irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061129

00:00.23GuillotineI suppose I should dig out my old spoofing addon and edit it to work with TBC item links to do some more testing
00:00.23*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (n=astrayca@
00:00.55Guillotinethough my favorite part was making all my chat appear blue in general >.>
00:02.31thrwhat is the regexp to just extract the itemCode from a link then? ;>
00:02.43Kasoscroll up
00:02.46thryes i could write it myself but somone is bound to have it here
00:02.52thrwell, just the itemCode, not the whole link.
00:06.58*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
00:07.36ckknighthey all
00:14.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
00:14.36Kasoprimal nether should be BOE imo, they go to waste so often
00:15.13KirkburnWhat is it?
00:16.17Kirkburnheh ... "I was going to be a psychiatrist, but I was afreud!"
00:23.51*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
00:25.58MaldiviaKaso: yeah, considering so many recipees require it, is fucked that it's BoE
00:26.09Maldiviaehh, that it's not
00:27.42Kasojust took one cos noone wanted it, maybe theyll add somthing for alch that uses it
00:30.52Maldiviayou alch herb ?
00:31.58Kasoisnt everyone ?
00:33.20MaldiviaI really really hope they drop a lot on raid instances
00:41.49Kasodoes anyone but me have a bug on beta where if the first item you see on ItemRefTooltip is a socketed ,then all lines after the sockets appear incorrectly alined
00:43.59KirkburnTime for bed, and I shall leave you with this parting shot: "I was going to be a doctor, but I didn't have the patience!"
00:45.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
00:47.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
00:48.13MaldiviaKaso; yep, seeing the same thing
00:49.12Kasohokay, was hoping it wasnt part of my fiddling that was causing it :>
00:49.16Maldiviahappens too all tooltips, not just itemref
00:49.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
00:51.50Kasoi also notice sometimes the first time and the second time the text wraps differently
00:52.17Kasoso onetime it'll wrap at up to, another healing
00:52.56Guillotinedangit, I lost my item link spoofer addon :/ Guess I'll just have to do this all by hand
00:53.16Kasolike my addon idea btw ? :
00:54.27zenzelezzyours on the left?
00:54.36Kasoon the right..
00:54.48Kasoi collects up all the bonuses from Gems and shows them neatly
00:54.52Maldivialeft is original, right is with the gem parsed, and added to the existing stats
00:54.59Maldiviafrom what I can tell
00:55.14Kasogems just look so untidy to me :>
00:55.27Maldiviathey do, but I think I'll prefer the gem way :)
00:55.37zenzelezzI agree
00:55.40MaldiviaDoes it interfere with the socketing UI?
00:55.56Kasono, im gonna leave that alone
00:56.00Kasomight get confusing i think
00:57.09Kasobtw anyone know if Whitetooth of hangs around on irc? i wouldnt mind borrowing his code to convert to percentages
00:57.23zenzelezzyours is nice, but I think I'd end up wondering wht they had no gems on the items
00:57.48*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
00:57.51ckknightmaybe if it said 25 (+4 [PURPLE GEM])
00:58.24Kasoi dont understand.
00:58.24zenzelezzor just something like "29 (Gem: 4)"
00:58.32KasoIn the Equip: line?
00:58.35Kasoi see
00:58.48ckknightthat'd work as well, zenzelezz
00:59.02Kasohmm, perhaps, i dont know, to me thats still "untidy" though i might put in an opition for that
00:59.21zenzelezzit's your addon, do it however you like :)
00:59.32ckknightlets you know if you have gems, though...
00:59.36zenzelezzI'm just easily fooled if it's not obvious... warrior intellect *shrugs*
01:00.21MaldiviaKaso: you have the formula, makes it pretty easy to convert to percentages
01:00.58Guillotinewho was it that was telling me about the new thing to do with item links in TBC?
01:01.00Kasois that fomula stored in the default UI?
01:01.21ckknightGuillotine, new thing to do?
01:01.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Drundia (n=drewndia@
01:01.46Guillotinewhat exactly is it supposed to do? no change for me
01:01.56Maldiviafind an item with a TBC suffix
01:02.03Guillotineahh, I see what you mean
01:02.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
01:03.05Guillotinelike the "of the surgeon" stuff?
01:03.29MaldiviaOld style suffix: posivite suffix value
01:03.35Maldivianew style suffix: negative suffix value
01:03.47Guillotineso... how does changing it affect anything?
01:03.58Guillotinejust change the name?
01:04.22Maldivialets just say, I got a pair of shoulders that added 50000 spirit
01:04.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Seracht (
01:04.29Serachtanyone knwo where I can downlaod the gatherer mega database from
01:07.07Maldiviatried googling for gatherer cache or similar?
01:07.44Garoun|Loupanago go Horde
01:07.46MentalPowergoogle is your friend
01:07.53Garoun|LoupanaDrek'Thar currently the most dangerous NPC in the game :P
01:08.13MaldiviaKaso: You can find the rating->% formula here:
01:08.22Serachtlol mp
01:10.34MaldiviaKaso: and no, the formula isn't stored in the client. The client stores the actual values for every rating for every level
01:13.09GuillotineMaldivia: how would you get 50000 spirit? I'm getting no values after -57
01:13.39Guillotineor past -5 in the other direction
01:14.28Maldiviatry ....:0:0:-57:11919784
01:14.56GuillotineI'm getting -57 as "of the shadow"
01:15.25Guillotineoh, wow
01:15.28Guillotinethats... amazing
01:15.54KtronThe closed beta takes up like 7gb installed, right?
01:15.57KtronFor everyone?
01:16.02Thunder_Childsomething like that
01:16.07Guillotinecan't link that without being d/c though :(
01:16.11KtronAlright, thanks
01:16.21Thunder_Child+- the patch size
01:16.35Maldivia7.72gb, 8180 files
01:17.18Ktronand you have to have it installed separately, right?
01:17.30Thunder_Childit's done automaticly
01:17.32KtronJust wanted to make sure
01:17.48KtronYeah, I've got it installed, I've a friend whose crunched on disk space
01:17.54GuillotineMaldivia: thats cool, but theres nothing you can actually link to other people possible with TBC, is there?
01:17.55Maldiviamake sure you have at least a few extra GB, otherwise it cant patch
01:18.02Thunder_ChildMalivil, i have 6.93 if you wipe out the patches it gets smaller
01:18.14MaldiviaGuillotine: you can link that item just fine
01:18.22MaldiviaGuillotine: it the name is correct
01:19.06Guillotinew00t, thats awesome :D
01:19.16Guillotineyou've /bugged it I assume?
01:19.35Maldiviacan't really be bugged, since it's a "design flaw"
01:19.53Guillotineso was the old spoofing method, but they fixed that
01:20.44Drundiaall my spoofing method was putting some strange suffixes into names...
01:21.13Drundiaoccasionally adding random stats to epixxx
01:21.15Guillotinethere was lots of stuff you could do
01:21.28Drundiahack wdb?
01:21.33Guillotinenah, all with addons
01:21.37Guillotineme and kremonte had one we played with
01:21.49MaldiviaThunderfury, Blessed blade of the Windfury of the Monkey... *yawn*
01:21.49Guillotinefor example, you could put the text in with ascii chinese characters then add stuff after
01:21.58Guillotinethen add in english after
01:22.01Guillotineand it would only show the english
01:22.07Guillotineso you could have stuff like [Shaman on a Stick]
01:22.17Guillotineor [Guillotine, Blessed Blade of the Windfury]
01:22.58Drundiai think i somehow missed that possibility
01:23.13GuillotineI think only kremonte and I had that figured out
01:23.18MaldiviaI think the game would show the chinese chars, if you fed it a font that actually contained them
01:23.19Guillotinehe actually figured that one out
01:23.25GuillotineMaldivia: nope, it didn't
01:23.37GuillotineI mean, I'm sure you could add in a font that did
01:23.40Guillotinebut the default one doesn't
01:23.54Guillotinewe just got the chinese names for items off of wowguru then converted it into ascii and put it into the addon
01:23.55Maldiviayeah, I know the default one doesn't, it shows nothing
01:24.09Maldiviawhich is fun, when chinese farmers are advertising for [] [] [] [] items
01:24.22KasoMaldivia going back to what you said eariler, theres a huge table with level -> % per raiting mappings?
01:24.37Kasothats silly
01:24.55Drundiawhere can i see that huge table?
01:24.56Maldivia32 tables, each containing level values from 1 to 100
01:25.12*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
01:25.59Drundiabut what did they change in items? u cant add silly suffixes any more?
01:26.03Maldiviaand then a table for each class, crit base, crit, spell crit base, spell crit, hp regen, mp regen and more
01:26.36Maldiviaagain, each of them listing values from level 1 to 100, for each class
01:28.29*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (
01:29.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
01:29.23*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
01:29.26Maldiviaevening Iriel
01:30.46Kasoshoudnt that be mornign
01:31.00sylvanaarlol yeah
01:31.12Drundia3:31 isnt morning yet
01:31.22Kasoits always morning!
01:31.24sylvanaarits always morning on irc
01:31.38Drundiano, it's morning only when i wake up or login
01:31.44OsagasuNo Key in my mail yet. :<
01:32.10purlwell, ugt is Universial Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
01:32.44Mike-N-GoAnyone find a addon that logs the chat channel's text?
01:33.01Drundiano, but i think i could make one in a few minutes. hehehe.
01:33.34Drundianah, it logs everything
01:33.48Drundiawhy did they remove ability to log chat frame?
01:34.32Mike-N-GoDrundia, please do.
01:34.51Mike-N-GoMostly only whispers
01:35.17Drundiaisnt telltrack helping with tracking whispers?
01:37.34OsagasuHmm... Game stats page
01:37.37Osagasucool beans
01:37.37Mike-N-GoWow, /chatlog 9.9
01:38.03Drundiawhat is that 9.9?
01:39.13Mike-N-GoSarcastic face.
01:39.30Mike-N-GoEyes are looking up to the right.
01:41.25Drundiawell, i think chatlog can be helpdul for that case as well. but dont forget to delete or clean log file now and then
01:41.54Mike-N-GoHow do you control what channels it records?
01:42.40Drundiai think it just records all chat
01:43.31OsagasuYou can parse it after the fact, but it records everything
01:52.20MentalPowerI'm sure theres an addon to control what gets logged
01:52.37MentalPowersince you *can* do it, its just a bit cumbersome
01:53.14MentalPowerthe logging happens after the events for that line are fired, so if you disable logging on that event, that event won't get logged
01:57.19Drundiai'm sure it's good for perfomance
01:57.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (n=Crispy@
02:02.41Nom-Has anyone seen an official release date regarding 2.0 ?
02:03.00IrielWe dont usually get them until the day before
02:03.10Cairennif then
02:03.26ckknightwe're theorizing 2 weeks
02:03.26Thunder_Childhigh chance of 12th
02:03.30ckknightbut who's to say
02:03.41Nom-I've been seeing 12/13 December being thrown around
02:03.42Cairennthat's everyone's best guess at this point
02:03.51Nom-Just wondering if it's "official"
02:04.00Thunder_Childasclose as we are going to get
02:04.06ckknightnothing's official, in case they want to change their minds.
02:04.24Cairennas soon as I know, I tell this channel
02:04.36ckknightI mean, they wouldn't want to be caught saying something's going to come out in November and then releasing it in January
02:04.43Cairennbut I've not heard anything from any of my little birdies as of yet
02:04.56Nom-Can't wait for this patch lol
02:05.02ckknightwhen did 1.12 come out, btw?
02:05.03Nom-Looking forward to actually being able to find groups
02:05.07CairennI can ... *cry*
02:05.11Thunder_Childck they did it with BC
02:05.12Nom-And getting my rank 14 gear :D
02:05.32Nom-Although, if i'm not mistaken, the rank mounts now require riding 150 :(
02:05.53ckknightThunder_Child, satire.
02:06.34Cairennckknight: 9/26 for 1.12.1, 8/22 for 1.12.0
02:06.35Guillotinew00t! finally got TellTrack working with TasteTheNaimbow :D
02:07.13ckknightbeen a while.
02:07.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (i=tardmrr@
02:07.30*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
02:07.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix_ (
02:07.37Cairennckknight: can always check wowi news forum for release dates, or wdn
02:08.05JoshBork1Iriel: (belated) grats on the marriage
02:08.08ckknightyea, but I was expecting you to be a good little worker bee and tell me without doing very much.
02:08.21Crispix_Logitech g15 keyboard
02:08.35ckknightactually, not you specifically
02:09.45Nom-Those arenas look pretty fun too
02:09.53Nom-although the 5v5 were a bit crap last night
02:10.00Nom-Joined and it's 5 Paladins both times lol
02:10.21Guillotineoomkin stink at arenas :(
02:10.30Guillotinebut I'm liking feral
02:10.43Nom-I was doing really well in the arena
02:10.46Nom-went a full fire build
02:10.56Nom-until i got to the pally vs random wars
02:11.03Nom-full teams of paladins in AT LEAST T1
02:11.26Nom-They were nasty...couldn't take them down
02:11.53Nom-I think the most successful one I had was a 4v5 -- we had a shaman, hunter, mage and druid
02:11.58Nom-and i think we killed one paladin
02:12.35Nom-They knew what they were doing tho...they just picked a target, and kept them stunlocked until they died
02:12.47Thunder_Childi just want to see someone go up against a group of 5 locks
02:12.53Nom-Which for my (squishy mage) wasn't long
02:13.14Nom-Wouldn't be much of a fight
02:13.29Nom-dots + i win button
02:13.48Thunder_Childhmm...5 locks against 5 shaow priests
02:14.27KasoAre there any items with both Healing and Spell damage on?
02:14.49Kasoscrap that, aitesh :>
02:15.21Thunder_Childfeeling slow today Kaso?
02:15.40Nom-increases magical and healing effects by up to X
02:15.48Nom-I mean, only every item i wear on my mage has that
02:16.29Nom-Full rank 14 gear I beleive my spell damage goes up to 350+
02:16.36Nom-That's going to be so sweet
02:16.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
02:17.02Kasoi meant, items which have Two equips, one with damage/healing one with just healing
02:17.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix_ (
02:17.39Thunder_Childmm..i want to say i have seen that once..but i cant remebr
02:17.46Nom-I've seen some greens (rare ones) which have a few points in healing and damage and then a white-stat healing spells +x
02:18.13Thunder_Childthe abyssal stuff?
02:18.29Nom-i think that has it too
02:18.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
02:18.54DrDrePatch date set: dec 5th next week posted by drysc on WoW US Forums
02:19.13Thunder_Childmeh nope, just chaked not in abyssal stuff
02:20.08Nom-Server is busy, please try again
02:20.13ckknighthrm, I thought purl had a nowai
02:20.28ckknightpurl, NOWAI is <reply>SRSLY.
02:20.29purlckknight: okay
02:25.36Thunder_ChildYay, server busy
02:30.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
03:08.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
03:11.34Thunder_Childis this true with the coming patch "You can still purchase the BG rep rewards but now it will require tokens as well as honor (meaing your rep doesn't matter). "?
03:12.27MalivilNo, tokens are in addition to honor i think
03:14.15*** join/#wowi-lounge ozatomic (
03:14.38Corrodias"it will require tokens as well as honor" doesn't sound like disagreement there
03:15.38Thunder_Childso that is a correct statment?
03:15.41cladhairereputation doesn't mater anymore.
03:15.47cladhaireand things cost honor points, and BG tokens to purchase
03:16.01Thunder_Childbah, now i have to beg borrow and steal to get thoes items*
03:17.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
03:17.15TainYeah I don't worry about my reputation at all.
03:18.25Thunder_Childwell i am exalted just not yet 60 so i never bothered to buy the itmes i have just a week to do it in
03:18.32Corrodiasnow back to trying to get my addons updated for 2.0!
03:18.53Corrodiasi don't suppose any of you know a good self-cast-when-i-hold-alt addon? i doubt you could even make one work in 2.0 :(
03:19.59Kasoits in default UI
03:20.33Corrodiaspeople keep saying that, but i have a real problem with the builtin feature
03:20.42Kasowhats that?
03:21.03Corrodiasi have a second action bar, directly above the "main" one, to which i've assigned shift+numbers as keys
03:21.20Corrodiaspressing alt+shift+2 does not self-cast shift+2. at best, it self-casts 2.
03:21.48Corrodiasthe same goes for the "control+numbers" bar i have on the right side
03:22.42Corrodiasif i hold alt and -click- on one of those buttons, it works
03:23.44*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
03:24.37Cairennhey cutie
03:24.46Corrodiaswhat i don't understand is why people keep recommending the built-in feature. am i the only one experiencing this problem with action bars other than the main one?
03:25.06Kasoi dont use Modifer Key + button for other bindings
03:25.18Kasothats the problem with yours
03:25.57Corrodiaswhat on earth do you do?
03:25.58Cairennoh, hey, sioraiocht, wanted to ask a favour of you
03:26.06sioraiochtoh yeah? =)
03:26.13KasoF keys, random keys scattered around my keyboard
03:26.18sioraiochtanything for you!
03:26.29Corrodiasi see. apparently, so do a lot of other people.
03:26.35Cairennwhen you come back after new years', would you mind bringing back a couple cups of summer with you, pretty please? I'm going to be running very short of it by then
03:27.11sioraiochtooh, it'll cost you!
03:27.32Cairennhmmmm, and the cost? *arches an eyebrow coyly*
03:27.39Nom-It's really hard to play when you don't have your bars set up the same way as normal lol
03:27.46sioraiochtdid clad tell you where I'm going?
03:28.03Cairennfor the holidays
03:28.06sioraiochtoh, pssht, that's boring
03:28.09sioraiochtI'm going to the CARIBBEAN
03:28.24sioraiochti'm only home for four days, i'll be in the British Virgin Islands for 10 days :)
03:28.28Cairennor are you referring to something .... oh really? even better summer for you to bring back!
03:28.45CairennCA summer is pretty nice, but caribbean summer is like creme de la creme
03:29.13Cairennso, what's it gonna cost me there hotstuff?
03:29.36sioraiochtand Cases
03:29.43sioraiochtand do they have Tim-Tams in canada?
03:30.00Cairennnot like you guys can't get your hand son IceWine easily enough yourselves :p
03:30.06Cairennand not to my knowledge
03:30.11sioraiochtI'm CRAVE them
03:30.25sioraiochtwhat do those aussies put in them?
03:30.41Cairennbut I think I might just be able to accommodate you on a bottle of icewine the next time we get together
03:31.02sioraiochtI'll see what I can do about this summer
03:31.15Cairennwhich one do you prefer or will you trust to my judgement?
03:31.24sioraiochtI'll trust your judgement
03:31.36Cairennicewine is tasty stuff
03:31.43CairennI don't like wine, typically
03:31.47CairennI like icewine
03:31.59sioraiochtI like mead, too
03:32.14Cairennso, bottle of icewine in exchange for a couple cups of summer ... sounds like a fair trade to me
03:32.28Cairennmead is good
03:32.48sioraiochtnew york makes decent mead, i have to say
03:33.14CairennI've had good mead and I've had bad
03:33.21Cairennall depends on the maker, as with everything
03:33.31sioraiochtand mead has SOOOO many variations
03:33.35Cairennoh yeah
03:33.55sioraiochtand why is this the only conversation in the channel
03:34.08Cairennthe best meads I've had have always been homemade though, none of the commercial crap
03:34.10*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (n=[KaoS]`@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
03:34.11Thunder_Childbecause coders are drunks
03:34.11sioraiochtaren't you all supposed to be talking about UI design, and code profiling...
03:34.41Cairennif you want really good mead, you go to this little camping event I know of
03:35.31Drundiayes we are
03:35.40Thunder_ChildBastards Ale
03:35.55Drundiahow can i code myself something to eat and drink?
03:35.56Cairennheld every year at a campground just outside Slippery Rock PA
03:36.05sioraiocht...Slippery Rock
03:36.07Drundiawithout bugging mighty watermakers
03:36.14sioraiochttheir uni has a REALLY good cheerleading team
03:36.34Cairenndidn't get there last year, was really disappointed
03:36.34TainI've known a slippery rock in my day.
03:36.48Drundiai think it's too far from me
03:37.00Cairennlove going camping with 13,000 of my closest friends
03:37.39pastamancerI reckon you'll find more than just mead at pennsic
03:37.50CairennI reckon you might be right ;)
03:38.06Cairennwondered if anyone else in channel would manage to add that up properly
03:38.59pastamancerI try to avoid the SCA crowd, but I haven't always been successful :p
03:39.14Cairennlol, why? we're harmless!
03:39.20TainMostly harmless.
03:39.32Cairenncompletely harmless!
03:39.54pastamancermostly for sure
03:39.58Cairennjust because 1/2 my friends like to stick their heads into metal buckets and hit each other with sticks ...
03:40.05Cairenn*big* sticks
03:40.08sioraiochtthat's harmless for everyone else
03:41.36Cairennjust because even the belly dancers are carrying live steel (you wouldn't believe the places we can hide a dagger in our outfits) ...
03:41.40Cairenncompletely harmless!
03:41.50pastamancerI get all the drama I could ever want from WoW, I don't need SCA levels of drama :p
03:43.21*** part/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
03:43.41TainI helped my brother make his weapons for his SCA weekend.
03:45.02ThraeSCA? Soviet Canadian Army?
03:45.22pastamancerThrae: yes
03:45.32CairennSociety for Creative Anachronism (Medieval recreation)
03:45.49Cairennthink RenFair, only a hell of a lot more authentic :p
03:46.15ThraeAh, sister of the Society for Creative Anarchism (world domination cult)
03:46.29TainWas pretty funny one weekend, my brother pissed off a lot of people because his party got incorrectly identified as higher level than they were, and they still kicked ass.  And people were embarassed.
03:47.01Cairennthat's not SCA Tain, that's LARP :p
03:47.13ThraeI didn't know people gained levels back in the Midevil ages.
03:47.21InsideI was thinking that too, wtf ;p
03:47.28TainNah, it was the SCA.  They were a bunch of elitist assholes.
03:47.29ThraeWas there a "ding" sound, or did they just say "ding"?
03:47.42ThraeOh sorry, "dingeth"
03:47.50pastamancerat least it's not darkon
03:48.19Thrae"I dingeth! Fetch me ale and whores!"
03:48.22Cairennummm, Tain? whatever the hell it was, if they had "parties" at different "levels", it wasn't the SCA
03:48.34CairennThrae: wenches, not whores
03:48.50TainIt was supposedly an SCA event.  
03:48.58ThraeCairenn: I thought wenches was Dark Ages, whores Medevil on?
03:49.00Cairennyeah, well, it wasn't
03:49.10TainAlthough I wasn't directly involved myself.
