irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061207

00:00.00|Shadow|lol :P
00:00.07|Shadow|cool Tuller
00:00.09Mike-N-GoOther then having  "weapon" ==  "3" my addon works :P
00:00.11Caeryn|Workwhat is trinity?
00:00.19Caeryn|Workgoddamn bot
00:00.26|Shadow|lol Caeryn
00:00.29abug~bot sucks
00:00.36Garoun|Loupanait's the action bar running neck and neck with Bongos :)
00:00.42|Shadow|if you need help with IRC Scripting im kinda good at that stuff :)
00:00.46Garoun|Loupanaboth of which are nice
00:00.47Caeryn|Workalso, goddamn authors who name their mods after the bible
00:00.51|Shadow|i don't claim to be super pro at it tho :P
00:01.03Caeryn|Workname your mods stuff like "action-bar-changer"
00:01.17Caeryn|Workor "click-to-target-people"
00:01.24Caeryn|Worksure its boring, but then i'd know what it does!
00:01.45|Shadow|lol i hate programs with names that don't illistrate what they do
00:01.45jaxdahl2but the name wouldn't be catchy
00:01.48Caeryn|Worki will rename my mod "lol-this-mod-does-nothing" and put it up there and see how many downloads i get
00:01.50jaxdahl2or easy to remember
00:01.51nevcairieli should pack the latest bartender and upload it
00:01.51Garoun|Loupanawell mine is Quick Look but you still won't know what it does unless you played FPS games
00:01.52TullerCaeryn: you hit bongos to play :)
00:02.11Malivilnevcairiel: Yes. Seeign as i wanna download it
00:02.12MatthewS"a mishmash of stuff that collates other peoples work"
00:02.52purlACTION has disconnected (Read error: 99 (Connection reset by beer))
00:02.58Garoun|Loupanajust name it Stuff_action, Stuff_buff :P
00:02.59|Shadow|Malivil you killed purl!
00:03.33Mike-N-GoIs not updated yet?
00:03.43CairennMike-N-Go: no
00:03.54foxlitI don't think so, but then again, the last time I've been able to get to it is 2 days ago
00:04.36|Shadow|don't suppose someone could throw a download link for bartender3 at me?
00:04.44|Shadow|since wowinterface is going a little slow atm :P
00:04.53purlmethinks bong is a device for the consumption of drugs. Normally cannabis. The cannabis is burned on a wire mesh, and the resulting smoke is bubbled through water, to cool it and remove many harsh elements, before it is inhaled by the drug 'user.'
00:05.37|Shadow|i should upload that conversation i had with a IRC bot funny
00:06.05Tullerthere's no new interface extractor yet, is there?
00:06.12Tulleror am I going to have to find an MPQ viewer?
00:06.19abugthere's a beta one but it probably won't work for live
00:06.27foxlitthey've updated the live one
00:06.29[Cu]WerikMatthewS: CG is shut down atm:)
00:06.44Mike-N-GoIs there a place where I can look up GetItemInfo(), if not WoWWiki?
00:06.57abugiriel's cache of wowwiki
00:06.57|Shadow|abug theres a funny bot for you, thats from a windows help channel :P
00:07.01jaxdahl2itemName, itemLink, itemRarity, itemLevel, itemMinLevel, itemType, itemSubType, itemStackCount, itemEquipLoc, invTexture = GetItemInfo(itemID|"itemLink")'
00:07.12jaxdahl2ignore the ' on the end
00:08.08smoke_on line 6, what is that for statement doing? whats "_"?
00:09.03foxlitit skips the first return
00:09.36foxlitIt's basically  for [index], [value] in [table] do
00:09.43Mike-N-GoHow do I convert ( "Weapon" == "3" ) to display "Weapon" instead of "3" called via itemType?
00:09.52nevcairielis that actually a lua functionality, or just some global var that everyone overwrites with the useless shit ? :)
00:10.07foxlitIt's LUA
00:10.14foxlit_ is the /dev/null of variables :)
00:10.45MatthewS[Cu]Werik: yes, i just noticed that the links i was using yesterday are offline. guess i'm not up to speed on the latest drama. :)
00:11.02[Cu]WerikThere is no drama
00:11.18Cairennjust way too much load
00:11.18MatthewSwell, i meant people discussing users complaining.
00:11.24foxlitMike-N-Go: simplistically, make a lookup table. MyAddon_ItemTypes = {[1] = "...", [2] = "...", [3] = "Weapon"};
00:11.35[Cu]WerikJust we had half of the world pushing refresh on it
00:11.38foxlitThen do itemType_Text = MyAddon_ItemTypes[itemType_Id]
00:11.59foxlitDo check if blizzard doesn't already have one somewhere :)
00:12.04[Cu]Werikso the guys better shut it down while working on the magic:)
00:12.13Mike-N-GoHow would one figure out what said number is linked to :o
00:12.24MatthewSah well, i envy them. having too much traffic is a great problem in a way. :)
00:12.33[Cu]WerikYou think?:)
00:12.49Cairennno it isn't *tears her hair out*
00:12.49MatthewSyes :)
00:12.51foxlitWell, either you find a table somewhere, or you feed all possible item types into GetItemInfo() and go backwards
00:12.58smoke_local _eventData = {
00:13.04foxlitcoral it :)
00:13.11Cairennhey now!
00:13.15smoke_is SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START a cosntant from wow api?
00:13.18MatthewSthey answer there is to shave your head!
00:13.27MatthewSthen you no longer have a hair-tearing-out problem
00:13.48[Cu]WerikIt can stand the bonks
00:14.40|Shadow|takes a few attempts to load each page...keep getting "The connection has timed out" :(
00:14.46MalivilAnyone have a link to a LootLink download?
00:15.02Mike-N-GoIs it best, for the SV files, to save everything for an addon in one main table, then several subtables, or several tables at root level?
00:15.20jaxdahl2|Shadow|, , but it's missing the Ace2 libraries
00:15.22Mike-N-GoThanks for your help guys
00:15.23Thursdaedun dun dun dUNnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
00:15.49jaxdahl2all of telo's addons:
00:15.54foxlitMike-N-Go: does not really matter. Subtables would take up slightly more space
00:16.02Thursdaecan anyone tell me how to make the message only appear once
00:16.16Thursdaecan anyone tell me how to make the message only appear once
00:16.18foxlitBut you'd have the advantage of doing MyAddon_Config = nil; ReloadUI(); as an easy settings reset button :)
00:16.20Mike-N-GoOk, I want to make it as efficient as I can then.
00:17.09jaxdahl2is it still possible to write an addon that announces if your taunt/righteous defense is resisted?
00:17.16foxlitIt's a very, very minor difference. Do whichever you feel more comfortable with :)
00:17.24nevcairielyou can announce anything
00:18.05foxlitIt's silly, though.
00:18.06|Shadow|yay, got it :P
00:18.21|Shadow|lol just as you give me all the links wowinterface finally loads and gives me it (7th attempt)
00:18.30jaxdahl2it would be nice if a macro could tell me which conditional succeeded
00:18.36foxlitI'd much rather have a tank-based addon that would pop-up "XXX's taunt was resisted by YYY" -- the information is irrelevant to most people
00:18.42Bleeterrolling restarts for a critical fix.
00:18.47jaxdahl2what fix?
00:18.50jaxdahl2and when
00:18.54jaxdahl2arenas maybe?
00:18.54foxlitEU, now.
00:19.02jaxdahl2ah, bank problem perhaps?
00:19.03BleeterUS, now.
00:19.11Bleetercould be a second attempt at a bank fix
00:19.19Bleeteror maybe fixing up rogue's weapons
00:19.26Thursdae-.- this is useless
00:19.31foxlitWonder where China's developer communicy hangs out
00:19.45Bleeterfoxlit: probably some restricted IRC chan
00:19.48foxlitThursdae: you didn't ask a question.
00:19.53Gryphenbehind the great firewall of china
00:20.04Thursdaefoxlit: yep i did if u look up
00:20.11Caeryn|WorkDaShang cafe in beijing
00:20.15Caeryn|Workthey code with calculators and paper
00:20.22foxlitWell, I did look it up, and that's not true.
00:20.27Thardalnah they just steal the english addons
00:20.33foxlitTechnically, you're missing a questionmark.
00:20.40foxlits/questionmark/question mark
00:20.40Arrowmasterfixing rogue's thrown weapons?
00:20.50foxlitsilly trailing slash.
00:21.09Thardalthen spend a month trying to obfuscate them to make reverse engineering impossible
00:21.15foxlitmm, calculators.
00:21.20Thardaland in the process introduce a bunch of bugs they never fix
00:21.31Thardalthen release it as their own work
00:21.34Caeryn|Workare you speaking from experience?
00:21.36jaxdahl2or maybe a serious exploit
00:21.46Thardalgeneral experience with chinese engineering :(
00:21.53Caeryn|Worki'm chinese
00:21.54XavaliaoRA2 authors not here?
00:21.58Caeryn|Workof course i'm doing drathal's hud
00:21.59Xavaliafound a small bug :P
00:22.00Thursdaecan anyone tell me how to make the message only appear once?????????????
00:22.01Caeryn|Workso way to go me!
00:22.03ThursdaeZoneName = GetRealZoneText();
00:22.04Thursdaemessage("Zone: "..ZoneName);
00:22.30jaxdahl2oh hey,'s structure is similiar.. they have a separate page/site for members to login for full functionality
00:23.09Thardalwe had a support incident once where some one complained that our PIC control software had a bug
00:23.22Thardalbut they werent in our customer database so that looked a bit strange
00:23.40Thardalturned out they had bought the software from china, and they didnt even change our contact information
00:24.00foxlitThursdae, there's no reason that message would appear in the first place.
00:24.17foxlitAssuming the code runs, it'll only appear once. Assuming something runs the code, well, the answer depends on what.
00:25.45smoke_what would be the cause of a mod casuing wow to disconnect from the server?
00:25.59smoke_i just did some updating on this mod, and it disconnects me when i log into the server...
00:26.30foxlitSmoke_ killed the server!
00:26.46Caeryn|Workanother possibility is the code is called twice
00:26.55Caeryn|Workso whatever function that code resides in is being triggered twice
00:27.42Thursdaeanyone know a code that tells you when you change zones?
00:29.16abugUPDATE_ZONE_INFO or something ghetto like that
00:29.36smoke_how are slot names handled? like it originally was?
00:31.05Thursdaeare you sure that would work abug
00:32.45Drundiago read blizzard code
00:34.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Bleeter (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
00:34.58foxlitread the f blizzard code? Sell T-Shirts :)
00:35.44abugthursdae: oh it's actually
00:36.30Drundiaso the general guide is RTFBC!
00:37.27abugwhen in doubt put a on a pirate hat
00:37.36abuger nm
00:37.41foxlitAh well, time to call it a night.
00:37.42MalivilThat's a good acronym actually
00:37.58foxlitLet's see if blizzard can get their act together in the 15 hours before I return :)
00:38.27Maldivialol... EU isn't up yet
00:38.48foxlitIt's in the middle of rolling restarts, I think.
00:39.37Mr_Rabies2i hope they implement arena battlemasters in the restart
00:40.28ThursdaeZoneName = GetRealZoneText();
00:40.30ThursdaeZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA:AddMessage("Welcome to "..ZoneName, r, g, b);
00:40.33Thursdaewould that work or w/e
00:40.44HatsukiEU has been going up and down more or less since ~19:00
00:41.47Drundiawhy would that work? what is it doing anyway?
00:41.59Drundiait's f event name
00:42.15Thursdaeidk hwo to do it lmao
00:42.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Warol (
00:42.25Thardalyou need to register the event to call a specific function
00:42.34ThursdaeWhat i want it to do is when u enter a new zone it says the anme for u
00:43.32smoke_some one needs to fix fastcast :(, i can't fix it
00:44.16Drundialike SendChatMessage("Hey all noobs around, here I come to "..GetRealZoneText()) ?
00:44.21ThraeAddons like Fastcast probably won't work in 2.0 if you're in combat, as it involves changing what spell you're casting I believe.
00:44.31Drundiafastcast wont work
00:44.46Drundiastupid blizzard must add it to standard ui
00:44.56Tullerso yes, the this:SetAttribute("checkselfcast", true) is still in the most recent action button code
00:45.02Drundiabc ui is currently working as "slowcast" if i understand it right
00:45.11ThursdaeDrundia, thats kinda what i mean but whenever i enter a NEW zone i want it to do that
00:46.12Caeryn|Worksmoke_: you can't fix fastcast because iirc StopSpellCast() is now protected
00:46.30Drundiamyimbaframe = CreateFrame("Frame"); myimbaframe:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA"); myimbaframe:SetScript("OnEvent", function() SendChatMessage("Hey all noobs around, here I come to "..GetRealZoneText()) end);
00:46.33Drundiamb like that
00:47.04Nom-Anyone know of some tools for testing WoW mods without having access to WoW
00:47.15Nom-Like check syntax and some basic checks on secure functions
00:47.30Nom-I was thinking I could hack away a bit at PerfectRaid :)
00:47.41Caeryn|Worksecure functions only exists within the engine that is WoW
00:47.43Nom-In between my 'real' coding @ work :)
00:47.54cladhairebut its not 5.
00:47.59Caeryn|Workmaybe you can find some lua syntax verifier or something
00:48.03cladhaireand getting it there, iwll.. be a project
00:48.08cladhairesyntax you can do in any code editor
00:48.10cladhairescite, etc.
00:49.57kaidenSo any mages here able to give me a good spec now?
00:50.06Drundiazomgs silly blizzard, within 'if ( type == "actionbar" ) then' part of SecureActionButton_OnClick it still won't handle alternating between 2 action pages properly. because "x, y" will work just fine for tonumber
00:51.17*** part/#wowi-lounge Warol (
00:52.59*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
00:56.57ThursdaeDrundia: How would it go about, I enter a new zone, so the code notices i do and checks the zone name, then says DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Hey all noobs around, here I come to "..GetRealZoneText())
00:57.06*** join/#wowi-lounge YammYgirlcoding (n=hoho@
00:57.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz (
00:58.00YammYgirlcodingguys! My original bags frames are overlapping to each other. Anyone knows if there is a fix or which addon is causing this?
00:58.23jaxdahlYammYgirlcoding, known bug
00:58.48YammYgirlcodingit is!?
00:58.56YammYgirlcodingyay! what is it?
00:58.58jaxdahlcause: unknown
00:59.05jaxdahlresolution: unknown
00:59.58YammYgirlcodingnot funny
01:00.22Drundiait has resolution!
01:00.52Drundiathen poweroff and GoToBedAndSleep()
01:00.59YammYgirlcodingfine. seriously now =)  any clue?
01:01.03Drundiaor GetALife()
01:01.24Drundianever open bags
01:01.42YammYgirlcodingi can live without nurfed.. i can live without auctioneer... but live with bugged bags frames is too much =)
01:01.42Drundiathat should make them not overlap. i'm sure about it.
01:01.57GuillotineYammYgirlcoding: what addons are you using?
01:01.59Drundiawhy would u need to open more than 1 bag at any time anyway?
01:02.21Drundiamaybe something is doing SetUserPlaced(true)
01:02.25YammYgirlcodingeven if I open one.. the frames are not well positioned to the bag background
01:03.10Drundiai think the code in UIParent.lua that handles frames that have position dependencies on other frames skips everything that (frame:IsUserPlaced)
01:03.12YammYgirlcodingi think it has something to do with bags bigger than 16.. on my alt they show fine together
01:03.50YammYgirlcoding( my alt have regular bags )
01:04.41YammYgirlcodingit would help if cide has made ct_movablebags already =)
01:05.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Seracht (
01:05.16Serachtanyone else getting errors with AgUNITFRames
01:05.36Nom-Seracht: Every unit frame i've tried has issues
01:05.47Drundiatry (maybe will help with ur silly bags) /script for i=1,13 do getglobal("ContainerFrame"..i):SetUserPlaced(false); end;
01:05.51Nom-Seracht: Just have to live with it for a few more days until they "fix" them for 2.0.1
01:05.56Caeryn|WorkYammYgirlcoding: they added 1 more bag slot as well as 1 more column of bank slots
01:05.56Serachtnom: I am getting errors though
01:06.04Caeryn|Workwhat probably happened is the offsets in your xml is now incorrect
01:06.12Nom-Yes, by issues I mean error :)
01:06.42YammYgirlcodingCaeryn hmmm but if blizz has added them, they should have updated the frames code, no ? : /
01:07.22Nom-There's 1 more bag slot???
01:07.26Nom-Or is that only available in xpack?
01:07.34YammYgirlcodingfor bank there is
01:07.41YammYgirlcodingand its cheaper! :D
01:07.44Caeryn|Workits in the game now, for 25g
01:08.01Drundiatbh it had to cost like 300g, not 25g :(
01:08.11Caeryn|WorkYammYgirlcoding: my solution is to delete all your blizzard addons
01:08.17Caeryn|Workand then restart wow, it should rebuild itself
01:08.32Caeryn|WorkDrundia: its 25g in TBC too
01:08.35YammYgirlcodingah it rebuilds itself? hmmm let me see =)
01:08.39Drundianot really. more like delete all non-blizzard addons
01:08.43Drundia25g is too cheap
01:08.54HatsukiDrundia: just good that it costs 25g. people are already having quite a lot problems with consumables for raiding
01:08.54Caeryn|WorkYammYgirlcoding: if you don't feel comfortable then just rename your Addons to AddOns_Bak or something
01:09.38Drundiappl are lazy that's why that have problems with consumables for raiding. they should adjust their gaming schedules. like including something other than raiding and doing nothing in if/org
01:10.24Drundiathe game has no place for us reel pharmers
01:10.32YammYgirlcodingCaeryn|Work i removed blizzard addons from folder, and wow didnt recreated them. ( exit / start game ).
01:10.48Drundiai dont think they are even needed there
01:11.15Caeryn|WorkYammYgirlcoding: does the bank and all those frames in game work properly now?
01:11.37YammYgirlcodingi didnt open the game. should i?
01:12.03YammYgirlcodingthose blizz addons are not really needed?
01:12.10Caeryn|Workit will replace itself
01:12.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (i=tardmrr@
01:12.32*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem] by ChanServ
01:13.40YammYgirlcodinghmmm game opened, addons are back, but it's the same. frames mis positioned
01:14.11Drundiadelete wtb and wtf
01:14.17Drundiaor actually
01:14.19Caeryn|Workpew pew
01:14.47YammYgirlcoding: /
01:15.02YammYgirlcodingif i delete wtb, a reloadui works?
01:15.19Drundiadelete World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\<name>\cache.md5 and World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\<name>\<server>\<char>\layout-cache.txt
01:15.57Drundiafirst exit the game, then delete then start it
01:15.57YammYgirlcodingmd5 for hash ? new thing?
01:16.26Drundiadeleting damn 'cache.md5' solved me countless number of bugs
01:17.06Drundiathat was during 0.x and 1.x however.....
01:17.15Nom-Blizzard did recommend you delete WTF, WDB and Interface folders
01:17.16*** join/#wowi-lounge godzirra (
01:17.19godzirrahowdy folks.
01:17.22Nom-If you didn't do that, it's your own darn fault
01:17.32Drundiareinstall wow
01:17.41godzirraI'm a noob to writing mods... really noob, but I was curious if there was a way to get names of frames htat are part of blizzards ui?
01:17.52Drundiathen redownload all damn patches.....
01:17.54godzirrai.e. I'm specifically just trying to move the tooltip that pops up when you mouseover people or mobs.
01:18.07ckknightgodzirra, GameTooltip
01:18.12Drundiait's GameTooltip
01:18.30YammYgirlcodingCaeryn|Work any idea?
01:18.35godzirraHrm.  Thats what I was looking at, but I dont see any methods to move it.
01:18.44Caeryn|Workbefore you reinstall wow, delete interfaces, wtb and wtf
01:18.46godzirraI see methods to do all sorts of other weird stuff... but not move it.
01:19.15Drundiadid u try to restart ur computer? wow sometimes refuses to work (or is bugged windows?) after long system uptimes
01:19.25Caeryn|Workif that still happens what's likely happened is that your "static" version of blizzard frames is borked
01:19.38Caeryn|Workin which case you need to do something about your patch
01:19.53Drundiadid u try my script with SetUserPlaced(false) ?
01:20.08godzirraany ideas?
01:20.28Caeryn|Workwait, are the bags overlapping or the icons overlapping?
01:20.45Caeryn|Worklike is your bags inner icons all messed up or is your bags just scattered
01:20.51Drundiahow? like i wrote before. /script for i=1,13 do getglobal("ContainerFrame"..i):SetUserPlaced(false); end;
01:20.59YammYgirlcodingknow the bag bacground? its like the bag is here, and its frame are over there, offset to the side
01:21.25Drundiabags are movable in default ui. if u have them userplaced all positioning functions ignore them
01:21.36Caeryn|Worki'd skip drundia's step at this point and just delete those 3 folders
01:21.41Caeryn|Workall the positioning is stored in wtf
01:21.55Drundiano, positioning is stored in layout-cache.txt
01:21.56YammYgirlcodingbags are movable? here they dont move
01:22.18Drundiathey are movable, there are just no scripts in default ui that call StartMoving for them
01:22.43DrundiaStartMoving only works for frames set as movable.
01:24.12Caeryn|Workif that doesn't work set fire to your computer to teach it whose boss
01:24.13godzirraso does anyone know how I would mpove GameToolTip?
01:24.32DrundiaClearAllPoints(); SetPoint()
01:24.42YammYgirlcodingreseted wtb, wtf .. loading...
01:24.44Drundiathose two 1337 functions
01:25.58godzirraDrundia: was that to me?
01:25.58Drundiayes, you move frames usually using those two functions
01:25.58Caeryn|Workand interfaces
01:25.58godzirraThanks :)
01:25.59godzirraI'll go read more.
01:25.59Drundiaso GameTooltip:ClearAllPoints(); GameTooltip:SetPoint(some args)
01:26.10godzirraI was just going to ask if thats the way. ;)
01:26.17Drundiaclearallpoints is sometimes not needed
01:26.25godzirraThere's no way to make it draggable?
01:26.35Drundiathere is
01:26.37godzirra(And will it autoreset when you mouse over something else) ?
01:27.53*** join/#wowi-lounge kodewulf (
01:27.53Drundiait's something like RegisterForDrag and script handlers for OnDragStart and OnDragStop or something. to make it follow mouse pointer and then stop you use StartMoving() and StopMovingOrSizing(). you may also need to do GameTooltip:SetMovable(true)
01:28.00YammYgirlcodingyay ! fixed !!! removed the char folder inside WTF, removed savedvariables. and it fixed ! i think it was the char layout.cache
01:28.14DjaneeHi again everyone.  I'm looking for some help with a basic chat filtering mod.  It's working as intended, but generating an error related to the bliz chatframe.lua file.  Can anyone help me figure out what I'm overlooking?
01:28.18godzirraok, I'll read more.
01:28.19godzirrathanks :)
01:28.38Drundiatold u delete layout-cache.txt
01:28.45DrDre < List of all the wowace addons that have been updated to 2.0
01:29.15Thunder_Childhandy DrDre, ty
01:29.41DrDreexcept that 1 fubar plugin ignore it >_> someone screwed up the toc # and made my script add it to list
01:29.55YammYgirlcodingDrundia and Caeryn thank you very much !!!
01:30.10Caeryn|Workso burning the computer worked?
01:30.10godzirraHrm... so I do GameToolTip:SetPoint("point","relativePoint"[50, 50]) ?
01:30.14Drundiathat's to Djanee
01:30.29Drundiaread documentation on wowwiki
01:31.18Drundiagrr to Djanee is RTFBC, about wowwiki si to godzirra
01:31.46Djaneeconsidering how bogged down wowwiki is along with everywhere else, I wasn't getting very far.  I've been trying to figure this out on my own most of the afternoon
01:32.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Neuro_Medivh (
01:32.29Drundiaok, Djanee, there is a small problem...
01:33.33DrundiaOriginal_ChatFrame_OnEvent works on this. but in your case this refers to your frame, not to ChatFrame, hence you get error
01:34.26Djaneeso the "this:AddMessage" in the bliz file is thinking this = my frame?
01:34.42Drundiayou should just hook ChatFrame_OnEvent rather than making new frame with new events
01:35.52*** join/#wowi-lounge WrK (
01:35.56Drundiaprobably you should just remove line 7
01:36.27TemDrundia, NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
01:36.28Drundiayou don't need to monitor that event from inside addon.
01:36.59Temhooking that function is bad
01:37.01Temavoid it
01:37.10Djaneefunny, when I read up about hooking, all the examples I could find were doing exactly what I tried to reproduce.  Can you direct me to an example of "just hook ChatFrame_OnEvent"?  I thought that's what I was doing by diverting the ChatFrame_OnEvent = myfunction
01:37.28*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v [Cu]Werik] by ChanServ
01:37.33Drundiayes you do, just remove line 7 this:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_CREATURE_DAMAGE")
01:37.47*** join/#wowi-lounge seebs (
01:38.50Djaneeok, maybe I'm catching on I actually doing the "right" thing when the normal chat frame fires the event....and the error is being generated when my own created frame fires the event?
01:39.12Drundiathink so
01:39.48DjaneeThanks, that actually makes sense.  I wouldn't have figured that out no matter what I read
01:46.16seebsIs there any easy way to find out what textures are being used in the game?  Alternatively, can someone suggest a "bgfile=..." that refers to a built-in graphic which will be a sedate, opaque, background I can refer to without hassle?
01:48.26beerkeresult = IsSpellInRange(spell, [unit]) , does Unit refer to the player trying to cast it or to the target it is casted on ?
01:48.59pastamancerseebs: Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground
01:49.20seebsSo, / and \ both work; why does everyone use \?
01:51.15*** join/#wowi-lounge dr|dranor (
01:51.57[Cu]WerikCurse should be up and running in a few minutes.
01:52.08Nom-MS InfoPath is the biggest pile of crap ever conceived
01:53.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Parabola_ (
01:56.00godzirraso I read the Region:SetPoint documentation
01:56.06godzirrabut I'm not clear on what all of that stuff means :p
01:56.12godzirraI'm just trying to change where my tooltip bar is.
01:56.16godzirraGamEToolTip I mean
01:56.56*** join/#wowi-lounge seebs (
01:57.04Parabola_Does anyone know if theres a way to stop (what I think is) "igCharacterInfoTab" from playing when raid members come online/go offline?
01:57.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Drundia (n=drewndia@
01:58.21DjaneeI looked at that too godzirra, then decided that the TipBuddy update would work well enough for me atm  ;)
01:59.29*** part/#wowi-lounge MatthewS (
02:00.36*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
02:01.11Cairenneveryone having a nap?
02:01.11godzirrawhats that do?
02:01.19Cairenntooltip mod
02:01.30Parabola_I'm trying to figure out how to make this sound stop playing D:
02:01.35seebsI'm not napping, I'm working on the data structure for my config file.  Of course, I still can't put anything in it except by hand.
02:01.55Djaneeit has a movable anchor so you can drag the tooltip anywhere ya like.  Also adds more info for players and such
02:01.59Serachtcan I just log to load new addonS?
02:01.59Cairenn[Cu]Werik: good to hear :)
02:02.15Cairennhave to log, can't just reload
02:02.33SerachtCairenn er I meant log
02:02.35Serachtdo I have to restart wow?
