irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070107

00:03.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Karn (
00:07.06foxlitb_mode is never defined?
00:07.41foxlitWhy are you going through TriEditbox:GetRegions() anyway?
00:08.54Oreehow goes the parent/children alpha settings, is it possible to have the parent at apha=0.5 and child at alpha=1
00:09.21Matholumto set them all to blank (o is a blank pic)
00:09.53Matholumand that is defined earlier to "ADD" clr="White"
00:10.11foxlitOree: child would be at alpha 0.5
00:10.30foxlit(which would, incidentially, be its 1 -- child and parent both at 0.5 would give child at .25)
00:11.12foxlitComment that part out and see if backdrop sticks?
00:11.54Matholumok... easrlier i had it spit out the names of all the regions and gave the backdrop a name... it never gave my it
00:13.16Matholumok... weird... since i didn't clear what i typed... it still said it BUT the bg was still there....
00:13.50Matholumso i guess that clears the bg too.... but how can i exclude it to only textures?
00:14.10OreeIve created two frames, one is child of the other - I set alpha to .5 on parent, the child also is at semingly half opacity, but when I set the child's opacity to 1, its now at "back normal", parent still half opacity - seems the child inherits the parents changes - anyway to set this not to happen ?
00:14.42foxlitBackdrops don't have names.
00:14.48foxlitThey're rather a property of the frame that owns them.
00:14.53Matholumoh.. even if i give it one... -_-
00:15.27foxlitYep, even if you do <Backdrop name="stuff" ...
00:15.32Matholumso what i origanally i though was wrong was it the whole time....
00:15.49foxlitIterate by name of the texture.
00:15.53Oreewell, my two frames arent really parent/child, anchored maybe? oO
00:16.02Oreeused CreateFrame()
00:16.14foxlitpassed a parent?
00:16.20Matholumso a for loop.... with the end bing the mak of textures...
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00:16.45Matholum*being the max
00:17.44Matholumok... thanks guys... i will try it and let you know how it works ^_^
00:18.12Oreenm my ramblings, did a brainfart - changed opacity on the wrong frame.. ><
00:18.25foxlitYou're right, though.
00:18.36foxlitIf you do :SetAlpha() on a parent, it seems to affect children.
00:19.05foxlitIt's strange, though
00:19.05cladhaireit should
00:19.24foxlitchild:SetAlpha(0.3); parent:SetAlpha(0.5); child:GetAlpha() == 0.3
00:19.45cladhairewell its alpha is 0.3, buts it probably multiplicitive
00:20.24cladhairesame as scale
00:20.31cladhaireGetScale() is different from GetEffectiveScale()
00:20.31foxlitIf you don't do :SetAlpha() on a child, it'll change with parent.
00:20.31foxlitIf you do, it won't.
00:20.31cladhaireneat =)
00:21.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Miles|zzz (
00:24.01Matholumit worked!! thanks!!
00:24.19foxlitOr maybe I'm confusing things.
00:25.03foxlitIf you call :SetAlpha() on an object with an already defined alpha value, nothing happens.
00:25.21foxlit(er, defined  = the same as the one you're trying to set)
00:28.31Matholumcan you guys help me figure out how to add the border like the ChatEdit to my frame?
00:28.37|Shadow|lmfao, i think i just had the funniest conversation in my wow history
00:28.49SstixrudI have what I am sure is a super newb problem.. I am simply trying to number my 12x12 frames (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and I am having trouble figuring it out (XML > Me):  
00:29.01|Shadow|some guy who blatently scams on our server, and theres screenshots of him all over the wow forums is now making up a story
00:29.07|Shadow|claiming he was hacked and that people where scamming on his account
00:29.17|Shadow|(hes also a 15 year old girl) \o/
00:29.29Sstixrudtried adding font strings, but my frames disapear :|
00:29.34|Shadow|and this guys buying it, and telling me im a ignorant twat for not beliveing lmao \o/
00:34.28sylvanaaro your alpha conversation - yeah you inherit alpha from the parent frame - multiplicative it is
00:34.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Arel (
00:35.18Arelhello, people
00:35.38Areldoes anyone have any experience with a mod that handles /rolls in pugs? I'm looking for one.
00:35.52Sstixrudsylvanaar I dont follow?
00:36.40sylvanaarif your parent has alpha 0.5 you will have alpha 0.5 when your alpha is 1.0
00:36.44*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
00:37.38sylvanaarand 0.25 when your alpha is 0.5 etc
00:37.52SstixrudI dont see where my frame is set alphaed
00:38.25sylvanaarim just commenting on something in the chat buffer its 10 min old
00:39.05Sstixrudoh :) thought you were responding to my issue :) sorry
00:40.16Areloh, and if anyone has any idea what kind of event a /roll generates, that'd help me a lot.
00:41.19cladhaireanyone here had Papa John's Grilled Chicken Alfredo pizza?
00:41.27SstixrudI have
00:41.39SstixrudI am not a fan of Papa John's in general tho :)
00:41.43Matholumnope -_- sounds good though
00:41.45sylvanaari think its _ROLL even
00:41.47cladhairewell how did you feel about the pizza?
00:41.57cladhairewas it just too weird?
00:42.15Sstixrudnaw, for Papa john's its one of the better pizza's if u like those types of pizza's
00:42.19Matholum(i know that it is in the chat frame lua.. if that helps ^_^)
00:42.20AnduinLothari've had Grilled Chicken Alfredo from a mom and pop place and IT was good..
00:42.32Arelthanks, people.
00:42.36cladhairewell I normally like chicken wing pizza, cause being from near Buffalo, its perfect
00:42.37foxlitsylvanaar: child:SetAlpha(0.5); parent:SetAlpha(0.5); child:GetAlpha() == 0.5
00:42.49SstixrudIts mellow falvored
00:43.00BouviNo one delivers out here :(
00:43.00cladhairei might as well
00:43.03foxlitAt least that's what I see on live at the moment.
00:43.12cladhaireworse comes to worse.. i can just... eat the crust with the garlic sauce =)
00:43.13cladhaireand be happy
00:43.51Sstixrudwhere ya live? If you live in seattle the best pizza is:
00:44.05Sstixrudyum... maybe ill order
00:44.21cladhairei'm in upstate new york.. not sure if they deliver =)
00:48.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
00:48.57sylvanaarfoxlit: that doesnt make sense but i believe you
00:49.50Merywell isn't the question how the look rather than what :GetAlpha returns?
00:49.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Castdead (i=54c19bd5@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
00:49.57Meryhow they*
00:50.10Arelit is in fact a CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM message
00:50.24purlhmm... clique is a click-casting addon by Cladhaire, which you can download from WoWInterface:
00:50.32BouviUpstate New York huh?  That is where my wife is from.  She is from Elmira
00:50.47Oreeis it possible to set a frame to "not capture" mouse clicks ?
00:51.13BouviAnd I brought her to live where the Beverly Hillbillies are from :)
00:51.18MeryOree: try Frame:EnableMouse(false) but i'm not sure
00:51.39sylvanaari was fiddling with setting alpha on the chatframe buttons - the hilight i was trying to reduce its alpha, i cant seem to remember if i figured out how or not
00:52.40Oreek, thx <3
00:53.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
00:55.04AnduinLotharwow... I just did two back to back Emperor BRD runs and I out-damaged the mage...
00:55.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
00:55.09AnduinLotharon my pally
00:55.15cladhaireyes, nerf pallies.
00:55.16cladhairelike i said
00:56.01AnduinLotharHey, I found a piece of Earth that I can make embeddable: OnDemand StaticPopups
00:56.34sylvanaarsounds so rigid
00:57.29AnduinLotharthey aren't super complicated, but if all you need is a yes/no two button popup it's pretty cake
00:59.09cladhairethgose are easy using the static popups in the game, aren't they?
00:59.42AnduinLotharof course, this is jsut a wrapper so you dont even have to add a perminent one to that table
01:00.03cladhairemeh.. heh
01:01.21AnduinLotharonly difference is you can only open 1
01:01.52AnduinLotharso, probably not super useful for widespread use
01:03.33foxlitAny RTFM links for setting up clique integration, from a unitframes mod point of view?
01:03.59cladhaireif not ClickCastFrames then ClickCastFrames = {} end someone in your addons init, then ClickCastFrames[frameObject] = true for each object you want to enable click-casting on.
01:04.12cladhairethat will work with any click-cast mod that uses the standard
01:05.32SstixrudIn my xml file I have FontString inherits="GameFontNormal"  , the default font is yellow how would I change it to white?
01:05.38foxlitClickCastFrames[frameObject] = true seems to be missing from your thread :)
01:05.51cladhairefoxlit: whcih thread?
01:05.57SstixrudGameFontHighLight =  "white" ?
01:06.21foxlitUS UI forum, sticky.
