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00:00.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
00:01.11TuX_BuBlingis it possible to go to a test server to try it out?
00:01.39cogwheelTuX_BuBling: PTR
00:01.53cogwheelPublic test realm...
00:02.02Thunder_Childthough it seems to be down atm
00:02.39Thunder_Childodd...i dont remeber a test at the begining of the link
00:02.46*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
00:03.09TuX_BuBlingthis will be a bigg mess
00:03.24TuX_BuBlingAll UI to remade...
00:03.36TuX_BuBlingi'll wait for it before remade my flexbar settings :p
00:04.24ThraeTuX_BuBling: One of the ideas for 2.0 was to disable most of Flexbar-like addon functionality.
00:04.41ThraeTuX_BuBling: In combat, anyway.
00:05.20cogwheelhey now... that's a bit misleading if you consider "most" of flexbar's functionality to be layout-related :P
00:06.16ThraePeople would use Bongos if it was just layout-related, people use Flexbar to react to certain events, which is suppose to be prohibited in 2.0.
00:06.36cogwheelBut yeah... if you have buttons appearing/disappearing/remapping based on combat conditions (like dodge for overpower, for instance) then you're SOL
00:08.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (
00:13.47TuX_BuBlingYes flexbar is nice cause it's flexible
00:13.52TuX_BuBlingbongos is crap
00:14.09Thunder_ChildSOL = Shit out of luck
00:14.15TuX_BuBlingwhell lol
00:14.31TuX_BuBlingbut i'm pretty sure flexbar devs will do something quickly ;)
00:14.34TuX_BuBlingactually i hope
00:15.09Tullerits not a "I hope the devs can make buttons show hide in combat based on X condition", its just not possible anymore
00:15.23cogwheelIt's not a matter of the FlexBar devs... it's a matter of blizzard disabling a lot of functionality that addons have historically used
00:15.43cogwheelSpend some time in the UI & Macros forum (and also on the flexbar forums) and you'll understand
00:15.46TuX_BuBlingwtf they removed such good things Oo
00:15.58TuX_BuBlingyes is hould ;)
00:16.32Tulleryou can do visibility things on non combat things, like stances, help harm, or unit existence, but nothing based on ranged or unit health or anything like that
00:16.33Thunder_Child~calm cogwheel
00:16.43purlACTION sooths cogwheel, offers a backrub, tea, a jacuzzi and anything else that might help calm cogwheel down.
00:18.20TuX_BuBlingmmmh blizzard is doing some strange things really
00:18.38cogwheelit's not strange if you've been around :P
00:18.44cogwheelmost of us saw it coming ;)
00:18.50Thunder_Childand ducked
00:20.17Tullerit turned the interface forum into the general forum for about a month :)
00:20.51Thunder_Childthough i have to admit it even iritated the people that support the changes for a moment
00:20.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
00:22.01Tullerwell, it gave me an excuse to remove scripting from bongos
00:24.03Tullerstate changes still make me a little sad, though
00:24.35Drundiathe biggest problem of those changes are latency and limitations of input devices
00:25.35Drundiathe client blocks ability to cast new spell while it considers other spell casting, something what addons are no longer allowed to do
00:26.53TuX_BuBlingwell i'm not reading the englsih forum
00:27.19TuX_BuBlingand that's bad thing for me cause i had knew this....
00:28.25Tulleryou wouldn't have spent 3 hours setting up your UI? :)
00:29.13TuX_BuBlingmmmh i didn't :)
00:29.29TuX_BuBlingi had a couple of new ace addons recently
00:29.45TuX_BuBlingbut i didn't changed my flexbar settings
00:32.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
00:37.41Thunder_Childah, yhe warbleing cry of the iritated
00:38.34Maldiviajust noticed, that the suffix id in item links can be negative, if it uses the new suffix types, and positive if the old style
00:39.08Thunder_Child"look dear, see over ther, it's the red faced Malivia, such a wonderfull sight"
00:42.21Thunder_Child"Aww, honey, it's purring"
00:42.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Saeris (
00:43.54SaerisDoes one have to use a state header to change the visibility of a frame through a keybinding, or is the fact that it's being done through a keybinding enough for the API?
00:44.47Drundiai think it's more like yes
01:06.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Warla (
01:06.23KarlKFIIs the new 'Mana Regeneration' the same thing as mp5? I'm seeing both attributes still in beta
01:06.25Warlahowdy :-)
01:06.41Warlahey you wont beleave it
01:06.54Warlabut today i actually got a cool GM who responded to my ticket
01:07.00Warlacheck this out:
01:07.07Warlakickass :-)
01:07.10Warlaowned so much
01:07.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
01:07.44Maldivialol... the new dynamic suffixes in TBC, are dependant on the items serial number... if you change the number you get _insane_ stats in links :)
01:08.04*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
01:08.26SaerisAlways been that way. A whole lot of the unused suffixes are still in game, just not accessible.
01:09.15Maldiviano no, has nothing to do with that
01:09.25MaldiviaOld style suffix used predetermined values for the different attributes
01:09.59MaldiviaNew style suffix calculate the stats, from item level and item serial number
01:10.12SaerisYou're saying the new negative ones are actually based on the number in the link instead of what that number represents in some predefined table?
01:10.35Maldiviathe predefined table contains what stats the are, and a multiplier
01:10.55SaerisAh, interesting. Have a specific example I could try?
01:10.58Maldiviawhich is then combined with the item level and some random factor contributed by the "serial number"
01:11.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
01:12.36Maldivia-15 = +spirit
01:14.02SaerisThat's... a lot of spirit.
01:15.06SaerisDoes the server still only check the base item for validity when linking, or does it now check the suffix too?
01:15.09MaldiviaThe low-word of the last number is used :)
01:15.39Maldiviaso 65535 should yield the largest possible value
01:16.24SaerisMakes sense.
01:16.36Maldiviaone step closer to understanding the last digit
01:16.41Maldivialast number
01:18.36Maldiviaok, suffix values are [low word] * multiplier/10000  from dbc files
01:19.28Maldiviaand floored
01:21.29MaldiviaWhy do I have the feeling, that other will find out aswell, and as soon as TBC hits, we'll see a cascade of fake links :|
01:28.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken_ (n=chatzill@
01:30.44SaerisSo new items will have negative suffix IDs, even for classic suffixes like "of the Eagle"?
01:31.42TainSo I just started playing Phantasy Star Universe.  Here's a quote I hope I never hear from the news.  "The local fauna has become increasingly hostile."
01:34.45Xavaliaflora was plants and fauna was insects right?
01:35.50ckknightfauna is animals
01:36.11ckknightwhich includes insects
01:39.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (
01:41.19ckknighthow big can textures be in WoW?
01:41.43Saeris512x... yeah
01:41.46ckknighthrm, okay
01:42.23ckknightI'm going to try to make it so that for Battlegrounds, you can show the vital parts of the map, while hiding the non-virtal parts
01:42.37ckknightthis is for Cartographer
01:42.57MaldiviaSaeris: dont know if drops in Azeroth will drop with the old style, or use the new one
01:43.23OsagasuGive me some names of mods that remove the default Blizz Action Bard, please?
01:43.31grimman|afkishMaldivia: Drops?
01:43.46ckknightOsagasu, Bartender
01:44.02Maldiviagrimman: if loot from azeroth will use positive or negative suffixes
01:44.16grimman|afkishThought you were on about the weather system, lol.
01:48.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
01:49.25Corrodiasi wonder if Warden isn't as effective as i think, if botting is so common that that post refers to "those bots"
01:50.30Corrodiaswell, "those friggin bots"
01:51.00OsagasuThanks ckknight.
01:51.04cladhairewell, when writing a program like that, its cat and mouse.
01:52.15Corrodiasthough it would take a while, the accounts will eventually be banned for it, right? although that's enough time to farm some gold, which is the point of the farmers and their many accounts
01:52.48TainPeople write protection to hide from Warden, Warden gets updated each patch, people write new protection.
01:53.04TainIt's a constant thing.  IT doesn't stop the peopel who really want to bot, it stops the casual botter.
01:53.23*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
01:53.33Maldiviacasual botter... hmm, who said SWG...
01:53.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
01:57.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
02:01.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
02:01.23Corrodiasi need to think about my mage build more. all three trees sound pretty spiffy, especially in the expansion.
02:02.47Corrodiaswhoa. there's some misrepresenting your product there.
02:03.18cladhaireKarlKFI put it best, hacking sells, mods are free.. but i hate the title.
02:04.11Corrodiaswell, anyway, i'd better get back to work. i'm hacking my paper for class, by typing into it.
02:06.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (
02:06.52kergothhmm... 5% to hit, 5% to crit, 5% to dodge, or +30% mutilate damage boost
02:08.59Corrodiasanybody know how high a level enemies get in BC?
02:09.50Corrodiasboy that's not as helpful as i had hoped
02:10.25grimman|afkishWill "level 500" make you feel any better? :P
02:10.47Corrodiasi'm just curious if it'll be 73, or higher
02:10.58TainI want to be level one million.
02:11.35grimman|afkishBet you wouldn't after you see how much exp is required to level from 999 999 -> 1 000 000.
02:11.37TainAnd if that isn't high enough I'll go Super Saiyan.
02:15.54grimman|afkishThe AirWolf movie has the worst music EVER.
02:16.05grimman|afkishkergoth: Daggers or swords?
02:16.58Neuro_MedivhAirwolf movie?
02:17.04Neuro_Medivhas in, the bad 80s tv show?
02:17.15grimman|afkishAs in the awesome 80s TV show.
02:17.32Neuro_Medivhplease.  It was a Knight Rider ripoff
02:17.41kergothgrimman|afkish, i was swords, but in the beta i'm back to daggers, since the top tier combat talent is mediocre
02:17.56kergothflipping back and forth between various mutilate and shadowstep builds
02:17.57grimman|afkishkergoth: Combat potency isn't though.
02:18.11kergoththis is true
02:18.19kergothblade twisting seems like itd rock for solo, but i havent seen it proc once
02:18.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
02:18.55grimman|afkishSolo? I'd say it's a PVP skill if anything.
02:19.17grimman|afkishSo you can dual instant instead of having crippling on MH and instant OH.
02:19.56kergoththe pvp effectiveness is obvious, but i figured anything thatll make a mob not be hitting me, even for a short period, is good for solo survivability
02:20.10grimman|afkishDaze is a snare though. ;)
02:20.31Neuro_Medivhexcept it can't be removed
02:21.15grimman|afkishBlade twisting will make hunter+rogue a nice-ish pair for arenas.
02:21.30kergothhow are the arenas? i havent tried em yet
02:21.31grimman|afkishHunters get quite a bit of bonus damage with Steady Shot on dazed targets.
02:21.47TainIt was so funny on my Rogue.  As crazy as it sounds I was able to solo better in blues than when I had T2 and some T3.  Because I focused so much on plus dodge and crit.
02:21.50grimman|afkishI've only done skirmish, but I think it's alot of fun. :)
02:22.07GuillotineI love my current combo. arms warrior/subtelty rogue/feral druid, all bleed specced
02:22.25grimman|afkishI focused crit on my first rogue too.
02:22.47grimman|afkishStill does really wild damage with blues and Krol+Hakkari offhand.
02:24.37grimman|afkish << Gonna try that when the time comes. :)
02:25.38cladhaireshadowstep is a lot of fun
02:25.40cladhaireshadowstep, sap
02:25.46cladhairewaste of combo points.. but fun =)]\
02:25.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
02:26.05grimman|afkishUh... neither skill requires combo points. :P
02:30.01TainUses energy.
02:30.07TainEnergy equals combo points.
02:30.33cladhairegives combo points
02:30.35cladhairedoesn't it?
02:30.52cladhairei was counting premed =)
02:30.59cladhairebut that would be stupid.
02:31.02*** join/#wowi-lounge FelixTeCat (
02:31.03grimman|afkishKinda daft to premed a sap. :P
02:31.07Corrodiasarcane doesn't have any damage spells other than explosion and missiles, does it? hrmm
02:31.19cladhaireyeah, i'm on crack
02:33.34Corrodiasalthough the arcane tree mostly enhances all spells
02:34.03TainSapped girls don't say no.
02:34.20grimman|afkishGnomes sap in the groin.
02:36.10MatthewSfor mage only? or druidic/hunter stuff of the type arcane as well?
02:36.39MatthewSonly direct dmg i know of
02:37.26Arrowmasterarcane blast
02:38.15Corrodiasah, you're right. that's not a bad one. and you get a 40% threat reduction on arcane spells
02:44.58Corrodiasfrost doesn't really tickle my fancy, but arcane and fire both sound pretty tasty
02:45.14grimman|afkishBut frost is cool!
02:47.36Arrowmasterfire got nerfed
02:47.43Arrowmasterno more rolling ignites
02:47.48Corrodiasrolling ignites?
02:48.59Arrowmasteryes that game mechanic that lets a group of fire mages force a single fire mage to do over 500 dps while standing there doing nothing and wishing the others would stop before he gets squished
02:49.03*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
02:49.13Corrodiasi have no idea what you're talking about
02:49.49Corrodiasthat certainly sounds like an unintentional effect
02:50.19grimman|afkishHunters have it good now. If a group of hunters decide they don't like a person they can just give him all their aggro for a while. ^^
02:51.14Corrodiascan one of you explain what Arrowmaster is talking about?
02:51.27Arrowmasteri still havent had a chance to test if CancelPlayerBuff() can be called without a hardware event in combat
02:52.01Arrowmastertrying to find a forum post explaining it
02:53.10Corrodiasreferencing ignite?
02:53.47Corrodiasokay, thanks
02:54.17Arrowmasterwas a good one on the EJ forums but it seems buried now
02:54.31cladhaireDruid + Warlock == sick in the areana
02:55.05Corrodiashe says druid
02:55.07Arrowmasterpeople seem too focused on 2v2 arena
02:55.21cladhairecause its all you can get groups for.
02:55.22cladhairei mean
02:55.22Corrodiaswhy does he say druid?
02:56.02Arrowmasterthe real arena teams will be for 5v5 since it gets the most points
02:56.38Corrodias(he said druid!)
02:56.38Corrodiasyou sure it isn't shadow priest + warlock?
02:56.42Arrowmastertheres a lot of good 2v2 combos
02:57.37cladhaireno, druid + warlock
02:57.38Corrodiasi don't see how a druid and a warlock complement each other
02:57.39cladhairei know.. i'm the druid
02:57.41cladhaireand we haven't lost.
02:57.46cladhairecause they're not squishy
02:57.50cladhairei dont have to heal them like i do a mage
02:58.03cladhairewe can actually be a hybrid in that fight
02:59.37*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
03:00.38MentalPowerso, it turns out that I bricked my router
03:01.18MentalPowerword to the wise: do not install HyperWRT on your WRT54G, and if you already have it installed don't try to switch firmware
03:01.30Corrodiaswhy's that?
03:01.52Corrodiashard to install? always screws it up?
03:02.27Arrowmasterheh i just got a new (not really) wrt54g setup in my house, havent bothed to play with alternative firmware much yet
03:02.52MentalPowercause it turns out that HyperWRT changes the identity of the router and makes it think that its a WRT54GS, and in turn will only accept (from that point on) firmware for the GS wich will brick the router
03:03.22MentalPowerI tried everything short of using a JTAG cable to resurrect it, nothing worked
03:03.26Corrodiasi am curious if you chose the wrong version of hyperwrt
03:03.34|Shadow|are there any addons that can search the auction house
03:03.40|Shadow|for items that are a certain price?
03:03.46TainDD-WRT is the way to go.
03:03.47Corrodiasbecause damn, that's a stupid thing for it to do
03:03.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=Mike@
03:03.51MentalPowerthats what I thought too, but I double checked and thats not the case
03:03.55cladhairenight all
03:03.57Corrodiaswhat a coincidence, i'm also using dd-wrt on the router right here
03:03.59MentalPower|Shadow|: Auctioneer
03:04.09MentalPowerI was trying to switch to DD-WRT
03:04.11TainDD-WRT is good stuff.
03:04.14|Shadow|i have that, how do i search for items with a 1g buyout? :P
03:04.53MentalPower|Shadow|: Search Auctions tab, select the buyout search and put a min profit to your liking
03:05.02MentalPoweryou can't blindly search for stuff at 1g
03:05.07Mike-N-Go|Shadow|: Make a subroutine that does it.
03:05.46|Shadow|i've even searched for stuff with 1c profit with that thing
03:05.49|Shadow|and i never find any results
03:05.49Mike-N-GoLearn, I don't know much, but I am on my 2nd addon.
