irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061125

00:10.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
00:16.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Kodewulf (
00:25.08TullerI'm thinking that /find itemname kinda makes having a seperate inventory window actually irrelevent
00:25.45Tullerexcept, maybe in the case of not knowing what you're looking for
00:26.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
00:26.57Tuller(aka I released vBagnon and I'm trying to figure out how the UI should work still)
00:27.30*** join/#wowi-lounge iamhef (n=Hef@
00:53.07*** part/#wowi-lounge iamhef (n=Hef@
00:59.25*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
01:04.30*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
01:08.11Mike-N-GoWe like to have fun :P
01:11.03TainCausing lacerations and pouring glue in them is fun?
01:11.31Mike-N-GoI guess so.
01:13.55Mike-N-GoAny idea when I may get the BETA key? I submitted my request on 11/14/2006 at 03:18 AM.
01:15.16Mike-N-Go10 days ago.
01:17.26TainTook me about 2 weeks.
01:20.02Mike-N-GoOk, 4 days then.
01:26.16Mike-N-GoAnd, what can I do to put my toons there?
01:26.19Mike-N-GoHow does that work?
01:26.26Mike-N-GoAre they copied, or moved over?
01:29.37*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
01:31.07TainYou can copy one of your existing characters over, or create a brand new one at level 1.
01:33.18Mike-N-GoHow does the copying work?
01:33.46TainThrough the Blizzard web site. You can select your characters through a drop down when you're logged in.
01:38.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
01:43.48*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
01:43.48*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
01:44.07Mike-N-GoAnd does all there bank and bag contents transfer too?
01:44.33Mike-N-GoAnd is the guy on the original server left untouched?
01:46.03Mike-N-GoOh, so the best thing to do is load up your transfer guy with all the monies, gear, and goods?
01:46.31Mike-N-GoHow about the mail, does that go over too?
01:46.38hastemail isn't
02:20.37*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
02:25.30*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
02:37.32Tullerbleh, this guy doesn't wanna spawn
02:37.54ThraeGet him in the mood...roses maybe?
02:42.56cladhaireis anyone here good at graphics, or logos, icons?
02:43.02cladhaireor even mediocre?
02:43.11VoidRaiderDepends what you need
02:44.16cladhaireI need a basic icon with a packet of Equal, a packet of Sugar, a packet of Splenda
02:44.35cladhairesite's name if Artificial Truth
02:44.45cladhaireneed a favicon.ico and a top icon that I can add text to.
02:44.58cladhaireand I suxor at making things.. design i dont suck at.. but the execution sucks =)
02:45.10VoidRaiderhaha :P
02:46.06VoidRaiderI'm better in editing then making things from scratch :P
02:52.19VoidRaiderHmm when does Flexbar 2 future to be released ? any chance someone knows that :)
02:53.36*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
02:54.29VoidRaiderNothing on their website :/
02:54.53Tullerthere's files for it on the wowace svn, but I don't know when a release release will happen
02:57.07VoidRaideryeah well I guess it will take time, everything from scrach ://
02:58.27Tulleryou could say that :)
03:02.16VoidRaiderIs there any attribute on the TOC I can specify Dependency for a specific addon version ? might worth a suggestion ?
03:03.43ckknightVoidRaider, sorry, no, unless the number is in the addon's name
03:03.47ckknightsuch as MobInfo2
03:08.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
03:18.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Corr[home] (
03:24.29*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (
03:26.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
03:28.06*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
03:49.56*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
03:50.28[Wobin]What is the toc number for TBC?
03:52.16[Wobin]ta =)
03:52.47Cairenn(since they have standardized it) it's always 00.00.00 (main, major, minor)
03:54.40jaxdahlnot uhh
03:54.55jaxdahlor 200200?
03:55.18jaxdahl<@Cairenn> (since they have standardized it) it's always 00.00.00 (main, major, minor)
03:55.26jaxdahl0.00.00 (main, major, minor)
03:55.27Cidethey only update the toc if the changes made warrant it
03:55.32Cairennsorry, yeah
03:55.35jaxdahlso 20200 for tbc
03:55.38Cairennextra 0 in there
03:55.45Cairennnope, not 20200
03:55.49jaxdahlhm ok
03:55.56Cidelike I said, they only update the toc if the changes made warrant it
03:56.01jaxdahlptr is 20000?
03:56.05Cide*when* they do, however, they use that scheme
03:56.22Cideyes, as far as I know
04:08.38Mike-N-GoAny ideas what this means, "Interface\AddOns\AuctioneerUI.lua:132: attempt to index global 'frame' (a nil value)"
04:09.21blix_afkon line 132 of AuctioneerUI.lua, it's trying to reference a something called 'frame' that doesn't exsist
04:12.15Temhmm, is anyone able to view
04:12.41Temmm good
04:12.45Kasobeen down for awhile
04:12.58Temthere a reason for that?
04:13.14Kasono idea, just know i havent been able to get on it most of the day
04:13.54VoidRaiderMybe they are migrating to a new servers or something ?
04:14.01VoidRaiderto new servers*
04:14.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Grem (
04:15.06blixemAnyone familiar with Trinity Buttons?
04:15.18GremI need to create a 'grid'
04:15.35GremA grid im guessing would be tons and tons of textures, or tons and tons of frames
04:16.01GremI need to know if that could cause lag
04:16.27blixemGrem: what are you trying to do?
04:16.32GremMake a big grid
04:16.46blixemfor what purpose?
04:16.47GremOn a frame
04:16.52GremFor my mod
04:17.03GremSo a grid, like 20x20, would have like 400 frames
04:17.06GremWould that cause lag?
04:17.27blixemyou need that many frames? or just a 'grid' look
04:18.20GremI need a grid look
04:18.24Grembut the ability to color the grids
04:18.36GremThere's a tetris mod out there somewhere, I think that accomplishes a 'grid' with colored squares
04:18.41GremI just need to know the best way to do it
04:18.43Gremframes or textures
04:18.50Esamynnyou really only need textures for each "pixel"
04:18.59blixemtextures would be my guess, and
04:19.01Esamynnunless you want them to be clickable
04:19.05blixemyeah esa filled in the rest
04:20.17[Wobin]You could... um... look at Grid for inspiration =)
04:20.22GremThey need to be clickable, yeah
04:20.24GremSo I assume I need frames
04:20.26Gremwith textures on top
04:20.31Esamynnyes, use frames then
04:20.43GremHow many frames with textures can I have before I start having performance issues? =)
04:20.48Esamynnor if you just need solid colours you could use the frames' backgrounds
04:21.16jaxdahlGrem, my guess is tens of thousands
04:21.28Esamynndepends on teh computer, but yah
04:22.02Esamynnit takes fewer to cause issues if you are changing them constantly (as in many times a second)
04:23.02Esamynnframes by themselves aren't really a grain on the graphics engine because without a background or a texture they're invisible anyways
04:25.52blixemGrem: Here's a mod that has a grid you may be able to use as an example
04:27.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
04:28.35Kasohow does anyone understand that
04:29.40blixemno clue
04:30.05blixemjust remebered it when wobin mentioned it
04:30.42Kasothat picture is just randomness to me
04:34.19cladhaireKaso: But f you learn it
04:34.25cladhaireyou can fly through it
04:34.25blixemanyone know of any nice unit frame replacements working with tbc yet?  I know all about the category on wowinterface, I just am tired of leafing through pages trying to find one.
04:34.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
04:35.25Kasoi guess
04:35.29cladhairethere's only 8 pages..
04:35.31Kasoits just so ^_-
04:35.42blixemcladhaire: =P yeah I know
04:35.43cladhairepage 2
04:35.46cladhairestop being lazy
04:36.19blixemwhat on page 2?
04:36.19Kodewulfblixem: aguf ==>
04:36.29KasoAguf is the best one for tbc imo
04:36.54*** join/#wowi-lounge |Shadow| (n=Shadow@
04:37.31blixemI swear I didn't see this one
04:37.42cladhaireit even says "UnitFrames" =)
04:37.47blixemI know
04:37.51blixemI need mroe tea
04:38.12blixemthanks purl
04:38.15blixempurl thanks
04:38.15purlblixem: no problem
04:38.37Neeblerpurl is a facist
04:39.18[Wobin]omg yay
04:39.26[Wobin]MrPlow appears to sort/etc now on TBC
04:39.52[Wobin]I need someone with a bigger inventory
04:40.15cladhairei can test if you need Wobin
04:40.21blixemhow big wobin?
04:40.44blixemunit frames and bag mod was my two projects tonight
04:40.51[Wobin]well, enough to try sorting with MrPlow and to be worthwhile =)
04:40.57[Wobin]My newbie shammy doesn't have enough stuff
04:40.59blixemso if you need help
04:41.09blixemI've got a couple 60's xfered over
04:41.11[Wobin]kk, updating the repo
04:44.34[Wobin]Grab the latest version from either the SVN, or from files, Clad/Blix?
04:44.49cladhaire[Wobin]: okay
04:44.53[Wobin]Thank you =)
04:45.00cladhairein trunk?
04:45.13[Wobin]<3 backward compat trick
04:45.25blixemsvn url?
04:48.00cladhaireWobin: toc needs to be changed
04:48.08[Wobin]for version?
04:48.22blixembeat me to it ;)
04:48.28cladhairewon't work with BC if its now.
04:48.41[Wobin]aye, I'm keeping it as it is, for the moment, so people on nontbc can use it
04:48.49[Wobin]if you could just edit the toc for testing =)
04:48.53cladhairei am
04:49.00cladhairebut the ace2 libraries are different between tbc and non
04:49.21cladhairebut it seems to work just fine
04:50.11cladhairei forget hwo much i need this on my bank toons =)
04:50.18[Wobin]Just need to check that it sorts properly
04:50.30cladhairedefine properly =)
04:50.41cladhaireits always been a mystery for me.
04:51.25[Wobin]heheh, does it actually sort in a ... categorisable way =) ie, weapons/armour first then everything in groups?
04:51.35cladhaire.. kinda
04:51.57cladhairelike i have my leather, a quest item, some WSG tokens, my mount,  and wildvine
04:51.59cladhairein one bag
04:52.56cladhairelet me try my druid
04:53.17blixemlaf, mrplow is going to town on my bags...
04:53.26blixemI never kept them sorted
04:54.04blixemmm, what's the default sort type Wobin?  looks fairly scattered to me still
04:54.41[Wobin]armour, weapons, quest, key recipe reagent tradegoods consumable container quiver misc and projectile
04:54.59cladhairei'm posting my inventory
04:55.03cladhairei'll show you where it ended up
04:55.47[Wobin]hum, that's a bit scattered =\
04:56.04blixemyeah mines about that bad, need/want a shot from me too?
04:56.17[Wobin]if you could =)
04:56.25[Wobin]I need to copy across a character
04:56.31blixemlemme log druid, and I'll do a before/after
05:00.39[Wobin]oh noes
05:00.54[Wobin]Shalfurne, my 60 hunter has been found in violation of the naming rules
05:01.00[Wobin]Damn you random name generator!
05:01.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
05:01.10*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
05:01.28cladhaireany char that gets copied over has to change its name
05:01.28[Wobin]And Wobin is perfectly acceptable
05:05.21blixemtry those Wobin
05:05.27[Wobin]Thank you =)
05:07.20[Wobin]oh bah
05:07.21[Wobin]It's sorting alphabetically now
05:07.58blixemin reverse bag order even :)
05:08.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
05:08.01[Wobin]oh wait
05:08.13[Wobin]GetContainerItemInfo changed arguments, didn't it?
05:08.16[Wobin]or something like that
05:14.48[Wobin]GetItemInfo =P
05:14.53[Wobin]with the extra level argument =P
05:15.43Tullerits right before itemLevel
05:15.53Tullerthe links are way longer now, too
05:16.08Tullerbut you can use GetContainerItemInfo directly
05:16.15Tullerwell getcontaineritemlink
05:16.16Kasoalso the random suffix ID can be negative now
05:16.25blixemlove you all, aguf is teh r0xx0r so far.
05:16.45blixemI just gave you all the l33t speek I can offer for the next week.
05:17.50[Wobin]kk, Clad, Blix, grab the latest version?
05:17.59[Wobin]It'll sort appropriately now, I believe =)
05:18.10cladhaireokay, it'll take a moment.
05:18.18[Wobin]take your time =)
05:18.19blixemsnagging it now
05:19.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
05:20.03blixemmmm closer
05:20.09Kaeltenhi guys
05:20.10blixemweapons/armor look sorted right
05:20.42[Wobin]Use 'TheWorks'
05:20.52[Wobin]to have it move everything
05:21.24cladhaireOkay.. not it makes a bit more sense.
05:21.27cladhaireweapons are together
05:21.57blixemmmm 2 pots in one bag, 1 in another.  poisons all in one bag, except for one
05:22.17blixemfelcloth and neatherweave in seperate bags
05:25.05[Wobin]ah, I know why =\
05:25.14[Wobin]PEriodicTable doesn't have any of the new itemids
05:25.31[Wobin]oh, and Blixem, it's treating all your bags as a single large bag
05:25.45[Wobin]that's why it appears to split them up
05:26.00[Wobin]I think Bagnon is tbc compatible
05:26.06blixemmmm, would make sense if they were close to each other
05:27.09blixem" target="_blank"><img src="
05:27.19VoidRaiderGuys, is there any addon available for the BC that gives the GC status, memory, events information and loading time ?