01:06.31cladhaireThats written from the "click casting mod author" perspective.
01:06.39cladhaireI emailed the bulk of the UF authors directly to coax them =)
01:06.46cladhairethat was a fun email thread =)
01:07.05Sstixrudthis doesn't work: <FontString inherits="GameFontNormal"  GameFontHighLight = "white" text="P">
01:07.31cladhaireFontString inherits="GameFontHighlight")
01:07.38Sstixrudaww :) thanks
01:07.39cladhairethat's all you needed to change
01:07.44cladhairewas Normal to Highlight
01:08.51Sstixrudthat works, thank you, what if I wanted to do red, or some custom color?
01:09.04cladhaireyou could set the text within
01:09.06foxlitYou'd probably use inline color codes.
01:09.07cladhaireor make a new font object.
01:09.43cladhaireor SetTextColor
01:10.07SstixrudOk, I understand thanks
01:12.32cladhaireAnyone else seen an influx of spam this weekend?
01:12.43AnduinLotharno more than usual
01:12.52foxlitLess than usual, even
01:12.52AnduinLothar80 today
01:12.55MatholumI have a question.... you know how i posted my picture editbox earlier? that is set for OnMouseDown... but hit can't detect if you hold it down... what can i do to let it do that?
01:13.15AnduinLothar+ 15 legit
01:14.30cladhairehrm.. i've been getting a lot all teh same, many addresses
01:15.17*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
01:15.28cladhaireCircuit City, Best Buy Walmart "confirmation" emails.
01:28.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy2 (
01:30.54ArelGah! Having no luck here. Probably lack of sleep related.
01:31.13Arelhow do I extract useful data from "Arel has rolled 53 (1-100)" ?
01:31.36ArelI keep getting a bunch of nils instead of my pattern, and I can't figure out why.
01:31.58Matholumhow can you fire an event and keep it firing when a key is held?
01:34.36foxlitYou could cheat.
01:35.04foxlitDetect the keydown, set a flag, use an OnUpdate to raise your "fake" events. Clear the flag on keyup.
01:35.21Arelcan you even detect keyups and keydowns?
01:35.45sylvanaarArel: get devtools
01:36.05*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio (n=sp@unaffiliated/sergio)
01:36.31foxlitlocal player, result, minR, maxR = string.match(arg1, "([^ ]+) has rolled (%d+) %((%d+)%-(%d+)%)");
01:36.44foxlitOr, hm.
01:36.59foxlitlocal player, result, minR, maxR = string.match(arg1, "([^ ]+) has rolled (%d+) [(](%d+)[-](%d+)[)]");
01:37.22ArelI'll try that.
01:37.37Arel(both suggestions, thanks Foxlit and sylvanaar)
01:38.13Matholumhow do i emulate holding a key down... like this "???????????????????" ??? i would set an onmouseup event that assigns a variable to the key... then in my mouse down funct have a while upKey isn't keydown....... BUT i am afraid that that would go crazy and not be controlled
01:40.12Matholumfoxlit... i don't understand what you mean by flags... -_-
01:40.12Arelfoxlit, doesn't work, got bunch of nils again. trying devtools.
01:40.41foxlitdump arg1 while you're at it.
01:41.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler` (n=BuM@
01:41.24ArelMatholum: a flag is just a variable you set to keep track of something
01:41.39Arelin this case, the flag set to true means the key has been pressed
01:41.49sylvanaardevtools not going to help with pattern matching - i meant for looking at the chat and event args
01:41.52Matholumoh... ok.... i am trying to think it through then....
01:42.10Arelsylvanaar: I have those
01:42.19Arelarg1 = "Arel rolled 45 (1-100)"
01:42.24Arelothers are empty
01:42.56foxlitchange appropriately
01:43.19foxlitlocal player, result, minR, maxR = string.match(arg1, "([^ ]+) .- (%d+) [(](%d+)[-](%d+)[)]");
01:43.37Matholumthanks guys.. i looked up onUpdate and it makes sence now ^_^
01:43.43sylvanaaruseful to /dump string.match(arg1, "([^ ]+) .- (%d+) [(](%d+)[-](%d+)[)]");
01:44.10foxlitYou'd have to have arg1 set to something sensitive, though. It probably won't be.
01:46.42Arelit's rolls. not rolled.
01:46.44Arelthat makes sense then
01:49.02Arelstring.match(arg1, "([^ ]+) rolls (%d+) [(]1[-]100[)]") seems to work
01:49.15ArelI only need to check for 1 - 100 rolls anyway
01:50.02ArelI _hate_ these pattern matching. They're subtly different than the ones I'm used to
01:50.22ArelThanks so much, everyone. I appreciate it.
01:51.22sylvanaari dont much care for it either
01:51.55foxlitThere's some stuff missing, but they're relatively appropriate for most things :)
01:52.34Arelyes, it's mostly my inability to use them well.
01:52.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Neuro_Medivh (
01:54.22Arelthanks a bunch, I'll now get my much needed rest
01:55.43sylvanaarwhy do i need so many parens here any ideas: string.gsub (chatstring, "((www%.([_A-Za-z0-9-]+)%.(%S+)))", Link)
01:56.37foxlitbecause Link is a function that would like a particular set of captures for its inputs.
01:57.01sylvanaarfunction Link(...)
01:57.40sylvanaarto get thw whole match why do i need 2 parens
01:57.55foxlitNo idea.
01:57.59sylvanaarme either
01:58.01foxlitDo you actually need them?
01:58.41sylvanaarwell, without them i dont get the whole match
01:59.15sylvanaari get the 2 captures inside but not the whole match
02:00.52Sstixrudanyone know of a way to get a list of every spell, that can then be compared against GetActionText(slot)?
02:01.15foxlitEr, GetSpell*?
02:01.48*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
02:02.27Sstixrudreally? /script GetSpell* will do it?
02:02.56foxlitThe family of functions whose names start with GetSpell might be of help.
02:03.35Sstixrudok that makes more sense, I looked at the list I didnt see anything that would show me info for spells that are not of my class
02:04.42foxlitsylvanaar: testing it right now, it works with single brackets
02:04.52foxlitfunction Link(...)  RAB_Print(table.concat({...}, " || ")); end || || stuff || com/stuff/
02:05.37foxlitis the output when there's a double set.
02:05.57sylvanaarhow odd
02:06.08foxlitPerhaps there's something in the way you're reading things from ...
02:13.48Matholum(ok... i feel dumb, but i forget and i can't find it... i always use tables w/ foreach... but how do you refer to a value in it? t[1] t(t).... or sumn else...?)
02:13.49Miles|zzzis there an easy way to call super in overloaded functions in AceOO?
02:14.12Miles|zzz.class.super.prototype.func() works, but it's ugly as hell
02:16.57Matholumfound it... lol...
02:17.12*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
02:19.47sylvanaaroh i see what happened now
02:20.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (
02:22.20sylvanaarMiles|zzz: self.super:()
02:24.49Miles|zzz.super is nil
02:25.26Neuro_MedivhI dunno, .class.super.prototype sounds wicked cool
02:25.29Miles|zzzat least, next( is
02:26.54sylvanaarMiles|zzz: where are you calling it from?
02:32.49*** join/#wowi-lounge sdgass (n=Shadow@
02:33.06Matholumok... i made a table and added what key you hit to it each time onKeyDown... so that the most current is pos1... and onMouse up it removes it... going back to the last key that is held... But, for some reason i can't bring the box back up after i hit enter... any ideas?
02:35.24Matholumthe xml just had the MouseDown = setKey() MouseUP = delKey() and onUpdate = DoCode()
02:38.04Miles|zzzsylvanaar: /run next( fails, next( works
02:39.46Neuro_Medivhsigh, I love clearing out the mobs around a named just to have someone else come along and kill it
02:42.02Matholumanyone find anything i did wronf?
02:49.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
02:50.00MatholumT_T my box is dead......
02:51.49*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
02:52.29Matholumya.... i made a picture editbox... I then made it so that you could hold a key and it would do multiple of that key.. like "aaaaaaaaa"
02:52.51Matholumbut now after i hit enter and it hides itself... i can't get it back
02:53.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Sakabatou (
02:53.34Matholum and the xml just had the MouseDown = setKey() MouseUP = delKey() and onUpdate = DoCode()
02:59.41*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
03:03.34MatholumMy box has vanished into the deep dark void! T_T i want it back....
03:08.28*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (
03:11.59Matholumwhat is not equals in lua??
03:17.06kasoi cant work out why im getting a 60% fps reduction from my addons in linux but not near the same with the same set of addons on windows
03:17.45KirovBecuse linux is a buggy peice of crap.  Move to Windwos ME!
03:18.38Kirovnot buying it, eh?
