irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061212

00:00.35Guillotineyou can use auto-unstuck instead of hearth to port
00:01.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Abenadi (
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00:10.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_Ghost (
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00:14.47ckknightDolby-wowi, there should be some way to delete a feature (in my portal) when inside of it.
00:15.01KirkburnI wonder what the stats on this should have been?
00:19.25Guillotinethats easy to do
00:19.34Guillotinejust a spoofed link, not real
00:19.36Guillotineprobably kremonte's
00:19.46Guillotinehe was having fun with the war feathers
00:19.49bleetahhow do I get the devtools window back if I've managed to (stupidly, I admit) drag it offscreen?
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00:23.49Tierrie|WorkI'd love a nice rat for a mouse, optimal mouse my ass, bionic is the way to go
00:25.02seebsI want to scroll an EditBox's text to the left.  Is there a way to do this in WoW's API?
00:25.21Thunder_Childreally, whoever came up with mouse should be shot
00:25.40Tierrie|Workwhat would you rather have? rollerball?
00:25.55Tierrie|Workor the finger, they should have a tablet with your finger as a pointer
00:26.00seebsI actually use a trackball as my primary mousy thing.  I love them way better.
00:26.11Neuro_MedivhI use a neural interface
00:26.17seebsI also have a tablet, and I would use it for everything except that WoW's mouselook can't work with a tablet ever.
00:27.14seebsBTW, any Lua people:  I am very frustrated by the difficulty of remembering when to do "x + 0" to turn x from a string-containing-numbers into a numeric value.
00:27.28Tierrie|Workwrite a atoi() function
00:27.37Tierrie|Workfunction atoi(num) { return num + 0 }
00:27.43seebsfunction atoi(x) return x+0 end
00:27.47seebsYeah, but it's still ugly.
00:28.01ckknightjust use tonumber(x).
00:28.03Tierrie|Workis tonumber() an actual LUA function?
00:28.04ckknightx+0 is a hack
00:28.07ckknightyes, tierrie
00:28.16seebsAnyway, any hints on the edit box thing?  I have this elaborate thing where I have a sequenced pair of OnUpdate scripts I need to use on a field.
00:28.20Tierrie|Workshows how much i know about lua
00:28.20seebsIt sucks horribly.
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00:29.02seebsYeah, tonumber's good.  I go fix.
00:31.02seebsIs it safe to "tonumber(x)" where x may be either an actual number, or a string containing only digits?
00:31.34VoidRaideryeah it should be ok
00:32.51seebsFinally found it in the lua 5.1 manual; it takes either a number or a string that converts to a number.
00:33.43seebsBleh.  I am hating edit boxes.
00:34.02seebsI had a chunk of code that did field:SetFocus(); field:HighlightText();
00:34.13seebsNice simple way to give the user a chance to "just start typing" and have the field work.
00:34.39kaidenGuillotine, kremonte found a way to spoof item id's to give them other stats? :( that's kinda sad blizzard would let that be in, i loved the fact that when you saw most links it was legit and you knew if it was orange and you'd never seen it, just dont bother clicking on it anyways
00:34.45seebsUnfortunately, the edit box is in a list.  And the list is updated by scrolling, and to make a long story short, the edit boxes all end up scrolled all the way to the right instead of to the left.
00:35.01Guillotinekaiden: no, I told kremonte about that one :) he was just having fun doing it
00:35.07Guillotinekremonte figured out how to crash everyone who clicks on a link
00:35.11seebsThe only way I have found to scroll them back to the left is to do a one-time OnUpdate function which grabs the leftmost character, replaces it with a space and itself, then deletes the space.
00:35.35seebsThis works, except that among other things, it kills my highlight.
00:35.38KirkburnLol, this is awesome - you need a powerful PC to run it properly though :P
00:35.42kaidenhrm i wonder if the wowi team knows that none of their images are loading
00:35.53Garoun|Loupanahmm is anyone using ludwig anymore, or is there a new/better item database?
00:36.14Kirkburnkaiden, what images?
00:36.18seebsBut in fact, it gets even worse.  I wanted to have a save button become active OnTextChanged.
00:36.22Tierrie|Workyou mean the wonderfin \n bug?
00:36.51seebsSo now I have the OnUpdate function that does the scroll-left thing, and then sets OnUpdate to ANOTHER function, which sets OnTextChanged, and then turns itself off.
00:36.56Kirkburnkaiden, not seeing any problem here
00:37.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
00:37.22seebsBTW, someone suggested putting \10 in messages.  That disconnects.  I'm using \09 now.
00:37.23Garoun|Loupanaspeak of the devil
00:37.43Tulleras in, I'm assuming you ment me?
00:37.48Garoun|Loupanaof course ;)
00:38.04Garoun|Loupanais ludwig still being updated or do you suggest using a different item database?
00:38.16Tullerludwig was updated to 2.0 on patch day
00:38.25kaidenKirkburn, really? i'm not able to load any images at all from wowi
00:38.37Guillotineseebs: sorry that was me. guess \9 is what was used :)
00:38.39Garoun|Loupanak, didn't see it on the svn was why I asked
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00:38.49seebsHey, at least it made for a funny changelog entry.
00:38.52Tullerits not an ace addon :P
00:38.55seebs"Replace \10 with \09 to reduce disconnects."
00:39.03Garoun|Loupanaok, well yeah, that could explain it...
00:39.09Garoun|Loupanasigh, go me
00:40.10Garoun|Loupanadon't mind me tuller, I just got home from work 30min ago so I'm still lacking in mental power
00:40.31kaidensadly i'm still at work :( well kinda :) i worked from home today hehe
00:40.59Garoun|LoupanaI did that on sunday, but I prefer to not think about it :P
00:41.43Garoun|Loupanadid find one major bug with Trinity bars I need to post.. god that was a nightmare
00:42.02kaidenwhat bug was that
00:42.12Garoun|Loupanawas doing some binding guarding flag in av (first mistake) and got jumped
00:42.25Garoun|Loupanamy shift key proceeded to get bound to every key I use in a normal fight
00:42.46Garoun|Loupanaand got stuck that way until I logged and wiped out the bindings cache file
00:43.27Garoun|Loupananeed to put in a request to auto toggle the binding mode off if you go into combat :)
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00:47.17KirkburnThis is (also) awesome - play all three at the same time:
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00:49.29Kirkburn"We will be extending our normally scheduled maintenance for all realms to begin at 3:00 AM PST and end at 11:00 AM PST on Tuesday, December 12th.
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00:49.56bleetahsounds like a couple of patches, even if just server side
00:50.10Thunder_Childare mods now unable to hold their positioning if the game is loaded w/o them, then loaded again with them?
00:50.42Thunder_Childafter having first positioned them ofc
00:51.05TullerThunder_Child: that's always been true, if the frames created by the mod are created post PLAYER_LOGIN
00:52.37Thunder_Childbut if i never unload it it will be fine?
00:53.29bleetahalmost OT, was the original WoW public beta '03 or '04?
00:53.34bleetah<brains gone blank
00:53.51TullerThunder_Child: if the frames do not exist at load time, they won't be saved, I think
00:54.21TullerThunder_Child: I forget the exact rules for it, because I haven't used static frames in a long time
00:54.42Tulleras in, other than ludwig :)
00:55.27Thunder_Childwell what i am saying is that if the mods are loaded they will stay the same no matter how many times i enter/exit the game, but if i unload the mod and start the game, then exit, load and start the game again, they are back to their original starting position
00:55.42Thunder_Childand this sort of thing never used to happen before
00:55.58bleetahCairenn|afk: I got a new 'song' for you, but I don't think it'd pass readability on the WoW forum if I posted it there (ever heard of a band called Tool?) ... remind me to put it up somewhere when you're back ;)
00:57.19TullerI still need to figure out why people are having stance issues still
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01:02.10ckknightbleetah, 03
01:02.25bleetahcknthanks mate
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01:05.53kaiden*waits for someone to approve ckknight's new durability fu upload*
01:06.16ckknightkaiden, it just updates libs
01:06.33kaidenAnyone ever heard of the addon TacHUD if so does anyone know where it's available from?
01:07.08Industrialgoogle doesnt so no
01:16.55Garoun|Loupanawhats the command to /release corpse
01:16.57Tierrie|Workyou know what would be awesome is if we had a Chess Addon
01:17.20Tierrie|Workobviously, for playing chess while pulling
01:17.51InsideI wrote an uno addon
01:18.47Garoun|Loupanathis flippin sucks, I'm stuck dead in AB
01:18.50Garoun|Loupanaand my corpse won't release
01:18.58InsideI've had that too
01:19.38Garoun|Loupanaand I don't know the commandline command to release corpse
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01:20.05Garoun|Loupanachecking wowwiki but Release is a fairly common term :P
01:20.24ckknightGaroun|Loupana, you from, like, Utah or Idaho?
01:22.03Garoun|Loupana:P and no
01:22.21Qshadowphmm, with chat channels in wow, is there any way to register the channel to yourself?
01:22.31Qshadowpso you can logout without fear of loseing moderation privilidges
01:22.59Garoun|Loupananot that I know of Qs, once every in teh channel logs out it's up for grabs
01:23.08ckknightGaroun|Loupana, you said "flippin"
01:23.25Qshadowpand if i logout, moderation goes to someone else
01:23.32Garoun|Loupanaforce of habit sometimes to not let the words fly, ck
01:23.33bleetahckknight: en_AU has 'flippin'
01:23.55Garoun|LoupanaI'm actually from N Va
01:24.04ckknightI've known it to be a particularly Mormon phrase
01:24.18ckknightas well as other swear words being replaced by words such as that
01:24.49Garoun|LoupanaI usually use friggin
01:24.54bleetahehh, en_AU would have us say it to our grandmothers, or if journalists are present. but that's about the only cases I can think of ;)
01:25.05Garoun|Loupanaflippin  is a new one even for me
01:25.33seebsHey, since the population's shifted some:
01:25.45seebsAny good way to scroll an edit box so it shows the leftmost text rather than the rightmost?
01:27.46bleetahdunno about any text edit box, soz, but it reminds me of another question I had: would it be possible to replace the default chat text entry box with something more usable via mods? (eg, arrow keys don't move you, but move around the text, etc.)
01:27.54Garoun|Loupanaa lot of mods do that right now Bleetah
01:28.08Garoun|Loupanaprat comes to mind
01:28.19seebsWhat I have is a scrolling list that includes edit boxes, so of course, I fill them with text.
01:28.45bleetahGaroun|Loupana: will have to look into that. thanks :)
01:28.46seebsThe problem is, they end up all scrolled to the right, and I don't want that.
01:28.51AnduinLotharanyone wanna help me debug DamageMeters? Got reported errors i cant repro
01:29.21seebsWhat errors?
01:29.29bleetahAnduinLothar: if you can't find anyone in ten mins, give me a shout
01:29.32seebsI seem to recall that I was getting an error on line 1874 every time I logged in if I had it on.
01:29.33bleetah<afk, coffee
01:29.51seebsSo I disabled it, and now it's not-working, but it's not-working without any errors, and for an understandable reason, which is that it's turned off.
01:30.00Sylphidanyone happen to use wow ui designer?
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01:34.14bleetahAnduinLothar: back, feel free to /msg me
01:34.23seebsIs it common to get disconnected on login these days?  It seems to happen to me more than it used to.
01:34.31seebsAnd Anduin, I could try to help too.  I like damagemeters!
01:35.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Darklin (
01:41.40Garoun|Loupanasigh, now I have to see what mod is forcing my popup windows to close
01:41.55Garoun|Loupanamy join BG and Rez accept aren't working
01:41.58Guillotineanybody know the slash command for binding spells to keys?
01:42.56Garoun|LoupanaI can't even talk to the Spirit Guide in the BG to rez
01:43.03abug@Sylphid: I used to
01:44.59Sylphidabug, well it was working last i used it and all that i can think of that changed is the 2.0.1 patch....
01:45.05Garoun|Loupanasomething in the new Xloot is doing it
01:45.13XuerianI just fixed it.
01:45.16Garoun|Loupanaoh :P
01:45.25Garoun|Loupanagod that was driving me bonkers, Xue
01:45.50XuerianSorry =P
01:46.20Garoun|Loupanait's ok, I'll be happy when the CloseLoot() bug is gone with teh ui
01:46.43XuerianDoesn't matter now, that was me making a mistake in nuking the "zomg addon performing something restricted, let's let it work but BUG THE USER!!" thing.
01:46.46Garoun|LoupanaI love xloot but after it pops up a few times I give up :P
01:46.55XuerianIt is properly nuked now :3
01:47.04Garoun|LoupanaI'll be sure to check and let you know
01:48.33XuerianThanks. =)
01:50.13Kaeltenello :)
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01:52.12Garoun|Loupanalet me go update xloot real fast :P before I pvp more, loadit is a lifesaver
01:52.57Xuerian:3. If you're using Monitor, I accidentally left a debug statement in it, if it's not corrected now, it'll be corrected with the next snapshot.
01:53.17Garoun|Loupanak k, TrainerFu has a debug statement in it also hehe
01:53.55DarklinDid they fix the bug at WoWAce that was messing up the dependencies?
01:54.02bleetahAnduinLothar: were you still after assistance?
01:54.20AnduinLotharseebs helped me, thx
01:54.22XuerianYes, /files is now built snapshot-style instead of per-commit
01:54.30AnduinLotharI had forgotten to upload the xml file, lol
01:54.34Garoun|Loupananow all I really need is a gatherer data importer and mapnotes importer for cartographer and my UI is back to pre-2.0 status :) with 30megs less mib
01:54.35bleetahAnduinLothar: np, and thx seebs :)
01:55.20seebsWas no problem, turned out to be really easy once caught; just regular bit rot.
01:55.39AnduinLotharbrain rot more like
01:55.45Garoun|LoupanaI had a really good one Xeu, I tried a reload on my ui to fix the no popups issue... that was a HORRIBLE idea
01:55.52Garoun|Loupanait completely crashed wow :P
01:56.17seebsWell, uploading two files that aren't in sync is classic bit rot.  Nothing wrong with either, just, well, not in sync.
01:56.40XuerianGaroun|Loupana: Heheheh... What can I say, when I break something, it's a big thing :P
01:57.11bleetahok, here's my latest 'song'. not suitable for the WoW UI Forum Stress Relief thread :- definately not office safe if you've got text to speech ;)
01:57.17Garoun|Loupanaand if there's a rare bug, I gaurantee you I'll find it :P
01:58.18XuerianGaroun|Loupana: It'll find me, at least, that's for sure.
01:58.35seebsWow, SetMaxLetters has just saved me a lot of trouble.
01:59.17Darklinlol Bleet!
02:00.28kaidenAnyone know any addons that would be downloadable from or that could overwrite the tooltip positioning and anchor it to the center of the screen?
02:00.58Garoun|Loupanait was really weird when I couldn't even click on the spirit guide X
02:01.39seebskaiden, not off the top of my head.  Do you want one, or are you trying to get rid of one?  :)
02:01.45seebsI seem to recall that there's some tooltip mod that does that.
02:02.08XuerianGaroun|Loupana: That's the sign of a good bug.... It doesn't throw a error, but causes serious consternation ;3
02:02.20Darklinkaiden: Why not use the latest MoveAnything?
02:02.26kaideni'm trying to get rid of one
02:02.41kaideni have an addon highjacking my tooltips overwriting tipbuddy and tinytip's ability to anchor the unit tip
02:02.52kaidenand forcing my tooltips to anchor to the center of the screen
02:02.53Darklinkaiden: oh I understand.
02:03.10Darklinkaiden: What mods do you have installed atm?
