irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061211

00:00.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go_ (n=Mike@
00:02.30*** join/#wowi-lounge FelixTeCat (
00:03.00FelixTeCatHey all
00:03.13*** join/#wowi-lounge `-FISKER_Q\ (i=blah2@
00:03.44FelixTeCatDoes anyone know what would cause clearfont to just put 3 dots in all my training and tradeskill windows?
00:04.25Industrial(no i dont know :X)
00:04.53bleetahFelixTeCat: yeah, scaling issues. I'm sure Kirkburn mentiones it in the readme, or the docs on his site.
00:05.38FelixTeCatHmmm I will have to look back overthem
00:05.57bleetahi know he did on previous release ;)
00:06.16bleetahwhether the info is on his current, tho, can't say
00:07.56FelixTeCatI will have to relook it I thought it delt with like changes in the ui size or something. And I am just running the default program with no ui changes...I would figure it would work by default
00:10.03*** join/#wowi-lounge DJBlackwing (
00:10.45FelixTeCatAhh I see it bleetah :P its my screen resolution thats the problem :((
00:10.56Guillotineanyone use RDX.Cid?
00:13.47GuillotineI can't figure out how to move it ><
00:14.53KirkburnFelixTeCat, yup, known issue with WoW
00:16.05FelixTeCatBah why do I have to be curse for running 1680x1050 :((
00:16.28FelixTeCatKirkburn love love love Clearfont BTW
00:17.17seebsFelix:  Scaling is sorta random, it's not specific to resolutions I don't think.
00:17.43seebsMy spouse got it with a vanilla UI on 1.11, at 800x600.  Nuking the WTF folder fixed it, but then, so did messing around with UI scale and putting it back the way it was.
00:18.02FelixTeCatYeah I figured I toned the ui scale to .90 and its fine now
00:18.32seebsOkay, so, lua geniuses:  I want to do something equivalent to a perl "@args = split(/ /, $arg)".
00:18.33Kirkburnseebs, all of the reports I originally got were for that specific res
00:18.48KirkburnI think it's likely because at the default UI scale for that res, it gets affected
00:19.05KirkburnBut obviously for others who fiddle the UI scale, they can get affected too :/
00:19.07seebsI came up with "for x in string.gmatch(arg, "[^ ]+") do table.insert(args, x); end"
00:19.14seebsBut this is obviously ugly.
00:19.54cladhaireseebs: local blah = {string.match("[^%s]+")}
00:19.58cladhaireif you're going to be making a table each time.
00:20.40Maldiviawords = { strsplit(" ", str) };
00:21.22cladhaireftw =)
00:21.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
00:21.25*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
00:21.47Maldiviawhy make it more complicated, than it is
00:21.49MaldiviaCairenn ! :)
00:22.01cladhaireMaldivia: BEcause strsplit is now
00:22.19seebsstrsplit is one of the WoW-specific API calls.  Didn't know about it.
00:22.31Maldiviacladhaire: so you're saying, you're living in the past ?:)
00:22.54cladhaireMaldivia: thats the other, strsplit dosn't exist in standalone lua
00:22.57cladhaireand i live in standalone =)
00:23.36Maldiviawell... I live in Denmark... and in Denmark, now is time to go to bed :)
00:23.43Maldiviaso, good night :)
00:25.10MaldiviaCairenn: and if you see this, could I get you to move EnchantMe (id 4924) out of the outdated section, to, hmm, tradeskill I guess
00:25.28seebsOkay, on to my other other question.
00:25.47seebsI have a table of ["foo"] = { list }, ["bar"] = { list }.
00:25.58cladhaireMaldivia: Yes I can.
00:26.07seebsIf the user specifies "foo,bar" as an item, I want the user to get all the contents of both lists.
00:27.00seebsI have a very ugly nested for loop that, for each name, finds the list and then, for each item in that list, adds it to a new table.
00:27.06seebsThis is almost certainly unnecessary.
00:27.44seebsIs there a saner way to do this, or possibly a good alternative to doing it at all?
00:27.51cladhaireMaldivia: Moved.
00:27.57Maldiviacladhaire: thanks :)
00:28.05Maldiviacladhaire: forgot you could aswell
00:28.42seebsI haven't cared THAT much, because the events in question ought to be rare enough (every few seconds at MOST) that the performance hit is negligible.
00:35.21Industrialhmm when I get ganked I get so mad I wanna crash ym head into the table repeatedly :( So I do that sometimes
00:35.38Endplease don't damage your head
00:35.46seebsYou have summarized why I've never so much as rolled on a PvP server.  :)
00:35.59grimmanPVP server = FUN.
00:36.05Guillotinepvp servers are fun. you get ganked, but you can gank too :D
00:36.06grimmanPVE = oooooooh zzzzz.
00:36.27seebsEh, it's just me; I am not particularly competitive.  I don't enjoy it, so I play something else.  :)
00:36.56grimmanI just re-tried my sword rogue again... the new trees are zomg.
00:37.01grimmanI absolutely rape stuff now.
00:37.10*** join/#wowi-lounge RPA (
00:37.15*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
00:37.17seebsI would be happiest on a game where there was no way for hostile players to keep me from going about my business, but this will probably never happen.  :)
00:37.19seebsHey, ckk.
00:37.28*** part/#wowi-lounge RPA (
00:37.38grimmanseebs: Go play Guild Wars then. :P
00:37.51seebsNot my thing much.  Anyway, need Mac support, spouse is a Mac person.
00:38.03grimmanOuch. :(
00:38.43seebsEh, I like it.  I am the de facto tech support guy for family and friends, so I love it when they get macs.  :)
00:38.46Industrialgames = bad for your health man
00:39.37Cairennbtw - sorry I'm not around today guys - kiddo's computer is completely dead so she's having to use mine to get school work done.  only reason I'm on right now is because she's taking a break
00:40.14abugher computer was once alive?
00:40.26Thunder_Childthats ok, it gives you a break Cairenn
00:40.32*** join/#wowi-lounge RPA (
00:40.48seebsWell, geeze.  You think your kid matters more to us than speedy updates on WoWI?  Some people.
00:40.57seebsYou're never gonna make it into an endgame guild with that kind of attitude.
00:41.06abug"Well, geeze..." QFT
00:41.37*** part/#wowi-lounge RPA (
00:44.09seebsYou know, I bet a lot of people would take way better care of their kids if you had to pay $14.99/month for having a kid, and there were forums where you could gloat about your kid's test scores.
00:45.30Thunder_Childindeed, since it costs one hell of alot more than 14.99 a month to raid a child
00:45.36Cairennwell, my daughter comes before *EVERYTHING* else, period, end of discussion
00:46.54KirkburnThunder_Child, nice slip?
00:46.57bleetahCairenn: you still using that gaim piece of junk? ;)
00:47.03Cairennthat I am
00:47.14bleetahtop stuff :) i don't work on it much anymore
00:47.23Thunder_Childonly if your horde Kirkburn
00:47.29bleetahkind of got sidetracked into WoW, and now into LUA/XML ;)
00:47.42KirkburnThunder_Child, do you often raid horde children?
00:48.25KirkburnI think you're a bit odd, y'know :P
00:48.32Thunder_Childi am a bit odd
00:48.53Thunder_Childand yes i do raid horde children.....whenever i win in AB or wsg
00:53.22GuillotineThunder_Child: so.... never?
00:58.40jaxdahlError: table index is nil
00:58.51jaxdahlFile: Interface\FrameXML\SecureTemplates.lua
00:58.53jaxdahlLine: 816
00:59.08jaxdahl^ what does that mean?
01:00.45Thunder_Childno never...rarely
01:00.50Thunder_Childvery rarely
01:04.22seebsjaxdahl:  It means that you handed the wrong sort of argument to something somewhere.  :)
01:07.36seebsSo, there's one more feature I'd love to have for my UI.  I'd like to have it automatically generate plausible events if you drag a spell onto its window.
01:07.50seebsIs that kind of thing even possible?  I mean, the UI part, where I somehow find out what spell was dragged.
01:11.37abugwhen you get an uber 2her from black temple
01:11.54seebs... that's amore!
01:12.03abugoh wow wrong window
01:12.54abugLeto: l2p
01:13.51*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
01:17.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=Mike@
01:19.50jaxdahlseebs, what addon?
01:19.53jaxdahli'm not a dev
01:20.01jaxdahlthat error doesn't say what addon it was
01:20.48seebsNo idea.  There's no way to tell; any addon could have introduced a bug which would cause that.
01:25.35Temseebs, yes, it is possible
01:25.40Temand it's even easy in 2.0.2
01:25.49Tembut what do you mean by "plausible events?"
01:26.11seebsOh.  This is for AnnoyRP.
01:26.37seebsMy plan was, if someone dragged a spell icon into my window, to fill in a new event { Spell Cast, <spell name>, <charspellname>, 10 }
01:27.07seebsSo, if Timi drags Unstable Affliction into the window, the new event is { Spell Cast, Unstable Affliction, timiunstableaffliction, 10 }
01:27.13seebsThat'd be SO useful.
01:27.15Temoh you mean, have the addon generate what type of CHAT_MSG event that spell would generate?
01:27.25Temthat's not really feasible
01:27.27seebsSorry, no.
01:27.34seebsI'm confusing.
01:27.49seebs"event" here is a term of art for my addon; it's what I call the triggers that the addon looks for.
01:27.57seebsI just want to populate a table with values based on the name of a spell.
01:28.30Temoh, yeah completely doable
01:29.25seebsThat is the one feature I feel I need before I call this version 0.10 and start uploading it more broadly.
01:30.51Temmmkay gimme a sec to write out an example
01:30.51seebsOkay, thank you so much!
01:32.52seebsWow, my server's full.  I haven't seen a full server message, except maybe in the last week, since last January.
01:36.23seebsExcellent.  Is "MySpellDropArea" just any old frame?
01:36.39seebsThank you SO much.
01:36.51seebsI was sort of aware this could be done, but I had no clue even where to start it.
01:37.18TemI think it may need to be a button
01:37.19Temnot sure
01:37.21Temlemme check
01:37.50Temok, it can be a vanilla frame
01:37.58seebsIs dances for joy.
01:38.02Tembut you need to change OnClick to be OnMouseDown or something
01:38.18seebs'k.  I'll have a look.
01:39.04seebsBlar.  I am not logged in, so I can't start alt-tabbing, or WoW gets finnicky because I'm not actually IN the window that's in queue.
01:42.23Temuse windowed mode
01:43.21seebsYeah.  But you can't set that until you're logged in... :)
01:44.01*** join/#wowi-lounge kodewulf (
01:48.45Temsux 4 u
01:54.39Malivilmy server just crashed...
01:55.03ShadowedI repeat
01:55.25ShadowedIcedown is icecrown's nickname
01:55.41TemVan Cleef pay big for you heads!
01:55.58MalivilI'm playing on Norgannon though
01:56.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Saeris (
01:56.56bleetahgot a question about GetChannelList, does 'trade - city' never appear in the list? can't seem to get it :/
01:58.31SaerisDoes WoW-I accept only .zip archives? Corollary: What about self-extracting archives of other formats?
02:00.18ckknightjust use zips
02:00.37ckknightI'd never trust an exe
02:01.22bleetahhmph, our .exe's are from open source, so it's not as if you can't build it yourself ;-) :-P
02:01.49ckknightstill icky.
02:01.54ckknightwhy do you want an exe?
02:02.00bleetahclosed source .exe's different matter entirely
02:02.00SaerisIt's just that one of my addons is still just under a meg while zipped. I can get it to half of that with a self-extracting 7-zip archive.
02:02.45ckknight250 KiB isn't much.
02:03.02Temwho cares?
02:03.09Tempoo on dial-up people
02:03.15Shadowedscrew 'em
02:03.20SaerisI was thinking more of the server, not the clients.
02:04.52Temserving .5MB versus 1MB is negligible
02:05.16SaerisAlrighty then.
02:05.25TonyDkhadgar down again
02:06.06Shadowedour server likes to die everytime we finish the 30 minutes of raz trash
02:07.13TonyDi think lots of em just died
02:07.45bleetahEU servers?
