour, she cried, "more more more")
06:53.00[Cu]WerikI love the suggestion tho
06:53.05break19I would call up the coroner for the stabber if I got stabbed...
06:53.27break19Shadowed: we got a visit from a mean ole woman named Katrina
06:53.44Mr_Rabies2i mean
06:53.46Mr_Rabies2even HER DAD
06:53.49Mr_Rabies2says to press charges
06:54.02Mr_Rabies2this guy must be legally retarded to not have kicked her out
06:55.24Mr_Rabies2I'm not looking for pity. I'm just telling the story. Yes I'm going to divorce her. It's done. I'm not that stupid. I'm not pressing charges. I know it sounds bad, but I'm just ready to wash my hands. She should be gone by the end of the week. I have ways to keep safely away from her in the house.
06:55.27KirkburnWoo, taken a while, but I'm ready for TBC :)
06:55.48Mr_Rabies2like nailing her door shut and taking the computer with you
06:56.02KirkburnCairenn, um ... short title?
06:56.03break19Mr_Rabies2: heh
06:56.15Mr_Rabies2if she's willing to stab you
06:56.19Mr_Rabies2she's willing to kill you
06:56.22ShadowedA title that I can actually read without copying it into notepad for once
06:56.34KirkburnIt looks so lonely :P
06:57.52break19i dunno why, but the images have been removed from that site I posted, oh well.. lemme re-upload em
07:00.25Mr_Rabies2oh good finally in the thread he's calling the cops on her
07:00.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery2 (
07:00.37bleetah"Did her skill in forks increase?"
07:00.42break19Shadowed: there.. visit the site again:
07:00.45Mr_Rabies2at least maybe he's not completely dumb, the internet managed to convince him not to end up as a corpse
07:01.15Shadowedwow, thats a little bit damaged
07:01.40break19yea.. there used to be a house on top of those poles lol
07:02.14break19oh, and if ya zoom in on the 3rd one, you can see the bay.. (and my suv lol)
07:03.35break19we had a beautiful view in the evenings, with the water slightly white-capping, and the sun going down off to the right.. the wife and I would walk out on the pier and just relax until it went down. :)
07:03.40break19I miss that place.
07:04.08[Cu]WerikIt really looks like a nice place to live :)
07:04.17[Cu]WerikWell, looked
07:04.24[Cu]Weriki guess;P
07:04.24break19it was.
07:04.34Corrodiaswell, here's a preliminary draft.
07:04.40break19i wish I had before shots, but those were all on my other computers :p
07:05.00Corrodiasalthough i'm not sure i can get the hang of using Omen of Clarity
07:05.10Corrodiasi'm told it's the shit.
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07:05.12*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
07:05.47break19Corrodias: oh hell yea.. my wife is a 60 feral druid.. has just enough resto to get ooc.. and she kicks serious tail..
07:05.59Mr_Rabies2mangle's better than OOC :O
07:06.00ShadowedCorrodias: what are you going to focus on, PVP?
07:06.06Mr_Rabies2i'll be getting OOC at 61
07:06.11Mr_Rabies2but at 60, mangle > ooc
07:06.31*** part/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
07:06.55Corrodiasi wouldn't focus on pvp...
07:06.55Corrodiasi hardly ever do it
07:06.55Corrodiasmy favorite is pve healing
07:07.17ShadowedI'd get swiftmend then personally
07:07.52Corrodiasi had it before, and tended to forget to use it, but it is nice...
07:08.17[Cu]Werikomg, it costs a lot of mana
07:08.40Corrodiasbefore 2.0, it was the most efficient heal of them all
07:09.00Corrodiasif you let the HoT it's consuming run its full length, that is
07:09.24ShadowedFor PVP it's amazing
07:09.26Corrodiasi'm not used to having OoC or NS
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07:09.51Nom-Is it just me, or is Flash of Light a REALLY cheap heal if you've got enough +healing gear
07:09.51Shadowedand PVE really in spike damage fights, so stuff like twin emps, sapph, ouro
07:10.00Nom-Even the top ranks
07:10.07Shadowedit is, paladins have the most efficient healing last I checked
07:10.14Neuro_Medivhnot after tuesday =0
07:10.19break19Corrodias: my wife does pretty good at pvp, and she has mostly greens and a few blues and 1 or 2 purples... she's hold off getting any heavy gear till after we get the xpack
07:10.20Corrodiaswell, i can take one point out of Improved Regrowth and put it into Swiftmend
07:10.26ShadowedI'm sure will have spike damage fights in TBC too
07:10.34Corrodiasthat's nice, break19, but i on the other hand blow at pvp
07:10.35[Cu]Werikflash of light is the best spell ever
07:10.42break19Corrodias: me too. lol
07:10.58Shadowedplaying on the test servers back in like 1.10 using a pre-made druid full resto specced was fun
07:11.03Shadowedmade me wish I had rolled a druid
07:11.40[Cu]Werikit heals for 1000+ dmg with good gear
07:11.40Nom-Druids are ok
07:11.40break19it's her first ever wow char.. and she's picked up on it pretty damn good.. after I embarrassed her with my (then) lvl 52 hunter, she went around talking to every pvp'er she could find and got LOTS of help.. :)
07:11.40ShadowedI liked being able to spam cheetah and HOT/Swiftmend people though
07:11.45Nom-Anyone know how hard it is to get +1000 healing gear in TBC for Pally ?
07:11.55ShadowedIn TBC? Not that hard i'd imagine
07:12.02[Cu]Werikimpossible imho:P
07:12.13Nom-It can't be impossible lol
07:12.22Shadowedi'm pretty sure one of our paladins reached like 998 healing at 60 in naxx gear
07:12.22Nom-Tier 3 and Naxx gear is +1000 if you do it right
07:12.36Nom-yah exactly, Shadowed
07:12.42KirkburnYeah, quite possible to reach +1000
07:12.59KirkburnI got +700 dmg from quest rewards on my Warlock
07:13.07Nom-coz a pally can solo heal a level 60 tanking ony with +1000 gear :P
07:13.17Nom-I've seen it done :P
07:13.22Corrodiasminor revision, moving one point to get Swiftmend and a slightly lower crit chance on Regrowth:
07:13.43Nom-I assume he was just banging flash of light
07:13.47[Cu]WerikI don't know. I will stick to my 18/0/43 build:)
07:13.50Shadowedyeah, one of our paladins has 1067 healing with 8/9 redemption, and a mix of basically gear from every instance
07:14.05Nom-coz holy light chews so much mana
07:14.19Corrodiasmy druid build there is obviously not designed for soloing power
07:14.20[Cu]WerikI barely ever used holy light in the last two years on raids
07:14.36ShadowedI'm guessing you'll be able to reach 1000 with probably mid level stuff at 70
07:14.39Nom-Level 66 FoL = 180 mana, Level 70 HL = 840 Mana
07:14.41Nom-Tony difference :P
07:14.50[Cu]Werikand it's pretty slow;)
07:15.04Nom-2.5 seconds is pretty quick for a heal really
07:15.18Shadowedmost of PVE healing is prediction anyway
07:15.32Nom-2 seconds with the holy talent
07:15.37Shadowedprediction and being able to go "O!@#$!#$!@#$ TANK 5% LOHLOHLOHLOH"
07:15.40[Cu]WerikI was going for spell crit, all I did was spamming flash of lights and never run out of mana
07:15.43Nom-so basically pally heals are 1.5 seconds and 2.0 seconds
07:15.45KirkburnHey, there's no invasion event on my server ...
07:15.53[Cu]Werikit ended Kirkburn
07:15.56CorrodiasKirkburn gets the shaft
07:16.15Shadowedyou didn't miss much
07:16.17Corrodiasnext on oprah
07:16.29KirkburnI wanted the tabard!
07:16.35Corrodiasevents and noobs who miss them
07:16.35Shadowedonly a fancy tabard that does a holy nova effect every 2 minutes
07:17.05KirkburnAh, nvm
07:17.14break19Shadowed: I found a pic of the inside of our place pre-hurricane, but there's a slightly overweight shirtless ogre in the foreground.. so... lol
07:17.49*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
07:19.05XuerianSigh, this lower bear health bonus blows chunks.
07:19.16Shadowednot suprising
07:19.20KirkburnMY EYES!
07:19.25Shadowedthey don't want Druids to be able to tank on the same level as Warriors
07:19.39Shadowedhybrid class for a reason :p
07:19.46XuerianWe couldn't anyway.
07:20.01Shadowedthey were good tanks in TBC actually
07:20.04break19it was middle of winter... and I was driving over-the-road, so the only sun that touched me hit my face and arms. heh
07:20.18break19Shadowed: my wife makes a damn good tank in DB form
07:20.30ShadowedWarriors are suppose to be better though
07:20.55break19Shadowed: she has over 5k armor, and over 4k hp at lvl 60 DB form :p
07:20.57Corrodiasfrom what i've read, druids are at approximately the same place for threat generation now that they were in before 2.0
07:20.58KirkburnBloomin' sound is popping and crackling all over the shop :/
07:21.42Shadowedwarriors still have better mitigation overall though
07:21.44break19Shadowed: she's alchemist, so she keeps all kinds of potions on hand, plus gift of the wild... man alive.. heh
07:22.03ShadowedDruids aren't *bad* tanks, but they shouldn't be better or on the same level as Warriors
07:22.04Corrodiasgift of the wild is just kind of a waste. :(
07:22.06break19she was taught good.. and it wasnt by me... :)
07:22.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
07:22.17ShadowedExtra 270 HP isn't bad
07:22.38Shadowedlittle bit more armor, 1% dodge for Warriors
07:22.45XuerianHm... Well. I mind the swipe threat nerf more :P
07:23.10ShadowedThink that may have been related to the fact that they tanked better then Warriors in the leveling instances since there was like 4-6 mobs per a pull
07:23.13Mr_Rabies2be nice if lacerate scaled from say levels 20-70
07:23.14break19Xuerian: uh oh... she's gonna be mad...
07:23.46break19Xuerian: that's her preferred method keeping aggro on multiples.
07:23.55XuerianShadowed: Bah, that's what made it fun. Bears have always been better instance tanks (Could never beat a skilled warrior in any arena, but in general)
07:24.04Xuerianbreak19: Mine too
07:24.06Shadowednot in PVE :p
07:25.45Shadowed20/40 man Warriors are better on all of them pretty much
07:25.45Mr_Rabies2thats the only way
07:25.45Mr_Rabies2to keep aggro on multiples
07:25.46XuerianMr_Rabies: You can rely on crits off swipe, but the threat nerf sounds like it bites hard (To be fair, I haven't run a production instance with it yet...)
07:25.47Corrodiasi wish Regrowth could cast just half a second faster
07:25.47Corrodiaswarstomp + regrowth would WORK then
07:25.47break19Mr_Rabies2: wellllll... yea.. theres always toggling between, which is how my war alt handles it.. he loses aggro, toggled to it, taunts, gets some sunders, moves to the next target.
07:25.48Mr_Rabies2its about a 75% threat reduction from what i hear, xue
07:25.48Mr_Rabies2the thing is
07:25.49Mr_Rabies2maul isn't enough threat to keep switching targets with
07:27.27purlACTION lets out a Scrat-like scream and stabs something at random.
07:27.27Mr_Rabies2we have no sunder until 66
07:27.27XuerianDamnit purl, stab something for me!
07:27.27break19Mr_Rabies: I know.. thats my point... shes not gonna be able to hold aggro as easy :)
07:27.27Shadowed~stab Xuerian
07:28.39purlACTION runs at Xuerian with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.
07:28.39Mr_Rabies2that's like trying to tank purely with heroic strike now
07:28.39Mr_Rabies2it just doesn't work
07:28.40XuerianWhy did they have to hit it THAT hard with the nerf bat? :P
07:28.40break19Mr_Rabies: dont get me started with that.... *grumbles at the last war I went to BRD with*
07:28.53XuerianGood purl.
07:29.00Mr_Rabies2break: that's all we have until 66 now
07:29.01Mr_Rabies2heroic strike
07:30.37Shadowedbear form auto attack is 1 attack speed?
07:30.37Shadoweds/1/1 second/
07:30.38Xueriangawd awful slow
07:30.38Corrodiaswhat did we used ot have, Mr_Rabies?
07:30.39break19luckily the wife was there (tho we had planned on her being mainly dps/cat and backup heals) my hunter pet was gonna offtank.. but if it hadnt been for a DAMN good resto druid with us, the poor dps-crazed rogue woulda died. alot..
07:30.42Mr_Rabies2heroic strike with a threat multiplier
07:30.57Mr_Rabies2made up for not having sunder
07:30.57ShadowedI stopped caring about Rogues
07:30.58Shadowedif they get aggro, screw them they can die
07:30.58Shadowedi stopped caring about mages too
07:30.58XuerianRogues die too fast for me to bother healing.
07:30.58Shadowedand warlocks
07:30.58Shadowedand priests
07:31.01Mr_Rabies2i'd honestly rather lose lacerate and get maul back
07:31.02Mr_Rabies2since every bleed immune mob is immune to lacerate
07:31.08*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
07:31.12Mr_Rabies2meaning we have no sunder versus a huge amount of bosses
07:31.12break19Shadowed: thats the thing.. she kept saying "dude.. you need more aggro so I can unload on this guy"
07:31.12XuerianWait, was maul nerfed too...?
07:31.12Mr_Rabies2it was nerfed to heroic strike threat levels
07:31.12Corrodiasdruids don't tank.
07:31.12XuerianThey don't NOW
07:31.14Mr_Rabies2not anymore at least
07:31.14Corrodiasbear is for pvp, lols
07:31.14break19Shadowed: she's a damn good rogue, she rarely pulls aggro from the MT she's used to running with.. but he re-rolled on another server
07:31.15Mr_Rabies2sitting in bear is a death wish in pvp
07:31.16ShadowedTHANKS PURL
07:31.16Corrodiasmaybe for you night elves
07:31.16Mr_Rabies2i'm cat unless i'm carrying the flag most times
07:31.20Shadowedonly took 60 seconds to say that
07:31.27Corrodiasfor a Tauren, we're about the same size, bear or not.
07:33.15XuerianFirst they nerf transformation treats for pvp.
07:33.15XuerianNow this. >:(
07:33.18Corrodiaseveryone was complaining about how well druids tank, you see
07:33.18Mr_Rabies2oh and i have less hp in 2.0.3-5 than i did in 1.12
07:33.18Corrodiasthey had to nerf 'em
07:33.18XuerianCorrodias: Why complain?
07:33.18break19i need to go to sleep.. I got an early delivery.
07:33.18Corrodiasi'm joking. quite sarcastic.
07:33.18bleetaheverything's set to scale to 70 then, eh
07:33.23KirkburnOh god.
07:33.24KirkburnMy felguards name is:
07:33.31Mr_Rabies2so it's cool if we remove warrior sunder and give them it at 66 then?
07:33.32break19she's flat, hun!
07:33.32XuerianGeeez.... We put all our freaking talents into the stupid tree and we can't do jack tanking-wise now?
07:33.32KirkburnHe was Thoogun on beta
07:33.33break19nite nite
07:33.33KirkburnHe also has no skills :D
07:33.33Corrodiasdruids got a free respec at 2.0.3, didn't they?
07:33.33XuerianCorrodias: Again, yea
07:34.47Corrodiassee, us resto-only druids don't have to worry about all this bear stuff. my bear form is a one-way ticket to death. :D
07:34.47Corrodiasalthough that may be partly because i have no idea how to tank
07:34.47Mr_Rabies2you just have to worry about getting dropped by me before pounce wears off
07:34.48Corrodiasnot if i don't pvp :P
07:35.23Mr_Rabies2then all you have to worry is about getting burned out being  in the most thankless, victimized role ever :p
07:35.34XuerianYanno, I don't see why getting mauled or swiped with bear claws would incite any less anger/rage/fury/aggro/retaliation then a sword. If not more >_>
07:35.38Corrodiaswell, yeah. actually, though, my guild is quite supportive.
