irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070104

00:01.52Mikmawell, the whole idea is not to create new buttons but to reuse the old one. and the real question is can the attributes be set on them?
00:01.58*** join/#wowi-lounge GryphonTHZ (
00:03.59Cideyou can set attributes on them sure
00:05.30Mikmahmm. is there any "buts" in then?
00:06.46*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
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00:08.38KirkburnMikma likes buts, he cannot deny
00:09.17Mikmano, i like Butts
00:09.26Mikmaand it's true, i do :)
00:10.01Guillotinehmm. some addon is stopping me from dismissing my pet. Is there any way to dismiss it?
00:10.41Guillotinenot in live yet
00:10.50Guillotinedunno if its in beta
00:12.08*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
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00:14.37KirkburnIt's a bug they're fixing, the inability to dismiss pets
00:14.56zenzelezzgo and have it killed? :-x
00:14.59KirkburnSpecifically relating to the dropdown list
00:15.27GuillotineKirkburn: ya, I know. but not much I can do about it now ><
00:15.34KirkburnHeh, beta hunters aren't pissed off enough already? :P
00:15.45KirkburnGuillotine, indeed no :(
00:16.07KirkburnMy warlock's method is to fly straight upwards
00:16.50Guillotineya, with my warlock I just start summoning my imp then cancel
00:17.50KirkburnThat doesn't work in beta
00:17.58KirkburnWait, is that not in 2.0.1?
00:17.59*** join/#wowi-lounge hyperChipmunk (
00:18.30KirkburnGoldeneye! Woo, what a film
00:18.45KirkburnGuillotine, when you summon a pet now, it just stuns your current one until you've finished
00:18.59Guillotinedangit ><
00:19.16Xolan[EU]is there a "combobox" like widget in the wow api?
00:19.32Xolan[EU]like the <select> in html
00:22.12Xolan[EU]or can I use UIDropDownMenu with single choices instead of toggeling?
00:23.51Xolan[EU]bah I'll leave it for tomorrow
00:23.56Xolan[EU]need sleep now :)
00:24.23*** part/#wowi-lounge Xolan[EU] (n=Xolan[
00:24.36*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork2 (
00:26.09KirkburnThe API sections seems to have been so quiet recently :(
00:28.03Guillotinehaha, found an awesome bug
00:28.23Guillotinein the hunter taming quest for orcs/trolls, the last taming rod is an item
00:28.25Guillotine1-0 damage
00:28.32Guillotineit looks like a big blue box on your hand
00:28.52zenzelezzsomeone, wonder if it was Industrial, was having a problem with that a few days ago
00:29.39Guillotineit still works, but you ahve to equip it and wait 30 seconds
00:30.57Guillotineits a great way to level up unarmed. it does no damage, so you can just melee critters
01:00.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Garthnait (
01:01.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
01:10.38KirkburnBeta patch :)
01:10.59Cidewhat's it do what's it do?!
01:16.34Tullermy main hope: SELECTED_DOCK_FRAME = ChatFrame1
01:17.10Garthnaithey guys. i tried this tut
01:17.46Garthnaitbut when i put that in my lua a error appears in line: for chattype,info in MyAddOn_UserVars.Chat do
01:17.54Garthnaiti dont no why
01:18.09Garthnaiti've just copied an paste the text to test
01:18.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Bouvi (n=Bouvi@
01:19.02BouviGreetings creatures of the night
01:19.12Garthnaithi bouvi
01:20.18BouviHow are all the wonderful people tonight?
01:20.28Garthnaitfine, fine
01:20.45Garthnaitand you?
01:21.24GarthnaitCan anyone help me with the tut "HOWTO: Create your own chat types"
01:21.54BouviGot a link to it?
01:22.56BouviOver my head at this time sorry
01:23.00AnduinLotharwhat do you need help with?
01:23.15AnduinLotharI wrote the satellite lib that impliments it
01:24.10Garthnaiti copied the text in my addon, just copy and paste
01:24.19Garthnaitdo i have to to anything else?
01:27.05AnduinLotharmmm pastebin your code
01:27.16Garthnaitjust one moment
01:34.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Karg (
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01:38.37*** part/#wowi-lounge Imrcly (
01:38.49cogwheelwoot! got my microsoft antitrust settlement check today XD
01:39.09Bouvi50 cents?
01:39.19cogwheel$32... close enough :P
01:40.36Tullernot many changes in the UI between last time and the new patch
01:41.10Osagasua few bugfixes.
01:41.16OsagasuThat seems to be about it.
01:42.53Tullerarena promoter -> organizer
01:44.09Anduneah alt+clicking finally worked for oRA2 MainTank.  I had to click at some invisible spot in the corner.
01:44.12Tullerthere's a list, CLASS_BUTTONS
01:44.17Anduneand reloaded the UI
01:44.20Tullerbut I don't know where its used
01:45.01Tullerhrm, maybe its for texture coords for the class texture?
01:45.43Tulleryes, that's what its for :)
01:46.32Mikmaso, seems like I don't know how to use SetAttribute. I'm not even sure can it be used with ActionButton1-12
01:47.16Tullersure it can
01:47.27TullerActionButton1:SetAttribute('action', actonID)
01:47.36Tullerthat'll change its action to the given idea
01:47.38Tullererr id
01:47.54TullerActionButton1:SetAttribute('action2', actionID), would change its id on right click
01:48.23Mikmai'm trying to do a shift/ctrl/alt page-changer for the buttons
01:48.42Tullerthat's a bit more difficult
01:49.16Mikmagetglobal("ActionButton"..i):SetAttribute("statemap-shift-0", s0)
01:49.21Mikmai tried something like that
01:49.49Mikmaand shift-1, s0
01:49.49Tulleryou need to use a statedriver, and set the actionbutton's parent to that
01:49.51AnduinLotharGarthnait: what are you using the chat type for?
01:50.11MikmaTuller: argh, just as i thought, it's much more difficult than i first guessed
01:50.19Garthnaiti will replayce DEAFAULT_CHAT_FRAME with it
01:50.31TullerMikma: yes, yes it is :)
01:50.50AnduinLotharthat's a chat frame, not a chat type
01:50.59Tuller is probably one of the better resources
01:51.01AnduinLotharjust for output then?
01:51.52MikmaTuller: thank you very much :) i'm putting that link down so i will remember it tomorrow :D
01:52.29AnduinLotharGarthnait: i dont think that code has been updated for 2.0
01:52.42AnduinLotharnot sure if it's diff tho
01:52.47Garthnaithmm, okay
01:53.04AnduinLotharwhat's it not doing?
01:53.31Garthnaitit gives me an error. the line: for chattype,info in MyAddOn_UserVars.Chat do
01:54.18AnduinLotharyeah that's lua 5.1
01:54.25AnduinLotharneeds pairs or ipairs wrapp
01:54.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Sstixrud (
01:55.38*** join/#wowi-lounge End_ (n=end@
01:55.40KemayoZOMG WoWI has popup ads now?
01:56.04SstixrudAnyone ran into the issue where buttons that are :Hide on a custom action bar show up during the "drag" event?
01:58.24Garthnaitso, now i've to go to bed. i'll be back tomorrow. gn8 @ all
02:00.59cladhaireHas anyone here every written a PhD research proposal?
02:08.42BouviNope and sounds rough
02:11.12purlit has been said that purl is the embodiment of EVIL!
02:11.55BouviAhhh no one has changed it :)
02:20.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Lamex (
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02:34.58*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
02:35.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
02:35.59Hobinheimapologies for the drive by...
02:36.11Hobinheimis there like... a cvs place or whatever for wow plug-ins
02:36.15Hobinheimshort of going to sourceforge
02:36.25Hobinheimlike what do other plugin developers mostly use
02:36.44Hobinheimoh oh paging AnduinLothar, i have a question for you
02:37.31Hobinheimi wanted code where i could drag stuff up and down
02:37.35Hobinheimsomeone reco'ed i talk to you
02:37.47Hobinheimlike fubar you can drag things in place left and right
02:37.53Hobinheimi wanted to drag rows to rearrange their order
02:38.11Hobinheimthing like.... auction house rows. rows of data
02:38.17AnduinLotharah ok
02:38.19Hobinheimthen you drag one and switch their order
02:38.26Hobinheimsomeone said you did this already
02:38.38Hobinheimi was looking at fubar and figured it was the same. i dunno i'm not really an addon author
02:39.50AnduinLotharlike that?
02:40.21Hobinheimcan i do it with more advanced rows
02:40.27Hobinheimthings that are loaded with widgets
02:40.31Hobinheimand not just a big text field
02:40.40Hobinheimlike i said, not a mod author, i don't know what i'm talking about
02:40.42AnduinLotharsure, as long as each row has a parent frame
02:45.55ZealotOnAStickAlso - what tool or addon can I use to see precisely what events are happening when I try to do something?
02:46.01ZealotOnAStickand . . .
02:46.03ZealotOnAStickWhat's a good addon to look at for stuff on the new iteminfo stuff and tooltips/item links?
02:46.05End_huh, looks like another beta push
02:47.38*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio (n=sp@unaffiliated/sergio)
02:53.35*** part/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
02:54.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
02:55.09EndI should stop trying to logon to the beta
02:55.19Endeach time I try to connect to a server, it goes down
02:55.44Qshadowplmfao final fantasy
02:55.46End(and by go down I mean boots me and then says offline)
02:56.31Endoh, that's interesting, it appears hellfire and blade's edge are simply alternating in up/down status
02:57.06EndI can't disable AddOns in the addon list
02:57.52Endyou can't disable/enable addons without a character created :P
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03:32.02Cideum... " Im sorry I dont have the time to look through 15+ pages of replies. so has anyone else had the problem of their CTRaid auto uninstalling?"
03:33.20*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren (
03:35.53AnduinLotharwiki slow?
03:36.09Mr_Rabies2ptr invisible for us non beta people
03:38.36SP|Sorrenpsst, anyone know of a spellbinder-like addon with profiles?
03:47.57Mr_Rabies2so do druids properly get 225 riding when they learn flight form yet?
03:55.42Corrodiasautomatically uninstalling?
03:55.47Corrodiasthat seems like a strange issue
03:57.31Mr_Rabies2they probably have cosmos and are too dumb to protect the addon from being cleaned
03:58.51*** join/#wowi-lounge MIABot (
04:01.02EndI thought cosmos was careful about deleting now?
04:01.03End(meaning, it'd only get deleted if it was deleted from cosmos)
04:01.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Caboose[FH] (
04:01.50TainI'm pretty sure that's the case.  But if for some reason it isn't there's no way in hell you can blame a user for being "too dumb" to prevent Cosmos from doing it.  
04:02.11TainIt was a flaw in Cosmos's design, not a flaw in users.
