irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061121

00:00.53cogwheelhe's behind a firewall so he can't download any of them... I zipped 'em up and sent them to him
00:02.54Kasoman timezones are terribly confusing for some reason
00:03.27MaldiviaKaso; which timezone?
00:03.36zenzelezzmostly because they change, and not at the same time
00:04.18KasoPST -> gmt
00:04.27Kasoim trying to decode what this means
00:04.35MaldiviaKaso: <-- Blizzard Time :)
00:04.46Thunder_Child-8:00 gmt  is pst
00:04.54Kasoso the server should be up now?
00:05.00Kaso... it isnt :<
00:05.07Thunder_Childno it isnt
00:05.48Kasowhy cant we all use internet time, that's so much easier to understand
00:06.14AnduinLotharoi... Sunset at4:45 PM
00:07.04Maldiviainternet time... hmm, why not lunar declination then!
00:07.19purlfrom memory, ugt is Universial Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
00:07.39Kasoi think if they used ugt to tell us when the servers are up it'd cause alot of problems
00:07.56AnduinLotharsunset is in less than 40 min... i just got up 3 hours ago...
00:08.23Maldiviathey are using BS time
00:11.44*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
00:12.35Maldiviahmm, already partial patch ready in the background downloader...
00:13.58cogwheelmay be ready in the downloader, but i'm having the damnedest time finding any peers... (and i'm not even using the blizz downloader)
00:14.18cogwheelthey put the .torrent file in your cache directory :D
00:16.07Maldiviawell, I dont have time to fix my addons this week or the next... so, 2 more weeks please
00:16.38cogwheelI'd say "at least"... Slouken has still been adding new things up to today, so it'll be at least another week before that makes it onto the server
00:17.02Maldivianoone saying all the macro things will be in the 2.0 patch
00:17.09Maldiviacould be in the expansion patch later
00:17.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar2 (
00:18.06Kasohas the char transfer been down for a while, or is that just to do with maintance
00:18.55KirkburnSo we're onto 3 UI changes posts now?
00:19.16Maldivia2 broken concise threads... has to be a first
00:19.24*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (i=rumors@gateway/tor/x-d15f5e066edb676f)
00:20.06cogwheelzenzelezz: no more posts'll fit
00:20.34cogwheels/her/his/ ?
00:20.35AnduinLotharthat's what happens when a patch takes 5 months to make
00:21.13MaldiviaAll I read, when I read the last post is "existance is irrelevant"
00:21.26Kirkburncogwheel, try a WHOIS on Tem :P
00:21.51KirkburnShould give you your answer :)
00:22.06cogwheelwe have a first name in common :P
00:22.11cogwheelthough i go by Matthew
00:22.21KirkburnNot "New Now Know How"?
00:24.08Maldiviaohh well, time for bed.
00:24.19Kirkburnnn, Mal
00:27.50AnduinLotharis there a simple small checkmark icon?
00:28.32Temshame on you, cogwheel
00:28.50Thunder_Childis there a stable mac O/S for an intel chipset?
00:28.56Temalso, I resisted the temptation to edit my post
00:29.01TemI hate that forum crap
00:29.45*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (n=ckknight@
00:36.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Seracht (
00:37.22Kasogrr, i hope char transfer starts working soonisj
00:38.11Kasoive borrowed 3k gold to transfer
00:47.00Serachtanyone remember that one unit frames in ACE2/
00:47.05SerachtI was using it in september, but I forgot the name
00:47.40ckknightand Ace is not an acronym.
00:51.16Guillotinereally? I always thought it stood for Automatically Curing Elephants
00:51.51EndAutomatic Camel Earwax
00:52.57Serachtwhere can I get agUF?
00:53.19Kirkburnag_UnitFrames is the full name
00:53.34zenzelezzAbsolutely Clueless Extensions
00:53.54Cairennfor which? live or beta?
00:54.37AnduinLotharoops... wait
00:54.51Kasoeveryone knows it's a recursive acronym: Ace Creates functions Erroneously
00:55.46KirkburnAnduinLothar, so sneaaaaky :P
00:57.05AnduinLotharthank you, thank you. I'll be here all night!
00:57.15Serachtfor live
00:57.24Serachtis it still in beta?
00:57.27SerachtIt was in beta in september heh
00:58.18Serachtdid I get it wrong? lol
00:58.33AnduinLotharwow bets
00:59.01Endhmm, stuck on authenticating on trying to logon to beta
00:59.03Serachtno I meant
00:59.09SerachtagUF is it still in beta/svn?
00:59.34Serachtor is that Ace?
01:00.04a-stray-catthe ones for tbc are marked with [TBC], so get one that's not ;p
01:00.41AnduinLotharthat's not confusing at all
01:01.25AnduinLotharwhat if the mod is named ThermalBouncingCasters?
01:01.52Serachtthanks sir
01:02.31a-stray-cathmmmm should i cook dinner...or get take out?
01:02.39zenzelezzAnduinLothar: in my guild we just call them mages
01:03.30AnduinLotharnah, have to stand to cast. only our gnome/NE tanks and rogues jump
01:03.39a-stray-catthats what latest.txt says
01:03.49Serachttjere is a latest txt
01:03.49Serachtdamn it
01:03.57SerachtI have very, very VERY bad search-fu
01:04.10a-stray-cati am very, very hungry :<
01:04.13AnduinLotharthat a fubar mod?
01:05.27Tem|AFKmost likely
01:06.32Serachtsearch-fu is like search funtionality
01:06.35Serachti can't search
01:07.22Serachtsigh sorry
01:07.25Serachtbad at that too
01:11.41a-stray-catrofl "This is Shirly from Papa Johns, would you like to try our new sausage sensation pizza?" "Sure" "OMG really?!"
01:12.00ckknightI want a pizza.
01:13.01zenzelezzwhat's "sausage sensation"?
01:13.02AnduinLotharlol i had pizza 3x this weekend, i'm pizza'd out
01:13.21a-stray-catit's got all sorts of sausage
01:13.27a-stray-catits tasty, imo
01:14.14ckknightI'd try it.
01:14.33cladhairei only had pizza once this weekend
01:14.39cladhairewe dont have papa john's anymore =(
01:19.21Endstupid beta login
01:19.30Corrodiaswha'ts this, an update to the launcher?
01:20.06*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (n=ckknight@
01:22.48a-stray-cat lol what
01:24.10ckknightlol "small does not mean tricky. look at gary coleman, hes small but hes retarded"
01:26.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Neuro_Medivh (
01:30.40ckknighthey Neuro
01:32.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (
01:32.52Corrodiasi can't login to the ptr page to see if my character has copied :(
01:33.27Neuro_Medivhhey ck
01:34.45KirkburnInteresting, whilst hanging on the Authenticating screen you get no music, but the ambient background noise is there
01:35.10KirkburnI thought it was just windy outside until I turned the speakers up :P
01:35.45Endyeah, I'm hanging on Authenticating too
01:36.04Endbut you are eu, aren't you? isn't eu a seperate set of realms for beta?
01:36.28zenzelezzwhat about turnip?
01:36.36*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
01:36.41End98081, that's what
01:37.47KirkburnEnd, same set
01:37.52KirkburnIt's also based in the US on the US system :)
01:37.54Endwell, then that explains why you are hanging too
01:38.09KirkburnEaier for them to control that way, I guess
01:38.33KirkburnMay also explain why it still hasn't updated with my current password
01:38.38Endbeta probably requires more babysitting, since it's not widely tested code
01:39.00KirkburnPity about the lag increase (I get about 300-400), but it's not exactly unplayable
01:48.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
02:14.29*** join/#wowi-lounge FelixTeCat (
02:15.24*** join/#wowi-lounge mikeswindesk (
02:19.04a-stray-catwoo its up
02:19.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Seracht (
02:20.09Serachthey is there an Ace equivalent to nurfed combat log and ecastingbar?
02:23.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:25.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Inside (
02:26.03*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
02:27.47InsideMan, I can't write c++ any more.. I do if(..) then...
02:31.50Nom_n00b :D
02:33.09KirkburnSeracht, eCastingBar --> oCB
02:33.15InsideIs that so
02:33.51KirkburnUm, @ me?
02:34.06InsideYes, yes at you.
02:34.18KirkburnWell then I'm sorely confuzzled :(
02:34.40InsideIndeed, indeed you are.
02:35.06KirkburnWhy, why did you say "Is that so"? :P
02:36.08Nom_I probably wouldn't be able to code C++ either...not because i'd get the wrong syntax, but because i'd go insane at having to write everything instead of using CPAN :D
02:37.21KirkburnBeta authentication is back up!
02:39.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
02:40.41SerachtThanks Kirkburn
02:40.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
02:41.22Kirkburnnp :)
02:42.38Nom_CPAN = Win
02:42.52InsideI'm writing my own game engine here.. (well, gluing a graphics, physics, audio, etc engines together)
02:42.58Insideand it's just not fun since I have no clue what I'm doing.
02:43.06InsideLike if I know what I'm doing, I can write it really fast.
02:43.21Nom_generally you don't try to build a game without having half a clue :)
02:43.25InsideLike I wrote my Uno WoW bot in 2 days flat ^_^
02:44.32Nom_One of these days, when I can be bothered, i'm going to finish coding my guild web site base thing
02:44.51Nom_Coz my guild is breaking up into like 4 seperate raiding teams in TBC
02:45.00Nom_So yeah...we wanted to have a semi-central portal :)
02:45.05InsideWell, I vaguely know what I'm doing.
