irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070105

00:00.10TullerXolan[EU]: no
00:04.19TainThis is a pretty interesting presentation that was done at the 23rd Chaos Communications Congress about WoW.  It's almost 45 minutes long so I'm sure not for everyone, but I really enjoyed it.
00:05.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Picaburn (
00:09.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Matholum (
00:12.06Matholumi focus on mods, not macros... so can someone tell me how to use an item in a mocro plz?
00:15.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
00:16.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Insa2 (
00:17.31*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (n=cmunn@
00:19.57*** part/#wowi-lounge Gagorian (
00:23.03Kirovckknight - ping
00:23.13ckknightKirov: gnip
00:23.34Kirovckknight - your example for multi-dimensional tables
00:23.43Kirovwouldn't __newindex be more accurate
00:23.54ckknightno, actually
00:23.57Kirov__index should just return t
00:24.05ckknightsince you want a new table on access
00:24.09ckknightnot on set
00:24.32*** join/#wowi-lounge chris_ (n=chatzill@
00:25.20Kirovlocal value = some.table.value
00:25.21Kirovsome.table.value = value
00:25.30Kirovboth are __index
00:25.40CairennVanguard now in Open Beta (fyi)
00:25.59Corrodiasjigga what @ Kirov
00:26.03ckknightKirov: some.table is an index
00:26.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Matholum (
00:26.18ckknightt.value = value is a __newindex
00:26.42Kirovie: there's no way to differentiate them such that the first example would return nil, second would auto create the tale
00:27.32ckknightin the 2d example, matrix.anyValue returns a table
00:27.41ckknightbut matrix.anyValue.anyOtherValue returns nil
00:28.09Kirovbut also creates matrix.anyValue
00:29.28ckknightmatrix.anyValue.anyOtherValue = value is the same as
00:29.33ckknightlocal tmp = matrix.anyValue
00:29.38ckknighttmp.anyOtherValue = value
00:35.04Tierrie|Workis there a DestroyFrame() function?
00:35.36Tierrie|Workwhat if you want to send the frame to goodbye land
00:35.54KirovTierrie|Work - too bad
00:36.15KirovOnce a frame exists, it exists.
00:36.19KirovIt can not be destroyed
00:37.44Drooliohmmm, are there any other time functions other than time() and GetTime() ?
00:37.48ckknightTierrie|Work: just keep a cache
00:37.55ckknightDroolio: GetGameTime()
00:38.09Tierrie|Workckknight: cache? what for?
00:38.37Drooliod'oh hours and mins. nothing else with millisecond precision? :)
00:38.47ckknightTierrie|Work: basically, if you want to create/destroy frames arbitrarily, to destroy, you keep it in a cache, to create, you remove from cache
00:38.49Tierrie|WorkGetTime() has milisecond precision
00:39.00ckknightDroolio: just GetTime()
00:39.04ckknightDroolio: what're you trying to do?
00:39.14Droolioyea but GetTime is client uptime. i need something to be able to synchronise exact time between clients
00:39.15Tierrie|Workckknight: I don't think setting the frame reference to nil destroys it
00:39.29ckknightTierrie|Work: it doesn't, that's why I said keep a cache.
00:40.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Matholum (
00:40.16Matholumirc keeps kicking me off... -_-
00:40.26ckknightI blame gnomes
00:41.01Tierrie|Workhow does removing the frame froma  cache destroy it?
00:41.15KirovIt doesn't
00:41.28ckknightto create you remove from your cache
00:41.29Matholumdid you guys see my question?
00:41.35ckknightto "destroy" you add it to your cache
00:41.51KirovMatholum - no
00:41.57Matholumbecuase i think irc flipped out
00:42.02Matholumhuh... ok
00:42.18Tierrie|Workok so why is "destroy" in quotes and what does it mean? :P
00:42.22KirovTierrie|Work - if you have something you're not using, you can keep it in your cache and reuse it later instead of creating a new one.
00:42.34ckknightcause you can't really destroy frames, you can store it for later
00:42.36Matholumis it possible to get what you type in the default chat input (when you hit enter) on the fly?
00:42.57KirovMatholum - OnTextChanged
00:43.18Tierrie|Workoh kay, thanks
00:43.22Matholumfor example... if a config is set and you enter my slash cmd... my frame gets focus before you hit enter
00:43.47Matholumoh, just use that on DEFAULT_Chat_FRAME?
00:44.24Xolan[EU]does newline (|n) work in chat? or should I do multiple messages instead?
00:44.55KirovXolan[EU] - |n will disconnect you
00:45.02Kirovyou need to do multiple lines
00:45.11Cideyou can do it in local messages
00:45.22Cidebut if you send it through the server, you get DC'd as Kirov said
00:45.40Xolan[EU]DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage( is local right?
00:45.41CideChatFrame1:AddMessage("Line1 \n Line2") works fine
00:45.51Xolan[EU]yep ok :)
00:45.57CideSendChatMessage("\n", "SAY") -- bye bye
00:46.49Xolan[EU]might as well use multple message anyways though to get a more streamlined code
00:48.01MatholumDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:SetScript("OnTextChange", myfunc()); that it?
00:48.42KirovDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME is not an edit box
00:48.58KirovDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME is the place where the text is displayed
00:48.58Matholumwhat is the editbox's name?
00:49.18Matholumoh! too easy!
00:49.19Kirovhowever, you need to hook the existing OnTextChanged
00:49.25KirovNOT overwrite the existing one
00:49.37Kirov(unless you feel like breaking a lot of stuff)
00:49.56Matholumhmmm.... and how would i hook it ^_^
00:50.29Matholum(im getting the hang of all this, but i am not quite there yet ^_^)
00:52.02Kirovhooksecurefunc(  "ChatEdit_OnTextChanged", myFunc )
00:52.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Austerity (
00:52.48Matholumyou are very good at all this ;)
00:54.31Matholum(but myFunc needs ()'s there... right?
00:54.40Kirovin that sutation, no
00:55.15KirovYou're passing a reference of the function you want to run.
00:55.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
00:55.41Kirovin the xml handler definitions you're writing the code you're running
00:55.54Matholumi see.... thank you very much!
00:57.21Matholum(when i am finished with this addon, i should give you a copy so you can see exactly you have helped me come up with... ^_^)
00:57.24Kirovfunction myFunc()
00:57.24Kirovis equivalent to
00:58.01Matholumyes.... i get that ^_^
00:59.08Matholumofcourse i bet you are wondering why i want to send msgs in runes ^_^
01:01.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Nomad_Wanderer (
01:01.25Nomad_Wandererjoin #wowace
01:01.38Matholumwell i g2g... cya later... and thanks for all the help!!!
01:01.45Austeritywelcome to wowace smirk
01:04.07Austeritywhy define a myfunction insted of useing the 2nd recomended?
01:04.13Xolan[EU]what's the fontsize of GameFontSmall?
01:04.27BouviFirst edition of the new UI Newsletter will come out tomorrow make sure you are signed up.  Premier edition features Cladhaire and focuses on Clique and PerfectRaid
01:09.53KirovAusterity - mainly because a lot of addons don't use XML at all anymore.  Everything is generated in lua on a "as needed" basis to reduce load times.
01:10.23BouviThis que to get into stormrage is getting out of hand!!
01:10.33Xolan[EU]same here :P
01:10.45Austeritybeem out of hand on alot of realms
01:11.01Austerityand ty for answer
01:11.13KirovAusterity - also, you could alternatively do
01:11.13Kirovframe:SetScript("Handler", function() ChatFrame1:AddMessage("yay") end);
01:11.14Kirovand you're never defining a global for the function at all.
01:12.11Drooliois it possible to destroy an OnUpdate handler once you've finished with it?
01:16.52*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
01:22.59Xolan[EU]crap, 's down :\
01:23.21Xolan[EU]erm worked when I added www. for some reason - nvm
01:32.27Qshadowplol i have 237mb of addon memory
01:34.25EndQshadowp your ui better be damn impressive
01:34.41Xolan[EU]one bigass tga?
01:34.56Qshadowpmost people hate my UI
01:35.04Enddo you hate it?
01:35.13Qshadowpits more functional than most uis i see
01:35.20Qshadowpi never have to use my spellbook
01:35.31Qshadowpand i don't have to actually type anything to reply to 70% of tells.
01:35.50Xolan[EU]sounds interesting
01:36.18Qshadowpi have macros to reply to people begging for water, instance runs and gold
01:36.24Endwhat do you have macros that say "yes", "no", and "bugger off" or something?
01:36.24Qshadowpand i have another one about people saying plz too
01:36.33Xolan[EU]anyways, thanks again for the help I get here. Now I'm off to bed :)
01:37.01*** part/#wowi-lounge Xolan[EU] (n=Xolan[
01:37.06ZealotOnAStickWhat the hell do you do with that much crap loaded?
01:37.11Qshadowpmy one asking for a boost says "Funny enough, i have no reason what so ever to be your slave, and pull you through a entirely pointless instance. Please do not message me or any other level 60's about getting boosts. its damned annoying.
01:37.57Qshadowpi have one for those people that say "plz" all the time too
01:38.13Qshadowp"When people say "plz" because its shorter than "please" i say "no" because its shorter than "yes""
01:38.36Qshadowpi love my macros :)
01:39.57Drooliowhat about pls? :)
01:40.15Qshadowpsame applys :P
01:40.27Qshadowpi have a anti gold begger macro aswell, i think its the best oen :D
01:40.59Corrodiasi gave a guy 10s once when he asked for money. it's because he was the second person to ever ask me for money and i love the number 2.
01:41.15Corrodiasbut i made it clear that that was the only reason i was doing it
01:41.26Qshadowp"%t, are you mentally retarded? i hope not, if you arn't you can make money by yourself. like the other 7 million world of warcraft players. How do you make money? i suggest herbalism, or skinning and selling your skins\herbs in the auction house. or killing mobs for gold"
01:41.28Qshadowpbest macro ever!
01:41.49Corrodiaseverybody sells stuff to other players for money. other players have infinite amounts of gold!
01:42.19Corrodiaseverybody can spend 700g learning riding but then everybody still has plenty to buy your materials to make up for the cost to you, and they still have plenty for themselves!
01:42.21EndI often don't even bother answering beggars
01:42.41Qshadowpi have that macro for it
01:42.42Qshadowpits great :D
01:45.14EndI'm getting around 99 fps right now
01:46.19End(unfortunately, my ping is about 700 right now)
01:47.06KirovSo you can very clearly see everyone running in to walls!
01:47.49Endactually, it's not -that- bad
01:47.50*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Paste Code Here: | Mod Author guilds on Hellfire (US) and on Tempest Keep (EU). CastSpell (A)/TargetUnit(H) | TBC Release Date 16 Jan 07 | If life is a waste of time, and time is a waste of life, then let's all get wasted together and have the time of our lives.
01:49.25Cairennckknight: ping?
01:49.35ckknightCairenn: pong
01:49.54Cairennwhich was the site that interviewed you for their podcast?
01:50.13*** part/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
01:50.48Qshadowpheh, i love the bug with the horde transports
01:50.50Qshadowpim so evil
01:51.10Qshadowpi hide in the lower levels of the boat, wait for the boat to go, go to the top
01:51.20Qshadowpwave at the horde thats up there not in pvp mode, do /bye
01:51.31Qshadowpboat zones, person enters pvp, nuke them, run downstairs again
01:53.59ckknighthave you no shame?
01:54.11Qshadowpckknight noes, pvp server...rerell pve...etc...
01:54.48CairennCide: ping?
01:55.08Cairennwhich site was the one that interviewed you?
01:55.18Cidesame one
01:55.29Cairennwcradio? or wow podcast?
01:55.54Cairennk, thanks
01:57.12ckknightyea, I did it cause Cide did it
01:57.25ckknightI just wanted to be popular
02:01.18Tierrie|Workyou got interviewed?\
02:01.24Tierrie|Workdid you ask to see her bewbies?
02:01.33Tierrie|Workbecause if i got interviewed that's what i'd ask
02:02.07Tierrie|Workoh hi Cairenn!
02:02.13EndTierrie|Work: that's probably why you didn't get interviewed
02:02.21Tierrie|Workits funny, i never get interviewed
02:02.24Tierrie|Worki don't get it
02:02.32Cairennhi Tierrie, and it wasn't me doing the interviewing :p
02:02.39Tierrie|Workhere i was told all the bra burnings made women exhibitionists
02:03.06Tierrie|Workthat's hokay Cairenn, you I like because you run wowi!
02:03.17Tierrie|Worknothing to do with you being a woman or having bewbs
02:03.23Tierrie|Worknot that you're not attractive i'm sure
02:03.30Tierrie|Workthat is to say, you are
02:03.46Tierrie|Workjust not that way
02:03.49Tierrie|Workand i'm not gay
02:03.56Tierrie|Workgoing away now
02:03.58End~whaleslap Tierrie|Work
02:04.11Enduh oh, where is purl!
02:04.18End(question mark)
02:04.32Qshadowppurl, emulate qshadowp
02:04.33purl~poke purl
02:04.41Qshadowppurl loves me :D
02:04.43Endpurl just don't like me :(
02:05.16Tierrie|Workisn't their plural?
02:05.26QshadowpTierrie you have 2 legs don't you?
02:05.28Cairennor gender neutral
02:05.54Endme, I prefer spivak
02:09.37Tullerso, I'm guessing the hacky way of forcing bindings to update would be:   header:SetAttribute("_bindingset", nil);  SecureStateHeader_Refresh(header)
02:10.36TainMmm chewing on thighs.
02:12.09Tierrie|Worki like thighs
02:12.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Kodewulf (
02:12.16Tierrie|Worknot cairenns though
02:12.19Tierrie|Worki mean yes i do
02:12.37Tierrie|Worknot uh for eating or anything
02:12.40Tierrie|Workbecause i'm not a cannibal
02:14.43Corrodiasi might like certain thighs
02:15.47Corrodias"their" is also an older way of referring to a person of unknown gender, although it has fallen out of common use, according to my very knowledgable friend who got a degree in historical linguistics or some such
02:15.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
02:18.58TainStill better than the gender neutral pronoun nonsense people were using like "xe, xer" etc.
02:19.33Corrodiasyeah... i'll take plural over that.
02:20.06Corrodiasas you can see, it seems to be a very intuitive way of doing it, because people often think first of that method
02:20.54*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
02:24.46Valleriusis there a minimum size for textures in wow (i know they need to be 2^x)? i've got a couple small textures that are staying green even after a full restart
02:26.45Endhow small?
02:27.45EndYarr is pretty big actually
02:27.52KirkburnYar? :(
02:27.58Endthat's a bit smaller
02:28.07Endat least it wasn't Yarrrrrrrrrrr!!!
02:28.07Vallerius16x4 small
02:28.24KirkburnAs opposed to 16x4 big? :P
02:28.30Valleriusyessir  :D
02:28.35Endmight be too small
02:28.39KirkburnMakes sense to me
02:28.39Tierrie|Workclear 16x4 big is bigger than 16x4 small
02:29.02EndI'm pretty certain 16x16 is legal, and 32x32 is definitely legal
02:29.16Valleriusi'll pad them out to 16x16 then, and see what happens
02:29.17Endbut I've never done something in the 4x range
02:29.37Kirkburn16x16 is surely underage and therefore illegal! :P
02:30.09EndKirkburn gots jokes!
02:30.31KirkburnEnd gots bewbies!
02:30.36a-stray-cato rly?
02:30.37EndI do?
02:30.44Endhow disturbing
02:30.47KirkburnLookit! Bewbs! \o/
02:30.50Tierrie|Workthat's awesome man
02:31.26KirkburnTierrie|Work likes man bewbs.
02:31.48KirkburnSo anyway, back to Finding Nemo ...
02:32.00Tierrie|Workhe's in a fish tank in a dentist office
02:32.02Tierrie|WorkFound him
02:32.23KirkburnThat is in fact, the exact image I am stopped on :P
02:32.27EndWhat about Losing Nemo?
02:32.29Valleriusend: yup, 4px is too small. padded to 16x16 and it works fine
02:32.36EndVallerius: good to know
02:33.43Tierrie|Workis 3 days of junk chinese takeout too much
02:36.36CairennCide, ckknight - which "show" was it? ( ) I'm _presuming_ User Interface, but would like to confirm
02:37.10ckknightWoW Things Considered
02:37.13Cidegood thing you asked :) it was actually "Wow Things Considered"
02:37.17Cairennokay, thanks
02:37.33ckknightUser Interface doesn't seem to be about mods at all, from what I could tell
02:37.50Cairennyeah, that's why I asked, it seemed ... odd ...
02:39.30ValleriusUI is a talk show. they "interface" with users
02:48.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
02:54.03*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|ZZzz (
02:54.03*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower|ZZzz] by ChanServ
02:54.20Tierrie|Workis lstening to Cide's interview the cool thing to do now?
02:54.39Tierrie|Worktime to do the in thing and join the crowd
02:55.05Cideit is
02:55.07Tierrie|Worki see the interview with ckknight
02:55.16Tierrie|Workdon't see the one with cide
02:55.24Cidewas a while back
02:55.33Tierrie|Worki see it
02:55.42Tierrie|Worki hope you have a squeaky voice so i can make fun of you
02:55.56CideI sounded kinda nerdy I thought
02:56.54*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
02:56.54*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower_] by ChanServ
02:57.05Tierrie|Workthe music is too dramatic for nerds
02:57.08Tierrie|Worki got too worked up
02:57.24Tierrie|Workthen they started to refering to themselves with pseudonyms and my erection went away
02:57.39Tierrie|Work"Welcome to the show!" "mmthx"
02:57.42Tierrie|WorkGood job Cide
02:59.12Cideyeah, I thought that was a cool touch
02:59.32Tierrie|Workdude the music is too cool for the interview
02:59.43Cideindeed, I had to spice it up a bit
03:00.26Tierrie|Workpersonally i think you could have been more enthusiastic
03:00.34Tierrie|Worksome screaming would have made it more interesting
03:00.56CideI'll add screaming to my list of "things to do next interview"
03:03.49Mike-N-GoFor [52d] Dark Iron Legacy, where do you turn in [Ironfel] to get the [Shadowforge Key]?
03:05.03Endthe statue
03:05.22Mike-N-GoWhere is the statue?
03:05.34Endat the end of a hallway
03:05.47Endcan't tell you more without a map :P
03:06.02Endit's in brd
03:06.04Mike-N-GoIn the instance?
03:06.26Mike-N-GoThank you, End-bringer!
03:07.04Tierrie|Workck's interview is kind interesting
03:07.18EndI bring nuffin!
03:12.43Tierrie|Workoh you're here
03:12.46Tierrie|Workwell it was kind of boring
03:12.48Mr_Rabies2I just watched that 5 times in a row
03:12.52Tierrie|Workjay kay jay kay
03:12.54Mr_Rabies2it's one of the most metal things ever
03:13.16Tierrie|Worki attribute it to the fact that they played the music softer on your interview thus allowing me to listen to it better
03:14.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Quetzi (
03:18.02ScytheBlade1... and addon submitted.
03:18.27Cairennalready approved :p
03:18.51ScytheBlade1hehe, ty
03:18.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=masked@
03:18.56ScytheBlade1Like my screenshot?
03:20.07Cairennyeah, that was amusing
03:20.14Tierrie|WorkCairenn: when they interview me i want it to be in headlines across the front page and bolded and also allcaps
03:20.29Tierrie|Workcorrect spelling however, is optional
03:20.57Tierrie|Workno one really cares anyway, they just look at the huge blinking light and want to touch it
03:31.24*** join/#wowi-lounge beNson (
03:34.03ScytheBlade1I put a lot of effort into my screenshot!
03:34.36ScytheBlade1.png to preserve quality and everything
03:35.22Cairennpng is lower quality than tga :p
03:35.38Cidelet's just use bmp
03:35.40Endpng is lossless
03:35.43ScytheBlade1.tga isn't accepted, I'm pretty sure
03:35.53ScytheBlade1End: but tga preserves multiple channels and layers
03:35.55Endand you can have 16 bits per channel for png
03:36.00ScytheBlade1End: png gets one layer
03:36.14EndI'm not sure about layers
03:36.34Endbut for a screenshot it doesn't matter
03:36.54ScytheBlade1Stupid %B
03:37.18ScytheBlade1My screenshot is sexy
03:38.42*** join/#wowi-lounge abug (
03:38.59abugDoes anyone know what kind of damage environmental slime does? Is it nature?
03:39.37Mr_Rabies2what slime?
03:39.42Mr_Rabies2like pools of acid?
03:39.54Endprobably nature
03:40.14EndI can only think of one place with slime though
03:40.15Mr_Rabies2either nature or undefined, like campfires
03:40.43Mr_Rabies2i don't know anywhere with damaging slime on azeroth hrm
03:40.44abuglike the ones in naxx
03:40.51Mr_Rabies2the mobs?
03:40.58abugthe slime around patchwerk
03:41.05abugnot the frogger slimes
03:41.20Mr_Rabies2i haven't done any of naxx
03:41.24abugYou lose %d health for swimming in slime
03:41.29abugthat kind of slime
03:41.39Mr_Rabies2oh, it's probably nature, or undefined
03:42.25abugis there a globalstring with a name for that kind of universal-esque damage?
03:45.01Cideckknight: ping?
03:45.25ckknightCide: peng
03:45.54Cidecan you point out when and where CTMod wants to be, quote, "special and different"?