02:02.44Cairennpretty much, yup
02:02.53Cairennall the way out to password screen
02:03.06Davey2having devlish trouble with these widgets
02:03.08Serachtpassword screen darn
02:03.13Davey2its a mess of confusion and i hate XML to death
02:03.20godzirraDrundia: oh, didnt realize that was to me.  
02:03.26godzirraoops.. nevermind
02:03.41Davey2wish there were better guides on it
02:03.45godzirraCairenn: does it let you drag yuor tooltip somewhere else?
02:03.48TemI'm 99% certain that you must completely close wow for it to load .toc changes (that includes adding new addons)
02:03.56Cairenngodzirra: *nod*
02:05.26Davey2anyone who may be able to help with this? this is the worst part no doubt
02:05.28seebsIf someone drags a spell icon or something similar over my frame and drops it, how do I find out what they dropped?
02:05.41seebsDavey2:  Widgets do indeed suck.  What exactly are you trying to do?
02:06.18seebsBTW, can someone point me at simple example code (HAH!) for using a scrolling list?  I assume I have to do a lot of createframe things somewhere in here.
02:06.23Drundiau need to restart wow for it to notice any new/deleted files
02:06.33Davey2well trying to make one but it keeps spewing errors
02:06.42Davey2i changed it around a little from my basic one
02:06.47seebsTrying to make what, exactly?
02:07.11Davey2this is the desired result; or along those lines:
02:07.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Dsanai (
02:07.42pastamancerseebs: FauxScrollFrame I believe is what you're looking for.  Find examples in the blizzard FrameXML or find an existing addon that uses a scrolling list (like say devtools)
02:07.51DsanaiHi all
02:08.08Mike-N-GoAnyone know of some good sites that explain different [new] talent trees?
02:08.17Mike-N-GoHello, Dsanai
02:08.17Drundia<seebs> If someone drags a spell icon or something similar over my frame and drops it, how do I find out what they dropped? - i think you don't. or?
02:08.24DsanaiHaven't seen any yet  :(
02:08.43Drundiaor you hook PickupSpell or whatever it is
02:08.45*** join/#wowi-lounge eddo (
02:08.45Cairennhey Dsanai, how goes?
02:08.54seebsFauxScrollFrame sounds good.
02:08.57Drundiausing securehook or whatever they added
02:09.00DsanaiI'm a bit baffled, honestly, hon  :)
02:09.06DsanaiI have to ask a very stupid question
02:09.44seebsI was thinking it'd be awfully cool if I could just magically get the names of spells entered for people through drag-and-drop; if it's not, that's okay.  I can work with text entry for a first draft.
02:09.48Mike-N-GoState it, Dsanai.
02:09.53Temgo for it, Dsanai
02:09.57DsanaiWhen should I use ipairs as opposed to pairs? I'm trying to get my mods back in working order, and haven't really gotten a full grasp of the difference. I know ipairs is indexed, but ... realistic differences?
02:10.10Temipairs is for integer iteration
02:10.25Temuse it when you want to iterate over the integer keys and skip any other keys
02:10.39Tems/keys/key-value pairs/
02:10.45DsanaiHow would I know the difference if it's been a year since I looked in the code, and was just iterating everything inside it?
02:10.46Drundiadoesnt it actually iterates between 1 and #t ?
02:11.12Temif you were just iterating over everything before, you'll be fine using pairs all the time
02:11.14DsanaiOkay, so if I don't have mixed integer/other keys in a table, I can use Pairs safely?
02:11.19DsanaiAlright, thanks  :)
02:11.30Tempairs has no defined order, as well
02:11.30DsanaiI saw one author use ipairs for all, and wanted to be sure before I committed a boof
02:11.38Temipairs goes in order
02:11.45DsanaiAh. While ipairs will go in integer order?
02:11.49Davey2did that make sense seebs?
02:12.06Drundiaso 'for k,v in ipairs(t)' is pretty much the same as 'for k=1,#t do local v=t[k]...'
02:12.38DsanaiNow if I could just get my brain to crank out the right regular expression to auto-search-and-find... but that's okay, I'm limping along with one brain lobe
02:13.02TemDrundia, it's *mostly* the same
02:13.20seebsDavey2, looks like a combination of tabs and some lists.  Not sure how to do those myself; I'm a rank newbie here.
02:13.20godzirraok... THIS works...
02:13.33godzirrabut after your tooltip changes at all, they go back to where they were before
02:13.35DsanaiBut the for 0,max do will still work, correct?
02:13.37godzirrahow do you make it stay there?
02:13.46cladhaireClique 2.1 is out, with unit menu and custom macro goodness =)
02:14.05*** join/#wowi-lounge jaxdahl (
02:14.19jaxdahlctra isn't working for my guild :(
02:14.33DsanaiEven the new one?
02:14.38Drundiagodzirra, tooltip does SetOwner every time it shows which resets its position
02:14.58godzirraHrm.  How do you fix that?
02:15.06godzirrajaxdahl: its been a little buggy for us too.
02:15.21Drundiayou fix in any way you like
02:15.50Drundiasome hook to setowner maybe
02:16.04godzirraOk, I dont know how hooks work yet...
02:16.07Drundiaif you want it to keep is position
02:16.16*** join/#wowi-lounge kodewulf (
02:16.48jaxdahlgodzirra, like.. MT windows don't show
02:17.11DjaneeDrundia - I finally got past the login queue.  Thanks so much for setting me straight.  That was indeed the issue!
02:17.22DsanaiGah, I hate depreciated code. <grumbles at LUA peeps>  ;)
02:17.58cladhaireDsanai: Whats the issue with deprecated code?
02:18.04cladhaireit shouldn't have been used in the first place =)
02:18.26Drundiair ur problem that u used deprecated 'for k,v in t' instead of 'for k,v in pairs(t)' during wow 1.x (lua 5.0)
02:18.37Dsanaiheh, I mean, it wasn't depreciated when it started
02:18.42cladhaireyes it was
02:18.46Drundiait was deprecated as of 5.0
02:18.48cladhairefor k,v in table was deprecaed in 5.0
02:18.52DsanaiI mean in 1.0
02:18.57cladhaireyes it was
02:18.59DsanaiBut I see what you mean
02:19.05cladhairedeprecated does not mean "does't work" =)
02:19.08DsanaiI know  :)
02:19.30DsanaiBut still... I wish we'd never coded tables the bad way in the first place  :D
02:19.36Drundiayou can just set a metatable for all your tables so they work with old 'for k,v in t'
02:19.38DsanaiYou may not have... but I did
02:19.39cladhairei didn't =)
02:19.44kergothi didn't either.
02:19.47cladhairevika, however did it everywhere =)
02:20.01kergothreally, anyone who read the lua manual shouldve known exactly what was deprecated
02:20.04kergothits summarized quite nicely
02:20.24DsanaiI haven't read the entire 5.0 manual, honestly
02:20.39cladhairepil is great bedtime reading
02:21.12DsanaiI bet  ;)
02:22.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Skrom (
02:22.12Skromping cide
02:22.21Skromnope, not here :P
02:23.42DsanaiWell that's odd. GuildOrg freaks out in 2.0 but I don't see any bad for loops
02:23.58*** join/#wowi-lounge tyroney ( says it's got a new version that's supposed to reduce lag when groups change in raid... has anyone noticed this to be true? we are still getting awful hiccups
02:24.33Caeryn|Workhey which one of you used ultraedit?
02:25.40Caeryn|Workit needs to be updated a bit though
02:28.56tyroneySomebody help!  I've done something stupid, (or stupidly not done something,) and I can't get my button back to being clickable.  My clicks fall right through it.
02:31.36Drundiawhat means fall right through it?
02:31.55godzirratip buddy says it was last updated on 6/2006 :(
02:32.35DsanaiThere's a third-party update
02:32.41Dsanaion wowi
02:32.46tyroneysuch as anything when you thing:EisableMouse(false);
02:33.30tyroneyYou know.
02:35.12Drundiayou mean flipper:EnableMouse(true); is the reel world evil?
02:35.20Drundiaisn't it actually reel world evil?
02:35.43Drundiai think it is and we need to send paladins with all cooldowns (including hearthstones) to battle it!
02:35.44Mike-N-GoYay, I think I finished updating my addon, all that I needed to change was the interface number, and deal with itemType being a number, not the real itemType Name.
02:36.23tyroneyIt acts like I haven't enabled the mouse.  If something isn't mouseenabled, clicks "fall through" it to whatever is underneath.  In this case, the worldframe where it'll move the camera.
02:37.07Drundiaisnt it almost opposite? i normally dont enable mouse to make buttons clickable
02:37.47tyroneyThat isn't my issue.  I added that line after finding that my button wasn't working, the line didn't change the behavior.
02:38.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Darklin (
02:38.21Drundia<Mike-N-Go> - did you read changes to GetItemInfo that makes it incompatible with old one? it returns one more value in the middle.
02:39.04DsanaiitemLevel, right
02:39.07DarklinAnyone know if the dev for Bongos is about?
02:39.31Mike-N-GoI only use the first 5 returns form GetItemInfo(), so it does not get to that one :)
02:39.35cladhairehehe i love watching addon ping responses
02:39.51DsanaiSo what's the new method for itemType?
02:40.07DsanaiOr rather, is there a table of the numbers it returns?
02:40.13Mike-N-Go"3" == "Weapon"
02:40.18Drundiatell me in a few words what does button:Enable() ?
02:40.30DsanaiThat'll work for my purposes, thanks
02:40.58TullerDarklin: I'm the bongos guy :P
02:41.34cladhairehahaha Marshal McBride at Northshire abbey just said "You are dismissed Womanhater"
02:41.38DsanaiDid you know when you drop a new action onto the bongo bars, it hides the button outlines even if that option is turned on to always show them?  ;)
02:41.40cladhairei love fun names =)
02:41.46DarklinTuller: Sweet! Sorry to bother you. I love your mod but, as expected, it broke with 2.0.1 for me. (I'm a druid.) Was wondering if there was anything I could do to help?
02:42.01DsanaiThere's an updated Bongos out, Darklin
02:42.05TullerDsanai: yes, and its fixed in mine
02:42.12tyroneyThere, found it.  I had moved my topleft corner so that it was below and right of my bottomright corner.  Fixed that, and it catches clicks fine.
02:42.13DsanaiExcellent  :)
02:42.30TullerDarklin: it was updated yesterday, but there's a few issues with stances still
02:42.50Drundiaomg, indeed you are so much of a noob
02:43.34DsanaiI'm just glad to have it.  :)
02:43.45DarklinTuller: Aye, I was wondering if there was any troubleshooting or bughunting I could do to help you with getting it fixed.
02:43.45DsanaiBTW, your keybinding method is very nice
02:44.09TullerDarklin: uhh...find bugs and report them to me :)
02:44.22TullerDsanai: thanks, it originated in Trinity Buttons
02:45.01DsanaiI thought I'd read that someplace. It's easy to use in any event.  :)
02:45.03tyroneyAnyone have any thoughts on getting a binding in the normal binding list that I can use/coordinate with my call to SetBindingClick()  ?
02:45.53Drundiai create properly name empty binding in bindings.xml
02:45.58Drundialike CLICK Frame:button
02:46.27Drundia<Binding name="CLICK MyImbaFrame:LeftButton" />
02:47.00tyroneyAny idea offhand if I'll have issues getting full functionality with my secureanchorupdowntemplate   ?
02:47.03Mike-N-GoHow do I test different numbers in itemType, I have --/script _, _, _, _, itemType = GetItemInfo(); DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(); but I am not sure where to go from here.
02:47.05TemI don't believe that will work, Drundia
02:48.12Drundiathat does work
02:48.16Drundiaworked on PTR
02:48.28Drundiado for example SetBindingClick(args)
02:48.43DsanaiMike: Providing you have a link/item in GetItemInfo(), you should be able to do AddMessage("This type is = ".itemType);
02:48.52Drundiathen scane GetBindingAction(key) - it will show special name. naming your binding like that gets it displayed on bindings ui and saved
02:49.01DarklinTuller: Do you have any special place you want me to submit the bugs to or just tell them to you in here?
02:49.19*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
02:49.51TullerDarklin: if from wowinterface, in the bug reports thing, anywhere else just leave a comment
02:50.12Mike-N-GoWhat I want to do is put what would return 2, but I am not sure about my input, lol.
02:50.12DarklinTuller: Ok. Wowinterface is slow at the moment but will do.
02:50.27TullerDarklin: if i'm online you can tell me here
02:50.30Mike-N-GoI am trying to find out what numbers are linked to what itemType.
02:51.31Mike-N-GoOr, is there a table somewhere about this?
02:51.34*** join/#wowi-lounge netcurse (
02:51.39cladhaireits likely on the wiki
02:51.49DsanaiI looked, still gives the strings, no numbrs
02:52.05Mike-N-GoLast I looked, the wiki is not updated yet.
02:52.21TullerMike-N-Go: they're related to auction types...
02:53.28DarklinTuller: Cool. The main issue, and if you know about this one already, feel free to stop me, is this. Say I have an action bar with the paging turned on for it. I also have stance triggers set up for page 1 for when I shapeshift. Now, on page 4, i have hotkeys to shapeshift with. If I hit the hotkey on page 4, it automatically swaps out page 4 for the new shapeshifted page and I have to fiddle around to get back to the shapeshift
02:54.56DarklinI hope that was at least somewhat coherent. Heh.
02:56.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
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02:56.47Djaneehiya slouken
02:57.46Tullerif you needed to get all the names
02:57.55Mike-N-GoWow, thanks.
02:58.45dr|dranor[Tuller] any way to make vBagnon to behave like the old Bagnon but with the new features?
02:59.13Tullerdr|dranor: yes, add a category containing all items, and select only that
02:59.30dr|dranorok thanks
03:01.12Neuro_Medivhso there's already a new version of decursive?  how does it work?
03:01.57Mike-N-GoAny reason you have "iTYpe" lol
03:02.07DarklinNeuro_Medivh: Just tells you who needs curing.
03:02.16Mike-N-GoIt worked nevertheless.
03:02.30TullerMike-N-Go: a typo
03:02.57DsanaiCan you toss out a list for us, Mike?
03:03.00DsanaiI'm not IG  :)
03:03.30Mike-N-GoHuh? Can you not edit the addon file and then save and /reload...
03:03.44DsanaiIf I were in-game. I'm not
03:03.47DsanaiThanks  :)
03:03.48Mike-N-GoList in a sec
03:04.18[Cu]Werikwohoo, redesigned project page
03:04.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
03:04.45Mike-N-GoWeapon, Armor, Container, Consumable, Trade Goods, Projectile, Quiver, Recipe, Reagent, Miscellaneous.
03:04.51Mike-N-GoIn that order.
03:05.11*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
03:05.14DsanaiWasn't weapon supposed to be "3"?
03:05.22DsanaiWhat's 0-2?
03:05.29Neuro_Medivhsigh, *still* can't log into Curse
03:05.38DsanaiIt's hit and miss
03:05.46Cairennack, it's a ToastTheif
03:05.54[Cu]WerikIt shouldnt be like that anymore
03:06.10Neuro_MedivhWerik, it still tells me "Username and Password do not match"
03:06.13Mike-N-Go--for iType, text in pairs({GetAuctionItemClasses()}) do; ChatFrame1:AddMessage(iType..": "..text); end
03:06.15Neuro_Medivhand I've emailed NeT, no reply
03:06.32ToastTheifit's a cair...bear?
03:07.16Tulleryay, I can now read the, "I hate vBagnon" comments on curse again :)
03:07.35Kaeltenlol tuller, your life is now complete :)
03:07.49Mike-N-GoGives: 1:Weapon, 2: Armor, 3: Container, 4: Consumable, 5: Trade Goods, 6: Projectile, 7: Quiver, 8: Recipe, 9: Reagent 10: Miscellaneous
03:07.51[Cu]WerikAnother pleased community member;P
03:08.08seebsI am pretty confused about when something has to go in a Layer and when it goes in something else.  I have a frame.  To get FontString objects to draw, I have to put them in a Layer.  It looks like other Frames draw only if they are in <Frames>... But then do I need to put their items in <Layer>s to make them show up?
03:08.11DsanaiWell cool, thank you Mike
03:08.20Mike-N-GoAnd thanks for your script.
03:08.36tyroneyfontstrings and textures go in layers.  More solid things like buttons and frames go in frames.
03:09.18tyroneyAnd yes, those sub-frames will have their own layers with such layer things in them.
03:10.26seebsSo, I have a frame.  It has a layer with a fontstring in it, and that works.  I now want to put in a subframe (more to organize things than anything else), so I declare a Frame inside the top-level's <Frames>.  But if I declare a Button inside that new frame... No luck.
03:11.12Drundiadont make huge trees
03:11.20Drundiajust specify parents
03:11.25Mike-N-GoIt returns in that order, because that is the order at the AH...
03:12.12Mike-N-GoDid not really help for the 5th return of GetItemInfo().
03:12.16tyroneyInside the <frames> of the new frame, right?  And everthing has proper textures, and anchors, and widths, right?
03:13.57seebsTyroney:  I think so.  I was using sample code that uses inherits="OptionsButtonTemplate" and just specifies text, and magically generates a recognizeable button normally.
03:14.08seebsBut yes, I had it inside the <Frames> of the new frame.
03:15.07seebsI set the new frame to use a white backdrop so I know where it is, and it shows up fine, but the object in it isn't showing up.
03:16.27Nom-Anyone here dual booting linux and winxp ?
03:16.51seebsOccasionally.  Mostly I'm a BSD guy.
03:16.51Nom-Just wondering if you use NTFS for storage of data, and if so, do you have working read-write from linux :)
03:16.58seebsNot that I've ever heard of.
03:17.12Nom-I know there's drivers out there which claim to support full NTFS
03:17.12seebsMy practical solution has always been a FAT32 scratch partition for file exchange.
03:17.15Nom-Paragon for instance
03:17.30Nom-yeah, that's what i was thinking too, but FAT is so FAT
03:17.58seebsHmm.  On second thought, looks like my button code is just not working anyway; silly me, copying something from wowwiki.  :)
03:18.53seebsWell, on second thought, the real problem is NOT copying.
03:18.55jaxdahlour raid is having no fun tonight
03:19.14seebsFor reasons unclear to me, I can't get Firefox to cut and paste from wowwiki example code, and I mistyped my "example".
03:19.38Cairennhey norgs :)
03:21.23tyroneyDrundia: can you point me to a working empty binding someplace?
03:21.52DarklinNom-: The best linux NTFS drivers out there still only really support reading as NTFS does some rean funky things on write.
03:22.17Drundiai had one working for me on ptr
03:22.53Nom-I'm just thinking BWL is going to be really, really, really painful without PerfectRaid :(
03:23.05Drundiait is unknown if it points to frame name or variable name. the way you were creating frames they weren't in global namespace
03:23.17DarklinBleh, I hate that there's no MoveAnything replacement that works out there.
03:23.30DarklinNot that I can find anyway.
03:23.32cladhairei'm working on it Nom
03:23.34norgsHi Cairenn :)
03:23.46Drundiawell, it did work for me...
03:23.49tyroneyDrundia: Yes, they were.  I gave them names that I can access from /script just fine.
03:24.05Drundiaso what is the problem?
03:24.10tyroneyBut I'd still love to see working code.
03:26.06Mike-N-GoI was using itemMinLevel, lol
03:26.30tyroneyDrundia: so I take it you missed the junk I pasted in direct chat?
03:28.10Drundia<tyroney> i didnt, i even answered.
03:28.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Werik (
03:29.07tyroneythat's annoying.  I've seen nothing in there whatsoever.
03:29.26DarklinNear as I can tell, when I shapeshift, it doesn't actually replace Bar 1 with the new bar. Because if I do a SHIFT + # to switch back to bar 1 to try to use any of my shapeshifed abilities, it acts like I'm trying to actually cast the spells that are on bar one, instead of use the catform abilities.
03:30.13Mike-N-GoSo, all I really needed to update was the interface number, and add  a few more '_,' into my code, lol.
03:30.18Drundiaindeed typoes everywhere....
03:30.32DarklinWhich are on Page 7 for cat form abilites. And page 9 for bear form abilities.
03:31.24Drundiaoh, right, i think i need to register somewhere to talk to people like that or?
03:32.23Drundiawell, that binding you pasted should work i think
03:33.23tyroneyI think something like a      /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password
03:34.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Drundia (n=drewndia@
03:34.24tyroneyBecause it doesn't do a thing.  And I asked about seeing something, since name="CLICK..." must be a special case, unless it just lists itself under that whole ugly name.
03:34.33Mike-N-Godo /msg NickServ help
03:35.08Drundiaok back
03:35.44DarklinThe issue is definately in the code for stances. Going to tinker at it and see what I can come up with.
03:37.52tyroneyDrundia: so when you use that name="CLICK..."  how does it show up in the bindings list?  Or is there some special variable I have to set?  Normally it would be a variable named BINDING_NAME_whateverInamedit, but in this case I didn't really name it...
03:39.50Drundiai'm not sure
03:40.01Drundiaby default it will show its ugly name indeed
03:40.11tyroneyI'll go see if there's anything in the changes thread.
03:40.19Drundiamaybe you can try to name it using setglobal or getfenv
03:43.37Neuro_Medivhsigh... it gets so depressing seeing the same question get asked over and over
03:43.53DarklinWhat's that, Neuro?
03:44.37*** part/#wowi-lounge seebs (
03:44.44norgsNeuro_Medivh: yeah... you just got to sit there and take it with a smile or walk away... don't snap.
03:44.54InsideWhat's the same question being asked?
03:47.41Neuro_Medivhoh, there's several
03:47.49Neuro_Medivh"How do I self-use a bandage now?"
03:48.04Neuro_Medivh"How do I cast a spell on myself without changing targets"
03:48.06DarklinTuller: I'm here reading your code. If you've got a sec I could use some insight.
03:48.14TullerDarklin: sure
03:48.19Neuro_Medivh"How do I feed my pet now?"
03:48.32Neuro_Medivh"Without a macro, I just don't know how to wipe my own ass anymore"
03:48.32Drundiais that all?
03:49.20TemCan we have a way to pick a spell based on cooldown?
03:49.32TemYOU CANT
03:49.49Drundiawe actually can
03:49.54*** join/#wowi-lounge FlAWD (
03:49.58Neuro_Medivhno you can't
03:50.06*** join/#wowi-lounge bnovc (n=bnovc@unaffiliated/bnovc)
03:50.16tyroney"Can I pick a spell based on range?  How about now?  And now?"
03:50.20DarklinTuller: As I understand it, the file state.lua in the actionBar folder of Bongos_ActionBar is the one that handles the stances. And BState_Create(parent) is the function that sets up the stance changing?
03:50.28DarklinOr am I reading this wrong and am way off.
03:51.11TullerDarklin: yes, it handles stance mapping
03:51.18Neuro_Medivhhahahah, this guy deleted his post
03:51.38DarklinHrm, ok.
03:51.40Neuro_Medivhhe ranted about how stupid the devs were for removing the ability to feed your pet, saying it was completely moronic to nerf this
03:51.53DarklinJust noodling my way through this. Trying to figure out where it's breaking for me.
03:52.00Neuro_MedivhI posted "/cast Feed pet  /use 0 1   Learn to read next time"  and he deleted his post
03:52.07TullerDarklin: what's breaking again? :)
03:52.49Neuro_MedivhOh, no, he didn't delete it, nm
03:53.38DarklinTuller: When I shapeshift, the new action bar doesn't replace the old one properly.
03:53.47abugl2read neuro
03:53.49DarklinAnd it overwrites the current page I'm on.
03:54.10Kirovanyone else had a bug where a "dink" sound keeps playing?
03:54.17Kirovevery time the raid changes
03:54.26Darklinex: ActionBar 1 visible. Paging enabled on it.
03:54.57DarklinSHIFT + 4 to switch to page 4. Hit hotkey for shapeshift. Now page 4 gets replaced with page 7 because that's the cat shapeshift.
03:55.01FlAWDif anyone else wants, before i delete the file ... ... a few that I found updated yesterday
03:55.14Cairennnight Werik
03:55.45DarklinWhich it shouldn't, but nevertheless. So, if I try to use any of the buttons at that point, I cant because it still assumes I'm on page 4
03:55.53DarklinTho page 7 is being displayed.
03:56.12DarklinSo I SHIFT + 2, then SHIFT + 1 again, and this time I'm actually looking at page 1(Page 7)
03:56.29DarklinBut when I use any of my keybinds, they all are trying to cast spells from the ACTUAL page 1.
03:56.38DarklinAs opposed to the new page 1, page 7
03:56.41TullerDarklin: did you bind all of your buttons using the new menu?
03:56.42DarklinConfusing, isn't it?
03:57.13DarklinTuller: I feel a, oh am I stupid moment coming on. No, I did not. Gimme a sec.
03:57.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Zxcvb (
03:59.27Zxcvbis there an updated questhistory at all?
03:59.32abug~open sesame
04:00.36abugpurl: open sesame is <reply> IMHO, you should get down with the genie.
04:00.37purlabug: okay
04:00.42abug~open sesame
04:00.43purlIMHO, you should get down with the genie.
04:01.01DarklinDefinately an I feel stupid moment, the keybinds work now.
04:01.08DarklinHowever, there's still an issue.
04:01.17DarklinGimme a sec to properly word it.
04:01.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Nomad_Wanderer (
04:01.37purlrumour has it, nomad is a mp3 player
04:01.56Nomad_Wanderer~lastseen Nomad
04:02.10DarklinTuller: Oh and thanks for letting me bother you for a bit. =) I appreciate the hard work you do on this mod.
04:02.11Nomad_Wandererhow does that prul command work again?
04:02.19abug~seen Nomad_Wanderer
04:02.34purlnomad_wanderer is currently on #wowi-lounge (1m 7s). Has said a total of 2 messages. Is idling for 23s, last said: 'how does that prul command work again?'.
04:02.34Nomad_WandererIt's been months I think
04:03.28DarklinTuller: Ok... When I shapeshift, whatever hotkey page I am on gets replaced by the new page, provided theres a 'stance' setup for the shapeshift.
04:03.40MalivilAny easy way to convert a lootlink database?
04:04.05abugby hand?
04:04.09Malivilok, how?
04:04.26abugyou got the old table from savedvariables.lua?
04:05.10Malivilits 11mb though, lol
04:05.24abugyou got an example of a new table filled with an item or two?
04:06.45DarklinAt that point, the only way to switch hotkey pages again is to do a SHIFT + 1 and then I can begin paging around again.
04:07.03MalivilYea i do abug
04:07.26Malivilonly difference i see is more :0:0 s at the end of the item number thing
04:07.50DarklinMalivil: Write a python script to chomp lines of the file and spit them back in the new form?
04:07.50abugthrow up a little bit of each on pastey
04:08.27abugscrew python do it in game with lua
04:08.33*** join/#wowi-lounge _FlAWD (
04:08.51abug(disclaimer: I do not recommend screwing pythons)
04:09.18Darklinabug: lol. I actually know/like python. I've only recently dipped my toe into LUA.
04:11.00DarklinTuller: So once BState_Create() has been called. Is it called again later on, or is BState_Update() used from that point on?
04:11.33abugwhat's the name of the table?
04:11.36TullerDarklin: bstate_update should be called whenever you edit a stance
04:11.49abug@ Malivil
04:11.52MalivilWhat do you mean?
04:11.58abugthe first line
04:12.05MalivilItemLinks = {
04:12.15abugwhat's the second line
04:12.23Malivilit just goes right into the items
04:12.28abugoh good stuff
04:13.08DarklinTuller: Only when you edit/add a stance in the options screen? I'm hunting for what gets called when you actually change stances/states.
