irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070108

00:01.15Qshadowpanyone know what the comix frame is called
00:01.25Qshadowpi think its called Comix_Frames but when i tried to move it with moveanything i got a error :(
00:02.37InsaMove over it and type /script ChatFrame1:AddMessage(GetMouseFocus():GetName()), i think that should work
00:02.43Insato get the name:p
00:03.04Qshadowpcool thanks :P
00:03.16Qshadowpwith the , or not?
00:04.25Josh_BorkeSwado: look here:
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00:14.33Josh_Borkeso, i'm looking over some code Gello wrote (with the help of Iriel) that hooks the StartMoving/StopMovingOrSizing functions for all frames
00:14.47Josh_Borkeit's got a 'local meta = getmetatable(PlayerFrame)'
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00:15.19Josh_Borkeno big deal, that just returns a table.  he then sets a variable 'metaIdx = meta.__index'
00:15.27Josh_Borkeagain, no big deal, __index is just another table
00:15.38Josh_Borkebut then his hook function calls metaIdx as though it were a function
00:16.19Josh_Borkewhat's going on there?!
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00:22.54Matholumcan anyone help me disect SlashCommander so i can get the commands under and addon?
00:23.35Josh_Borkewoohooo! i fixed SnapToGrid!
00:24.58kasoJosh_Borke if you call _index as a function when it is infact a table lua returns table[argument]
00:25.25kasocheck out 13.4.1 of pil
00:27.08kasoMatholum i dont understand quite what you want, you want the various /slash commands for a given addon?
00:29.48Josh_Borkekaso: yea, i just read it :) that's how i figured out how to fix it :)
00:29.54kasoah :.
00:31.28Josh_Borkeif (type(metaIdx) == "function") then metaIdx(t,k) else metaIdx[k] end =D
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00:35.06kasoMatholum how about something like DoStuff Will get passed the key and the "/slash" once for each slash there is for a said command.
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00:36.39Xolan[EU]why does string.find(NeverForgetFormTarget2:GetName(), ".*(%d+)")   return 1 ?
00:37.27kasostring find returns start,end,match
00:37.29Matholumthanks... also, if i know the key part, is the easiest way to run an if in dostuff for the key and let the loop go, or could i cut down the loop?
00:37.50Xolan[EU]aha, cheers that might help ;P
00:38.04kasouse string.match
00:38.22Xolan[EU]k :)
00:39.37kaso matholum, that
00:40.12Matholumoh, ok... so still let the slash loop go... thanks!
00:40.33kasoah, well yah, i guess you can throw a break in there if you want
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00:53.13Xolan[EU]can I set a variable for a frame just by doing   frame.var = value; ?
00:53.24kasoa frame is just a table like any other
00:53.34Xolan[EU]thought so. Getting an error I can't figure out
00:53.50Xolan[EU]will fiddle with it some more
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00:54.13SwadoCould someone give me a little hand with detecting and displaying AddonMessage's?
00:55.03kasoask away
00:55.24kasoor as purl would say..
00:55.27kaso~just ask
00:55.29purljust ask your question - do not ask to ask. when you ask, ask all on one line - tell us what you did, what you saw, and what you expected to see.
00:56.15Matholumcan you do table.insert(t, 5="five")
00:56.25Nom-damn this computer is running slow :(
00:56.39Matholumor "bob"="hungry"
00:56.46Nom-It's just been booted for the first time in 3 weeks, and it's slower than a snail on superglue
00:57.02Josh_BorkeMatholum: what are you trying to do?
00:57.19Josh_BorkeMatholum: table.insert/remove inserts and removes from a ordered array
00:57.20kasomatholum, table.insert (table, [pos,] value)
00:57.38Josh_Borkes/a /an/
00:58.05Matholumi want to use insert like t = { "bob"="hungry" }
00:58.20kasothen just do t["bob"]="hungry"
00:58.20Josh_BorkeMatholum: tbl[key] = value
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00:58.47Matholumwill that work if bob isn't in there yet?
00:58.52Josh_Borkepurl tolked?
00:59.00Josh_BorkeMatholum: yes
00:59.01kasoim confused also
00:59.40Josh_Borkepurl doesn't talk...
00:59.44ScytheBlade1purl talks...
00:59.47Josh_Borkeok, away again
00:59.48ScytheBlade1I set that onjoin for a reason ;P
00:59.52ScytheBlade1~onjoin -cogwheel
00:59.52purlScytheBlade1: ok
01:00.06Josh_BorkeOH! i see
01:00.07ScytheBlade1What purl said ;)
01:00.08Josh_Borkenifty, didn't know
01:00.16ScytheBlade1~onjoin ScytheBlade1 purl talks!
01:00.17purlScytheBlade1: ok
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01:00.27ScytheBlade1~onjoin -ScytheBlade1
01:00.27purlScytheBlade1: ok
01:00.32Josh_Borkeok, bye bye all
01:01.02kasoSwado did you still need that help?
01:01.43Swadoim allright for now
01:01.48Swadomaybe in 5 minutes or so
01:09.26Xolan[EU]is there a way to change the type of a variable? from a string to a number.
01:09.48Xolan[EU]... :)
01:10.03Arrowmasteri think thats a function, not 100% sure
01:10.28Shadowedit is
01:10.34Xolan[EU]yep it is, just found it in the manual
01:10.34Arrowmasterbut you would have to do var = tonumber(var) to actually change the type of a variable
01:11.13Xolan[EU]I'll try. thanks :)
01:12.32Arrowmasterwould be better to just use tonumber() when originally saving the var if you want it to be a number instead of a string, or only in the specific spot you need it to be a number
01:12.59Arrowmasterdoing var = tonumber(var) just seems hackish
01:13.32Xolan[EU]yeah I did it "on the fly" | SetText(table[tonumber(string.match(element:GetName(), ".*(%d+)"))])
01:14.45Matholumwhen i do onload... and there are things that have this addon as a dependency, how do i know if they are loaded to?
01:17.06GuillotineMotholum: if it has your addon set as a dependency, it automatically loads after your addon
01:18.07Nom-i'm watching a video of a one-man strat run
01:18.16kahdgarxiwhat class?
01:18.31Guillotinethe mage one, right?
01:18.38Nom-That's scary
01:21.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Aalny (
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01:28.20Nom-I was thinking Paladin to solo strat
01:28.26Nom-but a mage? damn
01:28.27*** part/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
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01:29.57Nom-or maybe a rogue stealthing all the way there :/
01:32.35pastamancerJosh_Borke: ninja-pong, back in 4 hours-ish
01:32.51Nom-dang it's hot in the office today :/
01:35.53TainDon't you wish your girl was hot like me?
01:37.54*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
01:39.38Xolan[EU]hm, my editbox is hogging the focus :P
01:41.04Thunder_Child"10[01/07/2007 - 17:36] Tain: 01Don't you wish your girl was hot like me?"  no....not ever
01:43.26Corrodiaswell, you know
01:43.34Corrodiasi can swing
01:44.07Thunder_Childat the end of a rope maybe....
01:50.35Xolan[EU]gah, my editbox (inherited from InputBoxTemplate) gets focus whenever I press enter (normally chat), and won't lose it... Any ideas? I've tried doing ClearFocus() onescapepressed
01:53.01*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
01:53.25Xolan[EU]aha, autofocus was on :\
02:07.54*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
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02:22.11Matholumi think that t[name]="hungry" like we said earlier doesn't work if name isn't in there already...
02:22.30JoshBorkeMatholum: t[name] only works if t is a table and the variable name is defined
02:22.42Matholumit is...
02:23.06Matholumi did addit("bob","tired");
02:23.12Matholumthen showme()
02:23.32Matholumsays arg#1 table expected got nil
02:24.25Kasothen somehow responce ={} isnt working
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02:24.48Kasothe error is that table.foreach isnt getting a table as its first argument
02:25.07Kasoive got no idea
02:25.20MatholumT_T.... i am confused
02:25.27Kasogimme a moment to enable luapad but that code should work
02:26.12Kasoalso i think foreach is deprecated.
02:26.26Kasobut thats a quibble
02:27.53Kasoworks fine for me
02:28.20Kaso,/run addit("test","one"); /run showme() output is "test: one"
02:28.45Kasoperhaps theres some code we're not seeing? that is clearing, or overwriting responce?
02:29.19Matholumi dunno
02:29.43Kasodo you have devtools?
02:30.00Matholumjust got them ^_^
02:30.16Kasodo /run addit("test","one") DevTools_Dump(responce)
02:31.11Matholumthat worked and showed my other i added...
