irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061230

00:00.13Irielbut if it reads an signed value that exceeds PHP's ability to represent it as an unsigned number, likely you'll end up with a signed one
00:00.16*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
00:00.24Irielunless PHP is using something interesting behind the scenes instead of a regular int
00:00.51Teomyrhmm, right
00:03.49seebsAn unsigned can't be -1, but it can compare equal to -1, and it can convert to -1 converted to signed.  (At least, in C.  Not a PHP guy.)
00:04.18seebsWoot!  I have a Cell Linux system working nicely.  :)
00:04.35TainDoes PHP support imaginary numbers?
00:04.46xsarpedonIs there a way to delete a frame you created with the CreateFrame function?
00:04.49bleetahgrats seebs :) bogomips of?
00:05.00TainNo, xsarpedon.
00:05.13xsarpedonOh, so once you've created them you better keep using them eh :p
00:05.15seebsHaven't measured them yet.  Hmm.
00:05.33TainDid you pay for that PS3?
00:05.43seebsYeah, although it's reimbursed and tax-deductible.
00:05.45bleetahdmesg|grep Bogo
00:05.54bleetah(measured by kernel at startup)
00:06.11seebsYes, haven't got a console yet.  Doing setup.
00:06.26bleetahwell you don't have a cell linux system YET then :-P
00:06.28seebsNext up is getting it set up for 1080i instead of 720p.
00:08.03seebsHey, I just logged in.  :)
00:08.03bleetahhehe just messin' with you, mate :)
00:08.04seebsIt'd cover more of the screen.  My monitor's 1680x1050, and it'll go to 1080p, but then it gets a frame of static every so often.
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00:08.14seebsWTF.  1124x644?
00:10.54seebsBTW, bogomips 158.72.
00:11.16seebsOn the other hand, 6 SPUs.
00:11.56bleetahheh, nice. at least I know who to bug for setup help when I get one ;)
00:12.55*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
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00:14.48ag`But is there any 3d accelleration on the PS3 linux at all?
00:15.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
00:16.24bleetahmost linux 3d accell for 'latest hardware' is either gimped, non-existent, or not open source
00:17.04ag`Nvidia drivers are fine
00:17.43bleetahthey'd be falling into the 'not open source' category :P
00:17.43ag`ATI drivers sucks, true, but who buys an ATI card when they know they're going to use Linux
00:17.54ag`which makes them unusable how? :P
00:19.02bleetahcompletely unusable if you want a pure open source platform
00:19.25TainOpen is a nice idea, but I like shit to work.
00:19.51bleetahbetter quit using computers then, 'coz a lot of stuff don't work as intended ;)
00:20.05ag`I think 80%+ percent uses Linux to use an other operating system, not to be 100% open source
00:20.48seebsag:  No support at all, Sony hides two SPUs, direct access to the blu-ray drive, and the GPU from Unix completely.
00:21.13seebsDoesn't matter much to me, because I just want it as a target for some cell development stuff and writing about.
00:21.23seebsStill, Sony's aggressively user-hostile attitude really annoys me.
00:21.29bleetahone day there's be some rich guy with nothing to do who'll set up an open source hardware vendor.. until then, /sigh
00:22.11foxlitopen source hardware is probably an oxymoron.
00:22.31axxoits been tried on a gfx card
00:22.36axxogot canceled
00:22.52foxlitSomebody actually drew up a processor for the thing?
00:23.10axxoyeah, they got pritty far, had a company backing it
00:23.30bleetahsmaller open source hardware projects happen all the time, it's the big ticket items that no one's funding
00:23.38TainIdealism doesn't put food on the table.
00:23.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Insa2 (
00:24.00axxoselling idealism does
00:24.16TainSelling children does.
00:24.30foxlitselling idealistic children doesn't, ironically :/
00:24.48bleetahit's actually more a practical reason I'd like to see it. For example, Australia has practically *no* electronics industry left. We're totally reliant on overseas manufacturers. It wouldn't really take much to foresee a situation where we'd have trouble importing goods, or getting stuff repaired.
00:25.38bleetahas an example, my father had to get a permit to buy an alarm clock during world war 2
00:26.10bleetahif a similar situation arose, global warfare, and we'd be reliant on hackers to keep the tech industry going, we'd be screwed
00:26.19TainThat's because he was a commie.
00:26.19bleetah(trad. definition of hacker)
00:26.40bleetahum, no, that's because all clock manufacturing was being done in the US
00:26.52bleetahand priority went to bomb timers and the like
00:26.54*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
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00:26.54foxlitEven with open source instructions on how to manufacture something, you'd still probably be scerwed.
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00:27.33bleetahtrue, but at least there wouldn't be the years of delay while people 're-invent' the wheel
00:27.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
00:27.48seebsWOO!  ssh'd in to the PS3.
00:28.10bleetahof course, a government in a war situation like that would likely nationalise, or similar, hardware vendors and stuff... so I guess it's a bit of a null argument to some degree
00:28.14bleetahgreats seebs
00:28.24seebsWhich is good because I just killed the console.
00:28.32seebs<-- can destroy nearly any computer merely by looking at it funny
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00:34.06*** join/#wowi-lounge seebs (
00:34.58seebsSo, I'm debugging the X server on another machine, and it's not working, so I hit control-alt-backspace...
00:35.48Irielifconfig eth0 down is a favorite of mine
00:38.48seebsWhat I really ought to do is try to convince my editor that I absolutely NEED an HDTV which can display 1080p.
00:38.58seebsMy closest fit is a 1050-pixel display that can't quite handle 1080p.
00:40.10MentalPower|PC1920x1200, but the processor can't handle 1080p
00:43.23seebsI would love one of those.
00:43.28seebsSome day.
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00:45.04Industrialhaste: ping need you in wow
00:45.15Industrialgetting ganked
00:45.17phreakyAny1 know if there is an addon out there that got an ignore-word-list? Like you can add words to a list and then it ignores all whispers etc that includes that word?
00:46.35subbothaven't heard of one, doesn't sound too hard to implement
00:46.50phreakyI want that so bad! :)
00:47.01*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
00:47.09phreakyI'd love to ignore whispers with "www" etc to avoid goldselling spam etc
00:47.16subbotyou should write it!
00:47.27phreakyI wish i could! =(
00:47.36phreakyI don't know jack sh*t about lua etc =)
00:47.53Tierrie|Worki would totally tap that
00:48.03bleetahI'm working on a massive ignore addon
00:48.12Tierrie|Workinclude that feature
00:48.12hasteIndustrial: going to boost two throught SM now, so it's a rather bad timing :p
00:48.13bleetahmore options than you can poke a stick at
00:48.18Industrialhaste: k
00:48.25phreakybleetah: including that i asked for? =D
00:48.33bleetahyeah, it's going to include ignore word support, including some form of expression parsing
00:48.41phreakysounds neat
00:48.43Tierrie|Worklet it do limited regexps!
00:48.47Tierrie|Worklike *wildcards*
00:49.01bleetahhopefully, it'd support the native LUA expression system
00:49.14Tierrie|Worki think you should support wildcards because people are lua naive
00:49.24bleetahhaven't really investigated that part yet, time's pulled twelve ways, the current version errors out on load hehe
00:49.25Tierrie|Workand more than that -- most people are regexp naive
00:49.47bleetahanyways, it'll be called 'Ignorance'
00:50.11KarlThePaganI need a better name for my LFG addon
00:50.14bleetah(name stolen from a gaim plugin that achieves same results)
00:50.17phreakybleetah: is it something that's far away in the future ?
00:50.53KarlThePaganit uses the Blizzard LFG system, not channels and basically puts you in the LFG system as much as it can
00:50.54bleetahdepends how you measure time, being relative and all makes 'far away' quite subjective in it's definition ;)
00:51.01phreakyoh my... 45 min waiting time for AB.. >.<
00:51.06bleetahhopefully in the next week or two I'll have a first version out, of some stuff
00:51.17phreakybleetah: sounds great, looking forward to it :)
00:51.27Cideyou can do something like that in ~4 lines of code (the list of words to filter excluded)
00:51.41phreakyCide: I would have made it if i just knew how :)
00:53.14phreakyit would be nice with a few more features though, like replying with something .. and maybe accept it from friends/guildmates
00:54.03Cidelocal handler = ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler; function ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler(event, message, ...) if ( event == "CHAT_MSG_WHISPER" and message ) for k, v in ipairs(words) do if ( message:match(v) ) then return; end end end return handler(event, message, ...) end
00:54.07Cidethere you go!
00:54.32Cidejust add a list of words above it; local words = { "www", "gold", "test", "moo" }
00:54.51phreakyhehe oh.. thanks :P
00:54.54bleetahIgnorance will feature the much used elsewhere larger friends/ignore list, a bunch of options for stuff you want to ignore by default (eg, whispers from nonfriends/nonguildies but you'll be able to set up an allied guild to pass thru the filter)
00:55.30Cideoops, missed a "then" - ...  MSG_WHISPER" and message ) then ...
00:56.16phreakyI wish i'd have some experience in coding
00:56.29KarlThePagangame addons are a great way to get coding experience
00:56.42KarlThePaganit is actually something I would look for on a resume
00:56.46phreakyDon't really know where to start though, when u got zero skills :)
00:57.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
00:57.37KarlThePaganyou can start here:
00:57.52subboti just downloaded a "hello world" mod
00:57.58phreakyI'll do that, thanks KarlThePagan :)
00:58.03subbotand then looked up API stuff on wowwiki
00:58.08subbotand began hacking stuff together :P
00:58.35phreakyWhat's the hello world mod? =)
00:58.57subboti found it on the wow macro/ui forums
00:59.06subbotin a thread titled "resources for mod authors" or something like that
00:59.32KarlThePaganhere's an Ace2 one -
00:59.49CideI would definitely not start with writing ace2 addons
01:00.00phreakySo wich program do u guys use for coding lua?
01:00.13KarlThePaganwell it's one way of looking at it... a library-rich environment
01:00.28KarlThePaganphreaky, I use the version of SciTE from
01:00.28Cidenotepad is fine, but rather lacking for more complex stuff - I use TextPad
01:00.37CideKarlThePagan: which is exactly why you shouldn't start using it
01:00.49phreakyThat page was nice though, i'd like one of those for non ace also :)
01:01.01bleetahI use notepad++ on Win32 (or gvim or plain old vi when I'm on Linux)
01:01.02CideI've said it before and I'll say it again - it's the reason why you learn to use simple math before moving on to calculators that do the work for you
01:01.05KarlThePaganyou can compile and test-execute with SciTE so it's good for learning the language (and unit testing)
01:02.29ckknight|workCide: why would you definitely not start with writing ace2 addons?
01:02.38Cideckknight|work: read my previous statement
01:02.56KarlThePagan"calculators vs basic math"
01:03.16TainIt dependns entirely what your end purpose is.
01:03.18ckknight|workthough your statement does have some validity, would you code Perl without CPAN? C without libc? C++ without STL?
01:03.23cladhaireyou need to know WHY you're doing before you try to have something do it for you
01:03.27*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (
01:03.31KarlThePaganjava without a classpath
01:03.33TainGetting results, or understanding why you're getting results.
01:03.34CideTain: if learning something is your goal, you want to understand what's happening
01:03.36BouviGot a question.  I do this: SetAutoLootDefault(0) and it turns AutoLoot off but if I reload UI or zone it gets turned back 0n.  Why is it not holding the value?  I know I left out something.
01:03.50TainThere's a time and a place for both.
01:03.56ckknight|workmaybe you don't _need_ to learn the intricacies of event handling and such
01:04.03cladhaireyes you do
01:04.05ckknight|workand instead want to focus on your own necessary business logic
01:04.08TainNo, you don't.
01:04.12TainI don't know how a car works, I just use it.
01:04.25foxlitBut then again, you don't make any attempts to _make_ cars
01:04.25KirkburnIt goes.
01:04.28Cidea valid argument would be to drive a car without learning how to drive
01:04.35TainIf I *want* to know how it works then I would.
01:04.36KirkburnBrrmmm, brrmmmm, brrrmmmm. Parp!
01:04.38cladhairei dont' need to learn why decursive works.. i just use it
01:04.38ckknight|workcladhaire: I know how to program C++ without knowing the intricacies of a CISC processor.
01:04.40KarlThePaganLFG mod name ideas - "MatchMaker" "Grouper" "PerfectLFG" "SuperLFG" "TurboLFG"....
01:04.43cladhairebut if i want to know it, i need to know why
01:04.55Endmaybe learning how to drive manual before driving an automatic?
01:05.06KirkburnHonk! Honk!
01:05.15cladhairethere is a difference between using, and between writing
01:05.17ckknight|workKarlThePagan: lvl 50 Feral Druid LFG LBRS!
01:05.33Tainhah!  Tell that to thousands of Visual BASIC developers.
01:05.33cladhaireyou sure as hell would need to understand the CISC insruction set to write at that level.
01:05.40cladhairemake everyone idiots if you want
01:05.48ckknight|workcladhaire: why would I need to write at that level?
01:05.54cladhaireyou don't.. but if you did
01:05.59cladhaireyou're making parallels that don't exist
01:06.01cladhairethey want to write mods
01:06.06cladhairethey should learn how and why they're doing what they're doing
01:06.07ckknight|workthat's the point, you don't need to know how.
01:06.08cladhaireplain and simple.
01:06.17TainThat's not how reality works though, cladhaire.
01:06.18foxlitAce2 is a bit of a crutch.
01:06.24CideTain: yes, yes it is
01:06.25ckknight|workhow, foxlit?
01:06.25cladhaireyes it is
01:06.29cladhairethis isn't opinino
01:06.30cladhairethis is fact
01:06.32cladhairelook at your community
01:06.34ckknight|workno, it's opinion
01:06.50cladhairewhatevs dude.
01:06.51Cideckknight|work: are you also suggesting that people shouldn't learn to use lua?
01:06.53seebsI'm a big fan of learning how things work at least some before getting involved.  That said, I never learned any kind of assembly, and I do okay at programming.
01:07.01Cidewhat's the keyword "local" for anyway?
01:07.01KarlThePaganman did I do this?
01:07.02TainIt's not about what people should or shouldn't do.
01:07.05foxlitCide: lego environment for addon design!
01:07.06cladhaireyou have fun with that.
01:07.08TainIt's about what they are able to do.
01:07.09ckknight|workCide: never said that, they should totally learn all those things
01:07.11CideKarlThePagan: don't worry - discussions are fun
01:07.18ckknight|workCide: but Ace2 doesn't help with locals
01:07.18foxlitLike that old Mindstorms UI.
01:07.21Cideckknight|work: so you're drawing an arbitrary line
01:07.23seebsI don't know Ace well enough to comment on whether it's a good thing to learn modding without it before starting.
01:07.24ckknight|workif it did, it'd be a different situation.
01:07.26cladhairecompletely arbitrary.
01:07.33ckknight|workCide: the line is at what Ace2 provides and what it doesn't.
01:07.41KarlThePaganCide, this is almost as good as last tues? when you were here about GMail
01:07.57CideKarlThePagan: I was right then, and I think I'm right now too
01:08.02TainPeople may as well code in assembly!  What's the use of all this "high level" language crap!
01:08.23KarlThePaganyou were right then, but I'm ambivolent about the current discussion
01:08.33ckknight|workCide was right about GMail.
01:08.44ckknight|workand I agree with the end result
01:08.45KarlThePagangood libraries are like a lot of extra rope
01:08.55CideTain: if people code in assembly they learn about the inner workings of memory handling
01:09.00KarlThePagana good programmer will find it very useful
01:09.00cladhairePeople need to understand what and why they're doing.
01:09.08cladhaireotherwise they never appreicate what the library provides.
01:09.09KarlThePagana bad programmer will just hang themselves that much sooner
01:09.15cladhaireand thus never use it effectively.
01:09.18ckknight|workCide: sometimes the compiler can do a better job at optimizing than a human can.
01:09.21ZealotOnAStickcladhaire - there's also differences in goal.  
01:09.33Cideckknight|work: and the rest of the time, it can't
01:09.33ckknight|workvery true, ZealotOnAStick
01:09.39KarlThePagancladhaire, you could make the same argument about garbage collection and virtual machines :/
01:09.43CideZealotOnAStick: the goal in this discussion is to learn
01:09.46ckknight|workCide: that rest of the time is a very, very small amount nowadays.
01:09.52cladhairelearning is never bad.
01:09.53ckknight|worklearning is for nubs!
01:10.07seebsOften, people who learn assembly end up holding a lot of false beliefs about other systems, because they assume "computers" work the way a given architecture did.
01:10.12KarlThePagannow he's just being contrary and you know it lol
01:10.19cladhaireseebs: Then they were taught incorrectly.
01:10.25seebsWell, that happens.
01:10.32cladhaireisn't this the same?
01:10.41seebsI learned C as a language itself, and I never did assembly until I got good at C.  I'm much better off, IMHO.
01:10.43cladhaireEveryone who learns with Ace will think that every addon work like Ace
01:10.48cladhaireand they won't be able to even read a basic non-ace addon
01:10.53ZealotOnAStickCide: isn't learning how to use libraries and work in an OO environment also valuable?  
01:10.54cladhairethat is a bad thing, in my humble opinion.
01:10.56TainThe majority of people who get paid to code software for a living don't understand the libraries they use.
01:11.09cladhaireTain: But they understand what they're providing.
01:11.11TainOf course it is a bad thing, but that doesn't make it not any less of a reality.
01:11.12cladhaireThat's different.
01:11.15KarlThePagancladhaire, I don't see how that's possible
01:11.16seebsI don't know about that; it's an interesting question.
01:11.16Droolioi first learned z80 machine code, 1's and 0's ftw
01:11.23cladhaireI dont want people to learn how ace is coded, I want them to learn WHAT and WHy its doing.
01:11.31cladhaireKarlThePagan: How?
01:11.37KarlThePaganIt's like learning C++ and then seeing stdout function...
01:11.37Sarozbut... why
01:11.40seebsI could see it as being quite reasonable to simply decide that you never plan to maintain any non-ace code, on the grounds that the basic WoW API is a little weak in spots.
01:11.46TainSo do I.  But I'm not under any illusions that people *have* to understand it.
01:11.46CideZealotOnAStick: of course it is
01:11.57KarlThePaganthe C++ programmer doesn't go WTF? warez my out << " ldkjfdlksf" he just sees a function call
01:12.04nymbiacladhaire: so you're saying that it's irresponsible to provide those tools, given that people will use them without understanding how they work or how to do things without them?
01:12.05KarlThePaganand figures out the function call
01:12.09ZealotOnAStickNow, I have issues with people being lazy and using Ace2 to make sloppy code.
01:12.13TainA tiny percentage of coders know what they're doing.  The rest are maintenance coders.
01:12.22ckknight|workAce2 is the devil because it allows stupid developers to code addons, which is very, very true. It also allows good developers to code addons a lot easier (and in some cases faster and with less bugs). For the stupid developers, they may learn better coding practices along the way.
01:12.25Cidenymbia: what? he hasn't said anything that backs that statement up
01:12.29BarbanusI much rather prefer to make my mods in a way that is closed, and not allow any outside help or collaboration, but meh .. thats just me.
01:12.29ZealotOnAStickBut I'm more than happy to utilize the ease of localization concerns that AceLocale gives me, for example.
01:12.30ckknight|workthere's also the helpful community aspect
01:12.50Cideckknight|work: that's a ridiculous argument
01:12.51TainWell the Ace community is a bunch of assholes.  But they are also sometimes helpful.
01:12.59nymbiaCide: <cladhaire> and they won't be able to even read a basic non-ace addon
01:12.59nymbia<cladhaire> that is a bad thing, in my humble opinion.
01:13.03cladhaireYou can't expect them to learn lua, and then not expect them to learn some of the basics of addon writing, that is irresponsible in my opinion.
01:13.19cladhairenymbia: I didn't say it was irresponsible, I said it was a bad idea.
01:13.21TainBut why break from the tradition of what people get paid to do?
01:13.30ckknight|workCide: back up your statement.
01:13.35BarbanusOh, completely rediculous to want to code addons faster and with less bugs.
01:13.44TainNot everyone has a passion for it, they just want to do something.
01:13.44cladhaireWhen someone asks how to start learning addons, and you have a choice, why would give them the abstraction first?  what does that GAIN them,?
01:13.45BarbanusI mean, who would want that?
01:13.46ZealotOnAStickTain: that's a mighty big generalization.  Do you really feel that's a fair one?
