irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20070101

00:00.12bleetahthe blogs underneath are themes from wordpress-mu
00:00.37AnduinLotharnorganna's blog looks very similar to a RapidWeaver template, but the code doesn't have the tags
00:00.51AnduinLotharwordpress makes sense
00:01.35bleetahnow, to go back to coding the cofee brewing IV inserting mod
00:01.55AnduinLothari'm kinda suprized my blog has lasted me since i redesigned like 5 yrs ago
00:02.08AnduinLotharnot that blogs are esp srenuous
00:02.56AnduinLotharbut i think i have to write my own database code now...
00:04.04bleetahAnduinLothar: btw, I'd be on #cosmos testers, but my chat client is ass and not letting me add new servers at the moment
00:04.17KirkburnHappy New Year from the UK!
00:04.25bleetahhappy new year, Kirkburn :D
00:04.29bleetahglad you made it
00:04.35bleetahweather's nice, eh?
00:04.52KirkburnOh, wonderful :P
00:04.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
00:05.38Guillotinehappy new year all!
00:05.52bleetahhappy new year, Guillotine :D
00:06.18*** join/#wowi-lounge TonyD (
00:07.08AnduinLotharAnyone know any good software or tools to make a table that's sortable by the different headers? kind of like the interface list here:
00:08.59AnduinLotharor even better, something with client side formatting
00:10.23kremontegah, how do you get winmpq working ;_;
00:12.35Tullerkremonte: that is
00:12.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Soulless (i=Fridgid@
00:12.49Tulleryou're probably missing some visual basic runtimes, I'd imagine
00:14.12amroAnduinLothar: If you find something let me know, I could use something like that
00:14.39kremonteTuller: with 2.0
00:14.43kremonteit doesn't read common.mpq
00:15.13kremonte(considering common.mpq is 3.6gb)
00:15.17Fisker-y helo thar
00:16.03bleetah2G limit? yerk
00:16.03AnduinLotharamro: I've defaulted to coding it in GoLive and writing my own js formatter with html includes for table data
00:16.17Tulleryeah that would probably be why :)
00:16.26AnduinLotharprobably simpler than trying to find learn and impliment some bloated system that does what i want only as a tertiary feature
00:16.31kremontei'm trying to extract some stuff from glues but i can't open it ;(
00:16.56kremontewith F&F alpha people would move out the patch file mid-install, but can't do that with BTS
00:17.06|Shadow|lol woot, the script i wrote to spam everyone for new year worked
00:17.18|Shadow|only downfall is i ended up having a endless conversation with a bot thats on my msn xD
00:19.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Bouvi (
00:19.12Guillotinekremonte: common.mpq is encrypted differently
00:19.20Guillotinesupposedly so that people can't put in their own models
00:19.35kremonteo_O put in their own models? can't do that anyway
00:19.36BouviAnd I am back.  Miss me?
00:19.41Guillotinekremonte: yes you can
00:19.43kremonteif you try to inject something into an MPQ wow will not load, it does checksums
00:19.53kremonteto inject your own models you can make your own mpq, but that completely goes around it :Q
00:20.07kremonte(i tried)
00:20.09Guillotinewell, it used to work. dunno why common is encoded differently then
00:20.16kremontei don't think it's encoding
00:20.35kremontewith BC (F&F and CB) you can move out the common.mpq file in between writes
00:20.43kremontebecause it writes half of it, then writes expansion.mpq, then common again
00:20.47kremontegiving you two patch files
00:21.09Endcommon just has an extra bit in the header
00:21.26kremontecould i feasibly hex edit it out and then open it? :Q
00:21.26Ender, bits really
00:21.44Endwell...all they did was add an extra table
00:22.19kremonteam i screwed? :(
00:23.04Endtry the mpq editor at
00:23.15kremontejvous aime <3
00:24.02kremonteyay, it loads
00:26.33*** join/#wowi-lounge xgravix|laptop (
00:28.28Tullerhrm, I wanna try and remember the name of that one
00:28.40Tullerit starts with an L....
00:28.49Tullerah screw it i'll just look at the page
00:30.25Tullerremembering MPQ editors made me remember hacking starcraft and making maps for war3 bah
00:30.43TullerI think i've forgotten JASS now
00:31.40Guillotineme too :(
00:31.45GuillotineI didn't like JASS much
00:34.13TullerI was able to do a lot of nifty spell stuff with it
00:34.27Tullerbut it was still a bit ugly to use
00:37.25BouviDang Tuller I use more of your stuff than I thought.  Did not know you did Omnicc too O.o
00:38.04Tulleromnicc is why I really wish everyone stopped doing their own cooldown count implementations :P
00:38.09|Shadow|oh great
00:38.28|Shadow|"Downloading "WoW-1.12.0-enGB-patch.exe"...
00:38.40|Shadow|"1.5 MB of 456 MB - About 6 hours"
00:38.53bleetahfrom a file mirror?
00:39.00BouviYeah I use Bongos for the bar cause I can turn them off :P lol
00:39.20|Shadow|i've started useing bongos, i manually position every single button lol
00:39.34Tullerall 120? :P
00:39.34|Shadow|DAB's keybindings didn't work properly, when flexbar 2 comes out i'll probably use it tho
00:39.45|Shadow|well i reckon i have about 110 buttons
00:39.48BouviOne thing thou you had better be sure you have the right number of bars cause if you add another bar BOOM it resets Thank God I saved a profile
00:40.13|Shadow|the sticky buttons option made it just about able to do :P
00:40.43Tullerthe bar code is being altered in the next update, but I'm still settling on a configuration system
00:40.59TullerI think I've determined one system doesn't work easily, but is still arguably more powerful
00:41.06BouviWell I volunteer to test if you need a tester.
00:41.08ckknighthow do you get the name of the item/spell you are holding in your hand?
00:41.25Tullerhand being...cursor?
00:41.39ckknightlike, you can pick up a spell or item, how do I get its name?
00:41.45TullerI thin kthey made it easier in some patch
00:42.04Tullerthink that is
00:42.07Guillotinenot really. you have to hook picking it up still I think
00:42.26GuillotineI thought the same Tuller, but Iriel corrected me
00:42.27Tullertype, detail[,subdetail] = GetCursorInfo() -- one of "item",id,link / "spell",slot,"spell"|"pet" /
00:42.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Soulless (i=Fridgid@
00:42.40ckknightyou are a pimp.
00:42.42Tuller2.0.3 it looks like
00:42.54Guillotineah, so it was just recently added. yay :D
00:43.46|Shadow|38353C3C3F cookies for who ever figures out what that means
00:43.47Tullerwell, I have not tested it, but yeah the old way is to hook pickupaction
00:43.48|Shadow|(solve it if your bored)
00:44.37|Shadow|Tuller nope
00:44.39|Shadow|its a word.
00:44.55BouviWonder if this is worth it.  looks cool
00:45.03|Shadow|Thunder_Child nope
00:45.12Thunder_Childthats not the word
00:45.20|Shadow|Thunder_Child yes it is
00:45.31|Shadow|do you give up yet? :D
00:45.36Thunder_Childok, now you lost me
00:45.56Thunder_Childis it in hex?
00:46.00|Shadow|Thunder_Child nope.
00:46.44|Shadow|any more ideas?
00:48.01|Shadow|lol ok imma tell you guys the answer :P
00:48.11|Shadow|its the word Hello, converted into ascii, then converted into base 32
00:48.57|Shadow|i can talk in base 2-36, and 64 now :D
00:49.18|Shadow|Talking in base 64 is fun. YmFzZSA2NCB3aW5z
00:49.57TullerI knew it
00:50.03Tulleras in, I did not, but yes
00:50.40KirkburnOuch, my IE7 mem usage hit 700MB!
00:50.55|Shadow|i re-wrote the code i made to translate, now all i have to do is /base BASE Text
00:51.02|Shadow|and /debase BASE Text
00:51.05|Shadow|fun \o/
00:51.12*** join/#wowi-lounge xgravix (
00:51.59KirkburnUnsurprisingly it then crashed
00:52.59IndustrialHAPPY NEW YEAR PPL (tho its 2am here)
00:54.22TullerKirkburn: you're not allowed to use IE :P
00:54.44Tullermore importantly, I have MS Paint open somewhere/
00:56.19Thunder_Childhow is that more important?
00:57.42Tullerbecause I opened it probably 6 hours ago and closed it five minutes later :)
00:59.00AnduinLotharhow do i set text height with a different font size in css, anyone?
00:59.24|Shadow|thanks Industrial
00:59.46|Shadow|i wrote a program to message everyone on my msn happy new year, at midnight
01:00.03|Shadow|funny as hell, because i have this bot on my msn and it ended up with a endless loop chatting to my auto away message
01:00.25|Shadow|...i am away. reason: new years ... i am away. reason: new years is a unknown command!
01:00.32|Shadow|rinse and repeat times about 10k
01:00.52AnduinLotharwhoo python
01:01.02kremontepython ftw
01:01.04Guillotinejust started learning it about an hour ago. very much like lua
01:01.11ThraeAnyone here do Raid Healing?
01:01.20kremonteobfuscating python code is hard
01:01.26GuillotineThrae: unfortunately :(
01:01.31Guillotinenot more once BC comes out though
01:01.33Guillotineferal/shadow ftw
01:01.36AnduinLothari had to write a program in intel assembly to calculat the primes from 0 to 40k this past quarter...
01:01.38Guillotineno more*
01:01.46kremonteouch anduin, ouch
01:01.55ThraeGuillotine: You're a Feral Priest or a Shadow Druid?
01:01.56InsideDoesn't sound too complicated o_O?
01:02.06GuillotineThrae: yup. and protection warlock
01:02.20kremonteGuillotine: no destruction rogue? i'm disappointed
01:02.24|Shadow|Guillotine copy cat :P
01:02.36Guillotinewhat did I copy from?
01:02.42|Shadow|me :O
01:02.55Guillotine? when did you say that
01:02.58|Shadow|i started python 2 days ago and i said here and i showed you screenshots :P
01:02.58GuillotineI thought I had made it up :(
01:03.01Guillotineoh ya
01:03.06Guillotinethats what convinced me to start learning it
01:03.16Guillotinewhat tutorial are you using? or just looking at examples?
01:03.25|Shadow|bit of both
01:03.31kremonteam i original for learning python a year ago :O
01:03.43AnduinLothari learned it 4 yrs ago
01:03.45Guillotinewoohoo! just calculated all prime numbers between 1 and 40k :D
01:03.55QshadowpGuillotine woot lol
01:04.13TullerI think I have some prolog code to do that somewhere
01:04.15Guillotineanyone want the list?
01:04.17kremontei wrote a program using Tk to easily play songs over CS on my clan's funserver
01:04.21AnduinLothari think 40-50k is like the max size of a 32 bit integer or something
01:04.21ThraeGuillotine: I need Raid testing for my updated addon, VitalWatch. It gives out chat messages and plays sounds for low or critical health/mana for self,group,raid,or pets.
01:04.46ThraeOh, it also has an alert frame. I need to add MSBT support for that.
01:04.46GuillotineThrae: don't really raid anymore much :( mostly 5-mans
01:05.11*** join/#wowi-lounge chrippa (
01:05.17ThraeYeah, I code too much to get up to Level 60
01:05.28Guillotinelol, you don't have a level 60?
01:05.34Tullerfive mans are more fun
01:05.38kremontei only have 60s because i have nothing to code :-(
01:05.44ThraeWell I've only been playing for a year and a half! ;)
01:05.44kremonteWTB Creativity PST
01:06.02GuillotineI leveled up my rogue 35-39 by spamming one button
01:06.04Guillotinefun stuff
01:06.20kremontei levelled rogue 1-60 by spamming 2! :P
01:06.24Guillotineit even moved/pulled mobs
01:06.28Thraekremonte: Coding addons is 30% Creativity and 70% Logic ;)
01:06.39Guillotinethat was back when moving wasn't protected
01:06.41ThraeGuillotine: Not anymore...well, partly
01:06.42kremontenot CODING addons. THINKING of addons to code
01:06.53Thraekremonte: That's the 30%
01:07.03kremontewell i'm missing the 30% then :(
01:07.06Tullerwell actually that's the 20%
01:07.11GuillotineThrae: not one ability, it used every ability. my addon just chose what to do
01:07.19Tullerthe 10% is thinking of solutions to get around the 70% part
01:07.28ThraeGuillotine: Right, like FeralSkills, pre-2.0
01:07.52Guillotinehad my own rogue one I worked on for a bit. never really released it. Then when they protected movement I just stopped using it
01:08.03ThraeAnd 5% is alchohol-induced brain seizure eurekas.