05:27.50blixem[Wobin]: that's after 'theworks'
05:28.24ckknightVoidRaider, PerformanceFu will give memory and cpu usage...
05:28.31ckknightnot event information, though.
05:28.40ckknightthat's easy to rig up, though
05:28.45[Wobin]blixem: hm, that's pretty much right
05:28.52VoidRaiderWhere can I get FuBar then mate ?
05:29.06VoidRaiderI haven't installed it yet
05:29.13[Wobin]We just need to get more of the new itemIDs into PeriodicTable
05:29.15ckknightwell, you'll need the TBC branch of PerformacneFu and such
05:29.31VoidRaiderCan you redirect me ? :/
05:31.19blixem[Wobin]: the elixir of greater agility and the other two pots are no where near each other, the id's change maybe?
05:31.57*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
05:32.08[Wobin]What is they yellow pot?
05:32.19blixemElixir of Giants
05:32.46VoidRaiderhaha thank you :)
05:34.00ckknight_make sure to get r14347-TBC
05:34.18VoidRaiderah ok thx mate :)
05:34.53ckknightone very important note:
05:35.10ckknightyou _need_ the standalone Ace2 TBC addon
05:35.25VoidRaideroh ok :P
05:35.26ckknightit won't work quite right without it
05:35.37VoidRaiderI'll get it then :)
05:35.44ckknightif you want all events to be printed to the console, here's a handy script:
05:35.46ckknightAceLibrary("AceEvent-2.0"):RegisterAllEvents(function(...) AceLibrary("AceConsole-2.0"):PrintComma(AceLibrary("AceEvent-2.0").currentEvent, ...) end)
05:36.09VoidRaiderahh great :)
05:36.32VoidRaiderThanks :)
05:36.35ckknightAceLibrary("AceEvent-2.0"):RegisterAllEvents(function(...) AceLibrary("AceConsole-2.0"):PrintComma(GetTime(), AceLibrary("AceEvent-2.0").currentEvent, ...) end)
05:36.39ckknightthat may suit you better
05:36.43ckknight(added GetTime())
05:37.19VoidRaideryeah I have a function I built for it though already, I just thought there's one addon that do it all :P
05:39.00[Wobin]any good tbc addon that can show the itemid?
05:39.11ckknightcan't TinyTip?
05:39.16[Wobin]I'll check
05:41.47VoidRaiderThere's more Ace frameworks then Java frameworks haha which one you said again standalone Ace2 TBC addon ? where is it lol
05:42.26VoidRaiderI'm getting lost quite easily there :P
05:42.54VoidRaiderThanks haha
05:43.03KirkburnGet the TBC version (18029)
05:43.27VoidRaideroh yeah well I was there I just don't know which one to download :P
05:43.46VoidRaiderok :P
05:43.53[Wobin]appears not
05:43.58[Wobin]on the itemid =(
05:44.03Kirkburn(this is the list of most Ace addons -
05:46.19ckknightanybody know some good techno/trance music that I might like?
05:47.42VoidRaiderYeah I know, the thing is that there is so much of them there I'm getting lost, I think that they should add a comment field next to each file, it will be handy :)
05:48.11ckknightVoidRaider, well, what're you looking for?
05:48.21VoidRaiderah I already got it mate :)
05:48.39VoidRaiderkirk helped me :P
05:49.17ckknighttest out Cartographer ;-)
05:49.33Thunder_Childckknight, try scooter
05:49.41Thunder_Childfor the music question
05:49.42ckknightwhat's that?
05:49.47ckknightwill do
05:50.11VoidRaiderInfected Mushroom :)
05:50.21ckknightoh yea
05:50.27ckknightall my techno's on my other computer
05:50.31ckknightand I forget the names
05:51.10VoidRaiderSolar Twins - Rock The Casbah.mp3 < rocks lol
05:53.43Thunder_Childand theres always Happy Hardcore
05:54.12VoidRaiderWell I don't care as long as it's music, I love music :)
05:54.31VoidRaiderI hear everything :P
05:54.44Thunder_Childbetter man tna i am then, i cant
05:54.52Thunder_Childthen* english
05:55.34ckknightI typically like mellow music or techno
05:55.39VoidRaiderWell there is one style I hate :P
05:55.45Thunder_ChildEnya FTW!
05:55.50VoidRaiderhaha :P
05:55.57ckknightnot really Enya
05:56.07zenzelezzthe thing I hate about music is that I'm utterly horrible with genres
05:56.22ckknightmore like um... Iron & Wine
05:57.00Thunder_Childnever heard of them
05:57.21VoidRaiderI hate oriental music I think it's unique to israel :)
05:57.23ckknightoh, I love them
05:57.51ckknightit's like super-mellow
05:58.45VoidRaiderall it does is making you pretty much depressed lol
05:59.09blixemAnyone used Trinity Buttons
05:59.38VoidRaiderAnyway israel sucks :P
05:59.51CairennEXCUSE me?
06:00.11VoidRaiderI'm from israel thats my opinion haha
06:00.21ckknightVoidRaider, doesn't make me depressed, the songs are happy
06:00.36ckknightlike, about having sex with a black chick, that's a nice, happy song
06:00.40ckknightdespite it being really mellow
06:00.53VoidRaiderhaha :)
06:00.54zenzelezzon the other hand, I like "depressing" music... somehow they cheer me up
06:01.22ckknightyou know what's depressing? watch 2 seasons of Law & Order: SVU in a row.
06:02.14VoidRaiderckknight the song I gave you isn't depressing I meant to oriental music :P
06:02.38Thunder_Childis there a mod that keeps track of who you heal and how much?
06:03.40VoidRaiderBTW what do you think about IE7 ?
06:03.54Thunder_Childtabs nice...lag bad
06:04.06zenzelezza step in the nice direction, but still no Firefox/Opera
06:04.44VoidRaiderafter 18 months of development they fixed few loopholes and add these tabs shame imo
06:05.21VoidRaider5 years with the same engine of IE4 haha :P
06:05.39VoidRaiderFirefox rocks
06:05.50zenzelezzthe trouble is the under-the-hood work, which is hard to spot without the code
06:06.07zenzelezznow don't get me wrong, I'm no IE fan, but they are improving ;)
06:06.47VoidRaideryeah well, I was an IE fan but I stopped last year :)
06:07.46ckknightIE7 was creepily laggy
06:08.45Thunder_Childyea :(
06:08.47VoidRaiderAs well as it fits XHTML 1.0 and 1.1 perfectly in the other hand IE6 and IE7 can be quite painful to work with :(
06:11.14VoidRaiderIE7 has some security features that functions only under vista, I mean what the heck ... ://
06:11.51VoidRaiderM$ :)
06:15.44blixemgotta sleep, up with the kids in the morn
06:15.46blixemnight all
06:22.40*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
06:30.18VoidRaiderFuBar is great I think I'll move, how do I plug my addons to it ? :)
06:30.58Thunder_Childi think you have to open them up and code them
06:31.12Thunder_Childbut ther are already qute a few that are for them
06:31.19Thunder_Childfor it*
06:31.52VoidRaiderwhat do you meean mate ? :D
06:32.14VoidRaiderI mean my own addons sure I'll have to open them up haha
06:32.39VoidRaiderWhats the API to plug it ? :)
06:32.52VoidRaideror it uses tables ?
06:33.04Thunder_Childwell take a look at 2 of the ones that are mad for them, compare the code and use the common denomonator
06:33.16VoidRaideryup I'll do that
06:34.06Cairennif you're wanting to write your own
06:34.21Thunder_Childor you take the easy way and use Cairenn's option
06:34.32VoidRaiderhahah :P
06:34.36KirkburnCop out :P
06:34.48Cairennhow so? it's a starting point
06:34.55Cairenndoesn't mean you have to use it
06:35.01VoidRaiderThanks Cairenn :)
06:35.28KirkburnReminds me, at some point I should have a look at that and see if I can comprehend it and learn something :)
06:36.35Thunder_Childinformative list of things
06:36.51KirkburnVoidRaider, the reason why some of the security features of IE7 only work under is because that's the only place they *can*
06:37.09KirkburnUnless you would have preferred them to take another 6 months to recode XP, of course :)
06:37.24VoidRaiderYeah I knew that :)
06:37.28Kirkburnoops, missed out the word Vista :P
06:41.17*** join/#wowi-lounge w00tz (
06:43.20VoidRaiderI understand the fact it's a whole new design and such, I heard on a new file allocation table that's unqiue to Vista, I don't know I'm pissed because I'm working in their environment and it's so expensive :(
06:43.54Neuro_MedivhI just don't like that Vista's primary upgrade involves Digital Rights Management
06:44.09KirkburnLol, just thinking, on PvP servers HFP is going to be crazy for the first week
06:44.23Neuro_Medivhfirst month
06:44.31KirkburnYear =)
06:44.37Neuro_MedivhI see it being crazy till next expansion
06:44.50Neuro_MedivhSTV on crack
06:44.52KirkburnVista's primary upgrade is DRM? What on earth are you talking about?
06:45.29Kirkburn(No new FAT either)
06:45.37VoidRaiderah are you sure ?
06:45.54KirkburnWell, it still runs on NTFS, yes
06:48.13Neuro_MedivhKirkburn, can't find the article I saw about it, but it stated that the primary purpose of Vista was to improve security and improve DRM
06:48.43VoidRaiderYeah they built the Security sytem before they worked on the core of it
06:48.44Neuro_Medivhand MS doesn't have a great track record involving security
06:49.02KirkburnUh, yeah, wouldn't that be why they were improving it?
06:49.27Neuro_MedivhEvery new system has been an "improvement"
06:49.41Kirkburn"Yeah they built the Security sytem before they worked on the core of it" <-- source?
06:49.47VoidRaiderI think it mislead me to think they created a new file system a more secured one however NTFS does is job well :)
06:49.56VoidRaiderOne sec
06:50.19Neuro_MedivhVista isn't built from the Singularity code, I'm sure
06:50.31Neuro_MedivhI think it's called Singularity
06:50.32KirkburnThe entire Vista project was restarted in 2004
06:51.17Neuro_Medivhthere's a special project at MS builting a 100% secure OS, using C# I think
06:51.53KirkburnSounds cool
06:54.01Neuro_MedivhWhoops, I'm wrong.. when they mean secure, they are talking about cross-app contamination and crashing
06:56.41KirkburnWell if anyone thinks that Vista 'isn't much different to XP' -
06:57.24zenzelezzI'd rather have an MS link; but the OSes are of course different enough
06:58.25KirkburnWould an MS link be more trustworthy?
06:58.33zenzelezzin my opinion, yes
06:59.15KirkburnNot sure what's out there
06:59.26Corr[home]note the addition of several built-in DRM features
06:59.31KirkburnThough not actually by MS, is kinda close
06:59.58KirkburnCorr[home], hasn't stopped me playing any of my music collection
07:00.31Corr[home]i don't think it's intended to...
07:01.06*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
07:01.13KirkburnI'm not a fan of it anyway, it'll likely only cause more people to get copies off the internet that aren't affected :/
07:01.49KirkburnThe DRM section of that article is tiny compared to everything else, at least
07:02.32TemAs I understand it, Vista will force you to use DRM when you rip a CD
07:03.18zenzelezzI really don't understand what "activity percentile (last week)" means on SourceForge... projects that haven't seen activity in 4 years still get 80+ scores
07:03.37KirkburnTem, not that I've heard
07:03.56Temah, ok
07:03.59KirkburnNope, it doesn;t :)
07:04.17KirkburnJust checked my copy on WMP11, you can untick 'Copy protect music' :)
07:06.16Corr[home]trying to make these charts with openoffice appears to be hopeless. it just doesn't have enough control.
07:06.56Corr[home]i'll have to hope i can convert this paper to a Word document later without screwing it up too much so i can pop in some decent charts.
07:07.42KirkburnOne I've been seriously impressed with is Office 2007
07:07.47Kirkburn*one thing
07:08.46KirkburnThey're licensing out the UI style for free (but obviously with the restriction that whatever uses it cannot compete with Word Excel or Powerpoint .... anything else goes)
07:09.30KirkburnIt'll be really cool if other apps start taking up the ribbon, it's excellent :)
07:10.06Corr[home]did they try to restrict the "office style" before?