04:13.19TullerDarklin: magic code in the state header :)
04:14.03abugpersonally I wouldn't save the item links
04:14.22TullerDarklin: but check out the main.lua file for bongos events
04:14.26Malivili have 41000 of them though
04:14.37DarklinTuller: Bleh. UpdateStanceBars()
04:14.41DarklinFound it, for I r dum.
04:14.52clad|sleepnight all
04:14.55MalivilI'll just wait for a new version
04:15.01Malivilof LootLinkDB
04:15.15abugyou could save the item stats though
04:15.39MalivilI barely use it anyway
04:15.52Malivilthanks for the help
04:15.54*** join/#wowi-lounge _DrDre (
04:16.05abugone moment
04:22.10DarklinBleh, time for a smoke. I r confuzzled.
04:26.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
04:26.41*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem] by ChanServ
04:26.52*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
04:27.39Mike-N-GoHumm [Broken Balanced Throwing Dagger] is not a weapon, it is Miscellaneous...
04:28.27ScytheBlade1I'm pretty sure that the ENTIRE SOUTHSHORE ZONE is now littered with skeletons
04:28.44Temwhich is why you shouldn't really use that return for determining which type of item you're dealing with
04:29.57Mike-N-GoTem, you talking to me?
04:30.08Temyes, I am
04:30.26Mike-N-GoOk, how else can I do local --itemName, _, _, _, _, itemType = GetItemInfo(itemID)
04:30.32Temand I really meant, "why you shouldn't use that return for finding out which slot an item goes into
04:30.43kergothMike-N-Go, how else?
04:31.35purlyou are, like, the n00blet that could..  The author of AutoMailDirector, available on WoWI, or
04:32.04Mike-N-GoThis is for my Mail Addon
04:33.09kergothis it just me, or is the experiencefu time to level completely out in left field? (beta)
04:33.22Mike-N-Go~ experiencefu
04:33.30kergoththe fubar plugin
04:34.06SP|Sorren`kergoth: its session time seems to be off on first load
04:34.11SP|Sorren`but fixes itself if you do reloadui
04:34.33DarklinBleh, afk a minute.
04:35.54CairennMike-N-Go: not every mod in existence has been programmed into purl
04:37.18purlextra, extra, read all about it, cairenn is one of the administrators of, also EQInterface, EQ2Interface and VGInterface, or a profane guy.
04:37.18Cairennremember, purl is in, what, a hundred or so channels ... wow channels don't make up even 1% of them
04:37.25Thunder_Childwell it seems the important ones are...
04:37.31Cairennprofane? guy?
04:38.05Thunder_Childand i dont mean the candy
04:38.05abug~purl is sexy
04:38.15Cairennpurl, no, Cairenn is <reply> one of the administrators of, also EQInterface, EQ2Interface and VGInterface
04:38.17purlCairenn: okay
04:38.34Cairennwhoever changed it, don't do it again, that's considered the height of rudeness
04:38.40Tempurl, no, Cairenn is one of the administrators of, also EQInterface, EQ2Interface and VGInterface
04:38.42purlTem: okay
04:38.54CairennTem: thanks
04:39.08Tem~sean connery
04:39.14abugpurl, no, Cairenn is one of the administratrixes of, also EQInterface, EQ2Interface and VGInterface
04:39.16purlokay, abug
04:39.30Tem~sean conery
04:39.38CairennI always screw that up, the difference between ~name and ~emulate name
04:39.46Temhrm, I could swear...
04:39.50purlStop tormenting me!
04:39.55Tem~emulate sean connery
04:39.57purlThe day is mine!
04:39.58Thunder_Childwell your only ever puring on the other one
04:40.00Cairennabug: I'm the *only* adminstratrix of any of the sites
04:40.01Temthere we go :)
04:40.14Thardalpurl, no, botabuse is fun
04:40.16purlThardal: okay
04:40.21purlokay, Cairenn
04:40.49Cairenndon't think that ever got programmed in
04:40.54Tempurl Cair is $see Cairenn
04:40.55purlokay, Tem
04:40.56*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (
04:41.00purli heard cair is $see Cairenn
04:41.15Thunder_Childyes purl does have the habit of doing that
04:41.22Mike-N-GoHumm, when I do /reload it does not save my CT_PlayerNotes....
04:41.27Tempurl no, Cair is
04:41.38F|AWDgood olde eggdrop
04:41.44Thunder_Childis it just me or can you really not /reloadui when dead?
04:41.45*** join/#wowi-lounge steev64 (n=steev@gentoo/developer/steev)
04:41.49CairennI don't remember that one at all Tem, kergoth would know
04:42.02CairennThunder_Child: that's what I hear
04:42.07Tempurl, no, Cair is see Cairenn
04:42.09purlokay, Tem
04:42.14purlsomebody said cair was see Cairenn
04:42.24Temoh, duh
04:42.48kergothpurl, no, Cair is <reply> see Cairenn
04:42.49purlokay, kergoth
04:42.52purlsomebody said cairenn was one of the administrators of, also EQInterface, EQ2Interface and VGInterface
04:42.59Temyeah, kergoth
04:43.04Temthat's what I was in the process of typing out
04:43.12TemI remember at the last second
04:43.14Cairennnow, you guys done make purl ping my name?
04:43.16Mike-N-GoIs there a difference between /reload and /reloadui?
04:43.20Nomad_WandererBy the way has anyone said.. ZOMG GRID!!@!!
04:43.23Nomad_Wandereryet today?
04:43.30purlhere's a llama there's a llama and another little llama fuzzy llama funny llama, llama llama duck. llama llama cheesecake llama tablet brick potato llama, llama llama mushroom llama, llama llama duck. i was once a treehouse i lived in a cake but i never saw the way the orange slayed the rake i was only three years dead but it told a tale and now listen, little ...
04:43.34CairennNomad_Wanderer: they have now
04:43.42DarklinTuller: I'm having the thought that the issue I'm experiencing is with the stance changes overwriting whatever hotkey page I'm on. And by using SHIFT + 1 first, it's resetting the page issue.
04:43.44Tempurl, tell Cairenn about llamasong
04:43.45Cairenn~lart Tem
04:43.50Cairennyou bitch
04:44.00TainOff with his head!
04:44.09abugpurl, caire is <reply> a typo of Cairne, the tauren chieftan
04:44.10purlokay, abug
04:44.10TemI wonder if the seperate parts are still in there
04:44.17Nomad_Wanderer./ravote /gkick tem
04:44.32Thunder_Childi still love what someone put in for loose
04:44.37purlfrom memory, loose is the most annoying spelling error.  It's LOSE you moron.  Unless of course you're using loose in a Madonna sorta way.
04:44.57Thunder_Childty tem
04:45.00Temthat should pad the ballet a bit
04:45.20TemCairenn, I'll be waiting :)
04:45.47abugpurl, channels
04:46.11abugpurl, channel
04:46.13purlsomebody said channel was This refers to the group of resellers that supply most companies with software, hardware, and support. The channel is a force to be reckoned with, and it competes directly against companies like Gateway 2000 and Dell. A channel can also be a content container, like a television channel. You may be watching TV channels on the Internet someday.
04:46.30Temoh noes
04:46.40purlI wonder what Tem is breaking now... a profane guy.
04:46.54Thunder_Childwho is doing that
04:46.57purlI'm on 77 channels: #/6, ##ducleague/11, ##essy/53, ##icf/4, ##pxe/8, ##t42/3, #aegis/1, #asterisk/287, #asterisk-doc/3, #botpark/16, #brlcad/12, #byumug/2, #bz-inc/7, #bzflag/45, #bzmods/5, #casualti/2, #creativeforum/3, #debian/596, #debian-bots/17, #debian-france/10, #debianppc/21, #dub/5, #edev/24, #elinux/33, #elive/31, #familiar/19, #familysearch/1, ...
04:46.57purli've cached 2770 users, 2065 unique users, distributed over 77 channels.
04:47.01TemI have a guess
04:47.09Tem~literalinfo tem
04:47.16Tem~literal info tem
04:47.25abug~lol tem
04:47.29Thunder_Childwell if your thinking me you would be wrong
04:47.31Temkergoth, what command am I looking for?
04:47.34Cairennhe isn't
04:47.38TemThunder_Child, you're not my guess
04:47.55Thunder_Childoh, well i happend to strike to of them so far
04:48.11Nomad_Wandereranyone know of a button masher spell canceler?
04:48.12abugneeds more profanity imo
04:48.35TullerNomad_Wanderer: for class buttons, its in the UI
04:49.15*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
04:49.16Nomad_Wanderernah... I know automatic spell canceling is out, so a macro that checks health is what I'm looking for..  then I mash that macro
04:49.41ckknighthey all
04:49.45Cairennhi ckknight
04:49.49Tem~factinfo Tem
04:49.49purltem -- last modified at Sat Nov 25 20:15:28 2006 by Mike-N-Go!n=Mike@; it has been requested 2 times, last by Thunder_Child, 3m 9s ago.
04:50.00Thunder_Childsup ck
04:50.04CairennMike-N-Go: we need to talk
04:50.11purlthe current author of WatchDog, PerfectRaid, and a number of smaller addons.  He is also a core developer of the Ace project. People in #wowace also know him as 'Mr. Lightningfingers', or a profane guy.
04:50.11Nomad_WandererHey Ck, My Fubar is only half the width of my screen.. No errors, but it's still kinda disconcerting.. Any advice?
04:50.13Mike-N-GoWhat did I do?
04:50.15*** join/#wowi-lounge IsoLin (
04:50.19Tem~factinfo cladhaire
04:50.19purlcladhaire -- last modified at Sat Nov 25 20:15:44 2006 by Mike-N-Go!n=Mike@; it has been requested 2 times, last by Tem, 8s ago.
04:50.21PProvostwowi still down?
04:50.38Mike-N-GoOk, lets talk
04:50.55CairennPProvost: we're up, have been pretty much all along, just dragging hard
04:51.04PProvostNomad_Wanderer, You should be able to drag the side of the fubar. Have you tried that?
04:51.21Nomad_Wandererso hot thats cool.
04:51.23Nomad_Wandererthat's new
04:51.33PProvostHokey Cairenn, just checking. Someone over on #wowace yesterday was calling it Black Tuesday. :)
04:51.41ckknightMauve Tuesday.
04:51.41Thunder_Childnot black
04:52.14Thunder_Childhey, comcast isnt that bad...
04:52.25ckknightNomad_Wanderer, yea, that feature's like since FuBar 0.4
04:52.30TemNomad_Wanderer, that's not new; it's just a little known feature
04:52.43Nomad_WandererYeah.. It seemed to always be fullscreen for me in the past
04:52.58Tembecause *someone* picked shitty cursor feedback
04:53.05*** join/#wowi-lounge DJBlackwing (
04:53.26TainComcast sucks.
04:53.34Thunder_Childit's not comcast now anyways
04:53.51TainDepends where you are.
04:54.05Thunder_Childhuh, i thought they were totaly bought out
04:54.11abugHey Malivil try this snuff out:
04:54.32IsoLinDoes anyone know whether any of the bag mods are working with 2.0? I just finished fixing EngBags to work with the new 5.1 syntax, but when I try to consume an item - like bread - by right clicking I get this error that its beeing blocked because its not a blizz UI, any workarounds?
04:54.50Nomad_Wanderervbagnon is working, and now has engbag like features
04:55.19DarklinAnyone know if it's possible to trigger a blizzard event? For example, firing a ACTIONBAR_PAGE_CHANGED event by hand?
04:55.41ckknightDarklin, technically, no. But some frameworks (such as AceEvent) allow you to trigger arbitrary events
04:55.44IsoLinvbagnon, hmm, ok, thanks ill look into it
04:56.00abugthat wasn't an ace plug was it?
04:56.01Darklinckknight: Thanks. Guess I'll have to come up with a different workaround.
04:56.18Darklinabug: No, it was information in response to a request for info.
04:56.19ckknightabug, of course not.
04:56.31abugmy bad
04:56.37ckknightI doubt it would help him, honestly
04:56.42ckknightdue to his specific situation
04:56.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
04:56.50Thunder_ChildHandy "We also have an update that is currently under development that will add the bonus honor to the estimated honor totals for each day before the calculation, allowing players to track the bonus honor as it's earned in their estimated total. This change will be implemented the next time the realms are restarted, likely with next week's maintenance."
04:57.11DarklinAye, not like I can rewrite Tuller's work in Ace. I'm just trying to help squash a specific issue I'm having with his mod.
04:57.26ckknightwell, you could call his OnEvent function
04:57.47Temand if you're lucky he coded it in the 2.0 style
04:57.51Temwhich makes calling it like that easy
04:57.57Darklinckknight: Not FROM the OnEvent. I don't feel like playing with recursion loops tonight.
04:58.26ckknightI don't know
04:58.33DarklinIt's ok, I'll come up with another way.
04:58.34abug~ping malivil
04:58.46purlpong malivil
04:58.49ckknightis WoWI ever coming up? :-(
04:58.59Temckknight, it's been up allday
04:59.01Thunder_Childit does, slowly
04:59.02DarklinI may just try adding in a  UpdatePageBars() after his UpdateStanceBar() and see what happens.
04:59.07Temjust ask the 8435 people on there right now
04:59.15Thunder_Childthough i have to admit, it's getting better
04:59.18Temgod that server must be crying tears of blood
04:59.33abugshould charge money to see that imo
04:59.33ckknightTem, if it doesn't come up in 10 seconds for me, that means it's down as far as I'm concerned.
04:59.35Silvthats my line, Tem
04:59.49Temyes, it is your line
04:59.55TemI stole it fair and square
05:00.02Temckknight, it's hella slow, but there
05:00.10abug~hella slow
05:00.34DarklinWell, that did squat.
05:00.42abugpurl, hella slow is <reply> see around patch days
05:00.44purlabug: okay
05:01.03ckknight~hella slow
05:01.10TemI don't think that's going to work
05:01.11Thunder_Childare we taking bets on when wowi is back to some sort of normality
05:01.15Cairennand CG and and blizzard and ...
05:01.24ckknightyea, Cairenn
05:01.27Tembecause there isn't a factoid named " around patch days"
05:01.40abugaw poo
05:01.41Thunder_Childliteral string it?
05:01.44ckknightpurl, no hella slow is <reply> around patch days
05:01.45purlokay, ckknight
05:01.52purlpoo is smelly
05:01.56abug~fling purl
05:01.58purlACTION flings poo at purl
05:01.58ckknight~hella slow around patch days
05:02.01purlit has been said that hella is lame
05:02.21Darklinhrm, I wonder if I can rewrite his UpdateStanceBars() to remember what 'page' the bar was on, then swap back to that after changing the stance.
05:04.04DarklinTuller: You still out here or are you off playing? If so I totally understand.
05:04.17abug~wakeup Malivil
05:04.19purlACTION silently aproaches Malivil, who's sleeping (zZzZZZzzZZ, Ronc !!! ronc!), gets off his pants and shoots a noisy fart ... PUBFBFBFBBBFFF!!!
05:04.20TullerDarklin: yes
05:04.44abug~def ronc
05:05.07DarklinTuller: I think I may have found the root of my issue and if you wouldn't mind, I'd like a sec to pick your brain about how I could go about fixing it. I have an idea but I don't know how to impliment it in your framework.
05:05.26DarklinIf you're busy or playing, I totally understand.
05:05.33TullerDarklin: still working on bongos :)
05:05.41TullerDarklin: what did you find?
05:05.43DarklinTuller: Still hacking away at it.
05:05.53Tempurl, forget hella slow
05:06.03abugpurl, belay that order
05:06.05kaideni miss it :(
05:06.18DarklinBasically this, the way it's setup now when the event UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORM fires, you run UpdateStanceBars() in response.
05:06.18SP|Sorren`anyone know if conditionals work with assist and assistunit?
05:06.45DarklinBut UpdateStanceBars() doesn't 'remember' what 'page' you were on when the event fired. So it overwrites whatever hotkey page you were on with the new one in response.
05:06.49Tempurl, no, hella slow is the speed of *certain* people's brains on realizing what things they shouldn't mention in certain places
05:06.50purlokay, Tem
05:06.51Thunder_ChildCairenn, looks like you broke your own record agan today "Most users ever online was 9405, 12-06-2006 at 07:43 PM."
05:07.11Tempurl, no, hella slow is the speed of *certain* peoples' brains on realizing what things they shouldn't mention in certain places
05:07.13purlTem: okay
05:07.30DarklinSo I'm thinking of creating a 'memory' in UpdateStanceBars() that remembers what your previous hotkey 'page' was and after setting up the new buttons, flips you back to the page you were on previously.
05:07.47DarklinPossibly by calling UpdatePageBars()
05:08.01DarklinStill with me?
05:08.05purli guess 1984 is a novel about 1999, written by George Orwell in 1948.
05:08.22TullerDarklin: my statemap should actually be doing that
05:08.42abugpurl, no, 1984 is a novel about 2007, written by George Orwell in 1948.
05:08.43purlokay, abug
05:08.48TullerDarklin: hence why I have states ranging from 0 to 7000 :)
05:09.00abugpurl, no, 1984 is <reply>a novel about 2007, written by George Orwell in 1948.
05:09.02purlabug: okay
05:09.18TullerDarklin: the 1000 part is your stance, 0-119 is designated for pages
05:09.18DarklinTuller: For whatever reason, it's not. As soon as I page to my 'shapeshift' bank of hotkeys and hit one of them, it overwrites the shapeshift bank with the 'new' bank of keys.
05:09.38Temabug, you should learn to not screw with other people's factoids
05:09.49Temsomeone might take offense
05:10.20TullerDarklin: you mean when you switch stances, bongos immediately goes to the shapeshift bar, even if you're currently paged?
05:10.29DarklinTuller: Yes.
05:10.41abugI had no idea factoids were copyrighted
05:10.55TullerDarklin: yeah that isn't coded in yet :)
05:11.11abuglemme put it back along with a copyright disclaimer
05:11.17DarklinTuller: That's the main issue I've been banging my head on tonight. =)
05:11.27DarklinDidn't realize that wasn't in yet.
05:11.30Tem|IceCreamHuntplease die in a 'twisting my words' fire
05:12.13Thunder_ChildIceCreamHunt?......need a spear and everything?
05:12.55TullerDarklin: 0:1000;1:1001;2:1002;3:1003;
05:13.15Tullerbasically the stateheader becomes even more gigantic :)
05:13.57DarklinTuller: I have no idea what you just said with all the numbers. =P
05:14.30TullerDarklin: those are proper statemaps for your first stance, whatever it is
05:14.36Thunder_Childsweet, i just hearthd from the mystic ward to the inn....of IF
05:14.37TullerDarklin: so that it remembers paging
05:14.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
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05:15.04abugthat works good when you don't have a mount
05:15.13abugor you're stuck with a turtle mount
05:15.38*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia_ (
05:16.00DarklinTuller: So what you're telling me is stop playing with it or I'm going to break it. lol
05:16.25TullerDarklin: I was just showing you what it would look like :)
05:16.52PProvostAnyone seeing the chat box not scrolling? I click the arrows and it won't scroll. I try wheel scrolling addons... and it won't scroll. Not happy.
05:17.11DarklinTuller: Aye, I realize that. That was a lame attempt at being amusing.
05:17.32abugPProvost: is the chat box empty?
05:17.32Tullernow, where do I go to make someone make the state header go faster? :)
05:17.56ckknightPProvost, works for me...
05:19.27DarklinTuller: Where would I read about the State Header? Wowwiki?
05:20.32*** join/#wowi-lounge bnovc (
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05:20.53TullerDarklin: cogsbar and securetemplates and securestateheader.  The last two you need to use the ui kit to extract
05:20.54Thunder_Childanyone else haveing a problem getting into a BG, i click and nothing happens
05:21.04Tullerbut the UI kit does not work right now as far as I'm aware
05:21.09Thunder_Child-zero- mods enabled atm
05:21.11seebsHey, I have a comparatively not-stupid question, I think.  I have three checkboxes.  Only the leftmost one is recognizing mouse movement; if you mouse over the others, the first one illuminates.
05:21.16seebsDo they have a huge clickable area or something?
05:21.23DarklinTuller: I have the newest UI Kit.
05:21.39DJBlackwingAny siuggestions on a very simple bar mod? All i want is a left side bar lol
05:21.39CairennTuller: there's an updated one, check the 2.0 thread on blizz forum for the link
05:21.53TullerCairenn: I ended up using an MPQ viewer :)
05:21.56DarklinAye, that's where I picked it up.
05:22.03Cairennthat works too
05:22.05seebsOh, wait.  The others can be clicked on, the mouse just has to be about 100 pixels to the right of them.  WTF.
05:22.05abugis bongos a bar mod? dunno try that
05:22.13Mike-N-Gopurl, no, esamynn is methinks esamynn is the author of GroupHeal which can be found on WoWI.
05:22.15purlokay, Mike-N-Go
05:22.48Cairennno "methinks" on the front Mike
05:22.54Darklinseebs: Ouch. Sounds no fun.
05:23.01Cairennjust "name is info"
05:23.12Mike-N-Gopurl, no, cladhaire is the current author of WatchDog, PerfectRaid, and a number of smaller addons.  He is also a core developer of the Ace project. People in #wowace also know him as 'Mr. Lightningfingers.'
05:23.16purlMike-N-Go: okay
05:23.19Cairennpurl adds the "me thinks" or "i've heard" or whatever
05:23.37seebsI'm pretty confused.
05:23.39seebs<CheckButton name="$parentCheckSelf" inherits="OptionsCheckButtonTemplate" checked="false">
05:23.40seebs<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parent" relativePoint="TOPLEFT">
05:23.40seebs<Offset x="540" y="0"/>
05:23.45seebs<-- hope that's not too large a paste.
05:23.52abughold on still reading it
05:24.05abugyeah it's pretty big
05:24.09Kasousually 3 or 4 lines is considered too big
05:24.32seebsThe check buttons draw exactly where I expected them to, and check marks appear.  The leftmost one, clicking on it directly activates it.  The other two just like it (offsets 565 and 590) are activated only if the cursor is entirely outside the window.
05:24.38Mike-N-Gopurl, no, esaamynn is the author of GroupHeal which can be found on WoWI.
05:24.40purlokay, Mike-N-Go
05:24.40Cairennseebs: pushing it, definitely too big if the channel is busy ... use
05:24.55Cairennseebs: for future reference :)
05:25.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:25.55seebsOkay, cool.
05:26.04Mike-N-Gopurl, no, esamynn is the author of GroupHeal which can be found on WoWI.
05:26.05purlokay, Mike-N-Go
05:26.16seebsAnyway, any obvious reason for a checkbutton to react to clicks that aren't even in its parent frame, let alone on top of it?
05:26.49Mike-N-GoOk, me thinks me fixed.
05:26.57abugit's beginning to reproduce so it must double in size before it can split into two new checkboxes, each a child of the original
05:27.16purlcladhaire is, like, the current author of WatchDog, PerfectRaid, and a number of smaller addons.  He is also a core developer of the Ace project. People in #wowace also know him as 'Mr. Lightningfingers.'
05:27.18purltem is, like, I wonder what Tem is breaking now...
05:27.24seebsI'm using a FauxScrollFrame, I have a batch of ten frames using a template with these check buttons in them.  They are fine vertically, it's just that I can click entirely outside the window and hit one of them... Weird.
05:27.26purlwell, esamynn is the author of GroupHeal which can be found on WoWI.
05:27.42Kasoim boring i dont have anything
05:27.45Mr_Rabies2is there any way i can macro this?  If target is friendly, assist; else cast hunter's mark and pet attack?
05:27.47purli guess cairenn is one of the administrators of, also EQInterface, EQ2Interface and VGInterface
05:27.59Mike-N-GoOK, me fixed!
05:28.12CairennMike-N-Go: thank you
05:28.25purlit has been said that iriel is in fact correct :)
05:28.41DarklinTuller: Just giving this a quick once over, would Slave Headers help you at all?
05:29.42Mike-N-GoWon't happen again, but if it does, you have the right to ban me, I would not be missing out on much.
05:29.45Darklini.e. Make a parent header for each stance, then group slave headers under the stances?
05:30.15Thunder_ChildMike, are you trying to be insulting?
05:30.26abugwait you made those changes mike? I thought I did
05:30.27TullerDarklin: probably not :)
05:30.47DarklinTuller: Just a shot in the dark there.
05:31.25TullerI thought about making a tree of state headers, but I haven't tested if setparent will work in combat
05:31.37Mike-N-GoThunder_Child: Nope, I was a sobortanent, me fixed now.
05:31.52TullerI could physically connect them to buttons, maybe
05:32.19Tullerbut for right now its a gigantic state header
05:32.42purlmethinks sh is the POSIX shell, or the old System V (and earlier) Bourne shell, or usually a symbolic link to /bin/bash on a GNU/Linux system
05:32.52purlmethinks sth is something
05:32.52TullerI think its 12*7 states right now
05:33.17abugpurl, STH is the new unofficial abbreviation for state headers
05:33.18purl...but sth is already something else...
05:33.32abugpurl, no, STH is the new unofficial abbreviation for state headers
05:33.33purlokay, abug
05:35.54GuillotineWTB GM. My group has been stuck in AB for the last 10 minutes after the game ended :(
05:36.08Mike-N-GoI have only been on IRC, programing, and a few other things since October, I don't know how this big world works yet, and what a big world it is! My apologies for appending something to a few of your purl definitions, it wont happen again.
05:36.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Inside (
05:37.08Thunder_Childhah, now i am glad i didnt join you Guillotine
05:37.09abug* Outside has left #wowi-lounge
05:37.53Thunder_Childaccording to drysc it's all fixed
05:38.01Thunder_Childbut i still cant get into a game
05:38.06GuillotineI got an automatic GM message saying it was fixed
05:38.11Guillotinebut apparently it isn't :/
05:38.29abugsorry just a bad joke
05:38.50DarklinAh, I think I understand, so when you were saying stuff like 0:1000;1:1001; etc. You were saying state 0 becomes state 1000, etc etc?
05:39.05Thunder_Childguess not
05:39.11TullerDarklin: yes
05:40.53DarklinTuller: Ok, I think I'm able to follow the stateMachine thing now.
05:42.07InsideI see
05:43.04Corrodiasyou're just imagining the whole incident
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05:46.07DarklinTuller: in LoadPageStates(), am I correct in my reading that you're only storing 1 state at the moment?
05:46.22Darklinfor state = 0, maxState do (maxState is declared earlier as 0)
05:46.56TullerDarklin: maxState is set to however many states the given class can have
05:48.17DarklinTuller: I must be missing it. I don't see maxState getting altered in BState_Create() or BState_Update()
05:48.29TullerDarklin: BState_LoadStateMaps
05:49.08DarklinTuller: Aye, just spotted that. Just seeing how that figures in.
05:49.18seebsArgh.  It looks as though the checkboxes just have a huge extra area to their right that's active, and easily overlaps other nearby checkboxes.  Waah.
05:49.24xlviiis shaman duel-wielding that great?
05:49.45KaoS`it seems kinda slow ? :(
05:50.00KaoS`maybe its because I have two maces..
05:53.59DarklinSo that's only called during BProfile.AddStartup
05:56.01TullerDarklin: yes, which is called at PLAYER_LOGIN or whenever a profile is loaded
05:56.22DarklinTuller: Aye.
05:56.38DarklinMan, it seems there should be an easier way to do this.