03:49.15CairennThrae: nope, still wenches
03:49.37Cairennbut not all wenches were whores, either, so ...
03:49.44TainSeeing as I myself am an elitist asshole and the few SCA people I've met I've been extremely annoyed at.
03:50.16ThraeCairenn: You definately need Whores with your Ale after a Dingeth.
03:50.42Cairenntrust me, if it's as you say it was ... it wasn't the SCA ... it may have been a group of people who thought they were playing at it, but it most assuredly wasn't SCA
03:50.53Cairennwhatever they wanted to delude themselves into thinking
03:50.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
03:51.13CairennThrae: lol
03:52.19ThraeI wonder if the SCA ever angered the SCPA due to their cruelty of animals (one of the cornerstones of Midevil society!)
03:52.26Corrodiasace. do i get a wow 2.0 version of ace? doesn't look like i see one
03:52.34Thrae"Oh yeah, well your society is just a copy of ours with PEE in it!"
03:52.41CorrodiasSPCA, you mean
03:52.41Thunder_Childyes they have ace 2.0
03:52.51ThraeRight, what did I say?
03:52.55pastamancerCorrodias: seek it among the branches
03:52.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Grem (
03:53.27ThraeOh no, I meant the Society for Creative Prostitution of Animals.
03:53.28Corrodiasace2 is not quite what i meant. does this mean none of my Ace addons will work in wow 2.0?
03:53.54Corrodiasbrb again..
03:54.00Thunder_Childsome do, i used some in beta
03:54.15Thunder_Childask ck when he gets around, he would be able to answer it much better
03:54.46ThraeCorrodias: Right now, there's a huge development movement to get up to WoW 2.0.
03:54.50GremIs there a way to make a frame's texture appear BEHIND the frame's backdrop?
03:55.18ThraeGrem: Yes, put it in a different frame and lower that frame's strata and/or level.
03:55.37GremSo have two seperate frames?
03:56.02ThraeGrem: Yes, Texture objects can't do that alone to my knowledge. They are limited. Frame encapsulation (pre2.0) is encouraged.
03:57.01GremThanks for the tip
04:05.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
04:08.03GremDoes anyone know if it's possible to draw a resizable circle with the UI?
04:08.23GremId use a circle texture, but resizing it makes it look very pixelated and grainy
04:09.12MentalPowernot that I know of, but Iriel might know a trick
04:09.46IrielThe only trick would be to use a quarter circle texture as large as you can rationally get away with
04:13.21*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
04:13.28malretheverybody is dead dave
04:13.49malrethWhat, Selby?
04:13.59malrethThey're all dead... everybody's dead dave
04:15.47pastamancerthat red dwarf quote on the ui forums was beautiful and to the point
04:17.07GremGuess I need to make a quarter circle then, can anyone tell me again which graphic files are supported?
04:17.16Cairenn.tga or .blp
04:17.17Iriel.tga .blp
04:17.29Gremand I think tga is the easiest to create and work with right?
04:17.30Cairenn.tga is easiest
04:17.51malrethpastamancer: I aim to entertain AAAAAAND educate.
04:18.21Cairennit's ... challenging ... to find a .blp converter that works with many graphics programs
04:18.34malrethgrem: just remember power of 2 dimensions
04:18.36Cairennwhereas .tga is pretty much standard
04:18.44Cairennand alpha channel
04:19.57malrethis an alpha channel required even if you want an opaque texture?
04:20.07MentalPowerno, its not required
04:20.30MentalPowerwow takes pretty much any TGA, as long as its dimensions are power of 2
04:20.47Cairennbut unless your graphic fills the entire file, then you need the alpha channel
04:21.01pastamancermalreth: it's a shame that your eloquence and wit is most likely lost on the OP of that thread :(
04:21.18malrethas for a .blp converter, I've found that the java app on curse gaming works quite well... the png->blp one
04:21.18Cairenna 1/4 circle won't fill an entire square file
04:22.16Cairennwhich thread?
04:22.30malrethpastamancer: well, the last poster does make a point... are banned players guilty-until-otherwise or innocent-until-proven-guilty?
04:23.13ThraeCircle circle dot dot, time to get your cootie shot...
04:23.44malrethit's hard to argue those "so and so got banned" threads and avoid an appeal to authority fallacy
04:23.57pastamancermalreth: blizzard seems quite clear that they're completely at the whim of blizzard and presumably guilty until proven innocent in a kafkaesque sort of way
04:24.27malrethyeah... that's the part that makes me uncomfortable
04:24.55malrethso such threads are inarguable
04:25.17pastamancerit's theyr game, their rules
04:25.18TainBlizzard isn't a democracy.  
04:25.31GremSeveral of my accounts were banned, not using third party programs
04:25.36GremAnd my friends on my IP got banned also
04:25.42GremIncluding my girlfriend, level 12 mage
04:25.42TainSure Grem.
04:25.50ThraeHey, I think a dictatorship is good when the dictator doesn't have a conflict of interest. What would Blizzard have to gain by banning paying customers?
04:26.00GremWe were using LUA addons
04:26.07Gremmy girlfriend wasnt, but she was still effected
04:26.12TainSure Grem.
04:26.32norgsok, this conversation's not going anywhere
04:26.37TainI r believing.
04:26.41malrethif your girlfriend wasn't using addons then logically it cannot be the existence of addons that caused you to get banned
04:26.49pastamancersee, even in the court of public opinion, you're guilty until proven innocent
04:26.52norgseven if you were completely innocent, there's not a damn thing you can do about it
04:26.52Cairenndefinitely isn't going anywhere, norgs
04:27.01GremMalreth, her account was incriminated because of being on my IP
04:27.20Gremor being on my email, who knows
04:27.21InsideSomeone's not getting laid for a while.
04:27.35TainYour girlfriend was incriminated because of being on something.
04:27.40GremWe emailed Blizzard, and they sent her an 'application' to recover her account
04:27.41ThraeAnyway, our criminal justice system works the same way. You will usually stay in jail while your trial's underway (unless you can make the large bail amount). It doesn't mean they find you guilty before proven innocent, it just means they want you to cease all suspected criminal activity while your innocence is proven or disproven.
04:27.51Grembeing on something?
04:28.26TainBeing on my ban stick.
04:28.27malreththe part that gets me is people keep insisting that they were banned because of addons
04:28.30ThraeBlizzard enforces the same ideal, they "lock up" your character in a jail while you're on trial.
04:28.34GremI have LUA addons that automate parts of my game, but I am always present at my computer
04:28.46InsideLUA addons to WoW never allow movement.
04:28.49GremThrae, there is no 'trial', they dont respond to emails
04:28.54Cairennif it automates, it isn't an addon, it's a bot
04:28.57Cairennbots aren't allowed
04:29.02pastamancermalreth: red herring is delicious
04:29.08ThraeGrem: Hey, most real-life trials take months ;)
04:29.10GremCairenn, it requires input
04:29.24GremThrae, Blizzard responds to my emails with a bot
04:29.31ThraeAnyway, this will be mostly mute in 2.0, since that will destroy most automation.
04:29.40malrethGrem: canned responses
04:30.05GremIt's ridiculous
04:30.09GremI dont even play anymore because of it
04:30.11ThraeGrem: No, that's a CSR cut&pasting, I did that too when I was working in TS.
04:30.22GremNeither does my girlfriend, and she didnt even use LUA addons
04:30.24InsideWoW even has a copy pasta for threats of suicide
04:30.30GremI know
04:30.39InsideAnyway Grem, I think someone is a little glider
04:30.42malreththat's how CS is done now a days
04:30.45InsideUnfortunately, you will find very little support here for a botter.
04:30.46ThraeWhy, "Cry more emo kid"?
04:30.48GremYou would think
04:30.49IrielMmmm, copy pasta! Sounds tasty!
04:30.53CairennGrem: if it requires input, it isn't automated
04:30.53Cairennmake up your mind
04:30.53*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (n=[KaoS]`
04:30.55pastamancerit is!
04:30.56Thrae...Sorry, that was in bad taste.
04:30.56GremBut ive never used Glider
04:31.08GremI can guarantee that if you use my LUA addon, you will get banned though
04:31.12TainI am of coursed an arrogant prick, but my experience so far has been that Blizzard hasn't banned people for no reason.  
04:31.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Elessdy (
04:31.20ozatomichow can i view/edit blp files in win?
04:31.24InsideThe thing about Blizzard banning, is from what I gather, they scan memory for running programs.
04:31.29EndGrem: what exactly does your addon do?
04:31.33malrethozatomic: you convert them to another format first
04:31.35Cairennozatomic: get a converter
04:31.36GremEnd, it automates party members
04:31.46InsideSo it's a bot?
04:31.47TainRegardless, Blizzard can ban you because they flipped a coin and landed on Heads.  
04:31.48ozatomichey grem :p
04:31.52Endautomates party members?
04:31.54GremIt requires input, a party leader
04:31.55ThraeGrem: Is it your own custom addon you have never released anywhere, or does it have a NAME?
04:32.02ozatomicCairenn, can u name a comverter?
04:32.02CairennGrem: if it automates things, it isn't a mod, it's a bot, period end of discussion
04:32.08GremCairenn, wrong
04:32.12GremI have to tell them to attack
04:32.13Endwhat exactly does it automate?
04:32.19GremIt lets me send them commands
04:32.21Cairennozatomic: there are some listed in there
04:32.22Gremthrough hidden addon channel
04:32.31ozatomicthx Cairenn
04:32.32GremCairenn, if it's made in WoW LUA, and does not work UNATTENDED, its not a bot
04:32.37GremIt's no more a bot than Decursive is
04:32.41TainDon't tell Cairenn wrong without having more proof and intelligence than the poeple already here.  
04:32.43TainWhich is a lot.
04:32.55ThraeI don't like debates which include "I have my evidence but its secret. Maybe you can guess it."
04:32.57GremIt's simply an 'advanced' form of common addons like Decursive
04:33.02CairennGrem: the person on the other end doesn't have to do anything, then it is botting, whatever the hell you want to call it
04:33.18malrethah... so those other characters, they take actions without anyone actually playing them?
04:33.22GremIt's not third party programs
04:33.28InsideI see what you're doing...
04:33.29GremIt's BOXING Cairenn
04:33.30MentalPowerbut it *is* a bot
04:33.30TainAnd seeing as Decursive is already rendered inoperable in the expansion I wouldn't count it as a valid argument.
04:33.31GremBoxing is clearly legal
04:33.35GremIt is NOT a bot
04:33.37Cairennno, it isn't
04:33.44MentalPowerno it isin't
04:33.49malrethBoxing means you hit buttons on multiple computers
04:33.50GremBots perform automonous functions without input and being present at them
04:33.51MentalPoweryou agree to only have one account
04:33.53Cairennthat isn't boxing
04:33.58MentalPowerfor starters
04:34.02GremMalreth, I simply hit buttons on one computer which sends Addon chat to my party
04:34.02InsideYou're using the the addon channels to have one person send messages to all the other people and their PCs actually do that stuff.
04:34.04InsideVery interesting.
04:34.08CairennI've DONE multi-boxing, that isn't it
04:34.10GremTheir PCs dont do stuff
04:34.14GremTheir LUA responds to my commands
04:34.15malrethGrem... That's where it crosses the line
04:34.15Cairennthat's a bot, pure and simple
04:34.17GremI simply built a command interpreter
04:34.27pastamancerit sounds like he's sending code via the addon comm channel and then having it loadstring/eval on the next hardware event
04:34.28GremIts not a third party program
04:34.32GremI was banned for a 'third party program'
04:34.41norgsGrem - answer this. Does it work without simulated keystrokes? (ie a keystroke generator or macro program)
04:34.42TainI think the moral of the story is the alleged bans on Grem and his allegend girlfriend's accoutns are valid.
04:34.42GremWhereas it's clearly made in WoW's LUA, Blizzard gave me the tool to use
04:34.46GremNo norgs
04:34.57malrethgrem: "Third party" refers to you
04:34.57GremIt's all done in WoW LUA
04:35.08GremThird party program means program running outside of WoW
04:35.09EndI don't even get what Grem's addon does
04:35.11ThraeMentalPower: That's actually not true according to the Character Transfer rules, which state specific rules for people with more then one account, unless someone screwed up on the website. Maybe they want to say you can't play more then one account at a time by the same person?
04:35.12norgsso how were you executing the protected commands?
04:35.15malreth"Program" is the lua script that you made
04:35.20GremI was not executing protected commands
04:35.24GremMalreth, that is wrong
04:35.34GremThat is a heavily improper definition of third party programs
04:35.40malrethNo. you are mistaken.
04:35.41GremThird party programs are tools that Blizzard did not provide the user
04:35.47norgsyou were sending it commands to do what then?
04:35.56MentalPowerThrae: that is for accounts under the same household, not necessarily the same person
04:35.57malrethand you're too stubborn and or stupid to see reason
04:35.58GremBlizzard provided me LUA, they protect commands they dont want me to use
04:36.00TainGrem knows better than everyone!  Stop questioning him!
04:36.08*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
04:36.08malrethso you will trumpet your little agenda
04:36.11GremIf they protect commands, it means they dont want us to use them, so we dont use them
04:36.14malrethand go no where
04:36.22TainAlso it's Lua, not LUA.
04:36.22GremSo what you are suggesting is this Malreth...
04:36.23Thunder_Childit's very simple to get the answer for, ask blizz, they can make whatever deffinition they want to for boting
04:36.27malrethyou may not have known that what you were doing was wrong
04:36.29Endthat's why I question him, so I can know what he knows, because I have no idea how his AddOn is even useful
04:36.34malrethbut that doesn't make it right
04:36.48GremUsing hidden addon channels to send LUA commands is illegal
04:36.53ThraeMentalPower: My little brother of 9 is too young to have his own credit card, so my Mom has two accounts in her name. According to the Character Transfer rules, the two accounts just need the same billing address.
04:36.56GremBlizzard didnt warn me of that
04:36.57TainDon't question the Grem!
04:37.09malrethusing hidden channels to send messages is fine shares snippets of code?
04:37.14malrethacting on them to automate actions is not
04:37.20Gremyes End
04:37.27GremIt shares LUA programs through addon channel
04:37.30ThraeMentalPower: I could transfer characters over to their accounts if my Mom also paid for my account (which would probably send up a flag anyway).
04:37.35GremThe receiving client performs RunScript
04:37.41GremIt's like an advanced form of any other addon out there
04:37.47GremIt just has a detailed command interpreter
04:37.47Cairennno, it isn't
04:37.52TainFor fuck's sake, it's Lua, not LUA.  It is not an acronym.
04:38.07Insidelook at the code, they use LUA and Lua interchangably
04:38.18GremCaireen, Decursive is botting then
04:38.22InsideIt is
04:38.23MentalPoweryes, but its "Lua" its moon in portuguese
04:38.26Insidewhich is why it's getting taken out.
04:38.30GremThen why arent decursive users being banned?
04:38.39GremWhy not protect the commands I was using, why ban me but ban other 'less inquisitive' programmers
04:38.42malrethGrem: because decursive users are actually at their computers
04:38.44Endhow many decursive users are there? ;p
04:38.52GremThousands, millions maybe?  End
04:38.53InsideBecause it's an unseen flaw in their system... a flaw which is being patched.
04:38.57GremMalreth, im at my computer
04:39.03GremInside, why ban me for their flaw?
04:39.03malrethyour girlfriend was not at her computer playing her character on her account
04:39.09GremYes she was
04:39.11malrethit was your mistake
04:39.11GremShe was just a side victim
04:39.18GremI was saying that she was effected from my 'mistake'
04:39.18CairennGrem: decursive isn't a bot, your "code" is
04:39.19Thunder_Childi would have to say that grem isnt botting, but the computers/accounts/whatever are.
04:39.23malrethown up and take responsibility for what you did
04:39.29Thunder_Childthat he is controloing*
04:39.33ThraeGrem: Because it's far easier to tell the difference between Decursive usage, which is mainly limited to lifting ailments during raids with other people also at their computers, to your system which is far more general and broad.
04:39.37norgsHey grem, did you come here to discuss coding issues, or complain about being banned?
04:39.40InsideBecause, that's like oh.... the IRS having a tax loop hole... which for some people is just very unethical, but you took it to a point where it actually became illegal.
04:39.43malrethignorance of the rules is no excuse
04:39.50TainGrem: I got banned for botting!  Everyone else: Die in a fire!
04:39.56GremThe fact is:  I had to perform input to cause action for my computer
04:39.59norgsBecause if it's the latter, you are disrupting the channel
04:40.02GremIt wasnt automated
04:40.08GremIf input is required, its not a bot
04:40.10InsideYOU weren't automating.
04:40.15InsideThe other PCs WERE automated.
04:40.15malreththe other computers were automating
04:40.16GremMoreover, its definitely not a third party program
04:40.18ThraeTain: Visor isn't going to work in 2.0. Obviously it's botting.
04:40.22GremInside, I had to tell them what to do
04:40.23Cairennokay, enough
04:40.30malrethall addons are by definition third party programs
04:40.31TainGrem is proof that Blizzard is doing the right thing.
04:40.31GremHow is hitting a key on one keyboard any different than hitting a key on another keyboard?
04:40.32InsideGrem: What, install the addon and move point a to b :P?
04:40.42GremInside, you cant 'move'
04:40.48MentalPowerguys, thats all well and good
04:40.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Bleeter (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
04:40.55GremI press the cast fireball button, which sends an addon chat to my party, and they cast fireballs
04:40.56MentalPoweryou've all made your point
04:40.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
04:41.01GremIt's no different than using HARDWARE instead of SOFTWARE
04:41.06InsideI'm just saying that I feel that Blizard was right in this and Grem needs to do more QQ
04:41.11TainIt is only too bad that Blizzard bans don't apply to IRC as well.
04:41.12Thunder_ChildCairenn, i think free exchange pass it's upper limit a while ago
04:41.14GremSo instead of reaching over a press a key
04:41.20GremOkay, I will compromise
04:41.20CairennGrem: whether you care to accept it or not, what you were doing was botting, you got caught, you paid the price, now stop, or leave
04:41.26ozatomicCairenn, i downladoed EyeBrowse but it wont view the bla files :(
04:41.26GremI agree with Blizzard banning me, I expected it
04:41.43GremI did expect to get banned, because I know how Blizzard works, im not going to debate that
04:41.50GremThe question is, why victimize my friends that had nothing to do with me?
04:41.53InsideYou're just angry that your GF was banned because she was on the same IP?
04:41.56MentalPowerozatomic: google XNView
04:41.59GremWasnt that the original question?  People getting victimized for no reason?
04:42.06TainGrem: I don't believe you.
04:42.07InsideBecause the accounts probably had the same payment info?
04:42.09GremI wont sit here and debate why my actions may have caused a personal ban
04:42.10Cairennif they were using your "code" as well, then they are just as guilty as you
04:42.10InsideBecause they had the same IP?
04:42.16GremShe doesnt live at my house
04:42.19GremBut she does play here sometimes
04:42.20norgsPlease don't continue this debate
04:42.29TainFrankly, I think yo
04:42.32GremCairenn, they were not
04:42.34InsideGrem: They probably have a "user-map" which tracks which accounts have shared similar login points.
04:42.34Tainyou are a liar.
04:42.40Cairennand that's the end of this discussion
04:42.43MentalPowerplease, thats enough
04:42.51TainLiar liar pants on fiar.
04:42.56*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+m] by Cairenn
04:43.03Cairennand that's the end of this discussion
04:43.40CairennI will remove the mute in a moment, but I'm tired of what I'm saying getting lost in the spam ... this conversation ends now, or people will be asked to leave
04:43.48*** mode/#wowi-lounge [-m] by Cairenn
04:43.52Tainfiar = fire
04:44.02CairennTain: I mean it
04:44.05pastamancer<3 Cairenn
04:44.08Endannnyways, about that weather
04:44.14TainJust correcting typos.
04:44.17malrethwas cloudy today
04:44.25Endit was actually snowing where I live
04:44.33malrethand i spent all day inside reghosting lab computers
04:44.37MentalPowerit was quite cool here in the afternoon, but now its hot and humid
04:44.54GremIf anyone wants to privately discuss anything with me, feel free to, and keep 'Whispercast' in mind
04:44.57TainRaining like a bastard here tonight.
04:46.01ThraeI found out the magic of syncronized bookmarks in Firefox. Now my three computers share the same bookmark index.
04:46.14malrethhas there been any dish on if they're gonna add a more flexable keybinding interface?
04:46.36ThraeNow I just need to catagorize the 100-so bookmarks.
04:47.12TainThrae: What are you using?  I tried one addon to sync and it didn't work well.
04:47.24malrethi use google sync
04:47.49ThraeTain: Foxmarks. I loved delicious's tags, but it used up too much CPU when it tried to sync constantly.
04:47.50EndBlizzard posted they expected the patch to be December 5th
04:47.56malrethbut i like suckling from the greasy teet of the mighty google beast
04:48.02CairennEnd: where?
04:48.14Endhold on
04:48.33malreththat means the next week of pvp doesn't count
04:49.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
04:49.02Endmaybe I misread that
04:49.19EndI read that correctly
04:49.19Insidewait what?
04:49.24ThraeWell why PvP if you can't gain redeemable points out of it?
04:49.35Endthey'll do the final honor calculation the same day as well
04:49.52End"We are currently planning to release this content update next Tuesday, December 5."
04:49.55CairennEnd: I read it the same way, it's rather unequivocal
04:50.04End"We will run one final honor calculation on December 5 and update everyone.s ranking accordingly on that date so that players who achieve a new rank for that week have the opportunity to display that title on their character."
04:50.09ThraeTain: You've looked at the "Recommended" addons, right?
04:50.21Esamynnwow, they gave us notice, that's nice of them
04:50.23Gryphenlink forum then paste contents anyway...
04:50.37EndEsamynn: only because of the honor system really
04:51.02ozatomicok so i can view blp files in XnView how can i create BLP Files now
04:51.17Cairennozatomic: easiest is to create .tga then convert
04:51.30MentalPoweror jsut use the .tga ingame
04:51.31Endozatomic: you don't need to create blp files normally.  tga should do the job usually
04:51.41MentalPowertheres really no reason to use blp's
04:51.47End(there are a few places, such as cursors, where you need blps)
04:51.53MentalPowerexcept if you're going to be SetCursor()'ing
04:51.57ozatomicso in my xml files i can just reference tga files
04:52.03Cairennozatomic: yup
04:52.11Cairennwow reads .tga just fine
04:52.13malrethreference the basename of the file... basically leave off the .tga
04:52.22Cairennit's what most folks use instead of dealing with blp conversion
04:52.37malrethso, "Interface\AddOns\MyAddOn\mytexturefile"
04:52.47MentalPower\\ but yeah
04:52.54malreth\\ only in Lua
04:53.11malrethjust \ in XML
04:53.13MentalPowertrue, I've avoided XML like the plague
04:53.23MentalPowerpersonal preference
04:53.42malrethif you have the plague, please move away from the raid
04:53.54malrethwas in AQ40 last night
04:55.25malrethi smiled today when Farmbuyer called me his hero
04:55.30Thunder_Childthough not letting us get our items for the new rank is kinda pointless
04:56.15Neuro_MedivhYou should quit in protest!