07:11.57KirkburnWhat do you mean? There was no office style before, tbh, it was just standard windows toolbars
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07:13.21VoidRaiderwell it seems that Symantec found some holes in the kernel of Vista haha
07:13.36KirkburnSymantec forced holes to be created
07:13.53Corr[home]eh? i distinctly remember that the later versions of office had an interesting style of its dropdown menus and such
07:13.58KirkburnOh well done, link to an article from AUGUST when Vista was in beta
07:14.37KirkburnCorr[home], the odd way they cut out options you didn't use? That was god-awful, and the team fortunately realised that quickly :P
07:14.38VoidRaiderStill I believe there is nothing prevents a cracker to posion the kernel
07:15.13Corr[home]i refer rather to the visual style of the... "menus", that's what i meant, not dropdown anything
07:15.17Corr[home]context menus and toolbar menus
07:15.38VoidRaiderIt doesn't matter, if something is accusable in one way it can be exploitable somehow
07:15.45KirkburnCorr[home], afaik there were no restrictions before
07:15.47Corr[home]in application designers and theme choosers for programs, it was referred to as the "office style"
07:16.03zenzelezzCorr[home]: wasn't that just "flat" menus,?
07:16.08Corr[home]could be
07:16.23Corr[home]as far as i can tell, all my menus are flat, though
07:16.45KirkburnVoidRaider, MS wanted to lock down the kernel completely, but companies like Symantec forced them to provide ways of access
07:17.19IndustrialDoes anyone play on US/Dethecus?
07:17.20KirkburnDon't go blaming MS for anti-virus' companies incompetence and profiteering
07:18.15VoidRaiderSo you believe the kernel can actually be locked permanently ?
07:18.27Corr[home]symantec "forced" them?
07:22.20VoidRaiderkirk do you buy your Anti-Virus or your OS ?
07:23.14KirkburnI buy my OS and get my anti-virus from the Uni
07:23.32Thunder_Childwhile the ability for symantec to access the kernal means that viruses cant shut it down, it also means that Icant shut it down
07:23.33Kirkburn(so a business style version, not an overloaded consumer version)
07:23.49KirkburnCorr[home], yes, via the threat of lawsuits
07:23.49VoidRaideroh :)
07:24.42KirkburnCorr[home], ,
07:26.11KirkburnStrangely enough, not all anti-virus companies had a problem with it
07:26.23Corr[home]i don't suppose they're opening it up to visual styles without cracking a dll first, or buying StyleVista or whatever stardock produces?
07:26.47Corr[home]is that an answer to the question?
07:27.06KirkburnWell it was an answer to the last part :P
07:27.12KirkburnNot sure on the first part
07:27.16VoidRaiderexactly, you can't just lock it without getting any access to it, there must be always a bridge between the none safe and safe blocks
07:27.27Corr[home]oh, yeah. thanks
07:28.20w00tzhey if i had a TargetUnit("mouseover"); how can I return the target's name?
07:28.21Corr[home]individual shadow folders sounds useful
07:28.51KirkburnI can't find articles about Vista themes that aren't about making XP look like Vista :/
07:29.42Corr[home]"The address bar has been modified to present a breadcrumbs view, which shows the entire path to the current location. Clicking any location in the path hierarchy will take the user to that level and allows re-navigation from there, instead of repeatedly pressing the Back button." sounds oddly like you can't edit the bar like text any more?
07:30.02w00tzyep thanks ckknight just figurdi tout :P
07:30.15Thunder_Childi think you still can corr, or at least you could in the betas
07:30.22VoidRaiderBah I'll stay with XP haha :)
07:30.24Corr[home]oh, the end of the paragraph makes an attempt to describe how you can edit the path like text
07:30.28KirkburnThe address bar change is awesome
07:30.49KirkburnYeah, you can still edit it, iirc
07:31.14KirkburnIf you click on a region to edit it, it converts back into plain text
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07:32.03KirkburnPeople complained about the lack of an [Up] button, but I've learnt to live without it
07:32.15Corr[home]stacks, don't care; metadata, don't care; "Windows Vista will feature a search engine that uses indexing to allow for instant display of results for a given search" (weren't we already SUPPOSED to have this in XP?), sounds fun
07:32.40KirkburnIt's faster, but they've also made it so you can save searches
07:32.54KirkburnVista keeps those saves searches up to date, too
07:32.56TemKirkburn, I miss the up button
07:33.06KirkburnIt's odd without it, isn't it
07:33.20TemI'm sure I'll get used to it eventually
07:33.31Tembut for the moment, not having it bothers me
07:33.35Corr[home]this article could use a little editing for clarity
07:34.44VoidRaideryeah we have it in XP
07:34.48VoidRaiderlol :P
07:34.56Corr[home]we have something that ... doesn't actually work
07:35.27VoidRaideroh well never used it, I actually don't use the built in search :P
07:35.55Corr[home]sidebar gadgets, already have that from competing products; email, blah; Calendar "supports the popular iCalendar format" which i've never heard of, maybe i could use a calendar;
07:35.56VoidRaiderI use total commander :P
07:37.19Corr[home]photo gallery, competing product; fax and scan, people still use faxes? i think any scanner has software with which to scan, but shouldn't that be your image editor's job, not your OS's job?;
07:38.20zenzelezzactually, I'd say scanning should be up to the driver; since different types of programs (not just image editors) can use them
07:38.32Corr[home]dvd maker doesn't thrill me. i'd prefer a decent interface for making data CD's and DVD's.
07:38.44VoidRaiderNo worries by the end of 2010 the OS would do your houseclean and whatever not :)
07:39.14Corr[home]meeting space: finally. god. took long enough.
07:39.22KirkburnNot if Hoover had anything to say about it =)
07:39.25zenzelezzmeeting space? o_O
07:39.34Corr[home]updated netmeeting
07:39.45zenzelezzI vaguely recall that name from somewhere
07:39.56zenzelezzWin98 installer?
07:40.11Corr[home]it's some old school stuff, from before firewalls became common
07:40.13KirkburnPhone companies should start suing MS because people can use Windows to make phone calls, cause, like, that's baaaaad for business :O
07:40.32VoidRaidertrue :P
07:40.56zenzelezzI remember how the Microsoft Network was a great success back in Win95 :-p
07:41.13KirkburnNo Windows Messenger in Vista btw
07:41.20VoidRaiderah ?
07:41.26VoidRaiderwhat do you mean haha
07:41.27Corr[home]"Windows Vista also includes a p2p messenger"
07:41.37KirkburnSomething that doesn't disappoint me, as everyone uses MSN Messenger anyway
07:41.54Corr[home]that's the last sentence in the meeting space line
07:42.13KirkburnUh well it certainly doesn't have messenger, so it must be something else
07:42.26Corr[home]i note that they'll probably manage to lock down updates and addon software enough that, if i want to use Vista, i'll have to pay for all four copies of it
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07:42.53Corr[home]doesn't really sound exciting for my wallet. i'm one guy.
07:42.54zenzelezzif it's P2P messenger it might be a spin-off of KaZaA.... something like Wazzah!? Messenger
07:42.57VoidRaiderI hope it supports the messenger protocol or something
07:43.12Corr[home]it will support... "microsoft format" :)
07:43.19*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
07:43.31KirkburnAs unfortunate as that sounds, it's not like buying one bike suddenly allows you to have 3 others for free. But yes, expensive
07:43.33zenzelezzhow I miss the days of ICQ98
07:44.23Corr[home]the difference here is that i've got several machines. there is a physical reason to have to buy separate pieces of hardware, but no physical reason to buy multiple copies of software. it's entirely metaphysical.
07:44.30zenzelezzI don't recall my dad's mobile phone number, but I do remember my ICQ UIN, which I haven't used for years upon years
07:44.32KirkburnMS' formats are very much open for everyone to use these days (though not open source)
07:44.58Corr[home]it's obvious enough that microsoft would never use someone else's format for something. they'll make a new one and graciously let everyone else use it.
07:44.58VoidRaiderSo one who buyinh Vista and wants to communicate with his friend, M$ indirectly forces his friend to buy it too lol
07:45.13KirkburnNo, not in any way at all
07:45.55Corr[home]task manager is getting an upgrade to a halfway stab at process explorer
07:45.58KirkburnCorr[home], that is true to an extent, but that assumes the 'other' format was better in the first place
07:46.11KirkburnYup, task manager is much improved
07:46.16Corr[home]i never said anything about the quality. whether or not it's better, they wouldn't use it.
07:47.03VoidRaiderYeah they are self-centered lol
07:47.07KirkburnThat would be the same for most companies, but I know what you're saying
07:47.29KirkburnIt's called good business sense, even if not everyone likes it
07:47.49Corr[home]in some cases it's a great thing that a popular company forces disparate formats to dissipate in favor of one.
07:47.52VoidRaideryeah I call it self-centered and conquering
07:47.52Corr[home]IE, WMP, IIS, *skip skip skip*
07:48.16Corr[home](well, i'm not skipping it, but a quick glance doesn't reveal anything enticing)
07:48.19KirkburnIE is a format?
07:48.30KirkburnI see :P
07:48.42VoidRaiderMSSQL ?
07:48.45Corr[home]well, on that subject, it pretty well was a format ;
07:48.47Corr[home]er, ;)
07:49.11VoidRaiderVS :P
07:49.21VoidRaidertoo many products haha
07:50.15Corr[home]i hope some of these security features can be turned off...
07:50.47w00tzis there somethign similar to CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_CREATURE_VS_PARTY_HITS but for raids?
07:51.02Corr[home]i just might -want- to be able to fuck with processes running on my own machine
07:51.21VoidRaiderI believe that whenever you would want to delete a file, it will ask you 10 million times are you sure ?
07:52.44Corr[home]these security features make the OS sound like a car on which you can't open the hood. i -really- hope they aren't mandatory.
07:53.41cladhairenight all
07:53.48VoidRaidernight :)
07:54.35KirkburnCorr[home], it's really not that restrictive
07:54.45VoidRaiderVista gonna be a failure just like the millenium was and their IE7 :P
07:54.48KirkburnVoidRaider, yeah it does ask a bit too much, but on for protected folders
07:55.05KirkburnDoesn't affect User folders, for example
07:55.05VoidRaiderj / k :)
07:55.37VoidRaiderHmm do you have to run it under NTFS ?
07:56.03VoidRaidermore like must ?
07:56.14KirkburnWhy would you want anything else??
07:56.51Corr[home]well... think about this. ambitious little hackers have made it possible to change your visual style or number of TCP connections (the old sp2 hack), against the operating system's desires. those are examples of things that it -sounds- like you could no longer do in Vista. tinkering with your own system is not allowed.
07:57.24Thunder_Childtinkering with your system is half the fun
07:57.30Corr[home]protect the user from himself, and all
07:57.53Kirkburn*Some* things are restricted, but seriously, nearly every thing you could do in XP, you can do in Vista, and more
07:58.12Corr[home]"Code Integrity (CI) protects Windows Vista by verifying that system binaries haven’t been tampered with by malicious code and by ensuring that there are no unsigned drivers running in kernel mode on the system."
07:58.34VoidRaiderWell NTFS is not that great for gaming I'm no FAT expert but because its file permissions attributes it has some performance issues
07:58.37Corr[home]"malicious code", eyeroll
07:58.59KirkburnFirst time I've heard of NTFS being not that good for gaming :/
07:59.04Thunder_Childthey should have a "Dev Vista" for those that like to "fuck over their system"
07:59.09VoidRaiderit's common sense
07:59.18Corr[home]it's not common sense...
07:59.31VoidRaiderWell I'll explain then
07:59.43KirkburnOnly on 64-bit Vista are unsigned drivers blocked
08:00.11Corr[home]what if i write a driver that i want to use, to interact with my own computer? is it going to tell me i can't do that unless i get microsoft to sign it for me?
08:00.49KirkburnSee my previous line?
08:00.53VoidRaiderBefore a file is being written or read from the harddrive the OS must confirm if you have the permissions to do it ... that doesn't slow down performance ?
08:01.35Corr[home]so the answer, if we're on the context of using the 64-bit version, is yes.
08:01.41KirkburnMost of the time in gaming files aren't being written or read (except during loading and saving)
08:01.52KirkburnYes, that would be so
08:02.00Corr[home]i am displeased
08:02.08KirkburnDo you often write your own drivers?
08:02.31KirkburnAnyone that manages to write drivers for Vista would have enough to pay for the license
08:02.52KirkburnIt's to stop hackers from writing something and getting it onto systems
08:03.14sylvanaarim sure that you can sign your own drivers or something
08:03.20Corr[home]even if that's true, i don't want to PAY to play with my own drivers.
08:03.41KirkburnBut that's the thing - pretty much no-one does make their own drivers
08:03.49KirkburnDrivers are made by companies
08:03.51Corr[home]and before you get on me about not writing my own drivers, note that i'm talking about both the concept of it not being possible and about the real situation that i actually use quite a variety of unsigned drivers
08:04.29KirkburnI know, I use unsigned gfx drivers
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08:04.56sylvanaardrivers arent as complicated as you are making them sound
08:05.41KirkburnPerhaps, but that doesn't mean that every man and their dog is suddenly making them
08:05.51VoidRaiderHmm the textures must be read from the harddrive every once in a while I mean you don't really believe it loads everything to the memory ?
08:06.07KirkburnIf you have enough RAM
08:06.09Corr[home]this may be a ridiculous train of thought across a slippery slope, but consider this. microsoft makes you pay for them to review a driver you write to... alter your some aspect of your display. then their execs get a fun idea, and in the next update they demand that you pay them when you want to change your resolution, and then whenever you want to launch an application.