02:04.22kaidenbuggrabber, clearfont, assister, bagnon, bugsack, buyemall, cartographer, the full ctmod package, fubar and a few fubar plugins, ignoremore, klhthreatmeter, mybindings2, odeps, olightsup outfitter, poisoner, ratingbuster, sapper, sct, seriousbufftimers, spamsentry, teknicolor, thebigpicture, thelowdown, tinypad, trinitybuttons
02:04.46bleetahyay, it's not enhtooltip ;) :D
02:05.19kaidenit's seriously driving me batty
02:05.28Tullerkaiden: try without bagnon and see if its that
02:05.41Tullerkaiden: bagnon calls standard tooltip functions, though
02:05.57kaidenTuller, i've had bagnon installed forever though and this just started earlier when i installed a bunch of ace addons
02:06.01kaideni've been going through removing them all
02:07.54kaidenok went back to the same package i was using earlier and removed all the addons i've installed today except klht
02:08.44kaidenI bet it was ratingbuster it messes with the tooltips
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02:11.12DarklinTuller: You busy studying at the moment?
02:11.17TullerDarklin: no
02:11.55DarklinTuller: Got a sec then? I've tried 4 different ways of changing the state headers like you suggested and it's not working. Heh.
02:12.13TullerDarklin: sure
02:13.12DarklinI created nested for loops to set up the statemap-stance-# attributes with stuff like 0:1000;1:1001; etc etc.
02:13.51DarklinBut once stance is changed, it doesn't want to retain what page was previous.
02:14.12DarklinIt just overwrites the bar like it does now and still thinks it is on the page it was before.
02:14.39DarklinAt that point I have to SHIFT + # to page to a different page and then it displays properly from that point on.
02:15.08TullerDarklin: you want to change the LoadDruidStates type functions
02:15.15DarklinTuller: I did.
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02:16.00DarklinFunny thing was, I stripped your BState_Create all the way down to just a few lines at one point, just trying to understand how it all worked. And 99% of the mod still worked fine. Heh.
02:16.41TullerDarklin:  3000:7000;3001:7001;3002:7002;3003:7003; etc for prowl
02:17.28DarklinTuller: Aye, that's exactly what I did.
02:18.24DarklinFor statemap-stance-1 it became 0:1000;1:1001;2:1002; (etc.)
02:18.46DarklinIt dun like it. =)
02:20.43seebsAnduin:  I have downloaded the updated DamageMeters.  It now works like a thing which works in the night.  No errors.
02:21.07seebsIf I may make a suggestion, though, perhaps a good resetpos position would be about 20 pixels lower; it showed up with the title bar under my TitanPanel and I couldn't move it without toggling that.
02:21.15DarklinSo now I'm trying to hook into BActionBar.driver:GetAttribute('state') to spit it to defchat and see if the thousand series states are even actually being hit or if they're mapping out to something else before getting that far.
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02:23.26DarklinIt's wierd. But during a stance change. BActionBar:UpdateStance() isn't being called anymore. I commented it out and nothing changed.
02:24.04TullerDarklin: what version are you working off of?
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02:26.54Tullerstupid queue
02:28.43DarklinHeh, I had a 300+ queue getting in on Stormrage
02:29.27DarklinOk, I finally found where to hook it at.
02:29.51DarklinAnd the thousand series are definately getting set
02:30.27DarklinWhen I page around in there, It's returning states of 3000;3001;3002 to 3005
02:30.53DarklinSo... I must be doing something wrong.
02:31.02DarklinGoing to nuke my files and start again.
02:31.12bleetahanyone: does the cosmos patcher use port 8087 for comms?
02:31.33bleetahcan't seem to see reference to it on the wowwiki page
02:31.38TullerDarklin: its entirely possible my code is broken somewhere :)
02:32.17TullerI still need to rewrite the state header to take into account friendly/enemy and mouse buttons
02:32.31Tullerbut some people are apparently still not able to page and stuff
02:32.32bleetahnm, answered it myself. yes, it does :)
02:32.57bleetahAnduinLothar: I'll add a comment on the wowwiki page re: port 8087. If you object, I'm guessing you can delete ;)
02:34.08AnduinLotharplease do
02:34.38DarklinTuller: I hate to say this but your Bar management and Button management may need rewritten as well.
02:34.46bleetahAnduinLothar: done
02:34.56TullerDarklin: what's breaking on those?
02:35.11TullerDarklin: other than the fact I need to do showstates :)
02:35.31DarklinTuller: Well, it seems I'm able to comment out certian functions, specifically just about anything that deals with stances.
02:35.44DarklinLike they're never getting called.
02:36.12Neuro_Medivhin combat, or out of combat?
02:36.55TullerDarklin: most stance functions are only called by the options menu
02:37.11DarklinTuller: Ah.
02:37.32TullerDarklin: buttons update when attached to a bar
02:37.58Industrialhow do i disband a party from lua
02:37.58DarklinWell, I just, as a test, rewrote the statemap-stealth-# attributes to have the mapping, and apparently it's working. So it must be a bug somewhere in my code.
02:38.10Industrialor slash commands whatever
02:39.57DarklinThe mapping for statemap-stance-0 is going to be MASSIVE
02:41.02DarklinAnyone know if you can do something like " 1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000:0" as a state transition?
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02:42.09Darklinotherwise I'm going to have to do 1000:0;2000:0;3000:0; etc.
02:46.32TullerDarklin: its the reason I really hate state headers :)
02:46.58TullerDarklin: you don't wanna see what happens when you up the maximum amount of pages to 120 :)
02:49.32TullerDarklin: I'm hoping there's actually a better way to do it, but I'm not aware of one
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02:50.35LamexTuller, did you fix the stance swapping with hidden bars as well unload login/ui reload?
02:50.44Lamexin 6.12.10
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02:51.28TullerLamex: all buttons are created by default now, so if its not working there's an issue somewhere else
02:51.40LamexTuller, ok well I will test it now then
02:52.11Tulleraka: Why bongos uses more memory at login than it used to
02:52.12Shadowed#$!#$ blizzard
02:53.02Shadowedclear 4H trash, server dies....yay
02:53.08Lamexouch :(
02:53.43Lamexwe lacked melee dps on twins, and since the timers for the teleport on every mod are broken it did not very well
02:53.55Shadowedat least it's not clearing raz trash 3 times in a week because of it
02:54.10Lamexthat is a true pain in the ass indeed
02:55.00LamexTuller, still broken
02:55.35LamexTuller, is not fixable the way you fixed the keybindings with hidden bars?
02:55.50Lamexit is basically the same, instead of keybindings it is the stance changing
02:56.36DarklinTuller: It's done for druids btw
02:56.47DarklinTuller: It's working now
02:56.55TullerDarklin: hurray
02:57.23TullerLamex: the keybindings still work, just not the stance?
02:57.31LamexTuller, yeah
02:58.18LamexTuller, keybindings works perfect since you fixed that, however stance swapping is the same way, it ignores the stance swapping when login and you have your bars hidden, or reload ui with hidden bars
02:58.28DarklinTuller: Do you want me to put the source on a Paste site so you can look it over?
02:58.47TullerDarklin: sure
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02:59.31DarklinTuller: < Thats the druid fix
03:00.45LamexTuller, I will dive otherwise in your source and see if I can solve it :) (kinda annoys the hell out of me >.<)
03:02.00DarklinLamex: Whats up? I've been staring at Tuller's code for days. I might be able to help.
03:02.30LamexDarklin, when you have the bars hidden and you login (or reload ui) it will ignore the stance changing if you are in shadowform for example
03:04.10DarklinLamex: Explain, "Ignore the stance changing". You mean when you log in the bars aren't updated as tho you were in the stance?
03:04.17LamexDarklin, yes
03:04.48DarklinLamex: Ok. That's what I've been working on. Lemme double check but I should be able to rewrite it for you real quick. I just this very minute got it fixed for druids.
03:04.52DarklinWell, something similar anyway.
03:05.30LamexDarklin, but it only happens for when you have the bars hidden
03:05.38Scre3manyone on Thrall?
03:05.58DarklinLamex: Oh, I just tried it and it worked with the bars visible.
03:05.58LamexDarklin, if you make them visible after you login it will not have any effect
03:06.14DarklinIt makes sense that they wouldn't be updated if the bars were hidden
03:06.15LamexDarklin, bars visible is no problem, that works fine
03:06.28DarklinGimme a sec, I remember seeing the code that you need to massage
03:06.39Lamexwell I prefer my bars hidden, everything is keybounded but in certain situations I want them visible etc
03:06.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
03:06.58LamexDarklin, if you could email it to me then I can dive into it tomorrow
03:07.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Barbanus (
03:07.16Lamexsince I want to go to bed here, 4am :P
03:07.27DarklinLamex: Bongos_ActionBar/actionBar/button.lua:line-32
03:07.36Darklinif (bar:CanPage() or bar:HasStance()) and bar:IsVisible() then
03:08.06Lamexthat last part does not make sence
03:08.13Lamexok thanx I will look into it tomrrow then
03:08.22Lamexand see why it is that way
03:08.24TullerDarklin: that just updates the looks of a button
03:08.54LamexTuller, is your code OO based? (that looks like OO based)
03:08.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Gilded (
03:08.59DarklinAhh, I just remembered seeing the check for bar:IsVisible() and thought maybe that was where the problem was.
03:09.02*** join/#wowi-lounge joey (
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03:09.25TullerLamex: actionbars and buttons are now
03:09.42*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
03:09.52TullerLamex: but it was mostly because I didn't feel like writing BActionButton. anymore :)
03:10.07DarklinTuller: UpdateAll() also calls UpdateHotkey in a little bit.
03:10.13TonyDdamn blizz
03:10.21TonyDexact same place as last time
03:10.26TullerDarklin: that just updates the text displayed
03:10.34TullerDarklin: all ID stuff is handled by the state header
03:10.36TonyDtook me 2 hours to get a st group, then right as I was about to kill the last gatekeeper
03:10.42LamexTuller, heh I do not like Lua at all but I can handle it, OO should make it easier, I love OO, I will look into this bug myself if you don't mind :)
03:11.02TonyDecact same spot as yesterday
03:11.08TonyDwhen it crashed
03:11.14TonyDthis time they ALL crashed tho
03:11.26DarklinTuller: ok. Sorry, I still don't have 100% down what's controlled by what.
03:11.39Lamexexperiment with it and then report it TonyD
03:11.39DarklinLUA hates me.
03:11.52TonyDmaybe not
03:11.54TullerDarklin: aka my code doesn't make much sense :)
03:11.57LamexDarklin, I do not like Lua either
03:12.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
03:12.10TonyDtuller, name sounds familiar, which ones do you do again?
03:12.17XuerianLua wins =)
03:12.17DarklinTuller: Actually, it does. The problem is, the WoW API does not behave like I expect it to half the time.
03:12.20TullerTonyD: bongos and bagnon
03:12.25AnduinLotharthe graveyard in cc is bellow ground on kil'jaeden. i'm fallign through the world endlessly
03:12.28TonyDi use both
03:12.36XuerianOnce you get past tables, anyway.
03:12.42TonyDdiscovered em on bcbeta
03:12.56DarklinXuerian: I'm a python fan. Wish they would make it so you could use either on the interface but ah well.
03:12.59*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
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03:13.22LamexJava and PHP fan here
03:13.32TonyDtuller: can you make a unit frame mod?
03:13.40TullerTonyD: I did, its called Sage :)
03:13.48TullerTonyD: it isn't updated for 2.0 quite yet
03:13.49XuerianDarklin: Hm, I haven't delved much into python yet, though I did get ready to. Lamex: I used to be a PHP addict, but I now hate it thanks to Lua conditioning :P
03:13.51DarklinTuller: Did you get a chance to look over that code I posted for ya? And if so, do you want me to rewrite the code for the warriors/rogues/priests too?
03:13.57TonyDwell, I'm a DUF user
03:14.09TullerDarklin: I've implemented it :)
03:14.10TonyDwith a highly customized version
03:14.14TullerDarklin: I can handle the rest of it and stuff
03:14.19TullerDarklin: thanks :)
03:14.26LamexXuerian, well Lua does not make sence to me and most of time breaks general coding stuff from other languages such as PHP and Java
03:14.29DarklinTuller: ok. Just trying to take some of the workload off you. I know that you've got finals.
03:14.30TonyDbug vnagnon is the best inventory mod ever
03:14.40TonyDbut vgabnon
03:14.44TullerDarklin: the only hard one I had was yesterday
03:14.52DarklinTuller: How'd it go?
03:14.58TullerDarklin: I have no idea
03:15.05XuerianLamex: Yeah, it does have that tendency, but after a while, it's easier than the rest =)
03:15.23XuerianExcept for tables. Tables are the root of all evil.
03:15.55TullerXuerian: tables are awesome :P
03:16.08XuerianTuller: Shhhh, I'm not admitting that yet.
03:16.58LamexXuerian, tables are easy for me
03:17.24TullerXuerian: I've indexed a table by a frame I think :)
03:17.47XuerianTuller: I've used frames as tables. :P
03:17.48LamexTuller, 6.12.10 is the latest version correct?
03:17.56TullerLamex: yes
03:18.05TullerXuerian: that's how I do OO :)
03:18.12LamexTuller, why on earth renamed shadowform to shadowform/redemption?
03:18.18XuerianTuller: hehe, amen.
03:18.46TullerLamex: because apparently it also switches when in spirit of redemption
03:19.06Lamexwth? for real?
03:19.26DarklinAnyone remember the macro to get rid of the annoying clicking sound when people join a raid?
03:19.47LamexDarklin, turn off sound?
03:21.07Tullerctrl+s :P
03:21.07Lamexanyway I am off
03:21.08Lamexc ya all
03:21.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
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03:24.33TemI hate you
03:24.35bleetahargh, i really hope blizz bring back lfg chan... there's been a homophobic rant been goin g on in our trade for half an hour, usually that sort of crap used to be on LFG
03:25.34Tembleetah, simple solution
03:25.54abugor join in
03:26.06bleetahheh, bit hard when i'm trying to write/improve enchantrix's barker option, that talks to trade
03:26.21bleetahthe mental ignore only lasts so long
03:27.02MentalPowerget an ignorelist addon, and mass ignore
03:28.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
03:28.23*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem_] by ChanServ
03:29.19abugone tem is pleasant, two is masochistic
03:30.20bleetahMentalPower: that fights the infection for me, not immunises the population (although I agree, short of creating a Global - Kiddies chan, there's not much Blizz can do)
03:31.15Scre3mi'd pay triple for an all-adult server
03:31.47abugonly if they let us cyber in public
03:32.34Scre3mthe precisely the kind of talk i wish to avoid
03:32.40Scre3mjust want to play the game
03:32.47bleetahi'd actually like one where you could change faction, so you don't really know if that rogue of same race standing next to you in EPL is about to kill you, or not... I'd then be able to fulfill my true RP wish and havbe my Nelf amass a group to take out Staghelm
03:32.52MentalPoweryou know the ironic/funny part?
03:32.54MentalPowersome of the kiddies that are taking part in the homophobic rant, turn out to be homosexuals themselves
03:33.15bleetahwell, not funny.. quite sad really
03:33.53Scre3mi'd like a server where there are no factions
03:34.02Scre3mlike EQ
03:34.07Scre3mpvp only in BGs
03:34.10OsagasuI'd like to have a server with a murderer system like UO did
03:35.13Scre3mi didn't play UO, what was that system like?
03:35.44OsagasuGuards in towns, otherwise FFA
03:35.52OsagasuGuild wars...