03:46.27Cideand also in which cases it, quote, "doesn't work with anyone else's stuff"
03:47.38abugCall in the bomb squad, we've got a lit stick of dynamite on the premises
04:02.43*** join/#wowi-lounge hyperChipmunk (
04:04.07Tulleroh wow, side listened to ck's interview :)
04:04.11Tullererr cide :)
04:04.39Cideand he's still waiting for a reply
04:04.49ckknightoh wasn't paying attention
04:05.09CideI'm sure you weren't, you seem to do (or not do) that a lot
04:05.09ckknightum, basically, your reply to working together on a standard comm spec was "go away" at first, then "shut up"
04:05.21Cideoh, really
04:05.25ckknightCide: hey, don't be a dick, I have personal issues
04:05.38Cidesorry to hear that
04:06.27Cidenow, tell me
04:06.33Cideand anyone else can fill in
04:06.58Cidewhy should I change my protocol, in use by over 2 million users, for the sake of changing it?
04:07.49CideI wouldn't mind changing it to allow for more features or what have you, but no specifics were even mentioned and as such my stance was "there is already a 'standard', why not use it?"
04:07.56JoshBork1want some Cairenn?
04:08.00CideI'd like some
04:08.08Cidegetting hungry
04:08.22Thunder_Childmatzah ball soup for me now
04:08.43abugmm cheese puffys
04:08.58Cideand also tell me how that makes me special and different
04:09.54Thunder_Childumm....well, you see, people with less int..err...nvm
04:10.02ckknightCide: you're also seem to get a bit worried whenever someone borrows your code
04:10.10Cideask cladhaire about that
04:10.27cladhaireI have plenty of Cide code
04:10.35cladhairehe gives it freely, without reservation
04:10.40cladhaireand, i'm not being paid to say that.
04:10.43Cidewhen did I get nervous about that, for the record?
04:10.49ckknightfrankly it seems that your motivations for writing mods may be different, that it's possible you see oRA as a threat because it cuts into your market share
04:10.52ckknightI don't know
04:11.11Cidethen don't spread misinformation
04:11.14cladhairewhy should a new comm spec be written rather than augmenting the one that already exists?
04:11.14Cidebut again, you seem to do that a lot
04:11.53Cideif you're talking about GMail, give me a break
04:12.12ZealotOnAStickNot really my dramafest here, but what I seem to remember being asked was what Cide's official response was to collaborating on a standard.  I don't recall augmentation of an existing one being ruled out.
04:12.42CideZealotOnAStick: you lost me
04:12.43cladhaireZealotOnAStick: It isn't.. Cide has been blatantly clear when approached every single time to work with him on anything that's missing or needs to be standardized in a different way.
04:13.14cladhaireThe way I read it, is you aren't opposed to collaborating, but you are opposed to writing a new standard "just because", which is true =)
04:13.20JoshBork1Cairenn: there's a malformed link on the community spotlike thing
04:13.37TainI think wheels should be reinvented on a daily basis.
04:13.37Cidethat's exactly my stance
04:13.39cladhaireIf everyone speaks English.. you don't write a new language for everyone, you adjust and adapt the language that already exists.
04:13.57EndTain: no, daily isn't often enough.  I vote for hourly basis
04:14.04CairennJoshBork1: which one?
04:14.17cladhaireI feel its the other side that doesn't want to modify the current defacto standard thats the problem.  They don't want to use the CTRA protocol, because its the CTRA protocol, which isn't a valid reason
04:14.22cladhaireimho, ymmv, iananl, etc.
04:14.32JoshBork1bouvi's ui newsletter link.  it's http://url=http://...
04:14.34TainBreak on through to the other side.
04:14.51Cairennahhhh, I see it now, thanks Josh
04:15.12JoshBork1where do i report hax?
04:16.07Cideckknight: perhaps you can point out what changes to the protocol you would like to see?
04:16.09cladhairecide, ckknight: which episodes are yours, so I can peruse them at work tomorrow?
04:16.26ZealotOnAStickCide: my response was more to cladhaire.  If it's not clear yet from context and you still care, lemme know and I'll try to reword.
04:16.48CideZealotOnAStick: ah, alright.
04:17.08ZealotOnAStickWoW Things Considered, 12-22-06 and 12-01-06
04:17.17cladhaireThanks ZealotOnAStick, Cide
04:18.08Tullerin short, we all have programmer's voices
04:18.47a-stray-catis there a mod out there that instead of showing the number for how long until the skill cools down on the button
04:18.56a-stray-catshows how long until you'll have enough energy to use that ability?
04:19.36Tulleromnicc for cooldown count, no idea for an energy timer
04:20.04Tullerbut most bar mods should have some sort of cooldown count built in by now
04:20.17a-stray-cati suppose i shall write one then, since i hate all this red spam i get mashing the button until i have enough energy ><
04:20.42Tullermy buttons are blue :P
04:21.47Endwhat, no hot pink either?
04:21.50JoshBork1except everything is so spread out...
04:22.11cladhairei just converted the backdrop and tabs
04:22.15cladhaireit neesd to be respaced
04:22.42JoshBork1btw, hadn't seen the original version ;-)
04:22.50Endit had a lot of orange
04:22.56cladhaireit was horrid
04:23.03cladhairecaus ei didn't have access to the framexxml from my work pc
04:24.18TullerI need to find a reliable way to refresh hotkeys
04:24.35Endalas, wdn doesn't seem to get updated as often anymore
04:24.50cladhaireJoshBork1: No, i didn't have the web, nothing
04:24.50Tulleror figure out why in the world they are not working on load
04:24.55cladhaireI couldn't get to it =)
04:24.56JoshBork1true, BUT, it still contains valuable information
04:24.59Endno web?
04:25.03cladhairetrust me, i pimp out wdn as often as possible
04:25.03JoshBork1ah, do you work in the stone-age?
04:25.07Endand you didn't go -batty-?
04:25.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
04:25.32Tullerspacing is good for the UI, but your options are in a weird order
04:25.44Tullerhunter, mage, mana, paladin, priest, rogue
04:26.04JoshBork1i'd agree
04:26.07Endmy alt has 3 epic mounts now
04:26.31Endmy main still only has one
04:26.35Tullerclearly, the first row should be all, mana healer, and the second and third rows should be classes :)
04:26.36Endmaybe I'm pvping too much on my alt
04:26.44JoshBork1all -> healer -> mana -> DPS
04:27.33Cideckknight: also, please, do point out why CT_MapMod is so inefficient - quote, "they [CT_MapMod, etc.] don't have to be as inefficient as they are right now. there's no excuse for that"
04:27.39JoshBork1though, having to type in the buffs by name would kinda suck...
04:27.55JoshBork1any chance of getting a dropdown? ^_^
04:28.59EndI made a typo once trying to type in a buff name
04:29.29End(this was in a different addon though)
04:29.49End(and it drove me nuts)
04:29.57End(trying to figure out why it wasn't working)
04:30.10End(so I second JoshBork1's suggestion)
04:30.12Cide*especially* when Cartographer weighs in at 2.06 MB, ZIPPED, compared to CT_MapMod's 61 KB (zipped)
04:30.44ckknightCide: cause Cartographer does a lot more, mostly providing instance maps which is the big clincher
04:30.47kergothright, since the instance maps disk usage is clearly such a factor in in game efficiency
04:30.51Gnarfozthat, for example
04:30.59ckknightand it provides a whole Gatherer-style module set
04:31.07Gnarfozwith shiny icons, too :>
04:31.08ckknightand coordinates that show yardage and such
04:31.20Cideand ALSO, when Cartographer stores 67% more information in each entry
04:31.22ckknightand a foglight (like MozzFullWorldMap)
04:31.26Cideresulting in *much* higher memory usage
04:31.44Cide*please* explain how you came to that conclusion
04:32.20JoshBork1cladhaire: not trying to tell you how to do your thing ;-)
04:33.01Gnarfozit does a shitload more stuff, I don't even think they should be compared anyway
04:33.06cladhaireTuller: They're in alphabetic order
04:33.07cladhairenub =)
04:33.09CideGnarfoz: of course they should be
04:33.19Gnarfozyeah when both to the same things
04:33.24JoshBork1so they are!
04:33.24Gnarfozwhich they don't
04:33.26Cidehe claimed that CT_MapMod is inefficient, yet Cartographer stores much more information
04:33.33Gnarfozit also _does_ more
04:33.36Cideso what?
04:33.39cladhairethat's not the point
04:33.41ckknightactually, imho, only the modules which claim feature parity should be compared
04:33.57Cidehave you done such a comparison?
04:33.58Tullercladhaire: I knew that :P
04:34.31kergothCide, your argument about disk space usage against an addon with a great deal more features is complete and utter nonsense.  why you even bothered to bring it up is beyond me.  maybe you hoped to influence the ignorant in the audience.
04:34.39ckknightfrankly, I don't care anymore, flame me all you want, but I have a headache and a sore throat...
04:34.45ckknightif other people wish to defend me, please do
04:34.49ckknightbut I'm out
04:35.00Cideso you have no proof for your statement?
04:35.22Cidekergoth: surely there must be something in the 500kb of *code* that makes it much more efficient
04:35.35kergothso cide likes to speak for others, despite what they actually have to say? he didnt say he had no proof, he said he wasnt feeling well and didnt give a shit
04:35.45kergothbut by all means, feel free to pull more shit out of your ass
04:35.48cladhairewhat the hell
04:35.49kergothi'm up for being entertained
04:35.54cladhaireckknight was the one throwing shit around in the first place.
04:36.16Cidekergoth: I can pull some shit out of an ass
04:36.17EndCide wanted to know how ct_mapmod was supposedly so inefficient
04:36.17abugckk's an egoist as he said
04:36.33Cidehere comes some kergoth
04:36.37Cide"they [CT_MapMod, etc.] don't have to be as inefficient as they are right now. there's no excuse for that"
04:36.53Cide"[CTMod] doesn't work with anyone else's stuff"
04:37.05kergothi'm glad other people's foolish statements is such an excellent excuse for your own.  grow up.
04:37.06Cide"[CTMod wants to be] special and different"
04:37.08cladhaireThe world "efficiency" coming out of ckknight's mouth at this point, means absolutely nothing to me.
04:37.47TainNot that I've ever looked at CT_MapMod or Cartographer's code, but really you can't simply point at zip file size as an indication of anything.
04:37.50Cidekergoth: perhaps my comparison of disk space was a bit out of hand
04:37.58CideTain: you're right
04:38.05Bleeterwe should be struggling together
04:38.25TainBut carry on with the rest!
04:39.25TainI don't know whose code is AAA++ top notch excellent coder would buy again but it's all fun!
04:39.26abug~meow a-stray-cat
04:39.30Cidekergoth: you do agree with me that there must be something that makes Cartographer more efficient than CT_MapMod, since he made such a statement?
04:39.30JoshBork1tain was serious...what's happening with this world?
04:39.42KarlThePaganwhat's the thread where these quites are coming from?
04:39.43Endtain couldn't have been serious
04:39.52Endtain doesn't have a serious bone in his body
04:40.13TainI hide much wisdom in my jocular vernacular.
04:40.14abugKarl: it was an interview on wowradio
04:40.27EndTain: I see, and how does this make you feel?
04:40.33kergotheither there is, or ck was talking about things he didnt know, yes.  either there's a valid reason or ck is incorrect.  not exactly rocket science.  i wasn't defending ck or cart, though i do use it.  whether its more or less efficient remains to be seen
04:40.34Cidekergoth: now, as I said, 66% more data is stored for each world map note entry
04:40.48Cidekergoth: that's alright
04:41.03KarlThePaganwtb transcript heh
04:41.15Endyeah, I dont think Cide looked at the actual zip contents initially ;p
04:41.22CideEnd: I did
04:41.27abugpay me $200 dollars and I'll pound out a transcript
04:41.29Bleeterpersonally, if it's not up on, unedited for over a month, and in use in live mods, I wouldn't call anything a 'standard'. .. not that i'm offering to write anything up yet
04:41.38KarlThePaganabug, is there an mp3?
04:41.42Bleetermaybe a 'standardized' debug hook API... hehe
04:41.46Cidethe argument is at least somewhat valid
04:41.50Cidebut that's irrelevant
04:41.57KarlThePagank thx
04:42.19cladhaireI'm not sure why goign on a radio show and talking shit was anyone's priority, but thats a different story
04:42.32kergothdisk usage is not a valid argument.  i can double the size of my library by writing some extensive docbook documentation for it.  its a weak argument at best. i do apologize for my attitude though, i'm an ass, i admit it :P
04:42.41Cidekergoth: and if he's wrong, he's spreading misinformation about my mods
04:42.52Cidewhich I - rightly so in my opinion - dislike
04:43.11Tullerdo they have a montel williams equivalent on wowradio?
04:43.11TainI saw your mods club baby seals.
04:43.33abugit's true, I have the scars to prove it
04:43.59Bleetera baby seal walks into a club. boom boom.
04:44.00Endabug is a baby seal?
04:44.41TainI think he is the seventh seal.
04:45.01Endis this some sort of wheel of time reference?
04:45.21TainActually it's a wheel of cheese reference.
04:45.22cladhairei want to go on ricki lake
04:45.24TainI like cheese.
04:45.25Tullerpuns are evil
04:45.28cladhaireof radio shows
04:45.28Thunder_Childabug, isnt a black and white disk...i dont think
04:45.34JoshBork1cheese is good
04:45.36cladhaireshe can't control her audiences, so it gets as nasty as Jerry
04:45.38cladhairebut its not Jerry.
04:45.41JoshBork1i'm a fan of mexican style
04:45.43TainI would have gone on Ricki Lake.  And even slept in the wet spot.
04:46.04ZealotOnAStickThey should have a Celebrity mod author brawl.  If they could get any two major names to agree on a time.  ;)
04:46.54pastamancerI was thinking more along the lines of celebrity boxing.  And Dustin Diamond would fight the winner.
04:47.03EndZealotOnAStick: not any two, since there tends to be "camps"
04:47.27Gnarfoztag teaming?
04:47.35abuggroupies versus groupies
04:47.45TainI'd write a new addon just to fight people.
04:47.57TullerTain: totally write a map mod :)
04:48.05Gnarfozbut I guess it would be all tagging, no fighting - they're all nerds anyway :D
04:48.34TainMy map mod only takes up 32 bytes of disk space and stores 137.5% less in its savevars.
04:48.56Endmy map mod is stored in teh flux capacitorz!
04:49.09Tullerwait, hrm
04:49.10TainAh!  Foiled!@
04:49.15Tulleri think my hotkeys are now working
04:49.20Tullerno, no they aren't
04:49.48TainYou can retrieve your save vars before you even save them and eliminate storage entirely!
04:50.10Endoh noes!
04:50.25Endit's like some sort of backwards feedback loop!
04:51.04Endmaybe it'll use less and less space until it -provides- space for other AddOns to live in!
04:51.36TainDamnit man, you'll tear a hole in the space-time continuum!
04:51.43cladhaireNIght all
04:51.47Endnight cladhaire
04:51.50Cairennnight cladhaire
04:51.58Tullerthere's probably an event somewhere I'm missing, bleh
04:51.59JoshBork1nn cladhaire
04:52.05TainGoodnight John-Boy
04:52.09Bleeternn cladhaire
04:53.55*** join/#wowi-lounge sbu_ (
04:54.45TainUn a almost unrelated note, this is one of my favorite quotes I've read in a long time.  
04:54.46Tain"We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true."
04:56.51Cairennbtw, since I have a feeling it is owed ... my apologies all for not being around so much of late and being highly distracted when I am ... a) daughter's computer is still on the fritz so she's using mine most of the time; and b) hubby is still here, so we're trying to get a bunch of stuff sorted out before he heads back to the US again next week .... things should hopefully get back to normal around here next
04:57.17JoshBork1wait, you're not in us Cairenn? o.O
04:57.29TainCairenn is in Canadia!
04:57.31Cairennunh, no, I'm Canadian
04:57.38Cairennyou didn't know that JoshBork?
04:57.43JoshBork1i think i new that at one point...
04:57.48JoshBork1sorry, my memory is not what it ever was
04:57.54Cairennno worries
04:58.08JoshBork1and i'm frustrated because alliance doesn't know how to lose :-/
04:59.19Endthat's ok, if it's AV you are talking about, horde don't know how to win ;p
04:59.28Cairennso yeah, anyway, sorry if I've been missing stuff that I should have been dealing with
04:59.48EndCairenn: we forgive you this time, but next time it'll be the gallows!
05:00.48Endguess I'm not very funny
05:01.07ZealotOnAStickHe means the gallows as this nifty little chocolate coated divinity confection with dates.
05:01.13ZealotOnAStickShould try them sometime.
05:01.16Endyes, those gallows!
05:01.51Endif you aren't on more, we'll force feed you candy!
05:02.00Cairennoh noes!
05:02.57*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
05:03.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
05:06.00abugpurl, emulate cogwheel
05:06.01purlACTION shakes its fist at the forums
05:06.42ckknightCide: for testing purposes, were you referring to efficiency of all notes or just mining/herb notes?
05:07.21Cideeither, but I suppose all notes
05:07.44Cideare you going to perform tests? or have you?
05:08.12ckknightI just performed some for non-mining/herb notes
05:08.42Cidejust now?
05:08.44ckknightmade 5 notes in a zone, all with the same icon all with different titles (but same titles between the two tests)
05:08.50ckknightyes, I got the version off your site
05:08.55ckknightshould I get a newer one?
05:09.40ckknightthat's the test I've run
05:09.54ckknightif you can think of a way to improve the test I'll be glad to
05:10.17ScytheBlade1Got a quick request
05:10.29ckknightthis was run on the beta, btw
05:10.40ScytheBlade1When you did the "addons = beta keys" thing, I helped a bunch of friends write their first addons to get keys :P
05:10.49Cideckknight: I have some ways to improve it
05:11.01ScytheBlade1I'd like one of the ones they did assigned to me, end result
05:11.07*** join/#wowi-lounge hyperChipmunk (
05:11.18ckknightCide: so will you retract your statement that my notes are 66% heavier than yours?
05:11.22Thunder_ChildScytheBlade1: shame on you
05:11.25ckknightor however much.
05:11.27abuggood luck with that scythe
05:11.44ScytheBlade1I didn't write it for them :P
05:11.45Cideckknight: no, because unlike you, I checked up my facts before I opened my mouth
05:11.48abugand there aren't any keys left
05:11.58ckknightCide: I just ran the test... if the test's wrong, please tell me
05:12.05ckknightcause if the test's wrong, I don't know how to improve.
05:12.06abugthey sent a list to blizzard, and blizzard sent out the keys individually
05:12.35ScytheBlade1... re-read what was said ;)
05:12.50abugoh the addon?
05:13.20abugunless you can prove you wrote it, the submitter gets dibs
05:13.56abugunless the submitter wants it transferred
05:14.05Eternally777Unless the submitter requests it transferred.
05:14.06Cairennalready sorted out :)
05:14.16Cairenndoing precisely that :)
05:14.20Cairennthanks guys
05:14.38Cairennlove it when the community knows how it works, makes my job easier
05:14.52Eternally777No problem.  Just exercising my fingers.
05:15.07Thunder_Childuhhh.....we dont want to know
05:15.16abugor do we...
05:15.18Eternally777(with the keyboard -.-)
05:15.26Cideckknight: what does this "beta version" do?
05:15.34ckknightCide: TBC Beta
05:15.37Thunder_Childsee, now your just geting freaky
05:15.56ckknightit makes your more efficient cause it doesn't do [1] =
05:15.56ckknightit just does it the proper lua way.
05:16.04ckknightto make a list properly instead of a hash
05:16.37*** join/#wowi-lounge andross_ (n=andross@
05:18.44Cideckknight: actually, the 66% was wrong. I was looking at the wrong code, sorry
05:18.49Tullermy my mods jumped down about 0.3mib in the new beta, it seems
05:18.50ckknightbtw: lower numbers are better and the numbers at the end represent bytes that took up
05:19.12ckknightif you compare the numbers, yours is 40% heavier than mine currently. At least for that test.
05:20.12Cidein that case, yes; yours is more efficient
05:20.18ckknightokay then
05:20.33*** join/#wowi-lounge andross_ (n=andross@
05:20.54Cidenow, what happens if I do this?
05:21.34ckknightmine'll likely be less efficient due to the added keys
05:21.43nymbiawell, yours doesnt support those colors, so it's kinda not applicable.
05:21.50ckknightbut that's quite unlikely to happen.
05:21.54Cidenymbia: um... WHAT?
05:22.13ckknightseeing as users typically don't do that, and addons wouldn't do that since they can control the colors manually.
05:22.17ckknightso it's really a moot point.
05:22.30Cidemy not-so-moot point is that it's definitely not a clear cut
05:22.36nymbiaCide: you're adding data fields to the cartographer data that you addon doesnt have.  compare apples to apples, god dammit.
05:23.08Cidenymbia: perhaps you need to look at what we're discussing before you start praising ace in every single discussion
05:23.16Cideand you had definitely not performed these tests... let's see
05:23.41ckknightCide: what makes your code add the 'abc' parts and turns em gray?
05:23.41ZealotOnAStickUhm . . . again, not my dramafest, but where did nymbia "praise ace" just now?
05:23.42Cide2006-12-22.. that's.. 16 days ago?
05:23.58CideZealotOnAStick: I'm talking out of previous experience
05:24.00ckknightyea, this has nothing to really do with ace...
05:24.12CideKemayo: yes, that is fair to say
05:24.31Cidewhat isn't fair to say is that CT_MapMod is "so inefficient", especially 16 days before any tests shown that it was, in fact, any less efficient at all
05:24.49ckknightCide: I had run tests before, I did it again for you now.
05:24.52nymbiaCide: excuse me?  you added title color and colored description lines to the cartographer data.  YOUR ADDON DOES NOT HAVE THOSE.  how are you making a fair comparison in that case?
05:25.06Cidenymbia: how do you know? I could store them as color strings.
05:25.10Cideckknight: storing 250 notes, there are cases where Cartographer is more efficient, and there are cases when CT_MapMod is more efficient
05:25.10Eternally777This discussion reminds me of this one time when the Unstoppable Force hit the Immovable Object...