02:07.53Malivilno, Norgannon just died. US
02:08.15TonyDkhadgar, runetotem, jaedenar are dead
02:08.24TonyDstick at retrieving
02:08.55ShadowedKT and BWL died too
02:09.06Malivilsame with Norgannon
02:09.09bleetahsame battlegroup?
02:09.26TonyD2 different as far as i can tell
02:09.29bleetah(juts warning my guildies)
02:09.39TonyDcuz my pve and my pvp are different groups, and both down
02:10.24TonyDguess I'll go BCBeta
02:10.50bleetahi shoulda been busy in the mod community earlier and scored myself a BC account... /sigh
02:12.31bleetahugh, as much as I hated the LFG, I hope blizz bring it back, too much LFG style chat on Trade now
02:12.39bleetah(as in peeps LFG as well as non-trade)
02:13.56seebsThanks again, Tem, that worked!
02:14.06TonyDi try and get everyone to join LookingForGroup now
02:14.20ShadowedI don't think that Trade has ever been on topic
02:14.23TonyDcuz I like the idea of woeldwide chat and group channel
02:14.42bleetahTonyD: top plan, being trying that here. but, as we know, people are stupid and can't work that out for themselves
02:15.03ShadowedBack when i was actually in the channel, I filtered out everything that didn't have an item link
02:15.18bleetahRP trade is certainly tougher to wander OT with than non-RP
02:15.25bleetahwell, it was until LFG was removed as a default
02:16.13Shadowedwasn't for me back during the DM exploit days :p
02:16.15*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg|w` (
02:16.24bleetahShadowed: heh, I was thinking about doing a mod that did similar, and also matched 'wtb/wts'... haven't done anything yet
02:16.28*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
02:16.28*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
02:19.41seebsArgh.  I want to test one more thing before I upload a new version, and I'm stuck at "retrieving character list".
02:20.40seebsWeirdest thing I ever saw.  "Exit Game" wouldn't work.
02:20.51bleetahyour server is borked
02:20.52Malivilserver crashed
02:21.22Malivilim 1/4 through 59... i wanna get XP
02:21.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
02:22.04bleetahif you're completely insane, forcequit and remove the realmName from your WTF/ (this is the 'default' realm you get at login), then fire up WoW and go to a different realm
02:22.40seebsWell, the thing is... It's happening to me on about three different servers.
02:22.59bleetahweird.. anyways, gtg, g'luck seebs
02:23.01*** part/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
02:23.03seebsI already killed and rebooted, now I'm back to trying to log in.  But any server I pick, whether or not I have characters there, just hangs at retrieving.
02:23.44*** join/#wowi-lounge PerlPanda (
02:26.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
02:26.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
02:26.41Tierriei just realized this is the same irc node for my other channel!
02:27.13seebsI have given up.  I think my release is almost ready, but I can't log in to check it, so I'm gonna have dinner with the roommies.
02:27.16Shadowedyay reboot
02:33.46Tierriehey Cide which event do you hook for BuffTimer
02:34.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Tomedd (
02:38.29KirovPLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED i'd guess
02:40.24KirovIs the forum login server dead for everyone else?
02:42.34Shadowedforums are being slow in general
02:43.12Shadowedworks fine for me US thought
02:43.14Shadowedor not
02:51.15*** join/#wowi-lounge [Cu]NeT (
02:51.26*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v netcurse] by ChanServ
03:11.16netcurseSomeone know where is Cairenn?
03:11.35Nom-Not here, obviously :D
03:11.50cladhairenetcurse: anything I can help with
03:11.55netcursenop :p
03:11.57Nom-Sleep/Work/Making Sweet Love...who knows?
03:12.03xgravixall of the above
03:12.20Nom-lol that would be interesting
03:12.30cladhaireat the same time?
03:13.43Nom-35.5 business hours until holdays woot
03:14.47abugcairenn is letting her daughter use the puter
03:14.53abugto look at porn
03:15.02abuger I mean to do homework
03:15.07purlPorn remains one of the largest problems with Open Source Software. Often causing development delays, flooded links and, in extreme cases, disabling programmers ability to type.
03:15.09cladhaireDAMNIT PURL
03:15.51abugI can attest to that
03:16.35abugporn during raids also makes me go mysteriously AFK during trash pulls
03:16.56Thunder_Childso your pulling something else besides trash
03:17.04abugheh exactly
03:17.19Nom-a 'mole' popping up? lol
03:17.22abugI need a second monitor
03:18.00cladhaireNom-: /guilty =)
03:18.22abugthat's in clique? zomg
03:18.31cladhaireI don't know.... =)
03:18.54Thunder_Childwell it is "whack a mole" style isnt it?
03:19.05Nom-How's PerfectRaid coming along? :D
03:19.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Q6 (
03:19.17Nom-I miss it :`(
03:19.19cladhaireNom-: Same as it has been since Tuesday =)
03:19.29Q6Its the holidays, chill :P
03:19.54GuillotineNom: cladhaire said it might come out by his birthday
03:20.03Nom-35 business hours until holdays for me :(
03:20.09cladhaireits clad is writing a book and has been working on that and other stuff except mods for the past week 12 hours a day and might explode and if he explodes perfectraid from me will NEVER happen =)
03:20.32Q6Cladhaire: You coming back to ace svn?
03:20.46cladhairenope, why would i?
03:21.10Q6i dunt know ;p
03:21.55cladhairehehe well, then, no
03:23.00Guillotinemy server crashed :(
03:23.13abugmy server has a queue :(
03:25.15Thunder_Childguill did you just get kicked?
03:25.59Thunder_Childwoot dreanor is offline
03:26.00GuillotineDraenor = offline
03:26.39Guillotinebet the instance reset though
03:27.27abugwhich instance?
03:27.35Thunder_Childit is
03:27.47abugah that sucks
03:28.20Thunder_Childit's ok, we hadent gotten far
03:28.26Thunder_Childwe were 3-maning it
03:28.33Thunder_Childpock, kicked again
03:31.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz_ (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
03:47.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Thursdae (
03:49.57ThursdaeHello people
03:50.52abugit's sundae
03:51.04abugor mondae in some parts of the world
03:52.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Caboose[FH] (
03:53.26Thursdaemmk :o
03:54.07kremontezomg Guillotine
03:56.27*** part/#wowi-lounge Q6 (
03:59.33SP|Sorrenwhat events are called when you zone?
03:59.55Thursdaewhat do you mean
04:00.02SP|Sorrenlike zoning into a bg
04:00.04SP|Sorrener, not called
04:00.05SP|Sorrenare fired
04:00.11Thursdaeonly bgs?
04:00.18SP|Sorrenmostly, yes
04:01.55Thursdaei dont think theres an event fires specifically for a bg
04:02.20Thursdae"ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA" is closest i can see
04:13.48*** join/#wowi-lounge sbu_ (
04:16.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Thardal (
04:17.52Thardalhow do i do this in lua 5.1
04:17.56Thardalfor i, x in table do
04:23.33xgravixI do "for i=1, table.getn(x) do" but there's a more elegant way i think
04:24.56Kirovfor i, x in pairs(table) do
04:25.05Kirovor ipairs if it's a 1, 2, 3 table
04:31.33*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS- (n=[KaoS]`@
04:31.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
04:31.44*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
04:32.19*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
04:36.09Tullerso if I'm reading this comment about bongos right, curse does not filter expletives :)
04:36.30netcursewhat does this mean :p
04:36.52Tuller6 fbombs in three lines :)
04:36.53abuglike fduck and shiite
04:37.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
04:38.01Tullerand ..., Turns out I can still spell
04:39.14abugbongos are hot, they make good music
04:41.50Thursdaeanyone have any opinions on power leveling
04:43.15GuillotineThursdae: yes. I have an opinion. power-leveling services need to diaf
04:43.41Temdie in a fire
04:44.41abugI wish someone would power-level my addon, I'm getting behind
04:45.04Thursdaewhats it bout
04:45.20abuggood question
04:46.16abugmock up:
04:47.40Thursdaeare u making a wc3 map?
04:48.01abuga flexible timer system based on triggers in the style of wc3
04:48.37Thursdaeso ur trying to code an addon but in the way you made triggers in wc3...?
04:48.53abugI mean code it so others can make triggers like that
04:49.09Thursdaeso like making a program or seomthin
04:49.28abugexcept it's an addon
04:49.48Thursdaei guess i can get it
04:50.01KirkburnArgh, why am I doing Civil Engineering? :/
04:50.12ThursdaeSo a customizable boss addon thing?
04:50.22ThursdaeSounds useful
04:50.32abugI hope so
04:50.35ThursdaeI thought you were doing a WoW WC# Map thingy
04:50.43abugheh I wish
04:50.52ThursdaeWc3 mappins easy D:
04:51.03Thursdaewish making addons for WoW were so easy
04:51.15abugeasy as making triggers eh
04:51.16cladhairethat's funny
04:51.23cladhairei wish the wc3 maps let me use lua
04:51.36cladhairethe triggers are easy, but cumbersome
04:51.42cladhaireand the programming language you can use, can be nasty
04:51.44ThursdaeMeh maybe im just used to triggers more than lua
04:51.56xsarpedonAre there click to cast mods for 2.0 that work with built in raid lists and CTMod raid lists?
04:51.57Thursdaesince triggers u just choose everything and dont needa learn much
04:52.23Kirkburncladhaire, whatcha doin'?
04:52.39cladhaireKirkburn: Nothing, just responding to the conversation =)
04:52.44cladhairexsarpedon: clique
04:52.51cladhairexsarpedon: been working since ALpha
04:52.54KirkburnI was just gonna say that :P
04:53.08xsarpedonThanks, never needed one before but without Decursive I need to get a new setup going.
04:53.39xsarpedonMy Chromagg experience today was alot more effort and definitely not as smooth as it should be...
04:53.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
04:54.00*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
04:54.41Kirkburn(apologies to any italians that may be around, but I *severely* hated the Uni system over there)
04:55.41abugsomeone should make a comprehensive math website with problems based on WoW
04:55.51Kasoi hate warlocks!
04:55.55Thursdaescrubs is on?
04:56.01KirkburnHow many paladins does it take to kill a warlock?
04:56.04Kasowell more speicifcally thier ZG enchant
04:56.10KirkburnThursdae, nah, on my PC
04:56.18Thursdaeoh i see :o
04:56.24abugtwo, one to DI the other until he dies of exhnaustion
04:56.59KirkburnHow long does it last?
04:57.05abugtwo minutes?
04:57.05KirkburnNeeds a / on the end
04:57.23Kirkburns/end/end MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!/
04:57.52abugyou're so 1337
04:58.12purlextra, extra, read all about it, 1337 is zwampy
04:58.41abugyour new nickname is zwampy
04:58.41KirkburnI'm sure thats funny to zwampy's friends?
04:59.03Kasoman i cant believe i just spent 10min trying to find a problem that turned out to be an extra "not"
04:59.38abugshouldn't have taught your cat to code addons
04:59.40Thursdaehow nerdy
04:59.52Temdon't feel bad, I've spent longer trying to find an even simpler problem
05:04.11KirkburnYou forgot to plug in the PC? ;)
05:04.28Thunder_Childused your cd-rom drive as a cup holder?
05:05.04KirkburnYou mistook your hand for a hamburger?
05:05.33Kasohahaha, you know its nearly christmas when the seasonal gold seller advertisements start.
05:06.08Arrowmasterthe wacky gold seller advertisements have already started
05:06.24Arrowmasteri got one talking about a chicken with a saw in it
05:08.23abugthe random level 1 alts talking about selling your account are fun too
05:10.05Kasoive never really played a Hunter, but do they care at all about Strength?
05:10.24Thursdaedunt think sos
05:10.31Thursdaemre of a secondary thing
05:10.43Thursdaei think hunters are more agil and int
05:10.49Kasoperhaps ill make it configurable.