03:05.51MentalPoweryou can however search by itemName and you can then sort by biuyout
03:06.09|Shadow|9[04MentalPower9-> not when theres 5.8k items in the auction house :P
03:06.32MentalPower|Shadow|: have you scanned within the past 24hrs before using the search auctions tab
03:07.04|Shadow|don't think so
03:07.11Arrowmasterscan first
03:07.17Arrowmasterthats how auctioneer works
03:07.24|Shadow|ah ok :P
03:07.50MentalPoweryeah, you need to scan first before doing anything useful with Auctioneer
03:08.05|Shadow|oh ok :P
03:08.09|Shadow|i've been meaning to scan with it anyways
03:08.55MentalPowernote: price recomendations *WILL* be off, at least till about a week of solid scanning
03:09.09|Shadow|ok :)
03:09.15|Shadow|i use wowecon for most of my priceing
03:10.01Malivil-SleepI have nothing better to do
03:10.03Malivil-Sleepso good night
03:25.07Mike-N-Go~dict legibleness
03:25.40Osagasukekekekeke... I shall be joining you all on Hellfire SOON!
03:28.04purlACTION has disconnected (Read error: 99 (Connection reset by beer))
03:28.07|Shadow|im off to sleep :)
03:28.12|Shadow|nn :P
03:30.57TainOh no what is the world coming to.  First Britney and Kevin, now Pam Anderson and Kid Rock?
03:31.25OsagasuI'd be more worried about Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise...
03:31.40OsagasuSHe was hot before they got married...  Now she's nuts.
03:34.08Mike-N-GoYou can test mine.
03:34.16purlrumour has it, mike-n-go is the n00blet that could..  The author of AutoMailDirector, available on WoWI
03:34.26Osagasu...NO idea what that is.
03:34.46OsagasuIs that like, some ripoff of FMA?  :P
03:34.50OsagasuJoking, of course.
03:34.51Mike-N-Go~Mike-N-Go is also
03:34.52purlokay, Mike-N-Go
03:35.01purli heard mike-n-go is the n00blet that could..  The author of AutoMailDirector, available on WoWI, or
03:35.30OsagasuSo basically I can set it to send stuff automatically to my guild's bank if I wanted to do that?
03:36.53OsagasuBut it isn't updated for BC, looks like.
03:37.18Mike-N-GoCurrently, it looks up the itemType (IE: armor, weapon, recipe...) but a future revision is due to be fully user configurable.
03:37.30Mike-N-GoThat would be because I don't have TBC
03:37.55Mike-N-GoThat was my first addon.
03:38.10OsagasuWell, the PTRs use the newest interface version, don't they?
03:38.28OsagasuAnd why don't you go and sign up for WoWI's Mod Author thing?
03:38.36Mike-N-GoI tried to get into the PTRs once, but the links fed into them-selves.
03:38.45Mike-N-GoYup, after I submitted that addon.
03:39.18Mike-N-GoStill waiting for it.
03:40.08Mike-N-GoOnce I get TBC, I will update it for that.
03:50.34CorrodiasPTR patch: makes another copy of your game, so you can run both? or do i have to make a copy of it myself? i don't remember if i asked before.
03:51.36Thunder_Childamkes another coppy, it pulls from your live one
03:52.54Corrodiashow does it know where to find the current one? it seems to have started without me telling it where...
03:53.10abugwindows registry ftw
03:53.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=Mike@
03:53.54Corrodiaswell what do you know, it is in there. either i put it in there manually so long ago or WoW wrote it when i ran it for the first time. i just copied it from another computer.
03:54.30abugthe latter no doubt
03:55.11Corrodiasyou have no doubt that i don't have the foresight to copy registry entries when copying games from one computer to another?
03:55.39abuger um
03:55.39Corrodiasmy memory may not be great, but it's not the first time i've done it
03:56.20abugI copied mine from another computer as well, but didn't make registry entries
03:56.28abugand they're in there now
03:56.53Corrodiasso you're certain that it will write it on its own if it doesn't exist
03:57.20abughmm maybe I'm not that certain
03:57.35abug~captain planet
03:58.11Corrodiasarr. well, i agree that it probably does, because that would be very convenient.
04:02.21Thunder_ChildCorrodias, i do belive that wow creates it own etery every time it is launched (and there is not one already)
04:02.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
04:02.46*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
04:03.00Thunder_Childi dont think that is it either
04:03.11Tullerhrm, something is causing a significant pause when I page
04:03.19kergothyes, wow does create the registry entries when you run it
04:03.38kergothso if you move it from one path to another, the registry entries will be fixed the first time you run it in the new location
04:06.28Thunder_Childlol there is a squid staff with moving tenticles
04:07.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (
04:10.42OsagasuSo I could Move WoW to a different hard disk and still be able to run it?
04:14.23Corrodiasthat's what i did
04:16.11Osagasuyay!  I can finally get it off this crap that has Windows on it
04:18.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
04:19.45Tullerbleh, it looks like its not related to any addon
04:19.59Tullerbut rapid paging of bars actually locks up the game now it seems
04:21.35Garoun|Loupanatrinity buttons was causing a horrible lag before the fix
04:21.41Garoun|Loupanaabout to test the fixed version
04:21.50Garoun|LoupanaI had a 10s pause every time I switched weapons
04:23.05Tullerhrm, same thing for that
04:23.13Tullerexcept not ten seconds
04:28.23Corrodiassigh. gg, blizzard.
04:28.32Corrodiasalt+shift+2 does not self-cast shift+2
04:36.37Thunder_ChildParticle effects FTW!!
04:36.49Corrodiashow interesting, the addons are actually called -incompatible-, rather than just out of date
04:37.47Tullerfound it :)
04:39.44Tullerlooks like its something in blizzard's action buttons causing the delay :)
04:40.01Tullercompletely removing all events fixed it
04:40.03OsagasuFix it Corr.
04:41.06Corrodiasi'm not an author. i was just thinking of getting a head start on trying to get my addons updated.
04:41.28Corrodiasbut the scope of that task is rather daunting
04:41.32Garoun|LoupanaCorr I don't think the Load out of Date is even working for 2.0
04:41.55Garoun|Loupanaprobably because they knew a lot of mobs are going to blow up and they want to force people to update
04:42.37norgsafaik load out of date only works for toc versions 20000 and above
04:42.48norgsless than that are "incompatible"
04:43.36Garoun|Loupanayeah, and that makes sense now that I thought about it
04:43.44Corrodiasi'm not leet enough to fix the addons i use myself, and i have that terrible feeling that many of the addons are no longer being updated
04:44.05Garoun|Loupanawell start your looking now :P
04:44.11Garoun|Loupanathere are plenty of sites with BC addons loaded
04:44.26Garoun|LoupanaI'm using 2.0 to rebuild my ui from scratch and trim some fat
04:44.59Thunder_Childyeasame here Garoun|Loupana
04:45.04Thunder_Childyea same*
04:45.15Corrodiasi use around 150 addons. i was really quite comfortable in my little fort of addons.
04:46.12Garoun|Loupanatime to take a step back and see what you actually use
04:46.14Corrodiasnow i have to try to rebuild my little fort
04:46.35Corrodiasi have done that a couple of times. i like every one that i still use.
04:47.37abug~eat Corrodias
04:47.40purlACTION eats Corrodias and falls over dead
04:55.09Thunder_Childwow 150...thats alot
04:55.49Thunder_Childi have 127 ish not including bliiz default ones
04:57.08Thunder_Childanyone have a confermed release on the patch yet?
04:58.05Corrodiasit seems that the official Lua interpreter is linux source code.
04:59.31Corrodiasaaand it just so happens that i don't have a linux virtual machine on this computer, yet. :(
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05:01.45ckknighthey all
05:02.15Thunder_Childsup ck
05:05.06Thunder_Childis it possable you can create "zones" on the map so you can chek to see if the partymemebrs are in the correct "area"?
05:06.11Mike-N-GoOh, Osagasu, if you want to make an addon that would mail said item to your guild bank you would: 1)Trigger by key binding 2) Attach item to COD slot by PickupContainerItem() then ClickSendMailItemButton() 3) Mail to the guild bank by putting it's name in SendMail()
05:06.54Mike-N-GoThe only problem would be if the item is unsendable, ie: soulbound.
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05:08.09ckknightThunder_Child, what do you mean?
05:08.09Mike-N-GoMy addon tests for the itemtype, that is how it choses it's recipient.
05:09.47Thunder_Childwell, say you were in a n instance and ppl had to go to different points, if you could set up areas on the map that would check for the pary/raid person icon to be within thes areas
05:10.33Corrodiashaha... altcast the addon no longer works, and blizzard's own alt casting doesn't work either
05:10.37Corrodiaswell, that just about makes it complete crap
05:11.34Mike-N-GoWhew, I was scared for a sec there; I use option for that, I am on a Mac.
05:11.43Thunder_Childand all of that w/o haveing to open up the map, so you have a little scoreboard and it says when they are in their asigned place. e.g. bob = no, bob2 = no, bob3 = yes
05:11.48Corrodiasit might conceivably work if updated to a secure thingy.
05:12.10CorrodiasMike-N-Go: so option+shift+2 self-casts shift+2?
05:13.05Mike-N-GoIt says "Fishing pole must be equipped" otherwise yes.
05:14.21Mike-N-GoIt can't cast because I don't have my fishing pole, I guess.
05:14.32ckknightThunder_Child, you can't tell direction/position/etc in instances, so no
05:15.10Mike-N-GoOk, that was a play on words: I really mean; Wait, nope, shift does not work for that, opt 2 casts tho.
05:15.30Thunder_Childthats why i am saying useing the map, you literaly draw squares/circles on the map then check to see when the icon is indies it
05:15.35Thunder_Childinside it*
05:15.36Mike-N-GoI though 'cast' as in fishing pole  9.9
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05:34.03Mike-N-GoHow is Palidan spelled?
05:34.59Mike-N-GoThe spacial, Alliance only class.
05:35.42Mike-N-GoAhh, nvm, found it: Paladin
05:36.18Nom-I'm rolling a Shaman tonight
05:36.21Nom-I've decided on it
05:36.31Nom-Just because I can't wait for pally
05:47.25Mike-N-GoMentalPower: Huh?
05:48.31Thunder_Childall i could guess was What Da Fucking Hell
05:48.40Thunder_Childbut it didnt seem to really fit
05:49.26purlit has been said that wdfh is "Work Done For Hire", its a lawyer's term that is used in companies meaning that anything that you invent while being an employee (even if its not in office hours) is their property.
05:49.46Thunder_Childiritating, but true
05:49.52purl"Work Done For Hire", its a lawyer's term that is used in companies meaning that anything that you invent while being an employee (even if its not in office hours) is their property.
05:51.38Mike-N-GoThat is sad.
05:51.38Thunder_Childthis is one time i have to agree with the posters
05:52.04Mike-N-GoWhy would someone want to agree to that?
05:52.21Thunder_Childbecause they want to feed themslefs/family
05:52.34Cairenn|afkto get the job? lol, welcome to coding for a living (amongst other things)
05:52.52MentalPoweryeah, sad but true
05:53.32Thunder_ChildUCLA alone has about 10 Billion dollars in patents from students just sitting around doing nothing
05:54.39MentalPowerif you're lucky and work in academia, your university may grant you the rights to develop what you invented as a spinoff (Iowa State University does it regularly)
05:54.59Mike-N-GoThunder, what do you mean, that the student's fun things get turned into profit?
05:55.18Thunder_Childno, but what they invent while in school is owened by the school
05:55.22Mike-N-GoFor there school?
05:55.30Thunder_Childand all of these patents are sitting around collecting dust
05:55.52Thunder_Childno, even on their own time
05:56.06Thunder_Childbut to be honest they are useing the schools resourses
05:57.02Thunder_Childsome guy offered the school a coulbe hundred million to use the patents but they turned him down
05:58.30Thunder_Childhmm..maybe it was 1 bill not 10...eirth way it's alot of money to be doing nothing
06:01.24Mike-N-GoMy question; why?
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06:01.38Thunder_Childwhy to what?
06:02.09Guillotinehmm. how would you make a macro to cast blast wave if its not on cooldown, AE otherwise in TBC. is it still possible? "/castsequence reset=30 Blastwave, Arcane Explosion" kind of works, but only casts AE once before bugging out
06:03.13MentalPowerthere is no cooldown state, so thats not possible
06:04.07MentalPowerMike-N-Go: cause you used the universities resources to create your invention, so they have the rights to that invention
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06:05.19Mike-N-GoSo, does the GPL protect your work from your University, MentalPower?
06:05.39Guillotineso the old /cast Blastwave /cast Arcane Explosion doesn't work anymore?
06:05.46MentalPowerno, its technically not your code to GPL in that case
06:06.28Mike-N-GoSo, you are doing something illegal by licensing you IP?
06:06.34purlmike-n-go IP is a connectionless, best-effort packet switching protocol. It provides packet routing, fragmentation and re-assembly through the data link layer. [internet protocol]
06:07.01Mike-N-Gointellectual property == IP
06:07.06MentalPowerits not your IP to license, its the universities
06:07.13MentalPowerI know what IP is in this context
06:07.21Thunder_Childlol, i didnt
06:07.35Mike-N-GoI said that for those who did not...
06:08.35Mike-N-GoSo, how does this work then, MP?
06:09.13Mike-N-GoIf what is your is truly not yours, then how does this licensing work legally?
06:09.20MentalPowerwell, for starters when you join a university these days you sign a release for that states WDFH basicaly
06:09.45MentalPowerso anything you create while using the universities resources is the universities property
06:10.33Thunder_Childthought to get around that ppl simply dont say anything till after they graduate
06:10.53Mike-N-GoYay, IP talk is so fun, whose property is it really?
06:11.27Neuro_MedivhMike, if you create a new program, but used the Universities mainframe to compile that code, they can lay claim to it
06:12.41Neuro_Medivhbecause almost all Universities have clauses that state if certain resources are used to create IP, that IP belongs to the university
06:12.45Thunder_Childand that works with anything, chemical,medical,electrial,mechanical, etc.
06:13.28Neuro_MedivhIt's mainly there for things like research grants, grad students, etc
06:13.51Mike-N-GoSo, if you use the Universities electric, sunlight, or buildings also, it is theirs?
06:14.13Neuro_MedivhNo, because no University claims those as resources used to create IP
06:14.18MentalPowerno, it has to be more substancial than that
06:14.27Neuro_Medivhbut things like computer time, research facilities, etc
06:14.49Mike-N-GoSo, if MP just uses his PC, that he owns, he is fine?
06:14.58Neuro_MedivhLet's say you work for Professor Plum in the Chem department as a grad student
06:15.03Neuro_Medivhhe should be yes
06:15.05Mike-N-GoBut then, he is using the schools internet...
06:15.15Neuro_Medivhyes, professor plum
06:15.32Mike-N-GoYay, loopholes! They can be found everywhere.
06:15.51Neuro_MedivhWhile working for the Professor in his research, you discover some new type of adhesive
06:16.10Corrodiasinteresting... fortunately, my university doesn't do bullshit like that
06:16.24MentalPowerCorrodias: you sure?
06:16.30Neuro_Medivhinvent something commercially viable using their resources and find out =)
06:16.50MentalPowerwhich university?
06:16.58Corrodiasi have made no agreements and i have reviewed lab policies and local statutes
06:17.07CorrodiasUniversity of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
06:17.23MentalPowerits usually in the student handbook, or in the admissions papers
06:17.26Corrodiasfor "research" projects, i can't say, because i am not involved in anything so... deep
06:18.06MentalPoweror any other document that they told you to read before accepting admission
06:18.18Neuro_Medivhyou an undergrad?
06:18.33Mike-N-GoSo, read the fine print?
06:18.48Corrodiasin that case i'd have to say i just don't remember anything of the sort, and that seems like the kind of thing i'd remember.
06:18.49Neuro_Medivhit's fine print for a reason, and it's not for your benefit
06:19.48MentalPowerthe language used can be pretty obscure too, for the same reason
06:21.17Mike-N-GoCorrodias: A better slogan would be, "I do not have any reelection of that."
06:21.33Corrodiasreelection? recollection, perhaps?
06:21.46Mike-N-GoYay, more Loop Holes!
06:21.59Mike-N-GoCorrodias: Bah, you know spell check.
06:22.12Mike-N-GoYes, Recollection.
06:22.17Corrodiaswell, reelection is fine, but somewhat inappropriate :)
06:22.56MentalPowerignorance of a rule does not make you immune to it
06:23.11MentalPowerespecially if you were supposed to read such rules and didn't
06:23.17Mike-N-GoBoo for ignorance!
06:23.37Mike-N-GoWho of you are undergraduate?