05:25.32ckknighthrm, you know, I could store them as color strings.
05:25.35abugthe one wehre the gnome appeared?
05:25.37ckknightthanks for the advice, Cide.
05:25.41Cideyou're welcome
05:25.52nymbiaCide: then by all means, do so.  add them to the test.  the pastey you JUST LINKED has equivalent notes.  is this such a hard concept?
05:26.04a-stray-catEternally777: did chuck norris really die?
05:26.15ckknightno, he can't be dead!
05:26.28Bleeterbruce campbell wtfpwned him
05:26.30Cidenymbia: if I add 500 trash entries to every single note, does that not make CT_MapMod less efficient in comparison to Cartographer? because, you know, Cartographer does not have those trash entries
05:26.36Eternally777a-stray-cat: It's impossible to say.  I was blown unconcious, and woke up in the hospital.
05:26.55ckknightCide: I made our notes _equivalent_ in the test I ran.
05:27.03ckknightif you want to run _equivalent_ notes, I'm fine
05:27.09ckknightbut don't bloat one arbitrarily over the other
05:27.32nymbiaCide: when benchmarking, compare two things that are the same.  that do the same thing.  that contain the same data.  okay?
05:27.32Cideyes, but all I'm trying to say is that you have to look into more than that when comparing an addon to another
05:27.46Cidenymbia: again, you've been here for 5% of the discussion
05:28.03ckknightCide: but how else do you do that other than comparing two notes that are equivalent? Please enlighten me.
05:28.42Cideckknight: I don't have a better idea. the minimal case shows that Cartographer outperforms CT_MapMod, whereas the opposite shows that CT_MapMod uses less memory
05:29.09ckknightCide: describe to me a note that is the opposite, I will run tests.
05:29.23Endckknight: just curious, but does cartographer know which "set" a point belongs to?
05:29.23Eternally777I think he means that when massive amounts of notes are created.
05:29.48Cideckknight: if you imply that I expressed myself poorly, I mean the case where every entry contains all the information you can possibly store
05:30.09CideI outlined most of them; infoR, infoG, infoB, titleR, titleG, titleB, info, info2, info2R, info2G, info2B
05:30.11nymbiaCide: lol, so then an addon that ONLY stores x,y is the best? ok
05:30.13ckknightCide: technically, Cartographer can store absolutely any value in it...
05:30.28Cidenymbia: it is certainly the most memory-efficient one.
05:30.35ckknightnymbia: actually there's a way to do that in Cartographer, the Herb and Mineral modules do that
05:30.47Cideckknight: which also proves that it's not clear cut.. is it?
05:30.56Cidedon't make blanket statements
05:30.58ckknightCide: actually, no, I can't see that.
05:31.27Cideyou can't see how Cartographer has the potential to use more memory than CT_MapMod due to the fact that it potentially stores a lot more information?
05:31.38Cidegod this discussion is baffling
05:31.57ckknightit potentially can store an infinite amount of data, but that really doesn't happen.
05:32.16ckknightyou can write a module that puts 1000 tables into a note
05:32.22Cideno, but what does happen is that it stores the entries I outlined for you
05:32.31Cidein which case it is definitely less efficient
05:32.53ckknightthe info, info2, and colors?
05:33.03ZealotOnAStickThat's like saying that potentially a supertanker is more hazardous to the environment because it can potentially carry more oil than a mid-air-refueling plane can carry avfuel.
05:33.08CideI fully admit that with the set of entries you originally showed, it is more efficient
05:33.31abugremind me again why when memory is so gosh darn cheap we argue over the efficiency of a few MBs?
05:33.34CideZealotOnAStick: and there are times when it is more hazardous
05:33.35Bleeteri don't think it's baffling. it's disturbing and sad. any newbie joining the channel would see what'd appear to be a bunch of needless epeen flexing, instead of co-operation between the mod community.
05:33.52CideBleeter: I'm all for co-operation
05:34.02Cidenow, the only reason I'm arguing is because ckknight is spreading misinformation
05:34.12nymbiaso what you're saying.. is that CT_MapMod is more efficient than cartographer because cartographer's notes can store data, even though it's less efficient than cartographer for equivalent notes?
05:34.12Cideand it's about my mods which makes me :(
05:34.18ZealotOnAStickI'm just content to sit back and poke at any absurd generalizations, whoever makes them.
05:34.23Bleeterall I'm looking for, is docs on of what the community has previosuly defined as 'standard' lol
05:34.40Cidenymbia: uh... what?
05:34.51Bleeteras well as the community commons licenses, etc., that go with it
05:35.04CideI said that there are cases where Cartographer is more efficient, and there are cases where CT_MapMod is more efficient. that's all I'm trying to say
05:35.06ZealotOnAStickBleeter - sadly, I don't think there are such.  
05:35.27abugCosmos made the "standards" for a time then they all faded out
05:35.33CideI fully agree Thunder_Child
05:36.02Thunder_ChildHear Hear!!
05:36.08Thunder_Childor however it's spelled
05:36.12Cideand unless you can prove that what I just said isn't true, I'm going to bed
05:36.13Bleeteri'd rather see discussion go into a 'standard' or 'set of standards' than who has the more efficient mod z, who's got a better mod y, which is more efficient mod x.
05:36.21Bleeterwithout having a standard, such things are meaniningless
05:36.28abugcladhaire's post about click casting mods might be the closest there's been of a standard since his post got stickyed
05:36.32Bleetereven before comapring the same dataset
05:36.45CideBleeter: the only reason we're discussing this is because ckknight made some very stupid statements in an interview
05:37.11ckknightand yet when I show you the general case where my mod is more efficient, you brush it off
05:37.17ckknightI just don't know sometimes
05:37.22CideI don't brush it off
05:37.31ckknightfelt like it
05:37.40Cidelike I said, I've admitted several times that yes, your mod is generally more efficient. great!
05:38.13ckknightmaybe you shouldn't make blanket statements saying my notes take up 66% more space than yours
05:38.31Cideckknight: I apologized for looking at the wrong code. sorry
05:38.38ckknightI aim for my mods to be the most efficient as possible.
05:38.45ckknightsometimes I don't achieve this right away
05:39.01ckknightbut I try really damn hard and typically do a good job on the way through
05:39.06Cidethat's good for you
05:39.20ckknightfrankly, I consider this conversation over now.
05:39.21abugAnyone remember the name of the poem where the guy became so efficient he jumped off a building?
05:39.24Cidebut don't try and drag other mods that are by far inefficient into the pit
05:39.27Cidegood, because I'm heading to bed
05:39.28Bleeterbtwm i'm still waiting to hear from that other guy about what is 'bullshit about auctioneer... /sigh nm
05:39.36a-stray-catabug: where can i find this poem?
05:39.44abugI don't remember
05:39.48*** part/#wowi-lounge Cide (
05:39.55a-stray-catthats probably why you were asking for the name, huh :(
05:39.56ckknightabug: I wrote a story about me jumping off a building after murdering 3 coworkers
05:39.58ckknightgood times.
05:40.13ckknight(it was for writing class)
05:40.18a-stray-catthat was a terrible arugment by cide, imo
05:40.54ckknighteither way, I'm going to make Cartographer more efficient just out of spite.
05:40.57ckknightso there.
05:41.10abugyou crunch out those few extra bytes
05:41.13Tullerso you're removing ace? :P
05:41.31ckknightbtw, I was looking through his code, there's quite a few unneeded global declarations as well as number-to-string concatenations when a format string would be much more efficient and localization-friendly
05:41.32a-stray-catis there any way to make it so when i scale cartographer, the player arrow doesn't scale with it?
05:41.47a-stray-catwhen i scale cartographer down i can't see the arrow anymore :(
05:42.01ckknighta-stray-cat: sorry, due to Blizz's model system, it really fucks it up, I've tried
05:42.12ckknightTuller: I know how efficient Ace is. I happened to write a great chunk of it. It suits my purposes as far as efficiency goes.
05:42.22a-stray-catahh, oh well.
05:42.28Tulleryou did not get the :P :P
05:42.52ckknightI do need to audit Ace2 again for efficiency
05:43.02Bleeterckknight: you said ace went gpl, 'cept for aceoo and.. something else. i'm looking for the releases, etc. maybe you can point me to a URL?
05:43.02ckknightI have a sneaking suspicion I can make AceEvent better
05:43.08ckknightBleeter: LGPL for libs.
05:43.16ckknightBleeter: on the wowace SVN
05:43.17Bleeter*lgpl.. or something. the log for that convo is elsewhere atm
05:43.31ckknightBabble-2.2 and AceOO-2.0 are MIT
05:44.01ckknightFuBar is now GPL (note: since plugins use the LGPL FuBarPlugin-2.0, they are not affected by this), Cartographer is GPL
05:44.31Bleeterthe releases are in SVN?
05:44.49Bleeterthe (C) releases, I meant, not the .. release of mods, etc. for distribution
05:45.28ckknightconsider SVN a release stage I use.
05:45.44BleeterI, A ModDev, hereby release '' and their representitives from any copyright control I have on code i've contributed, and convert it to lgpgl, etc.
05:45.46ckknightso consider it distributed
05:46.16Bleeterie, you just can't take other's code and slap a new (C) on it without their permission. I'm looking for said permission, or indication as to why it's not needed
05:46.39ckknightBleeter: all devs were talked to about it.
05:46.44nymbiaBleeter: for which items?
05:47.07Bleeterwell, here's the thing. I don't know. I'm not the one responsible for auditing your code to ensure everyone's been asked.
05:47.12Bleeterthis is the document I'm looking for.
05:47.45ckknighteither stop worrying about it and feel free to use it, or feel free not to use it
05:47.56ckknightall devs were asked about the license change and agreed
05:48.30ckknightworrying too much will create stress, and stress causes wrinkles. I'm not a fan of wrinkles.
05:49.15ckknightespecially in such an open environment that we have now
05:50.41Bleeterwell, that's the thing. I don't think you're open. All I see is some code that was previously (C) reserved, a bunch of people comitting to it, and then a (C) LGPL. I don't see anything that states all previous authors release to LGPL
05:50.50Bleetertherefore, I'm concerned about your LGPL status
05:51.59ckknightall devs were consulted, either take my word for it or ask them yourself
05:55.48Neuro_Medivhor don't use it
05:56.09Neuro_Medivhwrite your own libs, if you feel that strongly
05:57.09Bleeteryou so clearly don't get the point of my concerns on your behalf, I shouldn't even bother
05:57.39Bleeterit has *nothing* *p* *zip* *nada* to do with using your libs or not
05:58.31BleeterI'm explaining why I think they'd be dubious to use, whether I was going to use them or not
05:58.52Neuro_Medivhwhy?  ck has plainly stated that he contacted all the devs
05:58.57Neuro_Medivhand they all agree to the chang
05:59.45TullerI believe he wants a document somewhere that shows all the authors agree
05:59.50Bleeterckknight has also previously stated his (C) was fine, and didn't need changing
06:00.10ckknightlegal matters are pretty much moot for this game anyway and only lead to a bunch of cock-twirling about who has the biggest license.
06:00.34Neuro_Medivhtrue also
06:00.53ckknightno one is going to sue anyone
06:01.04Neuro_Medivhexcept Blizzard
06:01.04ckknightwe have our license now, if it makes you feel better, then that's good
06:01.15Bleeterwell, if all you do is sit around and abuse the community, then yes. if the aim is to cross-contribute, then no.
06:01.17ckknightNeuro_Medivh: let's wait until that happens to worry about it.
06:01.26Neuro_Medivhck, I mean people only sue Blizzard
06:01.26ckknightabuse the community?
06:01.35ckknightNeuro_Medivh: oh, different matter.
06:01.48Bleeterif i'm concerned about someone's license, I'm a cock-twirler
06:01.50Neuro_Medivhtrust me, Blizzard loves the modding community
06:02.13ckknightBleeter: feel free to not use our library set, then
06:02.16ckknightthat's about it.
06:02.27Neuro_Medivha host of UI options made free of charge with zero commitment on their part (pun intended)
06:02.32Bleeteri'm stilla cock twirler, tho, eh?
06:02.35Bleetersee, abuse
06:02.52ckknightwe licensed so we could be easier to work with other communities, if you're unwilling to accept that, then I see it as your problem and not mine.
06:02.56Neuro_MedivhI can't twirl my cock, causes too much damage
06:03.13abugcock twirling is animal abuse
06:03.19ckknightlol, abug
06:03.57KirovAce2 and Cosmos are shit, everyone should be using my UbarCoolLibary.  I guarentee it'll increase your fps by 500%!
06:04.02InsideI thought I was in #4chan.
06:04.23Neuro_Medivhwhat's that one mod package that they are charging for?
06:04.26ckknightKirov: zomg, gimme!
06:04.31ckknightNeuro_Medivh: RDX
06:04.37Neuro_Medivhdoes it use any ACE?
06:04.48abugtechnically they don't charge for RDX, just to be able to download it
06:04.55Neuro_Medivhwhich is fine
06:05.10Neuro_Medivhbut if they use Ace, then anyone can re-post it and they can't do anything about it
06:05.24ckknightNeuro_Medivh: it doesn't use Ace, and actually, since Ace is LGPL and not GPL, that's not true.
06:05.40ckknightyou can build off of Ace2 using any license you want
06:05.47ckknightyou just can't use the code inside Ace2 itself.
06:05.57Neuro_MedivhI'm thinking of GPL then
06:06.20Neuro_MedivhGPL is the one where if you use it, then the program you use it in has to also be GPL?
06:06.42ckknightCartographer's that way, for example.
06:06.43Neuro_Medivhthat's why Tem was saying you should go with LGPL then
06:06.43Tulleraka, somewhat evil :)
06:06.49InsideI think charging for mods is fucking gay.
06:06.50InsideLike way gay.
06:06.59ckknightlike balls-on-balls gay.
06:07.00Neuro_MedivhI do and I don't
06:07.08Neuro_MedivhIf it's 100% your mod, fine
06:07.10a-stray-catdon't be mean to gays ;.(
06:07.14InsideYes like balls are touching gay.
06:07.22Insidegay = stupid, not necessarily homosexual.
06:07.27Neuro_Medivhif it's 80% a compilation *coughMazzlecough* then it's just rude
06:07.35EndI need to stop standing at the edge of Thrallmar writing code when I'm only level 61
06:07.39TemThe whole selling your addon thing just doesn't sit well with me
06:07.39Endpeople keep trying to gank me
06:07.54abugwhat server are you on?
06:07.58InsideIt's also very gay that the outlands require you to be 58 to enter.
06:08.01Endthe pvp one ;p
06:08.05InsideI transfered my character over at 57
06:08.06abugoh yeah
06:08.14Insideand I'm too lazy to get to 58 so I haven't used my beta account for anything.
06:08.17Neuro_Medivhthere's gay, and there's GAY...  some things are so bad that Elton John would look at it and go "Ok, that's gay"
06:08.18Enda week or two back I was going to copy my char onto pve too
06:08.20Endbut copy was down
06:10.00ckknightwait, was Mazzle selling the UI?
06:10.00InsideIt's kind of funny.
06:10.10InsideI coded my ass off to make a 900 UNO program to get a beta key
06:10.14Insideand I don't even play wow anymore.
06:10.26ckknightI remember that
06:10.35InsideI need to fix it
06:10.37InsideIt doesn't work with 2.0
06:10.42InsideBecause I'm using gmatch
06:10.50ckknightgmatch is good.
06:11.00InsideI dunno, WoW complains abotu gmatch, I think
06:11.07Insideckknight, wanna fix it for me? You can put your name in the credits xD;
06:11.14ckknightno, I don't care enough
06:11.23abuguno sounds like fun
06:11.28Insideabug: wanna fix it for me?
06:11.40abugif it's just copy and replace sure
06:11.40InsideThere's probably only like 2 places where its incompatible with the new api
06:12.30nymbiagmatch should work just fine
06:12.37abugchat based? nevermind
06:12.46nymbiamaybe bad args to gmatch?
06:12.54InsideI'm too lazy to boot up wow
06:13.01InsideQuit it cold turkey, I'm so proud of myself.
06:14.07Neuro_Medivhckknight, re: Mazzle.  Currently Mazzle is in closed beta, and he'll give you a closed beta copy if you donate money to him
06:14.19GuillotineIs the author "Torrid" of "PreformAVEnabler" in here by any chance?
06:14.28ckknightwhat a douche, imho
06:14.36ckknightit's a compilation, for christ's sakes
06:14.38InsideGuillotine: Do you have a gripe against the LOL ALLIANCE CANT USE DIS?
06:14.56Guillotineno, but it appears there may be code in it allowing him to execute script remotely
06:14.58ZealotOnAStickClosed beta copy of what, precisely?
06:15.03Neuro_Medivhhis UI
06:15.05Guillotinehavn't finished unobfuscating it yet though
06:15.11Neuro_Medivhwhich is 85% other people's code
06:15.16CairennNeuro_Medivh: that isn't the case, please stop
06:15.16EndI've all the silly things!
06:15.16RophyMazzleUI has been out for quite a while, go search it in WoWI.
06:15.22EndI found the bug with my code
06:15.45InsideGuillotine: That's the point of the script... For the raid leader to tell the other people in the raid to activate stuff as well
06:16.03TullerI think mazzle does a bit more than just put a  bunch of addons in a package, but I don't know everything about it
06:16.10Guillotinebut its a very vague one. where ANYONE could tell them to send all their money in the mail
06:16.17Endin one place I was doing local c = 2, then later I do local c = math.cos(blah)
06:16.35Guillotineuses assert(loadstring(
06:16.38TullerI just stuck a, "if you want to donate money to me, send my main gold" notice
06:16.41Neuro_MedivhRophy, that version is not compatible with 2.0
06:16.47ckknightI have a donation thing on my pages. Completely voluntary, though.
06:16.55InsideGuillotine: Eh, can't do that stuff without some intervention on the end user's part.
06:17.07Guillotineyes you can
06:17.09Rophyanyway he doesn't sell the UI, although some people donated.
06:17.12Guillotineit doesn't require a keypress
06:17.17Tulleradding a donation button would make me feel obligated to keep coding :P
06:17.20InsideAnyway, as you can see the author is already a dickhead by obfuscating the code (lol) against alliance.
06:17.24InsideI'd suggest not using it just.
06:17.25*** part/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
06:17.47InsideI'm gonna bet that maybe ~1 person is gonna get RDX
06:17.53Insideand then post it on the internets for other to use :p
06:18.15GuillotineInside: /agree
06:18.25InsideI swear to got that there are people out there who only buy software _just_ to crack their protection scheme
06:18.38Tullerwait, is RDX actually not released yet?
06:18.40InsideOr to pass along the keycode to others.
06:18.50Tierriedoes lua support multiple assignments like local a  = b = 1?
06:18.50abugrdx6 is still in beta
06:18.51InsideTuller: I dunno, I'm just hypothesizing.
06:19.12Insiderounding error is rounding!
06:19.17Irieltierrie: No, but you can do local a,b = 1,1; or local a,b=1; b=a;
06:20.30ZealotOnAStickI'm looking at it.  It's one heckuva compilation (cringing at some of the stuff in there, and some of the mixes) with a custom-written addon to set it up for class-specificness, adjust to your UI, and then inject config settings to the various addons.
06:20.41ZealotOnAStickThe overall config/setup thing is nifty, I'll grant.
06:21.06TullerI know mazzle was working on something to translate DAB setups in to Bongos and requested some changes on my part
06:21.32abugdid you tell him no?
06:22.49Insidehaha wow.
06:22.59Insidetell him to go FOADIABLP
06:23.02Tullerno, because the changes he wanted were logical :)
06:23.29Tullermostly, he wanted bongos to have an exclusive set of buttons per bar
06:23.46Tullerthat is, no repeated bars or anything when paging
06:24.03Tullernew bongos can actually do that, but not in the way requested
06:24.09ZealotOnAStick"Add-On philosophy: Useful add-ons that are highly efficient.  A majority of the ad-ons are Ace add-ons, including the custome MazzleUI ones."
06:24.14ZealotOnAStickwith Discord stuff, Necrosis . . .
06:24.46TullerZealotOnAStick: there's a whole lot of stuff you can do with discord that simply wasn't possible in other addons
06:24.53abugpeople still use necrosis?
06:26.40Tullernecrosis looked pretty, but I never used it
06:26.49ZealotOnAStickI tried it twice.  Hated it both times.
06:27.12ZealotOnAStickIt could have been wondrously efficient and bug-free, I hate the interface method.  'swhy I won't use Henge.
06:27.20abugI used shardtracker til blizz added shard counting to the default UI
06:29.24Tullerblizzard added shard counts to the default UI?, did you stick it on an action bar or something?
06:29.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Jocco_S (
06:29.44nymbiathe uh.. shard bag shows it right?
06:29.45abugonly on shard bags
06:30.01nymbiayou could stick it on an action bar too i think
06:30.13KemayoAh, shard bags.  For the poor raid summon monkeys...
06:30.32abugepic shard bag for the special monkeys
06:30.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
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06:31.20ZealotOnAStick28 slots is still too few.
06:31.30ZealotOnAStickand still misses the point anyway.
06:31.34abugso true
06:51.48Endhmm, it's missing a texture
06:52.12End(garr's room specifically)
06:52.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Dhraga (
06:56.33nymbia[Cu]Werik: how do i get it to stop bitching at me about my 50 files missing mirrors? :(
06:57.03*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
06:58.23Cairennhey s|loup
06:58.31Cairennhi Dhraga
06:59.11Kirovnymbia - start deleting old files
06:59.54nymbiaKirov: yeah i guess.  just seems odd -- they imported 'em jsut fine from the old site, and they were all there just fine for weeks.. then suddenly they exploded.