01:13.47Sarozbut so what? really, so what if people don't know the very basics of coding addons, that doesn't make Ace bad
01:13.49BarbanusBugs are good!
01:13.49seebsI don't know about responsible/irresponsible.  If I were trying to teach someone Java, I'd probably use Buoy instead of Swing, because it sucks less.
01:13.51Cideckknight|work: there is an equally helpful community on both sides of the fence
01:14.01Cideckknight|work: unless, of course, you have facts that prove otherwise
01:14.03seebsI'd just point out "this is a wrapper on top of a much uglier library."
01:14.05TainActually I do, ZealotOnAStick.
01:14.10KarlThePaganwhat's irresponsible about providing a new framework?... is it irresponsible to learn CORBA because it runs on top of a socket library?
01:14.24nymbiacladhaire: so ace is a bad idea just cuz people will pick it up and write addons without learning some of the basics?
01:14.29Cideckknight|work: if you do not have such facts, you can't say that the "ace community" makes coding ace addons a better choice for a beginner over non-ace addons
01:14.44cladhairethis is not a discussion abotu whethe ror not ace is bad.
01:14.47TainSometimes people just want a result.  They want to know what thirty-seven times fourty-six is, they don't care about the details of getting there.
01:14.49Cidenymbia: all good things can be used in a bad way
01:14.52cladhaireso stop that righ tnow
01:15.02CideTain: yes, but people that want a result aren't in for learning, are they?
01:15.05ckknight|workCide: ah, it's easier to start off with to do big things, cause it takes care of the little details
01:15.06ZealotOnAStickTain: so by your assertion, there are no people who aren't assholes (occasional helpfulness aside) in the Ace2 community?  Sorry, but I just find that a tad ludicrous.
01:15.10TainNo Cide, that's the point.
01:15.20CideTain: then you came to the wrong dicussion
01:15.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Gagorian (
01:15.23TainNot everyone is interested in learning, they want to code an addon for the end-result.
01:15.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Doonga (
01:15.32ckknight|workWe are not all about learning!
01:15.33nymbiacladhaire: cide's taking it in that direction, but i'll stop, apologies.
01:15.39ckknight|worklearning is not the end goal in all cases!
01:15.43Cidenymbia: no, I'm not
01:15.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Quetzi (
01:15.48ckknight|worksometimes having a good mod that works and is efficient is the goal!
01:15.49Cideckknight|work: you also came to the wrong discussion then
01:15.51seebsIn my experience, if someone isn't interested in learning, there's not much point in trying to help them get an end result.
01:15.53*** join/#wowi-lounge kagaro (
01:15.55Cidelet me quote what started this discussion
01:16.01seebsUnless, of course, you just wanna do it for them.  :)
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01:16.58cladhaireIs an addon library a valuable tool for someone making a new addon.. absolutely, it could have great value for them.  Is an addon library the best way to learn how to write addons.  NO.  That's what this discussion is about.
01:17.07cladhaireneither Cide nor myself took it anywhere else, period.
01:17.19cladhairenot that Cide wants to be on my side, but its true =)
01:17.24TainI just don't agree with saying that someone who enters an equation in a calculator is a bad person because they don't know how to figure it out with a pencil and paper.
01:17.28seebsIt may be the best way to learn how to make addons which are totally dependant on that addon library.  :)
01:17.33Cidecladhaire: what? go away!
01:17.40ckknight|workfrankly, I think learning to use without libraries is good, but I also think learning to use with libraries is more realistic.
01:17.46seebsThey're not bad, but they're gonna be at a huge disadvantage if they can't do things without a calculator.
01:17.55cladhaireseebs: Which is a counterproductive goal
01:17.59EndTain: if they don't know how to do it by hand, do they really understand what they just did?
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01:18.12TainThey don't *HAVE* to understand!
01:18.15TainThey got their result.
01:18.22foxlitAh, but then things go wrong
01:18.28seebsTeach a man to fish, etc.
01:18.35foxlitAnd suddenly "Look it's broken. Must be magic at work here!"
01:18.41TainBut not everyone wants to know how to fish.
01:18.46TainThat's why we have supermarkets.
01:19.07sylvanaari dont see how this is unique to addons....libraries are how things are accomplished in programming
01:19.08cladhaireTain: you can give someone whatever they want.  I'm never just going to point someone at something, and say "make it work, don't even try to learn about why its working"
01:19.14Cidewe have supermarkets because people don't *want* to fish
01:19.18seebsSure.  Which is to say, if they don't wanna fish, they should pay someone else to write addons; not write addons poorly.
01:19.30nymbiaCide: i sure as hell dont want to fish. it's cold out.
01:19.33cladhaireseebs: exactly
01:19.34Cidesimilarly, we have calculators because people don't *WANT* to do it by hand
01:19.35EndI don't know, somehow having a calculator doing math for me without understanding what
01:19.35TainBut cladhaire not everyone wants to know why.
01:19.39seebsThere was an excellent research project once on people and calculators.
01:19.40EndI'm doing doesn't seem very useful
01:20.03TainI don't think someone should be forced to do something they don't want to do, when they don't have to if they don't want to.
01:20.05seebsThey took a bunch of kids, and tested them on their ability to estimate arithmetic quickly.  The ones who were good, they took the real test.
01:20.10CideEnd: and every learning process is focused around understanding
01:20.21ckknight|workhere's an example: Why make your own regex implementation when someone already has an implementation that's ready and available to use? sure you would learn more about regexes if you made your own, but it could take longer, be buggier, and your final result will come a lot slower.
01:20.21foxlitCalculators should come with books explaining how they work
01:20.28EndCide: I agree
01:20.29seebsThe real test is a huge test with lots of arithmetic in it, and the kids are given calculators.  The calculators are gimmicked so that they get progressively more inaccurate.
01:20.30Cidefoxlit: the good ones do :)
01:20.31foxlitThere are countless times I've wanted to look up how it does something.
01:20.39cladhaireTain: If someone doesn't want to learn, then they shouldn't be writing addons.
01:20.42cladhaireat least one some level.
01:20.49Cidebut it would be cool to see some of the algorithms used
01:20.51TainI just disagree with that conclusion.
01:20.55cladhaireckknight|work: But you need to know WHY you need the regexp library.
01:20.58seebsMost of the kids -- and they are KNOWN to be good at estimating results, so they could check their work -- don't even notice.  Only a couple mention that something seems odd.
01:21.01cladhaireyou don't get that with what your'e talking about.
01:21.06ckknight|workcladhaire: thus you read the documentation?
01:21.18Cideand.. gasp.. learn
01:21.22sylvanaaryou can say the same thing about using java to develop for platforms you have never seen, or using .NET to develop windows applications
01:21.37TainSome people write an addon because they want it to do something.  They have no desire to learn, they want a result.  That isn't a bad thing.
01:21.45ckknight|worksylvanaar: or using Win32/Gtk+/Qt instead of rolling your own
01:21.57seebsTain, it's not a bad thing in and of itself, but it becomes a bad thing when, because they don't want to learn, they do it badly and it makes hassle for others.
01:22.14Cidesigh, you're taking it to the level where we should all invent mathematics ourselves in order to use it - just to understand the history of it
01:22.15TainWhat do others have to do with it?
01:22.17seebsIf they aren't comfortable with the fact that they'll have to do some learning to write a program efficiently or well, then it's a problem.
01:22.23sylvanaaryeah, there is no end until you reach the processor opcodes
01:22.26TainIt is NOT a problem.
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01:22.41TainIt is disagreeable to someone who WANTS to write good code.
01:22.46Industrialits a problem the moment they release the addon
01:22.59TainBut that has nothing to do with the desires of someone who isn't interested in the ones and zeros behind it.
01:22.59Cideif you want to learn how to code wow addons specifically, there is no need to go down in level until you reach the level of asm
01:23.05seebsIt's a problem because, as an example, bugs in their code will inevitably cause them to submit bug reports for other addons that aren't buggy.
01:23.15cladhairethere's a non-arbitrary appropriate level.
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01:23.32sylvanaaryou are using C, you dont want to learn how to write function preambles and calling conventions for arguement passing?
01:23.32TainSo the desire for other people to write code to your expectations is a purely selfish one, seebs.
01:23.32CideI think what cladhaire and I are saying that you shouldn't go *UP* in level until you know what you're doing on the initial level that you're set on learning - going *DOWN* in level is useless
01:23.36seebsIt's a problem because they will probably release a buggy addon that clashes with other code, or slows things down, and then everyone has to deal with the side-effects.
01:23.50cladhaireOkay, simple question
01:23.53nymbiaanyway, i came into this discussion at the wrong time to understand fully what was going on, apologies for that cladhaire and Cide.  i started writing addons long before ace existed, but i still choose to use it today -- so i guess i'm not the type of person we're talking about.  anyway, i don't think it's such a bad thing that someone can casually pick up ace and throw an addon together without having any addon or other lua experience.
01:23.54seebsNot really, Tain.  It's a pragmatic thing.  It's like my belief that only people who are willing to learn to drive well should drive.
01:24.00Cideif you're in for coding wow addons, you shouldn't go down to assembly level. similarly, if you're in for learning how to use ace, you don't have to learn how to code addons
01:24.01cladhairesince apparently Cide and I are the only ones who disagree.
01:24.15Endno, you and Cide aren't the only ones
01:24.18EndI'm just pvping :P
01:24.19seebsI understand that some people don't want to spend a lot of time learning to drive, they just want to go somewhere.  However, it is bad for EVERYONE ELSE if we just hand them a car.
01:24.48TainI think it's simply foolish to force personal opinions as to why someone codes onto everyone who does.
01:24.59Cidelook - ace might be nice for saving time and getting the job done - but it doesn't help learning the quirks of wow addon writing
01:25.04BarbanusWell, IMO, the truth is in the pudding as they say .... more mods are being converted over to Ace2 than anything right now .. and there has to be a reason ... easier, better, doesnt matter .. the truth is that it is happening.
01:25.07subbotthat's not even close to an appropriate analogy seebs
01:25.08cladhaireIf you hand someone who wants to learn to code addons, what do you gain by handing them an Ace tutorial over an AddOn writing tutorial.
01:25.14cladhaireBarbanus: thats a bullshit argument.
01:25.15CideBarbanus: which is stupid
01:25.18cladhaireFor what we're talkign about.
01:25.30Cideand what cladhaire said
01:25.30TainAce has nothing to do with it at this point.  Ace has just become an arbitrary element.
01:25.36ckknight|workI do not want to force the world to use Ace. Cide, I do not want to force you to use Ace. I just want people to have the opportunity to be able to, because I think it is the best solution available today
01:25.41cladhaireAce has become the figurehead for "An AddOn Library"
01:25.45sylvanaarmake the same arguement about .NET
01:25.53sylvanaaryou know what, you can
01:25.59cladhairesylvanaar: Who?
01:26.05Cideckknight|work: that's fine and dandy - but don't argue that it helps you learn how to code wow addons
01:26.13TainSince anyone who doesn't code Lua to the same level of expertise as someone else shouldn't be doing it.
01:26.16ckknight|workso by telling people about the welcomehome tutorial, maybe they'll learn about the great library in building their addon
01:26.39sylvanaarYou can say that .NET coding doesnt let you learn about the nueances of win32 development
01:27.01TainJust like C++ codinng doesn't let you learn the nuances of Assembly development.
01:27.04ckknight|workhehe, quite true, sylvanaar
01:27.08nymbiaCide: it's not advertised as a learning tool, and i agree that it's existance allows new addon writers to skip learning a lot of the ins and outs of writing addons -- and there is some harm in that, but, i don't think it's as much as you're making it out to be.
01:27.10seebsWell, I can also say that .NET requires the user to download a huge runtime and be locked into yet another generation of proprietary junk.  :)
01:27.13cladhairesylvanaar: Well, the .NET API was designed, by Microsoft to supercede the Win32/MFC API
01:27.25cladhaireand by .NET I mean, the new versions of VC++ and VC#
01:27.34TainAnd woe be onto those who use the STL!
01:27.36sylvanaarfor a certain class of developer
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01:27.55ckknight|workcladhaire: and we designed Ace2...
01:27.57TainI blame AnduinLothar.
01:27.58ckknight|workhey AnduinLothar
01:28.02ckknight|work~blame AnduinLothar
01:28.05purlACTION blames AnduinLothar (and Canada) for all the evil in the world
01:28.05BarbanusI know how to code in 10+ languages, however, I have never used lua, and you are damn right a library helped me learn.... I don't need the low-level knowledge, I get it .. been there done that ... so it works for me.
01:28.06EndI blame AnduinLothar as well
01:28.09AnduinLothari blam eme too
01:28.20TainI heard he's working on the Cosmace project.
01:28.25ckknight|workAnduinLothar: you came in at a bad time, they're smacking down on libraries, which I guess would include Sea and everything like that.
01:28.36cladhaireWhat the fuck?
01:28.38AnduinLotharSea was the first
01:28.38cladhaireno we're not;
01:28.43sylvanaarit does not superceed win32, just allows people who dont want to work that close to the machine to still develop for the windows platform
01:28.47IndustrialTain: lol
01:28.48Fisker-what about smacking down on librarians?
01:28.48Cideum, yeah.. what?
01:28.52ckknight|workAnduinLothar: and it's quite nice, all in all.
01:28.58AnduinLotharactualyl Cosmos the addon was actually the first i think
01:29.01TainOn the fifth day the lord said, "Let there be Sea."
01:29.04Cideckknight|work made an ignorant statement, nothing to see here
01:29.05cladhaireWe are saying that handing someone who is asking how to learn an addon library over a basic tutorial is a bad idea in our opinion, and will not help them learn as well.
01:29.11BarbanusAnduinLothar, I believe you are correct.
01:29.12cladhairethat's all we've said this whole damn conversation.
01:29.13ckknight|workAnduinLothar: was Cosmos an addon in and of itself at one time?
01:29.30AnduinLotharyes, it was the orig config system
01:29.39TainWell you also said that a person who doesn't want to learn the hows and whys behind development shouldn't be doing it either.
01:29.55cladhaireTain: And made it plain as fucking day that that was my opinion.
01:30.03cladhaireSo don't quote me as "bashing libraries", etc.
01:30.11phreakyI feel kinda responsible for this argument ^^
01:30.15TainOh no, I think you're bashing people, not libraries.
01:30.19Cidephreaky: arguments are fun!
01:30.20Barbanuscladhaire, and me, who has done a ton of other coding, and codes for a living, using a library was a good thing, because I get whats going on behind the scenes, and I dont care to write it from scratch
01:30.22ckknight|worksorry, cladhaire, I must've misinterpreted you.
01:30.22cladhairewho have I bashed?
01:30.30cladhairename one person in this room I have bashed.
01:30.31AnduinLotharKhaos only replaced it for "Cosmos 2" a year and half ago.
01:30.38TainPeople who code and don't understand everything they're doing.
01:30.40Cideckknight|work: you must've misinterpreted everybody you've argued against
01:30.42ckknight|workAnduinLothar: ah, okay then.
01:30.59cladhaireTain:.. what have I said about them.. other than that they don't understand...
01:31.02ckknight|workCide: I'm trying to be cordial instead of a complete dick
01:31.13Cidethat's good, you're making progress
01:31.14TainWhich really is almost every professional coder I've ever come across.  Which might be sad, but that's how it works.
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01:31.24ckknight|workCide: one can't say the same about you, apparently.
01:31.39cladhaireCide has bee 100% cordial this entire conversation?
01:31.42cladhairewhat channel are you people in?
01:31.50BouviI don't understand why options I set are not holding when I reload the UI or when I log out, etc.  If anyone has any idea why shoot me a private message please.
01:31.53AnduinLotharHaving an addon named the same as the compilation was a tad confusing when troubleshooting
01:31.53TainPeople do not have to understand everything in order to do something.  And there's nothing wrong with that.
01:32.26cladhaireBouvi: You should check to see if there is a CVar that corresponds to the autoloot stuff.. sorry I meant to respond to you earlier.
01:32.27cladhaireTain: I'm not arguing that.
01:32.30Cideckknight|work: I invite you to show me where I've been this.. "complete dick"
01:32.35TainI saw Cide kick a puppy while discussing things.
01:32.36nymbiacladhaire: well, any library that allows bypassing of the guts of the addon writing process is just as guilty as ace at allowing people to skip the learning process, even if ace is the most striking example.  attacking ace in that sense attacks ace and sea and dongle in the same breath.
01:32.37cladhaireI'm not pasting YET again, the point of this conversation.
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01:32.46cladhairenymbia: Again, this isn't about Ace.
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01:33.12cladhairenymbia: Its about the comparative value of handing someone an addon library to learn how to write addons versus handing them a non-library biased tutorial.
01:33.23nymbiafair enough
01:33.31TainBut that value varies from person to person.  It isn't an absolute.
01:33.42cladhaireNo, but it was the opinion of two of us
01:33.43Neriakhi all :)
01:33.46cladhaireand we've been eaten fucking alive for it.
01:33.57TainYes but my opinion is valuable to me!
01:34.16cladhaireI challenge you guys to seriously scroll back and read this convesation.. I have not, and Cide has not been offensive or outlandish this entire conversation.
01:34.17CideNeriak: hi there, welcome :)
01:34.20IrielIf I understand Cide's point (sorry for joining this late), you should start out NOT using a library until you understand enough to appreciate what a library does for you, then you can make an informed decision.
01:34.36IndustrialIriel: agree :P
01:34.38IrielI can't say I dont agree with that approach.
01:34.40TainI wouldn't say offensive.  Outlandish is another sliding scale.
01:35.08TainIriel: *If* your intention is to learn, not to simply achieve a specific end result.
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01:35.12ckknight|workIriel: my take is that by using the library (and reading the documentation about what it does and everything), that is the best approach in the end
01:35.13BarbanusIriel, I agree to a point ... I code for a living, but have never written a mod ... why shouldnt I start using a library
01:35.22ZealotOnAStickcladhaire: Ahah.  I understand now.  The wiki page is evil!  Along with whoever linked it!  It's all so clear now.
01:35.24IrielTain: how can you achieve a good result without learning enough to get there?
01:35.31TainWho said good?
01:35.38TainThe vast majority of software in the world is crap.
01:35.45IrielI guess I have a mental block against crap software
01:35.48IndustrialBarbanus: because not starting out with a library doesnt only teach you how to program
01:36.03IndustrialBarbanus: it also teaces you about the api that the library conceals
01:36.06ckknight|workIriel: should one learn ASM before coding C? should one learn Win32 before coding .NET?
01:36.22ckknight|workthere is no point in the end if you want to do so
01:36.32BarbanusIndustrial, and what does that gain me?
01:36.33Irielckknight|work: No, but you should learn how C and trhe standard C libraries work before you grab someone's abstraction layer.
01:36.39foxlitWould you honestly compare ASM to C the same way LUA and ACE?
01:36.40IndustrialBarbanus: understanding
01:36.40IrielI'm not suggesting folks learn LUA bytecode
01:36.43TainI think it would be nice if it were all good and people did spent time learning and understanding what they were doing, but not everyone wants to and I don't think people should be forced to.
01:36.44foxlit^ as
01:36.55sylvanaaryou guys, most people's primary goal, isnt "learning ot write addons", its something task based, and for all those task based goals libraries are better
01:37.23AnduinLotharerm, usually I write Libs because I want to abstract something... making it efficient is usually secondary.
01:37.27BarbanusIndustrial, that I will use ... when? If I understand the library, how its used, what is the point? Sounds like a waste of time, IMO.
01:37.29ckknight|workIriel: it's all perspective, I guess, since what if someone were to make their own library (say, Boost for C++), should you learn to do what you are trying to do first, painfully, or should you just use that?
01:37.33Sarozindeed sylvanaar, some people actually want to play the game besides coding addons all day
01:37.40AnduinLotharand usually similar the code has been used before
01:37.59Irielckknight|work: I maintain you should learn enough about your environment to be able to know the library was the right choice
01:38.07sylvanaar"learning to write addons" is something that few people would say that they are doing at this moment
01:38.08IndustrialBarbanus: be my guest and start using the library. I dont care. No, really
01:38.12IrielThat isn't to say "Write your addon standalone, before you ever write an ace one"
01:38.18IrielThat would be a silly position to take
01:38.31IrielMore "learn the naked hello-world, then see the ace version, and decide which road to take"
01:38.37Irielneither takes a particularly long time
01:38.41TainIf levaring other people's work wasn't common then we wouldn't have things like Rails and Swing and everything else.
01:38.47Tainleveraging that is.
01:38.53ckknight|workwhy must the world be so gray?