03:18.59kasoi paid good money for windows ME, im still scarred from that experance
03:19.40kasoi was young and Nieve
03:20.18Kirovping God
03:20.22Kirover, ping Iriel
03:20.22kasoor, to be exact naïve
03:20.39kasoi read Kirov's writing as my own
03:20.43kasothought i was going crazy
03:21.35Matholumi got it fixed....
03:21.37kasooyou are crazy
03:21.46Matholummy box is outa the void!
03:22.17KirovAnyone know if it's better to use coroutine.create / resume or coroutine.wrap
03:23.36Matholumi have a feeling that noone has seen what i have said for about a half an hour..... anyone no what the last thing i said was??
03:23.41Matholummy internet is crap
03:24.01KirovMatholum - try typing louder
03:24.50KirovSo, you've got symbols showing now?
03:25.45Matholumwelll... i dunno what all you guys have heard from me... but the box is back... i moved the onenter to the acual onkeydown so that it can't be held... it worked... i also added a thing so that the onupdate doesn't add the symbols too fast
03:25.49Matholumso yuip ^_^
03:27.15KirovI'm curious to now what it looks like
03:27.18Matholumnow, i get to make the send function for the hide as you type... THEN... T_T.... i have to make the config options...
03:27.36Matholumi dunno if i like my symbols though.,,,
03:27.58Matholumi have 2 sets right now... one based off of binary and one from trinary
03:28.15Matholumbinary is cool... trinary isn't as much
03:28.32*** part/#wowi-lounge Sakabatou (
03:29.30MatholumKirov- i will send the whole thing to you when i get it more finished ^_^
03:29.51Matholumespecially since you have helped me so much...
03:30.57Matholumi really need to put elven runes in...
03:32.45Matholumok... im not so sure you can hear me now.... T_T... no one has said anything in a while...
03:32.56MatholumCAN YOU HEAR ME???
03:34.19Matholummeeps? what is that? but hey! i can hear you... can you hear me?
03:36.36MatholumT_T i really don't think you guys see what i am saying.. and i bet i can't see what you are saying
03:38.17Kirov[Dwarven] Gol terra mer fon
03:41.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Matholum (
03:42.12Matholumok! i rebooted my comp... can you hear me now?
03:43.17Kirovwe can see you the whole time, it's just a slow time
03:43.46Matholumhuh... (i turned off my roomates comps too.. i think that was the prob...)
03:43.55Matholumi couldn't see anything except for what i said
03:46.25Matholumhmmm... Kirov... where are you from? from what you said just now i am starting to wonder if you speak another language...
03:49.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Matholum (
03:50.08MatholumOk... i think maybe i was on the wrong server or sumn....
03:50.15Matholumi hope it works now...
03:52.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Tman (i=tyler@unaffiliated/tman)
03:52.23Tmanany wine users have multisampling working?
03:52.57MatholumI can see you ::half dances with happiness
03:53.38MatholumKirov... are you still there?
03:55.49*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
03:58.18MatholumThis is frustrating.... I don't think that no one has talked for so long... i can see a little bit everynow and then but that is it.... so hopefully it will work later and i can talk to you guys then.... but for now i am going to get off.... cya! and srry if in turn i have frustrated you...
03:58.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
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04:29.28*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
04:30.53*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
04:33.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
04:33.38Hobinheimhow would i go about making a floating text field, like one that resembles a raid warning
04:35.19cladhairedo you just want to add one to the current field?
04:35.20cladhaireor make a new one?
04:35.22Guillotinemake a frame, put a text part, and show/hide text on it
04:36.38Hobinheimuh... any example code i could check out?
04:54.47*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
04:58.47ScytheBlade1Hmm, quick question
04:58.52ScytheBlade1/script Old_UnitName = UnitName; function UnitName(name) a,b = Old_UnitName(name); if (a == "Togashi") then return "Tad's a Dick",b; else return a,b; end; end
04:59.03ScytheBlade1Any way to make that effect the names over people's heads? ;)
05:01.57Corrodiasi used to use the ^ nose faces, but later decided they weren't cute enough
05:02.38ScytheBlade1I had a request for a macro that renames people... so I made one, that renames their raid leader to "is a Dick"
05:02.48ScytheBlade1It works well on everything but the name over the head... sigh.
05:03.05*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (
05:03.54ScytheBlade1I had hopes, oh well
05:05.30abugmight be able to rename the funky bar over his head if you've got the nameplates on
05:06.20abugunless they aren't normal frames anymore
05:06.52ScytheBlade1Well, I hoped that hooking UnitName() would suffice
05:06.53ScytheBlade1And it did a lot
05:16.24Hobinheimhaving trouble getting a font string to just... show up... <.<
05:19.53*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio (n=sp@unaffiliated/sergio)
05:20.32Hobinheimwhat's the bare minimum needed to see a font string
05:22.27KarlThePaganis there a more up-to-date model viewer than the one on curse?
05:26.18ScytheBlade1The guy who wanted the macro took a screenshot and posted it on his guild forums
05:36.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
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05:45.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=mjgoosse@
05:50.38GuillotineScytheBlade1: haha
05:50.48ScytheBlade1Guillotine, like that?
05:50.54Guillotinewould taint some MT addons though
05:51.00Guillotinebut still hilarious
05:51.13ScytheBlade1He's a mage
05:51.16ScytheBlade1He's not on the MT list
05:51.30GuillotineI know
05:51.35Guillotinebut you're still hooking UnitName
05:51.39Guillotinewhich taints that
05:51.43Guillotinewhich tains anything relying on that
05:53.00ScytheBlade1So what, the entire UI?
05:55.22Guillotineno, just any MT frame that relies on the units name rather than finding the UnitID from the name then using that
05:55.38Guillotinehmm. what happens if you hook issecure() and make it always return 1?
05:59.15Guillotinehmm. it appears thats just for our use and doesn't affect blizz stuff at all
05:59.57ScytheBlade1What's the API call for /me (text goes here)?
06:00.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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06:02.27Guillotinehmm. not sure. DoEmote for built in emotes. not sure about custom ones
06:03.35subbot(i think)
06:03.39Guillotineoh ya
06:03.43Guillotinesubbot is right
06:03.44ScytheBlade1Yeah, there we are
06:24.24Guillotinehmm. wonder if this is a bug. with the default UI you can set the max zoomout to 2 times normal
06:24.30Guillotineby typing /console set cameraDistanceMaxFactor 3.5, you can set it to 3.5 times normal
06:29.25Wobblenot a bug
06:29.30WobbleI don't think
06:29.44Guillotineits interesting. theres a bunch of options in the console that aren't available int he default UI
06:31.13Guillotinelike you can disable the circle around your targets
06:36.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz_ (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
06:38.46Guillotineyou can type /console set cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysFearDelay 10000 to make the camera not fly around when you're feared
06:38.51Guillotinemakes it much easier to retarget
06:38.54Cairennif you can come up with reproducable steps, send me the info, I'll get it passed along, as always
06:39.03Guillotineat least it seems so
06:39.06Guillotineit could just be random
06:40.49Guillotinethey really need to protect all CVars that aren't used by default UI
06:41.43Guillotinehmm. maybe its not doing that
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06:57.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Matholum (
06:58.05Matholumhi everyone... i have a qwik question....
06:58.25Matholumcan you get what slash command called an event?
06:58.51Matholumso i will have to pass that information in? huh... ok...
06:58.53Guillotinethough you could hook the slash command handler
06:59.17Matholumwell, i made the slash command... so i can just add it as a param...
06:59.26Matholumbut if i didn't have to i didn't want to
07:00.08Matholumthanks though....
07:00.55Matholumwait... can i add it as a param?
07:01.37Matholumi forgot... when you make a slash cmd you have no ()'s
07:07.06Guillotineyou can still analyze it
07:07.24Guillotinewill have example in one moment
07:08.10Matholumin lua, how do you split a string?
07:08.22Guillotineby what?
07:08.24Matholumk thanks
07:08.54Guillotinelook at BouncersAnonymous (on either curse or wowinterface) for a VERY simple example for chat command analization
07:08.54Matholumwell... a space...
07:09.05Guillotinestring.split then
07:09.24Matholumok.. thanks... and to join them?
07:09.51Guillotinejust concatenate them with ..
07:10.02Guillotinee.g. String1..String2
07:10.16Matholumok, ok... thanks... (i don;t see split there.... i must be blind
07:11.28Guillotineits new with 2.0 so probably not there yet
07:11.42Matholumi found a link ^_^
07:11.49MatholumI <3 google... lol
07:13.42Matholumare you sure bouncersanonymous? that just plays a bounce sound when you jump
07:14.09Guillotineya, but it has simple chat commands
07:14.30GuillotineI made it to teach hooksecurefunc and later added in chat command analyzing
07:14.44Matholumoh... i just have ur first version
07:14.49Matholumlet me google again
07:16.52Guillotineclick on download now
07:17.26Matholumah... ya, i am going to have to do it like that... but i wish i could get the /cmd part
07:17.26Guillotinewhat do you mean?