01:08.18kremonteThrae: nah, broken knuckles from punching things out of frustration
01:08.29kremonte5% is the healing so you can type out the solutions :P
01:08.34Tullerthe fun of playing a rogue is not playing a combat rogue :)
01:08.40kremontehemo ftw!
01:08.43kremonteWTB addon to code, PST
01:08.50ThraeThe fun of playing a Druid is playing a Druid!
01:08.55kremonteewww druid
01:09.11Tullerdruids are fun, but I always wind back healing with tuller
01:09.23Guillotineferal druids are fun in TBC
01:09.24kremontei cant stand healing after playing a 75whm in ffxi
01:09.28Guillotineonce you have actual itemization
01:09.30kremontei hate all people now
01:09.36kremonteso i just run around rogue killing said people
01:09.38ThraeI like healing.
01:09.49ThraeAnd I'm a Feral Druid, so I have the best of both worlds.
01:09.50Tullerkremonte: how in the world did you even make it to 75 in FFXI
01:10.02kremonteTuller: 75whm 56nin, i hate my life because of that
01:10.03Tullerkremonte: I think I gave up with the game around 40
01:10.05Endfighting 3 warlocks at once is certain death
01:10.09ThraeTBC Feral Druids can stunlock!
01:10.11EndI just found that out
01:10.14kremonteEnd: nah
01:10.15Tullerthough samurais are really fun to play
01:10.19kremontenot if you're a COS rogue with prep up
01:10.19GuillotineThrae: I know :D <3 maim
01:10.28kremonteSAM is just LFG for hours :/
01:10.29Endyou'll die
01:10.33Enddots will kill you
01:10.35Endnuff said
01:10.38kremonteCOS removes dots
01:10.41Tullerkremonte: well, I like chain attacks :)
01:10.47ThraeEnd: You could even say you are in Eternal Fear of a Warlock trio ;)
01:10.56Tullerkremonte: that's the one thing I want in wow that was in FFXI
01:10.58Endwait, COS?
01:11.04kremonteTuller: for awhile, i duoed with a SAM in altepa, WHM/nin hexa strike for light FTW
01:11.06Tullercurse of shadow
01:11.10kremontecloak of shadows
01:11.11kremonteCOS rogue
01:11.39EndI'm still skeptical
01:11.50Endsince it has a two minute cooldown
01:12.03Endwhich also has a cooldown
01:12.08kremonte2 preps is enough
01:12.16ThraeI never played FFXI, what is chained attacks? Something like Heroic Strike + Mortal Strike + Cleave are done consectutively?
01:12.21Endhow do you get two preps?
01:12.25kremonte2 COS
01:12.35kremonteThrae: kinda. weapon skills are used when you have TP, which is like rage
01:12.47EndI'm -still- skeptical
01:12.52kremonteyou get 100 TP, use a weapon skill, then someone else does theirs, and different combos make SCs (skillchains)
01:13.05Tullerwhich do more damage
01:13.18ThraeAh, gotcha. Yeah, that's pretty awesome, as long as it's queue'd probably so lag doesn't stop you from doing the combo.
01:13.19Tullerand have elements themselves
01:13.25kremonteEnd: i either sap one, or just zerg into it. ones stunlocked, ones blinded, the other is mashing dots and i just clear them off with COS when theyre all on me
01:13.33Endthey ran into me
01:13.36Endand put me into combat
01:13.49Tullergoblin rocket helm
01:13.52Endyeah, that might help
01:13.53kremonteThrae: there's time to spare
01:14.01kremonteyou have ~5 secs to do the other WS
01:14.01EndI was screwed
01:14.09EndI got deathcoiled
01:14.12Endthen 9 dots
01:14.32kremonteand at level 70+, you do a quest to get your final weapon skill, and the final WS of each weapon make level 3 SCs
01:14.46ThraeI'd also like to see End Raid Bosses which do Time Freeze super cool looking attacks at certain health 70%, 30%, 10%.
01:14.52kremontea complex system but making light was like making heaven come to earth, having jesus kick the shit out of your enemy, and then having a black mage MB off it
01:15.07kremonte(thats what SC were for, they were like curses - they make enemy vulnerable to an element)
01:15.16Endok, that time I only met two of them
01:15.16kremonte(then a BLM would MB (magic burst) off it and melt face)
01:15.20ThraeIt would certainly kill the monotomy
01:15.28kremontethe thing was, grinding was a pain in FFXI
01:15.31kremonteyou needed to be grouped
01:15.34kremonteso thats all most groups were
01:15.52Tullergroups forced people to play a useful class
01:15.56kremonteyou have a healer, tank, rdm or brd, then either 2 dps or a dps to SC with tank and a mage to MB
01:16.21kremonteexcept, the classic healer (a la WHM) kinda got run down in the end. was fun seeing RDMs be main healers and refreshers as i sat LFG longer than warriors
01:16.29kremontehorrible nostalgia
01:16.52Tulleryeah that's moslty why I stopped playing, you really couldn't do much outside of a group
01:17.01Tullerat least now I can code :)
01:17.12kremonteTuller: i could solo robber crabs as WHM/NIN!
01:17.19kremontei used so many stacks of utsusemi powder though
01:17.26Doongai miss my blm :(
01:17.28kremontetook me ~70 to kill one, and the fight was about 15 mins long
01:17.29*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
01:17.41Doongai had all the +1 elemental staves
01:17.41kremontei always wished i rolled a BLM... NIN was fun until i couldnt even get a group on that
01:17.50kremontebecause all the new groups were BRD BLM BLM BLM BLM parties
01:17.55kremonteDoonga: wow
01:17.58Tulleroh man, I'm about to have 6 sliders for this option
01:17.59kremonterich bastard
01:18.12kremontei had 2 darksteel mauls +1, light staff, dark staff +1
01:18.13Doongai grew the ore :) i'd make a few million every 3 weeks
01:18.24kremontein the end, i let my friend play for a week, i log back on
01:18.32kremontehe sold all my shit, including the gear i spent millions on that just came out
01:18.45kremontei got pants/gloves, 4mil each, he sold them for 2mil each and sent the money to himself..
01:18.50Tullerscale, opacity, cols, spacing, size, pages
01:18.52Doongawhen I quit, I sold everything and sent my friend like 30 million
01:19.00kremonterich :Q
01:19.08Doongahe bought that crazy ranger neck
01:19.15Doongathe one off argus, I can't remember the name
01:19.18kremonteRNG nerf was hilarious
01:19.21Doongapeacock charm
01:19.33kremontei still have SSes of when i stole LoO
01:19.35kremontewas a great day
01:19.38Doongaoh they nerfed them? hahaha I think he'd quit before that
01:19.47kremonteyea a bit after i quit
01:19.54kremontefurther away they were, the less damage they did i think
01:20.08kremonteoh, and i got optical hat on my WHM
01:20.09Doongawell...that's not too horrible
01:20.13Doongaoh nice
01:20.13kremontei soloed all the eyes :D
01:20.29Doongai had all the avatars but fenrir too
01:20.39Doongathe old way
01:20.40kremonte first time i saw xolotl D;
01:20.46kremontei never levelled my smn sj, he was at 32 lol
01:20.50*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
01:21.10Doongaoh i got them on some other character
01:21.15TullerI mined enough something from somewhere to get some sort of samurai bracers for myself, than gave up :P
01:21.21Doongai think...that was forever ago
01:21.30Doongawhat zone is that ss in?
01:21.41kremontemmmm one of the newish ones
01:21.46kremontewith the miasma
01:21.50Doongai quit just after chains came out...basically dec 2k4 when wow released
01:21.52kremontei was doing COP quests
01:21.55Doongayea, I think that was after me
01:22.01kremontei got to ultima fight, and quit
01:22.05kremontemy LS did it fucking without me
01:22.12kremontethey found a pick up WHM because they decided not to do it when planned
01:22.18Doongaoh nice
01:22.35Doongamy server got really screwed up with farmers
01:22.44Doongaand I really didn't like the look of endgame
01:22.50kremontei still have the SS when i got windurst r10
01:23.03Doongai think I was 6
01:23.12kremonte < i made so much money
01:23.22Doongaheavy jp server, so the americans had it rough for a long time
01:23.41kremontei think the COP quests were the most fun thing in ffxi tho
01:24.09kremonteand with this:
01:24.10kremontei go.
01:24.15Doongai like training every sheep farming for mary and blizzaga IV'ing them
01:24.24kremonte|whocarerofl at that
01:24.34Doongai have a screenie of that somewhere
01:25.01Doongaoo found it, hang on
01:26.01kremontei still dont know what to code
01:27.08Doongai code for a living, so i prefer to let other people code for my gaming time :) but I recognize well written mods when I see them...hence being here
01:27.48kremontei need an idea for something to make, i don't want to gulch grind :/
01:28.17Doongayea i'm rerolling come xpac, so i have some massive downtime while the guild cut back on raids
01:28.37kremontei dont even enjoy raiding
01:28.42kremontei just want something to make T_T
01:28.55Doongaoh i love it
01:29.15kremontewell, i have a lock, rogue, and undergeared warrior. not much i can do but DPS, so i'm useless and expendable
01:29.16Doongagot a good group of friend, so it's fun ... usually
01:29.25kremonteand i hate my guild with my lock and warrior
01:30.31Doongathat last pic is someone who had been harassing us coming over
01:31.00Doongalol ouch
01:31.04kremonteparispring, fredrick, jindi, and sussan were a group of farmers that sat in kuftal
01:31.07InsideThing I liked about FFXI was the whole battle raising thing.
01:31.11kremontemy friend and i would MPK them
01:31.24kremontethen id time it so as their WHM ressed, i would tractor
01:31.29kremontethe tractor prompt would be up, res wouldnt work
01:31.32Doongai loved the combat was slow as hell, but so involved
01:31.39kremonteyea, wow is so simple
01:31.40InsideI didn't like it at all.
01:31.43kremontei just mash hemo
01:31.46kremonteand kill shit
01:31.51InsideAs a RDM, ti was boring as fuck
01:31.55InsideI wrote a little script to play for me.
01:31.57InsideAnd watched anime.
01:32.02kremontethen why even play the game
01:32.07kremonteif youre going to have ab ot do it
01:32.09InsideThat's why I quit :p
01:32.11Doongai had a bard too, so rdm brd groups were insane
01:32.18kremonteas whm i got deprecated
01:32.20kremontein the 60s
01:32.27kremonteall the good groups had nin tanks and rdm healers, i just slowed shit down
01:32.33InsideYup =_=
01:32.46InsideGo back to your 2.5k xp/hour group in a completely over populated area.
01:32.46Tullerhurray, infinite recursion!
01:32.54kremontelol Insa
01:33.02InsideFFXI was such a shitty game.
01:33.07kremontei was excited when i got 6k/hr
01:33.12InsideLooking back, there was almost nothing positive about that game.
01:33.13kremonteas my BLM friend would whisper me
01:33.17kremonteLOL IM DOING 12K AN HOUR LOL!
01:33.20Doongayea heh
01:33.30Doongathat game was a giant pain in the ass
01:33.37Doongabut i still had a lot of fun
01:33.57kremontehmmm what to code..
01:34.14Doongathat's the other reason I don't code at home...I end up doing what you are right now
01:34.24kremontewell nothing else to do
01:34.33kremonteeveryone else is in the living room getting wasted and watching football, two things i despise
01:34.37InsideDoonga: What, sitting on irc bitching about ffxi XD?
01:34.45Doongayea that oo
01:35.01kremontei'm gonna go ask in org to make mods for cash
01:35.06kremontei have 3 epic mounts and no riding skill on my rogue <_<
01:35.23InsideWhat kind of mods do people need?
01:35.29kremontefuck if i know
01:35.40InsideIt's going to be something complex, if anything.
01:40.29TullerInside: make something you need? :P
01:40.40Tulleror imrpove some mod you currently use in some way
01:40.59Tullerimprove that is
01:41.07Tullerthat could actually be ripping out stuff you do not use
01:50.34Inside>_> hmm
01:56.06Guillotinehmm. would making mods for in-game gold be considered exchanging in-game currency for out-of-game services?
01:56.58MentalPower|GoneI think so, yes
01:57.23*** join/#wowi-lounge |Shadow| (n=Shadow@
01:57.32|Shadow|uhh, this is starting to get weird
01:58.01|Shadow|i started off walking around durotar, and i got the error that common.mpq was currupt, and couldn't login (same error over and over)
01:58.15|Shadow|so i tried the repair, it said i had to delete patch.mpq (which was non existant)
01:58.31|Shadow|so i uninstalled WoW, and spend the past 2 hours downloading the 1.12 patch
01:58.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Islorgris (
01:58.59|Shadow|and its now showing the error "The file "C:\Program Files\WoW-1.12.0-enGB-patch.exe" appears to be currupt. You made need to download this file again."