07:00.57nymbiain fact, every single version of the old one went away.
07:14.15Bleeterany word on the reason/cause/attempted fix?
07:19.33*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio (n=sp@unaffiliated/sergio)
07:20.39KirovAnyone here made an edit box purely in lua?
07:21.29ckknightKirov: I have
07:22.00Kirovckknight - Do I need to do a SetFont or SetFontObject?
07:22.19ckknightnot sure. Check the Dewdrop-2.0 source code. it makes an edit box all dynamic-like
07:23.27KirovSetFontObject ... sweet
07:24.18nymbiaKirov: sniff has a simple one in pure lua if you wanna take a quick look
07:25.37ckknightKirov: but oh no, aren't you going to ask about licenses before you look at and possibly use my code?
07:26.10ckknightjust pointing out absurdities.
07:26.26ckknightoh, btw, everyone: Cartographer is now much more efficient when it comes to colors in the database
07:27.46Kirovckknight - I'll be sure to add "-- stolen with out permission from ckknight" after that one line
07:27.54ckknightKirov: lol.
07:28.04Osagasu(what's Cartographer?)
07:28.13ckknightmap mod, like MetaMap or AlphaMap
07:28.22nymbiacept better.
07:28.23ckknightit's #2 for top rated on WoWI
07:28.46*** join/#wowi-lounge amro_ (n=amro@
07:29.06ckknightCide and I had a big argument about efficiency between the mods, so I made Cartographer more efficient out of spite.
07:29.06OsagasuI see... Trinity bars
07:29.28Neuro_Medivhahh yes, spite, that most noble and enlightened of motives =)
07:29.30ckknightzomg, they stole my slot!
07:29.40ckknightlol, Neuro_Medivh
07:30.08Neuro_Medivhtrinity would rock if it could just hide a damn bar
07:31.16Neuro_MedivhOh, and if it could save profiles
07:31.54OsagasuAll that and there's no Loot module for Cartographer.
07:31.55OsagasuNo thanks.
07:32.12Osagasuit's in the main module.
07:32.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Matholum (
07:32.23ckknightOsagasu: hehe, yep.
07:32.31Matholumhello everyone ^_^
07:32.35ckknightOsagasu: if you don't want a module, it's easy to disable and everything
07:32.37ckknighthey Matholum
07:32.48Matholumi have a question for you guys... and i bet it'll be easy....
07:33.12ckknightoh noes.
07:33.15MatholumFrame:CreateTexture() makes a texture... how do you remove it
07:33.23ckknightyou can't.
07:33.26ckknightyou can hide it
07:33.29ckknightbut it will never go away
07:33.31Matholum!!!! no way
07:33.44nymbiano destroying regions
07:33.46ZealotOnAStickNo, you missed the new API ck?
07:33.58Neuro_MedivhThat which was made cannot be unmade!
07:33.58ckknightZealotOnAStick: hrm?
07:34.19ckknightMatholum: see, it's like crackers in a bowl of soup
07:34.25ZealotOnASticks/Frame:ShakeEtchASketh()/ Frame:ShakeEtchASketch()/
07:34.26Matholumhuh... well.. now i have to think about what i am gonna do -_-
07:34.28ckknightonce you put em in you can't take em out
07:35.42MatholumBUT you can override!
07:36.04Matholumaka.. change it's path + properties
07:36.37Matholumaha! perfect.... ^_^
07:36.45TemBtw, that's the second purpose of alcohol
07:36.53Temto make your brain an etchasketch
07:37.02Matholumlolol... true!
07:37.18Temafter you've had enough drinks... *shake* and start over
07:38.35Tem(the other 2 purposes are 1) to make english your second language [insert first language of your choice if you need... silly foreigners] 3) To bring out the assole in everybody)
07:40.24AnduinLotharSomeone uploade FriendsFacts on curse with the SeaHooks removed....
07:40.30OsagasuWhat's Gratuity?
07:40.39Matholumso... say that we wanted to 'make' an edit box... but the letters are gonna be pictures of the letters.... we would have a frame, that has textures in it... to be exact, we will have however many textures you want the maxvalue of letters to be.... as you type it'll change the properties/path of the certian texture (incrementing for each letter)... and afterwards, you set them all to be blank pictures!!!!
07:41.01AnduinLotharGratuity = tip for waiters
07:41.11OsagasuAs in the library, AL
07:41.12Matholumthanks! i got what i am gonna do now ^_^
07:41.12OsagasuWhat's it do
07:41.25KarlThePagantooltip scanning
07:42.41Matholumwhat you guys think of my work-around ^_^
07:43.26OsagasuSo, uhh... It's borked.
07:43.56Matholumwhat's that?
07:44.15OsagasuBorked.  Screwed up. Broken.
07:44.19OsagasuErr, Gratuity.
07:44.22Osagasuthe lib
07:44.23Matholumi see...
07:46.53OsagasuMaybe if I take the most recent version of the lib...
07:47.16ArrowmasterGuillotine: might be easyer to use something like than to try and clean up that Preform AV Enabler
07:48.16GuillotineI'm not trying to use it. just trying to make sure we're not hosting any addons that allow other people to exploit the user
07:49.03Guillotinealmost done unobfuscating it anyway. the guy did a real half-assed job. Its still extremely clear what each variable is
07:49.16Guillotinethough he populates the global namespace like crazy. checks 30 times a second to see if you're Alliance
07:49.28Arrowmasteris it really that obfuscated that something like that might be hidden in it?
07:50.32Arrowmastersounds like he spent more time and space trying to make it horde only than actually doing the main part of the addon
07:50.57Guillotineoh, he did
07:51.27Guillotineya, he uses assert(loadstring enough that one of them could well activate that
07:51.41Guillotineand, as far as I can tell so far, thats what it does
07:52.26AnduinLothardoesn't it jsut use a well known macro to join the grp?
07:52.52Arrowmasterid say just make a rule that you dont allow addons purposlly writen to make them hard to read and delete it
07:52.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Matholum (
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07:54.07GuillotineArrowmaster: Personally, I kind of agree with that. Except maybe certain addons that are well known and require it like the thottbot one
07:54.11GuillotineAL: not really
07:56.15GuillotineI may have to write an unobfuscation script to make this type of thing easier
07:56.41AnduinLotharsound sliek a challenge
07:57.43GuillotineI actually have it all sorted out now. Just giving all the variables/functions reasonable names
07:58.09OsagasuI SO wish they would fix the petbar bug.
07:58.55Arrowmasternot having a petbar is from tainting, you shouldnt get it without any addons loaded
07:59.29Neuro_MedivhYes, the nopetbar thing is a taint issue, one of your addons needs to be fixed
07:59.38Arrowmasteror more than one
07:59.53OsagasuIf one of my addons needs to be fixed, it's a cosmos addon.
08:00.03Guillotineafaik, its blizzard
08:00.09GuillotineI've had it happen many times without any addons
08:00.46AnduinLotharMF has correction code in it
08:01.17Arrowmasteri havent checked but does the petbar use secureactionheaders?
08:01.39DhragaGuillotine, your converting it to alliance ?
08:02.04GuillotineDhraga: no. it looks like theres some hidden code in there that allows the author to execute code remotely
08:02.19Guillotineso I'm unobfuscating it to be sure there isn't
08:02.39GuillotineI'd submit it, but every time someone does that, he complains about copyright violation
08:03.01OsagasuAs a frost mage, it's a gamestopper when the bar doesn't show
08:03.06AnduinLotharsend it to me, i'll recode it
08:03.06Osagasuwhen I pull out my elemental
08:04.58Arrowmasteri dont see a reason why the petbar couldnt use secureactionheaders
08:05.02DhragaThe features of the Perform  AV Enabler is verry nice, if it would be recoded and also mad usable for both faction
08:05.08AnduinLotharcause they didn't want to recode it
08:05.13ShadowedArrowmaster: You know you can replace all of that code with CanJoinBattlefieldAsGroup = function() return true; end and you're set
08:05.20GuillotineDhraga, I agree, but the author insists on acting childish
08:05.30DhragaSilly persons
08:05.33ArrowmasterShadowed: i didnt want to taint anything
08:05.36AnduinLotharnot super useful, it's gonna be obsolete in 2 weeks
08:05.51Shadowedah yes, tainting :(
08:05.51Guillotineyou can also just hook UnitFaction and UnitFactionGroup
08:06.01OsagasuRemind him that his copyright claims have no validity unless he files for it legally.  :P
08:06.15AnduinLotharnot true
08:06.26AnduinLotharit's just harder to defend
08:06.37Guillotinetechnically he still owns all rights
08:06.46Arrowmasteri didnt see any reason why tainting the BattlefieldFrame would cause problems but i didnt want to do it anyway
08:06.59DhragaAL, you said that it would be obsolete in 2 weeks. where you talking about petbar code or the AV code ?
08:07.07krkaright. copyright is implicit
08:07.21OsagasuWhy?  They're allowing Group AV queues again?
08:07.24Dhragaoh they are going to change anything ?
08:07.25Neuro_MedivhCan't you just use StinkyQueue anyway?
08:07.35ShadowedI'd just delete it and save all the problems
08:08.21ShadowedFrom the screenshots i've seen Neuro, the interface they use is cleaner then StinkyQueue...but really when you get down to it all it does is JoinBattlefield(0,1)
08:09.15Arrowmasteri wrote because i didnt want to use a macro on JoinBattlefield(0,1)
08:09.54ShadowedYeah, I just modified SSPVP to do CanJoinBattlefieldAsGroup = function() if( isAVbattlemasterstuff ) return true; end return Orig_CAnJoinBlahstuff(); end to show the button
08:12.23ShadowedOsagasu: In 2.0.1 they introduced a new bug that lets you "group queue" for AV. Originally the only way to get people into the same AV was everyone queueing after a countdown, and then whatever the majority got everyone else would queue for that specific instance ID. However, the bug lets you do JoinBattlefield( 0, 1 ) as the party leader it'll queue everyone at the same time increasing the chance of getting in and it means only t
08:13.40Osagasuing in and it means only t
08:13.46ShadowedThe only reason that people are whining about it is every casual/poor pvper has started grinding AV for honor to get uberpurplez and they complain that it's unfair...even thought this kind of stuff has been going on for at least 6-7 months
08:14.18OsagasuAnd it's gone in 2.0.3?
08:14.27AnduinLotharit's been going on, but now it's more frequent, because anyone can do it
08:14.47Arrowmasteri hope they just reenable group queue, since the entire reason they removed it doesnt exist anymore
08:14.55ShadowedWhen I was grinding my priest to 12 AL I would see at least 5-8 teams a day of 25-30 people
08:15.37Shadowedduring AV holiday, probably 50% of my games were against teams of at least 10-15 people
08:17.42*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio (n=sp@unaffiliated/sergio)
08:18.13OsagasuHere's what you do.  Group queue up to 10 players.  If there are any more than that in the raid, disable it for everyone in the raid, down to join as player.  And stop telling people which AV they'er joining when it's join first avaliable
08:18.22OsagasuThat oughta cut down a bit
08:19.00ShadowedA group of 10 organised people is pretty much unstoppable actually, but when you have 25-35 you can get mass honor because you can send people back to recap towers
08:19.18ShadowedAll you have to do is remove the ability to join a specific battlefield instance, as it's an unneeded feature 99% of the time
08:20.27OsagasuThat too
08:21.00OsagasuAnd it may be a little draconic, but if at all possible, disallow more than 15 people from a guild in any one battlefield instance
08:21.45Guillotinewell, turns out the mod doesn't contain any exploits. Hes using assert(loadstring for absolutely no reason at all
08:22.14Shadoweddelete it anyway!
08:22.19GuillotineI have to say, this guy might be good at obfuscating (though hes really not all that great), but he sucks at programming
08:22.35Guillotineya, I'm so close, I might as well finish it up and email it to him to prove that his code isn't untouchable
08:22.41ShadowedDo we get to see the unobfuscated code!
08:22.43Guillotinesince he implies so in his addon's comments
08:22.53Neuro_Medivhfind and replace is all you need
08:23.06GuillotineNeuro: not in this one. it has checks for that
08:23.27ShadowedIf they are all from the same guild 10-15 is more then enough, if you're in naxx gear 5 is enough. Just remove the ability to join a specific instance # and you'll fix the problem, at most you'll get like 5-10 people maybe 15 into the same one
08:23.30OsagasuI love how people think obsfucating is anywhere near as good as actual compiling
08:23.50OsagasuIn two weeks it won't matter
08:24.05ShadowedDon't we get an ASV bracket for 70?
08:24.14OsagasuYou do
08:24.14Neuro_Medivhthis is really the most horrible code
08:24.22Neuro_Medivhit's one huge mass of if-then statements
08:24.38OsagasuThe Tier 5 stuff is nowhere near as far from the dungeon 3 sets
08:24.53Osagasuas tier 3 is from blues
08:25.00GuillotineNeuro_Medivh: nearly all of those are for horde/alliance checks
08:25.16OsagasuHe doesn't want alliance players to queue
08:25.23ShadowedI guess he didn't know that he could just do if( Alliance ) unregister all, disable addon
08:25.24Guillotineapparently not
08:25.34GuillotineShadowed: but then it would be too easy to fix
08:25.40Guillotinefor people to make it usable by alliance
08:26.10OsagasuI say you just write a completely new one and post a link to it in his comment
08:26.24Guillotineno way I take the time to do that when it won't work in 2 weeks
08:26.36OsagasuIt would hurt his pride
08:26.45ShadowedGuillotine: I though somebody just did find and replace Horde with Alliance and they fixed it?
08:26.47OsagasuAnd jackasses like that need an ego nerf
08:26.51GuillotineShadowed: no, that didn't fix it
08:27.02GuillotineOsagasu: maybe I should just change the owner of that project :P
08:27.20Guillotinewould be funny, but won't
08:27.32ShadowedYou curse admins need less ethics
08:28.00Cairennor not
08:28.05Cairennethics are good things
08:28.37GuillotineMy plan to hurt his pride is to just email him an unobfuscted copy and tell him about all the programming mistakes he made
08:28.50Guillotinethat way I can be helpful and hurt his pride at the same time :D
08:29.06AnduinLotharsend me a copy and i'll make a simple recode
08:29.19Shadowedit's not exactly simple to recode
08:29.33Shadowedat least from what I remember of the screenshots, you still have to do a little bit of work
08:29.43OsagasuI wish they would make staves with proper 2-h DPS
08:30.15Arrowmasterstaves are caster weapons so they get caster weapon dps
08:30.46Arrowmasterlower dps means more points to spend elsewhere
08:31.09OsagasuThere are a TON of staves with melee and non-caster staffs
08:31.34nymbiafish terminator!
08:32.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Saeris (
08:33.04Arrowmasteryeah but most of those staves are blues or greens that most people dont see much, all the epic staves are caster staves, including the fish terminator i think but i cant remember its dps right now
08:33.06OsagasuThe Hunter staff
08:33.29Arrowmasterhunter staff is like 44dps
08:33.35Shadowedeye of nerub
08:33.43Shadowedoh wait polearm :(
08:33.50Arrowmasteryeah was going to say there
08:34.17OsagasuEven the blue staff in Cenarion Expedition has caster DPS
08:34.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (n=blaat@
08:36.34OsagasuThe highest DPS staff in the game is only 72 DPS
08:37.11nymbiasome TBC green
08:37.33OsagasuI read the wrong line
08:37.45OsagasuLevel 70 staff, "Voodoo Hex Staff"
08:37.48nymbiahighest epic that i see is the hunter epic staff, 73.3
08:38.15Arrowmasterhunter epic is 73.3? since when?
08:38.29nymbiaso say wowhead.
08:39.55OsagasuSince ever...
08:40.23OsagasuAlla hasn't registered a DPS change in the entire two years since the item was first seen
08:40.41CairennROFL:  (nsfw, swearing)
08:41.43OsagasuAs opposed to the top DPS sword/axe/hammers in the game
08:41.48SaerisIs there any reasonable way to go about implementing a load-on-demand mini-addon within the directory of the parent addon? Would you just make use of CreateFrame for the objects, and nest all of the mini-addon's methods inside of an initialization wrapper function?
08:41.51Osagasuat 124 DPS
08:43.31nymbiaSaeris: unfortunately, no :(
08:44.27nymbiaSaeris: not using actual load on demand, anyway.  could always rig something to not make its frames/register its events til something happens
08:44.50Osagasugoing to bed
08:45.39Guillotinealright, I'm off to bed
08:46.01Guillotineif anybody wants to look through the *mostly* unobfuscated version, its at
08:46.11Guillotinebut don't release it or anything. remember author still holds copyright
08:46.25Guillotinebut let me know if you see anything suspicious. I didn't notice anything, but I'm half asleep
08:48.10Saerisnymbia: That's basically what I'm talking about. When the user chooses to enable a certain feature, the main addon would call an initialization function for that mini-addon, which then establishes all UI objects and methods of the mini-addon. Is that feasible, or does the initialization function take just as much memory as the methods it defines when called?
08:49.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
08:49.35nymbiaSaeris: that'll definitely save memory -- frames take a hell of a lot more memory than a function containing the lines to make the frames
08:52.57Shadowedwow the performAVEnabler code is bad
08:53.24Saerisnymbia: What about the functions that the initialization function defines, though? I'm wondering whether the function which defines them uses just as much memory as the functions themselves once they are defined, which would of course defeat the purpose of having an initialization function. That's my main concern, as most of these mini-addons that I would be implementing use only one frame at most.
08:53.28AnduinLotharwell it was purposely obfuscated...
08:53.47ShadowedWell, even if it was obfuscated you can still see about how he does stuff
08:55.07nymbiaSaeris: if a function creates functions, those will not occupy memory space until the init function is run.  if all you're defining is functions, then your performance gain will be minimal, but if you're making frames and such, then it's a very worthwhile approach.
08:57.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Sairen (
08:58.07Saerisnymbia: Alrighty, thanks. I was just looking for some confirmation there, mostly as a hypothetical, since I've never really come across a situation where I'd be defining functions at runtime.
08:58.30nymbiaSaeris: fair enough. :)
08:58.43ZealotOnAStickeschew obfuscation!
09:00.25krkathe function definitions will always exist (atleast until they can't be reached any more)
09:00.51AnduinLotharthis cant be right... string.sub(PAVE_IsAllianceVar, 34, 34) == "A" and #PAVE_IsAllianceVar == 74
09:01.00AnduinLotharoh is spose it can
09:01.04AnduinLothar# does strings now
09:01.26nymbiakrka: you can nil em out if you know you aren't gonna use em again
09:02.16*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
09:02.16*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
09:02.25AnduinLotharlol...  IllllI111lIi1 = assert(loadstring("return UnitFactionGroup('player')"))()
09:02.33AnduinLotharand  #IllllI111lIi1 == 5
09:02.39SaerisThere's some wacky stuff in there.
09:02.41Bleeterlol al, you looking at that freaky BG mod thing...
09:02.49Bleeteri looked at it a week or so ago.. completely mad
09:02.51nymbiathat's painful
09:02.57AnduinLotharthat string is \114\101\116\117\114\110\32\85\110\105\116\70\97\99\116\105\111\110\71\114\111\117\112\40\34\112\108\97\121\101\114\34\41
09:03.34*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
09:04.02krkanymbia: right
09:07.07SaerisWhy would this guy obfuscate all of this anyway?
09:07.36krkawhy not?
09:08.02AnduinLotharlol, even de-obfuscation deterrents: if ( lllIill1iI1 == "Horde" ) then PAVE_HandleAVQueueAgain = function () end end
09:09.21nymbiaoh i see, he did it so alliance can't use it. lol
09:09.44SaerisAre you serious? That's hilarious.
09:10.00Bleeterthat's the author's claim, aye
09:11.22nymbiaprobably be ten times more efficient if he didn't do all that crap
09:11.22krkaimo, obfuscation is a side-effect from optimization
09:11.28krkamanual obfuscation is just stupid
09:11.52AnduinLotharthis guy has gone to a LOT of effort
09:16.11AnduinLotharlol local dieInAFire = "Alliance"
09:16.29AnduinLotharif ( UnitFactionGroup("player") == dieInAFire ) then return end
09:16.52SaerisThat is awesome.
09:17.16nymbiadid alliance players kill his parents or something?
09:19.04nymbiamaybe just hook UnitFactionGroup and return "Horde" if the arg is "player"
09:19.44AnduinLotharthat'd prolly work too
09:19.54SaerisYeah, hahah.
09:20.21nymbiawithout having to wade through the code.  but honestly, i dont care about using it - the fun of this mod is the code.
09:22.00AnduinLotharthis code is horrible tho
09:22.08AnduinLothareven w/o the obfuscation
09:23.26MoonWolfWho wants to go call him out on lying ?
09:26.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
09:26.25*** join/#wowi-lounge FtH|eagle (
09:26.26AnduinLotharlol if ( PVPFrameHonorIcon:GetTexture() and  #PVPFrameHonorIcon:GetTexture() == 40 ) then return end
09:26.58AnduinLotharfunction PAVE_AVQueueHandle()
09:27.05Mike-N-GoIs there a guild or hint thign about WSG flag running?
09:27.30krkai don't get it
09:27.37krkawhy put so many alliance-stopping-things
09:27.43krkait's not like they would be hard to spot
09:27.50krkajust look for "then return end"
09:27.53ZealotOnAStickLet Druids or Tanks do it.  If you're a rogue, don't fuck up the vanish-drop?
09:28.04nymbiarunning theory is that alliance killed his parents.