04:03.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
04:04.21ZealotOnAStickSorren, asked Nymbia about adding profiles?
04:05.05*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (
04:11.11Mr_Rabies2<End> I thought cosmos was careful about deleting now?
04:11.49Mr_Rabies2it has the cleaning thing off by default i think, and there's plenty of documentation telling people how to protect their addons if they turn cleaning on
04:12.27TainNo user should have to protect their addons.
04:12.49*** join/#wowi-lounge andross_ (n=andross@
04:13.47cladhairemy addons have been the victim of pedophiles twice now
04:13.49cladhairewe're thinking of moving.
04:14.16Mr_Rabies2well Tain, it checks the SVN, and by default, only adds to your addon directory if you use the launcher
04:14.33sergiowhat the?
04:14.39Mr_Rabies2but you can turn on a feature designed to remove addons no longer on the SVN, but it also removes addons you haven't protected using the launcher
04:15.08Taincladhaire I posted this morning in a WoW thread on a gaming forum about the new PR update.  There was thunderous applause.
04:15.20cladhairehope they're not disappointed
04:15.23cladhaireand their eyes dont bleed.
04:15.34TainI know Mr_Rabies and that's a flawed implementation.  It should *never* delete an addon that wasn't downloaded by the launcher.
04:17.02Mr_Rabies2:shrug: people like complaining about everything they can with cosmos, it seems. I've never had a problem with it, even when i had to make .nopatch files to protect my non-cosmos addons
04:17.52Mr_Rabies2and i have no mercy after seeing some wow players, if you cant figure it out, don't use it
04:19.03TainI'll complain about things that deserve being complained about.  Something deleting addons that it has no business touching is one of the stupidest things I've seen yet in WoW.
04:19.32TainAt least it isn't the default behavior anymore, but it shouldn't be there at all.
04:20.05Mr_Rabies2you don't have to use the launcher, by any means
04:20.20*** join/#wowi-lounge andross_ (n=andross@
04:20.59TainIt shouldn't even be an option.  There's no reason for it even have the capability to remove other addons.
04:21.19Mr_Rabies2it removes addons not on the svn if you tell it to
04:21.55Mr_Rabies2since, say, Fubar, isn't on the SVN, it removes it if you tell it to and don't protect it first
04:22.31TainYes, and that's ... gosh it's hard to not curse at how assinine that behavior is.
04:23.02TainWhat it should do is simply keep track of addons that it has downloaded from the SVN, and if they're not in the SVN anymore then delete them locally if you so choose.
04:23.23TainTouching any other addon is just plain way off base.
04:23.36Mr_Rabies2plus when i forget to protect an addon before i patch cosmos, i just hit undelete from the recycle bin
04:23.37ZealotOnAStickTrying again: What's a good addon to look at for stuff on the new iteminfo stuff and tooltips/item links?  . . . and what tool or addon can I use to see precisely what events are happening when I try to do something?
04:24.24Mr_Rabies2well, i'm sure they have a reason for it functioning how it does, perhaps to ensure compatibility with itself for those who are less technically-minded, i dunno
04:24.36Mr_Rabies2i can't speak for the team but i've never had issue with how the patcher works in that regard
04:24.40*** part/#wowi-lounge TML (i=joey@unaffiliated/tml)
04:24.40TainThe onus is on Cosmos to not destroy other people's addons, not on the addon to protect itself from predatory behavior.
04:33.53Thunder_ChildZealotOnAStick for the second part i think you want devtools
04:39.17Endthey did put a boundary on the edges of outland, didn't they? so you can't just fly off into the sunset?
04:39.48Thunder_Childor they do that same style of thing is swiming to far out
04:40.01*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (
04:40.10vithyeah, i quit using cosmos because the patcher is so stupid.  i don't miss it
04:40.11Thunder_Childwow...there was a badly set up statement
04:40.16Endthat's what I thought they'd do originally
04:40.25Endbut I heard it wasn't fatigue after all
04:40.39Endand there is just an invisible wall
04:40.55Thunder_Childlolz, they should make you auto-dismount
04:41.09Endthat'd suck
04:41.31Thunder_Childwell, at least you know you hit the boundry
04:42.02Endalthough, anyways, physically the blood elf and draenei starting zones aren't -too- far away.  if it was fatigue you might be able to see them in the distance before dying
04:42.56Thunder_Childrealy realy strong fatigue
04:43.36TainYay!  The 19th International Obfuscated C Code Contest is open!
04:43.48Thunder_Childwhy is there even a physical link between them?
04:44.32cladhaireIOCCC <#
04:45.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Dhraga (
04:45.52Dhragamorning all
04:46.35vithThunder_Child: probably it was easier to implement that way and was judged to have no drawbacks
04:46.51Mr_Rabies2<End> although, anyways, physically the blood elf and draenei starting zones aren't -too- far away.  if it was fatigue you might be able to see them in the distance before dying
04:46.53Thunder_Childhmm..i would think it was harder that way
04:47.00Mr_Rabies2they're not in the world
04:47.06Mr_Rabies2only instanced
04:47.20Mr_Rabies2i used wowmapview to check :p
04:49.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Vallerius (
04:52.33EndMr_Rabies2: they are on the same map as outland
04:52.47Mr_Rabies2which i can't see since i don't have beta
04:53.21Endit displays them as if they are in the normal kalimdor/azeroth maps though
04:53.38Endin fact, in game, there is not much indication that they are on the outland map
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04:58.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_Ghost (
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05:17.35ckknighthey all
05:18.38AnduinLotharanyone have any clue in javascript how to abstract onclick handlers using css?
05:18.51AnduinLotharor ids anyway
05:19.07AnduinLotharso all tags of the same id have an inate onclick
05:20.01Valleriusumm... basically you need to use the DOM functions to get a list of all elements with that id/class/whatever
05:20.13Valleriusthen iterate to insert the behavior you wnat
05:20.14Endisn't id supposed to be unique?
05:20.16AnduinLotharso i have to loop them and update?
05:20.40Valleriusid is supposed to be unique, yes. class is more appropriate. then loop and update onload
05:21.05AnduinLotharok, then i need to figure otu how to actually set it in js
05:21.46Valleriusnot sure on that one, sorry. been too long since i last did that stuff
05:24.49AnduinLothardo you access classes differently than id's in js?
05:25.25AnduinLothari should look at some of my old code
05:25.40EndI vaguely remember a getelementbyid or something like that
05:25.48Endbut that only gets one result
05:26.01Endhowever you get classes, that'd probably get more than one result
05:26.07Valleriushold up, let me poke google
05:26.11AnduinLotharyes there's a getElementById
05:27.22Valleriuswould getElementsByTagName work for you? document.getElementsByTagName('a') should get you all links
05:27.44AnduinLotharyeah, i can't seem to get that to work on anythign but the document
05:27.56AnduinLotharlike i can get sub sections
05:28.26EndI did find this:
05:28.32End(look at #8)
05:28.36AnduinLotharbut i'm sure i can figure out the dom, how do i set onload and onclick of an element tho? just el.onclick=function() {} ?
05:28.54Endit uses the getElementByTagName Vallerius mentioned though
05:29.12Valleriusyes, just setting the .onclick should work
05:32.44AnduinLotharhow do i get the size of an array in js?
05:33.20AnduinLotharya, thx
05:36.03Mr_Rabies2okay come on ptr :[
05:38.22AnduinLotharheh, that addLoadEvent is jsut a classing post hook
05:40.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Kronus (n=Kronus@
05:48.56*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (n=rumors@
05:54.13Valleriushey AnduinLothar, can you think of an elegant way to disable a specific addon only while my addon is enabled? DisableAddon is no good because the one i want to disable is a blizz addon and there's no way for a user to reenable
05:54.37Valleriusif they uninstall my addon, or whatnot
06:06.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=mjgoosse@
06:09.12Mr_Rabies2can someone please explain to me how a 2284 crit on a warrior is possible? :x
06:09.24Mr_Rabies2it looked like he was in plate, too
06:09.35Mr_Rabies2er 2284 crit with ravage, that is
06:10.02*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (n=quoin@
06:10.05Mr_Rabies2don't think i had berserking, and i usually don't crit that high on leather even
06:12.49Mike-N-GoHe had great agi.?
06:13.38Mr_Rabies2i honestly have no clue how that happened
06:14.01*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg_ (
06:14.06Mr_Rabies2i was just stealthing around in AV and ravaged a random warrior and cut out about 1/2 of his hp or so
06:14.30Mr_Rabies2er ab
06:14.45Mr_Rabies2i'm guessing berserker stance + leather, but it looked like mostly plate
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06:26.20Mr_Rabies2sure would be nice to be able to get on the ptr :[
06:31.08ckknight <-- diff of framexml
06:38.24Mr_Rabies21wk 4days 22hrs 21mins 47secs until Burning Crusade.
06:39.08Tierrieif you register for UNIT_HEALTH you will get almost all sorts of rubbish won't you? for like unit = target, targettarget,focustarget,raid1, pet, and all sorts of stuff
06:47.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Dhraga (
06:47.16ShadowedYou don't get targettarget stuff
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06:48.32Shadowedjust the standard target, focus, raid, party, pet, raid pet, party pet...not sure if you even get raid pet actually
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08:06.45Tierrieso you don't get focustarget? and targettarget? hmm so a manual poll is needed to get the target's health?
08:12.39ShadowedMods that do stuff like ToT just do an OnUpdate check for target changes
08:18.42Shadowedand health updates
08:22.10Tierriehm ok
08:40.10*** join/#wowi-lounge ZealotOnAStick (
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09:17.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Neuro_Medivh (
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09:36.36Neuro_Medivhhow do you check the headers of an email for the actual sender?
09:37.01KirovNeuro_Medivh - that depends on the e-mail
09:37.14Neuro_Medivhit's in Hotmail
09:37.21Neuro_Medivhit claims to be from eyonix
09:37.32KirovAh, yeah, a lot of us got that.
09:37.35KirovAppears to be legit
09:37.46Kirovthough, odd
09:37.53Neuro_Medivhthey don't want password, but they do want account nam
09:40.33Mr_Rabies2what does it pertain to? :O
09:41.09Neuro_Medivhsomething about the beta
09:41.44ZealotOnAStickDid you make Blizzard Friend status?
09:42.51ZealotOnAStickWith hotmail, I dunno . . .
09:43.02Neuro_Medivhyes, Zealot
09:43.13Neuro_Medivhand it showed up as a friend contacting me
09:45.43Mr_Rabies2eyonix is a friend to all :3
09:47.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
09:51.29Mike-N-GoCan anyone tell me anything about [The Greatest Race of Hunters]?
