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00:31.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Qshadowp (n=Shadow@
00:33.50KasoSeracht you might wanna bug haste or [Ammo]
00:38.43kergothquestion... i've never used the ptr before, but want to.  where the hell do i get the necessary patch/client? i think
00:40.11jaxdahl i think
00:40.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Grem (
00:40.22jaxdahl'download the client'
00:41.31kergothyou mean the link thats a 404 when navigated to from the main wow site?
00:41.32kergoththat link?
00:41.58Cairennit isn't a dud link for me
00:43.02kergoth404 here.  currently logged into the wow site, do i need to logout first? or did blizz change their dns and it hasnt propogated yet?
00:43.50kergothah, its a good thing their site links to downloads.html instead of llinking to a non-existant index
00:44.05kergoth~lart blizzard
00:44.09jaxdahla very good thing indeed
00:44.24jaxdahllimits the # of peo^H^H^Hidiots on the PTR
00:44.39kergoththere are two links on
00:44.43kergothtwo download client links
00:44.45kergothone is valid, one is invalid.
00:44.52kergothblizzard needs to fix their site, thanks.
00:44.58kergothnext time you're gonna talk shit, at least be accurate.
00:45.37jaxdahli'm talking shit?
00:45.38*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
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00:46.08Cairennboys ...
00:46.12kergothyes, throwing unfounded insults certainly is
00:46.15kergothgrow up.
00:48.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
00:56.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Rajura (
00:57.22GremIs there a way to check if the mouse is inside a specific frame?
00:57.38GremI basically want to set a GameTooltip every OnUpdate if the mouse is inside a frame
00:57.45GremIs that possible?
00:59.20GremHow? =)
00:59.44TullerMouseIsOver(frame, topOffset, bottomOffset, leftOffset, rightOffset)
01:00.11GremTight, thanks!
01:01.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
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01:48.14blixemanyone here familiar with the buff changes in 6144?
01:48.35cladhairewhich ones?
01:48.44cladhairethe 1 index versus the 0?
01:48.48cladhaireor whatever that was?
01:49.04blixemwas it in BuffFrame.lua?
01:49.16cladhairedo you have a specific change you're looking at?
01:49.19blixemtrying to find the change on wdn so I can attempt to figure ot a problem
01:49.33cladhairelemme check there too
01:49.36cladhaireso we're looking at the same thing
01:50.08blixemlooking at Morganti's Buffbars, trying to figure out why debuffs start in slot 2 instead of 1, which is probably the indexing change
01:50.36blixembut aside from that thei debuff bar shows all active in 6144 vs 6108
01:50.46blixemI'm hoping one wil lead me to find two.
01:51.37blixemand you'll have to bear with me, I'm used to PERL and Python, so trying to wrap my head aroudn lua/xml is interesting.
01:51.48cladhaireThe 'Angelina Jolie of applications'
01:51.48cladhaireHand-crafted from sheet metal and plastic gel, NewsFire exudes sex appeal.
01:51.55cladhairebad copy/paste, but still funny
01:52.01cladhairethat shows the change you're looking at.
01:52.16cladhairethere used to be a BuffButton0, now there isnt they begin at 1 and go to 24
01:52.34cladhairein reality, the limit is higher than 24, but that should fix it fory ou
01:52.54blixemthanks, now to dive into morganti's
01:53.13cladhaireshould be a matter of changing the loops from 0-23 to 1-24
01:53.29cladhaireand with that, i'm off for food
01:54.01cladhairezomg thanks!
01:54.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Neuro_Medivh (
01:54.59Neuro_Medivhopinion:  What do you think the minimum acceptable FPS in wow should be?
01:56.05*** join/#wowi-lounge abug (
01:56.20Cairennopinion: impossible to answer, too many variables
01:57.02Neuro_MedivhTrying to decide whether to go to 1600x1200 or stick with 1024x768
01:57.16jaxdahlNeuro_Medivh, 20 is acceptable imo
01:57.21jaxdahl30-40 if you're PvPing
01:57.44Neuro_MedivhI'm right around 30 in 1600x1200, hitting 45-50 in 1024x768
01:57.59jaxdahli play at 1920x1200
01:58.19ckknightNeuro_Medivh, I get about 7 or so ;-)
01:58.32Neuro_Medivhthe real advantage is, of course, more UI space =)
01:59.22ckknightthere is that...
01:59.38ckknightyou could just change your UIScale to accomplish that, though
02:00.07ckknightoh well, classtime
02:00.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
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02:13.53[Cu]WerikI'd go crazy with 30 fps Oo
02:14.32XLVIII'm about to make a Rogue -- Orc, Troll or Undead? It'll mostly be for raiding, but I still want to own in Battlegrounds.
02:15.00TainUndead tell the best jokes.
02:15.13TainAnd have the best racial for pvp.
02:15.31Neuro_MedivhActually, I contend that human males tell the best jokes
02:15.47Neuro_Medivhthe parrot joke > all
02:15.58TainThe human jokes are good.
02:16.02TainBut the Undead jokes are great.
02:17.43grimmanNot the female undead.
02:17.45Neuro_Medivhoff topic: anyone know an easy way to look at the various fonts in Clearfont addon?  Or is it just manual editting and reloading?
02:18.06TainYeah I'm one of those crazy guys who doesn't make female characters.
02:18.12TainWhat a loon!
02:19.10KirkburnEditing and reloading, I'm afraid
02:19.28Kirkburn(also, Tain = loon, true)
02:19.43KirkburnYou can open the font files and see them that way too, of course :P
02:19.44Neuro_MedivhKirk, you gotta exit all the way out I suppose?
02:19.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Seracht (
02:19.53Serachtanyone here know how the stances work in Bongos?
02:19.58KirkburnNot sure, try without
02:20.03SerachtStealth: switch bar 1-7 by #
02:20.06Serachtwhat does the # mean
02:20.18Tullerpages, essentially
02:20.23Neuro_MedivhAhh, forgot there is a fontview exe
02:20.42Tullergiven a 12 button bar, switching by 1 will switch over by 12 buttons, 2 24, 3, 36, etc
02:20.59Serachtwhat do you mean
02:21.21Seracht:s wierd
02:21.57Tullerthe range would mean that bars 1-7 would all switch
02:22.00XLVIIIs there a website somewhere that lets me look at Armor Sets without the Helmet on, and change the hair, skin color and features?
02:22.34Serachthow would I switch just the bars then
02:22.39SerachtLike I just want 1 to switch with 7
02:22.40Serachtnothing else
02:22.58Tullerswitch bar 1 by 6 :)
02:23.17Serachtah thanks a lot bud
02:24.31TainYou know what bugs me the most about the way bars are set up is that they were designing it from the ground up and I can't for the life of me imagine a time that someone could have convinced me it was a good idea to do it the way it is.
02:25.23Tullerwhat would you change about them?
02:26.52TainIt's like it was all designed around having a single bar, ever.
02:27.26TainWhich is ok if it really were, but the capability of having more than one bar was one of the first things done in addons.
02:27.43jaxdahlhaving a single visible bar, you mean?
02:28.03Thunder_Childi would have to say they did it for screen space. one bar with 7 "Pages" if far more compact then 200 buttons on the screen
02:28.17jaxdahlthey cater to the lowest common denominator
02:28.59TainGenerally yes, but I don't think that thought is really what you mean here.
02:29.57TullerIts probably that they didn't expect people to put each rank of a spell ever on a single bar
02:30.30TainIt's also combined with the somewhat hackish ways the code has evolved to handle other bars in the default UI.
02:30.48TainCorrect me if I'm wrong, but they didn't add turning on other bars in the default UI until a couple patches after retail release
02:31.31Thunder_Childthey cannot see the future, they do not know what will be needed
02:31.49TainActually the biggest thing that bugs me is it's centered around 12 button bars, and not customizable.
02:33.05TullerYep, multi action bars were added a few patches post release
02:33.15TainFor so many other things to be very changable from the beginning it annoys me that there are other things that are hard-coded.
02:34.27TainNot that it matters, it is what it is.
02:34.41TainBut spending so much time on button/bar coding frustated me.
02:36.30jaxdahlthe # of buttons is still hardcoded, right?
02:36.33TainAnd the new secure frame stuff even more so when I think it's an overbearing solution in general.
02:37.06a-stray-catcan you do [exists,target=focus]?
02:37.12jaxdahlauthors will get used to it, but it will make it harder for someone with an 'idea' to fiddle around and get a great mod out to the public
02:37.21jaxdahla-stray-cat, sure
02:37.30a-stray-catdoes it check if your foucs exists
02:37.32a-stray-cator just your target?
02:38.09jaxdahlwell, the conditional is applied to the subject of target=
02:38.37jaxdahlso it checks if your focus exists
02:38.54jaxdahlif you wanted to check if your target existed, it would be [exists,target=target]
02:39.07Neuro_Medivhtarget=target is implied
02:39.14jaxdahltrue, but is more concise
02:39.17jaxdahl'target=' is kind of an unfortunate naming convention
02:39.40Neuro_Medivhalso, the change in target is performed first, before any conditionals are evaluated
02:39.51Neuro_Medivhjax, can you suggest a better one?
02:49.04kergothi kinda like the new state stufff, conceptually.  it needs some extensive documentation that doesnt suck ass though, badly
02:49.07*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (
02:49.29cladhairethe code is its documentation nub =)
02:49.34cladhairei agree, btw :P
02:49.49kergothwell, clearly it was expected that the comments at the top would be the documentation
02:49.58kergothbut its badly organized, unclear in some areas, and is missing stuff
02:50.10cladhairewell the code has been changing, and the documentation hasn't.