06:23.44Corrodiasi, for a few weeks yet
06:23.48Mike-N-GoDoes that include High School?
06:24.05Thunder_Childme, for the seond time
06:24.12Corrodiashow should i know? you're the one who asked the question
06:25.24Corrodiasanyway, i'm still concerned about this addon update situation
06:25.58Corrodiasthe altcast i'm using is the only one that seems to work properly of those that i've tried, including the built-in function, and hasn't been updated since before time began
06:27.06MentalPowerbuilt-in altcast is pretty good
06:27.23Corrodiaswhat a ridiculous thing for blizzard to put in a "hold alt to self-cast" feature that doesn't work on anything except the main action bar. so ridiculous, in fact, that i wonder if there's something wrong with what i'm going that it doesn't work right.
06:27.35MentalPowerit works now
06:27.37Corrodiasor, rather, that doesn't work with shift+number bars
06:28.20Corrodiasalt+shift+5 just tries to cast 5, maybe on myself, but definitely not shift+5
06:28.31Mike-N-GoDo you have the check box ticked?
06:28.59Corrodiaslemme double check here
06:29.15Corrodiasthere is no check box
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06:29.37MentalPowerya there is
06:29.41MentalPowerinterface options
06:29.50Corrodiaswait a second. that "auto self cast" refers to the self-casting key?
06:29.53Mike-N-GoFor the option in the options place?
06:30.28Corrodiasthe phrase "auto self cast" gives me a COMPLETELY different idea: automatically casting on yourself if you have a hostile target selected, just like some old addons did
06:30.33Mike-N-GoI think it is auto self cast if the targeted unit ~= friendly
06:31.55Corrodiaswell, i gave it a try, but no. alt+shift+2 tries to cast Wrath (assigned to "2"), while shift+2 casts rejuv on myself (assigned to shift+2, but it should give me a targetting cursor, not self-cast, if i don't have the key held down!)
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06:41.15Mike-N-GoIs this live, PRT, or TBC BETA?
06:41.15Mike-N-GoThunder_Child: How did you cause this?
06:41.56Corrodiasoddly, i can't click item links in chat, either
06:41.56Corrodiasmight be from this chat scroller addon i tried
06:42.19Thunder_Childi was bored
06:42.48Corrodiasokay, so maybe to cast things on myself from now on i'll just have to click on my player frame every time
06:43.12Thunder_Childto target yourself
06:43.26Corrodiasi rebound that ages ago
06:43.44Corrodiasand it changes your target
06:43.59Corrodiasi can click on myself as easily as change my target to myself and back
06:44.58Thunder_Childthats why i love GB, i dont have to target anything
06:45.11Thunder_ChildGroup Buttons
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06:50.58Corrodiascan't wait to find out what else won't work, but i don't have time tonight
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07:04.14Mike-N-GoWhat do you all think of ? :P
07:08.38Corrodiasi hope the patch isn't applied this week :(
07:09.12MentalPowerit wont
07:09.28Mike-N-GoI am looking for something like GetPartyRosterInfo(), is there such a thing?
07:09.32MentalPowerhmm, is pastey dead?
07:09.49Corrodiaswhy are you so sure it won't be applied?
07:09.53MentalPowerI can't get to it
07:10.03Corrodiasneither can i
07:10.15MentalPowerCorrodias: cause there are some fixes that haven't been pushed to the PTR
07:10.15Mike-N-GoIt is laging
07:10.23Mike-N-GoNorg needs to reboot it.
07:10.27Thunder_ChildOMG, you bastards, you killed pastey!
07:11.06Corrodiaswell, good, maybe i'll get a little bit of free time this week to work on updating addons
07:11.36Mike-N-GoUse the #lua one.
07:14.45Mike-N-GoWell, loads somewhat for me
07:14.59Mike-N-GoIt is missing the box and  links tho.
07:15.33MentalPowernorgs is doing some backend processing
07:16.29norgsdoing too much at once on the server
07:16.33norgsit doesn't like it
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07:17.38Thunder_Childteach your server to play nice
07:26.50MentalPowergnight guys
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07:30.19norgsok, server's been taught to play nice again
07:30.32norgssorry about that guys... i should know better :(
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07:31.19Thunder_Child~cheer norgs
07:31.27purlThree cheers for norgs!  Hip hip Hurray! Hip hip Hurray! Hip hip Hurray!
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07:34.55Corrodiaswhat distro of linux should i screw around with? mandrake used to be the easy one
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07:37.01norgsdepends what you want to do
07:37.19Corrodiasnot very much.
07:37.34ScytheBlade1Renown for "easy" and "hassle free"
07:38.15Thunder_ChildFC3 FTW
07:38.26ScytheBlade1Get with the times ;)
07:38.32Thunder_Child4 now?
07:38.45Thunder_Childhmm...out of the loop
07:39.01ScytheBlade1"Download Fedora Core 6 "Zod" now."
07:39.24norgsUbuntu for desktop, CentOS for server
07:39.45Corrodiasmandrake, now mandriva, really seems to have gone for a more professional, corporate appearance these days, not so friendly for the casual tinkerer
07:40.05Corrodiasnorgs: please differentiate between a desktop and a server
07:40.57ckknightmandriva sounds like the name of a transvestite stripper.
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07:46.02norgsuhm, desktop = has X-Windows, and all the pretty desktop apps installed (including CUPS)
07:46.30norgsserver = has none of that crap, likely postfix, apache, php, mysql etc
07:46.35Thunder_Childi crashed x-windows 6 times in one month
07:46.48ScytheBlade1That's rather impressive
07:46.55ScytheBlade1I'm going on 55 days here ;P
07:47.15norgs[ken@denominator ~]$ uptime
07:47.31ScytheBlade1I don't have power that reliable :(
07:47.32Thunder_Childyea, well it was linux class, but m teacher was still amazed
07:47.43ScytheBlade1Or enough care to buy a UPS
07:49.01norgsmy xwindows has been running for all of those 131 days
07:50.06norgsit is a work machine though, so only konsole, gvim, thunderbird, firefox and gaim running
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08:27.45ckknightis wowwiki down?
08:28.43zenzelezzI can't seem to reach it
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08:42.50DhragaLo all, got a question... How many are using nDKP or oDKP, and would you suggest any other DKP addon instead ?
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08:58.17Corrodiasi believe one of our guilds' leaders is working on a distributed tracking DKP addon based on zero-sum, but neither do i really know how it works nor is it finished, yet.
09:10.55AnduinLotharHa! I finally found something that actually uses all of my processors
09:11.22AnduinLotharSETI@Home lol. Starts up 4 threads and they all use 90%+ of a processor
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09:15.48Corrodiaswhat do you do if you want all the "desktop" stuff and all the "server" stuff? what if you don't use two computers?
09:16.02Thunder_ChildSETI at home is part of a larger group, it's got some good stuff
09:16.42Corrodiasah, well, i know how you deal with that anyway. as for SETI, good job finding something to use your stuff for :)
09:16.45Thunder_Childanything in particulr corr?
09:17.42Corrodiasno. but just as an example, my computer at home both plays games and hosts an FTP server
09:18.26Corrodiasthis seems to be an enigma to those who separate things into the two worlds of desktops and servers
09:18.52Thunder_Childi dunno, i never had problems doing both on one OS
09:19.05ckknight_anybody else think that SETI@Home is completely pointless?
09:19.47AnduinLotharI have a 4 core machine. I play games, run a web server, code, digital design, 2D graphic editing, surf the web, chat, irc, watch movies, and listen to music
09:19.48Thunder_Childhardly pointless, it takes up idle slack
09:20.04ckknightidle slack for what?
09:20.11Thunder_Childfor your computer
09:20.27Thunder_Childyour puter prolly isnt doing anything else atm
09:20.57Thunder_Childso why not let it SETO or any of the other 15 projects
09:20.58AnduinLotharatm, i'm listening to music and writign a paper, i have 4 cores with 90% power unused
09:21.06ckknightbut finding aliens seems rather fruitless...
09:21.16AnduinLotharlol, so...
09:21.25Corrodiasnot if those aliens want to play WoW
09:21.34AnduinLotharhalf the time donating to charity is fruitless too
09:21.46AnduinLotharthat doesn't mean you shouldn't do it
09:21.48ckknightthat's why I don't donate money, I donate my time and energy.
09:22.10ckknightand if you are donating to a charity that is fruitless, you shouldn't do it.
09:22.12Corrodiasthey're all going to die in the end. welcome to nihilism!
09:22.16Thunder_Childthere are MANY things you can do with the same program
09:22.24Thunder_ChildSETI isnt the only one
09:22.35AnduinLotharthere's one for human genome mapping and one for cancer cure, no?
09:22.51AnduinLotharSETI was just the first
09:23.07AnduinLotharit inspired the orig program which grew inot BOINC
09:23.37Thunder_Childi set them up on all of the computers at school
09:23.50Corrodiasrosetta@home certainly seems worthwhile
09:24.24ckknightagreed, Corrodias
09:24.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
09:24.33ckknightI'm not saying that the @Home things are bad at all
09:24.38ckknightjust the SETI@Home one
09:25.01AnduinLotharif you don't think there are aliens then yes, it would seem pointless.
09:25.15AnduinLotharor if you don't agree with their methods
09:25.24Corrodiasit's a gamble, in a sense, spending our resources on something that may or may not pay off
09:25.25AnduinLotharI personally onyl signed up cause i was bored
09:25.37AnduinLotharand i did it 4 yrs ago
09:26.01AnduinLotharand it has pretty pictures that are pairly distracting
09:26.05Thunder_Childck, it isnt a BAD thing
09:26.15ckknightI don't mean bad
09:26.16Corrodiasi should sign up for the biology ones...
09:26.17ckknightI mean pointless.
09:26.27Thunder_Childmaybe, but you dont know that for sure
09:26.28KirkburnPointless is in the eye of the beholder
09:26.46Thunder_Childno, a death ray is in the eye of a beholder
09:26.46AnduinLotharmeh, It makes me feel more useful than surfing utube
09:27.00Corrodiasand a paralyzing ray
09:27.07ckknightI don't agree with SETI@Home's methods, for one, by searching for radio waves, it may not be the best solution. Also, there are no intelligent aliens that could come in contact with us (according to my beliefs)
09:27.09Thunder_Childand an AMF ray
09:27.18Thunder_ChildAnti-Magic Field
09:27.34KirkburnYes, well, beliefs shouldn't really enter the realm of science =)
09:28.04ckknightCivilization has been around for about 6000 years now
09:28.10ckknightflight has been around for the past 100
09:28.14ckknightadvanced flight in the past 50
09:28.26KirkburnI certainly don't think we've been 'visited', don't get me wrong
09:28.28zenzelezzI think there is intelligent life in the universe, it just knows better than to meddle with such a foolish race as the humans
09:28.58Kirkburn'Aliens' do seem to have a predisposition for the US, don't they :P
09:29.08ckknightif aliens did exist, in all the time of the cosmos, then they statistically should have either visited us already or we will visit them first
09:29.39Corrodiaswe're the sexiest
09:29.39ckknightit seems unlikely to me that aliens will visit us just as we are 6000 years intelligent.
09:29.40Thunder_Childyes well even if they are not trying to "Contact us" there may be someting just floating around that we can spot
09:29.50KirkburnBtw, I'm guessing no news on patch today?
09:29.56AnduinLotharno patch
09:29.59ckknightKirkburn, give it 2 weeks.
09:30.06zenzelezzI'd rather say we're 6000 years unintelligent
09:30.14ckknightzenzelezz, ...
09:30.19ckknightwe're 6000 years civilized.
09:30.23zenzelezzwhen we can stop finding ways to exterminate each other and do something useful, we might get contact
09:30.36AnduinLotharwhy is contact important?
09:30.36KirkburnWhat annoys me is when people describe tribes in parts of the world as "primitive"
09:30.50KirkburnThose tribes have had a long as us to develop
09:30.56ckknightI hate people who think the world is getting worse.
09:31.05zenzelezzAL: humans somehow developed a belief that there's a greater meaning to life... some fill that meaning with alien contact
09:31.06Corrodiasi hate corned beef
09:31.06ckknightI seriously do.
09:31.14krkathe world _is_ getting worse
09:31.20AnduinLothari love corned beef
09:31.26krkatoo many people to support
09:31.28Corrodiasi rather -like- the internet. i think we're better off with it.
09:31.41zenzelezzthere's too much going on to sum it all up as "better" or "worse"... there are good things and bad things going on all the time
09:31.45ckknightbut we have so many cool toys nowadays that we didn't before
09:32.09ckknightand I ate a pomegrante the other day twice as big as what was in my mother's time
09:32.15krkagood thing: cool toys, yay! bad thing: everyone will die from starvation
09:32.16KirkburnWhy are people so obsessed with the 'moral decline' of society :(
09:32.40Kirkburnkrka, but many of those cool toys lead onto the ability to feed others better
09:32.54Kirkburn(or are a direct result of research into such areas)
09:33.01ckknightright, Kirkburn
09:33.05zenzelezzthe problem is that while they *can* do that, the people in power are slow to actually *do* it
09:33.19Corrodiasall i know is that god spoke to me, and he told me that the world is good and that i'm good
09:33.24ckknightpower is given to those who can wield it
09:33.28Corrodiasthat's all i need to know. damn your ponderings!
09:34.06krkabut currently, the total amount of land each people needs to live is greater than the total area of the planet
09:34.09zenzelezzI disagree ck, but won't bother arguing over it =)
09:34.31Corrodiasnow WHERE WERE WE: determining the most worthwhile of @home projects
09:35.01Corrodiasi like ... all of them! yay! except those math ones
09:35.12KirkburnOne other thing that I find odd is that everything bad that happens is blamed on the current government of that area - whether or not other people were in power when it was caused. And whether or not the gov. was even involved (I mean, it's not as if when governments change every single sivil servant loses their job to someone else)
09:35.42zenzelezzthat's just because people need to blame someone
09:35.46KirkburnIsn't politics fun :P
09:36.12krkai only do the global warming@home project
09:36.36Kirkburnkrka, did you know, until recently the entire population of the world could have fitted onto the Isle of Wight .... /me waits for people to Google it :)
09:36.44krkai gladly donate my cpu cycles to it
09:36.52VoidRaiderHmm anyone know whats the costs between getglobal and getfenv, whats more efficient and when ?
09:37.03KirkburnI should get the protein folding one at some point
09:37.31zenzelezzfor someone not into the jargon, what does folding proteins actually accomplish?
09:38.05Kirkburn(lol, why do people bother being intelligent:
09:38.48Kirkburnzenzelezz, proteins fold in incredibly complex ways, and cannot be found by observation
09:39.35krkaproteins would suck at poker
09:39.38Kirkburnkrka, good link, both of those :P
09:39.58KirkburnSo apparently you'd need the Isle of Man too
09:41.07KirkburnKnowing how a protein folds is incredibly useful in medical research
09:43.38Corrodias" Sony made EQ no? That being said, I dbout blizzard (viddi or wut ever they are) would of sold it back, especially considering furor would probally get pissed. Meh just speculation lolol"
09:43.53Corrodiasstrait out da getto, boyee
09:44.33zenzelezzsomeone should point out that Sony didn't make EQ
09:47.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=chatzill@
09:49.25VoidRaiderMS wanted to buy Vivendi because they had some economy issues and finally with the launch of WoW they started to earn and cover their expenses and finally they declined MS deal, so there is no Sony gonna buy WoW anytime soon :P
09:49.39VoidRaiderno way*
09:53.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Alarin (n=blaat@
09:53.09KirkburnNot sure I would have minding MS buying them, but I know it would have put some off
09:53.29KirkburnQuick q: has Sylvanas' model changed in TBC?
09:53.39VoidRaiderActually there was a petition against MS buying Vivendi
09:53.41AnduinLotharThey bought Bungie and the Mac-only company stopped making mac games
09:53.43VoidRaiderthat was funny :P
09:54.00AnduinLotharHalo was sposed to be mac-only
09:54.06AnduinLotharjust imagine that
09:54.27KirkburnReally? Back when it was an RTS I know it was still coming for the PC
09:54.28VoidRaiderWhat do you think about Warhammer ?
09:54.30Thunder_Childodd, the pvp ranks havent reset yet
09:54.58AnduinLotharit was orig mac only, then they said they'd port it to PC later
09:55.03AnduinLotharthen they got bought
09:55.14KirkburnHalo has a mac version though
09:55.16VoidRaiderTheir graphic engine seems great :)
09:55.28AnduinLotharthen it went x-box first, then pc, and mac like 2 years later
09:55.42AnduinLotharand the mac port is crap
09:55.49Arrowmasterthe pc port is crap too
09:55.59Arrowmasterthe fov makes it unplayable to me
09:56.02AnduinLotharexactly, the mac port is a port of the pc port
09:56.22AnduinLotharit's liek running an snes emulator on virtual pc
09:56.46AnduinLotharor even better, a playstation emu
09:56.47KirkburnOoh, blimey, you're right
09:56.53Corrodiaswhat's the fov, Arrowmaster?
