irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061229

00:00.08KirkburnTseric says: "The expansion has already gone gold. We see no reason why the game isn't going to be on the shelves at the planned date."
00:00.35foxlitOh, it's going to be on the shelves.
00:00.47foxlitThe question is, is it going to be online?
00:01.04nymbiathe amount of copies they're making, probably went gold a few weeks ago.
00:01.09GuillotineI don't see why they don't have it available online. All the data is going to have to be included in patches anyway
00:02.12nymbiaGuillotine: why would non-expansion users need expansion only data?
00:02.13foxlitThing is, what they've shipped =/= what will be live
00:02.13Guillotinespecifically which data is 'expansion only'?
00:02.13Guillotineall items are going to be seen in normal areas, so they still need that data
00:02.13foxlitOutland geomtry
00:02.14nymbiaGuillotine: terrain/texture data that only expansion users can access
00:02.19nymbiafoxlit: that's what 2.0.3 is for.
00:02.34Tierrie|Workoh gno its gold!
00:02.39Tierrie|Workpeople have to work over xmas and new years
00:02.39foxlitThey can botch 2.0.3 perfectly well and still ship the disks.
00:02.44GuillotineI'm still guessing expansion and non-expansion users are going to have the exact same client
00:02.46Guillotinebut I could be wrong
00:03.01Tierrie|Worki hope so
00:03.06Guillotinefor example, look at the test realm. even non-expansion people have the same client
00:03.09Tierrie|Workbut there's a difference in the tbc client and the current client
00:03.09subbawti would assume so, too
00:03.26Tierrie|Workfor example, in the current client if i try to turn my sound volume up or down it stalls the screens
00:03.34Tierrie|Workit doesn't do that in the tbc client
00:03.48Guillotinewell, everything thats live is a VERY old version of TBC it seems
00:03.50nymbiaGuillotine: non-expansion users do not have, and will never have, expansion.mpq.  other than that, the clients are identical
00:03.53foxlitclient =/= data included with client, as well
00:04.03Tierrie|Workthey should have named it buythis.mpq
00:04.22Guillotinethough there are some things included in expansion.mpq that normal users are going to need
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00:04.35GuillotineLamentOfTheHighborne.wav is played during an event in Undercity for example
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00:04.46Guillotinemy guess is that they move that to normal mpq though
00:04.55Guillotineeven though its credits music for tbc
00:05.02DissonancHow do I check if a variable is infinite in LUA?  (I've tried isInf(myvariable) but it gives me an error saying: "attempt to call field 'isInf' (a nil value)"
00:05.11foxlitThere's no infinity.
00:05.14BouviOK here is a ponder.  How can I do a GetAutoLootDefault and get it to tell me what it's value is?  How can I assign it to a variable and then do the AddMessage thing.
00:05.25foxlitactually, nevermind, there is.
00:05.50DissonancHrm. I never thought of that.
00:05.58DissonancI'll go check.
00:06.40Kirkburn<foxlit> There's no infinity.   <-- aww, I thought that was very deep and meaningful!
00:06.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
00:06.50foxlit8kB/s down, 35 kB/s up. There's no justice to this torrent.
00:07.23foxlit0/0 == INDEFINITE :P
00:07.41foxlitWonder why they even included those and not raised a divide by 0 exception.
00:07.57Hobinheimis there a website affiliated with this room ?
00:08.30CairennHobinheim: sorta/not really
00:08.38ScytheBlade1So, what if I really, REALLY don't want FuBar at the bottom of my screen AND top of my screen?
00:08.45ScytheBlade1Is there any way to move all of the plugins to one of them?
00:08.56Cairennit's got WoWI in the name because I host it, but we've got staff from the other sites in here as well
00:09.13CairennI try to be non-partisan
00:09.17Tierrie|Worktry infinity
00:09.17Hobinheimnew here, came at the suggestion from the wowwiki channel
00:09.24Tierrie|Workor NaN
00:09.40Dissonancfoxlit: That worked!  Thanks.
00:09.54foxlitokay :)
00:10.12Hobinheimwhere can i find the innards to a data-miner like thottbot. i'm under the impression thottbot in particular is jammed into cosmos?
00:10.20Hobinheimerr lua only by the way, no client side stuff
00:10.44Tierrie|WorkYou need to define infinity!
00:10.48BruceOh blimey, it's like a #wowi-lounge / #wowwiki love fest in here
00:11.03Tierrie|Worki wonder if you can define nullity as well
00:11.05Cairennalong with wowace & norganna & cosmos too
00:11.40Cairennas I said, non-partisan
00:12.08Hobinheimbruce are you following me
00:12.22Hobinheimi am here for an escape, and some knowledge. our channel used to be quiet
00:12.28BruceI'm looking for Bruce
00:12.32BruceAnyone seen Bruce?
00:12.42BruceOr Sheila?
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00:13.11GuillotineHobinheim: you might get the most info on thottbot type stuff fromt he #cosmostesters channel on DataVertex
00:13.12foxlit~purl, save bruce
00:13.25purlACTION runs into a burning building and saves bruce from certain death. Is that enough?
00:13.25foxlit~save Bruce
00:13.31purlACTION runs into a burning building and saves Bruce from certain death. Is that enough?
00:13.32BruceHey, stop picking on Bruce, he's my mate!
00:13.43Hobinheimare there any other thottbot-esque mods that you know of?
00:13.58Guillotinethough thott doesn't give out un-obfuscated versions of the thottbot program
00:14.03GuillotineHobinheim: check out MobInfo2
00:14.10Guillotineit gives you an idea of what they do
00:14.23Hobinheimi'm trying to write my own data thingie thingie
00:14.35Guillotinemmm. thingie thingie
00:14.52Guillotineas I said, check out mobinfo2, that'll help :)
00:14.53Bouvi~kill Bouvi
00:15.11purlACTION shoots a magneto-ionized pseudoneutron gun at Bouvi
00:15.12foxlitwhy? :)
00:16.55purlACTION watches guillotine pull the trigger:  Click!
00:16.55foxlitmagnetically ionized fake neutrons?
00:16.55foxlitI'd say pinch data from allakhazam's XML feeds. It's what they're there for, after all.
00:16.56Hobinheimthe only reason i don't look at alla is because it's ugly, seriously
00:16.56Hobinheimi hear it's accurate. but i don't really know
00:17.02Guillotinewow, that took a while
00:17.06bleetahfoxlit: thanks for reminding me, we'll add the alla feeds to ... soon-ish ;)
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00:17.11Hobinheim~purl, stop sucking
00:17.13purlACTION leaps to his feet and stops sucking
00:17.23bleetahas well as the wow-i feeds, looking at a way to automate a bunch of stuff like adding feeds, etc.
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00:18.31bleetahif a large store were advertising 'electrical computers at crazy cheap prices' in TV ads, would it be OK for me to go in and get upset when they can't sell me a cheap analogue computer?
00:18.58Guillotinebleetah: of course its ok!
00:18.58BouviWhat is the easiest way to find out the value of GetAutoLootDefault
00:19.02Guillotinebut make sure to record it
00:19.05bleetah'coz I'm about to stab the telly if I see this ad again
00:19.30KarlThePaganIriel|Away, ping
00:19.38GuillotineBouvi: autolootdefaultvalue = GetAutoLootDefault() ?
00:19.57BouviI was missing the () oh I bet..... Thanks
00:22.00BouviOMG Guillotine I could almost kiss you....  But I will not.
00:22.04HobinheimSo, what kinda mods are you workin' on? ^_^
00:22.08GuillotineBouvi: thank you
00:22.25BouviI knew it was something stupid like that thank you thank you thank you thank you
00:22.40Guillotineheh, np. you should see the amount of stupid mistakes like that I make :P
00:23.07purl[oink] the sound Ned Beatty makes when being sodomized by hillbillies
00:24.06BouviI wrote my first addon this morning this one is my 2nd lol.
00:24.13Hobinheimwhat does it do
00:24.32Hobinheimi'm great at making add-ons that never make it to curse
00:24.35Neuro_MedivhAnyone here familiar with the TexCoords tag in Wow's XML?
00:26.10GuillotineMy specialty is useless addons
00:26.13Guillotinethe names are good though
00:26.32foxlitWhat's after automootic?
00:26.42Guillotinedunno. need a new idea
00:26.52bleetahGuillotine: how's that jumping addon going? i'm real eager for the version you were talking about that'd communicate the jump count
00:26.55foxlitI invite you to make a class-based filter for pvpshuffle :P
00:27.08Guillotinefoxlit: but thats actually useful!
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00:27.15Guillotinebleetah: thats what I was going to do!
00:27.17bleetahI was thinking, once an hour, it announces your faction's most jumped player
00:27.25bleetahor.. most jumping
00:27.26Hobinheimis there a mod that helps with development/debugging/dumping
00:27.27foxlitI have an audience of 81 people according to the download counter :P
00:27.29bleetahand the least
00:27.34purlsomebody said devtools was Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?, or found at for the beta
00:27.45bleetahand.. maybe, the average jumps done by all
00:28.05Guillotinebleetah: hard to do it for whole faction. well, not hard, but we'd need a hidden channel
00:28.06Guillotinewhich I don't like
00:28.12GuillotineI was thinking it would just communicate with guild
00:28.19bleetahuse the addon channel?
00:28.28Guillotinetheres no global addon channel
00:28.47bleetahoohhh, something I wasn't aware of
00:28.49bleetahwell, damn
00:28.55foxlitDid you know #121: You do not actually have to hide chat channels.
00:29.00Guillotineonly guild, raid, party, and BG
00:29.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Bouvi (
00:29.22foxlitJoinChannelByName() does not enable display in any of the chat windows, so, technically, the channel is already hidden.
00:29.29bleetahif you wanted to get extreme, you'd also take into account class/gear/race concepts of potential weight ratios, then how far azeroth should've sunk
00:29.32Guillotineya, but its still there. I just don't want it to be there at all. personally, I use all 10 channels
00:30.24foxlitsteal RAB's hourly sync code
00:30.37foxlitjoin a channel for a few minutes every hour, then leave
00:30.46Guillotinetoo bad you only get x,y values for coordinates and no z value. would be fun to make an addon that calculates your character's PE based on gear and race
00:31.15Guillotinepotential energy
00:31.17Hobinheimdo i have to save my variables or are they already saved on the way out
00:31.30foxlit## SavedVariables:
00:31.32GuillotineHobinheim: add to the toc file: ## SavedVariables: Variablename
00:31.34foxlitand they're saved automatically
00:31.57Hobinheimhmm already have that probably doing something wrong...
00:32.28BouviWOOOOHOOOO it is working :)
00:32.32BouviNow to fine tune it.
00:32.37foxlitGuillotine: there's no gravity in wow, though
00:32.50Guillotinesure there is. you fall down. its just not exponential
00:33.01foxlitGravity is, er, constant.
00:33.22foxlitI'll rephrase.
00:33.22Guillotineso we'd need a new PE formula
00:33.32Guillotinewould be fun to make an addon to calculate all the physics of WoW
00:33.41Guillotinebut we'd need a Z coordinate
00:33.43foxlitAcceleration due to gravity tends to be constant if the distances between objects are not changed significantly.
00:33.55foxlitWoW seems to deal damage based on the time you've been falling.
00:34.02GuillotineI meant the speed of gravity in WoW is constant
00:34.09Guillotinewhere as irl its 10m/s/s
00:34.26MeryHobinheim: tocs only get reloaded when you close wow completly + the variables get loaded after you addon (but before ADDON_LOADED is fired)
00:34.31bleetahsome of WoW's physics leave.. a lot to be desired ;)
00:34.36foxlit"speed of gravity" made physics roll over in its grave :)
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00:36.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Tman (i=tyler@unaffiliated/tman)
00:37.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
00:37.58foxlitI guess you could account for it all via air resistance.
00:38.23foxlitOr at least the falling at constant speed part.
00:38.32foxlitWhy you'd take more damage for falling longer is beyond that.
00:38.47Hobinheimi am having the darndest time writing to a variable...
00:40.27Corrodiasi think what you're TRYING to say is that things in WoW fall up to a certain speed but do not continue to accellerate beyond that, but you continue to take more damage by falling farther despite not going any faster.
00:41.26foxlitYes, I believe that's what I've said.
00:41.49foxlitThe last part makes no sense with regards to physics, though
00:42.21Mery,9294,2-10-1462_2047950,00.html <- well actually there should be a chance to take no damage :-P
00:42.40TainAs opposed to the rest of the impeccably realistic physics in the game.
00:42.49Corrodiasthat's easy, Mery. he survived four 000m falls.
00:42.57Corrodiasi can fall 0m twenty times and survive!
00:43.16Meryanyway g'night
00:43.31Hobinheimwould anyone mind looking at a pastey
00:43.35bleetahfun guild game to play when bored: who can take falling damage of 1
00:43.38Hobinheimdoes anyone wanna see my pasties?
00:43.46foxlitdon't ask, link.
00:44.18Hobinheimthe data isn't persisting when i try a dump
00:44.20foxlit(we'll just ignore them if we don't :P)
00:44.25Hobinheimmaybe i just can't spell?
00:45.44foxlitYou have ## SavedVariables: SpongeDatabase in your .toc?
00:45.44Hobinheimyeah, but that shouldn't matter if i'm testing when i'm logging in right
00:45.47Hobinheimbut yes, i do have that already
00:45.59bleetahif the toc changes, does one have to logout, or reloadui just fine?
00:46.15Hobinheimfull log for toc changes
00:46.31GuillotineHobinheim: I had the same problem 2 days ago. run the blizz repair tool and make sure it doesn't say "WoW is extremely corrupted and will have to be reverted to an earlier version"
00:46.32bleetahjust tein' ya ;-)
00:46.33Guillotinethat was my problem
00:46.50Hobinheimlike it just wouldn't save variables?
00:46.58Hobinheimcuz all my other addons work
00:47.12foxlitWhat exactly is it that fails, though?
00:47.16Hobinheimwell. addons written by other people
00:47.30Hobinheimthat when i say /dump SpongeDatabase, i just get back {}
00:47.38foxlitIt persists when run in luapad :/
00:47.41Hobinheimcuz i can see the functions running with the prints i left in
00:48.01Hobinheimand when i do a full log nothing is in the saved variables besides {}
00:48.10GuillotineHobinheim: I had exact same problem and it ended up being that WoW was corrupted :/
00:48.32Hobinheimi''ll try repairing now
00:49.04Hobinheimugh takes forever
00:49.17Guillotineif it doesn't say "Unable to repair" by 3/5, its fine
00:49.32Hobinheimi'm on 3/8?
00:49.45Hobinheiminside common.mpq?
00:50.17Guillotineya, at the end of 3/8
00:50.56Guillotineyou're probably fine, but I had the same problem when making Automootic. when other people tried the exact same files, it worked for them, but wasn't persisting for me
00:51.44*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
00:51.54Hobinheimthanks for your help so far
00:51.55IndustrialI cant find this guy :(
00:52.00Hobinheimi don't know what's worse, wow ui dev or web dev
00:52.04Hobinheimso frustrating
00:52.46GuillotineHobinheim: are you using SciTe? its 'compile' helps a LOT for debugging
00:52.51Guillotinedon't have to restart WoW every time
00:53.00Guillotinealso, syntax highlighting is great
00:53.17Industrialomg found him he JUST spawned
00:53.38Hobinheimi don't know what scite is
00:54.02nymbiatext editor
00:54.04Hobinheimor luapad
00:54.13BouviCan one of you nice people tell me how I am making a checkmark next to the menu item in fubar and how I can tell said checkbox to check if a condition is met?
00:54.47BouviI know I am getting a toggle checkmark but I have no idea how I did it.
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00:55.45nymbiaBouvi: when Auto_LootFu.db.profile.AutoLoot_On is true, you'll have a check.  when it's not, you won't.
00:56.05nymbiathat's what the 'get=' line means
00:56.21BouviIs the value true or false or 1 or 0?
00:56.28Corrodiasthe value is "your mother"
00:56.49BouviMy mother will kick your tail
00:57.00Corrodiasmy tail will pleasure your mother
00:57.13BouviOh you so do not want to go there.
00:57.54Neuro_Medivh"Welcome to Vince Vaughn Bangs your Mom"
00:57.58Corrodiasmy tail will go in there, all right
00:58.25GuillotineNew version of BA up that counts jumps.
00:58.44Neuro_Medivhwow... someone made an addon for that?