05:56.51TullerDarklin: there probably is
05:57.53seebsFound it!  The default template has <HitRectInsets> ... right="-100" ...
05:58.04seebsJust replace that with a specified hitrect of 0/0/0/0 and all is well.
05:58.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
06:01.23DarklinTuller: Are you creating a new 'bar' for every possible state?
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06:01.55DarklinHrm, i may have read that wrong.
06:14.56*** part/#wowi-lounge Skrom (
06:16.02Mike-N-GoSo.. How do I get some modules to plug into fubar?
06:17.59Nom-include a FuBar plugin... :P
06:20.15LegorolCan anyone confirm or deny: post-patch, there is still a 10% price discount for PvP ranks?
06:20.29Legorolmy observation is that there is
06:22.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
06:25.48DarklinTuller: I'm really lost on the purpose of LoadStateMaps()...
06:26.11TullerDarklin: it maps states to virtual buttons
06:26.20Tullerit changes 6001 to page1
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06:27.32Garoun|Loupanasigh, took me a friggin hour to get the network rebuilt... bleh
06:27.55Garoun|Loupanabut at least my g/f will be happy she can use her laptop outside of the computer room now
06:27.55DarklinTuller: Yeah, actually it would change 6001 to p1 but nevertheless.
06:28.56DarklinSo this is using State Transitioning?
06:28.59DarklinIf I'm reading this right.
06:29.09TullerDarklin: yes
06:29.34jaxdahldoes the pvp discount still exist?
06:29.45jaxdahli don't think it does
06:30.31DarklinWhat about key-rebinding as an alternative to state transitioning? Would that be worthwhile to look into?
06:30.53DarklinOr is that already going on and I'm just being dense again.
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06:38.36DarklinOk, well my head hurts cause this is way past my oh so limited understanding of the WoW UI.
06:39.51xlviiokay, my friend is about to roll a shaman.. he's going to be grouping with me, a priest.. what stats does he want? agi/sta/str?
06:40.06xlviihe'll mostly be meleeing, dropping the occasional totem, and shocks.
06:40.49Caerynbtw U3 from SanDisk is a piece of crap
06:41.01Caerynin case you ever think "wow i can get a flash drive and code on the go"
06:41.20DarklinNot really this forum's topic but STA/STR/AGI/SPI/INT
06:41.35DarklinFor a melee oriented shaman.
06:41.40Caerynhaha truf
06:41.45Caerynthey are like paladins, +4 to stats
06:42.15CaerynGaroun|Loupana: demand payment in the form of an hour of nasty
06:43.46Garoun|Loupanahehe that wouldn't be a problem Caer :P
06:44.05Garoun|Loupanaworking on getting my universal remote configured right now
06:46.11Caeryni hate those things
06:46.27Caeryni cn't stand anything with a billion buttons
06:54.12Garoun|Loupanamy Harmony 880 is set up kinda nice
06:54.25Garoun|Loupanaand the setup is a cakewalk :)
06:54.29SP|Sorren`can i join other zone's general chats?
06:54.38Garoun|LoupanaI can even play my friggin x360 with it
06:54.47*** join/#wowi-lounge FelixTeCat (
06:55.02TemSP|Sorren`, you haven't been able to do that for almost a year now
06:55.04FelixTeCatHey all
06:55.45jaxdahl/script if not _clickfixed then __xps=PlaySound; function PlaySound(snd) if (snd~="igCharacterInfoTab") then __xps(snd); end end _clickfixed=1; end
06:56.14xlviican someone get me a direct download link for 'align'? it's on
06:56.46FelixTeCatDoes anyone know if theres a issue making fubar 2.0 work with a mac?
06:56.55xlviikirov, it makes a big grid over your screen.. so you can align things properly.
06:57.08KirovFelix - no.
06:57.49FelixTeCatI been trying for 6 hours to get fubar to work on this mac nothing
06:58.05KirovFelix - what have you done so far?
06:58.33Darklinjaxdahl: Why replace PlaySound?
06:58.40jaxdahlfixes clicking
06:58.52jaxdahlwhen people join/leave raid, etc
06:58.54FelixTeCatWell I clean out the addons , wdb and wtf to start fresh just added the latest ver of fubar with questfu and nothing, updated the libs
06:58.55Kirovanyone tracked down what's causing that?
06:59.16FelixTeCatTried other ver of fubar and addons
06:59.21FelixTeCatI am stumped
06:59.27KirovFelix - is it showing up in Addons?
06:59.31FelixTeCatI am not getting any errors
06:59.43KirovIs it showing up in Addons?
06:59.48FelixTeCatYes is showing up in my addons and no errors that wow detects
06:59.59KirovAnd in-game?
07:00.12DarklinFelix: In the addons page is it showing up that questfu is incompatable?
07:00.24DarklinBefore you enter the game, at character select I mean.
07:00.33FelixTeCatNo errors in game but no bar eathier
07:00.43FelixTeCatand questfu not comming up eathier
07:00.58FelixTeCatI tried on a mac desktop and laptop same thing nothing
07:01.22FelixTeCatNo at the character select screen they both come up as working fine
07:01.26DarklinAnd you're sure it's installed in the correct folder. not %Warcraft%/interface/addons/interface/addons/FuBar_QuestFu
07:01.37DarklinOk, then i'm stumped.
07:02.00FelixTeCatYes I am cause if it wasnt in the right folder it wouldnt show up in my addons
07:02.04FelixTeCatI am stumped also
07:02.11*** join/#wowi-lounge beastathon (
07:02.15FelixTeCatAnd about to toss this mac :P
07:02.28DarklinI don't think it 'should' be a mac issue.
07:02.46KirovFelix - type /fubar
07:02.50Nom-anyone here good with javascript ?
07:02.56DarklinNom-: Yes
07:03.09Nom-x.firstChild.nodeValue -- that's erroring out :(
07:03.11Nom-Any idea?
07:03.20Nom-Works in Firefox, not IE
07:03.31Nom-x is a valid object
07:03.31DarklinNom-: is this DOM stuff?
07:03.39DarklinOr XML parsing
07:03.40Garoun|Loupanayeah, that's dom
07:03.46Nom-DOM methods
07:03.49DarklinThought so.
07:04.08Garoun|Loupanaif you ar eusing Firefox, use the DOM inspector
07:04.08Darklinx is what kind of object?
07:04.12Garoun|Loupanait'll help you a ton
07:04.43Nom-x is an element
07:04.46Nom-an xml element
07:05.07FelixTeCatWell here what going on I made a interface for my pc gave it to the gf who has a mac, she copied it over everything came up but fubar so all the icons was around the minimap so we kept removing stuff thinking it was something stoppign fubar till we only had fubar and questfu left, still nothing cleaned the wtf and still nothing and /fubar doesnt do anything
07:05.37Nom-if i change it to
07:05.38Nom-target.options[i] = new Option( x.nodeValue, x.getAttribute('oid') );
07:05.49Nom-it doesn't error, but x.nodeValue returns null :(
07:05.56Thunder_ChildFelixTeCat, do you get any error codes when you start?
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07:06.22DarklinNom-: x.innerHtml?
07:06.35FelixTeCatNothing, its really wierd no error windows or anything its just like its not starting up
07:06.48Nom-*sigh* that's so stupidly simple
07:06.52Nom-testing now
07:07.01*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
07:07.15Nom-On the upside, no error
07:07.19Nom-On the downside, no data
07:07.36Thunder_Childwell i had something similar to that, but it was because i was missing a lib...and your saying it worked fin on yours?
07:07.44DarklinWhat did you do? x.firstChild.innerHtml?
07:07.52DarklinOr just x.innerHtml
07:08.03FelixTeCatYeah I triple checked the libs
07:08.09Nom-both return nothing
07:11.33Nom-firstChild doesn't return anything
07:11.35Nom-it's null
07:11.47Nom-The problem is, the DOM examples I find say that's the correct usage
07:11.49Nom-So IE is wrong.
07:12.14FelixTeCatWill fubar show up if its the only addon in the addons dir , it will just be blank right?
07:12.30beastathonI have a simple addon with only xml, but it wont work in 2.0 now, any help would be appriciated.
07:12.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
07:12.55Darklinbeastathon: did you update your toc to 20000 and try it?
07:13.11Nom-i know i have a bit of code somewhere that i solved this
07:13.13beastathonno, ill try
07:13.16Nom-*goes on a treasure hunt*
07:13.42DarklinYou don't need to do any sort of GetElementById() nonsense first do you, Nom-?
07:15.29Nom-I'm looping through an array of elements
07:15.38Nom-Which has been returned by GetElementsByTagName()
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07:16.00Nom-i didn't solve it before
07:16.08Nom-I just moved the data into an attribute instead
07:16.18Nom-Sounds like a plan!
07:16.22Nom-(bloody msie)
07:16.49CaerynCairenn should make a tiny private server for us
07:16.54FelixTeCatAny other idea on my fubar issue :(
07:16.57Caerynlike the VIP section at a nightclub
07:17.00Caerynexcept we're geeks
07:17.02DarklinEh but attributes are such an ugly way to carry data.
07:17.23Nom-and like magic
07:17.26Nom-it's fixed
07:17.36Nom-IE can't read the nodeValue it seems
07:17.38Nom-Stupid POS
07:17.53DarklinFelix: Well, you've already done everything I would suggest. (Wipe WTF/WDB and put only FuBar on with QuestFu)
07:17.57Nom-It's only a short piece of data, thankfully
07:18.28FelixTeCatSigh /jumps off bridge
07:19.03DarklinAnd you say it's not showing them as incompatable at the character select screen. And you've got them activated for the character which you're logging in on.
07:19.27DarklinAnd a /fubar once logged in does nothing, correct?
07:19.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
07:19.46FelixTeCatThey show compatable and they are activated for the toon and when she types /fubar nothing
07:20.04DarklinThen it's time for the high jump for the ole mac.
07:20.21FelixTeCatTell that to my GF :P
07:20.29DarklinYou could try logging a bug on WoWi if you can get to the forums.
07:21.16FelixTeCatI will try that when the sites not over loaded :(
07:21.28DarklinSometime next week most likes.
07:22.20DarklinNom-: I went through my old projects and I can't find anywhere that I ever used nodeValue. =/
07:23.54DarklinNom-: I just realized a booboo I was making. Were you using innerHtml or innerHTML?
07:25.57*** part/#wowi-lounge Darklin (
07:26.10beastathonDammit, load the character list already
07:26.18Nom-Because I knew what you meant :)
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07:43.29Caerynis it possible to be resting and in combat?
07:44.26Elkanohmm... combat in a city maybe
07:52.09xlviican someone send me cyart?
07:54.25*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
08:03.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
08:11.19Caerynwhat the hell is wrong with UIDropDownMenu
08:14.38Kirova lot
08:17.01Caerynok kk
08:17.04Caeryni will wait until it is fixed
08:17.09Caerynit looks like someone shat on it
08:20.30KirovCaeryn - er
08:20.38Kirovit's looked like that since WoW 1.1
08:22.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Djanee (
08:22.54ckknightCaeryn, you want to make a dropdown or what?
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08:28.28Caerynckknight: no but in TBC whenever I do something involve a drop down menu, something adds a few more entries to the end
08:28.34Caerynnames of instances
08:28.56ckknightwasn't me
08:29.08ckknighthope not, at least
08:29.24Caerynwhat mods do you write
08:30.51ckknightAce2, FuBar, Cartographer
08:31.20Kirovnothing of conciquence, obviously
08:31.43Caerynnever heard of them
08:31.44Caerynwhat's ace
08:31.54Caerynjust kidding
08:31.57Caerynnice job mate!
08:32.21KirovAce is shit
08:32.25Kiroveveryone should use Cosmos
08:32.30ckknight~whaleslap Kirov
08:32.39purlACTION beats Kirov upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
08:33.02Caeryndude something horrifying just happened
08:33.05ckknightI don't want to get into a lib war
08:33.06Caerynin the new wow2.0
08:33.10ckknightit's like the Vi vs. Emacs debate
08:33.19Caerynmy dwarf on his ram mount can no longer enter stormwind bank mounted!
08:34.54Caerynalso the UIDropDown thing doesn't happen in release just TBC
08:35.13Caerynalso no one really cares and its late
08:35.46Kalrothpico > vi and emacs!
08:35.52ckknightI like nano
08:36.01Kalrothjoe is the best though
08:37.10Caerynfrankly, vi is nice, emacs is too complex for me
08:37.18Caerynpico is ok when there's no vim
08:37.27Caerynbut nothing beats a chisel and a stone
08:44.45Neuro_Medivhpaper beats stone
08:44.55Neuro_Medivhbut stone beats scissors
08:45.22zenzelezzthat sounds silly
08:45.32zenzelezzstone and scissors should form an alliance against paper
08:49.10Neuro_Medivhscissors isn't that stupid
08:49.26Neuro_Medivhas soon as paper is finished off, stone turns on scissors
08:51.33Thunder_Childwell, i bet stone could take both of them out with water
08:54.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Bleeter_ (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
09:06.23*** join/#wowi-lounge trance (
09:09.41trancesorry for the nub question.. but with FuBar, do the older modules with with 2.0?
09:09.52*** join/#wowi-lounge grimman (
09:09.53trancework with**
09:10.02grimmanDon't the embedded ace libs work anymore?
09:10.30tranceive never used it before so i dont know about it at all
09:11.02trancethe libs all have 2.0 after them, so i dont know if they have been rescripted for 2.0 or not
09:12.18grimmanAs far as I can tell, none of the addons I've installed have working embedded libs.
09:12.59grimmanAnd not every lib I've downloaded has had 2.0 appended.
09:13.36trancenah im saying the fubar 2.0 i just dl has 2.0 prefixed
09:13.46tranceon all of the mods, maybe bar 1
09:14.38Elkanowrt the ace addons, the 2.0 has nothing to do with wow2.0
09:14.47tranceok cool
09:14.54tranceso the older modules should work yeh?
09:15.03Elkanoand there are currently some problems with the servers thus the zips end up without externals
09:15.16trancecoz like, im having fun just trying to dl from the site let alone dl'ing all of em to find they arent compatible hehe
09:16.28grimmanDon't bother with the site, it's being raped. ;)
09:16.28tranceyeh i know rofl
09:16.28tranceits not the only one
09:16.34grimman will let you get Ace-addons at decent speeds.
09:16.55trancei thought id log during au time, coz us is going to bed soon, hopefully the server drops client by then
09:16.55grimmanThat will be sufficient for now I guess.
09:17.10grimmanIt's 0400 hours at the US east coast afaik.
09:17.10tranceso fubar and ace is what? im lost lol
09:17.20grimmanThey should be unconcious by now. ;D
09:17.44grimmanUh... I dunno, they're working? ;P
09:24.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Laricwork (n=laric@
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09:36.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Bleeter (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
09:44.08Temif you cast water walking while falling, and you land on water, you take falling damage
09:44.20Tem(which then breaks you from water walking)
09:44.36MoonWolfbut why would you ?
09:45.05TemI didn't know that I'd take falling damage?
09:45.07Bleeterno underwater breathing buff, or deepdive helmet ;)
09:45.31zenzelezzl2Hydrocane !!11 ;)
09:45.33Bleeteri can't recall taking falling damage if I landed fully into water
09:45.42MoonWolfyou don't
09:45.53Temyou only take the falling damage if you have water walking
09:46.00Bleeterohhh... silly
09:46.20Temalso, I've got Ancestral Spirit rank 3 now, and I've never gotten to use it
09:46.52BleeterI love how the colors for the arrows/shot are now all over the place
09:47.20Bleeterwicked arrow adds 22dmg and is white, thoriums add 17.2 and are green... can't recall doomshot (20?), and it's blue
09:47.35Nom-I don't suppose there's a WoWI install tool similar to WinAceUpdater that's less affected by the server load problems?
09:47.39zenzelezzwhen did they add Wicked Arrows? I don't recall seeing them until today
09:47.53Bleeterjust a minor irritation, i've decided to get annoyed at that rather than the massively obvious bugs
09:48.17Bleeterdunno when they added it, presume 2.0.1. IF Arrow seller definately has them
09:48.35zenzelezzyeah, I found them there (after seeing them on AH)
09:48.43zenzelezzvendor 16s/stack, AH 1g :-p
09:49.14Bleetersomeone sold a skill 60 jewelcrafting recipe on the AH for 600 today, they then took a look at the AH and it had been relisted at 900
09:49.47|FF|Im2good4uomg lol
09:49.55zenzelezzI had an experience like that the first time I found a blue item
09:49.58Bleeterflying over tower in EPL "You must be flagged for PvP in order to capture this objective"
09:50.16zenzelezzsome level 15ish two-hand axe... sold it for 3g, then saw it back up for 15
09:50.17Bleeterdang, this toon still hasn't finished the quest
09:50.23zenzelezzat that time, 3g was WOW!! for me
09:51.06Bleetermoreso than the messed up arrows coloring, is just the flat out wrong bits of the patch notes that take about 5 mins for any QA staff member to check
09:51.44zenzelezzI'm still chuckling at people "re-taining" skills
09:52.05Bleeterpr was that a typo of tr-training on blizz's behalf?
09:52.16zenzelezzit's "retaining"
09:52.23zenzelezzas in keeping
09:52.26Bleeterwhat stuff?
09:52.37zenzelezzsome line about talent-based abilities
09:54.36Bleeterbut yeah, if you're a hunter, don't believe the patch note about survivng the end of the feign death channel
09:54.53Bleeterdespite it only being something that takes 6 mins to check.. the patch notes are wrong
09:54.55zenzelezz"bwahahaha, fooled you!"
09:55.05zenzelezzapart from that, my guildie hunters seemed happy for the most part
09:55.19Bleeterjust little things like that, tho, make me really wonder about this patch
09:55.26Bleeterreports of Horde having to fight 2 Van's
09:55.31Bleeteron some AV occasions
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09:55.47zenzelezzI think perhaps it was slightly rushed, so as not to come too close to BC
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09:56.28grimmanAnyone got the latest bagnon? Gief plx!
09:56.31Bleeterrushing? like the mobs with Gyth in the Rend event... yeah, it's great that rend resets.. but can we not have the 6 mobs come in with gyth, and stuff aggro with no notice thru the walls
09:56.36Corrodiasi heard you like Magical Trevor
09:57.20tranceanyone who knows ace and fubar plz msg me im lost as hell :(
09:57.40Bleeterit actually seems like it was no where near a later version, or even the last version, that was on the PTR
09:58.00Bleeterwhether planned, or not, no idea, but yeah.. rogues having unrepairablwe quest only thrown items.. yerk
09:59.13*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri|home (i=andrew@
09:59.13Corrodiasit isn't the version on the PTR, which was 2.0.2
09:59.18CorrodiasLive currently has 2.0.1
09:59.22Bleeteri guess if their concentration was on the mechanics update, and new server backend structure, it's probably a success
09:59.38Bleeteryeah, ptr started out 2.0.1, I thought
09:59.42Corrodiasthe PTR had an early version of 2.0.2, which is apparently still under construction
09:59.45Corrodiasby the end
10:00.00Corrodiasi guess they finished testing 2.0.1 and moved on?
10:00.31Bleeterah, hmm, oh well, maybe small patch before christmas... honestly reading the bug forum, can't see this survivng the christmas period that much. lots of bugs, then in january add more bugs from BC on top.. yerk
10:01.14Bleeterother thing, i guess, us mod authors really did need to start getting a grip on the new API
10:01.26Bleeterso I shouldn't complain that much ;)
10:01.35TemBleeter, 2.0.2 is the patch that you will download upon intalling BC
10:01.43TemLive isn't getting any more patches
10:01.51Bleeterrightio, thx for info
10:02.11Temit'll probably get hotfixes for stuff like shaman loot dropping for alliance
10:02.15AnduinLothardoes spirit regen in combat normally?
10:02.24Corrodiasyou mean mana? yes
10:02.33trancemage armour ftw
10:02.48AnduinLotharwell, as oppossed to mp5
10:03.04AnduinLotharand doesn't it regen immediately when not casting or only after 5s
10:03.13trancenah not immediately
10:03.24trancebut mage armour for instance will regen at 30% while casting
10:03.30Bleeterwhat is this 'problem' with shaman loot dropping for alliance? it's as if the reporters have never done the baron as alliance ;)
10:04.14Bleetermy guild's been stocking up on nice shammy gear for a month or so, anyways
10:04.14grimmanBleeter: Difference is that you can do Baron 5 times per hour (well, the game allows that anyway), and BWL once per week.
10:04.30TemAnduinLothar, every time you cast a spell you enter into the "five second rule"
10:04.39AnduinLothark thx
10:04.45Temduring the 5sr, you do not regenerate mana from spirit
10:05.00Tem(unless you have a talent or buff that allows a portion of mana regen even while casting)
10:05.26Temmages, for example, have a self buff that allows 30% spirit regen when in the 5sr
10:05.41Tempriests and druids have talents for a similar effect
10:06.00Corrodiasmages also have a talent to do it by 15%, as the druids do
10:06.12Temah right
10:06.25TemI forgot about that talent since the tree it's in is the sucktastic tree
10:06.37trancei had to think for a second too
10:06.51Kasopriests and to a lesser extent druids are stuck wearing t3 forever more to get the other 15% regen :<
10:06.57Corrodiassucktastic? arcane is somewhat attractive in 2.0
10:07.07trancesort of
10:07.08TemCorrodias, I tried an arcane spec
10:07.12Temhated every minute of it
10:07.13trancefrost is too
10:07.52tranceTem: 31/20/0 was a fairly common raid build
10:08.04Temfor retards
10:08.12TemAP is 100% useless for pve
10:08.33Bleeterthe dranie quest in WPL is quite a letdown, apart from seeing the ghost of Uther
10:08.39Tem(ok, fine, it's useful for Vael)
10:08.48Bleeterdamn, one day i'll learn to spell that right
10:09.01trancewith new tree lvl 70s will choose arcane, especially with Mind Mastery and Spell Power
10:09.12Temtrance, I doubt it
10:09.26trance25% of int -> +spell dmg
10:09.34tranceand 50% crit dmg increase
10:09.35Temthe boost in spell damage I saw from Mind Mastery was equal to the 10% bonus I got from Fire power
10:09.55Temand I'd rather have 6% more inate crit chance than +50% bonus
10:10.27Temalso, molten fury is all sorts of sick for raid bosses
10:11.46trancei dont know yet, im staying to fire spec
10:11.51trancewill wait n see
10:12.31TemFor leveling, I found frost to be more effective
10:12.36Tembut boring as hell
10:12.49Temfire kills faster, but you gotta drink every 13 seconds
10:13.11Temand the new water rank is shitty so you have to spend money on water
10:13.29Temwhich, I suppose is why I've abandoned my mage
10:13.50trancewhats your main class?
10:13.53Corrodiasyou mean for level 70?
10:14.17trancewell the character you havent abandoned yet "{
10:14.53Temoh, my new main is a shaman
10:14.54TemI played mage exclusively since release
10:15.04trancefair enough
10:15.05Tem150 days played on that single character
10:15.34grimmanNice how some basic macros end up being ~1/5 the scripted size in the new conditional system.
10:15.37|FF|Im2good4umages do to much damage..
10:15.49Bleeterdies sitting around in a major city debugging UI code and reloading UI count as play? 'coz I've racked up about 30 days play that way
10:15.53Tem|FF|Im2good4u, Shamans do too much damage
10:15.56Temmages don't do enough
10:16.02|FF|Im2good4uomg they do !
10:16.07|FF|Im2good4ui get kiled in 2 shotrs
10:16.13|FF|Im2good4uby an other level 60
10:16.18Temyou need to get some fucking stam gear
10:16.23Temoh, pre BC
10:16.24BleeterI thought every class apart from the one I'm currently playing did too much damage
10:16.28Tempre BC mages are fine
10:16.29|FF|Im2good4ulol my sta > agi lol :P
10:16.37|FF|Im2good4uand im a hunter
10:16.58Tem(the lol was directed at a hunter complaining about mage damage)
10:17.12Temdamn I'm in a bad mood wrt to class ballance
10:17.12zenzelezzI didn't hear a single hunter in my guild complain about the agility change yesterday :-o
10:17.28Bleeterheh, mage in my guild was bitching about overpowered hunters, so as my hunter I saw QQ .. then logged my mage in and agreed
10:17.52zenzelezzthe people that complained the most in my guild yesterday were rogues
10:18.17|FF|Im2good4uwell basicly becase i laos have intterlect on gear i only lsot about 30 APWR
10:18.21Bleeterno my precioussss dagggerrzzzz!
10:18.25trancei find with my mage that unless i can get into the hunters deadzone, theres no point even challenging him lol
10:18.36|FF|Im2good4ubut however i wetn from 13% crit to 16% crit :p
10:18.47Bleeteryeah, i tried telling this mage that, but too clueless to work it out
10:19.19grimmanWhile hunters think "if I can't keep him out of my deadzone it's pointless" etc. ;D
10:19.22|FF|Im2good4uguys new hunters can silence shot u for 3 secs :P
10:20.04Bleeteronly if you spend up in marks to the bottom of the tree
10:20.09|FF|Im2good4ui did i for 3/45/3 atm
10:20.55|FF|Im2good4uim gona be 8/50/3 :p
10:21.57tranceguys i wanna know how to use fubar, but the wowinterface faq site hanging
10:22.03tranceis there an alt or mirror or something?
10:22.04|FF|Im2good4udoes this mean dranie / blood elf priest are gnoa have more abileties thne toher races ? oO
10:23.15Corrodiasall races have a special priest ability
10:23.23Corrodiasi just don't know what any of them are
10:23.43*** join/#wowi-lounge FtH|eagle (
10:23.51|FF|Im2good4uoh realy ? lol i never knew \o/ but the blood eklf one seems great :p
10:24.07|FF|Im2good4ubut 2min cooldown so u cant spam it :(
10:26.17zenzelezzFear Ward is the only race-specific priest ability I hear much about
10:27.31Elkanohumans have an instant self heal and feedback, unded touch of weakness and devouring plague
10:29.17zenzelezzwhat about trolls?
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10:30.03MoonWolfshadow ward, (light shield ripoff) and touch of weakness like thing.
10:34.43|FF|Im2good4ui fonud the link
10:41.55zenzelezzah, nice
10:43.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=najklord@
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10:46.55Daveyanyone who can help me put together a widget using tabs and lists, please?
10:54.44jaxdahlinterface sites are still slow
10:54.49jaxdahlthink they're getting hit by asia?
10:55.32Bleeterif so, only because Europe woke up just as we started to see improvements here in Asia/Australia hehe
10:55.46Bleeterand so they went down the tubes again
10:58.12MoonWolfwait for a week
10:59.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Arel (
11:00.24Arelhi there. Anyone else having problems with the UnitIsPVP("target") function? It seems to report false to me, no matter what.
11:01.18ArelAnyone know if it got changed in v2.0?
11:04.24nevcairielits still UnitIsPVP
11:04.30Bleeteryeah, i'm waiting for a couple for weeks.. got more work on enchantrix to do, myself, so I'm not that much in a hurry to get other mods either .. just complicated debugging etc
11:07.22Arelthanks, nevcairiel
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11:10.26fixed-mediahey anyone here
11:11.43nevcairielnot really
11:11.47nevcairielwhich country is .cy?
11:12.19fixed-mediatrying to get auctoneer working properly but i cant get it too
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11:21.59s|loupNeuro_Medivh you there?
11:24.23s|loupanyone knows how can i set the target for a spell dynamically in a macro like: if enemy or notarget target=player else target=target ?
