irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061227

00:00.42*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
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00:10.57foxlitWhy does UnitHealthMax sometimes return 1?
00:11.04Imrclywhat is the irl for clique?
00:11.12purl[clique] a click-casting addon by Cladhaire, which you can download from WoWInterface:
00:11.27ThraeClique is, IRL, a man named Bob.
00:12.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Zorjai (
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00:13.03clad|awaybob sux imo
00:13.24Thraeclad|away: Considering your persuasion, I bet he does. I bet he does.
00:13.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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00:14.30clad|awayfoxlit: I dont know.. that bit me earlier this week
00:16.00foxlitAnd yet UnitHealth gives the correct one sometimes
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00:18.06GuillotineQshadowp: just got WoW back up, on to Automootic :)
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00:19.13[Cu]WerikWe need more useful addons like Automootic!
00:19.42[Cu]WerikReally, they bring fun into our sad lives
00:20.18Guillotine<3 BouncersAnonymous
00:20.20[Cu]WerikI dont want to see that page xD
00:20.30Guillotinethe only two addons on it are mine :(
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00:20.40GuillotineApparently I'm the only one who wastes time writing these
00:20.56[Cu]WerikNot true, I made some back when I was fooling around with lua
00:21.36[Cu]WerikWas enough to realise how hard I fail at lua programming
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00:24.18TainWoo got my PSP running firmware to run homebrew apps.  Including... a wonderful Lua interpreter!
00:24.20Smeltnanyone having the problem with cycircled running in serenity, not being round buttons on the pet bar?
00:24.56*** part/#wowi-lounge Imrcly (
00:25.23ThraeTain: I have my DS running homebrew and commercial apps, with Linux (hence a Lua interpreter), an easy-to-use virtual touchpad keyboard, VNC, and a PDA-type system
00:25.57ThraeDS Homebrew capabilities >>>>> PSP, touchpad owns!
00:26.17ThraeIt's my new PDA, I sync via Wireless ;)
00:26.38*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
00:27.10BleetahI didn't know DS ran Linux
00:27.30Ziconthrae: Do anything fun in specific with it? I'm going to order a flash cart for my shiny new DS soon...
00:27.32Bleetahmind you, ain't been keeping up on console linux since I tried to convince Sony Australia to sell me a HD for my PS2
00:27.39ThraeYep, not a lot of X though, mostly non-graphical apps
00:28.32ThraeZicon: Get the M3 Perfect SD version. I bought mine from -- $99 was the cheapest I could find. But the M3 owns so hard compared to the others.
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00:29.20Bleetahi got a couple of hundred bucks to blow.. might go and get me one
00:29.31Ziconthrae: I've been weighing the m3 against supercard, but I think the supercard is going to win.
00:29.39TainI like PSP homebrew better for the simple fact of better hardware.  But both are wonderful. :)
00:29.57ThraeM3 Perfect SD + two 2GB SD cards from Newegg were $200 total
00:30.06ThraeActually, $180 I think
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00:30.10Teomyrpsp homebrew is very nice, especially with 2.71SE firmware
00:30.48ThraeZicon: If you're weighing price, then yes, the Supercard is cheaper. But the M3 Perfect isn't that much more expensive and it's much, much better then Supercard. It has built-in RAM which greatly increases compatibility, especially with homebrew.
00:30.49Teomyrnever tried ds homebrew... don't you need a special card for it?
00:30.56ZiconI haven't thought very far about what I'm going to do with it, yet. I'm going to install Moonshell and a SNES emulator, beyond that I have no idea. :)
00:31.32*** join/#wowi-lounge xgravix_ (
00:31.34ThraeZicon: Also, the M3 Adapter has built-in emulators for SNES, Genesis, etc.
00:31.44TainTeomyr: Running 3.02 custom firmware just released in the last week.  So much more.
00:32.01Ziconthrae: Built-in, you say? I was not aware of this.
00:32.09TeomyrTain: oh, is it? sweet!
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00:32.25Teomyri'm out of date
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00:33.18ThraeZicon: Yeah. It also automatically makes a backup of your saved games every boot for all games (including commericial), and comes with Windows/Linux software which easily allows you to patch commericial games without having to use tons of different console programs
00:33.30TainI was just glad when I could run games that I own off of a memory stick instead of the horrid UMD.
00:33.44InsideI kind of want to buy a PSP now
00:33.51Insideconsiderin that 3.02 custom can run any PSX game now..
00:33.53ThraeZicon: It's a GUI, of course
00:33.54TainOf course you can now run any original Playstation game.
00:33.55Ziconthrae: Sounds pretty sexy.
00:34.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Imrcly (
00:34.08Insidebuuut I have a feleing I won't be able to pick up the kind of PSP from the store that I can downgrade/upgrade the right firmware on.
00:34.38TainYeah I don't know how you can get away with getting them to let you open it up and look at the hardware before you buy
00:34.40*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren (
00:34.48ThraeYeah, I spent 2 weeks comparing M3 to Supercard, the M3 eventually won out. But then again, DSLinux was a big want for me, and DSLinux runs much better on the M3 Adapter because of its built-in RAM
00:34.51Insideproblem is that I don' thave very many old PSX games I want to play
00:34.57Insideor rather, any time I would want to sit around and play them.
00:35.09InsideBecaues ... I'm at either at home where I can play on a PSX emulator
00:35.19Insideor on the road where I cant exactly play with it
00:35.19ThraeTain: Does it run compressed PSX images?
00:35.23ZiconI'm not sure I want or need DSlinux. It would be cute to have an SSH client on my DS, but I doubt I *need* it. :P
00:35.25TainNot yet Thrae
00:35.33ThraeAwww, that sucks
00:35.52ThraeZicon: Well, it also comes with games too, and its tiny ;)
00:36.01ThraeConsole games like Hack
00:36.15TainWell you can run ones that you buy online with the Playstation 3 and transfer to your PSP.  But the compression routine hasn't been identified yet in custom firmware to create from your own PS discs.
00:36.22ZiconBuuuuut the supercard lite comes in pink...
00:36.26Bleetahnethack ftw!
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00:36.42TainI've still never ascended.
00:37.01Bleetahonly once
00:37.11ThraeThere's a PSX emulator for the DS in the works, it can run some older games decently
00:37.13TainI think I've spent more time playing Nethack with the least amount of progress overall of any game I've ever played.
00:37.16Bleetahdrove me mad enough to never wanna play it again
00:37.36Bleetahgreat game, but argh... the mental torture :)
00:37.41ThraeAnd it does work with compressed images, since it's based off FSPSXE or whatever
00:37.49TainBut it's still such an awesome game.  I just went through another bout with it about a month ago.
00:38.08ThraeI like "Crawl" for less serious Rogue-clones
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00:38.36ThraeHack is just too many options for casual play ;)
00:38.59Bleetahi don't think it can really be played casually
00:39.04TainThere is nothing casual about it.
00:39.20Tainhaha you are either disturbingly obsessed or not.
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00:41.33Imrclywhat is the line you add to macros to make the tooltip match teh spell?
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00:44.10ZiconHmm, M3 comes in pink now, too. :P
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00:56.37TainSo the Wii now has a browser you can download (Opera) and I'm thinking to myself, "What the hell do I want to browse on the Internet with a console for?"
00:57.09TainThen I see that you can hit up YouTube and I have to admit watching YouTube videos on my TV isn't bad.
00:57.13InsideTo browse the wii store
00:57.22Inside... well, that's about the main point of a console driver.
00:57.30Insideto browse the virtual console store and download crap.
00:57.43ThraeTain: Why not? My family already fights over their TWO computers, an additional one for Internet wouldn't be bad for most families.
00:57.46phreakyNever get out of the sofa!
00:57.53Insidesince using a generic html interface is soooo much easier than hcoding something shiny that ps3 and xbob have
00:58.18TainIt doesn't use the browser for the normal Wii stuff, Inside.
00:58.35TainOh but I did download Super Mario Brothers and R-Type and play them on my Wii.
00:59.42ThraeTain: It's also a huge bonus for families that don't have a computer, or one that can browse the Internet at broadband speeds. ~$230 for a computer that can use Wireless internet AND is a normal console? Excellent!
01:00.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
01:00.13TainTrue enough!
01:00.38ThraeThere are far enough families like this to make Internet browsing on the Wii a brilliant idea
01:02.02Insidethe'll need a ~$60 wirless router and then a ~$20-70/mo internet ocnnection thingie though as well
01:02.26TainWell it's nice to have.  I don't think I'd go so far as to say brilliant since there's no keyboard and mouse, and that makes a web browser a bit tough.
01:02.58ThraeI'm sure you can buy a KB, and the Wii-Emote could be used as a mouse...
01:03.06Inside60% of all P2P downloads are porn
01:03.19Inside.I'm gonna assume that you odn't really need much of a keboard to fap with :D
01:03.33ThraeInside: Most broadband providers provide a wireless modem+router combo
01:04.01ThraeInside: Those statistics are bogus, the real statistics are about 20% ;)
01:04.43InsideWe got a modem, no router with my ISP
01:04.52TainRight now there's no keyboard that works.  But it would be nice.
01:05.03Insidehowever it's a fairly nice 1mbit d/1mbit u connection that's unlkimited so I'm happy
01:05.43ThraeWhat's your ISP?
01:07.06Insideyou can just whois me for it
01:07.38Insidebig man in a re dplaid shirt... who loves oxen with genetic skin defects that make them appear blue
01:08.05Insidegod, I hate tightvnc
01:08.08Insideslow connection is slow.
01:08.09ThraeHaha, I thought that was a vhost
01:08.27ThraeTightVNC is not intended for LAN usage
01:08.47Imrclywhat is the command to see what you are raid locked in?
01:08.48ThraeUse xvnc for Linux, Remote Dekstop for Windows
01:09.16InsideI'm not on LAn
01:09.23InsideI'm sitting at my mom's house like 200 miles awy
01:09.29InsideI don't have winxp at home to use remote desktop
01:09.50ThraeWell then TightVNC is one of the fastest servers + viewers you can use for remote
01:10.04ThraeYou need to configure your viewer for fast compression
01:10.38ThraeOf course, if you're trying to do anything but simple tasks, no remote admin tool will help you ;)
01:10.45Insideit is :<
01:10.57ThraeI get 1 FPS when trying to play WoW through VNC remotely, hehe
01:10.59InsideIt's just that this is a bad open hotpoint for wirless connections
01:11.14InsideSo I'm ending up typing before I can see what eve nappears on the screen
01:11.22InsideHeh =_=
01:11.23Thraeahh yes, wireless is bad for all remote admin, since it's not a constant connection sometmies
01:11.24InsideI've tried that.
01:11.39Insideit was very painful, went to try to check the mailbox... well, I made it to the mailbox, but then I could't open it.
01:14.39*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
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01:15.06ckknighthey all
01:16.27cladhaireDoes anyone know if Neronix plans to update MobHealth3 and update it on the mod websites?
01:16.36xsarpedonHey. I always notice I"m not logged on when I need a question answered:P
01:16.52xsarpedonIs there a builtin way to reverse an ipairs result?
01:17.17Thraecladhaire: MobHealth works for me?
01:17.29cladhaireyes, but that's not on the websites.
01:17.33cladhaireso most users won't every see it.
01:17.36cladhaireand its uploaded to all three
01:17.46cladhairei'm compiling for the book right now, and I can't point people at the ace svn
01:19.27*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
01:25.41decaprimeheh xarpedon
01:25.50decaprimeI was just about ready to ask the same question
01:27.30decaprimeI am guessing    for table.getn(sometable),1,-1 do something end
01:27.39decaprime... my guesses suck though so what ever
01:28.05decaprimeI dono if lua index start 0 like C based or 1 like some other script languages
01:31.31decaprimeyah that works xsar, just need to set a variable to table.getn(sometable) and use that in your loop as the index
01:31.40decaprimegod lua is easy
01:31.55cladhairenot table.getn(sometable)
01:32.09decaprimehrm why is that?
01:32.50decaprimeis #sometable an alias that gets the size
01:33.12decaprimewell that works, I mean I tried it... but what ever =)
01:33.24TainNot just point people at the Ace SVN?  There's a thought.  If only other people did the same.
01:33.32cladhaireno, # is the length operator
01:33.37Garounthanks for the honorfu update CK :)
01:33.46decaprime=) I am not used to scripting languages
01:33.51cladhaireTain: the whole releasing of mods is so passe =)
01:33.53GarounI was about to sit here and rip out all the stuff I didnt' need anymore :P
01:34.07decaprimeused to passing by reference and pointers and other crap
01:34.27CideGaroun: you're not allowed to do that :)
01:34.28Qshadowpautomootic ready yet?
01:34.35decaprimewell... let me ask you this
01:34.41GuillotineQshadowp: doing ZG now, so no
01:34.49Guillotinehad to completely reinstall WoW :(
01:34.50Qshadowpok :(
01:35.09Garounsure I can Cide :) I just can't post it or ask for assistance :P
01:35.16Cideno, you can't
01:35.24Cidewell, you can, but you're not allowed to
01:35.52Garouninteresting I'll have to read the eula again I guess :)
01:35.59Cidethat's not part of the eula
01:36.42Garounthen where would that be mentioned?
01:37.10Cideif I were to guess, would be a nice place to start
01:38.16Garounthat pertains to taking someone elses stuff, claiming ownership and then resupplying it to others
01:38.51Garounand I thought most of the mod authors followed GNU for their work
01:39.47Cideonly if explicitly stated so
01:40.56cladhaireGaroun: You'll mind the minority of addon authors explicitly license their work, and if they don't they retain absolutely all righs.
01:43.47Tain~emulate saien
01:43.48purlYou are of course, wrong, and I invite you to prove it to yourself.
01:43.53NeeblerSeeing as how I'm an american I've never really thought about it, but I find it kind of funny that all *.gov addresses are for U.S. establishments
01:44.28TainBut I thought other countries didn't have governments.
01:44.36Neeblerfor real!
01:44.41ThraeWell, the Internet domain system was established in the US.
01:45.07TainEvery country should have addresses that are
01:45.08ThraeHence, we got first dibs on all addresses. Poor Irsrael must be ;)
01:45.26Neeblereven better: is a US thing.. is .com for .uk.. is gov, etc.
01:46.03Garoun|LoupanaI guess we have way too many people breaking that then :/
01:46.10CideGaroun|Loupana: yep.
01:46.25ThraeWell only the last extension matters, so would be .uk with .gov as the main address
01:47.10Garoun|LoupanaI always knew if you tried to reproduce someone elses work as your own or modifying it and saying you got the modified version from the person
01:47.26cladhaireThrae: yes.. but is a domain that needs to be regitered, its not a TLD
01:47.28Garoun|Loupanabut never knew it also fell under commenting out a line locally
01:47.30cladhairethe proper woudl be
01:47.41ThraeYeah I meant
01:48.58NeeblerSo the US has the dibs on domain name creation. How'd grennich get dibs on Time?
01:48.59Garoun|Loupanaof course the problem with the copyright law is they'll mention art and books and music but they are so old it doesn't have a lot on actual coding
01:49.18Cidecode is still intellectual property
01:49.39NeeblerI mean Greenwich
01:49.55ThraeNeebler: US has "Standard Time", Europe has "Grennich Mean Time"
01:50.12cladhairewe have "Standard Time"?
01:50.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten-Laptop (
01:50.31Thraecladhaire: Eastren Standard Time, Pacific Standard Time, Mountain Standard Time, Central Standard Time
01:50.32Garoun|LoupanaI'm the type of person that likes to learn that stuff Cide, especially if I didn't know it to begin with :P
01:50.41cladhaire.. those are just time zones.
01:50.44cladhairethey're all based off GMT
01:50.47cladhaireGMT-5, GMT-6, etc.
01:50.53cladhairethat's why your statement confused me.
01:51.02ThraeLemme double-check
01:51.11TainStupid time zones.
01:51.35cladhaireEST simply means GMT-5, EDT meant GMT-4 ( I think )
01:51.53TainI loves me some GMT-5.
01:52.06cladhairetrue dat b!
01:52.19Thraecladhaire: Yeah, US's time zone system was based off what GMT was based off, but GMT didn't exist back then
01:52.19cladhairehrm, i may be in boston for new years
01:52.22cladhairei shoudl probably decide on that.
01:52.40TainI'm 20 miles from Bostons yo
01:52.44Garoun|LoupanaCide: so would that also include there being a bug in a peice of code and you attempt to debug it for the person, find said bug and report it to them?
01:52.50cladhaireThrae: Aye, but you were explaining the us time zones as some equivalent to GMT, which it really isn't.
01:52.52cladhaireTain: I knwo =)
01:52.56cladhairei'll buy ya  drink
01:53.19CideGaroun|Loupana: no idea, I'm not an expert on copyright law by any means
01:53.20Thraecladhaire: They are the solar mean time specifically for the US ;)
01:53.22TainI'll drink it
01:53.40Garoun|LoupanaI'm just looking for your opinion in this case :)
01:54.16Garoun|Loupanaif anything I should know it back and forth since it was about 20% of my course work in college, but that was like 9 years ago :x
01:55.31Garoun|Loupanaof course if we followed strict copyright then all someone should be doing is reporting the error message unless the author specifically asks them to try something
01:56.16cladhaireyou don't sound edit someone's CD and correct the sound blip you found, do you? =)
01:56.37Garoun|Loupananah, bad example since I'm not that knowledgeable :P
01:56.43Garoun|Loupanabut point is made
01:56.46Thraecladhaire: Greenwich Mean Time is a method of determining time zone independant of location. US's "Standard Time" time zones were based on the old solar time methods (or "local mean time")
01:57.11cladhaireThrae: *nod*.. that's what I meant.. i suspect we're saying the same thing in different ways
01:57.30ThraeYet another stupid thing the US decided to keep when the rest of the world converted to more scientifically sound principles (also see: metric system)
01:57.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
01:58.10Garoun|Loupanagranted, I also do contractor work and the gov owns everything I do in the office so I haven't technically programmed anything in quite a while :(
01:58.12ThraeThe United States of America -- We're A World Power Because Our Army Is Bigger Then Yours
01:59.07Garoun|Loupanait may have my name on it, but I have no rights to it beyond a contact person for corrections
01:59.38ThraeGaroun|Loupana: What are they going to do, sue you?