03:35.57Scre3mhrm, that would be interesting
03:36.00Scre3mbut i'll pass :)
03:36.14abugthat kind of system hurts new players
03:36.21OsagasuReds (murderers: you kill more than 4 or 5 people and you become flagged as freely FFA for everyone without risk of getting flagged themselves)
03:37.15OsagasuIt balances out because reds can't enter towns with guards
03:38.30Scre3msounds like fun
03:43.44Thardalit was really abusable though
03:43.52Shadowedround two!
03:43.59Thardalpeople played a criminal on an alt and gave all their loot to their non-criminal main
03:44.43Darklinpsst. Clad... =P
03:46.13DarklinHave you gotten a chance to look at PerfectRaid *ducks*. =)
03:47.07purlducks are
03:47.26cladhaireDarklin: No sir.
03:47.28cladhaireyou'll know when i do
03:47.31cladhairebecause i'll be silent in IRC
03:47.36Darklincladhaire: heh
03:47.49Darklinpurl: What was that link about?
03:48.19purlI ain't no stinkin' bot.  I am a finely tuned and hand crafted tool.  Oh wait... I guess I am a bot (that you should not abuse).
03:48.46Darklinabug: Ah.
03:48.54Darklinabug: So what was that about a keylogger earlier?
03:48.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|REVOL (
03:49.12abuga pop-culture reference
03:50.28Kirovi hate dropdown menus with a passion
03:51.00abugis there a wiki page on them?
03:51.14XuerianKirov: DewDrop is nice =)
03:51.57Neuro_MedivhI believe they are bugged now
03:57.11Scre3mag, u around?
04:01.57AnduinLotharlol CTRA RaidStatus is borked. RaidMana says 40599%
04:03.04AnduinLotharit's priest mana that's borked
04:03.10AnduinLotharpally and druid mana work
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04:14.33Neuro_Medivhgrrr, can't post anything
04:22.50KirkburnThis I find atrocious - a 'genuine fansite' for the PSP which, with a little digging, is quite obviously a marketing front:
04:23.18Kirkburn(it doesn't help that the video they posted is utterly utterly awful)
04:23.35XuerianYeah, Sony got railed for that on Digg earlier today.
04:24.02KirkburnI came to it from Joystiq
04:24.20KirkburnAlso found out about the ThreeSpeech site of theirs too
04:24.49KirkburnI would be okay with it *if they didn't try and hide that it's a Sony-paid production*
04:26.14KirkburnThree Speech appears to be a PS3 blog, but it attempts to hide the facts
04:26.47Kirkburn"Three Speech isn't part of PlayStation, but it does get to speak to PlayStation. You could say we're 'semi official'." <-- what the hell does that mean? That's all it says ...
04:28.00KirkburnXuerian, you know they filtered the comments on the first site too?
04:28.35Kirkburne.g. it blocks the words Marketing and Zipatoni (the website owners)
04:28.46XuerianKirkburn: Nope, I didn't notice anything about it, but I wouldn't doubt it a inch. Seems like sony hasn't learned anything from it's earlier interactions with the community
04:29.21KirkburnYeah, so it seems :/
04:31.12XuerianIt's just disappointing to me, Sony could do much better business if it just knew how to listen to people instead of whatever advisory panels they have. I suppose that applies to any major business nowadays, too... At least ones doing major digital business.
04:31.15Tullerhurray for 40 mostly useless categories for vbagnon :)
04:31.31XuerianTuller: Hurray for vbagnon. =P
04:31.46*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (
04:32.24TullerI'm thinking I add tabs for all of your characters to the side of your bags/bank to view your other stuff via dragging out
04:38.21*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
04:38.47cogwheelanyone here fluent in bash scripting?
04:39.51Garoun|Loupanahmm, the calculation in honorfu for the Today's Honor is off around 52ish
04:40.05Garoun|Loupanagotta test it more over time though with larger numbers :)
04:43.18Guillotinegroup of 6 of us just downed drak in AV o.O me in tree form healing, BWL warrior tank, Naxx hunter, bwl mage, bwl warlock X 2
04:44.12Guillotinewhat do you guys think of this build for an affliction lock: ?
04:44.46Guillotinehmm. is it worth having imp life tap if you have dark pact?
04:46.18Garoun|Loupanawish I knew why Bigwigs and ORA2 don't stay disabled after log off
04:48.55Scre3mi wish i had never found PerfectRaid, because now i can't stand not having it
04:49.25GuillotineScre3m: Its not quite as good, but you can set up RDX.Cid to look just about exactly like PRaid. that what I'm doing
04:49.35Guillotinebut I still want PRaid to come out >.>
04:49.36Scre3mgot a link?
04:49.59Scre3mag_unitframes is driving me nuts
04:50.03*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
04:50.08Scre3mi cant hid the party in a raid
04:50.12Scre3mno range checking
04:50.26ckknighthey all
04:50.31Scre3mcant read the friggin text unless the scale is way up
04:50.38cladhaireScre3m: Sorry,
04:50.42cladhaireGuillotine: hehe i'm working on it =)
04:51.31Scre3m<3 Cladhaire
04:51.43Scre3mbut for the love of pete, get praid out ;)
04:51.59cladhairepay my bills so i can quit
04:52.02cladhairethen you'l get it
04:52.10Scre3mi will be the first to donate on paypal
04:55.32seebsSomeone download AnnoyRP, I wanna claim I've got 500 downloads.
04:56.26*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren (
05:02.10phreakyWhat does it do seebs? =)
05:02.18seebsIt annoys people!
05:02.33seebsIt emits chatter based on events, such as "cast spell" or "player hit".
05:02.41phreakyAll the time? Oo
05:02.57seebsYou COULD set an event for probability 100 on "Player Hit" with no restricting pattern.
05:03.11seebsIf you set a lot of things to probabilities over 10%, the addon insults you.
05:03.26phreakyI like that about it though :)
05:03.44seebsI actually have an entire subset of the addon devoted to changing the warning message around enough that people are likely to read it.
05:04.08seebsIt starts as just "Percentages over 10 are likely to be annoying.  You should pick lower frequencies, especially for very common actions."
05:04.13phreakyIt sounds anoying indeed! :P
05:04.27seebsBy around the 40th time you hit the dialog box, it's "Percentages over 10... common actions.  Are you even listening to me?"
05:04.41seebs50 or so gets "... common actions.  I just don't feel we're connecting here."
05:05.00seebsTime #60 it ends with "I think we should see other people", and instead of an OK button you get a "WHAT?!?!" button.
05:05.17seebsIt's intended to be annoying enough to strongly encourage the user to use reasonable (aka small) percentages.
05:05.32seebsActually, that reminds me; I should change the default from 10 to 5 when dragging spells into the interface.
05:06.37seebs5% sounds low, but by the end of an instance... Well, it's not low.
05:06.52seebsThe other big feature is that you can have fairly large lists of things to say for an event.
05:07.15seebsI would think a rogue would quickly realize that you want at least 6-10 different possible statements for Sinister Strike.
05:08.38seebsHeh.  I should have one of the dialog box things be "Look, I really don't think you're getting it.  Have someone cast Arcane Intellect on you and read this again."
05:09.21seebsHeh.  I could check for Blessing of Wisdom, and if it's on, ask the player to make sure it hasn't worn off prematurely, because setting the chances that high just isn't wise.
05:15.00abugporn should be free
05:15.03cogwheelto modularize, or to integrate? ... That is the question...
05:15.19cogwheelaaaaaaaaaaaand.... GO!
05:15.21seebsDepends on the thing.
05:15.36abugthat's like asking great taste or less filling?
05:15.48seebsSomething that has a lot of general applications ought to be modularized.  Something very specialized may be better off well integrated.
05:16.30abugI disagree, all code should be integrated into the human brain
05:17.12cogwheelActually, the thing is that if I do modularize, i'd want to add more functionality to the different parts than I'd be giving in the integrated version...
05:17.24seebsHeh.  <picture of egg>  This is your brain.  <picture of fried egg>  This is your brain integrated with Microsoft Office.
05:17.39Neuro_MedivhDepends on what is more important
05:17.42seebsYeah.  Often, that turns out to make the integrated version easier to write.
05:17.45Neuro_MedivhPerformance of Portability
05:17.47Garoun|Loupanaif you have Sci Fi channel, watch Lost Room Tonight
05:17.49Garoun|Loupanait's really good
05:18.15Neuro_Medivhintegration is better for performance
05:18.19seebsIn my experience, portability turns out to get you better performance than performance does.
05:18.29seebsI had an argument with someone once about performance and portability.
05:18.31cogwheelWell, that's another thing... it shouldn't have any noticeable performance difference either way... only memory usage
05:18.45seebsHe was going to do a graphically brilliant game, which was going to be incredibly fast because it was written for the bare metal.
05:18.47cogwheel(it's mostly dormant)
05:18.54seebsAnd it would be the most impressive game ever made for the Matrox Mystique.
05:18.58seebsI don't think he finished it.
05:19.18abugto Ace or not to Ace that is the quesiton
05:19.39Neuro_Medivhdon't bother.. if you don't, someone else will take your addon and ace it for you anyway
05:19.43cogwheelWell, tbh, I'm already using ace for the hooking and database code...
05:20.18seebsI dunno.  I didn't, because I don't have Ace now, and I wouldn't want to have to download another thing to run a mod, so my mod's totally self-contained.
05:20.18cogwheelseebs: ace doesn't work like that...
05:20.18Neuro_Medivhcurrently, ace is an embedded library
05:20.19cogwheelyou embed it in your addon... the end users don't have to worry about anything like that
05:20.34Neuro_Medivhassuming the zip script works properly =)
05:20.42abugdarn winzip
05:20.45abugdarn it to hell
05:20.48cogwheelwell i don't use the ace svn, so... :P
05:21.31cogwheelI run my own custom shell script to package my addons from my personal svn repository... ;)
05:21.41Neuro_MedivhI've already had people say "Hey, you should Ace eCastingBars!"
05:22.07abugHey you should Ace your face!
05:22.14cogwheelYeah... i really don't understand where the aura about ace came from...
05:22.20seebsI have actually been thinking about getting Cedega and switching to Linux just so I'll have decent editors and software.
05:22.42cogwheelI think there were a lot of "renegade" ace evangelists that went around pressuring people to use it...
05:22.55ckknightYou should Ace your mom!
05:22.55abugit's all ckknight's fault
05:23.02Neuro_MedivhBlizzard will eventually realize they need to Ace the WoW client!
05:23.03ckknightoh, totally.
05:23.17Gryphenand most Ace addon bash non-ace addons saying how much more efficient they are in order to sell their own
05:24.07cogwheelseebs: I actually am runing cygwin under XP 'cause no linux distros are compatible with my hardware atm...
05:24.37Neuro_MedivhThere's a phallacy that a bad Aced mod is better than a good non-Aced mod.  Which isn't true.
05:24.41seebsI am SOOO sick of XP, though.
05:25.01ckknightNeuro_Medivh, oh, I got a whole rant regarding that
05:25.06seebsA friend of mine just runs WoW under Cedega, and apparently it runs.  I've pretty much dropped all the copy-protected games I used to play, so...
05:25.21ckknightbut bad mods are bad mods, no matter if they're Ace or non-Ace
05:25.27seebsNot much of a loss.  My PC game is WoW, or GalCiv II if I want a strategy game.  Apart from that, it's the Wii and the DS.
05:25.45Neuro_Medivhhaven't tried galciv2... I couldn't get into GalCiv1
05:26.14Neuro_Medivhhad a hard time getting into Civ4 as well
05:26.24seebsI like galciv II a lot.
05:26.34seebsI think it's substantially improved over I.
05:26.37cogwheelI played WoW under cedega for a while. I got better performance than under windows except one thing that pissed me off to no end: no antialiasing :(
05:27.08*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
05:27.16seebsI run at 1600x1200, and my video card isn't quite up to keeping really smooth at that (x800 pro, probably undertweaked), so I wouldn't mind dropping the antialiasing.
05:27.45seebsClearFont eliminated the one reason I cared about that anyway.  :)
05:28.04Scre3mok yes! RDX does have a nice looking list!!
05:28.13FlAWDyou can run wow at 1600?
05:28.20FlAWDmy settings wont let me go over 1280 :(
05:28.32seebsYeah, 1600x1200.
05:28.46FlAWDthats dumb
05:28.47seebsThe great joy of my freelance writing career was the gig that paid enough for me to get a 1600x1200 LCD.
05:28.48cladhaireScre3m: hehe so use it then i can drop praid =)
05:28.55Scre3mhell no
05:29.04abugwhen I change WoW to run in opengl mode it crashes on startup :(
05:29.08FlAWDmy LCD can do 1600 too but wow won't do it
05:29.29seebsWhat's your video card?
05:29.30Scre3mRDX != praid
05:29.45cladhaireyou still want to use praid adfter using rdx
05:29.52seebsI found a great way to reduce the stress of the raiding grind, which is that I don't do raids at all.
05:29.55seebsIt saves SO much trouble.
05:30.10Scre3mcladhaire, yes, rdx is a bandaid fix, praid > all
05:30.18cogwheelI can do 1920x1200 at work on a 9800pro, but all the options have to be down all the way and there's noticeable mouse lag...
05:30.25Scre3myou have to configure it and it comes with a lot stuff i dont need/want
05:30.46Scre3mpraid is so easy to use and provides a perfect healers raid ui
05:30.53seebsI get weird things where my graphics will suddenly drop back hugely from 48fps to 20fps.  Then if I change all my settings and change them back, all is fine.
05:31.07cladhairegood, considering i'm a healer
05:31.44seebsMy Mac gets much lower frame rates, because it has a crappy video card.  Shame, too, it's probably faster on raw CPU.
05:31.44Scre3mi'm a minimalist
05:31.58abugso was Andrew Jackson
05:32.04abugand look where he got us!
05:32.16seebsI sort of am too.  I was SOOO happy to discover that Bongos could eliminate all the artwork for button bars, leaving me with Just Buttons.
05:32.22bleetahgreat films
05:32.32bleetahoh, that's Peter jackson.. who's Andrew? His brother? :-P
05:32.41seebsWant a great party prank?
05:32.50seebsTell someone you have a great movie by Peter Jackson, director of LotR.
05:32.56seebsThen show them Meet the Feebles.
05:33.16bleetahnah, the undead movie he did
05:33.17seebsWhich is, technically, a movie directed by the same guy.  Really.  It's not just someone else with the same name.
05:33.17bleetah"I kick ass for the lord!" pmsl
05:33.25Neuro_Medivhhahah, i know that movie!
05:33.40seebsMeet the Feebles is amazing.  I have a friend who has done artwork of "mangled baby lollipops", who found Meet the Feebles "disturbing".
05:33.47Neuro_MedivhPreacher Man or something right?
05:34.05abugthat one where whoopi was a nun?
05:34.27bleetahBad Taste:
05:34.59bleetahoh, no sorry.. braindead (US "dead or alive"
05:35.24abugdoes jackson do cameos in all of his movies?
05:35.50bleetahas far as i know
05:36.07Neuro_MedivhDead Alive, that's it
05:36.37bleetahWoW needs an 'I kick ass for the Lord' quote
05:36.41bleetahif it don't have it
05:36.52abugwow needs more vibrating gnomes
05:37.04bleetahmmm more
05:37.16seebsThey're sold to Taurens as "massagers".
05:37.26abuglucky gnomes
05:37.46bleetahmmm at least they'll be warm at night
05:40.21seebsIs there a cheap way to present a large amount of text in a WoW window, without hand-formatting?
05:40.33seebsI want to have a help tab in my UI, but I don't want to hand-format the text.