02:45.09InsideLike... sort of.
02:46.57*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK (
03:15.23DrDresooo patch is aimed at late november ;x
03:15.23DrDrei hope they push it back :( friend is 4% from Grand Marshal ><
03:15.25DrDreaccording to:
03:16.40Endtheir guess is just a guess
03:19.32Neuro_MedivhI doubt it to be honest
03:19.49Neuro_Medivhit sure won't be tomorrow
03:20.03Thunder_Childthen i would guess the 28th
03:20.19Neuro_Medivhhonestly, I'm guessing the week after the 28th
03:20.34Neuro_Medivhsimply because of turkey day
03:20.37Endthe week after the 28th seems possible
03:20.39Neuro_Medivhwill make them lose almost a week
03:24.19*** join/#wowi-lounge blixem (n=blixem@
03:31.04EndI have a question mark in my inventory
03:31.11Endtime to clear my wdb I guess....
03:31.32KirkburnIt appears this website has been ripping addons as well :/
03:31.53Endthey've been doing it for a while
03:32.07KirkburnIt's more like a mirror site, though, i suppose
03:32.24KirkburnStill, frustrating
03:32.37Endhonestly, I don't care who mirrors my crap, but I'm not going to keep it up for them
03:32.45Endnor am I going to handle people who download of their site
03:36.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn|Away (n=nchatzil@
03:36.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (
03:37.22blixemAnyone got a link that describes what changes they made last week or so?  specifically in the buff table
03:40.52Neuro_Medivhbuffs are no longer allowed.  Casting them gets you banned.
03:42.03Neuro_Medivhyep.  Though there are now "player stat adjustment spells" that are functionally the same as buffs, but they require all addons to be recoded.
03:42.47Neuro_MedivhSo did anyone see 007?  Any good?
03:43.02KirkburnAll reviews I've seen/heard are excellent
03:43.16Neuro_Medivhyeah... makes me really want to see it
03:44.21Qshadowpwhats the name of that mod that bypasses idle chat?
03:44.32Qshadowpso you don't have to click "i want to access my bank" after clicking on the banker :|
03:45.10zenzelezzplenty of those mods
03:47.04Qshadowpname one?
03:47.26zenzelezzwell if I knew, I'd have told you already :-p
03:47.40zenzelezzremember seeing several, but never taken note of the names
03:47.56zenzelezzlook for something about "gossip" I think
03:49.14Cairenn is one
03:50.27Cairennand that's without even trying
03:50.44OsagasuPatch tomorrow or no?
03:50.58AnduinLothardont think so
03:51.09zenzelezzseems unlikely
03:52.04Qshadowpthanks Cairenn :P
03:55.13*** join/#wowi-lounge [quoin] (
03:58.04*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
03:58.36ckknighthey all
03:58.42Cairennhi ckknight
04:01.17Corrodiasyou're pathetic
04:01.47ckknightCorrodias, ?
04:04.35Qshadowpis anyone else getting this bug with cold snap
04:04.39Qshadowpwhere it doesn't end your cooldowns sometimes
04:04.55Qshadowpor is it only for our crappy server :|
04:08.15Corrodiasno reason. i'm just so good, everything is pathetic by comparison.
04:10.29*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
04:10.42*** join/#wowi-lounge blixem (n=blixem@
04:11.05Qshadowp i lol'd :D
04:11.56Qshadowpwowinterface is failing at me
04:12.06Qshadowpfirefox cannot find the server at
04:12.16Qshadowpand my internet browseing appears to be fine apart from wowinterface :P
04:12.41Qshadowpoh after refreshing like 40 times it finally decided to load lol
04:12.55blixemI fixed your internet for you
04:13.44Cairennbeen loading fine for me all evening ...
04:14.05Qshadowpmaybe it just doesn't wub me then? :(
04:14.30Cairenn~lart Tem
04:14.43Temwhat'd I do now?
04:14.51purlACTION has disconnected (Read error: 99 (Connection reset by beer))
04:14.51Cairenndamn dota video
04:15.01Cairennfrigging song gets stuck in your head, damn you
04:15.11Temwhy do you think I linked it?
04:15.17Temit's stuck in mine right now
04:15.23Cairenn~lart Tem
04:16.39Qshadowpi heard that song loads of times lol :P
04:17.00Cairennditto, but every time I finally get it out of my head, SOMEONE links it again
04:17.04EndI've seen that before
04:17.28TemI'd never seen it until clad linked it to me yesterday
04:17.32Cairennand I don't recognize the link, so I click it, and 2 seconds ... BOOM, stuck in my head!
04:17.58Temit's so firmly stuck in my head that I know the words
04:17.58Cairennyou hadn't?
04:18.20TemI didn't know the guy existed until yesterday
04:18.20Cairennman, you've obviously slept through a few conversations in various and sundry channels
04:18.35blixemokay, I now have that as background music while learning mods... and I hate you all.
04:19.04Cairennnowai imo
04:21.00a-stray-catEnraged Crusher becomes enraged!
04:21.13Endo rly?
04:21.20a-stray-catat 20%, ya rly
04:22.28CorrodiasDotA WTF mode is really entertaining, at times
04:23.17Corrodiaswell, if you have ar and dm on also.
04:25.30Temwhat's WTF mode?
04:25.41TemI haven't played DotA in like 2 years
04:26.35Corrodiasmost items and spells have no cooldowns or mana cost. i think a linken's sphere has a 1 second cooldown, and of course spells may have casting times
04:27.37Corrodiasterrorblade & zeus are particularly menacing, for a ridiculous number of images and the ability to constantly damage every enemy on the map, respectively, but it's luck of the draw
04:27.58Thunder_Childor a nonstop timestop
04:28.46Corrodiasany hero with a stun is a force to reckon with. even morphling has his uses with his ability to stun, although the knockback actually makes it harder to use effectively
04:29.47Thunder_Childwhat about chance on hit abilitys?
04:34.05MentalPowerCairenn: just for you,,BotenAnna,English
04:34.24Cairennuh oh ...
04:35.25Thunder_Childthats is a rather catchy tune
04:35.34blixemI hate you all
04:35.35Cairennoi vey
04:35.42blixembut I know a bot.
04:35.43MentalPowerBottenAnna actually has a interesting story
04:36.20blixemmy fav part is him dancing in the paddle boat.
04:37.04Thunder_Childoi vey.....are you my grandmother?
04:37.41Thunder_Childthough i think it is oy vey
04:38.01blixemsigh... I have to admit that's a catchy tune...
04:38.13CairennI've seen it both ways Thunder_Child
04:38.36Cairennand no, I'm not your grandmother
04:38.45a-stray-catanyone know if modifiers do short circuit evaluation in macros?
04:38.45CairennI may be "old", but I'm not THAT old, thank you :p
04:39.01MentalPowershe... nm, I won't finish that sentence :)
04:39.11CairennMentalPower: ><
04:39.33Cairennyou think?
04:39.38*** kick/#wowi-lounge [MentalPower!] by Cairenn (Cairenn)
04:39.39*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
04:39.54Thunder_ChildADMIN ABUSE, ADMIN ABUSE!!!
04:39.56MentalPowerthats what I wanted, I'm happy now :)
04:40.03CairennMentalPower: 2 :)
04:40.32Thunder_ChildGrandma Cairenn, is abusing her elderly powers
04:40.52CairennThunder_Child: you, child, are treading a very thin line
04:41.23Thunder_Childwell i bet it would be thinner if you could see better..but with game comes problems
04:41.47Cairenn~whaleslap Thunder_Child
04:41.57purlACTION beats Thunder_Child upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
04:41.57*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=andrew@
04:42.09Thunder_Child~whalepary Cairenn
04:42.17Thunder_Child~whaleparry Cairenn
04:42.19purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry Cairenn's attacks.
04:42.33Thunder_ChildNice try granny
04:45.58MentalPower~whaleattack Thunder_Child
04:46.29*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
04:46.31Thunder_Childah ha, i am immune to your whales
04:46.36a-stray-catpurl has forsaken you.
04:46.46purlaw, gee, Thunder_Child
04:48.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Bleeter_ (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:50.22*** join/#wowi-lounge x0ver (
04:51.28*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
04:56.52*** join/#wowi-lounge alldays (n=may_be@
05:02.37*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
05:40.10blixemwhat's the function to verify an integer?  if ( int(a) ) then
05:41.12MentalPowerdefine verify?
05:41.29MentalPoweryou can always check type(a) == "number"
05:41.37blixemI'm trying to write and if statement to do something based on if the type is a number
05:41.44blixemthat's what I"m looking for
05:41.50blixemgrr... thanks
05:41.55MentalPowerbut remember that strings can also be numbers
05:42.02MentalPowerLua does in place conversion
05:42.05MentalPowerif it can
05:42.14MentalPowerso perhaps tonumber(a) is best
05:43.19blixemyeah, looking at wiki now... was trying to find what I needed in teh 5.1 manual and that's teh suck.
05:44.34chuckgIf I need a reference to anything about programming I never hit any other site than google.
05:44.38chuckgThere is no shorter/easier truth.
05:44.51blixemtoo true =\
05:45.16Nom_I wish there was some way to retrieve data from an external server dynamically :~(
05:45.30Nom_I really want to make a mod which lets you search for items on Thottbot or somethingl ike that from ingame
05:46.03Nom_And I don't fancy having a 100MB datafile loaded :(~
05:47.07chuckgYou can.
05:47.15Thunder_Childi have 21K+ items stored for only about 5mb
05:47.16chuckgIt'd just require some external applications monitoring it.