05:11.03Thursdaewhat kinda mod
05:11.23Kasocomplicated, but basically it makes the tooltip neater
05:11.40Thursdaewhats hunters have to do with it? O.o
05:11.52Thursdaefor like gear if its good for hunters?
05:12.00Kasowhat i want to be able to do is to expand "+3 Stats" into the normal stats, without having +3 Strength and +3 Agi" on my priest.
05:12.08Kasoso iv got an opition to "hide useless stats"
05:13.10ThursdaeHmm, not sure I follow...
05:13.35Kasohold on a moment
05:14.00abughe wants to change the enchant to say +3 sta/+3 int/+3 spirit methinks
05:14.36Kasothere is my robe atm
05:14.36ThursdaeI think i get what he means but its really strange to m
05:14.48Kasothe +3 Stats enchant is converted to normal stats
05:14.50KirkburnI'm a hunter warlock :D I care not for soulstones or soulshards or healthstones, no, I just off tank with my pet :)
05:15.01ThursdaeSo you want it to hide the str and agil
05:15.01Kasobut as a priest i dont care about the agi or strength
05:15.28Kasoand im makin a table of default "useful stats" for each class and im not sure wether to include stregth on the hunter one
05:15.36abugI off-tank with my body
05:15.43Thursdaebut when u loot stuff u may forget and lets say a good blue has no stats on it becuase its not good for a priest and u think its statless and junk
05:15.45Thursdaeor soemthign
05:15.56Thunder_Childdoes blizzards default quest log auto track quests?
05:15.56Thursdaei did MC naked once and no one noticed
05:16.07GuillotineTC: yes
05:16.15Kasohmmm, good point Thurs
05:16.15Thunder_Childis there a way to stop it?
05:16.28Thunder_Childbecause it's really pissing me off
05:16.35ThursdaeYea it pisses me off too
05:16.47abugmakes me happy in my pants
05:16.52KirkburnYes, you can turn it off
05:16.54Thursdaebut Kaso its a good mod i think
05:16.54Thunder_Childsweet, firefly mmo
05:16.54abugdunno what's up with you guys
05:17.14ThursdaeJust if you hide useless stats itd piss me off at points and all
05:17.25KasoThursdae the main reason im writing this is for Sockets, the whole enchant thing is a unexpected off-shoot.
05:17.36Thunder_Childlets see, now i will have to play WoW, Firefly and Stargate worlds..*sigh*
05:17.56ThursdaeYea I think i get what you mean there with sockets, just add the stats in with regular?
05:18.07Thursdaebut hide otehr stats they give?
05:18.10Thunder_ChildKirkburn, how?
05:18.18KirkburnInterface options
05:18.24ThursdaeKaso thats awesome
05:18.29Kasowhy thank you
05:18.40KirkburnOoh, the Kaso uses Calibri_v0.9, does he? What a madman that Kaso must be :P
05:18.47abugwhat's firefly?
05:18.51ThursdaeBut i would say try and make it that it only applies to items that are socketed
05:18.58Kasohaha, madman?
05:19.01Kirkburnabug, er, didn't the article just say? =)
05:19.01abugI've been living under a rock
05:19.13abugsome TV series?
05:19.21abugwhat's it about?
05:19.41abugah good was just about to go there
05:19.46Cairennabug: did you see the movie "Serenity" that came out couple years ago?
05:20.03abughmm don't think so
05:20.08Cairennnm then
05:20.10abugunless that was the final fantasy one
05:21.11ThursdaeAnyone know if a mod like the one im working on is out or soemthing? The mod im working on, everytime u enter a new zone, it gives information about it as in, towns, instances, and level ranges...
05:21.47seebsHuh.  Haven't seen one.  Sounds useful!
05:21.58ThursdaeYea, im about 50% done
05:22.01seebsWoulda saved me a great deal of pain on several occasions.
05:22.09Thursdaeand ima prob add a coords thing to it for noobs who ask where WC is
05:22.21seebsI am done with AnnoyRP until either I get some bug reports or I run into problems in use.
05:24.10Thursdaewell seebs, have any suggestions for the mod im working on? I can't think of much more... but in the furture im making it so in map u can see tooltips of what level ranges are in the zones and whatnot, just like the interactive maps on
05:24.37seebsNothing obvious.  That sounds like a good feature to have for the world map.
05:24.41seebsFaction, I suppose.
05:25.23ThursdaeAnyone know anoything about a fubar toggle?
05:25.33abugare you including BC stuff?
05:25.53Thursdaeyea ive finished the BC stuff atm
05:25.53abugand Atlas is kind of similar if you haven't seen that
05:26.01Thursdaeno no not what atlas is
05:26.06Thursdaenot a map and stuff
05:26.20Thursdaeatlas is like 90% diff from what im doing
05:26.58seebsWell, come on.  They're both in Lua, and they're both WoW mods, how different can they really be?
05:28.08abugso true
05:28.21Thursdaelua? what is lua
05:28.31seebsThe programming language addons are in.
05:28.36abugthat thing that owns xml up the face
05:28.45ThursdaeReally? Ive been using calculator to make mods
05:29.27ThursdaeThats what a man mods with
05:29.32Kasoreal pro's write there addons in bytecode! (even though wow wont accept that :<)
05:29.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:29.40abugreal men make wow accept bytecode
05:30.02Thursdaei use punch cards
05:30.10abugnext to your slide bar?
05:30.19Cairennseebs: your statement is incorrect
05:30.32Cairenn(12:28:21 AM) seebs: The programming language addons are in.
05:30.47abugaww leave the poor guy alone
05:30.47Thursdaeooo burn
05:30.48seebsEh, are you gonna be picky and say they're in FrameXML?
05:31.00Cairennthe programming language which *WoW* mods are in
05:31.09seebsWell, yeah.
05:31.17seebsWe're in a WoW channel.  Other addons don't count.
05:31.18Cairennand they are also in xml
05:31.25Thursdaelua is one of the programming languages which *WoW* mods are made with
05:31.26abugtechnically they also the .toc to be an actual addon
05:31.30abuger also need
05:31.32seebsAnyway, it's also true of Dawn of War and Baldur's Gate, and Angband.
05:31.41seebsLua is a very popular language.
05:31.46*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg_ (
05:31.46Thursdaepouser mmo's
05:31.52ThursdaeLua is fun
05:31.56KasoKirkburn: what did you mean about the font eariler.
05:31.56CairennI just like poking folks sometimes ;)
05:32.13abugpoor daughter
05:32.25Cairennthat wasn't true ... I like bugging you guys *all* the time
05:33.03Thursdaegah i hate
05:33.07seebsOh, yeah.  I suppose your alleged "kid" is done with her "homework" so now you can "hang out" in "IRC".
05:33.09Thursdaeim no longer submitting mods there
05:33.30seebsI'm actually about ready to consider submitting my mod to other sites.  No offense, guys, I just want more distribution.  :)
05:33.50ThursdaeIm sure they wont force you to only use wowinterface lol
05:34.03Thunder_Childseebs you cut
05:34.13abugin soviet russia, cairenn rules with an iron fist
05:34.30Thursdaein soviet russia, road forks you!
05:35.25seebsNow I want to make an addon called "SovietRussia" and pitch it as a dev kit.
05:35.45seebsfunction SovietRussia_OnLoad() ChatFrame1:AddMessage("you."); end
05:35.52*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn_ (
05:36.19TemIn Soviet Russia, AddOn writes you!
05:36.31Kasooh man
05:36.38Kasothats awesome
05:36.47Thursdaewhat a mod this would be... anything someone says in barrens, the mod rewrites in the way you talk like that
05:37.31seebsNot too bad.  You'd think it'd be hard to write, what with the natural language problem.
05:37.33abugI once made an addon to say YOUR MOM <someone else's text>, needless to say I got hatemail after a few times
05:38.08Thursdae[Thursdae]: is hot...
05:38.10seebsActually, though, you can just do an update loop and, every three seconds, write "In Soviet Russia, you roundhouse kick Chuck Norris."
05:38.16seebsNo one would notice for WEEKS that you were cheating.
05:38.16Thursdae[abug]: YOUR MOM IS HOT
05:38.22Thursdae[Thursdae]: uhh thanks
05:39.04seebsI'm on an IRC channel where there's a series of bots, so if someone writes " u ", one of them says "*you", and another says "NO YOU" and then they exchange "NO THOU" a few times.
05:39.09Thursdaeits more like
05:39.11seebsIt's actually sort of annoying.
05:39.32ThursdaeIn Soviet Russia, roundhouse's kick chuck norris'
05:39.42Thursdaesomething stupid like that
05:40.35seebsIn dyslexic soviet russia, you watch TV.  -- Lukadia
05:41.19ThursdaeDefeat the urge to fork russia's tv on the roundhouse road
05:42.22Thursdaegah, 3 hours go by fast
05:46.14ThursdaeOkay, who has played beta and knows where the eye of the storm BG instance things are
05:49.46KirkburnBG master
05:50.08KirkburnLower City, one of the two entrances leading up to the centre
05:50.11Kasoyou never awnsered my question eariler!
05:50.14Kirkburn(horde one side, alliance the other)
05:50.15Thursdaeso what zone
05:50.22ThursdaeNetherstorm was it
05:50.32KirkburnTerokkar, noob :P
05:50.36Kasoclose enough
05:50.47KasoKirkburn: why am i a madman for using this font?
05:50.50Thursdaeweird how it says this "Eye of the Storm", a Domination / One Flag CTF Battleground for teams of 15 players, set in the chaotic wasteland of the Netherstorm."
05:51.03KirkburnIt's not fixed width and fixed height :P
05:51.03Thursdaeset in the chaotic wasteland of the *Netherstorm.*
05:51.16KirkburnYes all the BG masters are in Shattrath
05:51.17KasoThursdae the actually BG is in netherstorm, but there isnt a real enterance to it
05:51.30Guillotinegn all :)
05:51.35ThursdaeNeeded to know for my mod
05:51.38ThursdaeNight Guillotine
05:52.34KirkburnKaso, I'm just being silly =) I love it almost as much as v1 :)
05:53.01Kasoonly problem is the Spell sheet on the charater window is a ltittle hard to read ;<
05:53.02Thursdaewhat font >_<
05:53.25KirkburnKaso uses Calibri_v0.9
05:53.39Thursdaeoooo a traitor to you huh kirkburn?
05:54.20ThursdaeI really have no idea what that is...
05:55.35Thursdaethat a font?
05:55.43Thursdaeall i see on my irc is verdana ftw
05:56.03Kasothat font
05:56.27ThursdaeWhats wrong with that? >_<
05:56.45Kasonothing really
05:59.15Thursdae130 ppl and only 3 talking
05:59.19Thursdaedamn idlers, talk
06:00.53Thunder_Childno, go to hell
06:01.13Thursdaebut its hot!!!! D:
06:01.27Thunder_Childpuns will be shot on sight
06:02.34Thursdaepuns :o
06:05.09Thunder_Childi know....
06:06.02KasoWhats the deal with the fruit vendor in org
06:07.07Ziconthursdae: Aaaaah! The pressure! Now I have no idea what to say!
06:07.21Kasoi meant Whats the deal with the fruit vendor in Shattrah
06:08.13Thunder_Child~bitchslap Thursdae
06:08.21purlACTION beats the sh*t out of Thursdae
06:09.39seebsI need an army of loyal slaves who will do more exhaustive beta testing for me.
06:10.07Thursdaei would love to beta test if somone provides a key/accnt
06:10.22seebsNot BC beta, just beta testing my mod.  :)
06:10.40Thursdaeif i have to use BC to test it sure
06:10.54*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
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06:11.13seebsNo, any old 2.0.1 will do.
06:11.24seebsI have no access to BC for about another month and a week or so.
06:11.44Thursdaestop leading me on like this
06:12.42Ziconseebs: What does it do, and do your slaves get chocolate?
06:12.57Thursdaeonly chocolate is in the cookies he gives
06:13.10Thursdaewhich i stole...
06:13.49seebsZicon:  It says things occasionally when you cast spells.  If you're on Kirin Tor or Sentinels, I can probably get you chocolate.