02:50.20kergothwhat else is new :) that always happens
02:50.29cladhairefor the most part its accurate, but tough to jump into =)
02:50.53kergothit seems pretty unclear to me.  for the fact that ! inverts a condition in a rules list in general, you have to look in one specific usage of it, visibility
02:51.03kergothit doesnt clearly and concisely list the valid syntaxes and where they're used
02:51.05kergothwhich bugs me
02:51.24Tullerit should totally be ~ since we're using lua :)
02:51.56cladhairewe need BNF for the state headers imo
02:52.45Tullerthat would definitely help
02:52.52kergothprobably, but i'd be going "wait, why are they taking the one's complement of 1 in that rules list?"
02:52.55kergoth(too much C)
02:53.32Tullermy current solution was, "Look at cog's bar mod to see what he said"
02:53.56cladhairemine is to avoid them until someone writes what I need.
02:54.23cladhaireI've had enough trouble keeping my portions of the code straight
02:54.24kergothi dont have a solid grasp on it yet, just started looking at it the other day and started some basic stuff, expecting to be able to learn it all step by step, but thats difficult when one cant quickly and easily grasp all aspects of a given syntax
02:54.30kergothbut whatever, i'm done ranting now :P
02:54.39cladhaireslouken keeps adding things I've asked for, and I forget to go back and implement the frontend to it.
02:55.45kergothcladhaire, did i show you my ghetto iteration over multiple returned values from a function?
02:56.34cladhairelol nice
02:56.53kergothproper tail calls for the win
02:56.57TainI like the comments in Blizzard's Lua.
02:57.17kergothcomments in anyones code are often amusing
02:57.24TainStuff like -- Whaa???
02:57.25kergothi enjoy the ones in the linux kernel quite a bit
02:57.55cladhaireTain: The best is the --Temporary fix (temporary meaning 2 years)
02:58.01Tainheheh yeah
02:58.03kergothi remember reading a block in one of the architecture init c files quoting linus saying that you cant properly write a driver until you've taken the hardware specs out back and pissed on them and burned them, or somesuch
02:58.16Tainhah nice
03:00.21kergothi wish my puppy would stop trying to eat his own foot
03:00.23cladhairewow.. its been a long time since I've seen tain and kergoth chatting
03:00.28cladhaireso, anyone here from the UK?
03:00.58TainI wanna be anarchy.
03:01.08cladhaireanarchy tastes like chicken imo
03:01.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
03:02.19Thunder_Childanyone know a good mac emulator?...or a stable mac O/S that can run on an intel chipset
03:02.40cladhairedamnit.. my WC3 CD is broken.
03:02.41TainA Mac emulator?
03:02.46TainHave you tried an Etch-A-Sketch?
03:03.05cladhaireMy TFT cd is fine tho.
03:03.09blixemThunder_Child: best MAC emulator is a MAC
03:03.14Thunder_Childcute, but unhelpfull
03:03.22Thunder_Childwell idont want a mac
03:03.33Thunder_Childbut i do want to run garage band
03:03.35TainThere's no good Mac emulator.
03:03.35blixemthe MAC OS only runs on MAC
03:03.47kergothdamnit tain, i really didnt want the sex pistols stuck in my head
03:03.49TainAnd OSX runs on an Intel chipset.
03:03.58Thunder_Childis it stable?
03:04.25TainMoreso than Windows.
03:04.30blixemit is stable on the MAC Intel chipset... only recently been ported to non-MAC hardware, and it's not stable.
03:05.36Thunder_Childwell it seems i can emulate powerPC architecture though....
03:07.19blixemThunder_Child: The only MAC emulator I know of that worked at all was SoftMAC, and I don't think it's been updated in a while.
03:07.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian_Alt (
03:08.18TainPear supposedly worked pretty well.
03:08.32blixemlooking at Pear now
03:08.45TainBut my (possibly faulty) memory tells me there's something wrong with it.
03:09.24blixemheh, I love the screenshots section:
03:09.28blixemby the author:
03:09.30blixemThese are screenshots PearPC users send to me. I've no idea about how they managed what you see, so don't bug me about it.
03:10.45KronusYou didn't link anything.
03:11.08blixemsorry lemme rephrase
03:11.14blixemby the author: "These are screenshots PearPC users send to me. I've no idea about how they managed what you see, so don't bug me about it."
03:11.45Kasowasnt PearPC found out to be mostly ripped off code from some open source thing doing similar
03:11.52cladhaireyeah i think so
03:11.53Kasoor am i thinking o something esle
03:12.15Kasoi remeber some drama
03:12.33blixemHasn't been updated in a year in their news section
03:12.34Nom_SoftMac ?
03:13.04Nom_That looks ancient however
03:13.10blixemyeah, it's old
03:13.55TainI'm still annoyed that I ran out of butter.
03:14.07cladhaireI can run some over
03:14.11cladhaireif you can wait five hours.
03:14.20Kasooh wait, perhaps it was the other way around, pearPC was the stolen from one :
03:14.23cladhaireCairenn was supposed to come down for dinner yesterday, but she ditched me.
03:14.45TainI don't have to start baking until the morning so that's ok with me
03:14.55blixemPear hasnt' been updated in a year from what I can tell, it's been long enough that sf doesn't have stats on their cvs
03:15.01Corr[home]phht. baking is for people who like breads
03:15.07Corr[home]you breadho
03:15.19*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
03:15.20TainI'm baking bread, in fact.t
03:15.20blixembread = teh win
03:15.39blixemI'm a hot fresh bread fiend
03:15.45cladhaireme too
03:15.49TainA fresh loaf of garlic rosemary bread, and bread pudding.
03:16.07cladhaireI'm 13!
03:17.26blixemI swear to god if they ever make it possible to 'download' information into your brain like the matrix, I'm starting with programming languages.
03:17.36Thunder_ChildTain, try that in sourdough, it's great
03:17.38cladhairewhy not just learn them now?
03:17.50blixemcladhaire: I am... I'm just old and it's slow.
03:17.53Tainug sourdough is such a pain in the ass
03:17.58TainI do like sourdough.
03:18.12TainBut making a good sourdough from scratch can bite me.
03:18.25Thunder_Childi used to get a rosemary sourdough from the was devoured
03:18.43blixemsourdough is pretty easy if you keep the starter around
03:19.02TainTherein lies the crux.
03:19.46Thunder_Childit's still worth it, the only bread beter than that is bagels.....nothing better than bagles
03:20.38TainI'd actually love to be able to make a really good bagel.  I've never tried.
03:20.59Thunder_Childme either...hmm..project time
03:21.38Thunder_Childa fun bread to make is Challah
03:22.24TainChallah is good, when I don't make my bread from scratch for bread pudding I'll buy a good loaf of Challah to use.
03:23.12Thunder_Childever try making it?
03:23.49TainNot exactly, but I have made somewhat similar
03:24.36kergothbaking.. i think the most i've ever baked is pork chops or corn dogs or fish sticks.
03:24.50Thunder_Childi would put that under cooking, not baking
03:25.04kergothwell there ya go, i dont bake :)
03:25.13kergothnot exactly a chef
03:25.19TainI'm a good cook, but an excellent baker.
03:25.43kergothi'd like to learn.  working from home has me cooking more often than i used to
03:26.06TainI've actually thought about doing like a small bakery/pastry shop.
03:26.32Mr_Rabies2weee downloading 2.0.1
03:26.33kergothvery cool, you should :)
03:26.34TainSee I'm like an onion
03:26.46kergothyou smell and make our eyes water, no doubt actually has tons of good recipes.  But I always look at and
03:27.22Thunder_Childtain count me in for the bakery
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03:28.00grimman ftw
03:28.08TainI'm an ass about it too.  I once organized a friendly "bake off" at work because I knew I'd win.
03:28.08Thunder_Child is good for recipes
03:28.26TainI like epicurious, they have a lot of stuff there.  Good articles.
03:28.44TainI'm going to check out the cookingforengineers though, never saw that one
03:29.02Thunder_Childsounds like "How to serve man"
03:29.17TainCooking Engineers
03:29.31TainEww I bet engineers would be stringy and tough
03:30.02Thunder_Childnot software engineers
03:30.37TainOh well they'd be tasty.  Lots of nice marbelized cuts.
03:30.49Thunder_Childsadly yes
03:31.33Cairenncladhaire: <3 imo
03:31.40cladhairezomg why?
03:31.40blixemzomg, new bookmark... cookingforengineers
03:31.56CairennI didn't ditch you, my truck is dying
03:32.02blixemthat site is awesome
03:32.09grimmanIt is indeed. :)
03:32.52TainI've been ignoring the problems with my car in the hopes that it keeps going indefinitely.
03:33.06kergothTain, i'm good at that
03:33.26Thunder_Childit is going indefinitely. indefinitely bad
03:34.03TainThe worst part is it is a 2001, it is paid off, and I know it needs work that I don't want to do.
03:34.29CairennTain: unfortunately, it's getting to the point that I can't ignore them any more ... when I'm standing out in the driveway *literally* ripping pieces off it before they fall of ....
03:34.50Tainhehe I know that experience all too well, Cairenn
03:35.48TainI am going to look after the holidays, maybe.  I might be able to buy something new.  And set myself back all the work I did getting  myself out of debt.
03:36.38Cairennlove my truck, she's served me well, but 17 years and 300,000+ on her ... she's gonna just stop one of these days, either that or the cops are gonna pull me over and take her off the road
03:36.50Thunder_Childdo a cost compairison
03:37.00Cairennmechanically, she's still sound ... but the body is SHOT
03:37.32TainI had one car like that.  262,000 miles and the engine was still going strong.  But everything else... not so good.
03:38.06kergothi really need to fix mine, i owe $12k above what its worth at the moment
03:38.44TainIt sucks.  I ran into that with my last vehicle.