00:58.55Guillotineme :D
00:59.06Corrodiasalliance human mage
00:59.09Guillotineand it plays an awesome 'bounce' sound every time you jump
00:59.17Corrodiasprobably jumps more than anyone in WoW >_<
00:59.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=chatzill@
01:00.06Hobinheimooo oo i have a question
01:00.21*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
01:00.27Hobinheimso you have a zero initializer for your bouncer mod
01:00.31*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Esamynn] by ChanServ
01:00.38Hobinheimwhat's preventing wow from just resetting your jumps to zero every time you log in
01:00.50Hobinheimand wow's corrupted and i just canceled the check by typing =(
01:01.32Corrodiashe probably has a savedvariable?
01:01.39GuillotineHobinheim: the SavedVariable loads after the lua file
01:01.43Corrodiasi'm not sure whta a "zero initializer" is
01:01.53Hobinheimwow... that's just...
01:01.57Guillotineso it will make it 0, but if it had a previous value, that will override it
01:01.58Hobinheimit all makes sense now...
01:02.46Corrodiasthat's why you don't want to do much processing that depends on variables in the on load because they'll probably be overwritten after the on load happens anyway
01:02.53Hobinheimthat's why!
01:02.56Hobinheimthat's why it's not working!
01:02.57Corrodiasi just pulled that out of my ass, by the way
01:03.11Corrodiasyou fool, look what you've done!
01:03.27Guillotineits ok, my new years resolution to help noone doesn't start for another 3 days
01:03.34Corrodiasif i'm not mistaken, the variables_loaded event fires after your savedvariables are loaded.
01:03.41Guillotineyou're not
01:03.53Corrodiasat that point, you can do variable-related processing without fear that they're obsolete
01:04.35DissonanceIs there a way to discern between gained xp from a quest, and gained xp from a mob kill?
01:04.49GuillotineDissonance: give two seperate events
01:04.58GuillotineI believe
01:05.02DissonanceWhich events do which?  I can't find one specifically for mob kills.
01:05.37DissonanceJust "PLAYER_XP_UPDATE" which does everything.
01:05.38BouviOK this thing is working great.  Is there a way to gray out a menu item is another one is checked in fubar?  If the option is off it mutes the point of the other option.
01:05.38DissonanceAnd the one for the quests is "ERR_QUEST_REWARD_EXP_I", as far as I can tell, but I haven't tested that yet.
01:05.52BouviSorry for all the newb questions I am a newb lol
01:06.17GuillotineBouvi: its ok :) we were all newb at some point
01:06.19Guillotineexcept Iriel
01:06.22GuillotineI think he was born pro
01:06.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Fisker- (i=blah2@
01:07.04DissonanceAs opposed to alcoholic beverages with no alcohol?
01:07.19CorrodiasDO NOT DISRESPECT ME
01:07.21CorrodiasI CUT YOU
01:07.33GuillotineDissonance: see
01:07.45Guillotineyou want to use the CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_XP_GAIN event
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01:07.55Guillotineand it returns a different pattern depending on how you got the xp
01:08.37DissonanceI suppose I'm supposed to parse what it returns?
01:08.50Guillotineyup. the first 4 are from kills, last is from quests
01:08.52Guillotineuse the patterns
01:09.23DissonanceI don't follow.  I have to use string manipulation to extract what I want?
01:09.46DissonanceWell, at least to determine where the XP originated, I mean.
01:10.01Guillotinelocal _,_, killedcreature, xpgained = string.find(arg1, "(.*) dies, you gain (.*) experience.")
01:10.22Guillotineactually would probably be better if you used %d* in the second part
01:11.17Corrodias"Midori is a vibrant green, honeydew melon flavored liqueur launched in the US in 1978. It's high versatility and refreshing melon taste has made it an essential bar ingredient, used in world famous cocktails such as the Midori Margarita and Melonball."
01:11.23DissonanceHrm, this is going to take a bit of work.  I'll have to localize it from here on out.
01:11.48DissonanceString-manipulating was something I was trying to stay away from to maximize compatibility.  
01:13.27Hobinheimyou mean localizing?
01:13.30nymbiaDissonance: all those combat log strings are available localized
01:13.32Hobinheimoh or for other addons?
01:13.45nymbiaDissonance: they're global strings
01:13.59GuillotineDissonance: you might be able to match it against the localized strings COMBATLOG_XPGAIN_EXHAUSTION1, COMBATLOG_XPGAIN_EXHAUSTION2, COMBATLOG_XPGAIN_EXHAUSTION2_GROUP, ect.
01:14.12Guillotinenymbia beat me to it :(
01:14.38DissonanceBut if I do a  string.find(arg1, "(.*) dies, you gain (.*) experience.") it won't be able to figure out where the exp is in, say...  the spanish client.  It'll be in spanish, and thus the string won't match at all.
01:14.44Hobinheimis anyone actually a fan of lua? i think it's quaint, i like it
01:14.56Tullerquaint? :P
01:14.58GuillotineI like lua personally
01:15.03Hobinheimit's a small language
01:15.07Hobinheimit reminds me of javascript
01:15.51GuillotineDissonance: then try string.find(arg1,COMBATLOG_XPGAIN_EXHAUSTION1)
01:16.09Guillotinefor each global string at
01:17.29DissonanceSo what exactly is "COMBATLOG_XPGAIN_EXHAUSTION1" ?  An event or a variable?
01:17.43*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
01:18.42Tierrie|Workthere are many times when i feel that lua was written by a retard for retards]
01:19.13Hobinheimwhy do you feel that way
01:19.16Hobinheimsure it's no perl
01:19.32foxlitAnd if memory serves, you can't feed it into string.find
01:19.43foxlitNot directly, at least -- it's made for string.format
01:19.57Tierrie|Workindices start at 1, loops are ill conceived
01:20.03DissonanceSo in the event "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_XP_GAIN" I can just see what value is stored in each of these?  Like I'd just test to see which one wasn't nil?
01:20.25Guillotineyup. foxlit could be right that you need to use string.format though
01:20.42Guillotineprobalby is
01:20.51GuillotineI don't remember which one, I just chose string.find :P
01:20.54cladhaireTierrie|Work: That statement is rather offensive, in a number of ways.  Your issues with lua are likely your own, and nothing more.
01:20.55DissonanceWell are they going to hold the string as a value or the xp gained as a value? (I assume strings)
01:20.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
01:21.00IndustrialYou are now Friendly with Silvermoon City
01:21.05foxlitCOMBATLOG_XPGAIN_EXHAUSTION1 = "%s dies, you gain %d experience. (%s exp %s bonus)";
01:21.09Industrialer im horde wheres silvermoon? :S
01:21.17Hobinheimdo function calls always need to be written as function() and not just function?
01:21.20foxlitYou need to change those %s instances into captures for it to work in string.find
01:21.23Industrialsounds alliancegayish :P
01:21.29nymbiaIndustrial: blood elf capital ;p
01:21.38Hobinheimwow this bouncing thing is crazy annoying
01:21.50Hobinheimthat's one hell of a sample
01:22.21Hobinheimmakes me want to bounce more. it's strangely addictive like tommaco
01:22.39Endit causes the problem it tries to solve :P
01:22.40GuillotineI know :D
01:22.56DissonanceRight now I'm using "PLAYER_XP_UPDATE" as an event for XP gains.  I can simply change that event to CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_XP_GAIN without losing functionality?
01:22.56Hobinheimok i gotta disable it
01:23.05Hobinheimfunny thing, the wave fires on spacebar, you can rejump in mid air
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01:23.26Guillotineya, the function calls whether or not you can really jump
01:23.33Guillotineand all I'm doing is hooking the function
01:23.43Guillotinesince theres no event for jumping
01:23.55Hobinheimlol you can't jump strafing diagonally
01:24.10DissonanceYes you can.
01:24.10Tierrie|Workcladhaire: ok I'm sorry and i take back what I said
01:24.13cladhaireHobinheim: That's bothered me a bunch lately
01:24.22Hobinheimamazing, you can strafe jump backwards but not forwards
01:24.31Hobinheimwell, at least not on my client
01:24.40cladhaireTierrie|Work: Id just like to better understand it.  Lua is a phenomenal language, if you don't come to it thinkgin that its something that its not.
01:24.49cladhaireTHe designers are brilliant people, to say the least
01:25.07Hobinheimyeah i had low expectations for lua and as i've come to understand it, it's strength IS simplicity and a low footprint
01:25.11Hobinheimi like simple and elegant
01:25.16foxlitDissonance: what exactly are you writing?
01:25.24HobinheimLOL i can't get enough of this bouncing i have to turn it off
01:25.40Hobinheimit's a keeper though. for those days where i ... gotta bounce
01:26.08DissonanceThat's my addon.  I'm working out the bugs, and trying to add in one minor feature.
01:26.18ScytheBlade1Anyone know of an addon that functions similar to ElkBuffBar, only instead it counts down for your cooldowns?
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01:26.22GuillotineHobinheim: if you're one of those that bounces alot, just type /ba off
01:26.29Guillotineand you'll lose the sound but it will still keep count
01:26.43foxlitHandle PLAYER_XP_UPDATE.
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01:26.56foxlitIt's easier, you don't need to parse strings, and everyone is happy.
01:27.07Hobinheimoo here's another peave i had that was useful... can an addon switch weapons in combat automatically w/o a hardware trigger
01:27.08GuillotineScytheBlade1: can be configured to look alot like Elk's bars
01:27.36ScytheBlade1Ohh, me likey already
01:27.38DissonanceThat's what I'm doing now.  But the hard-coded string says "# kills to go" even when xp is gained via a quest.
01:28.01DissonanceIt's a minor annoyance.  Nothing major.
01:28.04GuillotineSB1: also, author hangs around in here, though I forgot who it was
01:28.31DissonanceKirkburn, didn't you do Clearfont?
01:28.36ScytheBlade1"Shag" eh
01:28.37CorrodiasYES HE DID
01:28.44Hobinheimthe legendary
01:28.50Hobinheimthe baddest
01:28.57Hobinheimthe prettiest
01:29.12foxlitDissonance: I happen to have written a similar addon.
01:29.16KirkburnYes, I am ClearFont guy =)
01:29.23DissonanceJust checking.  I love it.  ;)
01:29.25foxlitYou can get rid of some of those by checking that the restedXP changed.
01:29.31KirkburnThanks :D
01:29.41foxlit(if you have rest, and you turn in a quest, your rested margin stays the same -- but it doesn't for kills)
01:29.42Hobinheimi admin with the guy and i don't even know what clearfont does =P
01:29.43Corrodiasi gave clearfont a try. it was pretty nice, except that 1) it was going to take me some "getting used to", which i didn't have time for when i tried it, and 2) it enlarged the letters used by ItemRack so i could only see a couple of them. no big deal.
01:29.47Corrodiasi'll use clearfont in the future some day
01:29.52foxlitIf you're not rested, it still comes up :(
01:30.40KirkburnCorrodias, you can scale it. I just tested out ckknight's changes (haven't been on for a while). I should be able to do some more work on it sometime, but my WoW access time is limited atm
01:30.50DissonanceHrm, so I take it you just gave up on the idea of detecting mob/quest xp gains?  
01:31.24DissonanceIf only I could re-word the string to be applicable to both quest gains and mob gains, then I wouldn't need to change the coding at all.
01:31.26foxlitDidn't bother me much
01:31.31Corrodiasi just need to spend some time with the clearfont installed (yes, "THE clearfont") to get used to it
01:31.46Tierrie|Workcladhaire: i understand the purpose of the lua language -- but there are certain things that make it harder for other programmers to transition into it -- and for lua programmers to transition out of it. so while lua is great by itself, most language have some c'ism to it,  zero based indices, functions with braces, and well defined for(;;) loops are a few things i consider essential in any language. the fact is that the lua devs saw it necess
01:31.51DissonanceSame for me, but since I uploaded it to it's been tearing me apart.  
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01:32.11cladhaireTierrie|Work: And all of those languages are the same as a result.
01:32.14CorrodiasTierrie|Work: you cut off at "lua devs saw it..."
01:32.17cladhaireyou need to be able to break that paradigm.
01:32.27Corrodiasi like Lua, although one-based indexing bugs me
01:32.44DissonanceThe string displays right now as "[+64XP] [1000/2000] [50%] [16 kills to go!]"  Is there any rewording you could think of that would work for both scenarios?
01:32.46Hobinheimlol purist
01:32.49cladhairenot to mention, those differences make it EASIER for many developers to move between lua and another language.. becuase it is sufficiently different.
01:32.50Endzero-indexing is for languages that look at things in terms of offsets
01:33.13Endzero indexing is perfect for C, but lua can do without it
01:33.15Corrodiasthat's why it started, End, but i'm very used to it and they decided to make it different "just because they can"
01:33.29foxlithasharray > indexed array.
01:33.31Tierrie|Work"the lua devs saw it necessary to deviate from C syntax -- why?"
01:33.41Hobinheimtime for change?
01:33.46Corrodiasit's less intuitive to people used to other languages, although perhaps more intuitive to people not used to -any- languages.
01:33.54cladhaireYou should read some of Thomas Green's work
01:34.01cladhaireor anything on usability of a programming languages
01:34.13*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
01:34.18cladhairethe differences that exist make lua a great language for learning new difficult concepts
01:34.30cladhaireas opposed to C, where the syntax bites you in the ass more than anything.
01:34.38Corrodiasbut yes... i can see the value of one-based indices. i like the idea if i think about it. i just don't want to change.
01:34.48DissonanceI've dabbled in PHP, VB6, VB.NET, JavaScript and when I wanted to learn a bit of LUA, I was confused for a long while.
01:34.51Endanyways, the metatable/fenv/table stuff is what makes lua really interesting :P
01:34.56Tierrie|Workconcepts that may not be portable
01:35.03Hobinheimnever heard of thomas green
01:35.03cladhaireI can't speak for them.. but saying it's like retards writing a language for retards is just plain ignorant
01:35.32cladhaireTierrie|Work: It doesn't matter if they're portable.. you can extend any language with lua, or you can port the overall concept.
01:35.50cladhaireits completely ignorant to not like or have issues with a language because it isn't C.
01:35.51Hobinheimyay my addon works!!!
01:35.52Hobinheimthx all
01:35.57cladhairetry scheme, or haskell, or smalltalk
01:36.12Corrodiasscheme is very much unlike C
01:36.22Tierrie|Workmy favorite programming script is perl btw, i just tolerate C :P
01:36.31cladhaireand lua implements almost every feature of scheme, save true macros.
01:36.35ScytheBlade1Guillotine, coolDowns requires IFrameFactory which... still has a TOC of 11200
01:36.42Hobinheimwhich thomas green did you mean?
01:36.52Corrodiastom green? isn't he on TV?
01:37.04DissonanceOh dear.  Does he still get work?
01:37.23Corrodiasi don't have enough familiarity with languages other than Java and C++ to say how much i like languages like Lua, Perl, Python, or what have you
01:37.26cladhaireI believe that's him =)
01:37.42GuillotineScytheBlade1: IFramesFactory is included in the libs folder of coolDown
01:37.47Guillotineit'll work :)
01:38.22ScytheBlade1Guillotine, ah, it would seem that the curse version is just horribly out of date
01:38.40GuillotineScytheBlade1: could be that he hasn't updated IFramesFactory alone yet
01:38.44Guillotineif all his addons include it anyway
01:38.53Corrodiasbut i must say that Lua tickles my fancy
01:39.04Hobinheimi love languages. and comparing languages
01:39.11ScytheBlade1Guillotine, IFramesFactory is listed as a dep of coolDown on curse. Not on WoWI, though
01:39.17Industrialding 24
01:39.28cladhaireand i most importantly love appreciating languages where they are a great asset
01:39.34ScytheBlade1Guillotine, wait, I lie, it's still listed as a dep.
01:39.49Hobinheimi love learning how a language is different empowers it to do certain things
01:40.00purl/moo at all tauren you mouseover! (Only works well for alliance). Available at
01:40.00Hobinheimi'm a perl guy myself
01:40.20GuillotineI'm a purl guy myself
01:41.15Corrodiasi'm a sexy guy
01:41.29foxlitGuillotine: you should probably set compatibility/localization flags
01:41.35foxlitCan't seem to find it otherwise
01:42.08Industriali'm a girl! er wait no.. im just a guy
01:42.09EndWe're a plural guy
01:42.26Guillotinefoxlit: fixed
01:42.41Corrodiasyou want some unintuitive languages, check those three
01:42.48Guillotinejust search for comedy. Thats what all my funny addons are labeled under
01:43.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
01:43.15foxlitLanguages based on brainfuck: COW reformats brainfuck's commands as various capitalisations of the word "Moo".