06:14.18ZiconOoh, the one with the funny name? I was sort of going to test that anyway. :p
06:14.24seebsYes, it's AnnoyRP.
06:14.41Thursdaestupid irc
06:14.45seebsThanks to brilliant help from Tem, it now lets you drag and drop spells, eliminating a lot of typing.
06:14.48seebsThursdae, change your password.
06:14.56Thursdaei dont even no how to login
06:15.14seebsI can't promise that AnnoyRP is actually stable now, given that I've had a "trash all data" bug and a "disconnect from server" bug today.
06:15.20seebsBut it SEEMS stable, and I think I found them all.
06:15.31*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
06:15.47ThursdaeAnyone no how to change pw
06:16.01seebs"/msg nickserv help" for information.
06:16.09seebsI don't remember how, but I know how to find out how.  :)
06:16.34Thunder_Childall i can remeber is thats it's iritating
06:16.35Kaso./msg nickserv YOU SMELL
06:17.07Thursdaethere we go
06:17.28ThursdaeKaso i think ur my new friend
06:17.39Kasohow cute
06:17.48Thursdaeim not a puppy...
06:18.24KasoYou wont be saying that when i get the biskets out!
06:18.31Thursdaewhich???? :D
06:18.38Ziconthursdae: Pff, you should be.
06:18.54ThursdaeZicon's just jelous of my bacon snacks
06:19.22Zicon... no, not particularly.
06:20.08Thursdaestop ruining what i sya :'(
06:21.15ZiconSorry, it's my natural evil shining through. Can't help it.
06:28.45KasoStill no 2.0 CT_Shield mod and no news :<
06:30.00Thursdaeok sleepy time
06:31.08*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
06:32.38Swemetalwhen will the ct_barmod 2.0 come?
06:33.42Kirovabout 10 hours ago
06:33.54*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (
06:35.27JensUrgh... getting up at 7:00 should be forbidden.
06:36.43KasoI woke up at 4am today
06:37.00Swemetalkirov: i cant find it at
06:37.02Kasomy sleep times are so mucked up its not funny
06:37.22JensNow I have to go waste ~7 hours at school.
06:37.56ThursdaeKiroc it isnt out...
06:38.52Thursdae*Not Ready – CT_BarMod is being rewritten, and is scheduled to be released soon.*
06:39.51abugpurl, dota is the sum of all fears
06:39.53purlabug: okay
06:44.35Thursdaei keep getting effing inmail from
06:44.44Thursdaeand it says 10free gold if i enter this pw at there site
06:44.56Thursdaeso i go to te site and it ALWAYS says bad hostname
06:45.04bleetah"Who says home PC's are suitable for financial transactions? We don't put big cardboard boxes outside banks to perform these transactions, yet we basically put them inside our home" lol
06:45.10Swemetalspam back!!
06:45.31abugsending ascii male members is fun
06:45.51abugeven more fun when you save the mail and give it to someone in the game
06:48.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
06:51.25abuglol you can pay peons4hire $14.40 to spend your character's gold on runecloth off the AH and turn it in at each of the cities
06:57.45PProvostFor anyone who has been getting "Are you sure" pop-ups from WowAceUpdater today or yesterday, they should be fixed now. (Thanks Kaelten)
06:58.51*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
07:00.57Cairennhey s|loup
07:05.39Thunder_Childthanks for the info PProvost
07:13.37*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
07:17.08KasoAnyone know how the GemIDs on itemlinks work
07:17.21Kasois it just the ItemID of the gem, or is it more complicated
07:17.39norgsgems are spells as far as i'm aware
07:18.04norgsthe abs(gemid) is actually the spellid for that get
07:19.48norgsdo you have a gemid?
07:20.09Arrowmasteryeah i just randomly came across a few gem numbers in itemlinks
07:20.38Arrowmaster3 spellcrit rating and 4 spell damage?
07:20.52norgshmm - nope
07:21.26norgsis that the item id of the gem, or is that the -2760 in the gemslot field of the itemid?
07:21.53KasoGemslot field
07:21.55Arrowmasteri put that in as 2760 in the gemslot
07:22.29norgscause spellid 2760 is "Plans: Runed Copper Breastplate"
07:22.29Kasobasically i need an itemlink with a metagem to test something
07:22.51Arrowmasterhmm works both positive and negative
07:23.46Kasonorgs arent the Enchant iD seperate from spell ids now
07:23.54norgsoh, it might be an enchantid
07:24.08norgsthat way it'd be the enchantid which has the spellid
07:24.25Arrowmasterwhat about purchased gems?
07:24.47Kasothe enchantIDs dont match spell ids either, 928 is +3 stats and spellID 928 is Eye of Kilrogg (Rank 1)
07:25.04norgsenchant 2760:  +3 Spell Critical Rating and +4 Spell Damage
07:25.12Kasothats the one
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07:25.21Kasohow do you find that out?
07:25.35KasoOr maybe, can you tell my the enchant ID of a metagem
07:26.25norgsmatches spell 9394
07:28.08Kasosweet thanks
07:29.40Arrowmasterhmm how are items with both an enchant and a temp enchant done?
07:30.06norgstmp enchant is held serverside afaik
07:30.24Arrowmasteryeah but you can link the items and both show up
07:30.31norgsthe server uses the uniqid as a key
07:30.45Arrowmasterso the temp enchant is acutally in the uniqid
07:30.57norgsso if you link an item without the key, i don't think it shows up
07:31.23Arrowmasterok so what about items using negative suffixids?
07:31.35norgsi think the uniqid is simply a reference to that item on the server
07:32.03Arrowmasteruniqid seems to control the 'strength' of negative suffixids
07:33.12Arrowmasterbut server doesnt matter because i took an item link from one server and copied it exactly and when i remade it on another server it was the same
07:33.34norgseven temp enchants?
07:33.49Arrowmasterit was a belt so it didnt have a temp enchant
07:33.57Arrowmasterbut it had a negative suffixid
07:34.22norgsi think if it had a temp enchant and you copied it to another server it wouldn't have shown the temp enchant
07:35.03Arrowmaster is what it was
07:35.47Arrowmasterwith the last two number sections being -18:11919784
07:35.54norgsheheh - messin with people
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07:36.22Arrowmasteroh and -1 as uniqid seems to set the max for negative suffixids
07:36.49Arrowmasterthe value actually lowers the more negative you set the uniqid
07:39.20Nom-wtf is up with that item
07:39.43Nom-I want one lol
07:40.04Arrowmasternah that sucks
07:40.43Arrowmasterive got a ring on my screen with 95235AP 26908AGI 20925INT
07:40.44Nom-57768 agility is going to make you pwn
07:40.47Insidethat is an awesome item
07:41.02norgsYes Kaso?
07:41.08Nom-lol i take it they broke stuff
07:41.16Kasoare you on beta atm?
07:41.29norgsnope - still at work atm
07:41.45Kasoah, well i was tyring to create an itemlink with a metagem using that list you gave me
07:42.02InsideCan you create an item link to an item that doesn't exist?
07:42.05Kasothe first gem shows ok, but the second, the metagem, has no Icon, an ideas
07:42.30KasoInside with the new "of the" system sorta yes
07:42.33Arrowmasterkaso, that on beta?
07:42.38Kasoyah on beta
07:42.43Cairennnymbia: done?
07:42.49Arrowmasterok so i better not try to make that link on live
07:43.03Kasowouldnt be a good idea :>
07:43.18Arrowmastertry putting the meta first
07:43.54KasoMakes no difference
07:44.02Arrowmasterput it 4th?
07:44.29KasoDoesnt show as this item only has 2 sockets
07:44.46Arrowmasterhmm maybe thats not the proper id
07:45.04Nom-ah lol
07:45.08Nom-you're making up items
07:45.16nymbiaCairenn: yeah
07:45.23Cairennnymbia:  ;)
07:45.27nymbiathanks :D
07:45.47Arrowmasteryou should have seen the reaction when somebody linked an 'of the nightmare' item that i made in trade
07:45.54norgskaso - is the gem the right color?
07:46.08Kasoyah, its a metagem in a metaslot
07:46.14Kasotheres just no gem icon next to it.
07:46.53Nom-does that work in live, or only in beta?
07:47.08Nom-It'd be rather humerous to send around a link with like +200 spell damage or something :P
07:48.42Arrowmasternom- the 'of the nightmare' item i made that got leaked into trade was on live and had 50000 spell damage
07:49.23Nom-I wanna link a boe item for warlocks
07:49.26Nom-and say nerf warlocks lol
07:49.38Nom-ah the things we find amusing when we're bored
07:50.00seebsHow do you get an item with 50k spell damage?
07:50.42Kasofind a Suffix that has Spelldmage then fiddle with the unique ID till you get a high one
07:51.02norgshmm - whats the itemid of this metagem?
07:51.29KasoThe actual itemlink of the gem itself?
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07:51.39Arrowmasternah just use -1
07:51.53Arrowmaster|cff1eff00|Hitem:11980:0:0:0:0:0:-55:-1|h[Opal Ring of the Nightmare]|h|r
07:52.06Kasodoesnt that give 0?
07:52.07norgswas it 25894 ?
07:52.30Kasosec checking
07:52.39Kasogotta fly to the vendor
07:54.11Kasooh wait
07:54.23Kasoi was using the wrong spell id :<
07:54.40Kasoi was using +24 Attack Power and Minor Run Speed Increase instead of +20
07:55.17norgsyah - that's given by gem 25894
07:55.33norgs(which is probably a different color)
07:56.10Kasodarn, silly mistake, thanks for the help anyway
07:56.53norgsso does 2969 work properly?
07:57.39norgsnice :)
07:58.09KasoAnd! after all this effort, the thing i was trying to test works perfectly :>
07:58.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (
07:59.35norgsalways good
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08:05.15Arrowmastercool i just took one of socketed items from the pvp vendors on live and socketed it
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08:12.42Mr_Rabies2is there anyway to bypass the subversion working copy check in the ace2 updater
08:12.48Mr_Rabies2? :O
08:13.02KaeltenPProvost: ^
08:13.36norgsArrowmaster: you socketed it in a virtual itemid?
08:13.51norgsOr do they actually have socetable items now?
08:15.34Kasotheres some socketable lvl 70 rings etc in the pvp vendors
08:18.32ElkanoMr_Rabies2, iirc there is an option to disable the check
08:20.01Kasoits an awesome thing when you release you've run out of things on your TODO: list :>
08:20.06Endso ct_raidassist is causing issues with my petbar
08:21.18Mr_Rabies2does oRA2 have raid frames or is it the other stuff and uses blizzard's raid frames?
08:21.32Mr_Rabies2sorry i ask so many questions but i'm new to some of this ace stuff :P
08:23.29PProvostMr_Rabies, yes, in WAU there is an option for that.
08:23.32PProvostPress F8
08:23.40Mr_Rabies2oh hey there it is
08:27.15Mr_Rabies2server's been down for like an hour now
08:27.36Mr_Rabies2glad the beta and ptr fixed all the bugs :/
08:29.37KasoDoes anyone know the story behind the differences between beta and live, like rogue talents etc, it seems like live is a build behind or something
08:29.58Nargiddleyits the same with some warlock things as well
08:31.43PProvostKaso, wouldn't surprise me.