04:56.15Neuro_Medivhthat'll show em!
04:56.16Thunder_Childoh, good one
04:57.09Neuro_Medivhit's just one of those things, people will always want 'one more week'
04:57.20InsideBut one week warning? :/
04:57.24Thunder_Childnot one more week
04:57.39Thunder_Childjust the ability to get the items on that day before the patch
04:57.47Thunder_Childlike every other week
04:58.06Thunder_Childunless they patch at 12am and it's moot
05:01.00*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
05:01.25Garoun|Loupanainteresting, can't put a macro on the pet bar
05:02.08InsideOh daymn, I just realized I'll need to pass input to my lua scripts in my game too =_=
05:03.23*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> 2.0 UI Changes | intended push date of 2.0 is 5 Dec | | Paste Code Here: | Mod Author guilds on Hellfire (US) and on Tempest Keep (EU). CastSpell (A)/TargetUnit(H) | TBC Release Date 16 Jan 07
05:05.55Endhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm indeed
05:05.58Nom-I've got a fair few mods to update for 2.0
05:06.05malrethsoo... what happens to the Officer's Barracks in 2.0?
05:06.18Thunder_Childnudie bar
05:06.18Nom-I hope everything works (except detox, which i know won't)
05:06.23Nom-malreth: Everyone gets in there now
05:06.28Nom-malreth: Even unranked players
05:06.40malrethah... okeh. i guess that works
05:06.53Endguess that's expected
05:06.55Nom-I suspect there will still be ranks
05:07.03Nom-But it won't be based on a competition any more
05:07.24Thunder_Childhmmm..i wonder if you can max out on honot like you can on tokes
05:07.27Endyou can use your highest rank in the "old" system or no tag at all for player display
05:07.41Endit doesn't mean anything though
05:07.52Endand it sounds like they will add other titles over time
05:07.54malrethyou also can't query a unit's title
05:08.41*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
05:08.56Nom-<-- Senior Sargent
05:08.57malrethi was trying to fix my rewrite of SilverMedal but couldn't find a function to get a unit's title
05:10.00malrethThe getunitpvpinfowhatever functions seemed to return the rank I had when I transferred and not my actual displayed title
05:10.22malrethwell, not 'seemed'... that's actually what they did return
05:11.34Nom-64 mods to update on patch day :/
05:11.45InsideHmmm, so I'm working on a bit of a game....  Okay, so a marble madness clone :P Just thinking of what other functions I should create for the API :\ is what I have so far for the level scripting..
05:11.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
05:11.53malreth187 addons here
05:12.34malrethi should take the patch as a chance to CUT DOWN!!!
05:12.57Thunder_Childyea "trim the fat" as it were
05:13.10Garoun|Loupanathe only thing really missing in my UI right now is my raiding stuff
05:13.27InsideAny ideas on what I should plan on addind?
05:15.19Elessdythis is the old alt-self-casting addon i'm using, from WAY back. the XML just registers the onload. do you think this can be converted for 2.0? as i understand the changes, i wouldn't expect it.
05:15.56malrethyeah... that won't work
05:16.06malrethbut good news
05:16.23Nom-There's self-cast as a UI mod now
05:16.28malrethAltCasting has been built in to the default UI for several patches now
05:16.43Nom-self-cast as a interface option now i mean
05:16.48Corrodiaspeople keep saying that, and i keep having to reply that it doesn't work for buttons assigned to activate on shift+number keys
05:17.06Corrodiasalt+shift+2 doesn't self-cast shift+2, but rather just 2.
05:17.53Nom-That's my latest UI screenshot...i can't play without it now lol
05:18.10Nom-I don't have an in-combat screeny, but I have antagonist and metahud too
05:19.18Nom-I just hope I can have all that working on 2.0 on patch day
05:19.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Neuro_Medivh (
05:20.47Corrodiasnobody seems to have an answer for self-casting problem. how about addons that depend on Ace?
05:21.01Neuro_MedivhAce?  What's that?
05:21.39Nom-isn't there an option in key bindings or interface for self-cast modifier?
05:21.50Nom-if there is, just change it to none (if possible) or something you don't use
05:22.04Neuro_MedivhI believe they removed that cause it was bugging
05:22.11Corrodiashow would that help?
05:22.31Nom-Because your shift-bound items might be bugging because WoW is trying to self-cast
05:22.47Corrodiasi totally don't understand what you're trying to say.
05:23.02Corrodiasi can cast them by pressing shift+number just fine. but alt+shift+number does NOT self-cast them like it should.
05:23.25Nom-because shift might be the self-cast modifier
05:23.26Neuro_Medivhahh, cause alt-shift is a different modifier than shift
05:23.34Corrodiasi have the alt key set to self-cast
05:23.50Neuro_Medivhit's because the game interprets alt-shift as a single modifier
05:23.58Corrodiashow do i get it to stop? :P
05:24.01Neuro_Medivhand not alt, + shift
05:24.02Neuro_Medivhyou don't
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05:24.40Neuro_MedivhOr you write your own self-cast
05:24.44Nom-What class do you play?
05:24.57Corrodiasnone of the self-casting addons i have tried work in 2.0
05:25.03Neuro_Medivhahh, 2.0
05:25.21Neuro_Medivhwell, the game sees alt+shift as a completely different modifier
05:25.21CorrodiasNom-: druid, rogue, warrior, mage, and hunter
05:25.44Nom-And what class do you use those complex key bindings on? :/
05:25.50Corrodiasall of them
05:25.57*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren (
05:26.02Nom-I get away with use using 1-5 on the hotbar, and q,e,x,c,` for extra common specials
05:26.04Corrodiasshift+number is not very complex
05:26.06Nom-That's on a mage
05:26.13Neuro_Medivhthat'll probably be a problem on any two-modifier combo
05:26.27Corrodiasyou're an amazing person, Nom-. are you happy to hear that? but it doesn't help me to tell me that.
05:26.42Nom-No, I'm just trying to think what you're using that requires that many lol :)
05:26.47Neuro_MedivhCorro, I assume making macros is not a solution?
05:27.08Nom-Regardless...if WoW interprets Alt+Shift as a seperate modifier, then you're up a certain creek without a paddle
05:27.10Corrodiasi could conceivably make macros if they could imitate the "if i'm holding alt, cast it on myself" function
05:27.14malrethI play a mage and I use shift-number bindings for some of my spells
05:27.22Neuro_Medivhthey can, corrodias
05:27.45Corrodiashow cumbersome. it would be more efficient to just learn to click on my player frame when casting on myself.
05:27.49Neuro_Medivh./cast [modifier=alt,target=player] spell; spell
05:27.50Nom-heh, i just do wierd stuff for bust damage...i should really move it
05:27.58Garoun|LoupanaI'm still trying to find out if there is a way to create longer macro's or create macro 'libraries' in lua :)
05:28.08Nom-I do like 2,2,4,Shift-2,6,Shift-1,2
05:28.26Nom-That's my burst dps combo :P  .. Shift-2,6 is CoC
05:28.27Neuro_MedivhGaroun, /click might work on next beta push
05:28.42Corrodiasthat's not so complex. i wonder if my cooldown timer display and range checking will work on macros
05:28.42Garoun|Loupanaand does the game yell MEGA COMBO, Nom? :P
05:28.52Neuro_Medivhwhy do you need that many buttons, nom?  Frostbolt is only one button
05:28.53Nom-Yes, it does.
05:29.03Garoun|Loupanaso you can sit back like old Killer Instinct and watch your opponent in tears :)
05:29.08malrethHe likes to pretend he's a rogue
05:29.15malrethoh wait...
05:29.25Neuro_MedivhCorrodias, #show <spell> will show the cooldown timer and range feedback on a macro
05:29.41Nom-There's so many specials to use as a mage (especially in PvP) lol
05:29.47Nom-I don't have keys bound for buffs
05:30.01Neuro_Medivhme either
05:30.09Neuro_Medivhanything out of combat, I use clicks for
05:30.21Neuro_Medivhexcept food/drink
05:30.30Neuro_Medivhbut those are way over at the -= end
05:30.37malrethCtrl-E, Ctrl-D for food drink for me
05:30.53malretheasy to hit in sequence
05:30.56Garoun|Loupanaactually I was meaning something more like function grinding() { /castsequence reset=target/combat Curse of Agony, Corruption, Immolate, Wand}
05:30.58Nom-I got that bar which puts your pots, bandages gems etc all in one spot
05:31.06Garoun|Loupanaand then in my macro box just have /scrip Grinding()
05:31.06CorrodiasNeuro_Medivh: unknown option: modifier=alt
05:31.11malrethsoon as mob dies, I feast
05:31.15Neuro_Medivhsorry, modifier:alt
05:31.16dukekusent from a-boo--ooo---vee
05:31.18Neuro_Medivhnot =
05:31.21Nom- <-- right hand side the vertical bar next to elk's buff bar
05:31.39Corrodiasunknown option: target
05:31.49malrethGaroun|Loupana: yeah... that's not how macros work
05:31.59Corrodias(also changed to target:player
05:32.04Garoun|Loupanayeah I know :)
05:32.08Neuro_Medivhtarget=player is correct
05:32.11Thunder_Childkilling your own food now mal? "soon as mob dies, I feast"
05:32.21Neuro_Medivh= is assignation not evaluation
05:32.25Corrodiashow strange that they have different syntaxes for those two parts
05:32.26malrethreally, at that point if you're writing an addon you can just instantiate a secure header and buttons and do everything that you want that way
05:32.44Neuro_Medivhessentially, that means "if modifier == alt, then target = player"
05:32.57Neuro_Medivh== is analogous to :, where as = still means =
05:32.58Garoun|Loupanaah ok, I'll keep that in mind, mal :)
05:33.23Corrodiasunfortunately, since it still reads alt+shift as "not shift", i still can't alt+shift+2 to self-cast shift+2, even if i'm using a macro and reassign self-cast to CTRL
05:33.57Corrodiasnote my displeasure at this point that you can't set the self-cast key to "none"
05:34.11Neuro_Medivhthat's where you disable self-cast
05:34.18Neuro_Medivhand that's a known issue btw
05:34.27Corrodiaswhat's the known issue, and how do i disable it?
05:34.34Corrodiasthe fact that you can't disable it, perhaps?
05:34.41Neuro_MedivhYou can disable it
05:34.48Neuro_Medivhthere's a check mark somewhere
05:34.49Corrodiasi don't see an option for none
05:34.53Neuro_Medivhto disable self-cast
05:34.58Neuro_Medivhit's somewhere nearby
05:35.15Corrodiasthere's an "auto self cast" that takes it a step farther, but that doesn't disable it entirely
05:36.10Corrodiasauto self cast just makes you unable to cast spells on friendly players unless you target them first, from what i can tell
05:37.09Neuro_MedivhNope, you're right, I was thinking of the auto self cast tick
05:37.20Neuro_MedivhI know they're planning on adding a "None" option though
05:37.31Neuro_Medivhprobably will arrive thursday
05:37.33Corrodiasdo you happen to know what this "Antagonist" addon is? i can't remember when i got it, or why
05:37.52Corrodiasoh, i think i've found the description
05:37.54Neuro_MedivhI *think* the other issue, the shift+other modifiers issue, is also on the fix list
05:37.58malrethenemy cast bars, right?
05:38.13Corrodiasyeah. i don't think it ever did anything. maybe i didn't turn it on.
05:38.21Corrodiasobviously i won't be missing it
05:38.21Nom-Antagonist shows like cooldowns on specials and stuff for your target
05:38.24Nom-It seems a little buggy
05:38.32malrethbuilt-in in 2.0 anyways
05:38.36Nom-But yeah, when it works you can see the time left on someone's blink, or their counterspell
05:38.40malrethoh... that...
05:38.41Nom-no, it's not just cast bar
05:38.44Nom-It shows cooldowns
05:38.50malrethyeah, gotcha
05:38.53Corrodiasor paladin bubble?
05:38.59Nom-Yes, pally bubble
05:39.06Nom-I've used it to time a pyro on the test realm
05:39.11Nom-Oh my god was that funny
05:39.24Thunder_Childbe nice Corrodias
05:39.33malrethi pray to tom cruise
05:39.34Corrodiasthere's nothing nice about paladins :)
05:39.36Neuro_MedivhNo, we can't
05:39.39Nom-Only priests with mass dispel
05:39.41Nom-And not until 70
05:39.48Neuro_Medivhbut on the bright side, horde get pallies now!
05:39.49Thunder_Child...priest can dispell it?
05:39.54Corrodiasbrb again (that cabbage a few days ago was a bad idea)
05:40.03Kasoits not as easy as people make it sound
05:40.04Nom-Thunder_Child: at 70 with mass dispel, yes
05:40.20Nom-Or whenever you get mass dispel
05:40.32Kasofirst it has a 1.5 second cast, second it removes a random buff, so we often dont actually remove the shield first time
05:40.54Thunder_Childwhy is that the ONLY thing that works?
05:41.27Neuro_Medivhbecause pally bubble is intended to be nigh-impossible to remove?
05:42.09Kasowe can also remove Iceblock and banish, but noone cases about that stuff ;>
05:42.22Thunder_Childwell atm it IS impossable to remove it i belive
05:43.15SP|Sorreni thought you could mass dispel it?
05:43.28Kasohe means atm in live
05:44.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian_Alt (
05:46.11Corrodiasno, but see, Sorren has mass dispel in Live already. he's special that way. :3
05:46.52Corrodiasoh, about Ace. what shall i do for addons that depend on Ace? is Ace compatible with 2.0?
05:47.02Kasoi tell you though, its an awesome feeling to stop a paladins bubble hearthing
05:47.16Neuro_Medivhthey say it is
05:47.35Thunder_Childcorr, they ahve a 2.0 ace
05:47.57Neuro_Medivhin some cases, they have 2.1!
05:47.57Corrodiasi dont see one on wowace
05:48.06Nom-prolly in svn
05:48.31Corrodiasoooh, hidden away where i can't find it, i see
05:48.40Corrodiasoops, brb again
05:55.57sylvanaarwas someone asking about self casting?
05:56.48Corrodiasi was
05:57.16Corrodiasand judging by how i feel, i have about two minutes to the next time i have to run off to the restroom
05:57.44Thunder_Childyou have a clock on your bladder or something?
05:58.19Corrodiasno, but see, i had a bunch of cabbage a few days ago and apparently that was a bad idea.
05:58.43sylvanaarCorrodias: did you get your answer
05:59.06Thunder_Childwoah, i guess so
05:59.17Thunder_Childi did that with bran...
05:59.35Corrodiasoh yeah, i ate a bunch of raisin bran, too, in the last couple of days
05:59.55Thunder_Childbox of Crakelin oat bran in one sitting
05:59.55Corrodiasi believe so. from what i understand, unless they separate the modifier keys so WoW understands them as "stacking", like they do in Live, i'm out of luck.
06:00.16Neuro_MedivhCorrodias, I'm almost positive this issue has been fixed for the next beta push
06:00.25Neuro_Medivhwait till thursday and see
06:00.35sylvanaarCorrodias: wierd - i must not have understood what you were asking
06:01.05Corrodiasi assume you mean the thursday that's in 2 days from now, because -next- thursday is after 2.0 goes live
06:01.15Corrodias*the next one after the one i just mentioned
06:01.47Neuro_MedivhYes, refering to 2 days from now
06:01.57sylvanaarCorrodias: self cast works fine on tbc for me, i wasnt expecting any issues with it
06:02.20Neuro_Medivhsylv, there's an issue with alt or ctrl self-casting on shift+key bindings
06:02.45Neuro_Medivhbecause the client reads alt+shift as a new modifier combo, instead of alt and shift
06:03.03Neuro_Medivhof course, corro
06:03.10Neuro_Medivhthere might be a simplier explanation
06:03.11sylvanaarah ok - i just disabled auto self cast, and used the new system
06:03.22Corrodiasauto self cast is an entirely different thing
06:03.30Neuro_Medivhyou don't by any chance have alt-shift already defined somewhere?
06:03.32sylvanaari used right click self csat
06:03.45Corrodiasauto self cast just makes you unable to cast a beneficial spell on a target unless you target him first
06:03.54Corrodias*on a friendly
06:04.10Neuro_Medivhwhat he wants is for shift-1 to do a button, and alt-shift-1 to self-cast that spell
06:04.15Corrodiasnot that i'm aware, Neuro. i copied my key bindings from my Live install, and i certainly don't have it set there
06:04.34sylvanaaryeah, that shoould work
06:04.35Corrodiasi shall check
06:05.20sylvanaarbut - you need to define alt-shif as the self cast modifier
06:05.40Corrodiasit's not bound
06:06.07Corrodiasplease try again, sylvanaar. i didn't understand what that means.
06:06.12sylvanaarone sec
06:07.41sylvanaarperhaps it only applys to mouseclicks
06:08.17InsideIt's weird, the #wowi-lounge is probably one of the most active and actually helpful channels on all of freenode.
06:08.21InsideAre you sure you guys belong here?
06:08.29EndI'm pretty sure we don't belong
06:08.52Thunder_Childsome of us dont, it's true
06:09.42InsideHow did it end up like this ~ It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss ~
06:09.42sylvanaarim trying to locate the syntax for the attibuted unit keyword
06:09.48InsideEmo trance oh shi-
06:13.42Corrodiasoddly, although wowace has an SVN system, i have to use to access the files
06:13.50Neuro_Medivhwow, the beta forums are still fubar
06:14.12sylvanaarCorrodias: ok basically do this "MainMenuBarArtFrame:SetAttribute("alt-shift-unit", "player"); "
06:14.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
06:14.50sylvanaarbut thats for an action button
06:14.57Neuro_Medivhthat'll do button 1
06:15.01Neuro_Medivhnot button shift-1
06:15.18Corrodiasarr. i'll just hope it works how i like on thursday.
06:16.57Corrodiasbrb again
06:24.00GremWarsongHow do I point to my tga if it's in Interface/Addons/MyAddon/images/circle.tga
06:24.09GremWarsongJust like that?  Except with the double \\ or whatever
06:24.17SP|Sorrenpretty much
06:24.32GremWarsongAlright, solid
06:24.46SP|Sorrenfor some reason, when i use my mouse wheel to scroll in firefox it scrolls irc too
06:24.54SP|Sorrenits getting rather annoying ;o
06:25.03GremWarsongIt's a feature!
06:25.10SP|Sorreni sure hope not :P
06:27.26Nom-IE7 is soooo annoying
06:27.51Corrodiassomehow, that doesn't surprise me
06:28.06Neuro_Medivhevery os sucks for proof
06:29.11GremWarsongSo is it possible to have transparency in a TGA?
06:29.54Thunder_Childi dunno, Sun's OS looks interesting
06:30.02Mr_Rabies2grem, alpha channels
06:30.04EndGremWarsong: yes
06:33.23Corrodiasit seems that ace 1.3.1 isn't 2.0-compatible
06:33.41Neuro_Medivhwhy would it be?
06:33.50Corrodiasbecause i want it to be
06:34.00Neuro_Medivhwhy not use ace 2.0?
06:34.10Corrodiasi don't know where to find it
06:34.28GremWarsongIs it possible to have alpha on a frame backdrop?  Not just texture
06:34.42Corrodiasunless "Ace2" is compatible with "Ace" addons
06:35.08Neuro_MedivhCorrodias, easiest way is to download any of the ace addons from for BC, and get ace from there
06:35.10GremWarsongIm using SetBackdrop on my frame, and need that backdrop to obey alpha transparency, is that possible?
06:35.13Thunder_Childuse the aompatability acr
06:35.34IrielGremWarsong: I believe it does
06:35.49*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
06:36.03Corrodiasnow, that's Ace2. can i ditch Ace if i have Ace2?
06:36.20Neuro_Medivhbtw, this is why I avoid ace mods =)
06:37.09GremWarsongCan anyone give a quick technical rundown on how to add transparency to a tga?
06:37.16GremWarsongdoes it need to be on a seperate layer?
06:37.44grimman|afkishCreate an alpha channel.
06:37.45Corrodiasbr bagain
06:38.36grimman|afkishYou have a channel palette containing Red, Green and Blue. If there's a fourth channel already (Alpha 1 normally) that's what you use to define visible regions, otherwise you create one.
06:38.50GremWarsongAlright, thanks =)
06:38.54Thunder_ChildCorr sorry use this link
06:39.16Corrodiasthat's still Ace2. is that compatible with addons that depend on good old Ace?
06:39.32EndAce2 is a complete rewrite
06:39.40Corrodiasthis brings me back around to the beginning of the circle
06:39.48EndAce2 is also intended to be embedable
06:39.49Thunder_Childand any addon that used ace cant work after the patch anyways
06:39.50Endwhile Ace is not
06:40.13Corrodiasso... all addons that use Ace (and not Ace2) will be dead?
06:40.21Endunless ported, yes
06:40.24Corrodiasunless of course.. yeah
06:40.53Kasoon the bottom right tooltip on here, the resiliance wording feels a touch verbose, can anyone think of a better way to put it?
06:41.05End(I suppose it might be possible Ace 1.3 could be ported, but the AddOn would probably still needed to be updated either way)
06:41.23End(And Ace2 is usually considered far superior)
06:41.31Corrodiasalright, i'll work on this information and keep going
06:42.49EndKaso: so they stopped giving the "internal" resiliance values?
06:43.27Endor what?
06:43.32Neuro_MedivhI think that's an addon
06:43.36Neuro_Medivhthat's translating
06:43.48Kasotop is that tooltip as standard
06:43.56Endthat makes more sense to me now :P
06:44.18Kasobut the way i have it feels a bit long
06:44.24EndI agree
06:44.40Endalthough, personally I'd normally want to see resilence value anyways
06:45.38Kasoit's going to be togglable ofc, but in full on mode its going to display every as it would be in 1.x wow, percentages and none of that socket nonsense
06:46.16Neuro_Medivhit'd be cool if you could dynamically toggle it
06:46.30Neuro_Medivhhold shift button down and it changes modes
06:47.06Kasothats an idea
06:47.26Neuro_Medivhso you could just mouseover, hit shift bar to see the 'real' values, then let go and it's back to normal
06:47.49Neuro_Medivhi.e. shift inverts whatever you have it set for
06:48.23Kasoyah i like that, ill throw in a keybind to remove my formatting on the fly
06:48.59Kasobut, on the actual wording of resiliance, any ideas? that was the only one which i couldnt copy an exisitng example
06:50.08Corrodiasatlas, line 87, attempt to call a table value. argh.
