irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070113

00:00.00cladhaireso you can compile it
00:00.29cladhairei dont have a linux box to build on
00:00.33cladhaireonly my mac machine
00:01.33Mr_Rabies2our cries herald the coming of great pain for our enemies
00:02.27*** part/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
00:03.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
00:05.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=mjgoosse@
00:07.29Mike-N-GoNo longer messed up 9.9
00:07.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
00:08.48WobinIndustrial: 6 years of webcomics, just waaaaiiiiting for you =)
00:09.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (i=Jonathan@
00:12.20TC_Workingnice Wobin
00:14.14KirovI miss Angst Technology
00:15.11IndustrialWobin: omg lol :P
00:15.52TC_Workingi'm already linking good strips to all of the IT department
00:17.34cogwheel|workCairenn: is there any way to get e-mail notifications of bug reports/feature requests and their notes?
00:17.45Cairennit's coming
00:17.51cogwheel|workkk :)
00:18.14cogwheel|workwhat about automatically selecting "Replace with" when you choose a file to upload? /poke /poke
00:20.10TC_Workingcog, it works better when Cairenn is paying attention
00:20.20Cairennor never
00:20.24cladhairecogwheel|work: File notes you can get
00:20.26Cairennyou'll never know
00:20.26cladhairecomments I mean
00:20.36cladhaireand you can use rssfwd for the bug/feature portals.
00:20.37cladhairein the meantime
00:23.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Laricwork (n=laric@
00:24.25Garoun|Loupanapictures for anyone that wants them from last night:
00:26.01Garoun|Loupanathe end of beta that is
00:26.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=mjgoosse@
00:26.35TC_Workinghmm...i knew i should not have been to lazy to not go on
00:27.18Garoun|Loupanawell 95% of those screenies are with all of my settings set ungodly low and almost all my mods off, there were that many people
00:27.52Cairennit was rather nuts, wasn't it?
00:27.56Mr_Rabies2god i hate how annoying flickr is on resizing images
00:28.25Garoun|Loupanayeah but fun
00:28.35Garoun|Loupanathe army of 5 Jaina proudmoores was awesome :)
00:28.40Garoun|LoupanaI hit 4800 spirit lol
00:29.00Industrialthats like 1 tick full mana? :D
00:29.06Cairennaaaaaaa! oversized gnomes!
00:29.22Garoun|Loupanayeah I was sitting at like 3k regen not casting
00:29.32Garoun|Loupanaand 300 something not in combat
00:29.34TainNothing scarier than a giant gnome!
00:29.46Industrialhow about a tiny ogre
00:29.52TC_Workingwell at least if they are oversized they are noy looking up your skirt
00:29.56TainNope no as scary.  That's kind of cute.
00:30.00Industrialbwuaaahh hahahah!
00:30.06Garoun|Loupanathose gnomes had Test Grow x 58 on them
00:31.01dukekupurl: hello baby
00:31.24Tierrie|Workyou should be like "how do you like people to peek up YOUR clothes for a change"
00:31.25*** join/#wowi-lounge abug (
00:31.33abugare the raid tab bugs fixed?
00:32.00Mr_Rabies2what the heck is this thing:
00:32.34Garoun|Loupanayou won't be able to directly lin since it's flickr but if you give the photo name it'll be easy enough to find :)
00:32.46Garoun|Loupanait's my g/f's flickr account not mine
00:32.50Mr_Rabies2i can't directly link to
00:33.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
00:33.11Garoun|Loupanaoh :P forgot about that
00:33.13Industrialwtf is that o_O
00:33.35TC_Workinglol Tierrie, i'll leave that to you though
00:33.48Garoun|Loupanait's the 'Others' from The VIllage :P
00:33.51Industrialwow models are like origami men :(
00:34.09Garoun|LoupanaIt's Eyonix being silly :P
00:34.51Garoun|Loupanaand some of the graphics look like crap becauseyou couldn't do anything and would crash if you left stuff maxed, at least on my screen
00:35.14Mr_Rabies2what's the button with the ram icon?
00:35.28Mr_Rabies2and the flight form icon minimap button :O
00:35.46Mike-N-GoAny hints to what  "Warning: filemtime(): Stat failed for current/RecipeRadar..." on means?
00:36.06grollanyone know how to use cartographer stats? cause i sure dont see any stats :/
00:36.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
00:36.56Garoun|Loupanaflight form is Trinity Bars
00:37.31Garoun|Loupanathe Ram is my mount button with my randomized macro
00:37.55*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (n=kaso@
00:41.44*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
00:43.33IndustrialWobin: asdasdfadfg
00:43.40Industrialthey mentioned team fortress classic somewhere
00:43.52Industrialwell its from 2000 :)
00:44.18foxlitWhat's the horizontal line separating guildlist from gmotd called, texture-wise?
00:45.19Kirov~seen beladona
00:45.37purlbeladona <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 20d 19h 32m 49s ago, saying: 'bedtime. step 1 of wdn rewrite is done, one more step, but I am too sleepy atm'.
00:46.06TC_Working20 days.....thats a hell of a sleep
00:52.18Mr_Rabies2blood elves should get phoenix flying mounts
00:52.33Mr_Rabies2but after a minute or so of flying they turn back into eggs
00:56.47*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v [Cu]Werik] by ChanServ
00:57.39kahdgarxiMr_Rabies2 - rofl
00:58.13Mr_Rabies2or even better
00:58.16Mr_Rabies2make it random
00:58.54Mr_Rabies2give it like a 20% to die and go back to an egg every minute
00:59.20Mr_Rabies23days 4hrs 59secs until Burning Crusade.
01:01.15foxlitpurl, find it.
01:02.02TC_Workingfoxlit ?
01:02.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
01:02.03*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem] by ChanServ
01:03.06foxlitYep, thank you :)
01:03.31foxlitpurl, a noble effort.
01:03.58TC_Workinglets try that again
01:04.05purlLocated at
01:04.26foxlit"We have reached the maximum amount of FTP site users." meh.
01:05.55purlLocated at the addonkit is "The World of Warcraft User Interface Customization tool allows users to tweak and customize the User Interface."
01:06.02TC_Workingah, better
01:06.04AnduinLothar[Cu]Werik: Any idea what happened to wardrobe's screenshots?
01:06.14Mike-N-GoYou can do that in PMs, you know.
01:06.38TC_Workingobviously, or how else would i be programing purl
01:06.54[Cu]WerikAnduinLothar, they disappeared?:-)
01:07.01AnduinLothari noticed..
01:07.22[Cu]WerikGonna check it out
01:09.45foxlitpurl actually responds to "no, purl" in public channels
01:10.02foxlitOr some variation thereof
01:10.24TC_Workingpurl responds to almost everything
01:12.13Mr_Rabies2purl, make me a sandwich.
01:12.15purlmake: *** No rule to make target `me a sandwich.'.  Stop.
01:12.24*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
01:12.25Endpurl, make clean
01:12.26purlmake: *** No rule to make target `clean'.  Stop.
01:12.29foxlitSigh, blizzard doesn't provide textures I wanted :(
01:12.36kahdgarxipurl, make
01:12.40Mr_Rabies2what textures you need, foxlit
01:12.43Endpurl, rm -rf /
01:12.45purl-rf / is an unperson
01:12.49Mr_Rabies2purl, help make
01:13.45Tierrie|Workmake install
01:13.52foxlitIf you look at the guildframe, there's a horizontal line separating the guildlist from the guild motd.
01:14.04TC_Workingi feel like i am on an interactive linux box
01:14.10foxlitThe whole bottom left / right is a single texture, though; so that sort of sucks.
01:14.41foxlitWanted to have some sort of a <HR> inside a GuildFrame-like configuration dialog
01:15.47Kirovfoxlit - it exists
01:16.04Kirovfoxlit - I don't remember what it's called though
01:16.20KirovI believe the old help frame used it
01:16.24*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (
01:16.27KirovOh, I use it in SAS
01:18.20foxlitGuildFrame-BotLeft :(
01:18.40foxlitThat's the whole gmotd mold + space for a button, though :/
01:18.45foxlitAh, so helpframe? :)
01:19.38foxlitInteresting how that one is split up into 3.
01:20.11KirovIt's width is the same as the normal frames, so it's split in to three to work with the extra wide help frame
01:20.15abugIs the raid window still bugged in regards to promoting / demoting?
01:20.39KirovDid a patch come out today?
01:22.02foxlitSo how do I deal with it? Split into 3 separate textures using TexCoords?
01:24.02PProvostDid the 2.0.4 get re-released a second time today? It downloaded this morning and then wanted to do it again this afternoon.
01:25.50*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
01:28.34*** join/#wowi-lounge SB1-Laptop (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
01:28.47cladhairePProvost: Not for me
01:28.59cladhaireand i d/l'd at 6:30 EST
01:32.37kahdgarxithey increased the stack size of combat potions to 10
01:32.58*** join/#wowi-lounge SB1-Work (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
01:35.05Mr_Rabies2something need doing?
01:36.17Mr_Rabies2i keep hearing liquid snake when blood elves speak :x
01:37.17*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|work (
01:38.03Mr_Rabies2Wer're allied with the tauren? Fantastic! We'll be having steaks inHELLO BROTHER
01:39.52Tainmmm Tauran filet, medium rare
01:43.25*** part/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
01:43.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
01:52.22TC_Workingso so true
01:54.33kahdgarxiTC_Working - haha
02:02.47Kirkburn2.0.4 patch notes are on wowwiki
02:03.13KirkburnJust type 2.0.4 :P :)
02:04.21Mr_Rabies2you getting those from the unoffical patch note threads or has blizzard written some up yet
02:04.23KirkburnNot much tbh :P
02:04.29Mr_Rabies2nvm haha
02:04.56kahdgarxisheesh.. that was worth a TOC bump?
02:05.05KirkburnIt's 20004?
02:05.09Kirovthey bumped it to 20004?
02:05.17kahdgarxior did they..
02:05.23KirkburnI don't think they did
02:05.33KirovI'm not bumping the toc until TBC anyways
02:05.34kahdgarxiah, they just unchecked my 'load old' button
02:05.52Kirkburnuh, 20003
02:06.04KirkburnI'll add that it's unchanged to the patches page
02:09.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Buttiro (
02:10.13BurritoButtiro.. funny
02:10.31Burritoanyhoo, is it possible to change the range of combat log?
02:11.48Kirovgo to wow wiki and search for
02:11.53Kirovthen look up SetCVar
02:12.19Burritosweet, thx
02:21.39*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
02:23.31*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
02:27.08MentalPowerBurrito: note that the CVar only determines what is sent to the UI, *not* what the server sends the client
02:27.37MentalPowerso even if you set it to 999999999, there is a cap
02:31.59*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh (
02:38.31Kirkburn2.0.5 patch is coming very soon (or already?). Slouken: "FYI, the fixes previously listed for 2.0.5 are now happening in 2.0.6. An emergency 2.0.5 patch is being created to address a hardware issue."
02:39.16kahdgarxiholy crap
02:40.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (i=Jonathan@
02:41.13Industrialle sigh.
02:41.27Enda hardware issue?
02:42.04Endusually you don't patch hardware issues with client-side software
02:42.52Industrialem sew bored
02:43.46Industrialim so bored im compiling all.. most of gnome
02:43.58kahdgarxiIndustrial - gentoo?
02:44.09Industrialno freebsd ports
02:47.32Industrialtotally new to freebsd I didnt install any packages but the base so i have no idea if i could just have downloaded bins instead
02:48.01*** part/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
02:48.08Industrialbut meh its the amd64 version so im happy i finally get to use it
02:48.43Industrialwork it shall >:)
02:50.13Industriali should try gentoo some time too
02:50.22Industrialbut not now :P
02:50.31kahdgarxii really like gentoo
02:51.18Industriallast time i tried for fun at school on some old pc it took forever and it was a pain in the butt :( reading the manual at the same time
02:51.32Industrial(on another vt)
02:55.30KirkburnEnd a hardware interaction issue I think he means
02:57.33EndI can't think of a funny response to that line being hilighted because my name is the beginning of it
02:57.38Endbut I'm sure there is one
02:58.14*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio (n=sp@unaffiliated/sergio)
02:59.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
03:00.20KirkburnEnd, lol
03:00.31Endthere it goes again!
03:00.39*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvostAFK (
03:00.47KirkburnI hate stupid Endings
03:00.56EndI'm not stupid!
03:00.58Endam I?
03:01.31Endwhat about the bats?
03:01.38Enddon't their opinions matter too?
03:01.52Endyou returned...
03:01.55Endwith a ship?
03:02.03Endon your back?
03:02.19EndI see.
03:02.44Endwell, you do have a ship on your back
03:02.50Endyou should get that taken care of
03:02.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
03:03.17Industriala ship-doctor?
03:03.28Endno, a Kirkburn doctor
03:03.32Endthe ship is fine
03:04.13KirkburnI certify myself sane.
03:04.47KirkburnThe ship-doctor found the canoe to be crazy, so they sectioned it. I'm safe ... for now.
03:04.49Endan suddenly emote free too?
03:05.37KirkburnUm, what were we talking about?
03:05.45Endmaybe if you took emoticon, that new emote suppression drug
03:05.50KirkburnOh yeah: "<End> usually you don't patch hardware issues with client-side software"
03:06.05EndI see now
03:06.08KirkburnHeh, i just sat here and clicked one of the annoying smiley ads :) What fun
03:06.13EndI didn't even know you -were- responding to me
03:06.18KirkburnI thought you might ;)
03:06.39Endsince it worked with End in there as the word
03:06.42Endand not the name
03:07.01Endusually people put , or : in
03:07.07KirkburnThere's a word, "end"? What the hell?
03:07.15Endbut that -does- make more sense....
03:07.27BeginThere is no End!
03:07.54KirkburnAhmadgad, now he's just making up crap
03:08.10Endalso, what's the +P channel flag do? o_O
03:08.15Endwe've always had +ns on here more sugar for End please
03:08.20Endnow we have +Pns
03:08.31KirkburnStop making stuff End up!
03:08.40EndI'll make stuff down
03:08.46End~make stuff down
03:08.55purlmake: *** No rule to make target `stuff down'.  Stop.
03:09.31End<--- too silly?
03:09.46Kirkburn~make stop
03:09.48purlmake: *** No rule to make target `stop'.  Stop.
03:10.06Arrowmaster~make pie
03:10.09purlmake: *** No rule to make target `pie'.  Stop.
03:10.13KirkburnMmm, pie
03:10.26Kirkburnpurl, you are useless
03:10.27purlKirkburn: what are you talking about?
03:11.14purlyay! i mean.. boo.
03:11.22purlhmm... end is near.
03:11.28KirkburnI agree.
03:12.12purlHonk! Honk!
03:12.37KirkburnI have the Midas Touch
03:12.47End~your face
03:12.49purlyour face is probably like an ass, apt.  It sucks my dick inside.
03:12.55EndI see
03:13.10Endand who is this apt?
03:13.45KirkburnHe's probably quite spacious with several rooms.
03:14.01KirkburnHe can probably be bought for around $200,000
03:14.08EndI see
03:14.14EndI have eyes you see
03:14.16Endthus I can see
03:14.22KirkburnBut are you a clown?
03:14.31Endprobably not
03:14.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
03:14.42KirkburnThat's no good then
03:15.03Endsorry, but my clownliness is not up to spec
03:15.09KirkburnKirov, are _you_ a clown?
03:17.14KirovMost of the time.
03:17.26EndI see.
03:17.28KirovThe rest of the time I'm wearing a rainbow wig.
03:17.43KirkburnAsk purl
03:18.04KirkburnNot that I just coded anything
03:19.38KirkburnFine, I'll try
03:19.41purlParp! Parp! Try again!
03:19.51KirkburnBack to school for me then :(
03:20.08purlHonk! Honk! You win a clown scholarship! <purl twirls her bowtie>
03:20.13Enduh oh
03:21.21kahdgarxistill, the best automated irc action i've seen to date
03:21.57Mr_Rabies2my script isnt? :[
03:22.51kahdgarxioh it is
03:25.00purlI've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, there they are all standing in a row. Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head, give them a twist, a flick of the wrist, that's what the showman said!