07:36.26Mr_Rabies2i hear healers get complimented once in a blue moon
07:36.28CorrodiasIch says i'm a good healer, but i think that's because whenever he's on a run, his Vampiric Embrace is healing everyone so much that i barely have to do anything until he runs out of mana
07:36.33XuerianI'm being charged by a warrior with a sword and shield in armor so heavy he can hardly move, and a bear that can run 60mph and looks rather deranged and bloodthristy. Which one am I going to worry about more... >_>
07:36.59Mr_Rabies2i watched night at the museum tonight
07:37.03Nom-Hey, does pally get a talent which allows X% of regen in combat?
07:37.04Mr_Rabies2and i decided
07:37.09Mr_Rabies2i want a pet anubis
07:37.10Corrodiaswhen his mana hits bottom, though, suddenly health is dropping like stingray victims. i have to pay attention.
07:37.12Mr_Rabies2to guard my house
07:37.15XuerianHehe. One of those would be fun.
07:37.21Mr_Rabies2also to clean my pool
07:37.29XuerianClean your pool? o.0
07:37.38Mr_Rabies2yeah i'm too lazy to clean it
07:37.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Dhraga (
07:37.46Mr_Rabies2an anubis would be good at that
07:37.57Mr_Rabies2just replace his pike with a pool net
07:37.59Mr_Rabies2and bam
07:38.01Mr_Rabies2clean pool
07:40.04XuerianI duno, a mini roman army would be pretty cool
07:41.46XuerianNice bait'n'switch, btw.
07:44.08XuerianAh well. Guild disbanded, friends left, bc came out. Good enough reasons to abandon my druid to the realm of addon testing anyhow.
07:45.52Corrodiasyeah. come join us on Eldre'Thalas
07:46.10Corrodiasthe realm name being so unimpressive ensures that we'll never be too highly populated!
07:47.31Elkano\o/ I've hit 54 on my druid yesterday, so I managed to reach a new level maximum before BC came out ^^
07:49.31Nom-You reached a new level maximum, you mean you dinged?
07:50.06Elkanowell, I'm playing since US beta but my max char level was 53 on a rogue so far...
07:50.28Nom-Why the heck are you bothing to level on beta still?
07:50.44Corrodiasyou misunderstood him
07:50.54CorrodiasWoW beta, not TBC beta. or i misunderstood him.
07:50.55Elkanous beta -> 2k4
07:51.33Nom-You mean you've been playing for 2 years and don't have a 60?
07:51.52krkamy max is 54 or something too
07:52.40Mr_Rabies2<Corrodias> the realm name being so unimpressive ensures that we'll never be too highly populated!
07:52.53Mr_Rabies2mine's named Llane, hardly anyone recognizes that name :p
07:52.58Mr_Rabies2yet we had a 200 queue today
07:53.10Corrodiasllane? at least it doesn't have a ' in it :(
07:53.20Nom-Aman'Thul ?
07:53.24Mr_Rabies2i'm on Cho'gall too
07:53.27Mr_Rabies2medium pop tho
07:53.29krkaLlane is the king in warcraft 1, right?
07:53.33Nom-There's heaps of realms with ' in the name
07:53.35Mr_Rabies2first king of stormwind
07:53.37ElkanoNom-, exactly... I switched servers two times... 45 troll shaman on one but guild broke up, then started over again with some inet friends, leveled to 53 but they  either stoped playing or changed guilds so I started again with RL friends which is running really fine now
07:53.44Mr_Rabies2garona killed him
07:53.54krkaLlame is a much better name :P
07:54.07Nom-lol Elkano - yah you really need to play with some people you know irl
07:54.07Elkanogorgonnash -> terrordar -> mannoroth
07:54.13Nom-Otherwise the game gets boring real quick
07:54.23Kirovhmm... can I define a local variable as a special character like ·
07:54.42Nom-Mind you, there's so many people I know in my guild on Stormscale now, that it wouldn't matter
07:55.14Mr_Rabies2<Elkano> gorgonnash
07:55.20Mr_Rabies2gorgonnash has some TERRIBLE players :p
07:55.45KirovUS Gunnacrash?
07:55.52Kirover, Gorgonnash?
07:56.28KirovMr_Rabies2 - are you on gorg?
07:56.42Mr_Rabies2same battlegroup
07:56.51Mr_Rabies2some terrible terrible players though :p
07:57.06ElkanoMr_Rabies, EU Gorgonnash
07:57.07Kirovboth sides
07:57.21Mr_Rabies2ohh Elkano
07:57.34Nom-You can't play that much then, Elkano ?
07:57.42Nom-I mean it only takes 5 days ingame time to get 60
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07:58.18Elkanowell I have about 50 days played
07:58.29Kirov5 days?
07:59.46Corrodiasyes, if you move fast.
07:59.47krkamost of us devs don't really grind as fast as possible to 60
07:59.47krkaatleast i don't
07:59.50KirovI was going to say 5 days is slow
07:59.51KirovPeople get to level 60 in a day now
08:00.20Corrodiasthat's not physically possible, as far as i'm aware.
08:00.21KirovHorde side it is.
08:00.21Corrodiaseven the levelling competition ended with over 4 played days, didn't it?
08:00.21Mr_Rabies2the current speed record is like 4 days and a few odd hours
08:00.26Corrodiasexplain, Kirov
08:00.39KirovThere was a guild posted a while back.
08:00.42Elkanowell, my 54 has about 15days played
08:01.11KirovMy 60 is 17 days
08:01.12Corrodiasin 1 day played i can reach 20, probably.
08:01.49KirovMy girlfriend hit 60 in 6 days once, 6 physical days amounting to less than 4 in game time
08:03.30Matholumcan someone look at this for me plz? i am trying to make a dropdown and it isn't working -_-... (in frames tag) and the script -
08:03.55Nom-No, it's not possible to do in 1 day ingame time
08:04.11Nom-Horde side the record is 4 days 15 hours or thereabouts
08:04.19Nom-That's with no rested xp
08:04.20Matholum(wow! fast leveling!... i am slow -_-)
08:05.40Nom-Well my very first 60 was done in less than 10 days ingame time
08:05.48Nom-That was using no guides and just learning as I played
08:05.58XuerianFirst and only 60 in 40 in-game days.
08:06.04Matholum@_@... you put me to shame
08:06.09Nom-I've got a druid and a rogue on track for about 5-6 days
08:06.19Nom-That's on a PvP server too
08:07.01Matholumi am still on my first character... and i am slow, take my time... and take time to program too... so i am lvl 12....
08:07.20Nom-heh with how much ingame time ?
08:07.44Nom-Horde side I generally do 1-20 in one sitting...about 8 hours or so
08:07.59Matholumprobablt um..... 4 or five days...
08:08.14KirovMy main addon I work on is only useful for level 60 hunters who raid... and it's the 12 most downloaded addon
08:08.15Nom-Alliance side seems to be going a lot slower on my pally... i don't know the best quest order there yet
08:08.26Matholumi have had the game for a week and a half now total...
08:10.32Matholumbtw, anyone see what is wrong w/ my dropdown?
08:10.50KirovMatholum - dropdowns are a huge huge pain
08:11.12Matholumya... i can tell.. this is my first one...
08:11.32Matholumi have my label but that is it
08:11.49Kirkburn14 hours, 49 mins
08:13.16Tierriethere's no skill reset tomorrow right?
08:13.26Nom-Correct, Tierrie
08:13.27bleetahonly for durids
08:13.42Corrodiasyou mean talents?
08:13.44Nom-I doubt that, bleetah...unless it was in the 2.0.5 patch
08:13.45Tierrieok then time to finalize our skillsets :)
08:14.00Nom-All of the changes are in, tomorrow you just get to put in your expac code and start the grind
08:14.03bleetahcmon, durids haven't had enough new talent trees yet
08:14.15bleetahbeed at least four more before BC
08:14.36Nom-You got your points refunded already
08:15.01bleetahmy 17 durid's real happy with that
08:15.14Nom-I'm 100% happy with my build tho, so even if my mage has points reset, i'd spec exactly the same
08:15.26Nom-The 10 points I get from 60-70 will just be used to pick up clear casting from the arcane tree
08:15.56Nom-49 frost mage with clear cast = uber cheap frost spells :P
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08:31.50Tierriewhats a good quest log manager?
08:33.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Bleeter (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
08:33.31ElkanoNom-, tomorrow you'll install expac, patch up to current version again ;) and THEN start the lag... ähm... grind
08:33.56ElkanoTierrie, I use QuestFu (in case you use FuBar)
08:34.38MatholumT_T i can't figure out dropdowns
08:34.53ElkanoBlizz dropdowns are crap :/
08:35.27Matholumi <3 html dropdowns
08:35.33bleetahthey don't cascade or scroll, do they?
08:35.56Matholumbut they are easy
08:36.21Elkanowell, feel free to use ckknight's DewDrop
08:36.31Matholumwhat is that?
08:36.53ckknightit's an easy-to-use configuration library
08:37.16Matholumi thnk i will have to look it up
08:38.28Corrodiasi wonder if transporterfu has been updated for 2.0
08:38.40Matholumhere is what i have so far... (in frames tag) and the script -
08:39.43Matholum(oh... i have heard of ace.... alot of ppl don't like it...)
08:40.20Corrodiasthat reminds me, i still need to get in there and delete some embedded libraries
08:41.05Matholumother than easy drop downs, qhat all does ace do?
08:41.35Corrodiasdewdrop isn't actually a part of Ace
08:42.29Elkanowell, ace is basicaly a framework for OO addon coding that provides some basic addon functionality for you
08:42.31Matholumwhat is this then? im confused... local dewdrop = AceLibrary("Dewdrop-2.0")
08:42.50ElkanoDeDrop isn't part of ace but it's based on it
08:43.16Elkanono ;)
08:43.16Matholumdoyou have to have ace to use it?
08:43.32KirovIt's isn't part of the main "Ace2" library, but it is a library based on Ace2
08:43.33Elkanoat least some parts of ace, yes
08:43.44Matholum-_-... i am still an addon noob....sryry....
08:43.45KirovThat make more sense?
08:44.32Matholumso is ace a good idea to use? i have heard alot of bad things about it
08:44.52Corrodiasi haven't
08:44.58ElkanoI only heard good things *hides*
08:45.24Corrodiasthe only disadvantages of which i'm aware are the possibly increased load time
08:45.43Matholumreally? -_-... i dunno what to do! huh..... i guess i will use it
08:46.03KirovMatholum - Ace and Ace2 have a lot of zealots on each side of the fence.
08:46.22Matholumbut then my addons need that as a dependency?
08:46.32KirovThat's the thing about Ace2
08:46.35KirovIt's embeded
08:46.40KirovThey're not "dependancies"
08:46.50KirovThey exist as files inside your addon
08:47.24Matholumi feel like i am cheating now lol....
08:47.32ckknightyou are.
08:47.34ckknightit is cheating
08:47.40ckknightbut everyone's doing it, man
08:48.07Matholumlol.... but as a programmer, the only thing that matters is that it works
08:48.29Elkanoand it works rather good imho :)
08:48.44bleetah99% of the 'ace is bad/good' arguments are a lot of twaddle
08:49.11Corrodiasit makes your hair shiny, but then it all falls out!
08:49.11bleetahMatholum: go with whatever floats your boat, if you're new. 'till you get a feel for it all
08:49.32Elkano"I heard someone say that (bla)... thus I won't listen to any solid argumentation and not use that crap" ;)
08:49.41ckknightwell, it's very nice, Matholum, I made it within the realm of Ace2, feel free to use it.
08:50.34ckknightyou don't have to use the rest of the Ace2 stack to use Dewdrop
08:50.35Elkanofor me it's: Ace2 doesn't make your addons better it just may help you to do it yourself
08:51.07Matholumya, i dunno... i may as well mess around w/ it some and see how i like it... i mean... in main program languages someone had to make those libraries.... so there is nuthn wrong w/ more ^_^
08:51.21Matholumso do i only need 2?
08:51.48Matholumi was just afraid there were alot of probs w/ it
08:52.02Elkanock, what's the minimum for DweDrop? AceOO and AceLib?
08:52.10ckknightum, lemme check.
08:52.18ckknightmay just be AceLibrary
08:52.23Matholumbut it is all cool... i have made things like that b4 to shortcut things ^_^
08:52.37ckknightthough I have a sneaking suspicion that it requires AceEvent as well
08:52.59Matholumwell.... in general, what are the ace things you need ?
08:53.18ckknightI'll tell you the dependencies, hang on
08:53.27ckknightAce2 is a bunch of different libraries
08:53.56Matholumshould i just get them all for later then?
08:54.01ckknightokay, AceLibrary
08:54.03ckknightthat's it.
08:54.07ckknightjust AceLibrary and Dewdrop
08:54.15Matholumok... thanks
08:54.58krkawhy do you need to know the deps of DewDrop? aren't those included anyway?
08:55.21ckknightkrka: no, since they're both libraries
08:55.35ckknightlibraries have dependencies, they can't really be included in the other library
08:55.47ckknightgranted, its dependencies are other libraries
08:56.43ckknightso to use Dewdrop, you need AceLibrary and Dewdrop-2.0 itself.
08:56.49ckknightif you have those, you're all good.
08:57.52*** join/#wowi-lounge dotted (n=me@
08:58.52Matholumhow do you dl it on that site?
08:59.17Matholumits all tutorials
09:01.39Elkanocase sesitive :/ ->
09:03.03Corrodiasi'm getting confused with macros :(
09:04.31Corrodiashm, wowwiki is unavailable?
09:04.45Corrodiaswait, here it comes!
09:11.29Corrodias#show and #showtooltip appear to be doing nothing
09:13.19Matholum@_@ i am trying to figure this out now....
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09:17.40Matholumother than the dewdrop page, is there an example of dewdrop anywhere? is full of examples ;)
09:21.31Corrodias#show Healing Touch does nothing :/
09:22.14Corrodiasor not what i expect, anyway...
09:24.11Corrodiasokay, i've got that figured out, now
09:27.42cmunnyay! My guild is tearing itself apart from the inside out, and there doesn't seem to be anything I can do about it.
09:30.06Corrodiasyay! :3
09:35.01Corrodiasi'd recommend you transfer and join us, but as of a couple of months ago, recruitment was restricted
09:36.24Matholum(button goes in frames, right?)
09:38.03Corrodiasbutton goes in your mom. actually, i just have no idea.
09:42.34Corrodiasdamn, dranei are -hot-.
09:44.09*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
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09:57.34abugpurl, draenei is <reply> Draenei are -hot-.
09:57.36purlabug: okay
09:57.41abugpurl, draenei
09:57.44purlDraenei are -hot-.
09:59.34Matholumok... i found the problem in my original dropdown... it worked, it just doesn't have the pic for sum reason
10:03.07Corrodiasexcellent. purl has good taste.
10:03.39Corrodiasand better spelling than i do
10:04.23Matholumanyone know why the pics don't show for UIDropDownMenuTemplate?
10:06.17Kirovnever tried images in a dropdown
10:06.37Matholumlol.. no... that acual textures in the template
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10:33.28ckknightI whipped your mom last night
10:33.32ckknightif you know what I mean
10:33.36ckknightand I bet you do
10:33.41Corrodiasapparently you didn't realize, i was taping it
10:33.59ckknightmeh, at least my johnson looks good on film
10:34.20Corrodiasi'll be the judge of that
10:35.48Matholumis it possible that UIDropDownMenuTemplate is messed up... or does it have to be my code somehow?
10:40.15sylvanaaryour code prolly
10:40.46Matholumbut the drop down works, the textures taht area part of it just don't show up
10:44.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Qshadowp (n=Shadow@
10:47.35Matholumhere is my whole xml.... maybe i did sumn wrong...
10:54.21Matholumdoes anyone see anything, you need the script too/
10:55.33KirovI can't find bugs in dropdown menus in my own code.  :p
10:56.03Matholumlol... well this one is weird... it is only the textures...
10:56.12Matholumthat makes me think it isn't me...
10:56.18Matholumbut i dunno
10:56.34Matholumthe dropdown part is fine,,,, -_-
11:00.23Corrodias"world server is down"
11:00.28Corrodiasi think something is amiss in my realm!
11:00.44mjgoossen"1 – For Internal Use Only - DO NOT USE!"
11:00.58mjgoossenIn World of Warcraft Client Patch 2.0.5
11:05.49Matholum(sets what to 1?)
11:05.59bleetahtext mode
11:06.44bleetahi wonder how many people have set it to 1
11:07.28Matholumirc text mode?