06:50.50Kasocheck out AL's lua 5 -> 5.1 converting script on wowi
06:51.10Kasoautomates adding pairs() and changing getn etc
06:51.15Corrodiasarr. i need to get and install lua. for that, i need to finish downloading a linux iso to install onto a virtual machine.
06:51.43Kasowhat os are you using atm?
06:51.50Corrodiasthe Lua interpreter at is distributed as linux source code
06:52.00Kasotheres a link to binaries
06:52.01Corrodiaswindows xp, we'll say
06:52.35Kasounzip, and run
06:52.39Corrodiasoh, hey, you're right. didn't even see the binaries link on top.
06:52.54KasoHow does Equip: Reduces chance to be critically hit by $% and damage received from critical hits by $%. sound
06:53.53*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
06:54.55ckknighthey all
06:56.21InsideHi ckknight
06:56.22Corrodiasi am really not sure
06:56.36ckknightno, Inside
06:56.38ckknightjust no.
06:59.53CorrodiasLua works just fine. time to see if that script did enough. it made changes, alright
07:01.07GremWarsongWhat event triggers when you move a horizontal slider?
07:01.55Irielthe OnValueChanged handler should be invoked
07:02.33GremWarsongI thought that also, doesnt seem to though
07:02.46GremWarsongIm probably doing something stupid
07:03.41Irielpastey your code?
07:04.22Corrodiaswhat pastey needs is a mascot
07:04.46norgssomeone mentioned a boob with a nipple pastey on it...
07:05.25GremWarsongMost of that code is generated with WoW UI Designer
07:06.10GremWarsongHmm, maybe that scripts tag should go inside the Slider object instead of the slider frame
07:06.13Corrodiasso what did the auctioneer pack's "BottomFeeder" do, before it was taken offline?
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07:07.12GremWarsongstupid WoW UI Designer
07:08.05Corrodiasyou wouldn't happen to be that designer, would you?
07:08.15norgsCorrodias: It made me heaps and heaps of gold...
07:08.41Insideheaps and heaps of gold? What did e_e
07:08.50Corrodiasi desire more specific information of what it did, not the consequences of what it did
07:09.29IrielThe name is a reasonable hint, coupled with the description of its result and the context
07:09.47Corrodiasi have absolutely no idea. i'm not good at hints.
07:10.00Corrodiaswhy are you talking about hints? can't you just say it? :(
07:11.49Corrodiasooh. yeah, kinda nifty.
07:11.57InsideI think it's gonna be broken in 2.0?
07:12.05Corrodiasnext issue: AL's updater gives a warning that it can't automatically update this line, "function chatPrint(...)"
07:12.53Iriellua 5.1 does ... very differently
07:12.57Irielyou'll have to fix it manually
07:14.00Corrodiasi'll try to learn how by reading the manual, but i'd appreciate some direction
07:14.47IrielWell, what does that function do with the 'arg' variable?
07:15.02InsidePublisher<MouseMovedEvent>    mMouseMovedPub;
07:15.03InsidePublisher<MouseReleasedEvent> mMouseReleasedPub;
07:15.03InsidePublisher<MousePressedEvent>  mMousePressedPub;
07:15.03InsidePublisher<KeyPressedEvent>    mKeyPressedPub;
07:15.03InsidePublisher<KeyReleasedEvent>   mKeyReleasedPub;
07:15.12InsideI need a new keyboard
07:15.33Corrodiasarg? uh.. "for i=1, #(arg) do // if i==1 then msg = arg[i] // " etc...
07:15.45Corrodiaswith me putting in // as line breaks here
07:15.49Irielokay, that becomes
07:16.13Irielfor i = 1, select('#', arg) do if i == 1 then msg = (select(i, ...))
07:16.29Irielthough pastey the whole function and I suspect we can get it down to 2 much more efficient lines
07:16.37Corrodiasi'm on it
07:16.40Irielsomething like msg = strjoin(" ", ...)
07:16.52Neuro_MedivhGAH, beta forums still fubar, wtf
07:17.34IrielBecause, for all of its coolness, AL's updater doesn't know how to refactor code to use the new API goodies.
07:17.35ckknightthis whole operation is fubar, soldier </gay lisp>
07:17.58Corrodiasyeah. i mean, until these addons are updated, i'll just be satisfied with making them work, even if it's inefficient.
07:18.10Corrodiaspastey's a bit slow...
07:20.54ckknightI know, I'm a dick
07:21.23ckknightI like Iriel's better anyway.
07:21.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
07:21.53Corrodiasthanks a bunch. hopefully i won't have to come knocking on your door for every little ... thing, now that you pointed me toward "select"
07:22.12ckknightoh, here's something I learned yesterday, that everyone must know of:
07:22.45ckknightunpack({1, nil, 3, nil, 5, nil, 7}, 4, 7) => nil, 5, nil, 7
07:23.20Elkanowhat of that did you lern? 2nd and 3rd parameter?
07:23.23Neuro_MedivhOMG, secrets of the universe, UNLOCKED
07:23.33ckknightElkano, yes.
07:23.40ckknightthat you can specify a start and finish
07:23.50ckknightwhich allows you to unpack with embedded nils
07:23.53ckknightinstead of relying on #t
07:24.21ckknightNeuro_Medivh, I bet you just used the cheat code to unlock the secrets.
07:25.17Neuro_MedivhNah... if I had cheat codes, I'd be in God Mode by now =)
07:25.33Neuro_Medivhthough, I do feel like a diety in my own mind
07:25.40ckknighthey, me too
07:26.04ckknightonly my beliefs consist of us starting out in "God Mode" and putting ourselves into our current fleshy state.
07:26.30Corrodiasso if a function takes "..." as a parameter, i need to look for any usage of "args" in the function?
07:26.36Corrodiasif it never uses args, i can ignore it?
07:26.45Irielarg, singular
07:26.56Corrodiasoh. arg, then
07:31.00*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
07:31.18Corrodias"for c=1, arg.n, 1 do" becomes... "for c=1, select(n, arg), 1 do"? and "arg[c]" becomes "select(c, arg)"? i'm not so sure about that first one, though. i don't know what arg.n might mean.
07:31.39Irielselect('#', ...) -- I typoed earlier
07:31.47Corrodiasarg.n is that?
07:32.06Irieland select(c, ...), though to be safer you'd do (select(c, ...))
07:32.17Irielarg.n is the number of entries in the arg array
07:32.23Irielselect(#, ...) is the number of entries in the ... list
07:32.26Corrodiasactually, you said select('#', arg): [01:16] <Iriel> for i = 1, select('#', arg) do if i == 1 then msg = (select(i, ...))
07:32.49IrielYes, I said I typoed earlier 8-)
07:33.02Corrodiasah, didn't catch that. good thing we came through here again.
07:34.08IrielBasically, select('#', 1, 2, nil, "apple") returns 4
07:34.27Irieland select(2, 1, 2, nil, "apple") returns 2, nil, "apple"
07:34.34Corrodiasi wonder why AL's script doesn't handle those automatically. i take it this probably gets more complex, or can, anyway?
07:34.42IrielIt can be fairly complex
07:34.49Irieland there's often a better way to handle it now
07:36.25Elkanoomg :) enjoy:
07:36.59Corrodiasi'm not quite leet enough to write a batch file to execute this lua script on all the .lua files in a directory and output the results to a text file. not quite.
07:39.10SP|SorrenElkano: this is going to delay my paper writing greatly. damn you! :)
07:40.17zenzelezzSP|Sorren: just stay clear of wikipedia if you're anything like me... I get lost there for ages
07:40.52SP|Sorrenzenzelezz: i give wikipedia a wide berth these days
07:40.59SP|Sorreni'll look up one little thing
07:41.11SP|Sorrenand end up reading like 10 articles before i remember that i'm supposed to be doing something
07:42.04zenzelezzI like these stats on the WoW site... seems Runecloth is sold nearly three times as often on the AH as the closest competitor (Silk Cloth) :-o
07:42.52SP|SorrenI couldn't find Cat on the dangerous npc list :(
07:44.26Elkanobut Defias Pillagers pwn almost as much as Onyxia does ^^
07:45.27Irielis it normalized by population?
07:45.31Irieli.e. there's only one Onxyia
07:45.36Irielthere are many Defias Pillagers
07:47.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
07:48.23Endprobably isn't
07:48.28Endif I had to guess
07:49.16Corrodiaswhat did that mean, "we blood elfs are imba"
07:49.21Corrodiaswhat are imba?
07:49.28Nom-This computer needs sooooooooo much more memory
07:49.39zenzelezzjust another way to say "uber"
07:49.42Nom-Can't open enough applications
07:50.02Industrialthats not the rams fault
07:50.03Industrialits the OS
07:50.21Nom-I mean i've only got Outlook, Thunderbird, 2 x PuTTY, Firefox, IE7, MS Word, MSN Messenger, Office Communicator and Microsoft InfoPath open
07:50.27Nom-It shouldn't be THAT slow
07:50.31SP|Sorrenman i've yet to see a high level alliance shammy
07:50.37SP|Sorrenwere they really hit that hard in tbc?
07:50.43zenzelezzfunky... Vaelastrasz most dangerous, closely followed by Mangled/Ravaged Cadavers o_O
07:51.12IndustrialSP|Sorren: hit hard?
07:51.44*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
07:51.44SP|Sorrenby a nerf
07:51.51IndustrialSP|Sorren: When I found out they upped the xp on the beta and everything gets wiped I stopped playing
07:52.23Neuro_MedivhI'll level up once they finish blade's edge, netherstorm and shadowmoon
07:52.27Neuro_MedivhI hate grinding to level
07:52.52IndustrialI hate having to work for something that you know isnt worth it
07:53.00SP|Sorrennetherstorm's turning out to be chock full of quests
07:53.05Industrialcmon I mean its a GAME
07:53.07SP|Sorrenso far anyway
07:53.15SP|Sorren66-67 sucked though
07:54.03SP|Sorrenmusta ran sethekk like 5 times for xp :(
07:54.09ElkanoNom-, shut down those MS programms and all will be fine ;)
07:54.18Nom-heh I can't
07:54.18*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
07:54.25Nom-Adding one more to the list too...MS Project
07:58.00Corrodiasdamn you, doctor blizzard!
08:01.46Corrodiasnow, for windows command syntax... i use | to pipe results of one command to another command. what if i do "dir *.lua /b | lua5.1 updateluawhatever.lua <filename>", is there a way to get each line from the first command to be inserted into the <filename> part and execute?
08:03.10grimman|afkishYou output stuff to disk with > or >>.
08:03.49grimman|afkish'dir /b *.lua > lualist.txt' will put all .lua filenames in lualist.txt
08:04.19zenzelezzdon't think that's what he wanted to do
08:04.21grimman|afkish'dir /b *.lua >> lualist.txt' will append to lualist.txt or create a new lualist.txt if it doesn't already exist.
08:04.33grimman|afkishNot saying that's what he wanted, I'm saying that's how it's done. :P
08:04.35Corrodiasusing output to a file, i already know how to do it
08:04.45Corrodiasi was just hoping i could do it without relying on a temporary text file
08:06.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Amro (n=fiira@
08:06.25*** join/#wowi-lounge grimman|034 (
08:06.37grimman|034Damnit... running Autopatcher in the background != good idea.
08:07.00grimman|034Anyway, afaik you can't do what you requested, quite simply.
08:07.22grimman|034Unless the app itself accepts input files.
08:07.30CorrodiasFound:  table.setn(self.embedLines, 0);
08:07.30CorrodiasWARNING [349]: Found a setn usage, needs to be manually updated if not in a string!
08:10.21Corrodiaswhat shall i do with a setn? says you use "nothing" in its place, but i'm not sure if just removing the line is the answer, here.
08:16.19Thunder_Childwhat they said
08:17.24VoidRaiderDamn this NSIS Media mealworm :P
08:17.47Corrodiaslocal funcObj = { f=hookFunc, a=arg, p=position }
08:17.48Corrodiasmayb becomes...? local funcObj = { f=hookFunc, a=(...), p=position }
08:18.20Merya = {...} I think
08:18.26Thunder_Childlookie lookie arena awards
08:18.50VoidRaiderahh nice :P
08:18.53Thunder_Childand sets
08:18.58VoidRaidervery nice lol
08:19.53Corrodiaswhat about "unpack(arg)" -> "unpack(...)"?
08:20.30VoidRaideryeah I guess so :)
08:21.01VoidRaiderThe rewards are changing every season aight ?
08:22.12Thunder_Childumm...i know the title is, i dont know if the rewards are
08:22.21VoidRaideroh :P
08:26.01CorrodiasWoW warns me that "[[]]" is deprecated, inStubby.RegisterBootCode("myAddOn", "CommandHandler", [[
08:26.45Corrodiasbut i think that's supposed to be in a comment, anyway. hmm.
08:26.46VoidRaiderto what ?
08:27.11ElkanoCorrodias, nested comments?
08:27.26Corrodiasseems to be inside a --[[ comment block ]]--
08:27.28SP|Sorrenif its supposed to be a comment add --[[?
08:27.41Corrodiasbut WoW threw an error on line 15, despite that.
08:27.45Elkanoiirc, nested comments don't work anymore
08:28.06Corrodiasi'm not sure what you mean by nested comments
08:28.33Elkanocomments inside comments
08:28.58Corrodiasoh. yeah, it's not a nested comment. let me paste the file
08:29.31VoidRaider--[[ -- TEXT ]]-- so that would break the code ?
08:29.45Corrodiasi do'nt think he means like that, no
08:30.19Corrodiasi'm thinking it's like java. the top level --[[ comment block ends as soon as it hits the first --]] end comment
08:30.21VoidRaideror it only applies to block comments ?
08:30.35Elkanowell, maybe I remember wrong but I thin I heared that --[[ --[[ ]] ]] won't work anymore
08:31.07Corrodiasof course it wouldn't. i can't believe it ever did. :o
08:31.26CorrodiasStubby.lua:15: nesting of [[...]] is deprecated near '['
08:31.39Corrodiasthat's inside a comment, even accounting for the lack of nesting. WoW is insane.
08:37.42Corrodiasi think auctioneer just might be one of these that i have to wait for the author to update.
08:37.53Corrodiastoo many weird errors
08:39.27ckknight_use --[=[ ]=]
08:40.47SP|Sorrenman this tiny heater sucks a lot of juice, everytime it starts up the lights flicker :/
08:44.18grimman|034Hm... you should get an old Athlon computer. ;)
08:44.19SP|Sorrenis there a function for merging two tables?
08:47.01SP|Sorreni guess ill just write one
08:47.23grimman|034That's the spirit. ;)
08:47.54SP|Sorrenwas just checking for ezmode ;)
08:48.06grimman|034Hehe, I google for a bit but came up blank.
08:48.33grimman|034And I'm looking for a cheap new mobile phone so I'm looking for that too. It gets prioritized. ;>
08:49.25grimman|034Funny... found one that has what I need and no more. o_o
08:49.27*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
08:49.29grimman|034And it's dirt cheap.
08:49.47SP|Sorrengood stuff
08:53.55Corrodiasyou know, that's pretty sadistic that you get a deserter debuff on the patch test realm
08:54.25grimman|034A deserter is always a deserter. :P
08:55.23Corrodiasi'm trying to test stuff. but of course, what matters is testing THEIR Stuff, not mine. :(
08:56.11Corrodiasmy druid is even less fearsome than usual with no talents
08:56.20Corrodiasjust thought you'd like to know that
08:58.12SP|Sorreni had a 70 druid follow me around and moonfire spam me a couple weeks ago :(
08:58.17SP|Sorrennot even TBW could save me
08:58.29Corrodiaswhat's TBW?
08:58.36SP|SorrenThe Beast Within
08:58.41Corrodiasand what's that?
08:58.51SP|Sorrenhunter 41 pt beast mastery talent
08:59.03Nom-silencing shot ftw
08:59.18SP|Sorrenmeh ;P
08:59.26grimman|034Sadly? :P
08:59.29grimman|034MM ftw.
08:59.30Nom-I had a hunter smack me up on the PTR (non-crit) for 3000 damage in under 2 seconds
08:59.46Nom-Now THAT was BS
08:59.56Nom-I was left on about 15 hitpoints, and silenced
08:59.56SP|Sorrenarcane + silence + auto?
09:00.01Nom-Thankfully he didn't chase me
09:00.05SP|Sorrennoncrit though
09:00.07SP|Sorrenis strange
09:00.07grimman|034I'd like to see that.
09:00.11Nom-yeah, non-crit
09:00.13SP|Sorrenwhat did he hit you with for non-crit
09:00.17SP|Sorrenthrow in multishot too i guess
09:00.25grimman|034That's more than 2 sek.
09:00.28Nom-there were 3 damaging shots
09:00.37SP|Sorrenthat's at least 3 seconds ;P
09:00.39Nom-one of them hit for about 2000 damage
09:00.55SP|Sorrennone of our shots hit for 2k non-crit
09:01.04grimman|034That may have been aimed + auto + multi then... but it's still too much. :P
09:01.11grimman|034For non crits.
09:01.12Nom-oh actually now i think about it... i was using the stupid blizzard sct
09:01.16Nom-it probably was a crit
09:01.27grimman|034Well in that case it could have been anything. ;D
09:01.34SP|Sorrenmy damage seems small in tbc
09:01.37SP|Sorrenas bm
09:01.42Nom-That was freakin nasty tho
09:01.44grimman|034Serves you right. :P
09:01.52Corrodiasand i was so getting used to AxuItemMenus, making it easy to delete items in my bags. :(
09:01.53grimman|034My MM damage is through the roof compared to before.
09:01.53Nom-a single autoshot would have been enough to kill me
09:02.03SP|Sorreni still get crazy DPS
09:02.04SP|Sorrenwith SS
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09:02.16SP|Sorrengot a 2.7 speed xbow
09:02.19SP|Sorrenserpent's swiftness
09:02.25grimman|034Hm. I see.
09:02.26SP|Sorrencomes out to 1.96 speed with SS + quiver
09:02.26Nom-well that dps was close to what my damn mage can do
09:02.31SP|Sorrenreal nice for steady shot
09:02.38Nom-and that's a full fire spec with combustion popped
09:02.53SP|Sorrenhad a mage crit me for ice lance for 1800 twice today
09:03.28SP|Sorrenwhile frost novad
09:03.28Nom-shatter + ice lance man
09:03.28SP|Sorreni was so mad ;p
09:03.28Nom-it's gonna happen
09:03.28grimman|034Steady shot is just awesome with Quick shots and Rapid fire.
09:03.28grimman|034I'm positive I did 1500 DPS in one fight.
09:03.29Nom-at least frost is still viable for pvp
09:03.30SP|Sorreni still killed him though, ran into my freeze trap right at the end and i bandaged :/
09:03.48Nom-lol he could have ice blocked and cancelled it
09:03.56SP|Sorrenhe double ice blocked earler
09:03.58Nom-ice block counters just about everything
09:04.02Nom-ahhht hat'd be why
09:04.03SP|Sorrento live through the beast within
09:04.13SP|Sorrenotherwise he'd already be dead imo
09:04.25Nom-My favourite is to ice block just as someone winds up a trinket pyro
09:04.34grimman|034Hehe, that quit message reminded me of a guild on my PVP server. ;D
09:04.37Nom-wait until it's just about to go off (while polymorphed) and then ice block
09:04.39grimman|034<ME FARM OR FAMILY DIE>
09:04.45grimman|034Turns out they ARE a bunch of farmers.
09:05.06Nom-then turn around and counter-spell poly them and proceed to pwnsauce them
09:05.16SP|Sorrenman i ran into a mage+hunter duo today in arena
09:05.20SP|Sorrenmage would start invisible
09:05.27SP|Sorrenhunter would find someplace to meld
09:05.28SP|Sorrenwas hell
09:05.34SP|Sorrenlost every time, kept getting a warrior buddy
09:05.45SP|Sorrenwhich is really no good against two kiting classes ;p
09:05.53grimman|034There we go. Farmer guild. :P
09:06.04Nom-blazing speed is a real pissoff to melee classes
09:06.07Nom-i can tell you that lol
09:06.14*** join/#wowi-lounge blixem (n=blixem@
09:06.19SP|Sorrenreal pissoff for hunters too ;P
09:06.31Nom-oo nice ui
09:06.36Nom-what's that section at the bottom?
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09:06.52grimman|034DART mostly. And DAB for buttons.
09:06.55Nom-is that a custom display for the player too? nice
09:06.59SP|Sorreni really need to do something like that in tbw ;o
09:08.16Nom-what was the point of that ss btw?
09:08.30Elkanogrimman|034: \o/ for using my addons ;) is that SuperInspect or what?
09:08.31SP|Sorrento show the farmer guild ;p
09:08.46grimman|034It is indeed.
09:08.54Nom-oh lol
09:08.58grimman|034And you still need to get your thumbs out of your butt and do EBB2. ;P
09:08.58SP|SorrenElkano: i love your buffbars ;p are you ever going to get rid of the debug when you move it around? :p
09:09.15Corrodiasfor spell, id in pairs((bcTM_pairsByKeys(bcTM_TrackingAbilities))) do
09:09.25Corrodiasbad argument #1 in pairs: table expected, got function
09:09.43SP|Sorrenthere's an updated version of that out
09:10.01Corrodiasbc_trackingmenu? not that i saw
09:10.20Elkanooh, it's still in? ups ^^ I tried to solve the anchor bug so I put it in... it seems like I solved it in the wow2.x version so I realy should take the debug out again ^^
09:10.34SP|Sorreni use it ;X
09:10.49*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
09:10.52SP|Sorrenthere it is
09:11.03CorrodiasbcTM_pairsByKeys returns an iterator, it seems
09:11.16TemSP|Sorren, unless they've changed how that works, it will not work at all in the most recent beta push
09:11.18Corrodiasoh, so he uploads to the "expansion beta addons" section.
09:11.37SP|Sorrenit works
09:12.15SP|Sorreni used it to set off track elementals earlier today :/
09:12.27Elkanobut you should be able to remove the debug yourself, it's only a hook ^^
09:12.28Temoh go figure, he updated it to use the secure templates
09:12.35SP|SorrenElkano: too lazy :P
09:12.44Temlooks like it can't be opened in combat though
09:12.51Elkanogrimman|034: there are still a lot of things ammo has to add to candybar ;)
09:12.57SP|Sorrenbut who changes tracking in combat? :o
09:13.12SP|Sorrenwell, maybe for track hidden
09:13.15grimman|034Elkano: Stop blaming others. ;D
09:13.27SP|Sorrenbut most people think it sucks and never use it
09:13.30grimman|034Btw, any of you guys use TrinketKeys or are you all using TrinketMenu?