11:26.35*** part/#wowi-lounge claviola (n=claviola@debian/developer/claviola)
11:27.56fixed-mediadoes anyone know why the alpha version of beancounter dont work with the alpha version of auctoneer?
11:28.01nevcairielor /cast [target=player,noexist] ?
11:28.05nevcairieloh with enemys as well
11:28.09nevcairielgo with tem
11:28.15s|louphehe thanks
11:28.36Nargiddley/cast [help] spellname; [target=player] spellname
11:28.42Nargiddleyshould work the same way ?
11:28.49s|loupthink so
11:28.55Nargiddleysince the macro will stop if the first one succeeds anyway
11:28.57Temnevcairiel, [target=player,noexists] is like saying "please don't ever execute this block; it's just here to be pretty"
11:29.16nevcairielthats why i dont do macros
11:29.18TemNargiddley, yes, you're right
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11:29.51Temit's weird, I wrote the damn system... you'd think I would remember the easy parts
11:30.55nevcairielTem: if i use virtual statebuttons, can i use those buttons in a [button:] macro as well?
11:31.05nevcairiellike [button:S01]
11:31.10Temyou have to, in fact
11:31.23Tem(which turns out to be confusing as hell to the end user)
11:31.40nevcairielbut what can you do if you want stances :/
11:31.41|Shadow|i just had a intresting thought
11:31.54|Shadow|you can make action buttons to target people right?
11:32.01Temyes, you can
11:32.12|Shadow|and you can obviously show\hide the butons when you like
11:32.20nevcairielno you cant
11:32.22Temno you can't
11:32.28|Shadow|i thought you could?
11:32.33|Shadow|flexbar allways has been able to do that
11:32.43Temsomeone's been under a rock
11:32.43nevcairielyou cannot show/hide or move buttons in combat
11:32.54nevcairielas of yesterday
11:32.56|Shadow|there goes that idea then
11:32.57Temyou cannot alter a protected frame's rect while in combat
11:34.06Temwhich means show/hide/move
11:34.15TemActionButtons are protected frames
11:34.59|Shadow|what about targeting
11:35.08|Shadow|i dont think you can target anymore can you?
11:35.34Nargiddleyonly using secure buttons, or macro commands
11:35.58|Shadow|and i thought there was a new version of decursive out now which displays a list of cursed people
11:36.08jaxdahlsure, it can display a list
11:36.09Temthere is
11:36.09Nargiddleythere is, but its just a list
11:36.11Tembut you can't click it
11:36.12jaxdahlbut you can't interact with the list
11:36.13fixed-mediai need flexbar out
11:36.16fixed-mediagod damm it
11:36.19Areloh, that's weird.
11:36.27TemMairelon was working on a FlexLite
11:36.34Arelso you can see people, but you're not able to click on them to target hm?
11:36.40|Shadow|fixed-media me too lol
11:36.41Temthat's correct
11:36.49|Shadow|uhh if you cant click and target
11:36.55Temwhat's the point?
11:36.58|Shadow|me not codeing lua...but the list is stored in variables i take it?
11:37.13Arelis it just me or does that feel like they're bending over backwards to prevent decursive from working?
11:37.13Temoh here we go
11:37.14|Shadow|couldn't you make a macro
11:37.17|Shadow|to read the variable
11:37.21|Shadow|to target the person
11:37.24Nargiddleycant change macros in combat
11:37.35|Shadow|you dont need to change it though
11:37.40|Shadow|cant you like /target [Variabl]
11:37.40Nargiddleycan macros cant read variables
11:37.45|Shadow|aww :(
11:37.47|Shadow|i fail again.
11:37.54TemYou can just stop trying
11:37.56Nargiddleyexcept in script blocks, that cant cast or target
11:38.13jaxdahlthe only way i can think of is a buffer overflow or something similiar to it
11:38.14Temwe've been looking at this for 3 months now
11:38.21Nargiddleyif you think of a way to target someone based on random conditions
11:38.40|Shadow|i have another idea
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11:38.48TemIt won't work
11:38.53TemI promise
11:39.08|Shadow|tab targetting or something similar, if name = person who is on decursive list then leave them targetted for a decurse
11:39.20Temyou can't targeted
11:39.21Nargiddleytab targeting is protected
11:39.33TemANY form of targeting is protected
11:39.47Nargiddleyand even if you do find a hole in the system, it
11:39.54Nargiddleyit'll be plugged in no time :P
11:40.09Temin fact, there is currently a bug that gives you a ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN when you call CloseLoot() with the LootFrame open because in the backend, that clears your target
11:40.12Nargiddleyand wouldnt be something simple heh
11:40.34Temthat's how well protected the target change code is
11:40.45Temand it's the same with the other protections
11:41.05Temthere are only a handful of protected functions, but loads of vectors
11:41.08Nargiddleyi'd say most of the problems people are having now
11:41.16Nargiddleyis changing something innocent looking
11:41.26Nargiddleythat then is read and spreads the taint
11:41.34Nargiddleyand so on till stuff starts breaking
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11:41.56jaxdahlthere's an addon out there that maps taint i think
11:42.08|Shadow|is there any moveanything like mods about yet
11:42.12Nargiddleyi spent ages in beta looking for the cause of things
11:42.33Temok, as *stimulating* as this discussion is, I'm fricken tired
11:42.45Tem|sleepnight guys
11:42.48Nargiddleyyeah sleep sounds good
11:42.57Tem|sleepgood luck with your hole, |Shadow|
11:42.58Arelhmm, in 1.12 whispering |cff9d9d9d|Hitem:7073:0:0:0|h[Broken Fang]|h|r to a player works
11:43.04Arelin 2.0 it dc's me.
11:43.10Arelwhat'd they change?
11:43.17Nargiddleyitem links are different
11:43.32Areloh, that makes sense. with the new system and all
11:43.33Tem|sleepthey have 4 extra slots in the middle now
11:43.35Nargiddley7073:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 would be closer to what it looks like
11:43.50Arelthat will mess up every loot related there is
11:43.55Tem|sleepone for each possible gem and one for the socket bonus
11:44.01Arel*nod* I'll go fix it
11:44.11Arelthanks a bunch.
11:44.13Tem|sleepalso, the numbers can now be negative
11:44.43Tem|sleepso you need (%-?%d+) to match it now
11:44.48fixed-mediaanyone have any idea when the flexbar will come out
11:46.35|Shadow|hmm more questions to throw at the smart people of wowinterface :P
11:46.57|Shadow|is there a moveanything like addon out yet, and do fubar addons still work if i upgrade to fubar 2.0.18841
11:46.58MoonWolfYes, having sex with two of your best friend for a month makes you gay.
11:46.58Arelgah. that sucks even more.
11:47.14Arelwell, not the sex part
11:47.18Arelthe fact that it can be negative.
11:48.37ArelAlso, I had written an addon that showed me a frame with just my consumable items. If I understood it correctly, such an addon can no longer function?
11:48.57Arelsince I can't update it in combat?
11:49.06|Shadow|noes...not popbar :(
11:51.55Corrodiasfrom what i understand, you certainly can make such a bar. you just can't move it or reassign the buttons during combat.
11:52.08Corrodiasthe bar can make any visual changes that don't involve moving or hiding.
11:53.15|Shadow|i know what im going to do with decursing people in raids from now on
11:53.19Corrodiaswhat would be the consequence of hitting a button that tries to use a consumable item that you don't have any more of? you get an error that you don't have that item. no big deal.
11:53.38|Shadow|im gonna have decursive a nd im gonna use a G15 macro to type /target really fast then just type the persons name and hit decurse lol
11:53.47|FF|Im2good4uit seems like all WoW sites are down for me but i probely got a crappy conction here :p
11:54.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Shrapnel (i=Energy@
11:54.01|Shadow||FF|Im2good4u they arn't down they are just lagged
11:54.14|Shadow|i dunno about now but last night most sites where doing ~30x normal traffic
11:54.19|FF|Im2good4uyeh that wut i men
11:54.37|Shadow|im browseing on linux, makes life alot more efficient if you want some download links i can get them for you
11:55.16Corrodiaswait, was that one sentence or two?
11:55.24|FF|Im2good4uno thats not it u was just looking at some new stuff / addons like the new WoW UI Desinged for BC :p
11:56.37|Shadow||FF|Im2good4u theres a list on the wow us forums in the interface forums about all the mods that have been upgraded
11:57.02|Shadow|Corrodias im not sure, i failed english at school.
12:08.27|FF|Im2good4u|Shadow|: can u try find me a D&L for ZhunterMod ?
12:08.43|Shadow|on wowinterface?
12:08.48|Shadow|i'll give it a look
12:09.16|Shadow|lol linux is so much better for browseing
12:09.30Bleeterhere's something to do if you're really bored @ LHC, and alliance
12:09.53Bleeterstand near Rimblat, ensure nothing's targetted, and "accidentally" press the autoattack key
12:10.06Bleetereven more fun inside the chapel
12:10.28Bleeterbetter still, stand near rimblat, target the guard, then press autoattack
12:10.34Bleeterhmm, might even 'work' on Horde, too
12:10.43Bleeterjust ensure you take all durable gear off first ;)
12:10.51clad|sleepthe ace SVN went from 700k of traffic a day, to 3.5G of traffic a day,.. and thats JUST svn
12:10.56|Shadow|last night when the sites where lagged to hell NONE of my entire guild could get on any of the websites
12:11.09|Shadow|and i was wandering around the wow europe forums giving them the latest news on linux lol
12:11.16|Shadow|pages took like ~3 minutes to load, but meh.
12:11.33axxoclad|sleep: thats only like *5, not too bad
12:11.39|FF|Im2good4ubut hat even winblows users use firefox these days :P
12:11.55clad|sleepaxxo: thats also about the servers upper limits =)
12:11.55|Shadow|that was includeing with firefox
12:12.41clad|sleepwebsite access logs went from 1.8 megs a day, to 6.5 megs a day, compressed =)
12:13.10axxoand the site didn't even stay up :)
12:13.27|FF|Im2good4udahm how coame wow is so populair even after the shitload of money u have to pay each month :(
12:13.40MoonWolfbecause apperently , its is actually a good game
12:13.49MoonWolfsomehting people tend to forget during the whining about nerfs.
12:13.56clad|workBlizzard's midas tough helps =)
12:16.25|Shadow|i must say wowinterface did the best job of staying up through the traffic
12:16.37|Shadow|curse wasn't up at all what so ever
12:16.53axxowowace file section hasn't gone down ;)
12:16.56|Shadow|and wow europe went down too
12:17.07fixed-mediacant get into curse-gaming now for ages
12:17.49[Cu]WerikYeah well
12:21.19dr|dranor<@clad|sleep> website access logs went from 1.8 megs a day, to 6.5 megs a day, compressed =) <- /.'ed
12:22.58nevcairielclad|work: is your stickyframes lib still working for 2.0 ? :o
12:24.06dr|dranormost of the ui-site problems could be  alleviated if guild officers put their mandatory addons on guild websites
12:24.55[Cu]WerikOr if people would have bought some common sense on the black market and update before the rushhour:P
12:25.12Bleeterin both cases, there's no accounting for human stupidity
12:25.14nevcairielcommon sense was out of stock tho
12:25.29dr|dranorcommon sense does not exist
12:26.00dr|dranori'm still hearing complaints about ppl that did not update their interface properly
12:26.07MoonWolfwerik, you would be suprised how many people had no clue what was going to happen.
12:26.12[Cu]WerikI know
12:26.18MoonWolfclose i eeuh 90% i think.
12:26.20[Cu]Werik450k people / hour:P
12:26.46nevcairielwhats the current estimate on global wow players?
12:26.53[Cu]Werik7.5 million
12:26.57MoonWolf7 million ish
12:27.11[Cu]WerikI guess, about 200,000ish reads forums
12:27.27nevcairieland like 100.000 understood it
12:27.37nevcairielmaybe less
12:27.49MoonWolfand a number though they could simply tick "load out of date addons" again.
12:28.09[Cu]Werik150k is only throlling and flaming and complaining, 50k listening silently
12:28.37dr|dranori have to keep an updated copy of bigwigs and if things go worse i will have to do the same with ctra/ora
12:28.43nevcairielthere is no real estimate on the silent users .. but the trolls are all over the place
12:28.48*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
12:28.53dr|dranoron my guild's website btw
12:29.55[Cu]WerikI hope Warhammer Online will have a nice cute playerbase
12:30.10MoonWolfeither it will and it will be awesome
12:30.21MoonWolfor it becomes the next wow playerbase wise.
12:30.23[Cu]WerikMax a million i'd say or even less
12:30.51[Cu]WerikBut I'm afraid it will have much more, if they make it good
12:31.25Thardalit's an EA game now dont expect too much
12:31.38[Cu]WerikSo you are one of those 150k people?:)
12:32.05JoshBorkelooks like wowi is doing better
12:32.08nevcairielmaybe of the other 7.3 million
12:32.15Laricworkouch.. is it an ea game now... then I unticked that for my wanted list.. not interesting anymore
12:32.41Laricwork[Cu]Werik Cu as in curse?
12:33.16[Cu]WerikMore like CU as curse gaming, not in the guild
12:33.59Thardalhow about less chatting more website fixing
12:34.42[Cu]WerikI'm not involved in website fixing
12:35.23Thardalit's easy take a wrench and start hitting the servers
12:35.51Josh_Borkebecause that'll work :P
12:35.56[Cu]WerikWhy would I hurt those poor servers
12:36.10Thardalbecause they obviously like it those sluts
12:37.12[Cu]WerikThey don't like it
12:45.30Bleeteryou can buy jewelcrafting recipes from General Goods vendor in SW
12:45.44Bleeterwaiting on the links to find out which ones hehe
12:46.11Bleeter'heavy golden necklace of battle'
12:47.10Bleeterah, just the one.. limited supply
12:48.57Hexarobiso are all the addon sites just dead from the traffic?
12:49.45JoshBorkenot really dead, just slow
12:56.00Laricwork"for iteminfo, itemname in string.gmatch(item, "|Hitem:(%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+)|h%[(.-)%]|h") do " isnt working to find item name anymore.. what is the correct way to do it now?
12:57.03Elkanotry string.gmatch(item, "|Hitem:([%d:]+)|h%[(.-)%]|h") do
12:57.15Elkanoitem links now have more numbers
12:57.49Hexarobiso are all addons broke? i havent played wow in a couple months
12:57.50Elkanostring.gmatch(item, "|Hitem:([%-%d:]+)|h%[(.-)%]|h") do (I think some can even be negative now)
12:57.56Hexarobithis is nutty =)
13:03.35KasoHexarobi we're using lua 5.1 so the majorty need at least syntax changes, theres also alot of security on what you can do with addons now
13:05.27*** join/#wowi-lounge |Shadow| (n=Shadow@
13:09.09Xavaliadoes anyone know if xRaidStatus has a new name now or if it has been updated?
13:11.21FtH|eagleit has been updated on the svn
13:11.31FtH|eaglewill update it to the sites once they are up again
13:12.12Xavaliayeah just found it under XRS
13:12.18Xavaliadidn't knew it was shortened
13:13.17FtH|eaglethe name was always xrs
13:13.53Xavalialatest version missing babble libs
13:14.31FtH|eaglefrom wowace?
13:14.59FtH|eaglewill check it later
13:15.01Xavaliamight as well copy those over from chronometer
13:15.25Xavalia'cannot find library instance of Babble-Class-2.2'
13:17.05Kasois cloak of shadows back on talents on live?
13:19.56Xavaliaanyone who has XRS working?
13:20.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Vidrio (
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13:25.11Vidrioanyone got a automatic selfcast?
13:25.17FtH|eagleXavalia: just download an old xrs version and copy the lib folder over
13:25.55Xavaliathe 2 I checked did not had it >.<
13:26.03FtH|eaglelook for the size
13:26.12FtH|eagleif it's over 200 all libs are in
13:26.12*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
13:29.35Qshadowphows the traffic on wowinterface now?
13:29.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Saeris (
13:36.01XavaliaFtH|eagle, hmm it cannot see it it seem .. wil try to restart game
13:36.43*** join/#wowi-lounge beerke (
13:37.15Xavaliaah restarting game
13:56.32Qshadowplol im so glad i have a G15 keyboard now :P
13:57.07Qshadowptis imba for decurseing :)
13:59.47|FF|Im2good4u>.< your sepseod to use an addon for decursing anyway
14:00.29Qshadowpbut decursive is obsolete
14:00.39Qshadowpis it illigal to read hex adresses inside wow?
14:00.52Qshadowplike if i wanted to make a mod for my G15 screen to show my health
14:01.15Qshadowp(just read them not edit them)
14:01.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
14:02.03Qshadowpi might ask on the tech support forums about it
14:02.28Kaeltengood morning guys :)
14:02.33Cairennhey Kaelten
14:02.35Qshadowpmorning Kaelten
14:02.39KalrothMorning? You slacker!
14:02.44Qshadowpyou guys know about that? :P
14:02.54Qshadowpwether its legal to read hex addresses in wow i mean
14:03.12KalrothDefine legal :)
14:03.13Qshadowpwould be so cool if i could show a WoW HUD on my G15 screen lol
14:03.21QshadowpKalroth as in, i wont get banned for it.
14:03.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
14:03.59KalrothWell it's not legal according to EULA, but Warden wont be able to detect it
14:04.19Qshadowpi might consider it then
14:04.27Qshadowp i have one of these you see
14:04.37Qshadowpit'd be cool if i could get a HUD on the LCD huh :P
14:05.12Qshadowpor some other intresting things like raid warnings, or what ever i wanted to show really
14:05.20KalrothThe problem is that you can access a lot of "bad" data in the client memory. I'm guessing if you keep the application to yourself and you don't read any "illegal" data, then Blizzard will ignore you
14:05.23KaeltenI wish they had allowed us to script that like an addon personally.
14:05.45Qshadowpmy other idea might be jumping the barrel a bit though
14:06.10Qshadowpi was thinking of reading the Decursive list, so that i could use my G15 macro buttons to type /target AfflictedPerson and /cast Decurse
14:06.33Qshadowpi dont think i'd live long if i did that though
14:21.41Thardalit should be possible to create a frame on screen that changes color depending to a player's status, and casts decurse if clicked
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14:29.03QshadowpThardal i know what you could do
14:29.10Qshadowpyou could use CT Raid Assists unit frames
14:29.15Qshadowpclick person to decurse
14:29.36Qshadowpand if possible, make the frames change color for who needs decurse
14:37.22Qshadowpfound a bug in bartender3 :)
14:37.36Qshadowpbar 3, if i change it from 12 buttons to 11 buttons. it dissapears.
14:38.46Qshadowpand if i set it to 12 buttons, enable and disable it it says that its showing 11 buttons but it shows 12 anyways.
14:39.02Qshadowpand the 12'th one does strange things like if you tell it to go into 2 rows, the 12th button will be on the 3rd row
14:39.52xlviiqshadowp, you'd be better to report that in #wowace
14:40.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Jimdinventor (
14:41.02Jimdinventor'Allo folks.
14:41.13QshadowpJimdinventor! :D
14:41.19Qshadowplol i love your abacus mod
14:41.25Qshadowpare you going to rewrite it for tbc?
14:41.34Qshadowpor 2.0...or ... something
14:41.49JimdinventorIt's already up.  The AddOn hosts aren't doing too well at the moment though. :-)
14:41.56JimdinventorCare for a mirror?
14:41.58Qshadowpyea :(
14:42.03Qshadowpsure :D
14:42.04*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
14:42.21Qshadowpi remember before 2.0 it kept on messing up though lol
14:42.35Qshadowpi think its because i had too many minimap buttons for it or something, i had like 21 buttons last time i counted :>
14:43.11Jimdinventorhmmm.  that link didn't do too well
14:43.13Qshadowpit used to eat the battleground button, and sometimes the when i opened abacus, then closed it again the green button would stay up and the map would stay white
14:43.17JimdinventorBut you get the idea.
14:43.22Qshadowplol yea :)
14:43.28Qshadowpi got that now thanks :P
14:43.48JimdinventorThere were a number of ways it could mess up. :-)  At first, it collected Gatherer icons.  That was a hoot.
14:44.12Qshadowpthats another thing you could do if you where bored
14:44.27JimdinventorI was wondering if anyone knew of an author who goes by the name "BlueDragon" (InfiniteIgnore).
14:44.28Qshadowpyou could implement that bug into square minimaps, because gatherer doesn't support squares :P
14:44.45JimdinventorAbacus does now. :-)
14:44.54JimdinventorHybrid square-circles, too
14:45.51Qshadowpt'was fun yesterday, i was on linux giving everyone the latest news
14:46.07*** join/#wowi-lounge zoktar (
14:46.08Qshadowpbecause while windows browsers just timed out, linux being teh win. it stayed loading till it got the page
14:46.12Qshadowptook like 10 minutes to view pages tho lol
14:46.25Jimdinventorheh!  Well, there's one plus for the system.
14:46.47JimdinventorI'll give it a miss though.  I'm a big fan of user convenience.
14:47.09QshadowpJimdinventor linux isn't bad for that once you get it going
14:47.09zoktarany ui site not being overloaded?
14:47.13zoktarcept wowace?
14:47.28QshadowpJimdinventor kde is very nice, infact. its prettier than windows
14:47.30JimdinventorCurse, WoWI, and World of War were all toast, last I checked.
14:47.34cogwheelwow... 2 straight days without any addon sites...
14:47.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Silviu- (
14:47.43Qshadowpyea lol :<
14:47.56Jimdinventormmm, well - no access to it here, Q, so I may remain ignorant for a while :-)
14:47.59zoktarmake mirrorsites before patches ftw ? =P
14:48.42Kasoi seem to populating my addon list with alot of ace addons simply because wowace's files dir is working so well
14:48.45Hexarobiblizzard should spend the $$$ on hosting
14:48.51cogwheelI think they should make a huge zip of all 2.0 compatible addons (or at least a zip for each category) and distribute them via torrent...
14:49.04QshadowpJimdinventor see, look. its sexy :D
14:49.10JimdinventorBlizzard does many excellent things, Hex, including letting us fans do what us fans do best. ;-)
14:49.48zoktarhow big u think all of the wow addons on say would be if only adding hte latest of each addon ?
14:49.54zoktarcouple gig ?
14:50.20Kasoshouldnt be too big
14:50.21Hexarobihow much does it cost to run curse or wowi for a month?
14:51.08Kasowhat hexarobi just said
14:51.09Hexarobihow much $$$ does wowi cost a month, for server space + bandwidth
14:51.13JimdinventorQ - well, just from the screenshot, I can say I see no immediate flaws with KDE :-)
14:51.37Qshadowpyea :-)
14:52.05Hexarobii wouldnt think itd be that much, but i suppose wow is pretty damn popular
14:52.16Hexarobiso it is prolly alot of bandwidth
14:52.33Hexarobistill bandwidth is cheap
14:52.48Cairennwe aren't dead guys, if we were how the hell would I be approving mods? how would they have been uploaded for me to approve in the first place?  just keep trying
14:52.49KaeltenHexarobi: problem is days like this that have 30x the normal traffic
14:53.21Jimdinventor"how the hell" is a stress phrase, kids.  Be nice to your harried hosts. ;-)
14:53.49Qshadowp <-- theres world of warcraft running in linux windowed :)
14:53.55Hexarobihehe not saying yer dead ;) just talking feasibility of blizz just paying for the cost of hosting addon sites
14:54.03Qshadowplinux powa. :P
14:54.12Jimdinventord ^_^ b, Cair
14:54.29Qshadowpi have to say out of all the mod sites WoWinterface is probably doing the best
14:54.38QshadowpWoWace is alot smaller than wowinterface so that doesn't really count
14:54.50KaeltenHexarobi: to host them rgith it would cost thousands of dollars a month
14:54.55Hexarobidoes wowace host non-ace addons?
14:54.55Qshadowpi mean wowinterface are allmost topping blizzard on there uptime, and blizzard are funded
14:54.59Qshadowpso gz to wowinterface :P
14:55.06QshadowpHexarobi no it doesn't thats why it doesn't count :P
14:55.09Hexarobihehe k
14:55.29KaeltenHexarobi: I honestly dont know lol
14:55.50KaeltenQshadowp: :p we host anything thats in our svn
14:55.50Cairenndidn't mean to sound like I was snapping you guys, I'm really not
14:56.01Hexarobiya, blizz is to cheap to even serve game updates itself
14:56.18Qshadowpblizzard are just plainly stupid
14:56.25Qshadowpi mean has anyone seen there low bandwith page?
14:56.28KaeltenHexarobi: the costs of serving > 7million 600 MG files is kinda high
14:56.30Qshadowphow stupid can you get...
14:56.33Hexarobihehe indeed
14:56.43JimdinventorBlizzard has the greatest business sense of any company I've ever seen.
14:56.46Qshadowp"We are out of bandwith, i know! lets send everyone a full screen picture of a gnome!!!"
14:56.57Qshadowp"that should solve our bandwith problems!"
14:57.03Hexarobiya blizz is actually a damn good biz
14:57.18Hexarobibut still, what other company gets away with releasing updates via bittorrent
14:57.20Merywell regarding the patches: I just doubt that for the 2 days you need that high bandwith every 2 months it's a wise decision to not maintain that yourself all the time
14:57.44Hexarobidoes no one offer temporary bandwidth?
14:57.52Merywell take out one "not"
14:57.59Hexarobii guess its all based on physical wires somewhere
14:58.19Hexarobiso you cant just say, i need another t3 on the 8th
14:58.28Josh_BorkeHexarobi: well, sorta.
14:58.43KaeltenMery: it would cost just as much to have someone setup the multiple farms around the globe as it would to have it permanetly
14:59.13Hexarobiakamai outsources global servers
14:59.21Josh_BorkeHexarobi: it's a compound problem with servers needing to have the capacity to match the bandwidth available
14:59.22Hexarobibut its prolly not cheap
14:59.32Hexarobiya, i suppose the system mostly works
14:59.47Josh_Borkethey probably have QoS routers guaranteeing bandwidth to clients, but you can't just create processing power out of no-where
14:59.48Hexarobiand you can always pay a fileserver site a membership fee to download it
15:00.13Merywell I wanted to say that they are better off to use someone elses already built up network (fileplanet for example, t-online (biggest german online provider in germany, here)) than to built their own stuff, I just put one "not" too much in my sentence =/
15:00.24Kaeltenplus 2 million people downloading a file at once, is kinda unfeasable
15:00.38Hexarobii suppose wow is just too popular
15:02.13JimdinventorSo now that there are more people chatting here..  Does anyone know how I might reach the author of Infinite Ignore, BlueDragon?
15:03.14KasoAnyone got a version of taintTracker lying around?
15:07.02|FF|Im2good4uis it normal that i aut0magicly start shoting whn i target a mob ?
15:07.12cogwheelif you right-click, yes
15:07.17Kasoif you rightcliuck
15:07.19Kasodamn you!
15:07.23cogwheelauto attack and auto shot have been unified
15:07.27cogwheelfor hunters
15:07.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
15:07.53*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
15:08.48Jimdinventorhmm, strange
15:08.54Jimdinventorah, insrted space.
15:09.06*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
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15:09.25|FF|Im2good4udahm ...
15:09.36|FF|Im2good4unow cant even select a target anymore before pulling it :(
15:09.43Jimdinventorsure you can.
15:09.46JimdinventorLeft-click. :-p
15:13.47|FF|Im2good4uoww i got to remeber that in MC tonite >.< LoL
15:29.13Qshadowpanyone got a link to the perl unitframes?