02:31.41Kasothen the showme() function you linked is not the one in your code
02:31.45Kasocheck for spelling errors
02:33.13Kasowhilst you're at it use the pairs() method like i did here
02:33.18Matholumit for somereason thinks the table isn't there.... i renamed it to r... same thing
02:33.54Kasowait, you do DevTools_Dump(responce) and it shows the table correctly, but if you run showme() it doesnt show the table correctly?
02:36.03Kasothen your code is wrong, copy paste the exact code and pastey it
02:36.42JoshBorkethen ENTIRE file ;-)
02:40.42Kasostill erroring?
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02:48.59Kasoanyone a hunter?
02:49.19Matholumya, i am just gonna do it a different way
02:49.53Nom-I've got a hunter alt
02:50.06Kasoit shouldn't be erroring matholum, that exact code (save for the SetText() bit) works on mine
02:50.35KasoNom- when Feign death resists is there a combat log message?
02:51.01Nom-I'm not sure, honestly
02:51.05Nom-I assume so, because it comes up in SCT
02:51.23Kasoit does?
02:51.36Neuro_Medivh"Soandso falls to the ground" ?
02:52.16Nom-I've seen it
02:52.24Nom-I'm sure i've seen a resist come up :P
02:52.29Matholumi dunno... -_-... but it is ok... hopefully if i ever try sumn like that again it'll work
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02:53.57Kasoi was trying to make SCT show it i havent noticed it showing before
02:54.01Kasoill try again though
02:54.08Nom-I suppose it could have been something else
02:54.13Nom-But I do remember seeing it
02:54.40Kasoived noticed it says "Resisted" on the UIErrorFrame but thats useless
02:55.04kahdgarxihmm.. there appears to be an incompatibility with critline and fubar :(
02:56.07Nom-What does critline do?
02:56.21kahdgarxiit keeps track of your biggest crits
02:57.39kahdgarxidon't know why, but whenever i have both enabled fubar get an error
02:57.41Nom-There's a FuBar addon which keeps track of that too
02:57.50JoshBorkewhat error?
02:57.52Nom-FuBar_TopScoreFu or something like that
02:58.41kahdgarxinice, thanks :)
02:58.52Nom-I'm using it without any doesn't just track crits, but normal max damage too
02:59.08kahdgarxiJoshBorke - don't have the exact error, but it's about trying to index a nil global
02:59.22kahdgarxiNom- - critline does that too
03:00.02Nom-Yeah, just looking at some screenshots of Critline
03:00.05Nom-It looks almost identical
03:00.25Nom-The only difference is the fubar mod is nice and integrated into a menu
03:00.43kahdgarxiI have a _lot_ of fubar mods now
03:00.56Nom-The only thing it doesn't track is the % rate of crits (i think)
03:01.11Nom-At least i've not seen it
03:04.07kahdgarxithat is so annoying... if you ever log into the game with an addon disable, the game deletes the entries if your layout-cache
03:04.32Nom-hmm really?
03:04.48kahdgarxiit seems that way to me anyways
03:05.27Nom-grrr MS Outlook is driving me nuts
03:05.33Nom-slower than a snail on superglue
03:05.43kahdgarxiexchange server?
03:06.02Nom-I think so
03:06.06Nom-But the server isn't under load apparently
03:06.23Mr_Rabies2 Someone help me find somewhere to put the rest of my points :x
03:06.27Nom-It's just taking ages to update all the local caches I think
03:06.37Nom-It's the first time i've loaded it in 3 weeks, because i've been on holidays
03:07.43Nom-get frost channelling
03:08.11Nom- <-- that's my TBC build
03:08.19kahdgarxiwhy don't you have cold snap?
03:08.19Mr_Rabies2why frost channeling?
03:08.31Mr_Rabies2oops, sorry, was cutting corners here and there for 32 and forgot, heh
03:08.41Nom-wait no its not
03:08.47Nom-hmmm  what have you got that i dont
03:09.10Nom-frost channeling because it's 15% less mana and 10% less threat for all frost spells
03:09.34Mr_Rabies2eh i'm mostly pvp so neither of those really matter
03:09.37kahdgarxiMr_Rabies2 - well it depends on what you want to do, if you're going to be raiding AT ALL get frost channeling
03:09.44Mr_Rabies2doubt i will
03:09.58kahdgarxithen probably go with permafrost or imp blizzard
03:10.16kahdgarxiwtf is up with people not getting cold snap?
03:10.27Mr_Rabies2i forgot about it honestly :p
03:10.35Mr_Rabies2i don't usually play a mage
03:10.37Nom-ahh i didn't get elemental precision
03:10.38Mr_Rabies2he's just an alt
03:10.39Nom-that's the problem
03:10.43Mr_Rabies2and i havent played him in a while
03:11.10Mr_Rabies2not since 2.0 came out
03:12.31Nom-I've got a pure frost build
03:12.38Nom-With just 2 points in arcane subtelty
03:12.54Nom-the only change i'm making in tbc is to get clear casting and 5/5 imp arcane missiles for something i can shoot under damage
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03:15.28Neuro_MedivhNom, for raiding or soloing?
03:19.55Mr_Rabies2i doubt i'm playing that mage for much longer
03:20.07Mr_Rabies2not that i don't like him but i started him at a bad time
03:20.15Neuro_MedivhMages can be fun
03:20.26Mr_Rabies2prob roll a be rogue
03:28.14TainRaiding as a mage caused me to quit the game for six months.
03:28.36kahdgarxiraiding as a mage is boring
03:32.52sergionewsflash raiding is boring after doing the same content over and over for any class
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03:36.27TainYeah but I still enjoy doing it as a Rogue.
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03:36.54TainI feel really dirty.  I like the song they play in the Intel Core 2 Duo commercials so I went and found it on mp3.
03:37.49cladhairelol which one?
03:38.06cladhairethe manamananama-manamanana-manana... blah blah mama jama, blah blah mama jama?
03:38.24TainI can give you what you want.  I can make your heart beat short.  
03:38.32cladhaireah that one :P
03:39.34Nom-My mage is primarily for raiding
03:39.42Nom-It's fine for solo killing stuff too
03:40.01Nom-If we get free respecs, I may go fire to grind to 70, but then back to frost
03:40.22TainAh respecs are cheap enough
03:40.33clad|sleepsaid the rogue/druid =)
03:40.41clad|sleepnight all
03:40.54Nom-heh true
03:41.03Nom-I've respecced all of 3 times total on my mage
03:41.18Nom-and one of those was free :)
03:41.50TainG'night clad
03:45.21TainI also sort of want to see Epic Movie.  Even though I know it's the worst possible parts of cheap entertainment.
03:57.14Matholumhow can i make my backdrop invisible untill the mouse is over it<=?
04:01.26Matholumanyone have any ideas?
04:01.28KasoFrame:SetScript("OnEnter",function() FrameBackdrop:SetAlpha(1) end) Frame:SetScript("OnLeave",function() FrameBackdrop:SetAlpha(0) end)
04:02.06Kasoofc you'd need the alpha set to 0 to start with
04:02.43Matholumya... i was going to try and making it fade in a little like the chat boxes, but that might be too hard
04:02.44Kasoalso you might want to use UIPanelFadeIn and UIPanelFadeOut to give a nice smooth transition rather than a cunkly jump
04:03.00Matholumlol... you are ahead of me...
04:03.08Matholumhow would i do that?
04:03.50KasoUIFrameFadeIn(frame, timeToFade, startAlpha, endAlpha)
04:03.50KasoUIFrameFadeOut(frame, timeToFade, startAlpha, endAlpha)
04:04.09Matholumwow... thank you ^_^
04:04.34Kasono problem
04:05.00Matholumis time in msec?
04:05.10Matholumk, thanks
04:07.07Matholumhow would i use fade for a backdrop?
04:07.21SwadoHey guys, im getting a index global nil value error when i start my mod. Could someone have a look at it and tell me whats going on?
04:08.18Kasohmm, good point, i guess you dont want to also fade the rest of the frame
04:08.46MatholumSwado.. lol.. my runes backdrop is still there ^_^
04:09.11Matholumswado.. what line?
04:10.24Matholumwell.. you don't need to register your event twice,,,
04:10.33Matholumyou did it in xml + in the script
04:11.00MatholumKaso, is it possible to do the fade w/ a backdrop?
04:11.33kahdgarxiMatholum - wouldn't you just need to create a separate frame for your backdrop?
04:11.55Matholumi quess i could.. i never thought of that... ^_^ thanks
04:11.59Kasooff the top of my head, not without A) doing that ^ or B) Doing your own fade code in an OnUpdate
04:12.10kahdgarxiMatholum - or you could look at the chat frame code in FrameXML to see how they do it
04:12.15Swadolol ya
04:12.15Swadoi took yours
04:12.15Swado2nd line doesn't work, at all
04:12.36Matholumcut it out... that was in the xml
04:12.46Matholumew... b would be bad
04:12.59Matholumi'll do it by plan a
04:15.25MatholumBUT... if i do it by plan A... what happens when you drag them?
