irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070111

00:00.06EndRunesSetup gets called before VARIABLES_LOADED fires
00:00.30Matholumso addon loaded == bad?
00:00.30End(since it runs OnShow)
00:00.58foxlitJust shove a if (not RunesConfig) then return end into it.
00:01.05Matholumthe config frame is hidden at start... shown through my on addon loaded code
00:01.07Endoh wait
00:01.13Endyeah yeah I see that now
00:01.37EndADDON_LOADED does occur after VARIABLES_LOADED
00:01.39EndI think
00:01.46Endsomeone should confirm or deny that
00:02.07VoidRaideryeah it does
00:02.15foxlitMove variables init to VARIABLES_LOADED anyway
00:02.22foxlitMakes more sense :)
00:02.31Endyes, it does make more sense there
00:02.44VoidRaiderADDON_LOADED occurs after OnLoad
00:02.54Matholumok ^_^
00:03.16kergothi was always under the impression that ADDON_LOADED meant your addon's savedvars were loaded.  no point waiting for VARIABLES_LOADED unless you need the vars of all the addons to be loaded to proceed
00:03.17Matholum(i don't remember who said variables_loaded was bad... use addon... -_-)
00:03.22Mr_Rabies2world server crash
00:05.22Endthe wiki does says it's ADDON_LOADED first
00:05.37VoidRaiderWell there's few more events that are used after the VARIABLES_LOADED. PLAYER_LOGIN, PLAYER_ENTER_WORLD :)
00:05.37foxlitThat triggers once for every addon too.
00:05.44VoidRaideryup :D
00:07.06VoidRaiderSo you must check if it's your addon is the one that was loaded and then do things, or similarly other addon if you need it :P
00:07.31Matholumok... this is interesting.... i copied the line in showme at the end of RunesDefaults, and it didn't work either
00:08.06Matholumbut that function does run
00:08.24VoidRaiderThat never happens though 'RunesConfig[value.cvar]=value.initialValue;'
00:08.53Matholumone sec... looking
00:09.11VoidRaiderRunesConfig has not entry called "CONVERT_TYPING"
00:10.06VoidRaidertherefor if(not RunesConfig[value.cvar]) then... is never equal to true
00:10.13Matholumthe loop runs.... i stuck this in it and got "convert_typing"...
00:10.46VoidRaiderMate it doesn't exist :)
00:10.56foxliter, Void.
00:11.03foxlitRunesConfig[value.cvar] == nil
00:11.07foxlitnot nil == true
00:11.15foxlitif (true) then -- this execs
00:11.20VoidRaiderah true :P
00:11.24VoidRaiderMy bad :)
00:11.27Matholumi am so confused
00:11.43VoidRaiderNah it's my mistake *ignore* :P
00:11.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley` (n=narg@
00:11.56Matholumbut i still dunno what is wrong
00:11.57*** join/#wowi-lounge [Cu]Werik (
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00:12.39foxlitSuggestion: insert DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage() at strategic locations to check what runs and what doesn't.
00:13.08Matholumthat is what i am doing now...
00:14.15foxlitSo, hrm, Coke Zero is launching in denmark.
00:14.38foxlit(long live the whois directory that told me that :P)
00:15.45*** part/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
00:15.54VoidRaiderit seems fine though :) ... Maybe you already initialized RunesConfig and then changed few things in your code and this condition is never true ? if(not RunesConfig) then
00:16.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Insaclone (
00:17.12VoidRaiderWhen you're at the login screen try to delete the SavedVariables of your addon and try again, see what happens ?
00:17.27a-stray-catis curse login down?
00:18.23Matholumhow do you do that?
00:20.19VoidRaiderGo to .:\World of Warcraft Installation Folder\WTF\Account\ACCOUNT_NAME\Realm\Char_Name\SavedVariables
00:21.03VoidRaideror .:\World of Warcraft Installation Folder\WTF\Account\ACCOUNT_NAME\SavedVariables
00:21.03Matholumoh.. ok...
00:21.03Matholumi think i found the problem...
00:21.13VoidRaiderWhat was it ? :)
00:21.29Matholumit can't get value.initialValue
00:21.45Matholumshould my t/f be a string?
00:22.32VoidRaiderit should be a string or a number
00:23.08Matholumok... i will make it 1/0
00:23.18TC_WorkingSnicker @ canadians
00:24.34VoidRaideryeah that probably the problem, you're trying to use a boolean value to set your table there :)
00:24.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Saka (
00:25.03*** part/#wowi-lounge Saka (
00:25.46Matholumok... the table outputs in the defaults... but it isn't global so the last part errors... but it is closer now
00:26.31Matholum./dump works now
00:26.45*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
00:27.36Matholumdoes the dump mean it is working?
00:28.27Matholumok... showme works... i dunno why that isn't
00:29.18Matholumthat is the problem... but i dunno why
00:32.06VoidRaiderAlso don't use values to set a table name or index, if you would set your 3rd var to 1/0 that will result the following check_btns["CONVERT_TYPING"][1] and will throw either an error if 0 as an index or 1 a bug that will cause your first table item's value to be erased and overridden by the 3rd variable of your table
00:33.08VoidRaiderYou wanted to use initialValue=1 aight ?
00:33.43*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (
00:33.46VoidRaiderLets steps into the loop
00:34.11JoshBorkeis that how you do the hokey pokey?
00:34.24Nomad_Wandereranyone having problems setting the raidleader?
00:34.32Nomad_Wandererit looks like the blizzard UI is bugged?
00:34.35KirovNomad_Wanderer - yes
00:34.40Nomad_Wandererany known workarounds/
00:35.44Matholumwho was it that said i was doing 2 funtions that did almost the same thing?
00:36.09VoidRaiderI am
00:36.36Matholumyou were absolutely right and should have told me i was stupid....
00:36.49Matholumthe defaults loaded after the other because of that
00:36.58Nomad_WandererWe made the mistake of disbanding in naxx, and reforming.
00:37.00VoidRaiderHmm stupid Oo :/
00:37.07VoidRaiderYou're not stupid mate
00:37.08Nomad_Wandererthe count didnot stop.. teleported everyone to IF
00:37.17Matholumlol... thanks
00:37.57Matholumi looked over at the part and it clicked... then i was like "why on earth did i do that?"
00:37.57Matholumi am testing now
00:37.57cladhaireNom-: sup?
00:37.57Cidehmm, can someone pastey the new WorldMapFrame.lua file? damn addon kit hates me
00:38.06VoidRaiderYeah I can do that 1 sec
00:38.14JoshBorkeCide: no wdn?
00:38.18Cidenot up yet
00:38.28zenzioI wonder what the level 60 BGs will be like from Wednesday
00:39.01VoidRaiderHasn't changed Cide
00:39.10Matholumah! so i really wasn't as stupid as it seams!
00:39.13Matholumone sec
00:39.13Cideit must have
00:39.17Nom-cladhaire: r70 of PRaid SVN is broke
00:39.25Nom-I wish I'd saved the error messages, :(
00:39.25Matholum(i took out the show part and it still ran!)
00:39.27Cideseeing as I'm getting bugs with CT_MapMod that were not there pre-patch
00:39.47Nom-I don't know if you've updated it again, but it was the features you added the other day when I was here
00:39.52VoidRaiderNo it hasn't I'm checking the Patch.MPQ
00:39.56Matholumno way....
00:40.01Cidewell something changed
00:40.13Matholumnow i am stupid
00:40.28Nomad_Wandererany hints on the bugged raidleader thing in the default UI>?
00:40.50zenzio"working internally"
00:40.54zenziobroke on live
00:41.10Nomad_Wandereris there any workaround?
00:41.26Matholumit works now!!! i will post the good code for you guys to see... ^_^... of course forgetting the stupid xml error
00:41.27cladhaireNom-: Yeah.. so don't use svn
00:41.31VoidRaiderI once told, these who afraid to ask are stupids these who wants to learn and do ask aren't
00:41.36cladhaireyou'd need the most recent dongle
00:41.39cladhairewhich isn't released
00:43.43Matholumthanks for all the help!
00:43.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
00:43.53VoidRaiderno prob :D
00:44.31Nom-ah lol
00:45.33Matholumawsome... but i have to go now....
00:45.35VoidRaiderI suggest you to use a namespace such as local Runes = { };
00:45.46VoidRaiderok z-ya :)
00:45.59Matholumwait... i can stay on for a min
00:46.05Matholumwhat you mean?
00:46.21VoidRaiderOn the top of your file
00:46.23Matholumwhat would that be for?
00:46.58Matholuminstead od check_btns?
00:46.59ScytheBlade1function AB_Blah(arg1, arg2=nil)
00:47.02Nom-lol wowi getting hammered due to new patch again?
00:47.02ScytheBlade1Is that valid?
00:47.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
00:47.36VoidRaiderAdd that local Runes = { }; and then use the following syntax for variables and functions you want to use, function Runes.Blah() end or a variable Runes.Var1 = "Something"
00:47.44kergothScytheBlade1: first of all, if an argument isnt passed, its nil anyway. second, you dont supply default values to arguments like that in lua, this isnt c++
00:48.07Matholumoh... so that i don't leak into the globals ^_^
00:48.09zenziobut it should be! ,-o
00:48.15Nom-I did ask the other day, is it the php creating load, or the amount of traffic?
00:48.15ScytheBlade1kergoth, I didn't know that first little bit there, which explains a lot
00:48.17VoidRaideryeah :)
00:48.25Nom-Or does nooone know :)
00:48.28ScytheBlade1And that's actually a PHP habit of mine ;P
00:48.53Matholumok... when i overhaul my table.foreach's... i will do that too... i like that format anyways ^_^
00:49.13Matholumkk... cya later! i gotta goto work soon -_-
00:49.17VoidRaiderz-ya :D
00:49.34MatholumFedEx from 8:30-12:30pm... huh
00:49.51Matholumi mean 8pm-12am
00:50.01Nom-coz as i said the other day, i could probably arrange for the mod files to be hosted by our games guys here :)
00:50.41Tierrie|Workquick Cairenn! to the super duper low bandwidth mode
00:52.01zenziohey, it's not low bandwidth mode, Cairenn just decided not to shut out all the lynx users
00:52.34Nom-Well, we mirror gamershell, and I know the games guy was asking for more stuff to mirror the other day lol
00:53.19Nom-You know you want some of this 1Gbps phat link
00:53.31CairennNom-: sorry, missed your comments
00:53.32cladhairezenzio: lynx ftw
00:53.38zenzioTierrie: "Result:   Failed validation, 3 errors"
00:53.41CairennNom-: you need to talk to Dolby-wowi :)
00:53.48cladhaireIs anyone here having issues with garbage collection?
00:53.55cladhairei.e. constantly rising memory?
00:53.59cladhairenever dropping back down?
00:54.55Tierrie|Worksorry zenzio
00:55.14Tierrie|Workhere's a fix <a href="">click here 2 fix validation errors</a>
00:55.47Nom-Read up a bit...was asking if the slowness is PHP load related or bandwidth related
00:55.50Tierrie|Worki think the image is taken down years ago
00:56.15Dolby-wowiand just sheer amount of
00:56.23zenzioleik go ASP !!1
00:56.28Nom-fair enough, thought it may be that
00:56.41Nom-In which case, a mirror for files won't really help
00:57.02Dolby-wowiaye, all file downloads are offloaded onto our fs2
00:57.14Dolby-wowijust to free up the httpd for browseing the site
00:58.19Nom-Fair enough .. I guess our games guy is never going to fill this last TB or two
00:58.19Tierrie|Workyou should totally host music videos on fs2
00:59.29Nom-ooo maybe he did
00:59.30Nom-Total Capacity: 2.93 TB
00:59.30Nom-Currently Used: 2.72 TB
00:59.30zenzio -- so... did Wildhammer ever give any items for getting reputation with them?
00:59.30Nom-Current Upload: 8.32 MB/s
00:59.57Nom-there was nearly a TB last night, he must have found something new to mirror lol
01:00.29JoshBorkewereHamster: you here?
01:00.38cladhairezenzio: No
01:00.43cladhairethey were going to do somethign with it
01:00.46cladhairebut they cut it
01:00.51wereHamsterJoshBorke, partially
01:01.01wereHamstera qaurte of me.. or maybe even less
01:01.12JoshBorkewereHamster: coolDown:Show() doesn't work for the new coolDown
01:01.19JoshBorketo move it, did it change?
01:02.08wereHamsterJoshBorke, doesn't it work using IFM?
01:03.10Corrodiassomebody needs to edit this page to indicate how some Star Trek fans don't consider the series Enterprise to be canon, and thus consider evidence from it to be invalid.
01:03.18Corrodiasi don't know how to put it... eloquently.
01:03.22JoshBorkehm, haven't checked
01:04.45Mr_Rabies2"ENTERPRISE SUCKS KIRK IS THE ONLY REAL CAPTAIN" over and over seems pretty eloquent
01:05.26Corrodiasalright, i'll do it myself
01:05.36wereHamsterJoshBorke, have to install the patch first..
01:05.38Corrodiashopefully some other, more experienced writer will see my attempt and clean it up rather than just delete it
01:05.52Mr_Rabies2heh, doubtful
01:05.59Mr_Rabies2you'll probably start a nerdwar
01:06.03Mr_Rabies2on the discussion page
01:06.27Corrodiaseven better
01:06.50Mr_Rabies2man herbalism suuuucks to level
01:07.15zenzioI did 1-300 in some hours, can't remember exactly
01:07.30zenziogranted I watched TV while doing it
01:07.38*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (
01:07.50Corrodiasit's not so bad if you have a mount and a general idea of where to find herbs of your level. :/
01:08.07CorrodiasSTV has a lot of low-mid-level herbs i think
01:08.12sysragewhat mod shows memory usage?
01:08.22zenziolike I said yesterday, I started in the startup zone and just moved up step by step as they turned green/grey
01:08.25zenziowas easy enough
01:09.24*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
01:09.31KirkburnMr_Rabies2, note that my alt IRC name is Picaburn :) Perhaps my 2nd alt should be Archburn?
01:10.53kasoi feel slightly silly for asking this, but, can someone help be with this example, (question is in the comments)
01:11.05Mr_Rabies2i'm not a big fan of the 'trek so i don't really get that either :p
01:11.35Mr_Rabies2i watch the original series and TNG occasionally, but thats about it
01:11.38wereHamsterJoshBorke, coolDown:Show() does work.. it does what it should do
01:11.52wereHamsterthere's just no frame.. and empty, invisible frame
01:12.04wereHamsterno backdrop, no border etc
01:13.06cladhaire****** AHEM ******
01:13.26ZealotOnAStickCairenn, you about?
01:13.47*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Cairenn!] by cladhaire (cladhaire)
01:14.13JoshBorkehrm.  using the wowace version?
01:14.17JoshBorkei don't get a frame shown
01:14.27JoshBorkein the coolDown.lua code, coolDown is defined without a backdrop or anything...
01:14.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
01:14.28*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
01:14.34wereHamster.. because there is no (visible) frame
01:14.37cladhairelol =)
01:14.41Enduh oh, Cairenn is here, stop the party
01:14.51JoshBorkeerm, how do i move it then?
01:14.54Endso my time ran out
01:14.56JoshBorkeoh, IFM
01:14.56Endin WoW
01:15.03Endbut I can still logon to beta
01:15.06wereHamstercoolDown depends on it, so you should have that installed
01:15.10JoshBorkei do
01:15.12Endguess I can still work on my addons!
01:15.26zenzio"Cisco Sues Apple Over iPhone Trademark" -- haha, go Cisco
01:15.36Nom-lol srsly ?
01:15.42wereHamsterIIRC '/ifm start' and '/ifm stop' still works
01:15.44zenzio"It appears that Apple may be running out of items that they can prefix with the letter "i". Cisco is suing Apple over trademark infringement. Cisco claims to own the rights to the "iPhone" trademark since they purchased Infogear in 2000. Infogear filed for the rights to the trademark in 1996."
01:16.14sysragewhere you reading that? cisco offered them a deal to license it from them this morning
01:16.31wereHamsterhard to believe that apple's legal department didn't check the name before
01:16.35JoshBorkeok, thanks
01:16.57cladhairecisco bougth a company which had registered the trademark
01:16.59zenziosysrage: Slashdot
01:17.03cladhairewith no prior use of it, i believe
01:17.07Corrodiasi edited the page! woo!
01:17.11cladhaireso Apple has a reasonable case :P
01:17.39Corrodias"prior use" is a term that refers to evidence that someone thought of the name before the trademark was registered
01:18.36Corrodiasthat is, if Apple produced an iPhone without registering the trademark, then Infogear registered it, Apple would have a case to use the "prior use" concept. However, i don't know if this applies to Trademarks. It may only be patents or copyrights.
01:18.44Kirovbut there's already an iPhone on the market from linksys
01:18.54Kirov(Cisco owned company)
01:18.55cladhaireits sticky
01:18.56cladhairebtu it'll be fun
01:18.57Nom-They did
01:19.01ZealotOnAStickok, now I'm getting the key bindings randomly deciding to not work with bongos deal.  :/
01:19.08Nom-according to the artcile Apple has been in negotiations with them for months
01:19.08EndI didnt even realize prior use applied to trademarks
01:19.22Nom-Cisco said Tuesday it had been negotiating for several years with Apple over a licensing agreement, but that Apple lawyers had not signed and returned the final contract.
01:19.42KirovApple owns the iPhone trademark in Australia
01:19.44cladhaireheheh fun
01:19.45Kirovand only Australia
01:20.00zenziopfft, only aussies would want an iPhone anyway
01:20.17Nom-iPhone is sexy
01:20.19Nom-Everyone will want one
01:20.43KirovApple has tried to go after people who sell "iSomething" products in the past, and lost every one.
01:20.51KirovSo I've no idea what they're going to do here.
01:21.20KiroviRiver in particular was a big one, even though they don't have "iSomething" products any more won the case against Apple
01:21.21Corrodiasyou can't trademark the concept of prefixing things with an 'i'
01:21.39KiroviRiver showed they released "i" products way before Apple did
01:21.55Corrodiaswe're still working on the iTank
01:22.40ZealotOnAStick~seen tuller
01:22.59purltuller <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 6h 24m 25s ago, saying: 'at least it does for me'.
01:22.59Kirovneed one for rogues, iDie
01:22.59PProvostiHealAndTank :)
01:22.59zenzioworks for mages too
01:23.05Kirovzenzio - hunter?
01:23.08wereHamsterI like 'iSomething' ...