01:44.43EndGuillotine: /Leeroy Last updated 37 years ago
01:44.48IndustrialKirkburn: woot
01:44.55GuillotineEnd: and it will never be updated again
01:45.16Guillotinewell, at least not by me. Thats the type of addon that attracts people asking how to download
01:45.25Guillotinenot install, but download
01:45.35Guillotine"put your mouse over download. ok, now click"
01:45.57Guillotinealso, the leeroy era is over
01:46.00Guillotineits all Automootic now
01:46.54Hobinheimis there an event that fires when i hover over a doodad?
01:46.58Hobinheimor target an npc?
01:47.31nymbiahover would be CURSOR_UPDATE
01:47.39ScytheBlade1Guillotine, have you ever used coolDowns?
01:47.44ScytheBlade1err, coolDown
01:48.05GuillotineScytheBlade1: I tried it a month or so ago, but decided it wasn't needed for a druid or priest
01:48.23ScytheBlade1Guillotine, how the @$^#$^@$#^ do you move it from the dead center of the screen and make it smaller?
01:48.26DissonanceWhy does the upload page for addons on take so long to load?
01:48.55Guillotineuse the blue minimap icon
01:48.57Neuro_Medivhcause it takes that long for the worldofwar page to try and upload trojans to your computer
01:49.06HobinheimFired when the player single-clicks terrain. This excludes doodads, NPCs and other PCs.
01:49.19ScytheBlade1That's one ugly icon
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01:49.24ScytheBlade1Like... impressively ugly
01:49.36Tierrie|Workon another note, have you guys ever had to carry a banana in a backpack and then when you got to class or lunch break you found that the banana has been crushed or bruised and its all mushy and yucky?
01:49.45Tierrie|Workwell worry no more
01:49.55Tierrie|Workits almost nsfw :P
01:50.04Neuro_MedivhI thought it was gonna say "protect your snatch"
01:50.33Hobinheimi think i saw this link already
01:50.39Hobinheimsay, what's a good lua idiom for unique-ing a list
01:50.47Hobinheimany short and sweet ways of doing it?
01:50.57Hobinheimlol banana bunker my ass
01:51.11Tierrie|Workthat sounds a bit gay hobinheim.....
01:51.20Tierrie|Workand a bit too much like an offer
01:51.56ScytheBlade1... lol
01:51.56Neuro_MedivhAre you a Cavendish man, Hobinheim?  Or do you prefer a nice thick Plantain?
01:52.05Tierrie|Workhobinhem: in perl you could do a transform from array to hash to array
01:52.33Hobinheimyeah but there are no lists and hashes and what not in lua right?
01:52.42Hobinheimi was just thinking sweep the current list...
01:52.45Hobinheimfor a match
01:52.50Hobinheimoh yeah i'm inserting values
01:52.58Hobinheimso given an insert, sweep, if fail match, insert
01:54.04EndI usually do table[entry] = true
01:54.16Endfor sets
01:54.30Zicontierrie|work: I have two banana cases, although no fancy BananaBunker.
01:54.33Tierrie|Worki think a brute force way to do it would be to for i=1,getn(table) do t[table[i]) = 1 end   table={}; for k,v in pairs(t) tinsert(table, k) end
01:55.00Endfor existance, then I do if(table[entry]) then blah end
01:55.26Endto iterate: for entry in pairs(tab)
01:55.34Hobinheimyeah i'm making my code extra retarded by handling multiple data structures... so it's easier to read in the event i don't need a full table
01:55.49Endalso, don't name your tables table :P
01:56.04Tierrie|Workits an example!
01:56.09Tierrie|Workno one names their tables table
01:56.18Hobinheimi... almost did
01:56.22EndI know, I know, just a friendly warning
01:56.24*** part/#wowi-lounge Dissonance (
01:56.31HobinheimLOLZ NUBZ
01:56.41Tierrie|Workdo they have orange bunkers
01:57.18Zicontierrie|work: :)
01:58.33Hobinheimbananas aren't all the same shape
01:58.44Hobinheimyou can't just bend a banana willy nilly, it'll hurt. the banana
01:58.50Hobinheimyou gotta be gentle with your banana
01:58.58IndustrialI bet you lose those all the time around the house Zicon
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02:01.02Ziconindustrial: Actually, they're stuffed in the back of a kitchen drawer. :p
02:01.16ZiconOne of them has contained a banana exactly once.
02:01.41BouviLOL already had a small fix to my mini-addon
02:02.43fubilua is so weird, whats up with the ";" at the and of a line, you can put one, but you dont have to?
02:03.06Tierrie|Workits one of the quirks of a non strict language
02:03.45fubiyeah im used to java, thats the exact opposite i guess ;)
02:04.53Hobinheimthe semi-colon is when you want to compound multiple statements on one line
02:05.05Hobinheimotherwise, the statements are independent of one another, by new lines
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02:05.15Hobinheimwhitespace sensitive, if you will
02:05.17Guillotineeither way you don't NEED to use semi-colon really
02:05.34Guillotineyou can do it all on one line without it. unless it means something different with the semi-colon than without
02:06.48Hobinheimdoes lua have arrays?
02:07.02Hobinheimor is it just tables by numeric index?
02:07.17Endjust tables
02:07.30KirkburnGoodnight all!
02:07.34Hobinheimgnight sir
02:08.05KirkburnGet back on #wowwiki, you :P
02:08.16Endinternally, tables have an array portion + a hash portion :P
02:09.05Hobinheimlike... if i said indexes 1 2 3 4 5 22, 30, A, B, C
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02:09.09Hobinheimit would only be 5 units long?
02:09.36Endthe array portion, yes
02:09.42Hobinheimi'm looking for a way to detect doodads, any ideas?
02:09.56Endthen you'd have a hash with 22, 30, "A", "B", "C"
02:10.10Hobinheima doodad becomes visible when gametooltip changes, right? so what event am i looking for
02:10.29Endyou mean like the little enviromental objects?
02:11.23EndI'm not sure an event is fired
02:11.53AnduinLotharMr_Rabies2: ping
02:13.21Tierrie|Workthey are all tables in lua you can mix numeric indices with keys
02:13.48Tierrie|Workwhoops wtg me with the 5 minutes late to the conversation
02:13.53BouviNight all
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02:45.35Mr_Rabies2<AnduinLothar> Mr_Rabies2: ping
02:47.51Endwho! where! why! when!
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03:25.47Smeltnis there another mod like cycircled that changes the borders on b3
03:27.12IndustrialYou are now Honored with Thunder Bluff
03:31.15Tierrie|Worki use bongos with cycircled
03:34.55*** part/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
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03:44.20Cairennhi Iriel
03:44.35IrielEvening Cairenn, how fares thursday?
03:44.44Cairennnot bad, you?
03:45.20IrielPretty good - I dont have to go into the office until next year, and I should have heating again tomorrow
03:45.41Cairennyou have no heating?
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03:46.22Cairennwell, here's hoping you have mild weather tonight
03:46.50IrielNo, our furnace failed the day I went back to work.. Space heaters take care of this room and the bedroom but it's been chilly elsewhere.. Not that it's bad by your standards, but by northern california softy standards it's no fun.
03:47.28Cairennhey, I am not so ignorant as to think that just because it's California, it means it never gets cold
03:47.52Cairennand, as you say, everything is relative
03:49.24IrielSo in theory tomorrow the HVAC guys show up with a new furnace/AC unit, remove the old one, replace it with the new one, dont drop either through the garage roof, and give me back some heat
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04:07.25Industrialwhere did my npc go
04:07.49Industrialah event she just spawned
04:07.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
04:08.08Hobinheimquick ninja question before bed, anyone out there
04:08.27Hobinheimuhh anyway
04:08.49Hobinheimcan i hook into the default gametooltip:show to react whenever the tooltip pops up?
04:09.51IrielYou can, though to do it properly you need to be a bit more active
04:10.06Irielsince the game opens it for its own purposes when you mouse over signs and things in game
04:10.14Irielwithout invoking its lua methods
04:10.18Hobinheimzomg you're from the forums right
04:10.23Hobinheimdon't you know everything
04:10.58Hobinheimhow can i datamine doodads
04:11.02Hobinheimthat's what i really want
04:11.02Irielfar from everything.
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04:11.13IrielYou pretty much have to check the tooltip's contents OnUpdate every frame
04:11.14Hobinheimi think that's the only tooltip data that i can't figure out how to mine normally
04:11.32IrielAnd then work out by whatever means you can think of whether or not it's because of a doodad
04:11.38Hobinheimhow much of a slow down is binding a query to onupdate?
04:11.42VoidRaider|VRNah we all know he's Slouken lol
04:12.01IrielHobinheim: Measurable, but likely not noticable
04:12.06Hobinheimalso, is onupdate how graphical mods update in real time? i never really understood how that worked
04:12.59IrielHobinheim: Yes, it gets fired right before the screen is repainted
04:13.12Hobinheimok well that's all i wanted to know for onw
04:13.16Hobinheimthanks, slouken, you're the best
04:13.38IrielPeople have seen the 2 of us together, and know this to be true
04:13.38Hobinheimis iriel a girl's name or a guy's name?
04:14.00Hobinheimwait what? do you work for blizzard? no, right?
04:14.00IrielIriel (the character) is a girl.
04:14.00VoidRaider|VRIriel come on mate, ... admit you are! :P
04:14.18IrielI do indeed NOT work for blizzard.
04:14.20Hobinheimso you're a dude playing a female?
04:14.34VoidRaider|VRIt's a fantasy world :)
04:14.36Hobinheimhow are you in the proximity of a blizzard employee? are you bed fellows?
04:14.41Hobinheimdo you mind merge nightly?
04:14.56Hobinheimiriel = slouken's astral projection
04:14.59Hobinheimi've solved ite
04:15.01Hobinheimeveryone go to bed
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04:15.34Hobinheimmy main point is that i wanted to join the ranks of the many data gathering mods...
04:15.39Hobinheimand i'm tired
04:15.41Hobinheimnight all
04:15.44Hobinheimthx iriel
04:15.45VoidRaider|VRAnyway any better way to know a temporary weapon buff then parsing the tooltip ? :|
04:16.02IrielVoidRaider|VR: There's an API for temporary weapon enchants, thoughj I dont recall how useful it is
04:16.11IrielA lot of stuff needs to get tooltip-acquired
04:16.21VoidRaider|VRyeah but it doesn't return the name :/
04:16.50Irielthen a tooltip-in you shall go.
04:16.59VoidRaider|VRI guess :P
04:17.21IrielIf you're smart about it it's not that much overhead
04:17.43*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
04:17.51VoidRaider|VRYeah :D
04:17.54sloukenlook ma, a newfangled IRC client!
04:17.54Cairennhey slouken :)
04:18.02Cairennyay! more than one channel at a time!
04:18.29Irielslouken: What's the client of the day?
04:18.42sloukenColloquy, for Mac OS X
04:18.42Thunder_Childwell there goes your theory Hobinheim....the two are together
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04:18.49Hobinheimthat doesn't count
04:18.55Hobinheimthat could be an imposter
04:18.56IrielHm, OS X - is that a new toy?
04:18.59Hobinheimor iriel's irc puppet
04:19.01slouken(just don't check the IP address routing)
04:19.16Thunder_Childyou now need a new theory
04:19.21Thunder_Childget cracking
04:19.23kremontedoes WoW play nice with OTF fonts?
04:19.27Hobinheimprove to me that you're slouken by granting me the priest staff of atiesh on my lock
04:19.42sloukenIriel, no, I've been running OS X for a while.  SDL 1.3 was developed on my MacBook.
04:19.48IrielHobinheim: I would imagine doing that would prove he's NOT slouken.
04:19.50sloukenHobinhelm, granted.
04:19.51Hobinheimi'm only staying up cuz it's not midnight and i found a sammich to munch on =)
04:20.16VoidRaider|VRslouken dies.
04:20.22Irielslouken: Is OSX worth at trip to the white side?
04:20.39sloukenIt's handy to have a triple boot system. :)
04:20.52sloukenOtherwise... however you get your kicks.
04:21.08Hobinheimshould we bother testing if this is the real slouken
04:21.13Cairennnope, they are two different people, I've met them both at the same time
04:21.13Hobinheimor accept that its a fake
04:21.19ScytheBlade1What's the "pick a random number" function in lua?
04:21.36Thunder_Childthats the only good reason for a mac
04:21.37ScytheBlade1Bah, of course
04:21.41ScytheBlade1here I was trying math.rand()
04:22.43Irielis cairenn the real cairenn, tho?
04:22.57Tullerwho's on first?
04:23.01Thunder_Childthey dont give out ops positions for free
04:23.13Hobinheimiriel is triple boxing slouken and cairenn
04:23.17Thunder_Childwell ok maybe for free...but not to everyone
04:24.21IrielI guess it couldn't be a white paper, since it's tainted.
04:24.49kremonteslouken: fix disconnects :-(
04:25.19*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v slouken] by Cairenn
04:25.34Hobinheimthese alleged slouken and iriel can prove their identities by posting a thread in the ui forums that mentions this chat
04:25.58*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (
04:26.22IrielI refuse to prove that I exist, for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.
04:26.28PProvostEvening everyone
04:27.02Hobinheimwithout Faith, you can always fall back on Brave
04:27.14kremonteFaith? use transcendence, duh
04:31.42ScytheBlade1math.round()? :(
04:32.20kremonteanyone know how to make opentype fonts play nice with WoW? :(
04:32.40Hobinheimmath.floor || math.ceil
04:33.09ScytheBlade1Close enough, thanks
04:33.26kremonteyou can do real rounding with string.format
04:33.40ScytheBlade1Nah, that works fine
04:33.49ScytheBlade1Especially for this /script macro I have
04:34.17ScytheBlade1/script SendAddonMessage("KLHTM", "t "..math.ceil(math.random()*100)*(math.random()*100)), "RAID");
04:34.46ScytheBlade1Sends random threat values to KTM ;)
04:35.03ScytheBlade1I just didn't want decimal points in there
04:35.03Hobinheimanyway, my sandwich is done
04:35.06Hobinheimas am i
04:35.08Hobinheimgoodnight all
04:35.23*** join/#wowi-lounge sdgasd (n=Shadow@
04:35.28kremontehaha ScytheBlade1, i may use that macro =P
04:35.43ScytheBlade1It's a nice macro
04:35.51ScytheBlade1There's a reason I looked into KTM ;)
04:37.44ScytheBlade1Or a better variant
04:37.52ScytheBlade1/script SendAddonMessage("KLHTM", "t 0", "RAID");
04:38.32ScytheBlade1<-- plays a mage :P
04:38.43ScytheBlade1Setting my threat to 0 is awesome.
04:39.37VoidRaider|VRI 'believe'
04:40.15*** join/#wowi-lounge pastamancer (
04:40.32pastamancerbah, multibyte characters!
04:40.53kremontemultibyte characters are for cool
04:41.46pastamancerI had to write my own string.len and string.sub to work with UTF8 :(
04:46.04slouken2Will the real slouken please stand up?
04:46.35slouken|AFKpoor Iriel
04:46.44IrielI think sloukini would be a great vegetable name
04:47.00sloukenettesloukini? rofl
04:47.07kremontewhy doesn't WoW play nice with opentype fonts :-(
04:47.33nymbia~blame slouken
04:47.34purlACTION blames slouken (and Canada) for all the evil in the world
04:47.47Thunder_Childand canada huh...
04:47.54sloukenHey Cairenn, did you see what purl said?
04:47.56nymbiayes, and canada.
04:47.59Thunder_Childpurl might be right at that
04:48.30IrielCanadia's the source of many of our troubles
04:48.32Cairennbad purl!
04:48.41sloukenOkay folks, see ya later...
04:48.44Thunder_Childyes, like nice people
04:48.46Cairennnight slouken
04:48.48*** part/#wowi-lounge slouken (
04:48.55IrielMine, at any rate, disproportionately to its population
04:50.05purli heard canada is the 52 state of America. only without all the cool shit like guns....