07:17.37Guillotinelike you have seperate commands and you want them to do seperate things?
07:18.11Matholumi wanted to have a command that would do the same thing... just that depending on the acual cmd part change a variable///
07:20.05Matholumlike... i'd have /talk... which would talk... but take a word before what you say... like /talk slang txt... but also as a shortcut be able to do /slang and have it run /talk slang
07:20.20Matholumbut i might no what to do now...
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07:20.45Guillotinelook at
07:20.49Guillotineyou can do it that way as well
07:21.33Guillotineor, alternatively,
07:21.41Guillotineif you just want to call the same function with a different var
07:22.40Matholumoh... ok ... for some reason i thought that you could only have one thing pointing to the function.... ^_^
07:22.42Matholumthanks alot
07:22.51Guillotinenp :)
07:38.27Matholumis it bad that looking back on earlier parts of my code, i don't understand what i did?
07:40.11Guillotineyes :P
07:40.14Guillotinethats why you want to comment
07:41.30Matholumlol.. i just figured it out.... i couldn't find where i chopped part of a string off...
07:51.04Guillotinewell, I'm off to bed. gn all :)
07:51.10Cairennnight Guillotine
07:51.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Swado (
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07:52.53Cairennevening Swado, Srosh
07:53.18Sroshmornin' cairenn :)
07:53.37SwadoHey, im changing computers.
07:53.46Swadobe back in a sec
07:57.03Tierrieis there a list somewhere of the attributes you can set and what they do? if any?
07:57.39Swadoi think wowwiki has a small list
07:58.07Matholumi am trying to think of a good, one letter slash command... anyone no what is open?
07:58.14Matholumall i know is q and b
07:58.22Tierriei did a search for "attributes" and tried finding a link from SetAttributes but nothing
07:59.19Matholumis there a /h?
07:59.31Matholumor a u?
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08:00.32Sroshtry it?
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08:01.08Swadohey im back
08:02.27Matholumgoodnight everyone
08:03.42Cairennwelcome, back, pleased to meet you, I'm Cairenn
08:05.40TierrieCairenn do you know where I can find attributes values for the SetAttribute funcitons?
08:05.45Tierriei guess i can ask tomorrow
08:06.28CairennI know, I know, that was lame.  What can I say? It's late, I'm silly.
08:06.41KirovTierrie - try looking at the SecureTemplates code
08:07.15TierrieKirov: i have browsed the codes, but I am looking for a list
08:07.21Tierriethe code only gives sporadic examples
08:07.27KirovI don't know if there is one
08:07.27Tierrieor did you mean the blizzard ones?
08:07.30Tierriewhich would be an good idea
08:08.37Tierriei need to reextract my files it seems
08:09.17SwadoIm Swado, an end game raider in an end game guild. I have some but not a lot of experience with mods. If anyone is interested in devolping a mod with me message me private in irc. It will be good, i assre you ;)
08:10.24SwadoAnyone interested?
08:10.51Cairennyou're more like to get a response if you float the general idea across in the channel
08:12.46Cairennmost of the folks in here have their hands full with their own mods, but many are quite happy to help give someone new to modding some assistance on writing their own
08:13.59Swadosmart thinking
08:14.09Swadohow about yourself?
08:14.10Cairennalso note that this is an international channel, so the folks in Europe are just waking up and the folks in NA are for the most part getting ready to go to sleep
08:14.23Swadoim in australia, i understand
08:15.15CairennI, unfortunately, have my hands so completely full I don't know where my brain is 1/2 the time
08:16.16Cairennlike I said, float the idea across the channel, even if no one wants to directly assist, I'm sure you'll find folks willing to help give pointers
08:18.42Swadoallright, see you guys when i get on next time, good night
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10:07.08Corrodiasi wonder if i should buy HL2
10:07.53Corrodiasit does sound like a fun little romp, although my old concerns about Steam yet remain (perhaps unfounded)
10:08.11kahdgarxiwhat concerns are those?
10:08.52Corrodiaswell, let's see...
10:09.16Corrodiasas i recall, one was that i wasn't sure if you could play the game without an internet connection
10:09.43kahdgarxii dunno
10:10.03kahdgarxiyou can always download steam and get a demo
10:11.12Corrodiasanother was that i heard about Steam games forcing automatic patching, which has always been a turnoff for me. i don't know if that was even actually true.
10:20.56kahdgarxithat's probably true
10:22.48Corrodiasjust so i understand what just happened here: did you just ask me what my concerns were without a detailed knowledge of the service in question?
10:22.53*** join/#wowi-lounge FtH|eagle (
10:23.21Corrodiashm, there's a halo 3 now?
10:23.47Kirovbeing worked on, sure
10:24.20kahdgarxiCorrodias - why yes, yes i did
10:24.33kahdgarxihaving used it, i figured i may have some insight
10:24.50kahdgarxihowever, i haven't every tried running it without an internet connection
10:25.12kahdgarxiand i'm 'pretty sure' it does forced patching
10:25.16kahdgarxibut i'm not positive
10:25.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Thorarin (
10:26.26kahdgarxii have to say though, the ability to just download steam and have access to all the games you own through it is very nice
10:29.09Corrodiasi don't understand that statement
10:29.15Corrodiasi actually have access to the games i own already
10:29.54Corrodiasi'd be more concerned about -not- having access if i couldn't connect with the client
10:32.50kahdgarxii guess you don't share my disdain for cd's
10:33.18kahdgarxiit's convenient, you log in, click your game, and it starts downloading
10:33.39Corrodiasi tend to get cd cracks when possible. i think FEAR is the only PC game that i've had in a while that i still have to use a disc for (i think i just didn't bother to get a crack)
10:33.45Corrodiasexcuse me?
10:34.00CorrodiasHL2 has got to be a few gigabytes in size, no?
10:34.20Corrodiasin addition, how many times do you DO this per day? are you constantly on the move? running from the law?
10:34.37kahdgarxii format my machine every few months
10:35.03Corrodiasah yes, i like to format my video card about once a week
10:35.29Corrodiassorry, i just take amusement from the idea of "formatting a machine"
10:35.58Corrodiasso what you're saying is that you toss out all of your data every few months and then gather it all back together again
10:36.20*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
10:36.21kahdgarxino... i keep a storage server...
10:36.58Corrodiasthen i'm afraid i don't understand the advantage of repeatedly downloading your games. :/
10:37.10kahdgarxiso...are you just arguing for the said of arguing, or do you have a point?
10:37.32Corrodiasyou made a point, and i asked you for clarification.
10:37.34kahdgarxii'm not saying it's 'the best'
10:37.45Corrodias"the ability to just download steam and have access to all the games you own through it is very nice"
10:37.50kahdgarxiit is however
10:38.15kahdgarxii don't have to keep track of it
10:38.18kahdgarxithey do it for me
10:38.23kahdgarxifor instance
10:38.27Corrodiasof what, now?
10:38.28kahdgarxii bought darwinia on steam
10:38.28ZealotOnAStickI wish more companies would offer online content distribution.
10:38.44kahdgarxiit's not a game i play much
10:38.48kahdgarxibut i do enjoy it on occasion
10:38.57kahdgarxiit's nice for it to just be there when i want it
10:39.00ZealotOnAStickI'm not entirely comfortable with the only option for it being online, or having to be online to get it, but I'm not overridingly uncomfortable either.
10:39.00kahdgarxiwithout any hassle
10:39.32Corrodiasand you don't keep it on your hard drive when you're not playing it?
10:39.39ZealotOnAStickThere's a bunch of stuff I'd like to be able to pay slightly less for and just download it, and be noted elsewhere as owning that content then.
10:40.33Corrodiasi really can't buy a game without playing it first, if it costs more than $5
10:40.40ZealotOnAStickI've got literally 4 or 5 moving boxes designed for books full of CDs in jewel cases.
10:40.46Corrodias(or i'm almost assured to enjoy it)
10:41.07Corrodiasfortunately there are demos, which tend to slip my mind
10:41.23ZealotOnAStickwhatever.  Pirate or not, not my concern.
10:41.36ZealotOnAStickBut Burning Crusade, for instance . . .
10:41.49ZealotOnAStickit's sort of silly to have to pay for physical media for essentially just a CD key.
10:42.05ZealotOnAStickwhen we -know- they could do the online distribution model.
10:42.35ZealotOnAStickNow, I'm getting the CE, so it's immaterial in my case, but I'll eventually get a second, non-CE copy for my second account.
10:42.39Corrodiasi wonder if the discs actually contain any information
10:42.53ZealotOnAStickWhy can't I just buy another key and not have to have a redundant copy of the media?