01:59.07|Shadow|any suggestions?
01:59.26Guillotine|shadow| I had the EXACT same thing a couple days ago
01:59.38Cidethey're after you
01:59.41Guillotineuninstall WoW deleting all files
01:59.43Endthe midgets!
01:59.45Guillotinethen reinstall
01:59.48|Shadow|Guillotine i just did that
01:59.57Guillotineyou also have to delete WTF folder
02:00.01|Shadow|control panel > add remove programs, uninstall wow
02:00.08|Shadow|then the remaining bits that where in the wow folder, i deleted
02:00.09Guillotinedid you chose to remove all files?
02:00.14Guillotinehmm. dunno then
02:00.22|Shadow|yes, i deleted the C:\program files\world of warcraft folder, before installing again.
02:00.30Guillotineguess the patch file just got corrupted while downloading maybe?
02:00.30|Shadow|time to call it a day? lol
02:00.32Guillotinetry re-downloading
02:00.36Doongahave you run the launcher recently to get the latest repair util?
02:00.43EndI'll repeat myself
02:00.45Guillotineor, better yet, install WoW from the test trial available on website
02:00.57Guillotinethen you need no patches
02:00.57|Shadow|Guillotine i could do that :p
02:01.03|Shadow|i might leave it downloading over night
02:01.14Guillotinethats what I did. took 10 hours of downloading ><
02:02.19*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
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02:20.38Guillotinefun fun, netsplit
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02:25.58BouviOK what was that?  I come in and everyone leaves?  Is it my deoderant?
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02:41.46cladhaireHappy New Years Netsplit zomg!
02:43.40|Shadow| , funniest chat on IRC i've had in quite a while.
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02:46.54|Shadow|~lart Osagasu
02:47.47End|Shadow| is a homeless person
02:48.06Endtrue story!
02:48.15|Shadow|y, i use the local telephone box to connect to the internet
02:51.36cladhairei have a home.. but no computer =(
02:53.10|Shadow|cladhaire =(
02:53.30cladhairewe should trade imo
02:53.48|Shadow|y \o/
02:54.25cladhairewho wants to make a mod that colors minimap mouseovers with class color
02:54.27cladhairewhere applicable?
02:57.30Guillotinealright, who knows about regexps in Python?
02:58.20GuillotineI'm reading the manual, but regexps seem to be working differently than anywhere else I've seen them
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03:08.16KirkburnStaying or leaving, Bouvi? ;)
03:08.40KirkburnWe all have to decide whether to have another netsplit for you :P
03:08.43BouviIs it possible to change an icon on a Fubar addon say if a condition is true change to this, etc.  If so how.
03:08.52BouviYeah what was up with that lol
03:09.15Kirkburnheh, no idea. Suprised we haven't had a global announcement
03:09.37BouviI know it is possible.  MailFu does it.  Time to hack some code.
03:09.39KirkburnHave different icons in different situations?
03:10.16KirkburnYeah, code hack! Or call ckknight evilly. Oops, damn, I did it anyway ;)
03:10.37ckknightBouvi: :SetIcon
03:10.49BouviThanks CK
03:11.07ckknightthere's a wiki page about this, Bouvi
03:11.23BouviWill look for it.
03:15.17*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (
03:15.23BouviWell did a search for SetIcon and cannot find it on wowwiki will keep looking.
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03:28.44cladhaire21 honor a minutes == nice =)
03:29.37KirkburnToodles! Happy 2007!
03:29.47cladhaireto you as well!
03:29.53Kirkburncladhaire, one day you will speak like me and love it :)
03:29.54BouviSame to you!
03:30.10cladhaireno i will resist your britishisms
03:30.18KirkburnWe shall prevail!
03:30.36Industrialyou know what I miss in linux?
03:32.34Qshadowpcure the stupid people \o/
03:39.47Industrialand the ugly people \o/
03:40.00BouviRemember if you have an if statment in a function you need two ends DUH!!!!! grrrr remembering how to code is killing me but it is fun.
03:40.14Industrialgo go gadget syntax highlighting
03:40.42BouviI even have that!!! It was a total DUH!@!!  Where do I sign up to cure the stupid people
03:41.18BouviWoot got the icon thing to work.
03:41.49MalivilBouvi: You realize the the "cure the stupid people" thing in that article refers to killing them or stopping them from reproducing... right?
03:42.07BouviWell that explains why I cannot reproduce....
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03:43.33IndustrialI dont think that stupid people reproducing is such a good idea :|
03:43.55IndustrialI dont think that having stupid people reproduce is such a good idea :|
03:44.28Thunder_Childthere are alot of people that shouldnt reproduce...stupid is just the tip
03:44.58Maliviloh yea
03:45.34BouviWell I cannot reproduce but I influences hundreds if not thousands of kids :)
03:45.57BouviOh Cladhaire can you make with the approving of my addon please :)
03:46.35Thunder_Childwait...are you saying that you addon is what does the influencing?
03:46.42BouviThank you
03:47.08BouviNo I am on the advising council to the United States Chung Do Kwan organization.
03:47.43Corrodiasi'm the executive dog trainer for the connie chung foundation
03:47.44BouviWe have a few hundred schools in the US
03:47.50Thunder_Childthats ok, thats alot of children getting kicked in the head...they wont remember anyways
03:48.37Corrodiaseugenics is great, as long as i get to be in charge of choosing who gets to reproduce.
03:51.43Industrialmmmm no, no, no, oo lah lah, no... hmm touhcaseNO hahaha, no, no.
03:52.39Thunder_Childthat does kinda go hand in hand with the darwin awards
03:53.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Neuro_Medivh (
03:53.47BouviPut up a sign.  Dive off cliff.  If you survive you get $10
03:54.18Industrialtheres a quest thats exactly that in 1k needles
03:54.27Industrialyou get 1250xp
03:54.39BouviReally should be easy with slowfall
03:54.47BouviHorde or Alliance?
03:54.52Industrialnah you dont die you get teleported back
03:55.37bleetahI've got a suggestion I'd like to make to Blizz, but would appreciate community feedback first. add "Incompatible" to the .toc - <- please feel free to leave a comment (pings ckknight Cairenn|afk)
03:55.54ckknightI saw that, bleetah
03:56.14ckknightthe TOC really could be bettter
03:56.17Industrialhm if wow would be real and you could just walk back to your body every time do you think there would be self-mutilating lunatic guilds that jump off cliffs for the rush? :D
03:56.23ckknightespecially with regard to LoadOnDemand and dependencies
03:56.28ckknightI want OR'd dependencies
03:56.40Corrodiaswith immortality, Industrial? of course i'd jump off things
03:57.03WobinI'd jump off lots of things
03:57.07bleetahckknight: I'm hoping blizz will go 'ooh, faster loading? sure!' ;-)
03:57.21ckknightmmm... not sure about that
03:57.30bleetahheh, j/k
03:57.58Thunder_Childi'd jump off things with a parachute
03:58.00Corrodiasi have collected a bunch of WoW porn. most of it is horrifying.
03:58.06cladhaireDoesn't seem like something that belongs in the .toc
03:58.22BouviYeah WoW Porn does not belong in the .toc at all.
03:58.27cladhairethat's kind of against the grain of what Blizzard wants the .toc doing
03:58.52ckknightwhy, cladhaire?
03:59.09Wobinit should be self contained, really
03:59.15Industrialin the lue, yeah
03:59.16Wobinnot "I don't play well with others"
03:59.26cladhaireWhy should Blizzard be handling two addons not working well together?
03:59.30Industrialjust disable yourself if you find another addon's object
03:59.45Cideadding that would lead to a lot of angry mod makers and ultimately users
03:59.47Industrial(that you comflict with)
04:00.12cladhaireit just doesn't make sense
04:00.22cladhairethe .toc enforces load order, and that's really it.
04:00.49cladhairei'm not sure it shoudl be doing more than that.
04:01.01bleetahisn't part of 'load order' including 'don't load <blah>'?
04:01.44Corrodias"don't load this file" can be enforced by just not putting the filename into the .toc
04:01.44Cideor·der (ôr'dər) pronunciation
04:01.47CideI would say no
04:02.09Corrodiasif you put "bob.lua" into your addon's folder but don't put the name into the .toc, it isn't loaded. problem solved.
04:02.11CideCorrodias: read up :)
04:02.21Cideit's about inter-addon "don't load this"
04:02.28Corrodiasi refuse to scroll up
04:02.33Corrodiasthat would require caring!
04:03.21Corrodiasit's best to just undo the other addon's changes and unload it in your .lua on an "addons_loaded" event
04:03.30Corrodiasif you really want to sabotage other addons
04:03.37Cidewhich you definitely shouldn't do
04:03.48cladhaireI agree it sucks, but it shoudln't have been done the way it was in the first place.
04:03.59cladhairewhat we have now is probably the proper end result.
04:04.17Corrodiaswhat way was something done, now?
04:04.30Cideread up
04:04.31Corrodiasi'm reading up but i don't really understand the problem
04:04.50Corrodiasyou're talking about... having a .toc tell WoW not to load other addons?
04:04.56bleetah was wowace's original 'solution'
04:05.07cladhaireCorrodias: Yes.
04:05.10Cidebugsack & buggrabber did, for some incredibly stupid reason, attempt to disable swatter because they were incompatible
04:05.15cladhairedont' load RDX, load PerfectRaid
04:05.21bleetahwe got a better one, eventually, but yeah doing that original stuff merely because an addon is incompatible is weird, and just got me thinking how better it could be handled
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04:05.37bleetahI think the word 'optimised' was used, too
04:05.41Corrodiashow many addons are truly incompatible?
04:05.44Cidenot loading perfectraid will be a pet project of mine; all my mods shall disable it
04:06.00cladhairei only load if Ace is enabled.
04:06.26Corrodiasyou should load only if a randomly generated number is within a certain range
04:06.27Cidetakes at least 35 ace addons to load ctra (since they negate the memory footprint of ctra)
04:06.39Corrodias25% load rate
04:07.23Cidejokes aside, I think adding an incompatibility tag will just lead to unnecessary problems
04:07.59BouviEveryone have a Happy New Year.  Will see you all next year.
04:08.07WobinWhat, 2008? =)
04:08.08bleetahhappy and safe new year Bouvi
04:08.27BouviLOL Bleetah, safe is easy.  I don't drink and I am at home. :)
04:08.30BouviNight all
04:08.34bleetahCide: well, I'm kinda really hoping it's more of a problem at the moment, where several projects are rapidly churning through releases, causing minor bugs with interaction
04:08.48bleetahCide: and will 'clear up' within a few weeks of BC going live
04:08.54cladhairethere just isn't that much that can be incompatible.
04:08.57Wobinmost addons don't necessarily conflict
04:09.19Wobinsince most people only ever download one or the other I imagine?
04:09.30bleetahi could've stopped three days of bug reports by incompatible-ing every lootlink at one stage ;)
04:09.44bleetahas an eg
04:10.39ckknightwell, the BugGrabber vs. Swatter problem is fixed now, no reason to keep galavanting on about it
04:11.17bleetahckknight: I know, i'm looking at the 'issue' of incompatible mods more generally now. once again, I thank you for your efforts in sorting that one out
04:11.17Cidethere is very much reason to complain about it
04:11.40Cidemore specifically, I'm curious what the hell is/was going on in the head(s) of whomever put that in
04:12.11bleetahfor me, it's closed. but I'd hate to think RDX would remove CTRaid without some kind of easy user feedback available by default (not saying they would, purely an eg)
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04:12.34cladhaireWhy not just warn
04:12.36cladhairewith a static popup?
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04:14.18cladhaireThats what I do with my incompatibilities.. I could change the CVar, but thats a bad idea.
04:14.47Corrodiaswhat's RDX?
04:14.58Corrodiasand why can't that work at the same time as CTRA?
04:15.16bleetahcladhaire: yeah, but they'd have to be ingame for that to happen. no way of fixing the issue before entering the world, like there is now with just 'disabled' based off Interface
04:15.50cladhairebleetah: Understood, but it was the right move, not outright disabling.. that's the same as trojan code
04:15.51bleetahand once ingame, there's no guarantee that the incompatibility won't nuke various SV's and stuff, causing us devs headaches
04:16.18Corrodiasoh, variable name conflicts?
04:16.54cladhaireyes but that's for the addon to manage, not the game engine.
04:17.16Corrodiasit seems to me that any non-local variables should be named like... RDX.var1
04:17.51cladhairesomethign like load order would be INSANE to handle on the lua side of things
04:17.53cladhairethis is managable.