05:40.42KirkburnI think I saw Bad Taste
05:41.33Neuro_MedivhI know I saw "Gay Hobbit Love", aka last 30 minutes of RotK
05:41.52KirkburnOooh, satire :)
05:42.07Neuro_Medivhwell, if I really wanted satire, I'da called it "Brokeback Shire"
05:42.29abugthat'd make a good rental
05:42.37seebsHey, that's odd.  They announced an extended maintenance downtime (starting at 3AM PST), but now it's back to saying 5AM PST.
05:42.58Neuro_Medivhand if you watch Clerks 2 (out on dvd tomorrow), they mention the same thing
05:46.19*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
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05:47.34seebsClerks 2 has been out on DVD for a while.
05:47.55seebsIn fact, I decided not to buy it at the friendly-local-gaming-store due to them having only the full screen version, so I got widescreen at target about an hour and a half ago.
05:48.46abugNeuro is caught in a warp bubble and slightly out of phase
05:49.09Neuro_Medivhahh, thought it came out tomorrow
05:49.23seebsI bought it because my roommate (the one who thought Feebles was disturbing) recommended it highly.
05:49.33Neuro_Medivhit's great
05:49.44seebsSo I'll invite the wholesome roommate who grew up thinking people were reasonable and rational and who doesn't cuss competently to watch it.
05:49.47seebsI might be able to trick her.
05:52.16seebsSo, back to my question.  I want to display a lot of (pre-determined) text in a frame.  What is the best way to do this?
05:52.35KirkburnLol, I like the engrish in this post:
05:53.30seebsSo, I have a debugging character, who lives in Coldridge valley and kills L1 wolves to test addon features.
05:53.52seebsAnd I was working on something, and some guy tried to duel me.  He's since said "what bitch" and "take it up the but".
05:54.04seebsI can only assume that he's trying very hard to spell some truly devastating remarks.
05:54.53seebsWe really need a command like /afk or /dnd that marks you as "debugging something, please disregard my character's insane behavior".
05:54.59seebsI should just roll PvP.
05:57.13Mr_Rabies2roll your addon char on an rp realm :p
05:57.42seebsNo, that's the thing.  He's ON an RP realm.
05:58.07seebsApparently, the starting zone is not as heavily roleplayed as some of the others.
05:59.13*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
06:00.37Mr_Rabies2take him to goldshire
06:00.59abugI lost something very special to me in goldshire
06:01.22Mr_Rabies2show me on the doll where the tauren touched you
06:01.43abugomfg the doll has no pants
06:03.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=Mike@
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06:05.47abugis it wrong to cyber with purl?
06:06.04*** part/#wowi-lounge Exstatica (
06:06.13abugI don't wanna be a bad person
06:10.15Thunder_Childsee abug
06:10.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
06:10.20Thunder_Child~see abug
06:10.22purlACTION whispers to abug "You didn't see anything...."
06:10.35abugstay in our special window, purl
06:11.46Stavmarcladhaire I am looking forward to praid also. good luck in getting it done i am sure you are very busy in rl
06:13.55*** part/#wowi-lounge Stavmar (
06:18.15Kirkburn*cough* link it and people might go there *cough*
06:18.30KirkburnI hadn't scrolled down
06:18.52KirkburnSo annoying when that happens :P
06:18.55abugyou'll regret you scrolled down
06:19.30Thunder_Childi am sure some ppl regret coming to this channel
06:21.37abugpurl told me that he hates me
06:21.55seebsHmm.  Is there any documentation about SimpleHTML objects, such as a list of supported features?
06:22.05seebse.g., tables, alignment... Javascript... :P
06:22.23abugis that what chat windows are based on? I've always wondered
06:22.40*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
06:23.51KirkburnI have something to do with SimpleHTML in ClearFont, but I forget what function it specifically has
06:24.05Kirkburn(I didn't write it, Iriel did, the awesome guy that he is_
06:24.25Irielseebs - the wiki has some information
06:24.47abugand like manna from the heavens, Iriel descended upon us that day
06:25.20kaidenIriel is overrated! *grins* *hides*
06:25.35Garoun|Loupanathe 6% max health for imp lotp is so overpowered :)
06:25.40Garoun|LoupanaI know why they nerfed it now
06:25.41cogwheel:| I can't believe I sunk to this level...
06:26.20Thunder_Childfor shame cog, for shame
06:26.57seebsI found almost nothing on the wiki, maybe I looked in the wrong place.
06:27.21abugaww who reported the original poster
06:27.33abugsuch a waste of a mod's time when it'll just sink down anyway
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06:28.03cogwheelI think the problem is when some bozo comes along and actually posts a working method... :|
06:28.27abugoh I was just about to do that
06:28.39seebsAll I can find is a reference that it exists and that it's a subdiv of frame.
06:30.40seebsWow, SimpleHTML really sucks.
06:30.56seebsIt doesn't even word-wrap, apparently!  Either that, or I did something genuinely heinous in my XML.
06:32.24abugdoes the GM ticket text box wrap?
06:32.57abugmy memory is bad, I can't remember
06:33.00seebsI think so.
06:33.08seebsAt least, I just write paragraphs in it without trouble.
06:33.18Garoun|Loupanalol my 60 druid can't use the Uldaman meeting stone to summon a party member
06:33.20abugmight be a good thing to look at
06:35.34*** join/#wowi-lounge beerke (
06:36.16abugarg can't find drysc's really old post about the g15 keyboard
06:36.18cogwheelas decent programmers as many ace developers are, they never seem to include documentation in their zip files
06:37.05seebsLooks as though setting a pair of anchors failed miserably, but setting one anchor and a size works, and I get word wrap.
06:37.33Irielseebs: SimpleHTML is largely simple, but does its job nicely once you figure out the correct level of abuse to subject it to
06:38.03Thunder_Childabug: ?
06:38.17seebsAre there any actual docs on it?  I couldn't find anything on WoWWiki.
06:38.29seebsI was hoping for support for <H1 HALIGN="CENTER">, but I'll live.
06:38.42seebs<CENTER> tags just get erased, along with anything they contain.
06:39.59abughmm maybe it wasn't totally about the g15 keyboard
06:45.33seebsHuh.  I put &nbsp; in my page, and it got rendered as plain text instead of HTML.  *sigh*
06:47.05cogwheelI'd like to see him do Legorol|poop again... XD
06:47.45Legorol|poofhave i done that before?
06:47.59cogwheelyou corrected yourself quite quickly though :P
06:48.00Legorol|poofmaybe i should change my away nick
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06:50.24Stavmardoes anyone know of a new FuBar plugin for SuperMacro?
06:50.33Stavmarmaybe one in development?
06:52.09*** part/#wowi-lounge Stavmar (
06:53.29seebsArgh.  SimpleHTML works only with \'s in file names.  I really hope that isn't a system dependency.
06:53.49seebs*sigh*  I just wish everyone would use /'s.  It's not as if they don't work on Windows, they just don't work in the DOS command shell.  Which we aren't using.
06:56.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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06:59.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
07:00.11seebsI am so sneaky.
07:00.32seebsMy addon remembers the frame you were last on between loads now... And if you haven't got a saved tab, it starts you on help now.
07:13.50*** join/#wowi-lounge DCUI2 (
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07:22.27abugmy addon cures cancer
07:22.30abugtrue story
07:24.26SP|Sorrenmy addon gives cancer to the indivdual you least like.
07:25.14abugooh a symbiotic relationship...I like it
07:29.23ElkanoSP|Sorren, well then enjoy yours... ;)
07:29.46*** join/#wowi-lounge kelvie (n=kelvie@
07:42.13seebsWow, I'm dumb.
07:42.31seebsI did not realize that table.remove renumbered the rest of the table, so I was just doing the for loop of t[x] = t[x + 1];
07:42.47AnduinLotharPally dps:
07:47.24SP|Sorreni cursed so much
07:47.33SP|Sorrenthe first time i died to a paly in beta while HoJ'd
07:49.02seebsWow.  I've been browsing the UI/Macros forum, and a surprising number of people want things that my mod does.
07:49.29SP|Sorrenwhat's your mod do?
07:49.59InsideUnfortunately, someone will come around and create a prettier looking mod with half the functionality of yours and will get 100x the attention.
07:50.56Nom-Lite versions ftw
07:53.05seebsSorren:  It emits chatter based on events.
07:53.16seebsI just use it for RP; my warlock is chatty and threatens mobs a lot.
07:53.29seebsBut then people want things like "I want to whisper people when I cast blessings on them".
07:53.33seebsAnd it can do that.
07:54.07Nom-WTB: Bed & Pillow
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08:17.39Neuro_Medivhbtw, whoever suggested watching Lost Room, thanks... it was really good
08:19.29ShadowedIriel: Did you do the SecurePieButton comment in SecureTemplates?
08:19.56Shadowedwell if you care, you have a typo in it. "SecureStaetHeader"
08:20.34IrielKirov just pointed that out too
08:20.42Shadowedhaha oops
08:26.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Soulless (i=Fridgid@
08:37.24|FF|Im2good4uis there any page on the wiki explining the diferances from a secure template and a normal one
08:39.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
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08:56.58SP|Sorrenanyone happen to know the event that's fired when someone joins a battleground (not you)?
08:58.23SP|Sorrenneed alliance too
08:58.33Nargiddleyi would guess CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM
08:58.34Thunder_Childmine was alliance
08:58.43SP|Sorrenahh, so if i combine the two
08:58.43Nargiddleythem joining the raid is that at least
08:58.51Arrowmasterthere might be something else
08:59.08SP|Sorrenim thinking it might be UPDATE_BATTLEFIELD_SCORE
09:08.53|FF|Im2good4uTC_sleeping yours was allience only
09:12.24KasoHowcome i can never get keybindings to work >.<
09:15.24*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=andrew@
09:15.49|FF|Im2good4udoes this OnEvent: function(self,event,...) mean that the arg1 and arg2 are send on the event handle instead of global ?
09:17.42Kaso -- Whats wrong :<
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09:37.57AnduinLotharprefix your variable names with "BINDING_HEADER_" and "BINDING_NAME_"
09:44.34Kasoah ok
09:49.10Kasowhat the hell ^_-
09:49.57Kasoenchant lines on tooltips, the GetTextColor() is yellow, but the GetText() is pre-fixed tieh |cffffffff
09:49.59Kasowhy did they do that
09:50.09SP|Sorrendoes ace have a dump function?
09:50.19SP|Sorrensomething's taken over devtool's /dump :(
09:50.35Kasodo a grep of your addons directory for "/dump"
09:51.26SP|Sorrengood idea
09:52.03SP|Sorrenthe newest aceconsole has /dump
09:52.13SP|Sorrendevtools dump >>>>> though :/
10:01.42KasoStill isnt working :<
10:01.50AnduinLotharuse your old xml
10:02.25Kasoi see i see
10:17.15SP|Sorrenhow do you set string.format to fill blanks with 0s?
10:17.43SP|Sorrenlike string.format( "%4d", 5 ) => 0005
10:18.53SP|Sorreni thought %.4f = 5.0000
10:20.34Temyou want %4.f
10:21.02AnduinLotharthat fills with spaces
10:21.30AnduinLotharprolly have to do a gsub after
10:22.12SP|Sorreni found it
10:22.19SP|Sorrenits %04f
10:22.32AnduinLotharthere you go
10:22.46SP|Sorrengoogle knows all, as long as you know the right way to ask :/
10:23.38zenzioyeah, that's usually my problem
10:23.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (n=blaat@
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10:26.58seebsMan, I wish I'd been here about 10 minutes ago.  I knew about the 0 flag.  :)
10:32.08SP|Sorrenwhy weren't you here when I needed you? QQirl
10:37.14seebsOff actually playing the game for the first time in something like a month.  :)
10:37.31seebsBleh.  Chronos isn't letting me disenchant due to alleged attempts to perform an action only available to the Blizzard UI.
10:38.18AnduinLotharright click
10:38.43AnduinLotharit's not Chronos, it's WearMe
10:46.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Nicken (n=najklord@
10:53.32seebsBTW, DamageMeters gets really odd if you try to run it without Sea.
10:54.08AnduinLotharwhy's that
10:54.18seebsMaybe it was something else.
10:54.29seebsBut Blizz's UI is warning me about basically every mod EXCEPT WearMe.
10:54.33AnduinLotharcosmos had a Dm bug yesterday
10:54.39seebsSo I disabled Sea, and logged in, and Chronos got REALLY weird.
10:54.47seebsYeah, I know, I downloaded your fix, and it was fine after that.
10:54.49AnduinLotharthe blocked popup is dumb and oftenw rong
10:55.09seebsThen I removed Sea, and got an error about Sea being a nil value or something similar from DM, then a bunch of nil accesses at line 1275.
10:56.11seebsI have turned off WearMe and will see if that fixes things; actually, now I'm trying to feed a pet.
10:56.54seebsHmm.  Well, I turned off WearMe, and I still get the dumb block message about Chronos.  But right click works, so good enough for me.
11:01.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Sairen (
11:10.34phyberis anyone able to suggest a [stfu] option for the new macro system in WoW US?
11:10.59phyber"not ready yet" errors and speech are irritating, since you can't check for a trinket to be out of cooldown.
11:11.43AnduinLotharah i misread
11:12.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Amro (n=amro@
11:20.45Kasoim sure i remeber Slouken saying he was going to stop error reports from macros all toogether
11:21.12Temit's been discussed ad nausium
11:21.12Temit's not getting added
11:21.16Temwrite an addon
11:43.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (n=m@
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12:02.48KasoWoot, finished my addon after what was far too long spent coding :<
12:02.55Kaso /proud
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12:16.15zenzioI'm getting an obscene amount of gold whispers these days :-o
12:16.53clad|sleepKaso: Wow thats awesome =)
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12:24.05KasoWhy thank you :>
12:24.37KasoIm quite chuffed with myself, its the first addon that ive written which i think is actually pretty useful :>
12:26.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Fisker (i=blah2@
12:31.12phyberKaso: that does look interesting :)
12:31.54KasoOoh, accepted also :>
12:32.43Kasogogo download it if you've got time, Any error reports would be awesome, im sure itll have some bugs
12:37.45zenzioI can't seem to see the screenshots... wonder if I messed up AdBlock or something o_O
12:38.23Kasocould be
12:38.26Kasoworking ok for me
12:40.29zenziomust be something on my end anyway, same problem with any mod's screenshots
12:42.24zenziooh right... wasn't logged in
12:44.42Kasoah, i guess it only shows screenshots to those logged in in Lite Mode
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12:54.17zenzioI'm seeing an awful lot of "Missing header! (quest design..." in my quest log after 2.0
12:54.30zenzioonly one of them at a time, but they happen often
12:54.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Segatron (n=MrX@
13:03.54|FF|Im2good4uwow thats wierd lol
13:04.05|FF|Im2good4uyellow lines whit white text :P
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13:34.27Mikmackknight: hi noob
13:34.57ckknightI'm no noob
13:35.17Mikmaprove me wrong. code us some super-duper-addon
13:35.27Mikmaoh wait, you already have xD goooo Cartographer haha
13:35.44Corrodiasyeah, fix up all the addons i use so i can get back to playing. that'll prove you are not a noob.
13:49.42*** join/#wowi-lounge FtH|eagle (
13:50.34zenzioyour inability to play without them makes you a noob =D (j/k)
13:51.25Kasoi reallly noticed howmuch people learn to rely on addons the other day at nef
13:51.40KasoOn the priest call the tank got 7 stacks of the debuff
13:51.55Kasobecause noone had nice addons to Shout at them or stop them from healing
13:52.03axxothe problem is ppl don't learn encounters
13:52.12axxothey just learn what button to bash
13:52.23zenzioKaso: no raidleader that could tell them on voice chat either?