03:38.44kergothon another note, yay kraftwerk
03:38.57kergothbuying new sucks
03:39.12TainEnded up having to bite the loss because I was getting killed on gas with my 17-18 mpg
03:39.12kergothi shouldve either bought used or just leased the fucking thing
03:40.10Tainand at the time, 90 miles a day commute
03:40.28kergoththat hurts
03:40.39TainOf course now that it is a 4 mile commute it's a different story.
03:40.47kergothi'm paying $650 a month on my car payment for a car that sits in my driveway, since i'm currently working from home
03:40.59Nom_$650 a month?
03:41.05Nom_That's nothign, i'm paying $500 a fortnight
03:41.13Nom_And I use it maybe 1 day every 2 weeks
03:41.28kergothwhat is it?
03:41.34Nom_2003 Magna
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03:41.58Nom_But then i'm on 42K a year, so it's not so bad
03:42.13Nom_That's AUD, not USD
03:42.15TainI'll still probably buy something new since I have repairs that'll cost me on the current car.  But it sucks
03:42.35Nom_Just get a 1 or 2 year old small car
03:42.41Nom_Corolla or a Laser or something like that
03:42.57Nom_They're worth about AUD $10K
03:43.08Nom_And will last you a good 5+ years at least
03:43.28Nom_Don't buy brand spanking like 20% the second you drive it off the lott
03:43.42TainYeah I'm extra picky about my car.  Probably from spending almost 8 years driving 500 miles a week, but it has to feel almost perfect to me
03:44.12Nom_I wasted so much money on this car
03:44.20Nom_I should have stuck with the 10yr old Camry I had before it
03:44.23Thunder_Childget a small Veryon, with a nice 9.5 mpg city and 19 highway
03:44.30kergoththat loss on driving it off the lot sucks
03:44.49Nom_Yeah, at least if it's pre-owned it's already taken that hit
03:44.49kergothmy 04 crossfire, not only took that loss, than some jackass hit me in the passenger side 3 months after i bought it
03:45.26CairennI would *love* to be able to afford to replace with what I'm currently driving, but even new(er) I just can't justify the gas costs
03:45.35kergothif we had a decent public transit system here i'd love to ditch the vehicle entirely, but..
03:45.38Tainhehe my current car had a tree fall on it during a rainstorm 2 weeks after I got it
03:45.45CairennTain: ouch
03:45.45kergothugh, that sucks tain
03:45.57Nom_There's no country in the world that has a decent enough public transport system to replace a car
03:45.58TainThey had to replace the roof entirely.
03:46.12kergothNom_, :(
03:46.25Thunder_ChildNom_, why an entire country?
03:46.35Nom_Very few cities either :)
03:46.36Thunder_Childsome citys do
03:46.39TainThe guy at the auto shop told me the insurance company would probably just total it.  But they didn't, ended up being something like 6k in repairs.  Of course I jus thad my deductible.
03:46.58Nom_There's always, and I mean ALWAYS somewhere you need to get to that doesn't have public transport coverage
03:47.12Thunder_Childso you walk from the stop
03:47.34Thunder_Childlazy bastard :)
03:47.50kergothin some cities the coverage to most areas is quite extensive.  itll never been full proof, but..
03:47.50Nom_Yeah, I don't have 18 hours to walk to where I need to go
03:47.51kergoth~fishslap purl
03:47.53purlACTION slaps purl up side the head with a wet fish.
03:48.08kergoth~emulate peter
03:48.09purlNow, I know you're a feminist, and I think that's adorable, but this is grown-up time and I'm the man.
03:48.13Nom_If I was to catch the bus/train into work
03:48.21Nom_I would need to walk about 1-2 hours to get to the stop
03:48.38Mr_Rabies22.0.1 goin at 350 K/s
03:48.38Thunder_ChildNom_, what city?
03:48.41Nom_But it's a 45 minute ride on the Motorcycle, so it's all good
03:48.47Nom_Perth, Australia
03:48.51Mr_Rabies2thank you o gods of bittorrent
03:48.57Nom_We have crap coverage up where I live
03:49.11Thunder_Childhitch a ride on a passing kangaroo
03:49.48TainDingos stole my car.
03:49.55kergothhate that
03:50.10kergoth~emulate chris
03:50.12purlI'm so hungry I could ride a horse. I don't get it. Well, I could ride it to the store, I guess.
03:50.17Nom_Motorcycle is all good tho
03:50.28Nom_Costs me less in Petrol to and from work than it does to take the train
03:50.29kergothbah, that quote sucks
03:50.31kergoth~emulate chris
03:50.32purl(holding a rubber condom) Dad, they even have games you can play in the bathroom!  Look, I won a balloon!
03:50.33abug~emulate homer
03:50.59kergoth~emulate bender
03:51.00purlOh cruel fate, to be thusly boned.  Ask not for who the bone bones; it bones for thee!
03:51.30abug~emulate bush
03:52.01abug~emulate Nixon
03:52.42abug~emulate Picard
03:53.25abug~whaleslap purl
03:53.27purlACTION beats purl upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
03:53.44Thunder_Child~whaleparry purl
03:53.45purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry purl's attacks.
03:54.01purlACTION vomit abug
03:54.27Thunder_Child....i think someone needs to fix that one
03:54.45kergoth~forget CMD: vomit (.*?)
03:54.45purli didn't have anything called 'cmd: vomit (.*?)' to forget, kergoth
03:54.51kergoth~forget vomit
03:55.00kergoth~no, vomit is
03:55.10purlACTION vomit kergoth
03:55.21Thunder_Childliteral vomit
03:55.25kergothpurl, no, vomit is <action> vomits on $who
03:55.26purlokay, kergoth
03:55.40abugpurl, I love you
03:55.42purlYou love you?
03:56.01kergothpurl sucks
03:56.02purlFor $5 I'll do more than that!
03:56.02abugpurl, no, I love purl
03:56.26Thunder_Childpurl is such a slut
03:57.33purl[beef] what's for dinner. dead cow, or mad, or tasty
03:58.12purlACTION vomits on abug
03:59.06abugpurl, succubus is <say> Don't touch what you can't afford.
03:59.08purlabug: okay
03:59.13purl[succubus] <say> Don't touch what you can't afford.
03:59.20*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|ZZzz (
03:59.31abugpurl, succubus is Don't touch what you can't afford
03:59.32purl...but succubus is already something else...
03:59.37kergoth~no, succubus is <reply> Don't touch what you can't afford.
03:59.56purlit has been said that succubus is <say> Don't touch what you can't afford.
03:59.59kergothpurl, no, succubus is <reply> Don't touch what you can't afford.
04:00.00purlkergoth: okay
04:00.14purlDon't touch what you can't afford.
04:27.22blixemcladhaire: Thank you.SciTE-WOWInterface = teh win
04:29.07Nom_~emulate imp
04:29.17purlIMAP and PHP3 based webmail system. URL:
04:29.23Nom_stupid bot
04:29.30Nom_~stupid bot
04:29.32purlno, stupid nom_
04:29.51Nom_lol you need to turn off the trigger character
04:29.55Nom_it makes things more interesting
04:30.46Nom_purl: stupid bot is <reply>Stupid human.
04:30.50purl...but stupid bot is already something else...
04:30.56Nom_purl: no, stupid bot is <reply>Stupid human.
04:30.57purlNom_: okay
04:33.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (
04:33.54Mike-N-GoJoshBorke: Ping.
04:41.22blixemomg finally I'm getting it... I hate being old
04:42.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
04:42.24ckknighthey all
04:45.29Thunder_Childyour not old, your chronologicly challenged
04:45.40blixemlaf, thanks
04:47.16`-FISKER_Q\Anyone know why the beta isn't saving it's WDB files?
04:47.56MiravlixTo avoid cashe bugs because thigns change a lot? To slow down data mining?
04:48.34MentalPowerprolly both
04:48.36TainIt's the man trying to keep you down.
04:48.42blixemDamn the man.
04:48.46`-FISKER_Q\well doesn't really matter since the beta isn't in NDA anymore?
04:49.15blixemdatamining anything that isn't accessible in the beta is still NDA
04:49.22TainThey probably still don't want full data easily know to everyone.
04:49.32Nom_I see they added new ranks of Conjure Food and Conjure Water
04:49.36TainThere's enough bitching from people about what they do know about in the beta.
04:51.18`-FISKER_Q\what are the new ranks?
04:53.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
05:00.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
05:00.59Nom_Ranks aren't changing... that I know of
05:01.14Nom_Ranks just no longer control your access to the leet gear, your honor and battleground tokens do
05:01.56zenzelezzI thought he meant the Conjure ranks that *you* mentioned shortly before
05:02.13*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
05:02.38Nom_Well there's new rank of food and water @ 70 according to thott
05:02.48Nom_The items don't exist in the thott database tho, so you can't see what the stats are
05:03.46zenzelezzI like torrents apart from the fact that too many fools don't realize that they should seed if they create one x.x
05:08.17blixemokay ignorant question so hang in there... What is the easiest way to debug variables while in game?  (if I was scripting on linux I'd just add some print statemetns to print the variables)  If I try that in the lua with DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(var); I never see it.
05:09.05kergothaddmessage doesnt tostring() your variable for you. if it isnt a string, it wont necessarily be displayed as expected
05:09.40blixemDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(tostring(var));  should work then eh?
05:10.05kergothmost likely, though i cant say definitively without more information
05:10.41MentalPower|ZZzzyes it will owrk
05:18.34blixemsigh, I fixxed my problem about 20 minutes ago... unfortunately I was working with the file in my regular wow dir, not TBC, which is what I was loaded into and trying to fix.
05:23.24Nom_WTB BE Pally :~(
05:27.46Thunder_Childwhy they are only woth about 10c
05:27.56Thunder_Childs/why/why? /
05:28.31Nom_I'll give you 10g for one!
05:28.36blixemanyone awake that is familiar with SciTE?