04:15.47kahdgarxiuse your main frame's edges as your backdrop's anchors
04:15.52kahdgarxiso the backdrop moves with the main frame
04:16.00Matholumk... thanks
04:16.03kahdgarxiand it resizes automatically
04:16.16KasoMatholum did you try UIFrameFadeOut/In at all
04:16.27Kasolooking at the code i dont see why it wouldnt work with a Texture
04:16.36Matholumnot yet... i didn't know what to set it to
04:17.12Matholumif i did it that way, what would do in for arg1
04:17.45Kasooh, umm, havent you speficied a name for the backdrop texture in your XML
04:17.58Matholumi thought you couldn't
04:18.06Matholumbg's don't take it
04:18.39Kasoyou're right
04:18.53Kasono hang on
04:19.05Matholumthe only way you can get a bg is getregions and if you can do it this way [0]
04:19.48Kaso<Layer level="BACKGROUND"><Texture name="$parentBackground" file="whatever">
04:20.06Matholumand it'll take the name?
04:20.32Matholumoh! i see
04:20.37Kasoit's name will be Frame'sNameBackground
04:20.45Kasothen you use that as your arg1
04:21.03Matholumalso... could you do this?
04:21.31Matholumregions = { this:GetRegions() }
04:21.37Matholumthen regions[0]
04:22.08Kasoi believe you could even do ({this:GetRegions()})[0] but test that before you take my word for it
04:22.41Matholumok ^_^ (ya.. i found out that you can get a bg like this the hard way... lol)
04:23.03Kasoyou could even do
04:23.16Cideselect(1, this:GetRegions()) is probably better
04:23.33Kasoi was just about to suggest that >.<
04:23.34Matholumoh! ok.. i will try that first...
04:23.36Cideor just this:GetRegions() if you want the first value :)
04:23.53Matholumthat will return the first one?
04:24.04Matholumok... huh... i will try that
04:24.11Cideand all the others as a list
04:24.16Cidebut it'll work the same way
04:25.45Matholumok... how do i set it to be transparent in the xml before anything?
04:26.20Matholum(right now it flickers... lol)
04:27.27Cidehidden="true" hides it, alpha="0" makes it transparent
04:27.42Cideflickering is probably because they're overlapping and are in the same layer
04:29.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Dezzimal (
04:30.47Matholumok... in the backdrop tag it won't take those... so i dunno how to do it
04:31.00Matholumand why is it flickering?
04:32.12Matholumhere is my xml file
04:32.28*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
04:35.19Matholumwhere'd everyone go?
04:35.26kahdgarxifar far away
04:45.34*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
04:45.34*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Paste Code Here: | Mod Author guilds on Hellfire (US) and on Tempest Keep (EU). CastSpell (A)/TargetUnit(H) | TBC Release Date 16 Jan 07 | If life is a waste of time, and time is a waste of life, then let's all get wasted together and have the time of our lives.
04:45.35Matholumi know there is a way to tie sumn by all for of its corners...
04:45.41Matholumbut i dunno
04:47.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
04:52.50*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
04:52.50*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Paste Code Here: | Mod Author guilds on Hellfire (US) and on Tempest Keep (EU). CastSpell (A)/TargetUnit(H) | TBC Release Date 16 Jan 07 | If life is a waste of time, and time is a waste of life, then let's all get wasted together and have the time of our lives.
04:56.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
04:58.06Matholumwell... i went back to how i had it... and since i knew that it flickered bc it can only be alpha 0 or 100... i just set the time to 0
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05:21.53Matholumi feel watched
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05:43.15Nom-man the air con in the office really really sucks today
05:43.46Nom-it feels kinda hard to breath, but it's not my athsma acting up
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06:01.45Matholumdidn't the ac act up yesterday too?
06:02.13Nom-i'm just bored, feel free to ingore me
06:02.22Nom-back at work for the first time in 3 weeks
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06:04.11Matholumya... i have school tomorrow... -_-
06:04.15*** part/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
06:04.27Matholumthat'll stink...
06:04.43Matholumbut it is only for 2 hours tomorrow...
06:04.44Nom-US ?
06:04.56Matholumi'm a night owl... ^_^
06:05.08Matholumwhere are you from?\
06:05.08Nom-ah yeah i hate the idea of the school year there
06:05.27Nom-Schoolies here get 6 weeks off over christmas
06:05.35Nom-and 2 weeks after every 10 weeks (roughly)
06:05.37Matholumya... but my college is year round... so it is alot different than high school
06:05.55Matholumya... that'd be night
06:06.06Matholumi can't type for some reason
06:06.12Nom-I like the idea of 3 months off, but i hate the idea of going for 40 weeks in a row
06:06.24Matholumya... not fun
06:06.33Nom-Back when I was in school, I couldn't wait for those 2 weeks off after every 10
06:07.43Matholumnow i have i think 17 weeks every semester w/ a week in between... one break in the summer is 2... and then i have 2 weeks for christmas...
06:07.50Matholuma few days here and there
06:09.28Matholumi have to do my configs for my mod now.... -_-... i have never done that before...
06:09.47Matholumi hope the wiki covers that pretty well
06:13.06Nom-Good luck :)
06:13.32Nom-I want to do backgrounds for PerfectRaid ... I wonder how much work that would be
06:14.26Nom-meh, i'll have a look when I get home, I guess
06:14.39Nom-Just want to put background colours on each frame
06:14.43kahdgarxiNom- - where do you work?
06:15.20Nom-At an ISP :)
06:15.28kahdgarxiwhat do you do for them?
06:15.47kahdgarximakes sense
06:15.54Matholumyup  ^_^
06:19.23Nom-There are so many things I want to redesign here
06:19.32Nom-So much work, not enough hours in the decade
06:25.50Nom-And i'm bored because i'm stuck writing documentation at the moment
06:25.52Nom-Still :(
06:26.17Matholumthat isn't fun.... forget documentation.. lol
06:28.18VoidRaiderhaha :)
06:28.52Nom-I've got the perfect reason why we should ditch Daylight savings here
06:29.00Nom-AWDST is too many letters.
06:29.45Nom-holy crap, the air conditioning just conditioned the air!
06:29.56Nom-For the first time all day I just felt something approaching cold air
06:30.22Nom-Evaporative Air Conditioning FTL
06:31.00Nom-It sucks even more when people install them incorrectly
06:31.05kahdgarxiis there a fuction to get the current date?
06:31.18Nom-I remember the machine room here, we had problems for months, and it turned out there was two pumps on the roof
06:31.26Nom-One which drew water up, the other which pushed it down
06:31.33Nom-And they were pushing against eachother
06:32.54Matholumthat's funny
06:37.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz_ (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
06:37.24Matholumi just made a new xml w/ a new frame... reloaded wow and when i say frame:Show... it says frame is nil.... -_-
06:39.36Matholumoh... when the variables load, is that before the frames load?
06:40.38VoidRaiderAdding a new XML to the TOC need a complete reload not just /console reload, hope you done that :)
06:40.50Matholumthat is what i did
06:40.55VoidRaiderah ok :)
06:41.18Matholumbut do you think that me calling a frame at a VariablesLoaded event is too early?
06:42.09IrielAddon authors really have no business doing ANYTHING at variables loaded, 90% of the time
06:42.09VoidRaiderI guess it's being done after though, simply because the event onload event exists after the frame and not before it
06:42.33Iriel(probably more like 99.9% of the time, actually)
06:42.40IrielEither you want ADDON_LOADED or PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD
06:43.39Matholumhmm.... i was just going by the wiki.... but i can do one of those i think
06:43.44*** join/#wowi-lounge xlvii (
06:43.45xlviiI want to make a simple AddOn that will reply with 'Congratulations' whenever someone says 'Ding' in the Guild / Party channel. How would I go about doing it? Anything I can read up on?
06:44.12Nom-gah brb
06:44.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom_ (
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06:47.51Matholumok.. i did addon_loaded and now i don
06:48.03Matholumdon't get an error
06:48.14Matholumbut the frame isn't anywhere
06:49.15Matholumlol... forgot to close </Ui>
06:50.17Matholumworks now.... but i'll leave it on addon loaded... that sounds better
06:51.57Nom_Yes, XML doesn't work too well unless you close all the tags properly :D
06:52.14VoidRaiderNot working at all :P
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08:10.25Industrialxlvii: bad! BAD!
08:11.04Industrialxlvii: thats just laziness and shows you dont even mean it. you could just aswell say nothing
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08:21.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Fridgid (i=Fridgid@
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08:30.07seebsI hate computers.