08:32.12Mr_Rabies2slight performance issue = server empty
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08:32.56Mr_Rabies2kaso the ptr started a build behind and they're not bothering to catch up until jan
08:33.14Kasoso what im playing on beta will become live eventually
08:33.24Mr_Rabies2most of it
08:33.30Kasoie, cloak of shadow for all rogue -_-
08:33.34Mr_Rabies2at 66
08:33.50Kasoi hate that crap
08:34.38Mr_Rabies2hey we missed Bear being 450% more armor and 40% more stam (up from 360%) and 1200 HP or so
08:34.54Mr_Rabies2also mangle hitting harder and doing 30% to bleeds and shred instead of 25% to bleeds
08:34.58zenzioI hate it when your Coke tastes like plastic... stupid plastic bottles
08:35.13Mr_Rabies2i live in georgia so its not an issue
08:35.33Mr_Rabies2our coke is always fresh as hell from the main bottling plant :P
08:36.19Mr_Rabies2unless you get it from crappy gas stations that leave them out in the sun for a few weeks before stocking or something
08:37.01zenzioI prefer glass bottles or cans, but plastic is the only one they generally sell in sixpacks here
08:39.44Mr_Rabies2i dont like cans because they're usually overcarbonated or too cold :[
08:39.56Mr_Rabies2glass bottles i'm cool with though
08:40.13zenziocans are hit and miss, but they're still generally better than plastic. Glass is where it's at
08:40.51zenzioonly thing about them is the weight
08:42.54Mr_Rabies2are you in norway or proxying? :O
08:43.15zenzioI am in Norway
08:43.22Mr_Rabies2you guys use real sugar in most of your drinks, right?
08:43.37zenzioI'm no expert on the subject, but I think we do
08:43.49Mr_Rabies2read the bottle! :P
08:44.34zenzioonly says "sugar", so yeah, probably the real thing
08:44.38ckknightno, Aspartame is all the rave now, Mr_Rabies2
08:44.43Mr_Rabies2ugh no
08:45.01ckknightAspartame is 200x sweeter than sugar
08:45.03Mr_Rabies2if it says "sugar" then it does if the laws are anything like the US
08:45.05ckknightthat's why it's in diet drinks
08:45.26Mr_Rabies2ours are Corn Syrup and it tastes nowhere near as good :[
08:45.38zenzioyeah, I think our laws are pretty strict on how you can write the ingredients
08:45.44Mr_Rabies2well splenda's like 600 times sweeter
08:45.54Mr_Rabies2and its aftertaste isn't ass like aspartame
08:46.13Mr_Rabies2specially when they mix it with Ace K
08:46.29Thunder_Childsounds like a drug
08:46.38zenzioI do find it funny to see they use carbon dioxide in Coke
08:46.45Mr_Rabies2Acesulfame Potassium or something
08:47.02Mr_Rabies2that's the bubbles :P
08:47.17zenzioover here it's called "acid (carbon dioxide)" on the label
08:50.18KasoIs "Master" the highest level profession trainer, or is there someone higher
08:50.49zenziounless something changed I believe that's the highest
08:53.56zenzioI hope the new reputation (Silvermoon/Exodar) won't be very useful/crucial... would hate to have to grind that
08:55.00bleetahi'd heard rep increased quicker for BC than currently.. although whether that made it to 2.0.1, no idea
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08:58.49Mr_Rabies2you can get silvermoon/exodar rep in av
08:58.58Mr_Rabies2people are already honored
09:01.00Tierrieone guy in my server is already exalted
09:01.04Tierriehe said he didn't sleep
09:01.10zenziowell, I don't PvP
09:08.56Arrowmasterthat sounds impossible since you get orgrimmar rep in av and after a certain point you stop getting spillover rep to other factions
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09:36.17abugdon't you people ever sleep?
09:36.31abugespecially you abug
09:36.52zenziowell, you see... sleep != WoW
09:37.00zenzioso why bother?
09:46.15SP|Sorrenanyone from curse up?
09:46.46SP|SorrenAn AT&T ad has escaped and is blocking part of the page :(
09:48.05netcursemm, it s because of a dns problem
09:48.09netcurseit should be updated soon
09:48.32Mr_Rabies2it's trying to break free of its iframe shackles
09:48.43SP|Sorrenthats what it looks like :P
09:49.35SP|Sorrenthe site is very speedy though
09:49.38SP|Sorreni guess the rush has died down
09:49.51netcursewe did lots of optimisation tonight
09:49.59netcursestill pulling 300 000 page view a hour atm :)
09:50.55zenziowhat was the count usually before the patch?
09:51.08netcurseat this time more like 50k
09:51.33SP|Sorrenwow ;o
09:52.35netcurseyou can see the spike
09:52.38netcursei guess :P
09:53.38Temthat's a pretty significant spike
09:54.46FlAWDput it on 6 months
09:54.54FlAWDyou can see the last 3 patches that came out
09:56.24bleetahput it on 3y, and looks like you can see them 'all' ;)
09:57.53bleetahwhen I grow up, i want my spike to be as big
09:58.40Kirovwoot, automated mount speed item equiper in 165 lines!
10:00.13Kirov170 and it's now localized for french and german too
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10:11.07FlAWDi was on the ctmod site shortly after the patch
10:11.15FlAWDand they had a low BW version they were running
10:11.24FlAWDalmost no images at all ... and it was nice n fast
10:13.18FlAWDgoogle is my homepage .. and if i want curst i always just type curse gaming in and hit im feeling lucky
10:14.53FlAWDcurse just broke.
10:15.00FlAWDMod_python error: "PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython"
10:15.05netcurserestarting mysql
10:15.09FlAWDah ok
10:15.21Elkanofind the patchday ;)
10:16.04FlAWDi found it!!
10:18.25FlAWDwow nice and fast now before people realise its back up
10:18.39FlAWDhow many servers do you run for curse?
10:18.50netcurseuo again
10:18.55netcursebut not sure for long
10:19.12netcursewe have some random spike on the sql it s strange
10:19.15FlAWDi'm in no rush
10:19.16netcursegoing from 2 load to 40
10:19.22netcursein a few seconds
10:19.47[Cu]WerikBecause you play Dance Dance Revolution on the servers!
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10:21.57Temwhat do you want to bet those periodic spikes are maintenance?
10:22.36netcurseit seems fixed now tho :p
10:22.55Temyep lol
10:23.03Temthe dates line up for those spikes to be tuesdays
10:23.16Kirovany chance curse is going to have download counts again soon?
10:23.50netcursedownloaded are count but the cron script to update it isn t made yet :p
10:23.56netcurseit will be done today hopefully
10:26.43FlAWDso do you help run curse? or do you own it? netcurse
10:27.01netcursei own/help
10:27.10netcursebut i don t develop
10:27.12FlAWDgreat site :)
10:27.15netcursei m to noob for this :p
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10:30.53FlAWDi'm stuck in AB
10:31.08FlAWDit's saying my common.mpq file is corrupt when i load ab
10:39.05FlAWDi've got entirely too many addons..
11:04.42Wobsterwhat's the macro thing for target?
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11:35.21IndustrialTHE OWNAGE HAS BEGUN
11:35.53Industrial*evil laugh*
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11:47.36bleetahmy coffee mug is empty
11:48.13bleetahit was you, wasn't it? you.. you .. you.. mod author!
11:48.38bleetahjust stirring mate, getting late at night here
11:49.38zespritime to fo to bed
11:49.49bleetahalmost, yeah
11:50.13Malivilits 7am here
11:50.19Cidemeh what the..
11:50.24bleetahalmost 11pm
11:50.25Cidemy thread got auto locked
11:50.35bleetah! stab!
11:51.05KasoCide: i cant find any info on your site, please tell me ShieldMod will be coming back, pretty please.
11:51.16Cideit will when we get time
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11:52.10Kasophew, i thought the total lack of referance to it mean it wasnt going to come back
11:52.36Kasoi've got an addon that uses ShieldMod as a Dependency! I need it!
11:53.26bleetahKaso: learn to code, give some of the time that Cide needs to the team?
11:54.00Industrialyes Kaso :P
11:54.10KasoI can code, the addon that uses CT_SM is an addon im writing :>
11:54.15Industrialits easy! its fun! do it now!
11:56.12Kasoanyway, im fair too busy with right now!
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12:32.30bleetahhmm, is 'GlobalComm' a standard channel, or something created by a mod?
12:34.09bleetahrghtio, probably don't want Enchantrix Barker sending ads to it. thanks cide ;)
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12:53.25Cairenn|afkhi Josh_Borke
12:54.17bleetahhas anyone heard of people having a hard time picking up quests without them instantly failing with CT_Mod loaded?  i.e. Turn CT_Mod bits off, enter world: quests work OK. Logout, turn CT_Mod bits on, login, turn quest levels on, still works. Log out, login, accept 25th quest => "Failed"
12:56.46bleetahhmm, probably some other weird interaction. sorry for disturbing you. i guess i'll have to go visit my guildie work out wth they're doing (apart from annoying the crap out of me every couple of hours about it ;-) thanks for your time again, cide
12:59.51purlrumour has it, devtools is Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?, or found at for the beta
13:02.11IndustrialUS people\
13:02.20Industrialplease queue up for 10-19 2v2
13:02.28IndustrialNo ubertwinks please :E
13:02.34Cideyou do realize it only applies to your battlegroup?
13:02.54Industrialisnt it cross server like the rest?
13:03.23Industrialoh, skirmish*
13:04.23Cide"cross server" is defined as "among the servers that constitute your battlegroup"
13:05.48Industrialwhats a battlegroup
13:07.09Industrialwhat the
13:07.12IndustrialUnable to Connect
13:07.24bleetahbasically, the collection of realms that share the same main database server, iirc
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13:08.10bleetahthanks Cairenn|afk, i didn't have to find it myself :)
13:08.18madbushhey, is there another way to targeting yourself in a lua file ? i used TargetUnit("player"); but that's not allowed anymore :S
13:08.18Industrialthat times out for me too :S
13:08.48bleetahIndustrial: I think your net connection must be hosed.. it works for me
13:08.49Cairenn|afkIndustrial: what server?
13:09.14Industrialhm weird *checks the net stats*
13:09.30Cairenn|afkyou're in battlegroup "rampage"
13:10.10bleetahmust suck to be in the whirlwind group
13:10.30Corrodiasmy battle group USED to be known as "1", but now it's just "Reckoning" :(
13:10.30Cairenn|afkalexstrasza, dethecus, gul'dan, kirin tor, destromath, garona, blackhand, kael'thas, illidan, alleria, gorgonnash, spinebreaker, hellscream, cho'gall, stormreaver, balnazzar & whisperwind
13:10.36Cairenn|afkthose are the servers in your group
13:10.55Industrialoh lots of good ppl on destromath and spinebreaker :\
13:11.04Corrodiaswe get frostmane; that's fun
13:11.46IndustrialWell I dunno whats going on but is not replying and I cant login either
13:12.10Industrialtime for another game =P
13:27.54bleetaheuropean folks: localisation question regarding channel names. are they always in the format 'type - zone'. that's to say, do any nonenglish clients for example, do the equiv in their local language of 'Ironforge - General'?
13:28.06bleetahjust writing a regez to skip some channels for a dropdown list, and wondering about the best method to ignore selected chans may be, with a view to localisation
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14:22.14Swemetal"for Msg2 in string.find(Msg, "debug (%d+)") do" and i get the error "attempt to call a nill vaule"
14:23.38s|loupany specific to what call is nil?
14:24.10s|loupas a message in this line it could be only Msg as i think
14:25.17Swemetal".lua:59: attempt to call a nil value"
14:25.19Swemetaland thats all
14:25.32Swemetallocal Msg2;
14:25.39Swemetalfunction CMD(Msg)
14:25.46Swemetalthats msg and msg2
14:27.57Josh_BorkeSwemetal: post the code to
14:28.06Thardalif string.find returns nil
14:28.14Thardalthen you get that error message
14:29.13Thardalif you get a strange error message in complex code like that, pull it apart
14:29.21Thardaltemp = string.find(Msg, "debug (%d+)")
14:29.26Thardalfor Msg2 in temp do
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14:32.19Josh_Borkemorning Cide
14:32.27s|louphm i think he wants to iterate through the msg
14:33.05Josh_Borkeyou can't do a 'for <blah> in string.find() do'  it should be 'for <blah> in string.gfind() do' (i think)
14:37.39Swemetaljosh_brorke that works
14:37.45Swemetalbut gfind is not gmatch:O
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14:40.38Swemetalif(Debug) doesnt seem to work, do i have to write Debug == true?
14:40.41Swemetalor debug == 1
14:41.11Cideif ( Debug ) then is syntactically correct
14:41.19Cideif it's correct in your context depends on what you want it to do
14:43.00Swemetalwell debug is set to 1, and when i test it with if(Debug)then it doesnt do what i want.. eh:)
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14:47.03Josh_BorkeSwemetal: post your code to
14:48.41Swemetalsorry, my bad it works now, i got one last question for you!