05:47.26chuckgYou could use bar codes.
05:47.40Nom_Which technically violates the EULA, does it not chuckg ?
05:47.42*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (i=rumors@gateway/tor/x-f11403c44c4d7fbf)
05:47.57chuckgReading your screen for a barcode?
05:48.06chuckgI highly doubt you could get banned for such a thing.
05:48.13Nom_Actually, the main one I wanted to impliment was a DKP tool which lets you update EQDKP (or a custom page) while ingame
05:48.35chuckgMeh, a friend and I wrote an automatic auction house parser.
05:48.39chuckgHad abot sitting onthe AH.
05:48.45chuckgAnd could search it in IRC.
05:50.42Nom_Hmmm...someone had that idea it seems
05:50.57*** join/#wowi-lounge alldays (n=may_be@
05:52.31Guillotinechuckg: wouldn't you need to acces WoW's memory to do that?
05:52.38Guillotineor did you just reload the UI every couple mins?
05:52.55chuckgReload, it was a bot computer sitting at the AH.
05:53.11chuckgWe later figured out that we could have just parsed the text.
05:53.21chuckgUsing a "screenshot" system, but meh; it worked.
05:53.41Guillotineyou'd need a pretty good writing recognition program to do that
05:53.50chuckgMy buddy claimed he could do it.
05:53.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go_ (
05:54.00chuckgI just did the irc junk and other misc.
05:54.12chuckgI believe it was just pattern matching.
05:54.26chuckgRun the alphabet for eacher letter till 0 black shows.
05:54.36chuckgThen move to the next letter.
05:55.30ScytheBlade1Most of us are just sitting here blinking in wonderment.
05:55.34Nom_That'd be a pain in the arse
05:56.01chuckgIf there's an x set of space.
05:56.09chuckgWith an x set of chracters that can fit in that space.
05:56.16chuckgThen you need only know the increments from space to space.
05:56.37chuckgWhite pixels on black, remove the black and match the pattern of white to a set number.
05:56.42chuckgOf coures, I'm spouting what he told me.
05:56.54chuckgI wouldn't have a clue how to implement such a thing.
05:57.39Guillotinebut the matching would be a problem
05:57.49Guillotineas well as the finding of the location of the words in the first place
05:58.05chuckgTop left of the screen.
05:58.11chuckgWith a set resolution?
05:58.12chuckgNot so hard.
05:58.31Guillotineso you'd have the addon put the text in the top left of the screen and take a screenshot? I suppose that would work
05:58.43Guillotinewould still take some heavy processing power though
05:58.45chuckgOnly letters that'd be an issue really are stuff like a vs o.
05:58.48chuckgOr i vs l.
05:59.02MentalPoweror you could just use a barcode fint
05:59.04chuckgNever bothered though.
05:59.17chuckgOr do a real barcode.
05:59.22Guillotineya, that would probably be better if you can make an addon to make a barcode
05:59.24chuckgWhich is 9000000000000000 easier.
05:59.39chuckgDidn't think of that till later.
05:59.47chuckgWandering minds and boredom.
05:59.52chuckgI'm more interested in the guy who writes wowglider.
06:00.10chuckgNow that's a dandy piece of work.
06:00.22Guillotinenah, not really
06:00.31Guillotinehe just reads from WoW's memory
06:00.45Guillotineif he scanned the screen, that would be something
06:01.23chuckgI don't think he does.
06:01.32chuckgI think he reads the screen for some aspects of it.
06:01.38chuckgHealth ... rage/mana.
06:01.49chuckgThe mouse and it's activity over items.
06:01.56GuillotineI remember back when I had a pure addon made to kill critters in Darnassus
06:01.58Guillotinegood times
06:02.16chuckgWhat aout the addon that rode you from x location to a new location?
06:02.19chuckgThat wasn't so bad!
06:02.24Guillotineya, I based it off of AutoTravel
06:02.26GuillotineI do miss that
06:05.58Nom_Can't you log chat windows?
06:06.09Nom_You'd be far better parsing chat logs if possible
06:06.24Guillotineya, but he's trying to do it in real time
06:06.33Nom_ever heard of tail ?
06:06.37Nom_tail -f :P
06:06.57Guillotinethe chat logs aren't saved until you reload the ui though
06:07.07Nom_Well, that's crap
06:08.31GuillotineI understand it though. if the chatlog were updated in realtime, you could easily just whisper yourself stuff or some such thing to have a program easily read it
06:10.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Bleeter (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
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07:49.56Nom_Just got contacted by someone on MSN wanting to 'rent' my account
07:50.15Nom_I told him I could perfectly well shard my own purplz
07:50.51Nom_Next time he comes on i'm getting his ISP and fucking with his head
07:55.06AntiarcCompletely worth reading for inspiration
07:55.28*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
07:56.14Nom_ah yes
07:56.18Nom_saw that one recently :P
07:57.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
08:03.54Nom_grr he's not coming back online
08:03.57Nom_That's no fun :~(
08:17.22*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
08:21.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Warla (
08:22.19Warlai was wondering if anyone can tell me if this mod is possible:
08:22.47Warlaenemy shaman drops a totem --> mod detects that and adds it to a array so the totem name is in that array?
08:28.59Warlaall asleep? :-)
08:30.13SP|Sorren(2.0 onry)
08:30.20Warlathat works on enemy?
08:30.26SP|Sorrenaaoh enemy
08:30.27Warlabecause i want to make a mod that does this:
08:30.30SP|Sorrenim asleep, sorry
08:30.31Warlaif you fight horde
08:30.43Warlait stores totems that got dropped in an array
08:30.50Warlathen i press a button
08:30.57Warlaand my pet goes on first one kills it
08:31.00Warlaremoves it from the list
08:31.03Warlanew click
08:31.06Warlagoes on next in array
08:31.28Nom_Well, you can't do that in 2.0 anyway
08:31.32Warlawhy not?
08:31.34Nom_Because you can't macro targeting
08:31.55Nom_At least, from what I understand, that's not's the reason Decursive no longer works
08:32.04Warla./target XX totem doesnt work?
08:32.14Nom_Not in combat from what I hear
08:32.30Warlabut you can send a pet issue with a target? or not?
08:32.51Warlatheres macros that do /cast [target=player] Devour Magic
08:32.55Warlathat worked well with my pet
08:32.58Warlaand works in combat
08:33.24Warlaso if i just pass [target=totemname] shouldnt that work?
08:34.45Nom_Yes....but that's different
08:35.02Nom_target=something is a specific list
08:35.13Nom_target=target, target=targettarget or something like that
08:36.56Nom_The [target=unit] is a special option. Instead of evaluating to 'true' or 'false', it changes the target of the following spell AND the target of the other options. "Unit" can be any valid unit type, i.e. "player", "target", "targettarget", "party1", "party1target", etc etc. For more on unit types, go here:
08:38.47*** join/#wowi-lounge dsfargeg (i=rumors@gateway/tor/x-237f034e3e25f18a)
08:39.44Nom_just saw that one
08:40.26Warlafor button smashing warrs and rogues only
08:40.36Warlacast sequence kinda crappy for locks
08:41.04Nom_There's a nice guide on the forums for making a magro
08:41.08Nom_macro for locks
08:41.23Nom_corruption, curse of agony, immolate etc
08:42.19WarlaCoA might resist
08:42.26Warlascrews cast sequence
08:43.08Warlaso lets say you have cast sequence
08:43.15WarlaCoA, corrupt, immolate
08:43.21Warlayou click button
08:43.24Nom_you can't have everything
08:43.24WarlaCoA works
08:43.29Warlaclick again
08:43.31Warlacorrupt resisted
08:43.36Warlaclick again immolate works
08:43.42Warlaclick again CoA again (300 mana wasted=
08:43.47Warlaclick again corrupt
08:44.18zenzelezzI don't see how castsequence would be particularly useful for warriors
08:44.50Warlathey have macros with 20 abilities in 1 macro
08:44.54Warlaand spam it like idiots
08:44.59zenzelezzif they do, they already suck
08:45.00Warlaread the forums
08:45.04Warlathe warrs whine the most
08:45.12Warla"OMG WE NEED 5 BUTTONS NOW"
08:45.19zenzelezzyou're generalizing
08:45.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
08:45.34zenzelezzbut you should know only the unhappy people ever post on the forums
08:45.37Warlait is true :-) warrs indeed whine the most about that change :-)
08:45.53Warlathats true
08:45.58zenzelezznot from what I've noticed, but I haven't looked much at it
08:46.11Warlai'm kinda grumpy at BC
08:46.28Warlain BC i have to drop both my professions :-(
08:46.31Warlaand i have em complete
08:46.39WarlaALL patterns and ALL schematics that exist
08:46.50Corrodiasso why do you -have- to drop them?
08:46.51Warlatailoring and engineering both utterly crap in BC :-(
08:47.12Warlablizzard: BC will have much more stamina ....
08:47.21WarlaALL purple tailor patterns have "0" stamina on em
08:48.54Nom_It's useful for most classes, just not as useful as it could be in some
08:48.59Nom_Priests can use it for a 'buff' button
08:49.13Nom_Fort, Spirit, Shadow all in one button
08:49.28Thardalstamina is usually called a wasted stat in pve anyway
08:49.52Nom_hmmm yes and no
08:50.11Thardalits all about the glass cannons
08:50.13Nom_in some cases, that extra stamina has been the difference between my mage dieing and surviving to bandage and continue nuke
08:50.32Thardalin some very rare fights
08:50.54Nom_And the extra 500(ish) hitpoints on tanks gives that extra little bit of buffer in case the healers are a little slow
08:51.11Thardali usually wear robe of the winter void in place of my nemesis
08:51.16Nom_Buffs are not there to make or break a raid anyway...they just help a bit
08:51.24zenzelezzI do hope your tanks don't wear cloth Nom_
08:52.04Nom_err...where did i indicate that might be the case?