09:53.24Neuro_Medivhit's the DM trinket book for Hunters
09:54.31|FF|Im2good4uyeah dead mines ftw
10:06.36krkadoesn't look that good to me
10:07.20KirovThird or fourth best trinket in the game for hunters, depending on who you ask.
10:07.38Kirov(which has more to do with how crappy trinkets for hunters are more than it being all that good)
10:07.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
10:07.56Neuro_Medivhit's good for the amount of effort required (i.e. buying it and turning it in, free xp + trinket)
10:08.15KirovBlackhand's Breath being the old #1
10:08.22Kirovand still is for the most part
10:08.40KirovDrakefang Talisman is a neck n' neck
10:08.58Neuro_MedivhBB is just such a solid trinket
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11:28.07Mr_Rabies2<Kirov> Third or fourth best trinket in the game for hunters, depending on who you ask.
11:28.19Mr_Rabies2i use it and devilsaur eye, works great
11:28.47Mr_Rabies2got about 1400 RAP on 2.0 when i was marks with that combo after popping the trinket
11:28.52Mr_Rabies2and blood fury :p
11:29.13Mr_Rabies2in blues and some greens
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11:52.00Garthnaithello together
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12:50.40*** join/#wowi-lounge VoidRaider (
12:51.17VoidRaider|VRHowdy all
12:59.24VoidRaiderIf I have an Ace2 addon that uses an embedded lib and I download the standalone version would the embedded lib be loaded anyway, or Ace2 have checks that prevents it ?
13:01.06nevcairielboth will be loaded, but only one copy will be kept in memory, all other copys will be purged in the next garbage collection
13:04.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Bouvi (
13:04.52VoidRaiderHmm, well, in that case even if you have 2 addons that uses embedded libs you still have one copy kept ...  however what I'm trying to say is, if Ace2 have checks that prevents the lib from being loaded after the standalone lib was loaded
13:04.56VoidRaiderMorning :)
13:07.04nevcairielEvery lib, if standalone or not, will check if there is already a copy loaded and compare version numbers, the newer version will be kept, and the older ( or same ) version will not initialize and be removed from memory
13:09.43VoidRaiderok, I'll remove these embedded libs from the toc manually then, thanks :)
13:19.41*** join/#wowi-lounge [Liq] (
13:20.36purlextra, extra, read all about it, purl is the embodiment of EVIL!
13:22.26VoidRaiderEvil ? you meant Good ?
13:27.45|FF|Im2good4ui h8 bugs !
13:27.57zenzelezzyou height bugs? That makes no sense
13:29.49JensHis nick makes no sense either.
13:30.18JensBut I suppose using pipes and numbers instead of letters, is what the cool kids do these days.
13:30.52JensI mean... why make nick completion easy for everyone?
13:31.08zenzelezznick completion is for lazy people
13:31.15VoidRaiderJens with all the respect I don't understand what is your point and what are you trying to earn from it ?
13:32.14JensI don't have a "point" as such. Merely a personal belief that leet speak is silly.
13:32.36krkal0lz0rz, u r teh n00b
13:33.20VoidRaiderI think we got it :)
13:34.11nevcairieli generally dont answer people who start a tell with "hi m8, r u there?"
13:34.13BouviNo Comment (Agrees with Jens)
13:34.49nevcairielbut i shouldnt've told a good friend of mine that i hate it, now she is always nagging me with it :P
13:35.07JensNeither do I... unless I'm trying to sell them something in IF :P
13:35.28VoidRaiderI don't answer people that using it too, I think it's immature in a way but I also don't think people should start insulting people too ...
13:35.35BouviOh I answer them I am just VERY Verbose
13:37.57JensDepends on how bored I am.
13:38.19JensActually... long time ago, someone randomly messaged me using almost incomprehensible leet speak.
13:38.24JensAnd I was bored.
13:38.44JensSo... we talked for a bit. Turns out this guy was studying english at the university.
13:39.53VoidRaiderYou can be bored, just not on the backs of others, special when you don't know the person and think that every person who use it, is a kid or whatever other opinion you have on that person
13:40.03JensSo... supposing Tolkien was playing WoW today... "lf2m rfd plzzz, pst".
13:41.12JensI'm never offensive towards people. I might ask them to rephrase their message using letters in proper quantity and sequence to form a valid english sentence.
13:41.54JensAlthough... when people speak like that, I can't help but assume the worst, but I keep it to myself.
13:42.14Zicon"letters in proper quantity" *makes notes*
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13:43.09JensAs someone once said: "If you say "plz" instead of "please" because it's shorter, I'll say "no" instead of "yes" because it's shorter".
13:44.59VoidRaiderWell I think that people should not assume anything and if that's the way he speaks and you don't like it just ignore him, I mean, you don't know the person and whatever he might be or not be, we shouldn't insult people if we like it or not
13:46.11JensI just said I don't insult people. But the way people speak to me, will of course affect how I percieve them.
13:46.34Jens"If it looks like a duck..."
13:47.23VoidRaiderWell just thought to say it "Do as you would be done by" :)
13:48.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Xolan[EU] (n=Xolan[
13:49.45ZiconPff. Being nice for niceness' sake is so overrated.
13:50.14Neuro_Medivhit's much better than being a dick for dickness' sake
13:51.22ZiconThere is such a thing as a middle ground.
13:52.22Neuro_Medivhwell, technically, there's no such thing as being nice for niceness' sake.  There's always a personal motive.
13:55.53*** join/#wowi-lounge End (n=end@
13:55.58|FF|Im2good4udahm i had a good working interface bow now after some chnaces its competlely broken :(
13:58.14*** join/#wowi-lounge beerke (
14:00.34Neuro_Medivhare you drunk, or just sleepy?
14:02.44|FF|Im2good4ui am fine i broke my interface a dew days ago and still trying to fix it
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14:37.45*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
14:37.45*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Happy New Year! | Paste Code Here: | Mod Author guilds on Hellfire (US) and on Tempest Keep (EU). CastSpell (A)/TargetUnit(H) | TBC Release Date 16 Jan 07 | Can you yell "MOVIE!" in a crowded firestation?
14:37.49zenzelezzpurl, you spambot you
14:39.50purlhmm... purl is the embodiment of EVIL!
14:40.07zenzelezzhow often are you going to spam that factoid? o_O
14:40.36BouviJust checking to make sure he is still the same old purl and not some bot somewhere.
14:40.47SaerisAnyone else getting some errors on WoW-I when uploading files? "failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /editfile.php on line 261" followed by "failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /classes/file/Work_File.php on line 341"
14:50.20*** join/#wowi-lounge sbu (
15:08.12Xolan[EU]nifty anti-spam thingy on your email bou :)
15:09.35BouviI like it. :)
15:10.06BouviHehe I am on Stormrage US :)
15:10.12Xolan[EU]oo cool
15:20.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
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16:27.00Bouvi coming up weird for anyone else?
16:27.42BouviGood glad it is not just me
16:28.17Kasoseems like the server hosting thier css and javascript files is busted
16:28.32zenzelezz_maybe they're just trying a new look
16:28.57zenzelezz_"Linux programmer" style, as a friend of mine calls it
16:29.20BouviCould be fixing it so it will work with IE 1.0
16:29.46Kasoah working again now
16:30.39BouviFound what I was looking for.  Got a friend who seems to be unable to seach grrr. Found AutoDing at
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16:32.22BouviYeah looked at that one but it was missing the features of the other one
16:32.34BouviI always check wowinterface first :P
16:36.30zenzelezzto me, dinging is like birthdays... I try to not let people know
16:38.46BouviI like having random fun messages pop when I ding. "Behold a new era is upon us.  Bouvarella has leveled to the godly level of 47.  Bow down now for the end is near!
16:39.06amrosome people in my guild had an autogratz addon. then some idiots realized that and started spamming 'ding!'
16:40.11Bouviohhhh an Auto Gratz addon with random sayings would be cool.  Gratz WHOEVER would you like a slice of pie?
16:41.57BouviOr "You say it's your dingday, well its my dingday too..."
16:42.40BouviIf level < 10 then Level Faster noob.
16:42.51BouviCome on people I am dying here.  Someone give me a small lol.
16:43.38Bouvi*crickets chirp*
16:44.11BouviNow I know why I am a web/multimedia designer and not a comedian.
16:44.51*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz_ (
16:45.03zenzelezz_ffs, stop messing with my connection purl
16:46.07purlfrom memory, purl is the embodiment of EVIL!
16:46.13BouviSee that is why
16:46.57zenzelezz_don't make me spam my factoid
16:49.04Bouvispam spam spam is ham without the h and add sp
16:49.38Bouvihmmm my sugar might be dropping I am acting weirder than usual....
16:51.59JensDamn it... my great idea exploded in the hangar.
16:52.41JensNeed an ASP capable webhost, for my evil scheme.
16:53.10CideASP? why, oh why
16:53.17JensIt's what I know.
16:53.49CideI knew it once upon a time
16:53.53BouviLearn .php lol you will feel better in the morning
16:54.05Cidephp is even more evil sadly
16:54.10JensI lost interest in web development a long time ago.
16:54.17Xolan[EU]perl is decent
16:54.28Bouvipurl rocks
16:54.30purlyou bet your perl modules I do!
16:54.53JensI like ASP.
16:55.14cogwheelI didn' think my passing "/sigh" at that guy's signature would cause such an uproar
16:55.22JensBut Windows based hosts tend to me more expensive. And fewer.
16:55.31BouviWhat uproar?
16:55.51cogwheelall the ace threads that resurfaced the other day... that was my fault XD
16:56.01BouviWay to go cog.
16:56.06Cidewas a fun read
16:56.27JensI want to make an automatic HIFI product review generator.
16:56.56cogwheelLucky for them, today's my billing day so i can't post :P
16:57.27Jens <-- lots of material here
16:58.17Jens"By elevating the cables off of your floor, you eliminate static build- up and lower cable capacitance."
16:58.28JensDo they even know what capacitance is?
16:59.46BouviGoing to get some food to get my sugar up.  Be back in a bit
17:00.16|FF|Im2good4uhow can a mod like fubar ever track the mem usage of any addon
17:13.58*** part/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
17:14.55CairennTry going to the main WoW page
17:14.59CairennXML Parsing Error: unclosed CDATA section
17:14.59CairennLine Number 582, Column 68:document.getElementById("ssotdContainer").innerHTML = '<a href = "
17:15.30|FF|Im2good4uthats a key logger
17:17.50zenzelezzafter I stopped showing NPC names, mobs keep sneaking up on me
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17:38.16kahdgarxilol, hi
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17:51.59AnduinLotharanyone got any suggestions for my menu... it's not cool enough...
17:52.26AnduinLothar(other than actual links)
17:52.55Industrialdown with framesets
17:52.59JoshBork1you write too many mods
17:53.11JoshBork1but i like it
17:53.32AnduinLotharwhat do you mean by framesets?