10:42.54Corrodiaspossibly maps of Outland, assuming non-BC accounts can't view it
10:43.10kahdgarxiCorrodias - right click on yoru world map
10:43.13kahdgarxiyou can see it right now
10:43.21Corrodiaskahdgarxi: i really didn't mean that kind of map
10:43.21ZealotOnAStickOh yes, the discs will ship with a client and installer.  And you'll of course immediately patch.
10:43.35kahdgarxiCorrodias - well then you should have specified world data :P
10:43.51ZealotOnAStickplus latest DX9, various other sundries, etc.
10:43.55Corrodiasthat i cannot answer you, Zealot. Blizzard has never been very hip to the idea of taht sort of thing
10:44.09ZealotOnAStickI doubt it's Blizzard so much as Vivendi.
10:44.17Corrodiassorry, kahdgarxi, i play so many games that call world data "maps" that i just forgot about WoW's special terms
10:44.40ZealotOnAStickThey do online distribution of the game in the asian market, as well as a different subscription model entirely.
10:45.23Corrodiasi've found it cheaper in certain cases to order a Thai version of a game and have the seller just email me the cd-key
10:45.48Corrodiasit worked marvellously for Neverwinter Nights and its expansions
10:46.22Corrodiasi believe i downloaded disc images
10:46.58Corrodiasonline distribution the hard way
10:52.10Mike-N-GoI got a Message: C stack overflow.
10:52.14Mike-N-GoIs this bad?
10:53.34Corrodiasin WoW?
10:58.56*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
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12:40.42IndustrialQuestion: how do i kill/delete units/buildings in wc3?
12:40.54Hobinheimattack them
12:43.15amronotice how long it takes to kill pallies
12:43.26Industrialadvanced death towers woot
12:43.55Hobinheimcustom maps may have friendly fire turned off
12:44.27Industrialno im cheating through the frozen throne for the story :P
12:44.59Hobinheimgreedisgood 2000000
12:45.14Industrialiknow ;)
12:47.49Industrialup next is red alert 1
12:48.03Industrialwith all expansions, then red alert 2 with yuris revenge
12:48.15Industrialkilling time til the expansion
12:54.27Industrialim shocked hwomuch soundclips seem to be directly copied from wc3 into wow
12:54.39Industrialbear dieing etc
12:55.05Hobinheimi've been told that's just a common clip of a bear
12:55.13Hobinheimi.e. it's been used in places outside of warcraft
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12:55.47zenzioif you play enough games/watch enough movies, you'll notice that some sounds just get used a lot
12:56.03zenzioyou can hear one sound from Rollercoaster Tycoon in Mission Impossible II or something
12:56.11zenziowell, used in both, not made for RCT
12:56.56zenzioI'm not really into sound stuff, but I believe that instead of going out and recording everything on your own, they tend to just purchase rights to use some good, pre-recorded ones
12:58.14ZiconI've heard one of the sounds in starcraft used for fancy automatic doors in several sci-fi shows. It's downright distracting.
12:59.04Industrial3 waves left =P
12:59.48Neuro_Medivhzicon, more likely they both used it from the same source
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13:00.52Industrialonoz 20 giant turtles of death!!! dun dun DUN
13:01.13Ziconneuro_medivh: Of course, but's wired as "starcraft sound" in my head.
13:01.29Neuro_Medivhheheh.. same thing with the alien sounds from X-Com
13:01.38Neuro_MedivhI hear them in other stuff, but I always think of Xxom
13:02.01zenzioI can't watch the helicopter attack scene in Apocalypse Now without thinking of Sim Copter
13:03.43Wobbleoh and the sound effect for any scene with an eagle flying high above?
13:03.49WobbleThe same in -every- single movie =P
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13:19.26Hobinheimcan somone point me to a VERY simple mod to copy that has like... just a floating text field
13:19.43Hobinheimi just need to be in control of a FontString and i'm having trouble coding one
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13:43.41|FF|Im2good4uwell .. i realy cant sorry i dont know xml verry well :p i use a windows aplication to wrie the xml stuff :P
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14:21.07Dezzimaldoes anyone have a copy of Pokémod?
14:22.11Hobinheimwhat does pokemod do
14:23.40Meryin-game pokémon emulator! (jk)
14:27.28DezzimalI think the nurfed guys wrote it but they're not releasing it :(
14:34.02*** join/#wowi-lounge YammYgirlcoding (n=hoho@
14:36.44YammYgirlcodingmorning guys !!!
14:37.18Hobinheimwhat does it do
14:38.04YammYgirlcodingpeople. anyone remember the addon name that used to tell the unit prices in the AH items' tooltips?
14:39.29YammYgirlcodingno one?
14:40.10YammYgirlcodingit doesnt
14:40.23Hobinheimi'm having the worst time getting a fontstring to show up...
14:40.38Hobinheimhow do i anchor something to the ui component that's roughly 400 by 100
14:42.28beerkeset the UI component as parent
14:42.44beerkeand then you can alter it's placing with setpoint
14:42.47Hobinheimi think i had the syntax confused... =(
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14:54.06Hobinheimis the default font string color yellow?
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15:42.02zenziobah... I made a macro for Prayer of Fortitude, using "# show Holy Candle" so I'll see how many candles I'm carrying... and that works fine. But then it won't show the cooldown overlay
15:45.34Smeltnyou using the question mark as the icon for it?
15:48.15subbotit shows the number?
15:49.30*** part/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
15:49.32zenzioSmeltn: no, using the Prayer of Fortitude icon
15:49.44zenzioand subbot: yes, it shows the number of Holy Candles I'm carrying
15:50.13subbotwhy doesn't mine do that o_O
15:52.43foxlitMeh, something is broken, but I can't trace where, or how it worked pre-2.0 :/
15:53.57foxlitIt's my own code, too. Frustrating.
15:55.36zenziosubbot: not sure. My "# show" line is the first in the macro, that might matter
15:58.13subbotmine is too
16:03.59*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (n=Snake@
16:04.18kaidenAnyone know the name of the frame for the built in scrolling combat text off the top of their head?
16:08.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Bouvi (
16:08.32BouviGood morning
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16:11.03xlviiAre there any Herbalism bags with more then 24 slots in the expansion?
16:11.37kaidenxlvii, i believe there's a 28 slot
16:12.26xlviiI wonder what the materials are, trying to toss up between buying one now, or just waiting.
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16:12.52kaidenif i remember right you can just buy the bag
16:12.56kaidenand it's available from nagrand
16:13.12xlviikaiden, the 28 slot?
16:13.58Teomyrwe just wiped to razorgore the second time because our controlling players didn't get any action buttons for him
16:14.07Teomyrcould this be an issue with secure frames?
16:17.36DezzimalTeomyr: I believe so, yes
16:17.54Dezzimalremember that the controllers can use ctrl+1-9 as the pet action buttons
16:18.05xlviiIs anyone in here on the expansion BETA realms?
16:19.04BouviI am
16:19.27kaidenTeomyr, slouken has been discussing this on the forums
16:19.32kaidenand has stated it will be fixed in 2.0.4
16:19.53zenziois that BC release?
16:19.55xlviibouvi, could you do something for me? please.
16:20.02BouviWhatcha need?
16:20.34xlviiBouvi, kaiden was saying there is a 28 slot Herbalism bag in Nagrand, can you "fly" there and see if there is?
16:20.38xlviiAnd uh.. what vendor it's on?
16:20.52Dezzimalwhats great is how all of this shit was broken on the beta realms
16:21.00Dezzimalyet they still pushed this patch to live
16:21.03BouviLet me log in and see
16:21.28kaidenxlvii, im talking for horde side, dunno if bouvi has any horde chars
16:21.32kaidendont know where it would be for alliance
16:21.44BouviNo, all mine arew alliance
16:21.47Dezzimalone wonders if they do anything at all with the public beta
16:21.56xlviikaiden, could you possibly go look? ;p
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16:22.07xlviiI _really_ need to know, before I made a 100G investment
16:22.08BouviWhat is the equivilent of Nagrand on the Alliance side?
16:22.46Smeltnxlvii, have you looked at any websites that show beta information?
16:22.54Smeltnto see if they show a larger bag?
16:23.50xlviiSmeltn, I've looked on,
16:23.56xlviiThey don't have anything about it
16:24.05xlviiI don't 'know' of any BETA specific websites though
16:25.59Smeltnyour looking for what bag
16:26.28SmeltnI am sure they have a 28 slot
16:26.36Smeltnbecause they have
16:26.42Smeltna 28 slot enchanting
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16:37.42BouviWell I am not finding anything
16:37.54IndustrialIf I do "local b = CreateFrame('CheckButton', nil, bar, 'SecureActionButtonTemplate', 'ActionButtonTemplate')" why doesnt my button have an icon, width or height?
16:38.30IndustrialActionButtonTemplate sets the width and height atleast
16:38.41Industrialah, and icon
16:59.18foxliter, you sure you can just pass extra args for extra inheritance?