09:00.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix_ (
09:00.23MeryI really hope they add a few more engi things in BC...
09:03.15Nom_I'd like to see all epix as schematic drops
09:04.09Nom_but just make them require an item which is a 100% (1 per kill) from the raid bosses
09:04.09Nom_or 2-3 per boss maybe
09:04.13Nom_So you can then gear up people much easier, but still requires a large amount of time to be committed to level an entire raid
09:04.42Nom_Our guild has been killing Ony every 5 days for weeks and no T2 Mage gear :(
09:11.18*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
09:23.33blixemAnyone know which interface icon is the big red question mark?  I can't seem to find it browsing through the files.
09:46.29blixemgetting ready to go to bed, but happen to know off the top of your head what the buff limit is on a player in TBC?
09:48.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Insa (
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09:52.34Elkanowhat is it currently? UI shows 24 but maybe you can have more
09:52.46blixem24 currently
09:53.23blixemcan't remember if they allowed more in TBC.  Where did you find that information for current version?
09:56.43Elkanowell, there are 24 slots for showing in current and in TBCs lua/xml for buff display
09:58.18blixemsigh, I should have looked in the interface data files...
09:58.31blixemgoing to bed... I'm starting to look stupid now
09:58.35blixemthanks for the help all
11:21.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
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12:31.47KasoHmm, the Nameplate casting bars seems have a slight bug
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12:39.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Malrus (
12:39.27MalrusHi there
12:39.53Kasogood morning
12:40.46MalrusI'm looking for some help. I wanna change the Micro Menu Bar, I think there is a way to do that with discord.
12:41.03MalrusThe skin of the Micro Menu Bar
12:42.08Kasoi cant say im familiar with the MicroMenuBar
12:42.38Kasopart of the default UI?
12:46.01MalrusYou know its the part with Character, map, spells butons
12:47.23*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
12:48.06Kasoah of course
12:48.40MalrusI want to change the skins of those buttons but...
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12:54.16MalrusI think it's possible with discord
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13:49.21Industrialwheres Azshara ?
13:49.53IndustrialMalrus: change the texture?
13:50.08Kasodid you ask where azhara is?
13:50.40IndustrialDeliver the Sealed Letter to Ag'Tor to Ag'Tor Bloodfist in Azshara
13:50.54Industrialo wait
13:51.01Kasoazahra is the area north of durtar
13:51.07Industrialwowhead == myfrient
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14:33.30|FF|Im2good4uis there any simpel way to shois a player ? to get his guildname / location ? (i wana it it for a list of plays so it woulbd be anoying if i had to send a simpel /whois for everyone)
14:34.03Kasounless theyre in your raid or guild, im afraid you're stuck whooing
14:34.42|FF|Im2good4ubut is there a way todo it silencly so the player wont get all the messages pupop ?
14:35.50Kasothere a function to set the who to goto the UI i forget the name, then just hook FriendsFrame_OnEvent iirc to block it
14:37.01Kasoi think thats the one
14:37.04Kasoalong those lines
14:43.13*** join/#wowi-lounge slugslinger (
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14:50.42Industrialsay these bloodelves in Aszharra drop alot of runecloth :oi
14:53.01|FF|Im2good4ugood fo u
15:02.11Malrushm my problem with the Micro menu bar is ok :p
15:02.27MalrusI change them with Discord Frame Modifier
15:03.10MalrusI'm now trying to find an add on that permit to use lower font size in chat ;)
15:05.44TainYou can possibly use Clearfont and just substitute in whatever font you like.
15:07.11Malrusit allow to change the minimum dont size in wow chat ?
15:07.23TainIt changes the default font to something else.
15:07.36Kasowahts the lowest size by default?
15:07.40TainI don't know all of the options, if it allows you to change the size independantly.
15:07.47TainBut you can put your own font in instead.
15:07.47grimman|Kaso: 12pt
15:08.03Kasoim using clearfont and i can select size 7
15:08.11Kasoso i does by default i guess
15:08.20Malrusok thx :)
15:09.18Malrusin fact, it work, thx ;)
15:11.24Mr_Rabies2awesome, no seeds for the 2.0.1 partial
15:12.47Mr_Rabies2oh one seed awesome
15:16.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
15:17.03|FF|Im2good4ui wonder will the next 2.0.1 patch go on tomorrow ?
15:17.33IndustrialIs there a wiki page or pages where I can see how stats affect my character? I dont know how stats work yet and im interested cause Im doing a quest for a +36 Attack Power ring.
15:25.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
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15:47.13JoshBorkeaye de mi
15:47.18JoshBorkestupid three phase power
15:50.06KasoWhat the fuck
15:50.15Kasothe blood elfs have leper gnome slaves
15:54.27EndI've seen a leper gnome in UC before
15:54.31Endbut that's more expected
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16:15.28Mike-N-GoAnyone know what is wrong with
16:15.51Mike-N-GoI don't know what I did wrong.
16:16.08JoshBorkewhat doesn't work?
16:23.04Industrialyou can remove the else return
16:23.22Industrialwont fix whatever issue you are having tho
16:25.15cogwheelMike-N-Go: You're not providing us with enough information... We don't know what LFGTrigger is, and we don't know how you're calling the lfgTrigger function...
16:25.57cogwheelIf LFGTrigger isn't true, the chat message will never run. Same if lfgTrigger is never called
16:26.10cogwheelIf I had to guess, i'd say you forgot to :RegisterEvent ;)
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17:00.08Industrialhm lets clear un'goro now so ill never ever have to go there anymore
17:00.21Industrialoh maybe for farming firs stuffs :<
17:01.33Industrialis +36 AP alot?
17:01.33Industriallevel 55
17:03.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
17:11.27JoshBorkewb Cairenn
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17:22.11zenzelezz"Data for the next patch is available." o_O
17:22.32Cairennprepatch stuff
17:22.46zenzelezzsuch misleading text then
17:23.03Cairennjust folks putting their own spin on it
17:23.23axxoptr was 400
17:24.10Kaso :>
17:24.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc_ (n=Adrine@
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17:34.03Endodd, this computer I'm trying to fix can't have a mouse
17:34.14Endit hangs if it has a mouse plugged in o_O
17:34.51IndustrialKaso: heh :)
17:34.57Mr_Rabies2irqs maybe? hell if i know
17:35.01Merytry a computer mouse :-P
17:35.23Mr_Rabies2<axxo> 35mb
17:35.32Mr_Rabies2yeah its just partial-1
17:35.47Mr_Rabies2mostly stuff that wont change probably
17:37.08End~whaleslap mery
17:37.10purlACTION beats mery upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
17:37.56Moonwolf~seen cide
17:38.17purlcide is currently on #wowi-lounge, last said: 'and send it through a channel?'.
17:38.17Cide~seen cide
17:38.21purlcide is currently on #wowi-lounge. Has said a total of 1 messages. Is idling for 4s, last said: '~seen cide'.
17:38.23End~seen Moonwolf
17:38.25purlmoonwolf is currently on #wowi-lounge (9h 21m 3s) #wowace (9h 21m 3s). Has said a total of 50 messages. Is idling for 29s, last said: '~seen cide'.
17:38.34Cairenn~seen The Da Vinci code
17:38.36purli haven't seen 'the da vinci code', Cairenn
17:38.44Endnor have I
17:38.45Cidepurl needs to get out more
17:39.08CideMoonwolf: what's up?
17:40.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
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18:00.23grimman   >>
18:00.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Hexarobi (
18:11.15*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
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18:11.43cncfanaticsyo all
18:11.52Cairennhi cncfanatics
18:12.09SaerisAnyone know whether "Improved X" talents like Improved Renew apply before or after +healing bonuses are considered?
18:13.27grimmanI believe it improves your base spell effect... so before. :P
18:17.47cncfanatics99% of all spell modifiers are applied after +healing
18:19.24SaerisDo either of you have evidence? I've been looking through the wiki and haven't yet found a definitive answer.
18:19.57nevcairielimproved renew is before healing
18:20.35nevcairiellike improved rejuvenation
18:20.39nevcairielall before
18:20.40cncfanaticsrly weird -.-
18:20.44Kasoi thought that all talents were moved after for 2.0
18:20.50cncfanaticsall +dmg modifiers are after +dmg
18:20.57cncfanaticsevery single on of em
18:21.00nevcairielhm not sure about 2.0
18:21.05cncfanaticswld only be logical to have +healing after em too
18:21.25nevcairielin 1.12 i need 50 healing + for 10 more per hot tic, which is the exact value without any bonus
18:21.28nevcairielso its before
18:21.31Kasoi know in live some are before +heal imp renew and spiritual healng are both applied to base
18:21.49Kasobut in 2.0 i believe every talent is appllied after +heal/dmg
18:22.12Kasocan i do {GetMapContinents()}[GetCurrentMapContinent()] ?