09:13.45grimman|034SP|Sorren: It does suck. ;D
09:13.54SP|Sorrenits great in the enclosed arena space
09:14.12SP|Sorrenand for that one quest ashenvale.
09:14.13grimman|034I think maybe monkey or cheetah will save your ass a bit more.
09:14.29SP|Sorrentrack hidden
09:14.55SP|Sorrennot an aspect :O
09:15.02grimman|034I loved how me and a pala met two rogues, I flared underneath us, 15 seconds later I flared behind a pillar. Pop goes two rogues.
09:15.04grimman|034Oh... doh.
09:15.12grimman|034I dunno wth I'm thinking.
09:15.20grimman|034In that case I prefer tracking humanoids. :P
09:15.30grimman|034Unless there are dual rogues skulking about.
09:15.33SP|Sorrentrack humanoids doesnt do much for arena, imo
09:15.44grimman|034That depends on the arena though.
09:15.54SP|Sorreni've only played 2v2 ;o
09:16.08grimman|034But I want to know what way the opposing team is taking. :P
09:16.38SP|Sorrenit doesn't show up for me until i can see them
09:17.09grimman|034True, but they may be hiding behind pillars or under that bridge thingy etc.
09:17.40SP|Sorrenwith track hidden, you can find the shadowmelded NE on the other side of one of the pillars from the center ;o
09:18.08ElkanoSP|Sorren, took debug out for tbc version ^^
09:18.15SP|Sorrenhaha, thanks :)
09:19.20Elkanogrimman|034, which superinspect are you using?
09:21.27grimman|034It's not a beta shot if that's what you think.
09:23.06grimman|034## Version: 1.192.sm8
09:23.55SP|Sorrendo the beta forums work for anyone?
09:26.36nevcairielsays server busy
09:27.40SP|Sorrenguess its borked
09:38.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
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09:53.37Corrodiaswhat's this? a hunter with a large snake for a pet?
10:06.26Corrodiascrap, bigwigs has a ton of .lua files in a bunch of folders and isn't ready for 2.0
10:07.34SP|Sorrensnakes are tameable again
10:07.39SP|Sorreni wonder why the devs changed their minds
10:08.22ckknightso does anyone have a link to how the new honor system works?
10:08.29ckknightlike all the little quirks and such...
10:08.30Corrodiasbecause serpents are sexy
10:08.41SP|Sorrenckknight: i wish i did :(
10:08.45SP|Sorreni'd like to know myself lol
10:09.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
10:18.07IndustrialAnyone watch anime?
10:18.15IndustrialWitch Hunter Robin any good?
10:18.58[Ammo]Industrial: FLCL is good according to my collegue :p
10:19.10[Ammo]if you like cars, Initial D
10:19.13CorrodiasWHR: somewhat entertaining... but a bit weak
10:19.27Corrodiasquite possibly more than a bit
10:19.53IndustrialI dont like the 'high school student ohmygodAWFULBIGFUCKINGMOSTER' thingy
10:23.19IndustrialHajime no Ippo was cool, 67 ep
10:23.36Industrialbut you have to like boxing
10:23.44VoidRaiderWhen I'm using CreateFrame do I have to use the pointer to access the frame ? or can I use its name ?
10:24.58Industrialyou can use both
10:25.24Industrialbut if you do local foo = CreateFrame('Frame') it will index faster cause its a local
10:25.25VoidRaiderah ok thx :)
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11:44.41GremWarsongWhich neutral auctionhouse is more popular?  Tanaris or Everlook?
11:44.43GremWarsongOr are they shared?
11:45.36zenzelezzalong with Booty Bay
11:52.57Corrodiassomebody was mentioning a "fix list" before, for the incrememtal patches they put onto the PTR. where is that?
12:01.23SP|Sorren so true.
12:03.56AnduinLothar"It works on my machine"
12:04.06SP|Sorreni use that all the time.
12:04.11SP|Sorrenbecause, well, it does.
12:05.07zenzelezz13. "I haven't touched that module in weeks!" <--- reminds me of what a coder friend of mine once told me... while singing Borland's praises
12:05.22zenzelezzthey'd used the same log function for years, and all of a sudden the compiler threw a fit over it
12:05.31zenzelezzthe function hadn't been touched at all
12:05.59Corrodias"Items that are useable from player inventory with a cooldown will now update the cooldown in real-time."
12:06.05Corrodiashow is this different from the current functionality?
12:07.17SP|Sorrenbefore, they updated in fake time!
12:07.24SP|Sorreni have nothing of worth to say.
12:07.53SP|Sorrenmaybe their spinners now work correctly?
12:08.08SP|Sorrenin the past the spinner would go wonky on me if i opened/closed my bags
12:09.27Corrodiashuh. could be.
12:17.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
12:21.26CorrodiasNeuro_Medivh kept mentioning a "fix list" for the patch test realm
12:22.12Corrodiasand i don't think he meant the test realm patch notes
12:22.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Saroz_ (
12:26.54*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
12:32.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Saroz_ (n=Saroz@
12:33.16Corrodias -might- be it, but it keeps telling me "server is busy"
12:38.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
12:39.28Corrodiashmm. if we're getting our new Talents on tuesday, i need to get to work on my respec NOW.
12:39.41Corrodiasarcane mage? frost mage? oh the choices! and my poor druid
12:41.08Corrodiashe will be a tree :(
12:41.30*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire_ (
12:41.48Corrodiasi'm watching a video of a frost mage and it looks pretty nice. i -really- want Ice Barrier.
12:47.55CorrodiasArcane doesn't look shabby either, though, and Fire is just scary.
12:52.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
12:52.40Corrodiasi know that the "right" spec depends on my favored playstyle, but i don't yet know how it want to play the mage... but i do know i want that shield >_>
12:53.04GremWarsongIm using auctioneer, what would cause my scans to not save?
12:53.15GremWarsongI keep checking my savedvariables folder, but there's no data saved there from auctioneer or other mods
12:55.24Corrodiasif you don't exit WoW properly, i guess it wouldn't save. also if the .toc is damaged.
12:56.09GremWarsonghmm, why would the toc be damaged?
12:57.33GremWarsongLooks fine to me, im using the latest Auctioneer release
12:57.42GremWarsongother addons dont seem to be saving variables either
13:00.25GremWarsongnm, found them, was looking in the wrong savedvariables folder =)
13:05.04CorrodiasIce Barrier absorbs about 1000 damage. great at earlier levels, not so great at 60.
13:10.22*** join/#wowi-lounge beerke (
13:14.56Corrodiasaha, this talent calculator is showing the -maximum- values, or rather the max at level 60.
13:20.48Industrialmages are anoying
13:20.55Industrialespecially if they use engineering
13:22.30Corrodiasengineering? why?
13:23.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
13:28.48Corrodiasthe benefit of Engineering to a mage is somewhat lost on me
13:29.03Corrodiasor at least i don't see it, and won't until you explain what you mean
13:29.23Industrialyou can totally get any meelee class to never hit you if you use bombs
13:29.38Corrodiasbooombs, i forget those. i must go research
13:29.46Industrialas a mage, together with chill effects etc
13:29.49Industrialbombs stun.
13:30.33Industrialso in a 1v1 thats so anoying :( I know cause i play warrior :P must be worse for paladins that dont have charge/intercept haha
13:31.24Industrialthat reminds me i havent even looked at new wariior spec ;o
13:31.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
13:31.52Industrialwowhead is so fun its like picking toys from toys'r'us
13:31.56Corrodiasstuns for... up to 4 seconds from what i can see, although more readily available ones will be 3 seconds
13:32.12Industrial'ooo i want that one
13:32.12|Shadow|whats the maximum amount of lines shown in the chat window?
13:32.31Industrialdepends on the font size and chat window height
13:33.02|Shadow|max size window font size 16
13:33.03Corrodiasnow i need to think about Engineering as a mage.
13:33.20Corrodiasi had defaulted to herbalism & alchemy for a lack of anything more inspiring
13:33.40KtronCorrodias, ranged stuns are basically a guaranteed and sometimes AE impact
13:33.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
13:34.07KtronAlchemy is solid though... nothing like seeing what people do when you down a lesser invis pot in PvP as a mage :)
13:34.38Industrialdont pick alchemy for your main
13:34.41Corrodiasalchemy is not a bad fallback for any class, it seems
13:34.55Industrialuse alchemy for your AH toon and send him herbs
13:34.57Corrodiaswell, except feral druids :3
13:35.13Industrialfreeing 1 slot, so you can get engineering goodies
13:35.25Industrialexplosive sheep tee hee >:)
13:35.25CorrodiasIndustrial: you can't get a tradeskill very high until you get to level 40, can you?
13:35.32IndustrialCorrodias: true
13:35.37*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
13:35.45KtronAnyone else realize that blood elf paladins have a ranged pull now?
13:35.56Industrialwhat mana tap?
13:36.05Industrialonly on mobs that have mana
13:36.12Corrodiasdon't paladins also have a ranged stun attack?
13:36.22GremWarsonglow range
13:36.23KtronTrue, but that's still like 1/2 the mobs out there or more
13:36.24GremWarsongand only once a minute
13:36.27Ktronyeah, low range
13:36.31Ktronmana tap is 30 seconds
13:36.43Corrodiasonce a minute is about once per battle
13:36.44Ktronwhich is basically every other fight I'd guess
13:36.47GremWarsongCorrodias, I thought you could reach 300 in any tradeskill at any level?
13:36.54Ktronit takes you 60 seconds to kill things?
13:37.05Corrodiasit does as a druid, or in a party
13:37.10Corrodias*party in an instance
13:37.19KtronGremWarsong, no, none of the '2nd' level tradeskills
13:37.37GremWarsongReally?  I didnt know that
13:37.40KtronGremWarsong, not in engineering, leatherworking, blacksmithing... alchemy...
13:37.47KtronI think that's it
13:37.49Corrodiasmy Hunter couldn't get past 225 or so in First Aid until he got to level 40, as i recall
13:37.51GremWarsongWhat about enchanting?
13:37.55Corrodiasmaybe it was engineering
13:38.08Corrodiasno, it had to be first aid. i saved up cloth for him and was annoyed.
13:38.21KtronNo, first aid definitely has a level req too, cooking might too
13:38.35GremWarsongwhat about enchanting?
13:38.35Corrodiasso all the production tradeskills
13:38.50Corrodiasenchanting should, according to that generalization, but i can't say for sure
13:38.51Ktronafaik, enchanting you can get to 300 whenever
13:39.07Corrodiaswell, it's modifying items, not making items. hmmmmm.
13:39.21*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (i=rumors@gateway/tor/x-c6451bc1c9fb4cf1)
13:39.39Ktronthe ones you have to wait on are the ones that generally require another profession to do... And I think its exactly the ones that have quests you have to do
13:39.53KtronI think
13:40.04Corrodiasyes, the quests are where the level requirement shows itself
13:40.06Ktronwell, alchemy doesn't have a quest, hm
13:40.42KtronI know engineering, first aid, smithing, and leatherworking have level reqs
13:40.53KtronI know none of the gathering professions do
13:41.00JoshBorkei'm pretty sure they all do
13:41.16KtronNo, you can max out herbalism at any level
13:41.45KtronAnyway, to work with me
13:41.47JoshBorkewhen did you  do that?
13:42.07JoshBorkeit used to be that you could max out at any level but they changed that a few patches ago
13:42.14Ktronhm... I'm not sure, maybe it was pre that patch
13:42.31KtronBe back later
13:42.33Corrodiaswell, i need to think about my mage's talent layout in 2.0. i think i'm still going to go for Fire with a little Arcane.
13:43.04GremWarsongIs there a mailbox in Booty Bay? lol
13:43.08Industrialhow does that look?
13:43.15IndustrialGiven ill use a 2handed mace
13:43.21Industrial(the unstoppable force)
13:43.30Corrodiassorry, i'm not familiar enough with warriors.
13:43.36Corrodiasbooty bay... yes. down by the bank.
13:43.57Industrial26/30/5 wicked. way deep into both trees lol :P
13:44.50Corrodiashow about this? those 2 points in Magic Attunement can float around freely. i'm not sure where they should go.
13:46.30Thardalimo you need piercing howl
13:47.15CorrodiasThardal: piercing howl? for the warrior?
13:47.32IndustrialI like the new anger management
13:47.32Thardalno for the warlock~~
13:47.37Industrial1 rage every 3 sec
13:48.17Corrodiasafter 15 seconds, you could use one of your 5-rage attacks
13:48.41Industrialthis is me now
13:49.07IndustrialI know I should have gone with unbridled wrath
13:50.46Thardalwhat i dont like is that arms still has only trash talents at t1
13:51.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
13:53.24Corrodiasi'm toying with a build like this, in my mind, as an alternative to the deep fire build i posted a minute ago:
13:54.38Corrodiasalthough the first tier frost would be kind of iffy
13:55.26Corrodiasi like the whole critical strike damage bonus of frost spells being 200% instead of 50%
13:56.30*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
13:58.14Corrodiasthere aren't many freezing effects, and there aren't many slow-cast, high-damage frost spells. :/ Shatter looks tricky to use.
14:00.58Corrodiasmaybe this, instead:
14:01.05Corrodiaswell, i'm going to go to bed now, for just a few hours :(
14:01.28Meryyou don't really need a long cast time high damage opener imo, because opening with a frostbolt from max range usually gives you 3 frostbolts + 1 fireblast before the (melee mob) has reached you
14:01.54Thardalwhy would you spec to 40 arcane and not get slow
14:02.17Corrodiaswill it stack with Chill effects from frost spells?
14:02.32Thardalchill doesnt slow casting
14:02.59CorrodiasMery: i'm thinking of fights against multiple enemies, now
14:03.46Meryhmm yeah those can be a mess =P
14:05.27Corrodiascan you depend enough on blizzard+frostbite to freeze them so you can hit them with a good chance of a 300% damage crit CoC? this is wonder. maybe i should forget about using Frostbite, get Slow & the other 2 points into Improved Blizzard...
14:05.45Corrodiascold snap's 10 minute cooldown makes it too infrequent for me to understand how to use it effectively
14:06.24wereHamsterCorrodias, play more often :P
14:07.04Corrodiasa while back, someone was mentioning to me a "shatter mage" being useful in the jin'do fight. i didn't check into what he would be doing, silly me.
14:13.11Corrodiasokay... now my sleepy. i'd like to play more often but i tend to spend more time working over specs and addons than actually playing.
14:15.53grimman|034Crap. I bought a phone for 3x the amount of money I was planning on spending. >_<
14:35.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
15:00.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Grine (
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15:14.16*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
15:14.35malrethSomeone please stop me... i fear I may do actual bodily harm!
15:15.13malrethuh... i mean... Good morning!
15:15.20hasteIs it now I should reply "Pics, or it didn't happen!"?
15:15.41malrethFaithkills is back
15:15.57malrethand he only said 'twitch' once in his post
15:15.59*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
15:16.09malrethhe's getting slow and feeble in his old age
15:16.22malrethhe also didn't mention his mother
15:17.38malrethlong story
15:17.56malrethhe's a forum troll that popped up shortly after the 2.0 ui changes were announced
15:17.56grimman|034I'm not doing anything in particular.
15:18.00*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
15:18.03grimman|034Uh huh.
15:18.30malreththe hallmarks of his posts include repetition of the word 'twitch' and numerous references to his mother who won't be able to play without addons like EM and Decursive
15:18.53grimman|034Tough luck I suppose.
15:19.14malrethin every post, he will call WoW a FPS and make an appeal for the sake of disabled and elderly people
15:19.25grimman|034Can't really see the fun in a game where you can use an autorepeat button to "win".
15:20.02grimman|034Cause there's alot of elderly people playing FPSs. :P
15:21.38*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (n=[KaoS]`@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
15:22.22grimman|034I hate the Microsoft Installer thingy.
15:23.58KaoS`why you get a mac :)
15:25.05*** join/#wowi-lounge hyperChipmunk (
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15:28.01KaoS`what? :)
15:29.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
15:29.05*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
15:31.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
15:31.12grimman|034HAH, got it.
15:31.31grimman|034"Bla bla requires that you run Windows 2000."
15:31.39grimman|034Got it working under XP. ;P
15:33.16malreth"now THEY tell us how to play? I say enough with that. We'll 'lern2play' on our own... By QUITTING!"
15:34.23malrethI never thought of myself as narcissistic but you know what? I AM!
15:36.51malrethoh... morning morning, Cairenn!
15:37.06*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
15:37.10Cairennhi guys
15:37.18Cairennfinally got my internet back
15:37.26malrethsomeone took it away?
15:37.36Cairenndied last night, been 10 hrs without
15:37.58malreththank goodness internet isn't like virginity... you can always get it back
15:38.27grimman|034How terribly clever must you be to name a file "boost_log_vc71_mt_1_32.dll" and require "boost_log-vc71-mt-1_32.dll"?
15:39.02malrethgrimman|034: that... that... oh man...
15:39.43malreththat's comedy
15:39.46grimman|034So now I installed the "PC Suite" and it turns out the one app I needed doesn't install with THIS package.
15:41.05Kasowhat's the opitional table arg of hooksecurefunc ?
15:43.36Kasowould that work too?
15:45.09malrethi don't think that will work
15:45.57malrethyou would do hooksecurefunc(GameTooltip, "SetAction", func)
15:46.08Kasothats what the table value is for :>
15:46.17Kasodo i need to bother using hooksecure ?
15:46.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
15:47.00malrethwhat you posted would try to find a global function with the name "GameTooltip.SetAction" which is NOT the same as the SetAction function  that is in the GameTooltip object
15:48.40malrethi guess you can consider hooksecurefunc("SomeGlobalFunctionName", func) to be equivalent to hooksecurefunc(getfenv(0), "SomeGlobalFunctionName", func) but shorter to write
15:49.05Kasoi getcha
15:49.13malrethanyways... if you can do what you need to do in a secure hook then you should use that, IMO
15:49.32OsagasuRandom Fact: James Bond was based off of a real secret agent of the Crown by the name of Henry Reisinger. Reisinger died in the line of duty before the first Bond book was published.
15:49.40Kasothat was my thinking, better safe than sorry, try to leave as much of the UI secure as possible
15:51.22malreththis new anti-perspirant doesn't work for jack
15:51.35malrethmy pits are like the amazon right now
15:52.12Kasothanks for the update
15:53.36grimman|034I feel really dumb right now.
15:53.45grimman|034I can't figure out how to transfer music to my phone.
15:54.11grimman|034Well... the transfer part isn't hard at all, but it simply won't show up anywhere in the phone's UI.
15:59.28*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
16:07.37grimman|034Hammer? o_o
16:07.54grimman|034<< My reaction time is truly astounding!
16:09.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
16:19.17*** join/#wowi-lounge grimman (
16:20.49AntiarcSo 2.0.x next week.
16:20.57grimmanPossibly maybe.
16:21.01AntiarcPossibly definitely.
16:21.16nevcairielDefinietly possible.
16:21.20nevcairielHappens? maybe.
16:21.33EndPossibly very very likely.
16:21.39AntiarcWell, planned anyway :)
16:21.45Endyeah, planned :P
16:21.46AntiarcBarring major unforseen problems.
16:21.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
16:22.00grimmanNot next week.
16:22.07grimmanIt says so right there in the post.
16:22.18grimman5th is the last regular PVP update, and patch != regular PVP update. :P
16:22.24nevcairielread the full post
16:22.43nevcairielWe are currently planning to release this content update next Tuesday, December 5.
16:22.50AntiarcDecember 5 is next Tuesday. They say that they'll do one final honor calculation, but the rewards won't be available for purchase.
16:22.51*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren (
16:22.55Antiarcie, "The new honor system is in"
16:23.10AntiarcI'm just excited that I can finally formally abandon my 1.12 branches.
16:23.57grimmanWHY do people insist on saying "FIRST!"?
16:24.26malrethattention whoring
16:24.58grimmanMakes me want to sneak up behind them and yell "STABBED" with the appropriate action taken.
16:25.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Teomyr (
16:33.09AntiarcMan. I am really excited about the honor system, becausing having to compete for rank with people that share their account between three people so they can grind rank 24/7 SUCKS ASS.
16:33.40Endyeah, that's a silly thing about the soon to be old honor system
16:34.03grimmanAnd I can get rank14 gear with my secondary char. ^^
16:35.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
16:37.46malrethRead Girly!
16:38.30*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
16:45.14AntiarcI don't know what language Malreth's part message is in, but if I had to guess, I'd say it's a murloc speaking German.
16:45.28AntiarcWhich, quite frankly, is a horrifying thought.
16:48.40*** join/#wowi-lounge SB1-Work (n=kylesb@
16:48.54nevcairieldoesnt look much german to me, even with a murloc in mind
16:49.13Merywell if it is german I don't get it...
16:49.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
16:50.35Elkanomaybe welsh (or what the language spoken in wales is called)
16:51.11nevcairielstill looks a lot murloc'sih
16:51.29ElkanoYou no take candle!
16:52.15nevcairielever been to zangamarsh? You no take mushroom!
16:58.33Teomyri google'd for malreth's quit message
16:59.25Teomyrand the only pages i can find with that text are malreth's wowace forum posts and chat logs of his quit message
17:00.55Fiskerdoes the new enchant mechanics apply in 2.0.x?
17:00.55Fiskerthe vanilla wow
17:00.55Endonly to new enchants
17:00.55Fiskeri mean disenchanting :P
17:00.55Endgood question
17:00.55End(I don't know the answer though)
17:00.55Fiskerin 2.0.x there's a level requirement based on item level
17:01.05Fiskergotta level enchanting quick then to be safe
17:01.12Neuro_Medivhyes, the new disenchant mechanics apply to everyone in 2.0.x
17:02.01Fiskerthen i must hurry
17:06.40Kaeltenhrm I missed the disenchant changes
17:06.44Kaeltenwhats happening?
17:09.05Neuro_Medivhdisenchant is now level based
17:09.14Neuro_Medivhbut it's been that way for months
17:09.50*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
17:10.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
17:10.21Neuro_Medivhwell, not level based, skill based
17:13.08Maldiviabecause I could use another week, to fix the last problems with my addons
17:14.48grimmanI currently rely on a bug to fix the simplest of my two addons, the second one is Mauled By Blizzard(tm).