01:23.17zenzioKirov: warrior actually
01:23.33zenzioeasier that way, I'm close to the mob anyway
01:26.13Tierrie|Worki don't want any normal mages, I want an iMage and an iPriest
01:26.52Tierrie|Workand is now bored
01:27.02Tierrie|Workdance little hamsters!
01:27.27Tierrie|Workheh that's ironic I didn't know there was a hamster here
01:27.38Tierrie|Workand by ironic i meant amusing
01:27.40Tierrie|Worknot ironic
01:27.48Tierrie|Workthe worlds are like, right next to each other
01:28.07zenziointeresting, there's tons of hamster dance websites now o_O
01:28.13zenzioI thought they'd die eventually
01:28.39wereHamsterdid I read that right?
01:28.47zenziowell, the hamster dance wasn't that fun
01:29.25wereHamsterI didn't see the dance..
01:29.38zenziogoogle for "hamster dance"
01:29.53KirkburnMr_Rabies2, I am disappointed in you :/
01:30.40Corrodiashampster dance.
01:30.50Corrodiasit had a 'p', which was party of the amusement
01:31.04TC_Workingi missed the song, it was great for pissing ppl off
01:31.25Mr_Rabies2<Kirkburn> Mr_Rabies2, I am disappointed in you :/
01:31.29zenzioCorrodias: not for people around here, we only liked it for the animated pictures and the song
01:31.50zenziopotentially typoed English stuff isn't so much a blast here as it is in... well, English-speaking countries
01:32.05Kirkburn<Mr_Rabies2> i'm not a big fan of the 'trek so i don't really get that either :p
01:32.32KirkburnHampster? HamPster? rawr
01:32.43Tierrie|Workthe only thing cooler then Hamsters are Ferrets
01:32.54kergothferrets rock, anyone who's seen beastmaster knows that
01:32.59Tierrie|Workbecause Ferrets are hamsters that were squeezed too hard
01:33.01Mr_Rabies2not a big fan not meaning i don't like it, i'm just not obsessed with it :p
01:33.11Tierrie|Work(please don't squeeze your hamster I am kidding)
01:33.26Mr_Rabies2i saw some asian otters at the nearby aquarium
01:33.36Mr_Rabies2they were awesome, they were in an otterpile
01:33.37KirkburnCorrodias, godammit, it  _is_ spelt like that :/
01:34.11Tierrie|Workotters are funny, especially when they have cybernetic implants and want to "KILL THE FUTURECHILD AND EAT HIS ENTRAILS ON MY TUMMY"
01:34.24Mr_Rabies2these were smaller than those kind
01:34.29Mr_Rabies2ferret sized
01:34.29Tierrie|Workoh right, timechild
01:34.32wereHamsterthe hamster dance is just a song, isn't it?
01:34.41zenzioyou will all regret praising hamsters and ferrets when the squirrel revolution comes, mark my words!
01:34.56Mr_Rabies2but they had some of the more domesticy otters, they were pretty cool too, but the asian ones were like little aquaferrets
01:34.56Tierrie|WorkI for one, hail our ferret overlords
01:34.57zenziowereHamster: no, read the wikipedia link
01:36.11Corrodias"Until March 1999, only 800 visits were recorded (about 4 per day), but without warning, that jumped to 15,000 per day."
01:36.30zenziogood old GeoCities
01:36.43zenzioI remember when every other page you visited was on GeoCities
01:36.46Mr_Rabies2is pretty much a copy of the one i rememebr
01:36.50Corrodiasme too
01:36.57zenzioaye Rabies
01:37.29Corrodiasnothing like a geocities page to show you just how horrible animated gifs, frames, backgrounds, fonts, and music can make the web.
01:37.59Corrodiasnothing like a geocities page to show you just how animated gifs, frames, backgrounds, fonts, and music can make the web a horrible place.
01:41.15Corrodias is a fun one, but even MORE fun is
01:42.09Mr_Rabies2i alt tab out of wow and my resolution drops to like 640x480 in 4 color
01:45.12qshadowpCorrodias i like your internet phenomenons ;p
01:45.20Mr_Rabies2has always been a favorite of mine
01:46.17Corrodiashmph. actually, the shock sites article isn't what i was looking for
01:46.27kasocan someone help me with this, i feel stupid but im pulling my hair out.
01:46.29Corrodiasthere's another kind of thing where you try to scare somebody, and THAT article had a long list of them
01:48.50zenziothe flash crap that makes you stare at it "looking for something missing" or whatever and then switch them with a loud sound?
01:50.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
01:50.37Corrodiasthat's it
01:50.55Mr_Rabies2 aqua teen hunger force episode in reality!
01:51.06Mr_Rabies2don't go there unless you like popups btw
01:51.16Corrodiasit seems the "shock site" article is having trouble with peopl arguing back and forth -- some claim that everything needs a "reliable source", while others are proclaiming frustration because they don't know what a "source" is supposed to be in this case
01:51.18zenziowhat's a popup?
01:51.26Corrodiasand the former are in no hurry to explain because it would reduce their ability to be elitist
01:51.31Nom-I need some good ideas for lunch
01:51.33zenzio(a.k.a. don't you guys use popup blockers?)
01:51.44Mr_Rabies2i use firefox and adblock
01:51.54Mr_Rabies2but turn it off for that site if you want to have fun :p
01:51.56Nom-Thai Green Curry sounds good maybe :)
01:52.03Mr_Rabies2it's all comedy popups in like the episode
01:53.09Mr_Rabies2dear god man they wouldn't stop
01:54.28Garoun|LoupanaI swear chatframe.lua is the bane of my existence when it comes to my macros and mods :P
01:55.05cladhairehehe, well with the bugs atm.. yeah
01:55.27Mr_Rabies2logins disabled on curse i guess?
01:55.45Garoun|LoupanaI didn't test last night so I didn't catch it, and I managed to hit the one with modifier:ctrl back in beta.. curse you macros.. curse you!
01:56.05Garoun|Loupanabut as a druid they help reduce needed bars considerably, so I can't do without them
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01:56.25CorrodiasWikipedia used to have a great list of screamers and shock sites, but unfortunately due to "quality standards" and "what wikipedia is supposed to be" policies, it doesn't any more
01:57.10Mr_Rabies2corr: hence the problem with wikipedia
01:57.27Mr_Rabies2it's slowly destroying itself with its own policies
01:57.43Garoun|Loupanadid they ever fix the druid abilities with double () used in a macro?
01:57.52Mr_Rabies2not that i know of garoun
01:58.00Garoun|Loupanableh, oh well :)
01:58.03Mr_Rabies2Mangle (Cat)(Rank 2)
01:58.14Garoun|Loupanayeah I use Mangle (Cat)() right now
01:58.14Mr_Rabies2Faerie Fire (Feral)(Rank 4)
01:58.15Mr_Rabies2good times
01:58.18Corrodiasyou can just use Mangle, can't you?
01:58.19Garoun|Loupanabut it looks ugly :x
01:58.25Corrodiasyou only have one rank of the thing at a time
01:58.34Garoun|Loupanait has problems with teh two sets of ()
01:58.37Mr_Rabies2maybe in 2.0.3
01:58.43Garoun|LoupanaI'll try now I guess
01:58.49Mr_Rabies2but in 2.0.1 you had to have (Rank 2)
01:58.54Corrodiaswhen i wrote my Ferocious Bite / Ravage macro, i just used "Ferocious Bite" and "Ravage"
01:58.56Mr_Rabies2() wouldn't work either
01:59.01Mr_Rabies2cause they don't have (Cat)
01:59.05Mr_Rabies2or (Feral
01:59.08Mr_Rabies2or (Feral)
01:59.11Mr_Rabies2or (Bear)
01:59.27Corrodiasonce again, WoW bites us in the ass with its insistence that we use strings for everything
01:59.41Garoun|Loupananope not fixed
01:59.50Garoun|Loupanastill have to have at minimum Mangle (Bear)()
02:00.49Mr_Rabies2does Faerie Fire (Feral)() work?
02:00.53Mr_Rabies2it wouldn't work in 2.0.1
02:01.11Mr_Rabies2i'd hate to have to keep uodating ranks
02:01.31Garoun|Loupanayeah that still works
02:01.39Garoun|Loupanaand Faerie Fire for caster form
02:02.27Garoun|LoupanaI've been using /cast [stance] Faerie Fire (Feral)();Faerie Fire for a while now
02:02.52Mr_Rabies2i just had them on hotkey 9 on every bar
02:03.08Mr_Rabies2i don't even hit it most of the time, i have it in my castsequence easymode macro
02:03.09Garoun|Loupanaah :)
02:04.05Mr_Rabies2/castsequence [nostealth] reset=8 Faerie Fire (Feral)(), Mangle (Cat)(), Mangle (Cat)(), Mangle (Cat)()
02:04.25Mr_Rabies2/cast [stealth] Pounce
02:14.57[Liq]Is "The Forlorn Cavern" in Ironforge a Cave or a Tunnel?
02:15.40cladhaireits a cavern
02:16.23kasoIs it even possible for me to make a value copy of a variable, rather than a by reference/pointer/whatever its called in lua
02:18.35Corrodiasi really don't know!
02:18.48Corrodiasjava has a few value-copy primitives, but i don't know if Lua does
02:18.54kasowonderful, how?
02:18.59cladhairewhat type of variable?
02:19.09cladhairei.e. what is stored in it?
02:19.19kasoa table with strings and ints
02:19.29cladhairethen you would need to deepcopy it
02:19.40cladhairea recursive table copy, only recursing on tables
02:19.51cladhairefunctions would be copied by reference
02:19.59cladhaireso no, no primitives, easy to do, yeah =)
02:20.02Endif it's only strings or ints, it need not be recursive
02:20.18kasowell its a table full or tables with have strings and ints i meant
02:20.59kasodamnit i was hoping for some easy VB style ByVal pass :<
02:21.02cladhairethe last function there is a table copy
02:25.21*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
02:29.21Corrodiaswhat is <PREFIX>?
02:29.28cladhairein what case?
02:30.23Corrodiasthe table functions um.. uh.. examples.
02:30.33cladhairejust somethign for you to put in
02:30.43cladhaireit expects you to use my_mod_functionname
02:30.50cladhairewhere <prefix> is my_mod
02:30.55Corrodiasi see
02:32.21kahdgarxianyone here know of a good vent/webhosting site?
02:32.30cladhairewhich do you nee,d both?
02:33.10kahdgarxii've used nrgservers in the past, their actual hosting isn't bad, but their service sucks
02:33.13cladhaireI had good experience with:
02:33.22cladhairewell, one of their parent companies, but same deal
02:33.49EndI get put in combat a lot while standing on the outlands side of the portal
02:33.50kahdgarxii'll check it out, thanks clad :)
02:34.02cladhaireEnd: Yeah, a bug they can't fix atm =)
02:34.10cladhairefly to HH or Thrallmar =)
02:34.25Endit's not a problem except when I need to logout
02:34.33cladhairecfly to HH/Thrallmar
02:34.42Tierrie|Workhop back to blasted lands
02:34.44Tierrie|Worklog out there
02:34.47Endthe next part will need me at the portal :P
02:34.56cladhaireso port through =)
02:34.59cladhaireis the event on the other side? =)
02:35.27Endgod this side of the portal is so big
02:35.46Endno, no event here
02:35.51*** join/#wowi-lounge hyperChipmunk (
02:36.10cladhairewe had fun with the portal last night =)
02:36.26Endarg, apparently it is still not seeing my texture!
02:36.44[Liq]Is The Forlorn Cavern a Cave or a Tunnel?
02:37.15Endmy size isn't right
02:37.32End25x25 make a valid texture it does not
02:37.38cladhairehehe nope =)
02:37.59kahdgarxicladhaire - does ecgnetwork do webhosting with their vent hosting?
02:38.07cladhaireone of their parents does.
02:38.12cladhairebtu you can ask
02:38.28cladhairei cancelled my VPS with them todyA
02:38.35cladhaireso i have their sites in an email handy, =)
02:38.42cladhairethey were great to deal with, tho
02:40.03Nom-3 cheers for data exports
02:41.19cladhaireA human paladin just drove by
02:41.22cladhaireon the draenai mount
02:41.35cladhairedude.. its an elephant, that's driving =)
02:41.43Endgood point
02:41.53Corrodiasthose dranei chicks are hot.
02:42.05Corrodiascan the horde trade our cows for those dranei?
02:42.10cladhairelove the russian accent
02:42.13JoshBorkelol clad
02:42.18Corrodiasjust kidding. i've much rather ditch trolls.
02:43.55JoshBorkethat is an awesome pic
02:44.03cladhaireso cute
02:44.25cladhairecuter =)
02:45.27Corrodiasoh sure, they'll cuddle each other but won't go anywhere near the poor shaven apes
02:45.32Corrodiasdamn wildlife
02:46.06Corrodiasi take it the title refers to Disney characters?
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02:58.41TainI saw that Bambi/Thumper one a copule of days ago and it nearly melted my eyes with cute.
02:59.49Endthat's why you wear goggles
03:00.10Corrodiasin the "Amok Time" article in Wikipedia: The magazine TV Guide summarised this episode with the double-entendre "Mr. Spock succumbs to a powerful mating urge and nearly kills Captain Kirk".
03:00.44Tierrie|WorkTain: have you see
03:02.30Tierrie|WorkCorrodias: the vulcan erection is a powerful thing
03:02.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
03:04.29Corrodiasi have now officially made two edits to the Pon Farr article. i feel almost smart.
03:04.31TainYes I've been assaulted by the cuteoverload as well.
03:05.15CairennZealotOnAStick: transferred
03:05.50TainOoooh tainted code ooooooh tainted code
03:06.02Endmore like TAINted
03:06.10Endwho is this tain ted fellow anyways?
03:08.07TainI'm not sure, but the Sixteen Men of Tain make a fine scotch.
03:09.41wereHamsteris every bar in australia names "susan's"?
03:11.02TheStigthat's what he said
03:12.02Corrodiasthat's a feature of purl
03:12.17Corrodiass/purl/the greatest bot ever
03:12.26Corrodiasalthoug he doesn't like me
03:12.32Corrodiasbut that WOULD be the syntax
03:12.35TheStigohh haha
03:12.42ZealotOnAStickthanks Cairenn
03:12.47Corrodiasexcept for i suppose i missed the final slash (/)
03:12.55Mr_Rabies2what the
03:13.00Corrodias*that, not for. jesus chrst i'm bad.
03:13.04TheStigIs every bar in America names "Joe's"?
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03:13.13TheStigwtf it didn't do it to me
03:13.28Corrodiashe specifically requested it with the s/old/new/ thing
03:13.33Corrodiaslet's see if i can make it work...
03:14.13TheStigwtf it didn't do it for me
03:14.14wereHamsterTheStig, the s/old/new/ thing only applies to the last sentense you said
03:14.30wereHamstertailing '/'
03:14.38kahdgarxiit only works with the slash at the end
03:14.45TheStigohh duh
03:14.59TheStigLet's see if I can make it work also.
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03:16.12KirkburnTierrie|Work, my new wallpaper:
03:22.43Endinteresting error
03:22.48End"Character not found"
03:23.38kahdgarxiEnd - your acount has been deleted, have a nice day
03:23.45kahdgarxiwe apologize for any inconvenience
03:23.58Mr_Rabies2i got attacked by a mob while mounted, lagged, then lag broke and i was still mounted
03:24.05Mr_Rabies2i check my combat log and i got dazed during the attack
03:24.10Mr_Rabies2but stayed mounted :O
03:24.31Endapparently others have had this error
03:24.34Corrodiaswell, there you go. hack it up.
03:25.00Endwell, I created a new character, and now I'm getting it with that too
03:25.15Mr_Rabies2i discovered the shaman "right click the sentry totem buff while you're flying to move at flight speed on foot" exploit a while ago
03:25.27Mr_Rabies2i used it to leap over southshore and run around before relogging
03:26.08Mr_Rabies2couple months after i found it out on accident, i saw it posted all over various exploiting sites
03:27.21Mr_Rabies2no, i don't browse them normally, but a friend gave me a link to some random one and i looked around the site
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03:32.40Tainhah wow, some EB stores will be open at midnight so you can buy your TBC and go home and play immediately.
03:32.52cladhaireeff them
03:32.57cladhairei can go get my regular edition
03:32.59TainHoly crap a lot of them are going to be open.
03:33.01cladhairebut i have to wait for my colectors
03:33.37TainIncluding one 3 miles from me.  Not that I'd go.  But that's insane.
03:33.55Mr_Rabies2heh my nearby one is
03:34.00Mr_Rabies2i doubt anyone will be there too
03:34.40KirkburnI wonder if any will be open in Bristol
03:34.52KirkburnI have a CE on order from HMV, but I don't trust them
03:34.52TainI sort of doubt the one near me would be busy, my area is not a very residential area, it is mostly businesses and the rural areas are a bit away.
03:35.55KirkburnI was so excited, Bristol is on that AMERICAN list. Not the real Bristol :/
03:37.06Mr_Rabies2i was trying to find a way to merge geography and owned but i'm stumped
03:37.08KirkburnHey, the BBC is running a compo to win TBC
03:37.45KirkburnKinda hard though -
03:39.55Mr_Rabies2not really
03:40.06Mr_Rabies2i can help you out since i'm in the us and thus most likely not eligible
03:44.18End#6 looks like stubbs the zombie
03:45.46TainJust read someone saying Razorgore was bugged for them and spawns never stopped, they kept coming the whole time even fighting Razor and after Razorgore died.
03:46.40TainPretty funny.  haha
03:46.47Endthat fight annoys me as is :P
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03:47.01TainYeah no kidding.
03:48.15kahdgarxihow much does epic mount training cost now?
03:48.25Neuro_Medivhwith no discount
03:48.42kahdgarxii thought they changed it with this patch
03:48.44Neuro_Medivhflying mount will cost an additional 800
03:48.54Neuro_Medivhnot that I'm aware
03:49.55Mr_Rabies2it's 540
03:49.56Mr_Rabies2at honored
03:50.12Endflying or epic?
03:50.19Mr_Rabies2running epic
03:50.32Neuro_Medivhso maybe it's 600 base
03:50.43kahdgarxithat would make sense
03:51.15Mr_Rabies2i win@math
03:51.19Endthe maths!