11:07.53bleetahVT100 300/300 or 1200/75
11:08.05Matholum(i am not very good w/ irc... i haven't used it in forever and i have never know anything except talking...-_-)
11:09.10Matholumbleehtah.... what is that? i am not following at all... lol
11:09.36bleetaholdman geek speak
11:10.07Matholumhmm... ok.... well.... i don't get it ^_^
11:13.12Mike-N-GoDang, ToU.5.B:
11:13.34Mike-N-GoBlizzard has the right to monitor your chat, or not to.
11:14.02Mike-N-GoThe ToU was changed today.
11:14.14Mike-N-GoUpdated, rather: I am reading it :P
11:15.04*** join/#wowi-lounge [quoin] (
11:15.20bleetahthey changed the 'you must live in ..' to 'if do not you live in ... you must obey local laws'
11:17.58Corrodiasaccording to the numbers...
11:18.21Corrodiasit took me approximately 21 days played to get my druid to level 60
11:19.01Corrodiassetting what text mode to 1?
11:22.44KirovDoesn't appear to have any affect
11:23.20Mike-N-GoFor yee who be confused.
11:23.33*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
11:23.50Mike-N-GoThere are the patch notes if you have not seen.
11:23.53MatholumI got my drop down working!!!
11:24.15Matholum(i was mixing the 2 types...)
11:25.01bleetahKirov: probably some intermediary debug mode that may or may not eat your babies
11:25.13Mike-N-GoWhat is part 14 of the ToU about, lol.
11:26.58Mike-N-Goi mean, part 13 earler
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11:27.58Kirovwhat's part 13?
11:28.12bleetahForce Majeure
11:28.28bleetahif an asteroid takes out the servers, as well as blizz's office, don't hurry looking for a refund
11:29.11Matholumis there anything in the wiki for UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID() ??
11:29.38Matholumi dunno the args -_-
11:29.38Mike-N-GoIt communicates with it's self! ::gasp::
11:30.24Mike-N-Goforce majeure |ˌfôrs mäˈ zh ər| noun 1 unforeseeable circumstances that prevent someone from fulfilling a contract. 2 irresistible compulsion or greater force.
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11:30.49KirovMatholum - it's not part of the API
11:31.03Kirov is your friend
11:31.07Matholumreally? what is it? it works....
11:31.32KirovIt's just a function in lua
11:32.00Matholumoh... i technicality....
11:32.26Matholum*** a
11:33.52KirovAnyone know if there's a specific event for being disconnected?
11:36.00Mike-N-GoEvent == "DISCONNECTED_FROM_SERVER"
11:36.10Mike-N-GoMy guess.
11:37.06Kirovif only it were that easy
11:40.45Mike-N-GoI just read the ToU, good read!
11:43.22Mike-N-GoWhat is the purpose of a ToU, or an EULA?
11:43.42Mike-N-GoIs it to protect someone, or someting?
11:43.58Mike-N-GoIf so, why would it need protection?
11:44.23KirovIt's so if someone tries to sue blizzard for something silly, blizzard can point that out and say, "but we told you right there."
11:44.59KirovMost cases are silly enough that they'll get thrown out of court right there.
11:45.09ckknightKirov: it's PLAYER_LOGOUT
11:45.30KirovEULA afaik have already been shown to not be legal in any real case.
11:45.52Corrodiasunreasonable restrictions without adequate explanation
11:46.08Kirovckknight - any way for me to be able to tell if that's a real disconnect, or just the player zoning?
11:47.07ckknightthat's not  a player zoning
11:47.16Kirover, /reload
11:47.16ckknightPLAYER_LOGOUT happens on disconnect
11:47.35ckknightyou hook ReloadUI
11:47.44Kirovfair enough
11:47.59Mike-N-Gowhat is 'fair' about hooking ReloadUI?
11:48.26Cide'fair enough' is an idiom
11:48.34Matholumif you hook reloadUI, then doesn't it happen when that does?
11:48.37Cidefair enough
11:48.37CideThat's reasonable; I agree. For example, I'll wait just one more day.--Fair enough, you've been very patient. [Colloquial; early 1900s]
11:48.40KirovI'm not an idiom!
11:49.15Mike-N-GoI am young, please explain to me further?
11:49.31Cideid·i·om (ĭd'ē-əm) pronunciation
11:49.56Mike-N-Go~dict idiom
11:50.25Corrodiasa phrase whose meaning bears little resemblence to the meaning of its words
11:51.00Matholumlike... "well that stinks"
11:51.37Corrodiasnot exactly
11:51.44Corrodiasin that case, "stinks" is just slang for being bad
11:51.48Matholumlol..... i thought i had tha tone\
11:51.55Matholum*that one
11:52.03Mike-N-GoAV is starting, I horde, got any tips?
11:52.17Corrodiasan example that i remember from school -- which nobody actually says -- is "go fly a kite", meaning leave me alone
11:52.38Corrodiasor go occupy yourself in some other way that doesn't involve me. something like that.
11:53.01CorrodiasMike-N-Go: don't ignore IB GY while you defend Galv. they'll just go right past Galv if the D is too tough there.
11:53.27Corrodiashave a couple of guys there. if O has trouble moving forward, be an example and ride across the bridge.
11:53.36Corrodiasmaybe somebody will follow you.
11:55.48Corrodiasi've seen a few AV strategies, but nothing that will work with a PuG. the map is just too unbalanced.
11:56.05Corrodiasluck is your best chance, there
11:59.33Mike-N-GoThe problem is, people are in just for Hks, honor, whatever; things for themselves, not to help the group win as a whole.
12:00.00Corrodiasthe FIRST problem is that the alliance has paladins and we don't.
12:00.21Corrodiasnigh-unto-unkillable flag protectors
12:00.35Corrodiasthe lucky part is that most of the time, there aren't any paladins smart enough to try to do that
12:00.47Corrodiason the offense side, anyway. i spend most of my time on D so i don't see their D paladins.
12:01.44Corrodiasthey lay their AoE cap-interrupter (which our Hurricane -isn't-) and bubble if you get them too low. woo.
12:02.49Mike-N-GoI am only a level 60 hunter, Tauren
12:03.04Mike-N-GoI have mostly level 52 blue gear.
12:03.24Mike-N-GoSo it is like BAM  dead in 6.7 seconds.
12:04.06Corrodiasi'm not terribly familiar with what hunters can do, but let me think back to my experiences in AV, which is 98% of my PvP experience. hmm.
12:04.40Corrodiasmostly they weren't a threat from what i can remember. there were a couple, but moreso in WSG. :/
12:04.43KirovMike-N-Go - my suggestion for Horde in AV is /afk
12:04.47Mike-N-GoHunters are known for there traps, mark, pet, and substaned ranged dps
12:05.07Corrodiasthey aren't in AV, but maybe that's just because they don't attack druids and i don't notice them.
12:05.30KirovI always go after druids.
12:05.36Corrodiasthe pet can be an irritation if i'm trying to cast, and i suppose that would be more of an issue for a class without Hibernate and Barkskin
12:05.46Mike-N-GoOr, don't partisapate
12:05.54Kirovpriests, shamans, druids, rogues, warlocks, hunters, warriors
12:05.58Kirovthat's my basic order
12:06.09Corrodiasthe traps have limited use in AV, unless you lay traps around your flags
12:06.15Mike-N-GoJust leave wow in AV, and hit mouse every 4 seconds, Blizzard does not have trubble with that.
12:06.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Lamex (
12:06.44MatholumI am getting off... cya guys later!
12:06.50Mike-N-Go4 minutes*
12:07.30Mike-N-GoBasic order for killing?
12:07.33Corrodiasi hope the nude mod gets updated for TBC soon
12:08.15KirovMike-N-Go - aye, as an alliance hunter
12:08.45Mike-N-GoWhen on O, I just try to dot as much as I can before I die :)
12:09.26Mike-N-GoRemember, I have mostly level 52 blues.
12:09.35Kirov8/8 ds
12:09.39Mike-N-GoI hope to get the PvP gear after a while.
12:09.46KirovI love when other hunters attack me.
12:09.56KirovI just stop, turn to them, and start shooting.
12:10.00Mike-N-GoAnd then they fall for FD :)
12:10.00Kirov3-4 shots later they die
12:10.19Mike-N-GoMust be some epic-outed gear
12:11.29Corrodiashe did say 8/8 ds
12:11.30Corrodiasi'm a bit shaky on sets, but that's full dragonstalker, yes? tier som'n.
12:11.30Cidetier 2
12:12.47Corrodiasmy druid is just a little guy designed for healing
12:13.03Mike-N-GoWhat should I go for, the 30K honor pvp armor, or the 100K honor PvP armor?
12:13.16Mike-N-GoThe blue and purple respectively.
12:13.27Cidesuch a high ctprofile id you have Kirov
12:13.29Corrodiasi need to improve my PvP healing attempts. i spend way too much time casting Roots.
12:13.51KirovCide - hmm?
12:13.59Cide7783 times larger than mine!
12:14.24Corrodiasthat must mean he sucks
12:14.34Kirovyes, well, I didn't create the site
12:14.57Cideheh, Max ID: 5004898
12:14.59*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
12:15.02Cideat least you don't suck that much!
12:15.13KirovThat's a lot of characters
12:15.19Cidethat's profiles
12:15.20Kirovwhere do you guys get the bandwidth?
12:15.30Cideour pockets
12:17.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Insa (
12:17.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Anders (
12:21.21CideKirov: we have a couple of servers though, with some tb on each
12:22.03Kirovlocated in the US?
12:22.10Kirovor all over
12:22.44Cideya, the us
12:23.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
12:24.14purlextra, extra, read all about it, purl is the embodiment of EVIL!
12:24.14Cidegotta go though, later!
12:27.44purli guess ag` is the god responsible for the creation of ag unitframes
12:29.59Corrodiaspurl, Cairenn
12:30.01purlcairenn is probably one of the administrators of, also EQInterface, EQ2Interface and VGInterface
12:30.15Corrodiasprobably? there is suspicion?
12:30.20zenzelezzI see EU got 2.0.5 too... let's hope we can still play :-p
12:30.33Corrodiasthey've fixed the authentication issues, i think
12:30.44Corrodiaspurl, druids
12:30.57Corrodiasnothing? purl is a doodoohead.
12:31.08zenzelezzthat's the best part about being EU; you've got a whole day where the US guinea pigs are testing the patch for us
12:31.28purlbatman is probably dah dah duh duh dah dah du duh batman!
12:31.28Corrodiaswhat's the difference in those syntaxes, Mr_Rabies2?
12:31.35Mr_Rabies2i dunno
12:31.44Corrodiasbatman hates ice cream, but we won't put that in purl
12:31.44Mr_Rabies2purl, purl
12:31.46purlextra, extra, read all about it, purl is the embodiment of EVIL!
12:31.56Corrodiasor perhaps it was chocolate
12:31.57Mr_Rabies2same thing i guess
12:33.45Corrodiaspurl, WoW
12:33.46purlwow is probably the best game ever!
12:33.55Corrodiaspurl seems very unsure of things
12:36.02Corrodiasyou're out of touch, i'm out of time, but i'm out of my head when you're not around
12:38.04Corrodiaspurl, alliance
12:40.24purlit has been said that horde is PHP application framework used for the popular IMP web email
12:41.43Corrodiaspurl, alliance is <reply> the rebel alliance opposes palpatine's galactic empire
12:41.45purlokay, Corrodias
12:42.08Corrodiaswe could add capitalization, but i was lazy
12:42.46Corrodiasyet, my neuoticism will not allow me to leave it at that.
12:43.07Corrodiaspurl, alliance is <reply> The Rebel Alliance opposes Palpatine's Galactic Empire.
12:43.08purl...but alliance is already something else...
12:43.16Corrodiasdamn, what's that syntax. i have seen it...
12:43.30Elkanopurl no, alliance is <reply> The Rebel Alliance opposes Palpatine's Galactic Empire.
12:43.32purlElkano: okay
12:43.45purlThe Rebel Alliance opposes Palpatine's Galactic Empire.
12:43.45Corrodiasi was about to say something close, but my commas were off
12:44.13*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
12:44.41Mr_Rabies2there should be some Z goggles in the game
12:44.52Mr_Rabies2and the flavor text should be "They do nothing"
12:44.52CorrodiasZ goggles?
12:44.58Mr_Rabies2Zee goggles
12:45.06*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
12:45.06Mr_Rabies2zay do nothing
12:45.10Mr_Rabies2my eyeees
12:45.52Corrodiasoh jesus.
12:46.57Corrodiasi've never seen more than one simpsons episode. :(
12:47.00Mr_Rabies2holy crap
12:47.12Corrodiasalthough i think there was a Family Guy ep parodying the Simpsons one time while i was playing Outcast and not watching
12:47.15Mr_Rabies2i totally didnt realize fall out boy's name is a simpsons reference
12:48.39Mr_Rabies2oh it's an accidental simpson's reference
12:49.05Mr_Rabies2someone in the audience gave them fallout boy as an idea and they didn't watch the simpsons and found out about it later or something
12:49.14Mr_Rabies2Fall out boy, you know, crappy emo pop band thing
12:49.24Corrodiaswhat audience..
12:49.36Corrodiasno, never heard of it
12:49.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
12:49.55Mr_Rabies2how the hell
12:49.59Mr_Rabies2what country do you live in?
12:50.21Mr_Rabies2they're blasted all over the damn radio and MTV and anything remotely music related over here :/
12:51.11Corrodiasi don't watch MTV and the only radio i listen to is one metal/rock station and an 80's/90's station
12:51.38Mr_Rabies2well if only i could have not heard of them
12:51.52Mr_Rabies2all the rock stations around atlanta are crap
12:52.08zenzelezzthere's an emo band named after the Fallout character?
12:52.19Mr_Rabies2Fallout boy from the simpsons
12:52.25Mr_Rabies2Radioactive man's sidekick
12:52.43zenzelezzthere's only one true Fallout boy, and that's the one from the games
12:52.49Mr_Rabies2this crappiness:
12:53.15Mr_Rabies2actually i kinda like this song :x
12:53.28Mr_Rabies2but their other stuff is pretty crappy
12:54.04Mr_Rabies2like where it speeds up it sucks like most of their other stuff
12:55.04Corrodiasi'm not going to watch it, okay?
12:55.40Mr_Rabies2have fun being ignorant to fall out boy
12:55.43Mr_Rabies2even if you hate the song
12:55.47Mr_Rabies2it'll be stuck in your head all day
12:56.03Mr_Rabies2cause the chorus repeats about about 50,000 times in most of their songs
12:56.47Mr_Rabies2now this
12:56.50Mr_Rabies2this is a music video
13:04.06Corrodiasi'm listening to Dr.John (duet with Rickie Lee Jones) - Makin' Whoopee
13:07.00Mr_Rabies2I'm listening to PC Speaker and the Television -  Ambient Noise
13:07.17Mr_Rabies2PC Fans and the Television -  Ambient Noise
13:07.29Mr_Rabies2my pc speaker is unplugged because it's annoying
13:07.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
13:07.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery2 (
13:08.26CorrodiasRenee & Renato - Save Your Love
13:08.53Corrodiasfortunately, my headphones seem to almost entirely block out my two rather loud computers right on the desk on either side of my face
13:11.01Corrodiasi feel like drinking tonight, but i should be going to bed at this time
13:11.40Mr_Rabies2i feel like standing in line for burning crusade for hours
13:11.45Mr_Rabies2ohwait no i don't
13:11.48Mr_Rabies215hrs 47mins 55secs until Burning Crusade.
13:12.49Mike-N-Gopurl, druid
13:14.06Mike-N-GoPurl says 'probably' to protect it'sself, so it is not wrong.
13:14.08purlMike-N-Go: I think you lost me on that one
13:14.15Corrodiaspurl, probably
13:14.16purlprobably is, like, no and no is yes
13:14.57Mike-N-Gopurl, explain
13:14.59Mr_Rabies2purl, what is a man?
13:15.01purlMr_Rabies2: what are you talking about?
13:15.21Mike-N-Go~emulate purl
13:15.22purlACTION tries to look like herself.
13:15.25Corrodiaspurl, a man
13:15.28Mike-N-Gopurl, what is man?