15:29.39purlACTION has disconnected (Read error: 99 (Connection reset by beer))
15:30.47JimdinventorThat was interesting
15:35.13Nom-lol still so many mod sites getting hammered 48 hours later? :/
15:35.25KasoIts EU thats causing problems now
15:35.46KasoCairenn: out of interest, do you have any stats on the traffic you're getting atm?
15:36.02Cairenn*very* high
15:36.29Kasoany ballpark numbers of connections? or just "high"
15:37.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Davey2 (
15:37.28Qshadowplol yea i'd like to know some numbers too
15:38.04Cairennanywhere from 6-10k "on" and untold others hammering to try to get through
15:38.59Cairennactual numbers, no, I can't give you, haven't even gone looking
15:39.35Kasoits scary when almost the entire wow community trys to access a few websites at the same time
15:39.38[Cu]WerikYou can take a look at it, I can help you with the hair pulling
15:39.54Kaeltenheh my log files for wowace are stuck on the server I can't evn know what we've been doing
15:40.26Cairennhave neither the time, nor at this point the interest, to worry about what our actual traffic numbers look like, but it'll be interesting to see once we have time to breath
15:41.59Jimdinventor"C U"-Cide. :-)
15:42.36Qshadowplol i have logs for everything, i log all chats
15:42.48Qshadowpi have virtually complete log files going back to august 2k4
15:43.19Qshadowpabout 180mb of logs :)
15:43.26[Cu]WerikDid you ever read them?
15:43.36Qshadowpyes i read them sometimes
15:43.39Qshadowpthey come in usefull
15:43.46Qshadowpwhen im trying to find a link someone said a while back or something
15:43.58Qshadowpor some referance to a peice of code, or what someone said that was specifically important
15:44.06Qshadowpthey come in usefull :)
15:44.06[Cu]WerikYou know there is a url catcher in mirc:P
15:44.28CairennQshadowp: precisely why we have purl in here :)
15:44.31Cairennyay for log files
15:44.31Qshadowplol yea but there isn't a "this thing that someone said might be usefull sometime in the future" catcher
15:44.40Qshadowphehe :P
15:44.48Qshadowpbut i log everything, all my msn chats and irc chats
15:46.08Cairennso how are you guys holding up today [Cu]Werik?
15:46.41[Cu]WerikHmmhm, I think it's better than yesterday, but still not the Emerald Dream
15:46.57Cairenn[Cu]Werik: heh, I hear ya
15:47.01zenzelezzeither Blizzard implemented a *very* thorough authentication thing yesterday, or my connection attempt is stuck
15:47.12nevcairielEU login is down
15:47.17FlAWDyou're stuck
15:47.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Darklin (
15:47.19[Cu]WerikI have no stats from today, so I can't really compare it, but it looks smoother
15:47.21Qshadowpi second that motion nevcairiel
15:47.29fewynSo, where could I get some mana drinks that are better than [Morning Glory Dew] without bugging mages?
15:47.33Cairenngood to hear [Cu]Werik
15:47.41zenzelezznevcairiel's explanation would explain my problem
15:47.46Darklinfewyn: Get your faction up with Argent Dawn
15:47.47FlAWDaren't there some you can get in felwood?
15:47.47JimdinventorArgent Dawn, with Revered rep, I think
15:48.00DarklinJimdinventor: Or you can get the enriched mana biscuits at friendly.
15:48.02nevcairielfewyn: argent dawn or alterac valley reputation
15:48.07FlAWDcleansing the plants or whatever
15:48.08fewynoh that's right AD has some
15:48.19Jimdinventor... mmm... not very good ones, in Felwood.  300-500 point berries, I seem to recall
15:48.22Maldivianevcairiel: an estimation made in summer 2005, was around 160.000 servres
15:48.23Darklinnevcairiel: I thought you could only use the AV ones in AV?
15:48.45FlAWDi've never done it, but i remember people posting links to stuff like that from felwood..
15:48.47Qshadowpthis website says google has 18.7 million search hours a month
15:48.51nevcairieli think i you can eat the mana biscuits outside of AV
15:49.06DarklinCongrats, Mery.
15:50.02Darklinlol OMG
15:50.12DarklinSilly String vs. the IED!
15:50.36Cairennyeah, saw that a couple days ago Darklin (the original news post)
15:50.57JimdinventorDeadly-Serious String
15:51.07DarklinOh, sorry for the repost. The only news I read is Slashdot and Digg.
15:51.08Cairennpretty good thinking on someone's part
15:51.14Cairennno no, it wasn't posted here
15:51.38CairennI've got friends that are over there, got it linked to me through other channels
15:51.50DarklinJimdinventor: Heh yeah. My little brother has done 4 tours of Iraq and 3 of Afghanistan... And this coming feb he's being sent to Afghanistan once again.
15:52.11*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
15:52.14JimdinventorHere today, Afghanistan tomorrow.
15:52.54Qshadowp*Quotes a website* According to our records, as of September 27 , 2005 there are 957783222 internet users in the world.
15:53.19IndustrialPoo. wowi still being pummeled? :(
15:53.27CairennIndustrial: *nod*
15:53.54Cairennjust keep trying, folks are getting through, just takes patience and persistence
15:54.00IndustrialCairenn: Doesnt the hosting provider get any trouble with it?
15:54.01*** join/#wowi-lounge FelixTeCat (
15:54.09Nom-I badly need to find something that closely resembles PerfectRaid
15:54.20Nom-I tried to raid tonight, and it was just hopeless
15:54.31Darklinwb Felix: still no luck with FuBar I gather?
15:55.21Qshadowpi still need some unit frames :<
15:55.24DarklinShould only take about 3 or 4 more days to PR is updated.
15:55.37DarklinQshadowp: I heard pearlx was working.
15:55.57*** join/#wowi-lounge SB1-Work (n=kylesb@
15:55.58QshadowpDarklin me too, but i cant find it on wowinterface easily
15:56.07Qshadowpexpecially since the site takes 400 years to load now =P
15:56.20Qshadowpcurse is still down
15:57.50Industrialso the sites are down cause everyone keeps trying cause they are down? =P
15:57.57Nom-I got a raid on Saturday :(
15:58.06QshadowpIndustrial lol
15:58.11Nom-I'd like to have it by then, if it wont' be ready, then I need an interrim measure :(
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15:59.02fewyn<3 melting faces
16:00.27Nom-Still hoping that X-Perl Unit Frames gets fixed soon too
16:00.44Nom-I've tried Perl Classic Unit Frames, and it's crap compared to X-Perl IMHO
16:00.52DarklinAnyone else watch the video of the scientist solving the Divide-By-Zero problem?
16:01.08SB1-Work <--- mmm, world PvP is back
16:01.11QshadowpNom- please can you send me Perl Classic Unit Frames
16:01.20Qshadowpi used to use that unit frames before the patch and i'd love the updated version
16:01.41JimdinventorDarklin - Is that a problem?  I find if you leave zero alone, it doesn't bother you.
16:02.13QshadowpNom- in exchange i have some ct mods, ExDismount, Fubar, JIM_Abacus, LS_Chat and Bartender3 i can send you
16:02.45Nom-got Fubar, got Bartender3, don't know what the rest are :P
16:02.56DarklinJimdinventor: Heh.
16:02.57QshadowpCT_RaidAssist? :)
16:03.03Jimdinventor*chuckle* ... ouch.  Slain by obscurity.
16:03.06godzirraNom-: yeah, I miss my x-perl badly.
16:03.08*** join/#wowi-lounge AbsolutFelix (
16:03.14Nom-lol i dunno where i got pcuf from now
16:03.15godzirraand CTRA is somewhat... buggy, for my guild.
16:03.24Nom-Yes it is godzirra
16:03.29godzirraI raelly cant wait for ct bars though :/
16:03.35godzirraI'm dying without them.. sometimes quite literally.
16:03.36Nom-It also causes a pause every time someone zones or joins/leaves the group
16:03.45godzirraI didnt get that problem
16:03.45godzirrabut I know a lot of other people did.
16:03.49zenzelezzNom-: the latest version too?
16:04.02Nom-i dunno, i just unloaded it and haven't put it back on
16:04.08*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
16:04.11FelixTeCatSorry Darklin I was reading my email I got it to work after anouther 3 hours
16:04.12zenzelezz"Update 3: (4:45pm PST) CT_RaidAssist has been updated with a fix that reduces some of the lag experienced on raid group changes."
16:04.24Nom-I only ever had it installed for the raid leaders to do consumeable checks
16:04.44godzirraI liked the main tank windows.
16:04.47DarklinFelixTeCat: Quite alright. What was the issue?
16:04.53Nom-X-Perl MT window is better
16:04.54zenzelezzaye, the MT window was the thing I used
16:05.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (n=Adrine@
16:05.34godzirraI didnt even know X-perl had MT windows
16:05.35AntiarcWow! They already pushed a Patchwerk fix live.
16:05.47godzirraare the MT windows from x-perl compatible with ct raids?
16:05.53DarklinI'm still trying to noodle out how to fix my Bongos bars so it becomes playable again
16:05.54FelixTeCatI dont know I just tried diffrent combinations of the same solution with diffrent copys I had and found on that worked it was really wierd
16:05.59godzirrai.e. my guild all uses CT Raid.  WIll the MT windows show up for me with x-perl
16:06.16Nom-godzirra: yep, they did.  unless you turned it off you probably were using the xperl mt window
16:06.19zenzelezzI'd consider X-perl if I wanted a complete UI mod, but I don't =) So CTRA's MT window will do
16:06.20*** join/#wowi-lounge xsarpedon (i=Sarpedon@
16:06.21godzirraooh.. neat.
16:06.30godzirrax-perl isnt a complete ui mod by any stretch
16:06.33godzirrait  changes unit frames, thats it.
16:06.42godzirraNom-: huh.  possibly ;)
16:06.42Nom-the ctraid one is some very boring rounded squares
16:06.48Qshadowpwaaaah i want x perl unitframes lol
16:06.49zenzelezzthat's mostly what I see of the UI godzirra
16:06.51Qshadowpwtb link :P
16:06.53Nom-the x-perl one was a black box
16:07.00godzirracant remember to be honest.
16:07.05zenzelezzI stick to the standard UI for the most part
16:07.15godzirraI hate the standard ui ;)
16:07.17Nom-i think i got a screeny actually
16:07.25xsarpedonHey, got a noob question.  Trying to fix up HitsMode, and the buttons have lost their text for saome reason.  Any ideas what would have changed in 2.0 to cause that?
16:07.27Corrodiasx-perl has more than JUST unitframes
16:07.33DarklinBongos and, when it worked, MoveAnything were all I needed.
16:07.39JimdinventorI like how every example of "XPerl" that people have said here, has been converted by my IRC reader into a death's-head smilie.
16:07.40Nom-there you go
16:08.06zenzelezzI detest graphical smiley icons in chat programs
16:08.12godzirraCorrodias: sure ti does.  I just dont use them :)
16:08.15godzirrazenzelezz: no kidding.
16:08.20Jimdinventoryeah - kinda misrepresentative at the moment
16:08.26Corrodiasx-perl has unit frames, party frames, raid frames, and a main tanks and targets frame, each optional
16:08.37godzirraI used party frames mostly.
16:09.07Nom-Those MT windows, if you can see them, are the X-Perl ones
16:09.10godzirraI just want my ct bars back :(
16:09.14godzirraNom-: probably were
16:09.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Khayman (
16:09.25Nom-I linked a screeny above so you can see them lol
16:09.26DarklinNom: what's the Contient/Zone thing midscreen top?
16:09.38Nom-Darklin: Altas/AtlasLoot
16:09.50Nom-that's alphamap
16:10.00DarklinDuh whatnow?
16:10.02Nom-alphamap + atlasloot (which isn't really visible)
16:10.25Nom-continent/zone dropdown is alphamap, definately :P
16:11.01Nom-Basically, I want to get as close as possible to that UI again
16:11.10Nom-That was my finely tuned UI, and I liked it
16:11.28*** join/#wowi-lounge avidal (
16:11.48DarklinLooks fairly nice. What resolution are you running on that? 1280x1024?
16:11.55Nom-X-Perl Unit Frames, PerfectRaid, Chat Mods are about it
16:11.58Nom-1280x1024 yeah
16:11.59*** join/#wowi-lounge SH|Shabador (
16:12.05Nom-windows mode at that rez too
16:12.10Nom-easy to alt-tab then :D
16:12.24DarklinHrm. I may end up killing CTRA for PerfectRaid. I like the way that looks
16:12.30DarklinCan you customize PR any?
16:12.53Corrodiasperfectraid can be customized to some extent
16:12.53Nom-to a minor degree
16:13.13Nom-i set it to two columns, group by groups instead of alphabetically]
16:13.13Corrodiasi prefer to have just a single big list, arranged by class, than have them split up into groups.
16:13.14Nom-that's about all
16:13.22avidalHow many custom chat channels can you join?  I'm thinking through a mod some friends of mine would like to make, but it would require the mod to communicate with another player with the same mod, and I imagine that communication has to go through one of the chat channels.  I also imagine that chat channel would take up one of the player's free channels?
16:13.35Nom-I think it allowed you to group by Class
16:13.40Josh_Borkeavidal: 10 i believe is the max
16:13.43Corrodiasit does. i use praid
16:13.45Meryavidal: yes and it is 10 max
16:13.45Darklinavidal: Mods now can have their own channel for communication
16:13.57avidalDarklin: I know that, but the scope of that is party, raid, guild, or bg
16:14.16avidalDarklin: Which means no communication between friends unless you're in the same party, raid, guild, or bg :P
16:14.29Darklinavidal: I follow
16:14.53JimdinventorAhhhh.  Work day over.
16:15.00avidalHrm.  I guess I'll have to use one of the 10 chat channels.  It's only gonna be for a handful of friends anyway.
16:15.14JimdinventorWould anyone like assistance in mod testing, perhaps on the Beta Server (Hellfire)?
16:15.21Nom-There's one less channel you have to be in these days anyway
16:15.26Nom-Thank god LFG is gone
16:15.38JimdinventorPeople keep trying to resurrect it :-)
16:15.46avidalAh, General, Trade, etc, counts against your 10 channels?
16:15.47Nom-I've no idea why
16:15.48Jimdinventorfunny, funny people
16:15.59DarklinJimdinventor: Thats because the LFG system is kinda militant.
16:16.00Jimdinventoryes, those channels are counted against
16:16.24DarklinJoo will go to the instances ve say ve want you to go to and nozing elze!
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16:16.40JimdinventorDarklin - I have no complaints so far, except that somehow Strat Dead, Strat Live, 45 minute baron, and any number of elite quests in any of those are considered one thing :-p
16:16.58avidalI'll have to test out the new LFG and meeting stone stuff later on
16:17.07DarklinThey need to create a 'catch all' LFG option. like [other[
16:17.16avidalI haven't gotten a chance to play yet, I installed the patch, upgraded my addon, then went and got drunk
16:17.17JimdinventorMeeting Stone worked well for me yesterday.
16:17.19DarklinThen you can type in what you're LFG for
16:17.35Nom-ooo here's a point
16:17.50Corrodiasi want a global chat channel that's blizzard-owned instead of player-owned, so you don't get join/leave notifications and nobody is a moderator
16:17.54Nom-There's no way in the LFG system to recruit non-questing members for a quest, is there?
16:18.29DarklinNom-: I dunno. Haven't gotten to play with it much yet.
16:18.39Jimdinventornot really, Nom
16:18.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
16:18.40Nom-hmm oh well
16:18.48Nom-I need to get some sleep :(
16:18.51DarklinWith Bongos out of action, I am out. I refuse to revert to the default. Heh.
16:18.53Jimdinventorthough people browsing the system appear to show up in the categories they look in
16:19.19Nom-If anyone comes accross an alternative to, or a beta for PerfectRaid, send me a pm with the link plz ^_^
16:19.48Nom-Same with X-Perl Unit Frames...i managed to get a beta of that but it was buggy, so if you see nay fixes come out :)
16:19.50DarklinThe dev for PR was in here last night, said he had some of it working again.
16:20.16Josh_BorkeLook for PR to be updated soon
16:20.24Nom-I hope so :)
16:20.39Nom-night guys, nearly 1am and i've got a way long day
16:21.02Nom-got about 4000 lines of code to test :/
16:21.04Corrodiasthere are a bunch of addons i'm waiting on for updates before i start playing again
16:23.44avidalWhat I'd like to see someone develop is an addon developing IDE of sorts.  The main thing I'd like to see is the ability to fire any event you want with any parameters you want with the push of a button
16:24.03avidalSo you can test to make sure that your script will properly receive and process CHAT_MSG_ADDON events, or whatever.
16:24.36Jimdinventorthat exists
16:24.51JimdinventorI seem to recall it being linked from WoWWiki.
16:24.59JimdinventorIt's mostly text, though.
16:26.02Industrialunknown unit token: UNIT_RAGE
16:26.06Industrialmana health power combat
16:27.01Josh_Borkeavidal: there is a program called WoWBench but it hasn't been updated to WoW 2.0 and it isn't fully compatible
16:27.30avidali'm looking at the wowwiki entry on it
16:28.05avidalAh I see, it was developed completely in LUA
16:28.22avidalI wonder if the author is planning on updating it
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16:29.59avidalCool, it even allows for 'multiple players' so you can test inter-addon comm
16:32.34Josh_Borkeavidal: as far as testing things you can call the scripts whenever you want
16:34.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Nonel (
16:36.24zenzelezzeat buttons?
16:36.31Jimdinventorwhat else are they going to eat? :-)
16:36.37Qshadowplike with bartender3, each action bar is 12 buttons long
16:36.42Qshadowpif you make the action bar 10 buttons long
16:36.46Qshadowpthe other 2 buttons are unusable
16:36.52Qshadowpit "eats" them
16:37.15Qshadowpsame problem with bongos :(
16:38.18Corrodiasi bet discord used to do what you want!
16:38.29Qshadowpyea discord and flexbar worked well
16:38.45Qshadowpflexbar was a little laggy so i used to use discord, but now they are both down :(
16:38.58Qshadowpand discord says they won't be ready for atleast 5 days :(
16:39.50*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
16:40.00Qshadowpcncfanatics! :D
16:40.06Qshadowpany eta on the new flexbar?
16:40.14cncfanaticsits out, but buggy
16:40.18cncfanaticsand i'm in exams
16:40.21Qshadowplink link link!
16:40.36cncfanaticsdon't bother if u ain't a coder, no slashcommands
16:40.47Josh_Borkenot me!
16:41.01Qshadowpwell i know a few of the addon makers names :)
16:42.09Qshadowpcncfanatics how are you supposed to edit it if you dont have slash commands?
16:42.17Qshadowpedit the lua file it creates or something? :)
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16:42.40Qshadowpaww :(
16:43.07cncfanaticsor u can edit the lua file it creates too :p
16:43.28cncfanaticseither way, i'll probably be recoding some parts this weekend if my math exam doesn't take too long
16:43.41Qshadowpdoes it use the same saveing system as the old flexbar?
16:43.46Qshadowplike could i copy my old flexbar setup
16:44.34cncfanaticsit does not
16:44.53Qshadowpdam :(
16:45.04KasoMan i hate taint sooo much
16:45.04Qshadowpoh well, good luck with your exams anyways
16:46.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
16:46.09DarklinKaso: And why is that?
16:46.44KalrothDoes anyone know of an addon that makes the party frames unable to hide when in a raid? (yes, I checked the advanced interface setting :)
16:47.50QshadowpKalroth isn't it in Advented interface > Raid > Hide party interface in Raid ?
16:47.59KalrothYup, but it's checked
16:48.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
16:48.22Qshadowpwell uncheck it then?
16:48.22Kalrothand party frame is still there, so I'm guessing that it's some addon that keeps it visible, but I can't track it down ><
16:48.26KasoDarklin because i took me far longer than it should have to work out what part of my addon was tainting CTRA
16:48.29KalrothI did that too
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16:55.37Kasois there a secure way of doing UISpecialFrames
16:55.43*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
16:55.54Kaso(to allow frames to be closeable with esc)
16:59.36DarklinMan, this state stuff is KILLING me...
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17:07.26Caerynif i wanted a macro that casted Shield Block if its up and Shield Bash if its not, can I put /cast Shield Block /cast Shield Bash
17:08.23DarklinCaeryn: no. Blizzard nixed fallthrough macros. Now, if Shield Block fails, it will stop the macro there.
17:09.28zenzelezzhow odd... yesterday I only saw "Whisper", "Ignore" and "Invite" on the player-name right-click menu in chat... today, without changing anything, I also have "Target"
17:09.55Darklinzenzelezz: Yup.
17:10.17*** part/#wowi-lounge Jimdinventor (
17:10.26KalrothAha! Found the culprit
17:10.34KalrothIt was Archaeologist
17:12.48KasoFrom replacing all my addons im surprised how old some of them are
17:13.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Silv (
17:13.44Kaso## Interface: 1700
17:14.20DarklinHehe my Gatherer was about that old.
17:15.29Kasothat was Telo's selfcast
17:15.56Kasoi think i had to fix it when they changed the Tooltip Owner thing, but other than that its worked every patch since
17:16.46Silvasked in #wowace but thought I might as here as well
17:17.04Silvdoes anyone know if there is a creature type modifier for conditional macros? i.e. type=undead
17:17.55Kasoim afraid there is no
17:20.05wereHamsterJosh_Borke, HealSync should now work.. need to test it in a raid though :)
17:20.22KasoBlizzard dont want us making smart descions based on targets.
17:21.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
17:22.33Caerynor bad decisions!
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17:24.48Silvthanks for the help:)
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17:30.17QzotHeyo. Anyone home?
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17:32.06jaxdahl2[target=mouseover] is great for carpal tunnel
17:32.36jaxdahl2i can easily target a boss and just mouse over the targettarget box to heal whomever has aggro
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17:38.19Kalrothhahah, we got a guildmember that couldn't join the raid .. we couldn't gremove him either
17:38.26Kalrothso now he left himself, but we can't invite him
17:38.35jaxdahl2Cide, getting hate mail?
17:38.45Cidenot hate mail really, no
17:39.10Cideand besides, that I could care less about
17:40.06Danezhas someone of you knowledege about *.blp files, and how the changed in 2.0? because i can't convert them to png anymore....but still to tga, but without transperency...:
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17:44.53Kaso#show Heavy Runecloth Bandage /use [target=player] Heavy Runecloth Bandage
17:45.04Kasohowcome thats showing 0 count on the icon
17:46.17jaxdahl2did you try without #show ?
17:46.34Kasooh wtf
17:46.41Kasothat works
17:46.42Kasohow odd
17:46.51jaxdahl2i guess #show only shows the icon, nothing else
17:46.57jaxdahl2or maybe bug?
17:47.26Kasono sure
17:47.35Kasobut it works fine now
17:48.17jaxdahl2yay, interface sites are decently responsive again
17:48.24jaxdahl2wowi only timing out 50%
17:49.27jaxdahl2what time does ckknight come in usually?
17:52.11Kaso22:30 -23:00 if my logs are correct
17:52.20Kaso(UTC time)
17:57.54jaxdahl2ag_UnitFrames-r19453[TBC].zip <-- is this only for TBC? or is it also 2.0 compatible?
17:58.50Kasoi should transfer over, but isnt there a newer version
17:59.13jaxdahl2transfer what over?
18:02.36KasoI mean, the TBC addons should transfer over to live fine
18:04.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Darklin (
18:04.08KasoI wish #show affected the tooltip
18:04.28DarklinAnyone know of a decent moveanything replacement?
18:05.23cogwheelWhat's wrong with moveanything?
18:05.59DarklinIt broke for me as of the patch.
18:06.22cogwheelSo did every other addon... you need an updated version...
18:12.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Caeryn|Work (
18:15.17*** join/#wowi-lounge CranCran (n=chatzill@
18:15.34CranCranEvening folks.
18:16.43jaxdahl2who here uses cartographer?
18:17.14Mikmajaxdahl2: me, yes?
18:17.22jaxdahl2Mikma, is eversong woods messed up on your map?
18:17.48Mikmajaxdahl2: haven't had a chance to test it on live, but it wasn't messed up on TBC. it WAS with old revisions
18:19.34Josh_Borkehow're things going now?
18:21.38Mr_Rabies2dammit that latest update rebroke my regenfu :[
18:22.12Mr_Rabies2<cogwheel> So did every other addon... you need an updated version...
18:22.34Mr_Rabies2unless someone's maintaining it after like a year of being out of date, that's not possible :[
18:23.20cogwheelUpdate it yourself :P (it's also possible it hasn't been updated in a year because it never stopped working...)
18:23.49Mr_Rabies2well i don't know lua and yeah it was broke in a lot of ways before but still mostly worked
18:23.54nevcairielyay i managed to upload a new version to WoWI
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18:24.02nevcairielits getting better
18:28.28*** part/#wowi-lounge Darklin (
18:30.16CranCranAny developers here have any parser sources that would allow me to parse the SV .lua files in C/C++ for reporting purposes to Guild members ?
18:30.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
18:31.19Caeryn|Workwhat's SV
18:31.28Caeryn|Workhey nev! did you fix bartender3? :)
18:31.56Caeryn|Workby fix I mean add the ability to switch action bars
18:31.59Caeryn|Workand add skins
18:32.02CranCranSV = SavedVariables
18:32.03Caeryn|Workand other features
18:33.39Kaso## Interface: 1600
18:33.46Kasoi think ive found my winner!
18:33.50nevcairieldidnt i tell you yesterday that i added action bar switching ? :D
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18:34.57Kasowhats the equivialnt of ChatFrame_OnEvent i can safely fiddle with
18:35.54jaxdahl2does oCD work with bartender3 ?
18:35.54Caeryn|Worknevcairiel: yes you did, but i didn't know if you decided to release it
18:36.05nevcairielwell i did upload it to WoWI now
18:36.26Cairennnevcairiel: and I just finished approving it :)
18:37.23nevcairielyay :)
18:38.18Caeryn|Workwhat! Cairenn make her put in skins too
18:38.23Caeryn|Worksit on her!
18:38.40Insideput what in?
18:38.53Caeryn|WorkJust kidding nev, <3 your work
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18:41.38Cairennand on that note, I'm sure mom's dog has her legs crossed by now, so I'm afk a bit
18:42.17jaxdahl2bartender3 doesn't use .xml files?
18:44.03jaxdahl2whoa, BitTorrent and uTorrent merged
18:44.05Kirkburn|afkFew addons need to nowadays
18:44.24KasoXML is so 4 months ago!
18:45.20Caeryn|Workit is?
18:45.41Kirkburn|afkjaxdahl2, merged?
18:47.35Kirkburn|afkOh, cool
18:47.43Kirkburn|afkLooks like a good idea to me
18:50.11*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
18:50.35ckknighthey all
18:50.47jaxdahl2hey ckknight, do you know of an issue with Eversong WOods in cartographer?
18:52.34jaxdahl2it appears corrupted at home
18:52.39jaxdahl2i don't have a screenshot for you at this time
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18:55.25ISOPimpAnyone know of a good write-up/tutorial explaining the new(ish) empty blizzard addons (Blizzard_*UI)? Maybe with an example on how to use/extend them
18:56.07Hexarobiso does like every addon need to be rewritten from scratch?
18:56.14Hexarobior is it just some small syntax changes?
18:56.21jaxdahl2depends on the type of addon
18:56.39Kasosome just need syntax changes, others need large re-writes to account for the new security
18:56.47Hexarobiwhats forbidden now?