09:56.56Corrodiasi mean, what value
09:57.02Kirkburn"Significantly, Halo's public unveiling occurred at the Macworld Expo 1999 keynote address by Apple's then-interim-CEO Steve Jobs"
09:57.22Arrowmasteri have no clue but whatever it is combined with the oversized gun models make the viewable area too fucking small
09:57.41Corrodiasi'd hypothesize that it's 75, then, or so
09:57.57Arrowmasterperty sure it is
09:58.09KirkburnIt's all a bit odd though, because it was a front page story on PCG when it was an RTS - that must have been after the purchase, but before they (MS?) changed what Halo was to become
09:58.14Corrodiasthat's what Oblivion, another console-bound first person game had it set to
09:58.14Arrowmasterit 'might' be 90 but it just doesnt seem like it could be
09:58.20Corrodiasi missed a comma
09:59.03Arrowmasteryeah but oblivion is a rpg not an fps
09:59.17Thunder_Childit's an fps/rpg
09:59.35AnduinLotharBungie made history with Marathon
09:59.47AnduinLotharthen again with Myth
09:59.51Corrodiasit defaults to a first-person perspective. my point is perserved.
10:00.09AnduinLotharand Oni was fairly good, one of the first to use combat style moves in an fps
10:00.16Arrowmasteryou ever watch professional ut2k4 1v1 matches?
10:00.22Corrodiascan't say i have
10:01.29Arrowmasterwell if you ever see the kinda shit they do in those it makes the entire first person view of halo pc seem fucked up and unplayable
10:01.56KirkburnAnyone here got a flying mount yet?
10:02.30KirkburnBlast from the past:
10:02.55AnduinLotharah, the good old days
10:03.12Arrowmasterheh i recently saw another image of that state of wow
10:03.13KirkburnThat UI would have been godawful
10:04.41KirkburnGarry's Mod 10 coming tomorrow, apparently
10:05.24Arrowmasterso much fun crashing physics engines
10:10.36Thunder_Childlol, 900,518 honor..... @ standing 2
10:17.38*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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10:51.23grimman|afkishYou people talking about Halo an hour ago... the Mac version isn't a port of the PC version. Gearbox who did the PC port worked independently of the Mac guys. I still fail to see how TWO companies can fuck a port up that badly though.
10:56.13AnduinLotharesp when the prig game runs on a machine with half the speed
10:56.32grimman|afkishNevertheless, it's a lovable game.
10:56.47grimman|afkishI own two copies of the PC version. :P
10:57.04krkaporting is always painful
10:57.37grimman|afkishkrka: Painful or not, what I remember reading was "super high resolution, blazing speed" etc etc.
10:57.58grimman|afkishWhat I got wasn't that.
11:00.29krkanot doubting you
11:01.16*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
11:07.26Corrodiasoh, how painful. some of my guildmates apparently weren't aware that decursive and rank choosers won't work in 2.0. i get to inform them of their oversight.
11:09.21grimman|afkishIsn't it funny how they're too lazy to even look at the upcoming patch changes? :D
11:10.16Corrodiasso am i, sometimes, especially when it's early on and things tend to change. however, this change was big enough that i expected they'd have heard of it by now!
11:11.02Corrodiaswhat bugs me is that the change to lua 5.1 is coming at the same time as the new function restrictions
11:13.11|FF|Im2good4uomg wiki is down haw can i finish by addon whitout wiki :(
11:14.55grimman|afkishNever mind that... do something about your atrocious spelling. >_<
11:15.38Kirkburn"afkish", totally real word there ;)
11:17.36grimman|afkishActually, for some reason my IRC client has taken the habit of using it as my secondary nick, and I noticed I had gotten disconnected while I was sleeping, making the client revert to this nick when it reconnected.
11:17.47grimman|afkishSo I'm innocent... this time.
11:20.10KirkburnI note that has more cat pictures than ever before :D
11:21.40grimman|afkishBut why?
11:24.55AnduinLotharlol. UT2K4 at 1028 res max settings flyby benches at 213 avg fps. (with BOINC, Word, iTunes and Camino running in the background)
11:24.55grimman|afkishI think there's some sleeping to be done.
11:25.13grimman|afkishAnduinLothar: Tried benching Q3 lately? ;)
11:25.23AnduinLotharI don't have it or I would
11:25.37grimman|afkishFunny thing, I can benchmark with Q3, but I can't actually load any levels to play on my own. Game just shuts down if I try.
11:26.41grimman|afkishI get a mere 450 FPS with everything maxed in Q3. ;)
11:27.14AnduinLotharlol, there we go. botmatch was only 71fps avg
11:27.22AnduinLotharspose it would help if it quit some apps
11:27.42grimman|afkish71 FPS isn't bad though. It's certainly playable.
11:27.56AnduinLotharseeing as BOINC says it's taking 90% of all 4 processors..
11:29.47AnduinLotharok so without BOINC runnig it says 95fps avg
11:30.06AnduinLotharcould prolly get at least 100 if i quit word and iTunes
11:30.26AnduinLothardepends on how it distributes proc load i spose
11:30.37grimman|afkishAfter quitting iTunes I wouldn't be surprised if you got 150 FPS.
11:32.26AnduinLotharlol. everything but irc quit... avg: 101fps
11:32.54DhragaAnudinLothar, 101 in Q3 or UT2k4 ?
11:32.54Thunder_ChildAnduinLothar, blast your system with 3DMark06 see what you get
11:32.58AnduinLotharinteresting tho, my max fps was when i had BOINC running
11:33.07grimman|afkishDhraga: UT, since he didn't have Q3...
11:33.18Dhragaah, missed that =)
11:33.50AnduinLotharI'm on the mac side. I could prolly borrow Q3 from a roommate and try it, but i don't wanna reboot to windows atm
11:35.12AnduinLotharand running it on windows would just be silly, since it wont even use the other 3 processors for a single application
11:35.29grimman|afkishAnyway... I'll be afk for a few hours, deciding whether or not to wake up.
11:35.32grimman|afkishNn. ;)
11:36.10AnduinLotharI need to install the fear expansion.... that may inspire me to reboot
11:36.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken_ (n=chatzill@
11:37.15Malivil-Sleepi get 150fps in WoW, lol
11:37.41Corrodiasand i... don't, which is pretty disppointing considering this computer isn't exactly old
11:37.47Corrodias90fps at best
11:38.27Corrodias35 or lower mid-afternoon orgrimmar
11:38.58AnduinLothari hit 200+ if i'm in the middle of nowhere,  but the real benching is in BWL razergore and suppression room.  Mid way benching is standing in IF AH lookign at the mailbox durring primetime
11:41.49Malivil-SleepI get around 400 fps max in CS:S if i didn't cap it
11:41.59AnduinLotharmy windows wow seems to cap at 64 fps tho
11:42.54AnduinLotharand for some reason the windows side has 6x multisampling, but the mac side only has 4x
11:44.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
11:46.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Saeris (
11:47.07SaerisIs there any way to get or otherwise capture the most recently pressed key for an edit box? They don't seem to receive OnKeyDown/Up events.
11:48.31Malivil-SleepAnduinLothar: Did you turn of Vertical Sync?
11:48.40Malivil-SleepBeforei  turned it off, my fps capped at 60
11:48.43AnduinLotharno, it was on
11:48.59Malivil-Sleepnot much of a visual difference, but your fps skyrockets
11:49.14AnduinLotharodd, cause on the mac side it goes higher and lower with it on
11:49.24AnduinLotharit's more volital
11:49.46AnduinLotharwhere as the pc side it seems to stay 50-64
11:49.57AnduinLotharunless you're raiding
11:49.59Malivil-Sleepw/ v-sync on?
11:50.25Malivil-SleepYea, your fps without it will be like 75ish max, so when it fluctuates it will drop below the 64 cap
11:50.27Corrodiasi wonder if playing in a window has a significant effect on my framerate
11:50.30Malivil-SleepThats the fluctuations you see
11:50.50zenzelezzCorrodias: if you're on Windows, I'm pretty sure it does
11:50.52Corrodiasit's not much of one, i don't think, and i don't use any AA
11:51.19AnduinLothari see a little different, but not much in windowed ont he mac
11:51.31SaerisIs the wiki down?
11:51.32AnduinLotharmore difference on windows
11:51.46Corrodiasi can't remember how much it changed. it was so long ago that i started using windowed.
11:51.46zenzelezzI don't know what it's like on a Mac, but on Windows I see a big difference in windowed vs. fullscreen mode
11:51.55zenzelezznot sure if it's affected by the fact that I have two monitors
11:52.25Corrodiasit's time for me to hit the bed. see ya
11:52.42Malivil-Schoolthere we go
11:57.40Malivil-SchoolNo patch for weeks:
11:59.21AnduinLotharfew >= 3 imo
11:59.55zenzelezzmagic crystal ball says it will be before February
12:00.13Malivil-SchoolItll be before january
12:00.20Malivil-SchoolWhen TBC is supposed to come out
12:00.26Malivil-Schooloops, gotta go to school
12:00.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
12:15.10Thunder_Childomg, i;m watching stargate Alliance and the guy is talking about wow, and the fact that he has a 75 mage
12:15.29|FF|Im2good4usince wowwiki is down for id like to ask this stoopid question here ;(
12:15.44|FF|Im2good4uwut kind of frame do i need to use :SetTexture ?
12:15.50Thunder_Childenginerring, and jewling
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12:57.34ArrowmasterThunder_Child, that episode is from atleast september
12:58.56Thunder_Childyea, i forgot i was watching an old episode
12:59.03Thunder_Childbut new for me
12:59.28Arrowmasternot that old though since it was the last episode of the first half of the season
12:59.43Arrowmasterthe next episode just aired like last week
13:01.24Thunder_Childyeai am watching it now
13:04.26Ktronanyone else have problems drinking potions as a blood elf (mage)?
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13:46.07JoshBorkewereHamster: morning
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14:55.18Angelathere's another wow wiki at whilst the other one's down. it's quite new and small at the moment though
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15:12.00JoshBorkemorning cladhaire
15:12.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Grine (
15:13.29cladhairecan someoen go to the stlore and buy some milk for me?
15:13.40Grinesure, where do you live clad?
15:13.42JoshBorkesure, but i don't think it'll survive transit
15:13.57cladhaire13211, Skim please.
15:16.00DrDrewow servers are already up
15:19.03Amrodamn, I was sure patch was today
15:20.13JoshBorkeyou were WRONG! :-P
15:21.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
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15:23.04JoshBorkeis it sad that i'm just pushing ctrl-x to switch between which channel i'm talking in because i'm so bored?
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15:24.08Grineguessing two more weeks for patch :P
15:24.51JoshBorkei think it might come out next week
15:25.05sylvanaari thought it was today too
15:27.01cladhaireno not today
15:27.08cladhairei'd put my money on mid december
15:27.17cladhairebut i dont have much money to part with
15:27.24cladhaireanyone want to convert WatchDog to secure templates for me?
15:27.37DrDrei hope i win a key in worldofwar's contest :o
15:27.59DrDreidling in irc = best contest idea ever
15:40.23Grinethye shold have it based on progressques instead
15:40.27Grinebest game evor!
15:50.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
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16:05.43malrethhooray for reviving dead threads!
16:09.49Mikmamalreth: neat post :D
16:09.54JoshBorkelol malreth
16:10.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Saroz (
16:10.14malrethguess i'd better start training skills in eve...
16:10.28malrethi guess in a month I can actually start playing
16:10.49malrethjust in time to cancel wow if blizzard is impudent enough to release TBC as it is
16:11.33Mikmai call and raise with :-O
16:12.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
16:13.11TS|SkromI'll see your :O and raise you a ^.^
16:14.38malrethshit, i fold
16:15.18Mikmaall in!
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16:19.36Teomyr"The Idle RPG is a simple IRC-based role playing game where you play by idling in an irc channel. The longer you idle, the higher you progress."
16:21.25malrethoh man... but I'm only a casual idler. no way i can compete with the hardcore idlers here
16:21.41malrethi mean, i'd have to set up my own server and learn how to use screen
16:21.46malrethand how to patch a linux system
16:22.09malreththat's too much for someone with a 8-5 job and real life commitments like laundry and cooking dinner
16:22.36JoshBorkedrop laundry and you'll have plenty of time
16:22.38malreththis screams 'slap in the face' to all casuals
16:23.02malrethso you're saying I should just keep buying new clothes all the time to keep up?
16:23.12malrethwho are you to dictate how I live?
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16:25.17Corrodiasi am god
16:25.41JoshBorkemalreth: just wear dirty clothes
16:26.39TS|SkromIronically that's the epitome of "idle"
16:27.03Corrodiasi'm not too disturbed about that function lockout... i just hope all the addons i use that don't violate its principles are updated. as for the move to lua 5.1, that disturbs me a bit.
16:27.40CorrodiasBY the way
16:28.02Corrodiaswhat's up with those LUA guys? they make changes to the language in a 0.1 increment that makes it incompatible with previous versions?
16:28.45Elkanodepends on how you compile the interpreter...
16:29.27malreththere's actually a bunch of compatibility code built in... slouken just decided to disable it all for wow
16:29.55JoshBorkei think it was a good choice
16:29.59malrethsince there's an interface version check, there's no reason to not make a cold-turkey transition
16:30.02Corrodiasi think you're a doodiehead
16:30.22malrethah ha ha ha!
16:30.38JoshBorkewith the other changes it forces mod authors to comply with the new UI stuff
16:30.45Corrodiasmalreth: the reason is so that i don't have to patch up fifty old addons that nobody updates any more. that is just a hypothetical number. i don't know how many i actually need to fix myself.
16:31.07malrethah, well i'm just joshin' ya.
16:31.08JoshBorkei've always been against people randomly updating the TOC each patch
16:31.32Corrodiastoo bad, JoshBorke. if that's all it takes to make my addons function, why should i edit them further?
16:31.44malrethanyways, the lua stuff is pretty easy and really it's the api changes that will break most addons and cause you the most grief
16:32.47Corrodiasthe lua changes could be pretty easy, but i need to familiarize myself enough with the language to make them. AL's lua script that halfway updates the syntax of old scripts might help.
16:33.41JoshBorkelike malreth said, the API changes are going to cause the most grief
16:34.17Thardalthey should have made a public test realm for addon developers only, its a bit annoying to betatest all those changes with a 1400 queue
16:34.35malrethyep... modify the wrong variable and you'll end up tainting a chunk of code and before you know it, your target of target window won't show and your pet action bar disappears
16:35.28Corrodiasi can't do anything about the API changes. i have to depend on the addons' authors to fix that.
16:36.54JoshBorkewhich is who should handle lua 5.1 conversion
16:37.00wereHamsterin irssi, can I connect to two different servers?
16:37.13wereHamsteror do I have to start irssi twice?
16:37.37JoshBorke2 of them
16:37.52*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHams1er (
16:37.53JoshBorkeoh, wait, yes you can
16:38.09Corrodiasyou say they should handle the conversion. that's great. i'd LOVE for the original authors to handle updating their addons. however, i can safely assume that a number of my old addons will not by updated, because it's happened to me before.
16:38.25Corrodiashopefully i can find something to replace them if i can't get them updated
16:38.43Thardalwow, i just noticed lua 5.1 has a mod operator
16:38.43malrethnecessity is the mother of invention
16:38.49Thardalwe truly live in the future
16:38.54JoshBorkeThardal: lua 5.0 has it too
16:38.57malrethif there is a need, someone will make an addon
16:39.11malrethJoshBorke: nope. % was added in 5.1
16:39.11wereHamsterJoshBorke, I can start anotehr instance if irssi.. once I find out how to create a new 'screen' window ;)
16:39.23Thardalonly the workaround with math.mod
16:39.27JoshBorkeah, operator, not function
16:39.40JoshBorkewereHamster: you can do it in the same irssi
16:39.42JoshBorkesee the link
16:39.53JoshBorkewereHamster: to create another screen window, use ctrl a+c
16:39.53malrethyou can also use the # operator on tables and strings
16:39.55Corrodiasthat's true malreth. and in fact, maybe i can commission some of you guys to update addons that are truly dead and nobody seems to care about but me? that is, if there are any. >_> i have moneys
16:40.06JoshBorkelol Corrodias
16:40.08Corrodiaswhat's a #?