13:15.30purlMike-N-Go: I think you lost me on that one
13:17.19Corrodiaslet's see if i can do this right.
13:17.38Corrodiaspurl, a man is <define> What is a man? A miserable pile of secrets! But enough talk! Have at you!
13:17.39purl...but man is already something else...
13:17.53Corrodiasi didn't say man, you silly thing
13:17.55purlTem and Tain are the man.
13:18.21Corrodiasmethinks that should be indexed under "the man"
13:18.22Mr_Rabies2purl, "a man" is <define> What is a man? A miserable pile of secrets! But enough talk! Have at you!
13:18.23purlI think you lost me on that one, Mr_Rabies2
13:18.41Mr_Rabies2looks like multi-word stuff doesn't work
13:18.41Corrodiaspurl, the man is <define> Tem and Tain are the man.
13:18.43purl...but man is already something else...
13:18.56Corrodiasindeed. or we don't know the right syntax.
13:19.18Corrodias~define "the man" Tem and Tain are the man.
13:19.20purlUse ~dict for definitions.
13:19.40Corrodiasshe just messaged me something i totally don't understand
13:20.13Corrodiasbut it does seem to delimit only on spaces.
13:20.34Corrodias~dict wn
13:21.02Mr_Rabies2purl, sotn
13:21.23Mr_Rabies2purl, sotn is <define> What is a man? A miserable pile of secrets! But enough talk! Have at you!
13:21.25purlokay, Mr_Rabies2
13:21.30purlextra, extra, read all about it, sotn is <define> What is a man? A miserable pile of secrets! But enough talk! Have at you!
13:21.58Corrodiasmaybe she has PMS
13:22.04Mr_Rabies2purl no,sotn is <reply> What is a man? A miserable pile of secrets! But enough talk! Have at you!
13:22.06purlMr_Rabies2: okay
13:22.14purlWhat is a man? A miserable pile of secrets! But enough talk! Have at you!
13:22.14Corrodiasreply, that's better
13:22.22Mr_Rabies2THERE WE GO
13:22.30Mr_Rabies2close enough
13:22.43Mr_Rabies2i'd love to be able to ask purl what a man is and get that but oh wells
13:23.18Mr_Rabies2it's miserable little pile of secrets i think
13:23.19Mr_Rabies2lemme see
13:24.00Corrodiasi get 100 results in google for one and 142 for the other. :/ mixed with another phrase, of course.
13:24.44Mr_Rabies2purl no,sotn is <reply> What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk! Have at you!
13:24.46purlokay, Mr_Rabies2
13:24.51purlWhat is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk! Have at you!
13:25.39Corrodiasso it is.
13:26.10Mr_Rabies2terribledubbing is terrible
13:27.36Corrodiaskarma for Mr_Rabies2?
13:27.43Corrodiasmaybe i need the ~ on the front
13:28.13Mr_Rabies2somewhere between 9000 and 10,000
13:28.16Corrodiasmaybe it's private messages.
13:28.53Corrodiasi'm going to make this work. damn you, bot!
13:29.12zenzelezzI don't recall the bot giving any feedback to ++/--, just quietly modifying the stat
13:29.21zenzelezzat least the bots I've seen before
13:29.32Corrodiasit's still reporting it as neutral, though
13:30.37Mr_Rabies2why is this song so awesome
13:32.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
13:32.19Corrodiasnickometer zenzelezz
13:32.30Corrodias~nickometer zenzelezz
13:32.51Mr_Rabies2~nickometer Mr_Rabies2
13:33.02Mr_Rabies2~nickometer Mr_Rabies
13:33.13Corrodiasit's true
13:33.29Mr_Rabies2~nickometer Corrodias
13:33.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Qshadowp (n=Shadow@
13:33.49Corrodias~literal sotn
13:34.00purl"sotn" is "<reply> What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk! Have at you!"
13:35.46*** join/#wowi-lounge FelixTeCat (n=Miranda@
13:41.54*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
13:51.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
13:53.14subbawtwhat is this 2.0.5 patch
13:55.34clad|sleepthey tried to release it yesterday
13:55.37*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-sleep (n=chatzill@
13:55.40clad|sleepthey're pushing it today to the rest of you guys
13:56.14Corrodiasit fixes a couple of small bugs, i think.
13:56.31Corrodiasalthough at first there were some version authentication issues, they were sorted out. supposedly.
13:56.36cladhairenah, just the UI Accelerations options I think
13:57.16Corrodiasoh, i never did check out what that was
13:58.38cladhaireits just a CVar change
13:58.51Corrodiasi mean, i have no idea what UI Acceleration is
14:01.21cladhairevery few do.. its some texture optimizations that they've been working on, I believe
14:01.44kremonteany french speakers around? :<
14:02.14Corrodiasso 2.0.5 lets you disable some or all of it if it's giving you trouble
14:02.40Corrodiasi wonder if that's part of why mousing over an item on my character panel drops my framerate to 18? could be an addon, though. i don't mind enough to find out.
14:02.46cladhairemy boyfriend just got into Oxford!
14:03.11Corrodiasoxford is a city, yes?
14:03.31kremontecongrats to him
14:09.30Corrodiasthey key to success in college is vodka.
14:09.33Corrodiasit can be mixed with anything.
14:25.26CorrodiasBon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name
14:25.36Corrodiasbon jovi is like aural sex.
14:25.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Bouvi (
14:25.57Corrodias...i wonder
14:26.02Corrodiaspurl, bon jovi
14:26.20Corrodiaspraise jebus
14:33.12zenzelezzI wish WoW had the size system Anarchy Online had for characters :-/
14:33.32zenzelezznothing looks neater than a tank three times or more taller than the rest
14:33.37sysragei wish it had the dye system DAOC had :)
14:34.16OrclevI wish it had the character creation system that city of villains had
14:34.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
14:35.50BouviI know I played CoH just for character creation
14:36.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
14:37.46zenzelezzI'm always biased about AO, since it was my first MMO, but I really miss several aspects of it... but they were easier to get away with in a sci-fi game
14:37.47Orclevyeah, CoV kind of lost  its luster after you get done making a character or two
14:38.34OrclevI loved PSO... although I recently got PSU and I'm kind of disapointed in it
14:39.24Orclevthey barely even tried it seems like... looks like they're using the same old graphics engine they used in PSO, and it's starting to show it's age a bit, not to mention the fact that it was designed for console use
14:46.34*** part/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
14:49.17Industrial~seen Mr_Rabies2
14:49.25purlmr_rabies2 is currently on #wowi-lounge. Has said a total of 273 messages. Is idling for 1h 15m 46s, last said: '>:|'.
14:49.38IndustrialMr_Rabies2: >:O
14:49.56Industrial"Seinfeld - All episodes has finished downloading"
14:50.48sysrageworst show ever
14:51.02Industriali love it
14:51.18BouviThe best show about nothing
14:51.29Industrialhe gets it
14:51.53Corrodiasi liked it.
14:52.06BouviTo all of you off work today :P
14:54.48Bouvipurl, cladhaire
14:54.52purli heard cladhaire is the current author of WatchDog, PerfectRaid, and a number of smaller addons.  He is also a core developer of the Ace project. People in #wowace also know him as 'Mr. Lightningfingers.'  To find cladhaire, one should look on wowinterface, as he no longer frequents the wowace channel or forum.
14:55.29Industrialwoo thats old
14:55.40BouviYeah he should mention Clique!!!
14:56.30cladhaire... yes.. he?
14:56.33cladhaireno vagina here.
14:56.53zenzelezzsomehow I don't think he was talking about you
14:57.05[Ammo]people confusing you with cairenn?
14:57.12cladhairewhat in the hell are you talking about?
14:57.23zenzelezzI expected he was talking to/about purl
14:58.13cladhaireme too
14:58.18zenzelezzI could of course be the one that's wrong, but why should cladhaire out of nowhere mention Clique?
14:58.24zenzelezzpurl was the one that was talking about him
14:58.27BouviI was talking about Purl.  Is Purl a he or she or it?
14:58.34cladhairepurl is a girl
14:58.36zenzelezz~emulate purl
14:58.37purlACTION tries to look like herself.
14:58.37cladhairebut purl isn't human
14:58.38cladhairehence my confusion.
14:58.41[Ammo]purl is a program
14:58.51zenzelezzyou guys suck
14:58.51cladhaireso purl can't mention anything.
14:58.55cladhairesomneone has to tell her what to say
14:59.02cladhairehence the confusion
14:59.05BouviWell then A.I. She should mention Clique
14:59.15zenzelezzI've talked to walls that are more fun than you people!
14:59.28BouviOr someone should fix A.I. Her to mention Clique LOL
14:59.30kremontezenzelezz: you must have very interesting walls
14:59.35Bouvipurl, Bouvi
14:59.41zenzelezzkremonte: no, they're very dull
14:59.56kremontezenzelezz: what amuses you then? hah
14:59.59BouviAnd someone should tell A.I. Her about me lol
15:00.48kremonteis there any way to make a default option for aceconsole slash commands? #wowace won't answer :{
15:01.03BouviWOOT!! 2 item(s) shipped via NEXT DAY on 01/15/07  Anyone care to guess what it is?
15:01.20kremonteburning crusade and hentai?
15:01.36cladhairemine hasn't shipped yet.
15:01.38Bouvi2 copies of BC could not get one without wifey
15:02.33BouviBest thing is it cost us nothing.  Best Buy gift cards we have been saving since Sept 30th (her b-day).  Got em for my b-day and X-mas too.
15:03.23[Ammo]TBC timer with a twist:
15:07.42Orclevpurl, bruning crusade
15:07.49Orclevpurl, burning crusade
15:07.50purlextra, extra, read all about it, burning crusade is an expansion pack for the successful MMO, World of Warcraft, by Blizzard. Reportedly, it will break all addons, add Tauren priests, not allow you to target anyone, cast any spells, use any weapons, heal any friends, chat, log off, use web browsers, or kill things. It will randomly curse you and 25 of your friends ...
15:08.15Orclevpurl, burning crusade is also bound to cause massive queues
15:08.16purlOrclev: okay
15:08.29Orclevpurl, burning crusade
15:08.31purlwell, burning crusade is an expansion pack for the successful MMO, World of Warcraft, by Blizzard. Reportedly, it will break all addons, add Tauren priests, not allow you to target anyone, cast any spells, use any weapons, heal any friends, chat, log off, use web browsers, or kill things. It will randomly curse you and 25 of your friends and 25 of their friends ...
15:08.31cladhaireyou just overwrote tht whole thing.
15:08.40cladhaireooh neat
15:08.45cladhairenever seen pourl allow appends =)
15:08.55Orclevhmm... it didn't append though
15:09.00Orclevthat's wierd
15:09.33zenzelezzyou have to tell it to append or it will replace the existingone
15:09.41OrclevI did tell it to append
15:09.47Orclevand it said Okay
15:09.51Orclevbut didn't do anything
15:09.53zenzelezzwell then your confusion is more justified
15:10.21Orclevmaybe it's too long
15:10.55Orclevthat's probably it, exceeded the allowed message size
15:10.55Orclevhence the ...
15:11.10Orclevpurl, patch night
15:11.44Orclevpurl, patch night is Guaranteed to bring the servers to their knees.
15:11.46purlOrclev: okay
15:11.57Orclevpurl, patch night
15:11.58purli guess patch night is Guaranteed to bring the servers to their knees.
15:12.04sysragehave the 'rolling restarts' happened yet?
15:12.19zenzelezzprepend <reply> to that factoid Orclev and it'll look better =)
15:13.00Orclevhmm.... don't remember how to do a prepend... will it accept a regex... Guess I'll try
15:13.18zenzelezzjust tell it "no, patch night is <reply> [...]"
15:13.23BouviSo how do I put info about me on it :D
15:13.32zenzelezzBouvi: the bot?
15:13.39Industrialso TBC is tomorrow right?
15:13.43BouviYes the A.I. Shebot
15:13.45Orclevpurl, patch night is s/^Guaranteed/<reply> Guaranteed/
15:13.47purl...but patch night is already something else...
15:13.59Industrial~patch night
15:14.00purlhmm... patch night is Guaranteed to bring the servers to their knees.
15:14.00zenzelezzOrclev: see what I  just told you
15:14.15Corrodiassize of the jpeg on that timer page: 1344.19 KB
15:14.17Corrodiasit's not even very large.
15:14.32Orclevpurl, no, patch night is <reply> Guaranteed to bring the servers to their knees.
15:14.33purlOrclev: okay
15:14.39Orclev~patch night
15:14.41purlGuaranteed to bring the servers to their knees.
15:14.57Orclevhmm, ok, but I know there is a way to make it change it with a regex
15:15.09purlTest Failed!
15:15.39Corrodiaspurl, no, patch night is <reply> Patch night is gauranteed to bring the servers to their knees.
15:15.41purlokay, Corrodias
15:15.50Corrodiasspelling and grammatical correction
15:15.54sysrageexcept you spell guaranteed wrong ;)
15:15.59Orclevheh, grammer natzi :P
15:16.10Corrodiasit can't be guarantee...
15:16.17zenzelezzit is
15:16.20Corrodiaswell holy shit.
15:16.24Orclevperl, orclev is testing something
15:16.37Corrodiasmy apologies
15:16.41Orclevperl, orclev
15:16.48Corrodiaspurl, no, patch night is <reply> Patch night is guaranteed to bring the servers to their knees.
15:16.50purlokay, Corrodias
15:16.51Corrodias~literal patch
15:16.52purl"patch" is "just a tool to handle text file mutations according to a common format known as 'diff'. For kernel patching use (depending on type of patch): 'patch -p1 < patch.diff' or 'zcat patch.gz | patch -p1' or 'bzcat patch.bz2 | patch -p1', or `patch -ruN old_dir new_dir > tree.diff`"
15:16.57Corrodias~literal patch night
15:16.59purl"patch night" is "<reply> Patch night is guaranteed to bring the servers to their knees."
15:17.04Orclevpurl, orclev is testing something
15:17.05purlOrclev: okay
15:17.15Corrodiasit wouldn't let us do multi-word things before...
15:17.45Corrodiasmaybe it strips articles like "a"
15:17.48zenzelezz~literal poke
15:17.58Orclevpurl, no, orclev is s/testing/trying/
15:18.00purlOrclev: okay
15:18.03purlyou are, like, s/testing/trying/
15:18.17OrclevI wish I could remember how to do that
15:18.44Orclevsuppose I could just go grab the source code
15:19.06*** join/#wowi-lounge moonsorrow (
15:19.27Corrodiasi should sleep, now. 'ni
15:19.40Orclevah, thats it
15:19.51Orclevpurl, no, orclev is testing something
15:19.52purlOrclev: okay
15:20.01Orclevpurl orclev =~ s/testing/trying/
15:20.01purlOrclev: OK
15:20.05Orclevpurl, orclev
15:20.07purlit has been said that orclev is trying something
15:20.11Orclevthere we go
15:20.30Orclevpurl, forget orclev
15:20.50Bouvipurl, bouvi
15:20.52purlBouvi is the author of Auto_LootFu but is best known for his UIs.  Both can be found at  Bouvi also has a weekely UI newsletter.  Visit for more.
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15:21.50Orclevpurl, karma for orclev
15:21.50purlfor orclev has neutral karma
15:22.09Orclevit's starting to lag a bit... maybe we're hitting it too hard :P
15:22.10Corrodiasso... or ?
15:23.08Corrodiashow cool is this water elemental?
15:24.14Orclevhmm, only lasts for 45 seconds... hopefully it's good. I know the trees you can summon on the druid balance tree are supposed to be pretty cool
15:24.27BouviI LOVE my water elemental
15:24.37BouviShort cooldown and can get me out of a bind
15:24.56Corrodiasokay... but what can it -do-?
15:25.15BouviIt fights for you
15:25.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (n=jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
15:25.28BouviIt can shoot ice bolts and freeze targets
15:26.21Corrodiasso do you think i should go all-out and get the elemental, at the cost of Arcane Potency and Arcane Mind?
15:26.32Corrodiasas shown in the two builds i just linked
15:26.50BouviI am a pure frost build but I am new to mages just started it and only at 55.
15:27.16BouviSo asking me build specifics might not be good but I do love the water elemental
15:27.22Corrodias"just started" at 55, jeez...