04:50.05kremonteanyone know of an otf to ttf converter? google gives me nothing but garblebla
04:50.35Cairennpurl, die
04:50.36purlACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
04:51.35Cairenn|afklater, daughter at PC
04:51.38Thunder_Childwell to many things US canada is domestic...not international......except for shiping...*grumbels* bastards
04:52.24Thunder_Childwow...thats still doesnt make any sense
04:52.28Thunder_ChildGJ me
04:52.56*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
04:55.20kremonteWTB old hunter's mark PST
04:57.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
05:03.54*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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05:04.40ckknighthey all
05:04.52Thunder_Childhey ck
05:05.44seebs!@#$1$@ computers.
05:06.11seebsImagine that you had a 60GB drive, and you were going to split it into a 10GB and a 50GB partition, and format the 10GB.  How many minutes would you think this operation would take?  TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN, that's how many.
05:07.54TainI'm thinking more like fifteen seconds.
05:08.37IrielIt would depend which O/S you were using, what tools you were using, and how full the drive was
05:08.51Mr_Rabies2holy hell is fred flintstone formatting your drive with a chisel
05:09.30TainIf you want to do it right you have to etch the bits by hand yourself.
05:09.30Mr_Rabies2i formatted a 300 GB hard drive in less than a minute, though it was a quick format
05:09.52IrielI dont think seebs'problem was the format
05:09.55VoidRaider|VRand what HD, FAT as well as technology :)
05:10.06IrielI suspect it was shifting the previously 60GB of data around into 50GB of space
05:10.51Mr_Rabies2still, that shouldnt take 3.5 hours
05:11.21Mr_Rabies2unless its fragmented as hell
05:11.38seebsNo, no, it's EMPTY.
05:11.41seebsBRAND !@#$!@#$ NEW.
05:11.53*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (
05:11.54seebsThis is just a FORMAT.  No existing data.  It doesn't even THINK there's existing data.
05:12.00Mr_Rabies2did you do a quick or full format?
05:12.06IrielWhat MR2 just said.
05:12.19seebsI thought "gosh, it's completely empty, even a full format of 10GB should take only a couple of minutes".
05:12.30IrielIt writes every byte of the disk
05:12.32Mr_Rabies2i always do quick unless i'm switching from one FS to another
05:12.33Irielin 'full' mode
05:12.46seebsYeah, but even then...
05:12.51TainA full format will hit every sector, it doesn't matter if there is data or not.
05:12.54VoidRaider|VRStill weird that it takes that long imo
05:12.55seebsIt's a pretty modern disk.
05:13.04seebsIt ought to be able to write something like 8-10MB/sec, at LEAST.
05:13.26VoidRaider|VRor took* :)
05:13.39seebsHere's the thing.  If it were just under 5MB/sec, the whole DRIVE would take about 215 minutes.
05:13.59seebsWell, huh!  It claims to be 16% done.  I wonder if, around 17%, it'll suddenly declare itself done.
05:14.32seebsI totally wish I'd thought to start that format BEFORE running out to do errands, though.
05:21.39Industrialding 25
05:24.21seebsMan, I totally need a life.  I'm sitting here watching a format bar tick.
05:24.38seebsMaybe I should log in and see whether I can level a toon up before the PS3 can finish formatting its stupid disk.
05:26.32Tullerhaha, you got a ps3 :P
05:29.00seebsHey, don't look at me funny, it's for WORK.
05:29.11Mr_Rabies2defragmenting an 80 GB drive that's 53% fragmented
05:29.15seebsHey, Tuller, did I successfully bug you about the feature I wanted in vBagnon?
05:29.28Tullererr, potentially, I might have forgotten
05:29.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Roladon (
05:29.35seebsOh!  I remember.
05:29.38seebsTwo things I beg of you:
05:29.55seebs1.  A way to EDIT a category, in case I pick the wrong flags for it when I create it.
05:30.04seebs2.  A way to see which flags a given item does, or doesn't, match.
05:30.28Tulleroh yes
05:30.32seebsI did a couple of experiments trying to make a category, and found it too painful, because I couldn't refine a category once I created it.
05:31.03kergothi want to be able to move around categories in the bar without swapping them.  moving one category between two others and shifting the rest down requires swapping like 14 different categories around for me :P
05:31.07seebsOh, and just because I'm a TOTAL LUDDITE:  I'd love an option for displaying the ALL category in the same order and layout as the actual inventory bags, so all Backpack items are to the right, and so on.
05:31.14Tulleronce I do the GUI properly, hovering over a rule will highlight any item in your bags that make the rule
05:31.24seebsYou are awesome.
05:31.28kergothperhaps just an option to drag a category to a position between two other categories, have a line highlight between them or something
05:31.37Tullerthat too
05:31.51seebsI have tried a number of other bag mods, they are, uhm.  Elaborate.
05:32.05TullerI can't figure out engbags :P
05:32.09seebsInteresting, but WAY too complicated for me.  Honestly, the search feature is pretty much the only thing I really needed.
05:32.43kergothwhat i love about vbagnon is that it provides a great deal of flexibility without a horribly complex configuration interface
05:32.58seebsOh, and one other feature request, since I pay you so much and you owe me some productive work:  Profile settings so I can set all my toons up with the same initial settings.
05:33.18Tullerthat'll happen too, eventually
05:33.25seebsI was pretty unhappy with the lack of any kind of sort or search feature for a while.  Then I discovered that there's a search feature.
05:33.51seebsI have gotten to be VERY cautious in my phrasing when I tell people that I want a feature they don't provide.
05:34.26TullerI really need to not have released so may mods :P
05:34.30Tullererr many
05:34.38seebsYou should drop the ones I don't use.
05:35.15seebsBy the way, Bongos is love.  Bongos+OmniCC replaces about three other mods I used to use, only it's way better than all of them put together.
05:35.35Tullerthe order of development right now is bongos, then vbagnon again
05:35.38seebsI thought I found a bug, but it wasn't yours; it was some kind of very weird problem I introduced by misusing Cedega.
05:36.06Tullerso quickly, figure out how setting up paging and stances should really work :)
05:36.11seebsI found a cool way to make Cedega destroy my SavedVariables completely.
05:36.27seebsWell, I've been unable to play because I'm obsessive, and I've been trying to get my extra keys working.
05:36.36Tullermy general idea is set the number of button sets a bar has, which are completely exclusive to that bar, and set states for those to show
05:36.42seebsSo until I figure out what to map them to to get Cedega and WoW to process them, I lose.
05:37.12seebsWell, the existing thing works fine for me so far.  I have 6-button bars, and I have all but a couple of them out, and just have a couple of bars shift with state changes.  It works okay.
05:37.28seebsI am not a big user of elaborate changes in UI; I'm okay with just having a few buttons greyed out, most of the time.
05:37.54TullerI can actually get by with 3 bars at max
05:38.04TullerI just need two with two pages
05:38.26seebsI end up using a huge number because I load 'em up with all sorts of trinkets and items that I like to track.
05:38.52seebsI am gradually developing patterns like "this bar over here will hold my potions and bandages".
05:39.17Tullereverybody has a manual autobar :)
05:39.58seebsPretty much.
05:40.02seebsI like to have all the things out.
05:40.16seebsWhat I wouldn't give for a way to specify which trinket slot a given trinket should equip in when clicked!
05:40.44Tullerisn't that possible via macros now?
05:41.30seebsIt might be, but then I have to use macros instead of just dropping items on a slot!
05:41.36seebsThen I *WEEP*.
05:41.48Tullerthe answer is it only lists Trinket
05:42.16*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
05:42.28JoshBork1*cry* someone help me :(
05:42.36TullerJoshBork1: hrm?
05:42.56JoshBork1for some reason my frame's OnShow handler isn't being called
05:43.06Tulleris it already shown? :)
05:43.17JoshBork1well, i've just done <frame>:Show()
05:43.27JoshBork1which should be enough, shouldn't it?
05:43.29Tullerxml or lua?
05:43.47Tullerframe:Show() would work, if it was hidden previously
05:44.12JoshBork1it's basically: frame:SetScript("OnShow", function() DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("I was shown!") end)
05:44.23JoshBork1with a frame:Hide() prior to that ;-)
05:44.32JoshBork1then, when I do frame:Show() I get nothing
05:45.00JoshBork1but if i do: if (type(frame:GetScript("OnShow")) == "function) then frame:GetScript("OnShow")() end
05:45.07JoshBork1it outputs what I want
05:45.33JoshBork1does it have to be visible for it to show?
05:45.45JoshBork1er, visible for it to trigger OnShow?
05:45.59Tulleryes, I think
05:46.08Tullerthat is, its parent needs to be visible
05:46.35JoshBork1blah, that's dumb
05:47.00Tullerwell, its not really shown yet :)
05:47.09JoshBork1but, but, blah
05:48.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Bandyn (
05:49.42JoshBork1it should be called OnVisible then :P
05:51.50Tullernow quickly, someone write me up a spec for how actionbars should be setup
05:52.10JoshBork1what do you mean, setup?
05:52.17JoshBork1as in visually or programmatically?
05:52.23Tullervisually :)
05:53.07JoshBork1oh, well, i'm partial to a semi-curved set of 12 buttons arranged in 2 rows in the center beneath my character that change like the blizzard bars.  at the very bottom I have a set of 12 buttons that hold misc stuff
05:53.25JoshBork1above the bottom 12 buttons i have space for a pet bar, then the curved buttons go above those
05:53.48JoshBork1perhaps a picture would help...
05:53.51Tullernot in the layout sense, but how stances and paging should be configured
05:54.00Tullerand sizing and what not
05:54.22JoshBork1um, beats me on stancing/paging =D iriel's the one who wrote that stuff
05:54.25Tullerthat is, I need to look back into mazzle's suggestions again
05:54.44Tullerhow the user should configure it, not how I should code it :)
05:56.07JoshBork1i'm but a simple man, don't confuse me such
05:57.15seebsObviously, you can do stance shifts in combat if they are "show these buttons instead of those" or whatever.  Is the 120-button limit still there?
05:57.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Karg (
05:57.51seebsIf you can get around that, just define full 120-button sets for each stance, and by default, any change made to the default stance is applied to all the others, but then you can modify them differently.
05:58.14seebsIf you have to have some reserved bars or buttons or whatever that get swapped in when someone changes stance, or whatever... Hmm.
05:59.10Tullerthe 120 button limit is still there, but I think I can break it
05:59.24seebsBut as an example, for my druid, I just assigned 17-18 to cat form, and 19-20 to bear.  (I have 6-button bars.)
05:59.35seebsSo I just had 10-11 be +7 for cat or prowl, and +9 for bear.  Good Enough.
05:59.40Tullerit would result in probably macros not being possible anymore
06:00.13Tullerwell, make that anything that's not a spell :)
06:00.20Tullerso basically the 120 limit is still there
06:00.29JoshBork1you can have infinite macros
06:00.30seebsHonestly, I'm pretty much okay with the 120-button thing, as long as I don't have the default GUI swapping bars around AND whatever stance stuff you do.
06:01.22Tullerwait, yeah I could break it
06:01.30Tullerbut it would be a bit iffy to configure
06:01.45TullerI would just have an infinite number of secure action buttons
06:02.25JoshBork1yes, very iffy to configure
06:03.16IrielThe 120 button limit is there for 'actions'
06:03.41Irielbut if you're using SecureActionButtonTemplate instances you can directly set up spells, macros, items, etc, without using up an 'action button'
06:03.57IrielYou would have to do more work to make them 'look' right though
06:04.06Tulleryeah, that's what i'm thinking about
06:05.21TullerIriel: are there any plans to speed up SecureButton_GetModifiedAttribute? :)
06:05.46seebsYou know what?  Thinking about it, please don't fake them up, because then you'll have the endless mass of confusions caused whenever people roll their own, and tons of potential bugs.
06:05.52Tullerits probably more of a problem with me having a gigantic statebutton than anything
06:06.20seebs120 is probably enough, as long as you give users reasonable control, and I'd rather have a small, efficient, Bongos which works reliably and interoperates well and is done soon.  :)
06:06.45seebsI used to think 120 wasn't enough, but that was because I was clashing with the Blizzard-provided action bar switching and stance changes.
06:06.46IrielTuller: Unlikely, most of the time it's used infrequently, there are bigger optimizations that could be made in the base code.
06:07.10IrielEventually I hope we see some kind of optimized method, but I doubt it'll be anytime soon
06:07.18seebsHonestly, the current setup ("Cat Form, bar 10 offset +7") works pretty well for me.
06:08.11Tullerseebs: what I want to make is a system where all the possible buttons a bar can have are exclusive to that bar
06:08.59seebsI am actually not totally convinced I want that.
06:09.15seebsImagine, if you will, a bar which consists of "items equipped on my person with a Use effect".
06:09.34JoshBork1ZOMG! it's working!
06:09.39*** join/#wowi-lounge MOT (
06:09.43seebsI might want this, in cat and bear form, moved over to a position next to my cat and bear feral attacks/skills, but otherwise put over with my other inventory stuff.
06:10.06Tuller, scroll down to mazzle's post
06:10.32*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
06:10.35seebs(May have to go for a bit, but I will think about this some more.)
06:10.39seebsCogwheel!  Good to see you.
06:11.07TullerIriel: its only really a problem for actionbar mods, but can be alleviated by saving the returns.
06:11.31IrielTuller: Indeed, a cache that clears on OnAttributeChanged should be pretty spiffy
06:11.44seebsHmm.  I see your point about the wasted space.  I just have all my bars the same size, so I never waste any space.
06:12.05seebsI do like the idea, in principle, of making sure all IDs are used.
06:15.20seebsHey, cogwheel, I still haven't been able to find a good way to remap keys suitably for my app, but eventually either I will, or I'll just write a tiny xlib app to snoop on the input stream for me and convert F13-F30 into modified F1-F12.
06:17.06cogwheelyeah... i really don't know how the windows API handles extra keys like that...
06:17.51seebsMe neither.  I only know the USB spec part, and I'm getting nowhere on it.
06:18.12seebsSo, I'm ignoring it to load Linux on a PS3 and make the nice editor pay me to write about it.  :)
06:18.24seebsPoor WoW.  Always getting bumped from my schedule just because of paying work.
06:18.50cogwheelheh... sounds like your living is a bit more interesting than mine :P
06:19.35cogwheelI get to fight with VBA/Access part of the time and deal with snobby rich people who drink too much wine the rest of the time
06:20.43Neuro_MedivhOne of my addons is bleeding memory like a stuck pig
06:21.19Neuro_Medivhwhat's a good memory loss?  I'm assuming 3kb/sec is atrocious
06:21.38cogwheelthat's nothing...
06:21.43Irielreally depends what's going on
06:21.51Neuro_Medivhstanding still in Ironforge =)
06:21.52seebsI'm a freelance technical writer.  It's very exciting, in that "not getting paid for 6 months this one time, while working an average of 10-20 hours a week" is sort of dramatic.
06:21.53cogwheeli get up to around 25-30 when enginventory is open...
06:21.57IrielIf there's a lot of channel chatter that's not bad at all
06:22.25Antiar1The very worst part about debugging addons that have to work around local cache issues is the /quit; clear wdbs; log back in required after every change.
06:27.24Tierriedoes an empty table t={} evaluate to true or false?
06:27.52cogwheelany value other than nil or false evaluates as true
06:28.35cogwheel(including 0... a gotcha for people farmiliar with other languages)
06:37.55Tierriemy lack of planning has doomed my last 300 lines ;(
06:40.15Irieltierrie: Did you see my comment yesterday about the metatable on _G NOT breaking wow
06:52.46VoidRaider|VRNight all
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07:43.23TierrieIriel I saw your comments, i don't know what to say to that
07:44.00TierrieI'll try it again sometime
08:08.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
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09:12.46*** part/#wowi-lounge ViRii[K] (
09:12.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ViRii[K] (
09:13.57ViRii[K] <- Error: Couldn't parse XML in Interface\AddOns\TyMod\TyMod.xml
09:14.32ViRii[K]Anyone want to help a newbie out?
09:15.21*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
09:19.39seebsEr, why not.
09:19.41seebsWhat help do you need?
09:20.23ViRii[K]Well I'm making this really simple mod, just to start out with that pops up a message whenever you get the killing blow on someone (In the middle of the screen just saying something like "You got the killing blow on X"
09:20.56ViRii[K]So far, I have the paste I did above for my XML document, and then this is my lua document
09:21.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
09:24.42ViRii[K]Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
09:25.56seebsIs that the whole XML file?