01:39.06Sarozpink tbh
01:39.08TainThe world is run by elephants, that's why.
01:39.09ckknight|workTain: or any framework.
01:39.14Barbanussylvanaar, I'm learning, I'm also learning how to write them using Ace2. And its going perfectly well.
01:39.18Neriaklol tain
01:39.19sylvanaarvery few people want to write "Hello World", they want to do something and learn in the process
01:39.19Irieland I'll bet that for most people, starting there will deliver you to your eventual task based goal faster than jumping into al ibrary with no external context, unless your task is trivial or 99% aligned with the library
01:39.57AnduinLotharmmm I learned Lua orig by modifying other addons, and those addons happened to use libs
01:39.58Barbanussylvanaar, amen.
01:40.05IrielI think this discussion has been twisted by the pro-framework folks into one in which clad and cide and I are anti-framework
01:40.16ckknight|workRuby on Rails is evil! You should learn how to code a website without it in just Ruby before considering Rails.
01:40.24CideI hate frameworks!
01:40.32cladhaireI only hate Sea
01:40.37cladhaire<3 Ace in the face
01:40.41Endlol cladhaire
01:40.43Cideckknight|work: no, but you should taste ruby before using it to develop web pages
01:40.46BarbanusCide, I can tell.
01:40.57cladhaireBarbanus: You're just being a dick now, calm it down.
01:41.01ckknight|workCide: I dove headfirst into rails and learned Ruby along the way.
01:41.06CideBarbanus: apparently you couldn't tell the bitter taste of sarcasm, however
01:41.07ckknight|workwhat's wrong with that approach?
01:41.24Irielif it works for you, nothing
01:41.36Doongasarcasm rarely translates well in text
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01:41.47Tainnooooo reallly Doonga?
01:41.48Irielbut for many people that approach leaves them in a very dangerous position the second something goes wrong
01:41.59DoongaTain: i did say rarely :)
01:42.10Industrialits like learning linux with ubuntu
01:42.17Industrial(oh my did i just pull up a can of worms)
01:42.18ckknight|workIriel: then they could ask IRC/forums/etc and look up what went wrong?
01:42.19EndI think Iriel just hit a very important point :)
01:42.22CideDoonga: it was directed at those who I knew would get it
01:42.28sylvanaarIriel: the other approach, they wouldnt ever get tot he position for something to go wrong
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01:43.04ckknight|worksylvanaar: too true, they wouldn't have the opportunity to fuck up if you put em in a box
01:43.09Irielsylvanaar: Nonsense, you're taking the 'do the examples without alibrary' to an extreme again, it's not "do it all without a library' it's "get your feet wet without a library"
01:43.42sylvanaarIriel: if they are capable of doing it without a library, they can figure out what to do when things go wrong
01:43.47ckknight|workmy approach is to dive headfirst into the library schema, and along the way learn how everything works
01:44.00cladhaireAnd that's great for you
01:44.06Tullerhrm, what are you talking about now?
01:44.13TainTalking about your mom, Tuller
01:44.14Irielsylvanaar: if the library was a complete abstraction I would agree with you, but ace isn't.
01:44.14cladhairebut what does a new user gain when you hand them a library tutorial rather than a non-library tutorial?
01:44.21cladhaireckknight|work: other than getting you another user?
01:44.27sylvanaarIriel: the only ones who would be in trouble are those who would not have been able to do it otherwise
01:44.30|Shadow|lol i think i just found the smartest kids in the world
01:44.32TainIt depends what the user's intent is, clad.
01:44.33Irielit's a set of ASSISTIVE components you leverage to do grunt work, but you write your code against the same API's with the same language
01:44.34cladhaireWhat does it gain THEM?
01:44.36|Shadow|they actually managed to make the crazy frog thing funny.
01:44.48|Shadow|i mean seriously, its actually funny lol
01:44.49IrielYou HAVE to know the language and you HAVE to know the API's to do anything remotely useful
01:44.50sylvanaarIriel: and in their case they still have derived benefit
01:44.51ckknight|workcladhaire: they learn how to build addons with Ace
01:44.59cladhaireRather than learning how to build addon
01:45.02cladhairewhich was their intent
01:45.07cladhairein the specific case we're discussing.
01:45.19TainIriel: The number and varying levels of addon code out there disagrees with that statement.
01:45.32ckknight|workbuilding em with Ace/Sea/Dongle isn't a bad approach, it will help them make their addon do much more in the long run (typically)
01:46.08TainYou can achieve things without knowing what you're really doing.  It may not be a good thing per se, but look through random addons and that's how it already is.
01:46.12IrielI'm not going to argue about any long-run position, that's very likely for many cases.
01:46.13ThraeIt should also make them easier to maintain, since they are forced to follow a standard.
01:46.28Neriakcladhaire: I can't program shit in any other language, but with Ace I was able to code a lot of useful stuff. So I'm all for libs, I've learned so much anyway. And I still have to read wikis about WoW API and stuff. I guess without any kind of framework coding for Wow would have pissed me off *sigh*
01:46.34Thraes/easier to/easier for others to/
01:46.36cladhaireI point you back to the statement that started this entire conversation: "phreaky: That page was nice though, i'd like one of those for non ace".  To which Cide replied, that in his opinion it was better to learn how to write addons without a library rather than with a library, initially.
01:46.42IrielI just, personally, find that <Jump into abstracted library> <Learn the actual world along the way> <endpoint>
01:46.45Irieltakes a lot longer than
01:46.46sylvanaar"learning to write an addon" is a non-technical goal, and expressed as such does not convey enough meaning to say what the best way to achieve the goal is
01:46.57Neriakcladhaire: So I don't see anything bad in it.
01:46.59Iriel<Learn the basics> <Leverage a library> <Expand skills> <End Point>
01:47.05cladhaireNeriak: You dont', and that's great for you.
01:47.08Kaeltenmight I point out that this is an ideological difference and therefore is lacking a *best* solution
01:47.08cladhaireBUT HE WAS ASKING TO LEARN.
01:47.12IrielAnd produces 'better' developers and 'better' code
01:47.19Irielin the medium and long run
01:47.26cladhaireWhy is it a bad thing to point him at a wow-based tutorial, rather than a library one?
01:47.30ckknight|workIriel: meh, not for me, not for others as well, but some people might follow that alternate line much better.
01:47.33Industrialiriel wins case closed
01:47.44subbhawthe was pointed to both
01:47.51cladhaireKaelten: We're not trying to convince anyone of anything.
01:48.02ckknight|workIriel: but I'd consider myself a good developer, and I jumped headfirst into libraries.
01:48.04Cidesubbhawt: right, since the anti-framework activists (har, har) jumped in
01:48.05TainThere's simply a diffrence between wanting to learn, and wanting to accomplish a specific goal.  And the arguments don't hold up for both cases.
01:48.07Kaeltenok,I came in on the middle of it so I really don't know :)
01:48.08ckknight|workso it's definitely not true in all cases.
01:48.09cladhaireKaelten: Just stating our opinions based on our ideologies and being based for it.
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01:48.22Irielckknight|work: I expect you've had broad enough experience you can infer a lot of context
01:48.27TheKarnafaic most people that "want to write a quick addon" to do a small bit of functionality dont want to learn an entire language and as such Ace/Sea/Dongle allows them to get their small but of logic in place and the functionality of the addon they want to write in place with relative ease. those people wishing to make a more powerful addon are normally happy to learn the language and will do so with either approach.
01:48.28NeriakIndustrial: fanboi? :P
01:48.35cladhaireTain: He asked to learn.. not "How can I write this addon in the quickest way"
01:48.37ThraeYou could even look at the Library/No-Library debate like C vs C++. What is C++ but a bunch of stuff to try and make coding easier for you compared to C. The ASM isn't really optimized over C, all things being equal.
01:48.41sylvanaarif you are in school, you "learn to do", if ou are anywhere else you "want to do"
01:48.41IndustrialNeriak: nah i just agree
01:48.45TainThe statement, "It is always better to learn without using libraries." is a false one.
01:49.00TainWell we kind of meandered on a bit down the path from that original statement, cladhaire.
01:49.01cladhaireWho said it?
01:49.04cladhaireI'll give you time to scroll back.
01:49.09BouviI will say this.  I prefer to know why it does things.  If I use a library you can be sure I have torn into it to see what it does and why.
01:49.13cladhaireCause its not there
01:49.15cladhaireand that's the point
01:49.19TainLet me explain.  There is too much.  I summed up.
01:49.30ThraeYet C++ is prefered over C by most institutions for programming. Maybe a quick intro to C, but most will focus on C++ or even (gasp) Java!
01:49.34cladhaireour original statements have been so far twisted at this point, no one has any idea what we've originally said.
01:49.46IrielBut C and C++ isn't the same as wow plain and wow + ace
01:49.54TainWell, not entirely.  The discussion moved on from the original statement a bit.
01:50.02Irielit's more like C++ and a large C++ library package, versus just C++
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01:50.10CideTain: and with that move a lot of people got some weird ideas that we're against frameworks and such
01:50.12cladhaireTain: I can categorically say that you have missed the point.  One person expressed a valid opinion, then someone else expressed a valid opinion.  Then all of _this_ happened.
01:50.21ckknight|workIriel: or C++ vs. C++ with the STL
01:50.28TainYes, we're talking about the _this_ in the mean time.
01:50.36TainThe original statements are boring and uncontroversial.
01:50.40sylvanaarIriel: ace->wow plain .net->win32
01:51.00Irielckknight|work: I kind of avoided STL since it's an essentially a standard library these days, like lua's bundled functions and wow's API's
01:51.02ckknight|workyou can't say Ace or any other framework is any less meaningful because didn't ordain it
01:51.10Cidecladhaire: no, I'm against abstractions of all kinds. I write all my addons without the concept of functions and loops
01:51.21cladhaireCide: For loops are the devil, I agree with you.
01:51.25TainYeah Iriel but there were people who railed against the STL for years.  
01:51.34NeriakKAelten: he asked his evil twin
01:51.42KaeltenNeriak: ah
01:51.48Cidehonestly though (if that sarcasm wasn't obvious enough), I developed my own framework for suiting my needs
01:51.56purlrumour has it, pedantic is if you're going to be pedantic, be correct!!! (maxim #1)
01:51.56TainWhich isn't to say that any WoW Lua library set is comparible to the STL.  But the arguments still occured.
01:51.59Industrialshit a typo
01:52.06Cideand I can say that I knew what I was doing every step in the process
01:52.09ThraeIriel: C++ is just C with a different approach. It doesn't really have any speed increases over C, yet it retains all of what C is. So I can see a relation between vanilla WoW coding and coding using a Library as well.
01:52.11Neriak^you lost =)
01:52.28IrielThrae: But C++'s differences are at the language level
01:52.43IrielThrae: It's a poor analogy for that reason
01:52.45ThraeIriel: I'm not talking about the binary differences here, I am talking about the philosophical differences, the philosophy of design.
01:53.10bleetahKirkburn: btw, last night the ABC here ran a story about virtual worlds/games. The video they had of WoW was pretty crappy (off a lappy screen), but the only clearly identifiable mod in use was clearfonts
01:53.23bleetah*ran a story in thei nightly current affairs program
01:53.23KirkburnCrazy cool :P
01:53.43TullerStill not absolutely sure what you all are arguing about, but I'm definitely of the opinion in the case of WoW its a good idea to learn the basic structure of how an addon works before anything
01:53.51IndustrialThrae: the difference is that someone that wants to write addons typically is not a programmer with object oriented programming knowledge or background.
01:53.55Fisker-now tell them you want money for showing your addon
01:53.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnancy (
01:54.06Fisker-"You damaged it's name" etc.
01:54.11Neriakckknight|work: Indeed.
01:54.11Fisker-and all that QQ'ing
01:54.16Industrialthat rules out the C++ issue too, because we were talking about suck people and not the highly skilled programmers
01:54.19bleetahhah, the ABC is even more broke than the BBC.. i doubt it'd happen ;)
01:54.25ThraeIriel: Yes C and C++ are different at the machine code level, however C++ has never been "faster" or "better" then C at doing anything. They are just different design principles. When you compare WoW or WoW + Ace, you are also seeing different design principles at the basic levels. Ace will implement things differently then most people will implement them. It may not be a strong analogy, but I still think it's valid.
01:54.32ckknight|workIndustrial: I'm highly skilled and yet use Ace.
01:54.40Industrialckknight|work: cause you wrote it
01:54.40Kirkburnckknight|work, no, think of Margaret Thatcher!
01:54.53ckknight|workIndustrial: I used Ace 1.x and didn't write that.
01:55.00TainYeah well I'm highly skilled and yet don't do any coding right now.  So beat that.
01:55.02KirkburnFisker-, damn right
01:55.08ckknight|workalso, vhaarr is highly skilled, uses Ace, and didn't write it.
01:55.14Industrialckknight|work: you didnt get it btw. I am saying that if you are not such a programmer and you want to learn addons that it is in my opinion better not to start with a framework.
01:55.16ckknight|workas well as other Ace developers
01:55.29ThraeI wrote TinyTip without Ace, then I switched to Ace because it was easier to maintain. If anyone here is making the argument that using libraries at all makes you a worse coder, then you're off your rocker.
01:55.45ckknight|workIndustrial: I understand your opinion, and disagree with it in a cordial manner.
01:55.50IndustrialThrae: stop right there ans read up first
01:55.53IrielThrae: I'm going to just have to agree to disagree with the applicability of C/C++ as even close to WoW/WoW+Ace
01:56.08bleetahI agree with industrial. starting with a framework that hides large amounts of nuts and bolts does not help one learn what's going on. it's like getting a computer science degree for using Powerpoint
01:56.09TainI dunno, there's something to be said for using a framework to learn from the simple fact of having structure.  (Not a statement of absolute truth, just my own opinion.)
01:56.17Tullerthink of it this way, show them how to do what you do, then show how <framework> simplifies the amount of code needed
01:56.26bleetah(no offence meant to ckknight and other framework authors)
01:56.27IrielThrae: I'd make the opposite argument, that blindly NOT using libraries almost certainly leads you to being a worse coder.
01:56.31Temfuck, I give up on reading the rest of this
01:56.37TemTain, I want to beat your f'ing head in
01:56.45purli heard pedantic is if you're going to be pedantic, be correct!!! (maxim #1)
01:56.45ckknight|workbleetah: the first course you take in a CS degree at my university teaches you Word/PPT/etc.
01:56.47Temyou're twisting the discussion the whole time
01:56.47TainIt's ok, I don't mind.
01:56.48ckknight|work(just irony)
01:56.49IrielThrae: However, choosing not to use one that's available is fine 8-)
01:56.59bleetahckknight: similar, hence I've refused to go to uni
01:57.00TainNo, I'm pointing out a different part of the discussion.
01:57.04TemTain, this discussion is *not* about people who just want the means to an end
01:57.10bleetahand practically any other computing course
01:57.14ckknight|workbleetah: I skipped it and every other non-senior CS course.
01:57.16TemTain, this is about people who expressly want to LEARN
01:57.24bleetahi'm like 'erm, i learned basic and assembly at the same time, over 20 years ago.. please don't'
01:57.38Barbanusckknight|work, my first year consisted of C++
01:57.40Temckknight|work, you too
01:57.46Temyou're pulling the same crap as Tain
01:57.49TainNo no
01:57.52ThraeIriel: Standardization is good.
01:57.53TainMy crap was definitely different.
01:57.57bleetahonly one local university in Tasmania, and.. the admissions procedure for adult learners with realm experience.. is gimp
01:57.59TainDont' lump me in with him!
01:58.05EndTain is full of crap!
01:58.08Endor am I?
01:58.09bleetah*real experience
01:58.13IrielThrae: It can be, as long as it's not standardization for the sake of itself
01:58.14ckknight|workyour mom's full of crap
01:58.14ThraeGo standardized colabroative development!
01:58.22ckknight|workThrae: definitely
01:58.26Temthis is NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT about "I just want to write an addon, and I don't care how it works.  I just want it to work"
01:58.41TainAnd the statements weren't directed only at people wanting to learn, since when I mentioned that it was shot down as people shouldn't even think that way.
01:58.52Temphreaky asked "Where do I start so that I can LEARN to write addons?"
01:59.02TainAnd it roamed from there.
01:59.04cladhaireTain: As a personal opinion.. I'm happy enough to let you have yours, why can't you let me have mine?
01:59.10KirkburnThe WoWWiki. :P
01:59.14ThraeIriel: Which Ace has had a bad history of...some of the old authors had rather staunch principles of standardization which were really just standardization for the point of it. Hence the uneasiness.
01:59.35TullerKirkburn: The wiki, + looking at other people's code
01:59.42Neriakhow do you define LEARN? whats the difference in using a framework/library or not. at the end all I do is LEARN something *shrug*
01:59.47TainDifferences of opinion are what make the world go 'round.
01:59.49KirkburnTuller, yeah, I'd go with that
01:59.51bleetahI suspect it's more a nerve that's been building up since 2.0 got released, and the heavy influc of people wanting to 'learn modding 'coz mod <blah> is now bust'... if i had a copper for everytime I was that... ;)
01:59.51ckknight|workThrae: you know what'd be nice? if CTRA and oRA worked together to come up with a standard comm protocol
02:00.28ckknight|workstandardization ftw and all that.
02:00.28cladhaireTain: yes, but we don't have to be complete and utter jerks while we're expressing them.  I never once in this conversation bashed your personal opinion.
02:00.28Temand that's all I care to say on it, because I certainly don't have the patience to sit here and read the dribble that's being spewing in here
02:00.29cladhaireI was not afforded the same luxury.
02:00.29KirkburnThat was once tried on WoWWiki, ckknight
02:00.29foxlitI thought oRA was binary compatible?
02:00.29BouviI like pie...
02:00.30Kirkburn(before the comm channel changes)
02:00.30TainBut you have the patience to comment on it, Tem.
02:00.30Temckknight|work, if you want to go drama fishing, I heard efnet is a good place
02:00.34foxlitAt least that's what I keep telling people when I claim I parse CT_RA messages.
02:00.51ckknight|workKirkburn: slightly different topic
02:00.56Cideyeah, I'm not even going to comment on that ckknight|work
02:01.00KirkburnYeah, fair enough :P
02:01.04TemTain, I had to say something because it was driving me nuts while reading the log.  No offense to anyone
02:01.10TullerI just call CTRA the standard and leave it at that
02:01.15ckknight|workCide: but I want a comment
02:01.24KirkburnTuller, your mom's the standard! ^^
02:01.26Cideckknight|work: here's your comment; shut up
02:01.35TullerKirkburn: nuh uh!
02:01.40ckknight|workI'll take that as your official comment on the matter, Cide
02:01.41Kirkburnyuh huh!
02:01.51Cideckknight|work: cool.
02:01.55Industrial"official" hahaha.
02:02.02Thraeckknight|work: I don't think it would be too hard to make a non-Ace CTComm or RaidComm or whatever library, but it takes an amicable agreement between both parties. It's definately not far to push the party with the more popular addon to do most of the work.
02:02.07TainI dunno, I don't think I was a jerk.  My point of view was entirely that not everyone has the same intentions when coding an addon, and I think other people try to force their intentions on them.
02:02.10BouviI like ALOT of pie...
02:02.11Cidewith personal attacks out of the way - let's not go there
02:02.25bleetahCide: is that the same comment as to guilds who roll their own 'ctra' compatible mods and end up with players saying they never need CTRaid?
02:02.29ckknight|workThrae: we don't need a library, just a protocol
02:02.41CideBleeter: huh?
02:02.44TainI think protocol went out the window a while ago.
02:02.45cladhaireTain: And we never said we wre, and that's where you missed the point and kept on bashing.
02:02.53Enddidn't Cide make it for -his- guild back in the day?
02:02.56Thraeckknight|work: We'd have to concede that the party with the popular addon, the one who isn't as interested, and give them the most room and compromise. Treat them as nice as possible.
02:02.59cladhaireWe were never talking about peopel who just want" to write an addon to meet a specific end.
02:03.11CideEnd: that was one of the reasons, yes
02:03.17bleetahif I had a copper for every inbound guildie saying they don't need ctraid 'coz they have something from <hand built by guild foo> and don't understand the potential for conflicting code and stuff, I'd.. be richer
02:03.24KirkburnCan I say, I would really like to see people work together more ... the UI community feels like it's splitting into camps
02:03.26ckknight|workThrae: that'd be like saying we should just let IE keep using deprecated protocols and not push for HTML standardization.
02:03.32KirkburnAnd once you're in a camp, you're stuck
02:03.33TainI disagree with your opinion that I was bashing.