08:30.36seebsI just spent a good hour and a half recoding something to take advantage of a vector processor, only to discover that the overhead of prepping the data for the vector processor makes the result about 10 times slower.
08:31.45*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio (n=sp@unaffiliated/sergio)
08:41.33krkafirst rule of optimizing: don't do it.
08:44.20abugsecond rule of optimizing: play quake
08:47.11abugpurl, dilbert
08:47.13purlmethinks dilbert is a comic, online at, or see backissues using this script:
09:04.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
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10:19.00Nom-ooo new set of realms
10:19.04Nom-almost tempted to create a character
10:21.53*** join/#wowi-lounge rjaym (
10:22.59rjaymcan anyone point me in the right direction, i'm trying to create an addon that can search through blips on the minimap to match names to text (for hunters searching for someone)
10:23.51rjaymso far i've gotten the Minimap table, and some of it's children, but i'm having a hard time figuring out how I pin down which children are blips if any, or if the blips that appear on the minimap are even part of teh Minimap table object
10:30.20KirovI can point you in the right direction.
10:31.07KirovThe blips are rendered directly in to the texture used in the minimap's background (something we have no access to from WoW's API)
10:33.03rjaymalright, is there any way to get an table of those blips in any form?
10:33.13IndustrialTain once made a mod that did something with the minimap
10:33.25Industrialhe would move the minimap under the mouse really fast to scan the tooltip
10:33.40rjaymya i didn't wanna do that cause it's wierd
10:33.54Industrialut thers no other way and its dodgy
10:36.40rjaymi'm gonna try to recurse through the minimap children to make sure i can't get those frames
10:40.48KirovThe frames are all the buttons around the minimap
10:41.58KirovThere are a couple of unnamed regions that are "model" frame types
10:44.06KirovThose are as follows
10:44.06Kirov1-4 "points of interest" markers (ie: arrows that show up during a quest, near a city, or after talking to guards in major cities).
10:44.07Kirov5-8 party members outside of your minimap's range
10:44.07Kirov9 the "player" arrow in the center of the minimap
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10:53.12rjaymwell damn
10:54.38KirovI feel your pain
10:55.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Chandaron (
10:57.59Nom-where's the wiki thing for information on the wow api ?
11:02.41Nom-That works without a Backdrop yes?
11:03.19Nom-So like if i just wanted to set a green 50% transparent background, i could Frame:SetBackdropColor(0,1,0,.5) ?
11:04.19KirovYes, though I believe you need to set a backdrop first
11:10.20Nom-hmmm is there a null backdrop I can set
11:10.24Nom-coz ur right it doesn't seem to work
11:11.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
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11:14.48KirovHere's my advice.
11:14.48Kirovlocal back = Frame:CreateTexture(nil,"Background");
11:14.48KirovFrame.back = back;
11:15.47*** join/#wowi-lounge VoidRaider|afk (
11:17.32clad|sleepNom-: IWhat were you thinking for backdrops?
11:18.15Nom-just simple background and border would be nice to start with
11:18.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh_ (
11:18.59clad|sleepwell had you ever seen what we did in PR 1.0?
11:19.04KirovI avoid them like the plague
11:19.08clad|sleepwell i wouldn't use a backdrop specifically
11:19.13clad|sleepjust a texture, that gets used as a background
11:19.16clad|sleepi hate backdrop files =)
11:19.17clad|sleepthey suck.
11:19.25Nom-clad|sleep: Yeah, that's exactly what i'd like to see back :)
11:19.44Nom-Any something to indicate who in the raid you have targeted and mouseovered if possible
11:19.50KirovThey're actually useful for setting up what would otherwise be a rather complex set of textures.
11:20.19clad|sleep*nod* they need to be set up.  Making them general kinda sucks.
11:20.24clad|sleepI may just try what I used to do
11:20.27Nom-I'm quickly discovering I have no freakin idea what i'm doing tho
11:20.29clad|sleepbut so many peopel disliked it.
11:20.34Kirovfor STranq I recreate it all in textures because I wanted them to be on top of status bars
11:20.42clad|sleepthat's why i was hesitant.
11:20.58Nom-I loved it, and let me tell you, that background colouring is MUCH easier to see someone who has a curse or magic effect than the text
11:21.11Nom-expecially when the curse text is the same color as soulstoned (i think it was
11:21.47AnduinLotharthat's not sleeping!
11:22.01Kirovsleep typing
11:22.06Kirovget with the now, al
11:23.15AnduinLothari have school in 6 hrs..
11:23.18AnduinLothari should sleep
11:23.28AnduinLothari never did get around to refreshing myself on latin
11:32.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Karn (
11:33.52clad|sleepNom-: Okay, I can take care of the backdrop with what I had before
11:34.01clad|sleepall I need now is some visual indication of who you have highlighted
11:34.04clad|sleepsince they shouldn't be the same
11:34.08clad|sleepsome white glow, or some shit like that =)
11:34.14clad|sleepso think about that, and email me :P
11:35.04AnduinLotharI Win. Standalone Khaos
11:35.05AnduinLotharnap time
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12:11.14Nom-hmm is there a new version of theorycraft
12:11.17Nom-or something similar
12:11.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
12:26.15subbotif there is, let me know
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12:36.48Elkano(but haven't tested it)
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13:04.15DeathfaceWhere is Blackfathom Deep? ._.
13:06.12Deathfaceyes but where more sepcifically
13:06.19Deathfacei can only find maps of the instance not location
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13:25.00zenzioDeathface: north part of Zoram Strand
13:29.20zenzioyou'll find a sort of big "hole", you enter down there
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14:10.33Industrial~seen tuller
14:11.05purltuller <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 17h 24m 35s ago, saying: 'select('#', string.split())'.
14:11.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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14:17.58purlapt/ibot/jbot/purl all log to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz, or updated "nightly"
14:18.03kasothanks purl
14:19.32*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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14:56.10Industrialand it loks like that
14:56.24Industrialline 63 and 67
14:56.30Industrialwhats wrong with my bindings? :S
14:56.47Industrial(they dont work either)
14:57.13Industrialwhen i do /script SetBindingClick('1', 'myActionButton1')
14:57.14Industrialit works
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15:00.44IndustrialLine 63 and 67;
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15:24.44Industrialzeg bierman (beerke)
15:24.48Industrialdoes helpen :P
15:25.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Zorjai (
15:25.49Mikma :)
15:26.24IndustrialMikma: sex. but the second is way too small ;x
15:26.47MikmaIndustrial: doesn't matter since the first bar swaps with shift/ctrl to the bars above
15:27.08Mikmathey are there "just so you remember" and you CAN click the minibuttons too
15:27.44Mikmaand they are SetParent to MultiBarBottomLeft/Right so the bars will hide if you disable the blizz bars from menu :)
15:29.13Industrialim having trouble with my bindings atm
15:29.18Industrialread up :p
15:31.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
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16:02.16KirkburnThis is awesome:
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16:12.44Industrialthis crap is making me wryyyyyy.
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16:18.32Xolan[EU]does SendAddonMessage result in the CHAT_MSG_ADDON event on the client sending the message?
16:18.51Xolan[EU]or just the other clients?
16:23.24Esamynnyes, it does
16:23.24EndI think it does it in your client
16:31.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
16:34.11|FF|Im2good4uhmm is it posable to remove buttons in a drops down menu ?
16:34.36|FF|Im2good4uand yes that message get also recieved by yourself
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16:41.27Xolan[EU]quote from wowwiki: "Calling this function results in the event CHAT_MSG_ADDON being invoked on >>other<< client machines in the PARTY, RAID, BATTLEGROUND or GUILD." Hence why I asked. Someone should change that :P
16:42.25|FF|Im2good4uhow about u
16:42.43Xolan[EU]not registered :)
16:43.07|FF|Im2good4uthen go register
16:43.29|FF|Im2good4uthink about hoch much the wiki helped u in your developemtn this is your chnce to help the wiki
16:45.09*** join/#wowi-lounge |moonsorrow| (
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16:49.04kasowelcome to the wonderful world of wiking
16:49.39Endhah, I'm different!
16:49.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
16:49.51BouviI would :) but I feel awful.  Should go home.
16:49.52kasoeveryone he's different let's laugh at him#
16:50.24Cairennthe fact that you are "different" End, is news ... how?
16:51.14*** join/#wowi-lounge TC_Working (
17:07.55Industrial21:51 < Antiarc> There's nothing quite like keeping your guild forums account signed in on an unsecured computer.
17:07.58Industrial21:51 < Antiarc> Our raid leader's sig currently reads "I like butts on my face" as a result.
17:08.01Industrial21:52 < zenzelezz> maybe he just does
17:08.06Industrialahh that makes me laugh every time =D
17:21.21*** join/#wowi-lounge clad (
17:22.07cladanyone from curse around?