16:40.18malrethCorrodias: a true hero never works for money
16:40.46Corrodiasthat's true enough. heroes just have endless bags of gold, from what i have seen in the movies. :3
16:41.29*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
16:42.00JoshBorkeCorrodias: what functionality do you need that is only present in old addons?
16:48.12Corrodiasoh, i don't know, yet
16:48.52Corrodiasi have only just started looking at them. my ancient version of altcast doesn't function any more, and it doesn't look like any of the others work in 2.0 either.
16:49.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
16:49.31Corrodiasthe built-in self-casting feature leaves something to be desired in that i can't press alt+shift+2 to self-cast shift+2. it just tries to cast "2".
16:50.21wereHamstercan I somehow tell screen to reread the config file while running?
16:50.50Corrodiasi don't know this "screen"
16:51.13wereHamsterman screen
16:51.39Corrodiasyou can keep your man-screen to yourself. i don't swing that way.
16:53.38TainI forget, wereHamster.  I know I hate having to quit all the way out of screen and reload everything, but I think you might have to.
16:54.32Corrodiastime for me to head to class. byee~
16:56.04wereHamsterI have this nice window list in the screen window:
16:56.14wereHamsterbut I'd like to change the color etc..
16:57.04*** join/#wowi-lounge SB1-Work (n=kylesb@
16:59.32Kasois there much performance difference between string.find(str,"^Something") and string.sub("test",1,9) == "Something"
17:00.33phyberwereHamster: how do you get that screen list in screen?
17:00.41*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MentalPo@
17:01.42phyberwereHamster: also, you might be able to get away with :source ~/.screenrc
17:01.43phyberor something
17:01.58MentalPowerI hate my physics class
17:02.10MentalPowerthank God I only have 3 more classes
17:02.12wereHamsterphyber, caption always "%{wb}%-w%{+r my} %t %{-}%+w"
17:02.13malrethKaso: the former is a single function call and the latter is a function call and a compare op
17:02.34wereHamster^^^ also a good example
17:02.46malreththe latter will be a tiny tiny tiny almost immeasurable amount slower than the former
17:02.53wereHamsterthough I couldn't find documentation to this option anywhere :(
17:03.10malrethwhich may be offset by the former having to do a regexp compare
17:03.28malrethwhich might make the former's function call slower than the latter's function call
17:03.59malrethand all of this might be masked completely by the interpreter making the C-land call
17:04.29malrethin other words... don't fret about that and instead use whichever makes your code more readable and understandable
17:04.41Kasofair enough
17:04.46Kasostring.find it is
17:04.59phyberwereHamster: it's all in the man page, but split up around it.
17:05.05phybersearch around for 'color' and you can find the codes.
17:05.08malreththat kind of thing is the sort of optimization that I would ignore except for very very critical tight inner loops
17:05.13phyberand some examples.
17:05.18phyberalso, bbl.  work finished :)
17:05.41malrethand i'd have to break out a profiler to optimize it properly
17:06.33sylvanaargod im trolling the the addon forum - how sad
17:06.33malrethyou too!
17:06.34malrethit's fun
17:06.34sylvanaari know
17:07.00sylvanaarits like tuesday is my day to feed on /emo
17:07.21malrethlooks like i caught one
17:07.51malrethpriss is chompin at the line
17:08.18malreth"of course it's impossible for me to heal... i'm a rogue!"
17:08.32sylvanaarim the priest in that thread lol
17:10.13sylvanaaryeah for sure
17:11.01sylvanaarsave your runeloth so that you can level out of it right away
17:11.01malrethheavy mageweave bandages heal for crap when you're in MC!
17:11.58sylvanaarafter hellfire, i had to respec from shadow to be able to heal in underbog/slave pens - idk how its going to play out
17:12.09*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
17:13.10Kasocan anyone think of any items with "Green" bonuses other than Equip and Use
17:15.38Kasowhich items have that?
17:16.04Meryi dunno ... let me check
17:16.50malrethlater all
17:17.19KasoTheres "Chance on Hit" and "Chance on Spell Cast" i think but i cant for the life of me think of any items with them
17:17.45Kasoor is it Equip: Chance on
17:18.04Meryoh i think they changed passive: to equip:
17:18.20Kasomakes sense
17:19.41Kasook found a Chance on hit:
17:27.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Neuro_Medivh (
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18:01.05AntiarcDoes anyone know if Unbridled Wrath can proc on specials?
18:04.28Neuro_Medivhdoubt it...
18:04.37Neuro_MedivhWait, special attacks?
18:06.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=jbcc@
18:08.46AntiarcYeah, yellow damage
18:08.57AntiarcI don't think it does, but I'm wondering if anyone knows differently
18:10.45*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
18:11.03ckknighthey all
18:13.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Drundia (n=drewndia@
18:13.18AntiarcMorning, ckknight
18:16.26Neuro_MedivhAntiarc, sorry, was in the rr.  Yes, special attacks will trigger UW
18:17.27Neuro_MedivhOr, it did as of 5 months ago
18:17.48Neuro_Medivhit also triggered weapon procs, but I think they changed that
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18:33.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Malivil0 (
18:34.46Malivil0School is boring...
18:35.07Malivil0I'm owning my html class, so im just joking around for a while
18:35.14Drundiaquit it
18:35.23Drundiaif its boring
18:35.29AmroOne of my classes is about using Word. Basic usage.
18:35.32cncfanaticshtml class ? -.-
18:35.49cncfanaticsI'm 17 and learned html on my own 3 years ago lol, no need to follow a class for it
18:35.59*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren (
18:36.28Amroim guessing its mandatory for graduation
18:37.07Drundianot really
18:37.18Amroalso, you make a good point. not much to learn about html
18:37.56Amrothere are always boring/useless CS classes, especially in the first year
18:40.17Malivil0Im a senior, i already know html
18:40.23Malivil0I use this class as a study
18:40.41Malivil0Its only for a few more weeks and the i wont have to deal with it anymore
18:40.51Malivil0Plus, i learned about css and stuff like that, so its all good
18:41.22ckknightunpack({1, nil, 3, nil, 5}, 2, 4) => nil, 3, nil
18:41.30ckknight^--- good tidbit.
18:42.12JoshBorkeok back!
18:45.07Malivil0lol, i just noticed something
18:45.25Malivil0In this java irc client, the (H) for the horde guild turns into a smily face for some reason
18:45.40Malivil0It's kinda... wierd
18:46.08ckknightlol, Malivil0
18:46.31Malivil0This class is so easy, i have 3 days to write a 1 page web page
18:46.46Malivil0Im the farthest ahead in the class, and im getting a better than 100 average
18:46.55Malivil0We've had 1 test and a bunch of quizes
18:47.04Malivil0I got a 111 on the test, and 99-100s on all of the quizes
18:47.47Malivil0Not much of an accomplishment really, almosteveryone else in this calss is wicked dumb
18:48.26ckknightgood times.
18:48.50ckknightI worry for the state of man, but then realize that if there's just enough people like me out there, things should be okay
18:48.51Malivil0yea, apparently i cant change my name to my actual name, but i can change it to anything else
18:49.28Malivil0Yea... there is such a large ammount of dumb people in this world, its amazing that humans are still the dominant life form on this planet
18:49.51Malivil0Good thing for us, the dumbest of the dumb keep to themselves or kill eachother off.
18:51.12Malivil0Alright, time for me to head home and then to work
18:51.17Malivil0ill be back on for real later on
18:51.21*** part/#wowi-lounge Malivil0 (
18:58.57JoshBorkecladhaire: ping
19:02.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
19:03.29Mike-N-GoLOL, I copied over the wrong fie :|
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19:04.18JoshBorkecladhaire: see PM
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19:05.54JoshBorkehello VoidRaider
19:12.02Malivil-SchoolIm home
19:12.14JoshBorkewb Malivil
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19:14.37Malivilyay 1/2 hour between school and work...
19:19.13zenzelezzand it takes 20 minutes to get from school to work?
19:20.09krkahmm... did something change? i can't seem to cancel the subscription type
19:22.29MalivilNo,the 1/2 include commute time
19:22.34Malivil*1/2 hour includes
19:23.02Maliviltakes 10 minutes to get home from school and like 5 minutes to get to work
19:23.51VoidRaiderAnyone knows whats the costs of using getglobal and getfenv ? how constly is it to use getglobal ?
19:24.12JoshBorkeVoidRaider: you shouldn't use them liberally
19:25.54JoshBorkeVoidRaider: what are you doing?
19:26.49VoidRaidernah I'm asking generally :)
19:27.19JoshBorkei wouldn't use setfenv or getglobal in an OnUpdate ;-)
19:27.30VoidRaiderhaha :P
19:28.38VoidRaiderDo you know how effective would it be in percentage of 100 calls ?
19:29.19cogwheelgetglobal(key) is probably about as costly as (function (key) return _G[key] end)(key)
19:29.23krkai have this problem:
19:29.26krkaany solution?
19:29.38VoidRaiderahh ok
19:29.40cogwheelVoidRaider: what do you mean by "effective"?
19:29.56Drundiagetglobal(x) does a bit more, so it's more costly than _G[x]
19:30.07Malivilkrka: The finacial payments problem?
19:30.44MalivilIf you cancel your subscription you accoutn will be frozen at the end of your current paid subscription. You can unfreeze your account at any time by adding a game card or a new payment plan
19:30.46VoidRaiderHmm effective in terms of performance, like how bad would it be haha
19:30.55MalivilIn fact, my account is frozen right now and i will unfreeze it later
19:31.02Drundiaaccording to wowwiki getglobal is more like function getglobal (smth) return loadstring('return '..smth)(); end;
19:32.05krkaso freezing is not the same thing as deleting your account?
19:32.27Malivilfreezing means you can't play on it
19:32.52Drundianot really. u can on ptr/beta if ur account was active at correct date
19:32.59MalivilYea, i know
19:33.03Malivilbut on the live servers
19:34.06krkathe cancel account link and stop subscribing is the same link now
19:34.07krkait wasn't before
19:34.11krkai am too scared to do it
19:34.36JoshBorkeyou can play your account until you run out of time on it
19:34.52krkabut i wont ever run out of time, since i am currently subscribing
19:34.57VoidRaiderDrundia are you sure that that's the implementation of getglobal ?
19:34.59krkaand there is no unsubscribe, just cancel account
19:35.04krkai dont want to cancel the account
19:35.06Malivilyou can't delete your account
19:35.13Malivili stopped playing twice
19:35.15Maliviland its still there
19:35.19Malivilwith everything still on it
19:35.28Drundiaon wowwiki they say that getglobal handles things like table.key and table['key']
19:35.39Drundiait's easy to test it
19:35.47krkaon EU?
19:36.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
19:36.09MalivilNo, on US. but it should be the same
19:36.12krkai'm pretty sure they changed the way the eu account site works
19:36.17krkadid they change the US too?
19:36.22JoshBorkekrka: i'm checking
19:36.42cogwheelthe site can work however it wants... they're not going to close your account 'till your current subscription period ends...
19:36.42VoidRaideryeah I know what it does and how it works but I don't know how it done internally, though I guess cog example is accurate
19:36.44MalivilThere is a "Cancel Account" link that talks about canceling a subsciption
19:37.12cogwheeland even when they do close your account, it'll only last until you add more time to it...
19:37.17JoshBorkekrka: i don't have a cancel account.  i have a "Cancel recurring subscription plan"
19:38.06MalivilJoshBorke: The cancel account is a link at the bottom of the page
19:38.19JoshBorkei have a Cancel Subscription link
19:38.19krkaI am getting a "Why are you quitting World of Warcraft?" message when i try to unsubscribe
19:38.22krkavery scary
19:38.38MalivilThey just want to know why you are unsubsribing
19:38.39krkayou're not getting one of those?
19:38.42DrundiaVoidRaider, "return _G[key]" won't deal with tables.['key'] is perfectly correct table index
19:38.46krkabut they say _quitting_
19:39.01MalivilBecause ifyou cancel your subscription,m when its up you're done
19:39.06Malivil_until you add more time_
19:39.31JoshBorkekrka: yea, it's fine
19:39.35JoshBorkethey ask me that too
19:39.38MalivilTrust us
19:39.45Drundia"return loadstring('returnarg)"
19:39.53JoshBorkewhy are you cancelling your subscription? to change or to stop the recurring?
19:40.08VoidRaiderypu and I guess because of the fact that getglobal can get deeper and gets childs it's more expesive ? that's the reason getfenv is much more effective ?
19:40.33krkaJoshBorke: was that a quote or a question for me?
19:40.35Drundia"return loadstring('return '..arg)()" however is a way to deal with them.
19:40.38krkaif the latter, stop the recurring
19:40.52JoshBorkekrka: yea, it's fine,  i'm asked the same thing
19:40.52Drundiai think getglobal is more expensive for this matter
19:41.04VoidRaideryeah, probably :)
19:41.14Drundiabecause it need to compile chunk and call that chunk as function
19:41.22Malivil2... conversations... at once
19:41.24JoshBorkeoh geebus
19:41.34JoshBorkei'm gonna create a test.lua that does a getglobal call
19:41.43Drundia_G['key'] will still be slower than key
19:42.29Drundiano need to make test.lua. abuse /script.
19:43.30JoshBorketest.lua will let me compile it and see what it does :-P
19:44.33Drundiait will compile into something like push arg, call getglobal
19:45.12JoshBorkegetglobal is an actual call...
19:45.22JoshBorke_G corresponds to a getglobal call
19:46.18JoshBorkebut it includes a GETTABLE call also when you do _G
19:46.41Drundiathen _G just has a metatable
19:47.09Drundiametatable(_G).__index = getglobal
19:49.39*** part/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
19:49.53JoshBorkegetglobal isn't defined in lua 5.0
19:50.15Drundiait isn't
19:50.25Drundianot in 5.1.1 either afaik
19:50.26Cidethat's a blizzard defined function I think
19:50.30Cideisn't it?
19:50.41VoidRaiderI don't think so
19:50.46JoshBorkeso it is probably just as cogwheel said
19:51.21Cidelocal _G = getfenv(0); function getglobal(name) return _G[name] end -- woot!
19:51.23Drundiadoes getglobal deal with tables? than it has to do something more
19:51.51AntiarcLua 2.4 was released on 14 May 1996. The main new features of Lua 2.4 are the external compiler luac, an extended debug interface with hooks, and the "getglobal" fallback.
19:52.08VoidRaiderlua 2.4 lol
19:52.24AntiarcSo I'd guess that it's part of the lua core :P
19:52.32Drundiaand what is wow 1.x version of lua?
19:52.38AntiarcWow is 5.0
19:52.43JoshBorkewe should just ask in #lua
19:52.55Drundiathey could remove getglobal
19:53.03Drundiajust like table.getn for example
19:53.19Antiarcgetglobal is extraordinarily useful for getting frame references dynamically
19:53.34AntiarcUnless there's some new way to do it that I'm not aware of.
19:53.36Cideframe references?
19:53.49AntiarcReferences to a frame
19:54.06CideI'm aware of what it means, but I don't know what context you're referring to
19:54.19Drundiawhere do u get lua decompiler?
19:54.20JoshBorkeyou can't get access to a frame just by the name
19:54.23Cidebut yes, getglobal("YourName"..var) is common
19:54.23AntiarcWell, you create a frame in XML with 20 children, named $parentChild1..20
19:54.30VoidRaideryuo can
19:54.41Antiarcgetglobal("MyFrameChild" .. i) is rather handy ;)
19:54.57CideAntiarc: or MyFrame[i]
19:55.02Cidegranted, you'd need to set that up
19:55.08AntiarcLess useful now that we can create frames in code, but still.
19:55.19VoidRaiderit's not accurate you can access a frame by its name, however if you want to seek a child then you must go through getglobal
19:55.27AntiarcDoes that work? ie, if you give frames subscripted names, you can access them as an array?
19:55.35Cideframes are tables
19:55.59AntiarcRight, but if you name a child MyFrame[2], then it's interpreted properly?
19:56.00Cideonly thing special is that [0] has a userdata reference
19:56.01JoshBorkeyea, what constitutes userdata? objects?
19:56.10Cideuserdata is a C object
19:56.29CideAntiarc: no
19:56.42Drundiathey use that index to identify frame internally
19:56.42AntiarcI guess I'm reading you wrong then.
19:56.42Drundiafor C code
19:56.49CideAntiarc: you'd set that up in lua
19:57.01JoshBorkekrka: you all good?
19:57.18AntiarcRight, which would require either a loop or a line of code per child frame. The loop would still need a getglobal() call, though.