02:03.49Thraeckknight|work: Well, a protocol would be easier to maintain within a Library, as otherwise you'd have to make sure multiple addons always follow the standard.
02:03.56cladhaireAnd why did it need bashing?
02:03.56ZealotOnAStickKirkburn: seconded.
02:03.57TainHowever, when I stated my view it was directly disputed that people shouldn't be coding without learning, and I still disagree with that.
02:04.13Cidebleetah: I maintain CTRA so that people that want it can use it - those who don't want to are free to use whatever addon they want :)
02:04.33ckknight|workThrae: true, but we have the AceOptions data table protocol, which doesn't use a standard library between the libraries/addons that use it.
02:04.56KirkburnSegregating is how wars start.
02:05.13KirkburnYou start getting suspicious and paranoid, and suddenly everyone hates each other.
02:05.16Thraeckknight|work: No no, I'm not saying let them do whatever they want. I'm saying, you have to treat their views with respect because they hold more weight with the users. In IE vs open source, the open source community isn't going to get anyway saying "FU, we'll do what we want" to Microsoft. Even if they start getting people to adapt their standards, it would be far, far faster to compromise and work together.
02:05.27TainLibrary uses to the back of the bus!
02:05.36CideI agree with Thrae
02:05.52bleetahok, lemme try another track... I presume the CTRaid API is open, and that there are other mods out there using it. Now, of course, that's bound to bring up compatibility problems at least somewhere along the way. So your response to people (non-authors) bringing you compatibility problems would be? (I'm presuming 'shut up' ;-)
02:05.53TullerKirkburn: stop plotting against me!
02:06.00Mikmaanyone can convert one .blp to .tga for me?
02:06.02ckknight|workso wouldn't it be good to work together on a common protocol, Thrae?
02:06.07ckknight|workworking together is important
02:06.11IndustrialThrae: so you code addons to be famous?
02:06.13ckknight|worknot imposing a standard on another party.
02:06.16CideCTRA already has a protocol that has remained largely backwards compatible since release, so I don't see a reason to change it
02:06.17IndustrialThrae: to get many people to use them?
02:06.21KirkburnTuller, I use Bagnon =) How could I plot against you!?
02:06.24IndustrialThrae: sorry but I dont like that.
02:06.40TullerKirkburn: comment on paranoid :P
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02:06.50BarbanusThrae, I completely agree with "it would be far, far faster to compromise and work together"
02:06.54ThraeHowever, there is, of course, only so much abuse one can take from the popular. Especially because having a popular addon can instill a good amount of ego boost. Whether or not that ego boost gets too big is up to the individual. I'm just stating fact here, not trying to degredate any individual.
02:06.57Industrialyou shouldnt give 2 shits about WHO any HOWMANY use your addon. you should only be happy with it
02:07.15bleetahCide: I'm trying to find a compelling arguement I can force down this particular guildie's throat so they ditch whatever they're using, take up CTRaid, and thus cut down my 'support' duties
02:07.15KirkburnHowever, I am plotting against Tul-I mean uh ... Tullalballo
02:07.27Cidebleetah: that's up to you :)
02:07.44bleetahgah.. i'll just mis-quote you :P
02:07.53ThraeIndustrial: I code addons to please people, yes. Pleasing people makes me feel good.
02:07.57Cidehowever, feel free to tell him that santa won't be happy unless he does
02:08.08KirkburnAllow people to have opinions. It's a free country, don't force them down their throats.
02:08.20ThraeIndustrial: However, I don't see how that has anything to do with our discussion.
02:08.23Kirkburn(free world, one day, perhaps)
02:08.51beerkeI don't see the problem of a common protocol for raid overview mods. Except where one person tries to defend his mod from going down in popularity or due to personal reasonings like not liking the other side which he has to cooperate with.
02:09.03IndustrialThrae: "even id they start getting people to adapt to their standards"
02:09.06BarbanusKirkburn, opinions and options :)
02:09.15IndustrialThrae: you dont get people to adapt t your standards
02:09.25Industrialyou just make whay you think is good and people will use it
02:09.25Neriak7msg purl Industrial is teh sucks!
02:09.31Industrialyou dont want to win people away
02:09.35Tullerwell, uhh, I like the clickframe standard
02:09.43Industrialthats corporate bullshit. this is a GAME and this is our HOBBY
02:09.50Tullergiven it requires all of three lines of code for me to implement
02:09.52BouviLater all I have been up since 4:30 I am beat.
02:09.53TainMy addon brings all the boys to the yard
02:10.10TheKarnand they're like. ... its better then Thrae's?
02:10.11ThraeIndustrial: What's wrong with being cooperative?
02:10.11Kaelten~whaleslap Tain
02:10.16purlACTION beats Tain upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
02:10.33TainWhat I did was whack but you don't get a brother back like that
02:10.39IndustrialThrae: nothing. its wrong to try to get as many people as you can to use your addon and then feel good
02:10.40KirkburnLook, I've been a part of this community for about a year, I've used Cosmos, Ace, CTRA, loads of different addons, been in many IRC channels - and over that whole time, I cannot see a reason for the animosity between cetain people. Yes, you have different ways of approaching addons. BUT THEY'RE ADDONS. FOR A GAME!
02:10.55IndustrialKirkburn: exactly
02:10.58KirkburnA *game*, people.
02:11.11EndWoW is serious business!
02:11.20ckknight|workKirkburn: you mean I'm not really a hot female blood elf in real life?
02:11.23ag`But it's a serious game! We like... get epics!
02:11.26KirkburnNah, you are.
02:11.28ckknight|workmy world is shattered :-(
02:11.31nymbiano, Kirkburn.  i must force everyone to do things the same as me.
02:11.47ThraeIndustrial: Why would I denegrate the other similiar addons? Those addons have authors too. I'd feel bad for them.
02:11.59IndustrialThrae: you said so.
02:12.05*** part/#wowi-lounge Cide (
02:12.17ckknight|workIndustrial: what if you feel good by getting people to use your addons?
02:12.19Tullerlets just make fun of people who post comments about my addons :)
02:12.31Industrialckknight|work: i think thats wrong
02:12.36ckknight|workyes, let's make fun of Tuller's users;
02:12.43KirkburnYeah, but you can't dictate how a man should feel
02:12.59ckknight|workIndustrial: I don't see how it's necessarily wrong...
02:13.01ThraeIndustrial: "I code addons to please people, yes. Pleasing people makes me feel good."
02:13.07TainBefore you judge someone you should walk a mile in their shoes.
02:13.13Endgood idea
02:13.16TainBecause then you're a mile away AND you have their shoes.
02:13.16Neriakit makes my e-peen grow, Industrial ;)
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02:13.17ThraeIndustrial: Where in that sentance can you infer I want to "compete" with other addons?
02:13.19Endthen I'll have their shoes and I
02:13.27KirkburnAnd you can take it further and say "the more people I please, the better the pleasing"
02:13.30Neriakthere's nothing wrong about e-peens, really
02:14.10ckknight|workNeriak: my e-peen level is 42 right now.
02:14.19Neriakfu :P
02:14.33bleetahomg, the question!
02:14.43bleetah;what is ckknight|work's e-peen level'
02:14.43Endthat's the answer
02:14.44KirkburnFuPeen, the tracker for Peens!
02:14.46Industrialwell look at the CTRA & oRA cooperation thing
02:14.49Endwe don't know what the question is
02:14.51Industrialthats the result of epeening
02:14.53Neriaklol Kirkburn
02:14.57Industrialand i think its wrong
02:14.58bleetahI'm saying, I just found the question!
02:15.34KirkburnSomeone should make a film about this:
02:15.37foxlitMy glorious abuse of API mechanism and an incomplete at best optimization algorithm has earned me 110 downloads :P
02:15.42Kirkburn"A community ... divided"
02:15.42bleetahgotta admit, it's better than 'whatdoyougetifyoumultplysixbynine
02:16.24TainI'll take The Rapists for $200 Alex!
02:16.25foxlitIt's curious to note that I couldn't really care -- it was a relatively fun piece of code.
02:16.33Endfoxlit: I'm curious now
02:16.36ThraeIndustrial: So you think because CTRA is more popular, oRA should just adapt its standard instead of compromise? The reason there are two separate addons is not because they wish to compete, it's because of different design principles. oRA is module-based and focused zealotly on performance, while CTRA is focused on power and options all-in-one.
02:16.36Endfoxlit: linky?
02:17.30IndustrialThrae: no you are not getting it. I am saying that because of epeening as you call it between authors (sorry for those being in here right now) they wont work together and it wont benefit anyone
02:17.32sylvanaarhonestly making one work with the other doesnt serve the interests of either developere
02:17.42Endfoxlit: hmm neat idea
02:17.54IndustrialThrae: and thus making addons for the purpose of getting alot of users results in thses silly games
02:17.58Barbanushaha nice foxlit
02:18.01IndustrialThrae: so its WRONG :)
02:18.04Barbanusthats interesting :P
02:18.22BarbanusI prefer a proximity marker on my raid windows, but thats still interesting
02:18.25Tullerall my stuff was written because I hated anything that currently existed, or did not have feature <x>
02:18.37KaeltenIndustrial: well I do get a little thrill when someone tells me they love my addons, and I love to see that people use em, its nice.  But at the same time I'm not against coloborating or helping people, so its not that making addons for other people to use is wrong?
02:18.43ckknight|workIndustrial: and then compounding on that some people have websites devoted to their addons or addon packs that have advertising on them to specifically make them money
02:18.58ckknight|workwhether you think that's wrong is a matter of opinion, though
02:19.08foxlitI need a class interaction filter for that one
02:19.08Industrialit is
02:19.10ckknight|workbut it can change motivations
02:19.11sylvanaarcompatibility is an end user issue
02:19.24sylvanaarunless you want more users
02:19.24ThraeIndustrial: I personally never said "epeen". I'll concede that debate because it's based on your view from the actions of those involved. And I think I've already made it clear that I don't think that is going on as much as you think it is.
02:19.41ThraeIndustrial: However, I WOULD like to know why you think --I-- am trying to flex my ego...
02:19.55sylvanaarin which case you add compatibility to get users from somewhere else
02:19.57IndustrialThrae: im speaking in general
02:20.37Thrae21:28 < Thrae> Industrial: Why would I denegrate the other similiar addons? Those addons have authors too. I'd feel bad for them.
02:20.41Thrae21:28 < Industrial> Thrae: you said so.
02:20.58ThraeIndustrial: That seemed like to me that you were talking about me in particular.
02:21.13IndustrialThrae: in your statement about open source vs microsoft
02:21.21IndustrialThrae: about winning users
02:21.22TainAnd he said your mom wears Microsoft combat boots
02:21.29IndustrialThrae: im basing everything i say on that
02:21.36ckknight|workI got a mac, it's really shiny.
02:21.50Tullersylvanaar: in the case of CTRA amd oRA, they HAD to use CTRA's protocols, else very few could get any enjoyment out of the addons
02:22.05ThraeIndustrial: But were you claiming I compete with other addons?
02:22.07sylvanaarcompatibility is an end user issue
02:22.10sylvanaarunless you want more users
02:22.22IndustrialThrae: god. not you specifically.
02:22.28Neriakckknight|work: it ain't shiny it's just glossy :P
02:23.01ThraeIndustrial: OK. The timing of the two statements on my screen caused the misunderstanding. I wasn't angry, I am just always curious about what people think of me.
02:23.01Tullersylvanaar: I'd consider compatiblity there more of "making the addon work"
02:23.47TainI think you're special, Thrae
02:24.10ThraeTain: That's what my middle school principal said too!
02:24.13ckknight|workNeriak: actually I got the matte screen, not the glossy screen
02:24.21bleetahThrae: I don't think. At all. Ever. Please don't take my lack of thoughts about you personally.
02:24.29sylvanaari remember trying to write an addon which would provide an abstract compatibility point between addons. So that they could work together. Nobody was interested.
02:24.40TainWorking together isn't fun.
02:25.04Thraebleetah: Your lack of opinion on me makes me think you don't like me! :( Now I'm going to go eat lots of ice cream.
02:25.18*** part/#wowi-lounge Tem (
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02:25.32ckknight|worklol, Thrae
02:25.47nymbiaaw, now i want ice cream.
02:25.47ckknight|worksylvanaar: which addon?
02:25.56ThraeMmmm, cookie dough!
02:26.04Tullerckknight|work: Most comments are nice, but every now and then you get one that makes you wonder, "What in the world is with this guy?," or just laugh.  For instance, I had a comment about a month ago, where a guy dropped at least 4 fbombs in a single sentence.
02:26.06sylvanaarthats was the point of Interview
02:26.09ThraeCookies should never be baked. Just give me the dough!
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02:26.41ckknight|workTuller: I'm confused
02:26.58ckknight|worksylvanaar: oh, right, yea, *shrug*
02:27.06sylvanaarckknight|work: haha
02:27.08Tullerckknight|work: ckknight|work:yes, let's make fun of Tuller's users;
02:27.12*** part/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
02:27.31ckknight|workTuller: ah.
02:27.54ThraeI hear Tuller's users are Warriors who try to tank with the Ice Barbed Spear!
02:28.08nymbiaTuller: your users smell funny.
02:29.05Tullerthe level of quality varies between websites, and the popularity of a given addon, but I think curse is midway between the official general forums and interface forums
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02:29.35Tullersegway complete.
02:29.58EndI tend to get the worst quality comments from ui.worldofwar
02:30.01TainI think I want to learn to play the bagpipes
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02:31.14TullerA cookie for anyone who can give me the thoughtprocess for each individual when setting up any given addon.
02:31.58nymbiaTuller: unzip to desktop.  start wow.  log in.  wonder why it isnt working.  post on comments.
02:32.14EndI got better!
02:32.18Endpost on comments.
02:32.22Doonganymbia: nah, they don't even unzip it
02:32.27ckknight|workTuller: "I want it to work without configuring at all, if I have to configure, I want to use a system I'm familiar with that's intuitive"
02:32.29Endthere, one step right there
02:33.21[Wobin]"Damnit, I want it to 'Just Work'"
02:33.24Tullerckknight|work: that's why I setup all my addons to my defaults most of the time :)
02:33.28[Wobin]Is really it
02:33.44ckknight|workTuller: yep.
02:33.51[Wobin]Basically: "If it takes more than 5 seconds to configure, it's not worth my time"
02:34.46TullerI still wonder how discord got popular, but I decided its because no one actually uses discord, they use someone's package which was designed with discord.
02:34.58Tulleraka, those people with 3+ hour setup times
02:35.55[Wobin]prepackaged sets
02:36.14TullerLets call that the highest level of abstraction :)
02:36.15[Wobin]well, generally for the first time (mostly startup) addon users, they want it to work and work instantly
02:36.22TainNow now, Discord allowed people to do things that no other addons did.
02:36.33[Wobin]It's only once they get interested in stuff that they spend their time setting up
02:37.02TainYou can't downplay the importance of things like Discord and Cosmos in the history of WoW addon development.
02:37.34TullerTain: In the case of Unitframes, yes.  In the case of action bars, no.  Discord did everything with a GUI for that.
02:37.41Antiar1Discord and Cosmos were tremendous as groundbreakers.
02:37.50seebsWoah, you guys are still doing this?
02:37.57nymbiaseebs: no ;)
02:38.11Tainseebs: I'm still doing your mom
02:38.13[Wobin]nah, not so much with the bashing this time I think =P
02:38.21[Wobin]Okay, maybe some bashing
02:38.23nymbiaanyway, is he even working on a 2.0 compatible version?
02:38.33Tullernymbia: yes
02:38.34ckknight|worknymbia: supposedly coming out when TBC ships
02:39.01Tullera cookie for someone who designs an in game interface design kit to rival it
02:39.15TainCookies are easier to make.
02:39.22pastamancerjust one cookie?
02:39.24TainI'll just bypass the whole thing and make some.
02:39.37ckknight|workTuller: the Ace rival to Discord: Accord
02:39.46ckknight|workbum dum dum!
02:39.55nymbiathe honda ui!
02:39.56ckknight|workbut no one cares enough in our community
02:40.23TainAccord uses the Acsea library running as part of Cosmace.
02:40.53nymbiassh dont tell 'em the plan! ;)
02:41.02TullerI'm kind of struggling to think of what Cosmos actually brought with it.  I can only assume mainstream addon usage.
02:41.13Tullerand don't you guys have surf or something to be sea? :)
02:41.20Tullerthat might have been a long time ago though
02:41.30TainTuller: Cosmos was really the proof of concept for WoW addons.
02:41.37[Wobin]Tuller: I'd say more a 'package' that made addons more available
02:41.42[Wobin]or understandable
02:41.46[Wobin]or applicable
02:41.51nymbiacosmos had some pretty cool capabilities, even way back in the day.
02:42.08nymbiastuff that we take for granted now
02:42.15Doongafor me it showed what the default ui lacked
02:42.16TainWhen WoW launched there was CosmosUI, and there was the default UI.  That was it.
02:42.19ckknight|workI used Cosmos for a while
02:42.29Neuro_MedivhCTMod was available on Launch
02:42.34[Wobin]For people who never knew what an addon was, and who wanted a change, Cosmos was a good package to get going
02:42.48ZealotOnAStickCT, Gypsy . . .
02:42.54ZealotOnAStickWas BibMod out in beta?
02:42.56[Wobin]I think I started with Gypsy
02:43.05nymbiaZealotOnAStick: dont think so, no.
02:43.06TullerGypsy is still the prettiest
02:43.09AntiarcI started with Cosmos in beta.
02:43.09Neuro_MedivhCosmos was the first Metamod though
02:43.33TainI'm probably still thinking of Cosmos from beta as far as being the fist to really show how much you can do
02:43.35[Wobin]Tuller: Sam won't like that =P
02:43.37ag`I am the first metauser
02:44.13Tuller[Wobin]: well, I love how the GUI for setting up bars looks :)
02:44.24Neuro_Medivhbeta Cosmos became a victim of it's own popularity.  It had so many features that it became harder and harder to upgrade on each Beta patch
02:44.48NeriakI've been using Cosmos till the first patchday, after that I decided to put together my own UI. Whole Cosmos was broken that day.
02:45.08[Wobin]I'd hate to program for the beta
02:45.32[Wobin]especially if the changes directly affect your code each patch
02:45.33Neuro_Medivhwtf, Saddam's execution is today?
02:45.43[Wobin]happy new year?
02:45.58Neuro_Medivhwow... I'm so used to American courts where it takes 10 years
02:46.03KirkburnNeuro_Medivh, er, wow
02:46.11TainYeah they want you to believe it is.
02:46.19TainHe'll be running a 7-11 next week.
02:46.27Doonga30 days from sentence there from what I read
02:46.35TullerI ended up "educating" my friends to not use Cosmos.  Aka, the "Why are you using 40 addons when you really only use addonX?"
02:46.36ckknight|workI was told a spring hanging...
02:46.57ckknight|workTuller: hehe
02:46.59Tullerso is the execution a day early or a day late?
02:47.49[Wobin]a premature hanging?
02:47.59Kirkburn"Saddam Hussein was sentenced to death by an Iraqi court on 5 November"
02:48.14nymbiai guess there's still another trial going on but they're just gonna hang him for what he's already been convicted of
02:48.30[Wobin]and we'll work out the rest of the charges later =P
02:48.31Neuro_Medivhwhat are they gonna do, execute him twice?
02:48.49[Wobin]Weekend at Bernies style?
02:49.07Neuro_MedivhSaddam says, "Can we hurry this up?  I have another hanging to go to at 3pm"
02:49.25Neuro_Medivh"They said you was hung?"  And they were right!"
02:49.39TainAwesome movie.
02:49.44Neuro_Medivhyes it is
02:50.07KirkburnI'm off to bed, g'night!
02:50.24Neuro_Medivhvoted 6th funniest movie of all time
02:51.03Neuro_Medivhwhich is a shame, cause I think it's funnier than at least 3 of the top 5 they have listed
02:51.04*** part/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
02:52.18Neuro_Medivhah, and I see Canada is falling apart
02:53.31Tullergrr, now I need to remember what I was coding again
02:54.27Tulleranyway to sum up the early portion, about the time the first ace happened there was a fairly large argument about libraries between the ace crowd and the autobar author
02:54.45Tullerso, we're back there again, sortof :)
02:55.10ThraeTuller: for 1,100000 do foo={}; end
02:55.41End~emulate Saien
02:55.43purlSlash commands are ameturish.