09:26.11seebsThen you're missing <Ui/>
09:26.15seebsEr, </Ui>
09:26.23seebsYou have to close EVERY tag, even the initial <Ui...> tag.
09:27.00ViRii[K]Ah ok just a sec
09:27.03seebsOh, and your <Script> line needs a /; it should be <Script file="TyMod.lua"/>
09:27.19ViRii[K]Alright, anything else?
09:27.30seebsNothing leaps out at me.
09:27.45seebsGet an XML parser, it'll save you a lot of trouble.  :)
09:28.26ViRii[K]I'm using Blua, is that what you mean or..?
09:29.14seebsAn XML parser would be a program that would tell you that you failed to close a particular tag in your XML, for instance.
09:29.33seebsI don't know what people use for that in Windows land.  I do enough XML that I just eyeball it, but I don't recommend that to sane people.
09:30.37ViRii[K]Hmm ok
09:32.57seebsAnd with that, I think I'd better decide whether I'm working or sleeping, 'cuz I have to feed a friend's cats in about 5 hours.
09:43.30ViRii[K]Is there any event that fires when you get the killing blow on someone?
09:43.30ViRii[K]PLAYER_PVP_KILLS_CHANGED fires whenever you get any HK
09:45.56ViRii[K]Hmm, what do the two args mean in the wiki?,_Character,_Chat,_Cinematic,_Clear,_Close,_Confirm,_Corpse,_Craft,_Current,_Cursor,_CVar)
09:46.56nevcairielits the string you can parse for, to detect if it really was a killing blow
09:46.58nevcairielor a death
09:49.32ViRii[K]So, how would I check to make sure it was a killing blow? CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILE_DEATH(arg1)?
09:49.54seebsCHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILE_DEATH, check arg1 against "You have slain" -- but be aware that this needs localizing if you care about other languages.
09:50.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Grem (
09:50.23GremDoes anyone know a way to check if a UI element exists with a function
09:50.34GremOther than if UIElement = nil
09:50.39Grem== nil  that is
09:50.50GremI need a way to check if an object exists and have it return TRUE or FALSE
09:51.24ViRii[K]seebs: How would I "check arg 1 against"  I'm new to Lua but not new to programming
09:51.48ViRii[K]Something like: if(CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILE_DEATH = "You have slain") send_message() ?
09:51.49seebsif (string.find(arg1, "You have slain")) then ... end
09:52.19seebsYou can't use comparison (which is ==, not =) because it's "You have slain Kobold Laborer!", and the strings would be different.
09:52.28seebsSo you use string.find.  Or at least, I do.  :)
09:52.43seebsGrem:  I think your only option is ~= nil.
09:52.51GremI need another option =)
09:53.03GremLUA doesnt have a way to check ?
09:54.01seebsWhy do you need another option?
09:54.07nevcairiel(getglobal("framename") == nil) ?
09:54.40seebsI guess, I don't understand what you're trying to do at all.  I can't think of a case where I would need to know whether a UI element existed, but "~= nil" wouldn't work.
09:54.53ViRii[K]seebs: Like this?
09:54.57GremI just want something like:  if (UIElement.exists)
09:55.06Gremor  ObjectValid(UIElement)
09:55.10GremSomething to that effect
09:55.17nevcairielif (UIElement)
09:55.20nevcairielwhats wrong with that?
09:55.43seebsGrem:  local function ObjectValid(u) if (u ~= nil) then return true; else return false; end end
09:56.09seebsBTW, ".exists" could never happen; if it doesn't exist, there's nothing to call the method for.
09:56.26GremGood point
09:56.36seebsViRii:  Yeah, although IMHO you should format more consistently with other addons, it'll make your life easier.
09:56.55seebsCanonical lua formatting is "if (condition) then // [indented] actions // [unindented] end
09:57.14ViRii[K]hmm ok
09:58.08GremIs this a valid statement, on one line:  if MyUI then return true end
09:58.36seebsIt might be; you may need the ()s.
09:58.43seebs<-- not really a lua expert
09:59.40seebsWow, I just had one of those astounding insights.
09:59.44seebsOn the one hand, I'm hungry.
09:59.49seebsOn the other hand, I have a case of ramen.
09:59.54seebsI could totally take decisive action here.
10:02.12ViRii[K]how would I get it to say the name of the player that you get an HK of?
10:02.47ViRii[K]and how would I display something as a message in the middle of the screen rather then a new window that they have to close?
10:04.10seebsI don't know about the middle of the screen thing.
10:04.25ViRii[K]Well what about the regular chat window?
10:04.47seebslocal player = string.match(arg1, "You have slain (.*)!"); if (player) then message("You kilted " .. player); end
10:05.09seebsDon't ask me.  I have only marginal awareness of the WoW UI API.
10:05.25seebsI'm just hanging out while I watch the world's slowest Linux installation.
10:05.53ViRii[K]lol ok
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10:23.01fubido you guys use the new focus target?
10:23.14seebsI haven't yet.
10:23.23seebsI haven't been able to play much, though, I've been debugging my addon or working.
10:28.47fubidoesnt seem very useful to me, when some kind of raidframes
10:30.19seebsI think it's there to basically let you have a pair of targets; say, so you can watch one target consistently while messing around with others.
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10:34.14subbawti use it
10:34.49subbawtas a healer i generally set a warrior as my focus
10:34.58subbawtwhether it's on trash or a healing assignment on a boss fight
10:35.13subbawtand i have combat text enabled for the focus unit frame
10:35.24subbawtso i can see everything that's happening to him while switching targets to spot heal
10:35.34subbawtand i have a few keys bound to macros that cast spells directly on my focus
10:36.32seebsOkay, cool.  I've never played a healer seriously, so it's nice to know my abstract theorycraft about how to play one works out.  :)
10:37.36subbawti would imagine it would be useful in situations like domo
10:37.41subbawtmage set healer to focus
10:37.43subbawtsheep focus
10:37.49subbawtand follow MA
10:38.06zenzelezzhm, good point...
10:38.12zenzelezzno more "WHERE'S MY ADD!?"
10:38.27subbawtno stumbling to find your raid symbol either
10:38.38subbawtomg where's the nipple!
10:39.57*** join/#wowi-lounge FtH|eagle (
10:40.20zenzelezznow if only the other warriors in my guild would learn the MT raid symbol order x.x
10:40.51zenzelezztwo of us have a macro to tell them, but I seem to be the only one that remembers them
10:42.08subbawti really like the focus target
10:43.27subbawtit also makes assist macros pretty easy
10:43.34zenzelezzI haven't used it much yet myself, but I think it's a really good addition
10:43.37subbawt/focus MA
10:43.43subbawtand have a macro that is like /assist focus
10:43.49subbawtno more macro editing!
10:44.53subbawtfor the default UI, all i can see that it does is adds a glowing frame around your "focus" when you select him
10:45.20subbawtbut with aguf you can have the unit frame of your focus displayed on screen at all times
10:45.28subbawtand i would imagine most other unit frame mods have the same feature
10:45.42zenzelezzor could easily, if they don't
10:47.44subbawtsometimes i set the boss as the focus, just because as a healer i like to see what's going on
10:48.08subbawthow dps is, if debuffs are being taken care of, etc
10:48.42zenzelezzthrow more DoTs!!!
10:49.01subbawtmore like More HoTs!
10:49.10zenzelezznot on the boss
10:49.15subbawtpeople don't utilize stacking hots enough in my raids :(
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11:16.11ViRii[K]So if I have two events registered with my mod, how can I differnciate between the two when one is fired?
11:19.55zenzelezzdepends slightly how your function is formed, but something like "if event == FIRST_EVENT"
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12:31.34KirkburnAah, crap. I should've kept track of my bandwidth usage
12:31.53KirkburnGot £20 on my next bill :/
12:32.04clad|worki have to track bandwidth out therE?
12:32.07Grine<3 unlimited use :P
12:32.07clad|workthat's gonna kill me =/
12:32.16KirkburnNo, no
12:32.20KirkburnDamn public, downloading stuff from ClearFont
12:32.37clad|workKirkburn: I can toss you up with unlim bandwidth
12:32.42Kirkburn20210 MB downloaded this month
12:33.01clad|workthat's like 0.25% of my allowed bandwidth
12:33.04clad|worki'm serious btw
12:33.07clad|worki could at least mirror
12:34.40KirkburnHmm, could be an idea ... I'm going to remove the files that have bumped it up this month later, might talk to you about it later :)
12:35.03KirkburnI'm glad that it's only £0.99 /GB, thought it might have been more
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12:50.07GrineHobinheim, ?
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13:02.21Bouvi~good morning
13:02.25purlGood morning, good! Have a cookie... oh no! The cookie jar is dry!
13:02.42BouviPurl ate the last cookie :(
13:06.15*** part/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
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13:47.45Bouvi~too quiet
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14:22.23xgravixwould you trust somebody with to craft three arcanite bars for you =/
14:22.39BouviOnly a guildie
14:25.48Neeblerwell they can only craft a bar once every 2 days, or some cooldown like that
14:26.13zenzelezz48 hours, yes
14:27.28Neeblerlately alot of people are transferring and ebaying, so I wouldn't trust any deals that are shady
14:28.03NeeblerI've never been scammed before but I lost 200g to a former guild mate, who asked to borrow it from me, then transferred the next day
14:28.44Neeblerhappened a couple of days ago
14:28.45BouviMost of my guildies I have known for about 5 years.  We were all in another game together.  I trust them.
14:31.27foxlitIs trust binary?
14:33.24BouviI think more like assembly
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14:34.20foxlitI'd prefer a datatype :P
14:34.35foxlitIs trust binary?
14:34.41foxlits/binary/a boolean/
14:35.33BouviTrust is like an if statement.  You trust or else.
14:36.07foxlitThat'd make it a boolean.
14:36.27BouviNo that is a thin ghost
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14:38.38Cairenn|afkBouvi: re your PM to me on the site ... You're welcome :)
14:39.37Bouvihehe I had to think for a min.  It was 4:30 in the morning (woke up and could not sleep)
14:40.37Smeltn0101010101 on my guildies
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14:42.16cogwheelCairenn|afk: did you see my post in the Mod Author Resources thread?
14:42.48Cairenn|afkI need to get the thread updated again
14:43.11cogwheelbtw: i reworded it to fit into the post :)
14:43.28Cairenn|afkthe Macro thread needs to be basically re-written, at this point
14:43.32Cairenn|afkthanks :)
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14:49.18amroanyone know of a text editor that allows you to view multiple files at once emacs-style?
14:50.20Smeltnwho makes cycircled
14:50.39Smeltnand is there another mod like cycircled  for b3?
14:51.15nevcairieli think sairen does cyCircled
14:51.25nevcairielbut i dont think its easy to hide empty buttons with cyCircled
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15:09.27|FF|Im2good4ub:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-Panel-Button-Up") works but this b:SetNormalTexture(GetMacroIconInfo(1)) doent ?
15:09.43|FF|Im2good4udoes some1 got any idea why ?
15:10.44nevcairieltry GetMacroIconInfo if it returns the right thing?
15:12.49|FF|Im2good4uir does
15:12.57|FF|Im2good4uit does return a string to a texture
15:15.19|FF|Im2good4uweird isnt it ?
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15:16.01foxlitMagic does not exist.
15:16.05|FF|Im2good4ui use it somewhere else on a texture whit RaidLeaderAssist_Interface_Icon_Panel_TextureTexture:SetTexture(GetMacroIconInfo(newtexid)) and it works just fine
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15:16.20foxlitSo find what goes wrong and fix that.
15:16.23zenzelezzif I  try /script message("Texture: "..GetMacroIconInfo(1)); I get a message with just "Texture: ", nothing more
15:16.46nevcairieli dont get a texture name either
15:16.54nevcairielbut i dont know how macros are indexd :)
15:17.45|FF|Im2good4ui have a /command to Silvanas.Print(GetMacroIconInfo(1)) and i do get a texture patth .. let me try the /script
15:18.06foxlitGetMacroIconInfo(1) gives nil
15:18.11nevcairieli did it with /dump using devtools
15:18.16nevcairieland gave me a empty string
15:18.37foxlit(or, yes, an empty string)
15:18.42foxlitSo use a valid index.
15:19.13|FF|Im2good4u1 is valid lol its the first icon a ? mark
15:19.20|FF|Im2good4uindes fdoes from 1 to 722
15:19.29foxlitNevertheless, you don't get the icon texture back.
15:20.05|FF|Im2good4usomehow now im trying it i do get the path but my burron does indeed not seem to get the texture back :9
15:21.06nevcairielinteresting thing now tho..
15:21.08nevcairielReturns "name", iconTextureID, "body", local = GetMacroInfo(MacroID)
15:21.12nevcairielaccording to wowwiki
15:21.21nevcairielbut it does return the texture strrng for me :D
15:21.26foxlitGetMacroIconInfo, not GetMacroInfo
15:21.29nevcairieli know
15:21.34foxlitBut the wiki is missing something.
15:21.35nevcairielbut i wanted to check the icon id
15:21.44nevcairielbut it doesnt return it
15:21.47foxlitI've got an idea, will get back to you in a few minutes
15:21.47nevcairielit tells me the full string
15:22.38nevcairieltime to update that wiki page i guess
15:23.16foxlitGot it
15:23.25|FF|Im2good4uOO rly ?
15:23.26foxlitCall GetNumMacroIcons() before attempting to call GetMacroIconInfo()
15:23.50|FF|Im2good4uah oke that sounds reasonable
15:24.09nevcairielstupid UI
15:26.00|FF|Im2good4u`thanks a lot foxlit that indeed fixed my problem now time tp update the wiki :P
15:27.02foxlitDone that already. :)
15:28.37|FF|Im2good4ui see
15:30.17|FF|Im2good4uoke now my button textures work its time for my button texts's :p
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15:41.16BouviThis addon making think is fun :)
15:41.54|FF|Im2good4uwut think
15:42.04zenzelezzuntil you release something and you get all sorts of noobs hassling you to add stuff, change stuff or "how 2 install k??"
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15:42.25BouviThis addon making THING is fun.  Thanks alot purl you wimp
15:42.38zenzelezzdon't blame the bot, you left out the trailing /
15:42.48BouviBeen there done that with my UIs over the past year or so.
15:43.05BouviSorry purl as usual I am the bonehead lol
15:43.31Thunder_Childand besides you were trying to change thing -> think
15:43.45zenzelezzthere's a striking amount of people that forget the trailing /
15:44.34BouviI never packed all the addons my UIs used but linked to them from my site.  One day this guy e-mails me asking for a pack and copied the links from my website completely intact.  I could click on each one and download the mods.  That had to have been the hilite.
15:44.46Gnarfozthere's an even greater amount of people who don't know what that means, anyway ^^
15:46.35BouviDang I cannot spell sniff
15:47.25Bouvipurl to the rescue.  I just want to be home lol
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16:10.29TheKarnanyone know how to move the blizzard character screen down?
16:10.45foxlit"blizzard character screen"?
16:11.11TheKarnthe characted screen, the one you get when you press "c"
16:11.31BouviOh you could use MoveAnything
16:11.38BouviOr you mean programming wise
16:11.39Cairenn|afkyou'd have to get something like MoveAn ...
16:11.45TheKarnprogramming wise
16:12.04BouviWell that is above my head.....
16:12.23TheKarni just wanna move the tops of all the frames to 20 pixels below SkinnerTF:GetBottom() ;)
16:12.52Endyou'd have keep it from being managed anymore
16:14.07Drooliois there any provision for taking over an addon project page on wowi?
16:14.19Cairenn|afkDroolio: what mod?
16:14.27Cairenn|afklink, please?
16:14.49EndTheKarn: unless, do you want all the "panel windows" moved?
16:14.50Cairenn|afknm. found it
16:15.12TheKarnif by "panel windows" you mean Character frame, social frame, spellbook etc ... then yeah :)
16:15.20Droolioi've taken the project over on curse and with permission from sammysnake the original author...
16:15.34Cairenn|afkDroolio: send me a PM on the site with the link, I'll get it transferred over to you, since it does seem to be abandoned
16:15.42Drooliook thanks
16:16.31Cairenn|afkare you taking over the plugin version of it as well?