08:06.31Corr[home]*your some aspect -> some aspect
08:06.51Corr[home]windows love you long time, launchy launch $5
08:07.03KirkburnWell that just won't happen, will it
08:07.28KirkburnThey already do get drivers checked by MS
08:07.40Corr[home]it's the same idea, just on a smaller scale. every time they refuse to let me interact with my computer how i want, i chafe.
08:07.41KirkburnWHQL testing
08:07.49VoidRaiderIt's not true, mate, even if I have enough RAM, The game loads only the textures that are visible to you into the memory
08:07.51sylvanaarthey can do things which will destabilize your system - thats why MS wants to control them. because ignorant people will install the driver then blame resulting problems on windows
08:08.22KirkburnVoidRaider, I don't recall HL2 thrashing away at the hdd whilst playing levels
08:08.46Corr[home]historically, people have unrightfully blamed windows for instability. however, they haven't stopped buying it.
08:09.11Corr[home]Aero is enough to placate them
08:09.14KirkburnCorr[home], to be honest, anything you could do on XP, you can do on Vista. It's still completely customizable in nearly every way (unlike *cough* OSX *cough*)
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08:09.38VoidRaiderI said it has performance issues and it's not recommanded, it might be meaningless to some but for some it's crucial, not to me however :)
08:11.04KirkburnThat's like saying XP isn't recommended for playing games, get Win2000 instead
08:11.35Kirkburn(actually more like Win98, which was FAT32)
08:12.08Corr[home]can i wire together my own Wii controller adapater, write a driver for it, and install it? perhaps. the article mentioned only kernel-mode drivers. let's try this. can i write a driver that will let me... sniff on my network interface?
08:12.38KirkburnI wouldn't recommend getting 64-bit Vista for a long while, anyway
08:13.09KirkburnYeah, most drivers shouldn't need low-level access anyway
08:13.13sylvanaarpart of a packet sniffer is in kernel mode
08:13.23KirkburnA great quest description: Description] Axebreaker sends the player to collect blood from scavenging Bonechewer orcs, because he hates bonechewers and thinks they should all die. Also, an apothecary has requested these specimens for study.
08:14.02Kirkburn"Ill Omens <TXT> (completion at Corporal Ironridge)
08:14.02KirkburnHi, I'm the guy. Do a completion event where Ironridge see the name of a dead soldier stamped on the talilsman [sic], gets pissed, and resolves to avenge his comrade's death."
08:14.13VoidRaiderWell in Win98 I can't do everything I do with Win2000 or XP simply because most of the programs doesn't support Win98 anywaym Fat32 and NTFS are almost the same for someone who wants to play a game ? :)
08:15.09KirkburnHaha! An NTFS v FAT32 test:
08:15.53KirkburnThey come out identical
08:16.18Kirkburn(but obviously NTFS has lots of other benefits)
08:16.19VoidRaideryeah :P
08:16.30VoidRaiderI agree :)
08:17.51KirkburnI just noticed I missed a whole quest chain in HFP, I'd better go back and do it :P
08:18.43KirkburnEven if it is green to me
08:18.47Kirkburn(if not grey)
08:18.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Karl (
08:24.12KirkburnWha? There's no direct fp from Shattrath to Honor Hold? Madness!
08:24.31Esamynnnope :(
08:52.07*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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09:12.44*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
09:13.17Thunder_Childsup malreth
09:13.33malrethi'm on my bad behaivor again
09:13.51Thunder_Childmakes for interesting IRC
09:14.15malrethtonight... because it's night here... i'm making fun of emo myspace kids that write about cutting themselves
09:14.34malrethi must say that i support this
09:15.07malrethself mutilation is a healthy way to express your feelings about the injustices of the world against you
09:15.27Thunder_Childonly if it leads to death and/or lack of gene passing
09:16.14malrethit's natural and should be encouraged.
09:16.34Thunder_Childbtw, it's emospace
09:16.55malrethhmm... well if that is the parlance of our times, then so be it
09:17.37malrethalso, these children should be taught to masturbate with broken glass and bacon
09:18.23malrethbacon is a natural, wholesome alternative to water-based or glycerine-based lubricants
09:18.32malrethbut... it's not vegan
09:18.41Thunder_Childor kosher
09:19.04malrethand you can't upset the jewish vegetarian emospace self-mutilating adolescents
09:19.42Thunder_Childno, that would be...well one of those '"ist" things
09:20.17Thunder_Childthey should have myspace darwin awards
09:22.39malrethsomething about browsing the forums late at night when I haven't eaten any dinner and just finished a marathon viewing session of Heros just brings out the worst in me...
09:22.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
09:23.15malrethI'm finally caught up to episode nine
09:23.29Thunder_Childi wasnt spellchecking you
09:23.37malrethnow I go to work and not worry about spoilers
09:23.41Thunder_Childi just didnt understand the referemce
09:24.02malreth~wiki Heroes (tv series)
09:24.38Thunder_Childok, i'll check later
09:24.43malrethtv series on NBC
09:25.14malrethpurl, heroes is <reply>Save the cheerleader... Save the world
09:25.15purlmalreth: okay
09:25.19*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
09:25.25malrethhey ck
09:26.17Thunder_Child"I come from the land down under...where women plague and men sunder".....
09:26.31malrethDid you know that if Blizzard doesn't allow a decursive replacement... at least two people *might* cancel their WoW accounts?
09:26.52malrethThis is serious!
09:27.28malrethI had to stop downloading porn to address this issue!
09:27.46Thunder_Childwell lets see...700000000 - 2 * 158 = who cares
09:28.36malrethWithout WoW, children will be forced to play outside in the streets.
09:28.55malrethwhere they will have to do drugs and get the herpes
09:30.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Grem (
09:31.01GremDoes anyone know when the new patch hits live servers?
09:31.07Gremand whether it includes the new UI changes
09:31.15Thunder_Childit will
09:31.23Thunder_Childbest guess is dec 5th
09:31.31Thunder_Childno official release date
09:31.41malrethit could be as late as dec 12
09:31.53malrethbut no later than that if they want to have a white christmas
09:32.32malrethor as the japanese say, uuaito kurisumasu
09:33.24malrethit's true
09:33.31Thunder_Childwill purl translate that?
09:33.34malrethyou should believe what i say
09:33.42malrethgimme a sec...
09:34.24*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
09:34.38malrethcan't type in japanese on that computer
09:35.20malreth~x jp en ウアイトクリスマス
09:35.42malrethyeah... thanks, purl
09:36.07Thunder_Child~x jp en uuaito kurisumasu
09:36.19malrethromaji doesn't work
09:36.51malreth~x jp en ウアイト
09:37.13malreth~x jp en クリスマス
09:37.39purlaw, gee, Thunder_Child
09:37.46malrethwell, at least that worked
09:38.08malreth~x jp en ウーアイト
09:38.21Thunder_Childdoest like that one
09:38.35malrethi can't remember if it's uaito or uuaito
09:39.02malrethit's important to get that right... one means 'white' and the other probably means 'pussy'
09:39.04Thunder_Childdont look at me
09:39.27malrethspeaking in japanese is risky business
09:39.43Thunder_Childso is taking a shower in prison
09:39.52Thunder_Childdoesnt mean you stop
09:39.54malrethor masturbating with glass and bacon
09:40.04malrethgoodnight everyone!
09:40.11malrethi'll be here all week
09:45.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Dolby-wowi (
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09:58.33Thunder_Childdoes smite get a bouns from + healing items?
10:03.38cncfanaticsofc not
10:03.44cncfanaticsit gets bonus from +holy items & +dmg
10:04.56Thunder_Childjust checking, thanks
10:09.20*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
10:10.20Karlwow. Having just finished it I would like to say that F.E.A.R. is a fucking awesome game.
10:10.34Karljust for the record
10:11.35Karlbest 1st person storyline since Deus Ex
10:11.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (n=blaat@
10:12.58Thunder_Childi dunno, prey had a really cool storyline
10:13.44Karlprey is newer
10:13.53Karlusing the same engine
10:14.12Thunder_Childas fear or deus ex?
10:14.38Karlbut since i haven't played prey i cant just that one yet
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10:15.25Thunder_Childfor some reason i could never seem to get fear to work on my system
10:15.44Karlfear has really high system reqs
10:16.01Karlbut so does prey
10:16.01Thunder_Childi can play oblivion fine, and it's higher
10:16.20Thunder_Childand prey worked like a charm at max
10:16.33Karlhaven't played oblivion yet, and prolly wont. i watched my roomie play msot of it
10:16.35Thunder_Childi could never figure it out
10:16.44Karli hear the prey exp reqs are even worse
10:17.25Thunder_Childworse than oblivion?
10:17.30Karland prey lost me
10:18.15Karlthe prey expansion is newer than oblivion i believe and obviously newer than prey
10:18.29Karli could be wrong tho
10:18.30Thunder_Childyou just said prey twice..twice
10:19.05Thunder_Childyou said prey twice
10:19.12Thunder_Childtwo different times
10:19.17Karl"prey expansion"
10:19.21Karlthe 2nd one
10:19.26Karli dunno what it's called
10:19.36Thunder_Childoh, i didnt even know there was one
10:19.51Karlmaybe i'm thinkign fear
10:19.54Thunder_Childi think i am falling behind on my research
10:20.14Karli must be thinkign of fear
10:20.22Karl"F.E.A.R. Extraction Point Expansion Pack"
10:20.47Thunder_Childrequireing the origonal?
10:20.56Karli think so, but im not sure
10:21.10Thunder_Childhuh...odd to upgrade grpahics in the exp
10:21.47Thunder_Childin a exp**
10:22.01Thunder_Childi am way to tired
10:22.35[Wobin]What... like how TBC does? =P
10:23.21Thunder_Childtbc is upgrading the graphics?
10:23.26Karlfear came out in 2005, the exp was 10/24/2006
10:23.40Karlso a month ago
10:23.48Karlpretty damn new
10:25.18ckknight[Wobin], what does TBC update graphics-wise?
10:25.19Karl"Note: This expansion pack requires the full version of F.E.A.R. to play. "
10:25.36[Wobin]I'm not sure to be honest, but it runs a whole lot more smoother on my system
10:25.50[Wobin]and it appears shinier =)
10:26.00Thunder_Childthe only things that changes in the system req's for tbc is 256 --> 512 ram
10:26.05Karllooks like F.E.A.R. won IGN's best fps in 2005, and it deserved it
10:26.40Thunder_Child origional
10:26.40Thunder_Child new
10:27.10KarlLOL min reqs on the fear official site say: "Pentium? 41.7 GHz or equivalent processor"
10:27.24Karlah ok, they missed a space
10:27.31Thunder_Child4.17 prolly
10:27.41Karlno, pentium 4 1.7
10:27.42Thunder_Childoh, yea i see what you mean
10:27.50Karl"Recommended Hardware
10:27.50KarlPentium? 4 3.0 GHz or equivalent processor"
10:28.14Karlthey don't even have an official page for the expansion
10:29.32Karlmin reqs on the expansion are the same
10:29.59Karlbut my roommate said fear worked, but the expansion didn't work on his compy
10:34.36Karlreviews of F.E.A.R. Extraction Point say it's pretty much the same thing. which is good and bad i spose
10:49.45Thunder_Childanyone know of a mod that tracks who you have healed and how much?
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11:07.37Thunder_Child[Wobin] you around?
11:07.57Wobbleaye briefly
11:08.14Thunder_Childwere you going to fix your Mrplow page?
11:08.27Wobblethe wiki?
11:08.40Wobblewasn't planning to tonight =)
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11:08.54Wobbleif you want to go and fix it, however, please feel free =)
11:09.22Thunder_Childi would but i dont know whats "broken"
11:10.16WobbleIs it broken?
11:10.41Thunder_Childto fix it....
11:11.49Thunder_Childwell i reclamed it for you
11:12.20WobbleWhat's broken about the page?
11:12.40Thunder_Childwas a small joke, you did say i could "fix" it
11:12.57Wobbleoh absolutely =)
11:14.58Wobblealthough the toc data is out of date for some reason
11:15.25Thunder_Childnooo...thats whast in the toc i just d/l'd
11:15.39Wobblefrom tje svn?
11:15.57Thunder_Childthats the link on the page
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11:16.27Thunder_Childand the changelog shows todays date for changing things
11:16.30Wobblehm, it should be at least v5.2
11:16.32Thunder_Childr18046 | wobin | 2006-11-25 04:31:15 -0500 (Sat, 25 Nov 2006) | 1 line
11:16.32Thunder_ChildMrPlow - Aha. Damn GetItemInfo with the new level argument. Now it sorts properly!
11:16.46Wobbleor 6 as the case may be
11:16.53WobbleI mean the toc data on the wiki page
11:17.03Thunder_Childi cant seem to edit that part
11:17.17Thunder_Childi think it pulls from the upload
11:17.22Wobbleaye it's meant to be from a botscript
11:18.21Thunder_Childyea## Version: a/R.4.7.3 is in the toc
11:18.50Thunder_Childin what i d/l'd it's 5.2
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13:50.50Thunder_Childanyone know what the "gvalleymain" timer is?