18:23.01Kasodarn :< was trying to save space in my macro
18:23.02Cidebut you can do ({GetMapContinents()})[GetCurrentMapContinent()]
18:23.32Kasosweet that owns
18:26.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
18:29.11AntiarcI'm 99% sure that in 1.12, talents are pre-healing
18:29.20AntiarcErr, pre- +heal
18:30.57Cidemost are, yes
18:34.57*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren (
18:37.18KasoSo there's no way whatsoever to integently use items in macro, even when out of combat
18:37.24*** join/#wowi-lounge kergoth (
18:37.35kergothsomeday i'll remember to add this to my autojoin
18:37.41cogwheelnope (as in that's not correct)
18:38.03cogwheelOut of combat, an addon can modify macros or secure action buttons in order to pick the best item or spell
18:38.05kergoth - heh
18:38.37MaldiviaKaso: ({GetMapContinents()})[GetCurrentMapContinent()] ... hmm, can't that be rewritten for 2.0 as select(GetCurrentMapContinent(), GetMapContinents()
18:39.49Maldiviaand about pre/post +heal/dmg, variest from talent to talent - looking over the mage talents, Fire Power (+10% fire damage) is pre-damage, but Arcane Instability (+3% damage) is post-damage
18:39.59Cideyes Maldivia
18:40.04Kasotrue, and that way would save creating a table thus less gc i guess.
18:40.05Maldiviawhere as currently (1.12), Arcane Instability is pre-damage
18:40.37Cide3 characters longer, though!
18:40.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=chatzill@
18:41.35grimmanBeta servers going down. ;(U
18:41.43Kasoonly a restart
18:41.57kergothquestion, have the formulas for things like melee AP changed in tbc, and if so, are the new formulas being ascertained and documented somewhere?
18:42.28EsamynnI don't think the benefits from each point of AP have changed
18:42.40Esamynnbtw, did I DC just a couple minutes ago?
18:42.40MoonwolfI not know of any changse in ap.
18:51.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Thorarin (
18:51.49AntiarcMelee AP formulae have not changed.
18:52.05AntiarcThe only AP formula that changed was hunters going from 2 AP per AGI to 1.
18:52.24ElkanoI feel so nerfed :(
18:52.24AntiarcUnless you're talking about Fury warriors, who now get 2.2 AP per STR in berzerker stance.
18:52.37AntiarcThe sheer amount of agi/atk gear in BC makes up for the nerf, I think be honest, the hunters I've fought haven't been lacking for damage :)
18:53.40grimmanElkano: How are your buffbars coming along? :P
18:54.06Elkanowell, ebb1 has got some fixes for tbc
18:54.40AntiarcSpeaking of AP, though, I think I'm going to need to write a mod that shows time left on Rampage as a bar, and time left on your window to activate Rampage as a bar.
18:55.05AntiarcI found myself being horribly inefficient with Rampage while grinding because I didn't want to spend my whole time watching the buff timer.
18:55.07kergothhas anyone done timer bars for deadly poison yet?  being able to time envenom might be a useful thing
18:55.22Antiarckergoth: I'm working on some ideas for that
18:55.34AntiarcSpecifically in the area of tracking which stack on a mob is yours
18:55.41AntiarcBut that includes timing info, so a bar would be trivial
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18:56.17kergothis there a combat log event for when your poison gets applied?  course if they cure one, thatd throw it all ofof
18:56.24AntiarcThere is for the first one, yes.
18:56.30AntiarcActually, there is for all of them.
18:56.38AntiarcMob is afflicted by Deadly Poison (3), for example.
18:56.51AntiarcI'm working on the idea of tracking charge reductions, though
18:57.07kergothsounds like a pain in the ass
18:57.09AntiarcSo the # of charges goes down on your weapon and you assume a refresh, unless there's a resist message.
18:57.10kergoththanks blizz!
18:57.20AntiarcApplication don't have info associated with them regarding whose application it is
18:57.22AntiarcBut resists do
18:57.26AntiarcSo yeah, it's a giant PITA.
18:57.31AntiarcBut it'll be necessary.
18:58.04cncfanaticscould someone help me with this bit of code ?
18:58.08cncfanaticsits not working for some dark reason
18:58.20AntiarcWhere does it fail?
18:58.25Antiarc"It doesn't work" is sorta vague :P
18:58.40kergothis anyone else here on the beta with a rogue?
18:58.42cncfanaticsit just doesn't do anything
18:58.47kergothi dont think i've seen blade twisting proc once
18:58.51AntiarcI have a rogue, warrior, and priest.
18:58.55AntiarcOh, that
18:59.00AntiarcYou don't get a combat log message
18:59.01cncfanaticsits suposed to use secure templates to switch buttons on stancechange, Antiarc
18:59.02JoshBorkecncfanatics: are you sure you have your states correct?
18:59.06AntiarcYou just get more energy on the next tick, I think.
18:59.19cncfanaticstesting it with a rogue
18:59.22cncfanaticsso only 2 stances
18:59.23kergothits supposed to daze them, right? i havent seen the daze display over their head
18:59.25kergothunless i'm missing it
18:59.28cncfanaticsvisible, 0 and stealthed 1
18:59.28AntiarcOh, wait, heh
18:59.33AntiarcI was thinking Combat Potency
18:59.40AntiarcI haven't looked for Blade Twisting yet
18:59.46AntiarcI'll have to play around with it.
18:59.51AntiarcHave you tried the stealth-aggro bug yet?
18:59.55kergothi figured 30/31/0 would be viable for grinding, but am disappointed
18:59.56kergothhehe, not yet
18:59.56AntiarcIt's friggin' hilariouos.
19:00.07AntiarcI've been really happy with Mutilate for grinding.
19:00.16kergothyeah it does work surprisingly well
19:00.16cncfanaticsnevcairiel, ping :p
19:00.20AntiarcYour average non-elite's HP is such that Mutilate rips through them pretty quickly.
19:00.20cogwheelcncfanatics: what does line 39 print for you?
19:00.27Kasohow many macros can there be?
19:00.39cncfanaticsi'll say in a sec cogwheel
19:00.40kergothi do like my shadowstep build too though, the ap and agi boosts are nice, though its pretty weak after the initial hits out of stealth
19:00.41cncfanaticswhen i can login
19:00.54cncfanaticstempest keep seems down
19:00.59cogwheelkaso: 36, but secure buttons can run macro text directly, so it's basically unlimited
19:01.02Kasothey just shut down
19:01.11AntiarcI dislike Sub precisely because of that. Powerful openers, but once the opener is gone, you're basically useless.
19:01.12cogwheel(18 global, 18 character-specific)
19:01.25AntiarcIt's basically "gank and kill in the initial stunlock or die horribly"
19:01.28AntiarcWhich irritates me.
19:01.28kergothyea, either the mob is dead in 2 hits or you're in for a loong fight
19:01.45cncfanatics(huh, why is tempest keep beta realm gone ?)
19:01.57kergothi shadowstepped right off the cliff in hellfire peninsula
19:02.00kergothmobs on a ledge ftl
19:02.23cncfanaticscogwheel, can't connect -.-
19:02.29cncfanaticslemme check chatlogs
19:02.34JoshBorkecncfanatics: why is it :Stance vs :S (in Iriel's example)?
19:02.49cncfanaticsdoesn't matter what the name is I think
19:02.52cogwheelJoshBorke: you can name statebuttons anything you want
19:03.09cogwheelhe names them in lines 32-34
19:03.25KasoOk, two questions, Will this work? Second, any ideas how i could compress that to 255chars :>
19:05.32Kasocncfanatics log in again :>
19:06.04cncfanaticsstill disconnect when I login Kaso
19:06.11cncfanaticsbtw, i updated my pastey with what the debug code returns
19:06.51cogwheelKaso: i don't think you can edit a macro in progress. However, hopefully slouken will add a [canfly] or [zone] macro option. You can always use a secure button to get the effect you want.
19:07.08Kasodarn :<
19:07.18cogwheelor actually, use an addon to modify the macro for you whenever you enter/leave the outland so it doesn't have to do the check every time you run the macro
19:07.34Kasoi kidna wanted to avoid doing an addon, but i guess not :<
19:08.31cncfanaticscogwheel, can u take a look at the updated pastey ? added debug code
19:08.38Kasoi was hoping macros were parsed a line at a time or something
19:08.47cogwheelnow that i think about it, you could use /click to activate another macro that the first one edits
19:09.06Kasoooh didnt know there was a /click
19:09.31cogwheelAlso, your two EditMacro lines are identical except for the item names. I'm sure they can be combined into one... give me a sec
19:09.47cogwheel(unless slouken changed his mind about /click :P)
19:09.53Neuro_Medivhcogwheel is ON the mutha!
19:10.26Kasogood point
19:10.50Kasoin its current form if it fit into 255 i'd need to be pressed twice to work properly i guess
19:11.24Kasoshortening macros is fun :>
19:11.51cncfanaticsmaking 1k+ lines addons more performant is more fun !
19:13.04TainI don't think performant is a real word.
19:13.16cncfanaticsit is when u'll see fb2 :p
19:13.18cogwheelcncfanatics: i'll be with you in a moment :P
19:13.20cncfanatics0fps loss atm :)
19:13.24cncfanaticssure cogwheel :p
19:13.43Kasofuck i hate netherstorm, thats 4 times ive fallen off the edge
19:14.55SP|Sorrenwould /assist [help/noexists,pet] pet work?
19:16.42*** join/#wowi-lounge SB1-Work (n=kylesb@
19:17.42Neuro_Medivhwhat do you want it to do?
19:17.56SP|Sorrenif i dont have a target or my target is friendly, assist my pet
19:18.59Neuro_Medivhthat is /assist [help,pet] pet; [noexists,pet] pet; target
19:19.08Tainhah hah I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner but I was curious and just ran a query against our work environment to see if anyone has WoW installed.  And there is one.