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17:00.25Industrialoh thats nasty :(
17:00.33Industriali cant, only 1 frame
17:00.47Industrialnow ill have to use xml...
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17:02.55Industrial<CheckButton name="ActionBarButtonTemplate" inherits="SecureActionButtonTemplate, ActionButtonTemplate" virtual="true">
17:07.38Industrialnow im inheriting from that, but it still doesnt have an icon
17:08.01Industrialbut ActionButtonTemplate should provide that :|
17:08.10beerkelocal b = CreateFrame('CheckButton', nil, bar, " SecureActionButtonTemplate, ActionButtonTemplate")
17:08.16beerkethat should work
17:09.31Industrialthanks beerke, works :)
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17:18.45Thunder_Childhow am i supposed to delete patch.mpq when i dont even have it?
17:19.08Thunder_Childblorb @ blizz
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17:27.53CastdeadHi guys, I'm wondering if someone knows a link somewhere creating raid unit frames with secureheaders is explained a bit. Only basic ofc
17:28.38Neuro_Medivhthe UI forum
17:28.41Neuro_Medivhin the stickies
17:28.57Castdeadus site or eu is best?
17:29.00Neuro_Medivhus site
17:29.16DogmaxDepends if you play WoW eu or US
17:29.48Neuro_MedivhNo, it doesn't
17:29.53Neuro_Medivhthe US site is still best
17:29.56Neuro_Medivhfor what he wants
17:30.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Coren[de] (
17:30.41foxlitThe docs in the securetemplates.lua and the stateheaders file are also relatively good.
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17:31.14DogmaxMeh.. Fox i was just about to say that ._.
17:32.20DogmaxWhy can't i send private messages? to ppl :'(
17:33.34Castdeadu havze to register
17:33.48DogmaxAha ok ^^
17:33.49Coren[de]anyone have a clue about zone_changed - events? I register minimap_zone_changed, but it doesn't fire :(
17:34.23foxlitplayer_entering_world is the only one I've had to bother with :)
17:34.30foxlitBut look at what the minimap hooks and work from there.
17:34.55Coren[de]that's only fired at the beginning... I want events each time the zone changes.
17:35.39foxlitIt's fired when you change worlds -- battlegrounds, continents, that sort of thing.
17:36.28Coren[de]aye, but not when you change from e.g. Stormwind Trade District to Elwynn Forest Goldshire
17:38.20Coren[de]mkay, trying to hook the same as minimap... afk :D
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17:45.14Dogmaxclearfontguy, stop being afk :)
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17:47.28DogmaxIt wont?
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17:58.47foxlitI've got a theoretical question
17:59.09foxlitIf you had a pool of approximately 20 people to form groups of 5 from, what criterion would you use to form the groups?
18:00.27Neuro_Medivhfirst, am I in the raid?
18:00.29Nickenyfikeni would pick 15 engineers and 5 chefs
18:00.39Neuro_Medivhand how many hot females are there?
18:00.52Nickenyfikenor maybe one with IQ > 200
18:01.06DogmaxIf i'm with you.. 1 :D
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18:01.49foxlitMm, that doesn't help (much) :)
18:02.03Neuro_Medivhok, seriously... are you refering to WoW?
18:02.30foxlitbattlegrounds, specifically.
18:02.36foxlitYou may assume that all 20 are in range of each other
18:03.00Neuro_Medivhtbc or normal?
18:03.19foxlitWell, er, both.
18:03.34foxlitBonus points for explaining why that would matter :)
18:03.46Neuro_Medivhdranaei racial
18:03.52Neuro_Medivhmeans you want to put one in each group
18:04.18Neuro_Medivhplus, means you have both pallys and shaman
18:04.29CastdeadI would go 10 mages, 10 healers that can hot, and let the ten mages aoe any incoming group, and all go blastwave DB at same time => chaos :)
18:04.29Neuro_Medivhbut I'd go 1 pally, 1 shaman, 3 hunters in each group =)
18:04.53Neuro_Medivhor maybe a few priests
18:05.06foxlitCan't affect what classes you have to deal with, though.
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18:05.56Neuro_Medivhwell, back last march when they have the Honor Contest PTR, lvl 19 cap, the best ally team was half hunters, the rest priests and pallies
18:06.18Neuro_Medivhand they would win because they never meleed
18:06.21foxlitPets are imba at lower levels?
18:06.44Neuro_Medivhit was concentrated field of fire
18:06.56Neuro_Medivhand if you tried to get close to the hunters, the priests would fear you
18:07.01Castdeadmulti shot :)
18:07.11Neuro_Medivhyeah, they'd focus fire and drop anyone
18:07.44Neuro_MedivhIn TBC I see the best groups being 1 pally, 1 shaman, 3 dps
18:08.10Castdeadanyway, lately in AB on kazzak europe, there was a team of 15 warlocks, just dot anything you, and spamfear
18:08.16Castdeadnothing to do against them
18:08.20Neuro_Medivhor druids.. those guys have massive AC now
18:17.34foxlitI was thinking more in terms of pairing rogues with druids/warriors and providing adequate healing.
18:18.31foxlitDraenei trick was good, though.
18:18.31Neuro_Medivhyou expect druids to heal?
18:18.38beerkeAny one knows a mod that prints out all events that occur ?
18:18.39Neuro_Medivhthat's funny
18:18.49foxlitNo, I expect druids to provide Leader of the Pack and sneak with the rogues.
18:19.03Neuro_Medivhbeerke, Iriel's devtools
18:19.08foxlitWarriors are there for Battle Shout.
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18:23.38SubdinoHi. I'm trying to hunt a bug I have in DamageMeters 5.5.5, but just putting a test + log removes the bug 8/
18:24.02SubdinoI'm really new to LUA - ie, I learned today - but I'm quite familiar with programming
18:24.42Subdinothe bug happens around the line 2341, where critic/normal hit count is incremented
18:24.53Subdinosometime it, raises an error abour a nil value
18:25.30SubdinoI added a test which checks for value type in the array, and if it's not "integer" it sets to 0 and displays a log
18:25.32Castdeadwhen i try fixing a bug, i'm also very beginner :), i just put sendmessage on every stage a crucial table or normal variable is set
18:25.57Castdeadwhich outputs that variable, so i can see ingame :)
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18:26.43Subdinothe problem is that I neither get the error any more nor the log message
18:27.10Subdino2 possibilities : I'm doing a stupid thing which makes the code not behaving the way I want, like not displaying the error message
18:27.47Subdinoor there is a bug in the lua engine, something like blah = blah + 1 happening to be none unless read just before
18:28.39Subdinowhat is the most safe way to display a message ? I'm using DMPrintD, but it's only because of mymetism :)
18:30.15foxlitIf "D" in DMPrintD is for "Debug", make sure it's enabled :)
18:30.36foxlitDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("test", red, green, blue);
18:30.41SubdinoI'm searching for the place where it's defined
18:31.38Subdinorgb are from 0.0 to 1.0, right ?
18:32.22foxlitYou can skip them too.
18:32.39Neuro_MedivhTo get the appropriate 0-255 number, just divide by 255
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18:34.37Subdinowhat disturbs me most are holed arrays with # which might not return the actual member count
18:34.42Subdino...from the doc
18:35.51Neuro_MedivhSubdino, download Devtools from wowinterface
18:35.58Neuro_Medivhthat has some stuff that'll help
18:35.59Subdinoah, now I get logs, so it was my mistake :)
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18:55.04Subdinodo you know if it's safe to run WoW under wine ?
18:56.01Neuro_Medivhyou mean, while drunk?
18:56.06Subdino"safe" != "aah, blizzard blocked my account"
18:56.06Neuro_Medivhor the Linux thing?
18:56.23Neuro_Medivhdrunk, then no
18:56.33Neuro_Medivhyou end up naked in Ironforge that way
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19:08.44Subdinoyeah, i identified the bug
19:09.47Subdinoand at some point index 5 is accessed
19:10.00Subdinoin the 2-item list
19:14.45Subdinoany way to trigger the dislay of a backtrace ?
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19:43.14Mr_Rabies2god i love that pvp video, probably my favorite one yet
19:44.09zenziohow come? What's special about it? (I think I can count on one hand the number of PvP movies I've watched)
19:44.28Mr_Rabies2you just have to watch it to understand
19:44.34Mr_Rabies2plus it would ruin it to give anything away
19:44.35Dekunanoob vision engaged
19:45.26zenziosuppose I'll give it a go
19:45.49Mr_Rabies2let's just say it's not like every other pvp video ever
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19:53.57MegelIm lookin for some help on the warlock epic mount quest
19:54.02Megelanyone familiar with it?
19:55.43Megelwell im trying to figure out what i can skip
19:56.00Megelmy buddy has the bell,wheel, and candle
19:56.01Mr_Rabies2ritual mats i think, if anything
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20:14.32sylvanaarMegel: you have to do everything but buy the 3 items
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20:29.03Mr_Rabies2i have one point floating around that i have no idea what to do with it?