01:59.51Garoun|Loupanawell, no, they'd put me in jail
02:00.16ThraeI'm going to grab RDX and put it freely on as many websites as possible!
02:00.39ThraeIf they complain, I must only cite Roe vs Wade.
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02:00.54GuillotineAutomootic is ready, just doing some final testing
02:01.03Garoun|Loupanait falls under the "Work made for hire" clause
02:02.10Garoun|Loupanaany programming or work we do at my office is owned by the US Gov
02:02.17cladhaire[Ammo]: You gonna update WitchHunt on wowinterface?
02:03.01Garoun|Loupanalets not start up that whole RDC discussion :)
02:03.07Garoun|Loupanahow dare you Thrae :P
02:03.16Garoun|LoupanaRDX even
02:03.34TainScrew anyone charging for WoW addons.
02:04.40cladhaireits his right =)
02:04.52cladhaireand yours to not use it =)
02:04.57cladhairethere.. argument over!
02:05.09cladhairewhether or not you disagree with him doing it, I don't care, so don't tell me =)
02:05.38Garoun|Loupanalinux model... you pay for the support! <shifty eyes> :P
02:06.40Garoun|Loupanabut can we agree that we can't wait to use PerfectRaid, Clad?
02:06.42ThraeGaroun|Loupana: Was that suppose to be sarcastic? Otherwise I don't get it.
02:07.03cladhaireits going to cost you.. $45.00 per computer.
02:07.10ShadowedCide: Theres no such thing as a Widow's Remorse of <modifier> :p
02:07.30Cidewhere'd you say that? on a profile or in search?
02:07.38Garoun|LoupanaI don't know anymore Thrae, I need to eat dinner, brain is suffering from stupidity starvation
02:07.59Garoun|Loupanasee what I mean? sigh
02:08.22ThraeI've been using SmartBuff as a replacement for PerfectRaid right now. They're similiar, except SmartBuff is more buff-oriented, of course. SmartBuff can show HP and MP values (default to deficit), as well as who needs Innervate, Curing, Buffing, etc.
02:08.30TainActually the issue is I don't know if it is entirely his right.  
02:08.54cladhaireThrae: The customization of buff display inpraid isn't something that exists outside an RDX-type mod right now..
02:08.57cladhaireits really nice
02:08.57TainI think there are issues around the fact that Blizzard owns the medium that someone is selling services for.
02:09.08TainOf course until it is challenged in court it's just opinion.
02:10.03Thraecladhaire: Yeah, I'm looking forward to PR too. It wouldn't take much to add all of SmartBuff features I like...
02:10.29cladhaireheh easy for you to say
02:10.31GuillotineI came up with a great idea. I'm going to make an awesome mod entirely with photoshop, write a REALLY buggy non-functional version, then charge for support
02:10.38Guillotineby the hour
02:10.40Guillotinethen I'll go on hold
02:11.02Garoun|Loupanais that your lawyer impression Guillotine?
02:11.05Guillotineoh wait, looks like Dell already used that idea
02:11.05cladhaireGuillotine: will it butter my toast?
02:11.05Thraecladhaire: Well, basically I think it would just be the trigger button, that's it
02:11.12cladhairetrigger button?
02:11.34Thraecladhaire: SmartBuff has a button you can press which cures the first Need in its list
02:11.44ThraeExcellent for buffing 40 people outside of combat
02:11.48Garoun|LoupanaNah, you should provide an EA ui, Guillotine :)
02:11.57GuillotineGroun: EA?
02:12.06Garoun|Loupanayou give them a great ui with everything in it, but it all has to have unlock codes
02:12.08cladhaireThrae: only works outside combat i assume?
02:12.08Qshadowpwhats the command to kick from guild?
02:12.11Qshadowpi thought it was /gkick?
02:12.21cladhairethats actually really easy given the buff structure i have at the moment.
02:12.27cladhairejust no concept of priority
02:12.32Thraecladhaire: Yeah, but the alerts work inside combat. "Thrae needs Mark of the Wild"
02:12.43ThraeI like visual alerts myself
02:12.49TainScrew Thrae!
02:12.58Garoun|LoupanaEA is starting to pull the crap where they give you a game, but they made the "non-core" stuff unlockable
02:12.59cladhaireheh, well mine just tells you the current state, not when something becomes needed.
02:13.04cladhairebtu it weouldn't be horrible *shrug*
02:13.14Garoun|Loupanaand you have to pay a few to unlock them
02:13.27Thraecladhaire: It should be simple enough, just add it to lost aura
02:13.38cladhairei dont' "lose" auras.
02:13.38Thraecladhaire: Not to say YOU need to do it
02:13.42cladhairethat's the point =)
02:14.19Garoun|LoupanaQshadowp either that or maybe /gremove
02:14.31TainI lost an aura.  I think at the mall.
02:14.50cladhaireTain: No, you left it in the mailbox.
02:14.58Thraecladhaire: Do you have an equivilent of the event?
02:15.17cladhairei can do it, if that's what you're asking
02:15.17Garoun|Loupanadid you forget to align your chakra tain?
02:15.25cladhaireit just requires a state table.
02:15.30cladhairei'm stateless at the moment
02:15.31cladhairewhich i prefer
02:16.37TainI went to a physical therapist for my neck, she was aligning things pretty good.
02:16.42Thraecladhaire: But when the Lose Aura event fires, and that lost aura is "Mark of the Wild", why would you need to save that state just to respond to that event?
02:16.51Tainbut the $20 copay twice a week was a bit much.
02:17.01Garoun|LoupanaI can imagine
02:17.03cladhairethere is no lost aura event, only UNIT_AURA
02:17.08cladhaireso i would have to know that it was missing previously
02:17.13Garoun|Loupanagood thing it's cover though
02:17.21cladhaireif you're 'talkign combat log scanning, thats a whole different nightmare.
02:17.25ThraeAh I thought that was finally updated in 2.0
02:18.09Thraecladhaire: Well I think with a mod like PR, instead of
02:18.33Thraecladhaire: Well I think with a mod like PR, more important then adding more and more features is a well-documented API that people can add their own features to.
02:19.19cladhairepraid has never had/done that, and i'm not sure why it would
02:19.26ThraeLike Clique's plugin system.
02:19.30TainShould have support for ice cream makers
02:19.32cladhairewhich doesn't exist anymore =)
02:19.44TainI'd like being able to make ice cream during a raid
02:19.48cladhaireand was only necessary because of the hacks that i needed
02:20.07ThraeWell they don't need to be plugins, just allow people to more easily make addons that add to the functionality of PR.
02:20.09Guillotinetheres no event when an enemy releases their corpse is there?
02:20.27ThraeGuillotine: There's not even a Combat Log message for that
02:20.46Guillotinewhat do you mean 'not even'? Theres FAR more events than combat log messages :P
02:20.53Guillotineand every combat log message has an event
02:21.22TainYour mom has an event.
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02:22.03ThraeI like the idea of making addons with a small core that interacts with seperate modules for different features. It allows for the greatest flexibility in the user choosing which features they want from your addon, and if documented, allows easier extension by other addons.
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02:22.38ThraeBut if PR isn't already coded like that, then I say it's too much effort unless you want to do it.
02:22.53TainStupid PR what a waste
02:23.00cladhairewell its just not stateful
02:23.04Cideany PR is good PR
02:23.05cladhaireand what you're asking for requires state =)
02:23.16cladhaireCide wrote 75% of PerfectRaid
02:23.24CideI did? I'm awesome!
02:23.28TainStupid Cice
02:23.29cladhairei'm just a pretty face
02:23.39TainStupid pretty faces
02:24.00ShadowedCide: oops in a raid, it's one of the profile items when trying to add Widow's Remorse
02:24.09ThraeNo no, I'm not taking about that. I'm talking about making it easier for me to add something like states to PR for buffs ;)
02:24.45Thraes/me/people like me/ && s/to/to do stuff/1
02:25.00cladhairewell, that's really outside the scope of what i'm doing
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02:25.09cladhairemaking perfectraid plugin-able isn't high on my list
02:25.14cladhairewell, not on my list at all
02:25.22decaprimeWow guys, that went fast, my addon is like fully functional within 2 hours... one thing left to add is saving things and loading them, I need to save a table by name, should I just make a table of tables a savedvariable indexed by the name?
02:25.36ThraeI'm just talking about documenting the API, that's all.
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02:26.33Thraedecaprime: You can access values in tables by strings...
02:26.49cladhaireThrae: There is no API..thats the point.. i guess.
02:26.58cladhaireand API means there is an interface, and there's isn't.
02:27.02cladhaireit just.. runs.
02:27.05decaprimeI know... but like if I had profiles I wanted to save like /bm save mainraid
02:27.24decaprimeI would just make a savedvaraible a table that contained more tables with like "mainraid" as the index
02:27.31JoshBork1question for the masses.  is there any mod that will tell you what keys are bound to what?
02:28.25Cideyou can try ctra2 for that Thrae ;)
02:28.29Thraecladhaire: Well it's not completely functional, is it? You probably have functions which add X and Y, etc. That's what I understand to still be an API, just not an intuitive one.
02:28.44cladhairenothing you can call to do anything
02:28.51cladhairebut you can configure everything internally
02:28.59ThraeSo it's almost entirely functional
02:29.03TainI'm good at internalizing.
02:29.49cladhaireThrae: meh
02:29.49cladhaireit works
02:30.01cladhairethe frames work, making new headers works, =adding buff watching works
02:30.03ThraeCide: Does CTRA2 separate everything into modules you can easily remove?
02:30.07Scre3mwhat is the macro command to send pet in to attack?
02:30.13CideThrae: eventually
02:30.18CideI'm not done with that yet
02:30.26JoshBork1Scre3m: /petattack
02:30.31Cideand I haven't decided what I want to make modules out of
02:30.37Thraecladhaire: I'm not chastizing I said, if it isn't already modularized, then don't bother
02:30.47TainOr just /yourmomattack
02:31.34cladhairewhat you're asking for isn't modularization
02:31.36cladhairethat's why i'm confused.
02:32.05ThraeHow is the ability to add modules not modularization?
02:32.07cladhairei can make a modular addon that doesn't have an API whatsoever.
02:32.22cladhairemodularization is seprating different portions of functionality into different logical modules.
02:32.27cladhairethat doesn't mean it has an API
02:32.46cladhairethey're not the same =)
02:33.32ThraeBut if you separate functionality into different modules, they have to have a way to interact with each other. That's a type of API, just not a powerful one.
02:33.47cladhaireyou assume a specific manner of modularization
02:34.02ThraeOf course, you could make it so the modules can ONLY talk with each other, and in a functional way, but that would defeat the purpose of modularization for most cases, in my opinion.
02:34.14cladhaireyour goals are different from mine, perhaps
02:34.22cladhaireI want to make it so you can remove whatever you'dlike, and the mod will continue to operate
02:34.40cladhairethat's still a valid goal, compared to having an extensive plugin system for extension
02:35.08Scre3mJoshBork1, ty
02:36.19cladhaireThat being said, its 10 lines of code, however you slice it =)
02:36.43decaprimek... so I am still a bit lost
02:36.46ThraeIt depends on how you design the modules. The more you separate them up, the more modules other modules can interact with.
02:37.52decaprimeHow do I initiliaze a saved variable... like I looked at cryolisis and it has Default_CryolysisConfig={....}; then CryolysisConfig={}; is Default_ a special keyword or how does this work
02:38.11decaprimelike if CryolysisConfig wasn't there would Default_ take its place?
02:38.30ThraeI think it would be a rather convoluted design to try to make a "functional modularized" approach where, say, "higher" modules can only talk to "lower" modules
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02:38.49cladhaireThrae: There are different levels, and different goals.  I have coded like that, and I may in the future.. but "modularization" doesn't mean it inherently has an API for extensions and addons.
02:38.57cladhairethats all my point is.
02:39.10cladhairemodules doesn't mean "accessible API for extension"
02:39.25cladhaireagain, merely arguing the semantics.
02:39.30ThraeYeah, but I still think that's counter to the intention of modularization. Not that it's a "bad idea"
02:39.45cladhaireon YOUR intent.
02:40.24Thraecladhaire: No, I'm basing my ideas on the intent of the invention of modularization
02:40.39TainI base mmy ideas on the intent for debauchery.
02:40.40ThraeBut anyway, my brain is shutting down
02:40.54cladhaireA module can be defined variously, but generally must be a component of a larger system, and operate within that system independently from the operations of the other components.
02:40.58ThraeDue to lack of Ice Cream
02:41.13kergothis there a decent standalone performance bar, along the likes of GCInfo but with fps/latency?
02:41.28cladhairehrm.. there was at some point.
02:41.31cladhairei'll see if i can dig it up
02:42.58Thraekergoth: FuBar addons can be standalone (at least they're suppose to be)
02:43.17kergothyes, they can
02:43.23kergoththat doesnt mean i want to have to mouse over a button to see the info
02:43.40ThraeYou can detach the tablet
02:43.49kergothwhat part of "bar" do you not understand?
02:43.58kergothwasting an assload of screenspace on a tablet isnt something i want
02:43.58ThraeOh you want it in bar form, not number
02:44.20kergothnumber form is fine, as long as its compact
02:44.23kergoththe tablet is decidedly not.
02:44.34KiphereCEomg peepz in da hedz!
02:46.36JoshBork2how do i get the size of a table created by "local tbl = { functionWithMultipleReturns() }"?
02:46.50cladhairedamn you all
02:46.58JoshBork2tie between kergoth and cide
02:47.03CideI won here!
02:47.23JoshBork2i tried select('#',tbl) but that didn't work...
02:47.29kergothselect operates on ...
02:47.31kergothnot tables
02:47.46JoshBork2now i know :)
02:47.56Cideselect operates on a list, more specifically
02:48.00kergothmore accurately, it goes based on the number of arguments it gets
02:48.43Endyou could do select('#', unpack(tbl)), but that'd be a pretty retarded way to do it
02:49.15kergothlua really needs a proper immutable tuple type, so you can have named ...
02:49.46KiphereCEI'm listening to all the Real Men of Genius commercials. ;)
02:49.55Cidebeing able to construct that would be awesome
02:50.26Cideand have more than one...
02:50.35JoshBork2hey cladhaire, what's the Dongle.lua used for in clique?
02:50.38kergothbeing able to use an immutable tuple as a table key would kick ass
02:50.52kergothfoo[(1,2,3)] or whatever
02:50.57kergothand have it actually behave
02:50.59Cidereminds me of python
02:51.11Cidewhich I also like a lot!
02:51.19cladhaireJoshBork2: Provides a basic addon framework, in this case DB, event registration and slash command handling
02:51.42cladhaireactually also contains an Iriel versioning stub
02:52.27TainI gave your mom a stub.
02:52.44cladhairethats all you ahd to give her
02:53.07TainIt's true, they call me Stubby McStubbalot
02:53.26SmeltnI have a little eyeball moving button by my minimap and I am not in a lfg que
02:53.28cladhairecall 911, irc isn't appropriate for emergencies
02:53.30Smeltnits there everytime I log in
02:54.22TainYour eyeball is supposed to be inside your skull, not moving around
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02:55.54lectrdDoes anyone know of a site that has the API in a printable format?
02:56.11JoshBork1how should i go about decomposing ALT-CTRL-SHIFT-<key> into a separated format?
02:56.35JoshBork1my brain hasn't been functioning at all for the past 2 weeks
02:56.35Qshadowpding 300 herbalism \o/
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02:58.24JoshBork1  anyone else see the HOWTO: Masturbate with sandpaper? o.O
02:58.46cladhaire is my fav
02:58.53TainI must have missed that.
02:59.44Qshadowplmfao i see that too xD
02:59.58Qshadowpsomeone must be very random.
03:00.23ThraeNo instructions, damn them!
03:00.24Endno more Gggoiuhytgfrd
03:01.37JoshBork1aw, no more sandpaper masturbation either
03:02.34lectrdAnyone have experience programming with the RDX mods?
03:03.04ThraeHmmm, problem with the G15 -- it doesn't fit very well on my pull-out KB drawer
03:03.18Qshadowplol Thrae :P
03:03.48ThraeNow I can't push the KB all the way in :D
03:04.19CideI've had problems with the macros not recording properly
03:07.28KiphereCEI need a better unitbars and buffbars mod.
03:07.28TainI found I had to record macros and then edit them.
03:07.29KiphereCEis CT all workin right now? (don't need raid, just the bars/buff mods etc)
03:07.29TainBut I didn't have any problems after that.
03:07.29CideKiphereCE: have been for the past month
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03:07.29CideTain: yeah, but that's what I mean
03:07.30KiphereCEahh, thought I had heard there were some issues with the base CT bit
03:07.30Cidethat were fixed within a week :)
03:07.30KiphereCEonly really want the Unit bars and buff options mainly.