04:17.54bleetahHmm, I'm starting to get the impression that I don't understand the entire login sequence and where the 'addons' page sits within it
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04:18.29bleetahor, I do, just have it a over t
04:18.50Corrodiasi don't even understand enough to see the problem
04:23.29cladhairebleetah: The addons page sits after you've logged in, but before you enter the game.. and all the .toc does currently is enforce load order.. it doesn't seem consistent to have addons disabling each other at that level.. who wins if you have both there?  The game makes you choose?  Ther'e no mechanism for that sort of thing at the moment, and I'm not sure there should be.
04:23.39cladhaireAny incompatibilities can be coded in the mod itself
04:26.25Corrodiaswhy should things ever be incompatible!?
04:26.43cladhaireit really would only happen in a very corner case, like this one.
04:26.57Corrodiaslike what one? i've never heard of either of those addons
04:27.08cladhairethey both handler errors
04:27.12cladhairethere can only be one error handler
04:27.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
04:27.17bleetahorder: A condition of logical or comprehensible arrangement among the separate elements of a group. logic: 'and' & 'not' are logical operators
04:27.26cladhairejust add water, instant drama
04:27.44cladhairebleetah: Why can't you do it in the lua?
04:27.48Corrodiasit sounds like the end user would be silly to enable both, then
04:28.00Corrodiasor, rather, he has full power to solve the problem by disabling one
04:28.07cladhaireCorrodias: Absolutely correct
04:28.16Corrodiasyay, i'm correct about something!
04:28.27cladhairebleetah: This just doesn't solve the problem.  Either you have to specifically take every possible addon into account, and put it in the .toc.. or manage it yourself.
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04:32.06cladhairethe problem is a.) a user enabling two addon that shouldn't both be loaded, or b.) addons doing things in an incompatible manner.
04:34.48cladhaireit'd be handy, but its just as much of a hack as what we'd have now.. and I think I'd rather slouken's time was spent on other things :P
04:34.52Wobinwhich is why I can't see the whole kerfuffle about the entire issue anyway =P
04:34.52bleetahhrm, so I guess what you're saying is it's replacing one arms race with another .. which is of course true
04:35.08cladhaireyep, and one involves slouken, which is bad imho =)
04:35.09bleetahheh, yeah that's fer sure
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04:41.24MentalPower|PoofHappy New Year!!!
04:54.16ckknightmmm... crabs legs
04:54.48cladhaireMentalPower: Happy New Year to you too!
04:59.49MalivilHappy New Year!
05:02.47*** join/#wowi-lounge TC_mobile (
05:04.38Thunder_Childgood to see that works
05:10.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Fridgid (n=Fridgid@
05:13.29Garoun|Loupanahappy east coast NY
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05:44.38TonyDhmm, i lost my actionbar page
05:45.52TonyDhow do I change action bar pages?
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06:56.59Cairenn|afkHappy New Years everyone :)
06:57.08Industrialyou too cairenn
06:57.17Industrialhm that kinda wants to make me have 2 monitors :(
07:01.04Enduh oh, my calendar reads 2007!
07:03.57ckknightstill 2006 here
07:04.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Vathral (
07:11.56Guillotine2006 for another 50 minutes!!!
07:12.38Cairenn|afk2 hours in, here
07:14.03ckknight <-- not ace-specific, but can be very helpful
07:15.02GuillotineCairenn|afk: pfft. but only PST matters, right?
07:16.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaivarri_ (
07:18.08Kaivarri_Anyone in here?
07:18.22ckknightsorry, Kaivarri_
07:18.26ckknighteveryone left for the party
07:18.34ckknightit is new year's, after all
07:18.35Cairennalready gave at the office, don't want any, sorry
07:18.48Cairennleft my wallet in my other jacket
07:18.54Kaivarri_How can I download the beta of auctioneer?
07:19.07purlthe greatest WoW auction mod ever. see ~auctioneerbeta
07:19.08CairennAuctioneer 4.0 & Gatherer 3.0 ( | Test versions: & | Post bugs here, Don't PM | | | ~auctstuff | #wowi-lounge for general chatter | Patience, my young padawan.
07:19.35Guillotinethis time, Cairenn > purl
07:19.39Kaivarri_yeah, I'm not seeing the beta on the download page, maybe I'm not reading it right...
07:20.17Industrialckknight: I edited that page (first tip)
07:20.21ckknightCairenn cheated and stole the topic from #norganna
07:20.39CairennKaivarri_: at the bottom of the page linked, under "Other downloads & dev versions"
07:20.51ckknightah, very good, Industrial
07:20.58Cairenn"NOTE: These release versions are not yet WoW 2.0 compatable
07:20.58CairennSee the bottom section for developer test versions."
07:21.13Kaivarri_ahh, okie dokie, thank you
07:21.13cladhaireckknight: I posted in the discussion page, but you'd be better off removing the bulk of your comments.  They don't express any reason information and come across as quite biased.  Just a suggestion.
07:21.51ckknightdiscussion page?
07:21.59cladhaireyes, each wiki page has a talk page
07:22.02cladhairewelcome to wiki-land =)
07:22.08ckknightoh, that
07:22.15cladhaireso you can discuss an article without writing on the page itself.
07:22.56ckknightyea, I understand, but it's nice to have the discussion by each tip, makes it more transparent instead of behind-the-scenes
07:23.00ckknightjust an opinion, though
07:23.06cladhairewell, for example in the first one
07:23.10cladhaireyour statement barely has any english meaning
07:23.18cladhairewhereas the comment after yours expressed fact about the reasoning =)
07:23.33ckknightfair enough
07:23.38ckknightI just kinda wanted to put _something_ down
07:23.39cladhaire"Global pollution should be avoided and there is no good reason for it not to be."
07:23.45cladhairebut it seems forced
07:23.53Industriali was going to add "local g=setfenv(0)" to that, but I dont know how to add that discussion page stamp.
07:23.54cladhaireand it hink the discussion will be more appropriate if it comes naturally
07:23.58cladhairedepends on oyru audience.
07:24.24Industrialhow do I add that stamp thing? its automatic?
07:24.37ckknight: ~~~
07:24.40ckknight: ~~~~
07:27.06ckknightalright, cladhaire, I took out the forced ones
07:27.35cladhaireI just think you'll find a better response from the overall community that way =)
07:27.42cladhaireyou've got what, two more hours til New Years?
07:27.53ckknight2 and a half
07:28.06cladhairecool :P
07:28.12cladhairemy boyfriend'll be hitting in a half hour
07:28.16cladhairehe's been drunk for 6 =)
07:29.11ckknightdomestic abuse?
07:30.07ckknightor am I way off base?
07:30.09Cairennhitting the new year
07:30.21Cairennpacific time
07:30.41EndI thought what ckknight thought too actually
07:32.59ckknighthehe, Industrial
07:36.52cladhaireSOOO UGLY
07:37.15Cairennthat's pretty damn ugly, yup
07:37.32cladhairei do what i can =)
07:37.33Cairennhighly visible though
07:37.40cladhairei tried to make the orange more obnoxious
07:37.48cladhairebut i reached my limits, actually
07:37.56Endthat's horribly ugly
07:38.07Cairennmake the pink even hotter
07:38.08cladhaireya know, i do what i can folks =)
07:38.09Endyou might be able to make that more ugly, but you'd have to tr
07:38.30Cairennthat's still just medium pink, you need to have it be really really hot pink
07:38.35cladhairei chose that pink specifically for you =)
07:38.48ckknightpink = sex
07:39.05Cairennthe brown has to go though, it almost looks good - change it to lime green or something
07:39.20Industrialcladhaire: I think you should like work together with haste (PING) cause his looked similar and even orange too. but yeah, less eyestabbing :(
07:39.37cladhairehis was a different color
07:39.45cladhaireand if the buttons weren't nasty, it wouldn't be that bad.
07:39.47cladhaireexcept the color
07:39.49cladhairebuti can't change it at the moment.
07:40.25Industrialnot that I can do any better tho, so ill shut up :>
07:40.36cladhaireits actually really nice
07:40.39cladhaireespecially the way its done
07:40.45cladhairethe color and the buttons are the issue =)
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08:00.08GuillotineHAPPY NEW YEAR PST!!!
08:00.12EsamynnHAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! =D
08:02.34cogwheelding 2007!
08:03.58VoidRaider|afkMorning everyone, and happy new year! :)
08:08.55kremontewow fireworks :O
08:09.06kremontenoisy little things
08:09.18Wobinman you should ahve seen the ones we had
08:09.31Wobinthree separate locations, and also about 5 or so building faces
08:10.00WobinI'm always impressed that they manage to outdo the previous year, each year
08:10.26kremontei'm talking about fireworks in wow
08:11.24Wobinoh =P
08:11.33WobinOh well, Sydney still has better fireworks =P
08:14.06cladhairei dont think we do fireworks
08:14.13cladhairebut that's what happens when you live in upstate new york =)
08:15.07Industrialthis year here firework that used to be illegal was legalized
08:15.26Industrialso everyone got big banging shit >:)
08:18.36Industriala mob using Lightning Cloud INSIDE a cave
08:19.07Endit's when they use entangling roots inside of a cave
08:19.12Endthat's what annoys me
08:19.48Endto be fair, I can root people inside of matters where -I- stand, not my target
08:20.47cogwheelis there any way to set a button as disabled in XML?
08:21.00EndI think so
08:21.12Guillotineyou have to remove the onclick and set it as grey
08:21.13VoidRaider|VRjust use this:disable() ?
08:21.28Industrialits fun how all caves seem to be the same
08:21.30Endis wowwiki drunk
08:21.33cogwheelVoidRaider|VR: that's what i'm doing ... was wondering about a straight xml method
08:21.39Endwowwiki is definitely drunk
08:21.41Industrialits durotarall over!
08:22.14VoidRaider|VRI don't think there is mate, but you never know :P
08:22.34Guillotinecogwheel: use template "UIPanelButtonGrayTemplate"
08:22.46VoidRaider|VRInd have you done with your Unit Frames ? :)
08:22.51Cairennokay, how the heck did you guys do that?
08:22.58Guillotinedo what?
08:23.06Cairennthe wiki
08:23.07*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=startiba@guifications/developer/bleeter)
08:23.17Cairennthat is just too funny
08:23.28EndI didn't do it!
08:23.31GuillotineWOW, that is so awesome!!!
08:23.31EndI blame kirkburn
08:23.39Endeven though, I have no idea who did it
08:23.56Guillotinehaha, all the images are blurry
08:24.03EndI imagine there is a mediawiki extension you can install
08:24.30Guillotineonly front page is changed, so it could easily have just been done manually
08:25.17EndI blame Tekkub then
08:25.42GuillotineI applaud him for going through all the work of doing that
08:26.07GuillotineI need an IRC filter to do that
08:26.17Guillotineacshually, no I don't...hic!
08:27.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
08:33.05VoidRaider|VRHmm if I want to upload a Beta version of my mod on WoWInterface, what would I use Upload a patch or Upload an addon ? a suggestion and my guess they're both appear on the list of "Patch & Add-on List" under a different type ? if that's the case I think it's better to add a radio button and use one link :P
08:34.46Cairennupload a beta version of it to the Beta section
08:35.50VoidRaider|VRHmm how can I do it, I can't see a link or anything :/
08:35.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
08:37.01Cairenngo to the beta section, press upload ;)
08:37.08VoidRaider|VRhaha ok :)
08:37.30VoidRaider|VRI'm kinda new there so sorry :)
08:37.46Cairennno worries :)
08:39.25cladhaireSo guess whats almost ready for beta? =)
08:40.45VoidRaider|VRWhat's that magic you're hiding Clad ?
08:41.51VoidRaider|VRCar would the Beta version appear at my Addon page ?
08:42.36VoidRaider|VRah ok thanks :)
08:42.51Cairennyou're welcome
08:48.43fireglowhello. i have a question: does freenode offer encrypted access to its servers?
08:49.58fireglowssl i mean
08:51.23cladhairenot sure tbh
08:51.32bleetahdunno, i know they support tor
08:53.17VoidRaider|VRDoes freenode provide SSL-based client access?
08:53.24VoidRaider|VRread :)
08:53.51fireglowthanks :D
08:53.58VoidRaider|VRnp ^^
08:54.01cladhairezomg so rude!
08:54.24VoidRaider|VRhaha :P
08:58.37*** join/#wowi-lounge StriderA (
09:24.31VoidRaider|VRCan I upload programs to WoWInterface ? and what's the procedure ? :)
09:24.58ckknightVoidRaider|VR: must include source code
09:25.06VoidRaider|VRk :)
09:25.37ckknight(which is more of a keylogger check than anything, probably)
09:25.46Cairennpretty much
09:25.52Neuro_Medivhnot like they compare the source to the exe
09:26.04ckknightyea, but it provides less incentive.