13:52.38Josh_Borkeno one could type "DONOT HEAL NOW"?
13:52.50Teomyrwe've had chromaggus on farm status for months, since this week we've been unable to kill him because of the lack of decursive/detox
13:53.05KasoWell they could, but i guess teh raidleaders werent ready for that because theyve also had addons to do the job :>
13:53.09zenzioJosh_Borke: varies from guild to guild, but I've noticed that in my guild, using raid chat is futile
13:53.31phyberTeomyr: easily fixed with a [target=mouseover] macro.
13:53.47phybermouseover frame, press your decurse macro, continue.
13:53.49phyberrapid decursing.
13:54.07Teomyrphyber: nice, thanks :D
13:54.30phyberTeomyr: so, it would be like, /cast [target=mouseover] Decurse Spell
13:54.43KasoAnyway its not like they were incabable of doing it themselves, the second priest call was fine, its just the they didnt expect it, they never had to before
13:55.19Teomyrthanks. i would have used clique or something like your macro if i had the time to setup my interface, but we were in a hurry :D
13:55.20sysrageClique owns for decursing
13:56.54*** join/#wowi-lounge |stefan| (
13:57.59|stefan|Hey =) i'm kinda new at this =) But when i've created a window through the xml file. and i want to let's say fetch a variable and make a checkbox get checked based on that value. how would i do that ?
13:58.54Kasoin your lua you need to do <Checkbox name here>:SetChecked(true)
13:59.02Kasoor false if you want it to be unchecked :>
13:59.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Kevorkian (
14:00.19Kevorkiangood morning
14:00.33|stefan|Kaso yep figured that one out.
14:00.34Josh_Borkemorning Kevorkian
14:00.47Kasowhats the problem then?
14:00.50|stefan|Kaso how do i get a name in text fron a checkbox and send it to a function ?
14:01.02Josh_Borke<checkbox name>:GetText(0
14:01.33|stefan|i tried to use this:GetName() but that didn't work
14:02.05KasoYou named your checkbox in your XML. take that name and use it in your lua ?
14:02.55|stefan|well the problem i have is that i can't quite figure out how to set the options in my window from the lua file from the saved variables =)
14:04.55Kasoon, basically when the ADDON_LOADED event fires with arg1="<Your addon name>" you need to just go through all your checkboxs doing something liek MyCheckBox:SetChecked(MySavedVars.isEnabled) then if isEnabled is true the checkbox will be checked
14:05.39|stefan|can i do that from the lua file ?
14:06.15|stefan|do i call it like framename.checkboxname:SetChecked(variable); ?
14:06.45Kasowell, depends how you layed it out, Usually itll be FrameNameCheckBoxName:
14:06.54Kasoif you called you checkbox $parentCheckBoxName
14:07.09|stefan|haven't called it by $parent so =) then it's just the checkboxname then.
14:07.20Kasoindeed it is
14:07.30|stefan|i'll try that =)
14:07.59|stefan|just a quick question. if i've changed the location of my "chat editbox" is there a fast way to reset it to default ?
14:16.29Kasoif you dont know about SetPoint look it up on WowWiki's Widgit API section
14:24.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Amro (n=amro@
14:30.24IndustrialHowlong til the maintenance ends?
14:30.34IndustrialHowlong is a chinese *badoom tisch*
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14:34.12Josh_Borkemalreth: wb
14:34.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Yazilliclick (
14:34.40malrethTHAT'S gratitude for you!
14:36.38YazilliclickHey, is there a good developers channel to ask questions with regards to addon development?  (first time here :) )
14:36.54malrethyes, here is a good place
14:36.59malrethask away, citizen
14:38.11|stefan|Kaso i know about setpoint =) would ChatFrameEditBox:ClearAllPoints() reset the editbox to it's default ?
14:38.15*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
14:38.27malrethhello, ckk
14:38.31YazilliclickWell that was easy :)  I'm working on a titan panel plugin (first addon I've ever done) and am trying to figure out the order events fire in.  mainly because I have some saved variables between sessions and need to know when they're populated and  can access them.  What's the best event to use to get at those from the start or such?
14:38.43ckknight_ew, Titan!
14:38.55malrethdon't know Titan, sorry...
14:39.17malrethbut in general, your saved variables will be available after an ADDON_LOADED event where arg1 == your addon name
14:39.24malrethor after the VARIABLES_LOADED event
14:39.32malrethso that's one place to start
14:39.45Meryyour saved variables are loaded after ADDON_LOADED is fired with arg1 == "AddOnFolderName" (or the first ADDON_LOADED that your addon gets)
14:39.54malrethi'd recommend using the ADDON_LOADED event
14:40.18malrethbut check through any Titan development tutorials that you can find
14:40.41malrethbecause Titan panel may have a custom callback that lets you know when your variables are ready
14:41.09malrethdevelop a FuBar plugin instead
14:41.20malrethbecause FuBar > Titan
14:41.20ckknight_I've found Titan to not have very good documentation. That may have changed, but that's a big reason I started FuBar
14:41.38malrethand i'm not just saying that because the developer is here
14:41.49ckknightI could leave and he'd still say that
14:41.55ckknightgranted, I do have spies.
14:41.55YazilliclickOh titan has crap for documentation and every addon I've downloaded for it is done completely differently
14:41.59ckknightwatching his every move...
14:42.27ckknightYazilliclick, so why put yourself through the pain?
14:42.33Kevorkianjust out of curiousity yazilli, what's your addon do?
14:42.43ckknightsmile for the cameras, malreth
14:42.58Industrialok so
14:43.02IndustrialI went to my server forums
14:43.11Industrialand people were dumbshits on it
14:43.13YazilliclickI just like the look of titan to fubar, at least out of the box.  Never got fubar looking how I want.  The addon I'm making is an honor tracker.
14:43.17Kevorkianoh noes!
14:43.22Industrialacting all high and mighty cause they raid naxxs woooo :|
14:43.40ckknightYazilliclick, oh, get FuTextures. There's tons of different skins
14:43.47ckknightincluding ones to make it look like a Titan ripoff
14:43.50Industrial'you dont count' 'you are unknown' etc
14:44.11malrethIndustrial: tell them to sit on a pickle
14:44.49YazilliclickWell I have fu textures.  I think it may come down moreso to the font colors being so varied in the panel but I'm sure that could all be tweaked if I was willing to spend the time.
14:45.06ckknightyea, pretty much
14:45.20malrethwell, whatever floats your boat
14:45.30YazilliclickI don't have a boat :(
14:45.40malrethhere, have this one
14:46.09malrethit's freshly scooped out
14:46.13Yazilliclicklol sweet thanks
14:46.26malrethbtw, hungry?
14:46.29IndustrialPST = GMT - 8 ?
14:46.44malrethCST = GMT - 6 so that sounds right
14:47.17malrethYazilliclick: yeah, you're hungry or were you agreeing with Ind?
14:47.51Yazilliclicknot hungry sorry, just ate :)
14:47.59malrethsuit yourself then
14:48.00Industrialso 4 more hours til servers are up :(
14:48.41Yazilliclick4 more hours if they're on time.  Thankfully maintenance is always during the time I'm at work :)
14:49.11Industrialits during 2-8pm here so thats exactly when im back from school :|
14:50.08malrethmove west, Ind
14:50.21malrethIt doesn't have to be America
14:50.30malrethI hear Japan is nice
14:50.49Industrialhm japan, yes
14:51.03malrethcheap seafood
14:51.17Industrialwoop woop woop woop
14:51.18malrethand all of the girls wear skirts... IT'S TRUE!
14:51.28malretheven in winter
14:51.45Industrialoh yeah I totaly dig the cute asian chicks :P
14:52.05malrethmeeeeee tooo
14:52.45*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
14:55.06Kaso|stefan| ClearAllPoints() simply removes the exisiting anchors, allowing the frame to be moved freely, it wont reset it to default.
14:56.02*** join/#wowi-lounge xlvii (
14:56.06xlviiany dutch people who could quickly translate a phrase for me?
15:00.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Horrorstruck (
15:01.23FlAWD ftw
15:02.28Kevorkianbabelfish is always fun.  translating and translating it back usually gives you something akin to the things that charles manson says
15:02.48Teomyryeah, it gets funnier with every iteration :D
15:02.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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15:04.31malrethkinda like the French
15:05.18Horrorstruckis there an addon that translates from one language to the other automatic? :D (for example i type in english and autotranslates to another language and send it)??
15:05.25*** join/#wowi-lounge kindofabuzz (
15:05.30malrethnone that i know of
15:05.38Kevorkianthere's a l33t translator
15:05.50Horrorstruckhave a link?
15:06.04Kevorkiannah, but I've seen at least one in the wild
15:08.41Kevorkianif there isn't one searchable there's a ton of l33t translators for IRC that you could probably crib the code from for an easy one of your own
15:09.03malrethMoM ɹoÉŸ ɹoʇÉÆ®suÉɹʇ uÊop-Çpı̣sdn uÉ op pÆ®noÉ¥s noÊŽ
15:09.47malrethevery mac can do that, did you know?
15:09.55malrethit's totally true
15:09.59purlnever take malreth seriously
15:10.02Kevorkiansadly my education did not include that little bit of trivia
15:10.11Kevorkian~emulate malreth
15:10.12purlas long as it's not anal-related, it's fine
15:10.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Grine (
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15:11.08Horrorstrucki am not talking for irc
15:11.30Horrorstrucki am talking in chat for wow
15:11.49Josh_BorkeHorrorstruck: translators suck because they just well suck
15:11.57Kevorkianhorrorstruck:  I understand that, but the code a l33t translater for IRC would do exactly the same thing for WoW
15:12.12Josh_BorkeHorrorstruck: translators = hash lookups
15:12.46Horrorstruckok i will search for l33t translater and find out more info
15:12.46malrethwell, human language translators can't use just a simple hash lookup
15:12.59Josh_Borkemalreth: true.  that's why they suck even more
15:13.03malrethbecause you've got grammar and sentence structure to worry about
15:13.37Horrorstruckthax and <Josh_Borke> translators do suck but its a good solution to comunicate with europian girls :P
15:13.39malrethyou could do what other online games do (console ones, specifically) and have a list of commonly used phrases
15:13.57Kevorkianhorrorstruck:  you just need to speak the language of love
15:13.59malrethHorrorstruck: girls would be more impressed if you actually learned the language
15:14.10malreththey might dig the accent
15:14.19Horrorstruckcu gyus thanx
15:14.24malrethmy advice, learn a texan accent
15:14.37malretha real one... not an exaggerated one
15:14.39Josh_Borkegirls are crazy for country boys
15:15.05malreththe only place that doesn't work... Texas
15:15.08Josh_Borkehaven't you heard that song?
15:15.14malrethbut everywhere else, you're golden!
15:15.29Josh_Borkedunno how that'd affect europeans though...
15:16.06malrethone of my friends went to England for vacation once and said he had chicks hitting on him cause of his Texan drawl
15:16.19malretheither that or they were drunk... or he was drunk... or both
15:19.50Industrialnot an uncommon thing in GB
15:21.29malrethi didn't think he was really all that great looking of a guy, either... but then again, it *was* England...
15:23.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
15:24.01KasoI just wrote a peice of code that had old(school) in it, made me laugh when i read back over it
15:25.43*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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15:30.55malretha wow addon updater that works with WoWAce, WoWI, UIWoW, and CurseGaming
15:31.37malrethsource code is available... written in python
15:32.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar2 (
15:34.02XuerianWho wrotes it. <.<
15:34.23malrethsome dude
15:34.32malrethhe posted a thread on the wowace forum
15:35.09KasoAh Wurm
15:35.16KasoHe's a guy from Somethingawful
15:36.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Segatron (n=MrX@
15:36.48XuerianLooks profitable, at least.... So long as it doesn't tweak the addons directory like the others have managed to do
15:37.03XuerianSorry, inner teladi showing through.
15:39.36*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
15:39.54KasoI could never get it to work because of my silly university proxies
15:47.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
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15:54.43Malivilthoughts on there being a mini-patch today?
15:55.24NeT[LD]mini one then
15:55.36NeT[LD]servers should be up in 2 hours
15:55.42Kasofixing all the naggling little bugs
15:55.57NeT[LD]when are they going up
15:56.07Malivil3 more hours
15:56.16jaxdahlthey had extended maintenance
15:56.18jaxdahlso who knows
15:56.25Malivilthey SAY 3 more hours
15:56.32NeT[LD]we are pulling 400k page a hour right now it s nothing near as the last week :p
15:56.52Malivilthats good
15:56.54sysragesure as hell hope they're fixing the loot bug
15:57.05OsagasuWhat loot bug?
15:57.18*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v netcurse] by ChanServ
15:57.24sysrageat least on zul'jin every once in awhile you'll get stuck looting and it'll boot you from game after like 15 min of being stuck
15:57.42OsagasuThat's lag.
15:57.47Malivilonly time that happened to me was when the server crashed
15:57.52sysrageit's a bug with their loot DB
15:59.07*** join/#wowi-lounge `-FISKER_Q\ (i=blah2@
15:59.45Josh_Borkewow, activity!
16:00.42|FF|Im2good4ui hope they fix the missing pet bar inside instances :P
16:04.50sysrageya, i hope they fix the mage pet bar period. disappears even outside instances
16:08.05*** join/#wowi-lounge TwhiT (
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16:13.43Industrialanyone tried that WUU yet?
16:13.58IndustrialI can get it to download off wowace but not wowi
16:14.19Industrial< malreth> hmm...
16:19.38*** part/#wowi-lounge Yazilliclick (
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16:34.21KasoIndustrial ive tried wuu but couldnt get it to work past my uni firewall
16:34.27Kasobut from all reports it works well
16:39.39Scre3mwhat is wuu?
16:40.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian_Alt (
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16:42.42malrethperl, wuu is WoW UI Updater - Updates your WoW addons automatically from WoWAce, WoWI, UIWoW, and CurseGaming sites. Homepage is
16:43.07beerkelocal _, _, itemid = string.find(link, "^item:(%d+):(%d+)") should give me itemid right ?
16:44.46malrethpurl, wuu is WoW UI Updater - Updates your WoW addons automatically from WoWAce, WoWI, UIWoW, and CurseGaming sites. Homepage is
16:44.47purlokay, malreth
16:44.53malrethhelps if i get his name right...
16:45.04purl[wuu] WoW UI Updater - Updates your WoW addons automatically from WoWAce, WoWI, UIWoW, and CurseGaming sites. Homepage is
16:45.14purlthanks, malreth
16:52.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
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16:55.25hanzzonckknight; ping ;-)
16:55.41hanzzonmaybe something you should incorporate in the addon info text on the same page...
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17:16.47nescioSince the newest patch, my wow is intermittently crashing with the following error... ACCESS_VIOLATION, "The memory could not be read", in module d3d9.dll, function Direct3DShaderValidator. I have the latest Video and DirectX Drivers... anyone else having similar issue, seen this before?
17:17.20VoideMissing a file ?
17:18.10|FF|Im2good4ureinstal video drivers >.>
17:18.39Voidehad the same problem just got the file from a other wow-game...
17:18.40nescioI'll try that, but I didn't have a problem before..
17:19.42*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
17:37.02cogwheel~emulate cogwheel
17:37.04purlACTION shakes its fist at the forums
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17:55.09Belinarhowdy all
17:56.38Josh_Borkebah, how do i list the users on a channel in irssi?