03:07.30CideI typed /script CT_RaidAssist2:DisplayOptionsMenu() and it was recorded as /script CT_raidassist2:DisplayOptionsMenu(9
03:07.30BleetahI had macro recording probs on my G15, I seemed to be able to overcome it by inserting a minimum 10ms delay between each keypress
03:07.30Cideat least 5-6 times, too
03:07.41Bleetahyeah, it seems to freak a little on the shift key thing, too
03:08.30Imrclyi want one they are so sexy insanly better than this $10 walmart keyboard
03:09.11ThraeG15 is a luxury gamer's item, really.
03:09.20Imrclyits been only 4 hours and i miss my laptop
03:09.39ThraeNo real advantage over a $10 KB, except for its non-KB specific functions
03:10.09Imrclyand its easier to type on this thing requires key punching to type
03:10.41ThraeWait, can you use the G15 with video game consoles? It has a switch here that looks like a Computer and a Joystick
03:11.11ThraeWell I guess it's different strokes for different folks. I was born on clackety KBs, so I put a lot of force in my typing
03:11.46Imrclyi used to have this as my keyboard and i liked it but i have gotten used to easy type keyboards
03:11.59Imrclynow i am using this thing again
03:12.34Qshadowphaha automootic is so fun :P
03:12.44Imrclyis it done?
03:13.18Qshadowpi went to my realms irc channel and said "im in your ab's mooing at your taurens"
03:14.16Guillotinepurl, Automootic is <reply> /moo at all tauren you mouseover! (Only works well for alliance). Available at
03:14.31purlokay, Guillotine
03:14.53KiphereCEI really hope the new flexbar has the same basic options as the old one.
03:15.11KiphereCEprimarily the grouping, scaling, etc. I messed with 2 for a bit in its unfinished version and the gui frightened me.
03:18.16purl/moo at all tauren you mouseover! (Only works well for alliance). Available at
03:18.21Qshadowpnice :)
03:19.35JoshBork1lol KiphereCE
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03:23.58KiphereCEmy server is the only one offline =\
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03:30.40Mike-N-GoKiphereCE: Roll a new one!
03:30.49Mike-N-GoSomeone unlike your current toons!
03:31.44Corrodiasi guess i might as well start from the beginning, updating my addons for 2.0, since it's been a few weeks
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03:43.21KiphereCEthe new CT stuff like the buff window and the gui for it...
03:43.31KiphereCEit's really impressive.
03:44.41cladhairei'd like to see it =)
03:44.44cladhaire<# ct
03:46.08KiphereCEyou have to pretty much see it in action
03:46.34KiphereCEa ss doesnt do it justice, the way the gui works and the smoothness of the bars while they 'time down' on debuffs, etc.
03:46.38KiphereCEits really nice.
03:46.41ThraeWhat's <# stand for? "I like CT as much as Ice-cream cones!"
03:47.04Endhmm, so I've written a working version of ReactionBar
03:47.08Bleetahyes, the CT team really have outdone themselves this release
03:47.15Endunfortunately, hooksecurefunc breaks it
03:47.33decaprimehey guys, how do I check if a table is empty
03:47.36ThraeHmmm, my gaming computer seems to have died.
03:47.46Enddecaprime: next(mytable) == nil
03:48.00ThraeAh wait...
03:48.05decaprimeill give it a go end
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03:48.55Corrodiasso this new CT release is... released?
03:49.18Corrodiascome to think of it, i never used CTRA's "visible" features, except raid warnings, and
03:49.22BleetahCorrodias: yes
03:49.29Corrodiasi can't really think of anything else that i used at all
03:49.58KiphereCEanyone know a good unit bar mod? I want a fairly 'square' unitbar, invididually movable party members, scale option, and any other little perks but mainly those things.
03:50.06KiphereCEI can't tell how to see if a mod is 2.0 compliant on Curse ><
03:50.18decaprimehey end
03:50.35Corrodiaswell, i enjoy x-perl unitframes... although it's not simple-looking
03:50.49GuillotineKiphereCE: just search by only 2.0 comlpliant mods
03:51.10KiphereCEI just clicked on unit frames in the menu.
03:51.20KiphereCEnot sure why it doesnt have any sort of 'tag' to let people know its compliant.
03:51.22Corrodiaslast i checked, curse had shit for a search feature (a single string by name only)
03:51.29Enddecaprime: hmm?
03:51.31Imrclyautomootic error
03:51.38decaprimedidn't work
03:51.43Endit should work
03:51.46decaprimewell atleast wasn't what I needed
03:52.07Qshadowpis it possible to make wow save jpg files instead of tga?
03:52.15Qshadowptis so silly, takes up masses of space for no reason :(
03:52.32cladhaireQshadowp: No
03:52.35cladhaireand on a mac, they save as jpg instead of tga
03:52.36cladhairewhich sucks
03:52.47Corrodiasmass convert with an image editor
03:52.57Qshadowp6mb a screenshot FTL.
03:53.00Endyou should be able to change it on a mac
03:53.10Corrodiasi've got a few gigs of screenshots, myself
03:53.11Endit's a CVar most likely
03:53.13Qshadowpoh well, sleepy time :p
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03:53.44ThraeOn a Mac, files open you!
03:54.57BleetahI thought they made it recently so it'd save jpg?
03:56.12funnellpdAnyone here have a minute to answer a question regarding macros and chat channels?
03:57.51funnellpdI've got a simple /2 WTB [item] macro and am looking for a way to have it send to /1 instead if I'm not in a city.
03:58.13funnellpdWhether with a button or key modifier, whatever works.
04:02.14GuillotineImrcly: thats interesting. How did you get the death of something with nil name?
04:02.36KiphereCEugh. is hard to navigate.
04:02.57KiphereCEI can't find shit though theres a lot of stuff.
04:06.16KiphereCEI go to curse and I can't tell which are 2.0 compliant, I go to and it's fishing through a jumbled pile of addons, I go to wowinterface and theres only a few unitbars available at all =\
04:06.16Corrodiasprobably because you're the only person who uses the term "unitbars" :)
04:06.16KiphereCEI'm not searching based on that term.
04:06.16KiphereCEI'm speaking.
04:06.17ImrclyGuillotine: i used twisting neither and then killed them before it totaly reloaded my screen
04:06.17KiphereCEand there's a whole section on wowinterface called 'unit mods'
04:06.17GuillotineImrcly: ahh. Well, I'm not going to go through the work of putting in checks for that :P
04:06.17KiphereCE"unit frames" on Curse.
04:06.17KiphereCEand nothign comparable on that I can find, though its confusing enough just to scan their menu.
04:06.21Imrclyi love that 10% chance to rez on that card cause mages don't be doing that
04:08.20Guillotinejust check WoW2.0 and both TBC
04:09.17KiphereCEcurse is frustrating me atm, most of the screenshots are being replcaed by the same image from some other mod it seems.
04:10.02KiphereCEI'll stick with the default bars for now, don't need em that bad.
04:20.33NeuroKiphereCE, what are you looking for in unit frames?
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04:21.24CorrodiasDEFAULT BARS? OMG
04:23.01Imrclyi use defualt bars
04:24.28Gnarfoz_blergh :\ can't stand them ^^
04:24.41xsarpedonMe too, I don't understand everyones hatred of them
04:25.08NeuroI'm fine with default personally... has the information I need
04:25.29Neurogranted, I use ctmod to add the hp/mana display
04:26.11Neurowhat's up with wowi?
04:26.17Corrodiasthey don't display enough information for me and they don't display it in a sufficiently efficient manner
04:26.56Imrclyi use titan panel
04:28.39GuillotineKiphereCE: ya, known bug :/ I'm sticking to default bars too until Loz finishes DAB
04:30.26NeuroI think he means default frames
04:30.36Neuroi.e. DUF, not DAB
04:30.49Guillotineeither way, I'm sticking with it until the discord version is rady :P
04:31.34Guillotinethough I'm loving some of the features of RDX.Cid
04:42.19Shadowedsylvanaar: ping
04:42.28sylvanaarShadowed: pong o.O
04:42.44sylvanaaryou caught me
04:42.50purlmooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass, or
04:42.51Guillotineyou ruined my pong game :(
04:47.59purlhere's a llama there's a llama and another little llama fuzzy llama funny llama, llama llama duck. llama llama cheesecake llama tablet brick potato llama, llama llama mushroom llama, llama llama duck. i was once a treehouse i lived in a cake but i never saw the way the orange slayed the rake i was only three years dead but it told a tale and now listen, little ...
04:50.28Corrodiaswhat am i supposed to change "normaltext" to in frame definitions?
04:51.33Corrodiasthe WoW patcher deemed it necessary to delete everything in my WoWTest folder when updating to 2.0 live, you see, so i had to restore my "updated addons" from a backup a couple of days old on another drive
04:53.19Corrodiasor is normaltext the new one...
05:00.06kergothouch, glad i put my wowtest into a seperate dir outside of the live wow dir
05:01.41Neurohmm, Ford died
05:02.02Neurothough, I'm slightly more upset about James Brown's passing
05:02.31Corrodiasi'm more upset that i don't know how to fix this font
05:09.26Corrodiasthere, got it
05:09.34Corrodiasi kept editing my old backup instead of the live copy
05:10.43DezzimalNeuro: whats more sad, is how many people say "who is james brown?"
05:10.44Industrialbleh servers down
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05:19.56Corrodiasstrange... someone made a new rewrite of the Aspected addon for 2.0, but Aspected works fine in 2.0 as far as i can tell (though perhaps i had to run it through the Lua updater)
05:20.30Industrialstrange isnt it
05:21.10NeuroAnyone know what events are called by Aimed and Auto shot?
05:21.22Corrodiasoh, i see, it's the whole secure template thing
05:21.28Corrodiasi didn't try it in combat
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05:34.49Corrodiasauctioneer isn't ready for 2.0 yet, hmm? well, i can mostly live without it
05:35.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom_ (
05:47.13Nom-*sigh* I need a decent program to keep all my mods updated *cry*
05:47.15lectrdAnyone in here?
05:47.16Nom-Just the stealth kittens
05:47.16MentalPower|PCgnight guys
05:47.16IndustrialNom-: its called brains
05:47.17lectrdAnyone know of a compilation of the API (Like WoWWiki) that's in a more print friendly format?
05:47.18CorrodiasNom-: what of this?
05:47.18Nom-Looks quality
05:47.18Nom-rofl, you guys ever watched Boston Legal?
05:47.18Nom-It's funny as :P
05:47.18Mr_Rabies2wuu is a pain in the ass currently but it works supposedly once you get it set up
05:52.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
06:06.57Corrodiasclad is such a busy person
06:07.19kaidenbleh kirk screwed up his latest commit of clearfont 2 and he's nowhere to be found :(
06:07.27Corrodiasi get a kick out of reading your dire warnings about how busy you are on wowi's Clique and PRaid pages :)
06:07.37cladhaireheh, i am
06:08.22cladhaire"Working" 16-18 hours a day, gets tiring..
06:09.07Corrodiaswhat do you do?
06:09.23Corrodiasyou've got addon writing, of course... a job, also?
06:09.35End-sleepsleep must not exist
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06:10.56cladhairei work 8-10 hours a day
06:11.03cladhairethen come home and code, and do server work
06:11.12lectrdAnyone programmed bossmods with La Vendetta/RDX before?
06:12.49Corrodiasi wonder what la vaendetta/rdx is
06:13.02Corrodiassuch horrible typos
06:15.06CairennShadowed: approved
06:15.17Shadowedthanks cair
06:15.29Shadowedhave 3 others i'm uploading in a few minutes once i work out how to upload stuff on CG
06:15.38Shadowedthe edit page is hiding
06:15.46cladhaires/edit page/site/
06:15.47lectrdLa Vendetta is a mod which does timers/annoucnes and what not on boss fights
06:16.00lectrdRDX is kinda like a more robust CTRaid
06:16.05Shadowedthe sites the easy part, finding the edit one is hard :p
06:16.27cladhaires/sites/nothing/ s/the edit one/how to do anything/
06:16.33Shadowedfound it
06:16.38Shadowedtricky thing is hiding
06:16.47Corrodiasso, have all the Alliance healing-priests imploded after 2.0?
06:16.57Shadowedof course not
06:17.26Corrodiasi thought half the WoW healers were, to put it lightly, "concerned" about going insane
06:17.45Shadowedand the world isn't going to end without Decursive either, sapph, noth and chrom are all fine
06:17.55AnduinLotharoh we're not insane. it's quite safe now. the guilds have simply stopped raiding
06:17.59Corrodiaswhat a letdown.
06:18.29Shadowedsapph is only a 12-13 minute fight, so you end up with plenty of extra time even if people let a tick or two get off
06:18.40Guillotinehmm. what do you think of this idea to suggest to slouken: An API function to check if the current account is just WoW or TBC
06:18.43Guillotinemakes sence to me
06:19.08IrielI think you'd need to first come up with a reason why it'd be handy
06:19.08GuillotineI have several
06:19.09cladhaireits already been asked for, with no justification =)
06:19.16Iriel(I'd suggest avoiding PLAYER_MAX_LEVEL as a fixed constant for one)
06:19.27Corrodiasi want a function that will force everyone to hallucinate clowns, CLOWNS CLOWNS
06:19.36Corrodiasbut i don't think he'd go for it
06:19.38Guillotinea remote ability browser to see what trainers have. if you're not TBC, you can't get those
06:19.57IrielThat may not be such a good reason
06:20.00Guillotinean addon that suggests where to level. that may be different in the high 50s if you haev TBC
06:20.11ShadowedDoes the client even know if you're flagged for TBC? I though that the only time it would check if you were flagged or not was entering starting areas
06:20.15Irielafterall, they dont show you the skills when you're not by the trainer in the standard UI
06:20.20cladhaireFrom the WoW perspective, they'd want you to see all of that, to encourage you to buy the expansion, if nothing else.
06:20.21Shadowedand outlands
06:20.26Guillotineany addon that has time to level would bug out for non-expansion people at 60
06:21.13Guillotinealso, if you're non-expansion, it still shows the xp bar instead of the rep bar at 60
06:21.25Guillotinewhich can't be fixed without that API call
06:21.28IrielYeah, that's the only reason I can think of for it
06:21.35IrielAnd the base UI should be doing that itself, and it's not
06:21.51Corrodiasi'd like it to be known that i like downloading from wowi much more than curse if only for the reason that i don't have to manually rename the file from something stupid to a readable format.
06:22.01Guillotinehmm. do non-expansion 60s get an experience -> gold conversion?
06:22.28IrielI imagine so
06:22.29ZealotOnAStickI definitely like WoWInterface the best of all the UI sites.  I wish so many people didn't release things exclusively on Curse.  :/
06:22.35Irielanyone on live is a non-expansion 60 right now
06:23.52GuillotineIriel: but they may change that when expansion comes out
06:24.04IrielGuillotine: I suppose so, but I doubt it
06:24.08GuillotineCorrodias: what do you mean? Curse doesn't rename files. Its just whatever the user named it
06:24.14End-sleepno it's not
06:24.25cladhaireGuillotine: No, its lik
06:24.31GuillotineIriel: well thats another reason. to see if the person will be getting xp-> gold conversion
06:24.33End-sleepI named it and it named it
06:24.39Corrodiasi really doubt the author named it that
06:24.39Bleetahgiven the quest xp gold display bug at the moment, I suspect they will continue to give gold coversion
06:24.49Guillotineoh ya, it replaces "." with "-"
06:24.51Bleetah(as they've said it's a display issue in the quest complete)
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06:25.07Corrodiasit can be seen especially when things have different names on WoWI and Curse
06:25.07Guillotinebut other than that, its just authors with bad naming conventions :P
06:25.32cladhairethe file you download has crap added to the front of it.
06:25.43cladhairesaw that like 10 times tonight as i downloaded from curse
06:25.56Corrodiasi'm in the middle of it now
06:26.01ZealotOnAStickthey also muck up symbols in filenames.  If I released "MyAddon-v1.2.45b" it'd end up something like "47-4756-myaddon-v1-2-45b
06:26.12CairennThe only time we touch a file on WoWI is if the author has included source code for us to verify, in which case we remove that file from the zip before releasing the zip for download.
06:26.14Bleetahyeah, that's what really turned me off curse to start with... if I download a bunch of addons into one folder, sorting them out into subfolders (authors) or similar is a right nightmare
06:26.36Guillotinehmm. I'll see if theres any way to fix it
06:26.55AnduinLotharlol i already bugged half the curse crew about it
06:27.23Guillotinenever noticed it before. I just Open -> extract directly to WoW folder
06:27.31Guillotinedon't save zips
06:27.35BleetahI had guessed it was some unique identifier thing, so authors who upload a mod-3.1 one day, and an updated mod-3.1 the next day, get different filenames pushed out to the peeps who d/l... but never investigated
06:27.52Corrodiasyou don't save them? no wonder! silly boy. girl. person.
06:28.02Bleetah;) j/k
06:29.30GuillotineI am none of the above. I am a device used for carrying out executions by decapitation
06:29.37Guillotineprimarily used during the French Revolution
06:29.45Guillotineanyway, I'm off to bed. gn :)
06:29.52Cairennnight Guillotine
06:30.04Bleetahnn mate
06:32.32kaidengah .. only 21 days
06:32.39kaidenso sick of leveling chars to 60 out of boredom
06:32.40CorrodiaseCastingBar has a "focus bar" these days. what's that?