03:26.09Industrialwhy would you want to twist coconuts?
03:27.11Burritoanybody know what the CVar : "CombatModeMaxDistance" = "30.0f" specificly is for?
03:27.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Zorjai (
03:27.38KirkburnIndustrial, don't ask me, ask Fred Heatherton
03:27.50*** join/#wowi-lounge jaxdahl (
03:28.08jaxdahlCairenn, you read questionable content don't you?
03:28.21jaxdahlor whomever put that in the topic
03:28.28Endquestionable content WINK WINK
03:28.39Cairennlove that comic
03:29.05KirkburnQuestionable content: 90% of a IRC channel's output
03:29.27Endno, just your output and my output, Kirkburn
03:29.31Industrialgorrilla patch
03:29.33KirkburnNah, that's 100%
03:29.38Endgood point
03:29.55Kirkburnjaxdahl, we're modest, too :)
03:29.57Industrialanyway yeah, time for bed nn.
03:30.08Kirkburnnight Indy
03:30.35jaxdahli haven't played wow in 6 weeks
03:30.45jaxdahlso i resubbed and now i'm stuck on retrieving character list
03:33.44*** join/#wowi-lounge ag`_ (n=ag`
03:34.52Kirkburnjaxdahl, ouch
03:45.57Mr_Rabies2is there a stunwatch style addon that works for all classes?
03:46.08Mr_Rabies2or druids at the least
03:46.20Mr_Rabies2i need one for pounce/maim/maul/cyclone
03:49.20kahdgarxinot sure when it was last updated though
03:49.24kahdgarxiit's actually based on stunwatch
03:51.56Mr_Rabies2looks like its boring
03:52.15Mr_Rabies2wtf boring O_o
03:52.25Mr_Rabies2musta heard it subconciously on tv
03:52.30kahdgarxianyone know where i can find documentation for tinsert()?
03:52.58Mr_Rabies2dunno :x
03:53.24kahdgarxiMr_Rabies2 -  you could also try natur's enemy casting bars
03:53.28kahdgarxiit'll to stun timing
03:53.44kahdgarxiMr_Rabies2 - why didn't i think to look there ><, thanks :)
03:54.06Mr_Rabies2np :p
03:56.28Mr_Rabies2well i got naturenemycastbar
03:56.31Mr_Rabies2and i see bennyhill.wav
03:56.52*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
03:57.02Mr_Rabies2oh crap its a stray cat
03:57.14Mr_Rabies2i hope it doesnt have rabies
03:57.18Mr_Rabies2oh wait
03:58.22Mr_Rabies2zomg my server has a queueuueueue
03:58.30Mr_Rabies2only 40 people though
03:59.02kahdgarxioh noes!
03:59.07kahdgarxiqueues suck :(
03:59.25Mr_Rabies2eh only 40 people
03:59.38Mr_Rabies2rather have a fully populated server (read: ironforge)
03:59.55kahdgarximan, i suck so bad at lua for loops
04:00.24Mr_Rabies2i'm terrible at lua in general
04:00.33Endwhich part? using an existing iterator, or writing your own?
04:00.56Mr_Rabies2i started to write up an addon that played the transformers noise when the shapeshift event fired, but i couldn't even do that
04:01.00kahdgarxiEnd - AAAHHH!!!!
04:01.04kahdgarxiall parts ><
04:01.09Endkahdgarxi: ahhhhh ahhhhh ahhhhhh
04:01.14Endwait, what are we yelling about?
04:01.20Endoh right
04:01.25kahdgarxiEnd - my complete lack of ability with for loops in lua
04:01.52kahdgarxii'm pretty sure i can just use an old fashioned one
04:02.06End"old fashioned one?"
04:02.31kahdgarxias opposed to generic
04:02.35kahdgarxigeneric makes my brain hurt
04:04.05Endso you mean like C-style?
04:04.15kahdgarxic-style i can handle
04:06.10jaxdahl <-- best mod ever
04:06.43kahdgarxidoes UnitInParty() work for raids as well?
04:07.09Thraekahdgarxi: Yes, if he's in your Party. If you want to check if he's also in your Raid, then UnitInRaid()
04:07.29kahdgarxiThrae - ah, thanks :)
04:07.42Thraejaxdahl: We all have to start somewhere ;)\
04:08.15*** part/#wowi-lounge obelus (
04:08.15kahdgarxijaxdahl - lol, awesome
04:12.07kahdgarxiwell that's annoyting...
04:13.44Mr_Rabies2can you make it just like count it in a little button or fubar thing or something, or is it only in the chat window?
04:13.48Mr_Rabies2because i jump A LOT
04:14.05kahdgarxii want a jump counter
04:16.31kahdgarxiwhat would i use to explicitly determine order of precedence for logic operations? i.e. not ( x or y )
04:16.42kahdgarxiis it ()? {}? []?
04:16.53kahdgarxik, thanks
04:19.19kahdgarxihow's this for obfuscated?
04:19.25kahdgarxitinsert(UHLS_Players, index + 1, tremove(UHLS_Players, index) )
04:19.57Cideswitches the position of two entries
04:20.21kahdgarxiCide - you're a lot smarter than me :)
04:20.31Cideor just more experienced with lua
04:20.35kahdgarxior that
04:20.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Cera (
04:22.22kahdgarxiis there any valid way to tell lua to wait for X seconds?
04:22.36Kirovyes and no
04:22.51kahdgarxiwait.... i don't need it... i think :)
04:23.29Kirovlocal time = GetTime() + 10;
04:23.29Kirovwhile GetTime() < time do
04:23.33Kirovthat'll wait for 10 seconds
04:23.39Kirovbut ... it'll also lock up wow for 10 seconds
04:24.40Mr_Rabies2i think chronos lets you put in timers for scripty stuff
04:25.02Kirovchronos, or metrognome
04:25.11Kirov(Cosmos or Ace2)
04:25.13Cideor ct_library or ...
04:25.16Ceraanyone have an idea why SET screenshotFormat "png" in would still have screenshots saving in tga format, I've never gotten it to work in all this time
04:25.44CideCera: are you running windows?
04:25.46ThraeMetrognome isn't Ace2. AceEvent is the Ace2 equivilent of timers.
04:25.47KirovCera - because that only works for Macs
04:26.06KirovMetrognome is Ace, sorry
04:26.07Cerawow, how come that was never in the notes
04:26.17Cidewhich notes?
04:26.24ThraeMetrognome is an embedded lib by Tekkub, it's not Ace/Ace2
04:26.39Kirovit isn't?
04:26.46Cera1.11 patch notes, never said anything about being mac specific
04:26.58Guillotineit was under the mac category I believe
04:27.02CideThe variable "screenshotFormat" allows the user to choose "png", "jpeg", or "tga" (Targa) format for screen shots.
04:27.08Cideunder the header "Mac"
04:27.13ThraeThere may be a version using AceLibrary, but that doesn't really make it an "Ace2" embeddable library
04:27.23Guillotinetheres actually a couple cvars that do nothing
04:27.45ThraeAceLibrary is just a simple stub API
04:28.16ThraeHence why it's non-versioned (no 2.0)
04:30.11kergothcant update an addon on wowi :(
04:30.16kergothhttp 400 - bad request
04:31.24kergothget that when i hit the 'update file' button on the 'edit file' page
04:31.34kergothtried firefox and ie
04:31.41CairennDolby-wowi: ping?
04:33.18kergoth400 - File not found!
04:33.18kergoth72.201.14.205 Goto WoWInterface
04:33.57Endit's a game?
04:34.06EndI thought it was serious business!
04:34.33Dolby-wowiwowi loads fine for me
04:35.02Endeven the update file button?
04:35.42Dolby-wowithe [edit] button works fior me...
04:35.57kergoththe edit file button works fine
04:36.02kergoththe update file button from the edit page does not
04:36.31kergothat least for me, trying to update kEnergy to version 0.6 (new zip, new description)
04:36.50Dolby-wowiits not the vlan
04:36.58Dolby-wowilet me see if i can edit a file
04:37.00Dolby-wowi1 sec
04:38.21Dolby-wowiupdates fine for me in FF and IE7
04:38.44Dolby-wowiwhat browser are you using and what happens when you try to  press update?
04:38.58Dolby-wowiand what theme ?
04:39.16kahdgarxiis there an easy way to find a key that's holding a specific value?
04:39.54kahdgarxihopefully one that doens't involve scanning then entire table
04:39.59kergothahah, damnit.  thanks dolby, knowing you could do it fine was enough, was wondering if it was just me
04:40.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
04:40.11kergothit was google web accelerator, they mustve cached something wrong
04:40.25Enduser error
04:41.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
04:41.30Dolby-wowiwonder if there is some code i can put in the page to disable cacheing for google
04:41.36Cairennwell, it updated fine kergoth, I just approved it
04:41.40kergoththanks cair
04:42.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Nomad_Wanderer (
04:42.56Nomad_WandererCan someone help me with a simple macro? I'm a herb AND a miner and I'd like to make a single macro to switch back and forth. ie...find minerals if I'm finding herbs and find herbs if I'm on find minerals.
04:43.26Nomad_WandererI'm doing /cast find minerals; /cast find herbs; but that doesn't work
04:43.43*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
04:44.03Mr_Rabies2zomg cutscene for past hillsbrad:
04:44.22Neuro_MedivhNomad: /castsequence Find Herbs, Find Minerals
04:44.44Nomad_WandererThanks.. I thought there was an easy way to do it.
04:44.55Nomad_WandererI'm not familiar with the 2.0 stuff yet
04:45.03Mr_Rabies2yeah i love the new macro system
04:45.15Mr_Rabies2once you get accustomed to it it rocks
04:46.01Neuro_MedivhYeah... I kinda know the new system =)
04:52.14Mr_Rabies2for example
04:52.57Mr_Rabies2i have a script that does pounce if i'm in stealth, or does faerie fire(feral), then mangle, mangle, mangle,mangle,fff otherwise
04:56.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
04:58.14GuillotineI just have pounce for no. I have it share with maim once I get it thought
04:58.18Guillotineworked great in TBC
05:00.45Mr_Rabies2not a bad idea, really
05:00.59Mr_Rabies2but with this i can spam 44444444444
05:01.21Mr_Rabies2or 4455555
05:01.25Mr_Rabies2with 5 being ravage/shred
05:01.38Mr_Rabies2then 1 for rip, 2 for fb, 3 for maim
05:01.53Mr_Rabies2well 1 is rip/stealth
05:02.12Mr_Rabies2in other news
05:02.20Mr_Rabies2the jerks that join arenas just to reset cooldowns are annoying
05:05.41*** join/#wowi-lounge FelixTeCat (n=Miranda@
05:16.15kahdgarxithey increased the range on mind vision rank 2
05:16.19kahdgarxiit's 60,000 yards now
05:16.22kahdgarxiused to be 50,000
05:16.41kahdgarxii wonder when that happened
05:18.57Nomad_Wanderer50K was out of range
05:19.12*** part/#wowi-lounge Cera (
05:23.34kahdgarxiis it correct to define a variable  like this? if ( local newVariable == nil ) then
05:23.47kahdgarxithe main thing i'm concerned about is making sure newVariable is local to this function
05:23.52kahdgarxiwell, local in general
05:24.09pastamancerlocal foo = "bar"
05:24.52kahdgarxipastamancer - that didn't answer my question :(
05:25.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
05:25.11pastamancerdoes "no" answer your question?
05:25.17kahdgarxipastamancer - yes
05:25.44pastamancerdo the local ... inside the block you want it local to
05:26.07kahdgarxiyes, that i understand
05:26.21pastamancerif tacos == "tasty" then local stomach = "happy"; whatever end
05:26.50pastamanceryou can't do the perl thing where you local a loop index
05:26.52kahdgarxiif i say local newVariable = nil, will future uses of that variable be local?
05:26.59*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
05:27.33pastamanceryeah within it's scope
05:28.53sylvanaarwhat is the scope of a taco
05:29.41kahdgarximmmm, taco
05:29.57sylvanaaralso, what happens if you do taco=nil then try to taco:Eat()
05:30.44Mr_Rabies2i change the tab over from another network cause they're talking about tacos
05:30.46Mr_Rabies2and now this one
05:30.49Mr_Rabies2it's a taco conspiracy
05:30.57Mr_Rabies2i want tacos but the closest place is like 20-30 mins
05:31.00sylvanaardoes your errorhandler() have a call to getglobal("TacoBell"+my,location):BuyTacos()
05:33.07pastamancerwhat's strange is that I went to a tibetan restaurant tonight, not a mexican one
05:33.24Garoun|Loupanadid that update they pushed through today fix the button:n bug?
05:36.19Thunder_Childpasta, did you ever get a hold of garrett?
05:37.45pastamancerThunder_Child: nah, I'm not near dave anymore, and I'm not in any particular hurry to get in touch with the g-man
05:38.11pastamancerlast we talked, I was turning down a systems architect position at sylmark
05:38.24Thunder_Childsmart man
05:38.31pastamancerI hate LA
05:38.57Thunder_Childwell i am sure LA feels the same about you
05:51.08*** part/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
05:51.20Garoun|Loupanaoh, and the minipatch didn't fix the button:n modifier issue
05:51.54*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren (
05:56.33kahdgarxinote to self: don't write too much code without testing, it makes debugging harder
06:04.09*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat` (
06:11.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Arsonide (
06:11.08kahdgarxiHmm... I'm not sure how to overcome this... i'm calling UnitInRaid("PlayerName") to find out of someone is in the raid, but rather than return nil if they're not in the raid, it give me an error.. should I be doing this a different way?
06:11.26ArsonideHey how do I completely wipe all addons and all configuration data for those addons, like I just installed the game. I want to install the new version of MirageUI fresh.
06:11.36kahdgarxi(i.e., "Unknown Unit: PlayerName"
06:11.51kahdgarxiArsonide - delete your Interface and WTF folders from your WoW directory
06:12.26*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
06:24.14cladhairekahdgarxi: You have tro supply a unit id, i.e. "target", "party2", "targettarget"
06:24.26cladhairekahdgarxi: A Unit function only takes unit ids.. and virtually nothign takes names
06:25.13kahdgarxiwell crap
06:25.20kahdgarxihow am i supposed to check if a person is in my raid?
06:25.49kahdgarxikeep track myself with join/leave events?
06:25.50pastamancerUnitIsInRaid or something like that
06:25.54clad|sleeptarget them
06:25.56clad|sleepand check
06:27.01Garoun|Loupanafor Periodic table should I only be using the most recent file?
06:27.07Garoun|Loupanaaka 3.0 now
06:27.48Neuro_Medivhwell, the periodic table hasn't changed much in the last few years...  even with the so-called trans-uranic elements that have only been produced in the laboratory
06:28.35kahdgarxiclad|sleep - how then do you avoid a million 'invalid unit' errors?
06:28.53kahdgarxiclad|sleep - btw, not trying to patronize =/
06:30.08Neuro_Medivhwell, it depends on how you are arriving at a target to check
06:31.56Neuro_Medivhare you scanning everyone in your vicinity?
06:31.56Neuro_Medivhor everyone in guild?
06:32.58kahdgarxiI'm scanning everyone in a list
06:33.17kahdgarxiof people who have previously raided with my guild
06:33.50Neuro_Medivhapproach it from the other end then
06:33.59kahdgarxiwhat do you mean?
06:34.02Neuro_Medivhscan a list of everyone in the raid
06:34.08Neuro_Medivhand compare it to the previous list
06:34.30Neuro_Medivhthen track everyone who enters or leaves the raid
06:36.10Neuro_Medivhthe only other way I can think of is if there is an API to check the group ID of a player
06:36.12kahdgarxiI can't belive you can't find out if player X is in your raid
06:40.17Kirovsure you can
06:40.25kahdgarxiKirov - how?
06:41.18kahdgarxiKirov - the problem with that is that if you pass is a player name of someone that isnt' in the raid, it errors out
06:41.31Kirovwhy are you passing names?