05:28.53Nom_They're still not allowing you to roll BE until TBC comes out, are they? :(
05:29.03Thunder_Childyes, in beta
05:29.19Nom_Beta doesn't count
05:29.26Nom_I'm not grinding a pally to 70 twice lol
05:29.29Thunder_Childand i dont play horde, so i wouldnt know about them things
05:30.24Tullerblixem: kinda
05:30.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
05:30.35Nom_I'm hoping they allow pre-orders to roll their characters a week or two before the actual level 70 thing happens
05:30.47Nom_Beacuse I really don't want to have to grind my BE Pally from 1->70 all at once
05:30.58Nom_I'll still do it, but i'd rather not :P
05:31.01blixemTuller: know if it is possible to configure it to not fold "elseif" into the if statements?
05:31.01Thunder_Childi doubt it Nom_
05:31.37Tullerblixem: no idea
05:32.08blixemkk thanks, hopefully cladhaire will be back before I crash
05:36.05Mike-N-GoCan some one tell me what it is I want to do: I am making a addon that does something depending on the amount of party members, how do I make it so I don't have to type out what I want it to do for each party member that is present, wehn the only number that would change is the x in UnitLevel("Partyx") ?
05:37.02blixemyou're wanting it to trigger when someone joins/leaves the party?
05:37.52Nom_You could for loop on it
05:38.00Mike-N-GoI am making a LFM addon that says in LFG: "Level "..UnitLevel("player").." "..UnitClass("player").." looking for group"
05:38.10Nom_err why?
05:38.17Nom_LFG Interface is out in 2 weeks(ish)
05:38.19Mike-N-GoAnd UnitLevel("Partyx").." "..UnitClass("Partyx")
05:38.45Nom_Possibly less, depending on when they're happy with it
05:38.50Mike-N-GoSo,  that still does not prevent me from making my prof of concept thing.
05:40.32Nom_Ah, the joys of being a hobbyist programmer
05:40.45Nom_You can just hack the crap out of stuff with no regard for the future
05:41.06Thunder_ChildNom_, be nice
05:41.27Nom_That wasn't intended to be mean at all
05:41.43purl[mike-n-go] the n00blet that could..  The author of AutoMailDirector, available on WoWI
05:41.43Nom_Just saying, how I wish I could do that lol
05:41.43Mike-N-GoTake a look at that.
05:42.05Mike-N-GoI have only done 1 addon, this is to be my second one, simple I want it.
05:42.25Thunder_Childah, you want the gold spot, the Paid Hobbyist programmer
05:42.34blixemI'm still not sure I understand what you are wanting to do, if you want to do something based on the number of party memebers in your group, just use GetNumPartyMembers()
05:44.00Mike-N-GoWell, the amount of GetNumPartyMembers() repeat UnitLevel("Partyx").." "..UnitClass("Partyx").
05:44.05Mike-N-GoIf that means anything.
05:44.40Thunder_Childso you want the number of ppl, their lvl's and class?
05:44.43Nom_Why not something like "Looking for " .. (5 - GetNumPartyMembers()) .. " more"
05:44.47Nom_Is that what you're after?
05:45.35Mike-N-GoI know I can just do that by hand, add if GetNumPartyMembers() = 2 do SendChatMessage("Level "..UnitLevel("player").." "..UnitClass("player").." and ".."Level "..UnitLevel("Party1").." "..UnitClass("Party1").." looking for more", "CHANNEL", nil, GetChannelName("LookingForGroup"))
05:45.53Nom_Blasphemer !
05:46.19Mike-N-GoAnd, etNumPartyMembers() = 3 do SendChatMessage("Level "..UnitLevel("player").." "..UnitClass("player").." and ".."Level "..UnitLevel("Party1").." "..UnitClass("Party1").."Level "..UnitLevel("Party2").." "..UnitClass("Party2").." looking for more", "CHANNEL", nil, GetChannelName("LookingForGroup"))
05:46.36kergotheh, just iterate over them, gather totals of each class and level, and create a message.  2xrogue(59 and 58) and.. that sort of thing
05:46.47Nom_A for loop, you need.
05:46.51kergothif you really feel you need to output that much information
05:47.09Mike-N-GoBut, how do I get GetNumPartyMembers() to repeat UnitLevel("Partyx").." "..UnitClass("Partyx"). for each paryt member.
05:47.24kergothno offense man, bur rtfm
05:47.28kergoththe lua manual is online
05:47.31kergothas is the book programming in lua
05:47.33blixemfor i=1,4
05:47.36Mike-N-GoI know I can just do it by hand, but I want this loop, it is better to do it in the long run.
05:47.46blixemand replace partyx with party..i
05:48.04Mike-N-GoI was not sure on what section of pil this is in.
05:48.15kergothyou'd have had this done a fair bit ago if you'd read the appropriate chapter in the documentation instead of wasting the time of yourself and others on irc
05:48.34blixemgo read on for loops and look at some examples.
05:48.34Nom_Look at 2.4.5
05:48.35kergothchapter one or two no doubt, loops are one of hte most fundamental control flow structures
05:48.36Nom_In the LUA manual
05:48.47Nom_stat ::= for Name `=´ exp `,´ exp [`,´ exp] do block end
05:48.59Mike-N-Gokergoth and others: I am sorry if you fell I am wasting your time.
05:49.01kergothgo nom, good to see someone knows how to read a table of contents
05:49.30Nom_lol actually, i just control-F'ed for for statement :P
05:49.44kergotheven better
05:49.50Mike-N-GoNom_: What are the "::="  and "`=´" do?
05:50.17Nom_That's just the text on the page doing wierd stuff mostly
05:50.19Nom_Look at that heading
05:50.38kergoththats a bnf of the syntax, but that isnt what you need
05:50.42kergothread the rest of the section
05:52.13Mike-N-GoThanks, your link to the page I need is appreciated.
05:52.54kergothhere's a craaaaazy idea
05:52.57Mike-N-GoI printed out the manual so I could read in my car trip, but I lost it :o
05:53.02kergothwhen you dont know what chapter its in..
05:53.05kergothlook for it.
05:53.07kergothcrazy, i know
05:53.21kergothastounding, no?
05:53.30Mike-N-GoOk, room, sorry for wasting your time.
05:53.51Nom_hmm, is it just me, or does that for loop not follow the conventional C standard?
05:53.52kergothno biggie
05:54.16zenzelezzhow so Nom_? Either way, lua isn't C
05:54.31kergothfor i=1,5,2 does too follow c standard.  initial value, end condition, means of inrementing (in this case, how many to increment)
05:54.36kergothbut yeah, as he says, this isnt C
05:54.39Nom_for (<initialize> ; <condition> ; <loop action>) {
05:54.48MiravlixEverything is C
05:54.49Nom_ah kk
05:55.04Nom_The description just looks really wierd in that manual to me :)
05:55.05kergoth1 is your initial value, 5 is your end value, 2 is how many its incrementing by in each pass
05:55.06kergothno different
05:55.10kergothbut theres two for syntaxes.
05:55.12kergoththeres also the generic for
05:55.12MiravlixIts the language all developers has used and most of them is even written in C
05:55.25MiravlixSo the devs of it is most CERTAINLY C influenced heavily
05:55.44Nom_right, so you can do for v=0, v<10 ; v++ ?
05:55.46zenzelezzI didn't say it's not influenced by C, I said it isn't C
05:55.55Nom_I'm assuming v++ is an operation in LUA for this example sake :P
05:56.00kergothfor v=0,10,1 do
05:56.01kergothta da
05:56.05kergothwhew, that was hard
05:56.13MiravlixAnd my mother, isnt me, the point being?
05:56.19Nom_aww, that limits a little bit tho :(
05:56.21MiravlixWerid ass statement
05:56.24kergothif you want anything more complex than that the generic for gives you ANYTHING you want
05:56.31kergothread the chapter on the generic for and iterators in PIL
05:56.36zenzelezzgo troll somewhere else Miravlix
05:56.38kergothwell, almost anything ;)
05:57.23ckknightalso, not everything is C
05:57.31ckknightC is not the be-all-end-all of languages
05:57.33Nom_I'm spoilt by Perl
05:57.39kergothMiravlix, you're assuming that the influence is toward and not against. that isnt necessarily the case. your analogy is flawed.
05:57.41Nom_So I expect for and while loops to do magical things
05:57.50ckknightyou can compile some languages directly to ASM, without any C influence whatsoever
05:57.54kergothjust because i've seen c doesnt mean i like it or want my language to be similar to it
05:58.04MiravlixSaying Lua isnt C has no meaning
05:58.19MiravlixSo excuse me for reading something else
05:58.48kergothexcuse us for assuming people in this channel had some capacity for intelligent interpretation instead of blind literal reading.
05:58.55zenzelezzit's a simple way, and common, of saying "since lua isn't the same as C, it doesn't have to adhere to C's rules"
05:59.04ckknightwell put, zenzelezz
05:59.17Nom_Nothing needs to adhere to C's rules :)
05:59.42Nom_It just makes it easier to move between languages if the syntax is *similar*
05:59.48kergothsshhh, nobody adheres to conventions, everyone only follows lthe literal definitions, right Miravlix?  we wouldnt want to use a common literary convention here.
06:00.02kergothobviously everything is black or white
06:00.05Nom_You can fairly effortlessly move between C, PHP and Perl, because they share a similar syntax markup
06:00.09ckknightNom_, but what if C's syntax isn't necessarily optimal?
06:00.27Nom_Nothing is ever optimal
06:00.36kergothoptimal is a matter of degree.
06:00.38ckknightbut some things are better than others.
06:00.45ckknightso there is no perfection
06:00.49Nom_As is the way of the world
06:00.54ckknightbut there is always a theoretical "better"
06:01.22Nom_Generally, there are things which a language does "better" than anything else
06:01.23Mike-N-GoNight, sorry for asking something so easy to look up.