06:32.51AnduinLotharcasting bar of your focus
06:33.04Bleetaha number of mods provide the player with info on who sells limited supply stuff. I could see an 'IsExpansion()' being useful for 'Sold by 1 merchant (unavailable)' or similar as being slightly useful.
06:33.47Corrodias...oh, focus, that's a 2.0 thing, isn't it?
06:34.08ShadowedYou can do /focus <unit> it basically gives you another unitid called focus to use
06:34.23Bleetahbut I guess that can just as easily be achieved through adjusting the lists of stuff
06:34.34Bleetahyeah, try as hard as I can, can't think of a compelling reason ;)
06:34.40Shadowedeg, you can do /focus target, sheep it, change target then do /cast [target=focus] Polymorph to sheep the focused target without changing it
06:35.18Arrowmasteri used to use eCastingBar before i switched to oCB, but with the recent additions it got in 2.0 i wonder why people still use it, so bloated
06:35.44AnduinLotharwhat you call bloat others call features
06:35.48Corrodiasyou wonder why they use ecb or ocb?
06:35.58ShadowedIf you add to many features that not many people use it's bloated though
06:36.22Corrodiasecb certainly isn't bloated
06:36.26Bleetahand what others call features, I call bugs
06:36.32Nom-anyone found a good macro for making mana gems
06:36.39Shadowed/cast Mana Gem
06:36.43Arrowmasteryeah when theres already so many different enemy casting bar mods out there, why does a self casting bar mod need them
06:36.57Nom-I mean one that will make the set
06:37.05Nom-A single button I can click over and over again to make all 4 gems
06:37.34AnduinLotharnot possible anymore afaik
06:37.43Arrowmasteruse /castsequence
06:37.58AnduinLotharit doesn't have a HasItem does it?
06:38.08Arrowmasterbut i already know youll complain that it doesnt work right
06:38.26Arrowmasterno it doesnt
06:38.31AnduinLotharyou could make it cast them sequentially yes
06:38.47IrielYou could make an addon that does it, as long as you only want to use it out of combat
06:40.29*** join/#wowi-lounge ZealotOnAStick (
06:40.55Irielsleep time
06:41.04Cairennnight Iriel
06:41.56Bleetahnn iriel
06:42.25*** join/#wowi-lounge ChrisD (
06:46.06*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
06:47.06ckknighthey all
06:47.45Cairennhi ckknight
06:50.10ShadowedCairenn: Mind approving the 3 other addons I uploaded
06:50.17CairennShadowed: already done
06:52.08Corrodiasshe's faster than you can say "hey Cairenn..."
06:52.16IndustrialCairenn: how you doin? :)
06:52.24Cairenndoing okay, yourself Industrial?
06:52.26ShadowedI think her browser refreshes the approve screen every few seconds
06:52.31CorrodiasCairenn might just have an RSS feed directly into her brain
06:52.44Cairennheh, something like that
06:52.51Shadowedmaybe she's a robot?
06:52.56Industrialim ok, but ive been at home now for 5 weeks - school is too easy and waiting for a reply from some company to work 2 days int he week
06:53.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Segatron (n=MrX@
06:53.04Industrialoh and i have 2 weeks holiday now
06:53.34BleetahCairenn: did you roll a toon on the Ravenholdt realm? I recall bumming around in Tirisfal last night, and seeing someone with a very similar (if not identically) spelt name
06:53.34CairennDolby-wowi has created a nice little tool that refreshes every 60 seconds that lets me know if there are mods in the queue on any of our sites
06:53.42cladhairezomg i want
06:53.56CairennBleetah: not that I recall
06:54.25Bleetahah, good that i didn't run up and hug them then hehe
06:54.31Cairennbut I may have at some point and have just forgotten about her
06:54.43Cairennnot me then, I wasn't on
06:54.44Bleetahrealm's only 3 weeks old
06:59.12Cairenncladhaire: lol, good luck, he joked about not giving me access to it because it was the only way he got to approve addons, since I would usually get them approved so fast he never had a chance
06:59.23cladhairehehehe =)
06:59.29Cairennnow he *really* doesn't get many opportunities
07:00.40Corrodias"any of our sites"? you have mods to approve for other games, or more than one wow addon site?
07:00.58Cairennwe have 4 sites currently, although only 3 of the games are live
07:00.59Corrodiasor another option i haven't considered?
07:01.05CairennEQ, EQ2, WoW & Vanguard
07:01.17Cairennand two more in the works
07:01.23CairennLOTRO & G&H
07:02.32Shadowedokay maybe trying to update 3 addons on 3 different sites at once was a bad idea
07:03.18CairennCorrodias: that's what we keep trying to point out to folks, that they miss all too often
07:03.52Cairennwe've been running mod hosting sites for 5 years now, with a proven track record of *never* having anyone get anything nasty from any of our sites
07:03.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
07:04.02Cairennand that's why we know what sort of support mod authors need
07:04.26Corrodiasthat's why i wear briefs
07:04.31cladhairei prefer commando
07:05.32Cairennit's also why I'm so ... emphatic ... in my support of mod author IP copyright
07:05.56CorrodiasExecute: Checkout *wait wait wait* :(
07:06.01Cairennbeen dealing with it for 5+ years at this point
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07:41.53Neurobtw, just to answer an old question for Arrowmaster, re: Why does a self-casting mod need target casting bars:  Because prior to 2.0, the two were essentially different, since the detection methods required totally different code.  In 2.0, making an enemy casting bar is identical to making a self-casting bar, just a matter of changing the unit ID you are looking for.
07:42.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Kodewulf (
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07:56.27Corrodiasso with all this newfangled 2.0 stuff, can we spawn a thread that waits one second and then does something?
07:57.03AnduinLotharsure, tho you have to do the timer yourself
08:01.07Corrodiasactually, i remember now how to do what i want...
08:02.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
08:06.51AnduinLotharso, lotta wardrobe changes. anyone have any suggestions or outstanding bugs before i finalize?>
08:11.11Corrodiaslooks like i'm going to have to give Grid a try without praid around yet :o
08:11.34cladhairewant the beta
08:11.37cladhairedepends on what you need it for
08:12.12Corrodiaswell, the guild wouldn't be raiding for a while yet, with the holiday upon us, and i'd feel poorly motivated with TBC around the corner, so i really don't need a raid interface yet
08:12.23[Cu]WerikJust a sidenote, the European mirrors use the old naming system for files, and the other one in NJ will change as well
08:13.18Corrodiasalthough i'm sure i ought to give Grid a try some day when it becomes relevant again. there's no rush for me, though.
08:13.29cladhairei mean feel free
08:13.31cladhairehell i've given it a try
08:13.33cladhairei like that shit
08:15.27Industriali dont too small
08:15.43Industrial(haha, coming from me)
08:16.05Corrodiasjigga wha
08:16.46Corrodiaswell, now that a lot more of these addons have been updated for 2.0, my attempt to update them is going much more quickly
08:17.15AnduinLothar[Cu]Werik: ban myrtlepinata
08:17.20IndustrialI want an editor that looks good, has tabs, nice tree explorer that i can hide(important)
08:17.24Industrialbut still work like vim
08:17.27AnduinLotharhe's been spamming hack comments
08:17.32[Cu]WerikI cant...
08:17.46AnduinLotharwhat do you mean you cant?
08:17.54[Cu]WerikI mean I can't ban people
08:18.03AnduinLotharso tell someone who can :P
08:18.09Corrodiasget the pentagon on the horn!
08:18.26ZealotOnAStickYou looking for some solid raiding beta testers for PerfectRaid Cladhaire?
08:18.29[Cu]WerikThere is like 3 people who can ban people
08:18.50cladhairethey're the ones who will hurt me the most =)
08:18.52cladhairebut send me an email
08:19.17Industrialwaiting for the realms to get onlines sucks
08:19.26Industrialespecially when you feel like coding
08:20.07Industrialso i went and did the groceries, cleaned my room, etc - but im done lol
08:20.35Industrial9:20 am bet id make a good houseman :o
08:21.40AnduinLotharlol, lots of stuff gets done with no wow, eh?
08:21.49AnduinLotharsounds like me when i have hw to do...
08:22.18Corrodiasfind another game to play, man!
08:23.01Industrialhm you know what i dont like about the web2.0 (excuse my french :P) tags system of finding things? its uncertain that you will find all content.
08:23.10IndustrialI do, Half-life:Team Fortress Classic
08:27.11Corrodiascurse's search is nigh unto useless. i use google with if i need to find something on there.
08:27.23Nom-anyone know a mod that allows me to put a blank area at the bottom of the screen?
08:27.45*** join/#wowi-lounge marco1001 (
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08:29.36ZealotOnAStickcladhaire: e-mail sent.
08:36.22Nom-not quite what i'm after
08:36.37Nom-I want to draw a transparent box over the viewport
08:37.02ZealotOnAStickTake a look at eePanels perhaps?
08:40.21IndustrialNom-: actually using what cairenn suggested will make you still see 100% of your screen
08:40.36Industrials/your screen/the world/
08:41.11Industrialyay my realm is online
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08:55.30[Cu]WerikIndustrial, tags are a two edged blade
08:56.26[Cu]WerikIt's only useful if people use them actively
09:03.59Nom-hmm k got that sorted
09:04.16Nom-now there's a mod somewhere that lets you move all the mini map icons around, right?
09:05.56Cairenn|afkcouple of them
09:06.14Cairenn|afk is one
09:06.27Cairenn|afk is another
09:07.54bleetahCairenn|afk: seeing you're not afk, quick mod question (looking for one)
09:08.01bleetahi need a mod to grow the coffee beans, roast them, brew my coffee and put the IV drip in
09:09.08bleetahso yer not this great all knowing mod person then? /cry
09:09.38bleetahi'll just have to go back to blaming Cide for my lack of coffee
09:11.53[Cu]WerikOh by the way
09:12.01[Cu]WerikHow did the live maintenance go?
09:12.32Corrodiasuh oh. i wonder if my crusty, old version of SCT will work in 2.0
09:13.09bleetahseemed to go fine, although I did notice some increased latency around the time I thought it was going to happen, I later tracked that down to Azureus going off it's head with many connections (yet no data) getting the patch ;)
09:13.32bleetahbeyond that, from a tech point of view, I have no idea.
09:13.47[Cu]WerikI see
09:17.00Nom-awesome :)
09:17.12Nom-only other thing i need...i remember seeing in a few screenshots a mini combat log
09:17.27Nom-any idea what that is?
09:17.41Cairenn|afkHitsMode, Simple Combat Log, Nurfed Combat Log
09:18.30Nom-You guys must have craniums the size of SUV's :P
09:18.39MoonWolfnot really....
09:20.03bleetahCairenn|afk: one thing I'd like to see WoWI implement, is a 'licence' indicator in the "Interface Information" section
09:20.24bleetahand, I presume (I've never uploaded so dunno) a method by which authors state what kind of license
09:21.41Cairenn|afkpost it in our suggestion forum, that way I won't forget about it
09:22.25bleetahonly problem with that
09:22.35bleetahi need to remember which damned username I registered with hehe
09:22.42bleetah(won't take me long to track it down)
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09:25.02bleetahshamelessly and lazily copied the irc text to the post ;)
09:25.39bleetahbut yeah, it's not only meant as an aide to your users, but to encourage uploaders to think about what kind of license they want
09:32.28bleetahserious question about a mod... has anyone done a basic paint mod? I could see it being useful in a couple of situations (draw out the battle plan, describe where something is in relation to other objects, drawing male genitalia*)
09:33.06bleetah*a bit obscure, but the first picture done in the Gaim Whiteboard was... yeah, men's bits - on the theory that's all most of our users would use it for and thus we had to test it
09:33.15bleetahheh, kk, gnight :P
09:36.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Sairen (
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09:49.52bleetahnn clad
09:49.59Wobinbleetah, there's a whiteboard mod somewhere
09:52.32bleetahhmm, using that name I found (what appears to be) an orphaned mod on worldofwar
09:56.08bleetahheh, it seems to 'largely' work (where cases of 'largely' = shows the drawing window, the buttons, the color picker... just errors when trying to paint ;-) ... might be able to hack this up
10:06.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Laric (
10:08.57bleetahworks fine, just adjust the for k,v stuff
10:10.52CorrodiasWOO HOO i'm almost finished updating my addons
10:11.20Corrodiasamazingly, almost all of them have working versions now
10:14.12bleetahah, it would appear the author's moved on from simple whiteboard, to being able to draw on maps, place markers on the minimap etc.
10:15.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Jocco_S (
10:16.03TheStigman Automaton has conflicts with my other ace addons~
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10:18.13TheStigi just need something simple to block guild invites lol
10:18.32nevcairielcreate a dummy guild
10:18.33TheStigbut automaton has conflicts with fubar and other ace2 stuff
10:19.12TheStigjust need to supress the guild invite box and have it press the decline button while its supressed
10:19.19TheStigmaybe i'll look into it
10:19.35bleetahI keep meaning to write my own 'ignore stuff' mod.. guild invites, duel requests, trades, whispers from non-guildies/non-friends with the words 'port' or 'summon' in them, etc. etc.
10:19.51bleetahanything in trade without an item link, wts, wtt, wtb in it
10:19.52TheStigi might do that
10:20.05TheStigthat'sa great idea
10:20.20TheStigtonight in IF we had a huge fucking "murloc" spamfest for hours
10:20.30TheStigpeople woudl replace one word in the name of a film with the word murloc
10:20.35TheStigand they would do that for hours and hours
10:20.44TheStigin trade
10:20.47TheStignot general
10:20.49TheStigF-ing trade
10:20.53zenzelezzI remember doing that on another channel with friends once, except we did it with "sheep"
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10:21.03bleetahtrade is the new lfg
10:21.29TheStigtrade is the new 12 year olds with nothing better to do
10:21.32zenzelezzmy most funny murloc memory would have to be the Onyxia raid where we had a murloc impersonation contest
10:22.33TheStigi have something that blocks trade requests and prevents the AH from closing unless you actually click close or walk out of range
10:22.42TheStigyou could modify it to suit your purposes blee
10:23.59Industrial*badoom tisch*
10:24.56bleetahyeah, that's the easy bit.. the tricky one is the 'logic' for the other foo i want to do, queueing messages, 'improved' friends and ignore list with 'autosense' to detect members of your guild's alliances, and some other stuff
10:25.18TheStigyeah i know haha
10:25.20Corrodiasanyone who isn't exactly as old as i am is a twit
10:25.28TheStighow old are you Corrodias
10:25.28Fumler[N]wtb ouf :<
10:25.30bleetah(that way, in theory, an *unkown* friend of an allied guild can still whisper you, etc.)
10:25.51Corrodiasapproximately 28 days from 23 years
10:26.13bleetaha baybeee :P
10:26.16TheStigahh i'm about 37 days from 24
10:27.33TheStigi dont want to block whispers at all, just anything in trade chat that doesn't have an item link, wtb,wts, etc. and guild invites
10:28.44bleetahyeah, but *I* wanna do some specific stuff, so I ain't writing anything until I've got a vague notion of what basics I need ;)
10:28.44Corrodiaspuddin' pops
10:35.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
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10:44.50Corrodiasdoes WoW 2.0 default UI include the ability to add "notes" to players on your ignore and friends lists?
10:45.57Teomyrthat may be ctmod
10:47.05bleetahI think cosmos has one called FriendsFacts
10:47.20bleetahso no, not default, but plenty of mods out there
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10:50.06Corrodiasi have two such sets of notes :o
10:51.17Corrodiasthe first is from AuldLangSyne, but the second has nil for GetName()
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10:55.21Corrodiashow do i figure out where it comes from if it has no Name? >_<
10:55.55TheStigwait, what?
10:57.07Corrodias/dump GetMouseFocus():GetName() = empty result (nil)
10:57.18Corrodiaswith my cursor on the button
10:57.39TheStigmap button?
10:58.06TheStigerr nvm i'm lost and half asleep don't mind me
10:58.08Corrodiasno, it's a notes button on my friends list
10:59.02nevcairielthe buttons dont really need a name tho
10:59.08nevcairielnot every frame has one :)
10:59.55Corrodiasit somewhat limits my ability to figure out where they came from, at least conveniently
11:01.03Corrodiasfortunately for me, Teomyr was correct that it's CT mod... and i don't see an option to turn it off
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11:33.10Corrodiasman, those unpopulated areas do have some weird geometry. i'm curious about the map editors the devs use.
11:34.54KemayoCorrodias: Yeah, CTmod merged playernotes into the core in their latest release.  I don't think it's easily turnable off... though I haven't checked.
11:35.19Corrodiasah ha
11:36.23phreakyHm .. any1 know why /cast Create Spellstone works but not /Cast Create Spellstone (Major)
11:38.49Corrodiaswhat happens... if you remove the space between spellstone and (major)?
11:40.15Teomyror maybe something like /cast Create Spellstone (Major)(Rank 1)
11:40.29Mike-N-GoWoW has a memory leak :(
11:40.35Mike-N-GoOr it is one of my addons...
11:40.55Corrodiasboth, possibly. where are you getting the memory usage information?
11:40.55Mike-N-GoAnyone else have this problem?
11:41.05Mike-N-GoI am on a Mac
11:41.15Mike-N-GoI have Activity Monitor
11:41.24Mike-N-Goor top FTW!
11:41.41phreakyCorrodias, Teomyr: None of that works
11:43.10Corrodiasi use "slide whistle" for my task management
11:43.49Corrodiasthat's a jab at linux program names
11:44.12Mike-N-GoOr MB, is GC not happing?