06:41.37Neuro_Medivhhe wants to check by name, not by a unitid
06:42.42kahdgarxihere's my code
06:43.21kahdgarxibasically, i'm scanning through the list of valid looters (UHLS_Players) and checking if each one is in the raid
06:43.51kahdgarxithechnically i'm scanning order and using the id's references in order to get the playername to check
06:43.55kahdgarxibut it's the same basic thing
06:43.57kahdgarxii have a list of names
06:44.02kahdgarxiand i need to find out if they're in my raid
06:44.20kahdgarxiclad had the idea of targetting each one and doing UnitInRaid("target")
06:44.42kahdgarxibut the problem with that is you would get a milllion 'unkown player' messages, or end up targetting complete wrong people
06:45.08Kirovlocal NameInRaid(name)
06:45.08Kirovfor i=1, GetNumRaidMembers(i) do
06:45.09Kirovif ( name == UnitName("raid"..i) ) then
06:45.09Kirovreturn 1;
06:47.48KirovTargeting doesn't work anyways since you can't target in script anymore
06:48.02kahdgarxigood point
06:49.39KirovThe other option is to keep a hash table of people in the raid.
06:49.57KirovBut, for your situation, iterating over 40 people isn't going to kill your performance
06:52.05*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
06:53.21kahdgarxiI think i'm going to just have to add an isPresent field to my current table of looters
06:53.36kahdgarxiand then keep track of who's in the raid
06:54.47*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
06:54.47*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v AnduinLothar] by ChanServ
07:39.20Mr_Rabies2(//_-) my family will never understand me /wrists
07:41.33*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
07:41.34Mr_Rabies2i had an ostritch burger once
07:41.38Mr_Rabies2it was pretty jawesome
07:43.53kahdgarxiKirov - aweseom
07:44.33bleetahEmu's pretty tasty, relly
07:44.59bleetahjust not old ones, too tough
07:53.57bleetahi get the message
07:53.57bleetahI'll go have a shower then
07:54.02bleetahin the meantime, if there's anyone able to help me hack up libmpq to work on current linux systems, please /msg me and I'll get back to you
07:54.13Endclad|sleep: o_O
07:54.34EndI tried tab complete
07:54.41Endbut cairenn got netsplitted off
07:54.48Endso it hit clad|sleep instead
07:55.01Endbleetah: actually, libmpq is probably -way- too out of date
07:55.12bleetahno doubt
07:55.40bleetahmy options are.. a little limited
07:56.05bleetahah, hmm, why didn't I see the update before... /shrug
07:56.07Endit's written in c++ though, so if you are writing code in C, you'll have to do some wonkiness to get around the name mangling and whatnot
07:56.09bleetahend: thanks
07:56.15End(and it is updated for linux now)
07:56.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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07:56.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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07:56.17*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by
07:56.58Cairennwelcome back folks
07:57.05Endno, -you- welcome back
07:57.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
07:57.35Cairennckknight: tsunami warning issued for Hawaii
07:57.44EndCairenn: anyways, in response to that linky, all I gotta say is o_O
07:57.45ckknightand already dismissed
07:57.48Cairennso anyway, did that link I posted come through?
07:57.57Endyeah, and it made me o_O
07:58.11Cairennyou don't think what we did to my folks was funny?
07:58.25EndI do
07:58.38Endbut I also think you guys are weird
07:58.43bleetahi dunno why people shriek at tasmanian devils
07:58.56End...not...that I...would be ...any weird
07:58.57bleetahapart from the facial tumor disease
07:59.05bleetah'coz that's pretty disgusting
07:59.08Cairennthe one from the Bugs Bunny cartoons, bleetah
07:59.54bleetahreminds me... if you like that char, hassle WB to donate to the medical research into the facial tumor disease... prolly only 5 years befiore the species is extinct unless they find a cure
08:00.04bleetahalso looks like platypus's have got something similar now
08:02.43bleetahgah, stormlib doesn't build out of the box here... gunna have to play some more
08:03.41EndI had to add a ctype.h somewhere
08:03.46Endan #include I mean
08:03.59Endthat was it I think
08:04.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
08:04.08bleetahpklib header, it looks like
08:04.23Endoh yeah, I had to make one change to a makefile
08:04.27Endone of the filenames was wrong
08:07.48*** join/#wowi-lounge abug (
08:10.41Mr_Rabies2|awayCairenn: they glowed in the dark
08:10.47*** join/#wowi-lounge TheKarn (
08:10.58Cairennhehehe, yup
08:15.24Mr_Rabies2is there an updated wowtoc out? i'm not gonna use it to break my interface, i just want to be able to find my outdated ones without having to alt tab back and forth constantly
08:15.39Mr_Rabies2assuming i can do that with wowtoc, i've never used it
08:16.26Cairennwowtoc == ebil!
08:16.44Mr_Rabies2but i need some way to just remove my non 2.0 compatible addons
08:16.51Mr_Rabies2without alt tabbing back and forth
08:18.02Cairennunh, look at modified date?
08:18.02Mr_Rabies2true i could
08:18.07Cairennif it hasn't been updated since 12/13/06, then it won't work
08:18.40Cairenngive or take a couple days, for those authors that released just before the patch, since we all knew it was coming
08:18.57Mr_Rabies22.0 was 12/5
08:19.07Cairennokay, 12/5 then
08:19.12Cairennwhatever the hell it was :p
08:19.18Mr_Rabies2i somehow remember that
08:19.23Cairennif it hasn't been updated since before that ....
08:19.24Mr_Rabies2i remember weird things that hardly have any use
08:19.54Mr_Rabies2i'm just trying to clean all this old crap out
08:20.09Cairennthat'd take care of the bulk of it, doing it that way
08:20.27Mr_Rabies2it's time to just chuck it out and write down what i'm missing that i think is worth trying to get back
08:21.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
08:23.07Mr_Rabies2what the
08:23.24Mr_Rabies2i'm flipping through the channels and see something like the home shopping network
08:23.28Mr_Rabies2it's a directv channel
08:23.34Mr_Rabies2but they're selling sex toys, wtf
08:23.37Mr_Rabies2seriously, wtf
08:24.17Mr_Rabies2i'm so confused
08:24.46Mr_Rabies2"it's a willy in a can"
08:24.58Mr_Rabies2i'm changing this now this is too bizarre
08:25.50Mr_Rabies2oh hell yes
08:25.56Mr_Rabies2i cut over to fuse and there's dragonforce
08:26.03Mr_Rabies2this will get my mind off that weirdness
08:28.12bleetahend: (C) problem with stormlib ... /sigh
08:28.36bleetahguess i'm gunna have to crash-course myself on MPQ format
08:29.03Mr_Rabies2i know mywarcraftstudio doesn't work on the new mpq version :[
08:32.35TheStigI'd like to modify ExperienceFu to show current/total instead of just one or the other, but i'm not sure how to go about doing it.  I found ExperienceFu:IsShowingValue and ExperienceFu:IsShowingDepletion, but i'm not sure how to combine them together into one new option
08:32.57Cairennnight guys
08:34.22bleetahnn Cairenn|afk
08:37.27Tierrieoh gno cairenn is gone
08:37.29Tierrieparty time
08:37.48Endbleetah: it works for me, but I wrote a layer to interface the C with the C++
08:38.32Endbasically an extra C++ file with all the symbols I need wrapped in extern "C"iszed function
08:38.52EndI tried apply extern "C" directly to the stormlib source, but it didn't work for me
08:41.43bleetahend: my problem's a little deeper than that, there's nothing out there at the moment that's got it's szource re-distributable, from what I can see of the (C) headers on stormlib
08:42.05Endahh, you're worried about redistribution?
08:42.36Endok, I misintepreted what (C) stood for ;p
08:42.56bleetahthere's a really nice program (google for cartographe) that I wouldn't mind having a cross-platform version of, hence the desire for a mpq lib that's got no potential issues
08:43.16Endyou might want to send them an email and ask
08:43.45bleetahyeah, I can but try.. I guess if I explain my intentions, they may take pity ;-)
08:44.40bleetahseemingly nice writeup on the format ->
08:44.50Endyeah I saw that
08:45.26Endmy interests in mpqs is actually fairly similar to yours, except I extract the data and distribute that data
08:46.09End(you want that one .trs file in particular)
08:46.33bleetahwell, to be honest, I want something like cartographe that also support importing saved variables, and possibly exporting to a nice mysql/php driven site
08:47.04Endthat part would be neat
08:47.18Endsomeone did do a google map port of the data
08:47.20kremonteany way to use CastSpellByName in a macro? i'm trying to pickpocket only if lootframe isnt visible :/
08:47.35bleetahthe general idea would be a live update of where I am, what I'm hittingwent, what I hit, during my last session
08:47.49bleetaher... typos and fauly kybd ftl
08:48.56bleetahno, I've not got a faulty keyboard... text input is fried. brb
08:49.00*** part/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
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08:53.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
08:54.05bleetahmuch betterer
08:54.25bleetah'he who messes with drivers should expect borkage'
09:04.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
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09:24.58Kirovmy god, debugstuck is my new best friend
09:43.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
09:48.09Corrodiasi might actually start playing WoW again when the xpac is out. i can finally begin that BE mage i wanted, and i'm finishing my current game tomorrow
09:48.56Corrodiaswhich leaves 2 days of not having a specific current game, plus whatever delays come from launch problems
09:50.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (n=jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
09:50.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (n=jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
09:54.18Mr_Rabies22days 19hrs 6mins 2secs until Burning Crusade.
09:59.38Corrodiasguys? this is very not work-safe, and it is very, very strange.
10:00.22Mr_Rabies2well it is 4chan
10:00.23Mr_Rabies2i'm scared
10:00.37Mr_Rabies2oh god hahaha
10:01.08Mr_Rabies2 was pretty much my reaction to this
10:02.14Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty immune to the internet, so that's about as far as my reactions to things can go
10:02.29Corrodiasi'd blame artists more than science
10:03.11Mr_Rabies2if someone showed freud these pictures he would off himself with the nearest sharp object
10:08.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
10:10.21Mr_Rabies2that's not royal from the beta forums i hope :X
10:14.29RoyalNo, although I did get a beta key, I gave it away and never played beta, or posted on any forums :p
10:18.25Mr_Rabies2okay whew
10:18.38Mr_Rabies2that royal was like the biggest troll ever and never got banned
10:22.05Corrodiasonce i finish playing Twilight Princess i'll try to get /b/ to hand over some midna pics, although i'm a little conflicted about whether or not i should, because i know many of them will be horrible, eye-searing porn.
10:22.19Corrodiasi know this because i have a few of them already
10:24.50Mr_Rabies2OH GOD I'M AWARE OF MY TONGUE!
10:27.27*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeta1 (
10:40.56Mr_Rabies2from that btw, if you're wondering what the hell i'm talking about
10:42.39Corrodiasim busy reading a thread about counterfeiting coins
10:43.53*** join/#wowi-lounge FtH|eagle (
10:44.34Mr_Rabies2i'll counterfeit your face
10:46.11*** part/#wowi-lounge Arsonide (
10:59.23Corrodias"Some other famous social goofs that foreigners are known for include walking into homes without taking shoes off, confusing words like ippai and oppai (meaning "a lot" and "boobs," respectively) when speaking to prospective in-laws, and throwing up on the Prime Minister of Japan."
11:01.08Mr_Rabies2well that's just a culture difference obviously
11:01.31Corrodiasi throw up on my government officials all the time
11:01.32Mr_Rabies2apparently whoever threw up on the PM watched one too many japanese porn movies and was confused that that wasn't normal over there
11:01.57Corrodias"whoever" refers, i believe, to president Bush during a semi-famous dinner
11:02.53Mr_Rabies2that's what i was thinking but i wasn't sure
11:08.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Segatron (n=MrX@
11:10.33Mr_Rabies2this is driving me insane
11:10.40Mr_Rabies2firefox doesn't like how the files are presented on wowi
11:10.46Mr_Rabies2it's forcing me to save them, no open option
11:12.39Corrodiasi didn't notice because i always save
11:13.06Mr_Rabies2open isn't even like choosable
11:13.10Mr_Rabies2it's just Save File or Cancel
11:13.15Mr_Rabies2cause of how it's presented
11:13.27Mr_Rabies2i just open the .zip and extract appropriately
11:34.54TheStigwhy won't my SCT show my damage...  i use to have it configured to do like [Moonfire: 285] now sct won't display it at all and i have to have the blizz scrolling text display it and then it just says 285 instead of Moonfire
11:35.23zenzelezzgngh... the 2.0.4 patch is downloading... so darn slowly
11:35.45Corrodiasso we're up to 04? what's new?
11:35.49Corrodiasbugfixes i hope!
11:38.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Sairen (
11:41.30zenzelezzdon't suppose anyone has the enGB 2.0.4 patch? x.x
11:48.48jaxdahlthe ELP?
11:49.45jaxdahl ?
11:51.15Corrodiasno, he means the 2.0.4 patch for the british version of the game.
11:54.23abugunit name weirdness is fixed
11:54.37Corrodiaswhat weirdness was that?
11:54.56abugthe booting wrong people and whatnot
11:55.05Corrodiasi have no idea what you're talking about
11:55.26abugmashed potatoes and gravy corrodias
11:55.57*** join/#wowi-lounge xlvii (
11:56.09xlvii/cast [equipped:thrown] Throw; [equipped:bow] Shoot Bow; [equipped:crossbow] Shoot Crossbow; [equipped:gun] Shoot Gun
11:56.15xlviiis there anything wrong with that macro?
11:56.26xlviibecause it only works for thrown weapons ;_;
11:56.38zenzelezz37% of the patch downloaded after 20 minutes, woot
11:57.03abugis shoot really split up like that?
11:57.25zenzelezzit used to be... but lately I noticed my Shoot Bow was gone and I could only find "Shoot"
11:58.13xlviizenzelezz, you're correct.. ;p
11:58.16xlviithere is only Shoot now
11:59.18zenzelezzI'm going to miss the raid :-/
12:00.25zenzelezzheh, now the forums died too. Guess Blizzard should've stuck to their old download system
12:00.26abugBut what I was talking about before was the internal bug with using unit names for certain functions. Things like inviting, kicking, promoting were picking the wrong people when a name was given, but worked fine with Unit IDs
12:34.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Sairen (
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12:49.48*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
12:51.50sylvanaarany volunteers to do testing on WAU 1.7?
12:52.18Corrodiascaps make me right
12:54.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
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13:11.32*** join/#wowi-lounge subbawt (n=biggy@
13:11.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
13:14.07subbawtHow do you disable the message that appears when you enter a new area? Like when I enter a new area in Alterac Valley, it will say "Stonehearth Bunker", or something.
13:23.26Mr_Rabies2i don't know but i always respond to things i don't understand with physical force, punch it
13:26.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Jocco_S (
13:27.05Merydo you want to diable all (also when you go into a new zone)?
13:28.01Merywell if that is the case try /script ZoneTextFrame:UnregisterAllEvents();
13:29.25subbawtsounds promising, thanks
13:33.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
13:34.07Mikkanyone sitting on a copy of the current minipatch? i'm downloading ~1% per minute.
13:34.20MikkenGB plx =)
13:35.37zenzelezzafraid not... it seems to download the full patch, and then remove it when it patches... at least for me
13:35.51TainAnyone who wants their chance at letting a WoW dev know what they think in person, there will be various devs at 4 Fry's locations in California at midnight for the launch.
13:36.26Mikki'll try to make a copy of it then
13:37.05zenzelezzwhere were you when I spent 40 minutes downloading it Insa x.x
13:37.05abug~fling Mikk
13:37.27purlACTION flings poo at Mikk
13:37.27abug~poo Mikk
13:37.47purlACTION summons a troop of flying monkeys to fling their poo at Mikk
13:37.47abugpurl, wake up
13:37.58purlACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on up and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
13:38.09abugpurl, you're laggy
13:38.20zenzelezz~literal fling
13:39.52purl[lag] very bad here :(
13:39.53jaxdahl is another good patch site
13:40.03Mikkis that link public, Insa?