18:56.48jaxdahl2if it's 'interactive' in combat, it needs rewrites for secure templates
18:56.57Hexarobiok its not
18:57.11jaxdahl2Hexarobi, basically - targetting and casting spells intelligently in combat
18:58.09jaxdahl2addons can't move or activate/inactivate frames either
18:58.11jaxdahl2in combat
18:58.17jaxdahl2if they're interactive
18:58.26jaxdahl2ie, used to click to target
18:58.30Hexarobinah, mines a chess game =)
18:58.37jaxdahl2you'll be fine
18:58.49Hexarobibut ill need to update syntax?
18:59.00Kasocheck out AL's convertion script :>
18:59.01jaxdahl2do you do anything like this: for k,v in Table
18:59.06Hexarobihas someone written a syntax updater scrupt yet> =-)
18:59.21jaxdahl2Hexarobi, better to use a syntax CHECKER and change stuff manually
18:59.29jaxdahl2Hexarobi, change to for k,v in pairs(Table)
18:59.44Hexarobii think im using pairs already but will check
18:59.53jaxdahl2Hexarobi, good for you
19:00.03jaxdahl2also i think gfind needs to be changed to gmatch, not sure on specifics
19:00.06Kasoalso string.gfind is noew string.gmatch
19:00.27jaxdahl2Hexarobi, i assume you don't do any processing of game items?
19:00.34Kasoalso string.getn is now # and string.setn doesnt exsist
19:03.09Caeryn|Workhahaa understated post of the day -> "hey guys i logged onto wow yesterday and none of my addons work. do i need to download new ones"
19:04.11Caeryn|Worktable.setn doesn't exist either
19:04.25Josh_Borkenope, sure doesn't
19:04.27Caeryn|Workmath.mod is now math.fmod which is aliased as just mod
19:04.33*** join/#wowi-lounge VoidRaider|Zz (
19:04.49Industrial"hey guys im too lazy to figure things out for myself, be a good slave and tell me"
19:05.54IndustrialIf I was a moderator I'd lock threads like that after the first post. Make people realise being dumb isnt appreciated :P
19:07.21axxoanyone know how i turn the raid party moving click sound off?
19:07.48Kasohook playsound and stopit
19:12.08Maldiviait's SOOO annoyin
19:12.47IndustrialIs there a 2.0 Addon that records events and ALL their args?
19:13.03Industrialoh and one that doesnt overflood cause of events and I miss the events that i need
19:13.44Industriallike one that monitors and that i can stop right in the middle or something
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19:20.42SP|Sorren`Industrial: you can set the devtools event trace to just record the events you need ;o
19:21.19Caeryn|Workthere's a devtool event trace?!
19:21.37SP|Sorren`the latest version of devtools has an event trace frame
19:21.37Josh_BorkeCaeryn|Work: yea, check out the newest devtools (might be in the beta portion)
19:21.46SP|Sorren`its neat ;p
19:21.55Caeryn|Workhmm how new is this new
19:21.59Caeryn|Worki'd have to check it out
19:22.03jaxdahl2what are the raid target related functions again?
19:22.08purli guess devtools is Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?, or found at for the beta
19:24.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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19:28.57IndustrialSubmitting Personal system information
19:29.03*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
19:29.18Cidedon't like it, don't play :)
19:29.30Cideyou probably agreed to it by accepting the agreement!
19:29.44IndustrialCide: thats a very uncool answer
19:29.45cogwheelIndustrial: it's part of their bot-fighting arsenal
19:30.00CideIndustrial: I can't say i'm in a good mood today, no
19:30.01Industrialyeah but how personal
19:30.14DarklinBecause everyone knows it's better to treat customers like criminals untill proven innocent...
19:30.15CideIndustrial: what sites you visit, what things you download.. stuff like that
19:30.25Industriallike hey he browsed porn yesterday personal?
19:30.29DarklinHow much porn you look at a day.
19:30.30CideDarklin: yes
19:30.43CideIndustrial: most likely it's nothing like that
19:31.04cogwheelProbably just lists of running processes, things of that nature...
19:31.36DarklinHehe, It's most likes to be stuff like your IP address. Processor type. Amount of ram. Um... Shoe size...
19:31.45DarklinPossibly processor ID if that's active on your system.
19:32.06Meryor (if I had a guess) a hash of your system parts to identify your computer, hence make it easier to link botting accounts
19:32.18DarklinMery: You win.
19:32.22Qshadowpon my server theres some people
19:32.27Qshadowprandomly giving out stacks of 50kg
19:32.30GnarfozIndustrial: those messages have been there since like forever (or around 1.11), usually you just connect so fast they rush past so quickly you can't read em
19:32.35CideQshadowp: haha
19:32.35Qshadowp50kg or less depending on who the person is
19:32.39Qshadowpim serious
19:32.46DarklinQshadowp: I believe you.
19:32.51Qshadowpmy friend on his first level 40 char pulled out 1.8kg
19:32.58Qshadowpand everyone is talking about it on the trade channel
19:33.06Qshadowpdude im serious lol
19:33.11Qshadowpi think i shall flag a GM
19:33.26Qshadowpthe MT from my guild got given 50,000
19:33.27DarklinQshadowp: Sounds like someone has found a nice big fat dupe bug in the expansion.
19:33.30Qshadowpmaybe its a bug with the new patch
19:33.37Meryfirst you should trade
19:33.37Qshadowpyea :P
19:33.46Gnarfozor someone has turned the stakes and got a gold farmer's account data
19:33.56Cideit'll get removed I'm sure
19:34.00DarklinMery: Yeah... For... Uh... Research purposes!
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19:34.21Meryyeah Cide :)
19:34.22Qshadowpwell my friend has traded me with 1.8kg
19:34.26Gnarfozis Cartographer with Cartographer_Herbalism a suitable stand-in replacement for Gatherer until Gatherer is updated?
19:34.30Qshadowphis first char, and i allways have to give him small amounts of money like 5g
19:34.42Qshadowpand people are talking about it on the trade channel :P
19:34.46Gnarfozanyone using it? :>
19:35.25DarklinGnarfoz: That actually happened on my server. A farmer was using keyloggers to steal passwords and steal gold. One of the 'victims' traced the ip address in the keylogger after disassembling it, found out that the farmers computer was vulnerable, then stole his password and spent the day playing Robin Hood
19:35.52Qshadowplol sounds fun
19:36.19DarklinJust reinforces the old adage, don't hack a hacker...
19:36.45DarklinOr, more appropriately, don't crack a cracker.
19:37.51Darklin < Total Recall anyone?
19:38.05Hexarobitwo weeks...
19:38.08chuckgHmm weird...
19:38.20chuckgIf I bind keys to a bar in bongos, then hide it, then relog/reloadui the keybindings dont' work till I show the bar again.
19:38.43DarklinHexarobi: It's been one week since you looked at me? Cocked your head to the side and said you're angry...
19:39.39Darklinchuckg: Aye. It has to do with the way keybindings and 'states' work in the new bongos.
19:39.50DarklinDon't ask me to explain it. Tuller knows but I sure as heck can't follow it.
19:40.04chuckgAwesome as long as he knows.
19:40.08DarklinBasically, when hidden, the bar is out of 'state' and therefore cant have keys bound to it.
19:40.09chuckgBeen trying to bugreport/comment for 2 days.
19:40.17chuckgBut you can hide then rehide.
19:40.18chuckgAnd it works.
19:40.48DarklinSo you're saying that ReloadUI or Relogging is breaking the bindings?
19:40.54DarklinThat may be a different issue entirely.
19:41.07DarklinI assume you're binding keys to an actionbar, non?
19:41.15chuckgI bind the keys while it's visible.
19:41.18chuckgI hide it, and they work.
19:41.27chuckgrelog/reloadui, pressing the binding yields nothing.
19:41.33chuckgIf I /bob and show it, then hide it.
19:41.35chuckgBam, working again.
19:41.40chuckgWhile hidden.
19:42.16Darklinchuckg: Aye, that's what I said.
19:42.48DarklinSo you're saying that ReloadUI or Relogging is breaking the bindings? [repost]
19:43.56chuckgI don't have to rebind, if that's what you mean by breaking.
19:44.24Caeryn|Workyay! lets go ask the norse if they like cheese
19:45.17Darklinchuckg: Not really. I just mean that when you reloadui/relog the keybindings don't work untill you make the bar visible and then hide it again.
19:45.36DarklinSo bongos is saving the keybindings, but when reloading/relogging, if the bar isnt' visible, isn't loading them.
19:46.00DarklinWhich kinda makes sense the way Tuller has this all running... In an odd way.
19:47.21KasoIs there any work-around for the CTRA RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE lag?
19:47.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Wargath (
19:47.45IndustrialDarnit. I have 36 buttons that have inherits="SecureActionButtonTemplate, ActionBarButtonTemplate"
19:47.52Industrialthe bindings are all messed up
19:48.01Wargathim trying to get my frame completely opaque but what ever I do it always ends up a a bit translucent
19:48.03Industrialhow do I bind my buttons
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19:48.12Wargathuusing SetBackdropColor(0,0,0, 0.99)
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19:48.26Industrial0,0,0,0 ?
19:48.48Wargathalready tried it
19:49.28DarklinWargath: Is the template for the frame you're inheriting slightly transparent?
19:49.45DarklinOr are you inheriting UIParent?
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19:50.38Wargathdarklin ill check it
19:50.42DarklinIndustraial, Bindings.xml?
19:50.59Josh_BorkeHI Cairenn!
19:51.23Cairennalright boys, enough :p
19:51.59IndustrialDarklin: didnt they like.. make that stop working?
19:52.40*** join/#wowi-lounge YammYgirlcoding (n=hoho@
19:52.46YammYgirlcodinghello everybody!
19:52.57nevcairielYou can still use Bindings.xml .. but most the bindings in there wont be possible anymore
19:53.01YammYgirlcodinganyone knows where I can get those 2 libs: Ace Locale 2 - AceModuleCore 2 ?
19:53.01nevcairiellike calling an onclick
19:53.34Industrialnevcairiel: yeah actionbuttons.
19:53.52Josh_Borkewoops, wrong channel
19:53.55Josh_Borkehola YammYgirlcoding
19:53.57IndustrialYammYgirlcoding: well maybe at ace
19:54.02YammYgirlcodingJosh_Borke! hello darlin
19:54.21YammYgirlcodingat ace's site there is a huge list of files, but nothing looks like those 2 libs. they are OneBag dependencies
19:55.10Industrialisnt that embedded
19:55.19Josh_Borkeyes, they should be included as part of teh addon
19:55.28YammYgirlcodingthe folder libs is empty
19:55.30Josh_Borkethey are listed as Optional deps because they say to
19:55.32CideKaso: signs point towards an engine bug but I haven't tracked it down completely
19:55.33cohutheir zipscript has issues
19:55.36YammYgirlcodingfor both , onebag and onebank.
19:55.42cohuso the libs are missing
19:55.50KasoDarn, ill have to cope for the moment
19:55.54cohuget an old version (bigger filesize) and the libs from there
19:56.00cohuthen overwrite with new version
19:56.02YammYgirlcodingthat they are missing i figured it out =)
19:56.13axxocurrent ctra doesn't support mt windows?
19:56.17KasoIll have have to get my raid firends to stop DCing!
19:56.39jaxdahl2axxo, target management is disabled
19:56.44jaxdahl2oRA2 works though
19:57.26YammYgirlcodingso... any site still not busy to download those onebag's ace libs ? =)
19:57.29EmliI'm trying to find a way to update AssistHelper... is there a way to replace AssistByName() without having to make a hidden secure frame?
19:57.37Josh_Borkei can get you a zip from the svn
19:57.43Josh_Borkewith externals
19:58.07YammYgirlcodingwho, me?
19:58.47YammYgirlcodingif they were optionals, the error ingame would not show =)
19:58.58cohuthey are not
19:59.02DarklinEmli: They broke AssistByName?
19:59.05Emlithey did
19:59.06Josh_BorkeYammYgirlcoding: they are optional dependencies ;-)
19:59.08IndustrialUnknown unit token:
19:59.12IndustrialI HATE these errors already
19:59.18Industrialmostly because i dont know what they mean
19:59.22YammYgirlcodingand why they are generating errors when i log?
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19:59.38IndustrialYammYgirlcoding: cus theres an error ! :D
19:59.40Josh_BorkeYammYgirlcoding: because no other addon is providing the libs?
20:00.17*** part/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (
20:00.18YammYgirlcodingso they are not optional, indeed =)
20:00.41cohuas i said, they should be included, but the ziscript at wowace has troubles. thats why they are missing
20:00.44Josh_BorkeYammYgirlcoding: you're not understanding :-D  a dependency means it gets loaded after all of its dependencies.
20:00.59YammYgirlcodinganyway =)   anyone knows a site I could get those two that is not offline, crowded.. ?
20:01.19Josh_Borkean optional dependency means it should get loaded after those dependencies if they exist, otherwise ignore them.  the files sohuld be included in the zip but they weren't (as cohu said)
20:01.29[Cu]WerikCairenn, is it good news?
20:01.40[Cu]WerikAww, I love those!
20:01.44Cairennsomeone having a problem trying to register
20:01.52cohutry YammYgirlcoding
20:01.58Josh_Borkeyou beat me cohu
20:02.00YammYgirlcodinghmmm I thought optional deps was 'if there is no dep there, it will work anyway'
20:02.10cohuwas looking into my history
20:02.25cohuwho is veal?
20:02.31Caeryn|Worki think blizzard forgot that it was possible for horde to have paladins in TBC
20:02.33Josh_Borkedon't you mean what?
20:02.36Industrialwhyyyyyy are there no dooooocs i haaate thatttt
20:02.43Industrialseriously I cant code like this :|
20:02.45MeryYammYgirlcoding: Well the Addon should have those libs embedded
20:02.47jaxdahl2Caeryn, no, blizz intended this change apparently
20:02.54jaxdahl2dumb, imo
20:03.02Xavaliaas horde getting judgement belt.. FAIL
20:03.12Josh_Borkealliance are getting ten storms
20:03.15cohuthey will prolly hotfix that
20:03.22Josh_Borkebesides, warriors might want the dam/heal :-D
20:03.30cohuor you will just have to live with it for those few weeks
20:03.38Caeryn|Workwell if they put in the TBC version of those instances, it should be possible for alliance to get both ten storms and judgement
20:03.45Caeryn|Workunless alilance is not getting judgement at all
20:03.54YammYgirlcodingMery hmmm so anyone have OneBag and OneBank's complete zip ? =)
20:04.04Qshadowpblizzard are filtering "Bongos" now
20:04.09Qshadowpas a profanity
20:04.10Josh_BorkeYammYgirlcoding: cohu gave you a link and i have it at
20:04.12[Cu]WerikI thik that "Captcha Test" is the alt of the image, because the image itself failed to load:P
20:04.20Josh_BorkeQshadowp: actually, it's "bong" that is the profanity
20:04.34Industrialwhy, its not dong
20:04.34Qshadowpsince when did bong become a profanity
20:04.40jaxdahl2cohu, they won't
20:04.47jaxdahl2won't hotfix that i mean
20:04.49QshadowpDefinitions of bong on the Web:
20:04.49Qshadowp* A type of water pipe used for smoking cannabis.
20:04.52MeryYammYgirlcoding: did you download the latest version of wowace? If so then maybe look in an earlier version the zip script sometimes misses some
20:05.05IndustrialQshadowp: we k now
20:05.18*** join/#wowi-lounge mjc (
20:05.41Industrialmakes you think about the average age
20:05.44Industrialof wow players
20:05.48Industrialbut we already knew that
20:06.04Qshadowpi have my profanity filter unticked.
20:06.05Qshadowpallways have done
20:06.11cohuthats what i said before Mery...then i provided a ftp link with all libs, then Josh_Borke provided a link too. so i guess...
20:07.00Caeryn|Worki want to get away this weekend anyone can recommend a spot?
20:07.49jaxdahl2where are you now, Caeryn?
20:08.12BleeterCaeryn|Work: shaping up to be a beautiful summer weekend here, you're more than welcome to drop on by
20:08.59Qshadowpi think we should make a petition
20:09.04Cairennsummer? summer? where? house party at Bleeter's!
20:09.10Qshadowpif (word = bongos) { don't damned filter it }
20:09.26xsarpedonHey, got a noob question.  Trying to fix up HitsMode, and the buttons have lost their text for saome reason.  Any ideas what would have changed in 2.0 to cause that?
20:09.39Industrialhow do i bind my actionbuttons to keys using the bindings menu and xml? before i used UseAction() but im getting a weird error about some unit token. HELP
20:10.37Industrialxsarpedon: are you th hitsmode author?
20:10.57Gnarfozand: do you know about SimpleCombatLog? :P
20:11.31*** part/#wowi-lounge Ryak (n=mezilwow@
20:15.26Bleeterrecently seen email response to a blizz ticket contained both these lines "Tickets are not for discussing this matter" and "Please do not respond to this matter as discussion on this topic is best handled online"
20:15.43Bleeter*to this email on this matter
20:15.53Bleeterneedless to say, my guildie is very confused hehe
20:16.53YammYgirlcodingguys.  In the blizz 'sct' stuff, is there an option to see the heals on myself?  I only see when I heal someone else
20:17.26BleeterCairenn: summer in Australia. Where I am, though, the water temperature is.. pretty cold ;)
20:18.17YammYgirlcodingWhat does it mean?  attempt to concatenate global 'version' (a nil value)
20:18.27*** join/#wowi-lounge NerD| (i=TonAss@
20:18.32Josh_Borkeit means someone tried to use the variable "version" without defining it
20:18.55NerD|Anybody got some troubles with oRA2 ?
20:18.59NerD|I cant assist :'(
20:19.01CairennBleeter: heh, I'm used to cold water, spent my life swimming in the north atlantic
20:19.45YammYgirlcodingthat concat error was on that line:  GFWUtils.Print("Fizzwidget Reagent Cost "..version.." not loaded; no supported auction-data-source addon available.");
20:19.53BleeterCairenn: :) feel free to drop on down, I'll keep the barbie on simmer for you, and the esky full of ice ;)
20:20.03Dhragawhats the name of the addon that just makes sure that your chattab 1 is selected on login ?
20:20.10Josh_BorkeYammYgirlcoding: that means Fizzwidget didn't define version or it is a typo.
20:21.16YammYgirlcodingany way to debug it? maybe print version var?
20:21.47DarklinYammYgirlcoding: It looks like that's already a debug line.
20:22.11Josh_BorkeYammYgirlcoding: the version variable doesn't exist.  it's a bug in their code
20:22.56DarklinYep. Most likes they're trying to call a local declared variable somewhere out of scope.
20:23.03Caeryn|Workjaxdahl: bay area, i am browsing through some b&b right now in the area
20:23.32Mr_Rabies2he's a goblin, what do you expect? :P
20:24.00Dhragadoes ace have a addon that selects your chat tab 1 on login ?
20:24.49Mr_Rabies2showmychat is an ace addon i think
20:25.07DhragaThanks rabies
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20:27.54DarklinAnyone have a favorite open source text editor they use? I'm using Programmers Notepad 2 right now but I don't really like it's project system.
20:28.05Josh_BorkeDarklin: vim
20:28.21DarklinJosh: :P
20:28.29Josh_Borkeit's what i use :-P
20:28.37Kalrothhas anyone noticed that string.find() has been changed somewhat?
20:28.49DarklinKalroth: Yes, use string.match() instead
20:29.11KalrothOk, I was looking for a changelog of how it was changed, but no luck ><
20:29.19KalrothI fixed it though, but still :p
20:29.23ThorarinSee Lua 5.1 manual I guess
20:29.39zoktarwtb updated outfitterfu
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20:34.10Bleeteralso look at the list of changes on the US WoW UI forum ;)
20:36.16DarklinThat's what you want it to do, non?
20:39.53Kalrothwell I was fixing an addon that uses string.find() and apparently they changed matching from 5.0 to 5.1
20:40.18Guillotineeverything was changed to 5.1
20:40.32Kalrothnot everything, but a lot :)
20:40.43Guillotinewhat wasn't?
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20:41.12KalrothI'm pretty sure you can go through LUA 5.0 vs LUA 5.1 and find stuff that wasn't changed, no? :)
20:41.43Guillotinepretty sure it was all changed. I could be wrong though
20:41.47YammYgirlcodingguys. I Loved OneBag !   whoever made it, love u! :D
20:42.01Josh_BorkeKaelten: ping
20:42.05BleeterI thought it went to 5.1.1 ... /shrug
20:42.32Caeryn|WorkKalroth: I used this
20:43.02KalrothYup, it doesn't show the differences between 5.0 and 5.1 though :)
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20:49.42Beladonais it happy hour yet?
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20:49.51Cairennhi Beladona
20:49.52Josh_BorkeBeladona: somewhere, yes
20:50.30YammYgirlcodingguys. goes OneBank work with BankItems?
20:50.35Josh_Borkebeats me
20:50.36GuillotineBeladona: its right after a big patch. Its always happy hour
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20:58.57YammYgirlcodingguys. I know it's stupid, but how I minimize all windows and click start , without a mouse or a natural keyboard?
21:00.23ThorarinWin+M, tap Win key?
21:01.00YammYgirlcodingwithout win key, what u do?
21:01.23ThorarinCtrl+Esc for start menu...
21:01.27ThorarinMinimizing, not sure ;)
21:01.33ThorarinYou could do it 1 by 1 :>
21:02.04Qshadowpis there any moveanything equivilant now?
21:02.10Qshadowpas in you can move\resize frames
21:02.30YammYgirlcodingaaaaaaaaah ctrl+esc!! thank u darling!
21:02.36YammYgirlcodingThorarin ! hello!! \o
21:03.37YammYgirlcodinghow is it auctioneer going? =)
21:04.27QshadowpAuctioneer 4.0 & Gatherer 3.0 release on Dec 19th | Alpha versions: &
21:04.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Grem (
21:04.37Qshadowpdirect paste from auctioneers irc channel :)
21:04.53GremWarsongDoes anyone know how to connect to the EU servers from the US?
21:05.03QshadowpGremWarsong trade your cd keys
21:05.10GremWarsongI have a European account
21:05.15GremWarsongI just dont know how to connect to it
21:05.16Qshadowpor call blizzard, i think they will give you a eu key in exchange for a US
21:05.21GremWarsongI have an EU
21:05.23QshadowpGremWarsong basically you cant
21:05.36Qshadowpyou can play EU, OR us.
21:05.43GremWarsongHow do I play EU then?
21:05.43Qshadowpyou have to buy a new set of CDs to play on US
21:05.48Qshadowpby logging in.
21:05.50GremWarsongI have an EU key, I want to play on an EU server
21:05.50wereHamsterGremWarsong, SET realmList ""
21:06.02GremWarsongwereHamster, I tried that, it resets as soon as I start my WoW client
21:06.09YammYgirlcodingand gatherer, any clue if it will be back ?
21:06.19QshadowpYammYgirlcoding learn to read.
21:06.39ISOPimpAnyone know which lua file the blizzard function "RefreshDebuffs" is hiding in?
21:06.39YammYgirlcodingi mean gatherer for minimap ( little gathering icons )
21:06.40wereHamstersomeone in here once said he has a EU client and plays on US servers..
21:06.44Cairenneasy ...
21:06.49YammYgirlcoding( and trade goods locations )
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21:07.09Qshadowp(21:04:24) (Qshadowp) Auctioneer 4.0 & Gatherer 3.0 release on Dec 19th | Alpha versions: &
21:07.11jaxdahl2grep -R is your friend
21:07.44YammYgirlcodingaaaaaaaaaaaaah your gatherer is 'that' one? :D
21:07.59Qshadowpwhat other gatherer would it be?
21:08.11ISOPimpjaxdahl2: good point, ill see if i can find a windows equivilent
21:08.24orbanI've got a bit of lua experience, but never done "big" things. I want to create minimalistic raid frames for the new patch, basically just a list of all raid members and some visual indication when they're debuffed with curse/bla bla. Is that hard and where to start with this secure frames business? :)
21:08.42jaxdahl2ISOPimp, cygwin
21:08.55jaxdahl2ISOPimp, even 'unix tools for windows' has it i think
21:08.58Qshadowporban i cant code but i suggest you start at
21:09.04Qshadowpthey have command referances and the such like
21:09.13Neuro_Medivhorban, start with,, and then read the stickies at the top of the UI forum
21:09.31Qshadowplisten to Neuro_Medivh instead of me tho :P
21:09.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
21:09.49orbanI know enough lua to write mods, and I did before, but I'm just a bit new to frames and stuff (and those new secure ones)
21:11.02Neuro_MedivhIf this mod is for private use, your best bet would be to take an existing raid frame mod and modify it to your needs
21:11.42Antiarcorban: I highly recommend extracting the FrameXML data using Blizz's UI tool, and then reading through the Secure*.xml/lua files.
21:11.44Qshadowpi heard a rumor that blizzard where implementing all in one bags ?
21:11.57AntiarcThere is a ton of doc in those files and if you can read lua, it'll tell you everything you need to know.
21:12.31orbanAntiarc: Hmm, that's an idea. I thought about just inherting the default ones, and repositions/skin them? Or is that a bit too easy? ;)
21:13.05AntiarcYou may run into various problems with protected code that way.
21:13.17AntiarcBut it's worth a shot, if that's what you're wanting.
21:13.37GuillotineQshadowp: havn't heard that. where'd you hear it from? if its the official forums, I'd just ignore it :P
21:13.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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21:14.47orbanAntiarc: Well I basically realy only want to remove the bars, so all 40 fit in a list under eachother and then add a red [C] if it's cursed after the name, or something like that :<
21:17.04orbanbecause that's all I need as a mage
21:18.18Antiarcorban: Have you checked out Grid?
21:18.50orbanyes but I don't like
21:19.38orbanand I want to write something again :)
21:22.26jaxdahl2orban, sounds a lot like PerfectRaid
21:22.54orbanyes that one was nice :( but not working in 2.0?
21:23.07jaxdahl2cladhaire hasn't started working on updating it yet
21:23.17orbanand I don't need bars, either
21:23.28orbanjust a name, in red when cursed. ;)
21:27.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=Mike@
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21:30.51sylvanaarIts a bad wording
21:31.04sylvanaarmeh, i was scolled back to yesterday
21:32.07Bleeterhas anyone come up with a mod to re-color the enchant on armor/weapons?
21:32.42Bleeterreally starting to annoy me, can't tell easily what an item's base stats are
21:33.06MalivilI know what you mean Bleeter
21:34.03Malivil(Not Yea, I know of one. sorry)
21:34.03sylvanaarseems like more trouble than its worth
21:34.03MalivilShouldn't be to hard
21:34.04MalivilCan add it to any other tooltip mod
21:34.42Bleeterif I get time, etc., I *might* add it to enchantrix
21:36.14sylvanaarits probably a bug anyways, no?
21:40.06ShadowedHrm, I assume unitsuffix is locked in combat for setattribute too?
21:41.13nevcairielthe SetAttribute call is blocked in combat
21:41.18nevcairielso for all attributes
21:41.27ShadowedAh okay, wasn't sure if it was specific attribute's or the entire call
21:42.30jaxdahl2what is auditorfu?