16:17.09EndTheKarn: you may have to replace SetLeftFrame, SetCenterFrame and SetRightFrame in UIParent.lua
16:17.20Endwhich, unfortunately, might brings issues up with taint
16:17.34Drooliothe titan plugin is already part of the zepmaster package so really it's obsolete
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16:17.38TheKarnMoveAnything has done it afaik
16:17.46TheKarni might get a copy down and see how it was done
16:18.04Cairenn|afkDroolio: okay :)
16:18.29Endwell, it's the points are set directly to UIParent unfortunately
16:19.58TheKarncheers cair
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16:52.25TheKarnhmm .. that was easy enough ...
16:52.40TheKarni just replaced the SetLeftFrame method in UIParent.lua
16:53.58JoshBork1go in to combat ;-)
16:54.15TheKarn <-- what i've done so far :(
16:55.05TheKarni'm in combat ... and its still working fine
16:55.20Endtry opening the spellbook frame
16:55.58TheKarnhow do i get around that?
16:56.06EndI'm not sure you can
16:56.48Endwell, you might be able to get it so in combat other frames get adjusted properly, but that one is placed where it normally gets placed
16:57.21TheKarnJoshBork1, can you think of a better way to move all the frames down below SkinnerTF?
16:58.11JoshBork1don't ask me, i'm just a simpleton
16:59.12Endanyways, the spellbook frame doesn't show up at all, right?
17:00.39Endwell, what you could do is securefunchook() on SetLeftFrame to just move frames -after- blizzard shows/messes with them first
17:01.01Endand add an except for SpellBookFrame, since you can't move that
17:01.03TheKarni've not looked into securefunchook() before
17:01.29JoshBork1make sure that your secure hook isn't called when you move things either ;-)
17:01.54TheKarnwhat do you mean josh?
17:02.01Endthe hook would only get called when SetLeftFrame gets called, so that wouldn't be an issue
17:02.06JoshBork1ah, indeed
17:02.13Endand TheKarn only wants to readjust things
17:02.15JoshBork1like i said, i'm a simpleton :)
17:03.31Endanyways, unfortunately, your SpellBookFrame will still be put into the old position in combat, but that's the best I can think of right now
17:03.39TheKarnEnd, thats fine
17:03.49TheKarni hardly use the spellbook in combat anyway
17:04.10TheKarnits just i have my chat windows in my SkinnerTF and so my char screen covers it up :)
17:04.11EndI don't either, but there are those rare occasions :P
17:04.25TheKarnyeah and at that point it doesnt really matter where it gets put
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17:22.38Gnarfozanyone know a character profile thingy that works for beta servers?
17:24.30Cairenn|afkcheck wowreader
17:26.58TheKarnEnd, it seems to be working
17:27.13TheKarni had one error thrown when opening/closing spellbook in combat but it hasnt happened again for some reason
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17:34.10GnarfozCairenn|afk: I don't have a beta acc myself, but someone who has says his profiles don't show up under 'my characters' for him
17:34.25Cairenn|afkdunno then =/
17:34.36Gnarfozhrm. ctprofiles for him, then
17:34.42Gnarfozif they have beta items xD
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17:39.08Mr_Rabies2will someone please tell me why this makes me crack up so much:
17:39.35Mr_Rabies2every damn time i burst out into laughter
17:40.23|Shadow|do blizzard ever actually update the forum character charter?
17:40.43Cairenn|afkMr_Rabies2: that's just odd, lol
17:40.46|Shadow|i realm transfered over a month ago now, and it still thinks im from the previous realm :P
17:41.00Mr_Rabies2post on another char
17:41.07Mr_Rabies2then swap back
17:41.32|Shadow|can't do that either
17:41.37|Shadow|when i go to my character select page
17:41.39kergothMr_Rabies2, lol, i love the expression on its face at that link
17:41.40|Shadow|it says...
17:41.44|Shadow|There is no available character.
17:41.44|Shadow|[Return to Main]
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17:42.00Mr_Rabies2just like everything is perfect in that one
17:42.20Mr_Rabies2and sure enough, a cat, on a keyboard in space
17:42.21Mr_Rabies2and the music
17:43.50Mr_Rabies2oh and the tags
17:43.53Mr_Rabies2"Earths final protection"
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17:48.39|Shadow| lololololol gnome power
17:49.09TheKarnEnd, thanks, its all working now :) no errors at all
17:51.01TheKarn (if you're interested)
17:51.48EndI wish there was a :IsProtected() or something
17:51.58Endor maybe there is, I should check, heh
17:52.18JoshBork2there is a issecure() call
17:52.22TheKarnhmm yeah that'll clean it up a bit
17:52.58Endissecure() wouldn't help
17:53.19TheKarnframe:IsProtected() works fine
17:53.32TheKarnreturns 1 if the frame is protected
17:53.34TheKarnnil otherwise
17:53.38Endoh, well then
17:53.45Endthere you go
17:53.51TheKarn/dump SpellBookFrame:IsProtected()
17:54.32Teomyrhow do i map the ItemDisplayID from the WDB file to a texture name?
17:54.47TheKarn better now end?
17:54.57Endyes :)
17:55.01TheKarnwith parenthesis ofc
17:55.08Teomyrlike, the wdb file contains entries like 472, but i'd need the full name like INV_Misc_Scroll_19.tga or something
17:55.18EndI just noticed tha ttoo
17:55.30Endbut yeah, if you don't forget the () you should be fine
17:58.32TheKarnand it does work fine :)
17:59.13Mr_Rabies2okay my chair just made the song worgs make when they aggro
17:59.43Mr_Rabies2i looked around expecting like 50 worgs to be chomping me down then noticed wow wasn't running
17:59.45Cairenn|afkDroolio: transferred
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18:01.11Endok, I've added a small reference to :IsProtected to wowwiki
18:01.22Endoddly enough, you can call :IsProtected() on textures
18:01.33TeomyrMentalPower|PC: aah, nice, thank you!
18:01.38Endactually, that makes sense I guess
18:01.42TeomyrMentalPower|PC: i totally forgot about the dbc files
18:01.48MentalPower|PCTeomyr: specifically
18:02.50Teomyrnever seen that site before oO
18:04.44DroolioCairenn: thanks :)
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18:07.09Cairenn|afkDroolio: welcome :)
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18:25.40|Shadow|anyone know a addon that will simply filter out when someone types something more than once?
18:25.57|Shadow|like if someone types WTB [Item] twice, i'll only see the first time they type it
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18:49.10Tierrie|Worknot that i know of
18:50.01|Shadow|aww :(
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18:52.57Tierrie|Workthere's like infinite amounts of mods maybe Cairennw ill know
18:53.14|Shadow|ok :P
18:53.20|Shadow|would be cool if there was something like that
18:53.27|Shadow|just filters out all emote spam, trade channel spam etc
18:54.06KirkburnYeargh, looking at Dell PCs for my parents - one option: "512MB USB Memory Key [add £70.50 or £2/month-1]"
18:54.19KirkburnI got a 1 gig key for £17 :/
18:54.53nevcairielthats Dell
18:55.16|Shadow|Kirkburn don't buy a dell
18:55.18|Shadow|please, don't.
18:55.51|Shadow|i have had 2 Dell laptops which where bought for me
18:56.26|Shadow|noes, i hate you
18:56.53KirkburnHey, it's great
18:56.53|Shadow|both of the dells i had, the screens fell off after 1 and a half years of use
18:56.54KirkburnWho do you recommend though?
18:56.54|Shadow|one of them, we bought a new shassis, and gave it to my dad
18:56.56|Shadow|screens allready loose on that
18:57.06|Shadow|before dell, i had a IBM Thinkpad for 6 years. never had 1 problem with it.
18:57.16Gnarfozthinkpads own.
18:57.20|Shadow|Well IBM Thinkpads are obviously great, Asus are nice too
18:57.30Gnarfozsadly, they are not IBM Thinkpads anymore :<
18:57.52IrielI'm happy with the build quality of my Lenovo ThinkPad
18:58.22Irielbut it's one of the first that transitioned, so who knows if that will last
18:58.30|Shadow|i use it as a desktop now
18:58.36IrielYou DO need to buy 'business quality' thinkpads though, in my opinion.
18:58.36|Shadow|i have to have a peice of string to hold the screen up
18:58.56IrielSomewhere I have an old dell laptop with duct tape to hold the battery in
18:59.08IrielI'm not overwhelmed (or even just whelmed) with their robustness
18:59.13|Shadow|Iriel, call your local bomb disposal
18:59.16|Shadow|it might expode.
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19:00.49IrielShadow - It's not one of the exploding models, thankfully
19:00.57IrielIt's also not got any charge in it
19:01.04MalivilThat's why they are called Notebooks now, instead of Laptops
19:01.19MalivilNo, seriously
19:01.32MalivilThey aren't for use on your lap because they get too hot, so they renamed them
19:01.54IrielI always assumed that was a branding/marketing change, to imply light weight and portability
19:01.56|Shadow|yea i know :|
19:01.56Gnarfozthey've been called notebooks for far longer
19:02.08|Shadow|Dell laptop power! :D
19:02.16|Shadow|tis one of the 2 videos on youtube in my favorites lol
19:02.18MalivilYes, old "Notebooks" were smaller laptops
19:02.26Malivilbut now all "laptops" are generally called notebooks
19:02.26Mr_Rabies2that guy is all kinds of irish
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19:04.32Gnarfozthat was my mobile falling down onto my keboard. xD
19:06.08cogwheelIriel: the 2.0 changes concise list thread still lists "name" as a valid argument to the buff APIs
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19:07.07Irielcogwheel: Is it not? (I haven't played with buffs much since 2.0)
19:07.50cogwheelNope... cladhaire mentioned that slouken changed his mind because all the C code was doing was iterating through all the buffs... A check for the presence of two buffs was more expensive than iterating yourself.
19:07.56Gnarfozarghl. I need a X-Chat plugin to prevent accidentally closing x-chat through the close button in the title bar
19:10.11IrielSo you want a plugin to stop the close button from closing?
19:10.18zenzelezzwhy are you pressing the close buttons if you don't want to close it?
19:11.13Gnarfozno, just a confirmation like firefox gives me when I try to close it with multiple tabs still open
19:11.24Gnarfozand I'm of course pressing it it accidentally
19:11.46cogwheelGnarfoz: use chatzilla :)
19:11.53Gnarfozlike... closing another two windows and accidentally clicking three times
19:12.34GnarfozI'd rather use this GPL violation of a chat client ;)
19:14.19zenzelezzGPL violation?
19:14.47cogwheelmeh... GPL is overrated....
19:15.07zenzelezzhow does the W32 version violate the GPL?
19:15.16Gnarfozdrama and stuff, the author charges for the win32 version and does not provide the source code to it
19:15.48Gnarfozand the discussion was around how come he can claim to do that when parts of the code are not his own but from other people
19:15.49zenzelezzhow do all the others compile it for Windows without the source?
19:16.05Gnarfozfor the version he charges for, he does not
19:16.33Gnarfozit's obviously not the same version, because the free code does not include the shareware mechanisms
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19:16.44Gnarfozwhatever, I don't care, I use a third-party compile :D
19:16.54zenzelezzme too (when I'm on Windows)
19:17.01zenzelezznever looked at the code though =)
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19:17.16Gnarfozonly read it on the forums the day he changed that
19:17.30abugstupid quesiton, is lava damage considered fire?
19:17.50abugfire absorbtion works?
19:18.03abuggood stuff, thanks
19:18.19abugoh yeah, makes sense now
19:18.19EndI know from personal expierance :P
19:18.27abugfire pots on rag?
19:18.38Endactually that too
19:18.39zenzelezzlava should do frost damage!
19:18.47Fisker-do get some fire pots
19:19.10Fisker-buff your ranged damage a lot since they have no aggro
19:19.15Endthe instance I remember was jumping in the lava in BRD and a pot saving my life, but I've used quite a few on rag too
19:19.28zenzelezza potion for sons spawn can be a good idea
19:19.38zenzelezzdepending slightly on your class
19:19.46Fisker-you have one ready then
19:19.51EndI've gone rag fights without my pot going away
19:19.57Fisker-it's really just a matter of leaning
19:20.04Tierrie|Workwhat happens if your SavedVariables contains a reference to a function?
19:20.20Tierrie|Workor a reference to a frame, how is that stored in SavedVariables?
19:20.28abugI've been wondering that too
19:20.30Irielfunctions turn into comments
19:20.38Irielframes are tables, the userdata turns into a nil with a comment
19:21.03Endof course, there's the whole table or function as table key too
19:21.12Endbut I think it just puts a comment there too
19:21.15Irielthey're skipped with a comment
19:21.31IrielWe (slouken and the community) have been refining that for a bit
19:21.52IrielI think the 2.0.2 version will be doing everything 'right'
19:22.05EndI notice it no longer does [1] = "blah
19:22.09Iriel(the current 2.0 one has the lua 5.1 array initialization issue)
19:22.12Tierrie|Worki suppose frames are just metatables?
19:22.18Endit does "blah", -- [1]
19:22.29IrielThey're a combination of metatables and the magic [0] entry
19:22.43Tierrie|Workagain with the magic zero indice
19:22.44End[0] being userdata
19:22.44IrielEnd: Yes, that's because of a change in the language's parsing of table initializers
19:23.16IrielIn 2.0 frame's are a lot less mysterious too, since they use normal __index tables instead of the shared metaindex function
19:23.18Endwas it not interpreting it as the array portion or something and putting it in the hash instead?
19:23.52IrielEnd: Pretty much, lua 5.1 analyzes the initialization and pre-allocates the hash
19:24.05IrielEnd: So if you initialize it as a hash entry, it allocates a hash entry
19:24.17IrielEnd: Likewise if you initialize an array entry, it allocates an array entry
19:24.38Tierrie|Workso i suppose CreateFrame() is just magic for setmetattable( mytable, { __index = magicwowframe })
19:24.47EndTierrie|Work: you need userdata too
19:25.07Endthere's more than just setting the metatable under the hood
19:25.18IrielThat's the easy part, the real meat of CreateFrame is the C++ code that instantiates a frame object in the UI system
19:25.29Tierrie|Workoh ok
19:25.31Irielwe only see a tiny projection into lua land of the far more complex C++ implementations
19:25.40Tierrie|Worki find it easier to think of frames as objects
19:26.04Irielthey're lua objects, in the OO lua sense, for the most part
19:26.26Irieland since 2.0 you can write object-style script handlers
19:26.42IrielWhich reminds me I need a new 'use self not this' signature
19:27.27abugI feel like being rebellious and using this
19:27.55IrielIt's your performance and that of your users that suffers, your choice 8-)
19:28.17Tierrie|Workscrew the users
19:28.22Tierrie|Workwhen was the last time they paid me
19:28.27EndFrameXML seems to use this nearly everwhere still
19:28.43IrielEnd: That's the only reason 'this' is still there 8-)
19:29.13Tierrie|Workhey Iriel did they make you sign an NDA and let you see the source?
19:29.56IrielNo, but I do a lot of research and ask a lot of clarifying questions
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19:43.15Dezzimalyay more shit breaking each time I WoWace update
19:43.17cogwheelanyone know of any free svn hosting sites that don't require your project to be open source?
19:44.24Dezzimalthis is getting annoying :(
19:44.39SB1-Laptopcogwheel, what are you looking for?
19:45.35cogwheelJust some place to stick my addons so I can access them from multiple locations... I'm currently using a local svn repository for them
19:45.55IrielCan't you host it from home somehow?
19:46.16SB1-LaptopIf you checked out all of your addons, about how much disk space would it take up?
19:46.34BouviI am back did everyone miss me....
19:46.46Bouvi~Bouvi who
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19:47.23SB1-Laptopcogwheel, if 1) the SVN wouldn't be public and 2) you're not moving hundreds of MB over it, I could run it for you
19:47.33SB1-LaptopHave a T1 line attached to a 1.6TB RAID5 array
19:48.00Endaww, my RAID5 array is only ~1.1TB
19:48.08SB1-Laptop(Already running my own SVN off of it)
19:49.42zenzelezzmy ATA100 is 250GB zomg
19:50.14IrielMy little 250GB array feels inadequate
19:50.16zenzelezzI feel your envy!
19:50.24SB1-Laptopmmm, RAID5 ;)
19:50.26zenzelezzmy array is only one drive
19:50.32Endhehe Iriel
19:50.34cogwheelsry... was on phone.... too lazy to set one up at home :P     I'm pretty sure my addons amount to a meg at most...