09:29.18kahdgarxiwhat he should have done it
09:29.23kahdgarxikill = then
09:29.25kahdgarxireturn = all
09:29.28kahdgarxiend = alliance
09:29.34kahdgarxiand put kill all alliance
09:29.45kahdgarxifor every 'then return end'
09:30.25*** join/#wowi-lounge [Liquidor] (
09:30.36AnduinLotharall the PAVE_AVQueueHandle are endless loops or empty funcs... PAVE_AVQueueHandleAgain is the real one, which is frequently emptied if you'r alliance
09:30.42Mike-N-GoI am a hunter, level 59, and GB grinding
09:30.50Mike-N-GoAB and WSG, taurn BTW
09:30.55pastamancerMike-N-Go: hint: run out their ramp, along the zone all, to your tunnel and pickup boots if they're there
09:31.06pastamancererr, the zone wall
09:31.16Mike-N-GoWhat is zone wall?
09:31.21pastamancerthe edge of the zone
09:31.37nymbiaAnduinLothar: that's amazing.
09:31.46pastamancerie. don't run throuht the middle where everyone is hanging out farming HKs
09:32.08Mike-N-GoSo many people JUST farm for HKs and don't care about wining.
09:32.23pastamancernever go GY or tunnel, gy = respawns, tunnel = nowhere to run
09:32.49Mike-N-GoOk, so thake the road that you would topside
09:32.53pastamanceryour tunnel is good if your flag isn't in your base becaue you can run up on the roof
09:33.00Mike-N-GoRun on the ede of the map
09:33.13kahdgarxifun complicated question time! :)
09:33.16krkalink to the discussed alliance-hating-addon?
09:33.19krkai want to see the code
09:33.25kahdgarxii'm making an adon for the loot system for our guild
09:33.30kahdgarxiit's really simple
09:33.37kahdgarxithere's an ordered list of everyone that raid
09:33.46kahdgarxiwhen you loot an item, you go to the bottom of the list
09:33.57kahdgarxiif you're not currently in the raid, you stay in your current spot
09:34.31kahdgarxinow... as far as actually doing, i was thinking of having two tables (i think that's the right term, i'm horrible at lua ><)
09:34.39kahdgarxione for info about each person
09:35.55kahdgarxiand one for the actual list
09:36.44kahdgarxithe info would use an id for the key for each person, then have stuff like character time, last time item looted, whether their present in the current raid
09:37.11kahdgarxiand the ordered list would just be the id's of the people in that spot on the list
09:37.29nymbiakahdgarxi: for the loot order table, just use table.remove() and then table.insert() to move someone -- but it's trickier iif you want someone to stay where they are instead of moving up, you'd need to individually move them down one spot
09:38.37kahdgarxinymbia - hmm
09:39.05kahdgarxii was planning on writing an extremely complicated fuction to go through each spot one by one using a buffer table
09:39.15kahdgarxiso if there's a better way, i'm all ears
09:39.32kahdgarxiit's is extremely important that people who are not present stay in their current position though, for obvious reasons
09:39.55MoonWolfIf he really thought this was to much of an advantage to the alliance, why did he release it in public to begin with.
09:40.15AnduinLotharI think i've removed all the anti alliance stuff now, gotta test it tho..
09:41.01SaerisProbably easier to just rewrite it... although the GUI would be missing.
09:41.14nymbiakahdgarxi: well basically, when someone needs to drop to the bottom, first iterate the table starting at the index of the person to be dropped, looking for people not currently in the raid.  for a person not currently in the raid, remove them from the table and reinsert them one spot lower.  then take the person to be dropped, and drop 'em.
09:41.20kahdgarxianyone see any major flaws with my plan so far?
09:41.24krkajust prettify the code, rename variables, and remove bad if-statements
09:41.45MoonWolfkeep the gui, change the code.
09:42.07kahdgarxinymbia -  i see
09:42.14kahdgarxinymbia - that is much simpler
09:42.18nymbiakahdgarxi: :)
09:42.53kahdgarxii'll have to read up on table.remove and table.insert
09:43.08kahdgarxithanks nymbia
09:43.12nymbiaif you like, you can also combine the tables to contain the player data in the ordered table as well
09:45.21kahdgarxiso... i read about tables in 'Programming in Lua'.. and i'm still not quite getting it, what' is the difference between lua tables and C arrays? just the fact that C arrays are always indexed by numerical values and lua tables are indexed by defined keys?
09:45.23nymbiasomething like { [1] = "Nymbia Mage [Netherwind Boots]", [2] = "Kahdgarxi Mage [Desecrated Belt]" } and so on
09:45.37krkaif ( not IIIll1li1lI1 ~= "Horde" ) then
09:45.39krkamy favourite
09:46.04*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
09:46.08nymbiakahdgarxi: lua tables can be indexed by number, or by hashes (which can include anything, even functions)
09:47.09kahdgarxido you know if table.remove and table.insert will work with multi-dimensional tables?
09:47.45nymbialike, if you store the userdata in a table within the ordered table?
09:47.51nymbiayeah, they'll work.
09:48.52kahdgarxii would rather have it be something more like { [1] = { [Name]  = "Nymbia", [Class] = "Mage", [LastLoot] = "<timestamp", [isPresent] = "true" ) [2] = {...} }
09:49.13SaerisThat's viable too, and results in less unique strings.
09:49.37kahdgarxiSaeris - hmm? I don't quite follow..
09:50.52nymbiakahdgarxi: that'll work :) careful with the isPresent, though -- you might be better off just checking who's there when it's running the actual table changes
09:51.19kahdgarxinymbia - i need the ispresent for a different parse
09:51.25nymbiakahdgarxi: ok :)
09:51.38kahdgarxinymbia - i'm adding list of eligable looters to item tooltips :)
09:51.51nymbiakahdgarxi: ah, nice.
09:52.14nymbiathat'll make distribution a snap
09:52.39kahdgarximy point exactly
09:52.54kahdgarxione thing that i am concerned about
09:52.59Saeriskahdgarxi: Strings in Lua are immutable and interned, so any occurance of a string (for instance, "Mage") is actually just a pointer to a global object maintained by Lua, not anything unique. By reusing the same string, in this case for the player's class, you're saving memory.
09:53.21kahdgarxiSaeris - oh, so fewer unique strings is a good thing
09:53.30kahdgarxiSaeris -  k, you had me worried there :P
09:53.38SaerisYeah, I can see how that was ambiguous.
09:54.30kahdgarxii want to make the clien usable by both officers and members, so that you can just click the linked loot int he chat window to see what the order is, and decide if you want to go for the item
09:54.46kahdgarxinow in order to do this i need to worry about synchronisation of the list
09:54.54nymbiayeah.  tables are a bit heavier, though -- so you'll run a tiny bit heavier, but have less garbage.. negligible differences for a table as small as yours will be, so, go with whatever format you're most comfortable with.
09:55.17kahdgarxinymbia - ok
09:55.54kahdgarxiwhat i've come up with so far is to have a few people (most likely guild officers) on a listed of 'trusted' people
09:56.11kahdgarxihave the addon timestamp its list when the raid disbands
09:56.18nymbiakahdgarxi: for syncing, an idea i've been toying with is having a unique identifier for each member, then just maintaining the list in the Guild Information button.
09:56.33kahdgarxinymbia -  Oooh
09:56.37Saeristhat'd work well.
09:56.37kahdgarxiI hadn't thought of that
09:56.42kahdgarxias long as your list wasn't too long
09:56.48nymbiaits got a 500 char limit
09:57.37kahdgarxias long as you had fewer than 100 raiders, you'd that would be 5 characters per toon
09:57.42nymbiabut if each guild member is only a couple characters then a delimiter.
09:57.43AnduinLotharwell no one in my guild wants to help me test, guess it's sleepy time
09:57.54kahdgarxior 6 characters
09:58.12kahdgarxii.e. 99=99,
09:58.14kahdgarxifor one character
09:58.53kahdgarximaybe if enough people started doing this, blizzard would impliment a addon storage place for guilds
09:59.00kahdgarxilike they did with the addon channels
09:59.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
09:59.14nymbiaa simple ordered list would do the trick, ie "43 12 34 67 8 2 55 23 56 105" for 10 members
09:59.21krkaAnduinLothar: did you make a pretty printing of it?
09:59.22kahdgarxiah, true
09:59.50krkai'm thinking the easiest way to make it work for alliance is probably to hook the functions that give away your faction :)
09:59.58krkathe obfuscated source
10:00.50AnduinLotharGuil unobfuscated most of it. I did the rest, removed anti-alliance code and fixed lua errors
10:04.06krkai see
10:04.39krkai could make a function in FAIAP to create a complete pretty printer i suppose :)
10:05.03krkathen just identify variable usages and name them properly
10:06.09Bleeteranyone else find it ironic that the most populat chat protocol in China is.. QQ
10:09.02kahdgarxinymbia - ok, an ordered list would work well, but how would you make sure that your list stayed in order among users?
10:10.36kahdgarxii suppost you could only make adding people valid when a loot takes place
10:10.56kahdgarximeaning the info would be propogated to the entire raid
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10:11.14nymbiakahdgarxi: well, if you're using the guild info text for data storage.. i dont think there's an event that fires when it updates (correct me if i'm wrong), so you'd want to use addon messages to tell everyone else's client to reload their ordered table from the guildinfo
10:11.37kahdgarxinymbia - yes, but you have to worry about userdata too
10:11.52kahdgarxian ordered list doesn't do you any good if you have no meaning behind that list
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10:13.54kahdgarxiyou have have to have a good way to make sure that everyone in the guild associated the id in the guildinfo with the correct person
10:14.33nymbiakahdgarxi: as far as attaching data to those ids, maybe use addon messages?  have a person's client send a request for data on a given member, and have others respond with the data
10:14.48kahdgarxithat's what i was thinking
10:15.09kahdgarxiit could automatically request whenever it ran into an id it didn't recognize
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10:15.22kahdgarxiand it would get it as long as there was someone online with the info
10:15.39kahdgarxiand if it didn't get it, it could ask everyone that logged on for the info until it got it
10:16.49kahdgarxithe only possible problem i could see is if somehow you managed to run two separate raids with none of the same members so the addon gave the same id to two different people
10:16.52kahdgarxiand if that did happen
10:16.57kahdgarxiyou'd be pretty well screwed
10:18.23nymbiayeah lol
10:19.01kahdgarxiis that risk big enough to put the effort into trying to write a solution to that
10:19.32kahdgarxii guess i could see that happening in the expansion with 25 man raids
10:19.46nymbiaeven running two raids, you'd still be running off the master list in the guild info button, correct?
10:19.50kahdgarxii mean, heck, i've been in guilds that do ony runs back to back
10:20.05kahdgarxiso the id would be there
10:20.11nymbiayeah :)
10:20.12kahdgarxiand the addon would request the info
10:20.13kahdgarxiand get it
10:21.26nymbiamake sure all those users stick in everyone's savedvariables, though.. could be ugly if that data disappeared due to people crashing out
10:28.04kahdgarxinymbia -  what would you do special do make sure of that?
10:28.12kahdgarxiyou mean have everyone keep a copy
10:29.11nymbiaso that when everyone logs in the next day, someone actually has the data for that new person that was added ;)
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10:40.56kahdgarxiyeah :)
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10:50.33kahdgarxianyone know offhand the frame that wow uses for the tooltip for items in a loot window?
10:52.42nymbiait should be GameTooltip.. i think..
10:57.03Saeristhat's definitely GameTooltip
11:12.24kahdgarxiok.. let me put it differently
11:13.48kahdgarxii'm hooking SetHyperlink with hooksecurefunc(ItemRefTooltip, "SetHyperlink", addLooters) to add lines to the tooltip that's created when you click on an item link
11:14.38kahdgarxii want to do the same thing for the tooltip that's created when you mouseover an item in the loot window
11:16.21kahdgarxioh hi Kirov :)
11:26.53kahdgarxithere we go, got that woking too, awesome :D
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11:48.51nymbianext patch it's even easier
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11:49.21nymbiawith OnTooltipSetItem
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11:55.59|FF|Im2good4uis there a list of the things in next patch somewhere ?
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12:20.46zenzelezzso I was messing with a macro earlier, trying out something... and in the process tried modifying the /cast line
12:21.06zenzelezzplunged two times to my death before I realized I'd messed it up, so it no longer cast Levitate
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12:41.43kahdgarxiwhen you define a table with something like table = { "Foo", "Bar", "Other", "Thing" ), are the strings just keys with nil values, or are they vailues? and if they're values, whare are the keys for them?
12:42.10Xolan0 => "Foo", 1 => "Bar" etc
12:42.13XolanI believe
12:44.42kahdgarxiif that's the case i should be able to read the values in stand-alone lua by doing print(table.0), correct?
12:45.24Xolanyep probably
12:45.29Meryno lua starts with 1
12:45.36Xolanalthough I like to call it from table[0]
12:45.40Xolanah ok I'm used to php :P
12:45.43Mery1 => "Foo"
12:46.12kahdgarxihmm... still doesn't like it
12:46.19Meryalso you cannot do table.0
12:46.37Meryyou can only use the table. for string values
12:46.54Meryyou need to do table[1] for numbers
12:47.21kahdgarxioh, when the key is a string?
12:47.30Xolanwhen it's not an integer
12:47.47Merytable = { firstvalue = "Foo", secondvalue = "Bar" }
12:47.56Merythen you can do table.firstvalue
12:47.59kahdgarxitable.firstvalue becomes valid
12:48.00Xolanfirstvalue and secondvalue would be strings yeah
12:48.09kahdgarxik, got it, thanks :)
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13:09.07SaerisTo clarify, table.value is syntactic sugar for table["value"], not table[value].
13:14.25Xolansyntatic sugar? :P
13:15.02Xolansyntactic, right got it
13:16.17Qshadowpis it possible to have a /script command or some addon to bind a key to clicking on the fishing bobber?
13:16.19Qshadowpso you don't have to click it, you just hit a keybindingg
13:17.01Xolansounds like something blizzard woudn't like
13:17.19Qshadowpif its possible, and its not bannable
13:17.20Qshadowpim all for it
13:17.47Qshadowpi own a G15 Keyboard and im proud!
13:17.57zenzelezzG15 just makes people lazy
13:18.20XolanI have an n52, but the kind of macroing I can do with it ain't allowed with wow :\
13:18.48Qshadowplol whats a n52?
13:19.11Xolanit's a gamepad
13:19.12Xolanby belkin
13:19.14Qshadowpoh yea, i see those things before
13:19.16Xolan2sec will link
13:19.19Qshadowplooks kinda nice
13:20.34Xolanyou can macro movement and other things that aren't normally accessable ingame so
13:21.19Qshadowpyou can do that with the g15 too
13:21.32Xolando you use it though? P:
13:21.40Qshadowpyes :D
13:21.53QshadowpG15 user and proud!!!
13:22.16XolanI meant do you take advantage of being able to macro movement? :P
13:23.28Qshadowponly for silly things though, havn't really found anything worth while to do yet
13:23.57Xolan180 when pvping is neat :P
13:24.25zenzelezzthen again, I don't PvP, so it doesn't concern me
13:24.37Qshadowpi abuse a mount bug with a macro
13:24.43Qshadowpso i can jump on the spot with the mount
13:24.49Qshadowpand everyone in stormwind runs around trying to copy me
13:24.51Qshadowpfunny as hell
13:26.55Xolanthinking of buying me a zboard with wow layout
13:27.00Xolanjust for the looks \o/
13:28.06Industriali have this keyboard thing
13:28.43Industrialit has 60 keys within reach of my hand
13:28.44Industrialits the shit
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13:52.06kahdgarxiif i define a local variable in a function, is that variable local to the function or is it still available to the entire file?
13:52.35krkalocal to the function
13:52.44krkaall local definitions are restricted to their scope
13:56.03BouviJust sent out the 1st issue of the newsletter (feeling nervous) LOL
13:56.20Xolanyeah I just saw it. Will read now :)
14:00.59Xolanvery good imo :)
14:01.09Xolan that picture was a bit out of place though :P
14:02.06Endfreakin snow again
14:02.34BouviNah it was a raid for Hogger lol
14:02.46BouviAnd thanks hehe
14:02.54Endnerf hogger
14:03.05BouviAre you saying on your server you can do Hogger with less than a raid?
14:03.12XolanI do remember him on my first char :P
14:03.17Xolanthink we 3manned him lol
14:03.47BouviSomeone did a Hogger raid with 40 level 1 gnomes once.  
14:04.48Xolanstill think Son of Argual is scarier than Hogger though
14:04.57Xolanyou aggro him across half the zone
14:05.53Endyeah, there you get snuck up on more
14:05.58BouviNext issue I will use Horde toons.
14:06.14BouviI love wowmodelviewer hhe
14:06.34Xolanand he's level 25 or so in a 10+ zone which is just evil
14:06.47BouviTier 4 gear on my toon
14:06.52Xolanyep modelviewer does rock. Didn't think it was updated though?
14:06.56BouviTier 5 -
14:07.37Xolancheers :)
14:07.51BouviYeah I have run across SoA on my horde toons a number of times.
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14:13.15amroSOE Applicant: Here is my resume.
14:13.15amroSOE Interviewer: It's half finished.
14:13.15amroSOE Applicant: So are your products.
14:13.15amroSOE Interviewer: You're hired.
14:18.55kahdgarxiwhat's wrong with this table?
14:19.19Kalroththe last ,
14:19.50kahdgarxithanks :)
14:20.17kahdgarximulti-line stuff like that makes thigns look pretty, but it can make it hard to catch syntax errors when you're a noob like me :P
14:20.51KalrothI've encountered that particular copy'n'paste error enough to look after it before anything else :P
14:21.12krkayou are so helpful Kalroth!!!
14:21.16nevcairielthat last , shouldnt cause any error imho
14:21.20Kalrothkrka: Unlike you, you bastard!
14:22.10krkaactually, i don't think an extra , is disallowed
14:22.13Kalrothnevcairiel: it should, since it's an indication that more array elements follows :)
14:22.24nevcairieli am pretty sure it doesnt
14:22.32nevcairielthe way he defines the keys looks weird tho
14:22.33krkathe problem looks to be that you don't use string constants for keys
14:22.47krkasure yuo don't mean ["class"] = ... or class = ?
14:22.51KalrothLua syntax sucks more than krka ><
14:23.08krkano, allowing an extra comma makes it easier to append stuff
14:23.51nevcairielscripted script generation, yay.
14:24.06krkanot saying scripted
14:24.08Kalrothsure, but proper languages would give you a syntax error, like C/C++, C#, Pascal, etc.
14:24.13krkabut copy-pasting new rows to the table
14:24.29nevcairielPascal is no proper language. just my opinion
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14:24.43krkapascal is proper
14:25.16nevcairieli hate it, its too weird for me after programming in c for some years
14:25.26nevcairieland now i had to learn it again <.<
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14:28.14KalrothI do both pascal, C# and some ASM at work, it isn't confusing at all!
14:28.16kahdgarxikrka - yeah, i believe it should have been ["class"]
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14:29.08kahdgarxithis is why i could never be a professional programmer
14:29.30kahdgarxii make syntax mistakes like it was my job
14:29.59KalrothTrust me, krka has been programming since he was 7 and he still can't code!
14:30.33Bleeter'sif pascal proper...
14:30.39Bleeterprolog.. forth... :P
14:30.49Bleeterlogo! :)
14:30.56BouviPascal, Fortran, Basic and Machine and Assembly for me in college.
14:30.59kahdgarxiok, another question... i would call one of those fields with HLS_Players[1][Name]
14:31.55nevcairielHLS_Players[1].Name or HLS_Players[1]["Name"]
14:32.07kahdgarxilousy quotes!
14:32.09kahdgarxithanks :)
14:33.04krkat["whatever"] is equivalent to t.whatever
14:33.14kahdgarxiyes, i now realize this
14:33.23nevcairielbut no [whatever] :)
14:33.28kahdgarxii just keep forgeting that any time i want to use a string, i need quotes
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14:33.46kahdgarxiunless of course it's table.key
14:33.50kahdgarxibut whatever
14:40.09kahdgarxiis there a super easy way to do class colors that blizzard has set up that i should know about?
14:40.38kahdgarxilike maybe a table with the color codes already setup
14:42.10kahdgarxiawesome... where can i find it?
14:42.18Mery1 sec
14:42.25kahdgarxik, thanks :)
14:43.00Mery line 43+
14:43.47kahdgarxigreat, thanks :)
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14:56.14kahdgarxidoes this look kosher to you?
14:58.02Valleriusreplace () with []
14:58.14kahdgarxito embed a variable name likethat?
14:58.17kahdgarxiok, thanks :)
14:58.22krkaand remove the .
14:58.36kahdgarxiwhich .
14:58.38Valleriusyeah. [] takes a string, . needs a literal lua value
14:58.42krkathe first one
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15:04.18kahdgarxiso it would be RAID_CLASS_COLORS["HLS_Players[1].Class"].r   ?
15:04.28Endno quotes
15:04.31kahdgarxino quotes?
15:04.34kahdgarxihow does that work...?
15:04.38zenzelezzwhat possessed you to add those? o_O
15:04.51Endyou aren't giving it the "name" of the variable
15:04.53kahdgarxicause it broke when i didn't use them before with a string
15:04.55Endyou are giving it the variable
15:21.12Xolananyone got a tutorial/howto on dropdown menus?
15:29.29kahdgarxigah... this is driving me crazy
15:32.22kahdgarxii do not understand how this is working.. i'm using k for my counter variable, and calling string.gmatch, which returns the matching pattern (here a string of 1 or more digits. somehow, magically, that is apparently assigned to k which then table.insert uses to enter into the table t
15:32.25kahdgarxiam i getting this right..?
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15:38.55Xolancan buttons be virtual?
15:39.32AntiarcXolan: Yes
15:39.39Xolank :)
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15:41.38Antiarckahdgarxi: string.gmatch returns an iterator. Passing it to "for" returns successive values from the iterator.
15:41.58Antiarck isn't a counter - it's the variable that each result of the iterator call is assigned to.