17:53.55AnduinLotharnone used
17:54.19Industrialorly :S my browser tells me otherwise
17:54.24AnduinLotharit's the url forwarding
17:54.53AnduinLotharit maskes the ip. the site itself doesn't have any
17:55.33KirkburnHey, from the beta patch notes:
17:55.34Kirkburn- Felguard AC buffed back up.
17:55.35Grypheni get a blank black page called Obfuscation
17:55.52IndustrialGryphen: turn on javascript..
17:56.00Gryphenit is on, there is a javascript error
17:56.06AnduinLotharis the same thing, just without the fwding
17:56.44Industrialyou are right in IE it doesnt load
17:56.49Industrialwho cares
17:57.01Gryphenanyone who wants traffic from them
17:57.26IndustrialAnduinLothar: wtf is that utf16 encoding btw :P
17:57.30AnduinLotharmeh, guess i'll have to boot up windows and test it then, since mac doesn't even have an IE anymore
17:57.53AnduinLotharheh, i think i was messing with encodings in my editor
17:58.06AnduinLotharis there any actually prefered encoding for the web?
17:58.24Industriali twink thats it
17:58.29Industrialascii :P
17:58.36zenzelezzdoubt it, but most I see are UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1
17:58.47AnduinLothardoes it matter?
17:59.00JoshBork1OF COURSE IT MATTERS!
17:59.03JoshBork1WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!
17:59.15AnduinLotharwell it's usually on utf-8 for svn
17:59.29AnduinLotharer, well for the cosmos patcher anyway
17:59.35Industrialcool down!
17:59.51AnduinLotharfor some reason it doesn't like utf-16, so i was just messing with settings
18:00.09AnduinLotharGryphen: what js errors? can you pastebin them?
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18:01.03IndustrialAnduinLothar: probably browser support
18:01.22AnduinLotharoh of course.... just wondering
18:01.29Gryphenseems to load the page, do the links on the right do anything?
18:01.35AnduinLotharnot atm
18:01.46AnduinLotharempty urls
18:02.21Gryphencant copy ie error, but says Line: 484 Char: 1 Error: document.getElementById(...) is null or not an object
18:02.25AnduinLothari was experimenting with client side data manipulation. the addons info comes in a JS object
18:03.10Gryphenseems to be loading now
18:03.14AnduinLotharanyway, i was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for the look of the menu
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18:04.34Industrialneeds more cowbell
18:06.09Industrialbut seriously no i dunno :(
18:06.30Industrialyou kinda would want to remove the <title>
18:07.11AnduinLotharthe Obfuscation one?
18:07.54AnduinLotharmimic'd their menu layout
18:08.40AnduinLothari need to move the css and js to sepperate files, but for some reason it want working
18:09.42*** join/#wowi-lounge [Cu]Werik (
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18:10.10[Cu]WerikEvening. Cairenn, I'm about to create drama :P
18:10.22Cairennuh oh
18:10.24AnduinLotharshe <3's you
18:10.41[Cu]Werik4 words, Perform AV Enabler (Alliance)
18:10.50Cairennthat thing
18:11.03Cairennwhat about it?
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18:11.47sysragei love that mod
18:11.52Industriali hate that word
18:11.57Industrialpreform, premade, fixed
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18:12.28Industrialif you are looking for a group for a battleground its pre-formed/made already so why add that :S
18:12.29[Cu]WerikThis is a battle between the original author and the alliance community:)
18:13.02BouviSo what is it?
18:13.19sysrageheh. he makes it not work for alliance? what a dumbass
18:13.22[Cu]WerikIt's getting kinda amusing
18:13.48Grypheneh, blocking the alliance version is what is ammusing while other ripped addons are allowed
18:14.49[Cu]WerikIt's his mod. He can do watever he wants
18:14.55Industrialoh yeah thats kind of drama :P
18:15.01BouviStill don't know what it does.  Read through it all and still no clue.
18:15.06Industrialid still block it if the author dowsnt want it
18:15.10[Cu]WerikIf he doesnt want an alliance version of his mod it's his business
18:15.14IndustrialBouvi: make everyone in the raid join a bg queue at once
18:15.47Gryphenyeah but you assume all other "rereleased" addons have author approval which is a false assumption
18:15.56Industriali do
18:16.00AnduinLotharit's it just a single script call? can't someone just show the biutton when talkign to the av guy and make its click do it?
18:16.21[Cu]WerikWhy? Should I assume they aren't approved?
18:16.49GryphenYou can assume either way, but why would you assume the less logical one?
18:17.04[Cu]WerikI do.
18:17.44GryphenYou think that every (continued) and (ressurected) addon has original author approval?
18:18.24GryphenSeems that way unless they speak up its allowed
18:18.45[Cu]WerikBut I wont and can't go through thousands of projects. I can assume they have approved or the author has no problem with it being posted
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18:19.22[Cu]WerikIf s/he had, I assume s/he would contact me
18:20.12Gryphenlack of interest in continuing their addon doesn't release copyright
18:22.17[Cu]WerikSo what should I do?
18:22.53BouviNothing there is no way you can sort through the tons of addons you get.  Best you can do is what for the complaint and deal with it then.  You cannot police every addon out there.
18:23.07[Cu]WerikIt's the authors responsibility to take care of the copyright problems. If I get a request or a report, I will investigate it until that, I assume they are all right
18:23.35[Cu]WerikIf you have any better solutions, I'm totally open minded;)
18:25.12GryphenWell the hole site deals with hosting intelectual property, it would seem you would be more inclinded to help protect authors not less.
18:26.27BouviHow many addons do you get in a day give or take?
18:27.13[Cu]Werik20-30 new projects a day
18:27.15TemYou could require authors to pick a license when publishing the addon
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18:27.41[Cu]Werikand about the double of that in updated projects
18:27.55ThraeNot counting compliations?
18:28.18[Cu]WerikWell, I count them as one project
18:28.42[Cu]WerikActually, it's not that much
18:29.08BouviSo you figure 20-30 or more addons that you would have to trace and see if it had been done before, etc.  Unless it is a full time job not possible.  Best you can do is act on complaints.  What more could you do?
18:29.31Temthe trouble with compilations is most times they don't even have license to use the addons they do
18:30.05Temand it's even worse when they start making changes to addons
18:30.11Xolan[EU]that's not what he meant :P
18:30.16BouviWhy would an author have a problem with a compliation just gets their addons out even more.
18:30.18Temderivative works are...
18:30.21[Cu]WerikWell I don't know. We could change the way submission work and check every addon separately before accepting them
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18:30.53TemBouvi, they normally wouldn't, but occasionally people are offended by the compilation's existance and don't want their addon associated with it
18:31.31TemBouvi, but what I'm REALLY talking about is the fact that if the addon doesn't have a license explicitly, it's "All rights reserved"
18:31.33zenzelezzI wouldn't want any addons I made to be put into compilations
18:31.40zenzelezzso many crap compilations out there
18:31.59Temwhich means that you don't have the right to redistribute it without a special license
18:32.09AnduinLotharwtf... firefox gives me this error when i put the js/css in diff files:
18:32.12AnduinLotharError: illegal character
18:32.12AnduinLotharSource File:
18:32.12AnduinLotharLine: 1, Column: 5
18:32.12AnduinLotharSource Code:
18:32.13AnduinLothar癡爠慤摯湳㵮敷â牲慹⠩ਊ癡爠æµç‰²ä½¢æ¨Šç™¡çˆ æµç‰²ä¥®æ‘¥ç  ã´ ã€Šà¨¯â¨ ä…¤æ‘¯æ¹³â¯æ¸ äµç‰³æ”­ä¡æµ©æ¹§â€ªâ¼Šà©¡æ‘¤æ½®ç›æµç‰²ä¥®æ‘¥ç¡ãµ®æ•·â扪散çŠæµç‰²ä½¢æ¨½æ…¤æ‘¯æ¹³å­£ç•²ç‰‰æ¹¤æ•¸å´Šæµç‰²ä¥®æ‘¥ç «â¬Šæµç‰²ä½¢æ¨®æ¹¡æµ¥â€½â€¢ä…ˆå½‘ç•©æ«å¥æ…²æ¨âˆŠæµç‰²ä½¢æ¨®æ‘¥ç£â€½â€¢å¨æ¥¦ç­æ¬æ¥£æ¬ æ¥´æ•­çŒ ç‘¯â³æ•¡ç‰£æ  ç‘¨æ•­â¡ç ç‘¨æ” ä…µæ´æ¥¯æ¸ ä¡¯ç•³æ”¢à©£ç•²ç‰æ‰ªâ¹£ç•²ç¥ä±©æ¹«â€½â€¢âˆŠæµç‰²ä½¢æ¨®æ¥®ä
18:32.32ThraeAnduinLothar: That's a whole lotta blocks for me.
18:33.00[Cu]Werikzenzelezz, you can simply state in your description or readme or licence that you don't allow republishing or using your addons in any compilations
18:33.05AnduinLotharexactly... looks like some asian language
18:33.15zenzelezz[Cu]Werik: didn't you just say you have no time to check such things?
18:33.19AnduinLotharrandom tho
18:34.06Xolan[EU]people will probably file a complaint though zenze if you do that, and the complaints will probably be checked out
18:34.10[Cu]WerikWell, I didnt say it, but if the word is already out. I'm doing this free time as a hobby so yes, I probably dont have the time for it:)
18:34.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Inside (
18:35.43ThraeI was thinking of making a "Compliation Maker" php script which grabs the latest versions of selected mods and zips 'em up for you. Makes far more sense then having to update each compliation individually.
18:36.29[Cu]WerikYup, thats a great idea
18:36.46ThraeThat really wouldn't be circumventing any default license agreement too, unless you specifically state about that specific case
18:36.55AnduinLotharahh... it doesn't liek mixed encodings for the code imports
18:37.02BouviWhat about a feature where a compliation can be saved like favorites.  I would add the addons to my compilation list that anyone can view and when updated it is automatic just like favorites.
18:37.44ThraeBouvi: That's what I was thinking. Like script.php?=ZfgsqwA would always be the same set of addons.
18:38.04Vinzhi there! I'm using an editbox to display a looooong list of data and I'd like to prevent the user to modify this box, is there a way to do this ?
18:38.08BouviBe a neat feature and make compilations cake.
18:39.25AnduinLotharVinz save the text as a variable and SetText OnTextChanged
18:40.23ThraeHowever, it probably makes more sense to do it as a binary on the client's computer rather then doing it as a php script, I realize now.\
18:41.09VinzAnduinLothar: not a bad idea, I'm going to try it.'s interface is already easy because of "UI Central", I'd just need to figure out how to access files for Curse and WoWI.