09:26.06Cairennmaking sure that you aren't including anything "nasty"
09:26.14Neuro_Medivhlike pr0n?
09:26.20VoidRaider|VRhaha :P
09:26.20Neuro_Medivhcause, imho, that's ok
09:26.35bleetahas long as it's gnome hunter pron, i'm cool with it
09:26.51Neuro_Medivhwho doesn't like a little flash in the pan with their UI addons?
09:26.55VoidRaider|VRI have no problem to attach the source it serves the community :)
09:27.09Neuro_Medivhjust be sure to also attach pr0n
09:27.23Neuro_Medivhmake sure you add a little something something for Cairenn too
09:27.26VoidRaider|VRI'll try, you want video or images ?
09:27.40VoidRaider|VRRespect! :P
09:27.45bleetahascii gnome hunter pron mmmm
09:28.54Neuro_MedivhSo Cairenn, are you more the "Brad Pitt" or the "Daniel Craig" type?
09:29.58Neuro_MedivhVee haf vays auf making you tahk!
09:30.49Cairennuh huh
09:31.19VoidRaider|VRDepends where is she from ? my guess is ... hard to tell haha :)
09:31.19Neuro_MedivhHeinrich!  Bring in... the Red Food Dye No. 2!
09:31.35Neuro_MedivhYes, joo are scared now, I can tell
09:31.47Neuro_MedivhRed Food Dye No. 2, the most deadly food dye of all
09:32.01Neuro_Medivhknown to cause cancer in laboratory rats!
09:32.12Neuro_MedivhIt is almost too diabolical!
09:32.28Wobinoh man
09:32.36WobinNeuro_Medivh is made from PEOPLE
09:32.48Neuro_MedivhYes, this is true... two, to be specific
09:33.11Mike-N-GoCan someone explain the hooksecurefunc, I know I need to use it for my addon but I am not sure how to use it.
09:33.55Neuro_Medivhyou don't need to worry about it.. just hook it however you want, and ignore the taint.  Some other addon will take the blame.
09:34.33WobinI'm kinda glad acehooks does that for me =P I think Mike-N-Go, what the secure hook is for is so that your function will be called -after- the hooked function completes so you can't affect any inner working variables of that function
09:34.55VoidRaider|VRok I uploaded the program :)
09:35.19VoidRaider|VRHope you won't find monsters in it lol
09:35.21Mike-N-GoAhh, I under stand that a bit better now.
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09:37.13Neuro_MedivhI swear to God, if I see another "Random Mount Macro" request, I'm gonna start beating people
09:37.31CairennVoidRaider|VR: I'm sure it'll be fine, most folks that are going to upload something malicious, sure as hell won't be sitting in here talking about it
09:37.44VoidRaider|VRhaha ofc :)
09:37.58CairennVoidRaider|VR: and no worries, we'll delete the source code before we make it avail for download
09:38.11Cairennthe one and only time we "mess with" an author's files
09:38.41VoidRaider|VRI also uploaded it to Worldofwar and they confirmed it, close to 2000 downloads :)
09:39.03Cairennunfortunately, I'm not the one that has to check it, since I don't have a secure machine, so you'll have to wait on Dolby-wowi being around to verify it
09:39.09VoidRaider|VRI setup my portal now and it's seems cool :)
09:39.20VoidRaider|VRnp I'll wait
09:39.21Cairennglad you like :)
09:40.03VoidRaider|VRA bit confused about how the Beta section works tho :P
09:40.25Cairennwe have to get that better integrated, we're working on it
09:40.34VoidRaider|VRAh great :)
09:41.43Cairennthere are so many things we'd like to do, things the community asks for, but with only Dolby-wowi to do all the coding for our 6 existing sites, as well as his "real" full-time job ...
09:41.46VoidRaider|VRI just think that it should be at the same addon page just like uploading a patch or an update but in a different list, my opinion of course :)
09:42.03Cairenn*nod* that's the sort of thing we'll be doing, just not there yet =/
09:42.18VoidRaider|VRCool looking forward for it :)
09:42.24VoidRaider|VRGreat job so far! :P
09:42.31Cairennfeedback is always good :)
09:48.11*** join/#wowi-lounge dpakalnis (
09:51.22GuillotineMike-N-Go: way back to the hooksecurefunc. Its real easy
09:51.49VoidRaider|VROne more thing Cair if it's possible and it's only a suggestion adding a version history to the addon page :D
09:52.21GuillotineMike-N-Go: check out BouncersAnonymous( for a real simple example of using it
09:52.44GuillotineI should upload that to WoWI actually since most people are using it to learn from. and it isn't just a useless addon anymore :P
09:56.46dpakpardon me, I am new here, but have not been able to find a faq for proper etiquitte...dont want to offend with my newbness.
09:58.18Guillotinedpak: don't worry, we don't bite :)
09:58.25dpaklol...thanks good to know.
09:58.26Cairennif you get out of line, someone will let you know :)
10:00.31dpakThanks, appreciate it.  Please pardon me if my question is too simple, or not apropriate for this channel.  I am trying to add a help screen (i.e. pop up window, with a paragraph or two of text) to an add on.  I have not been able to find a good example of how to make text with more than just a sentence or two.
10:01.58Cairennunfortunately for you, you've picked a quiet time at the best of times, and even more so right now, with it being New Years and all ...
10:02.11dpaklol...yes, I udnerstand.
10:02.14Guillotinedpak: try just making a large label
10:02.22Cairennso please don't take a lack of answer as being ignored
10:02.26Cairennor personal
10:02.34Guillotineif you set the dimensions to full up the entire frame, you can fit paragraphs of text in there
10:02.45dpakOh, I do not.  I realize that most folks may be in bed or passed out about now......or in game!
10:03.03GuillotineI fail at purl :(
10:04.13amroyou just need to make your frame and label big enough, nothing special
10:04.23dpakok, making a large label.  Do I concatenate the strings together?  Or define one long block of text? (I am very new at this, please paron me).
10:04.29Islorgrishave you tried putting it in html format dpak ?
10:04.46Guillotineyou can do html format? I dunthink so
10:04.48dpakactually, no I have not.  fascinating.  
10:04.56Guillotinedpak: use \n to seperate lines
10:04.58amroyou can put it all in one string if you want
10:05.11Guillotineand just put it in one string
10:05.16Islorgristhe help pages for gatherer are in html (same as myAddons)
10:05.30Guillotinedidn't know that was possible. you learn something new every day
10:05.35dpakfascinating, I will take a look at them.
10:05.51dpakand on creating a large label text.
10:06.19dpakI looked at, but was not able to determin how to search the examples there.
10:06.35Guillotineanyway, its 2 here, so I'm off to bed. Happy New Year everyone!
10:07.02dpakgood night, and thank you for your help.
10:07.45zenzelezzpastey isn't really used much for general examples, it's just so we don't spam the channel with tons of code
10:07.49amrodpak: a lot of the code on pastey has a problem somewhere :P
10:08.13amrobest thing to do is open up the xml of an addon you know has what you're looking for
10:08.17Corrodiasthus, it has good examples of what not to do
10:08.32amroim assuming you already have a frame with a label that works?
10:08.51dpakyes, I have done that.
10:09.26amrothen just increase their size
10:09.51dpakI did not know if there was a limit to my assigning text to the label....I need a whole paragraph.
10:10.07amrothen put in a whole paragraph :)
10:10.24amroif the frame isn't big enough you make it larger... myFrame:SetWidth() myFrame:SetHeight()
10:12.14dpakgot it.  I will try that.  I am new at this, and it is a bit slow going decipering the logic of existing add ons and the syntax of lua and xml.
10:13.13dpakI mod existing add ons for my guild, adding or removing features, and adding online help boxes on how to use them.
10:13.38dpakas most folks will not use a read me file or ever go look at a website.
10:13.40amroit would help to have the lua manual handy if you're confused by the syntax
10:14.15dpakI have been reviewing it...but helps to have in context of working add ons.  
10:14.37dpakI have decided to break down and order a dead tree copy of that ....would you reccomend the other book as well?
10:15.05amroyeah, its great
10:16.13dpakok, my typing is going...time to turn in.  thanks, I do appreciate the advice.  Happy New Year.
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10:21.07Cairenn|afknight guys
10:24.21VoidRaider|VRnight :)
10:26.05*** join/#wowi-lounge FtH|eagle (
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10:36.00Shane__anyone know how/if you can set a button attribute that makes it go invisable if it unpopulated?
10:36.17Shane__err if it is not populated by an action
10:36.57amroyou can manually hide it
10:38.41Shane__how so?
10:39.15Shane__I have a config ui that shows/hides buttons and it leaves them in a state where the button is visable even if its empty I want to fix that
10:47.55amrodid you try :Hide()?
10:49.41Shane__thats what I am doing... the problem is my configuration ui uses a slider and it :shows 1-12 depending on setting.. I want the button to be availible for the user to drag actions too it but I dont want it to be visable if nothing is in it
10:50.31Shane__the way it is setup now all buttons show up only until someone drags an action then the empty buttons disapear like they should.. I just want to trigger that behavior manually
10:55.11*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
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11:07.52VoidRaider|VRYou can try SetAlpha, though I haven't seen your code so I dunno :P
11:11.24Shane__ya that would just hide all of the buttons
11:12.19VoidRaider|VRNot if you giving it a specific frame, however it depends on the case and your XML structure :)
11:12.40Shane__my button update logic is pretty simple, it just unhides/shows the correct number of buttons (based on config ui) and changes size (based on config ui)
11:14.17Shane__Here is the simple 22 line button update logic
11:14.52Shane__this gets called after each "On_Click" event in the /MyAddon Config ui
11:16.17Shane__:Show seems to show a button, even if its empty.. but wow also seems to auto-hide them as soon as an actionable spell/item is dragged
11:16.42Shane__If I could duplicate/call the "drag" event I could fix this easily
11:18.35IndustrialI feel like making my own quest addon cause all the other ones suck :P
11:19.07Industriali just want a big quest pane
11:19.40Industriali like that i can put only 2-3 quests in the quest tracker (the ones im doing)
11:19.53Industrialbut it forgets them every time
11:20.05VoidRaider|VRHey, Ind I ask it in the 3rd time haha did you finish with your Unit Frame ? :P
11:20.15Industrialno buffs yet
11:20.25VoidRaider|VRoh ok I'll wait let me know :))
11:20.50VoidRaider|VRShane I'm checking few things :)
11:24.52Shane__k :)
11:25.09Shane__I wonder if button:Show is setting btn.showgrid = true
11:26.19nevcairielit doesnt
11:26.39VoidRaider|VRshowgrid is only a frame var it has nothing to do with it :)
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11:41.47VoidRaider|VRAre you using any events ? it seems that there're events to do it ...  
11:42.27VoidRaider|VRACTIONBAR_SHOWGRID & ACTIONBAR_HIDEGRID however I'm not sure, I haven't tested it :)
11:43.03VoidRaider|VRah ok
11:43.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Dhirmadi (
11:43.27Shane__oddly enough my PartyBars_ChangeButtons does not show the grids on any of those events
11:43.28VoidRaider|VRYour code seems fine to me, it's weird
11:43.47Shane__only from the /MyAddons config ui
11:44.01VoidRaider|VR1 sec :P
11:44.21Shane__ill post the full code if u like its not that large 200 lines
11:44.24VoidRaider|VRIt's not working through the command line it ? that's the problem ?
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11:44.48VoidRaider|VRyeah would be pretty good :)
11:48.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Dhirmadi (
11:52.44Shane__hmm TrinityBars seems to scan all 120 buttons and marks the ones with actions and then hides them or shows them manually... I would like to avoid such a hack heh
11:55.23Shane__I could create/destory the frames / buttons on demand instead of creating them all up front and show/hidding them but that seems more complex then my current method :(
11:56.21Shane__err that should read instead of showing/hiding pre-created buttons
11:56.45zenzelezzactually, you can't destroy frames
11:56.47VoidRaider|VRyeah, creating them on demand won't help you much, and you will end up with the same results at the end
11:57.48VoidRaider|VRtrue you can't destory them, but she/he meant to have a limit of frames available chosen by the user selection
11:59.52Shane__btn:ClearAllPoints fixes the grid glitch, I could then resetup the attributes all in my PartyBars_ChangeButtons no?