03:51.38Mr_Rabies2i'm not english or possibly canadian
03:51.41Mr_Rabies2so it's just math
03:53.42Garoun|Loupanaonly took me an hour, but I finally understand how Maul did Trinity sigh
03:54.10Garoun|LoupanaMaul = the trinity bars developer :)
03:54.39Garoun|LoupanaI was screwing with bar headers and a lot of them were wrong on initial load
03:55.40Nom-mmm green chicken curry
03:56.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=mjgoosse@
03:59.43Nom-this place makes the most awesome green chicken curry in all of perth
04:14.07wereHamsterhaha.. 'Women remember, Steve. It's like they've got minds of their own'
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04:17.55Tullerso things to not do at startup, SecureStateHeader_Refresh(UIParent) by accident
04:18.11Tullerthat one required an alt+f4 :)
04:22.32Mr_Rabies2man they really need to implement a minibrowser into wow
04:23.08Mr_Rabies2k-meleon would be fantastic
04:23.14PProvosthaha... and an IRC client
04:25.40Mr_Rabies2tribes 1 had an irc client
04:25.40Nom-I agree, Mr_Rabies2
04:25.40Mr_Rabies2it came out in 1998
04:25.40Nom-Do you know how many Guild Masters would love to be able to leave a window open for them to put DKP stuff into
04:25.51Nom-It could even be a special Blizzard one which noone can modify
04:26.02Nom-So long as you can shift-click to paste names and item links and stuff
04:26.29EndI remember that
04:26.37Endtripes 1 with irc
04:26.40Ender, tribes
04:26.45Mr_Rabies2k-meleon would be perfect for it
04:26.45EndI kann spell
04:26.55Mr_Rabies2small and super customizable
04:27.20Nom-Except it would need to be written in LUA
04:27.35Nom-Otherwise it'll require significant development time
04:28.34Mr_Rabies2i think finding a way to implement an open source web browser would probably take less time than writing one from scratch in lua
04:29.13Nom-If it can be built as a signed addon then it's (reasonably) straight forward
04:29.43Nom-My guess would be they already ahve something which retrieves and displays data (for the login screen)
04:29.46Nom-It's just not HTML
04:30.13Endwe do have SimpleHTML
04:30.24EndI suspect the login screen news stuff is SimpleHTML
04:30.32Endyou could look at the GlueXML to tell for sure
04:30.41End(you'd have to extract it yourself though)
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04:33.21Mr_Rabies2 man i love this
04:33.47kahdgarxiwowhead owns
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04:34.08TainAny head is pretty good.
04:34.58Mr_Rabies2280 herbalism
04:34.58cladhairePerfectRaid and Clique updated.. this should be the last update you need to make together, since Dongle has gone Beta and will no longer change without a major rev bump.  I.e. just update your addons kthx.
04:35.39kahdgarxi<3 perfectraid
04:36.05cladhaire<3 it more this weekend when it gets thr features its supposed to have =)
04:36.27kahdgarxiapple = owned
04:36.47Mr_Rabies2wow, that was fast
04:36.53TainAh it's more complicated than that, kahdgarxi
04:37.09Neuro_MedivhI coulda sworn they reached an agreement
04:37.14kahdgarxiTain - Yes, Apple owned the trademark to i*
04:37.31Nom-Welcome to 6 hours ago, kahdgarxi
04:37.39Mr_Rabies2heh i look back at wow and my ram is stuck in a tree
04:37.44kahdgarxiNom- - =/ I'm so behind on the times!
04:37.56Nom-You can't trademark all words starting with i
04:38.03kahdgarxiI know, it was a joke...
04:38.04Endit's been clearly shown in the past that you can trademark a prefix
04:38.09EndMcDonalds tried it
04:38.31TainThey've been working on a deal for a while, but nothing's been signed yet.  But there's evidently some question as to whether or not Cisco really can claim the trademark, Apple may be able to force it away.
04:38.41Endyeah, silly me messing up my can and cannots
04:39.04pastamancercladhaire: what's the approved way to decorate praid frames from an external addon?
04:39.04Nom-Apple probably knows what they're doing
04:39.04Neuro_MedivhCisco is just trying to get more money out of Apple
04:39.06cladhairepastamancer: see PerfectRaid_Buffs
04:39.12cladhaireyou can make an addon that does just that
04:39.13Neuro_Medivhobviously, the brand is far more valuable to Apple
04:39.17Nom-They wouldn't release a product they knew there was a trademark issue with unless they had a solution
04:39.24Neuro_Medivhno one will buy an iPhone from Cisco
04:39.43Nom-omg is there no downtime on Tuesday???
04:40.28TainI don't know that either side has a stronger leg to stand on, but everything I have read is that there's a lot of potential issues on both sides.
04:40.44Neuro_Medivhsigh, i can't believe Blizz opened up 10 new realms BEFORE bc
04:41.21Nom-Why, Neuro_Medivh ?
04:41.34Nom-It'd actually be nice to start anew with the new races coming in
04:41.55Neuro_Medivhyes, but they shoulda done it AFTER bc
04:42.00Nom-It gives people an opportunity to hit level 60/70 before the entire server is running around in tiered armor
04:42.10TainOf course I don't care what they call it, the iPhone looks like a nice product.
04:42.10Neuro_Medivhso people can start over with dranaei
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04:44.08Nom-It takes time to level
04:44.21Nom-And it takes even longer to get a player economy up and running
04:44.52Nom-I'd rather have the server up for a week, because then you'll have a few alchemists and therefore pots to buy etc
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04:59.52Mr_Rabies2whats the script command to open the map?
05:00.06Mr_Rabies2i hid the icon and i'm too lazy to mess with key bindings
05:00.47Nom-ShowWorldMap() ?
05:00.50Nom-I'm just guessing
05:02.33Mr_Rabies2I tried that :x
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05:13.31Tierriei r home
05:14.19Mr_Rabies2i have something giving mapnotes some predefined notes but i'm not sure what addon it is :x
05:14.48Mr_Rabies2"Created by MapNotesLandmark"
05:15.32EndMegellan maybe?
05:16.13Mr_Rabies2nope. hrmmm
05:16.29Mr_Rabies2it might be alphamap or atlasloot
05:16.41Mr_Rabies2not quite sure but it's annoying
05:16.44Enddon't think atlasloot would
05:18.03Mr_Rabies2mapnotes itself maybe? O_o
05:22.20Mr_Rabies2it made ones in outland too
05:22.39Endsomething odd I noticed recently
05:22.52Endyou don't see capitals and towns in unexplored areas anymore
05:28.57Mr_Rabies2hurr i can check addons that depend on mapnotes and find it
05:29.21Cairennnight clad|sleep
05:29.30clad|sleepnight =)
05:35.01Mr_Rabies2hrm, something's not registering at a dependancy
05:35.49Endhook the add function?
05:36.14Mr_Rabies2i'm just trying to figure out what addon's giving predefined notes so i can disable it :x
05:36.21Mr_Rabies2it's annoying :[
05:39.19Mr_Rabies2it's driving me batty
05:39.38Mr_Rabies2i can't delete the note because it readds the notes when i log back in
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05:55.15Matholumanyone on?
05:57.56nymbia_Matholum: not a single person.
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06:21.08Tenebra~whalecrit Tuller
06:21.10purlACTION crits Tuller with a mathematically skilled whale named Isaac for #NaN. Tuller dies
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06:28.30EndNot a Number
06:28.47Endit's a floating point number that really isn't a number
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06:32.39norgsDoes anyone know if the levelling curve has been reduced yet?
06:33.23SstixrudIf I want to detect if say raid group3 member #2 exists how would I do that?
06:36.07abugis the current patch number 2.0.3?
06:36.20Nom-Don't ask what happened to 2.0.2
06:36.23Nom-It's a secret.
06:36.28abugit's a secret to everybody
06:36.40pastamancerwe don't like to talk about 2.0.2
06:38.06Sstixrudany ideas how to detect if you are in a raid, how many raid groups exist and which members#'s are in each group?
06:38.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
06:39.45pastamancerSstixrud: for i = 1, GetNumRaidMembers() do a,whol,bunch,of,stuff = GetRaidRosterInfo(i); do something; end
06:40.29Sstixrudya I read the wowiki stuff...
06:40.40Nom-lern2read more
06:40.59Nom-You could have answered all your questions by reading the docs for each function
06:41.20SstixrudI did, it still was not clear to me
06:41.31Nom-Returns the total number of people in raid, including the player.
06:41.31Nom-Returns 0 if not in a raid.
06:41.40Nom-That's seems pretty crystal clear to me ^_^
06:41.48Sstixrudthat part isnt what wasn't clear
06:42.02Sstixrudhow to use that to detect specifc raid information was
06:42.26Nom-such as?
06:42.48*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
06:42.54Sstixrudknowing the total number of raid members does not tell me there are 3 groups, with 2 people in group 1, 4 in group 2, and 1 in group 3
06:43.09Nom-Which you can use to determine
06:43.19Nom-pastamancer's example for instance
06:43.34Sstixrudwhich is why I said thank you
06:45.19Nom-lol, then why were we still talking?  I thought you still hadn't worked it out :P
06:49.56Nom-|   VARCHAR |     64 |           HR__START_DATE |    NuLL |     Y |
06:50.01Nom-When will the hurting stop??? :~(
06:56.54Sstixrudwas /reloadui disabled in latest patch?
06:57.23EndI didn't know there was a /reloadui
06:57.47End(if I have devtools installed, I use /reload though)
07:01.10Nom-I've used it, Sstixrud
07:01.16Nom-So as far as I can tell, it still works
07:01.36Sstixrudwonder why its reporting use /help when I try :|
07:01.58Nom-Maybe it's part of a mod i've got installed then
07:02.31Sstixrudit worked yesterday :|
07:02.31Nom-I wish you didn't have to restart wow to install or load an updated mod most of the time :(
07:02.37Nom-Such a pain
07:02.42SstixrudI didnt yesterday heh
07:09.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Dhraga (
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07:22.04*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
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07:22.21vithcan someone identify what addon is printing this error?
07:22.22vith01:19:23 Can't get wid2 from link:
07:22.23vith01:19:23 | c f f f f f f f f | H i t e m : 1 4 0 4 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : - 2 0 5 3 2 2 7 7 4 8 | h [ R u n e c l o t h ] | h | r
07:23.25bleetahhmm, 'preparing to download new patch' -> 'cannot apply new patch to tools'-. /me cheers for infinite loops
07:24.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
07:24.54Mr_Rabies2300 herbalism weee
07:26.05vithhehe, i just switched to herbalism today
07:26.21vithgrinded to 150 before i got too sick of it
07:27.11Mr_Rabies2did the same yesterday
07:27.13Mr_Rabies2dropped leather
07:27.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Bleeter (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
07:30.14Mr_Rabies2old hyjal still blocked off :[
07:30.40Mr_Rabies2current time hyjal
07:30.54bleetahif anyone's running WoW under wine or cedega, or know someone who is, please drop me a line ;0
07:31.08Mr_Rabies2a couple people got banned for using cedega
07:31.19bleetahyeah, that was a mistake by Blizz, they admitted it
07:31.31Mr_Rabies2oh okay, you know about it then
07:32.17bleetahanyways, was getting 120fps before 2.0.3, now I'm lucky to get 1
07:34.10Mr_Rabies2damn almost killed one of the elites in darkwhisper gorge
07:35.12Mr_Rabies2stupid mortal strike >:|
07:35.27Nom-What level?
07:35.38Mr_Rabies259 elite
07:35.46Nom-gah lern2frostmage :P
07:35.59Nom-I can solo "normal" elites without a proble
07:36.11Mr_Rabies2i could solo him with root + nuke but eh
07:36.13Mr_Rabies2takes too long
07:36.25Mr_Rabies2if it's rootable its killable by a druid
07:36.26Nom-3 frostbolts before they're in range, nova, 2 more, pet+nova, 2 more and they're noramlly dead
07:36.41Mr_Rabies2i solo'd borelgore
07:36.46Mr_Rabies2took like
07:36.52Mr_Rabies230-45 mins or so
07:37.39Nom-repeat lol
07:38.14*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (n=MoonWolf@
07:38.14*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
07:38.23Nom-The only problem would be mobs that have a high regen
07:38.35Mr_Rabies2or have heals
07:38.48Nom-ah you can't interrupt
07:38.51Nom-sux to be you :P
07:38.54Mr_Rabies2not yet at least
07:38.57Mr_Rabies2soon we get cyclone
07:39.04Mr_Rabies2and maim
07:39.17Mr_Rabies2we have feral charge, but eh
07:39.28Nom-Yeah, but that's not a school lockdown
07:39.33Mr_Rabies2550 mana for a 4 sec counterspell
07:39.35Mr_Rabies2yeah it is
07:39.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Inside (
07:39.44Nom-feral charge isn't
07:40.04Mr_Rabies2it's only THAT spell O_O wait
07:40.24Nom-I was actually hoping there was some new PvE content in 2.0.3
07:40.28Nom-But it seems there isn't
07:40.42buuSo uhm. Is there anyway at all to make it automatically cast multiple spells?
07:40.43Mr_Rabies2it's all in bc
07:41.49Nom-Yeah, but i've got another week playing my Mage before I go 100% pally
07:41.59Mr_Rabies2i think it's just like counterspell just worded weird
07:42.08Mr_Rabies2same effect
07:42.15Mr_Rabies2Interrupt Cast
07:42.21Mr_Rabies24days 21hrs 17mins 54secs until Burning Crusade.
07:43.38Nom-There's no downtime on Tuesday if what i'm seeing is correct
07:43.38Nom-Sounds like TBC is enabled from Midnight on the dot
07:44.27bleetahway i read it, basically if you get your hands on it after the maintenance, you're good to go
07:44.40bleetahcovers people in, say, Oceania, to get it on the street date, etc.
07:44.49Nom-The Burning Legion isn.t waiting until the morning . its assault on Azeroth begins at the stroke of midnight, January 16th!
07:45.16bleetahi'm still gunna have it before most of you folks :-P
07:45.16Nom-Given that i'll have my copy of TBC at (server time) monday afternoon
07:46.04Nom-I'll probably go into work really early
07:46.07Nom-Like 6am
07:46.15Nom-and I should get home at just after midnight server timie
07:46.21Mr_Rabies2luckily they told us you know
07:46.30TheStigI got this addon called ICU (I see you) and it is a hunter/druid addon that targets people from the minimap tracking blips, and when you click them it will send a message to the chat log that says [player name] (Player probably.)  then the next time you click it it will say [player name] (37 Night Elf Rogue). or whatever
07:46.40TheStigwhy can't it target the person FIRST instead of sending shady data to the party chat
07:46.43Mr_Rabies2"collect call from YOU ARE NOT PREPARED, accept charges?"
07:47.34Nom-TheStig: You can't target a stealthed mob unless it's in range to be visible to you
07:47.58TheStigthats not what i'm talking about
07:48.03Nom-That, and you can't target a mob through scripts as far as i know
07:48.06TheStigi'm talking about humanoids on the minimap tracking
07:48.09Nom-They turned it off as part of the 2.0.1 changes
07:48.11TheStigit targets fine
07:48.17TheStigbut what it does is
07:48.22TheStigit targets something to get the information
07:48.51Nom-I think you'll find it uses the tooltip information from the minimap
07:49.04TheStigbut what happens is, it says Unit Name (NPC/Player Probably) then nanoseconds later it targets the player or NPC
07:49.18TheStigthen the next time you target them with the minimap it uses the correct data
07:49.28TheStigwhy can't it target first, load the data and THEN display it in the party chat
07:49.46TheStigwhat i'm saying is, it's doing its functions in a backwards fasion
07:50.29bleetahtwo new feeds added to -> and's UI feed
07:51.14Nom-I have a sneaking suspition it's not donig what you think it's doing
07:51.39*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn|afk -> Paste Code Here: | Patch Notes | TOC is 20003 | People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw lions.
07:51.48TheStigi can target npcs and players that are at maximum range on the minimap through obstacles and everything
07:52.22TheStigthe first time i click it it sends the name of that target and this message to the party chat:  NPC/Player Probably  being one or the other
07:52.52TheStigthen the NEXT time i click that unit on the minimap it sends Name (Player) Night Elf Rogue (39) or whatever they happen to be
07:52.54TheStigeven from far away
07:53.12TheStigbecause after it targets the unit it gets the data about that unit and stores it in some database
07:53.20TheStigso that the next time it is called it uses that data instead
07:53.47TheStigbut what i want to know is, why can't it target the unit first, get the data like it is doing, and then display it in party chat instead of first displaying the unknown data
07:55.10TheStigDo you have a hunter or a druid that can track humanoids?
07:58.04Mr_Rabies2anyone know korean?
07:58.15Mr_Rabies2cause i'd really like to know what this says:
08:04.18*** join/#wowi-lounge [Ammo] (
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08:24.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
08:25.08KalrothHi friends and krka!
08:36.13Mr_Rabies2curse login still down?
08:39.50vithit was when i tried maybe an hour ago
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09:02.56buuLevel 27 elites are hard for some reason
09:03.38TheStigthe ones in Gnomeregan have like 5000 hp
09:12.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Jocco_S (
09:17.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Geb (n=chatzill@
09:18.17Gebis anyone else having a problem with Curse Gaming's addon sidebars at the moment?
09:22.17Cairenn|afkI think most everyone is afk either working or sleeping atm Geb
09:22.23KalrothI'm not!
09:22.28bleetahCairenn|afk is
09:22.41KalrothI don't use the addon sidebars though, but curse is pretty loaded atm, login isn't working etc.
09:23.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (n=jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
09:23.18Cairenn|afkhey Kalroth, how goes? haven't seen you in a while :)
09:23.22Gebwhat i mean by addon sidebars is the sidebars on their webpage that shows you recently updated addons ect.
09:23.36KalrothCairenn|afk: I'm lurking mainly :)
09:23.52KalrothGeb: Aye, those are foobar
09:24.01Gebit's not an addon
09:24.06KalrothCairenn|afk: had a nice christmas + new year?
09:24.08Cairenn|afkhehehe, that's okay, we allow lurking here :)
09:24.15Cairenn|afkaye, pretty nice, yourself?
09:24.16*** join/#wowi-lounge abug (
09:28.00KalrothCairenn|afk: Boring, but good food :P
09:28.30KalrothI visit my parents like twice a year, xmas and uhmm, moms birthday if I remember it
09:28.34PProvostNight all
09:30.28abugwhat causes WoW to rename an addon folder to AddonName.old upon launch?
09:32.00MoonWolfgnomes, EVIL gnomes.
09:33.20abugoh ffs
09:33.35abugwow doesn't like addons starting with "Blizzard"
09:33.42abugor folders rather
09:33.49Cairenn|afkguess those weren't helpful answers?
09:34.08abugthey were helpful
09:34.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Kodewulf (
09:35.11bleetahdebatable usefulness tho, eh? ;-)
09:35.56abugis there a rename feature on wowinterface?
09:36.26Cairenn|afkyou're talking to her
09:36.26abugbut she's afk
09:36.27bleetahCairenn|afk: you're not a feature, you're a bug! :-P
09:36.52KalrothYou'll always be a feature to me, Cair!