18:47.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
18:52.08Vinzarfl neither OnTextChanged neither OnChar seems to work :/
18:57.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
18:59.57silvAnyone think they can tell me what i'm doing wrong with this small pastey of a UIDropDownMenuTemplate example?  24lines of code
19:00.12silvI tried to basically do an lua version of the example on the wiki
19:00.16*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
19:00.17silvi'm doing something horribly wrong
19:00.21silvand i have no idea what it is
19:00.47cogwheelwe've all been there :P
19:01.17silvi've been messing with this 24 line script for like an hour
19:01.37silvand i get the same result every time, dropdown box (unpopulated) when clicked it just jumps halfway down the screen
19:01.39silvno menu
19:01.48cogwheelstick it up on
19:01.51silvthis should be cake
19:02.25silvthanks Cog
19:03.23cogwheeldoing setscript:("OnLoad") won't do anything... the OnLoad is called at the moment the frame is created (i.e. when CreateFrame is called)
19:03.55silvyeah i noticed that part
19:04.05silvi was simply following the example (XML) on wowwiki
19:04.14silvnot sure what to do though, perhaps add it as an onclick for the button?
19:04.21cogwheelyep. that only works because you're defining the frame in XML
19:04.34cogwheeljust run the code directly after you create the frame
19:04.57cogwheellet me clean it up a bit for you...
19:05.38silvthank you sir
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19:08.45silvi dont understand how it will know which dropdown i'm adding items to, was my other question
19:08.55VinzAnyone has a great idea on how to display a long list of data (I'm thinking of a scrollable label but I don't know how to do it)
19:09.10Vinzmy attemps to prevent the modification of an editbox are all down
19:09.22cogwheelsilv: FYI: i don't have any direct experience with dropdows... i'm only cleaning up the code you have... i can't guarantee it'll work :P
19:09.40silvok ty
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19:13.16cogwheel    This should fix the one issue I mentioned before (the onload problem). I haven't really changed anything else functionality-wise but i did reorganize the code to be a bit simpler
19:14.11silvty i'll look now!
19:15.50cogwheeloops... one error
19:15.56cogwheelone sec
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19:21.43cogwheelfixed the one error (same url)
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19:28.12silvsorry cog got disconnected, not sure if you typed any response
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19:32.25Mery[20:15] <cogwheel> oops... one error
19:32.26Mery[20:15] <cogwheel> one sec
19:32.31Mery[20:21] <cogwheel> fixed the one error (same url)
19:40.00silvwhat i've found was that the button was extra redundancy and unnecessary
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19:57.18cogwheeli'm in billing purgatory... could someone post         Or CogsBar:             in this thread:
19:57.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Kameril (
19:58.44cogwheel(or i could just log in as my wife... :P )
19:58.54VoidRaider|afkI can post if you want :)
19:59.13cogwheeli'll use my wife's account :)
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20:08.47TullerI wonder how much confusing docking bars is going to cause people
20:09.28ZealotOnAStickdocking bars?
20:09.35ZealotOnAStickdifferent from sticky bars how?
20:10.07Tulleruhh this is you drag a bar over a bar, and it becomes more or less controlled by the bar you dragged it over
20:10.20Tullersame hotkeys, same layout, just different showstates
20:11.08ZealotOnAStickHmm.  Ok, I could see uses for that.  Nothing I'd probably do anytime soon, but still . . .
20:11.27ZealotOnAStickIs the default "just works from the get-go" paging on stance swapping going to still be there?
20:17.49Tullerzealot yes, but it'll be using this system
20:18.20ZealotOnAStickGood deal then.
20:18.40ZealotOnAStickI think the majority of folks just want to be able to swap stances and have things behave as they expect them to.
20:19.02ZealotOnAStickIf someone chooses to get into other more advanced or fancy things . . . then they've already committed themselves to having to think.
20:19.32Tullerwhat I'm trying to do is make it behave as expected from how the configuration is setup
20:19.59Tullera lot of people seem to find the current system for setting up bar swapping a little confusing
20:22.32ZealotOnAStickTuller: once I looked at the defaults to see what it did it was pretty clear to me.  It's a fuckload easier than the last time I attempted to make heads or tails of DAB (though that was a goodly while ago)
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20:27.17Tullerwell the other benefit is that since i'm using showstates, I can clean up my UI a bit :)
20:27.31kahdgarxiI'm working on writing an addon that will add lines to item tooltips.. anyone know of an addon that does something similar that I could use for an example of how to do it? I've already tried reading the source for NDKP, however I'm finding it rather....obfuscated.
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20:27.52TullerGameTooltip:AddLine(text); GameTooltip:Show()
20:28.33Eternally777Yep, that pretty much sums it up.
20:28.54Eternally777Take a look at Ludwig_SellValue.  It's probably easier to read than NDKP
20:29.00kahdgarxiwell, yes, i've gotten that far... but how do i make it do that when you mouseover an item?
20:29.11kahdgarxiawesome, thanks Eternally777
20:29.48Eternally777No problem.  I don't think you can find that mod standalone though, search for "Ludwig" and download that.  It includes Ludwig_SellValue.
20:30.28kahdgarxithanks again
20:30.58ckknightbtw, for any developers that might be around: Ace2 is now licensed LGPL and thus is free to use without legal worries.
20:32.10ckknightyep, basically
20:32.12Mikmafree domination for Industrial
20:33.06ckknightfor people unfamiliar with the license, it basically means that if you take code from Ace2, it has to be LGPL, but if you use Ace2 as a library, then you can use whatever license you choose.
20:33.07KirovAce2 may take my life, by it'll never take my freedom!
20:33.14ckknightlol, Kirov
20:33.25ckknightsorta messed up that quote
20:33.33Kirovclose enough say something anti-semetic to top it off
20:33.46Kirovf' jews
20:34.05AntiarcWoot, yay ckknight.
20:34.10ckknightyou misspelled kikes, Kirov
20:34.27KirovIt's because of them my last name means "The Black Plague"
20:34.29ckknightnote: we are making fun of Mel Gibson, not the Jews.
20:34.34AntiarcBut ck, how will you force people to release the source to their addons????
20:34.41ckknightKirov: really, what's your last name?
20:34.46Industrialbattlestar galactica is next :P
20:34.47ckknightAntiarc: we don't anymore.
20:34.47Kirovckknight - Golus
20:35.00ckknighthrm, okay
20:35.00Antiarcckknight: That was something of a joke, given the nature of WoW addons :P
20:35.03Tullerso you have a character named that, right?
20:35.16IndustrialKirov: wow thats a kickass last name :o
20:35.28Tulleror at least a metal band named it
20:35.53Kirovckknight - It's basically the "Johnson" of Poland, but in hebrew it's literal translation is "a really bad thing"
20:36.01KirovUsually used to refer to the black plague.
20:36.45Eternally777Antiarc: I see what you did there.
20:36.57KirovMy first and last names in hebrew translate to "The favorite son of the black plague"
20:37.24ckknightAntiarc: ah, right. I had originally pushed for GPL, since it seemed odd not to release source, but people didn't like it, so now we're going with LGPL
20:37.24ckknightI'm hoping it's the right thing to go with
20:37.24ckknightIndustrial: I have a pretty kickass last name... :-(
20:37.24Industrialckknight: yes you do!
20:37.27ckknightKirov: kinda seemed like Golem when I first saw it
20:37.34zenzelezzwe always thought of you as somewhat of a plauge Kirov, it all becomes clear now
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20:38.15Industrialmy last name is Wieland wich is from "wela" (battle) and "nand" (brave)
20:38.43Industrialalso if you feel the need to read,
20:38.45Antiarcckknight: For what it's worth, I'm grateful, just on a personal philosophical level. I dislike the GPL for libraries since it can actively discourage the use (and spread) of good software.
20:39.06zenzelezzWeyland... Yutani?
20:39.12Industrialmy last name has its own saga :D
20:39.15ckknightnote: I have also GPL'd FuBar and Cartographer
20:39.22ckknightand LGPL'd most of my libs
20:39.31AntiarcI have no problem at all with GPL for non-libraries :D
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20:39.46IndustrialIM IN UR SVN FORKIN UR LIBZ
20:39.49ckknightnote: this does not mean FuBar plugins are required to GPL, since they don't interact with FuBar, they interact with the FuBarPlugin-2.0 library
20:40.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
20:40.03ckknightzenzelezz: you could, nothing stopping you. I'll just take your code, back, though.
20:40.07ckknightso there.
20:40.14KirovLike people in the general addon community care about the legal ramifications of redistributing and modifing existing code.
20:40.20Industriali do
20:40.24ckknightzenzelezz: alternatively, you could just become a developer...
20:40.27Industriali smite people who copy my shit
20:40.34Industriallike that
20:40.38Industrialwith a steamroller
20:40.59Industrialno but seriously nah
20:42.04KirovIt's nice to have if legal issues do show up, but at the moment it's more or less cast to the wind.
20:42.30ckknightyea, pretty much, Kirov
20:42.30Industrialso i owned this noob today..
20:42.44Industrial37 hunter right, im 29 hunter
20:42.57Industrialand then without regen a 32 warrior
20:43.10Kiroveek, scary, there's a picture of my sister and I playing risk on the web
20:43.33Kirovsearch for my last name
20:44.00Industrialkirov reporting :p
20:44.29BouviLOL type in Bouvi into google.  I am surprised most of that is me lol
20:45.08KirovType Kirov in and you get ballet
20:45.23cogwheeli appear on page one and my name isn't just a name :)
20:45.26BouviOK so that is not me
20:45.56KirovI'm a battleship, a ballet company, and an actor.
20:46.18Industriali am a type of product
20:46.28cogwheelalpha testers wanted:
20:46.29Industrialand a music genre
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20:47.11KirovAnd a back handed complement
20:47.29BouviMy real name is Bernie Fritts got the first page and a 1/2 of google including a reference to my old BBS server in 1991 lol.
20:48.03Tullermy real name's top result at one point was an obituary
20:48.30Industrialtheres a dj with my name
20:48.38Mikmadj industrial
20:48.43Mikmai bet he plays industrial
20:48.45Industrialwhy, why
20:48.55KirovMy name comes up with a list of interviews of me.
20:49.21KirovOh, and a web site listing my site as being blocked by Cyberpatrol
20:49.23MikmaKirov: omg! you're *TEH* gay pornstar i like?!?
20:50.01BouviLOL click on images for your.  There is only one image not me or done by me..
20:50.11BouviMy name must not be too popular lol
20:51.46AntiarcThere's nothing quite like keeping your guild forums account signed in on an unsecured computer.
20:51.59AntiarcOur raid leader's sig currently reads "I like butts on my face" as a result.