02:56.00ckknight|work~literal emulate Saien
02:56.01purl"emulate saien" is "<reply>Slash commands are ameturish.||<reply>I could have helped you, but I won't.||<reply>You are of course, wrong, and I invite you to prove it to yourself.||<reply>This is a stunningly stupid question to direct at me.||<reply>Your question is not very descriptive, helpful, or useful in any manner.||<reply>Why do I care? Why are you posting ...
02:56.20ckknight|workthose are all real quotes
02:56.31TullerI remember most of them :)
02:56.38Endyeah I doo too
02:56.43Ender, do
02:56.51Endalthough I might doo as well
02:57.00bleetahsounds like PacoPaco from the gaim project
02:58.59bleetahsounds to me more, tho, like some insane crazy person should sit down, audit the major mods, decide what's 'common' about them, then write up a common library proposal
02:59.25Tullerbleetah: slash commands, variables, events
02:59.28bleetaheven I'm not that insane, tho
02:59.42Tullerlocalization, to an extent
03:00.13bleetahthe tricky bit would have people agree on even an API, let alone code
03:00.13Tullerdon't forget style
03:00.25MentalPower|DVDlets not have this conversation again, shall we?
03:00.27Tuller(I want to use OO!)
03:00.32bleetahDos or Unix text files?
03:00.33MentalPower|DVDthe last few times its been of no use
03:00.44bleetahMentalPower|DVD: I'm being silly
03:00.47TullerMentalPower|DVD: you're one of the auctioneer people, right? :)
03:01.02Tullercan I yell at you about enhtooltip? :)
03:01.05bleetahno he's not
03:01.18bleetah(just trying to cover your butt, mp, just in case ;-)
03:01.21MentalPower|DVDsure, but I won't guarantee that I'll listen :P
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03:01.42MentalPower|DVDgo ahead
03:02.05Tulleroh, its just that its usually the source of tooltip issues with bagnon :)
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03:04.04bleetahjust glancing, mp, that looks like the old LL bug that telo fixed.. is it?
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03:04.31Tullerdo yall hook SetHyperlink yet?
03:05.45nymbiayay for 2.0.3! OnTooltipSetItem
03:06.03MentalPower|DVDbleetah: in all honesty I haven't the slightest clue what that bug is
03:07.11bleetahnot at your inability to fix, at the (inferred) obscurity
03:10.30MentalPower|DVDTuller: you work with BagOn?
03:10.48Tullerwhat in the world is bagon?
03:11.03Tullerapparently a pokemon
03:11.09MentalPower|DVD~lart me
03:11.19MentalPower|DVDTuller: you work with Bagnon?
03:11.22Tulleryes :)
03:11.43MentalPower|DVDdo you guys mess with the EnhTooltip.linecount var?
03:12.09Tullerthere's nothing in my code that mentions EnhTooltip
03:12.30Tullerso, hopefully not :)
03:13.10Tullerhrm, moreinterstingly, why in the world am I hooking containerframeitembutton_onenter
03:13.23MentalPower|DVDok, np. sorry if it sounded accusing
03:15.24Neuro_MedivhTuller, does Bongos have a way to control the cast bar now?
03:15.29Tullerthe proper code I should be using is:
03:15.30Tullerlocal Blizz_GameTooltip_SetBagItem = GameTooltip.SetBagItem;
03:15.32TullerGameTooltip.SetBagItem = function(self, bag, slot)
03:15.35bleetahTuller: I was going to ask, but I'm still fairly new to addons .. so thought it'd be a dumb question ;-)
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03:15.55Tullerbleetah: hrm?
03:16.00TullerNeuro_Medivh: in what way?
03:16.16TullerNeuro_Medivh: bongos can move it and scale it, but opacity is broken right now
03:16.17bleetah"why in the world am I hooking containerframeitembutton_onenter" ;)
03:16.25Tullerbleetah: oh :)
03:16.31Neuro_Medivhwell, keep in mind I haven't looked at Bongos since about the 16th, but the last time I checked Bongos had no way to disable it's castbar
03:16.49TullerNeuro_Medivh: there's no way to hide it in game, you have to turn it off via the addons menu
03:17.17Tullereverything is hidable in the next update
03:17.35Tullereven though it still wouldn't be the proper way to get rid of the casting bar
03:17.55Neuro_MedivhOk.  Reason I ask is because right now, I'm having eCB disable Bongo's bar if eCB is enabled.  Too many people complaining that the default bar wasn't disappearing
03:18.16TullerI should really just split it off now that curse allows plugins for stuff like the other websites
03:19.37Tullermuch like how i should just include omnicc in bongos given everyone wrote their own cooldown count implementation
03:19.42ThraeThe Curse addon site can no longer be destroyed now that Blizzard banned De-Curse-ive =/
03:20.08Neuro_Medivhmuch to our dismay
03:20.31nymbiaBAD PUN
03:21.08Tulleralso, I find it really weird that the CT people made their action buttons nameless, even though I did the same with Sage
03:21.33Tullerbut I think its more because actionbuttons are usually fairly standard and that helps a lot of mods that add to them
03:21.54Neuro_MedivhCide has everything nameless
03:22.09Tulleraka, I now have to write in a hack to make omnicc work with the action buttons
03:22.35Tullerbut I had to with discord as well, given loz named the icon portion differently
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03:34.37Tullerbah :P
03:35.51Endis a humbugger someone who lives in humbug?
03:35.57Endkinda like a hamburger?
03:36.20Tullerman, textpad really needs to have a confirmation for when I accidentally press the print button
03:36.38Tullerit must be a conspiracy between them and the printer manufacturers for me to waste ink
03:40.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar4 (
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03:43.04Endwe have more Antiar clones now
03:43.14Endand we lost one
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03:44.53Tullerthey've gone hexidecimal!
03:47.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar6 (
03:49.45PProvostHello all
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03:56.47Tullerso bar system: you have 120 buttons which are divided into x number of bars (10 by default), you assign each bar states for when it should show (in combat, out of combat, bear form, page 1), etc
03:57.22Tullerand some magical way to handle bars you want in the same position that kind of works like the chat frame tabs do
03:57.39seebsThat's an interesting idea.
03:57.59seebsIt's a little less flexible than what you have now, but it might be easier for people to understand.
03:58.17Tullerthat's what I'm thinking
03:58.24Neuro_MedivhI just want to push a button and have the mob die.
03:58.26Tullerit should actually be as flexible as it is now
03:58.38seebsNo, there's a thing I can do now that this hypothetical system won't let me do.
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03:58.45TullerNeuro_Medivh: so do I, but I want to make that button change :)
03:59.02seebsImagine, if you will, a bar which I want to continue to show all the time, but I want it in a different position in a different stance.
03:59.26Tullerseebs, yes that's a limitation
03:59.41seebsI am not sure I care about it; I have thought of doing this, but I haven't actually done it.
03:59.53Neuro_Medivhscrew bars, positions, stances!  I want ONE BUTTON, preferably big red and shiny, that when I PUSH it, the mob I'm targeting explodes.
04:00.08TullerNeuro_Medivh: no decursive :P
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04:00.23Neuro_MedivhDecursive was never big, red, or shiny enough for me
04:00.38TullerI really wish I could make combat work like the A button in zelda
04:00.49Neuro_Medivhalso, it needs to be labeled "History Eraser Button"
04:01.10seebsSome day, I am going to write a mod that somehow allows you to just mash a button and have it do what you mean.
04:01.21seebsI know this is supposed to be impossible.
04:01.40seebsAnyway, it's gonna be called "Perlis'Lollipop".
04:02.28Tulleryeah I'm just going to accept position switches in combat as a limitation :)
04:03.01Tullerkeybindings will be able to jump at least
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04:03.06seebsGood enough.
04:03.37seebsThe case where I thought it might be useful is having equipped items over by your combat skills in feral druid mode, and over by your equipment in caster mode.
04:03.44seebsAnd who cares, druids are too powerful anyway.  :)
04:04.04TullerI would just put my feral skills and my combat stuff in the same spot :P
04:04.13Tullerwell feral and caster
04:04.26seebsYeah, I do that.
04:04.43seebsBut in caster mode, I can still use, say, [Gem-Studded Leather Belt], but not [Healing Potion].
04:04.59Tullerone other limitation is that it might be a pain to do 120 buttons quickly, but I don't think anyone actually wants 120 individual buttons
04:05.06seebsSo it might be useful to have the belt up next to my feral skills, when I don't have any spells available, but have it over by my other inventory items when I can use those.
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04:05.27Tullerput the potions on a small bar that's only shown in caster :)
04:07.20TullerI also really need to bring back friendly/enemy states, but its a big hack to do
04:08.04seebsYou know, I don't really care about those, personally; I've just plain never missed them.
04:08.14seebsI'm just used to having more than one set of buttons.
04:08.34EndTuller: yeah, it's a pain in the ass to implement
04:08.44Enddoable though
04:08.54TullerI really wish help/harm defaulted to checking your target
04:09.47Endreally, you should just request to get harm/help put in the statedriver thing
04:09.55Endor was that requested already and shot down?
04:10.06End(and if it was, why was it shot down)
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04:10.56IrielIt wasn't really necessary since buttons can have help/harm actions
04:11.31Endif you are trying to do entire bar page switching its a big pain in the ass
04:12.02IrielWell, make a good case for it and we'll see if slouken approves it
04:12.40EndI suppose I could just describe the alternate methods of implementation
04:12.52Endthey all end up ugly
04:13.42Tullerseebs: well my entire druid strategy involved both moonfire and rejuv being on button 1 :)
04:13.57seebsHang on a sec, kicking router.
04:14.32Endthere have been times when I meant to heal someone, but attacked them instead because they got mind controlled
04:14.46Endfortunately, moonfire is actually same button as regrowth
04:15.03Endand I don't use regrowth that often, so with the other spells I can stop myself
04:18.50Tullerwonder if its easier now that I'm using showstates instead of virtual buttons
04:22.01TullerI just remember the last time I worked on it the solution I thought would be best was to make the conditions default to target if the unit attribute isn't set for a given frame, since that usually means its an action button of some sort
04:22.41Tullerbut no idea how it would break something else :)
04:23.20Tullerwhat have you written, end?
04:23.36Tullerfor some reason I want to say you're working on flexbar
04:23.48EndI was just trying to write a reactionbar cloen
04:24.12EndI did came up with several ways to do it
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04:27.31seebsMy router is about as smart as you'd expect a 1st-gen DSL box to be, and if you reboot it, it doesn't bother to RST any open connections.
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04:40.13Corrodiaswhat is... "idChat-1.1"?
04:43.56Tullerindustrial's chatmod that does stuff to chat :)
04:44.04*** part/#wowi-lounge Imrcly (
04:44.47Industrialwhere, what?
04:45.02nymbia~blame Industrial
04:45.03purlACTION blames Industrial (and Canada) for all the evil in the world
04:45.40Industrialim sorry im sorry really i didnt do it ok heres 100 dollars please dont kill me?
04:48.24Thunder_Childhmm...that and canada thing is poping up all over
04:48.45*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio (n=sp@unaffiliated/sergio)
04:48.46Thunder_Childfeels like another mike incident
04:48.54Corrodiasso i might have a thyroid problem
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04:49.57Corrodiasi get to find out on thursday
04:53.58Tullerhrm, so I loaded default settings: actionbar 1 worked, 2 worked, 3 worked, 4 worked, 5 worked, 6 had 60 buttons :P
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04:57.01ckknighthey all
04:57.06Cairennhi ckknight
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05:05.15Cairennnight Maire|Sleep
05:07.36JoshBork1and HealWatch has been updated...
05:08.52Cairennindeed and it has
05:10.40JoshBork1it's like the work version i've ever released
05:10.46JoshBork1but at least they'll have something to play with :)
05:11.05Enddoes work=worst?
05:11.30EndI see.
05:18.37*** join/#wowi-lounge fathom (
05:26.34JoshBork1Cairenn: btw, thank you :)
05:26.46Cairennyou're welcome
05:43.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
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05:45.56Industrialtip: idle in an inn for hours when coding, not after coding.
05:48.00Endsomeday I'm gonna cap a flag on my mage
05:48.07EndI just gotta keep trying!
05:48.35bleetahtip: idle in the AH with auctioneer beta and btmscanner working
05:48.58bleetahthen code to fix bugs :P
05:49.13bleetah*fix bugs for us
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06:03.49Industrialmrplow plows faster in linux
06:03.52Industrialis that even possible?
06:05.51Tulleryes, maybe
06:06.03Tullerlots of spyware :)
06:07.08Industrialspyware ?!? :S
06:07.42Tulleron your windows side :)
06:08.14Industrialnah, 0
06:08.36Industrialmy windows boots REEL quick and I never have virusses or spyware :P
06:08.59Industrialand my time libthingy just started working yay
06:09.10*** join/#wowi-lounge MOT- (
06:11.39xgravixi wish my windows boot REEL quick =(
06:12.03IndustrialWhats the event that fires after all addons have been loaded?
06:14.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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06:15.57TullerPLAYER_LOGIN is called after frames have been positioned
06:17.31JoshBork1Industrial: what time libthingt?
06:19.32*** join/#wowi-lounge |Shadow| (n=Shadow@
06:20.39Scre3mis auctioneer released?
06:21.18ckknightIriel: SetTexCoord makes me sad
06:21.31Irielckknight: Why is that?
06:22.14ckknightIriel: basically, I'm trying to rotate an image x-degrees, let's say 45-degrees for now. The problem is, by rotating it, since its edge is not transparent, the corners looks all icky
06:22.16JoshBork1personally it hurts my head
06:22.41ckknightsince the corners take on the properties of the edge of the texture instead of just transparent.
06:22.48JoshBork1elminate edges?
06:22.51ckknightis there any way around this?
06:22.59ckknightI can't alter the texture
06:23.25IrielAh yes, you need to give it a transparent border.. otherwise no, the wow UI graphics engine doesn't know how to do texture combining
06:25.20ckknightwhy doesn't it assume transparent outside the [0,1]x[0,1] segment?
06:28.03IrielIt's just how the texture engine is configured..  I wonder if that's an option at the DirectX/OpenGL level we could beg to have enabled
06:28.36Iriel(optionally, of course, some folks (me) rely on the other behavior)
06:30.05ckknighthrm, what do you use it for?
06:30.53IrielCircle segments
06:31.42ckknightI don't see how...
06:31.44Irielwell, triangles actually,
06:31.57Irielwhich are part of circle segments
06:33.40MentalPower|DVDI've had no issues rotating a texture with non-transparent borders
06:33.54MentalPower|DVDwell, two of the four borders aren't transparent
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06:34.13IrielIt rotates, it just bleeds into the rectangle
06:34.18ckknightMentalPower|DVD: if you set the coord outside the [0,1]x[0,1], it will bleed
06:34.29ckknightthe bleeding hurtses us
06:34.33ckknightwell, me, specifically.
06:35.21Endyeah I don't like it either
06:38.42qhiiyri'm a newbie to UI modding, and i'm trying to check how many of a specific item are in the player's inventory. do i use BAG_UPDATE?
06:39.12ckknightthey added an API function for that...
06:39.18ckknightGetItemCount, afaik
06:39.34ckknightBAG_UPDATE will be fired when something changes, though.
06:40.07qhiiyroh, right, okay. yeah, i want to use BAG_UPDATE as an event, too
06:40.08JoshBork1night all
06:41.03ckknightyep, qhiiyr
06:41.26qhiiyrfor GetItemCount, i can use itemLink or itemID? what is itemID?
06:41.41ckknightthat's a question wowwiki can answer.
06:41.52qhiiyri'm there right now
06:42.06qhiiyrthere's no page for GetItemCount though, only the arguments list
06:43.08ckknightitemID is part of an itemlink, it's what |Hitem:blah|h is, or so.
06:43.11ckknightI forget
06:43.22nymbiaits the first one
06:43.55qhiiyroh, okay, so you don't need the RGB values. thanks!
06:46.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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06:50.49MentalPower|DVDqhiiyr: like all the other item query functions, you can use either itemID, itemString, itemLink or itemName
06:51.42qhiiyris itemName simply the name of the item as it appears to the player?
06:52.13MentalPower|ZZzz"Abjurer's Cloak of the Whale"
06:52.18qhiiyrawesome, that makes everything so much easier. thanks
06:58.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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07:01.31qhiiyrhow do i check the conditions of an event that has occured? i.e. i want to only do something if ITEM_PUSH was for a certain item
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07:10.12seebsThose will be in the arguments to the event, normally.
07:11.23qhiiyrmkay, but how do i access those arguments, set them to variables? i have no LUA experience.
07:12.37IndustrialJoshBorke: pm
07:13.13Industrialqhiiyr: through the global variables arg1 to arg9
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08:54.38Tman<-- oprahwindfury has quit (Quit: free epics mounts for my entire studio audience.)
08:58.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Inside (
08:58.24IndustrialI need an addon to put away my hunterstuffs in wich is not Zhuntermod
08:58.31Industrialkinda like that
09:00.07Industrialalso: what does Unknown unit token: name-of-event mean? :s
09:05.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
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09:09.48Scre3mhow would i write a macro to send my pet to attack what i have my mouse hovering over?
09:10.21Industrialyou cant
09:10.27Industrialyour pet attacks your target
09:10.51Industrialand you can only do /petattack
09:11.08axxounless /petattack [target=mouseover] works
09:17.38*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
09:21.56Industrialsadfasdf its driving me crazy
09:22.00IndustrialI need something to inspect events
09:22.10Scre3minteresting, if you have no target, /petattack attacks the mouseover
09:22.21Industrialwhat args what types conents if tables, etcetera.
09:22.30Industrialwow misses shit.
09:28.10Industrialand wowwiki isnt updated
09:43.11ckknightScre3m: /target mouseover /petattack /targetlasttarget
09:44.43*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
09:48.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Sstixrud (
09:51.16SstixrudAnyone up for helping a wow addon newb get off the ground? :)
09:51.54IndustrialAnyone use DevTools? Whats userdata?
09:52.05zenzelezzSstixrud: might be a bit early yet, but your best bet is usually to just ask here in the channel so everyone can chip in
09:52.22Sstixrudheh early.. I have yet to go to bed :)
09:53.04Industrialmore specifically UNIT_NAME_UPDATE is returning only one arg wich us "user data". what do I do with it?
09:54.09Sstixrudwell, I am in the process of attempting to add some features to a mod I use.. namely a mod called PartyBars.  I want to add a configuration interface (numof buttons, button scale etc..) and hopefully flashing buttons when health threshold is reached.
09:54.20seebsuserdata is the type of objects of special types from a library.  It might be a frame.
09:54.28seebsTry calling a frame method on it and see whether that works.
09:54.32seebsOr a unit method.
09:54.56SstixrudI have most of the basics figured out, am having trouble getting the mod to actually save its configuration data into a table.. the table is always blank
09:56.27zenzelezzblank when, when you reload the UI/relog?
09:56.55Sstixrudthe SaveVariables file for the mod is empty like "ModSettings { }"
09:57.25zenzelezzare you sure you assigned values to the table then?
09:57.30seebsAre you waiting for ADDON_LOADED?
09:57.38seebsWhen your OnLoad is called, your SavedVariables haven't been read yet!
09:57.40Sstixruddebugging seems somewhat difficult in event based programming... :)
09:58.12|FF|Im2good4uwell where to initise your variable ?
09:58.36|FF|Im2good4ude setting it to { } try setting it to { lol = 1 }
09:58.41seebsRegister for ADDON_LOADED, when you get ADDON_LOADED with arg1 == your name, then your savedvariables have been loaded.
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09:59.21|FF|Im2good4uhis problem is that the saved variable file stays gives an empty table
09:59.48Sstixrudcan I past some code snipts in this channel?
09:59.55seebsNot really; use pastey.
09:59.56Sstixrudor better to post at a url?
10:00.13Industrialseebs: pm :>
10:02.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
10:04.40Sstixrudwell, before I past up the code.. the addon I am modding seems to have put in infrustructure for saving variables... but is not using it.. there is a MyModGlobals.lau that is triggered from the main xml file via an OnLoad event.  Would this be the right place to put variables that I both want to load at startup and change interactively?
10:09.14|FF|Im2good4uthe right place to load variable is after a event "VARIABLES_LOADED"
10:09.34Neuro_Medivhsigh, the downside of mod authoring... the email box that I used to get feedback on my mod is now being hit with 10-20 trojans a day
10:10.34|FF|Im2good4uat that point all saved variable have been loaded then u can check if your variable did load up like if mytable then and it it isnt loaded u can inituase it to default (this happent when ppl first instal this mod)
10:13.33SstixrudOk, what about changing it interactively via an UI?  Am I correct in thinking a simple table listing the variables and values is sufficent?  i.e. PartyBars_Settings = { ["NUMBERBUTTONS"] = 6, etc... }
10:15.54SstixrudI assume I have to make PartyBars_Settings a table inside a function and call it with an arguement to change specific values?