17:27.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
17:28.34AntiarcI'm going to be interested to see how damage plays out in Naxx now
17:29.00AntiarcWe usually have 4 mages and 3 rogues in the top 7 slots (our godlike fury warrior is also one of our best tanks, and ends up tanking most of the time, so he doesn't end up there).
17:29.19AntiarcWith the rogues taking a ~8% damage nerf due to the weapon skill change, it should be interesting to see how the numbers shift around.
17:30.27ShadowedNot much i'd imagine
17:30.48Shadowedsince ignite was fixed/nerfed mages wont be that high
17:30.56Shadowedthat high = as high
17:31.01AntiarcOf the mages in the top 4, 3 of them are Frost.
17:31.09Maldiviamage takes a 3% damage nerf
17:31.26ShadowedEither you have really bad rogues, or we have really bad mages then
17:31.36Fiskermages are supposed to outdamage rogues
17:31.46Maldiviadepends on the fight
17:31.48ShadowedWarriors aren't suppose to be the best DPS in the game, but they are =p
17:32.10AntiarcOur rogues are phenominal, but our mages are geared to the teeth and tend to jump attack calls with trinketed attacks a wee bit too often :P
17:32.12Kasowell not any more
17:32.24ShadowedKaso: eh?
17:32.48AntiarcDW fury wasn't really hit too badly.
17:32.50Maldiviahave you actually done the math?
17:32.54AntiarcWhich is the spec that is the problem anyway.
17:32.55ShadowedWhat Antiarc said
17:33.22AntiarcMS took the biggest hit. Even Endless Rage doesn't make up for it.
17:33.23ShadowedWarriors do the best damage with proper DW gear, and the rage generation is already pretty high, it's going to hurt the 2H Fury warriors more
17:33.25Maldiviasom DW fury wars even got buffed with the rage change
17:33.40ShadowedMaldivia: Oh?
17:33.51AntiarcShadowed: My warrior is currently 2H fury, and while I have lower rage gen in Beta than on Live, I haven't found myself hurting for rage.
17:34.10MaldiviaShadowed: depends on the weapons
17:34.10AntiarcThe extra AP from imp zerker stance and Rampage combined with Flurry tends to make for very nice sustained rage gen
17:34.24AntiarcWhile I was trying MS, though, I -never- had rage.
17:34.28ShadowedMaldivia: Last I checked the new formula is based off speed I though?
17:34.35Fiskerrogues can take it in the butt like warriors :(
17:34.39MaldiviaShadowed: yeah
17:34.45ShadowedAntiarc: Yeah, that'll be fun. I can hit about 2,000 AP self buffed with BS + Imp Berserker + Rampage 5 stack
17:34.54AntiarcShadowed: My warrior's hitting 2600 on Beta :)
17:35.02ShadowedWhat level?
17:35.16AntiarcThough I was hitting 2400 at 60
17:35.21ShadowedDamn you 2H warrior's and your ability to stack AP :(
17:35.34Maldiviabut can you do a 42 yards attack, that crits for upwards 6k, and adds a 2k dot on top of that?
17:35.45AntiarcYeah, only needing 7% hit is reeeeeally nice.
17:36.05AntiarcCan't do that, but then, I'm not mana-limited either.
17:36.24Shadoweddo you have a profile? i'm still not sure how you'd hit 2400 AP still though, since I know most of our Warriors have maybe 100 more AP then me as 2H
17:36.25AntiarcWhite crits for about 1200ish, BT crits as high as 2200
17:36.43AntiarcNot for my beta gear, but it's crap gear, mostly.
17:36.56AntiarcI'm also wearing half leather
17:36.59Shadowedfor live I mean
17:37.00AntiarcI have all of 3600 AC in my DPS gear :D
17:37.04Shadowedah that'd do it
17:37.17AntiarcFor live, yes, but I replaced a lot of it in Outland
17:37.23AntiarcMy live gear is craptastic :D
17:37.27AntiarcThe warrior is an alt, though
17:37.42Shadowedhavn't had to drop into leather yet, but emps havn't dropped bracers
17:37.43AntiarcRogue main:
17:37.57Antiarc = :O
17:37.59ShadowedOutland stuff must have more STR/AP then I though
17:38.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Laric (
17:38.18AntiarcOh, druid boots. Check these out:
17:38.22Maldiviahmm, how do I break a channeled spell, without moving/jumping?
17:38.28AntiarcThere was -no way- that I could pass those up.
17:38.30Shadowed/script SpellStopCasting();
17:38.46Maldivianope, doesn't break channeled spells
17:39.14Cidedoes cleartarget work?
17:39.32ShadowedMaldivia: On beta? I just tried it on live with a hearthstone and it worked fine
17:39.43Maldiviaheartstone is not a channeled spell
17:39.49MaldiviaCide: nope
17:39.57EndShadowed: try breaking a bandage
17:40.26End(although, bandages seem to be slightly special, but they are channeled iirc)
17:40.27Shadowedyeah it doesn't
17:40.38MaldiviaCide: although, I liked the channeled bug, with target changing :)
17:40.40AntiarcPopping the flask puts me over 2400
17:41.30Shadowedi see
17:42.02AntiarcThough, I've now replaced that with Bladefist's Breadth
17:42.10Antiarc2% crit and 200 AP is just sexah.
17:42.55Shadowedthey wanted to get rid of BHB as fast as possible I guess
17:45.13ShadowedI assume jewelcrafting isn't in 2.0?
17:46.35Laricnope it is in the exp
17:46.36Neuro_Medivhpretty sure JC is in BC
17:46.48KasoShadowed all the jewlcrafting trainers are in outlands or Belf/Draeni capitals
17:47.30ShadowedYeah, that would make it a bit hard I suppose
17:49.28AntiarcIf I was in charge of deployment, I'd put JC in the game so that random gems and recipes dropped, just to be a tease. :P
17:49.42AntiarcBut leave the trainers in the Exodar/Silvermoon, so no one could get to them till Jan 16
17:50.38ShadowedAnd what would you do when people complained on the forums? :p
17:50.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
17:50.53Josh_Borkeoffer them cheese
17:50.54AntiarcTell them that it's working as intended, please stop trolling, and then close the thread.
17:52.23Elkano"You can only becoma a jewelcrafter by finishing a long epic questline... may the force be with you..." ;)
17:52.31TainI really love these stats, I can't stop checking them.
17:52.51AntiarcElkano: I'm sending you my therapy bills if I suffer a psychotic relapse :P
17:53.11ShadowedAren't they updated once a day tain?
17:53.18Elkanoluckily I never played SWG
17:53.36AntiarcThe Jedi grind had to be the worst mechanic ever devised for an MMO. Ever.
17:54.19AntiarcSWG did social stuff -wonderfully-, but that was about all it did well.
17:54.27Elkanonope, there was worse... "We have a hiden quest in this game that will get you something special!" - 6 month later, the quest was actually put in game...
17:54.28AntiarcIt was a really pretty, really elaborate chat room and terrain simulator.
17:54.54AntiarcElkano: I think the difference is that the whole Jedi thing is central to most all the Star Wars games.
17:55.13AntiarcYou buy SWG with the dream of becoming a Jedi. That's one of the driving forces in the actual purchase.
17:55.24Elkanowell, they even screwed it more by allowing everybody to roll a jedi soon after that... :/
17:55.25AntiarcRather than it being an easter egg or small bonus.
17:55.30AntiarcYes, no contest there.
17:55.46AntiarcI'm of the opinion that SWG's design was horribly, horribly mismanaged
17:56.13TainIt would be virtually impossible to not have that opinion.
17:56.22Elkanoand got worse every day... <3 Blizzard (sounds fanboy but hey, from a coder aspect I AM happy :) )
17:56.38AntiarcSWG was my first MMO. WoW was my second.
17:56.53AntiarcIt was like upgrading from a broken skateboard to a ferrari, as far as solid game design went.
17:57.25AntiarcI remember playing the original WoW beta and being shocked at the error conditions that were being caught and handled gracefully.
17:57.34AntiarcStuff that would have just broken horribly in SWG.
17:57.49ShadowedGoing from EVE-Online to WoW was fun, no spending 6 hours camping a gate to put up stations in 0.0 space
17:58.07AntiarcIt was at that point that I became genuinely impressed with WoW's quality. I could tell that Blizzard cared about the product.
17:59.18TainI still love EVE Online.  It's completely different, and that's a good thing.
18:00.05XuerianExcept for deadspace, I agree.
18:00.25ShadowedI didn't care for it much, but I pretty much was out in zero space fighting the entire time, didn't like the "hard cap" in skills and the time to replace ships :/
18:02.10TainThere's still nothing in any game I've ever played like a big fight with dozens of ships on either side.
18:02.23XuerianOr hundreds.
18:02.46ShadowedYeah that was fun, also doing stuff like gank runs with friges ( or was it fridges? ) against enemy corps was fun
18:03.47TainAnd of course offline skill training gets much love.
18:04.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
18:04.28Shadowedtook to long at the higher levels though, and made it hard to test new ship or styles
18:04.50XuerianIt was also more rewarding to me than WoW was
18:05.05XuerianHaving ships and rep and knowing people felt more earned :P
18:05.12ShadowedThat is true
18:05.28Shadowedwas a larger gap between the people who knew how to play and those who had no idea
18:05.29AntiarcI didn't like EVE, but I think that's because it just wasn't my kind of game. Those I know who play it really enjoy it.
18:05.51AntiarcIt's more of an empire-building game than an adventure/action game, and I've never been any good at empire-building. :)
18:06.02TainYeah it is a completely different type of game than WoW.
18:06.56AntiarcMy kinds of games are UT, WoW, Zelda, Soul Calibur, various CRPGs. Usually very action-driven.
18:09.50TainThat's why I liked City of Heroes.  Combat was much more frantic than WoW.
18:10.42XuerianCoH had fun combat, and the cooperation between high and low characters was great for playing with friends... And of course there was flying... >_>. But I have to agreew ith Antiarc for every game mentioned.
18:11.30AntiarcAlso, I am lusting so very horribly for Twilight Princess and am torturing myself by waiting until I can afford a Wii. ;_;
18:12.21TainBetter than torturing yourself by deciding to buy a Wii and not being able to find one.
18:12.35ShadowedYou can find one easly depending how much you're willing to pay actually
18:12.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Drundia (n=drewndia@
18:12.50AntiarcGetting married just kills your disposable income.
18:12.51ShadowedThe markup is around 60-70$ for wii's
18:12.52Merywell in europe you can't even buy one yet
18:13.07TainYeah you can buy anything depending on how much  you're willing to pay.
18:13.28Shadowedthe markup is no where near what the PS3 is at least
18:13.44Drundiamorning everyone
18:13.52Merygood morning!
18:14.10AntiarcThe PS3 markup has been insane.
18:14.12TainPS3 hardware is operating at a loss, how is that markup?
18:14.16AntiarcOn eBay
18:14.18TainOn ebay and the such.
18:14.34TainThat's not markup.  That's idiot tax.
18:14.53Shadowedimpatience tax
18:15.17Merywell they could have stood in a line and get shot or robbed instead
18:15.17TainYou say tomato, I say idiot.
18:16.00AntiarcHonestly, out-of-shape geeky guys standing in line with $600 on their person just screams "rob me".
18:16.13ShadowedAntiarc: Actually people did get robbed
18:16.16AntiarcI know.
18:16.20AntiarcI'm just saying I'm not surprised.
18:16.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
18:16.31Merywell a few years ago I did that for a cheap computer
18:16.47Merylike 80 people with about 700euro each
18:17.00Mery(and you only could pay cash there)
18:17.48TainYou robbed people?
18:17.53Thunder_Childoh, it sounded like a few years ago you robed someone for a cheap computer....
18:17.59Meryno i was one of the prople in the line
18:18.19TainOh.  The other story sounded better.
18:18.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Inside (
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18:27.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Neuro (
18:28.00Thunder_Childhuh, did anyone else notice they move the patch dated to the 6th?
18:29.49*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
18:30.14ShadowedI though EU has maintence a day later then US? so US is 5th, EU is the 6th?
18:30.27Thunder_Childwell for us now it's the 6th
18:30.37Thunder_Childso ppl can get items for rank this week
18:30.49Shadowed I still see 5th
18:31.16Thunder_Childposting date, mines newer
18:31.24ShadowedYours is on the EU forums
18:31.41Corrodiaslol internet
18:31.43Thunder_Childoh bleh, i didnt know they puled from EU
18:32.40MeryCorrodias: I doubt it will be hard to find, because only 3 people will search for it =P
18:34.34Corrodiaswell, retailers know it, so only 3 copies will ever exist :P
18:37.19Meryorder it online :)
18:38.21Corrodiasyou know, i tried, but amazon and gamestop don't have it. i only looked for a few minutes, but i am really not sure where else to look. walmart and best buy .com's, i guess
18:39.15NeuroI assure you that Blizzard is printing enough copies
18:39.23Corrodiaswalmart has it on preorder (?) for shipping december 12th. and you mean Nintendo.
18:39.33NeuroOh, thought you were refering to TBC
18:39.40Neurowho cares about the Wii
18:39.51Josh_Borkewait, wait.
18:40.07Corrodiasi'm not talking about the wii. man, keep up! ;)
18:40.11ShadowedKill the unbeliever!
18:40.26KasoSo.. GameTooltip.SetInventoryItem is called OnUpdate when you've hovvering over char window items
18:40.28NeuroOh, Twilight Princess
18:40.40Neurosounds like some import
18:40.52Josh_BorkeKaso: lol
18:40.56Shadowedit's the new Zelda
18:41.05Josh_BorkeKaso: doesn't that suck?
18:41.09Kasovery much
18:41.58Kasonow my addon lags you slightly when you hovver over items in bags and char window
18:42.03Kasoanyway i can get around that
18:42.11Corrodiaslooks like it isn't available anywhere until the 11th or 12th of December, at least the gamecube version
18:42.25Merybecasue the release date is the 11th
18:42.30Mery(of the gc version)
18:42.42MaldiviaKaso: it's called in an OnUpdate, so cooldown info can be updated
18:42.58Corrodiasi picked that up
18:43.06Josh_BorkeKaso: what are you trying to do? add information to the tooltip?
18:43.25Corrodiasoh yeah, hey, fresh batch of people. i need to bounce my speculative mage specs off you guys
18:43.28MaldiviaJosh: he's rewriting the tooltip, to convert gems to "normal" stats
18:43.40Kasosorta, im re-ordering the way the tooltip is loooking, as shown here
18:43.43Josh_Borkethat sucks
18:43.45Kasobeaten :<
18:44.38Kasoits not a hugely cpu intensive, but being called however many times a second is causing problems
18:44.49Corrodias // // (with those 2 in Magical Attunement floating around)
18:45.22Corrodias*magic attunement
18:45.50Josh_BorkeKaso: so most of the delay comes from clearing all lines and rewriting them, doesn't it?
18:45.53MaldiviaKaso: it's only updating every 0.2 sec
18:45.58AntiarcKaso: Memoize the tooltip and just use that on subsequent calls if the hovered item hasn't changed.
18:46.17Josh_BorkeMaldivia: what file are you looking at fgor that info?
18:46.26MaldiviaJosh_Borke: UIParent.lua:TOOLTIP_UPDATE_TIME = 0.2;
18:47.09Kasoi guess i'd have to check there wasnt a cooldown
18:47.13Kasobut yeh that makes sense
18:47.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
18:47.55Maldiviaif (link==sameAsLast) and getcontainer/inventoryitemcooldown == sameAsLast) showCached()
18:48.17AntiarcYeah, you'd probably want a fall-through for cooling-down items, but even then, you could memoize everything but the cooldown and then write it and the cooldown separately.
18:48.38AntiarcNo sense in recalculating the tooltip info every refresh since it has no chance of changing.
18:48.53Corrodiasone of my guildmates asks, "Any word on if the spell books are trainable @ lvl 60 in the Dec 5 patch, or do we have to wait for the x-pac? "
18:49.00Josh_Borkebut doesn't the GameTooltip.SetInventoryItem change the contents?
18:49.12NeuroI think that's a wait till xpac, but dunno
18:49.22AntiarcIt doesn't change the result of the tooltip, Josh_Borke
18:49.29Neurobtw, Corrodias, were you the one asking about alt-shift selfcasting?
18:49.30AntiarcThe only variable is cooldown time
18:49.36Corrodiasi don't even know what spell books he's talking about
18:49.37Neurolast night
18:49.39Kasohmm, i'd have to do a normal hook rather than a securehook wont i
18:49.39Josh_Borkewell then, that's cool
18:49.40Corrodiasyes, Neuro
18:49.52Corrodiasi am not sure where you found these pending fixes that you were talking about
18:50.08zenzelezzCorrodias: I'm guessing it's the AQ books
18:50.11Josh_Borkeanyway, class
18:50.20NeuroYes, AQ books like Fireball Rank 12 or whatever
18:50.32axxoCorrodias: they are lvl 62, you have the lvl 60 ones ..
18:50.36ckknighthey all
18:50.40Guillotinehey ck
18:50.53Corrodiasso that would mean they aren't available?
18:51.07axxothey are when you are level 62.
18:51.08Maldiviafrostbolt and arcane missiles are available, fireball isn't
18:51.15AntiarcKaso: You could do a securehook, unless I misunderstand the mechanism horribly.
18:51.15axxocan you get to lvl 62 before tbc?
18:51.32Drundiait's funny, mage frostbolt has a new rank at 62, coming after aq20 one. +10 mana, +7 damage (silly)
18:51.52Maldiviayeah, every mage will be bypassing rank 12 frostbolt
18:51.58Antiarcsecurehooks are executed after the normal function, so the normal update writes the stock tooltip, then your hook function clears the tip, writes your cached tooltip, and then writes any cooldown info.
18:52.10Drundiaalt-shift-selfcasting wont work because of the way game handles the stuff
18:52.13NeuroI use rank 11 frostbolt still
18:52.36Kasooh, i was thinking of just stopping the stock tooltip being written at all if it didnt need to be
18:53.04CorrodiasNeuro, where were you referring to the "pending fixes" for the test realm? i looked in a few places but i don't think i found the same list you were looking at.
18:53.31Neurocheck the messages I sent you Corro
18:53.45NeuroAck, I didn't send them
18:53.49Neurounregistered nick
18:53.50AntiarcKaso: If you can get away with that without interfering with any secure calls, I'd say go for it.
18:53.51Neuroone sec
18:53.57AntiarcThat should further help performance
18:54.04Corrodiasindeed! :)
18:54.04Kasoyah, prob better
18:54.15Corrodiasi actually looked up to see if you sent me some
18:54.45Neuro_MedivhI forgot I wasn't on a registered nick
18:55.55Drundiacan u show me some "pending fixes" list?
18:58.55Drundiazomgs everyone always ignores me
18:59.27Corrodiasi'm getting the suspicion this isn't a public list
18:59.59Drundiabtw are there any differences between the way secure buttons work on ptr and in latest tbc beta?
19:00.32Corrodiasi doubt it. 2.0 has all of the lua & secure templates changes in it as far as i'm aware
19:01.27Drundiabut i mean that maybe some improvements in control of attributes.
19:02.52Merywell all I can say is: if it is not in the concise list then it probably isn't in ... helpful isn't it :D
19:03.29*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
19:04.19IrielWhich change in question are we referring to?
19:04.24Drundiai was thinking how to make action button behavior based on spell in it. like if spell is friendly alt-click casts on self and if spell s hostile alt-click casts on focus. normal click always casts on target. guess there is no such kind of control or something with securestateheader maybe?
19:06.08IrielWell, the trick is finding out if the spell is friendly or not, and to some extent when you allow the spell to change
19:06.13*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
19:06.23malrethcan't type... eating ribs...
19:06.44Drundiawell, u can change actionbar slot in combat using secure templates
19:06.49Thunder_Childmalreth cant type even when not eating ribs
19:08.52Drundiai'd love more freedom in anyway. instead of limiting to predefined templates they could just consider all code secure before it executes some insecure action (like quering unithealth or reading variable set by insecure code)
19:09.32malrethyyyyyytyyyhiyyyysyyyy yyysyyyyyuyyycyykyysyyyyyyyyYYYYY!YYYyyyyyyyyyy
19:10.49Josh_Borkeoh dear
19:11.43Shadowed~lart malreth
19:11.49Neuro_Medivhmalreth speaking murloc again?
19:12.03Shadowedmurloc is more like MRGLGLALALAGLGLAGA
19:12.44AntiarcIt's either a broken keyboard or a cat.
19:12.48Neuro_Medivhahh, true... malreth is more likely speaking Scourge
19:12.52Mery10g he killed his keyboard (or is now really cleaning it)
19:12.57Josh_Borkei think he's typing with his elbows
19:13.28AntiarcDrundia: The problem with that, I think, is the mechanism used to determine secure vs insecure codepaths
19:13.38Corrodiasi'm going back to bed, now. thanks for talking to me, everyone ^_^
19:13.45Josh_Borkenn Corrodias
19:14.49MalivilHey everyone
19:15.17AntiarcIt's fairly easy to look at a call stack and determine if it's tainted. I'd argue that it's also a lot more clear than magically tainting code for calling an API function. The second route would make debugging a bitch without extensive doc.
19:15.47IrielDrundia: The reason that doesn't work is that either (a) you end up with everything tainted or (b) it's far too easy to slip data obtained from 'bad places' past the filter.
19:16.00Drundiawell, they have issecurevariable() to check variables for security. if secure code accesses some insecure variables it becomes insecure
19:17.25IrielAlso, there's a bunch of blizzard code that needs to be able to SECURELY access those API functions
19:17.52Drundiaabout (b) - how is that easy?
19:18.15IrielSuppose they protect UnitHealth
19:18.29Irielthen I just make a frame whose X position on the screen is the unit health i'm interested in
19:18.39IrielOne thread of execution checks UnitHealth and moves the frame
19:18.47Irielthe other thread checks the frame X position and does the action
19:18.54AntiarcOr you could just read and parse TargetFrameUnitHealthText:GetText() (or whatever the frame is)
19:19.03AntiarcThus thereby avoiding an insecure UnitHealth() call.
19:19.13IrielLet's assume for now that SetText/GetText carries taint
19:19.48AntiarcColors are another hole. You can do a lot with three floats.
19:19.56Irielor alpha
19:19.59AntiarcFour, yeah.
19:20.35Drundiaok, frames can use current protection methods. this way i cant move a protected frame based on UnitHealth. position of unprotected frame is insecure
19:20.47IrielSo you want to lock down ALL frames?
19:20.55IrielBye bye custom unit frame health indicators
19:20.59AntiarcI thought that passing data to vertex shaders as bitmaps was one of the coolest tricks ever when I learned it. :D
19:21.21Drundiano need to lock down all frames
19:21.34IrielI'm not discussing a protected frame here though
19:21.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
19:21.49Drundiau just can get positions, colors and stuff of other frames if u plan to use UseAction. it will taint the whole thing.