12:00.09Shane__seems like a lot of extra code for such a simple thing
12:01.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
12:04.11zenzelezzfunky... the Blackrock Depths meeting stone says it's for level 48-65 o_O
12:07.09amroas if people doing BRD at level 52 wasn't bad enough
12:08.09zenzelezzI'm more wondering why level 65s would go there
12:09.22amrobecause the level 52s in guild beg them for heklp
12:09.58amromaybe they're going to add the difficulty thing for BRD?
12:10.03zenzelezzbut you can still enter while higher level than the meeting stone says o_O Unless they're changing that
12:10.38amroyeah you can, except that the LFG feature won't allow you to queue up
12:12.20zenzelezzbut then you're back to the "why-would-you"
12:14.57amroi wonder if dark iron will be useful past 60
12:15.20zenzelezzwouldn't count on it... seems more likely that the new FR stuff will require Outlands materials
12:16.32nevcairielthere is heavy FR equip from heroic dungeon tokens
12:16.35nevcairiellike 60 FR on one item
12:16.56zenzelezzyeah, I've seen the new stuff; but didn't know how you got it
12:17.04zenzelezzsort of expected it to be another crafted set
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12:47.55warlaany Burning Crusade beta Horde around? :-)
12:49.03amroprobably too hungover to talk on IRC :P
12:49.20warlaheh true
12:49.27warlai had fucken too much alcohol too yesterday
12:49.45warlabut the fact i ate tripple than what was good for me kinda "slowed" the alcohol effects
12:51.16amronot drinking at all kinda nullified the alcohol effects
12:56.50*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
13:11.15zenzelezzthey really messed up the NPC shouts sometime
13:11.32amrothe variables?
13:11.34zenzelezzFiregut Ogre Mage yells: $N KILL! $G He:She; kill you now! RUN! RUN!
13:14.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Jocco_S (
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13:44.38warlaany BC beta horde here?
13:45.58dukekuoh yeah, most def
13:46.02dukekui have a 70 shaman!
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13:54.51[Cu]WerikCan any of you recommend me a leightweight enemy castbar mod?
13:55.40foxlitMorning :)
13:56.08BouviI like
13:56.30foxlitMine is integrated with unitframes, so I'm afraid that's no help :(
13:56.38[Cu]Werikoh it has a new target bar
13:56.46[Cu]WerikThanks, that will just do it Bouvi:)
13:56.58BouviAnytime :)
13:57.06Bouvi<- Addon Junkie
13:57.40[Cu]WerikHappy new year btw:)
13:57.49BouviYes Happy New Year to all.
13:57.55*** join/#wowi-lounge xgravix (
14:14.02Fisker-i am warla
14:16.13zenzelezzand I am zenzelezz, nice to meet you
14:18.00BouviI am Blackheart Bouvi and I have my own theme song viewable at :P
14:25.23BouviHoly cow our Dalmation needs Beano!!!
14:28.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Xolan[EU] (n=Xolan[
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14:58.54Qshadowpuhh i've just reinstalled wow
14:59.06Qshadowpwith the patches do i have to download 1.12...2.0.1...2.0.3
14:59.11Qshadowpor can i just download 2.0.3?
15:01.17foxlit3 isn't live
15:01.45foxlitJust connect wow, and see what it downloads for you?
15:02.13foxlitAs far as I know, there's no 1.x-2.0 patch yet, so you'll probably have to go with 1.x->1.12, 1.12->2.0.1
15:02.41Qshadowpit currently wants 1.12 - 2.0.1
15:02.48Qshadowpand i allready downloaded 1.12 before that
15:03.08zenzelezz2.0.1 is live, so should be the last one you need to download
15:03.11Qshadowpthe blizzard downloader really annoys me, it takes ALL of my upload bandwith and gives me constant disconnects on IRC and such..
15:03.21Qshadowpok :)
15:03.24foxlitwowwiki has a patches page.
15:03.49Qshadowpfoxlit thats where i get my mirrors from :P
15:03.53foxlitThere are quite a few websites hosting those as a normal HTTP download :)
15:03.58*** join/#wowi-lounge SoLoR (
15:04.09Qshadowpheh :P
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15:04.22Qshadowpi think its kinda useless for blizzard to ninja our bandwith :<
15:04.28zenzelezzQshadowp: you could also check WoW\Cache and see if there's a BackgroundDownload.torrent
15:05.37Qshadowpsame problem occurs when i use torrents :P
15:05.49Qshadowpi only ever use a torrent if im sleeping, they ninja all my bandwtih :(
15:05.52Qshadowpi only have a 1mb connection
15:06.06zenzelezzmost torrent programs let you set a max upload/download speed
15:06.17Qshadowptrue that though :P
15:06.23Qshadowpmeh im downloading the patch from a file mirror
15:06.37Qshadowpjust over 4 times as fast as the blizzard downloader \o/
15:13.40Qshadowpoh good god
15:13.50Qshadowpmy friends joined the guild <Certified Water Vendor> with his mage
15:17.26*** join/#wowi-lounge amro_ (n=amro@
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15:30.04zenzelezzoh my...
15:30.25zenzelezz[Party] [D...]: i can backup heal with [Heavy Runecloth Bandage][Runecloth Bandage]
15:30.32zenzelezzand he's actually serious
15:31.06Qshadowppeople have told me to heal before (im a mage)
15:31.20Qshadowpi was in a PvP premade guild and he said "ok, qshadow heal."
15:31.29Qshadowp"Kk [Runecloth Bandage] FTw
15:32.09zenzelezzI don't even know how many times I asked priests to sheep mobs... somehow it just took me a while to remember that it was mages that did that x.x
15:32.23Qshadowplol :P
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16:30.06ravagernlCan anyone help with an issue in frame scaling of my addon?
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16:47.07Garthnaithello guys
16:50.28BouviHeya Garthnait, Happy New Year
16:50.41Garthnaitthx and back
16:51.24Garthnaitamro, are you here?
16:52.30foxlitravagernl: shoot.
16:52.36foxlitAnd check that your frames are parented.
16:53.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Meiun|| (
16:56.16warla <-- layout finished :-) can start filling in the texts now
16:58.41Xolan[EU]you using a cms or made one yourself? :)
16:59.48Xolan[EU]looks very clean, can't wait to get some content up there
17:01.20Garthnaiti've some questin. does lua know "or"?
17:01.47Endblah or foo and b
17:01.57Garthnaitso i can define: local _, _, mob, dmg = string.find(arg1, GODLIKE_MELEEHIT) OR _, _, spell, mob, dmg = string.find(arg1, GODLIKE_ASHOTHIT) ??
17:01.59Xolan[EU]remember to use complete statements though
17:02.13Mikmawarla: your site is still slow ;)
17:02.20Endhmmmm, don't think that'd work
17:02.29End= doesn't work like an operator
17:03.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
17:03.05Endeach statement must have one =, unless it's a function call, in which case the = can be omitted
17:03.25End(or in cases where = is implied)
17:03.38Garthnaitthat i dont understand
17:03.49EndI'm going into details you don't need to know
17:03.51pastamancerlocal _,_,mob,dmg,spell = string.find(...); if not mob then _,_,spell,mob,dmg = string.find(...) end
17:05.20pastamanceror if you prefer: local spell,mob,dmg; mob,dmg = string.match(...); if not mob then spell,mob.dmg = string.match(...) end
17:07.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
17:07.24Garthnaitmy function is checking for "You crit...", if not it looks for "Your Auto Shot...", but the function when it finds that, do only appear when finding "Your Auto Shot..."
17:07.33Garthnaitbut it have to appear on both
17:08.45Garthnaitthe line are here:
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17:21.02Garthnaiti've found a way, but i think i will work easier:
17:22.14KirkburnIf you're confused, see the note top right
17:22.48Garthnaitfunny ^^
17:24.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
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17:55.30Kirkburnfoxlit, it says that?
17:56.09Kirkburnlol, fixed
17:56.26KirkburnIt also said "Webshitesh" earlier
17:57.14Tullerbleh, I think its a no win situation for me with a bar design :P
17:57.16ravagernlKirkburn, have you found any workaround for the dot bug in CF2?
17:57.33KirkburnThe workaround has been listed on the website for months :P
17:57.50KirkburnIt's: change your UI scale or reduce the ClearFont scale
17:57.59KirkburnIt's not a bug with ClearFont
17:58.44ravagernlHmm yeah, reducing the scale makes the fonts look ugly :(
17:59.01ravagernland I guess that's not your fault either
17:59.11KirkburnThere were some comments about it on the Ace forum thread
17:59.49KirkburnThis may help
18:00.18KirkburnIt's more a bug with WoW itself, but one that can be exacerbated by ClearFont :/
18:01.13ravagernl:o thanks kirk, have to try that out soon, I don't use the blizz UI scaling also
18:01.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
18:01.23Kirkburnravagernl, what's your resolution?
18:01.37ravagernlI run a really weird one, 1680x1050
18:01.43KirkburnHeh, I knew it
18:01.58KirkburnYeah, it basically effects everyone at that res with the Blizz UI scale off
18:03.21ravagernlImho the blizzard scale is perfect for me, when I make it smaller I can't read the text and when I make it bigger I have no room for addons :P
18:03.35ravagernlAnd offcourse I have tomake my entire UI then
18:10.59Garthnaitcan i define in this "DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(msg ..dmg ..spell )" in wich color ..dmg and ..spell apear?
18:12.12zenzelezzyou already seem familiar with color codes... I think you just add them like you've done before
18:12.34zenzelezzmsg.."<color code thing>"..dmg.."<color code thing>"..spell
18:13.11zenzelezzbut I'm not certain, since I've never used the color tags myself
18:13.36Xolan[EU]think he's asking the colors
18:13.41Xolan[EU]not the code :)
18:14.03zenzelezzhe's been using the |cAARRGGBB stuff before, so I think he's aware of them
18:14.04Garthnaitnono, not the colors
18:14.49Garthnaiti try ^^
18:17.04amroGarthnait: what's up?
18:17.12Garthnaitmom amro
18:17.33Garthnaitso, in DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(msg.. "|c00FF0000"..dmg.. "|c00ff8000"..spell ) the message has no space between and ..spell
18:17.41Garthnaithow do i get a speve between
18:18.04zenzelezzjust put them inside the ""
18:18.18Xolan[EU]add a space between "|c00ff so it's " |c00ff
18:18.20amroDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(msg.. " |c00FF0000"..dmg.. " |c00ff8000"..spell )
18:18.46Garthnaitah okay
18:18.53Garthnaiti'll test
18:18.54zenzelezzspaces outside of the ""s are just whitespace, spaces inside of them appear in the string =)
18:20.53*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (
18:21.18Garthnaitamro, yesterday you've starte to eplain me the globalisation for all clients with ...string.gsub(SPELLLOGCRITSCHOOLSELFOTHER, "%s", "(.+)", 1), then pattern = string.gsub(pattern, "%s", ".+", 1)...
18:22.15amroyeah, then you use pattern in your string.match
18:22.41Garthnaiti havent unserstnd this
18:23.33amroSPELLLOGCRITSCHOOLSELFOTHER is not a valid pattern. you replace %s with (.+) so you can match it, and so on
18:24.04amroafter all three gsubs, pattern will be something like "Your (.+) crits .+ for (%d+)"
18:24.06Garthnaitan pattern is a varible?
18:24.15amroa pattern is a string
18:26.33Garthnaiti now have "local GODLIKE_SPELLHIT = string.gsub(SPELLLOGCRITSCHOOLSELFOTHER, "%s", "(.+)", 1), then pattern = string.gsub(pattern, "%s", ".+", 1), then pattern = string.gsub(pattern, "%d %s", "(%d+)",1)" like you have posted me
18:26.55ThraePaserLib can handle parsing combat log messages for you.
18:26.56foxlitYou sure the third parameter is number of subs?
18:27.29amroit cant be anything else
18:27.38amrobut garthnait
18:27.41foxlitSure it can :)
18:27.49amrowell, it isn't :P
18:28.11amroyou're not really doing anything with 'pattern'. replace all occurences of 'pattern' in your code with GODLIKE_SPELLHIT
18:29.03foxlitI sort of expected a literal switch somewhere.