10:16.37|FF|Im2good4uwell acutaly i made mod that i think might do about the same thing as wut u mean and i made a table whit for each button and other table witch hold the botun its parameteers
10:17.01|FF|Im2good4unot realy
10:17.02SstixrudI would love to see it as an example if you don't mind
10:17.40|FF|Im2good4usaved varable as often globel i dunno if u can evne make them local so u can ecces them in any function and alter them an time
10:18.25|FF|Im2good4uwell sorry Sstixrud i do mind lol its not finished yet but its basicly a mod for my guild only i might later on make it public
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10:18.49SstixrudAs long as I can change variables via a UI and save and load them later I don't much care how its done :)
10:19.08SstixrudIm2 fair enough
10:19.26|FF|Im2good4uwell u can and its quite easly
10:19.54|FF|Im2good4uif u add a variable to the TOC as saved then it gets saved '
10:20.10|FF|Im2good4uthen at the event "VARIABLES_LOADED" itsl aoded back and u can acees it again
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10:45.31DhragaMorning all
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11:30.26thrIs there any way to do like
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11:49.18nymbiajust that.
11:49.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Sairen (
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13:45.31IndustrialI can do local a, b, c, d = '' right?
13:45.54Industrialor do I need to do local a, b, c, d = '', '', '', '' wich seems a bit dumb :>
13:46.41amroyou can
13:47.25*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
13:47.27amroactually no
13:48.38amrothe first will result in b, c, d being set to nil
13:48.59amroat first i thought it worked because it didn't raise an error
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13:54.14Industriallmao i just killed a 60 that poked a guard
13:54.22Industrialim level 25
13:54.24Industrialguard 45
13:54.50IndustrialI kept slowing him down and moving out of hist range then chargin in and wing clipping, and then concussive shot again haha
13:55.33amroi camped a level ?? at tarren mill, before the guard buff
13:55.42amrowhen i was level 32 orso
13:55.52amroiceblock > gankers
13:57.19Industriali dont have that yet :<
13:57.50zenzelezzdamnit, my Target of Target frame keeps vanishing
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14:35.58Industrialhow do i distinguish between an elite and rare mob?
14:38.24kremontereturns 'elite' or 'rare' or 'rareelite'
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14:53.14IndustrialI was using UnitIsPlusMob
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15:26.04BouviMorning are we having fun yet?
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15:27.58zenzelezzyes, we are
15:32.02cladhairei'm fixing a nasty bug that showed up because of the way RDX is written
15:33.27BouviFun fun
15:35.09Meryyeah what were they thinking when the prefixed their variables with rdx_ [/sarcasm off]
15:36.21cladhairewhat were they thinking when they create 200 frames OnLoad
15:36.41Mery"I'm gonna need them later"
15:36.55Merynow that was obvious :)
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15:41.15sylvanaarwhat is their decursive replacement? rdx that is
15:45.02BouviOhhhhh I think I am going to like clique :)  Very nice.
15:45.13cladhaireheh thanks.
15:45.47BouviJust pulled my priest out of mothballs
15:47.37|Shadow|Thats pretty cool, wow with a wiimote
15:53.12BouviYep I love clique way to go on that one :)
15:53.19cladhaireheheh thanks.
15:53.42BouviStormrage beware a new uber healer is in town.  Lvl 38 and growing lol
15:53.53cladhairehehe i'll come powerlevel =)
15:54.04cladhairewith one of my 93 level 60's.
15:54.29Bouvilol I have been playing on Stormrage since day 1 and only have my rogue Bouvi to 60 lol
15:54.41cladhairesame here, except the multiple 60's =)
15:54.49cladhairemy druid started on Kael'thas when we had the painful server issues tho
15:54.52cladhairebut he's transferred
15:56.06BouviI still can't believe I have played this game over 2 years with only 1 60 and just got my first alt above 40 last week.
15:57.16EndI have 3 60s now, but the 2 newest are fairly recent
15:57.34Endwell, I've had them forever, but they only hit 60 fairly recently
15:58.07cladhaireElkano: Thanks for the report.
15:58.36Elkanoah, you still have forum rights? k :)
15:58.45cladhairewhat do you mean "Still"?
15:58.59Elkanowell, you said you lost your rights on addons
15:59.09cladhairehuh?  when did i say that?
16:00.47Elkanoor is my memory cheating me? I thought I had asked you a while back to approvw an upload and you said that you lost the rights to do so. or was it Kaelten I asked? hmmm...
16:00.57Elkanowell, anyways... never mind :)
16:01.10cladhairethats Kaelten
16:01.35BouviWell if you have rights get over there and approve mine lol.  *ducks*
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16:02.12cladhaireit would have been approved already if i got email notification =)
16:02.28BouviElkano I love your buffbars been using them forever :)
16:03.01BouviDang e-mail snaffus lol
16:03.42Endhmm, apparently calling debugstack() doesn't help much unless you do something with the return value
16:04.41Endalso, it doesn't help if you try to send the result to CharFrame1
16:04.53Bouvihmmmm looks like I use just about all your mods Elk. O.o
16:05.07Elkanooh, cool :)
16:05.41BouviDon't use friendsFu as I do not have any friends lol or actually never really maintained a friends list.
16:06.08cladhairei maintain a friends list solely for pvp
16:06.45axxofriend list addon with categories would be imba
16:07.03BouviBe back in a bit.  Wife just called and wants me to meet her for lunch.  Laters
16:09.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery2 (
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16:10.40Smeltngood morning
16:11.35Smeltnis there a mod out now like moveanything that also allows me to hide stuff?
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16:13.15alcarasSmeltn: visor?
16:13.19alcarasSmeltn: or moveanything
16:13.24alcarasmoveanything also allows hiding :p
16:13.28alcaraswhat do you want to hide in particular?
16:14.25SmeltnI have this stupid button on my minimap
16:14.28Smeltnthat I can not get rid of
16:14.32alcarasah that
16:14.35SmeltnI have been trying for 4 days
16:14.41Smeltnand DMB doesnt move it
16:14.47Smeltnits locked on my minimap
16:15.02*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
16:15.18alcaraslook for "hidemapbutton" ui mod
16:15.20alcarasit should do waht you want
16:17.05Smeltnyou know the worse par tis
16:17.17SmeltnI just logged in, just to take a screenshot of it
16:17.19Smeltnand it isnt there
16:17.22Smeltnfirst time it isnt there
16:20.24Smeltnand now
16:20.35Smeltnmy bg minimap button is gone
16:25.53*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
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16:36.53cogwheelScytheBlade1: ping
16:41.00Industrialding 26
16:43.21ScytheBlade1cogwheel, pong
16:43.28cogwheelmorning :)
16:43.35cogwheeldid you get my svndump link last night?
16:43.46ScytheBlade1Sure did
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16:44.47ScytheBlade1Importing now
16:44.53ScytheBlade1And done
16:47.07cogwheellooks good. thanks again :)
16:54.49Smeltnis there an autoturnin mod that works now, also i would like a auto except group invites mod
16:54.51Smeltn: )
16:56.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
16:57.53|Shadow|are there any addons that make all minimap buttons work around the minimap as a square minimap instead as a round one?
16:58.03|Shadow|i've been useing abacus, but the bugs in it are starting to get on my nerves :(
17:03.58alcarassimpleminimap lets you move around the buttons
17:06.09Thunder_Childalso DetachedMiniButtons
17:06.46|Shadow|i have simpleminimap allready
17:06.51|Shadow|how do i use it to move my buttons? :D
17:12.30Scre3mSmeltn, minimist and extended quest log
17:18.12foxlit|zzzIs PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED for battlegroups?
17:18.16foxlit|zzz^ raised
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17:30.39ScytheBlade1Random question
17:31.01ScytheBlade1Do any of you go about reading the top-tier guild recruitment forums on your servers, just to laugh hysterically at some of the apps?
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17:31.46cogwheelonly forum i troll is UI and Macros XD
17:32.00ScytheBlade1I mean individual guild-specific forums
17:32.16clad|napcogwheel: And troll you do =)
17:32.21zenzelezzScytheBlade1: not usually, but I see some funny ones on ours now and then
17:32.30zenzelezzthat basically just shout out "want free epix k?"
17:32.37cogwheelI would never!
17:32.41ScytheBlade1We have two guilds on my server that have Kel'Thuzad on farm
17:32.44ScytheBlade1One alliance, one horde
17:32.50ScytheBlade1And crap, there are some _funny_ apps
17:34.12ScytheBlade1For example
17:34.31ScytheBlade1"on a scale from 1 to 10 how high were you when you were making this app?"
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17:36.16clad|napwe get those on our servers raiding guilds, let alone the top tier ones =)
17:36.21clad|napif you're in BWl you get those.. like crazy
17:36.22zenzelezzI always get a kick out of it when they manage to use the wrong guild name in their applications
17:37.00ScytheBlade1clad|nap, what server?
17:37.25ScytheBlade1Newer server?
17:37.32clad|napno, day one
17:37.46clad|napwe were a -6 month guild, at least 6 months behind the rest of the server
17:37.48clad|napand WE got them =)
17:37.50ScytheBlade1Ah, gotcha
17:38.00ScytheBlade1I play on Doomhammer...
17:38.09ScytheBlade1That list makes me happy inside
17:38.24Mr_Rabies2<ScytheBlade1> "on a scale from 1 to 10 how high were you when you were making this app?"
17:38.56Mr_Rabies2my guild leader was drunk or stoned more often than not during raids
17:38.56Mr_Rabies2and he was the main tank
17:38.57ScytheBlade1My last guild, the MT was completly plastered more often than not
17:39.01Mr_Rabies2Vael was not fun when he was totally wasted and we were learning him
17:39.09ScytheBlade1"Drinks like a fish" is an understatement
17:39.13Mr_Rabies2i think i spent about 25g in repairs
17:39.19Mr_Rabies2on vael
17:39.26nevcairielper day?
17:39.28Mr_Rabies2cause he'd just charge in while people were being res'd
17:39.37Mr_Rabies2nah we just tried him for like 6 hours straight
17:39.43clad|napi was in strat yesterday
17:39.49clad|napwith a T2+ warrior
17:39.52clad|napknew the game in and out.
17:39.55Thunder_Childa drunk leroy?
17:40.05clad|naphe took out a yeti, walked into barons room
17:40.10clad|napyeti attacked baron
17:40.14clad|napwarrior logged out
17:40.26clad|napapparently he was so ashamed, he logged out
17:40.28TullerI can only assume an old friend of mine enters some sort of bullet time for healing when stone
17:40.30clad|napand we didn't see him for 2 days
17:40.36Mr_Rabies2man i was tanking a strat run and got d/ced with baron at 20%
17:40.43Mr_Rabies2bellsouth was doing maintenance on my line :[
17:40.58zenzelezzpardon my ignorance... but a yeti in Stratholme?
17:41.00clad|napwe 3 manned baron to 9% the other day
17:41.07clad|napwith a druid (me) tanking
17:41.12clad|napzenzelezz: Combat yeti, or some shit like that.
17:41.14clad|napsome combat helper.
17:41.19nevcairieli accidently got locked out of the gate on baron back when it was bugged, being the only healer, the rest of my group did the baron without any healing class then :D
17:41.26nevcairielyay for high-end equip
17:41.54Mr_Rabies2my tanking gear isn't top-notch but i've got about 15k armor in 2.0.3
17:42.06zenzelezzI've seen so many pets attack baron when they enter the room... never fails
17:42.13Mr_Rabies2on my hunter once
17:42.17Mr_Rabies2the petbar was bugging out
17:42.27Mr_Rabies2and i just captured this boar before the run, on the way
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17:42.38Mr_Rabies2so i didn't know they didn't start in passive.
17:42.41Mr_Rabies2they start in defensive
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17:42.48Mr_Rabies2defensive + unholy aura = CHARGE
17:43.12zenzelezzI wish my guild had come farther in Naxxramas before 2.0... now we don't raid until BC, and I'm stuck with ~10k armor
17:43.41Mr_Rabies2i'm wearing a decent amount of stormrage for tanking
17:43.46Mr_Rabies2since it has decent stam and armor
17:44.08Mr_Rabies2and plus my old guild was stupid about loot
17:44.09zenzelezzI'm a little bit mixed... four Wrath, two Dreadnaught, two ZG
17:44.31Mr_Rabies2only gear that druids could get before anyone else was healing leather, not even healing staves or weaps
17:44.48Mr_Rabies2any melee leather was rogue first even if it was pure str
17:44.53zenzelezzthat's sort of... what's the word... stupid?
17:45.03Endeven mulf's blessed bulwark?
17:45.13Enda rogue would do better with blues
17:45.18Mr_Rabies2yeah no rogues wanted it
17:45.27Mr_Rabies2so i got it then every other one i ever saw got de'd
17:45.32Mr_Rabies2cause all the other druids were priests in leather
17:45.40Mr_Rabies2god i hate druids that don't play druids
17:46.26Mr_Rabies2i lost the kickass aq20 boots from rajaxx or whatever to a rogue
17:46.42Mr_Rabies2and i was wearing green boots, they were in tier 1 :/
17:47.24zenzelezzI think the thing we saw most often in Naxxramas was the Ghoul Skin Tunic
17:47.34zenzelezzeveryone has it... even paladins
17:49.31Mr_Rabies2yeah i want that damn thing
17:49.32Mr_Rabies2so bad
17:49.42Mr_Rabies2i'd kill a monkey and wear his butt as a hat for a week for that
17:49.59Mr_Rabies2...where the hell did that come from?
17:50.16zenzelezzone good night we had one of those, one warlock epic and two (!) Misplaced Servo Arms drop from trash
17:50.23Endhow about wear his hat for -two- weeks?
17:50.30Mr_Rabies2friend of mine has 2 misplaced servo arms
17:50.36Ends/hat/butt as hat/
17:50.46Mr_Rabies2could i lysol the butt every now and then this is important
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17:58.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Thursdae (
17:58.42ThursdaeHey guys
17:58.48ThursdaeWho has the TBC beta?
18:00.25Endmost of us
18:00.28Endme included
18:00.54ThursdaeWell anyone know about the flying mounts, like what rep you would need to get discounts and where you buy tehm exactly
18:01.27EndI would have no idea, my character is still level 61 :P
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18:03.54Kamerilthere is no rep associated with them last i heard
18:07.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz (n=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
18:11.06alcaraswhat's an mpq program that can open mpq files over 2 gb?
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18:20.03Tulleralcaras: winmpq/
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18:25.00Xolan[EU]Got a quick question here; I've never tried having a mod speak with a mod on another client. Is that difficult? Maybe someone has a quick howto or so on crossclient mod communication?
18:25.46clad|napthere may be some informatino on the wiki with SendAddOnMessage()
18:25.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Bouvi (
18:26.15Xolan[EU]right, I'll have a closer look
18:26.16BouviAnd I am back with a headache :(
18:27.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
18:27.30Xolan[EU]lo bou, congrats on your first mod :)
18:27.40BouviThanks :)
18:28.03Xolan[EU]and second :P
18:28.19BouviThanks again lol.  I am fine tuning and cleaning up the code on both now.
18:29.20Xolan[EU]sweet, will try it out once I get me a game card tomorrow
18:32.49BouviNow if I could get my FuBar addon to holds it's setting when zoning I would be golden lol
18:35.05Xolan[EU]well I'm still very new to this
18:35.12BouviMe too lol
18:37.11BouviUIs I can design.  Addons are a totally different creature.
18:37.30Xolan[EU]thinking of making a simple "assign heal targets" mod. Basically if you are promoted in a raid (or you're the raid leader) you can give every healer a target. Once you've set everyone up you hit "submit" or so, and it should display in a simple box for the healers.
18:37.34Xolan[EU]have no idea where to start though lol
18:37.59BouviMe either but sounds like a good idea.
18:38.30axxosounds like it exists
18:38.42Xolan[EU]There are similar mods out there, but they're either bloated or use the chat.
18:38.48Xolan[EU]those I've found anyways
18:39.19Xolan[EU]exists or not, that will be my first project I think :)
18:39.40BouviI started with something ALOT easier hehe
18:41.41Endholy crap!
18:41.54Endyou know the guys outside of thrallmar who fight the infernals
18:42.07End(similar ones probably exist outside of the alliance city too..)
18:42.14Endthey are taking on a felreaver
18:43.40Endoh, that was cool
18:44.54BouviKewl did they kill it?
18:45.38Endoh damn, I should have taken a screenshot
18:50.29*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
18:51.34ckknighthey all
18:52.10Xolan[EU]hey :)
18:56.41BouviHeya ck
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19:08.16BouviIf this a valid If statement? if GetNumRaidMembers() > 0 and Auto_LootFu.db.profile.AutoParty_On == "true" then
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19:11.04Xolan[EU]looks valid to me
19:11.25Xolan[EU]if that second variable is correct that is
19:11.37BouviThat is what I thought.  It is just doing the command no matter what Auto_LootFu.db.profile.AutoParty_On is set to.
19:11.51Xolan[EU]remove the "
19:12.00BouviUnless it uses || instead of and like other languages do....
19:12.01Xolan[EU]as true is a boolean value, not a string?
19:12.19zenzelezz|| is or, && is and
19:12.29zenzelezzin most languages, not lua
19:12.46BouviIn lua it is and then
19:12.57Xolan[EU]could try a != nil maybe? :P
19:13.07nevcairiel~= nil
19:13.11nevcairielwould be it
19:13.15Tullerbut the easier way would be if var
19:13.17foxlitBouvi: yes, it is
19:13.29foxlitAlthough "true" is quite simply a string containing "true"
19:13.32foxlitNot true as such.
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19:13.59BouviSo take "true" out of quotes?
19:14.02Xolan[EU]yep that's what I meant above, although if var should work just as well like tuller says
19:14.23Xolan[EU]yep bou, try that
19:14.26foxlitIf you want the keyword, yes.
19:14.41foxlityou could also just go if GetNumRaidMembers() > 0 and Auto_LootFu.db.profile.AutoParty_On then
19:14.45foxlitand reply on coercing.
19:15.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=mjgoosse@
19:15.42Xolan[EU]quick question - is it Shamen or Shamans?
19:16.05BouviWhat about the Shawomen
19:16.23Xolan[EU]... :p
19:16.26foxlitShamans is more popular, but shamen is in the dictionary.
19:16.36Xolan[EU]think I'll go with shamen then
19:16.51foxlitWoW-specific might be shamans; search the wiki
19:17.31nevcairiellol there even is a full wiki page about it
19:17.55Xolan[EU]still sounds wierd imo
19:18.00Xolan[EU]but Shamans it is... :)
19:18.22zenzelezzit's shamans because you don't hear about shawomen
19:18.33Xolan[EU]crap, blizz uses Shaman in plural too
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19:20.16zenzelezzalthough Wikipedia isn't a bullet proof source, it does state "Accordingly, the only proper plural form of the word is shamans and not shamen, as it is unrelated to the English word "man"."
19:20.31BouviI must be losing my mind.  Can anyone tell me why this code does the SetAutoLootDefault(0) even when Auto_LootFu.db.profile.AutoParty_On is false.
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19:21.38BouviBasically when you join a party and the option is checked it turns off autolooting but it should do nothing if not checked.
19:23.58foxlitOperator precendence?
19:24.31foxlitNah, > is over and anyway.
19:25.43BouviWait a sec....
19:26.29BouviOH GOD KILL ME NOW!!!!  I left the Part_No_Autoloot addon running.  SCREAM!!!!
19:27.07BouviOf course it kept doing it without it beind checked the other addon was doing it *sigh*
19:28.20BouviPerfect now it is not working at all in a party checked or unchecked LOL
19:31.39*** join/#wowi-lounge warla (
19:31.48warlaany horde here who play BC beta?
19:32.15Xolan[EU]think I'll let this one rest till tomorrow so I can try it with wow as I go :P
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19:35.03warlanoone? :-/
19:35.22warlacan you do me a favour?
19:35.28warlawont take long :-)
19:35.48warlawhen your on your reputation tab
19:35.58ckknightwhat can be used on Mac OS X to extract MPQs?
19:36.00warlaand click on a faction you see the description text
19:36.35warlai need the description text for "silvermkoon city" "thallmar" "mag'har" and "tranquillen"
19:37.04warlafor the reputation page i'm working on
19:37.12BouviNot sure there is anything on the Mac that can right now but I could be wrong.