13:40.06jaxdahlwhen it is updated, that is.
13:40.08Mikki.e. can i put it on wowwiki?
13:42.11Insai don't think so
13:42.14Insai got it linked myself
13:42.21Mikk*scratches head*
13:42.59Mikktempted to torrent it
13:43.06Mikkbut i still don't know where i'd stick it
13:43.26abugbut it's already a torrent o.0
13:43.42zenzelezzit is?
13:43.51zenzelezzmine just downloaded within the game
13:43.58Mikkit's not a torrent
13:44.02Mikkwas just 2.8MB
13:44.14abugoh yeah
13:47.07zenzelezz~literal poke
13:47.57zenzelezzmoody bot
13:49.35abugpurl, time
13:49.36purlYou are educated stupid and therefore too dumb to understand nature's perfect time cube! (2007.01.13 13:49:36 GMT)
13:58.04foxlitWhich layer should UI text go into? Think I've been using ARTWORK, but something tells me that isn't the intended use.
14:13.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Malivil (
14:29.29Corrodiasi have learned about its tendency to just remove things that it feels are unnecessary
14:29.36Corrodias(referring to the patch process)
14:30.34Corrodiasi was somewhat dismayed to see that the 2.0 patch removed my wowtest folder, for example, which i very fortunately had backed up on another drive as part of switching computers
14:31.06Corrodiasi say that because it had the work i had done to fix a few addons for it
14:33.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Xolan (
14:34.07Xolanis there a way to get the angle of the player arrow on the minimap?
14:34.29Xolanor some other way to see which way the player's facing?
14:40.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Anders2 (
14:44.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Wing87 (
14:44.28abugused to be able to do UnitFacing("unit"), but they removed that
14:45.10Xolanwell if they use Points to rotate the arrow I guess I could make some algorithm to calculate the angle from those
14:46.05Xolansomeone in my guild wanted a compass :P
14:46.41TainI've seen a compass display type addon, somewhere.
14:46.51abugme too, but don't let it stop you
14:47.10TainNo, just to say it can be done.  No idea if it was a "good" addon. :)
14:47.24Xolanmight be nice to check how they did it
14:47.29Xolanand improve it a bit :)
14:47.52Corrodiasso, with 2.0.4, can tooltips be their own owners, again?
14:48.02zenzelezzdidn't someone do something like that a while ago using the direction of models or something?
14:48.25Xolan crap
14:48.28Xolanit looks good too
14:49.18abugI'd hit it
14:49.44Xolanwas thinking of a fubar addon or so though
14:49.54Xolanwith a horisontal display kinda
14:50.20XolanW------------N-------------E        etc and it rotates based on your heading
14:50.55Corrodiasi'm curious... why are we doing this? in case you don't have a visible minimap?
14:51.27Xolanjust the tanks in my guild that wanted a compass :P
14:51.53Xolanmoving their eyes to the minimap might be hazardus at times :)
14:52.20Xolanaha, minimapPlayerModelFacing()
14:52.31TainThat's exactly the type of compass display I'd like to see, Xolan.
14:52.47Xolanyeah I loved it in Operation Flashpoint
14:53.13Xolanright I have a project for tonight then, great :)
14:54.23Corrodiaswait, why not just tell them about that compass? >_>
14:54.32Corrodiasi mean, if they can't look at the minimap, they can't look at their fubar
14:54.38Xolanbecause it itsn't in the right format
14:54.48XolanI'd like a "line"-like compass
14:55.02Xolanscrew fubar then and just have it in a normal frame movable :)
14:56.21zenzelezzFlashpoint <3
14:57.51Xolanthis:SetValue(savedvariable.option or 1); would this mean if there's no SV use the other?
15:02.33TainYes, if savedvariable.option doesn't exist it will set the value to 1
15:03.23Xolanah, that'll make stuff a lot easier
15:03.29Xolan(for my other mod :) )
15:04.40TheStigi mean does blizz really need a pair of eye of the storm emissary people on EVERY corner of EVERY town plus 4 more pairs patrolling the streets?
15:06.12Corrodiasi've only seen mentioned "4 stores in California"
15:08.14zenzelezzare you two talking about the same thing? o_O
15:09.29Corrodiasi'm responding to him
15:09.43zenzelezzyes, but I've never heard of California in-game
15:10.04Corrodiasem... wait a second
15:10.15Corrodiasyou're talking about in-game advertisements?
15:10.40Corrodiasi thought he was referring to blizzard devs supposedly planning to show up in some stores in California
15:10.40zenzelezzlike he says, there are emmisaries from Eye of the Storm in the capital cities
15:11.04*** join/#wowi-lounge jaxdahl (
15:11.20Mr_Rabies2napoleons and space blueberries
15:11.42Corrodiasfoolish. the residents of the eye of the storm are nagas, aren't they?
15:11.53Mr_Rabies2you're thinking the maelstrom
15:11.57Mr_Rabies2this is the netherstorm
15:11.58Corrodiaswhat other storm is there?
15:12.12Corrodiasnever heard of it
15:12.13Mr_Rabies2it's on outland
15:12.29Mr_Rabies2presumably brought about by ner'zhul or whoever firing off rapidfire portals
15:12.30zenzelezzthey appear to be one of those new races
15:13.10zenzelezzdon't know if they're the same race on both sides
15:13.54Corrodiasdranei are probably more welcome in orgrimmar than blood elves are :P
15:14.19zenzelezzthese guys had hooves, like tauren
15:14.27zenzelezzunless I saw very wrong
15:14.35TheStigthey do have hooves
15:14.38Mr_Rabies2the horde are looking forward to anyone helping them that they can
15:14.40TheStigi wish we had of gotten the blood elves
15:14.50TheStigad you the dranei
15:15.03Mr_Rabies2yeah it's space blueberries versus napoleons/hiltons
15:15.17TainIt's all about game balance.
15:15.29TainHorde didn't have any hot females.
15:15.35Corrodiasno, the horde is a bit ugly
15:15.44TainSo they had to balance that.
15:15.44Mr_Rabies2trolls are passable after a while
15:15.44zenzelezzthe trolls were nice
15:15.45Corrodiasfemale orcs are hot, but they can't be mages
15:15.45TheStigi mean, thalassian is derived of darnassian
15:15.54Corrodiastrolls' feet and faces just ruin them for me
15:16.00TheStigand the highbourne are derived of original night elves
15:16.00Mr_Rabies2there's a very good reason the blood elves will never help the alliance again
15:16.01TainNot to mention voices.
15:16.18Corrodiashm? what's that, rabies?
15:16.19Mr_Rabies2night elves and high elves hate each other moreso than most other races
15:16.35Corrodiasi don't recall why, although i should
15:16.45Mr_Rabies2whole addicted to magic
15:16.50Mr_Rabies2getting kicked out of night elf society
15:16.53TheStigthe chatty humans/night elves/etc. say  "What... the blood elves... I mean we've never been really good friends, but joining the horde?  I can't believe that!"
15:16.58Corrodiasi must have missed that part
15:17.11Mr_Rabies2well a lot of the alliance don't know about the blood elves really
15:17.30Mr_Rabies2they didn't meet any humans except for ones they ended up killing
15:17.49Corrodiasfun bunch
15:17.49Mr_Rabies2after deciding to leave even okay relations with the alliance
15:17.56Mr_Rabies2well, garithos was an asshole
15:18.15Mr_Rabies2was sending in some of the few high elves that remained loyal to the alliance to suicide missions
15:18.23zenzelezzI feel like the only guy in this channel that doesn't know the lore inside out o_O
15:18.23Mr_Rabies2because he didn't trust elves
15:18.31*** join/#wowi-lounge indibindi (
15:18.33jaxdahlwhat about the BEs in azshara?
15:18.36Mr_Rabies2play WC3 and FT
15:18.42Corrodiasi'm a little shaky on the lore. i read it a while back on wowwiki.
15:18.48Mr_Rabies2frozen throne
15:18.50Corrodiasbut it was a few months ago and i was very tired
15:19.07Mr_Rabies2i'm not sure exactly how the blood elves are divided now
15:19.15Corrodiasazshara blood elves aren't real blood elves. they're imaginary!
15:19.34Corrodiaswe're having a massive group hallucination
15:19.38Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty sure they're some of the ones that stayed on azeroth that remain loyal to kael
15:19.50Corrodiasnow who's kael, again?
15:19.56Mr_Rabies2kael sunstrider
15:20.12TheStigazshara blood elves attack alliance people so i'm fairly sure they're hostile ;p
15:20.15Corrodiassunstrider, sounds very familiar but i can't quite place it. is that the BE leader?
15:20.24Mr_Rabies2royal blood elf line
15:20.24jaxdahlit's the name of the city
15:20.27jaxdahlsunstrider city?
15:20.34zenzelezzI played WC2, but never more than one or two levels of the other ones
15:20.47Mr_Rabies2all or most of the recent high elf kings were sunstriders
15:20.52Corrodiaszenzelezz: well, i picked up a lot of stuff on wowwiki, which has quite an explanation of lore
15:20.55Mr_Rabies2kael didn't take the throne though
15:20.58Corrodiasmy memory for it just isn't great
15:21.25Mr_Rabies2i guess the blood elves on the horde believe kael isn't coming back for them so they need to find friends FAST
15:21.45Corrodiasdamn leeches
15:22.04jaxdahlhere's some nice burning crusade wallpaper, including the first widescreen ones from blizzard.
15:22.07Mr_Rabies2they've given away their old perfect ways
15:22.20Mr_Rabies2they don't mind taking magic by force, and they live purely for pleasure now
15:22.26Corrodiasi'm torn. i want a decent-looking mage, and the blood elves are the only ones fruity enough to fit the look, but i really don't like them by lore standards.
15:22.48Mr_Rabies2it's really interesting how they went from royal goody two shoes elves to what they are now
15:22.57Corrodiasi really don't like them if considering... damnit, i really can't think of the word i want.
15:23.13Mr_Rabies2even the bloodelf city has a slum with blood elves in the gutter
15:23.29Mr_Rabies2i think blood elves are really interesting
15:23.41Mr_Rabies2when you play warcraft 3 you can see their side
15:23.55Mr_Rabies2they just want some damn magic and no one else wants to help
15:24.05Corrodiasi can go tell 'em to get a job, while i pull in welfare checks from thrall :D
15:24.14TheStigits funny to me though that night elves can be druids and priests... both of those classes use magic, druid focuses on arcane with moonfire, starfire, hurricane, etc. to deal damage, which is... a little hypocritcal
15:24.38Mr_Rabies2Stig, moonfire and starfire are arcane by gameplay mechanics only
15:24.43jaxdahlblizzard should've dropped the PC and went with the real reason - they're hooked on heroin and only the horde can help them ensure a supply of poppy seeds from outland
15:24.46TheStigi see
15:24.50Mr_Rabies2only so our ENTIRE spellbar wouldn't get screwed when we get counterspelled
15:25.02Mr_Rabies2instead of all of it but 2 spells
15:25.17Mr_Rabies2they pretty much are like that jax
15:25.28Mr_Rabies2i told you there's a slum with magic starved blood elves in the gutter
15:25.42Corrodiasbut attacking a naaru is too much for me. i don't mind if they're addicted to magic (hell, i like the stuff myself), but doing something that's virtually assistance to the demons is going too far.
15:25.43Mr_Rabies2there's a freaking gnome sweatshop
15:25.53Mr_Rabies2making cloth for the blood elves
15:26.18jaxdahlCorrodias, withdrawl does a lot of crazy things
15:26.23Mr_Rabies2the old paladins and priests realize the light isn't gonna help them anymore
15:26.25Corrodiasthey sound more like humans than any of the current races :P
15:26.43Mr_Rabies2and realize the only way they can return to their former glory is by force
15:26.45Corrodiaswhy is the Light not doing anything for them, again?
15:27.03Corrodiaseven the undead aren't cut off
15:27.06Mr_Rabies2because they stopped trusting in it, i suppose
15:27.20Mr_Rabies2things got so bad they lost faith in everything
15:27.23Mr_Rabies2even a sunstrider
15:27.36Mr_Rabies2elves losing faith to a sunstrider, if even partially, is amazing
15:28.06Corrodiasplease explain
15:28.06Mr_Rabies2there's still statues of kael all over the city
15:28.06Mr_Rabies2they went from being this beautiful race with so many things
15:28.13Mr_Rabies2to being crack addicts with no fix
15:28.22Mr_Rabies2and they're doing what they can to try to get back to that old rich lifestyle
15:28.35Mr_Rabies2they have a facade of it still
15:28.46Mr_Rabies2but then you see the gnome sweatshop, the slums, see the paladins hating the rangers
15:29.04Corrodiasrangers? we have rangers now?
15:29.07Mr_Rabies2it's interesting how realistic they are
15:29.11TheStigwhat about those highborne elves in the hinterlands that are loyal to the alliance who have that troll captured that the horde have to fight there way in to free?
15:29.16Corrodiascrips vs bloods
15:29.26Mr_Rabies2high elves were the best rangers
15:29.30Corrodiaskidding! i have no idea what you're talking about :D
15:29.44CorrodiasTheStig: they are your imagination
15:29.50Mr_Rabies2the only rangers, except for who is now nathanos blightcaller
15:29.57Mr_Rabies2was the only human ranger :D
15:30.08Corrodiasi haven't read anything about animosity between hunters/rangers and paladins
15:30.22Mr_Rabies2now he's sylvanas' he-bitch
15:30.23sysragewho doesn't hate pallys?
15:30.35Corrodiasi know i do, but why hate hunters?
15:30.46Mr_Rabies2the rangers and paladins in blood elf society don't get along well
15:30.49zenzelezzjust about every class that like Blessings sysrage ;-o
15:31.07zenzelezzexcept after 2.0, there's way too many BoKadins without BoK :-(
15:31.22Mr_Rabies2oh and on the light:
15:31.23Mr_Rabies2Lady Liadrin, formerly a priestess, had recently renounced her vows, for she felt the Light had abandoned her people. She learned of the wizards' achievement and volunteered to be the first to bend the stolen powers to her will. With her decision a new order was born: the Blood Knights. These renegade paladins are able to harness the sacred powers of the Alliance's noblest heroes.
15:31.27Corrodias-why- do rangers and paladins chafe?
15:31.59Mr_Rabies2i'm not in beta but all i can remember is some flavor text going back and forth between them behind each other's back
15:32.19Mr_Rabies2i just like how realistic they are for ELVES
15:32.28Mr_Rabies2all the races are incredibly believable
15:32.44Mr_Rabies2no one is 100% good or evil
15:32.53Mr_Rabies2except the legion and presumably the naaru
15:32.53Corrodiassome aspects are believable
15:33.04Corrodiasthe trolls never took back their isle from the level 13 guy >_>
15:33.06Mr_Rabies2and i guess all true druids are naturally good
15:33.17Corrodiasnature is not good or evil, either
15:33.21Mr_Rabies2and the dragon aspects except deathwing's crew
15:33.22End-sleepplus, we defeat that level 13 guy
15:33.26Corrodiasit's sort of self-preservative at best
15:33.41Mr_Rabies2what do you mean corr
15:33.59TheStigits sort of ironic how the dranei arrive on azeroth just as the dark portal is opening
15:34.07TheStignow they can go back to draneor
15:34.23Corrodiasi mean, i've never heard of nature trying to help people. it mostly just sits around, growing.