14:07.41KirkburnArgh, I've run out of bloody quests
14:08.17Thunder_Childso get some non bloody quests
14:08.29KirkburnPredicatable :P
14:08.29Thunder_Childthey dont all have to be violent
14:08.40Thunder_Childi'm tired
14:08.45KirkburnAll the rest are instance and elite quests atm :(
14:09.20Thunder_Childyea, i hate when that is
14:10.31KirkburnGonna try Blade's Edge, but I know there's not much there
14:10.54Thunder_Childnon-stop av for me this weekend
14:11.17Thunder_Childi am helping a friend do a 92 hour non stop AV run
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14:37.02cladhaireGood morning.
14:42.20purlMornings MUST be destroyed! (see also
14:45.03Thunder_Childhmm..the solution page seems to have a slight problem
14:45.07KirkburnPhew, I found some quests in Blades Edge
14:45.12KirkburnWhen those are done, I'm buggered
14:45.41cladhairei somehow made level 9 on my warlock, simply testing mods in and out of combat
14:48.19Corr[home]is 2.0 here yet? the channel?
14:48.57cladhaireno, thankfully
14:49.06Corr[home]i mean on the live realms
14:49.07cladhairei mean he stopped by last night for a quickie
14:49.11cladhairebut he's not ready for you guys yet.
14:49.47Thunder_Childwhat kind of quickie?
14:49.58Thunder_Childor do i not want to know
14:50.07cladhairewho are you talking to?
14:50.21Thunder_Childthat would be you
14:50.41Thunder_Childno one else said anything about a quickie except for you
14:51.09cladhaireit was an answer disguised as a rhetorical question
14:51.20Thunder_Childi know, thats why i had to ask
14:51.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Naurbrannon (
14:52.13NaurbrannonHi people, requesting LUA help....what's the best way to know if a certain index is defined in a table?
14:53.11cladhaireif tbl[key] then
14:53.51NaurbrannonI used if table["index"] == nil then....but it seems to create the index
14:54.04cladhairenope, that won't create an index.
14:54.09cladhaireis the key a string?
14:54.42cladhairein lua, if tbl["key"] is sufficient.
14:54.49cladhaireunless you're using false values.
14:54.55cladhairei.e. tbl[key] = false
14:55.23cladhairefor clarity, what you had (if tbl[key] == nil) is correct
14:56.14Naurbrannonmmm thanks, gotta search for the problem somewhere else then :p
14:56.35cladhairei can help you quickly identify it if you'd like
14:56.38cladhaireif its a table
14:56.51TainThe tea leaves will have the answer.
14:57.00Naurbrannonnah you don't want, it's 285 lines of madless :P
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14:57.08cladhairei can give you one line of code
14:57.13cladhairethat will hand you your answer
14:57.16cladhairecalled tealeaves =)
14:57.19cladhairebut seriously
14:57.22Tain285 lines! cladhaire eats that for breakfast!
14:57.27cladhaireyou create the table somewhere with tbl = {}, correct?
14:57.34Naurbrannonlines of madness?
14:57.56Tain(The madness is like sauce, it adds tang.)
14:58.02Naurbrannonur's a saved variable
14:58.02Thunder_Child285 line for breakfast?....seems kinda dry to me
14:59.20Naurbrannonand well I'll never post the code to you, it's the first addon I made like 1 year ago knowing nothing of LUA, now I'm trying to fix it but the code suck so much that I'm kinda ashamed of it ^_^"
14:59.38cladhairethat will only alarm on access
14:59.42cladhaireyou want to alarm when the value is set,
14:59.47cladhairethat would help you find the problem correct?
15:00.06Thunder_Childno no, never be ashamed about coding, it's the other things you should be ashamed about.... :)
15:00.38cladhairedon't ask what it does
15:00.39cladhairewe can do that later
15:00.54cladhairealso if its a SV we can change it so it attaches properly
15:00.55cladhaireyour call
15:00.56TainI was just gonna suggest that!
15:01.53cladhairemetatables solved world hunger, imo
15:02.18Naurbrannonerr...where am i supposed to paste it? :p
15:02.29Thunder_Childumm...wold hunger still exists.....
15:02.31Naurbrannon(and wth is the error function? oO)
15:03.22cladhaireNaurbrannon: Okay, problem statement.  you are testing for existance of a keyed value in a savedvariable.  youc an verity that it doesn't exist at some point, and you want to determine when it gets set.  Is this accurate?
15:04.15cladhairei.e. is there an event which you can ensure your variables have been loaded
15:04.46cladhairethen use this, in that function somewhere:
15:04.52cladhaireit adds a metatable to your SV
15:05.07cladhairewhich will error() when something tries to set tbl["yourkey"]
15:05.12cladhaireso you'll want to edit and change "yourkey"
15:05.39Naurbrannonthanks a lot
15:05.57Naurbrannon*go to study metatables*
15:07.18cladhairechange that __index to __newindex
15:07.20cladhairethats my bad
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15:43.30Thunder_Childanyone know what the "gvalleymain" timer is from?
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16:51.54Naurbrannonok solved which one was my real problem.....edited UNIT_PET description in wowwiki <_<
16:59.57|Shadow|Naurbrannon what class are you?
17:00.06Naurbrannonlock...and warrior
17:00.24NaurbrannonI've only soloed maraudon princess+thinkerer with lock
17:00.40|Shadow|well as a mage its pretty easy to clear the first room in brd
17:00.44|Shadow|then reset rinse and repeat
17:00.52|Shadow|im sure you could tank 2 level 52 elites on your warr?
17:01.05|Shadow|they only hit like 600 on me as a cloth wearer
17:02.09Naurbrannonthey disarm T_T
17:02.22zenzelezzget a weapon chain :-p
17:02.25Naurbrannonand well my warrior has kinda crappy gear :p
17:02.37|Shadow|lol :(
17:02.39zenzelezzor one of those "liek dont disarm kk?" glvoes
17:02.52Naurbrannonyeah I have weapon chain but my better weapon is the glorious lvl 47 Warmonger :P
17:03.58Naurbrannon(it was imba at lvl 47)
17:03.58|Shadow|anyone know a good place to aoe farm?
17:03.58|Shadow|might aswell get some good aoe farming before the patch
17:05.09|Shadow|Naurbrannon my previous statement is crap
17:05.13|Shadow|they only hit 150 o me
17:05.15|Shadow|on me*
17:06.53Naurbrannonok but gear with warrior is green/blue
17:07.03Naurbrannonand 2 epics
17:07.21|Shadow|well there not that hard
17:07.25|Shadow|might aswell try
17:07.35|Shadow|i mean i can do it without taking any damage on my mage
17:07.47|Shadow|and im not that great geared :p
17:08.23Naurbrannonyeah I could give it a try...but maybe I could have better chances with lock as he's tier2/tier 3 ^^'
17:08.42|Shadow|yea use fear
17:08.58|Shadow|you have to pull 2 at a time
17:08.58Naurbrannonzomg fear in instances? no wai :p
17:09.07|Shadow|good point :P
17:09.24NaurbrannonI'll wait for felguard :D
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17:21.00Thunder_Childwowwiki needs to have a game mechanics sections of "combat: how to get out of"
17:21.17Naurbrannonyeah please teach me how >.<
17:21.42Thunder_Childi have to walk halfway across the map to dring...
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17:44.44Maldiviahmm, anyone knows if UnitBuff is being implemented, as noted in the concise list, or if it's just a copy-paste error
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17:50.32Thunder_Childindeed, along with UnitStrong, UnitHunk, and UnitSexy
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17:57.03Kasoit seems to only rake Unit, index, [raidfilter]
17:57.28Maldiviakaso: yeah, from my quick checks on beta and ptr, it's only index..
17:57.53Maldiviaso was wondering if it was a copy-paste error from GetPlayerBuff*, or something available from next patch
17:58.16Kasoi dont recall there being any posts about unitbuff other than the returns change, so i guess its a mistake
17:58.44Maldiviawell, it would make sense, since the code was already present in the UnitHasBuff functions
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18:13.14cladhaireMaldivia: Its only taking unit, index, raidfilter
18:13.40cladhaireMaldivia: Must be copy/paste.  UnitHasBuff() was just doing a naive iteration of the buffs, and slouken decided it was better to put that on our side of things, than force it on us on the C side.
18:13.56cladhaireMaldivia: asking him for name, rank helped clear that up a but.
18:15.03Maldiviayeah, I know it's simple to implement in lua, especially now that name is returned
18:15.30Maldiviabut figured, it could be a logical extension, since the same behavior was added to player buffs
18:15.40cladhaireit wasn't, which is what I'm saying
18:15.55cladhaireplayer buffs end up being quite different from unit buffs
18:15.56MaldiviaGetPlayerBuff("Arcane Intellect")
18:16.14cladhairethe implementation is very different between unit buffs, and player buffs, in this case.
18:16.55Maldiviaand I know, the reason for the player buff chance, was to allow /cancelaura
18:17.28Maldiviaand since all the playerbuff functions, probably use the same method to look up the buff, adding name support to one, added it automatically to them all
18:17.58cladhaireI asked for clarification cause I was concerned, btu it turns out two UnitHasBuff() is twice as expensive as a single naive iteration using UnitBuff().. so its proably good that its not there, since it would be bad practice
18:19.17Maldiviawell, I'll probably keep my existing code on that area anyway
18:20.29Maldiviacurrently caching unit buffs in a table, also makes it alot easier to detect which buff was added/removed.
18:22.05cladhaireyeah, that definitely makes things nice
18:26.48Maldiviahmm, no type return on UnitBuff
18:34.49cladhairethere shouldn't be.
18:34.53cladhaireits just name,rank,texture,count
18:39.55Thunder_Childanyone ever head of a gvalleymain timer?
18:40.03VoidRaiderHhmm haven't checked that, "Crowd Control effects in PvP will last no longer than 12 seconds instead of the full duration, with a chance of a heartbeat resist." I thought that this limit apply only to the Arena and not overall PvP ?
18:41.19grimmanVoidRaider: Easy enough to check though, find a friendly mage and start the sheeping. ;D
18:41.34VoidRaiderhaha :P
18:42.26grimmanGot a mail from Blizzard today offering me to bring a new sheep to the fold in exchange for 30 days of play time.
18:42.59VoidRaiderhaha ..
18:44.01|FF|Im2good4ulol me2 :p
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18:51.35Maldiviacladhaire: yeah, know there shouldn't be according to the API, but it could be nice
18:51.56cladhairethere's never a need to know what type buff you have
18:52.04cladhairesince they can't be dispelled, they're all "Magic"
18:52.05ScytheBlade1VoidRaider, it's true, 12s max with diminishing returns
18:52.10cladhairei.e. you can't be Cursed, Poisoned or Diseased.
18:52.11VoidRaiderWell it seems that people barely have PvP activity in the Beta haha
18:52.19VoidRaiderahh thx :)
18:52.20Maldiviabuffs are either Magic or no type
18:52.21ScytheBlade1JUST because of that, I can't beat paladins anymore :(
18:52.40Maldiviacladhaire: only magic-type buffs can be dispelled, purged or stolen
18:52.48cladhairebut they're all magic type
18:52.52ScytheBlade1Trust me, I tried... third cast of sheep broke pretty much instantly, and on the fourth the guy was immune
18:53.13cladhairewhere's the distinction?
18:53.16Maldiviafor instance paladin Auras are not specifiec
18:53.25Maldiviaand a lot of trinket buffs
18:53.27Tullerfinally found the unit watch code, hurray :)
18:53.49VoidRaiderWith diminishing returns are you sure ? since I need to set the appropriate cap time in a case it's a player :)
18:54.04cladhaireMaldivia: Maybe its a matter of asking for CanStealBuff(unit, index)?
18:54.21ScytheBlade1VoidRaider, I'm 100% sure
18:54.26VoidRaiderok thx mate :D
18:54.31cladhaireunless ALL magic buffs can be stolen, bar none.
18:54.36Maldiviawell, buffs have a type associates (as seen on the buff tooltip), so why not return that aswell
18:54.45Maldiviaeventhough it's for 90% of all buffs are "Magic"
18:54.50cladhairemight not hurt to ask for it =)
18:55.02ScytheBlade1VoidRaider, fear, polymorph, the works, 12s max with diminishing returns
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18:55.19ScytheBlade1It's either cast #3 or cast #4 where the target is immune, I forget
18:55.20ckknighthey all
18:55.35Cairennhi ckknight
18:55.55ScytheBlade1VoidRaider, that said, you can always hop on the PTR and test it ;)
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18:57.41VoidRaiderYeah well, I'm in the beta though and from what it seems people barely PvP there, all they though mostly is PvE at least in europe
18:58.25VoidRaiderthey do*
18:58.36ScytheBlade1On the US PvE server, there's pretty much always PvP going on around the PvP points.