20:52.16zenzelezzmaybe he just does o_O
20:52.19Industriali lold irl
20:54.00AntiarcOur guild is so mature
20:54.22AntiarcWe're a bunch of 20-somethings who spam "DONGS!" macros and ASCII pictures of butts in raid chat.
20:54.43AntiarcOfficer chat is the worst.
20:54.48AntiarcWe really cut loose in there. It's great.
20:55.12zenzelezzI've lost count of how many times I've heard that South Park quote over TS during a raid ("Eric, did you just say the F word!?" "... jew?")
20:55.54IndustrialAntiarc: i wanna join :(
20:56.03IndustrialAntiarc: but im -20
20:57.42*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
20:57.54Antiarc*six officers spam DONGS macros in guild*
20:58.23zenzelezzmy guild thankfully has a somewhat light mood most of the time
20:58.29AntiarcReally though, we have a great group. Very light mood :)
20:58.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Matholum (
20:58.38Industrialim always in guilds where noone talks
20:58.52Industrialand.. the guild doesnt really do anything not even brd or something
20:59.00Industrial(not that im 60 at that time)
20:59.52Matholumhi! con somebody help me figure out how to save variables between sessions... the wowwiki is confusing in that area...
21:00.02zenzelezzI think I've only been in one guild that did non-raids together regularly
21:00.04AntiarcFor New Years, our warrior class lead /gremoved all the other warriors so they could be the best warrior in the guild :D
21:00.40AntiarcWe don't really schedule non-raid stuff, but we're always running 5-mans.
21:01.08AntiarcWe have 4 moderate-size guilds in a guild alliance - we have something like 200+ level 60 characters, so it's not hard to get runs going.
21:01.21AntiarcWe did Ony last night, and immediately after, 3 baron runs started up, for example.
21:04.39AntiarcFor the most part, the alliance is just one big guild, anyway. With the exception of one guild, we've been together for nearly two years now, so it feels a lot less alliance-ish and a lot more...guild with subguilds-ish.
21:05.08ckknighthorde ftw
21:06.12Antiarcwell, my guild alliance.
21:06.16AntiarcNot the alliance in general.
21:06.19AntiarcThough we are alliance.
21:06.46KirovAntiarc - I'm confused ... are you a horde player?
21:08.50Kirov[Cu]Werik - *ping*
21:09.11[Cu]WerikI'm listening Kirov
21:09.15kahdgarxiif i were to guess, i would think that ShoppingTooltip1 is used for item tooltips in general, and ShoppintTooltip2 is used for item compare tooltips... anyone know if that's correct?
21:09.41Kirov[Cu]Werik - I deleted a project and it continues to show up on my account list
21:10.28KirovKnown issue?
21:11.10Kirovkahdgarxi - that is not.
21:11.28KirovGameTooltip is used for general tooltips
21:11.28kahdgarxiKirov - Doh!
21:11.30[Cu]WerikFor me it is. Not sure about the developers:)
21:11.55[Cu]WerikNow it is a known issue, thx;)
21:12.11KirovShoppingTooltip 1 and 2 are both used for compares afaik
21:12.35kahdgarxiah, like for trinkets and rings
21:13.03kahdgarxiso it usees GameTooltip for items, players, and pretty much any other tooltop ever?
21:13.13kahdgarxii can't type today ><
21:14.39kahdgarxiso if i want to add stuff to the bottom of an item tooltip only, i need to hook the function that draws those, and add the info in, yes?
21:14.40Kirov[Cu]Werik - also, it'd be nice if the downloads list showed the tab the default download was set in.
21:15.05Kirovkahdgarxi - yes
21:15.19kahdgarxiI'm gonna break so many addons...  I just know it >.>
21:15.31Kirovkahdgarxi - hooksecurefunc is your friend
21:15.35Kirovand works on tooltips
21:16.02Elkanoas long as you do a clean hook it shouldn't be a problem... you only don't know in which order different addons will add their data
21:16.07Kirovhooksecurefunc(GameTooltip, "SetHyperlink", addMyLinesFunc )
21:16.50kahdgarxithat's it....?
21:16.58KirovaddMyLinesFunc will receive self and whatever the hyperlink was after SetHyperlink has already been run on the tooltip.
21:17.19KirovThen you can just do a self:AddLine("stuff") self:Show() and be done with it
21:17.28*** join/#wowi-lounge hyperChipmunk (
21:17.29kahdgarxithanks :D
21:17.43kahdgarxido you have a newsletter? :)
21:18.05Kirovkahdgarxi - Yes, but I don't know what my gerbal fetish has to do with this
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21:19.08[Cu]WerikKirov, it is confirmed to be a bug, it will be fixed:)
21:19.15Kirov[Cu]Werik - cool, thanks
21:19.54Kirov[Cu]Werik - I think i've asked before, but is there a list of planned features someplace available for the public to see?
21:19.56Matholumhi! can anyone help me figure out how to save variables between sessions... wowwikki is confusing in that area
21:20.03Qshadowp~lart Osagasu
21:20.21KirovMatholum - Have you read the section on the .toc file?
21:20.36Matholumya, but how do i use it?
21:20.43[Cu]WerikI think I saw one
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21:20.53Matholumor is it already set up
21:20.58Kirov## SavedVariables: GlobalVariableName
21:21.05Matholumi was thinking i cad to use a special function or sumn
21:21.21Matholumso then, i just act like that variable is defined?
21:21.34KirovMatholum - no, you have to define it yourself
21:22.05KirovMatholum - it'll save as a nil if it's not defined.
21:22.08Matholumoh, ok... but after it is defined and saved, it will be saved?
21:22.17GagorianCide: Are you here?
21:22.37KirovMatholum - It'll be saved automatically when you log off or /console reloadui
21:22.51Matholumso say the first time around it gets saved as "hello" and the second time i show ot... it ill say "hello"?
21:23.45GagorianAlright, is it ok if I PM you to ask a few quick questions?
21:23.45Matholumno wonder i am having a hard time w/ it... i am making it way to complicated... lol...
21:24.08Matholumthank... i think i can try it now... ^_^ (sorry for being clueless... lol)
21:24.29KirovMatholum - the basic way it works is when you log off, it saves any global variable named the same as what you have set in the .toc to a file.  When you log in, after it's finished loading all the files for your addon it loads in the savedvariables file for that addon overwriting anything that already exists.
21:25.07Matholumoh! that makes perfect sense ^_^ thank you!
21:26.24kahdgarxiwoohoo, another question i won't have to ask later :D
21:26.34KirovBe warned though, if the value you have setup in the .toc is nil, that'll get saved as well, so if you want to have "defaults" keep them in a seperate variable and set them after the addon's savedvariables file is loaded.
21:27.08Matholumoh, ok ^_^
21:27.10Kirovon the event "ADDON_LOADED" with arg1=="your addon folder" the saved variable file will have been loaded
21:27.20Mikmaanyone remembers the urls for iriel's templates for BC/BTS?
21:27.47KirovMikma - they on his vigillante site?
21:27.51Matholumoh.. that is what wowwiki was talking about, but now it makes sense
21:28.03MikmaKirov: what's the url? :)
21:28.07KirovMatholum - what's your other question(s)
21:28.15KirovMikma - frick if I can remember
21:28.32MikmaKirov: well i'll try looking his signature in wow-forums
21:29.08Mikmawell, this works too :)
21:29.42Matholumhmm... there was one... i am trying to remember... oh! do you remember my code from yesterday?
21:31.18KirovMatholum - nope!
21:32.21Matholumlol... what was the url to the pasty thing?
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21:34.24kahdgarxidoes hooksecurefunc need to be run just once, or every time you mouseover an item?
21:34.40Kirovkahdgarxi - just once
21:35.26Matholumok... this is kinda of long... butyou mainly only need to get the main idea...
21:36.26Matholumwhat i want (eventually this will be an option in a config...) is to be able to have my frame to where you can type the message there and it will convert the letters AS you type
21:37.07Kirovhooksecurefunc basically does the equivalent of -
21:37.07Kirovfunction HookedFunc(...)
21:37.42Matholumoh... ok
21:38.04KirovMatholum - that was directed at kahdgarxi
21:38.17Matholumoh... i was confused.... lol
21:38.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
21:38.36Guillotinebest news story ever:
21:40.19kahdgarxiKirov - Hmm.... I'm not sure why it's not working then ><
21:40.20KirovMatholum - that shouldn't be too hard
21:40.31Matholumbut i dunno where to start
21:41.15Kirovfunction myAddLinesFunc(self,hyperlink)
21:41.49kahdgarximy function isn't running at all
21:42.08kahdgarxii added a debug message in the fuction to print ot the default chat window
21:42.16kahdgarxiit's not running at all
21:42.23kahdgarxihere's my code
21:42.49KirovMatholum - what you want is to make an edit box and set it's OnTextChanged script handler.
21:43.22KirovCheck out MailFrame.lua in wow's own UI for an example of updating the text on the fly
21:44.17Matholumok... thanks ^_^ i will check it out
21:44.21Kirovkahdgarxi - hmm, that should work
21:44.43KirovI can't test it here at work though, no WoW installed atm
21:45.03Matholumthanks for the help ^_^... i am gonna try and see if i can get it and then i will be back
21:45.20kahdgarxiwell, i've tried both click an item link and mousing over an item, and the fuction's not running at all
21:45.37kahdgarxii do get the HLS 0.1 loaded message however, so I know my OnLoad is running
21:46.25KirovMatholum - editboxname:SetScript("OnTextChanged", myFunc )
21:47.37Kirovkahdgarxi - No errors?
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21:48.20zenzelezzwhen do you call hooksecurefunc?
21:48.47KirovHe should be able to do it at any time, shouldn't he?
21:48.58KirovGameTooltip already exists before anything else is loaded
21:49.12zenzelezzI haven't followed the conversation, so I'm just asking
21:49.28kahdgarxii'm calling hooksecurefunc() in my OnLoad
21:50.42KirovThey give a near idental example there
21:51.09kahdgarxiyeah, i'm looking at that right now
21:51.16kahdgarximaybe my function isn't formed correct?
21:52.46KirovTry their example (though even that one is semi-wrong)
21:56.33kahdgarxiwtf, you can't call CastSpellByName at all anymore?
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22:02.41Qshadowphmm, im going to annoy everyone (this works well on counter strike)
22:02.48Qshadowpi use 2 trackballs, instead of mice.
22:03.24KirovQshadowp - use joysticks!
22:03.39Qshadowplol joysticks for mice?
22:03.52Kirovkeyboard only wtf!