15:34.24Endyeah, but going back is hard
15:34.27Endthe place is a mess
15:34.43Mr_Rabies2the druids are why the legion got stopped both times so far
15:34.48Mr_Rabies2namely furion
15:35.01zenzelezzyeah, nerf feral
15:35.03Mr_Rabies2illidan helped the first time
15:35.15TheStigbut only because chickipoo asked
15:35.23Corrodiasillidan sounds like a great candidate for horde membership :P
15:35.31Corrodiasbut noooooooo
15:35.34Mr_Rabies2and the wisps were nature itself being summoned by furion
15:35.54TheStigbtw wisps have faces
15:35.54Mr_Rabies2illidan still cares for tyrande and malfurion
15:35.57Mr_Rabies2that's the interesting thing
15:35.58TheStigif you zoom in all the way
15:35.58EndCorrodias: illidan would never befriend the enemies of "chickipoo" as TheStig called her
15:36.00Corrodiasin this case, though, you're fighting on behalf of nature against something that wants to destroy -all- life
15:36.04TheStigyou can see a face
15:36.06TheStigin wisps
15:36.22Endthe horde and alliance can work together in grave circumstances, but other than that, all bets are off
15:36.25Mr_Rabies2he's almost like the blood elves
15:36.27TheStigyeah the high priestest lady of the night elves, i forget her name
15:36.30Corrodiasi said horde, not alliance
15:36.31Mr_Rabies2all he wanted was power
15:36.33TheStigthe one that illidian and malfurion both wanted
15:36.42Endis chickie poo's name
15:36.44TheStigand yeah tyrande whisperwind
15:36.49Mr_Rabies2but now all of his power and losing to arthas is just too much for him
15:36.52Mr_Rabies2and he's got batshit insane
15:37.02Corrodiasa convenient blizzard excuse!
15:37.19Mr_Rabies2elves don't take too well to having a lot of power
15:37.29Mr_Rabies2especially when they suddenly get their ass kicked with all that power
15:37.35Mr_Rabies2malfurion's the only one that's been able to handle it
15:37.38Endwell, the night elves know what it can do to you
15:37.51Endmalfurion's power is of a different sort
15:37.54TheStigMr_Rabies: malfurion is in a coma in moonglade... shows how well he handled it
15:38.02Mr_Rabies2he's in the emerald dream
15:38.06Mr_Rabies2riding on ysera
15:38.08TheStigoh yeah
15:38.11Mr_Rabies2fighting off the emerald nightmare
15:38.14Mr_Rabies2how badass is that
15:38.21Mr_Rabies2he's kicking ass in the druid matrix
15:38.24TheStigstill that qualifies as a coma ;p
15:38.36EndI wonder when we, the players, will get exposure to the emerald dream
15:38.38IndustrialQuestion: why is the undead lady in WC3 an undead night elf ranger and in wow in UC she appears as a ... how do you call that again...
15:38.41Corrodiasi wonder if he has a feeding tube
15:38.45Mr_Rabies2i think the nightmare is probably a fragment of archimonde
15:38.45Mr_Rabies2i mean
15:38.50TheStigstill no matter what the emerald nightmare does, nothing is going to permanently change the dream only the titans can do that
15:38.55Mr_Rabies2he was stuck to the freaking world tree
15:39.01Mr_Rabies2antenna of the emerald dream
15:39.13Corrodiasrabies knows things that wowwiki doesn't say
15:39.16Mr_Rabies2and exploded while attached to it
15:39.29EndI hadn't considered that
15:39.34Endthat's a good point
15:39.48Xolananyone know the model facing scale?
15:39.56Xolanseems to be 0->6.3 or so
15:40.08Endmaybe 2pi?
15:40.08Mr_Rabies2there's a little nugget in here about the emerald dream that makes me salivate among other things
15:40.12TheStigthe emerald nightmare are 4 dragons of Ysera's brood that have gone insane
15:40.12End0 to 2pi?
15:40.26Xolanmaybe, not a math guy :P
15:40.30Mr_Rabies2the nightmare has corrupted them stig
15:40.32Mr_Rabies2they're not the nightmare
15:40.34EndXolan: try using math.rad(), to convert to radians
15:40.39TheStigi guess i read that wrong
15:40.41Mr_Rabies2there's a huge portion of the dream that instead of being green
15:40.42Endmath.rad(180) for example
15:40.51Mr_Rabies2is like dead black
15:41.00Xolanwill do, cheers end
15:41.09TheStigthe titans need to come and fix it then
15:41.28foxlitAnd guess who's scheduled to appear soon? :P
15:41.30TheStigis archimonde still plastered on the side of nordrassil?
15:41.49Corrodiaswhat gives you the impression that the Titans have control over the emerlald dream?
15:42.00TheStigCorrodias: they created it
15:42.12Xolanis there a function to turn rads into degs?
15:42.16Industrialstar trek! no star wars! spock! luke!
15:42.22foxlitXolan: convert them :)
15:42.26Mr_Rabies2Hence, for most creatures, moving through the Dream is achieved in the normal fashion, despite the realm's chiefly spiritual character.
15:42.30foxlit360 degrees = pi
15:42.38Endno, 360 degrees = 2pi
15:42.42Mr_Rabies2These rules do not apply to druids of sufficient skill or experience, who are trained to see beyond physical reality. These druids might be capable of abnormal movement in the Dream (e.g., a night elf who can sprint at a greatly accelerated rate, walk through solid objects, or fly).
15:42.44End180 degrees = pi
15:42.45foxlitMy bad :P
15:42.48Mr_Rabies2makes me hot
15:42.53CorrodiasAlthough the Dream is beautiful, its primal savagery can also be deadly. -- neeeeeeuuuuutraaaal
15:42.58Xolanright... :)
15:43.05XolanI'll be thinking all night!
15:43.09EndCorrodias: yeah, that speaks neutral to me too
15:43.16Mr_Rabies2well nature is ultimately more important to preserve itself
15:43.26Endin other games druids are generally classified as neutral as well
15:43.43Xolanmath.deg duh ;P
15:43.48Mr_Rabies2druids are more concerned with keeping the planet (and the dream) from going to all hell
15:43.55Corrodiasyeah. demons want to come and wipe out everything... that's not good for nature.
15:43.58Mr_Rabies2than with the minor battles of the factions
15:44.23Mr_Rabies2horde nor alliance should matter when you have a huge zombie army in the north and a bunch of angry demons on another planet
15:44.31Corrodiaswe conveniently ignore lore to pound each other. shh.
15:44.39Mr_Rabies2well no, it's realistic
15:44.44Corrodiasespecially those druid-on-druid battles :D
15:44.49Mr_Rabies2people don't see the bigger picture because it's been a while
15:45.05Mr_Rabies2it's been a while since people have seen their friends trying to claw into their house and eat them
15:45.22Mr_Rabies2you tend to forget these things and squabble with one and another
15:45.28Endwell, horde and alliance did "push" together through the portal
15:45.37Mr_Rabies2it was in their face
15:45.43Endand the main line at the portal is combosed of -both- horde and alliance
15:45.50Mr_Rabies2can't ignore kazzak being like SCREW YOU GUYS I'M GOING HOME
15:45.57Mr_Rabies2that means the portal is open and something big is happening
15:46.15Endhowever, pass the horde/alliance forces and the legion forces at the portal, all bets are off
15:46.23Endeveryone wants a piece of outland :)
15:46.30Mr_Rabies2it's like the new world
15:46.42Mr_Rabies2everyone will fight indians together
15:46.43Corrodiaskazzak. yeah. i really need to review that lore.
15:46.53Mr_Rabies2but once the indians are out of the way, they fight amongst one another
15:46.54TheStigon my server
15:46.57Mr_Rabies2for land
15:47.02TheStigthe only people at the portal are horde cause
15:47.08TheStigevery ally that gets near gets dead fast
15:47.15TainSo we're going to give the Outland natives small pox?
15:47.21Mr_Rabies2basically yeah
15:47.23Mr_Rabies2that's our plan
15:47.26TheStigno ally has even been able to accept the quest for the portal
15:47.34Mr_Rabies2give illidan some syphilis and hope
15:48.04Mr_Rabies2i got that quest done within an hour of my server being up
15:48.12Mr_Rabies2it only took that long cause of the jerks aoeing the hell out of the place
15:48.16TheStigon my server no alliance has been in naxx since september and the only guild to have ever gone there quit shortly after they got their first tier 3 piece
15:48.20zenzelezzsame Mr_Rabies2
15:48.22Endmy server appears fairly balanced now or something
15:48.24TheStigthey all transferred off
15:48.33Mr_Rabies2you on uh
15:48.34Endsince who controlled the portal kept switching off
15:48.38Mr_Rabies2D&T's old server?
15:48.42TheStigi'm on demon soul
15:48.56TheStigtheres like 3:1 horde/alliance on this server
15:49.00TheStighorde have tier 3
15:49.04TheStigalliance barely has MC gear
15:49.08Mr_Rabies2seems like everyone got the hell out of dodge as soon as D&T left from whereever they were on
15:49.15Mr_Rabies2we're like 1.7:1 a:h
15:49.26Mr_Rabies2deaf and texas
15:49.33TheStigDenial left my server and then everyone did the same thing
15:49.36Mr_Rabies2death and taxes :P
15:49.40TheStigwe have exactly one raid guild left
15:49.45Mr_Rabies2i had <Deaf and Texas> for a while
15:49.47TheStigon alliance side
15:49.52Mr_Rabies2and was recruiting people for killing ARTHUS
15:50.06TheStigand their last boss kill was garr in early december
15:50.11Endyou mean ARFAS?
15:50.14TheStigmeanwhile horde side still raids constantly
15:50.23Mr_Rabies2the illidan versus arthas fight
15:50.25Mr_Rabies2is awesome
15:50.25TheStigi can't do anything on my server
15:50.33Mr_Rabies2even in ingame cutscenes
15:50.55TheStigwell i do have horde friends through the irc chat room for our server so i don't really get killed often while farming or grinding rep
15:51.01TheStigbut everyone else is basically screwed
15:51.05Corrodiasyou should have seen it in real life! j/k
15:51.14TheStigyou can get to about lv 40 on demon soul   if you stay far away from STV
15:51.54TheStigit is nearly impossible to level as alliance on DS unless you know people cause horde will mess you up
15:52.09Mr_Rabies2this cutscene still gives me chills
15:52.12Mr_Rabies2so bad
15:52.33zenzelezzcutscenes; that reminds me of WC2... those were so sweet
15:52.34TheStigand all the little kid horde have decided to guard the dark portal to make sure that no alliance can get through until after horde are already mostly lvl 70
15:52.54Mr_Rabies2chris metzen did all the voices in warcraft 1 and i think 2
15:52.57Corrodiasbecause only children oppress people!
15:52.59Mr_Rabies2if not all in 2, almost all
15:53.05Endyeah, war3 had a lot of great cut scenes
15:53.09zenzelezzI remember his drawings in the WC2 manual
15:53.19Endyeah I do too
15:53.22Mr_Rabies2his art is pretty crappy looking :P
15:53.24Mr_Rabies2but i commend him
15:53.27Mr_Rabies2for doing so much
15:53.43Corrodiasno... rough.
15:53.43Mr_Rabies2compared to samwise
15:53.56zenzelezzI disagree
15:53.57*** join/#wowi-lounge _aLF (
15:54.24Mr_Rabies2compare metzen to samwise
15:54.27Mr_Rabies2it's like night and day
15:54.45Mr_Rabies2metzen did story, voices, some coding, concept art
15:54.48zenzelezzso you're not just dissing Metzen now, you're also dissing the night?
15:54.52Mr_Rabies2he was the damn development team
15:54.53EndI wouldn't call night crappy
15:55.13Corrodiasso what does Arthas eat up on his cold seat?
15:55.17Mr_Rabies2metzen threw a fit over giving both factions druids
15:55.22Mr_Rabies2probably people i'm thinking
15:55.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Neuro_Medivh (
15:55.39Mr_Rabies2he probably doesnt need to eat, he is the most powerful freaking thing ever
15:55.59Mr_Rabies2he's a very pissed off ner'zhul
15:56.15Endyeah, metzen didn't like horde getting druids
15:56.16Mr_Rabies2and really doesn't mind killing everything that lives anywhere
15:56.25ZealotOnAStickDuh.  Souls.
15:56.26Endnor did he like female nelfs getting druids
15:56.31Mr_Rabies2metzen only wanted Night elf Males being druids
15:57.17Mr_Rabies2that's how it is with npc's though
15:57.17Corrodiasif we could have gotten rid of paladins....
15:57.17Mr_Rabies2no female druids as far as i can think
15:57.17Corrodiasi'd take that trade
15:57.18TheStigMr_Rabies: so he only wanted alliance to have druids?  how would that have been balanced at all lol
15:57.26Corrodiaslooks like maybe i should login some day soon and participate in this blasted lands event
15:57.28Neuro_Medivhthematically, they should have made the classes differently
15:57.30Mr_Rabies2because that's how things are in the story
15:57.32Endyeah, that's why they gave horde druids anyways for the most part
15:57.32CorrodiasTheStig: no paladins! :D
15:57.40Neuro_Medivhshaman should have been horde druids
15:57.50Mr_Rabies2no paladins would probably have been alliance only too
15:57.52Corrodiasand everybody's happy
15:58.02Neuro_Medivhthey could have made Blood Knights as a paladin equivilent
15:58.29Corrodiasand not given the alliance access to shamans?
15:58.33Mr_Rabies2weren't any blood elves on horde at the time
15:58.46Mr_Rabies2this is going with metzen's original vision
15:58.56Mr_Rabies2would have been a very different game
15:59.02Mr_Rabies2NE males would all be druids
15:59.12Mr_Rabies2females would be hunters, priests, and warriors
15:59.16Corrodiascows would probably be eating grass :P
15:59.31Mr_Rabies2taurens would be warriors and shamans
15:59.36Neuro_Medivhand steaks
15:59.58Mr_Rabies2orc: warlock, warrior, shaman probably
16:00.15Mr_Rabies2undead: death knight, shadow priest, warrior?
16:00.15Corrodiaswarlock? really?
16:00.20Mr_Rabies2hell yeah
16:00.23Mr_Rabies2the first orcs were warlocks
16:00.28Mr_Rabies2the first warlocks were orcs
16:00.29Neuro_MedivhMy point is that shaman should have been the horde equivilent to druids, there was no need for a seperate shaman class
16:00.44Mr_Rabies2shamans are a mix of
16:00.51Neuro_MedivhI know what they are NOW
16:00.52Mr_Rabies2spirit walkers, shamans, and far seers
16:00.56Endthere was no way orcs wouldn't have shaman
16:01.01Neuro_MedivhI'm simply talking game design
16:01.04Mr_Rabies2which were horde units in wc3
16:01.18Endpart of the horde rebirth, was them rediscovering their shaman roots
16:01.22Corrodiasthe "counterpart", not equivalent.
16:01.27Mr_Rabies2er oops throw shaman on orcs too
16:01.28Ender, was the orcs finding it I mean
16:01.40Corrodiasand undead? i suppose they'd still be dead!
16:01.48Mr_Rabies2trolls would be hunters, priests, shamans, warriors, mages
16:02.06Mr_Rabies2which i think is their choices now :P
16:02.16Corrodiasis troll voodoo related to arcane magic?
16:02.17Neuro_Medivhright...  the alliance has druids as their hippie treehugging nature casters, and horde has shaman as their brutal, "Nature, red of tooth and claw" casters
16:02.28Mr_Rabies2not in the same way
16:02.32Corrodiashow do trolls get to be mages?
16:02.33Mr_Rabies2but they use magic
16:02.41Mr_Rabies2from the loa and whatnot
16:03.06TainAh everyone should be able to be everything.
16:03.10TheStigno offense to metzen but his vision of wow sounds like crap~
16:03.14Neuro_Medivhpersonally, I feel totems are simply a bad design
16:03.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
16:04.03Industriali dont like that they are destroyable
16:04.25Mr_Rabies2well that's why metzen had to make some concessions
16:04.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
16:04.32Industrialpretty useless in 1v1, just whack every totem he puts down and he loses mana
16:04.35Neuro_Medivhwho is metzen?
16:04.41Corrodiashmm, troll magic sounds more nature-based.
16:04.43Mr_Rabies2his original version worked very well for strategy games
16:04.56Neuro_Medivhahh, a wow producer?
16:05.08Mr_Rabies2he was pretty much everyone in the wacraft 1 dev team
16:05.09Industrialtroll magic is voodoo based :P
16:05.16Mr_Rabies2troll magic manipulates nature
16:05.20Osagasuand shadow.