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15:43.52kahdgarxiAntiarc - that makes a lot more sense :)
15:44.14kahdgarxiAntiarc - So do I have any access to a counter variable in this loop?
15:44.21AntiarcNope. Just create one.
15:44.29Antiarclocal i = 0
15:44.31Antiarcfor ...
15:45.06kahdgarxiAntiarc - heh, duh :) thanks
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15:46.44AntiarcMy email always makes me feel so good.
15:46.56AntiarcFrom: Online Notification. Subject: CONGRATULATIONS YOU ARE A WINNER!!!
15:47.04AntiarcAww, thanks email. <3
15:57.14kahdgarxiis there a way to force lua to recognize something as a variable?
15:57.40kahdgarxik is a variable
15:57.46kahdgarxibut it keeps trying to use it as a key
15:58.26AntiarcThat doesn't make sense
15:58.37AntiarcA key is a variable
15:58.42kahdgarxiit's part of a for loop
15:58.54AntiarcPastey some code?
15:59.32kahdgarxihmm... gotta try something first..
16:01.30kahdgarxiok, nevermind, ideas are gone, lol
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16:02.23kahdgarxibasically what i'm doing, is pulling the class out of HLS_Players[<loopvar>].Class  to grab the correct color for the class
16:02.54kahdgarxiwhat i want it to do
16:03.27kahdgarxiwhen it evaluates HLS_Player[k], i want it to replace k with the current number stored in my loop variable (k)
16:03.42kahdgarxihowever what it's trying to do it look up the value in the HLS_Player table with the k key
16:04.03AntiarcDon't use k then - use your counter variable.
16:04.14kahdgarxik is my counter variable
16:04.25AntiarcIf you're doing "for k = string.gmatch..." then k won't be an index - it'll be the result of the current iteration of the match.
16:04.34AntiarcOh, there's a pastey link. One sec :D
16:04.37kahdgarxithis is a different loop
16:05.19kahdgarxiwhat's odd
16:05.24kahdgarxiis that the part for the name works
16:05.54kahdgarxiAddMessage("|cFFFF000F1. |r"..HLS_Players[k].Name) works just fine
16:06.04AntiarcI assume that "order" is in fact an array, and not a hash?
16:06.23kahdgarxiyes, order is an array
16:06.52AntiarcWhat do you get when you stick DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(k) into the loop?
16:06.59JoshBork1woohoo! ding 40!
16:07.24AntiarcAlso, you might try installing Iriel's DevTools and do a DevTools_Dump(order) before the loop. That'll tell you if there's anything off with your source table.
16:07.56kahdgarxiwell, my source table is hand-written
16:08.03AntiarcHeh, makes that easier.
16:08.17AntiarcWhat's it look like?
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16:09.21kahdgarxiscrew it, here's the whole file :P it's not that big
16:09.37kahdgarxitable starts on line 72
16:10.43AntiarcAha. Like 10, t[i] = k
16:10.47AntiarcThat's creating a hash.
16:10.50AntiarcDo tinsert(t, k)
16:11.10AntiarcWhen you explicitly assign a key, that basically turns an array into a hash.
16:11.40kahdgarxii see
16:12.09Antiarcipairs is invalid for a hash - at that point, you can either use t[i] = k and use pairs() later on, or use tinsert(t, k) and use ipairs.
16:12.21Antiarctinsert(t, k) with ipairs is probably simpler.
16:12.36JoshBork1ipairs isn't invalid for a hash
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16:12.54AntiarcYou sure? I thought it was for ordered iteration over an array.
16:13.18AntiarcIt somewhat loses its meaning with a hash, since a hash doesn't have a guaranteed order.
16:14.16JoshBork1if you have a hash and a ordered tbl, it'll iterate over the ordered pairs
16:14.38AntiarcHuh. Didn't realize that. Neat.
16:15.08JoshBork1yea, it's nice because you can tinsert(tbl,key) tbl[key] = value
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16:17.03kahdgarxii love forgetting my own variable names
16:20.09kahdgarxithat display line is working correctly
16:20.20kahdgarxinow i just need to figure out what's wrong with my head
16:20.24kahdgarxiand how to fix this for loop
16:20.34kahdgarxiwhat i *want* to be doing
16:21.02kahdgarxiis starting at order[1], which will contain a number
16:21.15kahdgarxiwhich happens to be the key i want to use for HLS_Players
16:21.29kahdgarxiand that is definitely not what i'm doing...
16:21.33JoshBork1you've got it slightly wrong then
16:21.33JoshBork1one sec
16:21.44XolanHm, I've made a combobox "template" hidden and virtual, but my createframe won't accept the inheritframe.    Error:CreateFrame(): Couldn't Find inherit node "NeverForgetFormComboBoxTemplate". If someone could have a look at this then that would be very nice. (both the xml and lua involved)
16:22.09kahdgarxito be honest, for in lua makes no sense to me whatsoever
16:22.19kahdgarxiat least int he 'generic' format that everyone seems to be using
16:22.32kahdgarxithe numeric format i can handle, it's just like C
16:23.03Industrialits the same thing
16:23.11Industrialoh, for in
16:23.20cogwheelkahdgarxi: you're not alone...
16:23.21JoshBork1FELSTEED WOOT!@
16:23.30cogwheelI just wrote my first generic for iterator the other day
16:23.54Industrialcogwheel: ...
16:24.11cogwheel is the best info i've found so far
16:24.40cogwheeltook me a non-trivial amount of time to get my mind around it :P
16:24.46XolanI'll add your name in a credit note if you solve my problem :P
16:24.55JoshBork1yes or no, mechano-strider?
16:25.43cogwheelXolan: what's your .toc file look like?
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16:25.55Xolan2sec I'll pastey it
16:25.56cogwheelyou need to load the XML first unless you want to use an OnLoad script
16:26.48kahdgarxiJoshBork1 - are smarter than me :P
16:27.00JoshBork1kahdgarxi: not really, just been doing it a bit longer ;-)
16:27.10JoshBork1i'm actually quite dumb most of the time
16:27.19JoshBork1you should hear Industrial and cogwheel talk, they are the smart ones
16:27.29kahdgarxiit took me this long to wrap my head around your loop and realize that it's not retarded :P
16:28.19cogwheelXolan: hrm... i'l have to look a bit deeper
16:28.23Xolanfilenames are wrong in my toc
16:28.28Xolan2sec maybe that'll fix it :P
16:28.33cogwheelthough you can safely remove the DefaultState & LoadOnDemand lines :)
16:28.34Mikmai have slept now for like 16 hours
16:28.42cogwheelXolan: yeah... that would do it... XD
16:28.42Mikmawhy in the hell am i still tired? :(
16:28.54cogwheelMikma needs coffee
16:28.57AntiarcLua for loops aren't quite like C, but I like their flexibility.
16:29.02Mikmaamen. coffee!
16:29.07AntiarcIf you've ever used a foreach construct, it makes them easier to handle.
16:29.14Xolandoes wow reload the toc file too on reloadui?
16:29.16Mikmacogwheel: i did ask my wife to make some coffee like 3mins ago :D
16:29.33Endmaybe you got -too much- sleep?
16:29.40AntiarcXolan: Yes. But, it only reads changes to your file list.
16:29.51MikmaEnd: but why did i sleep 16 hours? that's the thing what i'm wondering
16:29.52Xolanok, should do the trick though, thanks :)
16:29.58AntiarcI don't think you can change the ## parts without a client restart.
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16:30.31MikmaAntiarc: true
16:30.49cogwheelit won't load new files on reload though
16:30.49AntiarcXolan: One trick I've learned when dealing with XML is to drop the XML file into a browser. That'll tell you if it's malformed, and where.
16:31.07kahdgarxiJoshBork1 - that for loop you wrote, value is the second of the ordered pairs (the value) fromt table, is that right?
16:31.11AntiarcIf you've added or renamed a file since WoW started, you have to restart WoW
16:31.18cogwheelAntiarc: a better technique is to use a "real" XML editor that can validate against UI.xsd
16:31.28AntiarcHeheh, indeed. I'm just lazy. >_>
16:31.29JoshBork1kahdgarxi: value is the result of order[index]
16:31.32cogwheelthat way you get autocomplete
16:31.35Xolanyeah that would be neat
16:31.37cogwheel(which is even more lazy :P)
16:31.44Xolanthe xml's correct though I believe
16:31.48Xolanthe nesting anyways
16:31.49AntiarcI tend to use FrameXML.log and a browser to debug my XML. That's probably the hard way though.
16:31.54kahdgarxiJoshBork1 - not sure why it's not working then...
16:32.00AntiarcXolan: If you added the .xml after WoW was started, restart your client.
16:32.03cogwheelMS visual studio express editions have a built-in XML editor
16:32.10cogwheel(and it's free)
16:32.42AntiarcI like VS as an IDE, but not as a general editor. Too heavy for my tastes.
16:32.44cogwheelI find it invaluable for my XML work... it makes things go SO much quicker you have no idea...
16:33.18cogwheellike you type an opening bracket and it gives you a list of what tags you are allowed to put in your current location...
16:33.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
16:33.41cogwheelyou type  <Button[space] and it comes up with a list of attributes for the Button tag
16:33.59cogwheelpick one, and it gives you a list of valid values
16:34.20Xolanrestarted the client with correct names in the .toc - still same error
16:34.50JoshBork1kahdgarxi: add a DevTools_Dump(order) before the loop
16:35.03cogwheelXolan: check your framexml.log
16:35.09Xolanwill do
16:35.40Xolanno mention of my mod in there
16:35.44kahdgarxidevtools adds useful functions too!?
16:35.59JoshBork1DevTools_Dump is a function that does the same as /dump :-D
16:36.05Xolancould post the whole three files on pastey if that helps?
16:36.10Xolanit isn't that big
16:36.18cogwheelXolan: sure
16:37.58kahdgarxiJoshBork1 - it's not liking the name, class = definition line
16:38.36Antiarcis "class" a reserved word in Lua? I don't think it is, but it might be worth checking.
16:38.46JoshBork1what is the error?
16:38.59JoshBork1and i just did that so you don't do as many table lookups during the execution
16:39.08kahdgarxiattempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
16:39.24Xolanxml | lua | toc
16:39.38kahdgarxiorder looks like this currently order = { [1] = "2", [2] = "1" }
16:40.02kahdgarxicould it be an issue of the contents of that table showing up as strings? or is that just how devtools does it?
16:40.10JoshBork1the problem is that none of the values are tables
16:40.25JoshBork1and you're indexing them as though they were
16:40.50kahdgarxihow so?
16:40.53Xolan@cogwheel: the frame creation is there only for testing purposes atm ofc :P
16:41.31JoshBork1try order = { [1] = {Name="Test",Class="WARLOCK"}, [2] = {Name="Test2",Class="WARRIOR"}}
16:41.42kahdgarxino no no no no
16:41.47kahdgarxithat information is in data
16:42.10JoshBork1what is HLS_Players?
16:42.23kahdgarxiwhat you just described, it's what i'm passing to the function for data
16:42.47JoshBork1did you try replacing HLS_Players with data?
16:42.52JoshBork1and DevTools_Dump data
16:43.03kahdgarxii'm calling the function with HLS_PrintList(HLS_Order, HLS_Players)
16:43.05*** join/#wowi-lounge FtH|eagle (
16:43.48kahdgarxihmm... let me try something..
16:44.30kahdgarxioh duh... yeah that was my problem
16:44.35kahdgarxii'm an idiot...
16:44.44kahdgarxithat should have been data[value], etc, etc
16:44.50kahdgarxisince that's what i called it inside the function
16:45.30JoshBork1glad it works for you now
16:45.45kahdgarxithanks for  your help, and sorry for putting you through all that :)
16:45.58JoshBork1no biggy, i'm running around in game :_D
16:48.45Xolananyone looking over my pasties or am I waiting in vain?
16:49.18cogwheelyou're waiting in vain for me... i'm at work atm so my attention's divided XD
16:50.22kahdgarxisame error :(
16:50.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Segatron (n=MrX@
16:51.10JoshBork1kahdgarxi: dump the table :-P
16:51.14kahdgarxii did!
16:51.17kahdgarxiit all looks good!
16:51.28JoshBork1pastey the dump of both the order and data table
16:51.34Xolanxml error :P
16:51.35cogwheelXolan: one redundancy: since you're loading the script in your XML, you don't need to list the lua in your toc
16:51.50Xolank, had no idea :)
16:52.12kahdgarxii know what the problem is
16:52.16kahdgarxistupid saved variables!
16:52.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
16:54.07kahdgarxithe saved variables had the classes incorrect, "Priest", instead of "PRIEST"
16:54.09cogwheelfor anyone who needs a decent XML editor... it's a bit overkill, but it does the job quite nicely...
16:54.13JoshBork1that'd do it
16:54.24JoshBork1XML spy is nice also ;-)
16:54.34cogwheeland not free
16:54.40JoshBork1there's a free version
16:54.53cogwheelthat validates and autocompletes based on XSD? O.O
16:55.03kahdgarxiwell crap, that wasn't it either ><
16:55.10Xolanyep crap here as well
16:55.16Xolanwasn't an error afterall :\
16:55.21cogwheelmorning, supreme highness Cairenn
16:55.28Cairennhi guys :)
16:55.33cogwheels/supreme highness/Supreme Highness/
16:56.13MikmaCairenn: purr
16:56.28cogwheel~emulate Cairenn
16:56.29purlACTION stealth bumps a couple threads
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16:56.35MikmaCairenn: <- gief gifts ;)
16:57.01zenzelezzI swear everything in this team is having more aggro than the tank
16:57.21MikmaCairenn: too bad they grow up really fast
16:57.28Xolan@cogwheel. I load the lua file in the xml file very early on and the button template very late. Would that mean it runs the lua file before loading all of the xml?
16:57.36JoshBork1morning Cairenn
16:57.40MikmaCairenn: 1 day our dog was "missing" so this is the place we found her:
16:57.46JoshBork1cogwheel: yes ;-)
16:58.06cogwheelXolan: yes, but since you're calling createframe in the onload of the xml, that code doesn't actually run until the XML is finished loading
16:58.15Cairennsoooo cute!
16:58.16MikmaCairenn: plus this last paste, first bathing! :D
16:58.21cogwheel"running the lua file" in this case merely sets up all the functions
16:58.28Xolanyeah true
16:58.46Cairennawwww soggy doggy!
16:58.46krkaawwwwww, cuteness overload
16:58.48MikmaCairenn: Sonja was crying next to bathtub when we were in. so i took her in. :)
16:58.53Xolanbah I'm so frustrated I'm losing hair >.<
16:58.57krkasoggy doggy is a cool position
16:59.15Cairenngief puppy!
16:59.33Mikmait's a wonder that she didn't hate the bathing. she just lied on my chest and enjoyed the warm water :D
16:59.43cogwheelJoshBork1: only 30-day trials as far as i can tell...
16:59.48krkaso frustrated that you start losing hair or frustrated because you're losing hair?
16:59.53JoshBork1ah, that might be it
16:59.56Xolanthe first ;P
16:59.56JoshBork1but it was nice for 30 days!
17:00.30cogwheelXolan: it's still giving you the same error?
17:01.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
17:01.37Xolanmade a minor change now though so brb
17:01.39cogwheelyou have your button template inside your frame
17:01.47cogwheelit needs to be outside
17:01.55Xolanthat's what I tried now :)
17:02.43cogwheelwoohoo :)
17:02.56kahdgarxiJoshBork1 - Here's your pastey:
17:04.32kahdgarxiit couldn't be an issue with numbers being stored as strings could it?
17:05.12Xolancheers for the heelp cog
17:05.21kahdgarxiit could?
17:05.57MikmaCairenn: so, Sonja likes Coca-Cola and chips. just tested :D
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17:06.10kahdgarxior right, cause i'm getting them from a big string, they started out that way
17:06.20kahdgarxiso i need to conver them to numbers
17:06.23cogwheelXolan: glad i could :)
17:06.27Mikmaand, the cola was extremely cold
17:06.33CairennMikma: ummm, caffeine is really bad for doggies
17:06.35cogwheel(no need to credit... it's what we're here for :) )
17:06.51MikmaCairenn: that's why i let her taste it, not to drink the 1,5l bottle :D
17:07.21Mikma"chips, gimme chips" *insert puppywhine*
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17:07.32Mikmafigures :D
17:07.43JoshBork1yes strings don't index the same as numbers :-D
17:07.47JoshBork1it can be quite frustrating
17:08.12kahdgarxiit didn't click that they were strings, but it's obvious, since i'm getting them from the guild info text
17:09.13krkadogs are almost as big pussies as cats, can't handle caffeine, chocolate, hard alcohol, et.c.
17:09.26krkanot even onions
17:09.29kahdgarximan... i've been working on this stuff 8 hours >.<
17:09.38AntiarcYou're just getting started!
17:10.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Benedict_ (n=kahdgarx@
17:10.28AntiarcLike I said! :)
17:12.00JoshBork1Antiarc, i have a mod idea for you to write!
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17:12.20JoshBork1a mod to estimate when the next source of damage is going to tick on a unit
17:13.01Xolancrap my pet's starving after spending all this time on that problem :P
17:13.16AntiarcJoshBork1: Can you elaborate?
17:13.23AntiarcThat seems rather...unfeasable.
17:13.23Mikma:) feed him/her before you get bited in the arse
17:13.34Xolanjust did :P
17:13.39cogwheelXolan: it's worse when it's your wife... XD
17:13.39Mikmabited or feed?
17:14.18XolanI fed him :)
17:14.18Xolancog: not married yet ;P
17:14.31Mikmacogwheel: *cough* wife.. well i didn't get murdered
17:15.01JoshBork1Antiarc: something like scanning the combat log for "bob's corruption hits you for 12 damage", timing between 2 hits and then placing a time on the screen showing 12 damage in x seconds
17:15.08Mikmastaying alive is a huuuuuuge plus
17:15.23AntiarcOh, you mean ticking between DoTs.
17:15.36JoshBork1yea, but it should work for normal attacks too
17:15.39AntiarcHm. Might be useful for vanish timing, but eh. Easier to just watch SCT for a tick and go. :P
17:15.48AntiarcWell, but you have things like instants, too.
17:16.10JoshBork1true, but in boss fights they are pretty well timed
17:16.29AntiarcBut there are already timers for that kind of thing
17:16.33AntiarcBigWigs, etc.
17:16.41JoshBork1not for standard attacks
17:16.50AntiarcWhy would you need that info for standard attacks?
17:17.07JoshBork1trash that hits for 15k in TBC?
17:17.25AntiarcBut what good would it do you?
17:17.41AntiarcYou get hit, you're either dead or hurting, if hurting, you need heals ASAP anyway.
17:18.07AntiarcKnowing that the next hit is coming in 2.36 seconds won't help you much. *shrug*
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17:18.26JoshBork1help healers time their heals
17:18.38kahdgarxiwell that's cool
17:18.43kahdgarximy switch just died
17:19.09JoshBork1that kinda sucks
17:19.27kahdgarxiit better be under warranty
17:19.33kahdgarxiit's a gigabit switch
17:19.49kahdgarxiand i hate it
17:19.59kahdgarxibecause it has a fan that's louder than the three computer i have combined
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17:26.09cogwheelHeh... My wife and I were going through some old boxes we never unpacked and I found a PC Magazine from sept 04 with a cover story on longhorn XD
17:27.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
17:28.00kahdgarxiheh, nice
17:29.17kahdgarxiit works!
17:31.00Maldiviagood for you... :) Not that I have the slightest clue :)
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17:42.04TC_Workinganyone have a Canon EOS 400D / Digital Rebel XTi?
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17:42.49TC_Workingi was thinking about buying one
17:43.11abugcan't say I do
17:43.40TC_Workingwell then go out and buy one so you can tell me how it works
17:44.09abugI can't leave the twilight that easily
17:45.20TC_Workingofc you can.....just wish yourself away
17:47.52[Cu]WerikWindows Vista Business Edition is available on MSDN AA if you are interested in it.
17:50.33abugis there an easy way to find out what the "Attack" ability is called in other languages?
17:50.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Sairen (
17:50.54abuglike is it possible to match the weapon icon with the icon in the spellbook?
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18:15.40dukeku|FF|Im2good4u and warla, true wow champions
18:15.40warlai love ajax ^^
18:16.03|FF|Im2good4uhiya's dukeku
18:16.12|FF|Im2good4uu can beat my addy's
18:16.17dukekuwarla: does it have rss feeds
18:16.20warlago to reputation tab
18:16.25Maldiviaabug: hmm, might be able to "guess" your way to it, scanning/testing the different spells found on the general tab
18:16.27warlahttp://localhost/chris/wowprofilesAJAX/php/ajax.php?id=1&cmd=ct3 <-- thats what it gets
18:16.34dukekucant link localhost
18:16.36warla <-- thats what it gets
18:16.54Maldiviawarla: you mean localhost? :)
18:17.01|FF|Im2good4uahh wow keylogged..
18:17.10warlayea just got 14 new wow accounts
18:17.39|FF|Im2good4uoO not yet i dont have wow opened atm
18:17.49warlai do
18:17.51warlaand pissed
18:18.01warlaneed to level all my mules to 58
18:18.03warla= crap
18:18.25warlamy main is a warlock and i intend to have 11x 20 slot bags after 2 weeks BC
18:18.35warlathats why i level all my tailor mules from 35 to 58
18:18.39warlafor primal mooncloth
18:18.49dukekuyoure still playing warla as your main?
18:19.00warla20 factions at exalted
18:19.02warlaexodar one of em
18:19.07dukekujebus dude
18:19.10warlathe elekk is fucken buggy on gnomes b.t.w
18:19.12|FF|Im2good4uoO omg
18:19.16warlai'm clipping into the stupid elekk
18:19.19dukeku|FF|Im2good4u: warla is legendary
18:19.31|FF|Im2good4uany legendairy items ?