06:01.33ckknightI'd consider lua's `for i = start, finish do ... end` to be cleaner and terser than C's `for (int i = start; i < finish; i++) {}`
06:01.33Nom_I put "better" in quotes, because that's a matter of opinion
06:01.51ckknightit's a matter of opinion, though, really.
06:02.07Nom_Everything is, when it comes to programming languages
06:02.12a-stray-catshould you /bug spelling errors in tbc?
06:02.15kergothwhich is exactly the point, it is a matter of opinion, and a language developer could easily feel that a different syntax is superior to C and outweighs the disadvantages for programmers
06:02.54Nom_the ability to put anything you like in a for loop condition makes a language very powerful is all i'm saying...
06:03.03Nom_That was my point with the for loop anyway
06:03.13ckknightyou can in lua. there are two kinds of for loops.
06:03.37Nom_yeah...from what i'm seeing, one of them is effectively a (perl-style) foreach loop
06:03.58jaxdahla-stray-cat, sure
06:04.00ckknightI'm not too familiar with perl to comment on that
06:04.08Nom_lol blixem ... i was considering linking something like that
06:04.11jaxdahli just got in
06:04.18jaxdahli know perl, what are you talking about
06:04.50kergothi dont know much about foreach, is it able to call custom iterators/generators for an object, rather than just iterating over an array?
06:05.18jaxdahlforeach my $apple ( @apples ) { print $apple . "\n"; }
06:05.29blixemforeach just iterates over an array
06:05.37kergoththen lua's is not like foreach.
06:06.05jaxdahlyou can also do
06:06.28jaxdahlfor ( 0..$start ) { print; }
06:06.48jaxdahl$finish rather than $start
06:06.59jaxdahlprint for ( 0..9 );
06:07.02Nom_perl's loops are insanely powerful when you know how to manipulate them :)
06:07.26blixemI'm not sure what the arguement is here, can't you do those in both lua and PERL?
06:07.27Nom_map {} is my favourite toy lately lol
06:07.34Nom_I'm sure you can
06:07.51kergothno worries, i think nom just hadnt yet played with the generic version of for
06:08.25jaxdahli program in C, PHP and Perl
06:08.33jaxdahland it's rather easy to move between them
06:08.46jaxdahllua's operators are different
06:08.57jaxdahli got confused when i saw '..' in lua
06:09.21blixemjaxdahl: same here
06:09.38cladhaireinitially, yes.. btu i don't think it makes it any more difficult to move between the languages.
06:09.39blixemthen again I deal with PERL and Python at work.
06:09.43kergothi code in shell, m4, lua, python, perl, c, c++, d, among others.  mostly c/c++ and python
06:10.00kergothi dont really see the issue, every language has its syntactic quirks
06:10.05blixemcladhaire: got a sec for a quick SciTE question?
06:10.21cladhairekergoth: amen, and thats really the point imo
06:10.26Nom_I've not played with any LUA actually lol
06:10.26jaxdahlby quick i assume you mean not easy
06:10.35Nom_I just came in here to ask a question a few days ago and never left :P
06:10.45blixemis there anyway to keep SciTE from folding elseif statements into the if's?
06:10.50jaxdahlyeah i've never actually tried to write an addon myself, lol
06:11.08kergothlua's pretty nice, i got exposed to it when i was looking for a good embeddable scripting language for an open source project of mine, then ran into it being used in other OSS projects like monotone
06:11.15kergoththen started playing wow and was pleasantly surprised to see it
06:12.00cladhaireblixem: I'm not sure specifically, I don't think so.
06:12.31blixemkk, I'll have to do more research on it when I'm a little more awake.  Figured I'd ask you if you happened to be around.
06:12.42jaxdahlyes, Lua is a good base language for scripting
06:12.50Nom_Anyone know when 2.0.1 is due to go live? (estimated date) ?
06:12.55jaxdahlyou don't want to have a game have a full blown perl engine in it
06:13.01kergothlua is incredibly easy to embed and to extend, and is extremely lightweight
06:13.09kergothlua's been used in firmware on microprocessors
06:13.20jaxdahlfrom wikipedia -- full reference interpreter is 150kb compiled
06:13.23cladhairethe c implementation of lua is very very nice, and extending it on the C side is so .. simple.
06:13.45kergoththe code in lua proper is pretty easy to grasp too, though itd be nice if there were more comments
06:14.00ckknightI know like 20 or so programming languages, lua is my favorite, and I don't consider lua to be either perfect or complete
06:14.25kergothsome of lua's weaknesses are things i love about it too, leaves me torn
06:14.35kergoththe lack of a capable object model means writing your own is a good learning experience
06:14.41cladhaireindeed.. its easy to be conflicted.
06:15.22jaxdahli didn't know it was used in some of these other games
06:15.30jaxdahlPerl is my favorite
06:15.50ckknightperl is a write-only language
06:15.51cladhairescrew the games
06:15.55cladhaire50% of the Adobe codebase is lua
06:16.18kergothi love perl for text mangling / regex stuff
06:16.20kergoththats about it
06:16.51ckknightI like lua, python, C#, and C, all depending on the situation you're in.
06:17.21cladhaireC# is slick for some things
06:17.26ckknightit has some very nice things
06:17.30cladhairebest tool for the job, thats the moral of the story
06:17.35jaxdahlhere's part of one i had to do today (\*(?:/\*)*)
06:17.37cladhaireI prefer C# to Java for almost anything
06:17.46ckknightthe best thing about C# isn't the syntax, it's the libraries available.
06:17.51ckknightcladhaire, same.
06:18.08cladhaireThe syntax is awfully nice.. they cleaned a bit up, I definitely like it.
06:18.22ckknightI agree.
06:18.24ckknightit is nice
06:18.29jaxdahlcan anyone tell me what my regex does?
06:18.31ckknightI'm not fond of braces, though.
06:18.39ckknightI'd prefer more of a luaesque syntax
06:19.24cladhaireokay, well I'm off to bed
06:19.26cladhairehave a good night all
06:19.31kergothnight clad
06:19.32blixemckknight: we're opposites :)  I prefer braces.  The only thing that could make python easier for me would be braces
06:19.35ckknightcya, cladhaire
06:19.38blixemnight Clad, thanks for the help earlier
06:19.46cladhaireblixem: I helped? =)
06:19.55blixemmost def
06:19.59ckknightbraces are a fad.
06:20.26blixemcladhaire is my hero for the night.
06:20.27ckknighthold shift, press 9 and 0 back and forth randomly.
06:20.32ckknighttada, you have a CLISP program.
06:20.59ckknightanother good one: my other car is a cdr
06:21.09cladhaireblixem: Oh heh
06:21.15cladhaireI will have difficulty maintaining that
06:21.17cladhairesomeone should take it over
06:21.22cladhairebut i suppose I can work on it from my work machine.
06:21.45blixemall I wanted was a damn editor that did minimal syntax highlighting, code folding, and line numbers.
06:21.50cladhairewell there ya go
06:21.51cladhairethat's why i use it
06:22.02cladhairethe calltips for the lua libraries and wowapi are just happy fun =)
06:22.15blixemI haven't even touched them yet, but I am sure I will
06:22.27blixemhappy fun is always good :)
06:23.03blixemOff to bed for me as well
06:23.05blixemnight all
06:24.00jaxdahloops, bug
06:24.21Thunder_Childbetter check your code, i think your syntax is wrong
06:24.33jaxdahlmy eyes are crossed
06:24.38jaxdahland IRC doesn't have syntax highlighting
06:24.43jaxdahli'm screwed
06:26.27Thunder_Childyou wish
06:37.42Thunder_Childwhats a good xml editing program?
06:56.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
07:08.41Nom_Thunder_Child: Notepad.
07:08.53Nom_Personally, I prefer vim however.
07:09.46Thunder_Childhave they ported vim to windows?
07:10.10Thunder_Childor it would be xvim i suppose
07:11.26Nom_Yes, they have.
07:11.33Nom_Many, many years ago.
07:11.43Nom_It's call, funnily enough, 'vim for windows'
07:12.36sylvanaarpfft xmlspy
07:12.44sylvanaarfree version
07:20.41Nom_Why?  I found it takes 5 times as long to create a node in the GUI editors
07:21.29Nom_In the time it takes me to find the node I want to change in a large document, I could have opened it in vim, made the change and loaded BF2 with all the video clips 8 times in a row
07:22.22Temyay, editor elitism
07:22.27Temnothing more pleasant
07:23.22kergothi -love- -love- vim, but i wouldnt recommend it to the faint of heart
07:24.45ckknightI like Notepad2
07:25.07MiravlixEdlin for life
07:26.58Thunder_Childsure tem, we know you hav an opinion as well
07:27.18TemMy opinion is irrelevant
07:27.25Thunder_Childont really, i did ask
07:27.35Temuse whatever turns your ziz-wheel
07:27.48Temfor XML I use XMLSpy
07:27.57Thunder_Childmy "ziz-wheel" is tuning just fine thank you
07:27.57Temas-you-type validation is sexy
07:28.16Temand for lua I use SciTe
07:28.22Thunder_Childyea, i have scite
07:28.41Temcollapsing is retardedly helpful when you start looking in blizzard code
07:29.07Thunder_Childwell vim i know from my linux days, but i will check out XMLSpy
07:29.18Tembut really, I haven't even used XML like a year
07:29.31Nom_It's just a question of efficiency :)
07:29.45Nom_Having used vim every day for the last year, and every other day for years before that, I know how to get around a document
07:30.10Nom_As I said, the time it takes me to load a dedicated XML editor and make the changes, I could have done it in VIM several times over
07:31.20Thunder_Childwell you only need to open it once...should stay up all the time if your coding
07:31.51Nom_Yeah, I normally have anywhere from 1 to 15 documents open in VIM
07:32.08Nom_splits rock :)
07:32.31Nom_I've configured Control-K and Control-J to change between windows
07:32.40Nom_So i can easily and quickly jump between documents
07:36.30kergothwhat i love about vim is the fact that its modal and you arent in edit mode by default, lending to crazy efficient document navigation
07:38.18Nom_none of this Control-F <type> <tab> <Search> stuff
07:38.26Nom_You want to search, it's /<searchterm>
07:38.35Nom_Which is really easy to type in a hurry
07:39.17Nom_You can do 90% if vim's functions without taking your fingers off the keyboard (ie. moving somewhere wierd like arror keys, etc)
07:39.35AnduinLotharwhihc is good if you can type quickly
07:39.44AnduinLotharand bad if you have a horrible memory
07:39.53Nom_yeah, i'm a pretty quick typer
07:40.04Nom_and despite my track record on IRC, usually pretty accurate :)
07:40.35Nom_But then, IRC has a habit of doing that...turning the best typists into noobs :P
07:40.52Thunder_Childi can never remeber the key combos for doing stuff...but then thats prolly cuse i never use it
07:40.54AnduinLotharwhat's it do to us horrible typists?