19:21.59IrielAnd Antiarc's suggestion is even sneakier since alpha/color of protected frames isn't controlled at all
19:23.01Drundiaalpha/color can be protected in the same way variables can be secure/insecure
19:23.15AntiarcBasically, if you don't use tainted call stacks, then you can set data in a "neutral" format from secure code, then read and use it from insecure code that doesn't get tainted, since it's using the proxied information.
19:24.06malrethtaking it even further, you can proxy secure data across other players using the addon com channel
19:24.18AntiarcOr even just to yourself.
19:24.28Drundiathings coming from certain events can default to insecure
19:24.43Drundiait's just that the current system is way easier for them to make
19:24.52AntiarcYou're not going to be able to make that solution secure and have it be more flexible than the current system
19:25.04IrielAre you starting to get the point that your system is infeasibly overcomplicated and likely full of holes (or completely useless because it's TOO restrictive) ?
19:25.04CideDrundia: that doesn't mean that the current system is easy
19:25.04Merywell what they are saying it is relativly easy to just allow what they think is ok compared to forbid what they think is not ok
19:25.10AntiarcYou could make your solution be secure, I'm sure, but it would be ridiculously rigid.
19:25.26IrielThe current system is simple so that it can be robust
19:25.37Irielnot simple because they're lazy
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19:25.51AntiarcI love that it's a simple boundary between secure and insecure code. It takes a bit more work to use like we used to, but it's not too hard. It just requires shifted thinking.
19:25.55Iriel(I'm using "simple" as "conceptually simple" -- The implementation is likely quite fiddly)
19:25.59Cidethe system in itself is simple, but the side-efforts to minimize the damage have been enormous
19:26.18Drundiathe current system is hardly simple. there is a lot of stuff to read now to figure all things like secure state headers and such.
19:26.35IrielThose are 'tools to use to avoid problems caused by the current system'
19:26.39CideDrundia: that's what I meant by side efforts. the lockdown in itself is fairly simple
19:26.39Irielnot the taint system itself
19:26.52Cidethe concept, anyway
19:27.30malrethDrundia: what point are you trying to get at by saying that the API is 'difficult to learn'?
19:27.41AntiarcConceptually simpler solutions win in the end, I think. The alternative is making developers memorize which of a billion API functions taint, and which don't.
19:27.53malrethbecause... it's probably not logically sound
19:27.54AntiarcYou'll end up doing more reading if you have to check a function for tainting every time you want to use it.
19:28.18Mery(not to forget every variable)
19:28.34Drundiabut they already check a function for tainting every time they want to use it
19:28.37AntiarcAnd magic tainting leads to magic code breakage and hours spent debugging.
19:28.37MalivilSo 2.0 comes out next week?
19:28.54AntiarcThat's the rumor.
19:28.59MalivilNot a rumor
19:29.00Neuro_Medivhno rumor
19:29.02AntiarcBarring any unforseen delays.
19:29.03Neuro_Medivhit's posted
19:29.05MalivilIts an official post on the general forums
19:29.06AntiarcIt's planned to come out next week
19:29.09MalivilDec 5th
19:29.09AntiarcBut not guaranteed.
19:29.15AntiarcI saw it :)
19:29.34AntiarcBut, the fact that they posted a date makes it nearly dead certain
19:29.44AntiarcThey always avoid posting dates unless they know they can hit 'em.
19:29.45Malivilno sarcasm there, right?
19:29.54AntiarcNo, no sarcasm.
19:30.14AntiarcJust saying that Blizzard doesn't post dates as a matter of policy, to avoid disappointment when things are pushed back.
19:30.33AntiarcThe fact that they posted a date is a pretty solid indicator that it'll be out on the 5th, even with the "we might change this" caveat.
19:30.36Malivilits happened too many times before
19:30.46Amromore accurately, to avoid the whining when they delay something
19:30.59Malivilwhich happens anyway
19:31.29AntiarcPeople would whine if they were given 10k g, a full suit of epics, and a godmode potion with a 60-year duration.
19:31.47MalivilOf course
19:31.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
19:32.03Drundia10k? u mean only 10k? like i farmed all those 10k for myself in vain? OMG NO DONT GIVE ANY GLODS TO ANYONE
19:32.10MeryDrundia: yes, but everything coming from addons = tainted is simple, everthing set after the first time an insecure (whatever insecure is, because iriel and Antiarc already pointed out there are alot of ways to pass information around) variable gets accessed = tainted is not simple
19:32.18AntiarcOnly 60 years?! I'm ONLY 12! I HAVE A GOOD 80 YEARS AHEAD OF ME!
19:32.54Drundiai dont think the humanity will exist for more than 40 years
19:33.27malrethZOMG nerf global warmings!!!
19:34.05Drundiathen we can make thing even simplier. some secure environments and explicit security of certain special needed variables.
19:35.06AntiarcUsing a blacklist rather than a whitelist is a fast way to get your holes exploited. Whitelists are more restrictive, but severely more secure.
19:35.08Drundiabut again those silly setting kill me. i'd rather program it all myself also avoiding determining actions based on game states
19:35.59malrethexploited holes? i think i saw something online about that...
19:36.20TS|Skromwow wrong time to come back from afk
19:36.48Drundiain the end the button behavior which deals with 'helpbutton' and 'harmbutton' is way to exploit thing by determining action based on for example mind control
19:36.48malrethon that note, gratz Iriel
19:36.49Merywell if you don't change action buttons around in combat (if that is possible I dunno) you can just write an addon to set the attributes based on the spell, can't you?
19:37.33Irielmalreth: thanks 8-)
19:37.46TS|Skromwhat are we gratzing iriel for?
19:37.47Drundiamaybe i forget to fix my actionbars before combat....
19:37.58Drundiabc that's how it most usually happens
19:38.03malrethmy girl and i have decided on a wedding date of august 8, 2008
19:38.18IrielEasy to remember - Good choice 8-)
19:38.22TainPlay the funeral march.
19:38.29Drundiawhy not august 20?
19:38.39AntiarcCongrats, Iriel :D
19:38.45malrethDrundia: because that date has 3 8's in it
19:38.46AntiarcI just got married in July, myself.
19:38.53malrethvery lucky
19:38.59Amroshoulda married on june 6th 2006
19:39.00malrethit'll make her relatives very happy
19:39.01AntiarcWe were going to pick November 11 (11/11), but decided to move it up, thank goodness.
19:39.07Drundiawell, in european format august 20 2008 can look like 20/08/2008
19:39.09TS|Skrom08 20 2008 is kinda cool too :P
19:39.38Iriel2008-08-08 looks better than 2008-08-20,  but i'm a freak for wanting unambiguous dates
19:39.55AntiarcI ended up on 7/15, which isn't special except that it's a little over a week after the 4th of July, so I have a major holiday to remind me that my anniversary is incoming.
19:40.00Neuro_MedivhI'da gone July 7th of next year
19:40.07Neuro_Medivh7-7-7 much more lucky
19:40.11Drundiathe only unambiguos date is 2008-aug-08
19:40.18malrethnot in asian cultures, Neuro_Medivh
19:40.23IrielNot really, i've never seen anyone do YYYY-DD-MM
19:40.31AntiarcDrundia: You could go with the time since UNIX epoch!
19:40.31Neuro_MedivhAsians already have too much luck
19:40.40IrielYYYY-MM-DD is an ISO standard of sorts, and it's also quite nicely sortable
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19:40.59Drundiai'm kinda bad at counting seconds since 1970
19:41.04VoidRaider|AFKHmm can I write my own custom iterator in lua ?
19:41.09IrielVoidRaider|AFK: Yes
19:41.42Drundiaso let me see, i think i know how to abuse 'helpbutton' and 'harmbutton' to.... hmmm.... yes, auto-sheep MT on hakkar
19:42.12VoidRaiderthx :)
19:42.54Neuro_MedivhDrundia, yeah, already been thought of
19:43.13Neuro_Medivh./cast [target=party1,harm] Polymorph; etc etc
19:43.25Drundiaye, something like that
19:43.49AntiarcYou can definitely do that, but it'll be pre-wired to party1.
19:43.51malrethright... but while the tank is MCed, you'd have to switch targets or just sit there recasting poly
19:43.54AntiarcWhich is kinda the whole idea
19:44.28Neuro_Medivhit's not a flaw per se, it's simply that the state of help/harm on a target is not usually a dynamic combat condition =)
19:44.30AntiarcBut then, if you know who is going to get hit by an actionable debuff, then it's not hard to do it manually, either.
19:44.45AntiarcTry doing that for Skeram and let me know how it works out :)
19:44.49Drundiai think u can spam one button which will be only nuking and when mt isnt mc'ed anymore u'll switch to one with automatic behavior. still easier than reacting to mc.
19:45.48Drundiawell, just like help/harm state is not usually dynamic it means that u can simply select to press 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 depending on that state that doesnt change
19:46.30Corrodiasbefore i go to bed... how do i post code with indentation on the forums? >:/
19:46.30Drundiadont see much convenience in automating it in the first place
19:46.35Corrodiasit keeps deleting leading white space
19:46.42malrethCorrodias: [pre] [/pre]
19:47.18Corrodiasjust like that... thanks
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19:52.01Amrois there an addon that parses item tooltip data and stores it in a table?
19:52.28purlmalreth is always right
19:52.28AntiarcI'm still looking for one that'll store item data in a desk.
19:52.42Kasoive got a peice of code that does that in the addon im working on atm
19:53.01Amrowould you mind sharing? There's a lot of parsing to do
19:53.29Kasonot sure if this is what you mean
19:55.53AmroI want to parse the actual item data (name, level, type, damage, etc)
19:56.13Amroi have a python script that can parse individual lines, so ill just convert that
19:56.18AntiarcIt's not too hard to go
19:56.21Antiarcerr, to do
19:56.25Amroyeah I know
19:56.40Amrobut if there was an addon that already did this, no point in redoing it, hence why I asked
19:56.48Fiskerenchanting is a bitch to level :(
19:56.56Fiskercost me like 600g
19:57.07AntiarcEnchanting is rough.
19:57.36Kasoi *sorta* have that
19:57.47Kasobut its limited, it only reads stats, and equips:
19:58.59malreth~seen Cladhaire
19:59.27purlcladhaire <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 16h 43m 40s ago, saying: 'and things cost honor points, and BG tokens to purchase'.
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20:04.06AntiarcI haven't tested it, but something like this might be usable, Amro:
20:04.14AntiarcJust set up your options table appropriately.
20:09.02Amrolooks nice antiarc, flexible
20:09.05Amroill test it in a bit
20:09.10Josh_Borkeit was just me being an idiot
20:09.18Josh_Borkenumber ~= 'number'
20:09.29*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
20:09.43ckknighthey all
20:09.48VoidRaiderhi :)
20:09.56malrethhey hey ckk
20:09.56Thunder_Childsup ck
20:10.38Thunder_Childdamit he ryhmed and ran
20:11.28Thunder_Child~bitchslap Malreth's Soul
20:11.38purlACTION beats the sh*t out of Malreth's Soul
20:11.56purlaw, gee, Thunder_Child
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20:14.13MalivilWhy does my forum account say "There Is No Available Characters" when i log in?
20:14.27Elkanohmm... guild mate of me is telling that spirit is reducing agro range for rogues... anyone having an idea if that is true?
20:15.17TemElkano, sounds bogus to me
20:15.36axxogo to the ah, buy +spi gear, walk to mob till aggro, ress, put gear on
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20:16.40Elkanoto me too, but he told the following: he usally goes BRD to farm dark iron ore and when he changed to a gear mobs that didn't agro before agroed. when he switched gear back they didn't agro anymore :/
20:18.34Drundiamy script was converting thottbot massitems pages to a database
20:18.37Cideyour friend's wrong
20:23.01Neuro_MedivhElkano, ask him what gear he was swapping
20:26.55Grineanyone know a good way to get a list of the pople in a channel?
20:27.22Grinelike gettign all the names in general and putting them in a table
20:27.56Josh_Borkesend a /who and parse the results?
20:28.28MalivilWhy does my forum account say "There Is No Available Characters" when i log in?
20:28.35ckknightGrine, I do it in AceComm.
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20:29.05GrineI'll have a look at that then.
20:30.17ckknightthen parse from CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_LIST
20:30.27ckknightAceComm's is a very nice parser (read: efficient)
20:30.34ckknightfeel free to use it if you want
20:30.56GrineI would if I knew how (scared of Ace)
20:31.21ckknightit's just code.
20:31.33Grinewell it's not my code ;)
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20:31.51ckknightwell, Ace's is pretty consistent throughout...
20:31.55Grinewhich mean I have to readup on how to use it instead of just slapping it til it works
20:32.23ckknighthehe, Thunder_Child
20:32.26Neuro_Medivhck, one of these days you'll understand that while Ace may be great for the developer, it's hell on the end user, especially right now
20:32.35ckknightI disagree.
20:32.42Neuro_Medivhthat's cause you're a developer
20:32.44ckknightand I find your logic regarding it flawed.
20:32.45Grinethat's gonnab e a whole lot of slapping Thunder_Child, odn' stat work for 10 more hours
20:33.20ckknightespecially seeing as there are separate codebases for Ace2 TBC and vanilla, which you seem to not be able to comprehend.
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20:33.27Grineshit I can't spell...
20:33.43Thunder_Childjoin the club
20:33.43ckknightand there has been recent work in making sure that if one addon craps out, it doesn't destroy the system.
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20:33.52ckknightnow it works quite nicely
20:34.00ckknightTem's the good man behind that
20:34.11Cideckknight: I think he's implying that the average user doesn't know what a "codebase" even is
20:34.19Neuro_Medivhor which one to get
20:34.25ckknightthe average user isn't playing TBC, Cide
20:34.29Neuro_Medivhor which version, or where to install, etc
20:34.32Neuro_MedivhYes they are
20:34.38ckknightno they're not.
20:34.38Grineckknight: AceComm is for addons communicating right?
20:34.39Cideckknight: oh yes, they are
20:34.44ckknightGrine, right.
20:34.57Josh_Borkethere are lots of people getting beta keys now
20:34.58Grinecause I don't need taht :P
20:35.07ckknightthe average user plays normal WoW. Special people, though there may be a lot of them, play TBC
20:35.15ckknightbut the numbers are disproportionate.
20:35.20Cideckknight: sorry, but you're wrong
20:35.29Cidethe average user does, in fact, play wow
20:35.33Cidewhich is why it's so successful
20:35.51ckknightplay TBC, I was saying
20:35.51malrethyou two sound like when me and my fiancee argue
20:35.54XuerianI think he just said that :3
20:36.07Josh_Borkeall of my guildmates who got into TBC are average wow users
20:36.13Neuro_MedivhOk, lets look at the portal to ace,
20:36.17ckknightthe average person plays vanilla WoW.
20:36.20Neuro_MedivhI see a little blurb telling me Ace is great
20:36.21Cidemalreth: hey, at least I bring up arguments!
20:36.28Neuro_Medivhthen I see SIX links to the side
20:36.38Neuro_Medivhwith no introduction or explanation
20:36.43Cidemalreth: oh, who usually wins?
20:36.47Thunder_Childmal, you and you fiancee argue about ace?
20:36.53ckknightNeuro_Medivh, *shrug* I don't write the website.
20:37.11Neuro_Medivhthis is my point, ck
20:37.21Neuro_MedivhInstalling or using Ace is hard on the end user
20:37.29ckknightAce is included with addons.
20:37.34malrethend users don't install or use  ace
20:37.41ckknightso it should be as hard as installing an addon.
20:37.57malreththey go to WoWI or wherever and download something and install that addon like anything else
20:38.09ckknightonly in special cases (such as if you want to play on TBC), do you need to install Ace2 by itself.
20:38.29XuerianIn which case, you usually have to do something special anyway, like modifying the toc file :)
20:38.53XuerianIf a addon that employs ace is released to a release site for tbc, it includes the proper ace embeds.
20:38.59Thunder_Childwell 2.x broke most things ace or not
20:39.08XuerianIt did.
20:39.10XuerianMonths ago.
20:39.11ckknighttrue, and we've worked it out.
20:39.20XuerianWe've been working on it the whole time :3
20:39.23ckknightAce2 is more solid now because of it.
20:39.34ckknightalright, time to stop the propaganda machine and go to class
20:39.37ckknightcya all later.
20:39.42XuerianAww. But it's fun!
20:39.47ckknightI know, Xuerian
20:39.48ckknightI know.
20:39.57malrethah... youth
20:40.05Neuro_Medivhshrug, after three attempts at installing Ace addons for TBC, and all three breaking, I completely gave up on Ace
20:40.16*** part/#wowi-lounge Grine (
20:40.23XuerianNeuro_Medivh: What addons, and where did you get them?
20:40.43Neuro_MedivhI don't recall what they were, now, as I deleted them quickly... but I got them from wowinterface
20:40.46Thunder_Childyouth is a myth invented by old ppl that what an excuse to act oddly
20:40.52XuerianWere they labled as TBC compatable?
20:41.14XuerianWere you trying to use them on the PTR, or on proper TBC?
20:41.15malrethNeuro_Medivh: have you tried my latest version of StopTheSpam?
20:41.28Thunder_Childerr..older ppl...*phew dodged that conundrum*
20:41.28Neuro_MedivhNo, Malreth
20:41.38malrethit's pretty nice...
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20:41.40Neuro_MedivhXuerian, I was on TBC
20:41.58Neuro_MedivhAnd the problem was that they all installed Ace in a different way
20:42.23malrethAce2 addons don't install Ace... the libs are embedded
20:42.31Neuro_MedivhBut these did
20:42.32zespri_workgood day, good people!
20:42.33Gryphendoesnt matter how they are installed
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20:42.53XuerianNeuro_Medivh: That's unfortunate, but I won't argue it. I'd be interested to see which addons they were.
20:43.46Josh_BorkeI think one issue is that sometimes the embedding breaks but it sounds like that has been fixed
20:43.57Neuro_MedivhThat's great, Josh
20:43.58XuerianAs I'm assuming their authors would like to know that it isn't working.
20:44.09Josh_Borkeand sometimes addon developers don't test their addons in a sterile environment
20:44.09Neuro_Medivhbut it's not like I'm gonna keep trying a broken addon every week till it works =)
20:44.12malrethi second Xuerian's statement
20:44.15Josh_BorkeNeuro_Medivh: I agree
20:45.15XuerianNeuro_Medivh: Don't expect you to at all, but a error report would most definately help the author fix the problem, or if it truly is ace at root fault, ck and whever else does impliment a fix.
20:45.40Xuerians/you to/you to try them repeatedly/
20:45.51Neuro_MedivhThat's just it, I don't know what's at fault.  Is it Ace?  The mod itself?
20:45.59malrethThe mod
20:46.06Neuro_MedivhNot always
20:46.08malrethas an 'end-user' you aren't concerned with Ace
20:46.32malrethyou report the bug to the author. the author is responsible for figuring out the problem.
20:46.45malrethgiven a proper bug report, obviously
20:47.07Thunder_Childyes authors take a dim view at bitching
20:47.09XuerianNeuro_Medivh: Generally a simple copy-paste of the error is enough to direct the author as to what is wrong. If you're truly concerned with helping mods get better, short of working with the devs constantly as you said you don't want to (which is fine), you could use a addon such as buggrabber/bugsack, which gives a much more complete error which you can in fact copy+paste
20:47.59Neuro_MedivhXuerian, I do give mods error reports, if I care enough about the mod.  If it doesn't even load right out of the box, I'll be honest, I don't care enough to report it
20:48.14Neuro_Medivhand the reason is because I feel a bit of disappointment that someone would release a bugged addon
20:48.16malreththe error, a stack trace, and a list of installed addons and versions (if possible), client version and locale is usually sufficient
20:48.19XuerianNeuro_Medivh: Then if you don't care to see what the problem is, don't aim your gun at things you have not pinpointed.
20:49.08Neuro_Medivhshrug, I understand mods have bugs... but a certain level of debugging should be done by the author.
20:49.25malrethan out-of-box bugged addon could result from factors that are outside of the author's testing capabilities... Something that is especially true in a beta environment such as TBC
20:49.42XuerianNeuro_Medivh: Debugging -is- done by the author in almost all cases. I obviously cannot vouch for the authors in your case, as neither I nor you apparently know who they are.
20:49.46malrethNeuro_Medivh: you're making a presumption that the addon wasn't tested
20:50.09Neuro_Medivhmalreth, you're right.  And that may make me a horrible horrible person.
20:50.16malrethand if it wasn't tested, is that the fault of Ace2 or the addon author
20:50.34Neuro_MedivhOh, I don't doubt that it's usually the addon author
20:50.56Neuro_Medivhbut it's like Apple Computers
20:50.59malreththen isn't there a logical error in saying that Ace is difficult to install?
20:51.02Neuro_MedivhApple Computers are great
20:51.11Neuro_Medivhthey work very well, they're stable, etc
20:51.23Neuro_Medivhbut if no one makes software for em, I have no reason to buy one
20:51.26malrethfuck macs! i fucking hate macs! dont' talk about them!!!@#
20:51.28Fiskeris it something about rare crafting recipes(drop and rep) now become trainable with the usual trainers?
20:51.32zespri_workso what's the deal with warriors in BC? I haven't been following for a while and now the forums screaming that they suck in pvp. Do they?
20:51.45Neuro_Medivhmalreth, I said Ace is difficult for the end-user
20:52.20Neuro_Medivhand that difficulty arises from the non-modularity of the system
20:52.22malrethand your basis for your argument has been refuted
20:52.26XuerianNeuro_Medivh: If the end user ventures into areas not made for them to (though they can) go, then problems -are to be expected-
20:53.00Neuro_MedivhXuerian, define an area "not made for them"
20:53.13XuerianNeuro_Medivh: For example, the Ace2 site. The entire SVN/files system is clearly labeled as alpha/beta addons that should be treated as such
20:53.17malrethNeuro_Medivh: The end user need not concern themselves with Ace.
20:53.18Xuerian(you brought it up earlier, in fact)
20:53.31Neuro_MedivhI didn't refer to the ace2 site
20:53.35Neuro_MedivhI said the Ace site
20:54.03XuerianNeuro_Medivh: ....
20:54.11malrethoh, btw... I lied. I love Macs.
20:54.15XuerianNeuro_Medivh: Everyone but you apparently has been talking about Ace2.
20:54.27XuerianAce1 is defunct. Decrepit. Abandoned. Not maintained, supported, or used.