17:56.58wereHamsteror ./name
17:57.02Josh_Borkeah ha! thank you!
17:57.32Josh_Borkenow where are the mods to move my addon...
17:59.13cogwheel~seen cairenn
17:59.30purlcairenn <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 1d 10h 14m 7s ago, saying: 'nymbia:  ;)'.
17:59.50bleetahk, no client patch today folks
18:00.05cogwheelWas there ever any indication there would be?
18:00.42sysragehave they said what is getting patched?
18:00.48bleetahnope, well, just the slightly longer maint window
18:00.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Qshadowp (n=Shadow@
18:01.09bleetahif anything got patched, merely server side
18:01.18cogwheel2.0.2 shouldn't be coming out until around the time BC does...
18:01.19sysragety cog
18:01.37bleetahnah, that's not today, cog
18:01.40bleetahstill 2.0.1
18:01.41sysrageoh, i don't mean 2.0.2
18:01.45sysragei mean what's gettin patched today
18:01.54cogwheelthere's no patch today...
18:02.17sysrageservers are getting patched
18:02.41cogwheelthis might have something to do with it:
18:02.51bleetahnot too suprising there, if they wanna patch the client before christmas, i'd be holding out until the most reasonable last possible moment (ie, next tues)
18:03.12cogwheelThat wouldn't be very smart...
18:03.50wereHamsterwhat does '/run debugprofilestart(); ChatFrame1:AddMessage(debugprofilestop())' return on your computers?
18:04.58abugwhat's /run?
18:05.05cogwheelsame as /script
18:05.20abugaliases ftl
18:05.40cogwheelthose three characters can make all the difference in the world :P
18:06.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
18:07.25Kasodoesnt matter so much you cant really use scripts in macros much anymore, but i remeber the good old days fitting huge conditinal statements into 255 char
18:09.46abugI hear women prefer the longer macros anyway
18:10.11cogwheelMost of my complex macros are still usable (and the rest are much simpler now). One I rememeber set up a frame to take screenshots every so often. The first click set up the frame and subsequent clicks would toggle it on and off
18:10.34Josh_Borkeconfirm: /cast [target=mouseover,nomodifier] <spell> is correct?
18:10.53cogwheelthat is correct syntax
18:10.53Josh_Borkeor do i need to read more?
18:11.12cogwheelwhether it's semantically what you want is another question :P
18:12.07wereHamsterhere the script returns ~3300-4000, but I remember when running WoW under wine I had to divide the return value by 1'000'000 to get the same values as under windows
18:12.33wereHamster.. and now I'm wondering if wine still has this problem
18:12.44Josh_Borkeyea, it'd be: /cast [targe=mouseover,nomodifier] Dispel Magic /cast [target=mouseover,modifier=alt] Abolish Disease type thing
18:14.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Massa_movie (
18:14.29Massa_movieHello everyone
18:14.56*** join/#wowi-lounge SB1-Laptop (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
18:15.08Maldiviauhh... pet support is being added to the raid headers... no more state header madness :)
18:16.09abugnow all we need is clickable bubblewrap
18:16.11Josh_BorkeMaldivia: that's good news
18:17.08Maldiviawell, I suspect it's unitsuffix support... finally I can reimplement that feature of my raid ui
18:19.25wereHamsterdoes anyone at least know which windows API function debugprofile*() uses?
18:20.33cogwheel~emulate cogwheel
18:20.35purlACTION shakes its fist at the forums
18:21.17Kevorkian~emulate kevorkian
18:21.18purlTouch not the sheep and ye shall not yourself be touched.
18:21.20purlwhere the resolve of men is truly tested, and Act I of Brokeback WoW begins...
18:23.13MaldiviaTem: it seems my pet problem will be gone in 2.0.2 :)
18:23.27Gnarfozdoes Toadkiller/Azetoth ever come here? (the current dev of Autobar)
18:24.02purlWhelps, LEFT SIDE!! Even side, MANY WHELPS!! NOW HANDLE IT!!
18:24.11Maldiviatem: according to sloukens lates post in the 2.0.2 thread, pet pullouts will be in the default UI, meaning it's probably added to the raid header :)
18:24.39Temnot that I know of
18:24.48Maldivia"Yep, on the other hand it'll be much easier to use the pullouts - there will be a way to easily grab pullouts by class, by group, or all the pets, and their positions and layout will be saved between sessions."
18:25.25TemThe blizzard UI doesn't use the raid header
18:25.38seebsHey, anyone here use Bongos?
18:27.31*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
18:27.40abugI use bongos
18:27.51bleetahgmorn al
18:27.57abugI play them well
18:28.05MaldiviaTem: ohh well, I can still hope for unitsuffix support :)
18:28.32TemMaldivia, I think you have a better chance at the state header resizing itself
18:28.52AnduinLotharlol@ curse down again
18:29.04abugwait curse was actually up?
18:29.08MaldiviaYeah, since theres already similar functionality :|
18:29.10*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
18:29.11seebsI switched to using Bongos, but now I have neither XP nor Reputation bars, and I don't know where they went.
18:29.12Maldiviaone can always hope
18:29.21Mikmacurse is now amazing maze of s*it after the update
18:29.25Mikmacan't find anything there
18:29.29Antiarcseebs: Maybe just install XPBarNone
18:29.45bleetahAnduinLothar: heh... btw, i was calling you guys names all last week, until I discovered the port 8087 thing yesterday. I take it all back ;)
18:29.47sysragemikma: learn to search?
18:30.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=Mike@
18:30.16Mikmasysrage: what does search have anything to do with the matter that it's messy site?
18:30.25MaldiviaMikma: select World of Warcraft, Select Addons, enter in search field, hit enter ?
18:30.37sysragedoesn't seem messy to me
18:30.55MikmaV1 was the best ever
18:31.08abugI like it messy
18:31.17seebsThe docs imply that it ought to be putting an XP bar SOMEWHERE.  I just can't find it.
18:31.38abugtry scaling your UI down?
18:33.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Massaimah (
18:33.54seebsI just realized, maybe I shouldn't have disabled Bongos_XP.
18:34.10seebsI am starting to wonder if the roommates have been putting crack in my breakfast.
18:34.40purlACTION thinks the party is getting out of hand
18:34.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=Mike@
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18:37.38MassaimahAny chance somoene might help this "noob". Only started dev. (for wow) past weekend after 4years of inactivity in the field. So am quite lost :P
18:37.53Josh_Borkego ahead and ask, any code can be pasted to the site in teh topic
18:38.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
18:39.55MassaimahJust downloaded a couple editors and am reading/working through em right now. Took a look as example at necrosis (addon i use most and would love to remodel for other classes). But can't find the tga files and so included within that mod for the other classes.
18:40.18Josh_BorkeMassaimah: there is already a generic necrosis in the works, see Henge in the ace svn.
18:40.40Massaimahk i'll take a look right away
18:40.54KasoOh man! the stopped you using other languages though SendChatMessage :<
18:41.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Jocco_S (
18:44.46Neuro_Medivhlol, shaman gear is now dropping on the alliance side?
18:44.54Josh_Borkeyes, old news :-P
18:44.57Gnarfozhas been for a week
18:45.05Neuro_MedivhHaven't been raiding
18:45.09Neuro_Medivhthat's funny
18:45.21Gnarfozit works the other way around, too
18:45.40Neuro_MedivhYeah, I figured, it's just amusing that it's dropping now, when it's useless
18:45.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Athaeus (
18:46.52MassaimahWell ye can always stock the BoE parts for rerolls :)
18:47.06Josh_Borkeall 2 of them? o.O
18:47.18AthaeusCould anyone enlighten me on the new secure template stuff? I used to have a normal button (you know, the default red ones, used for ok and cancel and such) which casted a spell. Now it broke and I'd like to fix it, from which frame should I inherit my button?
18:49.14cogwheelInherit from both SecureActionButtonTemplate and whatever button template you're using (I assume UIPanelButtonTemplate or UIPanelButtonTemplate2)
18:49.33AthaeusYup I was
18:49.39AthaeusThanks Ill much around with it for a bit
18:49.42*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren (
18:58.50ckknighthey all
18:59.03Scre3msup ck
18:59.15bleetahgmorn ck
18:59.23AthaeusArgh, it's been over six months since my last usage of the WoW API. Could you help me out a bit more to point out what should be changed to allow me to cast my spell? The OnClick handler I had for my button does some logic and optionally casts the spell. Now I cant use CastSpellByName anymore..
18:59.34AthaeusMake that anyone and add a question mark. Roar.
19:00.37SP|Sorrenyou're not allowed to make intelligent casting decisions through scripts anymore :(
19:01.09AthaeusRead about that, yet its not an intelligent casting decision I think. Well not really, so I think it should be doable
19:01.38AthaeusIm just performing a few skill level checks and optionally cast Lockpicking followed by a ClickTargetTradeButton(). Would that still work?
19:01.41Belinaris the Wow UI Designer TBC beta working with 2.0? Has anyone tried it?
19:01.49Josh_BorkeCan't do trades
19:01.59AthaeusHow do you mean?
19:02.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Sniff (
19:02.31Josh_Borkehm, ask Elkano, he'd know
19:03.30cogwheelYou can't accept a trade without a hardware event
19:03.31Elkanowhy should I know? I haven't tried it... but I think it should
19:03.39AthaeusThats not the point
19:04.26BelinarIt seems like it will, but this is the first time i've used it, so i figured i'd ask first... guess we'll see
19:04.36AthaeusI had a working mod prior to 2.0.0, all I need to fix is a 'normal' button which used to CastSpellByName('Pick Lock') followed by ClickTargetTradeButton(). Yet now I can't directly call CastSpellByName
19:04.54Josh_BorkeAthaeus: you have to set an attribute of the button
19:05.11Josh_BorkeAthaeus: you'll want to look at SecureButton.lua or something like that for information on attributes
19:05.29Josh_BorkeAthaeus: i'm pretty sure you can't do trades through lua anymore
19:05.43Scre3manyone have the rdx.cdi url?
19:05.45AthaeusYup I did, still a bit vague though. Not sure how the anti-spell decision logic works though, since I don't really do spell related logic
19:06.10cogwheelAthaeus: the anti-logic works because you can't change attributes in combat.
19:06.13Scre3merr rdx.cid
19:06.13AthaeusJosh_Borke trading is not a problem. I don't accept trades nor initiate them, that's just handled by the normal code
19:06.29Josh_BorkeAthaeus: i'm not sure you can call ClickTargetTradeButton()
19:06.32cogwheelyou can use a PreClick handler on your secure button to change it's attribute outside of combat
19:09.30AthaeusIf its meant to block you from changing the button attributes during combat only it should be no problem, I'd say....
19:15.38AthaeusHmpf, wait, the attributes to configure a spell require the spellname and target unit to be set? Then it wopnt work for my tradeslot I guess
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19:37.57BS|triflyi m looking for a add on like best target of easypriest for the BTS
19:38.03BS|triflySommeone can help me ?
19:38.13Tierrie|Workwhat is best target of easypriest like
19:38.22Tierrie|Work8/9 of players aren't priests :D
19:38.49KasoIm a priest and that setance still doesnt make sense :>
19:39.19Tierrie|Workits like saying "anyone have that addon that shows that button where if you click it it does something"
19:39.50Scre3mi believe he's asking for a mod that allows you to target and heal the most needy player
19:40.04Scre3mwhich, of course, is no longer allowed
19:40.05BS|triflyyes Scre3m
19:40.28Tierrie|Workit is no longer allowed for mods to rearrange player unitframes based on need
19:40.35Tierrie|Workinstead what you probably want is Grid and Clique
19:40.35Scre3mhowever, ctra has emergency monitor which shows the most needy player, but u cant use it to targer and/or class
19:41.00Tierrie|Workwell yes, you can either rearrange them or make the frames clickable
19:41.14Josh_Borkeor both while out of combat
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19:41.25MassaimahWhat editor should I use when opening a .lua file?
19:41.30Josh_Borkei use Vim!
19:41.37Tierrie|Workmicrosoft word
19:42.09purlScre3m: :)
19:42.24Tierrie|WorkI use ultraedit but any plain old text editor will do
19:42.27Tierrie|Workits a text file
19:42.44amrojust get something with syntax highlighting
19:42.44Scre3mi have not tried grid
19:43.08Scre3mw/o praid, i am nothing
19:43.12Massaimahand when i want to see all .lua files within a mod. Sort of a database like window
19:43.23Scre3mmerely a shadow of my former healing magnificance
19:43.39Scre3mmagnificance (sp?)
19:43.51BS|triflysome thing whish just target the top member in emergency ^^'(sorry for my english  it s no very good)
19:43.51amrokate has projects, but you're probably on windows
19:43.58amroscite has projects too
19:44.33Massaimahyep xp-user >_<
19:44.47amroi used scite and notepad++ on windows
19:45.00amrothere's a scite package for wow somewhere
19:45.38Massaimahhad something called Lua_editv3 or so... but deleted it it seems.. Any good?
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19:46.07GuillotineScite > all
19:47.38SP|Sorrenis there a built in way to hide the world map minimap button?
19:47.55SP|Sorreni like notepad++(which is really scite in disguise, right?)
19:48.04amroi didn't notice that in interface options so probably not
19:48.05Scre3mcrimson editor is nice, too
19:48.07Tierrie|Workfrankly, I think that if you cannot play with addons then you're not a very good player
19:48.20Tierrie|Workespecially those people who are "good" only because of emergency monitor and decursive
19:48.22amroI don't care much for the editor, as long as it has highlighting, folding, and tabs
19:48.25Scre3myou mean w/o addons?
19:48.47SP|Sorrenbefore the patch i woulda said i needed all the extra buttons barmods give me
19:48.53SP|Sorrenbut now i can just set buildings ;O
19:48.58Scre3mwhat an odd thing to think, the default UI is worthless
19:49.20amroi dont use any UI addons, save things like lootlink and auctioneer
19:49.30Scre3mwhat class?
19:49.41SP|Sorrenbut why use your hands to dig a hole when you have a bulldozer?
19:49.42amromage atm, but same on my hunter
19:49.59Scre3mtey playing a raid priest with no addons
19:50.01zenzioset buildings?
19:50.29amrowhy? i just said I don't use addons. I didn't say they're useless
19:50.43Scre3meven if it is possible to be a good player w/o addons, its not nearly as fun
19:50.51amroand i dont do pve raiding, i could play a healer fine in wpvp
19:51.23amroEVEN, IF? what are you talking about? mods are just for convenience. you can be just as good without them, save pve raiding
19:51.40SP|Sorrenfor healing classes, that's doubtful
19:51.41Scre3mi'm talking about pve raiding
19:51.49SP|Sorrendps classes have it easy, really
19:51.56amrothere's no such thing as good in pve. you just have to be not dumb
19:52.08Scre3mplaying a ranged casting/shooting class is much, much different than playing a healer or a tank
19:52.22TonyDwhat, no bugfix patch?
19:52.47MassaimahWith or without em' doesn't change much... with em' just makes my mouses life last thrice as long :)
19:52.51bleetah30% reduction in honor gain rate
19:53.01Tierrie|Workscream: I tried playing a healer with just the default blizzard addons and I did ok
19:53.10Tierrie|WorkI did't do as well as i would have if I had clique, but it was still ok
19:53.18amroaddons help of course, but you can play without them
19:53.25amroblizzard QA works without addons
19:53.36Tierrie|Workamro: well I think your statement needs to be refactored -- "addons help of course, but you SHOUDL be able to play without them"
19:53.37amrothey get through raid instances just fine
19:53.52BS|triflyhum tierrie where have you gone with your healer without add on ?