09:36.59Cairenn|afkawww, thanks Kalroth
09:37.03bleetahonly someone massively bugged out would volunteer to help us lot! ;)
09:37.45Cairenn|afkyou have a point there
09:38.04KalrothHrm, so you're a bugged feature?!
09:38.23Cairenn|afkabug: you should be able to rename it when you upload the next update, or I can go in and force a rename before that if you want
09:38.38abugah I see it thanks
09:39.28Cairenn|afkgood :)
09:48.20*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
09:52.55bleetahman, Kruul would've been perfect if he understood elevators
09:53.40bleetahit's pretty funny seeing him smack people out trying to get into/out of UC... but I'm guessing TB wouldn't be nearly as exciting
09:56.27abugI'm still suprised they encouraged the whole Kazzak style mob attacking city thing, especially after the whole kazzak does stormwind incident
10:00.08bleetahah, if it's only for a week, and maybe one or two visits to each major capital, it's not that bad
10:00.28bleetahand it's not an 'unexpected' thing, like a sudden kite is
10:01.42bleetahapparently he wiped all of our IF, except for the Griff Master
10:01.56bleetahno one can work out how the griff master survived
10:02.54nymbialol nice
10:03.09abugmaybe his fat birds put him out of LOS
10:04.08bleetahit's also the ONLY time I've ever seen Horde in IF.. assisting Alliance
10:08.07Cairenn|afk*nod* that's not something you see every day, that's for sure
10:08.45bleetahheh, cisco are suing apple
10:08.58abugpurl, slashdot
10:09.22bleetahslashdot.. there's a .. thing from the past
10:10.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
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10:18.23bleetahoh christ, now my brother won't shut up about the phone
10:18.30bleetahshoot me next time I mention it, please
10:19.19bleetah'you think Bill is the devil and hate the Cult of Bill, yet everything Steve does is great... um'
10:26.46Mr_Rabies2hrm, my mount macro isn't working O_o
10:27.30Mr_Rabies2/castsequence [nomounted]Stormpike Battle Charger, Reins of the Swift Mistsaber, Black War Steed Bridle
10:28.44Kalrothare you sure it's [nomounted]?
10:29.10Mr_Rabies2working now
10:29.20Mr_Rabies2musta had an extra space or something
10:29.30Mr_Rabies2/dismount [mounted]
10:29.33Mr_Rabies2at the bottom too
10:30.28Nom-woooot confirmed
10:30.31Nom-no downtime this week
10:30.43Nom-rolling restarts on monday, that's it
10:31.58Cairenn|afk... they hope
10:34.00KalrothYeah, it's only a minor expansion!
10:36.25bleetahwhat are you gunna do? bleed on me?!
10:37.04bleetah'tis just a flesh expansion
10:37.11bleetahhmm, no, that don't work.. i'll workshop it some more
10:41.46bleetahre: the new green dragonscale stats. (2) pieces -> 3 mana per second. (3) pieces->20mana per second. does this stack, or am I just dreaming?
10:44.47KalrothYou're probably stoned, yeah
10:45.52bleetaher, no
10:48.19Fisker-Nom- is that for eu or us?
10:49.35bleetahFisker-: US, for sure.. no idea about euro, guess the same
10:49.45bleetahie: they don't wanna do maintenance on release day
10:55.23abugjust curious, who updates
10:56.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Miles|zzz (
10:56.44Cairenn|afkwho is currently about to depart on, or already on, a 5 day cruise
10:57.35abugI'm QQing
10:58.10bleetahback in time for BC eh? lol
11:03.35Mr_Rabies24days 17hrs 56mins 44secs until Burning Crusade.
11:07.28Nom-it says on the login screen
11:07.36Nom-there will be no regular maintainence on Tuesday
11:08.51bleetahhmm, IF->Nethergarde, takes you via SW and costs around 7s.. Nethergarde->IF, takes you via Peru and costs 22s
11:10.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
11:14.59bleetahhmm, i think i must've misunderstood the new leathworking/blacksmithing specialixzation mechanics
11:17.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Miles|zzz (
11:20.47abug~feed a-stray-cat
11:20.49purlACTION offers a-stray-cat some pizza
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11:21.04abug~neuter a-stray-cat
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12:16.38bleetahfwiw, the new G15 stats info gets 5 thumbs up from me! :-D
12:20.07*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
12:20.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Laricwork (n=laric@
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12:21.16LaricworkI used to have some small macros that did "/rw this is some text i want to send to the raid".. these dont seem to work in 2.0.x patches.. how do one do macros like that now?
12:21.52MaldiviaLaric: should still work - there are just some issues with raid-commands at the moment, so you might not have the rights to send a warning
12:22.23Laricworkwell I am the leader as I form the raids.. so I have the access
12:22.35Maldiviahmm, /rw is working fine for me
12:22.49Laricworkin macros? It works fine from cmd line
12:23.07Laricworks/cmd line/textbox/
12:24.45Maldiviayep, working fine in macros aswell
12:26.40Laricworkmust be some taint issue somewhere I guess
12:26.53Laricworktaint is not a fun thing
12:27.35Maldiviathere's no taint issues with SendChatMessage
12:29.52Laricworkhmm guess I will try and find a solution to the problem somehow. It is annoying as hell that I cannot broadcast vent info and such
12:34.20Maldiviawhat does it say, when you try to do it?
12:34.37Maldiviaand tried, from a macro, /run SendChatMessage(".....", "RAID_WARNING")
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12:44.51Oreewhen I make a variable local inside file, its only local to that file, or the entire mod? (not local inside any function/etc) bur "root" of a file
12:46.39krkalocal to the chunk
12:46.46krkaand the chunk is probably the file contents
12:46.56Oreeah ok
12:47.26Oreeah well, I just tested it - and you are correct
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13:19.48kasoanyone a hunter?
13:20.03*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
13:20.05kasohow do i check if my FD is resisted? is there a combat log message i missed
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13:20.29KalrothYup, there's a combatlog message
13:20.32JoshBorkekaso: if the mob comes and pwns you
13:20.52kasoha, well yes
13:20.58kasoKalroth, which event is it under?
13:21.49kasothe hard thing is making a fd resist to test it :<
13:22.06bleetahtry some guards, say at LHC? ;-)
13:22.12Kalrothwowwiki states that there isn't a combatlog message
13:22.24KalrothI guess you just have to monitor the debuff
13:22.39kasobut the debuff still shows if its resisted
13:22.48Kalrothit does? uhm
13:23.30kasoyah i know i've been down in the floor with the debuff up getting wailed on before
13:23.37zenzelezzI don't know if there's a combat log message, but you get the nice red "Resisted" error on your screen
13:23.37Kalrothoh wait, there should be a combatlog message on your side, you do get a message if it's resisted
13:24.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Bouvi (
13:24.52kasoAh, on the UIErrorFrame?
13:25.42kasonever noticed that before
13:37.39*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (n=MoonWolf@
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13:54.37abugsorry cairenn
13:57.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
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14:01.52Cairenn|afkabug: ?
14:02.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Xolan (
14:04.02abugthat's like my third upload in a few hours
14:04.16Cairenn|afkmeh, no worries :)
14:05.00BouviLike anything else in this world.  Once you release it you find more errors.
14:05.39BouviReally bad if your an airplane mechanic....
14:07.48abugwhen do you sleep Cairenn?
14:08.15Cairenn|afkI just got 2 hrs
14:08.33abugoh so in little cat naps?
14:09.11Cairenn|afknaw, normally I sleep in a bunch, but the alarm clock didn't go off so kiddo missed her bus so I'm about to drive her to school
14:09.14Cairenn|afkand on that note ...
14:10.23*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
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14:23.54abugpurl neuter a-stray-cat
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14:23.59abugpurl, neuter
14:24.01purlDo us bots a favor, spay or neuter your human child today.
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14:24.24abugpurl, slashdot
14:24.38abugpurl, slashdot
14:24.48purli guess purl is the embodiment of EVIL!
14:25.00purlXolan: aw, gee
14:26.44Kalrothpurl, are you evil?
14:26.53XolanThe big news is that Flagship officially announced Monday morning that Hellgate: London will ship this summer. \o/
14:27.18TainYeah Hellgate: London is one of the games I'm looking forward to.
14:27.26Xolancan't wait :) new gameplay video at CES too
14:27.37TainThe whole thing about maybe having to pay extra to play multiplayer online is disappointing though.
14:27.47Xolanwell it's SP too
14:27.59Xolanand it won't have a monthly subscription afaik
14:28.05TainYes, but maybe having to pay extra to play multiplyaer online is still disappointing.
14:28.24TainThey said recently in an interview they're still working it out internally.
14:28.34Xolanyeah just read
14:28.36TheStighey guys i got a question
14:28.38Xolan, but there will also be an option to turn it into a subscription-based multiplayer game if you want to play with others and enjoy lots of new content.
14:28.44TheStighold on let me make a pasty
14:29.12abugpaste is the number one killer of bad breath and small animals
14:29.13XolanThen he showed off the opening levels, including a beginning quest to recover a prosthetic leg for a poor little boy.
14:29.28Xolanring any bells?
14:29.52TainWirt's Third Leg was the best weapon ever.
14:30.11Xolanhope there's a cow level :)
14:30.20TainWell, maybe.. the Diggler Dirk was another great name.
14:30.37obelusMug o' Hurt
14:30.48*** join/#wowi-lounge beerke (
14:30.58zenzelezzWoW's item names generally don't match Anarchy Online's, in my opinion :-|
14:31.00TheStigwhats the event to read the combat log?
14:31.03obelusi still have two icy mugs o' hurt on my dwarf rogue
14:31.33abugthere's not really one event, the combat log gets its info from multiple
14:31.35Xolanlast quote: Max Schaefer of Flagship Studios has gotten in touch with us at to clear things up about the game. Single player and multiplayer will be free. No question about it. They are planning for an MMO portion of the game that they have yet to decide upon the payment scheme. It may very well be similar to the Guild Wars method of releasing expansion packs every few months.
14:31.47purlwell, wowwiki is
14:32.04abug~wowwiki Events_(API)
14:32.18TheStigI need to parse the chat log for certain abilities when they crit and play a unique sound for each one lol
14:32.30abugscrew you purl and all you stand for
14:32.31TainWell that is good, Xolan.  I was planning on getting it to play single player anyway, but I like playing with buddies online, we had some people even fire up some D2 just about oh.. a year ago.
14:33.25abugmmm well first get familiar with the different combat events
14:34.25abugand that's probably the wrong link becd
14:34.33abugbecuase I'm sleep deprived
14:34.42TheStigi'm on it already hehe thanks^^
14:35.39abugthey look the same but the first didn't work
14:35.53abugin fact the second doesn't either
14:36.06Xolanit doesn't like the last )
14:36.07abugirc is cuttin off the end )
14:36.50TheStigyeah i typed it in manually as i'm on 2 different computers
14:36.53abugYour new best friends:
14:37.57*** join/#wowi-lounge FelixTeCat (
14:38.06abugif you're playing abilities for only the local player, you dun need that crap
14:38.16abuger wow
14:38.30abugI mean if you only care about the player's abilities
14:38.54abugyou can just use the new events
14:39.04TheStigyeah i just want to play a sound when it says "Your Aimed Shot Crits" .. or "Your Multi Shot Crits" .. etc.
14:39.19TheStigdifferent sound for each one but i get the idea
14:39.54abugah okay, yeah guess you'll need to use the chat_msg events then
14:40.09TheStigi'm looking at COMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE
14:40.16TheStignot sure if it applies
14:40.44abugthere's no one easy event
14:41.14abugyou're going to need to see which ones have what you need
14:41.33abugbest way to do that is to consult friend #1
14:42.21abuger wait
14:42.26abugcrap I linked the wrong friend
14:42.49abugthat's friend #1
14:43.24abugfor what you're doing, ignore the stuff underneath the CHAT_MSG style stuff
14:43.55abugjust look for the examples similar to what you need
14:44.17abugand then record the name of the CHAT_MSG event under which it falls
14:44.47abugyou're probably going to need CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_DAMAGE or whatever
14:45.08abugyou might not need more than that
14:45.31TheStigbut i need to assign each sound to each specific ability and no sound for anything else lol
14:46.39abugyou've got a pasty?
14:46.58TheStigi did have but my theory for it was kinda shot to hell with this new information lol
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14:48.09abugread through the stuff below on the events page
14:48.37abugsome of it's kind of outdated, but I think arg1 still works
14:50.27bleetahhigher FPS in Linux than in windows hehe
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14:52.18obelusi couldn't get it to run
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14:52.26bleetahhad some fun and games with the XOrg composite manager playing hell with stuff.. til I noticed, then disabled it
14:52.31obelustried it on a thinkpad though ... kinda wild set of devices
14:52.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
14:52.50bleetahyeah, thinkpads are pretty insane when it comes to devices
14:53.04bleetahmost notebooks are, really
14:53.25bleetahtweak chips mid production run to cut costs, linux driver collapses, etc.
14:53.38kasobleetah as soon as i enable my addon in linux my fps seriously drops for some reason
14:54.00bleetahkaso: which one? I'll either test it out right now, or go to bed (it's 2am here)
14:54.10bleetahkaso: I can try tomorrow for you, if you don't have time right now
14:54.14kasojust addons in general i mean
14:54.27kasoseems i get a 15-20 fps drop when  in enable any :<
14:54.45TheStigi want to use SPELLLOGCRITSELFOTHER but i can't find any info on it in the events page for the args
14:55.25kasowhatcha mean?
14:55.43TheStigframe:RegisterEvent("SPELLLOGCRITSELFOTHER");   from there i have no idea how to collect data for using that
14:55.53kasoSPELLLOGCRITSELFOTHER is just the pattern
14:56.21TheStighow do i use that pattern from that event
14:56.50kasook, basically in your onevent handler
14:56.54kasoyou need to do something like this
14:57.20bleetahkaso: no addons = ~ 35fps sitting outside IF bank... with addons, it's more ~ 30fps
14:57.57bleetahno doubt I've got a bunch of other tuning still to do
14:58.17bleetaheg, which mode to work in (W98 vs WXP)
14:59.20bleetahhmm, a 'good' test, I guess, would be staring at the auction house NPC, vs scanning the AH with auctioneer addon
14:59.45kasoTheStig, this looks complicated but thats just cos its all on one line
14:59.47kasospell,target,amount = string.match(string.gsub(string.gsub(SPELLLOGCRITSELFOTHER,"%%s","%(%.%-%)"),"%%d","%(%%d%+%)"))
15:00.05sysragebleetah: except there's always random people coming and going from the AH
15:00.06kasowoops, i mean  string.match(arg1,...
15:00.30bleetahsysrage: yeah, it's far from a 'controlled' experiment
15:00.51TheStigso spell,target,amount = string.match(arg1, string.gsub(string.gsub(SPELLLOGCRITSELFOTHER,"%%s","%(%.%-%)"),"%%d","%(%%d%+%)"))
15:01.03TheStigthanks let me try it :)
15:02.29kasothough that pattern will only match "Your Death Bolt crits Fred for 80000."  "Your Death Bolt crits Fred for 40000 (40000 Resisted)."
15:02.42TheStigyeah that's all i want
15:02.50TheStigcause i'm going to play a sound on crits
15:03.16kasobut i mean, it wont match partial resists/blocks/absorbs
15:03.34TheStigthat's ok
15:03.39TheStigi only want a sound if its a full on crit
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15:11.21TheStigkaso you still there?
15:15.17*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
15:15.25TheStigkaso: are you still here?
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15:21.38kasohi TheStig
15:21.41TheStigthis probably won't work
15:21.50TheStigthis is what i've dreamed up in my head based on your input
15:21.57TheStigperhaps you can look over it and point me in the right direction lol
15:22.42TheStigand i realize that those sounds aren't being played for anything specific...  i haven't gotten to that yet
15:23.08kasoi see, yah thats workable, lemme put a couple changes in
15:23.17TheStigerrr thanks lol
15:26.56kasolove the name
15:27.45TheStigwow thanks so much
15:28.20kasogive line 14 a local
15:28.43TheStiggot it
15:33.41FlAWDso did Krull crash anyone elses server yesterday?
15:34.16FlAWDmy server :P
15:34.19bleetahyeah, did a total wipe @ IF on Thorium Brotherhood
15:34.25bleetahwent on for about 3-4 hours
15:34.30FlAWDhe was in IF for about 2 hours
15:34.34FlAWDya then the server restarted
15:34.36bleetahI left after 2
15:34.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
15:34.51bleetahapparently he's down beating up BB now
15:35.00bleetahpretty funny, really
15:35.15FlAWDour server got restarted ... and we got our durability back
15:35.18bleetahmuch better than the scourge invasion
15:35.20FlAWDand he was gone
15:35.25bleetahripped off
15:35.28FlAWDall the skeletons were gone ... it was weird
15:36.18TheStigkaso: it works perfectly thanks again for the help :)
15:36.27kasono problems
15:40.46*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
15:42.51abug kruul casts this on npcs
15:43.08abugwhy blizzard would want him to instakill every npc he encounters I don't know
15:43.30obelusi noticed the demon hounds killing scorpions and spiders in silithus last night
15:43.56TheStigbecause the website says
15:44.29TheStig"NPCs don't stand a chance against Kruul, only a coordinated team of well seasoned adventurers may stand a chance."
15:44.55sysragehas he been killed yet on any servers?
15:44.59obelusan ally guild got him down on greymane last night (dunno if he's hard or not)
15:45.47BouviAnyone know of an addon that tracks information about when you died.  How many times, what from, what zone and what level you were when you died?
15:46.07bleetahhe's *very* hard if he's in a major city with newbs running around screaming 'n stuff
15:46.40TheStigBouvi: Opium
15:46.57TheStigif you have fubar i made a plugin for it to be integrated into fubar instead of the minimap also
15:47.27BouviThanks TheStig.  I was hoping no one had lol
15:48.33BouviJust trying to come up with an idea for a new addon.
15:49.23bleetahcount amount of total time doing stuff all
15:51.13bleetahbtw, isn't Kruul some character in Eve?
15:53.02bleetahhmm, would seem so ->
15:53.21KalrothKruul is a pretty common name :)
15:53.47Kalroth"Kruul printhouse began providing printing services in 1992"
15:54.09bleetahwell, it's a real surname.. just thought it odd two MMO's using it
15:54.28abugis moving people in groups bugging out in the raid window?