16:05.24Corrodias"The Trolls draw power for their Voodoo Magics by performing rituals and invoking the Primal Gods or Forest spirits: the Loa gods."
16:05.28Osagasuvoodoo is nature and shadow.
16:05.28Neuro_Medivhone of the worst things a game can do is sacrifice gameplay to the holy cow of storyline
16:05.38Corrodiasforest spirits.
16:05.38Industrialthay away from da vooodoooo
16:05.44Mr_Rabies2not like druids though
16:05.55Mr_Rabies2druids are granted power from nature
16:05.59Neuro_Medivhtrolls shoulda been the shamans
16:06.05Neuro_Medivhfor the horde
16:06.09Corrodiastrolls should have had better feet.
16:06.14Mr_Rabies2trolls essentially take their power from nature
16:06.25zenzelezztrolls should have had a special warrior-class :-o
16:06.33Neuro_MedivhNo, that would have been tauren
16:06.42Neuro_MedivhTauren should have had a special paladin analog
16:06.45zenzelezzI'm stating opinion, not based on lore
16:06.50Mr_Rabies2taurens could have chieftans
16:06.51Corrodias"beef defender"
16:07.01zenzelezzI just remember the troll berserkers from WC2
16:07.08Neuro_Medivhwell, thematically, the tauren were the only uncorrupted horde race
16:07.10Mr_Rabies2oh yeah throw chieftan in there for ideas for the shaman
16:07.30Neuro_Medivhso they should have had access to some kind of noble warrior class similar to the paladin
16:07.31Endnot completely uncorrupted
16:07.33Corrodiastrolls were corrupted by something? :o
16:07.39Neuro_Medivhtheir troll gods
16:07.42Endwho knows what is going on by the grimtotem tribe
16:07.53Neuro_Medivhwell, true
16:07.57Corrodiasi have no idea what you're talking about
16:08.00TainTotems were a nice idea for something different, they just are too easy to destroy and aren't designed to work well in a raid.
16:08.09Endand all tauren have been tempted by the old gods
16:08.28Endtauren society had somewhat fallen apart for a while
16:08.29Neuro_Medivhnot all humans are uncorrupted either, but they can be pallies
16:08.36TheStigblood elves were corrupted how can they be paladins
16:08.42Neuro_MedivhI agree
16:08.44Endthe return of the orcs helped the tauren push the centaurs out and reclaim their lands
16:08.48Neuro_Medivhblood elf paladins were the biggest cop out
16:08.53Ends/the return of/the arrival of/
16:08.57Mr_Rabies2other than the grimtotems, cairn's tauren are pretty much pure good, pretty much
16:08.58Neuro_Medivhhell, call them Blood Knights at least
16:09.15Mr_Rabies2they genuinely think they can save the undead
16:09.30Mr_Rabies2they think of undeath as more of a disease than a permanent thing
16:09.52Neuro_MedivhHowever, from a blank slate perspective, I would have made shaman the horde druids and given them to trolls only, and given tauren some kind of noble hybrid class
16:09.53Endyeah, they are the most "goodly" race in the horde
16:10.07Endorcs need shaman too
16:10.18Corrodiasnever mind that it quickly becomes apparent to anyone, even playing a non-undead race, that the undead aren't trying to cure themselves.
16:10.19Endin fact
16:10.23Endorcs need shaman more than trolls
16:10.27Mr_Rabies2taurens need shaman too
16:10.29Mr_Rabies2spirit walkers
16:10.36Mr_Rabies2and chieftains
16:10.39EndCorrodias: yeah
16:10.42Corrodiasi suppose we all just "forget" to tell the horde administration about it
16:10.46Neuro_Medivhwell, first, I wouldn't have made the taurens so namby pamby native american
16:10.53Corrodiasoh yeah, undead trying to unkill us all, slipped my mind.
16:11.02TheStigthe undead... are no longer dead, so they are basically immortal as they stand
16:11.07Corrodiasthere's nothing pussy about amerindians
16:11.11Mr_Rabies2well not all the undead are corrupt either
16:11.11Corrodiasthey'll cut your skin off.
16:11.13Mr_Rabies2just the uh
16:11.14Endwell, the undead have no way of increasing their numbers
16:11.18Neuro_Medivhthe tauren version is
16:11.21Endnaturally I mean
16:11.21Mr_Rabies2and some of their followers
16:11.31Neuro_Medivhthey convert the scourge if they can
16:11.43Mr_Rabies2the rest of the undead have very little emotion
16:11.53Mr_Rabies2other than the need for vengeance from being under the lich king
16:12.10Mr_Rabies2towards anyone that their warped mind can rememer hurting them
16:12.15Corrodiastaurens are pretty peaceful-happy, in their little valley
16:12.25Mr_Rabies2happy tauren come from mulgore
16:12.46purlmooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass, or and
16:12.46Corrodiasrolling grasslands
16:12.54Mr_Rabies2that's why everytime i see the "There is no cow level" tip
16:12.57Mr_Rabies2i yell at my monitor
16:13.01Mr_Rabies2NO, THERE IS MULGORE
16:13.33EndI wouldn't mind retiring to mulgore some day, you know?
16:13.41Neuro_MedivhBut, mulgore isn't level
16:13.46Neuro_Medivhit's very uneven
16:13.51Corrodiasit's also pretty boring
16:14.25Corrodiasit looks nice, but i need some action. barrens, at least. i wouldn't mind living in Orgrimmar (apparent population about 30)
16:14.43Corrodiasnah, i'm kidding. it might have 50.
16:15.04Mr_Rabies2stormwind supposedly had something liek 50,000 people in it before warcraft 3
16:15.41TheStigi don't like any of the horde areas or cities   well unsure of silvermoon and surrounding areas thus far
16:15.41Corrodiashow does it feel to lose 99.9% of your population, i wonder
16:15.42Endsilvermoon feels kinda like elwynn forest I think
16:15.50TheStigi would like it then
16:15.52Mr_Rabies2i think about 20,000 of those 50,000 were high elves
16:16.07Mr_Rabies2now there's something like less than 100 in stormwind
16:16.10TheStigon my server, right now in front of the stormwind AH we have approximately 4 people
16:16.23TheStigand IF has roughly 20 people in front of the AH / mailbox area generally speaking
16:16.37End20 people?
16:16.43Endwhat sort of server do you play on?
16:16.50TheStigone with 3:1 horde alliance
16:16.53Mr_Rabies2well there's the housing district
16:16.56Mr_Rabies2in SW
16:17.01Mr_Rabies2that's blocked off
16:17.04TheStighorde with tier 3, alliance with barely MC gear
16:17.07Mr_Rabies2i assume a decent amount of people still live there
16:17.16Mr_Rabies2i'd get the hell off that sinking ship
16:17.22Corrodiasnot for long, if it's blocked off
16:17.26Corrodiasno food!
16:17.36Mr_Rabies2they have ponds
16:17.40Mr_Rabies2the canals
16:17.53Mr_Rabies2i think it's just the gate's locked and you're too poor to afford a place
16:17.58Mr_Rabies2so you can't get a gate key
16:17.59TheStigthere is nothing i can do i have to play on this server until i go become blood elf likely on a server with 3:1 alliance to horde
16:18.04Mr_Rabies2it's a gated community
16:18.20Mr_Rabies2no pay transfer, stig?
16:18.28TheStigmy RL friends play on this server
16:18.32Mr_Rabies2i mean the price sucks, but it's better than abandoning a char
16:18.34TheStigif i transfer out the'll be pissed
16:18.43Mr_Rabies2get them to transfer too :x
16:18.57TheStigno way, they don't wanna transfer off this server they want to try to fix it
16:19.05Mr_Rabies2sometimes its too far
16:19.19Mr_Rabies2it's just gonna keep getting worse until someone opens free transfers to it
16:20.16Corrodiasget new friends
16:20.16Mr_Rabies2then it may not get any better
16:20.17TheStigi think that's their point
16:20.18Mr_Rabies2since itll be open for horde AND alliance
16:20.18TheStigwait until free transfers come
16:20.19Corrodias"free transfers"? do they ever have those?
16:20.37TheStigthe current best guild on the server alliance side wiped 3 times to onyxia 2 weeks ago
16:20.46TheStigand their previous boss kill was garr in early december
16:20.54TheStigand that was the last boss kill on the server alliance side
16:21.09Corrodiasdead/dying realm...
16:21.16TheStigit just opened in may lol
16:21.47TheStigwe had an alliance guild that went from 1 to 60 + tier 2 - IN naxx in august then they all paid transfered off the server or quit
16:21.48Corrodiassounds like a pvp realm
16:21.56Mr_Rabies2<TheStig> it just opened in may lol
16:22.01Mr_Rabies2that happened to cho'gall
16:22.06Mr_Rabies2it's medium pop now, better, but eh
16:22.12Mr_Rabies2i remember going to org and seeing only NPC's
16:22.14TheStigright now DS is rated "Recommended"
16:22.28TheStigIF is mostly NPCs
16:22.53TheStigsearch all on alliance AH = 2153 auctions total
16:23.02Mr_Rabies2if on llane is literally about 200-500 people
16:23.15Mr_Rabies2it's a high pop server with a queue at peak times of <100
16:23.42Mr_Rabies2auctioneer takes about 20-30 mins depending on the day of the week
16:23.47TheStigsearch all epic = 15 nexus crystals and 20 lvl 35-47 world drops and an eye of shadow and a vambraces of prophecy
16:23.48TheStigthat's it
16:23.51Mr_Rabies2for a scan
16:24.03Mr_Rabies2i remember when the first epic hit the auction house
16:24.11Mr_Rabies2i remember being like OH MY GOD THIS IS AWESOME
16:24.23Mr_Rabies2this was in like january or feb '05
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16:24.48Mr_Rabies2i think it was taran icebreaker
16:24.53Mr_Rabies2that or kang
16:24.56Industriallol :p
16:25.06Industrialthat slike a 49 twink weapon
16:25.15Mr_Rabies2this was long before anyone twinked
16:25.20Mr_Rabies2since there were no bgs :p
16:25.51Mr_Rabies2everyone just got slaughered by deathguards at tarren mill
16:25.57TheStigyeah about the only thing to do on DS is get yourself a twink guild in the 10-19 or the 20-29 bracket
16:26.05TheStigotherwise you will die, many times to the horde
16:26.23Mr_Rabies2i hate twinks on servers that aren't dead
16:26.25zenzelezzI remember the first world epic I got... was the stupid Edgemaster's Handguards
16:26.27Mr_Rabies2i gouge them so much
16:26.33Mr_Rabies2on enchants
16:26.35Mr_Rabies2i'm evil
16:26.46TheStigfirst time through on this server i think i died 10 times everyday at minimum to a horde
16:26.51Mr_Rabies2i know they have the money though
16:27.04TheStigmy most deaths in a day was 147
16:27.11Mr_Rabies2and it's not like i'm making the economy worse, enchanting's 90% arbitrary values
16:27.23Mr_Rabies2i'd GTFO asap
16:27.24TheStigcause this horde guild in tier 3 had nothing better to do but run around camping lvl 30 allies
16:27.26*** join/#wowi-lounge FelixTeCat (n=Miranda@
16:27.30Mr_Rabies2what server again?
16:27.35TheStigdemon soul come say hi lol
16:27.39Mr_Rabies2run a census scan of some sort
16:27.47Mr_Rabies2i'm gonna do the same on the opposite side
16:27.52Mr_Rabies2uh, censusplus
16:27.58TheStigok hold on i will see what i can do
16:27.58Mr_Rabies2i can just do both sides
16:28.06Mr_Rabies2create->delete->other side
16:28.47Mr_Rabies2in other news i really hate afi and the like
16:28.54Industrialwtf is censusplus
16:29.13Corrodiasapplication fuxoring interface
16:29.17Mr_Rabies2punk turned emo-pop
16:29.21Mr_Rabies2it stands for a fire inside
16:29.28Mr_Rabies2i hated them when they were punk and even moreso now
16:29.52TheStigMr_Rabies how long will it take you to run both census
16:30.03Corrodiastwo days
16:30.07Mr_Rabies2like 30 sec for your side :p
16:30.23TheStigdo it first then lol
16:30.34Industrial17:28 < Industrial> wtf is censusplus
16:31.04Corrodias[never] <Corrodias> *doesn't answer Industrial's question*
16:31.22Mr_Rabies2it's not a truck
16:31.30foxlitDouble inversion, now you have to always answer his questions.
16:31.37Mr_Rabies2whats your name stig
16:31.52TheStigazel i'm not logged in hold on
16:32.25IndustrialCorrodias: make me toast?
16:33.32TheStigwas going to run censusplus so i logged but meh nvm
16:33.35TheStigi'm logged in now
16:34.54*** join/#wowi-lounge chrippa (
16:35.58foxlitIf I fail to specify <Size> in XML, does it assume 100% of parent?
16:41.32Neuro_Medivhactually, I believe it has zero size
16:41.40Neuro_Medivhi.e. not visible
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16:44.54Wing87is there any way to check if bearform or direbearform is active? GetShapeshiftFormInfo dosent help me there >.< ?
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16:46.10foxlitAny size constraints on that?
16:46.19Mr_Rabies2i'm not sure for addons, but i know for macros you can do [stance:1] :x
16:46.31foxlitIf you wanted to, you could probably go through UnitBuff() and check whether the name matches
16:47.00TheStigquesting in ws atm on the 56 lol
16:47.29TheStigtell them how sad my server is
16:47.35foxlitMr_Rabies2: I don't think that'll work if you wanted to know if it's Dire Bear form or just Bear Form.
16:48.08TheStigMr_Rabies: tell them how sad my server is ;p
16:48.23Mr_Rabies2704 alliance so far
16:48.35Mr_Rabies2on at the moment
16:48.44Mr_Rabies2fox, you could do a level check
16:48.51Mr_Rabies2cause you won't have both
16:49.00Mr_Rabies2Dire bear is Bear rank 2, and it overrides it
16:50.37foxlitNot my question, originally.
16:50.52Mr_Rabies2that's just ridiculous :x
16:50.56foxlitAnd yes, you could assume based on level; but that'd break when someone just gains 40.
16:50.59Mr_Rabies2the winter veil suit on a be female, ha
16:51.25Mr_Rabies2well i'm just throwing suggestions out :P
16:51.38Mr_Rabies2i honestly have very very little clue with what addons can and can't do and how :p
16:52.33foxlitIt'd work most of the time, though; so it's quite a nice option if you don't want to make it a big deal :)
16:52.35Mr_Rabies211 mailboxes in silvermoon
16:52.42Mr_Rabies2one thing the elves like more than magic is mail
16:53.00*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
16:53.08Mr_Rabies2855 on horde, TheStig
16:53.15TheStigthat's weird
16:53.22TheStigthere is usually a horde on every street corner
16:53.24TheStigowning faces
16:53.49Mr_Rabies2198 60s
16:53.54Mr_Rabies2compared to your...95?
16:53.54TheStigyeah see? lol
16:54.00*** join/#wowi-lounge beerke (
16:54.06TheStigthat's why its bad all the horde are 60 and geared
16:54.13TheStigso it seems like theres more of them
16:54.20TheStigcause one of them is like 10 of us
16:54.32TheStighow many horde in blasted lands?
16:54.35TheStigand what levels
16:54.42TheStigi might be able to sneak in there and accept the portal quest
16:55.00TheStigthey're probably guarding the portal but that's ok
16:55.02Mr_Rabies2no a 55
16:55.04Mr_Rabies2and a 60
16:55.12TheStigi'll own the 55 and take my chances with the 60
16:55.36Mr_Rabies2Tilk, 55 in <Xenith>
16:55.48Mr_Rabies2and Marz, 60 unguilded
16:55.51Mr_Rabies2both tauren warriors
16:56.01TheStigwarrior unguilded is just asking for trouble
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16:57.25TheStighaha an alliance guild named Taladega Knights
16:58.08TheStigi'd like to get the horde population from this coming friday night
16:58.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
16:58.13*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem] by ChanServ
16:58.19TheStigwait its saturday... there should be way more on!