20:54.33Neuro_MedivhThat's just it.  You assume I, the end user, knows this
20:54.39malrethyou don't need to know it
20:54.52malreththe end user installs PerfectRaid and uses it
20:55.08XuerianNeuro_Medivh: Incorrect, but close. I assume you, the end user, will download mods in the TBC category. I challenge you to provide me with a mod released in a TBC category that uses Ace1
20:55.21malrethif it breaks, they report it to Cladhaire
20:55.21Neuro_MedivhNot saying they do
20:55.58XuerianNeuro_Medivh: What I do expect them to have, is a, to use a classical example, "mustard seed" worth of common sense.
20:56.05Neuro_MedivhI'm saying that ace addons, due to their modularity and interdependance, can be very problematic to the end user
20:56.20Neuro_Medivhand I can attest to this myself
20:56.36malrethbecause of your experience with beta quality addons in a test environment
20:56.49XuerianNeuro_Medivh: If you are talking about Ace1, I retire my arguments, because it's, to use the word freely, stupid, to argue about something that should -not- -even- -apply- in your argument.
20:56.56malreththat may or may not have had bugs due to the author's lack of testing
20:57.11Neuro_Medivhmalreth, that's true in any beta mod
20:57.14XuerianNeuro_Medivh: Let's be clear. Are you talking about Ace1?
20:57.43Neuro_MedivhI'm talking about Ace.  The end user doesn't know, and according to you shouldn't know, the difference between ace1, ace2, ace2.1, etc
20:58.00Neuro_Medivhand I agree
20:58.19Neuro_MedivhAce should be seamless
20:58.19Neuro_Medivhand the end user shouldn't ever even know about it
20:58.58XuerianNeuro_Medivh: Ace2 is seamless. Ace2 is the only thing used in new mods, and it has been the only thing beeing used in Ace-embedding mods for MONTHS. So if you want to argue about the past, and have a "omg windows xp (which sucks anyway I admit, it's windows) is bad! know why? BECAUSE WINDOWS 95 WAS DONKEY SHIT" argument
20:59.24malrethi don't think he's arguing about the past, Xue
20:59.27Neuro_MedivhXuerian, and my retort is, my experience with Ace2 mods has been far from seamless.
20:59.38Neuro_Medivhand I agree, it's in a beta environment
21:00.19Gryphendont think the convo is getting anywhere...starting to repeat
21:00.21Neuro_Medivhbut due to the nature of Ace, I could not get certain beta mods to work properly, NOT because of any flaw with Ace, but because addon authors are sometimes morons
21:00.31Gryphenignore even
21:00.35Xuerianlol, Gryphen.
21:00.52Neuro_MedivhKeep in mind, I'm not saying "Ace is a piece of shit!" or anything like that
21:01.10malrethi think i'm going to go Arcane/Frost come 2.0
21:01.23XuerianI'm staying feral all the way.
21:01.28Neuro_Medivhmalreth, raiding or pvp?
21:01.51Neuro_Medivhpersonal opinion is that for raiding, 40/0/21 is best spec
21:02.00malreththat's what i'm doing
21:02.48Neuro_Medivhsucks for pvp, though
21:02.48Neuro_Medivhmy version sucks for pvp, lemme say that
21:02.48malrethhow so?
21:02.51Neuro_Medivhno shatter, no frostbite, no perma, etc
21:03.04Neuro_Medivhwhich are the staples of frost pvp
21:03.16FiskerSo anyone knew if rare enchanting recipes would now be trainable from trainers in 2.0.x?
21:03.17malrethyou only need those if you don't kill them on the first hit. :)
21:03.32Fiskeri heard something about the drop-only recipes being trainable in TBC
21:03.32Neuro_Medivhfisker, no
21:03.51Neuro_MedivhNot for tailoring they weren't
21:03.54Neuro_Medivhspells were
21:03.57Neuro_Medivhbut not recipes
21:04.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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21:04.31malrethGood afternoon, Cairenn-dono.
21:07.35SP|Sorrensnake trap
21:07.37SP|Sorrenis hilarious :O
21:07.45VoidRaiderhaha yeah :P
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21:12.02SP|Sorrenim going to be using the trap so much in arena, the prospect of 10 little snakes hitting a caster is just too much fun
21:12.06malrethVoidRaider: regarding your forum post... what's wrong with the current method of doing namespaces, really?
21:13.59Josh_Borkemalreth: yea, i agree.  what's wrong with using tables?  where do embedded libraries go with per addon name-spaces?
21:14.28IrielI'm with the other 2 on this, we dont need implicit handholding, it's really easy to create namespaces when youw ant them
21:14.58Josh_Borkewhere are coroutines useful?
21:15.08malrethand enforced namespaces carry additional problems
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21:15.40IrielJosh_Borke: Really complex stream processing?
21:16.18malrethextended processing that you want to do across several OnUpdates on a dataset
21:16.31Josh_Borkemalreth: that's what i was thinking
21:16.49malrethbut i guess coroutines aren't really needed for that...
21:17.11IrielThey're never 'needed'
21:17.13Josh_Borkebut coroutines just go don't they? there's no real throttling of them?
21:17.16Irielthey just make implementations much easier
21:17.19Josh_Borkeunless you use a stop and go
21:18.22malrethJosh_Borke: they're like cooperative multitasking... you have to explicitly yield in them or else you'd lock up the game
21:18.42VoidRaiderWhy do I need to specify it though ?
21:19.19malrethVoidRaider: are you responding to the namespaces discussion or to the coroutines one?
21:19.34VoidRaiderto the namespace
21:19.41malrethok... :D
21:19.49Maldiviaas for the namespaces, don't we have access to package system in 2.0? Meaning, access to module, require etc
21:20.02malrethdo we?
21:20.15IrielMaldivia: No
21:20.35Maldiviaohh, I thought I read that somewhere... bugger :|
21:20.44malrethok... so let's say that Blizzard makes a table for you named the same as your addon
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21:21.33malrethnow in order to actually use it, you have to specify it when creating variables or functions that you want to exist in that namespace... function MyAddOn:DoSomething(blah, etc)
21:22.03malrethbut you haven't really gotten much of a benefit from doing that
21:22.10malrethso... we take it a bit furthher
21:22.18malrethlet's say...
21:22.48malrethBlizz makes a table for you and setfenv's for you automatically for your script
21:23.12malrethnow you can just do function DoSomething(blah, whatever) and it'll be created in your namespace
21:23.18malrethvariables too
21:23.33malreth...course now you can't access the global functions and vars at all
21:23.45malrethcan't even do a get/setglobal()
21:24.15malrethBlizz creates the namespace, setfenvs for you AAAAAND they set up a metatable _index for you that points to the global namespace
21:24.38malrethnow you can call global functions and variables and functions you create are constrained to your namespace
21:24.55malrethsound nice?
21:25.02VoidRaiderpretty much haha
21:25.13malrethoh but there's a problem now...
21:25.45malrethwell, metatable lookups are a bit slower
21:25.53malrethso that's no good
21:26.09malrethwell, it's not so bad... but it's not idea
21:26.38malrethbut you can cope by just making local references to the global functions before the namespace is created
21:26.39MaldiviaAddonName={} setmetatable(AddonName, {__index = getfent(0)}) setfenv(0, AddonName)
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21:26.44IrielThe other issue with a metatable is you can't replace any global symbols
21:26.53malrethand then there's that
21:27.27malrethaaaand you can just do all this yourself with the oneliner that Maldivia posted
21:27.45MaldiviaIriel: setglobal("key", val)
21:28.15Temsetglobal is a hack
21:28.17malrethor you do a local _G = getfenv(0) before you create your namespace and use that
21:28.50malrethand use _G['key"] = val
21:28.57VoidRaiderI know mate I'm using similar thing in my code
21:29.17malrethwas responding to Maldivia, but yeah
21:29.33malrethso... what have we gained and what have we lost?
21:29.49malrethwe get automatic namespaces and a clean global namespace
21:30.12VoidRaiderhaha :P
21:30.13malrethwe lose speedy access to global functions and the ability to hook
21:30.23malrethor replace global functions
21:30.37malrethwell, there's still hooksecurefunc()
21:30.59malrethand Blizzard could provide other hook functionality
21:31.10Templease no
21:31.13Drundiaactually use setfenv(1, AddonName)
21:31.15Temhooks are a bad thing
21:31.27Maldiviathe access speed to global variables, should be about the samt
21:32.01Drundiaaccess speed to global variables depends on number of global variables
21:32.17Maldiviathat's beside the point
21:32.52VoidRaiderAnyway I'm going to sleep with a dream :P
21:32.52malrethwell, it's still constant time, true
21:33.19Maldiviamalreth: well, there's only one added indirection
21:33.25malrethbut all the same, i don't think it really gains us much benefit
21:33.36Drundiai'm sure it does
21:33.55IrielDrundia: The number of global variables has VERY LITTLE impact on their access speed
21:34.15MaldiviaThe power of hash tables
21:34.45Drundiahmmm.... what are they using for tables?
21:35.00Drundiahash tables?
21:35.20malrethfor key-value lookups, yes
21:36.21malrethlists use an expandable array, no?
21:37.25Drundianumeric lists? in theory they could use binary trees
21:37.58Drundiathat probably is pretty fast for sequences of numbers to be easily expandable
21:38.07Drundiathough maybe not binary....
21:38.07malrethwell, the source for lua is available... you're free to look
21:38.24Drundiareading other people's code will take forever
21:38.28SP|Sorrenany ice mages or plds here in beta?
21:38.44MaldiviaI'm a mage, and usually frost
21:39.14malrethwell... i'm frost in beta... elemental on live
21:39.28SP|Sorrenyou guys on the PvE or PvP server? :o
21:39.30SB1-Workmmm fire
21:39.37SP|Sorrensnake trap can hit through invul
21:39.39SP|Sorrenbut i dont know if its true.
21:39.48SP|Sorreni think it may just be that you can trip it while you're invulnerable
21:40.11malrethcomment spam incoming...
21:40.25malreth** Implementation of tables (aka arrays, objects, or hash tables).
21:40.25malreth** Tables keep its elements in two parts: an array part and a hash part.
21:40.25malreth** Non-negative integer keys are all candidates to be kept in the array
21:40.25malreth** part. The actual size of the array is the largest `n' such that at
21:40.26malreth** least half the slots between 0 and n are in use.
21:40.32malreth** Hash uses a mix of chained scatter table with Brent's variation.
21:40.32malreth** A main invariant of these tables is that, if an element is not
21:40.32malreth** in its main position (i.e. the `original' position that its hash gives
21:40.33malreth** to it), then the colliding element is in its own main position.
21:40.33malreth** Hence even when the load factor reaches 100%, performance remains good.
21:40.54malrethhey, i warned
21:41.07zenzelezzdoesn't make it less painful
21:41.14Josh_Borkenot by much...
21:41.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (
21:42.49purlACTION throws an explosive whale named Gunter at josh_borke and hides.
21:43.08SP|Sorrenalas, poor Gunter.
21:43.27SP|Sorrenso, any mages here on the pvp beta server?
21:43.41malrethno... not on pvp
21:43.58SB1-WorkThe dev guild is on PvE
21:44.02malrethi can't test my cross faction communication addon on them
21:44.10malrethOH SNAP!
21:44.12SP|SorrenSB1-Work: figures ;p
21:44.57Drundiatoo bad u can only send languaged messages to a few chat types
21:49.40SP|Sorrenanyone know of any viewport mods for 2.0?
21:49.45SP|Sorrenor do the old ones still work?
21:49.54malreththey should work
21:51.06AmroSorren, what'll happen to ICU?
21:51.16*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
21:51.28SP|Sorrenim going to dedicate some time to it this weekend
21:51.29ckknighthey all
21:51.30SP|Sorrenit doesn't look good though
21:52.04Amrohey ckknight
21:53.14malrethhow was class?
21:53.59*** join/#wowi-lounge JeHicks (
21:54.11ckknightpretty good, we're talking about NP-Completeness
21:54.24ckknightand the Satisfaction problem
21:54.29pastamancersounds like a good time
21:54.35malrethdid you know that P=NP?
21:54.57purlmalreth is always right
21:55.17Thunder_Child~emulate malreth
21:55.19purlas long as it's not anal-related, it's fine
21:55.30ckknightmalreth, no one knows that for sure.
21:55.46malrethperl does... and he's a program so I think he speaks with authority.
21:55.58Thunder_Childyou mean purl?
21:56.07malrethyeah... whatever
21:56.20Thunder_Childyou just hurt purls feelings
21:56.38Thunder_Child~bad malreth
21:56.40purlBad malreth, bad! No cookie for you!
21:59.23malrethwell... i gotta go take my scholo item lovin scrubby ass to the twitchfest that is Naxx tonight. I wish I were a real raider so that I had to use addons like decursive to even have a chance to survive.
21:59.48malrethlater all, I'm sure it's gonna suck
22:00.04*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
22:00.13Maldiviamalreth: yeah, I have no idea how I've survived raiding as a mage for such a long time without it
22:00.51SB1-WorkI used decursive from level 1 to 60
22:01.02SB1-WorkThey killed it? Install a good set of raid frames, and my new macro
22:01.18SB1-WorkThe people who whine can't adapt, and the people who can't adapt aren't worth their own salt.
22:01.58Josh_Borkewith the new macro system, how do i write a macro that follows a sequence and continues through it whether the spell is successful or not?
22:02.05IrielJosh_Borke: You dont
22:02.11IrielJosh_Borke: That still requires an addon
22:02.40Josh_Borkebut, but, you can't :-(
22:02.41ckknightwhich wouldn't work in combat anyway...
22:02.48Maldiviayes it would
22:02.59Irielckknight: Sure it would, you can do a secure state header sequence caster pretty easily
22:03.02Drundiaare there still only 18+18 macros and they are 255 bytes long in beta?
22:03.05ckknightah, right.
22:03.30Drundiastupid macros
22:03.36IrielDrundia: Though with relatively little code you can create macro-esque action buttons
22:03.55Drundiawith state headers or without?
22:04.09Drundiathat's good
22:04.11IrielJust SecureActionButtonTemplate
22:04.12Maldivia/run ActionButton1:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/cast blah\n......");
22:04.47Drundiathey have attribute macrotext? omg i didnt notice it when was reading ptr file
22:04.47IrielI think you need SetAttribute("type", "macro") too, but I haven't looked lately
22:04.55Maldiviaohh yeah
22:05.43Drundiahmmm, doesnt RunMacro accept macro text as argument? wasnt it only id/name?
22:06.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (
22:06.07Maldiviayou can't call RunMacro in combat
22:06.49JeHicksHi there.  Just wanted to ask a simple question regarding lua macro scripting in WoW.  Sorry if this isnt the place to do it, but i figured if anyone knew, you guys would.  I'd like to make a DuDu macro to cast Rejuv, Swiftmend,Rejuv.  I know that this is apparently not possible because of the global cooldown on spells, but i was wondering if there was a way around it, by doing something like; While SpellIsOnCooldown do (som
22:06.49JeHickscast next spell.
22:07.04Josh_BorkeJeHicks: in wow 2.0 you can
22:07.17Drundiaah, found it in latest securetemplates.lua
22:07.25SB1-WorkJeHicks, /castsquence Rejuvenation, Swiftmend, Rejuvenation
22:07.29Josh_BorkeJeHicks: /castsequence Rejuv, Swiftmend, Rejuv (or something like that)
22:07.35SB1-WorkJeHicks, will require that you press the macro three times, but yeah
22:07.42Drundiai cant call runmacto in combat, but it was used for type=macro in securetemplates.lua
22:07.46JeHicksJosh_Borke:  is that in 2.0 only then?
22:07.57SB1-WorkJosh_Borke, he asked you, have at it ;)
22:08.00Drundianow i see this:
22:08.04Drundiaelseif ( type == "macro" ) then
22:08.04Drundialocal macro = SecureButton_GetModifiedAttribute(self, "macro", button);
22:08.04Drundiaif ( macro ) then
22:08.04Drundia-- Save macros in case the one for this action is being edited
22:08.05DrundiaRunMacro(macro, button);
22:08.09Drundialocal text = SecureButton_GetModifiedAttribute(self, "macrotext", button);
22:08.11Drundiaif ( text ) then
22:08.13DrundiaRunMacroText(text, button);
22:08.18MaldiviaDrundia: ARGHH
22:08.20Drundiaimba RunMacroText
22:08.26SB1-WorkDrundia, topic
22:08.26Josh_BorkeDrundia: use
22:08.43SB1-WorkDrundia, "Paste Code Here:"
22:08.45MaldiviaDrundia: there's a reason pastey is in the topic
22:08.56Drundiabtw, why does it only do "SpellStopTargeting();" on type=stop?
22:09.00Drundiaok, understood
22:09.07JeHicksJosh_Borke, SB1-Work:  Cool thanks very much.  Are these changes documented anywhere so i can read about them?  (wondering about the use of shapeshifts in /castsequence)
22:09.18SB1-WorkJeHicks, stickies in the UI forums
22:09.21Drundiashouldnt it cancel a lot more things?
22:09.25MaldiviaJeHicks: check the stickes in the US UI forums
22:09.26SB1-WorkJeHicks, there's one dedicated to macros, it's a good read
22:09.39MaldiviaDrundia: such as?
22:09.43SB1-WorkJeHicks, "Neuro's Macro Guide" or something like that
22:09.59JeHicksCool thanks, didnt think of that, looked all over WoWWiki.  Guess i'll just have to look forward to EU release of 2.0.
22:10.06Drundiawell, it should do a few more stopping actions. SpellStopCasting for ex.
22:10.15SB1-WorkJeHicks, the UI forums are the place to be for macros currently.
22:10.28JeHicksOkay, thanks all!
22:10.31Drundiais there a slash combat to simulate buttonclick?
22:10.36Drundia*slash command
22:10.47Maldivia/click ActionButton1
22:11.11Drundiaor even /click frame:button ?
22:12.39Maldivia/click frame button
22:13.01Maldiviaactually: /click frame button down
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22:14.09Drundiaoh, it even takes down/up as last arg? sweet
22:14.42Drundianow the only thing i need is RegisterForClicks accepting custom button names....
22:15.42Maldiviaohh, /targetraid and /targetparty
22:21.15Drundia:O what is SecurityMatrix in GlueXML?
22:22.50Temoh for crying out loud
22:23.10TemI've killed upwards of 30 turtles and only seen 4 preices of meat
22:23.19Temand this quest wants 10...
22:24.19*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (
22:24.29Drundiai killed like 300 spiders in hillsbrad to get some spider ichor or something for some quest.
22:24.31Elkanooh, turtle... I need their scales :/
22:24.45Drundiathose were good times
22:24.48TemI'd just like to add that levels 29-34ish fucking blow as alliance
22:26.48*** part/#wowi-lounge DrDre (
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22:28.41Elkanogreetings Cairenn, work for you:
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22:31.31Merythat turtle quest does blow
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22:36.16Cairennthanks Elkano
22:37.16Elkanonvm :) you are doing the work :)
22:39.58DrundiaRunMacroText() runs macros of any length or still imba 255 char cap?
22:49.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
22:52.47Inside<Tem> I'd just like to add that levels 29-34ish fucking blow as alliance ? Really? I did that in a day or two in STV
22:52.57InsideAs a paladin, I was getting ~22k/hour xp (unrested0
22:53.05InsideI haven't gotten that good XP since >_<
22:53.21SP|Sorrenwierd, for some reason when i hit ' in firefox it brings up the find bar :/
22:53.28TemI'm avoiding STV
22:53.33InsidePVP server?
22:53.45Thunder_Childi *hate* stv
22:53.48Temjust nightmares from the first time I did it
22:53.54Thunder_Childnothing should be that big w/o mounts
22:54.12Temthat and there isn't an inn within reasonable walking distance
22:54.16Temyeah, exactly
22:54.18Temthe zone is too big
22:54.57Thunder_Childfellwood and darkshore is in that descripiton, though you would have mounts in fellwood
22:55.05Thunder_Childit;s still iritating as hell
22:57.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (
23:02.30SB1-WorkI hate idiots
23:02.32AntiarcSTV is a pain pre-mount
23:02.43SB1-Work"When are they going to fix blink?" <-- idiot
23:04.08ckknightis blink broken?
23:04.37SB1-WorkIt's the world pathing that is broken
23:07.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
23:09.58SP|Sorrenmy pet sometimes gets stuck on random pieces of land
23:10.02SP|Sorrenit sucks :(
23:11.09*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
23:18.43Drundiatbh i know how to fix blink
23:19.19Drundiaone of possibilities, not really hard i think
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23:19.57Mery*wonders why they didn't do it already*
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23:40.06Thardalit's not easy to fix blink because of the nature of the problem
23:40.22Thardaldiscontinous collision detection is a pretty hard cs problem
23:40.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
23:42.33Kasomy guildleader has the best idea ever for the blink problem
23:42.48ckknightwhat's that, Kaso?
23:43.11Kasochange the tooltip to "Attemps to teleport you 20yrds fowards, but due to instabilities in the magic this effect can be unprediciable"
23:43.48Thardalbest fix possible tbh
23:44.08ThardalAttemps to teleport you 20 yds forwards (warning: designed by goblins)
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23:46.52Thunder_Childmagic was designed by goblins? wonder things keep getting resisted
23:48.53DrundiaThardal, you can ask client to move 20 yds forward at 1000% speed for example
23:49.21*** join/#wowi-lounge ozatomic (
23:49.45Thunder_Childwhat if you have hamstring on, do you move at 500% speed then?
23:49.51Drundiaye, i wonder, u can have 100% chance to hit, but only 99% chance to hit with spells.
23:50.01Drundiaoverride it in some way
23:50.27Drundiathey just need to change discontinuous collosion detection to continuous
23:50.44Drundiathat it simulates actual movement
23:50.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
23:53.15Drundiathey already even fixed CoA in all possible way and still cant fix blink? wtf?
23:53.38Guillotinewhat was wrong with Curse of Agony that it had to be fixed?
23:54.22Drundiadidnt deal damage after caster dies, talents were not applied to bonus damage from items and it was interrupting spells
23:54.43Drundiadidnt break stealth and maybe some more
23:54.59SP|Sorrendidn't break stealth?
23:55.00Thunder_ChildDoT's still dont deal dmg after death in PvE....
23:55.23SP|SorrenThunder_Child: in a group?
23:55.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Saroz_ (n=Saroz@
23:56.04Drundiacoa didnt tick on stealthed units
23:56.31Drundiaimo they need to add that good evading feature to pvp
23:57.02Drundiai want to evade, insta-regen and reset my cooldowns after killing every rogue....
23:58.09Kasoyay ive got finally got a > 350 alchemy recipe
23:58.25Kasoexcept the herb it needs isnt in the game yet

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