15:55.58bleetahabug: probably. I know there's probs with removing/promoting people in raids, due to the index being out by 1 i think it was.. anyways, if what i'm thinking is correct, it probably would
15:56.10bleetahyou prolly wanna talk to someone who's not been awake for 36 hours, tho
15:56.27BouviThere was a movie once Krull which is close to Kruul
15:56.28abugheh I'm in the same boat
16:00.12*** part/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
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16:03.06TheStigi notice that when i leave a BG i'm stil in raid with the people from my server who were in the bg with me once we all get kicked out at the end
16:04.50bleetahyeah, known bug
16:05.22kasoclad|work are tou around?
16:06.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
16:06.47BouviHmmm Opium just deals with other players.  Is there an addon that tracks kill meaning anytime you die.  And what you died from, etc.
16:07.01TheStignot that i know of, that would be handy
16:07.44BouviI think that will be my next "worthless" info project lol.
16:14.26Neuro_Medivhhmm, Beckham going to LA
16:15.37kasoIts funny when you read through your code and have no idea whatsoever what a certain part does
16:15.46kasoHow can i not know what it does, i wrote it :<
16:16.59abugone more reason to comment everything
16:17.18kasopsh, every second spent commenting is a second i could be coding more of the addon1
16:17.51EndI've seen plenty of projects with -too- many comments
16:17.56Endat least, imo
16:18.32kasoi only comment if A) its partually complex or B) its a uni assignment
16:18.51EndI've seen people comment every single line
16:19.05EndI'm like gah, how am I supposed to know which comments are useful or not?
16:19.14EndI'm not going to read them all!
16:19.54TheStigi've seen assembler source files with comments on every line and it wasn't enough
16:20.43EndI guess assembly might be more useful with more comments
16:21.03EndI've dealt only in passing with that
16:21.35TheStiglua is hardly asm though lol
16:22.40Endmost lua should be pretty obvious
16:22.49Industrialdown with comments, up with official and complete blizzard world of warcraft interface api docs.
16:23.02abugI'd hit it
16:23.27Industrialseriously they should just get like 3 people on that for a week to have it done and EVERYONE will be VERY happy
16:23.29kasonah, i like the whole community feel, makes me feel speical
16:23.35Industrialnot like they dont have 3 people
16:23.52TheStigwell they had more than 3 quit so
16:24.08TheStigresources are probably spread thin with the whole expac launching plus losing those staff before etc.
16:24.42Industrialthen they just go and whine at vivendi :P
16:24.47TheStigplus i like to come here and talk with you guys about things instead of going to to find out
16:24.50Industrialneed 3pplzkthx
16:25.16Endwith 6 people and a week -we- could probably get a very good draft done
16:25.34IndustrialTheStig: I like docs that say how something works instead of poking around every time yo find a new function, event or whatever.
16:26.05TheStigthey should just release all the source for their lua implementation
16:26.11Industriallol :P
16:26.12abugspeaking of new functions, time to add SetPartyAssignment and GetPartyAssignment to the wiki
16:26.24EndI'd like to see the taint pach
16:26.29Endthat'd be interesting
16:26.37TheStigi'd like to see it removed
16:27.14EndI'd like to see most of blizzard's code to be converted to be tainted
16:27.41Endthat way taint issues are already fixed (because they need to get their ui working) before we even touch it
16:28.59End(and by converted to tainted, I don't mean protected, I mean, most of their code has to deal with taint issues firstly)
16:29.12TheStighaha yeah
16:29.34TheStigthe whole "we're immune, you guys deal with it" thing isn't working too well for me
16:30.27Endwell, there are perfectly legit things we just can't do
16:30.40TheStigname a few that you're thinking of
16:30.43Endwe can't reimplement or modify many things
16:30.50Endwell, positioning is a big problem
16:31.07Endfor example, I'd like to be able to do some flowed positioning of frames
16:31.19End(I guess like the bag frames)
16:32.21Endalso, there's the automagic rearrangement of frames UIParent does
16:32.46Endthat causes a big problem with the petbar for example
16:34.31TheStigi don't know what the deal is but the way i have my UI setup everything works perfectly almost all the time then randomly just out of nowhere using disenchant from the spellbook causes one of my addons (seemingly random) to taint lol
16:35.03Endyeah, those bugs are a bitch to debug
16:35.09*** join/#wowi-lounge FtH|eagle (
16:35.29EndI wish we could get information on -which- AddOn tainted something
16:35.33TheStigi dont' like that wow doesn't have a run time debugger
16:36.07TheStigi don't know if i can attach visual studio to wow.exe without bringing the wrath of the warden down on me either
16:36.34EndI'm skeptical that it'd be compiled with debugging symbols
16:36.42Endyou'd be a bit lost anyways
16:37.51abugI don't know the official arg name for this blizz function, should I just make one up?
16:37.51TheStigwow needs its own official built in debugger for addons etc.
16:38.28Endhave you tried not provided the arg so that it'll bring up an error message?
16:38.32Endor is it an optional arg?
16:38.43abugactually I'm not sure
16:38.57End(otherwise, I'd use the name used in FrameXML if you can find a meaningful one)
16:45.51wereHamsteris there any situation where I don't receive UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP when someone stops/aborts/is interrupted casting a spell?
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17:10.12foxlitSo is it just me, or are curse/wowi rather dead?
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17:10.35foxlitConnections mostly time out
17:10.44Neuro_Medivhwowi was working earlier
17:11.12Neuro_Medivhwowi working for me now
17:11.58sysrageall the mod sites are overloaded
17:12.06Endcurse seems pretty dead though
17:12.23Endwowi is slow for me
17:17.08clad|workEnd: Dolby's working on speeding things up, I was talking with him last night
17:22.25Endclad|work: cool
17:22.46Endat least it's not on its face :)
17:23.14sysrageerr. wrong chan. but ya'll may get a kick out of it :)
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17:58.53foxlitHm, raid pullouts refuse to die
18:00.21nevcairielreload ui
18:09.21foxlitHm, stealth detection now shows as icons above people/mobs' heads?
18:09.33TheStigbut only while you're stealthed
18:09.59foxlitPerception too?
18:10.11TheStigdon't have it so i don't know
18:10.27TheStigtry a cats eye elixir
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18:45.30wereHamsterwhre's RAID_CLASS_COLORS defined?
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18:48.23KirovFont.xml I think
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18:49.57TheStigDruid: FF7D0A Hunter: ABD473, Mage: 69CCF0, Paladin: F58CBA, Priest: FFFFFF, Rogue: FFF569, Shaman: 00DBBA, Warlock: 9482CA, Warrior: C79C6E
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18:57.28stavmardoes anyone know of a mod that makes a sound that says "fatality" in a female gnomish voice?
18:58.01stavmarKirov, thank you
18:58.06IndustrialI wish to be entertained.
18:58.15Industrialpreferrably by moving thingies with sound
18:58.19Industrialit has to be funny
18:58.24Elkanohave a look in the mirror
18:58.26Industrial.. anyone?
18:58.39Industrialthats not funny
18:58.45Industrialjust seriously hot
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18:59.11zenzelezzI get worried when I look in the mirror... it's the eyes
18:59.29Elkanook, if you think you're hot, you may be gay ;)
18:59.41zenzelezzand yes, I use pretty strong glasses
18:59.54IndustrialI was going to comment on that
19:00.07zenzelezzeveryone does
19:00.24zenzelezzit's only natural, they magnify quite a bit
19:00.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
19:00.43TheStigI do not require corrective lenses of any type.
19:01.03IndustrialElkano: according to this thingy I am.
19:01.09IndustrialElkano: hot, that is.
19:01.31Elkanonever trust any votes you didn't fake yourself
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19:01.45Industrialgo on, vote 1. ZING 8.6 pwnt
19:01.48zenzelezzit's interesting; me, my mother and my father all uses glasses, but my brother's vision is perfect
19:02.24TheStigzenzelezz: you got any "uncles" your mother is quite fond of?
19:03.05zenzelezzall my uncles are uncles by marriage... my parents only have sisters
19:03.09IndustrialElkano: yeah that site.. thats the kind of stuff i do when i wish to be entertained (when im utterly bored)
19:03.51TheStigi'm just kidding zenzelezz.. i was talking about men your mother insisted you called uncle even though there is no blood relation...
19:04.05zenzelezzoh, right o_O I was thinking along different lines
19:04.07TheStigbut i'm only kidding
19:04.15zenzelezzthat much I knew :)
19:04.26zenzelezzbut playing along can enchance comedy
19:04.30TheStigi was implying your brother may only be your half brother but anyway
19:06.35*** join/#wowi-lounge AbraCadaverr (
19:06.57BouviSpeaking of seeing.  I couldn't see anything
19:08.03Industriali am NOT kidding. works like this:
19:08.32Industrialperson a browses the profiles (randomly by a next button)
19:08.45Industrialperson a likes persion b and clicks YES for a double match
19:09.11Industrialif person b clicks yes on person a's profile, you get a doublematch and yuou can sedn notes and shit
19:09.20Industrialso its an honest system
19:11.36Sroshlol, I like that "straight" dropdown box
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19:15.17AbraCadaverrnot that I am interested in seeing it, but do you have a hotornot profile?
19:16.14TheStigi had one in like 1999 or 2000
19:16.44AbraCadaverryeah, I didn't know it was still around till Industrial brought it up.
19:17.46AbraCadaverrI can't believe the people that actually post pictures wanting a straight answers, I mean come on.
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19:19.06AbraCadaverrits almost a highschool popularity contests, like the WoW realm forums of who is the best Warrior/Druid/"insert class here" etc. threads.
19:19.14Dhragaevening all
19:19.43TheStigbtw i'm sick of the "OMG NERF FERAL DRUID" threads
19:19.57TheStigetc etc
19:20.02AbraCadaverrim just sick of the nerf such and such threads in general
19:20.25AbraCadaverrhaha, its gonna be 5 days of feral druids owning pvp
19:20.28Industrialnerf nerfing!
19:21.10AbraCadaverrohh is that you?
19:21.18Industrialyes :>
19:21.24AbraCadaverrdidn't look before i laughed
19:21.47AbraCadaverrfyi, i'm male
19:22.34AbraCadaverrhotornot, not that my opinion counts, is as worse then myspace
19:22.50Cairenn|afkAbraCadaverr: given the number of people in this channel that are homosexual or bi, the fact that you are male is ... what?
19:23.41Bouvi<- straight and has wife to prove it lol
19:23.45IndustrialAbraCadaverr: it doesnt mean anything here to say that you are male or female :P
19:24.01Industrialcould just as well be bi :>
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19:24.04AbraCadaverrSorry, I'll specify, I am straight, but how do I know everyones sexual orientation now Cairenn?
19:24.15Cairenn|afkdoes it matter?
19:24.22BouviActually I am a lesbian trapped in a male body
19:24.25AbraCadaverrno, but you seem to think it does?
19:24.40Cairenn|afkthe context of your comments is the reason I said it
19:24.45AbraCadaverrI am confused as to why he showed me his hotornot
19:24.52AbraCadaverrdid he want me to rate it?
19:25.17AbraCadaverrif so, I am biased, and don't look at men in that way
19:25.36zenzelezz<AbraCadaverr> not that I am interested in seeing it, but do you have a hotornot profile?
19:25.41zenzelezzsounds reason enough to link it
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19:25.48Industriallike that?
19:26.16AbraCadaverrI was curiousity, hence stating that I am not interested
19:26.36zenzelezzand by linking it, he pretty much just said "yes"
19:26.46AbraCadaverra yes would suffice
19:27.27Industrialwell ofcource but thats no fun
19:27.39Industrial<-- away: food
19:27.56AbraCadaverrHey, sorry if I stepped on toes, it wasn't my intention. I have many reasons to believe based on my nick that people would believe that i am actually female
19:28.16Cairenn|afkno toes stepped on, was just saying
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19:28.37zenzelezzI don't see anything very female about your nick o_O
19:28.44AbraCadaverrWell, you said it in a very precarious way
19:28.44Cairenn|afkbtw, I am female, the only one in the channel that is
19:28.48BouviI just think your a undead mage
19:29.01AbraCadaverrundead priest*
19:29.08IndustrialI just think you AND me watch too much cartoons :D
19:30.08Industrialwich one was it again? powerpuff girls?
19:30.12AbraCadaverrnah I perfer old school Care bears
19:30.47Tierrie|Workyay cairenn
19:30.58Tierrie|Workhurray for the boobie twins
19:31.02AbraCadaverrand zenzelezz, I don't either, if you read books, but people link my name to Abercrombie for some reason, don't ask me why
19:32.10AbraCadaverrand on the subject of being interested in seeing hotornot, if you read my previous statments, I think hotornot isn't the most special place on the web
19:32.28AbraCadaverrif you catch my drift
19:32.52AbraCadaverranyone from the Windrunner server?
19:33.16zenzelezzI've only been saying that he linked the site based on your comment =) HoN isn't a site I visit either :-p
19:34.29AbraCadaverrkk i suppose i could understand my confusion
19:34.38AbraCadaverrerr your
19:34.59Neuro_MedivhHot or Not should be renamed Fake or Not
19:35.33AbraCadaverrhaha, agreed
19:37.02Neuro_Medivh"Hi, I'm Candy, a 21 year old bisexual girl who happens to love World of Warcraft, Babylon 5, and X-Men!  No men pls, only hot girls."
19:37.36AbraCadaverranyone know Hobss?
19:37.55AbraCadaverrwait if your bi, why no men?
19:38.57Neuro_Medivh"Because I already have a boyfriend who happens to be a 16 year old sophmore in high school"
19:39.06AbraCadaverrlol k
19:39.50zenzelezzor because it's actually a boy pretending to be a girl
19:39.50AbraCadaverrat least hes 16
19:39.52KirovTo quote a terrible movie, "Hi, I'm Candy" "I bet you are..."
19:40.09Neuro_Medivhit's "Of course you are"
19:40.29Neuro_MedivhClancy Brown = the win
19:40.33sysragespeaking of terrible movies. i watched The Hills Have Eyes last night.. worst movie i've seen in ages
19:40.45Neuro_Medivhand Kirov, that movie rocks
19:40.54Neuro_Medivhit's the sequels that suck
19:41.23KirovNeuro_Medivh - the third one isn't too terrible, but mostly because the second one was _SOOO_ bad
19:41.33AbraCadaverrjust watched a movie last night, "Why We Fight" a really good movie
19:41.45Neuro_Medivhthere should never have been a sequel
19:41.55Neuro_Medivhnow, a Sean Connery prequel would have rocked
19:42.09zenzelezzcan't go wrong with Sean Connery
19:42.09Neuro_MedivhAbra, what kind of movie?
19:42.27KirovSean Connery, the Babylonian, Egyptian, Spanish immortal
19:43.07Neuro_Medivh"Ok, Sean
19:43.11AbraCadaverrohh, it's a documentary on the interests of why America needs war.
19:43.25Neuro_Medivh"In this movie, everyone else is scottish but you"
19:43.39Neuro_Medivh"So, do your scottish accent" =)
19:43.48Neuro_MedivhAbra, then it's flawed from the get-go
19:43.55AbraCadaverrlol, it is?
19:44.13Neuro_Medivhthere's a huge phallacy that war is good for the economy, which is not true
19:44.16ZealotOnAStick"Highlander Zero: Sean Connery travels the world and cuts off people's heads."
19:44.24Neuro_MedivhZealot, I'd go see it
19:44.31ZealotOnAStickas would I.
19:44.38zenzelezzit's good for the part of the economy that has the money to lobby the politicians
19:44.42zenzelezzbut not the rest
19:44.43Neuro_MedivhNot really
19:44.48ZealotOnAStickHe needs better villain roles, though, IMO.
19:45.09Neuro_MedivhPeople think it's good because WW2 appeared to bring us out of the great depression
19:45.13zenzelezz"We're surrounded, sir!" "Yes, quite..."
19:45.34Neuro_Medivhin fact, it was the destruction of europe and the US as the only industrial nation for a while that did it
19:45.45AbraCadaverrNeuro, I agree that there are other ways, but war is what we have involved ourselves in. for the better part congress can't seperate itself from it.
19:45.58KirovZealotOnAStick - Highlander Zero would be a movie about Methos
19:46.12Neuro_MedivhSeries = Not Exist
19:46.37Neuro_Medivhthough, I heard somewhere that the actor from that series owns the rights to the whole franchise now
19:46.49AbraCadaverrI disagree, we spend more on the defense budgent the any other beucracy combined today
19:46.50KirovAdrian Paul?
19:47.08Neuro_MedivhAbra, that doesn't mean that spending on the defense budget is GOOD
19:47.12AbraCadaverrwe have think tanks decideding our future
19:47.19Neuro_Medivhit helps a very small subset of the economy
19:47.31Neuro_Medivhand the overwhelming expense of the rest
19:47.36AbraCadaverrIt's more then a subset
19:47.59Neuro_MedivhNo, it's pretty much the defense contractors that benefit from prolonged war, that's all
19:48.00Kirovholy crap, there's a fifth highlander coming out this year
19:48.09AbraCadaverrwe are modernizing other nations with our weaponry
19:48.26Industrialmodernizing yes, good no
19:48.45AbraCadaverrwhat about weapons developed in just about every state in the US, those are jobs which in turn congress fights for
19:49.02Industrial"here, this thingy makes killing other people easier. 5 million bucks please"
19:49.16Industrialhow is that good in any way
19:49.32Industrialbesides the income
19:49.34AbraCadaverrit isn't good
19:50.13Neuro_MedivhAbra, those jobs would be better suited to a more productive sector of the economy
19:50.19AbraCadaverrthe movie is more or less about how America is more of a Capitilist gov't. rather then a democracy
19:50.38AbraCadaverrI agree, I am not saying its good, AT ALL
19:50.40Neuro_MedivhUSA is not a democracy, it's a republic
19:51.06AbraCadaverrits not a "true" democracy
19:51.10Neuro_MedivhThere have been very few true democracies
19:51.25Neuro_Medivhthe most commonly cited example is Athens
19:52.02Neuro_Medivhwhich very often fell under autocratic rule, AND the democracy was composed of the free men of land, not the whole population
19:52.07Industrialgive every citizen a PC and let every person living in the country vote on every matter. ofcource its not doable but it would be really cool
19:52.15Neuro_MedivhI disagree
19:52.20Neuro_Medivhmost people are stupid
19:52.32AbraCadaverrnot exactly the case
19:52.51Neuro_Medivhobviously, that's an opinion, but I hold to it
19:52.52AbraCadaverrmost people are just mis-informed with cable news networks brainwashing
19:53.00foxlitthe swiss.