19:00.34Meryon the pvp server there are a few people that instead of leveling just run around to gank :) just like the good ol' times
19:00.47VoidRaiderYeah well I didn't even see Outland and I'm like 3 - 4 months in the beta or something, I'm standing there and testing haha
19:01.48weabwhat a dork. testing in a beta test!
19:04.42|FF|Im2good4uBC FTW!
19:04.51|FF|Im2good4uMAGE > ALL
19:05.27VoidRaiderHunter > All :)
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19:06.54Thunder_ChildIllidian > all
19:07.43VoidRaiderI seen the armor tiers in a movie and well the Mage tier isn't that impressive :/
19:08.02Thunder_Childtier 5 you mean?
19:08.03VoidRaiderI think it was tier 5
19:08.26Thunder_Childi saw them, some look really stupid
19:08.46Thunder_Childlock was awesome
19:08.50VoidRaiderThe warlock one man is awesome imo :P
19:08.58Thunder_Childso was the war one
19:09.06VoidRaideryeah :)
19:09.20Thunder_Childpriests have jetpacks
19:09.37VoidRaiderI like the Pala and the Priest one too dunno seems pretty good to me
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19:10.03Neeblertier 6:
19:10.27VoidRaiderI know the link :P
19:10.43Thunder_Childpictures are faster
19:11.37Thunder_Childmore pictures
19:12.03VoidRaiderThe priest one should have Wings :P
19:12.33Thunder_Childi still say the priest is wearing a jetpack
19:13.53VoidRaiderYeah it looks from the pictures however in the movie it seems pretty good, mybe the animation does the magic :)
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19:28.23Kirkburnomg omg omg, Netherstorm =)
19:29.17Kasowhat level you now?
19:29.44Thardaldoes anyone know some mod with decently commented code that could explain how to make additional hotbars in 2.0?
19:31.55cladhairecogwheel has a bar addon on wowi i believe
19:33.14grimmanThat made me lol.
19:33.23cladhairethe website, this channel was created by
19:33.44Thardaloh, the mayor of berlin is called wowi, so this kinda confused me wtf he was now doing with addons heh
19:35.02|FF|Im2good4udahm ui designed i finely completed 1 hole panal of my addon and i tryed to remove something at the back it mroeved the netire panal
19:35.07|FF|Im2good4uand it has no undo :(
19:35.11Kirkburn66, Kaso
19:35.19KirkburnRun out of solo quests, too :(
19:35.31Kasoat 67 you'll get a whole bunch
19:35.39KirkburnDoesn't help me :P
19:35.47grimmanKirkburn: You still play on DB?
19:35.49KirkburnI'm only 10% into 66 ;(
19:35.58KirkburnLike, never atm
19:36.03grimmanok, nm then. ;)
19:36.28grimmanWas thinking of making a comeback, but wanted to know if people were as rude and ignorant as before. ;D
19:36.40KirkburnWell half of VoM left the server
19:36.54grimmanI'm not surprised.
19:37.03grimmanI might leave myself actually.
19:37.10KirkburnI came back one day to find my guild gone \o/
19:37.14grimmanI have friends on Grim Batol.
19:37.19grimmanlol, cute.
19:37.26KirkburnMy housemate is in Corpse Run, they're quite nice :)
19:37.56Kirkburn(great, the TBC server is kicking me repeatedly)
19:37.57grimmanCurrently looking for a casual PVP guild. Ie. people who know how to play and aren't asshats about it. ;P
19:38.24KirkburnWell Corpse Run aren't casual or PvP :P
19:38.51OsagasuWoot!  Exaldted FW!  /dance
19:39.05grimmanHardcore PVE is what made me quit. Like a good drone I wish to limit my exposure to hazardous environments. ;D
19:39.10KasoKirkburn: seems that outlands is down as usual, EK or kalimdor work
19:39.34KirkburnI should have noticed when the mobs stopped moving
19:39.44KirkburnWeirdly I can log in far enough to see the world, though
19:39.59Industrialsince a week im getting so much lag that it makes me DC
19:40.06Kasooh really? do you have like no UI or something
19:40.09Industriali cant even REACH the org bank
19:40.36KirkburnOh, now I can't even see the world (yup, lots of addons)
19:40.37Industrialits really frustrating, cause i cant party, and I die solo off mobs hittng me when im in a lagspike
19:40.49*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre- (
19:40.51KirkburnWhat kind of levels do you get?
19:40.57grimmanlol, weirdest thing happened yesterday. We had a PVP raid going to take Halaa, everything went smoothly until we actually took Halaa. Bam, ping rose to 2-3k.
19:41.00Industrialwhen i move in our out of an instance i fall through the floor
19:41.19Kirkburn(lots and lots and lots of addons, but only 20 meg UI usage, makes me v happy =)
19:41.25Industriallagspikes can take up to 1+ minute
19:41.31IndustrialKirkburn: :-)
19:42.16Industrialso i rolled a night elf druid
19:42.27Industrialto play on when i cant play on US/Dethecus
19:43.31Industrialheh karate kid 1 2 and 3 is almost finished :) also found a rare 1993 Rob Kaman Muay Thai Clinching Techniques video, and ong bak (THE Muai Thai movie)
19:44.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
19:44.16grimmanYou sound like someone I know, Industrial. :P
19:45.43Industrialgrimman: I doubt im that person, I'm not swedish :-)
19:45.53grimmanOh I know you're not that person.
19:46.06grimmanDoesn't mean you can't remind me of him. ;P
19:46.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
19:47.37IndustrialYou're the best around, nothing's gonna ever keep you down.
19:47.54grimmanJoe Esposito. ;D
19:48.13Industrialnice track for a wow video
19:48.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn|Vista (
19:49.15ckknight_anyone know why TargetofTarget_Update would block an addon?
19:49.32Maldiviabecause it's shows/hidefs the target of target frame - a secure frame
19:50.02Maldiviaor some other feature of the ToT
19:51.30ckknight_but it's never being called by the blocked addon.
19:51.47Maldiviadont always trust which addon it blames :)
19:52.12ckknight_ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED:AddOn 'BugSack' tried to call the protected function 'TargetofTargetFrame:Show()'.FrameXML\TargetFrame.lua:568: in function `TargetofTarget_Update'FrameXML\TargetFrame.lua:544: in function `TargetofTarget_OnUpdate'<string>:"TargetofTargetFrame:OnUpdate":2: in function <[string "TargetofTargetFrame:OnUpdate"]:1>
19:52.13ckknight_yea, I know not to trust the addon
19:52.16ckknight_but still, it's weird.
19:52.38cladhairewhy?  something tainted the frame, or some value in that table, most likely
19:52.58cladhairedo you have a reproducible condition?
19:53.37Maldiviackknight: tried using the Taint map addon, to see what is tainted?
19:54.03ckknight_no, not yet (it's not even my error anyway)
19:54.48cladhaireif you can reproduce it you should be able to trace it back pretty easily
19:55.17ckknight_apparently it's from dismissing the pet in the arena
19:55.45cladhaireinteresting.. since the dismissal can only be called from untainted code..
19:56.14|FF|Im2good4ucan i use binary checkups in wowlua like if bit x is enabled ?
19:56.35cladhaireyes, use bit.and,, etc.
19:57.03|FF|Im2good4uCool i dont think thats standart lua but aslong as it works :p
19:57.11cladhaireand it does work
19:57.27cladhaireusing reuben thomas's bitlib library, actually
19:57.37cladhaireYou can get bitlib.dll for a standalone distribution if you need it.
19:58.01|FF|Im2good4uoke thanks ill go look up sme documentation on it :P
19:58.28cladhaireits just standard bitwise operations, i.e. bit.and(33, 1) returns 1
20:00.17|FF|Im2good4uright but can it so things like bit.set or ifbit ?
20:01.13cladhaireyou have to do that work manually
20:01.41|FF|Im2good4uoke i gues i cold write some functions for it :P
20:01.54cladhairei.e. result =, 32)
20:03.24|FF|Im2good4ulol they didnt teach org at school either :P
20:03.43cladhairepurl, stop swearing!
20:03.48purlACTION leaps to his feet and stops swearing!
20:03.48zenzelezzonly asking since you typed org twice
20:05.35Mike-N-GoWhat are things like "^%s*(.-)%s*(%w+)%s*$" called?
20:05.59Mike-N-GoAs in, what can I look them up under.
20:06.11Kaso5.2.1 in lua manaul
20:06.26Mike-N-GoThat there name, patterns
20:07.15CairennMike-N-Go: fuck that, we're adults here
20:07.31KasoMike : is what you seek i think
20:07.35Mike-N-GoOK, well this is not the place for me.
20:07.39*** part/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=Mike@
20:07.55cladhaireare you kidding me?
20:07.56Kasowhat the hell
20:07.59|FF|Im2good4u: Ownage!
20:08.05Cairennjust let it go guys
20:11.15XuerianThat's kinda how he left #wowace <.<
20:13.36|FF|Im2good4uCairenn: would bit.and(2,1) and bit.and(3,1) both return 3 ?
20:14.11cladhairebit.and(2,1) is 0
20:14.17cladhairebit.and(3,1) returns true
20:14.26cladhaire(i meant bit.and(2,1) is false, not 0)
20:14.42Kirkburn<Cairenn> Mike-N-Go: fuck that, we're adults here  <--- are we, are we *really*?
20:14.48Cidebit.and doesn't exist
20:15.05Cidewhich returns a number
20:15.21Cide3 & 1 = 1
20:15.29Cide2 & 1 = 0
20:15.33cladhaireyeah you're right, i'm smoking crack.
20:15.39Cidelol :)
20:16.13Cide|FF|Im2good4u: bit.bor(2,1) and bit.bor(3,1) both return 3
20:19.22KirkburnSomeone's response to the fact that Tempest Keep is having problems: "No need to restart the server, it's only Outland that's down."
20:19.32KirkburnUh, yeah, so we'll all just sit in Ironforge then =)
20:20.21Kasoi was actually patrolling around netherstorm trying to find you when it went down kirk :>
20:20.33Kasocome gank your or something
20:20.42KirkburnI love my new Battle Mage Baton:
20:20.54KirkburnWhere were you?
20:21.16Kasojust flying around on my mount, near area 52
20:22.01ckknight <-- banker's rounding, for anyone who wants it
20:23.58|FF|Im2good4uah yeh stoopid me if i and 10 whit 01 u get 00 ofc lol
20:24.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
20:25.52|FF|Im2good4uso basicly i wana see if a bit is enabled in my variable i could do if,64) then oke thanks i understand it now :P
20:27.16*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
20:27.36Maldiviajust remember, the bit functions are 32 bit
20:29.21|FF|Im2good4ui only need 13 :P
20:31.05KirkburnKaso, I hate you
20:31.20Kasothats a bit harsh
20:31.41Kirkburn<Kaso> just flying ... mount ...
20:31.51Kaso<3 lvl 70
20:31.52Kirkburnargh :)
20:32.06KirkburnWhat happens if you log out mid flight?
20:32.11Kirkburn(also, you can hover, right?)
20:32.16Cidedoesn't matter in most cases as long as it doesn't overflow, |FF|Im2good4u
20:32.20Kasoyou can hover, and you log in hovering
20:33.12Kasothere seems a rather large potential for roof camping though
20:33.18KirkburnSo I hear
20:33.49Kasomobs deaggro as soon as you fly up yard or two
20:34.04KirkburnOh, PvE roof camping too?
20:34.27Kasowell, it woudlnt work in pve, the mobs would just evade
20:34.40Kasobut that big stone in the centre of HH is awesome for ganking on
20:34.50Kaso... not that i'd know or anything
20:35.02KirkburnI can understand the mobs deaggroing I think - I mean, who would keep trying to jump and hit a flying object?
20:35.28grimmanElite kangarogues? ;P
20:35.30KirkburnFortunately I've not come across you
20:35.44*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
20:35.53KasoI think druids are a little too imba, they can go flight form while falling
20:36.08Kasoso they can go caster - moonfire - flying
20:36.12Kasoand gank mid air
20:36.27|FF|Im2good4ui just dont understand why u cant use the flying mounts in the normal world
20:36.29ckknightcan you use flight form in Azeroth?
20:36.35KirkburnI thought they couldn't go flight form in combat?
20:36.37KirkburnNo, ckknight
20:36.43ckknightwhy not?
20:36.44grimmanI envision swarms of druids doing airstrikes.
20:36.45KirkburnThe world was never designed for it :(
20:36.51ckknightthey should fix that.
20:36.56ckknightI mean, srsly.
20:36.59Kasoit be tonnes of work though
20:37.00KirkburnThey'd have to finish off a HUGE amount of areas
20:37.08Cidethat'd be another expansion in itself, just to enable one, small feature? I think no
20:37.11KirkburnSeriously massive amounts of work
20:37.17ckknightyea, I suppose.
20:37.21KirkburnAs Cide says, next expansion =)
20:37.24ckknightI still think it'd be cool
20:37.28KirkburnHell yeah
20:37.29Cideit would be cool, sure
20:37.30Endthere are a lot of areas that depend on the player being at ground location
20:37.31grimmanckknight: The border between Searing Gorge and Badlands alone looks like utter shite. ;P
20:37.39ckknightso what's the next expansion gonna be? ;-)
20:37.45Cideemerald dream!