15:27.38Corrodiasi have determined that it took me 21 days "played" to reach level 60 on my silly druid >:P
15:28.00BouviI am at 9 days played right now
15:28.32Corrodiasmy druid doesn't like you.
15:28.33BouviI bought a leveling guide.  All legit no hacks, etc.  Just step by step and linked the quest to thottbot so was a breeze.
15:28.35sysrageimo, full ice owns for grinding... arcane/fire owns for pvp
15:28.40BouviMy rogue took 30 days.
15:29.07sysrageand i still kick some butt in pvp being full frost
15:29.27BouviI doubt I will ever PvP with my mage.  So will probably stay ice build unless I get curious about other styles.
15:29.56Orclevthis is the druid build I'm looking at:
15:29.57Corrodiasat first, i was tempted by Fire, but then i saw the light -- and the crit potential -- of frost.
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15:30.41BouviI do crit quite a bit.  Definatly a PvE build thou.
15:31.00BouviHowever Frost against water elementals and Ice Yetis are VERY lacking lol
15:31.13Corrodiaswell, you can skill cast Firebolt
15:31.20Corrodiasand other fire spells. they just aren't as effective.
15:31.31BouviI do and it just takes longer to kill em.
15:31.45sysragewhen goin up against water/ice mobs it just means it's time to bust out fireball and arcane missile :)
15:31.55Orclevcan't decide if I should allocate the points for the thick hide to get the extra 10% armor, or spend them in restoration to try and improve my healing ability a bit... would like to save my mana for offense rather than healing, so in theory the armor is better
15:34.01Corrodiasi couldn't help you. i only know about healing.
15:34.24Orclevof course considering the casting cost of moonking form, this might be good as well:
15:34.30Orclevmoonkin even
15:35.11Corrodiasi'd say "there you go" if you plan on popping out to heal and then back into moonkin to fight
15:35.26jaxdahl2under 13.5 hours to go in the usa
15:35.29Orclevyeah, that's what I was thinking
15:35.39Corrodiasjaxdahl2: until... midnight.
15:35.44*** part/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
15:36.15Orclevplus with the +360% armor boost from moonkin an extra 10% isn't worth as much as a 30% cost reduction in shifting
15:36.41Corrodiasask yourself, do you really want Brambles?
15:36.57Corrodiasi don't use Roots for its damage
15:37.07Orclevhmm, well, the extra 75% damage from thorns is nice
15:37.28Corrodiasi don't use Thorns as much as i should, but i recall its damage being pretty silly anyway
15:37.33Corrodiaslike 12 per hit
15:37.46Orclevdepends on level I think, but yeah, it's kind of low
15:38.37Corrodiasjust speculation, but you might want to sacrifice that for Omen of Clarity, which i hear is the shiznit, like so:
15:38.57Orclevwas just looking at that actually
15:38.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Neuro_Medivh (
15:38.59Corrodiasalthough the shiznit-hearing was from feral druids, i think
15:39.04Lasivianis there a 61-70 rogue leveling build anyone knows of?
15:39.26Corrodiasi believe i had one based on maces, but that was for 2.0.1, not 2.0.3+
15:39.46Orclevalthough I rather allocate those 2 points in naturalist as opposed to natures focus
15:39.47LasivianI never got a chance to go raiding so i'm still dual-sword spec
15:40.40Orclevactually nevermind, miss-read that, thought it said damage, not physical damage
15:40.51BouviMine is a combat build with offhand weapons Lasivian
15:40.56Corrodiasyeah, i was typing something very long.
15:41.31BouviMy lvl 70 build
15:41.45Bouvifor my rogue
15:42.23Corrodiasfist weapons, an unusual choice...
15:43.22Neuro_Medivhsorry, don't know rogues, only mages... and the mage levelling build is all frost
15:43.36BouviI have Claw of the Black Drake
15:43.54BouviI love the Fist weapons as it is unique.
15:44.19BouviMy only complaint is I should be able to backstab with a claw just as easily as a dagger.
15:44.52OrclevI'm thinking of doing a blood elf mage
15:44.57Corrodiasquestion: Elemental Precision (Reduces mana cost of Fire and Frost spells by 3% and reduces targets' chance to resist them by 3%) // or // Arcane Meditation (allows 15% of mana regen to continue while casting) ?
15:45.19Corrodiasyou can't do that, Orclev. that's what i'm doing.
15:45.26Orclevmy gut says arcane meditation
15:45.29Corrodiasstop trying to steal my popular ideas.
15:45.39Neuro_MedivhBE mages are nice... but to be honest, BE rogues are going to be so powerful
15:45.58Corrodiaswhy's that?
15:46.00Orclevhmm, well, I already have a rogue, I don't have a mage
15:46.00Neuro_Medivhtheir racial
15:46.07Corrodiasi'm afraid i'm not familiar with it.
15:46.13OrclevBE Rogue will be a bitch
15:46.16Neuro_Medivhit's a silence
15:46.23Neuro_MedivhPLUS, it restores mana/rage/energy
15:46.36Neuro_Medivhmana and rage aren't a big deal, but the energy one is HUGE
15:46.50Neuro_Medivhcause rogues live and die by their energy
15:47.03Orclevtheir racial silences an opponent and regens the BE's mana/rage/energy
15:47.21Neuro_Medivhthe mana you get at lvl 70 is hardly noticable
15:47.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
15:47.29Corrodiaswell, now, taurens get their warstomp and undead have their will. i suppose it's only reasonable that blood elves kick some ass, too.
15:47.33Neuro_Medivhbut the energy you get at 70 is very noticable
15:47.54OrclevBE Mage is essentially an anti-caster caster
15:47.56Neuro_MedivhBE paladins will be quite good as well
15:48.08Neuro_MedivhPaladins who can silence... nasty
15:48.15Corrodiaspaladins already have a ranged stun
15:48.23Corrodiaswhat's the length on this silence effect?
15:48.42Corrodias(i hate them so much)
15:48.49Neuro_Medivh2 seconds I think
15:50.00Corrodiaswhat do draenei get?
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15:51.14Laricwhat ranged stun does pallys have?
15:51.59Neuro_MedivhDraenai get a heal over time
15:52.25Neuro_Medivhso once again, Alliance racial = pve, horde racial = pvp =)
15:52.32Corrodiasi don't know, Laric. you'd have to ask the paladins who kick my ass in AV.
15:52.39Corrodiasask them how they stun me at a distance.
15:54.37Corrodiasi have issues with paladins
15:55.00LaricI have a paladin and have no clue on how to stun on range
15:55.21Laricof course it is alt #4
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15:55.42Neuro_Medivhwell, the only spell stun they have is hammer of justice
15:55.48Neuro_Medivhwhich is 10yrd
15:56.14Sroshthey also can get Repentance
15:56.16Corrodiasthat's probably it, then. i can't say exactly how far away they are, and it's not "really far", but it's not within stompin' range.
15:56.17Neuro_Medivhbut most paladins I know also have the stun trinket
15:56.26Corrodias"stun trinket"?
15:56.53Corrodiasi'm afraid i don't know what that is, even by the acronym
15:57.05cladhaireHand of Justice
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15:57.09cladhairedrops in BRD
15:57.28Neuro_Medivhtidal charm
15:58.27Neuro_Medivhthankfully, it got nerfed for TBC
16:00.11Corrodiasi can't even be happy that the horde is getting paladins. that would be like bombing Japan's civilians and being happy about it. oops!
16:00.12Orclevoh, I heard something the other night that sent my bullshit meter off the scale. Someone claimed the druids will be able to shapeshift into a flying mount in the expansion
16:00.27TC_Workingit's good to be a lock
16:00.33Corrodiasyeah, you cannot ride druids.
16:00.37foxlitQuestion: Buttons\ButtonHilight-SquareQuickslot.png has a solid black background
16:00.42Corrodiasthey -can- fly, but they don't carry people
16:00.47foxlitYou do I get rid of it in LUA?
16:01.12foxlitthey keys are like so close :/
16:01.19BouviCan't decide what type of Draenei I want to make.  I do not think I would enjoy Paladin or hunter and there will be hundreds of shaman.  Already have a high level 38 priest and lvl 55 mage.
16:01.37Neuro_MedivhThen Warrior
16:01.42zenzelezzhigh level 38?
16:01.51Orclevwill that be a talent, or will all druids get that?
16:01.52BouviWell high level for me lol.
16:01.55Neuro_Medivhwarrior with a self-heal = yummy
16:02.05zenzelezzOrclev: like paladin/warlock mounts I think
16:02.06BouviI mean warrior or paladin.  I might enjoy a hunter
16:02.16Corrodiasall druids can buy the flight form, as far as i'm aware
16:02.27BouviOr I could just make a shaman just for fun.
16:02.44purlDraenei are -hot-.
16:02.52Orclevah, now I see it... how did I miss that before
16:02.58Corrodiasthus, make a hot draenei. it doesn't matter what class you use.
16:02.59foxlit[Correct answer: alphaMode="ADD"]
16:03.01Corrodiasjust make it hot.
16:03.14Orclevaww, can only use in outland
16:04.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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16:05.19Corrodias-now- i'll go sleep. [away]
16:07.42Neuro_MedivhAre you Prepared?
16:09.14foxlitThe wiki's dead :(
16:09.29foxlitHm, no, just painfully slow again.
16:09.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Saroz (
16:14.17Neuro_MedivhI'm trying to think, is there a function or feedback to tell me the target of a spell being cast?
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16:24.20Cairenn|afkwrong channel :p
16:27.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
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16:32.46kasoAnyone read the new TOS? they took out all the parts forbidding Powerleveling and Gold buying
16:32.55kasothe only thing you still cant do is buy items.
16:33.17jaxdahl2TOS != TOU
16:33.22jaxdahl2TOS is still dated november
16:33.36kasook, TOU
16:33.39kasoclose enough
16:34.04Cairenn|afkdid they now?
16:34.17jaxdahl2i'd like to see a diff
16:35.05kasohmm, actually, i cant just pasty the code, i dont think they support strikethough :<
16:35.09Endthey took -out- the parts?
16:35.12kasoill upload
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16:39.13kasothere you go
16:39.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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16:40.15|FF|Im2good4u15,1Cairenn0: 9Hallo!
16:40.37TC_Workingi like what they took out of section 7
16:40.41TC_Workingthe bastards
16:40.50kasoyah that is amusing
16:40.51OsagasuAUGH! COLORS!
16:41.14kasopssh gross negligance, like thats a reason for reimbursement!
16:41.18TC_Workingi wonder if all of the changes are vivendis doing
16:41.34Cairenn|FF|Im2good4u: turn off the font formatting, please?
16:41.37TC_Working...something like that
16:42.04|FF|Im2good4u>.< it auto disables itzel whn the channel block colors :P
16:42.22kasoI think im gonna buy a few thousand gold while it isnt against ToU :>
16:42.39TC_Workingprices might go up because of that
16:43.07kasoWho actually reads the ToU though?
16:43.16TC_Working...we just did
16:43.20TC_Workingand i noramly do
16:43.25TC_Workingit's so interesting
16:43.53kasoPatch notes are interesting, terms just get boring and lawy
16:44.24TC_Workingi like to find loopholes
16:44.24TC_Workingit's a hobby
16:45.07foxlitPushedTexture relaces NormalTexture rather than displaying on top of it?
16:46.09Cairennkaso: did you upload a difference file?
16:46.17|FF|Im2good4uso buying gold is allowed ? oO nice !!
16:46.35kasothats just a copy paste of the forum post though  not full differences
16:46.46|FF|Im2good4ufoxlit yes i had the same problem
16:46.47kaso(the forum post i did) i should add
16:47.37cladhaireso they made it illegal to sell, not to purchase.
16:47.41Cairennkaso: thanks
16:49.20kasoperhaps theyre going to start selling it themselves
16:49.45Cairennit's theoretically possible - look at Sony's Station Exchange
16:59.39*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
16:59.55|FF|Im2good4uthey would be something erfect for blizzard :P
17:00.05|FF|Im2good4uthey are trying to make money out of everything
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17:01.48Neuro_Medivhthey won't do it as long as WoW is so successful
17:02.13Neuro_Medivhthey don't want to alienate their fan base
17:03.53CairennNeuro_Medivh: how will it alienate their fan base? it's blatantly obvious that there is a HUGE segment of the population that wants this and will continue to use the services.  If they create their own, they make the money that is currently going to third party establishments.  they just do the same thing SOE did.  they make separate servers for RMT
17:05.59Cairennever heard the expression: "if you can't beat them, join them"  ?
17:06.00Neuro_MedivhCairenn, they'll look at it from a money standpoint, whether correct or not.  They'll factor in the negative attitudes towards selling in-game items vs the profit margins (which are astronomically high), and then factor in the legal headaches (as soon as they recognize that in-game money has RL value, they can be sued for replacement of those items)
17:07.23Neuro_MedivhAlso, keep this in mind:  I have no problem with current gold farmers, because they are restrained by in-game mechanics, and thus it's harder for them to inflate the economy.  Blizzard will just create the items out of thin air.
17:08.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Oree (
17:09.01Cairennas I said, if they are going to do this (which I have no idea if they are or not, it's pure supposition on our part at this point) they create entirely new servers that if you want to be involved in rmt, you have to do it on those servers
17:09.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
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17:09.22Cairennit allows those that want it to be able to without breaking the rules, but doesn't mess up the economy on the rest of the servers
17:09.33Cairennthus they get the best of both worlds
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17:09.49Cairennplus, they put the kabosh on the third party establishments
17:10.17Cairennwhy let all that money stream out to third parties when they could be scooping it up themselves
17:10.24Neuro_Medivhwell, I honestly don't know how well it worked for SoE.  I think we can safely say that the concept of the "Premium Server" was a complete bust.
17:10.51Cairennthe premium server and the rmt servers were two entirely different creatures
17:10.58Neuro_MedivhOh, I know
17:11.05Cairennand the fact that they are still running the Station Exchange ....
17:11.19Cairennone would have to presume that it's at the very least breaking even
17:11.33Neuro_MedivhI left EQ before rmt servers came online, so I really have no experience as to it's success
17:11.44Cairennotherwise they'd have scrapped it, like they did the premium server
17:11.50Neuro_MedivhBut keep this in mind also:  rmt didn't come out till EQ was in massive decline
17:12.00Cairenn*nod* I know
17:12.14Cairenninteresting to supposition though :)
17:12.21Kirkburn|afkHelm's Deep in CANDY! :D   hehe
17:12.48Neuro_MedivhHonestly, I think the real road block is the potential legal issues.
17:15.17Kirkburn|afkYeah, I would be okay with it if it was on separate servers
17:16.56foxlitHm, curious
17:17.00Mikmacladhaire: yo
17:17.07foxlitUI-Group-MainTankIcon, UI-Group-MainAssistIcon
17:17.22Mikmacladhaire: managed to fix dongle yet?
17:17.37cladhaire.. whats wrong with it?
17:18.08Mikmacladhaire: well it's just an embed problem actually, can't have 2 libs in different addons or i'll get an error
17:18.15Cairennhi Gryphen
17:18.17cladhairethen you're doing something wrong
17:18.29Mikmathat might be true also. i'll check :P
17:18.33cladhairespeak to the hundreds of users using PerfectRaid and Clique alongside each other.
17:18.38*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
17:19.12foxlitPvPRank15, too :)
17:19.21Gryphenhi Cairenn
17:19.31*** join/#wowi-lounge maia (
17:19.54Mikmacladhaire: well, i get this when i use my addon and clique together: MiniBar/dongle.lua:812: you must call 'RegisterEvent' from a registered dongle.
17:19.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Qshadowp (n=Shadow@
17:20.03cladhairethen you are using an old version sof dongle.
17:20.06Mikmacladhaire: if i disable clique i don't get the error
17:20.13cladhaire.. did you update Clique?
17:20.17cladhaireDongle was in alpha three weeks ago.
17:20.18Mikmahmm, no :D
17:20.29cladhaireand it was made clear on all download pages that it needed to be updated for the alpha to beta transition.