11:44.16Mike-N-GoCould that do it in WoW?
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11:45.36Mike-N-GoIs there a thing that tells you what how much memory is Allocated to said AddOn?
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11:47.08YammYgirlcodinggood morning everyone!
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11:47.49YammYgirlcodingI'm looking for onebag's coder. is he on?
11:48.07IndustrialYammYgirlcoding: Kaelten
11:48.09YammYgirlcodingor maybe a user
11:48.16Industrialim a user
11:48.19KaeltenWhatever it is I didn't do it
11:48.27YammYgirlcodingu saw onebags bugs?
11:48.48Teomyrkaelten hangs around in #wowace
11:48.51YammYgirlcodingcan't shift click to link items, can't shift to split stacks into smallers. u saw it?
11:48.55KaeltenI hang out here too Teomyr
11:49.14Industriallol :P
11:49.24Teomyroh, sorry, stupid sorting of channel members :P
11:49.36Mike-N-GoKaelten is the coder
11:49.39YammYgirlcodingu know if kael has fixed?
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11:49.50Fisker-they were sending shaolin soccer, so i went in to see it just to find out they had voice synced it
11:50.33Mike-N-GoNight, I need sleep!
11:50.46KaeltenYammYgirlcoding: I can split stacks no problem
11:51.07YammYgirlcodingi can't here
11:51.30YammYgirlcodingI can't shift to link items , can't split stacks.
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11:51.49YammYgirlcodingHow I debug it to find the problem?
11:51.58Kaeltentry reinstalling first
11:52.09KaeltenI can do both no problem
11:52.12YammYgirlcodingu got a new version since patch?
11:52.34Kaeltenods are you either have a bad version of the code or a conflicting addon
11:52.52YammYgirlcodinghmm lets see
11:54.43YammYgirlcodingKaelten  this version. 19304. what i was using.
11:55.17YammYgirlcodingdoes it need ace1 or ace2?
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12:00.39YammYgirlcodingKaelten ok. I disabled all addons and let only ace2 and onebag. ok. shift now works. Now I will find out which addon is bugging with onebag. hold on ( it might take a while )
12:01.38KaeltenYammYgirlcoding: 19304 is a old version.
12:01.48Kaeltentry that one
12:02.13IndustrialHear ye! Hear ye! I'm now releasing my addons through ! bookmark it!
12:06.06YammYgirlcodingKaelten. I installed new version. But will all addons loader, when I shift click, it thinks I want to move the item. dont link, dont split.
12:06.08Corrodiasi don't recall reading an easy way to set your focus except through script or macro. is there some default way of clicking on someone to set them as focus?
12:06.19Kaeltenhrm yep sounds like a conflict
12:06.20YammYgirlcodingfor sure it's an other addon. i will find out. hold on.
12:09.36YammYgirlcodingKaelten. all functions ace1 used to have, ace2 have?
12:10.42KaeltenAce2 is not a replacement for Ace1
12:10.46YammYgirlcodingaha. I think it's ace1 ! i had both
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12:11.00YammYgirlcodingdisabled ace1 then it back to work. let me enable all other addons. hold on
12:12.39YammYgirlcodinghmm no. enable all addons and error is back. hold on..
12:18.52YammYgirlcodingis Ace2 updated too?
12:20.14Industrialupdate to/for what/
12:20.54YammYgirlcodingi mean. since patch. has it been updated again?
12:21.15Industrialwell ofcource - do you look at the forums or website at all? :>
12:21.32YammYgirlcodingno hehe
12:21.41YammYgirlcodingdont even know where it is =)
12:22.53[Liquidor]How should my sub look like to remove the first word + the space next to of a line? Exmaple: "!Word aaaaa bbbbcccc dddd"
12:24.11IndustrialYammYgirlcoding: :>
12:26.06Industrial[Liquidor]: I dont think theres something that denotes a word specifically so "%w+ " or something
12:26.16[Liquidor]Well the thing is
12:26.59[Liquidor]My bot executes on !commands but in some commands I need the text afterwards which means I need to filter out the !command
12:27.25[Liquidor]you get me? "!command text" arg1 = "!command text" where I need arg1 to be "text"
12:28.25Industrialso "!command (.+)"
12:28.49[Liquidor]simple as that?
12:29.14Industrialany character one or more times captured
12:29.42[Liquidor]but which function should I be using? Must admit, I got a problem determine which one to use between match, find, gsub, sub, gmatch,gfind etc
12:30.35Industrialim not sure so im digging it up :D sec
12:31.52YammYgirlcodingKaelten. I found the conflict addon: Igor mass auction
12:32.07YammYgirlcodinghow can I debug to see where in code it's conflicting?
12:33.31Industrialstr='!cmd arg1 arg2' _, _, args=string.find(str, '!cmd (.+)')
12:33.39Kaeltenits going to have something to do with Container functions most likely
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12:33.52Industrial[Liquidor]: that should work I think
12:34.07YammYgirlcodingwhich function could be handling the shift click ?
12:34.28YammYgirlcodingi guess u both use the same function.
12:34.53[Liquidor]Industrial: ill test it right away
12:34.56Kaeltenmost likely
12:35.20[Liquidor]Industrial: something's missing
12:35.31[Liquidor]Industrial: !cmd is a fixed value
12:35.59[Liquidor]Only the ! sign is fixed, the command is unknown
12:36.08YammYgirlcodingand what the shift function handler looks like?
12:36.39Kaeltenits hard ot say for sure
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12:37.40YammYgirlcodingshould I ask igor to see?
12:38.01YammYgirlcodingcause u are not likely to help me on it...
12:38.30KaeltenI think its Container_OnClick or something of that nature
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12:39.48YammYgirlcodinghmm -- Handles the draggin of items
12:39.48YammYgirlcodingfunction IMA_ItemButton_OnClick(button)
12:39.48YammYgirlcodingif ( not button ) then
12:39.48YammYgirlcodingbutton = this;
12:39.54YammYgirlcodingthis ?
12:40.23*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
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12:47.12YammYgirlcodingfine! it was a bug in igors addon. =)
12:47.21VoidRaider|afkDoes LUA uses a different scope for locals and globals ? if I was to declare a variable called 'foo' and 'local foo' that I declared at the top of my file, would the global 'foo' override 'local foo' ?
12:47.54VoidRaider|afkit makes sense in a way but well, what do you think would happen ?
12:48.03YammYgirlcodingi think it would error
12:48.06nevcairielthe local has priority
12:48.32YammYgirlcodingwe can have 2 variables with the same name like this in lua?
12:48.35nevcairielfoo = "bar"; local foo = "bar2"; print(foo) == "bar2"
12:48.52VoidRaiderohh, that's great thing then! :P
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12:49.09YammYgirlcodingwow that's a huge entrance way for bugs =)
12:49.20Industrialbut if you use the same thing twice its bound to not do the same thing - so you can name them differently
12:50.22foxlitVoidRaider|afk: yes.
12:50.24YammYgirlcodingthat's much more sensate =)
12:50.32VoidRaiderI asked that because I was afraid from conflicts of different addons :)
12:50.55IndustrialVoidRaider: thats why generally I put things in my addon table
12:50.58foxlitlocal foo = "bar"; print(foo) for i=1,10 do local foo="bar" .. i; end print(foo);
12:51.02foxlitwould give you foo foo
12:51.17IndustrialidAddon={} idAddon.player = CreateFrame() whatever etc
12:51.39foxlitPrefixing is usually good enough
12:51.57foxlit(er, bar bar, but who cares)
12:52.18Industrialfoxlit: yeah but I can use eg self[unit] now :P
12:52.35VoidRaiderYeah, I have a namespace used in my addon, but I don't want to use it for my locals
12:52.46Industrial_G['idAddon_'..unit] i know but thats just ugly
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12:54.00VoidRaiderNow if locals are prioritized then why should I use a namespace ? or it still can cause a conflict between two locals of different addons Oo ?
12:54.34foxlitmatter of opinion; can't be.
12:55.26Industriala={} function a:b() end function a:c() self:b() end
12:55.30IndustrialI like using self
13:03.17VoidRaiderDamn it's so cold in israel :|
13:03.32YammYgirlcodingare u in israel ? i got relatives there
13:03.39VoidRaiderYeah I am :)
13:03.47YammYgirlcodingu guys have white pages?
13:04.06YammYgirlcodingi was always curious of how many relatives i have there with my name =)
13:04.20YammYgirlcodinghere there is only 2 families on the whole country.
13:04.28VoidRaiderWhat's your name ?
13:04.37VoidRaiderahh :P
13:05.00VoidRaiderWhere do you live atm ?
13:05.12VoidRaiderahh :D
13:05.15VoidRaidernice ^^
13:05.24YammYgirlcodingprety big country. and almost none of us here
13:05.30YammYgirlcodingi think they are all in israel
13:06.02YammYgirlcodingmy grandpa and grandma fled here to escape from war, and met here. go figure!
13:06.16VoidRaiderI don't like israel much, special the government :P
13:06.33YammYgirlcodingi imagine
13:06.46YammYgirlcodingthat culture is pretty odd
13:07.37VoidRaiderWell the people are warm and cool but the government, oh my god, worst ever, they barely know how to handle a war :/
13:07.38YammYgirlcodingif u see some relatives of mine in white pages, let me know how many they are =)
13:07.48VoidRaidersure :)
13:08.52VoidRaiderI like the old israel of 5 years ago, now it's all ruined by immoral people who all they care is money
13:09.39YammYgirlcodingthat sux
13:09.46VoidRaideryeah :/
13:10.04YammYgirlcodingimagine. my ancestors lef this country like 100 years ago, and they are still on war!
13:10.26YammYgirlcodingits like an endless AV !
13:10.33YammYgirlcodingnobody moves
13:10.39YammYgirlcodingfrom the bridge
13:12.00YammYgirlcodinghmm another existencial question. i have 60 chars: rogue assass, druid feral, shaman resto, lock demon.   which one is better to farm mobs?
13:12.03VoidRaiderHope it will end soon, I believe though I know it won't end until something big will happen, I wait for it
13:12.26YammYgirlcodingbring a big bomb to kill everybody. then it will end for sure
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13:12.58IndustrialIs there A tool with wich I can inspect events? I want to know all args etc (but not every event so it floods the crap out of my client when im in combat)
13:13.03VoidRaiderbombs are useless, I wait for war and I want to kill them face versus face :)
13:13.04YammYgirlcodingi need to grind for cenarion revered for druid
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13:13.36VoidRaiderBombs can kill innocents people :)
13:13.49YammYgirlcodingIndustrial maybe disabling some SCT options in wow interface?
13:14.06YammYgirlcodingso which char 60 would u guys pick?
13:14.22VoidRaiderHunter but I'm addicted to the class so :P
13:14.31VoidRaiderI have like 6 hunters :P
13:14.34YammYgirlcodingi have hunter 46. not 60 yet
13:14.37Industrialhunter, warrior or priest
13:14.54YammYgirlcodingi mean from the list i said i have =) lock, shaman, druid, rogue.
13:15.11Industrialfor, pvp?
13:15.18YammYgirlcodingto grind cenarion mobs
13:15.25VoidRaiderLock or Rogue
13:15.28YammYgirlcodingi need like 1400 texts
13:15.49VoidRaiderI would go with the rogue tbh, how is your gear though ?
13:16.26YammYgirlcodingrogue's is the worse gear of them. then druid, then lock, then shaman with the best , but it's full resto.
13:16.34VoidRaiderlock :D
13:17.20Industrialgogo demonology
13:17.21YammYgirlcodingi will try then with the lock
13:17.23VoidRaiderdruid is good but I never played a one to actually have a clue :D
13:17.41Industriali havent seen alot of good druid in pvp
13:17.54YammYgirlcodingcause balance sux.
13:18.07IndustrialI met one she destroyed my priest
13:18.10Industrialat lv 30
13:18.30YammYgirlcodinglong time ago druids were good
13:18.41YammYgirlcodingnow it's even worse than shaman
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13:18.45Industrialshe kept running away and rooting me
13:19.05Industrialeven after i mana burned 100% of her mana she just rooted and regenned some and blasted me more
13:19.11YammYgirlcodingah depend on what u are. a rogue kills me in 1 second.
13:19.24Industrialshadowpriest :P
13:19.42YammYgirlcodingaah. hmm maybe druids are counters. but wins the one with more mana
13:20.10VoidRaiderWell tbh If you have the gear, talents and such I believe the player is making the class good or worst, I played several classes and I really don't understand why people complain :P
13:20.24YammYgirlcodingi've seen a shaman x druid fight. it took like 10 minutes and both kept full life for ever.. nobody wins..
13:21.00Industrialpvp is all about burst damage
13:21.08VoidRaidernot really...
13:21.14Industrialhow so
13:21.25VoidRaiderCC counts as burst damage ?
13:21.31Industrialif you are warrior and crit 70% off of someone and you hit them again while they heal you win
13:21.59VoidRaiderTry a mage against rank 14 war
13:22.02YammYgirlcodingi still thinks the winner will always be the one who came first and quietly...
13:22.27VoidRaiderIf you can't touch the class you can't do any damage to it
13:22.39YammYgirlcodingby the 0.7 second u took to reach to the gank, your life is 50% off
13:23.15VoidRaiderI really believe that each of the classes have its advantages, people just play for damage and can't see their class potential ...
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13:24.01YammYgirlcodingi'm afraid of what is going to happen when people have 70s...  they already gank people 30 lvs above. imagine on 70...
13:24.12YammYgirlcodingnobody will ever quest anymore
13:24.20VoidRaiderhaha :P
13:25.07YammYgirlcodingand those people who wont buy the expansion. what they will do ?
13:25.19VoidRaiderWell tbh I like to be ganked and gank others it's part of the game on the PvP realms :)
13:25.31Industriali dont like to be ganked when im leveling
13:25.33YammYgirlcodingash nobody like to be ganked =)
13:25.50YammYgirlcodingya! it sux to be ganking while farming mobs
13:25.58Industriali do quests :p
13:26.10YammYgirlcodingquests asks to farm mobs too =)
13:26.30IndustrialIs there A tool with wich I can inspect events? I want to know all args etc (but not every event so it floods the crap out of my client when im in combat)
13:27.34VoidRaiderWhat events do you want to inspect ? :D
13:27.59Industrialmostly UNIT_ events
13:28.04Industrialand party and combat
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13:36.11VoidRaiderIt seems that there some addons that can track the events but still lack of their args information :|
13:37.25IndustrialDevTools does it nicely - found it
13:37.32VoidRaiderah :P
13:37.50VoidRaiderit supplies you the args too ?
13:38.13VoidRaiderahh wonderful I guess I'll download it too :)
13:38.35VoidRaidercan you give me the link mate :D
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13:39.19VoidRaiderah great! :D
13:40.22VoidRaiderwow nice addon, he made :)
13:46.13|Shadow|is there a addon to improve your in game guild roster?
13:46.17|Shadow|so you can search the list etc?
13:50.07IndustrialNeed some help with my StatusBar frames
13:50.21Industrialthese are my unitframes, but my StatusBar's hp and mp wont show
13:50.31Industrialhp.val dna mp.val do
13:52.51Industrialeven when i /script idUnitframes.player.hp:SetMinMaxValues(0, 100) idUnitframes.player.hp:SetValue(100)
13:52.54Industrialit doesnt show
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13:54.03VoidRaiderOnly the values aren't shown or the whole frame ?
13:55.00Industrialthe frame is shown but i dont see it
13:55.00Industrialdevtools mouseover sees it
13:55.04Industrialand the value text is there
13:55.05foxlittexture issues?
13:55.56Industrialmaybe, I did give it a texture
13:56.16Industrialthats the one bliz uses
13:56.34foxlitHm, you only need to escape \ if you use double quotes?
13:56.41Industrialits the bottom black ones,
13:57.00foxlit(it's that way in php, but I've never read the lua docs about that)
13:57.19Industrialfoxlit: you win, fucken ace :P
13:57.25Industrialhad to escape the \
13:57.57VoidRaiderah haha :D
14:01.34VoidRaiderI think that it's possible to use / instead of \\ but not sure, I think I done it once :P
14:01.43foxlitFear the mess of my unitframes: v
14:02.13VoidRaiderhaha nice :D
14:02.57VoidRaiderI actually think to take ag unitframes and build a none-dynamic one for my own needs :D
14:03.19foxlitJust need to work spellcasting into mine
14:03.23VoidRaiderless bugs and lightweight :P
14:03.27foxlitThink I'll replace the manabar when the target is casting
14:05.16VoidRaiderbtw, I'm looking a for a tooltip, I used Tinytip is it still under development ?
14:08.16foxlitWarlock fear is so imba it disconencts me from the server :/
14:08.24Industrialwhere do i get the RGB values for green red yellow blue etc used by blizzard?
14:09.55Industrialah thanks
14:10.57VoidRaiderbut they use intergers mostly, so yellow would be (1, 1, 0, 0) while green would be (0, 1, 0, 0) etc ...
14:11.21VoidRaideralpha 1 though haha :P
14:13.40Industrialum yeah you also use integers with SetStatusBarColor and SerBackdropColor etc
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14:33.28Industrialstarting to look like a unitframe
14:35.43nevcairielits looks like agUF with ABF skin
14:41.04[Cu]WerikI thought you wanted to put the health and mana bars next to each other
14:41.44Industrialmeh im experimenting - ive had that for 6 months now
14:41.56Industrialadded a petframe - 3 lines of code -
14:47.21VoidRaiderNice Ind :)
14:48.19VoidRaiderDo you plan to release it ?