20:37.45Endas well as flat areas :P
20:37.48Cide(my guess)
20:37.59Cidenorthrend's too early
20:38.01Teomyrnorthrend! i hope ^^
20:38.03ckknightnot Northrend
20:38.10ckknightmy guess is Sunken Kalimdor + Undermine
20:38.16KirkburnGood old, green block, red block, green block, red block, giant gulf without land, random mountain, blue block, tree ...
20:38.40KirkburnI would say so too
20:39.10grimmanBut hey... Kaso, how far out from the main Outlands continent can you fly on the mount? And can you fly down past the invisible border without "falling"?
20:39.23Kasoi havent dared fligh down
20:39.27grimmanI've only launched my pet down a couple of times so I know nothing about it.
20:39.37KirkburnI'd love to see Nazjatar and Undermine, totally new areas
20:39.39Kasobut after about 2 min of flight in any direction away from land you hit a wall
20:39.43Kasoup aswell
20:40.03EndI think they should make it fatigue instead of a wall for outwards
20:40.08KirkburnIt saddens me that you can't do loop-the-loops though :)
20:40.17Tullerhrm, is it possible to set a secure frame's parent in combat?
20:40.18Kasobut you can fligh like between netherstorm and hellfire and stuff
20:40.19KirkburnIf only WoW used that type of control method :P
20:40.24grimmanMakes sense to have a limited skybox, I just thought blizzard killed you or something.
20:40.51KirkburnWell they do if you just jump off randomly ;)
20:41.00Kasoi think youd die from flying down, but i dont wanna lose dura from trying :<
20:41.09grimmanSo undress... nubbie.
20:41.17KirkburnUnless you're on a flying mount, in which case you just run off the world into space and start flying
20:41.22Kasoyou'd have to spirit ress
20:41.34Kaso10min is also a long time of doing nothing
20:41.38axxoso get nakid, put stuff in bank
20:41.53KirkburnKaso, you sure? When you fall off normally the body is placed back on the side of the continent
20:41.53grimmanAs for fatigue... it's a bit wasteful in the end, the current live continents have massive ocean margins to serve a very small purpose.
20:42.11Kasonoone told me about that
20:42.21KirkburnApparently so
20:42.29grimmanRight, so there you have it.
20:42.30Kasoill give it a test
20:42.34grimmanGet Fraps and get busy.
20:42.38Kirkburn(muahahahaha ;)
20:42.55Kasofatigue is broken, if you get a low level priest geared properly you can outheal it
20:42.55Endthe first thing I did when I got to outland was jump off of a cliff
20:42.59KirkburnBut seriously, that's how it's supposed to work now
20:43.17grimmanKaso: No need for "geared properly"... I did it once when Kalimdor was crashed.
20:43.33Kasowell thats cheating
20:43.41KirkburnAlso, I want to know what's going on in Gilneas
20:43.43grimmanJust make a char and run up from the UD starting area in my case, avoiding murlocs and healing in fatigue waters.
20:44.00KirkburnAnd what is Alexstrazsa hiding in Grim Batol?
20:44.09Endmaybe herself
20:44.25KirkburnSW Lordaeron, grimman
20:44.44grimmanI see.
20:44.44KirkburnAnd what's the bit of land between IF and SW
20:44.48Endanyways, gileans is small enough where it might just be a content patch...but who knows
20:45.00KirkburnThat sticky-out bit with the giant wall, that's Gilneas :)
20:45.39KirkburnOh and what about Kul'Tiras (a big island that should be off the coast of the wetlands)
20:45.52KirkburnAnother human nation there
20:46.12Kirkburn(note the Kul'Tiras sailors in Durotar)
20:46.38KirkburnBasically, there's a loot to come
20:46.43KirkburnOh and Tirisfal Glades
20:46.57grimmanGrim Batol gates hold nothing, it's just mountain behind them... if you were wondering. ;)
20:47.02Kirkburn(NW Lordaeron, possibly site of Krasus' sanctuary, and an Old God)
20:47.02grimmanAspect of the Hawk bug ftw.
20:47.10grimmanUh... bad.
20:47.14grimmanEagle Eye even.
20:47.19KirkburnHeh, this is true
20:48.46KirkburnHmm, I should go visit the site of the battle in Day of the Dragon again
20:48.56KirkburnHaven't been back there since I read the book
20:49.20grimmanI need to buy those books. *sigh*
20:49.32grimmanAs well as the new Halo book. :P
20:49.46KirkburnTo most people it's just a broken-up caravan in the Wetlands, but it's actually the site of one of the most important battles in Warcraft
20:50.35Kirkburn(where Deathwing was once defeated, and Alexstrazsa was freed - in WC2 her dragonflight was controlled by the horde)
20:50.44grimmanThat I know.
20:50.48Kirkburngrimman, buy them!
20:50.54grimmanThere are so many. ;(
20:51.04EndAlexstrazsa's flight was controlled by the dragonmaw clan
20:51.05KirkburnI got them all last week =)
20:52.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
20:52.14grimmanIs the wetlands map still wrong? As I recall the location on the map said there was one orc clan in a particular area, but when you got there another clan was holding up and killing nubbies.
20:52.28Endin the war2 xpac it was deathwing's clan
20:52.45KirkburnNekros Skullcrusher controlled Alextrazsa
20:54.32grimmanKirkburn: Is there any place I can buy a collection of all the books?
20:54.59KirkburnThere's a new compilation out called "Warcraft Archive" with 4 of them
20:55.28KirkburnI got them all from Amazon
20:55.50KirkburnApart from one of the War of the Ancients books which Amazon didn't stock for some reason, so got thru the Amazon marketplace
20:56.02Kirkburn(this being, of course)
20:56.11grimmanHm, I can get the Archive one for cheap. Amazing.
20:56.22grimman613 pages?
20:56.31KirkburnThat's it
20:56.53Kirkburn3 main stories and a short one by Chris Metzen
20:58.20KirkburnHey, waitasec, I didn't realise Nekros was ingame
20:58.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Amro (n=fiira@
20:58.36KirkburnBastard, I'll have to go back there and gank him again a few times
20:58.44Kirkburnuh, hi :)
20:59.17Kirkburn(Ah wait, Nek'rosh not Nekros, it's his son, that makes more sense)
20:59.20AmroI'm trying to filter spam from the default chat frame. I don't wnt to parse each and every single message. Any ideas?
20:59.25*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
21:00.00Kasohow can you work out if its what you want to filter or now without parsing all the messages?
21:00.48Amroits only a channel message that im looking for, which fires a different event.
21:00.57Amroproblem is, would my addon get the message first?
21:01.01Amroer, the event
21:01.46Kasoif you want to block things showing up on the ChatFrame you need to hook it's addmessage or onevent rather than registering the event yourself
21:01.49|FF|Im2good4uis there maxuim size to a variable name in lua ?
21:02.47|FF|Im2good4usince i always write everything fully i get names lile "RaidLeaderAssist_Interface_Event_Variables_Loaded" lol
21:03.08AmroRight Kaso, but at that point I'd be parsing all messages
21:03.23Kirkburngrimman, oh, one other bit of DB-related news - 'VoM' (I think the server switchers) got into the beta :P
21:03.28Amrodoes the default chat frame have a way to remove the last line?
21:04.06KasoNope, youre stuck with hooking
21:04.07Amrooh but nevermind, that wouldn't be good
21:04.19grimmanKirkburn: I seem to recall hearing about such a thing, yes.
21:04.22Kasobut parsing it all isnt a huge problem
21:04.29Kasocheck out
21:04.42AmroI know, but unecessary cycles are... unnecessary :)
21:04.47AmroI like to optimize
21:04.50Amrothanks for the link
21:05.24Kasowhat exactly are you supressing
21:06.51Amrothat's prettty much what im doing. I'm suppressing Darkshore World Defense spam. It's useless for Horde, there's a troll village there without anything but trolls that don't talk, and some pally has taken a liking to killing them.
21:07.05Amrousually we send a guy over to kill him, but we'd like to suppress the spam
21:09.06VoidRaiderDoes LUA supports the ternary operator the way C++, C# does ? I know it does for values e.g. done = (value == true) etc ...
21:09.57Kasoyou'd want to hook ChatFrame_OnEvent, and you can put a simple if statement to check if its a local defense message then a quick "^Somewhere is under attack" string find, it'd barely be any impact
21:10.09MaldiviaVoidRaider: what are you trying to do ?
21:10.50MaldiviaVoidRaider: in some sense  x = (a > b) and (yes) or (no);
21:10.55Amroah, forgot about the OnEvent handlers. thanks Kaso :)
21:14.43VoidRaideryeah Maldivia, would it work ? also x = (n1 or n2) ?
21:16.06Maldiviax = n1 or n2; would result in n1 (if n1 is not null and not false), n2 otherwise
21:16.08VoidRaiderah ok thx
21:16.28VoidRaiderah great :)
21:17.37Maldiviax and y; returns x, if x is false or null, y otherwise
21:18.22VoidRaideryeah got it :D
21:20.03Maldiviaalso remember, lua doesn't do a full boolean evaluation, so: x() and y(); <-- if x() returns false/nil, y() is never executed
21:21.47VoidRaiderthanks mate :)
21:23.02|FF|Im2good4ui like that system since i can avoid errors whit it like if x and y[x] then wont make an error if x is nil
21:23.59VoidRaideryeah true, it has some sense :)
21:24.51VoidRaiderwhat bothers me a bit in LUA is the VB syntax haha
21:25.55VoidRaiderI like to use semantics more, it makes it easier :P
21:26.57VoidRaiderbut generally it's great language :)
21:33.03Kasoi find my productivity on writing addons goes up 10000% when the beta servers are down
21:33.29|FF|Im2good4ulol kaso
21:33.45|FF|Im2good4uiv been at beta but i dont wana know everything of ourland yet so i kinda stoppped it ;P
21:34.49|FF|Im2good4uVoidRaider: wut do u mean whit semantics?
21:35.10Teomyrand i'm still waiting for my key :/
21:36.11|FF|Im2good4usome guy was selling a BC key ingame for gold :P
21:36.24VoidRaidersemantics means like if(x) { } the brackets syntax is much more easier for me
21:36.46|FF|Im2good4uah that way
21:36.48VoidRaiderthen using if() then end etc
21:37.06|FF|Im2good4uyeh i had to get used to it aswel when i left from C :P
21:38.53|FF|Im2good4ualso the thing that u do not need to decleare a variable bothered me at the beginning since i can easly miss-spell one name and lua would accept it.
21:39.37grimmanHehe, VB has an option to turn on such functionality. ;D
21:39.45MeryI think it's a good exercise for you (|FF|Im2good4u) to learn to type with more care!
21:39.56|FF|Im2good4uMery it isnt
21:40.18|FF|Im2good4uim used to copy pasting every varriable name its not efficient but its safe :p
21:40.30Mery(it is meant kinda ironic)
21:40.41Meryoh I usually copy paste alot of names too
21:40.52VoidRaiderYeah Strict Options however VB also has alot of things you can't control that can result alot of mistakes
21:41.00Merythe problem is if I got a typo and then actually type the name somehwere else
21:41.06*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
21:41.08grimmanOf course. It's the very nature of VB, isn't it?
21:41.16Meryit costs me at least 10 min to figure out
21:42.55|FF|Im2good4uyeh me 2
21:43.14|FF|Im2good4ui rewrote half of my RaidLeaderAssist becase i spelled Riad :p
21:43.30KasoDoes anyone know how the lines with gems on tooltips work now?
21:43.37|FF|Im2good4ui do!
21:43.42|FF|Im2good4ui searched it all out :P
21:43.48Maldiviathere are textures in the tooltip
21:43.50Maldiviathat are set
21:43.51grimmanOh my, a new Steven Seagal movie. The moviesphere is crumbling. ;P
21:44.10Kasois there anywhere i can read up about how it works?
21:44.21|FF|Im2good4ui gues not yet :P
21:44.37Kasoor can you tell me, how i'd go about making a line with a gem on it
21:44.49|FF|Im2good4ubut just like u can add lines to a tooltip u can also add 4 textures to it
21:45.26MaldiviaGameTooltipTexture1:SetTexture(...) GameTooltipTexture1:Show() GameTooltipTexture1:SetPoint("LEFT", GameTooltipTextLeft8, "LEFT")
21:45.49Maldiviawell, that would probably work :)
21:45.52Kasoand you say there are 4 textures?
21:45.59Maldivia8 textuyres
21:46.08|FF|Im2good4uthere is a simpel GameTooltip:AddTexture aswel but its called different
21:46.09Kasocool ty muchly
21:46.26Maldiviaok, the add texture method might be better :)
21:46.41KasoAddTexture(texture,line) is it?