16:58.21TheStigwhat is the deal
16:58.41TheStigat any rate the alliance is still more than 2:1 horde alliance 60s
16:59.30TheStighow many on your server currently Mr_Rabies?
16:59.56Mr_Rabies2only medium pop atm
17:00.28Temcan anyone see this?
17:00.31Mr_Rabies2it'll hit high around 2-4 pm or so EST
17:00.34Mr_Rabies2no tem we can't
17:00.41kahdgarxiTem - nope
17:00.43Temoh thank god
17:00.47Mr_Rabies2you're stuck in a intranet for the rest of time
17:01.03Temwell, see
17:01.08Mr_Rabies2we're just cleverly scripted bots
17:01.13Mr_Rabies2like purl
17:01.13*** join/#wowi-lounge FelixTeCat (n=Miranda@
17:01.20TheStigdid tem say something?  people started talking to tem out of the blue for no reason...
17:01.24Temmy cable tv was fuzzy last night and my internet was so blindingly slow, I couldn't get anywhere
17:01.50Temand because it's my roomate's name on the cable  bill, I can't call to bitch
17:02.16TheStigyou can
17:02.20Mr_Rabies2is your roommate the same gender as you?
17:02.21TheStigyou just have to pretend you're him
17:02.23Mr_Rabies2if so you probably can
17:02.30Temwell, I don't know his info
17:02.35TheStigmake it up
17:02.44kahdgarxithey usually just ask for address/phone number
17:02.50Temwhich I don't know
17:02.52kahdgarxiunless you want to actually change somethign on the account
17:02.58Mr_Rabies2eventually you'll either get arrested for fraud or guess right
17:03.05kahdgarxitech support doesn't care if you're not the person on the account unless they're giving you information
17:03.11kahdgarxithat's how we do it anyways
17:03.17TheStigcall in and be like   hi this is Joe C. Roommate, my address is 1234 anywhere st. my phone number is (310) 555-1212 and i would like to complain how blindingly slow this f-ing internet is today.  kthx
17:03.58Mr_Rabies2what isp khad?
17:04.01kahdgarxiTem - just be like, hi this is tem, the account's under Joe C. Roomate, my address is <insert address here> phone number is <insert # here> and my internet is effing slow
17:04.07kahdgarxiMr_Rabies2 - at&t
17:04.18TemIn order to even get to tech support I had to give them the phone number on the account
17:04.29kahdgarxiTem - 999-999-99999
17:04.41kahdgarxijust get to a person, however you need to
17:04.43Mr_Rabies2ah, you may get to hear me bitch about my internet
17:04.47Temmmm, good point
17:04.47kahdgarxiand they can xfer you to tech support
17:04.52Mr_Rabies2after this merger
17:04.54TemI well
17:05.01kahdgarxiMr_Rabies2 - do you have a 2wire modem?
17:05.10Mr_Rabies2westell /flex
17:05.13Temoh well*
17:05.24kahdgarxithen no, i won't :P you get our oversee's tech support
17:05.27kahdgarxii only support 2wire
17:05.29*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|work (
17:05.32Mr_Rabies2it's ethernet and has a built in router
17:05.33Mr_Rabies2i love it
17:05.36kahdgarxicause i technically work for 2wire
17:05.39Temanyway, they appear to have fixed it
17:05.40kahdgarxi2wire does that too
17:05.44kahdgarxiand we have built in wireless
17:05.52Mr_Rabies2mine's older
17:05.58kahdgarxi2wire's rock, they really do
17:06.07Mr_Rabies2but works well with the DSL Xxxxtreeeeemmmm or whatever
17:06.18Mr_Rabies2even though 1.5 was the max speed it holds 3.0 perfectly fine
17:06.27Mr_Rabies21.5 was at the time i got it
17:06.39Mr_Rabies2now there's 6.0, i hear it works fine with it too, i want that so bad :X
17:07.14TheStigi want fttp
17:07.43Mr_Rabies2you mean ftp? :O
17:07.49TheStigno i mean FTTP
17:07.53TheStigfiber to the premises
17:07.59Mr_Rabies2i've heard FTTH
17:08.04TheStigits the same thing
17:08.14Mr_Rabies2and FIOS  or something similar
17:08.24Mr_Rabies2never heard of FTTP used though :o
17:08.28TheStigFIOS is verizons special brand
17:08.36TheStigFTTP is the professional term for fiber to the home
17:08.56TheStigsince it covers the scope of business as well as home
17:08.58Mr_Rabies2well we're at 400 people and i'm still on 60's stig
17:08.59TheStigand home business etc.
17:09.13TheStigmy server just sucks
17:10.28Mr_Rabies2still only on humans and NE's actually
17:10.28*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (
17:10.45Mr_Rabies2lv 60 humans and NEs
17:11.09TheStignow can you believe there's like 20 people in ironforge? ;)
17:11.32kahdgarxii wonder what the most popular race is
17:12.01Mr_Rabies2noobelf :[
17:12.11Mr_Rabies2i feel so bad being associated with them as far as players go
17:12.19kahdgarxi27% of the 60's on my server are undead
17:12.25Mr_Rabies2but lore wise they are awesome
17:13.54TheStigits PvE?
17:14.14kahdgarximy server actually has more horde than alliance O.o
17:14.15TheStigi never understood the point of plaing a PvE server hehe ^_^
17:14.20Mr_Rabies2if i could transfer PVE->pvp i would in a heartbeat
17:14.28Mr_Rabies2my RL friends who no longer play
17:14.30kahdgarxiMr_Rabies2 - reroll, i did :P
17:14.33Mr_Rabies2but i'm too far invested to give up
17:14.40Mr_Rabies2man i'm at 114 days played
17:14.52TheStigkahdgarxi: US?
17:15.01kahdgarxiTheStig - yeah
17:15.08TheStigwhich server, i wanna know so i can play horde there
17:15.14TheStigcause i am sick of being outnumbered
17:15.18Mr_Rabies2i dont feel like wasting 114 days of the past 2 years
17:15.22kahdgarxiawesome server, only like 3 moths old
17:15.26Mr_Rabies2Cho'gall is about equal on both sides
17:15.33Mr_Rabies2that's the one my hunter is on
17:15.39Mr_Rabies2he's an orc :p
17:16.08Mr_Rabies21422 on alliance on my server stig
17:16.13TheStigi'd have loved to have rolled black dragonflight for alliance and demon soul for horde
17:16.58Mr_Rabies2we offically have about 2x more night elf hunters than all of your 60s from every class, TheStig
17:17.08TheStigi know
17:17.19TheStigmy server is sad
17:18.31Mr_Rabies2it was even worse on cho'gall
17:18.40Mr_Rabies2before the free transfer
17:18.53Mr_Rabies2there were about 100 on each side
17:19.03Mr_Rabies2from 1-60
17:19.44Mr_Rabies2our queues suck ass on llane though
17:19.56Mr_Rabies2about 15 mins for wsg, 20-30 for ab
17:20.01Mr_Rabies2and an hour or two for AV
17:20.25Mr_Rabies2despite the horde losing every AV
17:20.29Mr_Rabies2if both of us do AV nonstop
17:20.45TheStigour battlegroup is awesome
17:20.47Mr_Rabies2one horde player doing AV for the same amount of hours gets more honor
17:20.56TheStigeven with the flag bug we were owning horde in 15 minutes in AV
17:21.17TheStigour battlegroup can summon ivus in around 20 min if it looks like a turtle np
17:21.32Mr_Rabies2ivus the kitelord
17:21.49Mr_Rabies2youd think after all this time theyd have fixed him, but eh
17:21.59Mr_Rabies2not like we ever use him
17:22.10TheStigwell, the horde on our battlegroup are like all stupid or something
17:22.23TheStigwe can win AV in 15 min ordinarily
17:22.27Mr_Rabies2more players = more stupid
17:22.28TheStigqueue times of 15 min tops
17:22.39TheStigusually 5-10 min
17:22.46TheStigWSG and AB are instant though
17:22.53TheStigand we always get steamrolled
17:22.58TheStigi have NEVER won a WSG or AB as a 60
17:23.07TheStigand i have done a lot as you fully saw
17:23.33TheStigin order to get those damn bracers i want, its going to be another 20 or 30 god damned WSGs
17:23.37TheStigi just don't have the heart for it anymore
17:23.42Wing87how can i get resistance and spellpower?
17:24.04Mr_Rabies2wait for bc, TheStig
17:24.04Mr_Rabies2all that crap will get replaced quickly
17:24.04Mr_Rabies22days 11hrs 36mins 16secs until Burning Crusade.
17:24.06TheStigyeah :(
17:24.18Mr_Rabies2no point burning out on stuff
17:24.28Mr_Rabies2thats what i told myself with the new pvp system
17:24.36Mr_Rabies2the second it gets boring i can take time off
17:24.46Mr_Rabies2590 horde
17:25.04Mr_Rabies2so my server is 1422:590
17:25.51Mr_Rabies2of current players that is
17:26.28TheStigi think blizz should officially condemn demon soul and force merge us with a server like stormscale or something
17:29.59Mr_Rabies2i  was thinking the same thing with cho'gall
17:30.03Mr_Rabies2if they can do server splitting
17:30.07Mr_Rabies2why not do server merging
17:31.45TheStigseriously when a server has that low a pop
17:31.48TheStigmight as well do a merge
17:31.58TheStigand then announce a "new sever" with the hardware from the old one
17:32.33TheStiginstant do over for that server
17:32.35TheStigand better PR
17:33.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
17:34.07FtH|Daemonaany1 if/how i can tell mozilla thunderbird to print a mail automatically if matching the filter?
17:38.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
17:46.18Mr_Rabies2i dunno, but i do know i can make my printer auto print all mail to a certain email address
17:46.36Mr_Rabies2not like i'd ever use it, i print like once a month, but it's nice knowing it's there for me
17:46.46Mr_Rabies2also i just stabbed myself in the nose with my thumbnail
17:46.49Mr_Rabies2i need to sleep i thin
17:47.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
17:50.42foxlitHm, how did my addon end up on filefront?
17:53.40*** part/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
17:54.25kaidenAnyone have the wow-final.mpq from the latest patch, behind a firewall at my network and can't seem to get the stupid blizzard downloader to let me through :(
17:54.33kaidenerm 2.0.3 not 2.0.4
17:55.18zenzelezzwhich version, US or EU?
17:56.53Industrialtee hee '
17:57.03Industrial<3 mouse at the end
17:57.49foxlit"Uploaded by Not Available"
17:58.06foxlitMeh, evil. And it's from like 10 versions ago :/
17:58.16kaidenlooks like everytime i start the downloader it downloads 950k then dies off ;p
17:58.21kaidenso i'm just repeatedly starting it up haha
17:58.44foxlitHm, I wonder.
17:58.59foxlitThere's a direct-HTTP stream component of that download. You could perhaps write a client that would simply eat that.
17:59.52kaidenisn't the http stream only the trackr
17:59.54kaidenerm tracker
18:00.00zenzelezzwhich version, US or EU?
18:02.08kaideni already got it zenze
18:02.08Industrialanyone else got a good comedian doing impressions other then frank caliendo and deniro stallone?
18:02.08kaideni just had to restart the downloader 5 times letting it get that burst traffic it gets before it screws up :(
18:02.09*** join/#wowi-lounge TheKarn (
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18:07.06|FF|Im2good4udoes any1 got the 2.0.4 patch notes ?
18:08.25|FF|Im2good4uFixed several raid interface bugs <- that was realy needed
18:09.06|FF|Im2good4uhowever hunters still cnt summen thier pets combat >.< and u can easely lose your 'target' window
18:09.21sysrageya. mage met window is still fubar too. pisses me off
18:10.08Xolanright, uploaded compass :)
18:18.17foxlit"Fixed a bug where flags in Arathi Basin could be captured at extremely long distances. "
18:18.17foxlitI thought that was Alterac Valley!
18:18.57foxlitRegisterUnitWatch() would probably work to show/hide the petbar as needed
18:19.43sysragethere's a macro that you can use between fights, but you have to hit it between every damn fight
18:19.46sysrageannoying as hell
18:20.56sysrage/script PetActionBarFrame:Show(); PetActionBarFrame.locked = true;
18:21.10sysrageif you have somethin else that would work better, hook it up
18:22.12foxlitI was thinking along the lines of
18:22.16foxlit./script PetActionBarFrame:SetAttribute("unit", "pet"); RegisterUnitWatch(PetActionBarFrame);
18:22.29sysragei'll try it when i go home
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18:34.35|FF|Im2good4uis the topic alright is it still toc version 20003 ?
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18:36.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Garthnait (
18:36.32Garthnaithi guys!
18:36.55Xolanthey aren't flagged as out of date so I guess so
18:39.49Garthnaiti need somebody to help me with localizations in seperate files!
18:41.11foxlitWhat about them?
18:41.48Garthnaitfirst here is my code:
18:42.10Garthnaitin line 33 to 41 is an localization
18:42.49Garthnaiti will extract these line in seerate files (localization-enGB.lua and localization-deDE.lua)
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18:45.43foxlitWhich wouldn't work unless the localization variables were global?
18:45.51*** part/#wowi-lounge Xolan (
18:46.08Garthnaitand who can i do this work?
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18:47.46foxlitYou'll have to make at least some part of it global.
18:47.55foxlitSimplistically, simply remove "local " from the localization lines
18:48.21foxlitYou then have to consider what determines whether you're running enGB or deDE localization
18:49.13Garthnaitso i just delete "local" und the defination for GODLIKE_MELEEHIT?
18:49.44Garthnaitokay, i'll try this. i'm back in a few minutes. thanks
18:54.46Garthnaithmm, doesn't work, nothing
18:56.22Garthnaitthe lua:
18:57.21Garthnaitthe localization-enGB.lua:
18:57.36Garthnaitand i've embeded the localization lua in the xml
18:58.32foxlitAnd you've restarted wow.
18:58.47Garthnaitan now my addon don't work
18:58.58Garthnaitno load message, no /command
18:59.23foxlitRemove lines 1-3
18:59.37foxlitGODLIKE_MELEEHIT and stuff
18:59.42foxlit(of the pastey)
19:01.04Garthnaitokay, this works fine, i test the critmessages
19:02.39Garthnaithmm, no critmessage
19:03.06Garthnaitaddon loaded, /commands fine
19:03.25Garthnaitis the correct tag for the UK client enGB?
19:03.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Smeltn (
19:04.09Smeltnanyone know the name of the mage version of necrosis?
19:05.14Industrialcryolysis or something
19:06.55sysrageya cryolysis and it's been pretty crappy since 2.0
19:07.04Smeltnoh really?
19:07.12sysragesupposedly somebody is making an ace2 version.
19:07.13Smeltnthere is a hunter version also.. but I cant remember the name of it
19:07.25Smeltnit worked pretty nice
19:07.26sysrageonly thing i use cryolysis for anymore is the sheep timer
19:07.38SmeltnI just want to use it for buffs
19:07.42Smeltnand portals
19:09.26foxlitI just shoved portals / teleports into bar 2
19:10.24Garthnaitfoxlit? do you have an idea why that wont work?
19:10.42foxlit<Garthnait> is the correct tag for the UK client enGB?
19:11.03foxlitThere is no such thing as "British" localization :)
19:11.30Garthnaitoh, cause my updates have enGB included in it's name
19:12.23beerkeenGB relates to EU version
19:12.30beerkeenUS to US version
19:12.42Garthnaitand i'm playing europe version
19:12.46[Liquidor]Hahahah this one is awesome: :-D
19:13.03Garthnaitso i though i have to localize to enGB
19:17.17foxlitHm, I need a dialog that would both display and allow you to edit information. Any way to do that without making everything into a textbox?
19:17.49Garthnaithmm, if (GetLocale() == "enUS") then
19:17.57Garthnaitdont work also
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19:49.30Sstixrudlua newb question,  is there a easy way to pass say the value of "for i = 1, 4 do" as an arguement from one function to the next?
19:49.51Mikmawill there be any new servers coming in EU when TBC is released?