19:37.13warlai have all the alliance texts and most horde texts
19:37.46Endgive me a sec
19:39.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Asheyla (
19:40.33Asheylacan anyone help me with a UIMenuDropDown code?  i have the function created, the menu works perfectly, but i have a tain problem
19:41.06Asheylawhich i assume is coming from me using UIDOWNDOWN_MENU_LEVEL and UIDROPDOWN_MENU_LEVEL
19:41.37Asheylayeah, but theyre useful and easy to setup, at least on the level im using them
19:42.06Asheylais there a way to use them without tainting those variables, without creating my own base code for it?
19:42.11BouviIf there anything in a fubar addon that would stop this from firing.  I took out all the conditions and it still will not work.
19:43.53Tierriewhat is the tainting issue?
19:43.55BouviIs a fubar addon able to execute that code on an event like my standalone addon? Or do I need an XML file to make this happen with the Fubar?
19:44.00Tierrieis it AbandonPet() or StartDuel()?
19:44.19Asheylathe issue is that after a bit of navigation of my menu, the default blizz dropdowns cant call their protected functions
19:44.28Asheylalike StartDuel and TargetUnit
19:44.35TierrieTargetUnit is protected
19:44.37TierrieStartDuel is too
19:44.46Tierriebut your navigation menu is typically not protected
19:44.58Tierriealso StartDuel() and AbandonPet() will be unprotected in the next patch
19:45.04TierrieI don't know about TargetUnit() though
19:45.16AsheylaTU will never be unprotected =]
19:45.34Asheylaand Blizz's dropdown uses it when you right-click someone's name in chat
19:46.28Asheylaim assuming it's because of my usage of the global variables; i cant figure out anything else it could be
19:47.01Asheylaunless UIDropDownMenu_AddButton, or .._Initialize cause taint for all dropdowns, which i doubt
19:47.55Asheylai was just hoping for a method of creating a taint-free dropdown ><
19:48.11Tierriethe only way you can create a secure anything is through the HookSecureFunction
19:48.20Tierrieand then I don't know very much about it
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19:49.14Asheylawell, i dont mean creating a secure environment, i mean creating a dropdownmenu that doesnt spread its taint to all the others
19:57.46BouviI think it is time to close up the addon shop for me for today.  Nothing I am doing is working lol.
19:59.35BouviBe back later
20:00.28warlaanby horde on BC beta who has the "Mag'har faction and "Tranquillien"
20:01.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Garthnait (
20:01.35GarthnaitHello @all
20:01.37KirkburnTadaa :P Hullo, Garthnait
20:01.53Garthnaithi Kirkburn ^^
20:02.17GarthnaitSo, is sombody here that can help me creating an WoW AddOn?
20:02.43EndI put on frost barrier right as a hunter did silencing shot on me
20:03.02EndI thought he managed to interupt frost barrier somehow, because the buff didn't come up
20:03.15Endturns out, it ate up my barrier immediately it did so much damage
20:03.39Garthnaitplz, i need some little help
20:03.50zenzelezzask in the channel
20:04.09Garthnaiti asked some line befor
20:04.54Garthnaitor should i post my problem?
20:05.05zenzelezzjust state what you're wondering or having trouble with, then everyone who's here can offer insight if they know it
20:05.24zenzelezzmuch better than asking someone in private
20:05.41GarthnaitOkay, i have created an Hello_World Addon for testing
20:06.14Garthnaitit worked fine
20:06.21Garthnaitnow i will add some feature
20:06.59Garthnaiti'd like the addon to put out a message wen i do a crit
20:07.23Garthnaitwho could i do so?
20:07.34Garthnait(sorry for my english) ^^
20:08.01Garthnaithow not who ^^
20:08.03Cairennno apology necessary :)
20:08.21Enddammit! I managed to bring their flag to our base on my mage
20:08.27Endbut unfortunately, our flag was not there
20:08.44Endunfortunately, it was us, a pug versus a premade
20:09.30CairennGarthnait: it seems that *most* folks are away right now
20:09.43CairennGarthnait: if you can, just hang in the channel for a while, try asking again later
20:09.54EndGarthnait: you'd have to parse the combat log or some such
20:10.15zenzelezzI think UNIT_COMBAT would do
20:10.39zenzelezzif WoWWiki's right, it has an argument for damage type, including critical
20:10.46Endin that case
20:10.50Endit's a lot easier than I thought
20:11.13Garthnaiti've tried a fuction like: if (event == "COMBATHITCRITSELFOTHER") then
20:11.13GarthnaitDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("|c00ff8000[My Addon] |c0000BFFFHere Text!");
20:11.27Garthnaitbut it doesnt work
20:11.53Endtry if event == "UNIT_COMBAT"
20:11.58Endand don't forget to register the event
20:12.16Garthnaitdo i have to register it in the .xml?
20:12.22Endalthough, you'd have to check if arg3 == "CRITICAL" or something
20:12.26Endyou don't have to
20:12.39Garthnaiti register it in the function it selfs?
20:12.44zenzelezzand probably check if arg1 == player, unless you want it to fire for enemies too
20:13.49Endyou are creating the frame in xml, right?
20:13.49Garthnaiti have:
20:14.00Garthnait<Frame name="MyAddon">
20:14.39Enddo you have a MyAddon_OnLoad() function?
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20:15.12Garthnaitin the OnEvent i'd like to put the function
20:16.01foxlitif (event == "COMBATHITCRITSELFOTHER") then won't work
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20:16.22foxlitCOMBATHITCRITSELFOTHER isn't an event name, so that block will never trigger.
20:16.36Garthnaithow do i make it?
20:17.01Corrodiasi'm concerned that you've chosen to put a function call named something _OnEvent() in the OnLoad section
20:17.15foxlitThat too.
20:17.41Garthnaiti have to delete line MyAdon_OnEvent(); ?
20:17.46foxlitShould be inside <OnEvent></Onevent>
20:17.47Endno, you have to move it
20:17.53Endto where foxlit just said
20:17.54Garthnaitoh okay
20:18.13Corrodiasnot necessarily, but the fact that you named it _OnEvent suggests that you actually have event-handling code in it, and then it should be inside OnEvent tags instead of OnLoad ones as they said
20:18.21SstixrudI am looking at the code in another addon and I am wondering if anyone knows why it would do: MyAddonData[playerName] = {    instead of just: MyAddonData = {
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20:18.43foxlitBecause it wants to store information per-character
20:19.04Garthnaitso i've moved it to OnEvent Tag in the XML
20:19.05Sstixrudaww, I thought that was handled in the toc file
20:19.21foxlitWhile ## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: ... work like you'd expect, they're a bit inconvinient.
20:19.28Garthnaithow does the function now looks like?
20:19.29Corrodiasyou can load the information from other characters in the game, this way
20:19.35SstixrudI see
20:19.46foxlitSince you can't access them unless you're playing on that character, and some addons may wish to allow you to change profiles.
20:20.00Sstixrudfair enough, makes perfect sense now
20:20.22foxlitGarthnait: you need to find which event you'll be watching (either combat log messages or something else), register it and handle it
20:20.44Garthnaitso whre could i find it?
20:21.05SstixrudAnyone know the easiest way to change a table value via a custom ui and have it take affect right then (and also save it to MyAddonData)?
20:21.13amroyou need to look in the Combat section
20:21.39amroSstixrud: what do you mean by take effect?
20:21.46Garthnaitlooks like "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_SELF_HITS"
20:21.57amrothen register for that
20:22.07amrocheck for it, and check for the appropriate args
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20:22.32Corrodiaswell, Sstixrud, your changes to the table take effect immediately, but the variables are not saved to disk until the user reloads his UI
20:22.35SstixrudWell if I pop up a config window with a slider that configures how many buttons to display.. I want it to change the default button num value set in MyAddonData table and also increase/decrease the number of buttons displayed
20:22.41Corrodiasor exits the game
20:22.53Garthnaitcan you link me where i can read how to register?
20:23.31Garthnaitoh sorry lokks like im blind ^^
20:23.34amroSstixrud: making it apply the changes depends on your addon really
20:23.58amrowhatever function changes the values should also update whatever it affects
20:24.31Sstixrudwell I am modding someone elses addon and its my first expereince with wow/lua so I am in the process of figuring that out heh
20:24.55Sstixrudsigh, the addon I am using has one large OnEvent function and 3 tiny ones :)
20:25.23foxlitMeh, OnEvent handlers :P
20:25.24Sstixrudother mods that I have looked at who update values based on user input generally have more functions broken out for these things
20:25.24Garthnaitso i think in the line  this:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED"); i write "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_SELF_HITS" instead of "ADDON_LOADED" right?
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20:25.44Garthnaithey im good :P
20:25.51amrokeep it up :)
20:26.15Garthnaitso whre do i put the "arg1" in place?
20:26.31amroafter you check for event==...
20:26.38amrocheck for arg1 etc
20:27.36amroyou're going to have to parse the arg
20:27.42Garthnaitmom plz
20:27.46amrosince it returns the chat msg, like "you hit x for y"
20:27.50Garthnaiti've a problem right now ^^
20:28.05Corrodiasi think what amro is saying is that WoW sets the value of the global variable 'arg1' when the event occurs
20:28.12Corrodiasso you can reference it
20:28.14SstixrudAnyone willing to take a look at a two page addon and advise how best to go about creating a config ui that updates button/frame elements in real time?
20:28.24Corrodiasi don't know if it works that way; i'm just translating into noob-speak
20:28.40foxlitLink, we'll just ignore it if it's too boring.
20:28.53Garthnaitso first i have:
20:28.53Garthnaitfunction MyAddOn_MainFrame_OnLoad()
20:29.04amroGarthnait: use "COMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE"
20:29.12Sstixrudis there a link bot around here?
20:29.13amroits much easier to check for crits that way
20:29.14Garthnaitinstead of?
20:29.23amroinstead of CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_SELF_HITS
20:29.28Cairennanything longer than a couple lines, please use  (just reminding, not upset)
20:29.30amrocheck for arg1=="DAMAGE_CRIT"
20:29.34zenzelezzlink bot?
20:29.34amroand arg2 > 0
20:29.54Garthnaitfunction MyAddOn_MainFrame_OnLoad()
20:30.14Garthnaitthen vcomes:
20:30.14Garthnaitfunction MyAddOn_MainFrame_OnEvent()
20:30.23amroGarthnait: pastebin it..
20:30.46Cairennthe link I just gave
20:30.48amropaste it in instead of here, next time
20:30.50purlhmm... pastey is the place we like to have errors, diffs, and any large chunks of text sent. Insert the text, press the 'Paste' button, and post the resulting URL in here.
20:31.00Garthnaitah ^^
20:31.09Corrodiasnorganna.pastey? what is this, a coup?
20:31.24foxlitBack-against-the-wall, Corrodias. This is a coup.
20:31.33Cairennit's norg's that provides all of the * addies
20:31.33Sstixrudpastey is very cool
20:31.36Corrodiasmy ass is too sexy to hide it against a wall
20:31.52amroGarthnait: give me a sec
20:33.31amroalso, you can't check who you crit with this event
20:33.39foxlitSstixrud : frame:ClearAllPoints(); frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", defaultParent "defaultPoint", defaultXoffset, defaultYoffset)
20:33.48amroso if that is important, you'll have to use CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_SELF_HITS
20:33.53Garthnaitline 9 and 10 can i ignore and let it of right?
20:34.12Garthnaitthanks i copy
20:34.46amrolazy blizz... they added COMBAT_TEXT for their SCT
20:34.46Sstixrudfoxlit I am not sure I follow
20:35.10Garthnaitso and now what have i correctly to do in the xml?
20:35.36amropost your xml file on pastey
20:35.53foxlitYou want to manually move the frames around.
20:36.16foxlitNot set some setting and have the addon automatically apply it. That usually doesn't work that way.
20:36.51*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
20:37.07foxlitAnd as far as I can tell, the position storage there is actually handled by WoW, and not the addon.
20:37.13SstixrudHmm in other mods I have seen simple /myaddon config then the user moves some sliders, clicks some check buttons and perhaps types in some numbers
20:37.18amroGarthnait: What's in GodLike_Welcome_OnLoad()?
20:37.32Garthnaitmom i post my full lua
20:37.36amro(note: pick the highlighting next time on pastey :) )
20:37.53foxlitCode <=> UI
20:38.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Neuro_Medivh (
20:38.48foxlitGarth: set language for free highlighting :)
20:39.03Sstixrudfoxlit - sorry, what part of the code was your example targetting?
20:39.17Garthnait? where?
20:39.31foxlit-- TODO: implement resetting position of bars to default  
20:39.36foxliton pastey :)
20:39.48Garthnaitthere is no such language
20:40.02foxlitThe very first dropdown is the language your code is in, you can pick "LUA" or "XML", for example.
20:40.11Garthnaitah okay
20:40.16Garthnaitsorry for that ^^
20:40.20Garthnaitim a really noob
20:40.27Sstixrudaww, ya this is someone elses addon I was going to just remove that command.  I am interested in displaying a config ui frame where the user can change some of the values at the top of the lua script (i.e. PBCFG)
20:40.33Fisker-so ckknight your mac supports 7zip?
20:41.00ckknightI guess so
20:41.05Garthnaitso better?
20:41.38*** join/#wowi-lounge ViRii[K] (
20:41.54amroGarthnait: i can set the lang when viewing
20:42.03Garthnaitah okay ^^
20:42.39amroyou had a function you never called
20:43.08Garthnaiti thank you gys so much
20:43.11amroi removed GodLike_OnLoad()
20:43.21amroand put its code in GodLike_Welcome_OnLoad()
20:43.27amrosince that's what you were calling from your XML file
20:44.17Garthnaitah okay
20:44.49Garthnaitnow i have to do the message when crittet in part of "then" right?
20:45.12*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
20:45.32warla <-- working on a reputation webpage :-) how ya like the design so far?
20:46.11Corrodiaslooks pretty good, and i hope you get some good information for it
20:46.20warlai have 20 faction at exalted
20:46.28warlai'm what people call a "rep -whore"
20:46.49Garthnaitso right?
20:47.04Endwhat are you, a human?
20:47.14Xolan[EU]looks great warla, though the repeating border pattern on the right hand box is somewhat iffy
20:47.18amrowarla: what will you do with wowledgebase?
20:47.46warlai'll release those scripts soon so guilds can use it on their webpages
20:47.50ViRii[K]What would I have to do to start a timer like CCWatch or something like that?
20:47.54ViRii[K]A visual timer that is
20:48.04amroGarthnait: I just noticed your color tags are messed up
20:48.16amro|c00ff8000[GodLike] should be |c00ff8000 [GodLike]|r
20:49.18amrobecause it doens't work like Quake color tags :)
20:49.23amroyou need to close em with |r
20:49.30amroand you need a space between the hex and the actual text
20:49.37Garthnaitoh ive tested it ingame and it funks
20:49.48amrodoes it? weird
20:49.54amroit used to blow up in my face in WC3
20:50.00amroi guess they changed it
20:50.08Garthnaiti taste it with your changes ^^
20:50.34GarthnaitSo i'm INGame to test it ^^
20:50.54amroyou know you can use /console reloadui to quickly test changes?
20:51.06haste/rl is faster
20:51.18hasteand it's most likely defined already
20:51.46Garthnaithmm, now message
20:52.18amrolast i checked, /rl wasn't on my base wow
20:52.42amrobut that was before 2.0
20:52.58amroyou should check for > 0 for testing
20:53.01Corrodias/rl doesn't exist in the default UI.
20:53.17warlai still need horde who have mag'thar faction and tranquillien
20:53.27*** join/#wowi-lounge [1]gnorlish (
20:53.37Corrodiasi've never heard of either
20:53.43warlaBC beta factions
20:53.58warlathrallmar and silvermoon i got
20:54.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=mjgoosse@
20:54.13Garthnaitk, momno message
20:54.22Garthnaitno message
20:55.56amrodoes your slash command work?
20:56.12amrocan you repaste your entire .lua as it is now?
20:56.19Garthnaitmom plz
20:56.59amroi just realized you mean moment
20:57.32Garthnaitmom = moment ^^
20:58.08Corrodiasi thought he was asking for your mother
20:58.21amrookay then, 1 mom please
20:58.23Garthnaitthen i write mum ^^
21:00.09Xolan[EU]this might sound stupid but how do I make my own portal on wowinterface?
21:00.22amromust be your XML file, can you paste that/
21:00.33CorrodiasCairenn probably has to like you enough
21:01.00Cairennas soon as you've got a mod in our database, you should be able to enable your portal
21:01.06EndXolan[EU]: you hit a checkbox or something
21:01.21CairennXolan[EU]: there should be an option on the front page, left hand side menu "enable portal"
21:01.32Corrodiasi guess most people just don't
21:02.29Xolan[EU]that's just available once you've uploaded a mod then?
21:02.50Xolan[EU]right, no wonder I couldn't find anything then lol
21:02.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Dhraga_ (
21:02.55Sstixrudnewbie question... why do some addon authors often use function name(self) often while others never do
21:03.45Endif name is on a table, then you could do table:name()
21:03.52Endand it'd fill in self with the table
21:04.19Sstixrudya I see that, this one mode does self:Register while the other does this:Register
21:04.26Sstixrudmode = mod
21:04.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Kodewulf__ (
21:04.53amroGarthnait: the event is COMBAT_TEXT
21:05.46Corrodiasfrom what i understand, Sstixrud, in WoW, "this" usually refers to the frame or frame element that called the function
21:06.03Corrodiaswhile self... doesn't. i'm not too clear on that, but i'm hoping someone will correct me.
21:06.05Endthis is a global set by WoW for the frame script handlers
21:06.24Sstixrudaww, so in many cases declaring a arg for a function isn't needed if the "this" functionality is sufficent?
21:06.32Corrodiasi often get explanations by saying the wrong thing and then letting someone else say the right thing
21:06.47clad|napCorrodias: self now does as well
21:07.18Endself is a local that gets passed to the function
21:07.19cladhairePrior to the 2.0.1 patch, the game sets the global variable "this" to refer to the frame which triggered the handler script, and no varaibles arguments were passed to the handling function
21:07.21Endsomething new for 2.0
21:07.32cladhairein 2.0.1, self is passed as the first local argument to the handling function
21:08.15amroGarthnait:  try changing > 0 to < 0
21:08.31Garthnaiti test
21:08.36cladhairerandom mid-day naps with no food are fun!
21:08.37Garthnaitone sek ^^
21:08.59*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
21:09.22JoshBorkemmmw mid day naps :-)
21:09.27Garthnaitto much addons ^^ loading screen takes a while ^^
21:09.31SstixrudIf Blizzard loved me they would provide a Python API for addons ;)
21:09.48amroGarthnait: I suggest you disable unneeded addons when testing yours
21:09.53Endwoot, cap'd a flag on my mage
21:10.02Endscrew low survability!
21:10.02Garthnaitno message at all
21:10.04cladhaireSstixrud: ... why?
21:10.14amroGarthnait: sure you're critting?
21:10.23Garthnaitoh yes ^^
21:10.32Sstixrudheh, well python's syntax fits me better I guess :)
21:10.38Garthnaitmy arcane shot does no 1,3K damage noncrit ^^
21:11.17Xolan[EU]they should just allow low-level scripting :p
21:11.31SstixrudI get tripped up reading lua code
21:11.40SstixrudXol ASM? :)
21:11.53cladhairelua is the perfect language for what they're doing =)
21:12.08Xolan[EU]somewhat wierd, but definately powerfull
21:12.11cladhaireThere's a reason adobe uses similar mechanisms for 50% of their codebase
21:12.41SstixrudI need to look into ruby
21:12.56amroGarthnait: try
21:12.57Xolan[EU]I used ruby eariler with rpgmakerxp
21:12.58amrofor debugging
21:13.10Sstixrudhow did you like it?
21:13.23amro[22:11] <cladhaire> lua is the perfect language for what they're doing =)
21:13.26amrotruth ^
21:13.32SstixrudI hear it is even cleaner than python but lacking the library
21:13.44amrolua is the best language for embedding
21:13.56amroRuby has way too much syntatic sugar
21:14.07cladhaireits not "the best.