14:49.09VoidRaiderSince I want to start a unit frame similar to ag too without all the fancy haha :)
14:49.44|Shadow|is there a addon to improve your in game guild roster so you can search for members etc?
14:49.59|Shadow|i found a mod that allows you to search your tradeskill window but nothing for guild :(
14:50.10IndustrialVoidRaider: yeah
14:50.24VoidRaiderAhh great! mate :D
14:51.16VoidRaiderThat would be helpful :)
14:54.35VoidRaiderHmm would I able to change the skin ? I want it to be similar to this
14:55.55Industrialfaily easy yes
14:56.00Industrialno xp bar tho
14:56.07VoidRaiderthere no need haha
14:56.24VoidRaiderGreat mate then keep up the good work and let me know :))
14:57.34VoidRaiderHmm actually I need to include this aguf skin to my addon :P
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15:11.19foxlit"Your Bash was resisted by Glanex" I thought Bash was physical?
15:11.42shortman792i've got a simple question can anyone help me?
15:11.47shortman792where do i put mods
15:11.53shortman792for wow
15:13.23shortman792k i wanted to make sure  ^^
15:13.35VoidRaidernp :)
15:14.11shortman792are there any paticular mods that are helpful?
15:14.20zenzelezzambiguous question
15:14.22shortman792i got the damage meter
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15:16.13cogwheelshortman792: it's kind of like asking "Are there any particular tools I should own?"  I could tell you "hammers" but if you have no need to bash things it would be basically meaningless...
15:16.28shortman792ok let me rephrase
15:16.29TS|Skrom_who wouldn't bash things though
15:16.39VoidRaiderWell tbh, any mod can help you it depends on what you're looking for and why, I guess every mod has its advantages against one and vice-versa :P
15:16.40TS|Skrom_I mean given the opportunity
15:16.52shortman792any paticular mods that you like alot? or think you enjoy the most
15:17.10zenzelezzstill doesn't tell us what you're looking for
15:17.21foxlitGet Automootic
15:17.34foxlitIt's the answer to all life's problems :P
15:17.50shortman792whats the name of the mod with enemy cast bars
15:17.55VoidRaiderAtlas, SCT, Some FuBar addons and my own ones lol :P
15:18.19VoidRaidertry mine
15:19.52VoidRaiderIt's an addon that includes everything from CastingBar to Spell Timers and still under development ofc :)
15:20.20shortman792well does it have the enemy's cast bar?
15:20.34foxlitblizzard ui has the enemy's castbar too :/
15:20.38shortman792does it?
15:20.39VoidRaiderit even has a focus enemy castingbar :P
15:20.53foxlitYes. Interface options -> Show enemy cast bars
15:21.04VoidRaideryeah well it's not configurable as mine :)
15:21.40foxlitTrue, true.
15:22.20amroand it only shows spells
15:22.24amrodoes yours show debuffs?
15:22.55amroi was disappointed when I realized blizzard's doesn't show them
15:22.57VoidRaiderit has a very massive data files
15:22.59amroesp when playing a lock :)
15:23.23zenzelezzwhat do you mean it doesn't show debuffs?
15:23.31VoidRaiderThat I built and someone else maintenance it
15:23.59VoidRaiderI guess he means to Spell Timers
15:24.14VoidRaiderhe meant*
15:27.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
15:29.14amrozenzelezz: i mean showing the debuffs left on the target as timers (frost nova, chilled, immolation, etc)
15:30.18zenzelezzaha... well, I would hardly relate that to enemy cast bars
15:30.23VoidRaiderYeah, but that's not what the Enemy castingbat for
15:30.26VoidRaideryup :)
15:31.19VoidRaideramro try SpellMaster, it has all that and much more :)
15:31.31|Shadow|is there any addon to stop the raid group spam when you switch battlegrounds?
15:31.57Imrclyyou can turn that off in the chat options i think
15:34.12Dezzimaluh, general WoW question
15:34.17Dezzimalare redridge guards lv65?
15:35.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Codayus (i=cody@
15:38.07IndustrialI should add a focus frame too
15:38.16Industrialshould i put it under the target or above the player
15:38.41|Shadow|ok :P
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15:39.24VoidRaiderhmm I usually put it under the player frame but that's only my taste :P
15:39.47VoidRaiderit look awesome though :))
15:41.42VoidRaiderDo you have party frames ? :)
15:42.25Industrialnot yet but easily done
15:42.34VoidRaidergreat! :)
15:43.28VoidRaiderbtw Ind do you use any special tooltip ? I'm looking for one with no luck :(
15:44.11*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
15:44.41VoidRaiderI will end up coding all my UI from scratch haha I still need a good tooltip addon, and a bar frame :P
15:44.45amrozenzeless: the ecb mod i was using before had that
15:45.17zenzelezzamro: doesn't matter, timers on debuffs are still not related to casting bars ;-p
15:45.35amrothat doesn't matter, i was still disappointed :P
15:46.02VoidRaiderecb had debuffs tracking ? hmm are you sure ?
15:46.16zenzelezzamro: that's valid enough ;)
15:48.09IndustrialVoidRaider: well i have idActionbar but it has no paging
15:49.21VoidRaideroh :| I want something similar to Telo's BottomBar
15:49.49VoidRaiderWell it
15:50.31VoidRaiderit's good you saved me some work as well as to others and mainly for yourself :)
15:50.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
15:50.53VoidRaiderI guess I'
15:50.58VoidRaidergod this keyboard :P
15:51.31VoidRaiderI guess I'll do something similar to TinyTip and Telo's BottomBar on my own
16:00.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
16:05.10amroVoidRaider: yeah, it had a whole lot of options, and class specific options
16:05.19amroit was pretty neat
16:09.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
16:09.14|Shadow|anyone bored and want to make me a forum sig? :D
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16:14.36zenzelezznow that's nice and honest...
16:14.58zenzelezz[2. Trade] [...]: Saving up for an epic mount, WTS [Totem of the Storm], i'm only 800g short, please offer madly
16:15.36Industrialhand painted just for you
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16:18.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Bouvi (
16:18.57BouviQuick question.  Is there a way for a sound or splash screen to display when a mining or herb node appears on your minimap?
16:19.35*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
16:20.08MentalPower|PCtheres a hack to do it, theres an addon that implements the hack
16:20.34BouviShould be a way to do it without the hack.
16:21.12BouviIf the node appearing on your minimap can be referenced the rest is pie
16:21.36*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
16:21.47MentalPower|PCtrust me, theres only one way to do it, I'm trying to find the addon on WoWI
16:22.18BouviWith an illegal hack?
16:22.20Gngskdidn't tain write it?
16:22.30Gngskwhat it did was move the minimap underneath your cursor every so often
16:24.31BouviWell that is yuk lol
16:24.39Gngskyea, and it's not been updated
16:24.57GngskMentalPower|PC, is that the one you were referring to?
16:25.08BouviHe got knocked offline
16:25.27Gngskahh right
16:25.30Gngsksilly me
16:27.50BouviTrying to figure out something cool yet easy for my first addon lol
16:28.42Gngskhello world spam
16:29.42MentalPower|PCBouvi: you misinterpreted the word hack
16:30.01BouviAhhh whoops. :)
16:30.03MentalPower|PChack as in "ugly way to do it"
16:30.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
16:30.55BouviDid the hello world one.  Need something complicated lol
16:31.11BouviWell more complicated. But not much
16:31.28foxlitBouvi: front end for sorted player-value data
16:31.47BouviEnglish lol
16:32.33amroMentalPower: or a quick and easy way to do it :)
16:32.44Gngskmore like the only way possible to do it
16:33.23foxlitSomewhat like a pluggable damagemeters interface.
16:34.27BouviSounds a little more complicated then my first attempt.
16:35.40foxlitDepends on what you want to get more experience in, really.
16:38.58*** join/#wowi-lounge SB1-Laptop (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
16:39.29BouviBFast is ready got to run.  Catch you all later.
16:45.28*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
16:52.29|Shadow|yay, coded my new anti spam for IRC :)
16:53.42purlACTION sings, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Wonderfull spam!
16:53.55|Shadow|End the bots use private messageing xD
16:54.20|Shadow|try messageing me, you'll be farmed by my new anti spam :)
16:55.01Endreally, I've never had issues with bots
16:55.18|Shadow|End yea, i like to be on dalnet though
16:55.23|Shadow|loooooads of bots on dalnet :(
16:56.02Endthis is the only irc network I vist for the most part
17:00.47*** join/#wowi-lounge decaprime (i=decaprim@
17:00.54decaprimeargh... for the love of god I need help!
17:01.35decaprimeany friendly debunkers available?
17:02.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
17:02.44VoidRaiderWonderful ^^
17:02.44Industrialstill need auras/buffs
17:02.53Industrialand clickcasting
17:03.01VoidRaideryeah :P
17:03.08VoidRaiderBut it looks really great :)
17:03.18decaprimeEverytime I change stance (it seems atleast) my toggle variable, just enable=0 gets set enabled
17:03.27decaprimeand only place I have it enabling is when I type /bm record
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17:07.16IndustrialQuestion: How do I keep TargetFrame and PartyMemberFrame1-4 hidden? they keep showing
17:07.34IndustrialI bet I cant do TargetFrame.Show = function() end
17:09.43EndYou could
17:09.49Endbut that might be a bad idea :P
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17:15.23VoidRaiderCan't you use the events or, you refer to something else :)
17:16.44IndustrialVoidRaider: they keep popping up after you hide them
17:16.52IndustrialI want to ban them forever cause i have my own frames
17:16.59VoidRaiderhmm :P
17:17.40zenzelezzdo they pop up in response to some event(s)?
17:18.02VoidRaiderI guess you can you a listner, some update routine that checks their state and block them from showing up ?
17:18.12VoidRaidercan use a*
17:19.10*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
17:19.29foxlitIndustrail: kill event handlers
17:19.46VoidRaidermorning :D
17:19.57foxlitTargetFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", function() end);
17:20.11foxliteffectively gets rid of the targetframe.
17:20.35foxlitAs for Party1-4, tell me when you find out
17:20.36VoidRaiderbut then he would have to register them again each time ? oh well I guess it will do :)
17:21.05IndustrialI found my way alot easier :S
17:21.14foxlitWhat did you do now?
17:21.19VoidRaiderlol :P
17:21.36IndustrialTargetFrame.Show = function() end
17:21.53foxlitBut then you still get all that update-the-frames-that-aren't-used-on-events crap
17:24.15decaprimemy god... this is really confusing... does lua just instance all functions with no regard for variables or what
17:24.37decaprimelike if I had
17:24.53decaprimeif(enabled==1) then enabled=0 end
17:24.56purl/moo at all tauren you mouseover! (Only works well for alliance). Available at
17:25.03decaprimethat should only fire once right... but like it fires multiple times
17:25.16decaprimeeven though after it executes once it shouldnt execute again becuase enabled isnt 1 anymore
17:25.22foxlitwhat's "enabled", deca?
17:25.26decaprimea variable
17:25.30foxlitDo you declare it?
17:25.37foxlitDoes anything else declare it?
17:25.38amrowhere do you declare it?
17:25.43VoidRaiderwhat do you mean ? executes few times, where ? :P
17:25.43decaprimemaybe I didn't use the correct syntax to globally declare it
17:25.46amromaybe you're redeclaring each function call
17:26.01cogwheelyou shouldn't use a name like "enabled" for a global anyway
17:26.02foxlit(there's no global declare syntax. if you didn't declare it locally, it's global)
17:26.16decaprimecogwheel it was an example
17:26.21amroyeah, you should prefix it
17:26.53Industrialor use it locally
17:27.07foxlitIndustrial: ShowPartyFrame = function() end
17:27.24foxlitkills the partymemberframes
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17:28.33decaprimeargh.. I want to work on this addon but like the servers just blew up
17:28.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
17:29.06SB1-LaptopSorry for the noob, but I need a "what's this addon?" question answered...
17:29.17SB1-LaptopThose raid frames... I've never seen them before, and I want them ;P
17:29.40axxoSB1-Laptop: deleted
17:29.40SB1-Laptopbah, sec
17:30.02SB1-LaptopSorry, hit 5 instead of a 4
17:30.04VoidRaiderHmm Ind, why it happens anyway, I mean what's popping them after you hide it ?
17:30.15VoidRaiderahh :P
17:30.39axxothats ag_unitframe
17:30.50axxoi think
17:31.01VoidRaiderI t was weird, I thought you were referring it to your own frames :P
17:31.08VoidRaiderit was*
17:31.34foxlitIs there an easy way to introduce clipping for textures?
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17:33.04foxlitIf I wanted to say, slide something on top of something else, can I do that without resizing?
17:33.30decaprimeok... I have another stupid question... whats the deal with semicolon line terminators in lua...
17:33.47foxlitThey're optional.
17:33.56decaprimeheh so its just for readability then?
17:34.05JoshBork1or unreadability
17:34.16decaprimeheh well... for any real programmers.... readability =)
17:34.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Darklin (
17:34.50decaprime... so don't supose I could code this addon in C++ or C# eh?
17:34.51VoidRaiderWell they are useful and needed in namespaces, but you can either use semicolon or just a comma :)
17:35.04Tem|AFKit's actually not always optional
17:35.10decaprimebecause lua is screwing with my head
17:35.34DarklinWho's out and about? I'm having an issue with trying to repair MyInventory. It seems that I'm hitting a blizzard protected function somewhere but I have little clue how to figure out what one I'm running into.
17:35.35Tem|AFKa = b or c; ("blah blah"):match(...)
17:35.54decaprimeI have this like... definition bug in my program where its not disabiling recording
17:36.26Industrialget bugsack it will give you a trace
17:36.38Industrialfor Darklin and decaprime :)
17:36.41decaprimelike the calls to OnEvent happen independently right
17:36.44DarklinIndustrial: Thanks.
17:36.57decaprimecool... a variable inspector would be godly
17:37.20foxlitarguably, shouldn't use ("blah blah"):match()
17:37.34Industrialdecaprime: devtools has /dump
17:37.35Tem|AFKfoxlit, that's hardly the point
17:37.38Endbut you can use it
17:37.47foxlitBut yes, it does give you a fancy ambigious syntax error
17:38.01Tem|AFKthat was the first thing that came to mind
17:38.36decaprimethats only for actual errors though
17:38.39DarklinIndustrial: Sweet. That's exactly what I was after. Didn't know this was out here. Thanks.
17:38.55decaprimemy problem is with the actual logic of the callstack of the lua functions I think
17:39.57decaprimedevtools... gotcha... gotta find that now
17:41.41decaprimedoesn't seem to do what I need either
17:42.02JoshBork1decaprime: what's the problem?
17:42.56DarklinCaught it. It's LootSlot();
17:42.59decaprimemost basically, I have a toggle
17:43.20Industrialjust it
17:43.21decaprimefor recording button movements (like if you moved an icon on the action bar)
17:43.27decaprimeand /bm stop stops it
17:43.35decaprimeerm /bm start toggles it on
17:43.54decaprimeIt works pretty well, the exception is when I change stances
17:44.08decaprimeeven if I do /bm stop it still records stuff into the table
17:44.12decaprimeand keeps on doing so
17:44.21JoshBork1paste the code
17:44.26JoshBork1into the website in the toc
17:44.32DarklinHrm, why would MyInventory be calling loot slot... And specifically, only calling it when looting ONLY money from a corpse.
17:48.41DarklinThis is confusing. How is it possible for an inventory addon to be caller for looting...
17:50.12decaprimejoshbork: I added a few more bm_enable=0; as a precaution
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17:51.39decaprimeannd the ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_USABLE part was just a test
17:51.41decaprimeit borks up without that
17:51.43decaprimeand with it
17:51.54Neurowhat's the limit on texture sizes, 512x512?
17:52.07decaprimejoshbork, did you get the pastey link or no
17:52.13decaprime* /msg: insufficient parameters
17:54.30Qshadowpdecaprime lol i allmost thought that was a mIRC script then :P
17:54.35DarklinBecause MyInventory was hooking LootFrame_OnShow! Thats why
17:54.37DarklinOk, fixed it.
17:54.39Qshadowp* /msg: insufficient parameters <-- also a mIRC Error :D
17:54.44decaprimeheh I know
17:54.47VoidRaideryeah Neuro
17:54.49decaprimeI just copied to many lines
17:55.02DarklinThanks for the debugger, Industrial, it was invaluable.
17:55.19decaprimeso anyone able to help me, I think josh disappeared?
17:55.52Darklindecaprime: What's wrong?
17:56.01decaprimeI have a logic bug
17:56.07decaprimeI have a toggle variable
17:56.11decaprimethat like toggles itself
17:56.12DarklinTime to see the Wizard of Ozz
17:56.33DarklinOk, what's the var thats getting toggled
17:56.56DarklinYou mean bm_enable?
17:57.06decaprimewhen I change stances it like makes it permenantly enabled
17:57.34decaprimeI just had a thoguht
17:57.35decaprimein lua
17:57.42decaprimewould you od
17:57.51decaprimeif(bm_enable==1) then
17:57.57decaprimeor if(bm_enable=="1") then
17:58.07decaprimebecause it sometimes works
17:58.08decaprimebut I dono
17:58.08DarklinYou theoretically should be able to do either.
17:58.16decaprimeyah thats what i thought
17:58.30decaprimebut like when I change into stealth
17:58.32decaprimeor out of it
17:58.45decaprimeit keeps adding things to button_list
17:58.56DarklinOk, so what is the code for when a stance change occurs?