19:53.56Tierrie|Worksome people bitch whine and moan when they can't get decursive and say they can't play :P
19:54.10Tierrie|WorkBS|trifly: only up till Patchwerk last week
19:54.41amropve content is doable without addons, just harder, sometimes a lot harder. but its not impossible as some claim
19:54.46Scre3mlet me re-phrase, yes, it's possible to play a priest w/o addons, but it is not fun at all
19:55.02Scre3mand that is why there are very few priests
19:55.09Scre3mand druids
19:55.10BS|triflyi were in aq40 clap meteor  without any add on -.-
19:55.32Tierrie|WorkI think there are very few priests because playing a healer is somewhat thankless, raid leaders bitch and moan at the lack of healing and when things go well its always "way to go dps"
19:55.41Scre3maddons like decursive and praid, allows teh game to be fun for me, and not stressful work
19:55.48MassaimahThat goes for all healing classes ^^
19:55.56Tierrie|Workpretty much --
19:56.01amroi think most people think in terms of PvE, and I don't think im ever going to step into a raid instance again
19:56.15Tierrie|Workamro: why not?
19:56.15Scre3mi love raiding pve, no interest at all in pvp
19:56.31amrobecause it bores me
19:56.38amroid rather do world pvp
19:56.48amroand not EPL/Silithus, attacking towns
19:57.52Tierrie|Workepl/silithus is funny on my server
19:57.54amrowhen i was raiding, it was log on, wait for people to get there, pull, kill, pull, kill, boss, dps, feign, dps feign, etc
19:58.05Tierrie|Workthe alliance stands outside and waits for the horde to capture it for their quests
19:58.12Tierrie|Workthen the horde leave and the alliance goes in and captures it
19:58.57amroits different on my server. no one goes there because they're too busy defending southshore/theramore/darkshire/lakeshire
19:59.05amrosame on horde, world defense spamming all the time
19:59.06Tierrie|Workis your server pvp?
19:59.18Tierrie|Workmine's carebear
19:59.22amroworld pvp would be more accurate ;)
20:00.34Corrodiasi love carebears
20:01.32Scre3mi found pve raiding on my rogue to be boring, too; but priest is very fun
20:01.48Scre3mrogue was always backing out to bandage or throw rocks
20:03.21Scre3mwith priest you have to manage aggro, conserve mana, choose heal targets wisely, decurse, etc.
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20:03.33Corrodiasdamn straight
20:03.46Scre3mso as a result, it's much much more fun (imho)
20:03.55Corrodiasi started working on a mage, so i wouldn't have to think as hard during raid fights if i wanted a "vacation"
20:04.14Corrodiasfrostbolt frostbolt frostbolt frostbolt frostbolt
20:04.25Corrodiasjust kidding; i know they do a lot more than that
20:04.44Scre3myeah, provide mage water to the priests :)
20:05.46amro_fire mages work harder than frost mages
20:06.03Tierrie|Workmy main's a mage, alt's a priest
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20:06.11Tierrie|Worki got so damn tired of pressing one button
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20:06.42Scre3mthe zg events require different stuff
20:06.49MassaimahMain's a shaman (resto).. but got bored so started a warlock... am having fun again :)
20:06.52Scre3mlike the spiders, bats, etc. the are spawned
20:07.17Tierrie|Workwarlocks are mad fun, I am playing a level 70 one in beta
20:07.30Tierrie|Workthey deal 2k damage easily :( which is about 2x more than my mage
20:07.36MassaimahHehe... hopefully by end january mine'll be 70 aswell :)
20:08.06Tierrie|Workall that hype about overpowered warlocks on the boards I think is kinda true, but i haven't played any other level 70 so I have no basis for comparison
20:08.22MassaimahI just love to have to take care not to out-aggro our MT in MC or so.... :)
20:08.22Guillotinesomeone stole my nick on Quakenet :( and now their idling with it
20:08.33Massaimahsahme on him.
20:08.48Tierrie|Workbut you should be like "oi, git orf mah nic eh"
20:09.14amro_zg events are different, and AQ also has more interesting events, but they don't make any sense
20:09.31GuillotineI would, but, as I said, their idling. So theres noone there
20:09.40amro_there's no reason why all bosses are so dumb they don't go for healers.
20:09.51amro_i mean, regardless of taunts
20:10.04Neuro_Medivhbecause then the game would be pointless
20:10.19amro_or, a warrior could actually stand in the way protecting the priest
20:10.25amro_that would be more interesting IMO
20:10.44Neuro_Medivhtell you what: You design and code it, and I'm sure someone will listen
20:11.02MassaimahBtw anyone tried out henge yet?
20:11.18Neuro_MedivhNope.. I am unhenged
20:11.32MassaimahJust took a look and it's nice.
20:11.35amro_if i design it and code it (implying its a one man job) i dont need people to listen do i?
20:11.48amro_im just saying pve does not appeal to me
20:12.10amro_im not saying in needs to be changes
20:13.05Scre3mi downloaded henge, but the size of it scared me
20:13.36Neuro_Medivhwell, the problem is that if you designed pve to be like pvp, then no one would play healing classes in pve, they'd get destroyed every time
20:13.37Tierrie|Workamro: that would only really be possible if the game had player collision
20:13.46Neuro_Medivhgot please no
20:13.56Neuro_MedivhEQ had player collision
20:14.04Neuro_Medivhmost horrible thing ever
20:14.06pastamancer<3 ogre walls
20:14.18amrothey can make it not work in towns etc
20:14.20amroonly in raids
20:14.28pastamancerthe best was when an entire guild would block the cave to PoV,etc.
20:14.29Josh_Borkeit would still suck
20:14.31amrolike WAR will only have pvp collisions
20:14.31Neuro_Medivhand getting stuck behind ogres in solb
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20:15.04amroshooting frostbolts through terrain in wow takes the fun out of it for me
20:15.21Neuro_Medivhlol, most terrain stops my bolts
20:15.22pastamancerI think player collision was only used as a mechanic in one boss fight though
20:15.38pastamancertunare and the ogre wall to prevent the knockback on the mt
20:15.40amroanyway, adding collision to wow would only ruin it
20:15.44Neuro_Medivhthat's cause it was only one way
20:15.48amrothe game would have to be completely redesigned
20:15.55Neuro_Medivhonly players were blocked
20:15.58Neuro_Medivhmobs never were
20:16.06Massaimah12«11Scre3m12» aye it's big but works fine and doesn't take too much.
20:16.14Neuro_Medivhalso, mobs had Summon in EQ
20:16.28pastamancermobs summon in wow too :p
20:16.37Neuro_Medivhnot like in EQ
20:17.13Neuro_Medivhalso, if player collision were in the game, then mob AI would have to be completely overhauled
20:17.19sysragedrood friend of mine asking for a macro he can use to shift into cat form and do Find Minerals. would it just be /cast CatformSpellName /cast Find Minerals ?
20:17.35Neuro_Medivhbecause otherwise, if a warrior did block a priest from getting hit, the mob would evade bug
20:17.35amroneuro, read what i said
20:17.43amro[21:15] <amro> the game would have to be completely redesigned
20:18.06amrocollision would just ruin wow as it is, the mechanics are not designed for it
20:18.28Neuro_Medivhno AI will ever be as good as a human player.
20:18.51Neuro_Medivhthat's why they have to make the mobs so much more powerful than the players
20:19.02Scre3mwell, Big Blue managed to beat kasparov :)
20:19.16Scre3mor whatever that box was called
20:19.37Neuro_MedivhDeep Blue I think
20:19.41Scre3mahh yes
20:19.41amroyeah, i never said anything about power. i think fights would be more interesting, for me at least, if the tank didnt take neough damage to die 400 times and got healed back. more tactics would be interesting, but that's just my 2c
20:20.07Scre3mi agree, more tactics would be more fun, i guess that'z what pvp is for
20:20.14Neuro_Medivhyes, but what other tactics?  I mean, that's all the game is, heal, tank, dps
20:20.23Scre3msmarter ai
20:20.43Neuro_Medivhor, in a more basic sense, take dmg, heal dmg, deal dmg
20:20.44Tierrie|Worksysrage: its not possible to have two spellcasts in one macro unless he preses it twice i think
20:20.52amroexactly neuro, im saying it would have to be another game entirely
20:20.57Neuro_Medivhdepends on the spells
20:21.00amrowow's mechanics are like that
20:21.15Tierrie|Worksysrage: but you can try /cast [nostange] Cat Form  /cast Find Minerals
20:21.29MassaimahDo *_enUS.lua files in the addons have any effect when i play on european servers (french and english) ?
20:21.52Tierrie|Workdepends on how the author implemented his localization, there's no standard
20:22.10sysragetierrie what's nostange?
20:22.15sysrageoh. nostance?
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20:22.28Tierrie|Workoh yes nostance :( i'm a typo fiend
20:22.54Scre3mgm-controlled boss events could be fun
20:23.06Scre3mlike acutal Game Masters :)
20:23.24amroyeah, but not for $15 a month :P
20:23.30Tierrie|Workit would not be sustainable
20:23.36Tierrie|Workasheron's call tried that
20:23.41Tierrie|Workand they gave up
20:23.47Scre3moh i bet there are plenty of people out there that would do it for the fun of it
20:23.49Tierrie|Workand their player base was tiny!
20:24.19ckknightMassaimah, for Ace addons, if they use AceLocale-2.2, the enUS is used as a "base" for other languages to fall back on if a translation doesn't exist. Other authors do it differently, though
20:24.30amroassuming infinite funds, such a system would work. but since funds are limited, they cant hire the GMs for it. and they'd need an infrastructure to make sure GMs don't screw up or mess around
20:24.54sysragetierrie: thanks
20:24.59Kaeltenckknight: doesn't the first registered one act as the base regardless of what lang it is?
20:25.00MassaimahThanks ck. (he does use AceLocale-2.2)
20:25.19Kasoi think eve ingoring funds gm controlled bosses wouldnt be liked by the community
20:25.41Kaso"How come XXX's encounter was so much easier than ours and we got the same loot"
20:25.58amroyeah, that's why they would need a way to make GMs consistent, and they cant
20:26.00ckknightKaelten, true, but enUS is almost always the base.
20:26.15Kaeltenbut just wanted to point out that its possible for enUS to not be the base
20:26.19Kasoamro a consistant GM aka AI :>
20:26.51Scre3mno loot, just for the fun of it
20:27.04_bswhat changed for itemid's in 2.0?
20:27.10amroI don't mind AI, I just think WoW's system is just so repetitive. figuring out new fights is fun, but then its no longer fun to do it agian
20:27.13_bsi didn't find any decent info on it
20:27.19Kaelten_bs: order and content
20:27.23Kaso_bs theres 8 fields the second to last one can be negative
20:27.23_bsbut they sure don't work anymore to make links :)
20:27.28Kaeltenits now 8 slots instead of 4
20:27.39_bsany place i can read about that?
20:28.27Guillotinewhat do you guys think of this pvp spec for a lock:
20:28.49Guillotineis it worth getting imp life tap if you have dark pact?
20:29.28Tierrie|Worki prefer lifetap over darkpact for pve, but i don't know about pvp
20:30.00Tierrie|Workwhy no agony though for pvp
20:30.24amroi dont use life tap in pvp. i have little hp to start with
20:30.41Guillotinenot sure what to take out of to put into imp. agony
20:30.42Corrodiasdraining your own health is generally not a good idea in pvp, no.
20:30.56Tierrie|Workhm ok but warlocks have 10k health in TBC :P
20:30.57Corrodiaswhatever you get out of it
20:30.59Guillotinemaybe just go 2/5 shadow embrace
20:31.07GuillotineTierrie: this is just for now :) Have about 3k health
20:31.13Tierrie|Workoh ok then no lifetap!
20:31.22amroother classes also get more HP
20:31.40Scre3mdo priests get plate?
20:31.43CorrodiasI wonder if there's a point to the mage in TBC with warlocks shining so bright
20:31.45GuillotineI wish :(
20:31.48Tierrie|Workamro: yeah but damage doesn't scale as much, warlocks get much more so its probably a bit safer to tap
20:31.58GuillotineCorrodias: theres no point to anyone in TBC with warlocks :P
20:33.08_bsgot it.. thanks a lot guys!
20:33.15Corrodiasi wonder if i'd be more satisfied with my warlock/mage combo being BE/troll or undead/BE. i want to spread around my class choices among the available races, and i want them to look decent. i had started my mage, but it's only got a few hours on it. i wouldn't feel bad restarting it as a BE.
20:33.16amromaybe, but i usually kill people before i go OOM :P
20:33.17MassaimahHad a similar spec before going demonology. Took both so as to be able to do pvp and pve. Worked quite fine
20:34.43MassaimahBiggest prob with affliction tree is that you mostly kill all the guys after they've killed ya... so ya never get the honor :(
20:35.19MassaimahThat is when in pvp.
20:35.25Corrodiassigh, and i had just learned so much about mages. now i need to learn about warlocks.
20:35.27Guillotinehmm. good point
20:35.42Guillotinebut in AV I can just hide in towers and DoT people up
20:36.32GuillotineI'd go demonology (thats what i am on TBC), but it needs stamina and this char currently just has lots of +damage
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20:36.58Massaimahhehe... demonology rocks.
20:37.55Corrodiasdescribe to me what the different specs are like
20:38.12Corrodiasthus reducing my workload and letting you boost your ego with a demonstration of your familiarity
20:38.23Guillotineindeed it does, but its heavily reliant on stam
20:38.44MassaimahHehe sure corrodias.
20:39.11Guillotinelol. basically, affliction is the least gear reliant, demonology needs lots of +stam, and destruction needs +damage
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20:40.18Guillotineand whatever you have, you want to get demonic embrace. its like... required
20:40.32Corrodiasokay, that's good to know. what about more details? i mean, i know wowwiki will probably explain the warlock just fine but i'm giving you an opportunity to show off, here.
20:40.54Massaimahhaven't tested destro since patch.
20:41.35Guillotinewhat else do you want to know about the lock corrodias?
20:41.47cogwheelAffliction is mostly DoT related, Demonology is ... self-explanatory, & Destruction is mostly direct damage
20:41.47Guillotineoh ya, another name for it is "GodMode"
20:42.28MassaimahBasically affliction (with siphon life) ye can try and take up to 4-5 people... it needs a bit of training but is doable
20:42.44Corrodiasany tips about playing a warlock that i won't find on wowwiki when i get around to reading it?
20:42.47cogwheelI've historically done Affliction/Demonology for leveling (demonology is almost a necessity for soloing as are the various "drains" of afflicition)
20:43.05GuillotineCorrodias: dunno if this is on wowwiki, but while leveling up, spec affliction and drain tnak
20:43.28cogwheelonce I started raiding I switched over to an affliction/destruction spec for the increased DPS
20:43.33Massaimahworks aswell for soloing at 60 ^^
20:44.06Corrodiaswhich one works "as well" for soloing at 60?
20:44.18Massaimahthe affliction/demonology
20:45.25Guillotineyup. get up to 30 in affliction, then start putting points into demonology
20:45.33Guillotinealright, what do you guys think of this spec:
20:45.52GuillotineI want 1 point in Shadow Embrace as that counts as an affliction effect and boosts drain life
20:47.01Massaimahlooks nice.
20:47.51Massaimahbut i'd drop the fel intellect unless you go for full demonology.
20:48.11Massaimah3% mana... nice but no real use.
20:48.20Corrodiasnot enough to matter
20:50.00Massaimahsame drop nightfall. as when your affliction based like this you won't use to many times shadow bolt..... to busy recasting your dots on the targets
20:50.23Massaimahgives ya 5 points to spend elsewhere in total :)
20:51.13Corrodiassleepy time. [away]
20:52.34GuillotineMassaimah: you don't think the fel intellect will help with dark pact?