07:40.59Esamynnuh huh, we're suppose to believe that huh? :P
07:42.17Nom_I don't think the human mind can hold all the possible key combinations in vim
07:42.40Nom_I only recall the handful that I use on a regular basis
07:42.58Nom_I mean, like anyone is going to remember what 'zfa{' does :P
07:43.12AnduinLothar7 +/- 2
07:44.24Nom_(for anyone that doesn't know, 'zfa{' adds a fold in vim, which is like a collapseable code sectionn which you can show and hide)
07:46.13krkaemacs is best! all other editors are crap!
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07:48.41Thunder_Child~burn krka
07:48.50purlACTION pours gasoline all over krka, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze
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08:01.49Nom_I dislike emacs
08:01.57Nom_That's a personal choice for me.
08:02.11Nom_If you like Emacs, you can go and join your little Emacs club, I won't stop you.
08:03.30ckknightI believe the mentality behind both Emacs and Vim is out of date. For example, Vim uses hjkl to move because back in the day bandwidth was expensive and the arrow keys took up more bandwidth than necessary
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08:03.55ckknightthey were also created before mice
08:04.08Nom_but then again
08:04.35Nom_The reason they're so useful now, is because they're the home keys
08:04.53Neuro_MedivhYou do realize how dorky this convo is, right? =)
08:05.03Nom_I disagree that bandwidth was a reason tho
08:05.22Neuro_MedivhNotepad 4 Life!
08:05.23Nom_Given the extra 1 byte per packet wouldn't have affected throughput at all
08:05.24ckknightit was a reason back then, that was a push for not using arrow keys
08:05.37ckknightone of the reasons, though
08:05.54Nom_I suppose it does depend on what protocol it was designed for
08:06.15Nom_But in current-day network technology, there's a packets-per-second limitation which would make that argument moot
08:06.51ckknightvi was designed a long time ago...
08:06.53Nom_There's no sense making packets 1 byte smaller, when they're still going to transmit at the same rate anyway
08:07.29Neuro_Medivhgod, I feel like I'm reading a phrack magazine article =)
08:07.30sylvanaaremacs = satan
08:08.52Nom_I think that sums it up nicely :)
08:09.22ckknightI also don't like vim's state system.
08:09.32ckknightthe escape is too far away to keep switching back and forth
08:10.09ckknightI want to just push down and be there.
08:10.19Nom_And control-<various keys> is easier?
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08:10.24Nom_meh, it's just personal choice
08:10.27sylvanaaremacs needs to be loaded from punch cards or magenetic tape - otherwise its just not as good
08:10.28ckknightinstead of escape-j-escape
08:10.51Nom_Just <escape> now, buddy
08:10.59ElkanoI loled ->
08:15.41Nom_Nice one, Elkano :)
08:16.06Nom_The only problem with that, the water coolers should have little cannons on top of them
08:16.30Nom_After all, you can hardly call a mage just a water cooler if they contribute more than 10% of your raid damage (each)
08:18.47Neuro_MedivhBut they contribute 99% of your water!
08:19.13Neuro_Medivhtherefore, their primary function is water cooler
08:20.34Nom_If mages lost the ability to conjure water tomorrow, you'd still take them for dps
08:20.51Nom_You can always buy water off of vendors
08:21.15Nom_In fact, that would cut about 20 minutes off my raid prep time
08:21.27Nom_It takes aaaaaaaaaages to make 2 stacks of water for most of the raid
08:21.53Nom_And then you get the dehydrated ones coming back to you freakin horses
08:24.38Nom_Then you have the damn warlocks asking for food too
08:24.41Nom_i mean like 'wtf'
08:25.02Nom_Do I look like a vending machine?  Do I?
08:25.09Nom_ahahhaha classic video that one
08:31.11Thunder_Childyes, yes you do
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08:54.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
09:00.24KasoI have this book with "Not for sale in United States" and it's killing me with curiousity as to why.
09:00.55Neuro_Medivhwhat book?
09:01.50KasoReason and Responsibility: Readings in Some Basic Problems of Philosophy
09:03.00Neuro_MedivhMost likely it is contractually prohibited from US sales, due to another company buying the North American publishing rights
09:03.17KasoJoel Feinberg / Russ Shafter-Landau
09:03.28Kasothats boring :<
09:03.46Kasoi want some scandal
09:03.52Neuro_Medivhwell, on the bright side, NewsCorp cancelled the OJ book
09:04.24Kasoiyou know i think it would have been a bestseller.
09:04.34Thunder_Childof cource it woul;d have
09:04.40Thunder_Childespecialy with that name
09:04.48Neuro_MedivhI'm glad Murdoch decided to eat the cost
10:02.02IndustrialNom_: Nomuken?
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11:57.50Maldiviahow will bag frame replacement addons work in 2.0
11:59.00Nom_No, i'm not nomuken
12:03.16Industrialokay :)
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12:04.39KasoMaldivia is any of the container stuff protected? i thought you could still do that all
12:05.02Maldiviahow can I rightclick on a potion, to use it, without secure?
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12:07.27Kasohm, true
12:07.44Maldiviaguess it can be made with a state header, to show/hide the children on a keybin
12:08.12Maldiviaand then have the container frames as the children, with secure frames as individual item-buttons
12:08.51Maldiviabut no auto-sorting while in combat
12:08.56MaldiviaI think
12:09.47Kasocheck how bagon does it theyve got a 2.0 version out
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12:30.01Kasoam i supposed to be able to dispell harmful effects off alliance players
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12:39.16Maldiviathere are a lot if faction bugs at the moment
12:39.59Kasoim not sure of thats how its suppsoed to be on pve, always been pve before
12:40.09Maldiviait's not
12:40.15Maldiviaare you in Shat
12:40.19Maldiviaat the moment?
12:40.22Maldiviaor out in the world
12:40.29Kasoim out in the world
12:40.40Maldiviaok, could be a "feature" of the Sanctuary
12:41.01Kasonah, it was just at manaforce bnaar
12:41.03Maldiviaconsidering, horde and alliance appears friendly to eachother in Sanctuaties
12:41.22Kasoeven if youre pvp flagged?
12:41.45Kasodidnt know that
12:42.56Kasohmm, this appears to be a bug, best report it
12:55.28KasoHow do i make that new event window thingy on DevTools show?
12:57.22Maldiviahow do you make it not show?
12:57.54Kasoit is a mystery
13:00.05MeryVisibleEventTraceFrame ? I dunno I always end up using the frame stack function to get the name to hide it because I dragged it off screen - lol
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13:02.30KasoEventTraceVisualFrame is the name
13:06.13IndustrialDoes anyone know of an error logging addon like IEF and BugSack for TBC that has a traceback?
13:11.36Kirk_UniFound one weird bug on the beta where some mobs in a house would respawn immediately after killing them
13:12.04Kasoin nagrand?
13:12.04Kirk_UniBit of a annoyance really as I was trying to burn the house down with a channelled spell at the time :/
13:12.08Kirk_UniKaso, yeah
13:12.14Kasoyah i saw those
13:12.15Kirk_UniThe windyreed thinges
13:12.45Kasogood for grinding
13:12.56Kirk_UniInfinite spawn mobs?
13:13.12Kirk_UniI thought about it :P
13:13.19Kasoyou dont have to waste time moving between mobs
13:13.27Kasojust stand and kill till youre 70 :>
13:13.55Kirk_UniI've completely run out of quests my level now - I'm 64 and all my quests are 66 and higher :(
13:14.14Kirk_UniI should really do the instance quests, but it's hard to get a group
13:14.24Kasomm, it is a bit
13:14.49Kasoive found this group of raiders who i instances with every night which is nice
13:14.57Kasoone has atiesh :gasp:
13:15.36Kasoive been playing tbc far too much tbh :<
13:15.46Kasoits too damn addicitve
13:16.56Kaso650,000 to 70
13:17.10Industrialheh insta spawn + autoattack = win
13:17.35Kasoim a priest though, autoattacking things takes quite a while
13:21.02Kirk_UniKaso, enough for an epic flying mount yet?
13:21.33Kasoyah, but i cheated
13:21.38Kasotransfered 8k over the other night
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13:29.44Kirk_UniMultiple char copies, of got from a guild?
13:30.07Kasoi borrowed money so i had 4k, and did it twice
13:33.10Kirk_UniHeh, nice, trying to convince a housemate to do the same
13:33.30Kirk_UniUni calls, be back later
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15:28.43MaldiviaCide ?
15:30.06Maldiviahmm, nvm
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15:40.07ckknighthey all
15:40.43Mike-N-GoHi, ckknight.