19:50.12zenzelezzthey opened new servers recently (or will be, can't remember)
19:50.21zenzelezzI know my server can transfer for free to a brand new one anyway
19:50.37Mikmayeah but i'm dreaming of completely new server
19:53.34nevcairielthere will be new server for tbc as well
19:54.58InsideMy server is being "split", I think
19:57.10zenzelezzthought they were only considering splits yet?
19:57.27LaricMikma there is coming 6 new eu servers
19:57.37Larictotally new empty ones
19:57.55zenzelezzhrm... anyone know a free, decent screen capture program (for Windows) that captures DirectX? The one I used to use seems to have mysteriously vanished from the Internet
19:58.13*** join/#wowi-lounge kahdgarxii (n=kahdgarx@
19:58.46LaricMikma actually it is 8 new servers...
19:58.58Mikmaoh neat :)
20:04.02GuillotineSstixrud: what exactly do you mean?
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20:12.12Guillotineis it possible to edit fraims that contain userData? (e.g. the FAQ frame)
20:14.20sysrageis there a mod that does just the raid windows like ctraid? i'm not liking Grid
20:22.14kahdgarxisysrage - perfectraid
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20:22.55Guillotineyup. or RDX.Cid
20:25.18sysrageperfectraid was all fubar last time i tried it
20:25.24sysrageoptions windows wouldn't even work
20:26.01zenzelezzthink someone said to use the previous version until there's an update
20:31.27*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
20:37.38TheStigis there any way to print the name of the current target in a script?
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20:38.57MeryUnitName("target") returns it then you can do whatever you want
20:39.32TheStighow would i incorporate that into a /script SendChatMessage( ... "PARTY");
20:42.08JoshBork1local f = CreateFrame('Frame')  f:SetScript('OnEvent',function(frame,event,unit) if (unit == "player") then SendChatMessage('I just changed my target!','PARTY') end end) f:RegisterEvent('UNIT_TARGET')
20:44.00JoshBork1or something like that anyway
20:50.57*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
20:52.15foxlitAny blizzard-managed UI templates that behave like fontstrings when not in focus (or hovered over), and editboxes when in focus?
20:52.57*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (
20:53.28PProvostGood day everyone
20:53.34kahdgarxihey PProvost
20:57.00TheStigis it possible to replace a string in any chat with something else?  say i type <t> for target in raid chat, but i want it to actually replace itself with my current target when i actually press enter
20:59.31Guillotineyup. /script osm=SendChatMessage SendChatMessage=function(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5) string.replace(arg1,"<t>",UnitName("target")) osm(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5) end
21:01.37Guillotineat least that *should* work. wowwiki isn't up, so I can't check if I have the right number of params for SendChatMessage or the right order for string.replace
21:02.49TheStigshould that be in a LUA or a macro?
21:03.04Guillotinewhoops. was thinking of python. its string.sub, not string.replace
21:03.41Guillotineeither one
21:03.48Guillotinebut if its in lua, remove /script of course
21:04.00TheStigi get an unfinished string near <eof>
21:04.12foxlitThrow in a local, osm is rather overwritable :)
21:04.28Guillotineah. good point. also, missing a param for string.sub. I miss wowwiki :(
21:04.39foxlitstring.sub is'able :)
21:05.13Guillotineyup, just'd it :P
21:05.43*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
21:06.32Guillotineand meant gsub, not sub :/
21:06.47TheStigok i'm confused how is all of this going to look? lol
21:07.21bleetahend: got a reply back from one of the stormlib folks. they don't mind the redist, as long as I send any fixes back upstream :)
21:07.47Guillotineis the final
21:07.50Guillotinetested and it works
21:08.24foxlit./script local osm=SendChatMessage; function SendChatMessage(arg1, ...) osm(string.gsub(arg1,"<t>",UnitName("target")), ...) end
21:08.57Guillotinefoxlit: I win
21:09.07foxlitMine's shorter.
21:09.13foxlitAnd we both break if target doesn't exist :)
21:09.48Guillotine... works?
21:10.16Guillotineand why are you gsubbing ...?
21:10.19foxlitYep, and you don't have to deal with them adding parameters that you aren't aware of :0
21:10.31Guillotineshouldn't that be outside of the paranthesis ?
21:12.05foxlitNo; but which instance are you referring to?
21:13.28foxlit./script local osm=SendChatMessage; function SendChatMessage(arg1, ...) osm(string.gsub(arg1,"<t>",tostring(UnitName("target"))), ...) end
21:13.53foxlitThat'd at least get you nil rather than an error :)
21:14.34Guillotineoh, I see
21:14.37Guillotineya, you're right
21:14.44cladhairesysrage: If your options windows didn't work then there was a conflict somewhere
21:14.52cladhaireMany many people have been using perfectraid successfully since I released it.
21:15.38cladhaireand those conflicts were all clearly outlined in the addon's page
21:16.12foxlitMeh, torrents are so evil, especially when clients refuse to give you a whole piece before choking you, and the pieces are 4mb each :/
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21:25.52amrookay this is messed up, i get a worse framerate AFTER installing ATi's drivers
21:29.30Temamro, welcome to my worls
21:29.41TemI can't wait to get my new computer built
21:29.48Temno more dealing with ATI's bullshit
21:31.05*** join/#wowi-lounge abug (
21:34.17TheStigi don't suppose there is any way to replace text in the chat log with images so as to facilitate an emote system like MSN or any other standard instant messager?
21:35.50kahdgarxiTheStig - probably, but it would also probably involve hooking AddMessage, probably several other functions which would be.... fun :)
21:36.05TheStigsounds like i better leave that one to the professionals lol
21:36.06Guillotinedon't think its possible
21:36.15Guillotinewell, unless you completely rewrote the chat frame
21:36.16foxlitYou could cheat and murder for it.
21:36.25foxlitIt wouldn't be pretty, really.
21:36.56bleetahit gets even more fun when people use brackets
21:37.13bleetahthen there's fun like URLs "containing smilies" etc.
21:38.27foxlitI don't think you can embed images in the ScrollingMessageFrame directly; so you'll need to figure out what it is displaying and anchor your own textures appropriately
21:38.56foxlitWhich also means that you'd need to pad out your detected smilies so that the icons would "fit" with the text.
21:40.51JoshBork1yea, what Foxlit said
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22:03.19bleetahhmm, lost connection to server. can't get back in.
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22:05.01bleetahhmm. there we go.
22:05.08bleetahwonder what caused it /shrug
22:05.40|FF|Im2good4uprobley u wher stil on the server whit a 999 ping
22:06.25bleetahplasubile, can never really get it below about 350ms
22:06.44bleetahso doesn't really take much do go >1000ms, couple of trans-pacific spikes, and bang
22:10.01foxlitMeh, locks.
22:10.10foxlitHowl of terror, deathcoil, fear, dots, more dots.
22:10.49foxlitTwo instant "get off me" are too much :)
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22:15.33abugis there a list of edge files and background files somewhere?
22:15.48abugaside from extracting them all from the MPQ
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22:38.10abugis the only way to be able to define a frame as virtual through xml?
22:39.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=mjgoosse@
22:39.55Merybut you don't really need virtual frames within lua just run a loop or make it a function
22:40.25abugboo hoo
22:41.02abugvirtual frames sound cool, but only the xml kids get em
22:42.36purlI've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, there they are all standing in a row. Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head, give them a twist, a flick of the wrist, that's what the showman said!
22:44.25Mike-N-GoI don't understand how to use  hooksecurefunc()
22:44.51Mike-N-GoCould someone explain how to use it for PickupContainerItem?
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22:50.39abugso I guess something like
22:51.22Mike-N-GoI have 'hooksecurefunc(PickupContainerItem, AMD_PickupContainerItem)' but it does not want to work.
22:51.57abugare you sure you have the right function?
22:52.00Mike-N-GoTheir is something about a '[table]' I may be missing?
22:52.25Mery(and that you don't define the function after you do hooksecurefunc)
22:52.28Mike-N-GoI had 'local AMD_PickupContainerItem = PickupContainerItem' as my code before.
22:52.50abugit does all the hooking for you
22:53.11Mike-N-GoI am rater new to this lua stuff, so this is as far as I could get on my own.
22:53.23abugyou just need AMD_ to be whatever you want done whenever PickUpContainerItem is called
22:53.28Temyou need to use a string
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22:54.24Mike-N-GoI need to sucure hook, othersiwe wise it is 'bugged'; when PickupContainerItem() is called when trying to apply an armor patch, it says it is blocked.
22:57.13Mike-N-GoThere is my current code.
22:57.53Mike-N-GoAnd sorry, it is indented in my text editor.
22:58.16foxlitWhat Tem said, Mike.
22:59.06foxlitYou need to pass a string containing the name of the function you wish to hook, not a reference to the function
22:59.28foxlitSo line 62 becomes hooksecurefunc("PickupContainerItem", AMD_PickupContainerItem)
22:59.47Mike-N-GoI tried that.
23:00.21Mike-N-GoWith and without quotes around PickupContainerItem
23:01.05foxlitYou're also directly hooking it next?
23:01.05foxlitfunction PickupContainerItem(bag,slot)  
23:01.13foxlitpretty much overwrites the real PCI
23:01.39foxlitAlso, when you run hooksecurefunc(PickupContainerItem, AMD_PickupContainerItem)  
23:01.49foxlitAMD_PickupContainerItem is nil
23:03.17Mike-N-GoOK.. I am not advanced enough to understand all of what you just said.
23:03.27foxlitI'll patch it up for you, just a sec
23:04.01abugpurl, slashdot
23:04.37Mike-N-GoThanks man.
23:05.17Mike-N-GoI am busy IRL, I have not used the small amount of time I have had to learn lau that well.
23:05.38foxlitmm, pastebin lags with all of that charcount javascript
23:05.46Mike-N-GoWith help, I made my first AddOn, that witch I linked to.
23:06.00Mike-N-GoTry another pastebin :)
23:06.51foxlitI am referring to pastey
23:09.20foxlitDid it work? :)
23:09.45foxlit"New Outlook Won't Use IE To Render HTML" what then?
23:10.09Insidewhat what? wow.
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23:11.26Mike-N-GoOh, oh, let me try it :)
23:11.35Mike-N-GoYup, it works.
23:12.45Mike-N-GoAnd, it allows me to apply an armor patch
23:12.51Mike-N-GoWhere it did not before.
23:13.14zenzelezzhrm, what's that macro to get the name of the frame under the (mouse) cursor again?
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23:14.58zenzelezzarr, found it... and I was so close =)
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23:17.09Mike-N-GoThanks foxlit.
23:17.47TemClearly, you didn't
23:18.03Temotherwise you wouldn't be here asking this question
23:18.19Temwhich, btw, you could have answered yourself by RTFM
23:18.54Mike-N-GoTem, who you talking to?
23:19.06zenzelezzI'm going to assume he's referring to my question
23:19.44zenzelezzand if he'd used a tiny bit of thought, he'd realize that RTFMing was the reason I found out; I had just been looking in the wrong place first :-p
23:22.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Garthnait (
23:23.27Garthnaithi guys
23:23.47abug~greet Garthnait
23:23.49purlACTION dumps a bucket of cold oatmeal on Garthnait
23:24.38GarthnaitI need some help to localize some points in my addon
23:25.02abugI know two klingon words
23:25.08abugthat's about it
23:26.37zenzelezz"Last updated 37 years ago"... now that's an old addon
23:27.41dukekuall of the best localization is done with babelfish
23:28.08zenzelezzGoogle Translate, just like everyone does their homework!
23:28.46zenzelezzGarthnait: do you need info on how to localize it, or with the actual language(s)?
23:28.56Garthnaiton how to localize
23:29.07zenzelezzthat rules me out then =)
23:29.42Garthnaitthat doesn't help me
23:29.49Garthnaitin this tut is nothing what can help me
23:30.33abugwhatcha need then?
23:31.38Garthnaitmy lua ( fired 2 Messages in line 13 and 14. The message GL_TEXT_WELCOME00 and 01 should defined in localization_enGB.lua but this doesn't work
23:31.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Caboose[FH] (
23:32.44abugare you sure the localization file is being loaded via your TOC or XML?
23:33.19Garthnaitxml: --- lua: --- localization_enGB:
23:36.36abugthere's an extra space in your xml file for   GodLike_OnLoad ();    That may just be from pasting though
23:38.18abugI take it your client is enGB?
23:38.21Garthnaitthanks, i think i found the failure. without "if getlocale ....." it works
23:38.38Garthnaityes i'm playing an enGB
23:39.04abugtry typing /script message(GetLocale())
23:39.31GarthnaitenUS mkay
23:39.44abugbeats me
23:40.26Garthnaitokay, now it works with "getlocal" thanks
23:40.33abuggood stuff
23:40.58foxlitAre there any reasons why <Size><AbsDimension x="32" y="32"/></Size> on a Texture may not be respected?
23:42.27abugSetAllPoints() is set on it? I dunno
23:42.52foxlitIt actually seems to return all the right dimensions through GetWidth/GetHeight, but if you solidfill it, it's huge!
23:43.24cladhairei know this is somewhat confusing
23:43.26cladhairebut HOW bad:
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23:44.34cladhaireabug: ... care to elaborate?
23:44.43abugnah I was kidding, looks fine
23:45.08foxlitI think I've got a better idea for class selection, though
23:45.17cladhairefoxlit: I'd love to hear it
23:45.22foxlitUse the 8 class icons as textures on small togglable buttons
23:45.42foxlitDesaturate them if they're off; display a golden border if they're on.
23:46.11cladhairebut I need to have the group selection there too =(
23:46.34foxlitSort of the same idea.
23:47.32foxlitIt's a bit more compact than the text-and-checkbox approach; if you're going for it, drop me a copy :)
23:47.55cladhairewell, the text and checkbox is fully localized, which I like
23:48.01cladhairethe graphics are language agnostic tho
23:48.24abugadd a tooltip when you hover over the icons?
23:48.31foxlitI use a pair of dropdowns at the moment.
23:48.50cladhairewell this can't be dropdowns, it needs to have multi-selection
23:49.05foxlitYou can do that too.
23:49.37foxlitchecked=(1|nil) controls the checkmark in the button definition for dropdowns
23:49.59foxlitSo you can have multiple checkmarks quite easily
23:50.14foxlitThen there's a UIDropDownFrame_SetText (or something like it) that you can use to customize the text that gets displayed
23:50.17cladhairewell TBH
23:50.23cladhairei'm not too concerned with being compact.
23:50.25cladhairei've got space
23:51.09foxlitTrue, true.
23:51.21cladhairei just adjusted the spacing on the checkboxes
23:51.23cladhaireit looks better
23:51.24cladhaire15x15 now.
23:53.15Mikmaanyone seen Clerks 2?
23:53.53Garthnaitwhy does that not work?
23:54.21Garthnaitthere must be a problem with GL_Version
23:54.28foxlitGot a question about anchors:
23:54.50foxlit(Essentially, can I anchor Icon1 like I'm doing in that piece of XML?)
23:55.51abuglawl guy gave me 10g because he liked my name
23:56.27abugew it's XML
23:56.30abugkeep it away
23:56.46hasteMikma: I have :3
23:56.59Mikmahaste: ok, you liked it.
23:57.04hasteMikma: It's not as good as Clerks 1, but still very entertaining
23:57.19Mikmahaste: i haven't seen clerks 1 but i do wanna see it now :)
23:57.20sylvanaarcladhaire: im sure you get asked alot - do you hvae any idea why my raidframes lose their clickablity until i cast from the action bar
23:57.29hasteMikma: watch clerks one first imo
23:57.31cladhairesylvanaar: What raid frames?
23:57.38Mikmahaste: tooooooo late :)
23:57.40sylvanaarcladhaire: x-perl
23:57.46hasteMikma: fail!
23:57.58cladhairesylvanaar: No idea.. I've heard "reports".... this is with the latest Clique?
23:58.02cladhairecause that's an issue if so
23:58.14Mikmahaste: ass and fail, that's me :)
23:58.19sylvanaarlet me make sure

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