22:04.21QshadowpMr_Rabies LOL
22:04.42kahdgarxiMr_Rabies2: Baaaahahaha
22:05.05Mr_Rabies2its so evil but hahahaha
22:05.08Mr_Rabies2i have no mercy for the stupid
22:06.17Mr_Rabies2which is why i'd hate being in you guys' shoes, there's so much stupid in WoW and you're supporting addons that stupid can't figure out :p
22:06.29kahdgarxiKirov, They're example's not working for me either... i'm thinking it probably has something to do with my fuction definition
22:06.54kahdgarxidoesn't hooking have issues if your function can't accept the same info as the hooked function?
22:07.03Kirovkahdgarxi - you might try doing it on PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD
22:07.17kahdgarxihooking the function?
22:07.19Kirovkahdgarxi - lua doesn't have any of those kinds of limitations
22:07.40kahdgarxii tried manually typing it out after i was already in-game, got the same results
22:08.23Kirovkahdgarxi - do you have dev tools?
22:08.40kahdgarxinothing ingame, no
22:08.47krkaDevTools ftw
22:08.48kahdgarxior do you mean blizzard's dev kit thingy
22:08.55krkago download iriels DevTools
22:09.14Qshadowpand SciTE-WOWInterface
22:09.14kahdgarxicurse or wowi?
22:09.19kahdgarxii already have that
22:09.24kahdgarxiQshadowp :P
22:09.54Corrodiashe has scite but no devtools!
22:11.49*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
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22:12.14kahdgarxihorray for nested comments!
22:12.30sysragei love wowi, but wtf
22:12.41sysrageyou search for Clique and it doesn't show up till the second page?
22:12.54zenzelezztry Atlas
22:12.57cladhairethey're working on it
22:12.58zenzelezzdoesn't show up at all
22:13.04cladhairethey didn't write the search portion
22:13.17sysrageok, sorry not bitching. just thought it was odd
22:13.50cladhairei bitch =)
22:17.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
22:18.02Qshadowp > Mouse
22:18.22Corrodiashey, some ol' trackballs!
22:18.32Kirovok ... why do you have two RIGHT handed track balls?
22:18.34Qshadowpi use trackballs instead of mice :P
22:18.47QshadowpKirov because im right handed?
22:18.48kahdgarxiyou know what i want? I want a lua console in wow
22:18.49Corrodiassysrage: yeah, wowi's search feature is somewhat mystifying
22:18.50kahdgarxithat's what i want
22:19.05Corrodiaskahdgarxi: LuaSlinger is a popular choice
22:19.06KirovQshadowp - but ... two?!
22:19.16kahdgarxiKirov, different computers?
22:19.24Corrodiasdifferent personalities?
22:19.36*** join/#wowi-lounge |Shadow| (n=Shadow@
22:19.40|Shadow|oops :$
22:19.46|Shadow|i have 2 trackballs, one for each pc
22:19.55|Shadow|i have 2 keyboards too :D
22:22.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Castdead (i=54c19bd5@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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22:22.51kahdgarxiCorrodias -  thanks :)
22:23.09Castdeadhi guys, and btw ty ckknight for your help on metatables :)
22:23.24ckknightCastdead: no problem.
22:23.38ckknightlemme add that as a coding tip, actually, could be useful to others.
22:24.08beerkeis MrPlow dev in here ?
22:24.40ckknightdoesn't seem to be
22:24.40Castdeadi got problems with testing now though, range checking isn't working in duels, so i have to use other factions warlocks atm, which can be hard
22:25.03Kirov~seen Wobin
22:25.40purlwobin <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 12h 20m 31s ago, saying: 'it was offering me USD for WoW gold =P'.
22:25.41Kirover [Wobin]
22:25.58beerkeow there he is
22:26.12ckknightso he is
22:26.22beerke[Wobin], can u upgrade MrPlow to PT2 ?
22:26.55beerkejust changing the line does the trick actually :)
22:26.59Guillotinethats not him. that was purl saying hwen he was last here
22:27.17cogwheelGuillotine: but [Wobin] is here now :P
22:27.22Guillotineoh, nm
22:28.57kahdgarxinow it works...?
22:28.59kahdgarxii didn't do anything!
22:29.29Guillotinekahd: lots of people have been having problems with that type of thing. I'm not sure why, but sometimes I'll make a mod that doesn't work, transfer the exact same thing to someone else and it does work
22:29.31JoshBork1it's not possible to retain any information about your original raidgroup when in a BG, correct?
22:29.51cogwheelkahdgarxi: did you exit wow?
22:30.17kahdgarxiand now it doesn't work after a reloadui
22:30.23kahdgarxii think it's trying to hook the fuction too soon
22:30.31KirkburnOmg, look at the price on this:
22:30.33kahdgarxilike, before it's defined
22:31.03kahdgarxiKirkburn - how many USD Is that? :P
22:31.15Corrodiasif it requires another function from another addon to be defined, you must make it "dependant" on that other addon.
22:31.19Neuro_Medivhyes, how much in real money is that?
22:31.26cogwheel~google 114.99 GBP in USD
22:31.34Corrodiasnote that that Vista there is the 32-bit version
22:31.50zenzelezzdon't be lazy, head to
22:31.51kahdgarxiCorrodias - i'm hooking SetHyperlink from FrameXML
22:32.02kahdgarxiyou would think it would load everything in FrameXML before loading any addons
22:32.26Corrodiasi'm not really hip to the different versions of Vista, but i would think the 64-bit version would be more popular, because of how many of us have 64-bit CPU's now and how we have to use all new drivers anyway
22:32.50kahdgarxiwell, you need 64-bit application support too
22:33.02zenzelezzlies, all you need is sol.exe and notepad.exe
22:33.23Corrodiaswindows XP and its friends all have 32-bit emulation for 32-bit processes. are you saying Vista does not?
22:33.37kahdgarxixp 64-bit edition does?
22:33.58Corrodiasforgetting to do that would be something microsoft might do, but it's just so risky that i don't even think they would
22:34.14cladhaireAnyone use a mac, and synchronize itunes with a non-iPod?
22:34.18KirkburnUnless you really really need it, don't get x64
22:34.20Corrodiasas far as i'm aware, yes, you can run 32-bit processes like WoW on a 64-bit windows
22:34.36KirkburnThe driver support atm is shoddy at best
22:34.38CorrodiasKirkburn: then WHY did we start using 64-bit CPU's in the first place if we're not going to use them?
22:34.42kahdgarxifrom what i understood 32bit apps in xp64
22:34.54kahdgarxididn't work
22:35.03kahdgarxibut hey, not the first time i've been wrong :P
22:35.11Corrodiasbut man, Vista requires all new drivers anyway. the manufacturers have to write new drivers. are they making BAD 64-bit drivers for Vista?
22:35.55Corrodias*developers, not manufacturers.
22:36.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie|Work (
22:36.07KirkburnApparently, Corrodias :P
22:36.13Corrodiasthis is insane
22:36.29Corrodiasthis is our opportunity to fully switch to 64-bit and the devs are dragging their feet on drivers?
22:36.39Corrodiasi could kick them!
22:36.42Tierrie|Workwow on 64bit?
22:37.21kahdgarxithis just done'st make sense, i created a bogus function that just prints 'test' in the default chat window, and hooked it to SetHyperlink, and that made the previous hook from my addon start working....
22:38.36Tierrie|Workyou may not have returned control in the previous hook?
22:38.54kahdgarxiTierrie|Work - hmm?
22:40.18kahdgarxiand now of course i can't replicate what i did before ><
22:40.35Castdeadnicely done ckknight, could help a lot of starters :)
22:40.54Qshadowplol sourceforge is starting to get on my nerves
22:40.59Qshadowpthey are so patroniseing of windows users
22:41.01ckknightCastdead: that's the plan.
22:41.28Corrodias"you don't have to compile things specifically for your machine, poor little guys"
22:41.38kahdgarxiis there any significance to k and v? or do people just like to use them for counters?
22:41.42Qshadowp"click on this link to begin the download. Tell your bwoser where you want the file stored and the download proceeds. Note where on your system the file is saved by your browser"
22:41.49Castdeadalso giving direct info for multi-dimensional is good, because this can be used for setting configuration variables
22:41.50krkak is for key and v is for value
22:42.06krkatable[key] = value, typically
22:42.10VoidRaider|afkyou can use whatever you want instead if you feel it's right
22:42.44Corrodiasi like "indexer" and "indexee" ;)
22:43.35krkawouldn't it be "index" and "indexee"?
22:44.52Corrodiasmake him stop talking to me >_<
22:45.10VoidRaider|afklol :P
22:46.40Castdeadgot a small other question, when a player in raid is changed to another group, what happens to his raidid nowadays?
22:47.06kahdgarxihmm... wonder what happens if i try a manual hook >.>
22:47.22VoidRaider|afkit won't work in combat I suppose
22:47.27VoidRaider|afknot sure tho :)
22:47.46kahdgarxistupid secure crap!
22:48.20Kirovkahdgarxi - manual hook worked?
22:48.23JoshBork1Castdead: teh current players raidid is always the last number
22:48.32kahdgarxiKirov - coding it out right now
22:48.33JoshBork1Castdead: the other players will probably have their id changed
22:48.52ag`something that annoys me about tables
22:49.10ag`is that if you do table[something].bleh
22:49.21ag`and if table.something doesn't exist
22:49.31KirovThe raid leader's raidid is 1, the player's raidid is the last number, everyone else is listed (more or less) by when they joined the raid
22:49.37ag`it doesn't return nil, but explodes with an error
22:49.42Kirovchanging their group does not change their id
22:49.57ag`what's the best way to get around that?
22:50.07VoidRaiderWell ... it's not exist how can it return a nil ?
22:50.25Kirovag` - if ( table[something] ) then
22:50.27JoshBork1ag`: don't do it?
22:50.28VoidRaiderIf(table[something]) then do things end
22:50.41VoidRaiderI don't know what you want to do tho :P
22:50.45JoshBork1ag`: someone posted a link to somewhere that had a way to set a meta-table method that makes it return nil
22:51.01*** join/#wowi-lounge hyperChipmunk (
22:51.04ag`It's just annoying you have to check through the entire table structure :)
22:51.15KirovJoshBorke - ooo
22:51.20VoidRaiderah haha :P
22:51.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Matholum (
22:51.52JoshBork1i'll see if i can find the link
22:52.10Matholumwhat is OnEnter? enter key?
22:52.20ag`hehe, let's say you want to do table[meh][bleh][leh]
22:52.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
22:52.29ag`that's a lot of stuff you have to check for :)
22:52.41KirovMatholum - when the mouse enters the region's rect
22:52.46ag`huge if(table[... ) then you would have to do
22:52.48Kirovie: when your mouse hovers over a frame
22:53.13Matholumok... thanks ^_^ what would i do if i want something to happen on enter?