17:22.07*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
17:22.52cladthey really need to not make things automatically accepted.. I'm sick of other people submitting my addons, and having them accepted.
17:23.08*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o clad] by ChanServ
17:25.22cladI have no issue with my addons being there, but that won't happen until they notify me of comments on my addons.. Its an absolute must-have for me.. to avoid the cesspool those comment sections turn into.
17:25.36cladand I have to be the one who put them there.
17:25.51cladpastamancer: They put grid up there too, makign it quite clear they aren't the author
17:26.16cladand now I can barely get logged in to their servers, keep getting the error [age
17:26.25cladKaeltenAway: Wake y0 azz up and kick the hamster imo
17:29.42Xolan[EU]gah I'm getting an error sayinh my frame isn't moveable when I try dragging it. it's not very long so if anyone could have a quick look over it I'd be grateful :)
17:30.20cladXolan: frame:SetMovable(true)
17:30.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
17:30.56Xolan[EU]I already have  moveable="true"  in the xml element though
17:31.13AntiarcTry movable
17:31.17Xolan[EU]just saw >.<
17:31.19Xolan[EU]lol thanks
17:31.49Mikmawhat's the texturename of PetActionBarFrame?
17:32.18Mikmaoh thanks :)
17:32.34*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
17:32.34AntiarcAssuming that it has a normal texture
17:32.38AntiarcIt may not, if it's not a button
17:32.41AntiarcSo I dunno. >_>
17:32.49Mikmahehe well we'll see :)
17:33.18*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
17:35.44End(I'm not 100% sure that'd work)
17:36.55malrethSo... I've found that traveling with a cat in the car that yowls for two hours is not fun... nnot fun at all
17:37.06Endyeah, cats don't travel well
17:37.08malreththe cat yowling... not the car
17:37.24malrethif a car yowled... that'd probably mean you'd have to spend money on something
17:37.33malrethor that you ran over a cat
17:37.38malrethand that's not good at all
17:37.38Endyou'd have to turn up the radio
17:38.16malrethit turns out, that children's benedryl is a good sedative for a cat... knocks him out for 2 hours solid
17:38.25malrethbut the trip was 3 hours by car
17:38.35malrethso once it wore off... oh man there was hell
17:39.50malreththe difficult part is getting him to take the medicine... had to force it down with a syringe
17:39.57malrethand he really didn't like that
17:40.21malrethdunno if i'm gonna ever do that again
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17:43.21cladCairenn: I'll be back later, maybe someone'll be on that can help me =/
17:48.58Josh_Borkeclad needs help?
17:49.16Josh_Borkepastamancer: ping!
17:49.16Cairennat cg
17:49.22Josh_Borkeoh, ok
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17:50.01Josh_Borkebah, he's been idle all day
17:50.06Josh_Borkeok well, class time bye
17:50.45Cairennlater Josh_Borke
17:51.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Islorgris|Away (n=chatzill@
17:52.03Xolan[EU]hm, how can I get the number of lines in a string?
17:55.53KirkburnPatch 2moro, apparently
17:56.05KirkburnEu have annouced 2.0.3 for wednesday
17:56.39malreththat sounds exciting
17:57.32malrethso we get a week of hotfixes before BC comes out next tuesday
17:58.04TC_Workingand then a week of hotfixes after BC comes out
17:58.23malrethwell, since no one will be able to log in for that week...
17:58.51TC_Workingwell someone will beable to
17:59.25zenziohow come horde understand most alliance NPCs they can interact with, and vice versa, but not hostile NPCs/players? I find it pretty weird
18:00.01Endsame thing works in reverse too
18:01.25TC_Workingbecause it's difficult to understand someone when they are yelling at you
18:04.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
18:06.01TC_Workingsup Guillotine
18:06.08Guillotineheya :)
18:06.14TC_Workinghow's your hunter?
18:06.39Tullergreat, that means I'll have the update for the button issue for bongos right as blizzard fixes it :P
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18:31.32pastamancerJosh_Borke: pong
18:32.09foxlitHow do I let the user customize hotkeys for securestateheaders? :)
18:33.28KirovKeyBindingButton ?
18:33.31Kirovsomething like that
18:33.56foxlitThrough Bindings.xml?
18:34.00KirovSetBindingClick("KEY", "ButtonName" [,"mouseButton"])
18:34.48KirovThat lets you bind a key to a button with out needing to keep a bindings.xml
18:35.02Kirovthough it means you need to manage your bindings on your own as they won't show
18:35.15Kirov(in the keybindings window)
18:35.27foxlit"KEY" is a bit annoying -- would've preferred KEYBINDINGNAME or something.
18:36.15KirovKEY is "SHIFT-K" or something similar
18:36.46foxlitI'd like to keep the definitions inside the keybindings UI, not inside a variable on my own addon.
18:37.43KirovFair enough.  Not entirely sure how to get around that
18:38.22foxlitIs there a GetBinding() of some sort?
18:39.24foxlitkey1, key2 = GetBindingKey("MOVEFORWARD");
18:40.13foxlitWould probably work if I just bound those to the secure buttons.
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18:52.27SaerisAny Auctioneer devs around?
18:53.04kasocheck out #norganna
18:59.48zenziogrmbl... three locks in the team, and no-one thought to SS the priest
19:01.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
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19:04.03KirovOf course not, "Must... cast... shadowbolt!"
19:06.32foxlitshadowbolt? :)
19:07.42*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|work (
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19:45.07abugpurl, mana tombs
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19:52.45*** join/#wowi-lounge SB1-Work (n=ScytheBl@
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19:52.57IndustrialAnyone have experience with SetBindingClick()?
19:53.57SB1-Work~onjoin cogwheel cogwheel: SVN should be working again (~1:00 PM MST, '~onjoin -cogwheel' to remove this message)
19:53.57purlok, SB1-Work
19:54.02SB1-Workthanks purl
19:54.05purlthanks, SB1-Work
19:54.58CideSB1-Work: /memoserv help
19:55.09SB1-WorkCide, people read those?
19:55.22Cidewhy not?
19:55.27Cideyou get a PM when you log on
19:55.47SB1-Workeh, purl is nicer ;)
19:56.08Cideand more annoying to the other 139 people in the channel who don't care about the message :P
19:56.19Endmemoserv is the Right Way (tm)
19:56.35EndI didn't know it sent a PM though, that's good to know
19:56.53EndI was wondering if not knowing you had a memo might be a problem or not
19:57.03CideI think it does anyway!
19:57.12SB1-WorkI always thought it sent a /notice
19:57.12Endwe could test that
19:57.16SB1-Work... along with the IRC motd
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19:57.26Cidenotice maybe
19:57.28SB1-WorkHence my statement how no one ever reads them, mostly because no one ever notices them
19:57.32Cide-MemoServ- You have a new memo from Cide (#1)
19:57.32Cide-MemoServ- Type /msg MemoServ READ 1 to read it
19:57.47kergothCide: you can communicate with perl via privmsg, no need to do it in channel. also, purl works for messaging even to users who arent registered with nickserv, which is not true for memoserv.
19:57.54SB1-WorkYeah, it's all in notices
19:58.15Cidekergoth: yet it prints to the channel when he joins
19:58.24Cideand cogwheel has indeed registrered with nickserv
19:58.41Endis there a way to have purl send the message in a pm?
19:58.41kergoththen use botmail, not onjoin.
19:58.51kergothyep. ask purl about botmail
19:58.58SB1-WorkI'd have to reg this nick :P
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19:59.49Shadowedoh so botmail does whisper
20:00.51kergothas is botmail.
20:00.59kergothand isn't limited to those registered with nickserv
20:01.15SB1-WorkFor me to PM purl, I have to login and ident (freenode policy)
20:01.28kergoth~botmail for SB1-Work: foo
20:01.29SB1-WorkAnd I doubt you want more channel spam, if all of four were agitating :P
20:01.29Shadowedit takes 5 seconds, go register :p
20:01.34kergothhmm, thats annoying
20:01.37kasowhat reason would you have for not having a Freenode login
20:01.42kergothi'll have to talk to tim
20:02.21kergothah well, my mistake, i didnt expect tim to have that mode set on the purl user
20:03.37ShadowedI thought it was something thats restricted by the server in general that they couldn't remove it without doing it for the entire server
20:03.43Endactually, it's that you have to set a mode
20:04.11EndI think it is +6 to recv pms from unregistered nicks
20:05.10End(ugh, I'm trying to look it up, but I can't find it)
20:05.10kergothseems awfully silly for a popular bot like purl to not have that mode set, particularly when the non-registered users can still interact with it in channel
20:05.32SB1-WorkEnd: +6?