14:49.30Swemetalwhen i cast shadowmeld i want to automatic make my pet go in stealth also
14:49.35Swemetalis that possible?
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14:50.05Kasomake a macro with /cast Shadowmeld /cast Prowl
14:50.11Kaso(two lines ofc)
14:50.14Kasoshould work fine
14:50.39Swemetali want to do more, but just to start with: if(player_cast_shadow_meld)then
14:50.54Swemetali guess i need to check one or more events
14:51.24Kasoyou cant do it with an addon unless you use a secure button, casting spells needs user input
14:52.57Swemetalwell isnt it? when a player presses the button to cast shadowmeld
14:53.07Kevorkiandid our first MC run last night without decursive.  It sucks but it's doable
14:53.52Kevorkianswemetal:  essentially addons can't cast spells for you.  macros can
14:54.27BelinarMan, tell me about it... the ctra colorchange frames helps, but definately better with decursive
14:54.28Swemetalwell ok, the macro works:)
14:54.47Josh_BorkeKevorkian: still waiting on your addon :-P
14:55.07Josh_Borkeyay! my first 2.0 addon! woohoo!
14:55.09IndustrialHas anyone cracked the AddMessage problem yet for 2.0? (change incoming text in the chatframe)
14:55.27Kevorkianhah, I wish.  our webmonkey left the guild, we're still friendly but I don't know how quickly we're going to code
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14:56.20KevorkianI freaking hate guild drama.
14:56.34Belinari ignore guild drama
14:58.02KevorkianI'm a senior officer (one step below GL) in our guild I have to pay attention to it.
14:58.20BelinarI used to be in an old guild... that's why i'm not in that guild anymore
14:58.20Josh_Borkemeh, just quit like the rest of us :-P
14:59.02BelinarSo i've got a question, and it seems pretty spot on, but i was wondering, as long as there is user input, i can have an addon cast spells on button clicks correct?
14:59.07KevorkianI don't know why folks can't act like freaking adults sometimes
14:59.19Kevorkianso long as it is tied to just one spell
14:59.19Belinarwith the way they changed spell handling
14:59.30Kevorkianyou can't chain 'em or select them programmatically
14:59.41Belinarfair enough... that works for me
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14:59.47Josh_Borkemorning bela
15:00.12Kevorkianyou also can't have the button select the spell target for you
15:00.29Josh_Borkeyou can make macros to do what you want (mostly)
15:01.20KasoProblem Industrial ?
15:01.31Kasooh wtf
15:01.44Kasoignore that reading text from ages ago
15:03.11BelinarWell, i'm gonna make a macro to use while in catform unless i can find one first
15:03.32Belinarand a macro to use with my mage for spell selection based on life percentage
15:03.49Kevorkianthat last one may be a bit rough
15:03.50Belinarbut to be honest, i haven't actually hunted for them yet
15:04.09Belinaryeah, i'm rusty on the math...haven't done any good math since highschool
15:04.16Belinarbut i have a math friend. =D
15:04.55Kevorkianno I mean that it may not be possible.  macro's don't have conditionals and any script/addon can't select spells based on conditionals
15:05.53Belinardid they remove the macro conditionals then?
15:07.23Kevorkianwhich ones?
15:07.42SB1-WorkBelinar, you cannot call CastSpell() or Target*() in macros anymore, period, which means that end result you cannot add any conditional logic to macros.
15:09.02Kasoyou can do conitionals, if you wanna do something boring like say stuff
15:10.11Industrialanyone here use google code (hosting)?
15:10.54Kevorkiancan you do conditional logic with casting for non-combat still or did they bork that too?
15:11.08Scre3mIndustrial, i believe cladhaire does
15:11.33SB1-WorkKevorkian, you cannot cast CastSpell() or Target*() in macros period.
15:11.48SB1-Work--Your friendly UI dev team
15:11.56Industrialyeah but he aint hur now
15:13.47Kevorkiansb1:  alas, there goes my dream of world domination in peacetime
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15:14.59Kevorkianin one swell foop all addons are anymore is information tools
15:15.31SB1-WorkKevorkian, if you insist
15:15.42Industrialfoops these days
15:16.09*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
15:16.26Kevorkianshrug, it's not an innately bad thing, but that's all they are.  They can't be used to ease actions like they used to.
15:17.11Kevorkianwhich is fair, blizz didn't necessarily intend for the actions in question to be eased
15:17.38Industriali gotta say it again i loe the new autoshop/attack
15:17.41KevorkianI do wish they'd waiting till BC though on it.  decursing a 40 man freaking sucks
15:18.07Scre3mcouldn't agree more on the decursing, its nearly impossible
15:19.01Kevorkianit's not a prob for 10 man, and with a division of labor not so bad for 20 man, but 40 mans... blech, I can only look at so many things per second
15:19.24TS|Skrom_my guild managed pretty well last night through MC
15:19.51TS|Skrom_and we aren't a powerhouse of a guild
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15:19.51Scre3mTS|Skrom_, what class do you play/
15:19.54TS|Skrom_one of the things that our healers said helped was to group their ct_raid assist windows by class, that way they could prioritize easier
15:20.05TS|Skrom_I'm a hunter, I'm just saying what our healers/mages said
15:20.10Kevorkianshrug, we did ok.  wiped on luci for the first time in ages but got her the second time.  Was more a factor of backup healers not being quick enough on the uptake when MH went OOM than decursive
15:20.17Scre3meven if they can manage, it's not fun
15:20.22Scre3mi play a priest
15:20.49Kevorkianya, CTRaid helps a fair bit, but even so
15:21.03Kevorkianlike scre3m said, it's not fun
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15:21.32Scre3mi just wish, as a priest, i could actually watch the battles
15:21.34KevorkianI spend all my time looking at little boxes and hitting a button.  I'd rather be playing a real whack a mole, then I could get prize tickets or something
15:21.42Scre3mKevorkian, right, exactly
15:22.22zenzioas a tank, I don't get to see much of the battle either... the mobs are always right in my face
15:23.17Hexarobiremeber macroquest for EQ?
15:23.24Scre3mi don't
15:23.35Scre3mi do remember showEQ tho :)
15:24.01BeladonaI would argue that tanks have the same issue (when really tanking) since they have to constantly be watching mobs to peel off
15:24.07Hexarobishoweq was nice, but macroquest was way better
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15:24.19Hexarobiyou had to compile it yourself, using a hardware key youd generate
15:24.27Hexarobito keep it from getting released to newbs and ruining the game
15:24.47Hexarobibut it had total macro support, with all of showeq's features
15:24.53Hexarobiin game map showed every mob in zone etc
15:26.17Kasolol the trail of Draenei corpses from menthil to IF
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15:28.45Kevorkianheya cide
15:29.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
15:29.42Kevorkianhave you heard any feedback on rez monitor not working?  It works for some folks in my guild and not others, I'm assuming disparate versions of CTRA but didn't know if you guys had gotten around to mucking with it
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15:31.26Scre3mag`, can I ask you a question about ag_unitframes?
15:31.45Scre3mi can't fogure out how to get the pets to show up in parties
15:31.53nevcairielyou cant
15:31.59ag`that's because partypets doesn't work yet
15:32.04Scre3moh lol
15:32.33Scre3mi'll stop pulling my hair out then :)
15:32.54Kasohowcome i cant make the raidframes show :<
15:34.22ag`because you have them disabled
15:34.24ag`or something
15:35.24Kasoi uncheck "hide frames" on the raid menu and nothing happens
15:36.38s|loupyou are in a raid?
15:36.52Kasowell, i am when i try
15:37.13Kasoperhaps my version is a old, ill update later
15:37.34Scre3mis there an rss feed for ace files?
15:37.43Scre3mlike a way to monitor updates?
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16:30.33wereHamstereu forums broken?
16:30.56wereHamsterI can't log in, it says 'Invalid account name or password'
16:31.04Josh_Borkedid your account expire today?
16:31.43wereHamsterI can log in into the realms..
16:31.58Josh_Borkeforums bug on the day your subscription expire
16:32.06wereHamsterAccount Status: Active
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16:34.53wereHamsterDate: 10/10/06 - Six-Month Subscription. I don't think my subscription would expire today
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16:48.03Cideshould've subscribed 4 days later
16:48.08Cidewait, I'm stupid
16:48.11Cide4 years* later!
16:48.57phreakyIs the author of Wardrobe2 here? =)
16:49.18sysrageoutfitter ftw
16:49.38phreakyI dunno :)
16:49.52phreakyI liked wardrobe2 since it worked with fubar
16:49.57phreakyand no extra minimap icons
16:50.38sysrageoutfitter doesn't have a minimap button.. least i don't see it
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16:50.59sysragei dunno 'bout fubar though
16:51.33phreakyTekkub here then? =)
16:51.38phreakyauth of TheLowDown
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16:52.20cogwheel~seen tekkub
16:52.42purltekkub <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 17h 30m 42s ago, saying: 'stupid KMFDMThreatMeter'.
16:53.08phreakythanks cogwheel :)
17:11.00Kalrothdamage meters poops on me when it starts up now ><
17:11.55sysrageget SW Stats
17:12.01sysrageit kicks damagemeters butt so hard
17:12.21sysragei just started using it last night. SO much better
17:13.18Scre3mlink for sw?
17:15.07KalrothI prefer DamageMeters, but right now it's not that sexy ><
17:16.05sysragewhy do you prefer it? i used DM for a long time, i find SW so much smoother
17:16.26KalrothI know the numbers in DM, I don't know them in SW :p
17:16.34sysragewuddya mean?
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17:16.59TierrieKalroth they should be the same
17:17.32Kalrothshould, yes :)
17:18.02sysrageseem similar to me.. but hard to tell since everybody is doing way different damage since patch
17:19.41Rophyis decursive-like mods dead in wow 2.0?
17:19.59sysrageclique owns for decursing now
17:20.00Rophyhmm ok
17:20.25Scre3myou still have to know who needs decursing tho
17:21.07Scre3mwhispercast dead too or can it be fixed?
17:21.28sysragectra raid windows change color if they need decursing
17:21.33sysrageright click the window, done
17:21.48Scre3mctra ready for 2.0?
17:22.06Scre3mgtk, very gtk
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17:33.43KasoScre3m Whispercast can be fixed for OOC use, i ahvent checked if it *is* yet
17:34.42Kalrothsysrage: Can I turn off synching with SWStats?
17:35.59sysragei think so, but why would you want to?
17:36.21Kalrothbecause I only want my own data, I don't want data from the rest of the raid
17:36.27Kalrothmy own combatlog data, that is
17:36.45KasoJust leave the channel?
17:36.52Kasoi think theres an opition
17:36.54Kalrothuhm, it's using the global addon channel? :)
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17:37.14KalrothI'll just hack the sync function :)
17:37.35sysrageclick on the SA button and go to sync options..
17:37.39sysragei'm at work so i can't check it
17:37.44sysragebut i'd think there was a way to disable it
17:37.55sysragebut i still don't see why you wouldn't want other ppl's data
17:38.14Kalrothbecause I reset data quite often and sometimes in the middle of a fight
17:38.28KalrothI don't want to fuck with other peoples SW Stats
17:38.35Kalrothand I don't want them to fuck with mine ;p
17:38.48sysrageyou can't fuck with other peopls SW stats unless you're leader. a reset has to be voted on
17:38.55KasoSW:S makes me hate shamans with all my soul
17:39.02KalrothI can't reset it without being leader though
17:39.07sysrageand you don't have to reset per fight, there's a filter that lets you only show per fight stats
17:39.24KalrothI'll just hack sw_sync.lua :)
17:39.27Kasowhen theyre on like double the priest's healing done on trash due to chain(ezmode) heal
17:39.29sysrageit holds the data from the whoel raid, but you can filter it a ton of different ways
17:40.29sysragekaso: heh i had it start showing my pets damage as my damage last night. i had more than double the damage of the #2 person in raid
17:41.03KasoWas that on Razuvious?