20:29.07Mr_Rabies21/2 ghost wolf? i dunno
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20:40.33Matholumwhen you split a string, does it return a table?
20:41.44Tullerif you need to do that then put the function in braces {}
20:42.34Matholumok.... i was just using string,split()
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20:45.41Matholumso.... if i use string.split()... how can i tell how many peices there are?
20:46.25Matholumhi guillotine ^_^
20:46.30Tullerselect('#', string.split())
20:46.30Guillotinehello :)
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20:53.40Matholumok... i want to get what is before the first space and then put the rest back together... here is my code... something is wrong i just dinno what
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21:01.40Matholumit says attempt to concatonate field ? a nil value
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21:02.09Matholumso this line,,, cmd=cmd..txt[x];
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21:05.18Matholumcan anyone find what i did wrong?
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21:10.12TainMatholum you'll get that error if either cmd or the value in txt[x] are nil.
21:10.49TainAlso, 232 Star Wars lines improved by substituting in the word, "pants."
21:11.25grollcladhaire i submitted a new clique bug.. major annoying :P
21:12.01Matholumok.... i split it but it isn't letting me get to the pieces
21:12.31Matholumi think that is what is wron..... you do it like splitted[x] right?
21:13.00Matholumi think txt[x] is...
21:13.13Matholumbut it shouldn't be
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21:13.51Matholumassume we always pass into it "say hello"
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21:19.07Matholumi don't think split is working
21:19.40Guillotineas soon as I get in queue I'll test it for you ><
21:19.56Matholumthanks ^_^
21:20.11Guillotinewhoooo! only 6 person queue. much better than the 800 last night
21:20.27Matholum(i have tried txt[0] [1] and[2]... all nil...
21:20.30GuillotineMatholum: have you downloaded Iriel's devtools yet? Its a greta help
21:20.48Matholumi have ui designer... but not that
21:21.19purlmethinks devtools is Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?, or found at for the beta
21:21.19TainI didn't even think Lua had a string.split function built in, I vaguely remember having to use a coded function.
21:21.29GuillotineTain: yup. it was just added in WoW 2.0 and the new version of lua
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21:22.18Matholumwell... i think it isn't working ^_^
21:23.05GuillotineMatholum: why are you doing cmd[0]?
21:23.19Guillotineas far as I see, cmd isn't a table
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21:24.08Guillotinealso, you switched the two arguments of string.split
21:24.12Guillotineits delimiter first, then string
21:24.14Matholumi meant one... i changed it though
21:24.40Matholum-_-.... oh.... that makes sense then... lol
21:24.54Matholumone sec... i will fix it and see if it works...
21:26.40cladhairegroll: Where did you submit it, and what is it?
21:26.50Matholumi still got the error.... and i switched it to txt[1] and flipped the args
21:27.43Guillotinealright, but I still don't get why you're using cmd[0]. This is being called from a chat command, correct?
21:28.52Matholum(it is supposed to be txt[1]... not cmd[0]
21:29.13Matholumbut not directly anymore
21:30.06Matholumchat command -> function that adds "trinary " before what you said -> coder(cmd), cmd being what you said
21:30.51Matholumcode_set is supposed to be trinary then... cmd is then supposed to be what you said.... but it isn't working
21:30.56Guillotinecould you post your new version on pastey real quick?
21:31.06Matholumhow much do you want?
21:31.26Guillotinesame amount as you had before
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21:32.41Matholum(also... i did something else that doesn't really affect much, i hope... i made the acual sending part and all that one addon, and trinary is another with "Runes" as a dependancy)
21:33.27Guillotineas long as you're loading the dependency correctly, that should work
21:33.31Guillotinethough they won't share local variables
21:34.24Matholumonly global, right
21:36.04Matholumi posted a little extra... but the main stuff is there...
21:43.02Matholumare you sure it isn't (cmd," ")... cuz in lua everything else is like that....
21:44.04TainI guess I haven't paid close attention to everything, what is the "Resilience" skill/ability?
21:45.08zenziolowers chance to be critted
21:45.27TainOh.  Well that's not very exciting.  
21:45.36zenziodepends on your class
21:46.32TainOh it's useful.  Just not exciting.
21:46.48zenzioI find it exciting
21:46.59zenziobut it will depend on how much my gear offers
21:47.10zenzioif it's negligible then of course it will be a let down
21:48.09kasoalso reduces the damage you take from crits
21:48.47zenzioright, I seem to forget that part
21:49.29Matholumok... so i bailed on strin.split() and decided it was glitchy and didn't work... looked up someone's code to so a split before that was released... got this... and it is perfect... works!
21:50.17kasodont overwrite strsplit it causes problems with taint
21:50.23kasogive it a unique name
21:50.52Matholumhm.... that is what it came w/ but ok ^_^
21:51.06Matholumhow about... goodSplit
21:51.09kasotheres a default strsplit which is used by blizzard code
21:51.19foxlitIsn't that basically a list = {string.split(delimiter,text)}
21:52.14Matholumfoxlit... where have you been... lol... i coulda used that a while ago ^_^.... i just had txt=string.split(d,s)
21:52.19Matholumso that will work?
21:52.25Matholumlemme try that one... lol
21:54.48Matholumfoxlit... ur smart ^_^.... i wish lua'd make that a table by default though
21:56.46foxlitTables are odd in the sense that they do not deallocate memory until a garbage collect
21:57.09Matholumhmmm.... well i have been trying everything to try and get that to work... ^_^
22:01.22Tainhahaha best goatse sighting ever (completely safe for work) is passe...
22:03.22Neuro_Medivhthe real killer is tubgirl
22:03.45Neuro_Medivhsome things cannot be unseen
22:04.12Mr_Rabies2all of those are puny
22:04.34Mr_Rabies2man i sat with goatse's colon closeup on my screen for like an hour in photoshop back in the day
22:04.50Neuro_Medivhhave you ever seen tubgirl?
22:05.05TainI knew someone in Sacramento with a WEBDSYNR (I think it was) license plate. He was a such a prick.
22:05.14Matholumah! it isn't wispering.... if you look at my last pastey, all i did to it was fix it to look at the right ppl...
22:05.48TainAlthough I love this one.
22:06.11bleetahi wanna know how the hell came up with goatse as a corporate logo
22:06.24Matholumright now.... trinary_ppl = { "matholum" }
22:06.51foxlitJust a suggestion.
22:06.51TainSome graphic design firm probably sold it to them and is still laughing about it, Bleetah.
22:06.57Neuro_Medivhlol, Tain
22:07.00foxlittrinary_ppl["matholum"] = true;
22:07.14foxlitThat way, you don't have to do foreach every time you want to check if you're in there.
22:07.57Matholumbut eventually there will be more ppl... and that is to see if that person is "allowed" to see it
22:08.38Matholumthis is outgoing... so it is ppl that will receive it
22:09.08Neuro_MedivhOT question:  What's a good Tony Hawk game past #4?
22:09.18Neuro_Medivhpreferably not the most recent one
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22:09.59TainI have Downhill Jam for the Wii.
22:10.13Matholumthe thing is that it has worked before.... and i haven't really changed much
22:10.24TainIt's more of a race game though, with tricks.
22:10.44Matholumi stuck in a message and it encodes... it just doesn't send....
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22:11.58Neuro_Medivhwell, I recently got my xbox back from my brother, but he lost my Tony Hawk 4, so I figured I'd buy a new skate game, and since i never played anything past 4, I could buy a used copy of Underground or Underground2, just wanted to know which were really good, and which were ass
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22:14.23Matholumit is saying that my guild is a total of 0 ppl....
22:14.33Matholumi wonder what is wrong?
22:15.05foxlitGuild roster isn't refreshed?
22:15.37Matholumi know! i had this before... i think if it is laggy it timesout or sumn... (my roommate is running sumn... time to turn it off ^_^)
22:16.18Matholumnope... nevermind....
22:16.30Matholumbefore i did that i had an idea...
22:16.56Matholumi had to open my guild page that shows everyone... after that it worked.....
22:17.03Matholumis there a way i can fix that
22:17.48nymbiagets the guild list from the server
22:18.37Matholumsooo.....  how would i add that... just stick a line before it GetRoster() ??
22:22.10Guillotinenot GetRoster
22:22.12Guillotinebut yes
22:23.26Matholumlol.... that's what i ment ^_^ thanks
22:24.10SstixrudQuestion:  I have a small 12x12 frame defined in my xml file with one char displayed in it.  I use this frame to attached checkbuttons too so that they can be dragged around the screen.  How would I make the 12x12 box and font char disappear if MouseOver is not true, but keep the checkbuttons visable?