19:57.19krkai think so
19:57.29AntiarcI was mostly responding to the "They could remove getglobal" statement
19:57.43Drundiayes, but u can do a loop in OnLoad
19:57.43CideAntiarc: :GetChildren() or :GetRegions()
19:57.55Cidealternatively make the frames in lua dynamically
19:57.57AntiarcHm. That would certainly work!
19:58.12JoshBorkehow do you get reference to a frame just by name and not using getglobal?
19:58.21TainEvery call to getglobal increases global warming.
19:58.23Cidememoize the children so you don't have to getglobal every time
19:58.33JoshBorkebut for any arbitrary time
19:58.33Drundiaif u make frames in lua dinamically u can even have all stuff working faster by setting ur own environment. it will speed up ur 'global' lookups
19:58.36CideTain: causing thousands of penguins to die every frame
19:58.36JoshBorkeie the first time
19:59.05TainThink of the poor penguins.
19:59.15JoshBorkeTHE POOR PENGUINS!
19:59.30Drundiathe first time u probably use getglobal. or some getfenv
20:00.35TainI'm in ur getglobal using your env
20:00.45JoshBorketain, work on visor2 :-P
20:01.02TainI'm not working on Visor2 at all!
20:01.08VoidRaiderI'm in your matrix :)
20:01.14AntiarcTain, someone from my server was working on converting visor2 to TBC compliance since they were under the impression that nobody was making the conversion.
20:02.21TainNo idea!  Someone uploaded a work in progress to wowinterface.
20:02.48JoshBorkei just want buttons i can arrange myself :-(
20:03.18Cidecan try out CT_BarMod :)
20:03.22VoidRaiderWell Flexbar2 gonna be available ? :P
20:03.24AntiarcMy primary problem with hobby work is that I'm so very easily distracted.
20:04.14Drundiamaking buttons u can arrange urself is easy
20:04.16AntiarcI have about 6 addons I want to write or update, two business-type side projects, and last night I downloaded Captain Comic, which basically introduced me to platform gaming, and started speccing out how I could write a remake of it with modern tech.
20:04.50TainThe problem is you'll never again (for the most part) be able to create butttons to do different things based on events, in combat anyway.
20:05.17VoidRaideryeah well :(
20:05.27Drundiau can hack wow.exe
20:05.46TainThat's a brilliant idea.
20:06.17VoidRaideractually I have like 2-3 buttons I predefined that do it all lol
20:06.33VoidRaiderin the current release :)
20:06.50VoidRaiderso I like the BC change
20:07.49VoidRaiderAll my hunter melee abilities bind to one button :P
20:08.40Drundiau hunters have a huge buff. u automatically switch between melee and ranged afk-attack
20:09.00Drundiaand then they forbid all these kind of checks for addons
20:09.10VoidRaideryeah true :P
20:09.44Drundiawe casters need to friggin click every friggin spell suffering from common 10k lagspikes and such....
20:10.32VoidRaiderbut I hate the way people abuse the current system in the current release including myself lol
20:11.15Drundiau can have like 3 buttons in 2.0 too
20:11.25Drundiacastsequence for all ur 500 imba shots
20:11.48VoidRaiderlol "imba shots"
20:11.56Drundiause, the silencing one especially
20:12.16VoidRaider41 MM I don't think I'll go for it :)
20:12.52Drundiaand multishots critting far higher and a lot more often then any known instant cast thing. oh, right, also highest range (excluding occasional pom pyroblasts)
20:13.05VoidRaiderand you can't use castsequence just like that, there is no range checks, no cooldown check and the list is long :)
20:13.06AntiarcI got silencing shotted by a hunter who was immune to snares thanks to Beast Within and it critted me for 40,000 and then he used Readiness and did it again and two-shotted me! :(
20:13.41VoidRaiderwow :P
20:13.41Drundiayes, that's how it happens on ptr. everyone is really getting one-shotted
20:14.09AntiarcWith the extended stam budgets in TBC, it's more like 3-shotted! :D
20:14.27AntiarcI actually took my fury warrior out for a spin in the arena yesterday
20:14.31AntiarcI was surprisingly effective.
20:14.36Corrodiasso... Antiarc survived a 40,000 damage hit? >_>
20:14.40AntiarcSoul Link lock.
20:14.45Antiarc(not really)
20:14.46Drundiaactually more like crit-one-shotted or noncrit-2-shotted because budgets arent really going much higher
20:14.54AntiarcThey're doubled, Drundia.
20:15.01Corrodiasvisitor2, that's one i haven't heard of
20:15.09VoidRaiderI almost sure priests can remove the beast within
20:15.21AntiarcStamina costs half as much in the stamina budget now, which means that it's doubled on items, effectively.
20:15.36Drundiadoubled? last tie i checked items are providing 50% more stamina at the same cost. doubling? right, u also get 33% from leveling, but then again u also get 50% damage from leveling
20:16.01AntiarcIt's 100% more stamina, not 50%.
20:16.19Drundiayes, 50 from items and 50 from levels
20:16.39AntiarcStamina, like any other pure stat, used to have a base cost of 230 in the item budget, pre-exponentiation. It now has a base cost of 115, meaning that a 20-stam item can now have 40 stam without changing the item budget.
20:17.01VoidRaiderDo you like the new rogue ability 'Shadowstep' ? haha
20:17.31Temthat ability is rediculous
20:17.33Drundiawhen i checkd thottbot i coould notice change from 1 to 0.67 in blizzard units
20:17.41VoidRaiderWhy :P
20:17.48AntiarcDrundia: You aren't taking exponentiation into account.
20:17.55Drundiayes i do
20:17.56Temwhen ambush crits for more than half my hp and he can do it again instantly from 20 yards, that's overpowered
20:18.17VoidRaiderhaha :P
20:18.24AntiarcTem: And then he can't do it again for 10 minutes.
20:18.31Antiarc3-minute mages one-shotting people come to mind.
20:18.34TemI thought it was 5
20:18.37AntiarcPreparation is on a 10-minute cooldown.
20:18.41AntiarcThe item cost is (points of the stat * stat cost) ^ 2/3, I believe.
20:18.43Temhe doesn't need prep
20:18.57Temalso, Antiarc 3 minute mages don't oneshot anymore
20:19.02AntiarcFor shadowstep -> ambush -> vanish -> shadowstep -> ambush he would.
20:19.19AntiarcAnd you'll need the first Shadowstep for the amped ambush.
20:19.25Drundiaitem cost is ((stat1cost * stat1value)^1.5 + (stat2cost * stat2value)^1.5 + ... ) ^ 2/3
20:19.37Corrodiasnow if only preparation finished its own cooldown
20:19.37AntiarcAh, right. Summation at ^2/3
20:19.55Drundiai also checked gems
20:20.01AntiarcEasy way to test it, Drundia. Go to:
20:20.04AntiarcPlug in a BC item
20:20.09AntiarcBut put in half the stamina
20:20.12Drundiagems have equal stats and were around 0.6-0.75 or so
20:20.15AntiarcThere you go, matched item level.
20:20.18ckknightAntiarc, ^2/3 or ^(2/3)?
20:20.33AntiarcYes, that
20:20.48Drundiathey screwed item levels a bit
20:21.05Tullerso...has anyone noticed a delay when paging the default actionbar using the mousewheel in TBC?
20:21.20Drundiawhen i checked some items had heavy overbudget. new high warlord/grand marshal sets spring to mind
20:21.47Drundiaweapons seem to lack 10 levels worth of dps
20:23.03Corrodiasmy guild is voting on leaving the alliance it's currently a part of, so far a 19-6 vote in favor of leaving
20:24.19VoidRaideryeah For The Horde! :P
20:24.26AntiarcHere's an example: vs
20:24.33AntiarcHalved stam puts it right on target.
20:24.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
20:25.04Maldiviahehe, funny "bug"
20:25.14VoidRaiderhi :)
20:25.24*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
20:25.39AntiarcI'm trying to find some tanking plate with a stupid amount of STA
20:25.53AntiarcMinus ratings, sockets, and resilience, since we don't have values for those yet.
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20:27.22Drundiaall ratings are 1
20:27.41Drundialike equal to str, agi, int, spi - all that kind of stuff
20:28.01MaldiviaAntiarc: so, you want a plate item, that only has "normal" stats, nothing else?
20:28.41Drundiabtw, look on that item. if u values stamina 2/3, u will have equal stat points in each stat
20:28.43AntiarcHopefully with a lot of STA, Maldivia
20:29.12AntiarcDrundia, at 2/3, you mean at a stat value of about 153?
20:29.25Antiarc(460 / 3)
20:29.41MaldiviaAntiarc: I can give you the item ids of a lot of plate items, with just agi,str,stam,int,spr
20:30.19AntiarcMaldivia: BC stuff?
20:31.30Drundiayes, 153 then. at wowwiki they say that they saw something about stat values on blizzcon and matched 230 hyz points to 1 blizzard point
20:32.29Drundiai also looked at gems: - same level and such. one is 12 sta, other is 8 spi. this ratio usually works
20:33.18MaldiviaAntiarc: 30402, 29946, 29945, 29944, 27918, 25958, 25956, 25715, 25569, 25561, 25522, 25511, 25481, 25478
20:33.28AntiarcHard to tell with the stuff I'm seeing so far. Valued at 115, they end up about 3 ilvl below their stated level - at 153, they're ending up 2.5-3 levels above so far. Not a lot of data points yet.
20:34.16MaldiviaAntiarc: those are the plate armors I had in my db, with only normal stats, no spells, sockets, ratings etc
20:34.58AntiarcHm. Thott doesn't seem to know about most of 'em.
20:35.11Maldiviathose are ingame item ids..
20:35.14Maldivianot thott id
20:35.22Drundiau access in-game item ids like it=x
20:35.28Drundianot i=x as normally
20:36.02Drundia30402 is Field Agent's Bracers?
20:36.24AntiarcThott IDs are generally the same as in-game IDs.
20:36.25Drundiathen right, access them like
20:36.39AntiarcAha, it=, not i=. Interesting.
20:37.04Drundiano, thott "i=x" id isnt in-game. it's basically internal thott id that probably comes in order items are added to db
20:37.05Maldiviaehh, thotts info is incorrect
20:37.26AntiarcDrundia: I'm pretty sure that's not the case. I've parsed the WDBs myself and the item IDs there match up with Thott's IDs :)
20:38.00Antiarc2/3 is showing a slightly closer match in most cases though. Very interesting.
20:38.02MaldiviaField Agent's Bracers = 21str, 8agi, 16stam, 436 armor, wrist, plate, ilevel 108
20:38.11AntiarcI did my initial parsing with a 0.5 value when the alpha NDA was first lifted.
20:38.15AntiarcI wonder if they've changed it since then.
20:38.25Drundiabut they dont match typical id from item link like |Hitem:id:x:x:x
20:38.33AntiarcThey should, IIRC.
20:38.39AntiarcThough I won't guarantee it ;)
20:39.03Maldiviathotts normal ids are not ingame ids
20:39.22AntiarcHm. They do match the WDB IDs though.
20:39.31AntiarcI wonder why game IDs and WDB IDs would differ.
20:39.38Maldiviafor instance: <-- Netherwind Belt, id = 16818
20:39.42Maldiviaingame == wdb
20:39.57AntiarcThere you go.
20:40.54AntiarcThat's somewhat confusing to me, actually. I wrote a WDB parser in Python and have parsed my own WDBs, so I know the data I'm getting isn't tainted, and the IDs have matched Thott/Alla perfectly.
20:40.55Drundia - different from
20:41.07Drundiaalla has ingame ids
20:41.11MaldiviaAntiarc: allakhazam uses ingame ids
20:41.24Drundiathott uses its own ids by default
20:41.24Maldiviathott doesn't, as above links clearly showed
20:42.08AntiarcHuh, so it would seem. I could have sworn they did at one point.
20:42.14AntiarcAs I used that to debug my own parser :)
20:42.44Maldiviayou've probably used allakhazam then (or wowguru, or wowhead, or another site that uses ingame ids)
20:43.08Antiarcit parameter, rather than "i"
20:43.18AntiarcI suspect that was it.
20:43.22Drundiathott screenshot have ingame ids
20:43.25Maldiviayes, that was mentioned 10 minutes ago
20:43.48AntiarcJust making the connection. That's likely how I matched it up.
20:43.53Maldiviabut the normal thott links use thottbots own internal numbering
20:43.54AntiarcThis was some time ago, so I'm a bit fuzzy on the details ;)
20:44.18Drundiathott needs internal numbering to have items with random suffixed assigned multiple ids
20:44.43Maldiviathey could just di i=xxx:yyy
20:44.46Maldiviaor something like that
20:44.48AntiarcI'd have elected for a second parameter, but I guess that's harder to implement when you're doing ingame collection.
20:45.47Drundiaingame it has 4 numbers anyway
20:46.39Maldiviawell, only 2 are important
20:46.47Maldiviain expansion, 3 are important
20:47.23Drundiawhich one it new 3rd?
20:47.54Maldivia1.12: id:enchant:suffix:[something]
20:48.16Maldivia2.0: id:enchant:gem1:gem2:gem3:[something]:suffix:[suffix modifier]
20:48.38Drundialast time heard 4th was creator
20:48.55Maldiviait's some internal unique number, most likely
20:48.56Kasoits some sort of instance id iirc
20:49.04Kasoyah that
20:49.35Maldiviabut in expansion, it used to determining the stats granded by suffixes
20:50.19Drundiaerm, like how?
20:50.41Drundiathey had bazillion of suffixed before for each combination and things
20:51.02MaldiviaTBC style suffixes, are just stat type and multipliers now, and then the [suffix modifier] is used to calculate the stats
20:51.39Drundiaso one says "sta+str" for ex and other says "29" and we have 29 sta + 29 str?
20:52.07Drundiathott doesnt deal with tbc suffixes properly, does it?
20:52.13Maldiviadoubt it
20:52.30Drundiabc i saw a lot of greens without any stats. probably unknown random stats.
20:52.41Maldiviasuffixes aren't stored in the cache files, and since thott gets it data from those files, it's not getting the suffixes, I think
20:52.43AntiarcThose likely come from WDB parses
20:53.02AntiarcStuff with suffixes comes from in-game collection via an addon
20:53.16ckknightMaldivia, any idea on the range of numbers those fields are?
20:53.29Maldiviafor the modifier?
20:53.30Drundiai heard something was negative
20:53.39AntiarcSome are definitely negative
20:53.39Drundiato identify tbc things
20:53.44Maldiviaif suffix is negative, it's the TBC style
20:53.48AntiarcI ran into that breaking my parses early on.
20:53.51Maldiviaif it's positive, it's normal style
20:54.09Maldiviaok, and example of a TBC suffix
20:54.49ckknightMaldivia, I need to work on serializing the new itemlink (for AceComm)
20:55.01Drundiabut wasnt 'random enchantment' stored in wdb?
20:55.15Drundialike flag that indicated that there can be random suffix?
20:55.23AntiarcThere's a flag that indicates that it's an item with a random enchantment, but no indication of what the suffix is.
20:56.03Drundiaye, and stupid thott doesnt get that flag for tbc :(
20:56.06JoshBorkeok back!
20:56.13AntiarcThey may have removed it from the WDB schema
20:56.20MaldiviaCK:  "(%d+):%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+:(%-?%d+):(%d+)" should match the item, with the 3 values of interest marked
20:56.27MaldiviaCK: the rest are enchants and gems
20:56.45ckknightyea, I need to send the enchants + gems along as well
20:57.01ckknightbasically, I need to compress the item into the smallest space possible, and decompress it later
20:57.20cryogencant :%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+: be shorted into a repeat?
20:57.25ckknightcurrently (in vanilla WoW), it serializes the first 3 fields into 7-bytes.
20:57.27AntiarcHm. I was using (item:%-?%d+:%-?%d+:%-?%d+:%-?%d+:%-?%d+:%-?%d+:%-?%d+:%-?%d+), but I guess that can be compressed.
20:57.47MaldiviaDrundia: about the new suffixes:
20:57.52Antiarccryogen: Repeats on captures don't seem to work in Lua regexes, as far as I've been able to tell.
20:58.00Antiarcie, (%d)+ won't work.
20:58.06Antiarcerr, (%d+)+
20:58.13Antiarcor what have you.
20:58.22MaldiviaExample: id 6: "of the Eagle", gives 0.6666 int and 1 stamina, pr modifier point, in the [suffix modifier]
20:58.26JoshBorkeAntiarc: ((%d+):)+?
20:58.29Drundiaye, i also WTB some pcre regexes ot something
20:58.33AntiarcSame idea :)
20:59.02ckknightbasically, I want to know the range of all the fields
20:59.02ckknightwhat's the min and max values.
20:59.15pastamancercheck the WDB for the width of those fields?