19:19.17Neuro_MedivhIs it you?
19:19.37SP|Sorrenyou can't use or like that?
19:19.46SP|Sorrengood to know
19:19.57TainLet's see what addons he has installed.
19:19.59Neuro_Medivhthe '/' only works on the option modifiers
19:20.01cncfanaticscogwheel, still here ? :p
19:20.08Neuro_Medivhnot between options themselves
19:20.14cogwheelpatience, young padawan
19:20.23TainAw no addons at all.  But he just installed last week.
19:20.31Neuro_Medivhlike [stance:2/3] works, but not [pet/noexists]
19:21.14Moonwolftain, put it an addon that hides his worldframe
19:21.47TainWhoever he is he doesn't play on any of the same servers as me.
19:21.51TainThat's rotten, Moonwolf!
19:21.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=chatzill@
19:22.07Tainoooh drop an addon in that pops up on his screen, "I know where you work."
19:22.33MoonwolfI only did that to a friend, once....
19:22.34Moonwolfor twice
19:22.34*** join/#wowi-lounge SB1-Work (n=kylesb@
19:22.53Neuro_Medivhput a mod on his system
19:22.59Nickenyfikenhi guys
19:23.03Neuro_Medivhthat changes any tells from your character into GM tells =)
19:23.09Nickenyfikeni have some trouble with Tablet on PTR
19:23.17Nickenyfikenanyone know how to get it working?
19:23.33Neuro_Medivhthen send him tells and mess with his head =)
19:24.22Neuro_MedivhTain, how mean do you wanna be?
19:24.43TainAh I'd rather keep my job than mess with someone in a game. :)
19:24.52Neuro_Medivhcause if you REALLY wanna be mean, you could install WoW Glider on his machine... so if he plays from work, they'll detect it and ban him
19:25.02cogwheelkaso: assuming /click works, try this:
19:25.11Neuro_Medivhdoubt it works yet
19:25.19TainThat's not mean, that's malicious.
19:25.48SB1-Work <-- that it is
19:25.56Neuro_Medivhwell, he shouldn't be playing WoW from work then =)
19:26.24Moonwolfwait those people are pissed they got banned for something they knew was wrong...
19:26.43Kasounfortunatly click isnt in the current beta build but ill keep that in standby
19:27.33cncfanaticsSB1-Work, anyone using that is asking for a ban imo
19:27.51SB1-Workcncfanatics, agreed
19:27.54cogwheelcncfanatics: one thing I noticed is that you're applying the statebutton to the button while at the same time using useparent-statebutton. You should be applying statebutton to the parent frame of the button.
19:27.54Merythe whole wowglider forum is full of people "glider gave me back my life, you cannot play wow without it"
19:27.58SB1-WorkIt's just funny to read their forums :D
19:28.06cogwheeldon't know if that's causing the problem though
19:28.30Merythose are the best =)
19:28.34cogwheelcncfanatics: wait a minute... where are you creating the buttons? are you sure they're inheriting properly?
19:28.53Meryand the ones like "I only tested it once" or "bought it 1 day ago"
19:29.05SB1-WorkThose people are worse than the mage forums
19:29.10SB1-WorkAnd that's seriously saying something
19:29.34cncfanaticsi'm making them inherit the stuff as I create them
19:29.40cncfanaticsso i'm nearly sure the inheritance is correct yes
19:29.54cncfanaticswant to see me whole code cogwheel ?
19:29.58cogwheelwell, that's what I asked :P
19:30.20cogwheeljust the line of where it's created
19:30.21cncfanatics800+ lines inc :p
19:30.27cogwheelyou can paste it here
19:30.30cogwheel(just the one line)
19:30.38cncfanaticsModel:SetTempData("HeaderFrame", CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent, "SecureStateHeaderTemplate")); --Setup the header frame that inherits from the SecureStateHeaderTemplate
19:30.48cncfanaticsthat creates the secure stateheadertemplate
19:30.52cogwheelthat's the header... i'm talking about the button
19:31.15cncfanaticsself.Frame.Button = CreateFrame("CheckButton", "FB2_BTN_" .. self.ButtonNumber, self.Frame, "SecureActionButtonTemplate,SecureStateDriverTemplate"); -- Need to set a frame name here for SetBindingClick to work, sigh ...
19:31.30cogwheelthe HEADER is supposed to be the SecureStateDriverTemplate
19:31.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Grine (
19:32.45cncfanaticsok, and what does the button inherit from then ? same as what it inherits now ?
19:32.55cogwheelexcept for the statedrivertemplate
19:32.57cncfanatics(can't believe it ain't working cuz of something that silly -.-)
19:33.11cogwheel'swhy i told you to look at cogsbar :P
19:33.17cncfanaticsI did
19:33.26cncfanaticsbut didn't pay attention to that cuz i was sure that was correct -.-
19:33.45cncfanaticsModel:SetTempData("HeaderFrame", CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent, "SecureStateDriverTemplate")); --Setup the header frame that inherits from the SecureStateDriverTemplate
19:33.45cncfanaticsself.Frame.Button = CreateFrame("CheckButton", "FB2_BTN_" .. self.ButtonNumber, self.Frame, "SecureActionButtonTemplate"); -- Need to set a frame name here for SetBindingClick to work, sigh ...
19:33.50cogwheelWelcome to the wonderful world of assumptions :P
19:33.51cncfanaticsthat wld do ? (sry for the spam -.-)
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19:34.06cogwheelThat should fix it unless there are other problems
19:35.07cncfanaticslets see
19:35.59cncfanaticstnx a lot cogwheel :)
19:36.01cncfanaticsi love ya :p
19:36.11Tembtw, cogwheel, look at the old changes thread
19:36.34cogwheelThe old old one or the current old one?
19:36.57Temthe one that is stickied
19:37.03Temlast page
19:37.21cncfanaticsu had the last reply :o
19:37.45Merywell Tem can break the wow client AND the forums...
19:38.01cncfanaticsbreaking the client probably ain't difficult :p
19:38.05Temcog's been after me to add that for like a week
19:38.24purlI wonder what Tem is breaking now...
19:38.41cncfanaticscogwheel, can u post something for me in an US thread ?
19:38.55cncfanatics could you post that a flexbar2 version for TBC is on the works
19:40.08Nickenyfikencan someone explain to me. Is it just table.setn() that is depricated in 5.1 and not getn()?
19:40.16cogwheelcncfanatics: you got it
19:40.34KasoNickenyfiken table.getn is now #
19:40.41Kasoso table,getn(t) ==#t
19:40.55cncfanaticscogwheel, code still not working -.-
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19:41.20cncfanaticsdo I have to remove the regular action attribute ?
19:42.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
19:42.23NickenyfikenKaso: ok, but i get no error in my mod on the getn() lines on the PTR, thats why im asking... is PTR different from TBC version?
19:42.44SP|Sorrenits a version behind or something
19:43.01Nickenyfikenso its still lua 5.0 compatible?
19:43.09cogwheelcncfanatics: are you testing just the code in question or are you integrating it with the rest of the system? If you're doing the latter, i'd suggest you stop... Unit testing 4tw
19:43.29cncfanaticswith the rest of the system
19:43.35Kasohmm, thats intersting Nickenyfiken, /dump table.getn({1,2,3,4}) is working for me too
19:43.55Nickenyfikenyeah im really confused
19:44.13Nickenyfikencus i wanted to make my mod TBC compatible by testing it on the PTR...
19:44.17Kasomaybe i have an addon thats creating table.getn or perhaps they didnt remove it, just added # as well
19:44.30JoshBorkei don't think table.getn has been removed
19:44.35JoshBorkei know table.setn generates an error
19:44.40Nickenyfikenah maybe one of the embedded libs fix getn?
19:45.09Nickenyfikencus i only load my mod and the embeds ofcourse
19:45.20Kasonah getn isnt removed
19:45.25Kasobut use # instead anyway
19:45.44Tullerhurray, finally got help buttons working with stances
19:47.18cncfanaticsgimme Tuller !
19:48.29Tullerbutton:SetAttribute('helpbutton-stancename', 'heal'); button:SetAttribute('action-heal', newID)
19:49.34nevcairielwhats a help button?
19:49.42cncfanaticscya all, gtg
19:49.44*** part/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
19:50.21Tullerhelpbutton - you're targeting something you can assist, harmbutton - you're targeting something you can attack
19:50.43Neuro_Medivhcog, did they add in a /targetlasttarget command, or am I mistaken?
19:50.56cogwheel2.0 changes thread :P
19:51.04Neuro_Medivhbah, that would require reading
19:51.05TullerNeuro_Medivh: yes, and ith as a keybinding too
19:51.11Tullerit has that is
19:51.17cogwheelNeuro_Medivh: no... just judicious use of CTRL-F :P
19:51.27nevcairielTuller i used some lines of your OmniCC code for an integrated cooldown count in my action bar addonfor BC, i hope you dont mind, or do i have to completly re-invent the wheel there ? :) of course i credited you
19:52.00Tullernevcairiel: I was going to make a sarcastic post saying OMG I SUE YOU!
19:52.07nevcairieloh noes!
19:52.43nevcairielbah server restart again
19:54.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=chatzill@
19:54.45nevcairieli am actually amazed by the feral talents in BC, i tanked in coilfang today with a full feral spec and i could hold aggro against a t3 rogue.