17:20.31Mikmamy clique is older than the dongle i have in minibar
17:20.34cladhairei can't help you if you dont RTFM
17:20.58Mikmabut i haven't even looked clique pages so i can't RTFM xD
17:21.10cladhaireyou could read the clique page
17:21.16cladhairewhich has been updated about 20 times int he past two weeks =)
17:21.32cladhaireand if its not a favorite on wowi so you get email notifications, then you're dead to me
17:22.16Mikma;) don't shoot me i don't use favorites :D
17:22.16cladhaireyou should.
17:22.31Cairenncladhaire's feeling feisty today!
17:22.46MikmaCairenn: purr at him! that will soothe him
17:23.00kasoWhat does it mean when the realms' names are red in the realmlist
17:23.01CairennI always purr at cladhaire :)
17:23.02cladhairehrm /cast Sooth Animal
17:24.52kasoGRR do they really have to unset use out of date addons on every bloody minipatch
17:24.55kasoits getting annoying
17:26.42MikmaTseric: fix servers!!!
17:26.54TsericMikma: Nayon broke them imo!
17:27.06Mikmagrrrr! that bastard
17:27.06maiaHaha, clad, I just found a Bishop.lua in my SavedVariables.
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17:27.32cladhairemaia: HAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHHAH
17:27.44cladhairemaia: You can still get bishop at the old original ace svn
17:29.39kasoAnyone know if i can be lazy and just use my beta client rather than having to install from CD when TBC comes out
17:30.05Grypheni would imagine you could
17:30.10Mikmaclad|shower: umm, still got a problem
17:30.19clad|showerMikma: okay
17:30.20maiakaso: it should be possible - as long as you'd replace the realmlist etc.
17:30.34kasoyay for lazyness!
17:30.37Gryphenshould be just an activation code on your account to enable bc if like other games
17:30.37Mikmaclad|shower: if i have clique and my addon enabled, my addon stops working :O
17:30.45Mikmaclad|shower: but if i disable clique it works again
17:30.56clad|showerMikma: Then your addon is doing somethign wrong.
17:31.00clad|showerand wasn't updated properly.
17:31.15clad|showeri also suspect you're getting an error somewhere, but that's pure speculation
17:31.38clad|showernot to mention, this is probably a better discussion for the dongle channel, not wowilounge
17:31.49Mikmadongle has a channel?
17:32.02clad|showeras i speak to you from the shower.
17:32.05maiawhat's dongle btw? I guess I was offline for too long.
17:32.24clad|showermaia: Just a minimal addon framework, more along the lines of the original Ace.. only offer whats needed, and do it well.
17:32.44maiaaah. shall I spread the rumor that Dongle = Ace3?
17:32.54clad|showersadly no, its all original code =)
17:33.23clad|showerplus I woudn't want the stigma of being an Ace3
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17:33.35clad|showersince conceptually, they are quite different
17:35.12maiaall I currently care about is how long an international shipment at will take - I'm jealous seeing all the people online who already installed TBC, while I might have to wait a week.
17:35.40kasono stores in your country?
17:36.15maiano stores with the us version, no
17:36.18clad|showeri just want notification of my shipment from
17:38.10clad|showerdid anyone get an email from telling them their stuff had shipped?
17:38.47BarbanusI wish I would of ordered from blizz
17:38.56Barbanuspeople have gotten their copies already
17:39.05clad|showeri ordered mine in october
17:39.45BarbanusYea, I wish blizzard made it a soft street date. Since you cant put your key in until midnight anyways
17:40.21clad|showerthat seals it
17:40.26clad|showeri'm getting my copy tonight
17:40.34clad|showeri'll give my boyfriend the CE code
17:40.39clad|showeri was gonna wait for my pet
17:40.41clad|showerbut its not worth it
17:40.44BarbanusBut, I'm pretty sure its a hard street date :(
17:41.37BeladonaI assume the portal still doesn't let you through even if you have BC installed?
17:41.43Beladonauntil tonight that is
17:41.56clad|showerwell, that all dependos n your account
17:41.58BarbanusBeladona, you cant put your TBC code into your account until midnight
17:41.59clad|showernot what you have installed.
17:42.04Beladonayou know what I mean
17:42.08BeladonaI upgraded my account
17:42.22BarbanusOh? How....
17:42.25Beladonait l;et me
17:42.37Beladonano error, although maybe it didn't work
17:42.39Beladonadidn't check yet
17:43.01Beladonalemme actually check my account before I say definitively
17:43.09Barbanusfrom what blues have said, you can install the expansion, but you weren't able to upgrade your account
17:43.25Barbanusand installing the expansion does nothing, you can still play as normal
17:43.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Insaclone (
17:43.32BarbanusBut well, maybe they were dead wrong, who knows.
17:44.37Beladonaok I lied, i don't see it on my account
17:45.02zenzelezzoh yay... someone's downloaded some loot-link type addon and is busy spamming the tier 4/5 sets to the trade channel
17:45.55foxlitI thought server was supposed to choke you on items it has never seen?
17:46.08Beladonadoes it let you click?
17:48.40zenzelezzclick and dress up
17:50.18TC_Workingsnicker @
17:57.00foxlitClass/group selection control finished <3
17:58.19*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
18:04.36Neuro_MedivhI especially like the pic of Illidan on the inside, and the BE female on disk four
18:04.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Bouvi (
18:06.23|FF|Im2good4uyeeh downloading patch a 4kb/sec
18:06.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
18:07.22Neuro_MedivhI bet Hot Pockets stock goes up after tonight =)
18:07.31Barbanusfoxlit, how does that mod differ from PallyPower?
18:10.19*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
18:10.33BarbanusHmmm, "You can install T.B.C. already and you will still be able to play. Just keep in mind that if you are logged in at midnight you will have to log out and back in again."
18:10.53Barbanusso it sounds like you may have upgraded your account too Beladona
18:11.39Scre3mis there some way to be notified via rss or email when a favorite on curse-gaming is updated?
18:12.07BarbanusI believe so...
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18:17.33Barbanushmmm maybe not
18:18.04maiahmm. just checked my gamestop order status. the site shows the order number, the order date, the shipment method, the billing and shipping address - but not the status itself. weird.
18:20.11TC_Workingi just got my amazon ship ETA, looks like the 20th for me
18:20.36zenzelezz16th for me (from
18:20.45TainWhat you're not going to the store at midnight tonight?
18:21.02TC_Workingwell these are the pari of CE i ordered, maybe the others will come sooner
18:21.07clad|showermaia: Same here
18:21.24TC_Workingno, not going to the store at midnight Tain
18:21.44maiaclad|shower: okay, so I guess the system is having troubles.
18:21.50cladhairewhat system?
18:21.51Barbanusmy gf is going to pre-order our 2 copies today, they still have some left (normal copies, not CE)
18:22.01maiathe order status system
18:22.06BarbanusI may just drive down and pick em up at midnight though
18:22.10Neuro_MedivhAmazon is so bad about on-time delivery
18:22.13TC_Workingi think they ran out of CE 2-3 days after they released them
18:22.30zenzelezzNeuro_Medivh: really? They've been on time for me
18:22.33TainThat is what I thought I read also.
18:22.48TainThat the CEs were all sold out quickly because they only made a (relatively) small amount.
18:23.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
18:23.15TC_Workingdoes blizz # them?
18:24.29krkayes. the number is the cd-key
18:25.44Neuro_MedivhOk, the new cinematic is cool
18:25.57*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
18:26.03TC_Workingcute krka, cute
18:28.04cladhaireTauren can't ride the BE mount can they =(
18:29.55cladhairei hate the raptor =(
18:29.58*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
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18:37.14|FF|Im2good4uOMG.. they got otbe kiddinng...
18:37.33|FF|Im2good4u"u have used up your prepaid acount" 1 day befoe BC >.<
18:38.59krkatough luck
18:40.33sysragesucks to be you
18:42.36|FF|Im2good4uim gona write blizzard an angry note !
18:43.09TC_Workinghhhmmm...i wonder what he will say about BE's
18:43.20sysragegonna write them a note cause you're a cheap bastard?
18:43.43|FF|Im2good4uno becase they done give me 1 month free
18:45.09KarlThePaganNew Grouper Auto-LFG manager posted on curse!
18:45.15KarlThePaganmuch more stable now!
18:45.21TheStiganyone know if its possible to have an addon select which area to fly to on the flight master's grid?
18:45.24|FF|Im2good4uService Temporarily Unavailable <- cant even add a new card :( porm e ill bep laying BC next week
18:45.25KarlThePagan(and doesn't get wtfpwned by the blizzard lfg ui)
18:45.31Qshadowpi specifically let mine run out 2 days ago
18:45.37Qshadowpthe servers arn't gonna be up for tbc anyways
18:45.41TheStigif so, i'd like to make an addon that you type something like /flight Grom'Gol   then right click the wing rider and off you go
18:45.50TheStigor /flight Stormwind   then off you go
18:45.55|FF|Im2good4uu cna stig
18:45.59TheStigthat sounds good
18:45.59BeladonaQshadowp the servers are ready
18:46.06|FF|Im2good4uthe flihtmap u see is an addon itzelf :P
18:46.09Beladonathey are supposed to be up at midnight
18:46.13TheStigoh nice
18:46.17QshadowpBeladona the servers can't handle the traffic they allready have
18:46.21|FF|Im2good4uwell its more like default ui but it just calls a command asoon as u cloikc a button
18:46.28Qshadowpadd extra continent, atleast twice the traffic
18:46.30Qshadowpand you get. downtime
18:46.32TheStigyeah i just want to be able to type /flight <destination> while i'm running for the FM
18:46.33Qshadowpand loads of it.
18:46.37TheStigthen right click it
18:46.44BeladonaI disagree, but no one will really be right until it happens I guess
18:46.57TheStigand off i go
18:46.59TC_WorkingCairenn, those ppl have WAY WAY WAY to much time on their hands
18:47.01|FF|Im2good4ushould be posable :p
18:47.09TheStigi think its a great addon concept
18:47.12TheStigi guess i have work to do
18:47.51CairennKarlThePagan: :p
18:47.59CairennKarlThePagan: upload to us too!
18:48.26KarlThePaganI think I'll do wowi and worldofwar now ;)
18:55.18|FF|Im2good4ui need ot figure out how ot post on wowi lol i only use worldofwar
18:55.38|FF|Im2good4uwell since i cant play wow atm ill tery to figute that out instead
19:00.02Dezzimalwater costs too fucking much :(
19:00.18DezzimalI go out questing to make some quick cash for my BC respec
19:00.28Dezzimaland I drank more than I made
19:00.42TC_Working[M]assively [M]uddled [O]rganizationally [R]ooted [P]erpetual [G]rievance
19:00.42KarlThePaganCairenn, kk <3 wtb moar people testing ;)
19:00.54CairennKarlThePagan: already approved
19:01.03Dezzimalnormally I don't have to drink
19:01.06zenzelezzDezzimal: farming which mobs?
19:01.12Dezzimalwinterfall mobs
19:01.22KarlThePaganany/all feedback is greatly appreciated
19:01.25Dezzimalthe furlbolgs
19:01.49ElkanoKarlThePagan, but there's still a lot you could do. eg fill the tablet with info so one doesn'T have to navigate through all menus
19:01.51zenzelezzhaven't been farming much on my priest, but all the way to 57 I've been soloing, mostly by PW:S, SW:P, wand... mana just regenerated
19:02.08KarlThePaganElkano, deffinately
19:02.25foxlit~seen Barbanus
19:02.52purlbarbanus is currently on #wowi-lounge #wowace. Has said a total of 764 messages. Is idling for 50s, last said: 'Talented is Ace?'.
19:02.52KarlThePagannow that the core functionality is stable and doesn't get killed by the blizzard ui I'll be moving in that direction
19:02.55Dezzimalyeah its really fun farming as disc/holy
19:03.00|FF|Im2good4uu shuold get a mage to give free water :P
19:03.01KarlThePaganI should add stuff to the ace wiki page
19:03.23Elkanoand you could add an option to the LFGBrowser to add you to the specific LFG object as a player/group
19:03.45Cairennroflmao @ 12:09 timestamp in that link
19:04.12Barbanuswhats up foxlit?
19:04.29KarlThePaganElkano, yea you basically do that now fairly deep in the LFG priorities menu
19:04.45foxlitWas just reading the backlogs
19:05.40foxlit(a) It works for everyone. (b) It does more things.
19:05.52foxlit[And, optionally (c) It looks better :P]
19:06.19KarlThePaganI guess I could make that part of my tablet functionality
19:08.23TC_Workingi'm seing coffie cups and glass cups
19:09.12bleetahmmm coffeeeeee
19:09.28bleetah18 hours to go 'til BC in Eastern Australia
19:10.59*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
19:11.31Cide3h 49 min here in sweden apparently
19:13.33foxlit~22 hours till I'll actually get a copy and be in front of a PC to play it
19:14.22*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
19:14.37Cairennhere's a question, that I haven't seen an actual answer to ... does it go live at midnight [your local time] or midnight Pacific?
19:14.51foxlitMidnight whatever timezone servers are in?
19:14.55JoshBorkemidnight ES
19:15.00foxlitI'd imagine europe woudl go live before US
19:15.04sylvanaarwhy ES
19:15.11sylvanaarshould be PS
19:15.35sylvanaarguess they are trying to be inclusive for the us
19:16.31Cairennthe reason I'm wondering ... it can be bought in some stores as of midnight [local time], yet that isn't the same time as Blizz headquarters (obviously), so which are they doing? and if [local time] then EST doesn't make any more sense than PST
19:16.45Cairennhuh, okay
19:17.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Garthnait (
19:17.18ckknighthey all, back
19:17.24Cairennwelcome back ckknight
19:17.34Garthnaithello @ all
19:17.39Bouviwb CK
19:17.41Cairennhi Garthnait
19:18.26Garthnaitis there a possibility that a function is only triggered when an other addon is loaded?
19:18.46*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|work (
19:18.53bleetahCairenn: it makes even less sense in Australia. Servers go live 4pm Australian Eastern Time, yet we've got to stay awake until midnight... Blizz have a habit of hating Oceania on Tuesday nights
19:19.15Cairennthat's what I mean, the timing makes no sense at all
19:19.29bleetahI'm gunna try pull mod author rank at EB this arvo
19:19.52Cairennit should either be midnight local or midnight pacific (since it's Blizz HQ), anything else is odd
19:20.38Cairennbleetah: hah! you think joe shmuck that works at EB will know you from a hole in the ground, or give a flying #$@! that you are a mod author?
19:20.47bleetahreally, tho, I won't mind much if the world servers crash lots
19:20.48JoshBorkewell put cair :-D
19:20.56jaxdahl2oh wow, netherdrake is 310% speed
19:21.04bleetahCairenn: well, yes, they do... we had a funny convo the other day ;-)
19:21.17zenzelezzcats look funny when they sneeze
19:21.20jaxdahl2epic flying mounts are 280%
19:21.47CairennI can walk into my local EB that I have my copies on order and tell them that I'm Cairenn from the * sites and they wouldn't know what the hell I'm talking about, or give a hoot even if they do
19:23.06nymbiai know i'm planning on strolling into walmart and yelling "I AM NYMBIA! GIVE ME ALL THE COPIES OF TBC"
19:23.07Garthnaitis there a possibility that a function is only triggered when an other addon is loaded?
19:24.23zenzelezzCairenn: try telling them you can make Decursive work again if they give you advance copies
19:25.25bleetahCairenn: there's advantages to being in a small town (get to know the staff) and there's disadvantages (crappy time of release)
19:26.22Cairennmind you, if the snow doesn't stop here soon, I won't be able to go to pick up my copy anyway
19:27.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz (
19:27.24bleetahhah, gunna be about 90F here today
19:27.36jaxdahl2TC_Working, is that from the necromanced thread?
19:27.48TC_Workingi dunno
19:27.58jaxdahl2why did you post old news then?
19:27.59TC_Workingis where it's from
19:28.04jaxdahl2read the last post
19:28.12TC_Workingincase ppl havent seen it
19:28.17TC_Workingnot everyone does
19:28.28jaxdahl2this is, what, 4 months old?
19:28.46TC_Workingdidnt notice that
19:29.02TC_Workingbluetrakcer doesent show stuff like that easly
19:29.27jaxdahl2 hot
19:29.41*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|work (
19:30.15bleetahtheres a bug in the forums
19:30.48bleetahseems to be if a locked thread gets to the 'end' of a forum (ie, becomes the very last thread), it becomes unlocked. or so it was happening the other day.