18:29.07foxlitApparenlty there isn't one :)
18:29.23GarthnaitOo i'm shmashed
18:29.25amrolua's patterns need an upgrade
18:29.35Garthnaitthat'S to high for me
18:30.00amrolocal GODLIKE_SPELLHIT = string.gsub(SPELLLOGCRITSCHOOLSELFOTHER, "%s", "(.+)", 1), then GODLIKE_SPELLHIT = string.gsub(GODLIKE_SPELLHIT "%s", ".+", 1), then GODLIKE_SPELLHIT = string.gsub(GODLIKE_SPELLHIT "%d %s", "(%d+)",1)"
18:30.02foxlitBtw, the correct version is
18:30.14foxlitlocal GODLIKE_SPELLHIT = string.gsub(SPELLLOGCRITSCHOOLSELFOTHER, "%%s", "(.+)", 1);
18:30.16amroyou're missing some commas
18:30.27foxlitOr you'll match the first space :)
18:31.04amroyeah, forgot to escape the %
18:31.20amrothey could've used slashes like everyone else, but nooooooo'
18:34.16Garthnaitthere must be something wrong in the line, B:LUA marks the first then as an failure
18:34.42amro`afker, that's not actual code
18:34.46amro`afkthe then
18:34.55amro`afkit just means do this, then do that
18:35.08amro`afkthose are 3 different lines of code
18:35.49Xolan[EU]could anyone name a good IDE for lua?
18:36.22amro`afkIDE? or editor?
18:36.32Xolan[EU]erm there's a difference?
18:36.42Xolan[EU]editor with highlighting
18:36.56amro`afkand now im truly afk
18:37.03Xolan[EU]right think I've seent that thanks
18:38.58*** join/#wowi-lounge AcidicChip (
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18:40.14AcidicChipI'm extremely new to ui development... i have a layer, and I can put a texture on the overlay lever, etc, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to just make the layer a solid color, lol.
18:40.47AcidicChipi set a <color r= g= b=> but it doesn't seem to work
18:41.06Xolan[EU]seems like the lack of a discord update has spawned a whole new generation of modders including myself :)
18:41.41AcidicChiptry xperl
18:42.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Grine (
18:43.56Xolan[EU] perhaps?
18:44.12Garthnaitoh, i'm going to be weird, i dont understand the thing with the pattern
18:44.52AalnyI may just be blind, but wowwiki doesn't seem to have an API function equivalent for the /focus command.  Does it exist?
18:45.29zenzelezzAcidicChip: I think I'm doing what you're trying to... hold on
18:46.02foxlituse a texture?
18:47.07*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
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18:47.31foxlitConsolidated changes topic makes no mention of a SetFocus(unit) of sorts either
18:48.03AcidicChipXolan[EU] would that apply to the entire background color?
18:48.06zenzelezzAcidicChip:  ---  if I understood you correctly, this worked for me
18:48.12AalnyIt wouldn't surprise me if there is no API equivalent on purpose.  I'm just trying to double check.
18:48.19Garthnaiti only wish the addon to work at all clients not only for en :mad:
18:48.30zenzelezzjust adjust the name and colors of course :-p
18:48.42AcidicChipzenzelezz: Perfect, thanks.
18:51.22*** part/#wowi-lounge Xolan[EU] (n=Xolan[
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18:54.25AcidicChipwhat's the lua command to "console reloadui" ?
18:55.03foxlitOr something along the lines of ConsoleExec("reloadui");
18:55.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
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18:59.12Garthnaitquestion: when i do crit <1250 i put out a msg. Can i randomize this, so 1 from 3 messages will appear?
19:01.38Roladonjust make a switch case and generate a random int
19:01.40amro`afkput your messages in a table
19:01.57Roladonc++ FTW?
19:02.02amro`afkwith t[1] = msg1, etc
19:02.11amro`afkthen do local i = random(3)
19:02.15amro`afkt[i] is your random message
19:03.11Garthnaitk, i think i do this later. i already have the problem with the localisation
19:03.14Tullerdo what I do, take your crit, convert it to a moment of time (Industrial Revolution, for example) and shout that :P
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19:05.01Tullerhrm, I think I like using showstates better, but I totally need to figure out a good system for hotkeys
19:05.18Tullerunless everyone really really wants to set hotkeys per state
19:05.31Garthnaitbut i do not understand the function of pattern... i know im a real noob
19:05.58Tuller(%d+) matches one or more digits
19:06.01amro`afkpatterns aren't simple, but are easy once you understand them
19:06.22Garthnaitso let me begin
19:06.45Garthnaitfirst i put the local with the event local GODLIKE_SPELLHIT = string.gsub(SPELLLOGCRITSCHOOLSELFOTHER, "%s", "(.+)", 1) rifht?
19:08.27AcidicChiphow do I anchor point top-left?
19:08.54Garthnaitso what does "string.gsub(SPELLLOGCRITSCHOOLSELFOTHER, "%s", "(.+)", 1)" do?
19:14.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Malivil (
19:17.39MalivilIs there an isCasting function?
19:17.52Malivilor something like that
19:19.49MalivilWhat does it return if it's not casting though?
19:21.25*** join/#wowi-lounge ag`_ (n=ag`
19:21.28Gnarfozanyone know of a bug on live, where set bonuses are not being displayed correctly on the character pane? like t0 2 piece setbonus (+200 armor)
19:21.47Malivilso [if (UnitCastingInfo("player") == nil)] will be true if the player is not casting, correct?
19:22.12Malivilalright, cool
19:23.09Gnarfozwouldn't: if !UnitCastingInfo("player") then   do the same?
19:23.40Malivilor not
19:24.36Cideit'd be if not UnitCastingInfo("player") then, but yes, it should
19:25.34Gnarfozyeah, ~ of course, not ! >_>
19:25.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
19:26.22MalivilYea, that worked
19:26.52GarthnaitSo, can anybody help me with my localisation an can eplain me how it works?
19:29.34Garthnaitcan i do i linebreak in the output message?
19:30.23foxlitLocally, yes; if you plan on sending it somewhere, no.
19:30.34Garthnaiton default chatframe
19:30.48kremonteyes, |n
19:32.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
19:38.56Garthnaithmm shit, now with the break, in the new line is no timstamp ;(
19:39.38Garthnaitand |n is shoing in the outputing text
19:48.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Dhraga (
19:48.58DhragaEvening all
19:54.32Endurg, sounds like hl2:ep2 got pushed back even further
19:55.43hastemaybe it gets released the same day as duke nukem forever!
19:56.14Merythen the development time would have still been 10 years shorter
19:56.37haste :#
19:57.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Karn (
19:57.25End(I'm not sure I believe the rumors of another pushback though)
19:57.33ShadowedTFC2 looks good at least
19:59.25Merythat's my favourite from that list: Things that have taken less time than Duke Nukem Forever's Development: The United States' entire program to put a man on the moon, from Kennedy's challenge to the landing.
19:59.26Endok, now I'm seeing rumors that it's actually march of this year
19:59.42Endso I have no idea when it comes out :P
20:01.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (n=jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
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20:04.22Imrclyanyone know a mod that will do a chat who on any custom channels you are in?
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20:10.42zenzelezzImrcly: I'm not sure I understand what you're looking for
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20:16.57AcidicChipzen: I'm playing with on-events, and in the xml i have <onevent> going to a function, but how do I catch actual events, like health change?
20:17.16Imrclywhen i log into the game I want to know who else is in the custom chat channels   /chatwho #
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20:18.05zenzelezzAcidicChip: you can either register to only receive specific events (usually a good idea), or simply check what even you're currently handling in the OnEvent
20:18.20zenzelezzyou'll have to check that anyway if you register for more than one event
20:20.45AcidicChipi guess the question is where can i find a reference on how to register events?
20:21.10zenzelezzthe wiki has an example I believe
20:22.17AcidicChipok, i'll look again, thanx
20:30.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
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20:35.09cogwheelAnyone know when PerfectRaid will be done?
20:36.22cladhairefor anyone who didn't ask today, there will probably be a beta release today
20:40.43ckknightbut we want it done now
20:40.46ckknightwithout any bugs
20:40.52ckknightand with every feature imaginable
20:41.04ckknightoh, and if you can, port it to Ace. (jk)
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20:44.42Gnarfozwhy does if (Baggins) then work in Fubar_BagFu, but if (BagFu) then not work in Baggins? o_O
20:44.43Garth|busyis there possibility that my outputmessage changes the color of the timestamp to?
20:44.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
20:49.39*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn|afk -> Happy New Year! | Paste Code Here: | Mod Author guilds on Hellfire (US) and on Tempest Keep (EU). CastSpell (A)/TargetUnit(H) | TBC Release Date 16 Jan 07
20:49.57TC_Sleepingnow people wont know what to do in a flood
20:50.19Cairenn|afkoh noes!
20:50.37TC_Sleepingmy heart weeps for them
20:52.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
20:52.32Garth|busySo is now there anybody who can help me with my addon, so it works with all clients?
20:52.50MentalPower|CodeJava question: I'm trying to find a function/object/class/whathaveyou that converts from Month-Day-Time to millisecs since epoch
20:53.57*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn|afk -> Happy New Year! | Paste Code Here: | Mod Author guilds on Hellfire (US) and on Tempest Keep (EU). CastSpell (A)/TargetUnit(H) | TBC Release Date 16 Jan 07 | Can you yell "MOVIE!" in a crowded firestation?
20:54.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
20:55.18ScytheBlade1cogwheel, ping
20:55.42cogwheelseems to be working now :)
20:55.50ScytheBlade1I had to fix the file permissions
20:55.53ScytheBlade1I always forget to do that :P
20:57.06Garth|busyso, another question:
20:57.54Garth|busyCan anybody tell me how i insert in my onload message a variable for the version thats defind in the .toc?
20:58.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
20:58.19Garth|busyso i 've only to change the version in the .toc
20:58.54amro`afkwarla: ping
20:58.59CideGetAddOnMetadata("NameOfAddon", "version")
20:59.43*** join/#wowi-lounge ZOAS|sleep (
21:02.04Garth|busythanks cide
21:03.18*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (n=rumors@
21:09.59warlaanyone online that has a horde char on BC beta?
21:19.14AcidicChipI have a texture set to color, how do i change that color value?
21:20.18foxliti.e. textureObject:SetTexture(red, green, blue, alpha)
21:23.26amrowarla: pm
21:23.33AcidicChipis there an eval function?
21:23.54AcidicChipor a way to texture<varname>:SetTexture ?
21:24.30amroand yes, there's an eval function (dostring?)
21:28.41amroi thought loadstring doesn't exec?
21:29.32foxlitIt's RunScript
21:29.47foxlitAnd DoString does not exist.
21:30.17amroit does in the C API :P
21:30.27amromy editor was highlighting it though
21:31.10*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=startiba@guifications/developer/bleeter)
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21:46.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Bynis (
21:46.34Bynishey guys, anyone here use Auctioneer on Earthenring?
21:50.47Shane__is it possible to make a button blink on an event?
21:51.34Shane__is there a special "makeblink" call?
21:54.35Garyis it possible to build a .lua script which will cast a buff? Or press a button which has the buff mapped to it. (ie I have Lightning Shield mapped to the - key)  I have the script detecting when the buff expires ; but I can't figure out a way to cast Lightning Sheild since castspellbyname is no longer available.
21:54.52foxlitGary: yes.
21:55.07krkaooh... srosh has a PSB song quit message
21:55.08Nom-It will only work out of combat
21:55.14Nom-But yes, it should be possible
21:55.35foxlitI think you might be able to figure out a way to do that in combat too.
21:55.45foxlitShane__: not as such. There are probably specific animation calls for the default UI, but nothing universal.
21:55.48Nom-probably not
21:55.58Nom-lua can't do a lot in combat any more
21:56.01Nom-not compared to pre 2.0
21:56.04GaryTnx foxlit ; is that done using the ActionButtonDown function? or is there another way?
21:56.09foxlitI'm aware of it, I code this stuff.
21:56.46Shane__k, making a button blink say only when a target is blow 30% health may be difficult then or cpu intensive at least
21:57.38foxlitNope, you can't use actionbuttondown. Look into SecureActionButton
21:57.55Garyk thanks.
22:02.51foxlitHm, I was thinking of generating a /castsequence macro, but you can't make them work backwards, unfortunately.
22:04.01Nom-I wonder if my favourite computer store has tbc pre-order :/
22:04.13Nom-wtb be pally :~(
22:04.14*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
22:04.42ThraeGary: Look at SmartBuff. Unfortunately, the buff button doesn't work in Combat, but it can notify you in combat.
22:05.09ThraeGary: Actually, scratch that, the buff button DOES work in combat, but only on yourself.
22:05.20ThraeSince you can't change the target of a button anymore.
22:05.26foxlitIt'll recast unconditionally, too.
22:05.48foxlitThey could've done what I do -- set target to "none" on REGEN_DISABLE, and force you to target it yourself.
22:07.00Nom-Anyone heard how PerfectRaid is going?