21:14.23cladhairebut it is one of the sole drivers in its design process =)
21:14.28cladhairewhich makes it incredibly well suited for embedding =)
21:14.37cladhairesaying somethign else just so i can have three smileys =)
21:14.49JoshBorke=] =] =]
21:15.13amroive worked with the C APIs for Ruby, Python, and Lua, and i've gotta say lua just owns
21:15.26*** part/#wowi-lounge Xolan[EU] (n=Xolan[
21:15.33amrothough it took a bit to grasp how it worked with metatables
21:16.40Garthnaiti go testing
21:16.59xsarpedonIs there a way to call a function from a string in Lua?
21:17.36cladhairedepends on what you actually mean by that =)
21:18.03Garthnaitamro: there is an error in my B:LUA
21:18.03xsarpedonI mean you have local x="getData"; then something to callFunction(x);
21:18.20amrowhat error?
21:18.24cladhaireyou mean x gets the name of a functopin
21:18.28cladhaireand you can to call said function?
21:18.38cladhairethen you can use getglobal(x) to get the function name, then call it
21:18.42GarthnaitEncountered "DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME" at line 20, column 9
21:18.54Corrodiasthere has to be, but i don't know what it is. LuaSlinger lets you execute code in-game.
21:19.18cladhairei'm still trying to understadn what he's asking
21:19.33cladhairebut if you have a string, and you want to make a lua function otu of it its local fun = loadstring("Some string")
21:19.34Cideloadstring creates a function closure which is probably not what you want in that case
21:19.35cladhaireyou can then pcall it
21:19.40Garthnaitit semms like one END was to much
21:19.53Endthere can never be too many of me
21:19.54xsarpedonI think dostring will work thanks :P
21:19.58Cideif you have the name of the function you can use getglobal, like cladhaire said
21:20.09cladhairei'm still looking for a problem statement =)
21:20.17amroGarthnait: i forgot a then
21:20.22amroadd it
21:20.22xsarpedonCould you give me an example of using get global to call the function if you have it's name?
21:20.32Garthnaitoh i see
21:20.37Cidexsarpedon: local name = "print"; getglobal(name)("hello")
21:20.41Cideprints "hello"
21:20.52Endassuming you have a print function
21:21.07xsarpedonOk, thanks :)
21:21.48amroprint exists, but doens't do anything
21:21.55*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|Univ (
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21:22.02Endit doesn't exist for me
21:22.23amroi remember leaving it from earlier testing code and i didn't get any errors
21:22.38Garthnaitamro: no message at all
21:22.45Endattempt to call global 'print' (a nil value)
21:23.07Endsomehow, trying to call print() didn't work
21:23.20*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|ZZzz (
21:23.20*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower|ZZzz] by ChanServ
21:23.22Cidea wow-style print would be: function print(...) local message = ""; for i = 1, select('#', ...) do message = message .. tostring(selecti, ...)) .. " " end ChatFrame1:AddMessage(print) end
21:23.22amromaybe it was in the code but never got called? i do remember it in my code somewhere
21:23.38Endbut there's no such global, at least on my end :P
21:24.02EndCide: don't forget, each arg is seperated by tabs
21:24.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Dezzimal (
21:24.21CideEnd: replace " " with whatever you want
21:24.30Cidepython's print uses space, if I remember correctly
21:24.31Endoh, I didn't see the " " :P
21:24.41Endbut lua's print -is- seperated by tabs
21:24.48Endactually, maybe it's tab space
21:24.50Endor something
21:25.13End(space tab would be better I suppose)
21:25.22End(ok, too much pondering)
21:25.40cladhaireCide: I'd avoid the multiple concatenations with a string.rep, and use ah elper function to tostring() all my args =)
21:26.24Cidecladhaire: I'm sure it could be optimized
21:26.35*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|Univ (
21:26.35*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower|Univ] by ChanServ
21:26.40MentalPower|BathPssh.. you wouldn't know anything about optimization.
21:27.01Garthnaithey it does work
21:27.12Endyour face wouldn't know any....
21:27.12GarthnaitType: Mana
21:27.15MentalPowererr... what are you doing using my... oh, its clad
21:27.28MentalPower|BathYou need to calm down on the nick changes my friend!
21:27.37amroGarthnait: keep playing, see if DAMAGE_CRIT ever comes up
21:27.45amroor better yet, check what comes up when you crit
21:27.52MentalPowerI have two PC's and something is resetting the connections
21:27.58cladhaireboo for that
21:28.06cladhaireokay.. shower time
21:28.07cladhairethen dinner
21:28.10cladhairethe basketball
21:28.27Garthnaitamro: the message appears everytime i hit
21:29.12amroyes, i know
21:29.17Garthnaitit doesnt matter if crit or normal hit
21:29.18amrobut what appears when you crit?
21:29.24amroit should say Type: something
21:29.37Garthnaitno, the same
21:29.44amrothe same what?
21:29.55amroi mean, what's the message you keep getting?
21:30.11Garthnaitthts the last code you send me
21:30.29GarthnaitType: Mana
21:31.03amrothat's not right
21:31.19amrosorry i dont have wow on this machine to investigate
21:33.50GarthnaitOh, the message comes from my black grasp of the destroyer when i leech mana
21:34.14Garthnaitnot from hitin or criting
21:34.19amrowell, good luck with that, i need to go eat
21:34.20amrothen sleep
21:34.23Garthnaiti tested it without them
21:34.36amroyes, because you're displaying ALL COMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE events
21:34.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Xolan[EU] (n=Xolan[
21:34.41Garthnaitthanks so long
21:40.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Bouvi (
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21:54.28purlACTION expires
21:54.36sylvanaarsame ol purl
21:55.10sylvanaarwhen i am having a bad day:
21:55.16purlmethinks luaser is "Just tell me what i want to know so I dont have to waste my time, just yours"
21:56.06purlbugz is, like, "Does this happen on the lastest version? What version are you using?"
21:56.28Garthnait|afkargh, y won't it work
21:57.06JoshBorkeoooo, nifty
21:57.48sylvanaarlol i need an answerbot
21:57.58sylvanaarthat will impersonate me
21:58.48sylvanaar"..will you.." - "no"
21:58.59sylvanaar" it possible to.." - "no"
21:59.14sylvanaar"how do i make.." - "no"
21:59.50nevcairiela bot that always says no
21:59.51nevcairielthats easy
22:00.18Tullerhrm, wonder what would happen if I switched from having the shift + x paging to just simply modifier down quickpaging
22:01.57Corrodiasi believe my action bars switch manually with shift+scrollwheel and i despise it
22:02.02Corrodiasi need to figure out something else
22:03.08Tullerthat is, I wonder how many people will yell at me if I take away shift + number and shift + mousewheel paging and replace it with alt down, ctrl down, shift down
22:04.09Corrodiastake away? you manage an addon, i take it?
22:04.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Asheyla (
22:04.31Corrodiaswell, i would be annoyed if one of my combat key bindings required me to let go of the mouse
22:04.43Corrodiasso anything+down is a very bad idea
22:04.49Asheylawell i finally figured out my uidropdownmenu taint issue ^^
22:05.03Corrodias"down" being the down arrow key, which is what i'm assuming you mean
22:05.20Tullerno, I mean pageonpress
22:05.34Tulleraka, press your alt key and you switch pages, release and it goes back
22:05.40AsheylaWould you consider it a bug, if addons causing the dynamic creation of menu levels results in taint for every single dropdownmenu?  including blizz ones.  
22:05.49Corrodiasthat i'd like. control+alt, please.
22:07.05purlACTION screams No!
22:07.07Corrodiasi don't know what menu levels are. and now i'm going to go away for a while!
22:07.26Asheylamenu levels in UIDropDownMenus
22:07.45Asheylalike how you can nest menus - one menu leading to another
22:08.04Asheylathe default interface defines 2 and provides a function to create more
22:08.08TullerI don't believe in the UI's dropdown menus :)
22:08.16purlmethinks luaser is "Just tell me what i want to know so I dont have to waste my time, just yours"
22:08.23Asheylathen what's a viable alternative
22:08.37Corrodiashe's going to say Ace! hit the deck!
22:09.08Tullerdewdrop might be a viable alternative, if you really want those dropdowns
22:09.17Tullerare you sure its broken in 2.0.3?
22:09.17Asheylaid sooner copy the source and change all the variables to my own =]
22:09.28Asheylai tested it on beta servers 5 mins ago
22:10.27Asheylai made a UIDropDownMenu that creates an endless menu; once the 3rd one opens I can no longer see "Target" when I right-click someone's name in chat
22:10.29Tullerfigure out how to make your addon need only the blizzard provided amount of levels is the other alternative :)
22:10.49Asheylabut mine uses 5 levels D=
22:11.12Tullereew :P
22:11.36AsheylaBUT if I use FloatingChatFrame to create the 3rd level for me
22:11.54Asheylathe taint doesnt occur until my endless menu opens the 4th level
22:12.00Asheylaso thats why i know it's that.
22:12.45Asheylaif i wanted to use only 2 levels id have to create some horrid code of dynamic frame-menu creation
22:12.49Asheylaitd be a nightmare
22:13.10Asheyladewdrop is what
22:13.14Asheylaan ace plugin?
22:13.18JoshBorkeAsheyla: i know that Dewdrop creates menus
22:13.25JoshBorkeAsheyla: Dewdrop is an ace library
22:13.46Asheylamy addon isn't ACE'd right now
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22:14.02Asheylaso, short of simply stealing code from it...
22:14.02*** part/#wowi-lounge Imrcly (
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22:14.55JoshBorkeAsheyla: you could download Dewdrop-1.x which doesn't require ace
22:14.59Garthnait|afkAnybody else have an idea to help me with my AddOn?
22:15.18Asheylathat could work
22:15.33Asheylastill reluctant on making a dependency though
22:15.34JoshBorkeit's what i do :-D
22:15.39JoshBorkeit's embeddable
22:16.14Asheylaso, dare i ask, whats the difference in doing that and simply copying UIDropDownMenu.lua from FrameXML and changing all the variables to my own? =]
22:16.59Asheylathatd actually be nice, since i could make some changes to the menus that i cant do normally
22:17.57TullerI never really looked at the dropdown menu code, so I have no idea
22:18.06Tullerwell, looked deeply
22:19.21Asheylait's pretty interesting actually
22:19.25TullerI do know dewdrop has some added functionality, like sliders and stuff
22:19.32Tullerat least things I think are added
22:19.47Asheylait reminds me a lot of the Secure Templates of 2.0
22:19.58Asheylahm, that'd be nice
22:20.03Garthnait|afkhmm, the "COMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE" wont really work as i intended
22:20.09Tullerand behold my terrible menu :)
22:20.31Tulleraka, I got lazy and need a GUI for state options
22:20.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
22:20.55Asheylagarth, how so?
22:20.57Garthnait|afklooks like bongos ^^
22:21.02Asheylayeah it does
22:21.02Tullerit is :P
22:21.21Tulleralso, you can ask ckknight about dewdrop stuff
22:21.21Garthnait|afkhere my lua
22:21.57Garthnait|afkline 17 to 21
22:22.42TullerGarthnait|afk: what's it not doing?
22:22.48Garthnait|afkno text ^^
22:23.22Asheylai assume you have some XML that actually *calls* OnLoad and OnEvent?
22:25.02Asheylai dunno, it looks fine to me
22:25.25Tullerwhat are you doing to try and trigger it?
22:25.30Garthnaithmm, but theres no message ingame
22:25.30Tulleryou're taking damage right?
22:25.35JoshBorkeGarthnait: did you try seeing if COMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE fires at all?
22:25.39Tullerand you know the event is being fired?
22:25.56Tulleraka, what JoshBorke said :)
22:25.59JoshBorkeciao for now
22:26.08Garthnaitit worked ith mana drain from my Black Grasp
22:26.38Asheylait triggers when you TAKE damage, you realize
22:26.58Garthnaithmm, shit it have to trigger when i do damage
22:27.15Asheylafor spells
22:27.18Asheyladunno for white damage
22:27.55Garthnaitargh, y does amro tell me the wrong thing?
22:28.17AsheylaC_T_U is for Blizz SCT - which only tells you what's happening to you yourself
22:28.22Garthnaitso that we understand us
22:28.24*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
22:28.34Garthnaiti will have a message everytime i crit
22:28.43Asheylaspell crit or white crit?
22:28.45Asheylaor both
22:29.34AsheylaCHAT_MSG_COMBAT_SELF_HIT for hittings other things
22:29.43Asheylaprobably crit too
22:30.37Garthnaithas this event arg options?
22:30.47|Shadow|lol wtf
22:31.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (
22:31.03Asheylaarg1 = combat log text
22:31.07|Shadow|my fubar PerformanceFu says i have a increaseing rate of -1000KiB/s
22:31.37Asheylagarbage collect 4tw?
22:31.48Asheylaanyway, i suggest doing something like:
22:31.50Asheylaspellhit = string.gsub(SPELLLOGSCHOOLSELFOTHER,"%%.-[sd]","(.+)")
22:32.01Asheylaso you can do:
22:32.27Asheyla_,_,spell,target,damage,school = string.find(arg1,spellhit)
22:32.43Asheylawell, that's hit
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22:33.11Asheylafrom GlobalStrings.lua
22:33.19Asheylamakes it localized too =]
22:33.28Garthnaitwhre must i place the strings (sorry but im a noob)
22:35.18Asheylaheres a snip from my code
22:35.33Asheylai define my strings at the top and use them later on to see if they match
22:35.57SstixrudOk... I have added UI configuration to a button addon.  I get no errors on load, but when I /myaddon config I get the config window but also get the following error: "string "PartyBarsConfig:OnShow"]:2: attempt to call global 'PartyBarsConfig_OnShow' (a nul value)  any ideas?
22:36.27Asheylayou are calling the function "PartyBarsConfig_OnShow" but this function does not exist =D
22:36.38Garthnaiti think COMBATHITCRITSELFOTHER is the right string for my, or?
22:36.49Sstixrudheh but it should ... :\
22:36.53Asheylano idea; i dont have the .lua in front of me
22:37.21Sstixrudoh u are right
22:37.58Asheylagarth, looks right.  but i always recommend looking at the source, to doublecheck
22:38.11Asheylawowwiki is not 100%
22:38.31SstixrudI had the OnClicks defined but not the OnShow
22:39.53Garthnaitso i've created a string:
22:39.54Garthnaitlocal critmsgs = {  
22:39.54Garthnaitcritmsg = string.gsub(COMBATHITCRITSELFOTHER,"%%.-s","(.+)"),
22:40.00*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
22:40.15Garthnaitso right?
22:40.52Asheylai suggest "%%.-[sd]" so that it gets %s and %d.
22:41.31Garthnaitand how do i implement the string in
22:41.32Garthnaitfunction GodLike_OnEvent()  
22:41.32Garthnaitif (event=="CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_SELF_HIT") then
22:42.25Asheylaif (blah) then
22:42.58JoshBork1Garthnait: that should work
22:43.03Asheylalocal _,_,target,damage = string.find(arg1,critsmsgs.critmsg)
22:43.09JoshBork1are you sure that's the event you want?
22:43.26Asheylaif (target and damage) then print("you hit "" for "..damage) end
22:43.48Asheylathough there's little point to the table if there's only one entry in it
22:44.10Asheylasee the code i pasted earlier for how i iterated through all the entries of the table
22:44.28Garthnaitcould you post me in pastey?
22:44.49Garthnaiti understand only trainstation
22:44.57|Shadow|Can you report people for useing the terrain exploit in warsong gulch?
22:45.12|Shadow|we've had people doing it in the past 3 games now, really starting to get annoying :<
22:45.15|Shadow|i got a few screenshots of it
22:46.47Asheylaerr what? post you in pastey?
22:47.50*** join/#wowi-lounge m|a|x (
22:50.06Garthnaiti dont understand whre i have to put the strin in my function GodLike_OnEvent()
22:52.30TullerAsheyla|afk: Another syntax: local target, damage = arg1:match(critsmsgs.critmsg)
22:54.49Garthnaiti dont understood how it have to look
23:13.19*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
23:16.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz_ (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
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23:29.40BouviCan anyone tell me why I would be getting the error in this pasty.  I included the XML code.
23:32.25Xolan[EU]could you post the onload function aswell from your lua file?
23:34.13Xolan[EU]I assume the spaces bbefore and after the ='s doesn't matter right?
23:34.39Xolan[EU]the onload function has the wrong name :p
23:34.45Xolan[EU]add Fubar_
23:35.30Xolan[EU]lol easy to go blind when your starring at your code all day
23:35.59popsmightwhat does this mean paste code here?
23:36.45BouviCopy your code and paste it there
23:36.50popsmightwut code?
23:37.00Xolan[EU]? instead of flooding the channel with code you upload it over there. People can then alter the code in the same example making everyone's life easier
23:37.04Xolan[EU]erm, your code?
23:37.13popsmightmy code?
23:37.23Xolan[EU]if you code and have a problem - yes :p
23:37.43popsmightcode 4 wut?
23:38.14foxlitNT kernel, what else?
23:38.24VoidRaider|VRVista I think
23:38.24popsmightNT kernel?
23:38.44Xolan[EU]did you work out that problem you had eariler today bouvi?
23:39.59VoidRaider|VRpopsmight, why are you here ? if you don't know what's the purpose and the reason this channel exists ?
23:40.37popsmighti saw a link 4 here on #norganna channel
23:40.56popsmightand i wuz curious
23:40.56Xolan[EU]it's a wow ui mod dev channel :)
23:41.11cogwheelwas has the same number of letters as wuz...
23:41.14BouviOMGOMGOMG that fixed it all!!!!!
23:41.29popsmightwuz is better than was=p
23:41.44VoidRaider|VRHmm I doubt it. :)
23:41.49foxlitBurn in righteous fire?
23:41.51Xolan[EU]but the whole point with abbrevations kinda dissapears :P
23:42.05popsmighto well it is cool
23:42.22popsmight00cool im trying to write in white
23:42.46popsmighthighlight wut i just said lol
23:43.27popsmight00i like doing this
23:43.29VoidRaider|VRIf you said that color then colour then maybe, but wuz is definitely something that doesn't exist in my vocabulary :)
23:43.48popsmight00it exists in mine
23:43.48Xolan[EU]nor wut :)
23:43.55popsmight00wut rulez
23:44.11Xolan[EU]anyways, it's all good now then bou?
23:44.31popsmight00im awsome
23:45.29SstixrudAnyone know why fails to update PBCFG?  The config ui works and produces no errors, but never updates the PBCFG table
23:45.41popsmight00i dont
23:45.52cogwheel~botsmack popsmight
23:46.16VoidRaider|VRHmm do you know where FuBar override the default chat anchors, since it overrides mine and I want to comment it. :)
23:46.52foxlitYou reset it every time you call LoadVars.
23:46.55foxlitIt's silly, really.
23:47.13popsmightwould a Mirc script work on here?
23:47.44Tullerso, before I code this, there's no simple function for making a keybinding work only when its given binding is visible, is htere?
23:47.51Tullererr there
23:47.58Sstixrudfoxlit that to me or Void
23:48.41foxlitEvery call to PartyBars_LoadVariables (and hence PartyBars_Update) will reset the entire config.
23:48.49popsmightif im annoying u all so much ill leave...
23:49.10popsmight00bye bye
23:49.21popsmight00happy almost new year
23:49.25*** part/#wowi-lounge popsmight (
23:50.14Sstixrudif I remove PartyBars_LoadVariables from PartyBars_Update I get PBCFG is a nil value
23:51.18VoidRaider|VRWell some people have nothing to do, I guess he was one of them :P
23:51.20foxlitBut you need an actual saved variable, not something that you'd initialize every time.
23:52.32SstixrudI was wondering about that.. but I am not sure how to extract it into local variables that will/do change as the config ui is changed
23:54.22SstixrudI will go read that, does it address both between game sessions and interactive changing of variables?
23:54.56Neuro_Medivhwhat do you mean, interactive changing of variables?
23:55.59SstixrudI have a config ui /pb config that has sliders and checkboxes that I want to modify what the UI looks like in real time
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23:57.34SstixrudI have the UI working, the addon is functional. But the way I have it now the UI does not modify the actual SavedVariables nor update the UI in real time
23:58.02Neuro_Medivhwhy not?
23:58.11Sstixrudbecause I am a poor programmer? :)
23:58.31VoidRaider|VRNo, because you're doing something wrong :)
23:58.35Neuro_MedivhWell, let me give you a very basic pseudocode example
23:58.48Neuro_Medivhlets say you want to change the chat box size with your addon
23:59.06Neuro_MedivhYou have a slider function that does this
23:59.38ScytheBlade1Bah - looking for an addon that will tell me what's in my bank without having my bank open :P
23:59.59Xolan[EU]try onebank bagnon or arkinventory

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