19:31.56bleetahI'm guessing that happens so the system can delete it when a new post is popped in the head... but some crafty people are catching them
19:44.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
19:45.26TC_Working listen
19:45.55|FF|Im2good4uwhee i got my first addon posted on wow interface :P
19:52.21cladhaireSo, whats with the new "I can see through stealth" over the head marker?
19:52.57zenzelezzguess they thought you shouldn't be caught by surprise
19:53.03foxlitIt's awesome :)
19:53.05zenzelezzcause that would like... be unfair! And stuffs...
19:53.08cladhaireits disconcerting, but I like it =
19:53.26foxlitSeems to only work on NPCs
19:53.28zenzelezzI really disagree with it; unless as some ability/talent
19:54.04zenzelezzI mean seeing icons of those that can still see you
19:54.25cladhaireits so cool =)
19:54.33cladhairezenzelezz: That's not what we're talking about
19:54.35foxlitPart of your ability to stealth :)
19:54.40cladhaireits when an NPC has the "see through stealth" skill
19:54.47cladhairenhot when someone can see you
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19:55.41zenzelezzstill sounds the same as what I originally thought; but I don't play a stealth class, so can't say
19:55.58cladhaireWell, its on.. like 3% of the game's NPCs.. if that.
19:56.05cladhairelike the commanders in AV
19:56.12zenzelezzI just feel it doesn't make sense
19:56.13cladhaireor Onyxia's warders
19:56.21zenzelezzpersonal opinion, nothing more
19:56.25JoshBorkei don't think it is game breaking
19:56.30cladhairei thinki its handy
19:56.33zenzelezzdidn't say it's game breaking
19:56.33cladhairebut it feels weird
19:56.34JoshBorkei think more importantly that druids should be nerfed
19:56.36zenzelezzof course it's handy
19:56.41cladhaireJosh_Borke: nerf pallies.
19:56.44JoshBorkespecifically cladhaire
19:57.47zenzelezzbut to clarify, I just feel that if stealth classes gets such a warning icon, I want one for mobs that are immune to my stuns
19:58.16Garthnaiti'm asking again: is there a possibility that a function is only triggered when an other addon is loaded?
19:58.32zenzelezzI still don't understand exactly what you're asking
19:58.43Wing87Nerf Warlocks then palys then hunters then druids!!!!
19:58.46zenzelezzdo you want a function to be run when a specific addon is loaded, or are you asking if it's possible?
19:59.07JoshBorkeGarthnait: look up the function IsAddonLoaded
19:59.18Garthnaithmm, i have a function that gives out text in SCT:Message and i only wish to do this if SCT is loaded
19:59.36zenzelezzthen it sounds like JoshBorke had the solution
19:59.37JoshBorkeyou could just do: if (SCT and SCT.Message) then ... end
19:59.58JoshBorkefor specific cases, but in general, IsAddonLoaded should work
20:00.18foxlitADDON_LOADED fires when an addon is loaded?
20:00.24foxlitarg1 is the name, isn't it?
20:05.34Garthnaitargh, whats wrong with wowwiki?
20:06.24foxlitIT WAS NOT PREPARED.
20:06.52bleetahGarthnait: it's dedded
20:07.48foxlitI can't anchor stuff to fontstrings?
20:07.51Garthnaitso, is this correct?
20:08.38*** join/#wowi-lounge dotted (
20:09.14foxlitAh, nevermind. I messed up the vertical offsets again
20:10.02*** join/#wowi-lounge _aLEX (
20:11.43|FF|Im2good4udahm why isnt my 2nd addon getting violidated ;p
20:11.43foxlitgoogle for "Tek Jensen" 0 results :/
20:12.02foxlitviolidated mast be some merge of violated and validated? :)
20:12.46zenzelezzno, it's a dated violin
20:12.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
20:13.26|FF|Im2good4uItem Link Recolor adds more color to chat messages that got either a itemlink or a amount of money in it
20:13.28|FF|Im2good4uItem links get an extra (..) showing the minium required level for the item.
20:13.30|FF|Im2good4uSo you can imedatly see if its to high or way to low for you.
20:13.39|FF|Im2good4uahhhh stoopid clipbaord :x
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20:36.16Cairennoff-topic: anyone able to recommend a good web email thingy?  I need something that will allow me to send and receive from multiple existing email addresses/accounts
20:36.36TC_Workinglike outlook?
20:36.43Cairennaye, except webased
20:36.56TC_Workingblorb @ webased
20:36.59cladhaireyou can send from any of your To addresses
20:37.03cladhaireand its the best out there.
20:37.11zenzelezzgmail can check other accounts?
20:37.16TC_Workingbut yes, i agree with clad
20:37.16Cairenngmail lets you use other addresses? I figured it required that your to/from was @gmail
20:37.28cladhaireCairenn: Nope.
20:37.30CairennI was looking at it, but it doesn't seem to really answer that
20:37.32cladhaireyou can register any email address with it
20:37.41cladhairetrust me, just do it =)
20:37.57Cairennso I can use my @eqinterface @wowinterface etc?
20:38.08Cairennto both send and receive?
20:38.09TC_Working-When I receive a message sent to one of my addresses:
20:38.21TC_Workingthats whats gmail showes
20:38.35Endyeah, I heard gmail just allowed you to check pop mail from other people, and you've always been able to set your From:
20:38.46cladhaireCairenn: I send and receive from all of those addresses
20:38.57zenzelezzinteresting... never knew that
20:39.05cladhairealong with etc.
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20:39.14TC_Workingit doesnt work if you dont have POP for incoming though, i think
20:39.31cladhaireTC_Working: Thats not a gmail thing
20:39.39TC_Workingno, it's the others
20:39.43cladhaireobviously, if you dont set your email to forward to gmail, it won't get there.
20:39.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
20:40.14TC_Workingi still prefer outlook though
20:40.17zenzelezzoh, so it doesn't just download them for you from your POP3 account?
20:40.24cladhairezenzelezz: it can
20:40.32cladhairewhat does outlook offer over gmail?
20:40.40cladhairecause that makes me *boggle*
20:41.08zenzelezzstill think I'll use Thunderbird for my POP, but nice to know Gmail can handle it as well
20:42.33Cidewhat the hell.
20:42.45CairennI'm currently using Incredimail as my email client (leave me alone, I *like* it, it's fun), but it seems to be causing me some problems with the fact that I have multiple multiple addresses (like, 11 for sure, possibly a couple I've forgotten)
20:43.12cladhaireCairenn: Gmail wont' have any issues, I can work with you any time you'd like
20:43.18TC_Workingi can access my mail w/o being online
20:43.57cladhaireTC_Working: And I can access my mail from anywhere.. thats more important to me.
20:43.57cladhairedifferent strokes and everything.,
20:43.57TC_Workingso can i
20:43.58bleetahmeh, imap servers and a bunch of perl scripts ftw! ;-)
20:44.02TC_Workingmy phone has it
20:44.09TC_Workingas well as my desktop
20:44.10TC_Workingand they sync
20:44.19cladhairei hate outlook
20:44.36TC_Workinglike you said, to each their own
20:44.58bleetahpine ftw!
20:45.07Endscrew pine!
20:45.15Endmail(1) for the win!
20:45.16Cairennthis is somewhat concerning though:
20:46.01bleetahscrew mail! less /var/mail/$USER
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20:46.32bleetahor for the really adventurous, hexedit /var/mail/$USER
20:49.04TC_Workingwell whatever that page may say, gmail's service is still the best...even if their policy isnt
20:49.51Mr_Rabies2i think the sound channels may be broken :[
20:50.04Mr_Rabies2cause last patch i could get nice sounding audio from maxed out sound channels
20:50.04Mr_Rabies2now, none :|
20:50.08XuerianAnyway, if you want to go all tinfoil on google's ass, mightaswell consider all the other bounces other mail goes through.
20:50.15*** join/#wowi-lounge MatthewS (
20:50.32MatthewSwowi down on purpose for tbc?
20:50.33zenzelezzas long as you use e-mail, you'll have to put your trust in someone
20:50.44Cairennwowi not down at all, I just finished approving a mod
20:51.04bleetahwowwiki's dead
20:51.14|FF|Im2good4uoO did u aprive Silvanas's mods ?
20:51.16zenzelezzwowwiki is a different story
20:51.16MatthewSi get conn refuse
20:51.30zenzelezzWoWI loads fine for me
20:51.44MatthewSoh i meant wowwiki
20:51.46bleetahwowinterface loads here
20:52.33Cairenn|FF|Im2good4u: this is your friendly weekly reminder to work on your spelling, since it's a known fact that you can do better than that when you take the time to bother instead of just being lazy and hoping people will be willing to try to decipher what you are saying
20:52.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Islorgris (n=chatzill@
20:53.32|FF|Im2good4ulol oke remind me again next week :P i never take the time for writing never unless im reminded todo so
20:53.48TC_Workingmaybe if the reminder stops being friendly it will get better....
20:53.50|FF|Im2good4uwitch is realy boring typing like this >.<
20:54.21zenzelezzif you typo too much, others might find it easier to just ignore it entirely
20:54.31Cidethose two lines contained at least 4 spelling errors alone
20:54.32|FF|Im2good4uthat would be stoopid i mean u wont kick good person just for his spelling ?
20:54.46CideI would
20:54.49TC_Workingwho said anything about kicking?
20:54.51Cairenn|FF|Im2good4u: it is a courtesy you are extending to the people around you to try to make your writing legible, otherwise why should they offer any assistance when they know that you aren't even trying
20:54.51Cidefortunately I'm not an operator
20:55.02TC_Workingbad Cide, bad
20:55.20Cairennsee, the thing is, we all know that you can do better, you've proven it and confirmed it multiple times
20:55.26CideTC_Working: not really
20:55.29MairelonCertainly folks who might help you with things won't bother to read that sort of thing.
20:55.44TC_Workingwell i tend to agree with you, but that is way beside the point
20:56.16Mr_Rabies2that creepy gmail site has all the telltale signs of being a crazy tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy site
20:56.19Cideit's a pet peeve of mine
20:56.22Mr_Rabies2except it's about email and not aliens
20:56.34Cairennif it was a case that your spelling was actually that poor because of your education or if it was that English isn't your first language, then people are more inclined to be accommodating, but when it's known fact that it is pure laziness on your part ....
20:57.09|FF|Im2good4uim so used to writing im accepted on most channels / forum so when i talk here i dont think about writing slow
20:57.12bleetahCide: If I'm reading your posts correctly, you're suggesting Swatter (the debug tool) from Auctioneer is causing CTMod to fault out?
20:57.19Cidebleetah: no
20:57.26CideI'm suggesting users shouldn't use dev tools to report bugs
20:57.59Cidethe ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN (or is it blocked? the transparent one anyway) is an entirely harmless event 99% of the time
20:57.59bleetahhmm, well, it's intended as an end user tool to provide useful info to any dev.
20:58.27TC_Workingi can type at 5 wpm and still get it wrong
20:58.28Cidewell telling me that ctra gives transparent debug messages doesn't help me at all
20:58.45CideI don't mind people reporting it, but saying that it's a bug makes me angry
20:58.48MatthewSas a side point, if the wowwiki people need any spare capacity for upcoming releases my employers would be willing to provide some
20:58.51Mairelonagreed cide - the only way to get ActionBarButton's to change appearance correctly also causes ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED messages
20:59.33bleetahCide: hmm, true. Might talk to norgs about that one. We might add a new field in 'May not be worth reporting'... dunno how it'd actually work, tho. We'll see how we go ;-)
20:59.35Mairelonthey're "mostly" harmless though, but can show up very freqeuntly in combat
20:59.48Cidebleetah: not really an issue with swatter though
20:59.53Cidemore of an end user issue
21:00.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
21:00.14bleetahCide: I appreciate that, I'll see if there's anyway we can limit your stress caused by it ;-)
21:00.16nevcairielIs there a way to get to textures defined in XML which are not named?
21:00.36Cidenevcairiel: :GetRegions() returns a list of them
21:00.41nevcairielah thanks
21:00.54nevcairielbtw, someone bring wowwiki back pls :)
21:01.11XuerianIt's not the users that frustrated me when I was dealing with accidental blizzard taints, but blizzard because they didn't fix it in the first place... Now if a end user doesn't bother to read the last 20-some-odd-thousand reports of the issue, well that was annoying.
21:01.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
21:03.00CideI kind of agree with you but I have to disagree with the 'blizzard is lazy at fixing stuff' part
21:03.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikord (
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21:04.11bleetahCide: the other thing I was gunna ask you about, was the tooltip foo between your buffmod and our enhtooltip... I got this last night, and just read the report on the wowi forum that's going for CT2 bugs .... a screenie I'm completely unfamiliar with EnhTooltip code, but happy to help out if I can. I'm sure norgs or MP would, too.
21:05.02Elkanois enhtooltip also bugging with EBB?
21:05.43TC_Workinghis buff abr
21:06.05bleetahk, lemme check
21:07.01Cidebleetah: /shrug
21:07.02Cidethe code looks innocent
21:07.02CideGameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_CURSOR");
21:07.02Cideif ( parent.buffObject.type == "ITEM" ) then GameTooltip:SetInventoryItem("player", parent:GetID());
21:07.02Cideelse GameTooltip:SetPlayerBuff(parent:GetID()); end
21:07.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Quetzi (
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21:09.53bleetahhmm, my [Primitive Walking Stick] has rockbiter on it. Tooltip displays properly in the character frame. EnhTooltip missing on the CT bars, and messed up in the CT Buff
21:09.58Mikorddidn't they just make a change to tooltip anchoring and is why they changed the .toc to 20003?
21:11.17|FF|Im2good4uwell me hidden scanning tooltip in itemlinkrecolor broke after the 2.0.3 patch since i could nolonger use self as owner
21:11.44Mikordok that's what it was.  No self as owner.
21:11.51Cide"self" is just a variable
21:12.02Cideit's pointing to my frame
21:12.27Cidewhat's not allowed now is GameTooltip:SetOwner(GameTooltip, ...)
21:12.35Mikordright.  I was just saying there was something to do with tooltips
21:13.24|FF|Im2good4uah yes indeed cide whem i used self on my tooltip i used it in its own script handlers :P
21:14.30bleetahCide: I'm grabbing a coffee, back soon.
21:14.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
21:15.58Neuro_Medivhless than 8 hours
21:17.39*** part/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
21:17.47bleetahover 15 hours
21:18.13Cideless than 2 hours
21:18.39jaxdahl2let us know how the EU switch flip goes
21:18.51jaxdahl2anyone entered their upgrade codes yet?
21:19.41Mikkcouple peeps in my guild
21:19.47Mikkgame store owners mostly :>
21:20.01jaxdahl2ar ethey able to roll new races?
21:20.05jaxdahl2or access new areas
21:20.11Mikkservers won't accept the new codes until midnight
21:20.13Mikkor well
21:20.24Mikkit accepts them but tells them nothing will happen until midnight
21:20.36jaxdahl2well the upgrade page is at
21:20.42jaxdahl2they may need to log out then back in
21:20.49jaxdahl2when the time comes
21:22.34Wing87does any one know a workaround this bug? ->
21:24.17nevcairieltried other buffs?
21:24.22foxlitThat's a feature.
21:25.01Wing87what do you mean with other buffs?
21:26.03nevcairiellike change it to Thorns
21:26.15*** join/#wowi-lounge TuX_BuBling (
21:26.18TuX_BuBlinghey there
21:26.25Mr_Rabies2can i get some people to test this bug for me?
21:26.25TuX_BuBlingsomeone has TBC here?
21:26.42Wing87well thorns i guess works as far as i know all other buffs work its just gift of the wild
21:27.49TuX_BuBlingTBC has a key to validate isn't it?
21:28.13Beladonato activate it on your account, yeah
21:29.29Mr_Rabies2do you need a BC CD key to INSTALL bc? i don't think i required one for WoW itself
21:29.59Mr_Rabies2i ask because i don't feel like taking the time to install AFTER i upgrade my account, i'd like it to be ready to play ASAP :p
21:30.02Malivilbut you can't log in without having a BC accuont
21:30.25Mr_Rabies2i've got a friend with the game, his order came in early
21:30.45Mr_Rabies2i'll use his CDs to install it today, then upgrade my account tomorrow when i get mine
21:30.56zenzelezzyou're going to ninja his key, aren't you
21:31.10Mr_Rabies2nahh then i wouldn't be able to play wow with him
21:31.17Mr_Rabies2well bc at least
21:38.39purlWhat is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk! Have at you!