20:05.39EndI think
20:05.47EndSB1-Work: try messaging me
20:05.59EndI -should- have the correct mode set, whatever it is
20:06.35*** join/#wowi-lounge alcaras (
20:07.07SB1-Work+6 it is
20:08.22IndustrialDoes anyone have experience with SetBindingClick()?
20:08.41Endoddly enough, I can't unset +6
20:10.07Endah hah
20:10.10Endyou tell nickserv to do it
20:12.25foxlitDo FontStrings still inherit from GameFontNormal, or is there some sort of fontstring-only equivalent of that?
20:13.01Endisn't GameFontNormal a Font now?
20:13.28End(Font as in a Font object)
20:13.32Cideyes, and you still inherit from it
20:14.49foxlitOkay, thank you.
20:24.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
20:26.32Oreeaccording to lua doc, function to check if "value" is a table: lua_istable()
20:26.49Oreedoesnt seem to work with wow api, anything else I can use ?
20:27.11Oreesweet, thx
20:29.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
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20:32.13kasoOree lua_whatever functions are C functions
20:32.25kasowhich we cannot access
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20:36.28ShadowedCVar's aren't sent to the server I assume, it's all used locally?
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20:43.16Oreeanyone have experience with the fubar-2.0 lib? I cant seem to get my minimap icon to remember its position, either it picks a random pos (if I dont set default pos) or it reverts back to default pos.. after I reloadui
20:46.04nymbiaOree: add AceDB as a mixin and it'll remember.
20:46.29Oreeah excelent
20:52.00Oreeexcelent, worked :)
20:59.48foxlitSeems I've used PanelTemplates for tabs without realizing just how it worked; makes mpatching it a nightmare
20:59.52SP|Sorrenanyone know the total exp needed from 60-70?
21:12.40*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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21:15.48[Cu]WerikGood evening.
21:16.34Kirovhappy post christmahanakuanzika!
21:17.06TC_Working~sigh Kirov
21:17.12purlACTION sighs, rolls its eyes and shakes its head, "Kirov!"
21:17.31JoshBorkepastamancer: pingaling aling
21:18.00pastamancerJoshBorke: oi oi oi
21:18.36JoshBorkepastamancer: i figured out a 'fast' way to keep track of simultaneous heals on the same target
21:18.56pastamancer[Cu]Werik: kill this:
21:19.01pastamancerJoshBorke: do tell
21:19.57JoshBorkepastamancer: key is the startTime, value is the endTime.  to determine the first to finish, iterate over the table and save the minimum endTime
21:20.03JoshBorkeO(N) time
21:20.23pastamancerJoshBorke: hmmm, that's sneaky
21:20.54JoshBorkesince we don't need to know any details about the heals, just then end time
21:21.26JoshBorkethe only problem i foresee is simultaneous start tiems
21:21.37pastamancerhow about two tables and use t.insert
21:21.58JoshBorkeheh, yea, that'd fix it
21:22.15JoshBorkecause you can still use pairs and the indexes should be the same
21:22.20JoshBorkeexcept removal has a higher cost
21:23.07JoshBorkesince you have to iterate through
21:24.32KirovJoshBorke - basically impossible
21:24.35pastamancerwell, you'd have heal_start[sender] = startTime; heal_finish[sender] = endTime; if you wanted to iterate every time
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21:25.07KirovJoshBorke - as long as your key is the full GetTime() it's impossible for simultanious starts
21:25.42pastamancer[Cu]Werik: thanks.  I'll upload Grid to curse when it's ready.
21:25.56Kirov_some_ time, however finite, will of passed between the running of your lua code and the cued events.
21:26.05obelussorry to butt in, but Hellfire isn't on my realm list and I was gonna check out the guilds ...
21:26.19JoshBorkehellfire could be down for splitting
21:26.35obelussorry, splitting?
21:26.46JoshBorkethey're testing out a new server split idea
21:26.59JoshBorkewhere they split the population of a server in 2 for 2 new servers
21:26.59obelusto cut down on crowded servers?  interesting
21:27.15Kirovobelus - half the GMs take one island, the other half take the other island, and they all control 4-5 mobs each.
21:27.22obelusso suddenly half the people in your friends list are gone?
21:27.29SP|Sorrenwould writing a mod to do a brute force attack on the turtle mount vendor be a violation of the ToS?
21:27.31pastamancer[Cu]Werik: page links on 404 (the page 1, 2, 3, etc. ones at the bottom of the page)
21:27.45JoshBorkeobelus: no, they give you a warning and you get to choose
21:27.56JoshBorkeSP|Sorren: think so ;-)
21:27.57[Cu]Werikgonna report it
21:28.30SP|Sorrenpoo ;p
21:29.01JoshBorkebrute force...never sounds good :_P
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21:29.45Cidewhat's this "brute force" method? I like to call it "systematic guessing"
21:29.51obeluswell, bummer
21:30.00SP|Sorrenlol systematic guessing
21:30.04obelusi was gonna level a char up to 10 and do some collaborative bg stuff =P
21:30.29pastamancerJoshBorke: shown_heal = "Bob"; start_times["Bob"] = blah; end_times["Bob"] = blah; update shown_heal on cast start/end/delay
21:30.58JoshBorke...i just started to write my own name in response to pastamancer...
21:31.20JoshBorkeyea that'd work
21:31.28pastamancerpastamancer: well, that would be awkward now wouldn't it :p
21:31.29JoshBorkebut anyway, that was what i came up with on saturday
21:31.38JoshBorkeand you were gone all weekend so i just had to sit on my excitedness
21:31.52TC_Workinglots of ppl talk to them selfs...they just do it in rubber rooms
21:31.56JoshBorkebut i thought it was a decent way to deal with multiple heals
21:31.57pastamancerJoshBorke: you didn't commit your excitedness?
21:32.14JoshBorkeno, because your code looks incomplete and non functional so i didn't know where
21:32.15TainOf course I talk to myself, it's the only way to have a conversation with my equal.
21:32.31TC_WorkingTain: the sheer arogance
21:32.32JoshBorkeJoshBorke: isn't that just because no one will talk to you tain?
21:32.39TC_Workinghmm..i really should learn how to spell
21:32.40pastamancerJoshBorke: well, it is incomplete.  It's just showing a bar for the most recent spell
21:33.17TainSheer Arrogance... that's a great name for a perfume.
21:33.18obelushmm ... Hellfire doesn't exist.
21:33.37obelusshould it be Hellscream?
21:33.57JoshBorkepastamancer: i also wasn't sure how exactly it would work since currently it'll only show one cast bar.  do you want to use some sort of OO design and create a new instance for each unit in the raid or do you want to have a pool of castbars that get reassigned to different units/targets?
21:34.07JoshBorkewhich changes where the code would go :)
21:34.53TC_Workingthat -is- a good name for a perfume
21:35.19pastamancerJoshBorke: well, they're gonna be pooled.  a table for unused frames and then a table of frames indexed by parent frame I guess
21:35.44JoshBorkemmmk.  so the shown_heal stuff will be a table of the frame, right?
21:36.07pastamancermm, yeah
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21:36.10JoshBorkeif so, i'll go ahead and write that portion and commit the stuff
21:36.45Josh_Borkeman that JoshBorke is wicked cool
21:36.59pastamancerand we'll also need to look at where to hook in to praid or whatever
21:37.14JoshBorkeyea, wish that developer of praid was around more often...
21:37.15*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso (
21:37.19pastamancer40 bars SetPoint-ed to CENTEr, UIParent, CENTER
21:37.26pastamancerwould be annoying :)
21:37.47JoshBorkedid you check to see if the name was taken? (i think it is)
21:38.10pastamancerJoshBorke: did not check at all
21:38.22JoshBorkebtw, do you have a commit email sent out?
21:38.51pastamancernah, no emals.  I suppose I could setup a mailman list
21:39.11JoshBorkei've got mine just sending an email to me with the diff of the changes
21:39.54pastamancerI just check the diff from my svn client
21:40.12JoshBorkei haven't taken the time to figure that part out ;-)
21:40.27pastamanceroh, keep in mind that we need to support multiple frames for the same unit
21:40.54pastamancerso data can be indexed by unit, but frames should not be
21:41.29JoshBorkehm, ok
21:42.00pastamancershown_heal[unit] = totally fine.   I guess we could hook OnAttributeChanged of the parent frames to keep the castbar unit in-sync with the bar's unit
21:42.17cladhairepastamancer: How did you guys decide you want to show the information?