21:00.02AntiarcIf the WDB conforms to the vanilla spec, then it's just a 16-bit integer
21:00.14AntiarcIf it's signed for BC, that limits the available space a bit though.
21:00.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
21:00.25Maldiviack: 6144 boundries: (1-35000):(1-3093):(1-3093):(1-3093):(?):(-57 to -2164):(0-4294967295)
21:00.40Maldiviaehh, -57 to 2164
21:01.41ckknightthat's only 7 fields.
21:01.47Maldiviayeah, missing enchant
21:01.51Maldiviawhich is also 1-3093
21:02.10ckknightso (1-35000):(1-3093):(1-3093):(1-3093):(1-3093):(?):(-57 to -2164):(0-4294967295)
21:02.31Maldiviaso, for base64 encoding: 3,2,2,2,2,?,[-]2,6
21:03.13Maldiviawell, actually, only the low 16 bit of the 8th field is important
21:03.29ckknightokay, I have class
21:03.32ckknightbut thanks, Maldivia
21:03.40ckknightI'll come up with a compression scheme after class
21:04.01Maldiviajuse base64 encode all the numbers (zero padded), and concat them  :)
21:04.23Drundiai think u can use base128
21:04.31Maldiviaand you have a 16 byte long string, that represents an item
21:05.02*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
21:05.08Drundiabut still depends on what do u want to do with them
21:05.10Maldiviasince wow and lua uses UTF-8, base128 will be nasty
21:05.22Drundiathey dont use utf-8
21:05.27pastamancerbase64?  is the intent to bit-pack it or string-encode it?
21:05.39JoshBorkebitpack i believe
21:05.49Drundiawow encodes all input to utf-8 and decodes it when showing as text
21:06.05MaldiviaDrundia: lua uses utf-8 internally
21:06.24Drundiaerm? where? how?
21:06.37nevcairielin every string
21:07.10Maldiviameaning, you'll see a LOT of \195 in your base128 encode :)
21:08.35JoshBorkeCide: ping
21:08.38Drundiamy test showed that lua compiled my chars with 128+ codes into single bytes
21:08.42JoshBorkeyou said to look at ct-barmod for buttons i can arrange manually?
21:08.52*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
21:09.07JoshBorkefrom the description of it, it doesn't say i can move them arbitrarily
21:09.07MaldiviaDrundia: /dump string.byte("æ", 1) == string.byte("ø", 1)  ==> true
21:09.21CideJoshBorke: that's the old version
21:09.24JoshBorkeo.O those are really weird symbols
21:09.34zenzelezznot really
21:09.37JoshBorkeCide: just going off your website :-D
21:09.46CideJoshBorke: yes, we haven't released the new version
21:09.51Maldiviaæøå are standard letters in the Danish alphabet
21:09.54JoshBorkei see
21:10.46zenzelezzif you're an American, don't worry about them... you have enough trouble with your 26 =D
21:11.04MaldiviaJoshBorke: "ø" <-- one or two chars?
21:11.06JoshBorkeirssi :-D
21:11.07JoshBorke1 char
21:11.18JoshBorkezenzelezz: and it's true
21:11.24JoshBorkei keep getting l and i mixed up
21:11.56MaldiviaJoshBorke: ok, send them as UTF-8, irssi should support that (ø should look like an O with a slash)
21:12.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
21:12.32VoidRaidernight guys
21:12.57Drundiastring.len("æ") ==> 2
21:14.19nevcairielits an a and an e, obviously 2 :D
21:14.52Drundiaunpack{1,2,3} == unpack{1,3,4}, so ur point about string.byte("æ", 1) == string.byte("ø", 1)  ==> true doesnt work
21:15.04krkacrap. i'm moving in a few days so i started packing just now... filled 5 crates so far, and all of it's books :(
21:15.06zenzelezzstrictly speaking it isn't two letters, it's a single sound
21:15.08krkai'm screwed
21:15.19Drundiano utf-8 internally for lua
21:16.12Drundiachat messages arent 8-bit clean so u cant really utf-8 encode zeroes
21:16.26MaldiviaDrundia: string.byte("æ", 1) returns the first byte, and only one byte - and since it's the \195 char, to show it's an UTF-8 extension something whatever
21:16.41Maldiviaand that's the same for both æ and ø
21:16.58Maldiviaso yes, my comparions work
21:17.22Drundiayes but à is a byte with code \195
21:18.43Drundiaif u compare it in wow it internally converted ur keyboard input to utf-8.
21:18.58Drundiabc that's what it does
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21:19.51Drundialua itself is 8-bit and 8-bit clean aka binary safe
21:21.58Maldiviawell, considering you're using wow chat protocol, to send message to eachother, binary safe is not something you can take for granted
21:22.33Drundiawow chat protocol isnt binary safe
21:22.59Drundiaso the only problem is zeroes. but u can encode them as something never used
21:23.16krkawouldn't 8-bit and 8-bit clean imply 8-bit safe?
21:23.23krkabinary safe should be 1-bit and 1-bit clean :)
21:24.05MaldiviaThere are a lot of chars that have special meanings in the chat protocol, that you can't use
21:24.28Drundia| is one more of them
21:25.11Maldivia/run SendChatMessage("\n")
21:25.16Maldiviaenjoy your disconnect
21:25.34AntiarcThat's still in?
21:26.13Drundiau still have 128 safe chars
21:26.22Maldiviaall I'm saying is, restricting yourself to printable ASCII (for instance base64), and you're on the safe side - and better safe than sorry
21:26.25Drundiai'm sure 128-255 is all accepted
21:26.42Drundiaor even base 192...
21:27.00krkadoesnt it transfer utf-8?
21:27.36Drundiadont think so
21:27.54Inside128 safe chars is the safest way to do it :P
21:28.10Inside128-255 is not necessarily so because sometimes char is unsigned and stuff.
21:30.33DrundiaSendChatMessage properly sends most utf-8 sequences, SendAddonMessage should even less restricted
21:32.00*** join/#wowi-lounge weab_ (
21:32.03KirkburnI'm going to be controversial and probably elicit ridicule by posting this, but what the heck - watch these, they're quite fun :D
21:34.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Sniff (
21:35.29Kirkburnheh, very
21:35.51Kirkburn(you can see the third one by editing the link -
21:36.35Corrodiastime for my afternoon nap. 'ni!
21:37.51AnduinLotharwow, i want to stab something now
21:38.24MaldiviaTom and his staff?
21:38.32AnduinLothareven my roommate (the windows user) told me to turn it off
21:38.55AnduinLotharwhat's a periferal?
21:39.50AnduinLotharit even has subtitles
21:40.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
21:40.09zenzelezzit's electronic devices you can only see at the very edges of your eyesight
21:40.17ckknighthey all
21:40.50AnduinLotharwouldn't that be a "peripheral"
21:40.58MaldiviaKirkburn: here :)
21:41.03zenzelezzyes, that's where I got the inspiration from AL
21:41.24Maldiviaperipheral vision man! :)
21:41.42KirkburnAnduinLothar, I told you not to watch it!
21:41.46AnduinLothari'll be damned, i could have sworn it had an 'i' at the end
21:41.53Fiskeroh god Maldivia
21:41.56Fiskerwhy german? :(
21:42.03Maldivia better ?
21:42.09AnduinLotharyeah kirk, i watched it for entertainment value
21:42.19Fiskerwhy the hell "gr" then?
21:42.32KirkburnEr, yeah, De surely
21:42.35zenzelezzwhy not?
21:42.59AnduinLotharas in hah ha, they have 4 versions now..... double that of XP... I bet Windows 2010 has 8 versions
21:43.18KirkburnAnduinLothar, I suggest you find out how many version XP has ...
21:43.24AnduinLothar7 1/2?
21:43.41AnduinLotharhome, pro, media, corporate....
21:43.50AnduinLotharreduced sucky edition
21:44.01AnduinLotharbloated super massive edition
21:44.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Gello (
21:44.26MaldiviaWindows Vista estará disponible en cuatro ediciones distintas.
21:44.28KirkburnWouldn't that last one be the equivalent of OSX then?
21:44.32AnduinLotharwasn't corporate just multiple liscences of pro?
21:44.51AnduinLotharOSX has a Server edition
21:45.03AnduinLotharbut they don't really maket it
21:45.20MatthewSyeah, you usually have to buy some X-Serve's
21:45.28KirkburnXP has more editions than Vista has, as odd as it sounds
21:45.43AnduinLotharso far...
21:45.48MaldiviaSP1, SP2 ?
21:46.01KirkburnNah, stuff like Media Center Edition (2004, 2005, etc)
21:46.02AnduinLotharbut media ed. didn't come out till like 2 yrs after xp, no?
21:46.21KirkburnYeah, think so
21:46.23AnduinLotharand win 64 doesn't really count as an OS
21:46.26Kirkburn2003 I think was the first
21:46.33AnduinLotharit's like a crappy port
21:47.06Maldivia2002, 2004, 2005
21:47.17Maldivia(freestyle, harmony and symphony)
21:47.20KirkburnAh, this is a good overview of it all:
21:47.35AnduinLotharlol Starter Edition
21:47.44ckknightMaldivia, you said the low 16 bits of the 8th field is impotant. Know why?
21:47.46KirkburnThe version of Media Center in Vista is pretty good from what I've found
21:47.58Maldiviackknight: because the low 16bit determines the multiplier ):
21:48.19AnduinLotharwtf Home Premium == Media Center Edition ??
21:48.25KirkburnPretty much
21:48.33ckknightso if I did mod(x, 65536) it wouldn't change anything?
21:48.40AnduinLotharwho's brilliant idea was it to give it 2 names?
21:48.52KirkburnThere is no Vista Media Center Edition
21:49.16KirkburnMedia Center is a program, the XP versions just had that name to show they included it
21:49.18AnduinLotharoh ok, misread the graph
21:49.22grimman|afkishHas the US had their maintenance period for this week yet?
21:49.34Maldiviackknight: I'd do, 65535), but that's just me :)
21:49.49AnduinLothari love how the ads said ultimate would be for gamers
21:49.52ckknightMaldivia,, but I know what you mean.
21:50.00grimman|afkishCrap. :(
21:50.01AnduinLotharto get them to shell out an extra $100
21:50.28MaldiviaNote to self, make an alias for the bit table called big, and start using
21:50.35KirkburnI'm getting Ultimate
21:51.16ckknighthehe, Maldivia
21:51.18KirkburnAnyone who calls themselves a "gamer" would prefer the Ultimate edition, but anyone else wouldn't miss the other stuff
21:51.18AnduinLotharHopefully it ships before I graduate, so i can get a free liscence
21:51.31KirkburnJanuary early enough?
21:51.47MaldiviaKirkburn: anyone who calls themselves a "gamer", waits a year or so, before upgrading
21:51.50AnduinLotharI'll believe it when I see it
21:52.00zenzelezzI remember getting WinXP Pro for OEM price... they didn't much care whether you actually bought anything else
21:52.20KirkburnAnduinLothar, it's gone to RTM, so there's no reason for any more delays
21:52.21Neuro_MedivhI'm with Maldivia
21:52.30AnduinLotharand Mald is right. it's gonna suck right out the door
21:52.31KirkburnEr, why wait?
21:52.50KirkburnI'm glad reasoned thought prevades here
21:52.52Neuro_MedivhMost Windows OSes aren't very gamer-friendly out the door
21:53.09AnduinLotharI garentee many substantial updates within the first 6 months
21:53.22KirkburnPrevails, if it makes you feel better :P
21:53.51zenzelezzit does. Anything containing "evade" makes me think of Anub'Rekhan
21:53.56Neuro_MedivhAlso, I remember Windows ME edition
21:54.02KirkburnI fail to see how XP was gamer unfriendly
21:54.04|FF|Im2good4uhow come this wont work ? RaidLeaderAssistList[0]["f"] = bit.bor(RaidLeaderAssistList[0]["f"],bit.not(4096)) --just to remove the 4096 bit
21:54.39|FF|Im2good4uit says <name> expected near not
21:54.42KirkburnI also fail to see how Vista is 'gonna suck' when released. You realise I've been testing it for a couple of months now with various games and have found few to no problems?
21:54.55Neuro_MedivhI never said it was gonna suck
21:55.07KirkburnI didn't say your name, either :P
21:55.09Neuro_MedivhI simply agreed with the "wait and see" comment
21:55.23zenzelezzI don't think Vista will suck for lack of testing; I just don't find any of the "improvements" interesting
21:55.26grimman|afkishKirkburn: All versions of Windows were tested prior to release. And less than all (hehe) have been launched smoothly.
21:55.49KirkburnNo, no versions of Windows have ever been tested like Vista was
21:55.52*** join/#wowi-lounge HiImBob (
21:55.57AnduinLotharit's windows right? If so, then I stand by my claim of "it's gonna suck".  Of course it will suck less than XP....
21:56.22Neuro_MedivhI had to reformat my harddrive after installing Windows ME, cause I upgraded "right away".  Never again.
21:56.43KirkburnYes, well, Vista isn't ME :P And I totally know the ME problems, argh
21:56.51JoshBorkebb all
21:56.59grimman|afkishYou mean public beta and such? I wouldn't really call that testing, most of the people who need to test their stuff on Vista get their hands on a beta release, but the vast majority of people just want to use it before it's released or because it's free. :P
21:57.30Neuro_Medivhoh, and:
21:57.41Kirkburngrimman|afkish, nearly all the testers submit automatic bug reports though
21:58.31KirkburnI think they had the known bugs down to well under 1000 for RTM
21:58.49grimman|afkishKirkburn: As far as I know, the people worth their while disables such things anyway so it won't bother them. :P
21:59.30KirkburnThat makes no sense - when Windows has an error it tells you, and gives you the option to send the bug report. Yes, you can click no, but I would guess most click Ok
21:59.51*** part/#wowi-lounge MatthewS (
21:59.56AnduinLotharwait, you think they read those reports?
22:00.14zenzelezz"uh oh, they'll steal all sorts of info from me" is the reaction I see most from the not-too-technically-inclined
22:00.30Kirkburnzenzelezz, and those people won't be using a beta, will they :)
22:00.53zenzelezzyou're only talking beta? XP also lets you send a bug report, doesn't it?
22:01.17KirkburnYeah, but weren't we talking about the state of Vista for the last 10 mins ;)
22:01.22grimman|afkishKirkburn: What I
22:01.30grimman|afkish'm saying is that error reporting is a service.
22:01.32zenzelezzyour statement could easily be about any Windows version
22:01.36Kirkburnzenzelezz, true though, I don't always click send myself
22:01.38grimman|afkishIt can be turned off.
22:02.16KirkburnYou should get that looked it, looks nasty, Inside \o/
22:02.53KirkburnOkay, it can be turned off. I'm just saying, that the wide beta allowed for a lot of bug reports :P
22:03.06KirkburnFar more than XP ever had
22:03.16InsideThe only bug report I've honestly submitted was.. "MAKE LFG A GLOBAL CHAN AGAIN PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ"
22:03.48KirkburnI think Microsoft would have regarded that bug report with a confused and worried eye ;)
22:06.31zenzelezzthey made it local?
22:06.42KirkburnThey removed it, did they not?
22:06.52zenzelezzI wouldn't know, I only play on live
22:07.13KirkburnThar be no LFG channel in thar beta! Yarr!
22:07.49zenzelezzso you have no choice but to use the LFG interface (or abuse other channels)?
22:07.51InsideThere is an LF channel.
22:07.53KirkburnNeptulon came and ate it
22:07.59InsideIt's just no in the uh.. join menu
22:08.01AnduinLothartrade channel gets abused now
22:08.04InsideYou can still do /join lookingforgroup
22:08.14InsideAnd it was getting quite a bit of traffic too
22:08.15KirkburnNot an official channel, though
22:08.43nevcairielthe LFG system is quite good tho, only in Beta not used by lots of people because they dont know it
22:10.09zenzelezzcan you only be an individual looking for a group, or can you be a group looking for more?
22:10.37AntiarcAnd I rather like the LFG system
22:10.46AntiarcIt has found me groups very quickly and effectively every time I've used it
22:12.09InsideI dunno
22:12.14InsideI want to talk to the people first before I go somewhere.
22:12.21InsideWhich is why I never ever ever use the stupid meeting stones.
22:12.32AntiarcSummoning meeting stones = rawk
22:12.38ckknightwait, so do old item links still exist or was everything converted to the new style?
22:12.46AntiarcIt's all converted, I believe.
22:14.56Drundiathey just need to make "General - The Barrens" global imo
22:15.02grimman|afkish << Vista! :D
22:15.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
22:15.54Drundiaor just make a standard global channel for folks to chat about each other mothers, being 40-y.o. virgins and such at nights...