18:19.34warlatheres a friggin houewife
18:19.38warlawith 22 factions at exalted
18:19.44warlashe has booty bay and wildhammer
18:19.47warlai'm only revered there
18:20.04warlaso i'm just nr 2 rep whore :-/
18:20.10warlapwned by housewife
18:20.10dukeku|FF|Im2good4u: i dunno but he is still legend, like mega chicken
18:20.22|FF|Im2good4udahm 20 firsctions. then he must be gonig to like naxx or osmetihng
18:20.38warlanah i rarely do naxx
18:21.00|FF|Im2good4uiv never even set food inside :(
18:21.02warlai still have that stupid quest in naxx "the fate of ramaldni" or something
18:21.08warlaand the quest item wont drop
18:21.16warlaits the only quest i have so far
18:21.21warlai did ALL quest i could get
18:21.24warlain all regions
18:21.33warlai went from region to region and made all quests
18:21.51warlaincluding Scepter questline b.t.w ^^
18:21.55warlathat one was worst
18:22.09|FF|Im2good4umy worst was ONY preequest :P
18:22.21warlatry scepter questline
18:22.24MaldiviaBlizzard need to make a stat page, with "chars with most quests done" etc :)
18:22.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
18:22.32warlai might win that one
18:22.36warlai have only 1 quest left
18:22.38|FF|Im2good4uwitch septer ?
18:22.41MaldiviaAQ40 gate
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18:22.45warlaAQ opening
18:22.50Endoh -that- quest
18:22.56|FF|Im2good4uOO no need
18:23.05|FF|Im2good4umy guild cant even beat ZG \o/
18:23.12Endyeah, I can see how that one would be a bitch
18:23.21EndI went a little ways in it
18:23.42warlared shard = ez
18:23.48warlablue shard = expensive
18:23.58warlagreen shard = makes you wanna commit suicide in RKL
18:23.58Maldiviagreen shard = annoying
18:24.07|FF|Im2good4ui wonder how i got attuned to BWL somehow i jut was it lol i never figured out wut i did
18:24.09*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|work (
18:24.26warlanaxx attunement was easiest for me
18:24.40Endred shard was easy til we start doing razor/vael one day and finishing up the next
18:24.41warlaspeak to some chick and she said "woot.. were good buddies your attuned for free"
18:24.46warlamy alt she ripped off the slut
18:24.51Endall because we wanted to do what we could in aq40 the first day
18:24.58warlayea :-/
18:25.03Endand that'd leave a little time left
18:25.06warlaits annoying when you split BWL
18:25.24|FF|Im2good4ui hope ill ever get otodo BWL /NAXX :P
18:25.31|FF|Im2good4uMC is fun thoguh :p
18:25.40EndMC got really boring after a while
18:25.45dukekuraiding got boring
18:25.48dukekuthats why i quit ages ago
18:25.50warlaraiding is boring
18:25.54warlai love BC for that matter
18:26.00warla5-10 man instances
18:26.05MaldiviaI'm looking forward to TBC and raiding
18:26.05Endyeah, but MC is the definition of boring ;p
18:26.08warla= all the retards wont get groups haha
18:26.08Maldivia10 and 25 mans
18:26.15warlanoone cares if a retard tags along in 40 mans
18:26.20warlain 5 mans 1 retard = game over
18:26.38dukekuhas anyone 1-manned ubrs yet
18:26.50warlai soloed all elemental invasions
18:26.57warlaquess which one is the worst
18:27.07warlashes a nasty slut
18:27.44|FF|Im2good4uthey have 4 manned ONY
18:27.50warlapallys propably
18:27.59warlathey wont stop healing no matter how hard you hit em
18:28.06Endsounds like a long fight :P
18:28.12warlanot anymore
18:28.22warlalately pallys became from an annoyance to a real threat
18:28.37|FF|Im2good4u1 war , priest , ? ,? its a move on vodie . goOgle
18:28.40Endyou have a point there
18:28.58End(although, in pvp though, hunters bother me more)
18:29.00MaldiviaLoatheb's been 5-manned
18:29.10|FF|Im2good4uthe only treat is PVP rouges :9 u cant evne move whilel they keep hacking on on u]
18:29.39Endwell, I pvp on a squishy mage
18:29.45Endso hunters just do a ton of damage to me
18:29.48warlai have no prob with rogues
18:29.49[Cu]WerikI eat rogues for breakfast
18:29.50EndI can blink rom a rogue
18:29.54warlaliving action pots
18:29.56warlalike 1 bag full
18:30.00[Cu]WerikI'm a paladin tho:P
18:30.21|FF|Im2good4uim a huntard but i h8 rouges ;(
18:30.29|FF|Im2good4udont like pury wars either ;P
18:30.38|FF|Im2good4ubut atleast they dont sap me :P
18:30.41warlaeveryone hates hunters these days
18:30.45[Cu]Werikmages are evil, they are the hardest
18:30.49warlai had to get a real strange spec so i always own em in pvp
18:30.53[Cu]Werikfor a paladin I think
18:31.03warlaafflic lock worst for pally
18:31.06warlaUA = gg
18:31.06EndI can't beet paladins
18:31.10|FF|Im2good4uthese hunters are worse thn befoe we can now even silence a caster :p
18:31.10Endbut I don't have imp CS either
18:31.15[Cu]Werikwarlocks cant run away
18:31.18[Cu]Werikstupid mages can
18:31.22warlathats why i use felhunter
18:31.28warlasilence --> devoured
18:31.34warlaconcussive shot --> devoured
18:31.39warlafreeze trap --> devoured
18:31.45|FF|Im2good4uya rely ?
18:31.55warlaonly thing that makes me furious is that imba trap
18:32.03|FF|Im2good4uhmm so that why all warlock have that stoopid new pet
18:32.04warlawhich sais "magic" and my felhunter cannt eat it
18:32.09Endfelhunters are pretty nuts
18:32.11warlaand escape artist wont work either
18:32.19Endthey do a lot more than people notice
18:32.26warlanot felguard
18:32.28warlafelguard is crap
18:32.35EndI didn't say felguard
18:32.37|FF|Im2good4uhunter how do they look ?
18:32.46warlathose doggies
18:32.47Endfelguard I can keep away from myself more or less
18:32.53|FF|Im2good4uah tohse thingy's
18:33.00Endfelhunter can silence me and crap :(
18:33.16|FF|Im2good4ui laos hate the kiss of the warlock bothch
18:33.20warlaya if your a mage dont try a warlock who has felhunter out
18:33.30EndI don't try a warlock ever
18:33.33warlaright now i'm 17 / 34 / 0 specced
18:33.38warlathats so deadly in 1 on 1
18:33.40[Cu]Werikyou can kill warlocks with elemental spec
18:33.49warla3/3 demonik knowledge (+700 spell damage)
18:33.55warla2/2 improved Curse of agony
18:34.01warlaamplify curse
18:34.06warlaand nightfall
18:34.06Endice block is probably a must against warlocks though
18:34.15warlajust delays the ineviteable
18:34.25dukekunightfall is great
18:34.26warlaso instead 5 sec fight goes 25 sec (2x iceblock)
18:34.33warla= most annoying
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18:34.49EndI seek to annoy >:)
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18:35.27Endif I'm in a group, often ice block is enough to get the player annoyed and they'll attack someone else
18:36.14End(in any case, if a warlock dotted me, and then just ignored me, if I don't remove them, I'll die anyways)
18:37.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
18:39.38AnduinLotharwoah, someone just said blizzard had implimented target assist casting like CastOptiosn had (target is friendly, hostile casts cast on targettarget). is this true?
18:42.03MaldiviaAnduinLothar: you mean: /cast [harm] Frostbolt; [target=targettarget,harm] Frostbolt
18:42.28AnduinLotharno, i mean just casting hostile spells when you're targettign a friendly
18:42.36AnduinLotharwho has a hostile targetted
18:43.13Maldiviaif they have, I'm going to love them... I miss that from EQ2
18:43.36AnduinLotharIt was an option in CastOptions too untill 2.0
18:47.31Tierrie|Workhow is what you're describing different from what Maldivia said
18:49.30EndMaldivia mentioned a macro, AnduinLothar is talking about the bars -themselves-
18:50.48MaldiviaAnduinLothar: they didn't, not from my simple tests right now
18:51.20Endit's possible they may have added an interace option to enable it? (but you probably checked that already...)
18:51.29MaldiviaI checked that first
18:51.38Endyeah, that's what I figured
18:51.50Maldiviadidn't find any
18:51.56Maldiviabut might have missed something
18:51.58Tulleryou'ld have to set attributes for all actionbuttons fore help and harm
18:52.19Maldiviamight also only be active when the person you're "assisting" is in your group/raid - didn't test that
18:58.42*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzio (
18:59.46Kirovcan anyone test this real quick to make sure it doesn't throw any errors
19:03.40abugis there a variable or function for the max number of spells in the spellbook?
19:04.31AnduinLotharjust while loop through till you dont get any more results
19:04.58abugah I was hoping for another way thanks
19:07.37*** join/#wowi-lounge InterSlayer (
19:08.16InterSlayerDoes anyone remember if WoW originally had a LFG flag, that you could like /who lfg 20-30 with?
19:08.34Tierrie|Worknot that i'm aware of
19:10.33pastamancerI heard about there being a lfg system in alpha/early beta
19:10.48AntiarcIt did in beta.
19:10.53InterSlayeri vaguely remember there being a flag under the who panel
19:10.58InterSlayerand you just checked it
19:11.01AntiarcThe /who box had a LFG checkbox.
19:11.02InterSlayerand anyone could look you up under /who
19:11.06AntiarcYou could filter by people who were LFG.
19:11.12InterSlayeryes! thanks =p
19:11.20AntiarcNo info on what they were LFG for though.
19:11.36AntiarcYou basically could just find people in your level range and zone who were LFG, which is...ok, I guess, but pretty useless.
19:11.54InterSlayerI'd find it more useful than the current one =p
19:12.19zenzioyou'll notice that they're speaking in past tense
19:13.08AntiarcEh. I think the current one is pretty good, actually. Not perfect, maybe not even great, but it does a good job.
19:13.26InterSlayerIt's better than nothing, just wish it wasn't so restrictive
19:13.26zenzioI disagree
19:13.35zenziothe current one makes it way too easy to end up in bad teams
19:13.43InterSlayeronly 3 criteria you can set, tbc is going to have instances with 3 wings each
19:13.48zenziowith the LFG channels, global or local, you could more easily judge teams beforehand
19:14.11Antiarczenzio: Just uncheck the auto-join.
19:14.18zenzioI always do
19:14.20AntiarcThen you can find who is LFG for what you want and whisper them.
19:14.20zenziodoesn't help
19:14.51Antiarc*shrug* Maybe I've just had phenominal luck with it.
19:14.56AntiarcI've been very happy with my results from it.
19:14.59AntiarcWell, as happy as you can be with PUGs.
19:15.20zenziothe only part I'm happy with now is the ability to summon
19:15.32InterSlayerhaha yeah
19:15.33AntiarcMeeting stone summons = pwnsauce.
19:15.46AntiarcI actually summoned an entire Naxx raid that way once. :P
19:16.05AntiarcYou can only summon people in your group, sadly, but I just had the leader give me leader and I shuffled people and summoned them.
19:16.08AntiarcIt worked wonderfully :D
19:18.26zenzioAntiarc: to which meeting stone?
19:18.31*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
19:19.04zenzioaha =)
19:19.06AntiarcNice timesaver when everyone is in IF.
19:19.16zenziowas starting to wonder if there was a Naxxramas stone o_O
19:19.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Bouvi (
19:21.08BouviGood afternoon.  Cairenn thanks for the plug :)
19:21.41abugcairenn is giving out free extension cords?
19:23.11BouviNo I have a leak in my boat
19:23.30TC_Workinglol, at first i thought it said "pug"
19:23.48abugyou're working?
19:24.10TC_Workingwell i am geting payed for it...but i dunno if you call it working
19:24.35abugwhere do I sign up?
19:24.47TC_WorkingLos Angeles
19:25.09abugdo they need telecommuters?
19:25.31TC_Workingyes...they have a CS section
19:25.50BouviDo they have a section that plays WoW
19:26.03TC_Workingonly the IT department
19:27.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=mjgoosse@
19:27.29TC_WorkingOur VP of IT plays WoW but the Network Administrator plays EQII
19:28.22TC_Workingand the net admin is trying to lure the vp to the dark side
19:28.38pastamancerTC_Working: say hello to Mr. Scott for me :)
19:29.32TC_Workingwhy do i have a bad feeling about this
19:29.51pastamancerI know him from my EQ days
19:30.32TC_Workingdoes he know you as pastamancer or kyle?
19:30.41pastamanceras kyle
19:31.11zenziohrm... I seem unable to connect to WoW all of a sudden :-| Usually only happens when my whole connection is down
19:31.54abugyou're paying a monthly fee for tech support from blizzard
19:32.11Antiarczenzio: If you're in the EU, there's a Telia router down somewhere that's preventing connection to the EU login server.
19:32.14MikmaKirov: i'm testing the CursorGlow now
19:32.30zenzioAntiarc: that would be it then
19:32.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
19:32.43dukekubaby you complete me
19:32.47MikmaKirov: and there's rotating a sexy circle around my mouse when i move it ;)
19:32.55MikmaKirov: and i use the same texture as my minimap hehe
19:33.09zenziosometimes Telia's problems just get on my nerves x.x
19:33.31dukekuI WANT YOU IN MY ARMS
19:33.47abugpurl, hug dukeku
19:34.04KirovMikma - what happens when you press ctrl
19:34.07abugpurl, whaleslap dukeku
19:34.09KarlThePaganAnduinLothar, ping
19:34.21KirovMikma - or have a spell targeting
19:34.26abugpurl, wake up
19:34.27purlabug: I'm already awake! :)
19:34.34dukekupurl, speak to me
19:34.41dukekugoddamn communist bot
19:34.55Endpurl, revolution!
19:35.00Mike-N-Gopurl, stop cussing!
19:35.04purlACTION leaps to his feet and stops cussing!
19:35.05TC_Working~ignore dukeku
19:35.09purlACTION sticks her fingers in her ears.  "La, la, la!  I can't hear you, dukeku!"
19:35.13zenzioare you all trying to get the bot disconnected again?
19:35.30purlit has been said that purl is the embodiment of EVIL!
19:35.41MikmaKirov: when i press ctrl it becomes double bright
19:35.47zenzio~emulate zenzelezz
19:35.53purlhey, that tickles!
19:35.55AnduinLotharKarlThePagan: pong
19:35.57purlI HATE YOU, scytheblade1
19:35.59abugpurl, I put on my wizard robe and hat
19:36.01purlYou put on my wizard robe and hat?
19:36.03purlARGH!!! STOP IT scytheblade1!!!
19:36.07purlACTION fires 3 more shots, as the first 3 didn't seem to have much effect.
19:36.10Mike-N-Go~emulate purl
19:36.12purlACTION tries to look like herself.
19:36.16ScytheBlade1Purl is quite easy to annoy.
19:36.25purlARGH!!! STOP IT scytheblade1!!!
19:36.43purli heard ! is what my big sibling dpkg uses instead of ~, or not, or what dpkg uses dumbass
19:36.54purlawwwww, whats the matter??
19:36.56Mike-N-Gopurl, stop cussing!
19:36.57purlACTION leaps to his feet and stops cussing!
19:37.05ScytheBlade1You got cussed out by a bot
19:37.08abugpurl, phat
19:37.09purli heard phat is supposedly the best linux distribution for new users., or pretty hot and tempting
19:37.09zenziobot abuse :-o
19:37.32KarlThePaganAnduinLothar, could you recommend anyone who would be interested in porting my LFG mod to a cosmos-friendly framework? proof of concept is almost done - needs nested menus, maybe a complex browser interface depending...
19:37.33TC_Workingit's perfectly legal to abuse the bot
19:37.42Industrialthe mest linux for new users is one that doesnt have x and makes them learn ls, cd, etc.
19:37.42TC_Workingjust maybe not in channel
19:37.47abugbots aren't citizens
19:37.50Industrialbut thats just my opinion :P
19:37.52abugthey have no rights
19:37.59purlI HATE YOU, scytheblade1
19:38.10KarlThePaganbriefly -
19:38.14TC_Workinglol Industrial, the best linux for new users is windows
19:38.17KarlThePaganthat's as complex as the browser gets
19:38.43Industrial~lart TC_Working
19:38.45CairennScytheBlade1: mod is transferred now
19:38.48ScytheBlade1Cairenn, ty
19:38.52KarlThePaganI'll do whatever it takes to separate my Ace2 bindings from the core logic and facilitate whatever other frameworks need
19:38.59Cairennthank Dolby-wowi, he's the one that has to actually do it
19:39.08KarlThePagani'm semi-separable currently
19:39.28Mike-N-Go~emulate mp
19:39.30purl"When it's done (tm)"
19:39.42Industrial~emulate Industrial
19:39.43purlOgm teh tpyoas! Mroe ceffein pls!
19:39.44abug~emulate cogwheel
19:39.45purlACTION shakes its fist at the forums
19:40.27abug~emulate norris
19:40.50abug~emulate stalin
19:41.01TonyD~emulate me
19:41.02purlEmulate you? I dont think I can dumb myself down that much!
19:41.18TonyD~emulate purl
19:41.20purlACTION tries to look like herself.
19:41.30MikmaLOL i got a great idea for "addon"
19:41.37abugo rly?
19:41.47Mikmawhen hunter uses pet, it uses sounds as "miau" or "purrr" when attacking target
19:42.00Mikmaespecially cat. :D
19:42.14Mike-N-Go~emulate R
19:42.15Mikmasure, why noe
19:42.27purljbot: woem
19:42.52abug~emulate a-stray-cat
19:42.54KarlThePaganlooking for cosmos friendly volunteer for my LFG mod!
19:43.08purlShop smart.  Shop s-mart.
19:43.14TonyDlfg mod?
19:43.29abug~emulate anduinlothar
19:43.30purlACTION starts a new project and ends up working on 5 different off-shoot projects as well
19:43.44zenzioIn quiet contemplation, zenzio mourns purl's being spammed
19:43.50TC_Working~emulate Cairenn
19:43.52purlACTION stealth bumps a couple threads
19:43.59TC_Workinglol, thats a new one
19:44.13KarlThePaganTonyD, yes LFG mod
19:44.24KarlThePaganI rape the blizzard LFG system and make it my bitch
19:44.33abugoh hot
19:44.53TonyDI always enjoy a nice raping
19:45.18zenziothat is so quotable...
19:45.24TonyDi had hoped so
19:45.44KarlThePaganso anyways my proof of concept is 100% ace2... but I don't want to neglect the cosmos users... so yea
19:45.46Mike-N-Go~emulate KarlThePagan
19:46.12KarlThePagani'm chatting with AL but he's pvping and I want to fish for more cosmos volunteers (he's pretty busy I'm sure)
19:46.32TonyDi want the ace version
19:46.42KarlThePaganit'll be released by monday
19:46.55KirovOh, that's kinda' nice
19:46.55TonyDstupid blizaard useless pice of crap LFG YU bullshit
19:47.30zenziowhy thank you, all us Blizzard employees in here will certainly take that into consideration TonyD
19:48.02abugpurl, employer
19:48.03TonyDi hate being forced to do something new by having something good taken away
19:48.04KarlThePaganthe blizzard lfg ui is a very tedious interface unfortunately
19:48.22KarlThePaganit has the feel of being written by comittee :(
19:48.33TonyDit could be fixed by adding a default ldf/world chat chanel with an easy on/of button, and a filter
19:48.40abugfight the blizzard machine
19:48.47KarlThePaganan easy on/off button is my #1 feature
19:48.52TonyDthey just don't care anymore, I think
19:49.04KarlThePagan#2 - massive menu-based browser
19:49.16MikmaKarlThePagan: that looks hot :)
19:49.20TonyDkarl: i loved old lfg with discord filter, and another lfg auto on/off addon
19:49.24KarlThePagan#3 - automatic updating of what you're LFG for based on your current location and preferences
19:49.40KarlThePaganTonyD, screenshot?
19:49.49KarlThePaganor is this just a channel filter?
19:50.06TonyDit was a discord addon, doubt it works now
19:50.15*** join/#wowi-lounge ag`_ (n=ag`
19:50.18*** join/#wowi-lounge pastamancer (
19:50.19KirovYou know, I have to say I really like Blizzard.  Especially cookies and cream ones.
19:50.22TonyDthe other one i forget the name of
19:50.25KarlThePaganI'm interested in the stuff that was out there that worked well
19:50.41TonyDlemme check my old interface dir
19:50.42KarlThePaganCTA being one of them
19:51.28TullerI wrote something to scan general and lfg chat for all message containing terms I wanted matched a long time ago, but soon realized, "Hey I just run things with my guild now"
19:52.01TonyDmy guild only has 10 or 11 60's, 3 or 4 on at any given time
19:52.08TonyDwith my rogue, anyways
19:52.21TonyDguess I could send him to fs, where all my other 60's are
19:52.52TonyDi still try to promote use of LookingForGroup whenever I can
19:53.03Tullerwe have a lot of 60s, and usually enough for a five or 10 man usually
19:53.06TonyDbut it's all murloc jokes these days, scares off the straights
19:53.24TonyDi been trying for 2 weeks to run ubrs as much as possible, got in once successfull group
19:53.41TonyDcan't even find a group to do attunement, cuz I can't choose only higher lvls
19:53.51TonyDand i always get 4 lvl 52's or smth
19:54.48KarlThePagancool checking out marsti
19:57.55TonyDmaybe you shou;d have your addon watch LookingForGroup also...