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16:21.44CideMaldivia: need something still? :)
16:22.09Maldiviado CTRA still contain it's own raid roster frame in the friends window?
16:24.29Cidedo you mean the CTRaid tab or the Raid tab replacement?
16:24.58Maldiviaealier, you had a tab that looked like the normal raid tab
16:25.34Maldiviawhere you specified your target list, and could click on people to select them
16:25.50Maldiviaso yeah, raid tab replacement
16:26.28Cidewell, we still have the ctraid tab which looks pretty much like the raid tab but instead of promote/demote etc you can set MTs & PTs in the dropdowns
16:27.01Cidethe raid tab replacement was so that we could stop the blizzard raid ui from loading, to save memory.. but that was removed because people complained
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16:27.49nevcairielgood old complainers
16:27.52MaldiviaCide: your MT/PT frame, can you click on the people there to select them, and if so, can you still in 2.0?
16:28.25Cidehaven't done that part of ctra2 yet
16:28.37Cideso.. undecided
16:28.46Cidebut I don't know if it actually targets them
16:29.37MaldiviaOk, because I was wondering, how to add a tab with secure frames, to the friends frame, and still making it work
16:31.11Cideyou can use the raid header
16:34.30Maldiviabut just wondering how I can make it show, but guess I can implement the tab as a state header, and add the frame as a child to that, that is shown when I click the hheader
16:34.55Cideoh yeah, showing/hiding is trickier
16:36.23Maldiviaactually, hiding it again will be the hardest, I think
16:38.19Maldiviasince that would mean the player clicked on another tab, meaning you can't trigger the hide on the state header, in any secure way
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17:34.39Cairenn|afkHappy Thanksgiving Day to all the Americans in the channel
17:36.50kergothsuch a silly holiday, but any excuse to not work and eat a bunch of good food works for me
17:37.48Cairenn|afkit's no more "silly" than any of the other harvest feasts held in multiple other countries of the world.  there's nothing wrong with being grateful for a good harvest. :p
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17:38.15kergothgood point :)
17:47.55purlabug: no worries
17:48.17|FF|Im2good4udo u ppl know any fucntion or way to get a playerid out of a player his name ?
17:48.17abug~o rly
17:48.19purlYA RLY!
17:48.43abugactually I was just thinking about that
17:49.27abugyou'd have to check every possible unit ID for that name
17:53.12|FF|Im2good4ui made a name compwlter so whne u tyope like a<TAB> it would suggest abug but i tohguh why not return it as a link
17:53.20|FF|Im2good4ubut not realy posalbe thne i gues :P
17:53.46Cidecould you make one for typing coherent english? :)
17:54.46abugI'm writing up a quick function in pastebin for ya
17:55.33|FF|Im2good4umy frends are surprised i can code anything ay al whit such a crappy sepelling :P
17:55.51Cideyou can spell just fine when you try as far as I can tell
17:56.05abugI always misspell surprise
17:56.22abugand mispell
17:56.27abugor wait
17:56.38abug~dictionary mispell
17:56.39purlsee dict mispell
17:56.44abug~dict mispell
17:56.52abug~dict misspell
17:57.04abugoh wow they both work
18:00.01|FF|Im2good4ubut cide is right i can spell quite good if i would only take my time when typing something in but, im a gamer so i got fast fingers :P
18:00.16CideI've got really fast fingers too, just look at this, but that doesn't mean that I don't spell properly
18:00.25Cidewatch the capital I's, too!
18:02.09|FF|Im2good4uwhen i type fast i hit the wrong buttons and sometimes i type i type certian letters in a word to fast like soemting :9
18:02.25Cidethen slow down; it's not hard :)
18:03.33|FF|Im2good4uhmm no not realy but i forget slowing down most of the time'
18:05.14|FF|Im2good4ubtw is CTRA for BC done already ?
18:05.38abugtune in to wcradio to find out :P
18:06.47|FF|Im2good4uabug: did u finish that pasebin function yet ? :p
18:06.58abugarg not yet so much to account for
18:07.22abugpet targets, player targets, focus target, player target, raid targets, party targets
18:07.34abugtarget's targets
18:08.47ckknighthey all
18:12.12|FF|Im2good4uright but i cant get the id of a guild member ?
18:13.12abugoh is that what you wanted
18:13.37abugnot a unit ID unless they're near you and targetted or in your raid / party
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18:15.23Neuro_Medivhhey Cide... I got a strange error message from PartyBuffs last night, anything I need to inform you about?
18:15.42Cideit's being recoded so it's irrelevant, but thanks anyways
18:16.12Neuro_Medivhheheh.. the strange part is, I'd never seen PartyBuffs give me an error in BC yet
18:16.15|FF|Im2good4uabug i basicly want the id for a player name link |Hplayer:?|hSilvanas|h
18:16.48|FF|Im2good4uor is that the same id a a unitid ?
18:18.38abugI have no idea about that
18:18.46abugbut it's not the same as a unitid
18:19.09|FF|Im2good4uoh oke
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18:19.44ckknight|FF|Im2good4u, it's |Hplayer:Silvanas|h[Silvanas]|h
18:20.36|FF|Im2good4uare u sure ? since i defently thought it was a number
18:21.15ckknightnope, it's a name.
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18:21.26|FF|Im2good4uoke then its easy
18:22.33|FF|Im2good4uckknight: do u also know if players are allowed to say a player name link in a chat message just like they can do itemlinks ? (since i dont recal ever seeying a name link in chat)
18:22.44ckknightnope, doesn't work like that
18:22.52ckknightgranted, you could have an addon that allows that.
18:23.37|FF|Im2good4uyeh that wut i mean
18:23.57ckknightGrammar and spelling are your friends.
18:24.22Mr_Rabies2i'm a tugboat
18:25.06|FF|Im2good4umy addon finishes a player his name like ckk<TAB> becomes ckknight but i was thiking why not make it |Hplayer:ckknight|h[ckknight]|h
18:25.22Grinewhat's a namelink anyway?
18:25.31ckknight|FF|Im2good4u, because you can't link names in chat.
18:25.44|FF|Im2good4uoke cool :P
18:26.17Neuro_Medivhspelling is no friend of mine, thank you very much
18:27.01Neuro_Medivhand Grammar and I are passing acquaintences, nothing more
18:35.11jaxdahlanyone know if it's possible to get a torrent file out of the background downloader?
18:35.46abugwikipedia ftw
18:35.57ckknightjaxdahl, WowTorrentEx
18:36.10jaxdahlckknight, doesn't work with the background downloader
18:36.21abugah yeah
18:36.29ckknightah, don't worry about it.
18:37.22abughere's what I was talking about earlier im2good4u:
18:37.49Teomyrthe torrent file is saved as Cache\BackgroundDownload.torrent
18:37.59Teomyrin the wow folder
18:38.12Teomyrno need for the extractor :P
18:38.38jaxdahli don't have a cache folder
18:39.10Teomyrhmm, i do
18:39.19Teomyrit was created when i started the downloader
18:40.48jaxdahli'm talking about WoW-1.12.x-to-2.0.1-enUS-patch
18:41.51zenzelezzI got that by using the torrent Teomyr said; using µTorrent
18:41.53jaxdahlfound it
18:41.53Teomyrsame here, except it's the deDE client
18:41.57jaxdahlin WDB folder
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18:49.37Neuro_MedivhI love my tivo, but MAN their customer support is bullshit
18:52.20abugpurl, eat me
18:52.22purlACTION eats abug and falls over dead
18:52.57purlDon't touch what you can't afford.
18:53.26abugpurl, google me
18:53.36purlextra, extra, read all about it, google is a search engine found at
18:54.04purlrumour has it, cogwheel is a gnome. 'nuff said.
18:54.13purlthe current author of WatchDog, PerfectRaid, and a number of smaller addons.  He is also a core developer of the Ace project. People in #wowace also know him as 'Mr. Lightningfingers'
18:54.37jaxdahli don't know you as Mr. Lightningfingers
18:54.37abuglightning fingers no doubt
18:56.50abugpurl, abug is A minor annoyance like a papercut which lightly bleeds salt saturated blood onto a piece of cheddar cheese in a balogna sandwich.
18:56.52purl A minor annoyance like a papercut which lightly bleeds salt saturated blood onto a piece of cheddar cheese in a balogna sandwich.
18:57.42jaxdahlthat was weird
18:57.53purli guess bug is n: A son of a glitch. An error in design or programming in hardware or software. Effects range from cosmetic errors to system crash and loss of data. See also Feature.
18:58.36abug~define abug
18:58.37purlUse ~dict for definitions.
18:58.52abug~dict abug A minor annoyance like a papercut which lightly bleeds salt saturated blood onto a piece of cheddar cheese in a balogna sandwich.
18:59.37abugpurl, abug
18:59.53abugpurl, abug is bug
18:59.54purl bug
19:00.11abugpurl, wtf
19:00.21Neuro_Medivhyou do realize purl is a multichannel bot, right?
19:00.41zenzelezzand not really meant to be a toy
19:00.43*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire_ (
19:01.08abugtoys come in many shapes and sizes
19:01.39jaxdahlthey can be rubber or plastic
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19:08.02abugwhere can I find wowinterface
19:08.11abugpurl, wowinterface
19:08.13purl[wowinterface] at
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19:25.28ckknight_just had a small earthquake
19:25.38cladhaire_everything okday?>
19:25.51ckknight_small one, my bed shook a little
19:25.53ckknight_that's all
19:26.01ckknight_I doubt any damage at all, and it only lasted 2 seconds
19:26.11axxosounds like a loose cat
19:26.34ckknightno, it was an earthquake
19:26.40ckknightthey seem to happen pretty often here
19:26.53ckknightonce a month or so
19:27.32cladhaire_the UnitBuff/Debuff filters don't collapse the indices do they, i.e. if you have 30 buffs on, you still have to scan all 30 buffs to get ALL filtered once.. right?