17:41.15sysrageno. we're kinda a noob guild. just in MC
17:41.26sysragesulf, gole, domo, and rag
17:41.39Kasohow did you do so much damage, even with pet
17:42.00sysrageguess everybody else was slacking.. i dunno
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17:51.22Scre3mis there an rss feed for ace files?
17:52.38KaeltenScre3m: not at this time
17:54.41Scre3mi humbly request an rss feed =p
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18:27.45Kasodamn Maexxna wall mod doesnt work :<
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18:29.57Shadowedlet me guess, lists those who are on the wall and targets them easly?
18:30.40Kasoyes :<
18:30.54Kasoi forgot how much i rely on that
18:30.56ShadowedMaex is still even more of a joke then she was pre 2.0.1 :p
18:31.07Shadowedstacking hot's is fun on the MT
18:31.30KasoMT was never a problem for us though, dpsers dying on the wall was a problem :<
18:31.41Tierrie|WorkLoethab is easy too if you have multiple shadow priests
18:31.50Shadowedwe don't!
18:31.50zenziowe had wall deaths mostly, but after enrage the MT usually went down
18:32.05zenzioand somehow MT2 always died right after, so MT3 tanked the rest
18:32.06Shadowedwe just let people die at enrage
18:32.12Tierrie|Workusually our MT SW's at enrage
18:32.16Shadowedour first kill, a rogue tanked the last 5% that was fun
18:32.21zenzioSW only works for so long
18:32.30Tierrie|Workit'll last through one enrage
18:32.46Tierrie|Workhopefully your tank doesn't die until the web spray
18:32.52Tierrie|Worki mean it will last through one web spray
18:32.52Shadowedthat's why you wait before bring her into enrage
18:33.01zenzioif you DPS the last 30% in 15 seconds, I want to join your guild
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18:33.03Shadowedso you don't get sprayed right into it
18:33.41Shadowedi'd have to time it to find out
18:33.51zenzioShadowed: we did the wait thing, but our DPS isn't good enough to get her down in just one spray
18:34.17Kasohave a second tank with shieldwall for the next spray
18:34.33Kasofirst tank can take one for the team
18:34.55zenziothat's what we did =) But it was MT3, not MT2, most of the time... for some reason the healers just couldn't switch to MT2 fast enough when MT1 died
18:35.37zenzionow we don't even raid :-( Can hardly wait for BC
18:35.49Shadowedsounds like your tank has gear issues more then healers not being able to switch fast enough
18:36.07zenziono, MT3 is worse geared than MT2
18:36.29Shadowedthis weeks raiding has been fun, took us 3 x 30 minute raz trash clears before he died without server dying
18:36.38zenziocould be positioning, but the healers never speak up about it
18:37.41Shadowedanyway i'm off
18:41.39Tierrie|WorkI don't trust healers, this is why my main is an Imp
18:42.55Tierrie|WorkImps are awesome! You spend the raid phase shifted
18:43.14Tierrie|WorkSometimes you get sacrificed but that's the breaks
18:43.16purl[devtools] Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?, or found at for the beta
18:43.28seebsI seem to be stumped on a clever thing I wanted to do.
18:43.46Josh_Borkelater all
18:43.53seebsI want to have a textbox activate a save button when it's changed; easy enough.  However, I'm also using a thing I found on WoWWiki to force the box to scroll left, and that activates the OnTextChanged thing.
18:44.09seebsMy naive attempts to only activate the OnTextChanged thing AFTER the scroll box hack have failed.
18:44.34seebsIs there a simple way to make a scrollbox stay to the left unless someone's editing it?
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18:45.24Scre3mi'm guessing purl is a bot/
18:45.31purlwell, purl is one COOL bot
18:45.46Guillotine~lart Scre3m
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18:54.38ckknighthey all
18:55.13seebsGot it!
18:55.23seebsI win!  Woooo!
18:55.52seebsSo, the secret is this.  I normally have OnTextChanged set to nil.  I set it to nil any time I update my list items.
18:56.13seebsHowever, all the text fields have <OnEnter> scripts that set OnTextChanged to the handler that enables the save button.
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19:16.35leetahAnyone 'round these parts have any idea when Esamynn might be back? :)
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19:21.16seebsHey, is there any way to implement UnitNameIsProperName("unit");
19:21.30seebsI want to know whether "target" needs an article.
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19:25.35leetahHe means if the name is "kobold" you need to add an article in speech: "you attack the kobold." instead of Joe, where you just say "you attack Joe"
19:26.58Kasoi see
19:27.04leetahand no, someone could be named Kobold, and I don't think there's a way to identify if a mob has a proper name or not...  Obviously, all players are proper names, and all pets... but mobs are always treated as non-proper, if I recall.
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19:29.30Tierrie|Workcheck to see if UnitIsNPC
19:29.45Tierrie|Workbut unfortunately it wouuld result in "You attack the Chromaggus"
19:30.03Tierrie|WorkYou can check to see if the first alphabet is capitalized
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19:31.39leetahThat's not a bad idea, I haven't paid enough attention in game to note if named mobs are capitalized properly.  Checking if the first character is capitalized could work well.
19:32.09Kasoi think all mobs' names are capitalized
19:32.50Kaso"Deranged Helboar" "Stonescythe Whelp"
19:34.32Cidecould do a UnitLevel check
19:34.45Cideif UnitLevel == -1 then isProper = true end
19:35.11Cideor UnitLevel == maxLevel+3, I suppose
19:35.29Kasonot foolproof however
19:36.09leetahAh well.  No luck on that one, then.
19:36.19seebsI don't think there's a way, and it annoys me endlessly.
19:36.30leetahYou could always have a nice table containing every proper-named mob in the game! woo!
19:36.33seebsIt would be SOOO convenient to just have a tag for it in the UI, but... Nope.
19:36.38seebsNo, I couldn't, because of pets.
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19:37.04leetahNo, all players and all pets are always proper.  You only need to test the NPCs.
19:37.22leetahIf a hunter's cat's name is "cat" it's still a name.
19:37.38Kasojust a stupid one
19:37.49bnovcanyone know if there is a working version of ccwatch out anywhere yet?
19:37.49seebsOh!  I see your point; I could do the IsNPC check first, maybe.
19:38.09seebsWell, too much work.  Back to annoying the user; I'm making a popup which, if you ignore it often enough, gets offended.
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19:40.29Tierrie|Workmy friend names his pet Tac and Raob
19:40.40Tierrie|Workexcept he's not very good at that so he calls it Roab
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19:42.42Tierrie|WorkCide! Hey Cide
19:42.50Tierrie|WorkHey how did you get the buff times?
19:42.52CideTierrie|Work! Hey Tierrie|Work
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19:43.14Tierrie|WorkI mean I read BuffTimer.lua but I don't understand where you got the times for the buffs
19:43.26Tierrie|WorkIs there some event you hooked that updates whenever a buff time goes down?
19:43.27CideI haven't written any BuffTimer.lua file :)
19:43.37Tierrie|WorkHay! I thought you wrote CT_Thing
19:43.41CideI do
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19:43.53Tierrie|Workbut CT_BuffTimer? Not joo?
19:44.03CideCT_BuffMod.lua and CT_BuffMod_Parsing.lua, you mean?
19:44.08Tierrie|Workuh yes
19:44.13snirkswtb someone to code a bufframe that looks like the one in SARS' ui in EQ
19:44.24Cidesnirks: link it
19:44.36CideTierrie|Work: the countdown is made in _Parsing
19:44.39snirksCide: the site may be down, sec
19:44.47Tierrie|Workoh ok I will read _Parsing then thanks
19:44.52Cideit's at the bottom
19:45.55Tierrie|Workthanks, I want to make a complimentary selective buff timer for DHUD, mostly so classes with slice and dice, and shouts can see their timers when they use the HUD. Conceptually the eye should not move far from the center of the screen when they play with the HUD :0
19:47.00snirksCide: fount it
19:47.37snirks-lounge(+ns)] [Act: 1,2]
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19:48.07snirksCide: sorry, pasting was acting up
19:48.28snirksits on the right side of the screen
19:50.00snirksis it doable?
19:50.07snirksdont you think it looks nice?
19:50.13Cidedoable sure
19:50.21Cidebut depending on what you want, mods like that already exist kinda
19:50.24snirksbut "cba'able"? nahh :p
19:50.35snirksim using ebb
19:50.45snirksits similiar, but its not looking like sars :P
19:55.17SP|Sorrenanyone know where i can find a blp viewer?
19:55.19thalie/msg slouken just a heads up ... since you guys have tried to hard to break decursive : i have placed my macro on my top action bar and binded a key to it
19:55.19thalieits working fine for me
19:56.49AntiarcWhat macro is this?
20:00.07Tierrie|Workyou know what would make me lol is someone making an ui to make WoW look like EQ
20:00.18snirksTierrie|Work: that would own
20:01.33Tierrie|Workno it wouldn't
20:01.45Tierrie|Workthat's like buying a MR2 and making it look like a Corolla
20:02.20zenziomatter of opinion
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20:05.01Cidesadly, I laughed :(
20:05.16Tierrie|Workhey Cide, when you make local copies of those functions are you hooking?
20:05.24Tierrie|Workbecause it doesn't seem like you call the original function
20:05.27Cidejust speeding up calls
20:05.36Tierrie|Workhow does making a local copy speed up calls?
20:05.43Cidezenzio: wow, it was just brought down
20:06.01Cidehow disappointing :(
20:06.39CideTierrie|Work: no global lookup
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20:22.45leetaHey Cide, do you know a lot about the SecureRaidGroupHeader?  I was told to talk to Esamynn, but your name's in the code too... :)
20:23.19CideI know a couple of things :) what's up?
20:23.40Tierrie|Workhis name is there for blame, not credit
20:24.39leetaUhm.  It's a pretty lengthy description, but Slouken's response was "I think that already works, check with Esamynn for details" -- you willin' to read the post I made?
20:25.13leetaIt's on page 3 of the "Upcoming 2.0.2 Chances - Concise List"
20:25.47leetaPost #51.
20:26.36Gnarfozthat'd be the direct link
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20:32.38Cideleeta: hmm, can't think of a way to do it so that each unique target is only displayed once
20:32.55leetaThanks Gnarfoz, I wasn't entirely sure how to craft that myself, and I couldn't find a link to my specific message. :)
20:33.17Gnarfozyeah at first I thought there might be a link somewhere
20:33.23Gnarfozbut indeed I had to craft that myself
20:33.25leetaOkay, that's what I thought.  I can easily see how to make it do "target of <everyone in the raid>" stuff...
20:33.37Gnarfozkind of a missing feature with the new forums
20:33.48leetaI am thinking Slouken might have thought that that was what I wanted, but maybe Esamynn knows some trick.
20:34.33leetaI bet it would give me a link if I searched for "all posts by me" ... but I thought of that after. :)
20:35.49cogwheelleeta: All you have to do is put # and the number of your post at the end :) See how it ends in #51?
20:35.59Tierrie|WorkCide: is schedule part of CTCore? A timer?
20:36.08Cidethat's part of CT_Library.lua
20:37.47ElkanoCide, I've gotten a report that switching to shamans watcher totem causes an ADDON_BLOCKED message. Is there the same problem with CT_BuffMod, too?
20:38.03Cidehaven't heard of it
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20:39.24CideI have, however, heard of weird things happening with various totems
20:39.41Tierrie|WorkCide: btw line 322 of Library should be (time, func, true) instead of (time, true, func) if you care
20:39.51Cideno it shouldn't
20:40.25CideTierrie|Work: I opted for :schedule(time, true, func) in case of a repeated timer, in case you want to pass an anonymous function
20:40.48Cidedoing :schedule(time, function() do() stuff() here() that() takes() up() several() lines() end, true) isn't very elegant
20:41.01Tierrie|Workah k
20:48.22wereHamsteris there a new event that replaces SPELL_UPDATE_COOLDOWN? if I get that event and scan the spellbook I won't see the new spells that are on cooldown
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21:02.42wereHamsterthe spell cooldowns as reported by the spellbook functions aren't updated after a spellcast until I open/close the spellbook
21:05.08wereHamster.. or mayeb I am wrong, or something in my addon :-/
21:05.30Josh_BorkewereHamster: are you updating coolDown to 2.0?