22:53.45KirovOnKeyPressed arg1=="Enter"
22:53.45Matholumenter key i mean
22:53.54Corrodiasthe reason i would expect it to return nil is because that's what other languages do
22:54.02Corrodiasbut as we've found out, Lua does things differently just because it can >_>
22:54.19Mikmadamn, seems like there ain't easy examples of page-swappers (actionbars) available anywhere :P
22:54.29KirovMatholum - or, OnEnterPressed I believe exists for EditBoxes
22:54.29Mikmaall i need is blizzard bars to swap with shift/alt/ctrl
22:54.46KirovMikma - Bartender
22:54.47Matholumok... thank you ^_^
22:54.58MikmaKirov: not that easy example
22:55.50kahdgarxilol... maybe it would help it the game was running the code i just wrote
22:55.58VoidRaiderwell ag you can probably use recursion but there might be a better way using meta tables
22:56.20JoshBork1what are += called?
22:56.42Corrodiasplus equals
22:57.44Corrodiasin other languages, usualy you could call it "increment by", but i don't know about Lua
22:58.01Kirovdoesn't exist in lua
22:58.07Kirovjust like ++ and -- doesn't
22:58.09VoidRaiderlua don't have it :P
22:58.35JoshBork1ah ha! found it!
22:58.43Corrodiasdoes it have +? thought i have heard of it but now i'm starting to wonder
22:58.46JoshBork1thank you Corrodias!
22:59.11Matholumi miss ++ too -_-
22:59.17JoshBork1(original link by someone else, ckknight kergoth) don't remember
22:59.33ckknightMatholum: ++ is evil
22:59.57JoshBork1hm, that doesn't quite work well for you though ag`
23:00.05Matholumi++ is awesome....
23:00.28ckknightit's horrible from a usability standpoint compared to += 1
23:00.49*** join/#wowi-lounge [Liquidor] (
23:00.49ckknightalso, with modern compilers, there is no difference
23:01.08Corrodiasit's horrible, but there's no difference, so += 1 is horrible, too!
23:01.20[Liquidor]How do I convert/format miliseconds into xx minutes and xx seconds?
23:01.21Corrodiasthe '!' means i'm right!
23:01.24Matholumtrue, but += is more used when you need more than 1... ++ is just an awesome shortcup for the hundreds of times +=1 is used more than += something < 1
23:01.25ckknightCorrodias: no, since it's not used inline
23:01.25VoidRaiderhaha nice link :)
23:01.29[Liquidor]My calcuation just fails extremely
23:01.45CorrodiasMalivil: i++++++++++++++++++++
23:01.54Corrodiaser, Matholum. silly tab completion.
23:02.08Corrodiasit's my client's fault for not knowing which name i wanted, not my own for not checking it.
23:02.19ckknight[Liquidor]: min, sec = floor(ms / 1000 / 60), floor(ms / 1000) % 60
23:02.25Matholumwhat? I == confused now -_-
23:03.11ckknightactually ++ turns an lvalue into an rvalue, Corrodias, so that wouldn't work anyway.
23:03.23[Liquidor]Thanks ckknight
23:03.42Corrodiasi need a photo printer.
23:03.53Castdeadso,  the unitid of yourself is always the last id?
23:04.05KirovCastdead - yes
23:04.10kahdgarxiwell wtf
23:04.13kahdgarximy hook works
23:04.25kahdgarxiif i manually run SetHyperlink, my function runs
23:05.03Castdeadah, ty. That was required info because i wanted to send through unit id to other people who run same addon, so i'll have to send names instead
23:05.12Xolan[EU]quick question. Can I get a text from a fontstring if it's hidden?
23:05.21[Liquidor]ckknight: one thing, I need the format as "xx minute(s) and xx second(s)"
23:05.23Xolan[EU]ok cool
23:05.56Matholumok... i have this in the onload of my editbox and it isn't working... does it have to be in the frame? TriBox:SetScript("OnTextChanged", DoCode );
23:06.23ckknight[Liquidor]: use AbacusLib.
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23:06.53JoshBork1Matholum: OnTextChanged has to be set on the EditBox
23:06.59Matholumoh! i know... nm....
23:07.06Matholumthanks though
23:07.14TainHail?  But there isn't a cloud in the sky.
23:07.26JoshBork1it's pretty overcast here...
23:07.38Matholumaccually no... i thought i had a typo but i didn't
23:07.53MatholumTriBox is my editbox... and that is in the onload of it
23:08.07JoshBork1is tribox defined in lua or xml?
23:08.17kahdgarxiKirov - ok, my hook works, it has the whole time
23:08.30kahdgarxithe problem is with SetHyperlink()
23:08.46kahdgarxiapparently it doens't run whenever you mouseover an item
23:08.49kahdgarxior click on it in chat
23:08.56kahdgarxiso when does the game run it....?
23:09.14kahdgarxiand more importantly, what function *does* the game use for displaying item tooltips
23:10.19KirovMousing over an item uses "SetInventoryItem" or "SetBagItem"
23:10.35KirovThe tooltip that shows when you click on a link is the ItemRefTooltip
23:10.45kahdgarxiso i need to hook all those
23:10.59VoidRaiderhaha :)
23:11.16KirovTry hooksecurefunc( ItemRefTooltip, "SetHyperlink", myfunc )
23:11.28kahdgarxii'm about to
23:12.58kahdgarxiworked >.>
23:13.09Matholumis there an error in this?
23:13.25CorrodiasYou need the func; Just bring the func;
23:13.26Matholumi am getting a weird error msg...
23:13.44Kirovwhat error
23:14.01kahdgarxiKirov - Thanks for all the help, i gotta get to work now >.>
23:14.25KirovMatholum - and what does your handler look like?
23:14.41Matholum[string "TriBox:OnTextChanged"]:3: '=' expected near 'end'
23:15.11KirovThat's not that line
23:15.16Kirovor this chunk of code
23:16.00Matholummy handler is in the editbox... <OnTextChanged>
23:16.10Matholumwow! that was weird...
23:16.16KirovThat's your problem right there
23:16.23Matholumoh... >
23:16.35Matholum(but the > was there)
23:16.50KirovIt needs to be a DoCode() not DoCode
23:17.00Matholumoh! thanks!!!
23:17.05Castdeadjust heard some people at wowwiki want to make crafting list, wouldn't the makers of addons like manufacture be interested to make exportation part?
23:17.21KirovAlso, OnTextChanged happens when the text changes, not when enter is pressed
23:17.34Kirov(unless your edit box is multiline = true
23:17.49KirovAlso, OnTextChanged has no arg1
23:17.59Matholumno.. it is single.... i thought that that was for on the fly though....
23:18.20Kirovyou want <OnEnterPressed> TriBox:ClearFocus() </OnEnterPressed>
23:19.07Kirovactually, this:ClearFocus() will probably work too
23:19.48Matholumperfect! it cleared... (now when i click it i can get back to the game... lol.... i couldn't use the keyboard...)
23:20.03Matholumnow i have to make the conver 'DoCode' function...
23:21.07Matholumwhen i type though it isn't showing the msg i put in there....
23:21.46Matholumi have this in DoCode(...) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(arg1); end....
23:22.06Kirovfor OnTextChanged?
23:22.19Kirovlike I said, it doesn't have an arg1
23:22.34Xolan[EU]another quick question: is there a space between the hex and string when coloring?
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23:22.46KirovOnTextChanged is just an event, it passes no values with it.  You need to do this:GetText()
23:22.55KirovXolan[EU] - no
23:23.06Matholumoh! ok.... thanks!
23:23.17Kirovresults in a lot of white fs
23:24.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
23:24.57Xolan[EU]k thanks :)
23:28.25Matholumto get backspace i'd use OnKeyDown... but then what?
23:28.54Matholumor delete
23:31.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Bouvi (
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23:33.43BouviHey I made it.  Party?
23:34.08Matholumoh... does that work for editboxes?
23:34.15purlextra, extra, read all about it, purl is the embodiment of EVIL!
23:34.28KirovMatholum - hmm?
23:34.58MatholumI out OnKeyDown in my editbox and it isn't going...
23:35.39KirovIf you set an OnKeyDown for your edit box then it's not going to let you type anything since you're stealing the key presses.
23:36.14Matholumno... i can type... but the event isn't firing...\
23:36.31KirovThen no, it might not work
23:36.45KirovTry OnKeyPressed
23:38.17Matholumi think i can still use the way that worked.... i have an idea maybe ^_^
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23:41.53Matholumi got disconnected... did you see what i just said?
23:42.09Kirov10[15:41] Matholum: 01i think i can still use the way that worked.... i have an idea maybe ^_^
23:42.24Matholumah... i have to type it again.... -_-
23:43.26Matholumit sisn't work... and i was thinking of using SetText("") after each key because i want to hide the text and show it as a pic instead... i was it to where you can change what you typed though...
23:45.53KirovI'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish
23:46.50Matholummy goal is to have a type of message that showes up as pictures....
23:47.07Kirovascii art?
23:47.48Matholumsort of.... or lets say elven runes ^_^ what ever i want
23:48.25sysragesounds like the lotus notes password box heh
23:48.58Matholumso far i have everything working.... but now i want it so that it changes the letters ti runes AS you type, not just after you say send
23:48.58KirovYou don't care about the edit box at all then, correct?
23:49.17Matholumnope.. it is just the way i grab what they say
23:49.28KirovKill the edit box then
23:49.37Matholumok.... what should i do?
23:49.48JoshBork1just make someone else do it? :-D
23:49.52Kirovjust set your main frame to "enabledkeyboard"
23:50.41Matholumok.... and then that'll let me use OnKeyDown?
23:50.52KirovOr OnKeyPressed more likely
23:51.04KirovThen you can handle the key parsing yourself.
23:51.27Matholumok ^_^ thanks
23:51.28KirovMaybe make ESCAPE turn of enableKeyboard and reenable OnEnter
23:51.47Matholumwhat do you mean?
23:52.00Matholumok... thanks
23:52.13KirovIf EnableKeyboard is true, if the frame is visible it'll eat all of your keyboard inputs
23:52.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Karkburn (
23:52.26Kirov(ie: you won't be able to do anything in-game)
23:52.47Matholumok... thanks
23:53.31KirovYou could make your OnShow and OnEnter set this:EnableKeyboard(true) and then an escape key or maybe OnLeave set this:EnableKeyboard(false)
23:53.56KirovOh, and note the frameStrata thing
23:54.17Matholumto DIALOG?
23:54.42Matholumok ^_^... i will get coding ^_^
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23:56.21Matholumwhat do i do to give my frame access? throgh code...
23:57.13Xolan[EU]isn't += valid in lua?
23:57.16Matholum(my friends are getting frustrated that i mod and don't lvl... lol)
23:59.06Matholumno... srry you have to say i = i + x

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