19:56.18nevcairieland i found a bug in Bartender3 while tanking, heh :)
19:56.20*** join/#wowi-lounge [Liquidor] (
19:56.34kergothi should try out the latest bartender3 updates, currenjtly using ackbar
19:56.41Elkanodruids can tank? how? ;)
19:56.56nevcairieli normally dont play classes with "on next swing" spells, so i didnt catch that bug before
19:57.16Elkanook, against 1 enemy it will work somehow but against more... :/
19:57.30nevcairieli can hold them against healing aggro
19:57.36nevcairielif the dmg is focused
19:57.56nevcairielthe feral 41 is great
19:57.59nevcairielfor aggro and dps
20:01.44*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
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20:02.44Thardalimo druid tanking is going to be more useful with the healing changes
20:03.00nevcairieli love the druid healing changes
20:03.03nevcairieli am so powerful now
20:03.12Thardalback when healers used to go oom, having a bear tank on golemagg was awesome
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20:04.49KasoWhy did ag unitframes spotainiously disable itself :<
20:05.00kergothnevcairiel, whats your opinion on the tree form?
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20:05.39nevcairielkergoth, couldnt test it much yet, since its not useful in 5man as only healer, but from what i think .. its going to rock
20:06.01nevcairielat least in raids now, i can think of lots of fights
20:06.31kergotheven though you're stuck with hots and swiftmend?  seems like itd be useless on the mt, only good for patch jobs
20:07.01Thardaldruids were always better for offtarget healing
20:07.08nevcairielthe hots are damn powerful
20:07.08JoshBorkenuh uh
20:07.11JoshBorkepaladins rock the house
20:07.13nevcairielwith lifebloom
20:07.34nevcairielplus you have swiftmend and regrowth as emergency heals
20:07.57Thunder_Childpallys are bettertnaks than they are healers
20:08.05Thunder_Childbetter tanks*
20:08.17[Liquidor]Uhm the wowace channel is dead, trying here then
20:08.17JoshBorkepaladins are just better all around :-D
20:08.22[Liquidor]"My account is temp. closed (and wow-eu is down), so I'm asking if anyone here would be so kind and make a profile of their character so I can do some coding? Addon to be used:"
20:10.05Kasois that a quote, or are you asking that
20:10.10Kasooh, i see you're asking
20:11.10Kasosure why not
20:11.13Kasolive or beta?
20:11.22[Liquidor]nvm level
20:11.24Kasogimme a moment
20:11.30[Liquidor]or 10+ prefered with talents :)
20:12.11[Liquidor]I'm creating a MOD for my PHPBB forum (Roster+Event planning+dkp)
20:13.18Kasoanything particular i need to do?
20:13.29Kasoor just load in, visit the bank
20:13.39[Liquidor]open up everything
20:13.52[Liquidor]bank, talents, spellbook, bags,
20:14.19[Liquidor]Then "/console reloadui" and send me the file you get in your saved variablse
20:14.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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20:17.34[Liquidor]Thanks a lot <3
20:17.40[Liquidor]Now I got something to do this evening
20:17.56Kasothat addon will take a bit of changing come TBC with all the new char panel things
20:18.07[Liquidor]Oh btw, Genjuros = realmname?
20:18.30[Liquidor]Well just asking since I haven't seen that realm before
20:18.35Kasoits an EU one
20:19.14[Liquidor]well I don't know the names of all 92 EU realms
20:19.48[Liquidor]Okay I know it might be much to ask but could you make a new saved one where 2 characters are loaded?
20:20.18[Liquidor]Need to make an option to select which character is your main character on the site looping through the players/realms
20:20.32kergothis there a small addon to just let you relocate that frame that shows the AB resources, wsg flag captures, tower captures, etc
20:20.33Kasomym that certainly is a indepth profile
20:20.36kergothi hate that default spot
20:21.00[Liquidor]Kaso: say what? :)
20:21.09Kasoyou could use DFM style thing, or i guess you could write a tiny addon to do it kergoth
20:21.32[Liquidor]Kaso: It's because, some players just let this addon be active on all characters and when uploading the file I need to force them to choose 1 character out of all they got saved
20:21.36Kasoyou've recorded everything i could imagen and alot of things i couldnt liquid :>
20:22.33[Liquidor]I don't get that message :> But would it be possible if you could load up another character as well? They get saved to the same file
20:23.22JoshBorkeIriel: ping
20:23.24Kasoyou want a profile of another char
20:23.29IrielJoshBorke: Yes?
20:23.45kergothKaso, yeah, i'll do a quick one myself i suppose, i'm just lazy :)
20:23.50JoshBorkeIriel: i want to replicate the UI used to filter events in DevTools
20:23.57JoshBorkebut I can't make hide-nor-hair of the code :-(
20:24.08IrielJoshBorke: The code came from Kirov 8-)
20:24.20[Liquidor]Kaso: Not another as a new one but another as an addition to the current one.
20:24.22JoshBorkei know :-( but he's MIA long time
20:24.24JoshBorke~seen kirov
20:24.52purlkirov is currently on #wowi-lounge (42m 45s), last said: 'If anyone here is a fan of animation, check this out.'.
20:25.04JoshBorkeKirov: ping
20:25.10JoshBorkei swear he wasn't hear earlier!
20:27.14Kaso[Liquidor] refresh same URL for new file
20:27.56[Liquidor]Thanks a lot.
20:30.10*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz_ (
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20:30.37Industrialdamn you alliance
20:30.43Industrialgank me moar
20:31.17Industrial/no /no /beg /no /no /sigh /sigh /shoo /no /no
20:31.20Industrialget a fucking clue
20:35.42Temdid they add a shaman trainer to SW?
20:36.05zenzelezz_think so
20:36.15zenzelezz_by the water near the gate, if I remember correctly from a screenshot
20:37.06[Liquidor]Kaso: what addon do use for that?
20:37.25Kasomy own one
20:37.28KasoCalled Jloot :>
20:37.35[Liquidor]Arh I found it
20:38.06Kasoit was for an old guild so i havent used it in ages, i think it still works, but you need a speical version of RaidBidder for it
20:38.16[Liquidor]Uhm gonna make that profiler now. Hardest part will be to create the character frame on the web
20:39.16Kasoother cool stuff added by Jloot
20:39.27Kasothat was like my first addon, <3
20:39.35Kasowell second technically
20:40.29Endme thinks that screenshot is out of date
20:41.09Kasoyah that was a long time ago, before it actually said classes on ZG items etc
20:41.41Endalso, it says hunter enchant :P
20:43.03Kasoi love this picture, I made it about the time there was a big message on our realm forum "WARNING KEYLOGGERS, DONT CLICK LINKS" :>
20:43.27[Liquidor]My couple of first addons were Boss Addons for encounters in Naxx
20:43.53Temoh wtf
20:44.02Temyou can't jump to the island that the shaman trainer is on
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20:45.25[Liquidor]Kaso: look at the bottom
20:45.55[Liquidor]:P A bit outdated compared to how it looks like now though but didn't get further on with it yet since I got these web projects
20:46.21Kasoyou wrote a windows taskbar for wow?
20:46.30[Liquidor]Made an entire shell/explore
20:46.41[Liquidor]Folders, notepad with lua syntax highlight and games etc
20:46.53[Liquidor]Documents and more
20:47.07Temshe's on a little island in the water
20:47.21Temand the banks of it are too high above the surface of the water
20:47.39[Liquidor]Also adding calendar, guild tools, raiding tools, WoWMSN, Themes for all of it and more :)
20:48.04TainWhat, no Minesweeper?
20:48.10[Liquidor]That picture is extremely outdated btw :S
20:48.27[Liquidor]No atm only Tetris, Poker and another game I can't remember
20:48.55[Liquidor]Calcuator erhm and some other stuff
20:49.30[Liquidor]Ye, or not entirely like MSN but your whispers are framed like messenger and they got each own windows
20:49.49TemI just thought of something that I sure hope blizzard thought of...
20:49.53[Liquidor]blinking at the bottom upon new messages and all, you know... like MSN
20:50.08[Liquidor]or Messenger for that matter
20:50.12Temalliance quests don't have shaman rewards
20:50.22Grineusing chatr atm
20:50.45TemI sure hope they've played with the choices to give new shammies some decent leveling gear
20:51.03Kasojust ninja the druid/hunter gear
20:51.54EndTem, it feels most horde quests don't even have shaman gear
20:52.15Temthat's unfortunate
20:52.28TemI have this thing where I don't buy gear from the AH
20:52.29Endmy shaman has too many agility pieces of armor...
20:52.31Temlike ever
20:52.41IndustrialDING 56
20:54.19TainYeesh I'll buy gear from the AH if its a single point better than what I'm wearing in any stat a lot of times.
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21:05.52Kaso"(tempnick) test"
21:05.59Kasohis test failed
21:06.23zespri_workdepends on point of view =)
21:06.37Maldiviadepends what he was testing
21:06.49Kasoi assumed his test was, "can i get my proper name working"
21:07.18zespri_workI was testing freenode mirc script that highlights un-identified nicknames. this test quite succeeded =)
21:09.04Kasoactually i should have worked out that it was you seeing as the IP is the same
21:09.28zespri_workeven simpler
21:09.31zespri_work[10:01] * zespri is now known as tempnick
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21:30.19Industrialyay rank 4
21:30.31Industrialwonder what cool itemstuff i can get now
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21:39.34zenzelezzI look all naked in guildies' screenshots... only me and one other guildie that have no PvP rank
21:39.51zenzelezzstill baffles me why they all play with player names on anyway, so messy :-o
21:40.29grimmanPlaying without == who's who?