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21:06.41wereHamsterit's already updated
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21:14.20SP|Sorrenanyone know where the AB icons (farm, stables, etc) are stored?
21:15.30Thunder_Childon your computer....
21:15.39SP|Sorrenwhy thank you.
21:15.45Thunder_Childwelcome. any time
21:15.50SP|Sorrenanyone know the path of the AB icons?
21:16.28Thunder_Childa long and scary path frought with hardship and peril
21:17.08SP|Sorrenthats clearly knowing of the path, and not knowing the path.
21:17.29Thunder_Childi dont know the path
21:17.38MerySorren gimme a sec
21:18.04SP|Sorrenthere're no icons there :(
21:18.23SP|Sorrenthere's no actual icon called POIicons
21:18.25SP|Sorrennor is there a folder
21:18.34Thunder_ChildSP|Sorren, will this help?
21:18.51Maldiviaehh, I have a POIICONS.blp file there
21:19.15Merywell you need to extract the interface art
21:19.22SP|Sorreni did :(
21:19.26SP|Sorreni didnt see a poiicons!
21:20.13Maldiviai Minimap folder...
21:20.33SP|Sorrenwarcraftstudio just doesn't show it :(
21:20.35SP|Sorrenit does get extracted
21:20.38SP|Sorrenthanks ;o
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21:26.55kremonte~ devtools
21:27.03purlrumour has it, devtools is Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?, or found at for the beta
21:27.05purl[devtools] Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?, or found at for the beta
21:27.06purlElkano: aw, gee
21:27.06Elkanohe died :(
21:27.16kremonteWELL THEN
21:27.41Josh_BorkeAS IF!
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21:36.46Josh_BorkewereHamster: did you release coolDown (as updated to wow 2.0)?
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21:39.56wereHamsterJosh_Borke, wowace svn repo
21:40.03Josh_Borkeyea, found it there.  thanks
21:41.41Josh_Borkeanyone know what arguments are passed on UNIT_TARGET_CHANGED?
21:42.35Temarg1 might be the unit who's target changed
21:43.43Josh_Borkeyea, that's what i guessed but i have no way to double check.  i'd really like to know if arg2 is the name of the new target
21:46.38Josh_Borkewell, i have no time to play for about 1 week
21:46.49Temoh, I see
21:46.58Temwell, I doubt that arg2 is the new target's name
21:46.59Josh_Borkeso, you know, makes checking harder ;-)
21:47.01Tembut I can check fo you
21:47.10Josh_Borkeif you could that would be great
21:47.47Temarg1 = unit who's target changed
21:47.52Temarg2 = nil
21:48.06Josh_Borkethanks :-)
21:49.25bleetahhmm, looking at the blizz dev data, i think I notice a change in their LCDXML. From memory, last release we weren't supposed to edit anything, and couldn't cusomise. It would appear now tht we can, as long as we don't change the index values on the XML. Anyone played with it yet?
21:49.37bleetah(this is in relation to the Logitech G15 support)
21:50.05weabbleetah: no, but that's exciting if you're right.
21:50.30bleetahyeah, i kind of let fly in the forums when it got supported 'what's the point of releasing the data if we can't use it' etc. ;)
21:50.43bleetahmight have a play a bit later on
21:51.17bleetahbeing able to see your position in the queue when you've tabbed away from WoW is a like mana from heaven :D
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21:54.18bleetah(the thing I'll look in to - the DMG displayed in the LCD is melee DMG, not particularly useful for my mage)
21:55.19Scre3mspeaking of the G15 (reminds me of  question), i'm looking for a mouse that works well with Clique, any suggestions?
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21:57.46bleetahScre3m: 'scuse my ignorance, please, what's clique?
21:57.59Josh_Borkeclique is an addon to provide click-casting
21:58.06Scre3mthat greatest mod ever for WoW healers
21:58.25bleetahah, my healers aren't above lvl 25 yet, prolly why I ain't ... ;)
21:58.53Scre3mallows you to, for example, shift left click a unit to cast a heal
21:59.12Scre3mi'd like to buy a mouse with more buttons, but i'm looking for recommendations first
21:59.30Josh_BorkeScre3m: logitech LAZER mouse
22:00.04Scre3mgot a model?
22:00.08SarozIs there any working cooldown timers (bars) for 2.0?
22:00.17Josh_BorkeoCD coolDown
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22:00.37Josh_Borke(are 2 that i know work)
22:00.55Josh_Borkelogitech *x revolution
22:01.06SarozoCD works?
22:01.16Josh_Borkeyes Saroz
22:01.50Mike-N-GoIs there a difference between the different loot links'?
22:02.01Mike-N-GoIs there one you would recommend over another?
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22:05.45Tierrie|Workyou should try to use Clique with Grid
22:06.25Tierrie|WorkAnyone from Cursed here?
22:09.29Tierrie|WorkHow do I delete screenshots from curse for my mod?
22:11.18Mike-N-GoTierrie: Do you mean Clique with Grid to me?
22:11.53TainI curse at people a lot, does that count?
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22:22.41bleetahdropDown menu items have a value attached to it, how do I go about getting this value out of FrameXML? eg, this:GetText() works, I had kinda of guessed this:GetValue() might, but doesn't seem to
22:23.30bleetah(this:GetText gets the text for the menu item on the dropdown, looking for some way to get the 'value' that the item has)
22:25.35Josh_Borkebb all
22:27.12bleetahd'oh... this.value heh
22:28.44TeomyrCide: ping
22:29.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
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22:30.10TeomyrCide: guild mates are complaining that offsets 1 and 2 of the CLICKEDIT localization are swapped, thought you might be interested ^^
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22:30.45cogwheelTeomyr>Cide: guild mates are complaining that offsets 1 and 2 of the CLICKEDIT localization are swapped, thought you might be interested ^^
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22:31.00Teomyrct_core, that is
22:31.37Cideah, thanks!
22:31.42Cidefixed for next release
22:34.13Corrodiasi'm.. not sure i get it
22:34.28Gnarfozit's quite straight-forward
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22:34.43Cideassmuing if you have done the fight
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22:35.08Gnarfozdidn't, just saw videos of it :)
22:35.13Corrodiasyeah, i have very little idea of what they're talking about
22:35.18Tierrie|WorkCide: whats best practice for releasing minor patches?
22:35.29Tierrie|Workbecause I find myself releasing a new version for trivial things
22:35.52Cideright now I'm releasing a new version per day pretty much
22:35.56Gnarfoz'bout him, Corrodias:
22:36.02bleetahI've not seen the fight, looks like tho someone's insisting they didn't cause aggro, only to have it happen near the bottom ;)
22:36.20Cidebut usually, if you have several things to do with a mod, go for all of 'em at once if you can
22:36.34Guillotineanybody know what Pratt is and where to get it? I've gotten a bunch of emails about TasteTheNaimbow not being compatible with Pratt, but I don't know what Pratt is.
22:37.11bleetahTierrie|Work: what cide says is basically what we're trying to do at auctioneer
22:37.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Teomyr_ (
22:37.40bleetahTierrie|Work: although, we'll release early if it means the numbers of people coming into IRC to report a bug that we've fixed in source gets too annoying ;)
22:38.39Tierrie|Worki released thrice one night and that annoyed me because by the third release i was making mistake with the release itself :P
22:38.39Teomyr_on my pc, wow crashes about once a month... why the hell must that happen during a hakkar boss fight? -_-
22:39.23bleetahTierrie|Work: heh, know the feeling. we've 'released' a few "unstables" that are more stable than "alphas" (making mistakes in the build process)
22:41.13Teomyr_Cide: the deDE and frFR localizations of "Click to edit" in CT_Core are swapped, thats what i wanted to say before i had to restart. don't know if you're responsible for that part of the code ^^
22:41.32CideTeomyr_: yeah, cogwheel pasted for me. fixed for next release, thanks :)
22:41.46bleetah~staple Teomyr_
22:41.48purlACTION attaches a staple gun to a pneumatic nail gun via duct tape, staples Teomyr_ quite well, and hands Teomyr_ to bleetah
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22:45.39leetaAnyone know what time Esamynn is usually around?
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22:48.25cogwheel~seen Esamynn
22:48.48purlesamynn <n=chatzill@> was last seen on IRC in channel #norganna, 3d 22h 8m 14s ago, saying: 'ummmm, wow, when did this channel start hopping...'.
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22:49.29Tierrie|Workslow news today today
22:50.20bleetahcogwheel: Esamynn|afk has exams and foo at the moment, might be another day or two ;)
22:50.59bleetahgah, leeta
22:52.54leetaheh, okay.  I guess I'll com back! :)
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23:10.51seebsWhat is a good way to scroll an edit box all the way to the left, so the leftmost text is visible rather than the rightmost?
23:12.30PProvostIt sounds like we might get a patch tomorrow... anyone see any blue posts about it/
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23:14.02Guillotineif so, its probably a small patch
23:14.11Guillotinejust bug fixes like that beeping sound
23:16.25PProvostPeople on my server have been speculating about PvP price increases.
23:18.01bleetahI know a bunch of rogues would like their irreplacable broken quest throwns fixed
23:18.20bleetahbut I just tell them to go level/kill more
23:21.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Stavmar (
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23:28.02wereHamsterhuh.. everytime I enter/leave an instance the spell cooldown start time changes slightly
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23:37.59Tullerbleh, I need to stop using textpad, but I want a black background still :)
23:43.02purlyou are, like, not scary, but Shaggy
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23:48.19Guillotinehmm. is anyone on WoW near their home city and wants to help me test something?
23:49.34bleetahhome city as in racial home?
23:49.45Guillotinehome city as in where your hearthstone is bound
23:50.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
23:50.02bleetahgimme a moment, I'll hearth my mage to LHC ;)
23:50.22Guillotinewait, don't obther
23:50.28Guillotineit works if you're willing to go there
23:50.36Guillotinetry using auto-unstuck quickly to teleport home
23:50.45bleetahGuillotine: heh, already entering world.. still want me to look?
23:50.52Guillotineyup. either way
23:51.01Guillotinejust run away a bit and use auto-unstuck to hearth
23:51.24bleetahbtw: tip of the day, don't have autoattack on when wandering around LHC, even on PvE
23:52.12bleetahsoz capos
23:52.27Guillotineall right, now tell me if that activated the cooldown on your hearthstone
23:52.56Tierrie|WorkGuillotine: heya mate, I am having problems deleting files from curse wut
23:53.01bleetahah, dunno, was still at 60 mins, i'll wait til it's showing 59 mins ;)
23:53.07Tierrie|Workas in deleting screenshots for my mob
23:53.23Guillotineya... screenshots aren't working correctly at the moment
23:53.45bleetahGuillotine: unstuack ability not avail yet
23:54.43bleetahany idea what the cooldown is on auto-unstuck?
23:54.51bleetaher, unstick.. w/e
23:55.25Tierrie|Workyou shouldn't use elephants to power your pc
23:55.51bleetahGuillotine: gotta go afk for 15 mins or so, i'll check again when I'm back
23:56.06KirkburnSometimes another five thousand screaming parrots join in the fun, but a swift kick generally sorts them out.
23:56.25Guillotinealright, I just had someone else test it. Using auto-unstuck to hearthstone doesn't use hearth cooldown >.> so you can hearth every 10 mins
23:56.58Tierrie|WorkI'm guessing your mouse is of the rodent variety
23:57.04KirkburnTierrie|Work, I'd love to replace them, but they just like the warm dusty environment so much! Reminds them of home, I think ...
23:58.02KirkburnSqueak, squeak
23:58.54bleetahGuillotine: triple confirmed ;)
23:59.04Guillotinekek, exploit ftw >.>
23:59.22Kirkburnzomg, what?

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