19:53.16Neuro_MedivhAbra, most people don't CARE enough to find out the truth
19:53.20zenzelezzthe big problem is that the mass of the people generally don't think very far about consequences
19:53.26Industrialstupid or not, having the right to vote on every matter would be more valuable imo
19:54.08AbraCadaverrbecause alot of people are working for most of the day, they don't get the luxury as some to do research on every matter
19:54.21Neuro_MedivhAbra, which is why they have representatives
19:54.51AbraCadaverrIndustrial, that would be consider a mob'ocracy, something our framers of the constitutions where frightened off
19:55.03Industrialyeah but what happens if he turns out to be a big fuck? *cough* boush *cough*
19:55.18Neuro_MedivhOh please, Bush is not the devil
19:55.31AbraCadaverrno we have representatives because we are affraid of majority rule, leaving the minority to suffer
19:55.41Industrialhes a big fuck though :D
19:55.47Neuro_MedivhNot even convinced about that
19:55.57Neuro_MedivhNot saying he's a great leader;  he's not
19:56.14Tierrie|Workhe's not even a leader
19:56.26Tierrie|Worki'm not sure he's a "he"
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19:56.37Neuro_Medivhum, ok
19:56.38Industrialhes a monkey :D
19:56.50Neuro_Medivhyou guys sound like Rush Limbaugh
19:56.56Neuro_Medivhwhen Clinton was in office
19:56.58AbraCadaverrBush may be the worst prestident, but still holds the same qualities as the presidents before him that were considered great
19:57.03zenzelezzto be honest, I'm curious what Bush would have been like if 9.11 hadn't happene
19:57.09Neuro_Medivhhe's not even close to the worst president
19:57.47Tierrie|Workoh please Rush Limbaugh is a) conservative b) seizure prone when discussing michael j fox
19:57.59Neuro_MedivhTierrie, I said when he was discussing Clinton
19:58.14Neuro_MedivhEverything Clinton did was wrong, to Rush Limbaugh
19:58.21Tierrie|Workthe difference is that clinton did not have 20% approval
19:58.29Tullerbush on the scale is at uhh...mckinley
19:58.35Neuro_MedivhApproval rating means jack shit
19:58.43Tierrie|Workit means 80% thinks he's wrong
19:58.51AbraCadaverris that why Nixon left office?
19:59.06Neuro_MedivhNo, Nixon left office because he commited high crimes
19:59.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Eric_0064 (
19:59.14Eric_0064anyone there
19:59.20Tierrie|Workno Nixon left office because he was about to be tried for high crimes
19:59.22Eric_0064i need somehelp
19:59.25AbraCadaverrtrue, but still could've dodged them, if the puplic was with him
19:59.35Neuro_MedivhApproval rating means he's unpopular.  NOT that he's a bad president
19:59.45Eric_0064anyone know a gatherer addon that is compatible with the latest wow patch?
19:59.53Tulleryou can't use approval rating and also say most people are stupid :)
19:59.53Neuro_MedivhPopularity does not make you any better or worse.
19:59.56IndustrialEric_0064: just wait.
19:59.56KirovEric_0064 - sorry, this is #USPolitics
20:00.09Neuro_MedivhTuller, huh?
20:00.19Tierrie|Workthat's true
20:00.23zenzelezzEric_0064: Kirov just means you entered in the middle of a political discussion :-p
20:00.31Neuro_MedivhThe person disputing the approval rating is the same one saying people are stupid
20:00.32Tierrie|Workhe's a crap president, the popularity thing is just a nice coincidence
20:00.48IndustrialEric_0064: I think its not a good idea that everyone goes out on patch day to look for the 3 addons that already work with the latest patch. Agreed?
20:00.51Neuro_MedivhTierrie, he's made some serious mistakes, I agree.  But he's not the devil.
20:00.55TullerNeuro_Medivh: I'm aware :)
20:01.03Eric_0064it doesnt work for me
20:01.08Industrialthen wait
20:01.15Tierrie|Workwhy do you keep saying "Bush is blah blah blah, but he's not the devil"
20:01.22Tierrie|Worki never said he had horns and cloven feet
20:01.30Industrialhe has a monkey face
20:01.31AbraCadaverrif fact no one did
20:01.34Kirov - early alpha, supposedly works
20:01.37TainBut have we ever *seen* his feet?
20:01.37Neuro_MedivhIndustrial, so?
20:01.58Tierrie|Worki think he has a monkey face and i doubt he has testicles
20:01.58Neuro_Medivhok, so maybe he does
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20:01.59Neuro_Medivhdoes that make him a bad president?
20:02.06Tierrie|Workbut its a nice coincidence
20:02.08Neuro_MedivhSo why even bring it up?
20:02.18AbraCadaverrAll I am saying is he did a great job of war mongering and helping his croney buddies achieve great fortune and sucess
20:02.24Industrialthe "war on terr" makes him a bad president
20:02.32TainHe couldn't be the devil. He was appointed by God.
20:02.40Tierrie|Workhe's a bad president because he made stupid choices, not because he had no testicles or had cloven feet or has low approval ratings
20:02.50Neuro_MedivhTierrie, now that I can agree with
20:02.51Tierrie|Workbut cloven feet and low approval ratings doesn't make him a bad president
20:02.54KirovTain - The devil was apointed by God too
20:03.04AbraCadaverrstupid people, make stupid choices, enough said
20:03.10Neuro_MedivhKeep this in mind:  I do not like Bush as president
20:03.12Tierrie|Workthe devil has no testicles too, since he was an angel and angels are ill equipped
20:03.18TainMomma always said stupid is as stupid does.
20:03.33Neuro_Medivhbut I'm not going to sit here and say "Everything Bush suggests is bad"
20:03.39Tierrie|Worki will!
20:03.53Neuro_MedivhI think many of his ideas are sound
20:04.00Tierrie|Worki don't
20:04.02Neuro_Medivhjust not enough
20:04.08Tierrie|Worki havent heard a good idea from him
20:04.10Tierrie|Workname a good idea
20:04.10TainI'd like to say that.  But none come to mind immediately.
20:04.18Neuro_MedivhOh, so Education is a bad idea?
20:04.28Tierrie|Work"No child left behind" was a horrible idea
20:04.32AbraCadaverrthe under funding of enducation?
20:04.33TainYou are right, seldom is the question asked, "Is our children learning?"
20:04.37Tierrie|Workit basically let students that failed, pass
20:04.47Neuro_MedivhThat's the execution, not the idea
20:04.49Neuro_Medivhthe idea is sound
20:04.53Tierrie|Workit just lowered the bar, not increased the level of learning or knowledge
20:04.54Neuro_Medivhthe execution is flawed
20:05.24AbraCadaverrits the presidents job to make those ideas reality
20:05.26Neuro_Medivhand believe me, Congress had just as much to blame on the execution as him
20:05.30Tierrie|Workthe idea was not sound, the idea was something like "every children needs education" (yay) "and i will do it by this "no child left behind program"" (huh?)
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20:05.51Neuro_MedivhThe idea was that we need to improve the education system
20:05.59dukekuby teaching towards tests!
20:06.00Neuro_Medivhthe problem is that people decided to sidestep it
20:06.03AbraCadaverrhonestly, check out Why we fight
20:06.12Tierrie|Workits like saying "we need the spread democracy!" (which is a great idea)  "by toppling a random sovereign nation and imposing imperial rule" (which is a bad idea)
20:06.14AbraCadaverrthats what I wanted to say to begin with
20:06.31IndustrialTierrie|Work: word.
20:06.32Neuro_MedivhActually, I completely disagree that spreading democracy is a good idea
20:06.58Tierrie|Workdon't digress
20:06.58AbraCadaverrwell it is if you look at it from a capilitistic approach
20:07.04Tierrie|Workname a good idea from bush
20:07.17Neuro_MedivhI already did
20:07.17zenzelezzI think spreading democracy is a good idea, but not one you can do easily
20:07.21dukekuTierrie|Work: tap dancing in the lincoln bedroom
20:07.31Neuro_MedivhI believe his ideas on Education are sound
20:07.38Industriali think the UN and US forces have to leave from wherever they are and let people sort it out themselves, while at the same time stopping to sell weapons to these countries
20:07.39dukekuhis ideas on education are terrible
20:07.48dukekuno child left behind is one of the least thought out programs we have
20:07.49Tierrie|Workdude "education" is not a "good idea", its like saying "money for everyone" and then in small print "by reducing taxes and thus increasing deficits"
20:07.50Neuro_Medivhthat's a difference of opinion
20:07.52Industrial"here have guns" 10 years later; "nono you cant kill eachother with it"
20:08.13Tierrie|Workeducation is like 20 point font all bold, while the small 8 pt print is like "no child left behind! lets pass everyone!"
20:08.21dukekuIndustrial: you killed <1000 people, now we're going to kill 100,000 TO BRING YOU TO JUSTICE
20:08.38Neuro_MedivhYou're attaching the state's execution of policy to Bush
20:08.42zenzelezzUN/US weapons isn't the big problem... the (former) Soviet ones are worse
20:08.44Tierrie|Workso you can't disgaree with "education" because that makes it seem like you're a douche, when in reality what people are disagreeing with is the 8 pt small print
20:08.50dukekuTierrie|Work: let's forget about actual teaching and just work towards making students pass test so we get more money!
20:08.53AbraCadaverrhonestly Neuro your fighing a lost battle, fighting with people that don't have fox talking points and have access to the interent is tough.
20:08.57Neuro_Medivhthe Federal Policy was "Get kids to pass, or you don't get your federal money"
20:09.08Neuro_MedivhThe states response was "Ok, pass everyone!"
20:09.22Neuro_Medivhthat's how it works
20:09.25dukekuNeuro_Medivh: and the method of passing everyone was to teach away from needed education and towards tests
20:09.29Tulleressentailly, the administration prefers to stay on the high level abstract thing, but is completely inept in execution
20:09.31Tierrie|Workfederal policy was "if you pass everyone you get money" state response was "ok"
20:09.31dukekuwhich is a terrible method
20:09.33Neuro_MedivhEducation is dictated at the State Level
20:09.43dukekuif anything, schools that don't pass should get more money ot bring their programs up
20:09.53Industriali'd like to add that im not american and dont know how that government works, so im just referring my 'bad thingies' to whoever made that decision.
20:10.03Neuro_Medivhthe Federal Govt mandated passing levels for federal aid (the only leverage they have, legally)
20:10.26Tierrie|Workit mandated the number of students passing
20:10.32Neuro_Medivhyes, I know
20:10.39Neuro_Medivhso the states responded by passing everyone
20:10.41Industriali dont care who started any war or who stop it, as long as it stops ( aswell as manufacturing and selling arms)
20:10.44Neuro_Medivhso they could get their money
20:10.49AbraCadaverrohh cutting College loans to pay for a war is great too, penalize the ones that have to work to get an education cause daddy isn't paying for it
20:10.59Tierrie|Workhow else did they expect states to respond? ergo stupid idea that was not thought out by the federal government
20:11.02Neuro_MedivhAbra, College Loans weren't cut
20:11.10AbraCadaverryes they where.
20:11.14dukekuyes, they were
20:11.15Neuro_Medivhprove it
20:11.26dukekuprove it? ok, go to college
20:11.30dukekutry to get some loans from the government
20:11.30Neuro_MedivhI'm in college
20:11.34dukekuit's a hell of a lot harder
20:11.35AbraCadaverrlol pay for a college loan
20:11.45Neuro_MedivhAnd I live on student loans
20:11.54dukekufrom the government, or through a private organization
20:11.58Tierrie|Workare we still on "education" is a good idea by the federal government?
20:12.03Neuro_Medivhand I can tell you , the available money for Pell Grants and FAFSA loans have INCREASED
20:12.17dukekui can't get any money through fafsa or pell grants
20:12.23bleetahneither can I
20:12.25Neuro_Medivhthat doesn't mean the money isn't there
20:12.27dukekuso until i take out some private loans
20:12.30bleetahalthough that may be because I'm not a seppo
20:12.31dukekui'm stuck paying for tuition on my own
20:12.34Neuro_Medivhthat just means you're not eligible
20:12.37dukekuand let me say, that fucking SUCKS
20:12.53TheStigi can't because even though i'm 24 years old and have had my own apartment since i was 21 my parents continue to claim me on their taxes saying i live at home and despite me reporting them to the IRS nothing is done
20:12.53Neuro_Medivhso saying they cut money to pay for war is inaccurate
20:12.58Industriali havent loaned a thing in my life and my band account has never been -0
20:13.14AbraCadaverrsure is Neuro
20:13.18Industriali buy stuff when i have the money, and save until i do
20:13.24Tierrie|Workmy bank account has been zero!
20:13.26dukekuneither have i, doesn't mean i'm still paying out my asshole for tuition
20:13.28Tierrie|Workgood old college days
20:13.31dukekustill not, whatever
20:13.49dukekui just paid this semester's tuition, think i have like $90 left for the next week until payday
20:14.10dukekuluckily i don't have rent to pay, but christ it sucks living with your parents :)
20:15.07TheStigmy parents have been fucking me over every time i turn around since i was about 14
20:15.07Tierrie|Workparents rule, its like privacy = nil; food = 1/0;
20:15.14BouviGiven the bills I have now I would not mind living with my parents again lol.  But since I moved out 20 years ago my room is no longer a bedroom.
20:15.16foxlitinfinite food? :)
20:15.21TheStigi had a college fund left to me by my late great grandmother and it was all spent by my parents etc. etc.
20:15.22Neuro_MedivhBouvi, lol
20:15.23Tierrie|Workyou should report that to child abuse TheStig!
20:15.32dukekuTheStig: i feel that
20:15.32TheStigi'm 24 Tierrie lol
20:15.45Tierrie|Workbee are bee
20:16.04Neuro_Medivhanyway, debating politics is kinda boring
20:16.16AbraCadaverryou whould watch why we fight
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20:16.22AbraCadaverryou should*
20:16.37Neuro_MedivhAbra, that's like saying "You should watch Farenheit 911"
20:16.51AbraCadaverrlol why?
20:16.52Industrialgoing to watch it
20:16.56Industrialbbl :p
20:17.32AbraCadaverrthey have people like Bill Kristol, a huge conservative for Project for a new america
20:17.52AbraCadaverrit isn't biased like michael moore
20:18.23AbraCadaverrI can't believe you are comparing things that you have no idea about
20:18.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie|Work (
20:19.04Neuro_MedivhI wasn't comparing them, I was saying that in today's media, any documentary is almost certainly biased
20:19.07Tierrie|Workso did anyone watch the troop surge request last night?
20:19.11IndustrialTC_Working: lol.
20:19.12Neuro_Medivhthen again, maybe I'm just being cynical
20:19.14Tierrie|Worki thought it was pretty compelling
20:19.22AbraCadaverrI think you are in denial
20:19.23Tullerhrm, so theory about vbagnon.  I rever to a single all in one view again.  You can search via the simple spot method, or a more advanced method, you can save searches from both
20:19.33Tullerthey'll be listed as tabs on your frame, like now
20:19.50TC_Workingya, Industrial, but i dont think i want to try it myself
20:19.56Tullerthat is, you can drag them out, and also hover over to see items that match the rule in your inventory
20:20.28Tullerwell, at least saved searches is a more logical way of creating tabs, I think
20:20.54kergothsounds nice.  not what i need, i'll probably switch to baggins or arkinventory, but it does sound nice
20:21.27Tulleryeah I'm trying to figure out more or less what I need :)
20:21.54TullerI feel vbagnon right now is a tad unfocused
20:21.57BouvivBagnon rocks.  Only thing I miss is seeing inventory/banks on other characters.
20:22.10Tulleryeah that's coming when I code it soonish
20:22.59Tulleryou did not just write a new actionbar system, then figure out keybindings do not work for a lot of people, and have to rewrite the old system :P
20:24.05BouviDarn details.  Why did keybindings not work?  Granted I have not switched to the newer versions due to my settings not coming through..
20:24.10AbraCadaverrthat video for why people think americans are stupid is great!
20:25.09Neuro_MedivhAbra, that's a perfect example of biased media
20:25.35Neuro_Medivhyou can prove any people are stupid.  Ask enough people, and just show all the wrong answers
20:25.38Tierrie|Worksomeone mentioned that there's a ace replacement for characterviewer?
20:26.50TullerBouvi: I'm not sure, as they worked perfectly for me
20:27.11BouviWell if you need a tester just shout.  Be happy to help
20:27.17Tulleri'm just going with the theory that statebindigns were never to be intended to be used like I did :)
20:27.23AbraCadaverrNeuro, stupid is saying a triangle has 1 or 4 sides
20:27.34AbraCadaverrI am sorry any answer you give after that is retarded
20:27.52AbraCadaverrthats not biased
20:28.17AbraCadaverrthats common knowledge, and it was you saying america is stupid right?
20:28.32Neuro_MedivhOh, I'm not disputing the results
20:28.36Neuro_MedivhI'm disputing the method
20:29.15Neuro_MedivhIt wouldn't have mattered what country they tried that trick in, if they wanted the people to look stupid, they would have succeeded
20:29.15nevcairielTuller: did you see the macro [button:] changes in 2.0.3 ? ( well its bugged right now ), but once its unbugged, it should allow button:1 macro syntax with a changed statebutton
20:29.18nevcairieli think
20:30.32AbraCadaverrNeuro, when you are the sole super power, something you shouldn't be is stupid
20:31.27TainBeing intelligent has nothing at all to do with being a power.
20:31.43AbraCadaverrbeing dumb doesn't get you to where you are
20:32.03AbraCadaverrbill gates doesn't have power cause he doesn't know how many sides a triangle has
20:32.16TainThen how do you explain Paris Hilton?
20:32.34zenzelezzshe'd be nothing without her father
20:32.40AbraCadaverryou think the us just inherited this super power status?
20:32.46nevcairielyeah, some people just inherit power :P
20:32.54TainSo it wasn't just her keen intelligence behind it all?
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20:33.23AbraCadaverrno, you are comparing apples to oranges
20:33.59nevcairielboth fruits, valid comparions in my fruit class :D
20:33.59TainActually I think it's a fairly apt comparison.
20:34.19TainShe's a moron, yet she gets a lot.  Why?  Because someone who came before her gave it to her.
20:34.23Tullernevcairiel: yeah
20:34.26AbraCadaverrOk, then tell me how the US inherited power with no brains
20:34.39TainThe same way she did.
20:34.40Neuro_MedivhYour contention is that every single citizen of the United States has to be brilliant?
20:34.56TainSomeone else did the work, other people don't have to be intelligence to reap the benefits.
20:35.00AbraCadaverrso your saying Brittain died and gave its power to the US?