21:39.43*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
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21:48.27jaxdahl2can anyone suggest cool mods to track stats/leveling from 60-70?
21:48.38jaxdahl2i'd like to see how much time i spend in zones, instances, etc
21:48.45jaxdahl2how many herbs i picked in each level
21:48.51jaxdahl2and how many mobs i kill
21:49.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz_ (n=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
21:49.17zenzelezzsounds like you'll need a watch and a stack of paper ;)
21:49.25zenzelezzdon't know, might be some mod that tracks such things
21:51.41foxlitTerokkar Forest <BC>. Level Range: 32-65
21:51.50foxlitThat's one heck of a forest they've got there.
21:52.05OsagasuOh yteag.
21:52.37zenzelezzthat's either a funky typo or a pretty peculiar word :-)
21:52.48OsagasuA little of both.
21:53.37Neuro_Medivh62-65 obviously
21:53.54*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (
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21:56.43foxlitDoes blizzard have a numberbox template somewhere?
21:56.50foxlit(Number display and plusminus tags)
21:57.58zenzelezzsomething like the stack split window?
21:59.04*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (n=chatzill@
21:59.23foxlitHm, yes.
21:59.33foxlitSomething smaller, though
22:00.15bleetahyou'd like the incerement/decrement buttons stacked vertically, i bet... I don't think there is
22:02.49foxlitInventing your own controls = costly :(
22:05.22*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire_ (
22:06.32bleetahheh, CE will be available from my local EB 'to the person who dresses up the best in a Warcraft Costume'...
22:06.54zenzelezztoo much trouble
22:07.36zenzelezzgo get dirty, put on some pants, and woosh! You're hogger
22:07.44TC_Workingyour local EB should be shot
22:07.50bleetahouc, tho, $100AUD for the CE... what's the $USD price (as a matter of interest)?
22:08.24Orclevwhat's CE?
22:08.31zenzelezzcollector's edition
22:08.34Mikmanew servers are open
22:08.52TC_Working$60 US for the CE
22:08.54Orclevno idea what the collectors edition is, I just got the regular one
22:09.19kaidenTC_Sleeping, 69.99
22:09.33kaideni bought 4 copies of it :/
22:09.37TC_WorkingThe following items have been shipped to you by
22:09.37TC_WorkingQty      Item                           Price  Shipped  Subtotal
22:09.37TC_Working--------------------------------------------------------------------- items (Sold by, LLC):
22:09.42bleetah$100AUD = $78USD
22:09.45TC_WorkingShipped via USPS (estimated arrival date: 20-January-2007).
22:09.45kaidenoh RIP OFF!
22:09.48kaidenscrew amazing
22:09.50kaidenerm amazon
22:10.00TC_Workingi got 2 of them
22:10.01kaideni bought mine from stupid ebgames
22:10.04kaidenand they charged me 69.99 each
22:10.21zenzelezzyou realize you could've just copied that one line and the point would still have went through?
22:10.35zenzelezz*have gone... what's up with my grammar
22:11.30TC_Workingya, but anyone can write Amazon $59.99
22:11.39TC_Workinglooks better with all the trimings
22:11.52*** join/#wowi-lounge ben (
22:12.00zenzelezznot with that many lines :-p
22:12.19Barbanus"Shipped via 'Your Car' (estimated arrival date: as soon as you pull up in your driveway after picking it up at midnight because you preordered)"
22:14.20BarbanusGOD DAMMIT
22:14.24BarbanusMy plans FOILED!
22:14.33BarbanusWe have a snow warning again :(
22:14.49sylvanaaryeah and dont forget the line at the store
22:14.52BarbanusI have to drive 45 mins south to pick it up, I dont know if I want to drive in the snow at midnight
22:17.01foxlitFontString:GetTextWidth("text"); -- right?
22:18.52foxlit[Correct answer: FontString:SetText("test"); FontString:GetStringWidth()]
22:19.19kaidenTC_Working, so i contacted Gamestop where i got my copy and they are like sorry we can't do price matching against Frys, Costco, Amazon, or Fred Myer, too bad
22:19.24JoshBorkeAndalia: ping
22:21.16*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (n=jnwhiteh@WoWUIDev/WoWI/FA/cladhaire)
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22:30.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Xolan (
22:31.13Xolancan I use "<" as text in a fontstring?
22:31.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Dogmax (
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22:33.50Xolanoptionally what's the espace char?
22:34.47Xolank cheers :)
22:34.58Xolanseen people mentioning % and so aswell
22:35.02foxlitCareful with strings inside <Scripts> blocks, they shouldn't contain < or your XML is doomed.
22:35.09foxlit% is for lua's patterns.
22:35.14benDepends on what you are escaping. % is for escaping metacharacters in patterns.
22:35.25ben\ is for the magical characters that get replaced by the string parser, like \n.
22:35.34ben| is for formatting codes, I suppose.
22:35.43foxlitNo need.
22:53.25foxlitXML understands implicit strings, LUA does not consider < a special character.
22:53.25benWould &lt; apply there?
22:53.33benConsidering you would probably have to use &quot; if you wanted to put a " in that string.
22:53.42foxlitDid you test &quot?
22:53.58Xolanif it takes html entities that would be good
22:54.03Xolancan try
22:54.29benfoxlit: Nope. xml is for faggots >:(
22:54.48Xolannot for simple mods like this :)
22:55.14foxlitOh, XML is rather useful :)
22:55.53bleetahbundles of wood? or basoons?
22:56.01Xolan&quote; works :)
22:56.30*** join/#wowi-lounge AbsoluteFelix (n=Miranda@
22:56.31Xolanso I guess &lt; works too
22:56.42jaxdahl2someone on the forums claims using the EU CDs works on an US client
22:56.59zenzelezzthere's a lot of gryphons flying to Blasted Lands at the moment :-o
22:57.01foxlitMeh, park in darnassus.
22:57.23foxlit[that is, unless you have a BC copy :)]
22:57.26jaxdahl2what's in darnassus?
22:57.37foxlitKalimdor world server is in darnassus :)
22:57.47benjaxdahl2: Someone on the IRC torrented enUS-TBC and installed it on enGB-WoW.
22:58.00jaxdahl2ok and how do you propose to get to outland, foxlit?
22:58.54benOr a mage to portal you
22:59.01Xolan&lt; didn't work :\
22:59.01foxlitMy point is, I don't have access to a copy of BC right now.
22:59.01jaxdahl2the mage would have to be willing to come back to azeroth after getting to shattrah
22:59.01Xolannor \<
22:59.02foxlitShould EK crash, I'd be able to login with chars parked in Kalimdor.
22:59.15foxlitIf EK doesn't crash, catch a ship and proceed as usual.
22:59.26jaxdahl2ben, you mean torrented enGB-TBC and installe dit on enUS-WOW?
22:59.28JoshBorkewhat lvl is shattrah portal?
22:59.32foxlitI'd suggest 70
22:59.33benjaxdahl2: No.
22:59.34jaxdahl2my first guess is 40
22:59.35zenzelezzman, the portal is way lagged
23:10.53jaxdahl2second guess is 58
23:10.53benI think the internet said 60.
23:10.53jaxdahl23rd guess is 60
23:10.53bleetahi'm still amazed blizz let a townname in that's gunna be abbreviated to 'shat'
23:10.53jaxdahl24th guess is 70
23:10.53benThough that might be because no one has a 58 mage really
23:10.54foxlitjaxdahl: Darnassus port is 50
23:10.54bleetahi wonder if they're adjusting their profanity filter, somehow
23:10.54foxlitAnd you can't be in the outland until you're 58
23:10.54jaxdahl2ok first guess is 50
23:10.54MentalPowerfoxlit: actually thats not true
23:10.55MentalPoweryou can be in outland as a lvl 1 even
23:10.55MentalPowerbut you can't go thru the portal till 58
23:10.55zenzelezz"The Burning Crusade launch is imminent, and players who plan to upgrade to the expansion will need to relog in at or after 12:00 AM CET in order for your account to be acknowledged"
23:10.56MentalPowersummons, portals
23:10.56bleetah15 hours... /sigh
23:10.56foxlitHm, question
23:10.56XuerianAre there any invasion sort of things happening pre-opening?
23:10.57foxlitIf I made a metatable to on-the-fly merge data from two tables, and redirect writes to one, would that be sort of expensive?
23:10.57jaxdahl2there already were over the weekend, Xuerian
23:10.57bleetahXuerian: it's been happening all week
23:10.57jaxdahl2Highlord Kruul
23:10.57XuerianI haven't been on all week >.>
23:10.58bleetahKruul's been going around killing lots, one shotting faction bosses 'n stuff
23:10.58XuerianShame I missed the fun then.
23:10.58bleetahbest world event they've ever had... keep an eye/ear out for him on your realm. apparently there's no big end of event happening, just he'll stop
23:10.58ben seems to imply that the Portal to Shattrah is a level 65 spell.
23:11.00MentalPoweraye it is
23:11.00MentalPowerbut like any other portal, anyone can take it
23:11.00benI thought we were considering how long we would have to wait for mages to get it to portal us from Darnassus.
23:11.01Cairennwow, a *positive* news article about MMOs
23:11.43bleetahCairenn: don't you know that everything on the 'net is lies?
23:11.43JoshBorkeno way! i don't believe it!
23:11.45bleetahCairenn: just goes to show, the family that plays together... :-)
23:11.45bleetahas opposed to the somethingawful post of yesterday
23:11.45JoshBorkeThe new expansion is already breaking sales records: says it's gotten more pre-orders for it than for any video game in its almost 12-year history, beating out "Halo" and "Grand Theft Auto."
23:11.46Kirkburn|afk10 mins until EU opening
23:11.46JoshBorkeso EU do open before US?
23:11.47Kirkburn|afkUm ... yes?
23:11.47Cairennyou guys like my comment on the thread?
23:11.47zenzelezzwoot, mass disconnect at Dark Portal
23:11.47zenzelezz"World server is down"
23:11.47Kirkburn|afkWho where what?
23:11.47Kirkburn|afkCairenn, which thread? I'm one shotting grells atm :P
23:11.48zenzelezzoh come on, let me back on!
23:11.48JoshBorkelol, pop
23:11.49MalivilCairenn: Owned.
23:11.50foxlitHm, I've got a question
23:11.50foxlitSuppose I register VARIABLES_LOADED
23:11.50foxlitDoes that fire once when all addons' variables have been loaded?
23:12.14JoshBorkeit fires once YOUR variables have been loaded
23:12.14JoshBorkepretty sure anyway
23:12.14foxlitHow does it know what MY variables are?
23:12.14JoshBorke## SavedVariables
23:12.15foxlitOkay, rephrase.
23:12.15Meryuhm think it fires once after all addon have been loaded
23:12.15foxlitHow does it know who I am?
23:12.16Meryand it doesn't fire for lod addons
23:12.16foxlitSuppose I had a lib hooking VARIABLES_LOADED for multiple addons
23:12.16foxlitWould that break them to pieces?
23:12.16zenzelezzseems EU can go to Hellfire Peninsula now
23:12.16zenzelezzbastards who already have BC :-/
23:12.17Malivil"Fired during the loading phase of the UI to indicate that the Saved Variables of all AddOns that will be loaded during the initial load (or reload) of the UI have have been read into memory from their files. "
23:12.18foxlitSo It'll work. I was scared there for a second.
23:12.20*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
23:12.20zenzelezzand the world server goes down again... I wonder why I bother when I can't pass through the portal anyway =D
23:12.39ScytheBlade1Is anyone else experiencing longer than normal queues?
23:12.39foxlitIsn't it about time WoW got an expansion? :)
23:12.39ScytheBlade1My server, for the last month, was at ~300 queued peak hours
23:12.39ScytheBlade1Last night, >800
23:12.42Xolanlol server crash :)
23:12.56JoshBorketalk about lagged
23:16.30foxlitpurl is secretly playing TBC
23:16.36foxlitdo not disturb her.
23:16.47*** join/#wowi-lounge ag`_ (n=ag`
23:21.15Xolanis TOC still 20003 with the 2.0.5 patch being released today?
23:22.01Xolanhm, wierd but good :9
23:22.19foxlitNo UI changes through 2.0.3-2.0.5
23:24.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Nomad_Wanderer (
23:25.37Corrodiasthe financial scale of WoW just overwhelms my senses
23:25.40Corrodiasi cannot even imagine it
23:25.54jaxdahl2i wonder if i can play the weather card to get tbc early
23:28.39Corrodiasi don't expect our local wal-mart superstore to put it on the shelves at midnight
23:28.51Corrodiasi suppose it's possible
23:33.01*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh_ (
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23:36.54XolanFrom the european collectors edition
23:37.02Osagasu. . .
23:37.35Xolanthey screwed something up so you don't get your pet.
23:37.39Corrodiasi decided during my last play session, a few months ago, to stop obsessing about silly items like that
23:37.43Xolan(only EU)
23:38.03TC-Blorbwow....entire wow trial in a 20 min DL
23:38.09Orclevok... I wrote a addon... and It crashes WoW in seemingly random ways, and also adds "Unkown" entries into the friends list even though it aparently is using the WoW API as documented... if someoen wouldn't mind looking at it I can put it up on
23:38.10XuerianIt's the silly things that make the game fun. I could care less for Dreamwalker, for example =P
23:38.16Corrodiasalthough a netherdrake pet would be cute, i really won't pay for it.
23:38.39XolanThat murlock better not make any noise ;P
23:39.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
23:39.43TC-Blorbhey Guillotine
23:39.51Guillotinehey TC :)
23:39.59TC-Blorbdid you guys end up running it again?
23:41.04foxlitOrclev: can't do local functio x()
23:41.22Orclevwhy not? I saw other AddOns do that
23:41.44foxlitNono, why aren't you using that syntax?
23:41.56Orclevoh... didn't think that was legal
23:42.00foxlitPredeclaring local variables then redeclaring them as functions seems weird
23:42.04OrclevI can certainly do that
23:42.51MentalPowerits not wierd if its a recursive function
23:43.03Corrodiasi'm [away] now.
23:44.36OrclevI'm seeing two wierd things with that code. One, when you log in the client will crash sometimes, and it will continue to do so until you disable the addon, log in, log out, then re-enable the addon
23:45.17Orclevtwo, it adds a friend to your list sometimes, but when it does 2 entries get created. One is the friend, and the other say Unkown. If you click the unkown entry, it highlights that entry, as well as another one
23:45.43Orclevremoving the other highlighted entry, removes the unkown one as well, but you can't remove the unkown entry by itself
23:46.55*** part/#wowi-lounge Xolan (
23:48.59Orclevyeah, I remember now. The reason I declared them like that is so that I can declare them independent of the order I use them in
23:51.27Mikklua doesn't need declarations
23:51.43Mikkit doesn't attempt to lookup the function until the actual call is made
23:52.37Orclevit must, because if I don't do it that way it complains about trying to call a global function. Unless I need to use a different syntax to refer to the local function
23:53.04Mikkif you have e.g. function b() a(); end, you don't need "a" to be a function while the source file is being parsed
23:53.25Mikkit's legal to have e.g. a=123; function b() a(); end; function a() ...; end;  b();
23:53.44Orclevhmm... ok, so maybe I'm trying to call the functions wrong somehow
23:54.12Mikkor, heck, redefine a() several times between b() calls to produce different results
23:54.24Orclevif I do local function b() end; local function a() b() end; is that correct?
23:55.15Mikkmmmmmmm no
23:55.22Mikkok, locals are slightly different
23:55.43Mikklocals are bit more declarative like in c
23:56.40Mikkah poo. i'm only half making sense. i should stop trying to give advise when i'm about to fall asleep.
23:56.49Mikkhaving said that ... -> zzz.
23:57.11Orclevuhm... so what's the syntax for calling a local function?
23:58.29MentalPowerjust like any other function call
23:59.04Orclevhmm... then why does it complain about trying to reference a global function if I declare them as local...

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