22:16.50InsideI've been to the barrens
22:16.58InsideAnd there has never been interesting discussion there
22:17.22AntiarcAlliance or Horde?
22:17.32*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
22:17.36AntiarcYou'd have to be hordeside to get the really interesting discussion.
22:17.42malreth"server is busy" Noooooo!
22:17.54Tullerbleh, its actionbutton_getpagedid which is slow
22:18.15Drundiayes it sucks at speed as much as possible
22:18.38Drundiaah, well, not as much as BarOptions out of range coloring.....
22:20.39Mr_Rabies2i hope baroptions gets a maintainer :x
22:22.37AnduinLotharwow wtf
22:23.14AnduinLotharDeadlykris, an mvp, commenting his opinion based on his experience a year ago?
22:23.19AnduinLotharor more
22:23.30AnduinLotharI thought mvps were sposed to be respectable
22:23.49AnduinLotharand i can't even post cause the server's being stupid
22:24.26Drundiaservers are always stupid. it's intended.
22:25.20InsideWoW forums being stupid = Blizzard just limiting the posting for the day
22:25.43Drundia"Hello, AduinLothar, this is GM Qwerty. I have to tell you that it works as intended. You can ask anyone they will tell you that it works exactly the same way for them. Farewell and have fun, AnduinLothar."
22:26.58Drundia^ that's exciting way to replace GMs by real automatic answers for tickets because it's what happens usually anyway.
22:27.52Drundiayes, they use macroes, but the reply should be automatic just when ppl submit tickets because it ends up with macroes anyway
22:28.43AnduinLotharI have a very smart ass respons i want to post before i lose interest, but the server's restraining me
22:34.43Mr_Rabies2link to it AL
22:36.37grimman|afkish << Wow... just wow.
22:39.54Amrosome GM said "may all your hits be crits" as a farewell
22:40.24grimman|afkishI've seen "may your arrows never miss". ;)
22:41.03DrundiaAmro, if u r rogue or hunter it is already the case
22:41.29AnduinLotharthere, i posted
22:41.30Mr_Rabies2or a feral druid that stacks the agi :P
22:41.43AnduinLotharI'll prolly regret it and edit it later, so you better read it while it's there
22:41.43Mr_Rabies2i've got a 31% crit rate on the ptr :P
22:42.02Cairenn@ the security thing
22:42.53Mr_Rabies2eh sassing mvps isn't against policy especially when you're just telling it like it is when they're hoppin on the cosmos hate bandwagon
22:43.26Mr_Rabies2now if it was a blue post, i'd be hesitant, but i seriously doubt you'll see anything negative becoming of that
22:44.22AnduinLothardepends on the public image of MVPs and whether the negative comments reflect poorly on Cosmos
22:44.38Mr_Rabies2i also reported the mvp for "Defamatory language towards Cosmos Development team, not very representative of MVP Status" :D
22:44.56AnduinLotharI wasn't that mean
22:45.11AnduinLotharbut he's been quoted a couple times, he can't just edit it
22:45.14Mr_Rabies2i'm an evil bastard when injustice is dealt :P
22:46.17FiskerLeatherworking or Engineering
22:46.21FiskerWhat do i scrap for enchanting?
22:46.45Mr_Rabies2i'd probably scrap LWing, it's less useful than engineering and makes about as much money :x
22:46.59Mr_Rabies2i'd probably wait till bc comes out to drop anything
22:47.12Mr_Rabies2i'm about to drop LWing for herbalism i think, i dunno, i've got enchanting and LWing
22:47.25grimman|afkishLW has that nice riding trinket now though.
22:47.46Fiskerbut i'm gonna drop before TBC because of the disenchant requirements
22:48.15Mr_Rabies2dammit i wanna see what the latest ptr patch is all about
22:48.22Mr_Rabies2but the ptrs are down :/
22:48.31GuillotineAnuinLothar: link to the thread?
22:49.27Guillotinety :) search is all messed up. like usual
22:49.30AnduinLotharyou don't need to hate on him any more, i think mine is sufficient
22:49.51Guillotinewasn't going to, but want to read it ;)
22:50.26AnduinLotharOut for the night, cya
22:50.57Mr_Rabies2see ya AL
22:51.33Drundiaahaha, silly ppl. i think cosmos had 'keep interface directory clean' off by default
22:51.37Mr_Rabies2my post was initially hating on the MVP but i decided to contribute to the original point of the thread by saying i can't contribute to the original point of the thread
22:51.56Mr_Rabies2it had it on by default a really long time ago i think
22:52.19Mr_Rabies2but for the longest time, even the old patcher had it off by default
22:52.31KirkburnOh "Raybeez", I get it now :P
22:53.09Drundiastupid mvp. delete&ban
22:53.10Fiskeri hate this shit
22:53.28Fisker"Do you want to unlearn Leatherworking"
22:53.31FiskerI can barely click :(
22:53.40Fiskerchoices = :(
22:53.54CideDrundia: that's uncalled for
22:56.31Mr_Rabies2come on ptr, i want to see your changes :[
22:56.45Endugh, wowwiki is being slow
22:58.26KirkburnUgh, I should probably visit there again some time. Nah, I'll eat some food instead ...
22:58.59Kirkburn(well, what would *you* do?)
22:59.36KirkburnI'm so going to have to keep these leaflets I got with my Warcrafy manga books
23:00.28KirkburnA manga leaflet with such titles as "Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad"
23:00.28Temlol, the new game stats are awesome
23:00.46Mr_Rabies2did the third volume ever come out kirk?
23:00.48TemI love looking at 'raiding tuesday' and seeing Vael jump the rankings to #1
23:01.04*** join/#wowi-lounge hyperChipmunk (
23:02.09KirkburnGatcha Gacha: "Yuri has a big crush on Yabe, but Yabe has decided the only girl he will ever seriously date is Motoko. The problem? Yuri and Motoko are friends, and Motoko doesn't want to have anything to do with Yabe! Can you say "Triangle"?!    <-- now who would want to pass that up!?
23:02.14Endgame stats are neat
23:02.47KirkburnWith a fetching cover with decals of "FLIRTING IS GOOD" and lower down the page "NO IT'S NOT!"
23:03.38KirkburnHowever, even that leaflet cannot compare with the other I got ...
23:03.57Kirkburn"The Hoff's guide to life: A modern manual for the chest hair challenged"
23:05.10KirkburnFashion: When out shopping for new fashion, just remember three key words - tight, black and made of leather.
23:05.32KirkburnAnd don't be afraid of Spandex. Spandex is your friend.
23:06.45KirkburnOh David Hasselhoff, how I wish you could teach me more!
23:07.34Cideget out of the car
23:08.12KirkburnAww, I don't wanna walk all the way home :(
23:08.32Cideit's too far! (and with that said, night everyone)
23:08.57Kirkburn(no matter, my spandex suit shall keep me warm and dry on the long walk home)
23:10.20Fiskerjust dissed all my tier1 and all my random epic loot
23:10.29Cairennare you feeling quite all right?
23:10.33Fiskeronly got tier 2,5/2 and some bwl/aq randoms left now
23:11.13cladhaireShould I order: Pizza, Chinese, Fast Food, Subs, Sandwiches?
23:11.46Kaeltenhrm, steak out
23:13.30KirkburnCome now, does that descrip for Gatcha Gacha not draw you into the fantastical world and make you wanna go out and buy it right not? Like, now? Of course it does, which is why you're putting your coat on right now ....
23:13.40Merydo it wow like /rand 5
23:16.11Kirkburncladhaire, sandwiches sound rather good
23:16.22cladhaire~rand 5
23:17.07purlACTION watches werehamster pull the trigger:  Click!
23:17.16*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
23:17.42wereHamsterhm.. that didn't really work out the way I expected it :-/
23:18.23SB1-Worklol @ wereHamster
23:18.25SB1-WorkDo it again!
23:18.35zenzelezz"click" is the good sound
23:18.49SB1-Workzenzelezz, ~roulette yourself then!
23:18.55wereHamsterSB1-Work, no, now's your turn
23:19.00zenzelezzno, it might scratch my helmet
23:19.01SB1-WorkwereHamster, nah
23:19.10SB1-WorkI'm leaving to go home in... five minutes
23:19.15purlACTION watches mr_rabies2 pull the trigger:  Click!
23:19.25Mr_Rabies2this gun is fixed
23:19.50purlACTION watches sb1-work pull the trigger:  Click!
23:20.02purlACTION watches sb1-work pull the trigger:  Click!
23:20.02Maldiviagive the but op, and try again :)
23:20.09Mr_Rabies2it's empty dammit :x
23:20.14SB1-WorkErr, right, wrong bot
23:20.18Mr_Rabies2that would be why
23:20.41purlACTION watches joshbork1 pull the trigger:  Click!
23:21.06purlACTION watches sb1-work pull the trigger:  BANG!
23:22.55Mr_Rabies2finally, lollers
23:22.58Inside0_o hm
23:23.50SB1-WorkOh well
23:26.41KirkburnInteresting post from Tigole!
23:27.32*** join/#wowi-lounge thr (
23:27.49thrwhere can i find a list of all the events now when the wiki is down? QQ
23:28.21Neuro_Medivhthere's no mirror to the wiki that I know of
23:28.38thrand there is no list of events ANYWHERE else in the world? ;>
23:28.56wereHamsterthr, the WoW.exe itself..
23:29.29Neuro_Medivhthr, outside of Blizzard, probably not
23:29.31KirkburnNext beta push should be this week, apparently
23:29.39Neuro_Medivhexcept some private copy
23:30.27Merygoogle cache
23:31.02thr<3 google
23:31.30*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|ZZzz (
23:35.17Kasowhatcha make of this,killedby (specifically the poistioning of the two AV leaders)
23:36.50AntiarcKaso: That the Warmasters and Bowmen are a lot more deadly than the Alliance leader? :P
23:37.09Kasoi was more getting at that alliance win AV more
23:38.11AntiarcThat's a list of deadliest creatures, not most farmed.
23:38.19Antiarcie, mobs that kill the most players
23:38.20Kasoi know
23:38.22AntiarcRather than the other way around
23:38.36AntiarcOr are you pointing out that the Alliance has a lot more contact time with the Horde leader?
23:38.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=Mike@
23:38.56Neuro_MedivhThat's no surprise
23:39.07GuillotineI think its b/c alliance zerg horde leader
23:39.09Guillotinesince theres no heals
23:39.23Neuro_Medivhit's because Alliance are more often killing him
23:39.40Neuro_Medivhwhereas Horde just don't get that far usually
23:39.51Guillotineahh, could be
23:40.15Guillotinein my BG group, usually horde are about half way through with alliance leader when alliance kills horde
23:40.23Kasomm, i think on a large scale like this player skill is mostly averaded out
23:40.26Neuro_MedivhLook at how many people are killed by "Succubus"
23:40.46KasoIm not sure if that means the pet or not.
23:40.53AntiarcThey were going to include "warlock", but that made the page h-scroll.
23:41.12Neuro_MedivhWell, look at Defias Pillager
23:41.34Neuro_Medivhit's up there cause it slaughters newbies, not because it's dangerous
23:41.38AntiarcDefias Pillagers are bastards because nobody has spell interrupts at the level you fight them.
23:41.59Neuro_Medivhif you weighted the list with the level of the player killed, it might turn out differently
23:42.00Kasoalso i believe theyre so high up cos theyre in an alliance zone
23:42.11AntiarcTheir fireballs hurt, high spawn rate, and they aggro from halfway across the zone.
23:42.14Neuro_Medivhthey're in THE alliance zone
23:42.24Insidethose defias pillagers, daymn
23:42.25Neuro_Medivhsince it's the one with the low lvl dungeon
23:42.40MalivilThose numbers are nuts
23:42.49Neuro_MedivhI just wish Alliance had a Barrens analog though
23:43.02Neuro_Medivhit's only half
23:43.02AntiarcWestfall is close-ish.
23:43.09AntiarcBut nowhere as bad in terms of size
23:43.17Neuro_Medivhalliance has 3 midlevel zones
23:43.21Maliviloh yea, barrens is prety huge
23:43.22Neuro_Medivher, teens zones
23:43.29AntiarcNelves have the Teldrassil -> Ironforge run, though, which sucks.
23:43.35Neuro_Medivhwestfall, loch modan, and darkshore
23:43.48MalivilAntiarc: I've done that run many times... and yes it does suck
23:43.50Neuro_Medivhwhereas the horde have 2
23:43.59Neuro_Medivhbecause the tauren and orc cities use the same zone
23:44.02AntiarcIn fairness, the Barrens is like 6 zones by itself.
23:44.04Neuro_Medivhas their teens zone
23:44.12Malivilthats why the barrens is huge
23:44.19Malivilbecause orc + tauren + trolls use it
23:44.22Neuro_Medivhyes, but it has twice the quests
23:44.29Neuro_Medivhas westfall or loch modan
23:44.33Neuro_Medivhbut they are in the same place
23:44.37Neuro_Medivhso it's easier to run them
23:44.38MalivilYea, it makes up for the lack of a third
23:44.43Neuro_MedivhI realize that
23:44.50AntiarcI hope that Mankrik gets remarried in TBC
23:44.54AntiarcAnd his wife dies in the Outlands
23:44.58Kasopoor guy
23:45.07Neuro_MedivhIt's like having Loch Modan and Westfall right next to each other
23:45.07Kaso(spot the aliiance player ^)
23:45.08Malivilwhat are you talking about?
23:45.19AntiarcWERE IS MANKIRKS WIFE?????????????
23:45.32AntiarcThat question is -constant- in the barrens
23:45.33*** join/#wowi-lounge abug (
23:45.38cladhaireWhere is Mankirk's Wife?
23:45.43cladhaireits also a constant question in HFP
23:45.46Fiskerit's mankrik though
23:46.01Fiskerthat's probably because of the assasing quest :P
23:46.17Neuro_Medivhwestfall gets "Where is the Defias Messenger?
23:46.21AntiarcIn fairness, the Talisman quest IS really vague.
23:46.32AntiarcAnd in fairness, Mankrik's wife doesn't patrol half the zone.
23:46.35AntiarcI mean, she's a corpse.
23:46.38AntiarcShe's not going anywhere.
23:46.59Fiskergonna go to sleep though
23:47.04Antiarc"Where is the messenger" is a rather valid question, since he patrols a loooong path.
23:47.17Thardalyou can just stay at the mine and keep killing defias until the messenger comes by
23:47.17Neuro_Medivhthe other questions very popular in Barrens is "Where is Kranal Fiss"
23:47.18AntiarcAnd asking if anyoen has seen him can cut a lot of time off of the search
23:47.42AntiarcI usually just camp the spawn point in Moonbrook. Someone always wanders by and nukes the guy if he gets out onto the road.
23:47.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Kodewulf (
23:49.40thrcan anyone give me the regexp needed to extract item links from strings?
23:49.45thrsince the wiki is down, etc.
23:50.08Kasothat was posted easier actually :>
23:50.47Maldivialocal _,_,link = string.find(msg, "\124Hitem:(%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+:%-?%d+:%d+)\124h")
23:50.56Maldiviafrom the top of my head
23:51.04Guillotinethr: in TBC or live?
23:51.09Guillotineitem links were changed slightly in TBC
23:51.31thrMaldivia <3 thnx
23:51.42Maldiviathat was for tbc - soon to be live
23:51.48MalivilFew weeks
23:51.50thrwell, currnet live?
23:52.01MalivilOOOOk then
23:52.02Antiarc\124 rather than the pipe? What's the reason for that?
23:52.15MalivilI think im gonna re-activate my account and start playing now...
23:52.28Guillotinethr: has a rather in depth list for live
23:52.46Drundiawow replaces | by || when u type it
23:52.48Guillotinepipe works in the addon, if you're running it in a /script from the chatbox you need \124
23:53.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Kodewulf (
23:54.46Maldiviajust used to typing \124, since I do a lot of item link testing in the chat edit box :)
23:57.08Guillotineme as well
23:57.26Guillotinealso used to have lots of fun with it before they added in link checking >.>
23:57.42MaldiviaGuillotine: you'll have a lot of fun in TBC again
23:57.56Guillotinewhat do you mean? its still validated
23:57.57GuillotineI tried
23:58.24Maldiviachanging the last number on items with suffixes (tbc style suffixes) has a very fun effect
23:58.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Kodewulf (
23:58.34Guillotinehmmm. I have to try that ;) ty
23:59.03Guillotineadding in gems was fun as well. Having 3 meta gems on a 61 chest piece
23:59.16Guillotinestill nothing compared to the old [Shaman on a Stick] though

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.