17:58.57decaprimeeven though I have type /bm stop to set bm_enable to 0
17:59.05decaprimenot sure
17:59.08decaprimebut it doesnt matter
17:59.24decaprimeI just tried adding tha tother action to see if it would work
17:59.29decaprimeit didn't work before and doesnt worka fter
17:59.38DarklinIs this recording 'state' stuff?
18:00.06decaprimeits recording action bar changes
18:01.49DarklinAye, but when you change stance, you change the action bar.
18:02.07DarklinI guess I'm just wondering if by doing a stance change, you're activating the mod 'backwards' so to speak.
18:02.38decaprimehow would that work
18:02.50DarklinNot sure, just thinking aloud really.
18:03.19DarklinThats how I usually solve problems. Just talking about it until I think of something I havent' before.
18:04.13decaprimethe only changes I have made are as follows
18:04.20decaprimereversed the order of the ifs
18:04.25decaprimeand added a semicolon
18:04.30decaprimeand now it seems to be alright
18:04.32decaprimeneed to test more
18:05.29DarklinSo you put cmd=="stop" before "record" and now it is working properly>
18:05.49decaprimeI reversed the handeling of the events
18:06.02decaprimebecuase I think lua just instances the function that is called by the xml
18:06.07decaprimelike its not procedural
18:06.18decaprimewell not lua but what ever blizzard did to make the lua run
18:08.21DarklinInside a function it is procedural tho, is it not?
18:08.25DarklinFairly certian it is.
18:08.57DarklinSo, let me get this correct. you do a /bm record
18:09.00DarklinRecord some buttons
18:09.03DarklinThen do a /bm stop
18:09.28Darklinthen change stance in some way 'stealth/shapeshift whatever' and ButtonManager acts as if you had also done a /bm record again?
18:17.13amrodecaprime: i don't get what you mean by instance
18:17.33amroas in object instance, or some other meaning?
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18:21.51decaprimenevermind amro
18:22.32Mike-N-GoWoW has a memory leak :(
18:22.36decaprimeI am pretty sure I fixed the bug by changing the order the OnEvent function handles events
18:23.06Mike-N-GoAnyone know how I may track it to an addon, like if GC is not happing?
18:24.10Mike-N-GoI have seen this in the command line, Terminal FTW!
18:24.23Mike-N-GoVia top
18:26.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
18:32.20Mike-N-GoHeh, I have been selling snowballs all Christmas, it is like they don't know where I get theses things...
18:32.48Mike-N-GoI know there were some how are ignorant, but not that ignorant.
18:34.08KasoSnowballs are worthless now they fixed theyre Gobal Cooldown :<
18:34.41foxlitWhere exactly are those target cast bars defined, in blizzard code?
18:35.44Mike-N-GoKaso, what don't you like about snow balls?
18:35.59Kasothat i cant use a macro to snowball the entire raid
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18:36.04cladhaireMike-N-Go: Its a known memory leak, when you switch between windowed and non-windowed mode
18:36.13cladhairethey've contacted Apple about it quite some time agho
18:36.19AnduinLotharwhen did scourgestones become non bop?
18:36.34Kasotheyre non bop :gasp:
18:36.36cladhaireAnduinLothar: ruserious?
18:36.57foxlitThey are bop on live.
18:36.58AnduinLotharsomeone said they weren't on my forums.... perhaps they're on crack
18:36.58axxoanyone know a good inspecting addon?
18:37.41Gnarfozall 3 BoP
18:38.17AnduinLothari'll correct the dumbass
18:39.33AnduinLotharstupid users... blamign the wrong addons for breaking things... does no one know how to properly troubleshoot?
18:40.11Kasoim curious as to what the person said.
18:40.21AnduinLothar"Scourge stones are not Bind On Pickup."
18:41.02Kasohow does that related to troubleshooting
18:41.15AnduinLotharthey're blaming AutoBindOnPickup
18:41.49AnduinLotharwhich sounds logical, but it 5 minutes i disproved it by flying to EPL and soling a mob with my trinket on
18:41.55foxlitWhat's the event that fires when unit starts/stops/delays casting?
18:41.58foxlitCan't seem to find it :(
18:42.11AnduinLotharwiki isn't updated
18:43.57foxlitSo I should watch for SENT to get the info, and then Start / Stop / Update?
18:44.13AnduinLothardepends on what you're doing
18:44.28foxlitTarget frame castbar.
18:44.41AnduinLotharthere already is a target frame castbar
18:44.49foxlitI know. It's not cooperating.
18:45.02AnduinLotharand there's a template for casting bars
18:45.14foxlitThat I don't know. Where?
18:47.28*** join/#wowi-lounge xgravix|laptop (
18:49.55NeuroAnd you are looking for unit_spellcast_start, not sent
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18:50.21AnduinLotharsent only works for player
18:50.23NeuroI don't really even know what SENT is for
18:50.34AnduinLotharsent is for a successful cast
18:50.54Neuroso it's for things like aftercast
18:50.57AnduinLotharas in, passes client side auto-failure tests
18:51.35Neurofoxlit, what you want to do is look for UNIT_SPELLCAST_START, and then call UnitCastingInfo() to get the details
18:51.43foxlitI've got it now, thank you.
18:52.09foxlitWas trying to find where blizzard does it by looking at mainly TargetFrame.lua, but there was only residue there
18:52.28Neurofoxlit, if I may ask, what are you trying to get the target casting bar to do?
18:53.15foxlitI want it to replace the target mana bar in my unitframes.
18:55.16foxlitAnd since I'm not using statusbars, it's all a bit tricky
18:55.32Neurowhy not use a statusbar?
18:55.39*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
18:56.34NeuroThe easiest thing would be to copy the relevant code from targetframe.lua and targetframe.xml, and just change the size and anchor points.
18:56.49NeuroYou wouldn't even have to write the event handler code
18:57.00Neuroyou could just use Blizzard's
18:57.13foxlitDisplay logic, mainly.
18:57.36foxlitWhile I could customize things on top of status bars, it's virtually the same as doing it via textures.
18:58.06AnduinLotharwhy not just reanchor the normal target casting bar and hide the normal mana bar?
18:58.46foxlitNot using the normal mana bar.
18:58.55NeuroAL, is there a limit to the size of .tga textures that the game can use?
18:59.16AnduinLotharnot afaik, just that they have to be squares
18:59.28AnduinLotharsides by power of 2
18:59.28Neuromine is 512x128
18:59.31Endthere is (or was) a pixel limit
18:59.36Neurobut it's not showing up for some reason
18:59.37foxlit512x512, if memory serves
18:59.46AnduinLotharis it compressed?
19:00.05NeuroI honestly don't know
19:00.11NeuroI'm hopeless with artwork stuff
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19:00.26NeuroI edited a blp file, and had to save it as tga
19:00.33*** part/#wowi-lounge yky (
19:01.21vithblizzard downloader still at 0% after days
19:01.27vithis it working for anybody?
19:01.37NeuroI'm getting about 1% every 2-3 days
19:02.58AnduinLotharsomeone wanna download this and tell me if the file is actually corrupt?
19:04.21cladhaireunzips fine for mer.
19:04.39AnduinLotharyeah, same here. was that on your mac or pc?
19:05.16AnduinLotharyeah, i think there must be some windows decompressor that's really picky about file headers or something
19:05.19Merywinrar windows xp throws an error
19:05.25AnduinLotharthere you go
19:05.56AnduinLotharwanna see if you can repair it mery?
19:06.21AnduinLotharpossibly using
19:06.32Merythe windows xp built in zip decompression works
19:06.48AnduinLothargood to know
19:06.56AnduinLotharwhat vers of winrar are you using?
19:07.24AnduinLothartry 3.6
19:07.40AnduinLothar3.62 on windows
19:07.54foxlitAny advantage to hooking PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED rather than UNIT_TARGET (except for not having to check arg1 == "player")?
19:08.07vitherror:  expected central file header signature not found (file #91).
19:08.41AnduinLotharany idea what file#91 is?
19:08.59vithprobably either the one before or after the error, not sure
19:09.42zenzelezz<AnduinLothar> someone wanna download this and tell me if the file is actually corrupt? <--- works fine in WinZip 9
19:11.25viththe archive is corrupt, but the CRC's all match so the files contained within may all be OK (if there aren't any missing completely)
19:11.27AnduinLotharcause i've had issues with DropStuff zips being called corrupted before. I have it set to automaticly ignore the invisible mac files, but for some reason some decompressors complain
19:12.19cladhaireAnduinLothar: I just use the commandline zip
19:12.32AnduinLotharthat doesn't ignore mac files clad
19:12.35cladhairethen have a script tht removes the .DS_Store files, and the __MACOSX files
19:12.42cladhairei know, I delete those in my script.
19:12.49cladhairethen i'm using standard pkzip compression
19:12.56AnduinLotharyou delete them from the zip ?
19:13.17AnduinLothari dunno how to do that w/o a gui
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19:16.33Merywell repairing did nothing beside the fact that I think you only got 90 files in your zip (because the repair only processed 90 files) and they both (old and 3.62) extract all (well I don't see missing ones) beside the error anyway
19:17.08AnduinLotharso it errors but extracts them all anyway?
19:17.44Mr_Rabies2ruh roh
19:18.03Mr_Rabies2my wardrobe isnt' showing my outfits in the edit outfits menu anymore @_@
19:18.20AnduinLotharyeah someone complained about that
19:18.35AnduinLotharany outfits?
19:18.40Mr_Rabies2none  atm
19:18.43Mr_Rabies2making a new one
19:18.48AnduinLotharbut they work in the dropdown
19:18.57Mr_Rabies2i just made a new outfit and no dice on it either
19:19.00Mr_Rabies2works in the dropdown
19:19.05AnduinLotharnew one work?
19:19.26Mr_Rabies2no error either
19:19.26AnduinLotharwell i spose that's good
19:21.17AnduinLothartry dlign the curse one and replace the cosmos vers and tell me if that works
19:22.33cladhaireis Tyr's hand still good for grinding
19:22.38cladhaireor is the Noxious glade better now
19:23.39Mr_Rabies2ask a farmer
19:23.50Mr_Rabies2i had a translator in my guild for a while it was awesome
19:27.19AnduinLotharhmm i can't move the .Trash folder to the trash.. how odd
19:28.39AnduinLotharhmm i had 150 thousand system files on my old hard drive, from 5 OS's
19:28.52viththe ~/.Trash folder probably is the trash.  I don't use OS X though
19:29.01AnduinLotharit is, i was joking
19:29.20AnduinLotharit's actually .Trashes
19:29.20zenzelezzjoke crits vith for 3000 physical damage
19:29.43AnduinLotharone on each drive
19:31.37AnduinLotharcan you set slave drives on windows to ignore file permissions?
19:32.13AnduinLotharmmm tasty, I've reclaimed 7gb of space by deleting old system files
19:32.48zenzelezzwhich file permissions?
19:33.02AnduinLotharall files on the disk
19:33.23vithnot that i know of, but there's a way to reset all the permissions at once
19:35.01AnduinLotharcause i know on mac you can set HFS drives to have ownership disabled... but i dunno if that's possible on NTFS
19:36.37zenzelezzunless you specifically tell Windows to, it rarely cares much about permissions/ownership... at least in my experience
19:36.38Gnarfozdon't think that's possible with NTFS, although as an administrator you can take ownership of every file
19:37.07Gnarfozwindows sure does, but as an administrator you don't normally really notice, zenzelezz
19:38.00cladhaireooh pretty
19:38.01cladhairethanks =)
19:38.14Neuroso, what file format is BLP, actually?
19:38.23AnduinLotharcustom blizz format
19:38.32NeuroThe how can XnView view it?
19:38.42cladhairebecause the format is well known
19:38.59cladhaireon wikipedia actually
19:39.14AnduinLotharBlizz games use BLP2 actually, which is similar to BLP except with backwards color formatting and a diff header
19:39.33Gnarfozthe world still needs a blp2 photoshop file format plug-in :\
19:40.06NeuroHere's my problem.  I have files in blp format, I need to edit them but save them back into blp format.  If I save them in .tga format, the game won't load them.
19:40.17cladhairehten you're saving them incorrectly
19:40.21cladhaireand you should address that first
19:41.19NeuroOk, so is there a listed restrictions on bliz textures, aside from the 512x512 limit, and the power-of-2 limit
19:41.20AnduinLotharwhat the diff between zip, gzip, and bzip2?
19:41.30cladhairezip is zip
19:41.37Gnarfozgzip is gzip, and bzip2 is bzip2 :D
19:41.44zenzelezzpretty much
19:41.45cladhairegzip and bzip2 are different compression algorithms
19:41.57AnduinLothari figured as much
19:42.03cladhaireNeuro: No, there's shouldn't be anythign other than that.. they should be saved as 24-bit with alpha channel
19:42.35zenzelezzgzip is the one used in stuff like PNG, HTTP (if requested), etc... isn't it?
19:42.36GnarfozAnduinLothar: or
19:42.54Gnarfozhm, 24 bit with alpha?
19:43.05Gnarfozthat's 32 bit, isn't it
19:43.21cladhairebut thats how the files are typically specified.
19:43.27Gnarfozyeah, I know
19:43.44Gnarfozjust asking, because if you do 24bit saving in photoshop and the image has an alpha channel, that one gets discarded
19:43.57cladhairei use gimp
19:44.03cladhairebecause in gimp.. if you save it as a tga.. it works.
19:44.17Gnarfozhuh? works with ps just as well
19:44.27AnduinLothari do all mine in ps
19:44.31cladhaireyes i know it does
19:44.34cladhairei just dont have ps on my computer
19:44.39AnduinLotharclick 32bit and uncheck compressed
19:44.49AnduinLotharcompressed might work, not sure
19:44.50Gnarfozeven compressed works for me
19:44.54cladhaireyes, my point is.. you dont have to check or do anything in gimp
19:44.55cladhairejust save it =)
19:45.07AnduinLotharless options isn't necissarily a good thing
19:45.13AnduinLotharbut in this case..
19:45.15Gnarfozpersonal pref, I guess
19:45.20cladhairethe options are still there
19:45.23cladhaireit just works by default.
19:45.30cladhairewhich is ALL i said in the first place =)
19:45.31AnduinLothari do wish you could set a default and bypass that window tho
19:45.58AnduinLotharsince it remembers your prefrence it just asks you again anyway
19:46.37Gnarfozyeah, that's kind of annoying :D
19:47.10AnduinLothargzip has the same compression and times as zip... sound sliek the same algorithm to me..
19:48.24vithgzip does one file only
19:49.26cladhairegzip doesn't archive, it just compresses
19:49.31cladhaireand i think there were patent issues initially with pkzip
19:49.37cladhairei dont remember the history
19:49.54amrogzip packs everything at once, that's why its smaller
19:50.08cladhaireit isn't smaller than .zip, which is what AL is saying and .gzip have the exact same ratios and times on the wiki page
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19:51.42AnduinLotharhmmm my zip with DropStuff is 2k less than the one with CleanArchiver..
19:52.00Endzip and gzip use the same compression algorithm
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19:53.13Endzip however, applies compression per file.  gzip when combined with tar, compresses across all files
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19:55.19AnduinLotharsomeone wanna dl this and tell me if it has mac files or is corrupted:
19:55.55AntiarcDownloads and decompresses fine with 7-zip
19:56.00AntiarcNo mac files to be seen.
19:56.09Endlooks fine to me
19:56.16vithno errors with unzip, no mac files
19:56.27zenzelezzWinZip shows no errors, lists 78 files?
19:56.45AnduinLotharit's the same thing, why would it have less files?
19:56.51AnduinLotharsomeone wanna try with WinRar plx
19:57.03vith90 files
19:57.30EndI tried with winrar actually
19:57.44AnduinLothark thx
19:57.51Elkanoempty folders?
19:57.52zenzelezzmy WinRar also shows 78 files in the file
19:58.47zenzelezzhm, WinRAR/WinZip don't seem to count the folders as files
19:58.51vithunzip counts 90 because directories are considered files.  how many are there supposed to be?
19:58.56zenzelezzbut I count 12 folders manually, adding up to 90
19:59.46AnduinLotharok that makes sense
19:59.46zenzelezzseems like a valid, good file
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20:02.56AnduinLotharok, well that was with CleanArchiver so I guess it works, tho it's compression is slightly less than DropStuff's
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20:11.38AnduinLotharwonder if i can set a wardrobe label to "ItemRack"
20:12.49Mike-N-GoWhat can Palies do, cure disease, poison?
20:13.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
20:13.19AnduinLothareverything but curse
20:13.20Gnarfozeverything besides curses?
20:13.35Mike-N-GoI am going to try to name one Alleviater
20:13.57Gnarfozthat would be misspelling, wouldn't it?
20:14.14Mike-N-GoHow would it be spelled, then?
20:14.21Gnarfozwouldn't it be Alleviator?
20:14.21Mike-N-GoOr how about Conciliater
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20:14.49Gnarfozhm, nevermind me, that's one of the few things I can't seem to get a clear idea of - when it is -or and when -er
20:14.54Mike-N-GoAhh, thanks, I will try the correct spelling first, only if it is not taken...
20:15.39Gnarfoz-or seems to be right, in this case ( <- no match)
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20:16.07Mike-N-GoMy names come fromt he Dictionary :)
20:16.22Gnarfozyou should spec him retritubtion, though, just to annoy people xD
20:16.59Mike-N-GoOr do I want to be an oxi-moron :)
20:17.18Mike-N-GoAficionador, perhaps?