21:42.27JoshBorkei don't think we have yet ;-)
21:42.36pastamancercladhaire: it's just a little green bar |------>    | right now
21:42.57pastamancerand there's just one and it's anchored in the center of the screen :)
21:42.59JoshBorkei had and idea though (specific to pRaid).  what if it was a highlight texture around the healthbar portion
21:43.06pastamancerthere's still a bunch of work to be done
21:43.29cladhairejoshborke like giving the healh bar a colored border?
21:43.36JoshBorkecladhaire: yea
21:43.47cladhairemight be TOO much information, with debuff indication doign a similar thing
21:43.53cladhairedunno.. worth a try, heh
21:44.02JoshBorkeor perhaps a spark traveling down the healthbar
21:44.09pastamancerby throwing a statusbar behind the unit or just tinting?
21:44.23JoshBorkethrowing a statusbar behind
21:44.56pastamancernot a bad idea.  my original idea was just to anchor it at the top of the health bar
21:45.19JoshBorkewe could even toss in a spart texture that just shows up behind the healthbar
21:45.29cladhairewell, what do you do if multriple people are casting spells on the same unit?
21:45.41JoshBorkewe only show the one which will finish first
21:45.54cladhairewhat happens when it finishes?
21:45.56cladhaireyou show the next one?
21:45.57JoshBorkebut another thing i tohught about was to have multiple sparks for each heal ;-)
21:46.03cladhairewhat i would say
21:46.05cladhaireif you want to go nuts.
21:46.12cladhaireis since they're not clickable.
21:46.13pastamanceryeah, it would show the one that's next-closest to finishing
21:46.18cladhairei'll give you guys the top of the status bar
21:46.26cladhaireyou guys work your way down with 1-2px sparks.
21:46.27pastamancermultiple sparks = rave frames, not raid frames
21:46.34cladhairesubtle enough
21:46.39cladhaireyou dont need a ZOMG BEING HEALED indicator.
21:46.45cladhairebut something thats clearly differnt from the other frames
21:46.48nymbiawhat if i want rave frames, huh?
21:46.56JoshBorkea vertical statusbar then?
21:47.00cladhairethat way you can decide whether you want multple sparksor not
21:47.07cladhaireanchored to the top of the health bar
21:47.12JoshBorkeoh, i see
21:47.25cladhairea white spark, slightly transparent
21:47.39cladhaireif you go with only one per bar.. then it can be 3-5 pixels easy
21:47.54cladhairegoing from 0 > final cast
21:48.07cladhairetho 2-3 is probably best
21:48.09cladhaireif you're leaving a trail
21:48.11cladhaireslimy eew
21:49.37pastamancerI guess I'll have to see multiple sparks in action before I decide if I like it.  It sounds very PEW PEW OMG HEALZ
21:50.05cladhairewell its also very useful
21:50.06cladhairethat's why i asked
21:50.12cladhaireseeing a bar go from 0 to 100
21:50.14pastamancerit doesn't sound bad per-se, but it sounds a bit busy
21:50.16cladhairethen back to 80 then to 100
21:50.20cladhairethen back to 30 then to 100
21:50.25cladhairedoesn't really tell me
21:50.33pastamancerok, that makes sense
21:50.35cladhaireknowing that four peopel are currently healing my target.. does =)
21:50.42cladhaireit means i can heal someone else
21:50.53JoshBorkeman, this is so gonna replace healwatch :-(
21:51.01pastamancermultiple sparks on the bar it is then
21:51.12cladhaireZOMG healwatch is teh nub.. get PerfetcRaid + zomgPastaJoshWatch!
21:51.18JoshBorkelol cladhaire
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21:51.29pastamancerI'll have to make sure it supports Grid, otherwise I'll lose users :p
21:51.38JoshBorkeit's slower with multiple sparks though, far slower
21:51.54JoshBorkesince we'll have to iterate over the table every time we want to update
21:52.00cladhairewell then i'd say at least
21:52.07pastamancerwell, if we bucket heals by target, it's not that much iterating
21:52.08cladhaireyou need to show how many people are currently healing
21:52.32JoshBorkewell, as long as our update it slow enough
21:52.40JoshBorkewhich, 0.05 is slow enough, we'll be fine
21:53.07JoshBorkesince i do far more iterating over tables than we'll do in this, and it finishes quickly
21:53.15pastamanceryeah, I spent a while playing with values for the OnUpdate throttle so that it was just fast enough to be smooth
21:53.39JoshBorkepastamancer: how do we handle Prayer of Healing?
21:54.08pastamancerJoshBorke: I guess we need to cache subgroup information
21:54.39pastamancerI'll add it to the roster in CastComm.  PoH isn't the only group spell, so I can see that being handy
21:55.04JoshBorkeyou're lucky my room-mate isn't here.  if he were, i'd be busy studying
21:55.16JoshBorkeinstead i'm gonna code some
21:55.33Mikmahas anyone else than cogwheel played with ActionButton's and SetAttribute?
21:55.42pastamancer:)  I probably won't have much coding time this week
21:55.59JoshBorkei can definitely foresee my time diminishing very soon
21:56.14JoshBorkei'm taking Japanese 1002 almost 4 years after taking Japanese 1001
21:56.36JoshBorkeack indeed
21:56.54JoshBorkethat's why i'm waiting on my room-mate.  he's got notes from taking it last semester (i hope)
21:57.14pastamancerhow does :IterateGroupMembers("Name") sound?
21:57.44JoshBorkelike pie
21:57.44pastamancerpie it is then
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22:01.47alcarasis there 1 month free with tbc?
22:01.58Enddon't think so
22:02.36End(I could be wrong because I vaguely remember blizzard saying, but I'm not 100% sure what was said)
22:03.03[Cu]WerikDo you know any expansion packs that was shipped with free game time?
22:03.31ShadowedDidn't the collectors edition get free game time
22:03.38Eternally777Fyi, Best Buy stores will have 18 copies of the Collector's Edition in stock on release day.
22:04.07Endhe collectors edition probably gets it
22:04.53ShadowedAmazon isn't very useful in the description :(
22:05.10Endnor is the blizzard page
22:05.21alcarasEternally777: with or without preorders?
22:05.25Endyou get a map of outland mouse pad though!
22:05.32Shadowedand two booster packs!
22:05.38foxlitSome of the BC content is just hilarious
22:05.42Shadowednetherwhelp makes it all owrth it
22:05.54Shadowedworth too
22:05.57Eternally777Best Buy doesn't allow you to preorder it.
22:06.02obelusare there any servers/guilds active in ui development that aren't on beta?
22:06.11foxlitWolf: "The better to OWN you with!!"
22:06.14obelusor rather where will people be when tbc is out?
22:06.15Eternally777They'll sell it on a first-come, first-serve basis.
22:06.56ShadowedI believe theres a Horde/Alliance guild on one of the US-Live servers
22:07.05obelusany idea which?
22:07.25obelusi've learned lua syntax and am going to be implementing it in a project for work soon, but want some hands on stuff
22:07.30obelusand i already play WoW, so ...
22:08.52JoshBorkebtw pastamancer, your localisation fubars my vim :-(
22:10.21Mr_Rabies21wk 6hrs 49mins 47secs until Burning Crusade.
22:10.50Tullerman, I really hate describing how to use my stuff
22:11.39TC_Workingthen dont let anyone use it
22:11.47alcarasMr_Rabies2: where did you get that counter from?
22:11.49Tullerwell I mean writing a long thing about it :P
22:12.00Tullerbut its more along the lines of, "I hate writing"
22:12.08TC_Workingwell you can always tell ppl to "wing it"
22:12.39Tullerthat won't work, its always better to provide documentation beforehand, since I'd probably have to tell them anyway
22:12.52Mr_Rabies2<alcaras> Mr_Rabies2: where did you get that counter from?
22:12.54Mr_Rabies2myself :p
22:13.13JoshBorkeMr_Rabies2: write a FuBar plugin that'll announce it to the guild also ;-)
22:13.21Mr_Rabies2yeah if i knew lua
22:13.31Mr_Rabies2mirc scripting makes sense to me, lua doesn't :[
22:13.34TC_Workingofc it's better, i wasnt argueing that, i'm just saying you dont have to do it...then can "l2useit"
22:13.41Mr_Rabies2if you have mirc: bc say $duration($calc($ctime(January 16 00:00:00 2007 ) - $ctime)) until Burning Crusade.
22:13.50Mr_Rabies2throw that in aliases and type /bc
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22:23.27pastamancerJoshBorke: your vim can take utf8 and like it.
22:23.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
22:23.53pastamancermy emacs shows it just fine :p
22:24.13ScytheBlade1Are you saying that emacs is worth using? :/
22:24.13JoshBorkei just skip past it and i'm fine :-D
22:24.18pastamancerI'm hoping vim shows it as garbage but doesn't screw up your terminal?