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21:56.52TullerSo uhh...I can't do help/harm buttons without predefining a unit for a secure action button, can I?
21:57.10Industrialzenzelezz: so then how are you going to see whos who?
21:57.36zenzelezzIndustrial: if they're guildies, I usually recognize ht
21:57.40zenzelezz*them from their gear
21:57.45zenzelezzif not, I /target
22:06.16TemTuller, what unit would you have it refer to then?
22:07.10Tullertarget if no unit is set :)
22:08.32Temjust set the unit to target
22:09.12Tullerthat's a problem in the case of action buttons, if you set the unit to target, then the button will not perform any action if no target exists
22:09.24Tullereven if selfcast is enabled
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22:11.33MaldiviaTuller: then reassign bindings, using the state header, and the unit-exists on target
22:12.16Temthat's a pretty big hack
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22:13.22Maldivia... nah :)
22:14.03Temoh you mean button mappings
22:14.13Temthat's still a hack, but not as big as I was thinking
22:14.51Maldiviabugger... target=none doesn't work with hostile spells :|
22:15.55Temnot surprizing
22:16.20TemI wish it did though
22:16.38TemKnow what I love most about playing this shaman?
22:17.02TemThe word "downtime" has no meaning to me
22:20.46Maldiviasame applies to warlocks
22:21.05Guillotine<3 my warlock. drain tanking, I can kill 2 mobs at a time, no down times
22:21.34Maldivialife tap, the pet mana drain thing, the new talent, where you get 15% mana back when you drain when a mob dies
22:21.43chuckgYou need the killing blow.
22:21.51chuckgIt's a good thing full rank drain soul does ~400 at ick.
22:22.01chuckgNo good if you're using a felguard, though
22:22.03Maldiviayeah, but the 5 dots there's on does
22:23.17Kasois there a tbc model viewer around?
22:23.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Thardal (
22:24.05Maldiviadont ask me where though :)
22:24.35Kasois that a dont ask me i dont know, or a dont ask me
22:24.57Kasohmm, i inteded that to be in italitics
22:25.32Thunder_Childthere is one on Curse, but curse is in limbo atm
22:30.36*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
22:31.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Seracht (
22:32.02Serachtif I lose my combat log how can I get it back?
22:34.15Kasomake a new chat window, and use the tab to select which combat events you want it to show
22:35.33EndI like my answer better,
22:39.26Kasothat also work :>
22:39.53Kasothough it shouldnt! they should use dynamically created frames!
22:46.16SP|Sorrenthen you'd have to reselect your options each time ;O
22:46.43grimmanIs there a torrent file for the EU upgrade available yet?
22:48.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
22:49.59cogwheelgrimman: for live or for the ptr/beta?
22:51.07JoshBorkebye all!
22:52.43grimmanLive... but apparently it was just lying in the cache folder...
22:53.27cogwheelyep. was gonna tell you that :)  Also, there are programs you can use to extract the .torrent file out of "normal" patch downloaders
22:53.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Neuro__ (
22:53.45grimmanThat didn't work with the beta torrent, I just assumed that tool no longer worked.
22:54.21Thunder_Childtry it
22:54.30grimmanI've been informed already. ;>
22:55.10cogwheelI used wowtorrentex. You have to delete all the other downloaders in the folder so it doesn't get confused, but it works :)
22:55.21SB1-WorkAnd it works perfectly too
22:55.34SB1-WorkI downloaded the WoW TBC client at 900kB/sec as a result of that
22:55.36SB1-WorkIt was nuts
22:55.47grimmanI got 1 seed and 29 peers... no down speed though. Odd.
22:55.57SB1-WorkIgnore what the tracker tells you
22:56.01grimmanSB1-Work: I got that with Blizzard's downloader, believe it or not.
22:56.10SB1-WorkI was connected to 70 seeds out of 6 on a torrent
22:56.12SB1-Workgrimman, sustained?
22:56.14grimmanThis is what my client tells me. :P
22:56.19grimmanMore or less.
22:56.45grimmanMore like 800, but still. ;)
22:56.45SB1-WorkI get 500kB/sec when I DMZ the box torrenting it with the blizz downloader
22:57.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Vallerius_work (
22:57.02SB1-WorkBut with the .torrent extraction, I can pop that into AZ and pull 900kB/sec with only opening one port ;P
22:57.13grimmanµTorrent ftw. ;>
22:57.32grimmanWell... still, aren't there better clients?
22:57.44SB1-WorkCrap no. AZ has actual features of use.
22:57.58SB1-WorkUT still can't (and will never be able to) grab torrents via magnet links
22:58.16grimmanThat means nothing to me.
22:58.44SB1-WorkIt means I can type in a string of ~40-50 chars and via DHT, it'l find the .torrent file and download it for me (distributed trackers, etc.)
22:59.03grimmanI see.
23:00.04SB1-WorkType that into AZ and it "just works"
23:00.04grimmanJust getting the torrent file seems easier in the end. :P
23:00.20SB1-WorkNo, because with that I can spam that on the WoW boards ;)
23:01.12grimmanI imagine blues seeing red over that. ;D
23:01.30SB1-WorkEither way, no matter what the blues think of it
23:01.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
23:01.44SB1-WorkPosting links to direct files on the WoW boards is considered bad mojo
23:01.53SB1-WorkNot to mention I'd have to host it somewhere
23:02.26grimmanI don't see how this is any different... except the user can't see what's gonna be downloaded at first.
23:02.36SB1-WorkThey can too actually
23:03.06SB1-WorkThe difference though is that you type that it, and it uses DHT (Distributed Hash Table) to find the .torrent, which is similar to how Kazaa worked
23:03.23SB1-WorkIt's a fully distributed way of publishing .torrents and downloading them without trackers
23:03.41SB1-WorkIt doesn't *need* a tracker and further you don't need a webhost to start downloading
23:05.27grimmanNeat, but inefficient then. Or at least it seems so.
23:05.47*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
23:06.14ag`_can sombody tell me which event to listen for to check if a party member changes druid form?
23:06.17SB1-WorkHardly.. it requires less resources, and because it's distributed, it's much more fault tolerant ^^
23:07.14grimmanClients inform eachother about other clients?
23:07.29amro~seen Warla
23:07.58purlwarla <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 14h 20m 37s ago, saying: 'ALL purple tailor patterns have "0" stamina on em'.
23:08.17grimmanSOOOOOO... one probe for other DHT peers -> no more?
23:09.32amroag`_: check for buff and parse?
23:09.43Gryphonportrait update?
23:09.44ag`_amro, expensive :S
23:09.53ag`_I think I will check for UnitPowerType
23:11.12grimmanSeems to be the most optimal way to do it... since you only get one possible value per user instead of 16 (or 40 in expansion?).
23:11.17grimman@ ag`_
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23:13.40grimmanI love optimizing things. Spent half an hour to trim 5 bytes off a page of mine. ;D
23:14.26Serachtanyone know the default settings ofr combat log?
23:14.49cogwheelSeracht: are you trying to reset your chat windows?
23:14.56grimmanSeracht: Naw, but I know you can create a dummy char and get a fresh combat log. ;)
23:15.40cogwheelyou can delete your WTF\Account\<account name>\<realm name>\<character name>\chat-cache.txt to get them all back to default...
23:15.58Serachtok =D
23:16.08grimmanThere's that too, but that'll remove ALL your chat settings.
23:16.09Serachtwill that reposition and all?
23:16.18Serachter ok =D
23:16.22SerachtI can just make a new char, didn't think of it
23:16.31Serachtone thing I wanted to ask you guys
23:16.49Serachtforums are down maybe later
23:16.58grimmanBeware though, creating a new char will create a new folder for that character's settings... be sure to remove it when you no longer need it. ;>
23:17.15Merythat's probably _the_ reseaon for cogwheel answering =)
23:17.43Serachtgrimman will that slow my game down?
23:17.43grimmanBut it'll leave you with a lot of useless files.
23:17.43cogwheelMery: :P
23:19.09grimmanI have 32 megs of account data.
23:19.18grimmanNot even half of it is stuff I use.
23:19.37Merythat's less than 11 screenshots and I got alot of those...
23:19.56grimman<< 910 megs in this folder.
23:20.14grimman746 megs zipped up. :(
23:21.00Serachthow do I hceck
23:21.20Serachtmy size
23:21.22Mery894 + 477 + 919MB screenshots
23:21.29Serachtlike yours is 910 or whatever
23:21.34Serachtwhich folder is it
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23:22.08Serachtmy WDB folder is 2.01 mb
23:22.32Maldiviait's the WTF folder you want to check, WDB is irelevant
23:23.08grimman*envy*  :P
23:23.42Maldiviamy WTF is 109 MB, 142MB and 4.2 MB
23:23.53Maldivia(EU live, US live, BC beta)
23:24.47Maldiviaand since I have almost the same addons on BC as on live, I have 105MB of junk in my WTF on live :)
23:25.29Merysome data gathering addon prolly
23:27.42Maldiviayeah, my DB is 9MB larger on live than on test
23:29.07grimmanYou got me starting to clean out my settings folder. :P
23:37.19OsagasuWill it be possible to kill Illidan in the Burning Crusade?
23:37.19OsagasuIllidan doesn't think so. As a matter of fact, he's probably thinking about destroying your character for simply entertaining the thought.
23:42.46Thunder_Childeven Illidan cant read minds...yet
23:43.07Endthat's what you think
23:43.20Endand he knows that
23:43.25Thunder_Childthats what i know, but what i know could be wrong
23:45.38grimmanWonder where he's innbound.
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