21:46.55Maldiviatry a /run GameTooltip:AddTexture()
21:47.01Maldiviaand see if you get a syntax
21:47.08Kasoi cant get onto beta
21:47.18Cidesilently fails
21:47.29Cidesilently succeeds I suppose
21:47.38Cideit shifts the text to the right
21:47.59MaldiviaAddTextures sets the texture for the last line you added
21:48.00Cidebut :Show() doesn't make the tooltip wider
21:48.13VoidRaiderDo creation of frames dynamically using CreateFrame have any issues nor limits I need to know about ?
21:48.26Kasothey cant be removed
21:48.34Cidenor can frames created in xml
21:48.49Kasowell, true.
21:48.51VoidRaidertrue, but thats reasonable
21:49.02|FF|Im2good4uisnt the onl prob that dynamicly created frames use more cpu at the time of creation ?
21:49.03CideVoidRaider: 1) you can't set an OnLoad handler and expect it to run, 2) you can't create virtual frames
21:49.22VoidRaideroh ok great :)
21:49.55|FF|Im2good4ui personaly sux at xml so i use CreateFrame a lot :P
21:50.03VoidRaiderhaha :D
21:50.15Maldiviaframes created with CreateFrame, inherits it's security-settings from it's parent
21:50.15Cidesucksing at XML must... suck
21:50.35CideMaldivia: isn't that also true with xml?
21:50.41|FF|Im2good4uwell i use WoW UI Desinger to make the basic ui :p
21:51.04MaldiviaCide: yeah
21:51.17Cidethought so
21:51.26Maldiviabut it can be used, in conjunction with the SecureRaidHeader etc, to make child frames, that can also be altered
21:52.26VoidRaiderSo where can I safely initialize it after onload ? would it be safe to do the creation inside the event VARIABLES_LOADED ?
21:52.30KirkburnI find Tempest Keep's lack of Outland disturbing ...
21:52.58Maldiviait was just to point out the difference between f=CreateFrame("Frame", nil, nil, "SecureFrameTemplate") f:SetParent(parent)  and  f=CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent, "SecureFrameTemplate")
21:53.01|FF|Im2good4uVoidRaider: after creation :P
21:53.29|FF|Im2good4uu create it and after that u can do stuff whit it in the same function
21:53.39VoidRaiderah ok :)
21:53.54*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
21:53.58VoidRaiderthx :D
21:54.12MaldiviaVoidRaider: depends what you're making... if the frames needs to be created depending on some saved variables, it would be logical to postpone the initialization of the frames till after the variuables had been loadedr
21:55.20|FF|Im2good4uhmm tru but if u create the frame later on while playing ingame that event never fires again
21:55.55Cideif you do it after, your variables are already loaded so the point is void
21:56.15*** join/#wowi-lounge sTw`InsaOFF (
21:56.49VoidRaider*confused* :P if I create the frame I need to recreate it everytime I use it Oo ?
21:57.38VoidRaidersure the event will never fire again but I need to create the frames only once :P
21:58.01Merythe only thing with creating it in reaction to SAVED_VARIABLES is that saved variables gets only fired once at startup, in the case you make your addon Load on Demand you won't get a VARIABLES_LOADED
21:58.17Meryso you could move it into ADDON_LOADED and arg1 == "AddonName"
21:58.19VoidRaiderahh ok :)
22:00.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Insa (
22:01.10Merythat SAVED_VARIABLES should have been VARIABLES_LOADED but I guess you got it =)
22:02.11VoidRaideryeah lol :)
22:10.31*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
22:16.44*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
22:20.50KirkburnArgh, someone shout at Blizzard to restart Tempest Keep :(
22:20.58Maldiviait's down?
22:21.01KirkburnC'mon, take a drive to Irvine
22:21.06KirkburnOutland is
22:21.25Maldiviaglad I have a test char in SW?:)
22:25.42MaldiviaShard of the Virtuous, main hand mace, +299 healing... lvl 70 epic from Karazhan...
22:26.38Cidepretty similar to Hand of Eternity
22:26.55Kasorestart in 15
22:27.27KaoS`how is the multi open gl on the intel macs in the 2.0 beta patch ?
22:27.29VoidRaiderI'm always near Og, safe place haha :)
22:30.25MaldiviaCide: hmm, yeah
22:30.36MaldiviaCide: it's just weird seeing that high numbers in a 1hander
22:30.44Cideyeah :)
22:30.49Cideit's crazy
22:31.10Maldiviatwisting neather is the highest lvl60, right?
22:31.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Gello (
22:32.09Cidethink so
22:32.31CideI wish there were more stats though
22:32.46Cideright now, it feels like healer progression = more +healing
22:33.00Cidesure it helps, but it's boring
22:33.33Maldiviawell, 1handers has always been low stats, but high dmg/healing
22:33.47Maldiviaand staves have been high stats, and lower dmg/healing
22:34.21Cideyeah, but most healing staves are just +15-30 int, +15-40 stamina, +X healing
22:35.05MaldiviaStaff of Infinite Mysteries, 55 stam, 46 int, 18 hit, 159 dmg
22:35.21Cidethat's a dps caster staff
22:35.30Cidespell hit is useless for healers
22:35.34MaldiviaI know
22:35.46Maldiviahaven't foind a single epic healer staff yet
22:35.49Maldivialvl 70
22:35.54Cideunrelated, that's a pretty awesome staff
22:36.35Maldiviawell, you have hit so you can MC better... hehe
22:37.04Cidewell, how I see it
22:37.44Cidecaster stats: spell hit, spell crit, spell penetration, mana regen(spi/mp5), +dmg, +healing, int, sta
22:38.00Cidethat's under mana regen
22:38.04Maldiviayeah, noticed :)
22:38.24Cideall but +healing are useful for dps casters, whereas +healing, int, sta & mana regen are the only useful ones for healers
22:38.36Cideleaving 4 totally useless stats in most cases
22:38.52Maldiviayeah, crits are useless for healing..
22:39.09Cidethey are, in current content :)
22:39.25Maldiviawell, I'd rather have consistant healing, that spiky healing
22:40.09Maldiviabut then again, what would you use spell hit and spell penetration for, when healing?
22:40.46Cideyou wouldn't
22:40.52CideI'm just ranting about the lack of unique healer stats
22:41.06Cidedps casters have 4, healers have one
22:41.07Maldiviathey should just add more healer procs
22:41.44Cideas long as they're not called Holy Concentration (worst talent ever)
22:42.09MaldiviaI love Clearcasting on my mage :)
22:48.54TemClearcasting is HUGE in raids
22:49.06Cidewhat's the proc rate?
22:49.26Cideroughly twice that of holy concentration
22:49.44Temyou get a proc and cast arcane missiles
22:50.03Cideholy concentration comes down to a ~8-10% mana reduction on two spells
22:50.23Temah, clearcast is 100% reduction on 10% of spells
22:50.35Tembut you can get better than 10% if you use it well
22:51.01Cideit'd be a 6% reduction if it'd be exact
22:51.08Cidebut a bit more factoring in mana regen
22:51.17Cideimproved healing, two tiers above (that is, a "weaker" talent), is 15%
22:51.35Cideand it's reliable
22:55.25MaldiviaTem: Clearcasting is useless with arcane missiles in beta :|
22:55.34Temwhy's that?
22:55.44Maldiviawell, if you spec deep arcane anyway
22:55.54Maldiviathe talent that gives you +30% crit from clearcasting
22:56.22Maldiviabut since Arcane Missiles is a channeled spell, the mana is lost when you begin the cast, thus you loose the +30% crit before the first bolt is fired
22:56.58Maldiviaso well, clearcasting ins't useless, but it's improved talent is,
22:58.44TemMaldivia, hah, I hadn't thought of that
22:59.04Maldiviareally bad design from Blizzard
22:59.08TemI tried a deep arcane spec and hated every moment of it
22:59.42Maldiviaa 40,18,3 or 40,21,0 build can be really deadly
23:01.13Maldivia+25% dmg from int (with talents, 4.6 int = 1 dmg), +3% post-dmg, +3% crit, +30% crit on
23:01.31Maldiviaon clearcasting, +50% crit damage, and ignite on top of that
23:01.52Maldiviaehh, not 4.6 :)
23:02.25Maldivia3.5 :)
23:02.39Maldiviaor something like that
23:03.46Maldiviaif you're a gnome, Arcane Intellect (+31) adds 10 damage
23:05.09*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlKFI (
23:07.32TemMaldivia, the extra spell damage is nice, but I found thta 5/5 Fire Power gave me the same bonus
23:07.50Temnow, my crits were a few hundred damage more
23:08.07Maldiviathe problem with fire power, is that's it's pre-dmg
23:08.11Maldiviaso it doesnt scale
23:08.13Temno it's not
23:08.18Temit *does* scale :)
23:08.25Maldiviawhen did they change that?
23:08.31Temit's always been that way
23:08.50Temsame way that Peircing ice is after damage
23:08.53Cidethey changed all healing spells to be post-+healing
23:08.58Maldiviapiercing ice is pre-damage
23:09.11Cideand most (all?) damage spells have been post-+damage
23:09.20Cidedid something change in expansion?
23:09.33Temthe frostbolt multiplier is 3/3.5*.95*1.06
23:09.39MaldiviaArcane Instability is post now, used to be pre aswell
23:09.48Temno idea about that one
23:10.06Maldiviathe +6% frost is pre on live
23:10.14Tem3/3.5 (cast time) * .95 (snare penalty) * 1.06 (3/3 peicing ice)
23:10.16Temno it's not!
23:11.00MaldiviaNoticed how your tooltip update when you put points in it?
23:11.25Maldiviameaning, it alters the BASE damage - meaning it's before dmg gear and other modifiers
23:11.47Cideare you sure? :)
23:11.56Temwhy then does the formula I just posted acrruately describe how much bonus from spell damage frostbolt gets?
23:12.25MaldiviaI have no idea why it does for you, because it doesn't for me
23:12.33Temhave you tested?
23:12.41Maldiviayes, a lot
23:12.42CideMaldivia: if you have (base + dmg*coefficient) * bonus, the bonus would apply to both base and dmg*coeffient obviously, so it'd make sense to update the base value in the tooltip to me
23:12.44Tembecause I have
23:12.54CideI don't know which is true though, I'll let you sort that out!
23:13.13MaldiviaCide: there's a difference on base*1.06 + dmgmod  vs (base + dmgmod)*1.06
23:13.42Cidebut it would increase the base value in both cases, so it'd make sense to update the tooltip in both cases as well
23:13.56Temhmm, I wonder
23:14.10Cideno idea if it *does* that in practice, that's just how I would do it as a designer
23:15.32TemMaldivia, If you trust Theorycraft, his forumla agrees with me
23:16.50KirkburnWoo, Soulshatter :D
23:18.52Maldivialet me do some tests
23:21.42*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
23:22.51CideI forgot that the game doesn't allow for moving more than one object at a time with :StartMoving
23:23.00Mikmabtw, I died.
23:23.41Cideneed more NR, Mikma
23:24.18Mikmathink so?
23:24.30KirkburnI'm guessing so did everyone else
23:24.49Cidewhy'd I type that in swedish?
23:24.57Cidemust've been because I was having another conversation in swedish
23:25.07KirkburnNon lo so
23:25.12Cidewhile talking to my family in swedish
23:25.40Cideshort circuit for the win!
23:29.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
23:37.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=Mike@
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23:41.15KirkburnI need a beta guide: "What to do at level 66"
23:41.38Cidesimple; get to 67
23:41.53TainI get my kicks on level 66.
23:41.56Kirkburnargh :)
23:43.10Cideok, I need to settle a debate
23:43.18Cidekeira knightley or angelina jolie?
23:43.54Cidethat's not a valid vote!
23:44.22Mike-N-GoI finished my addon 'LFG/LFG Helper'
23:44.45KirkburnAngelina Jolie, just
23:44.47MeryI vote for Keira!
23:45.08KirkburnI like my women to exist in more than 2 dimensions :)
23:45.11Mike-N-GoAs long as party is not spread across a raid, and no one is disconnected, it will work.
23:45.15MikmaCide: keira
23:45.17Cidehaha, Kirkburn
23:45.22CideI agree
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23:45.53Mikmaangelina is bi. that's a plus but keira is still better. she likes corsets
23:45.56MaldiviaMike: just in time for the next patch, where the LFG channel has been removed
23:46.08KirkburnBut it's a close one, since Keira is british, and nice :)
23:48.05Cidekeira is owning it up, it seems
23:48.23TainJolie has more than two dimensions.  Her lips are a dimension of their own.
23:53.08KirkburnWunderbar, what an informative sentence: "Alliance and Horde towns exist respectively"
23:53.27Cidehaha, REALLY? ;)
23:53.40KirkburnThis is a description of Terokkar :P
23:54.02KirkburnRespective to what, one wonders ...
23:54.36KirkburnI was just looking for more quests - never thought to visit the lake in northern Terokkar
23:54.39Cideto mars' position on the sky
23:56.09*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (n=qw@
23:56.15KirkburnOne of the Blades Edge Mountains quests is kinda hard to complete - you're supposed to find Toshley in the gnome town
23:56.24KirkburnPity he doesn't and never has existed in the game
23:56.38KirkburnDespite, uh, the town being named after him
23:57.07KirkburnAwesome cannon though =)

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