22:24.31JoshBorkeit messes up those few lines
22:24.37JoshBorkenot sure if it's because i'm using vim or because i'm using screen
22:24.45JoshBorkeor some combination of both
22:25.28pastamancerI'mm working on a perl script to steal localization from babble-spell
22:25.40pastamancerbut I need to go now, back tomorrowish
22:25.56pastamancerhopefully I'll get a chance to test the subgroup iterator tonight and commit it
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22:26.09JoshBorkei don't think i'll have time to test any of my commits
22:26.13JoshBorkebut i'llc ommit anyway!
22:26.20pastamanceryeah, testing is for suckers!
22:26.29JoshBorkeand end users!
22:27.33cladhaireKirkburn|afk: PING
22:28.03JoshBorkealing aling aling
22:28.11Kirkburn|afkalong along along
22:28.13cladhaireKirkburn|afk: Do addons still work by dropping files in the Fonts directory?
22:28.28foxlitI can't do this, right: <Texture name="$parentTex2" a="0.5">
22:28.34Kirkburn|afkWhaddya mean?
22:28.44Kirkburn|afkDoes that method still work? Yes.
22:28.47cladhairek k
22:28.50cladhaireits just not a good one, right? =)
22:29.04Kirkburn|afkNot the _best_ one =)
22:29.31Kirkburn|afk(I do mean that, it's perfectly workable)
22:29.49cladhairejust editing that section in the book
22:29.57JoshBorkeo.O book?
22:29.58cladhaireand need to know how much the aurthor needs to rewrite that section =)
22:30.23Kirkburn|afkOne of the few file overrides left
22:30.33*** part/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
22:33.44cladhaireKirkburn|afk: Thanks.. the other is to create overridden fontobjects, or somethign like that.. right? =)
22:34.15Kirkburn|afkMaybe I want to keep it a trade secret? ;)
22:34.38JoshBorkelol Industrial, gj
22:34.47Kirkburn|afkI can't say the exact terminology, but that sounds right
22:35.05Industrialskillz baby :D
22:35.08*** join/#wowi-lounge amro_ (n=amro@
22:35.16foxlitTrade secrets + released code < patents + released code :)
22:35.20Industrialthere was a qway to get onto the inn but i forgot
22:35.23Industriallemme go try
22:38.08Industrialinn > me
22:45.19Tullerthat was a fairly quick approval :)
22:49.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Xolan[EU] (n=Xolan[
22:53.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
22:53.55FtH|eagleTuller: is there now a friendly/enemy swapping possible of the bars?
22:54.59*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
22:55.36TullerFtH|eagle: no
22:55.43FtH|eagleok :/
22:55.49TullerFtH|eagle: the best way to do it is via [help] [harm] macros
22:57.23Tullerex, /cast [help] Greater Heal; Smite
22:58.16FtH|eagleso you won't include it into bongos directly?
22:58.40Tullerwell, I still have yet to think of a good workaround
22:58.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Arel (
22:59.06FtH|eagleok :)
22:59.11Arelhi there.
22:59.42Arelis it just me, or did curse-gaming go down again?
23:02.22FtH|eagleTuller: could macros reflect the state in which they would be cast in the icon? so in your example, smite would be shown if I target an enemy player, and greater heal when I target myself.
23:02.59TullerFtH|eagle: I don't think they can, but I really don't use macros often
23:04.24FtH|eaglesame for me, and without changing of the icon, it would be useless. Too many macros with too many things to remember
23:08.18*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
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23:09.36ZealotOnAStickYay for new Bongos.  Boo for having to reconfigure everything yet again.
23:09.43ZealotOnAStick*logs on to take screenshots of current configs*
23:15.10Corrodiasi had a dream that it was the 16th
23:15.50dukekuwhat's on the 16th?
23:16.11Corrodiasthat's the xpac release date
23:17.33dukekuoh, oops
23:21.31ArelHmm... Can you dynamically resize a frame? not by user dragging, but just assign a new size to it or somesuch? Or is that one of the things I should never ever do?
23:21.51Xolan[EU]which sucks balls as I'm off to the military the 24th :\
23:22.24TainSure you can Arel.
23:22.36ArelThis brings me to my next question, then.
23:22.41Areluhm.... how?
23:23.03Xolan[EU]SetHeight() and SetWidth() usually does it :)
23:23.18Arelbecause right now my "collapse frame" is in fact a "blow up WoW" button.
23:23.22Tainframe:SetHeight() and frame:SetWidth() or frame:Scale()
23:23.38Tainerr :SetScale()
23:23.52Arelsounds good. I'll mess about with it.
23:24.29ArelGetHeight() should work too, right?
23:25.58ArelI'm getting the hang of it!
23:26.55Arel.... it works, too.
23:27.02ArelYou guys are geniuses!
23:28.14IndustrialXolan[EU]: qhy are you joining the military then you silly boy.
23:28.27ArelI'm working on making a suite of mods for raid leaders, I have a queueing addon, a "detect the pvp on guy" one, one for taking care of the pesky "priority" loot system, as well
23:28.27Industrialgank nubs not arabs.
23:28.46TainAll loot to me!
23:29.05Arelyes, they all secretly incorporate the "mail all boe loot to Arel" addon
23:29.13Arelit's a dependency thing.
23:29.30Xolan[EU]Industrial: Mandatory service here...
23:29.50Xolan[EU]no go = jail :P
23:30.07Industrialwell id say its not bad for all the wannabe-whiteass-gangsters
23:30.14Industrialstraighten them up
23:30.54Industrialdoubt they leave the army after 1 year and instantly be like yo wassup fool
23:30.57Xolan[EU]I'm no gangster tho :P
23:31.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
23:31.03Xolan[EU]yup true
23:31.06Industrialyeah then it sux :(
23:31.44Industrialo well nn joy joy dentist tomorrow
23:32.01Xolan[EU]eh best of luck
23:32.15Industrial0 holes so far :)
23:32.24Corrodiashey, dentists visits rule
23:32.29TC_Working0 holes?....still a virgin huh?
23:33.36TC_Workingsee, that just came out all wrong
23:33.52Corrodiasi totally have the wrong image
23:33.54Corrodiasin mind, i mean
23:34.47Industrialdirty old men.
23:34.57Corrodiasand i'm only 23!
23:35.02TC_Workingdirty young men
23:35.04Corrodiasi'm getting an early start
23:35.24Industrial<-- zZzZ
23:39.08purlmooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass, or
23:41.01Arelhmm... so... Can I dynamically change a DropDown Menu too?
23:42.16Arelhmm, probably requires a new init. I'm so smart when I use my brain. I should do that more.
23:42.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:43.10KirovCareful, don't hurt yourself
23:43.31KirovI know how painful those mind cramps can be when you haven't stretched much lately.
23:44.27*** part/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
23:45.05Xolan[EU]is there a FrameExists() function or so?
23:45.16Kirovif ( FrameName )
23:45.42Xolan[EU]it's always when it's too easy things stop in my head. and too hard. Has to be medium :)
23:45.43KirovIf a frame is named, it exists as a global variable reference
23:45.54Xolan[EU]yeah that makes sense
23:46.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Swado (
23:46.34KirovIf a frame doesn't have a name, then you A) probably shouldn't be playing with it or, B) you created it and should of saved a reference to it someplace yourself.
23:47.03SwadoIs it now impossible to make square minimaps?
23:47.23Swadocan someone make one then? lol
23:47.28Swadoand post it on curse
23:47.32kasothere are some around
23:48.44Arelkaso, it'd be much cooler if you went "sure. hold on."
23:48.53Areland then 10 seconds later say "there you go, all done"
23:49.25kasomy name is davik honest
23:49.36kasoDont think i pulled it off arel
23:50.28Qshadowphmm, anyone think of some intresting time based events in wow? like the gurubishi arena?
23:51.03Qshadowpim just writeing a crap program in python to play a sound when the gurubishi arena is about to pop up, figure i might aswell add a few other time based events and stick it on Curse and WoWI :D
23:51.47Swado will work with the patch?
23:52.05KirovSwado - get simpleMinimap
23:52.06QshadowpSwado use simpleminimap
23:52.07kasoi quote from that very page, "Updated since last WoW Patch"
23:52.28Qshadowpstill get simpleminimap, :D
23:52.45Insa , am I missing something obvious here because it just won't do the AddMessage thingy. The scrollframe is visible though
23:52.55Swadothanks, ima get it
23:53.21*** join/#wowi-lounge gngsk| (
23:54.07kasoInsa i believe the OnShow is being called immedately after you're creating the frame, so it gets called before you assign it
23:55.45Insaok, thanks
23:55.51Insanot a big deal anyway, was just wondering:p
23:56.32kasoits the same as doing OnLoad on a dynamically created frame, the event has occured before you can even assign a function for it

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