19:50.46cogwheels/a meg/a couple megs/
19:51.06SB1-LaptopI don't have it running over HTTPS is the thing
19:51.08IrielHm, I dont need more capacity at present tho: /dev/md1             239988224  24344012 215644212  11% /archive/extraid
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19:51.19Endthe svn repository for my addons is about 8.5 meg
19:53.04SB1-Laptopcogwheel, will that work? a few MB tops is perfectly fine, as long as you don't update fifteen machines at once :P
19:53.09IrielI keep my SVN repositories on a mirrored drive pair instead of the Raid 5
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19:53.21SB1-LaptopT1 lines are only good for so much these days
19:54.27cogwheellol... exported, my addons amount to 676KB
19:54.48SB1-LaptopYeah, that'd be fine ;)
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19:56.16Tierrie|WorkT1's still good for upstream
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19:57.41SB1-LaptopKind of.
19:57.55SB1-LaptopI know residential DSL lines that oustrip them
19:58.00Tierrie|Worksorry, i mean, what were we talking about
19:58.16EndDSL lines are too dependent on where you live
19:58.18IrielWhat's the actual data rate on a T1?
19:58.24SB1-Laptop1.5433 mbit
19:59.35IrielThat's about double the maximum upstream capability of my (expensive) DSL, but only 1/4 of my downstream.
19:59.54SB1-LaptopCan be divided up into 24 channels... I do that for the point to point T1s I manage, giving me a general purpose link and a low-bandwidth "admin" link
20:00.01SB1-LaptopHow expensive is your DSL?
20:00.10Tierrie|Workresidential lines are fantastic for downstream
20:00.25IrielAbout $90/month
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20:00.48SB1-LaptopA T1 here (and we receive MASSIVE discounts) are roughly $300 monthly.
20:00.52Iriel(including an 8 static IP range, though only 5 of those are "available")
20:01.03SB1-Laptops/are/would be/
20:01.14Tierrie|Workthat's borderline retarded pricing
20:01.21Tierrie|Workwhy wouldn't you get virtual colo hosting instead
20:01.24SB1-LaptopNever mind the $1500 we spent on the hardware to run them
20:01.31SB1-LaptopI'm at a business... ;)
20:01.38SB1-LaptopBusinesses need internet.. ;)
20:01.40Tierrie|Workso the hardware is on site?
20:01.47Tierrie|Workoh gnoz someone blew up my home computer
20:01.47SB1-LaptopAll on site, I manage it
20:01.54Endthe T1 I have access to is at work too :P
20:01.55IrielI'm on my 3rd DSL router due to bad wiring in the house, so i'm catching up on equipment costs 8-(
20:02.00Endalthough we have a comcast line too
20:02.07SB1-LaptopI have comcast at my house
20:02.08End(er, cable)
20:02.13SB1-Laptop384kbit downstream SUCKS.
20:02.16Endwe get 8mbit down on that though
20:02.26End768kbit up I think
20:02.29SB1-LaptopBut I've also pulled 1MB download for 30m sustained speeds
20:02.47IrielI'd like to get a cable provider as backup but comcast haven't wired me yet.
20:03.35IrielThough given the comcast contractor trucks in the street a couple of months ago, they may have caught up now
20:06.01Tierrie|Workunless you work at mission critical online software, i don't think having a backup line is useful unless you plan on multiplexing the bandwidth somehow
20:06.17Tierrie|Workand by somehow i mean snippity snap
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20:06.29Endwell, at work, the T1 line is also the phone line actually
20:07.12SB1-Laptopmmm, channelized T1 lines
20:07.12Tierrie|Work <-- woot everyone respec plz
20:07.12Endno, just pretty normal phone
20:07.17SB1-LaptopT1s are divided into channels, 24 of them
20:07.19Endand the comcast line -was- really flakey
20:07.20Irieltierrie| I've had my phone company accidently disconnect my DSL before, and it took them over a week to fix it
20:07.30Endsometimes it'd go wet and go down
20:07.30SB1-LaptopYou can run 24 seperate POTS lines, or 24 data lines bound together, or some mix of both
20:07.41Tierrie|Workhahahaaa End
20:07.45Tierrie|Workwet = line dead
20:08.02Tierrie|Workelectricity + water = intarnet down
20:08.19IrielThat's my phone line issue, the lines under the house get wet in the winter and take out my DSL (and destroy my router).. The line's currently running across the floor inside.
20:08.21Endthis is outside of the building :P
20:08.41Endwe actually just moved locations
20:08.47Endso it's no longer a problem :)
20:09.30cogwheelhere at work we have half a T1 worth of POTS lines and a full T1 of data. (we actually have 2 full T1s that are in the process of being bonded)
20:09.30Endbut anyways, we discovered how useful having a backup line is
20:09.57Tierrie|Workwell what can you do :P I have a 3g pda phone that i can use as a theoritical modem with 1.5 mbps downstream
20:10.03Tierrie|Workbest i've managed is like 200-300kbps
20:10.14SB1-LaptopThat's all that 1.5mbps is.
20:10.15Tierrie|Workand cancer
20:10.30SB1-Laptop~google 1.5 megabits in kilobytes
20:10.43IrielWork has quite a bit more bandwidth than I do (eCommerce FTW)
20:10.46SB1-LaptopBah, purl lacks that support
20:11.24SB1-LaptopAll that 1.5mbit will get you is 192kB/sec.
20:11.32SB1-LaptopBeat you ;)
20:11.54cogwheelMy cable modem service is 6mbps/768k
20:12.14zenzelezzmy ADSL is 6000/600 :-|
20:12.22amromy adsl is 512/256k
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20:12.32amroand with regular downtime
20:12.44zenzelezzthe best part about it is that the price is still the same as when we signed up... back then it as 1024/256
20:13.51BouviMy work T1 sucks. We got a company who moved out of area and will not admit that 5k a second download is bad.  At home I have 8mbps/1024k I think or 768k
20:14.05amroi had 128/64 when i signed up, now its even cheaper though
20:14.32Tierrie|Worki am saddened my the fact that i didn't think about what SB1 said sooner
20:14.58IrielAh.. remember the days when a 33.6 modem was SMOKIN'!?
20:15.04SB1-LaptopOh, the mbit <--> megabyte conversion?
20:15.13Gnarfozmebibyte ftw
20:15.18foxlit8 : 1
20:15.20Enda byte is 8 bits :P
20:15.21IrielBut tierrie you said kbps not KBps
20:15.36Gnarfozthat's not how you differentiate those two, anyway
20:15.59Gnarfozthe first is kbit/s, the latter KiB/s
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20:16.18IrielI'm going to take issue with that
20:16.23Gnarfozyou may
20:16.25IrielThe K/Ki bit
20:16.34IrielI do prefer the explicit 'bit'
20:16.41Irielbut K/Ki is powers of 10 versus powers of 2
20:16.59cogwheelWTF? I log into a RP server and I see Mulahh, Hottpocket, Sneekeyjohn, Fuukuumuup...
20:17.00amronice table at the right
20:17.13amrocogwheel: there are no RP servers
20:17.20amroother than tram cybering, no RP in wow
20:17.26Gnarfoztram o_O
20:17.38BouviI am a marketing person :( *hides under a table*
20:17.53zenzelezzI remember laughing out loud, for real, when I saw Hasselhoof (the tauren druid) on an RP server
20:18.00SB1-LaptopBouvi, then YOU'RE to blame!
20:18.09End~blame Bouvi
20:18.11purlACTION blames Bouvi (and Canada) for all the evil in the world
20:18.11BouviSorry of my life
20:18.25BouviWHAT how can Canada get ANY credit!!!!
20:18.30GnarfozIriel: what were you trying to say with <@Iriel> But tierrie you said kbps not KBps <-- if not "you said bit instead of byte"? (maybe I'm not getting something ^^)
20:18.48SB1-LaptopActually the thing that pisses me off most about KiB and KB is how hard drive people are pretty much THE reason we have that differentiation.
20:18.52cogwheel~emulate cogwheel
20:18.53purlACTION shakes its fist at the forums
20:19.02Bouvi I mean I AM Blackheart Bouvi
20:19.03Irieltierrie said that the phone promised 1.5 Mbps but that only 200-300 kbps was delivered.
20:19.14SB1-Laptop#1 question people get after I install a new hard drive: "But I bought an 80GB drive! Why doesn't windows show that?"
20:19.19GnarfozI see :)
20:19.31IrielSB1 then said 'but that's all 1.5 M is' but that assumed tierrie was talking bytes not bits
20:19.44Tierrie|Workno i said the phone was capable of 1.5mbps
20:19.44Irielwhich IS possible, but it was by no means what got SAID.
20:19.46Gnarfozyea I see where it went, now
20:19.48Tierrie|Worknothing was promised :(
20:19.59Tierrie|Workseeing how i'm not supposed to be using this phone as a modem
20:20.53IrielSo.. do I work, or do I fix my samba install
20:21.07zenzelezzfixing a samba install is work :-|
20:21.08Tierrie|Workand then refactor your work definition to include it
20:21.16IrielThe last upgrade screwed me 8-(
20:21.56Gnarfozdo I migrate my two current servers onto the new one, or do I level
20:22.14BouviOK say I have a Fubar Addon (which I do) how do I save the icon disabled state.  Say if someone removes the icon when they zone it keeps coming back.
20:22.16Gnarfozor do I get something to eat, then to neither and watch a movie? xD
20:22.44amrowhatever you do, get something to eat
20:22.50amroor drink
20:23.03IrielCompletely off topic from wow but does anybody here have Samba 3.0.23 installed with ldap as the authentication backend
20:23.37SB1-LaptopIriel, I've attempted, but failed horribly ;)
20:23.39Gnarfozthat sounds like something I'd like to have, but am far too lazy to set up ;x
20:23.40cogwheel~emulate me
20:23.42purlEmulate you? I dont think I can dumb myself down that much!
20:23.49EndI have an attempt at samba 3.0.something with ldap for auth
20:23.55Endbut it doesn't work :(
20:24.00Bouvi~evil me
20:24.02IrielI had a setup that worked PERFECTLY before 3.0
20:24.15Irieland now it just freaks out and dies on startup
20:24.29SB1-Laptoptail /var/log/samba/* !
20:24.31Endno error messages?
20:24.40zenzelezzit's usually I that freak out when I try to set up samba :-x
20:24.54IrielOh, it gives me error messages, I know what it's whining about, just not how to fix it without caving  in to its demands
20:25.04IrielI dont want to set up a guest account, and it refuses to start without one
20:26.03amroset one up and disable it?
20:27.02IrielWell, I tried setting it to use 'nobody' but it doesn't like that either
20:27.15IrielMy current best guess is it's something to do with the data in ldap from the old installation
20:28.40Irieland my knowledge of ldap is minimal
20:28.49Irielwhich I really should do something about
20:29.11SB1-LaptopYeah, same
20:30.01Gnarfozwhat _are_ you using it for, anyway?
20:30.09Gnarfozjust to not having to use windows based auth?
20:30.18Iriellogins across my various linux machines
20:30.43Irieland then authentication (with samba) for shares for my windows machines to reach the linux files
20:31.09Irielthe first part works mostly perfectly
20:31.18Irielthe samba bit, on the other hand, stinks
20:31.21Irielright now
20:31.23Irieluntil I fix it
20:31.30Irielthen it'll be brilliant, i'm sure, just like it was before
20:31.43Iriel(It makes doing authentication for IMAP, SMTP, HTTPS, etc a doddle)
20:32.28SB1-LaptopI've just never even understood enough of it to set it up
20:32.38SB1-LaptopNever been able to set it up with all of the data I want :P
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20:38.44Endfigured it out?
20:39.03IrielI think I may have
20:39.59JoshBork1do tell!
20:41.24IrielIt was double-appending the search root (my domain's dn bits) to the LDAP queries and not finding any users
20:42.09IrielI used to have "ldap suffix=dc=blah,dc=blahblah,dc=com" and "ldap group suffix=ou=Group,dc=blah,dc=blahblah,dc=com"
20:42.25IrielI needed to make the group line simply "ldap group suffix=ou=Group"
20:42.35Irieland it appends the normal suffix to that
20:42.44IrielOkay, so progess! It still doesn't work right.
20:43.01pastamancerIriel: can't you just set the base for the ldap query?
20:43.20Irielpastamancer: yes, that was the problem, samba changed how it configured that
20:43.49pastamancerIriel: ah, I just have the base configured in ldap.conf
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20:44.05sysrageis there a mage ruby macro that actually works right? uses highest to lowest and summons what's needed?
20:44.25pastamancermy samba belongs to a NT domain owned by an xserver running opendirectory though
20:44.32sysragetried a few but they seem to summon lowest even if you need highest
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20:45.00sysragexserver as in IBM? i'm sorry :(
20:45.07pastamancererr, xserve
20:45.10pastamanceras in apple
20:45.21sysragei'm still sorry :P
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20:46.34pastamancerit's a mac shop and workgroup manager beats having to write my own ldap/kerberos management frontend
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20:56.28KirkburnLol, you ALL will appreciate this:
20:57.01Neuro_Medivhthat's as bad as my Heisenberg joke
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21:00.55KirkburnWhich is ...
21:02.00AntiarcHeisenberg gets pulled over for speeding. Cop says "Do you know how fast you were going?" and Heisenberg replies "No, but I know exactly where I am."
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21:10.19bleetah"That's not funny at all!"*
21:10.37bleetah(an attempt to prompt Kirkburn into various responses from Kenny Everett)
21:10.55KirkburnWho he?
21:11.10KirkburnI'm just messing with you :P
21:11.17bleetahmega-star of pirate radio in the 70's
21:11.26bleetahhad a comedy show in the 80's and 90's, died
21:11.40KirkburnMadman, complete madman :P
21:11.47bleetahinventor of Captain Kremmer
21:11.54zenzelezzdying is such a bad move for your career
21:12.47sysragewtb a mana gem macro that works half-decently
21:13.00bleetahwithout captain kremmen, there would've been no dangermouse... and for that alone I'm eternally grateful
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21:22.25lectrdI have a better Heisenberg joke
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21:22.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal- (
21:23.41lectrdWhy was Heisenberg
21:24.07lectrdWhy was Heisenberg's wife never satisfied? When he has the position he didn't have the momentum and when he had the time he just didn't have the energy.
21:24.32BouviIt was the principle of the issue.
21:34.49Neuro_Medivhnot too bad
21:42.02*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
21:44.48Cidedoes anyone here play a hunter and feel like helping out for amoment?
21:46.08Kasoi can offer my level 47 hunter, if that is suffient
21:46.24Cidemaybe.. how are you specced?
21:46.46Cidenevermind then, thanks anyways. I need a MM hunter
21:46.55|Shadow|Kaso = bot spec'd :P
21:47.03|Shadow|uhh, i might be able to get one
21:47.13KasoKaso is soloing Herod at level 45 Specced!
21:47.21CideI need someone who knows their class, so to speak
21:47.49Cideand happens to have combat experience
21:47.54bleetahI'm reasonably well versed, Cide, wouldn't call myself an expery
21:54.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Imrcly (
21:54.41bleetahcide: ping
21:54.58Cidebleetah: do you have CE (Combat Experience)?
21:56.07bleetahoh, you mean a mod hehe, thought you meant 'someone who's levelled' haha... no, but I can grab it
21:56.41Cideno, the talent :)
21:57.13bleetahargh, lol... lemme check (I've got a few hunters - ain't played them much recently, my mind's a bit blank)
21:58.27ViRii[K]So if I have two events registered with my mod, how can I differnciate between the two when one is fired?
21:58.44Cideyou get the event as a string
21:59.58bleetahcide: sorry, no I don't
22:00.05Cidealright, thanks anyway
22:00.31bleetahit's that one talent I missed putting in when building them up in 2.x :/
22:00.51bleetahie, only after spending the points did it occur to me it may be nice to have /cry
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22:04.38*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
22:07.44TainOh noes!  Canadia is breaking apart and floating away to sea!
22:09.00Tierrie|Workpoor canadians
22:09.21Tierrie|Workif they stopped building fires, they may freeze some solid landmass back
22:09.37KirkburnAnyone wish to test out my new paypal account? :P
22:09.44Tierrie|Worksend me money
22:09.48Tierrie|Workand i will tell you if it works
22:09.52alcarasyou can send me money too
22:09.56alcarasand i'll let you know
22:10.28TainGive me your id and password and I'll test it and let you know.