19:29.05cladhaire_no, that doesn't make sense.
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19:50.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Saeris (
19:51.44SaerisFound a bug in the beta client. If you create a tooltip that doesn't have the first eight lines, like the virtual template does, and then you try to make that tooltip display an item with something like :SetBagItem, the client crashes.
19:52.12cladhaire_the answer: don't do that.
19:52.55SaerisWell, clearly. ;)  But it may break a number of addons which use hidden scanning tooltips.
19:53.06cladhaire_not if they rewrite and make them correctly =)
19:53.15cladhaire_since the addons are supposed to be rewritten anyway =)
19:53.17*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
19:53.22cladhairewhy did i have a _
19:55.19SaerisWell, the point is that there is no documentation stating that the client now dynamically allocates tooltip lines as needed, rather than using the ones defined in GameTooltipTemplate.xml. Or, if there is such documentation, I guess I missed it.
19:55.29cladhaireits int he 2.0 changes thread
19:55.49cladhairei'm almost sure of it, since i knew about it =)
19:56.09SaerisAh yes: "* GameTooltipS now automatically create new lines as needed. "
19:57.31cladhaireand the basic tooltip has 8 lines
19:57.37cladhairei suspect it shoudlnt' crash the client, so you'll want to post
19:57.41cladhairebut the answer will be "don't do that" =)
19:58.59cladhairehrm.. self castable buffs (i.e. barkskin, demon skin, mage armor) don't show when filtering
19:59.02cladhairei suppose thats intentinoal.
19:59.35SaerisFiltering with the additional parameter in UnitBuff, you mean?
20:00.00cladhairei suppose its a self-cast buff, you don't need to know you have it
20:00.02cladhaireonly when you're missing it =)
20:00.04cladhairewhich UnitBuff can't do
20:07.15zenzelezzwow, the background downloader is working on a 653MB file :-o Guess we're getting pretty close
20:07.46cladhairei woudln't read too much into it.
20:07.49cladhaireit'll happen when it happens =)
20:08.15zenzelezzI don't care if it's tomorrow or a month from now; but I don't see them pushing 650MB on us if they're not starting to get close =)
20:08.26cladhaireit was a 2g lcient download
20:08.29cladhaireand over 700 megs in patches.
20:08.41zenzelezzfor PTR or beta?
20:08.47cladhairegiven the fact that they'll be patching the day the release it invalidates pretty much everything =)
20:08.52cladhaireand beta has the content
20:08.53cladhairewhich is the size
20:08.56cladhairethe client and UI is nothing
20:08.59cladhairethe content is everything.
20:09.02zenzelezzdon't need all the beta content, only some of it
20:09.14cladhaireyes, but still
20:09.38zenzelezzI accept your opinion, but it's not affecting mine :-p
20:10.14cladhairedefine "close"
20:10.23cladhairethere's your problem
20:10.45zenzelezzif I was specifying a time/date, it would be
20:11.18cladhairemy point, plain and simple.. is the fact that they released a 650 meg patch to be bg downloaded says nothing more than that 650 megs of the patch is complete and ready to go.
20:11.26cladhaireThat has 0 influence on when the patch is being released
20:11.33cladhairenot matter how much you want to think otherwise =)
20:11.58cladhaires/ot /o/
20:12.04cladhairedamn me
20:12.20zenzelezzlike I've said before, I don't think they'd push too much uncertain content on the users, and 653MB is a significant amount of "finished" data
20:12.38Miravlix'They release update for the patch
20:12.39zenzelezzI may be wrong, but my opinion remains the same
20:12.46cladhaireThats fine, I think you're wrong.
20:12.52MiravlixFirst themake the main one as a client to current diff
20:12.54cladhairesince you dont know anythign about how large the patch will actually be
20:13.09MiravlixThen  they make a few smaller ones thats diff between patch and updates
20:13.11zenzelezzsee, why couldn't you just say that at once and not get me started arguing?
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20:13.50cladhaireBecause I don't like when people think you're right with no base =)
20:14.01zenzelezzeveryone thinks they're right, it's human nature
20:14.12cladhaireyep, it doesn't mean i Have to like it =)
20:14.14zenzelezzthe fact that everyone disagrees only means it's a conspiracy
20:15.56*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
20:24.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
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20:25.56cladhaireHappy Thanksgiving Tem
20:26.34Temyou too :)
20:26.36TemI ate too much already
20:31.49Elkanowe don't celebrate it over here but anyways: Omedetô!
20:32.13Temwhat's that mean?
20:33.35ElkanoIt's japanese for congratulations or wishing "Happy whatever"
20:34.14Temthanks :)
20:37.24hasteI hate it when I'm suppose to do something, get distracted, and then forget what I was suppose to do
20:37.37hastebeen sitting here for ten minutes pondering it :(
20:53.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
20:58.10Industrialahhh thats great
20:59.05Industrialtotally unexpected
21:00.09Gngskcaffeine anyone?
21:03.42Mikmafreaking great video
21:22.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
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21:33.21ScytheBlade1What in the crap
21:33.32ScytheBlade1I just had an entire island of Naga all turn and attack me at once
21:34.20*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (n=[KaoS]`@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
21:35.05Industrialevil gms i tell you
21:35.07grimmanThey have sentries.
21:35.22ScytheBlade1I killed the sentry a moment before
21:35.33grimmanDid it call for help?
21:35.35Industrialbet the gm sees wow as WC3 and just selects a bunch and clicks you >:)
21:35.42ScytheBlade1Quite a while before ;)
21:35.45ScytheBlade1Yes it did, nothing happened.
21:35.51ScytheBlade1lol @ Industrial
21:36.02grimmanWell... that's the only explanation I have.
21:36.08grimmanBeen in that situation myself. ;P
21:38.12IndustrialDo i get to keep this item forever?
21:38.20Industrialor only 3 charges and its gone..
21:38.38Mery3 charges
21:38.44Industriali hate consumables
21:38.48grimmanBut you can make Tranquil Yeti.
21:38.52Merybut as an engi you get a shematic of you do that quest
21:39.04Merysadly only for the small pet and not those
21:40.50Merywell funniest thing we had with those: we were fighting the last firelord before domo - then on vent somebody went "nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" (his yeti went to domo instead of the alot closer firelord) and it wiped us (was before the sugers didn't respawn after you kill garr so it was a real pain)
21:41.57Meryyay for AI!
21:43.03Teomyrwe once managed to pull golemagg while we were standing on the bridge above him
21:43.38Meryi dunno how often I went through that, mostly because of stupid hunter pets
21:46.47grimmanDon't blame the pets. :P
21:49.28zenzelezzmy old guild went through that often, but mostly because of stupid people
21:49.57Merybut the best wipe I had was on my first night with Onyxia, we were allready and buffed up (which took soo long since well it was the first serious raid I and alot others were on) then a while waiting a warlock decided to use eye of kilrogg so she walked up to us and (i guess because she couldn't enter the tunnel, maybe it was the anti exploit protection back then) hit us all for over 22000 dmg each.
21:51.05zenzelezzmy most memorable wipe was
21:52.37*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (
21:52.48kaidenHappy Thanksgiving all
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23:00.17Industrialthanks what do i get?
23:03.54Thunder_Child~slap Industrial
23:04.07purlACTION slaps Industrial, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
23:08.49grimmanDo you guys know if AV is gonna be available for 61+ later on?
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23:10.17Thunder_Childi dont know, but the focus of the game seems to be shifting to smaller groups so i would imagine not, but i could be wrong
23:12.00jaxdahlgrimman, yes
23:12.04jaxdahl60-69, 70 brackets
23:12.13grimmanGood good.
23:12.27jaxdahlthere will still be stuff/new stuff you can buy with marks of honor
23:12.30jaxdahlfrom wsg/ab/av
23:12.36grimmanFav BG... it's doubtful many people feel that way from what I've heard, but it'd be a shame to scrap it all together. ;D
23:20.28Thunder_ChildI wonder what the world event for opening the portal will be
23:20.51jaxdahlthere won't be one
23:21.11Thunder_Childi bet there will be
23:21.16jaxdahlkazzak opens the portal
23:21.42Thunder_Childi didnt say PC's would be involved
23:22.01jaxdahlWith the future in peril, a relic of the past has also surfaced, radiating renewed energy. This relic has enabled Lord Kazzak to activate the current Dark Portal, thereby reopening the gateway
23:22.18zenzelezzI'd rather not have one *if* having one means the servers lie down and die like they did on AQ gate opening
23:23.01jaxdahlthey can do flashback events
23:23.14jaxdahllike the one you can do now for the AQ gates
23:23.21jaxdahlwhen they were sealed
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23:26.04Thunder_Childdont you kill "Lord Kazzak" in naxx?
23:26.16zenzelezzhe's a world boss
23:26.27zenzelezzin that nasty place in Blasted Lands
23:27.34Thunder_Childah, ok
23:28.07Kasohes now a worldboss in Hellfire also :>
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23:41.03Thardalis he still the same pushover?
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23:42.46zenzelezzthe only ORB I've had the chance to try was Lethon, and he sort of owned us :-/
23:43.06Cideshadow bolt volley is fun
23:44.10zenzelezzPlague - spread! Shadowstorm - get close!
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23:45.29Cideyou have the plague!
23:46.52hastePlague was much more fun when it was effected by spell damage.
23:47.03zenzelezzI don't know why, but it seems like someone in our raids *always* manages to buff during the pull
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23:47.49Cidehaste: not for the mage who proceeds to die the second tick :)
23:47.55Maldiviaohh, 653MB BG download now
23:48.16hasteI played my shaman back then, it has pretty gimp HP due to all the cloth/leather :p
23:48.37hastewas fun with 2500 ticks tho'
23:54.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (

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