22:24.25kahdgarxiMatholum - keep in mind that GuildRoster takes a while to get the information back, so you won't see your results immeditately
22:24.46kahdgarxiMatholum - and btw, when GuildRoster()'s info comes back, the GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE event gets fired
22:25.39Matholumoh! thanks!
22:26.00Matholum(i will run GuildRoster() on load ^_^
22:26.26kahdgarxithat works :)
22:26.49kahdgarxiyou may also want an OnEvent for GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE, but that depends on what you're doing
22:29.17Matholumi just have to make sure the file is there.... cuz update will reload it, right?
22:30.00kahdgarxiGuildRoster() updates the wow client's cache for the guild list
22:30.40foxlitKeep in mind that if you want to have a current list, you should probably call it every so often.
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22:31.20Matholumoh... ok....
22:31.28kahdgarxior just have an onevent to update whatever cache you're using every time GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE is fired
22:31.52foxlitWouldn't that just be a perpetual cycle?
22:31.53Matholumok... ^_^
22:31.55kahdgarxithat even gets fired every time the wow client gets new info about the guild list.. every time someone in the guild logs on, gets promoted/demoeted
22:32.04foxlitGuildRoster() -> GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE -> GuildRoster() :P
22:32.14kahdgarxii said or
22:32.17kahdgarxinot and
22:32.30foxlitBut it wouldn't get raised if no one called GuildRoster :P
22:32.40kahdgarxiyes it would
22:33.01kahdgarxianything to do with the guild list changing fires that event
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22:33.11kahdgarxiin addition to getting the data back from GuildRoster()
22:33.23kahdgarxiit also fires every time you open the guild list and the data is updated
22:33.38foxlitYes, because every time you open, friendsframe calls GuildRoster()
22:34.43foxlitGUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE: [...] arg1 == 1  if there was a local change to Guild roster data
22:34.53foxlitAs long as someone else changed something, you don't get to know about it?
22:34.59kahdgarxiyou do
22:35.26kahdgarxii'm using the guild roster quite a bit for an addon i'm writing, so i have my addon tell me every time the event fires currently
22:35.30kahdgarxievery time someone logs on
22:35.31kahdgarxiit fires
22:35.38Matholumso.... since i am only calling GuildRoster() to refresh my list... and i get the info like i said before... i just have attach the event and call it again
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22:36.45kahdgarxiMatholum - i would call GuildRoster() once when the the addon loads, and then have an onevent for every time the event fires to update whatever variables or table or whatever you need filled with guild info
22:37.33MatholumOK... THANKS... I WILL TRY IT ^_^
22:37.39Matholumoops... no caps
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22:37.43foxlitWhy do you need a guild list, by the way?
22:38.12Matholumbecause eventually... when i get a little farther, my addon is guild oriented....
22:38.55Matholumand (which i need to figure out how) i am going to hook /g and /o if set in a config
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22:39.41foxlitYou very infrequently need the entire roster; it's probably easier to use SendAddonMessage if you want to figure out who is running your addon in a guild or raid.
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22:41.12Matholumwell... I guess i could... i was just thinking of relating it all to guild....
22:41.43Matholumwhat is SendAddonMessage? i haven't used that before
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22:42.29Matholumya, is it BAD if i use the roster?
22:43.30SwadoSendAddonMessage sends a message in the addon channel, kinda
22:43.57Matholumthere's an addon channel?
22:44.05Swadoits hidden, so you can't read it
22:44.11ScytheBlade1~onjoin cogwheel ScytheBlade1: noted... will be fixed monday afternoon, the machine appears to have shut off(?)
22:44.12purlok, ScytheBlade1
22:44.13Swadoits part of raid chat
22:44.45Matholumoh... but i could send stuff through that if i wanted
22:45.15Swadoyou can use the addonmessage in guild as well, i don't think i can name any mods that even use that
22:45.50Matholumi don't really understand what it is... lol... -_-
22:46.18foxlitI can, I wrote one :P
22:46.45Swadoyou know how CT raid use to have a channel you joined
22:46.57Matholummaybe i will describe what i want to do and you can tell my which i should use.... ok?
22:47.19Swadowell now you don't, because instead of the mod communicating in a seperate channel, it now talks in the addonmessage (raid) channel that everyone joins automatically
22:47.21foxlitClients that log on send a versioncheck message to addon-guild; guildmates running the addon respond with their versions. That way, everyone in the guild has a name-version list for the addon :P
22:47.36Swadothats very cool
22:48.10Matholumoh.. ok... i might need that.. i dunno....
22:48.24Swadocan you send me it?
22:53.39MatholumThe "Runes" system allows chating with pictured "codes". Like a language, you can even make you own code for you guild. You can specify a code for certain ranks, and have a special one for officers... you can even setup a code between you and a friend to use with wispering.
22:53.48Matholumi think that is a good description
22:54.02Matholumi am debating on allowing plain talking...
22:56.55Matholumwhat ya think?
22:57.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
22:59.06Swadowhat do you mean by Pictured codes?
22:59.41Swadois it some form of encryption so bliz can't ban you for saying bad stuff? lol
23:00.13Matholumlol... no....
23:00.27Matholumlike talking w/ elven runes....
23:00.35Matholumor whatever
23:00.38Swadoohh, like private fonts?
23:01.17Matholumbut if you don't have that code it'l look like this "arewlkhgaelkhafkhsadlkfhaslkdjfh"
23:01.34Swadobut arewlk just means Ð for example?
23:02.14Swadoits a good idea if you can get it to work. also maybe support with different colors would help
23:02.26Swadolike an officer having red text or something
23:02.38Matholumi guess...
23:03.27Matholumshould i let you talk in it too? or just guild/officer/wisper
23:04.16Swadoi think guild/officer/whisper is plenty
23:04.24Matholum(right now it sends through wispers to ppl in the guild cuz i haven't started on that part yet)
23:04.45Matholumya... i guess so ^_^
23:05.03Swadosend me a message, i will explain
23:10.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Insa (
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23:21.39Matholumis there a way to check what slach commands are under SlashCmdList["ModName"]?
23:24.23Xolan[EU]question: If I have a frame named HealerTarget2 (for example), how can I get just the number 2? GetName() gives me HealerTarget2 so..
23:24.53Guillotinepatterns ftw
23:25.08Xolan[EU]never used them in lua
23:25.16axxoread the manual?
23:25.22Guillotinestring.find(frame:GetName(), ".*%d+")
23:25.34*** join/#wowi-lounge haste (
23:25.41Guillotinestring.find(frame:GetName(), ".*(%d+)") actually, sry
23:25.57Matholum^^^ is it possible?
23:26.05Xolan[EU]I'll have a look through the lua manual yeah :P
23:26.53GuillotineMAtholum: yup. not exactly sure how though
23:26.57Guillotinetheres an addon that does it
23:27.03Qshadowpdoes anyone know what the frame is that comix uses?
23:27.07Qshadowp(i need to move it)
23:27.26Matholumcuz i could just make a table i guess, but that isn't preferable
23:27.37Matholumthanks... i'll look at it
23:27.48GuillotineMatholum: take a look at
23:28.21Swadowow that mod is neat
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23:32.00Matholumi can't find where he did it though...  -_-
23:32.58Matholumi found it ^_^
23:33.03Matholumdisection time!
23:33.19*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
23:35.40Matholumwow... pretty smart ^_^.... thanks!
23:35.51Xolan[EU]hm, how can I run a block of code on 4 different events, but only run it once?
23:39.08Cideset a variable when it's run once, and check it on subsequent events
23:39.47Xolan[EU]yeah, but the event should be able to run again later on
23:40.23Cidethat doesn't make any sense
23:40.38Josh_Borkepastamancer: pingaling
23:40.40Cideyou want to only run it once, but be able to run again [later on]?
23:41.04Xolan[EU]hard to explain
23:41.11Cidehard to help you then
23:41.11kahdgarxiXolan[EU] - reset the variable when whatever happens that makes you want to be able to run again
23:41.25Xolan[EU]cide: yep lol
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23:41.33Xolan[EU]right that will probably work :P
23:41.56Josh_BorkeXolan[EU]: when do you want to decide to run it later on?
23:42.15Xolan[EU]when the raid roster changes
23:42.27Josh_Borkeand when do you want it to run originally?
23:43.00Xolan[EU]on addon load, raid roster update
23:43.09Xolan[EU]erm I should be able to do this now, nvm :)
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23:48.22Xolan[EU]right, turned out somewhat messy bit it works, thanks :)
23:49.03Matholumok... i can't figure out how that addon got the /part... -_-
23:49.35abugpurl, i hate you
23:49.42purlYou hate you?
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23:54.17SwadoHey guys, does anyone know the API to get the amount of +healing you have?
23:57.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
23:57.21Thunder_Childis there even an API for that?
23:57.37Swadothere must be, its on the character screen now

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