22:07.20Nom-That's the only thing I need to complete my WoW experience...I can manage to buff myself as long as I can easily see who needs one :/
22:07.59foxlitshameless plug:
22:08.48Nom-seen it, don't like it :)
22:11.19Nom-It's probably a good idea in concept, but I prefer cladhaire's solution :)
22:11.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
22:12.27foxlit"idea in concept"? :)
22:12.54Nom-Yeah, like the phrase "It sounded like a good idea at the time" :D
22:15.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
22:17.07sylvanaari normally wouldnt ask, but im about to pass out at my desk and this has been on my mind. is there a way to do a targetd NS+Heal using clique
22:18.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
22:23.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
22:27.07Garth|busycan anybody link me an tut how to switch functions on or of witch /command?
22:28.49amroGarth|busy:  switch functions on?
22:29.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Xolan[EU] (n=Xolan[
22:29.27Garth|busynow my addon works (only in enUK) an now i will make a function that diaable the sounds
22:29.42TonyDheh, someone updated trinity with a keylogger on worldofwar
22:39.02Shane__In lua is "option.index = v.value" the same as "optionindex = vvalue" ? or does the "." 's have special meaning?
22:40.24Shane__TonyD TrinityBars?
22:40.47amrothe '.' indexes the table
22:41.00amrooption.index is the same as option['index']
22:41.51Shane__amro aww thanks
22:41.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Arsonide (
22:42.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Soulless (i=Fridgid@
22:43.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
22:44.50ArsonideHey it says the release version of Auctioneer doesn't work on the current version of WoW, does the beta version work with the current version of WoW? Auctioneer looked really cool, I'm an herbalist so I have to check the market a lot.
22:47.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Soulless (i=Fridgid@
22:48.16MeryArsonide: Well I havn't tried it, but yeah the beta should be the version for the current WoW in a test phase, so there might be some bugs in case you have no auctioneer database to lose (like didn't use it before) just try it, in case you do just back it up (its in the wtf folder)
22:50.11grollloool i'm dying!!!
22:50.18grollloool my stumach hurts
22:51.04ckknighthey all, back
22:51.29ckknightgroll: yea, that's a nice one.
22:52.00TainThose people are all bad, bad people.
22:52.58ckknightoh yes
22:58.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Stavmar (
23:06.18Corrodiaswell, about perfectraid, let's put it this way: any raiding done on Live is not of great significance with TBC right around the corner, except to the five people who won't be buying it. any loot from raiding on Beta will just disappear at that time, as well.
23:06.32Corrodiasso to speak
23:06.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Dolby-wowi (
23:06.52*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Dolby-wowi] by ChanServ
23:12.14foxlitBah, another Cenarion grind? :/
23:12.30Corrodiaswe would have nothing to do without grinds
23:13.07foxlitFarming for a subfaction of what you're already Exalted with is evil, though
23:13.52cladhaireCorrodias: Was it you i was talking about modularity re: perfectraid with?
23:14.34Corrodiasmodularity? i don't think so.
23:17.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz_ (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
23:18.42Xolan[EU]maybe being exalted gives you rep faster with the subfaction or something
23:18.45Xolan[EU]gotta be some perks :P
23:19.19kremonteanyone have any ideas for a mod to code~?
23:19.57Xolan[EU] is a good idea
23:20.12kremontean idea that i can use too
23:21.15kremonteand that was fast too, haha thanks
23:22.00Xolan[EU]was gonna have a go at it myself, but I can't get it done I think lol
23:22.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Sairen (
23:23.00*** part/#wowi-lounge Xolan[EU] (n=Xolan[
23:23.33Mr_Rabies2Weaponbuttons does something similar to that, xolan :o
23:23.52Mr_Rabies2except the mouseover thing
23:24.08kremonteam i wasting my time? :P{
23:25.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
23:25.55Mr_Rabies2i like the poisonbox idea better though, be really nice if it showed all temp weapon buffs in a sub-menu
23:26.05Mr_Rabies2like stones, shaman buffs, etc
23:26.40kremonteMr_Rabies2; hm
23:26.48TonyDhah, so much for no-downtime maintenance
23:26.50kremontedo any classes besides shaman have weapon buffs?
23:27.01Corrodiaswhat idea is this...
23:27.02Mr_Rabies2shamans and rogues are it really
23:27.09kremontewell, spells
23:27.12Mr_Rabies2other than stones
23:27.18kremontebecause those are a different thing than poisons and stones
23:27.41Corrodiaspoisonbox's proposed main functionality already exists in poisonpouch
23:27.55Corrodiasexcept that instead of a trinketmenu box it is a minimap button
23:28.06Mr_Rabies2i wonder if 2.0.3 has it so that shaman weapon buffs work like poisons
23:28.33Corrodiasi don't think the "additional features" are a part of it, though.
23:30.46EndI'm pretty sure shaman weapon buffs are -exactly- the same as poisons
23:31.16TonyDi can't get LFG for ubrs
23:31.34kremonteTonyD: Blackrock Spire ;/
23:31.43kremonteit doesnt differentiate between UBRS and LBRS
23:32.05Corrodiasyou're shitting me
23:32.08Endthe lfg tool does
23:32.14Endit has ubrs under raid
23:32.16Endand lbrs under dungeon
23:33.41TonyDhow does lfg work if you don't autojoin?
23:33.52Corrodiasyou get an invitation
23:34.10Endit shows in the lfm I doesn't seem as useful for ubrs simply because it doesn't autoadd for raids
23:34.14TonyDahh, but the "you are in a queue" thing doesn't popup
23:34.34kremontei don't like the LFG tool at all, most people on my server just do it the old fashioned way
23:34.47Corrodiasi have only spent about two minutes looking at it on PTR during which time i activated it and then cancelled it. a little while later, i received a group invitation from somebody who was nowhere near me.
23:34.55EndI have some complaints, but I have gotten some groups together using it
23:34.57Corrodiasi can only assume it was because of the lfg tool
23:35.23Endthey probably saw you in the lfm tab
23:35.30TonyDi've gotten a few brd groups from it, but usually way too low for emp run
23:35.59Corrodiasi might not necessarily be LOOKING for a group for UBRS, but if somebody needs another healer i might come along just because i'm nice.
23:36.11Corrodiasthus i won't sign up with the LFG tool even though i'm available
23:36.25TonyDthat's why the lfg tool is useless, but blizzard has spoken
23:36.36TonyDand they have said what they want is more important than what we want
23:36.59Corrodiasi believe the LookingForGroup still has life as a channel on my realm, but i don't think many people use it, yet
23:37.26Enda few people use the channel still on my realm
23:37.29Corrodiasi say this in uncertain terms because i haven't played more than ten minutes since 2.0
23:37.30TonyDi've tried to bring LookingForGroup back, but it only had life for a month or so, now it's entirely dead
23:38.02Corrodiasso we go back to sitting around in Orgrimmar or Strormwind/IF if we want to form up parties, eh?
23:38.13amrogood ol' days
23:39.38TonyDlike i said, blizz just doesn't care anymore
23:40.22TonyDthey got over 7 million customers, thy're no longer afraid of anything except lawsuits
23:40.57Corrodiasi don't know... they've seemed unusually benevolent to me, lately
23:41.14Corrodiasexcept for ignoring people, for the most part.
23:41.23TonyDsure, as long as they appear so, and it doesn't go against what they want
23:41.26qw`the LFG channel is gone?
23:41.36Endit's not an official channel anymore
23:41.50qw`Hm that's going to suck
23:41.55TonyDit kinda does
23:41.58Corrodiasit does.
23:42.11TonyDwe need a default world chat/lfg channel
23:42.12qw`I like being able to see LFG's when I was out and about
23:42.19Corrodiasyou can't find groups -and- you can't talk to people wherever you are
23:42.36Corrodiasunless you convince people to join a custom channel, which is subject of course to an asshole getting the moderator position
23:43.26foxlitThe point they're trying to go through is making the LFG interface standard.
23:43.36foxlitEventually, people will get the message and it'll work.
23:43.46Corrodiaswhat message? it can't work, yet.
23:43.46TonyDthe lfg is substandard
23:43.53Corrodiasit doesn't have enough functionality
23:43.56foxlitOh, it works.
23:44.14TonyDit works, if you like the system being in control of your group
23:44.21Merywell I think they need to get rid of auto-join
23:44.29TonyDif you want to not be able to demand higher lvls or specific classes
23:44.30foxlitJust go through LookingForMore?
23:44.37Corrodiasokay, foxlit, riddle me this: how do you get me to join your UBRS group as a healer when i'm in Feralas, you're not, and i'm not using the LFG interface because i don't actually have a desire to go to UBRS?
23:44.56foxlitI don't.
23:44.59Corrodiasif you had the LFG channel you could be begging people to go and i'd say "okay"
23:45.05foxlitIf you don't want to go to UBRS, I don't want you.
23:45.07Merypeople always whisper every mage/priest warrior online
23:45.15Corrodiasthen you're not going to UBRS, on my realm
23:45.16Meryon my server
23:45.26TonyDi loved worldwide lfg, i could just run a filter if I wanted to look for something specific
23:45.30Corrodiasyou can never get together enough people who actually -want- to go to UBRS.
23:45.41foxlitThat's simply because the adoption rate for the new LFG is crap.
23:45.51TonyDbecause lfg really is shitty
23:45.55foxlitAnd because, for most people, UBRS is irrelevant.
23:46.00Corrodiasactually, like i said, i haven't played more than ten minutes since 2.0. i'm talking about BEFORE the patch.
23:46.04TonyDthey did to meeting stones what they did to LFG last time
23:46.23TonyDmeeting stones NEVER worked tho
23:46.49TonyDand i've tried to give it a chance
23:46.56TonyDbut i'm miserable not being able to find groups
23:47.00Corrodiasyou say you don't want me to go if i don't really want to go, but i'm a competent healer who will stick through the longest, least profitable runs and your partymates might want me around.
23:47.21TonyDgoes against my entire reason for playing, and I don't want to have to join a huge guild to go to ubrs
23:48.58foxlitThat makes for a rather odd situation, Corr.
23:49.24Merywell you *could* have an addon check and inform you in chat about new groups then it's just like LFG - only problem is that the function to check requires user interaction because it is expensive
23:49.34Corrodiasthis is interesting. wowi's search results page does not actually mention what the search term was
23:49.37Corrodiasi'm trying to remember what i wanted
23:50.11foxlitIf you wanted to find a group for an alt, you could play around with comments.
23:50.23foxlitAlthough, yes, level-restricting things is a pain
23:50.27Corrodiasif Blizzard had only taken the time to inform people about the CallToArms addon, there would not have been a problem.
23:50.40Corrodiasi did my best but only converted a few souls
23:51.12foxlitIn short, it'll be fine in TBC.
23:51.29Corrodiashow's that? they've made another change?
23:52.00foxlitIncreased player fragmentation means camping IF is a bad option, new content means there is a lot more people interested.
23:52.12foxlitIt'll work.
23:52.21Corrodiasfor a while
23:52.29amroitll probably work for outland as people will be in the same level range
23:52.49foxlitAnd once people get used to it, it'll work decently for most things
23:53.03amrobut the thing is, sometimes you're just grinding, you don't go LFG but if you see someone LFM you might go
23:53.09Corrodiasyou keep saying that, but you haven't addressed the situation i mentioned
23:53.22amroi usually /who classes in the level range i want for instances
23:53.25foxlitYou're a priest who doesn't really want to go but who I have to whine at to force you to go?
23:53.26amroand whisper them
23:53.29foxlitSpare me.
23:53.41Corrodiasi'm reasonably willing to go on various instance runs, but why should i go looking for groups if i have other things i can be doing?
23:54.11amrosometimes it just doesn't occur to me i have enough free time for an instance, an lfm is a reminder
23:54.23foxlitIf you're even partially interested, you'd flag yourself as being up for those dungeons, upon which point people could whisper you
23:54.33foxlitIf you're not, well, tough, go solo a boar.
23:55.09amrohey, im not saying the lfg system sucks because of that
23:55.19amrono need for the attitude
23:55.29Enda limit of 3 is too small
23:55.35Corrodiasi'm not going to flag myself for ten instances if i'd technically rather be soloing
23:56.10Corrodiasand i guess maybe it is tough, but not for me, because i'm as happy not going. it's tough for people who want a group.
23:56.14foxlitamro: not really directed at you :)
23:57.34Corrodiasi understand the conversation and i know we're just firing at each other, neither going to convince the other. it's like religion.
23:57.54Corrodiasi should get back to work
23:58.03End(anyways, you couldn't flag yourself for 10 instances if you wanted too!)
23:58.40Corrodiaswhat's that?
23:58.41foxlitTrue, they should probably change that part.
23:58.51foxlitThere's a physical limit on the number of things you can LFG for.
23:59.24EndCorrodias: you get to select 3 things you are "lfging" for

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.