20:35.13Neuro_MedivhNo, we're saying there are many smart people in the US
20:35.22Neuro_Medivhplus, we had more resources
20:35.30TC_Workingnone of them, however, on in this channel atm
20:35.36Neuro_Medivhpossibly not =)
20:35.47TC_Working.....including me
20:35.47Tullernevcairiel: right click selfcast is still a pain to implement with the current system though :)
20:35.47AbraCadaverrmy contention is that we should be farther in intelligence and global awareness then other countries
20:35.56TainWell, Britain *did* turn tail and run.  But no, you know very well that is not what I'm saying, so if you're going to spout nonsense like that have fun with it.
20:36.09Neuro_MedivhAbra, I agree
20:36.20nevcairielTuller: yeah..
20:36.28Neuro_MedivhI think the average US citizen is stupider than he or she should be
20:36.34Neuro_Medivhbut the fact remains
20:36.38Neuro_Medivhthat video is worthless
20:36.40TonyDany linmux people here?
20:36.48Tullernevcairiel: but its a bit less of a pain than implementing a whole new keybinding system :)
20:36.53Neuro_Medivhbecause it only showed the dumb answers
20:37.03Neuro_Medivhand ignored the hundreds of correct answers
20:37.06nevcairielTuller: tell me about it
20:37.31AbraCadaverrthat video is just poking fun, regardless if they showed the whole thing its still is representative
20:38.15AbraCadaverrlook at the demographic of tests that show how low we are in intelligence and global awareness
20:38.30AbraCadaverralthough you will find some way to say the tests are biased
20:38.31bleetahlook, it's pretty simple. apart from india, china... maybe one or two others, the US has more idiots than any other country. it's simple math. 50% of population have below average IQ. There's an awful lot of people in the US. Hence, an awful lot of idiots.
20:39.13bleetah(this is the same reason your realm is full of morons)
20:39.40bleetahit just comes down to squeaky wheels and stuff
20:39.43bleetahcreating the perception
20:39.58TainSqueaky wheel gets the kick!
20:40.35AbraCadaverrso your saying the economy of china and india has nothing to do with their failures, and if you look they rank on a percentage base, above us on every test
20:41.08bleetahi'm just explaining why there's a lot of idiots in the US. not involving economics at all.
20:41.18bleetahawful lot of idiots in India and China, too
20:41.41TheStigthere are morons anywhere you go
20:41.53bleetahevery second person you pass on the street
20:41.55AbraCadaverryeah your arguement makes no sense
20:42.19bleetahwhat makes no sense? that 50% of the population have below average IQ?
20:42.30TheStigmaybe not below average IQ
20:42.34Neuro_Medivhno, he's right
20:42.38Neuro_Medivhbecause 50% is the avg
20:42.41TheStigjust below average ability to function in a group
20:42.42AbraCadaverrwheres the fact behind this
20:42.43TheStigoh i see
20:42.51TheStigi won't disagree
20:43.11bleetahIQ is a measurement of average intelligence... for want of a better term
20:43.20bleetahas it's an average, 50% will be below, 50% above
20:43.24AbraCadaverrI am saying as a super power we should be above these countries
20:43.52bleetahand I'm saying you've got a lot of idiots in the US, being a superpower is irrelevant
20:44.08AbraCadaverrno its not
20:44.13tc3driverAbraCadaverr, unfortunatly they do not teach any practical logic in schools, here in the US, any more
20:44.41KirovPart of why the US is a super power is because of it's poor education.
20:45.00tc3driveraye, poor education == sheeple
20:45.00Neuro_Medivhthat seems counter-intuitive
20:45.06TheStigi tend to believe more than 50% are idiots i'm about 80% misanthropist
20:45.18AbraCadaverrbleetah, i know you just entered the convorsation but what I have been saying is that being a superpower should employ means to teach our kids the better, not the worse
20:45.30tc3driversheeple == easy way to get a war machine govt working
20:45.32TheStigyou lot are well above average though :)
20:45.33KirovThe military as a career is more viable if your other option is a fast food manager
20:45.42tc3driverwar machine govt == way of romans
20:47.32tc3driverthe govt here is all about $$$$, and not for the people, but for themselves, and thier friends (read donaters).
20:47.46tc3driverand they know that ignorance is bliss... so they try to keep it that way
20:49.07AbraCadaverras a country that isn't opressed, and has economic freedoms, we have some really dumb people
20:49.26AbraCadaverrignorance is bliss
20:49.29tc3driver>.>;; that's what you think
20:49.55tc3driverthough I wouldnt use the word opressed, more forced...
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20:50.15TheStigUS Forces stormed the Iranian Consulate in Iraq a while ago
20:50.17TheStigthis can't end well
20:50.30bleetahwoot for server restart
20:50.52tc3driveryes... as I said... the US is going the way of the romans
20:51.41Neuro_MedivhYou mean, setting the basis and foundation for all western civilization?
20:52.59bleetahor fighting a religion that they'll then claim as their own?
20:53.00tc3driverit wont be long before we are no longer a super power, as the infastructure here continues to deteriorate, and we have to outsource more jobs, parts, and products... our economy will steadly decline... and we will end up like the roman empire... a once was
20:53.25Neuro_Medivhon the plus side
20:53.32Neuro_Medivhwe'll all be long dead by then
20:53.32bleetahthe romans didn't set the basis for western civ
20:53.57tc3driverthe romans set the basis for how NOT to run a govt.
20:54.05Kirov - lol
20:54.17AbraCadaverrof course we will be dead, but great life for our children
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20:54.33tc3driverI think I will live to see the fall of the US
20:54.55tc3driverit has allready started, it started in the mid 60's
20:55.02bleetahpersians, egyptians and greeks had been going at it well before the romans. not to mention the chinese. then there's the arabs who kept the paperwork alive during the dark ages. if anything, it'd be the arabs who kept the basis available for western civilisation.
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20:56.04kremonteis there anyway to have table keys sorted by when you insert them? or do i need to order them logically to be loaded as such?
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20:59.36Kirovkremonte - lua table keys cannot be sorted, unless they're sequential numbers
20:59.37ckknightkremonte: there's a tip on this page about that:
21:00.26bleetahcan't read that
21:00.30bleetahsite's in maintenance mode
21:00.33kremonteyea hehe
21:00.44kremontejust want to save myself the hassle of nesting tables in tables in tables
21:01.24kremonteso anyone know why this isn't working? iftt:SetScript("OnDragStart", function() iftt:StartMoving() end)
21:01.25Kaeltenya is broke atm :P
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21:04.03buuHow do you create buttons that cast spells?
21:07.17buuOr how do you take those draggable buttons in "real" action bars?\
21:07.29Kirovbuu - have you done much mod stuff before?
21:07.33buuFor wow?
21:08.00buuI'm reading massive lists of functions at the moment.
21:08.33Kirovon wowwiki?
21:08.40KirovCreating an action button or button that casts a spell is actually fairly easy.
21:08.48KirovAs far as the amount of code needed at least.
21:08.51buuWell that's good.
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21:09.20buuMind pointing me at something that describes it?
21:09.22KirovActually understanding what it's doing on the other hand, it's close to one of the most complex things in the game
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21:09.29buuHeh, sounds like fun
21:09.35KirovYou're looking for infromation on Secure Templates
21:10.22TheStigThe quick brown dog jumped over the lazy fox.
21:10.27buuSo that's where purl is hiding.
21:10.31TheStigs/dog/fox/, s/fox/dog/
21:10.44TheStigThe quick brown dog jumped over the lazy fox.
21:10.49TheStigs/dog/fox/ s/fox/dog/
21:11.14TheStigThe quick brown dog jumped over the lazy dog.
21:17.13buuSo hrm.
21:18.54buuIs there an API function to execute arbitrary "slash" commands?
21:19.29Kirovnot exactly
21:20.24Kirovdepends on the slash command, but you can often run the SlashCmdList["SLASHCMDNAME"] entry
21:20.49KirovOtherwise they should all have near equivalents as functions
21:21.02buuHeh, I think I'm trying to do something disallowed =[
21:21.24KirovWhat are are you attempting?
21:21.42buuI really want to cast spells =[
21:22.31KirovYou need use a secure template to create a button, then set it's attributes to be the spell you wish to cast.
21:23.27Kirov - some information here
21:24.00buuIs there some easy way to emulate the nifty drag and drop functionality of current action bars?
21:24.31KirovBut not in combat, unless they're really action bars.
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21:26.39bleetahAnduinLothar: have you heard of people using the Cosmos patcher inside Cedega? Seems to hang for me when trying to select the WoW directory. Just a FYI, it doesn't really bother me at all ;-)
21:27.10AnduinLothari haven't, no. fell free to post it ont he forums for Dormlock
21:27.35bleetahonce I get some reasonable debug happening, will do
21:27.39kremontehow can i make a GameTooltip draggable :[
21:27.41buuIn short, there's no way to make a lua script cast a spell, right?
21:28.00AnduinLotharkremonte:  Gymnast
21:28.07Kirovbuu - Spell casts are allowed out of combat, afaik.
21:28.27Kirovotherwise, spell casts are only allowed via secure frames
21:28.45buuAnd by that you mean secure frames only allow you to create buttons that receive hardware based onclick events?
21:28.52kremonteAnduinLothar: Gymnast being an embeddable ace library?
21:29.01AnduinLotharlol. no
21:29.15AnduinLotharit's an addon
21:29.33Kirovbuu - secure frames can be anything.
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21:29.45MikmaKirov: daddy?
21:29.47AnduinLotharand it requires an addon, because the GameTooltip is repositioned more than a bad hooker
21:29.48kremontei'm making dynamic frames and i just want to register them to be moving ><
21:29.59kremontei'm not using GameTooltip itself, i'm making other tooltips
21:30.04KirovMikma - SecureDaddyTemplate
21:30.11MikmaKirov: \o/
21:30.16kremontelocal iftt = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "ItemFakeTooltip" .. i, UIParent, "GameTooltipTemplate")
21:30.37AnduinLotharthen you'll have to write your own dragging code or copy someone elses
21:30.47Kirovkremonte - you want something like the ItemRef Tooltip?
21:30.52kremonteKirov: YES
21:31.05Kirovkremonte - then inherit from that
21:31.06buuKirov: What I mean is, I want to cast a series of spells in a row.
21:31.15kremonteitemreftooltip is virtual? :X
21:31.50Kirovkremonte - I believe you can inherit from non-virtual frames
21:31.56kremontejust tried, no dice
21:32.11kremontecouldn't find inherited node "ItemRefTooltip"
21:32.35kremontehm, isnt there an itemref tt xml file in framexml?
21:32.42kremontei spose i could go scavenge that
21:32.52Kirovgo lua-ize it
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21:33.07kremonteXML is the devil ;-;
21:33.21KirovI thought that was George W. Bush
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21:33.57kremonteno, he's just a moron with political power
21:34.15buuKirov: So there's no way to do this?
21:34.50obeluscan i borrow 70k honor from someone?
21:34.51Kirovbuu - sorry, got side tracked.  You want to be able to click a single button and cast a spell, click it again cast another spell, etc.?
21:34.54krkaanyone know of a web browser with a _true_ fullscreen mode?
21:34.59buuI want to have it automatically cast multiple spells.
21:35.06krkai tried epiphany and galeon and they dont seem to ahve it
21:35.12kremonteany way to do enableMouse via CreateFrame?
21:35.16Kirovbuu - Oh, not possible in WoW, never has been, never will be.
21:35.20buuSilly wow.
21:35.30Kirovkremonte - frame:EnableMouse(1)
21:35.52buuKirov: That sort of restriction seems a tad silly.
21:36.21Mikmano, it doesn't. it's bot-prevention
21:36.40Kirovbuu - Every spell cast, item use, etc. requires a single hardware event (with some minor exceptions)
21:36.58buuMikma: Well, what kind of bot can you really make with the ability to cast a series of spell with one click?
21:37.02Mikmaminor exception as blizzard signed code :D
21:37.10zenzelezzfarm bot
21:37.11buuIf you start applying logic and lua and stuff to it, I can see possible abuse.
21:37.16zenzelezzpow, you dead
21:37.17Kirovbuu - exactly
21:37.27buuzenzelezz: You'd have to be able to target things.. and move.. and so forth.
21:37.40zenzelezzand once upon a time you werer
21:37.46zenzelezzbut it was abused, so now you can't
21:37.56buuI suppose if you could taget things, you could just sit in a field and constantly attempt to target and stuff.
21:37.58zenzelezzdon't think it's been protected just out of nowhere
21:38.08buuzenzelezz: Well, it makes sense to be protected from lua
21:38.12buuBut how about the macros?
21:38.36zenzelezzcan't you call macros from lua?
21:38.39Kirovbuu - the secure frames and many of the other secure parts of the API exist because people could at one point make scripts that would play the game for them with just a keyboard that was set to repeat a single button constantly.
21:39.05Kirovbuu - macros have no ability to "wait"
21:39.22KirovIf you cast a spell in a macro, it attempts to cast then and only then.  If it can't cast, it fails.
21:39.32buuI know.
21:40.02KirovAnd a cast from a macro is identical to any other cast, it still requires a hardware event.
21:41.11buuI guess I'll just use castsequences
21:41.52Kirovyeah, that's basically as good as you get
21:42.11Neuro_Medivhyes, it's sad that blizzard makes you actually play the game
21:42.38Kirovthose bastards
21:43.03buuNeuro_Medivh: It's a little depressing when you think that we've all wasted billions of years doing things that can be automated be 10 line lua scripts
21:43.30Neuro_Medivhhow is that depressing?
21:43.40bleetahthe key words there being 'depressing' and 'automated'
21:43.40zenzelezzwhy don't they just add a "Roll level 70 with full epics" button, then you don't have to any of your work
21:44.01Neuro_MedivhProgressquest ftw
21:47.05Neuro_MedivhMy lvl 1 Gyrognome Battle-Felon just started
21:47.35Kirovzenzelezz - that's called GuildWars
21:54.51Qshadowpi can understand why blizzard added level 70 though
21:55.04TainYeah, people like bigger numbers.
21:55.06Qshadowpi mean they've added so many level 60 instances, people where getting bored
21:55.33TC_Working60 seems kinda arbitrary anyways
21:55.57kremontei crashed wow ; ;
21:56.05|FF|Im2good4uit should be 99 maxium like all rpg's
21:56.06kremontei'm sad now
21:56.19zenzelezznonsense, should be 220 like AO
21:56.24Qshadowp|FF|Im2good4u no it shouldnt
21:56.24kremonte75 like FFXI imo
21:56.27Qshadowpit should be 255.
21:56.28obelusONE BILLION
21:56.29Neuro_Medivhno limit!
21:56.35kremonteit should be OVER NINE THOUSAND
21:56.38kremonteknew that was coming didnt you
21:56.42Qshadowpover nine thousand ftw
21:56.49TC_Workingwell wow got it from EQ which had it at 60, but even then it seems to be from someones ass
21:56.50bleetahmeh, max level should be ∞
21:56.59|FF|Im2good4u70 is fts
21:57.10kremonteMMOs need limits
21:57.41TC_Workingofc mmos need limits...but limits that make sense are good
21:57.44|FF|Im2good4uwould be fun whitout a limit on a pvp server
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21:57.55|FF|Im2good4uthen u either get wiped or u can uber strong
21:57.59kremontewhy doesnt 60 make sense>?
21:58.06|FF|Im2good4uthne u cna raid undercity alone
21:58.56TC_Workinglook at it the other way...why does 60 make sense?
21:59.02PProvostUltimately this is a game and to be a game you have to have a system of things that work together. Level caps, money sinks, inflation control, population control, etc. are all part of it.
21:59.20kremonteTC_Working: why does 99 make more sense than 60? because it's the last 2 digit number?
21:59.34kremontethat's not a very based sense of logic :P
21:59.36TC_Workingi didnt say 99
21:59.46TC_Workingwhen did i say 99?
21:59.47kremonte60 makes as much sense as any number, imo
21:59.54PProvost|FF|Im2good4u said 99
21:59.58KirovPersonally I think level 231 makes the most logical sense as the max
22:00.02PProvost"like all RPG's"
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22:00.09kremontenot all RPGs have 99 max
22:00.19kremontenot nearly all, especially MMOs
22:00.26TC_Workingthats my point, 60 doesnt have a good reason behind it.  and a number with a well thought out reason behind it would be good.
22:00.27PProvost"Everyone" knows it should be the largest 3 digit prime number...
22:00.41PProvost60 is well thought out
22:00.50kremontea number is a number
22:00.56kremonteyou can justify any number, really :p
22:01.19TC_Workingok PProvost, what are some of the reasons behind 60?
22:01.47PProvostIt is a system. The raids, BGs, quests, etc are all designed to work at that level.
22:01.49Tain60 makes sense because EverQuest went up to 60, so they had to make it look like you could be as powerful.
22:02.20TainIt's a completely arbitrary number of course.
22:02.20PProvostIf you made the system cap at 99, then you would have to add mroe content for all of that leveling.
22:02.20TainBut 60 is a marketing decision.
22:02.20PProvost1/2 marketing, 1/2 engineering/design
22:02.26TC_Workingkremonte, i mean for example, the dev's of a game sat down and thought out ok, it will take X to to lvl on a graded scale, we want ppl to play for Y ammount of time, our new lvl should then be Z
22:02.29TainWell no, you can engineer and design around any number.
22:02.30bleetahPProvost: you could just increase the XP gain
22:02.41TC_Workingerr..max lvl*
22:02.43kremontei really don't think the cap is that important of a number
22:02.47TainYou design for 60 because you chose 60, you don't choose 60 because it is easier to design for.
22:02.51kremonteno matter what, the levelling would be balanced on the speed of getting to it
22:02.54PProvostWhat is the point of this?
22:03.01TainThere is no point.
22:03.09PProvostokay... just checking
22:03.09zenzelezzhow do you know that for sure Tain? Did they every say it didn't make sense to them?
22:03.14TC_Workingno point, fun debate
22:03.21TainIt makes sense to me because it makes sense to me.
22:03.22PProvostTain, if that were true then 10 would work too. And it doesn't
22:03.32TC_Workingwell, thats a mental thing
22:03.35Kirov10 would work
22:03.37Tain10 doesn't work because people think 10 is lower than 60.
22:03.50PProvostIt needs to be big enough to allow the creation of enough content. And small enough to be manageable from an engineering/design perspective.
22:03.54Kirov60 is a good number because it's not less than 50
22:03.57zenzelezz10 wouldn't work because it would take too long to reach level 2 and people wouldn't like that
22:04.03zenzelezzyou'd feel you weren't progressing
22:04.04TainIt doesn't matter that you could design the game from a technical perspective to be exactly the same.  It's all about perception.