20:54.09Massaimah15% more int on demon.... should give ya like 1 more tap when using dark pact.
20:54.22Massaimahso i'd still say no.
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20:55.45Guillotinehmm. ok. that helps
20:56.54Massaimahbetter ways to use.. if still keeping nightfall i'd put those 3 in imp. shadowbolt
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20:58.18Massaimahmy current build btw :
20:58.58Arrowmaster`demo noob
21:00.15Massaimahwhy so?
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21:01.02Arrowmasterive yet to see anybody with a felguard impress me, they all die rather quickly
21:01.17Cidewhat are you, a warlock?
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21:01.35MassaimahI sacrifice it ^^
21:01.48Arrowmasterlol ok thats a new one
21:01.49Cideanyone that can beat a warlock is... a warlock
21:01.54Cideno lie!
21:02.27Cidein fact, I got my ass handed to me by a level 60 warlock... at level 67
21:02.57MassaimahHAve more use of the +10% shadow damage and mana regen then of the felguard ^^
21:03.45MassaimahStill.. it depends on what class i'm fighting against.
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21:04.03MassaimahIf i face a mage I'm kinda happy to have him for example.
21:04.16Massaimah+30 all resistances is kinda nice
21:04.26Arrowmasterseems like a bit of a waste when you could go SM/DS
21:06.38MassaimahHas becoma kinda hard to take a nice spec... as they're all nice nowaydays
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21:16.58Kirovnetcurse - you around?
21:19.47Kirovnetcurse - I'm curious if the addon comments are going to have an "edit" option
21:19.54netcurseThey will
21:19.57netcursein a few day
21:20.00netcursemaybe hours :P
21:20.01Scre3mcladhaire, donation submitted :)
21:21.37Kirovnetcurse - cool, just curious
21:21.59netcurseno problem
21:22.06netcursewe made hte advanced search page today
21:22.32GuillotineScre3m: no! don't! if he gets donations, he'll prolong the release of PRaid in the hope that more people will donate in the hope that PRaid comes out sooner
21:23.29Scre3mhe's got us right where he wants us
21:23.43Scre3mdangling praid in front of us like a carrot on a stick
21:24.23Kirovthat's dangerous
21:24.33Kirovsomeone might just go ahead and update it for him
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21:38.04MassaimahNight all see ya later this week
21:41.10GuillotineAffliction warlocks are OP o.O
21:41.20GuillotineI just killed a group of 5 horde from the top of a hill
21:42.45Qshadowphmm, how exactly would i go about changeing the caught fish sound?
21:43.45Neuro_MedivhFirst you gotta hack the Gibson
21:43.57GuillotineQshadowp: can't anymore
21:44.36Qshadowpany programs that could pick up the sound of the fishy getting caught ?
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21:48.32Scre3mQshadowp, that would be a great mod!
21:49.06Qshadowplol i doubt that could be done in the standared ui
21:50.04Scre3mjust need to amplifu that sound a bit
21:50.46Qshadowpnah the only way you'd be able to do that would be right something outside of wow
21:50.57Qshadowpand make it hook that when that sound is played, do stuff.
21:51.05Qshadowpbut im still learning to python :(
21:51.53MaldiviaTBC bumbed to 2.0.3, does that mean 2.0.2 will be out before Jan 16th? :)
21:52.56Qshadowphehe, this website has a funny page not found page, it says page not found in every language possible
21:53.42Qshadowp(1337h4x0r, Scots (Fit page? we divnae hae it.), american Ah cain't find th' page yer lookin' fer)
21:53.46ckknightMaldivia, not necessarily, but possible.
21:53.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Nomad_Wanderer (
21:54.08Maldiviackknight: one can hope :)
21:54.18ckknightit would be nice
21:55.16Qshadowpi'd like pct to come up so i can get off my damned realm lol
21:55.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Stavmar (
21:57.13ckknightMaldivia, my download isn't authorized :-(
21:57.19Maldiviasame :|
21:57.32Maldiviaand the direct download hasn't been uploaded yet either
21:57.32ckknightoh well, notesplz!
21:57.41Maldiviaand there are no notes this patch
21:57.52Maldivia"mostly fixes"
21:57.53ckknighthow come?
21:57.54Maldiviato quote
21:57.56ckknightokay then
21:57.59ckknightwhich is good.
21:58.02ckknightlikely the CloseLoot fix
21:58.05ckknightI'm hopin
21:59.08MaldiviaI have my diff scripts ready :)
21:59.56Qshadowplol what happened to fishing buddys right click to fish function?
22:00.02Qshadowpdid blizzard kill that too? :(
22:00.03ckknightgood stuff, Maldivia
22:00.08ckknightQshadowp, yes.
22:00.53Qshadowpwtb a big fishing button so i don't have to use my brain to click on it.
22:01.44Gnarfozomg most awesome
22:01.57Gnarfozthat Garr/Gehennas/Golemagg/Sulfuron Harbinger quad-kill video
22:02.21Scre3mu can't right click to fish anymore???
22:03.03GnarfozScre3m: you never could, FishingBuddy let you do that
22:03.04Scre3mi know, but you can't using an addon anymore?
22:03.04Gnarfozand... who knows if the FB author fixes that ;)
22:03.28*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio (n=sp@unaffiliated/sergio)
22:03.43KasoScre3m thats impossible nowadays
22:03.52Kasohas been for a couple patches
22:04.10Qshadowpim just gonna bind cast fishing rod to space or something while i fish, lol.
22:04.42Scre3mi jus't don't get that
22:04.57Scre3mcan clique be use to fish i wonder?
22:07.07Kasoit could be, but you'd have to click a frame, and the fishing bober isn a frame, so it sorta defeats the point
22:07.32cladhaireScre3m: yeah.. it should be
22:07.35cladhaireyou'd have to click on the unit frame tho
22:07.49Scre3mso like click on yourself to cast/
22:08.05Scre3mbetter than nothing
22:08.07cladhairewell your unit frame
22:10.32Tierrie|Workwow big news on curse ->
22:11.14Tierrie|Workits going to be meh
22:11.24Tierrie|Worki'd rate that as one of the dumbest career moves ever
22:11.34Scre3munless they have funding
22:11.55Scre3m18 million in their case
22:12.15Scre3mRecently, several former Blizzard employees who have been working on World of Warcraft left the company announcing that they had raised 18 and a half million dollars to fund their newly created MMO development company
22:14.03Tierrie|Workdudes, EQ had tons of funding, as did AC2
22:14.13Tierrie|Workthey have no IP
22:14.20Tierrie|Workand about 3-4 years of development time
22:14.52Tierrie|Worki can see them sitting down and starting MyProj.vcproj
22:15.00Tierrie|Workand then MyHelloWorld.cpp
22:15.03cladhaireRed5 has been working for two years now.
22:15.04cladhaireits nothing new.
22:15.07cladhairethey already have IP
22:15.11Tierrie|Workthey do?
22:15.14Tierrie|Workwhats their IP?
22:15.16Scre3myes, but they have 18.5 million to spend :) that has to be fun hehe
22:17.27Guillotinethe founders of Guild Wars were from blizz as well I believe
22:18.29ckknightMaldivia, ping me when the download works
22:22.25Tierrie|Workso are the developers of Hellgate: London
22:22.39Tierrie|Workbut I think they were Blizzard North
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22:32.33TonyDnot authorized?
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22:36.23MaldiviaTonyD: yeah... :|
22:37.11MaldiviaTonyD: they haven't activated the download yet, they just pushed the downloaders
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22:37.25Antiarc_wtb beta patch goodies :(
22:37.47Antiarc_I am especially curious to see if they did anything with mace spec or WEx
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22:37.49nevcairieli more hope they fixed the cubes in various instances
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22:37.57Thardali love how curse-gaming fixed their website by simply making most addons unavailable
22:38.05TonyDbtw, anyone know the deal with shadowstep?
22:38.11Antiarc_I've used it
22:38.12TonyDsaved for vc?
22:38.15Antiarc_Wasn't too hot on it.
22:38.36Antiarc_It produces impressive crits on cloth, but it just has no punch once you're out of stealth.
22:38.39TonyDmy rogue on the test server is only lvl42
22:39.07TonyDi lvled my live rogue to 50 just for the patch, then... NOTHING!
22:39.17TonyDcloak of shadows?  c'mon
22:39.30Maldiviacloak is mean :|
22:40.26MaldiviaTem... headwidth/height/scale is in ! :)
22:40.58TemI wrote that
22:41.02*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
22:41.04MaldiviaI figured
22:41.13TonyDis in what?
22:41.28MaldiviaTem: you're also responsible for the reparenting ?
22:41.38MaldiviaTem: ok - interesting idea!
22:41.44MaldiviaTonyD: state headers, in 2.0.2
22:42.17TonyDnot sure what that really means, but I get thye gist
22:42.18*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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22:44.31MaldiviaTem: now we just need and option, for state headers, to reanchor children to it's current anchor, instead of it's parent *hint* *hint*
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22:44.45Temit'll anchor it's children to itself
22:44.52Temand you can set the header's anchor
22:46.26Maldiviajust had another idea for my pet group today, by using headofx etc to reanchor the state header (the one the raid header controlled), but since it reanchors to the parent, it didn't work :)
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22:46.46Maldiviaif it reanchored to it's previous anchor, I could just have shifted it down, on top of the previous one :)
22:47.11MaldiviaBut I'll just wait for headheight instead :)
22:50.00Maldiviackknight: ping
22:50.09*** join/#wowi-lounge kelvie (n=kelvie@
22:51.13ckknightMaldivia, got it
22:52.11TC_sleeping*sigh* i wasnt getting enough honor at it is "no, please, cut honor intake by 30%"
22:53.01MaldiviaThunder: people already have GM weapons, in less than a week
22:53.18Maldiviaand yes, weapons.... plural
22:53.25Thunder_Childi know
22:53.32Thunder_Childdoesnt make me fell that much better though
22:53.49Tierrie|WorkDid they buff the PvP rewards?
22:54.02Thunder_Childbut then i am a priest, and that just makes me a pvp slut
22:54.06Maldiviapersonally, I'm saving most of my honor for lvl 70 :)
22:54.11Thunder_Childyou know...everyone gets a piece
22:54.41Thunder_Childnot that i know of Tierrie|Work
22:55.51MeryTrolling everything heh?
22:57.43Thunder_Childlol, want trolling?
22:58.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Barbanus (
22:59.38MikmaThunder_Child: confirmed trolling!
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23:00.11Merythat's clever trolling !
23:01.21Mery(well would have been better from a new account with no character > level 5)
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23:02.17Thunder_Childsounds like someone lost their way from eq
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23:03.32TonyDyay, dowloading
23:04.14*** part/#wowi-lounge Barbanus (
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23:14.52Qshadowpcan someone give me a /script command to bind jump to space?
23:15.10Qshadowpso i can shuffle between fishing being on space, and jump being on space :P
23:15.45Maldiviadruid nerfs and buffs in 2.0.3...
23:16.09nevcairieldo tell!
23:16.31Qshadowpwhat about me? :(
23:16.36Maldiviabear form nerfed to +25% health
23:16.48Maldiviatranquility buffed, to 3x the healing
23:17.00nevcairieltranq buffed is not really buffed :D
23:17.04cladhaireits party1pet, right?
23:17.18cladhairemy brain hurts
23:17.21Mr_Rabies2bear got nerfed
23:17.47Mr_Rabies2are they playing the same game that we are
23:17.49nevcairielMaldivia did you read that somewhere you could link?
23:17.59Maldivianevcairiel: max rank (level 70) of tranquility, now heals for 1518 every 2sec, for 8seconds
23:18.12cogwheelLawmaker aims to allow the blind to hunt:
23:18.12nevcairielthat sounds usable now.
23:18.13Tierrie|WorkQshadowp: christ use the built in Interfaces->Keybindings
23:18.29Maldivianevcairiel: previously, max rank was 407 :)
23:18.31Tierrie|Workoh is there a list of changelogs for 2.0.3?
23:18.40Maldivianope :)
23:18.41QshadowpTierrie i could but i dont wanna have to keep browseing through that to change between fishing and normal
23:19.46MaldiviaBlessing of Might is now attack power, instead of melee attack power
23:20.13ShadowedMaldivia: Where, on TBC?
23:20.22Thunder_ChildMaldivia always seems to get the inside scoop
23:20.23ShadowedHow do you do a ClearAllPoints in XML by the way, can't remember what it was
23:20.30MaldiviaShadowed: yes
23:20.31Thunder_Childhe must be sleeping his way to the top
23:20.45Mr_Rabies2any other druid changes, mald
23:20.57Mr_Rabies2cause the bear nerf is MASSIVE
23:22.10Mr_Rabies2there better be something given to us in exchange, like parry
23:22.29Tierrie|Workor a third paw
23:22.45Maldiviaexisting proc enchants has reduced effect for players > lvl 60
23:23.02Tierrie|Workis that < or >?
23:23.18Tierrie|Workis there a place i can read this?
23:24.56XuerianWait, bear nerf?
23:24.59XuerianWhat's getting nerfed now?
23:27.59MaldiviaBlack Book nerfed, flat amount instead of percentage
23:29.15Maldiviadruid BWL trinket, also changed to flat amount
23:29.34Maldiviawarrior gem, also flat amount
23:29.58Maldiviarogue poison trinket changed
23:30.10XuerianAhh..... Making stuff go obsolete with level
23:30.10Guillotine:/ for that bear nerf, they better be giving us back weapon procs in forms
23:30.11Guillotineand pots
23:30.24XuerianIs there another bear nerf Maldivia didn't mention?
23:30.41KasoMaldivia shaman trinket i guess too ?
23:30.43Guillotineits down to 25% health
23:30.51XuerianWhat was it before, exactly?
23:30.51KasoAlso what flat amount for warrior trinket?
23:30.53Maldiviakaso: indeed
23:31.07MaldiviaHeal yourself for 1500 and increase your maximum health by 1500 for 20 sec.  After the effects wear off, you will lose the extra maximum health
23:32.10Maldiviabasically, all items that added percent, have been changed to flat amounts
23:32.37*** part/#wowi-lounge Stavmar (
23:33.46KasoMaldivia where'd you get that info?
23:34.02Maldiviadid a diff :)
23:34.14GuillotineXuerian: before was 40%
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23:34.39purlACTION lets out a Scrat-like scream and stabs something at random.
23:34.45Xuerian^ >_<
23:35.22Xuerian\sigh, why the heck did they go and do that..
23:36.42Thunder_Childwhats a scrat?
23:36.53TonyDice age squirrel/rat
23:37.20cogwheelScrat... Scrat... The sabre-toothed squirrel-rat...
23:38.03TonyDahh, nuts
23:38.24TonyDi want another round of character transfers to BCBeta
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23:40.04Kasoold buddy old pal, dont happen to have a ftp/http do you :>
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23:40.52Maldiviayes, why ?
23:41.14Kasocouldnt fix me up with the beta patch could you pretty please
23:41.39Maldivia10min, and it's uploaded
23:41.42Maldiviaperhaps 15
23:41.45Kasothank you
23:43.06Tierrie|WorkMaldivia: you diffed the data files?
23:43.20Tierrie|WorkMaldivia: you should really make the unofficial patch notes, I'd read it
23:48.02*** join/#wowi-lounge gngsk| (
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23:50.31XuerianMaldivia: I second that, could you post those diffs somewhere?
23:56.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (

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