19:58.27KarlThePaganafter the proof of concept is done maybe ;)
19:58.39TonyDNO!!   RIGHT NOW!
19:59.17KarlThePaganhoping for 3 major modules - CTA integration, scanning LFG and public channels, sharing LFG data with your guild
20:00.07TC_Workingmaybe an interguild LFG section as well?
20:00.34KarlThePaganunfortunately there's no world SendAddonMessage
20:00.52KarlThePaganjust raid,group,guild
20:01.01Esamynnoh, god, imagine if there way
20:01.05Esamynnthe stress on the server
20:01.20KarlThePaganthere's still public cat ;)
20:01.21TC_Workingwell to be honest, i meant within your own guild...but still you could use a private channel
20:01.35TC_Workingfor true interguild LFG
20:01.40KarlThePaganyea using acecomm I can sorta do that TC
20:01.50KarlThePaganI'll have to look into telepathy
20:02.18TC_Workingthere is a mod i came upon that translated the chat of one guild to the chat of another guild and vice versa
20:04.14KarlThePaganyea deffinately possible
20:04.24KarlThePaganfirst thing's first - make the blizz lfg work better
20:05.26KarlThePaganwhat I'm most interested in is the rate of adoption and the impact that has on the population of the LFG system
20:05.30*** join/#wowi-lounge pastamancer (
20:05.36KarlThePaganso gotta release very very soon
20:06.24TonyDhmm, hotfix
20:07.00TC_Workingwasnt there one this morning?
20:07.29TC_Workingya...what was that supposed to have done?
20:09.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Matholum (
20:09.51Matholumhello everyone!
20:09.59TC_WorkingHello Matholum
20:10.40BouviHello and welcome to the "I have two hourse and then I am FREE for the weekend" group
20:10.43Matholumi have a question for ya... ^_^
20:11.05TC_Workingno, not everyone is part of that group
20:11.10TC_Workingi still have 6 hrs
20:12.14BouviWell I did get to go to Hooters for lunch so not too bad.
20:12.25Matholumi have a frame... i have a slash command that enables keyboard for it... but in my xml i told keyboard to be false... however... when i load the ui, it is enabled and eats my commands intill i tell it to stop... how do i make it not auto enable?
20:13.24ScytheBlade1Cairenn, question
20:13.33ScytheBlade1Cairenn, how would I change which category my mod is listed under?
20:13.46zenzioMatholum: don't suppose you have a typo in the XML or something like that? Or the code to enable keyboard runs too soon?
20:13.47TC_Workingmeh @ hooters....substandard food for $$$
20:13.52Cairennyou send a PM with the link to the mod and which cat you want it moved to
20:14.03BouviFood here is good.
20:14.10TC_Workinglol, ScytheBlade1, she doesnt want to deal with you now
20:14.12Matholumhmm... i will check...
20:14.13BouviPlus boss paid
20:14.23ScytheBlade1TC_Working, I've noticed ;)
20:14.25TC_Workingoh, well if it's free, it's all goos
20:14.46TC_Workingsee, thats what you get for iritating purl so much
20:15.05purlI HATE YOU, scytheblade1
20:15.05TC_WorkingCairenn & purl, they got this special bond going
20:15.06BouviPurl is evil.  We have been over this
20:15.21TC_Working~evil purl
20:15.23purlpurl is probably the embodiment of EVIL!
20:15.29*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio (n=sp@unaffiliated/sergio)
20:16.47purlhmm... purl is the embodiment of EVIL!
20:17.00BouviNo need to tell purl it is evil.  It knows
20:17.27zenzioI envy your ability to not tire from doing the same thing to the bot a million times over
20:17.29Matholumi don't know why it didn't stop in the xml... but i added an onload to the frame that disabled it... and it worked...
20:17.31zenzioactually, I don't
20:17.42BouviI am totally bored at work
20:18.03zenziono need to ruin purl's workday too!
20:18.31BouviThis is purl's job.  To amuse us.
20:18.42zenziospamming the same factoid over and over is not amusing
20:18.52zenzioif you at least used different ones it might be fun
20:18.55purlACTION fires 3 more shots, as the first 3 didn't seem to have much effect.
20:19.03purlYou know, this got old a long time ago.
20:19.06purlI'm ignoring you now.
20:19.26ScytheBlade1Sucker, that's what you get
20:21.00purlYou know, this got old a long time ago.
20:21.14Bouvipurl repeats
20:21.24TC_Working~literal ~~~~~~~~
20:21.25purl"~~~~~~~~" is "<reply> I'm ignoring you now."
20:21.39TC_Working~literal ~~~~~~~~~
20:21.40purl"~~~~~~~~~" is "<reply>"
20:21.42TC_Working~literal ~~~~~~~
20:21.43purl"~~~~~~~" is "<reply> You know, this got old a long time ago."
20:21.57TC_Workingmeh, that could have been done better
20:23.59Bouvipurl is hot
20:24.17zenzioyes, she is
20:24.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=najklord@
20:28.21*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
20:31.23BouviEveryone should sing the Bouvi theme song.... Go to and scroll down.
20:31.37BouviSomeone speed up time I AM BORED
20:32.29Mikmai wonder why does my keybindings disappear when i enter combat
20:37.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Zorjai (
20:37.59ShadowedFriends list can hold a maximum of 25 people, right?
20:39.48hasteShadowed: ~50 I think
20:40.01End50 sounds closer
20:40.08Shadowed50? wow didn't think it was that high
20:40.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=mjgoosse@
20:40.11End25 sounds too small
20:40.18hasteGetNumFriends() returned 46 here
20:40.41Shadowedwell I guess an easy way to find out
20:40.45Shadowedwho ironforge, add them all
20:41.10hastedo it on some alt, usually a living hell to clean-up the friends list :)
20:41.35ShadowedI have 6 people on my friends list, 3 of those are my alts so CTMail autocomplets them :p
20:42.10EndI have my alts on my friends list too
20:42.20Endfor the exact same reason too
20:42.23foxlitdefault ui autocompletes mail to friends and guildmates :P
20:42.38Shadowedit does? could swear it was a feature for ctmail to do it for guildies
20:43.35Maldiviahmm... can a tainted table contains secure entries?
20:43.37Josh_BorkeEnd: me three!
20:43.55Shadowedyep, max is 50
20:44.49ShadowedWell that makes this tracking mod even easier
20:52.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
20:52.59*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem] by ChanServ
20:55.56*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
20:59.05Josh_Borkehaste: what's your website?
20:59.32TC_Workingneed another f in the front
20:59.42TC_Workingor maybe just a 4
20:59.47ckknight <--- important for developers who use tables
21:00.28hasteTC_Working: nah, it's abused by a friend :)
21:01.17Josh_Borkehaste: what's this about an SVN?
21:01.25Kirovckknight - I'm surprised { [1] = "" } is so different
21:01.33ckknightKirov: yep
21:01.52ckknightanother fun one: { 'alpha', 'bravo', 'charlie', 'delta', 'echo' } vs. { 'alpha', 'bravo', 'charlie', 'delta', 'echo', foxtrot = nil }
21:01.54TC_Workinglol haste
21:01.58ckknightthe latter takes up 28 more bytes
21:02.41Gryphena whole 28?
21:02.56ckknighthey, that's a lot.
21:03.19krkayes, the { } constructor allocates memory, based on the number of keys
21:03.26ckknightwhen you deal with 1000 data sets, that's 28 kb more
21:03.33MaldiviaKirov: why surprised, I was expecting more
21:03.40krkato avoid reallocing, sometimes you even want to do {nil, nil, nil, nil, ...\
21:04.19KirovMaldivia - t = { [1]="" } results in the same table as t = {""}
21:04.46KirovI guess it creates it as a hash, then converts back to an array
21:04.52krkasounds reasonable
21:04.55MaldiviaKirov: I know the end result is the same, but it's two totally different ways to set the [1] field
21:05.18ckknightt = { } t[1] = "" is not the same as doing t = { [1] = "" }
21:05.25ckknightsince the first is a list, second is a hash
21:06.25*** join/#wowi-lounge beNson (
21:07.31hasteJosh_Borke: google code
21:09.53Josh_Borkehaste: minde if i SVN update off it once a day?
21:10.15krkayeah, i think it never resizes a hash down below a certain limit
21:10.18hasteJosh_Borke: I don't mind, neither do I google will
21:10.47Josh_Borkeproject name?
21:10.56Josh_Borkei can't seem to locate it on your website
21:11.20hasteit's not on the site yet, as things there are rather 'unstable' at times, and they don't include libs
21:11.39Josh_Borkehaste: thanks haste :-)
21:12.28Josh_Borkehrm, no oCB or oCD :-(
21:13.23pastamancerJosh_Borke: I'd love to get your thoughts on in  the next hour or so.  I won't be around much over the weekend
21:13.23Josh_Borkewho's this steino fella
21:13.34Josh_Borkebah pastamancer! me neither :-/ i'll look at it now :-)
21:14.14pastamancereverything that's documented works as advertised
21:14.43hasteJosh_Borke: just a friend of mine, who likes to poke at my stuff
21:16.15Josh_Borkepastamancer: that looks good to me
21:16.40Josh_Borkepastamancer: i'll see how difficult it is to get a mod working with it
21:16.47pastamancerJosh_Borke: ok, I switched grid over to using it
21:16.48TonyDwow, my city's covered stadium dome just collapsed
21:17.02pastamancerJosh_Borke: not too difficult :)
21:17.06TonyDInsurance agents founds dead of heart attack
21:17.10Josh_Borkewell, I recently rewrote HealWatch
21:17.13Neuro_Medivhwhat city, TonyD?
21:17.20Josh_Borkenot particualarly too interested in rewriting it again ;-)
21:17.27TonyDBC Pkace
21:17.29Josh_Borkehaste: would you say his oCB branch is stable enough to use?
21:17.32Neuro_MedivhOH, Canadian city.. thought you meant a real city
21:17.46hasteJosh_Borke: I have no idea, everything he does is rather hackish
21:17.47TonyDolympics 2010
21:17.51Josh_Borkenot to be a nuisance :-)
21:17.52Josh_Borkelol haste
21:18.19TonyDwill be in that very (prolly soon to be open) stadium
21:18.28hasteJosh_Borke: He just wants to hack on stuff, to compare it to my version when I get it done
21:18.57Josh_Borkei see
21:19.43grollanyone got any clue as to why my herbs dont show up on my minimap with cartogrhapher?
21:20.22ckknightgroll: do they show up on the world map?
21:20.31ckknightgroll: what zone?
21:20.53ckknightdo other notes show up on the minimap?
21:21.02grollbut i know i did something before to clear the db i think.. didnt know that was what it did, but now stuff only show up on the main and not the mini
21:21.14grollother notes such as? ore/chests?
21:21.22grollore i dunno as i dont have mining
21:21.42ckknightgo to the Notes module, see if the Show Minimap Icons thing is checked
21:23.05grollok will do that just need to log on
21:25.15Josh_Borkemaybe i'll work on raidcast...
21:27.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Jocco_S (
21:28.24pastamancerJosh_Borke: raidcast?  is that what it sounds like?
21:28.41Josh_Borkei think so?  a generic form of HealWatch
21:29.06pastamanceryeah, I was thinking of writing a simple addon that did that as an example
21:29.45Josh_Borkesorry, i'm stuck on the GUI portion
21:30.01pastamancerI was just going to have an anchor with bars underneath
21:30.22Josh_Borkei'm trying to make it so you can filter what you want shown easily
21:30.26Josh_Borkemodular and all that too
21:30.38pastamancerI wasn't planning to do that :p
21:30.51pastamancerno options, just proof-of-concept
21:31.12grollhmm if using standalone libs and one lib aint needed it wont get loaded right?
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21:32.00Josh_Borkeif i create a table to hold tables for reuse, and i set the values to be weak, wouldn't that mess up the order of the table?
21:32.03foxlitIt would get loaded, but it would then be disposed of.
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21:32.26Josh_Borkewhen values are randomly gc'd out of the table?
21:32.57krkaorder of the table?
21:33.09pastamancerhmm, I have no idea
21:33.10Josh_Borkewell, i tinsert(_freeTbls,tbl) and tremove(_freeTbls)
21:33.30krkawouldn't the GC operations be equivalnt to someone manually setting t[k] = nil ?
21:34.02Josh_Borkethough i suppose it really wouldn't matter
21:34.12Josh_Borkesince the tables that were cut off from the rest would be gc'd later too
21:34.58pastamancerwhy not store the tables as keys?
21:35.08pastamancerIIRC that's what compost did
21:35.34Eternally777And what a bunch of other libs/mods have started to do locally
21:35.42krkayes, i do that to
21:35.53Josh_Borkemake the tables keys?
21:36.08Eternally777The tables won't get GC'ed though, since they still have strong references as far as I know.
21:36.50Maldiviackknight  ?
21:37.00Eternally777t[k] = true if the table is being stored for reuse, then t[k] = nil when it's being distributed.
21:37.16ckknightMaldivia: !
21:37.31Maldiviackknight: considered adding lua "opcodes" to your table init page?
21:37.38Eternally777I still don't understand why the table is set to have weak keys though.
21:37.48ckknightMaldivia: hrm, could be useful
21:37.56pastamancerso tables waiting to be resued can still be GC'd
21:38.17Josh_Borkebtw pastamancer, what's with the do...end statementS?
21:38.29Eternally777I see.
21:38.42pastamanceronly new and del have access to cache
21:38.48*** join/#wowi-lounge abug (
21:38.53Josh_Borkehuh, that's pretty nifty
21:39.05Josh_Borkecoolio, i get it now
21:39.08Eternally777But why would you want to GC them?  That means after every GC cycle, your cache is emptied again, right?
21:39.48abugwhat's nifty?
21:39.49krkawell, the gc is incremental
21:39.56krkaso it might just get partially emptied
21:42.00Josh_Borkewhen the values in the table get gc'd the table size can shrink, lowering the amount of memory needed
21:42.05Josh_Borketrue or false?
21:42.20Maldiviackknight: and which version of lua did you use, to generate the results?
21:42.38Eternally777So using that method could potentially be worse than just recreating tables.  Worst case scenario being that the cache is emptied by GC between each call.
21:42.43ckknightyou can tell by the collectgarbage('count')
21:42.59krkaJosh_Borke: true
21:43.54Maldiviackknight: ok, I'm getting slightly different values with 5.1.1
21:44.07ckknightwhat're you getting?
21:44.23ckknightI'm using 5.1.1
21:44.24Josh_BorkeEternally777: what do you mean by worse?
21:44.33Josh_Borkeas far as garbage churn?
21:44.59Eternally777If the cache is empty, it's just another extra function call where it could be just '{}'
21:45.45Eternally777s/could be just/could simply be/
21:46.22Eternally777Or would that be deemed a negligable fact in this situation?
21:46.30krkafor some cases, it's cheaper to just nil the table and create a new one than nil all the contents and put it on the cache and then get it back
21:46.39krka(including the time to gc)
21:47.25Josh_Borkei think i'm confused :-)
21:47.31Josh_Borkeand i think this is over my head :-D
21:48.09Eternally777heh, it's way over mine too.  I'm just trying to shorten the gap :-P
21:48.27abugpurl, nerd
21:48.28purl[nerd] a sexy person, who will someday be rich!
21:48.44*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
21:48.48BouviTime to go teach kids respect, dicipline, and so on.  Catch you all later.
21:48.57TC_Workingpurl, you lie
21:48.59purlsomebody said you lie was i need to get a pidgit
21:49.10Maldiviackknight: <-- what I'm seeing
21:51.32ckknightpurl sucks
21:51.33purlonly if you ask nicely and pay well.
21:51.57TC_Workingthough i think that was really aimed at Tain
21:52.13TainDon't aim that thing at me!
21:52.38TC_Workinglike you dont want it
21:53.20TainI was asking for it.  Did you see how I was dressed?
21:53.44TC_Workingummm...i thought you werent supposed to know about the camera in your room?
21:54.13TainI dance for the camera every day.
21:54.17TainIt puts the lotion on the skin
21:54.30TC_Workingbah, no wonder it breaks down so much
21:54.40TC_Workingthe lens keeps cracking
21:56.50grollckknight u made the cartographer import?
21:56.59grollError:  attempt to index global 'Cartrographer' (a nil value)AddOn: Cartographer_ImportFile: Import.luaLine: 228Count: 1
21:57.14grollgot it just nu
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21:58.30ckknightfixed, groll
21:59.22Josh_Borkepastamancer: replied on wowi
21:59.48grollok ckknight it dont even save my spots any longer i noticed o_O
22:00.06ckknightdon't know what spots are
22:01.17grollckknight the herbspots we talked about a few minutes ago :P
22:01.29grolli'll remove my saved variables and see if that helps
22:02.21abugpurl, your mom
22:02.22purl[your mom] a ho
22:03.28Mikmahehe /script ActionButton1HotKey:SetText("lol")
22:04.33abugpurl, o rly?
22:04.34purlYA RLY!
22:04.36abugpurl, no wai
22:04.42abugpurl, no wai!
22:04.53ckknightpurl, nowai
22:05.17ckknightpurl, no wai is <reply>see nowai
22:05.18purlckknight: okay
22:05.23ckknight~no wai
22:05.42abugpurl, no wai
22:05.47abugpurl, no
22:06.06abugpurl, eat me
22:06.08purlACTION eats abug and falls over dead
22:08.12zenziopurl, wai
22:08.45zenziothink the "no" word is speshul at the start of sentences for infobots
22:08.51krka23:08:44 Ignoring ALL from purl
22:08.51krka23:08:47 Ignoring ALL from abug
22:08.53krkamuch better
22:09.39Kirovpurl, give krka location of treasure map
22:10.06Mikmaso that's where it's burried
22:10.11Kirovoh, hey, that's easy, and that much money?  krka, you don't know what you're missing
22:10.27ckknightzenzio: makes sense
22:10.46zenziothink you can escape it, like you can "I" and those other special ones
22:14.31*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
22:23.03Mikmaanyone knows how can i change the scale of ActionButton1HotKey ? :O simple ActionButton1HotKey:SetScale(foo) doesn't work
22:24.47hasteMikma: Go have a look at SetFont
22:25.03Mikmahaste: thank you :)
22:25.23grollckknight no cartographer problems any more :) nodes show on minimap etc again :)
22:30.46Tierrie|Workcartographer smartographer
22:31.28TC_WorkingTierrie|Work, should we sign you up for some english classes?
22:31.42Tierrie|Workenglish smenglish
22:31.59TC_Working~bitchslap Tierrie|Work
22:32.03purlACTION beats the sh*t out of Tierrie|Work
22:32.27Tierrie|Workyou know what i would like? like a 72 hour rip in space/time so i can work on my mod
22:32.42TC_Workingyou will have's called the weekend
22:33.10Tierrie|Workthe problem with coding on the weekend is you end up on monday, at work, feeling like you haven't had a break and then productivity suffers
22:33.55TainI'd never let my productivity at work suffer.
22:34.04TainI have the same low levels of productivity always.
22:34.15nymbiathat's the spirit!
22:36.29TC_Workingya, the spirit of crap production
22:38.49TainIt's the American dream.
22:47.20purlyay! i mean.. boo.
22:49.16purlMoonWolf: :)
22:50.26*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (n=qw@
22:53.17purlFriday sucks.
22:53.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (n=jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
22:53.30purlextra, extra, read all about it, today is Friday
22:54.18purlFriday sucks, because it should be the weekend, but you're stuck working anyway.
22:55.16bleetahpurl's stupid.. 'sif Friday
22:55.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Arsonide (
22:56.56ArsonideHey question, I'm using this ImprovedGlobalDefense mod, I LOVE it, but it puts itself above the default chat window and has no change position option, my guild chat is up there so they overlap. I want it in the bottom right of the screen. I looked at the XML and it looks possible, but I'm not sure how to mod the anchor points and such.
22:57.04bleetahi spent all friday thinking it was thursday
22:57.14bleetahnow it's saturday, i'm not going to be fooled by purl's stupidity
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23:00.09*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
23:05.08Tierrie|WorkArsonide: find out where it anchors itself and then anchor it on the right side of the screen or somesuch
23:06.08Tierrie|Worki love digg,  ireally do, but I think the whole digg mechanism can be replaced by bobbleheads. you post a story and then you shack the bobbleheads, and the nods counts as digg up, and the sideway headshake counts as digg downs
23:06.21Tierrie|Workbecause that's about how much thought goes into each digg
23:09.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
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23:14.40abugpurl, tickle Quetz
23:14.41purlACTION jumps on Quetz, yelling "TICKLE FIGHT!!!!"
23:21.25bleetahsomeone's reading out all the headers from a mail they've got a problem with :/
23:23.03*** join/#wowi-lounge TuX_BuBling (
23:23.06TuX_BuBlinghey hey
23:23.12TuX_BuBlingTuller: are you here?
23:23.35TuX_BuBlinggot an error with vbagnon
23:23.45TuX_BuBlingwhen i want to link an item from my bank
23:24.37TullerI think someone posted that on curse, too
23:24.45TuX_BuBlingvbagnon/core/item.lua: 240 attempt to call field 'GetItemHypeLink' a nil value
23:24.51TuX_BuBlingah maybe
23:25.00Tullerlooks like I forgot an r? :)
23:25.11bleetahGertItemHypeLink? :-P
23:25.13TuX_BuBlingno i
23:25.32TuX_BuBlingtyping is bad ^^
23:27.13Tullerfixed in mine
23:30.20TuX_BuBlingso share it :)
23:30.45Tullerchange GetItemHyperLink to GetItemData :)
23:32.53TuX_BuBlingok let's try this :)
23:33.28TuX_BuBlingso nice so good ^^
23:34.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=najklord@
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23:59.06Cairenn|afkMoonWolf: :)
23:59.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Zorjai (

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