20:20.44Mike-N-GoConciliater or Conciliator?
20:22.28Gnarfozno clue, try googlefighting it
20:22.34Mike-N-GoGnarfoz: What name should I spec Retritubtion?
20:23.48*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
20:24.08AnduinLotharlol google vs apple
20:25.07Mike-N-GoBill Gates vs Steve Jobs :O
20:26.44Mike-N-GoAlleviator it is.
20:28.08NeuroBill Gates won that fight IRL
20:28.13Neurono need to googlefight it
20:28.46foxlitDunno; money stops being significant beyond a certain point
20:28.56Mike-N-GoHe won it by cheating, stealing, any lieying-oh didn't everyone?
20:29.13foxlitlying, no?
20:30.44phreaky~seen a-stray-cat
20:30.47purla-stray-cat <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 3d 21h 3m 13s ago, saying: 'hm?'.
20:31.05Mike-N-Go~seen purl
20:31.07purlpurl is currently on #casualti (5d 27m 38s) #botpark (5d 27m 38s) #linuxfund (5d 27m 38s) #wowi-lounge (5d 27m 38s) #edev (5d 27m 38s) #fossfund (5d 27m 38s) #hosernet (5d 27m 38s) #norganna (5d 27m 38s) #creativeforum (5d 27m 38s) #ud (5d 27m 38s) #dub (5d 27m 38s) #teleconf (5d 27m 38s) ...
20:32.30phreakyCould any1 tell me why this macro wont work.. /cast Create Spellstone (Major)
20:32.44phreaky/Cast Create Spellstone .. works, but only the lowest rank
20:32.50AnduinLothartry adding ()
20:33.14phreakyok testing that
20:33.30phreakyah yeah that works :D
20:33.38phreakyThanks alot ..
20:33.49phreakyIs that due to the normal Rank standing in the () the first time?
20:34.10AnduinLotharyeah the CastSpellByName parser is dumb
20:34.23phreakyThanks alot, I've been struggling with it :)
20:35.54ThraeHas anything changed with Events in 2.0? Still need to assign stuff like ADDON_LOADED to a Frame, right?
20:37.40foxlitBe mindful of also passing arguments to any OnEvent hooks you may have
20:43.26foxlitIs there an addon-based solution to losing battlegroup after a disconnect?
20:47.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Karn (
20:52.24foxlitIf UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED is only raised for player, does that mean that UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP also marks the completion of a unit's spell?
20:53.00Teomyris it only raised for player?
20:53.10Teomyri thought it was called for other units too
20:54.19foxlit* UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED, "player", spell, rank
20:54.25foxlit(Iriel's post)
20:58.40foxlitTesting shows it only fires for player as well
20:59.27AnduinLotharSUCCEEDED and SENT are player only
21:01.14foxlitSo there's no way whether the target has finished or just stopped casting the spell?
21:01.19foxlit^ to tell
21:01.38AnduinLotharnot easily
21:01.50AnduinLotharhave to check it against a stored endTime
21:02.10AnduinLotharor just don't use END
21:05.45foxlitperhaps aborted is included in failed
21:11.13*** join/#wowi-lounge lectrd (
21:11.41AnduinLotharUNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED is a failure after it's started to cast
21:11.44lectrd<< Newbie LUA Scripter. What does it mean when I get a table index is nil error?
21:11.57AnduinLotharUNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED is a failure to cast
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21:12.38lectrdI made a table, but I don't think its nil :x
21:12.46AnduinLotharno, the index is
21:12.59lectrdI think I see now
21:13.19AnduinLotharvar=nil; t1[var]; would produce that error
21:13.30lectrdIf LVBM_Test isn't defined
21:13.34lectrdI'd get that error
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21:37.26foxlitYourgrounded, Troll shaman
21:38.07foxlitThey just don't enforce the naming policy :/
21:40.22Qshadowpis there a addon that enables the /gkick command?
21:40.29Qshadowpits annoying to have to go into the guild roster :P
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21:47.24lectrdQshadowp: Try /gremove
21:48.06Qshadowpyea that works, thanks :P
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21:50.49MentalPower|PCCheck this out:
21:50.49MentalPower|PC[17:45:37] <MentalPower|PC> SDS: what happens when you type "/auc"
21:50.50MentalPower|PC[17:46:24] <hejsan> nothin happens when I typ /auc
21:50.51MentalPower|PC[17:46:38] <hejsan> or do you mean ingame?
21:51.21lectrdI've had those kinds of days
21:52.10MentalPower|PCnote that I sent the message to SDS and hejsan responded
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22:04.54Mike-N-GoMp, LOL
22:05.20AnduinLotharYou know you want to:
22:06.11foxlitWhat's the time format for UnitCastingInfo()?
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22:07.10Tierrie|Workactually iirc the last 3 digits are miliseconds
22:07.26Tierrie|Workor something
22:07.44Tierrie|Workbut its not the same magnitude as GetTime()
22:11.32foxlitGetTime()*1000 it is :)
22:12.44Tierrie|Worki don't remember which base i use
22:12.55foxlitHm, I wonder
22:13.08foxlitBattleground server just crashed, they've dumped everyone in IF/wherever they queued
22:13.43foxlitPerhaps the close proximity of so many players will kill the world server too :P
22:15.35Tierrie|Workmaybe they should have taken the weekly downtime after all
22:15.39KirkburnHeya Cairenn
22:15.48Tierrie|Workoh gnoz its cairenn
22:15.48Cairennhi Kirkburn
22:15.55Tierrie|Workhide your babbies
22:16.02KirkburnHope you had a good Xmas :)
22:16.12Kirkburn*Christmas, damn
22:17.39Cairennyes I did, hope your holidays have been good as well
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22:20.12EndTierrie|Work: weekly downtime doesn't solve that sort of problem
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22:26.09SB1-Laptopwtb PerfectRaid
22:26.24SB1-LaptopWrong c[tab] ;P
22:26.52SB1-LaptopWait, no, right c[tab]
22:26.57SB1-Laptop<-- wtb drugs
22:35.23cladhairezomg its not ready yet
22:35.30cladhaireerr wrong S[tab] ;P
22:35.40cladhaireSB1-Laptop: Zomg code it for me, kthxbai!
22:36.13SB1-Laptopcladhaire, I had hopes
22:36.49cladhaireit will be "ready" by the expansion
22:36.52cladhairefor some definition of "ready"
22:37.03SB1-LaptopGood to know
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22:37.54KirkburnSoon (TM)
22:38.08SB1-LaptopPersonally? I just like that it shows me who needs int :P
22:38.10bleetahhang on
22:38.16SB1-LaptopMakes buffing easy ^^
22:38.19cladhaireSB1-Laptop: heh
22:38.20bleetahI thought norg's had (C) the (TM) of 'ready' and 'soon' :P
22:38.35bleetahincluding the various definitions of same ;) :P
22:38.47Merysoon is property of Blizzard Enterainment
22:39.01bleetahi must be spending time on the wrong modset, if someone has a better definition of 'ready' and 'soon'
22:39.01SB1-LaptopYeah, along with "release date"
22:39.04KirkburnMery speaketh the truth
22:39.19bleetahah, dang, of course Mery... I'm so lame
22:39.32SB1-Laptop"release date", "soon", and "ready" all belong to blizz
22:39.36bleetahso it's just an inherited property of all mods
22:39.39cladhairecompile the addon list for the book for me
22:39.41cladhaireand i can get back to coding
22:39.41SB1-LaptopRE: D2X, War3
22:39.47KirkburnI know VALVe acknowledge ownership of a definiton of Soon :P
22:39.53cladhairebut to be clear you shoudl probably finish my research proposal for oxford while you're at it.
22:39.54SB1-Laptopaddon list for the book?
22:39.57cladhairethen I could really code
22:40.15Corrodiascladhaire has approximately ten minutes each day to work on addons
22:40.21SB1-LaptopWhat is this book you speak of?
22:42.05Meryactually just blame Blizzard: if they had released TBC in november cladhairs "it will be "ready" by the expansion" would already happened
22:42.10SB1-Laptopcladhaire, either way, good luck with your schoolwork ^^
22:42.17cladhairehehe i dont have any schoolwork
22:42.27SB1-LaptopOkay, rephrase
22:42.32CorrodiasAntiarc: evolution gone wrong
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22:42.41AntiarcCorrodias: No kidding.
22:42.46Corrodiaseventually it should swing back the other way like it does for america
22:42.49SB1-Laptop"Thing which occupies your time and prevents you from spoon-feeding me a working PerfectRaid to make my life in WoW easy"
22:43.01Corrodiaswealth brings such an abundance of food that, at any time, you can have as much as you want, so you can be as thin as you want
22:43.35KirkburnVALVe time:
22:43.46SB1-LaptopJust curious as to the state of it though, thanks
22:43.51SB1-LaptopGotta go now though, so, bbl
22:45.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Karn (
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22:52.12foxlitWhy am I getting a UNIT_SPELLCSAT_STOP immediately after UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START?
22:54.21foxlitAnd why does UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP fire ~ 0.1sec before the actual endTime?
22:56.22foxlitand UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_STOP ~1sec after?
23:02.22Neuroit's just the way they have it set up
23:02.56Neurothat's why most castbar mods have a check in spellcast_stop to see whether you are channeling or casting
23:03.21foxlitYep, had to add that in as well. I don't get the purpose, though
23:03.33Neuroand the .1 sec before the actual endtime is to allow the casting bar .1 second to "flash"
23:03.50NeuroOh, that's so the client knows you've successfully cast the spell
23:04.11foxlitit's CHANNEL_START enough for that?
23:04.18Neuroapparently not
23:05.02NeuroI'd definately check castbarframe.lua, or if you have eCB, eCastingBar.lua
23:05.11Neuroto give you an idea of how it works
23:06.02NeuroIt's so disappointing to see a mod with a lot of good features killed cause of a few critical shortcomings
23:07.03foxlitCastingBarFrame.lua doesn't appear to handle the SPELLCAST_STOP after a channel start, though
23:07.57foxlitunless... bah, it's odd.
23:08.38Neuroyes, it is
23:09.18NeuroIt has to do with "IsShown"
23:09.30Neurowhich to be perfectly honest with you, i never understood
23:09.31foxlitthis.casting, this.channeling
23:10.33NeuroApparently, when you first cast a channeled spell, IsShown() doesn't return true.  Dunno why.
23:10.54Neuroalso, something odd I noticed.  Channeled spells have no spark, for some reason.
23:11.01foxlitBecause the spellcastingbar isn't shown.
23:11.37foxlitframe:IsShown() returns 1 if frame is shown (frame:Show() was the last call), nil if not (frame:Hide() was the last call)
23:12.17NeuroYes, but Channel_Start shows the frame
23:12.35Neurobut apparently the Spellcast_Stop gets there before the Channel_Start
23:14.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
23:14.31KirkburnThis is absolutely *incredible*:
23:14.43KirkburnI'm literally speechless
23:15.27Neuroare they playing WoW?
23:16.14cogwheelI remember seeing them on a documentary when they were little kids...
23:16.22KirkburnThat would be difficult to co-ordinate, but probably possible
23:16.37Kirkburn(They control one arm each)
23:16.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz_ (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
23:20.18Corrodiasthey can't do worse than your average PuG
23:24.04foxlitHm, now that I've moved my castbar inside the playerframe, the bottom center of the screen feels oddly empty
23:24.09*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
23:25.33Neurosigh, I cannot believe TrinityBars doesn't have a way to save your profile
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23:31.43Corrodiasi note that, in 2.0, the right-side actionbars seem to have moved slightly farther to the right
23:31.53Corrodiasin the default UI that is
23:32.43Corrodiasfoxlit: you can always put some status-monitoring thing, there. a damage meter, maybe. or some tooltip from a fubar plugin.
23:33.06Corrodiasspeaking of which, questsfu's quest monitor frame is scaled entirely too small :( i can't read it
23:34.12foxlitDunno, maybe I should move the playerframe/targetframe there like it's popular nowadays
23:34.50Corrodiasi've stuck with a pretty classic layout because i use all the action bars and no custom layout i've seen shows all five (with one switching by stance)
23:36.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Sakano (n=Sakano@
23:36.54SP|Sorrenit seems ive stopped disconnecting.
23:37.08a-stray-cati wonder what was going on.
23:37.52Corrodiassomething homosexual
23:38.09Corrodiasit's okay! i can make gay jokes because i pretend to be gay, sometimes.
23:38.30a-stray-catyou can't make gay jokes with real gay people around, sir.
23:39.12Corrodiasi can pretend to make jokes if i'm pretending to be gay
23:41.09a-stray-catbut i know you're just pretending, clearly.
23:41.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
23:41.19*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
23:41.35Kirkburna-stray-cat, I note you've fixed your DC/RC loop :P
23:41.49KirkburnOh wait
23:41.52KirkburnYou just said that
23:41.58Kirkburnpurl, slap Kirkburn
23:42.00purlACTION slaps Kirkburn, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
23:42.08a-stray-cati dont know what was causing the diconnects
23:42.36KirkburnGod knows, but I know I got you banned from #wowace for a while :P
23:42.56KirkburnIn fact, until i just said that
23:43.16KirkburnA grand total of one second later
23:44.21foxlitHm, my evening's worth of addon coding is now complete.
23:44.35foxlitFinished mutilation of cast/unitframes:
23:45.34Corrodiasby the way, is there an easy way to set your focus in the default UI or do you need to use a macro or script function to do it?
23:45.34a-stray-catnot sure i'd call that a mutilation ;p
23:45.34a-stray-cati use a macro :/
23:45.34a-stray-catand just bind it to a key
23:45.37cladhaireCorrodias: No
23:45.50cladhaireyou can bind some key or click-cast to set focus tho
23:46.07Corrodiaswait, i see a "focus target" keybind... although i'd rather have something like alt+click on someone to make him the focus
23:46.21Corrodiasor control+click since i'm using alt+click for casting
23:46.39NeuroClique might be able to =)
23:46.59cladhaireclique can
23:47.23cladhairebut any click-casting addon should be able to
23:47.26Neurobtw, if you set a keybind manually from the console, it's not persistant is it?
23:49.10Corrodiashmm. that lets me control+click on any unitframe to set that person as focus. i was hoping i could also control+click on people in the worldframe to do it.
23:49.29cladhairenothing can do that currently
23:49.40Corrodiashow sad
23:50.07cladhairekeybinds, however can
23:50.07Neuroyou could always ask slouken to add that functionality somewhere
23:50.26a-stray-catmaybe you can do a macro /focus [target=mouseover]
23:50.27cladhaireNeuro: Its been asked, and he likes the idea.. just hasn't been figured out yet
23:51.29Thrae~seen Iriel
23:51.34purliriel <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 17h 10m 39s ago, saying: 'sleep time'.
23:51.34Corrodiasperhaps, a-stray-cat, which is a step closer
23:52.09a-stray-cati was trying to set alt+click to cast silencing shot on my mouseover, but i don't think you can do it :(
23:52.15a-stray-catsettled for a similar macro :(
23:52.28cladhaireyou can't click cast any spells in the 3-d world
23:52.30cladhaireits all the same thing
23:52.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
23:52.56Neurowell, that's not entirely true, you just can't do it with mousebutton 1
23:53.14cladhairehow do you figure?
23:53.35Neuroyou could set mousebutton 3 to set focus on your mouseover
23:53.50Neuroeither with a macro, or addon
23:54.23nymbia./focus mouseover?
23:54.36cladhairehe wants to click-cast on the 3-d world to set the focus
23:54.36Neurowell, the long way would be with a macro, /focus [target=mouseover]
23:54.39cladhairehow do you capture the click?
23:54.43Corrodiasx-perl has a unitframe for your focus, but i need to reposition it...
23:54.48cladhaireNeuro: Thats a macro, not a click-cast
23:55.15Neurothat's why I said mousebutton 3, not mouse1
23:55.19cladhaireyou cannot easily capture a click in the 3-d world and do a protected action in response, without extreme hackery
23:55.28cladhaireNeuro: I am so confused.
23:56.13cladhaireNeuro: If you're saying he can use the keybinding interface to set mousebutton3 to a macro button, yes.. but that renders that mouse button 100% useless for the rest of the game
23:56.47Neurodepends on what he currently uses the mouse button 3 for
23:57.17Neuromouse1 is for movement and other critical functions that cannot be replicated by the user, so it's not a good choice
23:57.20cladhairewell its right click
23:57.38cladhaireso he couldn't open menus
23:57.38cladhaireerr middle
23:57.38Neurono, mouse2 is right click
23:57.38cladhairei lied =)
23:57.41Neuromouse 3 is middle button
23:57.43a-stray-catmiddle is walk forward by default, i think
23:57.52cladhairehence my lying
23:57.54Corrodiasdoes Clique have a "clear focus" ability?
23:58.00NeuroNow THAT is a waste of a button =)
23:58.19cladhaireCorrodias: Hrm.. no.. i should probably add one..
23:58.26a-stray-cathey now, its useful for when one of your fingers is dirty and your other hand is occupied.
23:58.58Neurosorry, I still prefer just holding both left and right buttons down
23:59.02Corrodiasit doesn't make much sense to click -on- someone to clear the focus, but it would still be nice i think to use a similar function to clear it as i use to set it.
23:59.15a-stray-catbut then you'll get one of your mouse buttons dirty!
23:59.28Neurothen stop jerking off while playing wow!
23:59.35CorrodiasUnknown unit token: nil
23:59.41Corrodiasand i was so hopeful

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