22:04.43TC_Workingright, but none of that puts 60 as an ideal number, just better than everything below it
22:05.12PProvostConsider 10, consider something in the 50-60 range and consider 256. Which works best? Talk it through.
22:05.12kremonteif its too close to 100, people would think it to be very high. it's close to 50, the middle, but above it, so it seems li ke a challenge
22:05.18Kirov60 may have been come up with because they wanted a particular arc to the time it took to level, and wanted a particular amount of time to take to get to the max level.
22:05.19PProvostI assure you the EQ folks didn't just "wing it"
22:05.23TainIt isn't an idea number, it is just a number that is easy for people to accept because of what has come before it.
22:05.30kremonteplus, lots of people favor the number 3, and 60 is reminiscent of 3 - 30 is too low, 60 is just right, imo
22:05.32PProvostSo lets talk about EQ then
22:05.38TainEQ chose 50 because the MUDs that EQ was based on went to 50.
22:05.46PProvostKeep going back.
22:05.49PProvostWhere did 50 come from?
22:06.03TainIt doesn't matter.
22:06.14KirovIt came from some guy going "meh, 50 works"
22:06.30TainAll that matters is games are curently focusing around that 50-60 level because it is what gamers expect..
22:06.42TainAnarchy Online went to 200 and people couldn't get their head around it.
22:07.00TainDungeons and Dragons Online went to 10 (dunno if it was raised to 20 yet) and people didn't like that.
22:07.11bleetahSo, next XPac... cap raised to 80? discuss.
22:07.17TC_Workingbut D&D is at least being semi-true to form
22:07.33TainYes if DDO had tried to go higher it would be an instant failure.
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22:08.05TainAnd I don't thinkthe cap will raise to 80 anytime soon.
22:08.28bleetahif that's Blizz's version of Soon(TM), i might just happen ;-)
22:08.29TainThat's still outside the current comfort zone of arbitrary level numbers.  It will be a few years, if at all in WoW.
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22:09.38TC_Workingi doubt 80 will be viable, becuase the ammount of time blizz would wait till they put in another expac for 80 would be around the time they need to upgrade the games graphics engince to compete with the rest
22:09.56Mr_Rabies2i made about 50g leveling herbalism
22:09.59Mr_Rabies2so far
22:10.09Mr_Rabies2about 1/3 of my herbs sold so far from what i was leveling
22:10.31Mr_Rabies2i remember losing money leveling leatherworking :p
22:10.50Tierrie|Workif i recall correctly, they once said that the WoW levels corresponded with the WC3 levels x 10
22:10.55bleetahTC_Working: I'll agree with you there. The engine's starting to look very.. old and clunky
22:11.26Mr_Rabies2i'd have to disagree
22:11.33Mr_Rabies2i think wow looks better than EQ2 by far
22:11.48Mr_Rabies2EQ2 has that same "ugly ass plastic" layer that so many games have these days
22:12.21Mr_Rabies2it's like they just imported the models from bryce's freebies
22:12.21kremontelol, so true
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22:12.31kremontefirst thing i thought when i saw the first screenshots... "bryce render?"
22:12.54Tierrie|WorkEQ2 models are close to tripping into the uncanny valley
22:12.54bleetahahh bryce, those were the days
22:13.05Mr_Rabies2i think WoW looks almost exactly like warcraft 3 in higher res
22:13.08TC_Workingthose days aint over yet Bleeter
22:13.33Mr_Rabies2making wow look more realistic would remove most everything artistic about it
22:13.46Mr_Rabies2i wasnt' happy when they changed the ogres
22:13.48zenzelezzfirst thing I saw when I loaded EQ2 was graphical problems
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22:14.12Tierrie|Worki don't remember what the old ogres looked like
22:14.17TC_Workingfirst thing i see when i load games is the logo
22:14.22bleetahTC_Working: it was more of a lament back to the very early days of home computing graphics. 256 color was hawt, and 4096 was off the show
22:14.27Mr_Rabies2WoW's real graphical amazement is the animations
22:14.31Mr_Rabies2they're so freaking smooth
22:14.45Mr_Rabies2WoW looks so much better in motion
22:14.58zenzelezzand they have animations for everything
22:15.00Mr_Rabies2EQ2 looks good in screens and that's it
22:15.24TC_Workingah, well i never did home computing graphics way back in the day
22:15.52Mr_Rabies2plus we don't have furries
22:16.02*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
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22:16.07bleetahwrote a wireframe 3d animator in 6502 assembler, fired the video recorder remote when the frame finished. took 12 hours to record two seconds at 12fps
22:16.18Mr_Rabies2we have taurens but they don't count because minotaurs existed before furries
22:16.29bleetahpeople today dunno how lucky they are ;-)
22:17.22*** join/#wowi-lounge maia (
22:17.22Mr_Rabies2put mageroyal on the Ah for 50g and 60g buyout
22:17.37Mr_Rabies2i miss auctioneer
22:18.23bleetahMr_Rabies2: auctioneer beta's kicking along fine ;)
22:18.23zenzelezzyeah, what bleetah said
22:18.23Mr_Rabies2however i don't miss having like 100+MB of RAM being used by addons
22:18.24Mr_Rabies2guess i can make an auction char
22:18.24wereHamsterdoes select(x,...) impose any significant overhead over using local variables? (eg. local foo = select(X,...);) ?
22:18.48Endnot much I'd imagine
22:19.24foxlitIt's insignificant if you don't use it much; local vars would probably make more sense if you had more calls to the same select.
22:19.26Endwell, now that I think about it, it returns xth, x+1th, x+2th, etc
22:19.27bleetahnorgs came up with a method to reduce auctioneer's memory load... but Blizz canned it
22:19.39bleetahso he's now looking at another method
22:19.42Mr_Rabies2how's that, bleetah
22:20.54bleetahwas something about splitting realm specific data out of the character info, or somesuch. he was pretty vague about what he planned, apart from 'Blizz has said no'
22:22.15*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|work (
22:26.47wereHamsterdoes arg1..9 still exist?
22:27.32KirovThey exist as both the globals and are passed as vars to the script handler's event
22:27.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
22:28.28Tierrie|Workmost exciting event today is becks coming to LA!
22:28.36wereHamsterI'm looking at code that uses both argX and ...
22:29.21Mr_Rabies2one thing they NEED to fix
22:29.28Mr_Rabies2is the backdrop on stormwind keep
22:29.34Mr_Rabies2what is that,  i mean honestly
22:29.41Mr_Rabies2it's like something out of quake 2
22:31.05bleetahstill beats me why mining a node has 0% chance of dropping flint... but moving on
22:32.05Tierrie|Work too
22:37.21bleetahooh, reading their press release, there's no players in Oceania
22:37.25bleetahI don't exist! woot!
22:37.41bleetahhow they're managing to charge my CC if I don't exist... no idea.
22:38.14bleetahoh, I do exist... I'm down in para ... 3
22:38.49bleetahinteresting reading the numbers, tho, non-EU/US/China = 1million players by themselves
22:39.13kahdgarxibleetah - or the 'over' part
22:39.28bleetahyeah, just noticed that bit too... *shrug*
22:39.31Kirovbleetah - Remember, you're the "other" check box.
22:40.14bleetahstill, is a reasonable argument for basing oceanic realms in Singapore
22:40.43bleetahPvP is pathetic when it's impossible to get latency below 400ms
22:41.04bleetahand results in many 'this game teh suxor' comment
22:41.45*** join/#wowi-lounge FelixTeCat (
22:41.45KirovWe Americans think of Australia as a place of magic and hot chicks, and New Zealand as sheep and Peter Jackson, everything else is "some part of asias, probably China"
22:42.03PProvostIs that incorrect?
22:42.13bleetahWe Australians think of America as that place of 50% idiots ... ;-)
22:42.23bleetah(see previous convo.. or for the sake of your own sanity.. don't)
22:42.32*** join/#wowi-lounge FelixTeCat (
22:42.52Endbleetah: you're probably right though
22:42.53Kirovbleetah - You aussies have a much higher view of our society than we do.
22:43.26bleetahKirov: no we don't. you clearly don't understand the 'seppo' tag we give people from US of A
22:43.56Tierrie|Workbleetah: 51%
22:44.07KirovAs far as I can tell there are two major groups of people in the US.  People who think the other 50% of the US are idiots, and people anyone not from their state are idiots.
22:44.24Kirov(and their state is 90% of the US population)
22:44.56AnduinLotharstupid people are 90% of the population?
22:45.20KirovAnduinLothar - probably closer to 98%
22:45.47KirovWhen I was in school I tested in to the top 5% ... and I know I'm an idiot.
22:46.18bleetahKirov: same
22:46.27KirovThough, I guess the smarter you are, the more of an idiot you know yourself to be.
22:46.34bleetahalthough, moron is more applicable in my case
22:47.06AnduinLothardepending on where you live, being smart can be a dissability
22:47.20*** join/#wowi-lounge FelixTeCat (
22:47.45KirovAnduinLothar - Yeah, like if you're female.
22:49.13KirovDumb girls piss me off.
22:49.21KirovDumb people in general really.
22:49.38KirovI don't care how cute you are, if you're an idiot go away.
22:49.40EndI don't mind dumb people until they talk
22:50.15kremontei don't mind when people ask questions. except when dumb people ask questions. they say there's no such thing as a stupid question, but asking why X to the person that just explained X to you is a damn stupid question
22:50.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
22:50.46*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
22:50.59Endspeaking of which....
22:51.07Endhere's Cairenn!
22:51.25kremonteCairenn is using the internet.
22:51.31Endteh interweb
22:51.43bleetahkremonte: I'd argue that maybe it's because you gave a stupid answer to X (ie, one in a form you were too stupid to check they'd understand), hence they asked again.
22:52.19kremontebleetah: i'm talking about "X is X because of Y", then stupid person asking "why is X, X?"
22:52.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Quetzi (
22:52.32kremonte(which usually goes onto "X is X because of Y", and then stupid person saying "ah, i understand now")
22:53.01Endso really you just need to repeat yoursel? :P
22:53.08End-then- they actually read it?
22:53.23AnduinLotharim ok with dumb people as long as they can follow directions
22:53.27kremontepretty much. people being in complete doubt until someone says "listen"
22:53.57bleetahah, right, i follow you now. yeah, annoying
22:54.00*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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22:55.16bleetahmy personal peeve are arguments ad hominem ... actually, it's pretty much anything on
22:55.24kahdgarxirofl @ end
22:56.10kremontebleetah: "X is Y!" "no, you are a loser!"
22:56.17kremontedon't you love the internet?
22:56.20kremonteand life?
22:56.24kremonte...and people?
22:56.27Endwell, I kinda fixedit
22:56.41Endok,I'm going back to my old keyboard
22:56.55EndI have to press spacebar -really- hard
22:57.05bleetah(President Eisenhower expressing astonishment and alarm on discovering that fully half of all Americans have below average intelligence!)
22:57.49bleetahI guess that makes ol' Eisenhower... stupid?
22:58.57Mr_Rabies2what does 2.03 do with the g15
22:59.18bleetahwell, previously, you'd get a crappy stats screen. now, there's melee, ranged, spell stats screens
22:59.26KirovMr_Rabies2 - the G15 explodes
22:59.44Mr_Rabies2<@CasualAffair> awesome my expansion came in the mail today
22:59.45bleetahplus the usual BG and Relam queue lengths, and whisper notifications
23:00.28bleetahgah, it doesn't help my spleegni though
23:00.29Endwell, he can't play it anyways
23:01.01End(at least, I'd be surprised if it let him enter the code before the "release date"
23:01.02Mr_Rabies2he won some contest or something
23:01.17Mr_Rabies2hes got the CE
23:01.24Mr_Rabies2in his hands
23:01.44bleetahWhich timezone does the 'midnight' start happen at?
23:01.58Endprobably eastern
23:02.07JoshBorkecause that's where all the cool people are :-)
23:02.20bleetahno, the cool people are a good 18+ hours ahead of you :P
23:02.36JoshBorkepoor PST people, have to wait 3 hours after the EST people
23:02.39bleetahso I'm just trying to decide whether it'll be worth going to the midnight store opening
23:02.46bleetahor whether I should just sleep
23:02.48sysrageis there a better mod than partyquests which lets you see the quest progress of people in your party?
23:03.07AnduinLotharit's the only one afaik
23:03.32sysrageokie. thanks
23:05.40wereHamsterdoes '#select(X,...) > 0' work?
23:07.05EndwereHamster: don't think so...what are you trying to do?
23:08.01wereHamsterseems to work :)
23:08.31Endif you did > 1, it wouldn't work
23:09.19wereHamsterlua -e 'function foo(...) print(#select(1, ...)) end foo("asdf")'
23:09.23wereHamsterprints '4'
23:09.40Endoh, I see
23:09.48EndI thought you wanted something else
23:10.08Endlike, I said, what are you trying to do?
23:10.50wereHamsterEnd, return #select(4, ...) > 0 and module:Call("T", select(4, ...))
23:11.34bleetahTierrie|Work: ow! lol
23:12.12EndwereHamster: that doesn't tell me your intent very much though :P
23:12.24EndI can only assume what it does is what you want
23:12.39Tierrie|Workbleetah: :D
23:13.54wereHamsterEnd, I don't like if/then ;)
23:13.57dukekuhighway to the raider zone
23:14.14wereHamster.. and standalone return's
23:14.24wereHamsterso I combined it into one line
23:14.39Endthe only way #select(4, ...) > 0 is false is if you pass {} or "" as the fourth arg
23:15.16End(and nil will cause an error)
23:15.32wereHamsterin UNIT_SPELLCAST_SENT, arg4 is never nil, right?
23:15.41EndI have no idea
23:15.49wereHamsterand empty if the spell doesn't have a target
23:15.54wereHamsterempty == ""
23:16.13Endsee, now I know what you are doing now ;p
23:16.23zenzelezzdo you now?
23:16.28Endwell, kinda
23:16.49Endand kinda is all that counts ;p
23:17.05Endnow now I know what you are doing now now
23:17.30wereHamsternow are you now really now sure?
23:18.18Endnow now now I might now now now be sure about now now now
23:18.41wereHamsterah now I see
23:19.04Endnow now now now ...
23:19.43Endnow looks like a really weird word to me now
23:20.47zenzelezzI don't like "error"
23:20.51zenzelezzso clumsy to pronounce
23:21.10Kirovsayz the guy named zenzelezz
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23:21.34zenzelezzKirov: your point is valid, and I agree, but I've used the nick for too long to spell it properly now
23:21.37EndKirov: that zentenze needz more z
23:22.14KirovEnd - Iz agreezz completeliez
23:22.31zenzelezzthankfully my character name isn't as bad =)
23:22.43EndWhat iz your character name?
23:22.57zenzelezzfriends abbreviated my nick to that long ago
23:22.59KirovThat's better?
23:23.17EndI zee.  I've zeen you login az that nick on here before.
23:23.35zenzelezzyup, when I'm at another computer
23:23.44wereHamsterI once (I was about 10 and didn't know the english language very well) misspelled 'no' and wrote 'now' instead, and it made perfectly sense! I'll never forget that moment
23:23.53[Cu]Werik;) Blizzard removed JoinBattlefield()
23:24.35EndI rememeber when there waz that WZG exploit that would teleport you.
23:25.11End(I think it waz an API call too)
23:28.38kahdgarxiEnd - no s button?
23:30.09Oreez button?
23:30.35zenzelezzkahdgarxi: read a little further up =) It spawned from a mockery of my nick :)
23:30.50kahdgarxizenzelezz - ah
23:31.33Endzenzelezz haz a very zilly nick
23:32.18dukekuHELLO COMPADRES
23:32.27zenzelezzI'm not going to try to defend the spelling, it seemed cool back when I first started using it (must be eight years ago soon)
23:32.57EndI didn't say it was bad
23:32.58zenzelezzI've since regretted it, but like I said, I'm keeping it just because everyone knows me by this one =)
23:33.01Endjust "zilly" :P
23:33.04zenzelezzoh, it is
23:34.35*** part/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
23:37.30Mr_Rabies2running around winterspring on the hunt for black lotus is pretty fun
23:37.45zenzelezzdo they spawn often there?
23:37.55foxlitWhat's the blacklotus of BC?
23:37.57Mr_Rabies2not really often
23:38.01Mr_Rabies2dunno fox
23:38.04foxlitThought there's 1 / zone / 60 minutes
23:38.06Mr_Rabies2there can only be 1 lotus per zone its in
23:38.16Mr_Rabies210 spawn spots
23:38.20Mr_Rabies2per zone
23:38.21zenzelezzI've never hunted them there, but I've had luck in EPL
23:38.23Mr_Rabies2in 4 zones
23:38.41zenzelezzwhere there's also lots of Plaguebloom, Dreamfoil, Golden Sansam (which sell)
23:38.51foxlitAny reason why my experimental data on Pa-234m decay would indicate a 90s half-life, and not 70s? :)
23:39.02Mr_Rabies2icecap are ALL over winterspring,
23:39.03foxlitEPL is overfarmed, really
23:39.12Mr_Rabies2and as i was typing that i leapt off the bridge in winterspring
23:39.25Mr_Rabies2had about 8 seconds of air
23:39.28foxlitDreamfoil for greater protection pots was painful in epl
23:39.45Mr_Rabies2dreamfoil's ALL over azshara
23:39.47foxlitI once slow-fell into that chasm.
23:39.58foxlitBEFORE I knew about the giants :/
23:40.16Mr_Rabies2i got like, 50 dreamfoil in no time in azshara
23:41.17Mr_Rabies2so what's the horde doing to cap from 30 yards away in AV now?
23:43.09CrazyMYKLquick question: how do i put newlines in strings?
23:43.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz_ (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
23:44.01CrazyMYKLi should say: how do i put newlines in string literals
23:45.48CrazyMYKLah, just like C and friends, thanks
23:45.56bleetahMr_Rabies2: dunno, i see lotsa people screming in the forums about it, tho
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23:50.02kahdgarxiat least that's what the lua manual says :P
23:53.03dukekui am the lua manual
23:54.45Mr_Rabies2your mom's the lua manual
23:55.12Industrialheheh that latest strip is great
23:55.37Industrialdamn good webcomics, they make me start at the first one and red it all :(
23:55.47Industrialso time consuming
23:57.28dukekuMr_Rabies2: wow lets not jump to conclusions here
23:58.34zenzelezzyou make me miss [Your Mom Is The Immovable Object] :-(
23:59.02Industrialzenzelezz: lol
23:59.21sysragectraid is blocking my macro to eat/drink.. is there a fix?
23:59.34dukekuparis hilton's cum stained felheart pants
23:59.41sysragemaybe i'll try the ora2 thing

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