21:43.32Cairennwhere/how you are spending your money
21:44.37jaxdahl2ah, thanks
21:45.23jaxdahl2looks like the addon sites are getting crushed again
21:45.46jaxdahl2it was failing 50% of the time earlier today
21:45.52jaxdahl2now it's up to 90% or more
21:46.01Cidethe wonder that is timezones
21:46.28*** join/#wowi-lounge _aLEX (
21:46.29jaxdahl2when is/was asia's patch?
21:47.19Mike-N-GoDoes it matter when in the toc file the order each thing is listed?
21:48.09AntiarcIf fileA.lua depends on fileB.lua, fileB should go first
21:48.10Cideonly for files
21:48.45Maldiviaanyone know what the second parameter to UnitName does?
21:48.50DarklinWoo hooo! I fixed bongos for at least me!
21:49.10Eternally777I'm having a small issue with some buttons I made.  It seems that the way my attributes are set, my left-click works fine, but my right-click doesn't.  The only difference between the two should be that the right-click self casts.  Here's my code if anyone wants to take a whack at it:
21:49.11Mike-N-GoAhh, ok, how about the thngs denoted by ## ?
21:49.42DarklinIt's an ugly hack but oh well. It works till he can get it fixed now.
21:50.39MaldiviaEternally777: you have remembered to RegisterForClick with RightButton, right?
21:51.16Qshadowphey Cide
21:51.28Qshadowpi saw on your website about all in one bags?
21:51.34Qshadowpis it true they are going to implement it?
21:51.38Eternally777The thing that seems responsible is the fact that the buttons can be in two seperate states.  The first state makes them use a group buff, the second state is single-buffs.
21:51.39Qshadowpand if so, when? :)
21:51.45CideQshadowp: AllBags didn't do that
21:52.00Cideit allowed you to open up more containers simultaneously
21:52.11Qshadowpi see :P
21:52.19Cidebecause it was for some reason limited to a number below the number of bank bags + inventory bags
21:52.25Eternally777Left-click reflects state changes properly, whereas rightclick just doesn't do anything ever.
21:52.52Qshadowpwell i better go back to looking for a new all in one bags addon then :P
21:53.02Qshadowpand i love your CT_Viewport mod :D
21:53.49Guillotinecladhaire: someone in the cosmos channel is wondering: is there any ETA on PRaid?
21:53.50FlAWDget OneBag
21:53.53FlAWDits my fav
21:53.55FlAWDand it's updated
21:54.14Qshadowpyea i liked that too, because of the search function
21:54.25QshadowpFlAWD anywhere i can download it that hasn't been eaten by the bandwith monster?
21:55.03DarklinTuller ?
21:56.06Josh_BorkeEternally777: i'm here, but i gotta go for now.  i'll be back in a bit
21:56.13Maldivianevcairiel ?
21:57.15jaxdahl2anyone seen an updated SuperInspect?
21:57.42Industrialjaxdahl2: /follow
21:58.19Industrialvodka vodka vodka
21:58.23FlAWDsorry went afk
21:58.35FlAWDi got a pack of addons that have been updated that i use
21:58.41FlAWDill upload em somewhere one min
21:59.06jaxdahl2i've been downloading 'popular' addons and hosting 'em for guildies
21:59.11jaxdahl2saved them a lot of time
21:59.36IndustrialDo you have vBagnon?
21:59.41jaxdahl2i do.
21:59.47Industrialurl? =P
21:59.56FlAWDits 20MB .. it will take like 8 mins to upload
22:00.15QshadowpFlAWD ok tho if you want to save it
22:00.33jaxdahl2654MB downloaded from my site in the last couple days
22:00.33Qshadowpor jaxdahl thanks for that :D
22:00.36FlAWD94 folders is another great pack of working addons
22:01.06jaxdahl2ftp:// too
22:01.14Qshadowp(not my site, credits to monkofdoom from eu hakkar)
22:01.26FlAWDcosmos works also, if you use any from that pack
22:02.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Hexarobee (
22:03.19jaxdahl2finally, a bluetracker update
22:04.07*** join/#wowi-lounge YammYgirlcoding (n=hoho@
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22:04.22YammYgirlcodingguys. How do I know what kind of damage the mob does? ( like nature, shadow, etc )
22:04.24FlAWDmine also has auctioneer if anyone's interested ... 3 mins till its done
22:04.29jaxdahl2To compensate players for any inconvenience caused by the downtime experienced as a result of this week's major content patch, we will be issuing a 24-hour time extension to all players who have accounts that are currently active.
22:04.34FlAWDyamm .. look at your combat log
22:05.23Industrialneko mimi mode-desu!
22:05.34Industrialduu duuduuuduuu duuu duuuu
22:07.17Qshadowphmm this is a bit strange
22:07.22Qshadowpi dont like this item sorting thing
22:07.30Qshadowpi just want to view my backpack all in one big fat window lol .. done
22:07.42FlAWDyou want OneBag
22:08.14Qshadowpyea so i do :P
22:08.20IndustrialQshadowp: its actually what people have been craving for for a long time
22:08.35IndustrialQshadowp: only thing I want more is to specify my own sorting categories
22:08.56Qshadowplol yea i can imagine people wanting to do that
22:09.06Qshadowpjust a matter of preferance to me tbh.
22:09.07FlAWDwell i'm off .. have fun
22:09.12Qshadowpi just want one big bag, with a search button.
22:10.20Qshadowpafk for a bit.
22:11.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Pup (
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22:16.36Puphm, im trying to fix someone's mod for 2.0, and for some reason wherever it has NormalText elements on a button, the text doesnt show in game... anyone else found that?
22:18.31DarklinPup: I've heard a couple people mention that the text on their buttons has disappeared. Not sure why it's happening tho.
22:19.27Pupk, thx
22:20.03PupI'm basically trying to fix up CT_Raidtracker before our next raid, got it all working, apart from this missing text
22:20.23orbanDon't laugh at me, but why doesn't the loop of the pastey show anything in game? I can print the "name" just find for debugging....but no frames show up (the first one does just fine tho),
22:21.44CidePup: change NormalText to ButtonText
22:21.51Pupace thx
22:22.07jaxdahl2pup, ct_raidtracker vanilla?
22:22.10jaxdahl2or eqdkp modded
22:22.14Pupaye 2nd one
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22:22.17jaxdahl2i thought they fixed that
22:22.27Pupdunno all the sites are down most of the time
22:22.31Pupso couldnt check
22:22.40jaxdahl2they put up something there that works
22:23.01Cairenneveryone say "thank you Dolby-wowi"
22:23.05PupCide: I presume stuff like HighlightText remains the same?
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22:24.07nevcairielthank you Dolby-wowi
22:24.09nevcairielwhy now?
22:25.04Merybecause the queen of the channel demanded it :)
22:26.30Cairennhit the site, you'll see why
22:26.51nevcairiela low_lowbw version
22:27.59[Liquidor]THANK YOU DOLBY-WOWI
22:28.55QshadowpFlAWD lol you have a nice set of addons here if they all work :)
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22:29.02Josh_BorkeCairenn: i like the site :)
22:29.11Josh_Borkeit's cladhaire! quick! hide!
22:29.26FlAWDthey all work for me :D
22:29.32cladhaireThat shouldn't be NSFW.. but its youtube, so take it with a grain of salt =)
22:29.33cladhaireits hilarious tho
22:30.37Cairennseen it before
22:31.07Cairennit is funny
22:31.29Qshadowplmao xD
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22:38.19TuX_BuBlingdoes someone have a working wow2.0 bagnon addon??
22:38.48QshadowpTuX_BuBling i have 2
22:38.53KirkburnUh, what? Not only did someone make a 2.0 version of Bagnon, but there's also vBagnon
22:39.12Qshadowpi have Onebag and onebank and Bagnon
22:39.28KirkburnWho asks for a broken one anyway? :)
22:39.42TuX_BuBlingQshadowp: i don't really like one bag
22:39.46Josh_Borkei like broken addons
22:39.55QshadowpTuX_BuBling what about vBagnon?
22:40.01TuX_BuBlingand vbagnon is.....
22:40.11KirkburnBagnon for 2.0
22:40.12Qshadowpsame as bagnon pretty much
22:40.16Qshadowpjust with a few extra features
22:40.19TuX_BuBlingi won't say crap cause they're may have people who like it
22:40.30TuX_BuBlingthose extra features are pretty bad
22:40.40KirkburnHow awful for you, disable them?
22:41.01avidalSo is Ace the big thing when it comes to addon frameworks?
22:41.28Mike-N-GoWhy does the Wowi site go so slow today...
22:41.40TullerTuX_BuBling: what do you hate about it?
22:41.45TainAce is one option with a big, mostly helpful and friendly, community.
22:41.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
22:41.57TullerTuX_BuBling: I'm assuming its the defaults, righ?
22:41.57TuX_BuBlingTuller: the sort stuff
22:42.10TuX_BuBlingdidn't find anything to disable it
22:42.16TullerTuX_BuBling: remove all categories, and add a single one for all items
22:42.33Mike-N-GoAnd now, NSURLErrorDomain:-1005... Guess I will updated it late in the night.
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22:42.59TuX_BuBlingTuller: how you do this?
22:43.27TullerTuX_BuBling: you know how to get to the right click menu, right?
22:44.55Tulleralso, vBagnon does not sort, it groups :)
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22:46.14Tulleralternatively, you can get to the categories menu via right clicking a tab
22:46.41sbuhmm - any1 here with that 0.5s lag on raid group change problem?
22:46.46cladhaireQshadowp: lol
22:46.54TuX_BuBlingdamn i must be blind :(
22:47.00TuX_BuBlingsorry being dumb
22:47.06Qshadowp"A scared!" haha :P
22:47.44Tullerits mostly my fault for neglecting to set the defaults to look like the old bagnon view
22:48.37TuX_BuBlingno Tuller mine to not look closely
22:48.50TuX_BuBlingsorry <:)
22:49.52Qshadowpi must say all you developers are on your toes with this new update lol
22:49.58TuX_BuBlingok need a flexbar replacement and should be ok to start playing again :)
22:50.01Qshadowpgot a pretty good set of mods out in under 24h
22:50.13QshadowpTuX_BuBling bongos and bartender3 are your only options
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22:50.36TullerQshadowp: potentially trinity too
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22:50.46TuX_BuBlingi know
22:50.47Qshadowpnever tried trinity
22:50.55TuX_BuBlingtrinity pretty cute
22:50.57QshadowpTuller i found a sort of solution to the eating button problems btw
22:51.06TullerQshadowp: hrm?
22:51.14Qshadowpif you make yourself have 120 action bars and drag and place every single button manually...
22:51.18TuX_BuBlingbut i'm missing flexbar ....
22:51.28QshadowpTuX_BuBling flexbar hasn't been updated yet.
22:51.37TuX_BuBlingyes there's flexbar 2
22:51.44Qshadowpno there isnt
22:51.50Qshadowpi spoke with the developer about a hour ago
22:51.55TuX_BuBlingi got all the buttons up
22:51.55TullerQshadowp: I'm messing around right now with bongos laying out without any lost buttons
22:52.12Qshadowpcool Tuller :)
22:52.18Qshadowp~seen Cncfanatics
22:52.40purlcncfanatics <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 5h 42m 31s ago, saying: 'svn: REPORT request failed on '/wowace/!svn/vcc/default''.
22:52.41TuX_BuBlingif it's a lie :)
22:52.41TullerQshadowp: that is making bar 1 6 buttons results in bar 1 being 1-6, bar2 being 7-7+size-1, etc
22:52.45TuX_BuBlingbut it's missing /slash commands
22:52.48Qshadowpyea :)
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22:53.01TuX_BuBlingyou need another stuff from
22:53.08TuX_BuBlingi cant download it yet
22:53.10TuX_BuBlingsite down
22:53.15TuX_BuBlingor too slow
22:53.23Qshadowp(16:40:29) (cncfanatics) (16:40:36) (cncfanatics) don't bother if u ain't a coder, no slashcommands
22:53.26TullerQshadowp: the problem with this method is that if you set low bar, it screws the arrangement of all your other bars
22:53.39TullerQshadowp: hence why bongos currently does what it does :)
22:54.01Insidecrap, how do you execute a "chunk" of lua code? just.. chunk() ?
22:54.04Qshadowpyea i can see why
22:54.12TainBongos is working after the patch, right?  
22:54.14Qshadowpwhat you might want to do is something similar to discord action bars button setup
22:54.19QshadowpTain yea
22:54.22TullerTain: mostly
22:54.32Qshadowpwhere you have 120 buttons, and you distribute them to the bars
22:54.38TainI was pretty sure it was working, someone was arguing with me saying it wouldn't even load.
22:54.50QshadowpTain im useing it right now, so lies!
22:54.56TainYeah I figured as much.
22:55.10TullerTain: that person failed to download a new version of any of his or her mods :)
22:55.41TainThat was my first suggestion, I'm not sure if it got though the cursing.
22:55.53ckknightInside, loadstring
22:56.44TainEven someone as bitter and jaded as myself still gets surprised at the venom some people loose towards addon authors who do things for free in their spare time.
22:57.01Insidebut it's already loaded  <_>
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22:57.27Qshadowpwhats that?
22:58.12jaxdahl2check this out: ... lag may be caused by cache folder not being created: Cache\WDB\enUS
22:58.34TuX_BuBlingFlexBar2 Slash v20000.2
22:58.48Qshadowphe must have done that in the past few hours :)
22:58.50TuX_BuBlingslash commands for flexbar2
22:58.58TuX_BuBlingthat's not from the dev
22:59.12TuX_BuBlingIMPORTANT NOTE: This requires FlexBar2 to run. Both this mod and FlexBar2 are very much still in development. The only reason this mod is here is for FlexBar addicts like myself.
22:59.13cladhairejaxdahl: That was reported by Cide and a number of others last week
22:59.31Qshadowpi got bongos working now :)
23:00.38TuX_BuBlingif you only load flexbar2
23:00.45TuX_BuBlingyou have you 120buttons
23:00.54TuX_BuBlingbut you can't show/hide/lock
23:01.59TuX_BuBlinglet me check this :p
23:02.10SB1-WorkI'm probably going to be banned from the blizzard forums soon
23:02.17Tulleras in bleh, I think I'll stick with my current sizing method for bars for now so I can get this out faster :)
23:02.26Tullerunless it works right now
23:02.31CairennSB1-Work: walk away for a while then
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23:02.55TuX_BuBlingTuller: can you set buttons independentlly from bars with bongos?
23:02.56SB1-WorkCairenn, nah, enjoying it. The mages have turned into a collective cesspool of stupid, and I just had to take it out on one of them in particular.
23:03.02kaidenjaxdahl2, thanks for linking that, it explains my recent horrible lag that i kept blaming on addons
23:03.26TullerTuX_BuBling: if you shrink a bar to contain 1 button or switch to having 120 bars
23:03.58SB1-WorkI managed to say to some guy, "you suck", ten different times in two different posts
23:04.03SB1-WorkMighty good ratio if you ask me
23:04.09TuX_BuBlingmmmh ok i must check
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23:04.22TuX_BuBlingcan i load only: actionbar, bongos and options?
23:04.24Mike-N-GoYay, I got it to upload :)
23:04.32TullerTuX_BuBling: yes
23:04.45TullerTuX_BuBling: they're seperated for a reason :)
23:05.16ckknighthey, anyone mind reading a short story and telling me what they think?
23:05.18SaerisIs it possible to set a button's "macrotext" attribute in the <PreClick> script handler, while in combat?
23:05.38SaerisWhat's it about, ck?
23:06.07ckknightSaeris, the thoughts someone has when jumping off a building
23:06.40Merysh**, forgot my parachute
23:06.58Maldiviackknight: poke
23:07.22ckknightI'm busy if you want addon help
23:07.23Maldiviackknight: just a few bug reports for fubar*
23:07.25ckknightlater, then
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23:08.31MaldiviadurabilityFu is missing the gratuity lib in the zip, and fubar doesn't resize, when uiScale is changed in Video settings
23:08.58nevcairielmissing libs is a problem with the darn zipping script
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23:10.26ckknightMaldivia, I told you later, did you not get that?
23:10.53Maldiviackknight: and I mentioned them now, if you want them later, then look in your logs
23:11.04CairennMike-N-Go: it isn't a patch, it's an update ... edit the main mod, don't upload it as a patch
23:11.11ckknightnah, that won't happen
23:11.41TuX_BuBlingTuller: sorry but... how do i move those buttons/bars
23:11.50Qshadowpanyone got any idea how i might move the flags frame for wsg?
23:11.58TullerTuX_BuBling: there's an option in the /bongos menu
23:12.04TullerTuX_BuBling: you can also use /bob unlock
23:12.12Qshadowp(im useing 2 screens, so the flags frame is kinda suck in the middle between the 2 screens) :(
23:12.18TullerTuX_BuBling: check out /bob help if you like slash commands :P
23:12.26Mike-N-GoCairenn: The site is slow, I can't see to well what I am doing.
23:12.52Mike-N-GoWhat is the difference between a patch and an update?
23:13.13CairennI just told you ... use the "edit", not the "upload patch"
23:13.18QshadowpTuller does bongos have a cooldown count?
23:13.26Qshadowpand if\where\why\who\what? lol
23:13.31TullerQshadowp: OmniCC
23:13.39Qshadowpis that updated?
23:13.50CairennI'm approving it as a patch for now, until you have a chance to update it
23:13.52TullerQshadowp: yes
23:13.57Qshadowpcool :)
23:14.14Mike-N-GoI completed the upload before you told me, sorry. This is my first time to do an update.
23:14.26Cairennit's okay, I know, that's why I'm explaining :)
23:14.37TuX_BuBlingTuller: amazing can't find it :D
23:15.02TullerTuX_BuBling: cooldown count? its full name is Omni Cooldown Count
23:15.10Mike-N-GoSo, you want me to send it again as a edit to the main mod?
23:16.19Maldiviahmm... what UnitPopup functions are protected, besides the "Target" option in the friends list
23:16.29Mike-N-GoCairenn: ?
23:16.36Cairennthat's what I said
23:16.44Cairenn(6:13:46 PM) Cairenn: I'm approving it as a patch for now, until you have a chance to update it
23:17.15Mike-N-GoThere is so much spam in here :|
23:17.23Mike-N-Go"Cannot upload file - File already exists!"
23:17.37Cairennyou have to change the version number
23:19.14Saerisck: I liked that story. I wish I could say more, but I'm very bad at creative writing. My talent lies in editing alone.
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23:20.39TuX_BuBlingTuller: actually cycircled is good looking on bongos :)
23:20.58Mike-N-GoCairenn: I am still confused, what did uploading it as a patch do?
23:22.20zoktaranyone know of a addon that sends to SCT messages when a CD is done?
23:22.38Mike-N-GoCairenn: What you want me to do is replace the old zip with the new zip, yes?
23:23.11Mike-N-GoAhh, I did not get that earlier.
23:23.27Cairennbecause you didn't go to "edit" before
23:23.33Mike-N-GoNo use on keeping a version around that does not work, right?
23:23.49Cairennleave it, archives are a good thing
23:24.43Mike-N-GoOk, I am quite confused, lol, why does there have to be so many options.
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23:25.17Mike-N-GoI think I did what you wanted me to do, the Thank you came up.
23:26.48orbanis there anything wrong with this?
23:26.51CairennMike-N-Go: yup, approving it now
23:27.02Mike-N-GoThanks Cairenn!
23:27.07TainYay Mike-N-Go!
23:27.25Mike-N-GoTain: Yes<>
23:28.07purl[tain] a 1 man hooker factory
23:28.21TainI'm pretty sure I didn't say that!
23:28.26Qshadowpany addons that allows me to move frames yet?
23:28.49Qshadowpdoesn't allow me to detect what frames are called
23:28.50cogwheelMoveanything has been working for weeks...
23:28.52Qshadowpor move all frames
23:28.59QshadowpMoveanything is updated?
23:29.05Qshadowpis it on curse?
23:29.13cogwheelI got it of wowi
23:29.26Cairennthere's been an updated version around for quite some time now
23:29.36TainI wanted to be all indignant about someone changing it on me again but... I can't.
23:29.42Tain~emulate tain
23:29.43purlOn the list of people I'll accept development criticism from, you fall somewhere between Clippy, the MS Office assistant, and a bag of rocks.  Tainted love, ooohhhooohhhh!
23:29.47Silviu-KLHThreatMeter is only on curse updated ?
23:30.13Qshadowpcogwheel could you send it to me?
23:30.21Qshadowpsince its gonna take 500 years to open wowinterface and all :P
23:30.32cogwheeland curse is better? :P
23:30.50Silviu-i can`t even open curse :/
23:31.07Mike-N-Go~factinfo tain
23:31.08purltain -- created by malreth <> at Wed Nov  8 03:20:17 2006 (29 days); it has been requested 3 times, last by Mike-N-Go, 3m 1s ago.
23:31.14cogwheelactually... i don't have it here at work so i can't ... sorry :(
23:31.35Kirkburn88.1% of 69 done, and I'm barely finding anything to do :/
23:31.41CairennQshadowp: have you bothered going to wowi at all in the last, oh, I don't know hour?
23:31.48cogwheelCairenn: fyi, moveanything isn't on your super low bandwidth version...
23:32.03Qshadowp <-- this works
23:32.37jaxdahl2Qshadowp, not anymore it doesn't
23:32.39Guillotinekind of :P
23:32.48jaxdahl2looks like they screwed up some code
23:32.49Qshadowpjaxdahl im browseing it right now.
23:32.50TainOn a completely unrelated note, I do like my new HD-DVD player a lot.
23:32.53*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
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23:34.15Mike-N-GoCairenn, thanks for the help with my addon up-dating, Do what you need to fix it :P.
23:34.22Mike-N-GoNight guys.
23:34.32Cairennnight Mike-N-Go
23:34.33Qshadowpcogwheel im lookinat at curse gameings 2.0 projects
23:34.47Qshadowpand its not in the list there under M, so i assume MoveAnything isn't on curse
23:34.56TainWait 2.0?  I thougth we were on 3.0.
23:35.05QshadowpTain nope
23:35.09TainDoes curse work with the new patch?
23:35.17TainI'm so confused.
23:35.24cogwheelQshadowp: <cogwheel>actually... i don't have it here at work so i can't ... sorry :(
23:35.35[Cu]WerikIs there a new patch?
23:35.43Qshadowp <-- these addons will work
23:35.54Qshadowpalso w owinterface has a page
23:35.55Guillotineif the link would work :P
23:36.04jaxdahl2Qshadowp, not working
23:36.04Qshadowptis all not working :(
23:36.07jaxdahl2i'm getting this: 'path: /en/files/3/world-of-warc'
23:36.13jaxdahl2that' sit
23:36.16Qshadowpworks for me :)
23:37.45IndustrialHaving a problem binding my actionbuttons
23:37.47Industrial<CheckButton name="idActionButton1" inherits="SecureActionButtonTemplate, ActionBarButtonTemplate" id="1" parent="UIParent" />
23:37.50Industrial* 36
23:38.19Industrialthen in the bindings.xml
23:38.25Industrial<Binding name="idActionButton2" runOnUp="true"> if keystate == "down" then idInterface.ActionBar:ActionButtonDown(2) else idInterface.ActionBar:ActionButtonUp(2) end </Binding>
23:38.43Guillotinewhat do you guys think of this suggestion for Slouken: "castsequence should move to the next one if "more powerful spell is active" returns". I can't see it going against any of the reasons the macros are the way they are
23:39.04IndustrialThe bindings are all wrong :(
23:39.54IndustrialNo wait, the bindings work but when I press them I get: Unknown Unit Token: 0
23:40.28Industrialheres the binding code
23:40.33Industrial(that worked last patch)
23:40.37Industrialanything im doing wrong?
23:40.59Industrialand if anyone know wtf that error means (have seen it before) please tell me :>
23:41.55SaerisIt's from using an invalid unit ID in a Unit* function. For instance, /script UnitName("0") will do it.
23:43.46Cairennorly? hmmm
23:43.54CairennHappy Birthday netcurse!
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23:44.34IndustrialI cant use UseAction()
23:44.56Industrialwot now :P
23:45.17orbancan I set "click to cast a spell" on a secure unit button template?
23:45.21netcursea birthday with a site down!
23:45.44zoktaranyone know of a addon that sends to SCT messages when a CD is done? like "Bloodrage is Ready!" or something ?
23:45.51[Cu]WerikThe best birthday ever, happy bd:P
23:46.12Cairennhey, you forgot to /msg nickserv identify <pw> netcurse
23:48.57*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v netcurse] by ChanServ
23:49.13SaerisWhy does not do what it should (target me)?
23:51.18SaerisI was only using myself as an example. The code needs to target someone by name, and that name needs to be able to change while out of combat.
23:51.34SaerisBut I can't seem to get a secure button to target anyone at all with macro text.
23:51.56orbanI basically have the same problem, I thought you can SetScript out of combat?
23:52.46orbanor how does clique work? O_o
23:52.54GuillotineSaeris: when are you calling that? sometimes UnitName("player") doesn't return anything for a bit at load
23:53.00cladhairewhat do you mean how does it work?
23:53.15orbanwell, how does it change the onclick?
23:53.19cladhaireyou set attributes while you're out of combat
23:53.21cladhaireyou can't use onclick
23:53.24cladhaireyou have to use attribetus.
23:53.26Qshadowpdoes CT_Raidassist make a strange ticking noise now?
23:53.27orbanexample? <3
23:53.32cladhairethere we go =)
23:53.34Qshadowpsomething in my UI is going tick tick tick all the time lol
23:53.38SaerisI was calling it from a /script command, Guillotine.
23:53.48Guillotineahh. then I dunno
23:53.56cladhaireorban: SecureTemplates.lua
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23:54.09GuillotineQshadowp: its a bug in default ui. whenever someone leaves/joins raid or changes party
23:54.31jaxdahl2try this: /script if not _clickfixed then __xps=PlaySound; function PlaySound(snd) if (snd~="igCharacterInfoTab") then __xps(snd); end end _clickfixed=1; end
23:54.46Qshadowpok :)
23:54.50orbanmmm pie
23:54.57Qshadowpgimme a min because im in bg, i'll copy and paste it in a sec :)
23:55.06SaerisThe point I'm trying to make here is that the "macrotext" attribute doesn't seem to be working for targeting people with "/target <name>"
23:55.57cladhaireorban: essentially local frame = CreateFrame("Button", nil, UIParent, "frame:SetAttribute("shift-type1", "macro") frame:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/cast [target=mouseover] Healing Wave")
23:56.24orbanlocal f = CreateFrame("Button", "TinyRaidUnit" .. i, TinyRaid, "SecureUnitButtonTemplate")
23:56.34orbanthat's how I create my unit frame, and targeting works
23:56.54cladhaireonly if you set the unit attribute, but correct
23:57.11orbanso how do I add the casting to that )
23:57.20orbanI'm a bit new to this whole addon stuff haha
23:57.25cladhairef:SetAttribute("shift-type1", "spell") f:SetAttribute("shift-spell1", "Flash Heal")
23:58.07jaxdahl2cladhaire, what addons are you working on at this time?
23:58.13cladhaireClique, and PerfectRaid
23:58.20cladhaireno no no no
23:58.22cladhaireyou're not listening.
23:58.26jaxdahl2can't wait :)
23:58.31cladhairei just told you what to do
23:58.42orbanI told you I have basically no idea ;)
23:59.11cladhaireyes but i told you what to do
23:59.41orbanthat's shift+leftclick?
23:59.42cladhaireit goes modifiers-NAMEX
23:59.44cladhairewhere X is button
23:59.53cladhaireyou need to set "type", which tells it what type of action to take

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