22:10.31bleetahscrew the money, just send me all your account details because my husband died and i'm all alone but he had a great inheritance that I can't get unless you give me your bank details
22:10.43TainOh no you too Bleetah!
22:10.43Tierrie|Workreally bleetah?
22:10.45Tierrie|Workmarry me
22:11.04Tierrie|Workthen maybe i can get a hold of that inheritance
22:11.07Tierrie|Worki mean
22:11.10Tierrie|Workyour sweet loving
22:11.20TainSweet, sweet loving.
22:11.56KirkburnJust been updating that with links and news and stuff
22:12.03Tain~emulate Saien
22:12.05purlSlash commands are ameturish.
22:13.31bleetah~emulate Bleeter
22:13.36*** join/#wowi-lounge lectrd (
22:13.50Industrial~emulate Industrial
22:13.51purland now I'm high o/
22:13.54Dezzimalyou know
22:14.07DezzimalI love christmas
22:14.13Industrialyou know
22:14.14IndustrialI dont
22:14.17Dezzimalif only for opening the plastic packages built to stop a bullet
22:14.21|Shadow|lmao few more days and i will have done 50k words on my msn
22:15.29|Shadow|omg lol, i just checked my word counter for IRC...its very...sad...
22:15.34TainI'm glad that Christmas nonsense is over with for another year.
22:16.08Tierrie|Worki love chrismas
22:16.20Tierrie|Workthat's because i know the true meaning of christmas
22:16.59|Shadow|has said 296920 words on 23694 lines since 7th of June 06
22:17.05|Shadow|i think that makes me...very...very sad :(
22:17.13TainThe true meaning of Christmas?
22:17.17TainYou mean pie?
22:17.24Tierrie|Work2 days of no work and hedonism
22:18.22TainThat's a different type of pie.
22:19.09Tierrie|Workfirefox is crash my compoota
22:21.25*** join/#wowi-lounge lectrd (
22:21.32Mr_Rabies2my firefox is crash!
22:21.59cogwheelI wouldn't be able to tell you guys if my firefox is crash... 'cause i use chatzilla it would be crash too
22:22.06Taini'm in ur firefox crashing ur pron
22:22.46Mr_Rabies2chatzilla is for clownboats
22:23.10TainOh no Michael Jordan is getting divorced!
22:23.23TainWill none of my role models stay together?
22:23.30Tierrie|Workmike tyson got arrested for dui
22:23.56TainDo you know why Mike Tyson cries during sex?
22:24.25Mr_Rabies2Mike Tyson was in rocky 89000
22:24.36Mr_Rabies2there was much lulz
22:25.52Dezzimal~emulate Dezzimal
22:25.56TainMy pokemon bring all the nerds to the yard, and they're like you wanna trade cards? Darn right, I wanna trade cards, I'll trade this but not my charizard.
22:26.04Mr_Rabies2~emulate Mr_Rabies
22:26.17Mr_Rabies2~emulate Mr_Rabies2
22:26.18purlBATS!  Bats.  BaTs?
22:26.27Mr_Rabies2i still have no clue what that's about
22:27.36bleetahhow does one set up an emulation?
22:28.10Tierrie|Workemulation is a verb
22:28.20Tierrie|Workor an adjective
22:28.39cladhaireIs there anythign in Azshara that drops good greys anymore?
22:28.46cogwheelpurl, emulate bleetah is <action>wonders how to make an emulation
22:28.47purlokay, cogwheel
22:28.48cladhaireor where can i go?
22:28.48Tierrie|Worki could be a pronoun too, and its not a verb, emulate is a verb
22:28.49cladhairefor mindless grinding?
22:28.59Tierrie|Workclahaire: furbolgs
22:29.04cogwheel~emulate bleetah
22:29.06purlACTION wonders how to make an emulation
22:29.09bleetahah, <action>, thx cogwheel
22:29.35Tierrie|Workcladhaire: or try the undead in the plaguelands
22:29.44cladhairebah i hate them
22:29.57cladhaireooh timbermaw aren't bad, actually
22:30.25TainGrr. Bark. Bark. Grr.
22:30.27Cidedon't kill the timbermaws!
22:31.15bleetah~emulate bleeter
22:31.16purlACTION Baaaaaaaaaaaaaa
22:31.36cogwheelthat would probably be better as:
22:31.49cogwheelpurl, no emulate bleeter is <reply>Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
22:31.50purlokay, cogwheel
22:31.51cladhairewell i meant grinding timbermaw rep =)
22:31.55cogwheel~emulate bleeter
22:32.03bleetahfair nuff
22:32.17cladhaireor am i better off going to tyr's hand, or something like that?
22:32.33Tierrie|Workwhat class are you
22:32.45cladhaireor hunter
22:32.51cladhairedepending on which one i decide to grind-code
22:32.53Tierrie|Workjust farm something that gives rep
22:33.10Taincladhaire is botting!
22:33.12cladhairei need teh money
22:33.16Tierrie|Workits usually the most rewarding, furbolgs are great because they drop the usual stuff, greys blues
22:33.17cladhaireno, but i just killed abotter =)
22:33.24subbawti like tyr's hand
22:33.25Tierrie|Workthey also drop winterfall eko which sells for 5g to 10g for 20
22:33.26TainThat was you? :(
22:33.30subbawtare you on a ppv server?
22:33.33Tierrie|Workand they drop firewater for like 5g to 10g per 10
22:33.36Tierrie|Workand they give rep
22:33.55Tierrie|Workso they are excellent for cash
22:33.59cladhairepeople buy that shit?
22:34.09Tierrie|Worknot so much anymore
22:34.20Tierrie|Worki could sell ekos for 15g once
22:34.26Tierrie|Workand straight up 12g per 10 firewater
22:35.00cladhairemaybe i should hit 60 on my hunter
22:35.02cladhairejust for kicks.
22:35.13TainHunters are great for money grinding.
22:35.17Tierrie|Workyou should
22:35.19cladhairebut money for my druid sounds like a better plan
22:35.23Tierrie|Workthat gives you another transmuter
22:35.25cladhairesince i wont be going to my hunter.. ever.
22:35.31cladhaireTierrie_: I dont have a single transmuter atm
22:35.39Tierrie|Work0+1 = 1
22:35.58bleetahI've started on Ravenholdt realm, I'm only levelling my hunter for gathering and leatherworking purposes, I have no intentions of actually playing him (well, maybe a little PvP)
22:36.12Tierrie|Workthere was an engineer, a biologist and a mathematician who was sitting at a cafe and watching people come and go
22:36.21Tierrie|Workand they saw a man and a woman walk into a building
22:36.32Tierrie|Workand then they came out with a friend
22:36.34cladhairehilarity ensued, naturally
22:36.55Tierrie|Workthe biologist said "oh no they procreated"
22:37.07Tierrie|Workthe engineer said "they probably had a friend inside"
22:37.15SB1-LaptopThis can only be bad
22:37.29Tierrie|Workand the mathematician said "if their friend goes back in, there will be exactly zero people in the building"
22:37.47bleetahcouldn't be worse than the heisnburg statement (I'm loathed to call it a joke :P)
22:38.40*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|PC (
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22:51.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Bouvi (
22:53.12cogwheelyou know you're an engineer when you have no life and can prove it mathematically...
22:53.28Bouvi2-2 = Bouvi
22:53.55Tain2 + 2 = 5 for very large values of 2
22:55.23TainWhat did the Zero say to the Eight?
22:55.25TainNice belt!
22:55.41cogwheelWhy was 6 afraid of 7?
22:55.45End7 8 9
22:55.48Endthat's why
22:55.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
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22:56.00Ender I mean, 7 ate 9
22:56.10cogwheelNSFW: What's better than 69?
22:56.36cogwheel77..... you get 8 more...
22:56.50TainLots of variations on that one
22:56.58Tain68 - because you're doing it with the girl next door
22:57.30TainWhat do you get if you add two apples and three apples?
22:57.33bleetah668, the neighbour of the beast
22:57.39TainA high school math problem!
22:57.42AntiarcI'd say that 96.1828183 is better. You get e10 more.
22:59.51Tierrie|Workyou guys are divide my polynomials anytime
23:00.32bleetahthat song could make quite a nice wow video
23:00.41bleetah(in shrosh's /quit msg)
23:01.20KirkburnHey, like my sexy new logo? =)
23:01.33Tierrie|Workit needs more breasts
23:01.51bleetahand bum
23:01.59cladhaireHrm.. the 2 isn't clear =)
23:02.08KirkburnI like gaussian blur too much
23:02.45Endmaybe the 2 will become clearer when he finishes clearfont2
23:02.45*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
23:02.54KirkburnYeah, uh, sure, why not
23:03.02Tainhah hah
23:03.02TainQ: What is the first derivative of a cow?
23:03.02bleetahheh, dynamic blur based on the number of open bug reports
23:03.08TainA: Prime Rib!
23:03.13KirkburnI don't like the website anyway, I want to remake it without shitty tables
23:03.17Tullerthe two is too blury :)
23:03.33Mr_Rabies2is the new invisibility effect in live or only on 2.0.3?
23:03.44Endinvisibility effect?
23:04.05bleetahfor mages? >lvl 60, so only 2.0.3
23:04.09Endyeah, all level 68 mages on live
23:04.21KirkburnGoddamn hippies
23:04.22Mr_Rabies2<End> invisibility effect?
23:04.27Mr_Rabies2the new graphic for it
23:04.32Mr_Rabies2it works with invis pots too
23:04.32KirkburnK, I've changed the logo :P
23:04.57KirkburnIt was a bit ott ;)
23:05.04Tierrie|Workyou should go to blur radius 5
23:05.12Tierrie|Workso people reading it will be like "fuck i need new glasses"
23:05.36Tierrie|Workand then javascript it so that 5 seconds after page load it replaces the image with one with blur radius 1 and a subtext "gotcha!"
23:05.41KirkburnI made sexy CSS and XHTML images whilst I was at it, see the bottom of the page
23:05.44Tierrie|Work"download my plugin anyway"
23:05.55bleetahKirkburn: lol Chigwell is the local suburb here where all the meatheads live
23:05.59Tierrie|Workbtw i hate clearfont
23:06.02Mr_Rabies2ew that video kinda sucks for showing the effect
23:06.04Tierrie|Worknot your plugin
23:06.12Tierrie|Workjust like, clear fonts in general
23:06.18Tierrie|Workit makes me feel like i've not slept enough
23:06.20cladhairei need to figure out how to make clearfont an praid play together
23:06.26Tierrie|Workor is too high strung
23:06.30EndI dislike the WoW default fonts
23:06.35Endnot..thick enough
23:06.37KirkburnTierrie|Work, heh, you're straaaange
23:06.50TainMmm love me some thick fonts
23:06.50KirkburnEnd likes them thick?
23:06.55TainGive that font a sammich!
23:06.56Endthick thick very thick!
23:07.00Kirkburncladhaire, they don't atm?
23:07.05Tierrie|Workone time i turned ony clearfonts on my computer and i was overcome with a strange drowsy sensation
23:07.08cladhairethey never did very well
23:07.21Kirkburncladhaire, ckknight's code might have helped with that
23:07.24TainThe letters start poking out a bit
23:07.40TainAnd pokage isn't good.
23:07.47KirkburnThough, at the same time, I'm not sure how successful his code was
23:07.58Kirkburn*cough* it broke other stuff I think *cough*
23:08.24Endshocked and amazed, or just shocked?
23:08.34TainOperation shock and awe
23:08.49KirkburnTierrie|Work, that's ClearType!
23:08.54nevcairielKirkburn: going from CF1 to CF2, the font on my raid frames is now smaller.
23:09.01nevcairielAnd i dont get why :D
23:09.06TainClearType causes shrinkage?!@
23:09.07KirkburnCause I made it so.
23:09.25nevcairielit sucks
23:10.06KirkburnHeh, I *think* I made it so, anyway. I did reduce one or two with the last ClearFont version.
23:10.39nevcairieldunno, it was fitting before, and i was kinda irritated when it was small again
23:11.01Mr_Rabies2anyone know of a customizable or druid-centric stunwatch type addon? i want to watch Pounce, Bash and eventually Maim's cooldowns :O
23:11.06Mr_Rabies2er, durations
23:11.17TainI get kinda irritated when it fits and then it's small again too.
23:11.56EndI don't even know why I listen to anything Tain says
23:12.29TainI know I don't.
23:13.56TainOk besides all that, this is just wrong.  Wrong wrong wrong.
23:14.01TainMSNBC asks: Do you consider Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton a sex symbol?
23:15.05Imrclywtf of the day #2
23:15.20Tierrie|Workgood god
23:15.34Tierrie|Workher face is where erections go to die
23:15.45TainPeople are voting yes. :(
23:15.51TainThankfully not most people.
23:16.00TainBut find the ones who did and ... do something about it.
23:16.18Tierrie|Worksome people want to "bump the president"=
23:16.36TainOh I'd do her.
23:16.40TainBut I dont' find her sexy.
23:16.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz_ (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
23:16.58Tierrie|Workby bump i meant shoot in the face
23:17.06TainThat's what I meant.
23:17.26TainBut Dick Cheney has that market cornered.
23:17.41Tierrie|Workdick cheney does like to shoot people in the face
23:17.43Tierrie|Workthis is true
23:18.01Tierrie|Worki cannot possible imagine how that guy even gave that press release afterwards
23:18.11TainI can.
23:18.15Tain"Say this or I'll shoot you again."
23:18.21Mr_Rabies2MSNBC asks: Do you consider Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton a sex symbol?
23:18.22Tierrie|Workdid you guys ssee it? the guy was pretty much 'dude its my fault dick is faultess, i jumped in front and i deserved to be shot, in the game"
23:18.31|Shadow|Are there any addons for extending your ignore list up yet?
23:19.22cogwheelKirkburn: your sample site is the second top-level result on google when you search for chigwell & epping :)
23:19.43Tierrie|Workclinton in her younger days was hot
23:19.56TainI still found Lewis Black's discussion about Dick Cheney's shooting incident to be one of the funniest things I heard all year.
23:20.18Kirkburncogwheel, wha?!
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23:21.42Tierrie|Work <-- i take it back
23:21.52Mr_Rabies2i'd rather be in a threesome with bill clinton and dick cheney than see hillary naked
23:22.13TainI can't say as I'd agree.
23:22.35Mr_Rabies2and i'm very much not gay, hillary is about as far off the "sexy" charts as physically possible
23:23.02Mr_Rabies2tubgirl is most likely higher on that list than hillary
23:23.49Tierrie|Workyou have poor standards :P
23:25.55bleetahcide: did you find someone with CE?
23:26.21bleetahwhat info wer you after? I can try asking my guildies
23:27.00Cidedon't bother, thanks anyway
23:30.39bleetahk, np
23:30.47bleetah(we don't have one, anyway hehe)
23:31.29*** join/#wowi-lounge subbhawt (n=biggy@
23:33.16TainI'm watching Youtube videos on my TV through my Wii.
23:33.42*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
23:35.28Mr_Rabies2i'm watching random videos on my hdtv from my computer through my 360
23:35.49TainI'm gonna put on Army of Darkness HD-DVD later.
23:36.39NeeblerI'm browsing the web on my computer!
23:36.46Tain"I don't have a girlfriend.  I just know a girl who would be really mad if she heard me say that."
23:39.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
23:42.09foxlitHm, is there any reason I can see my own "Opening" timer on flags, but not other people's?
23:42.23foxlit(battlegrounds, UnitCastingInfo)
23:43.20IrielBecause you need to know yours, but not theirs?
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23:44.41foxlitWhy do I need to know their casting data at all, then? :)
23:45.59Irielwell, if they're casting something ON them or AT you you might have more reason to know.. I suspect it's a designer thing.
23:48.13IrielMy guess is the real reason is that the timer belongs to the flag and not the player
23:48.50foxlitWonder if you still get "begins to perform Opening on"
23:50.18IrielYou may find this relevant, from the forum:
23:50.30IrielIve noticed im not getting CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_BUFF when Opening chests, I thought this was fixed? It is working for herbs and mining
23:50.40IrielSlouken's reply:  No, it was a bug that you were getting it in the first place, and has been fixed.
23:53.02*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
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23:54.03bleetahThanks for the heads up, Iriel
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23:58.26TeomyrPHP is strange
23:59.03Teomyrhow can an unsigned variable be -1?
23:59.22foxlitPHP has unsigned vars?
23:59.37Teomyrno, but unpack() reads them in

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